int64 0
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stringlengths 68
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100 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (g)
unless the Clauses or contract contain commercial information, in which case it may remove such commercial
information, with the exception of Appendix 2 which shall be replaced by a summary description of the security
measures in those cases where the data subject is unable to obtain a copy from the data exporter;
that, in the event of subprocessing, it has previously informed the data exporter and obtained its prior written consent;
that the processing services by the subprocessor will be carried out in accordance with Clause 11;
to send promptly a copy of any subprocessor agreement it concludes under the Clauses to the data exporter. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
101 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: r's Manager: the Supplier's manager for the Services appointed under Clause 3.3 | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
102 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 3- The data importer shall promptly inform the data exporter about the existence of legislation applicable to it or any subprocessor preventing the conduct of an audit of the data importer, or any subprocessor, pursuant to paragraph 2. In such a case the data exporter shall be entitled to take the measures foreseen in Clause 5(b). | Assignment clause | [
"Assignment clause"
] |
103 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 13.10 The Supplier shall indemnify the Client against any losses, liabilities, damages, costs (including but not limited to legal fees) and expenses incurred by, or awarded against, the Client as a result of any breach of the warranties set out in this clause 13. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
104 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Agreementorterminate this Agreement or any Transaction under this Agreement unless such disapplication, amendment or termination is permitted under the express terms of the Agreement) ; or ( vii) ) The PPF issuing a direction under section 134 of the 2004 Act during a PPF assessment period( within the meaning of section 132 of the 2004 Act) ( an" Assessment Period) which in Party A' s opinion amounts to a Material Adverse Change, and Party A serves a Default Notice on Party B; or ( ix) If the New Trustee( as defined below) fails to accede to or adopt all of Party B' s obligations and liabilities under the Agreement promptly upon appointment or if any Trustee or New Trustee is prohibited, suspended or disqualified from acting as trustee of the Pension Scheme within the meaning and for the purposes of the 1995 Act or pursuant to the governing documents of the Pension Scheme and Party A serves a Default Notice on Party B; or ( x) Party B( X) loses its right of indemnity to the assets of the Pension Scheme or( Y) amends the terms of the Trust Deed relating to the Pension Scheme in such a manner which prevents Party B from performing its material obligations in respect of this Agreement or one or more Transactions under this Agreement( including, but not limited to, by invalidating the legality or binding nature of Party B' s obligations here under) and Party A serves a Default Notice on Party B; or ( xi) If any changes in applicable law or regulations or in the governing documents of the Pension Scheme would give the beneficiaries of the Pension Scheme priority over Party A in the event of a full or partial winding up of the Pension Scheme and Part A serves a Default Notice on Party B. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
105 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: the non-Defaulting Party may sign a written notice (a "Special Default Notice") which - | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
106 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 20.3(a) If this Agreement is terminated in part, the terms of this Agreement will continue to apply to those
parts of this Agreement that remain in force following termination in part until those parts of this Agreement
are terminated. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
107 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: period of 6 months following the termination or expiry of this Agreement in accordance with clause 7 above. 10.2 Where an employee approaches the Supplier on his/ her own initiative the Supplier shall not be restricted from representing him/ her, provided that the Supplier can provide written evidence that the employee | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
108 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Applicable Exchange Rate: the rate charged by Citi bank( inclusive of any fees and commissions charged to by Citi bank) to exchange the currency in which a claim was originally incurred into the currency of the Alternative Currency Request or the Premium of the Policy, as the case maybe, as of the date a claim was incurred. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
109 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 3.3.5 at Your request and cost, and taking into account the nature of the processing and the information available to Us, use reasonable efforts to, assist You with Your compliance with Your obligations under Articles 32 to 36 of the UK GDPR( where applicable) ; | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
110 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: TheSellershallonlyProcessPersonalDatatotheextentreasonablyrequiredto enableittoprovidetheSponsorshipasmentionedinthesetermsandconditionsor asrequestedbyandagreedwiththeBuyer,shallnotretainanyPersonalDatalonger thannecessaryfortheProcessingandrefrainfromProcessinganyPersonalDatafor itsownorforanythirdparty'spurposes. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
111 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: k) (i) Subject to sub-paragraph (ii) below, if as a result of a Transaction terminating before its
agreed Repurchase Date under paragraphs 10(b), 10(g)(iii) or 10(h)(iii), the non-Defaulting
Party, in the case of paragraph 10(b), Buyer, in the case of paragraph 10(g)(iii), or Seller, in
the case of paragraph 10(h)(iii), (in each case the "first party") incurs any loss or expense in
entering into replacement transactions, the other party shall be required to pay to the first
party the amount determined by the first party in good faith to be equal to the loss or expense
incurred in connection with such replacement transactions (including all fees, costs and other
expenses) less the amount of any profit or gain made by that party in connection with such
replacement transactions; provided that if that calculation results in a negative number, an
amount equal to that number shall be payable by the first party to the other party. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
112 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2.1.3. End Client agrees it shall comply with the confidentiality obligations under the End Client’s
agreement with the Third Party Affiliate. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
113 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Statement of Work shall not be effective without an approved Customer Purchase Order for the Goods and Services. A Purchase Order means an approved purchase order authorised through the Customers payment requisition system inline the Customer' s financial approval processes. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
114 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( ) that the processing services by the sub- process o r
will be carried out in accordance with Clause 11; | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
115 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 10.2 Termination or the Agreement shall not affect any of the rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities of the parties that have accrued up to the date of termination or explain y. including the right to claim damages in respect of any breach of the Agreement which existed at or before the date of temi nation or exp iry | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
116 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 20. If we do not deliver the Research we will issue a full refund to you. We
reserve the right to change the date of any agreed publication if required subject to
written acceptance by you subject to clause 22 c of this Agreement. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
117 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: OBTAINING ADDITIONAL SERVICES | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
118 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 3.3.3 ensure that any employees or other persons authorized to process the Customer Data are subject to
appropriate obligations of confidentiality; | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
119 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The data subject can enforce against the sub processor this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), Clause 6, Clause 7, Clause 8(2) ,
and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where both the data exporter and the data importer have factually disappeared or ceased to exist
in law or have become insolvent, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by
contract or by operation of law as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the
data subject can enforce them against such entity. Such third-party liability of the subprocessor shall be limited to its own
processing operations under the Clauses. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
120 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2.1. Provision of Subscription Service. Company will provide the Subscription Service to pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and in accordance with the Documentation and the Subscription Service Levels. Company will have appropriate agreements with its employees, agents and contractors to enable Company to perform its obligations under this Agreement, in duding but not limited to confidentiality obligations. Company will provide the Subscription Services in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, professional standards, and industry accepted security standards and will obtain and maintain all the approvals, consents, licenses and permissions necessary to enable the provision of the Subscription Services 2.2. Date, there are no claims pending or threatened that could have an adverse effect on Company' s ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Company will have appropriate agreements with its employees, agents and contractors to enable Company to perform its obligationsunder this Agreement, including but not limited to the confidentiality obligations. As of the Effective Date, Company has not been debarred or is otherwise ineligible to participate in any U. S. governmental program. The Subscription Services, as provided by Company, will not contain any OpenSource Code that will force Confidential Information into the opensource domain. For purposes of this Agreement, OpenSource Code means any software code that contains or is derived in any manner( in whole or in part) from any software that is distributed as free software, opensource software, share ware or similar licensing or distribution models. 2.3. Business Continuation Plan. Company will maintain and annually test a comprehensive business continuation plan( B CP" ) in accordance with best industry practice for restoring any of its critical business functions that could reasonably have an impact on Company' s ability to provide the Subscription Service. 2.4. Security. 2.4.1. Data Protection Obligations. Company will comply with all applicable data privacy laws and the Data Processing Exhibit in relation to Personal Data included in the Data. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
121 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 5. CHANGECONTROL | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
122 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ExceptasotherwisespecifiedinthisSection,theMutualNondisclosureAgreementdatedOctober12t2020("MNDA")goverseachparty's useofConfidentialInformationandtherightsandobligationsonthepartiesundertheMNDAareherebyincorporatedherein.Eventhough theMNDAmayterminatebetweentheparties,theMNDAtermswillcontinuetogoverntheinformationdisclosedtoapartybytheotherparty inconnectionwiththisAgreement.IftheprovisionsoftheMNDAconfictwiththisAgreement,theAgreementtermsshalltakeprioritytothe extentofanyconflict. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
123 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: the Supp ller' s breach of its data protection or security obligations, including but not limited to any breach of the Data Processing Exhibit and the Data Security Exhibit; | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
124 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Palliative: Treatment offered for end- stage of a terminal Illness with a life expectancy of less than six( 6) months that no longer attempts to alter the condition' s growth or progression but is given to alleviate symptoms. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
125 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 4. The data ex porters hall keep a list of sub process ng agreements con clu ded under the to Clause 5( j) . which shall be updated atleast Clauses and notified by the data importer pursuant once a year. The list shall be available to the data | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
126 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (m) paragraph 14. For the purposes of paragraph 14 of this Agreement: | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
127 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: In- put Material: all documents, information and materials provided by the Customer relating to the Services, including technical or commercial know- how, computer programs, data, reports and specifications, inventions, processes or initiatives disclosed to the Supplier by the Customer or by an Authorised Service Recipient | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
128 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 5.4. We shall, upon termination of Processing and upon Your instruction, return all Data, carrier media and other materials to You or
delete the same. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
129 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The Parties and the first two Recitals require completion, and should conform with the notice to the
Contractor under clause 7D of SBC or DB, clause 7-7 of IC or ICD or clause 6D of PCC that
requires him to execute this Warranty. Care should be taken in each notice to give the correct
particulars of the Funder. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
130 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: RETURN OF PREMIUMS: In the event of termination of this Policy, we shall promptly return on a pro-rata
basis the unearned premium paid, if any, and the policyholder shall promptly pay on a pro-rata basis the earned
premium. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
131 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.3. " Available" or " Avail a bil it y means provision of the Services which would enable a User to log into. access. and use the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Subscription. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
132 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Clause12 | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
133 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: plier shall ensure that the Candidate(s) shall comply with the provisions of this clause 9. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
134 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: As stated in the Third Recital, the Employer is a Party to this Agreement for the purposes of the
acknowledgements given in clauses 5 and 6-4. This is to allow the Contractor to comply with the
obligations imposed upon him under those clauses, without being liable to the Employer for breach of
contract. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
135 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 4.1.1. "Adobe Connect" means the Adobe Connect On Demand/ Managed Services available to Customer under the Sales Order. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
136 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Schedule and Cost | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
137 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( a) commits a material breach of any term of the Agreement and( if such breach is remediable) fails to remedy that breach within a period of thirty( 30) days after being notified to do so; | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
138 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2.1.1. The Third Party agrees it shall use the Services solely to provide the Outsourced Services exclusively for the benefit of End Client and not for any other purpose or for the benefit of any other person or organization, on a shared basis or otherwise howsoever. Third Party shall comply with all the usage restrictions set forth in the Agreement, including without limitation complying with any Third Party Provider' s terms or restrictions, asset out in the Agreement. 2.1.2. Third Party agrees that Third Party users allowed to use the Services are subject to the User numbers that it is licensed for in the Agreement and subject to any limit on research consumption in the Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, no additional Users are granted by virtue of this Trip a rite Agreement. Any passwords given to an individual employee of Third Party accessing the Services on behalf of the End- Client are non- transferable and non- shareable and are intended for specific named users of a number not exceeding the number of permitted users of the Services as set forth in Appendix A. 2.1.3. End Client agrees it shall comply with the confidentiality obligations under the End Client' s agreement with the Third Party Affiliate. 2.1.4. End Client and Third Party agree reserves all intellectual property rights in the Services and, notwithstanding Third Party s permitted use of the Services asset out in this Agreement Third Party or the End Client acquire no rights with respect to any part of the Services except for a limited right and permission to use the Services in accordance with this Agreement. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
139 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (vii) Data secrecy: The Data Importer shall be obliged to commit staff entrusted with the processing
of personal data hereunder in written form to keeping any personal data strictly confidential
and not to use such personal data for any other purposes except for the provision of Services | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
140 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( ) that the processing services by the sub- process o r
will be carried out in accordance with Clause 11; | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
141 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (1) relatingtotheClientoranyofitsAffliates(includingwithoutlimitationthescopeofwork),unlessit isalreadyinthepublicdomainatthetimeofdisclosurethroughnowrongfulactordefaultofthe Suppiier;or (ii) thathasbeendesignatedbytheClientoranyofitsAffliatesasconfidentialinformation,where | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
142 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 9.1 You agree to indemnify Us from any loss or damage whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, if a third party claims that Your use of the Subscription Software causes Us any loss or damage, except in the circumstances in clause 9.2 below. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
143 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (a)
the data exporter is entitled to suspend the transfer of data and/or terminate the contract; | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
144 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: will provide end- to- end development of a web application including custom analytic
modules listed below and host it within Company's Microsoft Azure Cloud Server. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
145 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. The data subject can enforce against the data exporter this Clause, Clause 4(b) to (i), Clause 5(a) to (e), and (g) to (j), Clause
6(1) and (2), Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12 as third-party beneficiary. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
146 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Agreement. These Standard Terms shall be incorporated into any specific engagement and will be part of each Assignment Letter. Except for pending un completed assignments, these Standard terms supersede all prior understandings or agreements between you and us and they shall prevail over any contrary or alternative terms of yours or any third party. Any change to these terms must be made or confirmed in writing in the Assignment Letter and be signed by the Managing Partner of one of our Firm | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
147 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 33 Either party may terminate this Agreement forthwith by notice in writing to the other if the other party | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
148 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: CHARGEABLELABOURRATES | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
149 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2. Except where required by applicable law( in which case we shall provide you with as much prior notice of any disclosure as is reasonably possible) , we shall not disclose to third parties( including Supervisory Authority) any information about a Personal Data Breach involving Protected Data without prior written and express permission from you. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
150 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( a) co- operate with the Customer in all matters relating to the Services; | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
151 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (a) "Act of Insolvency" shall occur with respect to any party hereto upon - | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
152 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: HowtoContact | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
153 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. The data importer shall not subcontract any of its processing operations performed on behalf of the data exporter under the Clauses without the prior written consent of the data exporter. Where the data importer subcontracts its obligations under the Clauses, with the consent of the data exporter, it shall do so only by way of a written agreement with the subprocessor which imposes the same obligations on the subprocessor as are imposed on the data importer under the Clauses. Where the subprocessor fails to fulfil its data protection obligations under such written agreement the data importer shall remain fully liable to the data exporter for the performance of the subprocessor' s obligations under such agreement. | Assignment clause | [
"Assignment clause"
] |
154 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: the processing services by the subprocessor will be carried out in accordance with Clause | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
155 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 6.1 will audit the technical and organizational measures described in Annex 2. This audit: ( a) will be performed at least a um ally; ( b) will be performed by third party security professionals( qualified auditor) at selection and expense; ( c) will result in the generation of an audit report( Audit Report" ) , which will be the confidential information of or it' s sub processor( s) ; and( d) maybe performed for other purposes in addition to satisfying this Section( e. g. , as part of regular internal security procedures or to satisfy other contractual obligations) . | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
156 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: a]1timesaretobereadaslocaltimeintheplaceofdeemedreceipt;and ifdeemedreceiptunderthisClause32.4isnotwithinbusinesshours(meaning9.00 amto5.30pmMondaytoFridayonadaythatisnotapublicholidayintheplaceof receipt),thenoticeisdeemedtohavebeenreceivedwhenbusinessnextstartsinthe placeofreceipt. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
157 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. Term. The subscription period is one( 1) year, with automatic renewal on the anniversary of first access to Control Room, unless provides a written notice requesting termination at least 30 days prior to such anniversary. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
158 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 21. Any Deliverable that requires more than 40 hours of effort, as determined through the course of the
Engagement, will require a separate SOW | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
159 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Further billing terms apply as set out in the Price Guide and as may also be included in the Solution Terms. These documents can be found at
www | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
160 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. The data subject can enforce against the data exporter this Clause, Clause 4(b) to (i), Clause 5(a) to (e), and (g) to (j), Clause 6(1) and (2),
Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12 as third-party beneficiary. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
"Termination clause reference"
] |
162 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: These Terms and Conditions will be deemed to have been accepted by you when you accept them or the quotation and will constitute the entire agreement between us and you. This Agreement cannot be transferred to another party without our written permission. | Assignment clause | [
"Assignment clause"
] |
163 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: "Assignment" | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
164 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: of the Equivalent | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
165 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: SignedBy: | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
166 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 34 This Amendment No. 1 shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and the Parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England in connection with any such dispute, controversy, proceedings or claim. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
167 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( ii) If the first party reasonably decides, instead of entering into such replacement transactions, to replace or unwind any hedging transactions which the first party entered into in connection with the Transaction so terminating, or to enter into any replacement hedging transactions, the other party shall be required to pay to the first party the amount determined by the first party in good faith to be equal to the loss or expense incurred in connection with entering into such replacement or unwinding ( including all fees, costs and other expenses) less the amount of any profit or gain made by that party in connection with such replacement or unwinding; provided that if that calculation results in a negative number, an amount equal to that number shall be payable by the first party to the other party. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
168 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 17.4.1 OpportunitytoOure.EtherpartymayterminateanOrderonthematerialbreachbytheotherparty,by providingwittennoticetotheotherpartyofitsbreachandallowing30daystoeithercorrectthebreach ortoinitiatestepswhichthepartesmutuallyagreewillremedythebreach.Iftheotherpartyfailsto remedythebreachorinitiatethestepsnecessarytoremedysuchbreachwithinthe30-dayperiod,orif thebreachisincapableofbeingcured,theterminatingpartymayimmediatelyterminatetheOrderby providingwittennotice. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
169 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 15.1. Nothing in the Agreements hall be construed so as to prevent one party from disclosing the other' s Confidential Information where required to do so by a court or other competent authority provided that unless prevented by law, the first party promptly notifies the other party in advance and discloses only that part of the other party' s Confidential Information that it is compelled to disclose. Each party shall notify the other immediately if it discovers that this Clause 15.1 has been breached | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
170 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. Thepartiesagreethatontheterminationoftheprovisionofdataprocessingservices,thedataimporterandthesubprocesso shall,atthechoiceofthedataexporter,retumallthepersonaldatetransferredandthecopiesthereofftothedataexporteror shalldestroyallthepersonaldataandcertifytothedataexporterthatithasdoneso,unlesslegislationimposeduponthedata Importerpreventsitfromreturningordestroyingallorpartofthepersonaldatetransferred.Inthatcase,thedataimporter warrantsthatitwillguaranteetheconfidentialityofthepersonaldatetransferredandwillnotactivelyprocessthepersonal datetransferredanymore. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
171 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: will send the Customer an email when they have reached 50%, 60%, 80% and 100% of the Spend Cap. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
172 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: existing copies of such data unless We are required to keep or store such data by law. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
173 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: including the contract extension, less any fee previously paid to the Supplier in respect of that member of Contract Staff. The maximum amount payable shall not exceed the amounts set out in clause 6.1( i) above. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
174 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 7.1 TheClientmayterminatethisAgreementbygivingtotheSupplierthirtydayswrittennotice. 7.2 TheSuppliermayterminatethisAgreementbygivingtheClientninetydayswrittennotice. 7.3 EitherpartymayterminatethisAgreementforthwithbynoticeinwritingtotheotheriftheotherparty: (i)commitsabreachofthisAgreementwhich,inthecaseofabreachcapableofremedy,hasnotbeen (ii)isunabletopayitsdebtsorentersintocompulsoryorvoluntaryliquidation(otherthanforthepurpose ofeffectingareconstructionoramalgamationinsuchmannerthatthecompanyresultingfromsuch reconstructionoramalgamation,ifadifferentlegalentity,shallagreetobeboundbyandassumethe obligationsoftherelevantpartyunderthisAgreement)orcompoundswithorconvenesameetingofits creditorsorhasareceiver,manageroranadministratorappointedorceasesforanyreasontocarryon theotherpartymaybeunabletopayitsdebts. 7.4TerminationofthisAgreementforwhateverreasonshallnotaffecttheaccruedrightsofthepartiesarisingin anywayoutofthisAgreementasatthedateofterminationandinparticularbutwithoutlimitationtheright | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
175 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: issue a notice to the Employer to which clause 6-1-2 refers; or | Assignment clause | [
"Assignment clause"
] |
176 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ELECTRONICRECORDANDSIGNATUREDISCLOSURE | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
177 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 26.1 Failure to exercise, or any delay in exercising. any right or remedy provided under this Agreement or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that( or any other) right or remedy, nor shall it preclude or restrict any further exercise of that( or any other) right or remedy. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
178 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: including. without limitation, the following clauses ( Confidentiality) . ( Liability) | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
179 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: • Supports Trade Lifecycle: New, Amend, Terminations, Novations, Exercise | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
180 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Wherepossible,CustomerDatashouldbeeclusivelybackedupondedicatedmediathathasbeenclearlylabelled; (ii)Backupmediamustbeencrypted; (iii)Eventlogsmustberecordedtothebackupdeviceandregularlyreviewedtoidentifyanylssues(i.e.unsuccessfulbackups ofCustomerData); (iv)Backuprestorationtestingmustbeperformedregularlytoensuretheintegrityandaccuracyofthebackupcontent;(v) Proceduresmustbeputinplacetonesurebackupmediawilloperatetheeventofanemergency. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
181 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: that the disclosure is: ( a) approved by the other party in writing in advance; ( b) required by the law of any relevant jurisdiction or by a court of competent jurisdiction; ( c) required by any securities or investment exchange or regulatory or governmental the public domain through no fault of that party; or( e) of information of the kind referred to in section 14.1( lli) which is already lawfully in the possession of that party as evidenced by its or its professional advisers' written records and which was not acquired directly or indirectly from the other party to whom it relates, provided that any information disclosed pursuant to section 14.2( b) and( c) shall be disclosed only, if reasonably practicable, after notice to the other party( except where that notice is prohibited by law) and the disclosing party shall take reasonable steps to consult and co- operate with the other party regarding the content, timing and manner of that disclosure and take reasonable steps to co- operate with any action which the other party may reasonably elect to take to challenge legally the validity of that requirement. The receiving party may disclose Confidential Information of the disclosing party to the receiving party' s Affiliates, agents, officers, advisers, or auditors ( or those of receiving party' s Affiliates) who have a need to know in connection with this Agreement or as part of necessary due diligence in connection with a change in control of the receiving party( " Representatives" ) , provided such Representatives are bound by obligations of confidentiality substantially similar to those set forth in this Agreement and applicable to | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
182 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.15. Membership Category means the membership categories set out in clause 10 of the Main Terms of this Agreement; | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
183 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (a) ifdeliveredpersonally,atthetimeofdelivery; (b) ifdeliveredbycommercialcourier,atthetimeofsignatureofthecourier'sreceipt; (c) ifsentbypre-paidfirst-classpostorrecordeddelivery,at9.00amonthesecondday afterposting; (d) ifsentbyairmail,fivedaysfromthedateofposting;or (e) ifsentbyemail,theintendedrecipientrepliedtotheemailandspecifically acknowledgedreceipt. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
184 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: c. you enter into a voluntary arrangement under Part 1 of the Insolvency Act 1986, or
any other scheme or arrangement is made with your creditors; or | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
185 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: breach of clause 2.4(d), and | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
186 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: indicated by this clause, the Funder has no liability for any amounts due under the Building
Contract until he has given a notice under clause 5 or 6.4. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
187 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (m) paragraph 14. For the purposes of paragraph 14 of this Agreement: | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
188 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: of either the Supplier or a Subcontractor of the Supplier and that the Supplier or Subcontractor
(as applicable) is responsible for and shall complete the administration and payment of all tax
liabilities and duties in respect of such individuals. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
189 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: supplied in accordance with a relevant SOW which maybe agreed between the Customer and the Supplier from time to time. The term of this Agreement will continue unless terminated earlier pursuant to Clause 18 for a minimum period of 1 year with automatic renewal for one( 1) year periods unless terminated in accordance with Clause 18. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
190 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: including the contract extension, less any fee previously paid to the Supplier in respect of that member of Contract Staff. The maximum amount payable shall not exceed the amounts set out in clause 6.1( i) above. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
191 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Withdrawingyourconsent | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
192 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: may terminate the insurance upon the elapse of ten days from the Policyholder' s notification. In such event, is entitled to retain part of the Subscriptions equivalent to the past duration of this Agreement. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
193 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: remediedwithinfivedaysofthereceiptofanoticefromtheterminatingpartyidentifyingthebreachand requiringitsremedy;or ofeffectingareconstructionoramalgamationinsuchmannerthatthecompanyresultingfromsuch enditionsoftherelevantpartyunderthisAgreement)orcompoundswithorconvenesameetingofits businessortakesorsuffersanysimilaractionwhich,intheopinionoftheterminatingparty,meansthat | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
194 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (c) any breach of the confidentiality obligations by Supplier as per Clause 15 below. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
195 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (a) Each party may disclose the other party' s confidential information: | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
196 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 5.1 Other than as provided in clause 10.10.2(i). We warrant to You that: | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
197 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 9.4 The obligations of the Supplier under this clause 9 shall survive the expiry or termination of this Agreement
for whatever reason. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
198 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 5.1TheCustomer'sManagerandtheSupplier'sManagershallmeetatleastonceeverymonthtodiscuss matterrelatingtotheServicesand/ortheGoods.Ifeitherpartywishestochangethescopeor executionoftheServicesand/ortheGoods,itshallsubmitdetailsoftherquestedchangetothe otherinwritinginaccordancewiththisClause5. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
199 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 9.5. We and Our permitted Sub- Processors may engage further Sub- Processors in connection with the provision of the Services with
your prior written consent. In such case, We or the respective Sub- Processor will enter into a written agreement with each
SubProcessor containing data protection obligations not less protective than those in this Agreement with respect to the protection
of Customer Data to the extent applicable to the nature of the Services provided by such Sub-Processor. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
Subsets and Splits