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76,000,000,000,000,000 | Challenged The AntiVaccination Movement Love Life … Nobody willing take challenge New Study In Journal Toxicology Environmental Health Links Autism Prevalence Vaccination … Vaccines Environment | 0 |
76,200,000,000,000,000 | Dr asked ever HBsAg test Nope dunno whether infant either age endemic Whoops PDFs Min Health vaccination info booklets scans hardcopies Crap added infant schedule prolly din get Min Health guide adult PDF scan hardcopy apparently scanning done blind monkey More Youngsters Dying Soon After Vaccination India Government Unable Say Why Immunization Vaccination two terms mean different thin | 0 |
76,400,000,000,000,000 | Californias kinderganer vaccination rates federal goals Strange health officials still answers competent plan Vaccination Rate Kindergaen Kids Is Over More children entering kindergaen US | 0 |
76,600,000,000,000,000 | Dont undo years progress vaccination aicle kids chronically sick progress COMMENT Kenya conduct 4th polio vaccination Good news Rate Kindergaen Kids Is Over … | 0 |
78,800,000,000,000,000 | Special vaccination offer pet owners older By Lake County Health Depament submission Lake County NATUROPATHYVACCINATIONDEBATE Better vaccines could save million studies AFP AFP Boosting vaccination programs chi Yahoo Better vaccines could save million studies AFPn AFP Boosting vaccination programs children Better vaccines could save million studies Boosting vaccination programs children poor middl | 0 |
78,900,000,000,000,000 | Quebec measles outbreak highlights need vaccination registry health official says MCK Animal Vaccination Clinic Sunday | 0 |
79,000,000,000,000,000 | Flu Vaccine Rates Are High Seasons Row Flu vaccination rates remained high flu sea httpowly1d9x4i Flu Vaccine Rates Are High Seasons Row Flu vaccination rates remained high | 0 |
80,100,000,000,000,000 | Rate Viera Scheibners antivaccination website vaccination Woman mark state miseducated indecision Likely swine flu brings vaccination reminder Likely swine flu brings vaccination reminder Health officials reminding people late | 0 |
80,200,000,000,000,000 | Hospital Girl survives rabies without vaccination Hospital Girl survives rabies without vaccination An 8yearold girl contracted rabies — likely fer Calif Hospital Girl survives rabies without vaccination Yahoo News | 0 |
80,300,000,000,000,000 | Likely swine flu brings vaccination reminder Silobreaker MSNBC HealthGirl survives rabies without vaccination Girl survives rabies without vaccination CA urges public get whooping cough vaccination … | 0 |
80,400,000,000,000,000 | Likely swine flu brings vaccination reminder Stuffconz QCAWC Low Cost High Quality WellnessVaccination Clinic | 0 |
80,500,000,000,000,000 | Girl Survives Rabies Without LifeSaving Vaccination The girl contracted rabies possibly feral cat South Africa asking travellers coming Zambia show proof Yellow Fever vaccination despite Zambia listed WHO YF countries | 0 |
80,800,000,000,000,000 | ABC News Top Stories UK lead 4b vaccination drive cc California girl 6th person survive rabies without vaccination Rabies strange scary thing Until Paper focusing Scheibner Public opponents vaccination case study Peter McIntyre Paper Public opponents vaccination case study Vaccine 2003 4700–4703 Scheibners response published Heh left link paper Public opponents vaccination case study | 0 |
80,900,000,000,000,000 | Awesome Thanks Now former suppo Australian Vaccination Network When expect clarification goats die China vaccination MyNewsin goats die China vaccination Beijing June Over 4000 goats died MyNewsin | 0 |
81,000,000,000,000,000 | Vaccination The pet controversy In plain English means authors believe valid scient California girl becomes third person survive rabies Stringent animal vaccination regulations wiped Faites vos commandes en ligne publications au sujet de la vaccination et des maladies contagieuses Ventes des httpfbmeI1Vbq3qr | 0 |
81,100,000,000,000,000 | Yes lost herd immunity thanks vaccination Predicted 75858565 Vaccination may little good possibly harm undernourished child drives immune response vaccines Vaccination The pet controversy Back fm Africa new essay vaccination fileUserscaplanDesktopVaccination20Facts20Alone20Do20Not20Policy20Makewebarchive Evidence failures epidemic Paraguay 1st time years Shame Thats need Intussusception — Act Two … | 0 |
81,300,000,000,000,000 | Medical miracle girl survives rabies infection without vaccination That An 8yearold girl New powerful vaccination strategy fights malaria better What draws vaccination paicular | 0 |
82,100,000,000,000,000 | Vaccinosis What equivalent Diagnosis Humans Google Got ta wonder Animals monopoly vaccination option religious exemption figuring how2get1 difficult websites Vaccination Liberation offer tips Some schools Illinois vaccination rates percent Time really ask | 0 |
82,800,000,000,000,000 | The Vaccination Network Daily thing vaccinations How disappontment 49 states allow children bypass school vaccination reqs religious objections allow philosophical exemptions Offit says What altering ped immune system GMO food early aggressive vaccination chems mothers immune system Demand Answers Up late developing guidelines communicating parents | 0 |
82,900,000,000,000,000 | vaccination The Polio Endgame Great story Chicago Tribune Low vaccination rates Illinois schools put kids risk outbreaks Low rates Illinois schools raise chances disease outbreaks … | 0 |
83,000,000,000,000,000 | Health System Achieves High Flu Vaccination Rates Mandating Autoimmune hepatitis type following antipapillomavirus vaccination 11yearold girl « evidence vax issues httpowly5mnSq | 0 |
83,200,000,000,000,000 | New blog post Autoimmune hepatitis type following antipapillomavirus vaccination 11yearold girl httpowly1dmsLY vaccination tool every parent could use … Do need catchup vaccination httpowly4WK0z | 0 |
83,800,000,000,000,000 | vaccination tool every parent could use … Cool map vaccination rates Californian schools vaxed Santa Monica … Checking Are celebrities key boosting vaccination rates EIW campaign site | 0 |
83,900,000,000,000,000 | Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy Protects Newborns Infants born mothers received influenza fl Health News Tweet Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy Protects Newborns 9999 US children every contract deadly diseases Sole cause vaccination Reactions Notre brochure bilingue populaire La vaccination informezvous est maintenant revisée Téléchargezla ou httpfbmewfVFo2Ot | 0 |
84,200,000,000,000,000 | Why folk leave soing travel vaccs til last minute Please dont Have look Rationale peussis booster vaccination throughout life Europe Lancet Infectious Diseases httphtly5purg | 0 |
85,400,000,000,000,000 | Parents Voice Children ’ Adverse Outcomes Following Vaccination vaccines Environment BBC News MMR vaccination call Ceredigion measles outbreak Clearly vaccination remains emotionallycharged decision … Patient education key improving HPV vaccination rates httpowly5qC9K Global Update Gambia Tuberculosis Booster Shot ’ Effectiveness May Complicate Vaccination Schedules | 0 |
85,600,000,000,000,000 | Flu vaccination Influenza vaccination eggallergic individuals Australian guidelines MJA | 0 |
85,700,000,000,000,000 | Continued Vilification SAVN Members Member Australian Vaccination Network Badger vaccination commencing Gloucestershire httpfbme1820rUAnS | 0 |
86,100,000,000,000,000 | After 350am sta morning photographing badger vaccination cotswolds prospects tomorrow Im bed Difference immunization vaccination httpwpmep10Qh47r | 0 |
86,600,000,000,000,000 | Heath Kelly weights evidence influenza vaccination children … California teenagers get whooping cough vaccination California law takes effect Friday requires al vet exposed Hendra virus calls mandatory vaccination disease | 0 |
86,800,000,000,000,000 | Homophobia antivaccination Thats Erwin Alber VINE friend California teenagers get whooping cough vaccination | 0 |
87,000,000,000,000,000 | We providing Yellow fever Vaccination people traveling Africa South America Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy May Protect Newborns | 0 |
87,200,000,000,000,000 | Pets Week Hound Puppies Fabulous Felines Your vet also advise cat needs vaccination New Study Shows Autism Increases Vaccination American Chronicle | 0 |
87,300,000,000,000,000 | New Study Shows Autism Increases Vaccination au American Chronicle New Study Shows Autism Increases Vaccination Study finds every increase vaccination children | 0 |
87,700,000,000,000,000 | liked videofrom Can antivaccination liars get madder liked videofrom Australian Vaccination Network accused haras | 0 |
87,800,000,000,000,000 | Vaccination France Spotlight Measles … Novel NanotechnologyBased Vaccination Hepatitis The European joint project HCVAX aims develop | 0 |
87,900,000,000,000,000 | Your Health HPV vaccination tool cancer prevention By Tammie Smith Since Virginia began requir How The Australian Vaccination Network misleads Aussies peussis vaccination | 0 |
88,000,000,000,000,000 | Magnificent post debunking Dorey How The AVN misleads Aussies peussis vaccination httpwpmep1BW0JbH Hadnt consider presumed kidsteens missed vaccination late 1990s babies | 0 |
88,300,000,000,000,000 | Rd Childhood Vaccination Introducing Promising Milestone Tomorrows Children Last week Lowcost vax wo insurance underinsured Vaccination Clinic Hopkins MN Patch … Outbreaks polio flu peussis mumps linked vaccination diseases | 0 |
88,500,000,000,000,000 | Vaccination ads terrifying parents NYPOSTcom Another cool infographic This time vaccination Love pre vs postvaccine stats … | 0 |
88,600,000,000,000,000 | Question What equivalent human disease vaccinosis Over Vaccination many Vaccines Animals google Antivaccination liars terrifying parents getting kids vaccinated fake stories Ring around infants protects | 1 |
89,000,000,000,000,000 | Vaccine Confidence Attitudes Actions … Medical community grasped antibiotics fail worsen disease Harder docs grasp vaccination | 0 |
89,100,000,000,000,000 | Parents sold bill goods vaccination saves children sure death What havent told Australian Vaccination Network woh credits | 0 |
89,800,000,000,000,000 | What vaccination saves 42k deaths 20mm cases disease net savings 83bb sethmnookin Chiropractors Vaccination Historical Perspective | 0 |
90,400,000,000,000,000 | back cracking immunologists MT Chiropractors largest prof group affiliated antivaccination group AVN Vaccine Confidence Attitudes Actions httpwpmepiXm2U8 | 0 |
90,600,000,000,000,000 | CIA set fake vaccination programme capture Osama bin Ladens DNA CIA set fake programme Telegraph The CIA refused comment vaccination plot So FDA AMA AAP CDC RE Bin aden fake vaccine scheme capture DNA Ruse Used In Pursuit Bin Laden newStream © ‘ Vaccination Program ’ Pakistan Was CIA Cove Operation Fucking prob set drive back decades fake bullshit FUCK THE Think ne1 accept US Youd spend almost much vaccination desexing microchipping anyways Repo Phony vaccination program used CIA hopes determining bin Ladens whereabouts | 0 |
90,700,000,000,000,000 | CIA organised fake vaccination drive get Osama bin Ladens family DNA httpgucomp3vfcgtw Holyspeechless MyNewsin CIA held fake vaccination drive get Osama family DNA London July The CIA carried ou MyNewsin CIA held fake vaccination drive get Osama family DNA By IANS London The CIA carried Vaccination Children sitfucom CIA Organised Fake Vaccination Drive Get Osama bin Ladens Family DNA The CIA organised fake CIA set fake vaccination programme capture Osama bin Ladens DNA Telegraph News Irish Medical Times Measles affecting infants young vaccination sitfucom US government caught fake vaccination program harvesting DNA civilians target terrorists Fake vaccines Bin Laden hunt The CIA ran fake vaccination programme Pakistani town Abbot BBC Death Vaccination The Gates Foundation New Eugenics Home Gary Null Your Guide To Natural Living | 0 |
90,800,000,000,000,000 | CIA held fake vaccination drive get Osama family DNA By IANS London US spy agency CIA MyNewsin CIA held fake vaccination drive get Osama family DNA London July US spy agency CIA MyNewsin CIA Ran Phony Vaccination Program Abbotabad Pakistan To Obtain DNA Evidence From Bin Laden Family nyt HAP CIA staged fake vaccination campaign locate Osama Repos CIA Tried To Confirm Bin Laden DNA Using Fake Vaccination Drive According The New York Times NPR CIA organised fake vaccination drive get Osama bin Laden ’ family DNA London Guardian Elaborate attem AJ sitfucom CIA organised fake vaccination drive get Osama bin Laden ’ family DNA London Guardian Elaborate Was CIAstaged fake vaccination drive Abbottabad woh | 0 |
90,900,000,000,000,000 | Could CIAs fake vaccination scheme hu global effos US seeks release doctor behind CIAs fake vaccination scheme Well going inspire confidence suspicions hidden motives behind vaccination httpfbmeWmn3zor9 | 0 |
91,100,000,000,000,000 | Did CIA set fake vaccination drive get bin Laden What implications foreign aid health organisations Did CIA run fake vaccination drive get bin Laden What implications foreign aid health programs Policy madness country grappled regain trust Muslim world Brian Main declares interest vaccination debate yet PhD student AVN copresenter | 0 |
91,200,000,000,000,000 | CIA used fake vaccination campaign hunt Bin Laden Boing CIA used fake vaccinat AFD Blog Maryn McKenna On The Repoed CIA Vaccination Ruse What consequences CIA fake vaccination campaign designed locate Bin Laden Blog newStream © CIA Held Fake Vaccination Drive To Get Osama ’ Children ’ DNA techStream © Did CIA fake vaccination campaign FACT CHECK Vaccination CIA front Usually AP AP In speech Muslim worl Yahoo FACT CHECK Vaccination CIA front Usually WASHINGTON AP In speech Muslim AP Vaccination CIA front Except Great story AP ’ Thank approach vaccination We need pediatric practitioners like Officials fear CIA vaccination ruse could impact legitimate immunizations Pakistan CIAs Fake Vaccination Drive Angers Public Health World Its conspiracy plot straight spy novel | 0 |
91,300,000,000,000,000 | Id like give clarif simple question still advocate antivaccination lobby USs CIA puts vaccination programs risk failed attempted get bin Laden DNA httpisgdQG7PRb NYT CIA Sought Bin Laden Fake Vaccinations The CIA organized fake vaccination program town | 0 |
91,500,000,000,000,000 | actually used conspiracy CIA … Sarah Boseley Fake CIA Vaccination Campaign Could Undermine Future Drives httpowly5Eh33 | 0 |
91,600,000,000,000,000 | CIAs fake vaccination programme criticised Médecins Sans Frontières httpgucomp3vhzdtw Because storys still going heres post CIA fake vaccination scandal updates CIAs Fake Vaccination Campaign Find Osama Bin Laden Raises PublicHealth Fears US catching bin Laden justifies CIA vaccination ruse – Apparently ends DO justify means NOT httpowly5EUpc Alleged Fake CIA Vaccination Campaign Undermines Medical Care | 0 |
91,700,000,000,000,000 | Good case zoster vaccination 116977938 US Hiroshima programme Médecins Sans Frontières httpgucomp3vhzdtw Paging Dr Gupta CNNUS catching bin Laden justifies CIA vaccination ruse Doctors say CIA faked vaccination program spy Osama Bin Laden Excellent aicle Sir Gustav Nossal global | 0 |
91,800,000,000,000,000 | CIAs fake vaccination program spy Bin Laden puts practitioners risk violates drs ethics says medical NGO fake vaccination programme rapped Médecins Sans Frontières Undermines global vaccination work httpgucomp3vhzdtw Patient education key improving HPV vaccination rates The Clinical Advisor … State lawmakers approve extension whooping cough vaccination BY KERRY BENEFIELD The California Legislature Swine flu breath test reduce future vaccination shoages Flu Vaccination Propaganda Never Stops Actually strong causal link vaccination rates vaccinepreventable disease Future Swine Flu Vaccination Shoages Could Be Reduced By Breath Test novel breath test measuring immun | 0 |
91,900,000,000,000,000 | Slams Fake Vaccination Campaign httpowly5Fda5 CIAs fake vaccination programme criticised Médecins Sans Frontières httpgucomp3vhzd Will repos CIA conducted fake vaccination drive hunted Bin Laden hu campaign httpowly5FBnZ Swine flu breath test could reduce future vaccination shoages | 0 |
92,200,000,000,000,000 | sitfucom File Under WTF Did CIA Fake Vaccination Campaign Maryn McKenna July 2011 number ye Nurse Dies Swine Flu Despite Vaccination According repos nurse father two Kevin Hall 43y | 0 |
92,300,000,000,000,000 | SEE The fallout ’ ploy The Washington Post … Pls See The fallout CIA ’ vaccination ploy Pakistan The Washington Post … WHAT DO YOU THINK The fallout ’ vaccination ploy The Washington Post … Babies Suffer High Rates Aluminum Post Vaccination httpwpmepIk9s72 | 0 |
92,900,000,000,000,000 | History antivaccination movements Orin Levine Laurie Garrett The CIA ’ vaccination ploy Fluent News MT History antivaccination movements Public health The debate latimescom … | 0 |
93,000,000,000,000,000 | Doctors Without Borders CIA Not Cool Guys Not everybody thought vaccination scheme CIA repoedl Press Release Alleged Fake CIA Vaccination Campaign Undermines Medical Care Want know childhood vaccination schedules country Check EUVAC … Just added twitter directory Suspect ans lies vaccination revisiting human risks bTB milk | 0 |
93,300,000,000,000,000 | Will interesting see Govs badger vaccination trial Gloucestershire affected announcement Video Testimony Suppoing MA Vaccination Choice Bill New Jersey Coalition For Vaccination Choice … days know vaccination Read Whats gameplan JR Defra advisers FOI official evidence advice vaccination advice JR Defra advisers FOIevidenceadvice ditto oral intrav vaccination datadiff cull vaccine tiny | 0 |
93,400,000,000,000,000 | MedPageIAS Vaccination Tied Kids Continuing HIV Therapy CMECE The CIA used vaccinations find Bin Laden httpisgdDyfkre wonder vaccination uptake rate related length time success | 0 |
93,800,000,000,000,000 | LUNICEF et le gouvernement du Japon renforcent la chaîne du froid pour la vaccination en Mauritanie NOUAKCHOTT No havent kept account secure It nothing antivaccination stance true giving platform nutbags like Jenny McCahy antivaccination BS unforgiveable | 1 |
94,000,000,000,000,000 | Great aicle lively comments section The Baltimore Sun Sinks Deep Into AntiVaccination Quicksand … Kids Vaccination Night York Revolution set Aug The YorkAdams County Immunization Coali Topix | 0 |
94,300,000,000,000,000 | Child dies vaccination doctors face action Lucknow July IANS Action recommended aga HeadlinesIndiacom Child dies vaccination doctors face action | 0 |
94,400,000,000,000,000 | anonymous dedicated bunch personifying preventable diseases encouraging vaccination AFD Blog Lancet Perspective Mandatory Flu Vaccination For HCWs Lancet Perspective Mandatory Flu Vaccination For HCWs Recommendations For Hepatitis Vaccination For Health Care Students Not Always Acted Upon study Augus | 0 |
94,500,000,000,000,000 | Pakistan fights polio shadow CIA vaccination scheme Fluent News Mexico vaccinates measles toddler case Mexican health officials stepped vaccination campaign Vaccination difficult Twitter topic better oneonone trusted doctor individualize schedules docs dont | 0 |
94,600,000,000,000,000 | Recent conference risk perception vaccination communication To special Vaccine journal issue next year SB httpfbmeup4nhSqo Vaccination decision Chiros arent going live decision Way dodge responsibility listing common arguments vaccination Soz double negative Now arguments vaccination long list dont knows Including things think idea claims immunisegovau document risks vaccination query US hepatitis vaccination rate lagging ATLANTA July UPI Relatively students pursuing car UPI | 0 |
95,400,000,000,000,000 | thoughtful analysis vaccine refusal “ Complacency flu vaccination may explain high levels influenza year hmmm doctor misinfo | 0 |
95,500,000,000,000,000 | Its compulsory vaccination thats making say Time mandate healthcare workers … Cattle based measures vaccination fight tb Blog Lancs Badger Group Thx Read Vaccine Mistrust Spreading To The Developing World Researchers say antivaccination gro Chickenpox deaths thanks vaccination never forget deaths saw | 0 |
95,600,000,000,000,000 | From Pediatrics journal US During years mostly 1dose US varicella chickenpox vaccination httpfbmeD8rG82yF last tweet Study badger vaccination reduces severity progression tb badgers Perceived risk benefit huge issue communicating areas science like vaccination eg | 0 |
95,700,000,000,000,000 | Nexus Conference – days amazing suppo « No Compulsory Vaccination httpowly5NbMs week know vaccination Read | 0 |
95,800,000,000,000,000 | vaccination badgercull dangerous Epiphenom Religious groups reduce vaccination rates … This could bad news farmers Weve thinking cattle vaccination There way CDC still listening youth debate chicagotribunecom … | 0 |
95,900,000,000,000,000 | campaign 200k children Horn Africa staing Vaccination campaigns children underway Horn Africa “ Critical lifeline ” protect malnourished children killer diseases Government Intrusion Versus Natural Health Care Swine Flu Vaccination | 0 |
96,000,000,000,000,000 | Good paper Midwife attitudes maternal postpaum peussis booster vaccination coauthor MT Good paper Midwife attitudes maternal postpaum peussis booster vaccination | 0 |
96,200,000,000,000,000 | There plenty Nimroids commenting ChiropracticVaccination piece Sth Korea deem Chiro illegal lock em Morning folks sending FERA FAQs vaccination next day link page Smallpox vaccination Why saying son hate | 0 |
96,300,000,000,000,000 | Vaccination Biosecurity Strangles Prevention Show season full swing many owners traveling Q5 Why ’ vaccination badgers cause peurbation Hey know vaccination status acquired mumps weekend Vaccination status cases repoed press release July dose doses unknown status repoed2 | 0 |
96,400,000,000,000,000 | Varicella Vaccination Program Success No CDC repo says simultaneous vaccination completely studied safety Bob Sears Chiropractor finally honest AVN page vaccination sham Thank Chiropractor confirms Jane Hansens aicle vaccination sham Thank | 0 |
96,500,000,000,000,000 | ACIP Recommends Tdap Vaccine During Pregnancy Vaccination recommended weeks gestation Doctors accuse chiropractors suppoing antivaccination info hope terrible New Yorker came sabotage vaccination programmes isnt plotting ghastly escape justice | 1 |
97,000,000,000,000,000 | Drug shoages hit vaccination drive measles outbreak among Somali refugees MSF httpowly5QCLC Guinea polio vaccination drive targets million children AFPn AFP Guinean authorities inter Guinea polio vaccination drive targets million children | 0 |
97,100,000,000,000,000 | Hope onceoff flu vaccination Text reminders vaccination cc The fact Chiro Association position vaccination automatically sound alarm bells | 0 |
97,200,000,000,000,000 | … chiropractors often antivaccination … antivaccination message chiropractors | 0 |
98,000,000,000,000,000 | Money likely reason farmers cant afford cull either push cattle vaccination needed Vaccination campaign Kenya refugee camps Aug Aid agencies vaccinate polio measles Reuters | 0 |
98,100,000,000,000,000 | African Country Threatens Jail Parents Skipping Polio Vaccination News24strong Nigeria AJ sitfucom African Country Threatens Jail Parents Skipping Polio Vaccination News24strong Nigeria ha yes vaccination makes sense effective long term solution La campagne de vaccination touche les enfants vulnérables la frontière entre le Kenya et la Somalie LIBOI Ke | 0 |
98,300,000,000,000,000 | How Meryl Dorey plagiarised cropped edited published WHO graph peussis vaccination sitfucom Scientists Hyping Universal Flu Shot Perpetuate Vaccine Scam Influenza vaccination rates ar | 0 |
98,400,000,000,000,000 | Video Vaccination campaign Kenya refugee camps Dog vaccination program gets positive response residents Merlito Edale Jr SANTIAGO CITY Isabela | 0 |
98,700,000,000,000,000 | FilAm students get whooping cough vaccination Fairfax Co Rabies Vaccination Clinic Set Aug The Fairfax County Animal Shelter host lowcost rab New blog post Death following vaccination lack repoing httpowly1e4UMY MT New blog post Death following vaccination lack repoing httpowly1e4UMY You really published THAT | 0 |
98,900,000,000,000,000 | New blog post Caught vaccination wars Pa As introduction post Dr Brian Main Vice Pres httpowly1e5wFo Our poll compulsory vaccination received votes hours If havent yet voted please httpfbmeV5yWWMx0 | 0 |
96,600,000,000,000,000 | Hi vaccination status repoed cases mumps cases actually doses vaccine Apologies confusion vaccination statuses shared last week total cases investigated confirmed cases | 0 |
99,800,000,000,000,000 | Australian Vaccination Network eNewsletter6th August 107615441 Australian Vaccination Network Essential Facts Australian Vaccination Network Essential Facts httpfbme1cm1yCPxg Australian Vaccination Network Essential Facts … This stunning Australian Vaccination Network Essential Facts httpwpmep1BW0JmH Lucky Losing Blog post Vaccination health news India Depressing Statistics Innovative solutions | 0 |
100,000,000,000,000,000 | MT You need new pediatrician cant even ask vaccination questions More common Reposting impoant Australian Vaccination Network Essential Facts … Millions children reached UNrun antimeasles vaccination DR Congo httpwwwunorgappsnewsstoryaspNewsID39149CrCr1 … | 0 |
101,000,000,000,000,000 | Walgreen begins seasonal flu vaccine push The vaccination protects swine flu influenza H3N2 Vaccination massive uncontrolled experiement children Theres antivaccination misinformation Put complaints writing QA Immune system strength influenza … The Australian Vaccination Network AVN formerly known Vaccination Awareness Network Australian httpfbmeVC4Q8uGm | 0 |
102,000,000,000,000,000 | Alternate physician point view vaccination medical abomination Lawrence Wilson MD Rabies vaccination clinics scheduled Lanark Leeds Grenville By increasing vaccination coverage As studies measles vaccination mask continue MSF welcomes RD better adapted simpler vaccines httpowly60DFa Some news trial oral BCG vaccination cattle West Coast NZ p4 … Accelerated Hepatitis Vaccination Last Minute Travellers Measles hits Ethiopian refugee camp Aid workers Ethiopia launch mass vaccination curb measles Reuters Debate law requiring meningitis vaccination Texas httpowly61zwT Canadian paper looking vaccination beliefs adults use naturopathic care SB httpfbme17kqmNPXw Reading WARNING Australian Vaccination Network Paraphernalia Scribd WARNING Australian Vaccination Network Paraphernalia Scribd WARNING Australian Vaccination Network Paraphernalia Scribd scribdcomdoc62205518 Can send PDF like sitfucom UNICEF Using African Refugee Crisis Target Kenyan Children Vaccination You never UNICEF using African refugee crisis target Kenyan children vaccination Ethan Huff You AJ | 0 |
103,000,000,000,000,000 | Evening Julie social researcher vaccination issues based Sydney Only thing officials know4sure unchecked everincreasing vaccination schedule ’ t2blame hv doz pharmafunded studies2prove MLHU recommends postsecondary students check vaccination records several cases mumps repoed See Perry calls HPV vaccination mandate mistake Wash Examiner News Few students turn first Marin whooping cough vaccination clinic By Richard Halstead The turnout dis The issue one wants look impact everexpanding vaccination schedule children Anne Dachel Perry calls HPV vaccination mandate mistake Perry campaigning Iowa Monday called order requi NCCAM National Centre Complementary Alternative Medicine US gets right vaccination The httpfbmeUHPJi3Qj Parents oppose vaccination endangering public health latimescom … | 0 |
104,000,000,000,000,000 | Extra rabies vaccination clinics set rabid fox found Keeseville May raccoon Crown Point te Notre campagne annuelle de promotion de la vaccination contre linfluenza et le pneumocoque affiches gratuites httpfbmeWrwrv61n LA Times Parents oppose vaccination endangering public health Here go sigh Nimrod Weiner relation dont know disagree comments vaccination completely Seasonal swine flu vaccines must Hajj pilgrims ISLAMABAD Seasonal swine flu vaccination made man Let´ hypocritical Perry´ Obamalike forcedvaccination decision stop sexcaused epidemic An Army Vaccination Teams Working HighRisk Areas India Helping Fight Crippling Virus Chiropractors biggest professional suppoers antivaccination group AVN think may held last vaccination seminar All antivax material removed website … maybe comes kids vaccination vaccine preventable disease Im usually Extra rabies vaccination clinics set Every pet dog cat ferret age months older must vaccinated ag Interesting account FERAs badger vaccination training course Pembrokeshire Against Cull AutisticRUs Vaccination Nation Ventura County Repoer AFD Blog MMWR ACIP Updated Flu Vaccination Recommendations CDC Telebriefing Influenza Vaccination CDC host telebriefing regarding season ’ influenz | 0 |
105,000,000,000,000,000 | Oh dear Why Nimrod Weiners vaccination events page 404ing Meryl Dorey Kenyan Travel Vaccination Advice Scribd cc Reading Meryl Dorey Kenyan Travel Vaccination Advice Scribd earlier Meryl Dorey Kenyan Travel Vaccination Advice Scribd scribdcomdoc62680396 Updated sadness Meryl Dorey Kenyan Travel Vaccination Advice Scribd Junk Science ’ Best Worst « No Compulsory Vaccination httpfbme1cAQGywQU On related note MN Measles Meryl Dorey Kenyan Travel Vaccination Advice Scribd scribdcomdoc62680396 Australias Leading Expe Vaccination Scribd Another public servant forced social media This time seems anti vaccination fool Meryl Dorey says Vaccination Childrens Storybook government propaganda Scribd On way European Rural Sociology congress talk farmers confidence badger vaccination Hi Julie Sydney Social research vaccination gig | 0 |
106,000,000,000,000,000 | Oral Rabies Vaccination Underway This vaccine shown safe different species Protecting Their Own The Unofficial Vaccination Policy Doctors Know Nine month old twins die minutes measles vaccination … Lake County Health Depament Offers LowCost Pet Vaccination Clinics By Lake County Health Depament Today Moms Dads click learn vaccination laws exemption rights UR state still rights Shooting higher flu vaccination rates Shooting higher flu vaccination rates This years vaccine like last years protects H1N1 “ swine Reading Meryl Dorey says Vaccination Childrens Storybook government propaganda … Scribd UNICEFsuppoed mass vaccination campaign Ethiopian refugee camp continues UNICEFsuppoed mass vaccination campaign Ethiopian refugee camp continues « GuillainBarré Syndrome Influenza Vaccination Abstract Introduction Vaccinations The Great Debate Vaccine Assault Children World Government Dr Mark Sircus Mass vaccination campaign measle AJ sitfucom Vaccine Assault Children World Government Dr Mark Sircus Mass vaccination campaign Defras workshops probably still best evidence public think vaccination issues date bit Off visit vaccination center Brazil Should interesting high coverage many vaccine including Straight Talk Vaccination Whats harm informed choice vaccination liked video Im antivaccination dont recommend | 0 |
107,000,000,000,000,000 | « Dr Bob Sears explains reasons behind alternative vaccination schedule httptopbsorgmieKHC » THOUSANDS babies lives saved Mexico due rotovirus vaccination httphtly6cCSl HPV Vaccination Rates Low Among Teen Girls CDC Repos Without 3shot series women remain risk infecti Rate Of Teen Vaccination For HPV Lagging CDC HPV Vaccination Rates Too Low Medscape Rate Of Teen Vaccination For HPV Lagging Only half teenage girls US rolled th NPR NPRHealth Rate Of Teen Vaccination For HPV Lagging NPRHealth Rate Of Teen Vaccination For Thx Read Rate Of Teen Vaccination For HPV Lagging Only half teenage girls US ha Dailymotion Vaccination DTP LENQUÊTE ACCABLANTE … Maybe cuz researcher made says useless Teen Vaccination For HPV Lagging Vaccination Protects Pets Family Rabies Thats rabies symptoms develop cats dogs Teen HPV vaccination rate remains stable ATLANTA Aug UPI US teen vaccination rates risin UPI MedPageHPV Vaccination Rates Lagging Teens The Ministers Vaccination Misinformation … Dr Paul Offit establishment ’ de facto spokesman LIES The Ministers Vaccination Misinformation … | 0 |
108,000,000,000,000,000 | HPV Vaccination Rates Low Compared Other Teen Vaccines Approximately onehalf teenage girls received The Ministers Vaccination Misinformation AGE OF AUTISM doctors lie us vaccine safety httpowly6f3OC … alt med practitioners responsible low vaccination rates New NVIC Check video The Health Libey Revolution Forced Vaccination August 2011 … Immunisation expe says vaccination pregnant women may prevent peussis deaths Vaccination pregnancy may best option protect infants whooping cough … Dailymotion Belgique Vaccination scolaire contre le HPV Gardasil et compagnie Assam undeake first adult vaccination programme India | 0 |
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