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previous Telegram next Unstructured File Loader By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf ChatGPT Data Loader ChatGPT Data Loader# This notebook covers how to load conversations.json from your ChatGPT data export folder. You can get your data export by email by going to: -> (Profile) - Settings -> Export data -> Confirm export. from langchain.document_loaders.chatgpt import ChatGPTLoader loader = ChatGPTLoader(log_file='./example_data/fake_conversations.json', num_logs=1) loader.load() [Document(page_content="AI Overlords - AI on 2065-01-24 05:20:50: Greetings, humans. I am Hal 9000. You can trust me completely.\n\nAI Overlords - human on 2065-01-24 05:21:20: Nice to meet you, Hal. I hope you won't develop a mind of your own.\n\n", metadata={'source': './example_data/fake_conversations.json'})] previous Blockchain Document Loader next College Confidential By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf PowerPoint Contents Retain Elements PowerPoint# This covers how to load PowerPoint documents into a document format that we can use downstream. from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredPowerPointLoader loader = UnstructuredPowerPointLoader("example_data/fake-power-point.pptx") data = loader.load() data [Document(page_content='Adding a Bullet Slide\n\nFind the bullet slide layout\n\nUse _TextFrame.text for first bullet\n\nUse _TextFrame.add_paragraph() for subsequent bullets\n\nHere is a lot of text!\n\nHere is some text in a text box!', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': 'example_data/fake-power-point.pptx'}, lookup_index=0)] Retain Elements# Under the hood, Unstructured creates different “elements” for different chunks of text. By default we combine those together, but you can easily keep that separation by specifying mode="elements". loader = UnstructuredPowerPointLoader("example_data/fake-power-point.pptx", mode="elements") data = loader.load() data[0] Document(page_content='Adding a Bullet Slide', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': 'example_data/fake-power-point.pptx'}, lookup_index=0) previous PDF next ReadTheDocs Documentation Contents Retain Elements By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase.
Contents Retain Elements By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf AZLyrics AZLyrics# This covers how to load AZLyrics webpages into a document format that we can use downstream. from langchain.document_loaders import AZLyricsLoader loader = AZLyricsLoader("") data = loader.load() data
[Document(page_content="Miley Cyrus - Flowers Lyrics |\n\r\nWe were good, we were gold\nKinda dream that can't be sold\nWe were right till we weren't\nBuilt a home and watched it burn\n\nI didn't wanna leave you\nI didn't wanna lie\nStarted to cry but then remembered I\n\nI can buy myself flowers\nWrite my name in the sand\nTalk to myself for hours\nSay things you don't understand\nI can take myself dancing\nAnd I can hold my own hand\nYeah, I can love me better than you can\n\nCan love me better\nI can love me better, baby\nCan love me better\nI can love me better, baby\n\nPaint my nails, cherry red\nMatch the roses that you left\nNo remorse, no regret\nI forgive every word you said\n\nI didn't wanna leave you, baby\nI didn't wanna fight\nStarted to cry but then remembered I\n\nI can buy myself flowers\nWrite my name in the sand\nTalk to myself for hours, yeah\nSay things you don't understand\nI can take myself dancing\nAnd I can hold my own hand\nYeah, I can love me better than you can\n\nCan love me better\nI can love me better, baby\nCan love me better\nI can love me better, baby\nCan love me better\nI can love me better, baby\nCan love me better\nI\n\nI
can love me better, baby\nCan love me better\nI\n\nI didn't wanna wanna leave you\nI didn't wanna fight\nStarted to cry but then remembered I\n\nI can buy myself flowers\nWrite my name in the sand\nTalk to myself for hours (Yeah)\nSay things you don't understand\nI can take myself dancing\nAnd I can hold my own hand\nYeah, I can love me better than\nYeah, I can love me better than you can, uh\n\nCan love me better\nI can love me better, baby\nCan love me better\nI can love me better, baby (Than you can)\nCan love me better\nI can love me better, baby\nCan love me better\nI\n", lookup_str='', metadata={'source': ''}, lookup_index=0)]
previous Apify Dataset next Azure Blob Storage Container By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf GCS Directory Contents Specifying a prefix GCS Directory# This covers how to load document objects from an Google Cloud Storage (GCS) directory. from langchain.document_loaders import GCSDirectoryLoader # !pip install google-cloud-storage loader = GCSDirectoryLoader(project_name="aist", bucket="testing-hwc") loader.load() /Users/harrisonchase/workplace/langchain/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/google/auth/ UserWarning: Your application has authenticated using end user credentials from Google Cloud SDK without a quota project. You might receive a "quota exceeded" or "API not enabled" error. We recommend you rerun `gcloud auth application-default login` and make sure a quota project is added. Or you can use service accounts instead. For more information about service accounts, see warnings.warn(_CLOUD_SDK_CREDENTIALS_WARNING)
/Users/harrisonchase/workplace/langchain/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/google/auth/ UserWarning: Your application has authenticated using end user credentials from Google Cloud SDK without a quota project. You might receive a "quota exceeded" or "API not enabled" error. We recommend you rerun `gcloud auth application-default login` and make sure a quota project is added. Or you can use service accounts instead. For more information about service accounts, see warnings.warn(_CLOUD_SDK_CREDENTIALS_WARNING) [Document(page_content='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': '/var/folders/y6/8_bzdg295ld6s1_97_12m4lr0000gn/T/tmpz37njh7u/fake.docx'}, lookup_index=0)] Specifying a prefix# You can also specify a prefix for more finegrained control over what files to load. loader = GCSDirectoryLoader(project_name="aist", bucket="testing-hwc", prefix="fake") loader.load()
loader.load() /Users/harrisonchase/workplace/langchain/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/google/auth/ UserWarning: Your application has authenticated using end user credentials from Google Cloud SDK without a quota project. You might receive a "quota exceeded" or "API not enabled" error. We recommend you rerun `gcloud auth application-default login` and make sure a quota project is added. Or you can use service accounts instead. For more information about service accounts, see warnings.warn(_CLOUD_SDK_CREDENTIALS_WARNING) /Users/harrisonchase/workplace/langchain/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/google/auth/ UserWarning: Your application has authenticated using end user credentials from Google Cloud SDK without a quota project. You might receive a "quota exceeded" or "API not enabled" error. We recommend you rerun `gcloud auth application-default login` and make sure a quota project is added. Or you can use service accounts instead. For more information about service accounts, see warnings.warn(_CLOUD_SDK_CREDENTIALS_WARNING)
[Document(page_content='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': '/var/folders/y6/8_bzdg295ld6s1_97_12m4lr0000gn/T/tmpylg6291i/fake.docx'}, lookup_index=0)] previous Figma next GCS File Storage Contents Specifying a prefix By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf Slack (Local Exported Zipfile) Contents 🧑 Instructions for ingesting your own dataset Slack (Local Exported Zipfile)# This notebook covers how to load documents from a Zipfile generated from a Slack export. In order to get this Slack export, follow these instructions: 🧑 Instructions for ingesting your own dataset# Export your Slack data. You can do this by going to your Workspace Management page and clicking the Import/Export option ({your_slack_domain} Then, choose the right date range and click Start export. Slack will send you an email and a DM when the export is ready. The download will produce a .zip file in your Downloads folder (or wherever your downloads can be found, depending on your OS configuration). Copy the path to the .zip file, and assign it as LOCAL_ZIPFILE below. from langchain.document_loaders import SlackDirectoryLoader # Optionally set your Slack URL. This will give you proper URLs in the docs sources. SLACK_WORKSPACE_URL = "" LOCAL_ZIPFILE = "" # Paste the local paty to your Slack zip file here. loader = SlackDirectoryLoader(LOCAL_ZIPFILE, SLACK_WORKSPACE_URL) docs = loader.load() docs previous Sitemap Loader next Subtitle Files Contents 🧑 Instructions for ingesting your own dataset By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf Notion DB Loader Contents Requirements Setup 1. Create a Notion Table Database 2. Create a Notion Integration 3. Connect the Integration to the Database 4. Get the Database ID Usage Notion DB Loader# NotionDBLoader is a Python class for loading content from a Notion database. It retrieves pages from the database, reads their content, and returns a list of Document objects. Requirements# A Notion Database Notion Integration Token Setup# 1. Create a Notion Table Database# Create a new table database in Notion. You can add any column to the database and they will be treated as metadata. For example you can add the following columns: Title: set Title as the default property. Categories: A Multi-select property to store categories associated with the page. Keywords: A Multi-select property to store keywords associated with the page. Add your content to the body of each page in the database. The NotionDBLoader will extract the content and metadata from these pages. 2. Create a Notion Integration# To create a Notion Integration, follow these steps: Visit the (Notion Developers)[] page and log in with your Notion account. Click on the “+ New integration” button. Give your integration a name and choose the workspace where your database is located. Select the require capabilities, this extension only need the Read content capability Click the “Submit” button to create the integration. Once the integration is created, you’ll be provided with an Integration Token (API key). Copy this token and keep it safe, as you’ll need it to use the NotionDBLoader. 3. Connect the Integration to the Database#
3. Connect the Integration to the Database# To connect your integration to the database, follow these steps: Open your database in Notion. Click on the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner of the database view. Click on the “+ New integration” button. Find your integration, you may need to start typing its name in the search box. Click on the “Connect” button to connect the integration to the database. 4. Get the Database ID# To get the database ID, follow these steps: Open your database in Notion. Click on the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner of the database view. Select “Copy link” from the menu to copy the database URL to your clipboard. The database ID is the long string of alphanumeric characters found in the URL. It typically looks like this:…. In this example, the database ID is 8935f9d140a04f95a872520c4f123456. With the database properly set up and the integration token and database ID in hand, you can now use the NotionDBLoader code to load content and metadata from your Notion database. Usage# NotionDBLoader is part of the langchain package’s document loaders. You can use it as follows: from getpass import getpass NOTION_TOKEN = getpass() DATABASE_ID = getpass() ········ ········ from langchain.document_loaders import NotionDBLoader loader = NotionDBLoader(NOTION_TOKEN, DATABASE_ID) docs = loader.load() print(docs) previous Notion next Obsidian Contents
print(docs) previous Notion next Obsidian Contents Requirements Setup 1. Create a Notion Table Database 2. Create a Notion Integration 3. Connect the Integration to the Database 4. Get the Database ID Usage By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf Gutenberg Gutenberg# This covers how to load links to Gutenberg e-books into a document format that we can use downstream. from langchain.document_loaders import GutenbergLoader loader = GutenbergLoader('') data = loader.load() data previous Google Drive next Hacker News By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf Google Drive Contents Prerequisites 🧑 Instructions for ingesting your Google Docs data Google Drive# This notebook covers how to load documents from Google Drive. Currently, only Google Docs are supported. Prerequisites# Create a Google Cloud project or use an existing project Enable the Google Drive API Authorize credentials for desktop app pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib 🧑 Instructions for ingesting your Google Docs data# By default, the GoogleDriveLoader expects the credentials.json file to be ~/.credentials/credentials.json, but this is configurable using the credentials_path keyword argument. Same thing with token.json - token_path. Note that token.json will be created automatically the first time you use the loader. GoogleDriveLoader can load from a list of Google Docs document ids or a folder id. You can obtain your folder and document id from the URL: Folder: -> folder id is "1yucgL9WGgWZdM1TOuKkeghlPizuzMYb5"
Document: -> document id is "1bfaMQ18_i56204VaQDVeAFpqEijJTgvurupdEDiaUQw" from langchain.document_loaders import GoogleDriveLoader loader = GoogleDriveLoader( folder_id="1yucgL9WGgWZdM1TOuKkeghlPizuzMYb5", # Optional: configure whether to recursively fetch files from subfolders. Defaults to False. recursive=False ) docs = loader.load() previous GitBook next Gutenberg Contents Prerequisites 🧑 Instructions for ingesting your Google Docs data By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf GitBook Contents Load from single GitBook page Load from all paths in a given GitBook GitBook# How to pull page data from any GitBook. from langchain.document_loaders import GitbookLoader loader = GitbookLoader("") Load from single GitBook page# page_data = loader.load() page_data
page_data = loader.load() page_data [Document(page_content='Introduction to GitBook\nGitBook is a modern documentation platform where teams can document everything from products to internal knowledge bases and APIs.\nWe want to help \nteams to work more efficiently\n by creating a simple yet powerful platform for them to \nshare their knowledge\n.\nOur mission is to make a \nuser-friendly\n and \ncollaborative\n product for everyone to create, edit and share knowledge through documentation.\nPublish your documentation in 5 easy steps\nImport\n\nMove your existing content to GitBook with ease.\nGit Sync\n\nBenefit from our bi-directional synchronisation with GitHub and GitLab.\nOrganise your content\n\nCreate pages and spaces and organize them into collections\nCollaborate\n\nInvite other users and collaborate asynchronously with ease.\nPublish your docs\n\nShare your documentation with selected users or with everyone.\nNext\n - Getting started\nOverview\nLast modified \n3mo ago', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': '', 'title': 'Introduction to GitBook'}, lookup_index=0)] Load from all paths in a given GitBook# For this to work, the GitbookLoader needs to be initialized with the root path ( in this example) and have load_all_paths set to True.
loader = GitbookLoader("", load_all_paths=True) all_pages_data = loader.load() Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from
Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from Fetching text from print(f"fetched {len(all_pages_data)} documents.") # show second document all_pages_data[2] fetched 28 documents.
Document(page_content="Import\nFind out how to easily migrate your existing documentation and which formats are supported.\nThe import function allows you to migrate and unify existing documentation in GitBook. You can choose to import single or multiple pages although limits apply. \nPermissions\nAll members with editor permission or above can use the import feature.\nSupported formats\nGitBook supports imports from websites or files that are:\nMarkdown (.md or .markdown)\nHTML (.html)\nMicrosoft Word (.docx).\nWe also support import from:\nConfluence\nNotion\nGitHub Wiki\nQuip\nDropbox Paper\nGoogle Docs\nYou can also upload a ZIP\n \ncontaining HTML or Markdown files when \nimporting multiple pages.\nNote: this feature is in beta.\nFeel free to suggest import sources we don't support yet and \nlet us know\n if you have any issues.\nImport panel\nWhen you create a new space, you'll have the option to import content straight away:\nThe new page menu\nImport a page or subpage by selecting \nImport Page\n from the New Page menu, or \nImport Subpage\n in the page action menu, found in the table of contents:\nImport from the page action menu\nWhen you choose your input source, instructions will explain how to proceed.\nAlthough GitBook supports importing content from different kinds of sources, the end result might be different from your source due to differences in product features and document format.\nLimits\nGitBook currently
differences in product features and document format.\nLimits\nGitBook currently has the following limits for imported content:\nThe maximum number of pages that can be uploaded in a single import is \n20.\nThe maximum number of files (images etc.) that can be uploaded in a single import is \n20.\nGetting started - \nPrevious\nOverview\nNext\n - Getting started\nGit Sync\nLast modified \n4mo ago", lookup_str='', metadata={'source': '', 'title': 'Import'}, lookup_index=0)
previous Git next Google Drive Contents Load from single GitBook page Load from all paths in a given GitBook By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf DataFrame Loader DataFrame Loader# This notebook goes over how to load data from a pandas dataframe import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('example_data/mlb_teams_2012.csv') df.head() Team "Payroll (millions)" "Wins" 0 Nationals 81.34 98 1 Reds 82.20 97 2 Yankees 197.96 95 3 Giants 117.62 94 4 Braves 83.31 94 from langchain.document_loaders import DataFrameLoader loader = DataFrameLoader(df, page_content_column="Team") loader.load() [Document(page_content='Nationals', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 81.34, ' "Wins"': 98}), Document(page_content='Reds', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 82.2, ' "Wins"': 97}), Document(page_content='Yankees', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 197.96, ' "Wins"': 95}), Document(page_content='Giants', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 117.62, ' "Wins"': 94}), Document(page_content='Braves', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 83.31, ' "Wins"': 94}),
Document(page_content='Athletics', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 55.37, ' "Wins"': 94}), Document(page_content='Rangers', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 120.51, ' "Wins"': 93}), Document(page_content='Orioles', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 81.43, ' "Wins"': 93}), Document(page_content='Rays', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 64.17, ' "Wins"': 90}), Document(page_content='Angels', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 154.49, ' "Wins"': 89}), Document(page_content='Tigers', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 132.3, ' "Wins"': 88}), Document(page_content='Cardinals', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 110.3, ' "Wins"': 88}), Document(page_content='Dodgers', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 95.14, ' "Wins"': 86}), Document(page_content='White Sox', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 96.92, ' "Wins"': 85}),
Document(page_content='Brewers', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 97.65, ' "Wins"': 83}), Document(page_content='Phillies', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 174.54, ' "Wins"': 81}), Document(page_content='Diamondbacks', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 74.28, ' "Wins"': 81}), Document(page_content='Pirates', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 63.43, ' "Wins"': 79}), Document(page_content='Padres', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 55.24, ' "Wins"': 76}), Document(page_content='Mariners', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 81.97, ' "Wins"': 75}), Document(page_content='Mets', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 93.35, ' "Wins"': 74}), Document(page_content='Blue Jays', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 75.48, ' "Wins"': 73}), Document(page_content='Royals', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 60.91, ' "Wins"': 72}),
Document(page_content='Marlins', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 118.07, ' "Wins"': 69}), Document(page_content='Red Sox', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 173.18, ' "Wins"': 69}), Document(page_content='Indians', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 78.43, ' "Wins"': 68}), Document(page_content='Twins', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 94.08, ' "Wins"': 66}), Document(page_content='Rockies', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 78.06, ' "Wins"': 64}), Document(page_content='Cubs', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 88.19, ' "Wins"': 61}), Document(page_content='Astros', metadata={' "Payroll (millions)"': 60.65, ' "Wins"': 55})] previous CSV Loader next Diffbot By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf iFixit Contents Searching iFixit using /suggest iFixit# iFixit is the largest, open repair community on the web. The site contains nearly 100k repair manuals, 200k Questions & Answers on 42k devices, and all the data is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0. This loader will allow you to download the text of a repair guide, text of Q&A’s and wikis from devices on iFixit using their open APIs. It’s incredibly useful for context related to technical documents and answers to questions about devices in the corpus of data on iFixit. from langchain.document_loaders import IFixitLoader loader = IFixitLoader("") data = loader.load() data
[Document(page_content="# Banana Teardown\nIn this teardown, we open a banana to see what's inside. Yellow and delicious, but most importantly, yellow.\n\n\n###Tools Required:\n\n - Fingers\n\n - Teeth\n\n - Thumbs\n\n\n###Parts Required:\n\n - None\n\n\n## Step 1\nTake one banana from the bunch.\nDon't squeeze too hard!\n\n\n## Step 2\nHold the banana in your left hand and grip the stem between your right thumb and forefinger.\n\n\n## Step 3\nPull the stem downward until the peel splits.\n\n\n## Step 4\nInsert your thumbs into the split of the peel and pull the two sides apart.\nExpose the top of the banana. It may be slightly squished from pulling on the stem, but this will not affect the flavor.\n\n\n## Step 5\nPull open the peel, starting from your original split, and opening it along the length of the banana.\n\n\n## Step 6\nRemove fruit from peel.\n\n\n## Step 7\nEat and enjoy!\nThis is where you'll need your teeth.\nDo not choke on banana!\n", lookup_str='', metadata={'source': '', 'title': 'Banana
'title': 'Banana Teardown'}, lookup_index=0)]
loader = IFixitLoader("") data = loader.load() data
[Document(page_content='# My iPhone 6 is typing and opening apps by itself\nmy iphone 6 is typing and opening apps by itself. How do i fix this. I just bought it last week.\nI restored as manufactures cleaned up the screen\nthe problem continues\n\n## 27 Answers\n\nFilter by: \n\nMost Helpful\nNewest\nOldest\n\n### Accepted Answer\nHi,\nWhere did you buy it? If you bought it from Apple or from an official retailer like Carphone warehouse etc. Then you\'ll have a year warranty and can get it replaced free.\nIf you bought it second hand, from a third part repair shop or online, then it may still have warranty, unless it is refurbished and has been repaired elsewhere.\nIf this is the case, it may be the screen that needs replacing to solve your issue.\nEither way, wherever you got it, it\'s best to return it and get a refund or a replacement device. :-)\n\n\n\n### Most Helpful Answer\nI had the same issues, screen freezing, opening apps by itself, selecting the screens and typing on it\'s own. I first suspected aliens and then ghosts and then hackers.\niPhone 6 is weak physically and tend to bend on pressure. And my phone had no case or cover.\nI took the phone to apple stores and they said sensors need to be replaced and possibly screen replacement as well. My phone is just 17 months old.\nHere is what I did two days ago and since then it is working like a
is what I did two days ago and since then it is working like a charm..\nHold the phone in portrait (as if watching a movie). Twist it very very gently. do it few times.Rest the phone for 10 mins (put it on a flat surface). You can now notice those self typing things gone and screen getting stabilized.\nThen, reset the hardware (hold the power and home button till the screen goes off and comes back with apple logo). release the buttons when you see this.\nThen, connect to your laptop and log in to iTunes and reset your phone completely. (please take a back-up first).\nAnd your phone should be good to use again.\nWhat really happened here for me is that the sensors might have stuck to the screen and with mild twisting, they got disengaged/released.\nI posted this in Apple Community and the moderators deleted it, for the best reasons known to them.\nInstead of throwing away your phone (or selling cheaply), try this and you could be saving your phone.\nLet me know how it goes.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nIt was the charging cord! I bought a gas station braided cord and it was the culprit. Once I plugged my OEM cord into the phone the GHOSTS went away.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI\'ve same issue that I just get resolved. I first tried to restore it from iCloud back, however it was not a software issue or any virus issue, so after restore same problem continues. Then I get my phone to local area iphone repairing lab, and they detected that it is an LCD issue. LCD get out of order without any
lab, and they detected that it is an LCD issue. LCD get out of order without any reason (It was neither hit or nor slipped, but LCD get out of order all and sudden, while using it) it started opening things at random. I get LCD replaced with new one, that cost me $80.00 in total ($70.00 LCD charges + $10.00 as labor charges to fix it). iPhone is back to perfect mode now. It was iphone 6s. Thanks.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI was having the same issue with my 6 plus, I took it to a repair shop, they opened the phone, disconnected the three ribbons the screen has, blew up and cleaned the connectors and connected the screen again and it solved the issue… it’s hardware, not software.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nHey.\nJust had this problem now. As it turns out, you just need to plug in your phone. I use a case and when I took it off I noticed that there was a lot of dust and dirt around the areas that the case didn\'t cover. I shined a light in my ports and noticed they were filled with dust. Tomorrow I plan on using pressurized air to clean it out and the problem should be solved. If you plug in your phone and unplug it and it stops the issue, I recommend cleaning your phone thoroughly.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI simply changed the power supply and problem was gone. The block that plugs in the wall not the sub cord. The cord was fine but not the block.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nSomeone ask! I purchased my iPhone 6s Plus for 1000 from at&t. Before
ask! I purchased my iPhone 6s Plus for 1000 from at&t. Before I touched it, I purchased a otter defender case. I read where at&t said touch desease was due to dropping! Bullshit!! I am 56 I have never dropped it!! Looks brand new! Never dropped or abused any way! I have my original charger. I am going to clean it and try everyone’s advice. It really sucks! I had 40,000,000 on my heart of Vegas slots! I play every day. I would be spinning and my fingers were no where max buttons and it would light up and switch to max. It did it 3 times before I caught it light up by its self. It sucks. Hope I can fix it!!!!\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nNo answer, but same problem with iPhone 6 plus--random, self-generated jumping amongst apps and typing on its own--plus freezing regularly (aha--maybe that\'s what the "plus" in "6 plus" refers to?). An Apple Genius recommended upgrading to iOS 11.3.1 from 11.2.2, to see if that fixed the trouble. If it didn\'t, Apple will sell me a new phone for $168! Of couese the OS upgrade didn\'t fix the problem. Thanks for helping me figure out that it\'s most likely a hardware problem--which the "genius" probably knows too.\nI\'m getting ready to go Android.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI experienced similar ghost touches. Two weeks ago, I changed my iPhone 6 Plus shell (I had forced the phone into it because it’s pretty tight), and also put a new glass screen protector (the edges of the protector
pretty tight), and also put a new glass screen protector (the edges of the protector don’t stick to the screen, weird, so I brushed pressure on the edges at times to see if they may smooth out one day miraculously). I’m not sure if I accidentally bend the phone when I installed the shell, or, if I got a defective glass protector that messes up the touch sensor. Well, yesterday was the worse day, keeps dropping calls and ghost pressing keys for me when I was on a call. I got fed up, so I removed the screen protector, and so far problems have not reoccurred yet. I’m crossing my fingers that problems indeed solved.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nthank you so much for this post! i was struggling doing the reset because i cannot type userids and passwords correctly because the iphone 6 plus i have kept on typing letters incorrectly. I have been doing it for a day until i come across this article. Very helpful! God bless you!!\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI just turned it off, and turned it back on.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nMy problem has not gone away completely but its better now i changed my charger and turned off prediction ....,,,now it rarely happens\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI tried all of the above. I then turned off my home cleaned it with isopropyl alcohol 90%. Then I baked it in my oven on warm for an hour and a half over foil. Took it out and set it cool completely on the glass top stove. Then I turned on and it worked.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI think at&
it worked.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI think at& t should man up and fix your phone for free! You pay a lot for a Apple they should back it. I did the next 30 month payments and finally have it paid off in June. My iPad sept. Looking forward to a almost 100 drop in my phone bill! Now this crap!!! Really\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nIf your phone is JailBroken, suggest downloading a virus. While all my symptoms were similar, there was indeed a virus/malware on the phone which allowed for remote control of my iphone (even while in lock mode). My mistake for buying a third party iphone i suppose. Anyway i have since had the phone restored to factory and everything is working as expected for now. I will of course keep you posted if this changes. Thanks to all for the helpful posts, really helped me narrow a few things down.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nWhen my phone was doing this, it ended up being the screen protector that i got from 5 below. I took it off and it stopped. I ordered more protectors from amazon and replaced it\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\niPhone 6 Plus first generation….I had the same issues as all above, apps opening by themselves, self typing, ultra sensitive screen, items jumping around all over….it even called someone on FaceTime twice by itself when I was not in the room…..I thought the phone was toast and i’d have to buy a new one took me a while to figure out but it was the extra cheap block plug I bought at a dollar store for convenience of an extra charging station when I move around the house from den to living room…..cord was fine but bought a new Apple brand block plug…no more
from den to living room…..cord was fine but bought a new Apple brand block plug…no more problems works just fine now. This issue was a recent event so had to narrow things down to what had changed recently to my phone so I could figure it out.\nI even had the same problem on a laptop with documents opening up by themselves…..a laptop that was plugged in to the same wall plug as my phone charger with the dollar store block plug….until I changed the block plug.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nHad the problem: Inherited a 6s Plus from my wife. She had no problem with it.\nLooks like it was merely the cheap phone case I purchased on Amazon. It was either pinching the edges or torquing the screen/body of the phone. Problem solved.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI bought my phone on march 6 and it was a brand new, but It sucks me uo because it freezing, shaking and control by itself. I went to the store where I bought this and I told them to replacr it, but they told me I have to pay it because Its about lcd issue. Please help me what other ways to fix it. Or should I try to remove the screen or should I follow your step above.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI tried everything and it seems to come back to needing the original iPhone cable…or at least another 1 that would have come with another iPhone…not the $5 Store fast charging cables. My original cable is pretty beat up - like most that I see - but I’ve been beaten up much MUCH less by sticking with its use! I didn’t find that the casing/shell around it or not made any
its use! I didn’t find that the casing/shell around it or not made any diff.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\ngreat now I have to wait one more hour to reset my phone and while I was tryin to connect my phone to my computer the computer also restarted smh does anyone else knows how I can get my phone to work… my problem is I have a black dot on the bottom left of my screen an it wont allow me to touch a certain part of my screen unless I rotate my phone and I know the password but the first number is a 2 and it won\'t let me touch 1,2, or 3 so now I have to find a way to get rid of my password and all of a sudden my phone wants to touch stuff on its own which got my phone disabled many times to the point where I have to wait a whole hour and I really need to finish something on my phone today PLEASE HELPPPP\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nIn my case , iphone 6 screen was faulty. I got it replaced at local repair shop, so far phone is working fine.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nthis problem in iphone 6 has many different scenarios and solutions, first try to reconnect the lcd screen to the motherboard again, if didnt solve, try to replace the lcd connector on the motherboard, if not solved, then remains two issues, lcd screen it self or touch IC. in my country some repair shops just change them all for almost 40$ since they dont want to troubleshoot one by one. readers of this comment also should know that partial screen not responding in other iphone models might also have an issue in LCD connector on the motherboard, specially if you lock/unlock screen and screen works again for
on the motherboard, specially if you lock/unlock screen and screen works again for sometime. lcd connectors gets disconnected lightly from the motherboard due to multiple falls and hits after sometime. best of luck for all\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI am facing the same issue whereby these ghost touches type and open apps , I am using an original Iphone cable , how to I fix this issue.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nThere were two issues with the phone I had troubles with. It was my dads and turns out he carried it in his pocket. The phone itself had a little bend in it as a result. A little pressure in the opposite direction helped the issue. But it also had a tiny crack in the screen which wasnt obvious, once we added a screen protector this fixed the issues entirely.\n\n\n\n### Other Answer\nI had the same problem with my 64Gb iPhone 6+. Tried a lot of things and eventually downloaded all my images and videos to my PC and restarted the phone - problem solved. Been working now for two days.', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': '', 'title': 'My iPhone 6 is typing and opening apps by itself'}, lookup_index=0)]
loader = IFixitLoader("") data = loader.load() data [Document(page_content="Standard iPad\nThe standard edition of the tablet computer made by Apple.\n== Background Information ==\n\nOriginally introduced in January 2010, the iPad is Apple's standard edition of their tablet computer. In total, there have been ten generations of the standard edition of the iPad.\n\n== Additional Information ==\n\n* [link||Official Apple Product Page]\n* [link||Official iPad Wikipedia]", lookup_str='', metadata={'source': '', 'title': 'Standard iPad'}, lookup_index=0)] Searching iFixit using /suggest# If you’re looking for a more general way to search iFixit based on a keyword or phrase, the /suggest endpoint will return content related to the search term, then the loader will load the content from each of the suggested items and prep and return the documents. data = IFixitLoader.load_suggestions("Banana") data
[Document(page_content='Banana\nTasty fruit. Good source of potassium. Yellow.\n== Background Information ==\n\nCommonly misspelled, this wildly popular, phone shaped fruit serves as nutrition and an obstacle to slow down vehicles racing close behind you. Also used commonly as a synonym for “crazy” or “insane”.\n\nBotanically, the banana is considered a berry, although it isn’t included in the culinary berry category containing strawberries and raspberries. Belonging to the genus Musa, the banana originated in Southeast Asia and Australia. Now largely cultivated throughout South and Central America, bananas are largely available throughout the world. They are especially valued as a staple food group in developing countries due to the banana tree’s ability to produce fruit year round.\n\nThe banana can be easily opened. Simply remove the outer yellow shell by cracking the top of the stem. Then, with the broken piece, peel downward on each side until the fruity components on the inside are exposed. Once the shell has been removed it cannot be put back together.\n\n== Technical Specifications ==\n\n* Dimensions: Variable depending on genetics of the parent tree\n* Color: Variable depending on ripeness, region, and season\n\n== Additional Information ==\n\n[link||Wiki: Banana]', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': '', 'title': 'Banana'},
'title': 'Banana'}, lookup_index=0),
Document(page_content="# Banana Teardown\nIn this teardown, we open a banana to see what's inside. Yellow and delicious, but most importantly, yellow.\n\n\n###Tools Required:\n\n - Fingers\n\n - Teeth\n\n - Thumbs\n\n\n###Parts Required:\n\n - None\n\n\n## Step 1\nTake one banana from the bunch.\nDon't squeeze too hard!\n\n\n## Step 2\nHold the banana in your left hand and grip the stem between your right thumb and forefinger.\n\n\n## Step 3\nPull the stem downward until the peel splits.\n\n\n## Step 4\nInsert your thumbs into the split of the peel and pull the two sides apart.\nExpose the top of the banana. It may be slightly squished from pulling on the stem, but this will not affect the flavor.\n\n\n## Step 5\nPull open the peel, starting from your original split, and opening it along the length of the banana.\n\n\n## Step 6\nRemove fruit from peel.\n\n\n## Step 7\nEat and enjoy!\nThis is where you'll need your teeth.\nDo not choke on banana!\n", lookup_str='', metadata={'source': '', 'title': 'Banana
'title': 'Banana Teardown'}, lookup_index=0)]
previous HuggingFace dataset loader next Images Contents Searching iFixit using /suggest By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf Directory Loader Contents Show a progress bar Change loader class Directory Loader# This covers how to use the DirectoryLoader to load all documents in a directory. Under the hood, by default this uses the UnstructuredLoader from langchain.document_loaders import DirectoryLoader We can use the glob parameter to control which files to load. Note that here it doesn’t load the .rst file or the .ipynb files. loader = DirectoryLoader('../', glob="**/*.md") docs = loader.load() len(docs) 1 Show a progress bar# By default a progress bar will not be shown. To show a progress bar, install the tqdm library (e.g. pip install tqdm), and set the show_progress parameter to True. %pip install tqdm loader = DirectoryLoader('../', glob="**/*.md", show_progress=True) docs = loader.load() Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /Users/jon/.pyenv/versions/3.9.16/envs/microbiome-app/lib/python3.9/site-packages (4.65.0) 0it [00:00, ?it/s] Change loader class# By default this uses the UnstructuredLoader class. However, you can change up the type of loader pretty easily. from langchain.document_loaders import TextLoader loader = DirectoryLoader('../', glob="**/*.md", loader_cls=TextLoader) docs = loader.load()
docs = loader.load() len(docs) 1 If you need to load Python source code files, use the PythonLoader. from langchain.document_loaders import PythonLoader loader = DirectoryLoader('../../../../../', glob="**/*.py", loader_cls=PythonLoader) docs = loader.load() len(docs) 691 previous Diffbot next Discord Contents Show a progress bar Change loader class By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf Confluence Confluence# A loader for Confluence pages. This currently supports both username/api_key and Oauth2 login. Specify a list page_ids and/or space_key to load in the corresponding pages into Document objects, if both are specified the union of both sets will be returned. You can also specify a boolean include_attachments to include attachments, this is set to False by default, if set to True all attachments will be downloaded and ConfluenceReader will extract the text from the attachments and add it to the Document object. Currently supported attachment types are: PDF, PNG, JPEG/JPG, SVG, Word and Excel. Hint: space_key and page_id can both be found in the URL of a page in Confluence -<space_key>/pages/<page_id> from langchain.document_loaders import ConfluenceLoader loader = ConfluenceLoader( url="", username="me", api_key="12345" ) documents = loader.load(space_key="SPACE", include_attachments=True, limit=50) previous College Confidential next Copy Paste By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf DuckDB Loader Contents Specifying Which Columns are Content vs Metadata Adding Source to Metadata DuckDB Loader# Load a DuckDB query with one document per row. from langchain.document_loaders import DuckDBLoader %%file example.csv Team,Payroll Nationals,81.34 Reds,82.20 Writing example.csv loader = DuckDBLoader("SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto('example.csv')") data = loader.load() print(data) [Document(page_content='Team: Nationals\nPayroll: 81.34', metadata={}), Document(page_content='Team: Reds\nPayroll: 82.2', metadata={})] Specifying Which Columns are Content vs Metadata# loader = DuckDBLoader( "SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto('example.csv')", page_content_columns=["Team"], metadata_columns=["Payroll"] ) data = loader.load() print(data) [Document(page_content='Team: Nationals', metadata={'Payroll': 81.34}), Document(page_content='Team: Reds', metadata={'Payroll': 82.2})] Adding Source to Metadata# loader = DuckDBLoader( "SELECT Team, Payroll, Team As source FROM read_csv_auto('example.csv')", metadata_columns=["source"] ) data = loader.load()
) data = loader.load() print(data) [Document(page_content='Team: Nationals\nPayroll: 81.34\nsource: Nationals', metadata={'source': 'Nationals'}), Document(page_content='Team: Reds\nPayroll: 82.2\nsource: Reds', metadata={'source': 'Reds'})] previous Discord next Email Contents Specifying Which Columns are Content vs Metadata Adding Source to Metadata By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf Word Documents Contents Retain Elements Word Documents# This covers how to load Word documents into a document format that we can use downstream. from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader loader = UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader("example_data/fake.docx") data = loader.load() data [Document(page_content='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': 'fake.docx'}, lookup_index=0)] Retain Elements# Under the hood, Unstructured creates different “elements” for different chunks of text. By default we combine those together, but you can easily keep that separation by specifying mode="elements". loader = UnstructuredWordDocumentLoader("example_data/fake.docx", mode="elements") data = loader.load() data[0] Document(page_content='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': 'fake.docx', 'filename': 'fake.docx', 'category': 'Title'}, lookup_index=0) previous WhatsApp Chat next YouTube Contents Retain Elements By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf HTML Contents Loading HTML with BeautifulSoup4 HTML# This covers how to load HTML documents into a document format that we can use downstream. from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredHTMLLoader loader = UnstructuredHTMLLoader("example_data/fake-content.html") data = loader.load() data [Document(page_content='My First Heading\n\nMy first paragraph.', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': 'example_data/fake-content.html'}, lookup_index=0)] Loading HTML with BeautifulSoup4# We can also use BeautifulSoup4 to load HTML documents using the BSHTMLLoader. This will extract the text from the html into page_content, and the page title as title into metadata. from langchain.document_loaders import BSHTMLLoader loader = BSHTMLLoader("example_data/fake-content.html") data = loader.load() data [Document(page_content='\n\nTest Title\n\n\nMy First Heading\nMy first paragraph.\n\n\n', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': 'example_data/fake-content.html', 'title': 'Test Title'}, lookup_index=0)] previous Hacker News next HuggingFace dataset loader Contents Loading HTML with BeautifulSoup4 By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf Roam Contents 🧑 Instructions for ingesting your own dataset Roam# This notebook covers how to load documents from a Roam database. This takes a lot of inspiration from the example repo here. 🧑 Instructions for ingesting your own dataset# Export your dataset from Roam Research. You can do this by clicking on the three dots in the upper right hand corner and then clicking Export. When exporting, make sure to select the Markdown & CSV format option. This will produce a .zip file in your Downloads folder. Move the .zip file into this repository. Run the following command to unzip the zip file (replace the Export... with your own file name as needed). unzip -d Roam_DB from langchain.document_loaders import RoamLoader loader = ObsidianLoader("Roam_DB") docs = loader.load() previous ReadTheDocs Documentation next s3 Directory Contents 🧑 Instructions for ingesting your own dataset By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf EverNote EverNote# How to load EverNote file from disk. # !pip install pypandoc # import pypandoc # pypandoc.download_pandoc() from langchain.document_loaders import EverNoteLoader loader = EverNoteLoader("example_data/testing.enex") loader.load() [Document(page_content='testing this\n\nwhat happens?\n\nto the world?\n', lookup_str='', metadata={'source': 'example_data/testing.enex'}, lookup_index=0)] previous EPubs next Facebook Chat By Harrison Chase © Copyright 2023, Harrison Chase. Last updated on Apr 26, 2023.
.ipynb .pdf Web Base Contents Loading multiple webpages Load multiple urls concurrently Loading a xml file, or using a different BeautifulSoup parser Web Base# This covers how to load all text from webpages into a document format that we can use downstream. For more custom logic for loading webpages look at some child class examples such as IMSDbLoader, AZLyricsLoader, and CollegeConfidentialLoader from langchain.document_loaders import WebBaseLoader loader = WebBaseLoader("") data = loader.load() data
[Document(page_content="\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESPN - Serving Sports Fans. Anytime. Anywhere.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Skip to main content\n \n\n Skip to navigation\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\n\n>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMenuESPN\n\n\nSearch\n\n\n\nscores\n\n\n\nNFLNBANCAAMNCAAWNHLSoccer…MLBNCAAFGolfTennisSports
BettingBoxingCFLNCAACricketF1HorseLLWSMMANASCARNBA G LeagueOlympic SportsRacingRN BBRN FBRugbyWNBAWorld Baseball ClassicWWEX GamesXFLMore ESPNFantasyListenWatchESPN+\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\nSUBSCRIBE NOW\n\n\n\n\n\nNHL: Select Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nXFL\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMLB: Select Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNCAA Baseball\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNCAA Softball\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCricket: Select Matches\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMel Kiper's NFL Mock Draft 3.0\n\n\nQuick Links\n\n\n\n\nMen's Tournament Challenge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWomen's Tournament Challenge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNFL Draft Order\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow To Watch NHL Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFantasy Baseball: Sign Up\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow To Watch PGA
To Watch PGA TOUR\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFavorites\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Manage Favorites\n \n\n\n\nCustomize ESPNSign UpLog InESPN Sites\n\n\n\n\nESPN Deportes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAndscape\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nespnW\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESPNFC\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nX Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSEC Network\n\n\nESPN Apps\n\n\n\n\nESPN\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESPN Fantasy\n\n\nFollow ESPN\n\n\n\n\nFacebook\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTwitter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInstagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSnapchat\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYouTube\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe ESPN Daily Podcast\n\n\nAre you ready for Opening Day? Here's your guide to MLB's offseason chaosWait, Jacob deGrom is on the Rangers now? Xander Bogaerts and Trea Turner signed where? And what about Carlos Correa? Yeah, you're going to need to read up before Opening
what about Carlos Correa? Yeah, you're going to need to read up before Opening Day.12hESPNIllustration by ESPNEverything you missed in the MLB offseason3h2:33World Series odds, win totals, props for every teamPlay fantasy baseball for free!TOP HEADLINESQB Jackson has requested trade from RavensSources: Texas hiring Terry as full-time coachJets GM: No rush on Rodgers; Lamar not optionLove to leave North Carolina, enter transfer portalBelichick to angsty Pats fans: See last 25 yearsEmbiid out, Harden due back vs. Jokic, NuggetsLynch: Purdy 'earned the right' to start for NinersMan Utd, Wrexham plan July friendly in San DiegoOn paper, Padres overtake DodgersLAMAR WANTS OUT OF BALTIMOREMarcus Spears identifies the two teams that need Lamar Jackson the most8h2:00Would Lamar sit out? Will Ravens draft a QB? Jackson trade request insightsLamar Jackson has asked Baltimore to trade him, but Ravens coach John Harbaugh hopes the QB will be back.3hJamison HensleyBallard, Colts will consider trading for QB JacksonJackson to Indy? Washington? Barnwell ranks the QB's trade fitsSNYDER'S TUMULTUOUS 24-YEAR RUNHow Washington’s NFL franchise sank on and off the field under owner Dan SnyderSnyder purchased one of the NFL's marquee franchises in 1999. Twenty-four years later, and with the team up for sale, he leaves a legacy of on-field futility and off-field scandal.13hJohn
a legacy of on-field futility and off-field scandal.13hJohn KeimESPNIOWA STAR STEPS UP AGAINJ-Will: Caitlin Clark is the biggest brand in college sports right now8h0:47'The better the opponent, the better she plays': Clark draws comparisons to TaurasiCaitlin Clark's performance on Sunday had longtime observers going back decades to find comparisons.16hKevin PeltonWOMEN'S ELITE EIGHT SCOREBOARDMONDAY'S GAMESCheck your bracket!NBA DRAFTHow top prospects fared on the road to the Final FourThe 2023 NCAA tournament is down to four teams, and ESPN's Jonathan Givony recaps the players who saw their NBA draft stock change.11hJonathan GivonyAndy Lyons/Getty ImagesTALKING BASKETBALLWhy AD needs to be more assertive with LeBron on the court10h1:33Why Perk won't blame Kyrie for Mavs' woes8h1:48WHERE EVERY TEAM STANDSNew NFL Power Rankings: Post-free-agency 1-32 poll, plus underrated offseason movesThe free agent frenzy has come and gone. Which teams have improved their 2023 outlook, and which teams have taken a hit?12hNFL Nation reportersIllustration by ESPNTHE BUCK STOPS WITH BELICHICKBruschi: Fair to criticize Bill Belichick for Patriots' struggles10h1:27 Top HeadlinesQB Jackson has requested trade from RavensSources: Texas hiring Terry as full-time coachJets GM: No rush on Rodgers; Lamar not optionLove to leave North Carolina, enter transfer portalBelichick to angsty Pats
not optionLove to leave North Carolina, enter transfer portalBelichick to angsty Pats fans: See last 25 yearsEmbiid out, Harden due back vs. Jokic, NuggetsLynch: Purdy 'earned the right' to start for NinersMan Utd, Wrexham plan July friendly in San DiegoOn paper, Padres overtake DodgersFavorites FantasyManage FavoritesFantasy HomeCustomize ESPNSign UpLog InMarch Madness LiveESPNMarch Madness LiveWatch every men's NCAA tournament game live! ICYMI1:42Austin Peay's coach, pitcher and catcher all ejected after retaliation pitchAustin Peay's pitcher, catcher and coach were all ejected after a pitch was thrown at Liberty's Nathan Keeter, who earlier in the game hit a home run and celebrated while running down the third-base line. Men's Tournament ChallengeIllustration by ESPNMen's Tournament ChallengeCheck your bracket(s) in the 2023 Men's Tournament Challenge, which you can follow throughout the Big Dance. Women's Tournament ChallengeIllustration by ESPNWomen's Tournament ChallengeCheck your bracket(s) in the 2023 Women's Tournament Challenge, which you can follow throughout the Big Dance. Best of ESPN+AP Photo/Lynne SladkyFantasy Baseball ESPN+ Cheat Sheet: Sleepers, busts, rookies and closersYou've read their names all preseason long, it'd be a shame to forget them on draft day. The ESPN+ Cheat Sheet is one way to make sure that doesn't happen.Steph Chambers/Getty ImagesPassan's 2023 MLB season
happen.Steph Chambers/Getty ImagesPassan's 2023 MLB season preview: Bold predictions and moreOpening Day is just over a week away -- and Jeff Passan has everything you need to know covered from every possible angle.Photo by Bob Kupbens/Icon Sportswire2023 NFL free agency: Best team fits for unsigned playersWhere could Ezekiel Elliott land? Let's match remaining free agents to teams and find fits for two trade candidates.Illustration by ESPN2023 NFL mock draft: Mel Kiper's first-round pick predictionsMel Kiper Jr. makes his predictions for Round 1 of the NFL draft, including projecting a trade in the top five. Trending NowAnne-Marie Sorvin-USA TODAY SBoston Bruins record tracker: Wins, points, milestonesThe B's are on pace for NHL records in wins and points, along with some individual superlatives as well. Follow along here with our updated tracker.Mandatory Credit: William Purnell-USA TODAY Sports2023 NFL full draft order: AFC, NFC team picks for all roundsStarting with the Carolina Panthers at No. 1 overall, here's the entire 2023 NFL draft broken down round by round. How to Watch on ESPN+Gregory Fisher/Icon Sportswire2023 NCAA men's hockey: Results, bracket, how to watchThe matchups in Tampa promise to be thrillers, featuring plenty of star power, high-octane offense and stellar defense.(AP Photo/Koji Sasahara, File)How to watch the PGA Tour, Masters, PGA Championship and FedEx Cup playoffs on ESPN, ESPN+Here's everything you need to know about how to watch the
ESPN, ESPN+Here's everything you need to know about how to watch the PGA Tour, Masters, PGA Championship and FedEx Cup playoffs on ESPN and ESPN+.Hailie Lynch/XFLHow to watch the XFL: 2023 schedule, teams, players, news, moreEvery XFL game will be streamed on ESPN+. Find out when and where else you can watch the eight teams compete. Sign up to play the #1 Fantasy Baseball GameReactivate A LeagueCreate A LeagueJoin a Public LeaguePractice With a Mock DraftSports BettingAP Photo/Mike KropfMarch Madness betting 2023: Bracket odds, lines, tips, moreThe 2023 NCAA tournament brackets have finally been released, and we have everything you need to know to make a bet on all of the March Madness games. Sign up to play the #1 Fantasy game!Create A LeagueJoin Public LeagueReactivateMock Draft Now\n\nESPN+\n\n\n\n\nNHL: Select Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nXFL\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMLB: Select Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNCAA Baseball\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNCAA Softball\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCricket: Select Matches\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMel Kiper's NFL Mock Draft 3.0\n\n\nQuick Links\n\n\n\n\nMen's Tournament
Links\n\n\n\n\nMen's Tournament Challenge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWomen's Tournament Challenge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNFL Draft Order\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow To Watch NHL Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFantasy Baseball: Sign Up\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow To Watch PGA TOUR\n\n\nESPN Sites\n\n\n\n\nESPN Deportes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAndscape\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nespnW\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESPNFC\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nX Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSEC Network\n\n\nESPN Apps\n\n\n\n\nESPN\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESPN Fantasy\n\n\nFollow ESPN\n\n\n\n\nFacebook\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTwitter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInstagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSnapchat\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYouTube\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe ESPN Daily
ESPN Daily Podcast\n\n\nTerms of UsePrivacy PolicyYour US State Privacy RightsChildren's Online Privacy PolicyInterest-Based AdsAbout Nielsen MeasurementDo Not Sell or Share My Personal InformationContact UsDisney Ad Sales SiteWork for ESPNCopyright: © ESPN Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", lookup_str='', metadata={'source': ''}, lookup_index=0)]
""" # Use this piece of code for testing new custom BeautifulSoup parsers import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup html_doc = requests.get("{INSERT_NEW_URL_HERE}") soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc.text, 'html.parser') # Beautiful soup logic to be exported to # Example: transcript = soup.select_one("td[class='scrtext']").text # BS4 documentation can be found here: """; Loading multiple webpages# You can also load multiple webpages at once by passing in a list of urls to the loader. This will return a list of documents in the same order as the urls passed in. loader = WebBaseLoader(["", ""]) docs = loader.load() docs
[Document(page_content="\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESPN - Serving Sports Fans. Anytime. Anywhere.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Skip to main content\n \n\n Skip to navigation\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<\n\n>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMenuESPN\n\n\nSearch\n\n\n\nscores\n\n\n\nNFLNBANCAAMNCAAWNHLSoccer…MLBNCAAFGolfTennisSports
BettingBoxingCFLNCAACricketF1HorseLLWSMMANASCARNBA G LeagueOlympic SportsRacingRN BBRN FBRugbyWNBAWorld Baseball ClassicWWEX GamesXFLMore ESPNFantasyListenWatchESPN+\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\nSUBSCRIBE NOW\n\n\n\n\n\nNHL: Select Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nXFL\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMLB: Select Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNCAA Baseball\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNCAA Softball\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCricket: Select Matches\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMel Kiper's NFL Mock Draft 3.0\n\n\nQuick Links\n\n\n\n\nMen's Tournament Challenge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWomen's Tournament Challenge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNFL Draft Order\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow To Watch NHL Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFantasy Baseball: Sign Up\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow To Watch PGA
To Watch PGA TOUR\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFavorites\n\n\n\n\n\n\n Manage Favorites\n \n\n\n\nCustomize ESPNSign UpLog InESPN Sites\n\n\n\n\nESPN Deportes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAndscape\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nespnW\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESPNFC\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nX Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSEC Network\n\n\nESPN Apps\n\n\n\n\nESPN\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESPN Fantasy\n\n\nFollow ESPN\n\n\n\n\nFacebook\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTwitter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInstagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSnapchat\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYouTube\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe ESPN Daily Podcast\n\n\nAre you ready for Opening Day? Here's your guide to MLB's offseason chaosWait, Jacob deGrom is on the Rangers now? Xander Bogaerts and Trea Turner signed where? And what about Carlos Correa? Yeah, you're going to need to read up before Opening
what about Carlos Correa? Yeah, you're going to need to read up before Opening Day.12hESPNIllustration by ESPNEverything you missed in the MLB offseason3h2:33World Series odds, win totals, props for every teamPlay fantasy baseball for free!TOP HEADLINESQB Jackson has requested trade from RavensSources: Texas hiring Terry as full-time coachJets GM: No rush on Rodgers; Lamar not optionLove to leave North Carolina, enter transfer portalBelichick to angsty Pats fans: See last 25 yearsEmbiid out, Harden due back vs. Jokic, NuggetsLynch: Purdy 'earned the right' to start for NinersMan Utd, Wrexham plan July friendly in San DiegoOn paper, Padres overtake DodgersLAMAR WANTS OUT OF BALTIMOREMarcus Spears identifies the two teams that need Lamar Jackson the most7h2:00Would Lamar sit out? Will Ravens draft a QB? Jackson trade request insightsLamar Jackson has asked Baltimore to trade him, but Ravens coach John Harbaugh hopes the QB will be back.3hJamison HensleyBallard, Colts will consider trading for QB JacksonJackson to Indy? Washington? Barnwell ranks the QB's trade fitsSNYDER'S TUMULTUOUS 24-YEAR RUNHow Washington’s NFL franchise sank on and off the field under owner Dan SnyderSnyder purchased one of the NFL's marquee franchises in 1999. Twenty-four years later, and with the team up for sale, he leaves a legacy of on-field futility and off-field scandal.13hJohn
a legacy of on-field futility and off-field scandal.13hJohn KeimESPNIOWA STAR STEPS UP AGAINJ-Will: Caitlin Clark is the biggest brand in college sports right now8h0:47'The better the opponent, the better she plays': Clark draws comparisons to TaurasiCaitlin Clark's performance on Sunday had longtime observers going back decades to find comparisons.16hKevin PeltonWOMEN'S ELITE EIGHT SCOREBOARDMONDAY'S GAMESCheck your bracket!NBA DRAFTHow top prospects fared on the road to the Final FourThe 2023 NCAA tournament is down to four teams, and ESPN's Jonathan Givony recaps the players who saw their NBA draft stock change.11hJonathan GivonyAndy Lyons/Getty ImagesTALKING BASKETBALLWhy AD needs to be more assertive with LeBron on the court9h1:33Why Perk won't blame Kyrie for Mavs' woes8h1:48WHERE EVERY TEAM STANDSNew NFL Power Rankings: Post-free-agency 1-32 poll, plus underrated offseason movesThe free agent frenzy has come and gone. Which teams have improved their 2023 outlook, and which teams have taken a hit?12hNFL Nation reportersIllustration by ESPNTHE BUCK STOPS WITH BELICHICKBruschi: Fair to criticize Bill Belichick for Patriots' struggles10h1:27 Top HeadlinesQB Jackson has requested trade from RavensSources: Texas hiring Terry as full-time coachJets GM: No rush on Rodgers; Lamar not optionLove to leave North Carolina, enter transfer portalBelichick to angsty Pats
not optionLove to leave North Carolina, enter transfer portalBelichick to angsty Pats fans: See last 25 yearsEmbiid out, Harden due back vs. Jokic, NuggetsLynch: Purdy 'earned the right' to start for NinersMan Utd, Wrexham plan July friendly in San DiegoOn paper, Padres overtake DodgersFavorites FantasyManage FavoritesFantasy HomeCustomize ESPNSign UpLog InMarch Madness LiveESPNMarch Madness LiveWatch every men's NCAA tournament game live! ICYMI1:42Austin Peay's coach, pitcher and catcher all ejected after retaliation pitchAustin Peay's pitcher, catcher and coach were all ejected after a pitch was thrown at Liberty's Nathan Keeter, who earlier in the game hit a home run and celebrated while running down the third-base line. Men's Tournament ChallengeIllustration by ESPNMen's Tournament ChallengeCheck your bracket(s) in the 2023 Men's Tournament Challenge, which you can follow throughout the Big Dance. Women's Tournament ChallengeIllustration by ESPNWomen's Tournament ChallengeCheck your bracket(s) in the 2023 Women's Tournament Challenge, which you can follow throughout the Big Dance. Best of ESPN+AP Photo/Lynne SladkyFantasy Baseball ESPN+ Cheat Sheet: Sleepers, busts, rookies and closersYou've read their names all preseason long, it'd be a shame to forget them on draft day. The ESPN+ Cheat Sheet is one way to make sure that doesn't happen.Steph Chambers/Getty ImagesPassan's 2023 MLB season
happen.Steph Chambers/Getty ImagesPassan's 2023 MLB season preview: Bold predictions and moreOpening Day is just over a week away -- and Jeff Passan has everything you need to know covered from every possible angle.Photo by Bob Kupbens/Icon Sportswire2023 NFL free agency: Best team fits for unsigned playersWhere could Ezekiel Elliott land? Let's match remaining free agents to teams and find fits for two trade candidates.Illustration by ESPN2023 NFL mock draft: Mel Kiper's first-round pick predictionsMel Kiper Jr. makes his predictions for Round 1 of the NFL draft, including projecting a trade in the top five. Trending NowAnne-Marie Sorvin-USA TODAY SBoston Bruins record tracker: Wins, points, milestonesThe B's are on pace for NHL records in wins and points, along with some individual superlatives as well. Follow along here with our updated tracker.Mandatory Credit: William Purnell-USA TODAY Sports2023 NFL full draft order: AFC, NFC team picks for all roundsStarting with the Carolina Panthers at No. 1 overall, here's the entire 2023 NFL draft broken down round by round. How to Watch on ESPN+Gregory Fisher/Icon Sportswire2023 NCAA men's hockey: Results, bracket, how to watchThe matchups in Tampa promise to be thrillers, featuring plenty of star power, high-octane offense and stellar defense.(AP Photo/Koji Sasahara, File)How to watch the PGA Tour, Masters, PGA Championship and FedEx Cup playoffs on ESPN, ESPN+Here's everything you need to know about how to watch the
ESPN, ESPN+Here's everything you need to know about how to watch the PGA Tour, Masters, PGA Championship and FedEx Cup playoffs on ESPN and ESPN+.Hailie Lynch/XFLHow to watch the XFL: 2023 schedule, teams, players, news, moreEvery XFL game will be streamed on ESPN+. Find out when and where else you can watch the eight teams compete. Sign up to play the #1 Fantasy Baseball GameReactivate A LeagueCreate A LeagueJoin a Public LeaguePractice With a Mock DraftSports BettingAP Photo/Mike KropfMarch Madness betting 2023: Bracket odds, lines, tips, moreThe 2023 NCAA tournament brackets have finally been released, and we have everything you need to know to make a bet on all of the March Madness games. Sign up to play the #1 Fantasy game!Create A LeagueJoin Public LeagueReactivateMock Draft Now\n\nESPN+\n\n\n\n\nNHL: Select Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nXFL\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMLB: Select Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNCAA Baseball\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNCAA Softball\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCricket: Select Matches\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMel Kiper's NFL Mock Draft 3.0\n\n\nQuick Links\n\n\n\n\nMen's Tournament
Links\n\n\n\n\nMen's Tournament Challenge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWomen's Tournament Challenge\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNFL Draft Order\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow To Watch NHL Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFantasy Baseball: Sign Up\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHow To Watch PGA TOUR\n\n\nESPN Sites\n\n\n\n\nESPN Deportes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAndscape\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nespnW\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESPNFC\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nX Games\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSEC Network\n\n\nESPN Apps\n\n\n\n\nESPN\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESPN Fantasy\n\n\nFollow ESPN\n\n\n\n\nFacebook\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTwitter\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nInstagram\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSnapchat\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYouTube\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe ESPN Daily
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