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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-Governmental Organizations. Summary Record Meeting of the Consultative Committee with the representatives of the International Chamber of Commerce held on Friday, 18 July, 1947, at 4.30 p.m. in the Palais des Nations, Geneva
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 18, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/131 and E/PC/T/124-135
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-Governmental Organizations. Summary Record Meeting of the Consultative Committee with the representatives of the International Chamber of Commerce held on Friday, 18 July, 1947, at 4.30 p.m. in the Palais des Nations, Geneva
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 18, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/131 and E/PC/T/124-135
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/131 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLlSH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE Non-Governmental Organizations Summary Record Meeting of the Consultative Committee with the representatives of the International Chamber of Commerce held on Friday, 18 July, 1947, at 4.30 p.m. in the Palais des Nations, Geneva. M. Dieterlin Mr. John W. Evans Mr. C.L. Hewitt Mr. Olav Hogna M. Royer Representatives of the International Chamber of Commerce: Mr. John R. Minter Dr. M.A. Heilperin In the absence of the CHAIRMAN and VICE CHAIRMAN, the EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, Mr. Wyndham White, presided. The Committee proceeded to consider the matters which the Representatives of the ICC had requested and opportunity to discuss. 1. The question of early release of the third Draft Charter as that distribution can be made to national committees of the I.C.C. and their comments collated in time for preparation of a recent to be submitted to the World Conference. Mr. Minter introduced the item by drawing the attention of the Committee to the text of the following resolution (No.6) adopted by the ICC at its Congress in Montreux in June, 1947. "In order that it may in the future discharge effectively the responsibility of its consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, the United Nations and associated organizations, the International Chamber of Commerce hopes that it may be allowed to have an adequate supply of copies of documents with which it is concerned for supply to nationall Committees at the earliest possible date and with adequate time for consultation." NATIONS UNIES UNRESTRICTED E/PE/T/131 page 2. In commenting on this resolution, Mr. Minter explained that before submitting to the World Conference any observations on the third draft of the Charter the ICC requires full consultation with all of its national committees in order that the observations may be representative of their views. Mr. Minter urged the Preparatory Committee to make available to the ICC the texts of individual chapters of the Draft Charter as soon as the work on each is completed, to be followed by the release to the ICC of the full text of the Charter and commentary as soon as work on those documents has been completed. The EXECUTIVE SECRETARY explained the procedure which was being followed by the Preparatory Committee in the preparation or the text or the Charter. He indicated that duing the present Session the text of the chapters and individual articles must pass through numerous stages, including the initial discussion in commission, the sub-committee stage, the further consideration by a commission, the examination by a legal drafting committee, and, finally, the review of the whole text by the Preparatory Committee. In these circumstances it would obviously be difficult to determine when the text of a chapter or of an article had been finally adopted by this Session of the Preparatory Committee. Nevertheless, he proposed that the Consultative Committee might recommend to the Preparatory Committee that the ICC and other interested non- governmental organizations in Category "A" be provided with the mimeographed texts of all or part of the Charter as soon as the Preparatory Committee indicates its final approval of the text. The EXECUTIVE SECRETARY pointed out that, as would be appreciated from his earlier observations, the adoption of such a proposal by the Preparatory Committee would probably not result in the release of texts to the ICC in the immediate future but would at least make possible the provision to the ICC of mimeographed texts without the delay that would be involved in waiting for the printed texts. The Committee agreed to make such a proposal to the Preparatory Committee. Concerning the remaining items which the ICC Representatives desired to discuss, the EXECUTIVE SECRETARY remarked that the Secretariat had prepared informal notes relating to the original ICC comments on Chapter VII and Article 18 which had been circulated to the meeting. The EXECUTIVE SECRETARY suggested that in the discussion of these two items the Secretariat notes might constitut, without applying necessarily any commitment by the members of the Consultative Committee in respect of the contents of those notes. (The Secretariat notes are annexed to this summary record). 2. Commodity Agreements - Chapter VII Concerning the, first point listed in the Secretariat notes on this topic, relating to the expansion of world trade, the EXCUTIVE SECRETARY pointed out that the present text of sub- paragraphs (b) and (e) in Article 48 would appear to place the appropriate emphasis on the objective of expanding consumption and production. Dr. Heilperin indicated that while these changes were welcomed, he thought it might be desirable to state more. explicitly in Chapter VII that commodity agreements should "serve the general purpose of securing an orderly expansion of world trade", as had been suggested in the observation submitted by the ICC in Document E/PC/T/44. A member of the Committee remarked that such a statement, applying to the entire Charter, was already included in Article 1 which contains the general purposes of the Organization. He added that the provisions contained in Chapter VII for including both consuming and producing countries in the operation of commodity agreements might reasonably be expected to act as an additional deterrent to the establishment of unduly restrictive commodity arrangements. Dr. Heilperin E/PC/T/131 , page 4. acknowledged that the present text of Chapter VII appeared to represent a considerable advance over the earlier drafts in the direction of ensuring, so far as possible, that commodity agreements should not be of an unnecessarily restrictive character, but reiterated his conviction that an explicit statement along the lines previously indicated would be desirable, The Representatives of the ICC indicated that, as observed in the Secretariat note, the desire of the ICC to avoid complete reliance on the cumbersome procedure of study groups and commodity conferences would appear to have been met by the revisions made in the present texts of Articles 50 and 52. Concerning the third point listed in the Secretariat notes, Dr. Heilperin stated that the revised text, although possibly representing an improvement over the earlier versions, still failed to indicate sufficiently clearly the range of commodities to which inter-governmental commodity agreements should be confined. He felt that in the new text there remained the possibility that inter-governmental commodity agreements might be extended considerably beyond primary commodities especially in view of the new contents of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 47. He inquired whether the reference in paragraph 3 to "a commodity which does not fall precisely under paragraphs 1 or 2" might not be open to a considerable number of interpretations. It was pointed out by a member of the Committee that in the report of the Sub-committee dealing with Chapter VII this language was interpreted as excluding highly manufactured goods from the scope of inter-governmental commodity agreements while providing for the possibility that borderline cases between primary and non-primary commodities might be subject to the same difficulties as primary commodities and, hence, might properly be the subject of an inter-governmental commodity agreement in the same manner as a primary commodity. i .. E/PC/T/131 page 5. A member of the Committee indicated that in his judgment the present language would exclude any commodities which did not possess the economic characteristics of a primary commodity. Other members of the Committee indicated their agreement with this view., Dr. Heilperin suggested that to maks these points clear the text might be revised to indicate; (a) the production end marketing characteristics which distinguish commodities included within the scope of the chapter; (b) that highly manufactured goods are specifically excluded; and (c) that agreements relating to the commodities covered by this chapter might be made between private business entities in the different countries and not only between governments. The EXECUTIVE SECRETARY pointed out that, concenring, Dr. Heilperin's first suggestion, certain number of criteria appeared to be provided already in articles 46 and 53 for determining whether or not a commodity met the requirements for inclusion under the provisions of the chapter. Dr. Heilperin suggested that these criteria might be elaborated further in the text or in the commentary. A member of the Committee questioned whether the specific statement suggested by Dr. Heilperin in his second point was required or would achieve his purpose since its inclusion might imply that as a general rule manufactured goods, unless they were "highly manufactured", could be regarded as coming within the chapter. This member suggested that the present language provided a necessary flexibility without extending the category of commoditis unduly. Concerning Dr. Heilperin's third suggestion, a Member of the Committee questioned whether the introduction of a statement concerning the making of on-restrictive commodity agreements between private enterprises was-really necessary; since presumably business enterprises could already make such arrangements (since they would not be of a restrictive character and hence would not come under Chapter VI) without any E/PC/T/131 page 6. specific provision. After further discussion of these points Dr. Heilperin indicated that he felt that the present text did not meet the points made by the ICC relating to non-primary commodities and to the distinction made betweenn arrangements among governments and arrangements among private business enter- prises in Chapters VI and VII. Concerning the fourth point listed in the Secretariat notes relating to Chapter VII the EXECUTIVE SECRETARY questioned whether the limitation of such agreements to a specified period of short duration was reasonable since the agreements would have been made in the first instance because of the existence of certain special conditions and there could be no assurance that those special conditions would have disappeared by the end of the specified period. In any event he felt that the present provisions for review at the end of a period provided protction against an unnecessary extension of such arrangements and recognized that such agreements were not regarded as permanent institutions unless, of course, the conditions which they were designed to meet persisted. He noted that the present text encouraged measures designed to remedy the conditions which rendered the commodity agreements necessary, particularly in sub-paragraph (d) of Article 54. Dr. Heilperin remarked that the ICC was not opposed in principle to the extension of any necessary agreements but felt that the emergency character of the agreements should be explicitly emphasized and that the initial period and the sub- sequent intervals between reviews should be as short as possible in order to avoid any impression of permanency. 3. Resolution of the Congress of the ICC on Samples and Advertising Matter. Mr. Minter read to the Committee the following resolution which had been adopted at the Montreux Congress (Resolution No.22): "The International Chamber of Commerce recommends that a special provision should be included in the Charter of page 7 the International Trade Organization, requesting the member Governments to grant particularly Favourable treatment and, where appropriate, total exemption from customs duties, quantitative and other restrictions to any article not intended for sale but exclusively designed for use as an instrument of advertising for commerce or travel, There should also be special facilities for commercial travellers and their samples. Greut care should bo taken in reaching a satisfactory definition of sample and other instruments of commercial propaganda. The I.C.C. 's Committtee on Customs Technique will take this up urgently, with 5 view to preparing detailed recommendations for submission by the I. C.C. to the World Conference on Trade and Employment. " Mr. Minter requested that the, Preparatory Committee should take note of this resolution, He indicated that the detail recommendations mentioned in the resolution were not yet available but would be forthcoming shortly. 4. Basis of Ad Valorem Valuation (Article 13). The EXECUTIVE SECRETARY drew attention to the notes by the Secretariat on this subject. He explained that the text to which the notes referred was still in a fluid state and had not yet been approved by the Commission. Dr. HeiIperin remarked that without the present text of the article befors him he could not indicate to what extent the views of the ICC were satisfied, but from the Secretariat's notes he judged that the general trend of the discussion was in a direction which would be welcomed by the ICC. He observed that, in addition to the comments submitted in E/PC/T/44, the ICC had on previous occasions published suggestions relating to valuation which might be of interest to the Preparatory Committee. He referred in particular to Document No. 10 of the 1937 Congress and to pages 28 - 30 of Brochure No. 101 dated June, 1946. 5. Code of Foreign Investment. The Representatives of the ICC drew attention to, the brochure on "Foreign Investments and Economic Expansion" (Breeclure No.107) E/PC/T/131 page which had previously been circulated to Members of the Preparatory Committee at the request of the ICC. Thd EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ramarked that questions relating to investment were to be considered primarily by the Sub- committee on Chapter IV but that, in view of the complexity of the various subjects with which that Sub-committee had to deal, the discussion on the several proposals relating to investment had not yet commenced. The attention of the Sub-committee would be drawn to the paper submitted by the lCC and the Sub-committee would be informed of the importance which the ICC attached to its proposals relating to this subject. The meeting rose at 6.00 p.m. E/PC/T/131 page 9 ANNEX 1. Notes by the Secretariat on the Memorandum by the International. Chamber of Commerce (E/PC/T/44) regarding Chapter VII. The following notes review, in the light of the new text of Chapter VII, some of the principal points raised by the International Chamber of Commerce on the New York text. (Unless otherwise stated, Article number refer to new text). (1) Expansion of world trade: The I.C.C. suggested that Chapter VII should carry an explicit endorsement of the principles of an orderly expan- sion of world trade. Although the new text does not in fact do this, it will be noted that there is a distinct shift in emphasis towarus expansion and away from restriction. In particular, attention may be drawn to Article 52 which now explicitly provides for agreements involving the controlled expansion of production and trade, e.g. in connection with programmes sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization. (2) Procedure: The I.C.C. suggested that the procedure of Study Group and Commodity Conferences might prove too cumbersome to be effective. Under Article 50 the: provisions in this respect have been clarified, and it is now clearly provided that the Study Group stage may be short-circuited at the request of Member countries whose interest in the commodity represents a substan- tial part of world production, consumption or trade. It will also be noted that under paragraph 6 of Article 52 (53(a) in the New York text) provision is still made for direct action by Members to conclude an agreement in case of undue delay in the Study Group or Conference. (3) Circumstances governing the use of Commodity control Agreements: The I.C.C. proposed that paragraph (c) of Article 52 in the New York text, regarding regulatory agreements for non- primary commodities, should be deleted. This has been done. There was general agreement, however, that the possibility should. not be entirely , excluded that inter-governmental agreements might be necessary for certain non-primary commodities. Under paragraph 3 of Article 47 it is therefore provided that, in exceptional circumstances, the Organization may determine that the principles and provisions of Chapter VII, together with any additional requirements it may establish, shall apply to inter- governmental agreements regarding commodities which do "not fall precisely" under the definition of a primary commodity. The use of the term "not fall precisely" is intended to exclude agreements relatin to highly manufactured goods. This con- stitutes a substantial limitation of the original provision in sub-paragraph (c) of Article 52 of the New York text. E/PC/T/131 page 10 (4) Initial Terms, Review and Renewal: (a) The I.C.C. wished it to be made clear that commodity agreements should be of a temporary, emergency character, and drew attention to what they regarded as an inconsistency in Article 55 of the New York text in that it permitted renewal of regulatory agreements after the initial period of five years. Members of the Preparatory Committee feel, however, that in the case of certain commodities, commodity control agreements would not necessarily solve the special difficulties within the initial period of five years, although participating countries should, of course, do all they can, within the time limited, towards solution of the problema (see Article 54 (d) ). For this reason it is regarded as necessary to provide for the possibility of renewing an agreement after its initial term. It should be emphasized that a commodity control agreement may only be used in the first Instance, in the strictly limited circumstances described in Article 53, and may than only be renewed if those circumstances still apply (see the second sentence of paragraph 1 of Article 56). These provisions should serve to ensure that commodity control agreements retain their emergency character and are only continued over an extended period if absolutely necessary. (b) The I.C.C. pointed out that it was not made clear with whom the decision rested as to whether an agreement had succeeded or failed. It is now made clear in paragraph 2 of Article 56 that it will be for the Organization to decide whether the operation of an agreement has failed substantially to conform to the principles of Chapter VII. ANNEXE 2 Notes by the Secretariat on the Sections of the Memorandum of the l. C. C. (E/PC/T/44) relating to The comments of the international Chamber of Commerce on the New Yorks draft of Article 18 (see E/PC/T/44, pages 25 and 26) have been re-read in the light of the present draft of Article 18 which is still in the process of being examined by Commission A. The ICC stated that "the only purpose of drawing up a set of international rules on this (tariff valuation) question is to supply the customs officer with a simple rule-of-thumb method for assessing duties, and to reduce to a minimum uncertainty and vexatious delays and disputes for the tradel". The ICC con- sidered that the New York draft fell short of both of these objectives and proposed two possible remedies: (i) to retain only the first paragraph of the Article and leave it to the ITO to work out a satisfactory standard system of valuation; or ( ii) to amend the remaining paragraphs of the Article. In the discussions of the Sub-committee on Article 16 there was an insistent demand that the Charter should provide fairly preoise rules for the determination of dutiable values, and the proposal that this problem should be left with the ITO was re- jected. It would appear that one of the considerations in reaching this decision was the desire to establish rules which could be incorporated in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade as a protection for the tariff concessiors which are currently being negotiated. Thus the first proposal of the ICC would probably not be acceptable to the majority of the Preparatory Committe. evertheles, the first paragraph of the Article states that the Organisation "may investigate" the bases and mathods for tariff valuation and make recommendations to members. Therfore the ICC may be encouraged to continue its own investigations of this problem and might submit its findings to the ITO urder arrangements for consultation which may be made under Article 81(3). The second proposel of the ICC would appear to be largely satisfied by the present paragraphs 2 (a ) and 2 (c). Sub- paragraph (1) of 2 (a) in some degree meets the ICC's demand that the value for duty purposes shall be based on actual value. This is followed by sub-paragaaph (ii) which gives a definition of actual value. On the question or currency conversions, the ICC point appears to be fully mat; the ICC rccommends the use of the official rate resulting from the parity fixed by the IMF This is now in fact provided for in sub-paragraph (i) of 2 (o).
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-Governmental Organizations. Summary Record Meeting of the Consultative Committee with the representatives of the International Chamber of Commerce held on Friday, 4 July, 1947, at 4.30 p.m. in the Palais des Nations, Geneva
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/129 and E/PC/T/124-135
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL UNRESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE 4 July 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL E/PC/T/129 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Non-Governmental Organizations Summary Record Meeting of the Consultative Committee with the representatives of the International Chamber of Commerce held on Friday, 4 July, 1947, at 4.30 p.m. in the Palais des Nations, Geneva. Chairman: Dr. H.C. COOMBS. Present: Mr. I.B. Bayer Mr. G. Bronz Mr. E. Colban M.r. J. M.Meade Mr. J. G. Phillips M. Royer Representatives of the International Chamber of Commerce: Mr. John R. Minter Dr. M.A.Heilperin Mr. Minter informed the Committee that the International Chamber of Commerce Delegation had asked again for the opportunity to discuss the question of protecting balance of payments because of the great stress which was placed on this subject at the Chamber's recent Congress at Montreux. He said that although the approval of the Chamber's Report (E/PC/T/44) by the Executive Committee had given the Delegation its original mandate for the presentation of certain views, the Montreux Congress had now confirmed this mandate. Moreover, the Montreux Congress had passed a resolution giving notice that the ICC could continue to study these questions and would again be presenting its views not only at the World Conference but at all appropriate times after the World Conference when revisions of the Charter might be up for discussion. NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/129 page 2 Protecting Balance of Payments, with specific reference to Articles 6 and 8 (new draft) and Article 26. Dr. M.A. HEILPERIN explained that the points they wished to raise in this connection were those made in the Report, with the addition of one point which had been stressed particularly at the Montreux Convention. The Chamber objected to Article 26 as now drafted because (a) it introduced the possibility of quantitative restrictions as a long-run feature of international economic relations; (b) it did not impose on Members the obligation to obtain prior authorization from the Organization before initiating such restrictions; and (c) it would not require Member countries to take steps to correct domestic conditions which might be increasing their balance of payment difficulties more than inter- national circumstances on which individual countries frequently tended to blame such difficulties. The Chamber's objections to the present draft of Article 26 could be substantially met by the following amendments: (i) it should provide for a transitional period after which all quantitative restrictions would have to be lifted; (ii) prior approval by the International Trade Organization should be made a requisite for the introduction of measures to protect balances of payments in the form of quantitative restrictions; (iii) provision should be made whereby the Organization would advise Member countries on their domestic policies with respect to the position of balance of payments. E/PC/T/ 129 page 3 One member expressed the view, with respect to the first point made by Dr. Heilperin, that certain countries felt that the right to impose internal restrictions must be available in the event of a world slump since no other measure would operate quickly enough in such a situation. He believed Article 26 must be drafted not only to meet the balance of payments disequilibria of the transitional period but also possible future disequilibria. Therefore, in drafting the Article the emphasis had been put on attempting to see that restrictions were not used more extensively or continued longer than necessry to meet particular difficulties, while nevertheless retaining the right to use restrictions. As for the second point, he regarded the presont draft as a compromise arrangement with respect to prior approval. Paragraph 2 (a) laid down conditions for the use of quantitative restrictions; paragraph 3(a) provided for prior consultation with the Organization; paragraph 3(b) made it possible for the Organization to request Members to explain their use of restrictions, and 3(d) made it possible for any affected Member to challenge to Member using such restrictions and for the Organization to pass judgment and apply sanctions. As for the third point, this Member felt that the Organization would not be precluded from mentioning internal policies under the provisions of paragraphs 3(a) and (b). In his view, consultation would be unlimited, except in so far as paragraph 3(e) provided that the Organization could not recommend the withdrawal or general relaxation of restrictions because of a Member's domestic policies. He wondered if this might not meet the Chamber's point. E/PC/T/129 page 4 Dr. Heilperin replied that, in their view, it would be more realistic to recognize in the Charter that a great many balance of payments difficulties were due to internal policies, not to international circumstances. He agreed that prior consultation was an advance on the previous situation. However, the Chamber doubted that Article 26 as now drafted would prevent a widespread growth of quantitative trade restrictions in a situation analagous to that following 1930. If prior approval were required, the Organization would be better able to control the situation and suggest the adoption of alternative measures. The Chamber would like to see this problem of balance of payments disequilibria attacked internationally rather than nationally. The CHAIRMAN agreed that positive measures would be desirable, whether taken by the Member country or by the appropriate agency, but believed most countries which characteristically faced a balance of payments maladjustment felt that Article 26 as now drafted represented the limit to which they could go in this respect. Another member pointed out that Article 26 was designed to cover the case of economic difficulties within individual countries, not that of a general slump, as were Articles 6 and 8. Another member expressed his general agreement with the International Chamber of Commerce approach to this problem. He pointed out, however, that under the International Monetary Fund Agreement exchange restrictions used during the transitional period did not require prior approval but merely prior consultation. He believed that Article 26 contained as good transitional period provisions as did the Fund Agreement and that the consultation provisions of Article 26 approximated closely to prior approval. E/PC/T/129 page 5 Dr. HEILPERIN said that the Chamber would prefer a deadline after which all quantitative restrictions would have to be removed. It might, however, be feasible to insert a special article under which the Organization could allow a Member the use of quantitative restrictions in emergency situations. This latter suggestion was not put forward as a formal Chamber proposal. Although Dr. HEILPERIN suggested that Article 26, with a few changes, could be made into a transitional period Article, one member felt that if a transitional period were to be provided for, it would have to be along tho lines of the similar provisions of the International Monetary Fund Agreement. Dr. Heilperin objected to this suggestion on the grounds that the Charter should avoid duplicating in the trade field the restrictions already permitted under the Fund Agreement with respect to exchange control. What was needed, in his opinion, was a tighter control over the use of quantitative restrictions. Two members of the Committee considered it necessary to provide in the Charter for the use of measures applicable to trade in addition to those already existing in the exchange field. The CHAIRMAN assured the International Chamber of Commerce representatives that the Chamber's comments on "protecting balance of payments", particularly in relation to Article 26 and the new draft of Articles 6 and 8, would be brought to the attention of the full Preparatory Committee. Articles 31, 32 and 33. The CHAIRMAN informed the representatives that although these Articles had been discussed generally in the Commission, E/PC/T/129 page 6 very little work had been done on them in the Sub-Committee stage, and that their comments could therefore be taken currently into consideration. Dr. HEILPERIN referred to the Chamber's comments on state trading in thuir Report, (E/PC/T/44), both the introductory remarks on Chapter V and the specific comments on these Articles. Article 33. Dr. HEILPERIN said the Chamber doubted the ability of complete state monopolies to fulfil the broad principles of the Charter. He believed the commitments which such monopolies would be required to make under the present draft of Article 33 were very insufficient in view of the wide powers held by such monopolies and would permit practices on their part contrary to the principles of the Charter. He expressed a further doubt that this subject even needed to bo dealt with in the Charter at present and suggested that it would be more appropriate for such countries themselves to devise rules to cover state monopolies. Specifically, he suggested that Article 33 be (a) recast and strengthened, or alternatively (b) omitted from the Charter until state monopoly countries wishing to join the International Trade Organization formulated appropriate provisions. Article 31. Dr. HEILPERIN said that the Chamber's main objection to this Article as now drafted was that it did not recognize sufficiently the essentially discriminatory character of state trading enterprises, and suggested that some other more effective way be devised to protect other countries from the effects of such discrimination than by the application of the most-favoured-nation clause. Article 32. Dr. HEILPEIN regarded the machinery establishod in the present draft as extremely complex and doubted the necessity E/PC/T/129 page 7 to provide in the Charter for machinery of this nature. He suggested alternatively that this Article should be limited to principles, leaving it to the Organization to work out such machinery as the situation required. His main conclusion was that the present provisions of Articles 31 and 32 would not effectively offset the discrimination inherent in state trading. One member, while agreeing to a considerable extent with the suggestions made by the ICC representatives, felt that some such provision as Article 33 must be included in the Chartar for consideration at the World Conference, oven though the present draft might not necessarily be the most satisfactory solution of this extremely difficult problem. As for Article 31, too strict rules would penalize the state trading countries, while limiting the Article to general principles would leave it too weak. Ho considered Dr. Heilperin's point on discrimination an important one and personally favoured embodying in the Article the idea of non-discrimination. However, thus far the Committee bad soon fit te retain this Article as it was. This member agreed that the machinery established in Article 32 was very complicated, and that the state trading provisions in general were not too satisfactory as now drafted, but ho pointed out that it was extremely difficult to find a more practical solution at the present time. The. CHAIRMAN said he believed all Delegations agreed that these were extremely difficult Articles and that they must be examined with great care. He doubted if anything final would be decided with respect to Article 33 at this Session. However, the points raised by tho International Chamber of Commerce would be taken into consideration by the Preparatory Committee in its consideration of these Articles. He regarded it as most useful to have the Chamber's comments at this stage and would see that they were brought to the attention of all Delegations.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-Governmental Organizations. Summary Record of Meeting of Consultative Committee with Representative of the World Federation of Trade Unions held at 4.30 p.m. on June 20, 1.947 in the Palais des Nations, Geneva
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 26, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/108 and E/PC/T/106-124
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES UNRESTRICTED E/PC/T/108 26 June 1947 ECONOMIC CONSEIL ORIGINAL;ENGLISH AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Non-Governmental Organizations Summary Record of Meeting of Consultative Committee with Representative of the World Federation of Trade Unions held at 4.30 p.m. on June 20, 1.947 in the Palais des Nations, Geneva Chairman: Dr. H. C. Coombs Present: Mr . S. Ranganathan Dr. Frant. Kraus M. . Baradue M. Royer Mr. Clair Wilcox H.E. Erik Colban Mr J. E. Meade Dr. T. T. Chang Representative of the World Federation of Trade Unions: M. jean Duret The CHAIRMAN inquired whether M. Duret would consider it satisfactory to use as an agenda for the discussion of his memorandum (E/PC/T/89) the list of points which the Secretariat had extracted from his paper. M. Duret indicated that this procedure would be agreeable. Accordingly, the Committee proceededd to discuss the points in the order in which they were listed in the Secretariat documents. 1. Reference to the Failure to Mention full Emploment except in Article. 4. Suggestion that there be added i.n Article 3 (immediately following the word s `'goods and services'' systematic application of a policy of full employment''. M.'Duret suggested that these two points be discussed together in view of their close relationship. In the discussion of these points M. Duret referred particularly to the view ot one Delegation, as mentioned in paragraph 7 of the report by the E/PC/T/108 page 2 Sub-committee on Chapter III (E/PC/T/95), that the term "real income" might appear in Chapter III in order to make it clear that an increase in effective demand should be accompanied by a corresponding growth in the real income of all sections of the community if full employment is to be maintained. M. Duret indicated that this proposal expressed somewhat the same thought as he had in mind when ha proposed the addition of the words "by the systematic application of a policy of full employment". The CHAIRMAN observed that the additional words suggested by M. Duret would, in his judgment, complicate acceptance of the Charter by some Delegations and were in any event unnecessary since the basic concept of full employment already appeared in the Charter both in Article 1 and in Article 4. He felt that the reference to "unemployment" and " under-employment" and to effectivee demand" adequately conveyed the meaning which M. Duret apparently intended without, however, raising controversial points concerning the elements of a full employment policy. In this connection ha observed that the details of a full employment policy might vary widely from one country to another and from one type of economy to another. The CHAIRMAN considered that the essential objective was already covered by the sections in the Charter to which he had referred. A member of the Committee expressed his general agreement with the statement by the CHAIRMAN and maintained that the present treatment of the subject in the Charter was a logical one inasmuch as the objective of full employment is stated prominently in Article 1 and is defined in more detail in Articles 3 and 4. He doubted that further use of the term would be helpful. The member of the Committee whose Delegation had made the suggestion concerning the inclusion of "real income" during the meetings or the Sub-committee on Chapter III expressed his E/PC/T/108 page 3 agreement with M. Duret's insistence on a recognition of the interdependence of full employment and the distribution of income. He considered, however, that this relationship could be stated more appropriately in the general statement of purposes in Article 1. He intimated that his Delegation planned to propose an amendment to the present text of sub-paragraph 1 (b) in Article 1, adding after the words ``reall income" in the text proposed by the New York Drafting Committee some such words as "as broadly (evenly) (Justly) (adequately) distributed as possible". Another member of the Cormmittee inquired whether M. Duret's point might be covered if the word "satisfactory" wore to be added before "employment opportunities"' and the word "widespread" before the words "effective demand" in paragraph 1 of Article 3. M. Duret indicated that his suggestion to add the words "by the systematic application of a policy of full employment" might be met by using instead the phrase "by increasing the real income of the masses (of the people)". The CHAIRMAN remarked that in the further discussion of Chapter III Delegations would be aware of the suggestions made by M. Duret on these two points as elaborated in Document E/PC/T/89. 3, Suggested Revision of paragraph in Article 3 to take account of Differences confronting Industrialized Countries. Under- developed countries, and Devastatea Areas in Achieving Employment. The CHAIRMAN pointed out that the special problems of under-developed countries are dealt with in Chapter IV in detail and recognized in Chapter III by the reference to "under- employment" as well as unemployment''. He remarked also that the problems of devastated areas would presumably be primarily page 4 of a balance of payments characters and, accordingly, might be considered to be covered by articles s 6, 7, 8 and 26 to the extent that they could appropriately . be dealt with in such a Charter. He observed that in a general chapter on employment it was scarcely possible to deal separately with all tne various types of countries or economies, Instead an attempt had been made to deal with the principal types of problems relating to the international aspects of employment. A member of the Committee suggested that a reference might be made in the Charter or in the Report of the Preparatory Committee to the resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Council (E/PC/T/56). 1He thought that it night be appropriate to recognize in that manner the distinction between the employment problems or the different types of countries. 4. Suggested Revised Paragraph "a" in Article 4 to give Pre-eminence to the Employment Objective. One member of the Committee expressed his sympathy with the suggestion made by M. Duret and agreed with him that some order of precedence should be established for the various purposes of the Charter in Chapter 1. The CHAIRMAN doubted that an order of precedence with any real significance could be devised or would be acceptable. He remarked that in drafting the Charter an attempt had been made to insure that in typical situations adequate provision be made for resolving economic difficulities consistently with high levels of employment. Another member of the Committee remerked that the importance of the employment objective appeared to be explicitly recognized already in paragraph. 3(e) cf Article 26 in which the Organization is prohibited from recommending "the withdrawal or general relaxation of restictions on the ground that the existing or pro-,peutive baulnce 'of panCnsdi-if'i.culties of ,he MMember in page 5 question could be avoided by a change in that Member's domestic employment .... policies". 5. The Substitution of "other countries" for "other Members". M. DUFET deplored the distinction between Members and non- Members which appeared to him to be implied in the present language. He expressed his concern that such a distinction might encourage the formation of conflicting economic blocs, He doubted that the difference between the treatment of Members and of non- Members would offer much inducement for non-Members to Join the Organization. He added that the present provisions concerning state trading in Articles 31, 32 and 33 would do more to discourage adherence to the Organization than any distinction between Members and non-Members could do to encourage adherence. The CHAIRMAN emphasized that the language at present used In this Article should not be regarded as prejudging the general question of relations with non-Members. He remarked that even though Members, by accepting the Charter, may not be undertaking any obligations directly to non-Member countries, Members would in their own interests be unlikely to disregard the effects which conditions in non-Member countries might have on international trade. The CHAIRMAN added that the question of relations between Members and non-Members would be simplified by the adherence to the Organization of as many countries as possible. To that end, he felt, the Preparatory Committee and the World Conference would be desirous of facilitating adherence by countries of all kinds of economic and political structure. The CHAIRMAN assured M. Duret that the various points which had been made in his paper and in the present discussion would be brought to the attention of the commissions and sub-committees for consideration in connection with the articles to which they referred. The Meeting rose at 6.15 p.m. to reconvene at 4.30 Thursday, June 26, for a continuation of the discussion on the points raised in document E/PC/T/89.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-Governmontal Organizations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/88 and E/PC/T/66-91
UNRESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/88 4 June, 1947. SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Non-Governmontal Organizations Summary Record of Meeting of Consultative Committee with Represontative of the World Federation of Trade Unions held at 3 p.m. on 29 May, 1947 in the Palais des Nutions, Geneva. Chairman: Dr. H. C. Coombs Present: Mr. J.R.C. Helmore M. Baraduc H.E. EriK Coluan Mr. John H.G. Pierson Dr. Frant. Kraus Mr. L.P. Chao Representative of the Woriu Federation of Trade Unions: M. Jean Duret The Consutative Committee was convened to meet with M. Duret representing the World Federation of Trade Unions. The CHIRMAN explained the function of the Committee and requested M. Duret to offer the comments of the WFTU on the various articles of the Charter in order that his comments might be discussed and that the Committee might consider whether it should recommend that further discussion of the views presented by M. Duret should take place in the full Preparatory Committee. M. Duret remarked that he would confine his comments at this stage to Cnaptors III and IV and that his remarks would be addressed to the text prepared by the Drafting Committee in New York. He drew attention to the questions and comments which he had submitted on the earlier text in Lonuon (E/PC/T/W...1). NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS E/PC/T/88 page 2 Chapter III as a whole. Concerning Chapter III as a whole M. Duret expressed his regret that the term "full employment" had been omitted from all parts of the chapter with the exception of Article 4. He con- sidered the Drafting Committee's version to represent a regression from the London report in this respect since the London report had taken fuller cognizance of the full employment objective. He observed that the concept of full employment had a different significance for a highly industrialized country than it had for an under-developed area. In the case of the under-developed aroas the problem was less one of actual unemployment than of under- employment or latent unemployment. Similarly, he observed, the policy to be recommended for the achievement of full employment would be different in the case oetan industrialized country than It would for an under-industrializad area. In the former oase the objective would require the control of credit and the redistribution of purchasing power. In the latter case the achievement of really full employment would require appropriate assistance in the development of the technical potential of the area. The CHRkIMUN pointed out that the objective of full employ- ment remains not only in Chapter III, but also among the general purposes stated in Chapter I. Accordingly, he thought it fair to vay that the objective applied to all sections of the Charter. He remarked that the problem of full employment in under-developed -areas was recognized in Article 3 of Chapter III where a reference Is made to the avoidance of "under-employment" and also in Chapter IV where the problems peculiar to under-developed areas are dealt uith more extensively. Several other members of the Committee confirmed the CHAIFMINts interpretation. E/PC/T/88 page 3 Article 3 M. DURET commented on paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Draft Charter and on the views of the Economic and Social Council as represented in the resolution which has been ciroulate.d as document E/PC/T/56. He thought that the relationship between "domestic efforts" and "international action" should be more olearly defined and that the obligation to provide international assistance should be emphazed. The CHAIRMAN suggested that the responsibility of countries to seek full employment might be regarded as weakened if the emphasis on international assistance were to be increased. A member of the Committee suggested that while there might be various interpretations of the statement that "the achievement and maintenance o! effective demand and employment must depend primarily on domestic measures" he would be inclined to regard the word "primarily".as meaning "in the first instance" although others might interpret it as meaning that the "main burden" rested with the country itself. M. Duret remarked that it was the latter interpretation which he w,>- questioning since devastated areas and under-developed countries could not in many cases assume the principal burden. Article 4 ConcerniAg Article 4 M. niret suggested that the statement in paragraph 2 to the effect that "measures to sustain employment and demand shall bc consistent with the other purposes and provisions of this Charter" should be reversed and that all other purposes or provisions of the Charter should be consistent with the achievement and maintenance of full employment. The CHkIRMAN indicated:.that, E/PO/T/88 Page 4, in hia view, the present language was not intended to establish any priority or'precedence among the various objectives of the Charter but was merely intended to indicate that in'the pursuit of one purpose members should respect the other purDoses,. M. Duret indicated that he would attempt to.formulate a proposal relating to the text of this section of the paragraph. M. Duret noted that the words Nother members" are now employed ln the last part of paragraph 2 in Artiole 4, He ex- pressed the view that the words "other countries" (as used in the London report and ln Article 6 of the Drafting Gommittee's text) would be more appropriate since the'creation of balance-cf- payments difficulties for non-members avoided by mem- bers in their own Interest. A disequillbrium ln the balance of payments of a non-member v'ould injure Internationaltade and could prejudice the trade of members. He thought that the dis- tinction'between members and non-members implied in the present language of Article 4 was regrettable as lt woUld appear to encourage the creation of economic blocs. He thought that the use of these words also prejudged the final version of Article 36 concerning relations with non-members. A member of the Committee remarked that the use of the words "other members" was based on a recognition that under'the Charter the members are ascum;d to be eltering Into obligations only in respect of'other members ln the first instance, and that the extension of the benefits to non-members ln relation to any article of the Charter would depend on the final decision concern- ing Article 36.' He would interpret the present article not as meaning that members were to disregard the desirability of avoiding the orcation of balance-of-payments difficulties for non-members but as meaning simply that members undertook no E/PC/T/88 Page 5, specific obligation under this part of the Charter to refrain from creating such difficulties for non-mombers. He suggested that, contrary to the view expressed by M. Duret, the ude of the words "other countries" ln this connection would apDear to prejudge the final version of Article 36 since It would assume that the obligations of members extended e.pecifically not only to other members but also to non-members.. He remarked further that from the practical point of view the lilkelihood of securing universality in the application of the Charter, and hence the likelihood of avoiding the encouragement of economic blocs, might well be increased by confining such obligations at this stage tQ members since there would then be some Inducement for countries which were non-members to adhere ln order to share ln the benefits available to members under the Charter. The Next Meeting As the schedule of other meetings made It necessary to adjourn, the Committee proposed that a meeting should be held with M. Duret again within about ten days. M. Duret Indicnted hie desire to meet with the Committee again at that time and stated that, ln the meantime, ho vrould attemDt to submit further comment, suggestions or proposals for consideration by the Consultative Committee and for possible reference to the full Preparatory Committeo. The meeting rose at 4.30 p.m.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-negotiated Notes and Schedules
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/239 and E/PC/T/228-267
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/239 AND ECONOMIQUE 9 October 1947. SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Non-negotiated Notes and Schedules. In accordance with the procedure laid down in document E/PC/T/220, the Chilean Delegation has submitted the following letter which it has circulated to those Delegations with which it has been engaged in tariff negotiations: "Translation from Spanish. Letter from: Mr. Fairvovitch, Chairman of the Chilean Delegation, Trade and Employment Conference, Geneva. to: Head of the Delegation. dated: 8 October, 1947. Dear Sir, In accordance with the terms of the Secretariat Note, Document E/PC/T/220, of 1 October 1947, the Chilean Delegation wishes to notify you of its intention to append to Part 1 of Schedule VII-Chile, the following "General Observation": "The Specific duties and charges included in the present Schedule VII are expressed in Chilean gold pesos, of 0.183057 grammes fine gold". The inclusion of this note is justifiable on the following grounds: The Chilean Customs Tariff has for many years been based on the gold currency referred to in this note, and the negotiations conducted by the Chilean Delegation have at all times referred to Customs duties expressed in gold pesos. Recently, when the Chilean Delegaion's tariff negotiations were virtually concluded, a provision was inserted in Article lI, Paragraph 6(a) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, to the effect that the specific duties ahd charges included in the Schedules relating to contracting parties members of the Inter- national Monetary Fund are expressed in the appropriate currency at the par value accepted or provisionally recognised by the Fund at the date of this Agreement. As the negotiations conducted by the Chilean Delegation have, as explained above, always referred to gold currency, which does not constitute the currency mentioned in tho provision quoted, it has consequently become necessary to include the note reproduced above, to which I beg to draw your attention for all useful purposes. I have the horour to be, Etc." UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-negotiated Notes and Schedules
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/240 and E/PC/T/228-267
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/240 AND ECONOMIQUE 9 October 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Non-negotiated Notes and Schedules In accordance with the procedure laid down in document E/PC/T/220, the United States Delegation has submitted the following statement regarding Non-negotiated Notes which it proposes to append to the United States Schedule: The Delegation of the United States of America submit the following general notes to be inserted at the end of Schedule XX, relating to the United States of America. If comments are not received by October 10, 1947, it will be assumed that these notes are acceptable. GENERAL NOTES 1. The provisions of this Schedule shall be construed and given the same effect, and the application of collateral provisions of the customs laws of the United States to the provisions of this Schedule shall be determined, insofar as may be practicable, as if each provision of this Schedule appeared respectively in the statutory provision noted in the column at the left of the respective descriptions of articles. 2. In the case of any article provided for in this Schedule, which is subject on the date of this Agreement to any additional or separate ordinary customs duty, whether or not imposed under the statutory provision noted in the column at the left of the respective description of the article, such separate or additional duty shall continue in force subject to any reduction or consolidation with the primary duty indicated in this Schedule or hereafter provided for, until terminated in accordance with law, but shall not be increased. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/240 page 2 3. Wherever in this Schedule provision is made for the application of a rate of duty to an article when "entered" during a specified period or in excess of a specified quantity, the word "entered" shall mean "'entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption". 4. If any tariff quota provided for in this Schedule, other than those provided for in items 771, becomes effective after the beginning of a period specified as the quota year, the quantity of the quota product entitled to enter under the quota during the unexpired portion of the quota year shall be the annual quota quantity less 1/12 thereof for each full calendar month that has expired in such period. 5. In the event that the United States adopts any measure which precludes the application of "American selling price", as defined in section 402(g), Tariff Act of 1930, as a basis for determining the dutiable value of imported merchandise, it shall be free to adjust any rate of duty specified in this Schedule which on the date of this Agreement is required to be assessed on the basis of such "American selling price" to offset in whole or in part the difference in amount of duty which would otherwise result from the adoption of such measure.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-Negotiated Notes in Schedules
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 7, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/232 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED .ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/232 AND ECONOMIQUE 7 October 19477 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Non-Negotiated Notes in Schedules In accordance with the procedure laid down in Document E/PC/T/220 the Australian Delegation has circulated to delegations the follOwing Statement regarding non-negotiated notes intended to appear in ther Schedules: "The Australian Delegation wishes ta inform other Delegations as follows:-, (1) It is the intention of the Australian Delegation to include the following Note at the end of Part I of the Australian Schedule:- NOTE: A/. Wherever the symbol A/, appears opposite an Item in Part I of Schedule I in the column headed "Rate of Duty", the preferential rate of ordinary customs duty shall, for purposes of sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 3 of Article I of this Agreement, be taken ta be the preferential rate in force on 15th October, 1946. This Note is regarded as an Interpretative Note necessitated firstly by the rule contained in Article I.3(a) that if no preferential rate is provided in the Schedule the preferential rate shall, for the purpose of determining the maximum margin of preference permissible in accordance with Article I, be taken to be the preferential rate in force on the base date; secondly by the fact that primage duty is being removed from. practically all items scheduled i.n Part I UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/232 Page 2. irrespective.of whother the goods are dutiable at a preferential rate of the most-favoured-nation rate. In affect, the removal of primage duty means that the overall preforential rate is also being reduced. The Interpretative Note is designed to obviate the repetition of the same Item in Part Il where the only change ïn the overall preferential rate is the removal of primage duty concurrently with the reduction or binding of a most-faveured-natïon rate and removal of primage duty on the most-favoured-nation rate, (2) It is intended to add a second Note at the end of Part I of the Australian Schedule, viz.:- NOTEs Bf, Tho products described in Part I of Schedule I of this Agreement shall on their importation into the Commonwealth of Australia be exempt from primage duty. In the case of products provided for under Ztems in Part I of this Schedule against which tho symbol B/. appears in the column headed "Rate of Dutyr" and no rate of duty is shown in that column , the contractual obligation of the.Commonwealth of Australia shall, subjoct to the general provisions of this Agreement, be deemed in each such case to be only the exemption of such products from primage duty. This Note is designed to cover the Australian offer to remove primage duty on Scheduled Items. The Note appears to be necessitated by the language of Article 1(b) which, as it reads, permits the retention of duties and charges (other than ordinary customs duties) which do not exceed those E/PC/T/232 Page 3. imposed on the date of the Agrcement. The second sentence of the Note aims to set forth clearly the position with respect to those items on which the concession made by Australia is limited solely to an undertaking to remove primage duty on the particular items, (3) At the end of Part II of the Australian Schedule it is intanded to add the following variant of Note B/, already referred to - NOTE: B/.4 The products described in Part II of Schedule I of this Agreement which are the products of territories entitled under Article I of this Agreement to receive preferential treatment upon importation into the Commonwealth of Australia shall, on their importation into the Commonwealth of Australïa and subject to the provisions of Article I of this Agreement be exempt from primage duty.. In the case of products provided for underr Items in Part II of this Schedule against which the symbol B3/, appears iri the column headed 'Rate of Duty" and no rate of duty is shown in that column, the contractual obligation of the Common- wealth of Australia shall sulbject to the general provisions of this Agreement, be deemed in each such case to bc only the exemption of such products from primage duty. See explanation. under (2) above. E/PC/T/232 Page 4. Unless the Australian Delegation receives written advice to the contrary effect from any Delegation before Thursday, 9th October, 1947, it ïs proposed to assumo that Notes in the terms quoted have the concurrence of other Delegations . "
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-negotiated Notes in Schedules
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/260 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL RESTRICTED ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/260 ET SOCIAL 22 October 1947 S ICON; SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Non-negotiated Notes in Schedules With reference to Document E/PC/T/220, the French Delegation has submitted the following, General Notes which will be included in its Schedule; these will be in place of' the extracts from the French Tariff which were originally proposed for inclusion in the Schedule. GENERAL NOTES I. - "The notes and footnotes of the French Tariff the text of which was handed to Delegations at the opening of the GENEVA negotiations are regarddd as forming an integral part of List XI A" II. - "The receipts issued by the French Customs Authori ty are subject to a stamp duty. " NA TI ONS UNI ES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-negotiated Notes in Schedules. Note by the Brazilian Delegation
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 24, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/259 Rev.1 and E/PC/T/228-267
RESTR ICTED ECONOMIC CON SEIL E/PC/T/259 Rev.l. AND ECONOMIQUE 24 October 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL:ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Non-negotiated Notes in Schedules NOTE BY THE BRAZILIAN DELEGATION In accordance with the prDcedure laid down in document E/PC/T/220, the Brazllian Delogation submits the following General Note that it proposes to insert at the end of Schedule III: I - Except as otherwise specified, the products described in this Schedule shall be subject, in addition to the ordinary customs duties specified herein, to any separate or additional ordinary customs duties not in excess of those provided for in respect of such products by laws in force on the date of this Agreement. II - The "notes" of the Brazilian Tariff Laws relating to the articles mentioned in this Schedule are an integral part of this Schedule. The Secretariat points out that this document should be read in place of document E/PC/T/259. Note I remains the saine as in the latter, UNITED NATION'S NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-negotiated Notes in Schedules. Note by the Brezilian Delegation
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/259 and E/PC/T/228-267
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-negotiated Notes in Schedules. Note by the Brezilian Delegation
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/259 and E/PC/T/228-267
NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS j ws3 C RESTRIGTED E/PC/T/259 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 22 October 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE Original ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE 0F THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TADE .AND EMPLOYMENT. Non-negotiated Notes in Schedules NOTE BY THE BREZILIAN DELEGATION. In accordance with the procedure laid down in document E/PC/T/220, the Brazilian Delegation submits the following General Note that it proposes to insert at the end of Schedule IIl "Except as otherwise specified, the products described in this Schedule shall be subject, in addition to the ordinary customs duties specified herein, to any separate or additional ordinary customs duties not in excess of those provided. for in respect of such products by laws in force on the date of this Agreement." DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DES NATINS UNIES SUR LE COMMERCE ET L'EMOLOI Notes figurant sur les Listes et n'ayant pas fait l'objet de négociations. NOTE DE LA, DELEGATION DU BRESIL Conformément à la procedure etablie dans la document E/PC/T/220, la délégation du Brésil communique au Secrétariat le texte de la Note gén6rale ci-lointe, qu'elle se propos dc faire figurer à lq fin de la Liste _II "Sauf dispositions contrsires ,- les prc:luit. d4sigrés dans cette Liste seront soumis, en. outran do:s droits de dou-ne ordinaires mentionnés dans la présente Liste, à tous les droits de douane ordinaires particuliers ou additionnels ne d6passant pas les droits iîposés sur ces mônies produits par les Lois en vigueur à la date de la Signaturc de cet ' ccord, n UNITED NATIONS
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Non-negotiated notes in Schedules. Notes by the Indian Delegation
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 21, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/265 and E/PC/T/228-267
RESTRICTED - ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/265 AND ECONOMIQJE 21+ October 19hi7 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: EiAGLISH SECOND SESSION 0F THE PRFEPARATORY COMMITTEE 0F THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Non-negotiated notes in Schedules NOTES BY THE INDIAN DELEGATION .In accordance with the procedure laid down In Docurmnt E/PC/T/220, tho Indian Delegation has subr.nitted thz following General Notes for insertion at tha end of Schedules XII and XV. The Indian Delecation points out that thase notes are purely explanatory. GE.NERAL NOTES Il(!) The references in this Schedule to the Indian C5stoms Tariff item numbers, Description of Products, Rate of Duty, etc. shall be construed. with reference to the First Schedule to the Indian Tariff Act, 1934, as reproduced in the Indian Custor:.s Tariff (Twenty-Seventh Issue) as coripiled by the Departnerit of Cornercial Intelligenze and Statistics, India, and copies..of which were furnished to ail Delegations attandin- cho Second Session of the Preparatory Comnittee et the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employrient, read with the notes and anendr.ents thereto circulated under Conference Se±'etariat document E/PC/T/TRF/14, dated the 7th May, 1947, and the ,subsequent arncndnents basod on the Indian Tariff (Arnendinenv) Act, 1947, also circulated to Deleations by the Conferènce Secretariat. (2) The expression "noe otherwise specified" in the description cf products in column 2 of this Schedule, unless the context indicates to the -ntrary, shallibe construed es "not otherwise specifiedd" in the indian Tariff referred to in the previous note." .1 NATIONS UNIES VNIlJL: NATIONtS
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Belgian Delegation on the work of the Sub-Committee on Articles 26 and following
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 29, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/256 and E/PC/T/W/236-260
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Belgian Delegation on the work of the Sub-Committee on Articles 26 and following
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 29, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/256 and E/PC/T/W/236-260
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/W/256 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 29 July 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ENGLISH. SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL:FRENCH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. NOTE BY THE BELGIAN DELEGATION ON THE WORK OF THE SUB-COMMITTEE ON ARTICLES 26 AND FOLLOWING. (Chairman : Mr. PHILLIPS) The Belgian Delegation, being desirous of complying with the recent recommendation by the Chairman's Committee regarding work I.n sub-committees, that time for discussion be reserved as far as possible for member of the sub committees has confineded itself to folliwIng the discussions. It believes, however, that tt would be helpful at this point tcommunicatete itobservationsOn and suggestions,ose that they may be taken into account for the better preparation of the discussions in plenary session. 1/ -Article 26 igeneralal.eWsu.ugsent that tha sub-oommittee make a clear statement to the plenary session on the ilityit of Article 26. Our delegations will have to answer before their Governments, and they in turn before their Parliaments, the inevitable objection that Article 26 is valueless because the matter ls already covered by the Statutefoe the International Monetary Fund. The existence of two statutes governing the same matter in two different ways will be criticized as leading to duplica- tionfot effort, conflictsfoe authority and the abusive practice of playing offnore text against the other, despite all precautlonary co-ordinating measures. P.T.O, E/PC/T/W/256 page 2 Should the. sub-committee, however, still. be of the opinion. that there are grounds for retaining two statutes governing the same matter, then the sub-committee would do the plenary committee a service. if it drew .up a table listing, and if possible commenting on the various conclusions which might be arrived at if, in the case of a difficulty. over balance of payments, the following were a) the Statute of the.International Monetary Fund, b) or Articles 26 and following of the Charter, as they stand, c)or the two statutes simultaneously, d)and according to the-different periods. 2/ Article 26, paragraph 4: We wish to stress most emphatically, that.-this provision vitiates the whole Charter, and is a radical defect which destroyed any advantages to be found elsewhere in this document. This provision allows a country to restrict Its Imports to essential products, provided that It -imports token quantities of the others. Thus the Charter removes from the field of discussion and consolidates the very worst kind of restrictive practice. It perpetuates in an Instrument of international law that separation of countries lnto watertight compartments which it was our duty to fight against. 3/ Article 28, paragraph 1 .sub-Paragraphs (d) and (e); It seemed hardly necessary to draw attention to the extremely confused wording of these sub-paragraphs, which need to be completely
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Brazilian Delegation on the adjustment of the Brazilian customs tariff
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 5, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/151 and E/PC/T/142-152
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/151 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 5 August 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE riginalS SOCIAL COUNCIL Ss EOCIAL :OrNginal EOGLISH SECOOD SESSI0M OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UMITED NANFENS COIWNRENCE OQ TRADE AND ETPLOYMENI Note bv the Brazilgan Delenation oi the adJustment of the Brazilian customs tariff The Preparmmory Corùittee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and nmploymeit decided in its First wession ;hat the negotiatitns for nhe trade agreement had to follow certain principles which would assure equality of' conditions amongst the countries taking part in such negotiations (Annexure 10 of the London Report). One of the main principles adopted by Annexure 10 (Section E - 3, page 1+9 of the English text) is the provision which allows a country to make "Changes in the form of tariffs, or changes in tariffs owheg to tri depreciation or devaluation of the currency of the country maintaining the tariff, which do not result in an increase of the protective incidence of the tariff..." This principle om adjustrent of tariffs was unanimously adopted without reservation for obvious reasons. If a country which had a currency depreciation, owing to the economic disturbances which occurred before or after the war, was obliged to maintain its import duties intact (duties in figures which no longer express the original amount in terms of dollars), this in practice would force a country to grant a reduction of import duties without any compensation. As a matter of fact there would be no need of negotiations for further reduction of customs duties. Let us suppose that a country has as a monetary unit the "crown", and that the parity of its currency was 5 crowns per E/PC/T/151 page 2 US$1. If a product X was taxed at 100 crowns for 10 kilos, this would represent US$20. If the crown was depreciated by 50 per cent, the import duty on 10 kilos of X would be reduced to US$10. If we admit (taking an absurd hypothesis) that the country mentined would agree in maintaining the same number of crowns (i.e. 100 crowns) as the import duty of X, it would be simply fantastic that another country would ask for a further reduction of the import duty on X. This is precisely the situation of the specific duties of the Brazilian customs tariff. (See figures annexed). The duties of the Brazilian Tariff were fixed in 1934 on the basis of 12.69 cruzeiros for US$1. Owing to the depreciation of the Brazilian currency (18.67 cruzeiros a US$1), the Brazilian import duties are reduced by 47 per cent. In order to correct this maladjustment the Brazilian Government decided to readjust the duties of its tariffs taking into account only part of the currency depreciation, i.e. 40 par cent. Otherwise, the Brazilian Government would initiate the multilateral negotiations at Geneva by making a gratuitous reduction of 47 per cent of the duties of the Brazilian Tariff. In making adjustment at the rate of only 40 per cent a gratuitous concession of the residual difference is already implied. Furthermore, it must be pointed out quite clearly that the wording of Annexure 10 is "owing to the depreciation or de- valuation of the currency". This means that those provisions take into account not only the devaluation of the par value made by law or by agreement with the International Monetary Fund, but also the actual currency depreciation at the time of the multi- lateral neotiations at Geneva. E/PC/T/151 pag e 3 Therefore, the adjustment of the Brazilian customs tariff and the negotiation of the multilateral trade agreement on the basis of this adjustment is perfectly consistent with the guiding principles of this Conference. This being the case, the Braziliail Delegation is confident that the use of such a right will be considered in a spirit of complete understanding. This statement is in accordance with the position taken in London by the Brazilian Delegation, a position which was further reiterated in Geneva, both by the Leader of the same Dalegation in his speech at the inaugural plenary session and by the declaration added to every list of offers exchanged by Brazil with all negotiating countries. It is equally pertinent to recall that this adjustment is a matter of national policy which has been under consideration by the Brazilian Government for a long time and which aws the object of public statements by the responsible authovities, having been already included in the Presidential Message to the National Congress at the opening of the present session. E/PC/T/151 page 4 SOME EXAMPLES OF THE EFFECT OF CURRENCY DEPRECIATION ON THE BRAZILIAN CUSTOMS TARIFF AND OF THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE SAME TARIFF TARIFF DESCRlPTION TARIFF 1934 (MIL REIS OR CRUZEIROS) TARIFF BE- U S.$ FORE THE ADJUSTMENT (CRUZEIROS) THE TARIFF U.S. $ ADJUSTMENT ON THE BA- SIS of 40% (CRUZEIROS) No 50 Leather shoes etc. (Pair) No 86 Preserved Meat (kg.) No 98 Condensed milk (kg.) No 107 Cheese (kg.) No 267 Cigarettes No 286 Olive oil (kg. ) No 291 Champagne No 467 Cotton stocking (Pair) No 631 Ornaments, etc. (glass) (kg.) No 739 Fancy goods, etc(copper) (kg.) No 576 Gold watches une) 29.12 8.32 3.12 6. 24 60.84 2.08 6.21- 2.08 62.40 62.40 21.84 2.30 0.66 0.21 0. 49 l 4.80 0.16 0.16 4.91 4.91 29.10 8.30 3.10 6.20 60.8G 2.10 6.20 2.10 40.80 2.18 11.(D1 0.62 C 1' PQ±3 3. 3.28 0.11 0..233 0.11 3__3 62.40 21.30 4.34 8.63 (3. 23 oQ46 85.30 4r 57 2. 91e 8.68 o.16 .Il 6 2.98 C.16 82.20 4.68 82.20 4. 68 30.48O 1.6
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Chinese and Canadian Delegations on the Question of Voting in the Conference Considered by the Committee on Voting and Membership of the, Executive Board. (Reference E/PC/T/143 Part C)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 8, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/143/Add.2 and E/PC/T/142-152
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/143/Add.2 AND ECONOMIQUE 8 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. NOTE BY THE CHINESE AND CANADIAN DELEGATIONS ON THE QUESTION OF VOTING IN THE CONFERENCE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE ON VOTING AND MEMBERSHIP OF THE, EXEC- UTIVE BOARD. (Reference E/PC/T/143 Part C) The Chinese and Canadian Delegations blieeve that it may be helpful if they amplify the suggestions looking towards a compromise solution of the question of voting which they ad- vanced in the course of the Sub-Committee's discussions. For this purpose they have amalgamated their suggestions so as to constitute a single proposal. 1. The proposal is that the system of voting known as one state, one vote" should be the basic system. In certain designated cases, however, they suggest that this system of voting should be supplemented by requiring also a majority of votes cast in-accordance with a system of weighted voting. 2. Before considering the details of this proposal it may be convenient to indicate the main principle on which it is based. Voting in accordance with the principle of one state, one vote has the advantage of affording protection against measures supported solely by large and economically powerful states. It has been said to have the disadvantage of enabling a group of relatively small states to impose a solution on large states which have a very great stake in world trade. A system of weighted voting, on the other hand, gives some protection to large and economically important states against measures supported solely by small states. It has been said to have the corresponding disadvantage of enabling the first group, if it is unanimous, to impose a solution on the second. The system of combined voting suggested by the Chinese and Canadian Delegations for use on certain designated issues combines the p.t.o. NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/143/Add.2 Page 2 advantages of the other two systems and eliminates their dis- advantages. It secures this result without requiring majorities so largo that they might be difficult to obtain on controversial issues. 3. The details which would have to be settled if the system- of combined voting is approved concern two questions-. (a) What system of weighting should be adopted, and (b) What issues should be designated as requiring a combined majority? 4. (a) On the first of these questions the Chinese Delegation is in favour of the system proposed. in Attachment A to the Report of the Committee on Voting and Membership of the Executive Board. This system is further explained in Document E/PC/T/14+3 Add.1. The Canadian Delegation would prefer a somewhat 'heavier" weighting; for instance, a basic vote. of twenty-five might be substituted for the basic vote of one hundred in Attachment A. (b) The Chinese and Canadian Delogations consider that the use of the system of combined voting should be limited to those cases in which Member States consider that it is necess- ary for the protection of their interests. If, therefore, the principle of using thc system of combined voting in certain designated cases is acceptable to the Commission it is hoped that Delegations will be prepared to indicate the issues, if any, on which they consider that the combined system should be employed. The Commission will then be in a position to ascertain if the proposed list of designated issues is generally acceptable. 5. In this way it is hoped that the Preparatory Commission may be enabled (as the terms of reference of the Sub-Committee have suggested) to reach a solution satisfactory to all.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 18, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/179 and E/PC/T/178-180
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL ECONOMIQU E ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/179 18 August, 1947. ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Note by the Executive Secretary Owing to the failure to complete the work of Commission 'B' within the programme, it has become necessary to postpone the public Plenary Sessions from Thursday and Friday August 21 and 22 to Friday and Saturday August 22 and 23. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION US NATIONS UNIES Note du Secrétaire exécutif Etant donné que la Commission B ne peut achever ses travaux dans les délais prévus, il a été nécessaire de reporter les Séances Plénières publiques des jeudi et vendredi 21 et 22 aout aux vendredi et samedi 22 et 23 août.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/121 and E/PC/T/106-124
UNITED NATIONS UNRESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/121 AND ECONOMIQUE 4th July 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note by the Executive Secretary VERBATIM RECORDS My attention has been drawn to inaccuracies of the interpretations of speeches included in the verbatim records. These inaccuracies arise from the that that the non original texts consist of a verbatim report of the interpretations at the committee sessions and it is therefore hardly to be ex- pected that these should be an exact translation of the original. If the interpretations were to be corrected so as to bo an exact translation, the appearance of the verbatim records would be considerably delayed to the detriment of their utility. More-over, the additional expense and staff required would be considerable. In these circumstances, the following alternatives present themselvcs:- (a) to continue the present system with the understanding that the records of interpretations are- not to be relied upon as the exact equivalents of the original statements, or (b) to confine the verbatim records to texts of statements in the original language. There appears to be much to recommend the second alternative. In the first place, the records of interpretations are of little value as part of the record of discussions and on the other hand they may give rise to subsequent misunder- standinbs. Secondly, thu suppression of records or interpre- tation would result in desirable economies of paper and man- power. If .on the other hand, it is proposed to adhere to alternative (a), it must be recognized that it is impracticable te issue corrigenda of the interpreted text and that the only authoritive record is the original text. The Secretariat will seek the instructions of the Preparatory Committee on this matter at the next meeting in executive session. NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 29, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/138 and E/PC/T/135-142
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/138 AND ECONOMIQUE 29 July 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL:ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT NOTE BY THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY My attention has been drawn to the fact that there is some uncertainty as to the nature of the annotations to be included in the Report of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee. It may therefore be useful to set out the decision of the Preparatory Committee on this matter, arrived at at the twentieth meeting in Executive Session held an Monday 7th July, 1947. It was then agreed on the motion of the Delegate of the United Kingdom that there should be inserted in the text of the Report (a) reservations, and (b) such explanatory notes as are necessary in order to avoid a reservation. In addition, it was agreed that certain selected working documents might also be published at the same time as the Report, but as a separate document. For full account of the discussion on this matter please refer to pages 15 to 21 of the verbatim report E/PC/T/EC/PV.2/2C. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 5, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/65 and E/PC/T/44-66
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL UNRESTRICTED 5th May, 1947. SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT NOTE BY THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY A meeting of observers, Members of the United Nations but not members of the Preparatory Committee, will be held on Tednesday, May 7th, at 4.30 p.m., in Conference Room 9. The Executive Secretary would welcome any delegates who wish to attend. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES. NOTE DU SECRETAIRE EXECUTIF Une réunion des observateurs des Etats, Membres des Nations Unies, qui ne sont pas membres de la Commis- sion préparatoire est prévue pour le mercredi 7 mai, 1947, à 16 h. 30, dans la Salle de conférences no9. Le secré- taire exécutif sera heureux d'accueillir tous les délégués qui désireront y assister.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/148 and E/PC/T/142-152
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES UNRESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/148 AND ECONOMIQUE 4 August, 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Note by the Executive Secretary The following resolutions were passed by the Economic and Social Council on 28th July, 1947:- "The Economic and Social Council takes note of the Interim Report of the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment and approves the recommendations made therein concerning the Agenda of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment. The Economic and Social Council having considered the resolution of the Preparatory Committee concerning the date and place of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, and having noted that the invitation of the Cuban Government to hold the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment in Havana is accompanied by an offer of the Conference facilities and financial assistance to meet the additional costs to the United Nations of holding the Conference away from Headquarters, resolves that the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment xhould be held at Havana, Cuba, on 21 November, 1947.'
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 8, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/66 and E/PC/T/66-91
NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL RESTRICTED ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/66 ET SOCIAL May 8, 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Note by the Executive Secretary WORKING PARTY ON TECHNICAL ARTICLES. Following the decision of the Executive Session held on Thursday, 8 May, 10.30 a.m., the first meeting of the Working Party on Articles 15 - 23 and 37 will be held on Friday, 9 May at 10.30 a.m. in Conference Room VII. Agenda of the meeting Discussion of Articles 19, 20, 21 and 22. SECONDE SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES. Note du Secrétaire Exécutif. GROUPE DE TRAVAIL CHARGE DE L 'EXAMEN DES ARTICLES TECHNIQUES. A la suite de la décision prise par le comité exécutif, au cours de la séance du jeudi, 8 mai, à 10h.30, la première séance du Groupe de travail chargé de l'examen des articles 15 à 23 et 37 aura lieu le vendredi 9 mai à 10h.30, dans la salle de Conférence VII. Ordre du jour de la séance Discussion des articles 19, 20, 21 et 22. UNITED NATIONS
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 28, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/111 and E/PC/T/106-124
ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/111 AND ECONOMIQUE Original:ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Note by the Executive Secretary 1. Delegations are reminded that their fortnightly reports on changes in their offers of tariff concessions and on the general state of their negotiations are due on Monday next, 30th instant. 2. Further, the Executive Secretary would draw the attention of delegations to E/PC/T/93 on "preferential internal taxes" and E/PC/T/100 on "entry into force of the General Agreement", and would be grateful if those delegations which have not submitted their replies would do so with the least possible delay. DEUXIME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES. Note du Secrétaire Exécutif 1. Le Secrétaire Exécutif rappelle aux délégations que leur rapport bimensuel relatif aux modifications apportées à leurs offres de concessions tarifaires et à l'état général de leurs négociations doit être remis lundi prochain 30 juin au plus tard. 2. En outre, le Secrétaire Exécutif desire attirer l'attention des délégations sur le document E/PC/T/93 relatif aux "taxes intérieures préférentielles" et sur le document E/PC/T/l10 relatif à "l'entrée en vigueur de l'Ancord Général"; il serait reconnaissant aux délé- gations qui ne l'auraient pas encore fait de bien vouloir communi- quer leur réponse dans le plus bref délai possible. NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS RESTRICTED
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/181 and E/PC/T/180-186
UNITED NATIONS Ia~~~~~~~~~~~1~X2TB}'ICTED ECONOMIC E/PC CONSEIL wr/T/181 AND g s 4 -:ONOMIQUE 22 Auut l9+7 ETCIAL COUNCIL EFE SOHIAL ORIGINAL: GNGLISF SRCOND MESJION OF TfE PREPARATOrY COM ITTEE OF THE UNITEDNDATMONS MENNFT(C Oji RADE AUJD H-POY1I:qT Nyte bv Uhe E:ecutive Secretar-. A1RANGEENTS FOR COMPENTON OF DISCUSSIONS REGARDIITGTHE GRAERALRAGREEMENT OF TARIFFS LND TMADE With the completion of the discussions on the draft Charter there remains to consider what arrangements would be aperopriate Lor completing tho discussions on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The decmmion of the reparatoryyCoraattee to sponsor ahetateriff neg gtiunionsha s -kcn on the ro ids t1 t the carrying out f sucl nc:otiations wculd. faci1itate the task of the onited iations Conference cn Trade and Employment, and it was therefore within the mandate given to the Pre- paratmry aommittee byòthe Econo.ic ;nd Social CÔuncil (in this connection see the Resolution of the First Session regarding the Negotiation of a Mu.tilateral Trade Agreement, Embodying Tariff ConRessions - page 47 of the 'eport of the First Session). This view was not dissented from by the Economic and Social Council. It would therefore appear appropriate that the text of the Agreerent should be formally approved by the Preparatory Committee upon the conclusion of negotiations, and it is suggestmm thae the Preparatory Cornittec should instruct the P. .o. 11Ill' NIF.Ç E/PC/T/181. Page 2 Tariff Agreement Committee to continue in being and to elaborate the text of an Agreement. The Tariff Agreement Committee should as soon as its work is completed, make a report to the Preparatory Committee submitting with the report a text of an Agreement. It is hoped that the action of the Preparatory Committee will be limited to the formal approval and signature of the Agreement, All that would then be necessary, would be to convene the Committee for a single formal meeting at the end of September. -
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/149 and E/PC/T/142-152
UNRESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/149 AND ECONOMIQUE 4 August, 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note by the Executive Secretary INVITATION TO NON-MEMBERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WORLD CONFERENCE The following resolutions were adopted by the Economic and Social Council on Friday 1st August, 1947:- "The Economic and Social Council having considered the resolution of the Preparatory Committee relating to the invitations to the Conference, resolves that voting rights at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment shall be exercised only by Members of the United Nations attending the Conference. The Economic and Social Council having considered the reso- lution of the Preparatory Committee relating to the invitations of States non-Members of the United Nations to the Conference, resolves that invitations should be sent to the following states not Members of the United Nations which have an appreciable Interest in world trade:- Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Eire, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Pakistan, Portugal, Roumania, Switzerland, Transjordania and the Yemen to participate in the work of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment. The Economic and Social Council further resolves that the Allied Control Authorities in Germany, Japan and Korea be invited to send qualified representatives to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment in a consultative capacity. The Economic and Social Council having noted that it became clear during the negotiations which have taken place in Geneva during the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee, that Burma, Ceylon and Southern Rhodesia, although under the sovereignty of a Member of the United Nations, possess full autonomy in the conduct of their external commercial relations, and that the Preparatory Committee considers that such separate customs territories should be invited to participate in the work of the Conference, resolves that invitations be sent through the Government of the United UNITED NATIONS' NT'lONS UNIES E/PC/T/ 149 page 2 Kingdom to the Governments of Burma, Ceylon and Southern Rhodesia to participate in the work of the United nations Conference on Trade and Employment. The Economic and Social Council recognising that the Indonesian Republic enjoys in fact autonomy in the conduct of Its external commercial relations, recognising further that the participation of the Government of the Indonesian Republic will promote the objectives of the Conference, resolves to send a direct invitation to the Government of the Indonesian Republic to participate in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment. The Economic and Social Council further resolves that invitations to be represented at the Conference be sent to the specialised agencies and other appropriate Inter-Governmental Organisations and non-Govenmental Organisations in category 'A'." The rejection of voting rights for non-Members of the United Nations took place despite the reading by the Assistant Secretary-General of the attached message from the Preparatory Committee, which was dispatched in accordance with the decision of the Heads of Delegations at the meeting of the Chairman's Committee on 1st August, 1947. E/PC/T/149 page 5 PRO SUETENS EX WYNDHAM WHITE CHAIRMAN' S COMMITTEE OF PREPARATORY COMMITTEE COMPRISING HEADS OF ALL DELEGATIONS UNANIMOUSLY DECIDED TODAY TO INSTRUCT ME TO COMMNICATE TO ECOSOC A MESSAGE ON THE FOLLOWING LINES:- (BEGINS) THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE HAS LEARNED WITH CONCERN OF THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE ECONOMIC COMMITTEE OF THE ECOSOC WHEREBY NON MEMBERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WORLD CONFERENCE WOULD NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE IN THE PROCEEDINGS OF THAT COMFERENCE. IT IS THE UNANIMOUS VIEW OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE THAT ALL STATES INVITED TO WORLD CONFERENCE SHOULD BE ENTITLED TO PARTICIPATE WITH FULL VOTING RIGHTS. THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE HAS NOTED IN PARTICULAR THAT IF RESOLUTION OF ECONOMIC COMMITTEE WERE TO BE CONFIRMED BY ECOSOC PAKISTAN WHICH HAS BEEN RECOCNISED AS ENTITLED TO SIGN THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE WOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO VOTE INWORLD CONFERENCE. IT IS STRONGLY THE VIEW OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE THAT CONFIRMATION BY ECOSOC OF RESOLUTION DENYING VOTING. RIGHTS TO ANY PARTICIPANTS IN THE WORLD CONFERENCE WOULD SERIOUSLY IMPAIR PROSPECTS FOR SUCCESSFUL CONFERENCE. PREPARATORY COMMITTEE WOULD ACCORDINGLY URGE ECOSOC TO ACCORD FULL VOTIMG RIGHTS TO ALL. COUNTRIES INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CONFERENCE. (ENDS) I WOULD BE GRATEFUL IF YOU WOULD BRING THIS MESSAGE TO THE ATTENTION OF THE COUNCIL AS EARLY AND FORCEFULLY AS POSSIBLE.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 28, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/111 and E/PC/T/106-124
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
European Office of the United Nations Information Centre Geneva, August 19, 1947
European Office of the United Nations Information Centre Geneva
press releases
Press Release No.292 and PRESS RELEASE NO.36-354
#- r*t c~t}. + i '-4;-*;-d++;t 1* 0 lLih Tri~c.: 2L. ior> w I'rO . . ..h.c;,I, '.;; i;i , ti:ota. ~i' ~riz rJ 1to tiP, . C1V a. II r n assumed ai ...;!;: Y..... .t 1 X . _ ; . ... 1ieKL al arrangements is*,,o 14- .e..........r..t e , W ...t...... ot;. v publishedar G .c s week, will show that there has been no change in v I. - iv t substance from the earlier drafts, which whilst1 I gr2 tb^ 0i in existing preferential arrangements, con- nd or reciprocalnd autually advantageous1'- t'_ -'',-. u' U z l U!. (. tiff l "-Iv rected to the substantial re-2o Ti,! lar-tvaO l-,,4v~C> the elimination of preferences. .WIvU iA amintenant la question des arrangements préférentiels l, cj i 'ec. -ll~e ;iv cll_ gily- de~,_n; ~ ntérieurs.Ceux-ci,'; f'v d;, ,.-fLU'i.- t 'flat ~b ;:i -..~ entiels exis- t'iv 'f'i.-Wi~iv U 1 {'t~v. u_'* t~;.tev ai;, Uc' .- U v V > C W r l' tvc O t~! W i s _ j v _ vR l . rU * i' C,* r ;- .t w¢ _ c iv
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/93 and E/PC/T/92-105
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/93 and E/PC/T/92-105
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/93 AND ECONOMIQUE 9 June 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note by the Executive Secretary. In the discussion of the United States Amendment to Paragraph 2 of Article 14 (E/PC/T/W.146), to delete the .word "other" in line 4, and to add in the same line the lords "or internal taxes" (Report of the Drafting Committee, page 10,) the Sub-Committee of Commission A on Articles 14, '15, 15A and 24 decided to invite the.Delegations to notify the Secretariat of any such preierential internal taxes existing in their country which they would wish to have preserved in the manner suggested by the amendment. The Sub-Committee considered that such preferences should be only those resulting from taxes imposed in accordance with .the provisions of trade agreements. A reference should therefore be made to any such trade agreement. The Delegations are requested to address their communications to the Executive Secretary.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Executive Secretary concerning arrangements for Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T.51 and E/PC/T/44-66
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC RESTRICTED A ND ECONCOMIQUE E/PC/T.51. SOCIAL COUNCIL SOCIAL 22 April 1947. SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT (Note by the Executive Secretary concerning arrangements for Tariff Negotiations) As envisaged in the plan of work communicated to Governments prior to the commencement of the present meetings, it is expected that the two delegations concerned will in each case provide the secretariat for the bilateral tariff negotiations. It is suggested that delegations, at the initiall meetings, should appoint a joint secretariat for each negotiation and that this joint secretariat should, along with its other functions, assume the general responsibility for ,dealing with the central Secretariat of the Preparatory *Committee on matters relating to the conduct of the particular negotiation. In accordance with the arrangements proposed in the report of the Ad Hoc working party, the joint secretariat might, at the outset: (a) Notify the central Seuretariat in writing of the initial exchange, and transmit the two lists of offers exchanged by the negotiating teams. Such communica- tions should be handed personally to one of the following officers of the Secretariat against a signed receipt: Mr, E. Wyndham 'White, Room 216 Mr. J. A. Lacarte, Room 218 Mr. A. E. Ritchie, Room 213 E/PC/T. 51. Page 2. (b) Advise the central Secretariat of the decision reached by the two negotiating teams as to the time of the next meeting or meetings, including a request for the use of a negotiating room if such accommodation is required. (See Document E/PC/T/50). If Delegations feel that it would be helpful to have a responsible officer of the Secretariat present at the opening of the meeting at which the initial exchange of offers takes place, with a view to elaborating on the arrangements set out in this document and in document E/PC/T/50, the Executive Secretary will be prepared to assign a responsible member of his staff for this purpose. As will be appreciated from an examination of the schedule for exchanges of offers, presented in Annex A, the task of securing the necessary coordination of meetings at the outset and during the subsequent period is a formidable one. Close and continuous cooperation, as well as occasional meetings, between the central Secretariat and the joint secretariat for each negotiation will be essential if the negotiations are to proceed in an orderly manner and if the work of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party is to be facilitated. Even in advance of the commencement of many of the nego- tiations, numerous exchanges of lists of. requests will be required. In order to perform its usual functions in connection with the distribution of such request lists, and in order to facilitate the exchanges, the central Secretariat will consult with the delegation concerned prior to the scheduled date of E/PO/T. 51. Page 3. each exohange in order to assist in any feasible manner in meeting or improving on the date scheduled (see Annex B), Adherenes to these arrangements will enable the central Secretariat to maintain the records neoessary for the continued operation of the Ad Hoc Working Party and to assist the Working Party in other respects. Note: Annex A referred to above will represent a re- arrangement of the information in Annex A of E/PC/T.47, and Annex B will represent a similar re-arrangement of the information in Annex B to E/PC/T.47. ANNEX A TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS Dates agreed for Exchange of Offers Annex A) Wednesday, 23 April Thursday, 24 April Friday, 25 April Monday, 28 April Tuesday, 29 April Wednesday, 30 April Thursday, 1 May Friday, 2 May Saturday, 3 May Monday, 5 May Tuesday, 6 May Wednesday, 7 May Australia - United States Canada - Czechoslovakia Canada - United States Czechoslovakia - United States United Kingdom - United States France - United States Canada - France China - France France - South Africa Chile - United States France - United Kingdom India - United States South Africa - United States France - Lobanon-Syria Australia - France Brazil - United States Canada - Norway China - .Cuba. Cuba - Czechoslovakia Cuba - United Kingdom Czechoslovakia -.New Zealand France - Norway' India - United Kingdom New Zealeand - United States Canada - India China Czechoslovakia India Lebanon-Syria Cuba - France Lebanon-Syria - United States Norway - United States Norway - UnitodKingdom Canada - China Canada - Cuba China - South Africa Cube - Norway Czechoslovakia -.South Africa New Zealand - South Arrica Norway -.South Africa Australia - Norway China - NeW Zealand Lebanon-Syria - United Kingdom - 2 . Thursday, 8 May Friday, 9 May Saturday, 10 May Monday, 12 May Tuesday, 13 May Wednesday, 14 May Thursday, 15 May Friday, 16 May Saturday, 17 May Monday, 19 Muy Tuesday, 20 May Wednesday, 21 May Thursday, 22 May Monday, 26 May Tuesday, 27 May Brazil - Canada Brazil - China China - United Kingdom Benelux - Brazil Benelux - India Benelux - United States Brazil - Cuba Brazil - Norway China - United States Czechoslovakia - India New Zealand - Norwey Benelux - Canada Benelux - Norway France - New Zealend Benelux - Cuba Benelux - New Zealond Benelux - South Africa Chile - Norway Cuba - United Stotes Czechoslovakia - Norway France - India China - Norway Cuba - New Zealand Benalux - China Benelux - Lebanon-Syria Canada - Chile India - Norway Brazil - France Chile - France Cube - South Africe Czechoslovakia - Lebanon-Syria India - New Zealand South Africa - United Kingdom Australia - Cuba Brazil - United Kingdom Chile - China Chile - Cuba China - India Australie - Chine Benelux - France Benelux - United Kingdom Chile - Czechoslovakia Cuba - India Czechoslovakia - France Brazil - Czechoslovakia Chile - United Kingdom Czechoslovakia - United Kingdom - 3 - Wednesday, 28 May Thursday, 30 May Australia - India Australia - South Africa Australia - Benalux Australia - Czechoslovakia Benelux - Chile Benelux - Czechoslovakia Brazil - Chile Brazil - South Africa ANNEX B TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS Dates on which requests are to be ready for submission (See E/PC/T/47 AnnexB) Monday, 21 April Tuesday, 22 April Wednesday, 23 April Thursday, 24 April Friday, 25 April Saturday, 26 April Wednesday, 30 April Thursday, 1 May Monday, 5 May Australia to Benelux Australia to Czechoslovakia Australia to France Australia to India Brazil to France 'Brazil to United States Lebanon-Syria to France Cuba to France supplementary) Lebanon-Syria to United Kingdom Czechoslovakia to China Czechoslovakia to India Lebanon-Syria to United States Brazil to Benelux Norway to China Brazil to Canada New Zaaland to Benelux New Zealand to China (a) Australia to Brazil Australia to China Australia to Cuba Brazil to Norway Brazil to United Kingdom Cuba to India (supplementery) Czechoslovakia to Lebanon-Syria Nw Zealand to Chile New Zealand to China (a) New Zealand to Czechoalovakia New Zealand to France New Zealand to Norway Benelux to Czechoslovakia Benelux to France Benelux to Lebanon-Syria Benelux to Norway Brazil to Chile Brazil to China Brazil to Cuba Brazil to Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia to Brazil Czechoslovakia to Norway Czechoslovakia to United Kingdom France to Benelux Benelux to Chile Benelux to Cuba Benelux to United Kingdom Lebanon-Syria to Benelux (b) -2 -." Wednesdey, 9 May Thursday. 15 MLy Saturday, 17 May Thursday, 22 MEy .Chile to Australia Chile to Benelux Chile to Brazil Chile to Cnada Chile to China Chile to Cuba Chile to Czechoslovakia Chile to France Chile to India Chile to Lebanon-Syria Chile ta New Zealand Chile to Norway Chile to South Africa Chile to United Kingdom Chile to United States Czechoslovakia to Chile Czechoslovakia to Benelux Czechoslovakia to France Brazil to India Brazil to Lebanon-Syria Brazil to New Zealand Brezil to South Africa Other submissions of requests were indicated to be planned for tne neer future without definite dates being fixed (a) indicated as scheduled for 26 or 30 April (b) scheduled in fact for Sunday, 4 May
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Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the French and Belgium-Luxenbourg Delegations regarding Chapter V
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 5, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/290 and E/PC/T/W/261-306
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/290 5 August 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL Original: FRENCH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note by the French and Belgium-Luxenbourg Delegations regarding Chapter V Following the discussion in committee on Article 38, the French and Balgium-Luxembourg Delegations feel it desirable to point out to the other delegations that the commercial agreement concluded between France and the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union on 23 February 1938 provides for a special regime for the exchange of certain specified agricultural and industrial products between Belgiun and the Grand Duchy of Luxenbourg on the one hand, and certain specified bordering areas of France on the other hand. The above-mentioned delegations have always been of the opinion that this special regine was covered by those articles of the Charter which deal with fronting traffic. Should any one of the other delegations have any doubt as to the possibility of maintaining this regime under the terms of Article 38 as at present worded, the French and Belgium-Luxembourg Delegations would be oblied to request the inclusion of a new annexure to Article 14, paragraph 2(b), mentioning the special arrangement which is still in force and which the three countries concerned intend to meintain. In that case the heading which the above-mentioned dele- gations would suggest for Annexure G would be as follows: Special Regime for exchanges between Belgium, and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and certain bor. ing areas of France. . .
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Polish Observer concerning the Draft General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/77 and E/PC/T/66-91
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/77 AND ECONOMIQUE 23 May 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. NOTE by the Polish Observer concerning the Draft General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade The Draft General. Agreement on Tariffs and Trade as laid before the governments of the countries participating in the work of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, calls for a few comments, both of a juridical and a practical character. The General Agreement has been drafted by the Drafting Committee appointed by the Freparatory Committee at its First Session "For the purpose of preparing a Draft Charter based upon the report and other documents" of that session. The Drafting Committee prepared the Draft General Agreement as a working paper to the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee ``without commitment to any government''. Should the Draft General Agreement in its proposed form be adopted by the Governments of the countries participating in the work of the Preparatory Committee the following consequences should be considered: 1. It is said in the preamble of the Draft General Agreement that its signatories desire "to further the objectives" of the future U.N. Conference on Trade and Employment "by making effective among themselves such provisions of the...draft Charter as are applicable at this stage". In fact, by adopting the text of the Agreement as it stands, the signatories would adopt in advance virtually the whole of the Charter ( with the exception of its Chapter VIII dealing with the International Trade Organ- ization). Part from including into the Agreement 20 articles of the Draft Charter in full text (out of 60 which form the first seven chapters) they would pledge in the Protocol constituting an integral part of the Agreement: (a) to apply in their relations the spirit of the provisions included in Chapter I of the Draft Charter, (b) "to observe and to make effective to the fullest extent of their authority all or the principles and provisions" of Chapter III, IV, V, VI and VII of the Draft Charter. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/7'7 page 2 2. It is difficult to imagine what would be the discussion of the Draft Charter when laid before the 55 United Nations 'assembled in the Conferonce on Trade and Employment. By adopting textually or in principle the first seven chapters of the Draft prior to the Conference the 17 Governments of the countries participating in the Preparatory Committee would, in fact, find it difficult to discuss or alter the first 60 articles of the Draft, while the remaining 38 governments would probably deem such discussion necessary. In regard to the 20 articles included in the General Agreement in their full text the 17 governments would be prevented even from. agreeing to any drafting amendments as they would already have adopted and signed the respective formulae prepared by the Preparatory Committee. 3. While some multilateral provisions may be needed to complete the successful achievement of tariff negotiations pursued among the 17 participants of the Preparatory Committee in Geneva prior to the opening of the U.N. Conference on Trade and Employment, it seems doubtful whether the situation, as visualized in p.2 above, could really be the aim of the authors of the Draft General Agreement. The Conference would, in such a case, amount to: (a) the discussion of the provisions of the Draft Charter relating to the I.T.O.; (b) the presentation to the 38 United Nations not taking part in the Preparatory Committee of the 60 articles forming the first seven chapters of the Draft Charter in view either of adopting them "on bloc" or of refraining from joining the Organization. .4. It has been said already that the wish of completing .. the presently negotiated tariff agreements by some sort of multi- lateral document is perfectly understandable. Moreover, some of the countries applying in their commercial policy tariffs as the only means of protection may feel reluctant to assume commit- ments in this sphere without having any assurances as to the degree in which other forms of protection applied parallelly to tariffs by their partners would operate after they themselves have substantially reduced their tariff levels. It would seem, however, that in order to obtain such a legitimate assurance, there is no need to adopt by less than one third of the United Nations a Draft which has not been discussed by more than two thirds of them, thus making extremely difficult both, technically andlegally, the discussion of the U.N. Conference on.Trade and Employment.. It would seem. that, in view of obtaining the needed assurances, it would be sufficient: (a) to include into the future Gineral Agreement only those articles of the Draft .Charter which are closely related to tariffs - thus completing the agreement reached, in the negotiations; the artiles in question would comprise: art.14 (most favoured-nation treatments), E/PC/T/77 page 3 art.15 (national treatment on internal taxation and regulation),, art.17 (anti-dumping and countervailing duties), art.18 (tariff valuation), art.19 (customs formalities), as well as art.34 emergencyy action on imports of particular products) and art.38 (territorial application - frontier traffic - customs unions); (b) to add in the future Guneral Agreement two special provisions: aa) one - to the effect that, during the period between the entering into force of the Guneral Agreement and the entering into force of the Charter ( after its final adoption by the U.N. Conference), the present protective measures, other than tariffs, applied by the signatories of the General Agreement would not be reinforced in any way; bb) the second - providing that if as the result of the discussions in the U.N. Conference on Trade and Employment, the provisions related to the protective measures, other than tariffs, could be considered by any of the signatories of the General Agreement as having been weakened as compared with those of the Draft Charter as laid before the U.N. Conference, the interested party would be free to withdraw partly or fully the tariff concessions applied by it as the result of the negotiations held in Geneva; (c) Finally - the U.N. Conference on Trade and Employment should be held as early as possible after the end of the work of the Preparatory Committee.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Secretariat
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 30, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/114 and E/PC/T/106-124
ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/114 30 June, 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note by the Secretariat The attached letter and enclosure have been received from the Representative of the International Cooperative Alliance supplementing the comments previously communicated (E/PC/T/80). The present comments relate to Chapter VII. The Representative of the International Cooperative Alliance indicates that his organization is preparing further comments relating to Chapters I - IV and Chapter VIII and that those comments will be submitted within the next few days. In accordance with the established procedure, the attached paper is drawn to the attention of all Delegations and particularly to the members of the Consultative Committee (Non-Governmental Organizations). To ....-. The Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Committee . . of the Conference on Trade and Employment of the United Nations, Sir, With reference to my previous letter accompanying the comments of the I.C.A. on Chapter VI of the Draft Charter I have the honour of submitting to you the comments of the Alliance on Chapter VII. Further comments, on Chapters I-IV and Chapter VIII, are under preparation and will be handed in during the next days. Very sincerely yours (signed) THORSTEN ODHE Permanent representative of the International Co-operative Alliance to the United Nations. UNRESTRICTED UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/114 , Page 2 DRAFT CHARTER OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE ORGANISATION (I.T.O.) COMMENTS ON CHAPTER VII - (INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMODITY ARRANGEMENTS) Presented by MR. THORISTEN ODHE, Representative of the INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE ALLIANCE (I.C.A) In the original Proposals for an expansion of international trade and employment, elaborated by experts of the Government of the United States of America, it was very strongly emphasised that the inter-governmental commodity agreements contemplated by the Proposals should be considered in principle as emergency measures. The main purpose of such agreements should be not to stabilise the branch of production concerned but to lay down a programme of re-adjustment to the changes in the market situation, limited to that period during which the reorientation of productive life may be carried out without too great a strain upon producers. It was also pointed out that changes in different branches of production, resulting in the lowering of prices and the amassing of burdensome surpluses, are inevitable in avery progressive national economy. The policy pursued by Governments should not aim at preventing changes of this nature, which in many instances might be regarded as important stages of a process by which productive life will be enabled to satisfy the changing changing the consumers. Only when the changes take place too rapidly and cause cerious dislocations to the mass of small producers it may seem justified to try to find a remedy by international agreements regulating the production or export of the commodity in question. Under all circumstances the first measure to be contemplated in trying to overcome the effects of burdensome surpluses on production and price should be to pro- pose steps aiming at an increase in consumption; only when such measures have failed or are likely to fail should the establishment of a regulatory agreement be made the subject of an official study as proposed in the Dratt Charter. It was also stressed by the Proposals that any agreement between Governments with a view to introducing restrictions on the production or marketing of a commodity (which is very much the same as international csL2o or private agreements do which aim at restricting the production of certain raw materials) is likely to be utilised for obtaining unfair advantages at the cost of the consumers. The Proposals, therefore, emphasised the importance of establishing sufficient safeguards for the consumers in all such agreements; as well as the need for widespread publicity concerning their nature and working, in order to give public opinion throughout the word an opportuniy to assure that such agreements will be effected in the interest of the public wellbeing. E/PC/T/114 Page 3 As formulated in the provisions of the Draft Charter, the Proposals for inter-governmental commodity agreements seem to have taken proper advantage of the original suggestions, as far as the general spirit and basic arrangements of its provi- sions are concerned. Chapter VII provides for inter-govern- mental agreements of the type contemplated by the Proposls with a view to regulating production, price, distribution and consumption, in order to assist primary-producing countries dur- ing depressions caused by special circumstances. It is emphasised that the special difficulties existing in the case of primary products are different in character from those which manufactured goods generally present, as burdensome surpluses or primary products cause conditions which are generally characterised by sudden price falls and ensuing serious hardship to small producers that cannot be corrected by market forces alone. The aim of a commodity Agreement should be to alleviate the effects of a depression without seeking to conserve the conditions of production and marketing as they were when the slump commenced. It should consequently only serve an a buffer agreement for a restricted period (limited to five years) and its ultimate purpose should be an economic adjust- ment designed to promote the expansion of consumption or a shift of man-power out of over-expended branches of production to new productive occupations. Generally it may thus be stated that inter-governmental commodity agreements, having such aims and being so constructed as to serve the purpose of attnining a state of equilibrium in a certain field of production during a period of transition, should not come into conflict with the general objectives of the Charter which are to promote an expansion in production and in international trade. The International Co-operative Alliance (I.C.A.), which to an increasing extent unites the Co-oporative associations of small industrial and agricultural producers, is well aware off the fact that inter-governmental agreements of this kind may be a very useful instrument in remedying emergency situations, mitigating ensuing protracted depressions, particularly on raw materials an foodstuffs markets, and creating and restoring healthy economic conditions for these very large groups of producers whose interests carry a decisive weight in internal Politics in many countries, and might otherwise be safeguarded by restrictive national measures of economic policy. likely to impair the general purposes of the Organisation. Internation- al action of this kind, carefully planned and administered, is all the more important and in conformity with the general aims of the Charters there is a constant danger of under-employ- ment or latent unemployment in under-developed areas demanding appropriate assistance in the shope of credits for investments, aid for development of the technical potential of the areas, and the like. The I.C.A. is also convinced th t stabilising measures on an international scale, as contemplated in Chapter VII, may usefully contribute to promoting the organisation of small producers in Co-operative Societies, having as their principal aim the further technical and organisational rationali- sation of production, as well as the efficient marketing of the products with a view to reducing the margin of costs between the producer and the ultimate consumer. E/PC/T/114 page 4 To ensure that the commodity agreements function in this spirit, the Charter provides a number of guarantees, mainly with regard to procedure. Thus a request for the assistance of the Organisation in establishing a commodity agreement shall only be considered after an "investigation at the root causes of the problem; an agreement, when concluded, shall be administered by a Commodity Council appointed by the I.T.O. and responsible to the Organisation; and representatives of consumer countries shall be invited, together with those of the producing countries, to the Conference, where an agreement is to be negotiated, and to the Council administrating it, such representatives being entitled in important questions to a voice equal to that of the producing or exporting countries. No doubt these safeguards with regard to procedural matters are essential, and are bound to be valuable when the time comes for the provisions of Chapter VII to be implemented. Their main purpose is to provent monopolistie exploitation of the Consumers, intentional or un-intentional, by the primay producing countries by means of inter-governmental commodity agreements. It was pointed out in the original Proposals submitted by the American Government that all agreements of an international scope intended to function by regulating the supply of a commodity - by restricting or controlling production and marketing for export - are bound to have monopolistic effects. This is implied in Chapter VI of the Draft Charter, which expressly exempts inter-governmental commodity agreements concluded in comformity with Chapter VII from the provisions regarding control over combinations in restraint of trade. It is, therefore, essential to incorporate provisions which strike a fair balance between the interests of the producers and the consumers. In the opinion of the I.C.A., the question whether the safeguards for the consumer' interests as regards procedural matters in this Chapter will be sufficiently effective - particularly in preventing the survival of certain agreements of this kind after their official termination as the core of private international monopolistic combinations - should be submitted to a closer study by the Preparatory Committee before the provisions of this Chapter are finally drafted. This oould be done, in the opinion of the I.C.A., by defining more closely (with a view to limiting the agreements to commodities subject to a particular inelasticity of demand and to market situations of a qualified emergency character) those commodities and market situations calling for action by the Organisation; and by deleting from the Draft any reference to the objective of the agreements being to achieve stable and remunerative prices, as such a formulation might easily lead to encouraging potential monopolistic tendencies in producers' countries. In this connection the I.C.A. considers it of importance that the sentence in square brackets in Article 47(c) should be deleted ("in order to achieve a reasonable degree of stability on the basis of remunerative prices to efficient producers without unfairness to consumers") since the objective of achieving remunerative prices is subordinate to the shiftin: of man-power and other resources from over-expanded branches of production into new and productive occupations. As a matter of principle , such. arrangements should provide, where practicable, for measures designed to expand world consumption of the commodity. (.Article 51(f)). E/PC/T/114 page 5. The I.C.A. desires to make another positive proposal for the final drafting of the Charter, relating to the participation of non-governmental agencies in the procedures prescribed particularly in Articles 48, 49, 54 and 55. It is important that the material. submitted to the Study Groups which have to make the recommendations for the establishment of a commodity agreement, as well as to the Commodity Conferences which have to make the final decisions, should not only be as exhaustive as possible but should represent as many views as possible. Non-governmental agencies representing the collective organisa- tions of consumers and producers should be able to make a valuable contribution in this respect. In order to establish a detailed procedure for the consultation of the organizations of consumer (and producers) in matters connected with Article 48, it seems only necessary to insert at the end of the second paragraph of this Article the following words: "and non- govern'mental organisations. representing producers and consumers", so that the sentence as a whole would read: "Non-members and non-governmental organisations representing producers and consumer may also be invited." A similar insertion should be made at the end of the second paragraph of Article 49, the last part of which would then read" "and non-members as well as non-governmental organisations representing producers and consumer having a similar interest may be invited by the Organisation to participate." If these additions are made, the rights of the non-governmental organisations in the preparatory stages of inter-governmental commodity agreements will be as expressly safeguarded as those of inter-governmental organizations. The proper functioning of the commodity agreements will mainly depend on the Commodity Councils as the governing bodies of the different agreements. In the Commodity Councils the counterbalancing influence of the consumers will be exerted by the consumers' countries which in all substantive matters shall have together a voice equal to that of the producers countries. However, situations may arise where, in the case of various consumer countries and various commodities, a conflict may emerge between the State interests of a country represented in the Council and the direct interested of the individual consumer in that country and generally. For such cases, and generally to facilitate the direct representation of the interests of the consumers, It would be fair, as well as advantageous, to the attainment of the aim of a continuous and exhaustive consultation between the non-governmental organisa- tions and the I.T.O., to stipulate the right of the I.T.O. to invite also non-governmental organizations with a substantial interest in the safeguarding of consumers' rights and interests to have a permanent seat in a Commodity Council. Technically, the granting of this right calls for a slight change of the wording of Article 54, paragraph 3, which it is suggested should read as follows: "The Organisation shall be entitled to appoint a non-voting representative to each Commodity Council and to invite any competent inter-governmental organisation or any non.-governmental organisation representing the interests of the consumer to nominate a non-voting representative for appointment to a Commodity Council." E/PC/T/114 page 6 Finally, the I.C.A. desires to draw the attention of the Pre- peratory Committee to another important question. In the course of implementing the international agreements affecting production and distribution (exports and imports) of raw materials, circum- stances may arise which, if due measures of precaution are not taken, may interfere with the right of free access for all nations on equal terms to the naturel resources of the earth, as expressed in Article IV of the Atlantic Declaration. A Paper read before the Congress of the I.C.A. at Zurion last year, which found the approval of Congress, refers to the question of free access to raw materials as follows:- "From the consumers' viewpoint it is absolutely necessary that raw materials should be made available to the whole of humanity on equal terms. No valid reason can be constructed for regarding evory raw material as the monopoly of the State within whose boundaries it happens to exist or can be produced. On the contrary, raw mater- ials should be the first thing after armaments to be played under the control of the United Nations; and the model for their exploitation should be the principles applied within the Co-operetive Movement, viz., equal conditions for all, and the right of every enterprise to buy as much as it con- siders it can utilise." Stipulations in other Chapters of the Charter provide for the exchange of goods, raw materials included, among the member countries in a non-discriminatory manner. These provisions, how- ever, may be seriously impaired by restrictive marketing operations undertaken by private organisations of a monopolistic character taking an unfair advantage of inter-governmental commodity agree- ments, if private restrictive agreements of an international character are allowed to carry on their activities in the field of certain commodities after such inter-governmental agreements have been carried into effect. At present, to take an exemple, the Chilean producers of nitrate seem to have concluded agreements limiting the number of firms which may purchase and import in each country, and in some countries Co-operative Wholesales and other Co-operative Organisations are excluded. It is evident that such agreements, if allowed to remain within the basic framework of the inter-governmental commodity agreements, might encroach upon the rights of individual countries of free aceess to raw materials (e.g., in the case of private restrictive international agreements which make the market of an individual country the exclusive proper- ty of supplying firms in other countries)and foil the efforts of the respective Commodity Councils to prevent monopolistic price- fixing. In view of this the I.C.A. submits to the consideration of the Conference, whether it might not be desirable to insert some specific provisions in Chapter VII calling for a previous investi- gation of monopolistic combinations in. all cases where inter-govern- mental commodity agreements are proposed to be established, and also making it obligatory,under all circumstances, to the exporters in the producing countries to sell to all buyers in all countries willing to pay the current market price and to fulfil other reasonable conditions of the seller. If the regulation of exports is to be carried into effect by means of quotas for the different importing countries, it will seem appropriate to stipulate that,, in determining.the quota for an individual country, all importers willing to pay the market price shall be entitled to share that quota, and that in no case shall private exporters in the selling country have the right to decide upon the distribution of the quota quantities among buyers.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Secretariat
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/118 and E/PC/T/106-124
ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/118 AND ECONOMIQUE 4 July 1947 ORIGINAL: FRENCH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note by the Secretariat. The attached paper on the problem of foreign investment was presented by M. Duret, the Representative of the World Federation of Trade Unions, to the Consultative Committee (Non- Governmental Organizations) at its meeting on Thursday, July 3. The paper is circulated herewith for the information of Members of the Preparatory Committee. THE PROBLEM OF FOREIGN INVESTMENTS. The problem of foreign investments is one of the funda- mental problems of our time, but it involves an internal contradiction which it is very difficult to resolve. The economic recovery of a great many countries would have been considerably facilitated by foreign loans and investments. This applies not only to poor and economically under-developed countries but also to certain countries which themselves were formerly exporters of capital but, having suffered considerably as a result of the war, would have been able to reconstruct more speedily with the help of foreign loans and investments. But it is precisely these two types of country which are very anxious to retain complete national independence and are afraid that a tremendous wave of foreign investment would render such independence illusory. These fears are not unfounded. In the past, (as was eloquently shown by Rudolf Hilferding in his work "FINANZKAPITAL"), the export of capital has always led to ever-increasing interference on the part of the lending country in the affairs of the borrowing country. Investments at variable rates of interest (industrial investments and others) are particularly conducive to such interference. When considerable amount of foreign capital is fixed permanently in a country in the form of installations, buildings, etc., the country investing or whose capitalists are investing cannot fail to be interested in the domestic, foreign, economic and social policy of the country in which the capital is invested, as it is on this policy that depend not only the way in which the capital bears fruit but sometimes the fate of the capital UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES UNRESTRICTED E/PC/T/118 page 2 itself. When the volume of investment reaches a certain level lender countries are bound to take an interest in the domestic policy of the borrowing state and to wish to influence this policy. This is precisely what all those States are afraid off. They have their own ideas as to how their economies should be developed and as to how their social problems should be solved. These ideas may differ considerably from those of the capitalist lenders, but it is usually the latter whose ideas prevail. An attempt must be made to resolve this contradiction, but how? I confess that the solution put forward by the International Chamber of Commerce does not seem to me to be a good one, and I must say frankly (despite the solidarity of the "badly treated") that various amendmentsseem to be a little too impregnated by these ideas. The International Chamber of Commerce states that, in prinoiple, it favours equality of treatment for all invested capital; in actual act it declares for preferential treatment of foreign capital. The latter enjoy a transfer privilege which domestic capital does not possess. If foreign investments reach a certain volume, this creates the risk of disrupting the whole national economy. Capital, technicians, etc. ... enjoy preferential treatment: "The principle of equality of treatment must be applied to foreigners without restriction on condition that the civic and property rights of nationals are fully protected by the Government of the country importing capital. In cases where the rights of nationals in this connexion are limited, special protection shall be accorded to foreign capitalists and to foreign staff employed in their under- takings, even if this were to result in treatment more favourable than that accorded to nationals." (p.20/E "Foreign investment and Economic Expansion"). In the event of nationalisation, owners of foreign capital are compensated in cash: "Such compensation shall be paid in cash and be freely transferable within a reasonable period of time" (Op.cit.J). In practice, this would prevent any nationalisation, as the countries which nationalise are nearly always in a difficult financial position. If the Conference adopt these ideas of the International Chamber of Commerce, even in part, the people would be given the unfortunate impression that they had to choose between their own economic and social ideas and foreign investment. An analogous proposal was that a distinction should be drawn between industries of vital interest and others. In the latter case, foreign capital investments would enjoy the same treatment as domestic capital and most favoured nation treatment in relation to other foreign capital. E/PC/T/118 page 3 This thesis, which seems attractive at first sight, presents nevertheless a very serious danger in view of the difference in economic potential of the various countries. A rich country would be able to make much bigger investments than economically weaker countries and it is clear that the influence on domestic economy may be much greater in the case of very considerable capital coming from a rich country than in the case of a relatively small amount of capital from a country with a weaker economic potential. And this reminds us of the classical story of the horse and tho lark. Take an industry which, in any case, cannot be considered vital,(e.g. sock-suspenders, coca cola). If, as a result of the importation of foreign capital, such an industry develops abnormally, it may become a disruptive element by absorbing too large a quantity of fuel, labour, raw materials, etc. We consider that the only reasonable solution would be for holders of capital for investment to have en expect knowledge of the actual situation in the countries where they wish to invest, and the precise aims of the economic policy of these countries. In this way they could know in what branches of economic activity they could invest with the maximum security and yield, i.e. that their investments would harmonise with snd further the policy of the borrowing country instead of running counter to it. There might be, for example, a system of vises issued by the economic authorities of the country of investment, testifying thet the investment was in conformity with the political and economic aims of the country in question. This solution must not, however, be confused with that of official publication of conditions of investment, which might produce a sort of discriminatory policy on the part of lender States towards States which declined to adopt a sufficiently conciliatory attitude. In order to enlighten lender States, the ITO might assemble all the necessary documentation.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Secretariat
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 6, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/89 and E/PC/T/66-91
UNRESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/89 AND ECONOMIQUE 6 June 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: FRENCH- SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. NOTE BY THE SECRETARIAT The attached comments and suggestions relating to the text of the Draft Charter as contained in E/PC/T/34 --have been received from M. Duret, representative of the - World Federation of Trade Unions. In accordance with the established procedure the attached paper will be considered, in the first instance, by the ConsuLtative Committee (Non-Governnental Organizations). UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/89 page 2. AMENDMENTS TO THE I.T.O. DRAFT CHARTER PROPOSED BY THE WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS ARTICLE 3. We propose the addition of the following phrase at the end of Article 3 : "by the systematic application of a policy of full employment". Our propossl is based on the following considerations: We note, with disappointment, that the work of the New York Draftin- Committee has been based only to a very slight extent on the Report of the First Sussion of the Conference in London. The term "full employment" is used only once, incidentally, in Article 4. In our opinion, it is far less important to establish whether genuine full employment is really feasible than to take a stand for or a-ainst a policy, the general implications off which are well-known, and which is designed to achieve the maximum development of productive resources while avoiding through a rational policy of economic planning and redistribution of purchasing power the otherwise inevitable crises. The W.F.T.U. has defined a full employment policy capable of very wide application and valid for all the nations whose workers it represents. We are re-stating a thesis which we have put forward on mary previous occasions. In some countries, the most advanced economically, the crux of the problem is to guarantee regular employment for the whole of the labour force. The pre-requi3ites of this policy seam to be the restriction of working hours and a simultaneous increase in the wages paid to workers. A general policy of re-distributing purchasing power must also be adopted, for without such a policy there cannot be a stable and steady expansion and a more equitable distribution of the national income. In other countries, sometimes called the economically backward countries, the problem assumes a different form. In such countrics it aay be impossible to regard the position as satisfactory even though all the available resources of manpower are fully ernployed. Indeed, if the protective measures used are out of date, an abseilce of visible unemployment can exist side by side with a very low level of national income and wretched living conditions for the population as a whole. In such countries, even in the absence of mrirked unemployment, there is nevertheless latent or concealed unemployment against which action must be taken. In such countries therefore a full employ- ment policy consists in the maximum expansion of the national in- come, the provision of modern equipment and at the same time the effective employnient of manpower on this new basis. It is most essential that such countries should be able progressively to close the present gap between their economic development and that of the countries most advanced economically. What is required therefore is a complete reversal of the present tendency, for during the last twenty years this gap, on the contrary, steadily tended to become wider. E/PC/T/89 page 3. Lastly, there are countries whose potential.ecohomic development is greatly in.excess of their reserves of manpower and which cannot, therefore, employ their productive potential ta the full without the introduction of foreign labour. The ecor.omic development of such countries has, moreover, frequently been-retarded - especially since the war and enemy occupation - by a shortage of equipment and raw materials. The aim of a full employment policy should, therefore, be to place at their disposal greater resources of nianpower and more up-to.-date equipment which, by enabling them to develop their productive potential and expand their national income will be a valuable contribution ta international trade. A full employment policy of the kind I have described therefore has very wide implications. In all countries it implies a policy of increasing the national income and redistributing purchasing power in favour of the working classes. It also demands a redistribution of purchasing power between the different countries of the world, rich and poor, vihich in *turn requires a comprehensive system of international loans. We have already asked whether our ideas correspond ta those of the other '21embers of the Conferencb. We are putting the same question again for it is our wish that che need for the systematic application by all countries or a policy of full employment. We duly emphasised we would draw attention to the resolution on employment and economic development adopted by tne Econom!.c and Council on 28 March 1947, which stresses the need for action "ta maintain world full Eg&ployment and economic stability'. In our opinion, paragraph 2 of Article 3 should be reworded as follows: * memberss recognize that a distinction must be made between action to promote full employment when unemployment or * result from the lack of effective deniand, and action which is appropriate when. as ih devastated areas or undeveloped or under-developed` countries, the obstacle is the deficiency of certain factors such as equipment, fuel and raw materials which are necessary to employ productively the aveilble zuply of labour. Where this is the case, the regulAr excPMjnge of informa- tion and views among Membars snall be suppiemnr.ted by international action.' Our amendment is designed to establish a ai.stirction between countries able ta carry out a policy of full employment through the use of their own resources, ..nd countries which must for this purpose rely mainly on assistance frois abroad. In the main, our amenrment merely reproduces cpat of the Economic and Social Ccuncil's resolution or employment and economic deve1opmnivc, cf 28 March 194j. (E/PC/T/56) E/PC/T/89. page 4. ARTICLE 4 We propose the two following amendments to paragraph 2 of Article 4: "(a) All the provisions of this Charter are to be interpreted in the light or the necessity-of carrying out a policy of full employment on the international scale. (b) In the choice of such measures each Member shall seek to avoid creating balance-of.-payments difficulties for other countries." In our view, thase amendments are justified by the following considerations: (a) In accordance with the opinions which we have many times expressed in the course of this Conference, the achieve- ment of full employment must constitute the essential objective or the I.T.O., an objective to which all others must be subordinate. (b) We prefer the text drawn up in London to the New York wording. This second version might well give rise to what, in our opinion, would be a dangerous interpretation. It might induce the belief that States adhering to the I.T.O. should adopt a very different policy towards Members from that which they adopt towards non-Meembers. Further, the New York text sees indirectly to take a definite stand on the tenor oe Article 36, which has so far been kept out of the discussion. We believe that disequilibrium in the balance of payments, even among non-Member states would be harmful to the expansion of international trade. Sooner or later, directly or indirectly, Membar countries would feel the ill-effects of this disequilibrium. A definite choice must be made between the concept of the universality oe world trade which seemed to be that held by the promoters of the Charter, and that of the partition or world trade which would inevitably lead to a "bloc" policy. ARTICLE 5 We propose that the present terms of Article 5 be modified as follows: "Members, recognising that all countries have a. common interest in the maintenance of fair labour standards, related to the productivity of each country, agree to take whatever action may be useful and feasible: (a) to eliminate sub-standard conditions of labour in all sectors of Production; (b) to improve la',cur conditions in proportion to the national productivity of the country in question. E/PC/T/89. page 5. "Members recognise that expansion of production shall in no case involve a reduction in the wage-earners' share of the total national income". Wages in industries producing for export, and wages in industries producing for the domestic market are closely inter- dependent. Members must be prevented from following a low wage policy in any industry, for by so doing they are practising what is in tact a social dumping. Naturally wages cannot be fixed at the same level in all Member States; historic and economic factors conditioning the national income., etc., must be taken into full account, but there too it is essential to reverse the general tendency and consider the relative importance Or the wage-earners' share in the national income. Member States must avoid any reduction in the wage-earners' share or the total real income. ARTICLE 6, 6A and 7 We propose the following amendment to Article 6 "Members with a consistently adverse balance or payments shall undertake to correct the maladjustment by appropriate action, The main contribution to the re-adjustment shall, however, be made by those countries whose consistently favourable balance of payments exerts pressure on the economies of States with an adverse balance. States with a consistently favourable balance of payments shall, within a reasonable period, take appropriate measures toi correct the maladjustment." We propose that this be followed by an Article 6 (a) worded thus "Recognising that it is more important and more. efficacious to forestall a deflationary crisis than to restriot its affects, Members shall undertake to prepare the necessary machinery for this purpose and to set it in motion at the appropriate time". We propose the following amendment to Article 7 "Should a crisis nevertheless arise,. the Organizatin shall prescribe discriminatory measures against the exports of countries affected by the depression whose balance of payments is con- sistently favourable. Countries affected by the crisis shall take appropriate measures to endeavour to attain a true economic adJustment." It is difficult to elaborate an economic theory based on the definition or fundamental disequilibrium in the balance of payments advanced by the "CambridgeSchool". It is more useful to define the relative importance or disequilibrium in the balance of payments or difrerent-States where some small countries have an adverse balance over a long period and soma large States a consistently favourable-one. In such cases the two categories or States injure each other and prevent the expansion of international trade. :;/[,0/1/89 Page 6 But how is responsibility to be allocated as between the different States? It depends on their'size and relative power and on the specific importance of their., economy to world economy. In present circuxstanceà the 'excessive fàvourable balances of certain large countries may be regarded as the trtin reason for the fundamental disequilibrium of international trade. Correction of this disequilibrium is now the pririary necessity. The W.FT.U. groups the labour organizations of countries with favourabla balances as woll as of those with adverse balances and is guided solely by the logic of impartial analysis.: - -The appropriAte measures for correctizig a2fundrn.ont.l disequilibrium in the balance of pyiz.onts are enuaerated in the Report of thù Früparatory Coiniittue as follows: "Th, stimulation of imports or the r;e.ov.a of special oncouragemonts te exports, "an appreciation Of the country's exchingo rte, "an upw-ard revision oe its internal price and cost structure, ".an;incre1scG in fere±gn investirent etc."" io would add te thase, and this is . point to which we attach tho utmost iiAportanco, systematic application of the policy of full employment, redistribution of income, and increased purchasing power of the masses. This is'not.just a slogan but a definite econoi.i^c policy. It is only by the systematic application of such a policy th-t'the b;)llace of payments can be.adjusted and u'deflationQry crisis. fxon over- production prevented. Vie boliovo, in spito of :-;ppeuruncos, that it is easier to prevent an over-production crisis thJirn to have to overcome it and restrict its ufft''cts. That is:why we stilil.regret thot certain propos::ls of the Prepar~.tory Coxaitteo.vvere not retained. Tho Preparatory Coemaittee propc-ed 'rthe.synohroni- sation of credit policies se as te easa turïns of. borrowing over a wide area in oe general dcflationary pressure, arranga7ients te promote stability in the inc ..e, and sa in tho buying powtr, of producers of prir-ry products, the timing of axpund!ture on .capital projects and the ia flow of' capital in periods of world deflationary pressure to tfïose co;ntri4eswhose btilancé of payrnents neads tonporary support in order to.onabl6 them te maintain their domtûstic policies for full :nd productive employrm.Ott". .,ie believe thut these proposals could be supplcDr-iontod by preparing in adv-ince pl:-ns te be put into effect if i depression thrcataned te spread froz: an important country te other countries. àuch plans should preferably be financed under guiranteu frori the MIer.bers of the Organiz:-tion. This system would rnean adopting, on.-the international .plane, thc domestic policy fallowei. by fitztes for securing stability by h3stening the application of plans and developing E/PC/T/89 page 7 new scharàus to prevent ui falling-off in demand. Countries with .% strained bnl.nce of pay,:eants position, but hich are not undeveloped countries a.nd merely naed foreign capital, would thus be able to correct such i!nlâdjustr,ûnts, without resorting to jieasures which right. endcXnger their iiiin prosperity or that of other countries. Definite provisions shoulv7 be prepared and incorporate6l in tha Charter. These rules should ba c1esirsnud, in the event of an in- creasod demand resulting from international investment to direct a proportion of thc ordJ.ors to ,industrialised countries with an adverse balance of payments, so as to enable them to correct the def'ioit. * Countries suffering from a slur.ip rust pursue an active policy ::inst de;nrssion. Tho 1929 crisis proved taat de- pressions are not followed by automatic recovery. If a great nation suffering from a slurmp insiste. on believing in economic aut.omatisa -and allowed the slunip to continue, it would spread across tha world a.nd the expected recovery would not take place; hence the neo;tl frr active measures against depression, the raOst striking example of which ivzs Prosidont Roosevalt's New Deal. The policy of full employ.nent Irovides the surest means Or forestalling a crisis; wh 'ver zy have baen said on this subject, it is only a police planned economy and purchasing power that car put an end pDression. If ail these measures were insufficient to prevent gpression front spreading, some procedure should be established for multi-lateral action against the exports of countries which, though not subject to any strain in their balance of puy:aunts, suffered from de- pression and fr±llin- prices. The unilateral action provided for in Article 7 in roa:rd to sLfeguards fcr countriessubject to external dalfatienery pressure, tk.en in conjunction with Articles 34 and 35 regarding protective action and consult.tlon, would, in genarâl, allow countries whose industry worked ex- clusively for thi domestic market to be protected ...gainst external pressure. Such protection would be insufficient for the majority of industri'lise countries whose exports had to compete in other markets lth the eHergçncy of countries suffering from a depression. It would be insufficient because othar countries migxt not wish, or might not even be in a position, te apply Article 7. 'k:! therefore recomieond that .the Organization itself should decide on general discrimina- tion by ail Memnbers against the exports of -- country suffering front a depression, but with a consistently favourable balance of payments. In conclusion, wa revrert to the need, in order to ensure economic stability, of increasing tho direct or indirect sharc of the working :-asses in the national income, increasad productivity being t..cen into account. In this connection Soction B of Chapter 1, part 2 of the Rzport and article e 6 of the Draft Charter, are inadequate. E/PC/T/3-J rage 8 CHAPTER 4: Article 9: We propose that the following sentence be added at the end of this article; providedd it is accompanie(À by a clear-sighted and rational economic and social policy". The classico" colonial policy, uhile it brought technical progrc:- to backward countries, usually led alo tc all kinds of disturbances and even great puverty. Dislocation of their natural economy and tf primitive institutions, when brought into contact with oapitalist economy, is a very painful process. A clear- sighted and rational economic and social policy is indispensable to tide over the period of transition and to ensure that economic development is accompanied by increased prosperity and well-being. A policy of large-scale capital investment may greatly accelerate economic evolution. Care must, however, be taken to prevent such an investment policy from becoming a menns of exerting pressure, either hn the occupying country, or on the native population. .Article 10: After the word "productiyity" we ask that the words "and employment" be inserted, since the twc terms are not synonymous. Article 11: Paragraphs 1 and 2 - Co-&peratimn by the World Federation of Trade Unions, which unites 71 million workers, seems tu us indispensable to the promotion of industrial end general economic development. Apart from its moral authority, the W.F.T.U, represents tha "labour" element withoit which any productive etfort is impossible. We therefore ask that after the words "inter-governmental organizationss " te added the words, "l'nd the W.F.ToU." Article 12: Paragraph 1 - Wt ask that the wcr a"labeur" be added after the words "managerial skill". Paragraph 2 - We should like a definition oe the term "unreasonable action". Is nationalization an unreesonable action? We also request elucidation of Article 61, paragraph C. Are elements "brought from one country to another", to hesve equel treatment or special treatment? Does it mean equitable application of the laws of the country or a special régime which would be a preferential one?
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note by the Working Party on Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T 52 and E/PC/T/44-66
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T 52 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL 23 April 1947 SECOND SESS ION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT 5 NOTE BY THE WORKING PARTY ON TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS Consultation with Delegations concerning dates on which Submission of Requests ond Exchanges of of- fers are due. The Working Party, at its mo-ting on April 23, discussed arrangements for consulting with Delega- tions as the scheduled dates approach, in order that the Working Party might have regulorly at its dis- posal the up-to-date information required for its affective operation, including the submission of progress reports to the Chairman's Committee (Hesds of Delegations). The Working Party has accordingly authorised the Deputy Executive Secretary to check each day on its behalf, with the Delegations concerned re- garding requests scheduled to be submitted or offers scheduled to be exchanged on that day in order to confirm that the schedule is being maintained or improved. In this connection, the Working Party would advise Delegations that, in its view, the Working Party is not authorised to revise to significantly later dates the dotes scheduled in the two annexures to Document E/PC/T/47 as approved by the Proparatory Committee in executive session on April 22. Although the Working Party will be prepared to discuss suggested changes with Delegations, any material postponement of dates would have to be referred by the Working Party to the Chairmen's Committee (Heads of Delegations) for approval before any such revision of the present schedule is made. The Working Party will report on any such requests in its periodic reports to the Chairman's Committee. NATI ONS UNI ES
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note for Insertion in Australian Schedule
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/264 and E/PC/T/228-267
R ESTRI CTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/264 AND FCONOMIQUE 23 October 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note for Insertion in Australian Schedule The following communication has been received by the Secretariat from the Leader of the Australian Delegation: 23 October 1947 Dear Sir, I have received an instruction from the Governmrent of the Commonwealth of Australia to insert a Note in the following terms at the head of Part II of Schedule I:- '!Rates of duty appearing in Part II, against which an asterisk in parenthesis - (*) - appears, are scheduled for the purpose establishing the maximum margin of preference permissible in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 3 of Article I of this Agreement, and the inclusion nf any such rate in Part II is not to be regarded as binding the preCerential rate in respect of anr product so scheduled" I should be glad accordingly if you would circulate a copy of this letter to the delegations now present at Geneva an& to the Chalrman of the Tariff Negot'ations Working Party. It should be noted that the Note in question is of interest only to countries having preferential relations with the Commonwealth of Australia. Yours faithfully, Signed: C. E. Morton. Leader of Australian Delegation UNI TED NATI ONS NATIONS', UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from Australian Delegation regarding Non-Discriminatory Quantitative Regulations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 10, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/247 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCiL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/247 10 October 1947 ORIGINA.L: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note from Australian Delegation regarding Non-Discriminatorv Quantitative Regulations Arising from Document E/PC/T/221, the following statement has been lodged with the Secretariat by the Australian Delegation: "In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6 of Article 18 of the Gencral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the Australian Delegation reports the existence of quantitative restrictions in force on lst September, 1947, which the Australian Govornment proposes to maintain. The relative details are as follows: Product - Plain Clear Sheet Glass. Nature of the Measure - A quantitative restriction on the total volume of annual imports, PurPose of the Measure - The assurance of a minimum Australian industry. local market to the, Yours faithfully, Sïgned: C.L. Hewïtt. Secretary, Australian Trade Delegat on.. NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from Indian Delegation
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/241 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/241 Original: ENGLISH 9 October 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT, Note from indian Delegation Arising from E/PC/T/221, the following statement has been lodged with the Secretariat by the Indian Delegation: "With reference to paragraph 6 of Article XVIII of tiLe Draft General Agreement (E/PC/T/2'l+, Add. i Rev. 1) the Indian Delegation wish to report the existence in force in India of the undermentioned non-discriminatory measure, which. was introduced before the lst September, 1947. The Trade Conference Secretariat is requested to bring this to the notice of the other contracting parties in accordance with the provisions contained in the Article referred to above. Name of Droduct Grinding wheels and Segments Nature of measure Prohibition of imports of grinding wheels and segments of the same quality as the products of the local industry. The measure is being enforced through administrative action, Purpose Development of the domestic Grinding wheel and Segment industry. B. N. BANERJI Member-Socretary. "
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from Indian Delegation
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/242 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL RSTRICTED E/PC/T/242 9 October 1947 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EPMPLOYMENT. Note from Indian Delegation regarding Non- Discriminatory Measure in Force in Pakistan. Arising from E/PC/T/221, the following stament has been lodged with the Secretariat by the Indian Delegation: "With reference to paragraph 6 of Article XVIII of the Draft General Agreement (E/PC/T/214 Add.l Rev.l) the Indian Delegation wish to report the existence in force in Pa'kistan of the undermentioned non-discriminatory measure, which-was introduced before the lst Sentember, 1947. The Trade Conference Secretariat is requested to bring this to the notice of the other contracting parties in accordance with the provisions contained in the Article referred to above." "Name of product Nature of measure Grinding wheels Prohibition of and Segments imports of grinding wheels and segments of the same quality as the products of the local industry. The measure is being en- forced through admini- strative action. Purpose Development of the domestic Grinding wheel and Segment industry, Signed: B.N. Banerji Member-Secretary. " NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from Norwegian Delegation regarding Non-Discriminatory Quantitative Regulations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 10, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/246 and E/PC/T/228-267
ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/246 AND ECONOMIQUE 10 October 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOIN SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note from Norwegian Delegation regarding Non-Discriminatory Quantitative Regulations. Arising from document E/PC/T/221, the following statement has been lodged with the Secretariat by the Norwegian Delegation "Referring to Doc. E/PC/T/221, and to paragraph 6 of Article XVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, I beg to inform you that in Norway quantitative regulations, imposed for the establishment, development or reconstruction of particular industries or particular branches of agriculture, are at present applied on the following products Lard Shortening butter Evaporated milk Dried milk Salted mutton Sawn timber and plane boards of softwood Plywood Feeding stuffs Molasses Products of whale Certain seeds Lower bulbs Potatoes Mixed fertiliser Superphosphate Oysters Owing to the limited time ït is not possible to state whether all of the regulations mentioned above will be maintained. Yours sincerely, Signed : Paal Bog, Secretary, Norwegian Delegation.1 UNITED NATIONS NAITIONS UNIES.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from tae Secretariet Concerning COrrigendum to the Report of the Second Session (E/PC/TZ186)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 30, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/222 and E/PC/T/214/ADD.1/REV.1-228
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/222 AND ECONOMIQUE 30 September 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE GINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL AL: ENGLISHGINU: ENGLXSH SECONDH SESSION OF TE OMMPARETORY CHEMITTIE OF Ta UNITED NATIONS CONFEDENCE ON TRACE AND EMLOYMENT. Note from tae Secretariet Concerning COrrigendum to the Report of the Second Session , /~, ( E/PC/TZ186 ) The Socretariat is proposing to issue a corrigendum sheet within the next few days incorporating significant corrections whiche have been dawn to itconcerningn ooncerning the printed text of the Draft Charsheet This conet will onotain the following corrigenda: Page 24; paragraph 5 of Article 22 Ti words "under paofgraph 2 Of Article 18" should read "ulder paragraph 3 and 4 of Article 18". Page 24; para oaph 1(a) cf Article 23 The following worbs should he added at the end of the last fentence oe this paragraph in the French text after the word "d6rogatïons" in order to render the Freglishnd En,1ish texts comparable: "Afin dê ne pas g8ner la reéchangess changes raltilatS eux."' Page 62; Annex D The title of this Annex should be changed to read: "LIST OF TERRITORIES REFERREARAGRAPH P AGRAPI 2(b) OF ARTICLE 16 AS RESPECTS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"' If Delegations have discovered other similar points which they consider to be of sufficient importance to warrant theïr inclusion in the correction sheet the Secretariat would be grate- ful to receive such corrections by noon Friday, October 3.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from the Belgium-Luxembourg Delegation Article 24 (1) (a)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/300 and E/PC/T/W/261-306
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/300 AND ECONOMIQUE 15 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNClL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT NOTE FROM THE BELGIUM-LUXEMBOURG DELEGATION ARTICLE 24 (1) (a). In conjunction with the report of the Sub-Committee on Articles 14, 15 and 24, the Belgium-Luxembourg Delegation wishes to draw attention to the suggestion which it made in the course of the debates in sub-committee, with a view to attaining compromise. It suggested that the present text of 24 (1) (a) should be replaced by the following: "Prior international obligations shall not be permitted to stand in the way of negotiations with respect to preferences, it being understood that such international obligations may have to be modified or terminated in accordance with their terms in order to a dapt them to the agreements resulting from the above-mentioned negotiations." DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI NOTE PAR LA DELEGATION BELGO-LUXEMBOURGEOISE ARTICLE 24 (1) (a). A la suite du rapport du sous-comité sur les Articles 14, 15 et 24, la Délégation Belgo-Luxembourgeoise signale qu' elle avait suggéré, à titre de compromis, pendant les discussions du sous-comité, la texte suivants pour remplacer l'alinéa 24 (1) (a): "Les obligations internationales antérieures ne devront pas entraver les négociations relatives aux préférences, étant entendu que ces dites obligations internationales auront éventuellement à être modifiées ou dénoncées conformément à leurs dispositions propres, afin de les adapter aux accords résultant des nego- ciations visées ci-dessus."
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from the Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 16, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/177 and E/PC/T/169-178
UNITED NATIONS RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/177 AND ECONOMIQUE 16 August 1947 ORIGINAL :ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Note from the Executive Secretary Concerning Chapter III - "Employment and Economic Activity" At its 16th meeting, Commission A approved an English language text of Chapter III. It was indicated on that occasion that certain changes would be required to render the Fronch language text equivalent to the English text. (See E/PC/T/A/PV/16 and E/PC/T/A/SR/16). Since that time the Legal Drafting Committee has completed its examination of both the French and English language texts and has presented its suggested version of each text in E/PC/T/166. In view of the apparently non-controversial nature of the changes suggested by the Legal Drafting Committee, the Secre- tariat would propose to use the text proposed by the Legal Draft- ing Committee in compiling the text of the entire Charter for the final plenary meetings of the Second Session, If any Delegations feel that the alterations suggested by the Legal Drafting Committee require discussion in Commission, they should advise the Secretariat by noon Monday, August 18. If further Commission discussion is considered necessary, the Secretariat would propose either that it should take place in Commission A on Monday evening after the completion of Articles 14, 15 and 24 or that a special meeting of Commission A should be arranged for Tuesday morning. NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from the Secretariat
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 16, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/200 and E/PC/T/196-209
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/200 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 16 September 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note from the Secretariat As indicated by the Chairman at the meeting of the Tariff Agreement Committee on Tuesday, Delegations are urged to supply the Central Secretariat on Wednesday, September 17, with the information requested in E/PC/T/195. The Central Secretariat and Socretaries of Delagations will meet to discuss mechanical details relating to the production of the schedules from 9.30 to 10,30 a.m. on Thursday, September 18, and from 9.30 to 10.30 on Friday, September 19, in Committee Room VIII. At that time, if the Central Secretariat has received the information requested in E/PC/T/195, it should be possible to clarify various points relating to preparations which Delegations and the Central Secretariat are making for tho production of the Schedules. DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI DE L'ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES Note du Secrétariat Comme l'a indiqué le Président, à la séance de mardi du Comité charge de l'examen de l'Accord sur les Tarifs douaniers, les délégations sont invitées à fournir d'urgence au Secréta- riat central, la mercredi 17 septembre, les renseignaments demandés dans le document E/PC/T/195. Le Secrétariat central et les Secrétaires de délégation se réuniront pour examiner les details techniques relatifs à la presentation des listes, de 9 h. 30 à 10 h. 30, le jeudi 18 september et de 94 h. 30 à 10 h. 30, la vendredi 19 septembre, dans la salle de Commission No. VIII. A ce moment, si la So- cr6tariat central a reçu les renseignements demandés dans le document E/PC/T/195, il sera sans doute possible de préciser différents points concernant les préparatifs auxquels procèdent les Délégations et le Secrétariat Central on vue de la pré- sentation des listes.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from the Steering Committee on Charter Discussions
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 16, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/83 and E/PC/T/W/82-124
RESTRICTED UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES ECQNOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/83 AND ECONOMIQUE 16 May 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT NOTE FROM THE STEERING COMMITTEE ON CHARTER DISCUSSIONS With reference to the Executive Secretary's previous memoranda concerning the advance submission of amendments to Articles of the Draft Charter (E/PC/T/DEL 24 and 31), the Steering Committee requests all Delegations to submit to Room 220 in the Secretariat by noon, Saturday, May 17, any amendments which they plan to propose to Chapter III beyond those already indicated in the Draft Annotated Agenda for that Chapter (E/PC/T/70) in order that such proposed amendments may be Included in a revised agenda to be issued Saturdday afternoon. It is proposed by the Steering Committee that the discussion on Chapter III should commence at 11.00 a.m., Monday morning, May 19. .IONS NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from the Tariff Negotitations Working Party
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 16, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/338 and E/PC/T/W/307-344
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/338 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 16 September 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note from the Tariff Negotitations Working Party At the request of the Head of the Norwegian Delegation, the Tariff Negotiations Working Party has given consideration to the question of the earliest date on which the Final Act cculd be signed. In examining this question, the Working Party has taken account of the progress of tariff negotiations and has noted also the recommendation in E/PC/T/197 concerning the date for notification of measures under paragraph 6 of Article XVIII. The Working Party has come to the conclusion that October 15 should be established as the earliest date on which the Final Act could be signed. Accordingly, the Tariff Negotiations Working Party recommends that every effort should be made to conclude the tariff negotiations so that the Final Act can be signed about that date.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note from tho Lebano/Syrian Customs Union to the Secretariat
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 10, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/248 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NAITIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/248 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 10 October 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE Original: FRENCH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION 0F THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Note from tho Lebano/Syrian Custorms Union to the Secretariat. The following statement referring to Document E/PC/T/221 has bean submitted to the Secretariat by the Lebano/Syrian Customs Union: "In accordance with the provisions of Article XVIII, paragraph 6, of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, I wish to notify the other contracting parties that, under Article 41 of the Customs Code in force in Syria and Lebanon, the Syrian and Lebanese Governments are both empowered to impose quantitative restrictions of a general economie nature for industrial or agricultural purposes. Attached is the list of products in respect of which non-discriminatory protective creatures have, for these purposes, been adopted in Syria and Lebanon, together with a statement of the reasons therefor. It must be clearly understood that our reply will in no way prejudice aur freedom of action an the Havana Conference, and .-., 'i; to put forward or maintain reservations in regard to the provisions of the Article in the Draft Charter which corresponds to Article XVIII oa the Agreement. Paris, 8 October 1947 (Signad) IZZAT TRIBOULSI For the Syrian and Lebanese Delega tions ' E/PC/T/248 Page 2 PRODUCTS IN RESPECT 0F WHICH NON-DISCRIMINATORY PROTECTIVE MEASURES HAVE BEEN IMPOSED. Type: Q, antit:'4:ive Resrictians 1~. ?'le2.sures A.roptcd. for thbe estc.blhment of Parttemliar J½n.nches of Jnclostrv: t..ri ff Item 122 ec 123 417 & 435 663 to 681 966 & 967 Chap XI) 755 to 82 1,25 32 134 1.36 14O ta 144 152 to 160 192 2 9 Ex 308 320 329 340 35" to 357 Sugar and coeifectionery Paper and cardboard and wares of paper and cardboard Glass and glassware Plsti c Materias 2. 1'easLrcs Adonted for toe Delo ment of Part.,icu].r- ~B;-ar-ches: 4.- ca I nda.str l Milling products, malt, starch and fecula Confectionery Choaclate and articles made of chocolate Macaroni, spaghetti and similar products Pastry anrd b.s ccu.its Preserved fruit Beverages and alcoholic 1ïquids, including beer Cement Perfuincry a.nd cosmetic arLcLes (Xicàudaïig tooth-p.s5t-s and mouùlhwaLShes) Paints Soaps Glues oa animal origin Matches T>;iiW,: ^; - -,d!; s':-.ns Tariff Item No. 358 to 365 Ex 377 & 379 393 398 401 to 405 443 to 446 447 to 461 469 to 492 507 to 517 518 to 521 522 to 526 527 to 5'4O 542 551 te 561 566 580 to 583 600 to 606 641 Ex 755 EX 755 & Ex 768 & 769 86o 975 & 976 969 & 970 765 68 55 to 62 70 to 74 518 to 521 E/PC/T/248 Page 3 Manufactures of leather Rubber soles Plywood Toinery work for building Articles made of wood Natural silk thread Fabrïcs of natural silk, pure or mixed Fabrics of artificial silk, artficial silk waste, - .d artificial textile fibres, pure or mixed Fabrics of wool, horsehair or other animal hair Cotton Cotton thread or yarn Cotton fabrics, pure or mixed Hemp Fabrics of flax, hemp or ramie, pure or mixed Cabling, cordage and twine of hemp Hosiery Footwear Tiles of cement Articles of tinplate (sheet iron) Metal beds Copper articles Electric batteries Games and toys for children Brushes B.- of Agriculture Wheat, spelt and meslin Edible fruits Rice, barley, maize, millet Cotton E/PEC/T/248 Page 4 Tariff Item No. 839 Ex 841 844 to 845 (1) Ex 855 Ex 855 Il Il il i il hi Il 1 3.- Products in respect of which guantitative restrictions have been imposed for the purpose of coordinating the establishment and recon- struction of particular branches of industry Machines for the production of cold " " manufacture of footwear spinning, twisting and weaving the manufacture of stockings and socks "l "l " " "beer "l "l " preparation of oxygen " " " " acetylene " " " manufacture of hosiery Il Il "matches il. H preparation of alcohol Subsequent to the receipt of the above list, ws have received the following message (dated 9 October 1947) from the Minister Plenipotentiary, Kead of the Lebanese delegation to the Preparatory Committee: "Following on the note dispatched from Paris, on 8 October 194+7, by the Lebano-Syrian Customs Union to the Secretariat, I wish to inform you that I have received a telegram from my Government, stating that'a supplementary list of products in respect of which non-discriminatory measures have been imposed in Lebanon and Syria, was dispatched by air mail front Beirut on 6 OctoiDr7 194+7 and will reach Berne on the llth or 12th of the same month. As soon as I receive this list I shall be pleased to communicate it to you." 1) French text: 842
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note on arrangements for Final Meeting
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 17, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/225 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC /T/425 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 17 October 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Note on arrangements for Final Meeting. The final meeting of the Second Session of the Preparatory Comnittee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment will be held in public session in the Council Chamber of the Palais des Nations at 1000 a.m. on October 30, 1947. Mr. Suetens (Belgium), the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee, will preside. Those Vice-Chairinen of the Preparatory Committee who are in Geneva at the time, and the Secretary, will sit to the right and left of Mr. Suetens. 1. The proceedings will commence with an address by the Chairman. During the course of his remarks he will refer to the size and scope of the tariff negotiations which have taken place in Geneva and the significance of the General Agreement on Tarif`fs and Trade embodying the results of the tariff negotiations. It is proposed to circulate beforehand. copies in both languages of the Chairman's speech, so that interpretation will not be necessary. 2. The Chairman will then call upon the chairman of the sub-committee of the Tariff Agreement Committee on credentials to submit his report. 3, The Chairman will then announce that the Final Act is open for signature and will call upon each representative in alphabetical order to advance and sign the Final Act which will be oDen for signature on a table placed in front of the E/ PC/T/.'255e page 2 Chairman. Th. Te Chairmanr wïll then announce that the Protocol nf± Provisional Applicati.on is opon for signature and will call upon the r&presCntatJves of those countries wiho havo expressed theïr desire to slgn the Protocol at Genova to advance and sign the Protocol in their alphabetical order. 5. After this the Chairman will announce that signature will take place of any special bilateraal agreemrnnts or exchanges of notes arising out of the si,, Ature either of thl Final Act or Of the Protocol of Provisional Application. Dc4.legations will be asked to advise the Socrctariat in advance of such agreements nr exchanges of notes as they n;ay wish to sign at Geneva. The representatives o? tho countries concerned will take Possession of the agreements or notes exchaingod immediately upon being handed such document by the represeritative of the other country concerr.ed and it will not be necessary to leave a copy with the Secretariat unles theo Dcolgn.tion so desires. The proceedings xqill conclude with a. few;w brie? remarks of the Chairman, who will then declare torrninated the wiork of the Preparatory Comnmittoe o? the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment,.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note sent to the Secretariat by the Delegation of the United States of Brazil
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 11, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/252 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/252 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL 11 October 1947 _________________________ Original: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note sent to the Secretariat by the Delegation of the United States of Brazil. The following statement referring to document E/PC/T/221 has been transmitted to the Secretariat by the Delegation of Brazil: "The Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Delegation presents his compliments to the Deputy Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Committee of the Conference on Trade and Employment and regrets to inform him that the Delegation of Brazil is still awaiting instructions concerning the communication provided for under paragraph 6 of Article XVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The Delegation of Brazil will lose no time in transmitting any relevant information it may be called upon to furnish on the subject. Geneva, 10 October 1947." NATIONS UNIES
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note sent to the Secretariat by the Lebano-Syrian Customs Union
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 11, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/251 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/251 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL. FRENCH. SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPAY.ATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note sent to the Secretariat by the Lebano-Syrian Customs Union. The following statement referring tn document E/PC/T/221, has been transmitted to the Secretariat by the Lebano-Syrian Customs Union. The whole should be read in conjunction with document E/PC/T/248, of 10 October. "Sir, Further to my letter, reference 793/b, of 9. October 1947, I attach the list of products in respect of which non-discriminatory protective measures have been imposed, which reached us today from Beirut. Minister Plenipotentiary Head of the Lebanese Delegation to the Trade and Employment Conference. LIST of products in respect of which non-discriminatory protective measures have been imposed. Type: Quantitative Restrictions Tariff Item Designation of Goods Remarks No. I - Measures adopted for the establishment of particular branches of industry. 122 Sugar NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/251 page 2. Tariff item Designation of Goods Remarks No. 417 to 435 663 to 681 ex 966 and ex 967 25 26 Chap. XI - 75 to 82 125 132 133 to 136 Chap. XX - 137 to 144 Chap. XXII - 152 to 161 178 192 319 ex 308 320 325 329 340 351 358 to 365 Paper and cardboard and wares of paper and cardboard Glass and glassware Articles of plastic materials II - Measures adopted for the development of particular OF INDUSTRY Butter Cheese Milling products: malt, starch and fecula Confeetionery Chocolate and articles made of chocolate Preparations with basis of flour or fecula Preparatiorns of vegetables or fruits Beverages, alcoholic liquids and vinegars Salt Cement Perfumery articles Paints for buildings Soap Candles and tapers Glues of animal origin Matches Tanned leather Manufactures of leather E/PC/T/251 page 3. Tariff Item Designation of Goods Remarks No. ex 379 393 ex 398-a 401 to )405 443 to 4L46 147 to 461 469 to 492 507 522 to 526 527 ta 540 566 580 to 583 Ch. LiV 6oo to 606 639 ex 755 768 to 769 86o 975 and 976 969 and 970 Ch. X - 68 to 74 55* to 62 518 Rubber soles P lywood Doors and windows Articles macle o' wood Natural silk thro&.d Fabrics of natural silk, pure or mixed Fabrics of artificial siljk, ot artificial silk waste and of textile fibres, pure or mïxed Woollen fabrics Cotton thread Cotton fabrics, pure or mixed Cabling, cordage and twine of hcofmp Hosiery Footwear Manufactures of cement and concrc te M.tal badsteads Copper articles Electric batteries Gamers and toys for children 13rushes B - 0F ACYRICULTURE Cercals Edible fruit Cotton E/PC/T/251 page 4. Tariff Item No. Designation of Goods Ch. XXIV - 171, 172 IIl - Products in respect of which Quantitative Restrictions have been imposed for the purpose of co-ordinating the establishment and reconstruc- tion of narticular branches of industry. Machines for the production of cold) Machine, for the manufacture of ) footwear ) ) Hosiery looms and knitting machines) Machines for the manufacture of ) beer ) Machinery and apparatus for the ) manufacture of matches ) Machinery ar.d apparatus for the preparation of oxygen Machinary and apparatus for the ) preparation of acetylene Machinary and apparatus for the preparation of alcohol ) Article 41 of the Cus- tons Code and Decision No. 682, dated 31 July 1947, of the "Con- seil Supé- rieur des Intérêts Communs". Tobacco Remarks 839 8>+1-a ex 845 ex 855-b 855-e ex 855-g ex 855-g cx 855-g
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note sent to the Secretariat by the Lebano-Syrian Customs Union
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 11, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/251 and E/PC/T/228-267
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Note to Delegations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/134 and E/PC/T/124-135
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL E/PC/T/134 23 July 1947 Original: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Note to Delegations The Third Plenary Session of the Inter-American Council of Trade and Production. has forwarded to the Chairman of the Pre- paratory Comaittee the following Resolution regarding the Draft Charter, requesting that it should be brought to the notice of Delegations: INTER-.AMERICAN COUNCIL OF TRADE AND PRODUCTION MONTEVIDEO THE COUNCIL Having considered the Draft International Charter on Trade and Employment sponsored by the United Nations and the advisability of drawing up directives for the development of the economy of the Americas DECLARES: 1. That in order to develop trade between nations two courses of procedure should be simultaneously adopted: the re- duction of customs barriers and of restrictions on foreign trade, and the increase of the purchasing power of peoples; 2. That in the establishment of the principles and fundamentals that should govern the organization of international trade, essential consideration should be given to the influence of international trade on the economic and social conditions of each country and vice versa; 3. That the organization of international trade should be carried out in a manner which takes account of the economic and social structure of each country, promoting the conditions neces- sary for the development and better exploitation of their respective UNRESTRICTED NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/134 page 2 material and human resources and increasing access to better conditions of life for all people; 4. That the industrialization of economically less developed nations should be accelerated on a basis of inter- national cooperation, as a means of raising the economic level of peoples; 5. That it is a function of international trade to reduce economic disparities among peoples, in a manner which permits the goods produced to have the widest possible distri- bution both in area and in depth so as to reach those sections of the population having the most limited resources; 6. That countries requiring a greater degree of in- dustrialization for their economic development should be allowed recourse to reasonable and non-discriminatory quantitative and qualitative import restrictions, when this is necessary, in order to achieve the following objectives: (a) to prevent disequilibrium in the balance of payments, (b) to assure the gradual liquidation of industries created or expanded during the war without sufficient economic foundation; 7. That access to products essential to the development of agriculture should be facilitated by the elimination or greatest possible reduction of customs duties or formalities; 8. That for reasons of equity and efficiency, an equal vote should be assured to all nations participating in the assembly of the International Trade Organization, AND REQUESTS THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: To inform by cable the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employ- ment (Geneva, April, 1947) of the foregoing declarations, and request that they be considered during the discussion of the Draft Charter for the said Organization.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Notice from the Norwegian Delegation
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/53 and E/PC/T/44-66
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/53 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL 23 April 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT NOTICE FROM THE NORWEGIAN DELEGATION As it appears that some delegations are not fully informed of the current surtaxes levied on imported good in Norway in addition to the rates ot the customs tariff, the Norwegian Delegation wants to refer to the excerpt below from the -tariff of 1946-47. Temporary Surtaxes: I. . In addition to the current customs duties including the tariff items mentioned under Preliminary Provisions) a temporary surtax of 50% is levied on all goods except the following items: Fruits 1.a. 1.b. " 1.c. 2.c. 2.d. 2.f. i 2.g. Vegetables 1.b. " Cork B.a.l. "l B.a.2. Nuts a. Rice in the husk, in bulk "l If "i "i packed " husked Wines 1.a. Il 1.b. * . 2.a. r;:. Further, the surtax is not levied on petrol-, kerosene- and rude oil motors, electric motors and generators, power threshers nor on other agricultural machines not specially Mentioned. nor on part of the said machines.. Il. In.addition to the import duties (including the tariff items mentioned under Preliminary Provisions and the temporary surtax mentioned in part I above) there shall be levied an extra- .ordinary surtax of 10% on the duties payable on sugar in accordance with tariff item "Sugar 1 and 2", 20% on "Spirits 1 and 2", "Cork B.a1., and 2" and "Wines 1.a.,1.b. and 2.a." 80% on tea and 33 1/3l ,:or all other goods except those specified in the last sentence of .part I. The Finance and Customs Department is empowered to reduce or to cancel the above extraordinary surtax in regard to duties oon- solidated by Conventions.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Notice from the Norwegian Delegation
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/53 and E/PC/T/44-66
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Notification of Final Offers
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 26, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/172 Add.2 and E/PC/T/169-178
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL NATIONS UNIES CONSEIL ECONOMIQU E ET SOCIAL RESTRICTED E/PC/T/172 Add.2. 26 October 1947. ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Notification of Final Offers In connection with the provision of marked con- solidated lists, the French Delegation has suggested the use of the following abbreviations in the French text. These are circulated for the information of other Delegations. AUSTRALIE ...... BENELUX ....... BRESIL ......... BIRMANIE ....... CANADA ........ CEYLAN ....,.... CHILI .......... CHINE .......... ETATS-UNIS INDE .......... PAKISTAN ....... NORVEGE ...... NOUVELLE-ZELANDE PALESTINE ...... RHODESIE DU SUD SYRIE-LIBAN .... TCHECOSLOVAQUIE . UNION SUD-AFRICAINE ............ ROYAUME-UNI .................... Au Bx Br Bi Cd Cy Ci Ce Us I p Nv Nz P1 Rh Si Ts Af Gb ............... ............... ............... ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Notification of Final Offers
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/172 Add.1.Rev.1 and E/PC/T/169-178
UNITED NA.TIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/172 Add.l.Rev.i. ECONOMIC CONSEIL 23 October 1947. AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESS ION OF THE PREPARATORY COMfiITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE A.ND EMPLOYMENT. Notification of Final. Offers With reference to Document E/PC/T/172 adv,1., several Delegations have questioned whether, w1hen they have sent copies of all cheir final bil,.eral lists to all other Delegations, it is also necessary for them to distribute consolidated lists showing ta which country each concession was granted. The Tariff Negotiations Working Party agrees that it is not essential to do this in cases where a Delegation has sent copies of . its bilateral lists te ail other Delegations, but feels nevertheless that it would be a great convenience ta Delegations te have the information in auéstion available in the consolidated form. The Working Party would therefore appreciate it if all Delegations would distribute marked consolidated lists, whether or not they have already circulated bilateral lists.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Notification of Final Offers
United Nations Economic and Social Council, [ca. 1947 - 1994]
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/172 Add.1 and E/PC/T/169-178
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND FCONOMIQUE E/PC/T/l?2 Add.l. SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL Original: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMYITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Notification of Final Offers. It has been brought to the attention of the Tariff Negtiations Working Pa.rty that not every delegation has complied with the request contained in document E/PC/T/172 that, on the completion of the bi-lateral stage of any negotiation, they should. send copies of the final bi-lateral list of concessions, not only to the Secretariat but also to all other delegations. The Working Party considers it desirable that, if possible, delegations should conform with this procedure, and has decided that, ir, any case, every delegation should, as soon as possible, and not later than December lst, 191+7, provide all other delegations wîth copies of their consolidated list, marking against each item, the country to which the concession was granted. NATIONS UNIES
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Notification of Non-Discriminatory Measures
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/256 Add.2 and E/PC/T/228-267
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/256 Add.2. AND ECONOMIQUE 22 October 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITEE OF THE UNITED NATTONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Notification of Non-Discriminatory Measures The following letter, dated 20 October 1947, has been received by the Chaïrman of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party from the Head of the Chilean Delegation, and is circulated for the information of rLernbers of the Tariff Agreement Cormittee. It forces part of the correspondence already circulated in Docuiment E/PC/T/256 Add.l., with which it should be read in conjunction TrLnslation frorn SPANISH. Letter from : r. Angel Paivovich, Head of the Chilean Deletation, Trade and Employmiient Conferunce, Geneva. to: Mr. L.D. Wilgress, Chairman of the Tariff Nogotiations Workin& Party, Trade and Er.iployrne.nt Confùrencet Genava. Da.ted: 20 OCtober 1947. I have received your letter of the 18th instant, referring to the Chilan statement on the non-discriminatory protective ncasures which were in force in Chile on 1 September 1947. You inforrmed mne firstly that the VJorking Party was p1easd to note that this De1egatiQrn is in a position to remove fron its statement the restrictions described under sections (C) and (D) of imy letter of 14 October, but that nevertheless the renaining sections still contain certain products, including, for exaujple, r;illing-cutters, boring tools, retort carbon and tissues of horse-hair, which appear in the Chilcan Schedule to tho General Agreey,.ient on Tariffs and Trade, and that the restrictions in respect of theso products, imposed for purposes of econornic development, viill have to be removed as soon as the General Agreemerit comes into force, in accordance with the provisions of Article XVIII, paragraph 7. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/256 Add.2. page 2. in rDlly to this point I wou].d inforrn you that neither L.illin--cuttars nor boring tools and retort carbon are specific 1sïitioxd uin th- Chileari Sch:(dula to tho Tarif? Agreenent, and: for that re:-son were not included in the postscript to my letter, datod 17 October. Ncvarthjlcss, those products, or soi!o' of thon, could ho included unclor sore eenric iteo. of the said Schedule, stui a;, for exariple, Itn i387. In that case, this Doleoation agraus thlit, if those product- are actually included in tho C28hi.La.:i Soehadule, the restrictions now ir:iposed upon thor.: for puiyosfis of oconoric developrmcnt would have to cease on thî date (lliee >;i"ns thc Tariff Agrrcrlant. W`it' re :.rd ta tissuus of horse-hair, I would point eut that tl !i ro.uct firçures in tho postscript te iiy letter, datcd 17 Octc.,r. under the narie of "Optima" tissue. R a-ardiug Scction (E) of riy ltter datod 1- Octobar, the cr1ly rproduct which appee. .. iu the Chilean Schedule as wrell, is "li'Nu rs", .A.r this also appears in thc postscript to r.y latter *.f ti .Y ltih instant. Th: WJorking Party wonders .hether, in rc;m.'i te SeCtiOn (E)c, it is m-essay te ria'ntain differential excisa duties, ir vleNw cxr th-- iact 'that Chile would ra!,ain frec to increase tha tariffs on pro-lucts which appear in Saction (E) but which have not be.i tho isubjeet of negotiations at Genova. Iru reply to this point I would inforr you that, aftur a dotull d study of thc qustio, r.Ây Goverrunut riay possibly ducido to transf-r tha present excise duty ii,,pcsed on thesc pr<dlucts to thu Custc..s duty; this, hwaevcr, is a question whleh :'ust in any casc ba cf t for the decision c:f the Chilean Govern- I hava thc honour to bû ............. Signed: A. Falvovich Hoad of th. Delegation of Chi-Io.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Notification of Non-Discriminatory Measures
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 20, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
EPC/T/256 Add.1 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL RESTRICTED NATIONS UNIES EPC/T/256 Add. 1. 20 October 1947. CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE, PREPARATORY COMMlTTEE, OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Notification of Non-Discriminatory With reference to document No. E/PC/T/256 and the previous documents referred to therein, copies of an exchange of letters between the Chairman of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party and the Delegations of Chile and Norway are circulated thereunder for the ïnformation of members of the Tariff Agreement Committee, Copies of a similar exchange of letters with the Lebano- Syrian Delegation will be circulated later. E/PC/T/256. Add.1 page 2 Exchange of Leiters between the Chairman of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party and the Chilean Delegation. 16 October 1947. Dear Mr. Faivovich, The Tariff Negotiations Working Party has considered your letter of the 14th October, addressed to the Acting Executive Secretary, regarding paragraph 6 of Article XVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and listing in this connection the products to which Chïle at present applies non-discriminatory protective measures for the establishment, development or reconstruction of particular industries or particular branches of agriculture. The Working Party points out that paragraph 6 of Article XVIII applies only to non-discriminatory measures used for purposes of development or reconstruction and not for reasons connected with balance of payments difficulties. On those grounds it considers that many of the items listed in your letter do not come within the scope of paragraph 6 of Article XVIII. Moreover, the inclusion in the list of any items on which ta-iff concessions have been negotiated at Geneva would not be in accordance with the provisions of this Article. The Working Party feels that, for the reasons stated above, your letter of the 14th October does not meet the requirements laid down in the General Agreement. If, however, in the light of this letter, the Chilean Delegation wishes to submit a revised list of non-discriminatory measures, falling within the scope of paragraph 6 of Article XVIII, it is welcome to do so, but the Tariff Negotiations Working Party would request that this list should be provided as soon as possible accompanied by information on the following points: 1. The nature and amount of each of the measures involved. 2. The date when each such measure came into actual operation and whether it is still in force. 3. Whether such measures are, in fact, non- discriminatory. 4. The purpose of each such measure, 5. Whether any of such measures apply to products with respect to which obligations may be assumed by Chile through negotiations at Geneva with other Members of tho Prnparatory Committee. E/PC/T/256 .Add. 1 page 3 Your earliest advice on these matters will be appreciated. Yours sincerely, L.D. Wilgress. Chairman, Tariff Negotiations Working Party. Angel Faivovich, Esq. Chilean Delogation, Palais des Nations, Geneva. E/PC/T/256. Add. 1. page 4 Translation from Spanish 'Letter from: Mr. Faivovich, Head of the Chilean Delegation, United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Geneva. To: Mr. L. D. Wilgress, Chairman of the Working Party on Tariff Negotiations, Uinited Nations Conference on Trdde & Employment, Geneva. Dated: 17 October 1947. I have received your letter of the 16th inst containing varicus observations on the statement made by this delegation on 14 October in regard to the non-discriminatory protective measures in force in Chile on 1 September ]947. In reply, I wish to draw your attention to the following: The statement made by this Delegation on the 14th instant embraces all the measures which, in one form or another, constitute import restrictions, in force in Chile at the date specified. As was indicated in this statement, not all of these measures have as thoir soj]. nurpo.e the ostabliihrment, develor),-nt or reconstruction of .-rti.cular branches of inndustry or agriculture, sinco those rmcntionel<d under hcadin:,s (C) .znd (D) aro chiefly desiî:ncod to safe- ftuard thc balance of paynrnnts. I should theref`or lik,. to .ake it clear to you, as you re- questo;:1, hhaet the inrotective EtanureC :noting thc purposes speci- fiod ir Airticle XVIII, para-J;r;_ph 6 of the General Agreernent on Tarif fs and Trade , are thrce nentionc-i under h]adings (A), (3) and (E) of the statient in ruDstion. l'h(e -iesures reiVurod to undcr hc2iiinrs (C) ancd (D) will b~ the subject of discussion latcr in accorcl,,nce, with the provisions of the A.roement, to lle segu' of the balayicé of oayfients. r.ferr:nce tco th inforrr:ation requo-tcd in Point;, 1 te 5 of your ltetr, I wish to convey,, to you the following: (1) These "cjea.-urcs, as pointed out in i!ly statoe.rInt cf Ml; October, are of t4ho following nature:. - Hz.eding (A): Application ofi e Qulota. I ',.uS3t inform you that it is a practical itrtossïbllity tc> srDoc1fy th:: quantities which will be neraitt.d under this ..o asurc, rince _ quotas fixed e.i riodically in accordance with dlorsl(:l t;ic r.liuirer:ents, . Hea-tlidn;> (B): Izport Prohibition. UIcading (i3): iY-ei-o duties hi..7her rhan those; irnposed in respect of like -.rticles of io-:Iestic origin. (2) All these measures were effective on 1 September 1947 andl are in frrce rzt present, (3) NDn:z of thes., ruW.a -lu1res is discrirminatory in charc ter. (4+) The purnoso of those casures is the development af tho *lnesti.c production of similar ïierchandise. E/PC/T/256. Add. 1. page 5 ( 5) A limited number only of products negotiated on for the Tariff Agreement, are affected by the protective measures specified. Trusting that this supplementary statement will give satis- faction to your Committee, I have the honour to be, etc. (Signed) A. Faivovich P .S. The products referred to in point (5) of this letter are the following: Sandpaper iron bars of circular section for building Jute sacking Black fuses for use in mines "Optima"' tissues Fire bricks Spirits E/PC/T256 .Add.1. page 6 18th October, 1947. Dear Mr. Faivovich, I thank you for your letter of the 17th October which has been considered by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party, The Working Party is glad to note that you are able to eliminate sections (C) and (D) from your list. It notes, however, that the remaining sections of your list still contain certain items, including, for example milling-cutters, boring tools, etc., retort carbon, and tissues of horse hair, which are contained in your Schedule to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Import restrictions on these products, applied for developmental. purposes, w»i of course 1.ave zo be dis- continued under the terms of paragraph 7 of Article XVIII, as soon as the General Agreement becomes effective. It is further noted that at last one item in section (E) of your list, relating to differential internal taxes, is also contained in the schecdule of Chilean concessions. With regard to other items iri section (E) of your list., the Tariff Negotia- tions Working Party questions whether it is necessary to retain differential internal taxes. in view of the fact that Chïle would be free to increase the tariff on these products for developmental purposes. I shall be glad if you will take note of these facts, also In so far as they may apply to other items still on your list. Yours sincerely, L. D. Wilgress Chairman Tariff Negotiations Working Party. Mr. A. Faivovich, Chilean Delegation, Palais des Nations. E/ PC/ T/2 56. Add . 1 page 7 Exchange of letters between the Chairman, of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party and the Norwegian Delegation 11 October 1947. Dear Mr. Bog, The Tariff Negotiations Working Party has considered your letter of the 10th October, addressed to the Acting Executive Secretary, regarding paragraph 6 of Article XVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and listing in this connection the products to which Norway at present applies quantitative regulations for the establishment., development or construction of particular industries or particular branches of agriculture. The Working Party notes that owing to the limited time, you are unable to state whether all of the regulations mentioned in your letter will be maintained. It feels, however, in any case, that your letter does not meet the requirements of Article XVIII, and therefore requests the Narwegïan Delegation to advise it as to : 1. The nature and amount of each of the quotas involved. 2. The date when each such quota came into actual operation and whether it is still in force. 3. Whether such quotas are non-discriminatory. 4. The purpose of each such quota. 5. Whether any of such quotas apply to products with respect to which obligations may be assumed by Norway through negotiations at Geneva wïth other. Members of the Preparatory Committee. Your earliest advice on these matters will be appreciated. Yours sincerely, L. D. Wilgress. Chairman, Tariff Negotiations Working Party. Paal Bog, Esq., Secretary, Norwegian Delegation, Palais des Nations.. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ''" Y./T/256.Add.1 page 8 NORWEGIAN DELIGATION International Conference on Trade and Employment Geneva, 17th October, 1947. Dear Mr. Wilgress, Referring to your letter of the 11th October, I beg to give the following additional information .regarding the products to which Norway at present applies import regulations for the establishment, development or reconstruction of particular industries or particular branches of agriculture: Product: Import Regulation Introduced: Lard 1934 Artificial Lard 1939 Butt er 1931+ Evaporated, milk 1936 Dried milk 1936 Salted mutton 1939 Sawn timber and plane boards of softwood 1931 Plywood 1932 Feeding stuffs (except Tapioca flour and Rice bran which are included in the consolidated list of Norwegian tariff concessions) 1934 Products of whale 1939 Mixed fertilizer 1927 Oysters arci cystois' fry 1936 For ail the products mentioned a genEral import pro- hibition is ,ln force. Dispt;nsatien can be givon by the com,1pti;.nt 15inistry, rnd is at present not difficult to obtain if the requirod exchange licence can bu produced. The measure is non.-diszl:liniotory, and has beon imposed for thc development of pnrH.c:u2..r brnnche.s, of industry and agriculture. '..- folrwinig products are to be omitted from th( list sent te the wcretariat with our Ietter of the 10th October, as they are included in the t'Iorwegian list' of tariff concessions: E/PC/T/256 .Add .1 page 9 Molasses Flower Bulbs Superphosphate Furthermore "Potatoes" i.s to be omitted as the protective measure in thïs case is imposed as a safeguard against plant disease, and "Certain Seeds" because the main purpose of the protection in this case is quality control. I take it that you will give the Secretariat the necessary information. Yours sincerely, Hon. L. D. Wilgress, Chairman, Tariff Negotiations Working Party, Palais des Nations. E/PC/T/256.Add.1. page 10 18 October 1947. Dear Mr. Colban, I thank you for your letter of the 17th October. The Tariff Negotiations Working Party has considered its contents, and notes that for all the products mentioned a general import prohibition is in force, but that dispensation can be given by the competent Ministry and is at present not difficult to obtain if the required exchange licence can be produced. From this, the Working Party infer, that the only difficulty in connection with the import of the products concerned at present arises for exchange reasons. It is therefore the view of the Working Party that, having regard to the fact that import restrict- ions for exchange reasons are covered by Article XII of the General Agreement, lt might prove unnecessary for Norway to take advantage of the provisions of paragraph 6 of Article XVIII which in any case are intended to apply only to the transitional period. Yours sincerely, L. D. Wilgress.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Notification of Non-Discrirminatory Measures
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 28, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/256.Add.3 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/256.Add.3. ECONOMIC CONSEIL 28 October 1947. AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Notification of Non-Discrirminatory Measures With reference to document E/PC/T/256 and the previous documents referred to therein, copies of an exchange of letters between the Chairman of the Tariff Negotiations Weorling Party and the Lebanon-Syrian Delegation are circulated hereunder for tho information of Members of the Tariff Agreement Connittee. 18 October 1947. Dear Mir. Traboulsi, The Tariff Negotiations Working Party has considered your letters of the 8th and 9th October, addressed to the Acting Executive Secretary, regarding paragraph 6 of Article XVIII of the General Agrecment on Tariffs and Trade., ani 'isting in this connection the products to which Lebanon- Syria at present applies non-discriminatory protective measures for the establishment, development or reconstruction of particular industries or particular branches of agriculture. The Working Party points out that paragraph 6 of Article XVIII applies only to non-discrirninatory measures used for purposes of development or reconstruction and not for reasons connected with balance of payments difficulties. On these grounds it considers that many of the items listed in yeur letter do not come within the scope of paragraph 6 of Article XVIII M1oreover, the inclusion in the list of any items on which tariff concessions have been negotiated at Geneva would rot be in accordance with the provisions of this Article. The Working Party feels that, for the reasons stated abovy, your letter of the 14th October does not meet the requirements laid dcwn in the General Agreement. If, however, in the light of this letter, the Zebanon-Syirian Delegation wishes to submit a revised list of non-discrirminatory measures, falling within the scope of paragraph 6 of Article XVIII, it UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES - 2 - is welcome to do so, but the Tarifi' Negotiations Workîng Party would request that this list should be provided as soon as possible accompanied by information on the following points: 1. The nature and amount of each of the measures involved. 2. The date when each such measure came into actual operation and whether it is still in .force. 3. Whether such measures arc, in fact, non- discrirninatory. 4 The purpose of each such measure. 5. Whether any of such measures apply to products with respect to which obligations may be assurnod by Lebanon-Syria through negotiations at Geneva with other Members of the Preparatory Committee. Your earlist advice on thesc matters will bc appreciated. Yours sincerely, L.D, Wilgress. Chairman, Tariff Negotiations Working Party. M. Traboulsi, Lebanon-Syrïan Delegation, Palais des Nations, Geneva. - 3 - 27 October 1947 Messieurs, I have received your letter of the 25th October, and have placed it before the Tariff Negotiations Working Party. The Working Party notes that, for the purposes of paragraph 6 of Article XVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the LDbano-Syrian Customs Union submits the list of non-discriminatory measures contained in document E/PC/T/251 after deletion of those items which appeal, in the Lebarno-Syrian consolidated list of tariff concessioL-s negotiated at C leva. However, in View Of the wide range aand varic.,ty of items stîli remaining in the list, even ag'ter these delEtions are made, the Worki!ng Party takes the view that in many cases, the primary purpose of the non-discriminatory measures in question relates to balance of payments difficulties and not to the establishment of particular industries or particular branches of agriculture. Yours sincerely, L. D. Wilgress Chairman Tariff Negotiations Worlzing Party. M. I. Traboulsi, La Delegation Syrienne. M. J. Mikaoui, Le President do la Delegation Libanaise. Translated from French, Letter from: The Syro-Lebanese Customs Union. to: Hoon. L. D. Wilgress Chairman of the {'ariff Negotiations Working Party. Dated: 25 October 1947 Dear Sir, In reply to your letter of 18 October 1947 concerning Article XVIII, paragraph 6, of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, we have the honour to make thc following statement: 1. Thc Syro*-Lcoanese Customs Union intends to take as a basis the list contained in Docrment E/PC/T/251; therefore, the list reprodîuceà irn DocuieriL E/PL/T/21+8 can be abandoned. 2. In ccnformity with Article XVIII, paragraph 7, we a'ree to renovc, from th,? afore.mentioned list the products which appear in our consolidated schedule of final concessions negotiated at Goneva. Our two GovcrrQnerts would. nevertheless be able to avail themselves of the provisions of Article XII of the General Agreu.ment and order any quantitative restrictions for the purpos- of the balance of payments. 3, The ineasures taIen and mentionecd in our list werL in force on 1 Sûptomber 1947 and our two Governmnents intend ts) maintain them. +. As we havû already stated, those measures are in no way discriminatory and are imposed for the estab1isumn~nt or development cf particular branches of industry or agriculture and, in a general way, for oconornic purposes. 5. For the time being we are unable to state the amount they coveo, as theo quota might vary `roni one period to another according to the requirements of our twro countries. In thiû hope that this stait irment will. bc te the satisfaction of the Tariff Negotiations Wqorking P-rty, We havw: the honour to be, etc., For the Syrian Delegation: The Head of the Lebanese IZZAT TRASCULSI Delegation: J. MIKAOUI
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Observations and amendments of the Cuban Delegation to Articles 14 and 24 of the Charter
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/159 and E/PC/T/W/151-176
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/W/159 4 June 1947 ECONOMIC CONSEIL ORIGINAL:ENGLISH AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT OBSERVATIONS AND AMENDMENTS OF THE CUBAN DELEGATION TO ARTICLES 14 AND 24 OF THE CHARTER. The Cuban Delegation is of the opinion that it is inconsistent with the purposes of the Charter and with the basic idea of a multilateral agreement, which aims at the removal of unnecessary trade barriers and customs duties, that the concessions made by one Member should have to be granted to another Member, even if the latter were unwilling to fall into line with those Members who readily accept a multilateral agreement based upon reciprocal aad mutually advantageous concessions between all Members. Article 24 already provides a remedy for the extreme case in which a Member has failed to fulfil, within a reasonable period of time, its obligations under paragraph 1 of this Article. But this seems to refer only to the case in which the Organization finds, as sentence 2 of paragraph 3 states, "that the Member has, without sufficient justification, having regard to the provisions of the Charter as a whole, failed to negotiate" with the complaining Member. The Cuban Delegation understands that this covers the case in which a Member has rejected the negotiations, but not the different situation, which may be not less serious, of its refusal to make reasonable concessions equivalent to the effers made by another Member. Under these conditions the concessions granted in the interest of all Members who are co-operating to create a genuine multilateralism lose their real character and become a unilateral ,obligation of one Member in favour of another. In order to avoid that the progressive idea of a real multila ralism in international trade, to which the Cuban P. T. O. E/PC/T/W/159 page 2 DeIegation adheres, could be discredited by such undesired and undesirable consequences, and to make fully clear the inter- dependence existing between the obligations set forth in Articles 14 and 24, the Cuban Delegation suggests that there be inserted in Article 14 paragraph 1, after the words "shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally", the words "subject to the provisions of Article 24". The Cuban Delegation also suggests that a new paragraph, 4, be added to Article 24 to read as follows: - Article 24: paragraph 4. "Paragraph 3 will apply correspondingly if offers made by one Member in accordance with paragraph 1 were not met by equivalent concessions of the other, so as to make possible a reciprocal and mutually advantageous agreement on tariff and/or other charges on imports, and if the first Member considere that its interests would be seriously prejudiced by the fact that nevertheless its multilateral concessions could be claimed by the other Member on the basis of the most-favoured-nation clause". Furthermore, the Cuban Delegation is convinced that the preferences deliberately kept in force as a result of careful deliberations should be proieeted. Therefore the Cuban Delegation - proposes that paragraph 1(b) of Article 24 should road as follows: Article 24, paragraph 1(b) "All negotiated reductions in most-favoured-nation import tariffs shall operate [automatically] to reduce or eliminate margins of preference, as far as the Member that enjovs the preference and will be affected by such reduction agrees. No margins of preference shall be increased after the negotiations are completed."
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Observations by the French Delegation on Article 14 of the Draft Charter
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 30, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/141 and E/PC/T/W/125-150
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/W/141 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 30 May 1947 AND ECONIOM!QUE ORIGINA: FRENCH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: FRENCH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Observations by the French Delegation on Article 14 of the Draft Charter It follows trom the present wording of Article 14 that customs advantages, in connection with importation, apply to all products originating in Member countries. On a strict interpretation, this article would preclude export countries being taken into consideration. In other words, customs advantages would be granted to products harvested or manu- factured in member states, even it be sold and exported by other countries, whether Members of the Organization or not, and the conditions of direct consignment could not be imposed by importing states. This provision which should be read in conjunction with Article 16, paragraph 6, to which the French Delegation has already drawn attention is incompatible with France's traditional legislation under which customs advantages depend both on country of origin and country of export. The French Delegation feels obliged to point out that, in the opinion of its Government it is not desirable, at a time when French ports, which were so severely damaged by the war, are in process of reconstruction and require every help from public authorities, to make any change in existing legislation which, hitherto, has not given rise to any difficulty in any of the bi-lateral or multi-lateral agreements concluded by France. France is not in a position to adapt her legislation immediately to the terms of Articles 14 and 16. In any event she would need some time to make the necessary changes.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Observations by the French Delegation on Document E/PC/T/103 (Record of work performed by working party on technical articles.)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 27, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/109 and E/PC/T/106-124
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/109 AND ECONOMIQUE 27 June 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ENGLISH ORIGINAL: FRENCH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT OBSERVATIONS BY THE FRENCH DELEGATION ON DOCUMENT E/PC/T/103 (Record of work performed by working party on technical articles.) The French Delegation desires to make the following observations affecting both the French and English text of document E/PC/T/103. Article 16: 1 (Comments, page 3). -ptj14 It might have bean advisable to state that: "The Netherlands Delegation enquired whether the principle of freedom of transit was applicable to goode of foreign origin arriving in a country without the final destination being known at the time and subsequently consigned to a third country after being in bond in the country in question. By a majority vote the Working Party considered that the answer to this question was in the affirmative. (See Summary Record of 16 May 1947 E/PC/T/WP.1/SR.6, page 4.)" Article 16: 6 (Comments, page 5). The following sentence right be added at the end: "In this connection see document E/PC/T/W/141 (Observations by the French Delegation), and the discussion which took place at the Seventh Meeting of Commission A on 3 June 1947 (E/PC/T/A/PV/7 pages 7 - 12 and A/SR/7, pages 1 - 3)." P.T.O. E/PC/T/109 page 2. Article 20: 5 (Comments. page 29). It would be desirable to add a reference to the meeting of the Working Party on 10 May 1947 (E/PC/T/WP.1/BR.2, page 2) and to emphasise the importance attached by the Working Party to the word "early" in this paragraph. Article 21:1 (Comments, page 33) The following paragraph should be added, as suggested at the meeting of the Working Party on 12 May 1947 (E/PC/T/WP.1/SR.3, pages 2 and 3): "The Drafting Committee considered that the Organization should be responsible for collecting, analysing and publishing in the most accessible form all laws, regulations and decisions concerning foreign trade and for the periodical collection, in the form of detailed studies, of information concerning the regulations of member States on a given point (E/PC/T/34, page 16). This idea was re-stated in an amendment proposed by the Delegations of France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg (E/PC/T/W.42). The Working Party noted this suggestion but in view of the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of Article 61 considered it unnecessary to include it in paragraph 1 of Article 21."
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Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Observations by the Norwegian Delegation on Article 18 (Art.15 of the New York text.)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/309 and E/PC/T/W/307-344
E/PC/T/W/309 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 23 August 1947 AND ECOCNOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT OBSERVATIONS BY THE NORWEGIAN DELEGATION ON ARTICLE 18 (ART.15 OF THE NEW YORK TEXT.) At the final stage of the discussion of Art. 18 (Art. 15 of the New York text), the Norwegian delegation reserved its position. Whilst the Norwegian delegate at that meeting did not elaborate in detail the reasons for this standpoint, he stated that before the end of the Geneva conference, the Norwegian delegation would prepare a document setting out the Norwegian views on this Article in the hope that these views might be of interest to other Governnents in their study of the results of the Geneva session. Accordingly, the Norwegian-delegation in the present paper-will outline sore of the considerations which in its opinion ought to be taken into account at the Havana conference when this Article will cone up for discussion again. The Norwegian authorities are continuing the studios of the very difficult problems which arise in connection with this Article. As stated at the discussion of Article 18 at the present session, the Norwegian delegation fully agrees with the principle underlying that Article, namely that internal taxes and internal regulations of a discriminatory character should not be used for the purpose of protecting domestic industries including agricul- ture) except within narrow and clearly defined limits. On the other hand the Article should not go beyond that principle or .apply that principle so rigidly as to prevent Member countries from carrying out their obligations under the Charter to conduct an economic policy which aims at achieving and maintaining full and productive employment and large and steadily growing demand for goods and services. In particular, two aspects of such an economic policy call for special consideration in relation to Article 18. 1. Experience has shown that it is necessary for most countries to apply a system of price control as a means against inflation. In order to carry out a price control and stabilisation system it will normally be necessary to take measures which would be contrary to Article 18 and Article 20 (Art. 25 of the New York text); the Preparatory Committee therefore agreed to amend Article 37 of the New York text in such a way as to allow measures to be taken as exemptions from Articles 18 and 20 when essential to the control of prices by Members undergoing shortages subsequent to the war (Art. 43,II b). This exemption, however, is meant to cover a transitional period and only the special case referred to. (shortages subsequent to the war). On the other hand it has been recognised in the draft Charter as. agreed at the Geneva session that a price stabilisation policy may be conducted as a permanent .part of economic policy in many countries. Art. 31, § 4 recognizes UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/W/309 . page 2 one special application of this principle, ie in regard to the price policy of import monopolies.. *Secondly Art. 43 §, i, permits export restrictions which are necessary to maintain domestic prices on a product at a lower level than the export prices. Finally the whole Chapter VI, dealing with intergovernmental commodity agreements, arc based on the assumption that a reasonable stabilisation of the level of prices of primary commoditis is a necessary condition for achieving the main objects of the Charter, namely full and productive employment and economic progress. The Charter itself, however, as so far drafted, does not contain a general provisions relating to permanent price regulation. The Norwegian delegation believes that questions relating to the stabilisation of prices should be considered in principle, so as to make it possible to draft the relevant articles of the Charter in such a way as to enable Members to achieve the main objects of the Charter. The Norwegian delegation has considered, whether it would be right to propose an amendment to Articles 2 and 3 to the offect that Members should undertake to prevent wide fluctuations in the level of prices within their countries. The delegation believes, however, that certain countries might consider it contrary to their policy to maintain a permanent price stabili- sation system. On the other hand it seems to the Norwegian delegation that many countries, perhaps most countries, will find it necessary as part of their future economic policy to conduct a permanent price stabilisation policy. Although the Charter should therefore probably not require Members to take measures to prevent wide fluctuations-in the level of prices, the Charter at any rate should not prevent those Members which consider a permanent price stabilisation policy as essential, from taking the necessary measures to carry out such a policy. The most effective measures to this end would in certain cases be contrary to Article 18 as now drafted. The Article for example would prevent Members front introducing discriminatory internal taxes, even if those taxes wore applied not for protective purposes, but in order to equalize prices over long periods. Whilst the Article as now drafted would permit Members to counteract high prices on imported goods through taxes on domestic goods in order to equalize the price level of imported and domestically producod goods, the Article would prevent Members from applying the same principle in the case of a slump in import prices. In that case it would be contrary to the Article to introduce higher internal taxes on imported goods than on domestic goods because this would be considered as a dis- criminatory internal tax. The Norwegian delegation is of opinion that the Article ought to be amended on this point ao as to allow the measures mentioned above, when they are applied as part of a permanent price stabilisation system. 2. Apart front the price stabilisation problem, also another aspect of economic policy has to be considered in relation to Article 18, i.e. the policy with-regard to internal regulations production. The Article in this respect has been drafted with a view to preventing that internal regulations be applied as a method of affording protection to domestic industries (including agriculture). As previously stated the Norwegian delegation agrees that discriminatory regulations of- a protective character should not be allowed except within narrow and clearly defined limits. But this aspect of the problem relating to internal regulations must not bo permitted to prevent the consideration of the other aspect, that such regulations may be the most E/PC/T/WJ/309 page 3 effective and appropriate way, in which to attain the progressive development of the industrial and other econonic resources of Member countries and to raise standards of productivity. Particularly, the Charter should not prevent members from applying mixing regulations or other internal regulations of production which aim a standardisation of products to improve quality, to reduce oosts of production or distribution, or in order to achieve the full use of raw materials. Even if such regulations lead to an increase in consumption of goods produced domestically and perhaps a decrease in imports, these measures ought not to be prevented by the Charter. Article 18 as now drafted permits the maintenance, under certain conditions, of existing regulations of the kind referred to above, whilst it prohibits the introduction of new measures of the same kind. The Norwegian delegation is of opinion that the Charter ought to lay down objective criteria for the use or preven- tion of internal regulations, and that measures which do not fall within the acknowledged criteria should be brought to an end, if necessary in the course of a reasonably short transitional period. The delegation feels that it is wrong in principle to allow in soma countries the existence of certain categories of regulations which other Members will not be permitted to introduce as part of a future policy. The Norweginn delegation is the first to admit that the ideas which have been suggested above concerning the internal regulations are merely sketchy, and that it may be very difficult to draw up in a legal text limits within which those regulations should be permitted. It is, however, considered to be of the utmost importance to be able to strike a balance between those regulations which ought to be condemned as being of a protective character, and those measures which ought to be permitted as necessary for the achievement of a full employment policy and the progressive development of the natural resources of Member countries. It will be so much the more difficult to strike this balance as public policy and economic systems vary front one Member country to another. The Norwegian authorities are now urgently studying these problems, and it is hoped that the delegation will be able to make acceptable proposals to the Havana conference on this subject as well as on tho price stabilisation subject. 3. Finally, with regard to the question of cinematograph films the Norwegian delegation considers Article 18 unsatis- factory. Film performances are to be compared with theatrical performances. These performances are not first and foremost goods in a commercial sense, but services of a cultural character. If a country considers it necessary to protect a national film industry, other factors than the purely commercial are taken into account. Therefore, questions relating to the international exchange of films should bc considered by other organisation than the International Trade Organisation. There are other bodies of the United Nations, which seem more appropriate for dealing with this problem. If the ITO Charter should include any rules relating to film performances, these rules should in any case be limited to apply to foreign films. The Norwegian delegation has no objection to Article 19, which also deals with cinematograph films, but the provisions of that Article do not seem to cover all aspects of the problem.
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Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Observations of the Czechoslovk Delegation on the draft of Tariff schedules as contained in document E/PC/T/153
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 13, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/286 and E/PC/T/W/261-306
UNITEDS NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/286 AND ECONOMIQUE 13 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL : ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PRAPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Observations of the Czechoslovk Delegation on the draft of Tariff schedules as contained in document E/PC/T/153 1. The above mentioned draft puts all agreed notes and explanatory remarks straight behind the various tariff items, instead as is customary into a protocol (annexed final protocol) to the tariff schedules. According to the procedure customarily followed by Czechoslovakia at the conclusion of agreements containing tariff concessions all agreed notes and explanatory remarks whose pur- pose was only to throw light on the extent of the agreed concession or which contained in advance agreed mutual concess- ions for a later and different arrangement of these concessions and further all provisions which had nothing in common with the customs tariff were not inserted in the tariff schedule but in a protocol attached to such schedule./x The reason for this procedure is based upon the fact that the particular tariff schedules change or bind provisions of the customs tariff i.e. of a law of which they become automat- ically a part - after constitutional approval - in accordance with the provisions of par.6 subpar.3 of the Czechoslovak customs law, without any further interstate procedure. But provisions contained in a final annexed protocol change or bind explanatory notes to the customs tariff i.e. of a governmental ordinance or of legal provisions other than the customs tariff. For these reasons Czechoslovakia Must even in the case of a multilaterall agreement retain her present system and reserves the right to attach to her schedule a protocol to con- tain all provisions of an explanatory character or notes which do not concern the customs regime etc. and which have no place in the customs tariff itself. 2. Czechoslovakia also requests the following provision to be inserted into her schedule: "The value of the Czechoslovak crown in which the agreed specific rates of duties are expressed is understood to be the par value as accepted by the I.M.F. at the tine of the signat- ure of this Agreement. In case this currency is depreciated in accordance with the Articles of Agreement of the I.M.F. the Czechoslovak Government reserves its right to adjust the spec- ific rates of duty in proportion to the depreciation of its currency." The Czechoslovak delegation would have no objection if a similar clause is attached to all schedules as far as specific rates are concerned. X/ /Viz f.i. the provisions of the protocol to the Agreement between USA and Czechoslovakia of March 7, 1938 "Ad Schedule I - Section A" par.2 /fee for phytopathological inspection/ or par.5 /contents of sulphur dioxide in dried fruit admissible as not harmful to health./ // . .
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Observations of the French Delegation on the draft of Tariff Schedules as contained in document E/PC/T/153
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 27, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/310 and E/PC/T/W/307-344
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/310 27 August 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: FRENCH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Observations of the French Delegation on the draft of Tariff Schedules as contained in document E/PC/T/153 . The French Delegation associates itself with the proposal contained in part 2 of document E/PC/T/W/286 submitted by the Czechoslovak Delegation. Although specific rates of duties are exceptional in the new Customs Tariff, the French Delegation considers it essential to insert in the French Tariff Schedule a text similar to that proposed by the Czechoslovak Delegation.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Part III of the Interim Agreement on Trade and Tariffs. Suggested new text by the Czechoslovak Delegation
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 12, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/285 and E/PC/T/W/261-306
RESTRICTED UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC NATINS UNIES CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/285 AND ECONOMIQUE 12 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Part III of the Interm Agreement on Trade and Tariffs, Suggested new text by the Czechoslovak Delegation. Article XXII. Delete par. 3, 4, and 6. Article XXIII. Delete par. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. par.7: As soon as the I.T.O. has been established, the contracting parties shall transfer to it all functions arising from the administration of the provisions of this Agreeient. Article XXIV. par.3 a/: Delete "and which is not self-governing in matters provided for by this Agreement." par. 4 : Add after ANNEX G the words "and if there are no objections raised by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations." Article XXV. Any contracting party shall at, any time be free to withhold or to withdraw, in whole on in part any concession granted under par.1 of article II in respect of which such contracting party determines that it was initially negotiated with a State which has not become or has ceased to be a contracting party, provided that the contracting party taking such action shall give notice to all other contracting parties and, upon request, consult with such of the other contracting parties which have a substantial interest in the product concerned. Article XXVI. On or after November 1, 1950, any contracting party may by agreement with any other contracting party with which such treatment was negotiated, modify the treatment which it has agreed to accord to any product described in the appropriate schedule annexed to this Agreement. Article XXVII. Delete. .ATIONS E/PC/TW/285 page 2. Article XXIX. The contracting parties shall put in force the provisions of this Agreement by way of their existing commercial treaties. Where there is no commercial treaty existing among the respective countries, this Agreement shall provisionally take the place of such a treaty. Article XXX. instead of 11Governments" put "States" Delete par.2. Article XXXI. par.1. A state not party to this Agreement may adhere to it by depositing with the Secretary General of the United Nations an instrument of adherence accompanied by a schedule of tariff concessions agreed upon by this State and the other signatories of this Agreement representing 2/3 of the foreign trade of the state concerned. Tariff reductions agreed upon in the previous commercial treaties existing among the signatories of this Agreement and the adhering state may be included in the schedule. par.2: Should the Charter not have entered into force on November lst 1948, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall convene a meeting of the contracting parties to reconsider the situation and to decidc on further steps to be taken, Article XXXII. Delete in par.1 sub-paragraph 3.- Protocol of Signature, Delete the last paragraph. The immediately preceding par of the Protocol should, be modified accordingly.
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Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Position of the Lebanese and Syrian Delegations on the question of signature of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/291 and E/PC/T/W/261-306
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/W/291 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 15 August 1947 ENGLISH AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: FRENCH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Position of the Lebanese and Syrian Delegations on the question of signature of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade- 1. The Lebanese and Syrian Delegations see no objection so far as they are concerned, to the signature of a General Agreement on Tariffs to consolidate the reductions of customs duties obtained during the negotiations. 2. The two above-mentioned Delegations are also agreeable in principle to signature of the General Agreement, including Chapter 2 regarding commercial policy to be followed in the future relations of signatory states, but would only them- selves sign subject to the following reservations: a) Signature of the Agreement does not, for the Lebanese and Syrian Delegations, constitute an obstacle to the discussion in full freedom, at the World Cinference, of the whole of the provisions of the Charter. b) Those provisions of the Charter definitely adopted which correspond to Chapter 2 of the General Agreement, shall be automatically incorporated in the latter, with the result that every article of the Agreement shall be automatically replaced by its equivalent in the Charter. In particular, all those articles on which the States of the Arab League obtain satisfaction in the course of the discussions on the Charter shall replace the equivalent articles in the Agreement. 3. The Lebanese and Syrian Delegations would add that they are prepared to undertake, either in the Protocol of . . E/PWC/T/W/291 page 2 Signature or in any other way, to respect those principles stated in the Charter which do not run counter either to the reservations expressed by the two delegations or to the laws in force in their countries, pending the coming into force signature and to do their utmost to promote their signature and application.
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Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Prepared by the Australian Delegation after further consideration and consultation. Article XXVII - Paragraph 1
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/335 and E/PC/T/W/307-344
ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/335 15 September 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Prepared by the Australian Delegation after further consideration and consultation. ARTICLE XXVII - Paragraph 1 1. On the day on which the Charter of the International Trade Organization enters into force, Part II of this Agreement shall be suspended and superseded by the corresponding provisions of the Charter. Provided that within sixty days of the closing of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment at Havana any contracting party to this Agreement may lodge with the Contracting Parties an objection to any provision or provisions of this Agreement being so suspended or superseded or to the incorporation in this Agreement of any provision of the Charter. 2. Within sixty days after the final date for the lodging of objections, or as soon thereafter as is practicable, the contracting parties shall, if any such objection has been lodged, confer to consider the objection and to agree whether the relevant provision of the Charter to which objection has been lodged shall apply, or whether the relative provision of this Agreement in its existing form, or in any amended form, should apply. 3. If any contracting party has not accepted the Charter, when it has entered into force, the contracting parties shall confer to agree whether, and if so in what way, the Agreement insofar as it affects relations between the contracting party which has not accepted the Charter and other contracting parties shall be supplemented or amended. 4. On 1 January 1949; should the Charter not have entered into force, or on such earlier date as may be agreed if it is known that the Charter will not enter into force or on such later date as is agreed if the Charter ceases to be in force, the contracting parties shall meet to agree whether this Agreement should be amended, supplemented or maintained. The following sentence would be added to the end of Article XXIV paragraph 5: "Provided that no such entry into force shall take place until any agreement necessary under the provisions of Article XXVII paragraph 2 has been reached. " NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS RESTRICTED
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Printing of Final Act and Protocol
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/235 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNlTED NATIONS RESTRICTED ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL E/PC/T/235 ECONOMIQUE 9 October l947 ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COM'..ITTEE OF THE UNITEDNATIONS CO FERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Printing of Final Act and Protocol The Tariff Negotiations Working Party has decided to despatch the Final Act and Protocol of Provisional Application to the printers at an early data. In its present form the Protocol lists th, following countries Australia Belgium Brazil Canada France Luxembourg Netherlands United Kingdom United States of Amerïca. Any Member of the Tarif f Agreement Committee not named in the above list and wishing to sign the Protocol at Geneva should notify the Secretariat not later than noon on Monday, the 13th October. NATIONS UNIES
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Procedure for Final Check on Schedules
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/253 and E/PC/T/228-267
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/253 AND ECONOMIQUE 15 October 1947. ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Procedure for Final Check on Schedules The following notes should be read in conjunction with documents E/PC/T/195; 210; 210 Add.1.Rev.1; 210 Add.1. Ref.16 Corr.1; and 228. 1. In cases where the Secretariat is undertaking preparation of stencils in either English or French or both, Delegations should send final copies of Schedules to Monsieur Veillet- Lavallée (Room C.426) with a sinned statement to the effect that: (a) All negotiations have been completed; (b) The translation has been checked and approved; and (c) Preparation of stencils may start. 2. When the stencils are ready, the Secretariat should, acccrding to the instructions which it receives from each Delegation, either (a) Run off 30 preliminary copies of each Schedule (in each language), and send then to the Secretary of the Delegation concerned (against a signed receipt) ior i:i.uidiThte dis bribution by hi1 to cù-, r Deleations; or (b) hlavc 3 carbon copies (in each languaEe) fro-m the s3tencil available for other Delegations to check (RLo: 208). (Irn cases .; Dc lrc elce-ations are preparin. their own stencils and rucitn off r &'liiiïry copies theïnsolvces, they should c>.i t?'ûx'.t UNl TEV) NA TIO0NS 'A7''Iii'S5 UNIES' *E/PC/T/253 pa L 2 (a) Srnd oria copy to nach Dc:l(a1ation and one to the Sacretariat (Roca 208) or (b) Senid thrcü carbon copies froi`! thc srcncil to the Sccratariat (Roan 208) and iimûediately notify other Delrîtians that they Prc available for checking.) 3. In each casc, Do1,*egatJlons should iiotify theC SCcretary oif tho Dc1o;1ation concUrncd o. any coricctions which thezy cornsidckr necessary, within 48 hours oif thc issuc of the preliL.lnary run-off copies ofa clch Sch, du1e or of thc riotica that c irbon copies ar, n.Vailabl for inspection; if' no coi-..uInts arc r2ceiv(cld within this tico, it will bu -surmcd that tho Schudule has b .r u d by 11 DDl :ytions. The Socrotary of the Dol-a;tion should thon ùiotify Mc)nsicur Vcilllt-Lavall~e (RoorD C.'+26) OI *any corre;uiDns which havoc to ba r.nadc, and s.nd hir.1 a si~;ned st;^t&;;.nt that tho lists have bcWin chechckcic a-rd that, subj ct to such corrections, thr finai run-off i'ay start. (In casus whz r' D,, l 1:,tjofl i.dd their owri stencils, tlhey shau.ldt, .:if uursu, at this :;t.a;e also scnd th; stencils to Monsicur VJ1let-Lavl1ec.) Additionl n1ote ta Dele. atians cuttirn thuir oviii Stvnlls, Dclu e, t1ions; cutt.Lu;r!, thuil own z tunciln, ini *xiu CQr bouh l; niFuat:es) should, bleforc startinL;, subit thcir S3ChcduLs to M1jisia:ur Vuillot-Lava1lle for a final check as to prusunt:tion; thoy shouicd ase show th' first two or thr,.. sturicils to iss 'iyr (Ty I«o (. L,05) Lor a l:inal chock on lay-out. It should bu noted cht thu ztir±cils uszcd ;should .b in all cases Steobc l No,62 (pvrint;ed iu brown). It should .also be notod that tho word 1'13CELT'," sblul(l b; cut in the ton right hanci carnor of the first pa Jy(, ')i1y ofa` ,aeh Schcd..culc. This instruction suparsudcs thut oaneerrLin; the usD oai a rubber stai.:p contained in docu-ient E/PC/T/210) Ad1ùl, i Gv.l Corv.l. (AlthouULi cut on the stencil, thu word "oI3CLaizT'1 wlll not, of cour,-o, appear on tho original coLies of th._ Schédu1 cs at vached. to the G!nural Agruei:ant).
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Procedure for Final Check on Stencils
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/253.Rev.1 and E/PC/T/228-267
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL E/PC/T/253.Rev.1. 22 October 1947. ORI&INAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Procedure for Final Check on Stencils. In Document E/PC/T/253, procedure was laid down by which Delegations might, when their Schedule stencils are ready, choose either (a) to have 30 preliminary copies run of for circulation to other Delegations, or (b) to make 3 carbon copies available for ether Delegations to check. The Tariff Negotations Working Party has decided on the following modification of the above procedure: (1) In the case of every Schedule in the authentic language, 30 preliminary copies are to be run off. (2) In the case of Schedules which are not in the authentic language, the preliminary run-off should, where practic- able, be dispensed with and only the 3 carbon copies made available through the Secretariat. The purpose of this change is, on the one hand, to ensure a thorough check of stencils in the authentic language, and. on the other hand, so far as possible, to reduce the work falling on the Secretarîat. A list is attached showing the authentic language(s) pf each Schodule. RESTRICTED NATI ONS UNI ES D2,',PC,/T/253.Rev..1 page 2 C m in nZm Australia Benelux X'otherlands East Indies) Curaçao ) Surinam ) N'3:1. Burma C.&rada Ceylon Chile China Cuba Czechôslovrakia France *Irndiâ iNCew Zoailand. Norway Pakistan Southern Rhodeseia * Syria - Lebanon South A.frica United Kingdoir United States of America Schedule Number I IX Language authenticity English French I English III 1Bnglish and French V* *English V:I. :English and ?rench VI English VX I French VIII . English'.nd...en-h IX English X Englïsh and Frerch XI English and French XIV English XIII English XIV English XV Engli s h XVI xVII French XVIII English XIX English XX English
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Production of Schedules to the General Agreement
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 23, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/210 Add.1.Rev.1 and E/PC/T/210-212
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/210 Add.1.Rev.1. AND ECONOMIQU E 23 September 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL : ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS ,CONFERENCE ON TRAE AND EMPLOYMENT. Production of Schedules to the General Agreement 1. The numbers shown on the form and referred to below, corres- pond to the horizontal and vertical guide numbering of Gestetner Durotype No. 62 stencils. The layout thus indicated should be adhered to as far as possible. 2. The word "SECRET" should appear on every page in the top right hand corner (horizontal : 3, vertical : 65). 3. The heading "SCHEDULE (XX) - COUNTRY" should be on the level of number 6. 4. In the French text the word "LISTE" should be used for "SCHEDULE". 5. In cases where a single Schedule covers more than one customs territory the letters A, B, C etc. should be attached before the name of the country. Thus SCHEDULE XX A - (metropolitan territory), XX B - (first separate customs territory) etc. 6. The heading "Part 1" or "Part II" should be on the level of number 10. 7. The heading "Part 1" should be used in every Schedule, even by countries which have no preferential tariffs. In the latter case, Part I should be followed by a separate sheet headed "Part Il" with the word "NIL" in the middle of the page. 8 Part I of each Schedule should have a sub-heading on the first page "Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff". UNITED NATIONS NAITIONS UNIES E/PC/T/210 Add. 1. Rev.l. Page 2. 9. Part II of each Schedule should have a sub-heading on the first page ''Preferential Tariff". 10. Each page following the first page should have as a heading "Part I [Part II (continued)", and for the last page concluded)". 11. The upper horizontal line of the frame should be on the level of number 14. 12. The lower horizontal line should, if possible, be on the level of number 17. 13. The vertical line, dividing the first and second columns, should run along number 19. 14. The tariff numbers should be placed close to that lino in order to allow space on the left for possible binding. 15. The commodity description which appears in the centre column should be single spaced, with a double space between the separate tariff items. 16. The line dividing the second and third columns should, if possible, run along number 62; it will be necessary to use discretion with regard to the space required for the rate of duty. 17. Stencils should not be cut lower than the horizontal guide number 65. SCHEDULE XX (COUNTRY) PART I (Country) Tariff item number XXX XXX (19) Description of Products (62) (65) ------------- Rate of duty (65) SECRET (3) (6) (10)- \~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; t- 4 )
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Progress of Tariff Negotiations
European Office of the United Nations Information Centre Geneva, October 1, 1947
European Office of the United Nations Information Centre Geneva
press releases
Press Release No.403 and PRESS RELEASE NO.403-479
EUROPEAN OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS Information Centre Press Release No.403 Geneva. 1 October 1947. SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT PRESS GUIDANCE Progress of Tariff Negotiations For the convenience of members of the press, the following list indicates the 56 tariff negotiations which were completed in their bilateral stage up to September 20th. These results have already been made public, in overall figures, in the Sixteenth Report of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party (Document E/PC/T/218) of 25 September. Australia-Chile Chile-Norway -Cuba -South Africa -Lebanon-Syria -U.K. -South Africa -U.S.A. Benelux -Chile China-Czechoslovakia -China -France -Lebanon-Syria -Norway -Norway -South Africa -South Africa Cuba -India Brazil -Canada -Norway -Chile -South Africa -China -U.S.A. -Cuba Czechoslovakia-India -India -Lebanon-Syria -Norway -Norway -U.S.A. -South Africa Canada -Chile France-Lebanon-Syria -Czechoslovakia -Norway -India -South Africa -Lebanon-Syria India-Lebanon-Syria -Norway -Norway -South Africa Lebanon-Syria-U.S.A. Chile -Cuba New Zealand-Norway -Czechoslovakia -South Africa -France Norway-South Africa -India -U.K. -Lebanon-Syria -U.S.A. -New Zealand South Africa -U.K. It is to be understood that the results of these negotiations are subject to any adjustment that may be required in the light of other negotiations as they are completed and are to be incorporated in the Schedules to be annexed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; further, the General Agreement may be subject to approval by the authorities of the countries concerned. Additional negotiations have been completed since September 20 and will be listed in the next Report of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Proposal by the delegation of Belgium-Luxembourg. Draft Charter. Non-discriminatory Administration of State-trading Enterprises
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 14, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/65 and E/PC/T/W/23-81
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/W/65 14 May 1947 ECONOMIC CONSEIL ORIGINAL: FRENCH AND ECONOMIQUE ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. PROPOSAL BY THE DELEGATION OF BELGIUM-LUXEMBOURG Draft Charter Non-discriminatory Administration of State-trading Enterprises Article 31, paragraph 3 Reword paragraph 3 as follows: "This Article shall apply when a Member government, directly or indirectly, whether by virtue of legal provisions, or under arrangements granting special or exclusive privileges, or merely in fact, exercises effective control or management of enterprises, organs or agencies or of their trading operations only." Reasons This amendment ls designed to make the provisions of Article 31 applicable to organizations in the import policy of which the state has no direct right of intervention. In addition, it amalgamates alternatives A and B so that the situations envisaged in each of them are covered by the Charter and the application of Article 31 is not unduly limited by Its wording.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Proposal by the Delegation of the Union of South Africa. "Article 5. Fair Labour Standards" to be replaced by the following new article 5. Article 5. Improvement of Labour Standards
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 28, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/133 and E/PC/T/W/125-150
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESTRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/W/133 28 May 1947. SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COM ITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Proposal by the Delegation of the Union of South Africa. "Article 5 FAIR LABOUR STANDARDS" to be replaced by the following new article 5. Article 5. IMPROVEMENT OF LABOUR STANDARDS. Recognizing that countries in all stages of social and economic development have a common interest in the improvement of labour standards, each Member, in collaboration with the rele- vant inter-governmental organizations, agrees to take in prod- uction for export and generally throughout its jurisdiction such action toward this end as may be appropriate and feasible in relation to its national economy. --------- DEUXIEME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PREPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DU COMMERCE ET DE L 'EMPLOI DE L' ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES. Proposition présentée par la délégation de l'Union Sud-Africaine. Article 5 "CONDITIONS DE TRAVAIL EQUITABLES" Remplacer le texte actuel par le nouvel article 5 suivant : Article 5 AMELIORATION DES CONDITIONS DE TRAVAIL Reconnaissant qu'à tous stades de développement écono- nique et social, les pays ont un intérêt commun à l'amélioration de des conditions de travail, chaque Membre, en collaboration avec les organisations intergouvernementales compétentes, s'engage à prendre à cette fin, dans les secteurs de la production destinée à l'exportation et, d'une façon générale, dans toute l'étendue de sa juridiction, toutes mesures appropriées et réalisables, eu égard à son économie nationale.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Proposed draft for Article 88, paragraph 2
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/299 and E/PC/T/W/261-306
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E /PC/T/W/299 AND ECONOMIQUE 15 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPOYMENT Proposed draft for Article 88, paragraph 2 The Delegation of theUnïted States proposes the following substitutin for paragraph 2 of Article 83 (formerly Article 36) (E/PC/T/139) as a reconciliation of the points of view expressed in alternatives a and B of that paragraphas shown in document E/PC/T/139. It is understood that a number of other delegations are in substantial agreement with this text. "Any resolution of the Conference under paragraph 3 of Article 87 or decision of the Conference under any other Airticle of this Charter shall be subject to review by the International Court of Justice through the means of a request by the Organization for an advisory opinion pursuant to the Statute of the International Court of Justice. The request for review of such resolution or decision shall be made by the Organization, in appropriate form, upon the instance of any substantially interested Member. "
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Proposed Interpretative Note Relating to Margins of Preference
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/230 and E/PC/T/228-267
ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/230 AND ECONOMIQUE ` October 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONTERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Pronosed Interpretatïve Note Relating to Margins of Preference. Arising from the recent discussion of the Tariff Agreement Committee, the Tariff negotiationss Working Party has given consideration to defining more precisely the term. "margin of preference" and has decided to recommend the inclusion in Annex I to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of the following interpretative note o Paragraph 3 of Artcle I. If Members of the Tariff Agreement Comiittee have not submitted comments by noon on October 14 , it will be assumed that they have no objection to the following text: ad ARTICLE I Paragraph 3 The term "margin of preference" means the absolute differ- ence between the mos,.-favoured-nation rate of duty and the preferential rate of duty for the like product, and not the proportionate relation between those rates. As examples: 1.) if the most-favoured-nation rate were 36 per cent ad valorem and the preferential rate were 24 per cant ad valorem, the margin of preference would be 12 per cent ad valorem, and not one-third oî the most- favoured-nation rate; 2.) If the most-favoured-nation rate were 36 per cent ad valorem and the preferential rate were expressed as two-thirds of" the most-favoured-*nation rate, the margin of preference would be 12 per cent ad valorem; 3.) If the most-favoured-nation rate were 2 francs per kilogram and the preferential rate were 1.50 francs per kilogram, the margin of preference would be 0.50 francs per kilogram. UNITED NATIONS NATlONS UNIES RESTRICTED
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Proposed new draft of Article 24, par. 1 (a) submitted by the Benelux Delegations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 7, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/266 and E/PC/T/W/261-306
UNITED NAlTlONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/266 AND ECOOMIQUE 7 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL:ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. PROPOSED NEW DRAFT OF ARTICLE 24, Par. 1 (a) SUBmITTEd BY THE BENELUX DELEGATIONS Prior international obligations shall not prevent the initiation of discussions concerning the reduction or elimination of a margin of preference. When a Member party to a preferential agreement has received.from a third party a request for the reduction or elimination of preferences it is granting, it shall, at the same time it is negotiating with the requesting party, consult with the other party or parties to the preferential agreement to ascertain the basis of mutual advantages on which the request may be acceded to. Agreement determining adequate compensation may be made between the Member granting and the party or parties receiving the preference, or, if no satisfactory settlement can be reached between then on a triangular, basis. All prior obligations which have not been modified by agreements concluded as above shall remain unchanged, provided that the preferential agreement embodying them may be terminated. in accordance with its terms.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Proposed Statement for Inclusion in the Chairman's Speech at the Final Meeting of the Preparatory Committee
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/229 and E/PC/T/228-267
ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/229 AND ECONOMIQUE 4 October 1947. -SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOC AIL ORIGINAL ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PR. PARATIORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS COL±:kJ c.. ON TRADE AND i 1 ..;I. Proposed Statement for lnclusion in the Chairman's Speech at the Final l:eetii.;> of the Preparatory Committee. The Tariff Negotiations Working Party has. ded to recommend the inclusion of the following statement in the Chaiman's. at the final meeting of the Preparatory .Committee; it is inuended. that this statement should be included verbatim in the record of that meeting. If members of the Tariff Agreement Committee have not submitted comments by noon on October 14, it will be assumed that they have no objection either to the statement or to the course of action proposed. "The question has been raised whether there is any provision. in the Genera l Agreement on Tariffs and Trade whereby it can be ensured that all contracting parties make tariff con ssions of equivalent value. The point arises particularly in relation to the, concessions to be made by new adherents and whether the will be equivalent to those made by the original . urittracting paties Moreover, the same question will probably aris: from: time to time as the process of lowering trade barriers goes forward in respect of the original contracting parties." "This problem was, of course, foreseen in the draft Charter, and the Preparatory Committee has recommended in Articcle 17 (new numbering,) provisions which we all consider ndequate to mest the case. Referernce may be made especially to the introduotery words in paragraph 1 (which commit Members to negotiave about tariff and preferences) , to paragraph 1 (c) (which says that concessions made UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES /PC/T/ 2 9 page 2. in previous negetiations shall. be taken into account) , to paragraph 1 (d) which says that the results of such negotiations shall be incorporated into the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and to paragraph 2 (which gives the lnternational Trade Organization certain rights as to the implementation of Members' undertakings in paragraph 1)". "Thus, it can be stated with some confidence that the question of the contributions to be made to the objectire of reducing trade barriers by Members, new or old, from time to time, will be adequately covered when the Charter comes into force. If, unhappily, the Charter does not come into force, or if there is long, delay, the question of having provisions equivalent to those of article 17 of the Draft Charter will inevitably be one of those which the contr:eting parties will have to take into consideration in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article XXIX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. "
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Proposed Statement for Inclusion in the Chairman's Speech at the Final Meeting of the Preparatory Committee
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/229 and E/PC/T/228-267
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : R E P O R T of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment to the Economic and Social Council
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/117 Rev.1 and E/PC/T/106-124
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/117 Rev.1 AND ECONOMIQUE 9 July 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT R E P O R T OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT TO THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL PART A - INTRODUCTION 1. Establishment of the Preparatory Committee (a) The Economic and Social Council at its First Session resolved on 18 February, 1946 to call an International Conference on Trade and Employment for the purpose of promoting the expansion of production, exchange and consumption of goods. At the same time ,.. the Council constituted a Preparatory Committee to elaborate for the Conference an annotated draft agenda, including a draft convention, taking into account suggestions which might be submitted by the Council itself or by any Member of the United Nations. (b) The Council also charged the Preparatory Committee with presenting recommendations regarding the date and place of the Conference on Trade and Employment and which states, if any, non-Members of the United Nations, should be invited to the Conference. 2. Stages in the Work of the Preparatory Committee (a) The First Session of the Preparatory Committee was held in London from 15 October to 26 November, 1946. In the course of this Session a draft Charter for an International Trade organization was prepared and embodied in a report which was distributed as rb ss jwwe nxrcw tls^wer E/PC/T/117 Rev.1 page 2., Document E/PC/T/33 and published. (b). The First Session appointed a Drafting Committee to meet as soon as possible after the First Session for the purpose of editing the draft Charter produced in London. The Drafting Committee met in New York from 20 January to 25 February, 1947 and recorded the results of its work in a report which was distributed as Document E/PC/T/34 and later published. (c) The Second Session of the Preparatory Committee began on 10 April, 1947, at Geneva and it is hoped that it will conclude its work not later than 15 August, 1947. In view of the desirability of holding the Conference on Trace and Employment as soon as possible, this Report has been prepared before the conclusion of the work of the Preparatory Committee for consideration at the Fifth Session of the Economic and Social Council. A full report of the Second Session will be published immediately after the and of the Session, 3. Participants in the work of the Preparatory Committee All members of the Prepratory Committee (1) with the exception of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics took part in the work of the First and Second Sessions and of the Drafting Committee. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics indicated that it did not feel able to participate in the work of the Preparatory Committee as it had not found it possible to devote sufficient preliminary study to the important questions which were the subject of the Committee's discussion. (1) . The members are:- Australia, Belgium-Luxembourg, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Chine, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, France, India, Lebanon, Netherlands, New Zeeland, Norway, Union of South Africa, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United States, United Kingdom. E/PC/T/117 Rev.1 page 3. Two specialised agencies (1) and two other inter-governmental organizations (2) were actively associated with all the proceedings and many Members of the United Nations non-Members of the Preparatory Committee (3) and some non-governmental organizations in Category "A" (4) sent observers who from time to time gave the Committee the benefit of their views. (1) The Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Labour Office. (2) The Internationel Bank for REconstruction and Development and the International Monetary Fund. (3) Colombia, Denmark, Mexico, Peru, Poland and Syria sent observers to the First Session; Colombia and Mexico to the Drafting Committee, and the following countries to the Second Session, in addition to those represented at the First Session:- Afghanistan, Argentina, Ecuador, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. Syrian representatives attended the Second Session as part of a delegation representing the Syro-Lebanese Customs Union in the tariff negotiations. (4) The organizations were:- American Federation of Labour, International Chamber of Commerce, International Co-operative Alliance, World Federation of Trade Unions. The International Federation of Agricultural Producers also submitted its views on certain points to the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee. E/PC/T/117.Rev.1. Page 4. PART B -- RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE 1. Annotated Draft Agenda and Convention for the Conference on Trade and Employment The Preparatory Com;ittee adopted the topics suggested by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution as the substance of Its agenda for the preparation of the draft Charter for an Inter- national Trade Organization. As at present drafted the Charter includes chapters under the following headings:- - Employment and Economic Activity - Economic Development - General Commercial Policy - Restrictive Business Practices - Inter-Governmental Commodity Arrangements together with provisions relating to organization, membership and other miscellaneous matters. The Preparatory Committee recommends that these headings should be adopted by the Conference on Trade and Employment as the substance of its agenda and that the relevant chapters of the draft Charter ehould be taken as the principal working paper under each heading. As additional annotations to the agenda there will also be available the Reports of the First and Second Sessions of the Preparatory Committee and of the Drafting Committee. The . Reports of the First Session and of the Drafting Committee are annexed hereto as Annexures A and B respectively. The three Reports will indicate to the World Conference the development of the discussions leading to the text of the draft Charter submitted by the Preparatory Committee. 2. Date and Place of the Conference on Trade and Employment (See annexure C). In arriving at a recommendation as to the date on which the Conference should be convened the Preparatory Committee has been E/PC/T/117.Rev.1. Page 5 much impressed with the desirability of holding the Conference as soon as possible after the termination of the work of the Prepara- tory Committee. It was felt by the Committee that the impetus achieved in the preparation for an International Trade Organiza- tion should be maintained, and that any substantial delay would have the effect of postponing for a considerable period the ooming into force of the Charter and the establishment of the Organization. On the other hand, the Preparatory Committee has given considera- tion to the need for providing a reasonable interval between the end of the current session of the Committee and the convening of the World Conference in order to provide as much time as possible for governments which did not participate in the Preparatory Committee to study the work of the Second Session. In this con- nection the Preparatory Committee has taken account of the fact that the full reports of the First Session and of the Drafting Committee have been in the hands of all Members of the United Nations for many months and that arrangements have been made for A such Members to receive all Documents of the Second Session as its work proceeds. In all the circumstances the Committee feels it is undesir- able to delay the convening of the Conference much beyond the middle of November. Accordingly, the Preparatory Committee recommends that the Conference should be convened on 21 November, . 1947. The Preparatory Committee considers that the Conference should be held in a suitable place in the Western Hemisphere, and therefore recommends, in view of the cordial and generous invitation extended by the Government of Cuba, that the Con- ference be held in Havana, if practicable. E/PC/T/117Rev. 1. Page 6. 3. Invitation of non-Members of the United Nations to the Conference (See annexure D). The Preparatory Committec recommends that, subject to the resolution regarding Spain adopted by the General Assembly on 12 December, 1946, those states non-Members of the United Nations which have an appreciable interest in world trade should be Invited to the Conference on Trade and Employment. It therefore .: recommends that the following states non-Members should be invited: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Eire, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Rumania, Switzerland, Transjordania and the Yemen. The Preparatory Committee recommends further that the Econ- omic and Social Council should make provision for the attendance of persons qualified to represent the appropriate authorities in Germany, Japan and Korea. The Preparatory Committee, having in mind specifically the position of the Governments of Burma, Ceylon and Southern Rhodesia, wishes to draw the attention of the Economic and Social Council to the position of territories under the sovereignty of a Member of the United Nations which are self-governing in matters ,provided for by the draft Charter and for that reason, in the opinion of the Preparatory Committee, ought to be Invited to participate in the work of the Conference. THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE 1. Considering that the task of the World Conference would be facilitated if concrete action were taken by the principal trading .nations to enter into reciprocal negotiations directed to the sub- stantial reduction of tariffs and to the elimination of pre- ferences on a mutually advantageous basis, the Preparatory E/PC/T/117.Rev.1. Page 7. Committee adopted a Resolution at its First Session regarding the carrying out of tariff negotiations under its sponsorship in con- nection with, and as part of, the Second Session. 2. The governments represented at the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee are now engaged in the negotiations foreseen in the above-mentioned Resolution. These negotiations have not yet been completed. 3. It is expected that the concessions resulting from these negotiations, together with such other provisions as may be appropriate, will at the end of the Second Session be incorporated in a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. E/PC/T117.Rev 1. Page 8 ANNEXURE C Resolution Regarding Date and Place of United Nations Conference on Trade and Emplo:ment. - WHEREAS in the resolution whereby the Economic and Social Council constituted the Preparatory Committee, the Council requested the Committee, inter alia, to report recommendations regarding the date and place of the International Conference on Trade and Employment, and WHEREAS the Preparatory Committee considers that it is desirable to proceed as rapidly as possible with the establishment of an International Trade Organization and the formulation of its Charter, THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS that the Economic and Social Council requests the Secretary-General to convene the Conference on 21 November, 1947, at a suitable place in the Western Hemisphere(1) The Committee further recommends that the invitation extended by the Government of Cuba to hold the Conference in Havana be aocepted, if practicable. (1) The Committee has considered and rejected a suggestion by the Secretariat that the Conference should be held at Lake Success. The Committee is strongly of the opinion that Lake Success would not be "a suitable place" for the Confprence. The experience of two sessions of the Preparatory Committee has demonstrated that any reasonable rate of progress in the complicated discussions which will confront the Conference is dependent upon regular end comprehensive dally Delegatioln meetings and inter-delogation discussions. These are greatly facilitated by the provision of office accommodation in the Conference building which, having regard to the size of the delegations, would not be available at Lake Success. If, added to this, the hotel and office accommodation of Delegations were a considerable distance from the Conference buildings, the result would be severely to curtail the time available for Conference and Committee Sessions nnd thus to add considerably to the length and expenses of the Confrence, (including the heavy expenses entailed for delegations for accommodation, staff and transport). The considerations which led the Committee to reJect the suggestion of Lake Success also prompted their favourable recommendation. on the Cuban invitation to hold the Conference in Havana. The Committee were assured of the provision of an adequate Conference building which would include office accommodation for delegations, and hotel accommodation in close proximity to the Conference building. The Committee felt that the consequent saving in time and expense argued strongly in favour of Havana. They considered that the having ln the time required for the completion of the Conference at Havana as compared with Lake Success would go a long way to offset the additional expenses which might be involved for the United Nations Secretariat. Moreover, they understood that the Cuban Government had offered to contribute generously to the Confrrence arrangements with a view to avoiding casting any additional burden of expense upon the United Nations. E/PC/T/117 Rev.1 Page 9. ANNEXURE D Resolution Relating to Invitation of States non-Members of the United Nations to the Conference on Trade and Employment. WHEREAS in the Resolution whereby the Economic and Social Council constituted the Preparatory Committee, the Council requsted its Committee to recommend, inter b.U, when states, if any, non-Members of the United Nations should be invited to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, and WHEREAS the Preparatory Committee has now considered this request THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS, subject to the Resolution passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 12 December 1946, on the relations of Members of the United Nations with Spain, that invitations should be sent to all states not Members of the United Nations which have an appreciable interest in world trade, namely: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Eire, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Rumania, Switzerland, Transjordania, and the Yemen. THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS FURTHER that the Economic and Social Council should make provision for the attendance of persons qualified to represent the appropriate authorities in Germany, Japan, and Korea. WHEREAS in the negotiations which have taken place at Geneva during the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee, it has become clear that Burma, Ceylon and Southern Rhodesia, although under the sovereignty of a Member of the United Nations, possess full autonomy in the conduct of their external commercial relations and other matters provided for by the draft Charter. E/PC/T/117 Rev.1. Page 10. THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE CONSIDERS that such separate Customs Territories should be invited to participate in the work of the Conference, and, RECOMMENDS FURTHER that the Economic and Social Council should make arrangements for invitations to be sent to such separate Customs Territories through the government or the competent metropolitan state.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : R E P O R T of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment to the Economic and Social Council
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 9, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/117 Rev.1 and E/PC/T/106-124
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : R E P O R T of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment to the Economic and Social Council
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 15, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/117 Rev.1.Corr.1 and E/PC/T/106-124
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Recommendation of the Tariff Negotiations Working Party
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 17, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/339 and E/PC/T/W/307-344
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/339 AND ECONOMIQUE 17 September 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATION OF THE TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS WORKING PARTY The Tariff Negotiations Working Party, in consultation with representatives of India and Pakistan, has given consideration to the exceptional circumstances arising out of the establishment of India and Pakistan and recommends to the Tariff Agreement Committee the adoption of a new paragraph 5 of Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, together with an interpretative note, as proposed herewith:- Proposed New Paragraph 5 of Article XXIV Taking into account the exceptional circumstances arising out of the establishment of India and Pakistan as independent states and recognizing the fact that they have long constituted an economic unit, the contracting parties agree that the provisions of this Agreement shall not prevent the two countries from entering into special arrangements with respect to the trade between them, pending the establishment of their mutual trade relations on a definitive basis. Addition to Interpretative Notes Article XXIV, paragraph 5 It is understood that measures adopted by India and Pakistan in order to carry out definitive trade arrange- ments between them, once they have been agreed upon, might depart from particular provisions of the Agreement, but that these measures would in general be consistent with the objectives of the Agreement.
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Recommendation of the Working Party on Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 10, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/94 and E/PC/T/92-105
UNITED NATIONS RESTRICTED ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL CONSEIL E/PC/T/94 ECONOMIQUE 10 June, 1947 ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Recommendation of t:e Working Party on Tariff Negotiations. Subject: The progress of the Tariff Negotiations. Document E/PC/T.86 was approved in Executive Session on 9th June 1947, subject to the deletion of the word "satisfactory" in sub-paragraph (ii). The Working Party now requests the Heads of Delegations to submit their first report on the progress of their negotiations not later than Monday next, 16th June. Forms for the Progress Reports will be distributed to delegations and should be returned to Room 220. NATIONS UNIES
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Recommendation of the Working Party on Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, June 3, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/86 and E/PC/T/66-91
ECONOMIC CONSEIL RESrRICTED AND ECONOMIQUE E/PC/T/86 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMFLOYMENT.- Recommendation of the Working Party on Tariff Negotiations. Subject: The progress of the Tariff Negotiations. In view of the fact that the first stage in the Tariff Negotiations - i.e.,the initiation of all contemplated bilateral talks - has now been almost completed, the Tariff Negotiations Working Party believes that the time has some to establish some procedure for obtaining reports from Delegations on the progress of their negotiations. Accordingly the Working Party recommends that a questionaire be issued to each Delegation asking for information in respect of each negotiation in which it is participating; it is pro- posed that Delegations be asked which of the following descriptions would apply to the state of each negotiation: (i) Negotiations in preliminary stages, (ii) Negotiations making satisfactory progress, (iii) Negotiations making considerable progress, or (iv) Negotiations nearing completion. In addition, Delegations should be asked for supplementary or explanatory comments including, when possible, an estimate of the approximate date by which the negotiations will be concluded. The Working Party recommends that reports in the form of replies to the proposed questionaire should be obtained from Delegations frortnightly. It is suggested that the first report should be submitted to the Secretariat, on forms to be supplied, not leter than Monday, 16 June, and that subsequent reports be submitted on alternate Mondays thereafter. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES
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Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Recommendation of the working Party on Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 21, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/76 and E/PC/T/66-91
RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/76 AND ECONOMIQUE 21 May, 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Recommendation of the working Party on Tariff Nego- tiations SubJect: Communication of information concerning chan es relating to lists of tariff con- In connection with the submission of periodic reports on the progress of the tariff negotiations, as instructed by the Chairman's Committee (Heads of Delegations) on 21 April, the Working Party has reviewed arrangements for exchanging information concerning offers made in the negotiations (sàe Documents E/PC/T/47 Rev.1 and 2; and E/PC/T/51). The Working Party considers that the adequacy of the arrangements made for such exchanges of information will not only affect any assess- ment of progress but may well influence directly the progress of the negotiations. The Working Party appreciates that, by the nature of the present negotiating process, initial offers or changes in such offers should not be regarded as binding upon the parties con- cerned until the end of the negotiations, when the final schedules are drawn up and the General Agreement signed, Accordingly, the Working Party would emphasize that, in consider- ing the present paper, Delegations should rocognize that such reports as may be exchanged concerning offers or changes therein are intended for information only and should not be regarded as Implying any commitment on the part of the reporting Delegation, The Working Party is of the opinion that the existing arrangements make satisfactory provision for informing eligible Dulegations and the central Secretariat of the initial offers submitted at the outset of each negotiation. Concerning sub- sequent changes in such offers, however, it seems to the Working Party that, although the general intention may be apparent, sufficienty specific provision has not yet been made for reporting such developments to the contral Secretariat and to all those Delegations which are entitled to receive such information, by virtue of the fact that they have opened negotiations with the Delegation whose offers are changed, but which are not partici- pants in the negotiations concerning the particular items. The Working Party is well aware that the changes in respect of the initial offers which can be expected in the course of the various negotiations may vary widely from case to case. For instance, such offers may themselves be "revised" upwards or downwards: or they may be ``sumpplemented" UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T/76 page 2 with offers on new items; or they may be "withdrawn for reconsideration"; or they may be "withdrawn". The Working Party would recommend the adoption of a reporting procedure which would involve a uniform obligation on the part of all Delegations to report the fact of any such changes, but which .would provide an element of flexibility whereby the Delegation concerned would have the option of itself advising interested Delegations of the nature of such changes and explaining the circumstances and conditions under which they are being made. The procedure should also facilitate, though it should not require, the reporting of changes which are merely contemplated or tentative, and of which interested Delegations should, so far as practicable, be kept advised. On the understanding thct the general principles nestablished in paragraph 6 of E/PC/T/47 (as revised by Revs. 1..and 2) were intended to appiy not only to initial offers , but also to subsequent developments relating to such offers, the Working Party, with du; regard to the need for flexibility and for security, recommends that the following supplementary :.reporting arrangements be adopted to give effect to that intention: » (a) each Delegation should arrange to complete and submit to the central Secretariat each fortnight, the form reproduced in Annexure A of the present ; t document, in respect of each negotiation in which any of its offers have been changed during the period. The first of such reports should be submitted to the central Secretariat on Saturday May 31 and should cover all changes which have occurred in any offers from the commencement of each negotiation. The next report should be submitted Saturday June 14; and subsequent reports, fortnightly thereafter. In the event that no change has occurred during . such a period in respect of any offers of a Delegation; an officer of the Delegation should complete one of the forms indicating the negotiations in respect of which there have been no changes of * offers to report. In the event that replies are not - -. received from a Delegation concerning the various - L- . negotiations in which it is engaged, the central Secretariat should be authorized to consult with that ske!^t-wv Delegation to ascertain whether or not there are any developments to report in respect of its offers. The central Secretariat should ensure that prior to May 31 the secretary of each Delegation receives a sufficient number of blank forms on the pattern of Annexure A to ensure that reporting of such changes can commence on that date. The attention of Delegations is drawn to the fact that, under the proposed procedure, they may select either of two alternative methods of communicating to other Delegations the details concerning the nature and extent of such changes as they report to the Secretariat (see Annexures A and B) E/PC/T/76 page 3 (b) On the basis of the information submitted by Delegations, the central Secretariat shall advise each Delegation of changes reported in the offers of any other Delegation with which that Delegation has commenced negotiations The information will be communicated on a form similar to that presented in Annexure B of the presei. document. If a Delegation has authorized tho central Secretariat to communicate details concerning the nature and extent of the indicated changes, the report to eligible Delegations. will indicate the name and location of the officer in the Secretariat from whom authorized representatives of eligible Delegations may secure such supplementary information. If the alternative method of comunicating such details has been selected by a Delegation, the report from the central Secretariat will inform eligible:Delegations of the name and location of the designated member of the reporting Delegation who can provide such information. Such reports by the central Secretariat should be made fortnightly, commencing Tuesday June 3. It should be noted by each Delegation that, in determining which Delegations have opened negotiations with that Delegation (and, hence, which are to be regarded as eligible to receive the fortnightly reports concerning changes in its offers), the central Secretariat will be governed by the reports which the joint Secretariat of each negotiation is expected to file under the procedure established in paragraph "a" of E/PC/T/51. E/PC/T/76. page 4. SECRET Annexure A Report to the Central Secretariat concerning changes relating to offered tariff concessions TO : The Executive Secretary (Room 216) or The Deputy Executive Secretary (Room 218) or Mr. A.F. Haight (Room 212). 1. 0.1 behalf of the Delegation of am hereby advising you that our offers to the other Delegations with which we are in negotiation have been changed during the two weeks ending in respect of the items appearing below. 2. The information transmitted herewith may be communica- ted by you to all Delegations with which we have opened negotia- tions, in the manner indicated in column 4, the two alternatives being the following Either (A) in full as reported in the first three columns below, or(B) only the information contained in the first two columns, advising those Delegations that details concerning the nature and ex- tent of the change may be secured from Mr. of our Delegation, Room _ _ 3. It is to be understood that the above information is reported for the general guidance of eligible Delegations and that the reporting of this information does not imply any commitment on the part of our Delegation. Signed By/for Head of Delegation Country to Item identified by Nature and Method of which affer commodity descrip- Extent of Reporting originally tion, or tariff num- Change. (A) or (B) made. ber, or number in re- above. quest list of other Delegation, or in some other convenient manner. E/PC/T/76 SECRET Annoxure B Report by the central Secretariat to eligible Delegations concerning changes relating to offered tariff concessions TO: (The Head of the Dolegation of 1. The Executive Secretary has been advised by the Delega- tions concerned that the offers of the following Delegations with which you are negotiating have been changed during the two weeks ending 2. For details concerning the nature and extent of any of the above-mentioned changes you may consult: (the Seoretariat will strike out whichever of the alternatives is not applicable in the light of the reply given by the reporting Delegation to para. 2A or 2B of Annexure A). A. Mr. of the central Secretariat, Room , in respect of changes relating to the offers of Delegations: B. The following officials in connoction with the offers of their respective Delegations: Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Dolegation Delegation Delegation Delegation Delegation Delegation Delegation Delegation 3. It is to be understood that the information concerning changes mentioned above has been reported to you for the guidance of your Delegation only. The information is to be regarded as SECRET and is to be treated with the same care as that exercised in, the case of initial lists of affers received by you. The reporting of this information does not imply any commitment on the part of the reporting Delegations. (Signed) Deputy Executive Secretary Delegations whose Delegations to Item offers have been which the offers (Identified by commodity changed have been made description or tariff number, or number in request list of the Dele- gation to which the offer was made, or in any other manner indicated by the reporting Delegation) Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. of of of of of of of of -- 9 --77' y
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Recommendations by the Tariff Negotiations Working Party
United Nations Economic and Social Council, September 24, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/216 and E/PC/T/214/ADD.1/REV.1-228
United Nations Nations Unies RESTRICTED E/PC/T/216 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 24 September 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Recommendations by the Tariff Negotiations Working, Party Delegations which are not undertaking their own translations are reminded that consolidated lists should be submitted to the Secretariat for translation as soon as they are ready. In cases where the state of negotiations does not yet allow the submission of the final consolidated list, a provisional consolidated list containing the tariff item numbers and description of products, but not necessarily the rates of duty, should be submitted. Unless Delegations comply with this recommendation, a delay in the production of the Schedules may prove inevitable. Delegations are also reminded that the Secretariat is responsible for circulating, at fortnightly intervals, only the indication of the changes in offers which have been made iin a bilateral negotiation prior to the completion of the negotiation. It is the responsibility of the Delegations who have not circulated consolidated lists to distribute themselves, immediately after completion of each bilateral negotiation, the Final List for that negotiation to all Delegations with which they have been ne-otiating.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Record of Work Performed
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/103 Corr.3 and E/PC/T/92-105
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Redraft of Articles 71 to 79 inclusive suggested by the Delegation of Australia
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 3, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/232 and E/PC/T/W/220-235
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC E/PC/T/W/232 CONSEIL 3 July 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE Original: ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT REDRAFT OF ARTICLES 71 TO 79 INCLUSIVE SUGGESTED BY THE DELEGATION OF AUSTRALIA ARTICLE 71 Powers and Dutios. 1. The Executive Board shall bE responsible for the execution of the policies of the Organisation and shall exerciss the powers delegated to it and perform the duties assigned to it by the Conference. It shall prepar the preliminary agends of the Conference. 2. The Board shall take whatever stops are within its authority to ensure the provision of adoquate nachinery to assist the respective organs of the Organisation to perform their functions in accordance with the requirements of this Chartar. Where . necessary the Board shall make recommendations to the Conference for this purpose. 3. Tho Exacutive Board may make recommendations to the Con- ferance, to the Members of the Organisation, or to othor inter- governmental organisations on any subject falling within the soope of this Chartor. ARTICLE 72 Establishment of Commissions The Conference may, on the recommendation of the Executive Board, establish Commission in the field of employment and economic activity, aconomic development, goneral commercial . E/PC/T/W/232 policy, restrictive business practicos and inter-governmontal commodity arrangements. Any such Commissons which are established shall be responsible to tho Executive Board. ARTICLE 73 Composition and procedure of Commissions In the establishment of any such Commissions the following conditions shall apply: (a) Commissions shall be comprised of persons chosen by the Executive Board and qualified by training or experience to carry out the functions of the Commissions in accor- dance with the purposes of this Charter. (b) The number of mambers of each Commission shall be dater- mined in accordance with rogulations prescribed by the Conference. (c) Each Commission shall elect its Chairman, and shell adopt rules of procedure which shall be subjact to subject to approval by tha Executive Board. (d) The Conference and Executive Board may respectively pro- vide under their rules of procedure that the Chairman of any Commission may participate, without the right to vote, in tho oliberations of each of thoso Organs. ARTICLE 74 Funetions of Commissions The Commissions shall perform such functions as the Conference or the Exacutive Board may assign to tham. ARTICLE 75 [78] Staff 1, There shall be a Director-General and such other staff as may bo required. E/PC/T/W/232 page 3 2. The Director-General shall have authority to appoint Deputy Director-Generals in accordance with regulations approved by the Conference. ARTICLE 76 [79] The Director-General 1. Para. (1) of Article 79 Drafting Committee Report. 2. The Director-General or his representative shall be entitled to participate , without the right to vote, in all meetings or the Conference, of the Tariff Commiittee, of the Executive Board, of the Commissions and of the Committees of the Organisition. The Executive Board may include the Director-General or a representative proposed by him in the membership of any Commission. 3. The Director-General may initiate proposals for the con- sideration of any organ of the Organisation. Ho shall present to the Conference through the Executive Board an annual report on the work of the Organisation and the annual budget estimate and financial statements of the Organisation. ARTICLE 77 [80] Employment of Staff Existing text of Article 80 except that "staff" should be Substituted for "staff of the Sacretariat" in paragraph 1 and for "ecretariat" in paragraph 2. . .
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Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Relations between International Trade Organisation and International Monetary Fund. Observations by Australian Delegation on paragraph 2 of Article 29
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 11, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/279 and E/PC/T/W/261-306
UNITED NATIONS. NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/279 AND ECONOMIQUE 11 August 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONTS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. RELATIONS BETWEEN INTERNATIONAL TRADE ORGANISATION AND INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND Observations by Australian Delegation on paragraph 2 of Article 29. Paragraph 2 of Article 29, as agreed by the majority of the Sub-Committee appointed to deal with Articles 26, 28 and 29 provide that "....The Organisation, in reaching its final decision in cases involving the criteria set forth in paragraph 2(a) of Article 26 shall accent the determination of the International Monetary Fund as to what constitutes a serious decline in the Member's monetary reasonable very low level of its monetary reserves or a reasonable rate of increase in its monetary reserves, and as to the financial aspects of other matters covered in consulta- tion in such cases". The Australian delegation disagrees with this text, be- lieving that the underlined words should be replaced by the words "shall give special weight to the opinions", for the following reasons:- (i) It is impossible to define accurately the purely financial aspects of the criteria in Article 26(2)(a), on which it might be reasonable to give the Monetary Fund the final say, front the wider economic and commercial aspects, which are the concern of the Organisation at least as much as of the Fund. (ii) It is undesirable to separate the functions of decision from those of responsibility for action. The I.T.O. will have responsibility for any action to be taken under paragraphs 4(c) and 4(d) of Article 26, and therefore should also retain the right of decision as to whether the criteria under paragraph 2(a) have been met. (iii) Co-operation between the Organisation and the Mone- tary Fund, which should be as close as possible in the field of balance of payments questions, will be impaired if the Organisation is forced to carry out decisions with which it disagrees, but which are imposed upon it by the Monetary Fund. (iv) In the view of at least one delegation, it would be the Fund, and not the Organisation, which would "pay due regard to special factors" in relation to the three specific criteria of Article 26(2)(a) on which the Organisation is required to "accept" the determination of the E/PC/T/W/279 Page 2 Fund. If this is so it means that in relation to these criteria, the Organisation is giving up not only its jurisdiction over the facts but also its right to use ;its discretion in deciding whether special circumstances exist which should modify its decision. In relation to these three criteria, it is difficult to see, for example, how the Organi- sation could carry out the provisions of .paragraph 3(a) of Article 26, requiring it to take full account of the difficulties of post-war adjustment" tv) Since it may be assumed that membership of the two bodies will be fairly similar, it is likely that differences of opinion between theo will arise mainly through differences in voting power of individual countries in the two bodies, It is particularly undesirable that a system of weighted voting, which may be appropriate in the case of the Monetary Fund, should be used to force decisions upon the Organisation. (vi) It is unreasonable that a Member's action in trade matters under the Charter should be directly subject to the decision of another body of which it may not be a -member. (vii) If the Monetary Fund is to be given final decision on financial questions arising in connection with the Charter, it would be equally reasonable to provide that the Organisation should have final decision as to commercial or trade questions arisin.- in connection with the Articles of Agreementnt of the Monetary Fund. The Australian Delegation believes that an important error of principle will be made if the Commission adopts the text approved by the majority of the Sub-Committee, and that the future relations between two important international organisa- tions are likely to be seriously prejudiced by such a provision. It is in the hope that reconsideration will be given to this question that the Australian delegation is putting forward the above views.
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Relations between International Trade Organisation and International Monetary Fund. Observations by Australian Delegation on paragraph 2 of Article 29
United Nations Economic and Social Council, August 11, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/279 and E/PC/T/W/261-306
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Remarks of the Cuban Delegation on the Proposals for Amendments to Articles 9 and 12, having to do with capital investment, submitted by the delegation of the United States (E/PC/T/W.123 AND E/PC/T/W.250)
United Nations Economic and Social Council, July 24, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/245 and E/PC/T/W/236-260
UNITED NATIONS. NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONIMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/W/245 AND ECONOMIQUE 24July 1947 SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EYPLOYMENT REMARKS OF THE CUBAN DELEGATION ON THE PROPOSALS FOR AMENDMENTS TO ARTICLES 9 AND 12, HAVING TO DO WITH CAPITAL INVESTMENT, SUBMITTED BY THE DELEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES (E/PC/T/W.123 AND E/PC/T/W .250). The Delegation of the United States begins by proposing that Chapter IV be entitled-"Economic Development and International Investment." The Cuban Delegation. is of the opinion that the investment of international capital is not an end in itself, but only one ot the means that may be used to foster economic development. Con- sequently, they feel that the title of Chapter IV should not be amended. The Cuban Delegation recognizes the extraordinary importance of international investment at the present time, as it aids the highly industrialized countries to mobilize otherwise non- productive capital resources, while at the same time it increases their exports of capital goods, and if applied adequately, it facilitates the development of the under-developed countries, Under these viewpoints, the Cuban Delegation submits that all provisions concerning international capital investment should be incorporated into a separate article, which may be entitled Article 12-A. In drafting this Articlo, emphasis should be placed on the necessity of a real integration of foreign and domestic interests, under conditions mutually advantageous, securing also, as far as possible, a co-operation of national and foreign capital. Therefore, in drafting the provisions intended to encourage international investment, the guarantees for the foreign capital E/PC/E/W/254 Page 2. should be combined with their indispensable counterpart, namely, adequate means to protect the countries where such investments are made against unfair and unreasonable terms, and interference on the part of creditors. With regard to these deliberations, the Cuban Delegation suggests that the new Article which should be inserted between Articles 12 and 13, be entitled "International Investment for Economic Development". This title has been selected to indicate that it will cover only investments directed to that end even if of different nature, namely: a) responsible or equity investment (a share in industries or agricultural enterprises which parti- cipate in profits and losses); and b) other investment (especially loans at fixed interest, with or without participation in the profits). As a basis of discussion and in order that the Committee may draft paragraph 1 of Article 12-A, the Cuban Delegation offers later a working text. Having, this in mind and the fact that the amendments proposed by the United Stat s should be examined in the order in which they have been submitted, we hall express our opinion about them beginning with Article 9. Article 9 For the reasons explained above, we do not consider it necessary to include in the title of Article 9 the reference to International Investments, inasmuch as these are dealt with under Article 12-A. For the same reasons, the Cuban Delegation con- siders that the new sentence suggsted by the Delegation of the United States at the and of Article 9 is also unnecessary here. Article 10 Since no amendment has been .made to this Article by the Delegation of the United States, we have no comment to make. E/PC/T/W/254 Page 3. Article 11 The Cuban Delegation considers acceptable the amendments suggested by the Delegation of the united States in connection with this Article, with the exception of the last sentence. To be consistent with an amendment of the Cuban Delegation -- already approved by the Committe and which, has a close connection with the spirit which ïnspired the amendment of the United States -- the latter should be drafted as follows: "....and assist in the procurement of appropriate engineering, financing and other technical assistance." Article 12 The amendment relative to the title is accepted, and as to the para-raphs thereof, the Cuban Delegation wishes to make the following comments: Paragraph 1: The amendment of the Delegation of the United States is acceptable. Paragraph 2: The Cuban Delegation considers it preferable to keep th- present paragraph 2 of Article 12, incorporating into the new Article 12-A the relevant provisions of the new paragraph 2 suggested by the Delegation of the United States. In accepting paragraph 2 cf Article 12 of the New York Draft, the Cuban Delegation considers it essential to delete the words "or otherwise" which appear in line 9, and to substitute the word "rights" for "interests" in lin, 10 of said pararaph. Paragraph 3: In due time the Cuban delegation requested the entire deletion of this paragraph, on the grounds that the right of complaint because of non-fulfilment of the obligations of the Charter and the procedure for consultation and decision should be a single procedure applicable to all Chapters of the Charter. Should it be agreed that a provision as to consultation is to be included in each Chapter, without prejudice to a uniform E/PC/T/W/254 Page 4 procedure of decision in Chapter VIII, the Cuban Delegation suggests that paragraph 3 of Article 12 should be drafted as follows: "3. Any member by itself or on behalf of any. affected business entity or person within that member's jurisdiction, may submit to the Organization a complaint that action by another Member is consistent with its obligations under this Article. No member shall unilaterally withdraw or suspend concessions, advantages, favours, privileges or immunities granted in any form to other Members on the ground that its Nationals do not receive fair or equitable treatment in the other Member's territory. The. Organization may request the Members concerned to enter into consultation with a view to reaching a mutually satisfactory settlement and may lend its good offices to this end " Article 12-A International Investment for Economic Development The Cuban Delegation feels that thc substance of the amendment of the Dclegation of the United States on "Capital Investment" should be covered by a now Article, the first para- graph of which could be drafted as follows: "1. The Members recognize th_ importance of productive international capital movements, both public and private, and of responsible co-operation between national and foreign capital in promoting economic development under mutually advantageous conditions which would effectively contribute to this end, such as: "(a) Investments in agriculture or industries which work exclusively for exports; "(b) Investments in agriculture or industries which are restricted to work for the domestic market, delivering new articles not imported; " (c) Investments in agriculture or industries which, work for the domestic market, delivering articles apt to substitute goods imported; "(d) investments in agriculture or industries which work for the domestic and foreign markets at the same time; and "(e) Investments in public utilties that facilitate agricultural and/or industrial development". E/PC/T/W/254 Page 5. Paragraph 2: In connection with sub-paragraph 2 (a) of the amendment suggestud by the Delegation of the United States, the Cuban Delegation considers this subject already covered by paragraph 2 of Article 12, above referred to. In connection with sub-paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of the new text contained -in Document E/PC/T/W250, the Cuban Delegation considers that it substitutes in whole the text of paragraphs 2 and ?A of Article 12 a.- contained in Document E/PC/T/W 123, and, consequently, the comments of the Cuban delegation only refer to the last text proposed in document E/PC/T/W 250 by the Delegation of n of he united states.atos paragraph ran) (b: The n Delegation consider that the tho text proposed by the Delegation of the United States is t; ptable.blo. Paragraph (c): Thre cuban Delegatino considers that the hat now tproposed for this sub-paragraph is acceptable, with the tho exception of reference to the "interest" and the "conduct of ct o business", which terms regarded as quite vague in their contentcont and enlarges tdangerous texsextthe scope of possible claimsaims applying itmatters which,ich, if not supported by existingting legislation, could ne juridically protectedcted. Sub-paragranh (d):. Ttexttc:t coonly be acceptable to ble o tho Cubaeg Deluation ef tho followina ie iddod et thu end ef tho fsentencesonc,: xcept when the placing under public management or r, . cir occupateon is thufrespenalty or the consequenceon<i'4ucnce of a viole national legislation. Now para graph 4 of Article 1 In connection with th_e suggested ddition of a pparagrap iimmediately after paragraph 3 of the ppresent Article 2 of the New York Draft the Cuban Dlelegatio considers it aacceptable except as reg ard the Dpreparation and adoption of an Internationaional General Code on Inment rent Prineiplos, ae tho Cubelegationtiîo E/PC/T/W/254 Page 6. feels that the subject matter is not sufficiently matured for codification. Guarantees for Nations in which Capital Investment is made. In accordance with the thesis maintain by the Cuban Delegation that all nations should offor ample guarantees to intenational investment it follows as a corollary that said guarantees should be counter-balanced by those which in turn are given to national capital and to the nations in which the investment is made. In this sense, the Cuban Delegation processes that a new article be added after Article 12-A, the text of which could more or less be as follows: "Article 12-B. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed as to prevent a Member from taking the necessary steps to assure: (1) That national capital will not be displaced. (2) That national capital be afforded an adequate opportunity to participate in the economic development, either industrial or agricultural, of the country; (3) That foreign investment may not receive a preferential treatment in comparison with national investment; and (4) That foroign investment may not be mis- used to impose decision upon a Member. or otherwise interfere with its own national policies."
GATT Library
Second session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Remarks on Article 18 by the Uruguayan observer
United Nations Economic and Social Council, May 28, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/W/134 and E/PC/T/W/125-150
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED E/PC/T/W/134 ECONOMIC CONSEIL 28 May 1947. AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT Remarks on Article 18 by the Uruguayan observer Article 18 provides that value for duty purposes should be based on actual value. In order to stabilise values, thereby simplifying the work of customs officers and providing safeguards for business transactions, certain countries assess the value of products on a more or less long-term basis. Ad valorem duties are therefore levied on the basis of this fixed valuation. Will the application of the system outlined in Article 18 involve the elimination of this method of making fixed valuations? Or does it merely mean that when customs duties charged on a product are based on its value they are to be based on its actual value? If fixed valuations are eliminated because they do not always correspond to actual value at the time when the customs duty is applied, specific duties must also be eliminated. A duty of 31% on a product valued at 3 pesos per kilo amounts to the same as a specific duty of $0.93 per kilo, no matter how the actual value may vary. Only ad valorem duties would therefore be based on actual values. If this is the intention of Article 18 of the Charter, I venture to point out that it would cause serious complications in customs operations in countries with only limited facilities for investigation and inspection. For them it would mean a retrograde step in the technique of applying customs duties and would add to the uncertainty as to the amount of the customs duties payable and the variations in such duties. It should therefore be clearly stated whether Article 18 replaces the system of estimated values by that of actual values, or whether it allows for the retention of both methods of valuation, on the understanding that ad valorem imports will be assessed on the basis of actual values and fixed valuations will be applied to products previously valued by appropriate bodies.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Re-organization of the Secretariat. Note by the Deputy Executive Secretary
United Nations Economic and Social Council, October 4, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T/227 and E/PC/T/214/ADD.1/REV.1-228
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES RESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL E/PC/T/227 ECONOMIQUE ET 4 October 1947 AND ECONOMIQUE ORIGINAL:ENGLISH SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT. Re-organization of the Secretariat Note by the Deputy Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary and the Deputy Executive Secretary are shortly leaving for New York to assist with arrangements for the November Conference. However, if the need arises, one or both of them will return to Geneva at short notice. In the meantime, the Secretariat retraining in Geneva will be under the direction of Mr. A.C. GILPIN. Mr Gilpin will. be located in room 202, telephone extension 2242. Mr. Gilpin will be pre- pared to assist delegations with any matters requiring the services of the Trade Secretariat or of the Geneva Office of the United Nations, and will be in teleoprinter communication with Headquarters in New York. Enquiries not requiring Mr. Gilpin's attention should be addressed as follows: a) The Daily time-table of negotiations and the related allocation of negotiating rooms - (Miss Schubeler, room 206, telephone extension 2240); b) Translation or stencilling of schedules and other matters relating to the issuance of documents - (Miss Hudson, room 208, telephone extension 2239). Miss Hudson will assume all the functions previously performed by the Documents Clearing Office, formerly located in room 220. Mr..Gilpin will be assisted by Mr. Guillerminon technical matters. All offices of the Secretariat not mentioned above will be vacated as from noon on monday, October 6th, when the above described re-organization taken effect.
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report by Ad Hoc Working Party on Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T.47/Rev 3 and E/PC/T/44-66
UNRESTRICTED ECONOMIC CONSEIL AND ECONOMIQUE SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL 22 April 1947 SECOND SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE 0F THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT.: Report by Ad Hoc Working Party on Tariff Negotiations The Working Group decided that its main task within the scope of its terms of reference should be an endeavour to arrange for as many.tariff negotiations as possible to commence as soon as possible. With this end in view the working Group decided to invite, in alphabetical order, each delegation to discuss with the Working Group the possibility of advancing the dates on which: negotiations could begin between members of the Preparatory Committee. Attached to this Report as Annex A is a schedule showing the dates which it has been possible to establish -for the. commencement of tariff negotiations among certain members of the Preparatory Committee as the result of the discussions which. took place between the Working Group and representatives of the different delegations. Out of a total of 120 possible tariff negotiations, the Report shows that twenty-four negotiations are planned to commence in April, forty-eight during the first half of May, and twenty-four during the second half of May. It has not been possible to establish dates for the commencement of the remaining twenty-four possible tariff negotiations. In a number of these twenty-four cases, no tariff negotiations are likely to take place owing to the absence of substantial trade between the countries concerned. In others, certain members have stated that they have no present intention of exchanging lists of requests and offers with other members with whom they have preferential arrangements. Annex B to this report gives the dates pn which Delegations -have stated that they will be able to submit requests. The `Working Group wishes to point out that the list of firm dates for the exchange of concessions is dependent to a great degree on the dates agreed for the submission of requests and therefore strongly recommends to Delegations that they should make every endeavour to meet or improve upon these dates in the interest of the early and smooth initiation of the negotiations. No attempt has been made by the Working Group to estab- lish dates for the commencement of tariff negotiations concerning overseas territories, with separate tariffs, for which members have international responsibility. The Working Group recommends that this matter be left for arrangement between the negotiating teams concerned. * This revision merely incorporates the amendments contained in Rev. 1 and Rev. 2. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES E/PC/T.47/Rev .3 Page 2. The Working Group have proceeded on the basis that tariff negotiations shall be deemed to have commenced when on the dates established in the enclosed schedule the negotiating teams from any two members meet and exchange lists of offers. Each negotiating' team may.,give to the other..any proliminary explanation that may be required, after which the two negotiating teams. would agree when they can most conveniently meet again to continue the negotiations. It should. be incumbent upon each Delegation to notify the Secretariat of the initial exchange and of the decision reached .by:the two negotiatinrg teams as to the time of the next e n ms.tiTIt is nec TVilonessary that the Seoretariat be kept fully informld at ail times of the meet- ings taking olace se may hat it"ellocato negotiating rooms adeordingly and have at the disfosal ot,Delegations up-to-date larttIalàrs as to the meetin helein:g.,d at anytime. It ms reco mended'by tie orkXng'Grtupimultaneouslyualy with the.exchaogo cf lists of offers -between any twoonea9ti9ting te ms,' ach'of he 'teo Dole at ona's fil- 1le' ith thc'Seôretariat, for information only, a copy or copies of the lis ooffers otf submitted by its negotiating team to, the other. lisjtist: of offers shall be made available by the'eDalogations to uch.other Delegations as avm-coamenced nagotoatibns with the.Delegation submitting the list of offers.: However,Delegat ons.may consider it desirable to hand to Delegations with which. they.,have initiated negotiations a list containing all toffeff'ewhich thh hey.are ready to maoe te other members. , It. is suggested. that after a.sufflcient number of tariff . a gotitions are under wae, thi Chn rmaz,of the Preparatory. OCemittae might, at his..discretion,. wish di cuss' with his Coinittee (Heads oef Delgations.) tee.quqstfon e fthé'buture. procegure novorring the tariff negotia ons',wi view'VoQ .tQ sub- mitting recommendations, if'any are considered dele abv@', to the Preparatory Ctmmi ftvee.or discussion in executive session. The Workiong Grup further reco mèad'thElyearlY consideration should be given to convening the Prepar tommiCc=Z ttee'in executive sesfion tor the purpose of disnussitg Articl so15'tO 23 inclusiveAand £rticlo 37 cfthe rafp;eh, torÇ' on the.grounds that these artihles 'ave a direct bearing on the tareff nagotia- tions and a text for these articles was.not established at the First Session -of the. Preparatory Coemittut, bt. ,only. proposed by the DraftimmiCo=i ttee. E/PC/T/47 Page 3. ANNEX A DATES AGREED FOR EXCHANGE 0F LIST. 0F OFFERS Australia - Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg Australia - Brazil Australia - Canada Australia - Chile Australia - China Australia - Cuba Australia - Czechoslovakia Australia - France Australia - India Australia - Lebanon-Syria Australia - New Zealand Australia - Norway Australia - Union of South Africa Australia - United Kingdom Australia - United States Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - Brazil Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - Canada Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - Chile Belgium-Netherlands-Luzemburg - China Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - Cuba Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - Czechoslova kia Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - France Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - India Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - Lebanon-Syria Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - New Zealand Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - Norway Beigium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - Union of South Atrica . Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - United Kingdom Belgium-Netherlands-Luxemburg - United States 30 May 20 May 17 May 30 May 30 April 28 May 7 May 28 May 23 April 9 May 10 May 30 May 14 May 12 May 30 May 21 May 9 May 14 Mlay 12 May 10 May 12 May 21 May 9 May E/PC/T/47 Page 4. Brazil - Canada 8 May Brazil - Chile 30 May Brazil - China 8 May Brazil - Cuba 9 May Brazil - Czechoslovakia 26 May Brazil - France 15 May Brazil - India Brazil - Lebanon-Syria Brazil - New Zealand Brazil - Norway 9 May Brazil - Union of South Africa 30 May Brazil - United Kingdom 17 May Brazil - United States 30 April Canada - Chile 14 May Canada - China 5 May Canada - Cuba S May Canada - Czechoslovskia 23 April Canada - France 25 April Canada - India 1 May Canada - Lebanon-Syria Canada - New Zeeland Canada - Norway 30 April Canada - Union of South Africa- Canada - United Kingdom Canada - United States 23 April Chile - China 19 May Chile - Cuba 19 May Chile - Czechoslovakia 21 May Chile - France 15.May Chile - India Chile - Lebanon-Syria Chile - New Zealand Chile - Norway 12 May Chile - Union of South Africa E/PC/T/47 Page 5. Chile - United Kingdom 26 May Chile - United States 28 April China - Cuba 30 April China - Czechoslovakia 1 May China - France 25 Ap'ril China - Indie 19 May China - Lebanon-Syria China - New Zeeland 7 May China - Norway 13 May China - Union of South Africa 5 May China - United Kingdom 8 May China - United States 9 May Cuba - Czechoslovakia 30 April .Cuba - France 2 May C.uba - India 21 May Cuba - Lebanon-Syria Cuba - New Zealand 13 May Cuba - Norway 5 May Cuba - Union of South Af rica 15 May Cuba - United Kingdom; 30 April Cuba - United States 12 May Czechoslovakia - France 22 May Czechoslovakia - India 9 May Czechoslovakia - Lebenon-Syria 15 May Czechoslovakia - New Zealand 30 April Czechoslovakia - Norway 12 May Czechoslovakia - Union of South Africa 5 May Czechoslovakia - United Kingdom 27 May Czechoslovakia - United States 23 April France - India 12 May France - Lebanon-Syria 29 April France - New Zoaland 10 May France - Norway 30 April E/PC/T/47 Page 6. France - Union of South Africa 25 April France - United Kingdom 28 April France - United States 24 April India - Labanon-Syria 1 May India - New Zealand 16 May India - Norway 14 May India - Union of South Africa India - United Kingdom 30 April India - United States 28 April Lebanon-Syria - New Zealand _ Lebanon-Syria - Norway Lebanon-Syria - Union of South Africa Lebanon-Syria - United Kingdom 7 May Lebanon-Syria - United States 2 May New Zealand - Norway 9 May New Zealand - Union of South Africa 5 May New Zealand - United Kingdom New Zealand - United States 30 April Norway - Union of South Africa 6 May Norway - United Kingdom 3 Yay Norway - United States 2 May Union of South Africa - United Kingdom, 16 May Union of South Africa - United States 28 April United Kingdom - United States 23 April E/PC/T.,47 Page 7. Countries ANNEX B Date on which lists of requests were submitted or will be ready .for submission Comments by the first by the second named country named country Australia-Belgium, April 21 submitted Netherlands, Luxembourg Australia-Brazil April 30 Australia-Canada . a Australia-Chile ,May 7 Australia.China April 30 April 4 .Australia-Cuba April 30 submitted Australia-Czechoslovakzia April 21 March Australia-France April 21 March 1 - Australia-India April 21 March - - Australia-Lebanon, , no negotiation Syria f toreseen Australia-New Zealand Australia-Norway . Aprild12 submittec- Australia-South .Africa April 12 - February Australia-United Kingdom E/PC/T. 47 Page 8. Australia-United States February 5 January 23 , . . . _ _pi. 14 - Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg-Bruzil April 15 April 25 Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg - Canada submitted February 1 Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg - Chile May 5 May* 7. Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg - China submitted April 15 *Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg - Cuba May 5 submitted Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg - Czechoslovakia May 1 May 15 Belgium, Ietherlands, LMxembourg - France iay1 May 1 Belgium, Ietherlands, Luxembourg - India . submitted M!arch Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg - Lebanon, May 1 May 4 Syria Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg - New Zealand submitted April 26 Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg - Norway May 1 submitted supplementary request by Norway short4J _ _, . _ . E/PC/T. 47 Page 9. .Belgium, Netherlands, .Luxembourg - South Africa Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg - United Kingdom Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg - United States Brazil - Canada Brazil - Chile Brazil - China Brazil - Cuba Brazil - Czechoslovakia Brazil - France Brazil - India Brazil - Lebanon, Syria Brazil - New Zealand Brazil - Norway Brazil - South Africa Brazil - United Kingdom submitted May 5 submitted April 26 February February 15 March 18 March 28 February 1 May 1 May 7 May 1 April 15 May 1 submitted May 1 April 21 May 17 May 17 May 17 April 30 May 22 April 30 May 1 March 1 New Zealand will be able to make a request ten days after receipt of additional informa- tion on the Brazilian tariff submitted February February 15- . . E/PC/T. 47 Page 10.. Brazil- United States Canada- Chile Canada - China Canada - Cuba Canada - Czechoslovakia, Canada - France Canada - Indïa Canada - Labanon--Syria Canada - New Zealand Canada - Norway Canada - South Africa Canada - United Xingdom Canada - United States Chile - China Chile - Cuba Chile - Czechoslovakia, Chile -'France April 21 February February February Fe bruary February February i i 20 i i 2. February May 7 April lE~ submitted March March i March No negotiations f'oreseen February i Submitted February' February 5 February May 7 April 3.5 .May 7 Submitted May 7 - . May 7 "May 7 March i E/PC/T. 47 Page 11. May 7 May 7 May 7 May 7 May 7 May 7 May 7 Apri . April April - India - Lebanon-Syria - New Zealand - Norway - South Africa - United Kingdom - United States - Cuba - Czechoslovaka - France - India - Lebanon-Syria - New Zealand - Norway - South Africa - United Kingdom - United States April 30 Submitted April 15 February Submitted April 24 Maroh 1 15 15 15 April 15 April 15 April 26 or 3.) April 15h'' 5 April 15 February April 15 February Submitted February 14 April 4 Chile Chile Chile Chïle Chile chiel China China China China China China China China China China - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E/PC/T. 47 Page 12. Cuba - Czechoslovakia Submitted March - and April 18 Cuba - France Submitted and March 1 April 23 Cuba - India Submitted and April 30 Cuba - Lebanon-Syria No negotia- tions fore- seen Cuba - New Zealand April 3 Cuba - Norway Submitted Submitted Cuba - South Africa Submitted United Kingdom United States - France - India - Lebanon-Syria - New Zealand - Norway .- South Africa - United Kingdom - United States Submit Submitted May 1 April April May 1 March May 1 March (Preliminary) .ted February - tted March 26 .5 March 1 24 March - 30 March 5 - April 30 Submitted - February - - April 14 - January 26 Lminary) April 4 Cuba - Cuba. - Czecho. Czecho. il Czecho. Czecho. Czecho. Czecho. Czecho. Czecho. _ _ __ . _ __ France -India Franc e -Lebanon-Syria France - New Zealand France - Norway France South Africa France- United Kingdom -France- United States India.- Lebanon-Syria India. New Zealand India - Norway India --South Africa Indiga United March March March March March March .March April E/PC/T. 47 Page 13. Maroh - April 22 April 30 Submitted February March- February 24 2. 1 1 1 2. J. i March - Submit ted Submitted India - .United. States. Maroh -December 17 March 31 Lebanon.Syria * Lebanon-Syria. New does not pro-. Zea1and . .. .. . . ~~~~~~~-Pose-to-..make. except as a poosequenoe orroeivizig requeste Lebanon-Syria -Norway Lebanon-Syria -South Africa *. E/PC/T. 47 Page 14. *Lebanon-Syria - United . April 23' March - Kingdom Lebanon-Syria - United April 24 March 3 States '' April 4 New Zealand - Norway April 30 Submitted New Zealand .- South Africa Submitted February - ' New Zealand - United Kingdom - . New Zealand - United Submitted .January 2'3. States April 14 Norway - South Africa Submitted February - Norway will submit add- itional specific re- quests to certain' countries Norway - United Kingdom Submi'tted Maroh - Norway - United States Submitted February 20 .. ..-.-. April 4 South Africa - United February - Kingdom South Africa - Unlted February - January 23 'States . .Aprli 14 United Kingdom - United February - December - States April 3
GATT Library
Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment : Report by Ad Hoc Working Party on Tariff Negotiations
United Nations Economic and Social Council, April 22, 1947
United Nations. Economic and Social Council
official documents
E/PC/T.47/Rev 3 and E/PC/T/44-66