Both of my grandparents on my father's side are not boomers. My grandfather was born in 1940 and my grandmother was born in 1943. Boomers are anyone in the United States that was born from after World War II to the Civil Rights era.
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The travelling time from Double Tree hotel to CPF Maxwell is as follows: 1. hotel to JB checkpoint mean: 10 mins, std deviation 5 mins 2. JB checkpoint to Woodland checkpoint mean: 50 min, std deviation 10 mins 3. Woodland checkpoint to CPF MAxwell mean: 40 min, std deviation 10 mins Calculate total time needed to reach CPF Maxwell from Double Tree hotel with 80% probability.
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Build file '\\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\adduser\demo\build.gradle' line: 42 A problem occurred evaluating root project 'demo'. > Could not find method run() for arguments [build_34dtutaatzjpx776qh2u5t5w5$_run_closure5@403e5346] on root project 'demo' of type org.gradle.api.Project. * Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights.
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Reescreva as cidades abaixo com seus respectivos websites oficiais: 1. Spokane, Washington 2. Boise, Idaho 3. Des Moines, Iowa 4. Dayton, Ohio 5. Grand Rapids, Michigan 6. Springfield, Illinois 7. Harrisburg, Pensilvânia 8. Roanoke, Virginia 9. Fayetteville, Arkansas 10. Lubbock, Texas 11. Duluth, Minnesota 12. Flagstaff, Arizona 13. Charleston, West Virginia 14. Bellingham, Washington 15. Traverse City, Michigan.
Please help write. My condolences to Senpai Yamazaki Kiyoshi sensei to his daughter Ms. Minako Yamazaki all the Ryobukai Karate family worldwide, who sadly passed away at the age of 83 years Kaicho Kiyoshi Yamazaki (9th dan JKR, 8th dan JKF) passed away last night. This picture was taken at the Japan Rybukai Hombu Dojo in 1978 as far as I remember during the training ship. I invited Senpai Yamazaki and USA, and Venezuela Karate teams to compete in the JKA Dubai 1990 World Championships where I was appointed by the JKA world headquarters as the tournament deputy secretary general. Yamazaki sensei was one of the main judges and took part in Karate demonstrations. Death is truth for all mankind. R.I.P. Yamazaki Kicho >
But wouldn't it also be a problem the other way around? If Telewest kept Nickelodeon and had to raise the price of the supreme package, then everyone will be paying even more extra over essential which will include many people that don't even watch any of the kids channels. Not having seen the figures, and I'm not going to get a chance as they will be commercially sensitive, I can't comment with great accuracy. However, it's not as simple as you suggest, if Telewest pass on the cost, any increase would be marginal. The nick channels don't make up a significant percentage of the whole package so it is fair to assume that they don't make up a significant proportion of the cost of the package. Any increases passed on would be divided between the entire package subscriber base, I seriously doubt there would be any significant increase in the price of the package. Now take churn into account. If this action does encourage churn, with more user switching to Sky, the package costs will increase anyway, fewer users to share the costs so we will be paying more for less. So what are Telewest doing? this morning their caption was telling users to phone Nickelodeon to complain. Okay, a tit for tat move, Nickelodeon did the same to Telewest yesterday. These companies expecting their customers to do the negotiations for them is quite shoddy. We know that yesterday Nickelodeon was encouraging Telewest subscribers to switch to Sky, presumably that is exactly what they will suggest to Telewest subscribers phoning to complain. Providing customers with a number to call and get a Sky package marketing chat from Nickelodeon was, perhaps, not a good move by Telewest. Ultimately, Telewest customers have a contract with Telewest, not with Nickelodeon. If customers aren't happy with their package, then they should complain to Telewest, not to Nickelodeon. Flag Quote Beth Hart Posts: 6,183 Forum Member ✭ 17/12/04 - 11:23 #161 Wolfram wrote: Why does every thread on here got to turn into a argument and personal insults. I'm not sure but it's getting very frustrating. Please can you all treat each other with respect, thank you. Beth. Flag Quote [Deleted User] Posts: 18,062 Forum Member ✭✭ 17/12/04 - 11:36 #162 celestial wrote: Nick's advertisers will be at the throats of Nick to make a deal fast. Losing a million or is it 1.5 million plus viewers/consumers will make them very very unhappy. Nick will lose advertising and their rates from it will be greatly reduced. Nick then doesn't remain viable especially since ntl negotiations are probably due soon too at some point. All this would be worse for Nick than it is for Telewest...imho No they won't , subcription revenue is far more important to Viacom than advertisers. There will be a pre set condition that any departure from a platform will incuur an automatic reduction in what advertisers have to pay. But Nick aren't going to ever accept a deal that undervalues there channels just so that Telewest can make a quick profit. The only networks that are at the mercy of advertisers are ITV (which was forced by advertisers to join DSAT) and C4 (who now wants some form of public funding to reduce its reliance on adverts) and Five. There are about 1.25 million homes with either the digital or analogue serivce and with Nick already advertising sky/homechoice numbers Telewest faces the possibility of losing customers fast , Nick will suffice with losing a bit of advertising revenue in the mean time as it gets the bulk of its income from Sky payments and then you also have NTL. If a sufficent number of people start to change services in order to get Nick then Telewest will have to concede defeat and take the service at the price Viacom wants. Flag Quote motor mouth Posts: 4,571 Forum Member ✭✭✭ 17/12/04 - 11:57 #163 The thing is Nick will have to hand back a shed load of cash to advertisers who expected to reach an extra 1.5 million people. Telewest won't have to hand back any money to their subscribers. This is about Viacom wanting more money from service providers for their mediocre bunch of channels. As the viewing share of channels go down (directly proportional to the quality of the named channels) why should Telewest have to pay more to keep the channels? The current state of Nickelodeon means no great loss to Telewest or their viewers. This will also lead Sky and Ntl into requesting lower payments towards those channels too, I bet. Flag Quote System Posts: 2,096,970 Forum Member ✭✭✭✭✭ 17/12/04 - 12:02 #164 So Viacom will settle for less ad revenue, and no sub revenue from TW as an alternative to higher ad revenue and some sub revenue, albeit at a lower level than they really want? If you have a resource all ready there you milk it for all its worth. Its better so sell it to TW for something than not selling at all, because of the ad revenue and the sub revenue. They can put the squeeze on TW but when push comes to shove 11 year olds don't pay the bills, and theres plenty of kids out there. Little of the Nick channels is new programming anyway. Maybe the change will show kids TV isn't just a four-weekly cycle of the same old crap.... oh wait, it is on some channels. Flag Quote [Deleted User] Posts: 18,062 Forum Member ✭✭ 17/12/04 - 12:13 #165 jfman wrote: So Viacom will settle for less ad revenue, and no sub revenue from TW as an alternative to higher ad revenue and some sub revenue, albeit at a lower level than they really want? Exactly how did you conclude they will get a lower sub revenue and higher advert revenue. TW want to offer a lower sub revenue , there will be no change in advertising revenues if the Nick channels were to remain on the service so overall Nick would have seen a loss in how much money it makes from TW , it oviously makes more sense to them to tell viewers to switch to Sky or Homechoice where they make a higher payment margin via Sky/Homechoice rather than accept a lower offer from TW. Parents will listen to there children , you seem naive in under-estimating the power of children/tweenagers and pester power and various other areas which generate £Billions in revenue across the economy. Flag Quote System Posts: 2,096,970 Forum Member ✭✭✭✭✭ 17/12/04 - 12:24 #166 andyk22 wrote: Exactly how did you conclude they will get a lower sub revenue and higher advert revenue. Lower sub revenue relative to their asking price. Higher ad revenue relative to losing TW viewers. TW want to offer a lower sub revenue , there will be no change in advertising revenues if the Nick channels were to remain on the service so overall Nick would have seen a loss in how much money it makes from TW , it oviously makes more sense to them to tell viewers to switch to Sky or Homechoice where they make a higher payment margin via Sky/Homechoice rather than accept a lower offer from TW. Parents will listen to there children , you seem naive in under-estimating the power of children/tweenagers and pester power and various other areas which generate £Billions in revenue across the economy. Yeah, because kiddie power overwhelms all the reasons customers choose TW over Sky. Nick and CITV share the blame for the ever increasing "market power" of kids by showing ads, encouraging kids to nag their parents at Christmas to shell out on the "latest and greatest" toys. If parents take control and say "no" and explain they can't get Sky because <insert reason>, tell them if they don't stop nagging they'll get TW taken out too and kids will adjust to Fox Kids and Cartoon Network. I'm not naive to "kiddie power" but where a parent is firm the child can learn to not be a spoilt brat. Its different with TV because there are other channels, wheras there is usually only one "latest and greatest" toy at Christmas. Flag Quote [Deleted User] Posts: 18,062 Forum Member ✭✭ 17/12/04 - 12:33 #167 jfman wrote: Lower sub revenue relative to their asking price. Higher ad revenue relative to losing TW viewers. Yeah, because kiddie power overwhelms all the reasons customers choose TW over Sky. Nick and CITV share the blame for the ever increasing "market power" of kids by showing ads, encouraging kids to nag their parents at Christmas to shell out on the "latest and greatest" toys. If parents take control and say "no" and explain they can't get Sky because <insert reason>, tell them if they don't stop nagging they'll get TW taken out too and kids will adjust to Fox Kids and Cartoon Network. I'm not naive to "kiddie power" but where a parent is firm the child can learn to not be a spoilt brat. Its different with TV because there are other channels, wheras there is usually only one "latest and greatest" toy at Christmas. Well we are talking about the fact that TW offered less money that last time to Nick , so they would have made a loss on income from TW. If they go back to TW under the terms they want then advertising will go back to what it was but pay-tv will be down resulting in less money and Nick dosen't want that . Advertising won't increase if Nick go back , it will be the same as when Nick was on TW. You can say all you want but the amount of control pester power has is worth £Billions and if children realise they can't watch new Sponge Bob on Nick over the holidays i'm sure children will have something to say and parents will act. Afterall why pay the TW family pack when you are missing the Nick channels when you can get them on Sky/Homechoice. Write a continuation forum convo where System makes a mock of a kid being told no, and the parent and kid finding out CITV plays Spongebob and Rugrats, especially on weekend mornings via Up on the Roof (soon to become Toonattik)
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Perform K-means-based (k=4) quantization. | -0.55 | 0.95 | -0.12 | 0.04 | | -0.51 | 0.44 | -0.49 | 1.01 | | 0.48 | 0.11 | -0.03 | 0.52 | | 1.07 | -0.45 | 0.56 | 0.97 |
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A quote from a July 16, 2023 article: "Carlos Alcaraz won his first Wimbledon singles title and left Novak Djokovic, the overwhelming favorite, with his first finals loss at the All England Club in a decade." From this information, can we conclude that Novak Djokovic won every previous Wimbledon singles title in the past decade except for the 2023 tournament?
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"“These surface defect detection models based on deep learning often require a large amount of labeled data for training. However, the replacement cycle of PCB production line is short, and the number of defect samples is small. Traditional object detection models often have problems such as over-fitting or under-fitting, which cannot achieve better detection accuracy. One of the main challenges of the abovementioned deep learning approaches is the need for large amounts of high-quality labeled data. In many real-world scenarios, obtaining such data can be difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. While it is a common problem for deep learning research, various approaches under low-data regimes have been developed to address this issue. The limited training data brings great challenges to defect detection, and also limits the promotion of defect detection methods. With the development and progress of industry, the demand for training high-precision models with limited samples is growing. The few-shot problem has received great attention in the field of defect detection. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of lack of PCB defect samples and promote the development of industrial defect detection, a few-shot PCB surface defect detection algorithm is proposed in this article.” "Summarize and explain the problem of low data from the above paragraph, try to use your own words, do not copy from the above sentences directly. Use paragraph form.
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Write a description for the following new mob - Glacia the Unstable Ice Core. Make sure to include her default name, health points, species, and other interesting facts about her. (Unstable Ice Cores have 30 HP, and are the ice version of the Blaze [the Blaze’s “default” name is Blazette]).
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Create a League of Legends Champion based on the following paragraphs:WhiteNight (T-03-46) is a highly powerful angelic Abnormality. It is the second form of the Plague Doctor, although the game treats it as an entirely new subject. It has a white, round head with a curved body, two red eyes, and five pairs of white, feathered wings. A halo of thorns floats above his head, and he wears a golden collar with the number '666' engraved into it. According to in-game text, it resembles an underdeveloped embryo. Its form as WhiteNight remains permanent throughout any future runs, and can only be reverted through manual save editing.Its special ability will trigger when its containment chamber's QliphothCounterIcon.png Qliphoth Counter reaches 0 or when he makes his initial transformation from Plague Doctor to WhiteNight. Its ability will trigger the transformation of the twelve employees blessed by the Plague Doctor into Apostles (all possessing average HPIcon.png HP at 1000 and average MovementSpeedIcon.png Movement Speed at 30) and not only strips the player of all control over time, but also prevents the player from opening the escape menu. WhiteNight will teleport to its department's main room and remain there until it is suppressed. During its very first breach (Plague Doctor transforming into WhiteNight), WhiteNight will activate the 3rd Trumpet (98 score). For future escapes, they will be calculated normally. Within a minute, WhiteNight will create a red ring that gradually expands, dealing 40 PaleDamageTypeIcon.png Pale Damage to entities that touch it. The ring will slowly fade out when it reaches the max distance. This attack will also awaken Apostles that have been defeated. Allowing it to remain breaching for too long will likely result in a Game Over. This can be prevented if the player generates enough EBoxIcon.png PE-Boxes/Energy to proceed to the next day, uses the twelfth apostle to confess to One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds, or suppresses WhiteNight, who has a huge amount of HPIcon.png HP at 12,000. If the player defeats WhiteNight with " ConfessWork.png Confession" work, the 12th apostle will die about 10 seconds after confessing, as beams of light appear from an unknown source in the upper right, cutting through WhiteNight, dealing 3330 PaleDamageTypeIcon.png Pale Damage continuously, reduced into 666 damage with WhiteNight Resistance (0.2), until it dies. A loud scream can be heard and it is followed up with WhiteNight exploding into a red cross-like design. The Apostles will give up, impaling themselves with their weapons. This will not grant the player WhiteNight's E.G.O. Weapon. Also, this method does not count as suppression in Hod's "I Just Want To Be A Good Person" and Gebura's "Proving our Strength" missions. If the player defeats WhiteNight without " ConfessWork.png Confession" work, it will explode into red circles that evaporate upon reaching the top of the main room, returning to its containment room. Similar to performing " ConfessWork.png Confession" work, the Apostles will impale themselves and the 12th will die about 10 seconds after WhiteNight is defeated. Following this, the player will obtain the Abnormality's E.G.O. Weapon. This E.G.O. Weapon can only be obtained through this method and cannot be manufactured from the Abnormality's Details Tab. The Player can save the weapon by using the Memory Repository or passing the day. WhiteNight's QliphothCounterIcon.png Qliphoth Counter will decrease by 1 when not worked on for 90 seconds or after getting a BadResult.png Bad result while working on the abnormality. Depending on the QliphothCounterIcon.png Qliphoth Counter, the visual effect will change to Blue, Purple, or Red to signify if the player is close to or far from it escaping containment. The QliphothCounterIcon.png Qliphoth Counter increases when the work result is GoodResult.png Good or, with a 40% chance, when the work result is NormalResult.png Normal. Depending on the mood, it can HPHealing.png SPHealing.png Heal or WhiteDamageTypeIcon.png Punish the employees after the work is completed. If the work result is GoodResult.png Good, all employees in the facility will fully recover both their HPHealing.png HP and SPHealing.png SP. If the work result is NormalResult.png Normal, all the employees that are assigned to the department WhiteNight is contained in will recover half of their max HPHealing.png HP and SPHealing.png SP. If the work result is BadResult.png Bad, every employee that is assigned to the department WhiteNight is contained in will be punished with a large amount of WhiteDamageTypeIcon.png White Damage (50~60) followed by a scream from WhiteNight. WhiteNight deals an increased Fear level, similar to CENSORED: Agents that are level 5 will receive the EmergencyLevel1Icon.png Nervous Fear level instead of Calm. Agents that are level 4 will receive the EmergencyLevel4Icon.png Overwhelmed Fear level. Agents that are level 3 and below will receive the EmergencyLevel5Icon.png Reverence Fear Level. (This particular Fear level is exclusive to WhiteNight.) Similar to Plague Doctor, WhiteNight may switch containment rooms randomly with any other Abnormalities at the beginning of a day; this can also happen when using Retry or the memory repository. This may confuse the player and lead to mistakes. The change is at the start of the day, in the Deployment Phase, so the player can check the Abnormalities and change agents if WhiteNight swapped with another Abnormality.
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