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Βιβλιογραφία της Αστρολογίας: πηγές -αναφορές -παραπομπές
α) από την ελληνική βιβλιογραφία
Θεοδώρα Φασιανού -Ντάκου, περιοδικό «Ουρανός».
Μάνλυ Χολ «Ιστορία της Αστρολογίας».
Περιοδικό «ΘΑ» της Astrologia Nova.
Tamsyn Barton «Η Αστρολογία κατά την αρχαιότητα».
Περιοδικό «Αστρολόγος» της Λίτσας Πατέρα.
Ευτύχης Μπιτσάκης «Το Αειθαλές Δένδρο της Γνώσεως».
Manly Hol «Η φιλοσοφία της Αστρολογίας».
Θεοδώρα Φασιανού -Ντάκου «Αστρολογία».
Κώστας Λεφάκης «Ο Ζωδιακός Κύκλος».
Βίκη Παγιατάκη «Αστρολογία από το Α έως το Α».
Λίτσα Πατέρα «Στον ποταμό των ουρανίων εξελίξεων».
Περικλής Καραμηνάς «Πράξη Αστρολογίας».
Άλαν Λίο «Λεξικό Αστρολογίας».
Charles Carter «Αρχές Αστρολογίας».
Μάργκαρετ Χόουν «Σύγχρονη Αστρολογία».
Πήτερ Γκράβιγγερ «Πρακτικόν Εγχειρίδιον Επιστημονικής Αστρολογίας».
Dane Rudhyar «Ένα εγχειρίδιο για τον ανθρωπιστή Αστρολόγο».
Νίκη Καριοφύλλη, σειρά «Αρχαίοι Συγγραφείς», Νο 14: η Αστρολογία στην Ελλάδα και την Ρώμη.
Γιάννη Συμεώνογλου «Κλήροι και Εποχές του Αοράτου – Αστρολογία».
Όλγα Κασσά «Εγχειρίδιο Αστρολογίας».
Βασίλης Χρισοστόμου «Μοντέρνα Αστρολογία».
Χριστόφορος Χριστοφορίδης «Ψυχολογική Αστρολογία».
Δέσποινα Γιαννακοπούλου «Ωριαία Αστρολογία».
Δέσποινα Γιαννακοπούλου «Παραδοσιακή Αστρολογία στην Σύγχρονη Εποχή».
Julia & Derek Parker «Αστρολογία».
Jan Kurrels «Αστρολογία –για την Εποχή του Υδροχόου».
Cherry Gilchrist «Πλανητικός Συμβολισμός στην Αστρολογία».
Παύλος Κυράγγελος «Η Αστρολογική Πραγματικότητα».
Γεώργιος Σιέττος «Όσα δεν γνωρίζετε για την Αστρολογία».
Γιοχάνα Πάουγκερ και Τόμας Πόπε «Οι επιρροές της Σελήνης στην ζωή μας».
Ντορέτα Πέππα «Αιγυπτιακή Αστρολογία».
Helena Blavatsky «Αστρολογία –Το Μυστήριο των Κύκλων».
Γεώργιος Πλάνας «Ο Ζωδιακός Κύκλος στην Παγκόσμια Μυθολογία».
Paul Decharme «Ελληνική Μυθολογία».
Ζαν Ρισπέν «Μεγάλη Ελληνική Μυθολογία».
Mikhaël Omraam Aïvanhov «Ο Ζωδιακός κύκλος, κλειδί του ανθρώπου και του Σύμπαντος».
Βαγγέλη Σπανδάγου, Ρούλας Σπανδάγου και Δέσποινας Τραυλού «Οι Αστρονόμοι της αρχαίας Ελλάδας».
Στράτος Θεοδοσίου και Μάνος Δανέζης «Μετρώντας τον Άχρονο Χρόνο».
Μάνος Δανέζης και Στράτος Θεοδοσίου «Αστρολογία: θρησκεία ή επιστήμη;».
Χαρίτων Ταμπουλίδης «Ουρανογραφία –η Ιστορία των Αστερισμών».
Solange de Mailly Nesle «Αστρολογία: η ιστορία, τα σύμβολα, τα Ζώδια».
Σταύρος Πλακίδης «Η Μυθολογία, η Ονοματολογία και τα αξιοπαρατήρητα των Αστερισμών».
Ιωάννη Χαραλαμπόπουλου «Η Συμπαντική Δημιουργία κατά την αρχαιοελληνική αντίληψη».
Αθα Γιαλουρή «Μύθοι των Αρχαίων Ελλήνων για τους Αστερισμούς».
Δημήτριος Κωτσάκης «Η Αστρονομία και η Αστρολογία κατά τους Βυζαντινούς χρόνους».
Γιώργος Γραμματικάκης «Η Κόμη της Βερενίκης».
Άρθουρ Καίσλερ «Οι Ρίζες της Σύμπτωσης».
John Gribbin «Τα Μυστήρια του Χρόνου».
Κάρλ Γιούνγκ «Συγχρονικότητα: μία μη αιτιατή συνδετική αρχή».
Γεώργιος Βασιλόπουλος «Η Δεύτερη Αποκάλυψη».
Φρειδερίκη Φυγετάκη –Καραναστάση «Ιερός Γάμος».
Σοφία Μεργιάλη «Λαθρεμπόριο Πεποιθήσεων».
Πέτρος Ροβίθης «Το Άστρο της Βηθλεέμ».
Ηφαιστείων ο Θηβαίος «Αποτελεσματικά».
Ξενοφώντος «Απομνημονεύματα», Δ΄, ζ. 4
Αριστοτέλης «Περί Ουρανού», Β΄ θ –ι
Ευκλείδης (σχόλια, προτ. Ιβ΄)
Διόδωρος ο Σικελός (ιστορία βιβλιοθ. Α΄ 50).
Λουκιανός «Περί της Αστρολογίας».
Σέξτος ο Εμπειρικός (προς Αστρολόγους 339).
Πρόκλος ο Διάδοχος (Ευκλείδη Στοιχεία, Β΄ 24).
β) από την ξένη βιβλιογραφία
Nick Campion «An Introduction to the History of Astrology».
Nick Campion «Astrology, History and Apocalypse».
Nick Campion «Cosmos: A Cultural History of Astrology».
James Hastings «Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics»
James Herschel Holden «A History of Horoscopic Astrology».
Michael Baigent «From the Omens of Babylon, Astrology and Ancient Mesopotamia».
Jim Tester «A History of Western Astrology».
David Brown «Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy-Astrology».
Nick Campion & Steve Eddy «New Astrology, The Art & Science Of The Stars».
Philip Sedgwick «Astrology Of Deep Space».
Lynn Thorndike «A History of Magic and Experimental Science».
Peter Whitfield «Astrology: A History».
Franz Cumont «Astrology And Religion Among The Greeks And Romans».
Solange Mailly Nesle «Astrology. History, Symbols, and Signs».
Ellic Howe «Astrology: a Recent History».
Serge Hutin «History of Astrology».
Robert Hand «Night & Day - Planetary Sect In Astrology».
Lowith Carl «Meaning in History».
Som Nandivada «Quaoar».
Beverly Brodsky McDermott «Sedna: An Eskimo Myth».
Erdoes & John M. Ortiz «American Indian Myths And Legends».
Kathellen Burt «Archetypes of the Zodiac».
Joseph Campbell «Creative Mythology. The Masks of God».
Tom Chetwynd «Dictionary Of Sacred Myth».
John R. Hinnells «Dictionary Of Religions».
Marija Gimbutas «Goddesses And Gods Of Old Europe».
Ariel Guttman & Robert A. Johnson «Mythic Astrology - Archetypal Powers In The Horoscope».
Edith Hamilton «Mythology».
Samuel Noah Kramer «Mythologies of the Ancient World».
Stuart Gordon «Encyclopedia of Myths and Legends».
Julian Barbour «The end of Time»
Deepak Chopra «Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative To Growing Old».
Jill Purce «The Mystic Spiral».
Alexander Gurshtein «Vistas in Astronomy».
Charles E.O. Carter «An Introduction to Political Astrology».
C.C. Zain «Mundane Astrology».
Michael Baigent, Nicholas Campion & Charles Harvey «Mundane Astrology».
Erin Sullivan «Retrograde Planets».
Helen J. Adams «Understanding Retrogrades».
Joanne Wickenburg «Your Hidden Powers».
Doris Chase Doane «Time Changes in the World».
Doris Chase Doane «Time Changes in the USA».
Doris Chase Doane «Time Changes in Canada and Mexico».
Deborah Houlding «Houses, The: Temples Of The Sky».
Emma B. Donath «Houses: Which And When».
Chris McRae «The Geodetic World Map».
Steve Cozzi «Planets in Locality».
Martin Davis «Astrolocality Astrology».
David Meadows «Where in the World with Astro*Catro*Graphy».
Joan Quigley «What does Joan say».
John Addey «Harmonics in Astrology».
David Hamblin «Harmonic Charts».
Doris Greaves «Cosmobiology».
Elenora Kimmel «Fundamentals Of Cosmobiology».
Reinhold Ebertin «Man In The Universe: An Introduction To Cosmobiology».
John Greig «Astrology and Planetary Harmonics».
Delphine Jay «Practical Harmonics».
Michael Gauquelin «Planetary Heredity».
Michael Gauquelin «Written in the Stars».
Michael Gauquelin «The spheres of destiny : your personality and the planets».
Michael Gauquelin «Birthtimes: A Scientific Investigation of the Secrets of Astrology».
Michael Gauquelin «Cosmic Influences on Human Behavior».
Michael Gauquelin «The scientific basis of astrology».
Michael Gauquelin «Cosmic Clocks from Astrology to a Modern Science».
Patrick Levine «Psychic Sourcebook».
Percy Seymour «The Scientific Basis of Astrology: Tuning to the Music of the Planets».
Noel Tyl «Predictions for a New Millennium».
K. Murth «Molecular Astrology». |
How Many Wendy's Restaurants Ate Their In 1972? |
U bought 1 male and 1 female goat from S. S knew that U bought these goats so that he can start his own poultry shop. Later on, the male goat died because it was already suffering from a disease since it was born. What is the warrant breached?
(1 Point)
A. Warranty as to Fitness or quality of goods
B. Warranty against hidden defects
C. Warranty against redhibitory defects
D. Warranties provided in the Consumer act |
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You are an assistant to a linguist who is going to publish an academic paper. Please help him polish the language of the article to make it more in line with the style of the academic paper. As the global population continues to grow, the issue of aging becomes increasingly severe. Considering that the identity of the elderly affects all aspects of an aging society, their identity construction has become a focus of interest in disciplines such as communication studies(Nussbaum & Coupland, 2004), sociolinguistics (Coupland, 2009), and critical discourse analysis(Fealy et al.,2012). In the research on the identity construction of older people, scholars mainly focus on two perspectives: the construction of the other’s identity and self-identity construction.
2.1.1 Senior identity constructed by others
When it comes to seniors’ identity construction, scholars analyze newspapers and other media from the perspective of others to reveal the attitudes of the general public towards the old people (Fealy et al.,2012; Jing & Du, 2020).
Regarding overall news about the elderly, neutral social identity accounts for 51%, while negative social identity (33%) is twice as much as positive social identity (16%)(Luo Yanjie,2015). Among them, Fealy et al. through critical discourse analysis, summarized five different identity types constructed for old people in print media, such as “victims,” “frail, infirm and vulnerable,” “radicalised citizens,” “deserving old,” and “undeserving old.” These identities imply latent ageism and unconsciously perpetuate stereotypes about the elderly. (Fealy et al,2012).
In addition to newspapers, various media such as movies, novels, textbooks, etc., more or less contribute to the construction of stereotypical images of the elderly(Chen et al. 2018).. Stereotypes have a significant impact on the general public’s perception of elderly people(Schmidt & Boland,1986), and misrepresentation of media reinforces negative stereotypes of the elderly(刘文宇、时荣誉, 2018).
Researchers have found that current societal discourse concerning seniors is filled with marginalization and negative stereotypical identity impressions.
Researchers have found that in current society, people’s expressions of the elderly are filled with a large number of marginalized and negative stereotypes of their identity.
The older adults are often associated with negative phrases such as severe cognitive impairment and functional incompetence,etc.Occasionally the phrase highlights a positive event related to an older adult(Bonnesen&Burgess,2004). Studies on the identity of old people also suffers from the “decline theory,” which portrays old people as burdens, problems, and dependent individuals(Cook,2018). These stereotypes contribute to low social participation and a weak sense of presence among old people, often leading to their neglect(Prieler et al., 2016; Murthy,2004). Society expects the elderly to act according to age-related expectations defined by society(Powell &Wahidin,2008). The identity codes of old people seem to be restricted within a single discursive framework. (Sun Fei, 2022). |
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'Ng2SearchPipeModule' does not appear to be an NgModule class.(-996002)
ng2-filter.module.d.ts(1, 22): This likely means that the library (ng2-search-filter) which declares Ng2SearchPipeModule is not compatible with Angular Ivy. Check if a newer version of the library is available, and update if so. Also consider checking with the library's authors to see if the library is expected to be compatible with Ivy. |
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In the context of a hypothetical, write a letter from a Railway worker in 1926 explaining to a newspaper why the trains were delayed that morning... |
My girlfriend told me she wants to have a threesome. But she wants to have it with two other men and I only get to watch. |
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Like humans, horses have different blood types. When the sire (the father horse) expresses the “Aa” antigen, and the mare (the mother horse) doesn’t, their first progeny will likely be Aa-expressing foal (the youngling). When the second progeny is also Aa expressing, it will develop hemolytic anemia. Unlike humans, the antibodies that target Aa do not cross the placenta. Instead, they are secreted in the mother’s milk. When the second Aa-expressing progeny ingests the mother’s milk, those antibodies cross from the gut into the circulatory system, attaching red blood cells. Using this information, answer the following questions:
What method would you use to unambiguously determine the isotype of the antibodies that mediate this anemia? List the experimental readout, any relevant control, and how the experimental interpretation would allow you to determine the isotype. |
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FCN has Two types of knock-in feature
European Knock-In (EKI): Knock-in event is deemed to have occurred if the closing price of the Underlying (or worst performing Underlying if it is a basket) is lower than its Knock-In Price on the Final Valuation Date.
American Knock-In (AKI): Knock-in event is deemed to have occurred if the closing price of the Underlying (or worst performing Underlying if it is a basket) is lower that its Knock-In Price on any day from the Trade Date to the Final Valuation Date (both inclusive).
On the final valuation date, if the price of the underlying closes at or above its Strike Price OR if Knock-in event has NEVER occurred, the note will be redeemed “at par”. Otherwise, if Knock-in event has occurred AND the Underlying (or worst performing Underlying if it is a basket) closes below its Strike Price, you are required to take physical delivery of the underlying at its Strike Price. |
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Please noted that we checked all UV lights to ensure the proper functioning (Attachment - Silvercord YL UV light). Then we measured the air balancing of the entrance of Yakiniku Like and Silvercord. The airflow is balanced at the Yakiniku Like entrance (Attachment - YL Entrance). However, we spotted that the entrance of Silvercord is negative air pressure, around 1.7-2.0 m/s (Attachment - Silvercord Entrance). |
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These include the development of the following traits in papaya: resistance to PRSV, mites and Phytophthora, delayed ripening trait or long shelf life by inhibiting ethylene production or reducing loss of firmness, and tolerance or resistance to herbicide and aluminum toxicity. rewrite |
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przetłumacz na polski "Document information, development, review, approval, and publishing:
Document information:
The document template header shall include:
◦ Author, Creator name (entered automatically by using the merge template)
◦ Requirement type - whether strictly translated or not (see definition below)
◦ Revision/ Version number (entered automatically by the Notes database application)
◦ 'Valid From' date - the date from which the procedure requirements shall be applicable.
The document template shall include:
◦ Summary of information about the change. If a new document, enter 'New document'
◦ References to related documents (procedure and form link to the procedure)
Note for Intelex document the merge template permit to directly collect the information from the system (see G0300 form Qb merge template / G0300 form Qd merge template form)
The creation, review, approval, and publishing of documents shall be according to a specified process with defined responsibilities and authorities, defined in the section G0205 Management System change and Deployment.
The Lotus Notes Quality Manual template publishing Intelex flow for document creation, editing, approval and publishing is defined in section G0305 Document Issue and Distribution." |
There are publicly offered Medicare Advantage plans, and there are Employer Sponsored Employer Group Waiver Plans Medicare Advantage plans designed for the employer offering them. Do these two types of Medicare advantage plans differ in their handling of the prior approval or authorization issue which seems to be the big issue (or any other areas)? |
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foreach (CListItem oCListItem in oOverrideBarcodeScanVM.OverrideScan)
if (string.Equals(sReasonCode, oCListItem.Value))
if (oCListItem.ConceptProperties != null && oCListItem.ConceptProperties.Any())
if (isPatWBOverride)
return oCListItem.ConceptProperties.Where(y => (y.Name.Equals("PAT_WRSTOTHER") && y.Value.Equals("PAT_WRST_OTHER"))).Any();
else if (isMedicationOverride)
return oCListItem.ConceptProperties.Where(y => (y.Name.Equals("MEDS_BARCODEOVERIDE") && y.Value.Equals("MEDS_BARCODEOVERIDE"))).Any();
return false;
return false;
} |
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The campus at Cerritos College has many resources on campus to help students in difficult situations. I would like you to look at the our website and give me a description of the following programs that Cerritos College has to offer. After describing what the program is, tell me what type of students can benefit from each program. What types of personal safety and injury prevention issues learned in this chapter can benefit from these resources.
The programs offered are:
1. Safe Zone
2. Campus Police Programs
3. Student Health Center
After talking about the programs, tell me if you were aware that these programs existed on our campus or if this is the first time you realized all the campus has to offer. |
Figure 1 shows the electrochemical cell used for titanium rods anodic dissolution and generation of nano titanium hydroxide powder. The cell is a 250-ml capacity Plexi-glass rectangular cell. Three high analytical grade titanium rods of external area of 20-cm2 dimensions were used as one anode which is hung in the middle pathway of two titanium cathodes. D.C. power supply of 50 V and 5A with digital display, voltage, and current control with sensitivity of 0.1 V and 0.1A was used for supplying of direct electric current. Temperature controller was used for adjustment of the electrolysis process temperature within range of 20 to 100 °C. The electrolyte solution is stirred during the electrolysis process using magnetic stirrer within 0–500 rpm. Low concentration sodium chloride solution (3 g/l) was used as electrolyte for titanium anodic dissolution process for generation of nano titanium hydroxide particles. The rods were polished via sand paper and soaked in acetone for 3 min; after that, they were subjected for alkaline degreasing to remove oils and fats adhered at their surfaces. The alkaline solution containing 0.5 M NaOH, 0.5 M Na2CO3, and 10 g/l EDTA was used for degreasing by soaking for 15 min at 50 °C. The degreased titanium rod was rinsed with running water then acidified by 0.1 M sulfuric acid. Once the electrodes submerged in the sodium chloride solution, D.C. current is adjusted at the desired value with stirring. At the end of the electrolysis time, the solution constitutes the generated nano-metric titanium hydroxide particles that is lifted for about 24-h filtering followed by rinsing with running water carried out until the pH reached 7. The mixture was filtered and dried and the resulting titanium hydroxide was ground. Operating conditions such as effect of electrolyte type, solution pH, applied current density, electrolysis time, solution temperature, electrode gap distance, and sodium chloride concentration were investigated for the preparation of nanometric titanium hydroxide powder. The synthesized titanium hydroxide powder is calcined at temperature range of 400 to 800 °C for 6 h to be converted to nanometric titanium dioxide powder. Both the effect of calcination temperature and calcination time was studied for the investigation of the optimum conditions for conversion of nanometric titanium hydroxide to nanometric titanium dioxide powder. The generated nano titanium dioxide particles were tested for adsorption of cationic dyes for instance methylene blue dye solution of 100 mg/l. Both of the obtained nanometric titanium hydroxide and nanometric titanium dioxide particles were subjected to the analytical and physical characterization.
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Summarize the following text in four sentences or less.:
The House could vote on censuring George Santos in the next two weeks — and it may actually pass, despite GOP control
Bryan Metzger
Mon, July 17, 2023 at 12:55 p.m. GMT-4·3 min read
Rep. George Santos of New York outside the House on May 17, 2023.
Rep. George Santos of New York outside the House on May 17, 2023.Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images
House Democrats are likely to force a vote on censuring Rep. George Santos in the next 2 weeks.
With Santos refusing to resign, it's the latest effort to tie his cloud of scandal to the rest of the GOP.
The resolution even notes that Santos lied about getting a "volleyball scholarship" to his college.
Rep. George Santos has continued to remain in Congress despite a 13-count federal indictment, condemnations from many of his Republican colleagues, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's expressed wishes that he not seek re-election, and the revelations of lies about his background and ethical conduct that triggered it all.
So Democrats, eager to tie the rest of the Republican Party to Santos' cloud of scandal, are taking advantage.
House Democrats are set to introduce a resolution on Monday to censure the New York Republican, and intend to force a vote on the matter in the next two weeks. The news was first reported by the New York Times.
Below is a copy of the resolution, obtained by Insider, which is sponsored by Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres of New York.
By introducing the resolution, Democrats are essentially forcing Republicans to go on record about Santos' conduct — primarily the myriad lies he told to get elected, as well as his failure to file an accurate financial disclosure.
Perhaps in a nod to the ridiculous nature of Santos' fabrications, the resolution even notes that the congressman "falsely claimed he obtained a volleyball scholarship to his college."
In a tweet, Santos characterized the effort as "political ping-pong," arguing his office is "hard at work" while offering little comment on the substance of the resolution.
—Rep. George Santos (@RepSantosNY03) July 17, 2023
While a previous effort to expel the congressman was quashed by Republican leadership, this effort stands a greater chance of passing. Many Republicans, particularly a group of freshman from New York, have strongly condemned Santos and have called on him to design.
While many of them justified voting against the expulsion resolution by arguing that the House Ethics Committee's investigation must reach a conclusion first, the censure measure has little bearing on the ethics process, and some New York Republicans may even see it as politically advantageous to join with Democrats in censuring Santos.
The likely censure vote — which would be forced via a "privileged motion" that hard-right House Republicans have increasingly used in recent weeks — comes just weeks after Democrats Rep. Adam Schiff of California was censured by Republicans for his handling of the Trump-Russia investigation.
In that case, Democrats uniformly rejected the validity of the resolution, and even rallied around Schiff as he presented himself in the well of the House. And it likely contributed to a blockbuster fundraising quarter for the congressman, who's now running for US Senate.
But given Santos' poor reputation among his Republican colleagues, it's unlikely the congressman would receive the same groundswell of support.
—Acyn (@Acyn) June 21, 2023
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