int64 59.8k
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stringlengths 1
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596,926 | Colloquially speaking Matthew, you are an idiot.
Did you not comprehend the story?
Apparently not. | train | 0.864407 | 59 | 222 |
5,052,571 | Sane people would be satisfied if this nut job stayed a lame duck for whatever his term is. Most unprofessional president to ever set foot in the WH. | train | 0.295082 | 61 | 223 |
6,271,533 | He is not gambling he is immigrating lots and lots of votes before next election. if canadian don't get together against liberals he will turn canada into S**T hole. he knows he is loosing so he wants as many as votes as possible before next election. did you you superman symbol is SNAKE SYMBOL SATAN OR LUCIFER. AND TRUDEAU HALLOWEEN COSTUME IS SUPERMAN. | train | 0.833333 | 6 | 224 |
469,265 | I am so sick of this
the corrupt WA legislature NEEDS TO CUT spending and the size of of the VERY CORRUPT WA state govt!
NO schools need to be closed but the spending needs to be CUT along with the size of govt in WA, this will allow for more funds to go to education and its time to get the damn US corrupt govt OUT OF EDUCATION AND TO ABOLISH THE TRYANNICAL US DEPT OF EDUCATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | train | 1 | 10 | 225 |
5,763,882 | yours is not to judge
you have no moral superiority
such is life in a liberal society backed by the constitution
suck it up | train | 0.303571 | 56 | 226 |
278,561 | UUUUUGH UUUUUUUUUUGH!!!! lol! | train | 0.017857 | 56 | 227 |
4,997,495 | Yes. No president, not even tricky Dick has lied as much as the Donald. Where are his damn tax returns? He promised he would release them but has reneged For shame. What a coward. | train | 0.7875 | 80 | 228 |
6,145,556 |
Cheetolini is a waste of human skin, a horrible human being ... him and his followers STINK!! | train | 0.528571 | 70 | 229 |
5,237,763 | What exactly is suspicious about it? Taking the advice of the entire democrat party? Partisan politics is our reality. It's not my fault democrats complain when they get what they called for. They are hypocrites, maybe they are mad Obama didn't have the stones to do this himself. | train | 0.8 | 10 | 230 |
743,938 | The author of this little piece of trashy fiction should be fired. | train | 0.65625 | 64 | 231 |
5,016,360 | Bastards | train | 0.909091 | 55 | 232 |
944,235 | The Ugly Smug Commie returns to the Globe and Mail. | train | 0.269841 | 63 | 233 |
329,142 | Two dumbs makes one dead. Happens all too frequently. | train | 0.8 | 10 | 234 |
575,640 | Roger Ailes channeling his inner Bill Clinton.....
What a dirt bag. | train | 0.385714 | 70 | 235 |
5,725,969 | As "Fingers" McDoofus, an old 18C friend of mine (name changed to protect the stupid) told me, "Pay attention when dealing with explosives". | train | 0.833333 | 6 | 236 |
5,394,272 | Trump will testify under oath.
As if any sort of oath means a damn thing to him.
This clown has been lying so long he doesn't know what's real. He's a delusional maniac who should be impeached for the sake of the country. | train | 0.657143 | 70 | 237 |
5,592,471 | Michael: Ya, a great time in the 70's, like Ken Kesey and his LSD groupies.............
Dr. Phil says, "Well, that's just Plain STUPID......
I wonder if they checked or searched for any METH, HEROIN, etc????? If not, they SHOULD have............... | train | 0.5875 | 80 | 238 |
5,855,657 | Deplorable unhinged Trump supporters. | train | 0.603175 | 63 | 239 |
6,113,861 | Nope. Its called "equivocation." We learn about that one in logic. | train | 0.142857 | 7 | 240 |
479,261 | "MY GUN MATTERS" - Bang Bang thug, you're dead! | train | 0.839286 | 56 | 241 |
5,288,134 | Oh look! A talking jackass. | train | 0.806452 | 62 | 242 |
5,061,247 | Flynn was the smartest of all the idiots and got his s out of town before the circus tent collapses on all the other clowns. | train | 0.84127 | 63 | 243 |
6,145,545 | Fucking Moron needs to do America a favor and die in his sleep | train | 0.928994 | 169 | 244 |
466,341 | Ranger, are you calling Alaskan Natives domestic terrorists? Because last time I checked I haven't every heard of any Alaska Native strapping on a suicide vest. I don't see them stockpiling bomb ingredients and building bombs to blow up government agencies and parking garages. I haven't seen any Waco or Ruby Ridge standoffs. I don't see any Aryan Nation race type groups. I haven't heard of any religious cult issues and mass poisoning. So Ranger, tell me what is makes you think Alaskan Natives are "domestic terrorists?" Or is this just racist bullshit you're peddling? | train | 0.783784 | 74 | 245 |
920,115 | Byard, you may be right. That attack on the Trump truck was so rotten, so stupid, it makes you wonder if they're "agent provocateurs." | train | 0.79661 | 59 | 246 |
5,494,556 | Boots> If you believe in what you say, then you are the bigger fool than I thought you to be! | train | 0.741935 | 62 | 247 |
4,974,633 | Don't mind your post because you're nuts and you really need the outlet. | train | 1 | 4 | 248 |
6,145,013 | Todd, are you sure you teach economics or just MatSu politics?
Your take on SB 91 is based upon a remarkable ignorance of facts. | train | 0.8 | 5 | 249 |
882,587 | So, the US gave the Palestinian Authority $1 billion a year and will now give Israel $3.8 billion a year *in military assistance alone.*
Darn that anti-Israel Obama. | train | 0.9 | 10 | 250 |
430,778 | Thanks Governor for stepping up and being the adult in the room.
And where is your plan McLeod?.. what`s that?.. you don`t have one? other than spend our savings?...... that`s what we figured. Your venomous baloney you spit out betrays you great anger at not getting that state job I heard you applied for. | train | 0.162791 | 43 | 252 |
5,787,468 | If it it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's a duck. If you're in a group that carries a Nazi flag and chants Nazi slogans while marching with flaming torches, you're a Nazi. | train | 0.527778 | 72 | 253 |
562,044 | They're not patriots. They're vandals, thieves, and bullies. They've plastered a facade of patriotism over their outrage at being expected to obey the law. | train | 1 | 4 | 254 |
5,101,797 | Trump and Harpers Conservatives sure are an ignorant bunch. | train | 0.766667 | 60 | 256 |
6,275,086 | And yet another boot-licking, unqualified Trump symphocant slouches off in shame.
What are we at now, fifteen or so? Must be a record. | train | 0.271186 | 59 | 257 |
6,186,300 | 2/2
When Trump went on "The View" in 2011, he said that he had hired investigators to look into Obama's birthplace. He said that "You won't believe what they're finding" and that he would be releasing their report "soon." We didn't know then what we know now: that when Trump promises to release "proof" for any of his lies, he's lying -- in fact, it's Trump-speak for "I'm lying through my teeth." There was no report, no investigation, no investigators -- there was always and only Trump's filthy, racist lies. Here he is on The View: | train | 0.8 | 5 | 258 |
6,021,467 | This whole thing is so stupid. They are just lemmings, doing it because another more popular player did it. They don't truly care about the issues, they want to show their dissatisfaction with Trump. Many people fought and died for the flag. This is complete disrespect for our country and the sacrifices that were made. | train | 1 | 4 | 259 |
5,021,714 | eric - every illegal alien in America is a criminal (doh). Comprende?. | train | 0.4875 | 80 | 260 |
634,962 | When you hear that, run like hell. | train | 0.245283 | 53 | 261 |
5,945,243 | 1. People still eat at Pizza Hut? Gross.
2. It is shameful how this country has allowed conservative ideology to dismantle/prevent worker protections so workers are treated like garbage. | train | 0.535211 | 71 | 262 |
750,259 | The whole nation and world lost, so don your Klan White Sheets climb down into your bunker and wallow in the slime of racism, bigotry, and ignorance. | train | 0.603448 | 58 | 263 |
826,086 | All this guy did was divide our nation. What an embarrassment this guy was. | train | 0.486842 | 76 | 264 |
5,995,130 | Hahaha. North Korea's response was an insult to dogs. Poor John Kelly with his head in his hands. | train | 0.244898 | 49 | 265 |
663,570 | says who? you! , no this is free speech loser,, the torys ran a successful government for alberta which boomed for 40 years, not so much now under left wing losers | train | 0.622951 | 61 | 266 |
562,624 | Oh how I would love to see this worthless to society , scumbag murdering coward ,hung in downtown Fairbanks. | train | 0.732394 | 71 | 267 |
5,382,804 | The media is crooked and biased. It's pretty obvious. And they don't seem to care what we think about them. They can influence enough idiots to get their way, they'll do it. I have never hated the media more than I do now. I won't even watch The Today Show because they're a part of NBC. I only watch Fox. | train | 0.8 | 5 | 268 |
962,071 | Public school=the fleecing of America. Just get rid of it once and for all. The better teachers will make more money and the educated stupid people just looking for a paycheck will have to go find another way to earn a living. | train | 0.772727 | 66 | 269 |
1,053,638 | Trudeau is a coward who puts the rights of others ahead of Canadians because of his dire child like need to be in the lime light. He has sold us an unrealistic dream while selling out Canada. | train | 0.4125 | 80 | 270 |
5,299,608 | He should be executed, not given 48 years. | train | 0.8 | 10 | 271 |
716,006 | Opening up people of a different race to violent acts including death by idiots, by inciting her followers to violence, is offensive. If anything happens to the Jones family, Dembroski should be charged as an accessory. | train | 0.7125 | 80 | 272 |
571,292 | ignorant lying shills of liberal bs like AMROSE here are by far the usual lying posters making up bs based on thier hate and stupidity,,, but why not go further,, give them time, they are so desperate cause they are losing , they will make anything up as time goes alont | train | 0.685714 | 70 | 273 |
357,859 | Yep, darn those children. | train | 0.9 | 10 | 274 |
6,070,768 | Thus soaker St. Henney of Penny, the patron saint of rogues and those needing to be laid everywhere in this site.
I, otoh, rely on the wisdom of Blessed Mechtilde of Ubaldigor: Cope, don't Mope already! | train | 0.142857 | 7 | 275 |
768,406 | BC's "loaning" of money for first time home buyers is obsurd and destructive. All it will do is inflate's a zero sum move. Just stupid. | train | 0.791667 | 72 | 277 |
5,687,171 | Sue them! It's UC's problems, not the admittees who are being substantially damaged. UC can pay the price! | train | 0.057143 | 35 | 278 |
249,560 | SKREW YOU IF YOU DON'T LIKE DEATH METAL!!! | train | 0.409091 | 66 | 279 |
440,035 | Yep, and it's also time for cyclists to not act like idiots when they're on the road. | train | 0.822581 | 62 | 280 |
6,077,798 | Nothing new here, Republicans continue to play partisan politics and ignore their responsibility to the people of Colorado. Using TABOR as an excuse is just more more reason we should dump TABOR. | train | 0.142857 | 7 | 281 |
5,267,453 | The scumbags opposing Trump have made a grave miscalculation with this particular stratagem. If real people did leak Trump's (perfectly legitimate) choice, there are only so many who it could be. Hopefully they will be identified and charged.
Meanwhile, the blowhard idiots trying to make this look bad on Trump are revealed as utterly spiteful and destructive. | train | 0.8125 | 80 | 282 |
498,782 | trump is that fat middle school bully, with the ham-fists, that got D-'s on all his tests, quizzes and papers. | train | 0.647887 | 71 | 283 |
5,533,952 | Ontario voters inclining themselves to the Liberals? Stupid is as stupid does. | train | 0.878788 | 66 | 284 |
798,435 | yep how are you gonna pay it when you try to retire , I mean work until you die. | train | 0.25 | 60 | 285 |
5,587,353 | Lying hypocrites! | train | 0.766667 | 60 | 286 |
6,199,821 | "they weren't full blown sexual preditors, narcissits, liars..."
Bill Clinton - NOT a sexual preditor, huh?
Barack "you can keep your doctor" Obama - NOT a liar, huh?
As for President Trump, it warms my heart to see that he distresses you lefties so much. I hope he will continue to do so. | train | 0.513158 | 76 | 287 |
667,981 | Chick's got more balls than you it sounds like. | train | 0.557143 | 70 | 288 |
5,035,149 | Rabidly anti-Canadian troll. | train | 0.8 | 5 | 289 |
5,262,078 | "It's really annoying how those damn social democracies in Scandinavia keep outperforming everybody at everything", your exact words above. You seems to not have very firm political morals and principals jumping and moving as the debate changes. This is an article by Ivo on the conference just ended in Durban and their scheme for the world's poor etc. He takes it apart and you somehow have meandered everywhere (especially into your socialist vs capitalist topic, are you not tired of it by now?) except answering specifically his points, good or bad. Your last line sums up you confusion. So USA coal killls 200k people a year (zero facts/figurs/explanations etc) and presumably the other coal countries (bigger and smaller plus SA) coal does not kill people?. Stick to articles subject and keep consistent.
How many people does SA's coal industry kill per year and what are you doing abvout it? | train | 0.8 | 10 | 291 |
5,682,383 | False narrative? They admitted to not telling the truth about the Russians. What are you, a Russian lover? Stop drinking the kook aid! | train | 0.259259 | 54 | 293 |
5,743,208 | I have to agree with the other poster, Rhyner is an insufferable ass. | train | 0.852941 | 68 | 294 |
5,149,218 | You voted for Trump. You and all your idiotic buddies have zero room to talk about stupidity. You've got the corner on it. | train | 0.863636 | 66 | 295 |
4,995,814 | What a stoopid comment! Typical Chumpster comments because their brain is dysfunctional they speak through their wrecktum. | train | 0.650794 | 63 | 296 |
5,524,604 | I wish this moron would have been shot to death by the US soldier instead of the other way around. I hope that 10 million is given to the soldier's family who actually deserve it. | train | 0.814286 | 70 | 297 |
683,914 | A fool and our money are soon to be parted. | train | 0.772727 | 66 | 299 |
5,620,160 | And you are an idiot, a dummy, and a nit wit. | train | 0.866667 | 60 | 301 |
5,444,888 | Great idea. Problem the donkeys in charge are too S T U P I D to do the correct thing. | train | 0.833333 | 66 | 302 |
5,639,155 | Death panels again?
Debunked long, long ago.
It's the trump/mcconnell/ryan/cruz death panels you need to worry about now.
And their version of a mandate. | train | 0.111111 | 9 | 303 |
627,801 | As I've said before you're an idiot. Dry your eyes and go shovel some snowflakes. | train | 0.885246 | 61 | 304 |
5,040,485 | Yeah, right. That's why they tried to sweep the KPMG scandal under the rug and didn't penalize any of the wealthy scumbags who got caught in this scam. | train | 0.394737 | 76 | 305 |
5,346,046 | Trump is a dirty stain upon the esteemed Office of the President of the United States; on the people of the United States. It is spreading like a malodorous poison since and is thickening. | train | 0.64 | 75 | 306 |
5,343,550 | I agree with you, we're all big fat hypocrites. The reality is that in our inability to self govern we subject ourselves to being over governed, like children. Probably deservedly so too. | train | 0.633803 | 71 | 307 |
5,692,818 | Why call one bully to deal with another one? I doubt seriously I one of the dumb asses highlighted in the story would continue with a 9MM pointed at their head. | train | 0.742424 | 66 | 308 |
4,968,790 | Chris Birch is a mean, self-centered, contrary ass. He repeatedly interrupted Robin Brena during his presentation and always, always sucks up to Big Oil. He could care less about his constituents and the rest of Alaska. He needs to get gone. What has he done for you, South Anchorage? Sarcastic is the perfect adjective for Chris Birch! | train | 0.777778 | 72 | 309 |
5,578,717 | Slamming EWB is inappropriate. Thy have worked hard for the community, only to be condemned. Ignorance can be overcome but the stupidity seems to go on forever. | train | 1 | 4 | 310 |
258,283 | I hope the dog got a nice treat to get the taste of criminal out of his mouth. | train | 0.34375 | 64 | 311 |
5,874,483 | Putin needs to mind his own damn business.
Israel has every right to deal with sovereign
nations who threaten her very existence. | train | 0.267857 | 56 | 312 |
1,012,624 | Truly a catastrophe, now they will do the crap jobs you don't want to do. | train | 0.576271 | 59 | 313 |
5,010,086 | Policy by brash disdain.
And again, Alaska could end up bearing the brunt of this idiocy. | train | 0.767123 | 73 | 314 |
1,010,681 | This country is a joke. It's no wonder people are getting sick of being the world's doormat. | train | 0.453125 | 64 | 316 |
6,054,613 | Oh give me a break you fake | train | 0.364865 | 74 | 317 |
845,275 | ACH: If you looked at the pay scale you saw the Tricare premium so don't play dumb. If it is such a good deal why don't you sign up? You are one of the ungrateful for whom the military willingly serves so quit your whining. | train | 1 | 4 | 320 |
5,755,718 | As are the National Socialist Swastika , the Communist Hammer and Sickle and the Fascist Fasces. | train | 0.172414 | 58 | 321 |
5,867,865 | Not really seeing what your cynical, self stroking comment has to do with some jerk that had to skirt the system that is trying to keep out these invasive species and drive his trailer/boat into Green Mtn without going through the proper channels. But, not matter how right you think you are and how terrible of a place this is for you, nobody is keeping you here. Just go back on the same road that brought you here, make CO a better place and beat it!
"....attending school without shooting their classmates.." what an ass you are! | train | 0.898551 | 69 | 322 |
1,075,074 | How can you post such a hateful comment?
And how can other people actually 'like" it? Sickening- | train | 0.298507 | 67 | 323 |
5,019,616 | one taxpayer funded agency fining another taxpayer funded agency-stupid is as stupid does. | train | 0.836364 | 55 | 324 |
843,332 | typical empty stupid reply based on hate over anything constructive | train | 0.818182 | 44 | 325 |
5,060,756 | I have named the foolish drivel that plagues me so...and the name is SirJohnSirJohn5 | train | 0.555556 | 72 | 326 |
5,882,172 | The Troll in Chief should just try doing the job instead of just throwing out red meat to the minority of the country that voted for him and still supports him.
Building a stupid wall is not part of the job. | train | 0.71831 | 71 | 327 |
5,346,059 | I always knew you were a dirty cop. | train | 0.846154 | 52 | 328 |
6,215,376 | So Boeing gambled, and lost. Tough sh*t. | train | 0.642857 | 70 | 329 |
591,047 | we are so screwed. PM Butts is full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes | train | 0.9 | 10 | 330 |
5,382,678 | News media, pundits on both sides don't make me do anything; they expose themselves for what they are. In many cases these so-called journalists are no more than hacks, so full of themselves they don't realize how idiotic and silly they present themselves. The worst of them deceive knowingly; those should be marked like a dog would mark it's territory. | train | 0.675 | 80 | 331 |
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