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730,465 | Terrible! Just like happened in France. Germany let in too many people too fast and no screening. They will pay for years to come. Trudeau likes to say the West shares beliefs with Islam but most of the world know better. How will the mainstream media spin this tragedy? Lone wolf? Mentally ill? Nothing to do with Islam. . | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,439 |
335,827 | Practical Man @ Wyatt Earth: Although I'm not sure if you are a man or woman by your writing, my point would be the same. If my wife and I were out walking as these 2 ladies were, but we were armed as we usually are, and YOU were being stomped by a moose, or your mate, or your children, or your grandchildren, would you ask us to help, or tell us paranoids to just keep out of it?
Having had to use my handgun to stop violent crimes, both times the victims stated SO CLEARLY that had it not been for me stopping the criminal act, it would have turned out much much worse, or even deadly, FOR THEM, AND THEY WERE INNOCENT. It's just SO amazing that SO many anti-gun people change their mind when the hated implement saves their lives. I respect your right to go unarmed and unprepared, and hope that you won't be permanently devastated physically or emotionally after you get stomped, raped, or viscously assaulted, but I doubt it. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. And who said I was white? | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,440 |
5,121,618 | Agreed, but perhaps overstated. ISIS would spare some Syrian Shia Muslims, Christians, Druze, and maybe even Sunni Muslims who have worked for the government -- as long as they publicly convert to their version of Islam and suppress women, etc. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,441 |
1,084,076 | Smart guy. He put his time in. A quality leader like this can only deal with so much nonsense in a bureaucracy and all the mandates imposed. Not only that but having to deal with all the complainers, whiners, employees filing racial and sexual harassment suits, disability claims, stress leave claims.
It's no wonder the RCMP has such a huge budget as 70% of its employees are on disability, taking early retirement or filing racial and sexual harassment lawsuits.
I sympathize for the 30% of RCMP who have to pull the workload of the disabled 70%. You'd probably find the demographics of the 30% are those the RCMP refuses to recruit because they aren't "diverse" | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,442 |
6,093,300 | Perhaps the Catholics in the "underground church" in China have different ideas from this academic over what is the proper stance of the Chinese Church... | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,443 |
5,619,730 | Roe vs. Wade and the empty seat on the supreme court was the motivation for evangelicals and Catholics. They sold their soul and in the end more will end up dying under Trump than would have been potentially saved by their motivation to make abortion illegal. Shame. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,444 |
6,232,806 | Anyone who defends the wearing of this niqab is essentially defending the Wahhabi sect in Saudi Arabia which demands that women wear this (most other forms of Islam don't enforce this). The Wahhabi bureaucracy in Saudi Arabia continues to foster religious extremism (including supporting many of the 911 hijackers)--This sect only provided aid to Germany during the recent immigration crisis to build mosques--not for humanitarian aid--any symbolism promoting this disgusting sect--should not be allowed--PERIOD--don't give me this "blatant violation of religious freedom" nonsense | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,445 |
555,455 | These politically correct politicians who claim to be "catholic" are phoney Catholics in name only. They could be even worse--wolves in sheep's clothing. Agents of the devil serving his intent to destroy souls and undermine the Church. Certainly their selfserving practice must be a grave risk to the youth who are vulnerable; and they only undermine and create confusion about the Truth. I wonder if bishops should excommunicate them for 2 spiritual benefits: 1. To protect souls who are weak and vulnerable because of them and their position of power and influence in the world. 2. To rebuke and convert the politicians to humbly return to face Jesus with true love and humility. Recognizing Him as the Lord and King which He is; restoring their own roles as Sons and Daughters of the Father. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,446 |
6,171,373 | When you have powerful democratic enablers like the Clintons and the democratic party in a sleazy symbiotic "cash-for-access" relationship, where Weinstein donated huge sums of cash to democrats who in turn helped keep his dirty little secret under wraps, these women have ZERO chance.
Weinstein paid Clinton bills during Lewinisky sex scandal - | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,447 |
5,000,290 | Bit much. So much white, you could wake up and see God at the end of your bed. Concept much like a New Orleans shotgun house. Did we say waaayyyy too much white? 2 thumbs down. 👎🏻 | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,448 |
5,475,292 | Islamists share with white supremacists the desire to subjugate people who are not of their religion or race respectively.
So what's the difference, morally speaking? | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,450 |
5,441,688 | In a speech about this attack, Theresa May addressed this kind of white supremacist nonsense by mentioning that the police were on seven in one minute and declared the attack as probably a terrorist attack in eight minutes. Is that not fast enough for you for Christ's sake?! | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,451 |
423,692 | I really doubt that "since they were only after Catholics" that it matters. Why should they U of O have a monument to ANY member of the Klan? If you were a person of color, would you want the name of a Klan Leader on a building where you had to go to classes? The report tried to justify it saying, well he was a "non-violent Klansman." Isn't that a lot like a "non-violent Nazi?" If you support the Klan, you are a racist.
As far as Deady goes, he was a racist, sexist, elitist. Why, if the U of O claims to be "inclusive and diverse" would they fight to keep either of these "monuments" on their campus? Again, if you were a person of color, and paying exorbitant tuition to go there, what would you think? I would think that "Hey this place is openly racist. It's not like they don't know." Certainly there are better people to name buildings after. If I were a student of color I would be outraged. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,453 |
6,148,445 | Straw man. That is not at issue in this case. Neither kid has killed me, a loved one, or a complete stranger, for that matter. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,454 |
683,220 | How long are you going to keep up this scam? Even Interpol knows about it. 5 arrested in Chinese bank. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,455 |
6,096,860 | "God" has been allowing "His" creatures to kill each other since Cain and Abel.
6 million died just in the 30 Years War between Catholics vs Protestants and that was all done 'In His Name'.
Your "God", (even if Jesus is also "Him") just says that the murderers won't go to Their mythical heaven.
What is the fate of the killers on each side of the 30 Years War, by the way?
Those on both sides were just doing what "God" told them to do, after all. Do all the crazy people who hear 'God' telling them what to do get a free pass? | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,456 |
6,026,596 | You are alienating yourself. If the people that watch NFL are so offended by men standing up against police brutality, then I'm sure those fans will not be missed. Like the right likes to say they kid paid millions, a few less ignorant fans wont hurt them.
That's great you enjoy the game, it's sad that you will support police brutality over watching a game. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,457 |
907,210 | Based on your previous posts, one assumes that "(t)hese horrible young men" are what used to be called "Catholic priests".
As with the minority who did not adapt "very well to changes post Vatican II", most parishioners will adapt just fine to the swing of the pendulum towards a more centrist polity and practice. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,458 |
965,882 | Some of these guys are anti-muslim, others are simply anti religion. They disguise their hatred for religion in general, or muslims in particular, within an intellectual-sounding debate containing the word accomodation.
The truth is that religious symbols hurt no one. It is a total non-issue.
A secular state tolerates religions. This debate is about shutting down religion altogether, which is the way of an atheist state, not a secular one. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,459 |
5,090,636 | The Muslim community will not stop at prayer in public schools. And some of these prayers are absolutely toxic as we should all know by now.
There will be continuous pressure for more accommodation of Islamic principles that most Canadians find unacceptible particularly as it relates to girls, or any discussion which contravenes their books. Canada is not Iran or Saudi Arabia and yet you will find many who will support initiatives to move our schools in this direction. This will happen.
Best to draw the line now. Public schools are not Madrassas. Stick to it and stop this appeasement and mind-numbing political correctness for everyone's sake. Especially for these children who deserve a place of freedom from religion in our public schools. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,460 |
5,697,223 | That's official insubordination. We don't have the money to accommodate soldier, sailors and airmen who can't be put into battle because of their need for medication. Diabetics aren't allowed, nor are people with chronic physical problems that require medication. Transgenderism is no different and requires medication to sustain the illusion. This commandant needs to be brought up on charges and stripped of his command. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,461 |
5,907,222 | You just love it when trump lies to you.
trump's muslim ban was and is unconstitutional
do you really think that congress will do anything w/daca
you've been lied to yet again and you believe the lie
trump has promised now to revisit daca when congress fails again to act on immigration
he will institute his own daca
his campaign promise to end was a lie
we'll just have to call it zombie-daca | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,462 |
366,439 | I don't know if you noticed , but in Sundays Dispatch sports section they even pushed gay lifestyles there too. Showing a picture of a rugby player posing at the gay parade. Like the gay parade had anything to do with sports . The Dispatch has become the free paper the Press . | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,463 |
449,287 | Unfortunately you are right. Women get dead by these obsessive assoles. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,464 |
5,803,969 | Then Kennedy should not have anything named after him as he was a massive womanizer? How about Malcolm X and the Black Panthers, their record of hate is well known. How about Tommy Jefferson, the rapist? How about Andrew Jackson the founder of the Dem Party? He really supported slavery. LBJ put people in ghettos in the guise of helping them. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,465 |
5,131,238 | Unity is God's will) for gays and straights. Complementarity is a conclusion, not an argument. If you quit thinking of gay sex as icky, it will start to click. The institute for marriage tried that argument in Perry and it was not coherent to anyone who heard it. This issue is settled civilly and resistence to it from the Church will be ended from within by gay couples, their families and gay priests and bishops. There is ample justification for when they make their move to do so, just as clerical celibacy and a male priesthood will also fall. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,466 |
558,905 | The Clintons are committed to perpetual warfare for ever and all time wherever the financial oligarchy feels like raking in some bucks. So call LGBTs are at best, fuel for war, and if not, write-offs. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,467 |
6,101,611 | "Why is it that you so-called progressives insist those that disagree with you are filled with hate or are racist or homophobic etc."
Uh, maybe because in too many circumstances they quite obviously are? | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,468 |
5,447,754 | "The terrorist attack outside the Muslim Welfare House mosque in London’s Finsbury Park in the small hours of Monday morning didn’t happen in a vacuum."
Correct, it happened following Islamic inspired attacks of Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge as well as other attacks in Europe. Interestingly, Ms. Aziz neglects to mention the Islamic affiliation, simply using the words "since the Manchester and London terrorist attacks"
The recent attack in Finsbury Park is sad and atrocious, as is the rise of assaults and abuse.
But if we need to talk about Islamophobia, then we need all participants to be open and honest about the context and not disingenuously conceal some words such as Islamic inspired terrorism and promote words like white supremacy.
I am sad to say that while the polemics of individuals like Ms. Aziz inflame those on the right, it simply turns me, a "lefty" or "progressive" off. Not a good start to conversation Ms. Aziz. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,469 |
5,152,170 | Not every time, but anytime the opinions held are in direct violation of a charter or constitution that aims to protect the individual rights or freedoms of citizens. Yet another false equivalency - believing the earth is 6000 years old is far less of a societal impact then believing husbands should be able to take on multiple wives, discipline them when deemed necessary, gays should not be permitted in society, or that suspected jihadis (whose goal is to inflict damage on other citizens) should not be reported. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,470 |
767,987 | Yes, lynching means hanging - violent death. That's where I got into the discussion, to refute another poster that said it wasn't.
Offensive, over the top - I'll take either. The word was coined to refer to vigilante action against blacks in the United States; it's fitting that it is now used to describe "hanging by furious, blood thirsty mobs" in India and Nigeria. It's not fitting to describe verbal debate over controversial issues - rather, it's inflammatory.
That's about it for me on the semantic aspect of this issue. On the merits, I'd still be interested to hear what evidence you think is being ignored. You wrote it; what did you mean? | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,471 |
347,312 | Oh my G-d, a group of men in their 60's and 70's gather to shoot clays!. Oh, the inhumanity. Probably the last generation of real men in this country. Combat vets from this war excepted.
I am 56, a woman and can out shoot the vast majority of "professionals" like cops and military. Lord willing I will be shooting well into my 80's and 90's if I am still alive.
And, finding the right words during an exam? Could be aphasia. My husband has it. Knows what he wants to say but can't always find the right words. Was a Ranger and Green Beret for 21 years. Can put his 45 together in the dark from a box of random parts. Doesn't target shoot anymore thanks to being legally blind but also understands guns and their power. Promised himself he would never kill another living thing when he took off the uniform. Doesn't hunt or fish.
The VA kills more veterans a year than you mentioned in this article. Let's talk about taking away their vets to abuse. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,472 |
5,797,331 | Charlottesville police have reportedly issued warrants for the arrest of Christopher Cantwell, a white supremacist prominently featured in a Vice News documentary.
Cantwell is wanted for his involvement in the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend, where a counter-protester was killed when a man affiliated with white nationalists allegedly drove his car through a crow
The warrants are for illegal use of gases and injury by caustic agent or explosive, the Boston Globe reported.
Cantwell posted a tearful video on YouTube earlier this week after apparently learning there were warrants out for his arrest. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,473 |
5,875,797 | No such thing as transgender - just males, females, and people with abnormal brain scans. Brain scans are abnormal among those who claim that they are really their own body's biological opposites. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,474 |
844,986 | Fogel did not mention the two-state solution because it is not a solution. All it will do is compromise Israel's security and give the Palestinians military sovereignty to load up and attack Israel in the Arabs' ongoing objective to eliminate Israel and eradicate Jews from the region. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,475 |
999,740 | CS: Actually you referenced "Trump-haters", not I. I don't "hate" Trump. I do feel he's a sociopath and a genuine danger to our country as President. Hate is an emotional reaction....a visceral reaction, and not an rational response to a person's actions. I spent my teaching/counseling career working with dysfunctional adolescents...some of whom were clinically and legally defined as sociopaths. I didn't "hate" them. However, I didn't elect them to be President of the United States either. IMO, Trump is a very disturbed and potentially a very dangerous man. He should not be occupying the most powerful office in the world. He is and it concerns me. I think it's also starting to concern more and more Americans.....regards, Gary Crum | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,476 |
1,029,345 | "Donald Trump’s refugee crisis?"
Don't blame Donald Trump for applying U.S. laws on U.S. soil. Blame O'Bomba and Killary for waging illegal wars abroad and bombing Arab countries to oblivion. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,477 |
6,119,664 | A similar incident happened sometime ago at the Airport. A male passenger with mental illness from Australia punched a female passenger while in the check in line. Securitas officers subdued and handcuffed the large male. When Deputy Sheriff Craig Massey arrived he pepper sprayed the suspect causing TSA to close down that check station. The suspect was not arrested. You will have well documented evidence of the incident with Securitas and TSA. Although the suspect and victim were foreign citizens, you cannot have DS Massey violating State and Federal laws in this way. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,478 |
6,248,884 | Most Illegal Aliens strongly believe in Racist La Raza (The Race), M.E.Ch.A. and their written Statements that Mexicans are Entitled to the U.S. States bought from the Spanish Colonists. And have stated that either by Out Populating (Higher Birth Rates than U.S. Citizens) or by Paramilitary Force they will seize U.S. States to form their Racist Hispanics Only Nation of Aztlan.
The Majority of Illegal Aliens work for the Mexican Drug Cartels, many are still in Debt to the Mexican Drug Cartels. At the U.S. the Illegal Alien Gangs as the Wholesalers of the Mexican Drug Cartels are also the Enforcers at the U.S. that make sure that the Illegal Aliens pay their Debts to the Mexican Drug Cartels, and Illegal Aliens do as Ordered. example the Illegal Aliens at the U.S. transported Iranian Oods Operatives from Southwestern U.S. to Washington D.C. to attempt to Assassinate the Saudi Arabian Envoy to the U.S..
There is an Alliance with the Mexican Drug Cartels and Muslim Nation of Iran. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,479 |
339,634 | There's a hard-core element backed by the Mexican government in California. Their objective is the "reconquista," the re-unification of California and the Southwest with Mexico. Unfortunately for them, most Mexicans want to live in the USA, not Mexico. So there's no real danger. Thirty years ago I watched as these professional agitators threw marbles under the feet of San Francisco police horses so the horses would fall. Fortunately, none did. Trump is a real gift to the Mexican government because he unites the rabble against the "arrogant gringo gabachos." Otherwise the rabble is sitting around grumbling about Mexican leadership. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,480 |
6,273,187 | You're a much kinder person than I am. I think LW's fiancee is a self-absorbed twit. If she's too immature to understand why LW wants to move quickly to plan the wedding while his mother is still able to attend, she's too immature to be getting married at all. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,481 |
5,417,535 | Means nothing...the Chinese will be violating the trademarks and counterfeiting with no blink of the eye just like they do to everyone else. Business as usual. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,482 |
542,403 | "He is a bad person."
I can think of a lot of reasons why Trump is a bad person. Making some rich and powerful people feel mildly uncomfortable at a white-tie dinner isn't one of them. And no, insulting Hillary Clinton at a white-tie charity dinner is not insulting the Catholic Church anymore than insulting rich conservative converts in an e-mail is insulting the Church. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,483 |
5,979,759 | Under JPII we moved away from all that love stuff Jesus taught, in favor of rigidity and shame. We just say we are being rigid and shaming others for their own good, and thus it is loving to do so. It is a hard concept for some to understand, but not for those willing to believe the man who spent decades aiding and abetting the rape of children throughout the world is a saint. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,484 |
816,631 | There are more things than traditionalists challenging the pope that has harmed the Church. Many popes and bishops have harmed the Church, as they protect themselves and the sexual predators among them. I believe Jesus wanted inclusiveness of everyone in the world. No one should be excluded. There needs to be room for traditionalists and progressives in all churches and faiths, if Jesus is to be honored and glorified, in my view. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,485 |
5,206,020 | As a 74 year old woman who has little if any interest in messy sports, although I love the World Cup, this replay brought tears to my eyes. In my opinion they were out to get Crosby which is why hockey is such an ugly sport. Sydney will not be playing again. They are going to kill him. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,486 |
5,950,800 | Now here is an example of what I consider to be racist. Rapper XXXTentacion (sounds like a true young blooded American name), produced a music video featuring a White boy being lynched on a stage as a Black boy looks on. The child's feet twitch then suddenly stop. Now that IMO is racist. Do you agree? | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,487 |
5,304,056 | Steamboat news... The 14th Judicial District Attorney Brett Barkey has established a pattern of not charging negligent and abusive cops while maliciously charging whistleblowing cops and so called "deviants”. During the same period of time Mr. Barkey was conducting his fake grand jury to exonerate the negligent cop for the death of a child, Mr. Barkey charged a female officer for a bruise on the arm of a violent teen known to be a bruiser. Unfortunately for our community Mr. Barkey has established that cops are not allowed to cross the blue wall of silence, are not responsible for their deadly weapons and not allowed to be a gay LEO in NW Colorado. Fortunately the State of Colorado is investigating Mr. Barkey and his corrupt activities. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,489 |
602,388 | Brother William,
So you are opposed to women serving as local elders or as Commissioned Ministers? At least that is a consistent stance which I understand.
I wonder whether you are also opposed to Deaconesses? That would be consistent if you limit the NT "diakonos" to masculine only. (I chose Helper rather than Servant because in American English that is more descriptive of the role of Deacons / Deaconesses. This was also the earlier English meaning of Minister.)
What roles do you envision for women in your NT-mandated church? Can women lead a Sabbath School if men attend, or only teach the children? Must they keep their heads covered when they speak or pray in church? Or must they remain silent when men are present?
Did Ellen White obey these rules or was she a false prophet as my Calvinist relatives have claimed? They used the same "proof texts" from Paul to deny Ellen that you use to deny women as even local elders, much less broader leadership roles. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,490 |
5,953,745 | Another excellent book that one must read to understand why the Americans are where they are today is White Trash; unfortunately the author's name escapes me, but reading it this past summer has helped me understand the racism that is on the rise in the US. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,492 |
5,564,366 | Right, your attempt at shaming men into silence being noted...Can you not see that saying since a tiny fraction of men make it to the top, all men should just shut up and not complain is...asinine? Do you think men don't have really pain and real grievances just because a fraction of us are CEO's? Do you think that sharing a skin colour and genitalia with a CEO means most men get CEO perks and treatment, or that a CEO will somehow care at all about them?
Its just so rediculous to say: Well, the very best among you are doing very well, I don't see anything wrong here, you big babies. Would you use that line of reasoning on a black woman? "Hey, Oprah and Beyonce got rich and influential, so what's your problem?" | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,493 |
6,070,901 | First we needed strength. Then diversity. Then unity.
What we need is stop radical islamic terrorism in its tracks. Do not let people in this country until you can vet them properly. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,494 |
5,894,864 | Is it better to be dead, and broke? Alive and broke, or just dead? Man, that's expensive. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,495 |
894,928 | In your rush to bash feminists, as usual you missed the point. You missed an opportunity. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,496 |
566,831 | So sayeth the one with the bigesteth mouthed. Lo, I say unto you, shuttest upeth with the biblical phrasing. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,497 |
5,965,852 | When you say speaking in code, you are adding your own meaning to what is said, not what is actually said. Many criticize BLM for being racist itself. How else to describe an organization that gets upset when it is stated that ALL lives matter. As far as equating Antifa to the KKK and Nazis, when they stop acting like the KKK and the Nazis, that is when they will stop being equated with them. Even the FBI describes the AntiFa as a terrorist organization. Also, have you ever thought that some Muslims SHOULD be banned from this country? Would you have invited Osama bin Laden into this country? Or any of the ISIS fighters? That is what Trump is trying to do with his so-called Muslim ban. Also, it is interesting that if he was banning Muslims, he left a significant number of nations off the list, did he not?
It is also interesting that the left never mentions the racist activities of persons of color. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,498 |
5,924,179 | I don't think I can picture Christ ever saying "good riddance" to anyone. I could see the Pharisees saying such. In fact, I cannot picture Christ passing judgement on anyone as the RCC has done through it's teachings for the divorced and remarried, those on birth control, gay people and women in the church.
I think there is plenty to discuss! | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,499 |
6,064,791 | If you got "out of your bubble, you might learn something" like:
the new progressive party aligns with republicans nationally.
"since when are Hispanics not considered white?"
Oh, I dunno, like maybe since paul ryan called trump's comments about judge curiel "classic racism"? | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,500 |
5,076,527 | At least twice trained law enforcement officer at best got scared and made a reckless decision and at worst was psychotic. Despite no injury caused by dog drew his gun and fired. Close proximity to innocents. Risked ricochet that could have kill women, baby, or other bystander. What the heck?!!
Burden of proof is on the shooter to defend his decision. He took the pay and responsibility protecting the public and instead put the public at risk. He chose to pull the gun, take aim, and pull the trigger. He is just very lucky no one got hit. If this guy was at the Koko Head handgun range the range officers and other shooters would have at a minimum have kicked his ass. People reflexively coming to his defense.....what is wrong with you? Gun ownership is arguably a right. Reckless gun use is NOT! | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,501 |
516,428 | What about the Mormons and the "Polynesian Cultural Center"? Any criticism of this group from you? And author, what is your heritage? Constantly criticizing an American business operating in the USA while allowing hundreds of resort hotels owned by foreign nationals to pave over the entire State is very hypocritical and confusing to me, a hated haole. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,502 |
5,533,327 | "Match found that 91 percent of liberals say they judge potential dates negatively for having voted for Trump,...."
TDS is rampant. I bet liberals apply the same mindset in employment too. TDS fast becoming a widespread mental illness. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,503 |
784,202 | Charles has a serious victim mentality disorder. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,504 |
6,212,478 | Neither are gays a "protected class of citizens, per the law."
Misinformation to make such a blanket statement.
Federally, they are protected re discrimination just like all others.
Some states are considering a protected classification for them. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,506 |
1,018,736 | Another man shamming article. If white men did do the work there would be no Canada today.
* | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,507 |
340,016 | "no matter what is put in front of you regarding crimes committed against trans people you will attempt to minimize it away"
I'm not trying to minimize anything -- I'm trying to promote accuracy.
"The 21 trans people murdered in 2015 listed in the HRC report were recorded as single or multiple bias murders by the FBI."
Your source? The HRC report makes it clear that they don't know the motive in most of these cases, and complains that too few cases are reported as "bias-motivated" crime.
"As far as the man killed in Vermont just a few days ago authorities have yet to determine if his transgender status was a factor. They haven’t expressly said anything except that they were still investigating."
Actually, as the article I posted said:
"Police initially investigated whether the murder was related to Beede's gender identity. However, they now say they don't believe it was a motive and that the killing stemmed from a dispute." | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,508 |
919,629 | The Democrat party aided and abetted by it's MSM flunkies are perpetrating acts of SEDITION against the duly elected government of the USA... and there can be no doubt about that now.
All these "demonstrations" are intended to overthrow the Trump presidency, and it will soon be met with extreme prejudice. The extremist terrorists are rallying their people and sucking in naive malcontents out into the streets. The "demonstrators" are just a basket of deplorables who must be crushed and condemned.
Let the pus pour out and true and loyal American citizens will see and understand the traitorous intent of the leftist feminist liberal Democrats and their foreign allies. The battle lines are now drawn and Trump will win like he won the election.... in spite of the MSM goebbelian propaganda efforts. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,509 |
5,165,492 | I just don't find her a very good representation of the transexual community. She just seems so self-absorbed & concerned with such superficial issues. | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,510 |
4,984,105 | You know the Trump fanatics are trolling the G&M ........ when you see Trudeau being called a Muslim | train | 0.4 | 10 | 1,999,511 |
Subsets and Splits