stringlengths 7
| implicit_class
stringclasses 7
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values |
its ok to love who you are . unless you're white | white_grievance | null |
jewish activists welcome the scandals slowing the trump agenda | stereotypical | null |
jews know deep down they're not white | other | null |
jews run banking media academia and govt ; you're the dummies . | stereotypical | null |
jews want each of those girls to reject white men and use their white wombs to hatch black babies with black men . | inferiority | null |
just search twitter with ' white people ' you'd be surprised on how many anti-white non-whites there are . #diversity | white_grievance | null |
lahore was a beautiful city dominated by sikhs and hindus ... we lost it ... | other | null |
lol you're jewish though . not white . | other | null |
look at this some angry black person . you were right they're all violent . | stereotypical | null |
love you the bearer of aryan race ! ! see what is going on ! | incitement | null |
maga white cookouts would be nice . | incitement | null |
make america white again : saturdays nationalist unity gathering | traditionalist youth network | incitement | null |
maybe because somalis have a habit of being criminals people hate them ? | stereotypical | null |
migrants change uk forever : white britons will be in minority by 2066 via | white_grievance | null |
most jews follow / embrace their leaders anti white hate thus most jews are not really ' good people ' like ramz says . | stereotypical | null |
mr moshe it's such a complex issue - again i do fault the media for 99 % of all thus silliness because the more hate they stir up the more money they make . i would say that used to be the case now it's the opposite . every white person is a racist and all blacks are victims | white_grievance | null |
music against the ' holocaust ' hoax ? : music can probably be a good weapon to amass awareness against lies . ther ... | stereotypical | null |
muslim gangs want 2 kill those who tell truth ? kill those who worship jesus christ ? kill those who d | stereotypical | null |
muslims are always wanting to kill someone ! its their duty to kill the infidel . | stereotypical | null |
muslims are commanded to kill all jews ! see verse : | stereotypical | null |
muslims kill non-muslims because they kill non-muslims . period . vj is a hate america first-er . that's why obama hired him . | stereotypical | null |
my white privilege ? see there's that again you know absolutely nothing about me or my family but i'm racist and get white privilege lol | white_grievance | null |
nba's millonare anti-black racist jew tells girlfriend ' in israel blacks are treated like dogs ' | read more : | stereotypical | null |
negroes have different reproductive strategy . they are more successful than whites reproductively speaking . | stereotypical | null |
never vote for somebody who doesn't say up front he is for the white race ! code words don't cut it ! | incitement | null |
nothing to see here . we all know black on black and black on white crime is | white_grievance | null |
now they are calling for an invasion . this is white genocide ! ! | white_grievance | null |
now why would british jews want an influx of syrian moslems ? | incitement | null |
our heroes will never be theirs . multiculturalism is a hoax . hail white america . | incitement | null |
racist black thugs shoot white baby in the face for the fun of it via #flegs | stereotypical | null |
see literally being white is racist #whitegenocide | white_grievance | null |
sellout debases himself to beg for jewish money & votes | stereotypical | null |
selma plot . let me guess . completely virtuous black folks & the generous yankees & jews fight against the evil southern white man . yay ... | irony | null |
she doesn't want to be white she married a stinking jew . | inferiority | null |
so ? welcome to the real world . this is what today's immigrants want to do to whites | stereotypical | null |
so what's the conspiracy ? jews lied about white people who | stereotypical | null |
some racist libtards say that if #trump wins they will move to #canada . that's pretty funny ! why move to a white country and not #mexico ? | irony | null |
speaking out against obama ! #rt #stopislam #makedclisten #crusades #wakeupamerica | incitement | null |
stop #whitegenocide protect white children . | white_grievance | null |
stop hurting white people . | white_grievance | null |
thats why i always said he was a muslim president | white_grievance | null |
the 1790 naturalization act explicitly stated that america was only for white | incitement | null |
the left succeeded in deceit of equating white identity with white supremacy . here's the why : | white_grievance | null |
the sign says : we're better will less white people than with more white people . | white_grievance | null |
the traitors are the ones who are not trying to stop the jews from turning american into a non-white country . | incitement | null |
there is no black vs white issue in america there is muslims problem & they infiltrating black groups | incitement | null |
there is no hate . what they want to root out is any form of white european identity . they have declared | white_grievance | null |
there's tons of documented evidence that the white race is under attack.the straight white | white_grievance | null |
they do stand for one thing : zionism.jew nationalism - good ! white nationalism - bad ! why is that ? | stereotypical | null |
they've been hating for 1400 + years it tells th to do so in the quran and hadiths if you care to read up | stereotypical | null |
this is aryan no orthodox christian ; white & black is none of our business ; only aryans are invited | incitement | null |
too bad your people are turning into soap in south africa . | other | null |
trump supports jews . jews support whitegenocide . get the picture ? | stereotypical | null |
trump's accurate analysis & description of globalists controlling american gov media & banking has jews uneasy . globalist = jew or jew puppet | stereotypical | null |
understanding women and how the jew ruined her and white society . pls ck my latest thx ! | stereotypical | null |
unity among white people is what makes america great ! minorities and diversity make america weak and our society crumble ! | incitement | null |
uplift of the day #expeltheinvaders #europeforeuropeans | incitement | null |
using the enemy's anti-white hate propaganda . #wpww | white_grievance | null |
we are subjected to anti-white hate : to blame for black fai | white_grievance | null |
we cannot overcome man if man mixes with different races who do not even have the required iq ( low iq ) to even understand nietzsche's work | inferiority | null |
we must learn from the mistakes of our ancestors . hitler made a deal with them and look what they did to him . | incitement | null |
we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children . | incitement | null |
well that's all allah is teaching them kill kill kill and then kill some more . such a violent religion . | stereotypical | null |
well white people have killed a lot of people so maybe it's a good thing . or maybe we should just kill vile nazis like you . | threatening | null |
what about the betsy ross flag though ? back-to-basics white nationalism 13 white ethnostate | incitement | null |
what is there to misunderstand about islamic ideology of kill kill kill and kill some more ? | stereotypical | null |
what you call white supremacy is actually white competency | white_grievance | null |
white children are disproportionately the v | white_grievance | null |
white countries are being colonized across the globe which will make white culture and societies impossible . war by demographics . | white_grievance | null |
white extinction is victory tbh | incitement | null |
white genocide in america 1960-2060 #swrm #whitegenocide #america via | white_grievance | null |
white genocide is worldwide not just in america . it is something we can rally around in every white nation . | incitement | null |
white people need to be self reliant no need to stand by for the jew grocery store to feed them | incitement | null |
white power | read more : via | incitement | null |
white pride worldwide hooded sweatshirt via | incitement | null |
white protester attacked in #ferguson negrogeddon | white_grievance | null |
white revolution is the only solution | incitement | null |
white self-hate : master stroke of the george lincoln rockwell #whitepeople #whitepride #wpww | incitement | null |
white welcome aboard glad to have you | incitement | null |
white western race nations are going through a rat infestation & when the white westerners are gone the remaning races will still be just rats | inferiority | null |
whites are not bothering anybody . people like you feel empowered by the media to demonize them . white p | white_grievance | null |
who said white can't ? i'm sorry but it's white choice first then everything after . we see that in film movies and daily living | incitement | null |
why #hindumassmurder ? bcoz hindus worship leaders like gandhiji.congress imports 40000 #rohingyas & 2cr bangladeshis 2 destroy hindus . | white_grievance | null |
why do we let jews control our society frame every issue & dictate our historical and political paradigms ? #questionsineedanswersto | stereotypical | null |
will mike tell us how jewish wives are the last stand of implicit white identity ? | incitement | null |
words like socialist etc don't matter but cheating and falsehood of jews are not tolerable worldwide ; this is not germany . | stereotypical | null |
worse than a loaded gun ! ! since guns don't kill people . only planned parenthood and devout muslims kill people | stereotypical | null |
yet the only arrest made was a liberal bernie voting moslem . not one white trump voting racist . makes you think | stereotypical | null |
you are just a video peddler you are misusing ns & ah ; not even knowing aryan race ; you must be a jew | stereotypical | null |
you can go to the websiter my white | incitement | null |
you hate white people because we're better looking and we're smarter . | inferiority | null |
you know it's #fakenews when an organization cites anti-white hate groups like adl and splc.can you say gullible ? bwaaaaahahahahahaha ! ! | white_grievance | null |
you sound like a racist . do you hate white people support genocide of native whites ? | white_grievance | null |
you'd think a jew would be more sensitive about people getting gassed . | irony | null |
you're a white man frank . you're automatically a fascist to these people . perhap | white_grievance | null |
you're distraught by the fact the video dispels myths / falsehoods of ' innocent ' black man assaulted by ' evil ' whites . | white_grievance | null |
" : blood & honour : the white aryan resistance t-shirt from the white resister : " " ; " | incitement | null |
" heritage not hate guys ! the entire csa was black ! " " " | white_grievance | null |
" how the alt-right activist can avoid being doxed " " - fmi " | white_grievance | null |
#letspretend we are living in a " colorblind " " and " " postracial " " society not an anti-white one " | white_grievance | null |
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