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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party on the Progress of Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 5, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/64 and E/PC/T/44-66
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/64 AND ECONOMIQUE 5 May 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE. OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT by the TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS WORKING PARTY on THE PROGRESS OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS Since the Working Party's last report (E/PC/T/57 of 28th April) 21 pairs of negotiating teams have held. initial meetings, The total number of negotiations now opened is 29, and of these the following pairs of negotiating teams have held more than one meeting Negotiating Teams Number of Meetings Canada - Czechoslovakia 2 Canada - France 2 Canada - United States 6 Czechoslovakia - United States 2 France - South Africa 2 United Kingdom - United States 3 Information on the opening of negotiations and on the exchange of request listed for last week and the present week is given in the following annexures Annex A - Negotiations Opened Week Commencing 28 April: Of the meetings planned for last week, one was postponed until the current week and one was merely an exploratory meeting to ascertain whether a basis for negotiations E/PC/T/64 Page 2. exists; the latter is not listed among the negotiations opened. :The one Delegation which has not yet begun negotiations is scheduled to hold four Initial meetings during the current week. Annex B - Opening Negotiations Planned for Week Commencing 5 May: 24 initial meetings are scheduled for the Current week and the total number then opened will be 53. All the meetings originally scheduled for the current week, with only one exception, are expected to take place. Annex C - Request Lists Submitted Week Commencing 28 April: 18 lists were submitted by Delegations during the past week; 6 others which were scheduled for submission were not ready and these will be submitted during the current week. Annex D - Request Lists to be Submitted Week Commencing 5 May: 27 lists are to be submitted this week. E/PC/T/64 Page 3. ANNEX A Negotiations Opened Week Commencing 28 April Australla - France Brazil - United States Canada - India Canada - Norway Chile - United States China - Cuba China - Czechoslovakia China - France Cuba - Czechoslovakia Cuba - France Cuba - United Kingdom France - Lebanon/Syria France - Norway France - United Kingdom India - United Kingdom India - United States Lebanon/Syria - United States New Zealand - United States Norway - United Kingdom Norway - United States South Africa - United States Negotiations opened Il il Il il il Il il Il il il il il "l 2 'l 30 u 29 il 30 " 28 il 30 'i 2B 2 Il 30 i 3 " 2 "l 28 30 30 i 30 28 30 30 *1n April il May April il il May April l I May April 'l 'l il il il May April May il April E/PC/T/ 64 page 4 ANNEX B Opening Negotiations Planned for Week Commencing 5 May Monday, 5 May Tuesday, 6 May Wednesday, 7 May Thursday, 8 May Friday, 9 May Saturday, 10 May Canada - China Canada - Cuba China - South Africa Cuba - Norway Czechoslovakia - New Zealand Czechoslovakia - South Africa New Zealand - South Africa Norway - South Africa Australia - Norway China - New Zealnd Lebanon/Syria - United Kingdom Brazil - Canada Brazil - China China - United Kingdom Benelux - India Benelux - United States Brazil - Cuba Brazil - Norway China - United States Czechoslovakia - India New Zealand - Norway Benelux - Canada Benelux - Norway France - New Zealand E/PC/T/64 ANNEX 'C' page 5 Request lists submitted week commencing 28 April 28th April 29th April 30th April 1st May 2nd May 3rd May Benelux to Lebanon/Syria Benelux to Norway Canada to Lebanon/Syria New Zealand to Czechoslovakia Norway to France Brazil to France Brazil to Norway Czechoslovakia to Brazil Czechoslovakia to Lebanon/Syria Benelux to United Kingdom Brazil to United Kingdom Czechoslovakia to Norway Czechoslovakia to United Kingdom Benelux to Czechoslovakia India to China Benelux to Cuba Lebanon/Syria to Benelux Norway to Benelux E/PC/T/64 page 6 ANNEX 'D' Request liists to be submitted week commencing 5 May 5th May Benelux to Chile Brazil to Australia Brazil to Benelux Brazil to Canada France to Benelux Lebanon/Syria to Czechoslovakia 7th May Chile to Australia Chile to Benelux Chile to Brazil Chile to Canada Chile to China Chile to Cuba Chile to Czechoslovakia Chile to France Chile to India Chile to Lebanon/Syria Chile to New Zealand Chile to Norway Chile to South Africa Chile to United Kingdom Chile to United States NOTES. 1. The following countries which were scheduled to submit their requests prior to 5 May have advised that they will be presented during the current week: Australia to Brazil Australia to China. Australia to Cuba Brazil to China Brazil to Cuba Cuba to India (supplementary) 2. New Zealand was scheduled to submit a request on Chile on 30 April, but they have advised that no request is at present contemplated on Chile. 3. Benelux has advised that they have submitted a list of items to France expecting to make a detailed request within the next ten days.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report bY the Tariff Negotiations Working Party on The Progress of Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 20, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/47 and E/PC/T/44-66
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL 20 April 1947. SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT bY the TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS WORKING PARTY THE PROGRESS OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS Since the distribution of the last Report (E/PC/T.47 of 18th April) the Tariff Negotiations Working Party has held two meetings, on 23rd and 28th April, to review the progress of the negotiations. Information on the opening of negotiations and on this exchange of request lists appears in the following Annex A. A list of the negotiations opened 23rd - 25th April. Annex B. A list of the negotiations planned for the week commencing 28th April. Annex C. . Amendments to Annex A. to E/PC/T.1 - dates agreed for the exchange of lists of offers. Annex D. A list of the request lists submitted 23rd - 25th April. Annex E. A list of request lists to be submitted the week commencing 28th April. F. Amendments to Annex B. to E/PC/T.11 - Gcs agreed for submission of request lists. E/PC/T/i7 Page 2. In distributing this information the Working Party desires to draw attention to the fact that no mention is made of supplementary or revised lists as those are regarded as generally being a part of the negotiating process. Further, as stated in its first report (E/PC/T.47) the Working Group has not established dates for the submission of request lists or for tho commencement of negotiations concerning overseas territories with separate tariffs for which members have international responsibility; this will be left for arrangement between the negotiating teams concerned, The Working Party wishes to add that the particulars contained in these Annexures point -o the fact that - in general - the tariff negotiations are being, initiated on schedule and that the submission of requests in respect of future exchanges of offers are also taking place as planned. E/PC/T/57 Page 3 ANNEX A. NEGOTIATIONS OPENED 23rd to 2;,th APRIL Australia opened negotiations Canada " " Canada " " Canada " " Czechoslovakia " " France " " France " " U. Kingdom " " with " " " " " " " United States on Czechoslovakia " France " United States " United States " South Africa " United States " United States " The Working Party takes this opportunity of reminding Delegations that they should study carefully these weekly Progress Reports with a view to onsuring that they receive from all the Delegations with whom they have entered into negotiations copies of all lists of concessions offered by those Delegations to other Delegations. 23 April 23 April 2; April 23 April 23 April 24, April 24 April 2z April N.B. E/PC/T/57 Page 4 ANNEX B Negotiations Planned for Week Commencing 28 April Monday, 28 April Tuesday, 29 April Wednesday, 30 April Thursday, 1 May Friday, 2 May Saturday, 3 May Chile - United States France - United Kingdom India - United States South Africa - United States France - Lebanon-Syria Australia - France Brazil - United States Canada - Norway China - Cuba China - France (postponed from 25 April) Cuba - Czechoslovakia Cuba - United Kingdom Czechoslovakia - New Zealand France - Norway India - United Kingdom New Zealand - United Sates Canada - India China Czechoslovakia India Lebanon-Syria (provisional) Cuba - France Lebanon-Syria - United States Norway - United States Norvway - United Kingdom E/PC/T/57 Page 5 ANNEX C Amendments to Annex A to E/PC/T/51 - (Dates Agreed for Exchange of List of Offers) China - France - Postponed from 25th April to 30th April Be-Ne-Lux - Brazil - Postponed from 9th May to 15th May Brazil - South Africa - Brought forward from 30th May to 20th May. The following additional meetings have been arranged for the exchange of offers: Tuesday, 20th May - Australia - Brazil Monday, 26th May - Brazil - India Brazil - New Zealand Thursday, 30th May - Brazil - Lebanon - Syria E/PC/T/57 Page 6 ANNEX D Request lists submitted 23rd to 25th April 23rd April 24th April 25th April Brazil to United States Cube to France (a supplementary list) Norway to China Australia to India Czechoslovakia to China Czachoslovekia to India Czechoslovakia to Chile New Zealand to Benelux New Zealand to China New Zealand to France New Zealand to Norway E/P/C/T/57 ANNEX E Page 7 Request lists to be submitted week commencing 28th April Monday, 28th April Brazil to France (postponed from 21st April Wednesday, 20th April Australia to Brazil Australia to China Australia to Cuba Brazil to Norway Brazil to United Kingdom Cuba to India (supplementary) Czechoslovakia to Lebanon-Syria New Zealand to Chile * New Zealand to China * New Zealand to Czechoslovakia New Zealand to France * New Zealand to Norway Thursday, 1st May + Benelux to Cuba Benelux to Czechoslovakia + Benelux to France + Benelux to Lebanon-Syria + Benelux to Norway Czechoslovakia to Brazil Czechoslovakia to Norway Czechoslovakia to United Kingdom Friday, 2nd May Brazil to China (postponed from 1st May) Brazil to Cuba (postponed from 1st May) * New Zealand submitted request lists to China, Czechoslovekia and Norway on 24th April, + Benelux submitted request lists to Cuba, France, Lebanon- Syria and Norway on 28th April. E/PC/T/57 Page 8 ANNEX F Amendments to Annex B to E/PC/T/51 (Dates Agreed for Submissions of Request Lists) Brazil to Be-Ne-Lux - Postponed from 25th April to 5th May Brazil to Canada - Postponed from 26th April to 5th May Brazil to Chile - Postponed trom 1st May to 15th May Brazil to Czechoslovakia - Postponed from 1st May to 20th May France to Be-Ne-Lux - Postponed from 1st May to 5th May Brazil to South Africa- Brought forward from 22nd May to 5th May. The following additional submissions have been arranged: Monday, 5th May - Brazil to Australia Brazil to Canada
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party on the Progress of Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/92 and E/PC/T/92-105
United Nations Nations Unies UNRESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/92 AND ECONOMIQUE 9 juin 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT by the TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS WORKING PARTY o n THE PROGRESS OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS During the past week only one initial meeting for Tariff Negotiations (namely, Chile-South Africa) has been held; this mekes a total of 92 up to and including 7th June. Annex 'AI - Negotiations opened by Members of the Preparatory Committee. Six Delegations have now begun all tlie negotiations contem- plated in their present plans. 49 pairs of countries have held a second meeting; 19 have held three; and 12 have held more than three. The total number of formal meetings up to and including 7 June is 238. Annex 'B' - Initial Meetings Planned. Ten initial meetings are expected to take place i. the near future. A N N E X 'A' NEGOTIATIONS OPEN BY MEMBERS OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE Number of countries Number of countries with which negotiations with which the opening have bun opened. of negotiations is still contemplated. Australia 10 1 Benelux 13 2 Brazil 12 2 Canada il - Chile 5 9 China 13 1 Cuba 12 ^1 Czechoslovakia 14 1 France 14 1 India 12 Lebanon-Syria 6 - Now Zealand 10 1 Norway 13 J South Africa 12 United Kingdom 12 United States 15 A N N E X 'B' Initial Meetings Planned. Monda3^p`'2f Jib Chile - Cuba (postponed from 19th May) Benelux-Brazil (postponed from 15th May) Dates Not Yet Arranged Australia - Chile Benelux - Chile Brazil - Chile Chile - China Chile - Czechoslovakia Chile - France Chile - New Zealand Chile - Norway The Chilean Delegation is awaiting instructions from Santiago. Number of initial meetings held up to 7th June Number of initial meetings to be held (as above): Number of negotiations opened or contemplated 92 10 102
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party on the Progress of Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 12, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/67 and E/PC/T/66-91
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL UNRESTRICTED E/PC/T/67 12 May 1947 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT by the TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS WORKING PARTY on THE PROGRESS OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS Since the Working Party's last report (E/PC/T/64 of 5th May) 21 initial meetings have been held. The total number of negotiations now opened is 50 as compared with 55 originally scheduled and in the following cases more than one meeting has taken place: Negotiating countries Australia - France Brazil - United States Canada - Czechoslovakia Canada - France Canada - Norway Canada - United States Czechoslovakia - Cuba Czechoslovakia - South Africa- Czechoslovakia - United States France - South Africa India - United States Lebanon-Syria - United States Norway - United States United Kingdom - United States Number of Meetings 2 2 2 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 Information on the opening of .negotiations and on the exchange of request lists for last week and the present week is given in the following annexures: E/PC/T/67 page 2 Annex A - Negotiations Opened Week Commencing 5 May: Of the meetings planned for last week, four were postponed. Three of these now appear in the schedule of the meetings for the current week and the fourth also will probably be held this week. Annex B - Opening Negotiations Planned for Week Commencing 12 May: 21 initial meetings were scheduled for the current week, and of these 16 are expected to take place. Including the 3 initial meetings that should have been held last week, and one other not previously contemplated, the total negotiations opened will be 20, and the total will then be 70 as compared with 70 originally scheduled. Annex C - Request Lists submitted Week Commencing 5 May : 12 listed were submitted by Delegations during the past week; 19 others which were scheduled for submission were not ready and these will be submitted during the current week. Annex D - Request Lists to be Submitted Week Commencing 12 May. 24 listed are to be submitted this week. E/PC/T/67 page 3. ANNEX 'A' Negotiations Opened Week Commencing 5 May 1947. Australia - Norway Benelux - Canada Benelux - India Benelux - Norway Benelux - United States Brazil - China Brazil - Cuba Brazil - Norway Canada - China Canada - Cuba China - New Zealand China - South Africa China - United Kingdom China - United States Czechoslovakia - India Czechoslovakia - New.Zealand Czechoslovakia - South Africa Lebanon/Syria - United Kingdom New Zealand - Norway New Zealand - South Africa Norway - South Afrioa : Negotiations " : " " " " opened 7 " 10 ' 9 " 10 " 9 " 8 " 9 " 9 " 5 " 5 " 7 " 5 " 8 " 9 " 9 " 6 " 5 " 7 " .9 " 5 " 6 May " " " " " " " " " " " 1 t 1 E/PC/T/67 page 4 ANNEX B Opening Negotiations Planned for Week Commencing 12 May. Monday, 12 May Tuesday, 13 May Wednesday, 14 May Thursday, 15 May * Friday, 16 May Saturday, 17 May Benelux - South Africa Cuba - United States Czechoslovakia - Norway France - India France New Zealand Benelux - New Zealand Canada - Lebanon/Syria China - Norway Cuba - New Zealand Benelux - China Benelux - Lebanon-Syria Brazil - Canada India - Norway Cuba - South Africa Czechoslovakia - Lebanon-Syria Brazil - France India - New Zealand South Africa - United Kingdom Australia - Cuba Brazil - United Kingdom * In view of the fact that Thursday, May 15th, has been declared a holiday, arrangements, will be made for the 4 meetings scheduled for that day to be held at some other time before the end of the ourrent week. E/PC/T/67 page 5. ANNEX 'C' Request lists submitted week commencing 5th May Brazil - Bonolux Brazil - China Brazil - Cuba Brazil - Canada Bonolux - United Kingdom (specific list) China - Czechoslovakia. .X. Brazil - South Africa Francc - Benelux Brazil - Australia Australia - Brazil Australla - China Australia - Cuba .X. China was not schodulod to submit a request on Czechoslovakia, 5th May 7th May 8th May 10th May E/PC/T/67 Page 6. ANNEX 'D' Request Lists to be submitted week commencing 12 May 15th May Brazil - Chile Czechoslovakia - Benelux Czechoslovakia France 17th May Brazil - India Brazil - New Zealand Note: The following countries which were scheduled to submit their requests prior to 12 May have advised that they will be presented during the current week: Benelux Chlle Benelux - France (specific list) Chile Australia Chile Benelux Chile - Brazil Chile - Canada Chile - China Chile - Cuba Chile - Czechoslovakia Chile - France Chile - India Chile - Lebanon-Syria Chile - New Zealand Chile - Norway Chile - South Africa Chile - United Kingdom Chile -United States of America Cuba India Lebanon-Syria - Czechoslovakia
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report from the International Chamber of Commerce
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 14, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/44 and E/PC/T/34-44
UNITED NATIONS `ECONOMIC CONSEIL AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/44 'SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL Aprl th,1947. SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMLOYMENT. REPORT FROM THE INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. There is circulated herewith the text of a letter received by the Executive Secretary from the International Chamber of Commerce, together with the text of the Report mentioned therein. Hotel Richmond, Il April, 1947 Geneva Sir, .On behalf or the International Chamber of Commerce, : have the honour to submit herewith for consideration by the . Second Session of the Preparatory Committee the English and French texts of a Report entitled "Trade and Employment, a Review by the International Chamber of Commerce of the Draft Charter, 9 the International Trade Organization of the United Nations". Based on investigations and discussions in the I.C.C.'s - member countries, this report is the joint work of a number of the Chamber's international committees of business leaders and experts and has been approved unanimously by its Executive Committee. The representatives of the I.C.C. in attendance at this meeting will be glad to have an opportunity at the proper time of discussing and amplifying its views before the Working NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T. 44 Page 2. Document No. 7831-or 1.IV.1947 - lb/hkw. T R A D E and EMPLOYMENT A Review by the International Chamber of Commerce of the Draft Charter of the International Trade Organization of the United Nations approved by the I.C.C.'s Executive Committee S u m m a r y of C o n t e n t ________________________________ I.. Introduction .......................... Il. Comments on the Draft Charter Chapter I : Purposes ........................ Chapter II : Membership ...................... Chapter III : Employment, Effective Demand and Economic Activity ............... Chapter IV : Economic Development.............. Chapter V General Commercial Poliay ....... Chapter VI Restrictive Business Practices Chapter VII : Inter-Governmental Commodity Agreements ...................... Chapter VIII: Organization .................... III. Additional Suggestions A. Capital Movements ......................... B. Conciliation and Arbitration .............. Page 3 6 7 8 15 19 35 39 33 33 39 E/PC/T.44 Page 3 T R A D E and E M P L O Y M E N T A REVIEW by the International Chamber of Commerce of the Draft Charter of the International Trade Organization of the United Nation! approved by the I.C.C.'s Executive Committee. __________ I - I n t r o d u c t i o n 1. The International Chamber of Commerce again assures the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations of the whole- hearted support of the business world in its efforts to draw up a world Charter for trade and employment. The Conference it has called for this purpose must succeed, for its. success will be a vital factor in the establishment of an enduring peace. By placing the world economy on firm foundations and by binding the nations togather in a common endeavor to improve living conditions in every country, the Economic and Social Council will make a decisive step .towards eliminating one of the most potent sources of conflict, if not of war itself. Failure would be nothing less than a disaster. It would inevitably preoipitate a new wave of economic warfare which would in turn increase political friction and widen exising rifts. The stakes are high. Success is within reach if' the nations show enough good-will, determination and courage to face squarely the difficult problems of world-wide economic cooperation. 2. The I.C.C. approves the linking of trade with employment in the subject-matter of the United Nations Conference, provided that the term Employment is really intended to cover all the principal components of economic prosperity, namely, the employ ment of manpower, the utilization of natural resources and the development of productivity, all leading to a steady growth of living standards throughout the world. The aim is the establish- ment of a prosperous world economy. The freeing of channels of trade between nations from the most obnoxious restrictions is evidently a most important means to the attainment of that objective. It is equally obvious; however, that the freeing of international trade is not sufficient by itself in a world plagued with recurring economic depressions. It is very necessary, therefore, to achieve a high degree of international cooperation for the attenuation of cyclical fluctuations of economic activity. E/PC/T .44 Page 4 3. The project is now on the way towards realization, the first session of the Preparatory Committee of the Conference having taken place in London in October and November, 1946 and the second session being planned for this April in Geneva. The first session produced a Draft Charter for the future Internatio- nal Trade Organization (hereafter referred to as ITO) on tne basis of a draft presented by the United States Government prior to the London Conference. This projected Charter has been further revised by a Drafting Committee, which met in New York in January and February, 1947. The I.C.C. wishes to express to the Prepara- tory Committee and the Drafting Committee its keen appreciation of the untiring efforts with which they have applied themselves to the difficult task of reconciling conflicts of doctrine and of interests which inevitably appear in the elaboration of such a document. In the criticisms and suggestions that follow, the I.C.C. has been solely animated by its desire to assist the Preparatory Committee in further improving the draft of the Charter. 4. The International Chamber of Commerce welcomes the suggestion presented by the Drafting Committee to the effect that a General Agreement on commercial policy and trade restrictions should be adopted by the Geneva Conference in advance of the adoption of the complete Charter itself. The Drafting Committee has submitted the text of such a General Agreement. However, some general comments on the approach taken by the -rafting Committee are in order right at the outset, as they help to place the Charter in its proper perspective. 5. In its Resolution of June 1946, the Council of the International Chamber of Commerce stressed the need for the Conference to begin by drawing.up a statement of basic prinoiples underlying the future world economy. It was the view of the *Chamber then, and is now, that the details of an International Trade Organization cannot be reasonably settled if the ultimate objectives, in other words the shape of the world at peace they are striving to construct, are left in doubt. Having set its goal, the Conference could then survey the immediate problems of the transition period leading towards settled pedce-time conditions. The Proposal of the Drafting Committee goes some way towards meeting the I.C.C.'s request, but not far enough. The "Draft General Agreement"prepared by that Committee is essentially a selection of articles from the Charter itself. Such a selection falls far short of being a statement of basic principles, nor does it convey any clear notion of the kind of world towards which the authors of the Charter wish to move. The I.C.C. recommends, therefore, that the Freparatory Committee for the Trade and Employment Conference should, at its second session, accept the principle of the Drafting Committee's Suggestion, but that it should draw up a different document, shorter, broader and more clear-cut than the "Draft General Agreement" submitted to it. E/PC/T.44 Page 5. 6. This brings us face to face with a most important problem with which the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment will have to concern itself at some stage of its work. In the present condition of the world there is a considerable gap between that which is ultimately desirable and that which is immediately possible. Countries faced with very serious day-to- day difficulties are inevitabley forced to adopt restrictions and controls which are entirely undesirable as permanent features of national policy in international economic relations. There is real danger lest such emergency devices should be perpetuated by the sheer force of inertia. That is why it is essential that those who are responsible for the planning and execution of day to day policies should have the ultimate goals clearly in mind at all times. To lose sight of these goals is to jeopardize their attainment. It is not enough to take the attitude: "We want to achieve a certain set of objectives, but under the impact of pressing current problems we are obliged to take measures leading in the opposite direction". As will be shown presently, the Charter of the ITO treats special difficulties of individual countries and various emergency situations as qualifying permanently the rules which are to govern, in the long run, the conduct of international economic relations. This approach is not exempt from serious inconveniences and even danger. It is true that there are times and places where certain rules may have -to be suspended; this must not be construed however, as being a limitation of the validity of the ruLe. By surrounding a rule with too many escape clauses and exceptions the rule itself is liable to lose all meaning. 7. In other parts of this document criticisms will be offered of many of the escape clauses and exceptions which are included in the Draft Charter of the ITO. The I.C.C. is fully aware or and sympathetic to the difficulties experienced by a great many countries in the world, in most of which it has branches and members. It cannot emphasize too strongly, however, its convition that the whole task of world economic reconstruction may be compromised if emergency situations and the controls and regulations to which they give rise should be perpetuated instead of being liquidated at the earliest possible time. The I.C.C. regrets that measures designed to meet a great variety of particular situations, including measures which are the outcome of national programs of industrialization, should have been brought into the Charter in the form or limitations on the valid- ity of the general rules and principles established in that document. Any exceptions provided for in the Charter should be limited in number, strictly defined, and subject to a time-limit. There should also be provision for conciliation and arbitration in the case of disputes arising out of such exceptions. 8. The International Trade Organization will provide the world with a most important framework, within which to pursue the objectives of freer trade and more stable and expanding economic activity. The real test of the Charter will be whether it changes existing practice and policy or whether it leaves them E/PC/T.44 Page 6. intact. What is needed is a sort of "International Discipline" which will require member countries to select national economic goals and methods of reaching them which will contribute to the betterment of international economic relations and of the condition of other countries. The Charter must, therefore, avoid placin- too much emphasis on emergency action to which countries may have to resort in time of exceptional difficulty. Its object is not to safeguard complete freedom of national action, but to limit it in the interests of the integrated world economy it seeks to achieve. The formulation of a clear-cut, short and forceful state- ment of long-range objectives in the realm of international trade is, therefore, a matter of utmost importance. Such a statement should be accompanied by a pronouncement dealing with the relation- ship of present emergencies to the ultimate objectives, giving general directives for tha handling of these emergencies in a way that would not endanger the state of world economy. II C o m m e n t s on the D r a f t Cha r t e r. Chapter I - Purposes 1. The opening chapter of the Charter defining the purposes of the Organization should be, in the opinion of the International Chamber of Commerce, the backbone of the whole Charter. It should contain' a definite statement of the long-run objectives untrammel- ed by any reservations, as well as a description of the basic functions of the Organization. The International Chamber of Commerce learnt with regret the decision of the Preparatory Committee to postpone "any discussion of this subject until the structure of the Organization can be seen as a whole".. The I.C.C. feels that the structure of the Organization should be a consequence of the objectives to be sought and not vice-versa. Indeed, it fails to see how it is posiible to design adequately the overall structure of an organization of which the purposes are left in blank. 2.. The Drafting Committee, which met in January-February 1947, partly filled this gap by drawing up a single article on purposes. This article is far from being the clear statement of objectives of the International Trade Organization the .C. hoped to see put at the head of the Charter. The draft article, as now submitted, consists largely of generalities and covers so wide a field that it inevitably overlaps with the purposes of many other bodies and agencies of the United Nations, including the Economic and Social Council itself, which all aim at general prosper- ity. 3. A statement of purposes of the new Organization should make entirely clear the distinctive nature of its tasks and functions. There is no need for the ITO unless it can do what no other organiz- ation can do. To state what this need is and how it is to be satisfied by the new agency to be established, is the primary function of Chapter I of the Charter. It may be doubted whether E/PC/T. 44 Page 7. the establishment of a new agency can be defended on the grounds that it will "Realize the objectives set fourth in the Charter of the United Nations", since that is evidently the purpose of each and every agency operating within the United Nations, and the ITO can only seek the attainment of those over-all, broad objectives that are not adequately covered by any of the already established organizations. Similarly, "The expansion of the production, exchange and consumption of goods, ... the achieve- ment and maintenance in all countries of high and steadily rising levels of effective demand and real income, and . the development of the economic resources of the world" cannot be regarded as precise enough directives under which a new agency like the ITO could operate. The words quoted describe the sum total of all efforts leading towards fuller economic life. The tasks of the ITO must, of necessity, be more circumscribed and more precise. 4. If the I.C.C. places so much emphasis un the need for a complete redrafting of this Chapter, it is because it considers that a clear and unqualified declaration of objectives is the most important part of the Charter itself, without which every- thing else is a house build on sand. In the I.C.C.'s opinion, a clear and unqualified declaration of objectives should be one of the main achievements of the Trade and Employment Conference. No comment. Chapter II - Membership E/PC/T.44 Page 8 Chapter III - Employment, Effective Demand and Economic Activity *) 1. Two general notions underlie Chapter III, as drafted in London and redrafted in New York. Both strike the I.C.C. as very important and worth striving for, but they are oloaked in a terminology which appears to be ambiguous and likely to lead to unneoessary controversyon what are as yet unsettled points of economic theory, They are the notions of "full employment" and "effective demand".. The I.C.C. considers it undesirable that such ambiGuous and debatable terms should be used in the Charter of the International Trade organization of the United Nations. 2. While the inclusion of the words "and economic activity", in the latest version of the chapter heading is a token or recognition of the fact that employment is only one of many aspects, though a vitally important one, of economic activity, this fact ls not sufficiently acknowledged in the body of this chapter, The I.C.C. realizes that governments have an impor- tant part to play in the whole field of employment and eoono- mio activity, but il feels that, as drafted this Chapter gives the impression that the achievement and maintenance of effective demand and employment are exolusively a government responsibility This is undoubtedly so in countries the economic life of which is totally planned and conducted by governmental agencies, but is far from true in the case of countries, the economy or which is operated primarily, or to a considerable extent, by private enterprise and in which the mechanism of the free market plays an important role. In its resolution on Maximum Employment in a Free Society, the I.C.C. states that: "The task of maintaining productive employment stably at its highest possible level calls for cordial and oonti- nuous cooperation between government, business, agricul- ture and labour, effectuated wherever possiblee by appro- priate institutional arrangeme ts. It is not a task that can be accompliEhed by simple devices, nor by any section of society acting on Its ovzn." In the aamo resolution it is further stated that: "Government, acting for the people, should assume its Inescapable responsibility for creating a favorable cli- mate for a dynazic free economy under which people are encouraged to create for themselves tke fullest possible productive employment and macimum production." *) The Drafting Co.mittç hes reiaoved Article 5 of the London document from Chapter II and inserted it in Chapter IV as Artiole 10. This entails the renumberinb of several articles so that Articles 6, 7, ain 8 of the London text become Articles 5, 6, and 7 et the Drafting Comittee7s version. In tIt following discussion, tIe numberin- cf the Drafting C rnrn it: .111 be adopted. E/PC/T.44 Page 9 The I.C.C. would welcome the introduction irito the final draft of Ohapter III of a olause reconriizing the faot that ln most countries the aainitenanoe of employment et hiGh and stable levels is ttS responsibility not exolusively of Covernments, but or all sections ot sooiety aeotin in cooperation. 3. The I.C.C. considers that the link between international trade end employment is to be founA in tha faot that national economies, whose structure is bases upcn an international division of labor, cannot maintain theiaselves in a condition of continued ez)loyment if they should be suddenly deprived of part or of all or their foreign markets and sources of supply. Trade increase the variety of resources that are available to the people living in any particular part of the globe an;, as a result of regional specialization ard by the development of mass production oethods for world markets, tends to inorease the total quantity or available goode and to lower thier prices to the consumer. All this leads to rising stan- dards or living, throughout the world, but involvos a certain reduotion of the national economic indepePla'eÇ of individual countries. It follows that the maintenance ot iea)loynent ln any one country depends, within tne fraoework of reason- ably unimpeded world trade, upon economic developments in other countries. The lc.iS or the opinion, that the problem of mailtaining hi6h levels oe aconomio activity and elloyment is primarily a matter of international concern ard that nation- el policies Oe individual countries (a) stiould be internation- ally harmonizeu end (b) should be sudplemeited by appropriate international agreements implemented by appropriate adenoies, suoh as the International Bar.k for constructionn and Develop- ment. It is sué;Lested that the tinal draft of Chapter III should include an explicit statement to the effect that the maintenance or economic activity and employment ln any parti- ouler country is -a matter not solely of domestic, but alseo of internat',onal ooncern and requires, to be etfeotively dealt with, not solely domestic, but also international action. 4. The original Clnited States Pro^J0oals and-the $ugested Charter presented to the London Conference contain an important provision which has not been incorporated into the later texts of the Chapter. This provision (article 5) oe the SuRgested Charter reads as follows: "In seeking to maintain or expand e:mploymEnt, no i1e=ber shall adopt measures which would have the effect of creat- ing unemployment in other countries or which are incom- patible with undertakings designed to Qromote an expar.d- ing volume of international trade and investment." Instead oe that provision, we find, in the Dreftiné; Committee's document, a stipulation tbat the domestic meEsures, upon which the achievement and Maintenance of effective demand and employ- ment mus", it is olaimed, primarily depend', "should be assisted E/PC/T ,44 Page 10 by the regular exchange of information and views among members, and, so fer as possible, should be supplemented by international action sponsored by the Economic and cSoo i81 Council of the tTnited Nations". ',.hile the second part of the quotation goes Jome way towards rmeeting the line of argument presented in the previous parabraDh of the present report, tthe first part is a very inadequate substitute for tha omitted article of the earlier documents. As the draft of ChEa;ter lII riow stands, no adequate recognition is given to the fact that national policies aiiaia et the mainteianoa of econcmic activity and employmait mey greatly disturb international) economic relations and endanger the weJ.l-bein6 of o-her countries. It is essential, in the I.C.C.'s opinion, that the Charter of the ITO should accept limitatior.s or, the freedom of national economic aotion whenever thet freedora is used in a way which places in jeopardy the prosperous ;rovth of international trade and good eoonomio relations between natior.s. 5. Reference has already been mnade to the laok of clarity and the controversial imilications of tte term "effective demand". In a frea economy, effective demand of the whole population of the country is an agSreoate resulting from indi- vidual and group decisions. It is dehtsuble whether, within the framework of a frae economy, that aggregate can be decisive- '.y and quickly influenced by L,overnment action. It is also debatable whether econDnmic depressions result from the inade- quaoy of effective deinend or from structurel inaladjustrments which developed in the economic system at a time viien effect- ive demand v;as hiÊh and _rov;ii,. Urie may ask whether the decline in the aggregate demand is a càuse or a consequence of the breakdown of aeDnomnio activity. These and .tiany other questions are the object of rauch theoretical research and give rise to important debates among eDno3,aists. They involve an area of our knowledWe which certainly falls under the heading of "tUnsettled questions". r1e eL.C.C. uoes not propose to take a stand et this time on such questions, but it is firialy con- vincedtthat a doe3uaent such s the Char er of the ITO should not be so worded as to imply the adoption by its authors and, eventually, by the members of the Urganizat-on, cf a partiou- lar bias on these controversial questions of economic doctri e. The I.C.C, su-gests, therefore thEt the terry "effective demand" should be replaced throughout the document by the words economico" ativity", and that it should be dropped entirely ,rom the tit1- of Chapter III. C0MiNENTb ON IIDIVIDuAL j;RTICLiS ArticleJ, _ r_ ortance of Emoloyment in Relation to theP2rpss of This Charter The I.C.C. suggests that Article 3 should be entirely rewritten in line viith the &eneral comments that precede. As rewritten.. mi:,,ht reed approximately as follows: E/PC/T.44 "1. Members recognize that the achievement and stable maintenance of maximum employment opportunities through- out the world are of supreme economic, social and poli- tioal importance. They recognize also that the volume and productivity of employment in each country are vital- ly aftected by the volume and pattern of international trade. The members agree, therefore, that, in striving in their resoective countries for the maintenance of eoonomic activity and employment et high levels, they will give recognition to the fact that the pursuit of maximum employment is both a national and a universal objective which requires international harmonization of national policies." "2. In particular, no Member, in pursuing the goal of maximum employment within its territory, will adopt measures which would have trie effect of oreatiné, unem- ployment in other member countries or vihich vw'ill inter- fere with the exDansion of international trade and invest- ment. ...embers ,ho carry out the provisions of Chapter V of this Charter and whoe live up to the commitments of Members of, the International ilonetary Fund in respect to exchar%,e control will te presumed to fulf il this recp irnement." "3. ïJembers agree to establish a regular exchange of infonnation for the purpose of assisting the achieve- ment and maintenance of high levels of economic acti- vity and employment. They also agree that national policies, internationally harmonized, should, as far as possible, be supplementead bE, international action sponsored by the ioonomio and Social Counoil of the united Nations and carried out in collaboration with tne a; ropriate interOovernmental organizations, acting within thair respective spheres and oonsistently with the terms and purposes of their basic instruments." Ârtiole 4, .i.aintenanoe of Dorestio Employment. 1. The I.C.C. suSests that the first para6rsph of this article should be rewritten so as to avoid giving the impression that government action is suffloient to achieve and maintain maximum employment and high levels of economic activity. 2. In line with thB general comments made before, it suggests that the phrase'"full and )roductive employment and'high and stable levels of effective demerd", which appears in the first paragraph of this article, should be ohanged to "maximum produo- tion, employment and highland stable levels of economic activity". . 3. The provision in the second par&Craph of Article 4 "each *member shall seek to avoid creating balance of payments diffi- oulties for other members" strikes the I.C.C. as being too limitative and ambiguous. It is not clear just wlieri à country creates balance of payments difficwutie3-for another country; //PC/T .44 Page 12 these difficulties oen appear as the either of domestic developments in the affLotqd country or of fôreibn develop- ments, or both. No country ever creates outright balance of payments difficulties for another country; but steps it takes to restrict its imports or promote its exported by "illeiitiuüàte methods" (suoh as subsidies, or exohan6e manipulations) imay result in balance of payments difficulties elsewhere. The I.C.C, is of the opinion that the essential thouLht that needs to be emphaeized finds expression in *arE6raph 2 Of the sugges- ed redruft for Article 3. In view of that redraft, tIB I.C.C, suggests that the second parE raph of Article 4 should be entirely dropped fro.a the final text of the Charter. 4. The I.0,C. reoommends the redraftin, of Artiole 4 along approximately the following lines: "Members, recognizinr that th.- methods required to pro- mote and maintain hi1h productive employment difer from country to country according; to the relative preponderance of private enterprise arnd governmentt control, shall take action design d to promote and maintain hi;h and productive employment and hieh and stable levels of economic sotivity v.ithin their ovin jurisdictions, through measures appropriate to their policies and eoono- mio institutions and compatible with the other purposes of the Or6anization." Article 5, F'air Labor Standards*) 1. ;vhile in full agreement viità the purposes of this article, the I.C.C. is of the opinion that in order to simplify the fuzotions of the ITO and to avoid over-lapping w th the work of the International Labour Office, it should be omitted from, the Charter. 2. One aspect of the question which is, however, direotly related to the objectives of the ITO has reference to the oompe- titiveness in world markets of goods produced by populations whose standards of living fail to reflect advances achieved in the productivity of labor. The competition of "oheap labor" is an argument frequently used by advooates of high and rising tariffs and it is an argument which has no validity except under circumstances where a substantial gap is allowed to develop between productivity and labor standards. 3. The I.C.C. recom=erLds, therefore, that Artiloe 5 *) should be replaced by another article properly belonging in Chapter IV, in which the obligation of developir.,g countries to 41low the standard o? living of their populat1-rs to parallel the growth of productivity of labor would be stressed. Article o, The Removal of Malad,11stments in tkhe Balance of PaMenl* 1, The I.C.C. is of tlm opinion that this article should be *) Article 6 of the London Draft of the Charter *) .&rtiole 7 of the London Draft of the'Charter E/PC/T .44 Page 13 substantially modified. In its present form, it contains implicitly several debatable points of economic theory and its full implications are by no means clear. The notion of a "undamental disequilibrium" in the balance of payments of a country appears, to be sure, in the Charter' of the International Monetary Fund, but it is far from being a clear and unequivocal concept. Indend, there is growing controversy around the. interpretation which should be given to this term. In view of that, the affect of sucî a fundamental disequilibrium in the balance of payments in one country upon balance of payments diffioulties of other countries is very hard to ascertain. Reference has already been made in discusGing Article 4 to the undesirability of bringinG the concept of balance of payments into the provisions of this Chapter. It is debatable to what extent persistent balance of payments difficulties are a handi- cap for a country in maintaining employment. Finally, it.must be noted that countries belonging to the International Monetary Fund are under obligation to eliminate p3rsistentdi,. equilibria in balance of payments, It may be useful to provide in'the Charter of the ITO for a similar obligation on the part of members of the ITU, in the event tnat some of them shall not be members of the International blonetary l'und. A reoomnaendation to tbat effect fits best into the subject-matter of Article 26 of the Charter. 2. In view of all these observations, the I.C.C. recommends that Article 6 should be re-drafted as follows: "Members, realizing the need for close cooperation between the International Trade Organization and the Internatio;tal Làonetary Fund, agree to use the instrumentalities of the International Nonetary Fund when faced with prospective or aotual disequilibrium in their balEnces of payments. Special reference is lierewith made to article VII, Section 1 of the Bretton '1',oods Agreement on the International Monetary Fund, uhioh gives the Fund wide discretion in handling situations whioh arise when a persistent surplus in the balance of payments of any country threatens to cause balance of payments difficulties for other countries." The I.C.C. wishes to emphasize that action taken under this article should be initiated before the economic situation of the various countries becomes seriously impaired. article 7, safeguards for Mlembers subject to ;xternal Deflationar Pressure s 1. In the opinion of the Chamber, Article 7 refleots an implioitly ado9.ed theory re(,&rding the international propaga- tion of economic depressions. Ls previously indicated, the I.C.C. opposes the introduction into the Charter of provisions whioh can only be defctdad on the basis of the acceptance of *) Article t of the London Draft E/PC/T .4 4 Page 14 a particular controverted economic doctrine. Furthermore, "the need of members to take action within the provisions of this Charter to safeguard their economies against deflationary pressures in the event of a serious or abrupt decline in the effective demand of other countries" might be interpreted as allowing a country to adopt all kinds of methods to insulate itself from the world economy.. Taken in conjunction with Article 26 (which is critically examined in a later part of this report) the quoted passage of Article 7 may nevLtify every attempt to eliminate quantitative trade restrictions, to lower other trade barriers and, generally,. to promote a smoother international flow of trade. 2. The Chamber recommends, therefore, that Article 7 should be deleted from the Charter. Article 8, Consultation and Exchange of Information on Matters relating to Matters of employment **) No comment. **) Article 9 of the London Draft E/PC/T.44. Page 15. Chapter IV - Economic Development 1. The more economically developed the various countries of the world are, the greater the volume of trade among them, and the more beneficial the effects of that trade upon the standards of living in every country. In addition, the economic growth of the less developed areas of the world requires importation of foreign equipment, technical knowledge and skill and additional raw materials. It is quite fitting, therefore, that a mention of economic development should be made in the Charter of the ITO. 2.. There is a second connection between economic development and foreign trade, which is even more intimately linked with the objectives of the ITO. One of the most powerful argument s that have been advanced over the past century and a half in favor of tariffs was derived from the thesis that new or infant industries require, for their future growth, the establishment of tariffs to protect them during their formative years against international competition on the part of well-established older industries. This argument, if properly used, in no way implies that new in- dustries should be subsidized by tariffs indefinitely. It applies uniquely to their formative years. It now appears in a document, the main purposeQf which is to provide >. fremework for a gradual ,liberalization of international commerce. In the I.C.C.'s opinion the whole question should be cFrefully reconsidered by the Preparatory Committee, lest ooncern with national economic develop- ment should render Chapter IV of the Charter a vehicle of restric- 'ive policy in flagrant contradiction with the objeotive3 of the Charter in the field of commeroir.1 policy (Chapter V). 3, It i9 noteworthy that Chapter II of the Report of the First Stission of the Preparatory Committeu, which contains a commentary on Chapter IV of the Chrrter, is entitled "Industrial Development" and not, as Chapter IV itself, "Economic Development". The I.CC., views with une..siness this tendency to identify "in- dustrial" Rnd economico" dav3liipment. The two terms aru by no meRns synonymous. Economic development, in favor of which no effort should be stunted, i9 by frr the wider conception of the two, involving as it docs the fullest possible utilizntion of Cil the resources of the world, whether industria.l, mining, agricultural, fishing, or forestry. The aim of economic development is to increase the productivity of labor rnd the utilization of natural resouroes; the development of industries is an important factor In this Incrense, but it is naither a unique factor nor one that must always be present in a developing country. Many cases are known where the development behind high tF.rifis of high-cost . industries tended to make the economic condition of the developing countries in tho long run more procarious rYather thr.n more proaper- ouS. The I.C.,C. warns against the grave mEl1ndjustm*nts thp.t nay be created in the world by an insistence on the industrial devolopmEnt of 811 areas without reference ti the international distribution of resources and materials, and urges the Second Proparatory Sossion to devote further Attention to these aspects of the development problem E/PC/T .44 Page 16. 4. Some of the most vital-problems of economic development are thus left untouched in the Draft Charter. If it is to be comprehensive, the final form of this chapter should cover the following points: a.- The conditions of, economic development--economic, social and political. b.- The validity of governmental intervention to promote economic development by making these conditions as favorable as possible; it should be noted that governmental intervention may take the form of direct ventures in the field of economic development, or of the creation of a climate favorable to private initiative and enterprise. c.- The impact of the economic development of one country upon the economic situation of other countries, 5. Furthermore, the Charter should contain special recommendetions about: a.- The action to be taken by the governments of more developed economics to promote international cooperation for the purposes of this chapter. b.- The action to be taken by the governments of the less developed countries to promote international cooperation favorable to their development. c.- The selection by the governments of the less developed countries of such mathods of action, favorable to their own economic development, which would not be detrimen- tal to the prosperity of world trade and would not expose the more developed economies to sudden and major maladjustments. COMMENTS ON INDIVIDUAL ARTICLES Article 9, Importance of Economic Development in relation to the Purposes of this Charter') The Internationnl Chamber of Commerce has the following observations to make: 1. Emphasis should primarily be placed upon the connection between economic dcvelopmcnt and standards of living. it is.doubt- ful whether industrializa tion really does "improve opportunities for employment" considering thp.t unemployment is much more frequently a feature of industrialized than of less developed countries. 2. It is doubtful whether economic development by itself con- tributes, even in the l1ng run, to economic stn.bility, since the problem of economic instability is mainly experienced, in a spectacular way, by countries hrving ro.ttr.ined high levels of economic development. Whrt c^.n be (though not necessarily in this article of the Chn.rter) is thrt tha impulse the ir.tions of the world wish to give to economic dNrelopment mo.kas it more nacess..ry than ever to devote c.reful attention to n'..tion71 and intern?.tionr l measures ai.ued at moderc.ting cyclical fluctuEatinns, x) Arti¢le 8 of the Lindon Dra±'t E/PC/T.44. Page 17. 3. The last part of Article 9 which reads ". thus strengthen- ing the ties of internr.tion-.l understanding and accord", could usafully be rewritten, because the term "thus" implies a causal relationship which is by no means self-evident. Should, for instance, under-developed countries endeavor to achieve industial- ization by interference with foreign trade, discrimination, and other methods which it is the purpose of the ITO to reduce or to eliminate, the effect would be, on the contrary, very prejudicial to the "ties of international . understanding nnd accord." 4, The I.C.C. recommends that Article 9 should recognize the connection that may exist betwucn economic development Lnd economic nr.tionalism, and establish the principle thnt economic development should bL carried out by methods which are compatible with the general objectives of the ITO. Article 10, Development of Domestic Resouroas n.nd Productir.ityXX) 1. The I.C.C. suggests tbrt the final drrft of this ChRpter should make it clear that the action of member governments should involve not only measures tnkcn directly for the economic develep- ment of their countries, but action for the cromtidn of a climate favorable to the activity of privE.ta initiative and enterprise, 2. Thd following wording is suggested: "Members, recognizing thRt thc standards of living of the people depend basioally on their productivity, and rocog- nizing thzt all countries have a common interest in raising standards of'living, ?.grce to take action designed prcgressively to deavlop eoonomio rcsouroes rnd to promote high standards of productivity, pF.rticularly by creating a climate favorable to priv^.te initiative n.nd enterprise.n Article 11, Plans for Economic Development No comment. Article 12, Means of Economic Development 1. In connection with the first sentence of this article, the I.C.C, wishes to emphr.size the need for greater freedom of capital movements P.nd of manpower (not only of trained o rkers) than i9 at present available. 2. The term "unrensonible", which appears in the first and second paragrR.phs of this article, mey nullify the other provisions of this article, since there may not be agreement between the countries imposing impediments and the other countries rs to vhat i9 the criterion of unreasonnbleness. The IC,0C., therefore, weloome the provision for complaints to be submitted in this connection to the ITO. lhe procedure of conciliation mry, how- ever, be very slow, and in the meantime injurious action resulting from divergent interpretations of the term "unreasonable" may have already had their full effect. The I.C.C. is of the opinion therefore, that the Article should be rewritten so as to eliminate its present ambiguity rnd that the procedure of con- cili^tion and nrbitrr.tion should be brought into line with the suggestions cont-.ined in Part III, B of the present report. xx) Formerly ArticFlff -J f'Y thEcWondon Drà.f t E/PC/m.44. ' Page 18. Article 13, GovernmuntnI Assistance to Econonic Development The International Ch;:mber Df Commoroe viows with gravc apprehension the introduction of Article 33 into the Ch',rter. In its present form, it gives complete freed.)m of'nction to all oountries to adopt whatever measures of protection they wish for the establishment or reconstruction of particular industries. Nor is any time-limit sot. This rc.s.troys the whole fabric of the Charter. The I.C.C., therefnre,urges that this Article be re- written with a view to bringing it intq line with wheat is one of the main objectives of the Ch:.rter, namely the grndua.l freeing of interneticnnl from restrictiv, mesures. Additional Suggestions relating to Chc.pter IV. 1. The I.C.C. wishes to emphasize the need for some provision in ChLptar IV which would m.lce it entirely clear thet the provisions in Che.pter V on Commurcial PDlicy over-rule tha provisions of Cha.pter IV on Economic Development; thet is to sey, that economic development ce.nnot be considered e.s en exception to theprinciples of commercial policy established in Chapter V. In the absence if P statement to thnt affect, and in view of the deteil ad comments which precede, the I.C.C. feels that Chapter IV may provide a dangerous avenue of escape from the provisions àf Chapter V. 2. It would n1so bc helpful if Chrpter IV could provide speoifico.lly for Rdvr.ncc information ta be mnde rnvr.ilable to .tll members of the ITO in regard te bri-.d programs of industrial growth and gener'.l development of other members, sc thnt they might tRke appropriate action t. fncilitnte adjustments to these programs. E/PC/T.44 Page 19. Chapter V - General Commercial Policy _____________________________________ 1. This Chapter represents, in thc I.C.C.'s opinion, the heart of the Charter. Sinec it is the primary function of the I.T.O. to seck to improve commercial relations and help in the establish- ment of conditions favorable to a prosperous flow of international trade, commercial policies of the member states should bu its foremost aoncernfl If the I.T.O. is to be a useful instrument and if its Charter is to be a rncaningful docum nt, its provisions must bc such as to affect significantly the conduct of the members of the organization. The present draft of Chapter V stands, in the opinion of the I.C.C., in grcat need of strengtheni.0g. It has, at present, the tendency to allow far too nany exceptions from the general rules it seoks to establish. In thair understand- ablî oonccrn with difficulties and emergencies currently exporionoed by many countries, tha authors of tha Charter have adopted too lenicnt a aoursc in rcspcct ta exceptions and escape clauses. 2. In addition ta being mnde stronger, Chapter V ought to be made shorter and clearer. In their desire to provide against aiy oonceivabla contingncy, not only hava the authors of the draft hc.apod exceptions upon exceptions, but tha document has becoma very involved rad tho contours of the main provisions blurred. 3. It is the understanding of thc I.C.C. that the Charter aimed nt the affective reduction of tariffs and pr,3fercnocs, .;nd at the climinintion, as rapidly as pcssiblc, of quantitative trade restrict- ions and discrimination. The I.C.C.'s whola-heartad approval of the ostablishmGnt of an international trada organization is basod. upoil that understanding. It notes with regret, thcreforc, that the objectives arc not likely to bc attainable through the in- etrumzentrlitics of Chaptor V of the Charter as it now stands. If these objcctivus ur6 ta be ioachod, a far less tolerant attitude will hava to bc adopted in r;spect to quantitative trade rastriot- ions rnd tariff prGferences. The Charter is more satisfactory as regards tariff reduction, though provisions relative to economic dovelopmant are unduly tolerant of the introduction of new tariffs. 4. If members who want ta pursue a course of policy whioh stands in contradiction to the main objectives of the Charter should be able to do s0 by virtue of this or.that escape clause, the I.T.O. will prove entirely ineffectual as an instrument of international îconomia cooperation. 5. The I.C.C. realizes, of course, that emergency situations Oxist and that their oxistenco must be takon account of in the course of tho transitional period. .It warns, however, against an attitude, the effect of which might be to perpatuata the maledJustmonts instead of liquidating tham and to transform ex- ceptions into rulas. It oonsidars that, takcn in conjunction with r.tiolc 25 of the Charter, the provisions of the Bretton Woods Agreemants on the International Monetary ?und arc a sufficient safeguard against balance of payment diificultics. As will bc notod presently, Chapter V of the Charter refers E/PC/T, 44 Page 20 explicitly to the Intciru.,tiolal Ilonetary Find; nlvarthcloss, not only docs it duplicota thc "%xacptioni3"provided under the Bretton Woods Agreamenti for doaliTg with fundamontai discquilibria in balnnecs of pnymonts, but it adds nuW onrs. In thc opinion of the IeCOCe, this duplication zand thuse additions uhould bc oliminatad from thc final draft of the Charter. 6. It 1as bocil su.ggstod, rnd the I.UC. refers this suggestion to tho oarilest attention of tIo Prepcratory Comnittoc, that all exceptions relating to tcmpornry cmergcncy situations should be removed from tho body of tho Charter a;id asscmblecd in a separatc Protocol. 7. By devotinG much attention to tariffs, by inuietin, upon non-discrimination, by cmphasizini thc importance of Most- Favoured-Ntation trecatrnrit, w;d by taciiZ an uEssuntially negr.tivo attitude towr.rds quantit.ative trade restrictions, the Ch.;rtor seem t te Pddress itself primarily to countries the foreign trade of which is mo.inly r. private activity and in vihich govornnients limit themnu3lvcs vury l.rgoly to the establishment of broud linos of commercial policy. A Chnrter formulpted in this inarner cannot r.pply, prima f'aciU, to tll countries, on accOUlt of apeoial problome arising wheliovcr govurnments appear in thc markets as buyers and sellers on their ovin account, cftan monopolistic buyers and scllcrs, Fu.rther complications in thc applicability of tho basic 1-ulas of thc Chartccr arise from tha fact that th( ontiro foreign trade of certain countries is placed luider strict status control, the government aesumiiiC thu ponîtion oi' the sole foreign trader of the cntiro country. Actully, a clcar dis- .t'nction must be mr.dc botwccen countries having cornletc monopolies cf foruign troda and those vhircre foreign tr,.d(c runrir1s essentially a private pursuit but the govornincnt establishes trading .agenuies for yrticUlar procliatH or purpOscs. 8 Tho oriinal Unitcd States Propos.ei for FxsDansion of World Trada and EmploM__t__ _ I an IntherTci !rnationai Tracl_ Ortniation prcp .s-d ,y thc United St-tUs govcrnmCnt te tRef rondon -sssioi of the Prcparatory Committee recognized the existence of these special probiesnc rosulting from state trading. So do the London Draft of the Chnrtcr and the document of the Drafting Committoc0 Neverthcless, bcth the Proparatory Committea and the Drafting Committec have left aside the question of complata state monopoly o foreign trace nand the connactjd problem of relations Of mernbers of the I.T.O. with non-membors. Thesù are both crucial problaji s with which the Scaond Session of the Proparatory Commin.ttea will have to concon itself'. 9. Ahcng the spcci..l problems presented by state tradirJg rone is mora important than ti'at of discrimination> Discrimination by the government of ontc country aglrTst thc g'vcrnmznt and the population of another hCs always been an important source of intcinational friction and of ill-will arong nations. It is hard to sec how discrimination crn be avoided wlhcn all purchases or all oalos of somc important commodity, or, indeed, when thc whole fuecign trade of a country are Pdministercd by a -ovornment agency. Coveivnment agencies inny tend to perpetuate a certain orgaLnization awd structure E/PC/ T. 44 Page 21 of foreign trade by sheer inertia and in order to simplify what might easily become a very cumbersome network of administrative regulations. If this is done, any sources of supply or new outlets may be affectively discriminated against. In addition, there arise many difficult problems of allocation of imports among foreign sellers and of exports among foreign buyers. Here again, some degree at least of discriminatory treatment appears as almost inevitable. There are also delicate problems of allocation of a relatively scarce commodity between the home market and foreign markets. 10. It is a recognized principal that governments engaging in foreign trade ought to be guided in their decisions by purely commercial considerations, that is to say by considerations of comparative price and comparative quality of the commodities they buy, and of comparative price for the commodities they sell. They should in no way be influenced in their tradd activities by political considerations. This means, for instance, that they should never discriminate against a country with which they may happen to have strained political relations, nor in favour of countries whose political goodwill they are eager to win. New it will be readily seen that it is easiest for governments to adhere to those principles when they appear as non-monopolistic traders in sporadic commercial deals and when they can easily, therefore, conduct themselves like private merchants whose sole interest lies in the price and the quality of the goods which they buy or sell. It is more difficult to detach economic from extra- economic considerations when directing a State rnonopoly of some important commodity. The difficulty grows very much and may be wellnigh insurmountable when a government establishes a complete status monopoly of the country's foreign trade. 11. Economic relations between nations, are an element of inter- national relations in general, and as such they involve considerations of power. When trade is carried out solely by private agents and the governments are limited to broad regulatory activities, subject to the principle of non-discriminatory treatment, it is much easier to divorce economic relations from power considerations. But when international economic relations are actually carried out by the state, it is not very likely that individual governments will always be able to resist the temptation of drawing into the political game the important component of national power which is represented by economic resources. The temptation is very great indeed and once yielded to, it is likely to have a profoundly disturbing effect on international economic relations. It is in the nature of comprehensive state trading that this should be so, regardless of what particular state adopts that form of economic organization. This is why the problem of state trading monopolies must receive theo most careful attention at the times of establishing an inclusive International trade Organization. 12. It is clear that the emergence of stgte trading calls for entirely different rules and undertakings from these applicable to a system in which trade is privately operated and government regulations merely limit the activities of private traders. It may even be doubted whether it is feasible to group into one and the same organization counties whose foreign trade remains in E/PC/T .44 Page 22. private hands, and countries which conduct their foreign trade by means of Governrmental agencies. It is the opinion of the I.C.C. that the burden of proof that such a grouping is possible should rest with countries having established state trading monopolies. It is up to these countries to propose ways and means by which they plan to conform to the general commitments of the Charter in the realm of commercial policy. As they now stand, the provisions of the Charter on state trade are, in the opinion of the I.C.C., entirely inadequate. Two courses are open to the Preparatory Committee; one consists in completely redrafting that section after receiving suggestions from countries which have state trading monopolies, and the other the elimination of that section altogether, leaving countries whicg have complete state monopolies of foreign trade outside the I.T.O. until such time as special agreements can be negotiated with them. 13. As regards particular state trading enterprises operating within economics, the foreign trade of which remains predominantly in private hands, it is an extremely sound rule that they should be influenced in their operation solely by commercial considerations and that they should avoid discriminatory practices. Since, however, the translation of those principles into practice presents many difficulties and since these rules may be easily violated here and there by state trading agencies, it is eseential that the machinery of the I.T.O. should. provide ample facilities for arbitration of complaints which a member may have in respect to the behaviour of state trading, enterprises of another member. This machinery should make it possible for complaints to be lodged not only in matters affection the direct relations between two membors of the I.T.O. but also complaints resulting from the behaviour of onè of the members in the territory of a third or fourth member. Only in this manner will it be possible to handIe complaints resulting from unfair methods of competition which private traders of one country might encounter from the state trading , enterprises of another country in a third market. E/PC/T.44. page 23. COMMENTS ON INDIVIDUAL ARTICLES Section A : General Commercial Provisions - Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment 1. The International Chamber of Commerce is aware that in present circumstances the scope of the Most-Favoured-Nation Clause is severely limite by the wide-spread use of quantitative restrictions. The principle is sG important, however, that it warmly welcomes the prominent place given to non-discriminatory treatment in the present version of the Charter. 2. With respect to paragraph 1 of this article, the International Chamber of Commerce wishes to draw the attention of the Preparatory Com- mittes to the Important work carried out during the inter-war years by the Economic Committee of the League of Nations, and in particular to the general formula of the Most-Favoured-Nation Clause submitted in the re- commendations of the Economic Committee dated February 16, 1933. That formula, which provides a very good definition of Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment and might profitably be adapted for insertion in Article 14 of the Charter, reads as follows: - "The High Contracting Parties agree to grant each other uncondi- tional and unrestricted most-favoured-nation treatment in all matters concerning Customs duties and subsidiary duties of every kind and in the method of levying duties, and, further, in all matters concerning the rules, formalities and charges imposed in connection with the clearing of goods through the Customs. "Accordingly, natural or manufactured products having their origin in either of the contracting countries shall in no case be subject, in regard to the matters referred to above, to any duties, taxes or charges other or higher, or to any rules and formalities other or more burdensome than these to which the lïke products having their origin in any third country are or may hereafter be subject. "Similarly, natural or manufactured products exported from the territories of either Contracting Party and consigned to the territories of the other Party shall in no case be subject, in regard to the above-mentioned matters, to any duties, taxes or charges other or higher, or to any rules and formalities other or more burdensome than those to which the like products when con- signed to the territories Of any other country are or may hereafter be subject. "All the advantages, favours, privileges and immunities which have been or may hereafter be granted by either Contracting Party in regard to the above-mentioned matters, to natural or manufactured products originating in any other country or consigned to the territories of any other country shall be accorded immediately and without compensation to the lïke products originating from the other, Contracting Party or to products consigned to the territories of that Party. "Nevertheless, the advantages now accorded or which may hereafter be accorded to other adjacent countries in order to facilitate frontier traffic, and advantages resulting from a Customs union already con- cluded or hereatter to be concluded by either Contracting Party, shall be excepted from the operation of this article." E/PC/T.44. Page 24. 3. Two important questions arise concerning Most-Favoured- Nation treatment: a) How far under the Charter does that treatment admit of preferential agreements among groups of countries belonging to the I.T.O. b) Can members of the I.T.O. grant that treatment to non-members, or is it to be confined solely to relations among members of the I.T.O? 4. As regards the first of these questions, the International Chamber of Commerce is in general agreement with paragraph 2 of the present article with the understanding that, in accordance with article 24, paragraph 1 (b), no preference will be increased and that existing preferences will be reduced by the process of tariff reductions. The I.C.C. further considers that members of the I.T.O. should undertake not to enter into any new preferential agreements. This undertaking does not, of course, extend to the establishment of customs unions: on that subject, the I.C.C. agrees with the provisions of article 38, paragraph 3. 5. In the opinion of the I.C.C., provision should be made in the Charter for an additional exception to most-favoured-nation treatment in favour of multilateral agreements, whether regional or otherwise, concluded for the purpose of relaxing trade barriers and open to the adhesion of any State willing to grant equivalent concessions. As will be pointed out in the discussion of article 36, the Charter of the I.T.O. is a case in point, for it is essential that future bilateral trade agreements between a member and a non-member of the I.T.O. should include an exception to .Most-favoured-nation treatment with regard to concessions granted by members to members under the Charter. 6. As regards the extension of most-favoured-nation treatment to non-members of the I.T.O., this question falls under the scope of Section G (article 36) concerned with Relations with Non-Members, and will be discussed at that point. Article 15: National Treatmentof Internal Taxation and Regulation, No comments on paragraphs 1 to 4. As regards paragraph 5, according to which "The provisions of this article shall not apply to the procurement by governmental agencies of supplies for governmental use and not for resale", the I.C.C. wishes to warn against the danger that this clause in its present form might be interpreted as applying to the entire import trade of States having foreign trade monopolies. Article 16: Freedom of Transit. No comment. Article 17: Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties. The International Chamber of Commerce is in agreement with this article, but wishes to make the following suggestions :- a) - Paragraph 1 of the Article should be clarified in further redraft so as to define more precisely the notion of dumping and to establish which of the three price differentials indicated as representing the''Margin of dumping'' should have precedence over the others. E/PC/T.44. Page 25. b) Should this article be expanded to include a reference to so-called "exchange" dumping, it should be made clear that exchange depreciation is never to be considered a source of dumping if it has received the previous approval or the International Monetary Fund. Article 18 : Tariff Valuation The importance to trade of simplifying and unifying existing valuation systems is so great that the International Chamber of Commerce warmly welcomes the undertaking in paragraph 1 to "work towards the standardization ..... of definitions of value .." But from the point of view of the merchant engaged in international trade, neither the original four sub-paragraphs of article 2 as set out in the Suggested Charter, which the Drafting Committee has reproduced, nor the alternative versions of sub-paragraph (a) are entirely satisfactory. The only purpose of drawing up a set of international rules on this question is to supply the customs officer with a simple rule-of-thumb method for assessing duties and to reduce to a minimum uncertainty and vexatious delays and disputes for the trader. The Charter in its present form falls short of both objectives. It obliges the Customs officer to ascertain and. check facts that should not, normally, fall within his competence, thus opening the door to disputes, and fails to give the trader an easy method of knowing in advance on what basis his goods will be assessed. The I.C.O. therefore suggests two possible ways of dealing with the problem in the Charter. The first would be to conserve paragraph 1 and strike out altogether the second paragraph with its sub-paragraphs, thus leaving it to the I.TO. to work out a satisfactory standard system or valuation after a full investigation of the requirements of both Customs and trader . The second would be to word the sub-paragraphs of paragraph 2 in terms some what as follows :- (a) The value for duty purposes of imported products shall be based on the actual price paid or payable by the importer or, where the goods are not purchased by the importer, the price paid by the purchaser in the ccuntry of export, in each case as shown on the commercial or consular invoice, unless the Customs have good reason to suspect that the invoice value is less.than the real market value of the goods. In the latter case, and unless adequate evidence can be produced by the importer to show that the invoice value of the goods represents their real market value, as well as in cases where no invoice exists, the Customs shall be free to assess the goods either on the basis of the re-selling price in the country of import or of the value in the markets of the country of import of similar imported or domestic products. (b) (This paragraph is no longer necessary). (c) (now b) In converting the value of any imported product from one currency of another for the purpose of assessing duty, the rate of exchange to be used shall be the official rate resulting from the parity fixed by the International Monetary Fund. (d) (new. c) (Sub-paragraph (d) in the Suggested Charter) . E/PC/T .44 Page 26. With regard to the working out by the I.T.0. under paragraph 1 of more detailed standards for the valuation of goods, the I.C.C. will continue its own investigation in that direction, and in the meantime again draws attention to the recommendations issued by its Committee on Customs Technique in 1939 which are reproduced in an Appendix to its Brochure No.101 already submitted to the London Meeting of the Preparatory Committee (pages 28-30). Article 19 : Customs Formalities The I.C.C. strongly supports the provisions of this Article and urges the importance of early action, even in advance of the adoption of the Charter, to implement it. It suggests, however, that it would be still further strengthened by adding a clause under which the members of the I.T.0. would undertake to apply immediately at least the provisions of the 1923 Convention for the Simplification of Customs Formalities. The following additional points, which are of great importance to trade, should be included in the Charter under this heading: - (1) The abolition of consular invoices, sometimes called customs invoices, and certificates or origin as separate documents. The information required on consular invoices and certificates of origin can and should be obtained from extra copies of the recommended commercial invoice and the usual packing list. (2) The abolition of consular visas and commercial association certifications for invoices. Such visas and certifications apparently perform no real purpose. The expenses involved in making out consular invoices include not only filling out the forms, but the time or someone visiting consulates to leave invoices for visaing and the time for a second visit to pick up the invoices after they are visaed and, in many cases, long delays in both visits. These hidden expenses and delays are unnecessary and constitute burdens on international trade. (3) The elimination or the requirement by some governments that certain forms be filled out for siding them in the compilation of export and import statistics. This information can and should be obtained by Governments from extra copies or the commercial invoice and packing list. (4) The adoption or standardized weight markings on packages and related documents. Article 20 : Marks of Origin The I.C.C. is in full agreement with this article, but would suggest the following additions: - (a) Marks of origin should not be required in the case of: - i) Goods bearing a national trade mark sufficiently well known as to leave no doubt as to their origin; E/PC/T. 44. Page 27. ii) Packing, sacks, wrapping, etc..., When the mark of origin is already required for the contents; iii) Goods intended for the personal use of the importer and not for sale. (b) The addition to the name of the country of origin of the words "made in" or any similar expression should not be compulsory. The I.C.C. is at the disposal of the I.T.O. to assist it in drawing up more detailed rules for the simplification of works of origin requirements, by making a full investigation of the requirements of the industrial and trading community throughout the world. Article 21: Publication, etc... The I.C.C. is in full agreement with the terms of this article. It application by all countries would be of great value to those engaged in international trade. Article 22: Information, etc... The I.C.C. feels that this article, with which it is in agreement, would be improved by the addition of a clause approving, at least as a basis of discussion, the Draft Uniform Customs Nomenclature of the League of Nations. Article 23: Boycott No comment. Section B Tariffs and Tariff Preferences Article 24 Reductionl of Tariffs and Elimination of Preferences 1. The I.C.C. is in general agreement with the provisions of this article. It notes with regret, however, that paragraph 1 does not impose on members an obligation to reduce tariffs but merely to enter, upon the request of other member countries, into "negotiations .... directed to the substantial reduction of tariffs and other charges on imports and exports......]" The I.C.C. suggests that this text would be strengthened in the final draft of the Charter by a definite undertaking to reduce tariffs through negotiations conducted with the help of the I.T.O., and by substituting "effective" for "substantial". 2. The I.C.C. notes with approval that tariff reductions negotiated under this article and generalized by means of most-favoured-nation treatment, are to be used for reducing or eliminating margins of preference. It also notes with approval the commitment not to increase any margins of preference. 3. The I.C.C., opposed as it is to any system of rataliation and counter-retaliation in commercial relations, would prefer to see paragraph 3 of this article replaced by a reference to the conciliation and arbitration machinery to be provided for in a new Chapter of the Charter (see Section III, B, below). E/PC/T. 44. Page 28. Section C :Quantitative Restrictions and Exchange Control Article 25 : General Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions 1. The International Chamber of Commerce is in general agreement with the provisions of this article. It suggests, however, that the final text of the article should begin with a strong statement opposing quantitative restrictions. The clause "Except as otherwise provided in this Charter", appearing as it does at the very beginning of the article, not only weakens substantially the text that follows out creates, at first glance, a great deal of uncertainty as to its scope. 2. The I.C.C. would favour, therefore, a stronger wording of paragraph 1, comprising a general undertaking by members of the I.T.O. not to apply quantitative trade restrictions. The I.C.C. is aware, of course, that the use or these restrictions is strongly entrenched in many countries and that post-war circumstances make it impossible to eliminate them overnight. It accepts, therefore, paragraph 2 (a) noting that the restrictions "instituted or maintained during the early post-war transitional period" are to be removed "as soon as the condition giving rise to them have ceased. " 3. In view of its proposal that article 26 of the Charter be deleted, the IC.C, urges that the tinie-limit set at July, 1.949, in paragrap. 2 (a) be replaced by 'Ir., not later thcxn a date to" be subsequently determined by the I.T.O."1 4. Tihe IC- Vinds par zunph 2 (e) of this nrticlo obscure, inasmuch as it cstabl.ishes crit ricv which, in the I:CcC0ts opinion, are not likely to prove applicable in practice. It doubts to.o the soundness of the notion of a 'reprscntative period" v.hich is used in the later part cf this parangzh. It is always dangerous, in a changing world, to consider any porticulrr p^st period as being representative enough to give guidance to futur c policies. 5. Paragrcph 2 (f) is concerned iith c-ssentinlly domestic problems and shouJ.d find. no room, therefore, ir the Ch<riter of the I0TQ., especially as it seems to favour tha progress cf state monopolies of foreigil traitce. The IC.C. recorarends, therefore, that L.t shouldbe deleted from the Chirter. ..rt.c_ 2b : Rastric tions te safeguard the Balance of -paments 1. This article foerois u must importar.t exception to article 25 and, indeed, represents La the opinion of, the IC.C the principal "escape" provision of the Cb.artcrr. It states that "Iany member may restrict the ;.quantity or vtljue of Mcrchandi. 1.0rmitted to be impoxtod, in so far as this is n:cossary to sufeguard its balance of piaymerits end monetary reserve." Even though pi.raraphs 2 end 3 of this article place certain limitations upon this right of members to use quantitative trade restrictions to protect their balance of payments, the I.C.C. is not satisfied that these limitations and the procedure designed to apply them are sufficient to counteract the dangerous implications of the general princeple laid down in paragraph 1 of the present article. E/PC/T.44. Page 29. 2. The equilibrium of balances of payments, arrived at under a regime of stable exchange rates, presents, of course, great advantages for the maintenance of orderly processes of international trade and finance. The I.C.C. is impressed, however, by the contradiction in which the Charter would find itself should it encourage the maintenance of baIance-of-payments equilibria by means which are irreconcilable with the growth of International trade. Past experience shows (a) that it is much easier for individual countries to maintain a state of balance in their international payments when world trade is expanding than wheat it is the object of crippling restrictions and restraints and (b) that the safeguarding of balance-of-payments equilibrium by means of quantitative restrictions on trade and on payments tends to leud to a disintegration of international economic relations. 3. The I.C.C. fully realizes that in the next few years many countries will be faced with exceptional difficulties in their international payments; it is of the opinion, however, that the instrumentalities of the International Monetary Fund are sufficient to meet these emergencies, especially in view of the assistance in financing imports essential for rehabilitation made available by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. No additional instrumentalities need, therefore, be provided in the Charter of the I.T.O. beyond the provisions of article 25, 2 (a). 4. In view of the fact that the membership of the I.T.O. may include countries which will not be members of the International Monetary Fund, a provision should be included in the Charter of the I.T.O. which would extend to members of the I.T.O. the rights and obligations of members of the International Monetary Fund in regard to exchange control. .In matters involving major balance-of-payments disequilibria, the I.T.O. should act after previous consultation with the International Monetary Fund and, whenever necessary, with its assistance. 5. In this connection, the I.C.C. considers that the provisions of paragraph 5 of the present article are entirely inadequate. According to that paragraph "If there is persistent and widespread application of import restrictions under this article, indicating the existence of a general. disequilibrium which is restricting international trade, the Organization shall seek consultation with the International Monetary Fund ..." If the I.T.O. were to wait for a "persistent and widespread application" of quantitative trade restrictions before consulting with the International Monetary Fund the chances are that world trade would disintegrate before any immediate action could be taken in cooperation with the latter agency. It should also be observed that it would not be the generall disequilibrium" per se vvhich would be restricting international trade, but the quantitative restrictions on imports, which are nothing but a particular and, in the opinion of the I.C.C. a particularly undesirable, method of dealing with such a desiquilibrium. 6. The International Chamber of Commerce is of the opinion that article 26 represents a dangerous loophole in the structure of the Charter which must be plugged if the major part of Chapter V is not to be stultified by future events. It recommends, therefore, that article 26 in its present forrm, should be eliminated from the Charter and tha it should be replaced by an article along the lines suggested in pragraph 4 of these comments. E/PC/T.44. Page 30. Article 27: Non-Discriminatory Administration of Quantitative Restrictions 1. The International Chamber of Commerce is impressed by the fact that this article seems to make a demand upon members of the I.T.O. which, with the best will in the world, they must find it impossible to fulfil. Discrimination is inherent in the concept of quantitative restrictions. Most-favoured-nation treatment, which is the most effective instrument of commercial policy for the elimination of discriminatory practices, is inapplicable to trade restrictions other than tariffs. As long as quantitative trade restrictions continue to exist, discrimination will go in their wake. 2. If this is made clear, the I.C.C. agrees, of course, that it is most useful to impress upon countries the desirability of limiting to the utmost the discriminations inherent in the mechanisms of quantitative trade restrictions. The I.C.C. suggests that the beginning of this article should be rewritten in line with the foregoing comments. 3. The I.C.C. recommends that the following rules should be added to article 27 : 1. When the importation of merchandise is already restricted by a quota, no increase ti customs duties, nor import license tox, .nor any additional charges of any kind should be levied on such merchandise, unloss such additional charges form part of a.general increase in tariffs. 2. - Quotas for seasonal articles and products (the term seasonal" being understood in the wide sense required by the complexity of international trade) should be rationally distributed over the year. 3. - As far as possible no obstacle should be placed in the way of customs clearance of goods delayed in course of transit, particularly if the delay is due to circumstances outside the control of the shipper or importer ("force majeure"); in such cases, the Customs authorities should be allowed a certain latitude in interpreting the period of validity where no special administrative rules exist. 4. - Treaties should as far as possible be concluded at regular intervals between the various countries with a view to establishing, for specific periods, the amounts of the quotas as well as the manner of their application. 5. - Licenses, or portions of license, not utilized by the beneficiaries should be transferable by the competent administration to another importer from the same country. 6. - It should be possible to carry over to the following period any portion of a quota not utilized by a given exporting country in the course of a specified period. E/PC/T.44. Page 31. 7. - With reward to the application of the previous rule, particular attention should be paid to merchandise such as machinery ) which by the very nature of the requirements they have to meet do not lend themselves to consignment at regular intervals. 8. - In countries where import licenses are granted on the basis of consignments during previous periods of reference, a procedure should be set up, subject to the necessary safeguards, with a view to enabling licenses to be granted to firms entering the market for the first time and thus preventing the system from becoming crystallized. 9. - Articles which are genuine accessories of a principal consignment as well as samples should be treated as outside the quota. 10 - In all matters connected with the establishment, suppression and administration of quotas, and particularly as records the allocation of the quotas among the interests concerned, the official authorities should act in close cooperation and consultation with the private or semi-official organizations representing the agricultural, industrial or commercial interests of the importers, .Article 28: Exceptions to the Rule of Non-Discrimination In line with its discussion of Article 26, the International Chamber of Commerce recommends that paragraphs 1 (d) end 1 (e) (i) be deleted. Article 29 :Exchange Arrangements No comment . Section D Subsidies Article 30: General Undertaking regarding Subsidies - Elimination of Export Subsidies - Exceptions 1. The International Chamber of Commerce regrets that the Prepatory Committee has not seen fit to take a strong negative stand on the matter of export subsidies. In the opinion of the I.C.C. export subsidies are as undesirable interferences with the flow of international trade as the major import restrictions. They tend to divert trade into uneconomic channels, to disrupt the economies of other countries, to increase the instability of the world economy and, generally, to interfere with the attainment of the objectives sought by the I.T.C. *) By "merchandise such as machinery" is meant capital or production goods in general, in other words goods required for purposes of production which are not regular articles at consumption. E/PC/T.44. Page 32. 2. - Measures ought to be included in the Charter of the I.T.O. which would prevent a competitive growth of export subsidies. New subsidies and increases of existing subsidies are clearly undesirable, while existing; subsidies should gradually be scaled down. Article 30 should be entirely rewritten to take account of these considerations, due attention being paid to the provisions of article 25, 2 (a). Section E :State Trading Article e 31 : Non-Discriminatory Administration of State Trading Enterprises 1. The principle that a state enterprise "shall, in making its external purchases or sales of any product, be influenced solely by commercial considerations" is most excellent. It involves the tacit postulate that state enterprises engaging in foreign trade will be conducted in much the same way as private enterprises. In order to make this provision effective, it is necessary to design adequate machinery to handle complaints resulting from any breach of that commitment by some particular state enterprise. 2. Paragraph 2 of this article makes a distinction between purchases by state enterprises for resale and purchases by such enterprises for government use only (and not for resale). In respect to the latter it is stipulated that members of the I.T.O. should "agree to accord to the commerce of other members fair and equitable treatment, having full regard to all relevant circumstances. " The distinction in the text between these two groups of transactions is very far from clear and it would seem to be without much justification. Attention is directed, in particular, to the evasive phrase: "having full regard to all relevant circumstances". In the opinion of the I.C.C., the Charter of the I.T.O. should be free from such ambiguous statements which are likely to lead, eventually, to divergencies of interpretation and even to friction. There seems to be no good reason why the second paragraph of article 31 should be in the Charter at all and the I.C.C. recommends that it be deleted. Article 32: Expansion of Trade by State Monopolies of Individual Products This article, by attempting to establish principles for the price policies of State monopolicies of individual products, enters into a very difficult and controversial field and establishes rules which will inevitably become the object of future controversy. The I.C.C. considers it preferable to liumt the Charter's provisions concerning the behaviour of State monopolies of individual products to simple General rules, leaving the detailed interpretation and administration of those rules to the I.T.O. itself. The I.C.C. suggests, in addition that the Preparatory Committee might concern itself, in drawing up the final text of this article, with discriminatory practices which State monopolies of individual products might engage in, in the course of their business, and with machinery for the elimination of such practices. E/PC/T.44. Page 33 Article 33: Expansion of Trade by Complete Monopolies of Import Trade Q. The emergence of complete monopolies of foreign trade is by far the most important development in the realm of international trade. Their existence is acknowledged in article 33 of the Charter, but the treatment given to this problem is for from adequate. It will be noted that the London Session of the Preparatory Committee has left in abeyance the disoussion of article 33 which, for the moment, appears in the form given to it in the Suggested Charter presented to the London Conference by the United States. In its forthcoming Second Session, the Preparatory Committee will undoubtedly wish to devote much attention to this important article. In doing so, it might note that while the United States Proposals of November 1945 referred. to "State monopolies of foreign trade", the Suggested Charter speaks of "State monopolies of airport trade." This limitation or the scope of this article seems entirely unwarranted. When the State assumes a complete monopoly of import trade, it generally also controls the entirely of' exports, and the two controls ought to be discussed jointly. 2. The article in question pays no attention to the important consequences of complete State monopolies of foreign trade in terms of disoritainotion, the adoption of nun-corraercial principles in the conduct of foreign trade and the use of commercial bargaining power as an important element in the political power relations between countries. Neither is any attention devoted to the hazards for the future of multilateral trading resulting from the establishment of State monopolies of foreign trade as a whole. Such monopolies inevitably tend to practice commercial bilateralism, in preference to multilateral methods. 3. The I.C.C. has indicated in the Introduction to its comments on Chapter V of the Charter several most important issues arising out of the existence of complete State monopolies of foreign trade and has expressed the doubts it feels concerning the appropriateness of including in the I.T.O. merbership countries which have adopted such complete monopolies of foreign trade. Should it be found in the future work on the Charter that complete State monopolies of foreign trade are, by their very nature, unable to live up to the commitments of the Charter, then article 33 should be left out of the Charter. 4. Article 33 provides for a quid pro quo which State monopolies of import trade should grant to other countries from which they have received tariff concessions, consisting of an undertaking "to import in the aggregate over a period products of the other members valued at not less than an amount to be agreed upon". t The I.C.C. suggests that this very unclear provision is far from meeting the exigencies of a situation created by the establishment of State monopoliess of foreign trade. This formula, in addition to being value, is also unduly rigid and is likely to lead, therefore, to all manner of discriminatory treatment. 5. In the opinion of the I.C.C., article 33 does not meet all the difficult problems resulting from the existence of State trading monopolies. Should it be decided to keep such an article in the Charter, the I.C.C. urges that it should be carefully reconsidered and very substantially rewritten. E/PC/T.44 Page 34 Section F: Emergency Provisions - Consultation Article 34 : Emergency Action on Imports of Particular Articles This article opens the door wide to arbitrary unilaterial action which, if allowed to occur, is likely to jeopardise all the objectives of the I.T.O. The International Chamber of Commerce, therefore, recommends that the w hole article be deleted from the Charter. Article 35 : Consultation, Nullification or Impairment For comments relating to this article, see Part III (B) of this Report . Section G: Relations .with Non-Members article 36 Contractual Relations with Non-Members - Treatment of the Trade of Non-Members. 1. This article has not been dealt with either by the Preparatory Committee at its London Session or by the Drafting Committee in New York. The I.C.C. reserves its comments, therefore, until the Preparatory Cornmittee shall have produced a draft. The I.C.C. recommends, however, that the treatment of the trade of non-members should be such as to give adventages to members of the I.T.O. which are withheld from non-members, thus putting a premium on membership. The I.C.C. considers that article 31 of the United States Suggested Charter provides a satisfactory basis for the drafting of the final text of this article. 2. Furthermore, as pointed out in connection with article 14 above, the I.C.C. is of the opinion that it is essential to include an additional clause providing that members of the. I.T.O. should stipulate in their trade agreements with non-members that concessions granted by members to members under the Charter do not fall within the scope of the most-favoured-nation clause. Section H General Exceptions Article 37 General Exceptions to Chapter V No comment . Section I Territorial application Article 38 Territorial.Application of Chapter V. - Frontier Traffic - Customs Unions No comment. E/PC/T.44 Page 35. Chapter VI : Restrictive Business Practices The International Chamber of Commerce is aware that there are profound differences of opinion throughout the world in regard to International Cartels. These differences are reflected within its own membership, There are those who consider that all business agreements that limit competition are harmful to both domestic and international trade, and that they should be prohibited. There are others who consider that a certain amount of voluntary restriction of competition, openly arrived at, may be of great assistance in the stabilization of markets and that it might be associated with improved procedures for the exchange of information, for the spreading of more advanced productive technique, and for concerted study of new possibilities of investment. As between the out-and-out opponents of agreements restraining competition, on the one hand, and those who distinguish between "good" and "bad" agreements of this kind, a fully satisfactory compromise is difficult if not impossible to arrive at. The International Chamber of Commerce is of the opinion that the present draft of Chapter VI is as good an attempt at steering an acceptable middle course between the opposing points of view as could be hoped for. It has no specific comments or suggestions to offer on articles 39 to 45 which compose Chapter VI. Chapter VII : Inter-Governmental Commodity Agreements 1. The International Chamber of Commerce suggests that the final draft of this chapter should make a clearer case for giving a different treatment to inter-governmental agreements concerned with primary commodities than is afforded to Restrictive Business Practices which are the object of Chapter VI. One way of doing it would be to emphasize the non-restrictive character of the arrangements provided in Chapter VII. In the opinion of the I.C.C., this chapter should carry an explicit endorsement of the principle of an orderly expansion of world trade and should sub- ordinate to that principle all the arrangements that might be concluded under the terms of this chapter. The I.C.C, further considers that international commodity arrangements should be viewed as emergency arrangements to deal with particular grave maladjustments between the supply and the demand for primary commodities and that they should not become a permanent feature of normal international economic relations. The I.C.C. is impressed by the possibility of major maladjustments--developing under the cover of price maintenance schemes that might be the outcome of some commodity agreements. This contingency is one to which particular attention should be paid in the final draft of Chapter VII. -. The International Chamber of Commerce continues to regard as unsound the notion that one standard of conduct is applicable to private agreements and another to similar agreements between governments. If it is true that inter-governmental arrangements relating to primary commodities are not necessarily in conflict with the objectives of the Charter, this is equally true of private agreements between producers for the same purposes subject to proper safeguards. When international agreement is necessary in order to restore or maintain a stable level of economic activity, it should normally be concluded between the producers directly concerned, unless they are too numerous and dispersed to make this possible. It should be made clear in the Charter that inter-governmental agreements are restricted to those primary products which, owing to the large number of producers involved, cannot be made the subject of private agreement alone.. E/PC/T. 44 Page 36. Comments on Individual Articles Section A : Inter-Governmental Commodity Arrangements in General Article 46 : Difficulties relating to Primary Commodities The International Chamber of Commerce recommends that the final draft of this article should include a more precise definition of the term "some primary commodities", a notion under- lying the whole of Chapter VII. The definition offered in article 60 is not satisfactory, If examples are given, reference might usefully be made to inelasticities of supply and demand which exist for certain commodities under certain conditions. This article should also define more explicitly the difference between the behaviour of markets for these primary commodities and to the behaviour of other markets, especially those for manufactured goods. As it now stands, the article is not explicit enough nor clear enough and this, in turn, weakens the rest of this Chapter. Article 47 : Objectives of Inter-Governmenta;l Commodity Arrangements This article suffers very much from the above indicated shortcomings of the present draft of article 46. In addition, the following clarifications would be very helpful : 10- Paragraph (a) refers to serious economic problems which may arise whom production adjustments cannot be affected by the free play of market forces as rapidly as the circumstances require"; the underlined part of this sentence (italics are not in the text) is obscure and this affects the exact meaning of the clause. 20- Paragraph (b) as now worded is so broad that it might include almost any situation that arises in connection with economic growth and development; it should be either re- drafted or left out completely. 30- Paragraph (d), referring to the maintenance and development of the natural resources of the world and their protection from unnecessary exhaustion, seems also to be far too broad to justify specific commodity arrangements. Article 48 : Special Commodity Studies, Article 49 .Commodity Conferences. Article 50 Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations The International Chamber cf Commerce draws attention to the slowness of the procedure outlined in these Articles. In cases of major disturbance, this procedure may prove too cumbersome to be effective. The I.C.C. suggests, therefore, that in addition to the provisions of articles 48 to 50, an emergency procedure should be set up to deal with situations requiring urgent action. ..Article 51 General Principles of Inter-Governmental Commodity Arrangements 1. The International Chamber of Commerce is in substantial agreement with the article. It regrets, however, that in formulating the general plans of inter-governmental commodity E/PC/T.44 Page 37 arrangements no reference has been made to the over-riding need to encourage the orderly expansion of world trade. The present article should include a paragraph to stress that commodity agreements should be so designed that they do not exorcise a restrictive influence on world trade generally. 2. Turning to more specific comments, it is suggested that paragraph (a) should allow for the participation of members interested in the commodity in other capacities than, those listed in this paragraph, e.g. having nationals substantially engaged in marketing or distribution of the commodity. Section B : Inter- Governmental Commodity Arrangements involving the Regulation of Production, Trade and Prices . Article 52 Circumstances Governing the Usc of Regulatory Agreements The International Chamber or Commerce considers that paragraph (c) of this article which permits regulatory agreements for commodities other than primary commodities whenever the Organization finds that exceptional circumstances justify such action" should be deleted. It provides no guide or basis for determining what is an exceptional circumstance" and may open the doors to restrictive inter-governmental agreements on manufactured products. Article 53 Additional Principles governing Regulatory Agreements No comment. Article 54 Administration of Regulatory Agreements No comment. Article 55 : Provision for Initial Terms, Review and Renewal of Regulatory Agreements 1. The I.C.C. notes a certain inconsistency between the provisions of this article and the proposals for commodity arrangements asset out in article 46. In article 46 reference is made to "special difficulties" due to disequilibrium between production and consumption of primary commodities, thus implying that the problem is one that appears in the short period. Article 55, on the other hand, states that : "No regulatory agreements shall remain in force for more than five years, unless renewed, and no renewal shall be for a longer period than five years", thus indicating that agreements are to be enforced over extended periods of time. It may be that the contradictions due to the vagueness of article 46 to which attention has been called before. Be that as it may the I.C.C. suggests that it should be made clear in the present chapter that commodity agreements should be temporary emergency arrangements and not a permanent feature of international economic life. 2. The I.C..C. also notes that the present article does not make clearwith whom the decision as to the success or failure of a regulatory agreement actually rests. It is desirable, in the opinion of the I.C.C., to establish some machinery enabling a signatory of such an agreement to appeal to the Commodity Council E/PC/T.44 Page 38 if he considers that the agreement has failed to implement the principles of the Charter. The Commodity Council would thereupon decide whether the agreement should be amended and how. 3. It is further suggested that there should be included in this Chapter a provision for speedier amendment of non-regulatory agreements than would result from the oalling of a Commodity Conference. Article 56 : Settlement of Disputes See Part III, B, of the present Report. Section C Miscellaneous Provisions The International Chamber of Commerce has no specific comments on articles 57 to 60 which compose this section, with the exception of the comments it has already made on article 60 when discussing article 46. Chapter VIII - Organization The International Chamber of Commerce has for the time being no comments to submit on the Chapter of the Charter, with the exception of the comments bearing on article 86 which appear in Part III B, of this Report. III - A D:D I T I O N A L SU G G ES T I O N S A - Capital Movements 1. In December 1946, the Council of the International Chamber of Commerce adopted a Resolution drawing the urgent attention of governments and of the Preparatory Committee of the International Conference on Trade and Employment of the United Nations to the .following three points "1° - The future Charter of the International Trade Organization should include a section dealing with the question of international capital.movements; 2° - Provision should be made in the Charter for the elaboration and adoption of a Code of Fair Practice in the field of foreign investment; 30 - Suitable machinery should be set up to implement these recommendations." .2. Whilst it appreciates the prompt action taken by the Economic and Employment Commission in referring the matter for study to its Sub-Commission on Economic Development, the I.C.C. would urge the inclusion in the Charter of the I.T.O. of a chapter on International Capital Movements. This chapter might be drafted along the following lines : "10 - Members recognize the importance of sustained international capital movements, both public and private, for the purpose of assisting the economic development of under-developed areas, stimulating the growth of productivity and standards of living throughout the world and, generally, facilitating the attainment of the objectives of the Organization. E/PC/T.44 Page 39 "2° - Members should therefore adopt policies favorable to international capital investments and should refrain from using, in a manner prejudicial to the objectives set forth in paragraph 1 above, the exchange controls which the Bretton Woods Agreements authorize members of the International Monetary Fund to maintain. "3° - The Organization shall cooperate closely with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and with the International Monetary Fund in order to create and maintain conditions favorable to a steady and prosperous growth of public and private foreign investments. "40 - In addition, the Organization shall undertake the elabora- tion of a Code of Fair Practice in the field of private foreign investment, such Code either to be incorporated in the Charter or be the subject of a separate international convention. "50 - The Organization shall set up suitable machinery for implementing this Code and for the arbitration of disputes to which its application may give rise". B - Conciliation and Arbitration The International Chamber of Commerce, noting with interest and approval that the last paragraph of the New York Drafting Committee's General Comments on Article 86 refers the subject of arbitration to the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee as a "substantive matter of the highest importance", urges the Second Session to give the most careful consideration to the problem of designing a uniform procedure for interpretation, conciliation and arbitration. The I.C.C. firmly believes that the projected Organization will prove to be unworkable, if this problem is not solved. In the present version of the Charter, article 86 contains specific provisions for interpretation and for the settlement of disputes. In addition, a great variety of provisions is found scattered throughout the Charter to deal with disputes arising out of the provisions of the Charter on specific points. In the opinion of the I.C.C., in so far as special circumstances do not call for a special procedure, all provisions for interpretation, conciliation and arbitration should be removed from the body of the Charter and assembled in a distinct chapter or article. This would considerably simplify the terms of the Charter and facilitate the efficient operation of the Organization. The International Chamber of Commerce suggests that the following points should be specifically covered by the new chapter or article :- 1o- As far as the interpretation of terms in the Charter capable of quasi-legal treatment is concerned, the I.C.C. believes that article 86 already provides an adequate procedure. 20 - As regarded differences of a non-justiciable nature (in other words matters of fact or opinion arising out of the use of terms throughout the Charter, such as "unreasonable", "undue", "excessive", "harmful", etc...), the I.C.C. is of E/PC/T.44 Page 40 the opinion that neither the optional intervention of the Organization provided for in manyplaces in the Charter nor the system of rulings by the Executive Board envisaged in article 86 is a suitable method of approach. The I.C.C. suggests that a machinery of conciliation and arbitration should be set up comprising three distinct stages of action a) - the Organization should be under an obligation to make recommendations to members in circumstances where it has reason to believe that differences or disputes of this kind are likely to arise; b) - when a complaint or a dispute actually occurs, the Organization should be under an obligation to provide its good offices for purposes of conciliation; c) - Members should undertake, in case conciliation fails, to submit disputes to an arbitration tribunal external to the Organization.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Charter Steering Committee. Programme for Consideration of Draft Charter
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 19, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/72 and E/PC/T/66-91
UNITED NATIONS RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/72 AND CONSEIL 19 May, 1947. AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATION; CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT OF CHARTER STEERING COMMITTEE* Programmed for Consideration of Draft Charter Commissions Two commissions should be established, as follows, on each of which all delegations would-be represented: Commission A - - - would deal with Chapters IV and V. Commission B - - - would deal with Chapters.VI and VII. Representation of delegations on the commissions should be such that they could meet simultaneously. Meetings of Commissi(ns A and B scheduled in the Annex have been staggered, but it may become necessary to schedule. subsequent meetings of the two commissions simultaneously. The Steering Committee recommends that the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee should serve as Chairmanri Commission A, and that he should nominate from among the Vice-Chairmen of the Prejaratory Committee.two Vice- Chairmen of Commission A, and a Chairman and one Vice- Chairman of Commission B. .Amendments to Charter All proposed amendments to the draft. Charter should be in the hands of the Secretariat not later than the date specified in the Annez hereto for submission of amendments. Any amendments which a Delegation may submit after the date prescribed would be referred directly to the appropriate sub-committee, referred to below. If no sub-committee.has been established, the chairman of the commission should appoint one for the purpose or refer any amendments to the Steering Committee. The sub-committee or the Steering Committee would consider such amendments and report to the commission. There would be no opportunity for late amendments to be discussed in the commissions prior to their consideration in the sub-committee or the Steering Committee, although these committees might afford opportunity for discussions with them by the Delegation concerned. This Repcrt will be considered by the Preparatory Committee on Tuesday, May 20, 10.30 a.m. prior to beginning the discussion of Chapter III. NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/72 page 2. Discussions in the Commissions Two days have been allowed for consideration of each part of the draft Charter indicated in the an nexed table. The purpose of the discussions would be to identify points at issue, not necessarily to settle them. The commissions would approve all non-controversial provisions. After such discussions, if any issues remain outstanding, the presiding officer would be empowered to appoint a small sub-committee, or sub-committees, to deal with the issues developed by the discussion. Such committees should nct exceed four or five persons, and should include those delegates who are representative of differing viewpoints. Sub-Committees The functions of the sub-committees would be to reconcile differences of view 'which have developed in the discussions in the commissions, and report to the commissions at the final reading drafts which they believe might be unanimously accepted. Schedule Determination of the latest dates on which proposed amendments to any of the provisions of the draft Charter should be submitted is desirable in order to allow Delegations to plan the work involved in determining their positions. The dates on which the various provisions o! the draft Charter will be discussed in the commissions should be deter- mined in advance in order that arrangements may be made for qualified personnel to be on hand when required, and to facilitate the allocation of time of the members of Delegations. The schedule annexed hereto relating to the provisions to be dealt with by the two commissions, respectively, is submitted for approval. The provisions scheduled for discussion include all of Chapters IV, VI and VII, and Chapter V with the exception of Articles 15 to 23 and 37* The latter articles are now under consideration by the Working Party on Technical Articles. This work should be carried to a conclusion under the procedure now being followed, after which the Working Party should report to Commission A at the sub-committee report stage. No proposals are made in this report with regard to Chapters 1, II and VIII. The Steering Committee suggests that these chapters be taken up later in the Session, with -the exception of such articles as can be dealt with in Commission B in the course of the discussion of Chapters VI and VII. The Steering Committee will in due course submit proposals for the scheduling of the discussions o! the remainder of Chapters I and II, and VIII. E/PC/T/72 page 3. The programme of meetings for discussions in the commissions provides an interval of at least a day, and, in some instances, several days, after one of the specified portions of the draft Charter has been discussed, before another is taken.up. This permits the scheduling of meetings without great delay to consider the reports of sub-committees. Also, if it should be found that the two days allotted for discussion in the commissions should be inadequate, the schedule is made more flexible by allowing a little more time for the discussion without modifying the schedule for subsequent meetings. E/PC/T/72. page 4. Dates for Discussion in the Commissions * May Tuesday 27 Wednesday 28 Thursday 29 Friday 30 Saturday 31 June Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday 8 Monday 9 Tuesday 10 Wednesday 11 Thursday 12 Friday 13 Saturday 14 Sunday 15 Monday 16 Tuesday 17 Wednesday 18 Thursday 19 Friday 20 Saturday 21 Sunday 22 Monday 23 Thursday 24 Wednesday 25 ANNEX Commission A Commission B Latest Dates for submission of Amendments IV IV May May VI VI V (14 and 24) V (14 and 24) V (34,35,36,38) V (34,35,36,38) V (25 and 27) V (25 and 27) v (26,28,29) V (26,28,29) V (30) V (30) V (31,32,33) V (31,32,33) May May May VII 23 24 30 30 31 VII June 4 June 9 June 14 June 19 * The Commissions will meet twice daily (usually 10.30 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.) on the dates scheduled, and it may be necessary on some occasions to schedule a third meeting.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Legal Drafting Committee
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 5, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/185 and E/PC/T/180-186
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRITCTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/15 AND ECONOMIQUE 5 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL Original: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Report of Legal Drafting Committee. The Legal Drafting Committee was set up by decision of the Heads of Delegations. It was composed of M. Joseph van Tilchelen and Count de Liedekerke of Belgium; Sr. Teotonio Monteiro de Barros-filho of Brazil; Dr. Gustavo Gutierrez and Dr. Herbert Dorn of Cuba; M. Jean Royer and M. Pierre Dieterlen of France; Mr. J.E.S, Fawcett of the United Kingdom; and Mr. Honore M. Catudal of the United States. Dr. Gutierrez was named Chairman of the Committee. In the Chairman's temporary absence, because of his many duties as Vice-Chirman of the Cuban Delegation, the following served successively as Vice-Chairman of the Committee: M. Royer, Mr. Catudal, Mr. Fawcett and Mr. Dieterlen. In view of the limited time available and in accordance with its terms of reference, the Committee restricted itself to two main tasks: a) the revision of the english wording from the viewpoint of the consistency between its different parts; and, b) consistency between the English and French texts. The Committee refrained from discussing questions of substance except in a few instances where it seemed advisable to draw the attention of the appropriate Commission or the Preparatory Committee to doubts whether the texts submitted corresponded with the intention sought to be expressed. As for general questions concerning the relation between the different parts of the Charter the Committee could only draw attention to certain problems in connection with its examination of specific articles. One of these questions may be particularly mentioned because of its importance for the definitive wording of the Charter, namely, the question whether provisions in one part of the Charter are subject to provisions in another part of the Charter without specific cross-reference, (see note of the Legal Drafting Committee on Articles 31 (b) answering the question of the Sub-Committee on Articles 31 and 32 contained in the note 7 (p.4) of the Document E/PC/T/160) . The results of the meetings which the Legal Drafting Committee has held are contained ir. the annexed documents, as follows: Report on Chapters 1, II, VIII(Purposes, Membership and Organization - Document E/PC/T/159) " " III (Employment & Economic Activity) IV (Economic Development) Document E/PC/T/167 P . T. O. E/PC/T/185 page 2. Report on Chapters V (Commercial Policy) Articles 14, 15, 2 Document E/PC/T/178 " " Articles 16, 23, 37. Document E/PC/T/1! and corrigenda " " " Articles 34, .35, 38 "" 1 " " "" .25, 27 il " " " " 26, 28, 29 " 1'i " ' n 31, 32 (Stete Trading) Document -/PC/T/183 *. VI (lRestrictive.BusiToss Practices) DocumLriiL'/PC/T/150 VII (Commodity Agreements) Document E/PC/T/ Due to the timne-table uf the Conference, the Conunittea was obliued to rcvievi the different parts oe the Draft Charter in a rather haphazard manner as they emerged from Coumnittees or Sub- Comnittees, and did not have an opportunity to review the Draft Charter as a whole. The experionct of' thi Conunittee has shovn that it 's very difficult, if not impossible, for a Legal Drn.fting Comnittee to adaquatly perform. itx duties if it is not set up until a late stage of a Conference. In order that the Committee may have full opportunity and sufficient timn to properly fulfill its task in connection with the World Conference at Habana, it is recobrunended that a Lagal Drafting Conaittee be established at as early a date as possible, and that there should be continuity in the technical assistance put at its disposai. REPORT OF THE SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Legal Drafting Committee of the Tariff Agreement committee on the Annexes and attached to the General Agreement
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/215 and E/PC/T/214/ADD.1/REV.1-228
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Legal Drafting Committee of the Tariff Agreement committee on the Annexes and attached to the General Agreement
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/215 and E/PC/T/214/ADD.1/REV.1-228
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQU E ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/215 23 September 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L 'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANlSATION DES NATlONS UNIES REPORT OF LEGAL DRAFTING OOMMITTEE OF THE TARIFF AGREEMENT COMMITTEE ON THE ANNEXES THE ANNEXES AND ATTACHED TO THE GENERAL AGREEMENT COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION DU COMITE CHARGE DE L'EXAMIN DE L'ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TRIFS DOUANIERS RAPPORT DU COMITE SUR LES ANNEXES ET LISTES JOINTES A L'ACCORD GENERAL NATIONS UNIES page 2 LIST OF TERRITORIES REFERRED TO IN i1L-GGR PH 2 (a) OF _T1CLE I §_7 ,;ited Kingdom oI' Great Britain anu No1rthern Ir;eland I;~pendent territori :s of' thà United Kingelom of Grua.t DBritain and Northurxn Irciland üh)nade Com0onvac1welth of Auitralia D.,pendent territories oft the commonrEEl-1thi of tustralia lCc/ ZQaland :cperldert territories of N w Zeeland * io of Soiuth J.frica including Wlest kt rica L. land 1xndia (as Lot 1Q7 on Jpril 10 1947) 1fi:.foundl.end ..tjthGrn Rhodesie ..y-lon Certain of the territories listed abovy hav: two or more ru;Ierdntial rutàs in force for *er Uain products. .iny such v.;,rritory niuy, by a-^eeoeerit with the . ther contractin-;, parties which are LISTE DFS TERRITOIRES M3*,NTIONNES "[U P.R.GR-itPH- v (z) DE L'i.TICI2 LS_7 PREMIER Royaumre-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord Territoires qui dépendunt du Royaume-TTni de Grande-Bretagne ot d'Irlande du 1'ord Canada Conunonr.wealth d k.ustralie Territoires qui dependent LdeI du Comnonwealthd' /1 '7,i stralie Nouvç1ie-Zélenc e Tt;-ritoiroS qui dépùndent de la Nouvelle-t a1ande 'Union Sud-afric9ine y comprise le Sud-oueLSt Africain Xrl Inde (a le detc du 10 avril 1947) Toarro --No uvo Rode.c s u 8 1 Birxaani. Ceylan Dans ccrtains, des territoiras 6numerrs ci-d;ssus, doux ou plusieurs tarif, prifrantiels sont en vigueur pour certains produits. JL'un quolconquc dej Ces territoir. z pourrL/ 7 page 3 principal suppliers of such ',roducix at tho ;:os;:t;voure-a '.;;tion rata, substitute for such , rates a single pre- *.' <renZtia ratt e which shaîl cnet on t'!:e wrhole be less fnvourable to :.:lppCflcs at the Ieost-f'avoured- natiotn rate hclan. the preferences .In foice. prier teo suçh substitu- lo n. The positionn of arn e uivalent mL.rgir. of tariff preference to replace a Lmargin of preference in _Lt internwal tax exi.stinc; on Z-10-7 iliri1i l0, l9±7, exclusively be- tween two or more of' tho terri- tories J.î:ted in this Armex or to repla ce the preferential quantita- l'Uve arreniîeïisnbs described in the following parc.rraDh shall not be .1eried to constitute an increase Irl a margin of tariff preference. nnt, np:r voie d'acccji.:d uv, les autrCS Plarties ColîtractErutes / qui bérnéficienit de la cl. use c e la na- tion la plus favùris-e et/ qui sont les principaux fu:-risseurs de ces. produits parm.i les sfiUi blénéfice de la cUeU.Sf3 dJié bu' naètioin. la- ' US fa- vorisëe. renlccez' case, tarifs pré- férentijls .r un tariff préférentiel unique qui, dans 1 ensemble, ne sera pas moins füavoereble / pour les 7aux fourriisseurs bénéfici;oant de L1aj cette clause /-de l.e uat.Lox la plus favori.s éoj .quo Js rréfdrences en vigiUr aU I' a n ur e .ent à cette subI stibtj.tonl JiLhDOjitOiC1 d'une .ae Ca,é-ti- vn-.lente do pr:t'érznce tor:Ltcüre /dûztinlUe £ r'orlipmaer7'_ L:u lieu cie le Largc J JMrencc lui, `ou;7 dars l'clepplicution d'lurL_/ /taxx7 -impâtintérleur'e/, éxietaiil Jteit !npLqu,5e, a 1.: d; ice du 10 avril 1947, excensivc.r.rst entre deux ou plusi.eurs des tc-rritoiris nr.untérés à la 1Dr6ser te unnexo, ou à rempla- cer les ei.teG-iut prdrertiell e q'uantitatives /'éf ic,,/ vis6es au E/PC/T/215 page 4 The preferentiaI arrangements referred to in paragraph 5 (b) of Article XIV are those existing in the United Kingdo-.i on Z1Q7 April 1,2. 1947, under contractuiJ.l agrec- ients with the Goverrnents of Canada, Austrnlia and New Zealand, in respect of chilled and frozen beef and veal, frozen rmutton and laub, chilled and frozen pork, 2nd bacon rand hai.l7. It is the in- tention, without prejudice to any action takon under Zsub-p.nragrno.2h7 Part I (h) Zof Paragraph 1/ cf Article XX, that these arrange- ments shall be elimiriated or replaced by tariff preferences, and that negotiations tQ this end shall take place as soon as practicable aicong the countries substantially concerned or involved. paragra he s1iv&nt, ne sera pas considérée co)iistitUEnt une LaUgmlleritLIt;~,f7 ;,jorstiorn de l& am>ree de préférence tarifaire- Les ententes préférentielles /7entionnées7 vis6es au pargraphe 5 (b) de l'article XIV sont celles qui étaient n en vigueur dans le Ro- yaunic-Uni à 1E date du 10 uvril 1947 en vertu d'accords Lcontrec- tuels conclus 7 Dassés avec les Gouverne.;:ernts du Canadc., de 1'AUS- tr-:lie et de la Nouvelle-Zélunde en ce qui concorne la viande de boeuf et de veau o0e-Elée et Jîri- gorifiéj r6frigéréte, _ la viande de mouton et d' agn&etau fri&orifiée, à la vinda de aaru congelée et Zfrigorifi.écj7 réirig,'rd et vu 1EtId , Ut au jambon7. on envisage, sens ,réjudicc do touted inesuro praise par application de /1'alinéa7 la Partie I (h) L du paragraphe I de la Partie ii7 de l'Article XX, que ces ententes seront éliminées ou remulacées per des préférences terifbires et que le.7 ces négocitions /.a cette f.n interviendron9 s7' gent à cet E/PC/T/215 nage 5 The fil:.: hire tx inï force in New Zoalnrid on /.J- April 10. 194-7 shall, for the purpose of this Agrecr.icnt, bc treated as a custorLs duty Zfallin,:, within7 undor Article I. The renters! film ,4uota in force in New Zealand on _1î_7 Aprïi Io __ i9W7 z_7 shall, for th? purposes of this ACreer.eent, be treated ns a screen quota .fall i-n,, wiithin7 under Article ÎV. effet aussitôt que possible entre les peys L y cyant un 'intérêt substan- tiel ou qui en sergient sérieusement affects j irit6ressés, directement ou indircscter.ent, à ces products de façon substai?ntielle. La taxe sur le location: des f flcs /qui éteit7 en vigueur en Nouvelle-Zelu:,id,, . lu datu du 10 avril 1947, sera, tau sensg aux fins d'applicetion du Pràsent Acoord, considérée com:,fe un droit de dour:ne /relevan aux terraes de l'article -I.7 premier. Le contingentement impose. aux louwurs de films en ,Nouvalle-Zélaiidte, à la date du 10 avril 1947, scrr. consi déré aux fins d'anplication du préstiant Accord, comme un contirientemant à l'écran des films pojot6s LlrUievan§ au sens de l'article /IT A7 IV. E/PC/T/215 page 6 ANNEX B LIST OF TERRITORIES OF THE FRENCH UNION REFERRED TO IN PRAGRAPH 2 (b) OF ARTICLE I bi France ;'rencti Equatoriia Africr' (Treaty Basin of t1he Congo-- and other .terr.itoires) .LPrench WJe-t Africa Cn.roons u.cder French Mlandate f'reich. Somàali and DepuiiduncJ.oEs trench Estnblishonnti in Indiam French Est:_.blis1hne1its in Oceania trench Est.abl'slu:.ents in the CondoriinîLtuu. of tho New 1Ilbridesx and Dopendo.icies ,'rench' GuLrna Indo-China andag.aXscvr rInd Dependoncies liorocco (French zone i4artinique New Caledonia and Depcndencics Iéunïon saint-2ierre arnd Ma:uelon Togo undor French MandatcX ''unîsia For imports. into Metropolitan France. }iE B LISTE D.-S TEi'R±LiT0IRES DE L' JUNION 1Li:TI `lNES AU PSRAGRPA:E 2 (b) DE L'ARTICLE I. France Afrique Equttoriale frençoise (Bûs- sin co;vre-tionrnei du CongoX et Eu- tres territoires). Afrique ucsidé frarieçise. x Cameroun sous mendot fraEnçLis COte fronçaise des Soinalis et Dépen- dances. Etoblisse-rnnits frcnçais de l'IndeXo EtLblissements frençtis de l'Océcnie. Eteblissernents fronçais du Con-doni- niumn des Nouvo].los-Hébridos Guadeloupc et Dépuidc.nces, Guyone £rLnçûise Indochine, Mlado.asoar tb Dépendonces... x elaroc (zolne fraçaise) Miartiniquo Nouvelle uElédorii.e ut Dépendaiices. Réunion. St-Pierre et liiquelon. *To(go sous rmnndct frE'nçLisx. Tunisie i pour l'importption d&ns la Métro;po- le. E/PC/T/215 Page 7 ANNEXE C ANNEX C LIST OF TERRITORIES OF THE CBEiLGIUM-NETHERLANDS -LUXEMBURG CUSTOMS CONV2NTIOL7 CUSTOMS UNION OF BELGIU14, ILUX1aUBIRG AND THE NETHERLANDS REFERRED TO IN PARAGRAPH 2(b) OF ARTICLE I. The Eco nomic Union of Belgium and Luxernburg Belgian Congo Ruanda Urundi /Kinzdol oj7 The Netherlands Neth.erlands Indies Surïnam Curacao For imports iijto the metro- politan territories of tho Customs Union. LIST' DMS TER ITOIRES JI PAR I2; OONV2N'TIOND'/iDE_ 'TJ~iolxON DOUANIEtE 2WTUlTRE LA 13'2LCGI'IUE, L. S PAYS-BES ET 7JLE LUX.'I 2BOURG ET 1lS PAYS- EAS MENTIONNES AU PARAGRAPHE 2 (b) DE Li'eRTICLE3 LIJ-2PEMIER. Union Economique belgo-luxembour- geOiee Congo beige. Ruanda-Urundi. r5oyecume dos-/Pays-Bas. Indos Ndexli.ndzises Sur inam _ Ouraçao. Pour l'in;portution dl-.ns lev terri- toires mnétiopolitz.ins de l'Union Douctnièroe E/PC/T,/2l$ Pn?. c 8 I-NN32X D ANNEXE D LIST OR TERRITORIES RZFERREZD TO IN PÀRAGRAP!f 2 (b) OF ARTICLE I AS RESPS'C1TS /OLM/ THIE UNITED SeMTES OFVîMERICA (fIEF'ERRED TO IW PAFtRiGRP-PH 2(b) OF ARTICLE Ij/ Uni.t.xd Statces of America ( territory) De~,deét ;tervitorics of the United States of Anmerica Ropub.l ic of the Pnhiippi:nes T'ne iLiposîtion fof an coui- vale.t ofargin cf zariff profecr- ence to replace a margin of prefer &ico in amn internal tax existent, on ,107 April 10, 1947 exclusively between two or. morecf tof' torrit ories lissbed in this AnIneox/ sha1 .ot be decmed to constitute an incr.xaso inr a margin of tariff prof erence, LIST';ù D :ES !?S :.G ,S Ls LTS- UN 13 D. h1.1IQUE T ,;jrIOirf AU 1 G ;&o e-iE ( (b DL 1. 1 . /Dj .C PXR, IMIER QUI INTT. !DYRESS;g1iT L230, ET.xTS- 13ttsVrIs '.méitue( tezrïtoi- Territoiroo d6.6pondnt des -t tate- Unis d' Am 'ri.eue R;pu'ub1iruo des Jhilipines L ' iiaosit;in d'unc marge equin .leintc do prJ,"f.rGnfc tarifel- re /Eestine Èt, rwlpiacefr_ aux lieu et place do 1lu nrgo do pré- f±renco aui,LpourJ dans 12appli- cation drune tcxo int rieure, ZexistaitJti t.i tQ qué o la date du 10 .wvril 1947, exclusive- ment erntrc, diu>. ou plusieurs dos territoires ;numérés à 1.: pràson- te winexe, nre sera pas considLérj'e comme constitu-.nt une _uc.lmnta- tion 7 majoration de la mLrge de pr 'f drence tcr riro . E/PC/T/215 Page 9 Ni Y ,`f 1S LIST OF 'iERRITORIES COVERL.ED BY PRE1BERIENIAL AR`IUNGF iEINTS BETWIEN CHILE AiND NiEIGifBOURING COUNTUIE.;; RHIQ3RRED TO IN PAPAGruli'.rl 2(d) OF ARTICLE I. Prcf'ernorces ini forcé exclusively betwceni { on thea one hand/ Chile ± o tcri nnez hand, and on tr othler lialid27 1. Airgeult;in ° Bolivia 3. Piwu c:,7 >5espactively,/ on tha other hand. ,TS'B2,NIDjTJS ?PLIQJUlT .lS SC- LE CHILI M 12$; P 'Y.S VOISINJ.S 'lN- TIONM ESJ ^TJ "fi L. G23?H . (d) DE L' s!TICLE EvP;'13 rrJf>rences cn viguclu: exclusive- nont ç;ntrù lo Chili, d'une prt, et 2l) 1._ }3oliri e 3) IE! ;P ou / rcspectivem Ent IT d 'autrc pt E/PC/T/215 Page lO A NNEX F LIST OF TIEiRITORIEçJ COQVEMED BY PREFJ3i3NTIAL APdUiNCGZlENTS BETIOE!EN T:IIE gUYRO LEANEb-'E,7 LEBANO-SYRIAN CUSTOMhS UNION AND NE3IGII3OURING COUNTRIES RPERRED TU IN P=iLAGRAPH 2(d) OQ ARTICLE I. Prefere;nces in force exclusively between the JSyro-LebancsJ Lobaino-Svrian Custcius Union, on the one hu..ild, anl, on the o thor hanld, l. Palesti :1c 2. Trtris sjordnn.L./.j respect4 vely..7 DES I2 3S W" f1CS iWXQUEIMS Sf/E-Ti.3ENTJ .I'J.CIJ`ENT L1ES C- C(XIDS rSRi ;!:i'I.rLS C L'UNTION L0U!JI13IE LI&ïD'-'SY1 ?,T LijJS PAYS VOISINS LISN'1iIOlVtS AU I'Xs AFHR :,. i 22 (d) DE L'.iCLv Prf;frcncee en vigueur exclusive- ment entre 1'Jni.on dou.Lnièro Libnno-Syrienne d'une part, at .2) la Transjordw.nio Lrcur;et1iv<1ueritY a', .trco ;é NrEXE F E/PC/T/215 Page Il ANNEXE G A NN.X G DATES ELTikLBLISHING AX:IMU14 ALRRQ1NS_. 0F PI13RERENCE REFERRED DATES RETENUES POUR LA FIXATION J7 DETERMINATION DES MARGES DE PREFE- TO 1l1 P PfiRAPH 3 OF ARTICLE I g7 RENCE MAXIMA MENTIONUEMS AU PAPA- GRAPHE 3 DE L'ARTICLE CI_7 PREMIER October 15, 1946 July 1, 1939 January 1, 1939 Australie Canada France 15 octobre 1946 ler juillet 1939 ler J anvie2 1939 ,Syro- Lebahesg7 Lobano-Syrian Customs Union Union of' South Africa Novenibür 30, 1939- July 1, 1938 Union douanière 110yrie-Libar7 libano- syrienne Union Sud-Africaine 30 novombro 1939 1er juillet 1938 Southern Rhodesia May 1, 1944 Rhod,-sie du Sud Australia Canada France ler mai E/PC/T/215 Page 12 ANNEX H TOTAL EXTERNAL TRADE OF THE TERRIT0RIES OF THE SIGNATORY GOVERNMENTS [TO THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AID TRADEJ S'lGNiALTORY TO TUriE FINAL ACT FOR PURPOSE OF MKKING THE DETERMiINITI0N REPERRED TO IN ARTICLE £DC2IVj xlVI (bas;cd on the average of Éear7 193$ and the latest twelve months for which figures are avaîlab1t g7 ANNE242 H /VOLU2EU TOTAL Di1/ CO:;EERCE E,:E- RIEUR GLOBAL DES TERRITOTIRES DES GOUVERIMMEIMTS S IGNATA'IRES /rE Ly'.A.CCORD GENELRAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUAJ'NIERS E' LE COEIERCO DE L'ACTE FINAIL DEVANqT SERVIR LU CAL CUL DU POURCEATLGE PREMVtJ A LJ 'A RTICLE (/basé sur iaJ Moyenna de 1lar nnée 1038 ct, de la période de douze mois la plus récente pour l1cquio1lc on dispose /d Tindica tion.s7 de statisti- qutSes) countryy Percentage AustraJlia 3.22 Belgiu,1-Luxembn.urg- lietherlands Luxoyaburg Econoi.miû Custoims Union 10.9 5 razil B urina Canada Ceylon Chile China Cuba Czechoslovakia CFrarncj7 French Union India ,- 3r Pakistan New Zealand Norway S1uthfurn Rhodesia .Syrro-Lebanes 7 Lebano-SyA4.âr. Cus toms Union Union of South Africa Ur;ited Kinidor.i of Great Britain arîd Northorn Ire land United States of America 2.3 0.7 7.2 0.6 o.6 2.7 0.9 1.4 '9w 2.8t 1.2 1.5 0.3 Pourc0ntage Austral io Union ù Rcono mï qu;/ douanière de la Bclri. q.ueL -.ys -Dos--u LU- xembourg et cicS Pays- Bo s u1rJsil Biricnic Cane da Ocylan Chili Ch i ne Cubs E-ç:, l 1.-1I Q 1t$[6riq,.tce françe iso Indû Pakistan ) x.7 i4orvàge Nouvella-Z;:I. a rda Rhodésie du S .W. .qoyn uno-Uni clo Grei nd-3 Bru ts ;ne et d'IrXl nde du Nord Union douanière/S,"rie- Lib:n7nib; :r n yrienna Tch Pooslovtes, ile Union Sud.-Mriicaine 0.1 2.3 25.7 25.2-- ViL~ues re sub egt to n s rmatlofi oy trie resp .c tve !Yé1°gaLins 3, 2 7 10,9 2,8 o,7 7,2 0, 6 2,7 2D, 9 9> 4 2,8 0,5 J, 5 1,2 0,3 25,7 1, 4 .00 7 Cos_ ohiffrus doivent être confir- més par es 'egatioDis intéessées E/PC/T/215 Page 13 [Note: Those percentages have been determined taking into account the trade of all territories for which countries mentioned above have international responsibility and which are not self-governing in matters dealt with in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.] Ces pourcenteges ont été fixés , . en tenant compte de tous les territoires que les pays indi- qués ci-dessus représentent sur le plan international et qui no sont pias autonomes pour les questions traitées dans l'Accord général sur los tarifs douaniers et lci commerceJ E/PC/T/21 5 page 14 ANNEX I Interpretative Notes ad ARTICLE I The followin- kinds of customs action, taken in accordance with established uniform procedures, would not be contrary to a general binding of mar-iiis o, peference: (i') the re-application to an imported product of' a tariff classification or rate of duty, properly applicable to such product, .in cases ik which the Loolication of such classifice.tion or r tte to such product vas tÛ0::porarily suspended or inoperative on Àpril 10 1947; and (il) the /'pplicaticn7 classifi- catiioln L½t7 of a particular tccommodity of7 product under a tarie :r other thin that /w-hich was E;ctually applied t- under which irmport"tions of that Lcommoditz7 product were classified on April 10 1947, in cases in which the tariff law clearly contt:-plat*s that such coimmodity may be classified undr;r mnoru than Notes relativess l 1'interér6- tationintpretativos ad ARTICLE / IJ PRE, MIER Les nmesures douanières suivantes, prisus conforxn:6:ent /ziuj7 m dcs rgrles de pro1eduraJ /uniurliorrnmunt ftablies7 uniformos ut bim.n 6ts- blios ne seront pe3s considér6es co.-IE; ullant à l' ncontrc d'une consolidation genUralo dus merges de pr6f rencer . (i) La remise i n vigueur, pour un product liaport, d'une cl-issifi.cuticn torifuairo ou d'un taiux norz.,a1lunliclnt appli- cables à cc produit, dans les cas où l'applicati.on dc cette c1Issiificati<;n ou dfC co taux !-d-7 à ce, produit aurait 6t6 tcemporairenment susponduc Lou E'uppnin!6L27 à la duaW du J.0 -_1 1947; L'7 ( ii ) LE I appîi ca tii o cn7 <à] ln o1 las- sification d'un produit de base particulier /la7soDus un(e posit- on tcirifaire autre quo collet /c1i. r'Jait effocti- vonient; appJi.rja6im aux importa- tions dGe xcC j)-ÈcâuiJ7 àbus-1l- date :*iit u la2r a l:;a dtetf du 1> .avril 1 .9417, dans iD/?C/T/2l5 Pngo 15 one rarîL'L' iLein. ad ARTICIE '; naraeraph I The obli nations incorporiu ted in paragrapli 1 of Article I by rei- erence to pa-ragraphs 1 and 2 of ArtLclJ.; III. and those iccorporatcd in pa.rargi'ah 2(b) of ArticlIt IT by reference to Article VI Dhall be considered as fc'lliiig withiri Part Il for tlie purpoc:s Of thc, Protocol ;' Provisional ALpplica'.- tion. ad ARTICLTt il Pararar}1 2 Q) Sen; -tb.r note vela.timn to Parnrap!:r.^wh i. ci' Article I. pvn.r~grah R /It is under!jt;ood that7 E>xcept where oth; rwise specifically agreed between the L'parties te a partîculkr nagotiationq,7cont hect ing.;. 13min hichl J.nîti.11y> negot:int,. ' concDossion thc, ;provisiorts or this p)nirxgrnph uill be applied in the light of the provisions of Article 31 of t1he- Draft rCho-ffi reThrrcd to /in tIl Protocol Of SiEnraturo.7in Article XXIX of this Ag'roement les c.s (Â;la la tislatiun tarifairc prévoirait claire- montb qu'un tol produit peut *,tro class sous pJlusiours po; i t ions, /du tar i 27 *a ARTICUL P}EMMIER, paregrapho preawier L~s oblir.ttioni ins3critos au para- Crephe :cnrcirÉi, à l'article premier par ré;6frenca aux paragraphs 1 et 2° do l'lrtr4iclo III ainsi quo celles qui smiit inscritcs au paiegrapho 2(b) de l'I;r,,icle II ;ar ré;férenoe a l'rticle VI seront considérés come rontrtn.t dans le cadre de la Pertic II nux fins d'j>I)plicatiïon du Protocol d'app.XI -1on provisoi- rc. a Ci !JtTICLE' Il l e st ente ndu quj sa uf /le ns cis CES c01 il en curs ôté convenu autrcr;b -:t; e: p:ressaent par les 1artiàs à une nôgociation d6tormi- n6é/ convention e.xnresso entro ils a;ertio.n oui G.nt prinitive8mont riéao- cic 12 .cn;csroin les dispositions du Present I;aragrapjhe seront appli- qu6es on tenont compte des disposi- tions de l'irti.cle 31 du Projot de Cbh:rtc /Akretionn6 dans lc Protocole de Si.nsture.7visées à l'article XIXÇX du present Accord P!L/ ,'/ / 2 1. PaE Ze 1(, ad ARTICLE V Par..:raeh _ Wïth reanrd to transport a tion charges, tho principle laid down in /j&f7 paragraph 5 refers to lik products beinr transported on the sane route under like conditions. ad ARTICLE VI Paragr.h_ 1 Hidden dumping by associated houses (that is, /t£hie7 a sale by rthe7 an importer7s7at a price below that correspondinE to the price invoiced by fthe7 an exporter with which7 whom the importer is associnte1d, &nc3d rlso below the price in the exporting country) constitutes a form of price dumping. Paragrarh 2 Multiple currency practices /ra.7 can in certain circumstances con- stitute n subsidy to experts whic inry be met by _ duties under paragraph 2 or /maî7 cn constitute a form of dumping by moans of a partial depruciatio of a country's currency which /ce. may bc mot by action under para- graph (1) of this Article. By "multiple currency prartVi ces". is ail C.B71J1 Cll rV P.-.r. , r re;.nh 5 Ert cc ui. concerned lor f'rais de transport, le p;rincipe Pos6 au ce jrL;c-(W4-;hc 5 sapi)l)lique aux pro- duits similaires transports le long du ieitinéraire dans des conditions axnlogeues. ad tAlTICLE 'TI Pa ra araphe pr 0 mi er Le dumping occulte pratiqué par des maisons tssoci6c-s (cyost-a dire le vonte par resguxi impor- ta torSs / LI un prix: inf6ricur à celui qui corres.prond au prix fac- turpé pur /P7Un ayortetour avec le:.quc ,. /J i imp:otuteul7 il est as- socie; t, inféricur 6galenront au prix --rCiqué, dans le pays expor- tateur) constituce ûune sorte de7 un dumping dc-s prix, Pnr>epr; ;.h1e 2 r /es ti nijula'ions dJ7orcus des changes ultiples fieuvenj t ueut dans cc;L Uin/efs /7irconsten- - -^ / a? '^ . ' ,ue une /subvelntion7 ,,;r-mc 1à àx Olt5 ion aquelle o n/r77 peut r6pondre p1ar/ esdes n droi vs comi)enseateurs fJnoncés a7 _n au; tc mncD du pregyaphe 2 ou '/Enco, e e:C les peuvent constitue-j unlle rO- S de dumping ,r`Sctuc au mo ye ng par l moygn d' Es/PC/T,/215 lajged 17 meant practices by gotrernmonts or sancrtiored by governments. dâvaluation ,artiï.i1o dc le moaurke /T' un paY^^7 à laqucell on pout récpondre lor les rcsuros prévues au peregrapha g premier du rré- .cent article. Par 115iantpulation do chan&e7 recours à des chars tnultiples", on jSnten7v±se dos pratiquoe qui aont lo1 fiet des Goulorneaerts ou qui sont approq- vées par eux. EVPC/T/215 page 18 The oblia rGions set forth in pe.ragraph 7., as in the case of other ob1ïig,?ations under th ls Agreement, ar., subject to the provîsionz of Article XIX. ad ATRICLE VII Pr a r~r Cornsiderution wa s ivos n to tho desirability of rDplncing the words "a.t t M carlîst precticable date" by a cl,'init- i ate; or, alternî-tive1ly, by a provision for '! spocifiod limited period to be fixud l'iter. It was ;,ppreciat;;d that it wouldi not b(W possible for 11 contracting p^..rtics to g;ivre effect tO thtsu principlGs by a fixed time.,lD but it was nuverthc1es ui1derstood tha.t a majority o£ the contracting parties would r[-ive effect to thon C.t th1! th A,;rocment ontors into force. P-iragrraph 2 It woulc' be in confornmity with iArticle VII tO presume that "n.cturil vaJ.ue' may be represented by the inroicc price., plus any ?ararg rphe 7 Le s ob l trrn. t 3 énncnrcqs au pa- ragrnphe 7 cornne les ,autres obliga- tions rprévues par_7 iniscrites dans le Present Accord, Fsoile; r6gies rii.r les_, tombent nous le coup cl dis- positions de 1'Artic½l XIX, ad A1TV:CI.:; VII Parap8r.pie Z 1-7 pi eror On a eiamar:ln& , s 'il '6tait soulllai- table de remplacer les mots "aussitft quc possible" pr,.r 1inidlicittîie d uno date précise ou dit'unc; p'r0cde limited, d'une durée déterniinée, quW. serait fix6e ultéricurement. Ou s ¶ est rendu compte qu'il ne 1 e rit pas possible à toutes le3 psrtioe: exuit)':lctanttjs do mettre on prat;itquc, ces p'nc:lpqs à une date fi.xe mais il étc cnei;in5 s entendu qul dl Jorité des parties conltrac t.ate(s ..plîqe roi t éce prin- cipes fioers dc.7 J, 1 (mtrceo en vi- gueur de l'Accord. Paragruphe 2 Il serait cc: à l']article VII de présumer rxi. .l valou réelle" peut ftre reprQ'zeot,'c-, por lce prix de facture, auquel on .juut9ra tous les Loin-included cha.r-es for lgitiranite r / ,j .' ,J9 costs whiC'. Lco. t i;l_` t` OI 1actU;.1U. v.<l.lCH rtnd pJ3.uzs 3.1y abnorm-;1 doSCOUnt or othor reduct lon :`rom ;1: ordnarv,, c(:- potitl<'o pricu. Iw torid be i.l conf.orni tr wih Azticl.D ViI, ':b)> ici, conl- tr~atirug > '. ty ,a const. ue thu phrase l ii thr. ordiria.ry cuurso of trado' :ez.d in 2o c o. 0 z'.th ditt4ns", is t sxc LuU:1 &ri.y t.'ai1s- action .];L n 4o b-c" n.II seller :ru )not . .,idcp-r:1Cen.o ci nch othor anp_ -î;iu 1.s i.oi tho solo considc: ation. The prescrioe. airlofrd ofa "iully compctiti 'o condvtion1'' permits coriti.-scWb.ti&j pNX s to excludo from ccJdorW t.e dis trSslltl.bu±ari; ' price;. !,,'%.îch involve d;pcC:.s d.i.'3oiu:':S limited to c2.isiv- a.-rrts. The ocfdtug ci ,i3b-ta raph. (a) acnd (b) pcont.ts .cntractinC party to assess Iuuty wiir:ol'mi. either (1) on tho basi.s of a particulnx nYp'ltir S pricob of the imporbcô. med c n -i;c" or (2) on the basos oa thu gC-rn'. n cr Il"ol of 0 ;.-k m h2-r±diSo. .11 dmaîIt; oCrr1'.' r ` dnC L r ytl ' cgJ tir ;li`c f f C_' 0 t i ,,ch. £kÇ.ti'Fr«-~ 0k ,Ou.Lti. 3z ::w. .;ti o'`Cfeoi ç- Urlf` ! @ . & t ` .. ., ,?'J.l v. . . ç.~ cul. OU :O ;t o ! 3S 3 ;ro''0 .:<Cc tin.OQ on..- rern e. for 1.r o..î.t V. ; C "t..zl " r . C, (b) :i; e.;Con lnlst ..'6t a i. o 0>. r o)1s ODper.éL'iOX±S r,0.I.c 'r';L'2 ;.a2 l si; f;l:" IS1:C. n r:oDroc3.zé dOiS U :J.; Cd::nî dos ew (ivi.t.I:iS3(0. do =elu ,CUlIUl' 'CHV.CtJ\' C; <,fll'iS e;:XCli;.anlt t;ccLi;o .t c ri.coi n .- mol. lo ' u CIO ' a. I .' } C vndr ItV nt) as u IcID' l . I,'1 Y '. ' lut ie ut co : Id. con': . ; cc îcloa_ zons i,érnl.t; o)a "caondît.ionu ,nO rl e>;:xi,: COOU cl: 'W0ltO pormant aux panrtX;t:z doelX;Lctv1ntOO d ne pas proindro cm3 çvo es:idtitzion beO r r*ix faic s aux aXonte distributourm, qui comipJtQc:Jt de c.oniptes .spZciiux consents aux s-iu2s a lonr . 'Xi .t (b ! `'me t au ; ,Par to co n i nt ac t ani; dl v alur -u l ci rouGs d 'un es . mefirniï virl-smo ;u *. ' .) i' ' la ub:u die>s pliX fi.xon rar Z .nï a>ji?. :-teu;. p3nDJ1I i' E/PC/T/215 pnLe 20 pour la marchandisc imnportée ou (2) sur la base du niveau général des priï pour les products simnilacires. ad AR1TICLE VIII Prtrn.gro o 'li.le :;-rticlcl VIII does not cover the use of multiple rates otf exchan,;e as such, paragraphs 1 and 4 conCoemn the use oif exch.nne taxE.s or fees as a device for implementine multiple currency practices; if', however a contr;xctinO party is usinU multiple currency exchar±gc oeos for balance of p.nymef nts reasons with th;; v.pprowZl of the Inter- national Monctary Furd, ths provisions of pa.ragraph 2 fully safeZuard its position since that p:r.ra graph imrUly r=qaires that the fucs be elimir.atecl at tho ea-liest practiabl.e dlto. ad ARTICICLE VIII Paragralphe 4 Bien que 1'article VIII nie vice pas le recoeuL ;P cles taux de change multiples on tcnt que tels,- les pa- ragraphes 1 ot 4 condaixnLr le recourse à des taxas , droits sur le3 op6ra- tions de cha ,e conune Jprocôd6 per- mettant d'appliquor la pratique do taux do change multiples_7, ur sstc- me d'application clds chnnges multi- ples; toutefois, 3i unej partie con- tractante fa recours à cette prati- quij7imnpose des droits de change mul- tiple avec l'approbation du Ponds monétaire international et pour des motifs intéressantfi la balance des p3aîC'mentell t5 t , `. U l' s n uv.Pi&..rd ï ql O .,- balance des pai tnnal ts, lea3 d1.eosi- tions du paragraphe ° eau2veg.rrf t pleinement sa position itant dorf que ce paragraphe stipule simple3t*Morî t que fîetjcee §taxesj droits de- vront Ctre supjpriiueg/7s dcs ruo les circonstances le permettront. E/PC/T/215 Page 21 ad ARTICLE XI Paragraph 2 (c) The term "in any form" in this paragraph covers the same product when in an early stage of processing, and still perishable, which compete directly with the fresh product aad -Li' freely i:Lmcjrted would taend to Qnake tho restriction on the frcsh product ineffoctivc Para':a.h 2.5 last sub-paragraoh Tl.;i terrn speciall J'actors" includes ch<inges in relative pro- ductive eff.-Lci.oricy as botwccnr domestic arn forcirmn producers , or as b(twoen different foreign prodticero, but niot changes arti- ficially brouZht about by means aoct poriîittc(d undclr the Agreemont. nd ARTICLE XII 'aragraph 3.b)_(J Thl.; phrase "notwithstanding ie provisions of paragraph 2 of _01. ARTICLE, X I Para:raplDe 2 (c) I.' cu;,xire2ssirii "quell que sïit la former sous lquellç, co products sont imports" doi.t 8tre interprét6e comme s'appliquant aux iaomes products qui ou trouvtent à un.) étape [Yioîn97 pou avancée de leur o.nsforritUn et s ont encnre péri3s.nablos, et concurreri- ccent alorsj7 dîrecitraDnt ls pro- duits à l1 ':teat naturel, ot qui, S1ils étt:iiert imports libremi-ent, tendrai- ont à rendre §irieff'îicaecj_7 inonpS- rantes les restrictions ppliqu6cs 3. lïimxcrteti'n du produiit ? l'état rnaturel. Pararr.aphç 2, derrlier alinéa L' expression "faCteurs sp6Ci"ux comprend les variations de le [ca- paclt6' prodtictivi.té rclat; §de producti5on_7 des productecurs natio- naux et étraengors ou des différents productours 6drqniers, mais nonIl los varinatiornis arti? tellemnt provo- qué,es par des ioyens que l'Accord n' entérine pas. ARcV APTICI23 XII Paragrap1,phr (bj) () Les mots "'':onobstant les dispo- sitions du paragraphs 2 du présent Page 22 this Article" has been included in the text to make it quite clear that a contracting party's import restrictions otherwise necessary" within the meaning of sub-paragraph 2 (a) shall not be considered unncessary on the ground that a chance in domestic policies as referred to in the text could improve a contracting party' s monetary rcscrvo position. The phrase %s net intended to sug:7est that the provisions of paragraph 2 arc affectod in any othor wray. Consideration was given to the special probleins that might bc croaocd feor contracting parties which, as a result cf tof ir programmes of full employnment, maintenance of high and rising levels of deriand and oconomie development f ind thcm.sclves faced article" ont -té ajoutés au texte pour bien préciser que les restrictions à l'importation inmpns<'os par une partie contractante, . d'autres ég;ards `n6- cessaires ' r^u 3sens clo l'alinéa 2 (a), ne serLat pas consid6rUes cormume f- taLn7 superflues, en raisin du fait qu ' un chalngement de poli.tiqu, int/é- ricure, envisagé dans le texte de cet aïliné'a, serait de nature àx amnéliorer / la1 situation d'urne part;Le contr-c- tante du p int d vue-/ l 'tat de sg'aes résorve:j moné;taires cle cette partie rmntractante. Ces mots ne dcovent pas ure entenl(idus c0mme impli- quant que les dispositions du para- graphe 2 ont subl §unej aucunn, uu- tre modification, quelle üu.elle soit. Il a6fté tenu compte des prnblè- mnes spéciaux que pourraicnt avoir à ré,soudre les parti.E) contractante qui, par suite dc leur57 progranimme do plein emploi, cde ma.intieni de, niveaux 6lev6s et tou jours croissants de la demande et dÉ7e développement écono- mique, ont à faire face à /un niVeau E/PC/T/21 5 Page 23 with a high level of demand for imports, and in consequence maintain quantitative regulation of thoir foreign trade. It was considered that the present text of Aticle XII together with the provision for export controls ln certain parts of the Agreement, e.g. in Article XX, fully meet the position of those economies élevé de la] une forte demande d'importations, et en cons;quonceX soumottent leur commerce extérieur à une réglementation quantitatiAro, On a estiînm que le texte actual do Ilarticle XII, ainsi queo J»s dispo- sitions reliat1vos au contrtle des ex- portations figurant dans certaines parties de l'Accord, par exermple à l'trticle XX, §tenaient parfaitemlcint compte de la situation répondent 2rfaitomont aux besoin.s de ces éco- nomies. E/PC./T/215 Page 24 ad ARTICLE XIII Paragraph 2 (i) [The phrase establishing] No mention was rnado. cf ccnLnorcia1 corisi.dcrrations" as a rulh for the allocation of quo- tras Zwas oniittod_7bccause it was ce>nsiderecd that its applica- tïon by govcrrwxilata1 authorities night not ca2wAIas bo practicable. Morcovr, in cnsDS wi1<rc it /was2 JU pJr.a: li cabL, a contracting party coulà apply this considcir:i- tion in the process of seeking agrcc.rL.t consistently with thc gen; r2l rulc laid down in the opcnirLg sofntGric cf para-raph 2 Paragraph 4 '.co not'i rc-,ating to speciall factor" ini conl.ncction .:ith the 1.ast sub-paragraph of para-raph 2 of Articlo XI. ad. 1tT!CLE XIV .P ar az.rann 3 'CConsidnri.tion was givion to thc question c;f whuthDrJIt was *p rn-id.rd nccessary to mako, express r; cfrornco in paragraph 3 /of Articlo XIV_/to tho nrie!d /of_/ L:d ..RTICL J XIII p;.s rc'te!iu lcs 'CL.,:»'., J::: tiorF; 1 'o dre, cornr,:crcic,' 'e C.;:~ *où cri'C;.s. c LX rJp.:rtli t io?il de-, c*>. fl -;Thù tfl,.ûfl ',-; Lc. é%C~ suppi'imc'e T car Onl a l, 53.crQ.., .,'~ .8... /OCo, . rités couvc1nY,1e.nt...-LCe , n1c! .c",i, pas toujours pOixLo 1 .utL'c part, J...nS 1c., c. (;'-l ce. te avl- cation scrt pociL IC-, uI-er pcv contiosct:..iite 'c, p-L fr î . S -,; do cc ctà,&M`Ù lc 1 n `L.1O rc3b'- che un Lrx.rn:nt c.un accord corJor;.IJ!T wr;:; tlO tionj o !jV"Ïûi' ii ' lLI 9%OIi1 èl7C JL! l)~.Ji; r&L.g-<LJ lle vi;.. w; : ,_ . .. 7 c I, ' ,; .ux {cn jvu:7, - onos e;.e. i alinda du 2 2 io cle XID _d J.TICIES XIV XLa .r r J .: r c ; saVOil S'il - O.v . i :-.- .1 ' nécess.i-e C _"l!ltol.Ç;t t stieornt ,.u rPLr. .y- C ô -I-. ticlo XIV! J l'ci.L:È. i ,,,ns rJ'v/ 5-lL.~ for thc /Cn raittc / COeTT IWI P.IlTX.3E to a insult with the International ivone.!tn.ry Fuhd/.J 4. /The contir ctian p:rti<. s con- sidered that no such roî.2renco was nüco.ssary j sinc3 such con- sultation in:al appropriate cases was. alrcndy. required by virtue of tho provisions Cf paragraph 2 of Article XV. Paragrath-6( b! Suspension of any measure for a porid.d of fiftoien days would ba for the , urpose cf onaking the consultation eff'cctive arid, amon, the special circumstances wliich would justify such siispe nsion, would bo tlie irimediete damage caused to producers of per:i shablo commodit:~ <s rc-dy for shipment or to consunlrs of essential goods of which tha importing country had no stocks,. ad ARTIC L1: XV Pa-ra? rarh 1 Th.: word 1'frustrate"l is intended to indicate., for' uxqmnl p. that infringements of the letter of any Article of this Agreement by exchange; action shall not be regarded as /offending against Pag& 2-5 tes d *rntrer um consult tion ,lvoc le Fonds mo-n-t-irc int;.:rn-Iion-. /Te s QLrtics :o;nt;r;.nt,; ont os- timé quc. ccetto r!nf!ntïcn 3t. it super- .nluo_;J U:t nt dorA. ruEJ cotte con- sultLLtion, d-:ns tvus l s c;-s pe. tinonts, tL'it déja parescrite .par les diepositi.oeis du 2: r.pbo 2 de ltartiole XV, pgrcn*phe 6 (b) /5 cIrntc!rdu q.ueoJ L suoepensicrt do tout., mciura pendant une p;riode de quinze jouz ,- pour. but do 1: cornsult:'tioxn offoc- ' txre at r.uJT parrmi l's etroons- t`,,,cos so',i: s justi:fi..lnt une tol- le susGensiOn, il y a lcs. pr6'judi- ces imrnmdi:.ts c#usos ux preduC- teurs de 1:rod.ito t d2isOablO5 qui sonlt prSts à Gtrs C1Y.< di»sLainsi quel los pr.judics irn di;ts cau- Se5sj ou. :L colson. Ut(ur de pro- duit, opoCe iiel'.L dosoucls lo pays importateur ni'a pas dce stocks. ad !,.!TIOLE XV P ç x :. Îlr) he 4 Lie not lcomprron1ettrel doit -i Y14 Si c ; or ûx:snpl ~ouc les in- fractions commises ,-. 1'uncontre de le lottre de tout -articlo du pr&- sont accord et constitutes par une measure portent sui les clnges, ne seront p,.s consid.r,4es common Page 26 a violation of that Article if, inl praciicc, there is no appreci.a- ble doeDor turc from the intent of the Article. This. a contracting party wIhich, as part Of its exchange controlZj_/peratcd in accordance with the Articles of Agreouc.Yt of the Intirnational1 Monetary Fund, roquiredJs pryraoniet 'o bo recc:ivecd for its export ts in i ts omwn curr ncy or in tho currency of ono or miore n'Ltmbcrs Of thol InteDrnational Monct:xry Fundi ?wculd wl. will nct thereby be dnermn d to 5ce offendin-g cont1-vcne. against Article XI or Article f X i. .Anothûr iXl:llpl c would be that of a centractirig party fe!hich sccifie/djs on. an import icn c rce the country from which th<e gecds girJightj' r o iïipoertod_ for tho purpose n.ot of introducing any additional element of discrimination in its iw!port liconc/o sl ing system but of enforcigr.g pcrmisWsbl; e;:hange corntrols. Constituz-.1.t une inf2Y2_cti0ll réollo, cominin` 1% 'eentre de ct ;rticlc, Si `.1 fz it il n1'en résulte aucune ~crg;.'iOIl l)pprcci :b1e a l'e spiritt mômrne du dit trticlUej7 Los 1otei "i2h;ennt b. 1' ncoontrc" sijmsifiant nou:i-,i-~nt ouc l;s mesurcs dL., contrô- le sur ls ch qges nui sore.idnt contruires b. lu Lettre de l'article du pre sitn %.cccc, n r c;Lont pC1as con.0c1s': :6usJf Ow:u3 vW.'J.tiorl do 'ut artiCle s'ils nlo 3!crtentpas de fçOn a-ppr-citn.blo de l'esprit de celui-ci. 1.in1i; -un p Cortic on- tract..nt onu:, en vertu d'une de ces mesurcs I.o control doS ch;n- ges, cpr3liqu;ioC. ccnformité des statuts du Pcndls monitaire intor- natti.oiil, e:xicoruit, dc recevoir le .;.ioc.nnt; do ecas s;.:porta|tions dans s: propre monnie ou dà:ns la monnaio d'un ou de plusieurs Etats membres du P-onids monét. ire lnternt.tionatl, ne serait pasr r-put4e pour ce no- tif avoir enfr:erint los disposi- tions 1 1'<vrticlo XI ou XIIT. On pourrCait encer orrendre oeieple ri, i en 'Lictantc, qui sp~- cif'.erai4t sEar uine licence d'impor- tction umn pay's d)oi l'icpertat.en - as îm rch-ndiss pouvrraient otrù :.utoris-e-, : rnt en. vU non point 1'intrGductioai d' un nouv el èl1ément d _AT ICLTF XVII The operations of l.arkcting Boards, which ara estnblislied by contraoting pcrties and aro engaged in purchasing or selling, are sebj(r et te the, ofrovisiens a- sub-paragranhs (ra) and (b). The atçtrvitïos of Marketing Boards which aro cstabblishlod by contractiriL pa.rtics and which do not purchrases or sol). bu.t lay down regulations cvering private trade arc goavrncd by the relevant artieCJ1s of thlis ZChart,:rS ThQ char.gizic by a state entorprise of different prices for i s sales of a product in different markrl:.-ts is not precluded by the provisions ef this Article, provided that such d±:ffer Qnt prices are charged for comnorcial rcasons, to moct conditions of' supply and demand in export r.mnrkcets. E/PC/T/215 page 27 do discrijmination d.nno eos licon- COs d'iinl0ortZ.tion 1'pliaa- tion de mesures uutoris«es on rnatiiè . re dc contrôle des changes. :d ...S'ICiE XVII Pa~rsg:ahe // ppromior. Los opdrc.tions doo oficos cOrnnlcricaux oxô6s par 18 pr'xtios cCntr.!ctb:xtes et, qui. comSneIint lJur activity 1 çcbat ou .L la von- te; sont souy;is.s u:ux dispositions das tlin6ze (a) et (b) . Los activitcs dee offices `con- rnorcie'ix cr6Se par lcs p10 tios con- tr' ct::.nte cui,, ]F: p:arocécer ?x des ach.xsts ou L d'os vents, etabliïeent oopend:nt des £7g1c.mnts L-? 7& - pliquant nu ccira.:orcc priva;, sont ràgios lr 1,s. :rticle8 L)rtinents / ' a pr1 soClt. ChL'trto j da present 'ccord w Les rliesositions du prcsert article n'cre.pechc.nt ps une entre- prise dtEtat de vendre un produit d des prix diffM'rsnts 9UZ diff:P;rents mnarchés, à condition qu'elle agisse .insi pour dos raisons cornrmcrci.alos, afin de s; tisf:siro au jtu de 1!Poire et de la dcm.andc, str los r.^^rchés dt exportation., /,lin,~a Pr7 ra e ir? r (a) Les mesures c9ou1' npplS-' quées en vue d'cosu&u crtainos .P"raph 1. -u-parnap:raoph (.a) 1) Goverermental measures imposed te censure standards of E/PC/T/215 page 28, quality and efficiency in the /executionIYoJonerntion of external trade, or privileges granted for the exploitation of national natural resources but which do not eMpower thc -overnment to exercise control ovor the trading activities of the enterprise in question, do riot constitute "1exclusivC or special privileges". Paraizraph 1. /sub-uDaagrraph 7(b) A country receiving a "tied loan" is free to take this lban into account as a "commercial con- sideration" whon purchasing roquire- 'mnts abroad. Para'irsph 2. The term "goods" is limited to products as understood in com.- mercial practice, 2nd is not inten- ded to include the purchase or sale of services. ad ALRTICLE XXIV Paragraph Measures adopted by India iid PakIstan 'Ln nrder to carry out definitive trade arrangements be- tween them, once they have been normes de quz ltéd ot de rendement/- d&sJ dans les oprE.tions du com- mnoce extériuur, ou ellcore des -ri- vilèges accordés pour l% xpbeita- tion deS rocsSOurces naturelles na- tionales, rzis qui n'autorisent pas le gourQrnomont b. [e1xercer un con- troleJ diriger sur les activitds comxlorcialoe de lent:r.prisO en question ne constituent pas "des privileges oxclusi±'s ou 0SePiau:r 1 /7linôa . t Pnra.-r phc premier (b) Il est loisible ?L un pays b^n,îfi- ciairu d'un "erqmprunt kL emploi s-v- cifi'i" de tohîir cot émpiunt pour une "consid3r-tion cor.-«ercialreTr lorsqu'il Ocquiert à l'1tr.-nger les produits dont il a basoine Paragrphe 2. Los mots "1produits et marcahn- cises" ne s'appliquent qu'ux prro- duits au sens que ces lots reÇoifT 7 vent dl.-rs 1.. pratique commercial courante, et ne doiLt_7t7ent être intelrprétés corne s5aPpliqunnt à l'achat Ou i îa. entoJ praetation de sorvicus, ad ;RTIOLE XXIV Parasgraphe 5 Lorsque des accords culnif.Ior- cis.ux dtfinitifs :uront ét6 conclus Gntre l'Inde et le Pa.kistan, les mesUr:es; adO',Dt -S p.r cos pnys on agreed upon, might depart from par- ticular provisions of this Agree- ment, but thase measres would in gener&. be consistent with the ob- jectives uf the A-reement. Finca.l NFote The contracting parties have made nO commitments in the General Agree;nent on Tariffs in respect cJf` trade of and wT)ith the arcas under 1;1 Iry o^ccopation. TI e questIon of the apj1-icahi!ity of the Agrea- morit to Cuch D'eas is reserved with a view to further study at an early Ciate.K E/PC/T/21 5 Parge 29 Vii d ''p, im-er cces ;ccords, pour- ro?2t *i ro>g r: , t. " ldisposi- tions oU p J .CcL-vd, .S&r1-is S é- c eror , tou tf .oi, d ses obj cL ifs Note :.1ec LCL s .r ti es e 1"rac t2nit es: n'ci:'.t 'ris c ccord ÉtiVrio sur las t ri.Ls cu.niore et lo co.,n!e rce uucxl n tgerient cn ce qui OUnM orne de2 torritcires occ-Cwt.s .;.;Ait:-.irer:i. xt c't 1w:'. éChoges con- morcicux 4IVOc cou terri tCir'es, Ià- question de lappl.ica-tion éventuel- le de 1k;ccord 'k ces te-yriaboires est réservée;e on vnz dl'un çXal'.eiI ul- téric ur à une Clute j«rocnée, 1 Tie text of' this nOt: h1s nOt yet * b t;Utî C(t; I<OL ctt oU 1 il been approved by tIie Tieriff AgrCeoL- O nu1 C t; :; v x.r la 1 COIm it6 ment Committee. charge ce lV wC-8n d?; llfuccrd gén a.1 sur les 1,'-ri:es douL!nierSH /PC/Ta21 5 Pagce 30 S C 1. E D U L E S £Hs SCLIEDULES OF TARIFF RATES ` WOULD FOLLOW AT THIS POItIT. L I 3 T' E S LES LISTES DE LT..RIFS DOU.INILrS SUIVR;I MT I1OI_ CONOCSSIONS SERONT INSEYEES A CET ENDROIT
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Legal Drafting Committee on Chapter IV (Restrictive Business Practices) of the Draft Chapter
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 12, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/167 and E/PC/T/162-168
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/167 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL 12 August, 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES REPORT OF LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE ON CHAPTER IV (RESTRICTIVE BUSINESS PRACTICES) OF THE DRAFT CHAPTER RAPPORT DU COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION SUR LE CHAPITRE IV (PRATIQUES COMMERCIALES RESTRICTIVES) DU PROJET DE CHARTE CHAPTER IV ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Article 9 Importance of Economic Development inRelation to the Purpose of this Charter. The Members recognise that all countries have a common interest in the productive use of the world's human and material resources, and that the industrial and general economic development of all coun- tries, and particularly of those in which resources are as yet relat- ively undeveloped, will improve opportunities for employment, enhance the productivity of labour, increase the demand for goods and services, contribute to economic balance, expand international trade [,] and raise levels of real income. CHAPITRE IV DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE Article 9 Importance du développement économi- que pour [que soit atteint] le but [fixé pag général de la présente Charte. Les Etats Membres reconnaissent que tous les pays ont un intérêt com- mun à l'utilisation productive des ressources mondiales sur le plan hu- main et materiel et que le développe- ment industriel et le développement économique général de tous lespays et particulièrement de ceux: où ;îes ressources sont encore relativement peu développées, améliorerent les possibilités d d'emploi, augmenteront la productivité de la main d'oeuvre, accroitront la demande de products et de services, contribueront à l'équi- libre économique, accroitront les échanges internationaux [,] et relè- veront le niveau du revenu réel. NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/167 Page 2. Article 10 Development of Domestic Resources and ProductIvity Members shall within their respective [jurisdictions] terri- tories take action designed progressively to develop, and where necessary to reconstruct, industrial and other economic resources and to raise standards of productivity through measures consistent with the other provisions of tnis Charter. Article 11 Co-operation for Economic Develo- ment. 1. Members shall cc-oporate with one another, with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, with the Organization and with other appropriate inter- governmental organizations in promoting industrial and general economic development. Article 10 Développement des ressources et-de la productivity nationales [,] Les Etats Membres prendront, [dans-.le cadre dé leurs juridiction respectives] sur leurs territoires respectifs, les dispositions vou- lues pour développer progressi- vement et, si néssaire, pour reconstituer les ressources indus- trielles et les autres ressources économiques [,] et pour élever le niveau de la productivity, au moyen de mesures compatibles avec les autres dispositions de la présente Charte. Article 11 [Coopération]Collaboration en vue du dévoloppment économique 1. Les Etats Membres, [co-opéreront] collaboreront entre eux, avec le Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies, avec l'Organisation, ainsi qu'aveç les autres organisa- tions intergouvernementales compé- tentes, au développement industriel et au développement économique général. E/PC/T/167 page 3. 2. Subject to any arrangements entered into between the Organiza- tion and the Economic and Social Council and other appropriate inter-governmental organizations, the Organization shall, within its powers and resources, [upon the request of any Member and upon terms to be agreed, and in such collaboration with other appro- priate inter-governmental organ- izations as will use fully the special competence of each,] furnish [such] any Member which so requests with, [ or assist such Member to procure,] appropriate advice concerning its plans and the financing and the carrying out of its programmes for economic development, [and] or shall assist [Member] it [in the] to procureZEent of appropriate tech- nical assistance such advice. - Such advice or assistance shall be furnished upon terris to be agreed and in such collaboration vith other ap2rorriate inter- govûrrnmental organizations as will use fully the special conr2e- tence of each of them. The Organ- 2. Sous réserve des § ntentes7 accords conclu§g e-7s entre l'Orga- nisation et le Corseil 6conoz:iique et social et d'autres organizations intergouverner:ient.tles compétentes, /fit à la dcmandc d'un Stat Membre J l'Organisation /devrs7, dans la li- mite do ses pouvoirs et de ses 5ossibilit6c-7 moy;ns, £ d.,s con- ditions dont il y aura lieu de convenir et en collaborant avec les autres organizations intorgouverne- mentales compétent-s Éte rianière à utiliser au maximur la competence spéciale de chacune d'elles,7 four- nira 5 udi2t à tout Etnt MUribre qu.i tn fera la dema.nde des avis /fi ppropri6.g éclairés Sonc,3rnant7 sur Eeg/ les plans de cpt Etat M4embre ainsi que sur le financemewnt *t l'exécution de ses prograrmes de développement économique ou l'aidera à obtenir de tels avis[_;J7 . Cuux-ci seront fournis à des conditions dont il y aura lieu de convenir et on collaboration avec les autrcs orgu- nisations ir.tcrgouvernement-.les com- pétentes de manière -, utiliser au maximum. la competence spé?ciule de ization, shall uPon the same condi- nchacune d'elles. s hr7hrisisa.tion .Sôibn3,Zghall71ikewise aldmembers in E/PC/T/167 Page 4 procuring appropriate technical assistance. Article 12 Means of Promoting Economic Development 1. Progressive industrial and general economic development requires among other things ade- quate supplies of capital funds, materials, modern equipment and technology, and technical and managerial skills. Accordingly, Zthe7 no MemberLs7 shall impose Zno7 unreasonable impediments that would prevent other Members from obtaining on equitable terms any such facilities for their economic development.. and the Members shall co-operate in accord- ance with Article 11, within the limits of their power in pro- viding or arranging for the pro- vision of such facilities, within the limits of their Dower. Note by the Legal Drafting Committee. The Committee points out that the word ''unreasonable'' does not appear in the French text. aidera 6galement J Dans les mêmes conditions. l'Organisation aidera également les Etats Membres à ob- tenir §-unj tout concours techni- que approprié §dans le domaine techniquej7. Article 12 Moyenz de réaliser le développement économique 1. Lo progrès industrial et le dé- veloppement économique général exi- gent,entre autres choses, des dispo- nibilités en capitaux, matières pre- miôres, outillage ot moyens techni- ques modernes, habileté technique et capacite d'organisation. [ LesJ7 Aucun Etat [_s Membre -sj jEïï'im- poserontj n'imposera donc ZpasJ7 d'entraves £-qui soientj7 de nature à empocher d'autres Etats Membres d'obtenir dans ces domaines, a des conditions équitablos, E-l'accès aux j. les ressources dont ils ont besoin pour développer lour économie râ des conditions 6qultablesj et EilsJ les Etats Membres collabo- rerontconformément £-aux termes deJ Note du Comité Juridique de B6dae- tion. Le Comité fait remarquer que le mot ``unreasonable" du texte anglais n'apparait pas dans le texte français. E/PC/T/167 Page 5 2. In order to stimulate and assure the provision and ex.- change of facilities for industrial and general economic development, [each] no Member shall take [no] unreasonable or unjustifiable action within its [jurisdietion] territories injurious to the rights or interests of nationals [, real or juridical,] of other Members in the enterprise, skills, capital, arts or technology which they have supplied. 3. Any affected Member acting on its own behalf or on behalf of any of its nationals may present to the Organization a complaint that action by another Member is inconsistent with its obligations under this Article or [under] à l'article 11, dans [toute]la mesure où ils le pourront, en vue de fournir [lesdites] ces ressources ou d'en organiser la fourniture. 2. En vue d'encourager et d'assu- rer la fourniture et l'échange de moyens propres à faciliter le déve- loppement industriel et la déve- loppement économique général, aucun Etat Membre ne prendra [, dans les limites de sa juridiction] sur son territoire de mesures déraison- nables ou injustifiéos b rui se re- vèleraig7 pr<judiciables aux droits ou aux intçrôts que des ressortis- sants £7- qu'il s'agisse de person- nos physiques ou morales J d o7s' autres Etats Membres. peuven t avoir, en ce qui concerne los rZntroprisos7 activities, les qualitus techniques, les capitaux, les proc6d6s ou ,47 moyans technique. journiïs7 intz- duits par cas ressortissants. 3. Tout Etat Membre jnteress27 1666, agissant en son pxv.pre nom ou au nom de l'un de ses ressortissants, pourra ,C.e plaindre7 .pr senter rfuprès dc7 a l'Orgnisation une re- clamation -e ce7 faisant 'tat du fait que des mùsures rises par un autre Etat Membre sont incompatibles Article 12A. The Organization avec les Zbligations erga«eulents E/PC/T/167 Page 6. may request Members concerned to enter into consultation with a view to reaching a mutually satisfactory settlement and May lend its good offices to this end. 4. The Organization [is authorized. to] may make recom- mendations for and promote international agreement on measures designed to assure just and equitable treatment for the enterprise, skills, capital, arts and technology brought from one Member country to another, including the elaboration and adoption of a general agreement or statement of principles as to the conduct, practices and treatment of foreign investment. [qu'il a] contracté [e]s par ce der- nier en vertu du présent article ou [en vertu] de l'article 12 A. L'Orga- nisation pourra inviter les Etata Membres intéressés à procéder à des consultations en vue de parvenir à un règlement satisfaisant pour les parties en cause et pourra, à cette fin, prêter ses bons offices. 4. L'Organisation [est autorisée à] pourra formuler des recommendations tendant à l'adoption de mesures des- tinées à assurer un traitement juste et équitable en ce qui concerned les [entreprises] activités, les quali- tés techniques, les capitaux, les procédés et [les] moyens techniques [apportés] introduits d'un Etat Membre dans un autre, et [à] faci- liter la conclusion d' [un] accords [international] internationaux rela. tifs à .ces mesures, [y compris] no- tamment l'élaboration et l'adoption d'un accord général ou d'une décla- ration de principes sur la gestion des investissements étrangers, ainsi que sur les règles et le traitement à leur appliquer. 5. The term "nationals" as used in 5. Le terme "ressortissant" tel Articles 12 and 12A comprises qu'il a été utilisé aux articles E/PC/T/167 Page 7 natura. and legal persons. 12 et 12 A comprend toutes personnes physiques et morales. ARTICLE 12 A ARTICLE 12 A International Investment for Economic Investissements internationaux des- Development 1. The Members recognise that, with appropriate safeguards, including measures adequate to ensure that foreign investment is not used as a basis for interference in the internal affairs or national pol- icies of Members, international investment, both public and private can be 'of great value in promoting economic development and consequent social progress. They recognize that such development would be facilitated if Members were to afford, for international invest- ments acceptable to them, reason- able opportunities upon equitable terms to the nationals [,real or juridical4/of other biemubers and security for existing and future investments. ,/,horefore7 Accord- inRly they agreo to provide, con- sistent with the limitations recognized as necessary in this Article, the widest opportunities for invostmcrnt and tho greatest security for existing and future investments. tinés au dévevJ.cçpement économiquc 1. Les Etats 1Mcrabres reconnaissent qu'avec des garanties appropriées coirprenan+ iota.enenlt les measures propres à assured que les investis- sements de capitaux strangers ne puissent servir do base à une ingé- rence dans les affaires intérieures cGu les politiques nationales des Etats Membres, leji placement internazionnu::.. tant, publics que privés; peuvent presenter une gran- de implortanLe p-lu lavoriser le déveiupperient économique et, par voie de consêque.nce, le progrès social. Ils reconnaissent que ce dévoloppeniernt se trouverait faci- lité siles 2tats Membres accor- daient; pou. les ;.laccmenùs inter- nationaux qu'il:. auront été dis- posés à accepter, des possibilités raisonnables d'invustissement, dans des conditions equitables, aux ressortisseç.x - / qu il s'agisse de personnes physiques ou mora.esj'7des autres Etats Membres et s;ils arantissaient toute sécurité aux i.nvestissements existanus et à. venir., En consé- quence, les Etats Membres /déciden¶s E/PC/T/167 page 8 2. [Members undertake,] Subject to restrictions imposed in accordance with the Articles of Agreement of the International M4onetary Fund or with a special exchange agreement entered into between the Momber and the Organization under paragraph... .of Article 29 of this Charter, (a) wîth respect to existing investments or to future invest- :ments after they have been made, * (toj no Member shall impose ddirectly or indirectly, ( noe. requirements on the investments of nationals of other ..embers which are appreciably more onerous than ;those which the INember imposes in similar circumstances upon its own .nationals or upon the nationals of third countries. jProvided that *-Nevertheless (this undertaking conviennent d'accorder , dans le mesure compatible avec les restric- tions nécessaires prévues au pré- sent article, les possibilités d'investissetoent les plus larges ainsi que la plus grande sécurité aux investisserents existants et à venir. 2. LLes Etats Membres s'engagentj Sous reserve des restrictions impo- sées conformément à l'Accord constitutif du Fonds monétaire international,ou conformément à un accord spécial sur les changes conclu entre L1.7un Etatt Membre et l'Organisation en vertu du pa- ragraphe ;_ de l'article 29 de la présente Charte, (a) Là ne pas7aucun Etat Iembro n'imposera , directement ou indi- rectement, aux investissements des ressortissants d'autres Etats Liembres, en ce qui concerned les investissements existants ou,après qu'ils auront été effectués, les investissements ultérieurs, de conditions sensiblement plus lour- des que celles que l'Etat membre intéressé impose à ses propres res- sortissants ou aux ressortissants de pays ti6rs dans des conditions E/PC/T/167 page 9 shall not affect]the followïng shall not be deemed to be in conflict with this obligation: (i) requirements in force at the time of making the investment or at the time that the Charter shall have come into [effect] force with respect to the Member, whichever is later; (ii) requirements in force at the time of any substantial addi- tion to the investment or chance in the nature of the business based upon the invest- ment, in respect of such addition or such change; (iii) reasonable measures to ensure participation under [sub-para- graph] (iv) below, by the nationals of the Member in the future expansion of any branch of industry within its [ijuris- diction]territories through similairesi-/_7Itsnt entendu que jNéanmoins cet engagement ne s'opposera pas: (i) aux condition en vigueur à la date à laquelle l'investis- sement sera aCfectu+,X; 'ou a la date à laquelle la Charte sera enriée en vigueur 5. l'égard de lEtat Membre in'téress6. selon celle de ces deux dates qui sera la plus raccnte; (ii) aux conditions en vigueur à la date à laquelle aura lieu un accroissecanct substantiel de l'investissement ou un changement substantiel dans la nature de l'entreprise bénéficiant de l'investisse- ment, en ce qui concerne cet accroissement ou ce change- ment; (iii)aux mesures raisonnables propres à essurer, en dehors de la participation prévue à l'alinéa (iv) ci-dessous, la participation des ressor- tissants -le lEt&t Membre au développement ultérieur E/PC/T/167 page 10 increased investment L7 i Provided that, if the national of other Members whose interests are materially affected believe that the measure taken is incon- sistent with the provisions of this paragraph the Member taking the measure will provide adequate opportunity for consultation with a view to reaching a satisfactory settle- ment with the affected national; de toute branche [d'industrie dans les limites de sa juridictioi; d'activité industrielle ou agrico- le sur son territoire par le moyen d'investissoments accrus L-.k71L LSOu8 réserve quej7 touteroiîs si les ressortissants d'autres Xtats Membres dont les intér8ts sont lésas de façon sensible, estiment que la mesure prise est incompatible avec les dispositions du present paragraphe, l'Etat Membre qui l'aura prise tournira toutes possibilités de consulta- tion en vue de parvenir à un règle- ment satisfaisant avec les ressor- tissants lés6s; (iv) measures taken to ensure the (iv) aux mesures prises pour assurer- transrer of ownership, in whole en totalité ou en partie, le trans- or. in part, of'any investment fert à ses propres ressortissants within its LTurisdiction7 en totalit; ou on partiej territories from the national de la propriété de tout investisse- of any other Meraber to its own meant dans les limits de sa juridiction 7, appartenant sur son nationals, it being understood territoire à des ressortissants that such measures will provide de tout autre Etat Metabre £7 i for the payment of just considera- tion for the ownership trans- ferred and that if the nationals E/PC/T/167 page 11 of any other Member believe such provision has not been made, the Member will provide adequate opportunity for consultation in the manner described in [sub-paragraph] (iii) above [.]; (b) [to] Members shall make just compensation if the property, in which E n interest of7 a national of another Member has an interest, is tr:kL into public ownership or placed under public maiage2nelnt or occupation. 3. MIbers Zaîso undertake to7 sha1l proncte co-oporation between national r.nd foreiZn enterprises or investors for the purpose of fostering economic development in cases where such co-operation appears to the [6taurt entendu quej il convien- dra de prJvoir lu paiement d'une juste compensation [sera prévu dans cos mesuresj pour la proprié- té transf3rée i ret quejsi làs ressortissants [de tout7d'un autre Etat Membre estiment que [cela n'est pas la cas 7cette coMJtion nest pas retiplie, 1'Etat Mecibre en cause fIuzrnira touted possibi- lit6s de consultation Lde la manière prévuej aux conditions rrêvuus à l'alinéa (iii) ci- dessus [. i (b) [à 7] Les Etats Membres assu- reront une juste indemnisation, si les Eintérêts3 biens dans lesquels Ld'3 un ressortissant d'un autre Etat Merabre possède un intér8t rentrent dans la,7 deviennent propriété publique ou si l'Etat en assure la gestion ou en prend Possession. 3. Les Etats Membres Z s'engagent également à faciliterj tavori§e- ront la collaboration mutuelle entre [lesj entreprises natio- nales et étrangères [ou les au- teurs d'investissenients tant nationaux qu'étrangers-7 ou entru nationaux ou strangers E/PC/T/167 page 12 Members concerned to be appropriate. Article 13 Governmental Assistance to Economic Develormsnt 1. The Members recognize that special governmental assistance may be required to promote the establtsh- ment, development or reconstruction of particular industries, including agriculture, and that in appropriate circumstances the grant of such assistance in the form of protective measures is Justified. At the same time they recognize that an unwise use of such measures would impose undue burdens on their own economies, unwarranted restrictions on inter- national trade and might increase unnecessarily the-difficulties of adjustment for the economies of qui investissent ou entre ces entreprises et ces nationaux ou étrangers on vue do stimuler le développement ('économiqcu dans les cas où cotte collaboration semble opportune aux Etats Membres intà- ressés. Article 13 Aide /gou7,ernrorrntrale7 de 'lEtat EaS7 en faveur de d.'ve1opp~rment économique 1. Les Etats Merabres raconnais- sent que, dans le cas de c;rtairLes ffndustries.7 bto.nches d'activités industrielles et sgriOol-s, il peut UtrQ n.;cussaire, pour an facil1er l'6tablissement, le déve- lopperaent ou la reconstruction, de fair appel à une raide Zfi ouver- neraontal07 spéciale de l'Etut ct que, dans certaines circonstances, l'octroi de cette aide sous la forme de mesures dc protection est justifi6e. Ils reconnai.:sent aussi qu'un recours déraisonnable à c;s mesurcs grèver-ait indliient leur propre économie, imposerait au colmMerce international des E/PC/T/167 page 13 other countries. restrictions irJsti±'ic;s ,7 rt pourrait a.ccroîtrc inutilc.:,,,nt les difficult½s dkd..ptation dc l'conoi.jic d'iutrcs pays, 2. (a) If a Member ln the interest 2. (-) Si un Etat M.e-bro,Ldans l'in- of its uro-ramme of economic t rôt7 en rc 1sd..ratîor dc son devcloprnent or reconstruction pro'rarLjme de d:vcloppement ou considers it desirable tc adopt any dc reconstruction économiquo, se non-di!scriniinatoerY measure:a which propose( de rccourir à des 1iesuros would conflict with any provision n d . .l- of Ch; Lor V or wit'l any obligationoqu'elles cremnti7 /ui riqque- which the Momber has asswned ro,-ient d'entri,,r on oonflit avec27 throuZh negotiations with any r U di, natur,, ît econtr .-vonir à l'unc other Mermber or Mcmbers pursuant t to ,g uelconque,?7 der disDositinns Chapter V, such aprlicant Member d shall so notify the Organization du chopitrc V ou /vec7 à and shall transmit to the Organiza- 1iunz7 /quolconqu.o7 des /S`bliZ-a- tion a written, statDment of the tions7 ùngonrem:;nts qu'il a considerations in support of the IiSU.&L' S ,onorr ont a7 adoption of the proposed measure. en aPplication du chapitro V à la suite d;z n~eociutions uvoc un autre ou nv.c d'autres Etats Me'r-;bres, go t 'Etnt 'MeLibre requérrnt cn inforraoro l'Organi- satico ;t lui. coimuniquzra .;r 6crit l..s raisons qu'il invoque (b) The Organization shall à l'appui dce l1. ricsurc projetée. promptly transmit Jthe reprosenta- (b) L'Organisation corr.uniquera tions made thorein7 such statement sans retard à tous les autres to al.' other Membors /. t(c)I7,in Etats M.enbros les faits :i1nsi cx- any Meinber which considers that Itspos6s. §cl7Tout Etit ?Membre qui trade would be substantially esti,-cera ru'il7 que son connierce affected by the proposed measure serait lc'sé de fuçon apprdciable shall transmit its views to the /ons son coriercoe7par la nesuru Organization within such period as projetée, exposera son point de vue shall bo prescribed by the à l'Or-anisation dans la délai Organization. * ~~~~~que-fixera cette dernière. `/PC/'T/16 *7 P ir!e 14 7d., (c) 'lie organization shall then promptly examine the pro- pQose. reasure to determine whctier 2.t concurs in éthie pro- pose(. meausu, or nn/1tL with or w' thcut modificaticr;1,/thereo/'? ,r,.l .hn,11 /5e, in ics examination ~tho 01 g'ni:l't;i. SshJ.,/ have 'cgGl'1 co the provisions of Lthis Chapter) to the otar provisions of/ thLs tcrt to the con- * . (jç,>tXo n pre.,3 î ià 1y toc aPppiCu, .umibelr , to the views -or .rv~e': Ly Me?11l,; whi m..ay be auÙs1~rtiï af ~ ct cd, to .a aj~i ~ ~ ofcCOiD:2c develop- o: r crcnAt7uctiur,! /n 0 tilo )Ji;. .. tç 'z.IC7kL~/ to the vicn 2: esealed. bv y:¨xrer:s who. !rv be s.*ibs~.L; ,l±l1 r f%?t__. 3and to he c&f;`cct whichh the proposed riJdglicatic.n Li; eroo/ i s likely to h1Lve on iiiternai.L1onal 'raae. I4oe 'b,; t.c~ :,egalDrnftir'n fhe following sub*--paragr':ph haz Leen trans:Ve-rred to the end of the Ar-ticlo as a nevw para- graph 5 /Af) The Or",nizt1on shl1 at the e ; ' _ t opportunity, but ird- ïi'l :;ithin 1 days bfter receipt of the statement eni1-eC diliC.r cj par 7e .,a iaerQ ensuLi t; jrouv, tom<ent lei m!cizure, ils , I.J _ o 7~. i... , àiau, er 1 i .J r'<1 _jfiji tJ. d.'terti.,Irior sieLu pell t 1 'epprouvzr /'zutt gsu ae 7, iZvWZc oa Fj&ns ruo1i.Lîcati /(:_iJ )7 r. cOU.XS d son exS.OÏiïL, Lo ' x c1,tin &,vra tZi 7 ti*, ch:a cocajt_. dos dwmcx)itiDwJ ,/7u l;:stirit Wi:nltru ;/dc LeJ j;2VçJ irivoqte s pie,- î, e / utr 3Db di:'ru- i t (l; 1, '. L, ._~ rtz ; ,'dE):j is qu' rwtlit j7 o-t /Wa pot] 9 qui i YLL.;rtD j fl:i3 i - ? .' r ; r.pI2 :c_ ; i.e a j1 7ci. $ , i<;' L ï1u *di : orn d. - V!,l i., .î 1' c : (,a v w!b ri: JlC tion i coillOm.i(,l /:t, k .it pe.r 1 ' ',Vi;t '.' ruqa\'ruùt 7, du's un t(idu Comit ararécidJ!5. dt ; ré . .LZ x (1ntin.~L' Dp~iW~u o r,'porc s.i io1i' ('uj la3 instul e _rvi- sa<u /iou2rsit7, -;,ujit evoc ou'. L'aliria qui sLtLi;t a été tifr à la fin d Li r; artc _ __ coinstitu.u Uriù ouvVou TJ7 o 5. dès que po'eiblo, wsuis on priri- O±pr; daus les /15 7c uinze jour:- wtj sulivrint d lai réccpitLJo de lD E/PC/T/167 Page 1 5 referred to in paragraph 2(a), advise the applicant Member, in the case of measures referred to in paragraph 3 or this Article, as to the date by which the Organiza- tion will notify the Member whether or not it concurs in principle in the proposed measure or any modifi- cation thereof and, In the case of measures referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, as to the date by which the Organization will notify the Member whether or not it releases the applicant Member from such obligation or obliga- tions as may be relevant, provided that in the case of measures refe-red to in paragraph 4 of this Article, if a Member does not receive a final reply by the date set by the Organization, such Member after communicating with the Organization may institute the proposed measure, after the expiration of a further 30 days from such date,] communication visée à l'alinéa (D,) du pjés nt purZgraplc/27, 1'Etat M!crmbre rquérant, dans l1 cas de:s wusurzs visos .ru para,<ipiio ) du present article, do la date à laqullo î1' Or-ani- SLtion 'c:ra c;na tre i l'l tat 2eobra si, an principe, elle approve ou non, avec ou sans maodi&ication l musuro projotée et, dans lc- cas dis insures vi- res uu. paragraphe 4 du préasunt articlt-, de la date à laquelle l'Vr.:;J:nii;ju;ion .Lra conria1tr'j :: 1 'Étt L:,;.brW si e4.u :relèvo ou ru:o 1; :ibre requérant du l'ubii tion ou des obligations qui pourraient ûtre raisEs en cause, sous réLierve quo, danu le cas des mesures visées au para- -raapile 4 du present article tout Etat .;MrnUr qui no recevra pas dc 1'0 3nisation une réponse dé- tiritivi i là dat, fix.é par ce1ll-ci pourra, Uprùs consulta- tion avec 1'0rganisation, prendre la mesure *nvisa"c-%, à l'Cxpia3- tion d'une nouvellu piriode do /5 07trcritu jours à partir de cettu date 7 E/PC/T/1167 Paige 16 3. (a) If as a result of its 2. ') )i, à,a lou.ultc do l';UXtLren examination pursuant to sub- '42eUctué coi1!f cexnt ,'Cux alin6ae paragraphL;7 2 jd) and L7(c) of this(d) ,t () dLu_7au pagrapihe 2(c) Article the Organization concurs in du Ijréserît orticlo, l'Orgarisu- principle in any proposed measurere, tion : vpprouvc -ri pri.ncipu, uvoc Jor Maodification thereof7 with or t , niLication, une /ropo- without M;iodificaticore w.hîch would be d qui luiot inconsistent with any obliation souIio /iueîconque ou d that the applicant ibleaber has'oo quecoqLLu de ce.l.L-ci, assu=ned through negotiations with qui sterDit7ot si calle-ci est any other Mernber or Members pursuant . ncap. ri /- ---b.i- - inc~or!!P.3t-Lb1c jvcun/ £b to Chaptr V, or which would tend . - to nullify or impair the benefit te quu 1'Et~t M.orf, reuWrilta ssumé SZ Pnr such other MeNber or ?-'.enbers of any - such obligation, zhc Organization voie / Me rnégoo`ations avec shall sponsor and assist in /'Qut atrûou tous.7un i 'uive negotiations betirecn the applî.cant Statn MembrcL onapp *md.i chnrgliz 'ou Member an:d the other Nember or /iui tendrait_7 tend à annuler ou Members which w-uld be substantially a diIiiuex lc b:ri2fice que cet affected with a vicw to obtaininr, :Iutre ou que cij autrus Etwte substantial agrecrient. The L:,.-byes r tiyrent d'un @7 tel Organization shall establish and /¶bli ntion 7enga.emlnt, dos né- Znotifx7 co.lunicute ta the l4embers .!,ociations a;rolit enta5ées, sous concerned a tise schedule for such 1ts ua.,piceu et avec l'aide d, negotiations. M'ùmgctni-t on, entce 1 '-tt L1ùui- ,rre roqu6ruljt et l'>jutro ou les atres Etota .len]l.zr2 aui Z*raient 1cU do ±svo fr.ciable for u:fia us '.:rrivcr à uni accord /¶uJ:fi -J s.;nt lar.-e_7. L'Orzani- S~aion fiXera et oMn1Uniauera aux Etuts M.'i:ra int6Cesses /ûrie limitLe dcE temps 7des dtlais pour cs; né;ocLu tins. Note bv the Le&al Draftimn Cprm ittee, The Comnittee was unable to agree upon a French equivalent of the EnClish phrase "substantial agreement". Note du CoLilti juridicu* de ré- daction. lu Cite n'a pu se mettre d'axord Cur l'<quivalent ir.pnais des mots E/PC/T/167 Page 17 (b) Members nùndertake that they wilj. shall commence the negotiations provided for in sub- 1paraeraph (a) of this paragraph twïthin such period as the Organiza- tion may prescribe and Zthat they ,wil17 eall thereafter, unless the iOrgan.ization decidos otherwise jpproves7, proceed continuously /with such negotiations with a view to reaching substantial agreement in accordance with the time sched- ',ul laid down by the Organization. (c) Upon substantial agreement being reached4 the Organization may release the applicant Member from the obligation referred to in sub- paragraph (a) of this paragraph or F§from any othor relovant obligation lundor this Chartar, subject to such limitations as may have been agreed Upon in the negotiations between ,the Members concerned. (b) les Etats Membres £S'en- gagent à-] entameront les négocia- tions prévues à l'alinéa (a) du present paragraphe, dans les délais que prescrira l'Organisation et, à moins que l'Organisation n'en decide autrement, J poursuivre7 poursuivront ensuite sans interrup- tion lesdites négociations, afin d'arriver à un accord Juftisarment large7dans j a limite de temps7 les délais tixé'§Js par 1'orga- nisation. (c) Lorsqu'un accord. suffi- samment large-jaura été réalisé, l'Organisation pourra relever l'Etat Membre requérant de l'§rbligationj engagement visé /êJA. l'alinéa (a) du present paragraphe ou, en tant que de besoin de tout§J2 autre §fôbligatio 7 engagement -appropriée7 découlant de la présente Charte, sous reserve des fiestrLctionsj7 limitations qui auront pu être /adoptées7 apportées d'un commun accord au cours des négociations entre les Etats Membres intéressés E/PC/T/167 Page 18 4. (a) If. as a result of its ex'&in'.tion plirsuant to sub- paragraph 2 ,`d) anc 2 (e)2_L. if this Article, the Organization concurs in any proposed measure jpr modification thereof]., with or without modification. other than thoso provided for in _,ub-_ paragraph 3 (a) of this Article which would be inconsistent wïth any provision of Chapter V, the Organization may / grantirelease the applicant Member /Lelease] frorn any obligation under such provision subject to such limi- tations as the Organization may impose ,J. /provided that, having regard to the provisions of sub-paragraph 2(c),7 ibl If it is established in the coursc of such examination that such measure is unlikely to be r.iore. restrictive of' inter- national trade than any other practicable and reasonable moasurc perinittod under this Charter which could be imposed without undue difficulty and that it is the one most suitable for the purpose having regard to the economics of the industry concerned and to the current economic con- dition of the applicant Member, the OrgarLization shall concur iii such measure and grant such release as nay be required to make such measure eoffctive. 4, (a) Si, à la de l'examen effectué conforme-ment auf x alin6as (d) et (o) du7 paragraphs 2 (c) du present article, l'Organisation ap- prouve, avec ou sans modification, une proposition de3 measure ffiuel- conque ou do modification quelconque de cello.-cg7 qui lui soumise, au- tre Z7que {clles prévues à l'alinéa (a) dty/ qu'une mesure prévue au para- graphe 3 (a) du present article, ,fi`ui serait7 et si cette mesure est incompatible avec l'une [ quelconque7 des dispositions du chapitre V, l'Or- ganisation pourra relever l'Etat Mem- bre requérant de tout /7 Zobliga- tio7 ena7ement découlant do cette disposition, sous reserve des §fies- trictions/ limitations qu'elle pourra imposer[J. trnt entendu que, compte tenu des dispositions de lfa- linéa 2 (e).7 S'il est établi. au cours de cet examenon que Za j cette rmesure p ont il s'agit7 n'aura g [selon toutes probabilit63_ proba- blement pas dieffets plus restric- tifs sur le commerce international que toute autre mesure applicable et raisonnable, [compatible avec les dispositions de7 autorisée »ar la DrésenLe Charte, Zqui pourraiî7 susceptible d'e tre prise sans dif- ficult3s cxcessives _ et s'il est établi qu'elle est la plus propre à donner les résultats Z qu'on en E/PC/T/167 Page 19. (b)7 (c) If in anticipation of the concurrence of the Organi- zation in the adoption of a measure £notified7 concerning which notice has been given under paragraph 2 of this Article, other than a measure provided for in Zsub_7 paragraph 3 (a) of this Article, there should be an increase or threatened increase in the importations of. the pro- duct or products concerned, including directly substitutable7 products which can be directly substituted tlaerefor, so sub- stantial as to jeopardize the plans of the applicant Member for the establishment, developDent or reconstruction of the industry or industries con- cerned, including agriculture and if no proventivo nicasures attend 7 cherchés, étant donné la structure économique de l'in- dustrie intéresséej7 la branche d'activité i.ndustrielle ou agri- cole situation économique g6nÉrale Z(duj de l'Etat Membre requc6rant, 1tOrganisation approu- vera cette measure et relèvera llEtat Membre requ6rant des ôbli- gatiNrnsJ engagements dont le main- tien emp8cherait Z[de donner effet à ladite3 l'application de cette measure. ' /fb)7(c) Si, en z5rc1rvision de l'approbation, paj7 attendant que lOrganisation - approuve fi e l'a doption d J une mesure notifi6e con- formément au paragraphe 2 du present article ,et autre qu'une mesuro Zsitipulée à llalinéa (a) duj pr6- vue au paragraphe 3 (a) du -pr6- seng7 même article, /11 se produit un accroissement ou une menace d'ac- croissement des 7 les importation du produit ou des produits en cau- se, y compris les produits qui peu- vent lui être. ou leur ftre directe. ment substitués, f dont l'impor- tance soit assez grandej7 subis- sent ou menacent de subir un ac- croissernent assez conîidèrablè ;.t pour é mettre en danger 3 -olpro-.: mettre les plans E d07 adopts par E/PC/T/167 Page 20 consistent with this Charter can be found which seen likely to prove effective, the applicant Member may, after informing., and when practicable consulting with, the Organization, adopt such other measures as the situation may require pending a determination by the Organization, provided that .such measures do not rcduco imports below t}c level obtaining in the nost recent representative period preceding the date on which the MNober's orIginal notification was made under paragraph 2 of this Article referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, the Or.anization shall, at the earliest opportunity but ordinarily within fifteen days after recent of the statement l'Etat Membre requérant en vue de la creation, du développement ou de la reconstruction de /ilindustrie on des Industries int6ress6es7 telles ou telles activit6s industrielles ou agricoles et /7 R'îil n'est pas pOa-' sible dfarreter des7 si aucune mesure /s7 preventive, Zs7 à la fois compa- tibleZ7 avec les dispositions do la présente Charte et Dr3sumde efficace /aui semblent devoir se réveler cf- ficaces7, ne peut être praise, l'Etat Membre requérant pourra, après en avoir inform l'Organisation et, lors- que cela sera possible, après l'avoir consultée, adopter teller autres me- sures que pourra nécessiter la. situ- ation, an attendant une decision de l'Organisation/-7.g/ condition que7 Toutefois, Ces measures nr /rêduisent PaC7`devront pas avoir.pour efb:t de réduire les importations au-dessous du niveau /qu'elles atteignaîent7 atteint par celles-ci au cours de la périodc de rdfé5runce la plus r6cente, g vant7 antérieure à la date à la- quelle AL7 ltEtat Membre a adressé sa première notification, conforme- ment au paragraphe 2 du present article. 5. (a) Dans le cas des mesurp; visées au para'raphi:e 3 du present article ltOrg.anisation avisera, dès que possible, mais on principe dans les auinze jours gui suivront la reception de la comnun±catïon visée E/PC/T/167 Page 21 referred to in paragraph 2(a) of this Article 2 advise the applicant Member of the date by which the Organization will notify it whether or not it concurs in principle in the proposed measure, with or without modification. (b) In the case of measures referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, the Organization shall similarly advise the applicant Member of the date by which it will notify it whether or not it is released from such obligation or obligations as may be relevant; Provided that, if the applicant Member does not receive a final reply by the date set by the Organization, it may, after communicating with the Organization, institute the proposed measure after the expiration of a further thirty days from such date. au présent paragraphe 2 (a) du pré- sent article, l'Etat Membre requé- rant, de la date à laquelle elle fera connaître à l'Etat Membre si, en principe, elle approuve ou non, avec ou sans modification, la mesure projectóe. (b) Dans le cas des mesures visées au paragraphe 4 du présent article, elle avisera également l 'Etat Membre requérant de la date à lacuelle elle fera connaître à tout Etat Membre si elle relève ou non l'Etat Membre intéressé requérnt da l'engagement ou des engagements qui pourraient être mis on cause, toutefois dans le cas des mesures visées au para- graphe 4 du présent article, tout Etat Membre qui ne recevra pas de l'Organisation une réponse définiti- ve à la date fixée rar celle-ci pourra, après consultation de l'Or- ganisation, prendre la meaure envi- sagée, à l'expiration d'une nouvelle période de trente jours à partir de cette date. E/PC/T/167 page 22 ARTICLE 13A Transitional Measures ARTICLE 13A Mesures transitoires. 1. Any Member [country] may maintain any non-dsicriminatory protective measure which has been imposed for the establishment, de- veIopment, or reconstruction of particular industries including, agri- culture, and which is not otherwise permitted by [the] this Charter [] Provided L(i)] (a) that the measure was in operation at the time such [country] Member signed the General Agrement onTariffs and Trade, or if not a signatory of that Agreement when it signed [the] this Charter, at the time of signing [the] this Charter; and [(ii)] (b) that prior to its signature such [country] Member has notified the other [countries] signatories of the Agreement or of the Charter,[prior to such signa- ture] of each product on which such a measure is to be maintained and of the nature and purpose of such measure. Any Member maintaining any such measure shall within one month of assuming Membership [notify] in the Organization notify it of the measure concerned, the considerations in support of its maintenance and the period for which it wishes to maintain the 1. Tout Etat Membre [peut] pourra maintenir aux conditions suivaintes, uno mesure due protec- tion non discriminatoire [quelcon- que qui aurait été] prise en vue de la création, du développement ou de la reconstruction [d'indus- tries] de branches d 'activités industrielles ou agricoles parti- culières, et [qui ne serait pas] non autorisée par d'autres dispo- sitions du la présente Charter [, sous réserve] [(i) (a) [que la] cette mesure [en question ait été] était en vi- cueur au moment où [cet] Etat Membre a signé l'Accord général sur les tarifs douniers et le commerce, ou [bien] s'il n'a pas adhéré à cet Accord, au moment [de la signature de] ou il a signé la présente Char- te i [s'il n'a pas adhéré à cet Accord et] [(ii) (b) [que] avant de signer, cet Etat Membre [ait] a fait con- naître aux autres [pays] signatai- res de [qui ont signé] l'A'ccord ou de la présente Charte [, avant une telle signature, tous les] chacun des produits auxquels une mesure de ce genre [continuera] continue- rait à s'appliquer ainsi que le ca- ractère et l'objet de [cette mesure] measure [s]. The Organization shall, as soon as possible, but in any case within twelve. months of such Member assuming Membership in the Organization, examine and give a decision concerning the measure as if it had been submitted to the Organization for [approval] its concurrence under Article 13. Note by the Legal Drafting Committee Since there is no provision for signature of the Charter in Chapter IX it would be desirable here either to fix a date on which the measure becomes applicable, or to make the date of acceptance of the Charter by the Member concerned the date applicable to the measure covered by the Proviso. 2. This Article shall not be con- strued to [refer] apply to a measure which would be inconsistent with any obligation that the Member concerned has assumed through negotiations with any other Member E/PC/T/l67 page 23 celle-ci. Tout Etat Membre qui main- tient une mesure [quelconque] de ce genre fera connaître à l'organisa- tion, dans le délai d'un mois à compter de la date à laquelle il aura acquis la qualité de Membre, l'existence de la mesure en question, les raisons qu'il invoque à l'appui de son maintien et le temps pendant lequel il désire la maintenir en vi- gueur. L'Organisation examinera la mesure en question et prendra une décision à son sujet dès que possible et, en tous cas, dans un délai de douze mois à computer de la date à laquelle cet Etat aura acquis la qua- lité de Membre,[de la même manière] suivant les mêmes règles que si elle faisait l'objet d'une demande d'ap- probation en vertu de l'article 13, Note du Comité juridique de Rédaction. Comme le chapitre IX ne prévoit pas que l'acceptation de la Charte se fera au moyen d'une signature, il convient ou bien de fixer la date à laquelle la mesure prévue au para- graphe 1 deviendra applicable, ou bien de considérer la date de l'ac- ceptation de la Charte par l'Etat Membre intéressé, come la date à laquelle la mesure deviendra applicable. 2. Le présent article ne devra pas être interpréte comme [visant] s'appliquant à une mesure [qui se- rait] incompatible avec [l'une] l'un des [obligations] engagements que l'Etat Membre intéressé a assu- me[e]s à la suite de négociations E/PC/T/167 Page 24 or Members pursuant to Chapter V (including negotiations affecting preferential margins) or which would tend to nullify or impair the bonefit to such other Member or Members of any such obligation. 3. The Organization, in making decision under this Article specifying a date by which any modification in or withdrawal of the measure is to be made, shall have regard to the possible need of a Member for a suitable period of time in which to make such modification or withdrawal. a ARTICLE 13B Preferential Arrangements for Economic Developement avec tout autre Etat Membre en application au Chapitre V, y compris les négociations relatives aux marges préférentielles, [conformément au Chapitre V,],ou qui tendrait à annu- ler ou à compromettre les avantages que cet nutre Etat Membre ou ces autres Etats Membres pourraient retirer de [l'obligation en ques- tion] cet engagement. 3. [L'Organisation, en prenant une decision en vertu du présent article, devra, lersqu'elle fixera une date à laquelle elle recommande d'opérer une modification quelconque ou le retrait d'une mesure, tenir compte de la nécessité éventuelle de laisser à I'Etat membre un délai approprié pour procéder à cette modification ou à ce retrait.] 3. Lorsqu' elle fixera la date à laquelle elle recommandera de modi- fier une mesure ou de procéder à son retrait. l'Organisation, en prenant sa décision en vertu du présent Article, tiendra compte de la néces- sité où se trouver'.it éventuellement un Etat Membre de bénéficier d'un délai raisonnable pour procéder à cette modification ou à ce retrait. ARTICLE 13B Accords préférentiels en vue du dévelopement ,économique.. E/PC/T/167 page 25 1. The Members recognize that speciall circumstances may justify now preferential arrange- ments between two or more countries, not contemplating a customs union, in the interest of the programmes of economic development or reconstruction of one or more such countries. Subject to such limitations as it [deems fit] mat impose, the Organization may grant [by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of Members voting] an exception to the provisions of Chapter V to permit such arrangements [being] to be made. Note by the Legal Drafting Committee. The brackets around the words referring to the two-thirds najority have not been affixed by the Legal Drafting Committee. 2. Any Member or Members contem- plating such an arrangement shall [so] notify the Organization thereof and shall transmit to [the Organization] it a written statement of the considerations 1. Les Etats Membres reconnaissent que certaines circonstances pourront justifier la conclusion, en consi- dération des programme de déve- loppement économique ou de recons- truction [de l'un] d'un ou de plu- sieurs [de ces] pays] [de nou- velles ententes préférentielles] de nouveaux accords préférentiels centre deux ou plusieurs [pays] d'entre eux,. [qui n'envisagent pas] sans que ceux-ci envisagent de con- clure [entre eux] une union doua- nière [i] . Sous réserve des limi- tations qu'elle jugera a propos d'imposer, I 'Organisation pourra accorder par [un vote affirmatif des deux tiers des Etats Membres votants], une dérogation aux dis- positions du chapitre V, [ per- mettant] de façon à permettre la conclusion de pareilles ententes, Note par le Comité légal de ré- daction. Les crochets auteur des mots se référant à la majorité des deux tiers n'ont pas été apposés par le Comité juridique. 2.Tout Etat Membre ou tous Etats membres envisageant de conclure un [e] [antente] accord de ce genre feront [connaître] part de leur intention à î'Organisation et lui communiqueront [à celle-ci ] par écrit, [ un exposé des con- sidérations qui lur paraissent nécessiter la ] les raisons ci en motivent la conclusion [d'une telle enterte] L'Organisation examinera alors cette proposition et prendra une decision à son s ,t a. E/PC/T/167 page 26 in support of the adoption of the arrangement. The Organi- zation .shall then examine and give à decision concerning the proposal as if it had bean submitted for [approval] its concurrence under Article 13. Any country which [under the proposed arrangements is to] would be accorded preferential treatment by another country under the proposed arrangement shall be regarded as an applicant Member for the purpose of that Article. [elle] la proposition lui avait été soumise [à son approbation] en vertu de l'article 13. Tout pays auquel [ qui en vertu de l'entente envisagée, doit obtenir d'un autre pays] un traitement préférentiel a.trait consenti par un autre pays, en vertu du l'accord envisagé considéré, aux fins de l'article 13, comme un Etat Membre requérant.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Legal Drafting Committee on Chapter VI (Restrictive Business Practices) of the Draft Charter
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 5, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/150 and E/PC/T/142-152
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL ECONOMIQU E ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/i50 5 August .1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES REPORT OF LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE ON CHAPTER VI (RESTRICTIVE BUSINESS PRACTICES) OF THE DRAFT CHARTER RAPPORT DU CONITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION SWR LE CHAPITRE VI (PRATIQUES COMMERCIALES RESTRICTIVES) DU PROJE' DE CHARTE ARTICLE 39 General Policy towards Restrictive Business Practices 1. [Members] Each Member shall take appropriate measures, indi- vidually or through the Organisa- tion or in both ways, to prevent business practices afficting(1) -international trade (whether engaged in by private or public commercial enterprises) which restrain com- petition, limit access to markets, or foster monopolistic control, when- ever such practices have harmful affects on the expansion of pro- duction or trade and interfere with the achievement of any of the other [purposes of the Organisation as] obectives set forth in Article 1. Palitique générale en metière de npratiques commercieles restricti'ves 1. [Les] Chaque Etat [s] Mem- bre [s][prendront] prendra des mesu- res appropriées, soit individuel - lement, soit par l'intermédieire de l'Organisation, soit en combi- nent ces deux méthodes, [en vue] afin d'empêcher dens (1)les échanges commerciaux internationaux les pra- tiques commerciales (qu'elles soient le feit d'entreprises com- merciales privées ou publiques) qui entravant la concurrence, res- treignent l'accès aux marchés ou favorisent le contrôle à caractère de monopole dans tous les cas où ces pratiques produisent des effets nuisibles sur le développe- E/PC/T/150 Page 2 Note by the Legal Drafting Committee (1) There is a discrepancy between the English and French texts of this paragraph in that whereas the English text employs the phrase "business practices affecting inter- national trade" the French text reads "dans les échanges commer- ciaux internationaux les pratiques commerciales."... The English text produced at the First Session was changed by the Drafting Committee from "in international trade" to "affecting international trade" without any corresponding change being made in the French. The two texts should be reconciled either by using some such phrase as "ayant effet sur" or "intéressant les échanges internationaux" in the French text or by reverting to the original text "in international trade" in the English. 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1 of this Article, and in order that the Organisation.may decide in a particular instance whether certain practices have or are about to have any of the effect[s referred to] described in paragraph 1 of this Article, the Members agree that complaints re- garding any of the practices listed ment de la production ou du com- merce, et où elles [mettent] font obstacle [à la réalisation de] à ce que soit atteint l'un quelcon- que des autres objectifs [de l'Or- ganisation tels qu'ils sont énon- cés] définis à l'article ler. Note du Comité juridioue de rédaction (1) Il est signalé qu'il existe une divergence entre le texte an- glais et le taxte français de ce paragraphe. Tandis que le texte anglais emploie les mots "business practices affecting international trade", on lit dans le texte fran-. çais "dans les échanges commer- ciaux internationaux, les prati- ques commercials. ..". Le texte anglais élaboré au cours de la pre- mière session a été modifié par le Comité de Réduction et les mots "in international trade" ont été remplacés par "affecting in- ternational trade, " sans qu'au- cune modification correspondante été apportée au texte français. Il convient d'assurer la concor- dcnce entre les deux textes soit en employment dans le texte fran- çais une expression telle que : "ayant effet sur" ou "intéressant les échanges internationaux", soit en reprenant dans le texte anglais la rédaction primitive "in international trade". 2. Sans limiter [le caractère] la portée générale du paragraphe 1 du présent article, et en vue de permettre à l'Organisation de constater, dans un cas particulier, si certaines pratiques produisent ou sont sur le point de produire l'un [quelconque] des effets [mentionnés] indiqués au paragra- phe 1 du présent article, les 11 E/PC/T/150 Page 3 in paragraph 3 of this Article shall be subject to investigation in accordance with the procedure regarding complaints provided in Articles 40 and 42, whenever (a) such a complaint is presented to the Organisation; and (b) the practices are engaged in or are made effective by one or more [public or] private or public commercial enterprises or by a combination, agreement or other arrangement between commercial enterprises, whether between private commercial enterprises, between public commercial enterprises, or between private and public commercial enterprises; and (c) such commercial enterprises, individually or collectively, possess effective control of trade [among] between two or more countries in one or more products. Etats Membres conviennent que les réclamations relatives à l'une quelconque des pratiques énumérées au paragraphe 3 du présent article front l'objet d'une enquête conformément à la procédure relative aux réclama- tions prévue par les articles 40 et 42 chaque fois que (a) une telle réclamation [est] aura été présentée à l'Orga- nisation, et que (b) les pratiques en question sont appliquées ou rendues effectives par une ou plu- sieurs entreprises commer- ciales [publiques ou] privées ou publiques, ou par une com- binaison d'entreprises com- merciales, un accord ou tout autre arrangement [passé entre elles, qu'il s'agisse d'entre- prises commercials privées, d'entreprises commerciales publiques ou d'entreprises commerciales privées et pu- bliques] conclus, soit entre des entreprises commerciales privées, soit entre des entre- prises commercials publiques, soit entre des entreprises cov;- merciales privées et des entre- prises commerciales publiques; et que (c) ces entreprises commerciales possèdent, à titre individuel ou collection, le contrôle effectif du commerce d'un ou plusieurs produits entre deux ou plusieurs pays. Page 4 3. The practicos referred to in paragraph 2 [above] of this Article are the following: (a) fixing prices or terms, or conditions to be observed in dealing with [others] third parties, in the purchase, sale or lease of any product; (b) cxcluding enterprises from any territorial market or field of business activity, allocating or dividing any territorial markt-or. field of business activity, allocat- ing customers, or fixing sales quotas or purchase quotas; (c) discriminating against parti- cular enterprises; (d)limiting production or fixing production quotas; (c) preventing by agreement the [application or] development or application of technology or invention whether patented or unpatented; (f) extending the use of rights 3. Les pratiques visées au para- graphe 2 [ci-dessus]du présent arti- cle sont [celles]: (a) celles qui fixent les prix, les termes ou les conditions à observer dans les transactions avec les tiers concernant l'achat, la vente ou la location de tout produit. (b) celles qui excluent des entre- prises.[de tout] d'un marché terri- toriaJ. ou [de tout]d'un champ d'ac- tivité commercial attribuent ou par- tagent [tput] un marché territorial ou [tout] un champ d'activité commer- cial, répertissent la clientèle ou fixent [les ventes ou les] des contingents de vente ou d'achat; (c) celles qui [prennent des mesu- res] ont un effet discriminatoire [s à l'encontre] au détriment d'en- treprises particulières; (d) celles qui limitent la pro- duction ou [déterminent] fixent des contingents de production; (e) celless qui, par [le moyen] voie d'accords, [mettent obstacle aux applications ou au développement de procédés] empêchent l'amélioration ou la mise en oeuvre de procédés techniques ou d'inventions Dreve- tées ou non; (f) cells qui étendent l'usage de [s] under patents, trade marks or copyrights[,] granted by any Member, to matters which are determined by its system of law not to be within the scope of such grants, or to products or conditions of produc- tion, use or sale which are similarly determined not to be the subjects of such grants; (g) any similar practices which the Organisation may from time to time decide [to be] are restric- tive business practices, 4. In this [Article] Chapter the terra "public commercial enterprises" means (a) trading agencies of govern- ments, and (b) enterprises [wholly or] mainly or wholly owned by public authority and over which there is effective control by public authority, including control of engagement in [the] a practice[s] listed in paragraph 3 of this Article. E/PC/T/150 Page 5 droits résultant de Prevets, de mar- ques de fabriques [ou] de droits d'auteur ou de reproduction [,]oc- troyés par %in Etat Membre [quelcon- que] à des matières qui,[sa légis- lation] sulvent le droit de cet Etat ne [considère] sont pas considérés come [rentrant] comprise dans le cadre de ces [octrois] privilèges; ou à des produits ou conditions de production, d'utilisation ou de vente [que sa législation ne consi- dère pas] qui ne sont pas considé- rés corme feisant l'objet de ces [octrois] privilèges; (g) touts pratiques analogues que l' Organisation pourrait qualifier, le cas échéant, de pratiques com- merciales restrictives. 4. Dans le présent [article] chapitre l'expression "entreprises commerciales publiques" désigne: (a) des organismes [gouvernementaux] commerciaux d'état, et (b) des entreprises qui sont, en grande partie ou en totalité, pro- priété publique et sur lesquelles [existe eftectivement] les pouvoirs publics exercent un contrôle [pu- blic] effectif,([y compris un contrôle E/PC/T/158 Page 6 relatif à l'application des]contrô- le s étendant aux faits qu'elles puissent se livrer à l'une des pra- tiques [énoncées] énumérées au paragraphe 3me du présent article), The term "privatee commercial enterprises" means all other com- mercial enterprises. L'expression "entreprises com- mercieles privées" désigne toutes autres entreprises commerciales. ARTICLE 40 Procedure with respect to investi- Procéduro relative aux enguêtes et gations and consultations aux consultations 1. The Organisation shall arrange, 1.Si elle considère qu'une telle if it considers such action to be justified on the basis of informa- tion submitted by the Members con- cerned, for particular Members to take part in a consultation re- quested by any affected Member which considers that in any particular instance a practlce[s] exists (whether engaged in by private or public commercial en- terprises) which [have] has or [are] is about to have the effect described in paragraph 1 of Article 39. Note by Legal Drafting Committee The Committee notes a divergence between the English and French texts in the use of the words "affected" and "lésé" in several places in this Article. The word "lésé" carries an implication of actual injury which is not present in the word "affected." action est justifiée par les ren- seignements fournis par les Etats Membres intéressés, l'Orgenisation [devre prondre] prendra toutes dis- positions pour que certains Etats Membres participent à une consulta- tion organisée à la demande do tout Etat Membre lésé qui estimera que dans un ces d'espèces il existe une pratique (quelle soit lo fait d'une entrepriso commercialo privée ou publique)[telle pratique parti- culière en use ge]qui produit ou est sur le point de produire los effets indiqués au paragraph ler do l'article 39. Note du Comité juridique de rédaction Le Comité remarque qu'il existe une divergence entre le texte anglais et le texte français du fait do l'em- ploi, dens différents passages de cet article, des mots "affected" et "lésé".Le mot "lése" comporte une notion de préjudice réel qui n'exis- te pas dans le mot "affected". 2. A complaint may be presented in writing to the Organisation by any affected Member on its own behalf or by any Member on behalf of any affected person, [organisa- tion or business entity] enter- prise or organisation within that Member's jurisdiction: Provided that [] in the case of a complaint against a single public commercial enterprise [(as defined in Article 39)] acting independently, such complaint may be presented only by a Member on its own behalf and only after the Member has resorted to the procedure under paragraph 1 of this Article. 3. The Organisation shall pre- scribe the minimum information to be included in complaints [claim- ing] that particular practices exist [and] which have or are about to have the effect described in paragraph 1 of Article 39. The Information shall give substantial indication of the nature and harmful effects of the practices. E/PC/T/1 50 Page 7 2. Une réclamation pourra être pré- sentée par écrit à l'Organisation par tout Etat Membre lésé pour son propre compte ou par tout Etat Mem- bre agissant pour le compte de toute .personne, entreprise ou orga- nisation [ou personne morale se livrant à des operations commercia- les] qui aura été lésée et [qui relève]relevant de se juridiction. [,étant entendu que]Dans le ces d'une réclamation contre une entre- prise commerciale publique unique [(teîlle que la défïint l'article 39)] agissant à titre individuel, cette réclamation ne pourra être présentée que par un Etat Membre [en] agissant pour son propre [nom] compte et seulement après que l'Etat Membre aura eu recours à la procédu- re [indiquée] définie au paragraphe ler du présent article 3. L'Organisation [déterminera] prescrite le minimum de renseigne- ments à fournir à l'appui des réclamations [décearant que telles ou telles] quant à l'existence de certaines pratiques [en usago pro- duisent ou sont] qui produiraient ou seraient sur le point de produira les effets indiqués au paragraphe ler de l'article 39. [Les rensei- gnements contiendront] Des E/PC/T/150 Page 8 4. [In order to decide whether an investigation of a complaint is justified,] The Organisation shall consider each [written]complaint [submitted] presented in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article [review all relevant information, and decide whether an investigation is justified]. If the Organisation deems [that further information is necessary] it appropriate [before such decision can be reached,] it shall request [each] Members con- cerned to furnish supplementary information, [including] for example. information from commercial enterprises within [the] their jurisdiction [of the Members concerned]. After reviewing the relevant information the Organisa- tion shall decide whether an investigation is justified. indications substantielles devront être fournies sur la nature et les effets nuisibles de ces pratiques, 4.[Aux fins de décider si une en- quête est justifiée,] L'Organisa- tion [devra examiner] examinera [chaunedes] chaque réclamation [s] présentée [s par écrit]conformé- ment au paragraphe 2me du présent article [;] Si l'Organisation le juge utile elle [devra examiner tous les renseignements pertinents, et elle décidera s'il y a lieu de procéder à une enquête. Si l'Orga- nisation estime des renseigrements] demandera aux Etats Membres intéres- sés de fournir des renseignements complémentaires [sont nécessaires avant qu'une tello décision puisse être prise, elle devra demander à chaque Etat Membre intéressé de fournir des renseignements complé- mentaires], par exemple, des ren- seignements émanat d'entreprises commerciales [relevant de la] sou- mise à leur jurisdiction. [des Etats Mombres intéressés.] Après avoir examiné les informations pertinen- tes, l'Organisation décidera s'il y a lieu de procédor à une enquôte. 5. If the Organisation decides that an investigation is Justified, it shall notify all Members of the complaint, re- quest any Member to [provide] furnish such additional informa- tion relevant to the complaint as the Organisation may deem necess- ary, and shall conduct or arrange for hearings on the complaint. Any Member, and any [affected] person, [organisation or business entity] enterprise or organisa- tion[] on whose behalf [a] the complaint [is] has been made, as well as the [parties]commercial enterprises alleged to have engaged in the practice complained of, shall be afforded reasonable opportunity to be heard [at such hearings]. E/PC/T/150 Page 9 5. Si l'Organisation décide qu'il y a lieu de procéder à une enquête, elle [devra notifier] communiquera la réclamation à tous les Etats Membres [,] ; elle demandera à tout Etat Membre de lui fournir [tous renseignements pertinents complémentaires qu'] tout complément d'information qu'elle pourra juger nécessaire, et elle [devra] procédera ou [faire] fera procéder à des au- ditions au sujet de la réclamation. Des facilités raisonnables de se faire entendre seront accordées à tout Etat Membre, [et] à toute [s] personne [s], enterprise ou organisation [s ou personnes mo- rales se livrant à des operations commercials lésées] pour le compte [desquelles] de laquelle la réclamation aura été présentée [une réclamation, de même que les parties accusées d'avoir eu recours à la pratique visée par la récla- mation devront, dans des limites raisonnables, se voir accorder la possibilité de se faire entendre au cours de ces auditions] ainsi qu'aux entreprises commerciales auxquelles on reproche la pratique incriminée. E/PC/T/150 Page 10 6. The Organisation shall review all Information available and decide whether the practices in question have had, have or are about to have the effect described in paragraph 1 of Article 39. Note by Legal Drafting Committee. The Committee notes a divergence between the English text which uses the verb "decide" and the French text which uses the verb "constater." Moreover, the expression "consta- tera si" which appears in the French text la incorrect. However, the Committee did not feel that It could dmend on this point the texts adopt- ed by Commission B because of the questions of substance bound up in the present draft. 7. The Organisation shall report fully to notify all Members of its decision and the reasons therefor. 8. If the Organisation decides that in any particular case the practices complained of have had, have or are about to have the effect described in paragraph 1 of Article 39, it shall request each Member concerned to take every possible remedial action, 6. L'organisation [devra] examinera tous les éléments d'information [disponibles] à sa disposition et constatera si les pratiques en ques- tion ont produit, produisent ou sont sur le point do produire les effets indiqués au paragraphe ler de l'article 39, Note du Comité juridique de rédection. Le Comité remarque une discordan- ce entre le texte anglais où est utilisé le verbe "decide" et le tex- te français où est utiiesé le verbe "constater". Au surplus, l'expres- sion "constatera si" qui figure dans le texte français est incorrec- te, Néanmoins, le Comite n'a pas cru devoir amender sur ce point les textes edoptés par la Commission B en raison des questions de fond qu'implique leur redaction actuelle. 7. L'Organisation [devra informer complètement] notifiera à tous les Etats Membres [de] ses constatations et [des] les raisens qui les moti- vent. 8. Si l'Organisation constate que dans [Ie] un ces [particulier] d'espèce, les pratiquels [visées par la réclamation] incriminées ont produit,produisent ou sont sur le point de produire les effets indi- qués au paragraphe ler de l'article 39, elle E/PC/T/I50 Page 11 and may also recommend to the Members concerned remedial measures to be carried out in accordance with their respective laws and procedures. 9. The Organisation may request any Member concerned to report fully on the remedial action it has taken in any particular case. Note by Legal Drafting Committee. demandera à tous les Etats Membres intéressés [d'appliquer tout remède possible et] de prendre touts me- sures utiles pour remédier à la situation; elle pourra également recommander aux Etats Membres in- téressés de prendre [,- pour remédier aux effets de ces pratiques, toutes les] à cet effet, certaines, mesures compatibles avec leurs [législation et leur procédure] lois et règle- ments. 9. L'Organisation pourra deman- der à tout Etat Membre intéressé de le lui adresser un rapport complete sur les mesures qu'il a praises à sa de- mande duns ce cas particulier. Note du Comité juridique de rédao- tion. In the opinion of the Legal Drafting Committee this paragraph is unnecessary in view of the provisions of paragraph 5 of Article 42. 10. As soon as possible after its [enquiries concerning] proceedings in respect of any complaint [dealt with] under [paragraphs 3 to 7 of] this Article have been provision- ally or f inally closed, the Organisation shall prepare and Le Comité juridique de rédac- tion estime que ce paragraphe est inutile en raison des dispositions du paragraphe 5 de l'article 42. 10, [uissi diligemment que possi- ble]Dans le plus bref délai, après la clôture provisoire ou dé' ri.tive de la procédure [sur toute réclama- tion instruite en vertu des peragre- phes 3 à 6,] relativement à toute réclamation présente aux termes E/PC/T/150 Page 12 publish a report showing fully the decisions reached, the reasons therefor and. any [action] measures recommended to the Members concerned. [However,] The Organisation shall not, if a Member so requests, disclose con- fidential information furnished by that Member which if disclosed would [materially] substantially -damage the legitimate business interests of a commercial enter- prise. du présent article, l'Organisation rédigere [devru préparer]et publie- ra, un rapport en y exposant complè- tement ses conclusions, les raisons qui les motivent et einsi que les mesures qu'elle [a] aurait, invité les Etets Membres intéressés à prendre. [Toutefois,]Si un Etat Membre on fait la demande, l'Organisation ne dévoilera pas les renseigements [d'ordre] confidentiels qu'il lui [aura] a fournis [,et]dont la divulgation lésereit gravement [des] les intérêts [commerciaux] légitimes d'unt antreprise commerciale. 11. The Organisation shall report to all Members and make public the remedial actioni[s] which [have] has been taken by the Members concerned in any particular case. 11. L'Orgenisation [devre] avisera tous les Etats Membres des mesures prises par les Etats Membres intéres- sés dens [le]chaque cas [particulier] d'espèce et [publier]rendre ces me- sures publiques. E/PC/T/150 Page 13 ARTICLE 41 Studies relating to restrictive Etudes relatives aux Pratiques business practices commerciales restrictives 1. The Organisation is authorised 1. L'Organisation est autorisée: (a) to conduct studies, either on (a) à procéder à des études, soit its own initiative or et the - - de sa propre initiative, soit sur request of any Member or of any la demande de tout Etat Membre organ of the United Nations or or ou de tout [organisme de l'Orga- any other inter-Governmental nisation] organe des Nations organisation relating to Unies, ou de toute autre orga- nisation intergouvernementale, au sujet: (i) general aspects of restric- (i) [de l'aspect général] tive business practices affec- des aspects généraux des ting * international trade; and pratiques commerciales x) restrictives dans les échan- ges commerciaux internatio- naux, et (ii) conventions, laws and pro- (ii) des conventions, lois cedures concerning, for example, et procédures [telles] incorporation, company registre- [que celles] [qui ont] tion, investments, securities, ayant. trait par exemple prices, markets, fair trade prac- à constitution et a tices, trade ma. es. copyrights, tices, trade makes, copyrights, l'enregistrement des socié- patents end the exchange and de- ll~~~és, aux investissements, velopment of technology, insofer aux valeurs mobilières, as they are relevant to restric- aux prix, aux marchés, à tive business practices affecting* a l'exercice loyal du commerce, international trade; and aux marques de fabrique, aux droit s d'auteur et de reproduction, aux * See note under pararaph 1 of article 39. x)Voir note sous paragraphe 1 de l'article 39. E/PC/T/15o Page 14 brevets et à l'échange et au développement des procédés techniques, dans la measure où elles se rapportent aux pratiques commerciales res- trietives dans* les échanges ,commerciaux internationaux[;] et (iii) the registretion of res- trictive business agreements and other arrangements affecting * international trade; and (b) to request information from Members in connection with such studios. 2. The Organisation is authorised (a) to make recommendations to Mem- bars concerning such conventions, laws and procedures as are relevant to their obligations under this Chapter; and (b) to arrange for conferences of Members to discuss sny matters re- lating to restrictive business practices affecting * international trade. * See note under paragraph 1 of Article 39. (iii) de l'enregistrement des accords et autres arrange- ments commerciaux restrictifs [ayant effet sur le commerce international;] dans*les échaages commerciaux inter- nationaux, (b) à demander aux Etats Membres des renseignements en vue de ces études. 2. L'Organisation est autorisée : (a) à adresser aux Etats Membres des recommendations au sujet des conventions, lois et procédures qui concernent lea obligations découlant pour eux du présent chapitre; et (b) à organiror des conférences [des] entre Etats Membres [des- tinées à assurer la discussion de] en vue de discuter toutes questions relatives aux pratiques commer- ciales restrictives dans*les échanges commerciaux internationaux. *Voir note sous paragraphe 1 de l'article 39. Page 15 Obligtions of Members ARTICLE 42 Obligations des Etats Membres 1. Each Member shall take all possible measures by legislation or otherwise to ensure, within its jurisdiction, that private and public commercial enterprises do not engage in practices which have the effect described in paragraph 1 of Article 39, and in addition it shall assist the Organisation in preventing these practices, such measures*to be taken in 1. Chaque Etat Membre [devra prendre] prendra toutes mesures possibles, eoit d'ordre légis- latif, soit d'autre nature pour empêcher que des entreprises commerclales privées ou publiques [soumises à sa juridiction] se livrent dans sa juridictlon à des pratiques qui produiiseat les effets indiqués au paragraphe ler de l'ar- ticle 39, En outre, il [agira en accordance with the Member's systems collaboration] traitera en concours of law and economic organization. *Note by the Legal Drafting Committee If the term "such measures"' relates both to "measures" at the beginning of the paragraph and to "assistance to the Organisation", then the expression "systemn of law" in the English text and "dans le cadre de sa législation" in the French text is unnecessary since if it neans existing law it contradicts the requirement of legislation whereas if it means constitutional requirements it goes without saying. If,however, the tern measures" relates only to assistance to the Organisation, then a tern other than "measures" should be used to avoid the con- fusion indicated. avec l'Organisation, pour empêcher * de telles pratiques, ces mesures devant être prises dans le cadre de sa législation et de l'organi- sation économique de [I']cet Etat Membre [en question]. Note du Comité juridique de rédaction Si les mots "ces mesures" se rapportent à la fois aux "mesures" dont il est quession au début du paragraphe et à la "collaboration avec l'Organisation," les mots "system of law" dans le texte an- giais et "dans le cadre de sa législation" dans le texte fran- çais sont inutiles; en effet, si l'on extend par là la legislation existante, il y a contradiction avec le debut du paragraphe qui exige que l'Etat Membre prenne des mesures d'ordre législatif, si, d'autre part., ces mots représentent les règles constitutionnelles, cela va sans dire. Si, par contre, le mot "measures" se rapport seulement à la collaboration avec l' Organisa- tion, il faudrait employer un autre terme afin d'éviter la confusion qui vient d'étre indiquée. E/PC/T/150 Page 16 2. Each Member. shall make adequate arrangements for presenting complaints, con- ducting investigations. and preparing information and reports requested by the Organisation. 3. Each Member shall furnish to the Organisation, as promptly and as fully as possible, such information as is requested by the Organisation for its consideration and [its] investigation of complaints and for its conduct of studies under this Chapter [.]i Provided that any Member [(a) may withhold confidential information relating to its national security; and] Note by the Legal Drafting Committee. This sub-paragraph has been deleted in view of the decision of Commission A to include the substance of this sub-paragraph in the new Article 91 on General Exceptions. 2. Chaque Etat membre [devra pren- dre] prendra les dispositions né- cessaires pour présenter les ré- clamations, [conduire] mener les enquêtes, et, à la demande de l'Or- ganisation, [préparer] réunir [les] des [renseignements et] informations et établir [les] des rapports. 3. Chaque Etet Membre [devra four- nir] fournira à l'Organisation, [avec toute la célérité voulue] dans lo plus bref délai et dans la mesure la plus large possible, les renseignements qu'elle deman- de aux termes du présent chapitre [en vue de l'examen et de l'en- quête relatifa aux plaintes] a- fin de procéder à l'examen des réclamations et aux enquêtes rolatives, ainsi [que] qu'a des études. [prévues par le présent chapitre, étant entendu que] Tout Etat Membre pourra tenir secrets: [ a) Les renseignements d'ordre confident el intéressant sa sé- curité nationale;] Note au Comité juridique de ré- daction, Cets alinéa a été supprimé en raison de la décision, prise par la Commission A, d'insérer le fond de ses dispositions dans le nouvel article 91 relatif aux ex- ceptions générales. E/PC/T/150 Page 17 [(b)]on [proper] notification to the Organisation, may with- hold information which the Member considers is not essential to the Organisation in conducting an adequate investigation and which, if disclosed, would [materially] substantially damage the legitimate business interests of a commercial enterprise. In notifying the Organisation that it is withholding information pursuant to this clause, the Member shall indicate the general character of the information withheld, and the reasons why it considers it not essential. 4. Each Member shall take full account of each decision, request and recommendation of the Organisation under [paragraphs 6 and 8 of] Article 40 and, in accordance with its system of law and economic organisation, take in the particular case the action it considers appropriate [in the light of]having regard to its obligations under this Chapter. [(b)]à condition d'en informer l'Organisation, les renseignements qui, de l'avis [du] de cet Etat Membre, ne sont pas indispensables à celle-ci pour [ entreprendre une] mener à bien l'enquête [appropriée] et [qui, s'ils étaient dévoilés,] dont la divulgation, [porterait un préjudice matériel aux] léserait gravement les intérêts légitimes [du négoce] d'une entreprise com- merciale. En notifiant à l'Organisa- tion qu'en application de la pré- sente clause, il désire garder se- crets certains renseignements, l'E- tat Membre indiquera la nature géné- rale de ceux-ci et les raisons pour lesquelles il estime qu'ils ne sont pas [nécessaires]indispensables [àà l'organisation]. 4. Chaque Etat Membre [devra] tien- dra pleinement [tenir] compte des conclusions [chaque] constate- tions, demandes [ou]et recomman- dations de l'organisation, prises en execution [des paragraphes 5 et 7] de l'article 40 et, dans le ca- dre de sa législation et de son organisation economique, [appli- quer] appliquera, au cas[particu- lier] d'espèce, les mesures qu'il jugera appropriées [à la lumière E/PC/T/150 Page 18 NOTE BY THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE. It is believed that there is a divergence between the words in the English text "in accordance with its system of law" and the words in the French text "dans le cadre de sa législation". It may be doubted whether the French text convoys the idea that the action to be taken is not confined purely to existing legislation. 5. Each Member shall report fully any action taken, independently or in concert with other Members, to [imple- ment decisions made by] comply with requests and carry out recommendations of the Organi- zation, and, when no action has been taken, inform the Organization of the reasons therefor and discuss the matter further with the Organization if requested to do so. 5. Each Member shall. at the request of the Organization, take part in consultations and conferences provided for in this Chapter with a view to reaching mutually satisfactory conclusions. ges] eu égard aux obligations [qui lui incombent] qu'il a assumées en vertu du présent chapitre. Il semble qu'il y ait une diver- gence entre les mots "in accordance with its system of law" dans le texte anglais et les mots "dans le cadre de sa législation" du texte français. On peut se demander si le texte français reproduit l'idée que les measures à prendre ne se limitent pas uniquement à la législation existante. 5. Chaque Etat Membre [devra rendre compte de] fera un rapport complet sur toute mesure qui aura été prisa, indépendamment d'autres Etat Membres ou de concert avec eux, pour donner suite aux demandes et recommandations faites par l'Organisation, et, lorsqu' [aucune;] mesure n'aura été prise, il en [expose ] exposera [les] ses raisons à l'Organisa- tion et [continue ] continuera avec elle [la discussion] l'examen de la question, si elle l'invite à le fire. 6. Chaque Etat Membre [devra], à la/requête] demande de l'Orga- nisation, [participer] partici- pera aux consultations et conférences prévues par le present chapitre, en vue d'aboutir à des conclusions sa- tisfaisantes pour tous. E/PC/T/150 page 19 ARTICLE 43 Supplementary enforcement arrangements. 1. Members may co-operate with each other in prohibitive, preventive or other measures for the purpose of making more effective any remedial order issued by a duly authorized agency of any Member in furtherance of the objectives of this Chapter. 2. Members participating in or intending to participate in such co-operative action shall notify the Organization. ARTICLE 44. [Continued effectiveness of] Domestic measures against restrictive business practices. Measures complémentaires d'exécution. 1. Les Etats Membres pourront coo- pérer à [l'institution.] l'applica- tion de mesures [prohibitives] répressives, préventives ou autres, afin de rendre plus efficaces [tout correctif proscrit ] les dispositifs adoptés par un organe agissant [avec l'autorisation sur mandat d'un Etat Membre en vue d'atteindre les objectives du présent chapitre. 2. Les Etats Membres qui partici- peront ou qui auront l'intention de participer à [ ces mesures de coopé- ration.] cette action concerted en informeront l'Organisation. [Application continue des] Mesures nationales [ dirigées] control les pratiques commercials restrictives. No act or omission to act on the part of the Organization shall preclude any Member from enforcing any national statute or decree directed towards preventing monopoly or restraint of trade. Aucune action ou carence de l'Organisation n'empêchera l'Etat Membre d'appliquer toute loi ou tout [décret] règlement nationaux destinés à [ mettre] faire obstacle aux monopoles commerciaux ou aux [restrictions commerciales] entra- ves à la liberté de commerce. E/PC/T/150 Page 20 ARTICLE [44 (a)] 45 Procedure with respect to services. 1. The Members recognise that certain services, such as transportation, tele- communications, insurance and banking, are substantial elements of international trade, and that any restrict- ive business practices in relation to them may have harmful [consequences] effects similar to those described in paragraph 1 of Article 39. Such practices shall be dealt with in accordance with the following paragraphs of this Article. 2. If any Member [should] considers that there exist restrictive business practices in relation to [an inter- national] a service [in the meaning of] referred to in paragrah 1 of this Article which have or are about to have such harmful effects, and that its interests are or would be seriously Procedure à observer en matière de services. 1. Les Etats Membres reconnaissent que certains services tels que les transports, les télécommunications, les assurances et la banque sont des éléments important du commerce in- ternational et que toute pratique commerciale restrictive les concer- nant peut avoir des [conséquences] effets nuisibles analogues à [celles] ceux [qui sont menti onnées] indiqués au paragraphe premier [à] de l'ar- ticle 39. En ce qui concerne ces pratiques, il y aura lieu de se conformer aux dispositions des para- graphes suivants du présent article. 2. Si un Etat Membre estimo qu'il existe des pratiques commerciales restrictives concernant un service [international au sens du] visé au paragraphe premier du présent article et que ces pratiques ont ou sont sur le point d'avoir des [conséquences] effets nuisiles portant un grave pré- ce. .-, ;:' 9O'->Xr'ra présentor par écrit prejudiced by this situation, the Member may submit a written state- ment explaining the situation to the Member or Members the [public or] private or public enterprises of which are engaged in the services in question. The Member or Members concerned shall give sympathetic consideration to the statement and to such proposals [/as may be made [with a view to affording] and shall afford adequate opportunities [of] for consultations [and] with a view to effecting a satisfactory adjust- ment [of the matter]. 3. If no adjustment can be ef- fected in accordance with the pro- visions of paragraph 2 of this Article, and if the matter is referred to the Organization, it shall be transferred to the appro- priate inter-governmental organi- zation if one exists, with such observations as the Organization [in its discretion] may wish to make. If no such inter-governmental organization exists, Members may Under Article 61 (c)] ask the E/PC/T/150 Page 21 un exposé de la situation à l'Etat membre ou aux Etats membres auxquels ressortissent les entreprises [publiques ou.] privées ou publi- ques [dont dépendent] fournissant les services en question. Le ou les Etats membres intéressés examine- ront avec [une tention bienveil- lante] compréhension cet exposé, ainsi que les propositions qui pourraient être faites [en vue d'offrir] offriront des possibili- tés adéquates des consultations [et] en vue de parvenir à un règlement satisfaisant [de la question]. 3. Si un règlement satisfaisant ne peut être [trouvé] conclus conformément [aux dispositions du ]au paragraphe 2 du présent article et si la question est soumise à l'Organisation, elle sera renvoyée à l'Organisation intergouvernementale compétente, s'il en existe, accompagnêe des observations que l'Organisation jugera bon de présenter. S'il n'existe pas d'organisation inter- gouvernementale compétente, les Etats membres pourront demander à l'Organisation, conformément aux dispositions de l'article [61] E/PC/T/150 Page 22 Organisation, under Article 66(c), to make recommendations for, and promote international agreement on, measures designed to remedy the particular situation so far as it-[relates to the purposes of the Organisation] comes within the scope of this Charter. 66 (c), [de recommander et] d'encourager la conclusion [d'un accord international] d'accords internationaux, et de recommander l'adoption de mesures destinées à [porter remède] remédier à cette situation particulière [dans la mesure ou elle intéresse les objec- tifs de l'Organisation] pour autant oue celle-ci entre dans le cadre d'application de \la présente Charte. 4. The Organisation shall, [sub- ject to Article 61(e)7 in accor- dance with paragraph 2 of Article 81, co-operate with inter-governmental organisations in connection with restrictive business practices affecting [the general] any field [covered by the] coming within the score of this Charter and those [inter- governmental] organisation shall be entitled to consult the Organisation, to seek advice, and to ask that a study of a particular problem be made, 4. J.t'C ganisation coopérera, dans a, an les conditioés prevues[l'arL'ar- ticle 61 (e)] paragraphe 2 de l'Article 81, avec les organisa- tions intergouvernmentales en ce qui concerne les pratiques com- merciales restrict[ves /affectant lm chaap de l'application de] touchant un domaine visé par la présente eharto. De leur côté, ces orgunisat[ons Lintergouver- nementales] auront le droit de coerultzr l'Organinatiol, de lui demander des avis et de la prier de faire procéder à l'étude d'un problème déterminé. E/PC/T/150 Page 23 ARTICLE [45] 46 Exceptions to the provisions of Exceptions aux dispositions du this Chapter présent chapitre 1. The obligations in this 1. Les engagements énoncés au Chapter shall not apply to: présent chapitre ne s'appliqueront a) inter-governmental com- pas modity [arrangements] a) aux accords intergouverne- agreements meeting the mentaux sur les produits qu requirements of Chapter répondent aux conditions VII; and du chapitre VII ; [b) the international [arrange- / [b) aux accords internationaux ment] agreement excepted dont exception est faite à in Article 52]0 l'article 59] 2. Notwithstanding [the fore- 2. [Nonobstant les dispositions going] paragraph 1 of this du [précédent]paragraphe ler du Article, the Orgnnisation may make recommendations to Members présent article, l'organisation and to appropriate inter-govern- pourra faire des recommendations mental organisations concerning aux Membres et aux organisations any features of the [arrange- intergouvernementales compétentes, ments] agreements referred to in en ce qui concerne toutes disposi- paragraph 1(b) of this Article tions des accords visés à which may have theeffect des- l'alinéa (b) du present article, cribed in paragraph 1 of qui peuvent produire les effets Article 39.] indiqués au paragraphe1de Note by the Legal Drafting Committee. The brackets around para- graphs 1(b) and 2 appeared in the text presented to the Committee and were not inserted, by it. l'article 39]. Note du Comité Jiuridique de rédaction. Les crochets entre les para- graphes 1 (b) et 2 étaient dans le texte soumis au Comité et n'étaient pas insérés par le Comité.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Legal Drafting Committee on Chapter VII (Inter-Governmental Commodity [Arrangements] Agreements
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/147 and E/PC/T/142-152
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/147 4 August 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES. REPORT OF LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE ON CHAPTER VII (INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY [ARRANGEMENTS] AGREEMENTS RAPPORT DU COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION SUR DE CHAPITRE VII (ACCORDS INTERGOUVERNEMENTAUX SUR LES PRODUCTS DE BASE). [GENERAL] INTRODUCTORY CONSIDERATIONS CONSIDERATIONS [GENERALES] PRELIMINAIRES. ARTICLE 46. Difficulties relating to primary commodities The Members recognise that the conditions under which some primary commodities are produced, exchanged and consumed are such that inter- national trade in these commodities may be affected by special diffic- ulties such as the tendency towards persistent disequilibrium between production and consumption, the accumulation of burdensome stocks and pronounced fluctuations in prices. These special difficulties may have serious adverse effects on the interests of producers and Difficult relatives aux produits de base. Les Etats Membres reconnaissent que les conditions dans lesquelles certains produits de base sont pro- duits, échangés et consomméc sont telles que le commerce international de ces produits peut [être affecté par] rencontrer des difficultés spé- ciales, telles que la tendance à un déséquilibre persistent entre la par- duction et la consumption, l'accumu- lation de stocks pesant sur le marché, et [les] des fluctuations prononcées des prix. [De telles] Ces difficultés NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/147 Page 8- consumers, as well as widespread repercussions jeopardising the general policy of economic expansion. The Members[£agre]7 recognise that such difficulties may, at times, necessitate special recatment of the international trade* in such commodities through inter-governmental agree- ment. peuvent[ avoir des effets graves, prj udiciable] causeCr desp éjudicesI graves aux intéê8ts des produceours et des consommateurs et peuvent en- trîtner des ép.ercussions étendues qui compromettraient la politique générale d'expansion économique. Les Etatse'mbres[Cconviennen] recon- naissent que ces difficultés peuvent, le cas écéa'nt, nécessiter un trai- tement spécial du commerce interna- tional de ces produits par le moyen d'accords ineogrouerrneeontaux. NOTE In t Article 46, in speaking of the need oe adopt "special treat- ment of the international trade in such commodities", the Preparatory Committee had in mind merely that international trade is the aspect of a particular commodity problem directly app- ropriate for international trant- ment. Itw-as understood, however that agreement regarding the treatment of tha international trade in a commodity might involve agreement regarding production or consumption of the comnodity. En envisageant dans l'article 46 la é6cessié, de e^courir à un ''traitement spécial du commerce inter- national de ces produits", la Com- mission Préparatoire a entendu que les différents aspects du problème particulier eaét par un produit, l'aspect commerce international est celui auquel un traitement interna- tional se raprorte le plus directe- ment. Mais elle considère que dans un accord relatif au traitement du com- merce international d'un produit, les parties à cet accord pourront s'enten- dre sur des dispositions concernant la production ou la consommation de ce produit. ARTICLE 47 Primary and related commodities Produits d -base et produits assimis' 1. For the purposes of this Cha 1l. Aux fins d'aprlication du péesent ter, the term "primary comnodity" chapitre, l'expression "produit de means any product of famn, forest base" s'entend de tout produit agri- or fishery or any mineral, ini s 5clîe, forestier [fc] ude pécec natural form or[ subjected o] [aZisei que de tout]ou miéèral,sousE sa forme naturelle ou apèùs avoir whichhbas undergone such E/PC/T/147 Page 3 processing as is customarily subi telle transformation qu'exige required to prepare it for market-communêment sa vente en quantités ing in substantial volume in importantes sur le marché interna- international trade. tional. 2. The term shall also cover a 3. Cette expression poit également group of commodities, of which englober un groupe de produits dont one is a primary commodity as l'un est' un produit de base aux ter- defined ir paragraph 1 of this mes du paragraphe premier du présent Article and the others are comm- article et dont les autres, qu'ils soient ou non produits de base, sont odities (whether priraary or non- - [s étroitoe]ment Z.olidaires liés primary) which are so closely L - u//auremier Dar leurs conditions related, as regards conditions of de production ou d'utilisation qu'il production or utilisation, to the est opportun de~ les comprendre dans other ord.oditi.s in the group, eme acczr, £un le mêm aDd. that it is appropriate to deal with tham in a single agreement. 3. Si, dans les circonstances exce- 3. If, in exceptional c[rcum-e] ptionnolles, l'Organisation restim ' stances, thc Organisation finds constate que les conditions prévues thateth3 conditions set forth in ù l'articla 5's s'appliquent à un Articl [3 exest in th] case of a produit qui. /ne rcntre pas7 nest pas commodity wéich d[ds not fall pro -is6 de façon precise Ljans un des cisely under pème]rpars 1 orp2 paragraphs ler ou ; 7mS _ le Dara- Zabovg ai thiséArtieJe, tho Org- ~Gaph. 1 ou 2 du present article, animatioécmay ~eenn[lecide elle pourra dc'-cide ue Lies princi- that tt] /3rincipies anr7 provié pes e ' les dispositions du present chapitre LVI)7, ainsi que toute sins ai this Ci:pter Li7, ta- autre [&isposition7 condition qu'elle gether with any other requirements 3eposer / tipulera, s'appliqueront it may establish, shall apply to aux accords intergouvernementaux intergovernmental agreements concernant ce produit. regarding that coarodity. E/PC/T/147 Page 4 ARTICLE 48 Objectives of inter-governmental commodity agreements Objectifs des accords intergouverne- mentaux sur les produits de base. The Members recognise that inter-governmental commodity agree- ments may be employed to achieve the following objectives: (a) to prevent or alleviate the serious economic problems wihch may arise when adjustments between production and consumption cannot be effected by normal market forces alone as rapidly as the circum- stances require; (b) to provide, during the period which may be necessary, a frame- work for the consideration and devolopment of measures which have as their purpose economic adjust- ments designed to promote the expansion of consumption or a shift of resources andl manpower out of over-expanded industries into new and productive occupations; (c) to moderate pronounced fluc- tuations in the price of a primary commodity with a view to achieving Les Etats Membres reconnaissent que les accords intergouvernementaux pouvent être utilisés pour atteindre les [buts] objectifs suivants: (a) éviter ou etténuer les difficult tés économiques sérieuses oui peuvent surgir lorsque [1] les adaptations de la [production et de la] consom- mation et de production ne [peut] peuvent être réalisées par les seules forces normales du marché aussi rapi- dement que les circonstances [l'exi- groraien] l'exigent (b) fournir pendant le laps de temps qui peut être nécessaire, un cadre à [l'étude] l'exemen et à [l'élabora- tion] la mise en oeuvre des mesures ayant pour objet d'assurer une adapta- tion economique en encourageent l'accroissement de la consommation ou le transfert [de la mail d'oeuvre et] des resources et de la main d'oeuvre des industries [sur-] déve- loppées à l'excès au profit d'occu- pations nouvelles et productives; (c) moderer les fluctuations pronon- ceés du prix d'un produit de base en vue d'atteindre un degré raisonnable E/PC/T/147 Page 5 a reasonable degree of stability on a basis of prices fair to consumers and remunerative to efficient producers, having regard to the desirability of securing long-term equilibrium between the forces of supply and demand; (d) to maintain and develop the natural resources of the world and protect them from unnecessary exhaustion; (e ) to provide for the expansion of the production of a primary commodity where this can be accomplished with advantage to consumers and producers; (f) to assure the equitable distribution or a primary commod- ity in short supply. de stabilité sur la base de prix équitables pour les consommateurs et rêmunérateurs rour les produc- teurs efficients, compte tenu de l'intérêt d'assurer un équilibre à long terme entre [les effets de] l'offre et [de] la demande; (d) conserver et développer les ressources naturelles du monde et les protéger d'un épuisement incon- sidéré; (e) prendre les mesures nécessaires au développement de la production d'un produit de base lorsque ce développement peut [présenter des advantages] se faire à l'avantage pour les consommateurs et pour les producteurs; (f) assurer une répartition équita- ble d'un produit de base jour lequel il existe une] en cas de pénurie. E/PC/T/147 Page 6 SECTION B - INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY AGREEMENTS [ARRANGEMENTS] IN GENERAL. Article 49 [Special] Commodity studies 1. Any Member which is substan- tially interested in the production or consumption of, or trade in, a particular pri any commodity, and which considers that international trade in that commodity is, or is likely to be, affected by special difficulties, shall be entitled to ask that a study of the commodity be made. 2. Unless it [resolves] decides that a prima facie case has not been established, the Organisation shall promptly invite [all] each Member[s] to appoint representat- ives to a study group to make a study of the commodity [] if [they] it considers that [they have a substantial interest] it is substan- tially interested in the production or consumption of, or trade in, the commodity. Non-Members may also be invited.U. 3. The study group shall promptly SECTION B - ACCORDS INTERGOUVERNE- MENTAUX SUR LES PRODUITS DE BASE- LGENERALIT] 7IDTSPOSIOICNS GENERALES Article 49 Etudes sur les produits de base apsrtiliel ]s7 1. Tout Etat Membre qui est inté- ressé de façon substantilel2 à la production, à la consoametion ou au commerce d'un product de base détermin[,] .. et qui considère que le commerce international de ce produi[ Lt]ai rencontre ou risqu[ Lê'gtre affeéct p]rj de rencontrer des dffricultés spécia- les, aura le droit de demander une étud[ Cparticuliè]ej de ce produit. 2. A moins qu'elle ne décide après un premier examen que la demande n'est pafelfndée, l'Orga- nisation fera diligence pour invite[ Ltous les Etats Mbmls]ST ohaque Etat Membre à nommer des représentants à un groupe é'6tuaes chargé d'étudier le produi[ L de base consédé]gT en question, s'[s]SJ estim[ t]ng 'util] [sost] eeLst iét6res [s] j7 de façon substan- tielle à la production; à la consommaoiçn cu ac oommcr3eu n[ Et]J produit en qessiln. . [- ea]J Des Stats non emrbeas o0urrnt eggltmMent 5tea invités. 3. Le go-upe d'tutdes enquêtera investigate the production, con- sumption and trade situation in regard to the commodity, and shall report to the participating Governments and to the Organis- ation its findings and its rec- ommendations as to how best to deal with any special difficulties which may exist or may be expected to arise. The Organi- sation shall promptly transmit to the Members these findings and recommendations. Note by the Legal Drafting Committee Under this paragraph a study group may report direct to the participating governments which may include non-Members instead of transmitting its Report to such governments through the Organisation. Article 50 Commodity Conferences. 1. On the basis of the recommend- ations of a study group, or at the request of Members w ose interest represents a substantial part of world production or con- sumption of, or trade in, a par- ticular primary commodity, the Organisation shall promptly con- vene an inter-governmental E/PC/T/147 Page 7 avec diligence sur [la situation] l'état de la production, de la con- sommation et du commerce du produit de base [considéré] en question et communiquera dans un rapport aux Gouvernements participants et à l'Organisation ses constatations ainsi que ses recommendations sur la meilleure façon de surmonter toutes difficultés [existantes ou susceptibles] qui existeraient ou risqueraient de survenir. L'Organi- sation tranmnettra sans délai ces constatations et ces recommendations aux Etats [] Membres. Aux termes du présent paragraphe, un groupe d'études peut faire rapport directement aux gouvernements qui y participent (parmi lesquels peuvent se trouver des Etats non Membres) au lieu de transmettre le rapport aux dits gouvernements, par l'inter- rédiaire de l'Organisation. Article 50 Conférence sur les produits de base 1. Se fondant sur les [ -:. aio7] re-;b: ...s d'un groupe-détudes, ou-à la tant] dont les intérest représentant une part substantielle de la pro- duction, de la consommation ou du commerce d'un produit de base déterminè, l'Organisation fera diligence pour convequer une E/PC/T/147 Page 8 conference to discuss measures designed to meet the special difficulties which exist or are expected to arise. The Organis- ation may also, on its own initia- tive, call such a conference on the basis of information agreed to be adequate by the Members [havin a substantial interest] substantially interested in the production or consumption of, or trade in, the commodity concerned. 2. [Every] Each Member which considers that it [has a substan- tial interest] is substantially in- torested in the production or consumption of, or trade in, the commodity concerned, shall be invited to participate in such a conference. Non-Members may also be invited to participate. Article 51 General Principles [of] governing Inter-Governmental Commodity [Arrangements] Agreements. 1. The Members shall [adhere to] observe the following principles governingg [the] the conclusion and operation of all types of inter- govermental commodity agreements; [c]conférence intergouvernementale en vue de discuter les measures propres à surmonter les difficultés spéciales qui existent ou risquent de survenir. L'Organisation pourra également, de sa propre initiative, convoquer [une telle] cette [c] con- férence sur la base d'informations dont le bien-fondé aura été reconnu par les Etats [-] Membres intéres- sés de façon substantielle à la production à -la consommatinn ou au commerce du produit en question. 2. Chaque Etat [-] Membre sera invite à participer à [une telle]cette [C] conférence s'il estime qu'il est intéressé de façon substantielle à la production, à la consommation ou au commerce du produit [considé- ré] en question. [Les]Des Etats non Membres pourront également être invités à y participers Article 51 Principes généraux [des] régissant les accords intergouvernementaux sur les produits de base. 1. Les Etats Membres [respecterent] observerent les principes suivants régissant la conclusion et l'appli- cation [des] de tous les genres d'accords intergouvernementaux sur (a) such agreements shall be open [initially] to participation initially by any Member on terms no less favourable than those accorded to any other country and there- after in accordance with such pro- cedure and upon such terms as may be established in the agreement [by the Commodity Council] subject to approval by the Organisation; (b) non-Members may be invited by the Organization to participate in such agreements and the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) [of this Article7 applying to Members shall apply to any non-Member so invited; (c). Under such agreements there shall be equitable treatment as between participating countries and non-participating Members, and the treatment accorded by participating countries to non-participating Members shall be no less favourable than that accorded to any non- E/PC/T/147 Page 9 les products de base [à quelque genre qu'ils appartiennent]: (a) [Les] des accors seront accessible à tout Etat [-] Membre, initialement à des conditions non moins avantageuses que celles qui sont consenties à tout autre pays, et par la suite conrformément à [telle] la procédure et[à telles] aux conditions qui seront fixées dans l'accord [par le Conseil] sous réserve d'approbation par l' Organisation. (b) [Les] des Etats non Membres pourront être invités par l'Organi- sation à [participer] adhérer à ces accords et les dispositions [du paragraphe (a) du présent article] de l'alinée (a) qui s'appliquent aux Etats [-] Membres s'applique- ront à tout Etat non Membre ainsi invité. (c) [De tels] les accords assureront un traitement équitable envers les Etats [-] Membres non participants comme envers les pays participants. Le traitement consenti par les pays partici- pants aux Etats [-] Membres res non participants E/PC/T/147 Page 10 participating non-Member [;], due consideration being given in each case to policies adopted by non- participants in relation to obligations assumed and advantages conferred under the agreement; (d) such agreements shall include provision for adequate participation of countries sub- stantially interested in the im- poartation or consumption of the commodity as well as those sub- stantially interested in its exportation or production; (e) full publicity shall be given to any inter-governmental commodity agreement proposed or concluded, to the statements of considerations and objectives advanced by the proposing Members, to the nature and development of measures adopted to correct the underlying situation which gave rise to the agreement and, period- ically, to the operation of the agreement. ne sera pas moins favorable que celui qui est consenti à tout Etat non Membre [non participant] qui ne participe pas. Dans [ chacun de ces] chaque cas il sera tenu dûment compte de l'at tu- de adoptée par les pays non partici- pants à l'égard des obligations et des avantages que comporte l'accord [envi- sagé] en question. (d) tes accords comporteront des dispositions prévoyant la participation adéquate, tant des pays intéressés de [manière] façon substantielle à l'im- portation ou à la consommation du pro- duit [ de base], que des pays intéres- sés do façon substantielle à son expor- tation ou à sa production, (e) [Entière] une publicité com- plèto sera donnée à tout accord inter- gouvernemental relatif à des produits de base, [ envisagé] proposé ou conclu aux exposés des motifs et des objectifs des Etats Membres qui la proposent [;], à la nature et à la mise en oeuvre des mersures adoptées en vue de remédier [ aux causes profondes] à la situation du fond qui [ont] a motivé cet accord et, [ d'une manière périodi- que, ] périodiquement au fonctionnement de cet accord. E/PC/T/147 Page 11 2. Los Etats Membres, y compris ceux qui ne sont pas parties à un accord sur un produit de base [donné] dé- terminé, accueilleront [le plus] favorablement [possible toute re- commandation formulée en vertu de cet accord en vue d'accroïtre la consomma- tion [dudit] produit en question. ARTICLE 52 TYPES OF AGREEMENTS 1. For the purposes of this Chap- ter, there shall be recognised two classes of inter-governmental com- modity agreements: (a) commodity control agree- ments as defined in this Article; and (b) other inter-governmental commdity agreements. [Agree- ments other than commodity control agreements.] 2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Article, a ["] commodity control agreement ["] is an inter-governmental agreement which involves: ARTICLE 52 DIFFERENTS [TYPES] GENRES D'ACCORDS 1. Aux fins d'application du présent chapitre, [les] il sera distingué entre deux [types] genres d'accords gouvernementaux sur les produits de base [sont les suivants] : : (a) les accorc-s do conôrâle sur les produits tels qu'ils sont défi- ni[ Lauxetars] nj dan[ L ]uJ le éresont article ; (b) les autres accord[ /autres que les accords de contrôle sur sur les productsedo base. 2. Souséreserveedùs dispositions du paragraphe 5 du éresent artic,es un ]nJ accord de conôrole sur les pro- duits de bas["L ] est un accord in- tergvu7ernementa[qui Lu compor] :7 E/PC/T/147 Page 12 (a) the regulation of production or the quantitative control of ex- ports or imports of a primary con- modity and which has the purpose or might have the effect of reducing, or preventing an increase in, the production of, or trade in, that commodity; or (b) the regulation of prices. 3. The Organisation shall, on the request of a Member, a study group [] or a commodity conference, [make a finding as to]decide whe- ther an existing or proposed inter- governmental agreement is a commo- dity control agreement within the [terms] meaning of paragraph 2 of this Article. 4. (a) Commodity control agree- ments shall be subject to all [of] the provisions of this Chapter. (b) [Agreements other than commodity control] Other inter- governaental commodity agreements shall be subject to the provisions (a) qui comporte [ soit] une rè- glementntion de la production ou un contrôle quantitatif des exportations [et] ou des importations d'un pro- duit de base [ établi dans le] et qui a pour but et [pouvant] qui peut avoir pour [résultat] effet de réduire la production ou le com- merce [dudit] de ce produit ou d'en prévenir I'accroissement; (b) ou qui comporte [soit] une règlementation des prix. 3. [L'Organisation devra] A la demande d'un Etat Membre, d'un groupe d'études ou d'une conference sur les produits de base, l'Organisation dé- cidera L constater] si un accord in- tergouvernemental [ envisagé] proposé ou déjà conclu présente ou non le ca- ractère d'un accord de contrôle [ aux termes] au sens du paragraphe 2 du présent article. 4. (a) Les accords de contrôle sur les products de base seront soumis à toutes les dispositions du présent chapitre. (b) Les autres accords [autres que les accords de contrôle sur pro- duits] intergouvernementaux sur les produits de base seront soumis aux E/PC/T/147 page 13 of this Chapter other than those of Section C. If, however, the Organi- sation [finds] decides that an agreement which involves the regu- lation of production or the quanti- tative control of exports or im- ports is not a commodity control agreement within the [terms] mean- ing of paragraph 2 of this Article, [the Organsation] it snall [stipu- late to which, if any, of the pro- visions of Section C that agreement shall conform] prescribe the pro- visions, of Section C, if any, to 5. The Organisation may [find] de- cide that an existing or proposed inter-governmental agreement which has the purpose of securing the co- ordinated expansion of aggregate world production and consumption of a primary commodity is not a com- modity control agreement even though the agreement contains pro- vision for the future application of minimum prices []. However [provided that] any such agreement shall be deemed to be a commodity dispositions du présent chapitre [au- tres que] sauf à celles [prévues sous] de la section C [de co chapi- tre] Si, toutefois, l'Organisation [estime] décide qu'un accord compor- tant une règlementation de la produc- tion ou un contrôle quantitatif des exportations [et] ou des importations n'est pas un accord de contrôle [aux termes] au sens du paragraphe 2 du présent article [;], . [l'Organisation décidera s'il doit ou non se conformer a une ou plusieurs des dispositions de la section C qu'elle précisera] elle prescrira éventuellement à qulles dis- positions de la section C l'accord de- vra se conformer. 5. L'Organisation pourra [estimer] décider qu'un accord intergouvernemental existant ou [envisagé] proposé dont le but est d'assurer une expansion coor donnée [de l'ensemble] de la produc- tion et de la consommation mondiale d'un produit de base dans leur ensemble n'est pas un accord de contrôle même [ cet accord] s'il comporte des dispositions prévoyant l'application ultérieure des prix [minimum] mini- ma. Toutefois, un tel accord sera con- sidéré comme un accord de contrôle et E/PC/T/147 Page 14 control agreement and shall conform to all the provisions of Section C from the date on which its minimum price provisions become operative. 6. [Members agree] The Members undertake not to enter into any new commodity control agreement, unless it has been recommended by a con- ference called in accordance with Article 50. If in an exceptional case, there has been unreasonable delay in the proceedings of the study group or of the commodity conference, Members substantially interested in the production [and] or consumption of, or trade in, a particular primary commodity, may proceed by direct negotiation to the conclusion of an agreement, pro- vided that it conforms to the other provisions of this Chapter. [devra] se [conformer] conforme- ra à toutes les dispositions de la section C à partir du moment où les clauses concernant les prix [minimum] minima entreront en application. 6. Les Etats Membres s'engagent à ne conclure aucun nouvel accord de con- trôle à moins qu'il n'ait été recom- mandé par une conférence réunie con- formément à l'article 50. Néanmoins, [s'il arrive exceptionnellement que] si, dans un cas exceptionnel, les tra vaux [du] d'un groupe d'6éudes-ou [de la] d'une conférence sur un produit de base déterminé se proloneant irdû ment, les Etats Membres interessés d'une [manière] façon substantielle à la production, à la consommation or au commerce de ce produit pourront conclure un accord de contrôle par voie de négociations directes, à condition de [ respecter]se confor- mer [les] aux autres dispositions du présent chapitre. SECTION C - INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY CONTROL AGREEMENTS ARTICLE 53 (52) CIRCUMSTANCES GOVERNING THE USE OF COMMODITY CONTROL AGREEMENTS 1. The Members agree that commodity control agreements may be eraployed only when it is determined that: (a) a burdensome surplus of a primary commodity has developed or is expected to develop, which, in the absence of specific governmental action, would cause serious hardship to producers [] among whom are small producers who account for a substantial portion of the total output, and that these conditions could not be corrected by normal market forces in time to prevent such hardship, because, characteristi- cally [,] in the case of the primary commodity concerned, a substantial reduction in price does not readily lead to a significant increase in consumption [nor] or to a significant decrease in production; or E/PC/T/147 Page 15 SECTION C - ACCORDS INTERGOUVERMEN- TAUX DE CONTROLE ARTICLE 53 (52) CONDITIONS REGISSANT LE R-COURS AUX ACCORDS DE CONTROLE 1. Les Etats Membres conviennent [que les] da limiter le recours aux accords de contrôle [ne peuvent être conclus que dans les cas définis ci-après] aux cas où il est établi : (a) [Lorsqu 'il s'est constitué] que n'est constitué ou risque de se consti- tuer [en l'absence de measures gouverne- mentales particulières] un excédent qui pèse sur le merché d'un produit de base susceptible, en l'absence de mesures gou- vernementales particulières, d'occasion- ner un préjudice sérieux aux producteurs parmi lesquels figurent de petits pro- ducteurs représentant une part substen- tielle de la production totale, et que cette situation ne pourrait être redres- sée par le jau des forces normales du marché assez rapidement pour éviter un tel préjudice parce que, précisément, dans le cas du produit de base [consi- déré] en question, une réduction impor- tante des prix ne saurait entrainer à bref délai une augmentation notable de la consommation non plus qu'une diminu- tion [sensible] notable de la production. (b) widespread unemployment or (b) [Lorsque,] qu'à la suite [de] des under-employment in connection difficultés [du genre envisagé] visées with a primary commodity, arising à l'article 46, il existe ou risque de out of difficulties of the kind survenir [en l'absence de mesures gou- referred to in Article 46, has vernementales particlulières] un état developed or is expected te develop,de [un] chômage ou [une insuffisance ' which, in the absence of specific d'emploi] de sous-emploi généralisé [s] governmental action, would not qu'en l'absence de mesures gouvernemen- be corrected by normal market tales particulières,le jeu des forces forces in time to prevent wide- normales du marché [est] serait impuis- spread and undue hardship to workers sant à résorber assez rapidement pour because characteristically [,] in épargner aux travailleurs un préjudice the case of the industry concerned, étendu et injustifié , parce que, pré- a substantial reduction in price ciséant [,] dans le ces de l'activité does not readily lead to a considérée une réduction importante des significant increase in consumption prix entraînerait à bref délai, non but to [the] a reduction of pa s une augmentation notable de la employment, and because areas in consommation, mais une diminution du which the commodity is produced volume de l'emploi et parce que les in substantial quantity do not régions produisant des quantités sub- afford alternative employment stantielles du produit envisagé n'of, opportunities for the workers frent pas d'emplois de remplacement aux involved. travailleurs intéressés. E/PC/T/147 Page 16 2. Determinations under this 2. Au titre du présent article,] Les Article shall be made through decisions prévues au présent article the Organization by consultation seront rises dans le cadre de l'Orga- and agreement among [the] nisation [par] après consultation entre Members substantially interested [ces] Etats Membres intèrestés de façon substantielle au produit de base [consi- in the commodity concerned. déré] en question et par entente entre les Etats Membres [dans le cadre de Note by the Legal Drafting l ' Organisation.] Committee: The Committee considered it Le Comité a jugé nécessaire de modifier necessary to change the wording la réduction de ce paragraphe, 1° par- of this paragraph because the ce que sa réduction entérieure manquait former wording was, firstly, not de clarté, et 2° perce qu'elle pereis- clear and, secondly, it seemed sait impliquer qu'il sereit nécessaire to imply that the agreement of d'obtenir l'assentiment de checun des every Member which claimed a intérêt substantiel dans le produit en substantial interest in the question. commodity concerned would E 54 (53) 5 have to be obtaedu-. pqTJr-21ADDITIONELS REGISSANT LESrr S ADDITIONAL PRINCIPLES GOVERNING ORCCoCDS DON RO?T'fLE COMMODITY CONTAOL ;GREESENT3 The Memberslshaaîl [dher] to, Outee p:s )rpnciéesnèéorc6s à l'er- observe the fwlloving princiticle 51, les Etats Members [se confor-onfo ne]ontr obeeevor[et /in outre les prin- ples governingmcomnodity rolt;oi ciées UéoncUs'a lfirticle 51x]a Y.7 les agreements in addition to those principes suivanég r½aissent le conclu- stated in Artic1e 5): sionletpp'aDalicçtion des accords de con- er^G; : (a) such agreements shall be de-(a[ ]Les7 Ces acco[ds /oe cônt]âle7 signed to assure aha nvuil-bslî zeront conçus ac fn.on à essurer à tout ity of supplies u at all. .c entmLnc des approvisionnemants suentscffl times for world demand it poar sfaisi-iae l- demamnde mandirle à reasonable prices, and, when des prax r'isonnables et devront prévoir, practicablea sh3ll provide fo[l g oil] ;îiq lorsoue cel sere possible, measures designed to expand s dei measures destinées à dépplo.Der la world consumption of the consommation mondiele du produit [consi- world consumption of the ni dCré7 en question. -o0moditv; Note bY aheaegna Draati4 Le Sous-comité tr itpnt du Chrpitre Committee; rhe SubaCo=.ittee on Chapter VII a f-it remflquer drns son rapport VII notedain ita report thittSue la "prix r-.isnn-bles" devat avoir 1mlz^,!. sirnific-tion que dnns phrase 'reasonable prices' shoeld be given the l'articlc 48 (c) interpretation as in Article 48(c) E/PC/T/147 Page 19 (b) under such agreements, partici- (b) Dans ces accords, pour les dé- pating countries which are largely cisions [à prendre quent aux] sur les interested in imports of the commo- questions de fond, les pays partici- dity concerned shall, in [determina- pants largement intéressés à l'impor- tions made relating to] decisions on tation du produit de base [considéré] substantive matters, have together a en question auront ensemble un nombre [voiice] number of votes equal to thatde voix égal à celui des pays largement of those largely interested in ob- intéressés à se procurer des marchés training export markets for the com- d'exportation pour ce produit. [Tou- modity [, provided that]. Any tefois] Tout pays participant large- participating country, which is ment intéressé au produit, mais qui largely interested in the commodity [ne rentre] n'appartient [pas]de fa- but which does not fall precisely con précise [dans] à aucun des groupes under either of the above classes, ci-dessus, disposera à l'intérieur de shall have an appropriate voice ces groupes d'un [nombre de voix] droit within such classes; de vote correspondent à l'importance de ses intérêts. NOTE Under sub-paragraph (b) it is Il est précisé qu'aux termes de intended: l'alinéa (b) : (i) that there shall be no more (i) Il ne peut y avoir plus de deux than two groups of countries groups de pays participant à un within an agreement, and that accord, et chacun de oes groupes the principle of "equal voice" dispose d'un égal nombre de voix in substantive matters shall pour les questions de fond. apply as between them; (ii) that countries which are large (ii)Les pays largement producteurs ou producers and consumers of the consommateurs sans être largement commodity concerned, but which exportotours ou importateurs du are not large exporters or im- produit envisagé disposeront d'un porters, shall have an appropri- nombre de voix correspondent à l' im- ate voice. portance de leurs intérêts. [It is understood that any differ- [Il est également entendu que le sous- ence in a commodity conference on paragraphe (c) n'a pas pour effet d'em- voting arrangements may naturally be pêcher un resours éventuel devant l'Or- the subject of an appeal to the genisation au titre de l'article 86, Organisation under Chapter VIII paragraphe 2 du chapitre VIII, en cas (Article 86 (2)).7] de différend au sein d'une Conférence on matière de droit de vote.70 The Legal Drafting Committee reco- mmends in connection with the final o Le Comité Juridique et de Rédaction paragraph to this note that since recommende, en ce qui concerne le dernier non-Members may participate in a paragraphe de cette note, qu'étant don- commodity conference but are not né que les Etats non Membres peuvent covered by Article 86 it will be participer à une conférence sur un pro- necessary to provide in Article 54 duit de base mais ne sont pas couverts for the settlement by the Organisa- par l'article 86, il est nécessaire tion of differences arising on de prévoir à l'article 54 le règlement voting arrangements if that is par l'Organisntion des différends éma- intended. nant des procédures de vote. E/PC/T/147 Page 18 (c) such agreements shall make ap- propriate provision to afford in- creasing opportunities for satisfy- ing national consumption and world market requirements from sources from which such requirements can be supplied in the most effective and economic manner, due regard being had to tho need for preventing serious economic and social dislo- cation and to the position of pro- ducing arcas [which may be] suffer- ing from abnormal disabilities; (d) participating countries shall formulate and adopt programmes of [domestic] internal economic adjust- ment believed to be adequate to ensure as much progress as practi- cable within the [time limits] duration of the agreement towards solution of the commodity problem involved. (c ) [Les] Ces accords de contrôle] contiendront des dispositions des- tinées à donner la possibility d'un recours croissant aux sources de production les plus efficaces et les plus économiques pour satisfaire les besoins de le consom-.'etion intérieure tt du mrnr¢rh6 iondial , tout on te- nw!nt d3ment co;npte de le néctssit& dEi prévenir une~ gr-ve d.sorganise3- tion coonomique et social et de la situation des regions dont la cepa- cit6 O production Jeut 6tre Pnor- m.<.lemant diminuje7 souffre d'une di- tainution cnormle. (d) Les prys p--?ticipent §à un a.ccord de cor.trôla7 wrrêteront des Procrammes d' cd1apttion éconoeiquo intérieure 'Rd_1<pt-tion êconomiqug juz's susceptibles / ''em61iorer dans la mesure du possible7 de r6alisor p: ndwnt ln durXo de l'accrd, £la situ-tion r-si.ultvnt dy7 tous less prorès_ ossibles un vue de résoudre le problème posd pF-r le produit de bpse ,1ronsider§7 en question. E/PC/T/147 Page 19 ARTICLE 55 ARTICLE 55 ADMINISTRATION OF COMMODITY ADMINISTRATION DES ACCORDS DE CONTROL AGREEMENTS [REEGLEMENTATION] CONTROLE. 1. Each commodity control agreement 1. Chaque accord de [règlementation] shall provide for the establishment contrôle prévoira la constitution of a governing body, herein refer- d'un organisme directeur désigné red to as a Commodity Council [.] ci-après sous le nom de Conseil[.] which shall operate in conformity et r-1 conformément aux with the -rovisions or this Article. dispositions du present article, 2. Each [of the]participating 2. Each [of the] partici pating 2. [Chacun des] Chaque pays parti- countr ffeg y participating in an cipant / un accore7aura le droit agreemen S shall be entitled te have d'avoir un représentant au Conseil. one representative on the Coramodity _ LCeO3 représentants auront seuls le Council. n hese representatives_ alone shall have the right to vote] The Jr7 voting power of the repre- sentatives shall be determined in such a way as te conform with the provisions of £sub-paragraph (b) of Article 54 (b). 3. The Organization slhall be enti- tled to appoint a non-voting repre- sentative to each Comnodity Council and may invite any competent inter- governmental organization to nomi- nate a non-voting representative for appointment to a Commiodity Council. 4. Bach Commodity Council shall lSave7 appoint a non-voting chair- man who, if the Council so re- quests, §shall7 may be nominated by the Organization. droit de vote. L'exercice du7 Le droit de vote des représentants sera déterminé de façon conforme aux dispositions de tl'alin6a (b) de7l'article 54 (b). 3 , L'Organisation aura le droit de nommer à chaque Conseil un représentant ne jo issant pas du droit de vote Là chaque Conseif7, et pourra inviter touted organisa- tion intesgouvernementale compe- tente à proposer la désignation d'un représentant pour siéger à ce Conseil sans droit de vote. 4. Chaque Conseil Zsera dirigé pe nommera un Pr'isidcnt qui ne partioi- pera pas au vote. Si lc Conseil le deraildeo, ce Président /Sera d6signe vourraC tre pr ôosO par l'Organisation. E/PC /T/147 Page 20 5. The Secretariat of each Commodi- ty Council shall be appointed by the Council after consultation with the Organization. 6. Each Commodity Council shall adopt appropriate rules of proce- dure and regulations regarding its activities [,] . Provided that they are not found by] The Organization to be] may at any time reguire their amendment if it finds that they are inconsis- tent with the [principles and] provisions of this Chapter. 7. Each Commodity Council shall make periodic reports to the Organization on the operation of the agreement which it administers. In addition it shall make such special reports as the Organisation may [specify] require or as the Council itseI considers to be of value to the Organization. 8. The expenses of a Commodity Council shall be borne by the participating countries. 9. When an agreement is terminated, the Organization shall take charge of the ir"hives and statistical material of the 1.v"t.odity Council. 5. Chaque Consuil constituera son Secretariat aprÙs avoir consult consultation avec7 l'Organisation. 6. Chaque Conseil arrctera son rè- glement int6rieur et ses iudthodes de travail. 5ous rdserve que7 L'Organisation pourra on tout tem s exiger que ces règlemenits et m6thodes soient modifiés si elle LnJ7 les juge faI7 incompatibles avec les brin- cipes et lc.7 dispositions du Lormul6s par 17 present ;hapitre. 7. Chaque Consei;. adàessera pdriodi- quemunt à 1'Crganisatiox des rapports sur le fonctionnement de l'accord dont la gestion lui incombe. Il adressera c-n outre tous LautresJ rapports spuciaux que l'Organisation pourra demander f&ndiquer7 ou que lu Cozseil lui-rnme jugera de nature a intéresscr l'Organisation. 8. Les dspeznses dc chaque Conseil seront supports por les TYlys r..rr ticipants éZtats parties à laccord7. 9. A l'expiration d'un accord, les archives et la documentation statis- tique du Conseil seront premisess à_7 priesS cln char' l'Organisation. ARTICLE 56 PROVISION FOR] INITIAL TERM [9] REVIEW AND RENEWAL OF COMMODITY CONTROL AGREEMENTS 1. Commodity control agreements shall be concluded for a period of not more than five years [, and]. Any renewal of a commo- dity control agreement, including agreements referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 59, shall be for a period not exceeding five years. The provisions of such renewed agreements shall conform to the provisions of this Chapter. 2. Periodically, at intervals not greater than three years, the Organization shall prepare and publish a review of the operation of each agreement in the light of the principles set forth in this Chapter. Moreover, a commodity control agreement shall provide that , if [, in the opinion of] the Organization [,] decides that its operation has failed substantially to conform to the principles laid down in this Chapter, participating countries shall either revise the agreement to conform to the principles [,] or [shall] terminate it. 3. Commodity control agreements shall include provisions relating to [governing the subject of] withdrawal of any party. E/PC/T/147 page 21 ARTlCLE 56 [DISPOSITIONS RELATIVES AUX CONDITIONS] DUREE INITIALS ] , [A 1A] REVISION ET [AU] RENOUVELIMENT DES ACCORDS DE CONTROLE. 1. [La durée des]Les accords de contrôle seront conclus pour une durée qui ne pourra dépasser cinq ans. [Touf] Cette limite sera la même pour le renouvellement [de ces accords devra se conformer à la disposition énoncée ci-dessus ainsi ainsi qu'aux autreS] de tout accord de contrôle, y compris ceux qui sont visés au paragraphe premier de l'article 59. Les dispositions des accords ainsi renouvelés seront conformes aux dispositions du présent chapitre. 2. L'Organisation établira et publiera périodiquement, au moins tous les trois ans, un expos du fonctionnement de chaque accord au regard dEs principles énoèés dans la présnt chapitre. En outre, tout accord de contrôle stipulera que si, de l'avis de l'Organisation, il s'est notablement écarté dans son fonctionnement des principles énencés au present chapitre, les [États] pays participants devront soit réviser l'accord en vue d'assurer le respect de ces principes, soit y mettre fin. 3. Les accords de contrôle contien- dront une disposition [se prononçant sur le] relative au retrait de tout participant. E/PC/T/147 Page 22 ARTICLE 57 SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES Any question of difference con- cerning the interpretation or the provisions of a commodity control agreement or arising out of its operation shall be discussed originally by the Commodity Council. If the question or difference cannot be resolved by the Council [under the]in theA terms of the agreement, it shall be referred by the Council to the [Com- modity Commission for examina- tion and recommendation to the Executive Board,] Organization [The Executive Board] which shall [then] issue a ruling in pursuance of the provisions of Article 86. Article 57 REGLEMENT DES DIFFERENDS Toute question ou difrérend portent sur l'interprétation des dispo- sitions d'un accord de contrôle ou résultant de son application term [ tout] d'abord l'objet d'une discussion au sein du Conseil. Si le Conseil ne peut aboutir à une solution dans le cadre de l'accord, l'affaire sera déférée par le Con- seil à [la Commission des produits de base qui l'examinera et présen- tera des recommandations au Comité exécutif. Celui-ci prendre alors une decision en application des] l'Organisation qui se prononcera suivant les dispositions de l'article 86. E/PC/T/147 page.23 NOTE BY THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE The Committee desires to call attention to the difficulty of carrying out Article 57 in the case of disputes involving a party to a commodity agreement who is not a Member of the International Trade Organisation, since the language of Article 87 (including the provision for the suspension of obligations or concessions under the Charter) limits its application to differen- ces between Mombers of the Inter- national Trade Organization. This difficulty can be taken care of by redrafting Article 57 as follows: "Each commodity control agree- ment shall provide that: (a) Any question or difference con- cerning the interpretation of the provisions of the agreement or arising out of its operation shall be discussed originally by the Commodity Council; (b) If the question or difference cannot be resolved by the Council it shall be referred by the Council to the Organization which will apply the procedure set forth in Chapter VIII, insofar as practicable and with appropriate adjustments when non-Members of the Organization are involved; (c) The parties to such agreements, including non-Members of the Organ- ization, shall abide by the decisions reached." La Commission tient à signaler la difficulté qu'il y aurait à appliquer l'article 57 lorsqu'il s'agit de différends intéressant un Etat, partie à un accord de produit, qui n'est pas Membre de l'Organisa- tion international du Commerce; les termes de l'article 87 (y compris la disposition prévoyant la suspension des obligations ou des conces- sions résultant de la Charte) limi- tent, en effet, son application aux différends surgissent entre des Etats Membres de l'Organisation interna- tionale du Commerce. On pourrait remédier à cette difficulté en rema- niant de la façon suivante la rédac- tion de l'article 57 : "Chaque accord de contrôle d'un produit de base devra prévoir ce qui suit: (a) Toute difficulté ou toute diver- gence concernant i'interprétation des dispositions de l'accord ou résultant de son application sere primitivement examinée par le Conseil; (b) Si la difficulté ou la divergence ne peut être tranchée par le Conseil, elle sera renvoyée par celui-ci à l'Organisation qui appliquera la pro- cédure prévue au chapitre VIII, dans la mesure où ce sera possible et avec les adaptations appropriées lorsque des Etats qui ne sont pas Membres de l'Organisation seront en cause; (c) Les parties à ces accords, y compris les Etats qui ne sont pas Membres de l'Organisation, devront s'en rapporter aux décisions adoptées. E/PC/T/147 page 24. SECTION D - MISCELLANEOUS PRO- VISIONS. Article 58 RELATIONS WITH INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS. With the object of ensuring appropriate co-operation in matters relating to inter- governmental commodity agree- ments, any inter-governmental organization, which is deemed to be competent by the Organiza- tion, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization, shall be entitled: (a) to attend any study group or commodity conference; (b) to ask that a study of a primary commodity be made; (c) to submit to the Organiza- tion any relevant study of a primary commodity, and, on the basis thereof, to recommend to the Organization that further study of the commodity be made or that a commodity conference be convened. SECTION D - DISPOSITIONS DIVERSES Article 58 RELATIONS AVEC LES ORGANISATIONS INTERGOUVERNEMENTALES. En vue d'assurer une coopération. appropriée [pour les] - guent aux questions [ se rapportant ] relatives aux accords intergouvernemen taux sur les produits de base, toute organisa- tion intergouvernementale [,] [comme l'Organisation de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentntion,] que l'Organisation estimera compétente, telle que l'Organisation de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation aurs le droit, (a) d'assister aux réunians de tout groupe d'études ou conférence sur les produits de base, (b) de demander qu'il soit pro- cédé à l'étude d'un produit de base, (c) de soume ttre à l'Organisa- tion toute étude pert'inente sur un produit de base, et se fondant sur celle-ci, de recommander à l'Organisa- tion de faire procéder à une nouvelle étude et de convoquer une conférence sur [le dit ] ce produit. B /PC/T/147 Page 25 Article 52 Article 59 DELIGATIONS OF MEMBERS REGARDING OBLIGATIONS DES ETATS [-] MEMBERS EXISTING AND PROPOSED COMMODITY CONCER --S .3 D . S .CC' .-' AGREEMENTS. OU EN PREPARATION SUR LES PRODUITS DE 3.c> 1. Members shall transmit to the 1. Les Etats [ -] membres commu- Organization the full text of each niqueront à l'Organisation le texte inter-governmental commodity agree- intégral de tout accord intergouver- ment in which they are participating nemental auquel ils seront parties at the time [of the coming into force [lors de l'entrée en vigueur do la of their obligations under this Charter] they become Members of the Orgranization. Membors shall also présente charte] au noment où ils transmit to the Organisation ____________ ___d______ appropriate information regarding - -- the formulation, provisions and Ils transmettront, en outre, à operation of such agreements. l'Organisation tous rensoignements Members shall conform with the utiles concernant l'élaboration, les decisions made by the Organization dispositions et le fonctionnuement regarding their continued partici- de ces accords. Ils se conformeront pation in any such inter-governmental aux décisions de l'Organisation au commodity agreement which, after sujet du maintien de leur partici- review by the Organization, shall pation à l'un quelconque do cos have been found to be inconsistent accords que calle-ei aurait, aprés with the [intentions] provisions of examen, jugés incompatibles avec this Chapter. les [Suts] dispositions du présent 2. Members shall transmit to the Organization appropriate information regarding any negotiations [ looking to the conclusion of an inter-gov- errmental commodity agreement,] in which they are participating at the time [of the coming into force of their obligations under this Char- ter], they become Members of the Organization for the conclusion chapitre. 2. Les Etats [-] Membres commu- niqueront à l'Organisation tous renseignements utiles concernant toute négociation ouvorte on vue de conclure un accord intergouver- nomental sur les produits de base à laquellc ils participarent [lors de l'entrée envigueur dela présente E/PC/T/147 Page 26 of an inter-governmental commodity agreement. Members shall [also] co..form with decisions made by the Organization regarding their continued participation in any such negotiations. The Organization may dispense with the requirements of a study group or a commodity conference, if it finds them un- necessary in the light of the negotiations. Article 60 TERRITORIAL APPLICATION For the purposes of this Chapter, the terms ''Member" [or] and "non-Member" shall [be taken to] mean respectively a Member and [or] non-Member of the Organi- zation with its dependent terri- tories. If a Member or non-Member and its dependent territories form a group, of which one or more units are mainly interested in the export of a commodity and one or more in the import of the commo- dity, there may be either joint representation for all the [associated] territories within the group or, where it is so desired, separate representation for the te ritories mainly inter- ested in exportation and separate representation for the territories mainly interested in importation. Charte]au moment où ils deviendront Membres de l'Organisation, Ile se conformeront [également] aux décisions de l'Organisation touchant leur participation à ces négociations. L'Organisation pourra [dispenser de] ne pas imposer l'obligation de passer par l'intermédiaire d'un groupe d' études [et] ou d'une conférence si elle estime que les négociations entreprises permettent de les éviter. Article 60 APPLICATION TERRITORIALE. Aux [termes] fins d'application du present chapitre, les termes "Etat [-] Membre"- [ou] et "Etat non Membre" d -: [ ra] ront respec- tivement un Etat Membre [ou] et un Etat non Membre de l'Organisation, y compris les territoires qui en dépendent. Si un Etat [-] Membre ou un Etat non Membre et les terri- toires qui en dépendent forment un groupe dont un ou plusieurs éléments constitutifs sont principalement intéressés à l'exportation d'un pro- duit, et un ou plusieurs autres à l'importation de ce produit, il pour- ra y avoir soit une représentation commune de l'ensemble des territoires du groupe, soit, [dans les cas où le désir en serait exprimé] sur demande, Page 27 une représentation distincte pour les territoires principalement in- téressés à l'exporatation et une autre pour ceux qui sont principa- lement intéressés à l'importation. Article 61 EXCEPTIONS TO PROVISIONS RELATING TO INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY AGREEMENTS. 1. The provisions of this Chapter [VII] shall not apply: (a) to any bilateral inter- governmental agreement relating to the purchase and sale of a commodity falling under Section E of (b) to any inter-governmental commodity agreement invol- ving no more than one exporting country and no more than one importing country, and not covered by sub-paragraph (a) above; Provided that if; Article 61 EXCEPTIONS AUX DISPOSITIONS RELAT AUX ACCORDS INTERGOUVERNEMENTAUX SUR LES PRODUITS DE BASE. 1. Sont exceptés des dispositions du présent Chapitre [VII]: (a) Tout accord bilatéral in- tergouvernemental concer- nant l'achat et la vente d'un produit [rentrant dans le champ d'application de] visé par la Section E du chapitre [V] IV ; (b) tout accord intergouverne- mental sur un produit, conclu entre un seul pays exportateur et un seul pays importateur et auquel l'alinéa (a) [qui ne ren- trerait pas dans le sous- paragraphe (a)] ci-dessus ne serait n applicable, étant entendu que si, E/PC/T/147 Page 23 upon complaint of a non- participating Member, the Organization finds that the interests of that Member are seriously prejudiced by the agreement, the agree- ment shall become subject to such provisions of this Chapter [VII] as the Organization may [stipulate] prescribe (c) to those provisions of any (c) inter-governmental commodity agreement[s] which have as their object [appropriately relate to] the protection of public morals or of human, animal or plant life or health; Provided that such agreements are not used to accomplish results inconsistent with the objectives of Chapter VI or Chapter VII; to agreements relating to fissionable materials, to the traffic in arms ammu- nition and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods and materials as is carried on for the purpose of supplying a military establishment, or, in the time of war or other sur la plainte d'un Etat [-] non-participant l' Organisation constate que les intérêts de cet Etat Membre sont sérieusement affects par laccord[envisnagé] en question, cet accord sera soumis à toute disposition du présent chapitre [VII] que l'Orga- nisation[précisera] prescrira; [des] les dispositions de tout accord intergouvernemental [ayant] qui ont pour [seul] but la protection [de la morale] de la moralité publique , de la vie et de la santé des personnes .et des animaux ou la préservation des végétaux, à la condition que des résultats incompatible ave: les objectifs des chapitres VI et VII ne soient pas recherchés sous le couvert de tels accords; les accords relatifs aux mat .o:^ désintégrables, au trafic des armes, des munitions et du maté- riel de guerre et à tout trafic d'autres articles et matérieln destinés à approvisionner des formations militaires, [ou] se,r,, _ en temps de guerre [ou en cas] (d) E/PC/T/147 Page 29 emergency in international re- lations; to the protection of the essential security interests of a Member.] Note by the Legal Committee Sub-paragraph (d) may be deleted in view of the decision by Commission A to include the sub- stance of the sub-paragraph in Article 94, "General Exceptions". 2. The provisions of Articles 49 and 50 and of Section C of this Chapter [VII] shall not apply to inter-governmental commodity agreements found by the Organization to relate solely to the equitable distribution of commodities in short supply. 3. The provisions of Section C of this Chapter shall not apply to commodity control agreements found by the Organization to relate solely to the conservation of /fisheries or wild life or other] exhaustible natural soit de crise dans les rela- tions internationales, à la protection des Interêts essen- tiels à la sécurité d'un Etat membre. ] Drafting L'alinéa (d) peut être supprimé en raison de la décision prise par la Commission A d'en inclure les dispositions essentielles dans l'article 94, "Exceptions générales." 2. Sont exceptés des dispositions des articles 49 et 50 et de la Section C du présent chapitre [VII] les accords intergouvernementaux sur un produit que l'Organisation estimera avoir pour acul but la répartition équitable de produits [pour lesquels il existe une] en état de pénurie. 3. Sont exceptés des dispositions de la Section C du présent chapitre [VII] les accords de contrôle que l'Organisation estimera avoir pour seul but la conservation [des res- sources de la pêche, de la faune et de la flore ou] de toute [autre] E/PC/T/147 Page 30 resources [. ], such as fisheries or wild life. The Committee believe paragraph 3 is intend only those natural re which are capable of treated as commodities. therefore suggests that term "wild life" (in French, "la faune et la flore") susceptible of too wide Interpretation. as ressource naturelle susceptible fe. d'épuisement [. ] telle que les resources de la pêche, de la faune et de la flore. Note by thu Legal Drafting Committee s that Le Comite croit que le para- ded to cover graphe 3 est seulement destiné à esourccs viser les resources naturelles being qu'il est possible de traiter es. It comme des produits. Il émet en hat the conséquence l'avis que l'expression French, "la faune et la flore" (en anglais e" ) may be "wild life") peut donner wide an éventuellement lieu à une interprétation trop large.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Legal Drafting Committee on Section E of Chapter V (State-Traping) of the Draft Charter
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 18, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/183 and E/PC/T/180-186
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQU E ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/183 18 August 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARTOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES REPORT OF LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE ON SECTION E OF CHAPTER V (STATE-TRAPING) OF THE DRAFT CHARTER COIEJJII.ED EiCINSI ETO ,C.PTE RAPPORT DU COMMITE JURIDIQU13 DE REDACTION SUR SECTION E. CHAPTRE V, (COMMERCE D'ETAT) DU PROJET DE CHARTE CHAPTER V SECTION E. STATE-TRADING Article 31 Non-discriminatory Treatment CHAPITRE V SECTION E. COMMERCE D'ETAT Article 31 Traitement non-discriminatoire. 1.(a) Each Member undertakes that if it establishes or maintains a state enterprise, wherever located, or grants to any enterprise, formally or in effect, exclusive or special privileges, such enterprise shall, in its purchases or sales [,] in- volving either imports or exports, act in a manner consistent with the general principles of non-discrimina- tory treatment applied in this 1.(a) Chaque Etat Membre, s'il fonde ou maintient une entreprise d'Etat, en quelque lieu que ce soit, ou s'il accorde [de] en droit ou en fait, à toute entreprise des privilèges exclusifs ou spéciaux, s'engage à ce que cette entreprise, dans ses achats ou [dans ses]ventes [,] qui auront pour origine ou pour consequence des importations ou des exportations, se conforme au principe général de non- discrimination qui est appliqué par la présente Charte aux mesures NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/163 page 2 Charter to governmental measures [gouvernmentales]d'ordre législatif affecting imports or exports by private traders. (b) The provisions of sub- paragraph (a) of this paragraph shall be understood to require that such enterprises shall, having due regard to the other provisions of this Charter, make any such purchases or sales solely in accordance with commercial considerations, including price, quality, availability, marketability, transportation end other con- ditions of purchase or sale, end shall afford the enterprises of the other Members adequate opportunity, in accordance with customary business practice, to compote for participation in such purchases or sales [,having due regard to the other pro- visions of this Charter]. ou administretif concernant les importations ou les exportations effectuées par des [entreprises commerciales pridvées]comme-rçonts pr iv s. (b) Les dispositions de l'alinée (a) du present paragraph devront Âtrc intorpr?t:'fc. comno imposant Wuy7 èA ces cntrcprisns£dc ce gn*nr7 1'obli4e tion, comDto dûment tenu dus autres dispositions de Ic p4scnto Chlart do ne procéder à des achats ou a' des vents de cette nature qu ' cn s'inspirant uniquement do considerations d'ordre commercial, on ce qui'l concerne notamment l prix, la qalulit6, lEs _q.antit6E disponi- bilit6s7 disponiblus. lus possibi- lités de vortc, ls transports et autros conditions d'achat ou de vented, et coie b imposant l'obliga- tion d'oIfrir aux entropris6s des -cutrc3 tats Mexnbras touts facilités do libre LWomp6tîtion en vuo de participer aux7 concurrence dans les ventes ou achats de. cette ncturc;, conformément aux pratiques comnorciales Lcourantesj_7usuelîes m n tenant dCmont compte des autres dispositions de la présente Charte7. E/PC/T/183 Pege 3 Note by the Legal Drafting Committee. In reply to the question contained in Note 7 of the Report of the Sub-Committee on Articles 31 and 32 (E/PC/T/160), the Legal Draft- ing Committee considers that the oxprossion 'having due regard to the other provisions of this Charter' covers 'the differential customs treatment maintained consistently with..' The addition of this last phrase is, therefore, unnecessery . The Legal Drafting Committee also considers that the insertion in the text of a reference to the other pro- visions of the Charter is un- necessery, since it is clear thet the provisions of para- graph 1(b) could not be inter- preted as being contrary to the other provisions. In view of the opinion expressed in the Commission, the Legal Drefting Committee did not, however, think that it should delete this referene. It nevertheless draws the attention of the Commission to the difficulties which may arise from tho retention of the phrase in question when inter- preting similer provisions of the Charter in which this refeerence does not occur. If the formula in question is retained so as to cover only the first part of tho sub-paragraph, it would be adviseble not to place it at the end of the sub-para- graph but to insert it in ths English text between the words 'such enterprise shall' end the words 'make any such purchase', end in the French text between the words 'l'obligation' end 'de ne procéder'. Note du Comité juridique de Rédaction. Répondant à la question posée dans la Note 7 du rapport du Sous-Comité chargé de l'examen des articles 31 et 32(E/PC/T/160), le Comité juridique de rédeotion estime que l'exprossion 'en tenant dûment compte des outres dispositions de la présente Charter' couvre 'le traitement doucnij.r difi'drEntiol maintenu cn concordance avec'. L'addition de ce dernicr 2cmbre dc phrase est par consequent inutile. Le ComitZ juridique con- sidbre au surplus l'insertion dans le texrt; de la formula de rdf6roncc aux autres dispositions de l Charte comme également in- utile, car il est clair que les dispositions du pera3rephe 1(b) no sauraient Ctre interprdt4es commie allant à. l'encontre des autres dispositions. Tenant compte du désir Lxprinid au sein de la Commission, le Comit6 juridique n'a toutefois pas cru devoir procdder à la suppression de cette rdI`'runec. Il attire cependant l'attention do la Co=nission sur les inconv6nients qui peuvcrt r6sultor du maintien du membre dc phrase en question, pour l'interprdtation des dispo- sitions analogues de la Charte où cette r6fdronce ne figure pas. Dans 1z cas où la formula de réfdrence serait maintsnue, pour couvrir seulement la pErtie dc 1'alini6a, il y-aurait lieu de ne PLS la fair figurer à la fin do l'alinda, mais de 1'insérer, dans 1e text anglais, sntre les mots suchh çnterprisc shall' et les mots make c:ny such purchLsc' et, dans Le textc français, entree le mot 'l'obligation' et les mots 'de ne procdder'. E/PC/T/183 page 4 (c) Lcubject to tlc. pro- visions of this Chiarter7 No Member/s7 shall [:ot7 prevent any enterprise (wvhather or not en enterprise described in sub- paragraph (a) of this Daragrrhp) LWithin thoir reoDtective7 under its jurisdiction- 7 rrGm act- ing. in accordance with the principles of sub-pgzrcgrephs (a) and (b) of this paraereph. (c) /$ous r:servc des dis- positions do la prdsente Charte, le7s .ucun Etat/tsjM7umbrcLs n ot.:iup chE<ongjr o np;chero aucune entreprise (qu'il s'agisc;; ou non d 'ulu entreprise visd6e à 1' .inds (a) du prs;_nrit Para'.rophp) Lsitude dans 1eur=ressortissant S sa juridiction < rocjsc tivosb7 d ' aLir eor`ol'rxnfinixt alux principe s 1noncL'uL &Wu linndas (-z ) ct (b) du prdserit p!:ragreaphe. Note by the Legal Drafting C omimitt ee In reply to the question contained in Note 8 of the Report of the. Sub-Comrqittee on Articles 31 and 32 (E/P-C/T/160) tho Logal Drar-_oing Comznittce considered that the words ' Sub- iect to the provisions cf this Charter' should be deletcrd. 2. The provisions or para- graph 1 of this 2irticlc, shcal not apply to imports of pro- ducts for imnidiate or ultimate consumption in gove-rnmcntal use and not otherwise for re- sale or f o use in the pro- duction 0f goods for tale. With respect te such imports, the Members shall accord to the trade of the other Members fair and equitable treatment. Note du Comniit juridique do Ri: action REpondant Ù la question pos!c de:ns le XZote 6 du rapport du Sous-Conrii t c1earÉ6 ùo lcxamun dos artZecs 1 î t 2 (11/?C/T/l6O), le Comit,' juridique dc r&d(Iction cjsti m ( que hor -h ae, c o Sous r ur; vo de: diositioncc dc lei present(.. Chart ' doit C ctru supp2imé6e. 2. Lo-s dispositions du paragraphe /J Drtîmicr du prsc nt article ne s'o.npliqutoront p;:s rux import- ations de produits dcstinés à etre immddic±tement ou finalemorit con- szmMés 5our les besoins de î'Etaff par lea nouvÂrs publics ou pour leur compte et non à être revendus cu à servir à le production de marchand- ises en vue de la vented. En cG qui concerned ces importatidns, les Etats Mierabros accordoront au comc.erce des autros Etats Membres un trcitemunt loyal et d.cuiteblo. E/PC/T/183 page 5 Article 32 Expansion of Trade. Article 32 Expansion du commerce. 1. If eny Member establishes, maintains or authorises, formally or in effect, a mono- poly of the importation or exportation of any product, such Member shall, upon the requost of any other Member or Members having a substantial interest in trade with [ that Member] it in the product con- ccrncd, negotiate with such Member or Licmbers in the manner provided for /in respect of teriffgunder article 24 in respect of tariffs, end subject to il1 thc provisions of this Chertcr with rospoct to such tariff nLgotiations, with tho object cf achieving: (a) in the case of an export monopoly, P.rrtngc- monts dcsignud t-: liait or reduce eny protection that might bc Efforded through thc operationjjsi7 of tho monopoly to domestic usors of tho monopolized product or designed to assure exports 1. Si un Etat Mombro 'tablit, maintient ou rutorisa, [r7 en droit ou /d J en, un mono- pole D/cii ê l'importation ou [d/à l'exportation d'un produit, il devra, È\ la don:ando d'un ou de plusieurs t.utres Etats Membres ayant un int6rÊt substentiel£e u commerce du produit e 7 à effectuer avec lui dos transactions commcrciales sur le Droduit en question, négocier avec cet ou ces Etats Membras .dLo la manièr27 suivant la procedure pr6vue en matirc de terifs douaniers à l'articlei 24. . Sous réserve de touts les dispositions de la pr6sento Charte concernant les négociations te.rifaires Lde cette nature7, ces négociations auront pour objet la conclusion: (a) dans le cas d'un mono- polo d'exportation, J'ent- onte7 gd'accords Ldcstir.doj7 destinés à limiter ou à réduire le protection gui pourrait Ctre accord6 7 dont pourraiïnt b6ndficicr, par le jou du mono- pole j ugîles consomnetcurs E/PC/T/ 83 page 6 of the monopolized product in adequate quantities at reasonable prices; or (b) in tha -,so of en import monopoly, arrangements designcd to limit or reduce ariy protection that miight bc afforded through the operation of tho monopoly to domeostic producors of the monopolizod product, or designed to pro- vent eny limitation of imports to an extent incon- sistont viith tho provisions of this Chc:rter. 2. In order to satisfy the requirements of sub-Jparragraph 1 (b) of this Article, the Member maintaining a monopoly shall negotiate (a) for the establishment of the maximum import duty that may bc imposed in respect of the product concerned; or nationaux du produit monopolisé, ou destinés à assurer les export- ations du produit monopolisé en quantités suffisantes et à des prix raisonnables; fi v7 (b) ou. lus le cas d'un mono- pole d'importation, d' £ntentes accords ruestin6esg destinés ^ limiter ou à réduire toute protection gui pourrait etre accorddo7 dont pourraient b6n6- ficier, par le jeu du monopole, £aug les producteurs nationaux du produit monopolis6, ou jdestinéegJ destinés à empocher toute limi- tation des importations dans Lune7 'la mesure où cette limi- tation cst incompatible avec les dispositions de la présente Charte. 2. &'Lfin de satisfaire aux pre- s.2riptions /de l'alinéa (b)_7 du paragraphe 1(b) du present article, l'Etat Membre qui maintient un mono- pole négociera: (a) en vue de fixer le droit maximum à l'importation qui peut ftre imposé j î'égard7 sur le produit on question; Lf7 E/PC/T/183 page 7 (b) for any other mutually satisfactory arrangement [Which is]consistent with the [other] provisions of this Charter if it is evident to tho negotiat- ing parties that to negotiate a maximum import duty under sub- paragraph [2] (a) of this paragraph is imprec- ticable [,] or would be ineffective for the achievement of the object[s]ives of para- graph 1]this Article. Any Member entering into negotiations undor sub- paragraph (b) of this para- graph shall afford to other interested Members an opportunity for consultation in respect of tho proposed arrangement [s]. 3. In any case in whioei a maximum import duty is hot negotiated under paragraph (b) ou, en vue do conclure, 1P satisfaction mutuelle des part es, tout autre arrangementt mutuellement satisfaisant qui soit7 accord compatible avec les /àutros7 dispositions de la présente Cherteo dans tous les cas où r1 ost evident pour7 les parties Lcui négocient qu'il 6eg estiment impossible de négocier un droit maximum à lir±orttiîon on vertu LWu para- graphe 2(aj de l1'alinéa (a) du present paregraphe ou que cette négociation ne perzettrait pas d'atteindre les objectifs indiqués au paragraphe Jj premier du present articl6c Tout Etat Membre Lentrant ea7 entreprenant des n6gociaeions on vertu de l'alinéa (b) du present paragraphe 3evre offrir7 offrira.. aux autres Etats lMermbres interessds l'occasion Ld° se concorte_7 d'entrer en consultation avec lui au sujet rdes ententes qu'il se propose de conclur 7 do l'accord envisagé. E/PC/T/.83 Pegu 8 2(a) of this Axticle, the Member Maintaining tku inmport monopoly shall makoj public cr notify the Orgenization of? the maximum import duty wJiich it will apply in respect of the product concorned. 4. Tho price charged by the import monopoly for the imports--d product in the home market shall not excoeod the landed cost plus thc maximum import duty negotiated undor paragraph 2 of this Article or made public or notified to the Organization under paragraph 3 of this Article, after due allowance for internal taxes, transportation, distribution and other expenses incident to the purchase, sale or further processing, and for a roason- able niargin of profit; Providcod th-t rcgarU_ my be had to avorago lF.nded costs and selling prices ovor recent periods; and Providcd further that, wherc thc product ccn- cerncd is a primary product and the subject of a domestic 3. Duns tcus les cas où un droit maximwn à l'importation n'est pas n6ijoci6 cn vOrtu du perarrap1 2(a) du present article, l'Etat Membre qui maintient le monopoly d'importation Lfera connaître publiquemncn7 publiera ou notifiera à l'Organisation §quel esg7le droit maximum à l'importation qu'il appliquera j l'égard du7 au produit en question. 4. Le prix demand sur le march int6riour par IL monopole d'impcrt- ation pour le produit irportd n'éxdder-. pas le prix au ddbarqiz- ment augment du drqit maximum d'importation fixd par voie de négociations en vertu du paragraphe 2 du present article ou du droit gdéclaré7 oublié ou notifi6 d l'Org:nisation conformmrient au praegraphe 3 du present article, compte dûment tcnu des impôts intérieurs, Cdu coût du transport et do la distribution ainsi que des autres dépc.nsen afférents à la vente, à l'achat ou à la trans- formation ultérieure et d'une marge de bénéfice raisonnable§î.- gJteng7 E/PC/T/l83 page 9 price stabilization arrangemont,Il cs) ontc;nOu qu'il pourra $tre provision may be made for adjustment to take account o.f wide fluctuations or variations in world prices L 7 subjoct_ whore a maximum duty has been negotiatodi to agreement botwoen the countrios parties to the negotiation. 5. With regard to any product to which thu pro-. visions of this Article apply 7,Jtho monopoly shall_ whore- ovor this principle cen be .effoctiïoly applied and subject to the othor pro- visions of this Chartor, import and offor for sale such quantities of tha pro- duct as will be suff icient to sRtisfy tho full domostic doLr.and for thc imported product, account beinS takon of any rationing to consumers of the imported and liko domestic product which may bc in force at that time. tenu comipte de prix moyens au dé- barquumont ot do prix moyens de -ventQ cclcul6s our des périodes récentesjj. Ij._' est /jtan¶ fntendu également que, lorsque le produit en question est un produit de base auquel s'applique un système do stabilisation du prix int6rieur, un ejusteaiont pourra j ntervenij7 Atr¢ plrv'v pour tenir compete do fluctuations ou de variations importantes dos prix mondiaux, sous reserve, lorsqu'un droit maximum a ft6 n6goci6, de l'accord des pays participant nux négociations. 5. En co qui concerne tout produit auquul s'appliquent les dispositions du present article, le monopoly devra, LTn principe e g dans toute la mesure où ce principe pourra iUIE cfIçUlivzocnt appliqé § J et sous r6sorve des autres dispositions de la présente Charte, importer et mettre en vente 'des quantites du product en question suffisantos pour satisfaîre la totality do la demande intérieure du produit import. compte tenu. le cas cchoent, de tout rationnement do la consommation du produit imported [oi 7 ct du produit national simi- laire, /qui pourrait etre7en vigueur XcnJ J z moment. E/PC/T/183 page 10 6. In applying the provisions of' this Article, due regard shall be had for the fact that some monopolies are established and operated mainly for social, cultural, humanitarian or revenue purposes. 7. Nothing g 1j7 This Article shall not limit the use by Members of any f orm of assistance to domestic producers permitted by other provisions of this Charter. 6. LEn appliquant loej Dans l'appliceation clos dispositions du present article, il 5Y aura lieu do teni f sera dOment tenu compte du fait quo certains monopoles sont instituds et fonctionnent surtout à cles fins sociales, culturelles> humani- taires ou fiscales. 7. *J-ucune disposition du7 Lo present article ne limitcfra7 pas le recours des Etats Membres à Ln'importe quell / touted forme d'assistance aux producteurs nati.oncux,LautorisOY ..C par deauîtrcs dispo kWoeiG de la présente Charte,
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Sub-Committee on Article 30
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 10, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/124 and E/PC/T/106-124
ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/ T/124 AND ECONOMIQUE 10 July 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL:ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT OF SUB-COMMITTEE ON ARTICLE 30 1. The Sub-Committee was appointed by Commission B and consisted of representatives of: Australia, Lebanon, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. 2. Mr. George Hakim (Lebanon) was elected Chairman of the Sub-Committee. 3. The Sub-Committee held 8 sessions. By invitation of the Sub-Committee, and in accordance with the decision of Commission B, representatives of several countries not members of the Sub-Committee attended its meetings. Delegates of Canada, Chile, Czechoslovakia and France took an active part in the discussions on points of special interest to them. 4. The Sub-Committee was able to reach unanimous agreement on all except one point, to which attention is drawn in the note on Article IV below. This substantial measure of agreement was due to the spirit of conciliation in which Members of the Sub-Committee approached the problems under discussion. 5. The text of Section D - Subsidies - of Chapter V as agreed (subject to the above exception) by the Sub-Committee is attached as an Annex to this Report. All footnotes to the New York text have been taken into consideration by the Sub- Committee: it has not been considered necessary to retain them. 6. In regard to the recommendation by the Sub-Committee on Chapter III (see E/PC/T/W/220), the Sub-Committee is satis- fied that, so far as primary commodities are concerned, Article 30 adequately meets the requirements of Article 8 regarding safeguards for Members subject to external deflationary pressure. 7. Arrangement The Sub-Committee recommends the division of Article 30 into five Articles as follows: I. Subsidies in general II. Additional Provisions on Export Subsidies. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/124 page 2 III. Special Treatment of Primary Commodities. IV. Undertaking regarding Stimulation of Exports. V. Procedure. Article 30 in the New York text constituted a complete Section (D) of Chapter V, and covered a considerable variety of issues. The above division is suggested for reasons of clarity and balance, In particular it is desired to emphasize the distinction between subsidies of any kind which operate to increase export or reduce imports, export subsidies proper, and subsidies on primary commodities, as each case requires different treatment, The notes which follow refer throughout to the new numbering of Articles necessitated by the proposed arrange- ment. 8. Notes on proposed text, ARTICLE I - Subsidies in General. This Article consists of paragraph 1 of the New York text. No change has been made in the wording. ARTICLE II - Additional Provisions on Export Subsidies. Pragraph 1 corresponded to the first part of sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 2 of the New York text. The only drafting change is the insertion of the words in either case" in the third line. This has been done to make it quite clear that the words which follow relate to "subsidy" as well as "system". The Sub-Committee was of the opinion that paragraph 1 should not be interpreted so as to prevent countries from selling their products at current world market prices, even though these may be lower than the prices charged in some parts of the domestic market, provided that these circumstances are not the result of a direct or indirect subsidy or of the establishment of any other system of like effect. It was felt that the words .fter "due allowance being made" covered such cases. Paragraph 2 corresponds to the second part of sub- paragraph (a) of paragraph 2 of the New York text. The Sub- Committee agreed that the exeiption from, or remission of, domestic duties or taxes in respect of exported products should not be considered as a subsidy and would not, therefore, fall under the provisions of the Section. The use of the proceeds of such duties or taxes to make payments to domestic producers was, however, a form of subsidisation, and would have to conform to the provisions of Article Such payments would in addition be subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article Il if the ctent to which they had the effect of subasidising export was more than the amount, of the duties or taxes remitted or not imposed. E/PC/T/124 page 3 Paragraph 3 corresponds to sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 2 of the New York text. The question of the time limit within which existing export subsidies should be discontinued was discussed at length. It was generally felt that the present period of shortages would facilitate early compliance with this require- ment, whilst the position in three years' time might be much less favourable, Two other considerations were taken into account in favour of a shorter period: firstly, that the Charter might not come into force for some time; secondly, that provision is made for extension of the period on request by any Member which finds itself unable to conform to the stated period. The Sub-Committee tentatively agreed on. a period of two years, leaving the matter to the Commission to decide. Paragraph 4 is a new provision designed to deal with the case where an export subsidy granted by a non-Member is affecting a Member's exports to a third market, The Sub- Committee considered that a Member should have the right to take defensive measures against such action by a non-Member, since the latter is not bound by any obligation under the Charter and cannot be challenged through the Organization. The interests of other Members whose trade night be affected by the counter-subsidy are safeguarded by the proviso regard- ing consultation. The Sub-Committee did not consider that this new pro- vision affected the general question of relations with non- Members. It decided nevertheless to draw the attention of the Sub-Committee dealing with Article 36 to this paragraph. ARTICLE III. Special Treatment of Primary Commodities. Paragraph 1 corresponds to paragraph 3 of the New York text. The provisions of the latter were, however, purely permissive, i.e. "A system.....may be determined....". The new text provides that the systen shall be considered not to involve an export subsidy if it is determined that the stated conditions apply. There was considerable support for the proposal to provide in this paragraph for the institution of new stabilisa- tion schemes which could not be expeeted to have already resulted in export sales at higher than domestic prices. The proposal was evertually withdrawn: the Australian delegate, however, only agreed to this withdrawal on condition that he was satisfied with the final agreed text of Article 17, "Anti- dumping and countervailing Duties', which includes a reference to Article 30. Paragraph 2 constitutes sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 4 of the New York text. Reverting to the London text, the word " deemed" has been substituted for the word "dtermined". Paragraph 3 corresponds to sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 4 of the New York text. There was considerable discussion on E/PC/T/124 page 4 whether it should be mandatory for the Organization to grant exemption if the measures provided for in Chapter VII had not succeeded or did not promise to succeed, and if it was deter- mined that the circumstances described in Article 53 (52 in New York text) applied. There was support for the proposal that in these circumstances the Organization should be free to decide whether or not to grant such exemption. It was finally agreed to make the granting of exemption mandatory on the Organization subject to the additional condition that it must be determined that the subsidization will not be so operated as to stimulate export unduly or otherwise seriously prejudice the interests of other Members. The United States delegate undertook to consider the new text, but reserved his final acceptance, relating his reservation to the amendment which he had proposed to Article IV (Set note below). ARTICLE IV. This Article corresponds to paragraph 5 of the New York text, to which no amendment was originally proposed. It was not discussed in Commission and was not specifically included in the terms of reference of the Sub-Committee. In the New York text, this paragraph imposed upon Members an obligation to refrain from granting export subsidies which would have the effect of increasing their shpre of world trade in the product concerned. The question was raised in connection with the new text whether the undertaking contained in Article IV should apply to export subsidies as defined in Article Il or to any kind of subsidy which had the effect of increasing a Member's share of world exports. The United States delegation took the view that it should apply to the latter, and, to make this clear, proposed the amendment shown in the Annex. It related this view to its reservation regarding the change which had been made in paragraph 3 of Article III. A majority of the Sub-Committee could not accept the United States amendment. Some delegates felt that it would upset, in favour of importing countries, the delicate balance between the interests of exporting and importing countries which the Charter provided; exporting countries would be prevented from using domestic subsidies which had the effect of increasing their share of world exports, but importing countries would be free to use similar subsidies to increase home production and reduce their share of world imports, In reply, the limited States delegation stated that the Charter already gave importing countries the right to use subsidies having the effect of reducing imports, and this right was only limited by the provisions of Article I. It remained unaffected by the proposed amendment. This attempted merely to adjust the balance as between exporting countries, which had been upset by the changes made in paragraph 3 of Article III, as a result of which export subsidization of primary commodities was now prohibited, even after the failure of the procedures under Chapter VII, until it was determined that it would not stimulate experts unduly or otherwise seriously prejudice the interests of E/PC/T/124 page 5 other Members. The United States delegation was prepared to withdraw its amendment to Article IV if the additional condition (i.e. the words: "and that the subsidization will not be so operated as to stimulate exports unduly or otherwise seriously prejudice the interests of other Members" ) in paragraph 3 of Article III was deleted. Some delegates expressed willingness to support the United States amendment provided that the Article was applied to import- ing as well as exporting countries, that is to say, if the under- taking was also applied to subsidies which have the effect of redoing a Member's share of world imported of the commodity in question, Other delegates pointed out that this proposal would entirely unscceptable to the under-developed countries, as it would drastically interfere with their right to use subsidies to inercase domestic production. The Sub-Committee, having failed to reach agreement, and in view of the fact that this issue was not included in its terms of reference, decided to submit it to the Commission, summarlsing the main arguments put forward in the discussion as well as the possible alternatives proposed. These alternatives were summed up as follows: (1) That the undertaking contained in Article IV should apply to export subsidies only (New York text); or (2) That the undertaking contained in Article IV should apply to export subsidies only, and that the new requirement for the use of an export subsidy be deleted from paragraph 3 of Article III; or (3) That the undertaking contained in Article IV should apply to any form of subsidy which had the effect of increasing a Member's share of world exports (United States amendment); or (14) That the undertaking contained in Article IV should apply to any form of subsidy which had the effect of increasing a Member's share of world exports, and that it should also apply to any form of subsidy which had the effect of reducing a Menber's share of world imports. In that case, Articles I and IV could be combined in a single Article. ARTICLE V. This Article corresponds to paragraph 6 of the New York text. As redrafted it obviates the existing reference to such determinations under Article 30 contained in Article 66 (4). The attention of the Sub-Committee dealing with Chapter VIII has been drawn to this point. E/PC/T/124 page 6 A N N E X CHAPTER V SECTION D. - SUBSIDIES ARTICLE I (par.1)* SUBSIDIES IN GENERAL If any Member grrants or maintains any subsidy, in- cluding any form of income or price support, which operates directly or indirectly to increase exports of any product from, or to reduce imports of any product into, its terri- tory, the Member shall notify the Organization in writing as to the extent and nature of the subsidization, as to the estimated effect of the subsidization on the quantity of the- affected product or products imported into or exported from the territory of the Member country and as to the conditions making the subsidization necessary. In any case in which it is determined that serious prejudice to the interest of any other Mcmber is caused or threatened by any such sub- sidization, the Member grunting the subsidization shall, upon request, discuss with the other Member or Members concerned, or with the Organization, the possibility of limiting the subsidization. ARTICLE II (par.2 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS ON EXPORT SUBSIDIES (a) first part) 1 No Member shall grant, directly or indirectly, any subsidy on the exportation of any product, or establish or maintain any other system, which in either case rcsults in the sale of such product for export at a price lower than the comparable price charged for the like product to buyers in the domestic market, due allowance being made for diffe- rences in the conditions and terms of sale, for differences in taxation, and for other differences affecting price comparability. "(par.2(a)2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not prevent any second Member from exempting exported products from duties or part) taxes imposed in respect of like products when consumed domestically or from remitting, such duties or texes which have accrued. The use of the proceeds of such duties or taxes to make payments to domestic producers, however, shall be considered as a case under Article I, except in so far as such payments subsidize exportation, in the sense of paragraph 1 of this Article, by more than the amount of the duties or taxes remitted or not imposed. (par.2(b)) 3. Members shell give effect to the provisions of paragraph 1 at the earliest practicable date, but in any event not later than two years from the day on which this Charter enters into force. If any Member considers itself unable to make the provisions of paragraph 1 effective in respect of any specified product or produots * References in brackets are to corresponding paragraphs in New York nest of Article 30. E/PC/T/124 page 7 upon the expiration of such period, such Member shall, at least three months before the expiration of such period, give to the Organization notice in writing requesting a specific extension of the period and accom- panied by a complete analysis of the system in question and the facts justifying it. It shall then be determined whetner the extension requested should be made. 4. Nothing in paragraph 1 shall prevent any Member from subsidizing exports off any product to the extent and for such time as may be necessary to offset a subsidy granted by a non-Member affecting its exports off such product. Provided that such Member shall, upon the request of the Organization or of any other Member which considers that its interests are adversely affected by such subsidy, consult with such other Members or with the Organization with a view to reaching a satisfactory adjustment of the matter. ARTICLE III SPECIAL TREATMENT OF PRIMARY COMMODITIES 1. A system for the stabilization of the domestic price or of the return to domestic producers of a primary commodity, independently of the movements of export prices, which resulted at times in the sale of the product for export at a price lower thn the comparable price charged for the like produot to buyers in the domestic market, shall be considered not to involve a subsidy on exportation under the terms of paragraph 1 of Articl6 Il, if it is determined ( new para- graph) . . (par. 3) (a) that the system has also resulted in the sale of the product for export at a price higher than the comparable price charged for the like product to buyers in the domestic market; and (b) that the system is so operated either because of the effective regulation of production or other- wise as not to stimulate exports unduly or other- wise seriously prejudice the interests of other Members. (par.4(a) (par.4(b)) 2. In any case of subsidization of a primary commodity, if a Member considers that its interests are seriously prejudiced by the subsidy or if the member granting the subsidy considers itself unable to comply with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article II within the time limit laid down therein, the difficulty may be deemed to be a special difficulty of the kind referred to in Chapter VII, and in that event the procedure laid down in that Chapter shall be followed. 3. If the measures provided for in Chapter VII have not succeeded, or do not promise to succeed, within a reason- able period of time, either because no agreement has been 1. .'? . w -;' . 1j? . . e- ... 1 - E/PC/T/124 page 8 reached or because the agreement is terminated, a Member adversely affected may apply for exemption from the requirements of paragrapha 1 and 3 of Article II in respect of that commodity. If it is determined that the circum- stances described in Article 53 (52 New York text) apply to the commodity concerned, and that the subsidization will not be so operated as to stimulate exports unduly or otherwise seriously prejudice the interests of other Members, the Organization shall grant such exemption until such date and within such limits as may be determineds . (par.5) UNDERTAKING (New York Text)* ARTICLE IV REGARDING STIMULATION OF EXPORTS (United States amendment) Notwithstanding the provi- sions of paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article II and of paragraph 3 of Article :No Member shall grant any III, no Member shall grant :subsidy on any product any subsidy on the exportation:which has the effect of of any product which has the :acquiring for that effect of acquiring for that :Member's exports a share Member a share of world trade :of international trade in that product in excess of the share which it had during a previous representative period, account being taken insofar as practicable of any special factors which may have affected or may be affecting the trade in that product. The selection of a representative period for any product and the appraisal of any special factors affecting the trade in the product shall be made initially by the Member granting the subsidy; provided that such Member shall, upon the request of any other Member having an important interest in the trade in that product, or upon the request of the Organization, consult premptly with the other Member or with the Organisation regarding the need for all adjustment of the base period selected or for the re-appraisal of the special factors involved. ATICLE V' (par..6) \, *... PROCEDURE Any determination required by or appropriate to the operation of this Section shall be made through the Organization by consultation among the Members substantially interested in the product concerned. See Report A
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Sub-Committee on Chapter IV
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 11, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/162 and E/PC/T/162-168
NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC CCN S E I L E/PC/T/162 AND ECO NOMIQUE 11 August 1947 SOCIAL C OUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMIITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT OF SUB-COMMITTEE ON CHAPTER IV. INTRODUCTION The Sub-Committee on Chapter IV, established by Commission A on 27 M4ay 1947, consisted of representatives of the Delegations of Australia, Brazil, Chile, France, India, the United Kingdom anrI rhe Un`ted States of America. Dr. H.C. COOMBS, (Australia), was elected Chairman. representatives of several Delegations not members of the Sub-Committee attended its meetings and participated regularly in its deliberations on points of particular interest to them, especially Canada, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Lebanon, the Netherlands and New Zealand. Representatives of the International Bank and International Monetary Fund also participated. GENERAL NOTES The texts of Articles 9, 10, 11, 12, 12A, 13, 13A and 13B, annexed hereto, are recommended to the Preparatory Cornmittee. The Cuban Delegation reserved its position regarding Article 12 and 12A, but has indicated it will withdraw this reservation if paragraph 3 of Article 89 is appropriately amended. The Delegation of Australia reserved its position regarding Article 12A. Article 13B was agreed with the exception of the voting requirement by which the Organization may grant an exception to the provisions of Chapter V to permit new preferential arrangements in the interests of programmes of economic develop- ment. (See note under Article 13B). The Sub-Committee also considered certain amendments and reservations relating to matters dealt with in Articles 15, RESTRICTED U N ITED N ATIO NS E/PC/T/162 page 2 25, 30 and 38, referred to it in the light of Commission A's ruling that the further study of matters relating to economic devolopment should be concentrated in the Sub-Committee on Chapter IV. The amendments not withdrawn are listed in Annex Il. One group of these amendments would have the effect of permitting the use of quantitative restrictions for protective purposses either for agriculture or manufacturing industries without the prior approval of the organization, but subject to complaint by an affected. Member. While a clear majority of the Committee opposed these amendments and similar ones and felt unable to recommend them to the Commission, two members of the Sub-Committee supported by a number of non-members felt that a provision along these lines should be included in the Charter. These Delegations, which included Chile and India (members of the Sub-Committee) and China, Cuba and New Zealand (non-members of the Sub-Committee) reserved their position with respect to the Committee's recommendation on these amendments. The Chinese Delegation specifically reserved its position on Articles 13 and 13A on the ground that it preferred to rovert to its original proposal to amend Article 25. The Lebanese Delegation similarly reserved its position. The Sub-Committee also took into consideration reservations to the paragraphs of Article 15 concerned with internal quantitative restrictions. These reservations were made pending the setelement of the outstanding issues in Chapter IV, but the Sub-Committee felt unable to recommend to the Commission amendments on which they were based. The Chinese Delegate maintained his reservation to paragraph 3 of Article 15 and the New Zealand Delegate to paragraph 4 of Article 15. E/PC/T/162 Page 3 The Cuban Delegation specifically reserved its position with respect to Articles 15, 25 and 30, in view of the Sub-Committee's recommendation with respect to the amendments to Chapter V which had been referred to it. SPECIFIC NOTES The following comments relate to those Articles or paragraphs which incorporate substantive changes front the New York text or to which reservations have been made or with respect to which explanatory notes were thought to be required. ARTICLE 12 Paragraph 2 The intention of the Sub-Committee is that the word "nationals", wherever it occurs in this Article and Article 12A, should denote both real and juridical persons. Accordingly the words "real or juridical" have been introduced after the word "nationals" where it first occurs in each of these Articles. The Sub-Committee suggests that the Legal Drafting Committee should be asked to consider whether this method is the best one to secure the desired result, or whether there is occasion to introduce in some other appropriate place in the Draft Charter a definition in this sense which would apply to the word "nationals" wherever it occurs in the Charter. Paragraph 3 The Cuban Delegation proposed an amendment to this paragraph in respect of possible unilateral use of sanctions which the Sub-Committee considered might more appropriately be included in the miscellaneous Provisions of the Charter. A Working Group consisting of several members of the Sub-Committee on Chapter IV and Chapter VIII considered the Cuban amendment in relation to Article 89 (General Provisions regarding E/PC/T/162 Page 4, Settlement of Difierences as set out in document E/PC/T/W.139). The Sub-Committee on Chapter IV, having reviewed the Report of the Working Party, rccommends to Commission A for adoption the following text: 13. The Members undertake tht they will not have recourse to any procedure other than those envisaged in the Charter for the settlement of complaints and difficulties arising out of its operation, nor, without prejudice to any other international agreement or convention, to unilateral sanctions of any kind on the ground that there has been a violation of an obligation accepted under the Charter, in advance of a complaint to the Organization and a final decision of the Organization establishing such violation." The Cuban Delegation has reserved its position on this text. Paragraph 4 The relevant parts of Article 61 (c) of the Drafting Committee Report (New York), authorizing the Organization to promote an international agreement on measures designed to assure just and equitable terms for the various means of promoting economic development, have been transferred to this p .ragraph, to which has been added a reference to a general agreement or statement ef principles as to the conduct, practices and treatment of foreign investment. ARTICLE 12A 1. This Article has been added to the New York text in order to emphasize the irmportance of international capital investment as a means of promoting economic development and consequent social progress and to provide certain rules for the treatment of investments once they have been made. It would E/PC/T/162 Page 5 be understood that those provisions would not prejudice any more comprehensive rights or obligations of Members not inconsistent with the Charter. 2. The Sub-Committee believes that the word "just" in paragraphs 2 (a) (iv) and 2 (b) covers all aspects of the payment of consideration or compensation, including adequacy and time of payment, from the point of view both of the payer and of the receiver, and males it clear that compensation would not be payable where property has been forfeited or taken under public management or occupation as a penalty for a violation of pre-existing law whether such penalty were imposed as a result of executive action, in accordance with the law or under judicial procedure. The Cuban Delegation's acceptance of these paragraphs is dependent upon a note to this effect being included in the official explanation of the text. 3. It was agreed that a Member's obligation to ensure the payment of just consideration or just compensation to a foreign national (insofar as it is an obligation to make payment in currency) is essentially an obligation to make payment in the local currency of. that Member. The extexit to which transfers of such payment into other currencies are to be allowed is for determination by the Member government in accordance with its general foreign exchange policy maintained consistently with the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund or with a special exchange agreement executed by that Member pursuant to Article 29 of the Charter, but subject to any other international obligations of that Member which are not incon- sistent with its obligations under the Charter. A Member One or more of the Delegates in the Sub-Committèe believed it essential that the substance of this note, with which the Sub-Committee agrees, be included in the official explanation of the text. E/PC/T/162 Page 6 would not, however, be fulfilling its obligation to ensure the payment of just consideration or just compensation if it res- tricted the transferability of such payments to a greater extent than required by its general foreign exchange policy as conditioned by the preceding sentence. In this connection, attention is invited to paragraph I of Article 19 of the Articles or Agreement of the International Monetary Fund. 4. The Indian Delegate agreed to recommend Article 12A to his Government, without accepting it as a commitment on the part of his Government, pending further study. 5. The Australian Delegation reserved its position on Article 12A on the grounds that it considered it doubtful whether it was necessary to make additions along these lines to the subject matter of the Charter. 6. The Czechoslovak Delegation reserved its position on Article 12A with respect to ex-enemy countries' investments made in Czechoslovakia, either prior to or during the recent war, pending a more detailed examination of Chapter IV. ARTICLES -, 13A, 13B. 1. Amendments affecting Article 13 which were submitted either to that Article or to other Articles of the Charter fall into four main categories: (a) Those designed to expedite procedure for action by the Organizatïon on applications to use protective measures made under Article 13. (b) Thoae which would provide for a transitional period after a I.ember joins the Organization during which non- discriminatory protective measures might be maintained. One or more of the Delegates in the Sub-Committee believed it essential that the substance of this note, wïth which the Sub-Committee agrees, be included in the official explanation of the text. E/PC/T/162 Page 7 (c) Those which would permit, without the prior approval of the Organization, the use of protective. measures otherwise inconsistent with the terms of the Draft Charter. (d) Those designed to provide for new preferential arrangements for economic development purposes. 2, Substantial amendments have been made to Article 13 and Articles 13A has been added to meet points (a) and (b). Point (c) was net accepted by a majority of the Sub-Committeey hut amend- ments and additions have been made in an effort at least partially to meet the point. The principal changes and additions are as follows (a) Provision has been included for the Organization to establish time limits within which the Organization shall advise the applicant Member whether or not it concurs in the use of the measure proposed in any given application made to it; (b) A Member is permitted to institute a proposed measure without thé Organization's prior approval provided that the Organization's reply has not been receïved within the tïme limit; (c) If, without prejudice to the other provisions of the Article, it is established in the course of the Organiza ation's examination that (i) a proposed measure is unlikely to be more restrictive of international trade than any other practicable and reasonable measure which is permitted under the Charter, and (ii) that the 'proposed measure is the one most suitable for the purpose the Organization shall concur in the proposed measure and grant a release; E/PC/T/162 Page 8 (d) Adoption of measures inconsistent with the Charter is permitted to preclude increased imports intended to forestall a decision by the Organization, pending such decision. (e) Article 13A has been added to provide a transitional period during which a Member may maintain non- discriminatory protective measures which are not in- consistent with obligations negotiated with other Members, in operation at the time such Momber signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or the Charter, subject to the Organization's final decision. 3. Consideration was given to the necessity for providing that Members would ensure that provisional action under Articles 13 or 13A (a) would be taken in such a form that it could be readily withdrawn or modified and (b) would be withdrawn or modified either when no longer required or in accordance with a decision of the Organization. The Sub-Committee decided not to include specific provisions in the text to this effect because they were believed to be implicit in the relevant provisions of Articles 13 and 13A. 4. The Sub-Committee agreed that the word "industries" appear- ing in paragraph 1 of Article 13 is used in its widest sense and therefore includes agriculture. 5. In regard to point (d) of paragraph 1 on page 6, Article 13B has been added providing for new preferential arrangements in the interests of programmes of economic development and reconstruction. 6. The Sub-Committee could not agree whether -a decision of the Organization under Article 13B to approve a release from the relevant obligations of Chapter V for now preferential arrange- ments should be supported by a simple majority or by two-thirds of the Members voting. Opinion in the Sub-Committee was divided Page 9 us between these alternatives. Two possible compromises were considered. One of these alternatives was to provide that a simple majority would be the rule but that a Member could claim that in any particular case the release snould be supported by two-thirds of the Membors voting. Such a claim would be sus- tained if it was supported by one-third of all the Members. The other alternative was to provide that the voting requirement for the purpose of granting the relcase should be established by the Organization. 7. The Sub-Committee felt that it could make no recommendation to the Commission as to which course should be followed. It was suggasted as one possibility that the Commission itself might decide that it was a matter which would have to be postponed for final decision by the World Conference. 8. The Sub-Committee has, therefore, included in Article 13B the words "by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of Members voting", and placed th-se words in square brackets. If the decision of the Commission were that such a voting requirement should be established, the square brackets could be removed. If, on the other hand, the decision of the Commission were that a simple majority only would be required, this can be provided for by removing the words in square brackets. Special provision would, of course, need to be included in the text if one of the compromise course smentioned above were to be adopted. 9. The Sub-Committee considered that the Organization, in making decisions under Article 13B, may have to deal both with the principle of preferences in particular cases and with the details of these preferences. It seemed impracticable to prescribe in detail at this stage to what extent and by what procedure these two aspects of the decision should be dealt with. 10. The Sub-Committee considered that it was not for it to decide whether it is necessary to provide for new preferential arrangements for other purposes and consequently whether Article 13B renders Article 38 (1) unnecessary. E/PC/T/162 Page 10 ANNEX I CHAPTER IV ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Article 9 Importance of Economic Development in Relation to the Purpose of this Charter The Members recognize that all countries have a common interest in the productive use of the world's human and material resources, and that the industrial and general economic development, of all countries, and particularly of those in which resources are- as yet relatively undeveloped, will improve opportunities for employment, enhance the productivity of labour, increase the demand for goods and services, contribute to economic balance, expand international trade, and raise levels of real income. Article 10 Development of Domestic Resources and Productivity Members shall within their respective jurisdictions take action designed progressively to develop, and where necessary to reconstruct, industrial and other economic resources and to raise standards of productivity through measures consistent with the other provisions of this Charter. Article 11 Co-operation for Economic Development 1. Members shall co-operate with one another, with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, with the Organization and with other appropriate inter-governmental organizations in promoting industrial and general economic development. E/PC/T/162 Page 11 2. Subject to any arrangements entered into between the Organization and the Economic and Social Council and other appropriate inter-governmental organizations, the Organization shall, within its powers and resources, upon the request of any Member and upon terms to be agreed, and in such collaboration with other appropriate inter-governmental organizations as will use fully the special competence of each, furnish such Member with, or assist such Member to procure, appropriate: advice concerning its plans and the financing and the carrying out of its programmes for economic development, and assist Members in the procurement of appropriat., technical. assistance Article 12 Means of Promoting Economic Development 1. Progressive industrial and general economic development requires among other things adequate supplies of capital funds, materials, modern equipment and technology, and technical and managerial skills. Accordingly, the Members shall impose no unreasonable impediments that would prevent other Members from obtaining on equitable terns any such facilities for their economic development and shall co-operate in accordance with Article 11, within the limits of their power, in providinrig or arranging for the provision of such facilities, 2. In order to stimulate at assure the provision and exchange of facilities for industrial and general economic development, each Member shall take no unreasonable conjustifiable action within its jurisdiction injurious to the rights or interests of nationals, real or juridical, of other Mlembers in the enterprise skills, capital, arts or technology which they have supplied. 3. Any affected Meber acting on its own behalf or on behalf of its nationals may present to the Orgxnization a complain' that E/PC/T/162 Page 12 action by another Member is inconsistent with its obligations under this Article or under Article 12A. The Organization may request Merabers concerned to enter into consultation with a view to reaching a mutually satisfactory settlement and may lend its good offices to this end. 4. The Organization is authorized to make recommndations for and promote international agreement on measures designed to assure just and equitable treatment for the enterprise, skills, capital, arts and technology brought from one Member country to another, including the elaboration and adoption of a general agreement or statement of principles as to the conduct, practices and treatment of foreign investment. Article 12A International Investment for Economic Development 1. Members recognise that, with appropriate safeguards, including measures adequate to ensure that foreign investment is not used as a basis for interference in the internal affairs or national policies of Members, international investment, both public and private, can be of great value in promoting economic development and consequent social progress. They recognize that such development would be facilitated if Members were to afford, for international investments acceptable to them, reasonable opportunities upon equitable terms to the nationals, real or juridical, of other Members and security for existing and future investments. Therefore they agree to provide, consistent with the limitations recognized as necessary in this Article, the widest opportunities for investment and the greatest security for existing and future investments. E/PC/T/162 Page 13 2. Members undertake, subject to restrictions imposed in accordance with the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund or with a special exchange agreement entered into between the Member and the Organization under paragraph of Article 29 of this Charter, (a) with respect to existing investments or to future invest- ments after they have been made, to impose, directly or indirectly, no requirements on the investments of nationals of other Members which are appreciably more onorous than those which the Member imposes in similar circumstances upon its own nationals or upon the nationals of third countries. Provided that this undertaking shall not affect: (i) Requirements in force at the time of making the investment or at the time that the Charter shall have come into effect with respect to the Member, which- ever is later; (ii) Requirements in force at the time of any substantial addition to the investment or change in the nature or the business based upon the investment, in respect of such addition or such change; (iii) Reasonablo measures to ensure participation, other than participation under sub-paragraph (iv) below, by the nationals of the Member in the future expansion of any branch of industry within its jurisdiction through increased investment, provided that, if the nationals of other Members whose interests are materially affected believe that the measure taken is inconsistent with the provisions of this paragraph, the Member taking E/PC/T/162 Pae 14 the measure will provide adequate opportunity for consultation with a view to reaching a satisfactory settlement with the affected nationals; (iv) Measure3 taken to ensure the transfer of ownership, in whole or in part of any investment within its jurisdiction from the national of any other Member to its own nationals, it being understood that such measures will provide for the payment of just consideration for the ownership transferred and that if the nationals of any other Member believe such provision has not been made, the Member will provide adequate opportunity for consultation in the manner described in sub-paragraph (iii) above. (b) to make just compensation if an interest of a national of another Member is taken into public ownership or placed under public management or. occupation. 3. Members also undertake to promote co-operation between national and foreign enterprises or investors for the purpose of fostering economic development in cases where such co-operat- ion appears to the Members concerned to be appropriate. Article 13 Gvernmental Assistance to Economic Development 1. The Members recognize that special governmental assistance may be required to promote the establishment, development or reconstruction of particular industries and that in appropriate circumstances the grant of such assistance in the form of protective measures is justified. At the same time they recognize that an unwise use of such measures would impose undue burdens on their own economics, unwarranted restrictions on international trade and ight increase unnecessarily the difficulties of adjustment for the economics of other countries. E/PC/T/162 Page 15 2. (a) If a Member in the interest of its programme of economic development or reconstruction considers it desirable to adopt any non-discriminatory measure which would conflict with any provision of Chapter V or with any obligation which the Members has assumed through negotiations with any other Member or Members pursuant to Chapter V, such Member shall so notify the Organization and shall transmit to the Organization a written statement of the considerations in support of the adoption of the proposed measure. (b) The Orgnnization shall promptly transmit the representations made therein to all other Members. (c) Any Member which considers that its trade would be substantially affected by the proposed measure shall transmit its views to the Organization within such period as shall be prescribed by the Organization. (d) The Org-nization shall then promptly examine the proposed measure to determine whether it concurs in the pro- posed measure or any modification thereof. (e) In its examination the Organization shall have regard to the provisions of this Chapter, to the other provisions of this Charter, to the considerations presented by the applicant Member, tc the views presented by Members -tho may be substan- tially affected, to the stage of economic development or reconstruction of the applicant Member, and the effect which the proposed measure or any modification thereof is likely to have on international trade. (f) The Organization shall at the earliest oppor- tunity, but ordinarily within 15 days after receipt of the statement referred to in Paragraph 2 (a), advise the apnli- cant Member, in the case of measures referred to in para- graph 3 of this Article, as to the date by which the E/PC/T/162 Page 16 Organization will notify the Member whether or not it concurs in principle in the proposed measure or any modification thereof and, in the case of measures referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, as to the date by which the Organization will notify the Member whether or not it releases the applicant Member from such obligation or obligations as may be relevant, provided that in the case of measures referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, if a Member does not receive a final reply by the date set by the Organization, such Member after communicatïng with the Organization may institute the proposed measure, after the expiration of a further 30 days from such date. 3. (a) If as a result of its examination pursuant to sub- paragraphs 2 (d) and 2 (c) the Organization concurs. in principle in any proposed moasure or modification thereof which would be inconsistent with any obligation that the applicant Member has assumed through negotiations wïth any other Member or Members pursuant to Chapter V, or which would tend to nullify or impair the benefit to such other Member or Members of any such obligation, the Organization shall sponsor and assist in negotiations between the applicant Member and the other Member or Members which would be substantially affected with a view to obtaining substantial agreement. The Organization shall establish and notify to the Members concerned a time schedule for such negotiations. (b) Members undertake that they will commence the negotiations provided for in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph within such period as the Organi-zation may prescribe and that they will thereafter, unless the Organization otherwise approves, proceed continuously with such negotiations wïth a view to reaching substantial agreement in accordance with the time schedule laid down by the Organization. E/PC/T/162 Page 17 (c) Upon substantial agreement being reached the Organi- zation may release the applicant Member from the obligation referred to in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph or from any other relevant obligation under this Charter, subject to such limitations as may have been agreed upon in the negotiations between the Members concerned. 4. (a) If as a result of its examination pursuant to sub- paragraph 2 (d) and 2 (e) of this Article, the Organization concurs in any proposed measure or modification thereof, other than those provided for in sub-paragraph 3 (a) of this Article which would be inconsistent with any provision of Chapter V, the Organization may grant the applicant Member release from any obligation under such provision subject to such limitations as the Organization may impose, p J Is that, having regard to the provisions of sub-paragraph 2 (c), if it is established in the course of such examinations t}at such measure is unUikely to be more restrictive of international trade than any other practicable and reasonable measure permitted under this Charter which could be imposed without undue difficulty and that it is the one most suitable for the purpose having regard to the economics of tho industry concerred and to the current economic condition of the applicant Member, the Organization shall concur in such measure and grant such release as may be required to make such measure effective. (b) If in anticipation of the concurrence of the Organization in the adoption of a measure notified under para- graph 2 of this Article, other than a measure provided for in sub-paragraph 3 (a) of thiz Arti cL, there should be an increase or threatened increase in the importations of the product or products concerned, including directly substitutable products, so substantial as to jeopardize the plans of the applicant E/PC/ T/162 Page 18 Member for the establishment, development or reconstruction of the industry or industries concerned, and if no preventive measures consistent with this Charter can bo. found which sern likely to prove effective, the applicant Member may, after inforra- ing and when practicable consulting with the Organiz.:tion), adopt such other measures as thc situation may require pending a determination by the Organization, provided that such moasures do not reduce imports below the level obtaining in the most recent representative period preceding the date on which the Member's original notification was made under paragraph 2. ARTI C LE 13A Transitional Measures 1. Any Member country may maintain any non-discriminatory protective measure which has been imposed for the establishment, development or reconstruction of p:.rticulr industries, and which is not otherwise permitted by the Charter, provided (i) that the measure was in operation at the tirmc such country signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, or if not signatory of that Agreement when it signed the Charter, at the time of signing the Charter; and (ii) that such country has notified the other countries signatoriïs of the Agreement or of the Charter, prior to such signature, of each product on which such a measure is to be maintained and of the nature and purpose of such measure. Any Member maintaining any such measure shall within one month of assuraing x mbership notify the Organization the measure con- cerned, the considerations in support of its maintenance and the period for which it wishes to maintain the measures. Tho Organization shall, as soon as possible but in any case within twelve months of such Member assuming r;Leîbershlp, examine and give a decision concrning the measure as if it had been sub- mitted for approval under Article 13. E/PC/T/162 Page 19 2. This Article shall not be construed to refer to a measure which would be inconsistent with any obligation that the Member concerned has assumed through negotiations with any other Member or Members pursuant to Chapter V (including negotiations affecting preferential margins) or which would tend to nullify or impair the benefit to such other Member or Members of any such obligation. 3. The. Organisation, in making a decision under this Article specifying a date by which any modification or withdrawalis to be made, shall have regard to the possible need of a Member for a suitable period of time in which to make such modification or withdrawal. ARTICLE 13B. Preferential Arrangements for Economic Development 1. Members recognize that special circumstances may justify new preferential arrangements between two or more countries; not contemplating a customs union, in the interest of the programmes of economic development or reconstruction of one or more such countries. Subject to such limitations as it deems fit the Organization may grant [by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of Members votïng] an exception to the provisions of Chapter V to parmit such arrangements being m.ade. 2. Any Member or Members contemplating such an, arrangement shall so notify the Organization and shall transmit to the Organi- zation a written statement of the considerations in support of the adoption of the arrangement. The Organization shall then examine and give a decision concerning the preposal as if it had been submitted for approval under Article 13. Any country which under the proposed arrangement is to be accorded preferential treatment by another country shall be regarded as an applicant Member for the purpose of that Article. E/PC/T/162 Page 20 ANNEX IX Amendments Referred to the Sub-Committee on Chapter IV and not Withdrawn, By the Sub-Committee on Articles 14, 15 and 24 Article 15 1. Reservation by the Chinese Delegation to paragraph 3, pending settlement of the outstanding issues in Chapter IV. 2. Reservation made by the New Zealand Delegation on para- graph 4, pending settlement of the. outstanding issues in Chaptor IV. By the Sub-Committee on Articles 25 and 27 Article 25 1. Amendment proposed by tho Chinese Delegation to para- graph 2 (e) (E/PC/T/W.75).x The Chinese Delegation.also submitted directly to the Sub-Commiittee on Chapter IV a suggested re-wording of paragraph 2 (e) (E/PC/T/J.260). 2. Reservation made by the Chilean Del.egation to paragraph 2 (e) (New York Draftinig Committee Report, page 20, note(c)). 3. New sub-paragraph (f) -f paragraph 2 proposed by the Cuban Delegation (E/PC/T/W.l94).. 4. New sub-paragraph (g) of paragraph 2 proposed by the Syrian-Lebanese Delegation (E/PC/T/W,223, page 10, note 16). By Commission A 1, New Article 26A - Quantitative Restrictions for Protective Purposes - proposed by the Indian Delegation (E/PC/T/W.223, page 24)' 2. Amendment proposed by the Cuban Delegation to Article 30 (E/PC/T/W/186). -X Paragraph 2 (e) of the New York text appears as paragraph 2 (c) in the text as revised by the Sub.-Co:iraittee on Articles 25 and 27 (E/PC/T/11+1),
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Sub-Committee on Chapter IV
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 12, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/162.Corr.1 and E/PC/T/162-168
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/162.Corr.1 AND ECONOMIQUE 12 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL Original: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT OF SUB-COMMITTEE ON CHAPTER IV Page 5, paragraph 2, 5th line: Delete the words beginning "... and makes it clear that compensation ..." through the words ending".... or under judicial procedure" in the 10th line, and substitute the following: "... and makes it clear that- compensation would not be payable where, because of a violation of pre- existing law, property has been forfeited or taken under public management or occupation whether by executive action in accordance with pre-existing law or as a penalty under judicial procedure." NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Sub-Committee on Chapter VII
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 27, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/228 and E/PC/T/W/220-235
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/228 AND ECONOMIQUE 27 June 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL. :ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT OF SUB-COMMITTEE ON CHAPTER VII. 1. This Report and the accompanying draft Text of Chapter VII have been unanimoulsly adopted by the Sub-Committee for submission to Commission B. 2. The Sub-Committee consisting of representatives of the following Delegations was appointed by Commission B: Australia, Canada, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America to prepare new texts of all the Articles except Articles 57 and 58 in the New York text) and to prepare a detailed re-arrangement of the Chapter as a whole. 3. Mr. D. CAPLAN (United Kingdom) was elected Chairman of the Sub-Committee 4. The Sub-Committee has held 17 sessions and there have been informal meetings of members to assist in the reconciliation of alternative texts. By invitation of the Sub-Committee, and in accord- ance with the arrangements made in Commission B, countries not represented on the Sub-Committee have participated in its discussions on questions of special concern to them. 5. It has been necessary for the Sub-Committee to consider the question of relations with other inter-governmental organizations before this question has been discussed in the consideration of Chapter VIII, in particular of Article 81 (2). 6. It has been possible to obtain unanimous agreement on all the points remitted for study to the Sub-Committee, thanks to the willing- ness of all members to do everything possible to reconcile their different approaches to these matters. 7. The text of Chapter VII as agreed by the Sub-Committee is attached as an Annex to this Report. 8. All delegations have received the working papers and summary records of the Sub-Committee, The Sub-Committee however, considers it desirable to record briefly the discussion about the principal points of substance on which agroed texts were finally adopted. These are taken in the order agreed for tho new text. For case of reference, the mumbers of the Articles in the New York text are shown in brackets. 9. The Sub-Cormmittee wishes to record its warm appreciation of the services of the Secretariat which has worked untiringly and, to judge from the records of the Sub-Committee, incessantly. The strain of having to cover so much ground in such a short span of time has been considerable in the case of delegates: in the case of the Secretariat it has indeed been formidable. ARRAGEMENT The Sub-Committee gave careful consideration to the arrange- ment of the Chapter in view of the importance of securing E/PC/T/W/228 page 2 as lucid and logical a presentation as possible, and bearing in mind the fact that the subject matter of the Chapter is of direct interest to an exceptionally wide public. In particular, it is thought advisable to specify at the outset the commodities with which the Chapter deals (new Article 47). In the light of the new text, the Sub-Committee considers it necessary, in its arrangement of the Chapter, to revert to four Suctions as follows (Article numbers refer to the new text): SECTION A - General Considerations. (Articles 46-49). SECTION B - Inter-governmental Commodity Agreements in General (Articles 50-03). SECTION C - Inter-governmental Commodity Control . Agreements (Articles 54-58). SECTION D - Miscellaneous Provisions (Articles 59-62). FOOTNOTES TO NE.J YORK TEXT All footnotes to the New York text have been taken into consideration by the Sub-Committee, and have proved of value in its discussions. Ir not shown in the new text, they are to be regarded as having Aapsed. ARTICLE 46 (46) The new article (47) on Primary and Related Commodities is so worded as to permit an ungualified reference in article 46 to special difficulties which do not characterize the trade in manufactured goods." The substance of part of the preamble to Article 48 (N.Y.47) has been incorporated at the and of Article 46. It was agreed to insert an explanatory footnote to this Article to the effect that "special treatment of the international trade in such commodities" may involve simultaneous action affecting production, trade and consumption. .ARTICLE 47 (60 (1)) - Primary and Related Commodities. Considerable discussion took place regarding the extent of the application of Chaptor VII non-primary commodities. Fears were expressed that, under the provisions of the New York text, it might prove easier to make an agreement for a non-primary than for a primary commodity. There was general agreement that Chapter VII should not exclude the possibility, in exceptional circumstances, of commodity agreements relating to non-primary commodities: these, however, should be subject to at least as stringent conditions as for primary products. There was support for a proposal to include a special article dealing with inter-governmental agreements relating to non-primary commodities, but it was finally agreed that the problem could best be met by slightly amending the definition of primary commodity (New York text, 60 (1)), and including it in a broader article dealing with all types of commodities to which inter-governmentul agreements might be applied. This is the new Article 47 "Primary and Related Commodities". This provides that, in exceptional circumstances, and subject to any additional require- ments which the Organization may lay down, Chapter VII may be applied to commodities which do not fall "precisely" under the stated categories. By the use or the term "precisely", it is intended to imply a fairly close relationship and therefore to exclude highly manufactured goods. The inclusion of this new Article makes possible the deletion E/PC/T/W/228 page 3 of sub-paragraph (c) of Article 52 of the New York text, which dealt with regulatory agreements for non-primary commodities. ARTICLE 48 (47) In sub-paragraph (c), it was agreed that the two concepts of "prices fair to consumers and remunerative to efficient producers" and prices expressing "the long-term equilibrium between the forces of supply and demand" should be included, without implying a direct relationship. The substance of the words shown in square brackets in the New York text has been included in the new text. In sub-paragraph (e) the text is now designed to cover expansionist agreements, where a commodity is not necessarily in actual short supply. The question was specifically raised whether inter-governmental commodity agreements approved by the Food and Agriculture Organization for the distribution of basic foods at special prices, were permitted under the Charter. The Sub-Committee considered that such agreements were permitted under the Charter and that the new text of paragraph (e) of Article 48 (N.Y.47) covered them. Sub-paragraph (f) has been added to make it clear that, although agreements relating solely to equitable distribution are excluded (under Article 62) from some of the provisions of Chapter VII, agreements which include equitable distribution as one of their objectives are covered by the Chapter . ARTICLE 49 (58) This Article has been moved from the "Miscellaneous Provisions" section, as it was felt that it would be more appropriate to include it under "General Considerations". It was not referred to the Sub-Committe by Commission B, and no change has been made in the text except to replace the word "arrangement" by "agreement" in conformity with the new terminology.* ARTICLE 50 (48) In paragraph 2, the principle is accepted that it is up to Members themsalves to decide whether or not they have a sufficiently substantial interest in a commodity to attend a Study Group. (The same principle is accepted in relation to Commodity Conferences. See Article 51 (2)). The effect of accepting this principle is to open Study Groups and Commodity Conferences to all Members who wish to participate. ARTICLE 51 (49) On paragraph 1, there was some discussion on the number of Mebers who might reasonably request the Organization to call a Commodity Confurenci. It was finally agreed, in affect, that tha Organization should call a Conference at the request of two or more Merabers whose interest in a commodity represents a substantial part of world production, consumption or trade. In paragraph 2 the principle is accepted that Members shall decide for themselves whether or not their interest in a * This change has been made throughout the Chapter subject to the approval of the Legal Drafting Committee. E /PC/T/W/228. Page 4. commodity is substantial enough to Justify their participation in a Commodity Conference. ARTICLE 52 (51). It is to be noted that sub-paragraphs (a)to (d) inclusive raise questions on relations with non-Members which will also be the subject of the as yet non-existent Article 36. On sub-paragraph (a) it was agreed to make it explicit that terms of subsequent accession to and participation in an agreement should normally be decided by the existing participants, and to leave with the Organization the power of final approval. Sub-paragraphs (c) and (d) of the New York text have been combined in a single paragraph (c) in order to achieve greater clarily. The words "due consideration...under the agreement", are inteneded to have the effect that, in the treatment of countries not participating in an agreement, consideration shall be given to the policies which they adopt in relation to the agreement. ARTICLE 53 (60 (3)) - TYPES OF AGREEMENTS (a) The New York definition remained the same as the London text. It was a rigid definition for, whatever the purpose of a particular commodity agreement, any regulation of production, export or import or of prices made that agreement "regulatory" so that it could only be employed within the narrow limits permitted by Article 52 (N.Y. text). In the light of the relationship of Chapter VII to the rest of the Draft Charter, in particular to Chapter V, it was felt that these precise definitions were justified. (b) The Sub-Committee feels, however, that the use of the machinery of regulation of production or trade need not always be such as to reduce or limit production or trade. The conditions of supply and demand of particular primary commodities might well be such that inter-governmental commodity agreements would be neded to facilitate a long-term programme of expansion of production. For the successful operation of such agreements it might well be necessary to have a programme of regulated production. In this event, the operation of such regulatory machinery would in no way be inconsistent with the fundamental aims and aspirations of the Draft Charter. (c) Other cases which seemed to call for a more flexible definition of regulatory" were the agreements relating to seasonal movements of trade, many of them arising out of the particular geographical conditions of production in the Northern and Southern hemispheres -- agreements regulating seasonal exports and imports but not regulating the total volume of trade in the commodity over the year as a whole. . . E/PC/T/W/228 page 5 (d) Discussion in Commission B revealed a clear desire for a new definition of "regulatory agreements". The Sub-Committe therefore attempted to draft a new definition which would enable agreements, covering the circumstances outlined in paragraphs(b) and (c) above, to be concluded outside the rigid bounds of Article 54 (N.Y.52) of Chapter VII. The general desire was to avoid so loosening the existing definition that commodity agree- ments which would operate to reduce or limit production or trade, would be permitted without the appropriate safeguards laid down in Section "C" (i.e. Section B of the New York text). (e) In particular, it was felt that regulation of prices should not be permitted without these safeguards but the Sub-Committee recognized that agreements with the purpose of securing an expansion of production might require provision for the application of minimum prices an assurance to producers against the possibility of a sub- sequent alteration in the relationship between supply and demand leading to a severe depression of prices. (f) In the event, the Sub-Committee has found it impossible to arrive at a definition which would be automatic in its application, and has concluded that the Organization will itself have to make determinations on the basis of cri- teria to be set outin a new definition of "regulatory agree- ments". In view of this new definition, the Sub-Coimmittee has decided to introduce the new title of "commodity control" agreements. The text of article 53 in the Annex represents, in the Sub-Committee's opinion, the most practical solution of the problem of having too rigid or too loose e definition, and the Sub-Committee is satisfied that this definition would enable agreements covering the circumstances described in paragraphs (b) end (c) above to be employed outside the strict limits set by article 54, (N.Y.52) (g) The Sub-Committee feels that the only satisfactory method of dealing with the question of price regulation discussed in paragraph (e) above, would be to provide for the use of minimum prices in expansion of production agree- ments through determination by the Organization that the circumstances justify such action. (h) To sum up; paragraph 1 of Article 53 states that there are two classes of intergovernmental commodity agree- ments: (1) commodity control agreements und (ii) agreements other than commodity control agreements. Paragraph 2 defines a commodity control agreement. Paragraph 3 provides that, on request by a Member, Study Group or Commodity Conference, -the Organizetion shall. determine whether an existingor proposed agreement is or is not a commodity control agree- ment within the terms of paragraph 2. Paragraph 4 states which provisions of Chapter VII shall apply to the two classes of agreement; it leaves the Organization to stipulate, however, which, if any, of the provisions of Section C shall apply to agreements which it has determined are not commodity control agreements within the terms of paragraph 2, although they involve regulation of production or quantitative contrl of exports or imports. Paragraph 5 covers the special case of those expansionist agreements which provide for the future application of minimum prices. Although such agreeements thus "involve the regulation of prices", the Organization may find that they are not E/PC/T/W/228 page 6 commodity oontrol agreements, and therefore not subject to the provisions of Section C., Dending the operation of their price provisions. As soon as the latter provisions become operative, therefore, such agreements' will then be commodity control agreements. ARTICLE 54(52). There was considerable discussion on whether to include in this Article a new sub-paragraph dealing with expansionist agreements. This point was met by the narrowing of the definition of a regulatory agreement (see note-on Article 53). The Observer of the Food and Agriculture Organization expressed his complete satisfaction with this method of dealing with the question., and withdrew the F.A.O. amendment to the Article. (See D.C. Report, footnote, page 41). The new definition has also made possible the deletion of sub-paragraph (c). A new paragraph (2) has been inserted regarding determina- tions under the Article. This obviates the existing reference to such determinations under Article 54 (N.Y.52) contained ,in Article 66 (4). The attention of Commission B, which is dealing with Chapter VIII, will be drawn to this point. In regard to sub-paragraphs (a) and (b), the New-York text contained a footnote on the interpretation of the phrase "because characteristically". The Sub-Committee considered that this note vies unnecessary. ARTICLE 55 (53) In sub-paregraph (b) it was agreed to clude the..-words shown in square breckets in the New York text in view of the Aew text of Lrticle 48 (c) (N.Y.47 (c)) . It is recognised that ahenterm""aessorablea ts applying to prices in sub- parsgraph (b) i5 to be interpreted as in Article 48(c). ;ith regard to sub-paragraph (c) of the New York text it wes agreed to revert to the London text of A)ticle 51 (43, subject to minor drafting changes. This was felt to leave greater scope to each Commodity Conferenca to arrive ut satis- factory arrangements on voting. It is understood: (1e that ther* shalltbe n more 'han *two groups of countrnes within enaagreement, und that the principle of "equal voice" in substantive matters shall apply as between them; (ii) that countries which are larga producers end consumers of the commodity concerned, but which are not large exporter or importers shall have an appropriate voice; end (iii) that eny difference on voting arrangements may naturally be the subject of an appeal; to the Organization under the relevant provisions of Chapter VIII. (Article 86 (2)). E/PC/T/W/228 page 7. In sub-paragraph (d) the text has been rearranged and the term "national consumption and world market requirements" substituted for the term "world requirements". This was to meet the concern of one delegation in particular lest the New York text might have been interpreted in such a way as to interfere with the expansion of production to meet increasing internal demand. Sub-pargraph (e) has been redrafted so as to exclude the possible interpretation that solution of the problem must be secured ,ithin the time limits of the agreement. ARTICLE 56 (54) In paragraph (6), the word "Charter" has been altered to Chapter, correcting whet is assumed to be a mis-print in the New; York text. On paragraph (7) it was suggested that the Commodity Council's reports to the Organisation should also be sent to inter-governmental organisations with a special interest in the commodity. It was decided not to make any specific reference, it being recognised that in most cases these organisations would have non-voting representatives on the Commodity Council. They would, therefore, normally receive reports automatically. Paragraph (9) has been inserted regarding the disposal of archives on the termination of an agreement. This has been transferred from Article 57 (N.Y.55) where its inclusion was regarded as inappropriate ARTICLE 57 (55) This as been divided into three paragraphs and re-arranged in order to obtain greater clarity and a more logical arrangement. The final sentence of the New York text hes been moved to Article 56, as mentioned above. ARTICLE 58 (56) This has been slightly amended in order to make it clear that it is the Commodity Council which shall refer its differences to the Commodity Commission after seeking to resolve them under the terms of the agreement. ARTICLE 59 (50) Discussio in Commission B of the various amendments proposed about relations with inter-governmentel organisetion showed that there was substantial agreement that provision should be made in the field of commodity agreements for very close co-operation between tne Organisation and other competent inter-governmental organisations. The Sub-Committee agreed that Article 50 of the New York text was not sufficiently comprehensive, taking into account the various stages of discussion and study before the consideration of agreements. E/PC/T/W/228 page 8 With these considerations in view, the Sub-Committee has redrafted this Article so that the rights of competent organi- sations are made quite clear and the area of co-operation defined so far as thiss can be done in advance of the negotiation of "Relationship Agreements" as provided for in Chapter VIII. (See Verbatim Report of Commission B., pages 42-44, E/PC/T/B/PV/7). It has also move the whole Article to the Miscellaneous Provisions. Section where it is thought to be more appropriate. In this connection, the Sub-Committee decided that it would be appropriate to maintain, in Article 56, paragraph (3) which deals with repreesentation of competent inter-governmental organisations on Commodity Councils. ARTICLE 60 (57) This Article was not referred to the Sub-Committee by Commission B. ARTICLE 61 (60 (2)) - Territorial Application. Since the substance of paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 60 of the New York text has been moved to other parts of the Chapter, paragraph 2 becomess a separate Article. ARTICLE 62 ( 59) The new text of this Article is designed to graduate the extent to which certain types of agreement are to be excepted from the provisions of Chapter VII. Bilataral state trading agreements are still entirely excluded from the application of the Chapter. Other types of bilaturel agreement may, however, in certain circumstances, be made subject to such provisions of tne Chapter as the Organisation may stipulate. Agreements relating solely to the equitable distribution of commodities in short supply are to be subject to the General Principles of inter-governmental Commodity Agreements (Article 53, new text). Commodity control agreements relating solely to the conservation of fisheries or wild life or other exheustible natural reseurees are not to be subject to the provisions of Section C of the Chepter. MISCELLANEOUS POINTS ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH OTHER CHAPTERS In the light of the new Article (53) on Types of Agreements and the new text of the Exceptions Article (62), the Sub-Committee (1) acceptance of the proposal that agreements faIling under Chapter VII should be clessed as an exception to Chapter V (Article 37. See E/PC/T/W/157/Rev.1. page 2), with the consequential deletion of sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph 2 of Article 25. (ii) deletion of sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 1 of Article 45 Pursuant to its decisions to brig conservation agreements partly within the provisions or Chapter VII (see Article 62), the Sub-Committee further recommends acceptance of the proposalade to the Working Party on Technical Articles (E/PC/T/103. page 47) to delets, in sub-paragraph (j) of Article 37, the words "are taken pursuant to international agreements or". E/PC/T/W/228 page 9 A N N E X CHAPTER VII INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY AGREEMENTS SECTION A - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ARTICLE 46 (46) * DIFFICULTIES RELATING TO PRIMARY COMMODITIES The Members recognize that the conditions under which some primary commodities are produced, exchanged and consumed are such that international trade in these commodities may be affected by special difficulties which do not characterize the trade in manufactured goods. Among these special difficultiès is the tendency towards persistent disequilibrium between production and consumption, as shown in the accumulation of burdensome stocks or pronounced fluctuations in prices. They may have serious adverse effects on the interests of producers and consumers, as well as widespread repercussions jeopardizing the general policy of economic expansion. Members agree that such difficulties may, at tines, necessitate special treatment of the international trade** in such commodities through inter- governmental agreement .*** * Numbers in brackets indicate equivalent Article in New York text. ** In Article 46, in speaking of the need to adopt "special treatment of the international trade in such commodities", the Sub-Committee had in land merely that international trade is the aspect of a particular commodity problem directly for appropriate for international treatment. It was understood, however, that agreement regarding the treatment of the international trade in a commodity might involve agreement regarding production or consumption of the commodity. *** Throughout this text, the word "arrangement" has been replaced by "agreement". This change is subject to the approval of the Legal-Drafting Committee. It is understood that all forms of inter-governmental agreement, accord, etc. are intended to be covered by the one term "agreement". E/PC/T/W/228 page 10 ARTICLE 47 (60(1)) PRIMARY AND RELATED COMMODITIES 1. For the purposes of this Chapter, the term "primary commodity" means any product of farm, forest or fishery or any mineral, in its natural form or subjected to such processing as is customarily required to prepare it for marketin in substantial volume in international traded. 2. The term shall also cover a group of commodities, of which one is a primary commodity as defined in paragraph 1 and the others are commodities whether primary or non- primary) which are so closely ralated, as regards conditions of production or utilisation, to the other commodities in the group, that it is appropriate to deal with them in a single agreement. 3. If, in exceptional circumstances, the Organization finds that the conditions set forth in Article 54 exist in the case of a commodity which does not fall precisely under paragraphs 1 or 2 above, the Organization may determine that the principles and provisions of Chapter VII, together with any other requirements it may establish, shall apply to inter- governmental agreements regairding that commodity. ARTICLE 48 (47) OBJECTIVES OF INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY AGREEMENTS The Members recognize. that inter-governmental commodity agreements may be employed to achieve the following objectives: (a) to prevent or alleviate the serious economic problems which may arise, when adjustments between production and consumption cannot be effected by normal market forces alone as rapidly as the circumstances require; (b) to provide, during the period which may be necessary, a framework for the consideration and development of measures which have as their purpose economic adjustments dosigned to promote the expansion of consumption or a shift of resources and manpower out of over-expanded industries into new and productive occupations; (c)) to moderate pronounced fluctuations in the price of a primary commodity with a view to achieving a reasonable degree of stability on a basis of prices fair to consumers and remunerative to efficient producers, having regard to the desirability of securing long- term equilibrium between the forces of supply and demand; E/PC/T/W/228 (d) to maintain and develop the natural resources of the world and protect them from unnecessery exhaustion; (e) to provide for the expansion of the production of a primary commodity where this can be accomplished 'with advantage to consumers and producers; (t) to assure the equitable distribution of a primary commodity in short supply. ARTICLE 49* (58) GENERAL UNDERTAKING BY MEMBERS Members, including Members not parties to a particular commodity agreement, shall give the most fevoureble possible consideration to any recommendation by a Commodity Council tor expanding cansumption of the commodity in question. SECTION B - INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY AGREEMENTS IN GENERAL ARTICLE 50 (48), SPECIAL COMMODITY STUDIES 1. Any Member which is substantielly interested in the production or consumption of, or trade in, a particular primary commodity, and which considers that international trade in that commodity is, or is likely to be, afftected by special difficulties, shall be entitled to ask that a study of the commodity be made. 2. Unless it resolves thet a prima facie case has not been established, the Organization shall promptly invite all Members to appoint representatives to a Study Group to make a study of the commodity, if they consider that they have a substantial interest in the production or consumption or, or trade in, the commodity. Non-Members may also be invited. 3. The Study Group shall promptly investigate the production, consumption and trade situation in regard to the commodity, and shell report to the partioipating governments and to the Organization its findings and its recommendations as to how boat to deal with any special difficulties which mey exist or may be expeoted to arise. The Organization shall promptly transmit to the Members these findings and recommendations. ARTICLE 51 (49) COMMODITY CONFERENCES 1 On the basis of the recommendations of a Study Group, or at the request of Members, the interest of which ropresents a sub- stantial part of world production or consumption of, or trade in, a particular primary commodity, the Organization shall promptly convene an inter-governmental conference to discuss measures designed to meet the special difficulties which exist * This article was not referred to the Sub-Committee by the Commission. E/PC/T/W/228 page 12 or are expected to arise. The Organization may also, on its own initiative, call such a conference on the basis of information agreed to be adequate by the Members having a substantial interest in the commodity. 2. Every Member which considers that it has a substantial interest in the production or consumption of, or trade in, the commodity concerned, shall be invited to participate in such a Conference. Non-Members may also be invited to participate. ARTICLE 52 (51) GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY AGREEMENTS Members shall adhere to the following principles governing the operation of all types of inter-governmental commodity agreements: (a) such agreements shall be open initially to partici- petion by any Member on terms ne less favourable than those accorded to any other country and thereafter in accordance with such procedure and upon such terms as may be established by the Commodity Council subject to approval by the Orgunization; (b) non-Members may be invited by the Organization to participate in such agreements and the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of this Article applying to Members shall apply to any non-Member so invited; (c) under such agreements there shall be equitable treat- ment as between participating countries and non- participeting Members, and the treatment accorded by participating countries to non-participating Members shall be no less favourable than that accorded to any non-perticipating non-Member; due cunsideration being givan in each case to policies edopted by non- participants in relation to obligations assumed and advantages conferred under the agreement; (d) such agreements shall include provision for adequate participating of countries substantially interested in the importation or consumption of the commodity as well as those substantially interested in its exportation or production; (e) such agreements shall provide, where practicable and appropriate, for measures designed to expend world consumption of the commodity; (f) full publicity shall be given to any inter-governmental commodity agreement proposed or concluded, to the stutements of considerations and objectives advanced by the proposing Members, to the nature and develop- ment of measures adopted to cerrect the underlying situation which geve rise to the agreement and, periodically, to the operation of the agreement. E/PC/T/W/228 page 13 ARTICLE 53 (60(3>) TYPES OF AGREEMENTS 1. For the purposes of this Chapter, there shall be recognized two classes of inter-governmental commodity agreements: (a) Commodity control agreements as defined in this Article; and (b) Agreements other than commodity control agreements. 2. [subject to the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Article]* a commodity control agreement" is an inter-governmental agreement which involves: (a) the regulation of production or the quantitative control of exports or imports of a primary commodity and has the purpose or might have the effect of roducing, or preventing an increase in, the production of, or trade in, that commodity; or (b) the regulation of prices. 3. The Organization shall, on the request of a Member, a Study Group, or a Commodity Conference, make a finding as to whether an existing or proposed inter-governmental agreement is a commodity control agreement within the terms of paragraph 2 of this Article. 4. (a) Commodity control agreements shall be subject to all of the provisions of this Chapter. (b) Agreements other than commodity control agreements shall bc subject to the provisions of this Chapter other than those of Section C. If, however, the Organization finds that an agreement which involves the regulation of production or the quantitative control of exports or imports is not a commodity control agreement, the Organization shall stipulate to which, if any, of the provisions or Section C that agreement shall corform. 5. The Organization may find that an existing or proposed inter-governmental agreement which has the purpose of securing the co-ordinated expansion of aggregate world production and consumption of a primary commodity is not a commodity control agreement even though the agreement contains provision for the future application of minimum prices; provided that any such agreement shall be deemed to be a commodity control agreement and shall conform to all the provisions of Section C from the date on which its minimum price provisions become operative. . The Legal Draiting Committee is to be asked whether, in its view, the words shown in square brackets are redundant and might be deleted. E/PC/T/W/228 page 14 SECTION C - INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY CONTROL AGREEMENTS ARTICLE 54 (52) CIRCUMSTANCES GOVERNING THE USE OF COMMODITY CONTROL AGREEMENTS. 1. Members agree that commodity control agreements may be employed only when it is determined that: (a) a burdensome surplus of a primary commodity has developed or is expected to develop, which, in the absence of specific governmental action, would cause serious hardship to producers, among whom are small producers who account for a substantial portion of the total output, and these conditions could not be corrected by normal market forces, in time to prevent such hardship, because characteristically, in the case of the primary commodity concerned, a substantial reduction in price does not readily lead to a significaint increas in consumption nor to a significant decrease in production; or (b) widespread unemployment or in connection with a primary commodity, arising out of difficulties of the kind referred to in Article 46, has developed or is expected to develop, which, in the absence of specific governmental action,would not be corrected by normal market forces in time to prevent widespread and undue hardship to workers, because characteristically in the case of the industry concerned, a substantial reduction in price does not readily lead to a significant increase in consumption but to the reduction of employment and because areas in which the commodity is produced in substantial quantity do not afford alternative employment opportunities for the workers involved, 2. Determinations under this Article shall be made through the Organization by consultation among the Members substantially interested in the commodity concerned. ARTICLE 55 (53) ADDITIONAL PRINCIPLES GOVERNING COMMODITY CONTROL AGREEMENTS. Members shall adhere to the following principles governing commodity control agreements in addition to those stated in Article 52: (a) Members agree not to enter into any new commodity control agreement unless it has been racoamended by a conference called in accordance with Article 51. Nevertheless, Members substantially interested in the production and consumption of, or trade in, a particular primary commodity, may proceed by direct negotiation to the conclusion of agreement, provided that it conforms to the other provisions of this Chapter, if there has been unreasonable delay in the proceedings of the Study Group or of the Commodity Conference; . E/PC/T/W/228 page 1 (b) such agreements shall be designed to assure the availability of supplies adequate at all times for world demand at reasonable prices; (c) under such agreements, participating countries, which are largely interested in imports of the commodity concerned, shall, in determinations made relating to substantive matters, have together a voice equal to that of those largely interested in obtaining export markets for the commodity, pro- vided that any country, which is largely interested in the commodity but which does not fall precisely under either of the above classes, shall have an appropriate voice;* (d) such agreements shall make appropriate provision to afford increasing opportunities for satisfying national consumption and world market roquirements from sources from which such requirements can be ;supplied in the most effective and economic manner, due regard being had to the need for preventing serious economic and social dislocation and to the position of producing areas which may be suffering from abnormal disabilities; (e) participating, countries shall formulate and adopt programmes of domestic adjustment believed to be adequate to ensure as such progress as practicable within the time limits of the agreement towards solution of the commodity problem. *Under sub-paragraph (c) it is intended: (i) that there shall be no more than two groups of countries within an agreement, and that the principle of' "equal voice"l in substantive matters shall apply as between them; (ii) that countries which are large producers and consumers of the commodity concerned, but Which are not large exporters or importers, shall have an appropriate voice. It Is understood that any difference in a Commodity Conference on voting arrangements may naturally be the subject of an appeal to the Organization under Chapter VIII (Article 86(2)). E/PC/T/W/228 page 16 ARTICLE 56 (54) ADMINISTRATION OF COMMODITY CONTROL AGREEMENTS 1. Each commodity control agreement shall provide for the establishment of a Governing body, herein referred to as a Commodity Council. 2. Each of the countries participating in an agreement shall be entitled to have one representative on the Commodity Council. These representatives alone shall have the right to vote. Their voting power shall be determined in such a way as to conform with the provisions of sub-paragraph (c) of Article 55. 3. The Organization shall be entitled to appoint a non-voting representative to each Commodity Council and may invite any competent inter-governmental organization to nominate a non- voting representative for appointment to a Commodity council. 4. Each Commodity Council shall have a non-voting, chairman who, if the Council so requests, shall be nominated by the Oranization. 5. The Secretariat of each Commodity Council shall be appointed by the Council after consultation with the Organization. 6. Each Commodity Council shall adopt appropriate rules of procedure and regulations regarding its activities, provided that they are not found by the Organization to be inconsistent with the principles and provisions of this Chapter. 7. Each Commodity Council shall make periodic reports to the Organization on the operation of the agreement which it admini- sters. In addition it shall make such special reports as the Organization may specify or as the council itself considers to be of value to the Organization. . 8. The expenses of a commodity. shall be borne by the participating countries. 9. When an agreement is terminated, the Organization shall take charge of archives and statistical material of the Commodity Council. . . E/PC/T/ W/228 page 17 ARTICLE 57 (55) PROVISION FOR INITIAL TERMS, REVIEW AND RENEWAL OF COMMODITY CONTROL AGREEMENTS 1. Commodity control agreements shall be concluded for a period of not more than five years, and ony renewal shall be for a period not exceeding five years, Such renewed agreements shall conform to the provisions of this Chapter. 2. Periodically, at intervals no greater then three years, the Organization shall prepare and publish a review of the operation of each agreement in the light of the principles set forth in this Chapter. Moreover, a commodity control agreement shell provide that if, in the opinion of the Organ- ization, its operation has failed substantially to conform, to the principles laid down in this Chepter, participating countries shall revise the agreement to conform to the principles, or shall terminete it. 3. Commodity control agreements shell include provision governing the subject of withdrawal of any party, ARTICLE 58 ( 56) SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES Any question or difference concerning the interpretation of the provisions of a commodity control agreement or arising out of its operation shall be discussed originally by the Commodity Council. If the question or difference cannot be resolved by the Council under the terms of the agreement, it shall be referred by the Council to the Commodity Commission for examination and recommendation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall then issue a ruling, in pursuance of the provisions of Article 86. SECTION D - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ARTICLE 59 (50) RELATIONS WITH INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS With the object of ensuring appropriate co-operation in matters relating to inter-governmental commodity agreements, any inter-governmental organization , which is deemed to be competent by the Organization, such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation, shall be entitled: (a) to attend any Study Group or Commodity Conference; (b) to ask that a study of a primary commodity be made; (c) to submit tr the Organization any relevant study of a primary commodity, and, on the basis thereof, to recommend to the Organization that further study of the commodity be made or that a Commodity Con- ference be convened. page 18 ARTICLE 60* (57) OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS REGARDING EXISTING AND PROPOSED COMMODITY AGREEMENTS. 1. Members shall transmit to the Organization the full text of each inter-governmental commodity agreement in which they are participating at the time of the coming into force of their obligations under this Charter. Members shall also transmit to the Organization appropriate information regarding the formulution, provisions and operation of such agreements. Members shall conform with the decisions made by the Organization regarding their continued participation in eny such inter-governmental commodity agreement which, after review by the Organiza- tion, shall have bean found to be inconsistent with the intentions of this Chapter. 2. Members shall transmit to the Organization appropriate information regarding any negotiations, looking to the conclusion of an inter-governmental commodity agreement, in which they are participating at the time of the coming into force of their obligations under this Charter. Members shall also contorl with decisions made by the Organization regarding their continued participation in any such negotiations. The Organization may dispense with the requirement of a Study Group or a Commodity Conference, if it finds then unnecessary in the light of the negotiations. ARTICLE 61 (60(2)) TERRITORIAL APPLICATION. For the purposes of this Chapter, the teri "Member" or "non-Member" shall be taken to mean a Member or non- Member or the Organization with its dependent territories. If a Member of non-Member and its dependent territories form a group, of which one or more units are mainly interested in the export of a commodity and one or more in the import of the commodity, there may be either Joint representation for all the associsted territories or, where it is so desired, separate representation for the territories mainly interested in export and separate representation for the territories mainly interested in import. This article was nit referred to the Sub-Committee by the Commission. E/PC/T/W/228 page 19 ARTICLE 62 (59) EXCEPTIONS TO PROVISIONS RELATING TO INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY AGREEMENTS. 1. That provisions of Chapter VII shall not apply: (a) to any bilateral agreement relating to the purchase and sale of a commodity falling under Section E of Chapter V; (b) to any inter-governmental commodity agreement involving no more than one exporting country and no more than one importing country, and not covered by sub-paragraph (a) above, provided that if, upon complaint of a non-participating Member, the Organization finds that the interests of that member are seriously prejudiced by the agreement, thc agreement shall become subject to such provisions of Chapter VII as the Organi- zation may stipulate; (c) to those provisions of inter-tovernmental commodity agreements which appropriately relate to the .protection of public .normals or of human, animal or plant lite or health; provided,that such agree- ments are not used to accomplish results incon- sistent with the objectives of Chapter VI or Chapter VII; (d) to agreements relating to fissionable materials, to the traffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods and materials as is carried on for the purpose of supplying a military establishment, or, in the time of war or other emergency in international relations, to the protection of the essential security interests of a member*. 2. The provisions of articles 50 and 51 and of Section C of Chapter VII shall not apply to inter-governmental commodity agreements found by the Organization to relate solely to the equitable distribution of commodities in short supply. 3. The provisions of Section C shall not apply to commodity control agreements found by the Organization to relate solely to the conservation of fisheries or wild life or other exhaust- ible natural resources. * A proposal has been made for the deletion of this sub- paragraph in'the light of an amendment to be considered by Commission A regarding the exclusion of such agree- ments from the whole Charter. ..
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of Sub-Committee on "Relations with Non-Members" (Article 36)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 8, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/157 and E/PC/T/156-161
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/157 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL 8 August 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT OF SUB-COMMITTEE ON "RELATIONS WITH NON-MEMBERS" (ARTICLE 36) I - INTRODUCTION 1. At the Thirteenth Meeting of Commission A, a special Sub- committee was appointed to consider the question of relations with Non-Members. The Sub-committee was given "full liberty to analyse the problem and to make to the Commission any suggestions or recommendations that the Sub-committee considers appropriate" (E/PC/T/A/PV/13, pages 11-12). Representatives of the following delegations were appointed as members of the Sub-committee Brazil Czechoslovakia France Netherlands United Kingdom United States of America 2. M. Baraduc (France) was elected Chairman of the Sub-committee. 3. The Sub-committee held seven sessions. Representatives of several delegations, not members of the Sub-committee, attended its meetings. In particular, representatives of Canada, China and New Zealand participated in the discussions on points of special interest to them. A representative of the International Monetary Fund also participated. 4. The Sub-committee examined the advantages and disadvantages in deferring the drafting of any provision concerning relations with Non-Members until the World Conference, or even until after the establishment of the Organization, but concluded that, in the absence of agreement on a single text, it would be adviseble, and in accord with the intention of the Commission, to prepare several draft texts of the Article for consideration by the World Con- ference. Accordingly, the Sub-committee has drafted texts, identified as versions "A", "B" and "C" in the Annexures to this Report, representative of three different points of view. The Sub-committee has deliberately avoided an extended discussion of the merits of one point of view as against another, since it was felt that such discussion should be undertaken only when the time comes to establish a text for incorporation in the Charter. It was apparent, however, from discussion in Sub-committee that each of the drafts was supported by one or more Delegations. II - RECOMMENDATIONS 5. The Sub-committee recommends that these three texts should be transmitted by the Preparatory Committee to the World Con- ference, without expressing at this stage any judgment concerning .the merits of one proposal as against another, in order to assist the World Conference in determining, in the light of all relevant NATIONS UNlES page 2 circumstances, the text to be incorporated in the Charter governing relations with Non-Members. Some question was raised in the Sub- committee as to the status of a Member of the United Nations if it should fail to become a Member of the Organization and to the status of a country not eligible for membership in the Organiza- tion. The Sub-committee suggests that the World Conference may wish to seek expert opinion as to whother, under these circumstances, any of the drafts would be in conflict with the obligations of Members of the Uniited Nations. III - OBSERVATIONS RELATING TO OTHER PARTS OF THE CHARTER 6. In the course of its discussions, the Sub-committee has considered in a preliminary manner the relationship between each of the several draft texts of this Article and other provisions in the Charter. The Sub-committee, accordingly, submits the following observations : (a) Preferential Arrangements (Articles 14 and 24). The texts of versions "A" and "B" as now drafted would not prevent the continuation of preferential arrangements, to the extent and of the nature permitted in Article 14, even if Members and Non-Members of the Organization were members of a common preferential system. Version "C" would allow a similar measure of preferential treatment, except that it would not allow the granting of a reduction in the preferential rate accorded by a Member to a Non-Member. (b) Unilateral Tariff Reductions. Since paragraph 3 of version "C" refers only to the extension of tariff reductions resulting from negotiations among Members (i.e. reductions in tariffs effected by a Member pursuant to Article 24), this version of the Article would not prevent a Member from applying to the trade of all countries, including all Non-Member countries, a tariff reduction made unilaterally for domestic reasons. The other versions of the Article, also, would not prevent the applica- tion to the trade of all countries of such unilateral tariff reductions. (c) Subsidies (Article 30) The Sub-committee agrees with the view of the Sub- committec on Article 30 that the new provision relating to the case of an expert subsidy granted by a Non-Member (paragraph 4 of Article II of Article 30 in E/PC/T/124) does not affect the general question of relations with Non-Members. (d) Inter-governmental Commodity Arrangements (Chapter VII). It is the view of the Sub-committee that the provisions incorporated in the text of Chapter VII concerning participa- tion by Membors and Non-Members in commodity agreements are consistent with each of the three texts proposed for Article 36, and that none of these texts would prevent the sort of rela- tions with Non-Members envisaged in the texts of Articles 50 and 51 as approved by Commission B (E/PC/T/W/228 and F/PC/T/223). E/PC/T/157 page 3. (e) "Non-Member Element" in Exports of a Member. The Sub-committee's attention was drawn to the possible need for some provision concering the "Non-Member element" in goods exported by a Member and concerning other forms of indirect trade between Members and Non-Members. It is the view of the Sub-committee that it would not be practicable to make specific provisions for such cases in the text of the Article but that the appropriate treatment of such a "Non-Member element" or other form of indirect trade must be determined by the Member country concerned in accordance with its normal administrative Practices insofar as such matters are not already covered in other sections of the Charter. IV - OBSERVATIONS RELATING TO OTHER AGREEMENTS, CONVENTIONS AND TREATIES. 7. Concerning related provisions in other agreements, conventions and treaties, it appears to the Sub-committee that the precise effect of the adoption of one or another of the proposed versions of Article 36 on the participation of Members of the Organization in such arrangements along with Non-Members can not be determined without a more detailed examination of their provisions. In general, it is the intention of the Sub-committee that none of the proposed texts should present obstacles to full participation by Members and Non-Members in arrangements which are not inconsistent with the purposes of the Organization. In particular cases, if any question were to arise, latitude is provided for determining the propriety of continuing such relationships in the light of the circumstances existing at that time. 8. In the case of version "C" it was pointed out particularly that the language of that draft does not require the termination of any arrangement unless the terms of the arrangement would entitle a Non-Member to receive, without giving specific compensa- tion, benefits newly created by Chapter V of the Charter. 9. In versions "B" and "C" of the draft Article a paragraph has been included to cover the special cases of the Peace Treaties and the Specialized, or similar, Agencies, if the Legal Drafting Committee considers that those cases would not be clearly excepted in the absence of such an explicit exception. A similar provision would seem to be unnocessary in version "A" to accomplish the same purpose. 10. Concerning treaties of a general or political nature, the Sub-committee did not consider it practicable to devise categories of such treaties or arrangements which could be excepted in advance from the provisions of this Article, although it was recognised by the Sub-committee that there are economic provisions in such general or political treaties which would not be affected by the provisions contained in the present drafts of the Article. The extent to which such treaties or arrangements involving Members and Non-Members would be affected clearly depends on which version of the Article is finally adopted. It was noted by the Sub- committee that under all proposed versions provision is made for determining whether any relevant economic provisions in such treaties or arrangements are consistent with the obligations entailed in membership in the Organization. E/PC/T/157 page 4 V - MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS 11. The Sub-committee has taken note of the proposal approved by the Sub-committee on Chapters I, II and VIII for admitting to the Organization in some capacity certain autonomous customs territories which are not fully responsible for the formal con- duct of their own diplomatic relations (see paragraph 3 of Article 65 as proposed by the Sub-committee on Chapters I, II and VIII - E/PC/T/139). In the event that this proposal of that Sub-committee is adopted, the present Sub-committee con- siders that such territories when admitted to the Organization would be regarded for the purposes of this Article as being in the same category as Members. 12. The Sub-committee has not attempted to deal with the particular case of the occupaid territories. 13. No attempt has been made to determine whether the Article dealing with "Relations with Non-Menmbers" should re in in Chapter V or should be transferred to some other Chapter of the Charter. 14. The Sub-committee has recognised fully that, in drafting the present texts, as in the drafting of other provisions in the Charter, the primary objective should be to secure the establishment of an effective Organization with the broadest possible Membership. E/PC/T/157 Page 5. VERSION "A" Article 36 Relations with Non-Members 1. Nothing in this Charter shall precluda any Member from concluding or maintaining commercial treaties or maintaining economic relations with non-Members provided that no Member shall seek preferential export or import duties or taxes or exclusive advantages in its trade with any non-Member. 2. If a substantial part of any Member's foreign trade is with non-Members, such Member shall be entitled to suspend the application of any of the provisions of this Charter provided that their execution causes or threatens to cause a serious injury to its legitimate economic interests. 3. Any Member shall afford tho Organization and directly affected Members an adequate opportunity to consult with it in respect of its action and of the best way which would enable the Member concerned to safeguard its interests without prejudicing the general purposes and objectives of this Charter and the legitimate interests of the ahove- mentioned Members. If no adjustment can be effected, the Member concerned may withdraw from the Organization at any time by written notice addressed to the Director General either on its own behalf or on behalf of a territory which is at the time self- governing in respect of matters provided for by this Charter, giving roasons therefor. This withdrawal shall become offective on the date such notice is received. The Director General shall immediately notify all other Members. E/PC/T/157 page 6 VERSION "B" ARTICLE 36 Relations with Non-Members 1. No Member shall seek exclusive or preferential advan- tages for its trade with any non-Member. 2. Any Member wishin to maintain or enter into a commercial agreement with a non-Member which extends or would extend to the non-.Member any of the benefits of Chapter V of this Charter or any of the tariff reductions effected by the Member concerned in pursuance of Article 24 of the Charter shall seek the approval of the Organization for such a course, provided that no Member shall be required to terminate any such existing agreement until it has received written notification from the Organization of its decision in respect of that agreement in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Article. 3. In deciding whether it should grant approval in respect of the question referred to in paragraph (2) of this Article, the Organization shall have regard to the following consider- ations: (a) whether or not the agreement concerned does or would substantially injure the interests of other Members; (b) whether or not the termination of an existing agreement of this nature would substantially injure the interests of the Member concerned; (c) whether or not the expansion of international trade and the promotion of the purposes of the Organization as laid down in this Charter would be adversely affected if the agreement were maintained or put into effect. E/PC/T/157 page 7 4. A Member may apply to the Organization at any time for approval of any agreement which it proposes to conclude with a non-Member and to which the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article apply, but, in the case of any such agreement which exists at the date on which this Charter comes into force for that Member, application for approval under the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article shall be made within a period of one year from that date. 5. Within 60 days of its receipt of written notification of a decision by the Organization disapproving any agreement to which the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article apply, a Member either shall inform the Organization of its acceptance of the decision, in which case the Member shall take steps to terminate any such existing agreement and shall not extend or continue to exten to the non-Member the benefits to Members deriving from the negotiations completed in accordance with Article 24 of this Charter, or, if it is unwilling to accept tho decision of the Orqgnization, may give notice in writing to the Director-General of its withdrawal from the Organization, such withdrawal to become effective 60 days after such notice is given. [6. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted as requiring the withdrawal of any Member from membership in other inter-governmental organizations of the type described in Article 57 of the Charter of the United Nations or as over-riding any of the economic provisions in the treaties of peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and the states which were their enemies during the Second World War. ] (¹) (1) The Sub-Committee suggests the the necessity of including this paragraph be examined by the Legal Drafting Committee. E/PC/T/157 page 8 (1) For the purposes or this Article, the term non- Member shall mean a country which, although qualified to become a Member, has not become a Member or has withdrawn from the Organization.](²) (2) The Preparatory Committee calls the attention of the World Conference on Trade and Employment to this particular paragraph, the inclusion of which would render the provisions of the Article not applicable to countries which are not invited to join the Organization. The World Conference may wish to consider whether this provision should be retained or deleted in the light of the resolution regarding Spain which the General Assembly adopted on 12 December, 1946. E/PC/T/157 Page 9. VERSION "C" Article 36 Contractual relations with non-Members Treatment of the Trade of non-Members 1. No Member shall seek preferential advantages from any non-Member so as to result, directly or indirectly, in the application by such non-Member to any Member of measures which, if applied by a Member, would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter. 2. No Member shall be a party to any agreement or other arrangement with any non-Member under which such non-Member is or would be contractually entitled to any of the benefits provided to Members by virtue of Chapter V: Provided, That, with respect to any such existing agreement, the Organization shall release eny Member from the provisions of this paragraph if it finds that the effect of termination of the agreement would be more detrimental to the interests of Members as a whole than its continuation. 3. No Member shall, except with the concurrence of the Organization, extend to the trade of any other country, which, although qualified to (¹) has not become a Member or has withdrawn from the Organization any of the reductions in tariffs effected by sùch Member pursuant to Article 24, or extend to such country any reduction in a preferential tariff rate, even though such reduction would be permitted under the terms of Articles 14 and 24. (1) The Preparatory Committee calls the attention or the World Conference on Trade and Employment to the fact that if the words "although qualified to do so" are not included, this provision would deny most-favoured-nation treatment to any country not invited to join the Organization. The World Conference may wish to consider whether this result clearly reflects the purpose of the General Assembly when it adopted the resolution regarding Spain on 12 December.1946. E/PC/T/157 Page 10. 4. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall become effective for any Member upon the expiration of one year from the day on which this Charter enters into force with respect to such Member: Provided, That, this period may be extended by the organization, in respect of the relations of any Member with any non-Member, for such further periods as the Organization may prescribe: At any time before the expiration of any such period, a Member may request the Organization in writing for such an extension, in which event the period will be considered to be extended until a reply is received from the Organization If the Organization disapproves the extension requested, the Member shall then be free, not later than sixty days from the day on which notice of such disapproval is received by the Member, to withdraw from the Organization effective upon the expiration of sixty days from the date on which written notice of such withdrawal is received by the organization. 5. At the earliest possible date after any provision of this Charter becomes effective, Members shall terminate, either by agreement or in accordance with their terms, any international obligations they may have with non-Members which would prevent them, from giving full effect to such provision. 6. [Nothingg in this Article shall be interpreted as requiring the withdrawal of any Member from membership in other inter- governmental organizations or the type described in Article 57 of the Charter of the United Nations or as over-riding any of the economic provisions in the treaties of peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and the states which were their (2) enemies during the Second World War.](²) (2) The Sub-Committee suggests that the necessity of including this paragraph be examined by the Legal Draftting Committee.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Ad Hoc Subcommittec of the Tariff Agreement Committee on new Paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article XVIII (formerly Article XVII)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/197 and E/PC/T/196-209
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/197 AND ECONOMIQUE 15 September 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Report of the Ad Hoc Subcommittec of the Tariff Agreement Committee on new Paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article XVIII (formerlv Article XVII). At its nineteenth meeting, the Tariff Agreement Committee appoin-r;d a Subcommittee to consider further a text which had been proposed by the Unitod States Delegation for Paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article XVIII, formerly Article XVII, (E,'PC/T/w/328) in the light of the discussion which had taken place in the Tariff Agreement Committee. Representatives of the following Delegations were appointed members of the Subcommittee: India Netherlands Norway United Kingdom United States Mr. ADARKAR (India) las designated Chairman. The Subcommittee held one meeting and agreed on the accompanying text which it recommends for the approval of the Committee. In inserting "10 October 1947" as the date of notification in Paragraph 6, the Subcommittee has assumed that the Final Act will be signed about 15 October. Paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article XVIII 16. Any contracting party may maintain any non-dis -minatory measure, in force on 1 September 1947, which has been imposed for the establishment, development or reconstruction of particular industries or particular branches of agriculture and which is not otherwise permitted by this Agreement; Provided, UNITED NATIONS NATOPMS UNIES E/PC/T/197 page 2 that any such contracting party shall have notified the other contracting parties, not later than 10 October 1947, of each product on which any such existing measure is to be maintained and of the nature and purpose of such measure. Any contracting party maintaining any such measure shall, within 60 days of becoming a contracting party, notify the Contracting Parties of the measure concerned, the considerations in support of its maintenance and the period for which it wishes to maintain the measure. The Contracting Parties shall, as soon as possible, but in any case within twelve months from the day on which such contracting party becomes a contracting party, examine and give a docision concerning the measure as if it had been submitted to the Contracting Parties for their concurrence under the provisions of the preceding paragraphs of this Article. The Contracting Parties, in making a decision under this paragraph specifying a date by which any modification in or withdrawal of the measure is to be made, shall have regard to the possible need of a contracting party for a suitable period of time in which to make such modification or withdrawal. 7. The provisions of Paragraph 6 of this Ar'ticle shall net apply in respect of any contracting party to any product described in the appropriate Schedule annexed to this Agreement.'
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the AD HOC Sub-Committee of the Tariff Agreement Committee on Article XXVI
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 10, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/194 and E/PC/T/189-196
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/194 10 September, 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT OF THE AD HOC SUB-COMMITTEE OF THE TARIFF AGREEMENT COMMITTEE ON ARTICLE XDVI At its 14th meeting on 9 Septomber the Tariff Agreement Committee appointed an ad hoc sub-committee to redraft Article XXCVI in thc light of thn amendmont proposed in E/3XPC/T/v'J/326 -nd in the light of the discussion at that mneDting. Represen- tatives of thc Delegations of Australia, Belgituz., Czechoslovakia, France, India, Norway and the United States werc designated mombors of thc E«ib-committee. Mr. ADRKAR (India) was a-pointed Chairman. The Sub-committce hold one meeting and reached agrecmont on the attached redraft of this Article which it rocounLonds tc the Committoo. Redraft of Article XXVI Proposed by the Sub-cormittee ARTICLE XXVI Modification of Schedules 1. On or after Januo.ry 1, 1951, any contrnactin- party may by negotiation and agreement with uny other contracting party with which such trcatment was initially negotiated, anid subject to con- sulta-tion with the other contracting parties which the Committee determines to have a substantial interest in such treatment, modify, or ec-ase to apply, the treatment which it has agreed to accord under Paragraph 1 of Article II to any product describedc in the appropriate Schedule annexed to this Agreement. Such negotiations and agreement may include provision for compensatory adjustment with respect tc other products. In such negotiations the contract- ing parties concerned shall endeavor to inaintain a general levcl of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions not less favorable to trade than that provided for in the present Agreen?i.nt. 20(a) If agreement between the contracting part's primarily con- cerned can not be reached, the contracting party which proposes to take the action shall, nevertheless, be frue to do so, and if Such action is taken, the contracting party with which such treatment was irn4tially negotiated rnd -uch other contracting Iart :; as have been determined undEr pnra.raph 1 of this Article to have a sub- stcrntial interest, shall thon be frce, not later than six rllonths after such action is taken, to suspend, upon the expiration of thirty days from the day on which written notice of such suspension is received by the Committee, the application to tho trade o:C' tho contracting party taking such action, of substantially equ.ivaleint- concossions. (b) If agreement between the contracting parties primarily con- cerned is reached but any other contracting party doterrnincd undor paragraph 1 of this Article to have a substantial interest ls not satisfied, such other contracting party shall be fro9c, not later than six months after .action uwider such agreiemnt is taken, to suspend, upon the exuiration of thirty days from the day on which written notice of such suspension is received by the Committoec the application to the trade of a contracting party taking action undor such agreement, of substantially equivalent concessions.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the AD HOC Sub-Committee of the Tariff Agreement Committee on Paragraph 3 of Article I
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/192 and E/PC/T/189-196
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the AD HOC Sub-Committee of the Tariff Agreement Committee on Paragraph 3 of Article I
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/192 and E/PC/T/189-196
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/192 AND ECONOMIQUE 9 September 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF TFZ PREPARATORY COMMlITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT OF THE AD HOC SUB-COMMITTEE OF THE TARIFF AGREEMENT COMMITTEE ON PARAGRAPH 3 OF ARTICLE I. At its ninth meeting on 3 September 1947 the Tariff Agreement Committee appointed a Sub-Committee to consider the draft text of Paragraph 3 of Article I as contained in document E/PC/T/189 taking account of the amendments submitted. Representatives of the Delegations for Australia, Czechoslovakia, France, Lebanon-Syria, the United Kingdom and the United States were appointed members of the Sub-Committee. Dr. COOMBS (Australia) was elected chairman. The Sub-Committee held two meetings and reached unanimous agreement on the attached text which it recommends in substitution for the present text of Paragraph 3 of Article I. Paragraph 3 of Article I. 3. The margin of preference on any product in respect of which a preference is permitted under paragraph 2 of this Article and is not specifically scheduled as a maximum margin of pre- ference shall not exceed - (a) in respect of any product described in a Schedule to this Agreement, the difference between the most- favoured-nation and preferential rates provided for in such Schedule; provided that where no preferential UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/192 page 2 rate ïs provided for, the preferential rate shall for the purposes of this paragraph be taken to be that in force on 10th April 1947, and that where no most-favoured-nation rate is provided for, the martin shall not exceed the difference between the most-favoured-nation and pre-ferential rates existing on loth April 19'7; (b) in respect of any product noa described in the Sçhcdules, thu di ercb:ce t:;wern the most- 'avoured-nation and prDferential ratEs existing on lOth April 1947. in the case of tho contracting parties ia 4 d-Ai Aimnex G, the date of lOth April 1947 referred to . m(a` zd. (b) above shal.l bo replacGd by the r.zspective dates indicated in tha s:aid Annex.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee of the Tariff Agreement Committee on Paragraph 3 of Article XXIV
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/198 and E/PC/T/196-209
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL RESTRICTED. E/PC/T/198 15 September 1947 ECONOMIQUE Original: ENGLISH. ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT OF THE AD HOC SUB-COMMITTEE OF THE TARIFF AGREEMENT COMMITTEE ON PARAGRAPH 3 OF ARTICLE XXIV. At its thirteenth meeting the Tariff Agreement Committee appointed a Sub-Committee with the following Terms of Reference:' "To examine the situation respecting the participa- tion as full contracting parties o? Burma, Ceylon and Southern Rhodesia and to submit recommendations, if this were decided upon, as to how the text of the General Agreement should be changed." Representatives of the following Delegations were appointed members of the Sub-Committee: Cuba France India Netherlands United States. M. ROYER (France) was elected Chairman. The Sub-Committee had the benefit of being assisted by U. Nyun, Representative of Burima, I. In order to be able to form a view with regard to the participation of Burma, Ceylon and Southern Rhodesia, the Sub- Committee requested the United Kingdom Delegate to submit infor- mation relating to the following points: (a) the ability of these territories to approve and modify their tariffs without requiring the consent of the United Kingdoms; (b) the ability of these territories to apply the General Agreement without reference to the United Kingdom; (c) the ability of these ,erritories to enter into con- tractual relations on commercial matters with foreign Governments, including any examples of such contractual relations; h) the position o? the representatives o? these territories during the present negotiations, including an indica- tion of any changes in their position which may have occurred during the course of the negotiations. RESTRICTED E/PC/T/198 page 2. Information on these points, supported where applicable by documentary material, was suppliod to the Sub-Committee by the United Kingdom Delegate. Supplementary explanations were given by Mr. U. Nyun for Burma and by members of the United. Kingdom Delegation in respect of Ceylon and Southern. Rhodesia. On the basis of this information, the Sub-Committee arrived at the following conclusions Burma: Questions (a), (b) and (c) can be answered in the affirmative Burma has concluded a Commercial Agreement with the Union of South Africa on 14 November 1938 and a Trade Agreement with India on 3 April 1941. At Geneva, Burma has carried on, and in several cases already completed, negotiations with other countries. The constitutional situation of Ceylon is at present in a fluid state. In November next an already enacted consti- tution (the Soulbury Constitution) will become operative, under which Ceylon will be able to conclude trade agreements with other members of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The United Kingdà:n Secretary of State for the Colonies has announced that it is proposed to introduce a Bill during this year giving Ceylon full self-governin? status within the British Comnon- wealth. Furthermore, the United Kingdom Government is agreeable to Ceylon concluding trade agreements with foreign governments. Paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the Trade Agreement betwcon the United Kingdom and India of 20 March 1939 reads ``1. The Government of India will, as soon as may be after the conclusion of this Agreement, enter into negotiations with the Government of Ceylon regarding the trade relations between India and Ceylon." This implies, in the view of the Sub-Committee, the recognition by the United Kingdom Government of the right of Ceylon to enter into negotiations with India. At Geneva, Ceylon has carried on, and in several cases completed, tariff negetiations with other countries in the light of these acts it appears to the Sub- Committee that Ceylon possesses de sure the abilities mentioned in questions (a) and (b). As regards the abilities referred to in question (c), Ceylon, at the present moment, exercises these abilities de facto, but it is already envisaged that it will obtain these rights legally in due course. E/PC/T/198 page 3 Southern Rhodesia; The answers to questions (a), (b) and (c) arc in the affirmative. Southern Rhodesia has concluded a Customs Agreement with the Union of South Africa in 1930 and a Trade Agreement with the Unitod Kingdom on 20 August 1932. With regard to question (d), Southern Rhodesia has not proceeded with tariff negotiations at Geneva because there did not appear to be a basis for the conclusion of a Tariff Agreement. _____________ The United Kingdom Delegation, on behalf of the Government of the United Kingdom, has expressed its willingness to make a Declaration to the Tariff Agreement Committee establishing the ability of Burma, Ceylon and Southern Rhodesia to enter into and fulfil all obligations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, The text of this Declaration is attached as an Annex to this Report. Having carefully considered all the relevant facts, the Sub- Committee unanimously agreed to recommend to the Tariff agreement Committee that Burma, Ceylon and Southern Rhodesia, according to their status de jure and/or de facto, can be admitted to participate as full contracting parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and that the consequential changes be made in the Proamble and the Protocols to the Agreement. Il. On Article XXIV (Now proposed XXVI) the Sub-Committee agreed to r C':x;r1 - 1. that sub-paragraph 3 (b) as contained in document E/PC/T/189 should be deleted; 2. that sub-paragraph 3 (a) should become a full paragraph (and in view of the addition of a new paragraph 3 decided upon at the Thirteonth Meeting of the Tiriff Agreement Committee should be identified as paragraph 4) and read as follow: "Each Govermnent accepting this Agreement does so in respect of its metropolitan territory and of the other territories for which it has international responsibility; Provided that it may at the time of acceptance declare that any separate customs territory for which it has international responsibility possesses full autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for by this Agreement, and that acceptance does not relate to such territory; Provided further that if any of the customs territories on behalf of which a contracting party has accepted this Agreement possesses or acquires full autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for by this RESTRICTED E/PC/T/198 page It Agreement, such a territory shall, upon sponsorship through a declaration by the responsible contracting party establishing the above-mentioned fact be deemed to be a Contracting Partyll, III. The Sub-Committee agreed to recommend a consequential change in Articlr XXXI (now proposrd XXXIII) which should be amended to read: ':A Government not party to this Agreement or a Goverment acting on behalf a of territory x , may accade to this Agreement on its own behalf or on be half of that territory on terms to be agreed between such Government and the contracting parties." The Sub-Committee wishes to draw the attention of the Tariff Agreement Committee to the fact that the use of the term "contract- ing parties" in this Article implies the need for unanimous decision on the accession of new parties to the Agreement. X Note: Subsequent to the meeting of the Sub-Committee the United Kingdom Delegate suggested that at this point the following words should be inserted: ``possessing full autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other mattors provided for by this Agreement". E/PC/T/198 page 5 Annex The Executive Secretary to the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment GenevaI The United Kingdom Delegation is authorized by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to make the following declaration with regard to the status of Burma, Ceylon and Southern Rhodesia with the view to the participation of these territories, as full contracting parties, in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, by reference to the following questions: (a) Are these territories able to approve and modify their tariffs without requiring the consent of the United Kingdom? (b) Are theso territories able to apply the General Agreement without reference to the United Kingdom Government? (c) Are these territories able to enter into contractual relations on commercial matters with foreign Governmentse including any examples of such contractual relations? (d) What is the position of the Representatives of these territories during the present negotiations, including an indication of any changes in their position which may have occurred during the course of the negotiations? Burma The answers to Questions (a), (b) and (c) are in the affirmative. As regards question (c), His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom recognizes the right of Burma to enter into such contractual relations. Burma has, in fact, entered into commercial agreements with the Union of South Africa in 1938 and E/PC/T/198 page 6 with India in 1941. As regards question (d), the Representatives of Burma have completed tariff negotiations on their own behalf with other countries at Geneva. Ceylon Question (a): The answer is in the affirmative. Question (b): The answer is in the affirmative. : Question (c): In November next the Soulbury Constitution will become operative in Ceylon, under which her present de facto right to conclude trade agreements with other members of the Commonwealth will become a de jure right. Further His Majesty' s government in the United Kingdom is agreeable to Ceylon concluding trade agreements with foreign countries. The Secretary of State for the Colonias has announced that it is proposed to introduce a Bill during this year giving Ceylon full self-governing status within the British Commonwealth. Article 13 of the Trade Agreement of 1939 between the United Kingdom and India implies the right of Ceylon to negotiate with India in regard to trade relations. Question (d.): The representative of Ceylon has completed tariff negotiations on behalf of Ceylon with other countries at Geneva. Southern Rhodesia Questions (a), (b) and (c): The answer is in the affirmative. Southern Rhodesia concluded a Customs Agreement with the Union of South Africa in 1930 and a Tradc Agreement with the United Kingdom in 1932. Question (d): Tariff negotiations at Geneva were were not pro- ceeded with in the absence of a basis for the conclusion of a Tariff Agreement. The United Kingdom Delegation is further authorized on behalf of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to sponsor the admission of Burma, Ceylon and Southern Rhodesia as contracting parties to the General, Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. (signed) J.R.C. Helmore 15 September 1947
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee of the Tariff Agreement Committee on the Relation between the Protocol of Signature and the Protocol of Provisional Application
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 16, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/199 and E/PC/T/196-209
UNITED NATIONS X*; VSi E T 2 R'S'2'RICTED ECONOMIC - 16 September 1947 AND ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL LET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT OF THE AD HOC SUB-COMMITTEE OF THE TARIFF AGREEMENT COMMITTEE ON THE RELATION BETWEEN THE PROTOCOL OF SIGNATURE AND THE PROTOCOL OF PROVISIONAL APPLICATION. At its twentieth meeting the Tariff Agreement Committee appointed a Sub-Comrittee to consider whether the Protocol of Provisional Application should provide that the countries signing it should first have to sign the General Agreement and its accompanying Protocols. Representatives of the Delegations of Australia, Brazil, France, Narway, the United Kingdom and the United States were appointed Members of the Sub-Committee. Mr. MELANDER (Norway) was elected Chairman. The Sub-Committee held one meeting; the Delegate for New Zealand was also invited to attend and assisted the Sub-Committee in its deliberations. The Sub- Committee, taking into account the different views put forward during the debate in the Tariff Agreement Committee, began by considering whether and to what extent it was necessary to have a separate Protocol of Signature, and, if this was not necessary, whether any part of this Protocol ought to be incor- porated elsewhere in the Agreement. The Sub-Committee agreed that, since the Agreement was subject to an acceptance procedure, and since the test would be authenticated by the signature of the Final Act, there was no need for Signature of the Agreement. The undertaking to observe E/PC/T/199 Page 2 the principles of the Charter should be included in the provisions of the Agreement itself. In this way countries signing the Protocol of Provisional Application would automatically undertake also to observe the priniciplCs of the Chlctrter. In accordance wi th this reccomrict tntion, the Sub-Comrmiittoe suggests the following chances .1s contained in the text ^./PC/T/196: 1. In Article YXXIII to deletl the words "or its accompanyin- Protocol" appearing in lin. 3 and i.n iinc, aiid 7 of this Articlo. 2. In Article XXVI to amend tho tit].e ?.nd pc.ragrapphs 1 and 2 to read. 'R'ICLiX VIL' "Acceptancoe, Ent:rv into Force :and Rogistration. " " 1. The prason.l A-reement shall bear thc date of the signature of thio Finil Act adopted at the con- clusion of thD second session of the Proparatory Committee for the Unitod Nations Corference on Trade and ùnploymnent and shall be opon to acceptance by nrny gcverrnmrient signatory to bhe Firial Act." "12. Tho original of this jAgreement donc in the English and Frenclh languages, each in single copy, both authentic, shall be deposited with tho Secretary-Genoral of thoe Unitod Nations, who shall furiiish curti.fied ~opie; t'hierof to all interested governments, ' 3, In :rticlo XXIX to amond tho title and insert a new para- graph 1 (altering the numbers Of t1io present paragrn.phs accordingly) as follows E/PC/T/199 Page 3 ARTICLE XXIX. "Relation of this Agreement to the Charter of an International Trade Organization." "1. The Contracting Parties, recognizing that the objectives laid down in the Preamble to this Agree- ment, can best be attained through the adoption by the United Nationis Con&arocic on Tridue Tne Enployrnent of a Charter for an International Trade O-:,anizatior, thereby lealing to tho crcatlon of such a-n Organiza- tion, undertake, pendi.n their accept anca of a Charter In accor(lanec with tsrr censtittutional proccduues, tu observe to the fullest extent of theïr cxecutivo authority the i-neral principles of the Draft Charter submitted to the Conference by the Preparatory Coerfriittee."1 4. In the Protoco1 of Provisional .'-pplication to amend the second paragraph to read as follows: "Ar:y governnrent applying this Protocol shall be free to withdraw such application oil sixty days' written notice to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.' 5, To delete the provision for signature following after Article XiIV at the end of tic text of the Agreeoiluent (p.65). 6. To dispense with the separate Protocol of Signaturc.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee of the Tariff Agreement Committee on the Relation between the Protocol of Signature and the Protocol of Provisional Application
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 16, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/199 and E/PC/T/196-209
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Committee on Chapters I, II and VIII
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 31, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/139 and E/PC/T/135-142
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/139 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL 31 July 1947 ORIGINAL:. ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON CHAPTERS I, Il AND VIII Part A - Introduction 1. The Committee on Chapters I, II and VIII was established by Commission B to examine the texts of Chapters I (Purposes), II (Membership) and VIII (Organisation), (with the exception of Articles 64, 67 (3) and (4) and 68 which were to be considered by another committee), contained in the Report ot the Drafting CommitteeR and the amendments and comments presonted by delegations upon these texts, with a view to preparing new texts for the approval of the Commission.< 2. The Committee consisted of representatives from the delegations of Australia, Belgium/Luxembourg, Brazil, China, France, Union of South Africa, United Kingdom and United States. Representatives of various other delegations attended the meetings of the Committee and participated in its discussions time to time. Mr. Naude (Union of South Africa) was elected chairman. 3. Special mention might be made of the discussions of the Committee upon the subjects of (a) membership of the Organisation, (b) the settlement of differences, (c) the Commission of the x i.e., the Report of the Drafting Committee which was appointed by the First Session and which met in New York. The references to the Draft Charter hereinafter contained are to the Charter as rearranged in Part C of this Report unless otherwise stated. The reference in brackets in Parts B and C which appear alongside the numbers of articles are to the text prepared by the Drafting Committee. NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/139 page 2 Organisation and related organisational questions and (d) the re- arrangerment of the Draft Charter. (a) As regards the membership of the Organisation, the Committee generally agreed with the proposal made by the delegation of the United Kingdom to provide for admission to the Organisation in certain circumstances of separate customs territories which possessed full autonomy in the conduct of their external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for by the Charter, but which wore not yet fully responsible for the formal conduct of their diplomatic relations. (b) The Committee drafted a new section of four articles to cover the subject of the settlement of differences. Those four articles replace paragraph 2 of Article 35 and Article 86 of the text prepared by the Drafting Committee. In the Course of its work the Committee made certain modifications in the language agreed upon by the Committee charged by Commission A with the study of Article 35. (c) The Committee agreed that Section E of Chapter VIII of the text prepared by the Draftin, Committee dealing w'th the Commissions should be changed so as no longer to provide for specific commissions in named field. It was also agreed that the decision to establish particular com- missions should be taken by the Conference of the Organi- sation as required in order to perform the functions of the Organisation as set forth in the substantive Chapters of the Charter. It was also agreed that the functions of these commissions upon their establishment should also be determined by the Conference. E/PC/T/139 page 3 (d) The Committee approved without substantial modifica- tion the re-arrangement of the Draft Charter proposed by the Delegation of the United States and set out in Docu- ment E/PC/T/W/236 and Corrigenda. 4. In the course of twenty-five meetings the Committee was able to reach agreement on all the provisions contained in the texts of Chapters I, VII, VIII and IX set out in Part B of this Report and upon the rearrangement of the Draft Charter repro- duced in Part C, with the exception of paragraph 2 of Article 87, paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 of Article 88 and paragraph 3 of 2.Article 89. 5. The Committee draws the attention of the Preparatory Com- mittee to the lirnited time which has been devoted to the study of the means of providing for interpretation of the Charter and for the settlement of differences among Members and between Members end the Organisation. The subject was not fully discussed et the First Session of the Preparatory Committee and was not considered at all by the Drafting Committee. At the Second Session the timetable laid down did not permit the Committee suf- ficient time to make as thorough a study of all the problems involved as the importance of the subject deserves. For these reasons the Committee recommends that this subject should receive early and full re-examination by the World Trade Conference and the drafts contained in this Report have been prepared on the assumption that this course will be followed. 6. Two alternative drafts of paragraph 2 of Article 88 are submitted. While not commiting their delegations to a final acceptence of either text, preference for alternative A was expressed by the delegates of Australie, Brazil, China, the Union of Scuth Africs, United Kingdom and United States. The two remaining delegates, those of Belgium/Luxembour and France, favoured alternative B nnd reserved their position on the related E/PC/T/139 page 4 question containod in paragraph 3 of Article 89. The delegate of the United Kingdom reserved his position on paragraph 2 of Article 87 and on tho proviso contained in paragraph 4 of Article 88. 7. In connection with the sattlement of differences, the Com- mittee considered a proposal by the delegation of South Africa to add to the Draft Charter a provision which would by reference incorporate within the Charter those notes interpreting certain parts of the text which were unanimously agreed at the time that those parts of the text were drafted, as evidence of the intention of the Members of the Preparatory Committee. This proposal is contained in Document E/PC/T/W/243. The Committee came to the conclusion, subject to a reservation by the delegation of South Africa, that it would not be appropriate at this stage to insert in the Charter the provision proposed by that delegation. How- ever, the Committee points out that the World Trade Conference might consider whether some such method for dealing; with those unanimously agreed interpretations as that suggested by the dele- gation of South Africa should not be adopted. 8. In the course of its consideration of Article 68 (Membership of the Conference), the Committee noted that it might be found necessary to clarify in the text of Article 60 (Territorial Appli- cation) in Chapter VI (Inter-governmental Commodity Agreements) the fact that the joint representation mentioned therein refers only to bodies set up under that Chapter. The attention of Commission B is drawn to this matter. 9. The Committee also brings to the notice of Commission B that whereas the text of Chapter VII (Organisation and Functions), which is recommended for adoption, does not specifically establish commissions in named fields (such as a Commodity Commission), the text of Article 57 (Settlement of Disputes) in Chapter VI E/PC/T/139 page 5 (Inter-governmental Commodity Agreements) refers to "the Commodity Commission." To make Chapters VI and VII consistent in this res- pect, the Commission may see fit to amend the second sentence of Article 57 in the following fashion: "If the question or difference cannot be resolved by the Council in terms of the agreement, it shall be referred by the Council to the [Commodity Commission for examination and recommendations to the Executive Board] Organisation which shall then issue a ruling in pursuance of the pro- visions of Article [86] 87." 10. The Committee considered a proposal by the delegation of Norway to chance the title of the International Trade Organisa- tion to the "International Organisation on Trade and Employment." This proposal had been referred to the Committee by the Chairman's Committee. Although the reason for this suggestion, nemely, the fact that the employment aspect of the Draft Charter has become more important since the title of the Organisation was devised, was appreciated, the Committee felt that the suggested change in the title might give rise to certain difficulties. It was, therefore, agreed to retain the original title. E/PC/T/139 page 6 Part B CHAPTER I PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES Article 1 RECOGNIZING the determination of the United Nations to promote peaceful and friendly relations among nations, THE STATES party to this Charter undertake in the fields of trade and employment to co-operate with one another and with the United Nations F o r T h e P u r p o s e of REALIZING the aims set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, particularly the attainment of the higher standards of living, full employment and conditions of economic and social progress and development, envisaged in paragraph (a) of Article 55 of that Charter, and T o T h i s E n d They pledge themselves, individually and collectively, to promote national and international action designed to attain the following objectives: 1. To assure a large and steadily growing volume of real income and effective demand, to increase the production, consumption and exchange of goods, and so to contribute to a balanced and expanding world economy. E/PC/T/139 page 7 2. To foster and assist industrial and general economic development, particularly of those countries which are still in the early stages of industrial development, and to encourage the international flow of capital for productive investment. 3. To further the enjoyment by all countries, on equel terms, of access to the markets, products and productive facilities, which are needed for their economic prosperity and development. 4. To reduce tariffs and other barriers to trade and to eliminate discriminatory treatment in international commerce. 5. To enable countries, by increasing the opportunities for their trade and economic development on a mutually advantageous basis, to abstain from measures which would disrupt world commerce, reduce productive employment or retard economic progress. 6. Through the promotion of mutual understanding, consultation and co-operation, to facilitate the solution of problems relating to international trade in the fields of employment, economic development, commercial policy, business practices and commodity policy. ACCORDINGLY They hereby establish the INTERNATIONAL TRADE ORGANIZATION through which they shall co-operate as Members to achieve the purpose and the objectives set forth in this Article. E/PC/T/139 page 8 CHAPTER VII ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS Section A - Membership Article 65 (formerly Article 2) 1. The original Members of the Organization shall be those States invited to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment whose Governments accept this Charter by 194 _ , in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 95, or, if this Charter shall not have entered into force by 194_ , those States whose Governments agree to bring this Charter into force in accordance with the proviso in paragraph 3 of Article 95. 2. Any other State whose membership has been approved by the Conference shall become a Member of the Organization upon its acceptance of this Charter, as amended up to the date of such acceptance, in acoordance with paragraph 2 of Article 95. 3. *The following separate customs territories, though not responsible for the formal conduct of their diplomatic relations, shall be admitted to the Organization on such terms as may be ** determined:-** (i) any separate customs territory invited to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment * The delegation of France found itself able to accept this paragraph only on the condition that it could not be applied to Germany, a. part of Germany or an Occupation Zone in Germany. ** Note. Obviously the rights and obligations of any such separate customs territory which did not become a full Member as a result of decisions taken at the World Trade Conference and which applies under paragraph 3 of this Article for admission to the Organization, will have to be determined by the Conference of the Organization when the application is made, and the final draft of the Charter must so provide. E/PC/T/139 page 9 upon acceptance of the Charter on its behalf by the competent Member in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 95. (ii) any Geparate customs territory not invited to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, proposed by the competent Member having responsibility for the formal conduct of its diplomatic relations and which is autonomous in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for by this Charter and where admission is approved by the Conference, upon acceptance of the Chartar on its behalf by the competent Member in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 95, or, in the case of a territory in respect of which the Charter has been accepted under paragrpph 4 of Article 95, upon its becoming thus autonomous. 4. Any separate customs territory admitted to the Organization under paragraph 3 of this Article which 18 accorded full voting rights shall thereupon be a Member of the Organization.* 5. The Conference shall determine the conditions upon which membership rights and obligations shall be accorded to Trust Territories administered by the United Nations and to the Free Territory of Trieste. Section B - Functions and Structure Article 66 formerlyy Article 61) Functions In addition to the functions provided for elsewhere in this * See footnote to paragraph 3 of Article 65. E/PC/T/139 page 10 Charter, the Organization shall have the following functions: (a) to collect, analyze and publish information relating to international trade, including information relating to commercial policy, business practices, commodity problems and industrial and general economic development. (b) to encourage and facilitate consultation among Members on all questions relating to the provisions of the Charter and to provide for the settlement of disputes growing out of the provisions of this Charter. (c) to undertake studies and make recommendations for, and to promote international agreement on, measures designed (i) to assure just and equitable treatment for foreign nationals and enterprises (ii) to expand the volume and to improve the bases of international trade including measures designed to facilitate commercial arbitration and the avoidance of double taxation, and ** (iii) generally to achieve the purpose and any of the objectives set forth in Article 1. (d) generally to consult with and make recommendations and, as necessary, furnish advice and assistance to Members regarding any matter relating to the purposes or the operation of this Charter, and to perform any other function necessary and proper * The Committee agreed that the deletion of the mention of specific classes of such nationals and enterprises should not be taken as indicating that these types are not covered in the above broad language. Thus such language would cover treatment of, for example, commercial travellers, and foreign creditors in bank- ruptcy, insolvency or re-organization. ** It is assumed that the Legal Drafting Commitee will examine the use of the phrase "purpose of this Charter" etc. wherever it occurs. E/PC/T/139 page 11 to the carrying out of the provisions of this Charter; (e) to co-operate with the United Nations and other inter- governmental organizations in furthering both the achievement of the economic and social objectives of the United Nations and the restoration and maintenance of international pence and security. Article 67 (formerly Article 62) Structure The Organization shall have a Conference, an Executive Board, a Tariff Committee, Commissions as established under Article 76 and such other organs as may be required. There shall also be a Director-General and Staff. Section C - The Conference Article 68 (formerly Article 63) Membership 1. The Conference shall consist of all the Members of the Organization. 2. Each Member shall have one representative in the Con- ference and may appoint alternates and advisers to its representative. 3. No representative to the Conference may represent more than one Member. Article 69 (formerly Article 64) Voting (Assigned to another Committee) Article 70 (formerly Article 65) Sessions, procedure and officers 1. The Conference shall meet in regular annual sessions and in such special sessions as may be convoked by the Director- E/PC/T/139 page 12 General at the request of a majority of the Members or of the Executive Board. 2. The Conference shall adopt rules of procedure necessary to carry out its functions, which may incIude procedures appropriate for the carrying out of its functions during the intervals between its sessions. It shall annually elect its President and other officers. Article 71 (formerly Article 66) Powers and duties 1. The powers and duties attributed to the Organization by this Charter and the final authority to determine the policies of the Organization shall, subject to the provisions of Article 78, be vested in the Conference. 2. The Conference may assign to the Executive Board the exercise of any power or the performance of any duty of the Organization, except such specific powers and duties as are expressly conferred or imposed upon the Conference or the Tariff Committee by this Charter. 3. In exceptional circumstances not elsewhere provided for in this Charter, the Conference may waive an obligation imposed. upon a Member by this Charter; Provided that any such decision shall be approved by two-thirds of the votes cast and that such majority shall represent at least a simple majority of the Members of the Organization. The Conference may also by such a vote (a) define certain categories of situation to which other voting requirements shall apply for the waiver of obligations in such exceptional circumstances, and page 13 (b) prescribe such criteria as may be necessary for the application of this paragraph. 4. The Conference may prepare or sponsor agreement with respect to any matter within the competence of the Organization and, by the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the Members present and voting, recommend such agreement for acceptance. Each-Member shall, within a period specified by the Conference, notify the Director-General of its Acceptance or non-acceptance. In the case of non-acceptance a statement of the reasons therefor shall be forwarded with the notification. 5. The Conference may make recommendations to Members and to other inter-governmental organizations regarding any matter pertaining to the purposes of this Charter. 6. The Conference shall approve the budget of the Organization, and shalI apportion the expenditure of the Organization among the .Members in accordance with a scale of contributions to be fixed from time to time by the Conference following such principles as may be applied by the United Nations; Provided that no Member shell be required to contribute more than one-third of the total of such expenditure without its consent. 7. The Conference shall determine the site of the Organization and shall establish such branch offices as it may consider desirable. Section D - The Executive Board Article 72 (formerly Article 68) Membership of the Executive Board (Assigned to another committee) E/PC/T/139 page 14 Article 73 (formerly Article 69) Voting 1. Each member of the Executive Board shall have one vote. 2. Decisions of the Executive Board shall be made by a majority of members present and voting. Article 74 (formerly Article 70) Sessions., procedure and officers 1. The Executive Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including rules concerning the convening of its session. 2. The Executive Board shall annually elect its Chairman and other officers, who shall be eligible for re-election. 3. The Chairman of the Executive Board, as such, shall be entitled to participate, without the right to vote, in the deliberations of the Conference. 4. Any Member of the Organization which is not a member of the Executive Board, shall be invited to send a representative to any discussion by the Board of a matter of particular and substantial concern to that Member. Such representative shall, for the purpose of such discussion, have all the rights of members of the Board except the right to vote. Article 75 (formerly Article 71) Powers and duties 1. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the execution of the policies of the Organization and shall exercise the powers and perform the duties assigned to it by the Conference. It shall supervise the activities of the Commissions and shall take such action upon their recommendations E/PC/T/139 page 15 as it may deem appropriate. It shall prepare the provisional agenda of the Conference. 2. The Executive Board may make recommendations to the Conference, to Members of the Organization or to other inter- governmental organizations, on any subject falling within the scope of this Charter. Section E - The Commissions Article 76 (formerly Article 72) Establishment The Conference shall establish such Commissions as may be required for the performance of the functions of the Organization in accordance with the provisions of this Charter. The Commissions shall have such functions as the Conference may decide. Commissions shall be responsible to the Executive Board and shall perform such tasks as the Board may assign to them. The Commissions shall consult each other as necessary for the exercise of their functions. Article 77 (formerly Article 73) Composition and Procedure 1. Commissions shall be composed of not more than seven persons chosen by the Executive Board and qualified by training or experience to carry out the functions of the Commissions. 2. The number of members of each Commission and the conditions of their service shall be determined in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Conference. 3. Each Commission shall elect its Chairman, and shall adopt rules of procedure which shall be subject to approval by the Executive Board. E/PC/T/139 page 16 4. The rules of procedure of the Conference and of the Executive Board shall provide as appropriate for the partici- pation in their deliberations, without the right to vote, of the chairmen of Commissions. 5. The Organization shall arrange for representatives of other inter-governmental organizations considered by the Organi- zation to have a special competence in the field of activity of any of the Commissions to participate in the work of such Commissions. Section F - The Tariff Committee Article 78 (formerly Article 67) The Tariff Committee 1. There shall be a Tariff Committee which shall act on behalf of the Organization in the making of recommendations and determinations pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article 14. 2. The Committee shall consist originally of those Members of the Organization which are parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade dated ....... 194... on the day on which this Charter enters into force. Any other Member of the Organization shall be a member of the Committee when, in the judgment of the Committee, that member shall have completed negotiations pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 14 comparable in scope or effect to those completed by the original members of the Committee. 3 and 4. (assigned to another Committee). 5. The Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including provision for the election of its officers. E/PC/T/139 page 17 Section G - The Director-General and Staff Article 79 (formerly Article 79) The Director-General 1. The chief administrative officer of the Organization shall be the Director-General. He shall be appointed by the Conference upon the recommendation of the Executive Board. The powers, duties, conditions and term of office of the Direotor- General shall be in accordance with regulations approved by the Conference. He shall be subject to the general supervision of the Executive Board. 2. The Director-General or his representative shall be entitled to participate, without the right to vote, in all meetings of the various organs of the Organization. The Director-General may initiate proposals for the consideration of any organ of the Organization. 3. The Director-General shall present to the Conference an annual report on the work of the Organization and the annual budget estimates and financial statements of the Organization. Article 80 (formerly Article 80) Employment of Staff 1. The Director-General shall have authority to appoint Deputy Directors-General in accordance with regulations approved by the Conference. The Director-General shall also appoint such further members of the Staff as may be required and shall fix the duties and conditions of service of the Staff, in accordance with regulations approved by the Conference. 2. The paramount consideration in the employment of the Staff and in the determination of its conditions of service shall E/PC/T/139 page 18 be the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity, due regard being paid to the importance of recruitment on as wide a geographical basis as possible. 3. The conditions of service, such as the provisions governing qualifications, salary, tenure, and retirement of members of the Staff shall be fixed, so far as practicable, in conformity with those for members of the Secretariat of the United Nations and of other specialised agencies. Section H - Other Organizational Provisions Article 81 (formerly Article 81) Relations witth Other Organizations 1. The Organization shall be brought into relationship with the United Nations as soon as practicable as one of the specialised agencies referred to in Article 57 of the Charter of the United Nations. This relationship shall be effected by agreement to be approved by Conference. Any such agreement shall provide for effective co-operation and the avoidance of unnecessary duplication in the activities of the respective Organizations.. The Conference may amend the provisions of this Charter to conform to any such agreement provided such amendments do not involve new obligations on the part of Members. 2. The Organization shall make arrangements with other inter-governmental organizations which have related responsibili- ties, to provide for effective co-operation and the avoidance of unnecessary duplication in the activities of the Organizations. The Organization may for this purpose arrange for joint committees, reciprocal representation at meetings and establish E/PC/T/139 page 19 such other working relationships as may be necessary. * 3. The Organization may make suitable arrangements for consultation and co-operation with non-governmental organizations concerned with matters within its competence. 4. Whenever the Conference and the competent authorities of any other inter-governmental organization whose purposes and functions lie within the competence of the Organization, deem it desirable (a) to incorporate such other inter-governmental organisa- tion into the Organization, or (b) to effect a transfer of all or a part only of its functions and resources to the Organization, or (c) to bring it under the supervision or authority of the Organization, the Director-General, subject to the approval of the Conference, may enter into an agreement or convention appropriate to the arrangement. Members shall, in conformity with their inter- national obligations, take the action necessary to give effect to any such agreement or convention. Article 82 (formerly Article 82) International responsibilities of personnel of the Organization 1. The responsibilities of the Director-General and of * This article may be reopened by the Delegations of Brazill and France in the light of the decisions of another Committee re- garding Article 20 (Exchange Arrangements). Those delegations reserved the right to add a new paragraph 3 of Article 81 reading as follows:- "3. Nevertheless the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article-cannot; in point of fact, preclude the right of final decision of the Organization, especially with regard to Articles 17, 19 and 20." E/PC/T/139 page 20 the Staff shall be exclusively international in character. In the discharge of their duties they shall not seek or receive Instructions from any government, or from any authority external to the Organization. They shall refrain from any action which might prejudice their position as international officials. 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall also apply to members of the Commissions provided for in Section E of this Chapter. 3. The Members shall respect the international character of the responsibilities of these persons and shall not seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties. Article 83 (formerly Article 85) International legal status of the Organization The Organization shall have legal personality and shall enjoy such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions. Article 84 (formerly Article 84) Status of the Organization in the territory of Members 1. The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacity, privileges and immunities as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions. 2. Representatives of the Members of the Organization and its officials shall similarly enjoy such privileges and immunities as may be necessary for the independent exercise of their functions ln connection with the Organization. 3. Such legal capacity, privileges and immunities shall be more particularly defined in an agreement to be prepared in E/PC/T/139 page 21 consultation with the Secretary-General of the United Nations and concluded between the Members and the Organization. Article 85 (formerly Article 87) Contributions Each Member shall contribute promptly to the Organization its share of the Organization's expenditures as apportioned by the Conference. A Member of the Organization which is in arrears in the payment of its financial contributions to the Organization shall have no vote in the organs of the Organization if the amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the contributions due from it for the preceding two full years. The Conference may, nevertheless, permit such a Member to vote, if it is satisfied that the failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the Member. CHAPTER VIII Miscellaneous SECTION A - INTERPRETATION - SETTLEMENT OF DIFFERENCES Article 86 (formerly Article 35(21)) Consultation between Members. If any Member should consider that any benefit accruing to it directly or indirectly under this Charter is being nullified or Impaired, or that the realisation of any objective of the Charter is being impeded, as a result of - . (i) the failure of another Member to carry out its obligations under this Charter, or (ii) the application by another Member of any measure, whether or not it conflicts with the provisions of this Charter, or (iii) the existence of any other situation, E/PC/T/139 page 22 the Member may, with a view to the satisfactory adjustment of the matter, make written representations or proposals to the other Member or Members which it considers to be concerned. Any Member thus approached shall give sympathetic consideration to the representations or proposale made to it. In any such case, the Members concerned shall keep the Director-General informed generally of any discussions undertaken. Article 87 Reference to the Organization 1. If no satisfactory adjustment is effected within a reasonable time or if the difficulty is of the type described in sub-paragraph (iii) of Article 86, the matter may be referred to the Executive Board or with the approval of the Executive Board directly to the Conference. The Executive Board or the Conference, as the case may be, shall promptly investigate any matter so referred and shall make recommendations to the Members which it considers to be concerned or give a ruling on the matter as appropriate. It may in the course of such investigation consult with Members, the Commissions of the Organization, the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and any other inter-governmental organization in cases where it considers such consultation necessary. 2. The Executive Board may refer the matter, with the consent of the Members concerned, to arbitration upon such term as may be agreed between the Board and such Members. 3. Any ruling of the Executive Board shall be reviewed by the Conference at the request of any interested Member. Upon such request the Conference shall by resolution confirm or adjust or reverse such ruling. E/PC/T/139 page 23 4. If the Conference considers that the circumstances are serious enough to justify such action, it may authorize a Member or Members to suspend the application to such other Member or Members of such obligations or concessions under this Charter as the Conference determines to be appropriate in the circumstances. If the application to any Member of any obligation or. concession is in tact suspended that Member shall then be free, not later than sixty days after such action is taken, to advise the Director- General in writing of its intention to withdraw from the Organiza- tlon and such withdrawal shall take effect upon the expiration of sixty days from the day on which written notice of such withdrawal is received by the Director-General. Article 88 (formerly Article 86) Reference to the International Court of Justice 1. The Executive Board or the Conference may, in accordance with arrangements made pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 96 of the Charter of the United Nations, request from the International Court of Justice advisory opinions on legal questions arising within the scope of the activities of the Organization. 2. The Conference shall, at the instance of a substantially interested Member, request an advisory opinion from the Inter- national Court of Justice. Alternative A (Favoured by six members) upon any question concerning the legal validity of a resolution of the Conference under paragraph 3 of Article 87 or of a decision of the Conference rendered under any ether Article of this Charter. E/PC/T/139 page 24 Alternative B (Favoured by two members) upon any question as to (i) the interpretation of this Charter; (ii) the existence of any fact which would, if established, constitute a breach of an obligation under this Charter, which is involved in a resolution of the Conference under paragraph 3 of Article 87 or in a decision of the Conference rendered under any other article of this Charter. 3. The request shall be accompanied by a statement, to be furnished by the Organization in consultation with the Members substantially interested, of the facts underlying the question upon which the opinion of the Court is requested. The Organ- isation shall supply to the Court such further information As the Court may require. 4. Pending the delivery of the opinion of the International Court of Justice, the resolution or decision of the Conference which is in question shall have full force and effect; Provided that the Conference shall suspend the operation of such resolution or decision pending the delivery of the opinion where in the view of the Conference irreparable damage to the Members concerned would otherwise be caused. 5. The opinion of the International Court of Justice upon the questions referred to it shall be binding upon the Organization. The resolution or decision in question shall be revised insofar as it does not accord with the opinion of the International Court of Justice. E/PC/T/139 page 25 Article 89 General Provisions 1. For the purposes of the interpretation of this Charter under the provisions of this Section, the English and French texts thereof shall be authoritative. 2. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to exclude other procedures provided for in this Charter for consultation, and settlement of differences, arising out of its operation. 3. The Members undertake that they will not have recourse to any procedure other than those envisaged in the Charter for the settlement of complaints and difficulties arising out of its operation. 4. The Conference and the Executive Board shall establish such rules of procedure as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Section. The rules of the Conference shall include provisions concerning thc maintenance in force or suspension of Any rulings of the Executive Board pending review by the Conference under paragraph 3 of Article 87. (The two members who favoured Alternative B in Article 88 did not accept this paragraph.) SECTION B - GENERAL Article 90 - Relations with Non-Members. (formerly Article 36) (Assigned to another committee) Article 91* General Exceptions Nothing in this Charter shall be construed to require any member to furnish any information the disclosure of which * As approved by Commission A. E/PC/T/139 page 26 it considers contrary to its essential security interests, or to prevent any Member from taking any action which it may con- sider to be necessary to such interests: (a) Relating to fissionable materials or their source materials; (b) Relating to the traffic in arms, ammunition and im- plements of war and to such traffic in other goods and materials as is carried on for the purpose of supplying a military establishment; (c) In time of war or other emergency in international relations, relating to the protection of its essential security interests; (d) Undertaken in pursuance of obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenance of inter- national peace and security. Article 92 (formerly Article 85) Amendments 1. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 81, any amendment to this Charter which does not involve a change in the obligations assumed by Members shall become effective when approved by two-thirds of the Members of the Conference. 2. Any amendment to this Charter which involves a change in the obligations assumed by Members shall, after receiving the approval of the Conference, become effective for each Member accepting the amendment, upon acceptance on the part of two-thirds of the Members, and thereafter, for each remaining Member on acceptance by it. The Conference may at any time determine that any amendment under this paragraph is of such a nature that all Members which have not accepted it within a period specified by the E/PC/T/139 page 27 Conference shall be required to withdraw from the Organisation; Provided that the Conference may, by the affirmative votes of two- thirds of its Members present and voting, determine the conditions under which this requirement shall be waived with respect to any such Member. A Member not accepting an amendment shall, notwith- standing the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 94 be free to withdraw from the Organisation upon the expiration of six months from the day on which written notice of such withdrawal is received by the Director-General. 3. The Conference shall by the affirmative votes of two- thirds of its Members adopt rules of procedure for carrying out the provisions of this Article. Article 93 Review of Charter The Conference shall convene a Special Session for the pur- pose of reviewing the provisions of this Charter before the end of the tenth year after this Charter shall have entered into force. Article 94 (formerly Article 89) Withdrawal and Termination 1. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 14, paragraph 4 of Article 87 or paragraph 2 of Article 92, any Member may withdraw from the Organization either on its own behalf or on behalf of a separate Customs Territory on behalf of which it has accepted the Charter in accordance with the pro- visions of Article 95 at any time after the expiration of three years from the day of the entry into force of this Charter by written notice addressed to the Director-General. The Director-General shall immediately notify all other Members. E/PC/T/139 page 28 2. A withdrawal under paragraph 1 of this Article shall take effect upon the expiration of six months from the day on which written notice of such withdrawal is received by the Director-General. 3. This Charter may be terminated at any time by agreement of three-fourths of the Members. Article 95 (formerly Article 88) Registration and Entry into Force The United Nations is authorised to affect registration of this Charter as soon as it comes into force. 2. The Government of each State accepting this Charter shall deposit an instrument of acceptance with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who will inform all Governments represented at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment and all other Members of the United Nations not so represented, of the date of deposit of each instrument of acceptance and of the date on which this Charter enters into force under paragraph 3 of this Article. 3. This Charter shall enter into force on the sixtieth day following the day on which the number of governments repres- ented at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment which have deposited instruments of acceptance pursuant to par- agraph of this Article shall reach twenty, and the instrument of acceptance of each other accepting government shall take effect on the sixtieth day following the day on which it is deposited, Provided that, if this Charter shall not have entered into force by 194 , any of the governments which have brought into force the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade dated ............... 194 , together with any other governments E/PC/T/139 page 29 represented at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, upon such conditions as may be agreed upon between them, may bring this Charter into force among themselves. Any instrument of acceptance deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be taken as covering both procedures for bringing this Charter into force, unless it expressly provides to the contrary or is withdrawn. 4. Each Government accepting this Charter does so in respect of its metropolitan territory and of any other territories for which it has international responsibility; Provided that it may at the time of acceptance declare that any separate Customs territory for which it has international responsibility possesses Pull autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations and other matters provided for by the Charter, and that acceptance does not relate to such territory. 5. Each Member may, at any time, accept this Charter in accordance with paragraph 2 or this Article on behalf of any such separate customs territory referred to in the proviso of paragraph 4 of this Article, which is willing to undertake the obligations of the Charter. 6. Each Member shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to assure observance of the provisions of this Charter by subsidiary governments within its territory. Article 96 Deposit of Texts The original texts of this Charter in the official languages of the United Nations shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations who will furnish certified copies of the texts to all interested Governments. Done at this day of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty E/PC/T/139 page 30 * PART C - ARRANGEMENT OF THE DRAFT CHARTER PURPOSE AND Article 1.(1) Article 12(13) Governmental Assis- tance to Economic Development CHAPTER IV.(V) COMMERCIAL POLICY CHAPTER II.(III)EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Section Tariffs Preferences, and Internai Taxation Article 2.(3) Importance of Em- and Regulation Article 3.(4) Article 4.(5) Article 5.(6) Article 6.(8) Article 7.(7) CHAPTER III (IV) Article 8.(9) Article 9.(10) ployment, Produc- tion and Demand in Relation to the Purposes of this Charter. Maintenance of Domestic Employment Fair Labour Standards Article 13(14) General Most- Favored-Nation Treatment Article 14(24) Reduction of Tariffs and Elimination of Preferences Article 15(15) National Treatment on Internal Taxa- tion and Regulation Removal of Malad- justments within Section B. the Balance of Payment s Exchange of Inform- Article ation and Consultation Safeguards forMem- Article bers Subject to Ex- ternal Deflationary Pressure Article 18(27) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INTERNATIONAL IN- VESTMENT Importance of Econ- Article omic Development in Relation to the Purposes of this Charter Article Development of Section C. Domestic Re- sources and Article Productivity Quantitative Restric- tions and Exchange Controls 16(25) General Elimination of Quantitative 17(26) Restrictions to safeguard the Bal- ance of Payments Non-Discriminatory Quntitative Res- trictions 19(23) Exceptions to the Rule of Non- Discrimination 20(29) Exchange Arrange- Subsidies 21(30) Subsidies in General Article 10.(11) Plans for Economic Article 22. Development Article 11.(12) Means of Economic Development. Additional Provi- sions on Export Subsidies * The titles used in Part C are merely quoted to facilitate reference and their u-e is not intended to imply that the Committee examined approved them. CHAPTER I Article 23. Article 24. Special Treatment of Primary Commodi- ties Undertaking Regard- ing Stimulation of Exports E/PC/T/139 page 31 Article 40 (37) General Exceptions to Chapter IV CHAPTER V (VI) RESTRICTIVE BUSINESS PRACTICES Article 41 (39) Article 25. Procedure Policy Towards Restrictive Business Practices Section D. State Trading Article 26 (31) Most-Favored- Nation Treatment by State Trading Enterprises Article 27 (32) Expansion of Inter- national Trade by Members having State Monopolies Section E. General Commercial Provisions Article 28. Conditions with Respect to Shipments Article 29.(16) Freedom of Transit Article 30 (17) Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties Article 31 (18) Tariff Valuation Article 32 (19) Customs Formalities Article 33 Article 34 (2O) (21) Article 35 (22) Marks of Origin Article 42 (40) Article 43 (41) Article 44 (42) Article 45 (43) Article 46 (44) Article 47 Article 48 (45) Procedure with Respect to invest- igations and con- sultations Studies Relating to Restrictive Business Practices Obligations of Members Supplementary En- forcement Arrange- ments Domestic Measures Against Monopoly or Postraint of Trade Procedure with Respect to Services Exceptions to Provisions of this Chapter CHAPTER VI(VII) INTER-GOVERNMENTAL Publication and Ad-. ministration of Trade Regulations, Section A. Advance Notices of Restrictive Regula- Article tions Information Statis- tics and. Trade Ter- minology Article Article 36 (23) Boycotts Section F. Special Provisions Article 37 (34) Article 38 (35) Article 39 (38) Emergency Action on Imports of Par- ticular Products Sec Consultation Re- garding Operation of Chapter IV Territorial Appli- cation of Chapter IV - Frontier Traffic-Customs Union COMsviODITY ARRANGEMENTS Introductory Consider- ations 49 (46) Difficulties Relating to Primary Commodities Primary and Related Commodities Article 51 (47) Objectives of Inter-govern- mental Commo- dity Agreements action B. Inter-governmental Commo- dity Agreements in General Article 52 (48) Commodity Studies Article 53 (49) Commodity Confer- ences Article 54 (51) General Prin- ciples of Inter- governmental Commodity Agreements. 50 E/PC/T/139 page 32 Article 55. Section C. I C A Article 56(52) Article 57(53) Article 58(54) Article 59(55) Article 60(56) Section D. M P Article 61 Article 62(57) Types of Agree- ments nter-governmental ommodity Control greements Circumstances Governing the Use of Commodity Con- trol Agreements Additional Prin- ciples Governing Commodity Control Agreements Administration of Commodity Control Agreements Provision for Initial Terms Review and Renewal of Commodity Con- trol Agreements Settlement of Disputes iscellaneous rovisions Relations with Inter-goverrnmental Organizations Obligations of Members Regarding Existing and Pro- posed Commodity Agreements Section C. The Conference Article 68(63) Membership Article 69(64) Voting Article 70(65) Sessions, procedure and officers Article 71(66) Powers and duties Section D. The executive Board Article 72(68) Membership Article 73(69) Voting Article 74(70) Sessions,procedure and officers Article 75(71) Powers and. duties Section E. The Commissions Article 76(72) Establishment Article 77(73) Composition and procedure Section F. The Tariff Committee Article 78(67) The Tariff Committee Section G. Director-General and Staff Article 79(79) The Director- General Article 80(80) Employment of Staff Territorial Application Article 64(59) Exceptions to Pro- visions Relating to Inter-governmental Commodity Agreements' CHAPTER VII. Section A. ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS Structure and Functions Article 65(63) Membership Article 66(61) Functions Article 67(62) Structure Section H. O P Article 81(81) Article 82(82) Article 83(83) ther Organizational rovisions Relations with other Organizations International res- ponsibilities of personnel of Organization International Legal Status of the Organization Article 84(84) Status of the Organization in the territory of Members Article 85(87) Contributions Article 63 E/PC/T/139 page 33 CHAPTER VIII. In Se Di Article 86 (35(2)) Article 87 Article 88 (86) Article 89 CHAPTER IX Ge Article 90 (36) Article 91 (37) Article 92 (85) Article 93 Article 94 (89) Article 95 (88) terpretation -- ttlement of fferences Consultation be- tween Members Reference to the Organization Reference to the International Court of Justice General Provisions neral Relations with Non-Members General Exceptions Amendments Review of the Charter Withdrawal and Termination Registration and Entry into Force Article 96 Deposit of Texts.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Committee on Voting and Membership of the Executive Board
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 1, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/143 and E/PC/T/142-152
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Committee on Voting and Membership of the Executive Board
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 1, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/143 and E/PC/T/142-152
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/143 AND ECONOMIQUE 1 August, 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON VOTING AND MEMBERSHIP OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Part A -- Introduction The Committee on Voting and Membership of the Executive Board was established by Commission B to examine Article 64 (Voting in the Conference), Article 67(3) and (4) (The Tariff Committee), Article 68 (Membership of the Executive Board) and Article 69 (Voting in the Executive Board). The Committee was composed of representatives of the delegations of Brazil, Canada, China, France, United Kingdom and United States. Dr. Wunsz King (China) was elected Chairman. Part B -- Membership of the Executive Board I. The text of Article 72 set out below was prepared particularly with a view to the composition of the first Executive Board. In addition, the text is provisional in its natural in that the Committee was not aware who the Members of the International Trade Organisation would be and could only base its work upon a reasonable anticipation of the membership.. For these reasons the Conference of the Organisation then it is established will no doubt proceed to an examination of the text of Article 72 with a view to deciding whether it should be modified in the light of the membership of the Organisation. Il. Accordingly it was considered that a record should be made of the principles which emerged from the discussions UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/143 page 2 which had taken place and upon which the text of Article 72 was prepared, to assist the Conference of the Organisation in its examination of the Article. The principles were as follows:- (a) The total membership of the Executive Board should, as far as can be anticipated at this stage, not exceed eighteen. However, the total membership should not be rigidly established and expansion should bo permitted, should two-thirds of the Members of the Conference present and voting favour such a course. (b) Seating upon the Board should be arranged with a view to securing the representation of all the major geographic regions and all the types of economy in the world. The saven States of gratest economic importance should, therefore, each be empowered to appoint one representative on the Board and tho remaining members should be elected by groupings of States. The States entitled to appoint representatives and the groupings of States entitled to elect members mighty of course, vary from period to period. (c) The allocation of seats to States of greatest economic importance and to groups of other States, and such groupings, should bo subject to review every three years and to modification by a simple majority of the Members of the Conference present and voting. (d) Should a State entitled to appoint a member of the Board withdraw from the Organisation, the membership of the Board should be decreased accordingly. (e) Representation of groups of States normally entitled to elect more than one member should vary in accordance with the ratio of actual to planned size of E/PC/T/143 page 3 the group; where such groups are entitled to elect only one member, a minimum membership of the group should be prescribed. The minimum membership of groups should be laid down by the Conference in regulations. Such regulations might also provide for the possibility that should a group be eliminated by reason of the minimum membership requirement, the States remaining in that group might be aided to any other group and the number of members that group was entited to elect might be increased accordingly; such regulations might also deal with the qustion whether elected Members should be eligible for immediate re-election. III. Owing to the limited time available to the Committee for study of the subject of membership of the Executive Board, certain problems have been left unresolved, in particular the possibility of empowering customs unions to appoint a member of the Board if the Status comprised in such unions desire to be represented as a unit, and if in the opinion of the Conference of the Organisation, the customs union as a whole is of sufficient economic importance to warrant such a power. IV. The following text is unanimously recommended by the Committee: "Article.72 (formerly Article 68) "Membership of the Executive Board "1. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6 of this Article, the Executive Board shall be composed of seventeen members made up as follows:- (a) one representative each shall be appointed every three years by Canada, China, France, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom and United States of America. One representative shall similarly be E/PC/T/143 page 4 appointed by the Customs Union of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands should those States desire to be represented as a unit. If not, Belgium and the Netherlands shall alternately every three years appoint one representative upon the Board; (b) three members shall be elected by the American Republics not entitled to appoint members of the Board; (c) one member shall be elected by each of the following groups of States A. Arab States Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Transjordan and the Yemen. B. Scandinavian States Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Swedon. (d) Subject to the provisions of paragraph 6 of this Article, the remaining Members of the Organization shall be entitled to elect five members of the Board provided that other groups of a minimum membership of four States having common interests and representing a certain proportion of world trade may be formed with the approval of, and upon conditions to be determined, by the Conference, especially with regard to the re-allocation * of seats. 2. The provisions of paragraphs 1 (b), (c) and (d) of this Article shall be subject to such regulations regarding minimum membership of groups, the system of elections, and other related matters as may be prescribed by the Conference. If the Customs Union of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands as such should not desire to appointa representative on the Board, Luxembourg would fall under this sub-paragraph. E/PC/T/143 page 5 3. The elected members of the Executive Board shall normally be elected for terms of three years, provided that the Conference shall, as necessary, establish procedures with regard to these terms designed to assure a reasonable measure of continuity in representation on the Board. 4. Should any one or more of the States named in paragraph 1 (a) of this Article not join the Organization, or should such a State or States withdraw from it, the membership of the Executive Board and the number of seats under paragraph 1 (a) of this Article shall be decreased accordingly. 5. Should at any time the number of States falling under paragraph 1 (b) of this Article be seven or less, those States shall be entitled to elect only one member of the Executive Board. Should at any time this number be more than seven but less than fifteen, those States shall be entitled to elect only two members of the Board. 6. Should at any time the number of States falling under paragraph 1 (d) be (a) four or more but less than seven, (b) eight or more but less than fifteen, (c) fifteen or more but less than twenty-one, (d) twenty-one or more but less than twenty eight, those States shall be entitled to elect only one, two, three or four members of the Board respectively. 7. The membership of the Executive Board may be increased, upon a recommendation of the Board, by a two-thirds majority of the Members of the Conference present and voting. Any modification or revision of this Article concerning the members to be appointed under paragraph 1 (a), or to be elected under paragraphs 1 (b), (c) and (d), - with a view to re-arranging the groupings made or envisaged by paragraphs 1 (c) and (d), shall, notwithstanding the E/PC/T/143 page 6 provisions of Article 92, be made by a majority of the Members of the Conference present and voting. "8. The provisions of this Article shall be subject to review by the Conference every three years." Part C -- Voting 1. In accordance with its terms of reference the Committee first endeavoured to find a compromise between the to opposing views which had been advanced in Commission B on the subject of voting, namely, on the one hand that each Member should have one vote and on the other hand that the voting power of Members should be weighted in accordance; with certain criteria to be agreed. Such a compromise, it was round, could not be agreed. Two suggestions by way of compromise were made. The first was suggested by the Chairman and was to the affect that the principle of one State/one vote should be recognized in the Charter but that in certain classes of decisions to be established the numerical majority supplemented by a system of weighted voting should be employed. The second suggestion along the lines of the first was made by the representative of Canada. That suggestion was that assuming a system of was employed, in the case of certain decisions to be specified, some special provision, such as the requiring of a double majority, that is a majority both by numbers and by weighted voting power, might be made. Neither of these compromise suggestions received appreciable support in the Committee. Part C covers both voting in the Conference and in the Tariff Committee. It does not cover voting in any interim tariff body which may be set up prior to the establishment of the Organization. The text recommended for Article 73 (Voting in the Executive Board) is that of Article 69 of the Report of the Drafting Committee. E/PC/T/143 page 7 II. As directed by Commission B the Committee, therefore, submits to the Commission one draft prepared by the Delegation of the United Kingdom at the request of the Committee and three alternative drafted similarly prepared by the Delegation of the United States. These sets of drafts, which are attached to this Report, are forwarded without commitment to any delegation. They cover the basic ideas on the subject of voting which emerged from the Committee's discussions, namely, that each Member should have one vote or that each Member should have a certain number of votes determined in accordance with firstly, a system of "light" weighted voting or, secondly, a system of "heavy" weighted voting. III. The Committee considered that a short note concerning the attitude of each representative upon the Committee might be of value to the Commission and later to the World Trade Conference. Accordingly the following comments are submitted. (a) The representatives of Brazil and France favoured the system of one State/one vote and opposed any system of weighted voting. (b) The representatives of Canada and the United Kingdom favoured a system of "medium" weighted voting as set out or as in the alternative drafts prepared by the representative of the United Kingdom. (c) The representatives of China and the United States adopted a neutral attitude. The former representative states, however, that should a system of weighted voting be adopted population should be agreed as one of the criteria of the system. The latter representative said that the delegation of the United States could not take a decision on this question until the final shape of other parts of the Draft Charter should be seen. E/PC/T/143 page 8 Attachment A Submitted by the Unitod Kingdom Delegation Draft of Article 64 on basis of "light" weighted voting 1. Each Member shall have in the Conference the number of votes allocated to it in pursuance of the provisions of Annex to this Charter. 2. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, decisions of the Conference shall be takon by a simple majority of the votes cast. Annex referred to in paragraph 1 of above draft Article. The number of votes allocated to each Member shall be calculated by a formula containing the following factors:- (a) 1 vote for every 10 million of population. (b) 1 vote for every 50 million U.S. dollars of external trade. (c) 1 vote for very 500 million U.S. dollars of national income. (d) 1 vote for every 10% of the percentage of external trade to national income. (a) 100 basic votes. For the purposes of the initial allocation of votes the factors (b), (c) and (d) shall be calculated on the average of the last three pre-war calendar years in which the member was in a position to conduct normal trade and the full calendar year preceding the entry into force of the Charter. The succeeding calculations of (b), (c) and (d) to be made at the time of the periodic review provided for in E/PC/T/143 page 9 Article 72 paragraph 8, shall be based on the average of the three immediately preceeding calendar years. The United Kingdom will endeavour to provide a table setting out as far as possible the results of this formula in respect of the countries to be invited to the World Conference. These results cannot be based on the figures which it is suggested should be used when the Charter enters into force, but they would illustrate the working of the formula in a more complete way than the table appearing on page 56 of the Report of the Drafting Committee. E/PC/T/143 page 10 Attachment B Alternative Drafts Prepared by the Representative of the United States 1. One State/one vote. Article 64 contained in the Report of the Drafting Committee:- "Article 64 Voting "1. Each Member shall have one vote in the Conference. "2. Except as may be otherwise provided for in this Charter, decisions of the Conference shall be taken by a majority of the Members present and voting." 2. "Light" weighted voting. One of the three plans set forth in Paragraph 2 on Attachmont A. 3. "Heavy" weighted votin. The Drafting Committee at its first meeting on January 20, 1947, appointed an Administrative Sub-Committee to make recommendations with regard to membership on the Executive Board and Voting. That Committee, in discussing weighted voting, stated on page 54: "Regarding weighted voting, the Sub-Committee felt that if such a system were used the best formula would be the one described above under conclusion two for the determination of relative economic importance, plus an appropriate base vote." (See page 53 of the Report of the Drafting Committee for formula here referred to.) The Delagation of the United Stats suggests that, for the purpose of presenting a "heavy" weighted voting formula, 10 votes for each Member might be taken as an appropriate base vote. The formula developed by the Administrative Sub-Committee, as indicated above, would, when applied in conjunction with a basic vote of 10 for each country, yield the following results: E/PC/T/143 page 11 NUMBER OF VOTES UNDER VARIOUS HEADINGS OF THE VOTING FORMULA DEVELOPED BY THE ADMINISTRATIVE SUB-COMMlITTEE (1) Foreign Trade (Av- erage, 1938 and latest 12 mos. available) (2) National Income 1940 (3) Trade por Capita Basic Vote Total U.S.A. U .K. U.S .S .R. Canada Franco & Colonies China India Netherlands & Colonies 156 54 209 226 n. a. 59 78 12 23 3 3 n.a. 10 1 22 27 5+ 7 I 10 378 10 293 10 - 10 91 10 112 10 56 10 61 10 72 Belgium & Colonies Australia Brazil Czechoslovakia 37 26 23 11 5 6 5 6 4 7 1 2 10 56 10 49 10 39 10 29 South Africa New Zealand Cuba Norway Chile 2 1 10 7 12 5 Lobanon-Syria 1 1 2 1 n.a. 3 10 3 8 1 10 29 10 31- 10 21 10 32 10 18 10 12 n.a. - means not available. Column (1). Figures taken from U.N., "Monthly Bulletin of Statistics", April 1947; League of Nations, "Review of World Trade, 1938", and "Notwork of World Trade". Column (2). Figures taken from New York Draft Charter (E/PC/T/34, 5 March 1947, page 56. Column (3), Figures based upon population data shown in page 56 of the Report of the Drafting Committee except for Lebanon and Syria. Figures for Labanon and Syria based upon population data shown in "The World Almanac", 1947, page 493. Country SOURCE:
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Draft, Committee Tarieff Agreement Committee on Part II of the General Agreement
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/212 and E/PC/T/210-212
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Draft, Committee Tarieff Agreement Committee on Part II of the General Agreement
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/212 and E/PC/T/210-212
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMlQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/212 22 September 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOTRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFT, COMMITTEE TARIEFF AGREEMENT COMMITTEE ON PART II of the GENERAL AGREEMENT RAPPORT DU COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION DU COMITE CHARGE DE L'EXAMEN DE L' ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS SUR LA PARTIE II L'ACCORD GENERAL (The remainder of this document including articles XVIII to XXIII will be issueid as an addendum). (Les pages restantes de ce document comprenant les articles XVI1I à XXIII seront publiées sous forme d'addendum. ) ?egcrre 2 PART II PARUE IX .^-'- l ^' o vII .d~-rti 1o Iii flTaticn;a1 Trc3ab1tr.tnon Interna]. Troitjmifnt W.tionl .n rr:ti.rC d'irt- .Taxn'ion and olu1e on. pots ot de r lomintctior intéiure.. *1. Vhe products of the territorv 1. LQs produits origiii-m-iros du of any-,; contracting parvy, imported territoire do toutG perti; contracttm into tho -torritory Cf any other ta imports sur 1c- t .rritoiru do tou- Cont tu.c t party sha.l bc exempt to '5utro parties contractentD soront fron ter , arnd other extupts ,o tuxcs et viitrus imeposi- clcarg, orC any kind in tions intérieues, d*- quelquu nature excess cf i;:hose applied c1rectly or qu'Olles soient3 n oxcolednt de ccI- incli.recbtl.y to likc products of les qui frLippont dirccteonit ou in- natic-rc1. or.ig:Lii Morcover, in cases dirctume)nt dos products sirmilaires in whicil î;:,7ce- Ls no !u.ubstantia1 d'origino natimalo. Do plus, dans le do.nns't;.c production of like products c.ts oÙ il n'y 5 pss du production of na nria. eringin, no contracting intérieure iciportcnto dc ramirchrndises prty ziiaP). E-r %' nm. or incrcasod simil.ires d'oni-ine nltionebe, intQrnai.L taxes on t"he productssof aucuno pertio conr,,r.ct:nti n'impos6re the_ tvrritcrios of other contracting d'impôts intérieurs nouve ux ou plus parties for tho rurpose of affording éleV6s sur les Z:Earchcndises7 pro- protection to t:io production i of duits erizin9.ires du territoire directly competitive or substitut- d'autras pcrtios contrectentes en able produ.cti; vfc:ic aIre xiot vi.ueilar. v du prot6ger lu production (1) ly taxod.l; cr: :, .-nt.;ernal taxes de r;~irch'ndises on concurrmnca dir 3ct x The hogaJ. Dre±'tng Coumittoe ( .) Le C; ,.. .' ct:c&a r;e.r:u.. noticed c'hat .2r1 . paragraph 3 (b) the *,p 'eu peraer:.phe 3 (b) fi;urunt les words "dom;escic production" were termeis "production natncle'D Lo used. '.ho Ta rif4 Agromennt Commit- Comit; chflrég do lioxomen de l'Akcera tee may ;.rant 1Lo consider whether the r.r'l sur lus TenUs douaniers vou- same siheuld not be adopted dre s-ns doute ex .miner s'il y lieu ini thi..; para-rraphll d 'sadoptcr 1;s umnDos terms ldns le présent p:.'|rephe, E/PC/T/2l2 Page 3 of this kind shaIl be subject to negotiation for their reduction or 2. The products of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory of any other contracting party shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to like products of national origin in respect of all laws, regulations and requirements affecting their internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, trans- portation, distribution, or use. The provisions of this paragraph shall not prevent the application of differential transportation charges which are based exclusively on the economic operation of the means of transport and not on the iit toii.lity of the product. 3. In applying the principles of pur-jraph 2 of this Article to îliteroittl quantitative regulations avo-c clez Ou oDllù du produits do rompl-ecnient qui ne sont pts fr-. ppés d'una e>inière !r.nloguo ; ot les im- pÔts intué'ri ;iurs do cette neturo déjà oxistrfnts front l'objet do ndgocia- tions on vuO de leur rid'dotion ou de laur supnpross oz_%. 2. Les produits origin.:irGs du t±a ritoir 3 do touto Lortie controotante imports sur le territoire de toute eutre p2rtie contracotanto ne sûront pas à un tr;-:iternont moins fa- vorable quo ls products simïlairos d'origine nstionalo, on co qui concsX ne touts lois, tous rdglemants et toutes proscriptions ifx'octint la von te, l cmise on v.nto, l'.chat. le tr,.nsp.)rt, 1: distribution oz l'uti- lisation de ces proCuits sur le mir- chà intdrieur Ls dispositions F17 du prdsojnt per,.Crcpho nlintordi47jen pas 1 applio'.tio, da tarifs de transports ditffdrontiuls b!zs6s exclu- sivuLinnt sur l'utilisation 'conomique deis moyens de transports et non .ur l'origine du produit, 3, LÉalng7Pour 1' oppl eetion dos principles dnenc's ru p! rc-r^pho 2 du present erticlo ài Ir. rdl3meontrtion intdriûura fixî nt les qu nt itds ou relating to the mixture, processing or usc of products in specified amounts or proportions, the con- tractinc parties shail observe the following provisions: (a) no regulations shall be ,iade which, formnally or in effect, reqltirù that any specified a.r:iount nr proportion of the product in rl'spi'ct of which such regulations ;-re applied must bo supplied from 3.omestic sources; (b) no contracting party shall, Lrmilly or in offc:ct, restrict tho rtixînp, rrocessini7, or use of a ,roduct of' which thcr-. i.s no :ulibstanti1.-.l domlostic. production \:;Lth a vicw to :nffordirii.: protection t-, th, cr(icstic production of a directly co.pctitivo or substitut- ,-:)Io prroluct. F. Tho provisions of parngriaph 3 nf thïs Article shall not apply to: (a) aily measure of internal quantit:.tivu control in force in the i .rritory of any crontracting party on z/7fJuly L, 1939 or Z1O/ .hpril 1 1947 at the option of' that les proportions à respcctor dc1ns le m;lolnge, 2ln tre.nsformtion ou l'uti- lisntion do curtains produits, les p!'.rties contruct2ntGs se conformoront -Ux dispnsitions ci-.prùs : (s) il ne sorz U1dicté ç.ucune rbglvment~.tY' qui, soit on droit, soit on fbit, uxitgr;it qu'uno quanti tU ou unc proportion du'termino' du produit Yu4uel cette rvglûrnentation st' .ppliquo eDoive provnir do sources riztionFl1es do proiucticn; (b) nucuno parties contrctente ne dovr>, soit un drit, soit an aïit napporter 9d rfistrictiGns eu inngo, 1--. tr nsforrm tion o'u t, 1 'utilisn- tion d'une .:;rehndis_ Qorit 1.. pro- àiuctisn intdrituro n ':.3t QL:s i.mpor- tE.nte, on vuu d ;rot;e: 1, produc- tion nation 1., dI u;rchrndisus on concurrecu directed Lvec cj1l1e ou cel- le de Ynroduibs dv rem!îplocuwcint/2* 4. Les dispositions du paragraphe 3 :u i'eant Article no s'.pplique- rornt (a) u _ucunc utre e; sure dû cor±t~l3e qu:ntit.«ti intdiiuur, on viguQ.ur sur lc territe'ir. d'une per- tiE contract ntc quilconque (au lor juillat 1909 ou au 10 :.:vriJ 19i79, nu !,',/PC,/T/212 Page 4 E/PCa/T/gJ 5 Page 5 contracting party, Providod that any such r;ensura which would be in cQpflict with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article shall not be modified to the detriment of imports and shall be subject to ootiatiens for its limitation, liberalization or elimination. (b) any internal quantitative rcCulation relating to exinosed cincmatograph films and meeting the requirciemnts of Article IV. 5, The provisions of this Article shall not apply to thc procurement -by gover.nmental agencïos of products purchased for govern-rintal purposes and not for resale or use in the production of goods for sale, nor shail they prGvent the payment tg domestic producers only ol` subsidies Drovided for under Article XVI, including; payments to domestic producers derived froin the proceeds of întcrnal taxes or charges and subsidies effected through govarnnontal purchases of domestic products. choix dc ledite p crtie eontr9etante, sous rwsorvD qu'il nc soit appor;*'a aucuns mosure de ce genre û qui ser-it cn opposition evec les disposi- tions du pzrégr;:phe 3 (a -.rL-sent e.r- tiole, de L.1odific.tiens pr.'judicie- bles aux importLtions et quo les m.esUz ras en question frssent l'objet di: no&gociatLons vis.nt e en limiter la portée, à les assouplir ou à les rap porter 7 - ,, (b) à Cucune rc4g1crimntation quentite.tivO intriCurO relative aux filDms *cinàm!t:)graphiques impression- n6s et conformae aux dispositions de l'orticle IV, 5. L--, ui±o,,_itions du pr`sont article ne s'appli4uzront pes à l'a- chEt p;er les pouvoirs pubics ou pour lour coiiipto da pr uits de6tin6s à êtres utilisas par oux, à 1'oxclusiorn dos produits d6stinu's à le rovcnte ou à la production do rmXrch..ndisos des- tint;s à le vcnto. Elles n'interdisent pas non plus l'ettribution 'ux seuls prcducteurs nation.;ux des subventions prévuos à l'rticlo CVI, y compria las subventions provunant du produit des tnxes ou impositions intérieuros Ct los subv31ntislls souS former d'achats de produits nationaux par les pouvoirs publiCs ou pour lur cDr,.pte, E/PC/T/212 Page 6 Article IV Special Provisions relating to C irt!nîwgtO cra n Finlms i. If rny contracting party establisihus or mLaintains internal quantitative regulations relating to cxposod c- r±emnatopraph films, such rorulPtions shall tako the for;:. of screen :luota« which shall conform to t'. f2lloqinL, [candi.- tions and / ::.ruirerrnts: (a) Scrcen quota.s may rcqul.rco the ex;hibition of cimcantograph films of nati.onrl or:i.gin during a specifio1 minimum proportion of the total screen tirms actually utiliZod , ovjr a specified period of not loss than one ycar . in the com.ercial e-,xhîbi`ion of all films of ohe.tcw.r eigin, ,n'i shall bo comrputEd on thei basik^ of screen tirie por thcatre ?ir ycar or the- quivalent thereof. (b) With thc exception of screen t5.nm rcsarivcd for films of national origin under a screen quota,/jino...7 screron time, including _ scrc.n rJ. w îe../ that rleased b" acrj t Itivo action f rom / nirm , cren time resi-rviEd for i`i1r:s of ntLional .trticlC IV Dis;:u..itisns sreielos rel- tivS aux f ilmns eint'h w.togr'Jphiaues . la Si Fun Et t M....J une per- tie contr:ctnto tablel it ou m .intient § 1'intçrni ur de son turritoirga §e> ré.larnents7 u:.. rcrîo..entation [ju.rntit t àfj quantite.tive intôrieure fux7 sur l:.q f`ilirs cin>matogrtpphiquos i.iipros-,iûnn's, /`ces rzglacnt;7 cette r 'î1;'t: [; rcndroÇ7 prendra lh former de contingents à h'dcran conforrrias >ux con:litiuns [6t prescrip- tiClng7 suivntos: (u) lus contingents à 1'dcran pc>urrzrnt'/7bliger7J cor.,Loorter l'obli- g-ti n de pro jet er, pour une péri ;de d.';tcrrîinva d Y' u m.;ins un an, ,rà pro- jtJte?7 dcs fills d'ariUina national psnde.t une fraction minimurrm du tùmps totCl dc projocti',n off`.ctivement uti1isd plur 1: orJ.s.-ntEition com.mer- CiL'la des f'iltms de tcut origine; cos conting,,nts scrurnt ,¶as6s sur7 fix-s d.cprcès lu t-wmps annual da project1ùn au chaue s lle ou [iur7 dYerès SOnI v Deivalnt (b) Il ne pourreF, ni un dreit ni on frnit, ütr:; op.ri une r partition entre 1Js priductions def diverses ori- ginus p. ur 1: l:.rtio du tomps de pro- jectian qeji nlt, pas _ risurvU'e origin, shall not be allocated formally or ïn effect [_be alloca- toed7 among sources of supply. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of slb-para;graph (b) Csabovor'2 of this ArtiQel 7 any contracting party may maintain screen quotas conforming to the (conditîoC?7 reputrrmernts of sub- paragraph (a) of this Arti.çJ which reserve a minimum proportion of screen timo for films of a (national-7 specified origin other than that of the contracting party imposing such screen quotas; Provided that no such minimum pro- nortion of screen time shel be increased abovo the level in effect on April 10, 1947. (d) Screen quotas shall be subject to negotiations for their limitation, liboralization or elimination. Article V Fre-edon of transit 1. Goods (including baggage), and also vessels and other means of transport, shall be deemed to E/PC/T123y. page 7 aux films d'origine ne.tionele, ou qui, cyant 6ti r Sserv6e à Oeux-ci, aureit 6tt randuc disponible par ma- sure administrative j. (o) Nonobstant les dIspositions de l'alin6a (b) ji-dessus7 du vr6- sent article, les ftats Mmbires7 parties contractantes pourront main- tonir les oontingCnts à 1'6oran jonform'aent J conforms aux conditions de 11alinôa (e) du pr6gont article et qui rés arveraieot une fraction minimum du temps de projec- tion nux films d'une origine iJtran- gére7 dCeter=ine, ebstrection taite des films n6tionP2ux, aôus r serve que cette traction ne soit pa3 gro- porttonneîîem.enf7 plus -llevce qu'à la date du 10 avril 1947 L,.J z (d) Les contingents à 1'6oren Cevrront £eirJ7 front 1'objet de n3gociatiuns tendent à §îej7 . limiter la Eort6e à lqs asSOUplir ou à. les supprimer r Ie la ma- nière pr6vue par 1 'article 17 pour les tarifs, et l s préférences tari- f aires2 Article V Libarté de transit 1. Les marchandises (y compris 15 bsgSagrs) ainsi quo les navires et E/PC/T/212 Page 8 be in transit across the territory of a contracting party, when the passage across such territory with or without trans-shipment, ware- housing, breaking bulk, or change in the mode of transport, is only a portion of a complete journey beginning and terminating beyond the frontier of the contracting party across whose territory the traffic passes. Traffic of this nature is termed in this Article "traffic in transit'. 2. There shall be freedom of transit through the territory of each contracting party via the routes most convenient for inter- national transit for traffic in transit to or from the territory of other contracting parties, No distinction shall be made which is based on the flag of vessels, the place of origin, departure, entry, exit or destination, or on any cir- cumstances relating to the owner- ship of goods, of vessels or of other means of transport. sutres moyens do transport seront considérés comme étant on transit à travers lo territ ira d'una parties contractante, lorscue le passage à travers oe territoire, qu'il s'effoe- tue ou non avac trensboxldament, en- troposage, rupture do charge ou chan- gertient dans le mode de transport, ne constituera qu'une fraction d'un voyage complete commençent et se ter- minant au dulà des frontières de la parties cntractEu'te sur le territoire duquel il a lou.~ Drns le present article, un trafic de cotte nature est eppelA "trtfic an transit". 2, Il y aura libertéç do transit à travers le territoire dos parties contrtctantos pur la trafic an tran- sit à destination ou en provenance du d'o3utr ,s parties contrnc- tentes empruntant les voies les plus Oc;..z-.odws pour la transit internetio- nal, Il ne sexftEit cucune distinction SondQe sur LD pkivil)il des navires au betoe-ux, la lieu d'origine, la point de départ, d'entrée, de sortie ou de destination su sur des considerations relatives à la propriét6 des n.archan- dises, des navires, bateaux ou autres moyens de transport. E/PO/T/212 page 9 3. Any contracting party may require that traffic in transit through its territory be entered at the proper custom[s] house, but, except in cases of failure to comply with applicable customs laws and regulations, such traffic coming from or going to the territory of other contracting parties shall not be subject to any unnessassary delays or restric- tions and shall be exempt from customs duties and from all transit duties or other charges imposed in respect of transit, except charges for transportation or those commensurate with administrative expenses entailed by transit or with the cost of services rendered. 4. All charges and regulations iLmposed by contracting parties on traffic in transit to or from the territor;Cy_/ies of other contracting parties shall be reasonable, having regard to the conditions of the traffic. 3. Touto ~~;,rtie ccintrect'anto( pcurra exiger quo le trafio En trciisit pas - stint par son territosire fesse l 'bjet. a'une ddclaretiïcn au bureau de dvur;Ie intUreüss5; tiutofois , saute lorsqu'il y &ua dcILffut d'observation dos lois et régl . ntaticns dDuanièros z-ppli- cablos, les tr Inspurts do cette ne- ture on provonan.oe ou à d.stination du torrit.i4 o d :.utrs parties contr,.ctnntos ne sor:'nt pes s-umis ? des dolais ou à dos ir,3strictions inu- tiles et seront exondrds do droits do douane et do tous draits de tr;:nsit ou de toute routre iuipisition en cOsi qui OconcGrnçe le) tr:.nsi t, à 1 'exception des frris d transport ou des redoe- vances correspond' nt ';ux ddponses odministrptives ocoOLsinndes pr le trc.nsit ou au aoat des services ron- u s. 4. Tous les droits et règl3cnnts eppliqu' s par lEs £arti .s cDntruc- tc:ntes au trufic En transit on pro- vanence ou à destination du territDi- re d'eutras parties contrect'.ntes Aovront ôtrù c;quitables, ou égard suX conditions du trnfic. Page 10 5. Wïth respect to all charges, regulations and formalities in connection with transit, each contracting party shall accord to traffic in transit to or from the territory of any other contracting party treatment no loss favourable than the treatment accorded to traffic in transit to or from any third country. 6. Each contracting party shall accord to products which have been in transit through the territory of any other contracting party treatment no less favourable than that which would have been accorded to such prcducts had they been transported from their place of origin to their destination without going through the territory of such other contracting party. Any contracting party shall, however, b free to maintain its requirements of direct consignment existing on the [day of the signature] date of this Agreement, in respect of anny goods in regard to which siuch direct consignment is a requisite condition of eligibility for entry of the goods at prefer- ential rates of duty or has relation to the contracting party's proscribed rnc>thod of valuation for iuty puxposcs. 5 . !en o . i-i c iicrnu (;v-,us los droits, rfullJtnLnts ot forruliits roIr tifs au trAnsit, ch:c ;7uc rtie con- ~rcctent aaccar;oer .-u trufic an trmn- sit en praveniancn Du è destination du territ-Ira dc tsutc .:utr. prrtie ccntract.nte un tr:iteUo;nt nzn moins fciverable quç, colui qui est accord cu trMfic ,n transit e:n provenance -,u à desti;.Lti&fl ca -tut ys ticrs> 13.. Ch.;.qe ,-î.rtie cantractrntc. ao- cariera uY.a pr*,uits :ui sont pessds un tr-nsit p:-r le territ,)ire do t;uto outra c r!trc cintorct:nt un tr-ito- mont nn rn..-,ns favoroblv, qua colui qui leur u ur- i' t.t accrda s'ils av&-icnt d' tritnsport; s de leur lieu Q'anri-inu à luur liaiu la destinLitiin s ns passer pI:r ce territoire. Il sera ccp.:ndsnt loisible à touto j)ar- tie contrct.e.n'e do r- sntenir lcs c-'nditicons ds xpdition directed ern vr4guour à la 1d..ten g ; >la siisneitur 7 du pr½scrt rLc ord à 1'dard do t.,utus tni:rohriciisos cc>u1 lesquell1es l'exp~- ditiDn directed constitue une condi- ti .n d'admission .u bon._fice de draits pr rentic1s ou .5 repporto au7 intervient dans la m'ode d''vclua- tion prescrit p;.-.r cette partie cun- tractante en vuc dE le fixation des Ir-4ts 9e douanen, 7, The provisions ôf this Artile; shall net apply te' thc opera' ?. of nircrnft in t'DuSi, but : apply to air transit o 1 oode (includin~,, baeg;aC) Article VI Anti- DrriJrinr and _ountervilinf Duties. 1. No anti-dumping cutyX shall be levied on any product of -Lhe territory of any contracting party importod zz.',lhe territory of =:y other contracting, party in excess of an a.mount equal to the margin of dumping under which such product is being in1ported. For the purposes of this .Article, tho margin of dmping shnil bc understood to mean tho ma.ount by which the price of the product exported frora one country t'o nothc r %a) is less than th;e comparable price, in the ordiriary course of t.rad*e for the like product when destined for consumptïon 'n thB cniuntry, or, (b) in thl absence of such dornostic Dri c, is less than either E/I2c p ri 2 l sD Page 11 7 L.Ls dp1<Y»3 du -r` sent er- ..ClEt no ,rrt ';. li cblcs çux c,,^^t ;; r, Lr-nsit r;;>^. srz)nt ap- p3 ior.blas su transit i.r.ier. d_ -.\arch; disis (y cowpris l ;sb ArtF cle 'Jl Drits anti-durr;ing et c:i~.;,crisatours. 1. Il ne sorui p.rçu .cur un. preiduit originuirsi du tUrrit&irc; Û,unoe Raortic contrDce-nt,) et impcrt de ris le ter- rit: ire d'une autrll pertU.c; c;Dltre.e- x tc-nte, uucuUn Ür jIt 7i '-ucunro taxe7 ~nti-due;ping d'un ne-tui p-r ._ a ie~ ..rneg do durpini- r a.f. rt e n ce produit lors d.e son i.t.rtenO Au "sens -u present article, il fnut entendrü p&r marge Ca d'l(.pi.r (a) la diffdtr-ce -ntre le prix d'un 1produit lteruiirz *.xirti, tdui p ys vars un autre at 1e pr ix c.nmpaer- blc der.:,nI' d: rlus cl:r>nitiuns nor- alcfls du c n.;muroo pDur un pLruuiaut si- u-eilaira destiny a lu ceni;ornjîetion dans la Ie.y8 exp.rt;teur LO17 (b) eu1, an l'absejnce d -un tel prix sur l1 uarchd îritvr i G de=rnier peys, 1 Jiff ronce :-vGro le prix susr;nnti;nnu et /sit .i Note: Whereas the Frcnch text X Nct u LG tex te il ` - J , !e oD,-rto aenticned originally both "droit' andquu "no anti-duraping tux:. 'taxe" nnti-dumninî, the t-ext mentions only "anti-dumning nuty". Ei/ 12i.2 - ~a - , 21 (i) thc, hljhjst co,:parab1ce prico .'or the like product for cxpo.i t to aany third country in the ordinary course of tradeD (ii) thco cost of production of the i1c8u;ct jr. the country of ori.-ini rilis a . (eosAonEible c i tqon .for selling cost and p Due ash:.o;.'ce bcel , imado in each caso 9or'.ffer. nc3s in conditions end teri-ms .f sale , for dff eren-.cUs i 1 taxu: .t?. ' , n d Go oz o O 3eikAf f c ncos 'i' -Ci c compara- bili bty. NIo duty shapli bo l-c.ved on ary product of the territory o." any coi2t?racti riC party imrortd into tI)e torri.tory of another colltractil party in exces.z of E n onroui1; O0"tl to tho estiîz.itu. uo;.r,'.;y or sulbidy dotor- mirned to b -leve becn [crantcd, direct- ly or i1oni2ctV, or. hR. marinufac- ture >p.c'.~.2tionl or export cf sllch prodcU. iii tLb)Ic- ccsntty of or1 ign or expcrti;;ti:on, inc:.ludià, any se 2 z.:;,11.,y t th C! t r11Jp!..r tt- tion of a pa iz i.o.:r prrctue. The (1) ; lt lu i)1ix C pUr Pri lu plus 1;VLJ Jp.Lur 1' o.rAlxportatiDn .u-i pr:)o4D S îliiro v er S un puys tiers 1ur:s lus conditions nn;.J- ls Gu coLmrcj, /foit/ (ii_) Sl c. ._LJt do production de co urJui d,,ns l., peys dio- ri, ~in , plus uYLE auuer4v-tion 1:Dsznnabl.e p.,ur les frais do Il s er ,a dd. cr, teanu cc,:pta d&cns chj~cca e CiIf-"runcos dan-rs los c nl iti.ons et i'dahît&S do venta, des dif:fr.,ncus au tax -ti.iDn ,et dtis uutr,_s diffd.r%,ricozs affecttn t 1Js îl ments de cc.noerriiSon dcc ,rix0 2, 1l mi ra lQrçu sur un pr:,i;uit oripj.n. iroi du ' |it ,irul c' 0uno pcrtie crntructati ca;i i ; apc ip 'rtuf d-rks le ter- ritire d'unu auit ru rtie contrue- tuant o auicun 2rw.t cempensuteur ddpas- s ùnt :L rDàor:t.ant si;nd de lu prime rou dc 1;. subvuntien quu ''n sait rl.vcir t;i .;ieenrd.;, d i recl;te.eint cu indiree- 2iu:_nt, 'A lu fiction, la porouc- u.,u l x:zûrtei1,iDn du-it pr.ouit dns 1,; :uy; j d Dri..i I:2 su di 'xporta- tien, y c>cpris t0ute subvoriti;n spjà- ciale lccrJ.ù; p 1`:lu1 tr:nsport d'un prod it pe. t1!cuJ1 T1hr, Le tùrmo "dir it term 'iCo12 ±o '.;.lLng duty" shall be - ;;a r' &. %t ;tro intorprt E/PC/T/212 Page 13 understood to mean a special duty comme signifiant un drzit sPJc i°l leviocd for the purpose of of fsotting petrÇu fin vuG du neutr 1 is or t.,uto pri. any bourity or subsidy bestowed, dircctl- or indirectly, upon the manuif.ctur;,e . production oi exporta- tion Qf rinv ,l ic 'rchn.ndîsc. 3;. No product of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory cf any other contractir.r party shall be subj ect to or coun.tcrvailing dut7 by reason of the ex.emption of such procluct from- duties or taxes borioe by the like product whcn destinecd for consur.ption in tho count-y of origin or exportation, or by reAzon cf the refund of such duties or taxes. h. No product of the territory of any cotLtlacting party imported into the territory of any other contracinZ party shall bc subj ect to both c-lùtl-i umping and countcr- vailinrr dul` e s to coi.pensato for the sarie situation of dumping or export subs'ddiæz.tion. 5. No cont-. citing party shall levy any ariti-dumping or counter- vailin,: duty on the importation of any product of the territory of uiw ou ,subvtjntijrn eccorail (liruo- teuient Du incdirccteraant, à 1 fabri- c.:tion, Iri Drotftuctian ou l'oxporte- ti ;n d'un pIroluit. 3. Aucun prauuit origins iri ;u ter- rit0ira dlun% parties contrrctente et imipertç dl-ns ic türrittira d'une Outre parties controct:intü nrv sor.l soumllis à s drJ..lts ,inti-c.ucping ji 6 tvdes drit27 ou c; ,tLpDnssoàtours, Gn r.,ison do son exondr tian dos A r,:;its ou im- pCts qui fr..pï.vnt l1 produit siimi- l ire lorsqu'il Ust d,.stin> à êtra c0fl5SLd, d- lnc le s 'cricino ou lü p~±ys cexporta,,tin, .;u .n r.ison du rerib;urs,,m;.;nt e cIvs ;irDits ou i.mp8t. 4. .ucun preccuit drigin':iredu ter- rit.,iro d'unc p'.'rtio ccntr- ct-nto rvt im ,crtd d:wns lo tçerrit-iro dyune L-utro iartie, contr:-ct,.,nto n,) srvr£ ssu jotti à 1t. fois à dos dreiits anti-&;.mpir.g ut à durs dr-its comnpon- saturs &n vue dc )aror à unev mki situ.tiun r. sult-.nt du ...umping cu de la subv.m2tin les export t-icrns* 5. j.ucuno prtie contractente ne parcavre. c Ej droits enti-dumping ou c amDonse.teurs à l'impcrteti Dn d'un proluit crir;inDirc d'uno autrE parties E/PC/T/212 page 14 another contracting party unless it determines that the effect of the dumping or subsidization, as the case may be, is such as to cause or threaten material injury to an established domestic in- dustry, or is such as to prevent or materially retard the estab- Iishment of a domestic industry. The ONTRACTING PARTIES (1.e.the eoxitracting parties acting Lin thei E7 joîntly [capacitX7 as provided for in Article XXVI i(hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties)7 may waive the requirements of this paragraph so as to permit a con- tracting party to levy an anti- dumping Eduty7 or countervailing duty on the importation of any product for the purpose of off- setting dumping or subsidization whieh causes or thlcatens mater- £al injury to an indus try in the territory of another contracting party exporting the product con- cerned to the territory of the importing contracting party. 6. A system for the stabiliza- tion of the domestic price or of the return to dcmestic producers contractante, à moins qu'il no oons- tete que l'sffot cu Dumping Du dû la su\'vention, selon leLe7 es, est tol qu'il C: usù OU menac dû causer un préju1ice substantial à una produo tion n.tionclc Établio 3u qu'il trit obstacle à la or~stion d'une produc- tion natiînale ou le retarded sensi- blement, LLs P1RTIES CONTR.ICTANTES (eost-à-dire los parties contraoten- tas asisaentpn .:mmun conformément aux dispasitiïns7 oolleotivoment aux terms do l'article =QCV)(d6sïgnÀon d r.navant par lo terme Parties contrm-ctantasJ7 pourront déroger aux proscriptions du pr.sûnt psr.graphe 4a façon à permettra à une parties con- tractente do Darceviir un droit enti- dumping ou fi n droi§7 compensateur à l'importation d'un produit quelconque, en vue do czmponsor un dumping ou uns subvention qui cruso ou menace de cau- sor un pr6judio substnatiel à une production du territoire d'une autre purtie contractonte exportent le pro- duit on question d:ins lo tGrritoire de la parties contractante importatrioe, 6. Un syst.éme -auopt6 en vue. de /stabilisation d27 stabiliser le prix jïnfrieu S intérieur d'un product of a primary commodity, ïn- dependently of the movements of export prices, which results at tïmes in the sale of 'he product for export at a price lower than the comparable price charged for the like product to buyers in the domestic market, shall be con- sidered not`to result in material injury withIn the meaning of paragraph 5 cf this Article, if it is determined by consultation among the contracting parties substantially interested in the product concerned: (a) that the system has also resulted in the sale of the product for export at a price higher than the com- _parable pric e charged for *the liko product to buyers in thc* domestic market, and iE/PC/Tr/2- 2 pc...,o L5 de base ou Lde ristourne au27 la recette brute des producteurs natio- naux Ld'un produit de base]d'un produit de ce . enre i.ndépendamment des niouvaments des prix à l'exporta- tion 'Jt (lui QIrwQul(t parfois la \rerte dudil Jioduit pour l'exporta- tion à un prix inférieur au prix comparable deniand6 pour un produit similaire aux acheteurs du march irntériaur, s3ra considéré conme n'antrairiant pas un préjudice subs- tantiel au sens du paragraph 5 du Drésent article,s/1/bl est établi à la suite d'une consultation centre les parties contractantes intéres- sées da façon /im.,ortanteJ substantielle au ,roduit en questions (a> que ce système a eu également pour r6sultat la vente à l'ex- portation du produit en question à un prix /à l'exportation_ supérieur au prix comparable demrandé pour la produit simi- laire au:z acheteurs du marché intérieur, L It7 E/PC/T/ai2 Pnye i6 (b) that thc.systom is so operated, either because of the effective regulation of production or othlrwisce, as not to stimulate exports unduly or otherwise seriously prejudice the interests of " other contracting parties. 7. No measures other than anti- d=mping or countervailing duties shall be applied by any contracting party in respect of any product of the territory of any other con- tractinr party for the purpose of offsetting dumping or subsidization. Article VII Valuation for Cust;;nis PurPo5es 1. The contractinL D-.xrties recoSnize the validity of the general principles of valuation set forth in tho following pa.racraphs of this Article, and they under- take to icive effect to such princïplcs, in respect of a1l (b) et que ce système, par suite de la règlementation effective de la production ou ":our toute uUtre saison, for-ci2iina de telle façon qu'il n'apporte paz r ux exportations un stimulant injustifié ou n'entr iie aucun aut.2e préjudice grave pour les intérh;s des autres parties cor. tractantes. 7, Aucuïie parties contractante n'au. ra recoura à des mesures autres que les droits anti-dumping ou cocapen- sateurs en ce qui concerne tout pro duit du territoire d'une autrepar- tie contractante pour neutraliser ls effets d'un dumping ou d'une subverntion. Article VII Valeur on douane 1. Les parties contractantesrecon- naissent, en ce qui concarne la dé- termination de la valeur en douane, la validité des principles généraux figurant dans les parggraphos Lot dessousJ ci-aorès du present ar- ticle et elles s',engagant à les E/PC/T/212 Pce 17 products subject to duties or othor char-os or restrictions on importation and exportation based upon )r rc,,Llated in any manner by value, at the earliest practicable data, MrIroovebr, thcy shall, upon a re-ucst by another contracting party, revicii the operation of any of uhci, laws or regulations relating to value for custozis pur- poses in tCho light of these princ- ipoles. The CONTRACTING PARTIES may request froar contracting parties reports on stops taken by theo in purs.ancc of tho prov- isions if this Article. 2,(a) The valuc for cu-tor.s' purposes of iLportod norchandise should ho bascd on tho actual value of tho imported merchayndîse on which duty is assesseQz or of like rmorchandise, and should not bc bascd on tlie value of ap:'lieuer aussitôt que possible en ce qui concerne tous les produits soumis à des droits de douane ou à d'autres Jtaxes7 Jicpositïons ou restrictions §L']7à l'importation 2t §7 hà l'exportation bases sur la valeur ou fonctiot en quelque ma- nière de la valeur. De Plus, elles Zr2gexamineront, chaque fois qu'une autre narti contractante en fera la demande, l'application do touted loi ou de tout règlement relatifs à la vaIeur on douane à la lumière desdits1rincip5s. Les PARTIES CON- TRACTN'UTES pourront dcmurder aux autres partius contractantesds, leur fournir des rapports sur las me- sures qu'elles /onta7ourqn pri- s.s suivant ls dispositionsdu present article. 2. a) La valeur en douaner des maar- chandises importées devrait etre fondée sur la valour réelle de la marchandiso importéà à laquelle s'applicue le droit, ou d'une mar- chandise similaire, et ne devrait E/PC/T/212 Page 18 merchandise of national origdn or on arbitrary or fictitious values. (b) "Actual valuc" should be the prica at «:hich, at a til :and placo determined by the legislntion of the country of iriporta tion. and in the ordinary course of trade, such or like r:norchandise is-sold or offered for salc under Sully competitive conditions. To the extent to which tho price of such or like r.icrchandisc is governed by the quantity in a particular trans- action, the price ta bc considered should uni'c.ri-ily bc ruluted to either (i) co:,;l.rable quantities, or (ii) quantitis not favourahilC tG i;mportors than thoso in which the groatur of the merchandise is sold in the trade between the countries of export- ation and importation. pas être fondée sur la valeur de - produits d'origine nationale ou sur des valeurs arbitraires ou fictives. b)La "valeur réelle" devrait être le prix auquel, en dJs temps et lieu déterminés par la legislation du pays d'importation et à l'occa- sion d'opérations commerciales nor- males, ces marchandises ou des mar- chandises s uiiîilireL; bui,± vandues ou offertes à la vente dans des conditions de pleine concurrence. Dans la mesure où le prix de ces, marchandises ou dae marchandises si- milaires dépend de la qu-ntité sur laquelle porte une transaction dé- ter:iinée, le prix considéré devrait se rapporter, suivant le choix opéré une fois pour toutes par le pays importateur, soit (i) à des quantités comparables, soit (ii) à des quantités fixées d'unemanière au moins aussi favorable pour l'im- portateur que si l'on prenait le volume le plus consic'érable de ces marchandises qui a effectivement donné lieu à des transactions com- merciales entre le pays d'exporta- tion et le pays d7importation. E/PÇ/T/212 Pa - 1 9 * (c) Whan tho actual valua is not ascertainable in accordance with su',-paraLr.iph (b) oi this paragraph, thle value for custons purposes should bu bascd one thc nEarorst ascartainablo oquivalant of such valuo. 3, Tho value for custosis purposes of' any i-iported product should not include tho amount of` any internal tax, appliîcil;ile within the country of origin or export, frai.x which ,tlc iîrportxd product hAts be;n xenuptcd cr has ',n or will ,bc relieved by ar:ins of refwfud , (a) Excopt as otherwise providled jin this para3raph, whoro it is nec- ossnry for tho purpose of ara- ,'Oraph 2 of thiF Article for a con- tracti.n, party to c:onveit inlto its ewnm currency a pricc express ed in the currency of another country, , the conversion ratc of exch:.n-e te be usod shull bc basod on the par values of tho currencies in- volved as ostablishod pursuant to the Articles of AEgrece.ent of tho c) Dr.ns le cas où il serait impossible de ddtermiinor la valeur rdell on se conformant aux terms de 1elinda (b), lu valeur en deaunu devrait Ctre bas6o sur ltquivatlGnce vuJrifiable ½l plus proche possible de cette valeoua. 3, La valeur tan douane de touted merchandise iim:porteo ne dovrTrit com- prGndre aucu§1fi t ou t -xc int5- rieu g xigiblc dans le pays d'origi.ï±o ou dE provenance, dont ;m n.irchandiso importSc cur(it G exnnGr'. ou dont le montant ,aurait faiîW ou suraî`; des- tind à fair l'objet d'un Ui'c:ibourse- ment6 4. a) S.ui dispositions contrnire3 du present paragraphe, lorqu'unc par- tie contractante se trouvo drans bla n6- cssit6, pour l'applicatior du para- graphe 2, u'w convertir dans sa propre monnaie un prix expri-nd dans ln mon- naio d'un autre pays, lu taux d. con-- vzrsion à adopter sera fond sur les parités quL r6sultant dos r 'l;^cord constitutif7 statutes du 1zonds mçn6ta:àD L/,c / 2I _1 :. P;o,- 20 Intcrnrv'Ltorcl MIonctary Fvund or by s:iccial cxchanjo arc._xnts cnterçcd intùJ pruAzUant to Articlc iXV of thi, Agr`C;?.I (1) Wh,»rc n; such par valuo has bocin os'tablishd. thd o conversion rat o shall rcaflc>c't ufi;' c ctivc:lv thu current viluc cf such currency in co:. .crciY|l t;rans;c t 5.c)fls. (c) Tho t<CTTM,' ;Ii 3' in m^;r-cxcnt ith th; Intcrriaticnal Ho'ltmr.y hiud ll haLi foX1 ';-': L r-zl2c rulcs . Ct1x cnvorsion by contr'tcti.j ,arthis (i) .:ny I'orcirn curroDncy i ' ros ,djct of which Imnulti 1 n;.tis cf exchra1 a7rc r ain- ta.LOL Cofl.nsist::tly vith cho Art lobc:.s cXf : o ti,>; .<llb:f; thos Intorz- naç'tiona l Hor± ';ary und. Any, .pcil'ty nay: apl.[.y such rulus iii rC,;POcb et f such fC.o'reiCII cui.'.nc.iks for th juriposco of 2rajr;a ,)hl : th: ., s^A'rticl] as cri ;!ltcrnaltivo i.;û J usù cf D.a vanluos . UnîtR 1suc?.i ru.cs arco lntCrnatIcnutl ou des accords srpé ciaux d; change conclus en confor- mità do iirt clc V du pda sonD ."cc rd b) Alu C'.s où unC telle parité nIaurait Gp s ùt3 fixéou le t aux de cOilv ersiacn correspondra effectivement à la vaicur courante do cette monnaie dens las trar±sanctions ccr.ucrcies. c) Lecs FAîTIES COtURACTANTES, d'accord avec le Fonds mon6taire in- tor.^ticnal, forcubcront las règles rt3gîcsant 1- ctD'.'. arsion par lCs lar- tius contrctantcs dc toute monnaie tranug-rc . 1 'l;rd dc laquelle des taux i rlcs de chang G ont été raaliritenus an c<)niorriit6 fJo 1 'Ac- cord constitutif'7 des statuts du Fonvds mo«t' ir intarntticilt,,. Cha- quc pirt je contracctrnte pourrn cîp- pliqOur cas règlc5 .'l caC monnaies étran.èùwos ' fins d ' appllica.t ion du pnr;a>Jph : du pruisclt article., nlu li *eu Oc; adopted by the CONTRACTING PARTIES, any contracting party may employ, in respect of any such foreign currency, rules of conversion for the purposes of paragraph 2 of this Article which are designed to re- flect effectively the value of such foreign currency in commercial transactions. (d) Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require any contracting party to alter the method of converting currencies for customs purposes [] which is app- licable in its territory on the [day] date [of the signature] of this Agreement, if such alteration would have the effect of increasing generally the amounts of duty payable. E/PC/T/212 Page 21 se baser sur les parités. En atten- dant que les PARTIES CONTRACTANTES adoptent les règles dont il s'agit, chaque partie contractante poura. aux fins d'application du paragra- phe 2 du present article, appli- quer à toute monnaie étrangère répondant aux conditions définies dans le présent paragraphe des règles de conversion destinées à exprimer effectivement la valeur de cette monnaie étrangère dans les transactions commerciales. (d) Aucune disposition du présent paragraphe ne peut être interpré- tée comme obligeant une partie contractante à apporter au mode de conversion des monnaies qui, pour la détermination de la valeur en douane, est applicable sur son territoire à la date [de signature] du présent Accord, des modifica- tions qui auraient pour effet, d'augmenter d'une manière générale le montant des droits de douane exigibles. E/PC/T/.; _, . .[ _. Page 22 5. The bases and methods for determining the value of products subject to duties or other charges or restrictions based upon or reg- ulated in any manner by value should be stable and should be given sufficient publicity to an- able traders to estimate, with a reasonable degree of certainty, the value for customs purposes. Article VIII Formalities connected with Inportation and Exportation. 1. The contracting parties recognize that fees and charges, other than duties imposed by governmental authorities on or in [connoxion] connection with importation or exportation should be limited in amount to the approximate cost of ser- vices rendered and should not represent an indirect protection to domestic products or a tax- ation of imports or experts for fiscal purposes. The contract- 5. Les critères et les méthodes servant à déterminer la valeur des produits soumis à des droits de douane ou à d'autres [taxes] impo- sitions ou restrictions basées sur la valeur ou fonction en quelque manière du la valeur [,] devraient être constants et devraient recevoir la publicité nécessaire pour per- mettre aux commerçants de détermi- ner la valeur on douane avec une approximation suffisante. Article VIII Formalités se rapportant à l'impor- tation et à l'exportation. 1. Les parties contractantes re- connaissent que les droits et [ta- xes] impositions, autres que les droits de douane, [imposés] perçus par les autorités gouvernementales à l'importation ou à l'exportation ou en relatión avec l'importation ou l'exportation devraient être limités au coût approximatif des services rendus et ne devraient pas constituer une protection indirecte des produits nationaux ou des taxes de caractère fiscal à l'importation E/PC/T/212 Page 23 ing parties also recognize the need for reducing the numbor and `diversity of such fees and charges, for minimizing the incidence and complexity of import and export formalities, and for decreasing and simpli- fying import and export documentation requirements. 2. The contracting parties shall take action in accordance with the principles and objec- tives of paragraph 1 of this Article at the earliest practicable date. Moreover, they shall, upon request by another contracting party, review the operation of any of their laws and regulations in the light of these principles 3. No contracting party shall impose substantial penalties for minor breaches of customs regulations or procedural ou à l'exportation. Les -parties contractantes reconnaissent éga- lement la nécessité de restreindre le nombre et la diversité de oes droits et [taxes] impositions, de réduire au minimum les effets et la cómplexité des formalités d'im- portation et d'exportation et de diminuer et simplifier les for- malités relatives aux pièces à fournir en matière d'importation et d'exportation. 2. Les parties contractantes pre- dront aussitôt que possible des measures conformes aux principes et aux objectifs mentionnés au paragraph premier du present article. De plus, elles [ré] exe- mineront, chaque fois qu'une autre partie contractante en fera la demande, l'application de toute loi ou de tout règlement à la lumière desdits principes 3. Aucune partie contractante n'imposera de pénalités sévères pour de légères infractions à la règlementation ou à la procédure E/PC/T/212 Page 24 requirements. In particular, no penalty in respect-of any omis- sion or mistake in customs documentation which is easily rectifiable and obviously made without fraudulent intent or gross negligence shall be greater than necessary to serve merely as a warning. 4. The provisions of this Article shall extend to fees, charges, formalities and require- ments imposed by governmental authorities in [connexion] connection with importation and exportation, including those relating to: (a) consular transactions, such as consular invoices and certificates; (b) quantitative restrictions; (c) licensing; (d) exchange control; douanières. En particulier, les pénalités pécuniaires imposées à l'occasion d'une omission ou d'une erreur dans les documents n'ex- céderont pas, pour les omissions ou erreurs facilement réparables et manifestement dénuées de toute intention frauduleuse ou ne cons-' stituant pas une négligence grave, la some nécessaire pour consti- tuer un simple avertissement. 4. Les dispositions du présent article s'étendront aux droits, [taxes] impositions, formalités et conditions imposées par les autori- tés gouvernementales à l'occasion des opérations d'importation et d'exportation y comprise les droits, [taxes], impositions, formalités et conditions relatifs (a) aux formalités consulaires, telles que factures et certificats consulaires; (b) aux restrictions quantitatives; (c) aux licences; (d) au contrôle des changes; E/PC/'T/212 Page 25 (e) statistical services; (e) aux services de statistique (f) documents, documentation (f) aux pièces à produire, à la and certification; documentation et à la délivrance de certificats (g) analysis and inspection[,]; (g) aux analysès et aux vérifications; and (h) quarantine, sanitation and (h) à la quarantaine, l'inspection fumigation. sanitaire et à la désinfection. Article IX Article IX Marks of Origin[7] Marques d'origine 1. Each contracting party shall 1. En ce qui concerne les [ règle- accord to the products of the ments relatifs au marquage] condi- territor[y] ies of each other tions relatives aux marques , chaque contracting part[y]ies treatment partie contractante accordera aux with regard to marking require- produits du territoire des [toute] ments no less favourable than autres parties contractantes, un the treatment accorded to like traitement qui ne devr. )as être products of any third country. moins favorable que le traitement accordé aux [mêmes] produits simalaires [en provenance] [ d'un tiers] de tout pays[.] tiers. 2. Whenever it is administrative-2. Cheque fois que cela sere pos- ly practicable to do so, contract-sible du point de vue administratif, ing parties should permit requiredles parties contractartes devraient marks of origin to be affixed permettre l'apposition, au moment at the time of importation de 1'importation, des marques d'origine . E/PC/T/212 Page 3. The laws and regulations of the marking of imported products shall be such as to permit com- pliance without seriously damag- ing the products, or materially réducing their value, or un- reasonably increasing their cost. 4. As a general rule no special duty or penalty should be imposed by any contracting party for failure to comply with marking requirements prior to importation unless corrective marking is unreasonably delevered or deceptive marks have been affixed or the required marking has been intentionally omitted. 5. The contracting parties shall co-operate with each other with a view to preventing the use of trade names in such manner as to misrepresent the true origin of a product, to the detriment of 3. An ce qui concerne le marquage des produits imports, 1es lois et règlements des parties contractantes seront tels qu' il sera po sible de s'y conformer s'ns occasionner de damage sèrioux aux produitls ni réduire subst utiellement leur valeur, ni accroitra indûment leur prix de revient En règle générele, aucune partie contractante ne devreit im-- poser d'amende ou de droit spécia1 lorsqu'iI y sure eu défaut d'observa- tion des règlements reletifs au marquage event l'importation, ài!, t moins que 1a rectification du marou - ge ne soit indûment différée ou que ci.;. . z ;~ de nature à induire en erreur n'aient té apposées ou que le marquage :'Ki t eté intentionnelIe- ment omis. collection at [entre elles] er vue d'éviter que les rarques commerciales soint utilité a de manière à i`'! U | ` !i t.. i' *quant à 1a véritable origine produit, et cele au E/PC/T/212 Page 27 r i in o n s d 1 o~~~~~~~~5 r .. . e [the] such distinctive regional détriment dee appellations d'origine or geographical names of products of S r> ,iwL4rl : .~ DU o~ `'r2 pbiqu:s dt S ro- th.: t^ri'orv fof a contracting party L2:rc27as are -rotected by Zj1.Ê7 i ts J.a lSLetlol /of such cotr.^.ctlnrs partr7 Ench con- tré-;Ctin.là *;.ty; snhll accord full ansld c-nt rthit:lc con.s.dertioni to suclh rccu lezts or reroresentatl.ons -a. :may ho ujide by auny other con- party r aeXa.rdîng the app J.iCDtD.C>VL ot .the iendrt a king set forth il trie precedirig sentence to n2.;î.S of of roduets whick hû've be^n cordiunic2ted to It i, ba ': khe otll r co. tra.cting p ;.rt:,r. duits du ti d'tin. -rti coritr ct .nte7qui sort prot6gI e s p':I' L? /'s l6 isl- ti^n § cette - . rti~ ;oo±tr-o tnt J. Oa qu- ortie et biiIvil ,.Wtc.tJ ux dc::!l",XS 01ou r;-,rt m-;t!t .iors que pourr. lui --dras.sar u-.e £-utre oRrtie contr.u.!ct t..j;. .u sujut d ' - bus tjls que ceu, ntic t.3 ci-,i.ssus d .ns la prûcnt; p :.r-.r'f cs;ui lui auront ét,& Jic,nslés o r cçt tW . utra parti o ccntr:ct-:nte ccncrn nt lç.ppü1lltion d;,s produits dc cLw- d- rnièrs. Note: 'lil* Froich tort 0'P this passnlge ni:Cfers r.pI:.recl, bly from the English te:-t.'ire CaIrct l-' betve n the tw!o te-,ts, th<e FXrenci te::t should be x-ïordecl as follows: "au suiet de 1' apilic tion de 1 'enagermrlet ci.- dessus . a"nell^tlons d'oi''ne o.'uo celle-ci o'r .it corii ,u-rl.oubàas ' ot.: L. te xt '`r . h n is S àeC-rtJ scrisiblancnt iu t - t r.42i5. ;pour - S:ur:.L 1. c ncor1 ico e .r.tre lis l ux tuxt s, il udr. it xr:dieer 1 t:~x f'-L n ç is cxjInb s .it: .u sujtd l t& 1.;plic ti.ou. de 1' giiiil.nt 5 i -d-;ss~us .u:; --pp*llq- tion. d'cri:ial -lun 0--1l-ci ourçit con1..uniqUé,.s `1 I rani-re e- rtla J.a ''hr i c±rte colntract2n ta cOhtr. ct -rrtxV. E/PC/T/212 Page 28 Article X Publication and Administration of Trade Regulations. 1. Laws, regulations, judicial decision and administrative rulings of general applications made effec- tive by any contracting party, per- taining to the classification or the valuation of products for customs purposes, or to rates of duty, taxes or other charges, or to requirements restrictions or prohibitions on imports or exports or on the trans- fer of payments therefor, or affect- ing their sale, distribution, trans- portation, insurance, warehousing, inspection, oxhibition, processing, mixing or other use shall be published promptly in such a manner as to enable governments and traders to become acquainted with then . Agreements affecting international trade policy which are in force between the "government or a govern- mental agency of any contracting party and the government or govern- mental agency of any other contrac- ting party [affecting international tradc policy] shall also be pub- lished. The provision of this paragraph shall not require any Article X Publication et application des reglements relatifs au commerce 1. Les lois, règlements, déci- sions judiciaires ot administra- tivos d'application générale, rondus exécutoires par toute partie contractante, [et] qui visent [à] le classification ou l'évaluation des produits à des fins dousnièros, les taux des droits de douane, taxes et autres frais impositions ou les pres- criptions,. restrictions ou [inter- dictions] prohibiton relatives à l'importation ou à l'exportation, ou la transfort de paiements les concernant ou qui touchent [soit leur] la vente, [leur] la distri- bution.[lour] le transport [ou lour]l' assurance, [soit leur] l'entreposage , [leur] l'inspection [lour]l'exposition, [lour]le transformation [leure] lo mélango ou toute autre[s] utilisations de ces produits, seront / prempte- ment]publiés dans les moindres délais do façon à poermettre aux gouvernments et aux coommencants d'en prendre connelssance, Les accords intéressant la politique commerciale internationale et qui E/PC/T/212 Page 29 contracting party to disclose confidential information which would impede law enforcement, or otherwise be contrary to the public interest or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of parti- cular enterprises, public or private. 2. No measure of general application takon by any con- tracting party effecting an advance in a rate of duty or other charge on imports under an established and uniform practice or imposing a new or more burdensome requirement, restriction or prohibition on imports, or on the transfer scraient en vigueur entre le gou- vernement ou un organisms gouver- nemental de toute partie contrac- tante et le gouvernement ou un organisme gouvernemental d'une autre parts contractante [rela- tivement .à la politique économique internationale] seront également publiés. [Le] Les dispositions du présent paragraphe n'obliger[a]ont pas une, Partie contractante à révéler des renseignements [d'or- dre]de caractère confidentiel qui feraient obstaele à l'application des lois ou qui [par ailleurs,] seraeint contraires à l'intérôt public ou qui portoraient préjudice aux intérêts commercieux légitimos d'entreprises publiques ou privées. 2. Aucune mesure d'ordre général que pourrait prendre une partie contractanto et qui entraînerait un relèvement du taux d'un droit de douane ou d'une autre [taxo imposée ] imposition à l'importation on vertu d'usages établis et uni- formes[,] ou dont il résulterait, pour les importation ou les trans- ferts de fonds relatifs à des E/PC/T/212 Page 30 of payments therefor, shall be enforced before such measure has been officially published. 3. (a) Each contracting party shall administer in a uniform, Impartial and reasonable manner all its laws, regulations, decisions and rulings of the kind described in paragraph 1 of this Article. (b) Each contracting party shall maintains or institute as soon as practicable, judicial, arbitral or administrative tri- bunals or procedures for the purpose, inter alia, of the prompt review and correction of admin- istrative action relating to customs matters. Such tribunals or procedures shall be independent of tho agencias entrusted with administrative enforcement and their decisions shall be importations une preseription, une restriction ou une [interdiction] prohibition nouvelle[s] ou aggra- vée[s]. [on matière d'importation ou de transfort de fonds afférent à une importation], ne [devra être ] sera wise en viguer avant [la publication ] ou'elle n'ait été publiée officiellement [de ladite mesure]. 3. (a) Chaque partie contractan- te appliquera d'une manière unifor- me, impartiale et équitable tous les règlements, lois, décisions judiciaires,et administratives [do la catégorie] viséeg au paragraphe premier du présent article. (b) Chaque partie contractanto maintiendra ou instituera, aussitôt que possible, des tribunaux judiciai- res, administratifs ou d'arbitrage [,] ou des [procédure] instances ayant pour but notamment de [réexa- miner] réviser et de rectifier [promptement]dans los moindres délais los mesures administratives se rapportant aux questions douaniè- res. Cus tribunaux ou [procédures] instances sorent indépendants des organismes charge de l'application E/PC/T/212 Page 31 implemented by, and shall govern the practice of such agencies unless an appeal is lodged with a court or tribunal of superior jurisdiction within the time prescribed for appeals to be lodged by importers; Provided that the central administration of such agency may take stops to obtain a review of the matter in another proceeding if there is good cause to believe that the decision is inconsistent with established principles of law or the actual facts. (c) The provisions of sub- paragraph (b) of this paragraph shall not require the elimination or substitution of procedures in force in the territory of a contracting party on the [day of the signatures date of this Agreement Which in fact provide for an objective and impartial review of administrative action even though such procedures are not fully or formally independent of the agencies des mesures administratives, et leurs décisions seront exécutées par ces organismes [dont elles] et on régiront [ aussi] la pra- tique administration, à moins qu'il ne soit interjeté appel auprès d'une juridiction supérieure dans los délais prescrits pour les appels interjetés par des importa- teurs, sous réserve que l'adminis- tration centrale d'un tel organisme puisse prendre des mesures on vue d'obtenir une révision de l'affaire dans une autre acton, s'il y a [vraiment liou] des. raisons vala- bles do croire que la décision est incompatible avec les principes [fixés] du droit [part le loi] ou avec [le réalité des] les faits de la cause. (c) A.ucune disposition de l'alinéa (b) du présent paragraphe n'exigera] l'élimination]la sup- pression ou le remplacement des [procédures] instences [en viguer] existant sur le territoire d'une partie contractante [au jur de la signature de la présonte Charte] à la date du présent Accoré et qui prévoient [offectivement] en fait une révision impartial of objecti- ve des décisions administratives, quand bien même E/PC/T/212 Page 32 entrusted with administrative ces procedures ne seraient pas enforcement. Any contracting nement ou officlellement] absolument party employing such procedures ou formellement indépendantes des or- shall, upon request, furnish the ganismes chargés de l'application des CONTRACTING PARTIES with full mesures administrative, Toute partie information thereon in order contractante qui [applique de telles that [the Contracting Parties] procêdures]a recours à de telles ins- the may determine whether such dances devra, lorsqu [il] elle y se- procedures conform to the require- ra invitée, communiquer à ce sujet ments of this sub-paragraph[ ,] and to those of sub-paragraph (b) of this Article x ARTICLE XI General Elimination of Quanti- tative Restriction. 1. No prohibitions or restrict- ions other than duties, taxes or other charges, whether made effective through quotas, import x Note: The Legal Drafting Com- mittee is of the opinion that the phrase "and those of sub- paragraph (b) of this Article" should be deleted since it would not be possible for a procedure to conform to the requirements of both these sub-paragraphs. aux PARTIES CONTRACTANTES tous rensei- gnements permettant à ces dernières de décider, si ces[procédures sont conformes aux prescriptions du]ina- tances répondent aux conditions fixées dans le présent alinéa et à celles de l'alinéa (b) du présent article.* ARTICLE XI Elimination générale des restrictions quantitatives 1. Aucune parties contractante n'ins- tituera ou ne maintiendra à l'impor- tation d'un produit originaire du ter- ritoire d'une autre partie contractan- i Note: Le Comité de rédaction est d'avis que les termes "et à cells de l'alinéa (b) du present article" doivent être supprimée étant donné l'impossibilité de concevoir une instance qui serait à la fois con- forme aux conditions stipulées par les alinéas (b) et (c) ci-dessus. E/PC/T/212 Page 33 effective through quotas, import te, à l'exportàtion ou à :la vente pour or export licenses or other measures, shall be instituted or maintained by any contracting party on the importation of any product of the territory of any other contracting paty or on the exportation or sale for ex- port of any product destined for the territory of any other con- tracting party. 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not ex- tend to the following: (a) expert prohibitions or restrictions temporarily applied to prevent or relieve critical shortages of foodstuffs or other: products essential to the export- ing contracting party; exportation d'un produit destiné au territoire d'une autre partie contrac- tante, do prohibitions ou de restric- tions autres que des droits de. douane, [impôts] taxes ou autres, [taxes] impositions , que l'application en soit fate au moyen de contingents, de li- cences d'importation ou d' exportation ou de tout autre procédé. 2. Les dispositions du paragraphe premier du present article ne s'é- tendront pas aux cas suivants : (a) prohibitions ou restric- tions à l'exportation appliquée temporairement pour prévenir une situation critique, due à une pénu- rie de produits alimentaires ou d'au- tres produits essentiels pour la par- tie contractante exportatrice ou pour remédier à cette situation; (b) import and export pro- (c) prohibitions hibitions or restrictions necess- à l'importation et à l'exportation any to the application of nécessairos pour l'application de standards or regulations for the normes ou réglementations concernant E/PC/T/212 Page 34 classification, grading or la classification, [ l'étalonnage en] marketing of commodities in le contrôle de la qualité ou la mise international trade; i on vente do produits destinés au commerce international**; (c) import restrictions (c) restrictions à l'importation on any agricultural or fisher- de tout produit agricole ou produit ies product, imported in any des pêcheries, quelle que soit la form, necessary to the en- forme sous laquelle ces produits enforcement of governmental x Note: The Legal Drafting *Note Le Comité de rédaction at- Committee draws the attention tire attention du Comité chargé de of the Tariff Agreement Com- l'examen de l'Accord général sur les mittee to the absence from Tarifs douaniers sur ce fait que la the General Agreement of the disposition du. project de Charte (ar- provision of the Draft Charter ticle 20,2.(b)) ne figure pas à l'Ac- (article 20,2,(b)reading as cord général Cette disposition est follows:" if in the opinion ainsi rédigée : ". . .si de l'avis de of the Organization the stand- l 'Organisation, les normes ou règle- ards of regulations adopted. mentations adoptées par un Etat Membre by a Member ... have an unduly .exercent sur le commerce un effet restrictive effect, the Organ- restrictif injustifié, l'Organisation ization may request the Member pourra demander audit Etat Membre de to revise the standards of regulation". If Article XI reviser ces normes ou réglementations of the General. Agreement were ...". Si l'article XI de l'Accord gé- to remain in force after the néral devait rester en vigueur après adoption of the Charter. there l'adoption de la Charte, ces deux might be a conflict between instruments pourraient se trouver these two instruments on this en désaccord sur ce point. point. E/PC/T/212 Page 35 measures which operate: a (i) to restrict the quantities of. the like domestic product permitted to bu marketed or produced of the like domestic product, or, if there is no substantial domestic production of the like product, of a domestic product for which the imported product can be directly substituted; or (ii) to remove a temporary surrplus of the like domestic product, or, if there is no substantial domestic production of the like product, of a domestic product for which the imported product[s]can be dir- ectly substituted, by making the surplus available to certain groups of domestic consumers free of charge or at prices below the current market level; or ont Importés, quand elles sont nécessaires à l'application de me- ures gouvernmentales ayant pour effect: (i) de restreindre la quantité du product national similaire qui pout être mise en vente ou produite [, du produit natio- nal similaire,]jou, à défaut de production rationale impor- tanto du produit similaire d'un produit national auquel le produit importé pout être substitué directement; (ii) ou de résorber un excédent temporaire du produit national similaire, ou, à défaut de pro- duction national important du produit similaire, d'un produit national auquel le produit im- porté peut être substitué di- rectement, en mettant [ce sur- plus] cet excédent à la dispo- sition de curtains groupes de consommateurs du pays, à titre gratuit;[emont] ou à des prix inférieurs aux cours pratiqués sur le marché; E/PC /T/212 (i i) to restrict the quantities (iii) ou do restreindre la quan- permitted to be produced of any tité qui peut être produite de animal product the production tout produit d'origine animale of which is directly dependent, dont la production dépund direc- wholly or mainly, on the imported tement, on totalité ou pour la commodity, if the domestic plus grande partie du produit production of that commodity is importé, si la production natio- relatively negligible. nale do ce dernier est relati- vement négligeable. Any contracting party applying Toute parties contractante appliquant restrictions on the importation of des restrictions à l'importation d'un any product pursuant to [this] sub-produit conformément aux dispositions paragraph (c) of this paragraph [du présent ] de l'alinéa (c) du shall give public notice of the présent paragraphe publiera le total total quantity or value of the du volume au de la valeur du produit product permitted to be imported dont l'importation cirn autorisée during a specified future period pendant une période ultérieure déter- and of any change. in such quantity minée e ainsi que tout changement sur- or value. Moreover, any restric- venant dans ce volume ou cette valeur. tions applied under (i ) above shall De plus, les restrictions appliïquées not be such as will reduce the conformément à l'alinén (i) ci-dessus total of import: relative to the ne devront as avoir pour effet de total of domestic production, as réduire le rapport entre le total compared with the proportion which des importations might reasonably be expected to E/PC/T/212 Page 37 rule between the two in the absence of restrictions. In determining this proportion, the contracting party shall pay due regard to the proportion prevailing during a previous representative period[,] and to any special factors which may have affected or may be affecting the trade in the product concerned. 3. Throughout Articles XI, XII, 3 XIII and XIV the terms "import les restrictions" or "export restric- E tionl" include restrictions made effective through state-trading operations. et celui do le production natio- nale [,] compatré à la propor- tion que l'on pourrait raison- nablement s'attendre à voir ré- gner entre elles en l'absence desdites restrictions Pour dé- terminer cette proportion, la partie contractante tiendra dû- ment compte de celle qui exis- tait au cours d'une période de référence antérieure et de tous facteurs spéciaux qui ont pu ou peuvent affecter le commerce de ce produit. Dans les Articles XI,XII,XIII,XIV, les expressions "restrictions à l'im- portation" ou"restrictions à l'ex- portation" visent également les res- trictions appliquées [à la suite ] par le moyen de transactions [ com- merciales] relevant du commerce d'Etat. E/PC/T/212 Page 38 ARTICLE XII Restrictions to Safeguard the Balance of Payments 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article XI, any contracting party in order to safeguard its external financial position and balance of payments, may restrict the quantity or value of merchandise permitted to be imported, subject the provisions of the following paragraphs of this Article. 2. (a) No contracting party shall institute, maintain or intensify import restrictioins under this Article except to the extent necessary (i) to forestall the imminent threat of, or to stop, a serious decline in its monetary reserves, or (ii) in the case of a con- tracting party with very low monetary reserves, to achieve a reasonable rate of increase in its reserves[,]. Due regard ARTICLE XII Restrictions destinées à protéger la balance des [comptes] paiements. 1. Nonobstant les dispositions du paragraphe premier de l'article XI, toute partie contractante, en vue de sauvegarder sa position financière extérieure et la balance de ses paie- ments, pourra restreindre le volume ou la valeur des marchandises dont elle autorise l'importation, sous réserve des dispositions des para- graphes suivants du présent article, 2. (a) Aucune parties contractante n' instituera, ne maintiendra, ni ne renforcera de restrictions à l'impor- tation en vertu du présent article, sauf dans la mesure nécessaire [,] (i) pour s'opposer à la menace im- minunte d'un, baisse importante de ses réserves monétaires ou pour met- tre fin à cette baisse ou (ii) pour relever ses réserves suivant un taux d'accroissement raisonnable, dans le cas où elles seraient très basses. E/PC/T/212 Page 39 ,being paid in either case to any special factors which may be affecting the contracting party's reserves or need fer reserves, including, where special external credits or other resources are available to it, the need to provide for the appropriate use of such credits or resources. (b) Contracting parties applying restrictions under sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph shall pro- gressively relax then as such conditions improve, maintaining them only to the extent that the conditions specified in that sub- paragraph still justify their application. They shall eliminate the restrictions when conditions would no longer justify their institution or maintenance under that sub-paragraph. Il sera dûment tonu compte, dans [chaque] ces deux cas, de tous les fac- tours spéciaux qui affecteraient les réserves nonétaires de la partie a con- tractante ou ses besoins en réserves monétaires, y compris, lorsqu'elle dispose de crédits extérieurs spé- ciaux ou d'autres ressources, de la nécessité de prévoir 1'emploi appro- prié de ces crédits ou de ces ressour- (b)Les parties contractantes appli- quant des restrictions en vertu de 1'alinéa a) du présent paragraphe 1es atténuoront progressivement au fur' et à mesure que la situation envisa- gée audit alinéa s'anéliorera, no les maintenant que dans 1e mesure où cet- te situation en justifiera encore l'application. Elles les élimineront lorsque la situtation ne justifiera plus leur établissement ou leur main- tien en vertu dudit alinéa. E/PC/T/212 Pae 40. 3. (a) The contracting parties recognize that during the next few years all of then will be con- fronted in varying degrees with problems of economic adjustment resulting from the war. During this period the CONTRACTING PARTIES shall, when required to take decisions under this Article or under Article XIV, take full account of the difficulties of post-war adjustment and of the need which a contracting party may have to use import restrictions as a step towards the restoration of equilibruium in its balance of pay- ments on a sound and lasting basis, 3. (a) les parties contractantes reconnaissent qu'au cours des pre- mières années [qui suivront], à venir, elles devront toutes, à des degrés divers, faire face á des problèmes d'adaptation économique résultant de la guerre, Au cours de cette période, les PARTIES CONTRACTANTES tiendront pleinement compte, lorsqu'elles devront pren- dre des décisions en vertu du pré- sent article ou de l'article XIV, des difficultés d'adaptation de la période d'après-guerre et de la nécessité dans lquelle une partie contractante peut se trouver de recourir à des restrictions à l'im- portation en vue de rétablir l'é- quilibre de sa balance des paie- ments sur une base saine et dura- ble. (b) The contracting parties rec- ognize that, is a result of domes- tic policies directed toward the achievement and maintenance of full and productive employment and large and steadily growing demand or toward the reconstruction or (b) Les parties contractantes reconnaissent que la politique sui- vie sur le plan national par une partie contractante en vue de réa- liser et de maintenir le plein em- ploi productif et un volume impor- tant et toujours croissant de la E/PO jT/212 Page 4J devoloprmcnt of industrial and othor Goofornoic resources and the raising of st-nd*.nrds of productivity, such a contractin;- party nay cxperiunce a hîeh luvorl of dLeius.nd for ir: s. Accordingly, (i) notwi.thstan&ling tho prov- isions cf raranraDh 2 of this Article, no contracting p-rty shall bc required to with- draw or modify restrictiDns on the :round that a channel in £SUCE7 tl l policîos L~p- orrod tc above would rùnder urmnicossary thzc restrictions which it as applyin.; under this Article/; Cii) nny contractinZ party apply- iïn iriport restrictions under this Article ria.y dtotcrnïne the inclà rco of the rostric- tions on ir-ports of different products or classes of prod- ucts in such ai %.ay as to give priority to the im:iportation of thosc products which arc demande, ou d'essurer IL recons- truction ou le développement des ressources industrielles et eutres ressources économiques et l'éléva- tion des niveaux de productivité, peut provoquer chez cette pa. tie contractante une forte deraernde d'importation. En consequence (i) nonobstant les dispositions du paregraphe 2 du présent article, aucune partie contractante ne sera tenue de supprimer ou de modifier des restrictions du fait que, si un chengernent était apporté à £cett27 la politique, définie ci-dessus, les restrictions qu'elle applique en vertu du présent article cesse- rE;ient d'être nécessaires (ii) touted partie contrectcnte qui applique des restrictions à l'importation en vertu du pré6sent article pourre déterminer 1' iici- dence dei ces restrictions sur les importetions des différents pro- &v'.t4 oZ cvsl rS f'r,_ cates oatégories dà oroduits L;J, de manière à donner le priorité à l'importation E/PC/ T/ 212 Paige 42 r.orc essential in the liht of such policies. (c) Contractinç, ,)arties under- tako, in carrying out thair doe2cstic policies: (i) te pay due reward to thé nead for restoring equil- ibrïum In their balance of e.aynciDnts on a sound and lastin. basis ar.d to the desirability of assuring an erceo!,ic Cesployrn.ont of prod- uctivo resources; (ii) not te apply restrictions so as tu prevent unroasonaLbly tha iMportation cf any dcs- cription of Eceds in riininuir. eoi.iLicrcicl quantities, tho exclusion of which wDuld jL- pni.. rorular channAls of tradc, or restrictions ;which would prevent tho iu.pzrta- tion af co:rinercial sam:plcs, or prevent ceM-pliï-nce with patent, tradonuark, copy- riLhht, or siriilar prceduro; _nd des products qui, drns lra line de le politique suivie, sont les plus nécessaires. (c) Dsns lapplicetioii de leur pclitique nbtionale, ls oal'ties contrectntes s'entuurnit (i) à tLnir dûment compte de la nécessite de rétEblir l'équilibre de ieur balance des paiemets sur une be;se saine et durable ;t de l'opportunité d'ausurer l'utilisa- tion de leurs ressources produc.- tives sur unu base économique; (ii) à s'aXbstenir d'oppliquer deb restrictions qui s; jpoz rsruiun-t sans néc6ssité à l'importation En quantités cominercialEs miniàuae do maerchand£ses de quelj(ue nciture qu'elles soient, dont l'exclusion entraverait les courr-nts normraux d'écha&nges, ou encore des rcsstric- t-ons qui s'opposeraient à l'impor- tation d'6cltcntillons commerce rux, ou. au respect des procedures rela- tives aux brevets, marques de fa- brique, droits d'auteur, et de ru- pr6duction ou d'autres procédures £enloC ues; E/PC/T4212 PaSe 43 (i±±) tuv *` ,Jy r .trictîuiCéol iul.sW. thî:.; APtiClC2 iri Siun1i a. VJy as t- acv-id unnocDssary d 1l:.aucy to th, cox:.rcial or UconfoiUjC iic trots Of '!ny ,thor contrac.tini party. +. (a) Any contracting ,)arty which is not applyinJ rcstrictioris undccr this Articlc, but is c DnsidcrinG, tho noud to do so, shn1l, boforo institution such rQstrictions (or, in circutL.stances î.n which *rior consultation is ixyracticabl, i;:lciately after doin, so), con- sult with th CO TJ2WCTING PAhlTISZ as to thz nature uf its blance- of-payr:enns !:L±'ficulties5 alter- na tive cGrrctivo rc.asur os which ï:iay be available, and tho possible eftoct of such :.::eLsurcs on the ocono.-.ies of other contractingC parties. No contracting ;)arty shaîl bc required in tho cOursc of conrsultat ions undor this sub-pa.ra- graph tc i-rdico.te in niad.vance thc choice or tiriini V7" -.ny );articul,,r zieasurûs which it ;.12y ultiziatoly determine to adclot, (iii) ut a uppliquoI les res- trictions prièvuus cu présest tirti- cle de irci-Lnère à éviter de porter, srs nécessité, préjudice cux in- tér«ts coir:ilcrcleoux ou économiques de toute autre partiu coritrLtetalte* 4. (ai) Toute partie conitract;nte qui n'ti pno'li que p.s de restrictions en vertu du présent article /,J mais qui elnvisGe i2 nécessité de le fairc, devra, avLnIit*de les ins- tituer -/,(ou dons le cOs où une ccisultt:tion préalable est impos- sible, immédiatement après l'e-ivoir fait), entrer en consultation avec les PSjRTIES CONIMTRIîjCT.M'S au su jet de la rnuture des difficultés affé.- rentes à sa balance des paiements, de.s divers correcteLfs 6intre les- quels elle e le choix, ainsi que de la répercussion possible de ces me- sures sur l'économie des autres parties C U L' Vi.U:io , r - tie contrecta.nte ne sera tenue, au cours de ces consult, toils, d'in- diquer devance le choix qu'elle E/PO/T/21 2 Puze 44 (b) The CONTRACTING PARTIES may at any tirau invite any con- tr.acting pirt7 which is applying import rùstricrr.cs undcr this Article to enter into cuch con- sultations with it, nrd shall invite any contracting party substantially internsifying such restrictions to consult within thirty days . A contracting party thus invitLd shall participate in discussions. The CONTRACTING PAXRTI-ij may invite any other contracting party to take part in these discussions. Niot later than two years from the day on which this Agrooment enters into force ., tho CONTRACTING PARTIES shall review all restrictions existing on that day and still appMicd under this Article at thc timc of the INote . The Legal Dra ti'ng Con- rmittca suggests that a de±finitc date should be inserted in place of the temrs "not later thari two years fron th day on which this Agrecr.icnt enters into force...." fera de tells mesures particulières qu'olle pourra décider finalement d'adopterni leur date d'application. (b) Lea PARTIES V(;1 T4ACiTlTES pourront a tout moment inviter Ltoutq7guno eartio contractante qui applique des resictions à a s_7 i ' iportationA7on vertu du present artici.e, à Cni;re;r en consultation avec à1 ; cà .a"t;Dll.s invite- ro:nt touted partio contractante quui runforce ces restrictions d'une ma- nière substLntiella à entrer on con- sultation av.jc ellos dans les trcnta jours. Une parties contractante ainsi invite dovra participor ,J à ces discussions. Les FARTIES COGO'RACTAN- S pourront invitür touted autre partio contractante à pxondrc part à ces discussions.Doux ans au plus tard,à computer de la date d'entrée on viguour du present Acoord, las 1,ARTI.,' CO!TTRACLOlTA2 pasaoront on revuo touts les restrictions oais- tant à cette date et qui,on vortu z Izote:Lec Comiité do rédaction rooom- mande l'indication d'une data précisea à l.a placo des turmos "Deux ans !,u plus tcrd à comptor du la date ad'entrée cn Vigueur, . . Il review. (c) Aliy contracting party may consult with the CONTRACTING LARTIES wïth a view to obtaining thejr prior approval §of the Contractiz", Parties_7 for res- trictiozs which the contracting party proposes, under this Article, to i:iaintain, intensify or institute, or for the main- tenance, intensification or in- stitutïion of restrictions under specified future conditions. As a result of such consultations, the CONTRACTIMG PARTIES may approve in advance the mainten- anco, întensîficatîon or institu- tion of restrictions by the con- tractinr party in question inso- far as the general extent, degree of intensity and duration of the restrictions are concerned. To the extent to which such approval has been given, tho requirements of sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph shail be deermed to have been fulfilled, and the action of the contracting party applying the restrictions shall not be open to challenge under sub-paragraph (d) of this para- graph on the ground that such E/PC/T/212 Pago 45 du present article,soraient onoore appliquéos uu moment où allies seront pass6és en revue. (ô) Tou-e partie contractante pourra entrer on consultation aveo les PkRTIM-COZT OCT.lVES en vuo d'obtenir d'elles ltapprobation préa- lablo,soit d.': rostriotions qu'elle sa propose do maintùenir,de renforcer ou d'instituer, en vertu du present articlesoit de restrictions qu'olle desire maintenirrenfo2cer ou ineti- tuùr au cas oü des conditions d6ter- minése se réaliseraient ultérieure- ment. Conie suite à ces consultations les PARTIS CONTRACTAMTES pourront approuver d'avanco le maintien, 10 renforcement ou l'institution de ros3trictiois par l'a partie contrao- tante en question quant à leur 6ten- due,à. leur degré d'intensité ou à leur durée. Dzns les limites de cet- to approbation,los conditions prrvuos à l'alinéa (a) du present paragraphe seront considérées comme étant rom- plies et les mesures prices par la partie contractante appliquant les restrictions ne pourront âtre atta- q ` -4es en vortu de l'alinéa (d) du présent paragraphe come incompati- bles avec les dispositions du E/!-'C/T/212 PaCQe 46 action is inconsistent with the provisions of pnrag,;raph 2 of thls Article. (d) Any contracting party which considers that ano-ther con- tracting party is applying restric _ tions undcr this Article inconsis- tontly with the rovisions of para- graph 2 or 3 of this Article or with those of Article XIII (subject to the provisions of Article XIV), may bring tho matter fur discussion to the CONT'RACTING PARTIES; and the contractinç-r party applying thù restrictions shall participate in the discussion. The CONTRACTING PeTIES, if they are satisfied that thore is a prima face case that the tradc- of the contracting party initiating the procedure is adversely affected, shall submit their vicws to the parties with the airn of achicWving a settlement of the matter in question which is satisfactory to the parties and to the CONTRACTING PARTIES. If no such sottlemc-nt is rc.achcd and if the CONTRACTING PARTIES determine that the restrictions are boing applied inconsistently wïth the provisions of paragraph 2 or 3 cf thLs Articlc Df with those of Article XIII (subject to the paragraphe 2 du pr6sant article. (d) Toute prtie contractante qui conLidùrC: "u'uno autre parties contractante empliquo des rcstric- 'tions en ver ;.- present article dunc Lianièru incompatible avec les dispositions des paragraphes 2 ou 3 du present article ou avec colles' do l'article XIII (sous rùservc des dispositions de l'article XIV)pour- ra soumettre la question aux PARTIES CO!TR.sCiTTES pour discussion. La partie contractante qui applique ces restrictions participüra à la dis- cussion. Si los PARTIES CONTRACTAN- TESaprès un premier uxvmen,estimront qua l1 commerce do la partial colitraoc tante qui a recours a cette proo6- dure est lUs6,ellus prUscntoront leurs obsDrvntioiis aux parties en vue de parvenir à un regleUlcnt de l'affaire satisfaisanit pour las parties intéressées et pour les PAiRTIS.S COi' ACB:J!2i'3S _ ^u cas où ce rélerment ne serait pas obtenu et oùi les PAIRTIES COIITRLCT.JffTES E/PC/T/21 ' Page 47 provisions of Articlc XIV), they fContiacting Partiesj7 shall rocormneiûnd the withdrawal or modification of the restrictions. If the restrictions arc not wïthdraxri or modified in accord- ance, with the recommendation of the CONTI'ACTING PARTIES within sixty days, 7 'tho Contracting Parties_ t.t_ P-. release any contracting Partyr from specified obligations under this Agreement -7 towards the contracting prIrty napplyinF: the restrictions. (c) -T / It is recognized that prosiaturc di.sclosurc of thc pros- puctvc. appliuatioc, withdrawal or modification of any restric- tion under this Arti.cle might stimulate speculative trado and financial riovc>( nts which would tond te defeat tho purposcs of this Artic:lc. Accordingly, the décideoraient que les reStriCtions sont appliquées d'unc- ie.anière in- compatible a.vec les dispositions des paragraphes 2 ou 3 du present article, ou '.vCc celles de l'ar- ticle XIII (sous reserve des dis- positions dc l'article XIV), les PARTIES CC'-TRACTJr17TES recommande- ront la. suppression ou la modifica- tion desdit;s restrictions. Si les restrictions rio sont pas supprimbas ou :nodiîiies dans les soixante jouis,conV'ormément à la recommanda- tion dus l'lR<z.IES CO11fiW-C'2-iT'ES, celles-ci uourront relever telle ou tolles autres parties contractantes dos on;,agegaents qu'elles spécifie- ront parmi les one.gcgients contrac- tés on vertu 'u eruosnt Aocord,en- vers la partio contractante appli- quaIn les reStrictionls. (c) Il est reconnu que le fait de dévoiler prC.,;ïieturUnient los projects visant,on vertu du prusont aticle, à appliqucr,supzrimnor ou ;iodifier touted restriction risouorait de fa- voriser dans les 'chnioges commer- ciaux et l;s mouvca.%nts do capitaux, unc spécu2ation qui irait à l'en- contra dus but-t' du pr6sent article. E/PC/T/212 Page 48 CONTRACTING PARTIES shall male provision for the observance of the ut most secrecy in the conduct of any consultation. 5. L' thora is a persistent and wïid.esproad Rpplication of import restrictions mnder this Article, indiïc&; inc; th. existence cf a Cenernl discquilibriurn which is restricting international trade,. the CONtTRi CTINtq PARTIES shall initiate discussions to consider whether o their measures might be taken, either by those contracting parties whose balances of payments are under pressure or by those ,Ccontracting parties,] whose balances of parents are tending to bc c::ccptionally favourablo, or by any appropriate inter- governn.erntal organization, to rer.ova the underlying causes of the disequilibriuliu. On the invitation of the CONTRACTING ART'IES, contracting parties shall pnrticipatte in such discussions. En conséquence, les PARTIIS COOI'- TRL` CT..-_ UJS prendront toUs dispo- sitions pour que le secret le plus absolu soit observé dans 1E conduite de toute consultation. 5. Au cas où l'application de restrictions à l'importation en vertu du present article prendrait un cevrtctère durEble e:t étendu et indiquerait ainsi l'existence d'un déséquilibre général réduisant le volume des changes interni:tionaux, les PARTIES COEi.LCT..NTIS entameront des pourparlers pour examiner si d'autres measures ne pourraient pas Ûtre prises, soit par les parties contractantes dont la balance des paieaents tend à être défEvorable, soit par /les Parties contractentes7 celles dont lu balance des pejierents tend à êtra exceptionnelleiaent La- vorable, soit encore par une orga- risation interouvernernaatale com- pétente, afin de fare dispara.ltre les causes fondaerrenrtales de ce désé- quilibre. Sur 11invitation des Pr.RTI:S COiT kCTiT.S, les /autrEa/ 2artics contractacntes prendront part à ces pourperlers. E/PC/T/212 Page 49 ARTICLE XIII Non-discriminaMpor' Administration of Quantitptivo Restrictions. 1. No prohibition or restriction shall be applied by any contracting party on the importation of any product of the territory of any other contracting party or on the exportation of any product destined for the territory o? any other con- tracting party, unless the importa- tion of the liko product of ail third countries or the exportation of the like product to ail third countries ls similJarly prohibited or restricted. 2. In applyin- import restrictions to any product, contracting parties shall aim at a distribution of trado in such product approaching ALR'TCLlD JIT Application non discrimi..natoire des restrictions quantitütives 1. Aucune prohibition ou restric- tion ne scre u.ppliquée pçr une Ëar- tie contractente à l'importation d'un produit ori&inaire du terri- toire d'une autre partic conltrec- tant e ou ài l'exoertation d'un pro- duit destiné au territoire d'une autre partie contractante, à moins que des prohibitions ou des restric- tions som1blablCs na soient appli- quées à l'importationi du produit similaire oriciiaire do tou/7t 7s e 7 pays tiers ou à` l'exportction du produit similaire .à destination de tou/ t 1es1 pays tiers. 2. Dens l'applicatiîon des rastric- tiens à l'importation d'un produit quelconque, les parties contrac- tantes s'ef'orceront do parvenir as closely as possible to the shares une répartition du commerce de which the various contracting ce product se repprochnnt dans parties might be expected to obtain tout(, lc, amosurcl du possiblo dc celle ïn the absence of such restrictions, que, en l'sabence de ces restric- and to this cnd shali observe the tionls, les / di±fferLntes J E/PC/T/212 Page 50 following, provisions: (a) whercver practicable, quotas roupresentin- the total amount of permitted imrports (whether allocated among supplying countries or not) ,_ shall be fixed, and notice zivon of their arount in accordance with paragraph 3 (b) of this Article; (b) in cases in which quotas are not practicable, tha restrictions miay bc. applied by ricans of import licconscs or riernits without a quota; (c) contracting parties shial not, except for purposes of operating quotas allocated in accordance with sub--paragraph (d) Cf this, require that import licenses or permits bc utilized for c'iverscs~ ix:rlt ie cor±trL.c tL.r:tes sLe- rLç'oiit Ci: droit d'Ittnridrc et elles cbserverunt . cettc fin les dispo- sitions suivCntes (n) chi&quc fois que cIt:la sere pos- sible, dos continzents représentent le rulon>.ïit ,lobC!l des importations autorisées (qu'ils soient ou non rép-rtis entr_ les pays fournisseurs) seront fixés et leur montent sera publié confor.nés nt à l'almée 3 (b) du present article; (b) lorsqu'il nG sert, pos possible de fixer diea3 coiitine;nLs 4lobaux, les rEstrictions pourront gtrs appliquées .. u :ovu, de licences ou permrEis d e/cxport,' tioGn7 irpor- tation scans conitiii-z1t obe:l; (C) sEaUf s'il s'e.Git de fire jouer le,,s cntiti c-nts elloués ccnforioflts'mit rà i'Elinéa (d) du présent p1rOurEnihe, ls oc.rties contractantes ne prescriront pr.s que lGs lionc s ou per.rmis d'im- pozrtat.bon soient utilisés pour E/PC/T/212 Page 51 the importation of the product concerned from a particular coun- try or source; (d) in cases in which n quota is allocated among supplyinri coun- tries, the contracting parties applying the restrictions may sock agreemrent with respect to thc allocation of shares in tho quota with ail other contrrtcting parties having a substantial interest in supplying thc product concerned. In cases in which this -,mthod is not rciascn-biby practicable, tho contracting party concerned shall a]lot "o contracting parties having a substantial interest in supplying the product ,_7 shares based upon tho pr-portions, supplied by such contracting partics during a previous repres- entativc period, oî tho total quantity or value of imports of' the product, duc account being taken of any special factors which r'ay havO affected or may bo affecting the trade in the product. No conditions or l'importation du produit vise en provenlçnce P'urae source d'appro' visiornnement ou d'un pays déter- miné; (d) dans las c-s où un contilngent scr&it réparti entree les pays ifournisseurs, la *srtie contraO.. tante appliquEant les restrictions pourrc se nettr6 d'accord sur la réV.rtition du ccntin.nent avec toutes les cutres pc.rties contrac- tantes ayEat un intéret substantial à lz z'curnitui'E du produit visé Lsur le rèpartition du contingentg D ns lcs cas où il ne sercit vrC.¼- ment pea s Zr iioijnablemeng7 possible d'uappliquer cettv m6thode, la parties contractante en question attribuera, aux parties oontrac- tertes £yant un intérêt substantiel à la furniture de ce produit, des pcirts proportionnelles à la con. tribution apportée ser lesdites oarties contracterites au volume to- tul ou à 1l. valeur tott:le des im- portations du produit en question, au cours d'une période de référence entérieure, compte dO.ment tenu de formalities shall be imposed which would prevent any contract- ing party front utilizing fully the share of any such total quantity or value which has been allotted to it, subject to im- portation being made within any prescribed period to which the quota may relate. 3. (a) In cases in which import licences are issued in connection with import restrictions, the contracting prrty applyin, tho restriction shall provide, upon tho request of any contracting party having ann interest in the trade in the product concorriDd, all rol -vnt information concorn- ing the administration of thc restriction, the import 2Liccnses granted over a recent period and the dis tribution of such licenses among supplying countries; Provided that there shall be no obligation to supply information as to thaD nni;izs of' importing or supplyin', enterprises, L/ £ J,/ i/ 41 page 52 tous les /Xléments7facteurs spé- ciaux qui ont pu ou peuvent affec- ter le commerce de ce Prediit. /fsulle7 il ne sera imlposé aucune condition ou formalitt, /ie sera imposéj7 de nature à empêchcr une parties cantrectanfte d'utiliser ZEu .1-cxiraLu7 int3,Zralement le part du volume total ou de 1;' valeur total qui lui aur Vté attribuL>ée, sous ressorve quea l'importation soit fate dans les délais fixés /limites de la période iprescritj pour l'utilisa- tion de ce contingent. 3. (a) Dans les ces où des licenses d'importation serïient Cattribuées dans le c-dre de restrictions à l'importation, ln pcrtic contrac- tant, sppliouant la restriction fournira, sur demnande de touted pnrtie contractaàntu intérussie aLu corrmmerce du produit visé, tous ren- sei-neiints /pertinents relatifs t7 utiles ,ur l'application do ciLtte restriction, aux licences d'impor- tation accord6i>Zs au cours d'une période rucEnte et à le répartition da ces licences Qntre- las pays four- nisseurs, étant entendu qu'elle ne se'ra pnS tenuc dc /ourniord,,vroiler de r.ens. ignen'rits au sujst du noim E/PC/T/212 Paee 53 des 6-. ..:oz?cnts importateurs ou fournisseurs /;J. (b) In tho case Of import (b) DEns le ces de restrictions restrictions involving the fixinrg à importation comportant la fixa- Of ouotwas ^ the contracting party tion de contingents, la partie con- applying the restrictions shall ractalite qui làs applique publiera give public notice of the total le volume total ou la valeur totale quantity or value of tho product du ou des products don't L'importe- or products whieh will bc purrcitted tion sere autorisée au cours d'une to bc _lntiiiorted duriliii a sp2eif-ied trIzI a 5eciicdoériode ultérieure déterminée et fu;urc period and of any change /3a7 tout che!ngemont survenu dans ce in such aunntity or value. Any volume ou cette vezleur. Si le produit supplies cf the r:c ducet in quoes- cn question est en cours de route au tion which wllere en route at the ti-c-le at whicli public notice was moment où l'avis a été publié, l'en- givon shall not be excluded from trée n'en sEre pas refusée. Toute- entry; Providod that they may fois, il sera loisible d'imputer be countcd, so fur as practicableyCe produit, dains la suree du po3si- against the quantity pcrmittcd ble, sur la quantity dont l'impor- to be imuorted in tho period in tation est autorisée tu cours de la question, and also, where neccss- période en question, et j3&a1enmen7, ary, against the quantities «-r- le ces échéent, sur le quantity dont mlittcd te be imported in tho naxtllimportetion srer Lutorisée au cours follow-Ing period or prJodsri 7 c la périlae ou des périodes sui- and Provid- d further th.t if any ventes. En outre, si, d'une maenière contracting party. customarily habituelle, une partie contractante exempts from such restrictions dispense de ces restrictions les pro- products entcred for consumption duits qui /.son f7, dans les trente or withi.rawn from warehouse Jours à compter de la date de cette for consuniption cluring publication, /déclarés come étant destinés à lea consomuibtior.I sont E/PC/T/212 Page 54 a roriod of thirty days after tho day of such public notice, such practice shall be considered full ccrpliance with this sub- paragrnph. (c) In the case of quotas allocated among supplying coun- tries. the contracting party applying tho restriction shall pporoptly inform. all D uhicr con- tracting particis h.wving .,n in- terest in supplying the product concerned of the shares in the quota currently allocated, by quantity or value, to the various supplying countries and shall give public notice thereof. )4 &ith reg.a.rd to restrictions applied in accordance with para- graph 2(d) of this Article or under paragraph 2(c) of Article XI, the solectïoii of a represen- tative period for any product and the appraisal of any special factors affecting the trade in. tho product shall. be made initial ly by the contracting party dédouanés ou /qui sont retirés7sortls d'entrepôt/s aux fins de consomma- tion7,ce.u e pratique surs considérée C;omme satistfaisant pleinement aux prescriptions au present ali;néa. (c) Dans le cas de contingents répartis centre les peys fournisseurs, la parties contractante eppliquant la restriction informnerea /sans terder7 : rns les moi.ndres d,'lais touts les Eautre. paErties contractentus intgres- sêes à la furniture du produit en question, de la part du contine>ent exprimée en volume ou en valeur /Com- munémen J attribute pour le période en cours aux divers pays fournisseurs et publiere tous renseignements utiles à ce sujet. 4. En ce qui concern les restric- tions appliquées conformément à lr,1i- n6a 2 (d) du pré3ent article ou à l'slin6a 2 (c) de l'article XI, le choix pour tout produit d'une période ue ref'reuncu et l'appréciation des glément aeteurs spéciaux eifec;tont /so le commerce de ce produit s- ront faits à. l'origine pEr la pe L/ PC/T/212 Page 55 applying the restriction; Pl;ovitd ithat such ccntractin, c-. any cthor contracting party having at Zu bstantial interest in suruply n. i c that product or upon t]wç reaquost cf the CONTRACTING P.^Y'.TTÎ-" c-;nsult promptly with the otl.Wr contr2ctinig party or thoç COIN L'`,M `iN P'RTIES ret.arding to ncud foi an adjustrtcnt of the nr;c!:` tion d-trrainci or of the bas-. period selected or for the re£.7/L;ppraisal of tha special factors involved., or for the clir..inatîotn oIf conditions, iori.i- alitits or any othEtr provisions established unilaterally /uponj7 Lti' itinL _;to the location cf rn fTdequiteù quotr. or its unr3st.rictod utilization. contrectLnte instituLanlt !Li restric- tion. LLdite portie contrectt:i-te, à 12 requête de toute E utrE partie contractante ayant ul; intérêt sub- st.ntiel à IL fourniture de ce pro- duit, ou à ls requête des PRl`RTIES COITRACTA:'rS, entrera sons tr rder en consutit.,ton avec l'autre partie contractante ou avec les PTIES ( COiNTi.itN au sujet de la nécessité L ad'juster lu réparti- tion_7 de reviszrle pourcenti sae_ loué ou la période de référenceL ou d'u procier à nouveuu7 ainsi que _1'appr6ciation /-les élémentsj7 des facteurs spécicux en jeu ou le nt`c ,ssité de oupprimner les con- ditions, formalités ou Lutres dis- positions prescrites de flaçon uni- lEtéral é-u sujut de 1 ' ttribution d'un contingeut approprié ou de son utilisation sens restriction. 5. The provisions of this Article shall apliy to any tariff juaota instituted or m-intp:ined by any contracting anrty and, insofar as applicable ) the principles of this Article shall ulso extend to expocrt Istric- tions a2nd. to c}1j'y ritcrnal regu- latica or roquirement/;7 und.r paragraph 2 of Article III. X o. L- s dispositions du présent irticlc s' poliquernt s tout co4- tingert douîniE-r institué ou mninte- nu pur une p,:îrtie contractt nte; de plus, danîs touted ln reassure du possi9Jz,.* les urincipes du present article s'appliqueront J;;lemcant nux reatric- ti ons à. 1 'cE.xportation G.t t toute règleinentation et prescription 'or- dre intérieur prcvus '-u pr:rn.raphe 2 de 11.qrticle XIii. x rK Note: In the Ltcga1. Dr lifting Conu.;i t.e ' s rcort on Articlio 27 (now 22) c` the Draft Charter (Dcc .F/PC/T/l(i÷) the rcf ereice 'raia tc para- graphs 3 anmd l of Article 15 (novw 18). Thc* Tariff Agree- mont Cam:nittuû i!ight consider wh-thcr thu present refer- encrc ï i. ccrruct. N Os : L_- taport cdu Comi té de r-dFctiDri sur 1'article 27 (r-nu -croté 82) du Droeje t C Ch wrt.. (.Document E/PC/T/164) s;-r u' r rèro uxn nhes 3 zt i 4 d21 1' article 12o (renumérott 18) i._ Co'.it6 chzrg; d: ' 'exir-n uo l'Accord r rnérr;l sur 1 Ttritis auin;-rs voudvr' se-nu ciaute e:;aminer Si C%..IVO C cx.'et. E/PC/T/1 z FageC 57 .2.rttclc :XIV ::cçttri s t:u thc Rule of Non- c scri; tion 1. (a) Tho coritrn.ctinj, p>arties rcco ,llizo tha.t wh.ri a substantial and wi s;re ci disaquilibriu:1 ;;rc- vailo in intocrantiont:L. trade nnd p2ny::bontc t a ci.tractîn?, party apply- iii; rcotrictiolns Lancder Articlo XII Livy be ablo tD increase iïts imports ccrtain sources without un- duly dep1eti t its .orntary res- erves, if -jriJtttcd to dc rort fror. thc provisions of Articl XIII. Thù ceotr::ct;ï )artics aise rec- odaize th, î,nci £'«r close lii:iit- .aticx CXf such da-rtur-à; so as not t; harildica; ahiiv;a t of :ulti- l`.tor-l intcraa.ti0nlal trad.4. (b) ceor.lint;ly, whcn . sub- st.ant:21 ^nd w/i.cies),rai dis- erpdl.i ' i.r.i; ;:revails ian i-LtDr- n nti.n;al»l track d nd 1lcl r.)3rl.:Xrl a coDn- trac ctia. i)rty):.lyin..:.L,.,rt 72cstricticrls nwiJur Articl: _II .ay rPLaX such riStriCtioiis in 2 ccanacr vhich d arts frex. thc Drovisieïls ;.f Articlto XIII tD the o.ternt yLaC- Article X:IV ! >XceDtior.s re d o nonl-discri- C1ine- tion. 1. (_) LUs r, rtic-s cOntri.ùLantes rcconn- issent quz lorsqu'un d6s6- quilibre. prcfond et ;ntr-.l Uifi'cte le~ ce!amcrce et las caiuaints ir±t.r- n-tion3ux, une pertie cont'rctunte nppliquint dcu rutristictions en vW.rtu 'de 1'rticle XII peut, si elle -est uutorise a déroe zr nux disDosi- tions de l'article XIII, se trouver en mesur;e d 'urugmenter ses importe- tions en urovunoncç.e de c:rt:ines sources Euns àrI;duirc l cxc s sus réserv;as >.oient;tiras. Les c'.rties contract rtas reconncissent Ukzolement qu'il rit ncesssiire do ljinit,.r étrcniterneat ces di.rro,* ti ons afin de nze p-s Znr 1;, reorise di s Uchan- s multilo t&r' xu., (b>) En enséqo:oc., lorsqu'unu dèséquilibre prot'ond et t.en.r'l :L'cct--Lrj l-: ceuc..tiJrcc ,t le~s o '.i nc-nts in ,rri.tion:.ux:, ulrXn p, contrçc t*ntc : .liqu:cr±t des rc.stric- tiJns Zd3 liort tiona;en v,:tu de 1 '-:rticle XII uourr- -'ttlnuer ces r'e'.trictioxrs .n d6ro-- geçr1t tux dis.positiclrs de PZ. C cssPry to obt'.in additional i.apDorts ^' -;vo tIla r~a.;ir::.ux t.jt; l C)f il:-ports whi c?h it c;ull afforLi iin the liht uf tha, r'aquir7.oiL;nts ai' ),arn;r:phh 2 of Articia XII if its restrictions wora f'ully consistent with bho Drovisions of Articla XIII7 provide tlhat (i) l0Va i .s cf dclivcrad .Dricos f1r jra..ucts so i portd nrc not ostablishbci substmnuii.ily hi.--ho. 4th.n thsû rufin for c j:. ..r - ,ù :oo ls ro-,c~ul - rl11y av .:i 1 > litfr ,r. .tLhr con- nny o-:c -ss 5;r such .-rice ia'za1i r r':. ,):y,c.uct s su i:p orad is i_)ro);rssslvvy ra'ucoùI ovorr o. ro.:sonol-aD such acting d;cll-,s r.c't do sG OtS rrt -.w ny orronÙanont by 1.' {rti c1e XII! déns 1-b miesure nécess. ira nour obtcnir de-s impor- t,.tions supp1eo.,ent :ir;as en sus du rm,;.ximum d'importt tions qua cette P.'rtie coritr.ct-.nto Dcurrt2it ,.bsorbr dons la c-:dre dûs orcs- cri.tions du j..r gr:-,ph., d, l' rticl_ XII , si ces rQstrictions t- t;icrit mnti'rmcint c-nformrn s à. cAllss do 1 ' rticlc Y.III à condi- tion: (i) cuu lus nivc,-,ux dos prix de 1ivr-is-n d.s îDroduits insi ial- cort ts n, s cI';vri nt o';r ssresible- mant .u-'DoSSUS dc :-rix e.n viguour ,our . rch-diss comn--rbi..s cu; les -utr s Dtrtiçs contr.ct.n- - sp;uv nt *ournir r;egu1iir-mant, Ut u tout dc`dr r.t di nivetux das prix des proiuits zinsi imports ds un 1lo r- .isnt rklduits d-:ns un dCi :i r.isonn'.bl1e; E/PC/T/212 page 59 wqha!cn tho -old or convert- inlc currency iZhich the conr- tr.ctini, *arty currently rocuives directly Dr indir- cctly fro:.. cis exports to *trer contre.cting arties :.ot party to the arrangc:u.ont is appreciably reduced bolow tho lovel it could (Dthcrwise have b(Dn reasonably cxpectcd t^ attain (iii) such action doos nut c.ausc unnccossary da:.-agc to the coux;.crcial or oconoriic int- erusts cf any other con- tracting party. (c) Arny centractin- )arty taking action undcr this parangraph shall obscrvc thc, .rincipios of sub- (b) of this paraffrnph. A ce-ntractinG party shall desist frorA. transactions which prove to (ii) que 1-. partie contr-ct:nte prcn'-Yt ces ci-.eCur:- s ne le :'3 ss- DS s d,-ris le cadre d'Lun :ccod pfur le jeu duquel recettes Dour:ntes cn or ou _n rnonnai,;s convertibles qu'elle obtient diroctcment ou inidirecteuient do' ces e.xuortutions vers d'-utres p:;rti*s contractantes non parties ` cet égr'rd scraient r :mnendcs snsiblenmcnt au-dessous du nve:iu auquel on !)ourreiit rç.ison- nzblc-wlient s--ttwndt dqou'llcs se fixent en 1'.bse ncF de ces n;csur-.s; (iii) et que c;,s ii xsur-s ne rcwus-rnt .ucuin7 oort-nt s ns n5ce S- sit. un prE;judico §-vitsble7 2ux int`r-&Sts com.ncrciuux ou > cono.yliloles d'ltres p.rti s ^contr.ct:ntes. (c) Ln p:.rtie conitr.ct rntt, nrEnant dese e;rsurs en vertu du present oc.r «r,.poh;, observe r:. les Dri nciDes fornulds u 1' line (b) du présent pArllr"he. sl1e 5zbs- ti 1dr 3 d ' o ,r. ti ons qui se E/PC/T /212 page 60 'c inconsistent w.tth that sub- rùev;l. raiGit incompatibles avec le- 1)ara,-r-irh but tho contractinC dit v.lin~,5r mais elle ne sera pas party sh-.ll not bo roquirSd to st -tenue de s'assurer, lorsqu'il nest is.C'y itsc].f, whrtn ;lt is net pirac- ticabla to do so, that the roq- uircriants o:' that sub-paracraph a arc fulirillod in respoct of ildividual tr2.nsactions. (d) Contractin,- )arties unLder- tako, in froJÀin, and carryin" uu.t ;ny pr raies for idditiona.l i2prts undc. this :)ara:,raph to pa2/ h duc due ra,:ard ti, thc nricd to facili<tt the tori.inatiun of any cxchanayîcr:nts which doviate fra::é th. vbligat-ians of Soctiz'ns 2, 3 and 4 of Articlc: VIII ;.f lhç Articlos cf Aî1rec. ent of the International Mcn etary rund cnd t:, thc nc-cô. ta rustoro ibrîu:-i in thcir batlancos .-f pay- ;cnts on a sound and lasting basis. 2. Any contract;in., ,rty taking undur 1ra;rh 1 cf this Ar1,ticle shall k ip the OifTRALCTIi'JG T I ', rc-,ular.rly 1nf.ri:d re- ~;ardin- such action and shall pro- viïd such a.vîl1ablo relevant ILLs possiblo du le fair, quu les ,procriptlona §audîs7 de cet alin6a sont observes à l'occasion de cha- que operation on particulier (d) En ce qui concerne litéla- boration et l'exécution de tout pxrograme d ' importatlonc supplémen- taires en vertu du present paragra- phe, los parties contractantes s3en- gagont à tenir d0ment compto do la nécessité de faciliter l'abandon de tous systèmoe3 de change dérogeant aux obligations des sections 2, 5 et 4 de l'article VIII des statute du Fonds monétaire international et de la n6cessité de rétablir l'éauilibre de leur bal»inco des piïeineyts sur une base saine et durable. 2. la partie contractante prenênt des mesures en vertu du paragraphe premier du present article informe- ra régulirement LES PARTIES CONTRAC- TAITES de ces mesures et lour fournir E/PC/T/212 Page 61 inforrrtticn as [the Contracting Parties] they may request. 3. (a) Not later than March 1, 1952 .(five years after the date on' which the International Monetary Fund began operations) and in each year thereafter, any contracting party maintaining or proposing to Institute action under paragraph 1 of this Article shal1 seck the approval of tich CONTRACTING PARTIES which shall thereupon, determine whether the circumstances of the contracting party justify the main- tenance or institution of action by it under paragraph 1 of this Article. After March 1, 1952, no contracting party shall maintain or institute such action without determination by the CONTRACTING PARTIES that the contracting party's circumstances justify the maintenance or institution of action, as the case may be, and the subsequent maintenance or instït- ution of such action. by the con- tracting, party shall be subject to * [les] tous renseignements [per- tinents] utiles disponibles qu'elles pourront demander. Cs . (a) Le ler mars 1952 au plus tard (soe.t cinq ans apros la date à laquelle lo Fonds'monéta.ire inter- natïonal a commerncé sne ol)prattons) ct aLu course de chacunc dus annxios qui suivront, toute parties contrac- tante qui miainïtiendya ou se proposcra de prendre des measures an vertu du paragraphe §17 prentier du. present article sollicitera l'approbation des PARTIIES CONTREjCTANTES, -Les Parties contractantes_7 Celles-cï décidere- . alors s fil est légitime pour la partie contractante ïntéros»- sée 6tant donné sa situation, de main-' tenir ou de prendre des mesures en vertu du paragraphe premier du present article, A partir du ler mars 1952, au- cun-: nnrp-T r, » ne main- tiendrn ni ne prendra de mesures de cette nature, à moins que les PARTIES CONTRACTANIES ne décident qu'il ont légi'tïime pour cotte partie contractai-. E/PC/T/212 Page 62 any limitations which tho CONTRACTING PARTIES may proscribe f(r tho Durposc of ensuring coI- pliance with thc provisions of par- avraph 1 of this Article; Prcvidcld that the CÛNT5i.;CTINJu PhRTIES shali not require tha.t prior approval be obtained for individual trans- actiins. (b) If n.t any ti.c the CONTRACTITl'M P.ARTIES f ind tri. ï,:iport restricticais arc boinl app- lied by a contractinL "arty in a discrini:i:atory r.iannc2r i.nconsietcnt w{th thQ exccptL;îns provided for undor 1 ara!'ryhi f this Article, thc contraction party shall, within sixty dcnys, rci.iovc the discrinin- atioln Dr :m2ify it as spccifiod by the: CO:[TRiICTIiJ R.TIES; Prxvidcd te, étant J.onné' sa situation, de main- tenir ou 1e prendre, suivant le cas, des niesures de cette nature. Ltadop- tion ou le maintien ultérieurs de c: s measures par la partie contractan- te en cause sera soumis à toute llmi- tation qu.e les PARTIES CONTRACTANTES pourront spécUîier en vue d'assurer l'observation des dispositions du paragraphe premier §de cetj7du pré- sent article, L condition que les PARTIES CON'TRACTAINTES n'exigent pas une approbation préalable pour chaque operation en particulier. (b) Si, à un moment quelconque, les PARTIES CONTRACTANTES constatent qu'une partie contractante applique aux importations des restrictions discriminatoires, incompatibles avec les exceptions prévues au paragraphe premier du present article, ladite partie contractante supprimera, dans les suixante jours, ces discrimina- tions ou les modifiera suivant les ,instructions des PARTIES CONTRACTANTES. E/PC/T/212 Page 63 i that any action uider para,,raph 1 Toutefois, aucunr. msure prisa Or of this Article, t: tho cxt;nt thatvertu du parayraphe preoier du present it h s isocu: aprovcid by -the CONTRACTING' PARTIES under sub- z.aragtr; h (a.) eS' this ?ara ,r .,h or tI tho extent thnt i't has be-n ap)roved by {thJ/ al.u et tnai request 'Dr a contracting, pzrty ulder a procedure analocous t: thcxt ci !tarsara l +4(c) ,f Article XII, sh:.l n.1 t 1, opün to cha.llengo undcr this zub-:ara. ,h 'r under pare-raph 4-(d) of Article XII on the aroundnd that it is inconsistent with thej)rovjsiosaf Article XI ,i. (c) N(;t lntcr th~.n MI:rch 1,1950, nad in cach yex'.lr thelrI'cr :.; 1eng i :.iS anr, contr2ctir:J *^.rti_ arc takin ncticn Luiccr para:?raih 1 of t1iis Article, thc CMI!TRACTI1G PAIRTI.S shil roptri on th_ acti.Dn still tan.kcn by c~.rtr?.cti.a- )art t s undé .;I'h t]'i: ) aro'crJh . On or about arcah 1, 1952, an" in onrch year tierc:fter t-o lnJi ats .ny con- /t1eactinrg .;.rtics arc takiii- action article ne pourra 3tro attaquée en vertu du present alinéa ou du para- graphe 4(d) dc l'articDeo XII en in- voquant 1R i que cutte riesurc e-st incompatible avec lat cl i.spasiticns do l'article XIII prinr autant qu'elle ait été approuvée par lc3 PSA1RiIES CONTRAC- TArTES, soit on vertu dc 1'alin6a (a) du prd6swIt pararzaphe, soit à la de- mande d'une partie contractante salon une procedure analorgue ,;elle du pa- ragraphe 4 (c) (.1 l'articlo XII. ( (c) la J .or rdaru 1,950 nu , tard et au cours de: chirunu des an- n1u<e qui uuivrot, au11ss1 loitamp quU des p.1rt1Oe oQntranctarit(s prn- ciront dos mosures en vercu du paragre pne premier du prosciit article, les PARTIES CONTRAVTANI.'lLS front un rapport sur lcs miesures qui seront encore ap- pliquées par lest parties contractantes en vercu de ce paragraphs. A une date voisine du ler mars 1952 et au cours E/PC/T/212 Page 64 wunlur ,jj a.,r | r1 1 i)' this II.rticlc , >X.u1 >.t suc-h ti, }; thurc^.ftur as thLc Kthh/ nay decide, tho CO.IT..`.CTIiu ;;`i'i[ .,~S sha.ll rcvirw the question <i` wlhethui thvroc thon oxis-ts such a su'st.:!lt:i ain-d widoDsrw disiqui1ibriu. iii intur- national track aniid a)yr:onts as t. Jaistify resort tc) ?ara r 1 of this `rticle V cont;vaytin< p:-rtis. IL' it . , :t any date ; ori .r t ,rch 1, 1952, that tl ..z' has ';n a ul.u t ntial an gac1çral: i;.,,rk.vçs.t;nE iri inltkn:- ti .'ï.l trad.1; !!< y..r ., COiiT,,>CT:IJ(e '_,,lX`IES.r'.y r:vi&ii the situ.atian tl tkau d; " etv. If, a<s a. rcsul t ;f i' >y s uCh reçvio_ w, thoe CON*Ti.*ACTl'EJ PA- ,TIL2S dt' rx:l!.iril thatb n. :;uch dis>-ui1ibrliu j _xi sts .,ti!C or.,vi~iws .C]- f aar:r |cfi 1î i ofl ;his ArtîeJc.( sh- i. :LoD susp.Lchvdc :.rn l ail1 a.cti :'-l 'IUth1. i zcl t`horeundtter sh.:l]. cae. .so S1^ nths af.tetr such dotornI ;.inati anl . do chacune de. n.sL! . -uivront, a.uss lôn-t.mps qu2 do-e p;:rtis con- trsacta-n.tes pranc.ront cos mcsures on virrtu du paragraphD proi&r du prv- selnt article, ninsi qulaux d: teis ul- t5riicurs qu'allcs pourront fixor, les > .-'r'IIV' f>lON'ùCt..crNT:3 ovxu:n'. nroi:t i Question d:. SZ1Vcir S'til ex<iste, a ce_ 'to.nt. un;suilibrc assez profound ot *:ssez iiraî d :ns lo comi- ; rCçJ et lcs ,p;ii;r nts in.nWrn: tionaurx pour justifiür lu !eoUro des ncrti' du prI'sent rticl. , Il S l, rrt Op unv dti;-. anrit ti I cu 1cr 7m'rs 1952 qute D. Qitu! tion du eoncrce et dûs lç.i r:~ta x<4-{ irtt~! .+latiu x subi une art!liorat.ieri su' .- r. lullf St (;dnô- ralu, leis P'?1i,. aCumrl.I<TPN,, pour- rcnt ûxuiainer 1.: situation c:tte 'Jtut. Si, à 1_. Suite d: cet du:W-..n. siS ::.:iÉPT.r C'J.'.Çt 2rTlrJ3 r; eide;nt cuIu'u. tdel ';oui1ib c accss; d oxis- tzr, les C'.spositicns du p rEcrsphc prem;i.r: du présent article stront suseadues -t Louteis lz r':t.IîrC 4 The provisions of Article XIII shlll nJt ,rccludc restrictions in accordr.nce with AIrticle XII wh:Lch eti ther (a) are applicd goaînst i:.irts frc:; ,ther countries, but not a.s u.xn. th ;salv es lSy a 7rcupz Df torritorics ]n.vinj, a cnr.X:con qu t.. in tho Inter- natictl P1cnnt.lry Fundc, on condition tha,.t such restric- tions ara in all ethor ras"cts co nsjtcnt Jwith thle _ vis ions of Article XIII, or (b) assist, in u1 peri-d /Tntii/ u D to Dccer: !b2r 31 , 1951, by rieDasurlres nJ;t involving sub- stantiel dc-?:, tturc fro the provisions cf Articlc XIII, another county ry whse eccna-y h^>s acn disruPtedl bY w.-.r, S/PC/T/21 2 P` 6 5 qu'elk s autorisent devront prendre fin dans un déiç.i de six mois après ctt.2 deejison. 4. Los diseositions ce l''rticle XIII ne s'opposent p-s aux restric- tions cornormes Ù l'articl.; XII, (a ) r ppliqu-es., pnr un group de territoires aywant une quotc- p't~rt cOuniunlc au Fonds ricntaLire irtXrn:.tionail, à des importa- tions en provcn.tncu d autres pays, mais non dans lcs relations 5-ciproqucs7 de c- s trit toi- rcs entre eux à condition que ce;s restrictions soient confor- mùs, à tous autr-s égards, eaux dispositions de l'vrtidlo XIII; (b) ou ayant, pour objet d'eider, Jusnu'a.u 31 ddecenbre 1951. et Qu r.oyon de irsurns n'entrai- nant pas de dérogaction substan- tiello aux dispositions de l'ar- ticle X.III, un autre pays dont l'éconoreie a étà discrganisée pacr l, ucurru. 5. 'Lh prcvisi of thi s1 Aoc- ;-ic:nt shvl 1 t Pr.elcudo: (n) rDstrictions with eauivanlont elffect t: ox:ciWLnlo rostricui*;ins nuthDrizoDd unC _r StDction 3(b) ocf Article VII zf tho, Articlos qf Arûonent of the Inter- naticnï. 11 Mkun t..ry Fund; or (b) rDstricticrns unJdr tilh: p rcf- . ront1,l rirr nn2:onts pr vidl cd f-nr ini A-inc x ` of thLs ArroD- r.cnt , sub;j ect t h, t. ctncd- itions st i 'rch thorain. 6.(a) Th! or visionss c Articl, XIII tcf t-hli Asrc ::¾iVij shall nrt onto'r int f)rce in rosijoct of 1;;ÇDrt restrictions .l.od by any c jntr:\ctin' p»rty pur- suant t-D Articli_ XII ' n rider tu saZo1;fu;ard its :^ terna.]r fin- ancial p)osition annd balancc of pni-ionts, a tl tho ;,rovïiîions cif pnr.rmraph 1 of Article XI and Article XIIT shall not enter into fDrce in rospect of export rostrictizns aplpiod by amy 5'. Ls disn.sitionrs du rcr.sont .~.c.* cord nr ' s 'opo3Jnt Js: (a)aux restrictions ayunt un effut éguiveLrit à colui dtcs r»trictions do chbnS'.e autoris5&s en vertu dci la section 3 (b) do 1' rticlo VII des Statutes du F,,nds .monétairo interna-- tional; (b) ou aux rLstrictions tneblies on applic ltion dts E;rntantes pr6fdren- t.i;slls /Frr6=vucs_7 v-iséas à 1'1in- nexc Cui o accord, sous ré- serve dcos conditions _nonrceas cdans c.-tte AnnoxJ'/ g y snont rtirllléîCs. 6f ( n)Ies disnositions do 1;',rticle tIII Zdu présent n-ccor 7n seront pas -ises t;n vigueur lorsqu'il s'a- gira de restrictions `- l'importation .ppliqucles pu.r une puIltie cuntrac- tente .«n vertu de 1 'urticlé: ,II ' .filn de suveerd:r s; situc tion £iriurî- cierâ exctriore et sa balance ls paier:;nts, et le3 disposition du pcrcrr.:phe pr.r:ier de l'urticle XI et de 1' rticlo IL:C rua seront pas mi- s5S un, viGucur lorsqu'il s ' -gira 1 7,'.. ?! / T/2 1 2 66 E/PC/T/212 Page 67 contracting party for the same reason, until Janu:.ry 1,194+9; Provided that tnis period r.iay, with the concurrence of the CONTRACTING PARTIES, be extondod f cir such further periods as thcy :ny specify in respect j.. any contractinl party .whosc supply. of convert- ible currencies is inadequate to enable 4t to apply tho above rner4tionod provisions (b) Uf a takon by a con- tractinri party in tho circtu- stances 2 efcrrod to in sub.- para,,ra.;h (a) cf this para- graph affects thol ccof:±orco c another contrnctinr party to such an extent as to causa the latter to consider thG neod of having rocourse to the prov- isïons of Articlo XII, the contr<.ctin, party having takcn de restrictions à l'exportatiQn ep- Pliquéds pr une partie contract.nte pour ler2èra zzotif, ct ce jusqu'au piem.ier janvie:r 1949; §sous r;*serv.S7 étant entandu qaue cctte pGériode puis- se être prolongée, en, accord avoc los ?...TIoS ÇCb71P.DR&TJzNTES, dc tels nou- veaux d-.lais que celles-ci §ourraient7 pourront fixer Co1 faveur d'une par- tie contrzictante don't !es disponibi- lit6s an devîses convertibles se- raient insuffisantes pour lui *pçr- r.:cttre d'appliquer las dispositions susvisées. (b) si une rccsure prise par una par- tic cont2ac.tante dans l.cs ciroors- tances prévues à 1' linuea a) du pr3- aent paragraphe a:fecte; le cocmmrce d'unc cutr;. pr.rtia contractante do telle sort que celle-ci se voit o_ bligée d'envisager le recours aux dispositions de l'article XII, la pa1rtie contractante a.reant pris la mesure en question devre, à la deLlan- de da la paftie contractante lëséo E/PC/T/212 Page 68 /the saij7 th;'t .azusuruv shalh, if the e)fectXd contractiné pe.rty su requests, entar into irr:ediate consultation wvith n view to arran-e- nrents enablin- the affected Cvlnt- racting pirty to --ivoid havin- such recourse, and, if special circ- umstances are put forward to justify such action.. shO l tilap- orarilv suspend application of tha a:casure for a pIuriod of 15 days. Article XV rr'ngexncnts 1. The COITRPCTINOG PF^TIZS shall seek co-oporation with the Inter- national iMionàtary Fund te the end that tha COIITiRjCTINGC P;vXRTIS and the IFund raiy pursue i co-ordinatud policy with regard to exchange questions viithin the jurisdiction of the Fund and questions of quantitative restrictions and uther, c.easures tl i'ïn rhe jurisdiction of the CONTRPCTING P:ART)S. et crn vue do lui permcttre d'éviter par une untcint: amiable le recours auX diZpositions de l'article XII, entrer en consultation immediate avec vlle et, si des circonstances spéciales sont invoquées pour justifier una t;lle action suspendre l'application dG la mesure pendant unIe pàri.,d^; de 15 jours. Article XV Accores an matiÙre de change 1. Les PARTIES CONTRACTAUTES s'af- forceront de collaborer avec le Fonds monétaire international afin de poursuivre une politique co- ordonnée en ce qui concern los questions de change relevant de la con,.p3tonce du Fonds et les questions dc restrictions quantitatives ou autre macures commercials relevant de la competence des PARTIES CONTRACTANTES. E/PC/ T /2 1 2 Page 69, 2. In all. cgses in which tho CONTRACTING PARTIES are called upon to consider or deal with problon; conccrninri m'onettary ,csorves, balance of paynionts or £orcii ex;:chano arrnnrmoants, L;he Contractinr PLtrti.,s7 t Shall consult fully with -the t rne.tional Monetary Fiind. In such conlsultaticon, tho CONTRACT- ING PARTIE'S shall ccc zpt a21 findings of statistical .ntl othur acts presontod by the Cinter- national Mionatarz7 Fund r0i.ating to forcig.n cxchnngo, nonctary : -sosarvüs annd balance oa ipaymonts, a.nd shnll acc'lpt tha deternin- at ori of' thu :2und as te whether action by a contracting party , 2. Dans tous los cas o0- les PARTI1ES cOIfr5CTAuTI2S' seront nppel6es à exa- ainer ou à résoudre des problèmes 2yant trait aux reserves monéetaires, à la balence acs pnaiements ou auz sys- tèmos et accords dce change; let /PParties coitrgotLantesJ 7 ele.s en- treront rn Cuelt t troitee avec le Fonds monéta.irc iinte1M-t±elS Au cours de cas oonsilt'-.toas, locs PAR- TIJgS CONTI CT%.' iTS ccuptarTn t tou- tus los c toctatior± do flit dl' ordre statistique ou tutrc qui leur seront commun:quées pir lu Fonds £-monéwtaire LitornsStiîonalj J" n ma- ti?ère de change, de réser-ves rion6- tairas et de balnr.ces Cez paiements; elles accepteront les conclusions du Fonds sur lc conformitt' des mesu- res prises par une partie contractante en matière dE3 chanicu avec les Stetuts du Fonds mon5ta.iru inernetional ou Evec les dispooz.Etions d'un accord spuci.l de conclu entre cette pertie cronzractante et les PARTIES E/PC/T 212 Page 7 0 in mxchl:iûg atters is in accord- ColqTR. CT.,NTES. Lorsqu'elles auront 'ACC owith tho Articles of Agraa- - Prendre leur decision finale lont acf th, Iritcrnational Monetary dans le ces où entreront on line Fand1, ocr wîth the trrLis cf a spc- de coipte les crit,ères c;ijbiis au cïal. Dx.oh.ang, artrurt botizcnEr retpraRraphe a (a) de l'article XII, tha. b co-; Lrat;inz pn.rty aneci thc CC srTRA.CTrTJGPARTIES. The C TRCT-s CONTCTTS accete- INGC PARTIS jri roachir., thbe"r front lùs conclusions du Fronds Lr7no- finntl dcclis'ion ïncsesw involv- nutaire internitional.7 sur le point in" tho cr.-. it;ro set forth in Ilagrap 2 (da) of rticla XI . savoir si lts reserves mreonftai- shl l accept tie determixiation res de la parties contrectante ont of` the /Ïintcrna.ticnal Monetary 7 - h nrt_ subi une baisse importaflte. se $unt1 as ica constitutes a s\8r ous doclinc in tho contract- trouvangcnt à un niveau très bas Jin -zt-zs ricnetary ros;ervos, ou se sont dlovd:es suivant un taux a v'iy lof loy.l OI` its monetary d'accroïssenxent raisonnable, ainsi rûsc rvos cr a rcasonabla rate of LeL!a1''-'e^ in its mncntary rasarves, que sur les cspcects fin'inciors des andt :.s ta the firanc&ial aspects autres problèmes auxquels s' dten- of cthlaCr cittco caverAd jn dront les consultations c-n pareil coaGnn t ticin ijr such cases. cas. The C5NTRACTING PARTIES shall 3. Les PARUTEQS CONTR.A.CTANTES re- séee agi cor.'rt with thc /fnter- chercheront un accord avec le Fonds nat.J.onal MonetarF/ IF'und regarding Ermonétaire international au su- procrdures fer consultation under jet de la procédure de consulta- p.r a Cz ranh 2 of this Articlo, tion vJsse au paragraphe 2 du pr6- sent article. E/PC/T/212 Page 71 +. Conitracting parties sh-l). not, by cxchanCe action frustrate tho int-nt of the provisions of this .g;o nor, 'oy tradl action, tho intent of the pro- visions of the Articles of A.grea- ment of thu International Monetary Fund. 5 If 'che CONITRPOTTI4G PARTIES consider, at any tinie, tha,; oxch.^nano sstrictions on payments r.nd transfurs in corinction with importo are a;ppi.ied by a cont:-.ctinl;' pï.rty in a manner in- cnsistent writh the exceptions providco frr in this Agrocment for quJ-.rnti^.tive restrictions, they shall report thereon to the LIntcrnrL-cnal MonctarZ7 Fund. 6. Any contracting party which is nc;t a i:ir.Lbc-r of thc /.Inter- natiornr.1 Monetari7 Fund shall, within a tirs. to bo dotorminod by the CONTRACTIIG PARTIES after consultation with tho £Înternat- ienal Mei an.-/ Fund, become 4. Les parties contrnctantes s'abs- tiundront cx't. i : -c qui irait à l'encontre des objectifs envisagds par le pr sent Accord et de toute measure commerciele qui irait à l'encontre -es objectifs envïis -g6s par les Statuts du Ponds monStaire international. 5. Si à un moment quelconqueL les P.i.RTI1ES COINTitACTkNTES considèrent qu'une Partie contrnctante nppli- que dus restrictions de change portant sur les paierments et les transferts relatifs aux importa- tions d'une mrnière incompatible avec les exceptions pré3vues dans L-il prdsente sections le prd- sent Accord cn ce qui concern les restrictions quzntitativos , elles feront un rapport à ce sujet au Fonds L-mon6taire internationqlJ 6. Toute 2nrtr.e contractante qui n'est pas membre du Fonds Lmon6- taire international devra, dans un délai à fixer par les PARTIEMS CONTRACT2-NTES après consultation du Fonds E mondtaire international, E/PC/T /212 page 72 a Lumber of thû Fund or, failinL tha t center intc a special exchange agrcemrnnt with tho CONTRACTIN;G PARTIES. A contract- in.~ p..rty which cases to bc a mGnembcr of thc /Tnternational Mcno tar_7 Furd shail forthwith enter into a. snpc4lnl a xcharagc agroenent with t1o C-.NTR ACTING PARTIES. JAny special exchange agreciiont i.r>C into by a. contracting party under thl-is paraZraph sh.al1 thereupon become part of its obligations under this Agreorient. 7. (a) A special exchange agree- mont between a contracting party and tho COrNTR-rCTIPIG PARTIES under paragraph 6 Of this ALrticle shall provide to the satisfaction of tho CONTRPJCTING PARTIES that the objectives of this Agrcement will not bo frustrated as a result of action in exchange niatters by the contracting party in question. devonir mc;mbre ilu blonds. ou, à clà faut, ccnclurc: avc les P.ARTIES CCG1- Tï -HCT..1NTES un accord spuécial de chan- gu. Une Prrtiîc contrnctarinte qui ces- sera d'ê8tre ricrnbrc du Fonds /mond- taire internutioar;1? concluere im- m'diatement Cvcu les 1RTTES CON- TRACT.ANT.rS un aCcerd ;.dcial de chan- ge. Tout accr spci.ïal de change conclu ps,'7. .unr fartie contractante en vrertu d- z present parracraphe fera, cés sa vonclus. or., pirtie des enga- g inern; ; qui Gnrwmbent à cette partie contract--ar:to au'r te:rrmies du present A c cord. 7 (a) Tout accord src±al de change conclu entre une part ie con- trictqnte et les PARTi'S CONTRAC- TANTES en vertu du parngriphe 6 du p;risunt article contieondra les dis- position3 que las PARTIES CONTRAC- TANTES estimeront n;écessaires pour que les mesures rises ûn matière de change .a)r la .ar'tie contractante en quebtion n'aillent pas à l'encon- tre du p)r6snrît Accord. (b) The terms of any such 4.groc- ment shail not impose obligations or. tù1e contracting party in cx-chan.ilL -,ntters gonorally îwore restrictive thsn those imposed by tho klticlcs of g.cûment of tho .Tntorn.tior!a. bMonctary Fund on, cf tho Lund, & A contr.:.ctïnig party which is not a :iembeor of the Llntorrnationzl Monctary/ Fu-d shall furnish such ini'crm.ti!i within the general scope of Secti;iOn 5 cf Art icle VIII of tho Arrticles of Asrcurment of the International lloni-etary Fund as the CINTPTT>!G p±IRTITS rmn, require in or&e. te carry out tleir functioers iinder this Agrecmont. 9.- Subject to theprovizions of pai'agraph Li of this Article, nothing in ths AgreLr;ent shall pr ec i'- a) tho use by a contracting party of cxchanco controls 3V/PC/T/ 212 Pagc 73 (b) Les tarmes d'un tel accord n'Viposeront à la 2artie ^on- trectante, en matière de change, dli obligations I.:us res;..._as dans leur enseable que celles imposes par les Statuts du Fonds monétaire international. U ses me;bres. 8.. Une 1partie contractante qui n'est nes membre du Fonds Lmoné- talira _nternti on flj ournira aux P.ARTISS CONTRACT .CM2 les rensei- fnements qu'elles pourront demander dnns le cudrü g6ndral de la Sbction 5 de l'article VIII des Statuts du Fonds raondtcire international en vue de remplir les fonctions, que leur assigne lE prfisent 'ccord0 9. Sous reserve des dispositions du pnrre6rpphc 4.deu prâser:t article, nucuno des dispositions du Présent Accord n'L7 aura pas 5ojjetj7 pour effet d'interdire : a) le recours, par une )artie con.t rt."+#^re `! ^nt co-e ou E/PC/T/212 page 74 or o;:c. e restrictiuns in accordance witbh the Articles of Agreem-::nt of the Irntr- national Monctary Fund or -with that contracting party's spacial cxch;inico . r aY ecnt wfth the CONTRACTING PARTIES, or b) the use by a contracting party of restrictions or controls on imports or exports, the sole effect of which, additional to the effects prrnittod undar fÎhis Agreo- morn7 Articles XiXII, XIII and XIV is to raako effective such exchangco controls or exchange restrictions. ARTICLE XVI Subsidies. If any contracting party grants or maintains any subsidy, including any form of incono or pricc support, which oporates dec rc,3trict:(sns on =t:ère de chanZe conforr:,es aux Statuts du Fonds mon,3taire lnternatio- nal ou à l'ccur1 :;' .de change conclu ; ca:ei Dte Partio contractante ave, os1 b) ni le recours, pir ui. parties tions ou à des mesuros de con- trCle portant sur les ,m.porta- tions ou les expoDrtatons g dont le. seul effet sans préju- dice des buts auit.o(jri26s par rie present ilccord7 les Ar- ticles XI, XUJ X2;II et XIV, est. de rendro offiXcaces les mesures de contrôle ou de res- trictions de cha;no de cotte nature. ARTICTI'E XVI Subventîon,, Si une parties contractante ac- corde ou maintient une subvention quelconque, y ccmprls boute forme de protection des revenues ou de soutien E/PC/T/212 page 75 directly or indirectly to in- croense exports of any product fromt, or to reduce imports of any product into, its territory, /thcI it contactingng pnrty7 shall lotify tho COrl'RFADCTIN'IIG PARTILS in writing of tho cxtùnt and nature of the subsidizntionr, of tho csti,,ated cffoct of thc subsidizuticr. on t'h quantity of tho affected product or pro- ducts ircported. into or exportüd fro:.. /thc7 its territory /Z3. the centrocting part3/7 and of thc circuuistances making tho subsidization r.eccss-ry. In a.ny casc in which it is detcrmiriod that serious prejudice to the interests of any other contract- de prix, qui a directement ou indi- rectmenlt pour effet d'accroltre les exportations d'un prcduit quelconque du territoire do ladite partie con- tracLctante ou d'en r6duire les impor- tations dans son territoire, cettc Parties contractante f ora connaftre p.r écrit, aux.PARTIES CONTRACTAMTES l'importance et la nature de cette subvention, les effets qu'il est per- mis d'on escrmpter sur les quantités du ou dos produits en question impor- tés ou exportés par elle et les cîrconstanccs qui rendent la subven- tion nêcesoaire. Dans tous les cas où il sera établi qu'unc telle subvention cause ou menace dc causer un préju- dice sérieux aux intérCts d'uno autre ing pnrty is c-:.uscécr4hrtiod no.rtic contractante, la partie con- by any such subsidization, the tractante qui l'a nccordée xaminera, contracting party granting tho 1V-rsqi' elle en sera, avec la subsidyr shall~ upon rW:quost, ou les autres parties contracbantes discuss with the othor coatre.ct- intdress6es, ou avec les PARTIES ing party or parties corncerned, . CONTRA.CTANTES, la possibilité de lï- or wJith tho CON^TRA.CTfING PAiF'IES. thie: possibility cf lîmîtinucg miter la subvention. tho subsidization. E/PC/T/212 page 76 Nol-.di scri;.lin: QrL 2Dr .--rcnt onr the parat o =t r r p ris es . 1. (a) Each contrinctinlj pn rtby undorta.kscz if it ç,st2.blishcls or mnintnins a state or:terprisc, wlherov or l.o`ctcd, 7 r , .nta tC any entcrpriso, f'- lrially or in effect, cxclusivo or z'r3ecin.l privilcgcs, such ontor:r15D SIn.u. in its purcnizos or saLez invo> ving either iLports or c,xports, act i. a manner consictorit v! L tho gencral princl.plzs of non- discrinal< ory troa;tmolnt. IC orerc l^, Zapplios;./ in thiis .r oomon éto! :L2r govcrnmunt iJ mon.sure! affoot- ing imports or« exports by private traders. ARTICLE, XVII [&n Rnr.- discriminatoire do 1 :nart cdos on treplrises comnerciales - ci 'htalt . (s.) CIin.quc partiùo contractantb si elle f'oncI ou maintitent ne entre prise cl'Etat, en quelque lieu que ce Lolt>, ou si olle accordey en droit ou oeri fait., L. toute7 une entreprit .es priv lièpis exclusifs (ou spéci&aux, 1 Û flge à ce que cette entreprise, ciann sas achat0r3 au ventes qui §auror. pour origine ou pour conséquenceJ7 so Cl sAui.x'o.rft >r rs importatiùnrs ou deL rtatiana, fc conformca au principle géncral ade ncn-ciisci iminaation §qui e t apirlirtuG - present par le present Xccord. /.aux_/ 7 ar _s mesures dior- dro lé;islatif ou. administratiff con- cet rn1nt les inmportations oJu les ex- porta-cicns offectuc6es par dtes com- I,`lra .'tlt;S pI'v ?.iV w; (b) The provisions of sub- paragraph (la) of this pa.rragraph shall be understood to require that such ontarprisces shail, having due riDgard to the othur 1)rovisio:is cf this Agreement, m1ake any such purchases or 4ales so1oly in accordance wîth cormmorcial considerations, including prico, qtinlity, availability, narkutabiïty~ transportation- and other con- ditions of purchase or sale, and shall afford the enterprises of the other contracting parties adequate opportunity, In accord- anco with customary business practice, to compete for participation in such purchases or sales. E/PC/T/212 page 77 (b) Les dispositions de l'alinéa a) du present paragraphe devront Ctre interorJt6es co impe iosant à cus entreprises l'obligation, compte dù- miont toeu des atutros dispositions du prèsûnt ;iocord, de ne procéd6r à dos achats ou à dus venrtùs do cette nf-.tu- rî. qu'en s'inspirant uniquQinunt de consédirstions d'ordre commercial, in ce qui concerne notumment7telles _que le prix, la quality, les quanti- tés disponibles les §ossibilitts de vente7qualîtés mErchandes les trans- ports et autres conditions d' ou de vente, et comme m-nposant l'o- bllgation d'offrir aux entreprises dos autres parties contractantes touts facilités de Liibre concurren- ce dans lesJ Ltici.,r h Ocs ven- tes ou à ces chats Ldo cette nature ecnforc.szent aux pra.tijuO commercia- les usullîesj. E/PC/T/212 Page 78 (c) No contracting p.ortyr shall prevent any enterprise ( chotaor or riot an enterprise described in sub-paragraph (a) of this paraZraph) undcr its jurisdiction froli acting in accordance wçith the principles of sub-paragraphs (.) and (b) of this paragraph. 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Articlei shall not apply to imports of prodiucts for immediata.t or ultimatû cornsuipt.ion in goverrmer;aLI u.os and not otherwise for re-salJ or for usc in the production Of coods for sale. With respect to such imports, fLEhc7 c-ach con- tractina, partCicZ_7Z shnll accord to tho trado of tho other contracting pct'itiCs fair and equitabI.c treatment. c) LucunE; nartie c.,ntrct.t: .nte n'em- p3chera.dE-ns dà;s conditions de libre c rcurronce et suivant les marges ccmmarciales aucune entreprise (qu'il stagisse ou non dune entreprise visde à l'alinéa a) du pr ;sant para- gruphe) rossortissant à s. juridic- tion, d'a(&ir conformemcnt aux prin- ciDcs kioncés aux &linéas P.) et b) du present p;jragraphEc. 2. Les dispositions du paragraphe prer-ier du present .rticlc, ne s'ap- pliqurcont pus aux i Iportra.tiùns de produits destinés à etre i:ndiate- m.;nt ou finalement c :nso.-LnLés par les pouvoirs publics ou pour lEur compte et nuie i -tre ra vendus ou à servir à la Droduction dae norchanÂises en vue d! 1' v.nt., ,"ri cte qui concerned ces impact z.%Yh3 /1/ cheouc, Lartié contrr.ctant,>:7 aeccrdeiontJde au commerce cis autres pLrties ocntrac- tantes un trDito nrict Lîoyal et_7 é qui ta«ble . E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 79 Article XXTIII Ad jusntments in Connection with Economic DeveloQrnernt Article XVIII ,%justemenrts mot.ivds par le dévelop- papeamnt économique . .--- - _ 1. The contracting parties ..recognrise that special govern- mental assistance may be required to promote the establishment, development or reconstruction of particular industriesj_7 or particular branches of agriculture, and that in appropriate circum- stances the grant of such Assistance in the form of protective measures is justified. At th2 sane time they recognize that an unwise use of such measures would impose undue burdens on their own economies[,]7 an d unwarranted restrictions on inter- national trade_ and might increase unnecessarily the difficulties of adjustment for the economies of othor countries, 2. (a) If a contracbin; party, in 'the interest of its programmne of econo!nic development or recon- struction, considers it desirable to adopt any non-discriminatory Measure which would conflMct /viîth 1. les parties contractantes re- connaisscnt que, dans le oas de oer- taines branches d'aotivité indus- trielles et agricoles, il peut àtre nécessaire, pour en faciliter l'e- tablissement, le dÉveloppe-=,ent ou la reconstruction, de faire appel à une aide spéciale de l'3tat et que, dans certaines circonstances, l'oc- troi de oatte aide sous la forme de measures de protection est justifié/g. Ils reconnaissent aussi qu'un re- cours déraisonnable à ces mesures grèverait indament lEu-r propre éco- nomiel imposar:it au cor:imerce inter- national des restrictions injusti- fiées et pourrait accroitre inutile- ment les difficultés d'adaptation de lJ.'uconomie d'autres pays. 2~ (a) Si une partie contraotante, en consideration de son prozramme de développerent ou de reconstruction économique, se propose de recourir à des measures non disoriminatoires/de nature à contrevenir a l'un des dis- positions du présent Accord o2. qui E/PC/T/212 ( Continuation) page 80 any provision of this Agreerment or7 with any olDli;atioi- which /-he contrac*,inrL, Dartv7 it has assumed throughh negotiations iiith any other contracting party or parties- pursuant to this Agreement7under Article II, or with any other Provision of this Areercmont -such applicant contracting party shall so notify the CONTRACTING PARTIES and shall trLnsmit to thern jontractino Partios7 a written statenont of thc considerations in support of tha. adoption of th;: proposecl mesurO. (b) The CONTRACTING PARTIES shall promptly transmit such state- ment to all othaor contractin,, parties and any contractin; party which considers that its trade would be substantially affected by the proposed rnoasura shall transmit its views to th> CONTRACTING PARTIES within such period as shall be prescribed by thpr /n ontractinE Parties7.B (c) Thc COIrTRACTING PARTIES shall' 1;<than prormIptly examine the proposed r.1oasure- to d etermine whether thoy concur in it, with or strait contraire à l'un des enge, r.iets qu'elle u Lassu[:(as Len appli- cation du present accord - l suite de nézocjations avec une autrs ou avec d 'autres Parties contractentes7 aux termes de l'nrticle Ï, ou à une autre disposition du present A'>cord, ln nartie contractante requérante er. inforumera les PARTIES CONT\'OCTANTES et leur cowiuniquera par écrit les rr isonL *u'ull1a invoqua l'àappui de lu mesur- projetée. (b) lusCoer.ucTt.NT2S comi.unîqueront 5:.lns retard à toutes les autres Piirties contractantes lus faits aiUnsi exposts. Touto par- tic contractnte (lui tstir!era que aon coiii:.rcc narcit lésé de façon §appr-ciable7substantielle par la mesure pro jetée, exposer.a son point de vue aux PAR<IY CONTRACTAINTES dans le dblai que fixeront ces der- (co) Le s P»ARTIILS CCO. T'Er. CTA'NTES excLrïin ront. ensuite /proniptement7 sans retard la measure envisagée afin de deterci.ner si el les peuvent l'acrrouvcer avec ou sans riodifice- tion. ,u cours de leur examen, les Parties contractantes]7 aller E/PC/T/212 (Continuation ) Page 81 without modifications, and shall in their examination have regard to the provisions of this Agreement, to the considerations presented by the applicant contracting party and its stage of economic development or reconstruction, to the views presented by contracting parties [who] which may be substantially affected, and to the effect which the proposed measure, with or without modification, is likely to have on international trade. 3. (a) If, as a result of theïr examination pursuant to paragraph 2(c) of this Article, the CONTRACT- ING PARTIES concur in principle in any proposed measure, with or with- out modification, which would be inconsistentt with any obligation that the applicant contracting party has assumed [throughh negotiations with any other contracting party or parties pursuant to this Agreement] under Article II, or which would tend to nullify or impair the benefit to [such] any other tiendront compte des dispositions du présent Accord, des raisons in- voquées par la partia contraotante requérante, [et] du stade de son dé- veloppement. ou de se reconstruc- tion économique, des points de vue présentés par les parties contrac- tantes qui seraient lésées d'une façon [appréciable] substantielle et des repercussions que la mesure envisagée, [ serait avec ou sans modification, susceptible d'avoir ] qu'elle soit ou non modifiée pour- rait avoir r sur le commerce interna- tional. 3. (a) Si, à la suite de l' examen effectué conformément au paragraphe 2 (c ) du présent article, les PAR- TIES CONTRACTATNES approuvent en principe, avec ou sans modifica- tion, une mesure qui laur est sou- mise et si celle-ci est incompati- ble avec un engagement que la par- tie contractante requérante a assu- mé [par voie de négociations ave" une ou avec d'autres Parties con- tractantes, en application du pré- sent Accord] aux termes de l'Arti- cle II, ou tend à. annuler ou à E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 82 contracting party or parties of any such obligation, the CONTRACTING PARTIES shall sponsor and assist in negotiations between the applicant contracting party and the other contracting party or parties which would be substantially affected with a view to obtaining substantial agreement. The CONTRACTING PARTIES shall establish and communicate to the contracting parties concerned a tine schedule for such negotiations. diminuer le bénéfice [ que cette au- tre ou que ces sutres ] qu'une ou plusieurs parties contractantes re- tirent d'un tel engagement, des né- gociations aeront entamées, sous les auspices et avec l''aide des PARTIES CONTRACTANTES, entre la partie con- tractante requérante et l'autre ou les autres parties contractantes qui seraient lésées de façon [ apprécia- ble ] substantielle: par l' applica- tion de cette mesure, afin [d 'arri- ver à un accord suffisant ] de se mettre d'accord. Les PARTIES CONTRAC- TANTES fixeront et communiqueront aux parties contractantes intéressées des délais pour esnégociations. (b) Contracting parties shall (b) Les parties contractantes commence the negotiations provided entameront les négociations prévues for in sub-paragraph (a) of this à l'alinéa (a) du présent paragraphe paragraph within such period as the dans les délais que prescriront les CONTRACTING PARTIES may prescribe PARTIES CONTRACTANTES et, à moins and shall thereafter, unless the que celles -ci n ' en décident autre CONTRACTING PARTIES decide otherwise, ment, poursuivront ensuite sans in- proceed continuously with such terruption Iasdites négociations a- negotiations with a view to reaching fin [d'arriver à un accord suffi- substantial] agreement in accordance sant] de se mettre d'accord E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 83 with the time schedule laid down by dans les délais fixes par les PAR- the CONTRACTING PARTIES. TIES CONTRACTANTES. (c) Upon substantial agreement being reached, the CONTRACTING PARTIES may release the applicant contracting party from the obligation referred to in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph or from any other relevant obligation under this Agree- ment, subject to such limitations as may have been agreed upon in the negotiations between the contracting parties concerned. 4. (a) lf as a result of their examination pursuant to paragraph 2(c) of this Article, the CONTRACTTING PARTIES concur in any proposed measure[s] with or without modification, other than [those provided for] a measure referred to in paragraph 3(a) of this Article, which would be inconsistent with any provision of this Agreement, the (CONTRACTING PARTIES may release the applicant contracting party from any obligation under such provision, subject to such limitation as [the (c) Lorsqu'un accord suffisant aura été réalisé, les PARTIES CON- TRACTANTES pourront relever la par- tie contractante requérante de l'enga- gement visé à l'alinéa (a) du pré- sent paragraphe ou [,en tant que de besoin] de tout autre engagement dé- coulant du présent Accord, sous ré- serve des limitations qui auront pu être apportées d'un commun accord au cours des négociations entre les par- ties contractantss intéressées. 4. (a) Si, à la suite de l'examen effectué conforément au paragraphe. 2 (c) du présent article, les PAR- TIES CONTRACTANTES approuvent, avec ou sans modification, une masure qui leur est soumiss, autre qu'une mesure [ prévue ] visée au paragraphe 3 (a) du présent article, et si cette me.- sure est incompatible avec l'une des dispositions du présent Accord, les PARTIES CONTRACTANTES r-. rele ver la partie contractante requéran- te de tout engagement découlant de cette disposition, sous réserve des Contracting Parties] they may impose. limitations qu'elles pourront impo- ser. E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 84 (b) If, having regard to the provisions of paragraph 2(c) of this Article, it is established in the course of such examination that such measure is unlikely to be more restrictive of international trade than any other practicable and reasonlable measure permitted under this Agreement which could be imposed without undue difficulty and that it is the one most suitable for the purpose having regard to the economics of the industry or the branch of agriculture concerned and to the current economic condition of the applicant contracting party, the CONTRACTING PARTIES shall concur in such measure and grant such release as may be required [to make] to enable such measure to be made effective. (c) If in anticipation of the concurrence of the CONTRACTING PARTIES in the adoption of a measure concerning which notice has been given under paragraph 2 of this Article, other than a measure [provide for ] referred to in (b) Si, compte tenu des dispo- sitions du paragraphe 2 (c) du pré- sent article, il est établi, au coms de cet examen, que cette mesure n'su- ra probablement pas d 'effets plus restrictifs sur le commerce inter- national que toute autre mesure ap- plicable et raisonnable, autorisée par le présent Accord [ ,] et sus ceptible d'être prise sans difficul- tés excessives, et s'il est établi qu'elle est la plus propre à donner les résultats recherchés. étant don, né la structure économique de la branche d'activité industrielle ou agricole et la situation économique générale de la partie contractante requérante, les PARTIES CONTRANCTAN-- TES approuveront cette mesure et lèveront la partie contractante des engagements dont le maintien empê- cherait l'application de cette mesur (c) Si, en attendant que Les PARTIES CONTRACTANTES approuvent une mesure notifiée conformément au paragraphe 2 du présent article autre qu'une mesure [ prévue] visée. au paragraphe 3 (a) [du même ] de cet article, les importations du E./PC/T/21 2 (Continuation) Page 85 paragraph 3( a) of this Article, there should be an increase or threatened increase in the importa- tions of the product or products concerned, including products which can be directly substituted therefor, so substantial as to jeopardize the plans of the appli- cant contracting, party for the establishment, development or reconstruction of the industry or industries [concerned] or branches of agriculture concerned, and if no preven. va measures consistent with this Agreement can be found which seem likely to prove effective, the applicant contracting party may, after informing, and when practicable consulting with, the CONTRACTING PARTIES, adopt such other measures as the situation may require pending a determination by the CONTRACTING PARTIES; provided that such mecasures do not reduce imports below the level obtaining in the most recent representative period preceeding the date on which the contractinrg party's original product ou des produits on cause, y compris les produits qui peuvent [lui être ou[ leur être directement substitues, subissent ou menacent de subir un accroissement assez considérable pour compromettre les plans adoptés par la partie con- tractante requérante on vue de la création, du.développment ou de la reconstruction des [telles ou telles7 activités industrielles ou agrice- les intéressées, et si aucune me- sure préventive, à la Tois compa- tible avec les dispositions du pré- sent Accord et présumée efficace, ne pout être prise, la partie con- tractante requérante pourra, après en avoir informè les PARTIES CON- TRACTANTES et, lorsque cela sera possible, après les avoir consul- tées, adopter tells autres mesures que pourra nécessiter la situation, en attendant une décision des PAR- TIES CONTRACTANTES. Toutefois, ces mesures ne devront pas avoir pour effect de réduire les importations au-dessous du niveau atteint par celles-ci au cours de la periode E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 86 notification was made under paragraphs 2 of this Article. 5. (a) ln . the case of measures referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, the CONTRACTING PARTIES shall, at the earliest opportunity but ordinarily within fifteen days after receipt of the statement referred to in paragraph 2(a) of this Article, advise the applicant contracting party of the date by which they [Contracting Parties] will notify it whether or not they concur in principle in the proposed measure, with or without modifica- tion. (b) In the case of measures referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, the CONTRACTING PARTIES shall, as [provided for ] in para- graph 5(a) , advise the applicant contracting party of the date by which they will . notify' it whether de référence la plua récente, an- tériourement à la date à laquelle la partie contractante a adressé sa première [notification ] commu- nication, confermément au paragra- phe 2 du présent article. (a) Dans :le cas des, measures visées au paragraphe 3 du présent article, les PARTIES CONTRACTANTESfLES erisciont, dèe qo-spes ible mais oi prJncipe dles 1uinze jnse ours qui suivrla réception de la, ' is ation visée au [présent] L, ku el paraaraph-présent du a.Yr.eit article, cla 'pctante neque .te rcuèérante, de la elete à laqucl elles lui fe- îront, c[n atla pa eI 'a Partia con- stractontensipe, elles u, t,11ci appr uvant[, ave Zr".' Làc ou sans modi]îcatienu7 la ors:re[.]ajetéez7 avec ou sins modJfi.a'ion. (b ! Dcas ee ; doesmesurca visées au pae 4 graphsé du present ar[clles] les CliRTIES en7î PA CONTRAC- TANTeES av[se nt fd.u la manière pré- vum 7il n;e g1éee [ auv /_gi para ra- phl'alinéa 1.n6 du présent r 6nt pa- ragra hpaetie contractante rYc .ste E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 87 or not it is released from such sucb obligation or obligations as may be relevant; Provided that, if the applicant contracting party does not receive a final reply by the date [set] fixed by the CONTRACTING PARTIES, it may, after communicating with the CONTRACTING PARTIES. institute the proposed measure [after] upon the expiration of a further thirty days from such date. 6. Any contracting party nay maintain any non-discriminatory measure, in force on [1] September 1, 1947, which has been imposed for the establishment, development or reconstruction of particular industries or particular branches of agriculture and which is not otherwise permitted by this Agree- ment: Provided, that any such contracting party shall have X Note: The word "protective" has been omitted before "measures" although this ,ext is taken from paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the Draft Charter, requérante de la date à laquelle elles lui feront connaître si elles la relèvent ou non de l'engagement ou des engagements qui pourraient être mis en cause; toutefois, si la partie contractante requérante ne reçoit pas des Parties contrac- tantes une réponse définitive à la date fixée par celles-ci, elle pour- ra, après consultation des PARTIES CONTRACTANTES, prendre la mesure envisage, à l'expiration [d'une nouvelle période] d'un nouveau délai supplémentaire de trente jours à partir de cette date. 6. Toute partie contractante pourra maintenir [en vigueur]une mesure non discriminatoire, en vi- gueur le ler septembre 1947, mais incompatible avec d'autres dispo- sitions du présent Accord [et qui a été impose ] prise en vue de [l'établiissement], la création, du développement ou de la recons- truction de [containes] branches [d'activité industriclie ou agri- cole] particulières de l'industrie ou de l'agriculture [et qui n'est x) Lea mot "protactive"' a été omis après le mot "mesure"' bien que ce text soit pris du paragraphe l de l'article 14 du projet de Charte. E//PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 88 notified the other contracting parties, not later than [10] October 10, 1947, of each product on which any such existing measure is to be maintained and of the nature and purpose of such measure. Any contracting party maintaining any such measures shall, within [60] sixty days of becoming a contracting party, notify the CONTRACTING PARTIES of the measure concerned, the considerations in support of its maintenance and the period for which it wishes to maintain th measure. The CONTRACTING PARTIES shall, as soon as possible [,] but in any case within twelve months fron the day on which such contracting party becomes a contracting, party, examine and give a decision concerning the measure as if it had been submitted to the CONTRACTING PARTIES for their concurrence under the provisions of the preceding paragraph s of this Article. The CONTRACTING PARTIES, in making; a decision under this paragraph specifying a date by which any modification in or withdrawal of the measure is to be made, shall pas permise par une autre disposi- tion du pésent Accord, à condition sous réserve que cette partie contractante [fasse] ait fait con- naître aux autres parties contrac- tantes, le 10 octobre 1947 au plus tard, chacun des produits pour les- quels cette mesure existante sera maintenue, ainsi que la nature et le but de cette mesure. Toute par- tie contractante maintenant [en vi gueur] une mesure de [l' espèce, devr- de ce genre, fera connaître aux PARTIES CONTRACTANTES, dans les soixante jours suivant la date à la- quelle elle [est ] sera devenus par tie contractantes, [notifier aux par- tics contractantes] l'existence de la mesure an question, [airsi que les considerations motivant ] les rai- sons ou 'elle invoque à l'appui de son maintien et [Ia période pour la- quelle] le temps pendant lequel elle désire le maintenir [cette mesure] Les PARTIES CONTRACTANTES ,devront examiner la mesure en question prendre une décision à son sujet dès [aussitôt] qu possible, [main] et en tout cas dans [les] un délai de E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 89 have regard to the possible need of a contracting party for a suitable period of time in which to make such modification or with- drawal. 7. The provisions of paragraph of this Article shall not apply. respect of any contracting party any product described in the appropriate Schedule annexed to this Agreement. in to douze mois [ suivant] à compter de la date à laquelle [ ladite] cette parties contractante [ st ] sera de- venue une partie contractante, sui- vant les mêmes règles que si elles faisait l'objet d'une demande d'ap- probation en vertu des dispositions des paragraphes précédents du pré- sent Article. [ En prenant une dé-- cision, en vertu du présent paragra-- phe, fixant ] Lorsqu'elles fixeront, en vertu du présent paragphe [une] la date [avant. ] à laquelle la me- sure en question devra être modifiée ou rappertée, les PARTIES CONTRAC- TANTES tiendront compte [, le cas échêant,] de la nécessité [ pour] où se trouverait éventuellement une parties contractante requérante de disposer d'un délai [ suffisant] convenable pour [effectuer] pro- céder à cette modification ou ce retrait. [7. Les dispositions du paragraphe 6 du présent article ne seront pas applicables à l'égard de l'une quel- conque des parties contractantes aux produits indiqués dans la liste tarifaire pertinarite annexée au pré- sent Accord.] E/PC/T/2l2 (Continuation)) Page 90 7. Aucunep artie contractante ne pourra invoquer le ébéf-ice des dis, )ositions dupcargzrpnhe 6 du présent articlepcour lespuroduit rerrips dans la list d joint eau pérsent Ac- cord. ARTICLE XIX ARTICLE XIX Eecgecncy Action on IpDorts of Particular Products 1. (a) If, as a result of unforeseen deeolomentos and of the affect of the obligations incurred by a contracting party[ for pursuant t]/ uneor this Agreement, including tariff concessions, any product is being imported into the territory of that contractig: party in such increased quantities and uneor such conditions as to cause or threaten serious injury to dmnesticpnocdueors in ta.t terrioryr of lieo or directly cmpeptitive products, te > contracting party shall eo fre , n l respect of such product, andteo he c extent and for such tme as may be necessary to prevent or emecdy such injury, to suspend the obligation in whole or Mesures relatives à des cas imprévus Concernantl' importation de produits narticuliers. . a)) Si, par suite de l'évolutin , imprévue des circonstanceseot par l'ef fet des engagements qu'unepnartie contanctantean contractés en vertu du Péesent Accord, y compris les conces- soens anrifairs3, un produit est i- porté dans le territoire de cette partie contractante, en quantité tellement accrues et à des conditions telles qu'il porte ou menace, de por- ter un préjudice sérieux aux produc- teurs nationaux de produits similai- res ou directement concurrents, il sera loisible à cette partie contrac tante, dans le mesure et pendant le temps qui pourront être nécessaires pour prévenir ou réparer ce préjudi. ce, de suspendre, en totalité ou en partie, l'engagement pris à l'égard E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 91 in part or to withdraw or modify the concession. (b) If any product, which is the subject of a concession with respect to a preference, is being imported into the territory of a contracting party in the circum- stances set forth in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph, so as to cause or threaten serious injury to domestic producers of like or directly competitive products in the territory of a contracting party which receives or received such preference, the importing contracting party shall be free if that other contracting party so requests, to suspend the relevant obligation in whole or in part or to withdraw or modify the concession in respect of the product, to the de ce produit, ou de retirer ou de modifier la concession [ en tout ou en pertie] (b) Si une partie contractante a accordé une concession sur une pré- férence [,] et que le produit au- quel celle-ci s'applique vient à ê- tre importé dans le territoire de cette partie contractante dans les circonstances énoncées à l'alinéa (a) du présent paragraphe, de telle sorte que cette importation porte ou memace de porter un préjudice sé- rieux aux producteurs du produit similaire ou de produits directe- ment concurrents, établis dans le territoire de la partie contractante qui bénéficie ou bénéficiait de la- dite préférence, celle-ci pourr-a pré- senter une requête à la partie con- tractante importatrice, qui sera alors libre de suspendre, en tout ou en extent and for such time as may be partie, l'engagement pris [ou], de necessary to prevent or remedy such retirer ou de modifier la concession, injury. dans la mesure et [pour ] pendent le temps qgui nourrait être nécessai- re pour prévenir ou réparer un tel préjudice. E/PC/T/21l2 (Continuation) Page 92 2. Before any contracting party shall take action pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, it shall give notice in writing to the CONTRACTING PARTIES as far in advance as may be practicable and shall. afford the Contracting Parties and those contracting parties having a substantial interest as exporters of the product concerned an opportunity to consult with it in respect of the proposed action. When such notice is given in relation to a concession with respect to a preference, the notice shall name the contracting party which has requested the action. : 2. Avant qu'une partie contractante ne prenne les mesures prévues en ap- plication des dispositions du para- graphe premier du présent article, elle en avisera par écrit les PARTIES CONTRACTANTES le plus longtemps pos- sible d'avance. Elle fournira aux [ Parties contractantes ] à celles-ci ainsi qu' [ à toutes les autres ] parties contractantes ayant un inté- rêt substantiel à titre d'exporta- teurs du produit en question, l'oc- casion d'examiner avec elle les me. sures qu'elle se propose de prendre. Lorsque ce préavis sera donné à propos e d'une concession relative à une préfé- rence, il mentionnera la partie con n trectante qui aura requis cette me- critical circumstances, where delay sure. Dans des circonstances critiques would cause damage which it would où tout délai entraînerait un préju be difficult to repair, [such] dice qu'il serait difficile de ré- action may, under paragraph 1 of parer, [ces] les mesures envisa- this Article be taken provisionally des au paragraphe preimier du présent without prior consultation, on the article pourront être prises à titre condition that consultation shall provisoire sans consultation préala- be effected immedïately after ble, à condition que cette consulta taking such action, tion ait lieu immédiatement apres que lesdites mesures auront été prises. E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 93 3, (a) I' agreement among the interested contracting parties with respect to the action is not reached, the contracting party, which proposes to take or continue the action shall, navertheless, be free to do so, and if such action is taken or continued the affected contracting, part [y] ies shall then be free, not later than ninety days after such action is taken, to suspend, upon the expiration of thirty days from the day on which 3. (a) Si les parties contractan tes intéressées n'arrivent pas à. s'entendre au sujet de ces measures, rien .n'empêchera [ une ] la partie contractante [si elle le] qui dési- re [, de .] prendre ces mesures ou [d] en continuer l'application d'a- gir dans ce sens . Dans ce res, il sers loisible aux parties contrac - tantes que ces mesures léseraient, et cela, dans un délai de quatre vingt-. dix jours à compter de leur applica tion, de suspendre, après un préa- written notice of such suspension is vis de trente jours adressé nux PAR- received by the CONTRACTING PARTIES, TIES (CONTRACTANTES, l'application au the application to the trade of the commerce de la part e contractante contracting party taking such qui a pris ces mesures, ou, dans le action, or, in the case envisaged in cas envisagé au paragraphe 1 (b) du paragraph 1(b) of this Article, to présent article , au commerce de la the trade of the contracting party partie contractante qui a demandé requesting such action, of such que ces mesures fussent prises, des substantially equivalent obliga- obligations et concessions sensiblement tions or concessions under this équivalentes résultant; du présent Agreement the suspension of which Accord, dont la suspension ne sou the CONTRACTING PARTIES do not lève pas d'objection de la part des disapprove. P ARTIES CONTRACTANTES. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of 'this paragraph, where action is (b) Sans préjudice des dispo- sitions de l'alinéa (a) du présent, paragraphe, lorsque [ces ] des E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 94 taken under paragraph 2 of this Article without prior consultation and causes or threatens serious injury in the territory of a contracting party to the domestic producers of products affected by the action, that contracting party shall, where delay would cause damage difficult to repair, be free to suspend, upon the taking, of the action and throughout the period of consultation, such obligations or concessions as may be neccssary to prevent or remedy the injury. mesures seront prises [sans consul- tation préaleble, conformément au] en vertu du paragraphe 2 du présent article [, et] et sans consultation préalable et qu'elles porteront ou. menaceront de porter un [grave] pré- judice greve aux producteurs natio- naux de products affectés par elles sur le territoire d'une partie con- tractante, il sera loisible à cette partie contractante, lorsque tout délai à cet égard entraînerait un préjudice difficilement réparable, de suspendre, dès la mise en appli- cation de ces mesures et pendant in période de cette consultaton, les obligations ou concessions [qu'ellc jugera] dans la mesure nécesssaire [s] pour prevenir ou réparer [le] ce préjudice. ARTICLE XX ARTICLE XX General Exceptions Exceptions Générales Subject to the requirement Sous réserve que ces mesures that such measures are noet applied no soient pas appsliquéos de façon à in a manner which would constitute constituer soit un moyen de discri- a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable mination arbitraire ou injustifié discrimination between countries centre les pays où les mêmes condi- where the same conditions prevail, tions existent, soit une restriction E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 95 or a disguised restriction on inter- national trade, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by any contracting party of measures: I. (a) necessary to protect public morals; (b) necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health; (c) relating to the importation or exportation of gold or silver; (d) necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, including those relating to customs enforcement, the enforcement of monopolies operated under paragraph 3 of Article [s] II and Article XVII [of this Agreement], the protection of patents, déguisée au commerce international, rien dans le present Accord ne sera interprété comme empêchant l'appli- cation par toute partie contrac- tante des mesures: (î) (a) nécessaires à la protec- tion de la moralité pu- blique; (b) nécessaires à la protec- tion de la santé et de la vie des personnes et des animaux, et à la préser- vation des végétaux; (c) se rapportant à l'impor- tation ou à l'exportation de l'or ou de l'argent; (d) nécessaires pour assurer l'application des lois et règlements qui ne sont pas incompatible avec les dispositions du pré- sent Accord, tels que, par exemple, les lois et règlements qui ont trait à I'application des me- sures douanières, au maintien en vigueur des monopoles administrés E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 96 trade marks and copyrights, and the prevention of deceptive practices; (e) relating to the products of prison labour; (f) imposed for the protection of national treasures of artistic, historic or archaeological value; (g) relating to the conserva- tion of exhaustible natural resources if such measures are made effective in conjunction with restrictions on domestic production or consumption; (h) undertaken in pursuance of obligations under inter governmental commodity agreements, conformément [aux Arti- cles] au paragraphe 3 de l'Article II et à l'Arti- cle [XVI] XVII [du présent Accord], à la protection des brevets, marques de fabrique et droits d 'au- teun[s] et de reproduction, et aux mesures propres à empêcher les pratiques de nature à induire en erreur (e) se rapportant aux articles fabriqués dans les prisons: (f) imposées pour la protection de trésors nationaux ayant une valeur artistique, his- torique ou archéologioue; (g) se rapportant à la conser- vation des ressources na- turelles épuisables, si de. telles measures sont appli- quées conjointement avec des restrictions à la pro- duction ou à la consomma- tion nationales; (h) praises en application d'en- gagaments contractés en ver- tu d'accords intergouver- nementaux sur les produits E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 97 conforming; to the principles approved by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in its Resolution of March 28, 1947, establishing an Interim Co-ordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangements; or (i) involving restrictions on exports of domestic materials necessary to assure essential quantities of such materials to a domestic processing industry during periods when the domestic price of such materials is held below the world price as part of a governmental stabilization plan; Provided that such restrictions shall not operate to increase the experts of or the de base, [conformes aux] en conformité des princi- pes approuvés par le Con- seil Economique et Social [de l'Oranisation] des Nations Unies dans sa Ré- solution du 28 mars 1947 étoalissant une Commis- sion Provisoire de Coor- dination pour les Ententes internationales relatives aux produits de base . (i) comportant des restric- tions à l'exportaation de matières premièrcs pro- duites à l'intérieur du pays et nécessaires pour assurer à une industrie nationale de transforma- tion les qualtités essen- tielles desdites matières premières pendant les pé- riodes où le prix natio- nal en est maintenu [,] au- dessous du prix mendial en exécution d'un plan gouvernenmental de stabi- lisation [,] [au-dessous E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 98 protection afforded to such domestic industry, and shall not depart from the provisions of this Agree- ment relating to non- discriminationi. [.] essential to the acquisition or distribution of products in general or local short supply; Provided that any such measures shall be consistent with any multi- lateral arrangements directed to an equitable international distribution of such products or, in the absence of such arrangements, with the principle that all contracting parties are entitled to an equitable share of the international supply of such products; du prix mondial] sous ré- serve que ces restrictions n'aurent pas pour effet de renforcer 1'exportation ou la protection accordéc à ladite industrie nationale et n'iront pas à l'encontre des dispositions du présent Accord relatives à la non- discrimination[.] I) (a) essentielles à l'acquisi- tion et à la répartition de producis pour lesquels se fait sentir une pénurie générale ou locale: toute- fois, lesdites mesures de- vront être compatibles avec /gou 7 les accord, multi- latéraux destinéa à assu- rer une répartition inter- nationale équitable de ces produits ou, en l'absence de tels accords, avec le principe selon lequleu tou- tes les parties contrac- tantes ont droit à une part équitable de l'offre inter- nationale desdits produits; II (a) E/PC/T/212 (Contïnuation) page 99 (b) essential to the control of prices by a contracting party undergoing shortages subsequent to the war; or (c) essential to the orderly liquidation of temporary surpluses of stocks owned or controlled by the government of any contract- ing party or of industries developed in the territory of any contracting party owing to the exigencies of the war which it would be uneconomic to maintain in normal conditions; Provided that such measures shall not be instituted by any contract- ing party except after consultation with other interested contracting parties with a vicw to appropriate international action. (b) essentielles au faictionne- ment du contrêle des prix établi par une partie con- tractante qui, à la suite de la guerre, souffre d'une pénurie de produits; (c) essentielles à la liquida- tion [méthadique] régulière des excédents temporaires de stocks appartenant à toute partie contractante ou contrêlés par elle, ou d'industries qui so nont développées sur le terri- toire d'une prirtie contranc- tante en raison des oxigen- ces de la guerre, et dont le maintian on temps normal serait contraire à une sal- ne éconcmie, étant entendu qu'aucune partie contrac- tante ne pourra instituer de mesures de ce genre, si ce n'est après avoir con- sulté les autres parties contractantes intéressées en vue d'une action inter- nationale appropriée. E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 100 Measures instituted or main- tained under [Paragraph] part II of this Article which are inconsistent with the other provisions of this Agreement shall be removed as soon as the conditions giving rise to them have ceased, and in any event not later than [1] January 1, 1951; Provided that this period may, with the concurrence of the CONTRACTING PARTIES be extended in respect of the application of any particular measure to any particular product by any particular contracting party for such further periods as the CONTRACTING PARTIES may specify. ARTICLE XXI Securitv Exceptions Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed (a) to require any contracting party to furnish any infor- mation the disclosure of which it considers contrary to its essential security interests, Les mesures instituées ou main- tenues aux terms [du Paragraphe] de la partie Il du présent article, qui sont incompatibles avec les autres dispositions du présent Ac- cord seront supprirmées aussitôt que les circonstances qui les ont motivées auront cessé d'exister et, on tout cas, le ler janvier 1951 au plus tard, étant entendu quravec l'accord des PARTIES CON- TRATANTES, la période don't il s'agit pourra être prorogée en ce qui concerned l'application par toute partie, contractante d'une mesure donnée concernant un produit donné, pour de nouivelles périodes qu'il appartriendra aux, PARTIES CONTRAC-. TANTES de fixer. er. LE iIcLE XXI ExccDtioins concernant la sécurité Aucune disposition du pré- sent Accerdenù sora inéeéprütèe (mme ormpostant rit à une p rties contraeta'tc ltobligateon dc fournir enserciements cnts dont la divulgateon strait à son avis E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 101 (b) to prevent any contracting party from taking any action which it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests (i) relating to fission- able materials or the materials from which they are derived; (ii) relating to the traffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods and materials as is carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplying a military establishment; (iii) taken in time of war or other emergency in international relations; or (c) to prevent any contracting party from taking any action in pursuance of its obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenance of international peace and security. contraire au,x intérêts es- sentiels de sa séeurite [.], (b) ou comme empêchant une partie contractante de prundre toutes mosures qu'elle estimera nécessaires à la protection des intérêts essentials de sa sé- curit'é [.] : (i) se rapportant aux ma- tiéres désintégrables ou aux matières premières servant à la fabrication de celles -ci; (ii) se rapportant au trafic des armes, munitions et matériel de guerre et à tout, commerce d'autres articles et matériel dos- tiné directoment ou indi- rectment à assurer l'ap- provisionnement des forces armées; (iii) appliquées en temps de guerre ou en cas de grave tension internationale. (c) ou comme empêchant une par- tie contraevanle de prendre des mesures en Application de ses engagements au titre de la Charte des Nations Unies, en vue du maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationale. E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 102 ARTICLE XXII ARTICLE XXII Consultation Consultation. Each contracting party shall Chaque partie, contractante exa- oxa- accord sympathetic consideration to, minera avec comprehension les re- and shall afford adequate opportunity présenteations lue pourrait faire for consultation regarding such representations as may be made by any other contracting party with respect to the operation of customs regulations and formalities, anti- dumping and countervailing duties, quantitative and exchange regu- lations, subsidies, state-trading operations, sanitary laws and regulations for the protection of human, animal or plant life or health, and generally all matters affecting the operation of this Agreement. toute autre partie contrecotante et facilitera dans toute la mesure du possible les consultations rela- tives à ces représentations, lorsque celles-ci porterent sur I' applica- tion des réglements et iormalités de douane, das [taxos] droits anti-dumping [ot dus droits] ou compensateurs, des réglementationss quantitatives et de change, des subventions, des opérations du com- merce d'Etat, des prescriptions sa- nitaires et des règlements concernant la protection de la santé et de la vie des personnes et des animaux et la présorvation des végétaux ot,t1 d'une manière générale, sur toutes les questions touchant, à l' applica- tion [des dispositions ] du préseent Accord. Paso 103 ARTICLE XXIII ARTICLE XXIII Nullification or Impairment 1. Dans Ie cas où uno partie 1 If any contracting party contractante considérerait qu'un should consider that any benefit avantage quelconque résultant accruing to it directly or indirect- pour celle directement ou indirec- ly under this Agreement [or its tement du présent Accord [ou du accompanying Protocol) is being Protocol qui l'accompagne] se nullified or impaired or that the trouverait annulé ou compromis,omis, attainment of any objective of the -m ou qu'elle [ -même] se trouvo Agreement is being impeded as the empêchée d'atteindre l'un des ob- result of [Ii)] (a) the failure of ... jcoC'ifs dc l'ui.ccord, du fait another contracting party to carry [(i)](a) qu'une autres partie, out its obligations under this contractrante ne remplit Agreement or thé accompanying pas les obligations qu'elle Protocol, or [(ii)] (b) the a contractées aux termes application by another contracting du present Accord [ ou du party of any measure, whether or Protocole joint au present not it conflicts with the Accord ou ] provisions of this Agreement [;],, o/, ~ ,,7. (c) the existence of [(ii)](b)ou qu'une autre par- ? ^,'. - : (c) the existence of tie contractante applique any otnor situation, thes tlhe une mesure [quelconque contracting party may, with a view on contradiction] con- traire ou non [avec los ] of the a -«4- ,.make written rep- aux dispositions du présent ro proposals to the Accord; [ ou] other contracting party or parties which it considers to be concerned. E/PC/T/ 12 (Continuation) Page 104 Any contracting party thus approached shall give sympathetic [( iii)] (c) ou qu'il existe une autre situation consideration to the represent- quelconlque, ations or proposals made to it. ladite partie contractarte pour- ra, en vue d'arriver à un [ajustement ] réglement satis- faisant de la quastion, fairo des représentations ou des pro- positions écrites à 1'autre ou aux autres parties contrac- tantes [ qu'elle considère comme étant intéressées] qui, à son avis, sont c cause. Toute partie contractante [auprès de laquelle une telle démarche aura ete faite,] ainsi sollicitée examinera avec compréhension les représentations ou propositions qui lui auront été [ soumises ] faites.. 2. If no satisfactory adjustment 2. Au cas où un [ajustement ] is effected between the contracting réglement n' interviendrait pas parties concerned within a reason- dans un délai raisonnable entre able time, or if the difficulty is les parties contractantes intéres- of the type described in [(iii) above] sées ou dans le cas où la diffi- paragraph 1.(c) of this Article, culté [ rentre dans la catégorie] the matter may be referred ssrait do celles oui sont visées to the CONTRACTING PARTIES. The [sous (iii) ci-dessus] au para- CONTRACTING PARTIES shall promptly graphe 1(c) du présent article, E/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 105 investigate any matter so referredla question pouma être portée devant to them and shall make approp- riate recommendations to the contracting parties which they consider to be concerned or give a ruling on the matter, as appropriate. The Contracting Parties may consult with contracting parties. With the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and with any appropriate inter-governmental organization[s] in cases where they consider such consultation necessary. If the CONTRACTING PARTIES consider that the circumstances are serious enough to justify such action, they may authorize a contracting party or parties to suspend the application to [such] any other contracting party or parties of such obligations or concessions under this Agreement as they [Contracting Parties] determine to be appropriate in the circumstances. If the application to any contracting party of any obligation or concession is in fact suspended, les PAREIES CONTRACTANTES. Ces der- nières procèderent sans délai à une enquête au sujet de toute question dont elles seront ainsi saisies et, selon le cas, adresseront des re- commandations aux Parties contrac- tantes [ qu'elles considérent com- me intéressées ] qui leur avis, sont en cause: les recommandations appropriées, ou [ prendront une décision ] statuent sur la question. Les PARTIES CONTRACTANTES pourront, lorsqu'elles le jugeront nécessaire, consulter [les ] des parties con- tractantes, le Conseil Economique et Social des Nations Unies et tou- te[s ] autre[s] organisation[s] intergouvernementale [s] compétente[s]. Si elles considérent que les circons- tances sont suffisamment graves pour justifier une telle mesure, elles pourront autoriser une ou plusieurs parties contractantes à suspendre à l'égard de [cette] tel autre ou [de ces] tels autres parties contrac tantes, l'application de toute obligation ou concession résultant du présent Accord, dont elles C/PC/T/212 (Continuation) Page 106 that contracting party shall then estimeront la / suppression nécessai- be free. not later than sixty re darns lesdites ] ln suspensinn jus- days after such action is taken, tifiée eu êgard aux circonstances. to advise the [Contracting Parties] Si [l'application, à. l'égard d'une Secretary-General of the United Partie contractante ] l'opération Nations in writing of its d'une obligation ou le bénéfico intention to withdraw from this d'une concession à l'égard d'une par- Agreement and such withdrawal tio contractante est suspenduo on shall take effect upon the fait, cette partie contractante sera expiration of sixty days from the [alors] libre, [ au plus tard] day on which written notice of dans un délai de 60 jours [ après such withdrawal is received by que losdites mosures auront été [the Contracting Parties] him. prises] à compter de la mise en ap- plication du la mesure, de notifier par écrit [ aux parties contractantes] au Secrétaire général des Nations Unies son intention de dénoncer le Présent Accord. [et ladite] Cetto dénonciation prendra effet à l'expi- ration [d'uune période] d'un délai de soixante jours à compter de la date à laquelle [les parties con- tractantes auront] le Secrétaire général aura roçu notification [ écrite du] par écrit de ce préavis,
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Commiittee on Chapter III of the Charter
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/166 and E/PC/T/162-168
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/237 AND ECONOMIQUE 4 July 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMIITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMIITTEE ON CHAPTER III OF THE CHARTER A -- INTRODUCTION The Report of the Legal Drafting Committee on Chapter III (Employment, Effective Demand and Economic Activity) of the Draft Charter is circulated herewith for consideration by the mombers of the Preparatory Committee. It will be discussed at a later stage. Changes which are recommended by the Legal Drafting Committee are shown by square brackets and underlining. It may be necessary for the Legal Drafting Committee to recommend further changes at some later stage when the Committee has been able to co-ordinate all the Chapters of the Draft Charter. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES. RAPPORT DU COMITE DE REDACTION ET DES QUESTIONS JURIDIQUES sur LE CHAPITRE III DE LA CHARTE A -- INTRODUCTION Le Rapport ci-après du Comité de rédaction et des questions juridiques sur le Chaoitre III du project de Charte (Emploi, Demande effective et Activités économiques) est soumis a l'examen des membres de la Commission Préparatoire. Il sera discuté ultérieure- ment, Les modifications que recommande le Comité de rédaction et des questions juridiues sont mises entre crochets ou soulignées. Le Comité de rédaction et des questions juridiques devra peut- être recommander de nouvelles modifications lorsque, a une phase UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/'7/237 Page 2 ultéricure des travaux, il aura. été en mesure de procéder à la coordination de tour, les chapitres du projet de Charte. B -- TEXT OF CHAPTER III AND NOTES ARTICLE 3 Importance of Employment, Pro- duction and Demand in relation to the Purposes of this Charter 1. The Members recognise that the avoidance of unemployment or under- employment through the achievement and maintenance in each country of useful employment opportunities for those able and willing to work and of a large and steadily growing volume of production and effective dcmrnd for goods rnd services is not of domestic concern alone, but is also a necessary condition for the realization of the purposes of this Charter, including the cxpan- sion of international tradc, and thus for the vrell-being of all other countries. Innortance de l'emploi, de la production et cde la demrtnde oour 7Ls rèil8satiôn dcs ob- Jctifs/ lr's 'but de la .prô- sente Charte 1. Les Etats !1ombres reconnais- sent qu'il n'cst ras uniquement de leur int"ret national dc prc- venir le cWldmatc ct le sous- emploi on assurant et on mainte- nrint dans chaouc pays.L des Dos- .ibilitûs d'emploi productif en favour ,ors pf*.rsonne(s qptes au travail et désireuses de s' zm- ployer ainsi qu' un volumeo Impor- tant et en progression constant de la production (:t dc la demanded effective d, biens et de services. Ils L-ont d'accord nour con- side.rer7 riconnaissent que la prevontiorn du chôMg (.!t du sous-ormploi est igalem.nt une condition noces3aire pour atteindre lis §/bjectifs7 buts dc le pr6sento Charte, y com- pris le d'velop2emcnt des echr.nges internationaux ct, par E/PC/T/W/237 Page 3 conséquent, pour assurer le bien-être de tous les autres pays. 2. The Members [agree] recognise that, while the avoidance of un- employment or under-employment must depend primarily on domestic. measures, such measures should be supplemented by concerted action under the sponsorship of the Econ- omic and Social Council of the United Nations in collabiration with the appropriate Inter- governmental organizations, each of these bodies acting within its respective sphere and consistently with the terms and purposes of its basic instrument. 3. The Members [furthermore agree] recognise that the regular exchange of information and views among Mem- bers is indispensable for successful co-operation in the field of employ- ment and economic activity and should be facilitated by the Organization. 2. Les Etats Membres [sont d'ac- cord pour estimer] reconnaissent que, si la prevention du chômage et du sous-emploi depend, au pre- mier chef, de mesures nationales, [l'application de ces mesures] celles-ci [devrait] devraient être completes par une action concertée, entreprise sous les auspices du Conseil Economique et Social des Nations Unies et avec la collaboration des organizations intergouvernementales qualifiées, chacun de ces organismes agissant dans les limites dc sa competence et conformément au mandat et aux buts qui lui sont assignés par ses actes constitutifs, 3. Les Etats Membres [estiment enfin] reconnaissent que, pour assurer le succès de la co- operation dans la domaine de - l'emploi et de l'activité économique, il est Indispensable qu'ils procédent regulièrement à des changes de renseignements et de vues et ils [convienncnt] reconnaissent l'Organisation E/PC/T/V'1/237 Page 4 . devrait stemployer 'à faciliter ces échanges6c ARTICLE Maintenance of Domestic Employ- ment 1. Each Mlember shall take action designed to achieve and maintain full and productive employment and large and steadily groiving demand ,vithin its own Lj urisdictioni7 territory through measures aunro" priate to its political, economic and social institutions. NOTES Note: The Legal Drafting Commit- tee will e:7amine at a later stage whether it is necessary or not to insert at some approrpiate point in the Charter a definition of the word "territory." 2. Measures to sustain employment, production and demand shall be con- sistent "'ith the other purposes and provisions of this Charter. MIem- bers shall seek to avoid measures vwhich would have the effect of creating balance-of-payments Maintien de l'emploi a l'intérieur des pays 1. / ans le ressort de sa juri- diction et conformément " Fes institutions politiques, cconom- iques et sociales,7 Chaque Etat Membre prendra conformément %a ses institutions politioues, ccono:- nirues et Focia .^2 les measures utiles aux fins de réaliser et de maintenir sur son territoire le plein emploi productif ainsi qu'une demande important et en progres- sion croissants. Le Comité de rédaction et des questions Juridinues étudiera a une date ultcrieure s'il y a lieu ou non d'inserer, en un endroit anProPrie de la Charte, une definition da mot "territoire." 2., Les mesures tendant a main- tenir l'mèloi, la production et la demanded devront être compa- Ubles avec les autres Lobjectifj buts et dispositions de la pré senate Charte. Les Etats Membres chercheront a .-ter les mesures E/PC/T/W/237 Page 5 difficulties for other countries. ARTI Fair Labour Standards Each Member, recognising that all countries have a common interest in the achievement and maintenance of fair labour stan- dards [,] related to productivity, shall take whatever action may be appropriate and feasible to elim- inate sub-standard conditions of labour in Production for export and generally throughout its [jurisdiction] territory. Mem- bers which are also members of the International Labour Organization shall co-operate with that organ- isation in giving effect to this undertaking. qui' auraient pour effet de [com- promettre la stabilité de7 mettre en difficult la balance des paiements d'autres ZEtats Membresg CLE 5 /ronditi-ine de travlil7 ,os9e équitables du Itr-a-e- Reconnai5sant que tous les pays ont un intéret commun %a la réalisa- tion et nu maintien £ e 7 de Fmon- ditions de travaig normes oquit- ables du travail en rapport avec la productivité de la main d'oeuvre, chaque Etat Mlembre prendra toutes measures apuro- Miées et oratiquement *roalisables en vue de faire disparaître des conditions de travail inférieures a la normale dans les secteurs de la production destinées %a l'exportation et, d'une façon générale, /:nns toute l'étendue de sa juridiction7 sur tout son territoire. Les Etats Membres qui font également partie de l'Organisation internationale du Travail collaboreront avec cette Organization afin de mettre cet engagement "a éxecution. E/PC/T/W/237 Page 6 NOTES It is pointed out that whereas the English text uses the word "productivity" in the first sen- tence, the French text refers to "la productivity de la main d'oeuvre," It Is thought that both texts should be made the same - either productivity" or productivity of labour." It will be noted that the latter ex- pression is used ln Article 9 of the New York draft. Le Comité signale qu'à la pre- mière phrase le texte français contient l'expression "la produc- tivité de la main d'oeuvre" alors que le texte anglais emploie le rlot "productivity." On estime qu'il conviendrait d'uniformiser les deux textes, en y inscrivant soit "productIvité", soit "product- ivîte de la main d'oeuvre."l On remarquera que la dernière de ces deux expressions est employee a l'article 9 du project de Charte de New York. ARTICLE 6 ROmoval of' 1Maladjustmocnts within the Balance of Pyments 1. In the event that a Dersistent maladjustment within a Member' s balance of payment is a major fac- tor in a situation ln which other Members are involved in balance-of- paymcnts difficulties -hich handi- cap theo ln carrying out the pro- visions of Article 4 without t resort to trade restrictions, the Member shall mE'Jce its full contrib- ution, Jogether with while appropriate action Jon the part off shall be taken by the other Membors concerned, towards correctin- the situation. Correction des désepuilibres tn_ SÊxnna /entre les elements/ de la br.lrnce des paiements 1. Si un déséquilibre interne et persistent centre le's postes7 de la balance des alicments d'un Etat Membre constitue un 6l'mcnt maJeur d'une situation dans la- quelle dtautres Etats Membres eprouvent des difficultés a main- tenir la stability dc leur balance des paiements, et, de ce fait, à appliquer les dispositions de l'article 4 sans un recours a dos restrictions du commcrec, le premier Etat Memibre contribuera pleinement au redressement de la situation, en même tenns ciue les autres Etats IMembres interessés prendront des mesures appro- Erlées a cette fin. E/PC/T/W/237 Page 7 NOTES It is pointed out that whereas the French text obliges other Mem- bers concerned to take approp- riate action, it is a riatter of doubt iirhether the English text creates such an obligation. To remove this discrepancy it is suggested that the English text should be amended as has been shlo"n Pbove . 2. Action in aoccrdlan i, "ith this Article shall bc taken "' due rc- gard to the desirps'oility of employ.- ing methods rThich expand rather t1ian contract international trade. Le Comnitc signaled auc, tandis- cque le tc;ste français oblige les autres Etats Membres irft6ress6s a prendre des measures acproprices, on ne saurait affirmer ouc le texte anglai. etablisse une tell obligation. Pour éliminnr cette diver: ence, il est suggere de modifier le text anglais de la rianicre indiquée ci-dessus, 2, Dan8s lerititn etreprite cn vertu du Drsernt article, il sera dûment tenu compte /e la necessite7 du fait au'il tst Dre- !6lra.b'lc dcemnplcyer des méthodes visant au develoDDepm',nt plutôt .uau resserrement des 'changes internationaux. ARTICLE 7 Exhange of Information and Con- Zchanges de renseignements et sultation ccnsu?.tazions 1. The Members and the Orcanisa- 12 LeT Etats ier.mbres et l'Organi. tion shail particiDate in arrange- station participeront aux arrange- monts rmade or sponsored by the amnts élabores par le Conseil Economic and Social Council of EconoWiLcue et Social bs Nations the United Nations, including Unies ou sous ses auspices, y arrangerments irith a-oropriate compris ceux qui seraient conclus intcr-governental orgaanizations: avec les organizations inter- geouvrfrnnemuntales auzilifices: (a) for the svstematic collection, auial:rsis arnd exchange c informa- tion on dcncstic employment (a) Dour rassembler, analyserr et echa.^ni;r de faron systematique les rcnse1g.rnnnts relatifs aux E/PC/T/W/237 Page 8 problems, trends and policies, in- cluding as far as possible informa- tion relating to national income, demand and the balance of pay- ments. (b) for consultation -"ith a view to concerted action on the part of governments and inter-governmental organizations ln the field of employment policies. 2. The Organization shall, if It considers that the urgency of the situation so requires, initiate consultations among Members with a view to their taking approp- riate measures against the iter- national spread of a decline in employment, production or demand. Safeguards for Members Subject to External Deflationary Pressure The Organization shall have problèmes nationaux de l'emploi, a leur evolution ainsi qu'à la politique Pratiquée a leur égard, [y compris,] et dans la mesure du possible, les renseignements ayant trait au revenu national, %a la demande Lde biens et de service et ala balance dos paiements. (b) pour proceder à des consul- tations en vue d'une action con- certée des gouvernements et des organisations Intergouvernementales dans le domaine de la politique de l'emploi. 2. Si l'Organisation estime que l'urgence l'exige, elle devra provoquer des consultations entre Etats Membres en vue de l'adop- tion par eux de measures approp- riées, destinées %a combattre la propagation, Leur le plan inter- national7 au-deln des frontières, d'une diminution de l'emploi, de la production Zt7 ou d.e la demanded. LE 8 Pc.esures de sauver,,a on faveur des E:tate $1emb ex oses a unc presslon deflatiobnLste çxte_-1 rieure Dans 1 exercice Lde sec7 dce E/PC/T/W/237 Page 9 regard, in the exercise of its func- tions [as defined elsewhere in] under other provisions of this Charter, to the noted of Members to take action within the Provisions of thia Charter to safeguard their economies against deflationary pressure ln the event of a serious or abrupt decline in the effect- ive demand of other countries. fonctions, [telles qu'clles sont definies dons leg qui lui sont conferées par d'autres articles de la présente Charte, l'Orga- nisation devra tenir compte de la nécessité ou se trouveranont les Etats Membres de prendre, dans le cadre des dispositions de la présente Charte, des mesures destilnesà R protéger leur economie contre los effets d'une pression défla.tionniste qXui pourrait se produire en cas de ba.isse sérieuse ou soudaine de la demande effective £dej7 d' autres pays.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee of the Tariff Agreement Committee on the Final Act, Preamble and Part I of the General Agreement
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/211 and E/PC/T/210-212
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMI C AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/211 22 Septembar 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE EMPLOYMENT DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES - oOo - REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE OF THE TARIFF AGREEMENT COMMITTEE ON THE FINAL ACT, PREAMBLE AND PART I OF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT. RAPPORT DU COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION DU COMITE CHARGE DE L'EXAMEN DE L'ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUlNIERS SUR L'ACTE FINAL, LE PREAMBULE ET LA PARTIE I DE L'ACCORD GENERAL. - oOo - E/PC/T/211 Page 2 FINAL ACT In accordance with the Resolu- tion adopted at the First Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, [appointed] established by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations on February 18, 1946, the Governments of the Common- wcalth of Australia, the Kingdom 2 Belgium, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Luxemburg] the United States of Brazil, Burma, Canada, Ceylon, the Republic of Chile, the Republic of China, the Republic of Cuba, the Czechoslovak Republic, the French Republic, India, Lebanon, the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Kingdom of Norway, Pakistan, Southern Rhodesia, Syria, the Union of South Africa, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, ACTE FINAL Conformément à la resolution adop- tée lors de la premiére session de la Commission préparatoire de la Con- férence des Nations Unies [de] sur le Commerce et [de] l'Emploi [de l'Organisation des Nations Unies], [instituée] constituée le 18 février 1946 par le Conseil économique et social [de l'Organisation] des Nations Unies les Gouvernements du Commonwealth d'Australie, du Royaume de [la] Belgique, [du Royaume des Pays- Bas, du Luxembourg] des Etats-Unis du Brésil, de la Birmanie, du Cana- da, de Ceylan, de la République du Chili, de la République de Chine, de la République de Cuba, des Etats- Unis d'Amérique, de la République française, de l'Inde, du Liban, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du Royaume de Norvège, de Nouvelle- Zélande, du Pakistan, du Royaume des Pays-Bas, de la Rhodésie du Sud, du Royaume-Uni de Grande- Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, de la Syrie, de la République tehécoslovaque et de l'Union sud-africaine, E/3C/T/211 l'agc 3 Throu h their representatives initiatle c negotiations zbetwecn their representative 7 at GQcncvL- ;n April 1.0, 194F7, directù(d to thu substantial ced.uctlon cof tei:2±'s anid O4her tira(itD _.-''ricrs n.fCL to the e12;i~.17-': .7c 0c. f pr`^cI'<-:ceSv onl a rcïprocaJ. aL±d mutu.aTlly a1Vl1tu!eau3 ù;.sasis These negoti.ntiirl; hrlve terraî today :nnd ha.v e rc sult.od in the of'a u Q ene1 Agrcomun-t on 'kt.itfs arnd Trade or.d OI a P. otocol of P:ovia:icAl1 A.ppli cation,) the texits cf whic. are an- nexed h( ceto. Thesc tcxts are heorcbv utuhnticatod.. it.L' is unrderstood that th'>/ Th:- signature of this Final Ac"t, or of the Protocol of ProvisionLLl Ap picit;i.onu by any of the shovc morltianed gcocrninnts docs not in any OntQ/o omrnmncei en a, par 1',ntremise de lt;urs rurUrs .nta .EL u,.s n. gocia- t;onns /par l'entrcù,Èse deD leurs repré sentants 7 a 0unve, 10 avril 1947, on vuz d., rSduiru, d'uno /-maniÙreJ7 façon substantiellec l1s tarifs doua- niers Ft ls auti,.s L bariàres commer- ci:alos 7 entraves au corim2erca ct d ' eli- miner les pr ,fcrncos sur /des bases rcciproqd-uc.s u t mutuvllement avantageu- ses_ un:; ' du rc.cinrocitet d'avan- tages mutucls. Ces r.-nCociations ont pris fir aujourdvrnui et; ont /Fu pour r!sultat abouti à 1'claboration d'un -..ccor g6n6ral sur les tkrfs doua- niors et 1,; comi:± rcu e t dl n Protocolo d'applicationi provisoirc, dont lus tuxteus 'sv trouvent] acnt j ointo au present Acte. L'althonticité de ces texts Psont authentifj. s7 est 6tablie par l1 pr,1s_-t Acte /I1 est ente;ndu que l JL.a signa- ture _prr les ,ouvernicrmnts sus-mention- nûs du Pr Se1tL st ` ilal (U du UltO-- cole d'application provisoire §par l'un quelconque de-s gouvornements sus-nientionnus_7 ne porte Page 4 way prejudice their freedom Of action at the United Nations Cenference on Trade and E.p1eyriont. l'h:i s i'inal Rct, togeother with the; i .cluLdi.ncy, thé, texts of thc2 GenuraJl AgreeiJ.ent on Tariffs niid Trade and of the Protocc., of Provisional Application, 'iill be relc'asced by tho Seiretary-General cf the Unitd a ti.ons for publication on Novumbar ~geihteent Cé ono thousand ninie hu±dreCd and forty-s oVOnj 18,191t7. providcd that the Protocol of Provisional Apolicationl Shlj.l1 havu b(cii signed by Nov=mber (fifteenth, onri thousand ninc? hundred and forty-soven bx7 L5, 194t7, on behalf of ai:L the countries naImd thurcin. IN WITiJESS MrHEREOF the rtespoc- tive 1Rüpr osentativos have signed tho prescrit Act, atteinte en aucune maniï`ère à leur liberté d'action à ln. Conference des Nations lanio /du7 sur le Commerce et 'do0 17mçloi /1ce l'Organisation de.n Nations Unïes7, ect7 _e l2r6sont Acte final, /ave(c ainsi ge le textn de 1. 'Accord général lur les ta'rifs, douaniers et le corunr:rco, et 1Îe7 celui du Protocolo d'application provisoire> /sraY seront publiés. le gdix-huit7 lE novonbro /mii l neuf cont quarante sepÇ/' 19 par los soiLns du Secrétaire génréral /do 'Organis.atîon7 de's nies Jourvu7 à. 1l condition que le Protocole d'app1icationi provio3ire ait été siLné le «quirizZ7 15 novembre /mi1 neuf' cont quarante sePt par7 1947 aa nom de tous les pays /aont les noms fi'ïgurent dans la texte do 1 '1Accord7 1numér4s dans ce Protocolo. EN FOI DE! QUOI les repr6sontants ?'sousEsigné1/< des, fyouvornemients sus- mentionnés ont signé le present Acte. E/PC/T/211 Page 5 DONE in a single capy in the English and French languages, both texts authentic,-ab Graneva, this' .j.... I.- .... dav of Octoabar one thousand nine h t~lrc~ Cr2,3 irty s evun For the Commonwealth of Australia Fcr the Kîn:dam of Belgium Jor the Kingdom of the ?Nethorlainds7 jor Lux,-nibur_7 F<or th?e Unitid States of Brazil For I3urr:ja For Canada For Coylon For the Ripublic of Ch .Lc For the Rep ublic oa Chin- For the Republic of Cuba For the CzechaoSlovak Republic F2JIT Genève, en un seul exam- pleare, en lengues françaice et en~,laisa, lcs deux textes faisant égaleen t f^i, LD ............ octobre mil neuf oent quaranbe sept. Pour le Comnrnwealth d ' Aus trali e Pour §Ia_7 le RDyauma de Eeslt que §,rour lu Pnyeurce des pays-Bas]7 rr[ -ur le LuxombourgJ_ Po«ur les Etets-.Unis du Brésil i'our 1 Birmenie PF-ur le C-znada Pcnur Ceyleai Pour la R6publique du Chili Isl:-ir I., *\lb Xl de Chine Pour lae Rpublique de Ouba Pzur les Etats-Unis C rturédri que E/PC/T/211 Page 8 Pour la Rpublique française For India Pour l'Inde For Lebanoin Pour le Liban For the Grand Duchy of, Luxcenburc. For ';he Kingdom, of the IJotherlands For New Zoaland For the Kingdorm of Norway For Pakistaln For Southerri Rhodesia For Syria For the Union of South Africa For the Unlted Kincdom of Great Britain and Northern Ircland For the United States of America Pour le Grand-Du-hé dC Y-,uxemboure Pour le Royaume de Norvège Puur la N JUveilc - Zelande Pour le Pakistan Pour le r«,Dyaule des Pays-b-: s Pour la Rhodésie du suà Pour le Royuawne-Lini de G-uincle-h ccg eet dlIrlande du Nurd Pour la Syrie Pour la République tchécvslovaaue Pou.r .'Un'j:n sud-africaine For the French Republic .14'iNii",1: ..4f _.I,2E-v'J'i'T Ol` DAt.IP','S 6iqD TXvLL) The Go-vrer,.:ï-.nts of the Com.:lon- weaith l f Australia, he Kn.,r of 3e:L ,/f?iigdo-. cf t1he 'Nether- lart.s , Luxoe;b.;ur 5 j _ thFe lISited ,Ct.;';cç cf 23:azil, Bur.ia, CanÀ.ia, Ceylcn, t'C zUi1cpublic of Chile, the fiopu`l ic of Cine.i:a th, Republic of Cubl;, the Cztcchos1ovak R3public, the, Fronrh R public., India-, Lobannoi, t;hf GZ'arvi. Qu31j pf L:ur bu the ,,, r'1(,':i 0.f tlhW NcI th31 rl.lllcs , iqexq Zealr.n.ndx 'c h Kinor. o f Norway, *Pakiskita Scuth n Rhodosiï, Syria, 0he U: xion af South Africac, tho ïJllit;¶1 ir11,O1 GL Great Britain r n.éd vzrtharn IrcLmid7 aid the United r States cf' or.ica /_7: ;- Ecojlizi," that lhoir relations in the f i;eli of tracla and ecoc)inïc Qndn nvour should be conducted ',zith 2 vi.i;S to ra3i2wj standar.13 of kliiVifl>t cnzuring f\ .1 o'n:ploynz.ent c«rd ,n lz.:r arni steadily growing :?oluïl;c cV r a. incor.1e ar.1 eff ective -lema.v.i, develcpinrC the f ull use of cthc rorourcos of the world rtnd E/PC/ T/ 211 Pag.e 7* AC `ORD GX&'R:RL SU.. L . T.i RIFS DOUA- 1NTI2RS ET I CL1~ Les Gouvernements du Commonwealth /de 1 t_7dj'ustralie, du }Roaume de ÉL1Ê/ BelGiqua, /du Royaume dos P ays- Bas, du Luxembourg7,J d.çs Etats-Unis du Brésil, de la i3irmanio, du Cana- du, de Ccyluni, do lu 1Rjublique du Chili, de la .<6,publique dc Chiiue, de la Répub:i(Dgu de Cuba, dss Etats-Unis d'Amériue, de la Ré.;ubliquu fian- (cÀise, de 1'Inni, du Libaui, du Cr nd Duché de L fl2t?, du Royaume de Norvège, de -. l- uvell>Z6lande, du Pakistani, dil Rs de le Phod:sio du Su,-d du .oJysuLui- Uni de GraitdD-IijiotuG;cl, at d'Irlande du DTord, dc 1L- Syyie;e u1; l.éSu- blique tchôcoslovaquci et de l'Union sud-af ricaine. /mutuls7dans lc dlf..uirie Zan 1't±- fortj ct economriquc~ doi- vent être duLrl;J.s façon u Lavo- riscrj7 orinrités vI'.rs la, rclènr±t dos niveaux da vie, 5 cssurae I la r6aliSation du Pe iln CnDplOi et d' un niveau éleevé at toujours croissant /Uo] ldu_ rcvnru reol et s/PC.,/T/211 Page 8 e :``': .fi-j.; the roD'0luctbiol amil c.x- C` `..1 7C 0 OO Èl s i3eiro docsirous cf contributii;i to thosu objectiù ves by tiitcring, into roci :,re cr:1 ia1l rlutually adlv,:r1t > ~;- c *s a.rranZe, :; .olt s d-,rocteld to t-ne cubstùa,-tini rceduc- ti f t.1 O f .; ^ ot, re b:rricrs t' trado a.zl to the c..nlinati-on cf di;scr.rin.netory co:: .erce; throuy;h tlhir ecc ai vJRprasol.tivws ay;;icod a s follows: de la demande effective, /j déve- lopper_ la cline utilisation des resources r,.ondieles et /J accroi- tr.//l'accroissemnent de la produc- tion et des J' Jécnanges de _s2 produits /;J21 /Dèsireux u.* _.j:rmettre d'atteindre ces objectifs en concluant des accords réciproques et mutuLellement avanta- goux, destines à réduire, de façon importance, las tarifs dou.niers et autres 3ntraves apportées au ce, et à supprirer ls mesures dis- criminatoires d-ns le commerce in- ternational; 2 Désireux de ontrieur à la r6àlisa- tion de ces opjiets par la conclusion d'accords visant, sur une base de réciprocité ot d'uvantages iiutuels, - la réduct;on substantielle dos tarifs douaniers et des autres en- traves aux échanies et à l'élimina- tion d s discriL-,inaton5 ein nktière de comuerce internatioral, Sont, par 1'/irtrmèdieirCJ e.ntremise de leurs représentants ZrCspectifs/, convenus de ce qui suit: E/P/'T/211 Pege a P;i'T P PRTU' 3; I Article I Tr. ;tc l.ent 1. C Wit!h rcs'xect ta custo:... C uti.cs arnd clh:-... -,a- uf miiy kind fi possd os. or in co:L. octior± with imiDortttion or e .rt tiro:î , i12pnscd on thlo iller. to.n3Stran!sfor of nbrCA, for tv ortr. or ox.zorts, a ld with rcspoct ta th?. :_hodL of l1 vying, suc1h f .utiS x 'f chanrds 7 ;ith rocccXctn to .1 iul cs, £or:.- aliticy i- co iaction with iLu-ort- res'xct tc- c :xJurt tiars .orndrod t a rcs O.DCtb 1;4>1. ::;>.tîbcrs t XXri1o in parcr ols 1 ..Vi . af AQrticlT priibrlr,!,; or irL:x-unity f;r. -tod by any cariC..cti : ..rt ta n ny Y: o - duct o:.:i '..tir in or *f-cstinod for maiy othcr coucutry £,.,J s}ha.lJ bo'ir'd i;:c Qiataly cand U'n- conditLor-i.lly to v'a lïlzn pro-iuct oriS--r.ticu:; in or `ostiruad for thoc crt crii t c;1-Y r rj~CiJ.t9riqs of all otlhar cnrntri7ctin, partics e ~rarpect,:.v;lyJ. 2. Thîa pruv.i on; oi pcr.r.aph 1 of thï: Articlo shs..l nc)t roquiro tha ol :îir itioii y of .ny prarenca; in oCs ft af iriport oruiis or ..rticle prcmi er Tra itemEnt general lanation la nlus favorisée 1. Tous ava tnges, faveurs, privilè- ges ou immunit6s accords par une partie contractante à un produit ori- ginaire ou à destination de tout au- tre pays, seront, imédiareent et sans conditions tondus L tout rro- duit sizailaire orz ;inaire ou à des- tination du torritoire de toutes les autres parties contrcntantos. Cette disposition concerne ls droits de douane s-t les imrpositions do toute nature qui frppDEnt l' s .portations ou ls expOIrte LiOclS /-7cu qui sont perçus à l'occasion d1imiportations ou d'exportations ainsi que czux qui frappent lcs transferts internatio. - naux d., fonds destiné-s a rS>lcr les importations nu lcs ,xportatinns, lo mode de perception dz ces droits Jt impositions, l çnScIeb o de '< ré,le- mruntation et das formalités afféren- tcs aux i:aportet io-ns o:,u aLux eixport.a- tions l,7 ainsi qu. toutes lus ques- tions qui font lob jet des p.ngr' - phes 1 eit 2 cl%1 kirticle !II, 2. Lcs dispositions du p:-ragrc.phe prc- mi _r du pré. nt Prticlc e ' ront pas on :utiitiùrî dc 3r oits et d'impositions à l'imnportaition, iî/Pc /T,,~ P.3,S 10;,cs :!ich do not ,xc4od tho levois f'vL' d l'or 'in parC;2.Pnrh 3 o?> t'!is .rtic1 ,nOi which fS.1l wi.thin t*hc li ScriPtiO11: (a) prOfVïcllccs 1L frça <.xc1uSivo- ly bçtw9'in two Jr nr1 of the I;'rritoDries 1iSte. in Armex, A /of the!.s Agrec:_mnt_7, su1jjc;ct *lDi:o t conditions zat forth (b) ïrnforc s 0n forc_ 'i:-cl1usivD- lyz bW.woc` tvo to1' '`! torri ori.cs «:lich ,n JJuly 1, 1939, .r_. c;Xn _ c t. -.l by c(); sov~.rai:,;ty- or rala.tions of oro:)tWctioi *er stlzçi'inaty arR whie:h 2rc 1.i.stal in Arui-xoS B, C Lnd- D /of this ir subject t;o thl ' ortcIitulonls sot forth, th.^rai:i ((c) pr: ror ic i - n forca , c1uzisv - ly beori tho Unitod Stata ts of c-. c..1;; ';- .~x p 1 . oV Cu-Lba (d) profermtCaS in. forco tlxc1usive- 1y bctwouCe r -ïs !iJbzuriiiz coun- trias ijstod in Arnaxcs E and F /;7.L thic ACr 'rwCilt,7. !'z supprrsi. scri dm prjfh' rinc;s uSnu7..M- rLlt; Ci-`F!r'z, ( CCJld;ll Lir.>n un'Jio;1tS. na d'[pnscont p !si-,s 1rniitur. f'ixj.s au pnIratgraph; 3 du- prr5s(:ant Articlo: (a) pr6;roriCos v "Uaur eX1US4Ve ..iCnt ontrc da'.i: ;) 1ip2us-Curs dus terr1't;C>rS Çnu:tr6 Ceà S 'Annexe A L du Ur;S; 1 Ccord/b sous r6ser- vc *J`so cnn*.I i.' u y surSt St.-t (b) pr @k;{{2r.çcS en Vuùar;Jlu Jusivo- ii.-nt Gantre i ,D: ou. J.u:i.UrS des tor.ri1tc1n1.r;s u111, ,-u 1cr ,juil1et 1°9~9> rcv 'aient, :d'un commune UVcnii1,t; '"i ~to'iea unis par dc, s dr Pr rtoçtorut ou de suZ ra. rî o t; qui sont '1iunLdrus dans l !s exes E>,C l D, JJ/u rrÇsc,.t i oc;rd/ s'E.s rt sa.rvc dEs coCndîtio(ins qui y s!ont stipul6cs; (c) prdf'i ! c r vis .uur ~xclusl- voinitciril; las Et:.t tts2IJs d'TA- mulridlua s u ;la r.publ de Cuba; ( d) pri'drahc;,s _n vibu.sur exclusive- mnt enra pays vois ir:s r.,numdr-s danins . .»r. t;- ; -t /ciu u-r6- sent 3. Thc orfin cf profeorcnco on any product in respect of which C pre- ference is pormnittod under para- graph 2 of this Article nnd which is not specifically [schcdulcd_7 sït forth as a ; iaxiriui: margin of proforance in tho a-propriate Schedule .annoxe:l1 to thijAr znt, shall not excced (a) in respect of any product doscribod in {a J such Schcdulc Zto this Agrec-,.^en/7, the diffcr=nce btwccn th - m.ost-favourod-na.tion arnd pre- ferential rates providxi for Lin such Schedul 7 therein, [providcA! that wher 7 if no prefrorntinl rate is provided for, th, prefecrcntia.l rate shall for tho Durposos of tils para- graph bc takon to bo that in force on Aprll 10, 1947, -and, .th7t where if no nost- favoured-nntion rate is provided" for, the iriargin shall not oxc,^ed the ;lifcronco bitwccn tho nost-favoured-nation and E/PC/T/21l 3 L /La mare de pré f6rence s'ap- pliquant à touftEn ce qui concerne les produits /bén6fician§_7qui hé- néficient d'une préféren.ce en vrertu du paragraphe 2 du present Article, L et quiJia marge de préférence, lorsqu'il nest pas expressément t indiqué comme étan§ -prévu une marge de préèférence maximum dans la liste correspondante jointe au pré- sent Accord,ne dépassera pas [7 (a) [en ce qui concerne l'un quel- conque des produits énumérés dans une liste t;rieaire jointe au présent ilcord7pour les pro - duits repris dans la liste sus- visée, lu différence entre le taux a2pl.qué aux parties contrao& tantes bénéficiailt du traitement de la nation la plus favorisée et le taux préférentiel [7prévj stipulés dans cette liste tari- fair/ ,' sous réserve que, lorsqu'il n'est pas prévu da si le taux préférentiel nest pastipulé, [ ie taux préféren- tiel sera, au sens7on considére- ra, aux fins d'applination du E/PC/T/211 Page 12 prefurential rats existing on April 10, 1947; (b) in respect of any product not described in the appropriate Schedule [s], the diî:Vfcrcnco between the nost-favourcd-nation and proforcntial rats existing on April 10, 19+7. In tho case of the contracting parties nan:od in Annax G, tho date of April 10, 194+? ra- f&rrod to in sub-p*rarrps (a) and (b) Cabovp.7 of this .aragrar shctll be replaced by the rospectivc dates £inc licatoe7 present paragraphe, £-considéré come étant/aue ce taux est celui qui était en vigueur la 10 avril 1947, et L que lorsqu'il nest pas prévu deJ si le taux 4ppliau6 aux parties contractantes bénéfi- ciant du triitiment de la nation la plus favorise rn'est as sti - pulé> la marge de e ne d passera pas la différence qui exiE tait le 1'` avril 1947 entre le tauxad-7Ap,2]1iccb1 à la nation la plus favorisée et le taux préfé- rentiel t-qui était en vigueur la 10 avril 194j., (b)Len ce qui concerne touf7pour les produits Lqui ne f igure pag7non repris dans jies7îa Iisters-t.ari faire7eo rresDondante. la diffé- rence qul. existu:Ab le 10 avril 1947 centre le tau'x do7a -lcable à la nation la -1us favorisée et le taux préférentiel Len vigueur le 10 avril 1947j En ce qui concerne les parties contractantes-qui sont -entionné6a énumérées à 1'Annéxe G, la date dulO avril 1947 cite dans ,les alinéas(a) et (b) du eprent parrpraph., sera remplacée par les dateszrespoctivaog7 respectivement i.ndiquées dansjladit.j E/Pc/'ra~ 1-~u13 Article II Sc;itdules os. ConcossiD is 1. jL) ,a.chl con.trac ti-ri p.r ty _sha.ll nc&ord to co i rcc ath oth;'r ,cDnt.r-t'ctinty unrtios no less vf our..bI h th .^.t hc ,rovie for i thac am)ronrinta Schodulc novice, to this Agroe C t. (b ,Excopt s.s providürl in para- srnPhi 2 of thi; Articlo thi7 h' :roduct3 d.escribocd in Pa.^rt I of the ôchcdu.le r=latir'; ta any c-fn- tractin, party, which arc thc products of /thc-7 ôt rritorTcf othr contrt:ctin, Px.rties sil1, on thoir ii:portat ;n into tho £.custoz.z7 tcrriùary to which th} Schco-tu1c rol-ttDs, arnd subict to the t aE. conditOiais or gunliica- tions -,t forth Iinthat Schc ulo, be fc:.; £ro..i arlinar- custoi;`s duties in oxcoss of thoso s;.t fDoth cette unnoxc. Arti cle 313 Listes des concessions 1.(a) Chaque dârtie canractante accordera aux autres parties contractantes _ en rmntièra com:- ciale, un traitemont qui ne sera pas moins tavoreble que celui qui est prévu §àJ dans la liste §appropri.ef cor rcsQndonte ca i est jointe au present Accord. (b) §Exception faite de., disposi- tions du paragraphe 8 du present article, le s m6rr çh,--ndisos clsign6es 7 Les products reprise Jea Partie I dc la listo /:tdrî^':iro / rolo- tive a PiJ - ne r qu-i conquer dosJ partie L-i coaUr r.a ntefsJ ct qui lcosJ sont dos p2iodiits du torri- toire dos autros patios contrac- tantos ne seSront L lors de 7pas soulmisd leur importatiari dans le territoire L io lT ann6(j.a auquol Se rappute /ia iuJ cotte lîsbo §exompts jt compete tonu dos E/PgC/To 214 Pagc 14 e:-id DrovidDd for L in such Scho'2luL;, subject te tho torms, conditions or qualific'.tions sct forth tharcin. Such products shall .lso be cxemit fronr a11 other duties or chcr>,,s of z-ny kini imposc or in conviction with iriportation in oxccos of thos: imposed on the date of this Agroünont or thoso directly a.nd r.andc-.torily required te bo ibposcol thurea;ftor by lcgïisl.tion in forcc irn the iïDorting terri- tory on that date. conditions ou clauses spéciales qui y sont stipulées, à des droits de douane §ordinaires excédant les droits indiqués et prévus dan¶ 2reprement dits plus élevés que ceux do cette liste r.; sous ré- serve des conditions ou modihca- tions qui y sont stipuléesj7 Du même, ces produits nc seront Légalemont exempts de tous_7 pas soumis à d' autres droits £et taxes_7 ou impositions de rquelquo que7 touted nature, que ce soit irnposés_7 perçus à ltimportation Qu à l'occasion de l'importation, §cxcdarnt les droits et taxesj7 aui seraient plus 6levés quo ceux quï étaient imposés à la date du present Accord, ou qyuc ceux qui, dirocteaanf7 et obligatoiro-iont,' imposables par la suite en vertu des loïsj de la legislation en vigueur à cetto date dans lo torri- to iro importatOur.,soraiont impos6é ultérieurement. E /P/T/911 Page 15 12] g). illO - products cdoscrbcd in Part !I of tLho. Sc'icdulo rc- latinc tJ .r contrc;cting party, which ariD thc prcoAuc ts of torritorios cn.titlc ud .er Cparegrai.hhs 2 arnd 3 17 Articl2 I £o this Agr!::onX/ to roèciva prefo-rüntîiî.. tr'c'n'EnWt; UpOll izportatioei intc thc /hCUstox.'7 territce,. Uc ,, >i.l~Lc {,! JLcAt1J.;11ç rolatcx-, Xshall, .: ' i:nportn- tion into suc1h «CulstoL,:L territory, §Ld sb i oc to t1ho terr c. onditiorLn c'r. gU1ificaticns sot forth in that Schdulc-, bo oxer.ipt fror.! o r.iniary c nstom s duties in ex.coss cf those sot forth and providû . for in Part II of such/ that Schodula subjectt to the ter::os, conditions or quallficntions scc forth therzi_/. Such products shali e1so be exci-mot f ron all othlr duties nind charges of any kind i!.iosd on or in connection with ii.rportation in excos of thoso irixuoscd on tha date of this . ,reement Or thosc diroctiy and uand.atcriiy required 1j (.> ) L e -L marchand1sci d6s'g~iles dans la IIèm.7 produits repris à la Partie Il dV la liste Lcari.fair-l'7 relative à /-17'7 une É-que1conqi1e de j partie s7 oontractanto Zs 7 et qui sont Jies_ des produits de torritoi-. res admi s /à L'r6f icierj7, conformé- ment à 1'artiùle lf, ae: b6ni;fice d>un traitement pi férentiel 1lors de Leur/ ?il? i:portation dans le cerri- §doua;-ier_7 auquel Cse rappo- te ladito/ cet li1Ue sorsp»re econforrimeznt au.x d.: , c.ut . s.. des paragraphes 2 et 3 do 1'ar- ticl.e I du prs ent Acccr7 ,--rot 'Os soumais îors de 1eur n.l'import tio. dans ce terrtQi.roire douaier _xempts des droits de d-c .n ordInxires excédant les droits indiqu6e et prdvus drin3 lal Ilèmeje st comLttenu des c.x1ditions ou clauses spAc!als i o:t btlpu- l6ees. a des drDits de n pror)re- ment dj.ts plus 61ev6s que Cux de la Partie II de cette liste -sous ruser- ve de . conditions et lnodifications qui y sont spDcifi esJ. : n^.ie, oc0 pro- duits ne eronit / egalement de tDus 7 se. ur sL ' d ' autrco d roi to E/PC/T/ 211 Page 16 to bce imposed thcronfter by l,;.isle.tion in forco in the~ îr.:-n )rtinr, tcrritcry on that Qc.t. rlothin:, in this Article sh^ll pravont inny co-ntr-c tini party fro2.. u.ia.intr'.ining its requirciieints existiïnE on th- date of this Agreci.,int as to the cliribility of roodp for entry at prufcrcritial rates of duty. /z7 2. ÇNothing in this Articlc shall prevent -rny contrs.cctinG party frorn inposinrg ot any ti.e on the inportation of any product (a) a charge Dauivalont to an et [ taxesJT impositions de £quelquj totlte nature [-que ce soit. impose perçus à l'im.portation ou à l'occasion de l'importation, / exc6dantn. les droits et taxeg7 et qui seraient plus dlevés eue ceux qui 6taient imposes à 1b date du present Accord, ou que ceux qui, comme consequence directe / mentJ_ et obligatoire /7ment impo- sables par 1a suite an vertu des loiÇ de la li'gis1ation en vigueur à cette date dans le territoire importateur. seraient imposs ultérieurement. Au- cune disposition, du present article n'empêchera une partie contractante de maintenir /sesJ les prescrip- tlons existant à la date du present Accord, àrelatîves l la détermina- tion des marchandises pouvant tre import6es àJ en ce qui concerne les conditions d'admission des roduits au bénéfice des taux pr6f 6rentiels. J-3J 2. Aucune disposition du pr6- sent article nrempchera une partie contractante /d'imposer, à une date quelconquesZ de Pcrcevoir, à tout moment, à l'importation J-do tou.s_ d'un produit ] Luelorique (a) une L taxes f imposition 6quiva- Internal téx ii:.poscd consistently with tho provisions of paraCrctph i cf Article III /of this Agreoc.ue', in respect Of tho lik.: domestic product or in prospect ,f =n article front which the ir.orted product has beon x.niufctureSd or produced in wholc or in part;' /orj7 (b) aniy anti-dunping or counter- vailing duty appl1od consistently with the provisions of Articlo VI ZrJf_/ this Agroor.~.n!/; £orJ (c) feos or othor chargc.s corensurato with thc cost of services rundcirod. Z.7 3_. No contractlrg party shall alter its rïethod of dlt-,Drr:ining dt.tiabla v .lue or of converting currencies so as to impair thc 'value of any of the concessions provided for in the appropriater Schedule annexrd to this Agrooment. E/ 1P/T/ 211 Pago 17 lente à une taxt;e i:itUrieure /-im- posde, ccnforr.Umnnit aux dispositionr7 frp)pant,_ .n conformïit_ du paragre- phe L1_ pr'rmiL-r dco l'article III /du present Accor7, Lau7T n-n produit national similaire ou Eà un article à partir duquel le product importé a 6t6 manufacturé çu product en totality 6 ou ;n xrbtiçc ou_ une rmarchandlis t-iZ.2nt ,e;ià la produc- tion ou . la fribricst.ion ein tct ou onatie. r l"1rticlc) imports; ()uu droit enti*dumping ou compensa- teur gEarpliquéi cDiiform6ment aux.J enconformité des dispositions de l'article VI L-du present Accord, ouj L (o)des Z taxcs_J rud,}vr-.nccbs ou autres droits proporticnnxils au coût des services £-fournis T re:ndus. 7 3.Aucunc. [-des7 partie /icon- trar4tante/:7 ne modifiera /j-a7 zes méthode Js_7 de détermination de la taleur /§impzos1c 7 e:n douane ou son mode de convo-sion des / devises monnaies, de façon /-telle que soit cormpromisj/ àamoindrir la valeur /de l'una qucl conqu;jc des concessions j-pr6vucs èj' rrises dans la lite /pertinent-/ corresnondante joiate eu présent ^ ccorde E/PC/T/211 Page 18 /q7 Li.. If any contracting party establishes, maintains or authorizes, formally or in effect, a monopoly of the importation of any product described in the appropriate Schedule anniexed to this Agreement, such monopoly shall not, except as provided for in 'thec7 that Schedule Or as otherwise agreed between the p'rtios £to the negotiations of_7 who initially negotiated the concession, operate so as to afford protection on the average in OXCESS of the amount of protection provided f or, in Csuch_7 tjhit Schedule. /Thisj The provisions of this paragraph shall not limi i tho use by contracting parties .of any forrm of assis- tance to donîcestic producers permitted by other provisions of this Agrcerrient. {É7 . If any contracting party considers that a pro- duc". is not roceiving from another contracting party the treatment which the first con- tracting party bQlieves to /L5 4. Si l'unu dcs puirlUos contrfic- tantes âtablit, maintient ou ,teise, en droit ou en fait, un monopole à l'importation du liun dùs products Lindiquds_7 repris dans la liste £ pertnentej corrspondante Jointe au present Accord, ce monopole n'aura pas pour effet, seuf disposition con- traire figurent dans /la_7 oette lis- te ou sauf L£s'il en a 6t6 ducid6 au- çremtr.t or.tre les paties à la al-,°- ciation dtJ si les Darties oui ont primitivement n6PociU la concession en conviennont autrement, d'assure.r Len moye.ïnej uno protection moyenne supçricuro à celle qui est nràvue à ldito,7 d7ns cette liste. / Lej Les di positions du present paregra- phe ne /1îimit rc lmiteron t pas le Ldroitj recourse des parties contrac- tantes E7de reczurir 7' à touted forme d'assistance Lton favEur dosj aux producteurs nationaux, eutoris"z par d'autres dispositions du present Accord,. fS/ 5r. /Ïi î'J Lorsgu' une LCdesj p;rt ie *-7S contractante 5s consîdèro7 estime qu'unz produit ddtermir ne bbndficie p93; de la rpnrt d'une autre partic contractante, du traitement Z7dont la pzi^_raière prrtiE contractante E/PC/T/ 211 Pa go 19 have boen contemplated by a concession Drovidcd for 5nder paragraph 1 of this Articles, in the apuro- priato Schudule annexod to this Agreement, it shall bring the matter dirs-ctly to the attention of the othor con- tracting party. If the 4.othcr contracting: party latter agrees that thç treat- ment contemplated w.s that claimed by the first con- tracting party, but declares that such treatment cannot be accorded because a court or other proper_ comoatent authority has ruled to the affect that the »roduet involved 15is not legally classifiabl-7 cannot be classifl-iod unclar the tariff laws of such contracting party so as to permit the troatinant Îadmnittc.dlZ7 con- templated Cat thc tinie Oe thce signature of_7 in this croit qu'il a été, envisagé par une concession stil)uleo au paragraph 1 du Irésent article 7 qu'elle croit découler d'unc concession reprise dans la list correspondante jointe au -présent Accord, elle rsoumettra la quostionj iïnt)rviendra directe- ment [ f l'attentionj7 cuprès de l'autre partie contractantc,, Si El'autre partic contractante con- vientJ cette dernière, tout en convanant que le traitement Fenvi- sag6 était celui que rovandique la prcmière partio contractento, mais qu'J revendiqué est bien celui qui était prévu, elle déclaro /qu'un tel_7 que ce traitement ne peut pas dtre accord parcel que une décision di u' tribunal ou d' une autro institution quelifï6e 7autorit6 com-P6tonte a rddcid6_7 rour eftot quo le product on question ne pout £Juridiquomc-nt-7 ôtro clessé, /-conforraiémont à 7 d'ajrès la legislation douanière de cette par- tio contractente, do faQon à §per- mettre leJ b6nrficier du treitement rdontj; il est /reconnu qu'il a 6té envisagé au moment de la signa- turc duj 7révu dans le présont E/PC/'T/211 Page 20 Agreement, the two contract- ing parties, together with any other contracting, parties [concarned] substantially interested, shall enter promptly into further negotiations with a view to a compensatory adjustment of the matter. 6.(a) {It is understood that the7 / h. specific duties and charges included in the Schedule relating to contract- inz parties which are_ menibors of tho International .:onetpry Fund are expressed in the appropriate currency at the par value accepted or provisionally recognized by the {Ir.tcrnational 14onetary7 Fund at the date of this Agreement. Accordinp17,r tIt is agreed thutj, in case this Dar value is reduced consistently wïth the Articles of Agreement cf the Inter- national Monetary Fund by more than 20 per cent, , thoj such specify c autipC -,-r?,^rp, ÀA.ccord, lus deux iertics contrac-- t9ntes r-en tcc tomps 7 ainsi que toutes autres parties contrec- oentes intéressées de f _qon substan- tiellco Pcntamerontj entreprendront au plus totade/S nouvolles n6gocia- tions P ulvôreouie aes7 on vue Pd.yar- river à un règlement parj -? 1o- chercher une compensation éouitable. 5. (aI) ,L7 est entendu que les_7 Les droits et Ptaxesj impositions spécifiques FPénunérôsj re7ris dans les listes relatives aux par- tirs contractantes members du inds monétaire international sont expri- rm6 s dans, 7la ls monnaies rcp- Propriée a la Parit6j7 reslpectives do ces patos1.u aj r eccoptd ou reconnu provisoïremont par le Fonds Pmonétaïre international à le date E((dc la signature)J du présent, Accord, En conséquence /I1 est convenu que_7, eu cas oà / cette pqs_:b47 Ce»air serait rGc2.uZ. t/ s concrmèmont aux Stctuts du Fonds monétaire international, rot où cotte reduction dépasseraig d Jlus de 2G 9J, l 's droits ou L t,5o 7 mv.-ositions E/PC/T/211 Page 21 may be adjusted to take account of such reduction [in the par value of the currency]; Provided that the CONTRACTING PARTIES concur that such adjust- ments will not impair the value of the coricozsioaà "rantedJ /7 roqviced foZ l.n the apDr QprIatq Schedule, due account being taken cf t1 f..rctors wiich may influ- nco the nood for, or urgoncr Ofe such adjustnwrits. (b'j Sirnilar provisions shal2 Cbu availabllej apply to any contracting party nzt a member of the 1j.ntar- national Monetaryj Fund _ as from the date on which su'h §pourrontJ ourraient &tre a jus- tés de rfniere 7 flcon à tenir compte de cette reduction /-do la parité de la m.zonnaie; sous réscrv-7 à la condition que les PARTIES CONTRACTAMiTES §s'accordont à dé- cla-rerj7 soient d'accord pour roconnat ro que ces ajuate"ntd Én'auront pas pour effet do liMi- ter_7 ne sont p)as suscoptibles d'amoindrir la valeur des conces- sions foctroyées-7 roprises dans la liste corrOee-ondanto, compte §dmcannt_7 tenu da tous les eao- tQurs qui /-Iourrontj pourraiont influer sur la n6cossité ou 1'ur- genco de ces ajustements. (b) PCcs dispositions similaïrea pourront être prises en faveur de toutej in cy qui concerne les parties contractentes qui 'nelstJ7 ne sont pas membres du Fonds fnon6,tairc inlteriationslJ, cos disrositions leur serontapplïcablen mutatis Mutandis à partir de la date à laqucelle /ccottaJ chhacun E/PC/T/ 211 Page 22 contracting party becomes a irembor of the Fund or enters iLito a spcci -l exchange agraoe.ient in pursuance of ArLc7iA XV £of t`e AgreemcntJ. 7. The Schedules annexed to this Agroonent arc leroby made ari înt gral part of Part I of this Agreomont. £cLJsp2rties cointruictarntos do- vicndra membre du Fornds ou conclure un accord sp6ciel do charngc confor- mtment 2ux disj'osi tions de 1'arti- clo XV. 7. L; s 1ist;, / * ^rit: fires onr.e- x6es7 Jioi1tes au present accord §dcdviennont par les présentes,7 font j ortio int6égruntu dc la ElèxceJ P:.rtic I /-du pr6sontJ de cet Accord.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee of the Tariff Agreement Committee. Protocol of Provisional Application of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/213 and E/PC/T/212-214/ADD.1.REV.1
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/213 22 September 1947 SECONb SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE OF THE TARIFF AGREEMENT COMMITTEE PROTOCOL OF PROVISIONAL APPLICATION OF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE Dx1T SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES RAPPORT DU COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION DU COMITE CHARGE DE L'EXAMEN DE L'ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIRES PROTOCOLE CONCE.RNANT L'APPLICATION PROVISOIRE DE L'ACCORD GENERAL. SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COMMERCE NATlONS UNIES Page 2- . The governments of the Commonwealth of Australia, the i:gEomc of Belgium (in respect uf the metropolitan territory), 7the Kigsdom fi the Netherlands (in respect of themretropolitan territory) and Luxembur]/ Canada, the French Republic (in respect cf the metropolitan territory), the Grand Duchy of Luxebhurg, the Kingocm of the Netherlands (in respect of the metropolitan terriocry), the United Kingdmr of Great Britain and Northern Ireln:d (in respect f; the metropolitan territory), and the United States ofAm.erica, undertake provided h'at this[fali of such o9venrments shalI have signe] Protocol shall have been signed on Les gouvernments du Common- wealth d 'Australie, [de] du Royaume de Belgique (en ce qui concerne [le] son territoire métropolitain), [ du Royaume des Pays-Bas (en ce qui concerne le territoire méropolitain) , du Luxerbourg, du Canada, de la République franraise (en ce qui concerna F[e son toeritoiroe métropolitain), du Grand-Duché de Luxenbourg, du Royaume des Pays-Bas (en ce qui concern son territoire métropolitain), du Royaume Uni de Grunde-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (en ce qui concerne [le] son territoire métropolitain), et des Etats-Unis s'engagent, à [la] condition que [tous les gouvernements E/PC/T/213 Page 3 E/PC/213 behalf of all the foregoing governments not later than November 15, 1947, to apply provisionally on and after January 1, 1948 (a) Parts I and Ill of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and (h) Part II of that Agreement to the fullest extent not inconsistent with existing legislation*. *The Legal Drafting Committee wishes to point out that in Article XXIX the wording adopted was "to the fullest extent of their executive authority", The Tariff Agreement Committee might wish to consider the adoption of the same wording in the Protocol. sus-mentionnés aient signé] le présent Protocole ait été signé au nom de tous les gouvernoments sus-mentionnés le 15 novembre 1947 au plus tard, à appliquer [provisoirement] à titre pro - visoire à [partir] dater du premier janvier 1948 [ inclusivoment]: (a) Les Parties I et III de l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce [et] (b) ot la Partie II de cot Accord, dans touto la mosure compatible avec la législation en vigueur. (2) Le Comité de Rédaction observe que la rédaction adoptée à 1'article XXIX étai t. "dans toute la mesure compatible avec les pouvoirs exécutifs dans ils disposent." Le Comité chargé de l'examen do 1'Accord général sur les tarifs voudra sans douta examiner s'il y a lieu d'adop- ter la même rédaction dans le Protocole. E/PC/T/213 Pago 4 2. The [above-named] foregoing governments shall make effective such provisional application of the General Agreement, in respect of any of their territories other than their metropolitan territories on or after January 1, 1948, upon the expiration ot thirty days from tho day on which notice for such application is received by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. 3. Any other government signatory [of] to this Protocol shall make effective such pro- visional application of the General Agreement, on or after January 1, 1948, upon the expiration of thirty days from the day of ! signature of this Protocol [by] on behalf of such government. 2. Les gouvernements sus-montion- nés [rendrent effective cotte appli- cation provisoire de] applicqerent à titro provisoire l'Accord général dans les conditions énoncéos ci- dossus on co qui concerne [tout] lours territoires autro que lour territoire métropolitain, à partir du promior janvior 1946, ou après cotto duto [inclusivement] à. l'expiration d'un délaï do tronte âours [après] à comptor de la date à laquolle le Sucrétaire géné- ra1[de l'Organisation] des Nations Unies aura reçu avis do [ladite application] lour décision d'ap- pliquor l' Accord à titre provisoire dans un ou plusieurs do ces terri- toires. 3. [Tout] Pour tout autre gouvernament signatairo du présent Protocole [rondra effective] l'application provisoïre de l'Accord général dans les conditions énoncées ci-dossus prendra offet à partir du premier janvior 1948 ou après cotto date [inclusivement] , à l'expiration d'un 4. This Protocol shall [be] remain open for signature [until June 30, 1948] at the Head- quarters of the United Nations, /Lake Success, New York] (a) until November 15, 1947, on behalf of any government named in para- graph 1 of this Protocol which has not signed it on this day, and (b) until June 30, 1948, on behalf of any other government signatory [of] to the Final Act adopted at the conclusion of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee [for] of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment which [shall not have signed this Protocol] has not signed it on this day. E/PC/T/213 Page 5 délai de trente jours [après] à comptr de la date [de la signatu- re du] à laquelle le présent Proto- cole aura été signé [par ledit] au nom de ce gouvernement. 4. [Le présent Prptpcp;s era cu- vert, jusqu'au 30 juin 1948, au Siège des Nations Unies, à Lake Success, New-York, à la signature de tout gouvernement signataire de l'Acte final adopté à la fin de la Deuxième session de la Commission préparatoire de la Conférence du Commerce et de l'Emploi de l'Organi- sation des Nations Unies, çui n'aura pas signé .le présent Protocole a la date de ce pour.] Le présent Protocols lestera ou- vert au siège des Nations Unies (a) jusqu'au 15 novembre 1947, à la signature des gouvernments énumé- rés au paragraphe premier du présent Protocole et qui n'ont pas signé ce Protocole la date de oe jour, (b) jusqu'au 30 juin 1948, à la E/PC/T/213 Page 6 5 Any government applying this Protocol shall be free to withdraw such application, and such wïth- drawal shall take effect upon the expiration [on] of sixty days['] from the day on which written notice of such withdrawal is received [to] by the Secretary- General of the United Nations. signature des autres gouvernements signataires de l'Acta final adopté à la fin de la D c Session de la Commission préparatoire de la Conference des Natioms U. f sur le Commerce et l'Ejl i et qui n'ont pas signé le présent Protocole à la date de ce jour, 5. Tout gouvarnement appliquant le présent Protocole sera libre de [cessar de l'appliquer] mettre fin à cette application [à condition d'on donner avis par écrit soixante jours à l'avance au Secrétaire gé- néral de l'Organisation des Nations Unies]et cette dénonciation pren- dra effet à l'expiration d'un délai de soixante jours à compter de la date [ ]à , laquelle le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies en aura regu notification par écrit. E/PC/T/213 Page 7 6. The original of this Protocol shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who will furnish certified copies thereof to all interested governments. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the respective Representatives, after having communicated their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have signed this protocol. DONE in a single copy, in the English and French languages, both texts authentic, at Geneva, this 1847 day of October, For 6, L'[exenlaire] original du présent Protocole sera déposé auprès du Secrétaire général [de l'Organisation] des Nations Unies, qui en fournira des copies certifiées conformes à tous les gouvernements intéressés. EN FOI DE QUOI les représen- tants [respectifs des pays sus- mentionnés] soussignés, après avoir communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs [, qui ont été] trouvés en bonne et due forme, ont signé le présent Protocole. FAIT à Genève, on [double] un seul exemplaire, en lengues française et [en] anglaise, les deux textes faisant égelement foi, [à Genève] le .. .. ... . ....................... . octobre mil neuf cent quarante sept. Pour (Signatures ) date of signature) date de la signature)
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee of the Tariff Agreemnt Committee on Part III of the General Agreement
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 19, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/209 and E/PC/T/196-209
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CON SE IL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/209 19 september 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIOM, UNIES. - 000 - REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE OF THE TARIFF AGREEMNT COMMITTEE ON PART III OF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT. RAPPORT DU COMITÈ JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION DU COMITE CHARGE DE L'EXAMEN DE L'ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS SUR LA PARTIE III DE L'ACCORD GENERAL. - 000 - E/PC/T/209 Page 2 PART III ARTICLE, XXIV Territorial Application - Frontier Traffic- Customs Unions 1. The. rights and obligations arising under this Agreement shall be deemed te be in force between each and every territory [,] which is a separate customs territory and in respect of which this Agree- -ment has been accepted under Article XXVI or is being [provi- sionally] applied under the Pro- tocol of Provïsional Application. 2. The Provisions of this Agree- ment shall not be construed to prevent (a) [Advantages] advantages accorded by any contracting party to adjacent countries in order to facilitate frontier traffic, (b) [The] the formation of a customs union or the adoption of an interior agreement necessary for the attainment of a customs union [,] Provided that the duties and other regulations of commerce im- posed by) or any margin of preference maintained by, any such union or agreement in respect of [IIIème] PARTIE IIT ARTICLZ XXIV Apjflicution territorial - Trario frontalier -Unions douanières. 1. Luc.. droits et obligations résul- tant du présent Accord seront consi- dérés come étant en vigueur entree tous les territoires qui constituents chacun un territoire douanier dis- tinct et pour lesquels le present Accord a été accepté conformément à l'Article XXVI, ou est Lprovisoi- ramentj/applioué an vertu du Pro- tocole d'ipplication provisoire. 2. Las dispositions du present Ac- cord na devront pas âtre interpré- tées comme faisant obstacle: (a) LA.ux avantages accordés27i 1'octroi, par una .-artiaJp&rtie ContractanLte, dtavantages à des pays limitrophes pour soailiter le trafic frontalier; /.ouj (b) à la formation dt unE union douanière ou à la conclusion dfun accord provisoire nécessaire LJ la formations. pour la-réalisation dtune LiielleJ union douanière sous /7ésprvee 7résorve dtune part que les droits de douane et autres règlernentaLtions des changes trade with other contracting parties shall not on the whole ,be higher or more stringent than the average level of the duties and regulations of commerce or margins [or] of preference applicable in the constituent territories prior to the formation of such union or the adoption oe such agree- ment [,]; and Provided fur- ther that any such interim agreement shall. include a definite plan and schedule for the attainment of such a customs union within a reasonable length of time. 3. .(a) Any contracting party proposing to enter into a customs union shall consult with the CONTRACTING PARTIES and shall E/PC/T/209 Page 3 commerciaux imposés par une union ou un accord de ce genre ou les marges de préférence maintenues [par une telle un'irn, ou un tel accord,] par de telles conventions, en ce oui concerne les relations avec les autres parties contractan- tes, ne soient pas, dans [1'] leur ensemble, plus élevés ou plus ri- goureux que ne l'étaient en moyen- ne les droits et les règlementa- tions applicables aux échanges com- merciaux ou les marge de préféren- ce en viguerr avant la formation de [I'union] cette union douanière ou la conclusion de [l'Accord] cet accord, datns les territoires /qui constituents constitutifs de l'union L7 et /sous reserve, en outre,7 d'autre part, que tout ac- cord provisoire de ce genre compor- te un planl et un programme précis [permettant] pour la formation] réalisLtion,'dians un délai raison- nable d'ur:e telle union douanière. 3. (a) Toute LPartie7purtie contrac- tante se proposant /d`'adhérer à-7 de faire nartie d'une union douaniè- re entrera en consultation avec les E/PC/T/209 Pace 4 make available to [the Contracting Parties ] them such information regarding the proposed union as will enable them to make such reports and recommendations to contracting parties as [it] may be deemed appropriate. (b) No contracting party shall institute or maintain any interim agreement under the pro- visions of [sub-] paragraph 2(b) of this A'rticle if, after a study of the plan and schedule proposed in such agreement, the CONTRACTING PARTIES find that such agreement is not likely to result in such a customs union within a reasonable length of time. (c) The plan or schedule shall not be substantially altered without consultation with the CONTRACTING PARTIES. PARTIES CONTRACTANTES et leur pro- curera, concernant l'union projetée, tous les renseignements qui [lui] leur parmettront d'adresser aux toutes recommendations et rapports voulus aux [Parties] parties catrac- tantes [Les recommandations et les rapports qu'elle jugera. (b) Auculla /Partie] partie con- tractante ne /devrâ mettre ou mai.i- tenir/ muttra ou ne mlaintiendra en vigueur un accord provisoire conformément aux dispositions du paragraphe 2 (b) du present arti- cle si, après avoir étudié le plan et L proÇ-ram11me s5oumis à cette fin j7proposées dans l'accord,les PARTIMS CONTRACTANTES § écident qu'un tel] ne ju..nient cas cet accord Ln'Ost pas/ susceptible d'abotir, dans un délai raisonrnablo, à la formation Ld'une telleJ de l'urÉon douanièra j projetée. (c) Le'plan et le programcrie ne pourront pas être maodifiés de fa- çon sensible, sans consultatin [préalable] des PARTIES Contrac- tantes. 4. For the purpose of this Article a customs territory shall be understood to mean any territory [ within ] with respcc, t to wh:LÇA Sup arate tari'fs or o h roglations of co«.mcrc o .?rc itaintainod with resp^t to , for a SLlubS:?ki l t l:t; no t e Itrade o.î such terrii;erY \Ïith other tsrat't;fl.i _- r " / custolns uniio nl /''/1 <':.aP.L bu2 lu :dc r»- stootd to r our th; subtution o:' fi sCI. u c. s w Lerr. i D ril for two or 1: -.; cLstom: tar.ff.s and other rostrict:ive regulations of comnuurce 1as botwool the oL' meinbers of' the union are sub- stantially elin. nalntcd and substantially tihe snrçie tariffs and othûr regulations ofi comme:cC are applied by cnach oî thr- racabers -I' thC ui to tho traclo of territories not included in the wui on. E ,/ PO T/ 2 09 4, Aut;x fins d'alppliciation du présont article on entend /,ussiJ par "ter- ritoire douanier" L7 tout terri- ceire tdaiis la limited duquel lesj nour lonely do; tarifs douaniers distincts ou :é applicables aux dximnoes ommrciaux sont mainttonwUS. h li gard /-d'ue7 ___ re :!'' DieS pour un_ *z - .-> 'tun.We] g ubLtarn U _ ' o { du co.,ubze du ta;r.ritoi7e en ques- tien. §La tUcjvmû_ ./Onunî, r unionn c1OuIelniî& Y't .'. en ;Ucnrd de luz f usion en 7 -.e ;; .bsttnion d`un seunl L;lr,"'éitciv e unn;,Jit'. L unique d_7 à dCeu.,. ou plu3iuurs> ,cer:itoiros douaniers, de t, s.lç eortc; qui tous leu ta.-i2 Souni`SX ot, autres r§glom nJltrt;ions restrciativos des écihanges eonmercie':x entre les ter- ritoir'35 dùs !nuubrc dci I'unicn soient ,/sup imés dens une large mesure 7 dliwlir's d 'un; inon subs- tar1t.elI : >: ,u, cçu, de la tarnre m des turif'3 - auts rég)em!cntutiorlu sensiblemc.oit iJdenitiquos soiclit E/PC/T/209 Page 6 Taking into account the exceptional circumstances arising out of the establish- ment of india and Pakistan as independent states and recognizing the fact that they have long constituted an economic unit, the contracting parties agree that the pro- visions cf this Agreement shall nor prevent the two countries from entering into special arrangoinrnts with respect to the trade between them, pending the establishment of their mutual trade relations on a definitive basis. [5.] 6.Each contracting party shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to [ ensure ] assure ob- servance of the provisions of this Agreement by the regional and local governments and authorities within its territory. u"pJcué.as ~,)ar cilucun des membres de i'union, /auD. changes commer- c ieux] ;u_commierce avec §desj les territoir'',s, non fris dans celle 7/sJ -c 5. Tenant ccnmute des circonstances exc entionnelles qui résultent de la constituciun de l'Inde et du Pakis- tan en E2tate 1 endants et recon- naissant que ces deux Etats ont for- rm,é ,endant lorivtemps une unité éco- noraue, l. partiess contractantes convielennt que les dispositions du nrerése:t .-cc.J ri:n emnoi-chenrt pas ces deux prs doe cunolure des accords particuliuris concernant leur commer- c3 mutluel, en tittondant que leurs :elatioris comm,.ierciales réciproques soient ézablies définitivement. l5 7 6. Crnctqlue /Partiej partie contract -l.te prendra L lesJ routes measures Lrai-onrnbles aui sontJ en son pouvol: pour que les autori- -l;és y^u. erewnentales ou administiàa- tiVOS: r1Oi0.lJ Les et locales, Ldes te:rsrito il`r'c i d_ son territoire Lui ddperk;nt dFllesJ observent ls dispositions du present Accord0 Page 7 Article XXV ic Xe T Yion by y4>i' -the Contractiri y L Ation Lconicer te,7 c olctive p'arte..s. des Part-ies contraotante-, lo Repr(-sontatiîves f th- 1. Les représentants des §?artiesJ/ parties s1zball i-ieet from time to time parties contraetan'cs §ae "' for the rvxrpose of giving effect réuniront priodieuomoi,.t j avec to tlesu ~rov:iions of this sion_7 afin daasurer l'e;écution Agreue.tet ;fl- .ch involve joint action des d.spositJ.Ols du rJs:;X. .«ccord anci, i. -.rJly witn a view tc qui cormpor;ent une C; tC. /-OLUIl 7 f t.ib'li) ,he operation and ooilootive, et, d une idan:. C1C flé- furthe:in>i: i.he obcctivcs of this ralel de faciliter daulication du AgreeIne1It>" '>JhutSrevr Croference is préseiit Lccc)rd et de: Le:ri. -;-re dTat- i:ade elzcwse.> r.- Ln tlLis Agreement tciinare sc:- ODbjtCstifs! t1.utces li.; to f joint actiOL uyj the con- fois qu'il / Ser'. qu.esCic} T . tracting rart-i cs act n q _nLn aitv n.erition cl.s Uk . . , pu- *they area 1 :e:itified for conven- tiej dxC >p?.v i;eccrd once, digii -:t e-sd as the /d'une ac. Ûo 0e1S 9pai- ,OCO.NTRACÎIid Pî IvS ties r.ont:vctantes u ssandCCiLVC XivUmclt >'.eo se:rocnt dJi.Cntécs /pour plus de uo!ucdi.é 7 sous lu -nora de , : PLtrtcs (o ntrL ac nJez" jA - ~~~~~~~~PA^ T I23S C ON\TRi !.C?' N1 F' 3. 2, The JG cretiary-General of the 2. Le Socr6taire J ii n éral Oes riati s Uijited Ntt i.c,,s is L"eerebv7 reauest- Unics est invité i>ar l , pLV- ed t: ccxvcnrl tbhei first meeting of sJines 7 À COIvQO rla prc::13.u r- t;e -CONTR.''TING PTARTIL:',S which sha-llreulion des / . irtios .Co ritu iates take *e1o not lartcr than March PRTI IS COi1TPAACTS'iC<lî,' qui. ce tiendd. j;l 92,, au ilus tardy le 1e-,r :u M .L9d35 3. E;ach cor:; party shall be 3. Chiaque j ?Pntic .nt i cerlL'L\e- entittled to have one vote at all tante /<u-a le dr:>J.% du dis, or 7 E/PC/T/209 Page 8 meetings of the CONTRACTING PARTIES. 4. Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement. decisions of the CONTRACTING PARTIES shall be taken by a majority of the contracting parties present and voting. 5. In exceptional circumstances not eîscu:here .-rovided for in this ^.>r'eiaent, the CONTRACTING P^'TIES imLty w.ive an obligation imposed ul on a contracting party by this îÉgree.ent; Provided th:i.i; any such decision shall be a'!nrovd bz 1a two-4hirds os> byt Qha Lo&l DraftinM CorvLttçcp,- The Legal Drafting Cermnittae desires to call the attention eof the Tariff Agree- ~nent ._n\;toe to the fact that the formula ;'a majority of the co±trntinn parties present and votin,' woiild è4clude postal, If itis intended to r ilï 1, the possibility of nos tnl voting, the formula shlulci be changed to "majority of the votes castle" , as in pir:lryLaptIh 5. disnose d'une §votej7 voi,- à Z chacune 7os toutus lus rdulli orns dos §Partics contr : ctantc sJ PS.T ES C oewRlcTzLÔTN'rE.| 4. Sauf dispositions contraircs du pr6sunt !'cdord, lus cI6ciri.ons dûs §P;ar ti e s con tract.ntes P.RRTL'IS OONl'2'*CT 9111 S scront j.J :L,.;os h la rni jjor it d es 2Parties 7 trti cs contra-,ctanùcs prsoxos et parrti- cipant au votc. 5. Dans les circonstancci exrt;ion- nulles nonj/ aucrul; auc ^ll;;u cui son4t pré6vu00 Par dlu 'aatûc; §dis- positionsj articles ciau iresoint Lc- cord, 1ls rPariîes contrnctantosj P 2TIELS Cpr2CT:'¶ÉS .ourron't §-disponsorj relecvur unc §-Partic_ part ;: contractantc d*una Ul obligation r Noto du ComniJ,, de Rédaction. - Le Comi-t :;--du -R 7 i c tf0-i-&r a t ,on- tion du Coinitf chvarZ, doe l' cxaraen do 1 'Accord sur les '2arifs douaniers sur ce fait que les tcrL:cs "miaorité' dos parties contr':.C tantos prâsuntcs et DUrticimunz au .ote" L.LlurUnt à 1'alinéa 4 du préscnt article cx-- cluont le votc par orrcnp'.snd:.rco Si l 'on veut admetire Cutt-j DozLz-- bîlitQ, il f'e.udrait adapitr les termes ":ajoritd ddcs votù- e::prim(s" léui ài2urenJ 5 l. E/PC/T/209 Page 9 majority of the votes cast and that such majority shall comprise more than half of the contracting partiies. The CONTRACTING PARTIES may also by such a vote (a) define certain categories o exceptional circumstances to which other voting requirements shall apply for the waiver of obligations, and (b) proscribe such criteria as may be necessary for the application of this paragraph. qui lui est irllposéc par le présent 'cc:ord /- à condition que outcOj7 2 la condition qu'une telle décision L de cette nature] soit lapprouvüe7 sanctionnée par une majority des doux tiers dos votos fexprim7lésj 6éis et aue cette ràjoriti comprenne plus do la raoitié des § Particsj p riiies contrac- tantos. Par un vo, siEilaire Les Parties s c ontrac tanto sJ l7 u P2.RTIES CO:TRACTJLITES pourront §aussia7 (a) §définir 7 cor- taines catée;orcos de circonstances exceptionnclles §-duns lesquellesj au.-xQucles d'autres conditions do vote seront §requisesj7 auDlicables pour §disporsor_j rubver trnc EPartio, 2artio contractante de l'une ou de plusicurs de ses obli- gations; (b) / 6ta.blirJ Proscrire los critbroa niècossairos à 1'Y-pplioa- tion du présont paragrupho. E/PC/T/209 Pare 10 ARTICLE XXVI Acceptance, Entry into Force and Registration /./ i. The present Agreement shall bear the date of the signature of the Final Act adopted at the con- clusion of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee /for/ of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment and shall be open to acceptance by any government signatory to the Final Act. 2. /The original of this/ This Agreement, done in [the] a single English original and in a single French / [Ianguages] original, /each in single copy.] both texts authentic, shall be deppsited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall furnish certified copies thereof to all interested governments. 3. Each government accepting e ?IcTICE LÉVI /;dhdsion7 :.ccc7t&tion Entrr' en vigueur et Enrenistrc-ernt. 1. Le prds>;nt Accord portGro la date de 1v signature de lTActa fi- nal adopt à lu fin de la Deuxième Session du la: Comrniszion Prépare- toirù de lu Conférence Lu7 des Nations Uni. s sur le Commerce et /ta7 l'Emp,2 oi /de 1'orgenis,-tion des Nitionu Unii~ ut serr ouvert à il'/dhdsioj7acoeet-tîon de tous les ,ouverien::sito Si 1a taires de l'Acte finch . 2, El;7oridini.l dj/ Le L resnt Accord, 6taLhLi /-,ii frcLnçLis et en ancîki>7 r. un eCxmpO c ire en league frLnç ise et un oxqiDla.irq un lan- g.ue_ nr- iss Lun un uscul uxumploire/ lus deux t f-iy faisaint é»lurLnt foi, sera déposé nuprès du Secré- taire 6nr d d e O I Organrisutiod7 des Nations Uniris, qui ùn trans- mettrn dus cc)ias certifies con- formes à tous .-s GouvrrnemEnts intéeressés, 3. Chaque s.ouvernemunn qui /donne this Agreement shall deposit an instrument of acceptance with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who will inform all interested governments of the date of deposit of each instrument of acceptance and of the [date] day on which this Agreement enters into force under paragraph 5 of this Article. 4. Each government acceptïng this Agreement does so in respect of its metropolitan territories and of the other territories for which it has international responsibility;, Provided that it may at the time of acceptance declare that any separatee customs territory for which it hns international responsibility'possesses full autonomy in the conduct of its external relations ,and of tho other matters provided for /by/ in, this Agreement, and that it -accoptance doos not relate to such territory; .nd Provided further that if any of the customs territories on behalf of which a contracting E./IC/T/209 Pae 1' son adhesion suJ accepted le present accord uet3vru7 déposera un' instru- ment d'/adh6:,ioj acceptrtion auprès d"l 2- r.tix £±.i6ral des Nations Unies qui informera tous les gou- verhements intéressés du jour du dépôt de chaque instrument d;Ludhé- sion7 1ccc.nt7ion et du jour auquel le présent Accord ontrera en vigueur aux termes du pcrL.he 5 du pré sent article. 4. Chaque gouverneaent gui Ldonne son adh6sior. au accepted le pré- sent Accord laeccootâ /à l'gard dJ cour son territoivre l m6tropoli- tain et Ldi.L' uL tes tatres torri- toires qu'i]. rcpr 4uentu sur le pln international. Toutefois, ce gou- vernement pourra, au rnomrcnt do son ccoeptati4Lo, dècltier /guc tout ter- ritoirc7 _Au'un ou plusieurs terri- toires douciniers distincts qu'il représunte sur le plrn 1 Iinternctio- nal jo'3isuL ? :'kic-e auto- nomie d.ns lia cojidu.i te de Lce.e7 leurs relations comex-rcles cX- térieuras et /dasri;7 1our las au. tres questions cri Svues pfr7 trai- t6es dlans le piésent bAcord, et que --. A E/PC/ T/209 Page 12 party has accepted this Agreement possesses or acquires full autonomny in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for [by] in this Agreement, such a territory shall, upon sponsorship through a declaration by the responsible contracting party establishing the above-mentioned facts be deemed to be a contracting party, son. acceptation ne [concerne] s'é- tend pas ledit7 à ces territoires En outre, si l'un des terri- toires douE.niers £au nom duque7 pour lequel une partie contrectante a sccepté le present Accord jouit d'une entière autonomic dans la conduite de scs relations commer- ciales extérieures et £de-n_7 pour t:s autrECs questions /révues7 trai- téeE dans le présent XAccord /7 ou acquiert cette autonomie, ce terri- toire sera considéré comme une per- tie corntrcct:nto sur préscnt ,Ltion de la pertiu coritractante resyrorse- ble qui étoblire les faits susvisés par une décloration. /5. Le prrésent Accord untrera en vigueur encr', l*,s 2ouvoerrements qui l'uront acce)pté la trentième jour qui suivra lu d àae h laquellû les instruments d' t fésion auront été dépos6s auprès du Secrétaire gén6ral des Nations Unieis, &u nom des gou- verrernents signataires dont les ter- ritoires contribuent ensemble à concurren;ce die 85 % Ï.u total des échanges ^ :.trc .les ter- ritoires des Louv(ernem:ents signe- E/PC/T/209 Page 13 taires de l'Acte final, adopt à la fin de le deuxiènio session de la Commission préparatoire de la Con- fé'rence de, Commerce et de l'Emploi, suivant ca qui est établi à l'annexe G. L'instruiaont dIadhésion de cha- cun des autres gouvernements signa- taires de l'Acte final prendra effect le trentième jour qui suivra la date du dépôt de cet instruments Toutefois, cette entrée en vigueur n'aura lieu qu'après la conclusion de tout accord nécessaire en vertu des dispositions du paragraphe 2 de l'Article XIX.] 5, (a) This Agreement shall enter into force, as among the govern- ments which have accepted it, on the thirtieth day following the day on which instruments of acceptance have been deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations on behalf of [signatory] governments signatory to the Final Act the territories of which account for [85%] eighty five per cent of the total external trade of the territories of the [governmentss signatory of] 5 . (a) Le présent Accord entrera en vigueur, entre los gouvernements qui l'auront accep-é, le trentième, jour qui suivra celui où le Secré- taire général des Nations Unies aura reçu les instruments d'accep- tation de gouvernements signataires de l'Acte final. dont les territoires représentent quatre-vingt cinq pour cent du commerce extérieur global Ces territoires des signataires de l'Acte final adopté à la fin de la deuxième session de la Commission E/PC/T/209 Page 14 signatories to the Final Act adopted at the conclusion of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee [for] of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment [ , ] . [as set forth in Annex G.] Such per- centage shall be determined in accordance with the table set forth in Annex H. The instrument of acceptance of each other government signatory to the Fiinal Act shall take effect on the [30th] thirtieth day following the day on which such instrument [was] is deposited [;] . (b) [Provided that no such entry] Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph this Agreement shall not enter into force [shall take place] until any agreement necessary under the pro- visions of paragraph 2(a) of Article XXIX has been reached. 6. The United Nations is authorized to effect registration of this Agreement as soon as it [comes] enters into force. préparatoire de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et 1 'Emploi. Ce pourcentage sera calculé d'après le tableau figurant à l'annexe H. L'instrument d'accep- tation de chacun des autres gou- vernements signataires de l'Acte final prendre effet le trentième jour qui suivra la date du dépôt de cet instrument. (b) Nonobstant les dispositions de l'alinéa (a) du présent paragra- phe, le present Accord n'entrera pas en vigueur avant que ne soit réalisé l'accord qui pourrait être nécessaire en vertu des disposi- tions du parag;raphe 2 (a) de 1'Ar- ticle XXI-X. 6. [L1Organis tion des] Les Nations Unies [est] sont autorisées à [pro- céder] effectuer l'enregistrement du présent "Accord dès [que celui- ci entrera] son entrée en vigueur. Article XXVII Withholding [of] or With- drawal of [ Benefits ] Concessions Any contracting party shall at any time be free to withhold or to withdraw [,_] in whole or in part [,_] any con- cession, [ granted_] set forth [under ] [paragraph 1 of Article II], the appropriate Schedule annexed to this Agreement in respect of which such contracting party determines that it was initially negotiated with a government whch has not become . or has ceased to be, a contracting party [ ,_] . [ provided that the_] The contracting party taking such action shall give notice to all other contracting parties and, upon requests consult with [such of_] the [ other_] contracting parties which have a substantial ïnterest in the product concerned. E/PC/T/209 Page 15 Article XXVII Suspension ou retrait des [avantages] concessions. Toute partie contractante [se- ra libre] aura, à tout moment, la faculty de suspendre ou de retirer, en tout ou en partie, une conces- sion / accordée on application du paragraphe 1 de l'article II, si elle considère] reprise dans la liste correspondante jointe au present Accord , motif pris que cette concession a été négociée [initialament] primitivement avec un Gouvanement qui [ n'a ] nest pas / par la suite donné son adhesion à l'iAccord-7 devenu partie contractint6 qu gui a cessé de l'être. Lou qui a retire cette adhesion, sous reserve que lai La purtie contractante qui prendra cette .mesure nri inforr..ero tout-es ls autres parti s contractantes et consultera, si elle y est in- vitée [celles des autres] les parties contractantes qui [-ont un intérêt important dans le com- merce duj sont intvéressées de fa- an_ substantielle au produit en cause . E/PC/T/209 Page 15 Article XXVIII Modification of Schedules 1. On or after January 1, 1951, any contracting party may. by negotiation and agreement with any other contracting party with which such treatment was initially negotiated., and subject to consultation with [ the_] such other contracting parties [ which_] as the CONTRACTING PARTIES determine to have a substantial interest in such treatment, modify, or cease to apply, the treatment which it has agreed to accord under [Paragraph I of_] Article Il to any product described in the appropriate Schedule annexed to this Agreement. In [ Such] such negotiations and agreement, which may include provision for compensatory adjustment with respect to other products [.,], [In such negotiations the contracting parties concerned shall endeavour to maintain a general level of reciprocal and mutually advant- ageouls concessions not less Modification des Listes. 1. As partir du ler janvier 1951, touted partie contractante pourra, par voie de négociation et d'ac- cord, avec toute autre partie con- tractante avec laquelle un traite- ment de ce genre a été négocié ini- tialement, et sous reserve de con- sulter les autres parties contrac- tantes que les parties contractan- tes désigneraient comme ayant un intérêt substantiel dans ce trai- tement, modifier ou cesser d'appli- quer, le traitement qu'elle avait consenti à accorder en vertu du paragraphe 1 de l'Article Il ù un produit quelconque figurant dans la liste correspondante annexée au présent Accord. Ces négociations et accord pourront contenir des dispositions prIvoyant des ajuste- ments compensateurs en ce qui con- oerne d'autres produits. Au cours de ces négociations, les parties montrae tentes intéressées s'effor- ceront de conserver un niveau géné- ral de concessions réciproques et mutuellement avantageuses qui ne E/PC/T/209 Page 17 favourable to trade than. that soient pas moins favorables au com- provided for in the present merce que celui prévu dans le pré- Agreement. sent Accord.] 1. A partir du ler janvier 1951, touted parties contractante pourra mo- difier ou cesser d'appliquer le traitement qu'elle avait consent ern vertu [du paragraphe1] de l'article Il à un produit repris dans la liste cor- respondantç , annexée au present Ac- cord, Pour ce faire, elle entreru en négociation, en vue d'aboutir à un accord, avec la partie ccontrac- tante avec laquelle ce traitement aurait été négocié primitiverent, et elle consultera les autres par- ties contractantes dont l'intèrât sûbstantiel dans ce traitement sa- irait reconnu par les PARTIES CONTRAC- TANTIS. Au cours de ces négociations et dmans cet accord, qui pourront prévoir des compensations portant sur d'autres produits, les parties con- tractantes intéressées s'efforaeront de aaintenir les concessions accor- d6es, sur Une base de réciprocité et d'avantages Lutuels, à un niveau E/PC/T/209 Page 1l 2. (a) If agreement betiween the contracting parties primarily concorned cannot be reached, the contracting party which proposes to /-take the action_] modify or cease to apply such treatment shall, nevertheless, be free to do so, and if such action is taken, tho contracting party with which such treatment was initially negotiated and [ such ] the other contracting parties [ as have been ] determined under paragraph 1 of this Article to have a substantial interest, shall then be free, not later than six months after such action is taken, to withdraw, upon the expiration of thirty days from the day on which written notice of such with- drawal is received by tho CONTRACTINTG PARTIES, [ such_] substantially equivalent conces- sions g as have been] initially negotiated with the contracting party taking such action. non r,.oins favorable au commerce que celui qui est fixé dans le present Accord. [ 2, (a) Si les parties contracten- tes principalement intéressées ne peuvent ;boutir à un accord, rion n'empêchera la partie contractante, si elle le désire, de prendre ses mesures. Dans ce cus, il sero loi- sible à l:i parties contractante avec laquelle un traitement de ce genre avait Ztt negocie initialement ainsi qu'à toutes autres parties contractantes que l'on juge, aux ternes du paragraphe l du present article, avoir un intiret substan- tiel, de retire!r, dans un ds1ai de six mais a coràpter de l'applica- tion de ces u.uS es et après un préavis de trente jours adresse aux parties contractantes, les con- cessions sensiblement équiIvalentes qui avaient &té nôgociées in! tia- lenent avec la parties contractante qui prend ces utcsures.] 2. (a) Si les parties contractan- tes princirpcllec-ent inturûssa' ne peuvent aboutir à un accord, la partie contra ctante qui desire modifier ou cesser d'appliquer le E/PC/T/209 Page 19 traitement sus-visé aura la facul- té de le faire. Dans ce cas, la partie contractante avec laquelle ce traiteraent aurait éte- négocié pri- ntit. vernent ainsi que les autres parties contractantes dont l inté- rêt substantiel aura été reconnu aux tern:es du Bragraphe premier du present article, auront le droit de retirer, dans un dolai de six mois à copter de l'application de ces nesures et trente ours après ré- ception par les PARTIES CONTRAC- TANTES d'un ,prdavis par ecrit, des concessions sensiblerunt équivalen- tes qui auraient" ét négociés pri- .litivement avec la partie contrac- tante qui a pris ces r..esures. 2. (b) I f agreement between the contracting parties primarily conecrnc;d is rcachcd but any other contracting party deter- mined under paragraph 1 of this Article to have a substantial interest is not satisfied, such other contracting party shall be free, not later than si.x months after action unde-r such agreement is taken, to withdraw upon the expiration of thirty [2. (b) Si les parties contractan- tes principalement intéressées ont abouti à un accord, mais que l'une quelconque des autres parties con- tractantes que l'on juge aux ter- .mes du paragraphe l du présent Arti- cle avoir un intérêt substantiel, ne soit pas satisfaite, il sera loisi- ble à cette autre partie contractan- te de retirer, dans un délai de six m..ois à copter de l'aDplication de cet accord, et après un préavis E/PC/T/209 Page 20 days from the day on which written notice of such with- drawal is received by the CONTRACTING PARTIES, [ such_] substantially equivalent concessions [ as have been] initially negotiated with a contracting party taking action under such agreement. de trente jeurs adrssé aux parties contractante qui concessions sen- sibleament equivalentes qui avaient été négociées initialement avec une partie contrr-icùtrnlto qui prcnd ces aeesurces on vertu dudit a ccord.] 2. (b) Si les partiiecs contractantes principalerment intdl-ess 'es ont abou- ti à un accord qui ne donne pas sa- tisfaction d . une autre 1:rtie con- tract ante donit 31 'intret substantiel aurait étC reconnu aux terraes du pa- r-1rrphe Hrenzier du p. ss nt article, cette dernière aura le droit de re- tirer, dans un d1 lai de six mois à corpster du l'application des resures pr -vues ar ct 1_tcùord et trente ours après réception par les PARTIES CONTRACTANTES o'aun préavis écrit, des concessions sensiblunr .nt dquiva- lentes qui a'ar-ir.îenl négociées primitivement avec la partie contrac- tante qui a pris ces :..,urn on ver- tu dudit accord. Article XXIX ["}Relations of this Agrement International Trade Organizationa["] 1. The contracting Parties, recognizing that the objectives [laid down to] set forth in the Preamble of this Agreement [,] can best be attained through the adoption_ by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employ- ment_ of a Charter leading to the creation [for an International Trade Organization, thereby] of [such] an International Trade Organization, undertake, pending their acceptance of such a Charter in accordance with their constitutional procedures, to ob- serve to the fullest extent of their executive authority the general principles of the Draft Charter submitted to the Conference by the Preparatory Committee. E/PC/T/209 Page 21 Article XXIX ["] Rapport du présent Accord avec la Charte /d'une ]de l'orga- nisation Internations du Chartar [1. Les Parties contractantes, re- connaissant que le meilleur moyen d'atteindre les objectifs dénonoés dans le Préambule du présent Accord réside dans l'adoption, par la Con- ference du Commrce et de l'Emploi de l'Organization des Nations Unies, de la Charts d'une organisation International du Commerce, en vertu de laquelle une telle organisation serait créée, s 'engaigent, en atten- dant d'accepter une Charte confor- mément à leur procédure constitu- tionnelle, à observer, dans toute Ia mesure compatible avec les pou- voirs exécutifs dont ils disposant, les principes généraux contenus dans le projet de Charte présente à la Conférence par la Commission prépa- ratoire.] 1. Reconnaissant que lu meilleur moyen d'atteindre les object énoncés dans le préambule du present accord résident dans l'adoption, par la Conférence des Nations Unies sur Ia Commerce et l'Emploi, d'une E/PC/T/209 Page 22 Charte portant création d'une Orga- nisation Internationalé du Commerce, les parties contractantes s'engagen à observer, dans toute la measure compatible avec les pouvoirs exécu- tifs dont elles disposent, les prin- cipas généraux énonoés dans le pro- jet de Charte présenté à la Confé- rence par la Commission préparatoire jusqu'au moment où elles auront accepté cette Charte suivant leurs règles constitutionnelles. [2 . Le jour de l'entrée en viguour de la Charte de l'Organisation Inter national du Commerce, l'application de la Partie Il du présent Accord sara suspendue et remplacée par les dispositions correspondantes de la Charter, étant entendu que, dans un délai do soixante jours à partir de la fin de la Conférence du Commerce et de l'Emploi de l'Orga- nisation des Nations Unies, il sera loisible à toute partie contractante au présent Accord de saisir les au- tres parties contractantes des objec- tions qu'elle formule contre la sus- pension et le remplacement de l' ap- plication d'une ou de plusieurs dis- positions du présent Accord. 3. Dans les 60 jours qui suivront la date limite apris laquelle les objections ne seront plus recevables, les Parties contractantes devront, si elles ont été saisies d'une ob- jection de ce genre, se réunir afin d'étudier ladite objection et de décider s'il y 'a lieu d'appliquer les dispositions pertinentes de la Charte, S Q pal cette objection, ou s'il convient d'appliquer la dis- position correspondante de l'Accord genéral, soit dans sa forme actuelle, soit après l'avoir modifiée. Les Parties contractantes conviendront du transfert de leurs attributions à l'Organisation Internationale du Commerce, conformément à l'article XXV ] 2.(a) On the day on which the Charter of the International Trade Organization enters into force, Article I and Part II of this Agreement shall be suspended and superseded by the corres- ponding provisions of the Charter [. ] Provided that within sixty days of the closing of the United Nations Conference 2. (a) A la date de l'entrée en vigueur de la Charte de l'Organisa- tion Internationale Commerce, l'appli cation. da l'article premier de la Partie II du présent Accord sera suspendue et [ses] leurs dis-- positions serent remplacées par les clauses correspondantes de la Charte, étant entendu que, dans un délai de soixante jours à partir de la fin de E/PC/T/209 Page 24 on Trade and Employment any con- tracting party [to this Agreement] may lodge with the CONTRACTING PARTIES an objection to any pro- vision or provisions of this Agreement being so suspended and superseded [.]. in such case the contracting parties shall [3.] within sixty days after the final date for the lodging of objections, [the contracting parties shall if any such objection has been lodged,] confer to consider the objection and to agree whether the [relevant] provisions of the Charter to which objection has been lodged, [shall apply],or [whether] the [relative] corresponding provisions of this Agreement in its existing form [,] or any amended form, [should] shall apply. (b) The contracting parties will also agree concerning the transfer to the International Trade Organization of their functions under Article XXV. [4.] 3. If any contracting party has not accepted the Charter when it has entered into force, the contracting parties shall confer to agree whether, and if so in what way, [the] this Agreement, insofar as it effects relations la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et l'Emploi, toute partic contractante pourra faire connaître aux autres parties contractantes qu'elle s'oppose à la suspension et au remplacement d'une ou de plu- sieurs dispositions du présent accord ; dans ce cas, les parties contractantes conféreront, dans les 60 jours qui cuivront l'expiration du délai imparti pour la notifica- tion des objections, afin d'étudier l'objection formulée et de convenir s'il y a lieu d'appliquer les clauses de la Charte visée par cette objection ou bien les dispositions correspondantes du présent accord, soit dans sa forme actuelle, soit sous une forme amendée. (b) Les parties contractantes s'entendront également au sujet du transfert à l'organisation Interna- tionale du Commerce des attribution ou'elles détiennent en vertu de l'article XXV. [ 4. Si après son entrée en vigueur la Charte n 'a pas été accepted par une partie contractante, les parties contractantes se réuniront pour décider si et, dans ce cas, de quell. façon, il y a lieu de compléter ou E/PC/T/209 Page 25 between the contracting party d'amender l'Accord, dans la mesure which has not accepted the Charter où ce dernier affected les rapports and other contracting parties_ entre la partie contractante qui shall be supplemented or amended. n'a pas approuvé la Charte et les autres parties contractantes. ] 15. Si une partie contractante n'a pas accept la Charte après son en- trée en vigueur, les parties contrac- tantes conféreront en vue de conve- nir si et de quelle façon [ ,] le present accord doit être complété ou amendé pour ce qui est des rela- tions entre la partie contractante qui n'a pas accepté la Charte et les autres parties contractantes, [5] 4. On [ 1] January 1 1949, [5. ] 4. A la date du ler janvier should the Charter not have entered 1949, si la Charte n'est pas entrée into force, or on such earlier date en vigueur, ou à une date antérieure as may be agreed if it is known à convenir s'il apparaít que la Char- that the Charter will not enter te n'entrera pas en vigueur, ou à into force, or on such later date une date uItérieure à convenir si as [is] mav be agreed if the la Charte [cesse] cessait d'être Charter ceases to be in force, the i s parties hn fornce the appliquée, les parties contractantes contracting parties shall meet to agree whether this Agreement should se réuniront pour convenir si le be amended, supplemented or present accord doit être amendé. complété ou maintenu. [6.]5. The signatories of the Final [6] 5. Les signataires de l'Acte Act which are not at the time con- final cui ne se pas à ce mo- tracting parties shall be informed ment là porties contractantes seront of any objection lodged by a con- informés de toute objection soulevée E/PC//T/ Page 26 tracting part under the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article and also of any agreement which may be reached between the contracting parties under paragraphs [3] 2 or [4] of this Article 3. [shall be notified for information to the signatories of the Final Act which are not at the time contracting parties] L s -Q 5= Aricle XXX Amendments 1. Except [ as otherwise provided for] where provision for modification is made else- where in this Agreement, amend- ments to the provisions of |t r f l~iS l Agreutnont or to the provisions of [ this] Article XXIX or of this Article [XXIX] shall become effective upon acceptance by all [ of] the contracting parties, and other amendments to this Agree- ment shall become effective in respect of these contracting parties which accept them, upon acceptance by two-thirds of the par une partie contractante en vertu des dispositions du paragra* phe 2 du présent article, [et] ainsi que tout accord qui pour- rait [être 'onclu/ intervenir entre les parties contractantes [en vertu] aux perms des para- graphes [3 ou 4 ] ou 3 du présent article [, seremt noti- fiés pour information aux signa- taires de l' Acte final qui ne sont pas à ce moment parties centrac- tantes.] d i s po sitions [ contractes du pré tions [contraires du pr...7 1. sauf dans les cas esprvspu aux dispositions qu la [partie ] Pa tie I du présent Accord cu [aux dispositions. ] à selles de l' Article XXIX ou [ou de l'arti- cle X XIX] entrerent en vigueur dès qu 'ils auront été [approuvés] l'article XXIX ou [ou de l'arti- dispositions du présent accord prendront effect, à l'égard des contracting parties and there- after for each other contract- ing party upon accptance by it. 2. [The acceptance of] Any contracting party accepting an amendment to this Agreement [by any contracting party] shall [be communicated to7] deposit an instrument of acceptance with the Secretary-General of the United Nations within such period as the [Committee] CONTRACTING PARTIES may specify. The CONTRACTING PARTIES may decide that any amendment made effective under this Article 15 of such a natural that any contracting party which has not accepted it within a period specified by the CONTRACTING PARTIES shall be free to with- draw from this Agreement, or to remain a contracting party with the consent of the CONTRACTING PARTIES. E/PC/T/2O9 page 27 parties contractantes qui les ac- ceptant, dès qu'ils aurent été [ approuvés ] acceprés pur les deux [-] 7 tiers des parties con- tractantes, et, [par la suite] ensuite, à l'egard do [chacuna] toute a.;.... v . ';ii7 ; ontraotsn' e ccop t'S. T. , ccoep L: ion 2 ~rcut 7 J- -t--~ - Cikqu` oorLi.~ c ctr tc~titl+au _ui reci-t_ v. vZ.ndc.<cntJ au pr 5ou4t .«cco:id / .'i u:x iuunc loo :i des purtios cx±tractn;us dhvru Utre u Oeuauii zti. ( / dc1cDcsQr un ins- .Cru\ nv cL d .c C t: t çi o i u par s du S3Cr;t:;; 1 8 tlr i ±,C.trcl dI*;ia; !JAmtions Unies C1'rv~~u C1~YL y.i F,~-ru fi ixu~;rj' Ti_ p;r L lo COm _7 PRTISS ,gl<ntcP-t:a"ç Lcs R.'AnTLES CCNJT.é4LO TïL2NT p oou r r loz dci r F que touV u. q u uli , ndlCI.;n / mis i untrd, on vi*` 1u ori un. c . c u prvnuut arIti- f i TL / 1-crGz.r]to uni c;.:r.c ;èr ,vl '1ju toDute pu:i tik cQr: 0vc; r: q*l u! .1 1: l'cira _ . pusS oecc-pL', dLarss / î. / un. didîai Ls4iru. libï'u O.l ' p)CSUrr^. v diu prCs;rlt accord d ou c.ontinutr a y Le surtc pvuc l e, c o r-,R rLn z to-, E/PC/T/209 page 28 Article XXXI Withdrawal Without prejudice to the provisions of Article XXIII or of paragraph 2 of Article XXX [On or after January 1, 1951] any contracting party may, on or after January 1, 1951, withdraw from this Agreement, or may separately withdraw on behalf of any of [its] the separate customs territories for which it has international responsibility and which [is] at the time [self- governing in respect of matters] possesses full autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for in this Agreement. The withdrawal shall take effect upon the expiration of six months from the day on which wri notice of withdrawal is received by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Article XXXI Retrait. Sans préjudice des dispositions de l'Article XXIII on du paragraphe 2 de l'Article XXX [Au ler janvier 1951 ou après cette date], toute partie contrac- tante pourra, a partir du ler janvie 1951 se retirer [elle-même] du present Accord, ou [le dénoncer pour le compte( séparer de l'un] notifier le retrait d'un ou de plusieurs des territoires douaniers distincts qu'elle représente sur le plan inter- natt al et; qui jou[t] ssent à ce moment [de l'autonomic en ce qui concerne les questions prévues dans] d'une critière autonomie dans la conduite de leurs relations com- merciales extéricures et pour les autres questions traitées dans le présent Accord, Le retraait prendra effet à l'expiration d'un délai de six mois à computer du jour où le Secrétaire général [de l'Organi- sation] des Nations Unies aura reçu [la] notification [écritc] par écrit de ce retrait. E/PC/T/209 page 29 Article XXXII [Status. of Contracting Parties 1. The contracting parties to this Agreement shall be understood to mean those governments which have accepted this Agreement pursuant to Article XXVI or which are applying the provisions of this Agreement pursuant to the Protocol of Provisional Application [in respect of this Agreement]. 2. At any time after the entry into force of this Agreement pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article XXVI, those contracting parties which have accepted this Agreement pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article XXVI may decide that any contracting party which has not so accepted [this Agreement] it shall cease to be a contracting party. Article XXXIII Accession A government not party to this Agreement, or a government acting on behalf of a separate Article XXXII [Qualité de] Parties contractantes. 1. Seront considérés comme parties contractantes au present Accord les gouvernements qui auront accept le présent Accord conformément à l'article XXVI ou qui en appliqueront les dispositions conformément au Protocol d'application provisoire [relatif au present Accord.] 2. Les parties contractantes qui aurent accepté le présent Accord conformément au paragraphe 3 de l'article XXVI pourront, à tout moment après l'entrée en vigueur du présent Accord conformément au para- graphe [3 ]5 de cet [1']article , [XXVI] décider qu'une parties con- tractante qui n'a pas accepté le présent Accord [dans les mêmes con- ditions ] suivant cette procédure cessera d'être partie contractante. Article XXXIII Adhésion. Un gouvernement nui n'est pas partie au présent Accord ou un gouvernement agissant au nom d'un E/PC/T/209 page 30 customs territory possessing full autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for in this Agreement, may accede to this Agreement, on its own behalf or on behalf of that territory, on term to be agreed between such government and the contracting parties. territoire douanier distinct qui jouit d'une [pleine] entière auto- nomie dans la conduite de ses rela- tions commerciales extérieures et [des] pour les autres questions [visécs par] traitées dans le présent Accord, pourra [accéder] adhérer [au dit] au présent Accord, [en son propre nom et au nom de ce terri- toire] pour son compte ou pour le compete de ce territoire, à des condi tions à fixer [d'accord ] entre ce gouvernement et les parties contrac- tantes. Article XXXIV Annexes Article XXXIV Annexes. [The] Annexes A to I [to this Agreement] are hereby made an integral part of this Agreement. [Il est décidé par les présentes que] Les annexes A à I[du présent Accord formeront][forment] font purtie intégrante [de cet ]du présent Accord.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee on Articles 14, 15 and 24
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 16, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/178 and E/PC/T/169-178
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/178 16 August 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L' ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 14, 15 AND 24 RAPPORT DU COMMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION SUR LES ARTICLES 14, 15 ET 24 ARTICLE 14 GeneraL Most-Favoured Nation Treatment 1. With respect to customs duties and charges of any kind iMpos,èd on or in coxnection with importation or ey.portatior. or ira- posed on i.ho international trarsfoer of payizents for imports or ex- ports, and vith respect to the method of levying such duties and charges, and w-ith respect; to.all rules anC formalitie^ . connection vmith importation and e>iportation, and w'th reezect to ull matters referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 15, any.advantage, ARTICLE 14 Traitement .zronral de la nation la plus favorisée. 1. Tous avantages, faveurs, pri_ vilèges ou immunités accords par un Etat Membre à un produit juelonqu g originaire ou à destination de tout autre pays serontb imm diatezent et sens conditions, Laccords7 étendus £Fespectivemeng7 à tout produit similaire originaire ou à destination de tous les autres Etats Membres. Cette disposition concerne L les drits de douane et les 5 utres taxes inpositions de toute nature E/PC/T/178 page 2 favour, privilege or imauiunitty gruntod by any Meb...r to any product oritinutino in or destined for any other country, shall be accorded immediately and urnconditioanally to the like product oriln.t1inC in or destined for all other Membur countries respectively. 2. The provisions of pLragraph 1 of this A'irticle shall not [e construed to7 require the elimination. *except as provided in Article 24, of any pruforences in resjpect of imFort duties or charges u;hich do not exceed the levels provided for in paragraph 3 of this article and which fall within the followiiig descriptions: Paragraph 2: The Delegate for Cuba reserved his position in relation to preferences accorded by difrerential internal taxes. qui frappant lus iraportztions ou les exportations, ou qui sont perçus à l'occasion d'importations ou d'axoortations ainsi que cuux qui frappent les transferts inter- - nationaux de fonds Ls ervant7 destin's à r3gler les importations ou les exP0rtntions L, j le mode de perception de ces droits ut taxes L, J- l'ensemble de la raglûmentation et des formalitCs vistnt le2s7 affurent&s aux impor- tations ou jlej7 aux exportations, ra.7ai si que toutes le:s questions qui font l'objet des pareraphes 1 et 2 de l'article 15. 2. Sous râsurvù cis Exceptions do l'article 2'1, les dispositions ,, du paragraphe j pr;smier du pr sent tnrticle /1e devront pas être interar;t=es coirmc Entraciiann7 n'ontr2înc:ron.t :ps ;:n mntièrc de: droits e t LTxs7 d'impositions à l'iaport tion, l'o suppression des prfri'ronocs ci-r.près, L- ourvu7 à condition Paragrnphe 2 : L, d;l ;guL de Cuba a rdservr s , position vu sujet des préf`rencas eccordées par des taxc-s int:rieures diff^ear.tielles. E/PC/T/178 page 3. (a) preferences in force exclusively between two or more of the territories listed in Annex A to this Charter; subject to the conditions set forth therein; (b) preferences in force exclusively between two or more territories which on 1 July 1933 were con- nected by common sovereignty or relations of protection or suzerainty and which are listed in Iînnexas B, C and D of this Charter, subject to tbe conditions set forth ';herein; qu'elles ne dépassent pas les liMites fixées au paragraphe 3 du pr é sunt article ( a ) preérencua ;3 î dviiUeur oxcla;ivwjnent sans les relations7e7itre d eux ou plusiJurs des territoires énumnérés i l'Annexc A de la présento Charte, sous réserve dos conditions qui y sont StipulGUS; (b) prûérjsuco en vigueur uxcluuivuIurit /dans lus rçjations7entre duux ou plu- sieurs des turritoizes qui, au ler juilIct 1959, relevaient d'unu communu soaveraincté ou étaient unis par des liens de protectorat ou do suzoraineté it qui /ise trouvent7oont enu- mu'rés dans, lus Annpxes B,C at D de la pr.sente Charte, sous reserve des conditions qui y sont stipu:Ies/.7; (c) prdf,érericcs un vigueur exclusi- veiont entre le;s !tats-Unis d'Arnérique et la Rébublique de Cuba; E/PC/T/17 8 page 4 (c) references in force exclusively (d) pref rjnces on vigueur exclu- butween the United States of sivemunt untre pays voisins -.'ric;i and the Republic of énuinmrés dans les Anaexes E Cuba; et P de ln présente Charte. (d) )references in force exclusively between neighbouring countries iistad in .innexes E and F of this Charter. 3. The mrsin of preference on any product in respect of which a preference is permitted under para- graph 2 cf this Article shall not exc, t)d (L) thue zaxiraura margin pro- vidEld for wunchr the Ger.erol Agree- ment on Tariffs and Trade or any subsequent operative agreerient re- sultinC: fro.: negotiations under ;rticle 24, or (b) if not provided for Luader such agreezents, the ear :i. ecxistinL either on 10 Ï.pril 3. En ce qui concerne les produits qui bénéficient d'une préférence ,su.ivant le 7en vertu du paragraphe 2 du présent article, 1a inarge de pr 3férencE ne ser? pas supérieuro (a) à in marc-Ig maximum prIvue par l'Accord général sur lces Tarifs douaniers et lc Co.mrerce ou par tou accord conclu ultériellur*münt à la suite d, né'gociDtions prlvuos à l'article 24, ou (b) /7,/7 pour lzes produits noni repris à ces accords, à la mar, qui existait, soit au 10 avril 1947, soit à telle date antérieure choisie par un Etats Membre comme base du iiégocia tieons en vue de l'Accord général sur les Tarifs douaniers et le Commarce. 1947, or on such earlier date as may hevc beer esteàlished for a Leember &s u basis for ;negotiating the Gentxidl -jreem.ent on Tariffs and Trade at the option of such Member. E/PC/T/178 Page 5. ANNEXES PERTAINING TO PARAGRAPH 2 OF ARTICLE 14 AUrNEX A LIST OF TMRRITOM.I;'S R2E E.ED TO IM /SUB-7PA A¶AJi{ 2 (a) OF ARTICLE 14, A'DNRYXES CONCSRNANIT i.E PAGRA PEl 2 DE T, ARTICLE 14 ANNEXE A LISTE DES TERRITOIRES N3ENTIONNrES & L'ALIThE,^£7 AU PARAGÎUAPH 2(a) DE L'ARTICLE 14. United Kingdom of Groat Britain and Northern Ireland Dependent territories of tho United inr-dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Canada Commonwealth of Australia Dcpondant torrito-rlos of: the Commonwoalth of Australia Now Zcaland Dopaendent territories of New Zealand Union of Souti Africa including South Wost Africa Ireland India Newfoundland Southern Miodosia Burma Ceyrlon Roya ume -Uni d e Grand e-Breta,-,ne et dfIrlande du Nord Territoires qui dependent du Royaume-Uni de Grande Bretagne et dl Irlande du Nord Canada Australie Territoires qui dependent de ltAus- tralie Nouvelle-Zclande Territoires qui dependent de la Nouvelle Z3lande Union Sud-Africaine y compris le Sud-ouest africain Irlande Indo Terre-Neuve Rhodésie du Sud Birmanie Ceylar. Certain of thc territories Dans certains des territoires listed abovy havc two or more pro- 6nun1ér6s ci-dessus, deux ou plusieurs farential rats in force for certain tariffs pr6fdrentiols sont on vigueur products. Any such territory maY, pour certains produits. Ltun quelconque by agreement with th. other Mombers de ces territoires pourra, par voie Zf the Organization7 which arc d'accord avec les autres Etats Mom- principal suppliers of such products bres /de l'Organisation bénéficiant7 E/PC/T/l78 Page 6. at the most-favourad-nation rate, substitute for such profcrDntial rates a single proferontial ratc which s'iall not on the whole bc l9ss favourable to suppliers eat the most-favourcd-nation rata than the preferencos iz forco prior to such substitution. The position of a rtargin of tariff prDforonce to roplacc a margin of preferences in an internal tax existing on 13 April 1947 o7-clu.sively betwoan two or marc of tho torritorias listed in this Annrx, shall not bo dcenmd to constitute an increase 'Ln a margin of tariff profaranco. The film hi.ra tax in force in Now Zealand on 10 April 191+7 qui bén6fici.ent de la clause de la nation la plus f'nvorisee et qui sont les principau. fournisseurs de ces produits, re;rnp1acer ces tariff pré- férentiels par un tarif préférentiel unique qui, dans l1ensemble, ne sera pas moins I'fwoxy-ble pour les four- nisseurs bénéficiant de la clause de 1-. nntiron '.a plus favoris6e que les préférroacoo /qui étaient7 en vigueur /lor3que7 antérieurement à cette substitution± /u é1té effectu6e7. L'lmrsnro;;ionl r'unlc marge de préfé- rence tàr:LfaL dc' tinée à remplacer la mare de pr.if&r'once qui, pour l'application d'une tiaxe Intérieure, existait à la date k1X. 10 avril 1947 eclusiveinent .,r c- deux ou plusieurs des territories 6numrr,1rs à la pr;é- sente Annex.c, ne sera pas considérée comme constituan/1, une augmentation de le r.argre de préférence tarifaire. La tn-re i "r i.? -,ctiOn Clos films qui ôtait en viZucur en Nouvelle- Zélancle à la date du 10 avril 1947 E/PC/T/178 Page 7. shall, for the purpose of this Charter, be treated as a customs duty falling within Articles 14 and 24. Note: The Delegate for Cuba reserved his position in relation to the imposition of a margin of tariff preference to replace a margin of preference in internal taxes. sera, au sens de la présente Charte, considérée comme un droit de douane relevant des articles 14 et 24. Note: Le delegue de Cuba a reservé sa position au sujet de l'im- position d'une marge de pré- férence tarifaire destinée à remplacer la marge de pre- ference qui existait pour l'application d'une taxe intérieure. E/PC/T/17 8 page 8. ANNEX B LIST OF TERRITORIES OF THE FRENCH UNION REFERRED TO IN [SUB-] PARAGRAPH 2 (b) OF ARTICLE 14. ANNEXE B: LISTE DES TERRITORES DE L'UNION FRANCAIEE MENTIONNES [A L'ALIMEA] AU PARAGRAPH 2 (b) DE L'ARTICLE 14. France France Afrique Equatoriale française - Bassin conventionnel du Congo Frc'tch Eiurxtorial f'rica - n Territoires de l'Afrique Equato- Tic-xty .sirn. of tle Congo and riale française, non compris dans le oEhar torilt Aric ai FrBnch Bassin Conventionznel du Congo Equ:.LtoriaJ. Afric;' Afrique Occidentale française x Frc.~-iich WDst Afr-t-la Cameroun sous mandat français C:w.r.roons undcr Frsch Mandata Fr3-c'. Sotiali Co02t and Dupcnd- Frcnch 7Lzstablisluialts in Occania Frcnc, 7.s tab11shi, -nts i n t hc Condo'-.iniu: Dif the Ncw lIobridcs3 Gui-dcloupz and 'Jcpndoncic.s FrincIi Guicana Indo- Chaina i>'.o.aser and Dcpcndencies .rocco ('ranc;' zone)K Martin que Netw Cale.donii and Dopenduncias Reunion Sa..i.nt-Pierru and iic-uu1on Too under Fronch Manda tLK Turisia x For imports into Notropolitan Franco C8te française des Sorialis et D 6pendiances Etablissements français de l'Océanie Etablissements français du Condo- minium des Nouvelles-HébridesX Guadeloupe et dependances Guyane française Indochine MadaCascar et dépendances Maroc (zone française)X Martinique Nouvelle C:lc.loniic et cl5pondaices Réunion St.-?ierre et Mliquolon Togo sous mandat français9 Tunisie pour l'importation dans la Métropole E/PC/T/178 page 9. ANNEX C ANNEXE C LIST OF TERRITORIES OF THE CUSTOMS UNION OF BELGIUM, LUXEMBOURG BELGIUM-LUXEMBURG] .rD THE I.NTHEIRLPNDS CUSTOMS UNION7 REFERRED TO IN LSUB67}? R4,GRAPH 2(b) OF MRTICLE 14 LISTE DES TERIRITOIRïS DE L'UNION D0U;.'NIER2 DE LA BELGIQU3E, DU LU=,--.BOURG ET DES Pi.YS-B,,S L:NTIONNES ; L',LINiE7 AU .R!.GRisPH 2(b) DE L'l.RTICLE 14 The Economic Union of Belgium and Luxemburg Union Economiqu e lgiqua-LuxeMba Be1go-Luxerubour.geoise Bel.Tian Congo Congo belu Ruanda Urundi Ru:iidn-ULjrundi The Netherlands N=therionds Indies Surinam Curacao Annex C The Delegate for the United Kingdoxu maintained his reservation on this Imnex Indies Néerlxndmisos Surinora Oura à iu o Annaxe C. Le d légu. du maintient la zéserve qu'il 'a fformulée à pro- pos de cette Annuxe. E/PC/T/178 page 10 /LNNEX D hNAMXE D LIST OF TERRIT0RIES OF THE UNITED ST.TELS OF iiMERIC;A REFERRED TO IN 5UI-7 PiA',GRAPH 2 (b) OF ;,RTICLE 14. LISTE, DES TERRITOIRIS DES ETÎ'TS-Uli3 D'AZIERIQUE LMTIOINMES Z L'ALIiNEA7 hU PlGRLPHE 2 gcJ7 (b) DE L'ARTICLE 14. United States of 'iaerica customss torritory) Du2endeant territories ot the United States of America Republic of the Philippines The imposition of a margin of tariff preoerencGz to replace a martin of preference in an internal tux exibtinL ç'n 10 April 1947 exclusivoly between two or more of the territories listed in this Annex, shall not be deemed to constitute an increase in a margin ofI tariff preaerence. Annex D The Delegate for Cuba reserved his position in relat4.on to the imposition of a margin of tariff preference in internal taxes Ett.ts-Unis d'Am6riqiue (tezritoiru doumaizr) 'l'urritoiY0s de',pQnd.-nt dus Et2ts-U-ds d'Ar!' rique R6publiquu des Philippinos L'imposition d'une marsv du pré- f6rencu tar i re à rmn- plaoQr la mDargi du pr6férenoe qui, pour l'application d'u; taxo int&- rieuxe, existait à l date du 10 avril 1947 u Exc1usivemeat untru deux ou plusieurs dot torritoires snuwMUrt-s à la présente Annexo, ne serc pns9considerée co=u consti- tuant un i au;xlaentation dl marge de préf?'rnca tarifaire. Annexe D. Le dél&gu6 de Cuba a réservé s3 position au sujet de l'imposition d'une maDrge de pr'fA-runce tari- faire destindçe à rrmlplaC.r la marge de préfércn=o qui uxistDit pour l'app1tication d'une taxe in- terieure. E/PC/T/178 page 11. ,NEX E LIST OF TERRITORIES COVERED BY PREFERENTILL ,,RRJNCGKr.ENTS BETTEzEN CHILE hND NEIGIBOURING COUNTRIES REFERRED TO IN .ZUB-7 PsiRAGRiAPH 2 (d) OF MRTICLE 14. Chile Peru ANNEX F LIST OF TERRITORIES COVERED BY PREERENTIAL ~GRR.IGMENTS BE=71ETEN THE SYRO-LEBINESE CUSTOMS UNION .AND NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES REFERRED TO IN 5UB.7 P1R2àGRUPH 2 (d) OF ARTICLE 14. PrefVeionces irn force exc.lusively [ 7 betv-een, on the one hLnd Tho Syro-Lob .ilese Custoas Union and on the othor hu.nd, ; 1. Pe1testine 2. TransJordan, ANNEXE E LISTE DES TERRITOIRES AUXQUELS S 'ETENDENT LES ACCOIMS PREPERENTIELS CONCLUS ENTRE LE CZILI ET LES PAYS VOISINS mr.NTIONN3F /' L 'ALIN?.7 PARAGRAP, 2 (d) DE L'ARTICLE 14. Chili Pérou L`r'3TE DES TERRITOIRES AUXQUELS S 'ETENDENT LES ACCORDS PREPERENTIELS CONCLUS ENTRE L'UNION DOUANIERE LIBAIO-SYRIENNE ET LES PAYS VOISINS MENTIONNES /.' L'ALINE./7 A.UJPAR P.G.PTPE 2 (d) DE L 'APRTICLE 14. Préférences en vicuutir exclusivermont entre 1 'Union Couanière Libano- Syrienne d'une part, et d'autre part 1. Palestine 2. Transjordanie respe ctivement. respectively. E/PC/T/178 Pare 12, ARTICLE 15 .NatLonal Troatrnent on Interrnal TaZatiQn and Ro tien X 1. Tho products or any Ma.±bcr country .mportod into any othor liemb:.'r courstry shall. ba 2xerapt from internal taxes and othor intornal charges of any kind jighor thaz7 3. cxss of thoso applied directly or indirectly to lilko products of' national origin. Moroovzr, in cases in which thore is no substantial doLnstic production of likc products of national origin no Monibor shall apply new or incrcasod internal taxes on the products of othor Mombor countries for thc purpose of affording pro- tection to thc production of diroctly competitive or substitutable products which arc not similarly taxed L.J 7 ; x ititürnal taxes of Z&hi/ tais, ïrind Zrforrdcl to ini t1ho preceding sentence7 shall x Note cf thli Lcal Draf nti OnI t';1_ assption th:.t the omission of thD title of this Article in document E/PC/T/174 occurred irLidvrtently, tha Legal Dr.iftin3 Coar-ittoe rc-inscrted the -iie cDntnincd in t'lC Ncw Ycorkç. RZport. niICIlE 15 TPraitemnt *ria tionafl cri motiôro d'imp8t3 et dce rbr,-ementation. X 1. Les products /ï.>.mport6s7 origi- naires do tout Etat Membre /gans7 importés 3ur le territoire de tout autre ELat Mieabrc seroini /axon6r6s7 exempts /dimpôts int6rieurs ou d'cutrcu ';-axos d!ordre7 do taxes et autrej inmo t norts ln' 6ri.eures, de quelque nature /Euo ce so9it7 qulelles so9eilt, cn e.;-cG;dent de Z3uux7 lLes cuI 'tvappcunt direcubement ou indircc'.mont des pr.È1uits cini- laires d!oricine n2t!ona1c. Do plus, dans le cas où iJ n!y a pas de pro- duction intérioure importance dle mar- chandi.3ee simile:res d'ori.lne na- tionale, aucun Etat Membre n'imposera d'imp8ts intéreurs nouveaux ou plus élev6s sur lei i-achsndises d'autres Etats oomI:,co en vue dco prcrè,Ocr 1a production de marchandises zse trou- vant7 en concurrence directed /-u7 avec /r 7c)ios ou celle de produits de remplacement qui ne sont pas XNote du Conité Juridique de Rl~ction Le Comité assure que l'omission du titre de cEt art'zcl dans le document E/PC/T/174 était accidentelle. Pour cette raison l.e titre contenu dans le Rapport de New-York a 6tc réinsér6. VZ/PC/T./1' 7 P, ;c 1.3. bo subj;:ct to negoti .tion for their frappés /3e façon 3imila:ro7,7i'une reduction or olir.iniJion i:î thz LMnilcr pruvid&e- for in respect of tariffs and refcrernces und; r .Article 24. paorar'ra»!h 1. ?Ttcs 1.Tho Dclcgatc for China rascrvOd hi3s position provisionally and pro- poscd tho d.l.etion of tho second and third sentences. Notc 2, Th1e Dclogate for Chile, although not a .,.oriobar of tho Sub-CoiLnittcz, asked d t;hat his ob4cction to tho present tcxt be recorded. Notc . Thc DeloCato for Cuba reserved 'aïs position and pruposod a nlw pira.jraph ncrriitting tho exemption of domestic products from, internal t.-.ics for dcvoloprcnt purposes. manière analorue; les irl.)t;S Tht'- rieurs /rji exjiutants7 3.e A37cctte nature ceux dont il est question dans la phrase préc';dentc7 â existants front 1'fbjiut' ie n .)- ciations Ztendai1u à7 ea vue dc(, leur reduction ou ZU7 de leur sui)Pr.essiol, /ce la manière7 su .vant _laroc,'> ure pr6vue à. l'article 24 pour les tariff et les pr6f6urences. paragraphe 1 Note 1. Le d6lCu3 de la Chinc a rX9crvo- prOviae3irOei2et sa position et a proposU qe supprimer les deux dern:ères phrases. Note 2. Le dule;u du Chili, bien- que ne faisant pas parties du sous- comit6, a demand qu'il soit fait mention de son objection à l'encontre du texte ci-de.:. SUS. Note 3. Le cl6luj dc Cuba a riscrv6 sa position et a pDrocsf: un nouveau pararraphet -eirri bttant dgc-xen6err les pro.uits nationaux des tcxes lnt-'- rleure3 en vue du d.'elmj- penMent éconor1miquc. 4'rC/T/1'8 PCp llt . 2. Tàc proUucts of any ! ;.b:r country i,:port d int:>) nry othr 4eub~r ctourtry siall b. accordao. tr- a t;. .rt no lc ss favou.abll. talm thé.t accordcd to 1i'<o procducts of n-Ltioii1l )rigin in rosp._ct of` all l^.ws, ro-u1J0tions and i x-uir_; !_nts of f .r.n-; for s-le, ,urc .xstD, tr.r.nsport.,tion, (listribution, or usC. Th1iis 'ra:rno: s:11 not ' construe d to7 n-rczvnt tho q. ro]icati. )n of diff.rc .til1 trans- ?)QrttJion chn.rgzs whic' ar. s c.scd cxclusivoly o0 tho ccor.oe..ic oicrlrtion cf .' . of tr.:lsport ?a-d .,.t o; tho n-tiori- ality of t;1 -roduct. 3. Iri avblying thC orinci los of parngraph 2 of this Articlc to iint..rr2. rn.'antitativo r-,culti'Dns rJl- tinr to th 1 *: ixture, Droc .ssinn" or use of products in sncifi^d a-ounts or prDportions, t'ho 2. Les produits ori.g7inaires de tout 1'ti t Membre imports /d xi j sur le territoire de tout autre Etat Membre ne seront pas soumis à un traitement m:,irs favorable que les produits similaires d'origine national. en ce qui concern tou- tes lois, tous rè(glurnents Lde toutes !)rtscriptions affectant la vente, 1a mise en vnte, l'achnt, £la circulation7, le trtnsDort, la distribution /Lo et l'utilisa- tion de ces produits sur le march intérieur. Lu Présunt paragraph /-ne dvrei nos être interprété come int rdisc-n 7 n'inte:dit tas l'appli- cation de t.rifs du transport - diffUrentiels /foadéj b,.s1s _xclu- siv :nnt sur Jle f on action nemieltJ l'utilisatio)n 6cono;miouu des moyuns do transports et non sur l'criiin* du produit. 3. n appliquant lev7 Dnns l'en- plic8tion d_ s principles énoncés au paragrapho 2 du prsent article à la règleman;ntation -uentitativi7 intérieure £u'ils édicteront pour f ixe7fixant les quantités ou les proportions à r&_spectcr dnns le rnélongo, la E/PC/T/178 page 15. Members shall observe the following provisions: (a) no regulation shall be made which, formally or in effect, requires that any specified amount or proportion of the pro- duct in respect of which such regulations are supplied must be supplied from domestic sources; (D) no Member shall, formally or in Effect, restrict the mixing, processing or use of a product of which there is no substantial domestic production with a view to affording protection to the domestic production of a directly competitive or sub- stitutable product. Paragraph 3 Several Delegates not members of the sub-committee reserved thoir position regarding this paragraph, -pending settlement of the outstand- ing issues on CI.-.)ter IV. trisfor:nstiorn ou l'utilisation [des]de certains produits, i.s EtYo 1-umbrus so coti.'orrrivront aux dispo- sitions ci-cIprès: (a) il _ siro 'dicté aucune rùgle- muntation qui, soit cn droitft un fDît,/décid rDit 7e-xigQrnit qu1uno quantité ou unu propor- tion déturriinée du produit au- quol cvtte riglunmentation s'ap- plique doive provenir de sources cationalus dc production. (b) aucun Etat ,.ribrci ne duvro,soit eon droit, soit cn fait, Dppor- ter da n sfrictio:s au so6iango, à l trlu nsfor'ion ou à l'uti- lisation d'urc riarchuridiso j l'é~rd de laquelle il n'existe Cucanw 7 dont la production intériouru n' at pas important, on vuc dce protéger la produc- tion national dc~ marchandiscs /Wv trouvnrtt_7ca concurrence directed avec û1_ ou aoll de produits dc remzilaccment. Para -raPhq 3 Slusicurs délégu ès oui ne fai- sait pas part* du sous-comité ont rés;rvé . ur position à 1'égard du cc poragraphu on attendant que 3OLeat réglés les problèmes rests cn sus- pend au chapitra IV. E/PC/T/178 page 16 4. The provisions of paragraph 3 4. Les dispositions du paragraphe of this Article shall not apply to: 3 du present article ne s'appli- (a) any measures of internal quanti- queront tntivo control in force in any (a) à aucune, m.esurc de contrôle .J.iber country on 1 Jul:r l939 quantitatif intérieur, en or 10 i.pril 1947 Lt the option vigueur dans un itat Membre *f Me:nber, provided that queltcoeique au ler juillet 1939 cf' that M.eilbùr, 1-rovidod that _r±y sul srowihou au 10 avril 1947, au choix arly such rie:surQ which /Ts7 -~uld be In confliot witli ~ dudit Etat Membre, £qui strait would be 'Ln conflict Wit}l the on opposition avec les dispo- provisions of par&braph 3 of sitions du paragraphe 3 du this iSrticle shall not be pr(sEnt articles sous réser- d ori f Ld t o t he dDt tr L qn to of_ va qu'il ne £sera7 soit appor- ; sports and shp-11 be subject to té à aucune measure de ce genre, .-'otiations for its iittion qui serait en opposition avec libarplizction or.ellmination les dispositions du paragrashe in the manner provided for in 3 du present article, de modi- r&spect of tariffs and pref- fications préjudiciables aux ~arences under Lrticle 24, importations L. eC que les or7-7 mesures en question fassent l'objet de négociaztions visant à en limiter la port 'ke, à les assouplir ou à les rapporter /é-e la manièr7 suivant la procedure prévue à l'article -Note by the Legal Drafting Conrittue Note du Comité juriq de reaction The Commission may viish to con- La commissionn désirera peut-être sider the exceptions contain- considérer si les excaptiorns conte- "din paragraph 4 are to be except- nues au paragraphe 4 devraient ions-te 2 aS well as te ..s'appliquer aussi bien au paragraphe par%;:rash 3 . In this case the . ............ 2 qu'au paragraphe 3. Dans ce ces nal clause ethparar e 4 o la -clause ini*tiale du paragraphe 4 devrait Ctre lue : "Les dispositions read: "The provisions of paragraphs des paragraphes 2 et 3 duprésent .2 arid 3 of this Jxticle shall not earticlene s'appliqueront :" -apply to:" - [(b) any internal quantitative reg- ulation applied by any Member having equivalent effect to any import restriction permitted to that Member under [sub-] paragraph 2(c) of Article 25]. Note of the Legal Drafting Committee. The brackets around paragraph 4(b) have not been inserted by this Paragraph 4 Note 1. The Delegate for New Zealand reserved his position and proposed the deletion from sub-paraeraph (a) of' "shall not be modified to the detriment of imports and". The Delagate for Norway supported this proposal. Note 2. The Delegate for Norway proposed thr-t 11tbr date when the Charter is opan for signature" should be substituted for "1 July 1939 or 10 -pril 1947". NIote 3. The Del.aates for Canuda mnd CUffIl7 supported by tha Delegates of Beleium and Brazil, object to sub- paracraph (b) on the ground that it constitutes a further widernino of the terrns of paragraph 2(e) of articlee 25. I.ccordingly this sub-par,çraph appears in square brackets and is to- bo reconsidered in the light of the final wordinr of sXrticle 25. p2gO 17 2q pour les tu.irifS et loo px- r. il x~c cs /i (b') -< :X; 1;rn^>lent:ît.Lonl qaLJ2Ltit 1t LtVO int'irieure /,;ise r vi.LUcLr7/ nppliaa'v ; un Ltut . 7uFîo6nqla_7et qui aur::it de:3 Lffuto equivalents àu c-'.x dus àu;trictions à 1 impEor tction que cut:Dt,-t tW.'nibre sur::Jit a1toris<- à opplï- quur *n vertu. dc ï' 21in;5D 2(c) dc I'article 25_7. 1iote dlu Co:ait^ Juridiqu.o de RédtLal. Les croch;t& ju m dibut ut à Io p r:ir>lthu 4 (b)n1'c>nt p '>*;dinl- si'rv's ail 1 ent' 1,w cu'tea ded3atiloi. .~~r~pIîo4. Jote 1. Lo, d l,'i:,u de In Nouvello- Za-iudû 8 rUsçS 3,S Y)ositi.on et a propose l.a prcsiion, à 1'-ilin6a ( 2 )do mots "il ne ci2portod . do uiodil ic uti on _p 9 1diiabl b:. 1..1pc>rt;to.j7; et ,nuc". L: dl 7u_ dc l, NorUv=,g u _rg!u.y6 cutte pTopoJit ion. Note 2. L.a Ulvu . dl la ir'& ,a a pr-Dpose quU les iaots "à 1 ,3to à lqua1lcu la Ch3rts scri prisentJe i nL signature" remplacent "au lar 1939 ou au 10 avxil 1947". Notu 3. Li;s dé13gu' du Crn:id et du Chili par Uis délUu S la ee1giqlu et du Brdsil ont levé dus objections centre l' cliné( b) en £.isant valoir qu.'il C1orxit ericore la pcrt.e1 dus dispositions du p:ragr5phe 2 (c)de l'article 25. En consiqu*nce, cit Ulinéc a 6tii mis entre crochuts et il, dvra -tro _xamind à nouveau. en tenant comptu du t:te firiitif dc l'article 25. .- ,/i " '.:7 :page 18 B. The provisions of pLreruCrphs 1 and 3 of this .rticlo s.lil not be construcci ta prevent the apilica- tion of iinternal laws, reCulntions or requirements, other thaii taxes, relatiu; to the distribution or uxx.ibitioii of cineinatot:;raph filL:s. Any lews, roe.;ul!itions or require- ments so applied Dhlall, however, be subject ta negotiation for their liberalization or üli:iinction in the zmcnner provided for in respect of tariffs and prefrences under ..rticle24J 7 Note by the Let-al Draftinr, Cor.ittee The brackets around parce:rph 5 have not been inserted by this Co:aittee. In view o;' thu sub- cozrittee.'s note the text of this ;paraf:raph has not been examiried 'by the Legal Draftinir Cotmittee. aragraPh 5 .The redraftine of this provision ,uas. dis.cussed. in the Sub-Co^ - ittee. 8p.Qvial CoraMittea, composed of Fthe Dele3gates for Czechoslovakia, .Neew Zealand, Norway, and United iECingdoS a,,aa the United-States, :will submit recommendations to Mthe CorL=ission .. L5. Les dispositions des paragra- phes 1 et 3 du present article ne seront prs inh rprét;tes ccmme mat- tant obstacle àa l'application de lois, règlemrÂents ou proscriptions d'ordre intérieur at dépourvus de tout caractère fiscal, relatifs à la distribution ou à la projection de films cin3matogrpphlques. Toutes lois, règldments ou prescriptions ainsi appliqués devront n6enmoins faire l'obJet de nécociations en vue de leéur essouplisse.rnent Ca de leur lim!n,.tion de la manière prévue à lknrticle 24 pour les tar ifs et Ics pr3Uirences ts.rJ aireg7 Note du CoLiitS Lgal- de Rédaction Les crochets (iu début ot n la fin du p.areanyphe 5 n'ont p as t insà- .rds par le Comit;) de RPdection. En vue de la note du Sous-comrit8, le texte n'a pas 1t;. ;tudi& par le Co-.iti juridique de Rzfdaction. Peragr)he_5 Le Sous-coraite a discuté d'une nouvelle rédaction de cette disDosi- tion. Un. Comité spt;cial, omrapos3 des d6l-uss des Etvts-Unis, de la Norvee, do ln Nouvell, -Zi5lande, du Royaume-Uni et da la hTliucoslov8qiuise soumettra dcs recommendations à la Commission Ai -3,Lr;ol9. 6. The provisionrs cf.` tlhis arti.clc shall nct supply to .;' proeurerrLt by govrrnriert ' l -.u-nc ic-cs ci' -roduct,3 purch,.s cd f-,r ovcrru.1cnbtal pulpes as and net for 'crsa.j. c:.' use i.n tho. product'uion of cu for salca nor shall they "1,ecransxrued to7 praovat the payr.arit tc dor.ici Gic prodiiUcois only of DSbS' V ; eroavidc.d for undour p aragr!Iap hl cfr Arti 1cl c 30fv, .n Ie luc1ir., pa scnts ta ar.uc s ic .D'od.u 'oDrs derivad frco twi ptch c'J.:. ci inéarn. . cr.xc'; o:.' chw es and subs f >id c.;, ,' ;'-:o1.- !'':-,, Wo o ;` .thC ) iy- . Drnf-tPi.x, Cor: :i ec It is the opinion of tha Comnittoc ttat tne word ':,o-v-crn m ental il is t c t ri '.,hn 'cc i,, cor-pui..s c-s a.l -ovrnirint bodies inci-idin.,, 2oc:-t1 Ï s;o.t-c T'lu Franch w hrninj has thorcfAiui bm adjusted accorAin n1y7. Par :ir'rnpl 6 Thoe D eleg o f or .;h' ! :" , 'tc. h i s p o t' a / . 1 È 9 proi p.,)( S iCi ''' :" ' .rc 7_ pr a v;9. se dl t;r c2 3c i!. .C tl.- ' v' j1 cSs .I 2 i usa ien tah r' d Giw .. cf ge c L x' sale.1 t '. ].e:. c:i. spoi.:Liors cau pr6s,-,;n p 1 ' chs; rnr dc. ç» ,r ismrs dl !, nt% t7 Oi, U U VC 2 Y i L; C3 OU. pcu Ur Ulr. COUIDtC9< d-- D1' ,`", d.D ;S ti' , Li. f.tre **yC1i*s '*'fS~ /,. 1 ,'d;9l/a '',8;Y. douL ' tji Lc .cll /e;. ?JLDoU ', l oerlda-its £.j .O d.-C cfvlv.oi pv d r.i 7 /o7J& L x:2 ixQt o p . ;;4. L '. de ' l'o)rti- .,. . -J C1C2~''-- D'2. 1 ~m1 s' ces7 r.e11 ir. . . e.,: . YC',ufld d; i.i-:icW _r1 000 /i . s tr*samc is .,C urc)L1':. dt JubqcuL;: 0co.i U$S *IQ t) r~ 3 C':it~ L~'D 1 ci - m~..otir I!. ._ ut ~ qti' a /-3./ 8Z*C pDs ..) -. :- . - . O p. ?*.1 5 . i fl t 1 ' .. Dr t- - . :~ue o ("PJect il inclu1t L; 2 L' , _, - . ;, -rj i : Le D-:~fn ch-in'-,I; pouxr -Z delill'J);''i.S ..ç. ;;:i. tX.d 6 '.; dj.w'. rav: l e^ P' Cid- i i - , ci m . I.,, _, _ _ _ _ _ .e i,' 1:'l;s__ L' a''; >//2 ml rn '- e--- -v* £C Cil< Ca l ,;' .15 Oh:.n 5 .o r .Su.-xVeats pLCV~~~~~. .. ii.C ... . . n pci < ''co- ui «4!r> W i ix . 5 1: ul ., us .f+c. _. _____.__... .>_!.._: E/PC/T/178 page 20. ARTICLE 24 ARTICLE 24 Reduction -of Tariffs and R6duction des t^- fs et Slimi- Elinination of Proforonces nation desS p z'nCes tarifaires. 1. Each MDiber shahl, Upon the 1. A la demande de l'Organisation, roquost of the Oranization, ontor chaque Etat Me3mbre entreprendra into and c-.rry out wïth such othor jôuvrir-7 avuc le ou les autres Etats Moinber or blembers as tho OrCa.niza- Membres qu'elle pourra designer et tion May specify, nerotiations mènera à leur terme des ndgociations *directod to tho substantial rocductixqui tendront, sur une b'ise de r6ci- of tariffs and other ch-'.rgps on ;rocitç et d'avp.ntris mutuels a à la îinports and expor'vs and to thc reduction substantielle des tariffs eliriination of thc proferencos douaniers et des autres Ltaxe7 impo- roiorrod to in parcrnph 2 of sitions à l'importation et à l'expor- Alrticle 11+ on a rociproccnl =nc tation, ainsi qu'a l'tliminetion des nutually advanta3aous basis. Thuseprffre;nces vises hu paragraph 2 noCotiîations shall proceed in de l'article 14. CGs ngociations accordance with the following s'effectueront conformément aux rulos: règles suim.ntes: Article 24 The Sub-CorcLittzo agreed that the Le Sous-comit6 a reconnu que le toxt of Article 24 as drafted would texte de l'article 24, tel qu'il est not provont Mombers of tho rddig6, n'empêcherait pas des Etats Organization ron concluding new, Membres de l'Organisetion de conclure or mraintaîninG existing, bilateral de nouveaux accords bilatéraux sur tariff . ajroenonts which worc not les tarifs da.ianiers, ou de maintenir ïncorporc.tod in the Ganor2.l A-,rec- ceux qui existent d6jà et qui nrau- nent on Trariffs and Tracde, provided raient pas 5t6 incorpor's dans 1.' that the concessions provided for Accord g6nsral sur 3s tarifs dma- in such agreements werc generalized niers et le commerce, pourvu que les ,to ai1 Mombers in accordance wîth concessions prDvues dans ces accords sthc terms of Article 14. soient cQnfiorm3ment aux dispositions de l'article 14, étandues à tous les Etats Membres. (a) Prior international obligations shall not be permitted to stand in the way of negotiations with respect to preferences, [it being understood that agreements resulting from such negotia- tions shall not require the modification or termination of existing, international obligations except (i) with the consent of the parties to such obligations, or, in the absence of such consent, (ii) by termination of such obligations in accordance with their terms]. Article 24, paragraph1, sub- There was an equal division of view among the Members of the Sub- Committee on the question whether the words in square brackets should be deleted or retained. The Delegates of Belgium, Norway and the United States favoured deletion, those of Australia, Cuba and the United Kingdom retention of these words. The Delegate of the United States considered that complete deletion of sub-paragraph (a) would be the best course, E/PC/T/178 page 21. (a) Les [obligations] engagements internationanux antérieurs ne devrant pas entraver les negocia- tions reIatives aux préférences, [etant entendu que les accords conclus à la suite de telles négo- ciations n'entraineront pas [obligatoirement] la modifica- ou la dInnociation des [obligations] engagements internatinaux pré- existents sauf (i) si les parties ayant souscrit à ces [obligations] engagements donnent leur consente- ment ou[] à defiut, (ii) silos accords Ls3ont d6n-ncsg ont pris fin d.<rns les formes prévues par cux Article24, ppraqrnphe 1, alinàn .es Membres du Sous-comité su scnt divis3s on deux parties égales sur l. question de savoir si les mats places entree crochets devrai ent êtres supprimes ou miïintenus. Les d3- légués dc ln DelCique, des Etrits- Unis et dc la Norvège étaient favo- rables à )p suppression deces'mots, ceux de l '.ustralie, de Cuba et du Royaume-Uni 3t- ient favorables à leur maintien. Le dçlé>ué des Et:its- Unis .-: estimé que la suppression complètc de 1' s.l in3a (a) consti- tueraiz le. meilleure solution. E/PC/T/178 page 22. DIoto bf t'nc La3.l Dr2ftïn,7 Corniittec Note du Comitl Juridique de Rédaction Tho brackets around tho words Les crochets autour des mots "étant 'lit b)irv understood .... with entendu que....prévues par euxil thoir tor;z" have not bean insc`rtcd niont pas 6t6 Ins6r6s par le Comité by the Logbl Dr.^.f1tin,-, Coinitto, Juridiquc de Rfdaction. <b) In the net;otintions b) DQn3 les Migociations relatives relntinU to any specific à un produit particulier gquelconque7 product (i) lorsqu'une r.éduction nd-ocie (i) iwh;n a reduction is porte uniquement sur le taux neotiated only in tho r.iost- appliqué aux Etats Membres favoured-n'ation rate, such bénSfcîant de la clause de reduction shall operate la nation la plus savoris6e, autenatically to roduce or cette reduction aura automa- climinato tho :KtrZin of tiquement pour effet de r6duire preference applicable to ou dr1lliminor la marge de pré- that product; - Z*i7 férence applicable ù ce product (il) lorsqu'une reduction n6gociée (îï) wthon a reduction is noCotiated only in tho porto uniquement sur le taux proforential rate, the préférentiel, le taux appliqué riost-favouroCI-n-ation rate aux Etats Membres b6néficiant shall automatically be de la clause de la nation la reduced to the extent ot plus favorisée sera automati- such reduction [>_7 t quement rédu:t dans la m8me ÉFÎ7 mesure que le taux préfbrentlel, (Ïii) lorsqu'il est convenu que les (ïii) when it is agrcod that réductions n6iocîies porteront. reductions will be Para3raphe 1, alinéa (b) Suba--rn.-raah (b). The Dolegate far Le delléZu6 de Cuba désire qu'il Cuba .rishrd to havc it rocordod tha-t soit pris acte du fait que se d61- the Cuban agreei2ent to the inclusioneatlon consent à l'insertion de cet of this sub-paragraph is contingent alinéa, sous reserve que lValinéa 1, on tho rl(entien of sub-pariraph (a) sera maintenu en entier. 1(a) in its erntiroty. E/PC/T/178 page 23. nerotiatod in both the à la fois sur le toux quo ,.st-favoarcU-n.tîon. rate comportc le traitement do ani.d the prQrferontial ratoe la nation la plus favoris6e t1'o reduction in eoch et sur le taux préférentiel, shall bo that a;reod by tho la reuctîon de l'un et parties to the ncDotiations, l'autre de ces taux sera celle dont /sont7 ont convenu (i.v) ne znrFin of' preference los 1 ays parties aux nésocia- sha.1 be increased. tins; (iv)aucune rnarge de pr6f6rence (c) The binding of low tariffs ne s era a ubmenteo. or of tariff-frec trcatmont c) Le maintien conventionnel /ass7 shall in principle bc.- recognizeci as a concession de tariffs peu 6lev6s ou dtun r6gima equivalent in value te the dladmission en franchise Z3e droits7 cquiv21ent~ser reinu enu prnope thcm _ substantial reduction of high sera reconnu, on principe, eomi - tariffs or the elinination of-une concession dfune valeur t.Zale tariff proforencos, à une reduction susbstantielle de tarifs 6lev9s.ou à lV6limination de pr6f6rences tarifai.ros. ~ -'Nofte h lu Draftïn. Corumittec.1Not l Cot* JuridiQue de R6daction. The Cc.rnitto. .c'os not think it Le Comitu n'estime pas qu'il soit nocoss.,%ry te a the word n6cessaire dc'ajouter le mot "conso- "1consoli'.ltion" to the wrord lidation" au mot. "Maintien conven- "bindin"," because in this context tionno" pearce que dans le present tho bint7dn.i r.iust bc conventional. contexte ilne peut sJagir que du maintien "conventionnel (d) Acceunt shall bc taken oi d) il sera tenu compte de toutes any concessions which concessions tarifaires /que l'un ou either 1or.mber is already l'autre des Etats Membres accorde exten'.in.~ te the other ~d j7 ci cà étendues par un Etat Member by virtue of Membre à 1 un autre Etat Membre pJrcvious negotiations à la suite de négociations ant6rieure poursuivies en vertu des dispositions du prê;sont article et portant sur des droits et dos preferences. E/PC/T/178 page 24 regarding tariffs and e) Les résultats de ces ndCociations proforoncus pursuanit to this soront incorpor6s claila l'Accord Article, g6ndral sur les Tarif's ( ouaniers et le Comumerce, si--né à Genùve (o) Tho rosults of such le. 1947, s! leas nogoti?*tiens shall bc parties [de] - cet Accord y cJI- incorporc.tod in the Goncral sentent et, [dans ce ca37 dLs ce Aekrcarint on T^.ri~ffs .nd. moment, les parties à ces néGocla- Tr.cde, signed ctt Geriova on -- . 197 tions deviendront, si elles ne le by agrocrient with the sont déjà, parties contractantes parties te thnt AIgrocentp à l'Accord Cdnidral sur les Tarifs and thercupon the parties to douaniers et le Commurce. such negotiation shall 2. Si un Etat Membre considère become contracting parties qu'un autre Etat Mombre a manqué to the Goncral Agrooneont on aux ZJbligations7 en.:ar-,,ements/-',7 Tariff Trade if they arc not que lui impose le parag:raphe 1 du s8 alroady. present article, il pourra porter la question devant l'Or:.:anlsation. 2, If± any Moriber considers that Celle-ci, après enquUte, fera des any othar 4Ir>bcr has fikale:1 to fulrlrcommandations appropriées aux Its oblliî.atî;ns undor parag-raph 1 o0fr.tats Membres intéressés. Si l'OrUa- thsis Articlo, such IMoibor nay rofor nisation constate /_u'un Etat Membre t'he:: rn.ttor to the OrEanizaticn s'est abstenu7 que, sans justifica- which, aftor invocstiatlon, shall tion suffisante, compte tenu de sa rtr'?e appropriatee rOccr.cndations to situation économique et de l1ensem- the M' conci?rrnod. If the ble des dispositions de la Charte, Orç.anization finds that a Mombor e7 un Etat Membre nta pas mené à >I:'.s fr.iled\;ithout sui:9fic±ont terme dans un délai raisonnable/,7 justific;-tion, havin- reZ.rd to its oe ic osiio ad tepr is nociatîons conformes aux OCf:Oi.iC ositïon and the provisions di spositions du paragraphe premier E/PC/T/178 page 25. of the Charter as a whole, to carry du present nrticlo, elle pourra out negotiations within a roasonablod3cider qu'un ou plusieurs Etats period of tine in accordance with the roqlairements of paragraph 1 of this Article, the Organization May doetr.inina that any 'rfober or Mornbers sha11, notwithstanding the provisions of Articlc 14, be entitled tc; withhold froz.-i tho trade of tho othor Member any of tho tariïT benefits which may have boen noLctiatad pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article, and embodied in Part 1 of tho Genoral AL4renûnt on Membres auront le droit, nonobstant les dispositions cde l'article 14, de Z'ne pas accorder au7 retirer, à 1.igard du commerco ie lautre Etat Membre les avantages tari- fairos qui auraient it' ndgoci6s en application du paragraphe premier du present article et in- coQrpores à la lère Partie de l'Accord génêral sur les Tarirs douaniers et le Connerce. Dans le Tariffs utnd Trado. If such boncfitC, Oa O ie retrait effectif le7 arc in f ct withheld, so as to ces avantages`3eraient effectivement result i.n tha applic-.t1an to the retires et ou ce retrait aurait trade of the othar Mle'ribor of tariffspuur /êli'et7 résultant /dé faire hiCher than would otherwise hava sublr7 d1ap2liquor au commerce de beum applicable, such other Mer.bcr l'autre Etat Membre des tarifs shall thon bu freo, within sixty plus élevés que ceux quï auraient days aftcr such action is taken, to étt appliqués en llabsence de telles withr.-raw fro. the Organization upon measures, il sera loisible audit Etat the expiration of sixty days fron Membre, dans ies soixante jours qui tho date on which wrritten notice of suivront /1,/ la mise en application such withdrawal is received. Zby de la mesure en question et sur the Orranizatiodn7. préavis adressé p2r 6crit au Directeur Général, de se retirer de l',Oranisation /êt cutte mesure aura effet7 à l'expiration d 'un d3Jai de E/PC/T/178 parc 26,. soixante ours à '51artir7 computer do la date à laquelle le pràav1s /3crit du retrait7 aura été reçu 5ar ltOrSanlsation7, 3. Les dispositions du present article seront appliqu6es en conformity /cdie7 avec l'article 67. 3. Thu provisions of this Article shall oporato in accord.ancc with the provisions of Article 67.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee on Articles 16 - 23 and 37
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 6, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/154 and E/PC/T/153-156
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/154 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 6 August 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 16 - 23 and 37. RAPPORT DU COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION SUR LES ARTICLES 16-23 et 37. ARTICLE 16 x FREEDOM OF TRANSIT 1. Goods (including baggage), and also vessels. and other means of transport, shall be deemed to be in transit across the territ- ory of a Member. when the passage across such territory with or without transhipment, warehousing breaking bulk, or change in the mode of transport, is only a portion of a complete journey [,] beginning and terminating beyond the frontier of the Member across whose territory the traffic passes. Traffic of i The Legal Drafting Committee has reproduced the Article numbers used in document E/PC/T/142. LIBERTE DE TRANSIT 1. Les marchandises ( y compris les bagages) ainsi que les navires et autres moyens de transport seront considérés comme étant en transit à travers le territoire d'un Etat Membre, lorsque le passage à travers ce territoire, qu'il s'effectue ou non avec transbordement, entreposage, rupture de charge ou changement dans le mode de transport, ne constituera qu'une fraction dun voyage complet commençant et se terminant au delà des frontières de l'Etat Membre sur le i Le Comité juridique de rédaction a repris la numérotation des articles adoptée pour le document E/PC/T/142. E/PC/T/154 Page 2 this nature is termed in this Article "traffic in transit." [The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the operation of aircraft in trans- it, but shall apply to air transit of goods and baggage.] territoire duquel Il a lieu. Dans le présent article, un traffic de cette nature est appelé " trafic en transit" [Les dispositions du present article ne seront pas applicatles aux opéra- tions de traffic aérien en transit, mais seront applicables au transit aérien de marchandises et de baga- ges] . Paragraph 1: Note I: The delegate for Chile declared that he maintained, for the time being, the view that Article 16 should be confined to goods only, in which case the words "and also vessels and other means of transport" should be deleted. Note Il: The Preparatory Committee considered that the wording of this paragraph is intended to cover transit from one point to another in a given country across the territory of another country. Paragraphe 1: Note Le délégué du Chili déclare maintenir pour le moment, l'opinion que l'Article 16 devrait porter exclu- sivement sur les marchandises et que, dans ces conditions, les mots " ainsi que les navires et autres moyens de transport " devraient être supprimés. Note II: La Commission préparatoire es- time que ce paragraphe a été rédigé de façon à s'appliquer au transit entre deux points d'un même pays à travers le territoire d'un autre pays. E/PC/T/154 Page 3 2. There shall be freedom of transit through [the] each Member [countries] country via routes most convenient for international transit for traffic in transit to or from other Member countries. No distinction hall be made which is based in the flag of vessels, the lace of origin, departure, entry xit or destination, or on any circumstances relating to the nership of goods, [or] of assels or of other means of transport. Any Member may require that affic in transit through its pritory be entered at the proper storms house, but, except in ases of f failure to comply with applicable customs laws and reg- lations, such traffic coming from or going to other Member countries shall not be subject any unnecessary delays or estrictions and shall be exempt om customs duties and from all ansit duties or other charges 2. Il y aura liberté de transit à travers le territoire des Etats Membres pour le trafic en transit [à destination ou en provenance d'autres Etats Mombres] empruntant les voies les plus commodes pour le transit international [. ] en provenance ou à destination d'au- tres Etats Membres. Il ne sera fait aucune distinction fondée sur le pavillon des navires ou bateaux,le lieu d'origine, le point de départ, d'entrée, de sortie ou de destina- tion ou sur des considérations re- latives à la propriété des marchan- dises, des navires, bateaux ou au- tres moyens de transport. 3. Tout Etat Membre pourra exiger que le trafic en transit passant par son territoire[soit enregistré] fasse l'objet d'une déelaration au bureau de douane intéressé;toutefois sauf lorsqu'il y aura défaut d'ob- servation des lois et règlementations douanières applicables, les trans- ports de cette nature en provenance ou à destination d'autres Etats Membres ne seront pas soumis à des délais ou à des restrictions.lnu- biles et seront éxonérés de dróits de douane et de tous droits de E/PC/T/154 Page 4 imposed in respect of transit, except charges for transportation or these commensurate with admin- istrative expenses entailed by transit or with the cost of services rendered. 4. All charges and regulations imposed by Members on traffic in transit to or from other Member countries shall be reasonable, having regard to the conditions of the traffic. 5. With respect te all charges, regulations[,] and formalities in connection with transit, each Member shall accord to traffic in transit to or from any other Member country treatment no less favourable than the treatment accorded to traffic in transit to or from any third country. . transit ou de toute autre imposi- tion en ce qui concerne le transit, à l'exception des frais de trans- port ou des redevances correspon- dant aux dépenses administratives occasionnées par le transit ou [ du ] au coût des services rendus. 4. Tous les droits et régle- ments appliqués par les Etats Membres au traffic en transit en provenance ou à destination d'au- tres Etats Membres devront être équitables, eu égard aux condi- tions du trafic. 5. En ce qui concerne tous les droits, réglemants et formalités relatifs au transit, chaque Etat Membre accordera au trafic en transit en provenance ou à desti- nation de tout autre Etat Membre, un traitement non moins favora- ble que celui qui ast accordé au trafic en transit en provenance ou à destination de tout pays tiers. Note by the Legal Drafting Committee Commission A has raised an ob- jection over the fact that the French text of the Note concerning paragraph 5 of Article 16 uses the word "similaire" in one place and "analogue" in another, whereas the English text uses the word "like" in both cases. The Commission was of the opinion that the same word, preferably "similaire" should be used in both cases. In this connection the Legal Drafting Committee reiterates the fact that the French text is not a translation of the English text contrary to the meaning which the remarks of Commission A seem to imply. The expressions "produits simi- laires" and "conditions analogues" are in conformity with the good usage of the french language and with the general meaning of the note. Under those circumstances the Legal Drafting Committee preferred to retaïn the present text. Paragraph 5: With regard to transport charges, the Proparatory Committee under- stood that the principle of para- graph 5 refers to like products being transported on the same route under like conditions. E/PC/T/154 Page 5 Note par le Comité Juridique de rédaction. La Commission A a soulevé une objection contre le fait que le texte français de la note rela- tive au paragm phe 5 de l'arti- cle 16 utilise dans un cas le mot "similaire" et dans un autre le mot "analogue" alors que le texte anglais utilise dans les deux cas le mot "like". Elle estime que la même mot, de préférence "similaire", de- vrait être utilisé dans les deux cas. A ce sujet, le Comité Juridi- que de Radaction rappelle que le texte français ne constitue pas une traduction du texte anglais à l'encontre de ce que semble in- diquer l'observation formulae par la Commission A. D'autre part, les expressions "produits similaires" et "condi. tions analogues" sont conformes au bon usage et expriment ce qui, bien qu'absent du texte anglais, n'en correspond pas moins au sens général de la note. Dans ces conditions, le Comi- té Juridique de Rédaction a pré- féré maintenir le texte actuel.' Paragraphe 5: En ce qui concerne les frais de transport, la Commission prépara- toire a compris que le principe posé au paragraphe 5 s'applique aux produits similaires transpor- tés le long du même itinéraire dans des conditions analogues. Page 6 6. Each Member shall accord to products which have been in transit through any other Member country treatment no less favourable than that which would have been accorded to such products had they been trans- ported from their place of origin to their destination without going through such other Member country. Any Member shall, however, be free to maintain its requirements of direct consignment [(expédition directe)] existing on the day of tehe signature of this Charter, in respect of any goods in regard to which such direct consignment is a requiste condition of eligibil- ity for entry of the goods at preferential rates of duty [,] or has relation to the [ country's] Members prescribed method of valuation for duty purposes. Chaque Etat Membre accordéra aux produits qui sont passés en transit par le territoire de, tout Etat Membre un traite- ment non moins favorable que ce- lui qui leur aurait été accordé s'ils avaient été transports de leur lieu d'origine à leur lieu de destination sans passer par ce torritoire. Tout Etat Membre sera dependant libre de maintair les conditions d'ex- pudition directe [direct consignmont] en vigueur à la date de la signature de la pré- sente Charte à l'égard de toutes marchandises pour lesquelles l'expédition directed constitue une condition d'admission au bénéfice de droits préférentiels [,] ou se rapporte au mode d'é- valuation precerit par cet Etat Mermbre en vue de la fixation des droits de douane. E/PC/T/154 Page 7 te by the Legal Drafting committee It is suggested that since the ocess of accepting the Charter 11 not include signature, the ex- ession "on the day of the signa- re of this Charter", wherever it pears in the Charter, be replaced a fixed date. The Provisions of this ticle shall not apply to the peration of aircraft in transit, at shall apply to air transit goods (including uaggage). Note du Comité Juridique de rédaction. Comme il n'est pas prévru qud l'acceptation de la Charte comportera signature, il est proposé que les mots " à la date de la signature de la présente Charte " soient remplacés dans la Charte par une date exacte. 7. Les Dispositions du présent àlinea ne seront pas applicables aux [opérations de trafic aé- rien] aéronefs en transit, mais seront applicables aérien de marchandises (ycom- pris les bagagas). ARTICLE 17 ANTI-DUMPING AND COUNTERVAILING DUTIES No anti-dumping duty or harge shall be levied on- any (cte on paragrapyh 6: The Preparatory Committee was favour of the retention of this paragraph as adopted by the Drafting mmittee subject to reservation acorded by the French Delegate en Article 14 was discussed. TAXES ANTI-DUMPING ET DROITS COMPENSATEURS. 2. Il ne sera perçu sur un pro- duit originaire d'un Etat Membre et importé Paragraphe 6: La Commission préparatoire s'est déclarée en feveur du maintien de ce paragraphe dans le texte adopté par le Comité de Rèdaction, compte tenu d'une réserve formulée par le Délé- gué de la France lors de la discussion de l'Article 14. E/PC/T/154 page 8 product of any Member Country imported into any other Member country in excess of an amount equal to the margin of dumping under which such product is being imported. For the purposes of this Article the margin of dumping shall be understood to mean the amount by which the price of the product exported from one country to another is less than (a) the comparable price, inrice, i;1 the ordinary course of [commerce] trade, for the like product when destined for consumption in the exporting country, or, (b) in the absence of such domestic price, is less then either [ (b)] (i) the highest comparable price for the like product dans le tarritoire d' un autre Etat Membre aucun droit ni aucune taxe anti-dumping d'un montant supérieur à la marge de dumping afférente à ce produit lors de son importation. Au sens du présent article, il faut entendre par marge de dumping la différence entre le prix d'un pro- duit déterminé exporté d'un pays yers un autre et (a) le prix comparable demandé dans les conditions normales du commerce pour un produit simi- laire destiné à .la consommation dans le prays exportateur ou, (b) en l'absence d'un tel prix sur le marché intérieur de ce dernier paye Ie différence entre le prix susmentionné et, soit [ (b)] (i) le prix comparable le plue élavé pour l'exportation E/PC/T/154 page 9 for export to any third country in the ordinary course or [ commerce] trade, or [(c)] (ii) the cost of production of the product in the country of origin plus a reasonable addition for selling cost and profit [,] [with] Due allowance shall be made in each case for differences in taxation, and for other differences affecting price comparability. d'un produit similaire vers un pays tiers dans les oon- ditions normales du commerce, soit [(c)] (ii)le coût de production de ce product. dans le pays d'ori- gine, plus une augmentation raisonnable pour le frais de vente et le bénéfice [ ,] [compte dûment tenu] Il seru dûment tenu compte dans cheque ces des differences dons les conditions et modalités de vented, des differences de taxation et des autres différences affectant les éléments de comparaison des prix. E/PC/T/134 Page 10 Note I: The delegate for CUBA main- tained for the time being his criticism of the way of approach to the problem or dumping by Article 17 which confines itself to restricting the rights of Members affected by dumping, whilst not condemning those practising it; he would prefer to introduce the article by an express statement of condemnation. NOTE II: It was the understanding of the Preparatory Committee that the obligations set forth in Article 17 would, as in the case of all other obligations under Chapter V, be subject to the provisions of Article 34. Paragraph 1: The Preparatory Committee was of the opinion that hidden dumping by associated houses (that is, the sale by the importers at a price below that corresponding to the price involved by the exporter with which the importer is essociated, and also below the price in the exporting country) would cons- titute a form of price dumping. Note I Le délégué de Cuba persiste pour le moment à critiquer la façon dont l'article 17 aborde le problème du dumping car cet article se borne à limiter les droits des membres tou- chés par le dumping et ne condamne pas ceux qui la pratiquent. Il pré- fèrerait voir figure au début dudit' article une condemnation expresse. Note II : La Commission préparatoire a comprie que les obligations énoncées à l'ar- ticle 17 seront, comme c'est le cas pour toutes les autres obligations découlant du Chapitre V, régies par les dispositions de l'article 34. Paragraphe 1 : La Commission préparatoire est d'avis que le dumping occulte pra- tiqué par des maisons associées (c'est-à-dire la vente par les im- portateurs à un prix inférieur à celui qui correspond eu prix factu- ré par l'exportateur avec lequel l'importateur est associé, et infé- rieu. également au prix pratiqué dans le pays exportateur) consti- tuerait une sorte de dumping des prix. E/PC/T/154 page 11 2. No countervailing duty shall be levied on any product of any Member country imported into another Member country in excess of an amount equal to the estim- ated bounty or subsidy determined to have been granted, directly or indirectly, on the manufacture, production or export of such prod- uct in the country of origin or exportation, ilncluding any special subsidy to the transportation of any special product. The term "countervailing duty" shall be understood to mean a special duty leavled for the purpose of offset- ting any bounty or subsidy bestowed; directly or indirectly, upon the manufacture, production, or exporta- tion of any merchandise. Note by the Legal Drafting Com- mittee:ue:; The use of the expressions "duty or charge" and duty" is not consistent in this Article. For example it is not clear why in paragraph 3 the expression "duty"' is used and not "duty and charge" as in paragraphs 1 and 6. Further in paragraph 4 and elsewhere the English and French texts are in- consistent with each other on this point. 2. Il ne sera perçu sur un produit originaire d'un Etat Membre et im- porté dans le territoire d'un autre Etat Membre aucur droit compensateur dépassant le montant [tel qu'il a été]estimé [,]de la prime ou de la subvention que l'on sait avoir êtê accordée, directement ou indirecte- ment, à la fabrication, la production ou l'exportation dudit produit, dans le pays d'origine ou d'exportation, y compris toute subvention spéciale accordée pour le transport, d'un pra- duit. particulier Le terme "droi compensateur'" doit être interprété come signifiiant un droit special perçu en vue de neutraliser toute prime ou subvontion accordées, di- reetement ou indirectement, à la fabrication, la production ou l'ex- portation d'un produit [quelcenque] Note du Comité juridique de rédac- tion. Dans cet article les expres- sions "droits nu taxes" et "droits" sont employées de manière incohéren- te. Par exemple, l'on ne comprend s pourquoi le paragraphe & emploie l'expressior "droits" et non l'ex- pression "droits et taxes", comme le font les paragraphs I et 6, En outre, au paragraphe 4 et en d'autres endroits, les textes françain et anglais ne correspondent pas sur ce point. E/PC/T/154 Page 12 The United States representa- tive on the Legal Drafting Com- miittee suggested thet in order for the text of the Article to be consistent, the words "or change" should be deleted where- ever they appear in Article 17, or alternatively, that these words be inserted consistently after the word "duties" through- out the Article. It was the, understanding of the Preparatory Committee that multiple currency practices may in certain circumstances consti- tute a subsidy to exports which could be met by countervailing duties under paragraph 2 or may constitute a form of dumping by means of a partial depreciation of a country's currency which could be met by action under paragraph. 1 of this Article. By "multiple currency practises"' is meant practises by governments or sanctioned by governments. Le représentant des Etats- Unis au Comité juridique de rd- daction a propose, pour unifor- miser la rédaction de l'article, de supprimer les mots "ou taxes" chaque fois qu'ils figurent à I'article 17, ou, au contraire, les ajouter tout au long do l'ar- ticle, après le mot "droits", de manière à rendre la rédaction co- Paragraphe 3: La Commission préparatoire a compris que les manipulations de change pouvent dans certaines cir- constances constituer une subven- tion à l'exportation à laquelle on peut répondre par les droits com- pensateurs énoncés au paragraphe 2 ou encore qu'elles peuvent consti- tuer une forma de dumping effectué au moyen d'une devaluation par- tielle de la monnaie d'un pays, à laquelle on peut répondre par les mesures prévues au paragraph 1 du présent article Par "manipula- tion de chance", on entend des pratiques qui sont le fait des gouvernements ou qui sont approu- vées par lui. E/PC/T/154 Page 13 ii 3. No product of any Member country imported into any other Member country shall be subject to anti-dumping or countervailing duty by reason of the exemption of such product from duties or taxes borne by the like product when [consumed] destined for consumption in the country of origin or exportation,, or by reason of the refund of such duties or taxes. 4. No product of any Member country imported into any other Member country shall be subject to both anti-dumping and counter- vailing duties to compensate for the same situation of dumping or export subsidization. 5. No Member shall levy any anti-dumping or countervailing duty or charge on the importation of any product of another Member country unless it determines 3. Aucun produit originaire d4un Etat Membre et imports dans le terri- toire d'un autre Etat Membre ne sera soumis à des taxes anti-dumping ni des droits compensateurs, en raison de son exonération des droits ou impôts qui frappent le product similaire[,] lorsqu'il est destiny à être consommé dans le pays d'origine ou le pays d' exportation, ou en raison du rembour- sement de ces droits ou impôts. 4. Aucun produit originaire d'un Etat Membre et importé dans le territoire d'un autre Etat Membre ne sera assu- jetti à la fois à des taxes anti- dumping et à des droits compensateurs en vue de parer à une .même situation résultant du dumping ou de la sub- vention des deportations. 5. Aucun Etat Membre ne percavra de droits ou de taxes anti-dumping ou de droits compensateurs à l'importe- tion d'un produit [quelconque] origi- naire d'un autre Etat-Membre, à moins qu'il ne constate que l'effet E/PC/T/154 Page 14 that the effect of the dumping or subsidization, as the case may be, is such as to cause or threaten material injury to an established domestic industry, or is such as to prevent or materially retard the establishment of a domestic industry. The Organization [is authorized to] may waive the re- quirements of this paragraph so as to permit a Member to levy an anti- dumping duty or countervailing duty on the importation of any product for tho purpose of off- setting dumping or subsidization which causes or threatens mater- ial injury to an industry in another Member country exporting the product concerned to the importing Member country. It is Paragraph 5: Note I: The Delegations of Bel- gium, Czechoslovakia, France, Luxembourg and. the Netherlands ex- pressed the fear that abuses might be committed under cover of the provisions of paragraph 5 regarding the threat of injury, of which a State might take advantage on the pretext that it intended to estab- lish some new domestic industry in the more or less distant future. The Committee considered that, if such abuses were committed, the du dumping ou de la subvention, selon les cas, est tel qu'il cause ou menace do causer un préjudice sub- stantiel à une Droduction national etablic ou qu' il fait obstacle à la création d' unc production national ou la retarded sensiblement. L'Orga- nisation [est autorisée à] pourra déroger aux prescriptions du present paragraphe de façon à permettre à un Etut Membre do percevoir un droit anti-dumping ou un droit compensa- tour à l'importation d'un product quelconque, on vue de compenser un dumping ou une subvention qui cause ou menace de causer un préju- dice substantiel a une production d'un autre Etat-Membre oui exporte le produit en question dans le torri- toire de l'Etat Membre importateur. Il'est reconnu que l'importation de Paragrarhe 5: Note I: Les délégations de la Bel- gique, de la France, du Luxembourg, des Pays-Bas et de la Tchécoslova- quie ont exprimé la crainte que des abus pourraient être commis à la faveur des dispositions du para- graphe 5 relatives à la menace de prejudice dont un Etat pourrait se prévaloir sous le prétexte qu'il aurait l'intention de créer chez lui telle industries nouvelle dans un avenir plus ou moins éloigné, La Commission estime que si de pareils general provisions of the Charter abus nouvaient être commis, los would be adequate to deal with them dispositions générales de la Charte permettraient d'y mettre fin. E/PTC/T/154 Page 35 recognized that the importation of products exported under a stabilization system determined to have conformed to the conditions prescribed in paragraph 3 of Article 30 wauld not result in material injury under the terms of this paragraph. §. No measures other thanl anti- dumping [and] or countervailing duties or charges shall be applied by any Member for the purpose of offsetting dumping or subsidi- zation. Note by the Legal Drafting Committee It is suggested that the phrase "in respect of any product of any other Member country" be inserted after the word "Member"' if this interpretation was intended by the Committee. Paragraph 5: Note II: The reference to para- graph 3 of Article 30 was adopted provisionally pending the final .wording of that provision as well as of paragraph 4 of Article 66. produits [exportés conformément à]dont l'exportation a ou lieu suivant un système de stabilisation considéré come satisfait aux conditions prescrites au para- graphe 3 de l'article 30 n'en- trainera pas un préjudice substan- tiel aux termes du présent para- graphe. 6. Aucun Etat Membre, n'aura racours à des measures autres que les taxes anti-dumping ou les droits compensatours pour neutra - liser les effets [du] d'un dumping ou [de la] d'uno subven- Note du Comité juridigue de rédaction. Le Comité propuse que le membre de phrase '"en ce qui. concerne tout produit d'un autre Etat Membre" soit ajouté après le met "compen- satours", si c'est, cette interpré- tation que la Commission_. c _-- Paragraphe 5 Note Il :La référence au paragra- phe 3 de l'article 30 a éte. adop- tée provisoirement en attendant la rédaction définitive de catte disposition et du paragraphs 4 de l'article 66. E/PC/T/154 Page 16 Note to paragraph 6: The Preparatory Committee was not unanimous on the addition of this paragraph. Its inclusion was supported by twelve delegations and opposed by four. Paragraphe 6 : La Commission préparatoire n'a pas approuvé à l'unanimité l'adjonction de co parigraphe, appuyée par douze délégations et combattme par quatre autres. ARTICLE 18 VALUATION[S] FOR CUSTOM 1. The Members shall work toward the standardization, [in so] as far as practicable of definitions of value and of procedures for determining the value of products subject to customs duties or other charges or restrictions based upon or regulated in any manner by value. With a view to further- ing such co-operation, the Organization may [investigate] study and recommend to Members such bases and methods for determining [the ] value [of products] for customs purposes as would appear best suited to the needs of commerce and most capable of general adoption. VELUER EN DOUANE 1. Les Etats Membres prendront toutes dispositions utiles en vue do rendre uniformes, dans la mesu- re du pose ble, les définitions de la valeur et les méthodes d'é- valuation des produits soumis à des droits de douane ou à d'autres taxes ou restrictions [fondés] basées sur la valeur [ou fixés de] functions en quelque manière [que ce soit]de la valour d'après la En vue de faciliter [ce travail de coopération] cetre collaboration l'Organisation pourra [procéder à des études et recommander aux Etats Membres d'adopter, pour déterminer la valeur en douane,] étudier teks critèros et méthodes de détermï- nation de la valeur en douane s u s ce p t i b le s d e E/PC/T/154 Page 17 2. The Members recognize the validity of the general principles of [tariff] valuation[s] set forth in the following [ sub-] paragraphs [,] 3, 4 and 5 and 6 of this Article, and they undertake to give effect to such principles, in respect of all products subject to duties or other charges or restrictions on importation [s] and exportation [s] based upon or regulated in any manner by value, at the earliest practicable date. Moreover, they shall, upon a request by another Member, review the operation of any of their laws or regulations relating to value for [duty] customs purposes in the light of these principles. The Organization [is authorized to] may request from Members reports on steps taken by them in pursuance of the provisions of this paragraph 7 article. satisfaire aux nécessités du com- merce et de fire l'objet d'une adoption générale [,] et en recom- mander l'adoption aux Etats Membres. 2. Les Etats Membres reconnaissent, en ce qui concern la détermination de Ia valeur en douane, le velidité des principes généraux figurant dans les [sous] paragraphes 3, 4, 5 et 6 fit alinéas ci-après de cet ] du présent article et ils s' engagent à les appliquer aussitôt que possi- ble [pour] en cequi concerne tous les produits soumis à des droits de douane [des] ou à d'autres taxes ou à des restrictions d'importation et d'exportation [fondés] basés sur la valeur ou [fixés] fonction de quelque manière que ce soit, d'après la valeur. De plus, ils réexamine- ront, chaque fois qu'un autre Etat Membre en fera la démende l'applica- tion de toute loi ou de tout règle- ment relatifs à le valeur en douane à la lumière desdits principes. L'Organisation [est autorisée à] pourra demander aux Etats Membres, de lui fournir des rapports sur les measures qu'ils ont prises [dans le E/PC/T/154 Page 18 3. [(a)] [(i)]). The value for [ duty] customs purposes of imported merchandise should be based on the actual value of the imported merchandise on which duty is assessed or of like merchandise, and should not be based on the value of merchandise of national origin or on arbitrary or fictitious values, [(ii)](b). "Actual value" should be the price at which, at a time and place determ- ined by the legislation of the country of importation and in the ordinary course of trade, such or like Paragraph 2 : The Prepara- tory Committee considered the *desirability of replacing the words "at the earliest practicable date" by a definite date or, alternat- ively, by a provision for a specified limited period to be fixed later. The Committee appreciated that it would not be possible for all Members to give effect to these principles by a fixed time, but it was neverthe- less understood that a majority of the Members would give effect to them at the time the Charter enters into force. sens des] suivant les dispositions du présent [paragraph] article [a] 3 [(i)] a La valeur en douane des marchandises import es devrait être fondée sur la valeur réelle de le merchandise importée à laquelle s'applique le drcit, ou d'une mar- chandise similaire, et ne devrait pas être fondée sur la valeur de produit d'origine nationale [,] ou sur des [évaluations] valeurs arbitraires ou fictives. [(ii)] b La "valeur réelle" de- vrait être le prix auquel, en des temps et lieu déterminés par la lé- gislation du pays d'importation et [pour des] à l'occasion d'opérations commerciales normales, c e s Paragraphe 2: La Commission Prépa- ratoire a examiné s'il était souhai- table de remplacer les mots : "aussi- tôt que possible", par l'indication d'une date precise ou d'une période limited, d'une durée diterminée, qui serait fixée ultérieurement. La Commission s'est rendu compte qu'il ne serait pas possible à tous les Membres de mettre en pratique ces principes à une date fixe, mais il a été néanmoins entendu que la majo- rité des Membres appliquerait ces principes lors de l'entrée en vigueur de la Charte. E/PC/T/154 page 19 merchandisee is sold or offered for sale under fully compet- itive conditions. To the extent to which the price of such or like merchandise is governed by the quantity in a particular transaction, the price to be considered should uniformly be related to either [(a)] (i) comparable quant- ities, or [ (b)] (ii) quant- ities not less favourable to importers than those in which the greater volume of the merchandise is sold in the trade between the countries of exportation and importation. Note by the Legal Drafting Committee: It is not clear whether the expression "in the ordinary course of trade" qualifies the word "sale". In this case it should be placed after the word "sale". marchandises ou des marchandises simi- laires sont vendues ou offertes à la vente dans des conditions de pleine concurrence. Dans la mesure où le prix de ces marchandises ou des mar- chandises similaires dépend de la quantité sur laquelle porte une tran- saction déterminée, le prix considéré devrait se rapporter, suivant le choix opéré une fois pour toutes par le pays importateur , soit (i) à des quanti- tés comparables , soit (ii) à des quantités fixées d'une manière au moins aussi favorable pour l'impor- tateur que si l'on prenait le volume le plus considerable de ces marchan- dises qui a effectivement donné lieu à des transactions commerciales entre le pays d'exportation et le pays d'im- portation. Note du Comité Juridique de rédaction Il est difficile de dire si l'ex- pression "à l'occasion d'opérations çommerciales normales" s'applique au mot "vente". Si c'est le cas, elle devrait se trouver après le mot "vente" . E/PC/T/154 Page 20 [(iii)] c. When the actual [(iii) c Dans le cas où il se- value is not ascerteinable in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) [(ii)] of this paragraph., the value for [duty] customs purposes should be, based on the ncarest ascertainable equivalent of such value. rait impossible de déterminer la va- leur réelle en se conformant aux ter- mes de l'alinéa (b)(ii), la valeur en douane devrait être [fondée] base sur l'équivalence vérifiable [de cette valeur] la plus proche [qu'il sera possible d'établir.] possible de cette valeur. [Sub-]paragraph [2 (a)] 3: Note I: The Preparatory Committee considered that it would be in conformity with Article 18 to presume that "actual value" may be repre- sented by the invoice price , plus any non-included charges for légitimate cost which are proper elements of "actual value" and plus any abnormal discount or other reduction from the ordinary competitive price. Note II: The Preparatory Committee deleted the words "between independent buyer and seller" which appeared after coursea of trade" in the report of the sub-Committee on the understanding that the phrase "under fully corpet- itive conditions" should be deld to cover the same concept. The Delegates for India and the United Kingdom reserved their positions on this point. [Alinéa(2) (a)]paragraphe 3: Note 1 : La Commission préparatoire a estimé qu'il serait conforme à l'article 18 de présumer que la "valeur réelle" peut être représen- tée par le prix de facture, auquel on ajoutera tous les éléments cor- respondant à des frais légitimes non compris dans le prix de facture et constituent effectivement des élé- ments de la "valeur réelle", ainsi que tout escompte anormal ou toute autre réduction calculée sur le prix normal de concurrence. Note II La Commission préparatoire a supprimé les mots "entre acheteurs et vendeurs indépendants" qui figu- raient dans le Rapport du Sous-Comité après les mots operationss commercia- les normales", en estimant que l'ex- pressîon "dans des conditions de plei- ne concurrence" devait être considé- rée comme répondant à la même no- tion. Les délégués de l'Inde et du Royaume-Uni ont réservé leur posi- tion sur ce point. E/PC/T/154 Page 21 Note III : The Preparatory Committee considered that the prescribed standard of "fully competitive conditions" would permit Members to exclude from consideration distributors' prices which involve spacial discount limited to exclusive agents. Note IV : a The Preparatory Committee considered that the wording of [(i)] and [(ii)] b. would permit a Member to assoss uniformly either [(a)] on the basis of a particular exporters prices of the imported merchandise, or [(b)] on the basis of the general price level of like merchandise. Note V The Delegate of Chile reserved his position for the time being. Note III : La Comission préaratue re a estimé que la norme prescrite pour les "conditions de pleine con- currence" permettrait aux Membres de ne pas prendre en consideration les prix faits aux agents distribu teurs, qui comportent des escompt spéciaux consentis aux seuls agent exclusifs. Note IV : La Commission-préparatoire a estimé que la rédaction des ali- néas [(i)] a et [(ii)] b permettrait aux Membres d'évaluer les droits d'une manière uniforme soit [(a)] sur la base des prix fixés par un exportateur particulier pour la mar chandise importée ou [(b)] sur la base du niveau général des prix pour les produits similaires. Note V : Le délégué du Chili a pro- visoirement réservé sa position. E/PC/T/154 Page 22 [(b)] 4. The value for [duty] customs purposes of any imported product should not include the amount of any internal tax appli- cable within the country of origin or export, from which the imported product has been exempted or has been or will be relieved by means of refund [or made exempt]. Note by the Legal Drafting Committee: It is suggested that the text of paragraph 4 be transferred from this place to become the last sentence of paragraph 3 a. [(c)] 5. [(i)] a. Except as otherwise provided in [sub-para- graph (c)] this paragraph, where it is necessary for the purpose of [sub-] paragraph [(a)] 3 for a Member to convert into its own currency a price expressed in the currency of another country, the conversion rate of exchange to be [(b)] 4. La valeur en douane de toute marchandise importée ne de- vrait comprendre aucune taxe in- térieure exigible [à l'intérieur du] dans le pays d'origine ou de provenance, dont la merchandise importée aurait été exonérée ou dont le montant aurait fait [ , ] ou serait destine à faire l'objet d'un remboursement, Note du Comité juridique de rédaction. Le Comité propose d'ajouter le texte du paragraphe 4 au para- graphe 3 a, dont il constituerait la dernière phrase. [(c)] 5 [(i)] a Sauf disposi- tion contraire du [sous-] présent paragraphe [(c)], lorsqu'un Etat membre se trouve dans la nécessité, pour l'application du [sous-]para- graphe [(a)] 3, de convertir dans sa propre monnaie in prix exprimé - dans la monnaie d'un autre pays, le taux de conversion à adopter E/PC/T/154 Page 23 used /should shall be based on the par values of the currencies involved as established pursuant to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund or by special exchange agreements [devrait être] sera fondé sur les parités qui résultent de l'Accord constitutif du Foods monétaire international ou des accords de change conclus on conformité de article 2 de la présente Charte. entered into pursuant to Article29 of [the] this Chapter. [(ii)] b. Where no such par value has been established, the conversion rate shall reflect effectively the current value of such currency in commercial transac- tions. [(iii)] c. The Organization, in agreement with the International Monetery Funds shall formulate rules governing the conversion by Members of any foreign currency in respect of which multiple rates of exchange are maintained consistently with the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund. Any Member may apply such rules in respect of such [(ii)] b. Au cas ou [de telles parités] une telle parité n'au- rai [en]t pas été établie[a] le taux de conversion [devrait] cor- respondr[e] a effectivement à la valour courant de cette monnaie dans les transactions commerciales. [(iii)] e. L'Organisation, d'ac- cord avec le Fonds monétaire in- ternational, formulera les règles régissant la conversion par les Etats, membres de toute monnaie étrangère à l'égard do laquelle des taux multiples de change ont été maintenus en conformity de l'Accord constitutif du Fonds mo- nétaire international. Cheque Etat membre pourra appliques ces E/PC/T/154 Page 24 foreign currencies for the purposes of paragraph [2(a)] 3 of this Article as an alternative to the use of par values. Until such rules are adopted by the Organization, any Member may employ in respect of any such foreign currency rules of conversion for the purposes of paragraph [2(a)] 3 of this Article which are designed to reflect effectively the value of such foreign currency in commercial transactions. [(vi)] (d) Nothing in [sub-] this paragraph [(c)] shall be construed to require any Member to alter the method of converting currencies for customs purposes, which is applicable in its territory on the day of the signature of this Charter, [in such a manner as to increase] [which] if such alteration would have the effect of increasing generally the amounts of duty payable, règles à ces monnaies étrangères aux fins du paragraphe [2 (a)] 3 du présent article, au lieu de se fonder sur les parités. En atten- dant que l'organisation adopte les règles dont il s'agit, chaque Etat Membre pourra, [appliquer] aux fins du paragraphe 3 du pré- sent article appliquer à toute monnaie étrangère [ en ;,r en question aux fins du paragraphe [2 (a)] 3,] répondant aux con- ditions définies dans le présent paragraphe, des règles de conver- sion destinées à [correspondre] exprimer effectivement [à] la valeur de cette monnaie étrangère dans les transactions commercia- les. [(iv)] (d) aucune disposition du présent [ scus-] paragraphe [(c)] ne peut être interprétée comme [ autorisant] obligeant un Etat Membre à apporter au mode de conversion des monnaies qui, pour la détermination de la va- leur en douane, est applicable sur son territoire à la date de signature de la présente Charte, des modifications qui auraient, E/PC/T/154 Page 25 pour effet d'augmenter d'une maniè- re générale le montant des droits de douane exigibles. Note by Legal Drafting Committee The French text of this paragraph has been changed in order to make it conform to the English text. The verbatim record of the discussion contain- ed in document E/PC/T/PV/32 shows that it is the English text which has been accepted by the Committee. Therefore the word "autorisant" has been replaced by the word "obligeant". (Sub-]Paragraph [2(c)]: 5 The Preparatory Committee decided that the following should appear in its Report as a comment on [(iv)] (d): "The alteration of a currency which is recognised by a change in its established par value shall not be considered a change in the method of converting currencies." [3] 6. The bases and methods for determining the value of products subject to duties or other charges or restrictions based upon or regulated in any Note du Comité juridique de rédac- tion. Le texte français de ce paragraphs a été modifié afin de le rendre conforme pu texte anglais. Il res- sort du compte rendu sténographique de la discussion, reproduit dans. le document E/PC/T/PV/32, que c'est le texte anglais que la Com- mission a adopté. En conséquence, le mot "autorisant" a été remplacé par le mot "obligeant ", Paragraphe [2(c)]: 5 La Commission Préparatoire a déci- dé que la phrase suivante figurera dans son rapport, comme commentaire de l'alinéa [(ivi)] (d): "Le change- ment de la valeur d'une [devise] monnaie, lorsqu'il est consacré' par une modification de sa parité établie, ne sara pas considérée comme. constituant une modification du mode de conversion des [devises] monnaies." [3] 6. Les critères et les mé- thodes servant à déterminer la va- leur des produits soumis à des droite de douane ou à d'autres taxes ou restrictions [fondes] E/PC/T/154 Page 26 manner by value should be stable and should be given sufficient publicity to enable traders to estimate, with a reasonable degree of certainty, the value for customs purposes. ARTICLE 19 FORMALITIES CONNECTED WITH IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION 1. The Members recognize that fees and charges, other than duties, imposed by govern- mental authorities on or in connection with importation or exportation should be limited in amount to the approximate cost of services rendered and should not represent an indirect protection to domestic products or a taxa- tion of imports or exports for fiscal purposes. [They] The Members also recognize the need for reducing the number and diversity of such fees and charges, for minimizing the incidences and complexity of import and export formal- baséès sur la valeur ou [fixes] fonction [de] en quelque manière [que ce soit, d'après] de la valeur, devraient être constants et devraient rece- voir [une] la publicité [suffi- sante afin de] nécessaire pour permettre aux commerçants de dé- terminer la valeur en douane avec une approximation suffisante. ARTICLE 19 FORMALITES RELATIVES A L'IMPORTA- TION ET A L'EXPORTATION. 1. Les Etats Membres [admettent] reconnaissent que les droits et taxes, autres que les droits de douane, imposés par les autorités gouvernementales à l'importation ou à l'exportation ou en relation avec l'importation ou l'exportation de- vraient être limités au coût appro- ximatif des services rendus et ne devraient pas constituer une pro- tection indirecte des produits na- tionaux ou [une] des taxes de caractère fiscal à l'importation ou à l'exportation. [Ils] Les Membres reconnaissent également la nécessi- té de restreindre le nombre et la diversité de ces droits et taxes, de réduire au minimum les effets et Page 87 ities, and for decreasing and simplifying import and export documentation requirements. 2. [Former 3] The Members shall [give affect to] take action in accordance with the principles and objectives of paragraph 1 of this Article, at the earliest practicable date. Moreover, they shall, upon request by another Member, review the operation of any of their laws and regulations in the light of these principles. The Organization is authorised to request from Members reports on steps taken by their in pursuance of the provisions of this paragraph. 3. [Former 2] The Organi- zation [is authorised to] may study and recommend to la complexité des formalités d'importation et d'exportation et de diminuer et [de] simplifier les formalités relàtives aux piéces à fournir en matière d'im- portation et d'exportation. [3] 2. Les Etate Membres [mettront en application, dès que les circonstances le permettreut, les] prendront aussitôt que possible des mesures conformes aux principes et aux objectifs mention- nés au paragraphs premier du pré- sent article. De plus, ils réexa- mineront, cheque fois qu'un autre Etat Membre en fera la demande, l'application de touted loi ou de tout règlement à la lamière des- dits principles. L'Organisation est autorisée à demander aux Etats Membres des rapports sur les mesures qu'ils ont prison en application des dispositions du présent paragraphe. [2] 3. L'Organisation [est habilitée è] pourra étudier et [a]recommander aux Etats Membres des E/PC/T/154 Page 28 Members specific measures for the simplification and standardization of customs formalities and techniques and for the elimination of unnecessary customs roquire- ments. 4. No Member [s] shall [not collect or otherwise] enforce substantial penalties for rninor breaches of customs regulations or procedural requirements. In particular, no [penalty] fine in respect of any omission or mistake in customs document- ation which is easily rectifi- able and obviously made without fraudulent intent or gross negligence shall be greater than necessary to serve merely as a warning. measures spéciales tondant à la simplification et à l'unification des formalités et des techniques douanières ainsi qu'à la suppres- sion des prescriptions non justi- fiées de la règlementation doua- nière. 4. [les] Aucum Etat [s] Membre [s] [ne percevront pas ou n'imposeront] n'impesera [d'aucune autre manière] des pénalités sévères pour de légères infractions à la règlementation ou à la procédure douanières. En particulier, [le montant des pénalités] les amendes imposées à l'occasion d'une omission ou d'une erreur dans les documents [ , ] n'excader [a] [int] pas, pour les omissions ou erreurs facile- ment réparables [, ] et manifeste- ment dénuées de toute intention frauduleuse et ne constituant pas une négligence grave, la somme nécessaire pour constituer, un simple avertissement. Paragraph 3. At the request of the Repre- sentative of the International Monetary Fund the Preparatory Committee considered whether 'there was any provision in. Article 19 which could be interpreted as prohibiting a Member from employing multiple currency practices, or equivalent thereof, for balance of payments purposes when the action of such member is taken in accordance with the recommendations or approval of the International Monetary Fund. The Committee was of the opinion that, while Article 19 does not cover the use of multiple rates of exchange as such, paragraphs 1 and 5 would condemn the use of exchange taxes or fees as a device for implementing multiple currency practices; it was clear, however, that if a Member is using multiple currency exchange fees for balance of payments reasons with the approval of the Fund, the provisions of paragraph 3 would fully safeguard its position since that paragraph merely requires that the fees be eliminated at the earliest practicable date. E/PC/ T/154 Page 29 Paragraphe 3. A la demande du représentant du Fonds monétaire international, la Commis- sion Preparatoire a examiné si l'ar- ticle 19 ne contenait aucune dispo- sition pouvant être interprétée come interdisant à un Etat Membre de recourir à la pratique des taux de change multiples ou à des mesures équivalentes, pour des raisons inté- ressant la balance des paiements et lorsque ledit Etat Membre agit con- formément aux recommandations ou avec l'approbation du Fonds Monétai- re International. La Commission a estimé que, bien que l'article 19 nr vise pas le recours à des taux de change multiples en tant que tels, les paragraphes 1 et 5 condamneraient le recours à des taxes ou droits sur les operations de change come pro- cédé permettant d'appliquer la pra- tique de taux de change multiples; il est toutefois évident que si un Etat Membre a recours à cette pra- tique, avec l'approbation du Fonds et pour des motifs intéressant la balance des paiements, les disposi- tions du paragraphe 3 sauvegarde- raient pleinement sa position étant donné que ce paragraphe stipule sim- lement que les taxes devront être supprimées dès oue les circonstances le permettront. E/PC/T/154 Page 80 5. The provisions of this Article shall extend to fees: charges, formalities and requirements imposed by governmental authorities in connection with importation and exportation, including those relating to: (a) consular transactions, such as consular invoices and certificates; (b) quantitative restrictions; (c) licensing; (d) exchange control; (e) statistical services; (f) documents, documentation and certification; (g) analysis and inspection; and (h) quarantine, sanitation and fumigation. 5. Lùs dispositions du présent ar- ticle s'étendront aux droits, taxes, formalités et conditions imposés par les autorités gouvernementales [pour les] à l'occasion des opéra- tions d'importation [ou] et d'expor- tation, y comprise les droits, taxes, formalités et conditions relatifs: (a) aux formalités consulaires, telles que factures et certifi- cats consulaires; (b) aux restrictions quantitatives; (c) aux licences; (d) au contrôle des changes; (e) aux services de statistique; (f) aux pièces à produire, à la documentation et à la délivrance de certificats; (g) aux analyses et [à l'inspection] et aux vérifications; (h) à la quarantaine, à l'inspection sanitaire et à la [fumigation] désinfection. E/PC/T/154 Page 31 ARTICLE 20 MARKS OF ORIGIN 1. The Members [agree] recognize that in adopting and implementing lawa and repulations relating to marks of origin, the difficulties and inconveniences which such measures may cause to the commerce and industry of exporting countries should be reduced to a minimum. 2. Each Member shall accord to the products of each other Member country treatment with regard to marking raquirements no less favourable than the treatment accorded to like products of any third country. 3. Whenever administratively practicable, Members should permit required marks of origin to be [imposed] fixed at the time of importation. ARTICLE 20 MARQUES D' ORIGINE 1. Les Etats Membres [conviennent] reconnaissent qu'en adoptant et en mettant on application les lois et règlements relatifs aux marques d'origine, il y aurait lieu de réduire au minimum les difficultés et les inconvénients que de mesures pourraient occasionner au commerce et à l'industrie des pays exportateurs 2. En ce qui concerne les condi- tions relatives aux marques, chaque Etat Membre accordera aux produits des [chaque] autres Etats Mem- bres un traitement qui ne sera pas moins favorable que celui qui est accordé aux produits similaires de tout pays tiers. 3. Chaque fois [qu'il] que cela sera [administrativement] possi- ble du point de vue administration [de le faire], les Etats Membres permettront [que les] l'apposi- tion au moment de l'importation, des marques d'origine [soient E/PG/T/154 Page 32 apposées au moment de l'importation] exigées. Note by the Legal Drafting Committee: The French text imposes an obligation, the English text does not impose such obligation. The difference in substance could not be resolved by drafting. 4. The laws and regulations of Members relating to the marking of imported products shall be such as to permit compliance without seriously damaging the products, or materially reducing their value, or unreasonably increasing their cost. Note du Comité juridique de rédaction Le texte français impose une obligation, le texte anglais n'im- pose pas cette obligation. La di- vergence au fond ne peut pas être resolue par un changement de ré- daction, 4. En ce qui concerne le marqua- ge des produits importés, les lois et règlements des Etats Membres seront tels qu'il sera possible de s'y conformer sans occasionner de dommage sérieux aux produits ni réduire substantiellement leur va- leur, ni accroître indûment leur prix de revient. E/PC/T/154 Page 33 5. The Members [agree to] shall work in co-operation through the Organization towards the early elimination of unnecessary marking requirements [as to marks of origin]. The Organization [is authorized to] may study and racommend to Members measures directed to this end, including the adoption of schedules of general categories of products, in respect of which marking requirements operate to restrict trade [in a degree] to an extent disproportionate to any proper purpose to be served, and which shall not in any case be required to be marked-to indicate their origin. 5. Les Etats Membres [conviennent de coopérer] collaboreront par l'in- termédiaire de l'Organisation aux fins d'éliminer rapidement les pres- criptions inutiles quant aux mar- ques d'origine. L'Organisation [est autorisée à] pourra [faire des études] étudier [et à recom- mander aux Etats Membres des] les mesures tendant à cette fin [,] et en recommander l'adoption aux Etats Membres, [y comprise] ces études et recommandations pourront notam- ment traiter de l'adoption d'une list de categories générales de products à l'égard desquels les prescriptions de marquage ont pour effect de restreindre le commerce d'une manière disproportionnée au but à Paragraph 5: The Preparatory Committee thought it desirable that the discussion of this paragraph at meetings of the Working Party on the Technical Articles, as well as at the Drafting Committee and at its First Session, should be considered by the Organization when studying the problem of "the early elimination of unnecessary requirements as to marks of origin". Also the Committee wished to emphasize the. importance of the word "early" in this paragraph. Paragraphe 5 : De l'avis de la Commission préparatoire, il conviendrait que l'Organisation, lorsqu'elle étudiera de quelle façon les Etats membres pourront "élimi- ner rapidement les prescriptions inutiles quant aux marques d'o- rigine", tienne compte des dis- cussions dont ce paragraphe a fait l'objet au cours des réu- nions du Groupe de travail char- gé de l'examen des articles "techniques", ainsi qu'au cours des séances du Comité de rédac- tion et de la première session. La Commission tient également à souligner l'importance du mot "rapidement" qui figure à ce paragraph. E/PC/T/154 Page 34 6. As a general rule no special duty or penalty should be imposed by any Member for failure to comply with marking requirements prior to importation unless corrective marking is unreasonably delayed or deceptive marks have been affixed or the required marking has been intentionally 7, The Members shall ooperate with each other and through the Organization with a/view to pre- venting. the use of trade names in such a manner as to misrep- resent the true origin of a pro- duct, to the detriment of the distinctivé regional or geographical names of products of a Member country, which. are protected by the legislation of such country. Each Member shall accord full and sympathetic consideration to such requests or representations as may be made by atteindre, [et] produits qui se- ront, dispensés dans tous les cas de porter une marque indiquant leur origine. 6. En règle générale, aucun Etat Membre ne devrait imposer d'amende ou de droit special lorsqu'il y aura eu défaut d'ob- servation des réglements relatifs au marquage avant l'importation, à moins que la rectification du marquage ne soit indûment dif- réree ou que des marques de na- ture à induire en erreur n'aient été apposées, ou que le marquage n'ait été intentionnellement omis. 7. Les Etats Membres [coopére- ront] collaboreront entre eux et par l'intermédiaire de l'Organi- sation en vue [d'empecher] d'éviter que les marques commercials soient utilisées de manière à [-donner ne idée-erronée de] in- duire en erreur quant à la véri- table origine du produit, at cela au détriment des appellations d'origine régionales ou géogra- phiques des produits d'un Etat Membre, qui sont protégées par la législation de cet Etat. Chaque Etat Membre accordera une entière any other Member regarding the application of the undertaking set forth in the preceeding sentence to names of products which have been communicated to it by the other Member. The Organization may recommend a conference of interested Members on this subject. ARTICLE 21 PUBLICATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF TRADE REGULATIONS - [ADVANCE NOTICE OF RESTRICTIVE REGULATIONS] 1. Laws, regulations, Judicial decisions and administrative rulings of general application made effective by any Member, pertaining to the classification or the valuation of products for customs purposes, or to rates of duty, taxes or other charges, or to requirements, restrictions or prohibitions on imports or exports or on the transfer of payments therefor, or affecting their sale, distribution, transportation, [or] insurance, [or affecting Paragraph 7: The Delegate for Chile reserved his position as to the version of this paragraph pending receipt of further instructions, E/PC/T/154 Page 35 et bienveillante attention aux de- mandes ou représentations que pour- ra lui adresser un autre Etat Mem- bre au sujet d'abus tels que ceux mentionnés [à l'alinea précédent] ci-dessus dans le présent paragra- phe qui lui auront été signalés par cet autre Etat membre concernant l'appellation des produits de ce dernier. L'Organisation pourra re- commander la convocation d'une Con- férence des Etats membres intéressés à la question. ARTICLE 21 PUBLICATION ET APPLICATION DES REGLE- MENTS RELATIFS AU COMMERCE NOTIFI- CATION PREALABLE DES REGLEMENTS RES- TRICTIFS]. 1. Les lois, réglements, déci- sions judiciaires et administrati- ves d'application générale rendus exécutoires par tout Etat Membre et qui visent à la classification ou l'évaluation des produits à des fins douanières, les taux des droits de douane, taxes et autres frais, ou les prescriptions, restrictions ou interdictions d'importation ou d'exportation, ou le transfert de paiements les concernant ou qui touçhent soit leur vente, leur distribution, leur transport ou leur assurance, soit leur entreposage, leur inspection Paragraphe 7: Le délégué du Chili a réservé sa position en ce qui concern le texte de ce paragraph tant qu'il n'aura pas reu de nou- velles instructions. E/PC/T/154 Page 36 their] warehousing, inspection, exhibition, processing, mixing or other use, shall be published promptly in such a manner as to enable [traders] [and] governments and traders to become acquainted with them. Agree- ments in force between the government or a governmental agency of any Member country and the government or governmental agency of any other country affecting international trade policy shall also be published. Copies of such laws, regulations, decisions, rulings and agree- ments shall be communicated promptly to the Organization. This paragraph shall not require any Member to disclose confiden- tial information which would impede law enforcement, or other- wise be contrary to the public interest[s] or would prejudice the legitimate [business] commercial interests of particular enter- prises, public or private. leur exposition, leur transforma- tion, leur mélange ou autres utili- sations, seront promptement publiés [d'une manière permettant] de facon à permettre [aux commerçants et] aux gouvernements et aux commer- çants d'en prendre connaissance. Les accords en vigueur entre la gouver- nement ou un organisme gouvernemen- tal de tout [autre] Etat membre et le Gouvernement ou un organisme gouvernemental [de tout] d'un autre Etat Membre relativement à la poli- tique économique internationale se- ront également [rendus publics]. Publiés. Des exemplaires du ces lois, règlements, décisions et accords se- ront communiqués promptement à l'Or- ganisation. Le présent paragraphe n'obligera pas un Etat Membre à révéler des renseeignements d'ordre confidentiel qui feraient obstacle à l'application des lois ou qui, par ailleurs, seraient contraires a l'intérêt public ou porteraient préjudice aux intérêts commerciaux légitimes [du négoce] d'entreprises publiques ou privees. E/PC/T/154 Page 37 2. No measure of general application taken by any Member effecting an advance in a rate of import duty or other charge under an established and uniform prac- tice or imposing a new or more burdensome requirement, restric- tion or prohibition on imports, or on the transfer of [the] payments therefor, shall be enforced before such measure has been [legally] officially published. 3.(a) Each Member shall administer in a uniform, impartial and reasonable manner all its laws, regulations, decisions and rulings of the kind described in para- graph 1 of this Article. Moreover, each Member [s] shall maintain, or institute as soon as practic- able, judicial, arbitral or ad- ministrative tribunals or proced- ures for the purpose, inter alia, of the prompt review and correc- tion of administrative action relating to customs matters. 2. Aucune mesure [d'application] d'ordre général[e] que pourrait pren-. dre un Etat Membre et qui entraîne- rait un relèvement du taux d'un droit de douane à l'importation ou d'une autre taxe imposés en vertu d'usage établis et uniformes, ou dont il resulterait une prescription, une restriction ou une interdiction nouvelles ou aggravées en matiere d'importation ou de transfert de fonds afférent à une importation, ne devra être mise en vigueur avant la publication officielle de ladite mesure. 3. (a) Chaque Etat Membre appli- quera d'uno manière uniforme, impar- tiale et équitables[.] tous les rè- glements, lois, decisions judicial- res et administratives de la caté- gorie visée au paragraphe premier du present article. De plus, [les] chaque Etat[s] Membre,[s] maintien- dr[ont]a ou instituer [ont] aussi- tôt que possible, des tribunaux ju- diciaires, administratifs ou d'ar- bitrage, ou des procédures ayant pour but notamment de réexaminer et de rectifier promptement les mesures Page 34 Such tribunals or procedures shall be indenendent of the agen- cies entrusted with administrative enforcement and thoir decision shall be implemented by and shall govern the practice of such agencies unless an appeal is lodged with a court or tribunal of superior jurisdiction within the time prescribed for appeals to be lodged by importers [,] Provided that the central admin- istration of such agency may take stops to obtain a review of the matter in another proceeding if there is good cause to believe that the decision is inconsistent with established principles of law or the actual facts. (b) The provisions of sub- paragraph (a) of this paragraph shall not require the elimina- tion or substitution of proced- ures in force in a Member country on the day of the signature of Note by the Legal Drafting Committee It is queried whether the words "par une autre instance" in the french text cover exactly the words "in another proceeding" in the English text. administratives se rapportant aux questions douanières. Ces tribunaux ou procedures seront indépendants des organismes charges de l'application des mesures administratives[;], [les] et leurs decisions [prises] seront exécutées par ces organismes dont elles régiront aussi la pratique administrative, à moins qu'il ne soit interjeté appel auprès d'une juridiction supérieure dans les dé- lais prescrits pour les appels in- terjetés par des importateurs, sous reserve que l'administration centra- le d'un tel organisme puisse prendre des mesures en vue d'obtenir une revision de l'affaire [dans] par une autre instance, s'il y a vrai- ment lieu de croire que la décision est incompatible avec les principes fixés par la loi ou avec la réalité des frits. (b) Aucune disposition de l'ali- néa (a) du present paragraphe n'exi- gera l'élimination ou le remplace- ment des procedures en vigueur sur le territoire d'un Etat Membre au jour de la signature de la présente Note du Comité juridique de redaction On se demande si les mots "per une autre instance" du texte français rendent exactement les mots "in another proceeding" du texte anglais. E/PC/T/154 Page 39 this Charter which in fact provide for an objective review of admin- istrative action even though each procedures are not fully or formally independent of the agencies antrusted with admin- istrative enforcement. Any Member employing such procedures shall, upon request, furnish the Organization with full informa- tion thereon in order that the Organization may determine whether such procedures conform to the requirements of this sub-paragraph, ARTICLE 22 INFORMATION, STATISTICS AND TRADE TERMINOLOGY Charte et qui prévoient effective- ment une révision des décisions administratives, quand bien même ces procédures ne seraient pas plei- nement ou officiellement indépendan- tes des organismes chargés de l'ap- plication des mesures administrati- ves. Tout Etat Membre qui applique de tells procedures devra, lorsqu'il y sera invité, communiquer à ce sujet à l'Organisation tous rensei- gnements lui permettant à cette der- nière de décider si ces procedures sont conformes aux prescriptions du present alinéa. ARTICLE 22 RENSEIGNEMENTS, STATISTIQUES ET TERMINOLOGIE COMMERCIAL E 1. The Members shall communi- 1. Les Etats Membres communiqueront cate to the Organization , or to à l'Organisation ou à toute autre E/PC/T/154 Page 40 such agency as may be designated for the purpose by the Organiza- tion , es promptly and in as ruch detail as is reasonably practicable: (a) statistics of their extern- al trade in goods ([including] imports, exports and, where applicable, re- exports, transit and tran- shipment and goods in warehouse or in bond); (b) statistics of governmentel revenue from import and export duties and other taxes on goods moving in inter- national trade and, in so far as readily ascertain- able, of subsidy payments affecting such trade. institution que l'Orginisation pourra [définir] indiquer à cet effet, aussi rapidement et d'une façor. aussi détaillée qu'il sera raisonnablement possible, dos statistiques relatives: (a) à leur commerce exté- rieur en marchandises ( [y compris] [les] importations et, quand ce sera possible,[les] réexportations, produits en transit et transbor- dement, et [les] marchan- dises en entrepôt ou en douane) [.] (b) aux recettes que leurs gouvernements retirent des dreits à l'importa- tion et des autres taxes qui frappent les marchandises faisant l'objet du commerce in- ternatopnal et, de la mesure où il sera faci- le de s' en assurer, aux subventions qu'ils accordent à de commerce. E/PC/T/154 Page 41 2. So far as possible, the statistics referred to in [(a) and (b)] of paragraph 1 of this Article shell be related to tariff classifications and shall be in such form as to reveal the operation of any restrictions on importetion or exportation which are based on or regulated in any manner by quantity or value or [by] amounts of exchange made available. 3. The Members shall publish regularly and us promptly as possible the statistics refer- red to in paragraph 1 of this Article. 4. The Members shell give careful consideration to any recommendations which the Or- ganisation may make to them with a view to [improvement of] improving the statistical in- formation furnished under para- graph 1 of this Article. 2. Dans la mesure du possible, les statistiques mentionnées [ aux ali- néas (a) et (b) ] au paragraphe pre- mier du présent article, devront te.- nir compte des classfications des tarifs douaniers et être dressées de façon à faire ressortir comment joue toute measure de restriction à l'importation ou à l'exportation lorsque cette mesure [qui se fonde ou se règle de] est en quelque ma- nière fonction [ que ce soit sur ] de la quantité ou de la valour des marchandises ou [ sur le] du [ montant ] contingent de [s] devi- ses alloué rendues disponibles] . 3. Les Etats Membres publieront régulièrement et aussi promptement que possible les statistiques dont il est question au paragraphe [1] premier du présent article. 4. Les Etats Membres examineront soigneusement toute recommandation que l'Organisation pourra leur adres- ser en vue d'améliorer ' les rensei- gnements statistiques fournis aux termes du paragraphe [ 1] premier du présent article. E/PC/T/154 Page 42 5. The Members shall make available to the Organisation, at its request and insofer as is reasonably practicable, such other statisticel information as the Organisation may deem necessary to enable it to fulfil its functions, provided that such information is not being furnished to other inter- governmental organisations from which the Organisation can ob- tain the required information. 6. The Organisation shall act as a centre for the collection, exchange end publication of statistical information of the kind referred to in paragraph 1 of this article. The Organisa- tion may, in collaboration with the Economic and-Social Council of the United Nations [and its Commissions] , and with any other [interested international ] or- ganisation deemed appropriate, engage in studies with a view to [bringing about improvement in] improving the methods of collecting, analyzing and 5. Les Etats Membres communique- ront à l'Organisation, sur sa de- mande et dans la mesure du possible, tous autres renseignements statis- tiques qu'elle estimera nécessai- res à [l'accomplissement] l'exer- cice de ses fonctions, sous réser- ve que ces renseignements ne soient pas déjà fournis à d'autres organi- sations intergouvernementales auprès desquelles l'Organisation pourrait se les procurer. 6. L'Organisation [ agira comme] sera un centre chargé de recueillir, d'échanger et de publier les ren- seignements statistiques prévus au paragraphe [ 1] premier du présent article. L'Organisation, en colla- boration avec le Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies [ et ses commissions ] et avec toute au- tre organisation [ internationale intéressée] qu'elle avisera, pour- ra entreprendre des études desti- nées à améliorer les méthodes de compilation, d'analyse et de publi- cation statistiques économiques. E/PC/T/154 Page 43 publishing economic statistics and may promote the international comparability of such statistics, including the possible inter- national adoption of standard tariff and commodity classifica- tions. 7. The Organisation may also, in co-operation with the other organizations referred to in paragraph 6 of this Article, study the question of adopting standards, nomenclatures, terms and forms to be used in inter- national trade and in the offi- cial documents and statistics of Members [relevant relating thereto, and may [promote] recommend the general acceptance by Members of such standards, nomenclatures, terms and forms as may be recommended]. et pourra chercher à faciliter la comparabilité internationa- le de ces statistiques en re- commandant notamment l'adoption éventuelle par toutes les na- tions de classifications com- merciales et tarifaires norma- lisées. 7. L'Organisation, en [ coopé- ration ] collaboration avec les autres organisation men- tionnées au paragraphe 6 du présent article, pourra aussi étudier la question de l'adop- tion de normes, nomenclatures, termes et formules à utiliser dans le commerce international et dans les statistiques et do- cuments officiels de ses Membres et pourra en recommander [et favoriser] adoption générale par [les Membres] ceux-ci. E/PC/T/154 Page 44 ARTICLE 23 BOYCOTTS BOYCOTTAGE No Member shall encourage, support or participate in boy- cotts or other campaigns which are designed to discourage, directly or indirectly, the con- sumption within its territory of products of any specific Member country or countries on grounds of origin, or the sale of pro- ducts for consumption within other Member countries on grounds of destination. Note: The Delegates for Lebanon-Syria reserved their position on this Article. Auoun Etat Membre ne donne- ra d'encouragement, ne prêtera son appui ou ne prendra part [au] à des campagnes de boy- cottage ou [ à d'autres] autres, [ campagnes] destinées à [en- courager ] décourager, direc- tament ou indirectement, en rai- son de leur origine, la consom- mation [dans les limites de ses propres frontières ] à l'in- térieur de son territoire de products d'un ou plusieurs Etats Membres déterminés, [en raison de leur origine] ou, en raison de leur destination, la vente de produits destinés à être consommés dens d' autres Etats Membres. [en raison de leur destination.] Note: Les délegués du Liban et de la Syrie ont réservé leur position à propos de cet arti- cle. E/PC/T/154 Page 45 ARTICLE 37 GENERAL EXCEPTIONS TO CHAPTER V Subject to the requirement that such measures are not applied in a manner which would EXCEPTIONS GENERALES AU CHAPITRE V. Sous réserve que ces me- sures ne [seront ] soient pas ap- pliquées de façon à constituer soit un moyen de disorimination The Delegate for India maintained his suggestion that a Member should be allowed tem- porarily to discriminate against the trade of another Member when this is the only effective measure open to it to retaliate against discrimination prac- tised by that Member in matters outside the purview of the Or- ganisation, pending a settlement of the issue through the United Nations. Note 2: The Delegate for the Netherlands proposed that the following sub-paragraph should be inserted in Part I: "Necessary to protect the rights of the grower who improves plants of commercial use by selection or other scientific method." Note 1: Le délégué do l'Inde a mainte- nu sa suggestion selon laquelle un Membre devrait être autorisé, à titre temporaire, à prendre des mesures discriminatoires contre la commerce d'un autre Etat mem- bre lorsqu'elles constituent les seules mesures efficaces de ré- torsion dont il dispose contre une cgesure discriminatoire prise par ces membre dans les questions qui sont en dehors de la compé- tence de l'Organisation, en atten- dant un réglement de la question par l'Organisation des Nations Unies. Note 2: Le délégue des Pays-Bas a pro- posé d'insérer dans la partie I, l'alinéa suivant : "nécessaires pour protéger les droits du pro- ducteur qui, par la sélection ou d'autres procédés scientifiques, améliore les plantos utilisées dans Ie commerce ." Part I sub-paragraphs (a) and (b): The Delegate for Norway re-stated the view put forward by his Delegation that the taxation and the price policy of its State liquor and wine monopoly was covered by sub-paragraphs (a) and (b), and said that he wished to maintain this note pending a decision on the wording of paragraph 4 of Article 32. Partie I, alinéas (a) et (b) Le délégué de la Norvège a exprimé à nouveau les vues ex- posées par sa délégation, à savoir que la taxation et la politique des prix du monopole d'Etat de son pays sur les vins et spiritueux sont traités par les alinéas (a) et (b), et a dé- claré qu'il désirait maintenir cette remarque en attendant qu'une décision intervienne à propos de la rédaction du para- graphe 4 de l'article 32. E/PC/T/154 Page 46 constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between countries where the same conditions prevail, or a dis- guised restriction on interna- tional trade, nothing in this Chapter [V] shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement by any Member of measures: I. (a) necessary to protect public morals; (b) necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health; (c) relating to the importation or exportation of gold or silver; (d) necessary to secure compli- ance with laws or regulations which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter [V}, [such as] including those relating to customs enforcement, the enforcement of monopolies operated under Section E of this Chapter, the protection of patents, trade marks and copyrights, and the prevention of deceptive practices; arbitraire ou injustifié entre les pays où les mêmes conditions exis- tent, soit une restriction dégui- sée au commerce international, rien dans le présent chapitre [V] ne sera interprété comme empêchant l'application par tout Etat Mem- bre des mesures : I (a) nécessaires à la protection de la moralité publique; (b) nécessaires à la protection de la sante et de la vie des -personnes et des animaux, et à la préservation des végétaux [ plantes ]; (c) se rapportant à l'importa- tion ou à l'exportation de l'or ou de l'argent; (d) nécessaires pour assurer application des lois et règlements qui ne sont pas incompatibles avec les dis- positions du présent Chapi- tre [V ] , tels que, par exemple [ceux ] les lois et règlements qui ont trait à l'application des mesures douanières, au maintien en vigueur des monopoles admi- nistrés conformément à la (e) relating to the products of prison labour; (If) imposed for the protection of national treasuros of artistic, historic or (g) relating to the consorvation or exhaustible natural resources if such measures are made effective in conjunction with restrictions on domestic production or consumption; or (h) undertaken in pursuance of obligations under intar- governmental commodity agree- ments concluded in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VII. E/PC/T/154 Page 47 Section E [de ce] du présent chapitre, à la protection des brevets, marques de fabrique et droits d'auteurs et de re production, et [interdisant] aux Vjt!-45'. p^X» i t~4e les pratiques [ de nature ] dolosives à induire en erreur; (e) se rapportant aux articles fabriqués dans les prisons; (f) imposées pour la protection de trésors nationaux ayant une valeur artissique, historique ou archéologique; (g) se rapportant à la conserva- lion des ressources naturel- les épuisables, si de telles measures sont appliquées con- jointement avec des restric- tions à la production ou à la consommation nationales; (h) prises en application d'en- gagements contractés en vertu d'accords gouvernementaux sur les produits de base, conclus conformément aux dis- positions du Chapitre VIl. E/PC/T/L54 Page 48 It was noted by the Commission that these sub- paragraphs may require further consideration. after décisions are reached on Articles 25-29. Sub-paragraph (d): The Commission considered that the reference to Section E of Chapter V will require review after the adoption of the final text of that Section. Sub-paragraph (g): The Delegate for India maintained provisicnally his suggestion that the words following upon "natural resources" should be deleted. Alinéas (c) et (d) : La Commission a signalé qu'il pourrait être nécessaire de reve- nir sur ces alinéas lorsque des décisions seraient intervenues à propos des articles 25 29. La Commission estime qu'il y aura lieu de revenir sur la men- tion de la Section E du chapitre 5. une fois que le taxte définitif de cette section aura été adopté. Alinéa (g) : Le délégué de l'Inde maintient provisoirement sa suggestion, selon laquelle il conviendrait de supprimer les mots qui sui- vent "ressources naturelles". Sub-paragraphs (c) and (d) : Page 49 II.(a) essential to the equitable distribution among the several consuming coun- tries of products in short supply, whether such products are owned by private interests or by the Government of any Member. (b) essential to the control of prices by a Member country undergoing shortages subsequent to the war; or (c) essential to the orderly liquidation of temporary surpluses of stocks owned or controlled by the government of any Member, or of industries developed in any Member country owing to the exigencies of the war which it would be uneconomic to maintain in normal conditions; Provided that such measures shall not be instituted by any Member, [after the day on which II..a) essentielles à la répartition équitable, entire les divers pays consommateuts, de pro- duits [ rares ] en état de pénurie [ entre les divers pays consommateurs ], que [ ces produits] ceux-ci soient propriété privée ou [publique] propriété d'un Etat Membre. b) essentielles au [ maintien ] fonctionnement [de la légis- lation sur le] du contrôle des prix établi par un Etat Membre qui, [ du fait ] à la suite de la guerre, souffre d' une pénurie de produits ; c) essentielles à la liquidation méthodique des excédents tem- poraires de stocks apparte- nant [au gouvernement de] à tout Etat Membre ou contrô- lé [e] s par lui, ou d'in- dustries qui se sont dévelop- pées dans un [pays] Etat Membre en raison des exigen- ces de la guerre et dont le maintien en temps normal E/PC/T/154 Page 50 this Charter enters into force] except after consultation with other interested Members with a view to appropr- iate international action. Measures instituted or maintained under Part II of this Article which are incon- sistent with the other prov- isions of this Chapter [ V ] shall be removed as soon as the conditions giving rise to them have ceased, and in any event not later than 1 January 1951; Provided. that this period may, with the concurrence of the Organis- ation, be extended in respect of the application of any particular measure to any particular product by any particular Member for such further periods as the Organ- isation may specify. serait contraire à une saine économie, étant entendu qu'à [compter du jour qui suivra l'en- trée un vigueur de la présente Charte, ]aucun Etat Membre ne pourra instituer de mesures de ce genre, si ce n'est après avoir consulté les autres Etats Membres intéressés en vue d'une action internationale appro- priée. Les mesures instituées ou main- tenues aux termes de la partie II du présent article, qui sont in- compatibles avec les autres dispo- sitions du présent chapitre [V] , seront supprimées aussitôt que les circonstances qui les ont motivées auront cessé d'exister et, en tout cas, le ler janvier 1951 au plus tard, étant entendu qu'avec l'ac- cord de l'Organisation, la pério- de dont il s'agit pourra être pro- rogée en ce qui concerne l'applica- tion par tout Etat Membre d'une mesure donnée concernant un pro- duit donné, pour de nouvelles pé- riodes qu'il appartiendra à l'Or- ganisation de fixer.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee on Articles 25 and 27
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 12, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/164 and E/PC/T/162-168
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/164 12 August 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. DEUXlEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 25 AND 27 RAPPORT DU COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDAOTION SUR LES ARTICLES 25 ET 27 ARTICLE 25 ARTICLE 25 General Elimination of Elimination générale des Quantitative Restrictions restrictions quantitatives 1. No prohibitions or restrictions 1. Aucun Etat Membre n'instituera other than duties, taxes or other ou ne maintiendra à l'importation Charges, whether made effective d'un produit [en provenance] ori- through quotas, import licenses or ginaire d'un autre Etat Membre, à other measures, shall be instituted l'exportationa[,] ou à la vente pour or maintained by any Member on the exportation d'un produit destiné à importation of any product of any un autre Etat Membre, de prohibitions other Member country or on the export-ou de restrictions autres que des Nation or sale for export of any droits de douane, impôts ou autres product destined for any other taxes, que l'application en soit faite Member country. au moyen de contingents, de licences d'importation ou de tout aùtre procédé 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of 2. Les dispositions du paragraphe this Article shall not extend to the [1] premier du présent article ne following: s'étendront pas aux cas suivants: (a) export prohibitions or restrict- (a) prohibitions ou restrictions à ions temporarily applied to prevent l'exportation [instituées] appliquées or relieve critical shortages of temporairement pour prévenir une - 2 - foodstuffs or other products situation critique, due à une pénurie essential to the exporting Member de produits alimentaires ou d'autres country; produits [qui sont] essentiels pour l'Etat Membre exportateur ou pour remédier à cette situation [.] * (b) import and export prohibitions (b) prohibitions ou restrictions à or restrictions necassary to the l'importation et à l'exportation application of standards or regula- nécessaires pour application do tions for the classification, gradingnormes ou règlementations concernant or marketing of commodities in la classification, l'étalonnage en international trade[.] ; if, in the qualité ou la mise en vente de opinion of the Organization, the produits destinés au commerce inter- standards or regulations adopted by national[.] : si, de l'avis de a Member under this sub-paragraph l'Organisation, las normes ou have an unduly restrictive effect règlementations adoptées par un Etat on trade, the Organization may Membre aux termes du présent alinéa request the Member to revise the exercent sur le commerce un effet standards or regulations Provided restrictif lnjustifié, l'Organisation that it shall not request the re- pourra demander audit Etat Membre de vision of standards internationally raviser ces normes ou règlementations, greed [under paragraph 6 of étant entendu qu'elle ne sollicitera article 22] ; pas la revision des normes adoptées sur le plan international [en vertu du paragraphe 6 de l'article 22.]; -3- (c) import restrictions on any agricultural or fisheries product, imported in any form, necessary to the enforcement of governmental measures which operate: (i) to restrict the quantities permitted to be marketed or produced of the like domestic products or, if there is no substantial domestic production of the like product, of a domestic product for which the imported product [is] can be directly substitut[able]ed; or (ii) to remove a temporary surplus of the like domestic product, or; if there is no substantial domestic production (c) restrictions à l'impor- tation de tout produit agricole ou produit des pêcheries, quelle que soit la forme sous laquelle ces produits sont importés, quand elles sont nécessaires è l'application de mesures gouvernementales ayant pour effet: (i) de restreindre la quantité qui peut être mise en vente ou produite, du produit national simil- aire ou, à défaut de production nationale importante du produit similaire d'un produit national auquel le produit importé peut être substituté directément; (ii) ou de résorber un excédent temporaire du produit national similaire, ou, à défaut of the like product, of a domestic product for which the. imported products [is] can be directly substitut[able] ed, by making the surplus available to certain groups of domestic consumers free of charge or at prices below the current market level; or (11i) to restrict the quantlties permitted to be produced of any animal product the production of which is directly dependent, wholly or mainly, on the imported commodity, if the domestic production of that commodity is relatively negligible. Any Member applying restrictions on the impor- tation of any product pursu- ant to this-sub-paragraph de production national impor- tante du produit similaire, d'un produit national auquel le produit importé peut être substitué directement, en met- tant ce surplus à la disposi- tion de certains groups de consommateurs du pays gra- tuitement ou à des prix infé- rieurs aux cours pratiqués sur le marché; [ou] (iii) ou de restroindre la quantity qui peut être pro- duite de tout produit d'ori- glne animale dont la produc- tion depend directement, en totalité ou pour la plus gran- de partie, du produit imports, si la production nationale de ce [produit] dernier est relativement négligeable. Tout Etat Membre appliquant des restrictions à l'importation d'un produit conformément aux dis- positions du présent alinéa -5- shall give public notice of the total quantity or value of the product permitted to be Imported during a specified future period and of any change in such quantity or value. Moreover, any restrictions applied under (1) above shall not be Each as will reduce the total of imports relative to the total of domestic production, as compared with the proportion which might reasonably be expected to rule between the two in the absence of restrictions In determining this proportion the Member shell pay due regard to the proportion prevailing during a previous representative period and to any special factors which may have affected or may be affecting the trade in the product concerned. 3. Throughout this Section the terms "import restrictions" or "export restrictions" include [devra] publiera le total du volu- me ou de la valeur du produit dont I' Importation sera autorisée pen- dant une période ultérieure déter- minée ainsi que tout changement survenant dans ce volume ou cette valeur. De plus, les restrictions applIiquées conformément à l'alinéa (i) ci-dessus ne devront pas avoir pour effect do réduire le rapport entre le total des importations et celui de la production nationale, comparé à la proportion que l'on pourrait raisonnablement s'atten- dre à voir régner entre elles on l' absence desdites restrictions. Pour déterminer cette proportion, l'Etat Membre tiendra dûment comp- to de celle qui existait au cours d'une période de référence anté- riure et de tous facteurs spé- ciaux qui ont pu ou peuvent [ex- ercer une influence sur] affecter le commerce de ce produit. 3. Dans la présente section, les expressions "restrictions à l'importation" ou "restrictions à l'exportation" visent également - 6 restrictions by state-trading enterprises to an extent greater than would be per- missible under Article 32. ARTICLE 27 Non-Discriminatory Administra- tion of Quantitative Restrictions 1. No prohibition or restriction shall be applied by any Member on the importation of any product of any other Member country or on tho exportation of any product destined for any other Member country, unless the importation of the like product of all third countries or the exporta- tion of the like product to all third countries is similarly prohibited or restricted. 2. In annlving import restrictions to any product, Members shall aim at a distribution of trade in such product les restrictions qu'imposent des entreprises commerciales d'Etat au-delà. des limites permises par l'article 32. ARTICLE 27 Application non discriminatoire des restrictions quantitatives 1. Aucune prohibition ou restriction ne sera appliqué- par un Etat Membre à l'importation d'un produit [en provenance] originaire d'un autre Etat Membre ou à l'ex- portation l'un produit destiné à un autre Etat Membre,à moins que des prohibitions ou des restric- tions semblables ne. soient appli- quées à l'importation du produit originaire de tous les pays tiers ou à l'exportation du [même] produit similaire à desti- nation de [vers] tous les pays tiers, 2 Drns l'application des restrictins à l'importation d'un produit queIconque, les Etats Membres [devrent] s'efforceront - 7 approaching as closely as possible to the shares which the various Member countries might be expected to obtain in the absence of Such restrictions, and to this end shall observe the following provisions: (a) wherever. e5 rZ 1{ Ci'^_C que tas.é, :'opres erti.rlg tht to-zal argount oi permttJ.d :niports (whether allocate ed among zupp'ly'Jng cour.tries or nilc) shail be fLixed, and. notice givor, of their amount in accordance wïth paragraph 3(b) of this Artîcle /J5 (b) i.i C Izos i.n whîch quotas are not practicable, the tli trict1Is miay be applied by means oi' import licenses or permits without a quota E- -7 i de parvenir à une répartition du coerce de ce produit se z'uppro- chant dauss toute la raesuio3 du possi- blé, do celilc qcj1, -,, J.Aabsenoe de L0ttt.1;end13, et iJ.s ohJ, z-rrcnt à :-et1ite fin les Ci;2-csî.uiO=s ;Uiv&fltO UV Lois /ciuil, &.!lPler~ la sora possible, das corstintgeu*ts r :. r ! tslnt Ilv le rac! tant 31o1)'y. cic:b importa t-ion2 autorirsées (qu' il; soient oU lion rétartis entre l*-3 pays cUmij°u '? se±'ont fl.xés et ].eu' r±uONi;aJ t .eru .rublié ccnécr. metcen; à l'alinéa 3 (b) du psavW (b) 1orsQuzil ne sera pa2 vos-- ïsiblc de flixer /los/ dez contin-. Sents globaux; les restrictions pourront ë;tre appli quéas au mioyen die licences ou d'importa- tion sans uonrvÂlgernt gipba1L< - 8 (c) Members shall not, except for purpose. of operating quotas allocated in accordance with sub- paragraph (d) of this paragraph, require that import licences or permits be utilized for the importation of the product concerned from a particular country or source (d) in cases in which a quota is allocated among supplying, countries, the Member applying the restrictions may seek agreement with respect to the allocation of shares in the quota with all other Members having a substantial interest in supplying the product concerned. In cases in which this method is not reasonably practicable, the Member concerned shall allot to Member countries having a substantial interest in supplying the product, shares based upon the proportions, supplied by such (c) L Lss Etats Membres ne devront pas,] sauf s'il s'agit de faire jouer les contingents alloués conformément ; l 'alin a (d) du pré.ron` t Da r liape, §tipuler] las Etats en:bcs ne prescriront pas que les licenses ou permits d' importat-t)io. 01I/eront7 soient util4sés pour l'inmportation du product v ij6s en provenance d'une source d,?Uauov.isijuricnit nt ou d'un pa«ysé d&crmi:ines f:7^ (d dar; lsz- cas où un contiingeni Losct 7 .t c'ic : xarti entrtj l1s payz fourrxis.r:e-cs, 1'1;,tat Membre appliculi.t / c( s 7 les restrictions pou:r:Sa §rec2:er'hGr un 7 se mettrc d<accord / eur Ia rr,,partition duel parts du * avec tous les autres Etatu Mnwbrus ayan tun in- tért subs Jant el : la fourniture du pro-duit v . sur 1la répartition du corztnPent. VDanc les cas ou il ne sroa -c 1 as r-, ;isonnablement posi«.ibln d 3R:"!J.~u~r c3tto méthode, l'Etat en juerteion attribue- ra. aux Etats Mcmrbrez; ayant un - 9 - Member countries during a previous representative period, of the total quantlty or value of imports of the product, due account being taken of any special factors whioh may have affected or may be affecting the trade in the product. No conditions or formalities shall be imposed [,] which would prevent any Member from utilizing fully the share of any suoh total quantity or velue) whicti haz been allotted to it, subject to importation baing made within ony prescribed period to which the quota May relate. 3.(a) In cases in which import licenses are issued in connection with import restrictions, the MGmber applying the restriction shall provide, upon the request of any Y._ber having en interest in the trade in the product concerned, all relevent information concerning intérêt substantiel l la fourni- tura de ce produit, des parts pro- portionnelles à la contribution apportée ;Vr lesdits Etats Membres au volume total ou . la valeur to- tale des importations du produit en question, tu oours diuieR pér4iode de r4fa'rence aetdrieure, compte dù- .mant tenu de- tus les élments spaciaux qui ont pu ou peuvent af- fecoter l* coo=rerce de ce produit. Nulle condition ou formalité ne sera impose /qUg de nature d' empêcherZait7 un Etat Mambre d' utiliser au ranximum la part du volume total ou de la valeur totale qui lui /37 aura 4té attribuéeL sous reserve que 1' importation suit faite dans les limites de itout27 la périede prescrite Lrelativement 27 pour l'utilisatirbn de ce contingent. 3.(a) Dans les cas oÙ des 1i- cences d'importation iont7 seraient attribu6es dans le cadre de restrictions à l'importation, l'Etat Membre appliquant la res- triction fournira, sur g a demanded de tout Etat Membre in- teressé au comlmerce du produit - 10 - the administration of the restriction, the import licenses granted over a L ast7 recent period aiLd the distribution of such licenses among supplying countries Provided Z however that there shall be no obligation to supply information as to the names of importing or supplying enterprises. (b) In the case of import restrictions involving the fixing of quotas, the Member applying the restrictions shall give public notice of the total quantity or value of the product or products which will be permitted to be imported during a speciff'?d future . period and oa any change in such quantity or value. Any supplies of the product in question which were en route at the time at which public notice was given shall not visé, tous renseigneaients parti- nents relatifs aà l'application de cette restriction, Lux licences d'importation acr ordées au cours d'une période (précédente-7 récen- te et à la réj7artition de ces licen- ces entre les pays fournisseurs, étant entendu / toutefois,_7 qu'il ni. sera pas tenu de fournir de)L7 renseiGneaunts au sujet du des établissements importateurs ou fournisseurs. (b) Dans le cas de restrictions à l'importation comportant la fixa- tion de contingents, l'EtatMblembre qui les epoque Z devra]7 publiera le volume total ou la valeur totale du ou des goduits dont l'importa- tisn sera autorisée au cours d'une période ultérieure détermii- née et de ,out changement survenu dans ce volume ou cette valeur. LAUCUn envoi du.] :i produit en question q-uiJ faisait route au moment oùi-javis a été publié, - 1l - be excluded from entry; Provided that they may be counted, so far as practicable, against the quantity permitted to be imported ln the period in question, and also, where necessary, against the quantities permitted to be imported ln the next follo-Ing period or periods, and Provided further that if any Member customarily exempts from such restrictions products entered for consumption or withdrawn from ware- house for consumption during a period of thirty days after the day of such public notice, such practice shall be considered full compliance with this sub-paragraph. (c) in the case of quotas allocated among supplying countries the Member applying the restriction shall promptly inform ail other Members having an interest ln son entrée ne sera pas [exclu] refuseé [,]. [etant entendu qu7 Toutefois il Jpourra être7 sera loisible d' Imput37 er ce roduit, dans la measure du possible, sur la quantity' dont l'importation est autorisée au course de la Dériode en question, et OZalement, ;.e Ci'8s échéant, sur l. quantité dont l'importation sera & utorisée e.u cours do la n6riode ou des pé- riodes suivantes G et étPnt entendg . En outre LZuC7 si, d'une manicro habituelle, un Etat Membre disranse de ces restrictions les produits qui oont, dans les trrnte ours aà computer do 19 date de cetto nublt-tion. dclar 6s commo etant d;stinés à la consommation ou cul sont retires dlentrep8ts aux fins de consommzatior.n rans les 30 ours ' computer de la date de cette Dublicationj7 rune telle7 cette pr.-.ique sera considérée come satisfaisant pleincmr-nt aux prescritîons du present alinea. (c) Dans le cas de contingents repartis entree des nays fournis- seurs, l'Etnt Membre appliquant la restriction informera sans tarder tous les autres - 12 - supplying the product concerned of the shares in the quota [, by quantity or value,] currently allocated, by quantity or value, to the various supplying countries and shall. give public notice thereof. 4. With regard to restrictions applied in accordance with paragraph 2 (d) of this Article or .under paragraph 2 (c) of Article 25, the selection of a representative period for any product and the appraisal of any special factors affecting the trade in the product shall be made initially by the Member applying the restriction; Provided that such Member shall, upon the request of any other Member having a substantial' interest in supplying that product or ulorn the request of tbe OrgaMizati.on, consult promptly wiith the other Merz.ber or the Organization regarding the necd for an adjusLrcmnr of the proporti.on determined or of the base period selected or for the re-appraisal of Etats '.embres intéressés -. la fourniture du produit en question,. de la part du contingent exprimée en volume ou en veleur coinmun6- ment attribute aux divers pays fournisseurs et Lia fera connaf- tre publiquemreng 7ublIera tous ronscirnemûnts utiles à ce sujlet. 4. En ce qui concerne les restrictions appliquées confor- mérnent à l'alinéa 2 (d) du pré- sent article ou à l'lin6a 2 (c) de l'article 25, le choix pour tout produit d'une période de référence et l'apprréciation d s 6léments spéeciaux affectant son commerce seront faits à l'origine par l'Etet 1Mnembre instituant la restrictionL, étant entendu qu g7 Ledit Etai Membre, à la requ8te de tout autre EtQt Me-ubre ayant un int,.rCt subztrantiel à ln four- niture de ce produit, ou à la requ8te de l'Organisation, £se concertera entrerr sens t5rder en consultation avoc l'a-itro Etat Membre ou avec l'Organisation au sujet de la nécessiu-: d'ajuster la proportions r.'artition - 13 - the special factors involved. 5. The provisions of this Article shall apply to any tariff quota [established] instituted or maintained by any Member and, insofar as applicable, the principles of this Article shall also extend to export restrictions and te any internal regulation or requirements under paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 15. [déterminée] ou la période de ré- férence [choisie] ou d'apprécier à nouveau lez éléments spéciaux en jeu. 5. Les dispositions du pré- sent article s'appliquerent à tout contingentreitaent douanier Zàtabli intitié ou maintenu par un Etat Membre; de plus, dans toute la measure du possible, les principles du présent .article s'appliquernat également aux restxiîtioans à l'exportation et à toute règlementation et LEout S prescription d'ordre intérieur prévues aux paragraphes 3 et 4 de l'article 15.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee on Articles 26, 28 and 29
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/171 and E/PC/T/169-178
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQU E ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/171 15 August 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 26, 28 AND 29 RAPPORT DU COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION SUR LES ARTICLES 26, 28 ET 29 ARTICLE 26 Restrictions to Safeguard the Balance of Payments ARTICLE 26 Restrictions destinées à protégar la balance des paiements 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 25, any Member, in order to safeguard its external financial position and balance of payments, may restrict 1. Nonobstant les dispositions du paragraphe l premier de l'article 25, tout Etat Membre, en vue de sauvegarder sa position financière extérieure et la balance de ses the quantity or value of merchandisepaiements, peut pourra restrein- permitted to be imported, subject dre le volume ou la valour des mar- to the provisions of the fol- lowing paragraphs of this Article. chandises dont il autorise l'impor- tation, sous réserve des disposi- tions des paragraphes suivants du présent article. NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/171 Page 2 2. (a) No Member shall institute, maaintain or intensify import re- strictions under this Article except to the extent necessary (i) to forestall the imminent threat of, or to stop, a serious decline in its monetary reserves, or (ii) in the case of a Member with very low monetary reserves, to achieve a reasonable rate of in- crease in its reserves; due regard being paid in either case to any special factors which may be affecting the Member's reserves or need for reserves, including, where special external credits or other resources are available to it, the need to provide for the appropriate use. of such credits or resources. (b) Members ap lying restrict- tons under the pr eceding sub- paragraph (i) shall progressively relax then as such conditions improve, maintaining them only 2. (a) Aucun Etat Membre n'insti- tuera, ne maintiendra ni ne ren- forcera de restrictions à l'imapor- tation en vertu du présent article, sauf dans la mesure nécessaire (1) pour s'opposer à la menace immi- nente d'une baisse important de ses réserves monétaires ou pour mettre l'in à cette baisse ou (ii) pour relever ses reserves sui- vant un taux d'accroissement raisonna- ble, dans le cas où elles seraient très basses i. compte Il sera dûme nt tenu compte, dans chaque cas, de tous les facteurs spéciaux susceptibles d'affecter qui affecternient des les réserves monétaires de l'Etat Membre ou son ses besoins en réserves monétaires, y comapris, lorsqu'il dispose de cré- dits extérieurs spéciaux ou d'autres resources, de la nécessité de prévoir l'emploi approprié de ces crédits ou de ces ressources. (b) Les Etats Membres appli- quant des restrictions en vertu de l'alinéa précédent devront a) du présent paragraphe les atté- nueront progressivement les E/PC/T/171 Page 3 to the extent that the conditions specified in that sub-paragraph still justify their application. They shall eliminate the re- strictions when conditions would .o longer justify their in- stitution or maintenance under that sub-paragraph LTa1.(1 3. (a) The Members recognize that in the early years of the Organization all of them will be -orfronted in varying degrees with problems of economic adjustment resulting front the war. During this period the Organization shall, when required to take decisions under this article or under Article 28, take full account of the -ifficultias of post-war adjustment -nd of the need which a Member may :,ave to use import restrictions as stop towards the restorations of equilibrium, in its balance of payments on a sound and lasting basis. atténuer au fur et à mesure que la situation envisagée audit alinéa s'améliorera, ne les maintenant que dans la mesure où la cette situa- tion précisée dans cet alinéga en justifiera encore l'application. Ils les élimineront Ies restric- tions lorsque la situation ne jus- tifiera plus leur établissement ou leur maintien en vertu de l'alinéa (a (1) c'd^t alinéa 3. (a) Les Etats Membres recon- naissent qu'au cours des premieres années de fonctionnement de l'Organisation, ils devront tous, à des degrés divers, faire face à des problèmes d'ajustement adapta- tion économique résultant de la guerre. Au cours de cette période, l'Organisation tiendra pleinement compte, lorsqu'elle devra prendre des decisions en vertu du présent article ou de l'article 28, des difficultés d'ajustement d'adaptation de la période d'après- guerre et de la nécessité dans laquelle un Etat Membre peut se trouver de recourir ./PC/T/171 page 4 (b) The Members rocognize that as a result of domestic policies directed toward the fulfilment of a Member's obliga- tions under Article 4 relating to the achievement and maintenance of full and productive employ- ment and large and stcadily growing demand or its obliga- tions under Article 10 relating to the reconstruction or develop- ment o! industrial and other economic resources and to the raising of standards of productivity, such a Momber may experience a high level of demand for imports. Accordingly g à des restrictions à l'importation en vue de rétablir l'équilibre de sa balance des comptes paiements sur une base saine et durable. (b) Les Etats Membres recon- naissent que /.7 l, politique suivie sur le plan national par un Etat Membre en vue de s'acquitter des obligations qu'il j remplir les engagements contractés en vertu de l'article 4, relatifs à la réalisation et au maintion du plein emploi production et d'un volume important et toujours croissant de la demande, ou en vertu de l'article l09 relatifs à la reconstruction ou au développoment des ressources industrielles et autres ressources économiques et a i'elévation du niveau des niveaux de proeduc- tiviïté, peut provoquor ches cet Etat Membre une volume important de la forte demand d'importations. En consequence : (i) no Member shall be required to withdraw or modify re- striotions on the ground that a change in such policies would render unnecessary the restrictions hich it is applying under this Article- (ii)a any Member applying import restrictions under this article may determine the incidence of the re- strictions on imports of different products or classes of products in such a way as to give, priority to the importation of those products which are more essential in the light of such policies. (c) Members undertake, in carry- ing out their domestic policies: E/PC/T/171 Page 5. (i) aucun Etat Membre ne sera requis tenu de supprimer ou de modifier des restrictions du fait que, si un changement dans était apporté à cette ligne de conduite politique rendrait inutile les restrictions qu'il appliqu'e en vertu du présent article cesseraient d'atre nécessaires; (ii) Un tout Etat Membre qui applique des restrictions & l'importation en vertu du présent articls pourra dé- terminer l'inci:.,ncu de cas restrictions sur les impor- tations des différents produits ou des différentes catégories de produits, de manière à donner la priorité à l'importation des produits qui, du fait dans la. ligne de la politique suivie, sont les plus nécessaires, (c) Les Etats Membres s'engagent En appliquant Dans l'application de leur politique nationale, les Etats Membres s'engagent E/PC/T/171 Page 6 (i) à tenir dûment compte de'la (i) to pay due regard to the need for restoring equi.- librium in their balance of payments on a sound and lasting basis and to the desirability of assuring an economic em- ployment of productive resources; (iï) to avoid the application (i of restrictions which would unnecessarily pre- vent the importation of any description of goods in minimum commercial quanti- ties, the exclusion of which would impair regular channels of trade, or of restrictions which would prevent the importation of commercial samples, or prevent compliance with patent, trademark, copy- right, or similar proce- dures; (2) and nécessité de rétablir l.'e - quilibre de leur balance des paiements sur une base [ solide / saine et dura- ble et de l'opportunité d'assurer [ sur une base économique, l'utilisation de leurs ressources produc- tives sur une base économi- (ii) à s'abstenir d'appliquer des restrictions qui s'oppose- raient sans nécessité à l'importation en quantités commerciales minima de mar- chandises, do quelque natu- re [que ce soit qu'elles soient, dont l'exclusion entraverait les cours nor- mal courants normaux des échanges d'échanges, ou encore des restrictions qui s'opposeraient à l'impor- tation d'échartillons com- merciaux, ou au respect des procedures relatives aux brevets marques de fabri- que, droits d'auteur et de reproduction ou d'autres procedures analogues; (2)Z,Ép7 (iii) to apply restrictions under this Article in.such a way as to avoid unnecessary dar to the commercial or econor interests of any other Member. 4. (a) Any Member which is not applying restrictions under this Article, but is considering the need to do so, shall, before in- stituting such restrictions (or, in circumstances in which prior consultation is impracticable, immediately after doing so), consult with the Organization as to the nature of its balance of payments difficulties, al- ternative corrective measures which may be available, and the possible effect of such measures on the economies of other Members. No Member shall be required in the course of consultations. under this sub-paragraph to indicate in advance the choice or timing of any particular measure which it may ultimately determine to adopt. E/PC/T/171 Page 7 (iii) et à appliquer les restric- tions prévues au présent age article de manière à évi- economic ter de porter, sans néces- sité, préjudice aux inté- rêts commerciaux ou écono- miques de tout autre Etat Membre. 4.(a) Tout Etat Membre qui n'ap- plique pas de restrictions en ver- tu du présent article mais qui envisage la nécessité de le faire, devra. avant de les instituer, (ou, dans le cas où une consultation préalable est impossible, immédia- tement après l'avoir fait) se con- certer entrer en consultation avec l'Organisation au sujet de la na- ture des difficultés afférentes, à sa balance des paiements., des divers corrections dont il peut entre lesquels il a le choix,. ainsi que de la répercus- sion-possible de ces mesures sur l'économie des autres Etats Mem- bres. Aucun Etat Menbre ne sera tenu, au E/PC/T/171 page, 8 (b) the Organization may at, any time invite any Member which is applying import re- stri.ctions under this Article to enter into such consultations with it, and shall invite a any Member substantially in- tensifying such restrictions to consult within thirty days. A Member thus invited shall parti- cipate in such discussions. The Organization may invite any other Member to take part ln these discussions. Not later than two years from the day on which this Charter enters into force, the Organization shall review all restrictions exist- ing on that day and still cours des de ces consultations entreprises in vertu du present alinéa d'indiquer .à 1' d'avance le choix qu'il. fera de telles me- sures particulières qu'il pout pourra décider finalement d'adop- ter, ni leur date d'application. (b) l'Organisation peut pour- ra à tout moment inviter un tout Etat Membre qui applique des res- trictions à ses importations en vertu du présent article, à se concerter entrer en consultation avec elle à ce sujet; elle invite- ra tout Etat Membre qui renforce ces restrictions d'une manière substantielle à se concerter entrer en consultation avec elle dans les trente jours. Un Etat Membre ainsi invité participera à ces discussions. L'Organisation peut pourra inviter tout autre Etat Membre à prendre part à ces discussions. Deux ans au plus tard_ à compter de la date d'en- trée en vigueur de la présente E/PC/T/171 page 9 applied under this Article at the time of the review. (c) Any Member may consult with the Organization with a view to obtaining the prior approval of the Organization for restric- tions which the Member proposes, under this Article, to maintain, intensify or institute, or for the maintenance, intensification or institution of restrictions under specified future conditions. As a result of such consultations, the Organïzation may approve in advance the maintenance, inten- sification or institution of restrictions by the Member in question insofar as the general extent, degree of intensity and duration of the restrictions are concerned. To the extent to Charte, l'Organisation devra réexaminer passera en revue tou- tes les restrictions existant à cette date et qui, seront encore appliquées en vertu du présent article, au moment de ce nouvel examen seraient encore appliquées au moment où elles seront passées en revue. (c) Tout Etat Membre peut se concerter pourra entrer en consul- tation avec l'Organisation en vue d'obtenir d'elle l'approbation préalable, soit de restrictions qu'il se propose, en s'appuyant sur les dispositions du présent article de maintenir, d'aggraver de renforcer ou d'instituer, en vertu du present article, soit de restrictions qu'il désire main- tenir, .aggraver renforcer ou instituer dans au cas ou des conditions ultérieures déter- minées se réaliseraient ultérieu- rement. Comme suite à ces consul- tations, l'Organisation pourra approuver d'avance le maintien, 1' aggravation le renforcement ou which such approval has been given., l'institution de restrictions par the requirements of sub- l'Etat Membre en question du paragraph (a) of this para- graph shall be deemed E/PC/T/171 page .10 to have been fulfilled, and the action of the Member applying the restrictions shall not be open to challenge under sub- paragraph (d) of thisparagraph on the ground that such action is inconsistent with the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article. (d) Any Member which con- siders that another Member is applying restrictions under this Article inconsistently with the provisions of paragraph 2 or 3 of this Article or of with Article 27 (subject to the provisions ot Article 28) may bring the matter for discussion to the Organization; and the Member applying the restrictions shall participate point de vue de quant à leur éten- due, de à leur importance degré d'intensité et de à leur durée gén- érale. Dans la measure où les limi- tes de cette approbation aura été donn'ee , les obligations découlant de7 conditions prévues à l'alinéa (a) du présent paragraphe seront considérées come étant remplies et l'action de les measures rises par l'Etat Membre appliquant les restrictions ne pourra pourront être attaquées en vertu de l'alinéa (d) du présent paragraphe comme etant incompatibles avec les dispositions du paragraphe 2 du présent article. (d) Si un Tout Etat Membre con- sidère qu'un autre Etat Membre appli- que des restrictions en vertu du pre- sent article d'une manière incompa- tible avec les dispositionss des paragraphes 2 et ou 3 du présent article ou de avec l'article 27 (sous réserve des dispositions de l'article28) pourra soumettre la question à l'Organization pour dis- cussion et L'Etat Membre qui appli- E/PC/T/171 page 11 in the discussion. The Organi- zation, if it is satisfied that there is a Prima facie case that the trade of the Member initiating the procedure is adversely affected, shall submit its vieWs to the parties with the aim of achieving a settle- ment of the matter in question which is satisfactory to the parties and to the Organization. If no such settlement is reached and if the Organization det rmines that the restrictions are being applied inconsistently with the provisions of paragraph s 2 or 3 of this Article or ff with Article 27 (subject to the provisions of Article 28), the Organization shall recommend the withdrawal or modification of the restrictions. If the restrictions are not withdrawn or modified in accordance with the recommendation of the Organi- zation within sixty days, the Organization may release any Member from specified que ces restrictions participera à la discussion: Si l'Organisation estime après un premier examen, que qu'à première vue le commerce de l'Etat Membre qui a recours à cette procedure se trouve semble lésé, sllc présentera ses observations aux parties afin en vue de parvenir à un règlement de l'affaire en question qui soit satisfaisant pour les parties et pour l'Organisation. Au cas où ce règlement ne serait pas obtenu et où l'Organisation déciderait que les restrictions sont appliquées d'une manière incompatible avec les dispositions des les paragraphes 2 et ou 3 du present article, ou de avec l'ar'ticle 27 (sous réserve des dispositions de l'ar- ticle 28), l'Organisation recor- mandera la suppression ou la modification des dites restrictions. Si les restrictions ne sont pas supprimées ou modifies dans les E/PC/T/171 page 12 obligations under this Charter, towards the Membor applying the restrictions. (e) If is recognised that premature disclosure of the prospective application imposition, withdrawal or modification of any restrictions under this Article might stimulate speculative trade and financial movements which would tend to defeat the purposes of this Article. Accordingly, the Organization shall make pro- vision for the observance of the utmost secrecy in tha conduct of any consultations. soixante jours, conformément à la recommandation de l'Organisation, calle-ci pourra approuver de relever tel ou tels autres Etats Membres qu'elle désignera des obligations des .engagements quelle spécificera parmi les engagements contract e s en vertu de la pré- sente Charte, envers l'Etat Mem- bre: appliquant les restrictions. (e) Il est reconnu que le fait de dévoiler prématurément les pro- jets visant, en vertu du présent article: ,à imposer appliquer, sup- primer ou modifier toute s res- trictionis en vertu du present article risquerait de stipuler favoriser, dans les changes commer- ciaux et les mouvements de c,.pi- taux_ de caractère spéculatif, résultat qui tendrait à aller une spéculation qui irait à l'en- contre des buts recherchés dans le du présent article. En consé- quence, l'Organisation prcndra toutes dispositions pour que le secret le plus absolu soit obs rvé 5. If there is a persistent and widespread application of import restrictions under this Article, indicating the exis- teace of a general disequibrim which is restricting international trade, the Organization shall initiate discussions to consider whether other measures might be taken, either by those Members whose balances of payments are under pressure or by those Members whose balances of payments are tending to be exceptionally favourable, or by any appropriate inter- governmental organization, to remove the underlying causes of the disequilibrium. On the invitation of the Organi- zation, Members shall participate in such discussions E/PC/T/171 page 13 dans la condulte de toute s consultation s 5, Au cas où application dei restrictions à l'importation en vertu du présent article prendrait un carantère durable et étendu, indiquant ut indiguereit ainsi l'existance d'un deséquilibre gé- néral réduisant le volume des échanges internationaux, l'Orga- nisation entamera des pourparlers pour examiner si d'autres measures ne pourraient pas être prises, soit par les Etats Membres dont la balance des paiements est tend à être défavorable soit par les Etats Membres dont la balance des paiemients tend à être excep- tionnellement favorable, soit encore par une organisation in- tergouvernementale compétente, afin de faire disparaître' les causes gi ; v.r Z-s7fondamentales de ce déséquilibre. Sur l'invi- tation de l'Organisation, les Etats Membres prendront part à ces pourparlers E/PC/T/171 Page 14 ARTICLE 28 (3) Exceptions to the Rule of Non- Discrimination. 1. (a) The Members recognize that when a substantial and widespread disequilibrium prevails in inter- national trade and payments a Member applying restrictions under Article 26 may be able to increase its imports from certain sources without unduly depleting its monetary reserves, if permitted to depart from the provisions of Article 27. The Members also recognize the need for close limitation of such departures to prevent the development or main- tenance of bilateral trade patterns as an enduring feature of world trade. (3) ARTICLE 28 Exceptions à le règle de non- discrimination. 1. (a) Les Etats Membres reconnais- sent que lorsqulun déséquilibme profond et général affecte le commerce et les paiements inter- nationaux, Ji.Y Etat Membre impo- sant appliquant des restrictions en application vertu de l'article 26 peut; si on 1' s'il est autorisé à déruger aux dispositions de l'article 27. se trouver en mesure d augmenter ces ses importations en provenance de certaines sources sans réduir e à l'excès ses réserves monétaires. Les Etats Membres reconnaissent également qu'zl est nécessaire de limiter étroitement ces déro- gationis pour éviter ef que. par suite du développement ou Ie du maintaen de courants commc'- ciaux bi-latéraux_ constituant une caractéristique cour-ci ne deviennent upo donnés permulents du commerce c-o-,a. (b) Accordingly, when a sub- stantial and widespread dis- equilibrium prevails in inter- national trade and payments a Member applying import restrictions under Article 26 may relax such restrictions in a manner which departs from the provisions of Article 27 to the extent necessary to obtain from countries limiting imports because of balance of payments difficulties additional imports above the maximum total of imports which it could afford in the light of the requirements of paragraph 2 of Article 26 if its restrictions were fully consistent with Article 27, provided that E/ PC/T/171 Page 15 (b) En conséquence, lorsqu 'un déséquilibre prefond et général affectera le commerce et les paie- ments internationaux, un Etat Membre imposant appliquent des restric- tions d'importations en application vertu de l'article ;W.pourra atténuer ces restrictions on dérogenat aux dispositions de l'article 279. dans la mesure nécesrsaire pour obtenir. des pays limitent les importations à la leur balance des paiements. des importations supplémentaires en sus du maximum d'importations qu'il que cet Etat Membre pourrait absorber sans unieinJre les stipu- lations dans le cadre des preserip tions du paragraphe 2 de l'article 26, si les, ses restrictions apportées par ce étaient entièrementconformes à celles de l'article 27, etant entendu que à condition E/PC/T/171 Page 16 (i) levels of delivered prices for products so imported are not established substantially higher than those ruling for comparable goods regularly available from other Members, and that any excess of such price levels for products so imported is progrecssively reduced over a reasonable period; (ii) the member taking such action does not do so as part of any arrangement by which its export receipts in con- vertible currencies from other Members not party to the arrangement aru appreciably reduced below the level they could otherwise reasonably expected to attain;4) and (j) que les ni:.x. des prix de livraison des produits ainsi importés dans ces conditins ne s'élèveront s'élèvent pas -c:lsi blezcimt au- dessus des prix en v igueur pour des mar- comparables que les autres Etats Membres peuvent fournir régui èr _n t; et que tout niveaux des prix relatifs aux des produits ainsi importés sera soit progressivement réduit dans un délal raison- nable (ii) que l'Etat Membre prenant cas mesures ne les incorporera pas à un le fasse . dons le cear. d'un accord par le jeu duquel ses recettes en monnaies corrt ilu: provenant d'expertations dans vers d'autres Etats Membres non parties à co~. seraient : rn 'sr soe".z l Un iwt au-des- sous du vc1..' on E/PC/T/ 171 Page 17 (iii) such action does not cause unnecessary damage to the commercial or economic inter- ests of any other Member. (c) [A] Any member taking action under this paragraph shall observe the principles of sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph. [in making arrangements for such action. A Member shall desist from transact- ions which prove to be inconsistent with that sub-paragraph [(b)] but the Member shall not be required to satisfy itself, when it is not practicabble to do so, that the requirements of that sub-paragraph [(b)] are fulfilled in respect of individual transactions. courrait raisonnablement attendre qu' elles se fixent ~~~~~~~~~~~(4.) en [d autres circonstances] [et que] I 'absence de ces mesures; (ill) et nue ces mesures ne /&6au.scront7 caunent aucun préjudice évitable aux inté40 i&',s commerciaux Lt7 ou economiclues /dcg7 d'nutres Etats Mombres. (c) L'Etat Membre prenant des measures [conformes au] en vertu du présent para.rraphe, observera les principes fornules ' llalina (b) du présent parazraphe lorsqu'il prendra les dispositions nécessaires a cet effetJ7 Il s' abstiendra d'opérations oui se révéleraient incompatibles avec fI'7 ledit alinéa Lib)7- mais M1 ne sera pas tenu de s'assurer, lorsqu'il nest pas possible de le faire, oue les prescriptions Lde 1'7 du dit alinéa £Cb)7 sont observes a l1occasion 'dIopérations i90lées7 de chaque oreration en particulier. E/PC/T/171 Page 18 (d) Members undertake in framing and carrying out any programmes for additional imports under this paragraph to pay due regard to the need to facilitate the termination of any exchange arrangements which deviate from the obligations of Sections 2, 3 and 4 of Article VIII of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund and to the need to restore equilibrium in their balances of payments on a sound and lasting basis. 2.A Any Member taking action under paragraph 1 of this Article shall keep the Organization regularly informed regarding such action and shall provide such available relevant information as the Organization may request. (d) En ce qui concerne l'éla- boration et l'exécution de tout programme dimportations supplé- mentaires en vertu du présent paragraphe, les Etats Membres s'engagent à tenir dûment compte de la nécessité de faciliter la dônonciation de tous accords l'abandon de tous systèmes de change dérogeant aux obligations des sections 2, 3 et 4 de I'arti- cle VIII des Statuts du Fonds monétaire international et de la nécessité de rétablir l'équilibre de leur balance des paiements sur une base saine et durable. 2. L'Etat Membr.e prenant des mesures. conformes au en vertu du paragraphe 1 premier du présente article , informer régulièrement l'Organisation de ces mesures et lui fournira les renseignements pertinerts disponibles que l'Organisation pourra :xàciarz;3r. 3.- (a) Not later than lst March 1st, 1952 (five years after the date on which the International Monetary Fund began operations) and in each year thereafter, any Member maintaining o- proposin, to institute action under paragraph 1 of this Article shall seek the approval of the Organization, The Organization which shall thereupon determine whether the circumstances of the Member justify the maintenance or institution of action by it under paragraph 1 of this Article.. After 1 March 1st 1952 no Member shall maintain or institute such action without determination by the Organization that the Member's circumstances justify the maintenance or institution of such action, as the case may be, and the subsequent maintenance or institution of such action by the Member shall be subject to any limitatiois which the Organization may prescribe specify. 5) E/PC/T/171 Page 19 3. (a) Le ler mars 1952 au plus tard (cinq ans après la date à la- quelle le Fonds monétaire interna- tional a commencé ses opérations) et au cours de chacune des années qui saivront, tout Etat Membre qui maintiendra ou se proposera de prendre des mesures en vertu du paragraphe 1 , du présent- arti- cle sollicitera l'approbation de l'Organisation L'Organisation dé- cidera alors si, étant donné sa situations s'il est légitime pour l'Etat Membre intéressé, étant donné sa situation, de maintenir ou de prendre des measures confor- mes au paragraphe 1 premier du présent article. A partir du ler mars 1952, aucun Etat Membre ne maintiendra ni ne prendra de me- sures de cette nature, à moins que l'Organisation ne décide qu'étant donné les circonstances où se trouve qu'il est légitime pour cet Etat Membre il est légitime pour ledit Etat Membre étant donné sa situation,de maintenir ou de prendre, suivant les cas, des mesures de cette nature , - E/PC/T/171 Page 20 b) If at any time the Organization finds at any time that import restrictions or exchange restric- tions on payments and transfers in connection with imports are. being applied by a Member in a discrim- inatory manner inconsistent with the exceptions provided for under paragraph 1 of this Article, the Member shall, within sixty days, remove the discrimination or modify it as specified by the Organization , Provided that any action under paragraph 1 of this Article, to the extent that it has been approved by the Organization under sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph or to the extent that it has been approved et l'établissement L'adoption- . ou le maintien ultérieurs de ces mesures par l'Etat Membre intéres- sé au course sera soumis à toute limitation que l'Organisation pourra spécfier 5) b) si l'organisation constate, à une date quelconque, qu'un Etat Membre applique des restrictions aux importations ou des restrictions de change portant sur les paiements et les transferts relatifs aux im- portations en établissant une discrimination incompatible avec les exceptions prévues, au paragra- phe 1 du present article, ledit Etat Membre devra, dans les soi- xante jours, supprimer ces discri- minations ou les modifier suivant les instructions de l'Organisation; étant entendu qu'on ne pourra .contester en vertu du présent ali- néa ou do l'alinéa 4 (d) de l'ar- ticle 26; on invoquant une in- by the Organization at the request fraction à l'article 27, aucune E/P C/T/171 Page 21 of a Member under a procedure analogous to that of [sub-] paragraph 4(c) of Article 26, shall not be open to challenge under this sub-paragraph or under [sub-] paragraph 4(d) of Article 26 on the ground that it is inconsistent with Article 27. Note of the Legal Drafting Committee The brackets around the words [or... imports] from the third to the fifth line of this paragraph have not been inserted by this Committee. mesure prise conformément au paragraphe 1 du présent article, à condition qu'elle ait été ap- prouvée par l'Organisation, en vertu de l'alinéa (a) du présent paragraphe ou qu'elle ait été ap- prouvée par l'Organisation à la demande d'un Etat Membre selon une procédure analogue à celle de1' a- linéa 4 (c) de l'article-26.] (b) Si, à un moment quelconque, l'Organisation constate qu'un Etat Membre applique ' . restric- tions de changes portant sur les paiements et transferts relatifs aux importations ou7 aux importa- tions des restrictions discrimi- natoires, incompatibles avec les exceptions prévues au paragraphe premier du présent article, ledit Etat Membre supprimera, dans les soixante jours, ces discriminations ou les modifiera suivant les ins- tructions de l'Organisation. Toute- fois, aucune mesure prise en vertu du paragraphe premierdu présent article ne pourra être attaquée en vertu du présent alinéa ou du paragraphe 4 (d) de l'article 26,en E/PC/T/171 Page 22 invoquant le fait que cette mesure est incompatible avec l'article 27, pour autant ou'elle ait été approu- vée par l'0rganisation, soit en vertu de ].'alinéa (a) du présent paragraphe, soit à la demande d'un Etat Membre, selon une procédure analoe ue à celle du paragraphe 4 (c) de l'article 26. * (c) Not later than three years (c) [Trois années au plus à partir] after the date on which the Dans un délai de trois ans à comp- International Monetary Fund began ter de la date à laquelle le Fonds operations, and in each year there-monétaire international a com- after so long as any Members are mencé ses opérations et au cours taking action under paragraph 1 de chacune des années qui suivront, of this Article, the Organization aussi longtemps que des Etats shall report on the action still Membres prendront des mesures [ con- taken by Members under that para- formément au ] en vertu du para- graph. [Not later than] five graphe [1] premier du présent years after the date on which the article, l'Organisation rédigera International Monetary Fund began un rapport sur les mesures[qui operations, and in each year there- after so long as any Members are seront] encore [prises] appliquées par les taking action under paragraph 1 Etats Membres en vertu [du présent] * Note du Comité Juridique de Redaction Les crochets autour des mots [ou ... importations] de la quatrième à le septième ligne de ce paragraph n'ont pas été insérrés par ce comité E/PC/T/171 page 23 of this Article, and at such . times thereafter as the Organi- zation may decide, the Organi- zation shall review the question of whether there then exists such a substantial and widespread disequilibrium in international trade and payments as to justify resort to paragraph 1 of this Article by Members. If, as a result of any such review, the Organization determines that no such disequilibrium exists, the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be suspended, and all actions authorized thereunder shall cease not later than six months after such determination.(6) de ce paragraphe.[[Au plus tard] Dans un délai de 5 ans à compter de] cinq ans après le, date à laquelle le Fonds monétaire international a commencé ses opérations[] et au cours de chacune des années qui suivront[] aussi longtemps que des Etats Membres [prendrent] appli- queront des mesures [conformément au] en vertu du paragraphe [l ] premier du présent article, et, ultérieurement, aux dates que l'Or- ganisation pourra fixer, l'Organi- sation examinera à nouveau la question de savoir s'il existe [à l'époque envisagée] encore dans les échanges et les paiements entre Etats, un déséquilibre assez profond et assez général pour justifier le recours des Etats Membres [aux] aux dispositions du paragraphe [1] premier du présent article. Si, à la suite de [cet] l'un de ces examens, l'Organisation Note by the Legal Drafting Committee. The brackets around the words [not later than] have been inserted by another committee. Note du Comité Légal de Rédaction. Les crochets autour des mots [au plus tard] n'ent pas été insérés par ce comité. Si le commission décide d..-ixt*tenir l'idée on propose de remplacer les mots "au plus tard par "Dans un délai de". E/PC/T/171 Page 24 [ décide ] conclut qu'un tel dé- séquilibre n'existe pas, les dis- positions du paragraphe [ 1 ] premier du présent article seront sus- pendues, et [toutes les mesures qu'il autorise devront prendre fin] il sera mis fin, dans un délai de 6) six mois après cette décision [.] à toutes mesures autorisées en vertu de ce paragraphe. 4. The provisions of Article 27 shall not preclude restrictions in accordance with Article 26 which either (a) are applied against imports from other countries, but not as among themselves, by a group of territories having a common quota in the International Monetary Fund [Provided] on condition that such restrictions are in all other respects consistent with Article 27, or (b) assist, in the period until 31 December 1951, by measures not involving substantial departure from the provisions of Article 27, another country whose economy has been disrupted by war. 4. Les dispositions de l'article 27 ne s'opposent pas aux restrictions [lnstituées conformément] conformes à l'article 26, [qui] (a) [sont] appliquées par un groupe de territoires ayant une quote-part commune au Fonds Monétaire international, à [l'encontre] des d'importations [provenant] en provenance d'autres pays, mais non dans [leurs] les relations réciproques, de ces territoires [sous réserve] à condition que [qu'à tous autres égards,] ces restrictions soient conformes, à tous autres égards, aux dis- positions de l'article 27 [ou] (b) [qui ont] ou ayant pour objet d'aider, [au cours de la période allant] jusqu'au 31 décembre 1951, et au moyen de mesures n'entrai- nant pas [une] de dérogation subs- tantielle aux dispositions de l'article 27, un autre pays dont l'économie a été désorganisée par la guerre. E/PC/T/171 Page 25 5. The provisions of this Section shall not preclude: (a) restrictions with equivalent effect to exchange restrictions authorized under Section 3(b) of Article VII of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund; or (D) restrictions under the prefer- ential arrangements provided for in Annex A of this Charter, sub- ject to the conditions set forth therein. ARTICLE 29 Exchange Arrangements 1. The Organization shall seek co-operation with the Internation- al Monetary Fund to the end that the Organization and the Fund may pursue a co-ordinated policy with regard to exchange questions within the Jurisdiction of the. Fund and questions of quantitative restrictions and other trade measures within the jurisdiction of the Organizaton. 5. Les dispositions de la présente section ne s'opposent pas: (a) aux restrictions ayant effet équivalent à celui des restrictions de change autorisées en vertu de la section 3(b) de l'article VII des Statuts du Fonds monétaire interna- tional; [ou] (b) ou aux restrictions établies en application des ententes préféren- tielles prévues à 1 Annexe [2] A de la présente Charte, sous réserve des conditions énoncées dans cette Annexe. ARTICLE 29 Accords en matière de change 1. L'Organisation s'efforcera de [coopérer] collaborer avoc le Fonds Monétaire international afin de poursuivre [] [de concert avec lui,] une politique coordonnée en oe qui concerne les questions de change relevant de la compétence du Fonds et les questions de restrictions quantitatives ou autres mesures commerciales relevant de la compétence de L'Organisation. E/PC/T/171 Page 26 2. In all cases in which the Organization n is called upon to consider or deal with problems concerning monetary reserves, balance of payments or foreign exchange arrange- ments, the Organization shall consult fully with the Inter- national Monetary Fund. In such consultation, the Organi- sation shall accept all find- ings of statistical and other facts presented by the Inter- national Monetary Fund relat- ing ta foreign exchange 2. Dans tous les cas où l'Organisation sera [invitée] appelée à examiner ou à résoudre des problèmes ayant trait aux réserves monétaires, à la balance des paiements ou aux [ac- cords] systèmes et accords de change, l'Organisation prendra [constamment] en tous points 1'avis du Fonds monétaire international. Au cours de ces consultations, l'Organisation acceptera [tous les renseignements] toutes les constatations d'ordre statistique ou autre qui lui seront communiqués par le Fonds monétaire international en matière [d 'accord] [arrangements], monetary reserves de change, de réserves monétaires and balances of payments, and et de balances des paiements; elle shall accept the determination acceptera [la décision] les conclu- of the [International Monetary] sions du Fonds sur la conformité des Fund as to whether action by mesures prises par un Etat Membre en a Member in exchange matters matière de change avec les Statuts is in accordance with the du Fonds monétaire international Articles of Agreement of ou avec les dispositions d'un accord the International Monetary spécial de change [spécial] conclu Fund, or with the terms of entre cet Etat Membre et l'organisa- a special exchange tion. Lorsqu'elle aura à prendre une agreement between décision [finale] dans les cas où E/PC/T/171 Page 27 that Member and the Organization. The Organization, in reaching its [final] decision in cases involving the criteria set forth in [sub-] paragraph 2(a) of article 26 shall accept the determination (7) of the Inter- National Monetary Fund as to what constitutes a serious decline in the Member's monetary reserves, a very low level of its monetary reserves or a reasonable rate of increase in its monetary reserves, and as to the financial aspects of other matters covered in consultation in such cases. 3. The Organization shall seek agreement with the International Monetary Fund regarding procedures for consultation under paragraph 2 [above] of this Article. Any such agreement, other than in- formal arrangements of a tempo- rary or administrative character, shall be subject to confirmation by the Conference. entreront on ligne de compte les cri- tèros établis [à l'alinéa] au para- graphe 2 (a) de I'article 26, l'Or- ganisation acceptora [la décision] 7) les conc1usions du Fonds monétaire international sur le point de savoir si los réserves monétaires de l'Etat Membre ont subi une baisse importante, se trouvent à un niveau [exagérément] très bas ou se sont élevées suivant un taux d'accroissement raisonnable, ainsi que sur les aspects financiers des autres problèmes auxquels s'é- tendront les consultations en de tels cas. 3. L'Organisation [devra] recherchera un accord avec le Fonds monétaire in- ternational au sujet de la procédure de consultation visée au paragraphe 2 [ci-dessuus] du présent article, Tout accord de cette nature, à l'ex- ception [aes] d'arrangements offi-- cieux de carectère provisoire ou administratif, sera sujet à confir- mation de la part de la Conférence. E/PC/T/171 Page 28 4. (8) Members shall not, by ex- change action, frustrate the intent of the provisions of this Section, nor, by trade action, the intent of the provisions of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund. 5. Any Member of the Organization which is not a member of the International Monetary Fund shall, within a time to be determined by the Organization after consulta- tion with the International Monetary Fund, become a member of the [International Monetary] Fund or, 'ailing that, enter into a special exchange agreement with the Organization. A Member of the Organization which ceases to be a member of the International Monetary Fund shall forthwith enter into a special exchange agreement with the Organization. Any special exchange agreement entered into by a Member under this paragraph shall thereupon become part of its obligations under this Charter. 4. 8) Les Etats Membres s'abstien- dront de toute mesure de change [portant sur les changes] qui [com- promette les] irait à l'encontre des objectifs [recherchés] envisagés par [les dispositions de] la pré- sente section et de toute mesure [de caractère] commerciale qui [compromette les buts] irait à l'encontre des objectifs envisagés par les Statuts du Fonds monétaire international. 5. Tout [Etat] Membre de l'Organi- sation qui n'est pas membre du Fonds monétaire international devra, dans un délai à fixer par l'Organisation après consultation [avec le] du Fonds monétaire international, deve- nir membre du Fonds ou, à défaut, conclure avec l'Organisation un ac- cord spécial de change [spécial]. Un [Etat] Membre de l'Organisation qui cessera d'etre membre du Fonds monétaire international conclura immédiatement avec l'Organisation un accord spécial de change [spécial]. Tout accord spécial de change [spé- cial] conclu par un Etat Membre en vertu du présent paragraphe fore, [à pértir de] dès sa conclusion, partie des [obligations] encorgements qui incombent à cet Etat Membre aux termes de la présente Charte E/PC/T/171 Page 29 [Charte à cet Etat membre.] 6. (a) A special exchange agree- 6. (a) Tout accord spécial de ment between a Member and the change [spécial] conclu entre un Organization under paragraph 5 Etat Membre et l'Organisation[,] en of this Article shall provide to vertu du paragraphe [3]5 du présent the satisfaction of the Organiza- article [prévoirpa à la satisfaction tion that the objectives of this de l'Organisation] contiendra les Charter will not be frustrated as dispositions que l'Organisation es- a result of action in exchange timera nécessaires pour que les [ob- matters by the Member in question. jectifs de la présente Charte ne (b) The terms of any such agreement shall not impose obli- gations on the Member in ex- .change matters generally more restrictive than those imposed by the Articles of Agreemènt of the International Monetary. Fund on members of the Fund. 7. A Member which is not a member of the International Mone- tary Fund shall furnish such information, within the general scope of Section 5 of Article VIII of the Articles of Agreement ,-seront, pas compromise du fait de mesures prises en matière do change par 1 'Etat Membre en question[] n'aillent pas à l'encontre de la presente Charte (b) Les [conditions] termes d'un tel accord n'imposeront pas à l'Etat Membre, [d'une manière géné- rale, des] en matière de change, d' obligations plus restrictives dais leur ensemble[en matière de change] que celles [qui sont] imposées [aux membres du Fonds monétaire inter- national] par [ses] les Statuts [l'accord constitutif] du Fonds monétaire in- ternational. 'a ses Membres 7. Un [Etat] Membre de l'Orga- nisation qui n'est pas membre du Fonds monétaire international four- nira à l'Organisation les rensei- gnements qu'elle [peut] pourra demanded dans le cadre général de la Section 5 E/PC/T/171 page 30 of the International Monetary Fund, as the Organization may require in order to carry out its functions under this Charter. 8. Subject to paragraph 4 of this Article, nothing in this Section shall preclude (8) (a) [(i) ] the use by a Member of exchange controls or exchange restrictions in accordance with the Articles of Agreement of the Inter- national Monetary Fund or with that Member's special exchange agreement with the Organization, or (b) [ (ii) ] the use by a Member of restrictions or controls on imports or exports, the sole effect of which, addi- tional to the effects permitted under Articles 25, 26, 27 and 28, is to de l'article VIII des [l 'Accord constitutif ] Statuts du Fonds moné- taire international [, ] en vue de remplir les fonctions que lui assigne la présent Charte. 8. Sous réserve des disposition du paragraphe 4 du présent article, aucune des dispositions de le présent Sections n'a pour objet d'interdire: 8) a) [(i) ] le recourse, par un Etat Membre à [un] des contrôles ou [a des] restrictions en matière de change [,conformémnet] con- formes aux [à l'Accord constitutif] Status du Fonds monétaire inter- national [, ] ou à l'accord spécial de change [spécial] conclu par cet Etat Membre avec l'Organisation [,] [ni] b) [(îî)] ni le recours, par un Etat Membre, à des restrictions ou à des mesures de contrôle portant sur les importations ou les expor- tations, destinées exclusivement, [en outre ] dont le seul effet sans préjudice des buts autorisés par les Articles 25, 26, 27 et 28, [a donner effet à des ] est de rendre efficaces les mesures de contrôle ou [ aux ] restrictions [en matière] de change de cette nature . make effective such ex- change controls or exchange restrictions,
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee on Articles 26, 28 and 29
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/171 and E/PC/T/169-178
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee on Articles 34, 35 and 38
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 7, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/155 and E/PC/T/153-156
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQU E ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/155 7 August 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSlON PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 34, 35 AND 38 RAPPORT DU COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION SUR LES ARTICLES 34, 35 ET 38 ARTICLE 34 The Legal Drafting Committee has reproduced the article number- ing used in Document E/PC/T/146. Emergency Action on Imports of Particular Products 1. (a) If, as a result of unfore- seen developments and of the effect of the obligations incurred,by a Member under or pursuant to this Chapter, including tariff con- cessions, any product is being imported into the territory of [any] that Member in such in- creared quantities and under such Le comité juridique de rédaction a repris la numérotation des articles, adoptée pour le docu- ment E/PC/T/146. Measures d'urgence relatives à des cas imprévus concernant l'importa- tion de produits Particuliers 1. (a) Si, [en conséquence] par suite de l'évolution imprévue des circonstances et sous [de] l'effet des engagements contracts en vertu [ou en application] du présent cha- pitre, par un Etat Membre y compris les concessions tarifaires, un pro- duit [se trouve être] est importé dans le territoire [d'un] de cet NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/155 Page 2 conditions as to cause or threaten serious injury to domestic pro- ducers in that territory of like or directly competitive products, [or, in the case of a product which is the subject of a con- cession with respect to a prefer- ence, is being imported under such conditions as to cause or threaten serious injury to producers in a territory of a Member which re- ceives or received such prefer- ence at the request of such Member's government,] the Member shall be free, in respect of such product, and to the extent and for such time as may be necessary to prevent or remedy such injury, to suspend the obligation in whole or in part or to withdraw or modify the concession. Etat Membre, [dans des] en quanti- tés. tellement accrues et à des conditions teller qu'il porte ou menace de porter un [sérieux7 pré- judice sérieux aux producteurs na- tionaux de produits similaires ou re produits se trouvant en concur- rence. directe avec celui dont il s'agit] directement concurrents, [ou, dans le ces d'un produit qui fait l'objet d'une concession en matière de préférence, s'il est im- porté à des conditions telles qu'il porte ou menace de porter un sérieux préjudice aux producteurs sur le territoire d'un Etat Membre qui se voit ou s'est vu accorder ladite préférence,. à la requête du Gouver- nement de cet Etat Membre, 1'] il sera loisible à cet Stat Membre [en question] dans la mesure et pendant le temps qui pourront être nécessaires pour prévenir ou réparer ce préjiudice, sera libre de suspen- dre l'engagement pris, à l'égard de c e p r o du i t,[dI a n s (b) If any product, which is the subject of a concession with respect to a preference, la being imported into the territory of a Member in the circumstances set forth ln sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph, so as to cause or threaten serious injury to domestic producers of like or directly competitive products in the territory of a Member which receives or received such preference, the importing Member shall be free, if that other Member so requests, to suspend the relevant obliga- tion in whole or in part or to withdraw or modify the conces- sion in respect of the product, to the extent and for such time as may be necessary to prevent or remedy such injury. E/PC/T/155 Page 3 la mesure et pendant le temps qui pourront être nécessaires pour pré- venir ce préjudice ou pour le répa- rer, en tout ou en partie l'engage- ment pris] ou de retirer ou de modi- fier la concession on tout ou en per tie. (b) Si un produit, qui jouit, ou a joui d'une préférence accordée à un Etat Membre vient à faire l'objet d'une concession accordée à un autre Etat Membre et est imports dans les circonstances énoncées à l'alinéa (a) du présent paragraphe, portant ou menaçant de porter ainsi un préju- dice sérieux aux producteurs du pro- duit similaire ou de produits direc- tement concurrent sur le territoire de l'Etat Membre qui jouit ou a joui de cette préférence, l'Etat Membre importateur sera libre, à la requête de l'Etat Membre qui jouit ou a joui de cette préférence, de suspendre, en tout ou on partie, l'engagement pris, de retirer ou de Modifier la concession, dans la mesure et pour le temps nécessaire pour prévenir ou réparer untel préjudice. E/PC/T/155 Page 4 2. Before any Member shall take action pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, it shall give notice in writing to the Organization as far in advance as may be practicable and shall afford the Organization and those Members having a substantial interest as exporters of the product concerned [,]an oppor- tunity to consult with it in respect of the proposed action. When such notice is given in relation to a concession with respect to a preference, the notice shall [state] name the Member [government] which has requested the action. In critical circumstances, [such that the] where delay would cause damage which it would be difficult to repair, such action may be taken provisionally without prior consultation, [Provided] on the condition that consul- tation shall be effected 2. Avant qu'un Etat Membre ne prenne les measures prévues en appli- cation des dispositions du paragraphe- [1] premier du présent article, il [devra en donner avis] en avisera par écrit [a] l'Organisation [aussi] le plus longtemps possible d'avance. [qu'il lui sera possible de le faire] Il [devra également fournir] four- nira à l'Organisation ainsi qu'à tous les autres Etats Membres [inté- ressés de manière substantielle] ayant un intérêt substantiel à titre d'exportateurs du produit en question l'occasion [de se concerter] d'exa- miner avec lui [sur] les mesures qu'il [s] se propose [nt] de prendre. Lorsque cet avis sera donné à pro- pos d'une concession relative à une préférence, il [devra mentionner le gouvernement de] mentionnera l'Etat Membre qui aura requis cette mesure. Dans des circonstances critiques, où [le retard] tout délai entraîne- rait un préjudice qu'il serait difficile E/PC/T/155 Page 5 immediately [following upon the] after taking [of] such action. 3. (a) If agreement among the interested Members with respect to the action is not reached, the Member which proposes to take or continue the action shall, nevertheless, be free to do so, and if such action is take or continued, the affected Members shall then be free, not later than ninety days after such action is taken, to suspend, upon the expiration of thirty days from the day on which written notice of such suspen- sion is received by the Organi- zation, the application to the trade of the Member taking such action, or, in the case [of a Member at whose request action has been taken by any Member in connection with a preference, the trade of that Member] de réparer, ces mesures pourront être prises à titre provisoire sans consultation préalable, [sous ré- serve] à condition que tion qua cette con- sultation ait lieu immédiatement après que lesdites mesures auront été prices. 3. (a) Si les Etats Membres inté- ressés n'arrivent pas à s'entendre au sujet de ces mesures, [celui d' entre eux qui a l'intention de las prendre]/ rien n'empêchera un Etat Membre. s'il le désire, de prendre ces mesures ou d'en conti- nuer i'application [sera néanmoins, libre de le raire]. Dans ce cas, [les] il sera loisible aux Etats Membres [lécés seront libres] que cas mesures léserai ent, et cela, [au plus tard ] dans un délai de quatre-vingt-dix jours [après que lesdites mesures auront été prises] à compter de leur application, de suspendre, [a l'expiration d'une période] après un préavis de trente jours [a compter de calui où] adres- sé à l'-Organisation, [aura reçu notification éerite de la suspen- sion/ l'application au commerce E/PC/T/155 Page 6 envisaged in paragraph 1(b) of this Article to the trade of thé Member requesting such action, of such substantially equivalent obligations or concessions under this Chapter the suspension of which the Organization does not disapprove. (b) [In the event of action being taken provisionally without prior consultation in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2, a Member whose domestic producers of products affected by the action are caused or threatened with serious injury such that delay would cause damage which it would be difficult to repair shall be free to suspend, de l'Etat Mambre qui [prend] a pris ces mesures, ou, [s'il s'agit d'un Etat Membre à la requête duquel des mesures ont été prises par un Etat Membre quelconque à l'égard d'une prétérance,] dans le cas envisagé au paragraphe 1 (b) du présent ar- ticle, au commerce da [cet]l'Etat Membre qui a demandé que ces me- sures fussent prises, [de toutes les] des obligations et concessions sensiolemunt équivulentas résul- tant du présent chapitre, dont la suspension na soulève pas d'objec- tion do la part da l'organisation. (b) [Dans le cas où] Sans prêjudi- ce des dispositions de l'alinéa (a) du présent paragraphe, lorsque ces mesures [seraient] seront prises [à titre provisoire,] sans consultation préalable, conformé- ment [aux dispositions de l'alinéa 2] au paragraphe 2 du présent. article. [l'Stat Membre dont les producteurs nationaux de produits visés par ces mesures subiraient] et E/PC/T/155 Page 7 throughout the duration of the consultation,] Notwithstanding the visions of sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph, where action is taken under paragraph 2 of this Article without prior consultation and causes or threatens serious injury in the territory of a Member to the domestic producers of products affected by the action, that Member shall, where delay would cause damage difficult to repair be free to suspend, upon the taking of the action and throughout the period of consultation, such obligations or concessions as may be necessary to prevent or remedy the injury. porteront ou menaceront de porter un grave préjudice aux producteurs nationaux de produits affectés par elles sur le territoire d'un Etat Membre, il sera loisible à cet Etat Membre, lorsque tout délai à cet égard entraînerait un préjudice difficilement réparable, de suspen-. dre, dès la mise en application de ces mesures et penlant la période de cette consultation, [, ou se- raient menacés d'un grave préjudice, tel qu'un retard entrainant un domai- no difficile à réparer, sera libre de suspendre, pendant toute la durée de la consultation,] les obligations ou concessions qu'il [sera] jugera nécessaire [de suspendre] pour préve- nir ou réparer le préjudice. ARTICLE 35 Consultation Each Member shall accord sympathetic consideration to, and shall afford adequate opportunity for consultation regarding, such representations as may be made by any other Member with respect to Consultation Chaque Etat Membre examinera avec comprêhension les représenta- tions que pourrait faire tout autre Etat Membre et facilitera dans toute la mesure du possible les consulta- tions relatives à ces représeentations, E/PC/T/155 Page 8 the operation of customs regulations and formalities, anti-dumping and countervailing duties or charges, quantitative and exchange regulations, subsidies, state-trading operations, sanitary laws and regulations for the protection of human, animal or plant life or health, and generally all matters affecting the operation of this Chapter. lorsque celles-ci porteront sur l'application des règlements et formalités de e uane, des taxes anti-dumping et dos droits compen. sateurs, des réglementations quanti.- tatives et de change, des subven- tions, des operations du commerce d'Etat, des prescriptions sanitai- res et des règlements concernant la protection de la santé et de la vie des personnes et des animaux et la préservation des [plantes] végétaux et, d'une manière générale, sur toutes les questions touchant à l'application des dispositions du présent chapitre. ARTICLE 38 Territorial application of Chapter V - Frontier traffic - Customs Unions 1. The rights and obligations arisin" under this Chapter shall be deemed to be in force between each and every territory which is a separate customs territory and in respect of which this Charter has been accepted by a Member in accord- ance with paragrach 4 of Article 88. Application territoriale cu chapi- tre V - Trafic frontalier - Unions douanières 1. Les droits et obligations résul- tant du présent chapitre seront considérés comme étant en vigueur entre tous les territoires qui constituent chacun un territoire douanier distinct et pour les- quels la présente Charte a été acceptée par un Etat Membre E/PC/T/155 Page 9 conformément au paragraphe 4 de l'article 88 2. The provisions of this Chapter [V] shall not be construed to prevent: (a) advantages accorded by any Memb to adjacent countries in order to facilitate frontier traffic; or (b) the formation of a customs unio or the adoption of an interim agreement necessary for the at- tainment of a customs union.[,]; Provided that the duties and ot regulations of commerce imposed by, or any margins of preferenc maintained by, any such union o agreement in respect of trade with Members of the Organisatio shall not on the whole be highe or more stringent than the average level of the duties and regulations of commerce or marg of preference applicable in the constituent territories prior t the formation of such union or 2. Les dispositions du présent chapitre [V7 ne devront pas être interprêtées comme faisant obsta- cle: er (a) aux avantages accordés par un Etat Membre à des pays limi- trophes pour faciliter le tra- fic frontalier; [ou] n (b) ou à la formation d 'une union douanière ou à l'adoption d'un accord provisoire nécessaire pour la réalisation d'une union her douanière, sous réserve que les droits de douane et autres ré- e glementations des changes com- r merciaux imposés ou les merges de préférences maintenues par on une union ou un accord de ce r genre, en ce qui concerne les relations commercials avec les Membres de l'organisation, ne ins soient pas, dans l'ensemble, plus élevés ou plus rigoureux o queue l'étaient en moyenne les droits et les réglementations applicables E/PC/T/155 Page 10 the adoption of such agreement, and Provided further that any such interim agreement shall include a definite plan and schedule for the attainment of such a customs union within a reasonable length of time. 3. (a) Any Member proposing to enter into a customs union shall consult with the Organisation and shall make available to it such information regarding the proposed union as will enable the Organisation to make such reports and recommendations to Members as it may deem appropriate. aux changes commerciaux ou les marges de préférence en vigueur avant la formation de cette union douanière ou Ia conclusion de cet accord, dans les territoires [qui constituent] constitutifs de l'union [douanière] [avant la formation d'une telle union ou la conclusion d'un tel accord], et sous réserve [encore] égale- ment que tout accord provisoire de ce genre comporte un plan et un programme précis pour la réa- lisation dans un délai raison- nable [ d'une telle] de cette union douanière. 3. (a) Tout Etat Membre se propo- sant de faire partie d'une union douanière entrera en consultation avec l'Organisation et lui projetée, ra, concernant l'union projetée, tous les renseignecments qui [lui] permettront à l'Organisation d'adres ser aux Etats Membres les rapport et les recommendations [et les rapports] qu'elle jugera appro- priés. E/PC/T/155 Page 11 (b) No Member shall initiate or (b) Aucun Etat Membre ne de- maintain any interim agreement under vra mettre ou maintenir en vi- the provisions of paragraph 2(b) of this Article if, after a study of the plan and schedule proposed in such agreement, the Organisation finds that such agreement is not likely to result in such a customs union within a reasonable length of time [,], [nor shall] (c) The plan or schedule shall not be substantially altered without consultation with the Organisation. 4. The Members recognise that there may in exceptional circum- stances be justification for new preferential arrangements requiring an exception to the provisions of this Chapter [V]. Any such ex- ception shall [conform to the criteria and procedures which may be established by the Organisation under be made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 66. gueur un accord provisoire confor- mément aux dispositions du para- graphe 2(b) du présent article si, après avoir étudié le plan et le programme proposés dans [un tel] l'accord, l'Organisation ne juge pas [que l'7 cet accord [n'est pas] susceptible d'ab outir, dans un délai raisonnable, à la forma- tion [d'une telle] de l'union douanière projetée [,et]. (c) Le plan et le programme ne pourront pas être modifiés de façon sensible sans consultation de l'Organisation. 4. Les Etats Membres reconnais- sent que les circonstances excep- tionnelles pourront justifier la conclusion de nouvelles ententes préférenticlles nécossitant une exception aux dispositions du présent chapitre [V]. Toute ex- ception de oe ganre [devra être] sera conforme aux [critères et aux règles de procédure que l'Or- ganisation pourra établir oonfor- mément au] dispositions du para- graphe 3 de l'article 66. E/PC/T/155 Page 12 5. For the purpose of this Artice 5. Aux fins d'application du pré- a customs territory shall be under- stood to mean any territory within which separate tariffs or other regulations of commerce are main- tained with respect to a sub- stantial part of the trade of such territory. A customs union shall be understood to mean the sub- stitution of a single customs territory for two or more customs territories, so that all tariffs and other restrictive regulations or commerce as between the territories of members of the union are substantially eliminated and substantially the same tariffs and other regulations of commerce are applied by each of the members of the union to the trade of territories not included in the union. sent article, on entend par "terri- toire douanier" tout territoire dans les limites duquel des tarifs douaniers distincts ou autres ré- glementations applicables aux échan- ges commerciaux sont maintenus à l'égard d'une partie substantielle ae commerce du territoire en ques- tion. [Un. ] On entend par "union douanière" [signifie] la substi- tution d'un seul territoire doua- nier à deux ou plusieurs territoi- res douaniers, de telle sorte que tous les tarifs douaniers et autres réglementations restrictives des échanges commerciaux entra les ter- ritoires des Etats Membres de l'u- nion soient éliminés d'une façon substantielle et que d'une façon substantielle des tarifs et autres réglementations sensiblement iden- tiques soient appliqués, par cha- cun des membres de l'union, au commerce avec des territoires non compris dans celle-ci. E/PC/T/155 Page 13 Note by the Legal Drafting Committee The Legal Drafting Committee found that the text of the first sentence of paragraph 5 is not clear, The Committee suggests the following rewording for con- sideration provided that it ex- presses the intention of the Sub- Committee:: "For the purpose of this Artilje a customs territory shall be understood oe mean any territory w7thini with respect to which separate tariffs or other regula- tions of commerce are maintained [with respect to] for a substantial part of the trade of such territory with other territories. " Note du Comité juridique de rédaction Le Comité juridique de rédac- tion a constaté que la rédaction de la première phrase du paragra- phe 5 laissait à désirer. L Comité propose le nouveau texte ci-après- sous réserve qu' il re- produise fidèlement l' intention du Sous-comité: " Aux fins d'apcplication du présent article on entend par "territoire douanier" tout terri- toire [ dans la s limites duquel] pour lequel des tarirs douaniers distinct ou autres réglementations applicables aux échanges commer- ciaux sont maintenus, à l'égard [ d'une parties substantielle du commerce du territoire en ques- tion] d'autres territoires, pour une partie substantielle du com- merce du territoire on question.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee on Chapter III of the Charter
United Nations Economic and Social Council, [ca. 1947 - 1994]
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/236-260 and E/PC/T/W/236-260
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE Report of the Legal Drafting Committee on Chapter III of the Charter The symbol of this document should be E/PC/T/166 instead of E/PC/T/W/237. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L' EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES Rapport du Comité de Rédaction et des Questions Juridiques sur la Chapitre III de la Charte Ce document devrait porter la cote E/PC/T/166 au lieu de E/PC/T/W/237. M.381/47 RESTRICTED
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Legal Drafting Committee on Chapters I, II and VIII (Including Noting and Membership of the Excutive Board)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/159 and E/PC/T/156-161
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/159 9 August 1947 SECOND .SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE. UINITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA. CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L 'EMPLCI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES, REPORT OF THE LEGAL DRAFTING COMMITTEE ON CHAPTERS I, Il AND VIII (INCLUDING NOTING AND MEMBERSHIP OF THE EXCUTIVE BOARD) RAPPORT DU COMITE JURIDIQUE DE REDACTION SUR LES CHAPITRES I, II ET VIII ( Y COMPRIS LA QUESTION DU VOTE ET LA COMPOSITION DU CONSEIL EXECUTIF. ) CHAPTER I PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES CHAPITRE I BUT GENERAL ET OBJECTIFS ARTICLE I RECOGNIZING the determination of the United Nations to promote peaceful and friendly relations among nations, THE STATES part[y] ies to this Charter undertake in the fields of trade and employment to co-operate with one another and with the United Nations Fo r T h e P u r p o s e of REALIZING the aims set forth in the Charter of the United RECONNAISSANT la resolution des Nations Unies de favoriser les rela- tions paisibles et imiceles entre les nations [] LES ETATS parties à la pré- sente Charte s'engagent à coopérer entre eux et avec les Nations Unies, dans les domaines du commer- ce et de l'emploi, E t S e P r o p o s e n tl e B u t G é n ér a l S u iv a n t: .ATTEINDRE les objectifs fixés par la Charte des Nations Unies, NATlONS UNI ES E/PC/T/159 Page 2 Nations, particularly the attain- ment of the higher standards of liv ing, full employment and con- ditions of economic and social progress and development, envisaged in [paragraph (a) of] Article 55(a) of that Charter [, and]. TO THIS END they pledge themselves, individually and collectively, to promote national and inter- autional action eszigned to attain the following objectives: 1. To assure a largo and steadily growing volume of real income and effective demand, to increase the production, consumption and exchange of goods, and[so]7 thus to contribute to a balanced and expanding world economy. 2. To foster and assist industrial and general economic particulièrement le reèbvement des niveaux de vie, le plein. emplo[]e/t des condiioôns de progrès et de développement I dans l'ordre économique et social, envisaé4[ au pargraphe (a) d e à l'article 55 (a) de ladite Charte[r,et]7- A CET EFEMT ils prennent individuellement et collecti- vementl' engagement de favori- ser les mesures nationales et internationales tendant à atteindre les objectifs sqivants: 1. Assurer u .volume consiéerable et toujours croissant[Ld]J du revenuré'el et de la demande effective[e5t contribuer à l'é- quilibre et à expansion de l'économie mondie]7,[L.en dvre- loppan]7développer la prodcotion, la consommation et les échanges de marchandises[.]` et contribuer ainsi à l'équilibre et à l'expansion de l'économie mondiale. 2. Encourager et aider le développement industriel ainsi development, particularly of those countries which are stIll. in the early stages of in- dustrial development, and to encourage the international flow of capital for productive investment. 3. To further the enjoyment by all countries, on equal terms, of access to the markets, products and productive facilitios, which are needed for their economic prosperity and development. . To reduce tariffs and othor barriers to trade and to eliminate discriminatory treat- ment in international commerce. 5. To enable countries, by in- creasing the opportunities for their trade and economic development on a mutually advantageous basis, to abstain from measures which would dis- rupt world commerce, reduce productive employment or retard E/PC/T/159 Page 3 que le développement économique général des [ Etats et] pays en particulier [,] de ceux dont le développement industriel en est encore à ses débuts, et encourager le mouve- ment International des capitaux en vue' d'investissements pre- ductifs, 3. Favoriser pour tous les pays la possibility d'accéder,. sur un pied d'égalité, aux marchés, au. sources d'appro- visionnement et aux facilités de production nécessaires à leur prospérité et à leur déve- loppement économiques. 4. Abaisser les tarifs doua- niers et autres entraves au commerce, et éliminer toute dis- crimination en matière de com- merce international. 5. Permettre aux [Etats] différents paya en [augmentent] multipliant les. possibilités [d'accroître] d'accroissement de leur commerce et de dévelopment de leur [développement économi- que]économie sur une base mutuel- lement avantageuse, d'éviter le E/PC/T/159 Page 4 economic progress. 6. To facilitate through the promotion of mutual understand- ing[] consultation and co- operation[] [to facilitate] the solution of problems relating to international trade in the fields of employment, economic development, commercial policy, business practices and commodity policy. ACCORDINGLY they hereby establish the INTERNATIONAL TRADE ORGANIZATION through which they shall co-operate as Members to achieve the purpose and the objectives set forth in this Article. recours à des mesures qui désorganisent]susceptibles de désorganiser le commerce mondial, [réduisent]/ de réduire l 'emploi productif ou de retard [ent] er la progrès économique, 6. Faciliter, au moyen [de la bonne entente]d'une comprátension. [mutuelles]de [la] consultations et [de la]d'une collaboration mutuelles, la solution des pro- blèmes intéressant lu commerce international dans le domaine de l'emplai, du développement économique, de la politique commerciale, des pratiques commer- ciales et de la politique [en matière] des produits de base. EN CONSEQUENCE. ils [établissent] instituent par les-présentes L'ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DUu COMÉERCE[grâCce ]_ au sein de laquelle ilsscllaboreronttean qualit[£d'Etas]7 de Membres en vue d'atteindre le but général et les objectifs énnocbés dans le present article. CHAPTER VII [ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS] THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE ORGANIZATION Section. A -[Membership]' Structure and Functions Article 65 (formerly Article 2) EMjBERSHIP 1. The original Members of the Ora.nization shall ec those States invited to the Unieod Nations Conerecnce on Trade and mploymentn whose Govenmennts accept this Charter by 14__ _ , in accordance with paargraph -[2 of Article 95, or, if this Charter shall not have entered into force 'by 194_, those States whosoegovcenrmnts agrce to bring ,this Charter into force in accord- anco with the proviso in para- "gaph £[7]2 of Article 95. 2. Any othoe State whose momber- ship has been approved by the Conference shall become a Merboe of the Organization upon its acceptance. in accordance with paragraph /[7].1of Article 915of this Charter, as amceded up to tha date of such acceptanceD[] [in accordance with paragraph 2 ,of Article 95.] E/PC/T/1 59 Page 5 CHAPITRE VII ORGANISATION [ET FONCTIONS] INTERNATIONALE DU COMMERCECF Section A - Structure et Fonctions EMBERS] Article 65 (ancien article 2) MEMBRESS 1. Seront Membres originaires de l'Organisation, les Etats invités à la Conférence du Commerce et de l'Emploi[Lda l'Organisatin]7 des Nations Unies dont lesgSouvernements, à la date du 194 _ auront accepét la présente Charte, confor- mément au pargtraphe[/]7 1 de l'article 95 ou, dans le gas où la Charten'taurait pas étémiUse en vigueur le _ 194 _, les Etats dont les gouvenaements auront accep- té de lame:ttre en vigueur conformé- ment à la clause conditionnelle du paaffraphe[3] 2 du l'article 95. 2. Tout auteù Etat que la Conference aura agréé[Len qualité d]7 deviendra Membre de l'Organisation[ije deve.nda]7 dès qu'il aura accepté la présente Charte dans sa teneur à la daeo de cette acceptation, conformément au paragraphe[L ]J premier de l'article 95. E/PC/T/159 Page 6 3, X The following separate customs territories, though not responsible for the formal conduct of their diplomatic relations, shall be admitted to the Organization on such terms as may be determinoe:XX (i) any separate customs terri- tory invited to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment upon acceptance of the Charter on its behalf by the competent Member in accordance with paragraph [5] 2. of Article [95] 96 [.0]; The delegation of France found itself able to accept this para- graph only on the condition that it could not be applied to Germany; a part of Germany or an Occupation Zone in Germany. xx) Obviously the rights and obliga- tions of any such separate customs territory which did not become a full Member as a result of decisions taken at the World Trade Conference and which applies under paragraph 3 of this Article for admission to the Organization, will have to be determined by the Conference of the Organization when the. application is made, and the final draft of the Charter must so provide. 3. XLes territoires douaniers [séparés] distinets suivants, bien que n'assumant pas la direction officielle de leurs relations diplomatiques. seront admis dans l'Organisation aux conditions qui xx pourront être fixées (i) tout territoire douenier [séparé]distinct, invité à la Conference du Commerce et de l'Emploi [de l'Organisation] des Nations Unies, [a la condition]lors que l'Etat mem- bre [intéressé] responsable aura accepté la présente Charte au nom de ce territoire, conformément aux dispositions du paragraphe [5] 2 de l'ar- ticle [95] 96. X)La délégation de la-France ne peut accepter ce paragraphe que sous réserve qu'il ne puisse pas s'appli- quer à l'Allemagne, à une partie de l'Allemagne, ou à une zone d'occu- pation en Allemagne. xx I1 est évident que les droits et obligations de ces territoires douaniers séparés qui n'ont pes acquis la pleine quality de Membre à la suite de décisions rises au cours de la Conférence mondiale du Commerce, et demandent leur admis_ sion dans l'Organisation en vertu du paragrahe 3 du présent article, devront être diterminés par la Conférence de l'Organisation au moment où la demande sera formulée, et que le texte final de la Charte devra le prévoir. (ii) any separate customs terri- tory not invited to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment[, proposed by the com- petent Member having responsibility for the formal conduct of its diplo- matic reletions and] which is autonomous in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for by this Charter. which is prepared by the competent Member, and whose admission is approved by the Con- forence, upon acceptance of the Charter on its behalf by the com- petent Member ln accordance with .paragraph [5] 2 of Article 9[5]6 or, in the case of a territory in respect of which the Chartar has been accepted under paragraph [40]1 of Article 9[5]6 upon its becoming thus autonomous. 4. Any separate customs territory admitted to the Organization under paragraph 3 of this Article which E/PC/T/ 159 Page 7 (ii) tout territoire douanier [séparé], distinct non invité à la Conference du Commerce et de l'Em- ploi [de l'Organisation] des Nations Unies proposé par l'Etat Membre compétent à qui incombe la respon- sabilité officielle de ses rela- tions diplomatiques] et [qui béné- ficie] bénéficient de l'autonomic pour la. conduite de ses relations commerciales extérieures ainsi que pour les autres questions [prévues] traitées par la prsente Charte, qui aura été proposé par l'Etat Membre responsable, et dont l'admission aure été agréée par la Conférence [a la condition que] lorsque l'Etat Membre [intéressé] responsa- ble [accepte] aure accepté la présente Charte au nom de ce terri- toire [,]J conformément aux dispositions du paragraphe [5] 2 de l'article 9[5] 1 ou, s'il s'agit d'un territoire pour lequel la Charte a été acceptés en vertu du paragraphe [4] -premier de l'ar- ticls 9[5] 6 lorsque ce terri- toire [bénéficiere de] acquerra ledite autonomie. 4. Tout territoire douanier [séparé] distiact admis dans I'Organisation en vertu du E/PC/T/159 Page 8 is accorded full voting rights shall thereupon be ä Member of the Organization.X 5. The Conference s hall determine the conditions upon which member'- ship- rights and obligations shall be [accorded] extended to Trust Territories administered by the United Nations and to the Free Territory of Trieste. Article 66 (formerly Article 61) Functions [In addition to] The Organisa- tion shaIl perform the functions provided for elsewhere in this Charter[,]. In addition the Organization shall have the following functions:- (a) to collect, analyze and pub- lish information relating to commercial policy, business practices, commodity problems and See second footnote to paragraph 3 of Article 65 paragraphe 3 du present article cet - qui acquerra la plénitude des droits de vote deviendra, par le x rfait xnèr.e, MbIebre de l'Organisation. 5. La Conférence rixùra. les con- ditions auxquelles. les droits et obligations do'ulantde là. guPlitc de Meembre&TJ seroIt L attr4bu45 6ternius aux territoires sous. tutelle administrés par£2 ' Orgprisation de 7 les Nations Un'es ainsi qu.'au Terrii- toire Libre de Trioste. ?rtJcl.e 68 (ancien artic1çe 61) Fonct1i ons. LEn plusjf !. OrpgnisQi on sIacquitturti dos.for.otions pr6vixis L5arj ailleurs dens la prosente Charte LQ>J. l'Oreanisatdàfl s'acqUittCora a*e fonctions sui- 'vantes :_T Elle e6oereora en v outre les f oreilons sul.ipntes (a) r6unir, analyses ot p'.blier dos inforL..tions LafférentesT ayanM trlt e^> co rce internatio- nal, y oompris les in oraét1ons Voir la sccorde.anc-#, concernant le parmgre.pho b de l'artizle 65. Industrial and general economic development[.]; (b) to encourage and facilitate consultation among Members on all questions relating to the pro- visions of this Charter [and to provide for the settlement of disputes growing out of the pro- visions of this Charter.]; Note by the Legal Drafting Committee * The conclud.Ing words of this sub- paragraph should be deleted in vIew of the provisions of Chanter *VIII and the opening sentence of this Article. (c) to undertake studies on, [and] make recommendations for, and- [to] promote international agree- ,ment on, measures designed (i) to assure just and equitable treatment for foreign nationals and E/PC/T/159 Page 9 ayant trait à le politique com- merciale, aux pratiques commer- ciales, aux nroblèmes concernant les produits de base ainsi qu'au développement lndustrial et au development économicue en général; (.b) encourager et faciliter [les] des consultations entre les Etats Membres sur touted les questions avant trait aux dispositions de la présente Charte [et prévoir le règlement des différends que pour- raient soulever ces dispositions: Note par le Comité juridique de Rédaction, Les derniers mots de cet alinéa devraient être supprimés en vue des dispositions du chanitre VIII et de la premiere phrase de cet article. (c) [Etudier] entreprendre des etudes, [ recommander] formuler des recommandations et encourager la conclusion d'accords internationaux en vue (1) d'assurer un traitement juste et équitable aux entreprises et aux ressortissants E/PC/T/159 Page10 enterprises x (ii) to expand the volume and to improve the bases of international trade including measures de- signed to facilitate commercialcial arbitration and the avoidance of double, taxation and (iii) generally to achi[ve Cthe purposd]anÈ7 any oe thc objectives set forth in Artic[] 1 ; e ThmmCoraettec agreed that the deletion oe meu ;:ntifn oa specific classes of such nationals and enteseriïss should net bc taken as indicating thaesehc:s classes are not covered in the above broad lageua-c Thus such language woulder treatment.trft oa, eoampxe-:lommercial travellers,v1lls, and foreign creditors in bankruptcy, insolvency or re- organization. (e)agenorel-ynto corsuIt with and ecommendations, andons an as necessary, furnish advice and assistance te Membars regarding any mattar ngl.ti[n to /tha pur- poses or7 the operation of this Charter, an[.eto £mcafor- ny- othor fu]ctaoe7at^kou -ny ther -ctien aecass?ry and prop[r eo /tha ca]rying y out [of] thethe provisions of this Charter; ,u, 'acr±>rs (o) (ii' dgaenmzjcter lo vmalue et déam6- leoroe lus conditione doc é6hangen ir.- ternationa[] L[, L cecca:sords pour- ront pertcr suesdmesures tendantdan à 7 et nomem'-nt de faciliter l.arbiteag>mmercial et la suppres-res sion de la dlubJmposition; [et]LEt ( iii t,e' neuie maniègé éCndealu, dtetl.ind[les bs bues l' !-quel-l- coue 1ed]s_eljsoecbific noncncés à l'article premie[1];' (C) lComité t a cieedq dueelE fait d.'avoir supimé.m lmention ji de caté- gariesédetrrmées d'entreprises s et ceess soissants s angers ec ne doit pas être ierpréPrté comme signifiant queel s termesénéraux dons il est at fuusage no concernent pas ces ca- tégories. Ces termes visursient ain- si letraitement a assurer, par exem- ple, aux voyugeurs de commerce ain- si qu'aux créanciers trangers en cas de faillite, d'inselvabilité au de réorganisation. (C) d'une manière générale ,[se con- c erter.] entreren consultation avec Ies Etats Membres, leur faire des recommendations et, si. besoin est, les aider de; ses conseils et do son appui sur toute question relative [aux buts ou] à l'appl cation de la présente Charte et [s'acquitter de toute autre fonction nécessaire, propre à aider à l'observation] prendra toutes autres initiatives des dispositins de [la présente Charte] celou-ci [,] ; E/PC/T/150 Page 11 (e). to co-operate with the United (e)[Coopérer] Collaborer avec Nations and other inter-governmental[ l'Organisation des] les Nations organizations in furthering [both] Unies et les autres organisations the achievement. of the economic intergouvernementales [tant] en and social objectives of the vue d'atteindre les objectifs so- United Nations and the restoration ciaux et économiques des Nations and maintenance of international Unies ,[que pour] et d'assurer le peace and security. rétablissement et le maintien de la paix et de la securité internatio- nales. Article 67 - Article 67 formerly Articlo 62) (ancien article 62) Structure Structure The Organization shall have a Con- L'Organisation comportera une Confé - ference, an Executive Board, a rence, un [Comité] Conseil exécutif, Tariff Committee, Commissions ag un Comité des tarifs douaniers, des established under Article 76. and Commissions établies de la manière such other organs as may be re- prévue à l'article 76 et tels autres quired. There shall also be a organes qui [seraient]seront néces- Director-General and Staff. saires. Elle [ aura] comportera éga- lement un Directeur général et. [du - ' personnel ] un Secrétariat. Section [C]B - The Conference Section [C]B Conférence Article 68 (formerly Article 63) (ancien article 63) [ Membership] Composition [Membres ] Composition 1. The Conferance shall consist 1. La Conférence se composera de all the Members or the Organiza- tous les Memebres de l'Orqanisation. 2. Each Member shall have one re- 2. Chaque Etat Membre aura un repré- presentative in the Conference and sentant à la Conférance et pourra lui nay appoint alternates and advisers adjoindre des suppléants et des con- to its representative. sellers. -3. No representative [to] in the 3. Aucun délégué à la Conférence ne Conference may represent more pourra repré d'un Etat than one Member.. Membre. -/ * / v Page 12 Article 69 (formerly Article 64) Voting (Assigned to amothereCormittec) Article 70 formerly Article 65) Sessions, procedure and officers 1. eThe Conforenmeeshall rmct in regular annual sessions and in such special sessions as may be convoked be the Derector-Goncral at the requemt Lof a rajority of the M]mbers or7 of the Executive Board L7 ,majr if a .Jority of the Members. 2. The C nfere [e'sht]l Cadopj establish rules of procedure Necessary to carry out its f] ctions7J which may include Jpr]cedures7 rules appropriate for the carrying out of its functions during the intervals between its sessions. It shall annually elect its President and other officers. 69ticTh io (ancieîS article 64) Vote (L'examen de cet aréiéle a 6t6 confié & un mutre Corité). A 70ticle 1° * (anci'n article 65) Sesèionm, rbgneéent iatdrieur et bureau. 1féLa Con['ience Lt.e]dra une7se une ui.r _» foisen r an pri session e] auell j ordinaire. Elle pourra tenir des sessions extraordinaires qui serent convcquées par le Directeur général, à de deman-l du Conseil exé- cutix ou doritémajcrit6 des Etats [embresC/ou du Oomitéf]xécutilJ 2. La Confdrptera [1e]son L7 son réglement int[nieur Jeécessaire pour lui permettrmplir errplïrses fo,]tionsJ7 qui pourra comprendre des diopositiOns appro[pour] £fiou 7 à l'accomplissement fe sos lon[teond Lpcns]ant le'dans lf ine [s] [séparant les] des7 des sessions. Elle élira chaque année son Président et les autres membres de son Bureau. Article 71 Article 71 - *formerly Article 66) ancien article 66) Powers and duties Pouvoirs et attributions 1. The powers and duties attri- 1. Les pouvoir[ et]lIes7attributions buted to the Organization by this céonférs à l'Organisation par la pré- Charter and the final authority to sente C[,]ten-gairsi que le pouvoir determine the policies of the souverain d'arrêter la politique de Organization shall, subject to theOrganisousnsation 'sersou, SéUs reserve provisions ofclrt78'e ?/, be vested des dispositions d. l'article 78, e Conference. dévolin Conférence.,^>. E/PC/T/159 1 r 1J: 13 2e Tho Conferemce ray assign to the 2. La éonf.rence pourrnfierÂier au Executive Board the exercise.of any power oe thk performance of any duty of the Organization, except such specific powers and duties as are expressly conferred or impose upon thefCon'erence oe tho Tariff C'mmittee by this Charter. 3. In exceptionil cmrcuistances not elsewhere provided for ln this Charter, the Conference may waive an obligation imposed upon a Member by thhs C arter., Provided that any such decision shall be.approved by . a two-thmrjs iayorîtY of the votes cast and that such majority shall represent at east.a simple maj- ]riti7 comprise moae thln haif of the Members of the Orgtiizatlon. The Conerence may also by such a vote (a) define certain categories of sitn]texceptionaltiona cir- cumstances to which other voting requirements shall apply for the waiver of obligati[is. Z7n such ex- ceptional mircunst]ncesj and té]mionseil exécutir lexercicecercie de tutoir --ode ou UE toute attribu- tion de nisation, àit.ontx l'ezception des pouvoirstri atL 'butions qui xpressément conférs coridpouéZmPOses & lé ennfcr&jce ou eu Coeité dos Tarifs douaniers par le peésontc Charte. ;i.dDa [eas ej;;isexnnels]lln&l.7 cimces ea.eptionnellesonnelleles autr[cequ] Lecux7 collss qui oont pranues'd..sedtautrcs artecles do la pe rsante Clartonférence I'rcïIc pourra relever uMemtat dC;bre ae l'une des ooligqui cns «i lui sont imposées pré la erasante Ch.rt>, à la condition qe'unu éclliodçcosbinasOit s&nctionnée p]r JLesjola ma;Jrite x s dcuw tiers ees voto[]émie q e at 4uc cette ui[orpté Lne;rdseute au moins la majorité]scom;renne plus deepe »lude la moMeié des e.mbres d6 l'Organisation. Par um vaire, .ilv.ireé la Conf'rence aoement:gulc.nio: miner terciincr certégnesecat-eorics de Z]icirconstancesstne ptionnelles les auxquell's dVautres oonoiti(es dc vote scront appli- cables pourerelcver ua EMzt Lembre de l'une ou do plusicurs de ses gations [ns Ldces çcs cas (b) prescribe such criteria as may be necessary for the application of this paragraph. 4. The Conference may prepare or sponsor agreements with respect to any matter within the [competencee of the Organization] scope of the Charter and, by [the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the Members present and voting] a two-thirds majority of the votes cast recommend such agreements for acceptance. Each Momber shall, within a period specified by the Conference, notify the Director- General of its acceptance or non- acceptance. In the case of non- acceptance a statement of the reasons therefor shall be forwarded with the notification. 5. The Conference may make recomm- endations to Members and to [other] exceptionnels; et]; (b) et preserire les critères néces- saires pour 11 application du présent paragraphe. 4. La Conférence pourra élaborer des accords relatifs à toute question relevant de [la competence de l'Organisation], la présente Charte, ou en faciliter le conclusion et,[sur le vote affîirmatif]par la majority des deux tier; des [Membres présents et participant au] votes émis. recomman- der l'acceptation des dits accords. Dans un délai fixé par la'Conférence, chaque Etat Membre informera le Directeur général de son acceptation ou de son refus. En cas de refus, il de-rra joindre à la notification de celui-ci un exposé des raisons qui - l'ont motivé. 5. La Conférence pourra adresser aux aux Etats Membres et[à d'autres] organisa- tions intergouvernementales des recom- mandations concernant toute question inter-governmental organizations re- relative au but général et aux objec- garding any matter pertaining to tifs [de la présente Cherte] énoncés the purpose[s] and objectives [of à l'Article premier. this Charter.]set forth in Article 1.6. Le Conférence approuvera le budget 6. The Conference shall approve the de l'Organisation r,_ et fixera la budget cf' the Orgasnization~ and répartition de ses dépenses entire les shall apportion the expenditures of Etats Membres conformément à une the, Organization among the Members échelle de contributions qui sera-étn- in accordance with a scale of blie périodiquement par la Conférence contributions to be fixed from time d'après les principes que pourra' oni to time by the Conference following appliquer [r'Organisation desj les Nations Unies ( ,J I. Csous E/Pc/'r 159 Page l? 3/rc/T'/i59 i.. 15 such principles as may be applied by thce United Nations; Provided that no NIember shai1. be required to cor.- tribute iou c than one- thirdl of the total of such expenditures without its consent. Notc bv the Leral DraDtinz Comniittee It is recomicnded tb t the words "without its consent"' be deleted ;-s their retentij lrenlirs th1at a Mem- ber may be required to contribute UD to one-thirrl of the total expend- itures without its consent. 7. The Conference shall determ.inec ithe Csitej seat of tho Or!:.anization .and shall establish such b. anch offices e.s it may consirler desirable. SECTION D C - The k'xccutive Board * Article 72 (formerly Article 68) ,ZMembership_7 Corip)artion of the 'Executive Board L(Text not yet decided by Lc-gal ,Drafting Cor:aittee.), ARTICLE 73 (formerly Article 69) Voting 1. Each member of the Executive Board shall have one vote.. ;'2. Decisions of the Executive Board shall be maVe by a majority of members present and voting. réserve que] Toutefois il ne sera exigé d'.aucun Etat Miembre, sans qu7il y consente, une con- tribution supérieure au tiers du total de ces dépenses. Note du Comité fhrid igue de ré. action. Le Comité recommande la suppression des mots " sans qutil y consente'", dont le maintien im- pliquerait qu'il pourrait âtre exigé d'un Etat iMmbre sans qu'il y consente, une contribution s'é- levant à un tiers du total des dépenses. 7. La COnférence fixera le siège de l'Organisation et établira les bureaux auxiliaires qu'elle jugare naoassuairos. SECTION LDJ c7 - lCO'.lITE J CONSIL EGECJTIF ARTICGI 72 (ancien article 68) LMimbres7 CÇono:3ition duL- mitg7 Conseil oxécutif (Pas encore discuté par le Comité - de rédaction) ARTICLE 73 (aioien article 69) Vote . 1. Chaque memnbre du LGomité7 ; Conseil exécutif disposera dtune . voix.. 2. Las decisions du comité] Conseil exécutif seront prises à la majority des membres présents et participant au voze. ;Note , t'c Lezal Draftin Corunmittee The .present text precludes the possibility of postal voting. This could bc possible by using tho woius "1.rijoriuy of tha votes cast" . ALRICLE 74 (Tfornerly Article 70) L~CS.sioCJ, )rocoduri and officers 1. T hfc lExocutivo Board shall adopt its cwn iu Jles of procurz-e, includ- in- r1 lcs corccrning the conrvening of its '{%_ionS. 2. T:. it.;re Board shall ai.Lxuai.L.y clect its Chairrnan and other ofIiC;:c,., who shall bc eliliJ; ::'r re-alec,,ion. 3. :l;.e C~±~.Lr.! of the Executive Boardd/ .a; such., shall bc entitled of ficiqo/wltFho-at tha right to vote, in ': dc-,crat.ons of the Conference. E+. A::; M1enbor of the Organization which :.s not rcnrcsentcd rni La rùe;aber oC7 tho Exctcutive Board, shall be inv i tad to 5soeid a reoresentative -.?.',i c:.m: i in the /any7 discuss- ïon by ' Boe Boari. of J7nv Liattor of , nr:i stubstantial concern ti th;:, j mbor/2, /"uch reprcscnta- * tîv^7y: l sI^lh, for the purpose of zucn i .s.*on, have ai! the rights of Mebc-ers Lor/ on 'ho Eo-rd, cx- c cpt tie riLht to vote. ùt~ '-u 0u ; itue, Jlr.i.. i c dO R(dMation Le texte actuel ecl t la possi- biliLé *u vote x.:;r ce ' oi,.oç:.nce. Cclk.i-ci p -ur o_2. t ctr z_; possible, uni uti_'-.s i.t l; s ,:;its t la, r!I_ jc-iti5T dos votes er.:Ls'. 7/k (ancien rticit 70) Se50IolS, r'-g2.c::.ent int:rieOur et Bureau 1. Lu ZC..cciit7Coiosse il cx';cu'iîf adoptera son r:gglement intériiur, Y coml;ris les rdi Ics de convocation de s5is scssils. . Le: /7comitJ-7 Conseil cxt'o.tiV prec2dr;. e;..: "e.nnlèc s; ' lectior± dc son Prl a:zt at des autrcs me:bres cie bureau, ;ui serurt récliGibles. o., Le 12résient dÉu LCormi..tz7 Conseil exécutiV jo;r.r7 ura le ôrcit dc particijeer cox ofricio, sans droit de vote , aux d6li ';r t.c s de la Conferenoe 4. '2out *-i;brc de 1t0r&nisition qui n' pns Lmer.i;'re du Co..ito7 rers.nté -.u Conseil exécutit seru i.-vit6 à Lc..vo- r un re eI se:tz.t l'saquc iS que 10 COLiti7 .:i .-:r a a discus.- sion .u Ccr:scil jQi23attLra un,7 totit, question reDvtaiit; uno i±..p.rtancc particulirc ot/subs: nLicdll/ pour Lledit 7.t.t cembr / lui /Yux fins/ ot .jouir /à l.$. ce tti oc^. si.:n Lde ce tt; ' .~ . ;ior, ce rjpresentant jouira dC( toui le_ c2r:,itt as c .;-.,irs du .. 7C o"'.À.1 c: ;- E/PC/T/159 PRge 17 ARTICLE 25 (formerly Article 71) Powers and duties ,1. Tho Exocutive Board shall bc ras- ponsible for the execution of tho 1lolicies of the. Qrgan'iza.tion and shall exorcise thc powers and perfonn the duties assigned to it by the Con- forcoice'. It shall sup:zrvise the ac- tivities of the Cormaissions and shall! take such action upon their recommen- d-.tioiis as it may deem appropriate. It shall prepare the provisional. ,.,enda of the Conference. 2. Tho Executive Board riay make roz.071lexda.ti.ons to the Conforence, to Members Zof the OrganizatioÉ7 or to Lother7 inter-governuzontal organ- izations, on any sub :ect Zfa.lin e within tho scope of this Charter, SECTION E D - TMi CClIZSIONS ARTICLE 76 (formerly Article 72) Establishment and Functions. Thn Conforence shall establish such CoLriissions as may be required for the performance of the functions of tho Organization in accordance *:ith the provisions of this Charter. The Comjiîssions shall have such (ancien artiïc'le71) Pouvoirs et attributions 1. Le LComit6j Conseil exécutif sora chEergè d'assurer l'application de la Politique gçnnrale de 1'Orgsa nisntion; il exercera les pouvoirs et re: lezra 1e2 teaches que la Con- férenco lui. confiara. Il exercera un uroit iW regard sur les travaux des Commissions et donnera à leurs recommandations leFs suites qu'il Jugera utiles. il ftablira l'ordre du jour provisoire de la Conférence. 2. Le 3Comit,_J Conseil exécutif pourra adresser èà la Conférenco, aux Etats ?embres ,de ltorganisation3 ou aux LJutres_ organizations in- toreouvorne.enta1es, des recomman- dat 2,rs sur toute question relevant de la r.r'ssnteç Chartc~. SECTIlN / D - CO'2:I..SICI!S ARTICLE 76 (ancien articlee 72) Constitution et Fonctions. La Confrer.ce instituera les Commissions oui pourront être néoas- saires pour l'accomplissement dgs fonctions de l'Org:anisation ccnfor- .m6ent aux dispositions de la pré- sente Chnrte. E/PC/T/l59 Page 18 functions as the Conference ray docide. Commissions shall be res- ponsible to the Executive Board and shall perform such tasks as the Board rmay assigri to thezi. The Comiissions shall consult each othor as neccssaLry for the exercise of thoir functions. ARTICLE 77 (formerly Article 73) Composition and Procedi:e 1. Co=nissions shall be composed of jEiot more than sevej7 persons chosen by the Excoutivc Board and qualif ied by training or experionco to carry out zhe functions of the Commissions. 2. The number of members, which sh2ll not exceed seven., of each Commission and the conditions of thoir service shall be detordinod in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Conference. 3. Each Commission shall elect its Chairan, and shall adopt rules of procedure which shall be subject to approval by the ':t: s1ivr 13rd. Les CoLm.issic4s iauzont jtelluwj les fonctions qua :a Conférence poirra d6tezrina. L;s coralssions seront :espnsr.blle &-evat 1b Ljouit4J Wor.seil ex6cuttt? et rGxCcutOr6,nt ).sjT r .^roilt des aieS que le LCo.XJt f C-JG1R6 . Upoira leur assi- gnc.r. Les C rs.slor3 ./ so consul- teroe't rluLvllnenlt/ e:vtreront en *ots-.,.' f lorsque cola sora £sec:7sair-: / w 7 à r i co de 'Ju-rs ''o.llor.s. .G;CoIpositc/ tril 3 GoLp os i ; ie cI glOnt «at6rieur. 1. Lus ,CO Wis_;cs sb cornposeront de / st/ !e:s-;r.t-s 5Lu plus-J dési- gnds par :lu / srnitb f C.onseil ex9:4i±' et 'uLJ,4es par lew B'or'a^~ticA c;;. 1u !,ux, rience pour e4téi I-@i er j rlgi tEJr aes Z- _. . 1. C (p 1 e tfiches /7ts7 l l3One ux Commis- sions 2. Le noiX're dus membre3 do chaque Cf:1*ts5iOn, r.o' b:e ÇÂl.i n'E&xc6dExa PPB . se7t et 'es condit^oe1S dans les- qU.1.ez' *XL;J oas zrraobres exercoront leurs cOrCt ozs SU O119dé termins coor.--r.:ent !.uY. rè:LES prescrite 8 par la Cs-^_reucz., 3. aIv±ri.ue çc-ir.i4ssiGn 6lira son Er&sider.t et -.Q-doera son règlemeLt int&;rieur qili sera soumis à l'apprcbcuic-n du LComit6&J _onseil a-soutjf.. 1. The rules of procedure of the Conference and of tho Exccutive Board shall provide as appropriate for the participation in thoir deliberations, without the right to vote, of the chairmen of Cotïiss ions. 5. The Organization shall arrange for representatives of Zother7 inter-govcrz.iental organizations considered by tho Organization to have a special competence in the field of activity of any of the Commissions to participate in the work of such Commissions. SECTION ZnE - THE TARIFF COb£-ITTEE ARTICLE 78 formerlyy Article 67) The Tariff Committee 1- Thore shall be a Tarif£ Com- mittoe which shall Zac 7t, on be- half of the Organization, Ji 7 in- itiatîin.Je and arranginz7,l feor tho negotiations provided for under paragra-h 1 of Article 24 and in the . .ing of recommendations and deterîinations pursuant to E/PC/T/159 Page 19 4. La participation sans droit de 'vote des Pi'sidents des Comnissions aux délibérations de la Conférence et du Cçomité jonseil exécutif sera prévue, dans des conditions appropriées, par les regletents intérieurs de cha- cun de ces deux organes* 5. L'organisation prendra des dis- positions permettant aux représentants LC.'autresj des organisations L in- ternationaales7 intergouvernementales. que l'OrLanisation considère c mme ayant uni compétence particulière dans le champ d'activité de l'une quelcon- que des Commis5ions, de participer aux travaux de ces C..tnmi.ssions. SECTION /FJE - CO:IZTE DE5 TâRIFS DOUANIER.S. ARTICL-3 78 (ancien article 67) La Comité des tariffs douaniers 1. Il sera institué un Comité des Tari;s douaniers quiL Eagira] Ju nom de 10i . /jplvr 7prendra l'initiutive des négociations Ir évues au paragraphe L 17 premier de 10'r- ticle 24 et L prendrej les diqosi- tions nécessaires en vue de ces négo- ciations, pour f±ormuler les recomman- dations et L faire-7 prendre les Lconstatations.J décisions E/PC/T/159 Page 20. paragraph 2 of Article 24,X X 2. The Members of the Organization w ich apply the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, signed at Genava on ..... . 1947, in ac- cordance with Articles XXIV or XXII of that Agreerent, shall be members of the Committee. J XX 5. The Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure, including provision for the election of its officers. XText of paragraphs I1 2 and 5 taken from E/PC/T/136. XXTlIe Text of paragraph 3 (provision relating to voting power of each Member,) and 4 (provision relating to majority votes required for de- cisions of the Committee) is still under consideration in Sub-Committee, SECTION /JF7_ THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL A») STAFF ARTICLE 79 (formerly Article 79) The Director-General 1. The chief administrative rficer of the Organization shall. be the Director-General. He shall be appointed by the Conforence upon the recommendation of the Executive Boa.rd. The powers, duties, visées au paragraphe 2 de l'article x 2. Seront membres du Comité, les Membres de l'Organisation qui appliquent l'Accord général sur les tarifs et le commerce signé à Genève le .. . 1947 conformément aux articles XXIV ou XXIII de cet Accord, 3, xx 4. xx 5. Le Comité adoptera son règleiaent intérieur, y compris les dispositions reloti.ves à l'élection ds membrç de son bureau. XLe texte des paragraphes 1, 2 et 5 pris de E/PC/T/136. xx Le text du pFragra:he 3 (disposition relative au nombre de voix dont disposera chaque membre) et du paragraphe 4 (disposition relative à la majorité requise pour les doci. sions du CotLité) fait encore l'objet de l'examen du Sous-comité. SECTION L(GJ F . DIRECTEUR GE^AL ET JPEERSONNEL7 SECRETARIAT ARTICLE 79 (ancien article 79) Directeur-Général 1. Le Directeur-général assumera la direction Zde l'adrministratioi7 ad- ministravive de l§Organisation. Il sera nommé par la Conférence sur la recom- mandation du r omit7 Conseil exécutif. Les pouvoirs et attributions ainsi que E/PC/T/159 Page 21 conditions and term of office of the les conditions et la durée des fonc- Director-General shall be in accord-tions du Directeur général seront ance with] conform to regulations approved by the Conference. He shall be subject to the general super- vision or the Executive Board. 2. The Director-general or his re- presentative shall be entitled to participate, without the right to vote, in all meetings of the various organs of the Organizations. The Director-General may initiate pro- posals for the consideration of any organ of the Organization. 3. The Director-General shall pre- sent to the Conference an annual re- port on the work of the Organization and the annual budget estimates and the financial statements of the Organization. ARTICLE 80 (formerly Article 80) [Employment of] The Staff 1. The Director-General shall have authority to appoint Deputy Directors-General in accordance with regulations approved by the Con- ference. The Director-General shall also appoint such further members of the Staff as may be re- quired and shall fix the duties conformes au [x] règlement[s] approu- vé[s] par la Conférence. Il sera soumis au contrôle général du [comité] Conseil exécutif. 2. Le Directeur général, ou son représentant,aura le, droit de parti- ciper, sans droit de vote, à toutes les séanoes des divers organs de l'Organisation. Le Directeur général pourra présenter des propositions à tout organe de l'Organisation. 3. Le Directeur général adressera à la Conférence un rapport annuel sur les travaux do l'Organisation, ainsi que le[s] projet[s] de budget annuel[s] et les rapports financiers de l'Organisation. ARTICLE 80 (ancien article 80) [Conditions d'emploi du personne] Secrétariat. 1. Le Directeur général [sera auto- risé à] aura le pouvoir de [désigner] nommer des directeurs généraux adjoints, conformément aux règlements/approu- vé[s]par la Conférence.La Directeur général [désigner] nommera égalerment, selen les besoins, les autres membres du [personne] E/PC/T/159 Page 22 and conditions of service of the Staff, in accordance with regula- tions approved by the Conference. 2. The paramount consideration in the [employment] selection of the Staff and in the determination or its conditions of service shall be the necessity of securing the high- est standards of efficiency, con- petence, and integrity, due regard being paid to the importance of recruitment on as wide a geograph- ical basis as possible. -. The conditions of service, such as the provisions governing qualifications, salary, tenure, and retirement of members of the Staff shall be fixed, so far as practic- able, in conformity with those for members of the Secretariat of the United Nations and of other specialised agencies. Secretariat, Il déterminera les at- tributions, [ainsi que les conditions des fonctions] et les conditions d'em- ploi du personnel, conformément au [x] règlements[s] approuvé[s]par la Confé- rence. 2. Li considération dominante dans le recrutement et la fixation des conditions d'emploi du personnel rer au Secrétariat les services de personnes possédant les plus hantes qualités de travail, de competence et d' intégrité. Sera dûment prise en con- sidération l'importance d'un recru- tement effectué sur une base geogra- phique aussi large que possible. 3. Les conditions d'emploi,telles que les dispositions concernant les aptitude les émolumants la période d'activité et la retraite du personnel, seront fixées, dans la measure du pos- sible, en conformité [de] avec celles qui existent pour les membres du Secrétariat des Nations Unies et des autres institutions spécialisées. E/PC/T/159 Page 23 SECTION [H] G - OTHER ORGANIZATIONALSECTION [H] G - AUTRES DISPOSITION PROVISIONS ARTICLE 81 (formerly Article 81) Relations with Other Organizations 1, The Organization shall be brought into relationship with the United Nations as soon as practicable as one of the specialised agencies referred to in Article 57 of the Charter of the United Nations. This relationship shall be effected by agreement to be approved by the Conference. Any such agree- ment shall provide for effective co-operation and the avoidance of unnecessary duplication in the activities of the respective organizations. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 92. the Conference may amend the provisions of this Charter to conform to any such agreement provided such amend- ments do not involve new obliga- tions on the part of Members. EN MATIERE D'ORGANISATION ARTICLE 81 (ancient article 81) Relations avec les autres Organi- 1. Au.àltqu'il sera possible de le fairo l'Organisation V;a être [rattachée à l'Organisation des] reliée aux Nations Unies[.] à titre d'institution spécialisée aux termes de l'article 57 de la Cherte des Nations Unies. Ce rat- tachement sera effectué par voie d'accord soumis à l'approbation de la Conférence. Tout accord de ce genre devra prévoir une [coopé- ration]collaboration efficacy et éviter que les activités des orga- nisations respectives ne fassent double emploi. Nonobatent les dis- positions du paragraphe premier de l'article 92e. Conference pourra amender les dispositions de la précente Charte pour les mettre en harmonie avec l'accord en question, sous réserve que ces amendments n'entraînent pas de nouvelles obligations pour les Etats Membres. E/PC /T/159 Page 24 2. The organization .shall make arrangements with other inter- governmental organizations which have related responsibilities, to provide for effective co-opera- tion and the avoidance of unnecessary duplication in the activities of the organizations. The Organization may for this purpose arrange for joint committees, reciprocal represent- ation at meetings and establish such other working relationships as may be necessary.X 2. L'Organisation conclura des arrangements avec les autres organisations intergouvernemen- tales dont les missions s'appa- rentent à la sienne, en vue d'une [coopération]collaboration effi- cace at en vue d'éviter que les activités de ces organisations ne assent double emploi, L'Or- ganisation pourra, [dans ce but] à cette fin, organiser des comités mixtes ainsi qu'une representation réciproque aux sénnceset instituer toutes au- tres [relations de travait] modes de collaboration qui pourraient] pourront êtrd nécessaires.X This article may be reopened by the Delegations of Brazil and France in the light of the decisions of another Committed regarding Article 20 (Exchange Arrangements). Those delega- tions reserved the right to add a new paragraph 3 of Article 81 reading as follows:- "3. Nevertheless, the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article cannot, in point of fact, preclude the right of final decision of the Organiza- tion, especially with regard to Articles 17, 19 and 20." x L'examen de cet article pourra être repris à la demand des délé gations du Brésil et de la France en tenant compte des decisions que prendra un autre Comité au sujet de l'article 20 (Accords on matière do changes). Ces délé- gations se sont réservé le droit d'ajouter à l'article 81 un nouveau paragraphe 3 rédigé comme suit: "3. Néanmoins... les dispositions des paragraphes 1 et 2 du présent article ne peuvent en fait faire obstacle au droit de décider en dernier ressort [,] qui appartment à l 'organisation, partiouliè- rement en ce qui concern les articles 17,19 et 20". E/PC/T/159 Page 25 3. The Organization may make suitable arrangements for consult- ation. and co-operation with. non- governmental organizations con- cerned with matters within its 4. Whenever the Conference and the competent authorities of any other inter-governmental organiza- tion whose purpose and functions lie within the competence of the. Organization , that it desirable, 3, L'Organisation poura adopter [des]toutes mesures [appropriées pour]propres à faciliter les con- sultations et la [coopération] col- laboration avec les organizations non gouvernementales intéressées à des questions relevant de sa com- pétence. 1. Lorsque la Conférence et les autorités compétentes de toute autre organisation intergouvernmentale dont les bults et, les functions re- lèvent de le compètence de [celle- ci] l'Organisation jugeront dési- rable? E/PC/T/159 Page 26 (a) to incorporate such other inter-governmental organization into tne Organization, or (b) to effect a transfer of all or a part only of its functions and resources to the Organization, or (c) to bring it under the supervision or authority of the Organization, the Director-General, subject to the approval of the Confer- ence, may enter into an appropriate agreement. [or convention appropriate to the arrangements.]Members shall, in conformity with their international obligations, take the action necessary to give effect to any such agree- ment [or convention.] Note by the Legal Drafting Committeè The Committea suggests that the expressions "within its competence" and "within the competence" in paragraphs 3 and 4 respectively are not clear and should be replaced by "within the scope of this Charter". (a) d'incorporer l'Organi- sation [une] cette organisation intergouvernementale [de ce genre] [a l'Organisation], [ou] (b) ou de transférer à l'Or- ganisation tout ou parties [de ses fonctions] des attributions et.[de ses] des res ources [à l'Organisa- tion internationale du commerce] de cett. organisation intergouver- nementale, [ou] (c) ou de la placer sous la direction ou l'autorité de l'Orga- nisation, le Directeur général pourra, sous rés rve de l'approbation de la Conférence, conclre un accord [ou une convention convenant aux fins envisegées] approprié. Les Etats Membres [devront] prendront, confor- mément à leurs obligations inter- nationales, [prendre] les mesures nécessaires pour mettre cet accord en vigueur [tout accord ou tou te convention de ce genre]. Note du Comité juridique de rédac- tion. Le Comité fait observer que les expressions "relevant de sa com- pétence" et "relèvent de la compé tence de l'Organisation", qui figu- rent respectivement aux paragraphes 3 et 4 n'ont pas toute la clarté désirable et propose qu'elles soient remplacées par les expressions "en- trant dans le cadre de la présente Charte" et "entrent dans le cadre de la présente Charte". E/PC/T/159 Page 27 Note by the Legal Drafting Committee. The Committee.considers that this wording does not make it clear whether the approval of the Conference relates to the negotiation of the agreement or to the agreement as concluded. If it is intended to be the latter, it is suggested that the wording be changed to read "the Director-General may negotiate an appropriate agreement to be approved by the Conference". ARTICLE 82 (formerly Article 82) International responsibilities of [personnel of the Organizatio] the Director-General, Staff and Members of Commissions. Note du Comité juridique de ré- daction, * Le Comité estimo que cette rédaction ne précise pas si l'ap- probation de la Conférence porter sur la négociation de l'accord ou sur l'accord conclu lui-même. Si la seconde interpretation doit prévaloir, il propose de modifier comme suit la rédaction du texte: "Le Directeur général pourra conclure un accord approprié, qui sera soumis à llappro- bation de la Conférence". ARTICLE 82 (ancien article 82) Fonctions internationales [du personnel do l'Organisation.] du Directeur général, du personnel du secrétariat at des membres des Commissions. 1. The responsibilities of the Director-General and of the Staff 1. Les fonctions du Directeur général et du personnel du E/PC/T/159 page 28 shall be exclusively inter- national in character. In the discharge of their duties they shall not seek or receive instructions from any govern- ment, or from any authority external to the Organization. They shall refrain from any action, which might prejudice their position as internation- al officials. 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall also apply to members of the Commissions provided for in Section [E] D of this Chapter. 3. The Members shall respect the international character of the responsibilities of these parsons and shall not seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties. ARTICLE 83 (formerly Article 83) International legal status of the Organization Secretariat seront exclusivement de caraotère international. Dans l'accomplissement de leurs devoirs, ils he solliciteront ni n'accep- teront d'instructions d'aucun gouvernement ni d'aucune autorité extérieure à l'Organisation. Ils s'abstiendront de tout acte incom- patible avec leur situation de fonctionnaires internationaux. 2. Les dispositions du paragraphe [1] premier du présent article s'appliqueront également aux mem- bres des Commissions prévues à la section [E] D du present cha- pitre. 3. Les Etats Membres [de l'Orga- nisation ] respecteront le carao- tère international des fonctions de ces personnes [,] et ne cher- cheront pas à les influencer dans l'exécution de leur tâche. ARTICLE 83 (ancien article 83) Statut juridique international de l'Orginisation The Organization shall have legal personality and shall enjoy such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions. ARTICLE 84 (formerly Article 84) Status of the Organization in the territory of Members 1. The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacity, privileges and immunities as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions. 2. Representatives of the Members of the Organization and its officials shall similarly enjoy such privileges and immunities as may be necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connect- ion with the Organization. 3. Such legal capacity, priv- ileges and immunities shall be more particularly defined in an agreement to be prepared tn consultation with the Secretary- General of the United Nations E/PC/T/159 page 29 L'Organisation sera investie de la personnalité juridique et jouira de la capacité juridique qui pour ra être nécessaire à l'exercice de ses fonctions. ARTICLE 84 ( ancien article 84) Statut de l'Organisation dans le territoire des Etats Membres, 1. L'Organisation jouira, dans le territoire de chacun de ses Membres de la capacité juridique, des pri-. vilèges et des immunités qui se- ront nécessaires à l'exercice de ses fonctions. 2. Les réprésentants des Membres de l'Organisation, ainsi que ses fonctionnaires, jouíront [d'une manière similairs ] de m8me des privileges et immunités qui peu- vent être nécessaires à l'exercice indépendant de leurs fonctions en rapport avec l'Organisation. 3. Cette capacité juridique, ces privileges et ces immunités se- ront définis de façon plus précise dans un accord qui sera élaboré [en consultation] de concert avec le Secrétaire Général des E/PC/T/159 page 30 and concluded between the Members and the Organization. ARTICLE 85 formerly Article 87) Contributions Each Member shall contribute promptly to the Organization its share of the [Organiza- tion's] expenditures of the Organization as apportioned by the Conference. A Member [of the Organizatior] which is in arrears in the payment of its financial contributions to the Organization shall have no vote in the organs of the Organization if the amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the contribut- ions due from it for the preceding two full years. The Conference may, nevertheless, permit such a Member to vote, If it is satisfied that the failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the Member. Nations Unies et conclu entre les Etats Membres et l'Organisation, ARTICLE 85 (ancien article 87) Contributions Chaque Etat Membre versera promptement à l'Organisation sa contribution aux frais de celle- oi, selon la répartition effectuée par la Conférence. Tout Etat Mem- bre qui [se mettra en retard dans le paiement de ] tardera à s'ac. quitter de sa contribution finan- cière sera privé du droit de vote aux organes de l'Organisation si [le somme de] ses cotisations [éahues est] arriérérées sont éga- les ou supérieures à la somme [des contributions] dont il était redevable pour les deux années entières précédentes. La Conférence pourra néanmoins autoriser cet Etat Membre à voter, si elle [s'est assurée ] estime que [le défaut de paiement résulte de] la défaillance de nelui-oi est due à des circonstances indépen- dantes de [la] sa volonté [ dudit Membre ]. E/PC/T/159 Page 31 CHAPTER VIII [Miscellaneous] CHAPITRE VIII [Dispositions diverses] [SECTION A - INTERPRETATION] SETTLEMENT OF DIFFERENCES - INTERPRETATION [SECTION A - INTERPRETATION] REGLEMNT DES DIFFERENDS - INTERPRETATION Article 35(2) Coonsultation between Membere. If any Member should consider that any benefit accruing to. it directly or indirectly under this Chartr is being nullified or {;":g;; or that the [realisation] attainment of any of the object- ives [of the Charter ] set forth in Article 1 is being impeded, as a result of [(i)] (a) the failure of another Member to carry out its obligations under this Charter, or Article 3 (ancien paragraphe 2 de l'artilcle 35) Consultationi [entre les] [Dans le cas où] Si c.i ;; Etat. qu'un avantage [quelconque ] ZG2;'..*- tant d iI ¶;.nerj' on indirectment est annuié compromis, ou qu'ill est mis obstacle e4 .un o des obje . tirs [defins ] enforcs à l'article premier [de la presente Charte], du fa--- [(i)] (a): qu'un eutre Etat Membre ne remplit pas les, obli - gationes qu'ill a con tractées aux termes de la présemte Cjarter. [ou] M.369/47 E/PC/T/159 Page 32 the application by another Member of any measure whether or not it conflicts with the provisions of this Charter, or [(iii)](c)the existence of any other situation, the Member may, with a view to the satisfactory" adjustment of the matter, make written represent- ations or proposals to the other Member or Members which it considers to be concerned. Any Members thus approached shall give sympathetic consideration to the representatin or proposals made to it. In any such case, the members concerned shall keep the Director-General informed generally of any discussions undertaken. [(ii)](b) ou qu'un autre Etat Members applique une mesure [queleonque, en contradiltion ] contraire ou non avec les disposi- tions de la présente Charte, [ou] [(ii)] (a) s qu'il existe [une] quelqu'autre situation [quelecenque], 1c:!it Etat Membre pourra, en vue d'arrive à un [ ajustement ] réglement satisfaisant de la ques- tion, faive des representations ou des propesations écrites à l'autre au aux autres Etats Membres [qu'ill considare comme étané inté- rese] qui à sou avic. sont, en , sa, - .s *ti,, so, on.^. snbr'l duquel une telie démarche aura été faite[]] ainsi soIlicité exami- nera avec". comprehension les repré- sentatione ou propositions qui lui auront été [setmises] faites. Dans tou[t] a les cas [de ce genre ]. les Etate Membres intéressés tien- dront le Dire;teur général au cou- rant des grandes lignes. de toutes discussions] des échanges de vue engagées.. [(ii)] (b) E/PC/ T/159 page 33. Article 87 Reference to the Organization. 1. If [no satisfactory adjust-. ment is effected ] the matter is not satisfactorily adjusted within a reasonable time or if [the difficulty is of the type described in sub-paragraph (iii) of] it fails within Article 86(c), [the matte] it may be referred to the Executive Board or, with the approval of the Executive Board. directly to the Conference. The Executive Board or the Conference, as the case may be, shall promptly in- vestigate any matter so referred and shall make recommendations to the Members which it considers to be [concerned ] interested, or give a ruling on the matter, as appropriate. It may in the course of such investigation consult with Members, the Commissions of the Organization, the Economic and Social Council of . the United Nations and any other inter-governmental organization in cases where it considers such consultation necessary. Article 87 Renvoi[des ditférends] devant l' Organisation 1. Au cas où [un ajustement sa- tisfaisant n'interviendraft pas] la question ne strait pas réglée d'une manière satisfaisante dans un délai raisonnable, ou [dans le cas où la difficult qui s'y op- pose rentre dans la catégorie vi- sde à l'alinéa (iii) de] relève- rait de l'article 867(c) ,[la question] elle pourra être portée devant le [Comité] Conseil exécu- tif [,] ou, avec l'approbation [du Comié Exécutif] de celui-ci, directement devant la Conférence. Le [Comité] conseil exécutif, ou la Conférence, selon les cas, pro- cédera sans délai à uno enquête au sujet de toute question qui lui sera ainsi soumise et adres- sera per recommanations aux Etats Membres qu' il considère intéres- sés, ou statuera sur la question. Il pourra, au cours [d'unè] de son enquête, [de ce genre,] con- sulter les Etats Membres, les Com- missions de l'Organisation, le Conseil économique E/PC/T/159. page 34. et social [de l'organisatïon] des Nations Unies et toute autre or- . ganisation intergouvernementale [ compétente], lorsqu'il consi- dérera que ces consultations sont nécessaires. 2. The Executive Board may refer the matter, with the consent of the Members concerned, to arbitration upon such terms as may be agreed between the Board and such Members. 3. Any ruling of the Executive Board shall be reviewed by the Conference at the request of any interested Member. Upon such request the Conference shall by resolution confirm or [adjust] modify or reverse such ruling. 2. Le [Comité ]conseil exécutif pourra, avec l'assentiment des E- tats Membres [ intéressés] en cause, [ soumettre la question à l'arbitra- ge] et dans les conditions [qui pourront être convenues d'accord entre le Comité et lesdits Etats Membres ] dont il pourra convenir avec eux, soumettre la question à l 'arbitrage. 3. [Toute decision du Comité exé- cutif devra, ] Si un Etat Membre intéressé le demande, [faire] toute decision du Conseil exécutif fera l'objet d'une revision par la Conference. Lorsqu'une requête de ce genre aura êté formulée, une résolution de la Conférence [de- vra, par une résolution, ] .confir- mera, modifier ou infirmera la décision. 4. Si la Conférence considère que If the Conference considers E/PC/T/159 Page 35 -that the circumstances are serious enough to justify such action, it may authorize a Member or Members suspend the application to [such] any other Member or Members of such obligations or concessions under or pursuant to this Charter as the Conference determines to be appropriate [in the circumstances] . If the application to any Member of any obligation or concession is in. fact suspended that Member shall then be force, not later than sixty days after such action is taken, to advise the Director-General in writing of its intention to withdraw from the Organization and such withdrawal shall' take effect upon the expiration of sixty days from the day on which written notice- of such withdrawal is received by the Director- General.. les circumstances sont suffisam- ment graves pour justifier uno telle mesure, elle pourra auto- riser un ou plusieurs Etats Membres à suspendre, à l'égard de [cet] tel autre ou de [ces] tels autres Etats Membres, l'observaton de [toutes les obligations ou con- cessions résultant] telou tels engagement souscrits on vertu de la présente Charte [dent la Conference estime la suspension nécessaire dans lesdites circons- tances] ou de telle ou telles concessions accordées on applica- tion de la prisente Charte. Si l'observation, [ l'regard d'un Etat Membre queloenque, d 'une obli- gation ou d'une concession ast sus- pendue en fait, cet Etat Membre sera alors libre, au plus tard soi- xante jours après que ladite me- sure aura été prise] d'un.enga- gement ou le benéfice d'une con- cession à l'égard d'un Etat Membre est ainsi effectivemeit suspendu, il sera loisble à cet Etat Membre, dans un délai de soixante joursà computer de la mise en application de la mature, de notifier par E/PC/T/159 page 36 écrit au Directeur général son in- tention de se retiror de l'Orga- nisation. [et ledit] Le retreat prendra offet à l'expiration [d'u ne périch ] a'un délai de soixan- te jours .à comnter de la date à la- quelle '.O Directeur général sura reçu cette notification [écrite du préavis.] Article, 88 (formerly Article 86) Reference to the Inter- national Court of Justice. 1. The Executive Board or the Coniference may, in accordance witt, arrangements made pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 96 of the Charter of the United Nations, ecquest from the International Court of Justice advsory opinions on legal questions arising, within the scope of the activities of the Organisation. 2. The Conference shall at thc instance of a substantially interested Member, request an advisory opinion from the Article 88 (ancien article 86) Renvoi des différends devant la Cour internationale de Justice. 1. Le [ Comité ] Conseil exécutif ou la Conférence pourront, confor- mément à des [arrangements ] ac- cords conclus en application des dis- positions du paragraphe 2 de ltarti- cle 96 de la Charte des Nations Unies, demander à la Cour international de Justice un avis consultatif sur les question juridiques qui se po- seront dans le cadre des activités de l'Organisation. 2.[La Conférence devra, ] A la requête du'n Etat Membre intéressé de façon substantielle, la Confé- rence demandera à International Court of Justice [ ] Alternative A (Favoured by six members) upon any question concerning the legal validity of a. resolution of the Conference under paragraph 3 of Article 87 or of a decision of the Conference rendered under any other Article of this Charter Alternative B (Favoured by two members) upon any question as to: (i) the interpretation of this Charter; (ii) the existence of any fact which, [would,] if established, would con- stitute a breach of an obligation under this Charter; which is involved in a resolution of the Conference under paragraph 3 of Article 87 or in a decision of the Conference rendered under any other article of this Charter. E/PC/T/159 Page 37 La Cour internationale de Justice un .avis consultatif Varianto A (En faveur de laquelle se sont pronoceés six membres) sur toute question concernant la validité juriciquce d'une résolution adoptée par le Conférence en vertu du paragraphe 3 de l article:87 ou d'une décision de la Conférence [rendue] prïse en vertu de tout autre, article ie la présente Charte. Vatriante B (En favour de laquelle se sont prononcés deux membres) sur toute question relative: a :] (iJ) .à l'interprétation de' la précente Charte ) la réalité de tout fait qui, s'il était établi, constitue- rust in violation d'uun enga- gement souserit en vertu de ter, la présente Charte, qui se .pose à propos d'une résolu- tïon de la Conference adoptée en vertu du paragraphe, 3 de l'article 87 ou.d'une décision [rendue] prise en vertu de tout autre article de la présente Charte. E/PC/T/159 page 38 3. The request for an advisory opinion shall be accompanied by a statement, to be furnished by the Organization in consultation with the Membei substantially interested, of the facts under- lying the question upon which the opinion of the Court is requested. The Organization shall supply to the Court such further information as the Court may require. 4. Pending the delivery of the opinion of the International Court of.Justice,.the resolution or decision of the Conference [which is in question] shall have full force and effect; *Provided that the Conference shall suspend the operation of * such resolution or decision pending the delivery of the *opinion where in the view of the Conference [irreparable] damage J o the Members concerned] -difficult to repair would other- wise be caused to a Member concerned. 3. La demande d'avis consultatif sera accompagnée d'un exposE, établi par l'Organisation après consulta- tion des Etats Membres intéresses de façon substantielle, des faits constituant les données du problè- me au sujet duquel l'avis de la Cour est demand. L'Organisation communiquera à la Cour tous ren- seignements complémentaires que celle-ci [pourrait] désirerait obtenir. 4. Jusqu's ce que la Cour inter- nationale de Justice ait communiqué son avis, la résolution ou la décision de la Conférence [qui est en caus] sera pleinement valable et produira tous ses effets [ ] [sous réserve que7 Cependant la Conference [devra suspendre] sus- pendra l'application de cette résolution ou de cette décision jusquià ce que la Cour ait rendu son avis dans les cas où, de l'avis de la Conférence, cette applica- tion causerait, sans cela, un prejudice 5 [irréparable] diffici- lement réparable [aux] à l'un des Etats Membres intéressés 5. The. opinion of the Inter- national Court of Justice upon the questions referred to it shall bo binding upon the Organ- ization. The resolution or decision in question shall be [revised] modified insofar as it does not accord with the opinion ol the International Court of Justice. Article 89 [General] Miscellaneous Provisions. 1. For the purposes of the inter- pretation of this Charter under the provisions of this Chapter, the English and French taxts [thereof] shall be authoritative, *2. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to exclude other procedures provided for in this Charter for consultation [ ] and settlement of differences [ ] arising out of its operation. page 39 5. L'Organisation sera liéo par l'avis de la Cour international de Justice pour toutes les questions qui auront éte soumises à celle- ci. La résolution ou la décision en cause sera [revisée] modifiée dans la mesure où elle ne sera pas conforme à l'avis de la Cour inter- nationale de Justice. Article 89 diverses. 1. Aux fins d'interprétation de la présente Charte conformément aux dispositions [de la présente Section] du présent Chapitre, les textes français ot anglais seront également authentiques. 2. Aucune disposition [de la présente Section] du présent Cha- pitre ne sera interprétée [de façon à exclure] comme excluant d'autres procédures [établies] prévues new la présente Charte en ce qui concerne les consulta- tions at le règlement des diffé- rends auxquels donnerait lieu son application. E/PC/T/159 Page 40 3. The Members undertake that theywill not have recourse to any procedure other than [those] the procedures envisaged in [the] this Charter for [the settlement of] complaints and the settle- ment of ditficulties arising out of its operation, nor, without prejudice to any other international agreement, to unilaterial sanctions of any kind on the ground that there has been a violation of an obligation of this Charter, in advance of a complaint to the Organization and a final decision of the Organization establishing: such violation .* 4. The Conference and the Executive Board shall establish such rules * The two members who favoured Alternative B in Article 88 did not accept this paragraph. / In the Sub-Committee on Chapter IV where the underlined addition was accorded, the Cuban delegation reserved its position on this addition. 3. Les Etats Membres s'engagent à n'avoir recours à aucune procé- dure autre que [celles] les Procé- dures prévues par la Charte pour [le règlement des] les réclamations et le règlement des difficultés [auxquelles donnerait lieu] nées de l'application de celle-ci. Sans préjudice de tout accord interna- national, les Etats Membres ne re- courront non plus à aucune sanction unilatérale d'aucune sorte, fondée sur la violation d'une obligation résultant de la présente Charte, avant que l'Organisation n'ait été saisie d'une réclamation et n'ait pris une décision définitive à oe sujet. 4. La Conférence et le [Comité] Conseil exécutif établiront les o Les 2 Membres qui se sont pro- noneés en faveur de la variante B à l'article 88 n'ont pas approuvé ce paragraphe. f Au sous-comité du chapitre IV la délégation Cubaine a fait une ré. serve quant à l'addition du texte souligné de la seconde par - tie du paragraphe 3. of procedure as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Chapter. The rules of the Conference shall include provisions concern- ing the maintenance in force or suspension of any rulings of the Executive Board pending review by the Conference under paragraph 3 of Article 87. CHAPTER IX GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 90 - Relations with Non-Members. (formerly Article 36) (Assigned to another committee) Article 91G General Exceptions Nothing in this Charter shall be construed (a) to require any Member to furnish any information the disclosure of which it considers contrary to its essential security interests, or *As approved by Commission A E/PC/T/159 Page 41 règles de procédure qui pourront être néceseaires [pour]à l'applica- tion des dispositions du présent chapitre. Le règlement intérieur de la Conférence comportera des disposi- tions concernant le maintien en vi- gueur ou la suspension de toutes dé- cisions a [Comité]Conseoil exécutif jusqu'à ce qu'elles aient fait l'ob- jet d'une revision par la Conférence, conformément au paragraphs 3 de l'ar- ticle 87. CHAPTER IX Article 90, Relations avec les Etats non Members (ancien article 36) (I'examen de suet article a étée confié à un autre comité) Article 91. Exceptions générales Auoune disposition de la présente Charte ne sera interprété (a) comme imposant à un Etat Membre [quelconque] l' obliation de fournir des renseignements dont la divulga- tion lui semblerait contraire aux intérêts essentiels de sa sécurité, [ou] Texte approuvé par la Commission A. E/PC/T/ 159 Page 42 (b) to prevent any Member from taking any action, which it [may] considers [to be] necessary [to] for the pro- tectïon of [such] its essential security. UritZ int(r[;]ests : 7 C-til r4.n to ission- z ablo materials or thiterials f1s from wh h they are ioe:vcd; ) bg i ij) relntirg to the traffic ïn arms,munition n and implements of war and to such traffic in other goods and materials as is carriedo.n for tec purpose o ' supplying amilirtary est- ablishment; (Zc . (iii) taeonitn imre of war or oteor emergency in inter- national *el1ai.ons[Zeolat- nmî to teo protection of its oseontial security inteecss] or (b) ou Lmt: U' Etat Membre [quelconque] [d' applicuer] de prendre toutes mesures qu il [pourra] estimere nécessaires à la protection des [dits] inté- rêtS essentiels de sa aécuritéLri'; /Ti)7 (j) se rapportaxtmati r.atl ;,o iles] ldésintégrables b)oz ou[aux Lsourcappr'eurEo- visionneme t d!] caes7 m- tièrem p; 3iseesencrvfJt à 19 fabrin diocelles :a)i- ci; 6TbJ (ii)ape rsnporta t aui trafic dms arres, munitionmaet wité- rieg de ruerrà et S tomt cOi- ,rrae d'nuarescqrtiClesaet mi- lédiei îéstànas u $sslrer 1'pprovisionnement des forces armdes; ] cL7 ) [se rapportant] r guées enptemes de geerrsen -m cis de tension ennationaleivÔ, la 1 protectioe dintérê s t,- essentiels da sé secué] ;7; E/PC/T/159 Page 43 [(d)] (c) [Undertaken] to prevent any Member from taking any action in pursuance of its obligations under the United Nations Charter for the maintenance of inter- national peace and security. Article 92 (formerly Article 83) Amendments 1.[ Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 81.] Any amendment to this Charter which does not involve a change in the obli- gations assumed by Members shall become effective (when approved by two-thirds of the Members of the Conference.] upon receiving the approval of the Conference by the affirmative votes of two- thirds of the Members. 2. Any amendment to this Charter which involves a change in the obligations assumed by Members shall after receiving the approval of the Conference, become effective for each Member [(d.)](c) [prises] ou come empêchant un Etat Membre de prendre des mesures en application [d'] de ses engage- ments au titre de la Charte des Na- tions Unies, en vue du maintien de la paix et de la sécurité interna- tionales. Article 92 (anioen article 85) Amendements 1. [Sans préjudice des dispositions du paragraphe 1 de l'article 81] Tout amendement à la présente Charte, [qui n'entraîne] n 'entrainant pas de modification des obligations assu- mées par les Etats Membres entrera en vigueur lorsqu'il aura [été approuv par les doux tiers des Membres de la Conférence] reçu l'approbation de la Conférence, par un vote affirma- tif de deux tiers des Etats Membres. 2. Tout amendement à la prèsente Charte . entraînant une modification des obligations assumées par les Etats Membres, prendra effet, [après son approbation par la Conférence, en ce qui concerne] à l'égard de chaque Page 44 accepting the amendment, upon acceptance on the part of two- thirds of the Members and there- after /7 for each remaining Member. on acceptance by it. The Conference mary at any time determine that any amendment under this paragraph is of such a nature that all memberss which have not accepted it within a period specified by the Conference shall be required to withdraw from the Organization; Provided that the Conference may, by the affirmative votes of two-thirds of [its] the Members present and voting, determine the conditions under which this requirement shall be waived with respect to any such Member. A Member not accepting an amendment shall [, notwith- standing the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 94] be free to withdraw from the Organization upon. the expiration of six months from the day on which written notice of such withdrawal is received by the Director-General. Etat Member qui l'accepte après l'appropation de cet amendemtent par la Conference lors de son [adoption] > r. : par les deux tiers des Etats Membres [et]. Il prendra pu la suite [; en ce qui concerne chaque] à l'egard de tout autre Etat Membre [restant] lorsqu' [de son / adoption]li7 al r été acceptétu 2 parllui-cici. Le. féntYrence pourea on tout temps ié'cdque a u toumea:mment tnt aux merzs duésent ;ra ptragrpheésen-E- te uncaratère te tl que tout Etat meabre qune l'aura l paa çccepté danun ilédalci. épicié1@ par la Cfé- 8S rence sera reiu.s de se retirer de O'ganisation [] 2 [seus éreserve q] La Conférence 3s pourra pendan à la .1ù du vote affirm tif des deux tiers des Etats Membres [de l'Organization[] [] présents et vo- tants, déterminer les conditions auxquelles il pourra être dérogé à cette disposition à l' égard de tout Etat Membre [se trouvant dansvent , cituation] non acceptant,. Iltant . osia ie àiblout [Un] t ri.7 em-t M- qui n'accepte pas un amendement nt ora libnr, nonobstant les disispo- sitions duapagraphe o 1 de E/PC/T/159 Page 4 5 3. The Conference shall, by tho affirmative votes of two- thirds of [its] the Members, adopt rules of procedure for carrying out the provisions of this Article. Article 93 Review of Charter. The Conference shall convene a special session for the purpose of reviewing the provisions of this Charter before the end of the tenth year after [this Charter shall have entered its entry into force, Article 94 (formerly Article 89) Withdrawal and Termination 1. Without prejudice to the pro- visions of paragraph 3 of Article 14 l'article 94] de se retirer de l'Organisation à l'expiration d'un délai de six mois aprés la date de réception par le Directeur général d'une notification écrite à cet effet., 3.[La; Conférence adoptera] Par un vote affirmatif des deux tiers des Etats Members, la Conférence adoptera les régles de procédure nécessaires à l'observation des dispositions du présent article. Article 93 Révision de la Charte La Conférence convoquera une session spéciale en vue de réviser les dispositions de la présente Charte avant la fin de la dixième année qui sui vra l'entrée en vi gueur de [la présente Charte] celle- ci. A.rticle 94 (ancien article 89) Retrait et abrogation 1. Sans préjudice des dispo- sitions du paragraphe 3 de l'arti- cle 14 E/PC/T/159 Page 46 paragraph 4 of Article 87 or paragraph 2 of Article 92, any Member may withdraw from the Organization either on its own behalf or on behalf of a separate customs territory on behalf of which it has accepted [the] this Charter in accordance with the provisions of Article 9[5] 6 at any time after the expiration of three years from the day of the entry into force of this Charter by written notice addressed to the Director- General. The Director- General shall immediately notify all other Members. 2. A withdrawal under paragraph 1 of this Article shall take effect upon the expiration of du paragraphe 4 de l'article 87 ou. du paragraphe 2 de l'article 92, tout Etat Membre [de l'Organisa- tion] pourrs, après, 4E d'une période de treis ans à compter du Jour de.l'entrée én vigueur de la présente Charte et par notifica-a- on écrite au Directeur général I ' L'] j se retirer à tout moment de 'Ogarniantion, soit pour son propre ocmpec, soit pour le compte d'un territilre oiuanier[/é6par] distinct pour lequel il a accepté le présente Charte en vertu des dispositions de larticle 95 [,] [après l'expiration d'une période de trois années à prrtir du jour de l'entrée en vigueur de la pré- sente Charte, [en en donnant] par notification [par] écrite au Directeuar général [Celui-ci] Le Directeur général [en] informera immédiatement tous les autres Etats Membres. A. Tout retrait qui aura lieu dans les conditions prévues au paragraphe [1] premier du présent article E/PC/T/1 59 Page 47 six months from the day on which written notice of such withdrawal is received by the Director-General. 3. This Charter may be termina- ted at any time by agreement of three-fourths of the Members. Article 95 formerly Article 88) (Registration and] Entry into Force and Registration [1. The United Nations is authorised to effect registration of this Charter as soon as it comes into force.] [2] 1. The government of each State accepting this Charter shall deposit an instrument of accept- ance with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who will Inform all governments represented prendra effet à l'expiration d'un délai de Six mois [,] à [partir] compter du jour où le Directeur général [recevra] aura reçu [la] notification [par écrit] écrito de ce retrait. 3. La présente Charte pourrs être abrogée à tout moment, par accord des trois quarts des Etats Membres, Article 95 (ancien article 88) [Enregistrement et] Entrée on vigueur et enregistrement [1. L'Organisation des Nations Unies est autorisée à effectuer l'enregistrement de le présente Charte dès sen entrée en vigueur]. [2.] 1] Le government de chaque Etat qui accepte la présente Charte [devra] dépesera un instru- ment d'acceptation auprès du Se- crétaire général des Nations Unies [,] [qui] Celui-ci informera E/PC/T/1 59 Page 48 At the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment and all [other] Members of the United Nations not so represented, of the date of deposit of each instrument of acceptance and of the [date] day on which this Charter enters into force [under paragraph 3 of this Article.] [3]2.This Charter shall enter Into force on the sixtieth day following the day on which the number of governments represented At the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment which have deposited instruments of acceptance pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article shall reach twenty, and the instrument of acceptance of each other accept- ing government shall take effect on the sixtieth day followinig the day on which it is deposited; Provided that, if this Charter shall not have entered into force tous les gouvernements représentés à la Conférence du Commerce et du l'Em- ploi [de l'Organisation] des Nations Unies et tous les [autres] Membres des Nations Unies qui n'y étàient pas représentés, de la date du dépôt de chaque instrument d'acceptation et [ de la Iate] du jour [à laquelle] auquel la : présente Charte antrera en vigueur [aux termes du paragraphe 3 du présent article]. [3.] 2. La présenta Chate entreraJ oe. ; entrera an vime jour qui e e jc. ui suivmembre des e ooÂi.bra c1 z gvuver- témentl repnésne3s à :a Coofércnce du C'Emploil[d l1ruploi /de l'Or- ganisationri des Nations Unies,qui aulent [époe] instrument ins*r;nrtent d'accfopmémtatian coaorent ou' piragra- pheu présent u orsscnt article, aura att;rnt le[20], ffYe de./y2.vingt, é l' instrumentv'i 'acception ccvptzition L3 chl.. au_> :V>«*W -. nk prendra cifet iume xantîè.êre jour qui suivra elui oùé épctra[ ] osé . .j serve] [que] Toutefois si ~Veisi la présente Ch'rte n as entréent é en E/PC/T/159 Page 49 by 194 , any of the governments which have brought into force applying the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade dated .... 194 , together, with any other governments represented at the United Nations Conference on Trade a.nd Employ- ment, may, upon [such] conditions [as may] to be agreed [upon] between them, [may] bring this Charter into force [among themselves]. Any instrument of acceptance deposited with the Secretary- General of the United Nations shall be taken as covering both procedures for bringing is Charter into force, unless it expressly provides to the contrary or is withdrawn before the entry into force of this Charter. vigueur [au] le. 194 . les gouvernements qui [auront mis en vigueur ] appliqueront l'Accord général sur les Tarifs douaniers et le Commerce, en date du..... 194 .... ainni que Ies: autres gou- vernements qui étaient représentés à la Conférence du Commerce et de l' Emploi [de l ' Organisation] des Nations Unies, pourrent, dans les conditions fixées d'un commun ac- cord, mettre in présente Charte en vigueru [ entro eux] . Tout instrument d'acceptation qui aura été déposé auprès du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies devrs être considéré comme s'appliquant à la fois aux deux procedures pré- vus pour le mise en vigueur du. ln présnte Charte, à moins qu'il ne comporte des dispositions ex- pressément contraires ou à moins qu'il no soit retiré avant l'entrée en vigueur de la présente Charte. E/PC/T/159 Page 50 3 The United Nations is authorised to effect registration of this Charter as soon as it comes into force. 3. Les Nations Unies sont auto- risées à effectuer l'enregis- trement de la présente Charte dès son entrée en vigueur. [4. Each Government accepting this Charter does so in respect of its metropolitan territory and of any other territories for which it has international responsibility; Provided that it may at the time of acceptance declare that any separate Customs territory for which it has international responsibility possesses full autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations and other matters provided for by the Charter, and that acceptance does not relate to such territory .7 [5. Each Member may, at any time, accept this Charter in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article on behalf of any such separate customs territory referred to in [4. Les obligations contrac- tées par chaque gouvernement qui accepte la présente Charte s'étendent à son territoire métropolitain et à tous autres territoires qu'il représente sur le plan international; sous réserve qu'il pourra, au moment de son acceptation, déclarer que tout territoire douanier séparé qu'il représente sur le plan international jouit d'une entière autonomie dans la conduite de ses relations commerciales exté- rieures et dans les autres ques- tions prévues par la Charte, et que son acceptation ne concerne pas ledit territoire.] [5. Chaque Etat Membre pourra, à tout moment, accepter la présen- te Charte, conformément au para- graphe 2 du présent article au nom de tout territoire douanier séparé visé dans la clause the proviso of paragraph 4 of this Article, which is willng to undertake the obligations of the Charter. 6. Each Member shall take such reasonable measure as may be available to it to assure observances of the provisions of this Charter by subsidiary governments within its teiritory.] E/PC/T/159 Page 51 conditionnelle du paragraphe 4. du présent article, qui sera dé- sireux de souscrire aux engage- ments prévus par la Charte.] [6 . Chaque Etat Membre prendra les mesures raisonnables en son pouvoir pour que les auterités gouvernementales des territoires qui dépendent de lui observent les dispositions de li présente Charte.] ARTICLE 96 Territorial Application Champ d' Application 1. Each Government accepting 1. [ Les obligations contrac- this Charter.does so in respect tées par ] Chaque g.ouvernement of ïts metropoiltan territory qui accepte la présente Charte and of the other territories [ s'étendent à ] l'accepte à for which it has international l'égard de son territoire métro- resonsibility; Provided that politain et aux à l'égard des it may at the tine of acceptance autres territoires qu'il repré- declare that any separepte customs sente sur le plan international, territory for which it has. Toutefois, ce gouvernement pourra, international responsibility .au moment de son acceptation, E This Article consists simply. X Le présent article reproduit of the former .paragraphs 4, 5 simplement les anoiens. paragra- and 6 of Article 95. Any amend- phes 4,. 5 et 6 de l'article 95. ment to: the text of those para- - Toute modification au texte de graphs is indicated by double ces paragraphes est soulignée underlining. deux fois. E/PC/T/159 Page 52 possesses full autonomy in the conduct of its external commercial relations and of the other matters provided for by this Charter, and that accept- ance does not relate to such territory. 2. Each Member may, at any time, accept this Charter in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 95 on behalf of any separate customs territory referred to in the proviso of paragraph[3] 2 of Article 95, which is willing to undertake the obligations of this Charter. 3. Each Member shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to assure observance of the provisions of this Charter by [subsidiary government [ the regional and local déclarer que tout territoire douanier distinct qu'il repré- sente sur le plan international jouit d'une entire autonomie dans la conduite de ses rela- tions commeroiales extérieures et dans les .utres questions prévues par la présente Charte, et que son acceptation ne con- cerne pas ledit territoire. 2, Chaque Etat Membre pourra, à tout moment, accepter la pré- sente Charte, conformément au paragraphe premier de l'article 95, au nom de tout territoire douanier[sépare] distinet visé dans la clause conditionnelle du para- graphe [3] 2 de l'article 95, qui sera désireux de souscrire aux engagements prévus par la présente Charte. 3. Chaque Etat Membre prendra [les ] toutes mesures raison- nables en son pouvoir pour que les autorités gouvernementales ou administratives régionales et locales. des territoires qui E/PC/T/159 Page 53 governments and authorities within its territory. dépendent de lui observent les dispositions de la présente Charte. .ARTICLE [ 96] 97 Deposit of Texts The original texts of this Charter in the official languages of the United Nations shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations who will furnish certified copies of the texts to all interested governments. Done at this day of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty Dépôt des textes Les textes orginaux de la présente Charte, rédigés dans les langues officielles des Nations Unies, seront déposés auprès du Secrétaire général [de l'Organisation] des Na- tions Unies qui on d élivrera des copies certifiées confor- mes aux gouvernements intéres- sés. Fait à le Wil neuf cent quarante
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Preparatory Committee to the Economic and Social Council (E/PC/T/117 Rev.1)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 29, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/137 and E/PC/T/135-142
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Preparatory Committee to the Economic and Social Council (E/PC/T/117 Rev.1)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 29, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/137 and E/PC/T/135-142
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/137 AND ECONOMIQUE 29 July 1947 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Report of the Preparatory Committee to the Economic and Social Council (E/PC/T/117 Rev.1) Telegraphic advice has been received from New York to the effect that the Economic and Social Council approved yesterday the Agenda, as well as the time and place, proposed in the Preparatory Committee's Report for the World Conference on Trade and Employment. Annexure D of the Report of the Preparatory Committee was referred to the Council's Economic Committee, The Economic Committee meets tomorrow, and it is hoped that it will report to the Coucil on Thursday. DEUXIME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES Rapport de la Commission préparatoire au Conseil économique et social (E/PC/T/117 Rev.1) Un télégramme de New York fait connaître que le Counseil économique et social a approuré, hier, les propositions du Rapport de la Commission préparatoire relatives à l'ordre du jour, ainsi qu'aux lieux et date de la Conférence mondiale du Commerce et de l'Emploi. La pièce jointe D du Rapport de la Commission préparatoire a été renvoyée & la Commission des questions économiques du Conseil, celle-ci se réunira demain et pourra, espère-t'on, présenter son rapport, au Conseil, jeudi. NATIONS UNIES UNRESTRICTED
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Second Session. Note by the Secretariat
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 2, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/116 and E/PC/T/106-124
UNITED NATIONS RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/116 AND ECONOMIQUE 2 July, 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYENT Report of the SECOND SESSION Note by the Secretariat The Chairman's Committee (Heads of Delegations) refer the following note prepared by the Secretariat to the Pre- paratory Committee for consideration in connection with the Draft Report to the Economic and Social Council on Monday, 7 July, at 2.30 p.m. As soon as the Charter discussions have progressed sufficiently, it is proposed to put in hand the preparation of a report of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee. The Secretariat therefore submits the following proposal regarding the form which this report should take. It is suggested that the report should follow the form of the report of the Drafting Committee, rather than that of the report of the First Session. In the report of the First ssion, considerable prominence was given to the discussion of principles, which resulted in the evolving of the text of the draft Charter which was included in the annex to the report. This was a lugical arrangement having regard to the nature of the discussions at the First Session. The Second Session, however, has been concerned with the reconsideration and the refining of the text resulting from the work of the First Session and of the Drafting Committee. It would therefore seem appropriate that the report should consist essentially in the presentation of the new draft as it emerges from the discussions at Geneva. In so far as it may be desirable tc include some summary of the discussions themselves by way of explanation of the principal changes made in the Draft Charter at the Second Session, it is suggested that these explanatory notes be relegated to an appendix, in order that attention may be concentrated on the vital part of the report, i.e., the revised text of the Draft Charter. If these proposals are adopted, the report would consist of:- (a) a brief introduction; (b) a draft Charter; (c) explanatory notes. NATlONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Second Session of the Prenaratory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 21, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/180.Corr.7 and E/PC/T/180-186
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL UNRESTRICTED E/PC/T/180. Corr.7X 21 August 1947. SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Report of the Second Session of the Prenaratory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Em- ployment.- The following additional corrections should be made ont-he pages ofEiP/C/T/180 as n.dicated below: Page viii: In the title of Article 42, "Union" should read "Unions." Page 11: The footnote should be deleted as the Cuban Delegation has withdrawn its reservation on Article 11. Pg"e 3R: The first footnote should be deleted as the Cuban Delegation has withdrawn its reservation on Article 12. pgee 19, lin e31: Insert a comPa after the word "'Article". Line :; Insert a comma after the word "provision". Page 41: Insert "the" at the end of the line 7. The following footnote h-ould be added: "The words in square brackets in paragraph 1 were left for consideration at the World Conference." * Corrigendum 6 was in French ohly. NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/180.Corr .7 page 2 Page 26: 4th line from the end, delete the comma after "1947". Page 28: The following footnote should be added immediately following the first paragraph of the present footnote: "The Cuban Delegation has recorded a reservation to Article 17." For "requires" in line 8 read require". The first two paragraphs of the footnote to paragraph 4 should be deleted and the final paragraph should be revised to read. "The Delegate for New Zealand reserved his position on sub-paragraph (b) pending further consideration." Page 36: The first footnote should be revised to read: "The Chilean Delegation reserved its position on this paragraph." Page 39: Before the footnote add the following: "The Chilean Delegation has reserved its position in respect of this paragraph". Page 47: Delete "and under Article 19" from the last lino. Page 51, line 7: Insert "year" .after " each" . Page 53: The first line of the footnote should be revised to read: "Tho Australian Delegation recorded a . In the 7th line of the footnotes, ". . ." should be inserted between "constitutes" and "in". The following final paragraph should be added to this footnote: "The New Zealand Delegation also recorded a reservation on the last sentence of paragraph 2." E/PC/T/12°9 . Cvv,'. Page 3. In the first line of the footnote, "frustrated" should --d "frustrate" . Page 58, paragraph 2, line 2: For "article", read "Article". Page 66, line 8: Insert a comma after the word "negotiations". For "article" in the last line of paragraph 1, read "Article". At the end of the footnote, a comma should be placed after "deleted" and the following should be added: "and in consequence reserved the position of his Delegation. " The following sentence should be added to the footnote: "He therefore reserved his position". Page 77, paragraph 2, line 2: Delete "the" The first part of the footnote down to "when" in the 4th line should be revised to read: "It is thought desirable that the records of discussion of this paragraph at the First Session, at the Drafting Committee and at the Second Session (hy the Working Party on Technical Articles) should be considered by the Organization." Page 85, line 6: Delete the comma after "country". Page 87. "Moreover", should be deleted from line 4. In line 7 of paragraph 3(b), "decision" should read "decisions". After "sub-paragraph" in the last line, the following should be added: "and those of sub-paragraph (b)". E,/PC/ :/180. Corr.7. Page 4. Page 92, paragraph 3: The second sentence, beginning with "Notwithstanding", should become a new sub-paragraph and should be preceded by " (b) ". Page 97, paragraph I (d), line 5: For "Section E", read "Section D". Page 99, line 9: Delete "Part" and substitute "Paragraph". At the beginning of the footnote, delete "The Committee agreed that". Page 143, paragraph 2 of Alternative C, line 7: An asterisk should be added after "Annex ... " Page 150, paragraph 5, sub-paragraph (a). line 4: Delete "these states" and substitue "the states members of that Customs Union", in order to remove the present ambiguity. Page 172: The number of the article should be chaniged from "36" to "93". Delete "The Sub-Committee suggests that" from the 14th line of the second paragraph in the footnote.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/180.Corr.7 and E/PC/T/180-186
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES UNRESTRICTED CONSEIL E/PC/T/180.Corr.7. ECONOMIQUE Amend. 1. ET SOCIAL ENGLISH ONLY SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Report of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Em- ployment. The following corrigenda which were taken over in error from the corresponding corrigenda to the French text should be deleted from the English version of Corr.7.: Page 39: Before the footnote add the following: "The Chilean Delegation has reserved its position in respect of this paragraph". Page 70: The following sentence should be added to the footnote: "He therefore reserved his position".
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/180. Corr.8 and E/PC/T/180-186
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL UNRESTRICTED E/PC/T/180. Corr.8 22 August 1947 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Report of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Em- ployment As a result of the action taken by the Preparatory Committee in executive Session this morning, the following corrections should be made on the pages of E/PC/T/180 indicated below: Page 12: Delete the second footnote as the reservation by the Delegation of Australia has been withdrawn. Page 16: Delete the footnote as the reservation by the Delegation of Chile has been withdrawn. page 21: Delete the first three paragraphs in the footnotes as the reservations by the Delegations of Chile, China and India have been withdrawn. Page 25: In the footnotes immediately below the heading "Article 16", insert the following paragraphs: "The following kinds of customs action, taken in accordance with established uniform procedures, would not be contrary to a general binding of margins of preference. "(i) the re-application to an imported product of a tariff classification or rate of duty, properly P.T.O. NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/180 . page 2, Page 25 (continued): applicable to such product, in cases in which the application of such classification or rate to such product was temporarily suspended or inoperative on 10 April 1947; and "(ii) the application to a particular commodity of a tariff item other than that which was actually applied to importations on that commodity on 10 April 1947, in cases in which the tariff law clearly contemplates that such commodity may be classified under more than one tariff item." . Delete the last footnote on the page as the Delegation of the Netherlands has withdrawn its reservation. Page 28: In the fifth line of the first paragraph of the footnotes, the words "arising out of" should read "made by a Member under". Page 34: In view of the fact that the Delegations of Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands and France have withdrawn their reservations, the footnote should be amended to read: "The Delegate of the United Kingdom reserved his position for the time being." Page 35: The first two lines of the second paragraph of the footnotes should read: "The Chinese and Lebanese Delegations reserved their position in respect of the proposal by the Chinese Delegation to add a sub-paragraph 2(d) providing a procedure E/PC/T/180/Corr. 8 page 3. Page 38: The footnote should be revised to read: "The Australian Delegation has recorded a reservation against the text of Article 21, paragraph 2(b) on the grounds that the preseut language does not accurately express the intention." The footnote should be deleted as the Australian Delegation has withdrawn its reservation. The footnote should consist only of the first sentence reading: "The United States Delegation has reserved its position on paragraph 3 of Article 27 and of Article 28. " The remainder of the footnote should be deleted. Page 72: The footnote should be deleted as the Delegation of France has withdrawn its reservation. Page 73: In the first paragraph of the footnote, "and Lebanon" should be added after "Cuba". Page 84. The footnote should be deleted. Page 97: The first paragraph of the footnote relating to Paragraph I should be deleted as the proposal by the Delegation of the Netherlands was not to be maintained in this document. Page 113: The footnote should be deleted as the United Kingdom Dele- gation has withdrawn its reservation. E/PC/T/180/Corr. 8 page 4. Page 116: The following footnote should be added: "Article 54 "Intergovernmental commodity agreement approved by the Food and Agricultural Organization for the distribution of basic foods at special prices are permitted under the draft Charter and are considered to be covered by paragraph (e)." Page 136: The second paragraph of the footnote should be deleted as the Delegations of the United Kingdom and United States have withdrawn their reservation to ANNEX C. Page 137: ANNEX E, while retaining the present title, should be revised to read as follows: Preferences in forca exclusively between, on the one hand, Chile and, on the other hand, 1. Argentina 2. Bolivia 3. Peru, respectively. Page 138: The last paragraph of the footnotes should be deleted as the Delegation of South Africa did not consider it necessary to retain these remarks in the Report. Page 157 (as reproduced in E/PC/T/180, Corr.5): Both paragraphs of the footnotes are to be deleted. E/PC/T/180/Corr.8 page 5. Page 171: The footnote is to be deleted as the Delegation of the Netherlands has withdrawn its reservation. Page 172: The square brackets around "Relations with Non-Members" should be deleted and that title should be inserted immediately below the article number and thus made applicable to all three draft texts. "VERSION 'A'" should read "ALTERNATIVE 'A' ". Page 174: "VERSION 'B"' should read "ALTERNATIVE 'B'". "[Relations with Non-Members ]" should be deleted. Page 176: "VERSION 'C'" should read "ALTERNATIVE 'C'". Delete: "[ Contractual relations with Non-Members; Treatment of Trade with Non-Members ]" * * * * * The relocation of the footnote on Page 166 is being considered. The ravisions which would be required in Tables A and B by the separation in the tables of Syria and Lebanon are to be considered by the Delegations which submitted thosa particular tables.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Sub-committee on Schedules of the Tariff Agreement Committte
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 17, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/201 and E/PC/T/196-209
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/ T/201 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 17 September 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH. SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYEMENT Report of the Sub-committee on Schedules of the Tariff Agreement Committte. At its twenty-first meeting, the Tariff Agreement Commitee appointed an ad hoc sub-committee to consider further the fol- lowing matters in the light of the discussion in the full committee 1. The question of retaining, deleting, or modifying the preface to tho individual Schedules proposed on page 5 of E/PC/T/153. 2. The proposal by tho French Delegation to amend para- graph 2 of Article II (E/PC/T/W/287). 3. The question of providing for the adjustment of specific rates of duty in the event of a depreciation in currency (E/PC/T/W/285 and 310). Representatives of the following Delegations were appointed members of the Sub-committee Australia Belgium Canada Czechoslovakia France United Kingdom United States of America Mr. Morton (AUSTRALIA) was desigrated Chairman. The Sub-committee recommends that, in view of the changes in Article Il recommended below, the preface to the individual Schedules suggested in E/PC/T/153 be deleted. E/PC/T/201 page 2 The Sub-committee recommends the attached revised text of Article II in substitution fo1 iho pres;;nt text of that Article In connection with paragraphs ` aind 2 of the new draft, It was considered L)y tha cltb-cam1.ttoe t;iiat the inc].11,;:loîl of these provisions in A'rticle Il wouid not -ffect t;he rirlht of any Dele.- ga';ïcn to require any cther Dalo :atian with which it has entered; nto t. .atioew to p:roiido Ici ,lsts or dota-!1s of Jc&;i.sJ?ttion reierred to irn th2D lust sentWelice Of each of these paraPraphs. The Sub-com-ri tee draw. t.2 -' -to ai of theo Lagal Draft- ing Con-nittea to a sub :estion .n .e oy i;he Fi'rench representative on the ;,ub-comml.t ;ec in ',ie 1, ght oa cha?.ngces proposed in par a ;jraph 2.. a ern.- l uro1bcc rmkit:-; bo irtcrd in paragraph 3 (a) oa AVrticle I by i'i- afEtcr thac ord 'Schodulle" the words 'in accordance x. tlh pawaL;rah 2 of Iticla II". The Sub-cuiIttcct thc prapczal ihat provision be made in the Ag:ori.ent, dllrectly or by way of an interpreta- tive notea, ndicatin, the of'li; ai a contaue bng party to make, without conlsulta Iion l.alL CI) iitctirg parties adjustments i.n speCcific rates of duuy in the ;cnLf dotnvalua tion or appre- ciation oai a contracting partyls curcrency. The Sub-committee was unable tao roach agroomex;îe-s four Delegations opposing, and threc favoring thü inclus:! on Jf a gercral provision. It was recognized by tho Sub-co ttte thab., GvOn 4.f no cgeral. provision werc bu rua le i,} Agreemnent, it vrnuld nevertheless be open to any Delegation to cdiizc.uss the matter wqith the other Dele-tiations wit ,h:.h it ha:; citerod into negotiations with a view to including any such rovi siar in -Lts Schedule. E/PC/T/201 page 3 Article Il Schedules of Concessions 1. Except as provided in paragraph 2 of this Article., the products enumerated and described in the Schedule relating to any contracting party, which are the products of the other contracting parties, shall, on thcir J into the cus;omrs tog iWry v 'ihich th* Schodule relates, be exempt from o dirnary cus tcni d~utioc; u. i -xce,;s cf those set forth and provided for ïn sluoi Schedule, subject to the terms, coniditions or cLunhi.L'ieatioris set furIth thùriiu. Such produce ts shil all û be exeiapt f'rom ail other duties and charges of any ckind iJnposEd on or in connoction with importation in excess of those imposed on tho date Of this Agrweeiant or dirt*ctly and mandatorily required to be ibnpoe, d tihereafter by legislation in force in thc importir:g territory on tlhat datc. 2. Thc nroducets enumcr:,ted ard descri.bod în Part II of the Schedule. ro1Latîng., to any contr.acting party, which aru the products of territories entitled under paragraphs 2 and 3 of Articlu I of this Agrcomcnt to receive preferential treatment inori importatici i.nto the customs territory to which the Schhdule rtelates, shrill, on thuir importation into such customs territory., be enpt from ordinariy customs duties in exc'ss cf those set forth and provided for irn Part I.L of such Schedule, subject to the terms, cerjditions or qualifications sct forth thcrcin. Such products shaLil also 'e exempt from ail other duties and charges of any kind imposud on or in connection with importation in excess uf thono imposed on the (?tC of this Agrcoment or directly arnd mandatoriliy required to be impoezd thercafPtur by legislation in force in thc imporLing territory on that date. Nothing in this Article schai]. p;u.vont any contracting party fronm mnintni.ning its requirement. ex.sting on the date of this Agrecrcrnt as to the eligibility of' good feor cntry at prefcrcntial rats of duty. E/PC/T/201 page 4 3. Nothing in this Articlc shrall prEvent a.ny contracting party from irmposing 2t any tin.(< on tho importation of any product (a) 'a charge equivalent to an internal tax imposed, consistently wvith thc provisions of paragraph 1 of Article III of this Agrecment, in respect of the liko domestic product or in respect of an article from which thD imported product has been manufactured Cor produced in whole or in part, or (b) any canti-dumping or countervailing duty applïod consistently with the provisions of Vrtici_ I of this Agreement, or (c) fecs or other charges commensurate with the cost of services rendered. 4. No contracting party shall alter its method of determining dutiable value or of converting currencies so as to impair the value of any of the concessions provided for in thc appropriate Schedule anncxed to this Agrceement. 5. If any contracting party cstablishos, maintains or authorizes, formally or in effect, a monopoly of the importation of any product described in the appropriate Schedulo annexed te this Agreement such monopoly sha1l not, except as provided in the Schedule or ?as otherwise agreedd botwzeon the parties to the negotiation of thc- concession, opLrato so as to.afford protection on thc average in excess of the amount of protection provided for in such Schedule. This paragraph shall not limit the use by contracting parties of any form Of assistance to domestic producers permitted by other provisions of' this Agreemnent. 6. If any contracting party considers that a product is not receiving from anot;hcr contracting party-tho treatment which the flrst contracting; party hievcs tG have been contmemplatcd by a E/PC/T/201 page 5 concession provided for under paragraph l of this Article, it shall bring the matter directly to the attention of the other contracting party. If the other contracting party agrees that the treatment contemplated was that claimed by the first contracting party, but declares that such treatment cannot be accorded because a court or other proper authority has ruled that the product involved is not legally classifiable under the tariff laws of such contracting party so as to permit the treatment admittedly contemplated at the time of the signature of this agreement, the two contracting parties, together with any other contracting parties concerned, shall enter promptly into further negotiations with a view to a compensatory adjustment of the matter. 7. The Schedules annexed to this Agreement are hereby made an integral part of Part I of this Agreement.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party on the Termination of Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 1, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/S/8 and E/PC/T/S/4-12
SECRET ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/S/8 AND ECONOMIQUE 1 September 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT OF THE TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS WORKING PARTY ON THE TERMINATION OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS When approving the report which has been circulated as Document E/PC/T/S/7 of 27 August 1947, the Working Party reached agreement on certain procedures for investigating further the present status of tariff negotiations with a view to determining whether it would be possible to finish the bilateral negotiations on the scheduled target date, i.e. 10 September next. For this purpose, the Chairman of the Working Party was entrusted with the task of making an investigation into all bilateral negotiations. It was felt that this procedure would enable Delegations to state frankly the issues which are delaying the proceedings, insofar as they would be talking only to the Chairman in his capacity as such. Consultation with all Dele- gations took place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week and the following conclusions can now be set forth on the basis of this examination of the status of each individual negotiation. 1. The general impression is that most of the Delegations are now making a real effort to expedite their tariff negotiations. 2. On the 23 August, 27 negotiations, totalling 7.7% of the trade involved, had finished. 3. Of the remainder, investigation shows that 42 have since finished or will in all probability terminate by the target date of 10 September. These negotiations appear in Annex I to this Report. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/S/8 page 2 4. It appears that most of the remaining 39 negotiations (listed in Annexes II and III) are not going to be completed by the target date and as far as it could be ascertained, they are being held up by one or a number of the following reasons: (a) Preferential Arrangements (see Annex II) In a number of cases, Delegations have explained that a policy decision in respect of preferences is required before termination can take place, insofar as concessions on preferences are stated to be the main - and, in some cases, only - important obstacle remaining. The principal difficulty seems to reside in preferences enjoyed by the United Kingdom in Commonwealth markets. For example, seven Australian negotiations are dependent.on the views that the United Kingdom will give regarding action with respect to its margins of preference in the Australian market. Although this is the most striking case, similar considerations apply to the Canadian, New Zealand, South African and Indian negotiations. The countries which appear to be most effected by this situation are Benelux, France and the United States, and, in lesser degree, Czechoslovakia, Norway and Cuba. Dominating the picture, the United Kingdom -United States negotiation, which can be considered the key bilateral negotiation, is also delayed due to preferences. (b) Disagreement on the Evaluation of Concessions. (see Annex III) In these cases, at least one of the two parties in each bilateral negotiation considers that the concessions it is receiving are not commensurate with the concessions it is making. E/PC/T/S/8 page 3 (c) Amount of Trade Involved in Concessions (see Annex III) In some negotiations, although it would be possible to reach agreement in a limited number of items on each side, at least one of the parties considers that the concessions it is offered cover an unsatisfactorily limited proportion of its normal trade with the other country. (d) Delays in Negotiation Procedures (see Annex III) Finally, in some circumstances, the slow progress of negotiations is attributed to the long procedure followed by the other party, or to delays in obtaining instructions from the government. Action necessary to expedite completionof negotiations Insofar as the members of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party are concerned, the negotiations listed in Annexes II and III in which they are involved have, in many cases, shown con- siderable progress since the issue of the last report. For example, France and the United States have found a basis for negotiation and are actively at work. This will also accelerate the negotiations between France and Benelux. Nego- tiations between the Southern Dominions and the United States have been resumed and are being actively pressed. The United Kingdom is making every effort to find a solution to the preferential problems which are involved in so many negotiations. Cuba and the United States have resumed negotiations after a substantial interval. All of the members of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party have undertaken to take every possible step to facilitate the resolution of the issues still outstanding in the negotia- tions to which they are parties. E/PC/T/S/8 page 4 The Tariff Negotiations Working Party urges all other Delegations to review the status of the negotiations in which they are involved and to make every effort to bring them to a speedy conclusion. If the Tariff Negotiations Working Party can be of any assistance, it is at the disposition of Delega- tions. E/PC/T/S/8 page 5 ANNEX I Negotiations which are expected. to end by September 10, 1947 - Brazil - Chile - Cuba - Lebanon/Syria (this negotiation was initiated after the Sixth Report of the Working Party was issued) - Chile - China - Lebanon/Syria - Canada - Chile - Cuba Czechoslovakia - France - India - New Zealand - Norway - South Africa - United States - Cuba - India - United Kingdom - United States - Cuba - Czechoslovakia Australia Australia Australia Australia Benelux Benelux Benelux Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Chile Chile Chile Chile China China E/PC/T/S/8 page 6 China _ China _ China _ Cuba _ Cuba _ Czechoslovakia- Czechoslovakia- Czechoslovakia- Czechoslovakia- France - France - France - France - India - India - India - Lebanon/Syria - Lebanon/Syria - New Zealand - France New Zealand United Kingdom India New Zealand France India New Zealand (U.K. decision on concession on one preferential margin awaited for completion) United Kingdom India Lebanon/Syria Norway United Kingdom Lebanon/Syria New Zealand United Kingdom United Kingdom United States Norway E/PC/T/S/8 page 7 ANNEX II Negotiations Delayed Due to Preferential Arrangements Australia - Benelux Australia - Czecho- slovakia Australia - France Australia - India Australia - Norway Australia - South Africa Australia - United States (termination within two weeks could take place if the preferential issues were solved) (One more meeting should finish this negotiation, provided the U.K. is agreeable to concessions on preferential margins by Australia) (the question of balancing con- cessions on either side also appears to be of importance). (Australia is in a position to make offers on several items of importance to India but has not yet obtained the concurrence of the United Kingdom because preferences are involved. Three-cornered talks may be necessary to solve the issue. An Australian protective interest is also involved) (the question of the possible re- duction of U.K. preferences in Australia is holding up negotiations and triangular talks may be necessary) (South Africa desires elimination of Australian preferences on fish, but New Zealand has not yet expressed agreement. Australia desires elimination of U.K. prefer- ences in South Africa on certain Iron and steel items, but U.K. has not yet agreed. One further meeting is all that is necessary, provided agreement on preferences is obtained) (negotiations only recently resumed. Preferential arrangements are a major issue. A proper balance as between offers on both sides has to be obtained. E/PC/T/S/8 page 8 Benelux - Canada Benelux - New Zealand Benelux - United Kingdom Canada - Cuba Canada - France Canada - United States France - New Zealand India - United States New Zealand - United States United Kingdom - United States (the agreement of the U.K. on the reduction of preferences has yet to be obtained. The result of negotiations with principal- supplier countries on certain products and negotiations on Netherlands monopoly duties are also contributing factors) (the approval of the U.K. on the reduction of margins of preference by New Zealand has yet to be obtained) (the situation as to the reduction of preferences by the United Kingdom and Dominions is still not clear) (a decision on preferences is required before this negotiation can proceed) (this is a complicated negotiation and requests on preferential margins have not yet been solved. In addition, in some cases progress depends on negotiations with principal suppliers) (negotiation cannot be pressed until the solution of major policy questions involving preferences) (the views of the United Kingdom on concessions on preferential margins are still awaited so that progress may be made) (India awaiting instructions; an important UK. preference is also involved.) (negotiations only recently resumed. U.K. clearance on preferences is required before substantial progress can be made.) (because of the preferential issue, the balance of offers is not satisfactory to both sides). E/PC/T/S/8 page 9 ANNEX III Negotiations Which are Delayed Due to Difficulty in Attaining a Mutually Acceptable Balance of Concessions. In these cases, it of effort is in order, so In a number of cases, the feels that an increase in ful. Australia Benelux Benelux Benelux Benelux Benelux Benelux Benelux Brazil Brazil Canada Canada Chile China China Cuba Cuba would appear as if an intensification that points at issue may be resolved. Tariff Negotiations Working Party the number of meetings would be help- - China - Brazil (one major issue outstanding) - Cuba - Czechoslovakia - France (progress has been slow because of the complexity and length of the lists of items involved and of the hitherto slow pro- gress of negotiations between the United States and France) - India - Norway - United States - China (before holding a final meeting it may be necessary to wait for the termination of the U.S. negotiation with China) - United Kingdom (re-examination of Brazilian items due to the recent tariff readjustment has been necessary) - China - United Kingdom (negotiations only recently initiated) - China - India - United States - Czechoslovakia - France E/PC/T/S/8 page 10 Cuba - United Kingdom Cuba - United States Czechoslovakia - United States France - United States South Africa - United States (negotiations only recently resumed)
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Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report on "Relations with non-members'' (Article 36): paper E/PC/T/157. Note by the United Kingdom Delegation. (Submitted for Consideration by the Members of the Preparatory Committee and for Discussion at an Executive Session Prior to the Public Plenary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 20, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/308 and E/PC/T/W/307-344
UNITED NATIONS. NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/W/308 20 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT ON "RELAT lONS WITH NON-MEMBERS'' Note by the United Kingdom Delegation (Submitted for Consideration by the Members of the Preparatory Committee and for Discussion at an Executive Session Prior to the Public Plenary Meetings) 1. Notwithstanding the points that were made by other Delegations when this matter was debated in Commission A on the 12th August (Verbatim Report of the Thirty-Seventh Meeting, pages 49 to 54), the United. Kingdom Delegation feels that it must maintain its objection to the last part of paragraph 5 on page 2 of the Report. This passage reads:- "Some question was raised in the Committee as to the status of a Member of the United nations if it should fail to become a Member of the Organisation and to the status of a Country not eligible for membership in the Organization. The Sub-Committee suggest that the World Conference may wish to seek expert opinion as to whether, under these circumstances, any of the drafts would be in conflict with the obligations of Members of the United Nations." 2. While not seeking to minimise the importance of these questions, the United Kingdom Delegation feels that it is unnecessary to make recommendations regarding them to the World Conference, which will be fullly competent to judge for itself the best way of dealing with them. 3. As regards the suggestion in the Sub-Committe'se Report that "expert advice" should be sought, it is necessary to ask what kind of expert advice is contemplated. To answer this, the nature of the suggested questions must be considered. (i) The first question, as to the status of a Member of the United Nations if it should fail to become a Member of the Organization, is largely a legal metter of interpretation of the Charter of the United Nations. The only means by which the World Conference or the Preparatory Committee could obtain authoritative advice on this question would be by seeking an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice. But neither the World Conference nor the Preparatory Committee have, it appears, tho necessary status to make a direct approach to the Court for an advisory opinion. For this purpose, it seems that the Economic and Social Council could be asked to submit an appropriate reference to the Court. E/PC/T/W/308 rage 2. The procedure involved would be elaborate, and it is not clear that the timetable of sessions of the Economic and Social Council and the World Conference would permit it to be completed in time to enable the Court's opinion to be studied by the Conference. If, however, any Goverment Member of the United Nations desires to seek an advisory opinion of the International Court, it is clearly competent for it to do so at any time. Further, if a number such Governments desire to associate themselves in submitting a joint reference to the Court. there would be nothing to prevent this. If such an approach were made to the Court in the near future, a reply might be received in tire for the World Conference, which would, as was pointed out above, be extremely improbable if Governments waited until tho next session of the Economic and Social Council, in order to request the latter to approach tho Court. (ii) The second question, as to the status of a country not eligibgle for membership of the Organization, is a political rather than a legal question, on which no "expert advice" can be obtained from any international authority. 4. Moroever, it appears to the United Kingdodm Delegation than the question involved, i. e ., whether any provision of the United Nations Charter forbids Members of the United Nations to discrimination in their commercial relations against othe-r Members of the United Nations, is by no means so difficult as to require reference to the International Court. Accordingly, the United Kingdom Delegation remains of the opinion that it would be inappropriate for the Preparatory Committee to make the proposed suggestion to the World Conference. Indeed, this is essentially a matter on which it is for the Governments which are Members of the United Nations to interpret their own obligations under the Charter of the United Nations. The United Kingdom Delegation therefore holds that the proper course would be for each national Government which proposes to be represented at the Conference to give careful consideration to these questions before the Conference meats, in order that the Conference may be in a position to come to informed decisions as to the best way to deal with them. 5. The United Kingdom Delegation therefore re-submits, for consideration at tho concluding Executive Sessions of the Preparatory Committee, the amendment which its representative proposed in Commission A, namely to amend the last sentence of paragraph 5 of the Report of the Sub-Committee so as to read:- "The Preparatory Committee suggests that Governments Members of the United Nations which propose to be represented at the World Conference should give careful consideration to these questions before the Conference meets".
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report *. Seventh Meeting held on Thursday, 30 October, 1947 at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber, Palais des Nations, Geneva
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 30, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/PV.2/7 and E/PC/T/PV2/6-7
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL E/PC/T/PV. 2/7 30 October 1947. SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. R E P O R T * SEVENTH MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY, 30 OCTOBER., 1947 at 10 a.m. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER. PALAIS DES NATIONS, GENEVA. M. MAX SUETENS (Chairman) (Belgium) As no verbatim writers were available, this is only partially a verbatim record of the meeting. UNRESTRICTED NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/PV. 2/7 page 2. The CHAIRMAN called the meeting to order, and asked Mr. Wilgress, Chairman of the Tariff Agreement Committee, to present the Committee's report. Mr. L.D.WILGRESS (Canada) I have the honour to report that the Tariff Agreement Committee has completed its work and to-day submits to the Proparatory Committee a Final Act to be signed on behalf of all those countries which parti- cipated in the tariff negotiations. This Final Act authenti- cates the text of a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade together with its accompanying Annexes and Schedules and also a Protocol of Provisional Application. A total of 123 negotiations between pairs of countries were completed during the course of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee and the results of these negotiations are embodied in the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. It is a great pleasure for me, Mr. Chairman, to submit, on behalf of the Tariff Agreement Committee, these documents to the Preparatory Committee, and I would request you, Mr. Chairman, to accept these documents on behalf of the Preparatory Committee and to arrange for the signature at this meeting of the Final Act and also of the Protocol of Provisional Application on behalf of those countries who have expressed the desire to sign the Protocol at this meating. The CHAIRMAN: interpretation): A little over two months ago the Preparatory Committee met in plenary session to approve the Report of its Second Session, which took the form of a draft Charter for consideration at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, due to open at Havana on November 21. E/PC/T/PV. 2/7 page 3. We are assembled here to-day to adopt and sign the Final Act,marking the termination of the tariff negotiations which opened here on April 10 between the countries represented on the Committee, and the framing of a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and of a Protocol of Provisional Application. Before I recount the steps which have brought us to this auspicious occasion, and before I attempt to estimate the significance of what has been achieved, I would like to recall the situation as it faced us at our last Plenary Session on August 22nd. In commenting on the harmony which had hitherto prevailed in our discussions of the Draft Charter and in the tariff negotiations, I said that "this Conference has still not yet come to an end, since the tariff negotiations will continue and by their very nature they raise considerable difficulties". The task which confronted us and its complex nature were underlined by other speakers on that occasion. May I quote from the remarks of the United States member, Mr. Clair Wilcox, who said, "The members of this Committee will be judged, in the eyes of the world, not only by the words we have written on paper and sent forward to the World Conference, but also by the action that we shall take, here and now, to give meaning to those words. Our proposal to negotiate for the substantial reduction of tariffs and the elimination of references will be laid down side by side with the provisions of our General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Our promise in the one will be measured by our performance in the other." And - if I may be allowed one more quotation - this sentiment was echoed on the other side of the globe by the Australian Minister of Reconstruction, Mr. J.J. Dedman, who said (in a E/PC/T/PV.2/7 page 4. broadcast on August 21), "The Charter cannot stand by itself. The Charter and the proposed multilateral trade agreement are integral parts of the general plan to expand trade. The success or failure of the whole plan now depends on a similar degree of understanding being reached in the trade negotiations." Gentlemen, we are now to be judged in the eyes of the world. We are presenting in public an account of our steward- ship. I hope to show in the course of my remarks that we have succeeded in fulfilling our task, bringing credit not only to the labours of the members of this Committee, not only to the farsighted wisdom and the spirit of conciliation shown by the governments they represent, but to the United Nations itself, under whose sponsorship we were created. I think it is no exaggeration to say that our meeting to-day will provide a landmark in the economic development of the world during recent years. We are here witnessing the birth of the first fruits of post war international action towards reorientating international trade on constructive and productive lines, towards more copious production of the products needed by mankind, towards increasing employment of the men and women producing them, and. towards a steadily rising standard of living. The work undertaken by our Committee, under the auspices of the United Nations cannot be considered on its own. It is integrated into a wider economic field which extends over many objectives. This line of approach began to be foreseen during the war. I need only cite, the Atlanitic Charter, which laid down the principles for the basis of this collaboration, the Hot Springs decisions, concerning food, the Bretton Woods decisions relating to exchange stability and aid in event of E/PC/T/PV. 2/7 page 5. temporary disequilibrium in the balance of trade. It remained to create the basic foundation for collaboration in the field of employment and commence, In this particular sphere no mere symbolical act, no mere expression of a desire, would be sufficient. It was necessary to achieve a really constructive framework which would allow for the revival of international trade. It was in December 1945 that the United States and the United Kingdom published their Proposals for Consideration by a World Conference on Trade and Employment. At the same time, the government of the United States invited a representative group of trading nations to enter into negotiations for the reduction of barriers to trade. Two months later, in February 1946, the Economic and Social Council decided to establish this Committee, of which I have the honour to be Chairman. for the purpose of preparing an agenda, including a draft charter for consideration by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment. The Preparatory Committee held its first Session in London from October 15 to November 20, 1946; a Drafting Committee, appointed by the First Session, met in New York from January 20 to February 25, 1947; the Second Session opened in Geneva on April 10, and closes today. During our Second Session we evolved and published the draft charter, the work on which called for over 450 meetings in the space of 4 months. During the same period we have completed over 100 pairs of tariff negotiations, calling for nearly 1,000 formal meetings and many more informal meetings in a little over 6 months. Gentlemen, I suggest it would be hard to find a parallel to the intensity of our labours. The results justify our efforts. E/PC/T/PV.2/7 page 6. Allow me, if I may, to recall a few personal memories. During the interwar period I took part in the efforts made here in Geneva under the auspic s of the League of Nations, to lower barriers to trade. As early as 1927, an interna- tional economic conference which brought together the leading figures of the principle trading countries, announced that the time had arrived when a halt should be called in the trend of protection and that it was urgently necessary and of the utmost importance to reduce barriers to trade. It was only 3 years later, in 1930, that a first conference took place whose official title was "The International Conference with a View to a Concerted Economic Action", more commonly known as the "International Conference for the Conclusion of a Tariff Truce". It did not succeed in finding a suitable formula. It led to a general understanding committing the countries which wished to raise their tariffs to a procedure of previous notification and consultation. But even that understanding which was nothing more than a gentlemen's agreement could not be put into force. Furthermore all the other conferences which aimed to secure concerted economic action gave no results whatever. I will only cite as an instance the London Monetary and Economic Conference of 1933, which marked the end of international conferences having as their aim the stimulation of international trade. It is indeed an inspiring thought to realize that what could not be achieved during six years of effort has been achieved this time in less than one year. The signing of the Final Act today marks the completion of the rost comprehensive, the most significant and the most far reaching negotiations ever undertaken in the history of world trade. Twenty-three countries or territories, sharing E/PC/T/PV. 2/7 Page 7. amongst them approximately seventy per cent or a little less than three quarters of the trade of the world, have worked together, cordially and in the best traditions of fair give and take, to complete over one hundred negotiations, involving literally thousands of iterms. The results of these negotiations have been incorporated in a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, a multilateral trade agreement unique in its character, both in scope and in application. It may not be generally realised that the General Agreement offers far wider benefits than a series of bilateral agreements; for under its terms, each negotiating country will be contractually entitled, in its own right and independently of the most favoured nation clause, to enjoy each of the concessions in the schedules of the other negotiating countries. The multilateral form of the tariff schedules is designed not only to assure broad action for the reduction of tariffs, but to give countries a right to particular tariff concessions which they might wish to obtain, but which under bilateral agreements they would find it difficult to obtain because they could not claim to be one of the main suppliers of the product concerned. The Final Act and the Protocol of Provisional Application are not in their nature or in their form unconventional documents. By signing the Final Act, each country authenticates the texts of the Protocol of Provisional Application and of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. By signing the Protocol each country gives a firm undertaking to give provisional application to the General Agreement. E/PC/T/PV. 2/7 page 8 The General Agreement is a unique document in the history of trade negotiations, in setting forth agreed principles and practices, in establishing a formula for maintaining them pending the creation of an International Trade Organization and in providing for the safeguarding and effective operation of the tariff concessions. It restates, in Part One, the principle of General Most Favoured Nation Treatment as set out in Article 16 of the Draft Charter. It obligates the countries which have negotiated concessions to observe and maintain them . It pro- vides for consultation between interested countries should they consider that a product listed in the Concessions is not receiving the treatment provided for in the Agreement. Part Two of the General Agreement is largely concerned with restating certain principles and provisions or Chapter Four (Commercial Policy) and, to some extent, of Chapter Three (Economic Development) of the draft Charter, with some modifications and rearrangement mainly for the purpose of relating them to the structure of the Agreement and to the obligations undertaken by the countries which accept. it. Part Three deals with matters arising out of the Agreement itself and not taken over from the Charter. It is important to note that the countries accepting the Agreement must meet from time to time, their first meeting to be convened before next March, and that if the Charter has not entered into force within a reasonable time, arrangements are contemplated for amending, supplementing and maintaining the General Agreement, should they be necessary. The question has been raised whether there is any pro- vision in the General Agreement on Tariffs-and Trade whereby it can be ensured that all contracting parties make tariff concessions of equivalent value. The point arises, particularly E/PC/T/PV.2/7 page 9 in relation to the concessions to be made by new adherents and whether they will be equivalent to those made by the original contracting parties. Moreover, the same question will probably arise from time to time, as the process of lowering trade barriers goes forward, in respect of the original contracting parties. The problem was, of course, foreseen in the draft Charter, and the Preparatory Committee has recommended in Article 17 provisions which we all consider adequate to meet the case. Reference may be made especially to the introductory words in paragraph 1 (which commit Members to negotiate about tariffs and preferences), to paragraph 1 (c) (which says what concessions made in previous negotiations shall be taken into account), to paragraph 1 (d) (which says that the results of such negotiations shall be incorporated into the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and to paragraph 2 (which gives the International Trade Organization certain rights as to the implementation of Members undertakings in paragraph 1). Thus, it can be stated with some confidence that the question of the contributions to be made to the objective of reducing trade barriers by Members, new or old, from time to time, will be adequately covered when the Charter comes into force. If, unhappily, the Charter does not come into force, or if there is long delay, the question of having provisions equivalent to those of Article 17 of the Draft Charter will inevitably be one of those which the contracting parties will have to take into consideration in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article XXIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. E/PC/T/PV.2/7 page 10 Can we reduce the results of our labours to simple practical terms? Can we estimate what will be the effect of the tariff reductions and bindings on world trade? First, I must make it clear that I have no authority to reveal the detailed content of the schedules of concessions. These, together with the texts of the General Agreement and of the Protocol of Signature, will be made public by the Secretary- General, it is hoped, on November 18. He, in his turn, must, by November 15, be informed of the signatures of eight named countries to the Protocol. (I am glad to know that certain countries are to sign the Protocol here today). But, if I may be permitted for a minute to delve into figures, which are inevitably rather large figures, it may be possible to apply a yardstick to the results of our endeavours. In 1938, the latest year for which figures are available, the countries of the world, as a whole, imported goods and products of all kinds to the value of twenty-four billion dollars. The 23 countries which have negotiated at Geneva enjoyed about-fifteen and a half billion dollars worth of import trade. It appears, from broad calculations, that on the average no less than some two-thirds of the import trade of the 23 countries concerned is covered by concessions or bindings negotiated at Geneva. (In certain countries between 76 and 86 per cent of their import trade is covered). In terms of dollar value, and at pre-war prices, this would mean that the value of import trade covered by reductions of tariffs or by bindings negotiated at Geneva is in the order of ten billion dollars. The general results of our work, apart from their detailed significance will have a most beneficial influence on the Conference which is to open next month at Havana. Our E/PC/T/PV.2/7 page 11 completed negotiations show that the countries represented on the Preparatory Commission have not been content to remain in the world of theory, but that they are prepared to take seriously one of the most important commitments under the Draft Charter, namely Article 17. Twenty-three countries assembled here, representing almost three quarters of world trade, are going to sign the Final Act today. It is no exaggeration to proclaim that the signing of the Final Act today provides the clearest possible indication that these countries are firm in their conviction that the Draft Charter must be brought into existence and made to work for the benefit of all nations of the world. We have undoubtedly provided the Havana Conference with a flying. start. It is appropriate at this stage to express my gratitude to all those who have taken part in our work, and in particular to Ambassador Wilgress who has presided with such authority over the progress of the tariff negotiations, to the heads of delegations who have assisted him in the Tariff Negotiations Working Party, to the teams of negotiators, to all those who helped to draft the three documents with which we are concerned, and in particular to the Legal and Drafting Committee which has worked under the skilled direction of M. Royer. We are also particularly grateful to the Secretariat for the way in which they have shouldered the heavy burdens which the final stages of the second session have imposed upon them. Only one member, Mr. Gilpin, remained for the exceedingly arduous final stages of preparing the documents and schedules, which we have before us. To him our best thanks are due. And may I take this opportunity also to thank the permanent services provided here in Geneva, the men and women who have E/PC/T/PV.2/7 page 12 reproduced our numerous papers, often working through the night to complete their tasks, to the translators and to all those who have in any way contributed to the success of the work of the Preparatory Committee. There is another group of collaborators who have taken an essential part during this Conference. I refer to members of the press, who have since April been reporting the developments of the work of the Preparatory Committee continuously. There have been many news-less days and even weeks for the members of the press; our negotiations have been unavoidably confidential and the results have had to be withheld until the end, in order to achieve the full benefits of a multilateral type of General Agreement. More than once, significant develop- ments which have taken place in Geneva have reached the press first in other national capitals. Our friends have shown much forbearance; they have reported our progress fairly and accurately they have, I think, shared our hope and our belief that this long meeting would end with significant accomplish- ments to its credit. I feel certain that they will understand the reason - namely the need for time for the countries concerned to consult their governments - why publication of the documents and of the Schedules is delayed until November 18. There are certain comments which have been made in respect of the tariff negotiations we have concluded, which concern not only the work we have undertaken but the concrete value of the results we have obtained. It has been said that tariff barriers only played a minor role in trade and that the Agree- ment would have but little effect. Without doubt this comment contains only a part of the truth. I would go further. E/PC/T/PV.2/7 page 13. The economic situation, particularly in Europe today, is much less satisfactory than it was when the discussions on the Charter were opened. One conference has been called in Paris to attempt to bring aid in resolving the difficulties which threaten to paralyse the life of our Continent. Our work does not aim to resolve these problems and besides it could not do so. But it is reassuring to see that on several occasions the Report of the Sixteen recognizes the value of our work and our negotiations and that it has taken into account several parts of the Draft Charter. We cannot, on the other hand, disregard the fact that an atmosphere of scepticism surrounds the United Nations. There is a feeling that the United Nations is powerless to find a solution to the serious political problems of today. But in one sphere, namely our own, we have not failed in the trust that was placed on us. And the realisation of what we are presenting to the world today goes far towards justifying our confidence. All in all, economic health is just as essential as political health, and it might even be said that it is the essential factor. This is what President Truman meant when he spoke of applying to commercial relationships the principle of fair dealing. Instead, he said, of retaining unlimited freedom to commit acts of economic aggression, the members of the proposed International Trade Organization would adopt a code of economic conduct and agree to live according to its rules. Instead of adopting measures that might be harmful to others, without warning and without consultation, countries would sit down around the table and talk things out. The interests of all would be considered and a fair and just solution would be found. In economics, as in international politics, said the President, this is the way to peace. E/PC/T/PV.2/7 page 14. The CHAIRMAN called on Mr. Colban, Chairman of the Sub- Committee on Credentials, to present the Sub--Committee's report. Mr. COLBAN (Norway): The Sub-Committee set up by the Tariff Agreement Committee to examine credentials met on Wednesday, October 29, 1947, at 10.30 a.m. There were present: E. Colban (Norway), Chairman, A. de Ferreira Braga (Brazil), Vice-Chairman, S.I. Clark (Cuba), S. Ranganathan (India) and J.P.D. Johnsen (New Zealand). we were all very sorry that Dr. Z. Augenthaler (Czechoslovakia); was unable to arrive in Geneva in time to be present. The Sub-Committee examined the credentials and other relevant documents submitted by representatives of countries intending to sign the Final Act of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment and of those also intending to sign the Protocol of Provisional Application of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The Sub-Committee concluded that the credentials of the following persons, representing the countries named, were in order for the relevant purposes: Australia C.E. Morton Belgium P.A. Forthomme Brazil A. de Ferreira Braga Burma U. Nyun Canada L.D. Wilgress Ceylon G.C.S. Corea Chile A.. Faivovich China Dr. Wunsz King Cuba S. Clark Czechoslovakia Z. Augenthaler E/PC/T/PV.2/7 page 15. France P. Baraduc India S. Ranganathan Lebanon J. Mikaoui Luxemburg J. Sturm Netherlands A.B. Speekenbrink New Zealand J.P.D. Johnsen Norway E. Colban Pakistan H.I. Rahimtoola S. Rhodesia K.M. Goodenough Syria H. Jabbara South Africa W.G.W. Parminter United Kingdom T.M. Snow United States of America. Winthrop Brown The Sub-Committee recommends that all the credentials which have been submitted be accepted by the Preparatory Committee. It further reports that Mr. Mikaoui, representative of Lebanon, being unable to be present at the Final Meeting of the Preparatory Committee, signed the Final Act of the Second Session in the presence of the Sub-Committee. On the CHAIRMAN putting the question to the meetings the report and recommendations of the Sub-Committee on Credentials were accepted nem.con. At this point in the meeting, the VICE-CHAIRMAN descended from the rostrum, and the CHAIRMAN called on the SECRETARY to bring in the documents for signature. E/PC/T/PV.2/7 page 16 The Final Act of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment was then signed by the representatives of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Burma, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, France, India, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Southern Rhodesia, Syria, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The Protocol of Provisional Application was then signed by the representatives of Belgium, Canada, Luxemburg, Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America. The CHAIRMAN announced that signature of complementary agreements and exchanges of notes would take place between the followings. pairs of countries: Australia and Czechoslovakia United States of America and United Kingdom United States of America and France United States of America and Belgium United States of America and Netherlands. After signature of these notes and agreements, the CHAIRMAN read the following cabled message which he had received from the Secretary-General of the United Nations: "I am heartened to learn of successful conclusion of tariff negotiations begun under auspices PREPCOM in April. Successful conclusion of these negotiations is encouraging evidence of intention of United Nations to take common action to press on with the economic organization of peace with a view to attaining the higher standards of living and economic progress envisaged in Article 55 A of the U.N. Charter stop Your agreement in Geneva is also a happy augury for successful outcome to the U.N. Conference on Trade and Employment which is to open in Havana next month." The CHAIRMAN announced that the following countries had so far accepted invitations to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment to be held in Havana: E/PC/T/PV. 2/7 page 17. Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Haiti, Liberia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Afghanistan, Sweden, Pakistan, Portugal, Switzerland, Trans-Jordan through Iraq, Indonesia, Burma, Ceylon, Southern Rhodesia, and also certain international agencies. The following countries had refused invitations: Byelo Russia,, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, U.S.S.R., Yugoslavia, Siam, Bulgaria, and also certain international agencies. The CHAIRMIN stated that he had just been informed that Belgium, Czechoslovakia and France would also be attending the Havana Conference. The CHAIRMAN then declared that the Second Session of the Preparatory Comnittee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment was at an end. The meeting rose at 11.30 a.m.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report to Commission A by Special Sub-Committee on Films of the Sub-Committee on Articles 14, 15 and 24
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/175 and E/PC/T/169-178
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report to Commission A by Special Sub-Committee on Films of the Sub-Committee on Articles 14, 15 and 24
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/175 and E/PC/T/169-178
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/175 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 15 August, 1947 AND ECONOMIQU E ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Report to Commission A by Special Sub-Committee on Films of the Sub-Committee on Articles 14, 15 and 24. PART I R E P O R T 1. At its meeting on Wednesday, July 16 the Sub-Committee on Articles 14, 15 and 24 appointed a Sub-Committee to draft and submit to Commission A a new Article containing "Special Provisions relating to Films". 2. The Sub-Committee consisted of the representatives of the following countries: Czechoslovakia, New Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom and United States. 3. The Sub-Committee held two meetings and a considerable number of informal discussions were arranged to effect a reconciliation of views. 1. The Sub-Committee considered the draft text of a proposed Article 15-B submitted by the Delegation of the United States of America, together with proposed amendments to Article 15 necessary to make effective the principles established by Article 15-B. 5. The Sub-Committee took into account the fact that in New Zealand a renters' quota is maintained and that legislation establishing a screen quota has not been brought into force. The Sub-Committee agreed that the New Zealand renters' quota is in purpose and effect the equivalent of a screen quota, and E/PC/T/175 page 2 that control of film distribution in New Zealand is maintained in this manner for purposes of administrative convenience only. This particular quota is in fact a preferential quota of the type referred to in paragraph (d) of the United States draft of Article 15-B paragraph. ) of the Sub-Committee draft), which may be maintained on condition that its incidence is not increased above the level in effect on April 10, 1947. In these circumstances the Sub-Committee agreed that an appropriate definition be included in Annex A of "Annexes in terms of Article 14.2" to establish the New Zealand renters' quota as in effect a preferential screen quota to which the provisions of Article 15-B shall apply. 6. The Sub-Committee has made only one change of substance in the text of Article 15-B as proposed by the United States Dele- gation by agreeing to omit from paragraph (b) everything following the words "equivalent thereof", as a result of which it seems ap- propriate to include the first clause of paragraph (b) with the text of paragraph (a). It is the purpose of this revision to keep the text of the Article as clear and simple as possible, without endeavouring to limit too precisely the manner in which Members may apply the established principle of the screen quota. 7. The United Kingdom representative indicated that his Delegation wishes to give further consideration to the proposed text before final agreement thereto. 8.The Norwegian representative reserved his position. E/PC/T/175 page 3 PART II Text of Article 15-B and Amendments to other Articles of the Charter Amendments to texts in Working Paper M 34/47 ARTICLE 15: National Treatment on Internal Taxation and Regulation. A. Modify paragraph 4 of Article 15 as follows: "The provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article shall not apply to: a. Any internal quantitative regulation relating to cinematograph films and meeting the requirements of Article 15-B. (a) b. Any other measure of internal quantitative control, etc. c. ... B. Delete present paragraph 5, with consequential renumbering of paragraph 6. Amendment to "Annexes in terms of Article 14.2" A. Include in Annex A the following: The renters' film quota in force in New Zealand on 10 April, 1947 shall for the purposes of this Charter be treated as a screen guota falling within Article 15-B. New text. Article :15-B Special Provisions Relating to Cinematograph Films 1. If any Member establishes or maintains internal quantitative regulations relating to cinematograph films, E/PC/T/175 page 4 such regulations shall take the form of screen quotas which shall conform to the following conditions and requirements: (a) Screen quotas may require the exhibition of cinema- tograph films of national origin during a specified minimum proportion of the total screen time actually utilized over a specified period of not less than one year in the commercial exhibition of all films of whatever origin, and shall be computed on the basis of screen time per theater per year or the equivalent thereof. (b) With the exception of screen time reserved for films of national origin under a screen quota, no screen time, including screen time released by administrative action from minimum time reserved for films of national origin, shall formally or in effect be allocated among sources of supply. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraph (b) above, Members may maintain screen quotas conforming to the conditions of sub-paragraph (a) which reserve a minimum proportion of screen time for films of a national origin other than that of the Member imposing such screen quotas; Provided, that no such minimum proportion of screen time shall be increased above the level in effect on April 10, 1947. (d) Screen quotas shall be subject to negotiation for their limitation, liberalization or elimination in the manner provided for in respect of tariffs and preferences under Article 24.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report to Commission A by Sub-Committee on Article 33
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 13, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/168 and E/PC/T/162-168
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/168 AND ECONOMIQUE Original: English SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT to COMMISSION A by SUB-COMMITTEE on ARTICLE 33 1. Commission A appointed at its meeting on Wednesday, 25th June, a Sub-Committee on Article 33 consisting of representatives of the Australian, Canadian, Czechoslovak, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States Delegatlons under the Chairmanship of M. Max Suetens (Belgium). The Sub-Committee held five meetings, including a Joint Meeting with the Sub-Committee on Articles 31, 32. 2. The Sub-Committee wa.s set up to consider the amendment to Article 33 (E/PC/T/W.101) put forward by the New Zealand Delegation. The purpose of this amendment was explained by the Leader of the New Zealand Delegation, the Rt.Hon. Walter Nash, in a statement to the Executive Session, and by the New Zealand Delegate in a satement to Commission A. These two statements were supplemented by the New Zealand Delegate during the Sub-Committee discussions. 3. The Sub-Committee understood that the above amendment was designed to meet the special problems that might be created for Members which, as a result of their programmes of full employment, maintenance of high and rising levels of demand and economic development, find themselves faced with a high level of demand for imports and ir consequence maintain quantitative regulation E/PC/T/168 page 2 of their foreign trade. 4. After careful consideration of this problem the Sub- Committee reached the conclusion that Article 26, as redrafted in docment E/PC/T/163, fully covered the use of quantitative regulation of imports by economies of tho type described in the preceding paragraph. 5. The Sub-Committee recognized that there might be doubt whether the use of export cortrals by much economies for the purposes of internal stabilization was fully covered by the Charter. A Working, Party consisting of representatitives of the Canadian, New Zealand and United Kingdom Delegations was set up to examine this question and recommended that a sub-paragraph be added to Part I of Article 37 to take account of this point. The Sub-Committee recommends the insertion of the.following text after sub-paragraph (h) of part I of Article 37: " ( ) involving restrictions on exports of .domestic materials necessary to assure essential quantities of such materials to a domestic processing industry during periods when the domestic price of such materials is held below the world price as part of .a governmental stabilization plan; provided that such restrictions shall not operate to increase the protection afforded to such domestic industry and shall not depart from the provisions of this Chapter relating to non- discrimination." 6. In the opinion of the Sub-Committee the new text of Article 26, together with the proposed addition to Article 37, would fully meet the position economies of the type described in paragraph 3 above. In the circumstances the Sub-Committee E/PC/T/168 page 3 thinks that further special provision for such economies, as contemplated in the New Zealand amendment to Article 33, is unnecessary. 7. The New Zealand Delegate considered that, in view of his Government's opinion that economies of the New Zealand type could better be accommodated in the mannor proposed in the New Zealand amendment to Article 33, he should abstain from expressing an opinion on the contents of this Report. Apart from this abstention, the Report has been unanimously adopted by the Members of the Sub-Committee.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report to Commission A by Sub-Committee on Articles 31 32
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/160 and E/PC/T/156-161
ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/160 AND ECONOMIQUE 9 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Report to Commission A by Sub-Committee on Articles 31 & 32 PART I R E P O R T 1. Commission A appointed, at its meeting on Tuesday, 24 June, a Sub-Committee on Articles 31 and 32 consisting of the representatives of the following countries: Canada, Chile, Czechoslovakia, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States. 2. The Sub-Committee elected to joint chairmanship Mr. Erik Colban (Norway), and Mr. John J. Deutsch (Canada). 3. The Sub-Committee held 9 meetings. Several informal meetings of Members were held to assist the reconciliation of views. By invitation of the Sub-Committee and in accordance with the decision of Commission A representatives of several countries not members of the Sub-Committee, and representatives of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the International Monetary Fund participated in the work of the Sub-Committee. 4. The Sub-Committee considered the draft text of, and notes and reservations to Articles 31 and 32, as given in the D.C. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNlES E/PC/T/160 page 2 Report, and amendments to these and other Articles presented during the Second Session by various delegations listed in the Annotated Agenda (E/PC/T/W.198), and the Notes of the Secretariat (E/PC/T/W.239), 5. The Sub-Committee considered the deletion of Article 33, and approved unanimously Note 20. The Sub-Committee recommends that this note should be included in the Report of the Second Session to the World Conference. 6. The Sub-Committee approved unanimously the text of Articles 31 and 32, and the explanatory notes included in this Report. 7. All reservations on these Articles as given in the Report of the Drafting Committee (hereinafter referred to as 'D.C. Report'), page 27 and 28, were withdrawn. E/PC/T/160 page 3. EXPLANATORY NOTES The Sub-Committee presents the following notes to the Commission as an explanation of its under- standing of certain portions of the text, without making specific recommendations as to the ultimate disposition of these notes. Where an asterisk has been placed before a note, one or more of the Delegates in the Sub-Committee believed it essential that the note in question be included in the official explanation of the text. TITLES OF ARTICLES 31 AND 32 Note 1 The Sub-Committee recommends that in view of the 31 and 32 general heading 'State-Trading' of Section E, the titles ot Articles 31 and 32 should be limited to 'Non-discriminatory Treatment' and 'Expansion of Trade', respectively. ARTICLE 31 Paragraph 1(a) Note 2 *It was the understanding of the Sub-Committee that 31:1(a) governmental measures imposed to ensure standards of quality and efficiency in the execution of external trade, or privileges granted for the exploitation of national natural resources, did not constitute 'exclusive or special privileges'. E/PC/T/160 page 4. Note 3 31:1(a) Note 31:1( 4 a) Paragraph 1(b Note 5 31:1(b) Note 6 31:1(b) Note 7 31:1(b) It was the understanding of the Sub-Committee that if a Mer ber Governm nt exempted an enterprise from certain taxes, as compensation for its participation in the profits of this enterprise, this procedure should not be considered as 'granting exclusive privileges'. It was the undarstanding of the Sub-Committee that the intent or the worde 'involving either imports or exports' is to cover within the terms of this Article any transactions by a state enterprise through which such enterprise could intentionally influence the direction of total import or export trade in the commodity in manner inconsistent with the other provisions of the Charter. *It was the understanding of the Sub-Committee that a country receiving a 'tied loan' would be free co take this loan into account as a 'commercial consideration' when purchasing requirements abroad. It was the understanding of the Sub-Committee that the expression 'customerm, business practices' was intended to cover busineas practices customary in the respective line of trade. The Sub-Committee deleted the language of the draft of the D.C. Report 'any differential customs treatment maintained consistently with the on the understanding that the remaining part of the sentence 'having due regard to the other provisions E/PC/T/160 page 5. Note 7 Paragraph Note 8 31:1(c) Paragraph Note 9 31:1 Note 10 31:1 (contd.) of this Charter' covers also differential customs treatment maintained consistently with the other provisions of the Charter. The opinion of the Legal Drafting Committee whether this interpretation was correct, is requested. l(c) The Legal Drafting, Committee is requested to give its opinion on the necessity for the inclusion of the words 'Subject to the provisions of this Charter'. 1(a), (b) and (c) The Sub-Committee considered the position of Marketing Boards established by Members, and whether the note in the Report of the First Session (Section E, page 17, item i: (vii) ) should be maintained. It was felt that so far as sub-paragraphs 1(a) and 1(b) were concerned the present text left no room for doubt that if Marketing Boards were engaged in purchasing or selling, their operations were subject to the provisions of these sub-paragraphs. It was understood by the Sub-Committee that the activities of Marketing Boards established by Members which do not purchase or sell but lay down regulations covering private trade should be governed by the relevant Articles of the Charter. *It was the understanding of the Sub-Committee that the charging by a state enterprise of different prices for its sales of a product in different markets is not precluded by the provisions of this Article, provided E/PC/T/160 page 6. Note 10 (contd.) that such different prices are charged for commercial reasons, to meet conditions of supply and demand in export markets. Paragraph 2 Note 11 31:2 Paragraph 3 Note 31:3 It was the understanding of the Sub-Committee that the term 'goods' is limited to products as understood in commercial practice, and is not intended to include the purchase or sale of sarvices 12 The Sub-Committee has deleted Paragraph 3 of the draft of the D.C.Report in view of the fact that the enterprises covered by this Article are defined as precisely as is practicable in sub-paragraph 1(a). E/PC/T/160 page 7 ARTICLE 32 Paragraph 2 Note 13 32:2 Paragraph 3 Note 14 32:3 Paragraph 4 Note 15 Paragraph 5 Note 16 32:5 Paragraph 6 Note 17 32:6 Paragraph 7 Note 18 32:7 It was agreed by the Sub-Committee that the, obligation of Members according to sub-para- graph (b) of paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of Article 32 to negotiate was analogous to the obligation according to Article 24 in respect of negotiations for reduction of tariffs. * It was understood by the Sub-Committee that if the maximum import duty is not bound by nego- tiations according to sub-paragraph 2(a) the Member is free to change at any time the declared maximum import duty, provided such change is made public or notified to the Organization. This paragraph specifies the meaning of the expression 'maximum import duty' which replaces the expression 'maximun margin' of the draft of the D.C. Report. This paragraph replaces, in an amended form paragraph 3 of the draft of the D.C. Report. This paragraph contains the amended text of para- graph 4 of the draft of the D.C. Report, This paragraph was introduced to make explict the understanding that nothing in Article 32 shall limit the use by the Membr maintaining a monopoly of any form of assistance to domestic producers permitted by other provisions of the Charter. E/PC/T/160 page 8 NOTE ON THE PROPOSED DELETION OF ARTICLE 33 Note 19 The First Session of the Preparatory Committee 33 did not consider, in its meetings in London and New York, the text of Article 33. The Sub-Committee now recommends to the Preparatory Committee the deletion of this Article. In revising the draft of Article 32, the Sub- Committee has aimed at producing a text sufficiently flexible to permit any appropriate negotiations with a Member which maintains a complete or substantially complete monopoly of its external trade. However, since no representative of such a country has attended sessions of the Preparatory Committee, it is suggested that the question whether Article 32 provides an adequate basis for participation by such a country in the rishts and obligations of the Charter should remain open for discussion at the World Conference. The Sub-Committee, therefore, recommends that the Preparatory Committee call this matter to the attention of the World Conference. E/PC/T/160 page 9 PART II TEXT OF ARTICLES 31 & 32 Section E. State-Trading. Article 31 Non-discriminatory Treatment. 1 (a) Each Member undertakes that if it establishes or maintains a State enterprise, wherever located, or grants to any enterprise, formally or in effect, exclusive or special privileges, such enterprise shall, in its purchases or sales, involving either imports or exports, act in a manner consistent with the general principles of non- discriminatory treatment applied in this Charter to govern- mental measures affecting imports or exports by private traders. (b) The provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of this para- graph shall be understood to require that such enterprises shall make any such purchases or sales solely in accordance with commercial considerations, including price, quality, availa- bility, marketability, transportation and other conditions of purchase or sale, and shall afford the enterprises of other Members adequate opportunity, in accordance with customary business practice, to compete for participation in such pur- chases or sales, having due regard to the other provisions of this Charter. (c) Subject to the provisions of this Charter Members shall not prevent any enterprise (whether or not an enter- prise described in sub-paragraph (a)) within their respective jurisdictions from acting in accordance with the principles of sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph. E/PC/T/160 page 10 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to imports of products for immediate or ultimate consumption in governmental use and not other- wise for re-sale or for use in the production of goods for sale. With respect to such imports, Members shall accord to the trade of other Members fair and equitable treatment. E/PC/T/160 page 11 ARTICLE 32 Expansion of Trade 1. If any Member establishes, maintains or authorisos, formally or in effect, a monopoly of the importation or exportation of any produot, such Member shall, upon the request of any other Member or Members having a substantial interest in trade with that Member in the product concerned, negotiate with such Member or Members in the manner provided for in respect of tariffs under Article 24, and subject to all the provisions of this Charter with respect to such tariff negotiations, with the object of achieving: (a) in the case of an export monopoly, arrangements designed to limit or reduce any protection that might be afforded through the operations of the monopoly to domestic users of the monopolized product or to assure exports of the monopolized product in adequate quantities at reasonable prices; or (b) in the case of an import monopoly, arrangements designed to limit or reduce any protection that might be afforded through the operation of the monopoly to domestic producers of the monopolized product, or to prevent any limitation of imports to an extent inconsistant with the provisions of this Charter. 2. In order to satisfy the requirements of sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article, the member maintaining a monopoly shall negotiate (a) for the establishment of the maximum import duty that may be imposed in respect of the product concerned; or E/PC/T/160 page 12 (b) for any other mutually satisfactory arrangement which is consistent with the other provisions of this Charter if it is evident to the negotiat- ing parties that to negotiate a maximum import duty under paragraph 2(a) is impracticable, or would be ineffective for the achievement of the objects of paragraph 1. Any Member entering into negotiations under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph shall afford to other interested Members an opportunity for consultation in respect of the proposed arrangements. 3. In any case in which a maximum import duty is not negotiated under paragraph 2(a) of this Article, the Member maintaining the import monopoly shall make public or notify the Organization of the maximum import duty which it will apply in respect of the product concerned. 4. The price charged by the import monopoly for the imported product in the home market shall not exceed the landed cost plus the maximum import duty negotiated under paragraph 2 of this Article or made public or notified to the Organization under paragraph 3 of this Article, after due allowance for internal taxes, transportation, distribution and other expenses incident to the purchase, sale or further processing, and for a reasonable margin of profit; Provided that regard may be had to average landed costs and selling prices over recent periods; and provided that, where the product concerned is a primary product and the subject of a domestic price stabilization arrangement, provision may be made for adjustment to take account of wide fluctuations or variations in world prices, subject where a maximum duty has been negotiated to agreement between the countries parties to the negotiation. E/PC/T/160 page 13 5. With regard to any product to which the provisions of this Article apply, the monopoly shall wherever this principle can be effectively applied and subject to the other provisions of this Charter, import and offer for sale such quantities of the product as will be sufficient to satisfy the full domestic demand for the imported product, account being taken of any rationing to consumers of the imported and like domestic product which may be in force at that time. 6. In applying the provisions of this Article, due regard shall be had for the fact that some monopolies are established and operated mainly for social, cultural, humanitarian or revenue purposes. 7. Nothing in this Article shall limit the use by Members of any form of assistance to domestic producers permitted by other provisions of this Charter.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report to Commission A by the Sub-Committee on Articles 14, 15 24
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/174 and E/PC/T/169-178
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/174 AND ECONOMIQUE 15 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL Original: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT TO COMMISSION A BY THE SUB-COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 14, 15 & 24. Articles 14, 15 and 24, dealing respectively with General Most Favored Nation Treatment, National Treatment on Internal Taxation and Regulation, and Reduction of Tariffs and Elimination of Preferences, were discussed in Commission A on June 3, 4, 5 and 6 and were referred to a Sub-committee consisting of repre- sentatives of Australia, Belgium, China, Cuba, Norway, United Kingdom and United States of America. The Sub-committee was also instructed to consider the proposal of the United States Delegation that a new article, to be numbered 15A, should be added to Chapter V dealing with Requirements Affecting Finance, Shipment and Insurance (E/PC/T/A/PV/7, 8 and 9 and E/PC/T/A/SR/10). Dr. H.C. Coombs (Australia) was elected Chairman of the Sub-committee and Mr. R.J. Shackle (United Kingdom) was elected Alternate Chairman. A number of Delegations not represented on the Sub- committee, including, the Delegations of Brazil, Canada, Chile, Netherlands, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa, took an active part in the discussion of matters of particular The Sub-committee reviewed all proposals put forward during the debates in Commission A as recorded in E/PC/T/W/179. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES - 2 - and E/PC/T/W/181. The Sub-committee considered also related proposals which were made formally and informally by Delegations subsequent to the debates in Commission A. The Sub-committee defe'rred action on certain amendments, re- lating to Article 15 involving questions of economic development pending the completion of action by Commission A on the raport of the Sub-committee on Chapter IV to which these proposals were re- ferred in accordance with the decision of Commission A. The Sub- committee also referred certain matters to other interested sub- committees. In particular, the Sub-committee referred to the Sub- committee on Articles 25 and 27 and to the Working Party on the Technical Articles a proposal to transfer certain provisions originally contained in Article 25 to Article 37 in order to render them applicable to all of Chapter V. In addition, the Sub-committee considered certain proposals referred to it by other sub-committees. In particular, the Sub- committee considered an inquiry from the Sub-committee on Chapter IV as to whether a reference should appear in Article 14 to new preferential arrangements for economic development purposes envisaged, in Article 13B. The Sub-committee decided that such a cross-reference was unnecessary. The Sub-committee took note also of a proposal. by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party suggesting certain revisions in Annex A to take account of preferential arrangements not effected by the method of a difference in rates of duty (E/PC/T/158). The representatives of Belgium, Brazil and Norway indicated that they would have to re- the position of their Delegations on the suggested amend- ments. The Sub-committee decided that, since the suggested addition depended on the outcome of the discussions on the report of the Sub-committee on Articles 26, 28 and 29, it would merely take note of the proposal at this stage and would agree with the suggestion in the report of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party that the proposed amendments could best be considered by Commission A when dealing with the report of that Sub-committee. Concerning another proposal of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party, involving amendments in Article 24 (/PC/T/136), the Sub-committee agreed with the proposed changes, and incorporated them with a footnote in the text of Article 24 accompanying the present report . The Sub-comittee recommends for the consideration of Commission A the text appended to this report. In presenting these texts the Sub-committee has indicated in footnotes the points which, in its view, or in the view of the Delegations indicated, require special attention by Commission A and which may have to be retained in footnotes to the text to be transmitted to the World Conference. Other observations by the Sub-committee or by individual members are presented in the body of this report in connection with the explanatory notes relating to each article for the information of Commission A. The changes of substance proposed by the Sub-committee are explained below. Article 14 The only change, other than in punctuation, in paragraph 1, is in the reference to Article 15 which new refers specifically to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 15 as amended, instead of in general terms to all matters "in regard to which national treatment is provided for" in that Article. In connection with paragraph 1 the Sub-committee considers it to be clear that it is within the province of each importing member country to determine, in aceordance with the provisions of - Il - its law, for the purposes of applying the most-favored-nation provision, whether goods do in fact originate in a particular country. The second paragraph has been amended in several respects. The wording of the preamble has been amended and the sub- paragraphs have been altered. Sub-paragraph (a) has been divided into two parts; the new sub-paragraph (a) relates to the Annex in which appear the narnes of the territories of the British Commonwealth and Empire, and the new sub-paragraph (b) provides for other Annexes containing lists of other territories which were connected on 1st July 1939 by common sovereignty or relations of protection or suzerainty. In terms of this sub-paragraph the Delegates of France, Belgium, Netherlands and United States of America have submitted lists which now appear in Annexes B, C and D. The former sub-paragraph (b) is now (c), and the former sub- paragraph (c) - now (d)-has been altered by the deletion of the date, 1st July 1946, and by the provision for Annexes listing the neighboring countries between which exclusive preferences are in force. The Members of the Preparatory Committee which have supplied the lists appearing in Annexes E and F under this sub- paragraph are Chile and Lebanon/Syria. Finally, a third paragraph has been added to Article 14, in order to define the margins of preference which are to be permitted under paragraph 2. In connection with this paragraph the repre- sentatives of Australia, New Zealand and the Union of South Africa, inquired whether the following kinds of customs action, taken in accordance with established uniform procedures, would be considered to be contrary to the provisions binding against increase any margin of preference in force on 10th April, 1947, in cases in which such action would result in an increase of the margin which would have actually applied to products imported on that day: - 5 - (i) the re-application to an imported product of a tariff classification or rate of duty, property applicable to such product, in cases in which the application of such classification or rate to such product was tem- porarily suspended or inoperative on 10 April 1947; and (ii) the application to a particular commodity of a tariff item other than that which was actually applied to importations on that commodity on 10 April 1947, in cases in which the tariff law clearly contemplates that such commodity may be classified under more than one tariff item. The Sub-committee considered that actions of the foregoing typos would not be contrary to a general binding of margins of preference. In order to make this perfectly clear, paragraph 3 was amended to refer to preferential margins "existing" on 10 April i?" rather than to the "margins by which the most-favoured-nation rate exceeded the preferential rate on 10 April". The term "existing" would include rates or margins which had legal existence on the base date but were not actually applied. It was understood that the general provisions relating to the binding of margins would not override specific undertakings in the tariff schedules to maintain particular products under a particular tariff classifica- tion. Article 15. The first paragraph of the New York draft, providing that internal taxes, laws, regulations, etc., should not be used to afford protection for national products, has been deleted by the Sub-committee and has been replaced in part by the addition of two sentences to the original paragraph 2, which .is now paragraph 1. - 6 - The first of the additional sentences prohibits where there is no substantial domestic production of like products, the application of new or increased internal taxes on the products of other Members for the purpose of protecting the production of directly competitive or substitutable products. The second new sentence provides that existing internal taxes of the nature described are to be subject to negotiation for their reduction or elimination in the manner provided for in respect of tariffs and preferences under Article 24. The Sub-committee considered a suggestion by the Sub- committee on Articles 25 and 27 that the expression "directly competitive or substitutable" used in paragraph 1 and elsewhere in the article should conform with the wording adopted for Article 25(2)(c). In view of the difference in significance between the somewhat comparable expressions used in Article 15 and Article 25, it was the opinion of the Sub-committee that there was no necessity for the language of the two articles to be identical in this respect. The third paragraph of the old draft is now paragraph 2. The first sentence is unaltered except for the deletion of the last four words, which it was thought might lead to some ambiguity, and were not considered essential. The South African Delegation had objected to the inclusion of the word "transportation", but agreed to its retention subject to the addition of a new sentence clarifying the intention that this paragraph should not be con- strued to prevent differential transport charges which are based on economic operation of the means of transport and not on the nationality of the product carried. The remainder of this para- graph, dealing with mixing regulations, etc., was replaced by the new paragraphs 3 and 4 referred to below. - 7 - Since the present paragraph 2 relates solely to the question of differential treatment between imported and domestic goods, the inclusion of the last sentence in that paragraph should not be understood to give sanction to the use of artificial measures in the form of differential transport charges dosigned to divert traffic from one port to another. The representative of the International Monetary Fund inquired whother there is anything in Article 15 which could be construed as preventing a Member from imposing charges in con- noction with the international transfer of payments for imports or exports where such charges are impoed consistently with the Articles of Agreement of the IMF, having in mind particularly the charges imposcd by countries employing multiple currency techniques consistently with the Articles of Agreement of the IMF. The Sub-committee considered that if such charges are imposed on or in connection with imports or exports as such, or are imposed on the international transfer of payments for imports or exports, they would not be internal charges and, therefore, would not be covered by Article 15; on the other hand, in the unlikely case of a multiple currency technique, which takes the form of an internal tax or charge, such as an excise tax on a particular product, then that technique would be precluded by Article 15. It may be pointed out that the possible existence of charges on the transfer of payments insofar as these are permitted by the IMF is clearly recognized by Article l4. The suggestion of the Sub-committee to substitute the now paragraphs 3 and 4 for the comparable provisions in para- graph 2 of the Drafting Committee's report involves some signifi- cant changes as well as a rearrangement. The present draft is - 8 - aimed at preventing only those internal quantitative regulations which are clearly directed against imported products for the purposes of protecting domestic products. The new text removes thc requirement that existing internal quantitative regulations not expressly approved by the Organization should be terminated at the expiration of one year after the entry into force of the Charter. The revised draft would permit the continuation of regulations in force on 1 July 1939 or 10 April 1947, whichever date the Nember selects, subject to the requirement that such regulations as are retained shall be negotiable and shall not be altered to the detriment of imports. The alternative dates were thought desirable by the Sub-committee in order particularly to take account of the departures from normal pre-war practicos rendered necessary by war-time or post-war emergencies. As indicated in the footnote to paragraph 4 in the appended text, the Sub-committee did not reach final agreement on the retention or deletion of sub-paragraph (b) to paragraph 4. The Sub-committec is of the opinion that paragraph 3 as now drafted would not prohibit the continuance of a tariff system which permits the entry of a product at a rate of duty lower than the normal tariff rate, provided the product is mixed or used with a certain proportion of a similar product of national origin. The Sub-committee considered that such a provision would not be re- garded as an internal quantitative regulation in terms of this paragraph for the reason that the use of a percentage of the local product is not made compulsory nor is the importation of the pro- duct in any way restricted. The Sub-committee was also in agreement that under the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 regulations would be permitted - 9 - which, while perhaps having the effect of assisting the production of a particular domestic product (saybutter) are directed as much against the domestic production of another product (say, domestic oleomargarine) as they are against imports (say, im- portod oleomargarine). In connection with paragraph 5 of this article it will be observed from the footnotes to the present text that the Sub- committee did not arrive at any conclusion concerning this para- graph, or a substitute article, relating to cinematographic films. In paragraph 6 of the present draft the Sub-committee has made certain drafting changes and has also amended the paragraph to bring it into harmony with Article 30 relating to subsidies. There was some question whether the term "governmental" as used in this paragraph might be open to misinterpretation. It was agreed by the Sub-committee that the word was intended to include all governmental bodies, including local authorities. The Sub- committee felt that the Legal Drafting Committee should be asked whether the word "governmental" by itself conveys the full meaning intended in the light of similar references elsewhere in the Charter (e.g. in Articles 19, 88, etc.) Article 15 (A) The proposal of the Unitcd States Delegation to add a new article on requirements affecting finance, shipment and insurance was withdrawn by that Delegation in view of the difficulty encoun- tered by the Sub-committee in agreeing to an appropriate text for such an article. Accordingly, the Sub-committee decided not to recommend the text of any article on this subject to the Commission. - 10 - Article 24 As ndicated previousIy, the Sub-committee has accepted thce changes proposed by the tariff Negotiations Working Party in Document E/PC/T/136. In accepting these changes the Sub-committee has added a general footnote concerning bilateral agreements outside the General Agreement. In addition, as a result of the introduction of the changes suggested by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party, the Sub-committee has made related changes which are referred to below in connection with the explanatory notes on the paragraphs in which those changes appear. In the preamble of paragraph 1 the sub-committee has deleted the words "other than a Member subject to the provisions of Article 3-I" in view of the fact that it is not intended to make any provision at this stage for the special cases covered by the original version of Article 33 (see note 19 in Document E/PC/T/160 as adopted by, Commission A). The words "reciprocal and mutually advantageous" have been moved to a later point in the paragraph in order to relate them to the objectÏves of the negotiations. The words "and carry out" have been added after "enter into" in order to avoid the impression that the paragraph is concerned only with the initiation of negotiations and not with their continuation. Finally, a specific reference has been inserted in the paragraph relating the negotiations concerning preferences to paragraph 2 of Article 14. - 11 - Some delegates objected to sub-paragraph (a) as drafted ina New York, because the latter part might be interpreted in different ways. Other delegates felt that it was essential to retain the whole sub-paragraph, since in their view the omission of any part of it would cause serious obscurity. As will be noted from the footnote to the appended text of this article the Sub- committee did not reach agreement, although certain drafting charges were made. In paragraph (b) an attempt has been made to define in some detail the intended affects of negotiated reductions in preferential and most-favoured-nation rates. One member of the Sub-committee suggested that the words "and no new contractual right to preferences shall be created" should be added after the word "increase" at the end of sub-paragraph (iv). The Sub-commiittee felt that this proposed addition should be reserved for consideration in Commission A. In sub-paragraph (c) the only change suggested consists of the deletion of the words "or consolidation" on the assumption that the word "binding" rendered these additional words unnecessary. The Sub-committee suggests that the Legal Drafting Committee might consider whether both "binding" and "consolidation" should appear in the text or whether one of these terms alone would be sufficient. The Sub-committee has added a new sub-paragraph (d), reconizing that account should be taken of the benefits - 12 - resulting from previous negotiations pursuant to this article in judging concessions in current negotiations. In accepting the recommendations of the Tariff Negotiations working Party the Sub-committee introduced a paragraph (e) and added to the version suggested by the Working Party the words "and thereupon the parties to such negotiation shall become contracting parties to the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade if the are not so already". These additional words seemed necessary in order to avoid any impression, in connection with the amendments proposed in Article 67, that only the original signatories of the General Agreement would be included in the Tariff Committee. The former paragraph 2 has been deleted in accordance with the suggestion of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party. Iin the new paragraph 2 - formerly paragraph 3 - the Sub- committee introduced certain changes consequential on the changes already made in paragraph 1. In accepting the amendment suggested by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party to the penultimate sentence in this paragraph, the Sub-committtee added after the words "pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article" lhe words "and embodied in Part I of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trad e". This change seemed desirable in order to define more precisely the tariff benefits to which this section of the article is intended to refer, in the light of the new sub-paragraph (e) of paragraph 1 which was mentioned above. The Sub-committee accepted the suggestion of the Tariff Negotiatlons Working Party to convert the last sentence into a new paragraph which would apply to the entire article. CHARTER ARTICLE 14 General Most-Favoured Nation Treatment 1. With respect to customs duties and charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation or imposed on the international transfer of payments for imports or exports, and with respect to the method of levying such duties and charges, and with respect to all rules and formalities in connecLion with importation and exportation, and with respect to all matters referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 15, any advantage, favour, privilige or immunity granted by any Member to any product originating in or destined for any other country, shall be accorded immediately and uncon- ditionally to the like product originating in or destined for all other Member countries respectively. 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not be construed to require the elimination, except as provided in Article 24, of any preferences in respect of import duties or charges which do not exceed the levels provided for in paragraph 3 and which fall within the following descriptions: Paragraph 2. The Delegate for Cuba reserved his position in relation to preferences accorded by differential internal taxes. (a) Preferences in force exclusively between two or more of the territories listed in Annex A to this Charter, subject to the conditions set forth therein; (b) Preferences in force exclusively between two or more territories which on 1 July 1939 were connected by common sovereignty or relations of protection or suzerainty and which are listed in Annexes B, C and D of this Charter, subject to the conditions set forth therein; (c) Preferences in force exclusively between the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba; (d) Preferences in force exclusively between neighbouring countries listed in Annexes E and F of this Charter. 3. The margin of preference on any product in respect of which a preference is permitted under paragraph 2 of this Article shall not exceed (a) the maximum margin provided for under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or any subsequent operative agreement resulting from negotiations under Article 24, or (b) if not provided for under such agreements, the margin existing either on 10 April 1947, or on such earlier date as may have been established for a Member as a basis for negotiating the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, at the option of such Member. - 14 - - 15 - ANNEXES PERTAINING TO PARAGRAPH 2 OF ARTICLE 14 ANNEX A LIST OF TERRITORIES REFERRED TO IN SUB-PARAGRAPH 2 (a) OF' ARTICLE 14 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Dependent territories of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Canada Commonwealth of Australia Dependent territories of the Commonwealth of Australia New Zealand Dependent territories of New Zealand Union of South Africa including South West Africa Ireland India Newfoundland Southern Rhodesia Burma Ceylon Certain of the territories listed above have two or more preferential rates in force for certain products. Any such territory may, by agreement with the other Members of the Organ- ization which are principal suppliers of such products at the most-favoured-nation rate, substitute for such preferential rates a single preferential rate which shall not on the whole be less favourable to suppliers at the most-favoured-nation rate than the preferences in force prior to such substitution. The imposition of a margin of tariff preference to replace a margin of preference in an internal tax existing on 10 April 1947 exclusively between two or more of the territories listed in this Annex, shall not be deemed to constitute an increase in a margin of tariff preference. The film hire tax in force in New Zealand on 10 April 1947 shall for the purpose of this Charter be treated as a customs duty falling within Articles 14 and 24. The Delegate for Cuba reserved his position in relation to the imposition of a margin of tariff preference to replace a margin of preference in internal taxes. - 16 - - 17 - ANNEX B LIST OF TERRITORIES OF THE FRENCH UNION REFERRED TO IN SUB-PARAGRAPH 2 (b) OF ARTICLE 14 France French Equatorial Africa - Treaty Basin of the Congo(x) and other Territories of French Equatorial Africa French West Africa Cameroons under French Mandate(x) French Somali Coast and Dependencies French Establishments in Oceania French Establishments in the Condominium of the New Hebrides (x) Guadeloupe and Dependencies French Guiana Indo-China Madagascar and Dependencies Morocco (French zone)(x) Martinique New Caledonia and Dependencies Reunion Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Togo under French Mandate (x) Tunisia (x) For imports into Metropolitan France - 18 - LIST OF TERRITORIES OF THE BELGIUM-LUXEMBURG AND NETHERLANDS CUSTOMS UNION REFERRED TO IN SUB-PARAGRAPH 2 (b) OF ARTICLE 14 The Economic Union of Belgium and Luxemburg Belgian Congo Ruanda Urundi The Netherlands Netherlands Indies Surinam Curaçao LIST OF TERRITORIES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REFERRED TO IN SUB-PARAGRAPH 2 (b) OF ARTICLE 14. United States of America (customs territory) Dependent territories of the United States of America Republic of the Philippines The imposition of a margin of tariff preference to replace a margin of preference in an internal tax existing on 10 April 1947 exclusively between two or more of the territories listed in this Annex, shall not be deemed to constitute an increase in a margin of tariff preference. _____________________________________-____________________________ Annex C. The Delegate for the United Kingdom maintained his reservation on this Annex. Annex D. The Delegate for Cuba reserved his position in relation to the imposition of a margin of tariff preference to replace a margin of preference in internal taxes. - 19 - ANNEX E LIST OF TERRITORIES COVERED BY BETWEEN CHILE AND NEIGHBOURING SUB-PARAGRAPH 2 (d) PREFERENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS COUNTRIES REFERRED TO IN OF ARTICLE 14 Chile Peru ANNEX F LIST OF TERRITORIES COVERED BY PREFERENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS BETWEEN THE SYRO-LEBANESE CUSTOMS UNION AND NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES REFERRED TO IN SUB-PARAGRAPH 2 (d) OF ARTICLE 14 Preferences in force exclusively, between, on the one hand The Syro-Lebanese Customs Union and on the other hand 1. Palestine, 2. Transjordan, respectively. - 20 - ARTICLE 15 1. The products of any Member country imported into any other Member country shall be exempt from internal taxes and other internal charges of any kind highor than those applied directly or indirectly to like products of national origin. Moreover, in cases in which there is no substantial domestic production of like products of national origin, no Member shall apply new or increased internal taxes on the products of other Member countries for the purpose of affording protection to the production of directly competitive or substitutable products which are not similarly taxed. Existing internal taxes of the kind referred to in the preceding sentence shall be subject to negotiation for thoir reduction or elimination in the manner provided for in respect of tariffs and preferences under Article 24. ----------------------------------------------------.----------- Paragraph 1. Note 1: The Delegate for China reserved his position provisionally and proposed the deletion of the second and third sentences. Note 2: The Delegate for Chile, although not a member of the Sub-Committee, asked that his objection to the present text be recorded. Note 3: The Delegate for Cuba reserved his position and proposed a new paragraph permitting the exemption of domestic products from internal taxes for development purposes. - 21 - 2. The products of any Member country imported into any other Member country shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to like products of national origin in respect of all laws, regulations and requirements affecting their internal sale, offering for sale, purchase, transportation, distribution, or use. This paragraph shall not be construed to prevent differential transportation charges which are based exclusively on the economic operation of the means of transport and not on the nationality of the product. 3. In applying the principles of paragraph 2 of this Article to internal quantitative regulations relating to the mixture, processing or use of products in specified amounts or proportions, the Members shall observe the following provisions: (a) no regulation shall be made which, formally or in effect, requires that any spécified amount or proportion of the product in respect of which such regulations arc applied must be supplied from domestic sources; (b) no Member shall, formally or in effect, restrict the mixing, processing or use of a product of which there is no substantial domestic production with a view to affording protection to the domestic production of a directly competitive or substitutable product. _________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 3. Several Delegates not members of the sub-Committee reserve their position regarding this paragraph, pending settle- ment of the outstanding issues on Chapter IV. - 22 - 4. The provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article shall not apply to: (a) any measures of internal quantitative control in force in any Member country on 1 July 1939 or 10 April 1947 at the option of that Member, Provided that any such measure which is in conflict with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article shall not be modified to the detriment of imports and shall be subject to negotiation for its limitation, liberalization or elimination in the manner provided for in respect of tariffs and preferences under Article 24, [; or (b) Any internal quantitative regulation applied by any Member having equivalent effect to nny import restric- tion permitted to that Member under sub-paragraph 2 (c) of Article 25 ]. Paragraph 4. Note 1. The Delegate for New Zealand reserved his position and proposed the deletion from sub-paragraph (a) of "shall not be modified to the detriment of imports and". The Delegate for Norway supported this proposal. Note 2. The Delegate for Norway proposed that "the date when the Charters is open for signature" should be substituted for " 1 July 1939 or 10 April 1947". Note 3. The Delegates for Canada and Chile, supported by the Delegates of Belgium and Brazil, objected to sub-paragraph (b) on the ground that it constitutes a further widening of the terms of paragraph 2 (c) of Article 25. Accordingly this sub-paragraph appears in square brackets and is to be recon- sidered in the light of the final wording of Article 25. - 23 - [ 5. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article shall not be construed to prevent the application of internal laws, regulations or requirements, other than taxes, relating to the distribution or exhibition of cinematograph films. Any laws, regulations or requirements so applied shall however, be subject to negotiation for their liberalization or elimina- tion in the manner provided for in respect of tariffs and preferences under Article 24.] 6. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the procurement by governnental agencies of products purchased for governmental purposes and not for resale or use if the production of goods for sale, nor shall they be construed to prevent the payment to domestic producers only of subsidies provided for under paragraph 1 of Article 30, including payments to domestic producers derived from the proceeds of internal taxes or charges and subsidies effected through governmental purchases of domestic products. ____________________________________..__________________________ Paragraph 5. The redrafting of this provision was discussed in the Sub-Committee. A Special Committee, composed of the Delegates for Czechoslovakia, New-Zealand, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States, will submit recommendations to the Commission A. Paragraph 6. The Delegate for China reserved his position provisionally and proposed to delete the words "or use in the production of goods for sale". - 24 - ARTICLE 24 Reduction of Tariffs and Elimination of Preferences. 1. Each Member shall, upon the request of the Organization, enter into and carry out with such other Member or Members as the Organization may specify, negotiations directed to the substantial reduction of tariffs and other charges on imports and exports and to the elimination of the preferences referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 14 on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis. These negotiations shall proceed in accord- ance with the following rules: (a) Prior international obligations shall not be permitted to stand in the way of negotiations with respect to preferencess, [it being understood that agreements result- ing from such negotiations shall not require the modification or termination of existing international obligations except (i) with the consent of the parties to such obligations, or, in the absence of such consent, (ii) by termination of such obligations in accordance with their terms]. Article 24 The Sub-Committee agreed that the text of Article 24 as drafted would not prevent Members of the Organization from concluding new, or maintaining existing, bi-lateral tariff agreements which were not incorporated in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade provided that the concessions provided for in such agreements were generalized to all Members in accordance with the terms of Article 14. Paragraph 1, sub-paragraph (a). There was an equal division of view among the Members of the Sub-Committee on the question whether the words in square brackets should be deleted or retained. The Delegates of Belgium, Norway and the United States favoured deletion, those of Australia, Cuba and the United Kingdom retention of these words. The Delegate of the United States considered that complete deletion of sub-paragraph (a) would be the best course. - 25 - (b) In the negotiations relating to any specific product (i) when a reduction is negotiated only in the most- favourad-nation rate, such reduction shall operate automatically to reduce or eliminate the margin of preference applicable to that product; or (ii) when a reduction is negotiated only in the preferent- ial rate, the most-favoured-nation rate shall auto- matically be reduced to the extent of such reduction, or (iii) when it is agreed that reductions will be negotiated in both the most-favoured-nation rate and the pro- ferential rate, the reduction in each shall be that agreed by the parties to the negotiations; (iv) no margin of preference shall be increased. (c) The binding, of low tariffs or of tariff-free treatment shall in principle be recognized as a concession equivalent in value to the substantial reduction of high tariffs or the elimination of tariff preferences. (d) Account shall be taken of any concessions which either Member is already extending to the other Member by virtue of previous negotiations regarding tariff's and preferences pursuant to this Article. (e) The results of such negotiations shall be incorporated in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, signed at Geneva on .................. 1947, by agreement with the parties to that Agreement, and thereupon the parties to such negotiation shall become contracting parties to the General Agreement on Tariff Trade if they are not so already. Sub-paragraph (b). The Delegate for Cuba wished to have it recorded that the Cuban agreement to the inclusion of this suh-paragraph is contingent on the retention of sub-paragraph 1 (a) in its entirety, - 26 - 2. If any Member considers that any other Member has failed to fulfil its obligations under paragraph 1 of this Article, such Member may refer the matter to the Organization which; after investigation, shall make appropriate recommendations to the Members concerned. If the Organization finds that a Member has failed without sufficient justification, having regard to its economic position and the provisions of the Charter as a whole, to carry out negotiations within a reasonable period of time in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1 of this Article, the Organization may determinine that any Member of Members shall, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 14, be entitled to with- hold from the trade of the other Member any of the tariff benefits which may have been negotiated pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article, and embodied in Part 1 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. If such benefits are in fact withheld, so as to result in the application to the trade of the other Member of tariffs higher than would otherwise have been applicable, such other Member shall then be free, within sixty days after such action is taken, to withdraw from the 0rganization upon the expiration of sixty days from the data on which written notice of such withdrawal is received by the Organization. 3. The provisions of this Article shall operate in accordance with the provisions of Article 67.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report to Commission A by the Sub-Committee on Articles 26, 28 29
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 11, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/163 and E/PC/T/162-168
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/163 11 August, 1947 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY CO-MITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE A1D EMPLOYMENT REPORT TO COMMISSION A BY THE SUB-COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 26, 28 & 29 TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I: Part Il: Work Report of the p.2 - 4 Sub-Committee Text of Articles 26, 28 & 29 with Reservations and Note 5- 20 Comments of the Sub- Committee p. 21 - 23 Annexure A: Cross reference list of the new text and the New York text Part III: p. 24 E/PC/T/163 page 2 PART I 1. Commission A of the Preparatortory Commnittee at its 28th meeting held on 8 July 1947 appointed a Sub-Committee on which were to be represented the Delegations of Australia, Canada, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, France, the United. Kingdom and the United States. This Sub-Committee, called the Sub-Committee on Articles 26, 28 and 29, was instructed to elaborate a text of Articles 26, 28 and 29 in the light of the amendments proposed for these Articles, as set out in document E/PC/T/W,223, and of the observations ex- pressed in the course of the meeting of Commission A. The Chairman of Commission A, in appointing the Sub- Committea, indicated that the meetings of the Sub-Committee Might be attended by observers of other Delegations, not members of the Sub-Committee, and that such observers might present their views on specific points of interest to them. The Chairman of Commission A also instructed the Sub- Committee to keep in contact with the representatives of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Recon.. struction and Development. 2. The Sub-Committee, upon the motion of the Delegations of France and Canada, elected unanimously Mr. J.G. PHILLIPS (Aus- tralia) as its Chairman. The Sub-Committee held 19 meetings, in which it considered in great detail all the amendments and observations which had been referred to it by Commission A. 3. In addition to the amendments to Articles 26, 28 and 29, as collated in E/PC/T/W.223, the Sub-Committee also considered the following further amendments which had been directly referred to it: E/PC/T/163 page 3 (a) The Australian proposal for a secrecy clause to be insertod as a new paragraph 3(f) of Article 26 (Document E/PC/T/W.231); (b) An amendment by the Belgium-Luxemburg Delegation to Article 26, paragraph 1 of the New York version; (c) An amendment by the Belgium-Luxemburg Delegation to Article 26, paragraph 3(c) of the new Sub-Committee- version. In the course of its work, the Sub-Committee had the benefit of very intensive collaboration with the representatives o- the Intarnational Mnetary Fund and the International Bank as well as with other. Delegations who were not members of the Sub-Committee. 5. Part Il of this Report contains the new text of Articles 26, 28 and 29 as elaboreted by the Sub-Committee. In addition Part II contains reservations which have been expressly recorded and notes of a character eliminating the need for specific reservations. The Sub-Committee reached agreement regarding the new text of Articles 26 and 29. With regard to Article 28, the Members of the Sub-Committee drafted a new text for submission to their Governments. Pending further instructions from their res- pective Governments, the Members of the Sub-Committec consider the new text of Article 28 as of a tentative nature. E/PC/T/163 page 4 6. Part III of this Report contains the comments and observations of the Sub-Committee with regard to certain,changes from the New York text. The Sub-Committee recommends to Commission A consideration and adoption of this Report. E/PC/T/163 page 5 PART Il. 1) Text of Articles 26, 28 and 29 ARTICLE 26 Restrctions to Safeguard the Balance of Payments 1, Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 25, any Member, in order to safeguard its external financial position and balance of payments, may restrict the quantity or value of merchandise permitted to be imported, subject to the provisions of the following paragraphs of this Article, 2. (a).No Member shall institute, maintain or intensify inport restrictions under this Article except to the extent necessaary (i) to forestall the imminent threat of, or to stop, a serious decline in its monetary reserves, or (ii) in the case or a Member with very low monetary reserves, to achieve a reasonable rate of increase in its reserves; due regard being paid in either case to any special factors which may be affect- ing the Member's reserves or need for reserves, including, where special external credits or other resources cre available to it, the need to provide for the .ppropriate use Of such credits or resources. (b) Members applying restrictions under the preceding sub-pararraph shall progressively relax them as such conditions improve, maintaining them only to the extent that the conditions specified in that sub-paragraph still justify their application. E/PC/T/163 page 6. They shall eliminate the restrictions when conditions would no longer justify their institution or maintenance under sub- paragraph (a).(¹) 3. (a) Members recognize that ln the early years of the Organization all of them will be confronted in varying degrees with problems of economic adjustment resulting from the war. During this period the Organization shall, when required to take decisions under this Article or under Article 28, take full account of the difficulties of post-war adjustment and of the need which a Member may have to use import restrictions as a step towards the restoratiorn of equilibrium in its balance of payments on a sound and lasting basis. (b) Members recognize that, as a result of domestic policies directed toward the fulfilment of a Member's obligations under Article 4 relating to the achievement and maintenance of full and productive employment and large and steadily growing demand or its obligations under Article 10 relating to the reconstruction or development of industrial and other economic resources and to the raising of standards of productivity, such a Member may experience a high level of demand for imports. Accordingly: (ï) No Member shall be required to withdraw or modify restrictions on the ground that a change in such policies would render unnecessary the restrictions which it is applying under this Article, and (ii) a Member applying import restrictions under this Article may determine the incidence of the restriçtions on imports of different products or classes of products in such a E/PC/T/163 page way as to give priority to the importation of those products which are more essential in the light of such policies, (c) Members undertake, in carrying out their domestic policies: (i) to pay due regard to the need for restoring oquilibrium in their balances of payments on a sound and lasting basis and to the desirability of assuring an economic employment of productive resouroes, (ii) to avoid the application of restrictions which would unnecessarily prevent the importation of any description of goods in minimum commercial quantitios, the exclusion of which would impair regular channels- of trade, or of restrictions which would prevent the importation of commercial samples, or prevent compliance with patent, trademark, copyright, or (2) similar procedures, and (iii) to apply restrictions under this Article in such a way as to avoid unnecessary damage to the commercial or economic interests of any other Member. 4. (a) Any Member which is not applying restriations under this Article, but 13 considering the need to do-so, shall before instituting such restrictions (or, in circumstances in.which prior consultation is impracticable, immediately after doing so), consult with the Organization as to the nature of its balance of payments difficulties, alternative corrective measures which may be available, and the possible effect of such. measures on the page economies of other Members. No Member shall be required in the course of consultations under this sub-paragraph to indicate in advance the choice or timing of any particular measure which it may ultimately determine to adopt. (b) The Organization may at any time invite any Member which is applying import restrictions under this Articla to.enter. into such consultations with it, and shall invite a Member substantially intensifying such restrictions to consult within thirty days. A Member thus invited shall participate in such discussions. The Organization may invite any other Member to take part in these discussions. Not later than two years form the day on which this Charter enters into force,. the Organization shall review all restrictions existing on that day and still applied under this Article at the time of the review. (c) Any Member may consult with the Organization with a view to obtaining the prior approval of the Organization for restrictions which the Member proposes under this Article to maintain, intensify or institute, or for the maintanance, intensification or institution of restrictions under specified future conditions. is a result of such consultations, the Organization may approve in advance the maintenance, intensification or institution of restrictions by the Member in question insofar as the general extent, degree and duration of the restrictions are concerned. To the extent to which such approval has been given, the requirements of sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph shall be deemed to have been fulfilled, and the action of the Member applying restrictions shall not be open to challenge under sub- paragraph (d) on the ground that such action is inconsistent with the provisions of paragraph i 2 of this Article. E/PC/T/163 Page 9 (d) Any Member which considers that another Member is applying restrictions under this Article inconsistently with the 'provisions of paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Article or of Article 27 (subject to the provisions of Article 28) may bring the matter for discussion te the Organization; and the Member applying the restrictions shall participate in the discussion. The Organization, if it is satisfied that there is a prima face case that the trade of the Member initiating the procedure is adversely affcted, shall submit its views to the parties with the aim of achieving a settlement of the matter in question which is satisfactory to the parties and to the Organization. If no such settle- ment is reached and if the Orgarization determines that the restrictions are being applied inconsistently with the pro- visions of paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Article or of Article 27 (subject to the provisions of Article 28), the Organization shall recommend the withdrawal or modification of the restrictions. If the restrictions are not withdrawn or modified in accordance with the recommendation of the Organi- zation within sixty days, the Organization may release any Member from specified obligations under this Charter towards the Member applying the restrictions. (e) It is recognised that premature disclosure of the prospective imposition, withdrawal or modification of any restrictions under this Article might stimulate speculative trade and financial movements which would tend to defeat the purposes-of this Article. Accordingly the Organization shaIl make provision for the observance of the utmost secrecy in the conduct of any consultations. E/PC/T/163 Pace 10 5. If there is a persls ant and widespread application of import restrictions under this Article, indicating the existence of a general disequilibrium which is restricting international trade, the Organization shall initiate dis- cussions to consider whether other measures might be taken, either by those Members whose balances of payments are under pressure or by those Members whose balances of payments are tending to be exceptionally favourable, or by any appropriate inter-governmental organization, to remove the underlying causes of the disequilibrium. On the invitation of the Organization, Members shall parti- cipate ln such discussions. E/PC/T/163 page 11 ARTICLE 28 (3) Exceptions to the Rule of Non-Discrimination 1. (a) The Members recognize that when a substantial and widespread disequilibrium prevails in international trade and paynents a Member applying restrictions under Article 26 may be able to increase its imports from, certain sources without unduly depleting its monetary reserves, if' permitted to depart from the provisions of Article 27. The Members also recognize the need for close limitation of such departures to prevent the development or maintenance of bilateral trade patterns as an enduring feature of world trade. (b) Accordingly, when a substantial and widespread dis- equilibrium prevails in international trade and payments a Member applying import restrictions under Article 26 may relax such restrictions in a manner which departs from the provisions of Article 27 to the extent necessary to obtain from countries limiting imports because of balance of payments difficulties additional imports above the maximum total of imports which it could afford in the light of the requirements of paragraph 2 of Article 26 if its restrictions were fully consistent with Article 27, provided that (i) levels of delivered prices for products so imported are not established substantially higher than those ruling for comparable goods regularly available from other Members, and that any excess of such price levels for products so imported is progressively reduced over a reasonable period; (ii) the Member taking such action does not do so as part of any arrangement by which its export receipts in con- vertible currencies from other Members not party to the arrangement are appreciably reduced below the level they could otherwise have been reasonably expected to attain; and E/PC/T/163 page 12 (iii) such action does not cause unnecessary damage to the commercial or economic interests of any other Member. (c) A Member taking action under this paragraph shall observe the principles of sub-paragraph (b) in making arrange- ments for such action. A Member shall desist from trans- actions which prove to be inconsistent with sub-paragraph (b), but the Member shall not be required to satisfy itself, when it is not practicable to do so, that the requirements of sub- paragraph (b) are fulfilled in respect of individual trans- actions. (d) Members undertake in framing and carrying out any programmes for additional imports under this paragraph to pay due regard to the need to facilitate the termination of any exchange arrangements which. dviate from the obligations of Sections 2, 3 and 4 of Article VIII of the Articles of Agreeraent of the International Monetary Fund and to the need to restore equilibrium in their balances of payments on a sound and lasting basis. 2. A Member taking action under paragraph 1 of this Article shall keep the Organization regularly informed regarding such action and shall provide such available relevant information as the Organization may request. 3. (a) Not later than March lst, 1952 (five years after the date on which the Internation Monetary Fund began operations) and in each year thereafter any Member maintaining or proposing to institute action under paragraph l of this Article shall seek the approval of the Organization. The Organization shall thereupon determine whether the circumstances of the Member justify .ne maintenance or institution of action by it under paragraph 1 of this Article. After March lst 1952 no Member shall maintain or institute such action without determination E/PC/T/163 page 13 by the Organization that the Member's circumstances justify the maintenance or institution of such action, as the case may be, and the subsequent maintenance or institution of such action by the Member shall be subject to any limitations which the Organization may specify, (b) If the Organization finds, at any time, that import restrictions /or exchange restrictions on payments and transfers in connection with imports7 are boxing applied by a Member in a discriminatory manner inconsistent-with.-the exceptions provided under paragraph 1 of this Article, the Member shall, within sixty days, remove the discrimination or modify it as specified by the Organization, Provided that any action under paragraph 1 of this Article, to the extent that it has been approved by the Organization under .sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph or to the extent that it has been approved by the Organization at the request of a Member under a procedure analogous to that of sub- paragraph 4 (c) of Article 26, shall not be open to challenge under this sub-paragraph or under sub-paragraph 4 (d) of Article 26 on the ground that it is Inconsistent with Article 27. (c) Not later than three years after the date on which the International Monetary Fund began operations, and in each year thereafter so long as any Members are taking action under paragraph 1 of this Article, the Organization shall report on the action still taken by Meiabers under that paragraph. jNot later than7 five years after the date on which the International Monetary Fund began operations, and in each year thereafter so long as any Merbers are taking action under paragraph 1 of this Article, and at such times thereafter as the Organization may decide, the Organization shall review the question of whether there then exists such a substantial and widespread disequilibrium E/PC/T/163 page l4 in International trade and payments as to justify resort to paragraph 1 of this Article by Members. If, as a result of any such review, the Organization determines that no such disequilibrium exists, the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be suspended, and all actions authorized thoreunder shall cease six months after.such .detarmination.6. 4. The provisions of Article 27 shall not preclude res- trictions-in--accordance with Article. 26 which either (a) are applied-against imports from other countries, but not as among themselves, by a group of terri- tories having a common quota in the International Monetary Fund, Provided that such restrictions are. in all other respects consistent with Article 27, or (b) assist, in the period until 31 December 1951, by measures not involving substantial departure from the provisions of Article 27, another country whose economy has been disrupted by war. 5. The provisions of this Section shall not preclude: (a) restrictions with equivalent effect to exchange restrictions authorized under Section 3 (b) of Article VII of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund; or (b) restrictions under the preferential arrangements provided for in Annex A of this Charter, subject to the con- ditions set forth therein. E/PC/T/163 Page 15 ARTICLE 29 Exchange Arrangements 1. The Organization shall seek co-operation with the Inter- national Monetary Fund to the end that the organization and the Fund may pursue a co-ordinated policy with regard to exchange questions within the jurisdiction of the Fund and questions of quantitative restrictions and other trade measures within the' jurisdiction of the Organization. 2. In all cases in which the Organization is called upon to consider or deal with problems concerning monetary reserves, balance of payments or foreign exchange arrangements, the Organ- ization shall consult fully with the International Monetary Fund. In such consultation, the Orenization shell accept all findings of statistical and other facts presented by the International Monetary Fund relating to foreign exchange arrangements, monetary reserves and balances of payments, and shall accept the determin- ation of the International Monetary Fund as to whether action by a Member in exchange matters is in accordance with the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, or with the terms of a special exchange agreement between that Member and the Organization, The Orgarization, in reaching its final decision in cases involving the criteria set forth in sub-paragraph 2(a) (7) of Article 26 shall accept the determination 7)of the Inter- national Monetary Fund as to what constitutes a serious decline in the Memnber's monetary reserves, a very low level of its monetary reserves or a reasonable rate of increase in its monetary reserves, and as to the financial aspects of other matters covered in consultation in such cases. E/PC/T/163 Page 16 3. The Organization shall seek agreement with the International Monetary Fund regarding procedures for consultation under paragraph 2 above. Any such agreement, other than informal arrangements of a temporary or administrative character, shall be subject to confirmation by the Conference. 4.(8) Members shall not, by exchange action, frustrate the intent of the provisions of this Section, nor by trade action the intent of the provisions of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund. -5. Any Member of the Organization which is not a member of the International Monetary Fund shall, within a time to be determined by the Organization after consultation with the International Monetary Fund, become a member of the International Monetary Fund or, failing that, enter into a special exchange agreement with the Organization. A Member of the Organization which ceases to be a member of the International Monetary Fund shall forthwith enter into a special exchange agreement with the Organization. Any special exchange agreement entered into by a Member under this paragraph shall thereupon become part of its obligations under this Charter. 6. (a) A special exchange agreement between a Member and the Organization under paragraph 5 of this Article shall provide to the satisfaction of the Organization that the objectives of this Charter will not be frustrated as a result of action in exchange matters by the Member in question. (b) The terms of any such agreement shall not impose obligations on the Member in exchange matters generally more restrictive than those imposed by the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund on ;members of the Fund. E/PC/T/163 Page :17 7. A Member which is not a member of the International Monetary Fund shall furnish such information, within the general scope of Section 5 of Article VIII of the Articles of Agreement of the International. Monetary- Fund-, - the.. Organization may require in order to carry out its functions under this Charter. 8. Subject to paragraph 4 of this Article, nothing in this Section shall preclude(8) (i) the use by a Meember of exchange controls or exchange restrictions in accordance with the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund or with that Member's special exchange agreement with the Organization, or (ii) the use by a Member of restrictions or controls on imports or exports, the sole effect of which, additional to the effects permitted under Articles 25, 26, 27 and 28, is to make effective such exchange controls or exchange. restrictions. E/PC/T/163 page 18 2. RESERVATIONS AND NOTES. (1) Australian reservation to Article 26, par. 2(b): The Australian Delegation has recorded a reservation against the text of Article 26, par. 2(b). (2) United Kingdom reservation to Articla 26, par. 3(c)(ii): The United Kingdom Delegation recorded a reservation against this text because it could not accept the word "Unnecessarily" and felt that a proviso clause for the transition period, such as drafted in the Unted Kingdom amendment (document E/PC/T/W.211), was required. 3. CZECHOSLOVK RESERVATION TO THE NEW TEXT OF ARTICLE 28: "Czechoslovakia agrees to the principles of non-discrimination and multilateral trade and for these reason did not make any objections to the D.C. text of Article 28 which was flexible enough to permit the Organization to proceed according to concrete circumstances. Czechoslovakia will not be able to define her attitude to Article 28 in its present form until after the International Conference on Trade and Employment when it will be apparent to what extent Czechoslovakia's foreign trade will be covered by Article 28, which states are going to join I.T.O. and are going to apply article 28 themselves and which states are going to have convertible currencies. If countries representing a substantial part of Czechoslovakias foreign trade are going to be Members of I.T.O, there should arise no difficulty in applying Article 28 in its present form. If it however should become apparent that none of these conditions has been fulfilled, Czechoslovakia would feel herself compelled to seek such arrangements which would correspond to her national conditions and to her E/PC/T/163 page 19 endeavour to expand trade in the spirit of the objectíves of the Charter. The nature of these arrangements cannot be known, however, at the present moment, because future development are unforeseeable. Czechoslovakia wishes to emphasize that in very exceptional circumstances even bilateral arrangements can contribute to the expansion of trade generally''. 4. FRENCH RESERVATION TO ARTICLE 28: (1) (b(ii): The French Delegation reserved its position on this sub- paragraph on the ground' that the existing text invoived possible discrimination against countries with inconvertible currencies in that it would permit a bilateral arrangement between two countries which resulted in t he diversion of exports away from a third country with inconvertible currency. Some members of the Sub-Committee weshed to give further con- sideration to the implications of this point before reaching a final decision. 5. FRENCH RESERVATION TO ARTICLE 28, par. 3 (a)- The French Delegation proposed to insert the word "general" between the words "any" and "limitations" in the 2nd to last line or this paragraph. This proposal was not adopted and the French Delegation reserved its position. 6 NOTE TO ARTICLE 28, par. 3: The Sub-Committee considered the question of whether it was necessary to make express reference in paragraph 3 of Article 28 to the need of the Organization to consult with the Inter- national Monetary Fund. The Sub-Committee concluded that no such reference was necessary since such consultation in all appropriate cases was already required by virtue of the pro- visions or par. 2 of article 2t. E/PC/T/163 page 20 7. AUSTRALIAN PESERVATION TO ARTICLE 29, par.2: The Australian Delgation has recorded a reservation against this text, proposing the following formulation of the last sentence: "The Organization, in reaching its final decision in cases involving the criteria set forth in paragraphs 2(a) of Article 26 shall give special weight to the opinions of the International Monetary Fund as to what constitutes ...... .in consultation in such cases", on the main ground that since the Organization has. the responsibility for action under Article 26, it should also retain the right of final decision as to whether the criteria of par.2 (a) have been wet. 8. NOTE TO ARTICLE 23, paragraphs 4 and 8: In paragraph 4 of Articie 20 the word "frustrate" is intended to indicate, for example, that infringements by exchange action of the letter of any Article of this Charter shall not be regarded as offending against that Article if in practice there is no appreciable departure from the intent of the Article. Thus a Member who, as part of its Exchange Control operated in accordance with the Articles o0' Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, required payment to be received for its exports in its own currency or in the currency of one or more Members of the International.Monetary Fund would not thereby be deemed to be offending against Article 25 or 27. Page 21 PART III Comments of the Sub-Committee 1. In elaborating the new text for Articles 26, 28 and 29, the Sub-Committee found that the arrangement of the text within these Articles, as drafted in New York, was not fully satis- factory and therefore decided to re-arrarige the text in what it regarded as a more logical sequence. The inter-relation between the New York text and the draft of the Sub-Committee is shown in Annexure A to this Report. 2. (Comment to Article 26:3) The Sub-Committee has decided to assemble in the new paragraph 3 all those provisions which refer to domestic economic policies of Members and in making, this re-arrangement has slightly expanded the previous text. Paragraph 3 therefore now covers the following parts of the New York text: part of par.1, par.2(c), 3(e), 4 and 6. 3. (Comment to Article 26:4(e)) The substance of the Australian proposal to add a Secrecy Clause was adopted. 4. The Sub-Committee considered that paragraph 7 of Article 26 in the New York version would be more appropriately placed in Article 25, inasmuch as it is applicable to all the provisions on quantitative restrictions. The Sub-Committee on Articles 25 and 27 to which this suggestion was referred agreed to the views of the Sub-Committée and inserted the former paragraph 7 as a new paragraph 3 in Article 25. 5. (Comment to Article 28:1(b)) The words "from countries limiting their imports because of balance-of-payments' difficulties" in Article 28, par.l(b) may need an amendment in the light of the final decision which is taken about relations with non-Members in Article 36. If it is desired to confine discrimination to discrimination in favour E/PC/T/163 Page 22 of imports from Member-countries, the amendment should be such as to confine it to Members applying import restrictions under Article 26 or limiting imports by means of exchange restrictions. If it is decided that such discrimination is permissible also in the case of imports from non-Members, the question will arise whether discrimination should be confined to non-Members who are limiting imports because of balance-of-payments' difficulties or should be extended to all countries limiting imports for any reason. The first alternative would mean that the import restrictions could only favour a non-Member exporting country which was in fact in balance-of-payments' difficulties, It might be open to the objection that there would be no means open to the Organization to determine whether the country was in fact in balance-of-payments' difficulties. 6. (Comment to Article 28:5(b)) The Sub-Committee received a communication from the Tariffs Working Party advising it that the Tariff Working Party determined that an explanation should be included in the Charter permitting such preferential agreements as are dealt with in Annex A, despite the provisions of Articles 25 and 27. The Sub-Committee, without re-examining the substance of the matter determined that such an explanation could appropriately be included as par.5(b) of Article 25. 7. Comment to Article 29, par.2: The provision in paragraph 2 of Article 29 concerning the responsibility of the Fund in respect of statistical data relating to balances of payment or monetary reserves for the purpose of that Article is independent of any arrangement to be made between the Fund and the. United Nations concerning the collection and appreciation of statistical data on balances of payments for other purposes. 8. The Sub-Commitee received the following communication from the Sub-Committee on Articles 25 and 27: "In the course E/PC/T/163 Page 23 of the discussion of sub-paragraph (d) (now sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph 2 of Article 27) the Czechoslovak Delegate raised the question whether a Member was permitted to require an import licence or permit to be utilised ,or the importation of a product from a particular country or source, for balance-of- payments reasons. The Sub-Committee on Articles 25 and 27 considered that provisions for such an exception should not appear in Article 27, but might be made in Articles 26 or 28. The Czechoslovak Delegate has reserved. his position on this matter, which the Sub-Committee on Articles 25 and 27 is herewith bringingg to the attention of the Sub-Committee dealing with Articles 26, 28 and 29 with a view to taking appropriate measures if that Sub-Committee considers this desirable". The Sub-Committee considered this communication and felt that the text of Article 29, paragraph 8 (ii) in its present form took due account of the probleris raised by the communication from the Sub-Committee on Articles 25 and 27. E/PC/T/163 page 24 ANNEXURE A. To the Report of the Sub-Committee on Articles 26, 28 and 29. ARTICLE 26 Sub-Committee Draft Para. 1 Para. 2(a) Para. 2(b) Para. 3(a) Para. 3(b) Para. 3(c) (i) Para. 3(c) (ii) Para. 3(c) (iii) Para. 4(a) Para. 4(b) Para. 4(c) Para. 4(d) Para. 4(e) (Secrecy clause) Para. 5 New York Draft Para. 1 Para. 2(a) Para. 2(b) Para. 6 Para. 3(e) and Para. 4 Para. 3(e) last sentence Para. 2(c) Para 4 last sentence Para. 3(a) Para. 3(b) Para. 3(c) Para. 3(d) No corresponding text Para. 5 ARTICLE 28 Para. Para. Para. Para. Para. Para. Para. Para. 1(a) 1(b) 1(e) 2 3(a) 3(b) 4(a) 4(b) and (d) No corresponding text Para. 1(e) No corresponding text No corresponding text Para. 1(e) No corresponding text Para. 1(d)(i) Para. 1(d)(ii) and (c) ARTICLE 29 Para. Para. Para. Para. Para. Para. Para. Para. Para. 1 2 3 4 5 6(a) 6(b) 7 8 Para. 1 No corresponding No corresponding Para. 2 Para. 3 text text Para. 5 No corresponding text Para. 4 No corresponding text
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report to Commission A by the Sub-Committee on Articles 26, 28 29
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 11, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/163 and E/PC/T/162-168
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report to Commission A by the Sub-Committee on Chapter III
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 5, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/95 and E/PC/T/92-105
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/95 AND ECONOMIQUE 5 June 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Report to Commission A by the Sub-Committee on Chapter III CHAIRMAN: Dr. Lokanathan (India) 1. At the fifth meeting of the Preparatory Committee in Executive Session a Sub-committee, consisting of represen- tatives of Australie, Belgium, Cuba, India and the United States of America, was appointed te consider further the draft text of articles 3 - 5 in the light of the various amendments which had been proposed and of the views which had been -expressed on the existing text. At the tenth meeting in executive Session the Preparatory Committee instructed the same Sub-comittee to examine also the proposed amendments in the other articles of Chapter III. It was indicated that the meetings of the Sub-committee bright i -e attended by representa- tives of other interested Delegations, end that, in particular, the Sub-committee should hear the views of those Delegations not included in its membership which had proposed amendments. 2. The Sub-committee held ten meetings and reached agreement on the attached text which is recommended to Com- .mission J for consideration and approval. In transmitting this text in the two working languages the Sub-committee assumes *that et a later stage the French and English language versions of the entire Charter will be reviewed to ensure that they are strictly comparable in meaning. 3. In its discussions the Sub-committee has given consideration to the various proposed amendments contained in document E/PC/T/W.87 Rev. 1 and to the views expressed in the Executive Sessions of the Preparatory Committee at which those proposals were discussed. The Sub-committee has also -taken account of the amendments subsequently proposed in docu- ments E/PC/T/W.60 Rev. 1, 111, 113, 115 and 133. In the .course of its work the Sub-conmmittee has had the benefit of consultation with representatives of the Delegations of Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Union of :South Africa, the United Kingdom, and representatives of .the International Labor Organization, the Internationsl -Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Monetery Fund. L representative of the Delegation of Frence participated in the discussions of the Sub-compittee to assist in the preparation of a valid French lenguage text and to represent the views of his Delegation on the amendments which it had proposed. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/95 page 2 4. Although the revisions which have been made in the text have leen mninly of n drafting character requiring no explanation, on certai4,pôints the Sub-co.mittee desires ta record the justification for: changes made and elso the observations of the Sub-com=ittee or of individual lùelega- tions relating te the present draft text. 5. Concerning certain terms which occur et several places in the titles and in the text it will be noted thet the Sub-committee hes sought to achieve substantial uniformity without undue repetition. The Sub-committee has preferred the description "lorge end steadily growinr"to the voriouq alternative expressions used originally in the text ta describe the objective in respect of demand. This descrip- tion is not repeated in full throu-hout the text since it appeared to; the Sub-comnittee that if the' expression were used in the principal instances it would ae apparent from the context that the description was implied in the other instances. Similarly, although "demand" is explicitly described es "effective" only in the first end lest instances in which the word occurs, it seemed te the Sub-committee that the description was clearly implied in all other instances without requiring its repetition throughout. The Sub-committee olso considered it desrable to add "production" *to "demand'" onrd "xemplymenti, therelhy taking more complete accountt of related aspects of economic activity without diverting the main emShesis 'f the Chapter from employment. * 6. In connection with the terminology now proposed in this draft text of Chapter III the Sub-committee would point out the desirability nf examining'the language of Chapter I, when it comes up for consideration, to take account .o these proposed changes in the interestof consistenoy. 7. The representative cf Czechoslovakia suggested that the term reall income" might appear in Chapter IIIin order to give a more precise content to the expression "effective denaend" since in his -iew it was conceivable that effective demand might grow without entailin.g a corres- ponding growth in the real incone of al' sections of the community. The Sub-committee considers that the language which it has proposed for Chapter III is in harmony with this general objective end tskes appropriate account of it. 8. Concerning the prooosed texto1 of individuel article s the Sub-cDminittee subnits the - obsorvat'ons: 'Article 3 9. The Sul'-committee has taken the liberty of proposing a revision ini the. version of the amcndment to paragraph 1 -mhich had been proposed by the Delegetion of New Zealand and approvedd hy the Preparetcry Committee at its fourth Executive ,Session. It seemed te the Sub-comzittee that the reference toe "the realization of the p;s-posee or. the Charter .... end fOr the expansion )f ir'ernGtionrJl trude" might be open to 'the misinterpretationr thet the exponsien of international trade wes not one of the purp-)ses of the Charter. The text proposed by the Sub-coinmittee is intended te remove this possible ambiguity while reteioing 'the substance of the original emendzent, 10. The reference in paregrrph . ta action supplementing domestic measures has been revised after taking account 'f remarks made by the representatives of Cuba Fnd the United States of Lmerica concernizi3 authority vested in th3 Econ mic E/PC/T/ ;` 5 Page 3 and Social Council nd the remarks or the Natharlands reprewen- tative relating to c rncerted actih)n. .I. The Sub-co)mmittee has glso re-worled slightly the amendent, naw appesrinZas paracret>.3Z, which hae- bben proposed by the Delcastion )f Cubu end adQptzd by the Preparatory Committee, in order ta make the Ilexchango of infnrmati5n nnd views" specif'i- cally epplicable to the subject of the Chapter, i.e. "the field or deployment end'ecinamraic .ctivity" . 12.. With reference tD the edditionel paragreph whioh the Delegatiénn 'Yl{ Cube h.rd proposed for insertion et the beginning of '-Article 3 the representative cf Cube su2gested that the Sub- oa2mittee recoimend to the Preparato'ry C.,=ittea that tie report of the Sacond Sessiin.relctinc t-.) this Chapter.might contain en * observation to the a'ffeect thHt: "The Members rec;ognize the interdependence of demand, prilductian end er-ploymert. ii the achievement end main- tenance nf ec-inznic fund sncinl progress. Theyaloa recog- nize thot the devel.-pment of dénand, production end empLoyoent is prirariiy the responsibility or governments, in the discharge of which e1l se6ti ns ri' society Dmust coi)pers te," 13. The cther embers of. the Sub-o.ainrittee expressed the view that the points raised by the proposal of the representative or Cube were already c.overecl in the present text of the Chapter. In..tie oiroumstances the representative .)f Cuba did not prese his proposed. * . 14. The representative o! Czechoslovskie inquired whether the words "able end willing to work, es e employed in parazraph 1 of this es'ticle, could' be interpreted 'as Including not only those who are et the present tLe able snd willing tir work but also those.who might become so if a country were te ofrer indu6emznts, suoh as vocational training end guidance. It was the view or the Sub-aom- mittee that this interpretation was not inconsistent with the intention of ths article, which deFls with the achievement end main- tencnce aof cpp)artunities to werk for those able and willing to do au, whatever their nu=ber.. Article 4 15. The representative if New Zeeland informed the Sub- oommittee thet his Delegation.would prefer not tn discuss the amend- ment which it had proposed in Article 4 (E/PC/T/W.113) uritil article 33 end related perts ct the. Charter. had been discussed. He indicated the. meantimee the New Zealend Dlegeations would ±'eserve its position in respect or Arrtible 4 and tht *subsequently . his. Delegatiahn might wish to reopen the question -if further amenad- * ngthat article.- .- 15. W.ith refurence to the wirds "other purposes", which apper- in the present text es well as in the earlier versions of this article, the reprJo,.t'tive of Czechoslo:akia inquired whether it was clesr that the purpcsos mentioned are cohiined to those stated in Chapter I ;nd d.s not extend ta other inoidentai "purposes" wh.ich rairht appear elsewhere in the Charter. -The Sub- o.ommo=ittee considers. that these words .reier to the purposes set forth in. Chapter I,..elthnuzh it. recognizes that suoh genera). pur- poses may be mentioned or elaborated in other chapters. The Sub- oommittee suggests thet when the scope of the purposes to be in- oluded in Chepter I is uneçer discussion .11 other sections o! the Charter should be exe1rined ta ensure thet ail purposes mentioned 'n the Charter are èavered comprehensively in that chapter. The Sub-committee di. net consider it within its competence to determine whether it weuld be 2esirable or feasible to' assig eny order of precedence tn the verinus purposes of the Charter. E/PC/T/95 page 4 Article 5 17. It will be noted that the Sub-Commi'ttee proposes the addition of a sentence to Article 5 reterring'specifioajly to the :International Labor Or&aniz'Ftion.' The Sub-Conumittee considered the various alternative versions of the sentence which had been proposed'to cover co-operation with '!the appro- priate inter-governmiental organizations". In the light of the discussion both in the Preparatory Comzxittee and ih the Sub- committee it seemed a propriate to include a reference to the ILO. Tho inclusion . of this reference would take'appropriate account otthe special position occupied by that OrÉanization in this field without excluding co-operation with any other organization whose activities extend to the subjects dealt with in the Article. 18. The representative of the Union of South Africa discussed.with the Sub-Committee the amendment proposed by his Delegation. In the discussion it appeared that the principal difference between the proposed amendment and the version as revised by the Suu-coLuaittee arose over the use of such express- ions as "fair labor standards" and "sub-standard conditions of labor" in the latter version. The Sub-committee appreciated the difficulty in defining such terms precisely. Tise Sub- committee considered, however, that such terms, when related to productivity as they are in the t6xt, are valid and useful con- cepts, particularly when account is taken of the pr'oeress achieved by the ILO and other bodies. in giving concreteness to those terms. One of the main reasons leading the Sub-comritteo to recommend the retention 'of these terms is that they explicitly recognize the existence of a relationship between unfair oompe- tition in international trade and conditions of labor, parti- cularly in the export industries, when sucheonditions can ,be shown to be below accepted mini.ium standards. ;Article 6 19. The Sub-coramittee has proposed a number of changes in Article 6 atter an examination of th; amendixients proposed by the Delegations of ê.ustralia, France, the-United RKingdom and the Ur.ited St_.tes of Mnerica. The Sub-coEiittee considers that the revised version of this article describes more precisely than the previous text the situation which it is intended to cover and that the responsibilities of i _bers in such a situation are more clearly stated. In addition to certain drafting changes, the Sub-coramittee would draw attention to tl)e siLnifi- oant alterations proposed in the text. 20. Tnce Sub-con±ittee has replaced the words"fundamental disequilibrîum" by the expression "persistent maladjustment' within the balance of payments". In the view of the Sub-comm- ittee the term "fundamental disequilibriumr" was not satisfaç- tory for the reason that it appears in thé Articles oe Agreement of the Iutcrnational o.enetary Fr;ciu with a special meaning which might not be always applicable to the conditions.:envisaeed in this paragraph. 21. By a raladjustnient within a country's balance of payments the Sub-coeumittee intends to reter toea situation in E/PC/T/95 page 5 which an abnormal or .undesirabl relationship exists between the different itezs which mxi:e up that balance and in particular where a balance is achieved only be iueans of an undue rove'nLent of items of the type which enter into aionetary reserves. . 22. The characterisati'en of the state Of affairs as one in which the persistent iualadjustiiieért "is a major factor in a situation in which other Mezbers are involved in balance q' pay- ments difficulties" is intended to stress, firstly, that balance .oft payments diffioultiesarc iiot necessarily caused by malad- justuiito withI'n another country's balance of payments, and ,secondly, tNat t1w Articlc is intended,to apply only when the pe?rsistnt maladjustiaent is a major factor in the situation, 23. Tho'Sub-co=mittee has expanded the phrase in the former text, "handicap them irn maintaining employment".to * !handicap thez in carrying out the provisions of Article 4 with- out resort to trade restrictionss"! This change is designed to naake it clear that the purpose of the Article is Ghat suitable action should be taken sa that Members riay be able not Lerely to pursue the objective of maintaining .employment, production and demand, but also to do so without resorting to trade restr- ictions as a i±eans of resmedyingStheir balance of payments. di±'fioulties. :. .. : 24. The words "together with appropriate actionoan the :part of the other ,%enebers concerned" have been added to make it clear.that al. l eÀ-bers. involved in the situation have a respon- Sibilitytoe take .what action they appropriately can to-assist in overéorirng Zthe difficulties. -.25; There arevarious ieans by -which situations of this kind can b.e corrected, sou;t of which have been indicated in gddtion E on page 5 cf the Report of the First Session (E/PC/T/33) It seenis desirable, however, that wherever possible, methods which expand rather than contract international trade should be Wpnloyed. -With this consideration in nmind, the Sub-aolizzittee haïs suggested the addition of the second paragraph of this. Article. Articles 7 and 8 26. It will be noted that the order of Articles 7 and 8 halsbeen.reversed. This re-arrangement of the . ext resulted from the Sub-coninxittee's discussion growing out of amendments proposed by the representatives uf France and the Netherlands. bhe- text proposed by lrance with respect to Safeguards for Members subject. to External Deflationary Pressure provided for the convening of an inter-,,overnmental conference by the Organization. in such a situation aiid, where a Member considered that there had been unreasonable delay in this procedure, per- mitted that member to take emergency action, which would have to be withdrawn if subsequently disallowed by the Organization. The Igetherlands amendment suggested that affected niembers might need to take action "separately or irn conjunction with other Members". 27. The first conclusion of the Sub-comiittee in con-' sidering these proposals was that the Chapter should be strengthened by providing that the OrSanization should initiate E/FC/T/9 5 page 6 consultations arieong its iviembers if an urgent situation arose involving the international spread of a decline in *uployuient,. production and demand. nases ruiGht arise in which the content- plated arrungeeents for consultation and planning of concerted action under the auspices cf the Econoluic and oocia1 Couincil would involve undue delay, thus leading te a further deterior- ation of the position of the ivenbers affected and increasing the likelihood Cf their adopting restrictive measures of defense. It was therefore felt that, consistently with the authority of the Organization under Article 61(b) to fauilitate consultation among LemrÂbers on all questions relating te the provisions of the Charter, a new paragraph should be added te the article dealing with Consultation and Exchange of' Jnfor.zatian, permitting the Organization itself te initiate consultations in such a situatiorx. It lso appeared logical, at.this point, te trans- pose Kr'ticles 7 and 8, in order te emphasize further the desi- rability of seeking consultation for the purpose of resolving economic difficulties wherever possible without resort te rc'ccasc from Charter obligations. 28.. With these changes made, it was agreed that the new Article 8 (foriierly article 7) sijould be retained without amend- ment. The Sub-,orlaittee noted the fact that "the provisions of this Charter" referred te in this Article include clauses in Articles 26, 28, 30, 34, 35, 52 ctnd 66. It recoGnized in this connection that a serious or abrupt decline in external demand might constitute a "situation ... which has the effect of nulli- fying or impairing any object of this '.harter" within the mean- ing of paragraph 2 of article 35, or the "exceptional ciroums- tances"' referred to in paragraph 3 of article 66. It took note of the intention of the Preparatory fionLnnittee us expressed in the Report of theo First Session (S/Pu/T/_), particularly in Section F on page 5, paragraphs 4(b) and 4(c)(i) on pa'e il, paraeraphs 3(1) on page 15 and Stction D.2 on page 22, te insure that there be adequate safeguards in the Charter te meet situations referred te in article 8, but te recommend npn- restrictive solutions for such situations if possible either through the Organi2ation or through the assistance of other international bodies. The endorses these views and reconmends that the various artis1es referred to be re- examined te ensure that the drafting adequately meets these requirements. It also suggests th&t consideration be 6iven to inserting in, or annexin(b te, the final report of the Second Session a reference te the inter-zelationship between LL'ticle 8 and the other -èrticles in question. E/PC/T/ 9 5 page 7 ANNEXURE TO THE REPORT OF THE SUB COMMITTES ON CHJPTER III CHAPTER fII E*VPLOYfiENT MND ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Article 3. nlmD-ortance of 2milovnent, Production and Demend in Relation to the Purjos6s Of this Charter, 1. The Members recoegnise that the avoidance or unemploymeUt or under-employment through tLe achievement and maintenance in each country oe useful employurent opportunities for those able and willing to work and of a large and steadily'growing Volume o? production and effective demand for Coods and services is not et domestic concern alone, but is also a necéssary condition ror the roalization of the purposes of this Charter, including the expansion oe international truCe, and thus for the well-b6ing of all other oountr4es. 2. Members agree that r-hila the avoidana tof unemployment or under-employtlint must depend primarily on domestic measures, such messulres should be supplementud by concorted action under the sponsorship of the Economic and Social Council oe the Unitcd Nations in collaboration with the appropri&to intergovernental organizations, eaoh of these bodies acting within its respective ephere and consistently with the terms and purposes of its basio instrument. 3, Members furthermore agree thrtt the regular exc'.ienÉg of Information and views aniong Meiabers is indispensable tor suocess- tul ce-operation in the field oe employment and ecamnoic activity and should be facilitated by the Organization. Artiole 4. Maintenance of Dou;estic Employxent. 1. Each Miember ohail teke action designed to aobieve and Maintain full and productive employiLent and large and steadily growing demand within its own jurisdiction through Leasurts c appropriate to its political, economic and social institutions. 2. Measures to sustain employent, production and demsnd ahall ba consistent with th.e ot4er purposes and provisions oe this Charter. Members shall avoivi zeasurfs which would have the eftecr of creating bal&.rlce-ot-payments cifficulti6s for other Members. .Art iQçle 5,. Fair Labour Standerds. Bach Member, recognîsinE thet all countries have a oo=on interest in the aclhieveraent end maintenance of fcir labour standards, related to productivity, shall tEke whatever action r.ay be appropriate end feasible to eliaïinete sub-standerd conditions oe labour in production tor export bnd eenerally throughout its Juriediction. Members which are alse members ot the International Labour Organization shall ce-operate with thut orgenizetion in giving etteot to this undertaking. E/PC/T/95 page 8 Article 6 Removal of MalFdiustments within the Bela~nce ot Paynients. 1. In the event th.t a persistent ealedjustraent within a Members balance of peyxnts isi a major f1'ctor in a situation in which other members are involved in bElance or payLents dificulties *which handicap thae in ccrrying out the 'provisions of'Artiole 4 without resort to trade restrictions, the Meiber shell.rake its full contribution, together viith appropriate action on the part of the other Meimbtrs concrnGd, toviards correcting the situation. 2. Action in accordLnce with this Article shall be taken with due regard to the desirability of euipltying inethods whioh expand rather than contract international trede. Artiole 7. -Exohanpe c-' Information and C,nsultation. 1. The Members and the organization shall participate in arrangeements nade or sponsored by theEc :nomc .end Social Council of the United Notions, including aEriangements wits appropriate interçoverniaentcl orgenizEtiona: : (a) For the systematic collection,, analysis and es¢hange of information on doiaestic employment problems, trends end policies, including L s far as possible information relating to national incoiâe, demand and the balance of payments; (b) For oonsultation with a view to concerted action on the part Gf governLlents and intergovernmentel *organizations in the field oI' employment policies. 2. The Organization shll, 'if it 'considers thet the urgency of the situation so roquires, initiate consultations among. Members with review to their te.king appropriate xLeesures.against . the international spread oI"a decline in employamnt, prod\iotion or demand. Article 8. Sategu.r.s for Members SubJeot ta External Deflationary' Pressure. The Organization shakl regerd, 'in the exercise of Lts iunotions Cs defined elsewhere in this Chartor, t.o the need uf Members to take action within the provisions or this Charter ;to safeguard their economies against deflationery pressure in tBte eveent Of a serious or abrupt decline iri the.olffective eercond ot other countries.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report to Commission B by Sub-Committee II on Chapter VI
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 17, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/102 and E/PC/T/92-105
`UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/102 AND ECONOMIQUE 17 June 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REPORT TO COMMISSION B by SUB-COMMITTEE II ON CHAPTER VI PART I 1. Commission B of the Preparatory Committee at its meeting on the 29th May appointed a second Sub-Committee on Chapter VI, on which were to be represented the Delegations of BELGIUM, BRAZIL, CANADA, FRANCE, the UNITED KINGDOM and the UNITED STATES. This Sub-Committee was instructed to consider the draft of Chapter VI, and especially Articles 39, 40, 41, 42 and 45, in the light of all the various amendments which had been proposed for this Chapter and of the observations which had been or were to be expressed in the course of meeting of Commission B except as regards the application of the Chapter to services, which was referred to the first Sub-Committee of the Commission. The Chairman of Commission B, in appointing the Sub-Committee, indicated that the meetings of the Sub- Committee might be attended by observers from other interested Delegations who were not represented in the 8ub- Committee and that such observers might ask leave of the Sub-Committee to present their views on specific pointe of interest and Importance to them and to the Sub-Committee. 2. The Sub-Committee, upon the motion of the Delegate of BELGIUM, elected unanimously Mr. S. L. HOLMES (U.K.) as its Chairman, on the understanding that in view of the very complex nature of the work of the Sub-Committee Mr. Holmes would confine his activities to the functions of Chairman, while Mr. Andrew would represent the UNITED KINGDOM on the Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee held 15 meetings, in which it considered in great detail all the amendments and observations which had been referred to it by Commission B. In its dis- cussions, the Sub-Committee gave consideration to the proposed amendments collated in Document E/PC/T/W/132 covering suggestions on behalf of Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia, Brazil, and to the following additional amendments and observations: E/PC/T/102 page 2 (a) SOUTH AFRICAN observation on the application of Art, 39 (verbatim record of the 4th meeting of Commission B, page 36), (b) NORWEGIAN amendment to Article 39 (Doc.E/PC/T/W/160), (c) NETHERLANDS amendment to Article 39, paragraph 3 (Doc. E/PC/T/W/138), (d) CZECHOSLOVAKIAN amendment to Article 40, (Doc. E/PC/T/W/119), (e) NORWEGIAN amendment to Article 41 (verbatim record of the 4th meeting of Commission B, page 18 and Doc. E/PC/T/W/155), (f) CHILEAN observation on the term "discussion" in Article 41 (verbatim record of 4th meeting of Commission B, page 26), (g) NEW ZEALAND proposal regarding an International census of international agreements (verbatim record of the 4th meeting of Commission B, page 21), (h) BRAZILIAN amendment to Article 41', submitted directly to the Sub-Committee, (i) NETHERLANDS amendment to Article 42, paragraphs l and 2, (Doc. E/PC/T/W/139), The Sub-Committee also took note of the comments on the text of Chapter VI as reproduced in footnotes to the Drafting Committee's Report (E/PC/T/34). 3. In the course of its work, the Sub-Committee had the benefit of consultation with representatives of the Delegations of CZECHOSLOVAKIA, CHILE, the NETHERLANDS, NEW ZEALAND and the UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. 4. The Sub-Committee reached agreement on English. and French texts of Chapter VI, which are appended to this report, and recommended to Commission.B their consideration -and adoption. PART II CHAPTER VI. RESTRICTIVE BUSINESS PRACTICES Article 39 Policy towards restrictive business practices 1. Members shall take appropriate measures, individually or through the Organization or in both ways, to prevent business practices affecting international trade ''(whether engaged in by private or public commercial enterprises), which restrain competition, limit access to markets, or foster monopolistic control, whenever such practices have harmful effects on the expansion of production or trade and interfere with the achievement of any of the other purposes of the Organization as set forth in Article 1. E/PC/T/102 page 3' 2. Without limiting the-generality of paragraph 1 of this Article, 'and, in order that the Organization.may decide in a particular instance whether certain practices have or are about to have any of the effects referred to in paragraph 1, the practices listed in paragraph 3 shall be subject to investigation in accordance with the procedure regarding complaints provided in Articles 40 and 42, whenever (a) a complaint is presented to the Orgánization; and (b) the practices are engaged in or are made effective. by one or more public or private commercial enterprises or by a combination, agreement or other arrangement between commercial enterprises, whether between private commercial enterprises, between public commercial enterprises, or between private and public commercial enterprises; and (c) such commercial enterprises, individually or collectively, possess effective control of trade among two or more countries in one or more products. 3. The practices referred to in paragraph 2 above are as follows: (a) fixing prices or terms or conditions to be' observed in dealing with others in the purchase, sale or lease of any product; (b) excluding enterprises from any territorial market or field of business activity, allocating or dividing any territorial market or field of business activity, allocating customers, or fixing sales or purchase quotas; (c) discriminating against particular enterprises; (d). limiting production or fixing production quotas; (e) preventing by agreement the application or develop- ment of technology or invention whether patented or unpatented; (f) extending the use of rights under patents, trade marks or copyrights, granted by any Member, to matters which are determined by its system of law not to be' properly within the scope of such grants, or to produots or conditions of production, use or sale which are similarly determined not to be the immediate subjects of such grants: (g) any similar practices which the Organization may from time to time decide to be restrictive business practices. 4. In this Article "public commercial énterprises" means (a) trading agencies of governments, and (b) enterprises wholly or mainly owned by public authority over which there is effective control by public. authority, including control of engagement in the practices listed in paragraph 3. "Private commercial enterprises" means all other commercial enterprises. E/PC/T/102 page 4. Article 40 Procedure with respect to Investigations and consultations 1. The Organization shall arrange, if it considers such action to be justified on the basis of information sub- mitted by the Members concerned, for particular Members to take part in a consultation requested by any affected Member which considers that in any particular instance practices *exist (whether engaged in by private or public commercial enterprises) which have or are about to have the effect des- cribed in paragraph 1 of Article 39. 2. A complaint may be presented to the Organization by any affected Member on its own behalf, or by any Member on behalf of any affected parson, organization or business entity within that Members jurisdiction, provided 'that, in the case:of a complaint against a single public commercial enterprise (as defined in Article 39) acting independently, such complaint may be presented only by a Member on its own behalf and only after the Member has resorted to the proced- ure under paragraph 1 of this Article. 3. The Organization shall prescribe minimum inform- ation to be included in complaints claiming that particular practices exist and have or are about to have the effect des- cribed in paragraph 1 of Article 39. The information shall give substantial indication of the nature and harmful effects of the practices. 4. In order to decide weather an investigation of a complaint is justified, the Organization shall consider each written complaint submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article,, review all relevant information, and decide whether an investigation is justified. If the Organization deems that further information is necessary before such decision can be reached, it shall request each Member concerned to furnish supplementary information, including for example information from commercial enterprises within the jurisdiction of the Members concerned. 5. If the Organization decides that an investigation is justified, it shall notify all Members or the complaint, request any Member to provide such additional information rel- evant to the complaint as the Organization may deem neoessary, and shall conduct or arrange for hearings on the complaint. Any Member, and any affected person, organization or business entity on whose behalf a complaint is made, as-well as the -parties alleged to have engaged in the practice complained of, shall be afforded reasonable opportunity to be heard at such hearings. 6. The Organization shall review all information avail- able.and decide whether the practices in question have had or are about to have the effect described in paragraph 1 of Article 39. E/PC/T/102 page 5. 7. The Organization shall report fully to all Members its decision and the reasons therefor. 8. If the Organization decides that in-any particular case the practices complained of have had or are about to have the effect described in paragraph 1 of Article 39, it shall request each Member concerned to take every possible remedial action, and may recommend to the Members concerned remedial measures to be carried out in accordance with their respective laws and procedures. 9. The Organization shall request all Members concerned to report fully on the remedial action they have taken in any particular case. 10. As soon as possible after its enquiries concerning any complaint dealt with under paragraphs 3 to 7 of this Article have been provisionally or finally closed, the Organ- ization shall prepare and publish a report showing fully the decisions reached, the reasons therefor and any action recomm- ended to the Members concerned. However, the Organization shall not, if a Member so requests, disclose confidential in- formation furnished by that Member which would materially damage the legitimate business interests of a commercial enter- prise. 1. The Organization shall report to all Members and make public the remedial actions which have been taken by the Members concerned in any particular case. Article 41 Studies relating to restrictive business practices 1. The Organization is authorized (a) to conduct studies either on its own initiative or at the request of any Member or of any organ of the United Nations or of any other inter-governmental organization, relating to (i) general aspects of restrictive business practices affecting international trade; and (ii) conventions, laws and procedures concerning, for example, incorporation, company registration, invest- ments, securities, prices, markets, fair trade prac- tices, trade marks, copyrights, patents and the exchange and development of technology, insofar as they are relevant to restrictive business practices affect- ing international trade; and (iii) registration of restrictive business agreements and other arrangements affecting international trade; and * (b) to request information from Members in connection with such studies. E/PC/T/102 page 6. 2. The Organization is authorized (a) to make recommendations to Members concerning such con- ventions, laws and procedures as are relevant to their oblig- ations under this Chapter; and (b) to arrange for conferences of Members to discuss any matters relating to restrictive business practices affecting international trade. Article 42 Obligations of Members 1. Each Member shall take all possible steps by legis- lation or otherwise to ensure, within its jurisdiction, that private and public commercial enterprises do not engage in practices which have the effect described in paragraph 1 of Article 39, and shall assist other Members and the Organization in preventing these practices, such measures to be taken in accordance with the Member's system of law and economic organ- ization. 2. Each Member shall make adequate arrangements for pres- enting complaints, conducting investigations and preparing in- formation and reports requested by the Organization.1111 3. Each Member shall furnish to the Organization, as promptly and as fully as possible, such information as is requested by the Organization for its consideration and its investigation of complaints and for its conduct of studies under this Chapter, provided that any Member (a) may withhold confidential information relating to its national security; and (b) on proper notification to the Organization, may with- hold information which the Member considers is not essen- tial to the Organization in conducting an adequate invest- igation and which, if disclosed, would materially damage the legitimate business interests of a commercial enterprise. In notifying the Organization that it is withholding infor- mation pursuant to this clause, the Member shall indicate the general character of the information withheld, and the reasons why it considers it not essential. 4. Bach Member shall take full account of each decision, request and recommendation of the Organization under paragraphs 6 and 8 of Article 40 and, in accordance with its system of law and economic organization, take in the particular case the action it considers appropriate in the light of its obligations under this Chapter. 5. Each Member shall report, as requested by the Org- anization, any action taken, independently or in concert with other Members, to implement decisions made by the Organization, and, when no action has been taken, inform the Organization of the reasons therefor and discuss the matter further with the Organization if requested to do so. E/PC/T/102 page 7. 6. Each Member shall, at the request of the Organization, take part in consultations and conferences provided for in this Chapter with a view to reaching mutually satisfactory conclusions. Article 43 Supplementary enforcement arrangements 1. Members may co-operate with each other in prohibitive, preventive or other measures for the purpose of making more effective any remedial order issued by a duly authorized agency of any Member in furtherance of the objectives of this Chapter. 2. Members participating in or intending to participate in such co-operative action shall notify the Organization. Article 44 Continued effectiveness of domestic measures against restrictive business practices No act or omission to act on the part of the Organization shall preclude any Member from énforcing any national statute or decree directed towards preventing monopoly or restraint of trade. Article 44 - A Procedure with respect to services 1. Members recognize that transportation, telecommunications, insurance, banking and certain other services are sub- stantial elements of international trade, and.that any. restrictive business practices in relation to them may have harmful consequences similar to those described in Article 39. Such practices shall be dealt with in accordance with the following paragraphs of this Article. E/PC/T/102 page 8 2. If any Member should consider that there exist restrictive business practices in relation to an international service in the meaning of Paragraph 1 which have or are about to have such harmful effects, and that its interests are se- riously prejudiced by this situation, the Member may submit a written statement explaining the situation to the Member or Members the public or private enterprises of which are engaged in the services in question. The Member or Members concerned shall give sympathetic consideration to the statement and to such proposals as may be made with a view to affording adequate opportunities of consultation and effecting a satisfactory adjustment of the matter. 3. If no adjustment can be effected, and if the matter is referred to the Organization it shall be transferred to the appropriate specialized inter-governmental agency if one exists, with such observations as the Organization in its discret in may wish to make. If no such special- ized agency exists, Members may, under Article 81 (c), ask the Organization to make recommendations for, and promote international agreement on, measures designed to improve the conditions of operation of the service in question so far as they affect the purposes of the Organization, 4. The Organization shall, subject to Article 81 (e), co- operate with specialized inter-governmental agencies in connection with restrictive business practices affecting the general field covered by the Charter and those agen-. cies shall be entitled to consult the Organization, to seek advice, and to ask that a study of a particular problem be made. Article 45 Exceptions to the provisions of this Chapter 1. The obligations in this Chapter shall not apply to (a) inter-governmental commodity arrangements meeting the requirements of Chapter VII; and [ (b) the international arrangements excepted in Article 59.] 2.[Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, the Organization may make recommendations to Members and to appropriate inter-governmental organizations concerning any features of the arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 (b) of this Article which may have the effect described in paragraph 1 of Article 39.] E/PC/T/102 page 9 PART III GENERAL NOTES ON CHAPTER VI Article 39 1. Paragraph 1 - Purposes of the Organization, The reference to the purposes of the Organization represents agreement reached as between suggestions that either all or none of the purposes in Article 1, as it will appear in its final form, should be named in this paragraph. Under this redraft the words "the expansion of production or trade" are followed by and'' and consequently harmful effects of practices' must relate to this-and at least-one of the other purposes. They are not specifically named since they have already been included by reference to Article 1. The suggest on that specific reference be made to economic development is taken care of by using the phrase "expansion of production or trade", this making clear the obligation of each Member to prevent interference with the economic expansion in countries whether under-developed or fully industrialized. 2. Paragraph 2 - "Public or". It was decided, after considerable discussion, to recommend the retention of these words, subject, however, to a proviso (which appears in para. 2 of Article 40) and to an expansion of the definition of "public commercial enter- prises" (which now appears as para. 4 of Article 39). The new proviso in Article 40 requires that,- if a Member con- siders that its interests are detrimentally affected by a single public commercial enterprise which effectively con- trols international trade in a product,.the Member must first seek to have the matter dealt with by consultation, as provided in.para.1 of Art. 40. It is recommended also in paragraph 2 that in such a case a complaint can be presented only by a Member on its own behalf, and not on behalf of any affected person, organization or business entity. 3. Paragraph 2 - "Or are about to have'" This phrase, which is designed to emphasize the desirability of preventive as well as remedial activities, appears in paragraph 2 but not in paragraph 1 of Article 39. It has been generally accepted that Members should have the right to complain about practices which they consider are on the point of having harmful effects, and that the Organiza- tion should be free to make investigations, reports and recommendations in such cases. A Member undertakes (under para. 1 of Art. 42) to take all possible steps to prevent harmful practices and (under para. 4 of Art. 42) to take full account of the Organization's recommendations and take the action it considers appropriate in the 1ight of its obligations under Chapter VI. E/PC/T/102 page 10 4. Paragraph 3 (f) - Extension of the use of patent and other rights The changes made in the New York draft avoid any implication that the Organization would intrude upon the jurisdiction of the courts of Member countries concerning the validity and scope of patents, etc., granted by the Governments of these countries. This meets the principal objection raised by the Netherlands Delegation in Document E/PC /T/17/138 Article 40 5. It is proposed to change the heading of this Article to "Procedure with respect to Investigations and Consultations". The re-arrangement of the paragraphs of this Article, as pro- posed in E/PC/T/W/122 was considered by the Sub-Committee to represent a distinct improvement over the New York draft. 6. Paragraph 1 - "Consultation" The Sub-Committee concurs in the view that the word "conference", in the New York draft, suggests a more formal and elaborate procedure than is contemplated or is desirable. "Consultation" suggests the informality which is more appro- priate when discussion is arranged among the several Members directly interested. The word "consultation" is used also in Article 42(6) in referring to a Member's corresponding obligation. 7. Paragraph 2 - Presentation of complaints. The New York draft provided that any affected person, organization or business entity could submit a complaint direct to the Organization if authorized to do so by a Member. The present draft would provide for the "presentation" of a com- plaint only by a Member - on its own behalf or on behalf of any affected person, organization or business entity. This has been made a separate paragraph and the remaining paragraphs have been accordingly re-numbered. (The other change in paragraph 2 is referred to above in Note 2) 8. Paragraphs 6 and 8 - "have had". Use of the words "have had" instead of the word "have" is intended to make it clear that the facts in any particular case would be judged by the Organization as of the- time the complaint was presented rather than as of the moment of the decision, which might be reached at a much later time. Article 41 9. Paragraph 1 - Studies of Restrictive Practices. The NORWEGIAN delegation proposed, in Document E/PC/T/W/155, authorization of studies relating to "trusts and combinations which substantially control. or influence international trade". It was considered that adequate pro- vision was made for specific investigations under Article 40, and that studies under this Chapter should relate to general aspects of restrictive business practices affecting inter- national trade. E/PC/T/102 page 11 10. Paragraph 1 - Publication of resorts. The NORWEGIAN proposal, in the same document, that the Organization should be authorized to publish the results of studies, was considered to be met adequately by the provisions of Article 61 (a). 11. Paragraph 1 (a) (iii) - Registration.of restrictive business agreements. The Sub-Committee agreed to insert this new sub-paragraph (iii) providing for studies relating to the registration of restrictive business practices. This action was taken in view of reservations by BRAZIL and CHILE in the first session of the Preparatory Committee (General Notes, No. 4, in E/PC/T/W/132), the BRAZILIAN amendment (document E/PC/T/W/54), as well as the observations by the Delegates of BRAZIL and NEW ZEALAND in the 4th meeting of' Commission B. Article 42 12. This Article has also been subject to a re-arrangement of paragraph, following E/PC/T/W/122, which is considered to be an improvement over the New York draft. 13. Paragraph 3 (b) - Withholding of information. To remove any possible ambiguity it was decided to recommend inclusion of the words "the Member considers" after the words "information which" in line 2. It was agreed that, the following words should be added: "and the reasons why it considers it not essential." 14. Paragraph 14. Action on, recommendations. Referred to in note 3. Article 44A 15. For convenience of the Members of Commission B, the text of this Article, as recommended by Sub-Committee I, is included with the other Articles which Sub-Committee Il was direoted to examine. Article 45 16. Paragraph 1 (b) - Exception of "the international arrangements excepted in Article 59". Under the New, York draft of Article 59, the provisions of Chapter VII shall not apply to ... "(b) ... agreements relating to the purchase and sale of a commodity falling under Section E of Chapter V". The latter Section, however, refers not to any specific commodities but to "any product" the importation or E/PC/T/102 page 12 exportation of which is controlled by a state monopoly. Amendments have been proposed to both Article 59 and Section E of Chapter V, and are now under consideration. Until it is known what changes are to be made in these Articles the Sub-Committee feels it Impossible to make any recommendation on the text of paragraph 1 (b) of Article 45. This sub-paragraph and paragraph 2 have accordingly been placed between square brackets in this draft. 17. U. K. Amendment to Article 45 - Document E/PC/T/W/l3l. The Delegate of the U.K., in conformity with his *statement at the 4th meeting of Commission B, was unable to withdraw his proposed amendment to Article 45 until a decision will have been reached in regard to the proposed new Article 44 - A,
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report upon Credentials
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 1, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/60 and E/PC/T/44-66
ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/60 AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. REPORT UPON CREDENTIALS 1. In accordance with Rule 6 of the Rules of the Preparatory Committee an examination has been made of the credentials submitted by representat- ives to the Second Session. In the absence of the Chairman and Mr. Augenthaler the examination was made by Mr. Colban, Sir Raghavan Pillai and Messrs. Clark and Wilgress. A list of the creden- tials is annexed hereto. 2. All members of the Preparatory Committee with the exception of China have presented final cred- entials of a nature considered satisfactory. In the case of China adequate provisional credentials have been lodged. Syria has also lodged adequate credentials covering its participation in the present session. 3. It is recommended that all the final creden- tials which have been submitted be accepted by the Preparatory Committee and that pending the arrival of the final oredentials of the Chinese delegation the provisional credentials presented by that delegation be regarded as sufficient. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES UNRESTRICTED E/PC/T/60 page 2 CREDENTIALS RECEIVED FOR THE SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. DATE 28 March 8 April 20 March 20 March TYPE Letter signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Note from the Belgian Legation, Berne, en- closing list of members of Delegation Letter signed by the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Letter signed by the Minister of State for External Affairs Chile China Cuba Czechoslovakia France , . . : *.- . . . . * , . .. . . . ; ,. . India . . .... ... ... ... .. . . % . . . 1 April 2 April 19 March . 1 pr .. . 9 April 1 April Letter signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Cable from the Minister of Foreign Affairs Letters for each member of the Delegation signed by the Minister of State Latter signed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs Latter signed for the Minister of Foreign Affairs by the Ambass- ador of France/Secret- ary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Latter signed by the Secratary to the Gov- ernment of India, Department of External Affairs COUNTRY Australia Belgium Brazil Canada E/PC/T/60 page 3 COUNTRY Lebanon Luxembourg Netherlands Norway DATE 29 March 8 April 21 April 9 April TYPE Letter signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Letter signed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Note from the Nether- lands Legation, Berne Letter signed by Secret- ary-General, Depart- ment of Foreign Affairs New Zealand 24 February Full powers signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Syria 3 April Union of South Atrica United Kingdom United States of America 27 March 19 April 15 April Credentials signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Letter signed by the Acting High Comm- issioner, London Letter signed by the Minister of State attaching list of members of Delegation Letter signed on behalf of the Acting Secret- ary of State
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Resolution of the Economic and Social Council on Emeployment and Economic Development (adopted by the Council March 28, 1947)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 25, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T56 and E/PC/T/44-66
UNES~RICT2E ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T56 AND ECONOMIQUE April 25, 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFEFENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT RESOLUTION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL ON.EMEPLOYMENT AND .ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (adopted by the Council March 28, 1947) (Item 7 (3) on the Agenda for the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee) THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL HAVING NOTED WITH APPROVAL the instructions of the Economic and Employment Commission to its Sub-Commissions on Economic Development and on Employment end Economic Stability, and HAVING NOTED the services required from the Secretary- General to facilitate the work of the Commission and its Sub-Commissions RESULTS the Economic and Employment Commission: (a) to investigate and report, taking full account of the responsibilities of the specialized agencies and the inter-governmental organizations regarding the most appropriate forms of international action for facili- tating the better utilization of world resources of man- power, materials, labour and capital in order to promote higher standrds of living throughout the world, more particularly in un-developed and under-developed areas; (b) to initiate regular reports to the Council on world economic conditions and trends, giving particular attention to any factors that are preventing or are likely to prevent in the near future the maintenance of full employment 'and economic stability, together with analyses indicating the causal factors involved and recommendations as to desirable action; and (c) to consider and report to the Council as early as practicable regarding the most appropriate forms of international action to maintain world. full employment and economic stability, taking full account of any views put forward by the International Labour organization, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Interim Co-ordinating Committee for UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T56 page 2 International Commodity Arrangements, the Preparratory Committee of the Trade and Employment Conference (particularly the draft resolution on international action relating to employment appearing in the report of the first session of this Committee), and by non- govermental organizations in Category A in regard to questions of particular concern to them, and bearing in mind that the action to promote -full employment when unemployment or under employment result from the lack of effective demand may differ from that which is appropriate when, as in devastated areas or undeveloped or under-developed countries, the obstacle is th, deficiency of certain factors such as equipment, fuel and raw materials which are. necesssary to employ productively the available supply of labour REQUESTS the Secretary-General (a) to make the necessary provisions for carying out the services described in the report of the Econormic and Employment Commission, Part V Section C, and Part VI Section B and *(b) to assume the responsibility, contemplated in. paragraph 2 of Section B of Part VI of the report of the Commission, for drawing to the attention of the Commission and its. Sub-Commission on Employment and Economic Statility eny economic situations which should receive special consideration and in particular, such develo.pments as would, in the opinion of the .Secretary- General, Justify the calling of a session of the Economic and Employment Commission in accordance with its rules of' procedure.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Resolution of the Economic and Social Council on its Functions Regarding Economic Development (adopted by the Council March 28, 1947)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 25, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T.55 and E/PC/T/44-66
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T 55 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL 25 April 1947 SECON SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. RESOLUTION OF THE ECONOMC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL ON ITS FUNCTIONS REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (adopted by the Council March 28, 1947) (Item 7 (1) on the Agenda for the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee) THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL HAVING CONSIDERED the request of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and EmpIoyment contained in. the Annexure 8 of the Report of its First Session., IS OF THE VIEW that it would be appropriate for the Interna. tional Trade Organization to assume the functions relating to economic development as described in Article 11, paragraph 3 of the Draft Charter appended to the above-mentioned Report. The Council expects that careful consideration will be given by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment to the final formulation of this paragraph in the light of the agreed purposes and functions of the International Trade Organization. bearing in mind (a) the terms of reference established by the Council for the Economic and Employment Commission and its Sub- Commission on Economic Development, and (b) the responsibility in this field of inter-governmental organizations which are now, or are qualified to be, special. sized agencies under Article 57 of the United Nations Charter. NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Resolution of the Economic Social Council on Establishing an Interim Co-Ordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangements (adoptedd by the Council March 28,1947)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 25, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/54 and E/PC/T/44-66
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL UNRESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL E/PC/T/54 SOCIAL COUNCIL 25 April 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. RESOLUTION OF THE ECONOMIC SOCIAL COUNCIL ON ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM CO-ORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR INTERNATIONAL COMMODITY ARRANGEMEDNTS adoptedd by the Council March 28,1947j (Item 7 (2) on the Agenda for the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee) THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NOTING that inter-governmental consultatives are going forward actively with respect to certain internatinally traded commodities, and CONSIDERING the significant measures agreement regarding commodity problems and the co-ordintation of commodity consultations already reached both in the First Session of the Preparatory Committee of the Unitd Nations Conferonce on Trade and Employment, and in the Preparatory Commission on World Food Proposols of the Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, RECOMENDS that, pending the establishment of the Interantional Trade Organization, Members of the United Nations adopt as a general guide in inter-governmental l consultation or action with respect to commodity problems the principles laid own in Chapter VII as a. whole, i.e. the chapter on Inter-Governmental Commodity Arrangements of the Draft Charter appended to the Report of the First Session of the Preparatory Committee of the NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/5 4 page 2 United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, although recognising that discussions in future sessions of the Preperatory Committee of the United Nations Conference, as well as in the Conference itself, May result in modifications the provisions relating to commodity problems and REQUESTS the Secretary-Ganersl to appoint an Interim Co-ordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangements to keep information of and to facility by appropriate means such inter-governementel consultation or action with respect to commodity problems, the Committee to consist of a Chairman to represent the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, a person nominated by the Food and , Agricultural Organization of the United Nations to be concerned in particular with agricultural primary commodities, and a person to be concerned in particular with non-agricultural primary commodities.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Revised draft of Article 6 proposed by the United Kingdom Representative at the Executive Session of the Preparatory Committee on May 23rd
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/111 and E/PC/T/W/82-124
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/W/111 AND ECONOMIQUE 23 May, 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Revised draft of Article 6 proposed by the United Kingdom Representative at the Executive Session of the Preparatory Committee on May 23rd. Any member whose balance of payments is persistently favourable to such a degree that the disequilibrium involves other members in balance of payments Uifilcultics which handi- cap them in maintaining employment or in avoiding trade res- trictions, shah main its full contribution to action designed to correct the disequilibrium. Other members affected shall also take action appropriate to the circumstances, designed to assist in correcting the disequilibrium. Action in accordance with the Article shall be taken with duc regard to thc desirability of avoiding any unnecessary con- traction of foreign trade. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES Nouvelle rédaction du projet d'article 6 proposée par le représentant du Royaume-Uni, lors de la réunion du Comité exécutif de la Commission préparatoire tenue le 23 mai. Tout Etat membre dont la balance des comptes est constamment favorable, à tel point que LE déséquilibre entraîne pour d'autres membres des difficultés dans leur propre balance des comptes de nature à empêcher ceux-ci de maintenir chez eux le volume de l'emploi ou d'éviter les restrictions commercials, devra contribuer, dans la plus large mesure possible, à toute action visant à rétablir l'équilibre. Les autres membres affectés devront également prendre des mesures appropriées aux circons- tances et visant à rétablir l'équilibre. Los mesures adoptées en vertu du présent article devront l'être en tenant dûment compte du fait qu'il est souhaitable de n'apporter aucune restriction inutile au commerce extérieur. . . .
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Revised text
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 31, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/60/Rev.1 and E/PC/T/W/23-81
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Revised text
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 31, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/60/Rev.1 and E/PC/T/W/23-81
UNlTED NATIONS RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/60/Rev.1 AND ECONOMIQUE 31 May, 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL Original: French SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Revised text The Representative of France has proposed to the Sub- Committee nn Chapter III that the following revised version be substituted for the versions proposed in E/PC/T/W/60 and E/PC/T/W/60/Amend.1 The text is circulated herewith for information. Article 7 1. The Organization shall have due regard to the need of Members to safeguard their economies against a serious or abrupt decline in the external demand for goods and services due to deflationary pressure from other countries. 2. The Organization shall promptly, at the request of a Member affected, or may, on its own initiative, convene: Alternative A: A Conference with a view to defining, if necessary with the assistance of the competent inter- governmental organizations the measures to be taken within the competence of the Organization; Alternative B: An intergovernmental Conference designed to remedy the situation by concerted action. 3. If a Member considers that there has been unreason- able delay in the procedure provided for in paragraph 2 above, it may, pending its release by the Organization from its confliçting obligations under Chapter V, adopt emergency measures, provided that these measures shall be withdrawn if the Organization, after full consideration, decides that it is unable to release the Member from its conflicting obligations. NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Revision to Secretariat Note (E/PC/T/144). (This revision is issued at the request of the Brazilian Delegation)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/144.Rev.1 and E/PC/T/142-152
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/144.Rev.1 4 August 1947 AND ECONOMIQU E ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTES OF THE UNIETD NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. . Revision to Secretariat Note (E/PC/T/144) (This revision is issued at the request of the Brazilian Delegation). The Brazilian Delegation has informed the Tariff Negotiations Working Party in connection with the adjustment of the tariff rates on which Brazil is negotiating at this Conference. The Brazilian Delegation has received instructions from its Government to the effect that, in accordance with Annexure 10 of the London Report and with communications made previously to all negotiating countries, these rates are to be now rectified by 40 per cent so as to compensate in some degree the reduction of the protective incidence which occurred from 1934 and to the extent that this reduction was caused by currency depreciation. The Tariff Negotiation Working Party appointed a sub- committee composed of representatives of the Belgium-Luxembourg- Netherlands Customs Union, France, United Kingdom and the United States, which discussed this question with the Brazilian Delegation on July 29. After considering the report of its sub-committee, the Tariff Negotiations Working party agrees that this matter should be dealt with by the Preparatory Committee in executive session. The Brazilian Delegation had agreed to present the reasons which made this measure necessary. Accordingly, it has beun arranged that a statement from the Brazilian Delegation will be distributed this week and that the Preparatory Committee shall meet in executive session on Friday, August 8 at 10.30 a.m. to consider the matter.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Rules of Procedure as revised on 10 April 1947
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 14, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/40 and E/PC/T/34-44
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL UNRESTRICTED E/PC/T/40 14 April 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT RULES OF PROCEDURE AS REVISED ON 10 APRIL 1947 CHAPTER I -- AGENDA Rule 1 The provisional agenda for each meeting shall be drawn up by the Executive Secretary in consultation with the Chairman and shall be communicated to the representatives as soon as possible after its preparation. Rule 2 The first item upon the provisional agenda of any meeting shall be the adoption of the agenda. Rule 8 The Preparatory Committee may decide to review, add to or delete from the agenda. CHAPTER II -- REPRESENTATION AND CREDENTIALS Rule 4 Each member of the Preparatory Committee shall be represented by an accredited ropresentative. Rule 5 Each representative may be accompanied by suoh alternate representatives and advisers as he may require. Rule 6 The credentials of representatives and the names of alternate representatives and advisers shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary within one week of the opening meeting of the Preparatory Committee. The.Chairman and the Vice-Chairmen shall examine the credentials of representatives without delay and submit a report thereon to the Preparatory Committee for approval. CHAPTER III - CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMEN Rule 7 At the oommencement of each session the Preparatory NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/40 Page 2 Committee shull elect from its representatives a Chairman and such number of Vice-Chairmen as it deems necessary for the efficient discharge of its responsibilities. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall hold office until the and of the session at which they are elected. Rule 8 If the Chairman is absent from a meeting, or any part thereof, the First Vice-Chirman, or in the latter's absence, the Second Vice-Chairman, shall Preside. Rule 9 If the Ohairman COfsjw to r,'prosont a member of the :; Oommitteo, or i5 sO incapacitütted that ho con no longer hold offiou, the Firot Vicû-G..0 irazn shall beoome Chairman. If ti) First Vice-Cliuirman censes to reprosont a member cf tho Preparatory Oommittue, or is so incapecitatod that ho con no longer hold office, the Scicond VicJ-C1il.irmdn shall toke his 'place. ;Rule 10 A Vice-Cho. man acting os CQiL«n. shalL buvo the. same powers and duties us thée Ghairmaen. Rules il The ' or a Vi.;:--Chbirmon ticting rs Chaniiran shall perticipate in the meetings of the P.ipura tory Coe.t.tte es suoh and not bs tha ropresonLt-c1vc of ths mcimber by wihom he was acoredited. Th.. Spdp.rstory CI.iitte 3a11 permit .nl alternate .represetitetive to reprusun.L t1hat numberr in the mnetiigs of the Eicpcarctory Uommitteo and t;o oxeroise its right to vote. CH`FU-iET V - - SECRETARIAT Rule 12 The Exeoutive Secr; ary shall uct in tho, cup.aoG`ty et all meetings of the Prep6_rutory CoLraitteo nnd its oomrai ttees. Ho May appoint another mrnjber of the stcff to tu:ke his plce et sny meeting of the Preper.c;tory Co'rL.ttee o- o? its cormii'tuees. Rule 13 The Executive Secretnry sbr.11. pi(;vidc and direct such str'ff as is requi4r'.d by tha nr'-.tory CcL r.Itt3e or by eny of tts pom ittees or sorn'1 ', tooes. Rule 14 - - The Executive Secretary, or hic dpu zy &cti.i- oxn his behalf, ,may et any time upon t-C ir;vi teotiof i:tie Con jfL of the <Preperûtory Coomat1ttee ori of tho chuirnwn of a Ccrx;';tee or sub- .oo00ittee, make ui thur orol or ir,'tton stateraen,.s conco:ning eny question under co.3iQ retion . -Rule 15 The Executive Sacreta:y shalh bo for m'.cking all E/PC/T/40 Page 3 necessary arrangements for meetings of the Preparatory Committee and of its committees and sub-committees. CHAPTER V -- CONDUCT OF BUSINESS Rule 16 A majority of the members of the Preparatory Committee shall constitute a quorum. Rule 17 In addition to exercising the powers conferred upon him elsewhere by these rules, the Chairman shall declare the opening and closing of each meeting of the Preparatory Committee, shall direct the discussion, ensure the observance of these Rules, and shall accord the right to speak, put questions to the vote and announce decisions. The Chairmen may also call a speaker to order if his remarks are not relevant to the subject under discussion. Rule 18 The chairman of a committee or a rapporteur appointed by a committee to present its report may be accorded precedence for the purpose of explaining the report. Rule 19 During the discussion of any matter a representative may raise a point of order. In this case the Chairman shall immediately state his ruling. If it is challenged, the Chairman shall forthwith submit his ruling to the Preperatory Committee for decision and it shall stand unless over-ruled. Rule 20 During the discussion of any matter a representative may move the adjournment of the debate. Any such motion shall have priority. In addition to the proposer of the motion, one representative nay be allowed to speak in favour of, end one representative against the motion. Rule 21 A representative may et eny time move the closure of the debate whether or not any other representative has signified his wish to speak. Not more than two representatives may be granted permission to speak against the closure. Rule 22 The Chairman shall take the sensor of the Preparatory Committee on a motion for closure. If the Preparatory Committee is In favour of the closure, the Chairman shall declare the dabate closed. Rule 23 The Preparatory Committee may limit the time allowed to each speaker. E/PC/T/40 Page 4 Rule 24 Proposed resolutions, Emendments end substantive motions shall be introduced in writing and handed to the Executive Secretary 4£ shall circulate copies to the representatives. Unil.#z, tue Pr;.ptiratory Cormmittee decides otherwise, no 3uoh proposal shall be discussed or put to the vote et any meeting of the ur.t_.rtory Cor.;ittea unless copies of it have been distributed to the ropresQntetives et last twenty-four hours before the meeting ooncorned. Rulo 25 Proposed principal Lmotions and draft resolutions shall have precedence in the order of their submission. Rulo G6 Part.s of 3 proposed notion or of o droft resolution shall be votod onr seporutely ut the request of ony representative, unless tho mover of the motion or resolution objects. RuIZ 27 * Wuaci aa t..jdIdient revise, adds to or deletes from a proposal, the amendiaernt shall be put t.D the vote first, end If it is adopted, the omeinded proposal shall thon be put to the vote. Rule 28 If two Dr Miru emendmAets are moved tD a proposal, the Preparatory Committee shall vote first on the amendment furthest removed in substance from the original proposal, then on the amendment next furthos«; removed end so on, until all the amendments have been put to the vote. Rule 29 It tàlt.l uit ou uocojsary f r any proposed motion or draft resolution submitted by a representative on the Prptrtt-ry Co.,=ittue to be seconded before being put to a vote. CHAPTER VI -- VOTING Rulo 3O Ecou ivLbur of the Pre9cr4tvry Cu,.itt;he shall have one vote. Rule 31 Decisions uf the Prupbà:it.ty Coiuittoc shall be made by a majority of the rem.bors present and voting. Rule 32 The Prvqaràtiry Corraittee sball normally vote by show of hands except when any representative requests u roll oel whioh shahl then be takon in the EnbJlisl alphabatioal order of the names of the members. E/PC/T/40 Rule 33 Tho vote of ecoh muibor participating in ony roll oell end eny obstantiuns shall be inserted in the record. Rul 34 When the Frlp&rt tory Culitt iâ dficiding a ;uestion relating to individuals, a secret ballot shhall be taken. RULu â5 If, when only one morber àr person is to be eleoted, no oandidnte obtains in the first be.hlot tha maJority required, a asoond ballot shall be tukan ounfined to the twz candidates obtaining tho laréost number ut votos. If, in tho BeOOnd ksllot, the votes are dlvidod, the ohairren shall decide botwoen tho candidates by drawing lots. eAl.AQ_ I2 tao Prw.ptrut;ry GOuuittw-o i& 4àqua1ly divided when b volte is tokon oa a question other then = election, a second oto shall be takün nt the next meeting. If tho Przpar'.tory 1o"eittee i9 then agein aquelly divided, tho proposal shall be regarded as rejected. CHAPTER VII -- ILNGUAGES Rula 37 Chinose, English, Fr&.Lc.i, Russian end Spnjsh shall} be the official languages of the PFxvp£rC.tory Cu itto, and English and F'rench th-. working languages. Rule 38 Spuoclies made in either of the working languages shall be interpreted into the other working language. Rulo 39 Suocàcs rade in any of the other three official languages shall be interpreted into both working languages. Rule 40 4âny representative may meke e speech in a lenguega other than on official languGge. I tais case ho himself must provide for intEirprotction into one of the working languages. Iflt61pst:tiuttu ito tho other working language by an interpreter of the Secroteriat mt-y be based on the interpretation given in the first working language. Rule 41 Vz;rbatim records shall be drawn up in the working languages. à trc.nslation of the. whole or E;ny pert of any verbatim record into eny of thu other official lenguages shall be furnished if requested by any representative. E/PC/T/40 Rule 42 Summary records shall be drawn up in the working languages. A translation of the whole or any part of any summary record into any of the other official languages shall be furnished if requested by any representative. Rule 43 All resolutions, reccr>z endatitons and othcr fozri'ul decisions o' tho Ppxrtiy CX:u.ii;t i"all 'ou du aiuilable ina the official lualguagds. U.:Jv t r t ~ ;`V Zany reFrc"entative, eny other document of the Er:pe:uettvy Cv ttut siiuli be made avouilble in any or ail of th1v official languages. GELPTER VIII -- REliRESENTLTION OF MMBERS OF THE UNITED NA4TIONS NOT MEMBERS OF THE PiiEP.HhTORY COIMTTEE 2.D OF SPECIj.LIZED INTER-GOVERNMIMT&,L AGENCIES A'ND NOI;-GOVE N;MHNT.1iL ORGANIS1ATIONS Eulu 44 Representatives of the Incurnational Lub-jur Organization, the Fuvd tLd A6ricultural Or,;Lization, the Int'J'LJatiUntl Mu4ltbry Fullu cu1 t1h4 Intui tic4ri.Âcil Buu, Lur ReculDitruction and Duvolv ycat aLy attend meetings c-o the Ptcprri..tory OCi±ttue and of its coumittues and perticipato without vote in their deliboretions with respeCt to items on thOir agenda relating to matters within the scope of thair respective activities. RuL1 45 Ti4 peuvisions of the Rupurt of the Ca:ti to a± the gcvp-u-c and Social CounCil on ALngments for %onsultetion with Non-Gvvornmontal Ormanizations, approved by the Cunoil on 21 JuLau 1Y46, shall apply to the ree tings of the Prup&ratory Committee es appropriate. Tiie cuoittees of the Piuparatory CGo,7.1tzoo Luy u'ijoult i.iti non-0overnmental organizations in Cet_>ory h*i tl.r directly or through comnmitteos established for the purpose. SchL consultation zaay bQ Farrengud on the invitation of the working committee or on the request of the organization. Rulj 4B~ Tne pscitwtives cf goverxaments who are not members of the Fr2parutuJr Couraittee but who are Mgwbarr of the 'Umitud No-tions, caà tke part us obsarveru çut all meetings of the PrGpaituy Co-rittee rand of its oor.=ittaes and sub- o0ui ttees. ,CMAPTER IX E- BECOHOR Rula 47 S£au.y ri>cQrds of the meetings ofthe frap toryCc:r;itte & its Coumittoees 3aho be kept by the Seoretarict. Tthy shall be sent as soon es possible to all representatives who shei' inform the Socrwtariat Lot later than twenty-four hours after the circulation of the sumnaary records of any charges they wish to have made. E/PC/T/40 Page 7 Rule 48 Vorbotim records of the meetings or the Preparatory Committee and its committees shall be kept by the Secretariat. One copy of the record of each meeting shall be sent as soon as possible to all representatives. Rule 49 The verbatim records of public meetings shall be available to the public. The verbatim records of private meetings shall bs uvoiloble to Mombars ot the Unitod Nntions ûnd to specialized inter-govurnmontal agencies. CHAPTER X -- PUBLICITY OF IEETINGS Buli 50 The meetings of the Proporctory Co=mittee shall be held in public unless the Proparutory Cormittee docides thct a meeting shall be held in private. Rulo; bl The meetings of the committees of the Priparatory CO;LiIttoe sahll ordinarily bo hold in private, Ench committee may decide thct a perticuler meeting or meetings -hall bo held in public. Rulo bL The meouings of sub-conaittaos hold in private. Ru).o s3 Afttr e priva to meeting has boen hold, the Executive SocretEry, vwith tha approviil of the body concerned, moy issue a conmuniqud to the Prcss, U1L.F.TER XI -- COMVITTEES À'ZJD SUB-COMAITT1EFS Rule 54 The Preparatory Cormittoe rmy set up such committoes and sub-conmrittoes ts it doezs nocessary for the performance of its functions. Rulo 55 Each committoo and sub-committoc shnll 1aoct itfiovwn ortiers. Rulo 56 A. chiairmon of a cor;mitteo ;r a vicu-ohnirmiin actLng as chairrin shill par'ticipato in the m3etirgs of tho committee as such and not es tha reprcsontr'LtIveof f o mombo:-. 'he C>mittee shall permit another reprosontative tu represent that member in the - tings of the com*.littoe and to ozozciss3 tho momborrs right ot vota. E/PC/T/40 Rule 58 The provisions of rules 17 to 40 inclusive shall be applied in the proceedings of committees and sub-committees. Rule 59 A majority of the members of a committee or sub- committee shall constitute a quorum. Rule 60 A committee or sub-committee may appoint a rapporteur to present its report or for any other purpose It deems fit and necessary. Rule 613 Committees and sub-committees may, by agreement, decide to adopt rules of procedure regarding interpretations or translations of a more simple character than those laid down in these Rules. Rule 62 Sub-committees shall decide, in consultation with the Secretariat, upon the form of their records and the procedure to be followed with them.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Schedule of Charter Discussions for week beginning May 19. Note by the Chairman
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 17, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/71 Add.1 and E/PC/T/66-91
RESTRICTED UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/71 Add.1. 17 May 1947 ECONOMIC CONSEIL AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Schedule of Charter Discussions for week beginning May 19 Note by the Chairman At the request of the Delegation of Czechoslovakia, who need further time for preparation for the discussion of Chapter III of the Charter, I have decided to postpone the meeting arranged for Monday, May 19th, at 11.00 a.m. to Tuesday, May 20th at 10,30 a.m. Accordingly, the schedule of Charter discussions issued in E/PC/T/71 has been revised as follows: Tuesday, May 20, 10.30 a.m - Chapter III Wednesday, May 21, 10.30 a.m. - Article 14, 2(c)(Chapter V) Thursday, May 22, 10.30 a.=. - A.ticle 14, 2(c) (contd.) Friday, May 23, 10.30 a.m. - Chapter III Any amendments to Chapter III should be submitted to the Secretariat for inclusion in the revised annotated agenda on Chapter III by 10.30 a.m. Monday, May 19th (see document E/PC/T/W83) instead of by noon Saturday, May 17th, as originally requested. The date for submission of amendments to Article 14 2(c) of Chapter V remains Monday, May l9th at 10.30 a.m. as requested in E/PC/T/71. Amendments to Chapter IV should be submitted to the Secretariat by noon Friday, May 23rd.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Schedule of Charter Discussions in Executive Session for week beginning May 19
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 16, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/71 and E/PC/T/66-91
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/71 16-May i947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Schedule of Charter Discussions in Executive Session for week beginning May 19 Note from the Charter Steering Committee Monday, May 19, 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 20, 10.30 a.m. - Chapter III - Chapter III (contd.) Wednesday, May 21, 10.30 a.m. - Article 14, 2 (c) (Chapter ') Thursday, May 22, 10.30 a.m. Friday, May 23, 10.30 a.m. - Article 14, 2 (c) (contd.) or Chapter III (contd.) - Chapter IV The Steering Committee requests ail Delegations to submit to the Secretariat in Room 220 by noon, Saturday, May 17, (as requested in document E/PC/T/W 83) any amendments which they plan to propose to Chapter III beyond those included in the Draft Annotated Agenda for that Chapter (E/PC/T 70). Such amendments will be incorporated in a revised agenda to be issued Saturday afternoon. The Steering Committee also requests all Delegations to submit to the Secretariat in Room 220 by 10.30 a.m., Monday, May 19, any amendments which they plan to propose to Article 14, 2 (c) of Chapter V in addition to those incorporated in the Annotated Agenda for that Chapter (E/PC/T/W 64). The Steering Committee also requests all Delegations to submit to the Secretariat in Room 220 by 10.30 a.m. Wednesday, May 21, any amendments which they plan to propose to Chapter 17 beyond those already indicated in the Draft Annotated Agenda lor that Chapter (E/PC/T 70) in order that such proposed amendments may be included in a revised Agenda. NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Second Report of Charter Steering Committee
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/78 and E/PC/T/66-91
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/78. AND ECONOMIQUE 23 May 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Second Report of Charter Stcering Committee 1, Schedule for discussion of Chapters 1, Il and VIII. The Steering Committen recommends for adoption the dates for discussion of Chaptors I, II and VIII and for submissioon of amend- ments thereto, incorporated ln the annexed schedule for Chapters IV, V, VI and VII already adopted by the Prearatory Committee. Chapters I, II and VIII should bc referred to Commission B which has, at present, a lighter schedule than.Commission A. All three Chapters, but especinlly II and VIII, can logically be dis- cussed by the same Commission in view of their subject matter, A week's gap has been allowed for completion of sub-committee repor on Chapter VII between the dates on which Commission B is schedu... , finish Chapter VII and begin Chapter VIII. However, Delegations should bc prepared to begin discussion of Chapter VIII before June 16, say by June 12 or 13, should the progress of the Charter talks warrant such a stop. It is recognized that Chapters I, II and VIII are closely related to the rest of the Charter. For this reason, it may be difficult to agree finally all Articles ln these Chapters until consideration of the reminder of the charter is nearing comple- tion. Nevertheless, the Steering Committee believes these Chap- ters should be scheduled for discussion on the dates specified in. the annexed table ln order to expodite the submission of amendments and to permit the early referencc to sub-committees of points at issue. Chapter I on Purposes has been scheduled for consideration last because of its close relation to the whole of the Chparter. For the purposes of Commission A's general discussion, the Steering Committee ha.s divided Chapter VIII as follows: a) Articles 61-80, and b) Articles 81-89. This is to facilitate the consideration of the Chapter. 2. Article 15 (Chapter V). The Working Party on Technical Articles at its last meeting on May 20 decided not to deal with Articlc 15 and the proposed new Article 15 A (of. W/23 and -.i105) but to refer the disposition of this Article to the Charter Steering Committee, (For the Working Party's discussion on this point, see Summary Record of the Eleventh Meeting, Thursday, May 22, E/PC/T/,wp.l/SR 11). The Steering Committee recommends that Article 15 be con- sidered by Commission A along with Articles 14 and 24 on June 3 and 4 (see annexed table). Commission A's discussion of Articles 14, 15 and 24 can be extended through June 4 if necessary. P.T.O. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/78 page 2 ANNEX * Dates for Dis- cussion in the Commissions ** May Tuesday 27 Wednesday 28. Thursday 29 Friday 30 Saturday .31 . . June 9.,- .. Sunday 1. Monday 2 Tuesday. 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday 8 Monday 9 Tuesday 10 Wednesday 11 Thursday 12 Friday .13 . Saturday 14 Sunday 15 Monday 16 Tuesday 17 Wednesday 18 Thursday 19 Fidday 20 Saturday 22. Sunday 22 Monday 23 Tuesday 24 Wednesday 25 Commission A. Latest Dates Commission B Latest Dates for submission for submission of Amendments of Amendments May 23 VI VI May 30 May 31 VII May 24 May 30 VII June 4 June 9 June 14 June 19 VIII (61-80) VIII (6.1-80). VIII (81-89) VIII (81-89) II and I June 11 June 11 June 18 IV IV V(14,15& 24) V(14,15 & 24) V(34,35,36,38) V(34,35,36,38) V(25 and 27) V(25 and 27) V(26,28,29) V(26,28,29) V(30) V(30) V(31,32,33) V(31,32,33) All-additions to the schedule previously adopted by the Preparatory Committee are underlined. ** The Commissions will meet twice daily (usually 10.30 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.) on the dates scheduled, and it may be necessaryay on some occasions to schedule a third meeting.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Second Special Report on the Progress of Tariff Negotiations by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 3, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/S/3, E/PC/T/TRF/90-155, and E/PC/T/S/1-3
SECRET ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/S/3 AND ECONOMIQUE 3rd July 1947. SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. SECOND SPECIAL REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS BY THE TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS WORKING PARTY Three meetings for the opening of tariff negotiations were held during the fortnight ending 28th June, and there are now 96 negotiations in progress. 85 meetings were held during the past fortnight bringing the total number to 383. 24 pairs of countries have held only one meeting, 22 have held two, 20 have held three and 14 have held four. Only 16 pairs of countries have held more than four meetings, and if these are deducted the average for the remaining 80 is only 2.3. The reports on the state of negotiations received from delegations for the fortnight ending 28th June record that 4 pairs of countries have completed their negotiations in addition to Canada and Norway which was mentioned in the last report. The negotiations completed are: Chile - Norway Chile - South Africa China - South Africa Cuba - South Africa. Thus, 5 pairs of countries have now completed the bilateral stage of their negotiations, but the trade involved is less than 0.2% of the total trade among the countries represented on the Preparatory Committee. UNTED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/S/3 page 2. Twelve negotiations are reported to be nearing completion. On four of these the reports of the two countries coincide: Brazil - United States Czechoslovakia - South Africa India - Norway Norway - South Africa But on eight others one of the countries gives a less favourable opinion: Australia - South Africa (Australia says "making progress") Brazil - Canada (Canada says "Making progress") Cuba - India, (India says "Making considerable progress") Cuba - United Kingdom (Cuba says "in preliminary stages") Czechoslovakia - India (Czechoslovakia says "making considerable progress") India - New Zealand (New Zealand says "Making progress") New Zealand - South Africa (New Zealand says "making progress") United Kingdom - United States (United States says "making progress") In the 16 reports there are 25 crosses in the column headed "making considerable progress": these include the following in addition to those mentioned above: (The opinion that the negotiation are making considerable progress" is expressed by the countries underlined) Australia - Czechoslovakia Australia - Norway Brazil -.United Kingdom Canada - Cuba Canada - Czechoslovakia Canada - France Chile - Cuba E/PC/T/S/3 page 3. China - United Kingdom Cuba - Czechoslovakia Cuba - United States Czechoslovakia - New Zealand Czechoslovakia - Norway France - South Africa France - United Kingdom India - Lebanon/Syria Lebanon/Syria - United Kingdom Lebanon/Syria - United States Norway - United States The following improvements in the progress of negotiations in the past fortnight are reported: 36 opinions of improvement from "in pre-liminary stores" to "making progress"; 4 opinions of improvement from "in preliminary stages" to "making considerable progress"; 10 opinions of improvement from "making progress" to "making considerable progress"; 5 opinions of improvement from "making progress" to "nearing completion"; and 2 opinions of improvement from " making considerable progress" to "nearing completion". In 118 cases no change in opinion is recorded. on the other hand, five delegations report that certain negotiations are less advanced then they were a fortnight ago: E/PC/T/S/3 page 4. Czechoslovakia in its negotiations with Brazil Czechoslovakia " " " " China France " " " " Brazil France " " " " Lebanon/Syria France " " " " Norway An examination of the reports for the fortnight ending 28 June gives no greater ground for optimism as to the completion of the negotiations by the target date of 15th August. It is evident that most delegations will have to hold more frequent meetings if they are not to fall behind and cause delay in the conclusion of the Session. The Tariff Negotiations Working Party in accordance with the decision of the Chairman's Committee on 27th June, proposes to consult with delegations and to propose steps to speed up the progress of the negotiations, including, in some instances assistance in the scheduling of meetings. T he Working Party is confident that it will have the co-operation of all delegations in carrying out these responsibilities. ANNEX A E/PC/T/S/3 page 5. STATE OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS (as at 28th June) 1. 96 NEGOTIATIONS Number of meetings held up to 28th June State of negot'ns as reported by the two countries (1) 34 Canada - U.S.A. 26 U.K. - U. S.A. 2 India - U.K. 4 Benelux - U.K. 4 Benelux - France 7 S. Africa - U.K. 4 Benelux -U.S. 15 France - U.K. 6 France - U.S.A. 29 Cuba - U.S.A. 5 Brazil - U.S.A. 3 Norvway - U.K. 9 China - U.S.A. 5 India - U.S.A. 1 Australia-: - U.S.A. 2 S. -frica - U.S.A. 3 Brazil - U.K. 2 - 2 4 - 2 2 - 2 2 - 1 2 - 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 4 - 4 2 - 2 2 - 2 2 - 2 1 - 1 Trade in 1938 Approx. as a % of value in total trade Dollars among all (millions) countries repre sented at the Conf. (2) 782 687 405 361 287 263 249 212 198 194 173 107 100 98 88. 11.3 10.0 5.9 5. 2 4.2 3.8 3.6 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.5 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 2 - 1 61 0.9 (1) The figure " " " " " " " " "1" indicates "in preliminary stages", "2" "' "making progress", "3" " "making considerable progress", "4" " "nearing completion", and "5" " that the negotiations have been completed. The first figure records the opinion expressed by the first-named country, the second figure records that of the second-named country. .(2) The trade of dependent territories is not included with that of the countries having international responsibility for them. Number of Weeks since first Meeting 9 9 8 4: 4 6 7 8 9 6 8 8 7 8 9 8 5 E/PC/T/S/3 page 6. Number Number of of meetings weeks held up since to first 28th meeting June State of Approx. negot'ns value as reported in by the two Dollars countries (millions) (1) Trade in 1938 as a % of total trade among all countries represented at the Conf. Chile - USA Czechoslov. - USA Benelux-India Czechoslov. - U.K. China - U.K.. Australia - France Chile - U.K. Norway - USA Benelux - Czechoslov Benelux - Canada France India Benelux - S.Africa Benelux - Norway Australia - Benelux N.Zealand - USA Brazil - France Cuba - U.K. Czechoslov. - France France - Norway Australia - India Canada - France Benelux - China France - S.Africa China - India China - France Canada - India 8 9 7 4 7 8 4 8 4 7 5 6 7 4 8 8 8 4 9 6 9 5 8 8 3 16 2 3 4 10 4 11 1 3 5 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 - 2 2 - 2 2 - 1 2 - 1 2 - 3 2 - 2 2 - 2 3 - 3 1 - 1 2 - 1 2 - 2 2, - 2 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 3 2 - 1 3 - 2 1 - 2 1. - 1 2 - 2 59 54 50 48 47 46 45 44 . ..37 34 34 33 33 31 30 . 7. 2 27 22 20 20 20 17 16 15 13 12 0.9 o.8 7 O.? 07 0.7 0. 7 0.6 0.5 o.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 .5 0.4 0.4 0.3 G13 O.3 0F3 0,2 0,2 0.2 C.2 Number of meetings held up to 28th June Czechoslov. - India Canada - Norway Australia - China China - Czechoslov. France - Lebanon/Syr Benelux - Cuba Czechoslov. - Norway Czechoslov. - S.Africa France - N.Zealand Brazil - Czechoslov. Australia - Czechosl Canada - Czechoslov. Benelux - N.Zealand Brazil - Canada Australia - S.Africa Canada- China Cuba - France Lebanon/Syria - U.K. Lebanon/Syria - USA India - Norway India - N.Zealand Benelux - Leb./Syria Brazil - India Brazil - Norway Chile - Cuba Chile- Czechoslov. Australia - Norway E/PC/T/S/3 page 7. State of Approx. Trade in 1938 negot'ns value in as a % of as reported Dollars total trade by the two (millions) among all countries countries (1) represented at the Conf. 3 - 3 11 0.2 5 - 5 10 0.1 1 -1 9 0.1 2 -2 9 0.1 la 1- 2 8 0.1 1 - 1 7 0.1 3 -2 7 0.1 oa 4 -4 7 0.1 2 -2 7 0.1 2 -2 7 0.1 ov.2 -3 6 0.1 2 -3 6 0.1 2 -2 5 0.1 4- 2 5 0.1 2 - 4 5 0.1 2 2 5 0.1 1 -1 5 0.1 2 -3 5 0. I 3 -3 5 0.1 4 -4 4 0.1 4 -2 3 0.1 2-1 3 0.1 2- 2 3 0.1 2 - 1 2 -- 2 -3 2 -- 1-1 2 3-3 2 - Number of weeks since first meeting 5 6 3 6 6 2 5 4 2 2 7 4 4 3 5 6 5 6 3 4 2 5 1 5 6 1 4 3 1 3 4 1 3 4 3 3 3 4 1 4 7 4 2 2 11 1 3 1 2 page 8. Trade in 1938 Number Number of State of Approx. as a % of of meetings negot'ns value in total trade weeks held up as reported Dollars among all since to by the two (millions) countries first 28th June countries represented meeting (1) at the Conf. (2) 6 2 China-Norway 2 - 2 2 -- 7 1 Brazil - China 2- 1 1 _ 4 1 Brazil - S. Africa 2-1 1 5 1 Canada - Chile 1 - 1 1 __ 7 4 Canada-Cuba 1-- 3 1 _ 4 1 Chile - India 1-1 1 -- 7 1 China N. Zealand 1 - 1 1 -- 7 3 China - S. Africa 5 - 5 1 -- 8 3 Cuba - Czechosl.. 3-3 1 -- 6 1 Cuba - N. Zealand 1 - 1 1 -- 5 3 Cuba - Norway 2- 2 1 _ 6 1 Czechosl.-Leb./ 2 -1 1 __ Syr. 7 2 Czechosl. - 3 - 2 1 __ N. Zealand 1 1 India - Leb./Syr. 3 -1 1 _ 7 3 N. Zealand - 2-4 1 -- S. Africa 7 3 Norway - S. Africa 4 - 4 1 -- 4 2 Australia - Brazil 1 - 2 -- -- 6 2 Australia- Cuba 2- 2 7 1 Brazil - Cuba 2.-1 -- 4 1 Brazil - N. Zealand 2 - 1 -- -- 6 1 Canada - Leb./Syr 1 - 1 -- -- - 1 Chile - Norway 5 - 5 -- -- 3 2 Chile - S.Africa 5 - 5 -- -- 8 2 China -Cuba 1-2 -- -- 5 2 Cuba - S.Africa 5 - 5 -- -- 7 2 N. Zealand - Norway 2 - 2 -- -- 383 5361 77.9 E/PC/T/S/3 page 9. 2. POSSIBLE NEGOTIATIONS NOT YET INITIATED Trade in 1938 Approx. value as a of in dollars total trade (millions) among all countries repres. at the Confer- ence (a) Seven pairs of countries expected to initiate negotiations in the near future: Benelux -- Brazil 36 0,5 Chile - France 13 0,2 Benelux - Chile 12 0,2 Brazil - Chile 2 - Australia - Chile 1 - Chile - China _ _ Chile - New Zealand - - 64 0,9 (b) Eight pairs of countries - Members of a Preferential System: Australia - United Kingdom 527 7,6 Canada - United Kingdom 496 7,2 New Zealand - United Kingdom 310 4,5 Australia - Canada 45 0,7 Australia - New Zealand 36 0,5 Canada - New Zealand 24 0,3 Canada - South Africa 19 0,3 India - South Africa 8 0, 1. 1,465 212 (c) Nine pairs of countries having insufficient trade to porovide a basics for negotiations: Cuba -- India - China - Lebanon/Syria 1 - Australia - Lebanon/Syria - - Brazil - Lebanon/Syria - - Chile - Lebanon/Syria - - Cuba - Lebanon/Syria - - Lebanon/Syria - New Zealand - - Lebanon/Syria - Norway - - Lebanon/Syria - South Africa 3 _ Total trade among countries represented at the Conference 6,893 100,0 ANNEX B. 10 NEGOTIATIONS BEGUN PRIOR TO 17TH MAY BUT ONLY ONE MEETING HELD UP TO 28TH JUNE Week Week Week Week ending ending ending ending 26 April 3 May 10 May 17 May Australia - United States 23 April Brazil - China 8 May Brazil - Cuba Brazil - Norway Canada - Lebanon/Syria China - New Zealand Cuba - France Cuba - New Zealand C zechoslovakia- Lebanon-Syria New Zealand - United. States 9 May 9 May 13 May 7 May 2 May 13 May 16 May 30 April E/PC/T/S/3 page 10. E/PC/T/S/3 page 11 . ANNEX C THE 30 NEGOTIATIONS THAT HAVE PROCEEDED BEYOND THE THIRD MEETlNG UP TO 28TH JUNE 4 Meetings: 6 Meetings: 7 Meetings: 8 Meetings: 9 Meetings: 10 Meetings: 11 Meetings: 15 Meetings: 16 Meetings: 26 Meetingsd: 29 Meetings: (Showing in brackets the percentage of the total trade in 1938 among the countries represented at the Conference) Benelux - France (4.2) Benelux - United Kingdom (5.2) Benelux - United States (3.6) Canada - China (0.1) Canada - Cuba Canada - Czechoslovakia (0.1) Chile - United Kingdom (0.7) China - Czechoslovakia (0.1) China - United Kingdom (0.7) Czechoslovakia - South Africa (0.1) France - New Zealand (0.1) France - South Africa (0.2) India - Norway (0.1) Lebanon/Syria - United Kingdom (0.1) Brazil - United States (2.5) France - India (0.5 ) India - United States (1.4) Canada - Norwiay (0.1) France - United States (2.9) Lebanon/Syria - United States (0.1) South Africa - United Kingdom (3.8) : Canada- France (0.3) China - United States (1.3) Australia - France (0.7) Norway - United States (0.6) France - United Kingdom (3.1) Czechoslovakia - United States (0.8) United Kingdom - United States (10.0) Cuba - United States (2.8) Canada - United States (11.4) 34 Meetings:
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Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Secretariat Draft. Protocol of Interpretations to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. (Note to Articke XI - general Agreement of Tariffs and Trade) (c.f. E/PC/T/180 page 66 General Notes)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 10, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/313.Add 1 and E/PC/T/W/307-344
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/W/313.Add 1 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 10 September 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL Secretariat Draft SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE OF TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Secretariat Draft Protocol of Interpretations to the General Agreement n Tariffs and Trade (NOTE TO ARTICKE XI - GENERAL AGREEMENT OF TARIFFS AND TRADE) (c.f. E/PC/T/180 page 66 General Notes)O Consideration wasgiven to the special problems that might be created for contrecting parties which, asa result of their programmes of full employment, maintenance of high and rising levels of deland and economic development find the selves faced with a high level of demand for imports, and in consooquence maintain quantitative regulation of their foreign trade. It was considered that the present text of Article XI together with the provision for export controls in certain parts of the Agreement, e.g. in Article XIX, fully meet the position of these economies.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Secretariat Draft. Protocol of Interpretative Notes to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 3, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/318 and E/PC/T/W/307-344
UNITED NATIONS NATIONSUNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONFERENCE E/PC/T/W/318 3 September, 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Secretariat Draft* Protocol of Interpretative Notes to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade At the time of certifying the text of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the Representatives of the Governments of the Commonwealth of Australia, Belgium, rlands and Luxemburg, United States of Brazil, Canada, Repuolic of Chile, Republic of China, Republic of Cuba, Czechoslovak Republic, French Republic, India, Lebanon, New Zealand, Kingdom of Norway, pakistan, Syria, Union of South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, agree to the following interpretative notes relative to the Agreement: ARTICLE I The following kinds of customs action, taken in accordance with establishod uniform procedures, would not be contrary to a general binding of margins of preference: (i) tho re-application to an imported product of a tariff classification or rate of duty, properly applicable to such product, in cases in which the application of such classification or rate to such product was temporarily suspended or inoperative on 10 April 1947; and (ii) the application to a particular commodity of a tariff item other than chat which was actually applied to importations of that commodity on 10 April 1947, in cases in which the tariff law clearly contemplates that such commodity may be classified under more han one tariff item. * NOTE: As requested at the 8th meeting of the Tariff Agreement Committee (see E/PC/T/TAC/PV/8), the Secretariat has pre- pared this draft of a protocol of interpretative notes. The body of the draft consists of slightly modified versions of the notes approved by the Preparatory Committee for in- clusion in the Draft Charter ralating to Articles, or parts of Articles, which correspond to Articles in the version of the Draft General. Agreement presented in E/PC/T/189. The language of the comparable notes in the Draft Charter has been changed only to the extent necessary to allow for the different terms and style employel in the Draft General Agreement. E/PC/T/W/318 page 2 ARTICLE Il Paragraph 3 With reference to the second proviso, the method and degree of adjustment to be permitted in the case of a primary product that is the subject of a domestic price stabilization arrangement should normally be a matter for agreement at the time of the negotiations. ARTICLE IV Paragraph 5 With regard to transportation charges, the principle of paragraph 5 refers to like products being transported on the same route under like conditions. ARTICLE V Paragraph 1 Hidden dumping by associated houses (that is, the sale by the importers at a price below that correspond- ing to the prico invoiced by the exporter with which the importer is associated, and also below the price in the exporting country) constitutes a form of price dumping. Paragraph 2 Multiple currency practices may in certain circum- stances constitute a subsidy to exports which can be met by countervailing duties under paragraph 2 or may constitute a form of dumping by means of a partial depreciation of a country's currency which can be met by action under paragraph 1 of this Article. By "multiple currency practices" is meant practices by governments or sanctioned by governments. Paragraph 7 The obligations set forth in paragraph 7 are subject to the provisions of Article XVIII. ARTICLE VI Paragraph 1 Consideration was given to the desirability of replacing the words "at the earliest practicable date" by a definite date or, alternatively, by a provision for a specified limited period to be fixed later. It was appreciated that it would not be possible for all contracting parties to give effect to these principles by a fixed time, but it was nevertheless understood that a majority of the contracting parties would give effect to them at the time the Agreement enters into force. E/PC/T/W/318 page 3 Paragraph 2 It would be in conformity with Article VI to presume that "actual value" may be represented by the invoice price, plus any non-included charges for legitimate costs which are proper elements of "actual value" and plus any abnormal discount or other reduction from the ordinary competitive price. It would be in conformity with Article VI, 2(b), for a contracting party to construe the phrase "in the ordinary course of trade", read in conjunction with "under fully competitive conditions" as excluding any transaction wherein the buyer and seller are not inde- pendent of cach other and price is not the sole considera- tion. The prescribed standard of "fully competitive conditions" permits contracting parties to exclude from consideration distributors' prices which involve special discounts limited to exclusive agents. The wording of (a) and (b) permits a contracting party to assess duty uniformly either (1) on the basis of a particular exporter's prices of the imported merchandise, or (2) on the basis of the general price level of like merchandise. ARTICLE VII Paragraph 4 Whilc Article VII does not cover the use of multiple rates of exchange as such, paragraphs 1 and 4 condemn the use of exchange taxes or foes as a devico for implementing multiple currency practices; if, however, a contracting party is using multiple currency exchange fees for balance of payments reasons with the approval of the Intornational Monetary Fund, the provisions of paragraph 2 fully safeguard its position since that paragraph merely requires that the fees be eliminated at the earliest practicable date. ARTICLE X Paragraph 2(c) Tha term "in any form" in this paragraph covors the same products when in an early stage of processing and still perishable, which compete directly with the frosh product and if freely imported would tond to make the restriction on tho fresh product ineffective. Paragraph 2. last sub-paragraph The term "special factors" includes changes in relative productive deficiency as between domestic and foreign producers or as between different foreign producers, but not changes artificially brought about by means not parmitted under the Agreement. E/PC/T/W/318 page 4 ARTICLE XI Paragraph 3 (b) (i) The phrase "notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article" has been included in the text to make it quite clear that a contracting party's import restrictions otherwise "necessary" within the meaning of sub-paragraph 2 (a) shall not be considered unnecessary on the ground that a change in domestic policies as referred to in the text could improve a contracting party's monetary reserve position, The phrase is not intended to suggest that the provisions of paragraph 2 are affected in any other way. ARTICLE XII Paragraph 2 (d) The phrase establishing "commercial considerations" as a rule for the allocation of quotas was omitted because it was considered that its application by governmental authorities night not always be practicable, Moreover, in cases where it was practicable, a contracting party could apply this consideration in the process of seeking agreement, consistently with the general rule laid down in the opening sentence of paragraph 2. Paragraph 4 See note relating to "special factors" in connection with the last sub-paragraph of paragraph 2 of Article X. ARTICLE XIII Paragraph 3 Consideration was given to the question of whether it was necessary to make express reference in paragraph 3 of Article XIII to the need of the Committee to consult with the International Monetary Fund. The contracting parties considered that no such reference was necessary since such consultation in all appropriate cases was already required by virtue of the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article XIV. ARTICLE XIV Paragraph 4 The word "frustrate" is intended to indicate, for example, that infringements by exchange action of the letter of any Article of this Agreement shall not be regarded as offending against that Article if, in practice, there is no appreciable departure from the intent of the Article. Thus a contracting party which, as part of its exchange control, operated in nccordance E/PC/T/W/318 page 5 Paragraph 4 (cont.) with the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, required payment to be received for its exports in its own currency or in the currency of one or more members of the International Monetary Fund would not thereby be deemed to be offending against Article X or Atticle XII. Another example would be that of a contracting party which specified on an import licence the country from which the goods might be imported for. the purpose not of introducing -any additional element of discrimination in its import licences but of. enforcing permissible exchange controls. ARTICLE XVI Paragraph 1 The operations of Marketing Boards which are established by contracting parties and are engaged in purchasing or selling, are subject to the provisions of sub-paragraphs (a) and (b). The activities of Marketing Boards which are established by contracting parties and which do not purchase or sell but lay down regulations covering private trade are governed by the relevant Articles of this Charter. The charging by a State enterprise of different prices for its sales of a product in different markets is not precluded by the provisions of this Article, provided that such different prices are charged for commercial reasons, to meet conditions of supply and demand in export Markets. Paragraph 1. sub-paragraph (a) Governmental measures imposed to ensure standards of quality and efficiency in the execution of external trade, or privileges.granted for the exploitation ot national natural resources but which do not empower the government to exorcise control over the trading activities of the enterprise in question, do not constitute "exclusive or special. privileges". Paragraph 1, sub-paragraph (b) A country receiving a "tied loan" is free to take this loan into account as a "commercial consideration" when purchasing roquirements abroad. Paragraph 2 The tern "goods" is limited to products as understood in commercial practice, and is not intended to include the purchase or sale of services. E/PC/T/W/318 page 6 IN FAITH WHEREOF, the Representatives of the above mentioned Governments have signed the present Protocol. DONE at Geneva the thirtieth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven. For the Commonwealth of Australia ........................... For Belgium ....... For the Nother lands ....... For Luxemburg . ........................... . For the United States of Brazil ...... For Canada ............................. For the Republic of Chile ........ For the Republic of China ................... For the Republie of Cuba For the Czechoslovak Republic .......... For the French Republic .......... For India .. ..................... For Lebanon ................... . For New Zealand . ............... For the Kingdom of Norway .............................. For Pakistan ....... .. .......... For Syria . .......... . . For the Union of South Africa .. .. ........ For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland......................... For the United States of America .............
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Secretariat Draft. Protocol of Interpretative Notes to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 3, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/318 and E/PC/T/W/307-344
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Secretariat Note
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/184 and E/PC/T/180-186
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL E/PC/T/184 22 August 1947 ORIGINAL : ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Secretariat Note The undermentioned letter and enclosure have been received from the Cuban Delegation. Delegacion de Cuba SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Room 426 Palais des Nations G e n e v e August 21, 1947 Dear Mr. Wyndham-White: Reference: Note of the Cuban Delegation on Cuban Customs Tariff We are enclosing herewith statement prepared by the Cuban Delegation with regard to the adjustment of the Cuban Customns Tariff, in order that it may be acknowledged, and, if necessary, considered by the Executive Session of the Plenary Assembly which convenes tomorrow, Friday, August 22nd. Yours very sincerely, one encl. (Signed) Emilio Pando Secretary Mr. E. Wyndhani-White, Executive Secretary Preparatory Committee, Palais des Nations. RESTRICTED NATIONS UNIES 2/PC/LI/1l page 2 Delegacion de Cuba SECOND SESSION O 91'}IS PREPPARATORY COMMITTERE OF THE UNITED NATIOUS; CONF'ERFNCE ON rT'FitDJ: AND F.M,,IPLOYMENT. Note of the Cuban Dolegation on .d street of Cubiaii Custoras Tariff 1.- In Anrexure 10 (Section E!-3), page >+9, of the English text of tho Uerpoo r ofopvt of h;ll l-sst Sesionr of this Pre- paratory Comiit';oc' ii is stated as Iollowo: "Changes in thce form of tari2fs, or changes in tariffs oLrig to tll(h prec.iaion or devaluation of tho ciirroncy of the country mnuintainig the tariffs, which do not rosuui n Lr Ln increase of the Prot.cctivc inci(lncc c,C. - the taliîf.Y, sholild not be considrered as ncvw tariff :frceases under thislL par:ral[;l;ph. 2> . The Comi;iittee, at tho 1.mee-binC of August 8, 19`±7, :'econize(d t'ho !e:g1timrmcr of the application of this principle 3.-* ThOe Cu.ban DeleCgai;ion recorded at that meeting that Cuba is in thulQ position contempla-tebd in the clause quoted above, and thiat possibly :,.t 'ould availi itseli of the measure whose Seit !nacy had boon so a:provod. IF.- Thu CubLan Déle :atioil cOrsiirl.depr ît i.-s duty to submit *at this moment, Irior to thc termi.nati.on of tho - Second Session of the Preparatory Committac of tlho United Nations Conference on Trade and Employriont. the stand it takes in this matter of pr:.lary interest foi its country. Thc procedure eStibli shCt .n Annexure 10 1caves no doubt as te the fect ,hat no di.c:.:i.nation exis-ts between the case of a dzprec.>ta'tlion anrd a 1,axvaluation o5' currency, provided the aJjuz-men1t does not result in an increase of the protective inccidoinco cfI thlil respective tariff. E/PC/T/184. page 3 5. In May 22, 1943 Cuba devaluated its currency, decreasing the gold content thereof from 1.50463 to 0.8886 grams of fine gold, i.e. by 40.9%. The effect of this devaluation on the Cuban.tariff, as to its protective value, can be derived from the fact that the present Cuban tariff was established in the year 1927 and has not been increased since that date. Other countries which also devaluated their currency in 1934, adjusted their customs tariffs accordingly. Cuba, on the contrary, had to reduce in the same year, under difficult conditions, a large number of its tariff items, affecting adversely the general level of its minimum tariff. It moreover granted. greater margins of preferences, which con- tributed to a further reduction of its tariff. 6. A careful examination of the scope which Cuba should give to a tariff adjustment has lead us not to put it into practice up to the present time in a desire to first exhaust all other possible approaches to the problems within the framework of our negotiations. The increases which Cuba would make could be confined to such items in its tariff as are essential for the economic development of our country. Cuba is of the opinion that upon acceptance by the Executive Committee of the legitimacy of the principle contained in Annexure 10 of the London Report, there is no necessity te submit its case, as all the circumstances set forth herein justify the application of the clause quoted above. However, Cuba has decided to take this opportunity of making known to all Nations participating in this Conforence - although it has no practical effect for most of them - the intention of reserving the right to apply this principle in its tariff negotiations. E/PC/T/184 page 4. We feel confident that this reservation will be re- ceived by the Conforence with the same spirit of under- standing which has been accorded to a previous case in which the effective application of the principle was submitted to its consideration. Geneva, August 19, 1947.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Secretariat Note
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 1, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/144 and E/PC/T/142-152
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL AND ECONOMIQUE 1 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL ~~~~~~ORIGINAk: ENGLISH SECOMD SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COOMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Secretariat Note The Brazilhan Delegation has raised with tbe Tariff Negotia- tions Working Party the quesfion of an increase of the tarifl rates on which Brazil is negotiating et this Conference. The Brazilian Delegation has received instructions from its Govern- ment to the effect that these ratss are to be increased by 40% so aseto reach a level of tariff protQction substantially equal to that which was in force in 1934. The Tariff Negoations Working Party appointed a sub-comm- ittee composed of representatives of the Belgium-Luxembourg- Netherlan s Customs Union, France, United'Kingdom and the United States, whiçh discussed this question with the Brazilian Delegation on July 2o. After considering the report Qf its sub-committee, the Tariff Negotiations Working Party agrees that this matter should ba dealt with by the Preparatory Committee meeting in exeoutive session. At the meeting, the Brazilian Delegation will explain the reasons for the increase and answer any questions that may be put to it. Accordingly, it has been arranged that an explanatory document from the Brazilian Delegation will be distributed early next week and that the Preparatory Committee shall meet in exec- utive session on Friday, August 8 at 10.30 a.m. to consider the matter. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Secretariat Note
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 30, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/140 and E/PC/T/135-142
ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/140 AND ECONOMIQUE 30 July, 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Secretariat Note With reference to paragraph 3 on Page 2 of the Report of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party on the text of Articles 24 and 67 of the draft Charter (E/PC/T/136 and E/PC/T/136/Corr.1), it is suggested that this Report be considered jointly with the Report of the Sub-committee on Articles 14, 15 and 24, by Commission A. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES Note du Secrétariat. Le Secrétariat, se référant au 2ème paragraphe de la page 2 du Rapport du Groupe de Travail chargé des Négociations tarifaires sur le texte des articles 24 et 67 du projet de Charte (E/PC/T/136 et E/PC/T/136/Corr.1), propose que la Commission A examine ce Rapport conjointement avec le Rapport du Sous-comité chargé de l'examen des articles 14, 15 et 24. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Secretariat Note Non-Negotiated Notes in Schedules
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 1, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/220 and E/PC/T/214/ADD.1/REV.1-228
RESTIRICTED E/PC/T/220 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 1 October 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL :ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Secretariat Note Non-Negotiated Notes in Schedules Following on a discussion of the matter by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party, Delegations are advised that they are expected to circulate as soon as possible to other Delegations with which they have been negotiating the texts of any notes intended to appear in their Schedules if those notes have not already been the subject of negoation. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISION PREPARATORIE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES. Note du Secrétariat. Notes figurant sur les listes et n'ayant ras ensure fait l'objet de négociations. Faisant suite à une discussion qui a eu lieu à ce sujet au sein du Groupe de Travail chargé des négociations tarifaires, il est porté a la connaissance des délégations qu'il convent qu'elles distribuent aussi rapidement que possible aux autres délégations avec lesquelles elles ont procédé à des négociations, le texte de toutes les notes qu'elles ont l'intention de faire figurer dans leurs listes, si ces notes n'ont pas encore fait l'objet de négociations. . 1, irC lug) l 1 r/o.N.K r & &-- > * w - RESTRICTED
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Secretariat note on Article 17. (Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 19, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/97 and E/PC/T/W/82-124
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED. E/PC/T/W/97. AND ECONOMIQUE 19 May, 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. SECRETARIAT NOTE ON ARTICLE 17. (Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties). The present note has been prepared for the convenience of the Sub-Committee established on May 19, 1947, to deal with .Article 17, composed of the delegates for Australia, Belgium, Cube, France, India, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States and Syria. The note, which should be reed in conjunction with the Report of the Drafting Committee (E/PC/T/34), referred to as "D.C. Report", includes the amendments incorporated in the Annotated Agenda (W.28), arrenged by the Secretariat, as well as those proposed after the preparation of that Agenda (W.29, W.34, W.35, W.35 Corr. 1, W.53, W,66, W.68, W.91). In quotation of the proposed texts, square brackets indicate deletions and underlining additions. General. 1. The Cuban delegation suggests (of. W.29, page 2) (a) insertion of the following paragraph which would become paragraph 1: "The Member countries rocognize that dumping, whether practiced through the mechanism of price, freight rates, currency depreciation, sweatad labour, or by any other means, is a commercial practice to be condemnec and is contreary to the spirit and purpose of the International Trade Organization. With the object of indicating the nature of the legitimate defense which anti- dumping measures represent for a Member country, the following prosepts are established":... (b) The appointment of a small Ad-hoo Committee to redraft in a positive sense the provisions of article 17 relative to nations which take action to protect themselves against dumping. .ATIONS UNIE-S UNITED NATIONS E/PC/T/W/97. page 2. 2. The delegations of Syria and Lebanon propose that the title of the Article be changed to "Anti-dumping Measures". 3. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 use the verb "impose" (with reference to anti-dumping and countervailing duties) in the sense of "levy" or "apply". In certain other articles (for instance, No. 27) the verb "apply" has been substituted for "impose" (used in the original version) in order to render it clear that the provisions are not confined to measures introduceded after the acceptance of the Charter. Imay prove userflul iArticle 1e 7 to substitet "levy" for impose". ?eragraph 1. 1, The countries represented by the delegates reserving their position on this paargraph as indicated under letters b - e of thcomment on p page 1for the Drafting mmittee e Report are identified below: b) United Kgdom;Lu c) Australia, Czechoslovakia the Netherlands, cnd the Union of South Africa; d) Belgium-Luxembourg, CzechoslovaaiE, France, the Netherldncs and New Zealand 6) Brazil. 2. The United States Delegation proposes the following amendments to thisaperagraph (of. E/PC/T/W23, pa ge4): "1. No anti-dumping duty or charge shall be imposed on any product of any Member country imported inta eny otheM merber country in eecoss of an amount equal to the marg inof dumping under which such product is being imported. For the purposes of this Article, thmargoiin oI dumping ahcll be understood to mean the amount by which the price of the product exported fm one necountry to another is less tha[,]7Ja(e) the mparable price for he likelia' prod[ct /to bu] ers consumption in the in he dommarket of the exporting country, or,try, o, in the absence odomestic price, is lessocu, i ess r (b) the highest comparable priceroblD pric for the like product [is sold] foris sold fo export to country [in the ordinary coursenary cours e],co.nerc6J, or (c) f production ofc1uction o., in the country of origin plus a reasonables u reaaon.ale addition for selling cosw and profit; vith due aclowance in edoh case for diaxation,s in tc.xation differences affecting price compara-. price con..p bility In the ordinarmmerce.e of corniuerc" E/PC/T/W/97 page 3 Paragraph 1 (Contd) 3. The Benelux delegations (W.68) propose deletion of the "Either (b) the highest comparable price at which the like product is sold for export to any third country in the ordinary course of commerce, or..." For the letter "(c)" substitute "(b)" 4. The delegations of Syria and Lebanon (of.W.66), considering "that dumping in any form whatever, is a repre- hensible practice and inconsistent with the general purposes of this Charter", and that the restrictions provided for in article 17 are inadequate, suggests the following wording of Paragraph 1: "An anti-dumping duty equal to the whole of the margin of dumping may be imposed on any product of any Member country imported into any other Member country. For the purposes of this Article the margin of dumping shall be understood".....etc. Paragraph 2 1. The addition to this paragraph referred to in the D.C. Report (page 13) was suggested by the Delegate of China. 2. The suggestion concerning use of quantitative restrictions and other punitive measures was made by the Delegate for Brazil. 3. The United States Delegation proposes the following revision of this paragraph (of. E/PC/T/W23, page 4): "The term 'countervailing duty' shall be understoodd o mean an additional or separate duty imposed for or purpose of offsefsetting any nty or subsidyidy..." etc. 4. The French and Benelux delegations (W.34) suggest substitution of la special" for "an additional" in line 9. (Reason: The expression "special duty" is preferred to "additional duty" because countervailing duties may be imposed on goods exempt from customs duty.) E/PC/T/W/97 page 4 Paragraph 3 1. The Benelux delegations (W.68) propose that this paragraph be worded as follows: "No product of any Member country imported into any other Member country shall be subject to anti-dumping dutires or charges, countérvailing duties or other anti-dumping measures, by reason of the exemption of such product from duties or taxes imposed in the country or origin or exportation upon the like product when consumed domestically, or by reason of the refund, directly or indirectly, of the duties or taxes levied on such products." 2. The United Kingdom delegation (W.91) suggests the following changes: lines 5 and 6: delete "imposed in the country of origin or exportation upon"; substitute: "borne by" Paragraph 4 1. The delegations of Lebanon and Syria propose deletion of this paragraph (W.66) 2. The Benelux delegations (W.68) proposed that the words "to both anti-dumping and countervailing duties" be replaced by "to anti-dumping, duties or charges, countervailing duties or other anti-dumping measures." Paragraph 5. 1. The suggestion concerning the deletion of this paragraph (D.C. Report, page13) was made by the delegate for Brazil. 2. The delegations of Lebanon and Syria propose deletion of this paragraph (W.66). 3. The Benelux delegations suggest (in W.68) that the words "anti-dumping on countervailing duty or charge" be replaced by "anti-dumping duties or charges, counter- vailing duties or other anti-dumping measures." E/PC/T/W/97 page 5. Paragraph 5 (contd.). 4. The French and Benelux delegations propose the following rewarding of this paragraph (of.W.35). "No Member shall impose any anti-dumping or countervailing duty or charge on the importation of any product of other Member countries unless it is in a position to prove; (a) that it really is a case of dumping or subsidization within the meaning of theil of the awd the effect of the dumping orihe duniprig or as the case may be, is suchcasa my be, 1-SE>Uch ure an existing domestic-rt .uro' a.n CxJ.11:ti:_lMe.l<;,t1c n'il~3~ .7Jflj~COtlCt1ai cz-ie:-tion en the be dp,-*rneup io b . lied wl-on rh s prices rltott{ t.i e,,' éo. iL Q1 'ic~rt~T J S -,';' %ec a fit Or - a C. urt1or 0 ,n t ct0Li. 3d u ,e. 0 , l.east, cqua1 to ;{5c a''bce(.- The r 3asons :f or this ;.us,Crstwi are i ; acdtcat-ed i!: 5. The lte- i6->,Ç.s; cC ,3ticn T. n:L) proposes the foit ow- rig change Lc 'tle, bc-!lntare befaz- 'niio Member shal2. impose' ii.its:t i`savnr wit thke concurrence of' the Or anizati.n: 5 f'ol1o'wL1g :hanges line P, -.ftsr the word " e s "or retard".retard",. Australian delegation .el) proposed theopoE>e:; hO ording of this paragraphi 3 ' `;l'apïi ll impose any anti-dumping ory &tIt .iuipixs oï y or charge on the impertation3 on :.he 1mpzrtWiitn other Member unless. othzr Member urles5. t the effect of thetha 'the >f`f'cc`t of ion, as the case mayi ao 'hu case ma ally to injure oraterialJ: to .n jutr Oe'- blished domestictsO ri jr' alri i;'J -iSIe;:i: deueL8'Wtit;... J.nd».st.ry oc l- Wz: es Qo pr'v3r.ttfl, establishment of a domestic indistay and E/PC/T/W/97 page 6. (b) "in the case of a primary product for which a recognized world price exists, the product concerned has been sold at a price less than the ruling world parity price." Paragraph 6. 1. The United States delegation proposes deletion of this paragraph ( of.W.23 page 4). 2. The Benelux delegations propose that the words for charges" be inserted after "duties" in line 6 (W.68). 8 e The suggestion in the D.C. Report, page 13, wasWSe e by the delegates for Australia. New Zealand andn_ mnd ion of South Africa. AVrLiae -- this paragraph not prove acceptable, it e o v a cepp' Lit. i g the word "transportation"ddinlc t ,;urc :trar vor;;a: *Jj! graph 2 wouldd. -_;r"(.J^ in. Paragraph; ) < ' in extent,.e î;£geSst o;l t. to a certainx jX.,:rtr, (W.66)n.u -Le2tIons for Ieixzi. enc, .oin (w.Ql suljesb t.n.e) foZ 1cwJJIn' ,Vc,#v arargrE ph, ?I a M R 2.femb e -, x o-t i .n g tî iI pr ciu cç` c,:zr;irer.c tt±at LX> .i; ^x ireLss are i1>,fl^r.;e.'v Memaber,it fiav brin, the mattr beforote *Qr'_L) .uîzFîta.ofl o iThe latter sht1 jporecçi o ;.si inves kigLt:on and rak e a iat e reOc cS3Uii Jri r.3 ta tuhée .1teni'rer conlrrrled if t.h Organllati on Vinds tha',; tdîe iwnb i.; n O carrv.-.nPr oui its recornmcndationo, iî.9}:aYl r)ronnise the, rir-iht o:r the oConsJail.nI.î; Me1- i refuse 1!2e tariff concessions agreed o. in retiJect; _cf tho trede Or tuîe cefaultir ivkvr. '
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Secretariat note on Article 18. ( Tariff Valuation )
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 20, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/100 and E/PC/T/W/82-124
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/W/100 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL 20 May 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT SECRETARIAT NOTE ON ARTICLE 18. ( Tariff Valuation ) The present note has been prepared for the convenience of the Sub-Committee established on May 20, 1947, to deal with Article 18, composed of the Delegates for Australia, Canada, China, France, the Netherlands, the Union of South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. The note, which should be read in conjunction with the Report of the Drafting Committee (E/PC/T/34), referred to as "D.C. Report" below, includes amendments incorporated in the Annotated Agenda (W/28), arranged by the Secretariat as well as those proposed subsequently (W/36, W/37, W/37 Corr.1, W/57, W/58, W/78, W/90). In quotations of the proposed texts, deletions and additions are, where practicable, indicated respectively by square brackets or underlining. Paragraph 1. The word "shall" right be substituted for "undertake" (in the first line) to conform, with other articles. Paragraph 2, preamble. 1. The delegates referred to under (a) - (c) of the comments to this paragraph in the D.C. Report (page 14) represented the following countries: (a) Belgium-Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia and the Netherlands; (b) China; (c) Netherlands. 2. The suggestion under (c), made at the First Meeting of the Preparatory Committee, is summarised below: (i) The importer should submit to customs authorities all his private documents relating to each importation. E/PC/T/W/100 Page 2. (ii) Customs officers shall have the right to examine private records of importers. (iii) In case of litigation as to value, imports shall not be impounded but shall be released to the importer, subject to adequate provisions for securing the revenue (Article 8 of the Geneva Convention of 1923) (iv) Value litigation shall be tried specially before an independent tribunal of competent experts where the importer will be board. (v) Fines may be imposed upon importers for under- valuation. 3. The United Kingdom (cf. W/90) proposed to insert, in the 6th line: after "charges or restrictions" the words "on importation or exportation". 4. The word. "shall" may with advantage be substituted for "undertake" in line 8 of the preamble. Paragraph 2 (a). 1. The following new alternative text of paragraph 2 (a) is suggested by the Canadian Delegation (cf. W/24) : The value for duty purposes of imported merchandise should be based on the actual value of the imported merchandise on which duty is assessed, and should not be based on the value of merchandise of national origin or on arbitrary or fictitious values. "Actual Value" shall be based on the price at which at a time and place determined by the legislation of the country of importation, and in the ordinary course of trade between independent buyer and seller, such or like imported merchandise in comparable quantities and under similar conditions of sale is sold or offered for with price as the sole consideration. If such actual value be not ascertainable on the basis of the preceding paragraph, then the value for duty purposes should be based on the nearest ascertainable equivalent of such value. 2. The Delegations of Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands (cf. W/58) support the proposal of the Canadian Delegation but wish to add the following paragraph thereto: E/PC/T/W/100 Page 3. "In practice, and in the case of an ordinary bona fide transaction, it shall be permissible for the assessed value to be determined on the basis of the purchase price shown on the invoice, charges incurred subsequent to the purchase of the goods being taken into account when necessary (but without adding the amount of taxes and duties levied in the importing country, if these are included in the price). This shall only apply, however, if this price is not lower than the value resulting from the application of the foregoing definition". 3. The South African Delogation (cf. W/57) also supports the proposal of the Canadian delegation, but desires the following amendments thereto: (a) In the second paragraph, for the words "in comparable quantities" substitute the words "in either comparable or fair average wholesale quantities". (b) Insert the following new third paragraph (the existing third paragraph to become the fourth paragraph): "The method for definition of quantities chosen shall be maintained to the exclusion of the other throughout. (c) Insert the following new fifth paragraph: "At the discretion of the government of the country of importation, an alternative basis of valuation for duty purposes should be the actual money price paid or to be paid for the goods by the importer plus any special discount or allowance or other special deduction which the legislation of the country of importation prescribes shall be included in the value for duty". 4. The Delegation of China (cf. W/78) proposes deletion of Alternative A and insertion in Alternative B, line 9, alter "sold or offered for sale", of the words "in the ordinary commercial acceptance of the term, or are capable of being sold,...." Paragraph 2 (c). 1. The United States Delegation suggests deletion of sub- paragraph 2 (c) (cf. W/23, page 4). 2. The delegates reserving their position with reference to sub-paragraph 2 (c) (cf. D.C. Report, page 14) represented the United States and China respectively. 3. The Delegations of France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg (cf. W/36) propose the following wording: E/PC/T/W/100 Page 4. "In converting the value of any imported product from one currency to another for the purpose of assessing duty, the rate of exchange to be used should be that fixed by the monetary agreements or by decisions of the Monetary Fund". Paragraph 2 (d). The Delegations of France, Belium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands (cf. W./37 and W/37 Corr.1) propose the following amendments:- "The bases and methods for determining the value of products subject to duties or other charges or restrictions based upon or regulated in some way by value should be stable and should be given sufficient publicity particularly to enable traders to estimate with a reasonable degree of certainty, the amount of duty likely to be imposed".
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Seventh Special Report on the Progress of Tariff Negotiations by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 10, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/S/9 and E/PC/T/S/4-12
UNITED NATIONS SECRET ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL E/PC/T/S/9 10 September 1947 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMIITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Seventh Special Report on the Progress of Tariff Negotiations by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party During the period 25 August - 6 September, the tariff negotiations have made substantial progress, as shown in the following table:- Completed Nearing completion Considerable progress Making progress Preliminary stage Previous period: Last period: Number % of trade: Number % of trade: 27 7.7 41 8.0 16 5.9 27 8.8 19 13.4 8 11.8 31 38.0 27 50. 0 13 21.0 5 7.7 106 86.0 108 86.3 Progress was most marked in the advance from the preliminary stage to "making progress", and in the number of completed negotiations, though the percentage of trade represented by the latter is still relatively small. The index indicating the progress of the negotiations has risen from 73 for the previous fortnight to 105, the highest figure of any fortnightly period. Ninety-three meetings were hold as compared with seventy-three in the preceding period. Fourteen negotiations representing 0.3% of trade were completed during this period; this number would be considerably higher but for the fact that several virtually completed negotiations are awaiting the exchange of formal confirmation. Two new bilateral negotiations (Australia - Lebanon/Syria and Canada - South Africa) have been begun, bringing the total number of negotiations to 108. Negotiations with territories listed in Table IV show little change. New negotiations have been opened between Australia and Newfoundland, and one between China and Burma has been completed. NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/S/9. page 2. T A B L E I Progress of the Tariff Negotiations from 23 April to 6 September 1947. (Note: Each wait represents one step forward, i.e. one for improvement from "in preliminary stages" to "making progress", etc., and finally, one for carrying a negotiation from "nearing completion" to "completed".) Initial period Fortnightly period ending: Total 23/4 to 14/6 28/6 12/7 26/7 9/8 23/8 6/9 Australia 5 1 2 - 1 8 12 32 Benelux 1 6 1 4 1 6 6 31 Brazil. 1 11 2 - 13 6 36 Canada 7 3 3 4 10 2 9 38 Chile 1 10 6 1 15 9 14 56 China 4 5 6 4 6 6 8 39 Cuba 8 10 1 3 - - 16 38 Czechoslovakia 17 3 13 2 7 4 1 47 France 5 4 8 3 5 5 6 36 India. 12 6 8 2 5 4 2 39 Lebanon/Syria 3 1 2 - 20 7 1 34 New Zealand 3 3 5 7 4 1 4 27 Norway 17 7 9 7 5 4 2 51 South Africa 12 16 6 4 2 - 6 46 United Kingdom 11 6 3 3 5 - 2 30 United States 12 2 1 2 1 4 10 32 125 94 79 46 90 73 105 612 TABLE II STATE OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS (as at 6 Sept) Uncompleted Negs in which no meetings took place from 25 August - 6 Sept. As a % of No. trade Total No. of meetings held up to 6 Sept. Percentage Members of In pre- Making liminary Pro- stages gress of Total Trade among the the Preparatory Committee + Making consider- able progress Nearing comple- tion Comp- leted Australia Benelux Brazil Canada Chile China Cuba Czechoslovakia France India Lebanon/Syria New Zealand Norway South Africa United Kingdom United States 12 15 14 13 15 14 14 15 15 14 9 11 14 13 13 15 7 5 11 4 14 3 7 4 4 3 9 2 7 5 9 6 11 8 2 8 4 2 11 11 1.4 2.2 0.1 19.1 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.6 5.1 7.6 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.0 18.6 12.7 6 6 1 6 2 0 6 2 56 179 60 90 46 81 79 97 167 58 45 36 79 54 126 142 0.0 0.5 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.9 0.0 2.2 5.0 0.0 12.1 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.5 3.6 1.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 1.3 13.3 33.6 0.7 10.9 0.0 7.2 0.0 1.6 2.8 1.1 8.6 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 10.7 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.0. .1.0 3.2 0.0 0.2 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.1 0.0 1.1 0.4 0.7 0.7 1.7 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.3 2.5 0.0 5.0 5.9 4.5 2.9 4.1 Totals for 108 negotiations Trade of 6 pairs of countries Members of a preferential system Trade of 6 pairs of countries not at present negotiating 14.1 73.5 45.6 + The percentage of trade represented by countries concerned) and the figure at E - ...i- :, if . each bilateral n gotia ion appears twice in this'tablej(once for each of the two the lower hand corner is:therefore 200 Total fegotia- tions Uncor- pleted Negoti- ations Total 3.1 17.4 4.6 20.2 2.0 3.1 3.4 1 13.6 9.7 0.4 0.7 3.3 6.3 40.3 41.4 18.2 21.2 172.6 27.4 0.0 200.0 E/PC/T/S/9 T A B L E III Page 4. State of Each Bilateral Tariff Negotiation as at 6 September, 1947 Trade in 1938 No. Date No. Date No. Approx As % of of of of of of Value total mtgs. ini- wks last weeks in trade Countries tial since mtg. since million among mtg. ini- last dollars countries tial meeting. at con- mtg. ference. A. negotiations Completed. - - Australia - Cuba 4 17/5 16 26/8 - - Australia - Lebanon/Syria 1 6/9 - 6/9 5 0.1 Australia - South Africa 5 23/5 13 4/9 12 0.2 Benelux - Chile 4 4/7 9 18/8 17 0.2 Benelux - China 10 14/5 16 20/8 3 0.1 Benelux - Lebanon/Syria 8 14/5 14 29/8 34 0.5 Benelux - South Africa 6 12/5 14 18/7 1 - Canada - Chile 2 20/5 13 14/7 6 0.1 Canada - Czechoslovakia 5 23/4 15 1/7 12 0.2 Canada - India 4 1/5 16 17/7 - - Canada - Lebanon/Syria 2 13/5 14 4/8 10 0.1 Canada - Norway 6 30/4 14 29/5 19 0.3 Canada - South Africa 1 3/9 - 3/9 2 - Chile - Cuba 3 9/6 10 26/6 2 - Chile - Czechoslovakia 1 20/6 9 20/6 13 0.2 Chile - France 3 4/7 7 11/8 1 - Chile - India 5 28/5 14 29/8 - - Chile - Lebanon/Syria 1 7/8 2 7/8 - - Chile - New Zealand 2 11/7 6 30/7 - - Chile - Norway 1 26/6 8 26/6 - - Chile - South Africa 2 5/6 11 25/6 45 0.7 Chile - U.K. 7 31/5 14 1/9 9 0.1 China - Czechoslovakia 5 1/5 14 8/7 13 0.2 China - France 6 30/4 18 7/8 2 - China - Norway 4 13/5 14 24/7 1 - China - South Africa 3 5/5 15 24/6 2 - Cuba - India 4 22/5 15 29/8 1 - Cuba - Norway 5 23/5 13 24/7 - - Cuba - South Africa 2 22/5 13 21/6 1 - Czechoslovakia - Lebanon/ Syria 5 .16/5 1.4 2/9 7 0.1 Czechoslovakia - Norway 5 12/5 12 22/7 7 0.1 Czechslovakia - S.Africa 4 5/5 13 26/6 16 0.2 France - South Africa 7 25/4 17 17/7 1 - India - Lebanon/Syria 4 16/6 11 1/9 4 0.1 India - Norway 7 21/5 11 22/7 5 0.1 Lebanon/Syria - U.S.A. 15 2/5 15 29/8 - - New Zealand - Norway 4 9/5 17 28/7 1 - New Zealand - S. Africa 4 5/5 15 11/7 1 - Norway - South Africa 3 6/5 15 27/6 44 0.8 Norway - United States 12 2/5 16 8/7 263 3.8 South Africa - U.Kingdom 10 16/5 14 22/7 560 8.0 Total - 41 190 E/PC/T/S/9 Page 5. Trade in 1938 Approx As %of No. Date No. Date No. value total of of of of of in trade Countries mtgs. ini- wks last weeks million among tial since mtg. since dollars countries mtg. ini- last at tial meeting. conference mtg. B. Negrotiations Nearing Completion. Australia Australia Australia Australia - Brazil (5-4) X - Chile (5-4) - Czechoslovakia - Norway Brazil - Canada Brazil - Chile Brazil - China Brazil - Cuba (4 - 5) Brazil - Czechoslovakia Brazil - France Brazil - India (4 - 5) Brazil - New Zealand Brazil - Norway Brazil - U.S.A. (4 - 5) Canada - China Canada - Cuba (4 - 5) Chile - U. S.A. (4 - 5) China - New Zealand China - United Kingdom Czechoslovakia - India Czechoslovakia - N.Zealand France - Lebanon/Syria (5 - 4) France - Norway India - New Zealand India - U.S.A. Lebanon/Syria - U.K Norway - United Kingdom (5 - 4) 4. 29/5 3 4/8 4 30/5 4 7/5 7 14/5 3 4/7 5 8/5 2 9/5 5 27/5 6 27/5 2 27/5 28 30/5 4 9/5 8 30/4 5 5/5 5 5/5 8 28/4 4 7/5 10 8/5 4 9/5 4 6/5 5 29/4 7 30/4 4 16/5 7 28/4 8 7/5 9 3/5 14 28/1 4 15/8 12 4/7 13 28/7 14 2/9 9 12/7 17 19/8 17 28/8 12 30/7 14 2/9 12 21/8 14 23/8 15 16/8 18 2/9 15 6/8 17 6/9 17 28/8 17 4 /9 17 6/9 15 2/8 17 4/8 16 29/8 18 28/7 14 7/8 18 12/8 15 14/8 18 22/7 598 8.8 Total - 27 139 X Figures record the state of negotiations only in cases of disagreement between the reports of the two negotiating countries. The figure "1" indicates "in preliminary states" " "2" " "making progress" " " "3" " "making considerable progress " " "4" " nearing completion", and " "5" " " "that the negotiations hare been completed". The first figure records the opinion expressed by the first-named country, the second figure records that of the second-named country. 1 _ 6 0.1 2 - 5 0.1 2 - 1 - 7 0.1 30 0.4 3 0.1 2 - 173 2 .5 5 0.1 1 - 59 0.9 1 - 47 0.7 11 0.2 1 - 8 0.1 20 0.3 3 0.1 98 1.4 5 0.1 107 1.6 47 11 1 8 E/PC/T/S/9 Page 6. Trade in 1938 Approx value in million dollars As % of total trade among countries at conference Countries No. Date of of mtgs ini- tial mtg No. of wks since ini- tial mtg. Date of last meeting, No. of weeks since last meeting C. Negotiations Making Considerable Progress. 46 0.7 Australia - France 13 30/4 19 21/8 3 287 4.2 Benelux - France 46 28/5 14 6/9 33 0.6 Benelux - Norway 7 10/5 17 5/9 100 1.5 China - U.S.A. 15 9/5 17 4/9 22 0.3 Czechoslovakia - France 16 30/5 14 15/8 3 40 0.7 Czechoslovakia - U.K. (4-3) 5 30/5 14 7/8 6 54 0.8 Czechsolovakia - U.S.A. 25 23/4 19 30/8 1 212 3.1 France - U.K (3-4) 14 28/4 18 20/8 2 802 11.8 Total - 8 141 E/PC/T/S/9 page 7 Trade in 1938 No. Date No. Date No. Approx. As % of of of of of of value total mtgs. ini- wks last weeks in trade tial since mtg. since million among Countries mtg. ini- last dollars coun- tial meeting. tries rntg. at con- ference D. Negotiations Making Progress 33 0.5 Australia - Benelux (2-3) 5 30/5 14 9/8 4 9 0.1 Australia - China (2-3) 5 20/5 13 20/8 2 20 0.3 Australia - India 4 28/5 14 4/9 88 1.3 Australia - U.S.A. 5 23/4 19 2/9 35 0.5 Benelux - Canada (3-2) 7 10/5 17 4/8 4 7 0.1 Benelux - Cuba (2-4) 5 27/5 12 1/9 37 0.5 Benelux - Czechoslovakia 8 30/5 14 4/8 4 50 0.7 Benelux - India 4 9/5 17 22/7 6 5 0.1 Benelux - New Zealand 3 13/5 14 13/6 12 361 5.2 Benelux - U.K (3-2) 33 29/5 14 28/8 1 249 3.6 Benelux - U.S.A. 29 9/5 17 5/9 1 - Brazil - S.Africa (4-2) 4 28/5 14 26/8 1 20 00.3 Canada - France (2-3) 12 25/4 19 2/9 496 7.2 Canada - U.K. (3-2) 1 19/8 - 19/8 2 762 11.3 Canada - U.S.A. (4-2) 34 23/4 19 27/6 10 - - Chile - China (3-2) 2 2/8 5 15/8 3 - - - China - Cuba (2-4) 3 30/4 18 7/8 4 15 0.2 China - India (2-3) 3 19/5 15 1/8 5 1 - Cuba - Czechoslovakia (2-4) 3 30/4 18 10/6 12 5 0.1 Cuba - France 2 2/5 16 3/7 9 194 2.8 Cuba - U.S.A. (3-2) 40 12/5 16 6/9 34 0.5 France - India (2-3) 6 19/5 14 24/7 6 7 0.1 France - New Zealand 5 12/5 14 4/7 8 198 2.9 France - U.S.A. 18 24/4 19 6/9 31 0.4 New Zealand - U.S.A. 2 30/4 18 27/8 1 87 1.3 S.Africa - U.S.A 4 28/4 18 29/8 1 687 10.0 U.K. - U.S.A (3-2) 18 23/4 19 29/8 1 0.0 Total - 27 265 23A 3432 50.0 Total - 27 265 E/PC/T/S/9 page 8 Trade in 1936 Approx As % of No. Date No. Date No. value total of of of of of in million trade Countries mtgs. ini- weeks last weeks dollars among tial since mtg. since countries mtg. ini- last at con- tial mtg. ference mtg. E. Negotiations in Preliminary States 36 0.5 Benelux - Brazil 3 1/7 9 26/8 1 61 0.9 Brazil - U.K. (1-2) 7 23/5 15 27/8 1 1 - Cuba - U.K. (1-4) 1 13/5 16 13/5 16 27 0.4 Cuba - U.K. 2 30/4 18 5/6 13 405 5.9 India - U.K.* 1 30/4 18 30/4 17 530 7 7 Total - 5 14 * After preliminary discussion it was agreed that there was no need to proceed with negotiations. E/PC/T/S/9 page 9 Trade in 1938 As % of total trade among countries at Conference. Countries F. Members of a Preferential System not at present negotiating 0.7 0.5 7.6 0.3 0.1 4.5 Australia - Canada Australia - New Zealand Australia - United Kingdom Canada - New Zealand India - South Africa New Zealand - United Kingdom 950 13.7 Total - 6 G. Countries having insufficient trade to provide a basis for negotiations - - Brazil - Lebanon/Syria 1- - China - Lebanon/Syria - - Cuba - Lebanon/Syria - - Lebanon/Syria - New Zealand - - - Lebanon/Syria - Norway - - Lebanon/Syria - South Africa 1 - Total - 6 Grand Total Bilateral Negotiations : 108 Total Number Bilateral Meetings : 749 .Approx. value in million dollars 45 36 527 24 8 310 . E/PC/T/S/9 page 10 T A B L E IV State of Tariff Negotiations with Territories for which the United Kingdom has an international responsibility as at 6/9/47 Total Date number of of initial mtgs. mtg Date of last mtg. Countries State of negotia- tions as reported by second named (1) country Foreign trade in 1938 Approx. As a % of value total trade in of each million territory dollars with all other coun- tries at(2) Conference 1 30/7 5 12/6 4 10/6 1 9/6 2 23/5 3 23/7 1 18/6 4 16/5 4 18/7 2 18/7 3 17/7 3 19/6 5 14/5 1 18/6 3 16/7 1 18/7 1 19/6 4 9/5 30/7 Burma - Australia 11/8 2/9 9/6 17/6 27/8 18/6 8/8 14/8 7/8 11/8 6/8 12/8 18/6 14/8 18/7 19/6 13/8 Burma - Benelux Burma - China Burma - Czechoslovakia Burma - France Burma - Norway Burma - South Africa Burma - United States Ceylon - Australia Ceylon - Benelux Ceylon - China Ceylon - Czechoslovakia Ceylon - France Ceylon - India Ceylon - New Zealand Ceylon - Norway Ceylon - South Africa Ceylon - United States Total: 18 Newfoundland - Australia Newfoundland - United States Palestine - France S. Rhodesia - U.S.A. U.K. Colonies - U.S.A. 2 16 2 2 1 6 1 223 See footnote on Table III for significance of figures. Including the trade of Burma, Ceylon, Newfoundland, Southern Rhodesia In view of the United Kingdom - India Trade Agreement, the Indian negotiating team do not see much scope for separate tariff negotiations. 5 5 5 5 3 4 5 5 5 1 4 5 4 (3) 5 5 5 5 6 1 1 3 7 4 3 23 3 4 15 2.6 1 4.4 2.5 1.9 14.7 1.9 2.5 9.8 1 3 1 1 1 6/9 24/4 18/8 1/5 2/6 6/9 10/6 18/8 1/5 2/6 (1) (2) (3) 42.0 4.7 10.0 14.0 -
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Signing of the Final Act
European Office of the United Nations Information Centre Geneva, October 29, 1947
European Office of the United Nations Information Centre Geneva
press releases
Press Release No.476 and PRESS RELEASE NO.403-479
EUROPEAN OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS Information Centre Geneva. Press Release No.476 29 October 1947. SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT SIGNING OF THE FINAL ACT Names Of Signatories The following is the list of representatives signing the Final Act tomorrow. It is subject to last minute changes, For the Commonwealth cf Australia: Pour le Commonwealth d'Australie: Mr. C.E. MORTON For the Kingdom of Belgium: Pour le Royaume de Belgique: Mr. P.A. FORTHOMME For the United States of Brazil. Pour les Etats-Unis du Bresil: Mr. A. de V. FERREIRA BRAGA For Burma: Four la Birmanie Mr. U. NYUN For Canada: Pour le Canada; Hon. L.D. WILGRESS For Ceylon: Pour Ceylan: Mr. G.C.S. COREA For the Republic of Chile: Pour la République du Chili: Mr. A. FAIVOVITCH Far the Republic of China: Pour la République de Chine: H.E. Dr. WUNSZ KING For the Republic of Cuba: Pour la République de Cuba: Mr. Sergio I. CLARK For the Czechoslovak Republic: Pour la République tchécoslovaque: H.E. Dr. Z. AUGENTHALER (P.t.o.) Press Release No.476 Page 2. For the French Republic: Pour la République Mr. P. BARADUC For India: Pour l'Inde: Mr. S. RANGNATHA{N For Lebanon: Pour le Liban: Mr. MIKAOUI For the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg: Pour le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg: Mr. P.A. FORTHOMME For the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Pour le Royaume des Pays-Bas Dr. A.B. SPEEKENBRINK For New Zealand: Pour la Nouvelle-Zélande: Mr. J.P.D. JOHNSEN For the Kingdom of Norway: Pur le Royaume de Norvège: H.E. Mr. E. COLBAN For Pakistan: Pour le Pakistan: Mr. H .I. RAHIMTOOLA For Southern Rhodesia: Pour la Rhodésie du Sud: Mr. K.M. GOODENOUGH For Syria: Pour la Syrie: Mr. H. JABBARA For the Union of South Africa: Pour l'Union Sud-Africaino: Mr. PARMINTER For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Pour le Royaume-Uni de Grande- Bretagne et d'lrlande du Nord: Mr. T.M. SNOW For the United States of America: Pour les Etats-Unis d'Amérique: Mr. Winthrop G. BROWN
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Sixteenth Report by the Tariff Negotiatiorns Working Party
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 25, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/218 and E/PC/T/214/ADD.1/REV.1-228
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMI C CONSEIL E/PC/T/218 AND ECONOMIQUE 25 September 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE EMPLOYMENT SIXTEENTH REPORT by the Tariff Negotiatiorns Working Party During the fortnight 8 - 20 September, 15 more tariff negotiations have been completed in their bilateral stage, bringing the total number of completed negotiations to 56. It is to be understood that the results of these negotiations are subject to any adjustment that may be required in the light of other negotiations as they are completed and are to be incorporated in the Schedules to be annexed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; further, the General Agreement, when arrived at, may be subject to approval by the authorities of the countries concerned. The volume of trade represented by the negotiations completed during this period exceeds that of all the previous negotiations combined.. Several more negotiations have virtually been completed, but are not yet reported as finalised. because certain formalities have still to be effected. During, the same period, 15 negotiations were reported as nearing completion, 12 as considerably advanced, 21 as making progress, and only 3 have not yet advanced beyond the preliminary stage. Tariff negotiating teams held 74 meetings during the fortnight, bringing the total number of meetings up to 20 September to 823. .NATIONS UNIES UNRESTRICTED
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Sixth Report by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party on the Progress of Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 2, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/84 and E/PC/T/66-91
UNITED NATIONS UNRESTRICTED ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL E/PC /T/84. 2 June 1947. ORIGINAL : ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. SIXTH REPORT by the TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS WORKING PARTY on THE PROGRESS OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS. Nearly all the tariff negotiations planned by Members of the Preparatory Committee have begun. During the period 23rd April to 31st May 91 initial meetings were held and 11 more are expected to take place shortly. Annex 'A' shows the number of negotiations in which each member of the Preparatory Committee is participating. Of the 91 pairs of countries that have entered negotiations 36 have had a second meeting, 17 have held a third, and 10 have held more than 3. The total number of meetings held up to and including 31st May is 198. Notes on the negotiations opened last week and on the initial meetings to be held in June appear in Annexures 'B' and 'C'. Annex 'A.' - Negotiations opened by Members of the Preparatory Committee: Five Delegations have now begun all the negotia- tions envisaged in their present plans. With one exception all the remaining initial meetings require the participation of the Chilean Delega-. tion. Annex 'B' - Negotiations opened week commencing 26th May 0f the 19 initial meetings scheduled for last week, 2 were postponed and are to be held during the current week. Annex 'C' - Opening negotiations planned for week commencing 2nd June: 2 meetings for the initial exchange of offers have been fixed for the current week and 9 others are to be held in the near future. NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/84. page 2. A N N E X 'A' T NEGOTIATIONS OPENED BY MEMBERS OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE Countries No. of Countries with No. of Countries with which negotiations which the opening of have been opened. negotiations is plannedd for June .Australia .Benelux Brazil Canada Chile Cuba Czechoslovakia France India Lebnon-Syria New Zealand Norway South Africa United Kingdom United States 10 13 12 1 2 2 ' 'il .4 12 14 10 . * .1 1 14 12 6 10 *1 : 1 13 il 1 12 13 . E/PC/T/84 page 3 A N N E X ' B ' Negotiations opened week commencing 26th, May, 1947. Australia - Benelux Australia - Brazil Australia - Czechoslovakia Australia - India Benelux - Cuba Benelux - Czechoslovakia Benelux - France Benelux - United Kingdom Brazil - Czechoslovakia Brazil - France Brazil - India Brazil - New Zealand Brazil - South Africa Chile - India Chile - United Kingdom- Czechoslovakia - France Czechoslovakia - United Kingdom Negotiations ope " " " " " " " " " " " " ned 30th May " 29th " " 30th " " 28th " " 27th " " 30th " " 28th " '" 29th " '" 30th " " 27th " " 27th " " 30th " " 28th " " 28th " " 31st " " 30th " " 30th " . . . . . ... . . . . . Number of initial meetings held prior to 26th May Number of initial meetings held week commencing 26th May Number of initial meetings held up to and including 31st May 74 17 . 91 1 E/PC/T/84 page 4 A N N E X ' C ' OPENING NEGOTIATIONS PLANNED FOR JUNE - Thursday, 5th June Benelux - Brazil (Postponed from 15th & 29th May) Chile - South Africa (Postponed from 30th May) Dates not yet arranged Australia - Chile Benelux - Chile (Postponed from 30th May) Brazil - Chile (Postponed from 30th May) Chile - China (Postponed from 19th May) Chile - Cuba (Postponed from 19th May) Chile - Czechoslovakia (Postponed from 21st May) Chile - France (Postponed from 15th May) Chile - New Zealand Chile - Norway (Postponed from 12th May) ) The Chilean ) Delegation is ) awaiting ) instructions from ) Santiago. ) . . . . . . . O Number of initial meetings held up to end of May: Number of initial meetings to be held in June (as above): Number of negotiations opened or contemplated: 91 11 102
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Sixth Special Report on the Progress of Tariff Negotiations by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 27, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/S/7 and E/PC/T/S/4-12
E/PC/T/S/7 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 27 August 1947 AND ECONOMIQUJE ORIGINAL:. ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Sixth Special Report on the Progress of Tariff Negotiations by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party During the two weeks 9 - 23 August the pressure of work for the preparation of the final draft of the Charter seems to have slowed down the already slow pace of the tariff negotiations. A glance at the four tables attached to this Report indicates that: 1. The index representing the progress of tariff negotiations (Table 1) has fallen from 90 to 73; 2. 67 meetings have been held instead of 79 in the preceding period; 3. 5 negotiations representing only some 0.8 per cent of the total trade involved in the 106 negotiations listed on Table III were completed instead of 10 in the preceding fortnight. 4. On the 23 August, 27 negotiations, representing 7.7% of the total trade among all the Members of the Preparatory Committee have been concluded and 16 negotiations, representing less than 6% of that trade were reported as nearing completion, whereas 31 negotiations representing 38% of the trade involved were reported as only making progress and 13 negotiations representing 21% of trade were still in the preliminary stage. Canada and United Kingdom having opened negotiations, on 19 August, bring the total negotiations to 106. The negotiations with territories listed on Table IV show, however, substantial progress. Of a total of 21 negotiations, 11 are reported completed and 2 nearing completion, France and Palestine have also opened negotiations on 18 August but this negotiation is not listed on Table IV. The Charter discussions being concluded, Delegations will now be able to concentrate on tariff negotiations and the trend of tariff negotiations in the course of this week will indicate if they will be completed by the target date of 10 September. There has been an acceleration of the pace of the negotiations this week and the Tariff Negotiations Working Party will be consulting with Delegations this week to ascertain in what manner the position can be improved further. The Tariff Negotiations Working Party has decided to meet frequently in future and to issue special reports each week instead of each fortnight. NATIONS UNIES SECRET UNITED NATIONS E/PC/T/S/7 Page 2 T A B L E I Progress of the Tariff Negotiations from 23 April to 23 August 1947. (Note: each unit represents one step forward, i.e. one for improvement front "in. preliminary stages" to "making progress", etc. , and finally, one for carrying a negotiation from " nearing completion" to "completed" .) Initial First Second Third Fourth Fifth period period period period period period 23 April. Fort- Fort- Fort- Fort- Fort- to night night night night night 14 June ending ending ending ending ending 28 June 12 July 26 July 9 Aug. 3 Aug. Australia 5 1 2 - 4 8 Benelux 4 6 4 4 1 6 25 Brazil 4 11 2 - - 13 30 Canada 7 3 3 4 10 2 29 Chile 1 10 6 1 15 9 42 China 4 5 6 4 6 6 31 Cuba 8 10 1 3 - - 22 Czechoslovakia 17 3 13 2 7 4 46 France 5 4 8 3 5 5 30 India 12 6 8 2 5 4 37 Lebanon/Syria 3 1 2 - 20 7 33 New Zealand 3 3 5 7 4 1 23 Norway 17 7 9 7 5 4 49 South Africa 12 16 6 4 2 - 40 United Kingdom 11 6 3 3 5 - 28 United States 12 2 1 2 1 4 22 46 90 73 507 125 94 79 E/PC/T/S/7 Page 3. STATE OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS (as at 23 August) Total Uncom- Negoti- pleted ations Uncompleted Negs. Total No. in which no meetings of meetings Negoti- took place from 9 ations August - 23 August No. held up to 23 August Percentages of Total Trade among the Members of the Preparatory Committee x In prel- iminary stages Making pro- gress Making consid- erable progress Near- ing comp- letion Com- pleted Total As a % of trade Australia Benelux Brazil Canada Chile China Cuba Czechoslovakia France India Lebanon/Syria New Zealand Norway South Africa United Kingdom United States Totals for 106 negotiations Trade of 7 pairs of countries Members not at present negotiating 39.2 66.5 37.8 12.7 15.8 172.0 of a preferential system 28.0 Trade of 7 pairs of countries not at prevent negotiating 200.0 bilateral negotiation appears twice in this table (once for each are at the lower right hand corner is therefore 200. TABLE II. 11 5 14 7 14 3 7 4 8 5 11 15 14 12 15 14 14 15 15 14 8 11 14 12 13 15 2.2 2.6 2.5 11.9 1.8 0.5 1.5 1.4 7.9 0.1 0.3 0.3 1.3 17.7 30.5 11 12 9 13 12 5 9 5 3 11 14 4 10 6 7 8 2 5 2 1 5 8 48 155 46 85 40 73 66 92 141 54 39 33 76 50 119 195 103 0.5 0.5 7.2 0.2 0. 4 2.9 5.9 0.4 14.0 5.9 1.0 10.9 0.9 12. 2 0.1 2.9 0.5 0.8 1.0 0.2 1.3 5.2 28.5 0.7 5.2 0.4 0.1 1.8 1.6 0.1 1.1 9.3 0.7 0.1 0.5 13.8 2.4 0.1 0.1 2.8 1.1 1.1 0.2 1.7 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 1.9 4.0 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1 2.5 4.6 5.4 0.6 3.1 17.4 4.6 19.9 2.0 3.1 3.4 3.1 13.6 9.7 0.4 0.7 3.3 6.0 40.3 41.4 * The percentage of trade represented by of the two countries concerned) and th E/PC,/T/S/7 page 4. T A B L E III State of Each Bilateral Tariff Negotiation as at 23 Auizust, 1947. Trade in 1918 Approx. As, % of No. Date No. Date Value total of of of of in trade Countries mtgs. init- wks. last million among ial since mtg. dollars count- mtg. init- ries at ial confer- mtg. ence A. Negotiations Compound 34 0.5 Benelux - S. Africa 6 12/5 14 18/7 6 0.1 Canada - Czechoslovakia 5 23/4 15 1/7 1 _ Canada - Chile 2 20/5 13 14/17 12 0.2 Canada - India 4 1/5 16 17/7 - - Canada - Lebanon/Syria 2 13/5 14 4/8 10 0.1 Canada - Norway 6 30/4 14 29/5 2 - Chile - Czechoslovakia 1 20/6 9 20/6 13 0.2 Chile - France 3 4/7 7 11/8 - - Chile - Lebanon/Syria 1 7/8 2 7/8 - - Chile - New Zealand 2 11/7 6 30/7 - - Chile - Norway 1 26/6 8 26/6 - - Chile - South Africa 2 5/6 11 25/6 9 0.1 China - Czechoslovakia 5 1/5 14 8/7 2 - China - Norway 4 13/5 14 24/7 1 - China - South Africa 3 5/5 15 24/6 1 - Cuba - Norway 5 23/5 13 24/7 - - Cuba - South Africa 2 22/5 13 21/6 1 - Czechoslovakia - Lebanon/2 16/5 14 16/8 Syria 7 0.1 - Czechoslovakia - Norway 5 12/5 12 22/7 7 0.1 Czechoslovakia - South 4 5/5 13 26/6 Africa 16 0.2 France - South Africa 7 25/4 17 17/7 4 0.1 India - Norway 7 21/5 11 22/7 E/PC/T/S/7 page 5 Trade in 1938 Approx. As % of No. Date No. Date No. value total of of of of of in trade Countries mtgs. init- wks. last wks. million among ial since mtg. since dollars count- mtg init- last ries at ial mtg. confer- mtg. ence 1 - New Zealand - South Africa 4 5/5 15 11/7 1 - Norway - South Africa 3 6/5 15 27/6 107 1.6 Norway - United Kingdom 9 3/5 16 22/7 44 0.6 Norway - United States 12 2/5 16 8/7 263 3.8 South Africa -United Kingdom 10 16/5 14 22/7 542 7.7 Total -27 117 B. Negotiations Nearing Completion - - Australia - Cuba 2 17/5 14 23/8 - 5 0.1 Australia - South Africa 4 23/5 11 15/3 1 17 0.2 Benelux - China (5-4) x 10 14/5 14 20/8 - 3 0.1 Benelux - Lebanon/Syria 7 14/5 12 13/8 1 7 0.1 Brazil - Czechoslovakia 3 27/5 10 14/8 1 3 0.1 Brazil - India (4 - 5) 2 27/5 10 21/8 - 173 2.5 Brazil - U.S.A. 5 30/4 16 4/6 11 13 0.2 China - France 6 30/4 16 7/8 2 47 0.7 China - United Kingdom 10 8/5 15 14/8 1 11 0.2 Czechoslovakia - India 4 9/5 13 2/8 3 1 - Czechoslovakia - New Zealand 4 6/5 15 4/8 2 3 0.1 India - New Zealand 4 16/5 12 7/8 2 98 1.4 India - U.S.A. 7 28/4 16 12/8 1 0.1 Lebanon/Syria - U.K. (5 - 4) 8 7/5 13 14/8 1 5 0.1 Lebanon/Syria - U.S.A. 12 2/5 14 20/8 - - - New Zealand - Norway 4 9/5 15 28/7 3 391 5.9 Total - 16 92 x Figures record the state of negotiations only in cases of disagreement between the reports of the two negotiating countries. The figure "1' indicates "in preliminary stages", " " "2" " "making progress", " "3" " "making considerable progress;", " " "4" " "nearing completion", and " " "5"' " "that the negotiations have been completed". The first figure records the opinion expressed by the first-named country, the second figure records that of the second-named country. E/PC/T/S/7 Page 6. Trade in 1938 Approx. As % of No. Date No. Date No. value total of of of of of in trade mtgs.ini- wks. last wks. million among Countries tial since mtg. since dollars coun- mtg. ini- last tries tial mtg. at con- mtg. ference C. Negotiations Making Considerable Progress - - Australia - Brazil (4-3) 4 29/5 12 19/8 - 1 - Australia - Chile 3 4/8 2 15/8 1 46 - 0.7 Australia - France 13 30/4 16 21/8 - 2 - Australia - Norway (3-4) 4 7/5 11 28/7 3 287 4.2 Benelux - France 35 28/5 12 21/8 - 33 0.5 Benelux - Norway 6 10/5 15 21/8 - 30 0.4 Brazil - France 5 27/5 12 20/8 - 2 - Brazil - Norway (4-3) 3 9/5 13 20/8 - 5 0.1 Canada - China 5 5/5 13 6/8 2 1 - Chile - India (3-4) 3 28/5 12 20/8 - 45 0.7 Chile - U.K. (3-4) 6 31/5 12 21/7 4 59 0.9 Chile - U.S.A. 5 28/4 15 8/8 2 1 - China - New Zealand (3-4) 3 7/5 15 19/8 - 100 1.5 China - U.S.A. 11 9/5 15 13/8 1 2 - Cuba - India (3-4) 3 22/5 13 21/7 4 22 0.3 Czechoslovakia - France 16 30/5 12 15/8 1 48 0.7 Czechoslovakia - U.K.(4-3) 5 30/5 12 7/8 2 20 0.3 France - Norway (3-4) 7 30/4 16 28/7 3 212 3.1 France - U.K. 14 28/4 16 20/8 - 916 13.4 Total - 19 151 E/PC/T/S/7 Page 7. Trade in 1938 Approx. As % of No. Date No. Date No. value total of of of of of in trade mtgs. ini- wks. last wks. million among Countries tial since mtg. since dollars coun- mtg. ini- last tries tial mtg. at con- mtg. ference D. Negotiations Making Progress 33 0.5 Australia - Benelux 5 30/5 12 9/8 2 9 0.1 Australia - China 5 20/5 11 20/8 - 6 0.1 Australia - Czechoslovakia 4 .30/5 10 4/7 7 (2-4) 20 0.3 Australia - India 3 28/5 12 1/8 3 35 0.5 Benelux - Canada (3-2) 7 10/5 15 4/8 2 12 0.2 Benelux - Chile (2-3) 3 4/7 7 24/7 4 7 0.1 Benelux - Cuba (2-3) 3 27/5 10 17/7 5 37 0.5 Benelux - Czechoslovakia 8 30/5 12 4/8 2 50 0.7 Benelux - India 4 9/5 15 22/7 4 5 0.1 Benelux - New Zealand 3 13/5 12 13/6 10 361 5.2 Benelux - U.K. 30 29/5 12 22/8 - 24 9 3.6 Benelux - U.S.A. 26 9/5 15 14/8 1 5 0.1 Brazil - Canada (4-2) 4 14/5 12 22/8 - 2 - Brazil - Chile (2-3) 3 4/7 7 12/7 5 1 - Brazil - China (4-2) 3 8/5 15 19/8 - - - Brazil - New Zealand (3-2) 2 30/5 12 23/8 - 1 - Canada - Cuba (2-3) 4 5/5 15 10/6 10 20 0.3 Canada - France (2-3) 11 25/4 17 19/8 - 762 11.3 Canada - U.S.A. 34 23/4 17 27/6 8 - - Chile - China (3-2) 2 2/8 3 15/8 1 2 - Chile - Cuba (2-3) 3 9/6 8 26/6 8 - - China - Cuba 3 30/4 16 7/8 2 1 - Cuba - Czechoslovakia (2-4) 3 30/4 16 10/6 10 5 0.1 Cuba - France 2 2/5 14 3/7 7 E/PC/T/S/7 page 8. Trade in 1938 No. Date No. Date No. Approx. As % of of of of of of value total trade Countries mtgs. int- weeks last weeks in among ial since mtg. since million countries mtg. init- last dollars at confer- ial mtg. ence mtg 194 2.8 54 0.8 34 0.5 8 7 1 687 2608 88 36 1 61 496 15 15 1 27 198 405 31 87 0.1 10.0 38.0 1.3 0.5 0.9 7.2 0.2 0.4 2.9 5.9 0.4 1.3 Cuba - U.S.A. Czechoslovakia-U.SA. (3-2) France - India France - Lebanon/ Syria (2-3) France - New Zealand India Lebanon/Syria (4-2) U.K. - U.S.A. (3-2) Total - 31 265 E. Negotiations in Preliminary Australia - U.S.A. Benelux - Brazil Brazil - Cuba Brazil S. Africa(3-1) Brazil - U.K. (2-1) Canada - U. K. China - India (1-3) Cuba - New Zealand Cuba - U.K. (1-4) France - U.S.A. India - U.K. New Zealand - U.S.A. S.-Africa - US.A.(2-1) 32 12/5 14 30/7 3 23 23/4 6 19/5 4 5 3 17 1 2 1 3 6 1 3 1 2 7 1 1 2 29/4 12/5 16/6 23/4 Stages 23/4 1/7 9/5 28/5 23/5 19/8 19/5 13/5 30/4 24/4 30/4 30/4 28/4 17 18/8 12 24/7 14 12 9 17 17 7 15 12 13 13 14 16 17 16 16 16 9/8 2 4/7 6 8/8 2 6/6 11 23/4 14/8 9/5 20/8 16/8 19/8 1/8 13/5 5/6 11/8 30/4 30/4 19/6 1446 21.0 Total - 13 31 4 16 1 15 1 3 14 11 1 15 15 9 E/PC/T/ S/7 page 9. Trade in 1938 Approx. As % of No. Date No. Date No. value total of ~~~of of of. of of in trade Countries mtgs. int- wks last wks million among coun- ial since mtg. since dollars tries at init- last conference mtg. 0.7 0.5 7.6 0.3 0.3 0.1 4.5 F. Members of a Preferential System not at present negotiating Australia - Canada Australia - New Zealand Australia - U.Kingdom Cda - New Zealand Canada - South Africa India - South Africa N.Zealand - U.Kingdom 969 14.0 Total - 7 G. Countries having insufficient trade to provide a basis for negotiations: Australia - Lebanon/ Syria Brazil - Lebanon/Syria China - Lebanon/Syria Cuba - Lebanon/Syria Lebanon/Syria - New Zealand - - Lebanon/Syria - Norway - - Lebanon/Syria - S.Africa - - Total - 7 Total Number Bilateral Meetings 45 36 527 24 19 8 310 1 6893 100.00 T Grand Total Bilateral Negotiations : 106 : 656 E/PC/T/S/7 Page 10 TABLE IV State of Tariff Negotiations with Territories for which the United Kingdom has an international responsibility As at 23 August Total Date Date State of Foreign trade in number of of Countries negotia- 1938 of initial last tions as As a % of mtgs. mtg. mtg. reported Approx. total trade by second- value in of each named (1) million territory country dollars with all other coun- tries at Conference 1. 30/7 30/7 Burma - Australia 5 - - 5 12/6 11/8 Burma - Benelux 5 6 2.6 29/7 9/6 17/6 28/7 18/6 8/8 14/8 7/8 11/8 6/8 12/8 18/6 14/8 18/7 19/6 13/8 10/6 18/8 1/5 Burma - China 2 Burma - Czechosl. 5 Burma - France 3 Burma - Norway 4 Burma - S.Africa 5 Burma - U.S.A. 5 Ceylon - Australia 5 Ceylon - Benelux 1 Ceylon - China 2 Ceylon - Czechosl. 5 Ceylon - France 4 Ceylon - India (3) Ceylon - N.Zealand 5 Ceylon - Norway 5 Ceylon - S.Africa 5 Ceylon - U.SA. 5 Total: 18 Newfoundland - U.S.A.2 Palestine - France 2 S.Rhodesia - U.S.k. 1 2/6 U.K. Colonies - U.S.A. 1 1 1 3 7 4 3 23 3 4 - 15 16 2 6 223 1 4.4 2.5 1.9 14.7 1.9 2.5 9.8 42.0 4.7 10.0 14.0 See foot note on Table III for significance of figures. Including the trade of Burma, Ceylon, Newfoundland, Southern Rhodesia and the United Kingdom colonies. In view of the United Kingdom - India Trade Agreement, the Indian negotiating team do not see much scope for separate tariff negotiations. 10/6 9/6 23/5 23/7 18/6 16/5 18/7 18/7 17/7 19/6 14/5 18/6 16/7 18/7 19/6 9/5 24/4 18/8 1/5 2/6 1 (1) (2) (3)
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : South African Delegation
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 13, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/62 and E/PC/T/W/23-81
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/W/62 13 May 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT SOUTH AFRICAN DELEGATION The South African Delegation proposes the following amendments to the Draft Charter Article 15, Paragraph 3: Delete the word "transportation" in the seventh line. Article 37: Under the heading (b), delete the words "if corres- ponding domestic safeguards under similar conditions exist in the importing country". DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES DELEGATION DE L'UNION SUD AFRICAINE La délégation de l'Union sud-africaine propose les amendements suivants au projet de Charte:- Article 15. paragraphe 3 A la 6ème ligne, supprimer les mots "la circulation'. Article 37: A l'alinéa (b), supprimer les mots: "Si des mesures de protection correspondantes existent dans le pays importateur dans les mêmes conditions". NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Special Report on the Progress of Tariff Negotiations by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 17, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/S/2, E/PC/T/TRF/90-155, and E/PC/T/S/1-3
ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/S/2 AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL:ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. SPECIAL REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS BY THE TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS WORKING PARTY. At the meeting of the Chairman's Committee (Heads of Delegations) on Friday last, a target date was fixed for the completion of the tariff negotiations, namely, 15 August. It is now just half way from the opening of the first negotiations to the target date, i.e. 8 weeks have elapsed since 23 April when the first negotiations began and about 8 weeks remain until 15 August, but it is evident from the record of the meetings held and from the reports received on 16 June from delegations that the progress in the first 8 weeks has been so slow that, unless there is a very considerable acceleration in the rate of progress, there can be little expectation of ending by 15 August. Up to 14 June, 298 meetings were held by the 93 pairs of countries that have entered negotiations. Five pairs of countries have held more than 10 meetings, and if these are deducted the average for the remaining 88 is only 2.3. The reports received from delegations record only one negotiation as completed, namely, Canada - Norway, which ranks 45th in importance among the bilateral negotiations in progress in terms of trade in 1938. The Indian Delegation report that they expect to complete three negotiations by the end of June, but the countries con- cerned report as follows regarding their negotiations with India: Czechoslovakia: "Making considerable progress". New Zealand : "Making progress". Norway : "Making considerable progress". UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES SECRET E/PC/T/S/2 page 2 Only 5 other negotiations are reported to be nearing completion, namely: Czechoslovakia - South Africa: The 2 countries agree on this report. Norway - South Africa Cuba - United Kingdom : South Africa says "near- ing completion" but Norway says "making progress". : United Kingdom says nearing completion" but Cuba says " in preliminary stages". (The trade involved in the seven negotiations mentioned above amounts to less than one percent of the total trade in 1938 among the countries represented at this Second Session of the Preparatory Committee.) Brazil - United States United Kingdom - United States : United States says "nearing completion" but Brazil says "making considerable progress". : United Kingdom says "nearing completion" but United States says "making progress". (The trade of Brazil and the United States is 2.5 percent and that of the United Kingdom and United States is 10 percent of total trade among participating countries.) In the 16 reports received from Delegations there are only 13 crosses in the column headed "making considerable progress"; these include the following in addition to those relating to some of the negotiations mentioned above: (The opinion that the negotiations are "making considerable progress" is expressed by the countries underlined). Australia Brazil Canada China Cuba Cuba Lebanon-Syria Norway - Norway - Czechoslovakia - Cuba - Czechoslovakia - Czechoslovakia - United States - United States - United States E/PC/T/S/2 page 3 The 16 delegations in their reports on the remaining negotiations record 57 opinions of "making progress" and 97 opinions of "in preliminary stages". It will be seen from the above and from the accompanying annexures that the great majority of negotiations have made very little progress. There are only 17 of the 93 negotia- tions on which one of the two countries (if not both) record something better than "making progress", and the trade involved in these negotiations is only 17 percent of the total. In 58 of the 93 it Is stated by one country (if not by both) that the negotiations are still in the "pre- liminary stages" -34 of them not having proceeded beyond the initial exchange of offers. Therefore, it is evident that the talks will have to proceed a great deal more rapidly if they are to be com- pleted by the target date. Delegations are no doubt aware of the reasons which underlay the decision of the Chairman's Committee (Heads of Delegations) to fix a target date for the completion of the tariff negotiations and the signature of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade at this Session. The Tariff Negotiations Working Party, therefore, urges Delegations to make every effort to intensify their work in this connection. In some cases, it may be possible to in- crease the number of negotiators by calling on officials who are not now at Geneva. Further, meetings between countries will have to increase considerably. The Working Party will keep in touch with Delegations, with a view to ensuring the full use of the resources now available; but it wishes to stress that only energetic action on the part of Delegations will make it possible to finish on the scheduled date. E/PC/T/S/2 page 4 ANNEX A STATE OF TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS (as at 14th June) 1. 93 NEGOTIATIONS IN PROGRESS Number of meetings held up to 14th June State of negotions as reported by the two countries (1) 29 Canada - USA 2 - 2 Trade in 1938 Approx. as a % of value in total trade Dollars among all (millions) countries represented at the Conf. (2) 782 11.3 7 26 U.K. - USA 4 - 2 687 10.0 6 1 India - U. K. 1 - 1 405 5.9 2 2 Benelux - U.K. 1 - 1 361 5.2 2 1 Benelux - France 1 - 1 287 4.2 4 4 S. Africa - U.K. 2 - 2 263 3.8 5 2 Benelux - U.S A. 1 - 1 249 3.6 6 6 France -U.K. 1 - 2 212 3.1 7 6 France - USA 1 - 1 198 2.9 4 21 Cuba - USA 3 - 2 194 2.8 6 5 Brazil - USA 3 - 4 173 2.5 6 3 Norway - U.K. 2 - 2 107 1.6 5 9 China - USA 2 - 1 100 1..5 6 5 India - USA 2 - 2 98 1.4 7 1 Australia - USA 1 - 1 88 1.3 6 1 S. Africa - USA 1 - 1 87 1.3 3 1 Brazil - UK 1 - l 61 0.9 (1) The figure "1" indicates "in preliminary stages", " " "2" " "making progress", " " "3" " "making considerable progress", " " "4" " "nearing completion", and " " "5" " that the negotiations have been completed. The first figure records the opinion expressed by the first- named country, the second figure records that of the second- named country. (2) The trade of dependent territories is not included with that of the countries having international responsibility for them. Number of weeks since first meeting 7 Number Number. of of meetings weeks held up since to first 14th June meeting 3 Chile - USA Czechoslov. -USA Benelux - India Czechoslov.- U.K. China - U.K. Australia-France Chile - U.K. Norway - U.S.A. Benelux - Czechoslov. Benelux - Canada. France - India Benelux - S.Africa Benelux - Norway Australia- Benelux N.Zealand - USA Brazil - France Cuba - U.K. Czecheslov.- France. France - Norway Australia -- India Canada - France Benelux - China France - S.Africa China - India China - France Canada - India State of negotions as reported by the two countries (1) 2 - 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1. 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 -4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2. - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 2 E/PC/T/S/2 page 5 Trade in 1938 Approx. as a % of value in total trade Dollars among all (millions) countries represented at the Conf. (2) 59 54 50 48 47 46 45 44 37 35 34 34 33 33 31 30 27 22 20 20 20 17 16 15 13 12 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0..4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0-2 0.2 6 7 5 2 5 6 2 6 2 5 3 4 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 7 4 7 3 6 6 11 2 2 3 a 1 11 J. 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 1 2 1 2 page 6 Trade in 1938 Number Number of State of Approx. as a % of of meetings negot'ns value in total trade weeks held up as reported Dollars among all since to by the two (millions) countries first 14th June countries represented meeting (1) at the Conf. (2) 5 3 Czechoslov.- India 3 - 3 11 0.2 6 6 Canada - Norway 5- 5 10 0.1 3 1 Australia - China 1 - 1 9 0.1 6 2 China - Czechoslov. 2 - 3 9 0.1 6 3 France - Lebanon/ 2 - 2. 8 0.1 Syria 2 1 Benelux - Cuba 1 - 1 7 0.1 4 3 Czechoslov.- Norway 2 - 2 7 0.1 5 3 Czechoslov.- S.Africa 4 - 4 7 0.1 4 3 France - N.Zealand 1 - 1 7 0.1 2 1 Brazil - Czechoslov. 1 - 3 7 0.1 2 2 Australla Czechoslov. 1 - 2 6 0.1 7 3 Canada - Czechoslov. 1 - 2 6 0.1 4 3 Benelux - N. Zealand 2 - 1 5 0.1 4 3 Brazil - Canada 2 - 2 5 0.1 3 2 Australia - S.Africa 2 - 2 5 0.1 5 2 Canada - China 1 - 1 5 0.1 6 1 Cuba - France. 1 - 1 5 0.1 5 2 Lebanon/Syria- U.K. 1 - 2 5 0.1 6 7 Lebanon/Syria - USA 3 - 2 5 0.1 3 2 India - Norway 4 - 3 4 0.1 4 2 India - N.Zealand 4 - 2 3 0.1 4 1 Benelux - Leb./Syria 1 - 1 3 0.1 2 1 Brazil - India 1 - 1 3 0.1 5 1 Brazil - Norway 1 - 1 2 -- - 1 Chile -Cuba 1 - 1 2 -- 5 2 Australia - Norway 3 - 3 2 Number Number of of meetings weeks held up since to first .14th June meeting 4 2 China - Norway 5 1 Brazil - China 2. 1 Brazil - S.Africa 5 4 Canada - Cuba 2 1 Chile- India 3 3 Cuba - Norway 4 1 Czechoslov. - Leb./Syr. 5 1 Czechoslov. - N. Zealand. 5 2 Norway - S .Africa 3 1 Canada.- Chile 5 1 China - N. Zealand 2 China - S.Africa 6 3 Cuba - Czechoslov. 4 1 Cuba -N. Zealand 5 2 N.Zealand - S.Africa 2 1 Australia- Brazil 2 Australla - Cuba 5 1 Brazil - Cuba 1 Brazil - New Zealand 4 1 Canada - Lebanon- Syrie 1 1- Chile - South Africa 6 2 China -Cuba 3 1 Cuba - South Africa 5 2 New Zealand - Norway E/PC/T/S/2 page 7 Trade in 1930 State of Approx. as a % of negot'ns value in total trade as reported Dollars among all by the two (millions) countries countries represented (1) .at the Conf. (2) 2 -2 2 -- 1 - 1 1 -- 1 -1 1 -- 1-3 1 __ 1 -1 1 -- 2 -2 1 -- 2-1 1 -- 2 - 1 2- 4 1- 1 2- 2 2- 3 2- 2 1- 1 2- 2 1 - 1 1- 1 1-1 1- 1 1- 2 1- 1 2- 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5358 77.9 E/PC/T/S/2 page 8 2. POSSIBLE NEGOTIATIONS NOT YET INITIATED Trade in 1938 Approx.value as a % of in dollars total trade (millions) among all countries repres . at the Confer- ence (a) Nine pairs of countries expected to initiate negotiations in the near future Benelux - Brazil . Chile - France . Benelux - Chile . Brazil - Chile . Chile - Czechoslovakia Australia - Chile . . . . Chile - China ............. Chile - New Zealand . Chile - Norway Eight pairs of countries - Members of a Preferential System Australia - United Kingdom . . . Canada - United Kingdom New Zealand - United Kingdom. Australia - Canada. Australia - New Zealand ........ Canada - New Zealand. Canada - South Afrioca India - South Africa .......... 1 Ten pairs of countries having insufficient trade to provide a basis for negotiations: Cuba - India . . . . . . . . . . China Lebanon/Syria India - Lebanon/Syria Australia - Lebanon/Syria Brazil - Lebanon/Syria. Chile - Lebanon/Syria .. Cuba - Lebanon/Syria. Lebanon/Syria - New Zealand Lebanon/Syria - Norway. Lebanon/Syria - South Africa. 36 13 12 2 2 1 66 527 496 310 45 36 24 19 . 8 , 465 2 1 1 4 Total trade einona countries represented at the Conferance ..3. . . . . . . . I 6,ag3 (b) ( c ) 0 ,5 0,2 0,2 0,9 7,6 7,2 4,5 0, 7 0,5 0,3 0,3 0,1 21,2 E/PC/T/S/2 page 9 ANNEX B The ten negotiations begun prior to 10th May but only one meeting held up to 14th June : Negotiating countries Date of meeting Australia - United States South Africa - United States India - United Kingdom New Zealand - United States Cuba - France Czechoslovakia - New Zealand China - New Zealand Brazil - China Brazil - Cuba Brazil - Norway 23rd April 28th April 30th April 30th April 2nd May 6th May 7th May 8th May 9th May 9th May. E/PC/T/S/2 Page 10. ANNEX C. THE 31 NEGOTIATIONS THAT HAVE PROCEEDED -BEYOND THE SECOND MEETING UP TO 14TH JUNE (Showing in brackets the percentage of the total trade in 1938 among the countries represented at the Conference.) 3 Meetings: Benelux - New Zealand (0.1) Brazil - Canada (0.1) Canada - Czechoslovakia (0.1) Chile - United States (0.9) China - United Kingdom (0.7) Cuba - Czechoslovakia Cuba - Norway Czechoslovakia - India (0.2) Czechoslovakia - Norway (0.1) Czechoslovakia - South Africa (0.1) France - India (0.5) France - Lebanon-Syria (0.1) France - New Zealand (0.1) France - Norway (0.3) Norway - United Kingdom (1.6) 4 Meetings: Canada - Cuba South Africa - United Kingdom (3.6) 5 Meetings: Brazil - United States (2.5) Canada - France (0.3) France - United States (2.9) India - United States (1.4) 6 Meetings: Canada - Norway (0.1) France - United Kingdom (3.1) 7 Meetings: Lebenon-Syria - United States (0.1) 8 Meetings: Australia - France (0.7) 9 Meetings; China - United States (1.5) 11 Meetings: Czechoslovakia - United States (0.8) Norway - United States (0.6) 21 Meetings: Cuba - United States (2.8) 26 Meetings: United Kingdom - United States (10.0) 29 Meetings Canada - United States (11.4)
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Speech to be Delivered by M. Max Suetens at Final Session of Preparatory Committee, October 30, 1947
European Office of the United Nations Information Centre Geneva, October 29, 1947
European Office of the United Nations Information Centre Geneva
press releases
Press Release No. 475 and PRESS RELEASE NO.403-479
EUROPEAN OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS Information Centre Press Release No. 475 Geneva. 29 October 1947. SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT SPEECH TO BE DELIVERED BY M. MAX SUETENS AT FINAL SESSION OF PREPARATORY COMMITTEE, OCTOBER 30, 1947. Translation from French 1. A little over two months ago the Preparatory Committee met in plenary session to approve the Report of its Second Session, which took the form of a draft Charter for consideration at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, due to open at Havana on November 21. We are assembled here today to adopt and sign the Final Act, marking the termination of the tariff negotiations which opened here on April 10 between the countries represented on 'the Committee, and the framing of a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and of a Protocol'of Provisional Application. 2. Before I recount the steps which have brought us to this auspicious occasion, and before I attempt to estimate the significance of what has been achieved, I would like to recall the situation as it faced us at our last Plenary Session on August 22nd. In commenting on the harmony' which had hitherto prevailed in our discussions of the Draft Charter and it the tariff negotiations, I said that "this Conference has still not yet come to an end, since the tariff negotiations will continue and by their very nature they raise considerable difficulties". The task which confronted us and its complex nature were underlined by other speakers on that occasion. May I quote from the remarks of the United States member, Mr. Clair Wilcox, who said, "The members of this Commiittee will be judged, in the eyes of the world, not only by the words we have writteh on paper and sent forward to the World Conference, but also by the action that we shall take, here and now, to give meaning to those words. Our-proposal to negotiate for the substantial reduction of tariffs and the elimination of preferences will be laid down. side by side with the provisions of our General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Our promise in the one will be measured by our performance in the other". And - if I may be allowed one more quotation - this sentiment was echoed on the other side of the globe by the Australian Minister of Reconstruction, Mr.J.J. Dedman, who said (in a broadcast on August 21), ''The Charter cannot stand by itself. The.Charter and the proposed multilateral trade agreement are integral parts of the general plan to expand trade. The success or failure of the whole plan now depends on a similar degree of under- standing being reached in the trade negotiations". (P.t.o.) Press Release No.475 Page 2. 3. Gentlemen, we are now to be judged in the eyes of 1 world. We are presenting in public an account of our steward- ship. I hope to show in the course of my remarks that we have succeeded in fulfilling our task, bringing credit not only to the labours of the members of this Committee, not only to the farsighted wisdom and the spirit of conciliation shown by the governments they represent, but to the United Nations itself, under whose sponsorship we were created. 4. I think it is no exaggeration to say that our meeting today will provide a landmark in the economic development of the world during recent years. We are here witnessing the birth of the first fruits of post war international action towards reorientating international trade on constructive .and productive lines, towards more copious production of the products needed by mankind, toward increasing employment of the men and women producing them, and towards a steadily rising standard of living. 5. The work undertaken by our Committee, under the auspices of the United Nations cannot be considered on its own. It is integrated into a wider economic field which extends over many objectives. This line of approach began to be foreseen during the war. I need only cite the Atlantic Charter, which laid down the principles for the basis of this collaboration, the Hot Springs decisions,. concerning food, the Bretton Woods decisions relating to exchange stability and aid in event of temporary disequilibrium in the balance of trade. It remained to create the basic foundation for-collaboration in the field of employment and commerce. In this particular sphere no mere symbolical act, no mere expression of.a desire, would be sufficient. It was necessary to achieve a really constructive framework which would allow for the revival of international trade. 6. It was in December 1945 that the United States and the United Kingdom published their Proposals for Consideration by a World Conference on Trade and Employment. At the same time, the government of the United States invited a representative group of trading nations to enter into negotiations for the reduction of barriers to trade. Two months later, in February 1946, the Economic and, Social Council decided to :establish this Committee, of which I have the honour to be Chairman, for the purpose of preparing an agenda, including a draft charter for consideration by the United Nations Conference on Trade and.Employment. The Preparatory. Committee held its First Session in London from October 15 to November 20, 1946; a Drafting Committee, appointed by the First Session, met in New York from January 20 to February 25, 1947; the Second Session opened in-Geneva on April.10, and closes today. During our second session we evolved and published the draft Charter, the work on which called for over 450 meetings in the space of 4 months. During the same period we have completed over 100 pairs Press Release No.413 Page 3. of tariff negotiations, calling for nearly 1,000 formal meetings and many more informal meetings in a little over 6 months. Gentlemen, I suggest that it would be hard to I'_ <a parallel to the intensity of our labours. The results justify our efforts. Allow me, if I may, to recall a few personal memories. During the interwar period I took part in the efforts made here in Geneva under the auspices of the League of Nations, to lower barriers to trade. As early as 1927, an interna-- tional economic conference which brought together the leading figures of the principle trading countries, announced that the time had arrived when a halt should be called in the trend of protection and that it was urgently necessary and of the utmost importance to reduce barriers to trade. It was only 3 years later: in 1930, that a first conference took place whose officials title was "The International Conference with a View to a Concerted Economic Actich", more commonly known as the 'International Conference for the Conclusion of a Tariff Truce". It did not succeed in finding a suitable formula. It led to a general understanding committing the countries which wished to raise their tariffs to a proceedure of Previous notification and consultation. But even that understanding which was nothing more than a gentleman's agreement could not be put into force. Furthermore all the other conferences which aimed to secure concerted economic action gave no results whatever. I will only cite as an instance the London Monetary and Economic Conference of 1933, which marked the end of international conferences having as their aim the stimulation of international trade. it is indeed an inspiring thought to realize that what could not be achieved during six years of effort has been achieved this time in less thanone year, 7. The signing of the Final Act today marks the completion of the most comprehensive, the most significant and the most far reaching negotiations ever undertaken in tale history of world trade. Twenty-three countries or territories, sharing amongst them approximately seventy per cent or a little less than three quarters of the trade of the world, have worked together, cordially and in the best traditions of fair give and take, to complete over one hundred negotiations, involving literally thousands of items. The results of these negotiations have been incorporated in a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, a multilateral trade agreement unique in its character, both in scope and in application.. 8. It may not be generally realised that the General Agreement offers far wider benefits than a series of bilateral agreements; for under its terms, each negotiating country will be contractually entitled, in its own right and independently of the most favoured nation clause, to enjoy each of the concessions in the schedules of the other negotiating countries. The multilateral form of the tariff schedules is designed not only to assure broad action for the reduction of tariffs, but to give countries a right to particular tariff concessions which they might wish to obtain, (P.t.o.) Press Release No.475 Page 4. but which under bilateral agreements they would find it difficult to obtain because they could not claim to be of the main suppliers of the product concerned. 9. The Final Act and the Protocol of Provisional Application are not in their nature or in their form unconventional documents. By signing the Final Act, each country authenticates the texts of the Protocol of Provisional Application and of the General agreement on Tariffs and Trade. By signing the Protocol each country gives a firm undertaking to give provisional application to the General Agreement. 10. The General Agreement is a unique document in the history of trade negotiations, in setting forth agreed principles and practices, in establishing a formula for maintaining them pending the creation of as International Trade Organization and in providing for the safeguarding and effective operation of the tariff concessions. It restates, in Part One, the principle of General Most Favoured Nation Treatment as set out in Article 16 of the Draft Charter. It obligates the countries which have negotiated concessions to observe and maintain them. It provides for consultation between interested countries should they consider that a product listed in the Concessions is not receiving the treatment provided for in the Agreement. Part Two of the General Agreement is largely concerned with restating certain principles and provisions of Chapter Four (Commercial Policy) and, to some extent, of Chapter Three (Economic Development) of' the draft Charter, with some modifications and rearrangement mainly for the purpose of relating them to the structure of the Agreement and to the obligations undertaken by the countries which accept it. Part Three deals with matters arising out off the Agreement itself and not taken over from the Charter. It is important to note that the countries accepting the Agreement must meet from time to time, their first meeting to be convened before next March, and that if the Charter has not entered into force within a reasonable time, arrangements are contemplated for amending, supplementing E3d maintaining the General Agreement, should they be necessary. 11. The question has been raised whether there is any provision in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade whereby it can be ensured that all contracting parties make tariff concessions of equivalent value. The point arise, particularly in relation to the concessions to be made by new adherents and whether they will be equivalent to those made by the original contracting parties. Moreover, the same question will probably arise from time to time, as the process of lowering trade barriers goes forward, in respect of the original contracting parties. This problem was, of course, foreseen in the draft Charter, and the Preparatory Committee has recommended in Article 17 provisions which we all consider adequate to meet the case. Reference may be made especially to the introductory words in paragraph 1 (which commit Members to negotiate about tariffs and preferences), to paragraph 1 (c) Which says that concessions Press Release No.475 Page 5. l le in previous negotiations shall be taken into account), to paragraph 1 (d) (which says that the results of such negotiations shall be incorporated into the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and to paragraph 2 (which gives the International Trade Organization certain rights as to the implementation of Members' undertakings in paragraph 1), Thus, it can be stated with some confidence that the question of the contributions to be made to the objective of reducing trade barriers by Members, new or old, from time to time, will be adequately covered when the Charter comes into force. If, unhappily, the Charter does not come into force, or if there is long delay, the question of having provisions equivalent to those of Article 17 of the Draft Charter will inevitably be one of those which the contracting parties will have to take into consideration in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article XXIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. 12. Can we reduce the results of our labours to simple practical terms ? Can we estimate what will be the effect of the tariff reductions and bindings on world trade ? First, I must make it clear that I rave no authority to reveal the detailed content of the schedules of concessions. These, together with the texts of the General agreement and of the Protocol of Signature, will be made public by the Secretary General, it is hoped, on November 18. He, in his turn, must, by November 15, be informed of the signatures of eight named countries to the Protocol. (I am glad to know that certain countries are to sign the Protocol here today), But; if I may be permitted for a minute to delve into figures, which are inevitably rather large figures, it may be possible to apply a yardstick to the results of our endeavours, In 1938, the latest year for which figures are available, the countries of the world, as a whole, imported goods and products of all kinds to the value of twenty-four billion dollars, The 23 countries which have negotiated at Geneva enjoyed about fifteen and a half billion dollars worth of import trade. It appears, from broad calculations, that on the average no less than some two-thirds of the import trade of the 23 countries concerned is covered by concessions or bindings negotiated at Geneva. (In certain countries between 76 and 86 per cent of their import trade is covered). In terms of dollar value, and at pre-war prices, this would mean that the value of import trade covered by reductions of tariffs or by bindings negotiated at Geneva is in the order of ten billion dollars. 13. The general results of our work, apart from their detailed significance will have a most beneficial influence on the Conference which is to open next month at Havana. Our completed negotiations show that the countries represented on the Prepara- tory Commission have not been content to remain in the world of theory, but that they are prepared to take seriously one of the most important commitments under the Draft Charter, namely Article 17. Twenty-three countries assembled here, representing (P.t.o.) Press Release No.475 Page 6. almost three quarters of world trade, are going to sigr Final Act today. It is no exaggeration to proclaim that the signing of the Final Act today provides the clearest possible indication that these countries are firm in their conviction that the Draft Charter must be brought into existence and made to work for the benefit of all nations of the world, We have undoubtedly provided the Havana Conference with a. flying start. 14. It is appropriate at this stage to express my gratitude to all those who have taken part in our work, and in particular to Ambassador Wilgress who has presided with such authority over the progress of the tariff negotiations, to the heads of delegations who have assisted him in the Tariff Negotiations Working Party, to the teams of negotiators, to all those who helped to draft the three documents with which we are concerned, and in particular to the Legal and Drafting Committee which has worked under the skilled direction of M. Royer. We are also particularly grateful to the Secretariat for the way in which they have shouldered the heavy burdens which the final stages of the second session have imposed upon them, Only one member, Mr. Gilpin, remained for the exceedingly arduous final stages of preparing the documents and schedules which we have before us. To him our best thanks are due. And may I take this opportunity also to thank the permanent services provided here in Geneva, the men and women who have reproduced our nemerous papers, often working through the night to complete their tasks, to the translators and to all those who have in any way contributed to the success of the work of the Preparatory Committee. 15. There is another group of collaborators who have taken an essential part during this Conference, I refer to members of . the press, who have since April been reporting the developments of the work of the Preparatory Committee continuously. There have been many newsless days and even weeks for the members of the press; our negotiations have been unavoidably confidential and the results have had-to be withheld until the end, in order to achieve the full benefits of acumultilateral type of General Agreement. More than once, significant develop- ments which have takes place in Geneva have reached the press first in other national capitals. Our friends have-shown much forbearance; they have reported our progress :irly and accurately; they have, I think, shared our hope and our belief that this long meeting would end with significant accomplish- ments to its credit. I feel certain that they will understand the reason - namely the need for time for the countries concerned to consult their governments - why publication of the documents and of the Schedules is delayed until November 18. 16. There are certain comments which have been made in respect of the tariff negotiations we have concluded, which concern Press Release No.475 Page 7. not only the work we have undertaken but the concrete value of the results we have obtained. It has been said that tariff barriers only played a minor role in trade and that the Agreement would have but little effect. Without doubt this comment contains only a part of the truth. I would go further. The economic situation, particularly in Europe today, is much less satisfactory than it was when the discussions on the Charter were opened. One conference has been called in Paris to attempt to bring aid in resolving the difficulties which threaten to paralyse the life of our Continent. Our work does not aim to resolve these problems and besides it could not do so. But it is reassuring to see that on several occasions the Report of the Sixteen recognizes the value of our work and our negotiations and that it has taken into account several parts of the Draft Charter. We cannot, on the other hand, disregard the fact that an atmosphere of scepticism surrounds the United Nations. There is a feeling that the United Nations is powerless to find a solution to the serious political problems of today. But in one sphere, namely our own, we have not failed in the trust that was placed on us. And the realisation of what we are presenting to the world today goes far towards justifying our confidence. All in all, economic health is just as essential as political health, and it might even be said that it is the essential factor. 17. This is what President Truman meant when he spoke of applying to commercial relationships the principle of fair dealing. Instead, he said, of retaining unlimited freedom to commit acts of economic aggression, the members of the proposed International Trade Organization would adopt a code of economic conduct and agree to live according to its rules. Instead of adopting measures that might be harmful to others, without warning and without consultation, countries would sit down around the table and talk things out. The interests of all would be considered and a fair and just solution would be found. In economics, as in international politics, said the President, this is the way to peace.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Statement by the Belgium-Luxemburg Delegation at the Executive Session on June 9, 1947
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 10, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/90 and E/PC/T/66-91
UNITED NATIONS RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/9O AND ECONOMIQUE 10 June 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: French/ SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT S T A T E M E N T BYTHE BELGIUM-LUXEMBURG DELEGATION AT THE EXECUTIVE SESSION ON JUNE 9, 1947 The original draft of the Charter, from which the work of the Preparatory committee has proceeded, laid down the purposes as follows: "1 To promote the solution of problems in the field of international commercial policies and relations through consultation and collaboration among Members. n2. To enable Members to avoid recourse to measures destructive of world commerce by providing, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis, expanding opportunities for their trade and economic development. 15. To encourage and assist the industrial and general economic development of Member countries, particularly of those still in the early stages of Industrial development. "4. In general, to promote national and international. action for the expansion of the production, exchange and consumption of goods, for the reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers, and for the elimination of all former of dlscriminatory treatment In International commerce; thus contributing to an expanding world economy, to the establishment and maintenance in all countries of high levels of employment and real Income, and to the creation of economic relations conducive to the maintenance of world peace. B5. .................. " These purposes are in conformity with the views of the Belgium-Luxemburg Economlc Union, which in particular agreed with the order adopted in setting out the aims and the relationships of cause to effect it established. For these reasons the Economic Union accepted membership of the Preparatory Committee, on the understanding that the debates and general activities of the Committee would serve to perfect the Charter as an instrument of economic liberation. NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/90 page 2. It was to be expected that certain countries, or group of countries, would Insist that the first draft had not taken into proper account their own particular economic- problems. AG a delegate International body set up by the Economic and Social Council, it was precisely the tack of the Preparatory Committee to collect accurate information on the various particular problem of each party, to determine then by careful study exactly what interests were involved, their Importance and vulnerability, so as to gauge what measure of protection it would be wise to afford in each case. After examination of the conflicting views expressed, it would have been possible for the Committee to express its considered opinion ln the text It would propose for the various articles of the Charter and ln the commentaries thereto. It would have appeared clearly which Interesté would be best served by renouncing special protection and relying on the beneficial effect of the operation of the Charter; which interests would require special. treatment through limited exceptions to the general principles; and which interest should be sacrificed for the common good even when they were in themselves perfectly legitimate. As time went by ln preparation for the meetings and lengthy debates ln the sessions, attention was progressively engrossed by innumerable points ot detail, and the general picture seemed to be forgotten. Little by little the character of the Charter was altered, until those who had only seen It in its original form. would flnd it hard to recognise. Day by day the trend le towards the confirmation of each and every privilege, simply because they exist, and towards condoning every form of restriction, because they have become a habit. There ls a general refusal to face the fact that the passing protection gained by these practices will have to be paid for many times over by the disastrous consequences they entail, including the lose of the temporary advantages which appeared 80 precious. These developments are a cause of great anxiety for the Belgium-Luxemburg Economic Union. In the light of them It may have to revise its position. The Charter as it is novv developing is in danger of establishing a statue of privilege to be given: 1. to state-trading countries 2. to countries giving and receiving pre-ferences 3. to under-developed countries, which may apply quantitative restrictions for the furtherance of their employment, development and social policies 4.. to countries which have suffered from the war and which may therefore apply quantitative restrictions for the purpose oe reconstruction 5. In cases (3) and (4) discrimination is allowed according to the criterion of essentiality, which i8 ln fact purely subjective. E/PC/T/90 page 3 6. Exchp.nge control, vihich was to be an exception under the original Charter, has become an accepted rule. 7. Producers of primary oommodities will be protected by Inter-governmental agreements. How does the Belgium-Luxemburg Economic Union 'stand' with regard to these provisions? 1. It does not indulge in stette-trading. * 2. t receives no preferences. 3. It la not an under-developed region. 4. It A.ims at affecting reconstruction by a policy of ste.ulLy rernovlng restrictions. 5. It does not apply the criterion of essentiality to its imports. 6. It intends to lift exchange control ao soon as possible. 7. It iB not an exporter of primary commodities and produces none of them in sufficient quantity to cover its consumption. That highly industrialised countries are better able tao face every type of oconomia fluctuation seems to be an accepted opinion. Yet this 1B true only in certpln instances. Perhaps a large industrial country which hRs also plentiful natural resources and reserves of wealth could withstand any kind of crisis better than others. A mall territorial unit, however, - the Belgium- Luxemburg Economic Union, for Instance - which specialises in the prccessing industries, cpn only-survive under certain given conditions. It depends, for its life, on importeaof raw materials and foodstuffs which do not exist within Its frontiers. Exports are more vital to. it than to nther countries, for they provide the means of payment !-^r Imports. To promote sales abrop.d it must rely on two factor. One ls the techn.oue ..nd qunLity of its products, the other ie that It oI'tx'r primary producers a market which is not proportionate to the number of its consumers but to the level of their economic activity. The freer world trade le, the more intensely theso factors operate; Quality and price have thelr full attraction for buyers, while on the other hand every country beneflts . directly or indirectly, through the plp.y oa multilateral trade, from the market offered by the industrial country, The -particular interest oa the Econgmi.c Union thus coincides with the general Interest. For this reason the Belgium-Luxemburg EcononU.c Union has alwpye been cautious in ratters of protection. E/PC/T/90 page 4. Together wlth the Netherlands, it has again shown moderation ln the new common tariff which ia the bass of thelr present negotiations. Still in agreement vrith the Netherland8, the Economic Union has declared its firm intention of fore- going quantitative restrictions, which were vreapons they had to assume during the 1930-1939 economic warfare. Belgium would only resort to the exceptions allowed by the Charter in the last extremity, when its balance of payments would be in grave dAnger. This would menn that by then the resources saved from the holocaust of war would have melted avay and that the country was on the brink of disaster. Such an event is by no means lmprobpble. The development of the Chprter i8 such thp.t It may soon threaten the Belgium- Luxembourg Economic Union in precisely that way, for it vrould find itself bereft of means of Pction ln front of countries fortified behind exceptiono Pnd rrirlege it could not claim for itself. A moderate tariff would, most likely, not help to obtain relief from high duties abroad. In order that it should serve, the principle embodied ln article 24 (1)(c) would have to be recognised ns Implying that when there i& rree entry or a low rpte the value of the concession lies ln the market which is kept open by the binding and the absence or quantitative restrictions. The riistakcen belief should not be Indulged ln that because the Importa accorded a favourable treatment are highly necessary to the importing country there ls no chance of a change occurring. However much one needs a, thing one must do without it If one cannot pay for it, and seek a subatItute one can afford. It is therefore in the common interest thpt it be recogniased that there should be compensatory facilities for the exports whicA serve to finance the imports favoured by an open-door tariff. Should this not be generally admitted, there would be an Increase of the in";al handicap upon those whose vital export of manufactures must ucale the high tariff walls everywhere, while raw material producers either enjoy free entry or a preference, or at worst have te pay very low duties. The primary producers advanta-e will be further ncrenseed Dy th- protection intdrgovernmental comnmodity agreements vrill provide. In contrast te this, it is proposed te preclude any possibility of such agreements applying te manufactured products, not because it is envisaged that, As there are fewer producers involved, rational organisttion oould be brought n.bout by pri.vpte agreements which could be supervised by the OrgAnisption, but because it le supposed that the problems whicn affect primAry products can never arise in connection with manufactured goods. E/PC/T/90 p>.ge 5 To complete the dismp.l picture, BelpiumIs consuming power would lose its bargaining povier. First of ail because ln the absence of quantitative restrictions no dis- crimination could be effected in order to divert the benefit of it to countries which offer markets for Belgian goods. Moveover, the rapid economic decline of the nation would curtpil the buying power of the masses which would stagnate ln unemployment And poverty. To .ccept the Charter vrould be the depth-sentence of the Belgian-Luxemburg Economic Union, unless the instrument conforms to the following conditions 1. The original spirit of freedom should pervade the hole document. 2, The striving towards ever freer trade should be strongly stressed. 3. The sacrifices of each Member should be rep.l and proportionate to their economic power and to the special privileges they enjoy. 4, A measure of equality should be established ln the means of action and defence available to each Member. 5. General prosperity should be sought by orderly and balanced development of ail parts of the world with equpl profit to ail. If the Charter la not to be an Instrument for the fulfilment of these purposes, it would be preferable to bear ln mlnd the lessons oi the recent past and to remember that a lone free-trader cannot survive in a world where others report to high protection And indulge in an economic armaments race. When this happens one must look to one's weR.pons and prepare to face depressions and crises far worse than anything that can be Imagined novr. The l-Prlike techniques of l940-45 were infinitely more deadly than those of 1914-i8. In the same "'ay the techniques of economic war- fore In the future wlll make those of 1930-39 Pppear childish. The effects of the new measures will be terribly destructive and the damage to world economy Will be correspondingly more wIdespread and lasting.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Statement of United States Delegate with reference to Article 13
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 12, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/165 and E/PC/T/162-168
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/165 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 12 August 1947. AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCiAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Statement of United States Delegate with reference to Article 13 The draft of Article 13 submitted by the Sub-committee on. Chapter IV goes far beyond the London draft in relaxing the provisions of Chapter IV in order to permit the use of protective measures for development purposes. The United States delegation has accepted these modifica- tions of the London draft even though it does not consider all of them to be justifiable or necessary for promoting economic development. It has accepted them because other countries attached importance to them. It has accepted them in the hope that in this way it would help to heal the breach which has developed at this meeting between the so-called developed and under-developed countries - a breach which, incidentally, it considers to be a wholly unreal and needless one in view of the community of interest that exists between them on this subject of economic development. The United States delegation has accepted these modifica- tions for these reasons and in the hope that by doing so it would bring about agreement to an extent at least closely approaching unanimity on the draft of Article 13 as it now stands and that such agreement will be maintained. If this hope should not be fulfilled the purpose of agreeing to some of these provi- sions would be defeated and the United States delegation would therefore withdraw its acceptance of such provisions.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Statemeyt bv the Delegate of the United States on Reservations to the General Agreement
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 18, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/207 and E/PC/T/196-209
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Statemeyt bv the Delegate of the United States on Reservations to the General Agreement
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 18, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/207 and E/PC/T/196-209
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL ~~~~E/PC/T/207 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 18 September 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL:ENGLISH SOCIAL CIUNCiL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORMMCO1'ITTEE HE TÆM UN TEDJNATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT statemeyt bv the Delegate of the United States on Reservatioos ta theeGenoral Agreement. In accordance with the decisionetakon by the Tariff Agree- ment Commituee Upon the proposal of Dr. Gustave GUTIERREZ, Delegate of Cuba, the statement madeMby .r. J.M. LEDDe, Dolegate of the United States, at the meeting of 17 September 1947 is circulated herewith: "Mr. Chairman, as a prefaco to the discussion which we are about to take up on reservations, I wollk Mi'e to comment on the Report to which we have just agreed and the bearing which it has on the problem of reservations. Wo have witeessGd with some reluctance - I might say considerable reluctance - the disappearance of the provision for signature of the Agreement, even though we have recognised all along that signature of the erado Agreement did not legally co=mit the signatory country to accept these provisions or apply them. However, we have come to the conclusion that, in the circumstances -- in view of the fact that some of the countries present felt unaboe te sign the Trade Agreement, even at the time at which they were willing to give provisional application to it -- and in view of the position of some of the countries with regaod te reservations, by and large it would be wioe te dispense with the provision for signature of the Agreement. ENITID NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/207 page 2 From the point of view of international law and pro- cedure that, of course, makes no legal difference. It is true now, as it has always been, that the binding obligation between the contracting parties takes effect only when the Agreement has been accepted by countries making up 85% of the total number represented at this meeting. Now, I think before we get into the problem of reser- vations, we should look very carefully at the way the Agree- ment stands now and its effect upon the question of reservations. First, there being no provision for signature of the Agreement, there is, of course, no occasion for any country to reserve its position upon signature. However, it would still be open to any country to reserve its position upon acceptance of the Agreement. I think what Dr. Gutierrez stated the other day with regard to that matter was quite. correct: a country may accept the Agreement with a reservation. In that event, of course, the acceptance, in order to be valid in international law as I understand it must be then agreed to by the other countries which have also accepted the Agree- ment. But I would suggest that there probably will not be any occasion for a country to attach a reservation to its accep- tance of the Agreement for this reason: that under the terms of the Agreement, the Agreement may not enter into force until after a decision has been reached with regard to the super- session of the provisions of the Agreement by the Charter. That will give every country which has a reservation to the Charter an opportunity to uphold it in Havana, and if it prevails in Havana and if it should be incorporated in the Charter coming out of Havana, then to propose to the contracting parties under the Suspension and Supersession provisions that E/PC/T/207 page 3 these provisions of the Charter should supersede the provisions of the Agreement. And until a decision is reached upon that, until agreement is reached upon that, the Trade Agreement may not enter fully into force. Now, there is one other point, that is, signature of the Protocol of Provisional Application. Signature of that instrument commits the signatory Government, and it is on a par with the acceptance of the Trade Agreement. Therefore, any reservations to the Signature of the Protocol of Provisional Application must be accepted and agreed to by all other countries signing the Protocol of Provisional Application. But here again I should think that it would not be necessary for any country to reserve its position with respect to the signature of the Protocol because, after all, it is a protocol of provisional application. Part I of the Agreement, that is the tariff part, is to be applied provisionally, and Part Il, that is the general provisions, with respect to which I think most of the reservations in question apply, is to be applied to the fullest extent not inconsistent with existing legislation. The Protocol of Provisional Application is subject to withdrawal by any country on sixty days' notice, so that if a country is not satisfied wlth what happens at Havana or wïth regard to supersession it will be in a position to withdraw from the Agreement at short notice. Therefore, I suggest that the Report of the Sub-Committee with respect to the Protocol of Signature and the question of signing the Agreement has taken care of the problem of reservations . "
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Sub-Committee on Article 38. Territorial Application of Chapter V - Frontier Traffic - Customs Unions. Proposal by the United Kingdom Delegation for redraft of paragraph 1 of Article 38
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 26, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/225 and E/PC/T/W/220-235
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL 26 June 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT SUB-COMMITTEE ON ARTICLE 38. . TERRITORIAL APPLICATION OF CHAPTER V - FRONTIER TRAFFIC - CUSTOMS U'DIONS. Proposal by the United Kingdom Delegation for redraft of paragraph 1 of Article 38. "1. The rights and obligations of this Chapter shall be deemed to be in force between each and every territory which is a separate customs territory and on behalf of which this Charter has been accepted by a Member in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 88." COMMENT. This amendment is suggested for the sake of clarity and to remove certain misapprehensions, particularly on the subject of Membership of the Organization to which the existing draft of this paragraph might give rise. The United Kingdom delegation propose that paragraph 1 of Article XXI of the draft General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade should be similarly amended (a reference to Article XXV (4) being substituted for the reference to Article 88 (4) of the Draft Charter).
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Sub-Committee on Articles 14, 15, 24, 34, 35 and 38. Note by the Secretariat on Articles 34, 35 and 38
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 24, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/224 and E/PC/T/W/220-235
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/224 ECONOMIQUE 24 June 1947 COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMNT SUB-COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 14, 15, 24, 34, 35 AND 38. NOTE BY THE SECRETARIAT ON ARTICLES 34, 35 AND 38. The following note indicates briefly the points that have been referred to the Sub-Committee for discussion, namely: 1. the comments contained in the Report of the Drafting Committee (Pages 29 to 32) 2. the amendments proposed by delegates during the present Session (contained in the Annotated Agenda, W.175 and in W.184), and 3. the views expressed and amendments proposed by delegates during the general discussion in Commission A on 11, 12, and 13 June 1947. . E/PC/T/W/224 Page 2. Article 34 Emergency Action on Imports of Particular Products. (Except where otherwise specified the page numbers relate. to A/PV/11). Paragraph 1 (a) The Belgian delegation propose (W.167 and pages 3 and 13 - 14) that the words in brackets, lines 8 - 14, be deleted. In W.167 this proposal is supported by the following statement: "Article 34 provides an escape clause the importance of which should not be under-estimated. The words enclosed in brackets greatly enlarge its scope to the sole advantage of producers in a torritory re- ceiving the benefits of a preferential system: The deletion of these words was supporte dby the delegate for the Netherlands (pages 12 and 17) if preferences are mentioned, why should not the paragraph refer also to quantitative restrictions and state trading? but the proposal was opposed by (i) the delegate for the United Kingdom (pages 3, 13 and 16) : this escape clause must maintain the balance between the concessions on tariffs and those in respect of preferences; and in any case this phrase is required because the reference to" domestic producers" is not applicable in teh case of injury suffered by those in other countries to which preferences are accorded; (ii) the delegate for Australia (pages 4 - 6 and 18): t is essential that the escape clause should refer to both preferences and tariffs, but the Australian delegation seeks no privileges for industries pro- tected by preferences which are not enjoyed by those protected by other means; (iii) the delegate for the Union of South Africa (pages 7-9) : the- escape clause must not be used to reduce what the members of a preferential system may gain in exchange for giving up their preferences; (iv) the delegate for Cuba (pages 11 and 15) : the words in brackets give expression to a principle which was accepted at the First Session; (v) the delegate for 'New Zealand (page 13) : if the escape clause is retained it is essential to make provision for preferences. E/PC/T/W/224 page. 3 (b) The United Kingdom delegation propose (W.163) that the words "at the request of such producers' Government" be inserted after "preference" in line 14. This proposal was not discussed in Commission A. (c) The United States delegation propose (W.65) that the last five lines should be altered as follows: .. ",the Member shall be free, in respect or such product, and to the extent and for such time as may be necessary to prevent such injury, to suspend the obligationj/in respect of such product] in whole or in part or to withdraw or modify the concession [to the extent and for such time as may be necessery to prevent such injury]. This proposal was not discussed in Commission A. (d) The Delegate for China (page 19) proposed that the words "in respect of such product" in lines :15 and 16 be placed before instead of after the words "to suspend the obligation". This is a part if the Proposal in (c) but if the United States proposed is rejected this will require seperate consideration. (e) Secretariat Note: Consideration might be given to the desirability of inserting the words "or remove" after prevent" near the end of the paragraph. Paragraph 2. (a) At the meeting of the Drafting Committe (of. Report, page 29) the delegates for Canada, Chile and Cuba maintained Lni.intLinE; the view that acotion should nt be permitted without prior consultation. In Commission A this view was again put forward by: egat(i)o anadadTea DoJ fXrCoapsgsS 0-21 cn 26-27') rgenciesseariuesfor exensa n o £reforeci-dthercf thre is opfoportunity r consultatiothisn, aid if'½ procedure is follooweed acthe countr-tions will be les drastic. (ii) The Delegiate fageor Chle (ps 24 and 39): pmeossibly so procde coulce bdefoviseforming the d *VcrV;Draniz- atiactuoni of ohat is likely to be taken. (iii) The Delegate for Cupagba (e 33):m Perission to take action without prior consultation will lead to diseagreable situtations. E/PC/T/W/224 page 4 The proposal of the Canadian, Chilean and Cuban dele- gates was supported by the delegate for France (page 28). The following delegates were opposed to the proposed alteration : Australia (page 23), Brazil (page 32), India (page 36), South Africa (page 34) and the United States (page 23) The Norwegian and Chinese delegates (pages 43-44) said they were prepared to accept the paragraph without change but the delegate for Belgium (page 22), supported by the delegate for the Netherlands (page 30) opposed the proposal and suggested instead that the following wording should be used in the second sentence : "In critical circumstances, such that any delay would cause irreparable damage such action may be taken provisionally without prior consultation ...". (b) At the meeting of the Drafting Committee (cf.Report, page 29) the delegate for Canada proposed that, if action without prior consultation is permitted, immediate counteraction should also be permitted. The Canadian delegate repeated this view in Commission A (pages 21 and 26-27); it was supported by the delegates for South Africa (page 34) and Chille (page 40); but was opposed by the delegate for Australia (pages 23-24) who thought retal- iatory action should be postponed until all other possibilities have been exhausted. To this objection the Canadian delegate replied that the possibility of immediate counter-action would act as deterrent. (c) Document W.167 contains two proposals of the Belgian delegation, viz: (a) To add the following to the first sentence: "Such written notice must specify which producers are injured or likely to be injured and the terri- tories in which they are located"; (b) At the end of paragraph 2 add: "... and provided that notice in writing is given of the producers injured or likely to be injured and the territories in which they are located. " E/PC/T/W/224 page 5 The Belgian delegation give the following explanation: "The written notice should make clear the reasons for the adoption of such action so that Members have in their possession all the data necessary to 'form, an opinion and determine their policy. Further, if the words enclosed in brackets in pare- graph 1 are retained, States affected must know which are the territories on whose behalf emergency station is being taken so that they may be able to take counter-measures equivalent to the additional privileges granted by paragraph 1." These proposals were not discussed in Commission (d) The Delegate for the United Kingdom (pages 29-30) suggested that the Sub-Committee might examine the wording of the paragraph with a view to making it clear whether the country fishing to take counter- action need wait for an expression of opinion by the Organization. (e) The Delegate for Brazil (page 32) enquired whether the Sub-Committee could consider whether the action proposed by his Delegation in connection with Article 17 could be taken under Article 34. (Note: The action referred to is stipulated on page 13 of the D.C. Report in note (e) to paragraph 1 end note 2 to paragraph 2 of Article 17, viz: "heavier than counter- balancing duties or quantitative restrictions should be allowed in cases of aggravated or sporadic dumping" and "quantitative restrictions or other measures should be permissible in order to cope with the import of sub- sidized products". The Sub-Committee on Article 17 says in its report (cf. E/PC/T.103, page 13) E/PC/T/W/224 Page 6 "It is understood that the obligations set forth in Article 17 could, as in the case of all other obligations under Chapter V, be subject to the provisions of Article 34." This is followed by the following note: "The Delegate for Brazil wished to make it clear that the reservations made by his country in the D.C. Report concerning Article 17 were withdrawn in view of the interpretation contained in the preceding note.") (f) The Delegate for India (page 37) compared Article 34 with article 15 and said he could sea no justification for the different procedures for the introduction of emergency measures. He suggested that the Sub-Committee might examine this situation. (g) The Delegate for the United States (pages 41-2) thought the paragraph needs clarification as to whether a Member faced with an emergency situation as a result of action taken by some other Member is entitled to the same privileges in taking emergency action or whether such action would be regarded as counter-action. Paragraph 3 (a) There insertion of the word "action" in line 12: (i) By the United Kingdom delegation(W.163): "or, in the case of a Member at whose request action has been taken by another Member in connection with a preference, the trade of the Member making that request".......... (ii) By the Belgian Delegation (W.167): "and of the States within whose territory the producers injured or likely to be injured are located". The Belgian Delegation states that this addition will not be necessary if the words in brackets are deleted from paragraph 1, . E/PC/T/W/224 page 7. These proposals were not discussed in Commission A. (b) The United States Delegation suggest the deletion of the words substantially equivalent" in lines 12 and 13 and the deletion of the last sentence (W.165). The United States Delegation makes the following comment: "The proposed amendment wouid leave to the Organization the decision as to what compensatory action would be appropriate in the circumstances without envisaging, as does the present draft, that the privileges of the Article will be abused", The Delegates for Canada (page 47), Netherlands (Page 48) and United Kingdom (page 46) said they would prefer to certain the word, "substantially equivalent". (c) The Delegate for South Africa (page 10) suggested that the Sub-Committee might consider whether it is clear to which antecedent the word "which' in the third last line refers. Article 35 Consultation - Nullification or impairment. (Except where otherwise specified all page numbers relate to Document A/PV/12). General The Delegate for Cuba proposed that this Article should be deleted and a new Article inserted in Chapter VIII; as it seems undesirable to limit the possibility of an amicable settlement of misunderstandings or disputes to Chapter V, the procedure should be extended to the whole Charter and a multiplication of procedures should be avoided (pages 3-4, W.172, VI.175, pages 3-4). . E/PC/T/W/224 page 8. During the discussion in Commission A (page 12) the Delegate for Cuba said that he would not insist upon the removal of paragraph 1 from Chapter V but would insist that paragraph 2 be placed in its proper form in the Charter. Paragraph 1 (a) The Delegates for Canada (page 17), France (W.168 and page 6), United Kingdom (page, 4) and United, States (page 11) expressed their opinion that paragraph 1 should be retained in Chapter V. (b) The Delegate reserving his position temporarily regard- ing the words "anti-dumping and countervailing duties" inserted by the Drafting Committee (cf, D.C. Report, page30), represented Brazil (c) The Delegate supporting the suggestion (made by several other Delegates) to insert the words "without prejudicing the legitimate business interests of particular private or state enterprises" represented Czechoslovakia (cf. D.C. Report, pago 30). In Commission A the Delegate fer Czechoslovakia said that State enterprises should not be dealt with more severely than the private ones and that when a consultation as to State trading takes place under Article 35 the Member should be entitled to withhold information for the same reason as under Article 42, (d) The Delegate supporting the remarks made by the Delegate for Czechoslovakia and declaring that if the words mentioned were not included, he would prefer restoration of the London text, represented France (cf. D.C. Report, page 30). E/PC/T/W/224. page 9. Paragraph 2 (a) On the proposal of the Delegates for Canada (page 17), Chile (page 27), South Africa (page 21), and United States (page 11) it was agreed (page 32).that the draft far paragraph 2 proposed by the Australian Delegation (W.170 and W.175 pages 5. to 7). be used as a basis for study in the Sub-Committee. The draft was explained by the Delegate for Australia during the discussion in Commission A (pages 7-10). (b) The following suggestions were made regarding the Australian draft: (i) by the Delegate for the United Kingdom (page 19) - to use the phrase "accruing under the Charter" in place of "accorded by the Charter" in sub-paragraph (a). (this was supported by the Delegate for Australia, (page 20) ). (ii) by the Delegate for Belgium (page 26). - - to reverse the order of items (i) and (ii) in sub- paragraph (a). (this was supported by the Delegate for the United States, (page 30) ). (iii) by the Delegate for Norway (page 14) - - to reconsider the need for the provision for consultation . with the Economic and Social Council and inter-governmental organizations. (the retention of this provision was favoured by the Delegates for Australia (page 15), Canada (page 17), and Netherlands. (page 17).). (iv) by the Delegate for France (page 18)- to reconsider the provision for consultation with Members. (the Delegate for Australia said that he did not regard it a retention as vital (page 20) ). (v) by the Delegate for Brazil (page 38 ) - to provide for all consultations through the Organization E/PC/T/W/224. page 10. instead of between Members. (this was opposed by the Delegate for Czechoslovakia (page 32) ). (c) The Delegates for South Africa (pages 21-2 and 27-9.) and the United States (page 30) suggested that possibly the Australian amendment goes much further than was desirable or intended and that the Sub-Committee should consider this. The Delegate for Australia replied to these suggestions (pages 22-5 and 31). (d) The French Delegate drew attention (page 18) to the reference to Article 35 in the Report of the Sub-Committee on Chapter III (E/PC/T/95, page 6) recording the recognition by that Sub-Committee that "a serious and abrupt decline in external demand might constitute a 'situation ..which has the affect of nullifying or impairing any object of this Charter' within the meaning of paragraph 2 of Article 35." He asked that this be noted for study by the Sub-Committee. (e) The view of the Delegates for Cuba (W.172 and page 12), and United Kingdom (W.161 and page 19) that paragraph 2 should be removed to Chapter VIII was supported by the Delegates for Canada (page 17) and the Netherlands (page 13). The Delegates for Australia (page 9), Norway (page 14) and United States (page 11) were prepared to consider this proposal but could not commit their Delegations to an opinion without further study. (f) The proposal of the United Kingdom Delegation to combine paragraph 2 with Article 86 (W.161 and W.175 pages 7-8) was not discussed by the Commission, but the Delegate for the United Kingdom referred to the second paragraph of the proposal as providing the first step in the procedure for consultation (page 5). (g) The French Delegation proposed (W.168) that paragraph 2 be replaced by a new Article in Chapter VIII (the text of the proposed article to be submitted "in due course"), and that the E/PC/T/W/224 page 11 title of Article 35 be altered to "Procedure for Consultation", but during the discussion in Commission A (page 6) the French Delegate said that, subject to a few minor changes, his Delegatation would be prepared to accept the Australian proposal. (h) Secretariat note: If this paragraph is retained, it might be appropriate to replace in the first line the words "should consider" by "considers"; also, the expression "any object of this Charter" in line 6 might read "any purpose of this Charter" to conform with Article 1 and paragraph (d) of Article 61. (i) The New Zealand delegation has proposed the insertion or a provision in Article 13 whereby any Member which considered its interest to be adversely affected by the measures employed by another in connection with governmental assistance to economic development might complain to the Organization and the procedure prescribed in Article 35 would apply. The Sub- Committee on Chapter IV wishes to discuss this proposed at a joint meeting with the Sub-Committee dealing with Article 35. Article 38 Territorial application of chapter V - Frontier traffic - Customs unions (Except where otherwise specified all page numbers relate to Document A/PV/13) Paragraph 1 (a) The representatives of the International Monatary Fund may wish to discuss with the Sub-Committee the relationship between this paragraph and Articles 26,28 and 29 (of. D.C. Report, Page 32). page 12 (b) The United States Delegation propose that the word "inter- preting" in line 7 be replaced by "the territorial application of" in order to remove possible ambiguity (W.165). (a) The amendment in respect of the initial transitional stage of the formation of a Customs Union (cf. D.C.Report, page 32) was pro- posed by the Delegate for Chile, supported by the Delegate for Lebanon. The Delegation of Chile has now proposed (W.173) that the following text should be inserted after "the formation or a Customs Union": "and its initial transitional stage, which begins with the entry into force of an agreement establishing the effective cummendment of a Customs Union and characterised by a total elimination of customs duties on certain products originating in the contrecting countries". The Delegate for Chile explained to Commission A (pages 23 and 14) that it is his Delegation's desire to supply the means whereby the aim of the Charter to encourage the establishment of customs unions may be achieved. The Delegate for Norway (page 13) enquired whether this proposal. would not provide for a new preferential system or indefinite duration, which would be contrary to the principles of Article 14. The Delegate for the Netherlands suggested (page 15) that possibly all that the Chilean Delegation desired could be obtained under paragraph 4. (b) Since the Annotated Agenda was distributed the Lebanon Delega- tion has proposed (W.184) that the following sub-paragraph be added: "(c) The creation of a free trade areas by the conclusion among Members belonging to the same economic region, of a free trade agreement not involving the adoption of a common tariff or custons administration." This proposal was not discussed in Commission A. E/PC/T/W/224 . page 13. (c) The United Kingdom Delegation proposes that the proviso beginning in the second line of sub-paragraph (b) should be numbered " (1) " and that the following second proviso should be added (W.163): "(2) where the countries which enter into the Union are territories which grant preferences as provided for in Article 14(2), the preferences granted by the Union to other territories which previously enjoyed preferences in any of the constituent territories of the Union shall not on the whole be higher than the average level of the preferences previously so granted. This proposal was not discussed in Commission A. Paragraph 3. In Commission A (pages 17-18) the Delegate for Australia explained that the tariffs of Australia's dependen- cies were revenue tariffs and were applied equally to the goods of Australia and of other countries, but Australia on the other hand accorded free entry to certain merchandise of those territories in order to strengthen their economy; Australia might wish to extend these arrangements to other products in terms of paragraph 4 (cf. D.C. Report, page 32). Paragraph 4 (a) The Delgate for the United Kingdom suggested (page 21) that possibly this paragraph should be removed to some other part of the Charter (b) At the meeting of the Drafting Committee the two Delegates who maintained their reservation in respect of regional preferences repressented Brazil and Lebanon. The Delegates objecting to the application of pargraph 3 of Article 66 represented Caile and Lebanon. (D.C. Report, page 32.) E/PC/T/W/224. page 14. (c) The Delegate for Australia mentioned in Commission A. (pages 16 and 25) that the question of new preferential arrange- ments has received attention in meetings of the Sub-Comrnittee on Chapter IV, and he suggested that the two Sub-Committees should make contact so that they will not produce conflicting statements. (d) The French Delegation made the following observation in W.169: "The French Delegation had intended to submit an amendment to Article 38, paragraph 4. However, as the Sub- Committee examining Article 13 of the Draft Charter is at present considering proposals which, if accepted, would alter the scope of Article 14 and of Article 38, para- graph 4, the French Delegation prefers to await the results of thcc discussions before makin any definite proposals. In these circumastances, the French Delegation can only reserve- the right to submit its observations when Article 33 comes up for discussion." Paragraph 5. The Delegate for Australia sugested (page 17) that the Sub-Committee, might examine the definition of a customs union with reference to a possible free trade arrangement between two or more customs territories while the territories themselves remain separate.
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Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Sub-Committee on Articles 14, 15 and 24 Observations by the United Kingdom Delegation on Article 24, Paragraph 1. (Previous Reference E/PC/T/W/246)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/253 and E/PC/T/W/236-260
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/253 AND ECONOMIQUE 23 July 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. SUB-COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 14, 15 AND 24 Observations by the United Kingdom Delegation on Article 24, Paragraph 1. (Previous Reference E/PC/T/W/246) The U.K. Delegation wish to submit the following observations on the remarks by Benelux Delegation on Article 24, paragraph 1. One consideration which is implicit ln the negotiation of mutually advantageous agreements is that the party which suffers in any given case should be satisfied that he is obtaining adequate compensation elsewhere. It is necessary to apply this consideration to negotiations affecting preferences. The reduction of a preference always involves the surrender of trading advantage on the part of the country enjoying the preference at issue, but the reduction of a preference may, and often does, involve a second element of loss. In addition to the loss by the country enjoying the preference there may be a loss on the part of the country which accords the preference. This will arise in any case involving the reduction, or indeed binding, of a protective (or important revenue) duty. It will be recognised that in such cases where there are two elements in the total loss sustained, there would, if the consideration set out above is borne in mind, be two elements also in the - compensation required. It is not a question of double payment, but payment for two distinct elements ln the concession. It follows from this analysis that consultation between the parties to the preference is natural and necessary and that before an offer can be made, each must be satisfied that there is scope for a counter concession. These views might be summarized as follows in the form of the Benelux readings:- (a) Prior commitments cannot be involved to avoid negotiations on margins of preference; (b) The results of such negotiations leave unchanged the residue of any prior commitments. (c) When parties to preferential arrangements have received requests for reductions or elimination of preferences they are granting, they must at E/PC/T/W/253 page 2 the. same time as they negotiate with the requesting party, consult the other party to the preferential rate in order to ensure that the negotiation be mutually advantageous, and that the parties to the preferential arrangements are satisfied that adequate compensation is likely to be forthcoming. Until that in clear no from offer can be made. (d)(1) There THere cases in which compensation would because only to the country sacrificing some preferential advantage; that is to say cases in which there is no protective or important revenue element in the duty. (ii) There are also cases in which there are two elements in the concession and compensation would be-in two parts, one to the country surrendering a trading advantage, the other to the country.surrendering a
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Sub-Committee on Articles 14, 15 and 24. Remarks by the Benelux Delegation on Article 24, Par. 1
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 16, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/246 and E/PC/T/W/236-260
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES . RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/246 ECONOMCI CONSElL E 16 July, 1947 AND ECONOMlC SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT SUB-COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 14, 15 AND 24 REMARKS BY THE BENELUX DELEGATION ON ARTICLE 24, :Par. 1. Certain Tariff negotiations have revealed to the Benelux Delegations that Article 24, paragraph 1 (a) could be construed -in severe. manners; These differences in interpretation have an important bearing on the negotiations. They can be summarized es follows: 1°) The Benelux delegations and several others read the paragraph to mean: a/ prior commitments cannot be invoked to avoid negotiations on Margins of preference. b/ negotiations on preferences are solely between the re- questing country and the country in whose tariff the preferences being negotiated appear. c/ the results of such negotiations leave unchanged the residue of any prior commitments. d/ however the parties to prior preferential arrangements may, should, the final results of the multilateral nego- tiations leave the balance of preferences between them in an unsatisfactory state, come to an arrangement for adjust- ing or terminating their commitments. This doss not affect the negotiations under b/. 2°) A second reading is- a/ prior commitments cannot be invoked to avoid negotiations on margins of preference. - b/ when parties to preferential agreements have received requests for reductions or elimination of preferenees they are granting, they must, at the same time they are negotiating with the requesting party, consult the other party to the preferential arrangement in order to insure that the negotiation be mutually advantageous on a triangular basis. c/ compensation for the loss of a preference may be direct or indirect; in the case of direct compensation, this may come from one or the other of the two other parties to the triangular negotiations. 3°) The third readig is: a/ prior commitments cannot be invoked to avoid negotiations on margins of preference. b/ when a request is made for the reduction or elimination of a preference, the decision on the matter belongs to the country receiving the preference, not to the country P.T.O. E/PC/T/W/246 page 2. granting it. This latter cannot discuss even tente- tively eny such reduction or elimination before the consent of the country receiving the preference is given. c/ compensation for any reduction or elimination of prote- rences is double: - to the country receiving the preference. - to the country giving the preference for the reduction in its rates. Tho effectsts or these different interpretations have been apparent in the manner in which different Delegations have presented this requests and formulated their lists of offers. The third reading makes the reduction or elimination of prefer- ences much more costly for the requesting countries and con- siderably redues the scope of the negotiations. Countries adoptin, that view seem in consequences to have tended to make their lists of requests cover but a small portion of their trade with the other parties, and to have considerably reduced their offers of concesisions. It is of the unmost importance that the issue should be clarified. An interpretation should be arrived at that will prove acceptable not only to all delegations present hero but to the countries which will be invited to the full Conference. Nearly all of them are not members of a preferential system. The present proposed redraft of Article 24, par.1 does not make any clearer the intention of the provision. Discussion in the light of tho divergence of opinion which hes appeared will be necessary to arrive at a satisfactory draft.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Sub-Committee on Articles 26, 28 and. 29. Special Note by the Secretariat relating to Paragraph 1 of Article 29
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 12, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/241 and E/PC/T/W/236-260
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED N ! CC O N S E L E/PC/T/W/241 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 12 July 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT- Subo-Committee on Articles 26, 28 and. 29 Special Note by the Secretariat relating to Paragraph 1 of Article 29. An amendment has been proposed to paragraph 1 of Article 29 whereby the International Trade Organization would accord exclusively to the International Monetary Fund certain responsibilities, including the provision of "statistics regarding general international balance-of-payments or the balance-of-payments of any Member and ... the analysis of the balance-of-payments position" (see note 58 in Document E/PC,/T/W//223). The Assistant Secretary General for Economic Affairs has requested that, in connection with the consideration of this proposal, the attention of the Sub-committee be drawn to the activities of other agencies relating to balance of payments questions. Accordingly, the Secretariat is cir- culating herewith for the information of Delegations the texts of recommendations previously adopted by the Economic and Social Council and its subsidiary Commissions on this matter. These texts consist of the recommendation made by the First Session of the Economic and Employment Commission, the recommendation made by the First Session of the Statistical Commission, and the related resolution adopted at the Fourth Session of the Economic and Social Council. E/PC/T/241 page 2 ANNEX A RECOMMENATIONS OF THE ECONOMIC ÀND EMMPLOYMENT COMMISSION RELATED TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A, SUB-COMMISSION ON BALANCE OF PAYMENT (Doounent E/255) 1. By Resolution of 1 October 1946, the Economic and Social Counoil instructed the Economic and Employment Commission "to give further consideration to the question of the establish- ment end of the terms of rewference of a Sub-Commission on Balance of Payments and make an early report to the Economic and Social Council". This instruction resulted from previous discussions by the Council of a proposal for the creation of such a Sub- Commission. 2. The Economic and Employment Commission has accordingly re-examined the question. The Commission considers that it will inevitably have to give close attention to balances of payments since they constitute a significant neasure of changes in international economic and financial relations, but that the subject is so broad that the Commission and its already establish- ed Sub-Commissions will necessarily have to deal with it. The creation of a Sub-Commission to deal Exckysively with balance of payments problems is not considered necessary at the present time. 3. The Economïic and F2aploymcnt Commission thertfort; RECOAÎll2Nv3: (a) Thot no Sub-Co=2aissicn on the Balance of Psyments be established at present; and (b) Thet, in order to assist the- Cummission and its Sub- Commissions in the consideration of the question or balances of payments, the Sccreturiat muku the necessary arrangements forj full and regular reports and analyses of bulanoes of payments, in close cooperation with and using to the fullest extent possible the resources of thr Specialized Agencies concerned. E/PC/T/W/241 page 3 ANNEX B Recommendation of the Statistical Commission (Document E/264) The Commission recognizes that there is an immediate need for developing standards of reporting data in the field of balance of payments. The International Monetary lund is already at work on this problem in meeting its urgent operating needs, and note was taken of the special powers given to the Fund by its Articles or Agreement to obtain data from its members in the form required for its operations. It was emphasized, however, cvar, thet this matter conceens the Unitcd Nsiones, thGspecialagencies, ized a_, and,.tional Governments. The Statisticeul Comrmissieon, therfore, requests the Statis- ftical Orcere of thUnited Nations to consult with the International Monetary Fund and other interested agencies with a view to the development or standards in this field. retary-..The Snereuldfl shovnclude a special section dealing with this topic in his rcport to the Commission at its next session. page 4 ANNEX C Resolution adopted by the Economic and Sooial Council March 28, 1947 (Document E/403) BALANCES OF PAYMENTS THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL HAVING NOTED the recommendations on the question of balancees oa payments contained in tne reports of the Eoonomic and Employment Commission and the Statistical Commission REQUESTS the Secretary-General (a) to make the necessary arrangements for full and regular reports on and analyses of balances of payments in close co- operation with and using, to the fullest extent possible the resources of the International Monetary Fund and other interested inter-governmental agencies in order to assist the Economic and Employment Commission and its Sub-Comissios in considering the economic problems related to or arising out of balances of paymenmts; and (b) to consult with the International Monetery Fund and other interested inter-governmental agencies with the view to developing standards of z of reporting data infield ofhe Iield oa balances of payments.