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To all: The current model is discounting the financial contracts improperly.
The financial contracts based on a contract month is being discounted an extra 50 days on average.
We are currently working on a process to correct the model by next month.
Please call me or Chris Abel if you have questions.
| ERMS Discount Memo as of May 25, 2001 |
The attached list of Action Items will be reviewed for progress within the next couple of weeks.
Please keep in mind, this memo should be kept confidential.
Thank you,
| Action Items for Offsite |
Below is a quick follow up to some of the things I mentioned I'd check out at our last meeting.
Please let me know how I can be of assistance with your efforts.
Contributions The contributions from last year that I mentioned at the meeting turned out to be inclusive of Enron Corp., individual and matching funds.
Weather I had a chance to talk with our folks from the Weather Group.
The information regarding Oklahoma that I told you I'd look into actually ended up being a center for Weather Research that was being sponsored by Williams not our weather group.
Scholarship There are a couple of different scholarship and fundraising initiatives underway that are being driven by Enron employees and alumni of the individual universities employed here.
They take advantage of matching funds and are administered by employees here with some assistance by Community Relations and University Affairs.
If you are interested in organizing an effort like this for Oklahoma, let me know and I can work with you on the details.
| Oklahoma follow up |
Hi Sally - I hear that the luncheon today was fun.
I'm sorry to have missed it!
Girls Inc. would love to have an Enron exec on their board and I wanted to see if that is something you are interested in doing.
If so, I can get you detailed information about the board commitment, etc.
Let me know what you think.
I'm working from home tomorrow (Wed.), but I am checking both voice mail and e-mail.
Feel free to call me here, also - 713-524-2555.
Thanks again for attending the lunch today.
| Girls Inc. |
Sally, Just wanted to confirm tomorrow evening dinner.
Are we still on?
Wanted to know your preference...where to meet.
I will be at the Hyatt Regency accross the street from Enron.
Looking forward to it... Geoffrey Mann CEO/President North America Viviance new education, Inc. 225 Lafayette Street, Suite 906 New York, New York 10012
| Thursday Dinner |
As I look back on the ten months that I have been the Business Controller for EIM and challenged to build the mid and back office infrastructure, the most significant accomplishments are: Systems - Tactical systems have been implemented to bridge the business while strategic systems are developed.
Financial and physical confirmations (with the exception of Lumber) have been predominantly automated.
Financial settlements has been automated.
Implemented modified versions of LISA to handle physical movements and settlements.
Bridges have been built to SAP and Credit Aggregation systems.
People - Ten months ago, the mid and back office had three employees, with the remaining efforts supported by Global Markets.
Today, we have an enthusiastic, energetic team of 41 employees.
The team includes our London office also.
We continue to recruit for additional positions.
Processes and Controls - Many processes and controls have been developed to ensure accurate and timely reporting of P&L and positions, confirmations and settlements.
Some of these tools include: Pulp and Paper Deal Ticket (Access Database) - Ten months ago, deal tickets were generated through an Excel template and no master copy or controls were in place.
Today, traders, Risk, Confirms, Settlements, Credit, Logistics, etc.
can view the deal tickets in a controlled and timely manner.
LISA/TAGG Reconciliation (Access Database) - When the onset of physical business and the implementation of LISA systems, physical transactions for all commodities (except lumber) are entered into 2 systems - LISA and TAGG.
This tool provides a reconciliation tool that allows the Risk system and the logistics/settlements systems to stay in sync.
Trader Training Tools - Two different presentations have been developed and presented to the EIM trading community to help the traders (mostly new to Enron) understand the roles and responsibilities of traders, segregation of duties and the processes within Commercial Support functions such as Credit, Tax, Legal, Operations, Logistics, etc.
Sally, I hope this will give the flavor of the focused efforts.
Additionally, as I have had a few hours to reflect on our conversation, I would like to follow-up with an additional meeting.
I need just a bit more clarity around the EIM role, but more so, I want to move forward to discuss the new role and in your view, how I can still accomplish the successes that coincide with my personal goals.
If you have time tomorrow afternonn, I would really appreciate 30 minutes.
Thanks for your support.
It means alot to me.
| EIM Accomplishments |
Steve, Leslie & Thresa, We really need to get conversations started on the objectives we / you have for utilizing VMS going forward.
I know up to this point we have been holding off waiting for the results of the East Market studies being done by Accenture.
VMS is currently in production at a level which configuration efforts can begin for the East Markets.
User Driven / Technology assistance not required: ?
User Training for project team ?
User / Customer Security Setup ?
Counter Party Profile Setup ?
Settlement Entity Profile Setup ?
Event Setup ?
Task Setup ?
Component Setup (Dependant on Interface Information available for East markets see below) ?
Equation Setup (Dependant on Interface Information available for East markets see below) System development which will need to occur specific to East: (Resource constraint) User Driven / Technology assistance required: ?
PMI Interface Requirement / Development ?
Meter Interface Requirement / Development ?
Schedule Interface Requirement / Development ?
Special Screens / Reports not already available within VMS System Implementation which will need to occur: (Resource constraint) User Driven / Technology assistance required: ?
Final Testing and Implementation of Calculation Engine Optimization ?
Testing and Implementation of Exception Handling, Disputing & Allocation ?
Testing and Implementation of Deal-upload to EnPower In addition, we also need to make some decision rather quickly on the Razorfish Relationship with Enron for the remainder of the year.
The current SOW (Statement of Work) expires at the end of this month.
If we are going to keep them involved, we need to make sure that we have something in place prior to this one expiring.
Can we please schedule a conference call for tomorrow (6/8/2001) to discuss these items?
If tomorrow is not possible, please provide me with your preferred date and time.
I would really like to get this going prior to Wednesday next week.
We are rapidly approaching critical milestones for moving forward.
Please let me know your availability.
Thanks - MO
| Razorfish Contracts |
All: attached is the summary of issues for 06/05/01.
Due to the inclimate weather in Sugarland I was not able to issue the report on time.
Sorry for the delay.
| Log as of 06/05/01 |
Just a reminder that the EGM weekly staff meeting will take place on Monday, June 11th, from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m., in video conference room EB 32C2.
The staff meetings will continue on a weekly basis on every Monday at the same time and location unless notified otherwise.
Please let me know if you are unable to attend.
Thank you.
Cathy Phillips X-36898
| EGM Weekly Staff Meeting - Reminder |
The Operational Analysis review is scheduled to begin the week of June 11, 2001 and is expected to take approximately six weeks to complete.
The audit will be executed by Arthur Andersen and Enron Assurance Services and led by Gillian Boyer and Juan Camarillo.
We will schedule an opening meeting with you the week of June 11, 2001 to discuss audit scope and any concerns or suggestions you may have.
The objective of the audit will be to determine whether procedures and controls exercised over activities are adequate and operating effectively.
Results of the audit will be discussed with you and other appropriate personnel both during the audit and at the audit closing meeting.
We will endeavor to conduct this audit in a manner that will minimize interruption of your normal business activities and we look forward to working with you and your personnel.
Please call me at x5-4554 if have any questions.
Mechelle Atwood Director, Enron Assurance Services Enron Wholesale Services
| Operational Analysis Audit Notification |
Tina, Attached is the Global Risk Management Operations Update for the Philippe and Greg Weekly Report, for the week ending June 6.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
| Global Risk Management Operations Weekly Operating Report |
Over the last several months, the CommodityLogic team has designed, built, and beta-tested a number of "modules" to create EnronOnline-type capabilities for the mid and back-office.
By combining these web-based solutions with the back-office commercialization effort, Enron can now offer its clients a complete suite of operational services unique in the industry.
Many of you have also created important pieces in this puzzle, and all of you have valuable client relationships.
We'd like to put all of these elements together.
Please join our team for a demonstration of the CommodityLogic modules and a discussion on strategy next Thursday, June 14, 2:30 to 3:30, 49C1.
If I have excluded anyone from the invitation list that you feel should attend, please let me know.
Looking forward to seeing you next week.
All the best,
| CommodityLogic, Back-Office Commercialization and You |
Hi, I just came across following discussion on Economics that provides an interesting insight.
Economic philosophies explained in terms of two cows: Socialism - You have two cows.
You give one to your neighbor.
Communism - You have two cows.
The government takes both and gives you milk.
Fascism - You have two cows.
The government takes them both and sells you the milk.
Capitalism - You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Bureaucracy - You have two cows.
The government takes them both, shoots one, milks the other, pays you for the milk , then pours it down the drain.
Corporate - You have two cows.
You downsize one, then require the other one to produce the milk of four cows, then act surprised when it falls dead.
Democracy - You have two cows.
You are taxed to the point where you have to sell them both so that the government can support a man in a foreign country who has one cow, which was a gift from your country.
Hope you enjoyed.
Inja Chun
| To lighten up your day, |
Recent Hires, Don't miss the opportunity to learn about: ?
What success looks like at Enron ?
What it means to be a good cultural fit at Enron ?
What resources are available for you to use to enhance your job performance ?
What is the PRC process at Enron Join us this Tuesday, June 12th from 11:45 AM to 2 PM @ EB49C1.
An open Q&A session will occur during the last hour of the presentation.
Lunch will not be served.
You may bring your own lunch if you would like.
| New Hire Focus Series |
Guys, given our continued need to be crisp and clear on our work product and a clear view to increasing efficiencies, particularily in the back and mid office, I think it would be a good exercise to clearly map out roles and responsibilities between ENW and the EES Services Group in some amount of detail.
Dan will take the lead in this activity.
I would hope that we could have this mapped out fairly quickly without a great deal of internal time.
Thanks for all the hard work.
| Roles and Responsibilities |
Mike & Sally, Below is the information that we received on the project.
I am still waiting on a cost center from EES for the expense portions to settle to.
Look over this information and let me know if you still want to meet to go over this.
This is the EES project, which is set up on EES to capture the capital portion of the project costs.
The expense portion should settle to an EES cost center.
The project set up shown below is the Networks project, which I set up, but have not yet released.
Only Release 1 is shown below.
There are three releases set up, but only the first one will be released at this time.
All three releases or phases will look like the other phases.
As you can see below, the capital parts of the project (Solution Definition, Design & Build, and Implementation & Testing) are set up with three basic WBS elements.
These elements as described below will settle to the EES project as follows.
Project Coding on Networks Project Settles to EES Project WBS C.300000.01.SD.OU Rel 1 SD Outside Consultants Labor C.007730.22.01 Outside Professional C.300000.01.SD.EN Rel 1 SD Enron Labor C.007730.22.03 Enron Labor C.300000.01.SD.OE Rel 1 SD Other Expenditures C.007730.22.05 Other Expenditure C.300000.01.HW Hardware Purchases C.007730.24.01 Hardware C.300000.01.SW Software Purchases C.007730.24.02 Software This will allow the costs on the Networks project to be tracked in a manor that will support how the charges are settling to EES.
So if EES has any questions about the charges we should be able to pull up the detail very quickly.
The following items will settle to an EES cost center since they are expense related.
C.300000.01.PI.TR Rel 1 PI Training Dev & Delivery C.300000.01.PI.PI Rel 1 PI Post Implementation Support C.300000.01.PI.GA Rel 1 PI General & Administrative
| Genesys or now the Liberty Project |
Everyone: Thanks are due to you all who responded to our requests for data and committed resources.
I wanted to update you on where things stands as of now.
The data is being reviewed both internally and externally.
The form and substance of the data we have requested, the due diligence questionnaires, and Enron's previously produced forms of data are excellent proxies for the information that will be required from us when a specific bank is chosen to structure and execute the anticipated transaction.
However, I am certain that we will still require your commitment to providing updates, clarifications, and additions on a timely basis.
Please let us know as soon as possible what conflicts may arise with your schedules and obligations over the next month.
Again, thank you for your efforts thus far.
Please call me at extension 33139 if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
ENW EBS IT - Weekly Status Report (as of 10/26/01) Executive Summary : EnFiber: Real Estate Book requirements gathering and documentation is 100= % complete; obtained all approvals; development is 25% complete.
User acce= ptance testing for Scheduling Phase 1 is 85% complete; the implementation d= ate has been changed to 10/26 per user's request.
Waiting for final signof= f from Jim Terrell.
Successfully implemented FACT Release 1.2 on 10/15.
Co= mpleted development of IP and Local Loop options for Valuation and began QA= testing.
=20 PPCS/TRPS:=20 TRP demo by Dorado is well accepted by Enron audience.
The prototype is abl= e to fix the biggest problem in the current EBS bandwidth trading process -= - not able to show the actual hardware inventory of network elements in ord= er to make accurate port striping and cross connect.
Through their auto har= dware discovery device driver, switch inventory will be presented clearly t= o the users in a nice graphical layout, so provisioners don't have to spend= huge amount of time to maintain various IT systems to gather the knowledge= of bandwidth capacity allocation.
TRPS will gather information for both T= DM and IP.
Settlements (Saber): Users are approximately 50% complete with User Accept= ance Testing.
Users were successful in posting first invoices to SAP with = no errors.
A demo of the GUI for the Flash to Actuals reconciliation proce= ss is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 29.
Production Implementation will be mid=
| ENW EBS IT - Weekly Status Report (as of 10/26/01) |
Dear Sally, Here is the list of people who came in on Saturday.
None of us minded it, we all would like to do whatever we can to help.
Risk Controls (preparation of the DPR) Chris Abel Johnny (Kenneth) Thibodeaux John Allison Risk Analytics Tom Victorio Keith Considine Susan Trevino Merchant Assets Susie Ayala I was also here.
Best regards!
| list of people who came in on Saturday |
Here is the report we've put together summarizing headcount by function and business unit.
There are some changes from the figures Fin Ops had last week, mainly relating to EES (both 2001 forecast and 2002 Plan were off).
Brian will coordinate with Fin Ops to ensure they reflect the same figures that we now show.
There are two things that will be updated once we receive more information: 1) EES 2002 headcount will be increasing (Shelly Butler to provide as soon as they have it) 2) EBS forecast and plan headcount will be broken out by function - right now, we just have one number.
Call me if you have any questions.
| Energy Ops Headcount Report |
Sally, Attached is a very simplistic run rate analysis for Beth Perlman's group.
I'm surprised at how close it is once one time reconciling items are included.
Headcount for 2002 is pretty flat to September's.
Please let me know if you would like to discuss this.
| IT Development Spend Rate Analysis |
Sally, some thoughts/ideas that I thought about after your meeting.
Lets promote the positive - some very exciting things are happening such as the move to the new building, lets make sure we get the PR out there to talk about the new features, move in plans, etc.
I know security is tight but how about a mini open house.
At this point it would do us good to go beyond the "Building Guy".
I know I get excited whenever I'm over there.
Things like vendors in the lobby to push new technology etc.
I believe it's important to keep that almost "electric" atmosphere that surrounds the company.
Lets show our employees that our outside business relationships are as strong as ever and our vendors/business partners still view Enron as someone they are eager to continue doing business with.
I always get charged up when the lobby is full of activity.
Keeps the pulse of Enron at a high level.
Get some fun things out there, things the employees can purchase, electronic devices are always attractive.
Work out a decent discount to make it exciting.
Give it a holiday twist.
Even if it costs us a few bucks to make that happen might be worth it.
Make a push to host more industry meetings (GISB is one that I can help with).
Lets get our counterparties in here and let them know nothing has changed.
We can include mini tours of the new building to get the word back on the street about how we might be down but boy are we poised to grow, grow and grow some more.
I mentioned to you that I believe it's important for the Executive team to show up often to reassure our employees that yes there are real, caring people running this company.
Maybe some impromptu floor meetings to talk about recent events.
Let them feel like there is a real connection.
Make it personal and regular.
Thanks for listening, the sense from my group has been okay.
Lots of concerns but nobody running out the door at this point.
I'll keep you posted.
Bob Superty
| Suggestions to help short term morale |
Attached is the ERMS Discounting Memo as of 9/26/01.
Please note that the 9/26/2001 balance is based on the new method of calculating the discounting amount.
The changes that were made are as followed: Old method New method Physical contract 55 days 55 days Financial contract 55 days 5 days Financial calendar 55 days 38 days Please let me know if you have questions.
| ERMS Discounting Memo |
This message is brought to you by The Texas Exes.
If you have any comments or suggestions about it's content contact us at [email protected] .
Please do not respond to this e-mail using the "REPLY" function.
To UNSUBSCRIBE see instructions at the bottom.
| Sign up for the Texas Exes Career Network |
Here are the basic elements of the hub concept.
NCL, Inc. at will be the umbrella site.
Each chapter that participates will have a web site under this umbrella.
The name will be www.nationalcharityleague/ .
The chapters will be given a choice of 4 templates that will allow them to pick colors and graphics that they like.
Each chapter site will contain: 1.
A front page: a brief section about their chapter that can be reached by anyone searching for National Charity League.
This will be the only public area.
A password entry area that will be based on the chapter database or list of members that they want to have access to their site.
The password entry area will have an area that members can update their information (change of address, e-mail, etc.).
The password protected area will include: a.
A member listing with address, phone numbers, etc.
b. Philanthropies and schedules for activities c. Calendar d. Meeting Schedule (Patroness and Ticktocker) e. Newsletters f. Bylaws (searchable by keyword) g. Ticktocker Procedures (searchable by keyword) h. Standing Rules (searchable by keyword) i.
Hours (this will be a database collection area that each chapter member will be allowed to submit hours through.
The hours chair(s) will be able to ask for and get a report of all hours submitted.
The individual members will also be able to get a summary of their hours as well.
And finally, a chat area for chapter members.
The cost: A one-time site set-up fee of approximately $500 (this could be slightly more due to the uncertainty of additional information that chapters may want on their site) and a $69.95 per month web hosting fee.
I will train the chapter designated person on how to load their information onto the web area via a manual that I will prepare and at convention and phone calls.
Our service provider will handle technical support for non-NCL content related problems.
Once the templates are designed and tested, chapter sites could be ready for uploading within 2 weeks.
The template design and testing will be done over the next several months if there is sufficient commitment from chapters.
I'll pick a date of January 1, 2002 for chapter sites to be ready.
It could be sooner but I have to make sure that there are enough chapters interested before committing my time to this project.
I can't think of anything else on this subject.
NCL, Inc.
Secure Area Each President will be given a set of user names and passwords for her Board of Directors.
If they are not available for your meeting, I will send them to each Board President via mail as soon as they are available.
I am meeting with our hosting company next week and we will generate the ids and passwords then.
The NCL, Inc.
Secure area will have a directory, the National Reference Manual, NELLIE, Standard Form Bylaws and Ticktocker Procedures, a Calendar with meeting places and phone numbers, information on the chapters (including some names and numbers) and a variety of forms.
There may be other things as the need arises.
Target date: November 1, 2001. [email protected]
| National Web Hub info |
Greetings everyone- With a week and a half to go until our second session, I wanted to check in and ask you to begin thinking in your learning teams about how you want to share the information you have been gathering with the larger group.
On Friday, Nov 2, each team will be allocated 30 minutes to report on what you have learned, followed by 15 minutes of plenary Q&A/discussion.
I encourage each team to be as creative as possible in your report-outs.
Keep in mind that most adults learn best experientially versus through straight information download.
Thus, if you can find a way to invite the larger group to sample the learning experience that you had, these sessions will be all the more effective AND enjoyable.
As an example, you could select two or three key moments -- from a meeting, interview or learning journey -- and
| CHF Learning Teams and Session II |
Torrey - attached is a listing of top financial counterparties in alphabetical order.
My understanding of the data you are providing to Brad Richter is that it will be based only on EOL data.
If you need me to provide non-EOL data please call me.
If you have further questions, please let me know.
I can be reached on ext.
| Top Financial Trading Counterparties |
Sally, As per our phone conversation, here is a proposed plan for sizing the opportunity.
I will try to set up some time on your calendar later this week to discuss.
I am copying Greg as well.
Hope you have a good trip.
| Sizing the Back-Office Outsourcing Opportunity |
Hi Ladies, I hope the meeting on Saturday was interesting and informative for you.
Ginger was concerned that so many people left at noon when it was supposed to last until 1 pm, but I think we pretty much covered everything.
In the notes I saw that it says "Awards, Yellow Rose Petal, 25 hours over the minimum.
This is a new award."
I just want to clarify that it is an award that our chapter asked for and is not a nation wide award.
If you want to have it, your chapter will have to request it from National.
[email protected]
| Yellow Rose Petal award |
Dear Ms. Beck and Ms. Apollo, It was a sincere pleasure to meet with you yesterday.
The information I learned during the interview served to confirm the feelings I have always had about Enron.
Unfortunately I received the disappointing news that Enron was not pursuing employment possibilities with me further.
I feel strongly that Enron and its products and services have an exciting growth ahead, and I definitely would like to be considered for opportunities available in the future.
Again, I appreciate your time and consideration, and hope to hear from you in the near future.
| Yesterday interview |
Attached is a summary report of the EWS tactical (revenue driven) and strategic (educational) visits to Enron supported by experience ENRON in third quarter 2001.
At experience ENRON, our goal is to support the EWS deal development teams by creating powerful Enron experiences that result in greater favorability and familiarity of Enron while differentiating us from the competition.
Our role is to: Reduce time and labor costs associated with planning and execution of customer visits Coordinate BU subject matter experts (SME's) to tell the Enron story, i.e.
EOL, trading, etc.
Customize agendas aligned with Enron and customer objectives Shorten sales cycles We are here to support your team in reaching your goals.
Please call with questions or changes.
| EWS Q3 2001 experience ENRON Report |
Sally- I made a mistake in saying that we would have the London report ready for your review today.
We are not currently keeping a cash collections report on the London cash receipts to the detail that we are here in Houston and, therefore, have not been able to determine the "cash received" percentages for the month of September.
However, Pamela Lebrane of Project Sunrise has said that a report containing the required information will be available and easily accessable as a download from SAP by the end of October.
As a backup, the London office has agreed to maintain a side spreadsheet for the month of October which will keep track of all invoices due during the month and the timeliness of cash received.
Either way, we will make certain to provide an EGM consolidated report for the month of October.
I do apologize for the inconvenience.
Attached below is a revised version of our Houston report that we had provided on Friday.
I noticed that I had included invoices that were due in August as well.
A hard copy will be delivered to your office tomorrow.
| EGM Cash Collections Report |
After meeting with our ENW OTC this morning, Whalley has requested the following information: Total current IT asset balance before accumulated depreciation (including hardware, software, capitalized development).
Total current accumulated depreciation related to the above IT dollars.
Planned 2002 IT depreciation expense.
Please note, you should only be reflecting dollars for IT assets that are on your respective BU's books.
Planned '02 IT depreciation should just reflect depreciation expense from those assets.
IT assets on ENW's books will be picked up by ENW Fin Ops.
Depreciation recognized on ENW's books and then allocated to other BU's will be reflected as ENW depreciation and should NOT be reflected in any other BU for purposes of this analysis.
Whalley would like to see this information tomorrow.
Therefore, please let me know if your respective area cannot provide the information to me by noon tomorrow (10/16).
I'm at X3-5439 if you have any questions.
| Whalley Request - IT Asset & Depreciation Analysis |
Dear Clients, We would like to announce two changes to your HR Team.
Janet de la Paz will be transitioning out of our HR Team tomorrow to her new HR Team in Mergers and Acquisitions as their Sr.
Administrative Assistant.
Janet has been a key member of our team this past year by helping us with all of the important day to day details needed to serve all of our clients.
We ask you to join us in thanking Janet for all of her hard work and dedication this past year and to wish her continued success in her future endeavors.
Janet's contributions have been very valuable to us and we will miss working with her.
Our newest Team member, Karen Campos, will be joining us tomorrow as our new Sr.
Administrative Assistant.
Karen has been involved with the Enron International HR Team and joins us with valuable HR support experience to help all of us meet your service needs.
We will be bringing Karen by to meet you in the next few weeks and look forward to the new partnerships that she will form with all of our clients.
You will be able to reach Karen tomorrow at ext.
Thank you for your continued support.
| HR Team Changes |
Welcome to Enron Center South.
As you have probably already noticed, things look a little different here.
We wanted to orientate you to your new environment and inform you about the future technology coming on-line in the coming weeks.
Occupancy Guidebook To Enron Center South You will find this handy guide on your desk; it contains information concerning the enhanced printer environment, the new easy access keyboards and telephony procedures.
NEC Monitors The NEC monitors have an internal anti-glare screen to help reduce eye strain and eliminate the need to install an additional screen cover.
Additionally, an integrated speaker has been installed on one monitor for each desk.
Turret Users An "Alliance MX turret quick reference guide" has been placed on your desk; this includes important information about the new features such as "Caller ID" and "Voicemail Indication".
Increased Information Access There are approximately 65 NEC 50" Plasma screens installed on the 3rd floor.
While many of these will be displaying information designed for the specific unit, others will be displaying various television channels.
The audio to these television channels can be accessed via any of your telephony equipment.
Here's how: Ten audio channels have been set up for access from your either your Avaya telephone, Stentophon, or IPC Turret.
The channels have been defined on Page 15 of your Turret.
To access the audio from either your Avaya or Stentophon, simply dial the extensions shown in the table below: Channel Avaya Stentophon Weather Channel 12401 801 CNN Headlines News 12402 802 CNN Financial News 12403 803 CNN 12404 804 CNBC 12405 805 MSNBC 12406 806 Financial News Network 12407 807 Bloomberg 12408 808 Fox Sports 12409 809 ESPN1 12410 810 Wireless Telephony You may notice the cellular phone coverage is not consistent across the floor, and some areas have virtually no coverage at all.
We are implementing a multi-network "in-building" system to provide consistent high quality service for the campus, keeping you in touch while you are on the move.
Wireless LAN The infrastructure to support Wireless LAN technology is in place and is being tested.
We will be implementing multi level encryption and security to keep our intellectual property safe from eavesdroppers or hackers.
Amtel Replacement As a move to provide a more flexible "Plug n Play" environment and to help with the reduced desk footprint, we have replaced the Amtel message boxes with Microsoft Exchange Instant Messaging.
We are testing an additional software product to provide some of the features not available with Exchange Instant Messaging; these include one-touch response keys, external LED display, message logging and printing.
This system is being tested within the environment and will be available in the next few weeks.
Keeping an Open forum We will keep you informed of the changes and developments as the migration to the building continues, please feel free to respond with any comments, queries or suggestions to mailto:[email protected]
| Enron Center South Technology Watch |
As you may be aware, SAP system response time was slow during earlier this week.
As a result, SAP Financials, iBuyit, and iPayit applications were experiencing longer than normal response times on most transactions.
The Integrated Solutions Center (ISC) has been working diligently to address the root causes of this issue and has deployed a task force to address the following identified areas: Technical Issues (Infrastructure and Application related) Internal Process Improvements (Both within the ISC and in the User Community) Education of Business Users We have made significant improvements in the last few days and as a result currently running within normal response time.
We will continue to provide weekly status updates on our continued progress.
| SAP System Response Update |
Sally - We would like to begin tracking & measuring volumes transacted and settled in the retail business - by commodity.
Can we discuss how to get our arms around this and when we can begin to see weekly, monthly, quarterly data?
Thanks - Dan
| Retail Business Commodity Volumes |
Attached is a draft press release regarding the addition of EnronOnline Real Time Quotes to GlobalView Software's products and services.
It mirrors the Reuters release on the same topic.
Please make any additions, deletions or corrections and return to me by Monday, October 15 at 2:00 pm.
The expected release date remains undetermined, but should be sometime around mid-November.
If you have any questions, please call me at ext.
| DRAFT PRESS RELEASE: Global View and EnronOnline Real Time Quotes |
Sally, I know your are very busy and I also know you are always looking for good people.
Attached is a copy of a Resume for a person I have worked for in the past.
I have forwarded it on to HR also.
| Resume For A Person I have Known For Over 10 Years |
I want to move forward with scheduling the initial meeting of the Operational Risk Management task force.
How does Tuesday, October 16th and the afternoon of Thursday, October 18th look for everyone?
Please let me know your schedule for both of these dates.
Most of the task force members have been identified, with the exception of those from GRMO and IT.
Sally Beck will identify representatives from these two areas.
I would also expect that other individuals may be consulted from time to time as additional expertise or resources or required.
I intend to schedule a two-hour block of time for this meeting.
The agenda will include, at a minimum, the following topics: Definition of Operational Risk for Enron - What's in and What's Out Preliminary Goals for Operational Risk Management (to be refined by the group) Develop Common Language Identify Framework for Monitoring Risk Role of this task force - Strategy Set common objectives for implementation this year and a look forward to 2002 Current Initiatives Communications Plan Open Discussion - Other Ideas from the group - Suggestions re other groups/individuals to include on the task force I am excited about leading this initiative for Enron.
We have a unique opportunity to define operational risk measurement for Enron, develop reporting guidelines, and provide qualitative assessments of operational risk, all of which will be considered during the risk capital allocation process.
But most importantly, we can identify ways to mitigate Enron's exposure to operational risk.
Please call if you would like to discuss any of the above prior to the meeting.
| Operational Risk Management |
Based on the suggestion made in Sally Beck's last staff meeting, we have modified the Enron Reward Bucks program to include the recognition of Managers.
With regards to the process, you will continue to utilize the nomination form for Sr.
Specialist and below and follow the same criteria.
When ordering future debit cards, we recommend you include denominations of $150 and $200 to handle the additional recognition.
In the interim, when nominating a Manager, you can combine denominations to equal the amount you are interested in rewarding (for example; 1-$100 and 1-$50 card or 2-$100 cards).
We are not suggesting that you award at this amount, however it is available to use at your discretion.
The Enron Reward Bucks maximize at $200, where PBAs generally range from $200-$2000 though with committee approval can range higher.
These programs are intended to compliment each other and we encourage you to utilize them to recognize and reward your team.
We will continue to evaluate these programs and make changes as needed from both a business and employee perspective.
Please feel free to contact your HR representative if you have further questions on the programs or recommendations on how they can be improved.
Please share this with your staff.
| Enron Reward Bucks Modification |
Sally/Greg, I have been offered the opportunity by Giga (our IT research company) to have their head researcher come in to give an informal talk to our ENW leaders on what Giga see as major trends in IT in 2002.
I've accepted this offer and will have him present at our ENW staff meeting on 8th November.
I think it might be quite interesting, hope you do too.
| Giga Trend Talk |
Sally: I enjoyed the ENW presentation this morning, it looks like a great place to be.
I am on the UT campus recruiting team and I know a strong candidate that I feel would be a very good fit for an IT position in ENW.
He graduated this May and has been trying unsuccessfully for make contact with Enron recruiters for some time.
Could you possibly pass on this resume to an appropriate person in recruiting?
Thanks for the help.
| UT Candidate |
We have surpassed the Enron 2001 minimum commitment spend of $8,000,000 with EDS.
We would not have met our commitment without being creative and asking EDS to purchase $5,000,000 worth of flat screens for use in Enron Center South.
In 2002 we once again have an $8,000,000 "take or pay" commitment.
Currently, we have approximately $3,000,000 worth of 2002 EDS utilization commitments from various Enron business units.
Which means we will need another $5,000,000 worth of creative EDS spend in 2002.
After 2002 the Enron spend commitment to EDS is $5,000,000 per year with no set contract termination.
My understanding is that the way in which the original financing deal with EDS was booked deters us from ending our relationship with EDS.
Please find the details attached.
| EDS Billing |
As you are all aware, the latest Risk Management Policy specifically addresses Operational Risk, and more specifically commits Enron to develop systems and processes that enable Enron to better evaluate its operational risk.
To that end, I have asked Wanda Curry to lead a cross-functional team (the "Operational Risk Committee"), which will be jointly accountable for meeting this commitment.
I would like to have representatives from Enron Assurance Services, RAC, Research, Information Technology, GRMO and Arthur Anderson.
Enron's primary objective for monitoring its exposure to operational risk is to (a) identify the derivation of operational risk exposures and (b) improve the Company's systems and processes to mitigate such risk.
The guidelines for operational risk assessment are essentially undeveloped.
It will be our challenge to identify, assess, categorize, quantify and mitigate exposure to operational risk.
The risk capital allocation process includes the consideration of operational risk.
Initially, this assessment will be based on a qualitative view of the business unit's internal processes, people and systems.
The initial goal, for completion prior to year-end 2001, is to establish a baseline and/or report card to convey a sense for where we are now.
It is Enron's objective, as reflected in the Risk Management Policy, to increase the sophistication of risk measurement for operational risks through documented qualitative assessments and quantitative measurements.
A list of additional objectives to be addressed by the cross functional team has been prepared by Wanda.
These include: Develop a qualitative operational risk assessment approach and implement.
This approach should enable a quick review of key functions and standards to identify weaknesses, monitor progress over time, and provide management with a representation of operational risk.
Assess and improve integrity of daily risk reports, i.e.
require confirmation that all books are captured, aggregated and processed through RisktRAC, CreditAg, and Infinity applications Ascertain the extent of spreadsheet usage across Enron and develop the ability to monitor NOP, V@R, and MTM for spreadsheets separately, i.e.
a Spreadsheet DPR.
Work with GRMO to develop "rules of use" for financial valuation models and spreadsheet "books" Utilize the existing RMS database and develop the ability to monitor intercompany - interbook activity (initially for forward positions only) and report variances Recommend metrics for quantitative measurement of operational risk Access need for additional or improved risk databases Wanda will be contacting each of you to identify your designated operational risk contact that will participate on this cross-functional team.
| Operational Risk Management |
Sally / Bill / Shawn This is a quick note to let you know that as of Monday 1 October Enron Europe will be introducing a robust New Account Opening Policy for all trading counterparties.
The Operational Credit team will be responsible for ensuring the smooth roll-out of the policy and for ensuring compliance with it.
The salient points of the policy are that: traders will be more accountable for relevant Regulatory and internal compliance concerning their counterparties; money laundering checks will be completed for all new counterparties prior to trading; the Compliance Group will give sign off for all new counterparties prior to trading; RAC will give sign off for all new counterparties prior to trading.
These controls are already in place for the majority of Enron Europe's counterparties, however, the introduction of the Policy enables us to demonstrate this more effectively to the Regulators and to monitor compliance more easily.
I attach the policy below.
If you have any questions pls give me a call on +44 7783 5261.
Thanks - Sam
| Enron Europe New Account Opening Policy |
Sally, I was part of the employee breakfast this morning and thought it went well.
As an idea, my group (Laura Johnson) publishes the Enron Net Works News intranet site.
I know you've got an article out there already.
Would you like to use ENN as a forum for answering some of the questions or perhaps making a statement about "leadership"?
I'll be glad to send Laura your way and hold up the current publication so your message is timely to the troops.
Rich Hall
| Employee Breakfast - ENN Article? |
Jeff / Sally, Shona just informed me that I missed the Steering Comittee meeting yesterday....
I remember getting an e-mail from you (Jeff) announcing that they were going to happen and that we should prepare for them, ....but I don't remember getting an invite for an actual meeting.
I've been on vacation, and when I came back I could have easily deleted the invite by accident, in an attempt to quickly get through my two hundred e-mails, so if I did, I apologise for not attending!
Could you please let me know when the next would be and what the frequency would be going forward?
| Project Green Light steering comittee |
Everyone: Thanks for the data you have sent.
The initial analysis phase has been completed.
Towards reaching our ultimate objective we request October 2001 (actual) net A/R data rolled up to the corporate parent and November 2001 (estimated) net A/R data rolled up to the corporate parent.
Please send your files to me by noon Thursday, November 1.
On Thursday afternoon, Tim Proffitt and I would like to schedule meetings with someone from each group to review the data and confirm our understanding of the receivables cycle.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please call me as soon as possible.
Thank you for your help.
| net A/R data request |
Sally, Attached is the Contact List that was submitted to Tammie Schoppe yesterday at Louise's request.
I am going to add more detail (i.e, title, departments), as well as any changes that yourself and Bob Hall might suggest.
Thanks so much in helping us clarify what was needed.
| Contact List submitted to Tammie Schoppe |
Please find attached a revised invoice for EES.
Please let me know if you have any adjustments and I will correct prior to this afternoon's meeting.
| Revised EES Invoice |
Sally, I am currently working with Cindy Olson and Kelly Kimberly in the diversity area, of which Ken Lay has asked to put renewed emphasis on.
Mr. Lay participates in the Houston CEO Diversity Roundtable, which consist of 10 of Houston's largest corporations.
On October 16th Cindy, Kelly and I met with Gerald Smith of Smith Graham & Company, Robert Carter of The Enterprise Group and Willie Alexander of W.J.
Alexander & Associates as a follow-up to a recent meeting Mr. Lay and Cindy attended.
These gentlemen represent a coalition of 13 Houston relatively large minority professional services firms who are looking to bring additional value to Enron and expand their footprint in some of the larger Houston area companies.
According to Cindy, the goal is for Enron to be a pilot in utilizing some of these professional services firms.
My plan is to conduct due diligence on these organzations prior to making formal recommendations to the Management Committee.
| Follow-up from the Houston CEO Diversity Roundtable |
I would like you to both to make a concerted effort to host upcoming Houston GISB meetings and if possible lets see if we can do it in Enron Center South.
That would be great PR and also sends a signal to our partners that nothing here is different.
Let me know if we get one on the calendar, tks - Bob
| Trade meetings |
Attached is the format that Tim Proffitt's team would like to see the data presented in.
This is the information previously requested in Chris Heron's email yesterday and setting the Thursday noon deadline.
The file shown below is physical gas; their goal is to show the data at a business unit level by ultimate parent; then by operating company level by ultimate parent; i.e., ENA,EGM,EIM,; and then finally at an Enron corp level by ultimate parent.
If you have questions about file format please call me at extension 37962.
Thanks to all of you for your hard work.
| Format for receivables reporting |
As you both are aware (not publicly) we are 'right-sizing' again.
This will impact EBS's requirement for services from ENW.
We are finalizing the revised 2002 'look' and it's not pretty.
Confidentially, we will be significantly lower than the 440 we have at present.
As far as I predict right now we'll need the following: IT Development/Systems I've met with Inja and asked her to plan for 'minimal maintenance mode' - no development - by 1/1/02.
I've asked her to shoot for no higher than $2m - from $11.2m.
I realize this will involve potential periods of down-time and very thin coverage - unfortunately it's all we can afford.
Inga came back at $1.95m - wihout herself - however, we will need a strong leader - and I've asked her to look at anyway she can stay involved/manage what is going to be a lot of 'no, sorry can't do that' conversations.
This covers upkeep of EnFiber, NETS, EComms, Remedy, PPCS, Fact and all our DB requirements.
IT Infrastructure I've gave Jenny/Kerry a heads-up of around 300 folks for 2002 a couple of weeks ago - we will be lower.
Our space and IT requirements will be lower accordingly.
We will based out of Houston with a Shepherd warehouse.
No Europe/Asia support can be assumed.
We will also not require EOL.
Let me know what I get for 'not much to spend'.
Energy Ops Currently at $5m supporting 36 folks.
This will be trimmed to 17 folks.
We will also need a small Contract Admin support level from Pat W's team.
That's a heads-up.
Sorry it's such unpleasent news.
Let me know if I've missed anything.
| EBS's ENW 2002 Requirements - Private & Confidential |
Here are the notes from your four employee meetings and from the two Mark Frevert employee meetings.
Call me if you have any questions or comments.
| Notes from the 6 ENW Meetings |
Hi Sally, I know it's very early to be contacting you, but I hope that you will remember KPMG when you get to UBS and need help with systems integration/data mapping type work.
UBS was one of my clients when I lived in Switzerland and I was very involved with the implementation of a system called DACFA 2 which was used for global data pooling and consolidation.
I have actually re-initiated contact with people I know in UBS Corporate Audit in Zurich and will be providing them with general information concerning wholesale energy trading.
We would very much like to speak to you regarding your planned role in Netco and the direction you think the company will take.
Again, I realize that's it very early, but I know that you will continue to operate at Enron speed and if we wait it will be too late to help..... Best regards,
| UBS Systems Integration |
Ladies, Do to time restraints in presenting the prospective Provisionals to the Board prior to their invitations being issued and the Provisional Orientation, I need to change the Feb. Board meeting to Feb. 4th.
Lisa will send meeting reminders when the location is confirmed.
If any of you see any problems with this please contact me ASAP.
Please confirm you have received this.
| ncl board meeting |
Here is an updated version of the Energy Ops Overview (Total Budget/Headcount broken out by Business Unit) and the Headcount Report by Business Unit/Function.
We've verified these numbers with Fin Ops so everything should be in order.
Let me know if you have any questions.
| 2002 Budget Energy Ops Overview |
Sally- Just to keep you informed: OU Telephone Calls: Clay Shamblin - we spoke; he seemed very concerned.
He said that he had heard rumors of a 20% RIF in London Jennifer Reimer - we spoke; she appreciated the call and did not seem worried Dan Hyslop - left message for him Ryan Herron - left message for him UT Telephone Calls: Rachel Ravanzo - I spoke to her Thursday to extend her offer deadline to 11/15.
I reassured her at the time that the offer was secure Vivek Shah - left message for him Kruti Patel - we spoke; she seemed worried but was comforted by the call and even began asking questions about prospective business units for her first rotation Vinay Adenwala - left message for him Cathy Wang - left message for her Have a great weekend!
lexi 3-4585
| call status |
Attached for your information is ENW/EBS-IT staff and their skill set inventories along with relative ranking.
Many members are already spoken for by Anthony Dayao and those people are excluded from the list.
Also 16 others will be needed for supporting EBS systems and their information is provided for your future reference.
HR will be working with us to make a smooth transition.
If you should like to get to know them to fill your needs, please work with our HR to set up schedules to get to meet them.
If you need further information, please call me.
Thank you.
| EBS Staff Information & Transition |
Sally: Thanks for the call today and I look forward to our meeting to discuss the pending curve validation process enhancements with Andersen.
As requested, attached is the EWS status from Andersen.
Please call Mechelle or me if you have any questions Shawn
| EWS status |
Hi Sally, Attached is the first cut at average deal count and tenure information for EOL and non-EOL trading.
The only missing pieces at this point are European Metals and "Other", both of which we should have from London first thing in the morning.
I will send an updated file as soon as we have that information, and we wil be standing by tomorrow in case there are any revisions needed, or additional requests.
| Average Tenure and Deal Count Information |
All - Ramsey Soliman (PPA major) attended our Fantastic Friday October 25-27.
He received and has accepted a full-time offer with us.
The remaining 14 full-time candidates from UT will attend Fantastic Friday November 15-17.
Please e-mail Dolores Muzzy if you are interested in participating in any of the events during that weekend.
| Ramsey Soliman |
Hey Sally- This note got kicked back to me when I tried to send it to you yesterday, so hopefully it will make it through this time.
Thank you for your wonderful letter explaining your decision to stay and display "visible leadership" during this very difficult period.
I read an excerpt of it to the group, and everyone's hearts were with you.
You were greatly missed, but of course we all understood and supported your decision.
It was wonderful meeting you and I thank you for your wonderful contributions to the first session.
I hope once things stabilize a bit you'll have a chance to re-engage with the group.
| CHF Leadership Forum Actions Plans and Follow-up |
2002 YEAR-END VACATION CARRYOVER GUIDELINES I will be sending to you today hard copies of the vacation carry-over report for your business unit.
Please verify the accuracy of the 40 hours carry-over and sign the bottom of the page.
Additionally, if you have employees, who for business reason, need to carry-over more than 40 hours, please do the following: ?
Place the total number of hours over the 40 hours carry-over in the column entitled "additional carry-over amount approved" ?
Initial and provide business rationale.
If there is not enough space on the report, please provide your rationale under separate cover.
Please sign and date at the bottom of each sheet.
Approval for carryover in excess of 40 hours will need the approval of the Creditors Committee and Executive HR.
Please complete and return sheets to me by January 22, 2002.
The endorsed exceptions will be reviewed by the Bankruptcy Committee and Human Resources leadership from January 25-29, 2002.
We hope to post and reflect all approved carry-over vacation by January 31, 2002.
Please call if you have any questions.
I appreciate your support in this process.
Hector McLoughlin Ext.
| Vacation balance carryover |
Hi Sally, Attached is the approval letter from the National Council BOD for your chapter's logo product sales at the upcoming convention.
Please let me know if you have any questions after reading it.
Also, the 2002 National Convention Committee is contemplating allowing chapter logo product sales on Thursday, April 25, 2002, the day before convention.
A time for the sale hasn't been specified yet, but would probably coincide with convention registration and check-in.
I need to know ASAP if your chapter would be interested in doing this.
Take Care, Kathy Hoyt National Council Ways & Means VP - Wildflowers Approval Ltr.doc
| NCL - Wildflowers Chapter 2002 Convention Logo Product Sale |
I had IT run numbers of deals that go out past 2002.
Total = 6632 Buys= 3464 Sells= 3168 It will take some time to get alot beyond that info, but I think this gives a clear picture that there are a substantial number of deals going out long-term.
| Open Positions |
Hi Sally, At the Net Works All Employee Meeting, you displayed a deep understanding of Enron's business and business issues.
Would you be able to help me gain a similar mastery.
I don't know where to start looking.
Your time and understanding is appreciated.
| Understanding Enron's Business |
Sally, here is the list..... sorry it's a little later than the 4pm deadline....
I had to go bully some people to convince them to yield their contractors.
The top section is for those few we should retain, with short explanations in the comment field.
The 2nd section is the main set with end date.
At the bottom is the anticipated monthly burn rate saving.
This list does not contain the EGM/EIM contractors as Jeff Johnson was to send you his seperately.
Please let me know, when you want us to pull the trigger on the contractors....!
| Contractors |
Sally, Here is a first cut at our contractor cuts.
I am still working on the rates/monthly savings.
In most cases, I guessed.
I should have updated rates tomorrow.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
| Contractors |
Hi Sally, Please send me any documents that were worked on over the weekend.
I have the consolidated IT spreadheet.
I don't have any others.
| Documents |
As discussed in our meeting on Monday, Net Works will be conducting a year-end talent review to identify the top 15% of its employees.
In order to prepare for this meeting, please refer to the attached guidelines and criteria.
The top 15% should be those individuals who have strong long-term potential and are critical to retain under the current company circumstances.
Your Human Resources representative will be contacting you to offer assistance.
Names of individuals should be submitted to Marla Barnard by 4:30 p.m. today.
This information, along with the next steps for the process will be discussed at our 5 p.m. meeting today.
Thank you for your cooperation.
| Talent Review for Net Works - Time Sensitive |
Good morning- Discussions have taken place between EBS (Barry Pearce) and RAC (David Port) to make adjustments to the EBS daily risk-reporting process.
This memo will outline the changes that have been discussed and agreed upon.
EBS will implement these changes this week.
DPR All risk books will be run on Tuesday and Thursday of each week and P&L will be reported for those days.
POSITIONS AND CURVES Pending an IT solution, positions and curves will be loaded each day.
On days when the books are not run, we will use prior day information.
Per discussions with Credit, this process is sufficient for counterparty exposure reporting.
CASH FLOWS Cash flows will be loaded on days the books are run.
Infinity will pick up prior information on days when books are not run.
| New EBS Procedures for Risk Management Books |
Sally- Yesterday at the floor meeting on the 32nd floor, I asked you a pointed question regarding trust of company management.
I appreciated your effort to confront the frustration that many employees currently have.
However, you also requested other questions.
I have a number of questions, and I have tried to collect a number of questions from those that I have heard around the floor.
In addition, I have a couple of suggestions for what could be done to build badly lacking morale.
I am sorry for the long list, but in reality this is probably just the tip of the iceberg regarding questions and concerns out there.
I hope that you can answer some of these questions, and I hope that you can ask some of these questions to those who might know.
I appreciate your efforts.
Here is the list: I have sent this to my two supervisors as well.
Have a nice day.
Tom Chapman
| You asked for questions |
Attached is a list of the key personnel identified within EGM (at all levels) that given an elimination of their position in EGM should be placed in another position somewhere at Enron.
These are all people who would be fungible across the organization and have performed at a high level for a period of time.
Call me if you have any questions.
| EGM/Enron Key Personnel |
Mark and Jim, As part of pulling together Data Room for possible EBS sale, we are asked to come up with information regarding in-house developed software and labor cost.
I would like to have your direction on the policy question whether to include Enfiber and Sabor Settlement systems.
Sabor Settlement system is using Unify Settlement as the foundation and Enfiber is patterned after EnPower which potentially could give some valuable competitive insight into our Trading.
Do you think these systems should be included in the EBS sales package?
As shown on the attachment, those systems are included at the present time.
Thank you.
(including PPCS/Dorado)
| EBS-Sale Preparation |
This is way over the top as far as what you and Greg asked for yesterday, but as I was writing, it turned into a Project Everest status update as well.
I hope you find it useful.
Let me know if you have questions... T
| information for Thursday's meeting |
Mark, While Enron's management teams are reviewing actions plans for the upcoming six to nine months, I understand that functional transition teams will be assembled to address the planned merger.
I would like to register my strong interest in assisting any transition team where my skills could add value.
Prior to developing and supporting corporate as well as enterprise systems at Enron my career has spanned across General Electric Capital Services and ABB on a global basis.
Much of this experience has included system integration and change management.
Let me know if you have any questions to the above.
Otherwise, I wanted to let you know of my interest and desire in working towards a successful transition for Enron.
| Merger Transition Teams |
Attached is a mini dash that summarizes the proposed deal to grant a license for POPS to AEP.
Please review and let me know of any issues, questions or concerns.
Yesterday evening AEP sent some last minute changes to the license agreement primarily dealing with arbitration.
I will be meeting with Barbara Gray and my counterpart from AEP, Dave Banks, tomorrow to nail down this agreement.
I'd like to get signatures on Friday so that we can move forward with getting our first payment and then start the process of delivering the application.
On a related note there have been some issues between AEP and Enron on the commercial side of the business.
Louise Kitchen and Eric Vanderwalde are involved in working through those issues.
Brian Redmond has asked that we call him before executing this agreement.
| POPS Mini Dash and License Agreement Status |
When: Monday, November 19, 2001 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
Where: ECN 872 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Background & Meeting Objective: Under the direction of Tim Belden, Kevin Presto, Lloyd Will, Anthony Dayao and Beth Perlman, Todd Busby and I have completed the 3 week analysis of wholesale and retail power systems integration.
We would like to present the results of our analysis and discuss recommendations the team believes will lead to cost savings and process efficiencies.
The analysis results are enclosed.
Agenda; Background Summary of Results Integrated Systems Vision Open Issues Recommendations
| WHS/Retail Systems Integration Analysis - Results/Recommendations |
Attached is an Excel file of the EES IT FTEs.
The first tab lists all employees and is sorted by job title and then by name.
There are two columns.
One is labeled Top 10% and the other Critical.
Asterisks are place in the columns as indicators of employees classified as the top 10% talent and the employees critical to retain.
The second tab is a summary sheet of the top 10% and the employees critical to retain.
Employees are sorted by title and then by name.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
| EES IT FTEs Top 10% Talent / Critical to Retain |
Team - I wanted to give you a brief update on some of the transition discussions that have been occurring over the last few days.
The ISC's Steering Committee is participating in a series of working sessions with Enron Networks (ENW) related to our current service offerings and critical business processes.
These discussions are designed to assist ENW in understanding the complexities of the many systems and processes supported by the ISC and not as some of you may have heard focusing on reducing headcount in the ISC.
I can tell you that our discussions with ENW have been very positive.
We are being recognized for the significant contributions that we make to support Enron's core businesses and have been identified as a critical group.
I understand that this is a very difficult time for everyone.
I would like to encourage each of you to talk with either myself or your Steering Committee member if you have specific questions or concerns.
Furthermore, I will be arranging weekly ISC All Employee Meetings starting immeadiately after Thanksgiving to address many of your questions and to share feedback and updates.
Thank you for all of your continued hard work....
| ENW/ISC Update |
The Weather Derivatives audit, executed by Andersen, has been completed.
The attached Final Report has been reviewed with key process owners and issues were discussed with appropriate personnel, both during the audit and at the closing meeting.
Final Reports will also be reviewed in detail with Wes and Sally on a periodic basis.
EAS will follow up with you regarding implementation of corrective action for High Priority Items If you have any questions, please contact me at ext.
Thank you.
Mechelle Atwood Director, Enron Assurance Services Enron Wholesale Services
| Weather Derivatives Audit Report |
Hoep all is well with you.
We are still working away.
The biggest item that should be happening this week (today) is that Chris's wife is giving birth to their second child (another boy).
| weekly operating report |
I will begin my maternity leave on Monday, November 19.
In my absence, Katherine Chisley will be covering for Mark Pickering and myself.
For assistance with Mark's calendar, please contact Katherine Chisley at x58463.
Katherine will also have access to my email.
Thank you,
| Maternity Leave |
Sally, Beth has 253 employees.
22 are in the top 10% for a 9% total distribution.
25 are in the bottom 10% for a 10% total distribution.
Please refer to attachment below.
Please let me know if you need additional information.
I've left messages for Brent & Kevin as well as their HR Reps to provide the needed data to you by Monday morning.
I've also copied Marla on your request.
Frank has forwarded Bob's information to you.
Thanks, H
| Beth Talent 01.xls |
Hi Sally, Do you know where we stand with the Enron America's changes?
I presume the Operations people are working with the business people and will then get with the IT people once decision have been made ?
Are we done with EES, I heard that Fallon is going to speak to Whalley about their position (i.e.
no changes).
Are there more questions to ask the EGM/EIM busineses, are these being asked ?
Can you send me the spreadsheet we put together.
| Todays Work |
Sally, Do we know what the corp groups like GSS are doing yet ?
Is there someone co-ordinating the whole effort, Oxley ?
Mark Pickering Chief Technology Officer Enron Net Works, LLC
| Corp Groups |
The following are consolidated DPR reporting & officialization requirements for the US Thanksgiving holiday which is Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23.
All US markets are closed Thursday, and NYMEX is closed Fri, but rate and currency markets are open Friday.
Wednesday's trading - Consolidated DPR - will be prepared on Monday, the 26th Officializations - no change to normal procedure Thursday & Friday's trading - Consolidated DPR - since most markets are closed, there will be no consolidated DPR for these days.
However, if there is trading; positions, VAR and P&L have to be reviewed against limits, separately from the activity of Wednesday's and Monday's trading.
Officializations - This holiday marks a change to prior procedures due to an increased need for more complete info in RMS.
Ramesh (RAC IT) is going to run a job to copy Wednesday's numbers for Thursday and Friday for all groups for which he has not received books.
I had spoken to a few of you about performing this copy/roll manually.
This is now not required.
This memo should not affect EEL or IR/FX trading.
Please call if you have questions.
Best regards,
| Thanksgiving reporting (US Holiday) |
Fellow Patronesses, Remember to turn in your Prospective Membership Packet by the December 9, 2001, Mother/Daughter Tea to Teresa Bell.
I have enclosed a list of papers that must be returned.
Legacy Sponsor Form (yellow) or Sponsor Form (pink) and Co-Sponsor Form (lilac) Choice of Chapter Agreement Form (white) signed Prospective Member Agreement Form (white) signed Prospective Member Information Form (blue) Thank you
| Prospective Membership Packet |
The deadline for articles - and ads - for the December newsletter is November 20 (Tuesday)?
I will not be able to accept any late submissions this month!
Articles (and ads) can be emailed to me at: [email protected] If you are purchasing an ad, please mail payment to Barb Lindsey.
Thank you - Robin
| newsletter deadline |
We have a spreadsheet showing old 2002 plan that everyone agreed to a few months ago before all the fun started.
We have EA, EGM, EIM, EEL, EBS, EES, ENW, Corp., CommodityLogic, and Other broken out by EnronOnline, Operations, IT development and IT infrastructure which is further broken down by expense and capital and totals (we separated out depreciation as well so we could see what was cash and non-cash).
We are currently trying to put together the adjusted or new 2002 Plan along side the above numbers based on the estimates from the last week or so and will try to be done late tonight.
| Quick Update |
Hi Sally, I knocked up a new spreadsheet thats should show our total headcount revision picture from an ENW perspective.
I've filled it with the numbers I know so far.
| Spreadsheet |
Attached are the notes from yesterday's ENW Assistants meeting and the ENW T&E Policy dated August 2001.
Thank you to those of you who were able to make it, and for the great dialogue generated by the agenda.
If you have any questions or feedback about these documents, please give me a call.
You are also welcome at any time to contact your HR representative for a confidential consultation.
Thanks again for your participation.
| Notes from Assistants Meeting |
Greg Piper, Sally Beck, and Mark Pickering will be reviewing documents at 5:00pm and have requested that each of you be available in the event there are questions that need to be addressed and need to see you.
Please do not leave.
The "Daily" 5:00 Update Meeting is therefore canceled.
| Today's 5:00 Update Meeting - 11/20/01 |
Andrea - As I mentioned to you in our conversation this afternoon, I have found another group to rotate to.
It's Project Genesys in EES headed by Wayne Andrews.
I have spoken with Todd Busby with whom I currently work in the Back Office Commercialization team (ENW) and he has agreed for me to move to this project.
I will have all the details (Co#, cost center etc.)
for you by Monday next week.
let me know if there is any other information you need from me, or my supervisors.
| Associate Rotation to another group |
The following reports have been waiting for your approval for more than 4 days.
Please review.
Owner: Beth W Apollo Report Name: General Expenses - Sept & Oct Days In Mgr.
Queue: 4 Owner: Kevin G Sweeney Report Name: 11/09/2001 Days In Mgr.
Queue: 4
| Expense Reports Awaiting Your Approval |
FYI - Attached is the revised spend analysis that Greg and I went over this morning.
Have a great Thanksgiving (and Sally, please let your team go easy on us!).
| Revised ENW Spend Analysis |
The following reports have been waiting for your approval for more than 4 days.
Please review.
Owner: Beth W Apollo Report Name: General Expenses - Sept & Oct Days In Mgr.
Queue: 5 Owner: Kevin G Sweeney Report Name: 11/09/2001 Days In Mgr.
Queue: 5
| Expense Reports Awaiting Your Approval |
Subsets and Splits