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300 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: $250,000 in withdrawal and cash values | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
301 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Signed by or on beh nl of the | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
302 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 3.10.2. Payment of the Fees entitles to use the Subscription Services as described in the Documentation for the duration of the Subscription Period. Such right of use shall not be contingent upon additional license fees or re licensing fees brought about by the renumbering, renaming, bundling or un bundling of Subscription Services where the resulting product or service has materially similar functionalities of the original Subscription Service. Authorized Users. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
303 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( k) paragraph 6(j) . Paragraph 6(j) shall apply and the events specified in paragraph 10(a)
identified for the purposes of paragraph 6(j) shall be all subparagraphs of paragraph 10(a)
( as amended) | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
304 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: an ce list this service, will send the Customer written notice of cancellation at the address indicated on the Customer' s invoice. The notice will include the reason for cancellation and the effective date of cancellation, which will be not less than ten( 10) days from the date sends notice of cancellation to the Customer unless local law requires other cancellation provisions that may not be varied by agreement. if can ce is this service pursuant to this per a graph, the Customer shall not be entitled to any refund of fees paid or due to | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
305 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 18.5 IfuponterminationofthisAgreementforanyreason,anypersonisfoundorallegedtohave become)byvirtueofatransferoftheServicesperformedbythatpersontotheCustomer oritsGroupUndertakings)anemployeeoftheCustomeroranyofitsGroupUndertakings asareultoftheTransferRegulations,theSuppliershallindemnifytheCustomerandits GroupUndertakingsagainstanyliabilitiesarisingoutoftheterminationorresignationof theremploymentwiththeCustomerand/oritsGroupUndertakingsarisingoutofsuch terminationorresignation. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
306 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. Thepartiesagreethatontheterminationoftheprovisionofdataprocessingservices,thedatalmporterandthesubprocessor shall,atthechoiceofthedataexporter,retumallthepersonaldatransferredandthecoplesthereoftothedataexporteror shalldestroyallthepersonaldataandcertifytothedataexporterthatithasdoneso,unlesslegislationimposeduponthedata Importerpreventsitfromreturningordestroyingallorpartofthepersonaldatransferred.Inthatcase,thedataimporter warrantsthatitwillguaranteetheconfidentialityofthepersonaldatransferredandwillnotactivelyprocessthepersonal datransferredanymore. 2. Thedataimporterandthesubprocessorwarrantthatuponrequestofthedataexporterand/orofthesupervisoryauthority,it willsubmititsdatoprocessingfacilitiesforanauditofthemeasuresreferredtoInparagraph1. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
307 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 9.2 In the event that terminates this Agreement as the Policy holder has failed to pay Subscriptions, taxes or other payments due for an Insured Period, without prejudice to any of other rights under this Agreement, will have the right to require the Policy holder to pay immediately the full amount of all | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
308 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2. The data subject can enforce against the data importer this Clause, Clause 5( a) to( e) and( g) , Clause 6, Clause 7, Clause 8(2) , and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where the data exporter has fact u aly disappeared or has ceased to exist in law unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation of law, as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the data subject can enforce them against such entity. 3- The data subject can enforce against the sub process r this Clause, Clause 5( a) to( e) and( g) , Clause, Clause 7, Clause 8(2) , and Clauses 9 to 2, in cases where both the data exporter and the data importer have fact u ally disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation ol law as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which c case the data subject can enforce them against such entity. Such third- party liability of the sub process r shall be limited to its own processing operations under the Clauses. 4. The parties do not object to a data subject being represented by an association or other body if the data subject so expressly wishes and if permitted by national law. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
309 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 4.2.3. there is a change in control of Third Party (whether by merger, stock transfer or otherwise). | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
310 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Customer fails to pay the total price for this service in accordance with the In voice terms; Customer is abusive, threatening, or refuses to cooperate with the assisting technician; or Customer fails to abide by all of the terms and conditions set forth in this Service Description | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
311 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: then cover shall end immediately for the Insured Members at the end of the Days of Grace; | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
312 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: that, in the event of subprocessing. it has previously in f ome d the data exporter and obtained its prior written consent: | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
313 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. The data subject can enforce against the data to( e) , and( g) to( l) , Clause 6(1) and( 2) , Clause 7. to( e) , and( g) to( l) , Clause 6(1) and( 2) , Clause 7, Clause 8(2) , and Clauses 9 to 12 as third- party beneficiary | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
314 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: This Agreement may be assigned without the Contractor's consent by the Funder, by way of absolute
legal assignment, to another person (P1) providing finance or re-finance in connection with the carrying
out of the Works and by P1, by way of absolute legal assignment, to another person (P2) providing
finance or re-finance in connection with the carrying out of the Works. In | Assignment clause | [
"Assignment clause"
] |
315 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Table 4-1 (Qualifications Table) hereto describes the required qualifications, responsibilities and levels of seniority assigned to each Role/ Resource Type for the Service Employees under this Statement of Work. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
316 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: the Contractor, by clause 63, may give such notice to the Employer but not without having given
the Funder at least 14 days notice that the Contractor's right to termination has actually arisen or, in
the case of repudiation, that he intends so to notify the Employer. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
317 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: If the party receiving the notice referred to in sub- paragraph (a) so elects, it may override that
notice by giving a counter- notice to the other party. If a counter- notice is given, the party
which gives the counter- notice will be deemed to have agreed to indemnify the other party
against the adverse effect referred to in sub- paragraph (a) so far as relates to the relevant
Transaction and the original Repurchase Date will continue to apply. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
318 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: business Engageitstargetaudiencewithanintelligentandengagingapproach ·Generatesalesleads PromoteEuronneyTRADEDATA'sthoughtleadershipwithregardsto referencedata | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
319 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Sickness:aphysicalormentalllnessandpregnancy. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
320 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ①④④④④④④④④④④①④④④④④④④④①①①①①①①①①①②②②②②②②②②②①①①①①①①①①④④④④④④④④②②②②②②②②②④④④④④④④④④②④④④④④④④④②①①①①①①①①②①①①①①①①①④①①①①①①①①②④②②②②②②②②④②②②②②②②④④②②②②②②②④②④④④④④④④②②④②②②②②②④④④②②②②②②④④②④④④④④④②②②④④④④④④②②④④④④④④④②④②②②②②②②③②②②②②②②②②③②④④④④④④④④①②①①①①①①①②①②②②②②②②②④①①①①①①①①④②②②②②②②②③④④④④④④④④④③②②②②②②②②④③②②②②②②②④②③②②②②②②②④④③②②②②②②④④④③②②②②②④④④④②②②②②④④④④③②②②②④②②②②④②②②②③②②②②④④④④④②②②②④②②②④②②②②②④④④②④④④④④②②②④②②②②④④④④④③②②②④②②②②②③②②②④②②②②④③②②②④②②②④②④②②②②②②④②②④②②②②②④②②②④④④④④②④②②④②②②②④②④②②②④②②②④②③②②②④②②②④④②②②②④②②④②④②②②②④②②④④②②②②②④②②④④④④④④②④②④②②②②②④②④②②④②②②④②②④②②④②②②④④②④②②②②②④④②②④②②②②④④②②②④②②②④④③②②②④②②④②②③②②②②②②④②②③②②②④②②④②④④②②②②②②④②④②④②②②②④④②④②②④②②④②④②④②②④②②④④②②④②②④②②④④④②②②②④②④②④④②②②②④②④④②②②④②②④②④③②②②②②②④②④③②②②④②②④④②④②②②④②②④④②③②②②②②②④④②③②②②④②②④④④②④②②②②④②④④④②②②②②④②④④②④②②②②④④④②②④②②②④②④④②②④②②②④④④②②②④②②④④④③②②②④②④②②②③②②②②②④②②②③②②②④②④②②④④②②②④②④②②④③②②②②②④②②④③②②②④②④②④②④②②②④②④②④②③②②②②②④②④②③②②②④②④②④④④②②②④②④②④④③②②②②②④②④④③②②②④②④④②②③②②②②②④④②②③②②②④②④④②④④②②②②②④④②④②④②②②④④②②④②④②②②④④④②④②②④②④②②④②④②④④②④②②④②④④②④②④②②④②④④④②②④②②④②④④④④②②②②④④②②④④②②②②④④②④④②②②④②④④②④③②②②②②④④②④③②②②④②④④④②④②②②④②④④④④②④②②②④④④④②②④④④②②②④④④②②④④④④②②②④④②②②④④④④②④④④④②②②④②④④④②③②②②②②④④④②③②②②④④④④④④③②②④④④④④④④③②④④④④④④④②③②②②②④④④②②③②②②②④④②②②③②②②②④②②②④③②②②②④④④④②④②②④④④④④②②④④②②②④④②②④④④④④②④④④②②②②④④④④②③②②②④②④④④④③②②②④④④④④②③②②④④④④④④②③②④④④④④④②②③②②②④④④④②②③②②④④④④④②②③②④④④④④②②②③②②②④④④②②②③②②④④④④②②②③②④④④④②②②②③②②②④④②②②②③②②④④④②②②②③②④④④②②②②②③②②④④②②②②②③②④④②②②②②②③②②④②②②②②②③②④②②②②②②②⑧②②②②②②②②②⑧②④②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②④④④④④④④④③④④④④④④④④②③④④④④④④④②②⑧②②②②②②④④④⑧②②②②②②②②④⑧②②②②②②②④④⑧②②②②②②④④②⑧②②②②②②②④②⑧②②②②②②④②②⑧②②②②②④④④④⑧②②②②②④④④②⑧②②②②②④④②②⑧②②②②④④④④④⑧②②②②④④④④②⑧②②②②④④④②②⑧②②②④④④④④④⑧②②②④④④④④②⑧②②②④④④④②②⑧②②④④④④④④④⑧②②④④④④④④②⑧②②④④④④④②②⑧②④④④④④④④④⑧②④④④④④④④②⑧②④④④④④④②②⑧④②②②②②②②②⑧④②②②②②④④④③④④④④④②②②②⑧②②②②④④②②②⑧②②②②②④②②②⑧②②②②④②②②②⑧②②②④④④②②②⑧②②②⑧②②②②②⑧②②②⑧②④④④④④②②②⑧②②⑧②②②②②②⑧②②⑧②②⑧②②②⑧②②⑧②②④④④④②②②⑧②④④④④②②②②⑧④④④④④④④④④⑧④④④④④④④④②⑧④④④④④④④②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②⑧②②④④④④③④④④④②②②②②⑧②②②④②②②②②⑧②②⑧④④④④④④②②②⑧④④④④④②②②②②②②②⑧②②⑧②④④④④④⑧②②⑧②②⑧②②⑧④④④②②②②②⑧④④④④②②②②②②②②⑧②②②②②②②②④④④④④④⑤②②②②②②②②②⑥②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②⑩②②②②②②②②②⑦②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②②⑤②②②②②②②②④⑀②②②②②②②②②⑱②②②② | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
321 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: including. without limitation, the following clauses ( Confidentiality) . ( Liability) . ( Data Protection) , ( DSE clause) ( Anti Corruption, Anti- Slavery and Anti- Tax Evasion) , ( Term and Termination) ] . | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
322 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 32.3 If a notice or other communication has been properly sent or delivered in accordance with this Clause 32, it will be deemed to have been received as follows: | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
323 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 12. Either of us can cancel the order for any reason prior to your acceptance
( or rejection) of the quotation. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
324 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 10.4. ThisDPAissubjecttoSection1Error!Referencesourcenotfound.,8andthepartiesubmittotheexclusivejurisdiction
referencedinthatclauseforanydisputesarisingoutoforinconnectionwiththisDPA. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
325 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 8.1. Subject to the limited entitlement to Services expressly agreed to by the Parties here under, ( and licensor s) reserves all rights, title, and interest in and to the Services, including any related intellectual property rights, and any software, hardware, or technology associated with the Services. Nothing in this Subs cri pion shall entitle Subscriber to a copy of or any other rights to and in any technology, hardware or software used by in the provision of the Services to the Subs cr ber including but not limited to the database software provisioned by in the course of providing the Services. 8.2. Subs cr ber( including Subs cr ber' s licensor es and Third Party Providers as applicable) shall retain all right, title, and interest in and to Subscriber Data. shall utilize the Subscriber Data solely for purposes of this Subscription and shall not sell, | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
326 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.7 Wherethewordsinclude(s),includingorinparticularareusedinthisAgreement,theyaredeemed tohavethewordswithoutlimitationfollowingthem.Wherethecontextpermits,thewordsother andotherwiseareillustrativeandshallnotlimitthesenseofthewordsprecedingthem. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
327 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: In respect of clause 21.1, it is noted that whilst may need to change Service Schedules from time to time can agree not to apply such changes to the Customer unless required by law, regulation or operational purposes, and subject to Clause 6.1 applying. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
328 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Sub scn ber shall be responsible, at Sub scn ber' s sole expense and effort, for procuring licenses or other permissions from Third Party Providers for any Third Party Product to be used in connection with the Services as set forth in the applicable Schedule. 5.2. shall reasonably cooperate with the Third Party Provider to the extent that such cooperation is consistent with the Services being provided by use of the Third Party Pro duet shall be solely tor the benefit of Sub scn ber and only to the extent such use is consistent with the Services. may cease providing the Services to Sub scn ber the extent such Services are reliant on the Third Party Product where the Third Party Provider fails or ceases to provide, or inaccurately or improperly provides, the Third Party Product without Sub scn ber being entitled to a refund, credit | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
329 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: a. will review the Customer' s roaming data usage( Review) : every 3 months during the term of this Agreement following the Service Commencement Date of the Shared Roaming Data Service Plan( ' Review Per lod' ) ; and on termination of this Agreement. b. will total the Customer' s actual usage across all Connections connected to the Shared Roaming Data Service Plan over the Review Period and divide this by 3( Average Monthly Roaming Data Usage) . C. will if any review( whenever conducted) determines that the Average Monthly Roaming Data Usage exceeds the monthly roaming data allowance for the current Shared Roaming Data tier, move the Customer to a higher Shared Roaming Data tier( asset out in the table above) appropriate to the Customer' s actual roaming data is less than the monthly roaming data allowance for the current Shared Roaming Data tier, move the Customer to a lower Shared Roaming Data tier( asset out in the table above) appropriate to the Customer' s actually roaming data usage but not below the lowest Shared Roaming Data tier set out in the table above. d. will apply the revised monthly Subscription Charges for the alternative Shared Roaming Data tier following any review, at the next bi ling cycle following the Review Period. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
330 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: SIGNATURES: | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
331 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 12.3 Neither nor the Policy holder shall be entitled to assign, no v ate, or otherwise transfer this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. Nothing in this clause 12.3 shall prevent from assigning apart of this Agreement to a sister company or subsidiary | Assignment clause | [
"Assignment clause"
] |
332 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: In respect of clause 21.1, it is noted that whilst may need to change Service Schedules from time to time can agree not to apply such changes to the Customer unless required by law, regulation or operational purposes, and subject to Clause 6.1 applying. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
333 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: This is included to make it clear that the Funder has no power or authority to instruct the
Contractor in his duties to the Employer under the Building Contract unless and until the Funder
exercises its rights under clause 5, following termination of the Finance Agreement, or under clause
6.4. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
334 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Where a Transaction is terminated as described in this paragraph, the party which has given
the notice to terminate shall indemnify the other party against any reasonable legal and other
professional expenses incurred by the other party by reason of the termination, but the other
party may not claim any sum by way of consequential loss or damage in respect of a
termination in accordance with this paragraph. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
335 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 3.3 Any amendment, variation, consent to modification, supplement, replacement, novation or assignment of any provision of this Amendment No. 1 must be in writing and signed by both parties. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
336 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (ii) In paragraph 4(c): | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
337 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: and wish to terminate the MSOW and resolve any and all rights and obligations arising out of the | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
338 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: As stated in the Third Recital, the Employer is a Party to this Agreement for the purposes of the
acknowledgements given in clauses 5 and 6-4. This is to allow the Contractor to comply with the
obligations imposed upon him under those clauses, without being liable to the Employer for breach of
contract. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
339 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Obligation after the termination of personal data processing services | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
340 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Description of the technical and organizational security measures implemented by the Data Importer in
accordance with Clauses 4(d) and 5(c): | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
341 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The data subject can enforce against the subprocessor this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), Clause 6, Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses
9 to 12, in cases where both the data exporter and the data importer have factually disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become
insolvent, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation of law as
a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the data subject can enforce them against such
entity. Such third-party liability of the subprocessor shall be limited to its own processing operations under the Clauses. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
342 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: hen builds unique research and analysis around those two core questions. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
343 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 13.2(b)Thelimitationinclause13.2(a)doesnotapplytothe Customer'sliabilityfor:(i)thosematterssetoutinclauses 13.1(a)-13.1(d)(inclusive); (ii)fraud;and (iii) breachesbytheCustomerofitsobligationsunderclause16(ConfidentialInformation) | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
344 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: under this Agreement, provided however that nothing in this provision shall prevent Party A
from exercising any rights to which it is entitled under LCH’s Rulebook in respect of
Transactions under this Agreement where Party A has issued a Default Notice or any rights
available to a Non-Defaulting Party under this Agreement in relation to set-off where the
other Party is the Defaulting Party. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
345 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: TheAgreementcanbecancelledatanytimesubjectto3monthswrittennotificationbyeitherpartynot toexpirebeforetheendofthetermandInsuchcircumstancetheCustomerwillberefundedany paymentsmadeonamonthlypro-ratabasisfromtheCanoeletionDate.Purchaseofthirdparty warrantiesforequipmentcoveredunderthisAgreementisdonesoatInceptionofthecontractandfor thedurationofthecontractandassucharenon-refundableshouldthisAgreementbecancelledand assuchwillbeexcludedfromanyrefundofpayments | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
346 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( i) to its Affiliates, employees, officers, representatives, subcontractors, advisers, ( and in the case of Customer, the Service Recipients) who need to know such information for the purposes of exercising a party' s rights or carrying out the party' s obligations under | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
347 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The data subject can enforce against the data importer this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), Clause 6, Clause 7,
Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where the data exporter has factually disappeared or has ceased to exist in
law unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by
operation of law, as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the
data subject can enforce them against such entity. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
348 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: issue a notice to the Employer to which clause 6-1-2 refers; or | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
349 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: To request paper copies from Procurement/Legal DS Licenses | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
350 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: TERMINATION BY POLICYHOLDER: This Policy may be terminated by the policyholder. The
policyholder may terminate this Policy as to all or any class of its employees. We must be given written notice. The
notice must state when such termination shall occur. It must be a date after the notice. It shall not be effective during
a period for which a premium has been paid to us for the coverage. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
351 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The data subject can enforce against the sub process r this Clause, Clause 5( a) to( e) and ( g) . Clause 6, Clause 7, Clause 8(2) , and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where both the data exporter and the data importer have fact u ally disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation of law as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the data subject can li ability of the sub- processor shall be limited to its enforce them against such entity. Such third- party | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
352 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Confidential Information for purposes of Section 9.
is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or currency
of Subscriber Data. Subscriber represents and warrants that it
has the appropriate rights to provide Subscriber Data to | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
353 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The Funder has no liability to the Contractor in respect of amounts due under the Building Contract
unless and until the Funder has given notice under clause 5 or 6·4. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
354 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Agreement; C. Contact person' s name, position and contact details that of the Supplier' s Data Protection Officer, as can be contacted by the contact information given in the Supplier' s public facing privacy notice on its corporate website; D. Activities relevant to the data transferred under these Clauses- The data importer is the provider of the Services; and | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
355 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: keep the Customer fully informed of all activities concerning the Services and Goods, and provide the
Customer with reports on request. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
356 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price upon the applicable Purchase Date or Seller fails to pay the Repurchase Price upon the applicable Repurchase Date, and the non- Defaulting Party serves a Default Notice on the Defaulting Party; or ( ii) if the parties have specified in Annex I hereto that this sub- paragraph shall Buyer fails to deliver Equivalent Securities on the Repurchase Date, and the non- Defaulting Party serves a Default Notice on the Defaulting Party; or ( ii) Seller or Buyer fails to pay when due any sum payable under sub- paragraph ( g) or( h) below, and the non- Defaulting Party serves a Default Notice on the Defaulting Party; or ( iv) Seller or Buyer fails to comply with paragraph 4 and the non- Defaulting Party serves a Default Notice on the Defaulting Party; or ( v) Seller or Buyer fails to comply with paragraph 5 and the non- Defaulting Party serves a Default Notice on the Defaulting Party; or ( vi) an Act of Insolvency occurs with respect to Seller or Buyer and( except in the case of an Act of Insolvency which is the presentation of a petition for winding- up or any analogous proceeding or the appointment of a liquid at or or analogous officer of the Defaulting Party in which case no such notice shall be required) the non Defaulting Party serves a Default Notice on the Defaulting Party; or ( vii) any representations made by Seller or Buyer are incorrect or untrue in any material respect when made or repeated or deemed to have been made or | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
357 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The tem of this SOW shall commence on the SOW Commencement Date( as mentioned above) This SOW is subject to a Pilot Period and the Parties agree that( a) such Pilot Period shall be the three( 3) month period immediately following the SOW Commencement Date( Pilot Period" ) ; ( b) this SOW maybe terminated by either Party at the end of such Pilot Period by giving seven( 7 days' notice to the other Party prior to the end of the Pilot Period. Post completion of the Pilot Period this SOW shall continue to renew for successive annual terms unless terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions as provided in theM S A | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
358 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The Supplier shall promptly notify Client if it becomes aware of any actual or potential business professional, personal or other interest that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Upon Client' s reasonable request and subject to any confidentiality obligations, the Supplier will provide Client with information about the number and type of other entities to which the Supplier provides services similar to the Services in order to enable Client to monitor concentration risk | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
359 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 4.1 has the right to suspend this Agreement following the notification of the Policyholder with a warning to pay the Subscriptions within 30( thirty) days, if the Policyholder fails to pay the insurance premium at the due date due to its default. In the event the Policyholder fails to pay within the mentioned period has to notify the Policyholder with the termination of this Agreement. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
360 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 14.3 TheprovisionsofthisClause14shallsurviveterminationofthisAgreement,however arising. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
361 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Third the Employer is a Party to this Agreement for the purpose of giving the acknowledgements set out in
clauses 5 and 6·4; | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
362 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Materials: has the meaning set out in
Clause 2.3(c) | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
363 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Any rest rct ion or obligation in the Agreement on the Supplier not to do something includes an obligation not to agree, allow, permit or acquiesce to that thing being done by any | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
364 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The data subject can enforce against the sub processor this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), Clause 6, Clause 7, Clause 8(2) ,
and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where both the data exporter and the data importer have factually disappeared or ceased to exist
in law or have become insolvent, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by
contract or by operation of law as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the
data subject can enforce them against such entity. Such third-party liability of the subprocessor shall be limited to its own
processing operations under the Clauses. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
365 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.2.2. ProcessingandstorageofCustomerDataforCustomersinEurope,Middle-EastandAfrica(EMEA Customers)for Social,exceptforCustomer'sInstructionsthatenableCustomer'suseofSocial datacenter.TcustomerDataprocessedwithSocialModerationand/orAudiencesandProfilesis processedandstoredinUSdatacentersof ssub-processorlistedathttp://www com/privacy/sub- processors.html. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
366 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Change Management Authorisation Form only after agreement of the necessary variations to the Supplier' s charges, the Services and any other relevant terms of this Agreement to take account of the change that has been reached and this Agreement has been varied in accordance with Clause 25. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
367 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: If a data subject is not able to bring a claim for compensation in accordance with paragraph 1 against the data exporter,
arising out of a breach by the data importer or his subprocessor of any of their obligations referred to in Clause 3 or in Clause
11, because the data exporter has factually disappeared or ceased to exist in law or has become insolvent, the data importer
agrees that the data subject may issue a claim against the data importer as if it were the data exporter, unless any successor
entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract of by operation of law, in which case the data
subject can enforce its rights against such entity. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
368 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Change Management Authorisation Form: means the document recording any changes agreed
by the parties to a SOW in accordance with Clause 5. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
369 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Furthermore, the Policy holder and/ or the Insured Members acknowledges that it is informed that any non- disclosure, intentional false declaration, omission or inaccurate declaration may result in the null it y, proportional reductions or termination of the Policy. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
370 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( Data Protection) , ( DSE clause) ( Anti Corruption, Anti- Slavery and Anti- Tax Evasion) , ( Term and Termination) ] | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
371 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: For the avoidance of doubt, during any Evaluation Period: (a) clauses 5.1, 6.3 and 9.2 of this Agreement shall not
apply; and (b) clause 9.1 shall apply except that the reference to clause 9.2 is deleted. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
372 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.CloudService Uptime | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
373 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( a) the parties agree the applicable wording for Clause 13( a) ( as determined by the instructions in square brackets in that Clause) shall be retained and the two remaining alternatives deleted; ( b) the parties agree that in Clause 17, Option 1 shall be completed with details of: “ OPTION 1: the law of the Republic of lr eland. " ( c) the parties agree that in Clause 18( b) . Option 1 shall be completed with details of: “ OPTION 1: the law of the Republic of Ireland. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
374 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Unless you tell us otherwise in accordance with the procedures described herein, we will provide
electronically to you through the DocuSign system all required notices, disclosures, | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
375 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: before the lapse of 14 days from receipt by the Funder of the notice by the Contractor which
the Contractor is required to give under clause 6·1·2 or 6·2. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
376 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: c) the other party repeatedly breaches any of the terms of this Agreement in such a manner as to reasonably justify the opinion that its conduct is inconsistent with it having the intention or ability to give effect to the terms of this Agreement; or | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
377 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ON-SITE HOURS: | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
378 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( i) as maybe required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction, any governmental or regulatory authority, or any securities or | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
379 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (a) English): (b) shallbesignedbyoronbehalfofthepartygivingit: shallbesentfortheattentionoftheperson,attheaddressorfaxnumberspecifiedin thisClause32(ortosuchotheraddress,faxnumberorpersonasthatpartymaynotify | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
380 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 10.2. No modification of this DPA, including but not limited to, modifications to Our representations and obligations, if any, shall be valid
and binding unless made in writing, and only if such modification expressly states that such modification applies to the terms of
this DPA. The foregoing shall also apply to any waiver or change of this mandatory written form. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
381 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2 notify the Employer that he is treating the Building Contract as having been repudiated
by the Employer as referred to in clause 6.2. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
382 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Generally individuals will be protected by the New Hampshire Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association if
they live in this state and hold a life or health insurance policy or an annuity contract, or if they are insured under a
group insurance contract, issued by a member insurer. The beneficiaries, assignees or payees of insured persons are
protected as well, even if they live in another state. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
383 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Price: 10,000.00 Billed: Annual Contract term: 36 months | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
384 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.8. Dependant (s) has the meaning given in clause 3 of the Main Terms of this Agreement: | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
385 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Amend clause 6.1 | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
386 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: obligations similar to the confidentiality terms of the Agreement. All such confidentiality obligations shall survive the termination or expiration of
such Processing. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
387 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 4.3 Regardless of clause 4.1. You are permitted to disclose Our proprietary confidential information which You are required to disclose by law provided that prior to such disclosure You have: ( a) given Us reasonable written notice of such proposed disclosure; ( b) agreed with Us the content of the disclosure, provided that it shall not limit the disclosure in a manner which would prevent You from complying with a statutory or regulatory obligation or court order; and( c) You take all steps to ensure that the recipient agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the information. 4.4 If You provide any ideas, suggestions or other input to relating to any products including Preview Software( Feedback) , may use such Feedback at its sole discretion including in the development and licensing of its products, without any obligations or restrictions. | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
388 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2. Password Changing. For both Standard Accounts and Privileged Accounts: (i) forced password changes must be required on
initial account set up, and after any automated or helpdesk password reset; and (ii) the old password must be entered prior to
password change (except where forced). | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
389 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 4.4. The termination or expiry of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the
Parties which have accrued prior to such expiry or termination. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
390 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The Contractor agrees that, in the event of the termination of the Finance Agreement by the F under, the Contractor shall, if so required by written notice given by the F under and subject to clause 7 accept the instructions of the F under or its appointee to the exclusion of the Employer in respect of the Works upon the terms and conditions of the Building Contract. The Employer acknowledges that the Contractor shall be entitled to rely on a notice given to the Contractor by the F under under this clause 5 as conclusive evidence for the purposes of this Agreement of the termination of the Finance Agreement by the F under; and further acknowledges that such acceptance of the instructions of the F under to the exclusion of the Employer shall not constitute any breach of the Contractor' s obligations to the Employer under the Building Contract. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
391 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.
The data subject can enforce against the data exporter this Clause, Clause 4(b) to (i), Clause 5(a) to (e), and (g) to
(j), Clause 6(1) and (2), Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12 as third-party beneficiary. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
392 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (c)
the non- Defaulting Party gives to the Defaulting Party a written notice (a "Default Valuation
Notice") which | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
393 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Clause 2
Details of the transfer | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
394 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Neither Party may transfer, sell or assign this Policy without the prior written consent of the other Party. Any attempted assignment without the written consent of the other Party shall be null and void and without force and effect. | Assignment clause | [
"Assignment clause"
] |
395 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The data subject can enforce against the sub process r this Clause, Clause 5( a) to( e) and ( g) . Clause 6, Clause 7, Clause 8(2) , and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where both the data exporter and the data importer have fact u ally disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation of law as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the data subject can li ability of the sub- processor shall be limited to its enforce them against such entity. Such third- party | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
396 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: may, at its discretion, void the cover of a Principal Member and their Dependants if
reasonable evidence that a Principal Member or their Dependants have deceived or misled | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
397 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.7. Commencement Date means the date referred in clause 1 of the Main Terms of this Agreement, | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
398 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: AGEDANDACCEPTED: | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
399 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 3.
subprocessor preventing the conduct of an audit of the data importer, or any subprocessor, pursuant to paragraph 2.
In such a case the data exporter shall be entitled to take the measures foreseen in Clause 5 (b). | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
Subsets and Splits