stringlengths 7
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satan's islam : all evils | stereotypical | null |
so dan carlin is uninformed about the nordics coming to america first ? that's testament to the anti-white narrative | white_grievance | null |
so is the white hating jew hating cult the nation of islam . what's your point ? | white_grievance | null |
soon white people will not be a majority anywhere . you believe | white_grievance | null |
sorry but black people with funny names murder each other in birmingham new orleans and detroit . | stereotypical | null |
strong message from poland : stop anti-white racism ! via | white_grievance | null |
the #cuckservative meme : we need to make sure this remains about jews | daily stormer #withjewswelose | irony | null |
the 95 percent white gop invited a muslim activist who believes that white males are terrorists to their debate . #whitegenocide | white_grievance | null |
the black community in america is resting on the pillars of state welfare and affirmative action produced white guilt . | stereotypical | null |
the extermination of the white race : facts about britain and non-white invasion | read more : | white_grievance | null |
the extermination of the white race : the real facts about britain and non-white immigration via | white_grievance | null |
the harsh reality : advocating for whites white interests or america of founding fathers automatically makes you marginal . | white_grievance | null |
the jew mayor of charlottesville trying to stop free speech . thats what jews do | stereotypical | null |
the media hates jews ? is this guy for real ? | stereotypical | null |
the racist muslim in the white house wants to ban white trucks now ? | white_grievance | null |
the republican party is not pro white . people need to shed themselves of that delusion and build a white party ! | white_grievance | null |
the whole point of #laraza is to literally cuck white america . make whites pay to raise greasy mestizo kids . | inferiority | null |
then go back to mexico . | incitement | null |
then you should understand why white people in america are resisting being colonized by the | white_grievance | null |
there is no intelligent opposition to white ethnopatriotism . | incitement | null |
theresa may writes exclusively for jewish news : ill be your communitys champion via | stereotypical | null |
this is disgraceful makes me sick that it white on black crime that's mostly reported ! black on white happens more t repoted | white_grievance | null |
this is great news ! i still want the wall built and mass immigration ended . | incitement | null |
this richard spencer is a monster for not wanting white people to be exterminated . | white_grievance | null |
though all white men & women r not jews all jews white men & women i'm white man & jew.ur not even a man or woman ! | inferiority | null |
typical jew . what do you expect from them ? | stereotypical | null |
u can stick that hood where the sun don't shine you freaks call every white person against illegal immigration racist | white_grievance | null |
via : minnesota : three muslims convicted of conspiring to join the islamic state #tcot | stereotypical | null |
violence over cow slaughter in india happening for decades.indian journos who see only as post - 2014 phenom either ignorant or agenda driven . | stereotypical | null |
vvolent genocide is what white people are facing ! its us or them as i see it . | white_grievance | null |
we all need to stick together for the white race | incitement | null |
we found one jhant from australia was also abusing you . pl . fix suchillegitimate bastards . | inferiority | null |
we have to pay for private school because a third of the kids at the local public school don't speak english . | white_grievance | null |
we'll get help from anyone we can - a mass white migration to russia & white liaison offices in all nations opposed to jews | incitement | null |
what could people in disagreement with national socialism possibly be missing ? murderous thuggery = we got it . individ liberty is best . | stereotypical | null |
what truth ? that you invaded a country full of white christians ? sod off .. | white_grievance | null |
white men are shot by cops three times more often than black men are . the media however does not sensationalize the event when whitey inv . | white_grievance | null |
white nationalist are incapable of this when it comes to the issue of race b / c it's a matter of survival ! | white_grievance | null |
white people are 60 % of the pop this can only show blacks do more crime per % | stereotypical | null |
white people who hate #nazis have never considered what true #nationalsocialism could actually create for their benefit . | incitement | null |
white race rapidly fading in europe since muslims keep pregnant over 10 wives until menu | stereotypical | null |
who is going to foot the bill when the white people are gone ? | stereotypical | null |
whores of babylon : lena dunham celebrates white genocide via | incitement | null |
why indeed ! they want to impose islam on all of us . rep is a racist . | white_grievance | null |
will israel ever rename an airport / road on adolf eichmann ? moron of romila thapar order ! ! | incitement | null |
yes jihadi . wager of war . that's what he was . | stereotypical | null |
yes vox wrote the book . it's very good and explicitly pro-white ( and critical of israel ) . embraces white identity politics . | incitement | null |
you are not white you are an inferior race to the turkeys i like turkeys but you are lesser turkeys . | inferiority | null |
you're like prewhites not quite white . | inferiority | null |
you're so stupid . jew is ethic catholic is a religion . | incitement | null |
youre a black nationalist they just add white to it to make it sound like white supremacy . | white_grievance | null |
" color " " doesnt matter unless u r white . n amurrica diversity & pro-white free speech can't coexist . #whitegenocide " | white_grievance | null |
" diversity " " = white genocide : via " | white_grievance | null |
" i'm tired of hearing about optics . lots of larping nazis on cnn and msnbc are what we need for our cause . " " " | incitement | null |
- politics better because my family is swedish and german my " homelands " " are being raped due to communist traitors and moral weakness . yes . " | white_grievance | null |
are you a white person who is apathetic about " white genocide " " or think it is just a conspiracy theory ? watch this video & wake the fu * k up ! " | white_grievance | null |
cuckfederates are certain the csa wasn't racist . their favorite slogan is " heritage not hate " " " | other | null |
it's " white ruling elite " " turned america into a great melting pot.brain drain & cheap manual labor benefit america " | stereotypical | null |
rt : all the anti white whites will be caught between their coloured " allies " " and pro white whites . " | white_grievance | null |
#whitegenocide means no more white children . | white_grievance | null |
- dreamers are on welfare ! dreamers dont work so they can protest ! ! illegals are trying to tell legal americans what to do ! ! what is wrong with this picture ? ? ? vote no on ungrateful daca ! ! ! | stereotypical | null |
1 ) the white race isn't going anywhere . most people of every race would rather be with someone similar to themselves . #whitepeople | white_grievance | null |
7 ) alt-right defeatest in nature . ( i'm a member ) . trump's winning drove our winning enthusiasm . but too | incitement | null |
: chicago is fast approaching 600 homicides for the year and most are black on black . suggestions from me ; leave the demokk | stereotypical | null |
: ernst zndel : the hitler we loved and why via | incitement | null |
: let's be a white resister : because the beauty of white aryan woman must not perish from the earth ... | incitement | null |
: most dangerous cities in america all have heavily non-white populations via | stereotypical | null |
: muslim gangs want 2 kill those who tell truth ? kill those who worship jesus christ ? kill those who draw | stereotypical | null |
: no campus ( or country ) for white men #waronwhites #maga #ancap | white_grievance | null |
: white genocide in the united states of america a 100 year history | white_grievance | null |
: zuckerberg's dream : the jewish ruled anti-white racist social network . | white_grievance | null |
a wall is meaningless once amnesty is granted . in time they will tear down the wall like they are tearing down statues . #notrumpamnesty | white_grievance | null |
a white ethnostate would be very safe . great for raising white children . | incitement | null |
absolute proof jews enemyof white race ! | incitement | null |
adolf #hitler speaking on #economics : #nazi #whitepower #whitepeople #ows #oo #occupy #banksters | incitement | null |
aka make america white again | incitement | null |
all white . all . white . and by the way america is already safe . safer every year . | incitement | null |
alright who tf let the black kid sit at the front of the bus | incitement | null |
american is white and christian you meant love . | incitement | null |
american white for ever ... usa | incitement | null |
amna you hate whites . why do you live in a white country ? please repatriate yourself to your country of origin . | white_grievance | null |
and stats show he'll likely shoot a black man so all you white hostages can just leave . | threatening | null |
and the kicker 70 % of the agents are white . know the facts before you idiots make false statement . take white selves back to europe . | incitement | null |
anglin has provided a platform for dehumanizing white women and his fan | white_grievance | null |
antifa & other leftists are the ones constantly defending violent muslims & is | stereotypical | null |
as it should be . all that is happening to europe today hitler foresaw . he also knew the jewish plan to destroy whites . | incitement | null |
ban islam and hate religions like islam simple | stereotypical | null |
behind mongrelization of white | white_grievance | null |
biggest perpetrators of #whitegenocide are white people . | white_grievance | null |
black hispanic gay trans asian not a white student union it's why conservatism is useless they watched as the left destroyed whiteness | white_grievance | null |
black on white crime vs white on black crime ! #rt #stopislam #makedclisten #wakeupamerica | stereotypical | null |
blacks are just as prejudiced as whites then . blacks don't want to live in black neighborhoods either . | white_grievance | null |
blood & honour - white aryan resistance t-shirt from the white resister va | incitement | null |
can ice come into classrooms and arrest ? ? ? ! ! ? ? ! ! ? ? ... pleaseee ! ! ! | threatening | null |
charity gives them less incentive to help themselves . white race = ruined . good job . | white_grievance | null |
come to america because of prosterity = white america ! | incitement | null |
come to america legally with respect for our laws tax / debt payers and citizens ! and if you did not then respect our laws by leaving ! | stereotypical | null |
conservatism is dead . we're going to have white liberty or white fascism . and i choose liberty . | incitement | null |
continue staying white and christian . it has been helpful to your growth in america . keep your soul white and pure ! | incitement | null |
cuckservatives : trump and white identity politics : is trump mainstreaming white identity politics ? | other | null |
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