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The following reports have been waiting for your approval for more than 4 days.
Please review.
Owner: Beth W Apollo Report Name: General Expenses - Sept & Oct Days In Mgr.
Queue: 6 Owner: Kevin G Sweeney Report Name: 11/09/2001 Days In Mgr.
Queue: 6
| Expense Reports Awaiting Your Approval |
Dear Nancy, Sally & Janet - Did you have a wonderful Thanksgiving?
Ours was very nice; Mark's sister, her husband and 2-year old daughter were here from California, and Mark's mom & her husband came in from D.C. (but they stayed in a hotel!).
Luckily, our aunt had the big dinner at her house - no trying to cook among the boxes!
Have you had an opportunity to review the December newsletter?
If so, please let me know of any corrections or changes (Miranda gave me the corrected minutes).
My plan is to drop it off to Sally Walker for copying first thing Monday morning.
It will be crazy around here after noon Monday, and the computer will be off for a few days (Monday night 'til Wednesday night or Thursday) while we get set up in the new house .
.if the download didn't work and you need a copy to proof, just let me know and I'll swing by with one in the morning (our closing is not far from you, Nancy, so it won't be a problem).
| December Newsletter |
The following reports have been waiting for your approval for more than 4 days.
Please review.
Owner: Beth W Apollo Report Name: General Expenses - Sept & Oct Days In Mgr.
Queue: 9 Owner: Kevin G Sweeney Report Name: 11/09/2001 Days In Mgr.
Queue: 9
| Expense Reports Awaiting Your Approval |
Normally, these scheduled SAP outages are planned with the major user bases via a communication released 3 weeks in advance and subsequently approved.
The notice you received today was a reminder notice.
This outage is due to our quarterly production build schedule for SAP upgrades to the HR environment ("hotpacks").
We rescheduled this weekends outage earlier today after consultation with HR and the tentative and future date will be mid-January.
At this point no additional outages are planned for the remainder of the year.
The revised (cancelled) notification will go out tomorrow.
| SAP Outages |
Mother-daughter team sub needed for Wednesday, November 28, from 6:15-8:15 p.m. at Applause Theater for set painting.
Wear old clothes!
Please call Robin Gladstein at 281-537-1745 or 713-825-5248.
Thank you - Robin
| Applause sub needed |
The following reports have been waiting for your approval for more than 4 days.
Please review.
Owner: Beth W Apollo Report Name: General Expenses - Sept & Oct Days In Mgr.
Queue: 10 Owner: Kevin G Sweeney Report Name: 11/09/2001 Days In Mgr.
Queue: 10
| Expense Reports Awaiting Your Approval |
I am currently scheduled to fly to Houston with the following itinerary: Arrive Houston - Sunday, Jan. 27 at 5:35 pm Depart Houston - Tuesday, Jan 29 at 1:55 pm Laura is planning to remain in Houston on Monday & Tuesday as well.
Can you let me know what the schedule is for Monday?
Where should we plan to go and at what time?
I will be in the office this morning until around 11:00 Calgary time.
Our UBS offer letters are finally ready, so I came in to handle the distribution to my employees.
You can page me this afternoon if you need to talk to me.
| Trip to Houston |
Gary, Attached is a spreadsheet which shows people that remain in London related to the middle and back office.
These individuals are not solely working on winding down EGM activity there, and we need to make sure that EGM does not pick up total cost when those people are not 100% focused on EGM.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Shanna/Tom, Are we currently picking up this total cost and allocating as appropriate or are we only paying our percentage?
| Mid/Back office people in the London office |
The New Cash Approval Tool is ready for use.
Please begin using the new process as soon as possible.
We will continue to run payment proposals through Thursday to provide a transition period for catching same day and next day items until the process is in full swing.
For those of you who started working with your data yesterday and have set items for payment on Wednesday, we will be working with George to review these items today.
There will be a communication coming out from Ray Bowen shortly introducing the new process and the changes being made.
Please help communicate the changes within your business unit.
The success of this process is very dependent on you helping enforce the guidelines.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please call me at 5-4866.
Note: The transaction code to get into the tool is ZEBOI.
| New Cash Approval Tool |
Enjoyed meeting with you this morning.
If in fact the UBS merger requires fewer than the 800 or so people currently slated in NetCo, I think it would be a good idea if a couple people from NEWCO could take a look at those people (especially from a risk management/scheduling perspective.)
Speak with you soon
| meeting |
We need to pull together a list of all non-residential real estate leases for premises used by EGM and its businesses.
To date, I have identified five such leases, listed below by address and landlord: (1) 2103 Southlake Blvd., Southlake, Texas (Comercis, Inc.) (2) 500 Lee Street East, Charleston, West Virginia (Laidley Developers Limited Partnership) (3) 780 Third Avenue, New York, New York (TIAA) (4) Penn Center West, Bldg Two, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Penn Center Management Corp.) (5) 150 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60601 (BfG Immobilien-Investment Gesellschaft mbH Ltd.) Please let me know ASAP if you are aware of ANY leased premises held or used by EGM or its related businesses that is not on the above list.
While all of the above leases are office leases, we need a complete list of ALL non-residential real estate leases (including warehouse leases, land leases, etc.).
Please be overinclusive in responding to this information request, as I am including premises that EGM shares with other Enron business units and is charged an allocation.
Thank you all for your attention to and cooperation with this important information request -- Bob Bruce
| IMPORTANT -- Enron Global Markets real estate leases |
Sally, Happy New Year!
I just wanted to let you know that I've gone back to my roots and accepted a position with the Employment Agency, The Tinsley Group.
They helped me place several people within your group over the last couple of years.
My focus is to help Enron people get back to work (Permanent or Contract openings).
Please refer to me anyone in the Accounting/Risk/Tax or Audit areas for an additional avenue in their job search.
I have opportunities in Houston for all industries.
Some critical openings are: Corporate Controller - League City (approx $110), public, Home manufacturing co. Revenue Accountant (joint interest) for Exploration & Production co.
Cost Accountant with percentage of completion experience, construction industry Federal & International Tax, several companies Internal Audit (1-3 yr), several companies I hope your spirits are high and I sincerely wish you the best of luck!
| Just an FYI |
The latest word is that the work surrounding the restructuring activity will not take place until this Thursday.
Therefore, I have moved the Training for this effort to tomorrow (Wednesday) from 2 pm - 3:30 pm in ECS 04990.
I will send another email to all of your managers who will need to attend, but please let them know it will not be held today.
| Manager Training |
There seems to be some confusion around the calculation of books on 11/30/2001.
All books were run properly in the gas and power area on 11/30, as that was the last day prior to the bankruptcy declaration.
Please let myself or Sally Beck know if you have any questions regarding this.
| 11/30 Books |
Did Debbie talk with the two of you before putting together her memo?
Is she raising this to me because she wasn't comfortable with the outcome of her conversations with you two, or did she skip that step?
Just curious, before I send any type of response.
I would need details from you around the process for updates to Entelligence and Global Counterparty.
Surely one feeds the other?
| Information in Entelligence vs Global Counterparty |
Yes, we will definitely host you and the students to a tour of Enron Field and dinner on the evening of January 31 (if that is still the best night for your schedule).
I talked with Lexie earlier this week and told her that I was going to cover this, and she thought that she could find some dollars in her budget so that we can perhaps split the cost.
Either way, consider it done.
I am glad that you are including the names of the students to attend.
However, checking the attachment on your second e:mail message, I can not bring up the attachment.
Can you try that again and check with Patti to make sure she has it in readable form?
I will be in London all of next week, and I would like to send invitations to the students about the tour and dinner.
I will need their e:mail addresses to do so.
I don't know whether or not you included that on your list.
Jody said that Ruggles for game watching was really cold!!
I wonder if that could be a problem on the 31st?
You never know with Houston weather.
What do you think?
We could do the tour and then go to Irma's Southwest Grill (2 blocks from the stadium, same great food with a more sleek atmosphere - owned by Irma's son, Luis).
I will be in touch with Patti while I am in London next week to make sure that plans are progressing on this.
We will include our recent OU grads as well.
I will save your championship game souvenirs and give them to you when I see at the end of January.
| January 31st Tour and Dinner |
Well, I didn't get this out to you before I left the office last night.
I was still pouring over bonus info until 9:30, and decided to call it quits at that point.
Here are some of the things that I would like to do next week: review your action plan to move the close and officialization of London books to same day, to replicate, if appropriate, an Operational Risk information session for London counterparts (you and I can review early in the week what we are doing here in Houston today and modify the info for Europe) discuss the Doorstep process with you and, if you deem appropriate, your business controllers in the London office who will participate in Doorstep reviews this year (clear up and questions and get your input on how to continually improve the process), discuss with Mark Pickering the technology dependencies of the London office related to speeding up London's information for the corporate DPR do some planning with you for the February 12 & 13 ASE discuss the feasibility of utilizing our operational pricing model in London discuss your ideas and thoughts on CommodityLogic and other ideas around potential commercialization of mid and back office services In addition, I would like to meet with anyone in the London office that you think would be beneficial.
Through Nicki Scott, I understand that Michael Brown would like to meet with me so we are setting that up.
I will also spend some time with Beth Apollo and Ted Murphy while I am there.
And I plan to meet with Fernley as well.
Any other suggestions on topics or people to see?
I think that we have lunch already on the calendar for Wednesday.
| Topics for next week |
I hope that your holidays were wonderful.
I thoroughly enjoyed the week of vacation that I took before Christmas.
It was fun to be home with the children, although I certainly worked hard -- up every night until very late
| Visit to London |
I hope that each one of you will arrange your schedules tomorrow to make the time to vote.
Also, please encourage everyone on your staff to take the time to vote tomorrow.
For those employees who typically work later hours, please suggest that they take the time to vote before coming to the office.
Everyone should feel that they have sufficient time to make their vote count.
It should be interesting to watch the returns tomorrow evening.
Hopefully, we will have all played a part in the outcome.
| Time for Voting |
I plan to work out of the London office during the week of January 15.
I will leave Houston on Sunday and will be in the London office starting around noon on Monday.
I will be back in the Houston office on Monday, January 22.
The primary goals of the trip are: to work with Mike Jordan on an action plan to move the close and officialization of London books to same day, to replicate an Operational Risk information session for London counterparts (we are doing this in Houston on January 11 per my e:mail to you for managers and above within Operations), to hold a training session for business controllers in the London office who will participate in Doorstep reviews this year (outside EEL), to discuss with Mark Pickering the technology dependencies of the London office related to speeding up London's information for the corporate DPR Patti Thompson (x39106) will have a detailed itinerary in hand if you need to reach me at any time next week.
| London - Week of January 15th |
Right now, I am booked at 47 Park for next week.
I would love to be closer to the office, but I don't know if there is anything that makes sense.
Any suggestions?
If not something close to the office, would you suggest another spot besides 47 Park?
| London Hotel |
I will be out of town on January 19, so Brenda Herod has agreed to make the presentation for Rick Causey.
Please replace my name with hers for all communication regarding this Analyst Orientation.
| Change in Presenter - Analyst Orientation |
Please join me on Thursday, January 11 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm for a special information session for the Operations Management teams supporting Enron Americas, Enron Global Markets and Enron Industrial Markets.
We will focus on assessing, managing and mitigating operational risk.
Details on the location for the meeting will be sent to you early this week.
I look forward to seeing everyone at this meeting on the 11th.
The things that we will discuss will be important for each and every one of you as you carry out your roles in 2001.
I hope that you will make every effort to attend.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a conflict that will keep you from attending the meeting.
| January 11 - Managing Operational Risk |
I just composed a somewhat lengthy e:mail about the anniversary trip, and then closed out Lotus Notes and checked discard changes.
So it is gone - but not sent!!
Can you e:mail me back your office phone number and if it is convenient for you, I will give you call and use old fashioned technology.
| Operator Error |
Sheri has told me that you made an announcement recently.
Congratulations on the baby!
I hope that you are feeling well.
I am so happy for you and your husband.
My how your lives will change!!
But how enriched they will be.
Our three are so much fun.
I will also always be honest with expectant moms and say that a new baby is an incredible amount of work as well and that it sometimes takes a while to really enjoy the experience.
If you ever want some funny stories about adjusting to being a first-time mom, just let me know.
I would be glad to share my experience with you.
| Congratulations |
I am sure that you are enjoying your break from school.
It is always great to have finals behind you and several weeks of vacation stretching in front of you.
No doubt you are spending time thinking about your next step after graduation.
I would be glad to answer any questions that you may have about your offer while you are going through that process.
Enron had a fantastic year in 2000, and we are excited about what we will accomplish in 2001.
We hope that you will be a part of that.
| Enron Offer |
I hope that you are enjoying your break from school, and am sure that it is even more enjoyable with that Number 1 ranking decided!
My husband (an OU grad) and I were at Orange Bowl, and it was really exciting to be there and see the team absolutely stop FSU.
If you have any questions regarding your job offer from Enron while you are on vacation, please give me a call.
2000 was a banner year for us at Enron, and we were excited about what we will accomplish in 2001.
I hope that you will join us and be a part of that.
My office number is 713-853-5926.
If it is more convenient for you, feel free to call me at home as well.
That number is 281-370-8568.
Boomer Sooners!!!
Sally Beck [email protected]
| Sooners and Enron |
Please join me on Thursday, January 11 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm for a special information session for the Operations Management teams supporting Enron Americas, Enron Global Markets and Enron Industrial Markets.
We will focus on assessing, managing and mitigating operational risk.
Details on the location for the meeting will be sent to you early next week.
I look forward to seeing everyone at this meeting on the 11th.
The things that we will discuss will be important for each and every one of you as you carry out your roles in 2001.
I hope that you will make every effort to attend.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a conflict that will keep you from attending the meeting.
| January 11 - Managing Operational Risk |
Please join me on Thursday, January 11 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm for a special information session for the Operations Management teams supporting Enron Americas, Enron Global Markets and Enron Industrial Markets.
We will focus on assessing, managing and mitigating operational risk.
Details on the location for the meeting will be sent to you early next week.
I look forward to seeing everyone at this meeting on the 11th.
The things that we will discuss will be important for each and every one of you as you carry out your roles in 2001.
I hope that you will make every effort to attend.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a conflict that will keep you from attending the meeting.
| January 11 - Managing Operational Risk |
I would like to invite each of you to participate in a brainstorming session with me on Friday, January 12 from 8:30 am through lunch.
The purpose of this meeting will be to surface and capture ideas around the potential commercialization of mid and back office services that we provide.
I know that many of you have ideas about services and/or products that could be marketed and some of you have been involved in arrangements where we have or are currently providing services to outside parties.
While there are efforts underway with certain modules under CommodityLogic, I want this session to be used to take a broader look at how we might market mid and back office services.
I hope that you will be able to attend.
Details on location of the meeting and more exact timing will be sent to you on Monday when Patti returns from vacation.
| Brainstorming Session - Friday, January 12 |
I will be out of the office on Wednesday, January 3.
I am married to an OU graduate, so we are headed to the Orange Bowl to hopefully see Oklahoma hang onto their number 1 ranking.
I will be back in the office after lunch on Thursday, January 4.
My assistant, Patti Thompson (x39106), has phone numbers where I can be reached.
Please contact Bob Hall at x36956 with any questions while I am out.
| Orange Bowl Bound on Wednesday, January 3 |
Patti delivered to Sharron's desk this week a copy of my 2000 accomplishments.
You should find that when you return to the office.
Let me know if for some reason you do not have that copy, and I will have another delivered.
Have a happy new year!
I will be at the Cotton Bowl watching Meagan's drill team perform - and also watching some of the game.
Thankfully, no emotional attachment to either team in that game!
I just hope that we don't freeze.
| 2000 Accomplishments |
I have completed internal feedback forms through the PEP system for Brent Price, Bob Hall and Peggy Hedstrom.
Those appeared to be the only names that you included for which you wanted my input.
Somehow, from Andrea's voice mail message last week, I had anticipated responding to more requests - I thought perhaps input in working with Wes within ENA or Melissa on SAP.
Those weren't on my list within the PEP system, so I just wanted you to know that I have responded to the three that were there.
If there was intent for me to respond to any others, they weren't accessible in the system.
(Believe me, I am not asking for more - just wanted to be sure that what I saw in PEP as a request matched your expectations in terms of my response).
| Internal Feedback for PRC |
I should have included you on this contact list.
I will remember to do so next time.
I will be in the office all of this week, so please call me directly on any information needs you or team may have this week.
| Holiday Key Contacts List for Energy Operations - Enron Americas |
Unfortunately, I will miss your farewell at Slick Willie's on January 3rd.
I am sorry that I won't be able to drink a beer with you as a send off, but perhaps we can have one in London later in January as your welcome to London.
I will be in Miami on January 3rd, hopefully celebrating an Oklahoma win in the Orange Bowl earlier that day.
David found us tickets to the game.
Not great seats, but they are in the stadium.
Hey, it's not UT, but it should still be fun to go.
I will miss you and your wit and constructive cynisism in Houston.
But I know that I can count on you to be just as vocal from London!
I plan to be there at least quarterly in 2001, and will definitely welcome your first hand observations on operational areas that may need attention.
Hopefully between e:mail and voice mail we can definitely keep in touch.
Tell Ann that I hope that this will be a great adventure for her and the whole family.
I think that it is a wonderful time in your children's lives to give them this experience.
Have fun -- and set them straight!
| Slick Willie's |
Thanks for including me in the invitation to Slick Willie's.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend.
I will be at the Orange Bowl in Miami and will not return until the morning of the 4th.
| Ted's Farewell |
The following schedule has been distributed as noted regarding publishing the DPR over the next two weeks.
I know that books run in Calgary, Houston, and Portland will be calculated and officialized on Friday, December 22nd for trading that day.
The current plan is not to publish the DPR for December 22nd on Tuesday, December 26th, but to wait until the first Enron official business day to do so (i.e.
Wednesday, December 27th).
That will work as long as trading results for Friday, December 22nd are not dramatic.
Please leave a voice mail message after calcing the books on Friday, December 22nd for Chris Abel (x33102) to give him trading results by commodity for December 22nd.
If there are dramatic results, Chris may produce a preliminary and rough DPR on Tuesday, December 26th with the information that you provide.
For locations that will not calc and officialize books on Friday, December 22nd, you will still need to contact Chris to give him your best estimate of trading results.
| Publication Schedule for DPR During Holiday Period |
Please note the following schedule for risk book reporting during the holiday period: Trade Date Enron Status NYMEX Equity Market Consolidated Risk Reporting Fri, 12/22 Open Early Close Open DPR published for 12/21 results (a) Mon, 12/25 Holiday (b) Closed Closed DPR not published Tues, 12/26 Holiday (b) Open Open DPR not published (c) Wed, 12/27 Open Open Open DPR published separately for 12/22 & 12/26 results Thurs, 12/28 Open Open Open DPR published for 12/27 results Fri, 12/29 Open Early Close Open DPR published for 12/28 results (a) Mon, 1/1 Holiday (b) Closed Closed DPR not published Tues, 1/2 Open Open Open DPR published for 12/29.
Normal month end schedule applies.
(d) (a) Trader P&L and Position reports will be produced for traded products at close of business (b) US, Canadian & London holiday (c) Logistics and risk personnel will be in the office on this holiday to support trading activity (d) Monthly close procedures require that changes or adjustments to risk books for month-end be submitted by 5:00 pm Houston time on the first business day following the end of the month.
The DPR published on 1/2 for 12/29 results will be preliminary.
The final DPR for 12/29 should be published on 1/3, assuming that all month-end adjustments have been received on 1/2.
| Publication Schedule for DPR During Holiday Period |
Mike, This memo has not been distributed yet.
First, Sally wanted me to forward to you to make sure you are aware of and can meet timelines listed.
When done, please forward back to me for distribution.
Sally is on vacation this week & will return to the office Dec. 27.
| Publication Schedule for DPR During Holiday Period |
Got your most recent message.
Your observation is correct that the Enron Americas staff member on Shawn's team has not been involved to date with Doorstep reviews or planning.
Although Shawn made an offer to Michelle some time ago, there was a long lead time for her arrival.
She did not start with the company until after Thanksgiving.
Since she started a couple of weeks ago, Wes and I have asked her to look into several specific findings from the most AA internal audit projects and to work with our staffs to provide some solutions to issues that were raised.
There simply has not been the time to date to expose her to Doorstep.
After Shawn and I meet (see below), I will briefly summarize for you the roles that all groups will play in the Doorstep Review process.
Before we move forward I want to be sure that all parties agree on the purpose, methodology, participants and execution plan for this on-going project.
| Plans for 2001 Doorstep Reviews |
I understand from Shona that you and she have discussed our plans for Doorstep Reviews in 2001.
I am asking via this note for my assistant to set up a meeting for the two of us to spend some time reviewing the timeline, methodology, Andersen's involvement and the involvement of your team.
I will be on vacation the week of December 18.
I will be working the week between Christmas and New Year's, so if you are in the office we can plan on getting together that week.
| Plans for 2001 Doorstep Reviews |
Patti will send you on Monday a draft of a memo regarding publishing the DPR during the holidays.
Please review it and make sure that the commitments we are making can be met by London.
Let me know if anything needs to be changed or if there is further clarification needed in the notes, keeping in mind that with the audience on the memo that I want it to be short and easy.
Your comments/suggestions are welcomed and needed before I send this out later next week.
| DPR Holiday Schedule |
I left Mike a message telling him that I was forwarding this to you and that someone on your team would verify this information and get back to him.
His note asks for info back by Friday the 17th - Friday is the 15th and I assume that is the deadline that he intends.
| Perry Gas Companies, Inc. |
I will interviewing on campus for the Analyst Program on Monday and Tuesday, October 30 and 31.
My assistant, Patti Thompson (x39106), will have telephone numbers where I can be reached.
I will have my cell phone with me (713-417-1591) and I will check messages as we have breaks in the interview schedule during the day.
I will be back in the office on Wednesday, November 1.
In my absence, please contact the following persons regarding trading operations issues: Gas Operations Jeff Gossett x37306 Bob Hall x36956 Leslie Reeves x37962 Power Operations Stacey White x31870 Leslie Reeves x37962 DPR Shona Wilson x39123 MPR David Maxwell x36983
| Out of the Office on October 30 and October 31 |
Thanks for the call.
Brenda Herod is the operations controller for EIM.
(Brenda and Brent in their roles over EIM and EGM, respectively, are both direct reports of mine.)
Brenda is out of the country through the end of this week on vacation, touring Europe with her mom.
If there is a need to address this issue this week, let me know and I can start down that road until Brenda returns.
Let me know.
I did hear an unsubstantiated rumor this week that is set to go live in London within 5 days.
I am trying to find out if that is true.
If it is, it would be a repeat of a commercial decision in Houston to do so this past July without letting anyone in the mid and back office know.
We had to scramble to set up an infrastructure to support that in a big hurry.
Not ideal.
I hope that history has not repeated itself.
Let me know if you have heard anything on this.
| EIM Resources |
I would like to formulate the breakout groups prior to the forum.
I would like your input on likely persons to put together in these breakout sessions.
Let's talk tomorrow.
| Input on Breakout Groups |
I believe that all of you have met Frank (whose last name I can't remember), the HR generalist who is currently working with Hector to serve the HR needs for Energy Operations in ENA.
Frank is working on a contract basis at this time, and Sheila Walton is seeking feedback on his performance to date in order to evaluate the duration of his work as a contractor and the feasibility of bringing him in as an employee.
I have given Sheila my feedback, but suggested to her that you may have had more contact with Frank than I have had.
Please take the time to send Sheila an e:mail message or voice mail to let her know what your experiences have been in working with Frank.
Your input will be very valuable to Sheila.
Thanks for taking the time to do this.
| Input for Sheila Walton on HR Personnel |
I will be out of the office for most of the day on Friday.
My dad is experiecing serious health problems, and he will be in Houston on Friday for an appointment with a specialist that I have arranged.
I will be going to the doctor's appointment with my dad.
Depending upon waiting room time, I may not be in the office for the 1:30 meeting in EB3305 to discuss the findings from the recent internal audit projects.
I have asked Shona Wilson to attend in my place.
Please continue with the meeting, as I know that this is a difficult meeting to schedule.
I will get an update from Shona when I get back to the office.
| October 20 Meeting re: Internal Audit Projects for September |
Attached - still not quite final - waiting for confirmation from Tom Gros and Philippe Bibi.
Can we add an Enron logo to the top of the first page?
I also sent this version to Mike Jordan, Fernley Dyson and Shona for their input.
Can you e:mail a copy to Tom Hopwood?
| Revised Agenda |
Thanks in advance for agreeing to speak at the Global Operations Controller Forum.
Dress for the forum is casual, so feel free to do the same.
There will be approximately 30 Enron business controllers present at the meeting.
All have responsibility for mid and back office operations for the following Enron entities: Enron North America, Enron Europe, Enron South America, Enron Global Markets, Enron Industrial Markets, Enron Broadband Services and Enron Energy Services.
Attendees will be here from Houston, Calgary, Tokyo, Sydney, London and New York (metals business).
Attached for your reference is the agenda.
There may be some slight changes before the forum begins, but this will give you a good idea of the topics to be covered and the other speakers who will address the group.
You and I talked about Monday or Tuesday afternoon, October 23 or 24.
I have tentatively put you on the agenda over lunch on Tuesday as detailed below.
I hope that you can join us for lunch and address the group either before or after you eat - your choice on that.
I will call Peggy to check on your schedule, and if this does not work we can rearrange.
| Speaking Engagement for Operations Controller Forum |
Thanks in advance for agreeing to speak at the Global Operations Controller Forum.
There will be approximately 30 Enron business controllers present at the meeting.
All have responsibility for mid and back office operations for the following Enron entities: Enron North America, Enron Europe, Enron South America, Enron Global Markets, Enron Industrial Markets, Enron Broadband Services and Enron Energy Services.
Attendees will be here from Houston, Calgary, Tokyo, Sydney, London and New York (metals business-maybe!).
Attached for your reference is the agenda.
There may be some slight changes before the forum begins, but this will give you a good idea of the topics to be covered and the other speakers who will address the group.
You are scheduled to address the group as follows:
| Speaking Engagement on October 23 |
Thanks in advance for agreeing to speak at the Global Operations Controller Forum that I am hosting next week.
There will be approximately 30 Enron business controllers present at the meeting.
All have responsibility for mid and back office operations for the following Enron entities: Enron North America, Enron Europe, Enron South America, Enron Global Markets, Enron Industrial Markets, Enron Broadband Services and Enron Energy Services.
Attendees will be here from Houston, Calgary, Tokyo, Sydney, London and New York (metals business).
Attached for your reference is the agenda.
There may be some slight changes before the forum begins, but this will give you a good idea of the topics to be covered and the other speakers who will address the group.
You are scheduled to address the group as follows:
| Agenda and Speaking Points for October 24 Engagement |
As promised, although a little later than expected, a draft agenda is attached at the end of my memo to Mike.
The memo will walk you through the agenda.
Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.
Again, I an sorry that you will not be able to join us, but I am pleased that so many others from the London office will be in attendance.
| Draft Agenda |
In cleaning up e:mails, I ran across this one that I had not yet read.
Has James called and talke with you about Enpower?
Are his concerns in the memo accurate?
Let me know.
| Enpower |
Today's Associates PRC meeting that was to begin at 1:30 has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a date yet to be determined.
Both the morning Analyst PRC meeting and the Associates PRC meeting were scheduled for the same location and with Joe Sutton as chair.
The Analysts PRC meeting is apparently running very long, so someone from the program office called to cancel the Associates PRC meeting for this afternoon.
I will let you know as soon as I know a rescheduled date.
In preparation for today's PRC meeting, I was able to meet in person with most of your supervisors to get input on your job responsiblities, accomplishments and performance.
For those that were unavailable for a meeting, we managed a phone call or at least a series of voice mails to accomplish the same thing.
I also have any materials that you may have provided to your supervisor for the mid-year review process, as well as copies of the internal feedback that was gathered through the PEP system.
With this delay in the meeting date, I have the time to ask for a copy of your resume.
The PRC process clearly focuses on your performance specifically from January through June 2000.
However, it would be helpful to me in representing you to at least be familiar with your backgrounds.
Please e:mail a copy to me or you can send a hard copy to EB3015.
A couple of you have come by my office to meet with me.
I would also be happy to put a name and face together for others of you or to talk by phone if you are not in Houston.
My extension is 35926.
| Associates PRC Meeting - To Be Rescheduled |
Today's Enron-wide Associates PRC meeting has been cancelled.
It was scheduled to start at 1:30 today, following the Analysts PRC.
Apparently, the Analysts PRC is running long.
Since both meetings were scheduled for the same location and with Joe Sutton as the chair, the Associates PRC has been cancelled.
I do not yet have a rescheduled date.
I will let you know when I do.
I am also sending an e:mail message to the Associates that I am representing so that they will informed of the cancellation.
Thanks for taking the time to meet or talk with me about the performance of your respective associate in preparation for the PRC.
| Associates PRC Meeting Cancelled |
I will serve as a representative to the Associates PRC meeting that will take place on July 19.
As a PRC rep, I have been assigned the Associates to represent in the meeting as indicated on the attachment.
The Associates Program has provided me with your name as the PRC supervisor of the associate as listed.
Please provide me with the following by Friday, July 14: Associate's accomplishments for the first half of 2000 (prepared by the associate or summarized by you) Description of associate's current responsibilities/assignment (and any additional rotational assignments during this first six months of the year) Pre-ranking of the associate from your business unit PRC , or your suggestion on ranking if no business unit PRC process has been completed (Superior, Excellent, Strong, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement or Issues) Any other information that you believe will be helpful in accurately representing the associate in the PRC process Recommendation for promotion, if any I will receive a copy of the Consolidated Supervisor Feedback from the PEP system through the Associates Program.
I will be on vacation until Monday, July 17.
My assistant, Patti Thompson, will be contacting you next week to ask if you would like to meet with me for a few minutes on Monday or Tuesday, July 17 and 18 (or phone call) to discuss your associate and his/her performance in more detail.
Thanks for your attention to this.
If you are not the appropriate PRC supervisor for the associate listed on the attachment, please reply by e:mail as soon as possible and my assistant will research where I should go next for this input.
| Associate PRC - Input Needed |
I hope that your holiday was wonderful.
Nikki told me that you would be working from home today, but I decided not to bother you there.
I will try to have Patti connect me with you during my commute on Tuesday morning.
I start with a 7:30 meeting (Houston time), so I should be in my car from 6:30 to about 7:15.
I let Nikki know about a rescheduled date from Rick's PRC last week.
I don't think that there had been any widespread communication about the new date of June 27.
Will you still plan to come to Houston next week?
I have scheduled dinner for us on Wednesday evening, assuming that you will still make the trip.
Just let me know.
Will you also be back for the meeting on June 27?
Before you left for vacation I had tried to reach you regarding the MG acquisition.
That should make life fun for you!
I wanted to talk about resources and how I might be able to help in both the further due diligence efforts and longer term in the assimilation.
As in my voice mail, I believe that a doorstep review of trading locations would be critical, both from a controls perspective and from the perspective of an up close view of how they run their business.
It seems that might help jump start the plans around how best to assimilate the business.
I had suggested my new hire, Shona Wilson, as a potential resource and then there are several of us who have already been involved in doorstep reviews that could be involved both in the US and in other locations.
Brent has forwarded a memo to me from Naomi Connell who seems to be formulating a plan for the doorstep reviews.
I don't know the names that she mentions (other than Tani Nath), and I am sure that she is unaware of additional resources from Houston that could be used.
We can hopefully talk about that tomorrow morning.
| Various Topics |
Hope your long weekend was a good one, uneventful on Monday, at least.
Got your message last Friday.
It seems as if Kristin is more and more interested in the EBS role, especially after her continuing discussions with Jim Fallon.
The timing of her trip to London is somewhat up in the air.
May be the end of this week, may be next week.
I think it will still be good for you and Kristin to talk in person.
Kristin and Todd are both very qualified and you would love working with both.
Kristin's established working relationship with Jim Fallon would definitely be a plus.
I don't want to lose both of them from ENA, however, at the same time.
So I would suggest that we make it an either or propostion.
I got your message on housing/location in Houston.
I am headed out of the office soon for an offsite meeting hosted by ENA's Office of the Chairman.
I will call you on Friday when I am back in the office and talk through some options on housing.
| Update |
Would you ever be interested in helping us with recruiting at OU?
As you are probably aware, the analyst programs have been combined into one program, so we are searching for top candidates to bring in for all rotations within the analyst program.
Upcoming interviews are for summer interns.
We will be on campus on Monday, October 30 (just after the OU - Nebraska game).
Let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions, and we can get you formally added to the team that is recruiting at OU.
Hope that all is going well in Chicago.
| OU Update |
I am forwarding a message from a Wellesley student which includes her resume.
Let's make sure that she is on our interview schedule for our return visit in November.
I talked with her quite a bit before the presentation, and was impressed with her.
She has followed up with phone calls and this e:mail.
I am sending her some additional information on Enron at her request to help familiarize her with the company.
Her work experience to date has been with more traditional energy companies.
| From Wellesley |
I hope that you got my reminder message that I was attending Wes Colwell's PRC meeting today, which kept me from attending the ENW staff meeting over lunch today.
My remaining PRC obligations are as follows: Friday, Dec. 8 Energy Operations PRC 8:00 am until ?
(ENA, EGM, EIM) Monday, Dec. 11 ` Enron Wholesale Services PRC 8:00 - 9:30 am Wednesday, Dec. 13 Associates 7:30 am until ?
The Enron Americas Management Team Offsite scheduled for Las Vegas December 13-16 had been cancelled, so I will be in the office all of next week.
| Update on Schedule |
Please fill in the following information and email (or fax 713-345-8100) to me as soon as possible.
(The same day would be great!)
Please select dinner entr,e for Sunday, Oct 22 Pan seared medallions of Black Angus tenderloin, or Grilled chicken breast w/ artichoke, mushrooms & light herb sauce Hotel reservation: Both Sunday and Monday nights Sunday night only Monday night only Extend for additional nights Smoking or non-smoking room Flight information: Date of arrival Airline/flight number Houston arrival time Shirt size: Women's or men's size small, med, large, x-large, xx-large Thanks,
| Global Operations Controller Forum |
Hector: The key employees that Jeff has identified are senior specialists, with the exception of Will Kelly.
If you remember, these are the risk employees that I was concerned about when Steve Jackson tendered his letter of resignation.
Steve will be taking a similar role with a competitor, and it is not inconceivable that he might approach some Enron employees to join him and help ensure his success with his new employer.
We don't want this to happen.
Waiting until the end of November to implement an effective retention plan does not make sense.
Please call me tomorrow and let's talk about how we can jump start this.
| Retention plan for four managers |
Save the date!
October 22-24 has been reserved for the Enron-wide Operations Controller Forum to be held in Houston at the Warwick Hotel.
To accommodate the desired travel schedule of our attendees outside the Houston office, the forum will kick-off the evening of Sunday, October 22.
We will have a full day and evening on Monday, October 23, and the forum will conclude mid-afternoon on Tuesday, October 24.
Many key Enron players will join us for portions of the forum.
Speakers confirmed to date are Jeff Skilling, Rick Causey, Ted Murphy and Bill Bradford.
Details will follow in the next few days.
All hotel accommodations will be arranged by Patti and charges for these will be absorbed by my cost center.
Please make your own airline reservations.
I look forward to seeing you at the forum.
This will be a unique opportunity to get know your counterparts from the wholesale, retail, and broadband segments of Enron, with contingents from the U.S., Canada, England, Australia, and Japan.
| Global Operations Controller Forum |
It is with regret that I have accepted Steve Jackson's letter of resignation from Enron.
Steve has made a choice to leave Enron and to join another company in the industry.
I know that you will join me in thanking him for his many years of service to Enron and the contributions that he has made.
His risk expertise and his knowledge of ENA transactions will be missed, as will his leadership on the gas team.
Although Steve's official last day with the company is in two weeks, today is his last day in the office.
He will be available by phone over the next two weeks if there are questions that you may have on any open items that you were covering with Steve.
Patti has his home number if you need that.
We will also plan a happy hour for Steve and we will let you know when and where that will take place.
Effective tomorrow, Jeff Gossett will assume leadership of the gas risk group, reporting to me.
Jeff will join Bob Hall and Leslie Reeves as business controllers for Natural Gas, to continue to work together to provide leadership for the processes, controls, people and systems that support all aspects of this key business for North America.
Please join me in congratulating Jeff on his new responsibilities.
| ENA Personnel Changes |
While recruiting on campus recently I became aware that a decision was made at the Program level to not interview this fall for 2001 summer interns.
In talking with students and faculty at The University of Texas and University of Oklahoma, it became clear that there is concern over the feasibility of an internship with Enron, as other top firms will be recruiting this fall for summer 2001 interns.
I have communicated my concerns to Lexi Elliott and her manager, Shelley Jones, and was told by both that the decision to delay interviews for summer interns was made at a Program level based on Enron's staffing.
When I asked about the competitive data available regarding the practice of other firms on summer intern interviews, I was even more concerned to discover that neither Lexi nor Shelley had that data.
It would seem critical to know what the competition is doing in terms of summer intern interview schedules in order to understand the risk that could be created for Enron by not interviewing this fall for these important feeder positions for our Analyst and Associates programs.
I have had conversations over the last two weeks with Lexi and Shelley, with no resolution.
When they could not provide the competitive data to either confirm or eliminate my concerns, I volunteered to have James Scribner, a Senior Director on my team, obtain this market information.
Lexi and Shelley either did not have the time to gather this data, or were not sure how to do so.
They were pleased to have some help in getting our hands on this critical information.
I now have information at hand with regard to firms that will be recruiting at UT and OU this fall for summer intern positions.
And based on this information, I believe that Enron is at risk for not hiring top students as interns for the summer of 2001 if we do not interview for these positions this fall.
While my research only touches on two of the schools at which Enron recruits, I want to raise concern over this as a potential problem at many, if not all campuses that we have targeted for recruiting.
As administrators of the program, you rely on the involvement of senior members of the company to carry the Enron message to campus.
I believe that we also have an obligation to make this a two-way messaging system.
I strongly believe that we must address this potential risk for Enron extremely quickly, as teams will be on campuses across the country to conduct interviews in a matter of days.
I suspect that many Enron participants in the recruiting process are unaware of the Program's decision regarding the timing of interviews for summer internships.
In working with Rick Causey and Mike McConnell, executive sponsors for UT and OU, respectively, they are as concerned as I about the decision on interviewing summer interns.
I have copied both of them on this note to the two of you.
Please let me know how this can be resolved.
With the help of James Scribner and others, we have already compiled a list of students at UT and OU that should be targeted for summer internships.
I will offer as much of my time as is feasible to work with staff members of the Program to devise creative ways to turn this around.
| Hiring Practices for Summer Interns |
I will be recruiting at Wellsley College for the Analyst Program on Thursday, September 28.
I will fly back from Boston on Friday, September 29 and I should be back in the office between 11:30 and 12:00.
My assistant, Patti Thompson (x39106) has numbers where I can be reached.
While I am out of the office, the following persons will serve as key contacts: Gas Operations Bob Hall x36956 Leslie Reeves x37962 Steve Jackson x37070 Power Operations Jenny Latham x33982 Leslie Reeves x37962 DPR Mike Moscoso x35242 MPR David Maxwell x36983
| Analyst Recruiting: Out of Office 9/28/00 |
Hope are things in London?
I have seen Beth Apollo at two meetings in Texas recently, one in Dallas and one in San Antonio.
We have been making the Texas circuit -- not quite as exciting as your travels.
| Stephanie is coming to Houson! |
I can never tell from these things what they are asking to be approved.
Since Gregory's address looks as if he is at Corp., just let me know who he is and what I am being asked to approve.
Please reply with history attached.
| Your approval please |
Fernley: I think that you are right about easy access to the standards.
In fact, at the Global Operations Controllers gathering in Houston in October, we are going to roll out a website created for Global Risk Operations.
The global standards will be one of the items included, as well as contact lists for Operations Controllers worldwide, calendars for all Enron offices worldwide, a "what time is it there if I am here" page, etc.
I would like for this to be introduced at the offsite as surprise (just a little bang out of the announcement) , so I would appreciate your not sharing this plan widely at this point.
However, I thought that I would let you know so that we would not duplicate any efforts.
| Further note on access of operating standards |
Invitations have been mailed to all VP's and above for the annual Enron Management Conference to be held at the Hyatt Hill Country in San Antonio November 15-17.
Hopefully, you have received your invitation (more to save the date than to provide any detail at this point).
If you have not received your invitation, please let me know.
| Enron Management Conference |
It was good to see you in Norman earlier this week.
As always, I appreciated your attendance at the presentation and at Coach's afterwards.
I am sure that it is rewarding for you to see former students such as Jody and Nate participating on the other side of the recruiting table.
You have done a great job in changing and promoting the program.
I am pushing Lexi to resolve the question around interview dates for summer interns ASAP.
I have also left Mike McConnell a message to make him aware of the issue.
I should be able to get back with you next week, hopefully with a change in our strategy!
If you do become aware of five OU /Texas tickets, please let me know.
We will certainly purchase them, I just made the assumption that all tickets may already be sold.
On another note, David has worn his OU shirt to work and has gotten lots of compliments.
He has a number of people that have asked him about school shirts, caps, etc.
Do you have a list of the schools that you can get merchandise for and the types of merchandise that you can get?
Let me know
| Oklahoma Trip |
Please put this on my calendar.
I don't know if I will make it there, but I would like for it to be on my calendar.
| Enron All-Employee Meeting Notice |
I updated that systems matrix recently, in preparation for our much rescheduled meeting with AA on risk controls.
That is on my calendar for Friday morning this week, so I will bring copies with me to that meeting.
I have been publishing an ENA operations report monthly since June.
To date, I have been reviewing it with Dave Delainey, fine-tuning each month the types of information and format that he likes.
I will bring you a copy tomorrow and would like your input on content and format as well.
With the recent reorganization, I am working with EGM and EIM to create the same report.
After we have mastered that here in Houston over the next month or so, I plan to share the format with London so that all of our wholesale businesses can use the same format.
In addition to these monthly operating reports, we are working on a daily report to be operational by the end of the fourth quarter that will track compliance with our fundamental operating standards.
We are in the phase of determining the source of reporting (systematic or manual) and the frequency of reporting (daily, weekly, monthly) for all commodities and locations against the operating standards.
As we get this to a first draft stage, I will share this with you, as well as the timeline for full implementation.
| Global Systems Matrix |
This approval request is incomplete - it does not include the name of this employee's manager.
I do not know the employee, and without the name of the manager I can't possibly approve this.
Please get someone to complete this request.
| Your approval is requested |
I am not trying to twist any arms with this question, but is there anything we can do so that Jody can make the presentation at OU?
Since he was the top graduate from the Energy Management Program at OU, it would be great for him to be at the presentation next Tuesday night.
I know that recruiting events can be a drain on staffing, but it is also time well spent.
I do know that Jody is in a role that has real day-to-day commitments, so if there is not a feasible way to have someone calc a book for him I will understand.
I just wanted you to take a look at this.
| Recruiting |
I have asked ENA's Compensation team within HR to conduct a compensation study for me for all positions from Manager level through Vice President.
This analysis will include employees who are dedicated to ENA, EIM and EGM.
It had been the plan to complete our compensation analysis by focusing on the Manager level and above, following the market analysis for Senior Specialists and below that was completed by Yvonne Land.
I learned recently that Yvonne has left the Company and that she had not begun the analysis for Managers and above.
Todd Burke, who recently joined Enron, will be conducting the market survey and compensation analysis.
I met with Todd recently.
He has had wonderful experience with Towers Perin and Watson Wyatt, and I feel that we are fortunate to have him devoted to this project.
Please give sufficient thought and attention to requests from Todd.
The quality and timeliness of your responses will directly impact the quality and timeliness of the analysis that I will receive from Todd.
I think that you should each have a vested interest in the success of this project!
Todd also plans to resurvey market information for Senior Specialists and below so that his view of compensation will be complete and timely for all of Energy Operations.
Since we recently took action on compensation levels for key players at the Senior Specialist level and below, I would not anticipate further adjustments for those levels as a result of Todd's review.
You should receive a message from Todd in the next day or so in which he will detail steps in the compensation analysis and what your role will be.
| Compensation Analysis |
Great job on discussing status and next steps with the group this afternoon on OPM.
The presentation and your comments were direct and concise.
And your delivery of the information was very well done -- you were poised,
| OPM Presentation |
I heard today that Curtis Smith has resigned.
I am sure that both ot you know that Curtis and Jeremy Wong were viewed by users as critical resources for ERMS support.
Even at a stand still, my team had great concern over the rumored loss of Curtis and/or Jeremy.
And with the assumption that Sitara will not go forward for valuation, then ERMS really has become repositioned as one of our key, strategic systems.
There is much to do to "catch up", if you will, with changes and enhancements that were put on hold for several years during the Sitara development stage.
And our business continues to grow and change rapidly, requiring responsive enhancements on an on-going basis.
I would like to get together to discuss the staffing plan for support of ERMS as soon as possible.
We need to understand how day-to-day production support will be managed and how development work will be effectively handled.
I will ask my assistant to set up a meeting as soon as possible.
| ERMS Resources |
Here are the home games when Meagan will be dancing in the half-time routine: Friday, September 15 7:00 pm Saturday, October 14 7:00 pm Friday, October 20 7:00 pm (homecoming) There is a chance that she could be added to two other home games if alternates are needed.
Nothing definitive on that, of course.
She did get put into a routine last year as an alternate, but you never know.
We would love for you to come for a visit this fall, and it would be fun if it would work around one of these games.
I have also given this schedule to Cindy, as she and Brigeda were interested in making it to a game.
I am headed to Dallas early tomorrow morning.
Patti has sent you a copy of my itinerary.
| Bearkadette Schedule |
I will be in Dallas from Tuesday, August 29 through Thursday, August 31 at an offsite session hosted by Rick Causey to review the SAP implementation and next steps.
The linkage of Unify and our Global Databases to SAP is a critical one, and decisions around next steps can impact these operating systems and our processes.
Therefore, Rick has asked that I attend.
Patti Thompson, my assistant (x39106), has telephone numbers where I can be reached if needed.
In my absence, please contact the following persons in Houston with questions.
Peggy Hedstrom is the appropriate contact in Calgary.
Natural Gas Operations Steve Jackson x37070 Power Operations Stacey White x31870 DPR Mike Moscoso x35242 MPR David Maxwell x36983 I will be back in the office on Friday, September 1.
| Out of Office August 29-31 - Key Contacts |
RSVP: Yes, I will attend.
I will arrive in San Antonio in time for the dinner on Tuesday evening.
Count me out for golf on Wednesday - I don't think they would want me to play!
Breakout Sessions: SAP Reporting Issues Analyst/Associates Program (I will be glad to participate in any of the sessions, if there are needs to move anyone around) Top 4 Objectives for Accounting Group: Streamline close process (from a Non-Accountant!!)
Implement data warehouse for flexible reporting Increase visible participation in Analyst and Associate recruiting and rotations Asssure efficient service from COE (or its replacement), providing timely, creative solutions and an extremely high degree of excellence Dietary/Special Needs: Something chocolate for dessert!!
| Info for Accounting Offsite |
In cleaning up e:mails, I can across this one from Sheila.
Is this one of the corrections that was made to the June information?
Any update on July?
| June Operating Report |
The Enron-wide PRC meeting to review the mid-year performance for all Vice Presidents has been rescheduled several times.
Currently, this meeting is set for September 11 and 12.
Per David Oxley, performance reviews for Vice Presidents should be conducted after this PRC process is completed.
Assuming that the meeting takes place as now planned in September, I will schedule your reviews sometime after September 12.
(Bob, I will assume that your review will be given by Rock, but I will keep you informed on this process along with Peggy and Brent.)
On another note, Enron hosts an annual management conference each year for Vice President level and above.
You should all receive invitations to this event.
In recent years, it has been held in San Antonio.
I do not know the location for this year, but I do have the dates for you to hold on your calendars: November 15-17.
Let me know if you have any questions on either one of these.
| VP PRC |
I received the note about the Wellesley recruiting team meeting on Thursday.
I will look forward to seeing you there.
Will you be in Dallas next week for the ASE?
I will be there.
I did let Melissa know when the dates were announced that I will quietly slip out about mid afternoon on Thursday.
Amanda's school open house is Thursday at 7:00, and parents will follow their children's schedules and meet all of the teachers.
With this being Amanda's first year in junior high, it is important for me to meet the teachers and understand their expectations so that I can best support her in school.
Mary Solmonson and Brent from my team will be there for the duration.
I look forward to seeing you there, too!
| Wellesley and ASE meetings |
Beth Perlman tells me that you are in charge on this system.
It does not work.
I thought that this was going to be corrected last week.
I am confused about why we are using a system that does not work.
I understand that there are bugs in the system.
Was the system tested before being put into production?
I tried to reach you by phone.
You were unavailable and I could not leave a voice mail because that was full.
I talked with Torey Hayden and verbally okayed the access for Bob Hall.
Please call me and let me know when the system will be working correctly and how you are going to manage these approvals in the interim while the system is not functioning.
You might at least put a contact name and number on these things if you are going to continue to send these out before the system is fixed.
My number is 35926.
I look forward to hearing from you on solutions and timing.
| Request Submitted: Access Request for [email protected] |
I met with Karen Marshall today.
She is in the Community Relations group and is organizing the dinner on September 7th.
I suggested that she add to the invitation list the other interviewers this year for the scholarships (Roger Ondreko and Gene Humphrey), Brent Price and Loftis Fitzwater (one of last year's scholarhip recepients who started with us as an Associate this summer).
I have also volunteered to coordinate with the University on appropriate attendees, as some of Karen's info is dated and she does not know people at the school.
I will keep you posted.
| Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner |
Please print the attachment for me in color ( I have to put that burnt orange on my bulletin board), put this event on my calendar and research flight information for me.
I would fly over on the afternoon of the 7th and back on the morning of the 8th.
Check with Karen to see if she is handling hotel reservations, or if we should make those.
| Add to Calendar-Enron MBA Excellence Fund Scholars Dinner |
This was sent for my approval.
The manager listed below does not work in Energy Operations.
This should be sent to someone else for approval.
| Your approval is requested |
If you absolutely can not find enough of the right players to go on the cruise, let me know.
My husband is scheduled for a baseball game on Wednesday night.
If I could find some Diamond level tickets for another day for him, he might consider giving up his tickets for Wednesday night.
This is a last resort sort of measure, however, so I hope that you find success in response from others.
But do let me know...
| If you are stuck... |
I am resending this memo regarding the information that I need from you as Cheryl Ingstad's supervisor as I prepare to represent her in the Associates PRC meeting next week.
I am tied up in other PRC meetings on December 7, 8 and 11, so I am doing my homework earlier rather than later this week.
Please note the bullet points in the memo below which outline the information that I need.
I do have copies of the internal feedback forms and Cheryl's self-evaluation.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I know that things are very busy right now, but it is important to the Associates that their reps in the PRC process are well prepared.
Your input will help me with that.
| I Need Your Info on Cheryl Ingstad for Year End Associate PRC Meeting |
Sorry that I missed you this morning.
I attended that last Financial Council meeting on SAP this morning just prior to my lunch meeting with Mark Frevert and Rick Causey.
Nothing substantial came up on Helsinki, so it was fine that we didn't get to talk today.
I had wanted to be prepared on how to address out current activities there.
So I can get an update on that when we talk tomorrow.
I have a meeting on the analyst and associates program from 9:00 to 10:00 tomorrow.
I will call you around 10:00 when I get back from that meeting.
| Phone Call |
As we said before, I would like to be able to utilize Todd Hall for special projects from time to time.
I had mentioned to Mike Jordan that once Todd completed his CommodityLogic role that I thought that we could take some of his time to follow up on Continental Power issues, which could fit nicely with some work he could do on Weather in Europe.
I don't know about the one month timeframe.
I would prefer that Todd review the initiatives and determine the best way to proceed.
It might mean a couple of weeks over there for starters, and then a follow up, shorter trip a few weeks later.
I don't think that Todd is keen on any elongated stays in Europe, particularly without the family.
Can we still use Todd ?
| Todd Hall |
Cathy: slight wording change from Rick Causey: add words at beginning of third sentence in italics and drop the phrase "on accounting issues and reporting earnings" at the end of that third sentence.
Clear as mud?
| Incorporating comments from Rick Causey |
Rick: This is a draft of the language to be used in a McConnell/Shankman memo to go out on their new organization.
I worked with Mike on the language for this paragraph.
Any comments or suggested changes?
Mike would like to send this out ASAP, ideally this afternoon.
Thanks for taking a look.
draft Brent Price will be joining Enron Global Markets as Vice President of Operations and Chief Accounting Officer.
He will report to the EGM Office of the Chairman, and to Sally Beck, Vice President of Global Risk Management Operations.
He will coordinate with Rick Causey, Executive Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer for Enron Corp., on accounting issues and reporting earnings.
Reporting to Brent in his new position will be Sheila Glover, business controller for Global Financial Products; Todd Hall, business controller for Weather; and Scott Earnest, business controller for Global Products and Coal.
In addition, Tom Myers has joined Brent's management team as Director of Accounting.
Brent and his team are responsible for all accounting, risk reporting and trading operations for all the businesses within EGM.
| Language in McConnell's memo on Global Markets |
I have been able to move up the meeting with Mark Frevert regarding responsibility for operations for ENA, EGM and EEL to Thursday, August 17 instead of August 28.
I will keep you posted.
I met with Brent's direct reports yesterday afternoon and announced Brent's new role.
I will have three persons leading the natural gas team: Steve Jackson, Leslie Reeves and Bob Hall.
I am confident that this will work well.
| Meeting with Frevert on Wholesale Operations |
FYI: Rick agreed with the attached note that I sent him.
By voice mail, I suggested Ted Murphy as a substitute for Rick Buy for the meeting.
We are set for next Thursday, August 17 at 11:45 in Rick Causey's office over lunch.
I am meeting with Ted this afternoon to fill him in on the purpose of the meeting and to be certain that I have his support.
Rick Causey suggested citing some of the items in my memo to him when we get with Frevert.
Any words of wisdom or suggestions for the meeting?
Hope that everything is fun and relaxing in Maine.
| Meeting with Mark Frevert - Should We Move It Up? |
The employee for whom access if requested is not an employee of Energy Operations.
I would assume that with his supervisor listed as Ed Baughman, that he is in a commercial origination group.
Someone else should be reviewing and approving this.
| Your approval is requested |
Not surprisingly, the organization is moving faster than Rick Buy's vacation schedule.
Our meeting is set with Mark Frevert, Rick Buy, you and me on August 28 -- two weeks from next Monday, dictated by Rick Buy's schedule.
| Meeting with Mark Frevert - Should We Move It Up? |
Subsets and Splits