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42,900,000,000,000,000 | H1N1 vaccination sparks legal action Vaccination Tip Plan something fun appointment trip park make experience better | 0 |
43,100,000,000,000,000 | “ Some get shingles Does postshingles vaccination make sense Ans We dont know Measles vaccination reminder due NSW outbreak httpfbmeTqrppm2B Vaccination Eliminates Congenital Varicella Australia Michael Woodhead Do live State Take action law violates writes refuse vaccination | 0 |
44,300,000,000,000,000 | LowCost Pet Rabies Vaccination Clinic Saturday You get dog cats vaccinated rabies liked YouTube video Penn Point Anti Vaccination Penn Teller BULLSHIT | 0 |
44,500,000,000,000,000 | And unvaccinated group small As always prefer later slower vaccination Especially boys Herd immunity wohless vaccination creating virulent strain creating weakineffective immunity NJ parents want make vaccination decisions doctors politicians NJ parents If like making vaccination decisions ur doc ur politicos go NJ State House Annex Rm 10 AM hearing tomorrow | 0 |
44,800,000,000,000,000 | Swine flu survivor urges vaccination By Main Johnston It year since Bonnie Leung nearly died Swine flu survivor urges vaccination httpowly1bEG5f | 0 |
45,100,000,000,000,000 | Check video International Banksters Vaccination Programs pt … Nows time get flu vaccination infonewsconz New | 0 |
45,600,000,000,000,000 | Call vaccinate new flu Governments launch vaccination programme guard BBC Vaccination Issues Will Chiropractic Vaccination Mandated Weak false transient immunity created vaccination blame outbreaks disease The pied piper waiting paid | 0 |
45,700,000,000,000,000 | Flu Vaccination At Highest Ever Level In Scotland Dr Andrew Buist Joint Deputy Chairman BMAs Scottish Pandemic flu vaccination hard sell | 0 |
45,800,000,000,000,000 | There question overwhelming abundance medical science suppos vaccination That ’ httpfbmeX05cbQFR This Louise Kuo Habakus … NJ child vaccination choice shot | 0 |
45,900,000,000,000,000 | Japan repos sixth infant death vaccination Japans health ministry Thursday repoed death Chelsea Epperson interviews Varicella Shedding Detected Up Month After Zoster Vaccination meaning spread contract vaccine httpowly4bXaO | 0 |
47,000,000,000,000,000 | see preexisting condition causal vaccination rather youre concern possible effects postVax Is true longer campaign vaccination | 0 |
47,500,000,000,000,000 | Google Japan vaccines see Dr Offit call Japanese Foolish halting vaccination program Six Died Sanofi recalls contaminated vaccines NaturalNews exclusive International Medical Council Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda mythbusting rep httpowly1bLKGf Flu vaccination season stas WA | 0 |
48,700,000,000,000,000 | Fascinating discussion vaccination authors Seth Mnookin Paul Offit … The Australian Vaccination Network another socalled nonprofit org thats made lots altmed quackery | 1 |
48,900,000,000,000,000 | Still waiting major US coverage children died India immediately post MMR vaccination But heard measles cases US At bit loose end Maybe drop Nimrod Weiners vaccination seminar | 0 |
49,100,000,000,000,000 | True And homeopathic vaccination bullshit endangers lives Nasty dangerous bitch needs stopped Student Vaccination Requirements US Health Professional Schools Survey lot HCW get shots | 1 |
50,000,000,000,000,000 | Two years ago Serious News Office Oh media release Australian Vaccination Network Might story Ashley Shelby Opposed vaccination Lets make sting StarTribunecom … | 0 |
50,200,000,000,000,000 | UNICEF suppos emergency vaccination transit camp TunisiaLibya border UNICEF suppos emergency vaccination transit camp TunisiaLibya border « VIDEO Suppoing emergency vaccination transit camp TunisiaLibya border great ad granted main reason die peussis etc vaccination even close level fear mongering hysteria employed antivaccination types based false claims | 1 |
50,300,000,000,000,000 | Voices Meningitis promotes advantages vaccination Vaccination Tip Bring child ’ ourite item toy comfo vaccination The BCG World Atlas World First In The Fight Against Tuberculosis Free Online Atlas Of TB Vaccination Polic LUNICEF soutient une campagne de vaccination durgence dans un camp de transit sur la Frontière tunisiolibyenne MMR vaccination Twin Cities Yup herd immunity thing past | 0 |
50,600,000,000,000,000 | Motion demands influenza vaccination campaigns run year 23128066 The BCG World Atlas Database Global BCG Vaccination Policies Practices | 0 |
50,700,000,000,000,000 | Emergency vaccination transit camp TunisiaLibya border From field Emergency vaccination transit camp TunisiaLibya border httpowly4l4xk | 0 |
51,200,000,000,000,000 | 3130 minutes great interview flu vaccination The Circle Next time talking Bob Brown get clarify position vaccination Silence deafening | 0 |
51,400,000,000,000,000 | Though rare dogs cats rabies deadly vaccination must people die rabies every year SLeone launches polio vaccination drive AFP AFP Hundreds vaccinecarrying health workers Yahoo | 0 |
51,800,000,000,000,000 | Vaccine worlds top child killer launched More vaccination propaganda spin Uncle Russ vaccine httpowly1bWjZz Hey may voted Federal leader open honest vaccination views Still waiting John Whale runs one best overall sites vaccination information internet This page documents httpfbmeUOTS7h7Z Meryl Dorey Whaleto one best overall sites vaccination information internet | 0 |
52,100,000,000,000,000 | The complex history world conquered smallpox vaccination httponwsjcomgx3tCz provides smallpox vaccination wars | 0 |
52,400,000,000,000,000 | California Whooping Cough Epidemic Vaccination Urged WebMD investigates whooping cough outbreak Califor Books Defending Vaccination Once Again With Feeling | 0 |
52,500,000,000,000,000 | Defending Vaccination Once Again With Feeling au From excellent Vaccination News site wonderful Dr Yazbak paediatrician grandfather autistic httpfbmetaj6muTV WA doctors unhappy pharmacy walkin flu vaccination scheme | 0 |
53,200,000,000,000,000 | One infectious disease time graphs show diseases declined precipitously well vaccination Deaths smallpox spiked dramatically vaccination laws enforced ca UK page Can tell us dangers posed society antivaccination misinformation Se… cont | 0 |
53,600,000,000,000,000 | Documented causes include viral infections encephalitis following vaccination Rabies found skunk near Trinidad Dogs cats expired vaccinations rabies vaccination | 0 |
54,400,000,000,000,000 | Tiny Kailis reignites vaccination debate Local Gold Coast News Australia mention autism discussion vaccination theres link Breastfeeding impoant first vaccinationprotection diarrhea countless illnesses | 0 |
54,700,000,000,000,000 | Gardasil vaccination Evaluating risks versus benefits All drugs associated risks adverse rea httpowly1c1mlO Vast majority USA cases die esp updated | 0 |
55,300,000,000,000,000 | Mary Holland JD Human Rights Autism Vaccination Choice fundamental human right May 25th 29th FREE How The Pox Epidemic Changed Vaccination Rules Islandwide Dog Vaccination Campaign Bali Significantly Decreases Rabies Cases During past year teams | 0 |
56,400,000,000,000,000 | Local news briefs Pet owners bring dog cat rabies vaccination administered licensed vete Why tweet infectious diseasesvaccination Because health care system forgotten role disease managment | 0 |
56,800,000,000,000,000 | The Story Too Impoant Not Repeat – « No Compulsory Vaccination httpfbmeyMW3TpHX Pet vaccinations offered low cost The Blue Water Area Humane Society plans lowcost vaccination clinic | 0 |
57,300,000,000,000,000 | Ingested allergens must absorbed systemically induce systemic anaphylaxis Neat mouse model vaccination possible la une Vaccination information et conférence | 0 |
57,600,000,000,000,000 | Beyond vaccination Keep horses healthy season Here tips decrease chances swine flu vaccination migraine headaches | 0 |
57,700,000,000,000,000 | Incomplete vaccination patient cud evolve resistant serotype got thisnon vaccination rates one us regionaround20except WALDORF SCHOOLS 43 | 0 |
57,800,000,000,000,000 | Obviously needs dilligence vaccination hygiene MT indeed Can practical less costly vaccination schedules HPV vaccines identified Option delivering HPV vaccine flexible schedules appears minimize cost maximize feasibility fit local vaccination schedules | 0 |
58,700,000,000,000,000 | CBS wants air antivaccination ad sign petition stop Vaccination errors common one beats Syringes shared HIV Hep pts babies got flu shots | 0 |
59,900,000,000,000,000 | More dogs cats receive free antirabies vaccine Alongside free vaccination conduct 10 myths vaccination WHO Europe | 0 |
60,500,000,000,000,000 | Routine Rotavirus Vaccination In Brazil Has Reduced Diarrhea Deaths In Children Rotavirus vaccination ar MT Vaccination Against Peussis Risk Asthma Large coho NO risk later asthma full paper | 0 |
60,600,000,000,000,000 | Trust planning badger vaccination National Trust announces plans yr badger TB vaccination trial Devon Will sta May want considered opinion wishes vaccinationexercise question | 0 |
60,700,000,000,000,000 | Hats National Trust badger vaccination plan May Rabies Vaccination Pet Licensing Available Perry Hall Officials encourage petowners notify | 0 |
60,800,000,000,000,000 | Myths HPV vaccine boys James HaddadA vaccination policy statement released Amer Win MT Routine rotavirus vaccination Brazil reduced diarrhea deaths httpisgdvp7uQg | 0 |
61,000,000,000,000,000 | Free rabies vaccination clinic Town ordinance requires dogs cats receive rabies vaccination Off gloucester meeting badger vaccination interesting | 0 |
61,100,000,000,000,000 | Back Wales badger vaccination meeting interesting FTW MT Rotavirus vaccination Brazil reduced diarrhea deaths children httpisgdETPUXA Weeklong vaccination awareness campaign Kootenays BC National Immunization Awareness Week httpfbmeW6sHglh0 | 0 |
61,900,000,000,000,000 | Vu sur Lancement dune campagne pour encourager la vaccination Complete links entire PBS NewsHour series Autism NowVaccination Newsgr8 websiteplease suppo possible httpowly4FJo0 | 0 |
62,600,000,000,000,000 | semaine de la vaccination dans plus de pays dans le monde httpwwwunorgappsnewsFrstoryFaspNewsID25091CrOMSCr1 … Semaine de la vaccination dans plus de pays dans le monde | 0 |
62,700,000,000,000,000 | MyNewsin Without mass vaccination India vulnerable hepatitis Agaala April India MyNewsin Without mass vaccination India vulnerable hepatitis India vulnerable hepatitis yet Without mass vaccination India vulnerable hepatitis India vulnerable hepatitis indianmuslims Brazilian president gets flu vaccination MyNewsin Brazilian president gets flu vaccination Brasilia April IANSEFE Brazilian President MyNewsin | 0 |
62,800,000,000,000,000 | EU considers vaccination passpo kids Same wont come clean vaccination position He wont get vote unless clarifies | 0 |
62,900,000,000,000,000 | Rwanda Launches Cervical Cancer Vaccination Programme Girls Rwanda launched cervical cancer vacci voice dissent vaccination developing world African activist speaks | 0 |
63,000,000,000,000,000 | New allergy vaccines could cure catdander sniffles ragweed achoos If successful vaccination method wo recent study shows sites come Google search vaccination antivax immunisation antivaxers dont believe vaccination impas immunity They preferentially use vaccination Craig Cormick says vaccination belief affirmation early education scientific thought processes nice see get shout contributing vaccination misinformation inteoobs | 0 |
63,800,000,000,000,000 | 9th annual vaccination week ending “ Vaccinate Family Protect Community ” Pediatrics Encephalopathy deaths caused measles vaccine onset neuro signs days postvaccination Measles Outbreak Underscores Need For Continued Vigilance In Health Care Settings The US measles vaccination An update health medical news The Conversation … | 0 |
64,500,000,000,000,000 | Belgian Cou Rules AGAINST Compulsory Vaccination Vactruthcomcommon sense justice last httpowly4KsFY And authors Meryl claims dismiss peussis vaccination say Heres truth Meryls claim vaccination increases peussis newborns | 0 |
65,000,000,000,000,000 | ADPH Recommends Uptodate Tetanus Vaccination For Emergency Workers And Others Involved In Tornado Cleanup Effo New blog post Hypocrisy – thy name ‘ SAVN ’ dish cant take « No Compulsory Vaccination httpowly4L2fF vs religious notice words immunisation vaccine vaccination dont appear Cant leave families autism alone | 1 |
65,100,000,000,000,000 | The vaccination make baby cry … The vaccination make baby cry Greg Ladens Blog It seems like every time take Huxl | 0 |
65,400,000,000,000,000 | That issue annoyed recent WHO vaccination mythbusting publication didnt retweet Your thoughts FYI Dr Sue Pages prescription increasing wake diphtheria death … | 0 |
65,600,000,000,000,000 | Dr Sue Pages prescription increasing wake diphtheria death … Improving programs angles great ideas Dr Sue Page Postnatal peussis vaccination needs evid b4 govt funded Evidence mounting makes sense need epi studies | 0 |
65,700,000,000,000,000 | Dr Sue Page calls action vaccination Could vaccination programmes HPV obsolete within decade Seriously good post Dr Sue Page Diphtheria death prompts call action boost vaccination Croakey | 0 |
65,800,000,000,000,000 | Vaccination status pa patient records says MEP Semaine mondiale de la vaccination mobilisation dans pays contre maladies ciblées … | 0 |
66,300,000,000,000,000 | And exactly related vaccination Autism GI problems well known Only read headline AGAIN eh The words Vaccine vaccination immunisation MMR Wakefield aicle | 0 |
66,800,000,000,000,000 | Pa Family forced hiding vaccination Boffin Alexis Clairaut born today1713 siblings reach adulthood Big thnx modern sciencemedicine incl vaccination | 0 |
67,500,000,000,000,000 | sitfucom Noh Carolina School District Give Away iPod Laptop Children Paicipate Vaccination Co NC school district give away iPod laptop children paicipate vaccination contest The Chapel AJ | 0 |
67,600,000,000,000,000 | district give away paicipate contest … Sickos NC school district give away iPod laptop children paicipate vaccination contest httpfbme11s1NuXhC | 0 |
67,700,000,000,000,000 | Uganda First Vaccination For GMZ2 Malaria Vaccine Trial Today EDCTPfunded GMZ2 consoium stas volunte NC School District To Give Away iPod Laptop To Children Who Paicipate In Vaccination Contest NaturalNew IH Get vaccinated get iPod Steve Jobs joins parade promote vaccination Pharma needs help “ Eliminated ” Measles Still Costly Disease httpwpmep13lz7y9 relevant terribly impoant | 0 |
67,900,000,000,000,000 | What bloody day daughter fed bed Ran flu vaccination Nazi hell kindy The lady selling used cars Want links papers safety effc Peter Englishs random musings Flu vaccination pregnancy FOX Reveal Millions Vaccination Settlements Autism Korean Study Suggests One Have Autism Study Shows Vaccines Deaths | 1 |
68,200,000,000,000,000 | Check video ANOTHER VICTIM TO VACCINATION IN JUNE THIS YEAR … You confirm uturned previous statement serious arguments vaccination cant seem find web page mentioning campaign vaccination took pa Got link | 0 |
68,400,000,000,000,000 | Blood stool vaccination may sign serious adverse reaction Ask ur pediatrician probiotics hold shots til resolved quote repo HHS never concluded case autism caused vaccination footer section II | 0 |
68,500,000,000,000,000 | FOX MyFoxBostoncom Congress hold hearings Thursday possible link childhood vaccination autism Truth ethics transparency missing US vaccination program Now pediatric visits quote HHS never concluded case autism caused vaccination footer section II | 0 |
68,600,000,000,000,000 | Days since emailed antivaccination comments Response received none pp Old damning Has Brown changed tune childhood vaccination And silent | 0 |
68,900,000,000,000,000 | Ask vets pets Sta socializing puppy completing vaccination schedule The number one cause deat think issue compulsory vaccination bit red herring table Not mean dodge question would consider making compulsory vaccination rates fell low Bob Brown also serious arguments vaccination Hansard These arguments come antivaxxers No The intelligent parent refers one Senator Herron says would undoubtedly choose vaccination Its vaccination The AVNs claims generally stack ANY better Flat Eah Societys | 0 |
69,000,000,000,000,000 | Interesting paper Internet psychology decisions YOU bad guy Jim Stop putting Bob love vaccination honesty genuine inquiries save face Hopefully government come clean causes Autism understand risk vaccination AGE OF AUTISM httpowly4TSai | 1 |
69,100,000,000,000,000 | instead blaming lax vaccination effos Scientific American blames HIV measles increase NOT instead blaming lax vaccination effos SA blames HIV measles increase NOT Or | 0 |
69,200,000,000,000,000 | Unless vaccination instead cull cut trials claim doesnt work What Meryl Dorey didnt want see Member Australian Vaccination Network Their Abuse | 0 |
69,500,000,000,000,000 | Vaccination Web Expe meeting Germany Noel Brewer Give probabilities words convey risk We need stories statistics persuasive vaccination Brian ZikmundFisher Vax20 conference Delayed vaccination schedule fact sheet plus US worst infant moality earliest vaccines | 0 |
70,000,000,000,000,000 | Dog law leads rush vets Lu Zheng dog You You vaccinated yesterday vaccination site Beijin antivaccinationalt med brigade Major disparities flu vaccine coverage | 0 |
71,100,000,000,000,000 | Depopulation Mandatory Vaccination – Your NonFuture Secured Hypodermic Pricks Of cont httptlgdai5d9d gave lecture GPs yesterdaymost experienced alt med practitioners resistance vaccination imporant issue Cam ask office respond email antivaccination remarks apparent AVN suppo | 0 |
71,500,000,000,000,000 | Can please respond requests clarify previous suppo Australian Vaccination Network HCCC NSW AVN provides information solely antivaccination incorrect misleading | 0 |
71,600,000,000,000,000 | Rationale peussis booster vaccination throughout life Europe review Lancet Infectious Diseases httphtly4Z3Ky Vaccination objections responses How choose best vaccination cervical cancer | 0 |
72,200,000,000,000,000 | sitfucom UK Paediatrician MSBP Expe Knew Babies Suffered Breathing Problems Died After Vaccination But AAP CDC pushing overvaccination triggering morbiditychronic disease tools prevent acutely | 0 |
72,300,000,000,000,000 | Fantastic news Now lets reinstate final vaccination trials Paice cut last year set hea shooting advocate informed consent parental choice vaccination | 0 |
72,400,000,000,000,000 | Bill Gates pushes percent vaccination rate worldwide Natural News The infamous Bill Gates AJ sitfucom Bill Gates pushes percent vaccination rate worldwide Natural News The infamous Bill Gates | 0 |
72,500,000,000,000,000 | Check video Forced Vaccination … Check video The CDCs Swine Flu Vaccination Genocide … | 0 |
72,800,000,000,000,000 | Check photos todays launch vaccination campaign Mozambique httpowly515Jw newStream © Bill Gates pushes percent vaccination rate worldwide Yes | 0 |
72,900,000,000,000,000 | Great info parents impoance vaccination wwwitsmyhealthcomau HOMEOPATHY BETTER THAN VACCINATION UTTERLY IRRESPONSIBLE | 0 |
73,200,000,000,000,000 | Vaccination Battles Smallpox Today The New Yorker … Reaction interesting MT Horvath repo Fluvax saga | 0 |
73,400,000,000,000,000 | Measles returns popular demand less vaccination great meeting badger vaccination woodchester park today recommend ham egg chips Ram Inn South Woodchester | 0 |
73,500,000,000,000,000 | Though campaigns measles reduced burden eradication still far Target fencesitters Podcast interview | 0 |
73,700,000,000,000,000 | How vaccination policies could improved sensible useful piece … How vaccination policies could improved personal subtitle stop hectoring blaming … The vaccination rates country changed issue increase individual communities vaccine refusal increased | 0 |
73,900,000,000,000,000 | How policies could improved Dr Julie Leask Forget digital trollsI dare anyone show suppo vaccination Facebook see happensa COMPLETE nightmare Do watch video believe Australias Anti Vaccination Network suppoers Mailbag Parent disputes vaccination advice | 1 |
74,000,000,000,000,000 | Vietnam halts bird flu vaccination due new type HANOI Reuters The Vietnamese government said ha Some SLE Patients May Need More Treatment Before Vaccination httpowly54b45 Vaccination increasingly used media wedge divide people Alternative parents pa complex problem Also | 0 |
74,100,000,000,000,000 | LOL deceptively named Au Vaccination Network publishing The Vaccination Daily abusing word science NHS Employers lead health worker vaccination campaign vaccination Smallpox Pseudomedicine successful halting Measles cases rise tenfold … | 0 |
74,200,000,000,000,000 | See photos hear trip Mozambique see launch vaccination campaign httpowly54FCX Why vaccination still public health priority CDC measles resurgence MMWR httpisgdUNO1Vc | 0 |
74,300,000,000,000,000 | Antivaxxers claim HBV problem children thus dont vax But since vaccination began cases dropped markedly Big feature flu vaccination problems The Weekend Oz mag Natasha Bita Australian Vaccination Network Wikipedia free encyclopedia httpfbme12pFEXkqV | 0 |
74,500,000,000,000,000 | What happens vaccination rates fall httpwpmepiXm2T8 Cat Lovers Tale Keeping cats around destressing Dr Peanut says vaccination cats needed | 0 |
74,800,000,000,000,000 | At mtg Germany vaccination web researchers social media govt comms ppl unanimous need engage So Me That abolutely true vaccination messages But positives less discussed | 0 |
74,900,000,000,000,000 | Massive traffic post yesterday measles vaccination rates Thanks interest httpisgdaEArkh Vaccination defenders expelled | 0 |
75,000,000,000,000,000 | New study Positive Association found Autism Prevalence Childhood Vaccination uptake across US httpfbmeSi8BP3N4 New Study waiting Positive Association Between Autism Prevalence Childhood Vaccination Uptake US | 0 |
75,500,000,000,000,000 | Measles vaccination homeopaths httpwpmep7vgrmM Cooperation Polio vaccination campaign Democratic Republic Congo httpisgdKVUJ9T | 0 |
75,700,000,000,000,000 | Health News Tweet Link Between Influenza Vaccination In Pregnancy And Reduced Risk Of Premature Bih This theory recall information much relevance vaccination They seem surprised vaccination range unexpected consequences reduces natural boosting immunity After watching antibiotics become effective CDC get outcome vaccination viruses Implications vaccination waning immunityfree downloadmust read Why paying attention info httpowly57b5v Look decreased rates measles deaths etc Africa dt vaccination rates diseases go cycles yrs without vaccination control groups unvaxed b4 vaccination unvaxed countries low vax rates | 0 |
75,900,000,000,000,000 | Vaccines Cause Autism Until You Look At The Data Richmond SPCA Holding Rabies Vaccination Clinic Saturday Place rabies tag dogs cats collar If survived exams ’ tough enough vaccination httpowly57Fiy | 0 |
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