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---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | Hafnarnesviti, 8 metra hár með ljóshæð 12 metra yfir sjávarmáli, var byggður 1951 og Knarrarósviti, 22 metra hár með ljóshæð 30 metra yfir sjávarmáli, byggður 1939. | Hafnarnesviti is 8 meters high with the height of the light being 12 meters above sea level. It was built in the year 1951. Knarrarósviti is 22 meters high with the height of the light being 30 meters above sea level. | 0.355532 | cbb6078e51c1e669 | bc85059b034a53f4+e1cfe818a96fe2e7+bd6f948ba9348e15 | p2:18s3/3 | p4:20s1/2+p4:20s2/2+p5:20s1/2 | Saga vitanna og sjósókn | Upplifðu Suðurland | History of the Lighthouses | Visit South Iceland+History of the Lighthouses | Visit South Iceland+History of the Lighthouses | Visit South Iceland | 2021-07-18 10:16 | 2021-07-22 12:35+2021-07-22 12:35+2021-07-22 12:35 | html | html+html+html | good | good+good+good | no | no+no+no | ffc07ef85e96734e | 95.23 | 0.869 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Kylfuberi má einnig aðstoða þig á annan hátt eins og leyft er í reglunum (sjá reglu 10.3b). Öll svæði utan marka vallarins eins og þau eru skilgreind af nefndinni. | A caddie may also help you in other ways allowed by the Rules (see Rule 10.3b). All areas outside the boundary edge of the course as defined by the Committee. | 0.673636 | ef07d963947b75d4+47dc7e80df09fb88 | 5f53b1a1d6bc3562+16f4f551d2bdad9a | p83:269s2/2+p84:269s1/2 | p83:270s2/2+p84:270s1/2 | Fjarlægðarlausn. Bolti týndur eða út af. Varabolti+Fjarlægðarlausn. Bolti týndur eða út af. Varabolti | Stroke-and-Distance Relief, Ball Lost or Out of Bounds, Provisional Ball+Stroke-and-Distance Relief, Ball Lost or Out of Bounds, Provisional Ball | 2021-07-17 22:49+2021-07-17 22:49 | 2021-07-18 00:16+2021-07-18 00:16 | html+html | html+html | good+good | good+good | no+no | no+no | ffc0b58596dc8905 | 95.04 | 0.750 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | MIX | | | Opið alla daga 10-19. 22 km. frá Akureyri. | Open everyday from 10-19. | 0.305651 | b6bedf166355761e | a36ce504efa253e0 | p4:4s5/5 | p12:12s3/4 | Halló Akureyri | You Can Do Anything | Visit Akureyri | 2021-07-18 04:11 | 2021-07-22 19:09 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc0f611973fe15f | 84.4 | 0.969 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Truflun samkvæmt þessari staðarreglu merkir að leikmaðurinn hefur: | Interference under this Local Rule means that the player has: | 0.904534 | 9c0a7a82e48c8e90 | 470027a83886d95d | p251:2306s1/1 | p256:2360s1/1 | Óeðlilegar vallaraðstæður og hlutar vallar | Abnormal Course Conditions and Integral Objects | 2021-07-17 22:49 | 2021-07-18 03:15 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | ffc0fa89f6818c0f | 101.81 | 0.942 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | MIX | | | Til að tengjast rótaskrá síðunnar þinnar í gegnum FTP þarftu að nota FTP biðlara eins og FileZilla. | To connect to your site's root directory via FTP, you'll need to use an FTP client such as FileZilla. | 0.483046 | 36fee2b0cfe81657 | bb35d922f9962418 | p42:130s1/3 | p42:130s1/3 | [FIX] Stutt í boði fyrir áætlað viðhald. Kíktu aftur eftir eina mínútu | [FIX] Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute | 2021-07-20 23:38 | 2021-07-18 21:29 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc11a644c82a4a0 | 97.51 | 0.978 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Í staðlinum sjálfum eru ekki settir fram sérstakir mælikvarðar á frammistöðu í jafnlaunamálum. | The standard itself does not lay down any specific criteria regarding performance in equal wage affairs. | 0.342997 | 9670e84e9ce55d55 | 950131eb740e385 | p9:9s7/11 | p9:9s7/11 | ÍST 85:2012 | ÍST 85:2012 (e) | 2021-07-18 11:21 | 2021-07-18 15:25 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc160eb1c98a1bf | 103.29 | 0.978 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Ef prjónað er breiðara stykki þá kemur mynstrið til með að líta öðruvísi út. | If you make a wider piece, the pattern will look different. | 0.751068 | 5ac0054f054b85cc | 9c3232aa53fe4aa6 | p1:80s8/9 | p1:83s7/8 | DROPS Fabel - Sokkaband úr ull sem hefur verið meðhöndlað til að þola þvott í þvottavél | DROPS Fabel - Superwash treated sock wool | 2021-07-18 02:49 | 2021-07-19 22:00 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc16ce94465300a | 106.02 | 0.835 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | B | | | Uppgötvunin var gerð fyrir tilstilli sjónauka ESO en greint er frá henni í nýjasta hefti tímaritsins Nature. | This discovery, made thanks to a combination of ESO’s telescopes, is described in an article in this week’s issue of Nature. | 0.189080 | 349c3d82c748902f | 520b233b9cb13fcb | p6:23s2/2 | p6:19s2/2 | Undið ofan af ráðgátunni um myndun massamikilla stjarna | ESO Ísland | Unravelling the Mystery of Massive Star Birth | ESO | 2021-07-20 02:32 | 2021-07-19 14:54 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc267e454046337 | 167.68 | 0.651 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Á Hengilssvæðinu eru um 125 km af merktum gönguleiðum sem eru litamerktar eftir erfiðleikastigum. | There are numerous marked hiking trails colored after difficulty. | 0.193837 | 1fbc4dbe27a1beb4 | 53be85e6ea62a3c6 | p13:16s12/15 | p13:16s13/17 | Jarðhitasvæði | Upplifðu Suðurland | Geothermal areas | Visit South Iceland | 2021-07-18 04:40 | 2021-07-18 08:43 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc2aa5d6f50f3a5 | 100.39 | 0.721 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Á Hengilssvæðinu eru um 125 km af merktum gönguleiðum sem eru litamerktar eftir erfiðleikastigum. | There are numerous marked hiking trails colored after difficulty. | 0.193837 | 1fbc4dbe27a1beb4 | 53be85e6ea62a3c6 | p4:9s3/4 | p7:16s13/17 | Hengill og Jarðhitasýning á Hellisheiði | Upplifðu Suðurland | Geothermal areas | Visit South Iceland | 2021-07-18 19:12 | 2021-07-22 03:54 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc2aa5d6f50f3a5 | 100.39 | 0.721 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Á Hengilssvæðinu eru um 125 km af merktum gönguleiðum sem eru litamerktar eftir erfiðleikastigum. | There are numerous marked hiking trails colored after difficulty. | 0.193837 | 1fbc4dbe27a1beb4 | 53be85e6ea62a3c6 | p86:349s12/15 | p49:351s13/17 | Náttúrustaðir | Upplifðu Suðurland | Scenic Nature | Visit South Iceland | 2021-07-18 10:22 | 2021-07-18 08:40 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc2aa5d6f50f3a5 | 100.39 | 0.721 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Á Hengilssvæðinu eru um 125 km af merktum gönguleiðum sem eru litamerktar eftir erfiðleikastigum. | There are numerous marked hiking trails colored after difficulty. | 0.193837 | 1fbc4dbe27a1beb4 | 53be85e6ea62a3c6 | p4:9s3/4 | p4:9s4/5 | Hengill og Jarðhitasýning á Hellisheiði | Upplifðu Suðurland | Hengill area and Geothermal energy exhibition | Visit South Iceland | 2021-07-18 19:09 | 2021-07-19 08:01 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc2aa5d6f50f3a5 | 100.39 | 0.721 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Á Hengilssvæðinu eru um 125 km af merktum gönguleiðum sem eru litamerktar eftir erfiðleikastigum. | There are numerous marked hiking trails colored after difficulty. | 0.193837 | 1fbc4dbe27a1beb4 | 53be85e6ea62a3c6 | p4:9s3/4 | p4:9s4/5 | Hengill og Jarðhitasýning á Hellisheiði | Upplifðu Suðurland | Hengill area and Geothermal energy exhibition | Visit South Iceland | 2021-07-23 08:41 | 2021-07-19 06:47 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc2aa5d6f50f3a5 | 100.39 | 0.721 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Sýningarnar opna á föstudögum í Kubbnum (2. hæð) og Huldulandi (1. hæð), sýningarsölum myndlistardeildar að Laugarnesvegi 91. | Openings will take place on Fridays (and one Thursday) at 3pm in Kubburinn (2nd florr) and Hulduland (1stfloor) the department’s exhibition spaces at Laugarnesvegur 91. | 0.357950 | 74347961f52f2c59 | ea89c180a087de91 | p5:6s1/2 | p11:11s3/4 | Kveikjuþræðir | Listaháskóli Íslands | SOLO SHOW: AISSA LOPEZ | Listaháskóli Íslands | 2021-08-05 16:37 | 2021-08-08 13:06 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc2b7ae773f19d0 | 124.27 | 0.918 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Nemendurnir sem tóku þátt í hinni þekktu Rotman-keppni lentu í 21. sæti af 45. | The RU students who took part in the well-known Rotman competition were in 21st place out of 45. | 0.453598 | 44ab85d2b17ffa4b | ef0112fb395d551e | p5:10s1/4 | p4:8s1/5 | Stóðu sig með glæsibrag í alþjóðlegum fjármála- og fjárfestingakeppnum | Forsíðufréttir | Háskólinn í Reykjavík | "The experience is unforgettable" | News | Reykjavik University | 2021-07-19 14:34 | 2021-07-21 11:24 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc2edce4a3f7bae | 95.64 | 0.906 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Gönguskíðamennska er afar aðgengileg íþrótt fyrir hvern þann sem langar að prófa, um leið og áframhaldandi ástundun hennar kallar á vaxandi þekkingu, tækni og úthald. | Cross-country skiing is an accessible sport for beginners and at the same time a sport that requires skills, stamina, and technique. | 0.190737 | 384561fa56301646 | 11ec7fa6d3e1150f | p2:8s2/3 | p2:9s2/3 | Dásamleg gönguskíðamennskan - Sóti Summits | The exhilaration of cross-country skiing - Sóti Summits | 2021-07-17 22:56 | 2021-07-18 01:14 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc31d911cc74bb8 | 102.07 | 0.807 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | A | | | Til dæmis, við að taka lausn frá vökvunarstút (óhreyfanlegri hindrun) í karga er nálægasti staðurinn fyrir fulla lausn eða lausnarsvæðið hugsanlega á brautinni. | For example, in taking relief from a sprinkler head (immovable obstruction) in the rough, the player's nearest point of complete relief or relief area may be located in the fairway. | 0.292771 | 756d300b13e3fa4f | 8d9ef1fe632ee83b | p74:1548s1/2 | p69:1577s1/2 | Lausn frá óeðlilegum vallaraðstæðum (þar á meðal óhreyfanlegum hindrunum). Hættulegar dýraaðstæður. Sokkinn bolti | Relief from Abnormal Course Conditions (Including Immovable Obstructions), Dangerous Animal Condition, Embedded Ball | 2021-07-17 23:05 | 2021-07-18 04:41 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc3b6f7afde10c0 | 100.21 | 0.891 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | MIX | | | Hvar sem fólk kemur saman og í allri starfsemi skal tryggt að hægt sé að hafa að minnsta kosti 2 metra á milli einstaklinga. | In addition, it must be ensured that more than 2 meters distance is kept between each and everyone. | 0.306946 | 25f13e35d1978d5b | b52dfb3450362064 | p4:11s3/3 | p10:12s3/4 | Sundlaugar loka í hertu samkomubanni | Kópavogsbær | Sundlaugum, íþróttamiðstöðvum og söfnum lokað | Fréttir | Hafnarfjörður | 2021-07-20 06:16 | 2021-07-19 18:35 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc3f7d1c80b7ce7 | 96.76 | 0.783 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | A | | A | | | Í vallarhúsinu eru flestir þjónustupunktar tjaldstæðisins, en þar er að finna salerni, sturtur, þvottavél og þurrkara. | In the field house are toilets, showers, washing machine and a tumble dryer. | 0.412956 | 4dceacdeb703616c | ebca59d866ea832e | p3:7s1/5 | p3:6s1/2 | Dalakofinn Tjaldsvæði | | Dalakofinn Campsite | | 2021-07-30 13:13 | 2021-08-12 21:59 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc40e317e5345e2 | 102.93 | 0.798 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | Sýningin opnar 18. maí klukkan 16.00 á Torginu á 1. hæð. | The exhibition opens on the 18th of May at 16.00 at the Square on the 1st floor. | 0.650645 | addb9cde9d7e8f15 | a7daba6b2c39dde5 | p2:4s1/1 | p3:4s1/1 | Barnamenningarhátíð | Sýning | Ótrúleg eru ævintýrin | Reykjavík City Library | Children´s Culture Festival | Exhibition | Adventures are amazing | Reykjavík City Library | 2021-07-30 09:11 | 2021-08-03 01:35 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | ffc4287caae42e5c | 89.52 | 0.976 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Sýningin opnar 18. maí klukkan 16.00 á Torginu á 1. hæð. | The exhibition opens on the 18th of May at 16.00 at the Square on the 1st floor. | 0.650645 | addb9cde9d7e8f15 | a7daba6b2c39dde5 | p2:4s1/1 | p3:4s1/1 | Barnamenningarhátíð | Sýning | Ótrúleg eru ævintýrin | Borgarbókasafn Reykjavíkur | Children´s Culture Festival | Exhibition | Adventures are amazing | Reykjavík City Library | 2021-07-19 14:38 | 2021-08-02 07:53 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | ffc4287caae42e5c | 89.52 | 0.976 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Sýningin opnar 18. maí klukkan 16.00 á Torginu á 1. hæð. | The exhibition opens on the 18th of May at 16.00 at the Square on the 1st floor. | 0.650645 | addb9cde9d7e8f15 | a7daba6b2c39dde5 | p2:4s1/1 | p3:4s1/1 | Barnamenningarhátíð | Sýning | Ótrúleg eru ævintýrin | Reykjavík City Library | Children´s Culture Festival | Exhibition | Adventures are amazing | Reykjavík City Library | 2021-08-11 23:44 | 2021-07-24 14:12 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | ffc4287caae42e5c | 89.52 | 0.976 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Hámarksfjöldi í ferð er 8 manns (4 ökumenn og 4 farþegar). View | Maximum per tour are 8 people (4 drivers and 4 passengers). View Fisherman | 0.664238 | 6e86184b7936e802+9451ec3343b7bf00 | b70d093ef37b3160+9451ec3343b7bf00+2b928c85826bf866 | p7:50s8/8+p8:50s1/1 | p16:52s9/9+p17:52s1/1+p18:52s1/1 | Ferðasali dagsferða | Markaðsstofa Vestfjarða+Ferðasali dagsferða | Markaðsstofa Vestfjarða | Day Tour Provider | Visit Westfjords+Day Tour Provider | Visit Westfjords+Day Tour Provider | Visit Westfjords | 2021-07-22 13:02+2021-07-22 13:02 | 2021-07-23 02:21+2021-07-23 02:21+2021-07-23 02:21 | html+html | html+html+html | good+short | good+short+short | no+no | no+no+no | ffc440ac94e18f60 | 94.47 | 0.944 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | B | | | Robert Jeffress: Ég er að biðja ykkur um að standa með mér og öllu kristnu fólki og öllum Gyðingum og öllum frelsissinnuðum Bandaríkjamönnum til að biðja forsetann og þingið um að gera allt sem hægt er til að eyða ISIS og íslam af yfirborði jarðar. | Robert Jeffress: I am asking you to join with me and every Christian, and every Jew, and every freedom-loving American, to demand that this president and congress do whatever is necessary to eradicate the evil of ISIS and radical Islam from the face of the earth. | 0.381552 | e62a973b870db48b+63f28f22ac916fd9+23018f06a9475057 | cdacd59ef6854f54 | p344:596s1/1+p345:596s1/1+p346:596s1/1 | p244:408s1/2 | 'Marserað til Zíonar' - fullur bíómynd í íslensku+'Marserað til Zíonar' - fullur bíómynd í íslensku+'Marserað til Zíonar' - fullur bíómynd í íslensku | "Marching to Zion" Full Movie Transcript | 2021-08-08 11:58+2021-08-08 11:58+2021-08-08 11:58 | 2021-08-07 00:05 | html+html+html | html | good+neargood+neargood | good | no+no+no | no | ffc45fa026da820c | 98.55 | 0.964 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Bankinn er vel í stakk búinn að styðja við viðskiptavini sína og íslenskt atvinnulíf. | The Bank is well positioned to provide strong support to its customers and the Icelandic business sector. | 0.473492 | cdf29fe7af114ca6 | 6d0c65c7d6cb717c | p10:24s4/4 | p10:24s4/4 | Afkoma Arion banka á fyrri árshelmingi 2017 | News item - Arion banki | 2021-07-18 05:18 | 2021-07-22 12:55 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc46577f603f16e | 101.82 | 0.913 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Þú þarft ekki að greiða ferð til útlanda með kortinu til að geta nýtt þér tryggingar kortsins vegna ferðatjóns erlendis. | You do not need to pay for your trip with the card to be covered under the card's insurance during your trip. | 0.392192 | c761205b47d25059 | 628c9ae376796520 | p5:65s1/1 | p5:26s1/1 | Ferðatryggingar kreditkorta Íslandsbanka · Ferðatjón · VÍS | Islandsbanki Credit Card Travel Insurance · VIS | 2021-07-17 22:21 | 2021-07-17 23:51 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc492ee088b8db7 | 102.15 | 0.896 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Samkvæmt lögunum óskar fyrirtæki eftir fresti og þarf það að vera í rekstrarörðugleikum, það er a.m.k. þriðjungs samdráttur í tekjum m.v. sömu mánuði síðasta árs. | These options are reserved for companies experiencing operational difficulties, i.e. at least a one-third decrease in revenue compared to the same month of the previous year. | 0.387800 | 8b779e7ca2c5aa8e | dcf077a5f7b084e2 | p12:57s1/4 | p10:55s1/4 | LOGOS lögmannsþjónusta | Lagabreytingar í kjölfar COVID-19 heimsfaraldurs | LOGOS Legal Services | Legislative changes following the COVID-19 pandemic | 2021-07-17 22:24 | 2021-07-18 04:19 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc49b060f042f10 | 103.61 | 0.767 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | MIX | | B | | | Líkamleg einkenni sem eru algeng í félagsfælni eru meðal annars að roðna, svitna, skjálfa eða stama. | Physical symptoms that are common with social anxiety include blushing, sweating, shivering or stuttering. | 0.676423 | 6da30b26f5087d57 | a82c06fb4a8f00f1 | p5:5s1/5 | p6:6s1/5 | Hugrún | Hugrún | 2021-07-17 21:54 | 2021-07-17 22:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc573accb441ac1 | 100.83 | 0.545 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Í nóvember 2019 fór bankinn í endurkaup á 300 milljóna evra skuldabréfi með gjalddaga í júní 2020. | In November 2019 the Bank repurchased €300 million of bonds maturing in June 2020. | 0.347328 | 496054cd7be3f6a8 | 61d602aa451be14 | p26:28s2/3 | p26:28s2/3 | Helstu atburðir ársins | Highlights of the year | 2021-07-17 22:07 | 2021-07-19 09:37 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc63c9019c7198b | 140.01 | 0.971 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | MIX | | MIX | | | Egill hlaut að leika við svein þann, er Grímur hét, sonur Heggs af Heggsstöðum; Grímur var ellefu vetra eða tíu og sterkur að jöfnum aldri. | For this also sides were chosen. Egil was matched to play against a boy named Grim, son of Hegg, of Hegg-stead. | 0.308584 | c3b03cd1d6156bea | 5896a402446fe3ce+dde29262e415bcfa | p419:1285s1/4 | p395:1222s14/14+p396:1222s1/6 | Egils saga Skalla-Grímssonar | Egil's Saga+Egil's Saga | 2021-07-26 21:19 | 2021-07-21 05:05+2021-07-21 05:05 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | ffc6763fdc189963 | 97.1 | 0.566 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Inngangur: Lungnasmækkunaraðgerð (lung volume reduction surgery) getur bætt lungnastarfsemi, líðan og lífshorfur sjúklinga með alvarlega lungnaþembu. | Introduction: Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) can benefit patients with severe emphysema. | 0.445010 | 74ccae9b7acc520f | 838fa081910993e3 | p1:6s1/16 | p8:17s17/32 | Browsing Journal Articles, Peer Reviewed (Ritrýndar vísindagreinar) by Subjects | Árangur lungnasmækkunaraðgerða við langvinnri lungnaþembu á Íslandi | 2021-08-13 22:01 | 2021-08-10 09:32 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc6c14ac2d6e2ab | 102.25 | 0.980 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Inngangur: Lungnasmækkunaraðgerð (lung volume reduction surgery) getur bætt lungnastarfsemi, líðan og lífshorfur sjúklinga með alvarlega lungnaþembu. | Introduction: Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) can benefit patients with severe emphysema. | 0.445010 | 74ccae9b7acc520f | 838fa081910993e3 | p3:61s1/2 | p3:12s1/2 | Árangur lungnasmækkunaraðgerða við langvinnri lungnaþembu á Íslandi | 12. tbl. 97. árg. 2011 | Læknablaðið | Lung volume reduction surgery for severe pulmonary emphysema in Iceland | 12. tbl. 97. árg. 2011 | Læknablaðið | 2021-07-18 14:57 | 2021-07-20 04:32 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc6c14ac2d6e2ab | 102.25 | 0.980 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Jökulsárlón er ungt og enn í myndun en það birtist eftir að Breiðamerkurjökull tók að hopa úr jökulsæti sínu á Breiðamerkursandi árið 1933. | Despite its popularity as a tourist destination, Jökulsárlón is a very young lake and still in the process of forming. | 0.199432 | 23042ca82936133b | 74898243e7da637d | p5:5s6/7 | p4:4s7/9 | Stöðuvötn | Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands | Lakes | Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands | 2021-07-18 02:51 | 2021-07-18 12:57 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc6f42ec607c7b3 | 105.39 | 0.788 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Ferskar matjurtir af staðnum, veitingastaður, minjagripasala og ferðaþjónusta styðja þar hvert við annað með góðum árangri. | Fresh vegetables are grown at site, a restaurant, souvenirs and tourist experience support each other with excellent result. | 0.392831 | e35d1f2e79d78c84 | a6575bb89760f0b4 | p10:12s3/4 | p10:12s3/4 | ALDIN er fyrir alla - ALDIN BIODOME | ALDIN is for everyone - ALDIN BIODOME | 2021-07-17 21:54 | 2021-07-19 06:25 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc6f78835268823 | 103.61 | 0.607 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Jón hefur víðtæka reynslu af fyrirtækjarekstri og umbreytingarverkefnum bæði á Íslandi og í Skandinavíu. | Jón Björnsson has extensive experience in company management and transformation projects, both in Iceland and in Scandinavia. | 0.603816 | 9af27d3c79cf92f1 | 2797d351c3dbf3fc | p31:58s2/5 | p32:64s1/3 | Mannauður - Ársskýrsla 2020 | Human Resources - Annual report 2020 | 2021-07-18 11:17 | 2021-07-18 11:13 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc76aeb98566f9f | 103.53 | 0.975 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Einnig hægt er að sækja yfirlit sem excel skjal. | You can also download an overview as an excel file. | 0.852803 | 718c539b2fffbc38 | 7b03dea18baa50d5 | p35:75s2/2 | p34:71s2/2 | Reikningar & innheimta | Veitur - Við rekum hita-, raf-, vatns- og fráveitu víða á Suðvesturlandi | Billing & collection | Veitur - Við rekum hita-, raf-, vatns- og fráveitu víða á Suðvesturlandi | 2021-07-18 12:36 | 2021-07-20 22:49 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc76e13e3ac589c | 96.2 | 0.684 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Einnig hægt er að sækja yfirlit sem excel skjal. | You can also download an overview as an excel file. | 0.852803 | 718c539b2fffbc38 | 7b03dea18baa50d5 | p35:75s2/2 | p34:71s2/2 | Reikningar & innheimta | Veitur - Við rekum hita-, raf-, vatns- og fráveitu víða á Suðvesturlandi | Billing & collection | Veitur - Við rekum hita-, raf-, vatns- og fráveitu víða á Suðvesturlandi | 2021-09-20 04:04 | 2021-09-19 14:42 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc76e13e3ac589c | 96.2 | 0.684 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Hann er með meistara gráðu í Electronic Music Composition frá The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus, Denmark. | He holds a Master degree in Electronic Music Composition from The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus, Denmark. | 0.921954 | 810977b7695d10a5 | b962efc172c966cd | p28:42s7/7 | p28:42s7/7 | RÓ RÓ – Skaftfell – myndlistarmiðstöð Austurlands | RÓ RÓ – Skaftfell – myndlistarmiðstöð Austurlands | 2021-07-18 08:31 | 2021-07-19 02:50 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc77d59055a96f6 | 93.86 | 0.989 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | MIX | | MIX | | | Barn getur með heimild skólastjóra grunnskóla, að fenginni umsögn sérfræðiþjónustu, hafið grunnskólanám fyrir 6 ára aldur og útskrifast úr grunnskóla áður en tíu ára grunnskólanámi er lokið. | A child can, with the authorisation of the primary school headteacher and a review by specialist services, commence primary schooling before the age of six and graduate from primary school after less than ten years of primary schooling. | 0.562659 | 19295f83f8e4210b | bfad80a086200373 | p29:32s1/3 | p13:15s1/3 | Stuðningur í leik- og grunnskólum | Kópavogsbær | Specialist services in nursery and primary schools | Kópavogur | 2021-07-20 21:20 | 2021-07-22 08:55 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc82729a6ff9674 | 103.05 | 0.953 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Ný vefmyndavél í Skaftafelli | A webcam installed in Skaftafell | 0.316228 | 7088d8067dcbc38a | 207d7a63aec6ac8f | p2:5s1/1 | p3:6s1/1 | Ný vefmyndavél í Skaftafelli | Vatnajökulsþjóðgarður | A webcam installed in Skaftafell | Vatnajokull National Park | 2021-07-18 05:34 | 2021-07-19 15:58 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | ffc89c7408440517 | 101.98 | 0.947 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Ný vefmyndavél í Skaftafelli | A webcam installed in Skaftafell | 0.316228 | 7088d8067dcbc38a | 207d7a63aec6ac8f | p1:4s1/1 | p3:6s1/1 | Ný vefmyndavél í Skaftafelli | Vatnajökulsþjóðgarður | A webcam installed in Skaftafell | Vatnajokull National Park | 2021-07-18 06:54 | 2021-07-19 16:43 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | ffc89c7408440517 | 101.98 | 0.947 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Pamela Runestad sérhæfir sig í læknisfræðilegri mannfræði og er lektor við Allegheny-háskóla í Pennsylvaníu í Bandaríkjunum. | Pamela Runestad is a medical anthropologist and an Assistant Professor of Global Health at Allegheny College in Pennsylvania, USA. | 0.377484 | 3031db8b7e3f6d83 | c2ba5c9714fb517c | p1:5s6/6 | p1:4s4/4 | Survivor Voices and Stories | RIKK | Survivor Voices and Stories | RIKK | 2021-07-17 23:14 | 2021-07-18 04:50 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc8ad9f4e9bf831 | 101.96 | 0.985 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Fer Þórður heim og er fátt með þeim um veturinn. | Thord went home, and there was a coolness between them while that winter lasted. | 0.170791 | 82276eca02613b33 | 5ea92ca5e27c7fa6 | p258:585s1/1 | p223:518s1/1 | Kormáks saga | The Saga of Cormac the Skald | 2021-07-26 21:21 | 2021-07-21 05:09 | html | html | short | neargood | no | no | ffc8d037cb591761 | 99.15 | 0.514 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Markmiðið er að þróa kennsluaðferðir sem sameina þekkingu, sköpunarkraft og tækni. | The idea is to develop teaching methods which integrate education, creativity and technology. | 0.647339 | 621b323a6d5afe25 | 979e1940967d3e06 | p31:49s1/2 | p31:49s1/2 | Biophilia Bjarkar móti vísindafólk framtíðar | Norrænt samstarf | Björk’s Biophilia will shape future scientists | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-20 06:50 | 2021-07-22 09:21 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc8d2fde4e5d44d | 103.61 | 0.988 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Ég gerði hana fyrir föður minn, sem trúði á mold og jörð. | I made it for my father, who believed in soil and earth. | 0.886405 | 8fcba433efef6790 | a18aebdd19bd3fe8 | p3:3s15/16 | p3:3s14/15 | Móðir jörð | Listasafn Reykjavíkur – Safneign | Móðir jörð | Listasafn Reykjavíkur – Safneign | 2021-07-17 21:50 | 2021-07-17 23:19 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc8d4323dca2353 | 100.37 | 0.962 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | A | | B |,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=490&cntnt01origid=42&cntnt01detailtemplate=LBS_NewsDetail&cntnt01returnid=42 |,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=491&cntnt01origid=143&cntnt01detailtemplate=LBS_NewsDetail&cntnt01returnid=143 | Helga Kristjánsdóttir, Þorsteinn I. Sigfússon (ritstjóri), Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir, Ólafur Flóvenz, Sigrún N. Karlsdóttir, Þráinn Friðriksson, Halldór Ármannsson, Kristján Sæmundsson og Ingibjörg Sverrisdóttir, landsbókavörður. | Some of the Icelandic authors: from the left: Helga Kristjánsdóttir, Þorsteinn I. Sigfússon (editor), Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir, Ólafur Flóvenz, Sigrún N. Karlsdóttir, Þráinn Friðriksson, Halldór Ármannsson, Kristján Sæmundsson and Ingibjörg Sverrisdóttir, national librarian. | 0.611632 | 64cb38cf2cb3b850+a0d20985acb382cb+7d82e22146d4e5ce | 934d6e2ef16db117 | p8:8s2/4+p8:8s3/4+p8:8s4/4 | p7:7s1/1 | Landsbókasafn | Fréttasafn+Landsbókasafn | Fréttasafn+Landsbókasafn | Fréttasafn | Landsbókasafn | News Archive | 2021-07-17 22:04+2021-07-17 22:04+2021-07-17 22:04 | 2021-07-19 09:09 | html+html+html | html | good+good+good | good | no+no+no | no | ffc95704a0e101a7 | 105.96 | 0.880 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX |,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=506&cntnt01origid=42&cntnt01detailtemplate=LBS_NewsDetail&cntnt01returnid=42 |,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=507&cntnt01origid=143&cntnt01detailtemplate=LBS_NewsDetail&cntnt01returnid=143 | Lýsigögn í Europeana eru nú gefin út með sérstöku notandaleyfi, CC0, eða almenningsleyfi Creative Commons. | The metadata of Europeana is now published with a Creative Commons Public Domain license (CC0). | 0.217309 | 39553ce5d111568f | ab9785fdda796e43 | p4:5s1/2 | p4:5s1/2 | Landsbókasafn | Fréttasafn | Landsbókasafn | News Archive | 2021-07-17 22:47 | 2021-07-19 09:12 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc95a615672fc87 | 97.92 | 0.910 | No | europeana | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Þetta er hluti af ástæðunni fyrir því að iPhone er ekki alltaf hannað til að hafa meiri rafhlöðugetu. | This is part of the reason why the iPhone aren't always designed to have a larger battery capacity. | 0.779864 | cce4022d1c3564bd | 4cbb6b926af0e79c | p18:33s2/5 | p20:35s2/5 | Hérna er ástæða þess að iPhone þarf ekki mikla rafhlöðu getu | Here’s Why the iPhone No Need A Large Battery Capacity | 2021-07-18 08:31 | 2021-07-18 13:15 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc98287392be9cf | 100.23 | 0.976 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | „ESO veitti mér sérstakan rannsóknartíma með mjög skömmum fyrirvara, svo aðeins örfáum dögum eftir að ég sendi inn umsóknina var VLT beint að þessu furðufyrirbæri,“ segir Schirmer. | “ESO granted me special observing time at very short notice and just a few days after I submitted my proposal, this bizarre object was observed using the VLT,” says Schirmer. | 0.396249 | c4e42ca616b48ca6 | 46b7780b506079bb | p9:29s1/3 | p9:27s1/3 | Bergmál úr fortíð vetrarbrauta | ESO Ísland | Galaxy-wide Echoes from the Past | ESO | 2021-07-20 02:21 | 2021-07-20 08:30 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffc9c7553c3829ca | 192.47 | 0.940 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Upplýsingar um málhafa Eftirfarandi upplýsingar eru um málhafana, aldur þeirra, stað í upphaflegu DAT-upptökunum og línurnar sem þeir lásu. | Speaker information Here is information about the readers, their age, the records position on the original DAT tape, and the lines read. | 0.484771 | f801d430523b3ace | de97b4a7f36719c2 | p7:7s7/7 | p10:10s6/6 | Málföng | Málföng | 2021-07-17 22:14 | 2021-07-17 22:53 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcab974d50774a1 | 99.12 | 0.745 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Upplýsingar um málhafa Eftirfarandi upplýsingar eru um málhafana, aldur þeirra, stað í upphaflegu DAT-upptökunum og línurnar sem þeir lásu. | Speaker information Here is information about the readers, their age, the records position on the original DAT tape, and the lines read. | 0.484771 | f801d430523b3ace | de97b4a7f36719c2 | p7:7s7/7 | p10:10s6/6 | Málföng | Málföng | 2021-07-17 22:01 | 2021-07-17 22:37 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcab974d50774a1 | 99.12 | 0.745 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Fyrirvari: Í þjónustu ISNIC felst m.a. en ekki eingöngu rekstur gagnagrunns- og hugbúnaðarþjónustu sem viðskiptamenn kaupa aðgang að um Internetið. | ISNIC services consist among other things of software and databases which customers buy access to through the Internet. | 0.316831 | 984cb0da85138618 | 8fe2d7f7b234b7dc | p5:75s1/2 | p6:78s3/4 | ISNIC Lénaskrá: Viðskiptaskilmálar ISNIC | ISNIC Registry: ISNIC Terms and Conditions | 2021-07-17 22:09 | 2021-07-18 00:57 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcb6f3d1f5279e6 | 100.88 | 0.673 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Fyrirvari: Í þjónustu ISNIC felst m.a. en ekki eingöngu rekstur gagnagrunns- og hugbúnaðarþjónustu sem viðskiptamenn kaupa aðgang að um Internetið. | ISNIC services consist among other things of software and databases which customers buy access to through the Internet. | 0.316831 | 984cb0da85138618 | 8fe2d7f7b234b7dc | p5:75s1/2 | p6:78s3/4 | ISNIC Lénaskrá: Viðskiptaskilmálar ISNIC | ISNIC Registry: ISNIC Terms and Conditions | 2021-07-17 21:45 | 2021-07-19 01:53 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcb6f3d1f5279e6 | 100.88 | 0.673 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Hér er neðan er svo samantekt á helstu reglum sem gilda í Mjölni á dögum Covid um æfingar í íþróttum með snertingu, þ.e. glímu (BJJ), MMA, Kickboxi og hnefaleikum: | Also here are some main rules on training contact sports in Mjölnir at Covid time, ie. Grappling (BJJ), MMA, Kickbox and Boxing: | 0.314998 | 5d484ac220ad9790 | 57a7587db89907df+2a340e09edcad1e9 | p13:25s1/1 | p19:28s1/2+p19:28s2/2 | OPNAÐ SAMKVÆMT STUNDATÖFLU | Mjölnir MMA | MJOLNIR OPENS TOMORROW | Mjölnir MMA+MJOLNIR OPENS TOMORROW | Mjölnir MMA | 2021-07-18 13:16 | 2021-07-19 08:13+2021-07-19 08:13 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | ffcba2d62bd45711 | 96.39 | 0.841 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | A | | | Hér er neðan er svo samantekt á helstu reglum sem gilda í Mjölni á dögum Covid um æfingar í íþróttum með snertingu, þ.e. glímu (BJJ), MMA, Kickboxi og hnefaleikum: | Also here are some main rules on training contact sports in Mjölnir at Covid time, ie. Grappling (BJJ), MMA, Kickbox and Boxing: | 0.314998 | 5d484ac220ad9790 | 57a7587db89907df+2a340e09edcad1e9 | p12:23s1/1 | p19:27s1/2+p19:27s2/2 | OPNUM AFTUR SAMKVÆMT STUNDATÖFLU | Mjölnir MMA | MJOLNIR OPENS | Mjölnir MMA+MJOLNIR OPENS | Mjölnir MMA | 2021-07-18 13:18 | 2021-07-22 04:13+2021-07-22 04:13 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | ffcba2d62bd45711 | 96.39 | 0.841 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | A | | | Styrkurinn nemur að hámarki kr. 130.000 á einstakling þó ekki meira en nemur kostnaði.Tekur gildi 1. janúar 2020 og tekur til reikninga sem gefnir eru út frá og með þeim tíma, fyrir það er upphæðin 100.000 kr. | A maximum of 100.000 ISK is granted for each individual, however never more than total expenses. Effective from January 1st, 2020, and applies for all invoices dated from that time, before the amount is 100.000 ISK. | 0.326884 | ded7cd179b34e78e | fb072114721b4622+e7e306529b642f3b | p7:18s1/1 | p11:26s1/2+p11:26s2/2 | Náms og kynnisferðir | Efling | Educational related travels | Efling+Educational related travels | Efling | 2021-07-18 12:03 | 2021-07-19 17:22+2021-07-19 17:22 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | ffcbdc62de165b09 | 92.26 | 0.562 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Við bendum þér sérstaklega á að þér er ávallt heimilt að hafa samband við þjónustuver okkar með því að senda póst á [email protected] til að koma með athugasemdir við slíka sjálfvirka ákvörðun. | You are welcome to contact our support team by sending an email to [email protected] to comment on such an automatic decision. | 0.615484 | 3ab41be3407ade19 | 8f32ad3d2741dac | p46:55s4/4 | p34:39s4/4 | Personuverndarstefna | Netgíró | Netgíró Privacy policy | Netgíró | 2021-07-17 22:18 | 2021-07-17 23:23 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcbf4b177c3102f | 105.63 | 0.995 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | B | | | Í keppnum með forgjöf þar sem tafla með röðun forgjafarhögga er notuð, svo sem í fjórleik höggleiks, par/skolla og Stableford keppnum ætti að deila forgjafarhöggum eins og þeim var úthlutað í keppninni. | In net competitions where the stroke index allocation as set by the Committee is used, such as Four-Ball stroke play, Par/Bogey or Stableford competitions, handicap strokes should be applied consistently with how they were applied for the competition. | 0.304998 | 6c36f73e0c9f0967 | f558d066a7de45ba | p127:170s1/1 | p129:172s1/1 | Að ákvarða skilmála keppninnar | Setting the Terms of the Competition | 2021-07-17 23:21 | 2021-07-18 03:10 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcc78e190589eae | 100.0 | 0.886 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | Hér fyrir neðan er að finna slóð á skjal til að fylla út áhættumat og leiðbeiningar við gerð þess. | Below you will find a link to a module for filling in a risk assessment and instructions for use. | 0.554883 | 6b3aa64d3d43d223 | 8d18f96c9292a3e4 | p2:2s2/3 | p2:2s2/3 | Áhættumat | Risk assessment | 2021-07-17 22:05 | 2021-07-26 07:09 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcc8d5fe62ceee7 | 102.33 | 0.949 | No | cybersecurity | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | MIX | | | Frá 1. maí 2019 eiga þeir félagsmenn Eflingar sem vinna hjá Reykjavíkurborg rétt á að fá fræðslustyrk vegna ríkisborgaraprófs. | As of May 1, 2019, members of Efling working for Reykjavíkurborg have a right to claim an educational grant for their citizenship exam. | 0.423845 | c7ea48d1caa2d67c | b9527f9b86302ca2 | p3:10s1/1 | p3:11s1/1 | Fræðslustyrkur vegna ríkisborgaraprófs | Efling | Education support for citizenship exam | Efling | 2021-07-18 13:26 | 2021-07-19 22:10 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcca9e5e9f4ec62 | 99.01 | 0.966 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | A | | | Útslag jarðskjálftaóróa er lítið í dag. | Seismic tremor has low amplitudes today. | 0.189075 | 1b732e3fae8d74e4 | 1e73d0afdcdce89c | p555:706s5/5 | p1354:1636s5/5 | Bárðarbunga september 2014 | Jarðvísindastofnun - Institute of Earth Sciences | Bardarbunga 2014 | Institute of Earth Sciences | 2021-07-17 22:49 | 2021-07-20 01:45 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffccca3448d9139f | 109.09 | 0.643 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Hann hefur setið í Hugverkanefnd Háskóla Íslands og Landspítala frá árinu 2003 og hefur langa reynslu af tækniyfirfærslu vísindalegra verkefna. | He has been a member of the joint IP Committee of the University of Iceland and Landspítali University Hospital since 2003. | 0.433097 | 5d496d82fa4e47a5 | d696deed1ac153c5 | p112:126s4/4 | p108:114s3/3 | Auðna Tæknitorg - Technology Transfer Office Iceland | Technology Transfer Office Iceland | 2021-07-17 22:53 | 2021-07-18 01:21 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffccfd3ca07db87c | 98.11 | 0.529 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Hann hefur setið í Hugverkanefnd Háskóla Íslands og Landspítala frá árinu 2003 og hefur langa reynslu af tækniyfirfærslu vísindalegra verkefna. | He has been a member of the joint IP Committee of the University of Iceland and Landspítali University Hospital since 2003. | 0.433097 | 5d496d82fa4e47a5 | d696deed1ac153c5 | p116:126s4/4 | p110:114s3/3 | Auðna Tæknitorg - Technology Transfer Office Iceland | Technology Transfer Office Iceland | 2021-07-17 22:53 | 2021-07-18 01:21 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffccfd3ca07db87c | 98.11 | 0.529 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Í hvaða tilgangi vinnur LEX með persónuupplýsingarnar? | For which purposes does LEX process personal data? | 0.666820 | 2e37411eb2bb1cca | 6fa180b945b86bdd | p48:67s1/1 | p48:67s1/1 | Persónuverndarstefna LEX - LEX Lögmannsstofa | Persónuverndarstefna LEX - LEX Lögmannsstofa | 2021-07-17 22:22 | 2021-07-23 00:33 | html | html | neargood | neargood | yes | yes | ffcd87c3c0bc85f8 | 102.06 | 0.981 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Tekið var til óspilltra málanna og voru mörg ónýt hús felld og önnur ný byggð í staðinn. | As a consequence many destroyed houses were removed and others built instead. | 0.109360 | c534c845a97b3321 | 457d0fabbe96b048 | p10:13s5/9 | p7:7s6/11 | Dalvíkurskjálftinn 1934, Mjög góðar myndir,mikið af upplýsingum,Jóhann Svarfdælingur | Earthquake in Dalvik 1934, Earthquake in Iceland. Dalvik,north Iceland,richter,house,damaged,weather | 2021-07-17 21:42 | 2021-07-17 22:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcdab5ba2c6177e | 104.41 | 0.653 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Tekið var til óspilltra málanna og voru mörg ónýt hús felld og önnur ný byggð í staðinn. | As a consequence many destroyed houses were removed and others built instead. | 0.109360 | c534c845a97b3321 | 457d0fabbe96b048 | p10:13s5/9 | p7:7s6/11 | Dalvíkurskjálftinn 1934, Mjög góðar myndir,mikið af upplýsingum,Jóhann Svarfdælingur | Earthquake in Dalvik 1934, Earthquake in Iceland. Dalvik,north Iceland,richter,house,damaged,weather | 2021-07-17 21:41 | 2021-07-17 22:43 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcdab5ba2c6177e | 104.41 | 0.653 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Hámarki nær verkið þegar síðustu stundirnar í lífi Jesú Krists eru raktar með orðum séra Hallgríms og túlkaðar í nærfærinni en beinskeyttri tónlist sem talar vafningalaust til hlustandans. | In the words of the composer: “The noble and peaceful interior of Hallgrímskirkja (which is named after the poet), as well as the sensitive acoustics of the church, played an important part in the creation of Passía. | 0.146221 | 1936ff12f9eb8b0a | b0b0c0b7c71f7202 | p5:9s3/3 | p10:12s2/3 | Passía – tónlist fyrir hug og hjarta – Listvinafélagið í Reykjavík | Passía – music for the mind and the heart – Listvinafélagið í Reykjavík | 2021-07-17 22:04 | 2021-07-17 23:49 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcdc83587b7fc9b | 121.23 | 0.769 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Veitingastaðurinn opnaði árið 2010 og er þar boðið upp á fínni mat. | Hannes Boy opened in 2010 and is an excellent place to enjoy finer dining. | 0.325162 | 9a0e55ec166decd5 | f0d90470cdc4970b | p3:4s1/3 | p2:3s5/7 | Hannes Boy | | Hannes Boy | | 2021-07-18 03:18 | 2021-07-22 19:40 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcdf7c5f41902ba | 97.91 | 0.791 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Gagnlegar upplýsingar um Södahl Organic New Harmony rúmföt: | Vörulýsing Useful information about Södahl Organic Tapestry Bedding | 0.577540 | bbfa73f5c6f7ebad | a8dffb3c195f16d9+4cc0fa1fdab10987 | p6:10s1/1 | p2:7s1/1+p3:7s1/1 | Kaupa Södahl - Organic New Harmony Bedding 140 x 200 cm - Grey (727421) - Frábær verð | Kaupa Södahl - Organic Tapestry Bedding 140 x 200 cm - Maroon (11989) - Maroon - Frábær verð+Kaupa Södahl - Organic Tapestry Bedding 140 x 200 cm - Maroon (11989) - Maroon - Frábær verð | 2021-07-18 13:19 | 2021-07-18 13:17+2021-07-18 13:17 | html | html+html | neargood | short+neargood | no | yes+no | ffce601b2f03f31c | 103.97 | 0.566 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | hrinda af stað verkefni um menntun í sjálfbærri þróun á öllum skólastigum. | invest in education relating to sustainable development for all levels of education. | 0.211830 | 9b7af12f9b11fcec | d935d906f05b872d | p62:182s1/2 | p62:183s1/2 | Nordisk Ministerråd - PolitikNord2020-727 | Nordisk Ministerråd - PolitikNord2020-728 | 2021-07-20 18:41 | 2021-07-21 07:13 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffce75bde31dfb4d | 104.01 | 0.984 | No | online-dispute-resolution | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Vonandi að þetta hafi hjálpað þér að skilja uppbyggingu DROPS mynsturs. | Hope this helped you understand the structure of a DROPS pattern. | 0.693245 | 3483dc0313e75da6 | b1f5544dd2a6dafa | p36:80s4/5 | p36:81s4/5 | Hvernig á að fylgja DROPS mynstri - DROPS kennsla / Byrjaðu! | How to follow a DROPS pattern - DROPS Lessons / Get started! | 2021-07-18 12:22 | 2021-07-19 09:21 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcebaf682c8fefc | 100.35 | 0.962 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | Íslenska er mál Alþingis, dómstóla, stjórnvalda, jafnt ríkis sem sveitarfélaga, skóla á öllum skólastigum og annarra stofnana sem hafa með höndum framkvæmdir og veita almannaþjónustu. | Icelandic is the language of the Althing, the courts, the state and local governments, schools at all school levels and other institutions engaged in activities and providing public services. Article 9. | 0.505275 | 3c81de416b038c19 | d93ef818bb8c6ef2+46cd1a432834e67c | p20:28s2/2 | p31:43s1/1+p32:43s1/2 | Lög um stöðu íslenskrar tungu og íslensks táknmáls | Lög um íslenska táknmálið | Félag Heyrnalausra | Act on the Status of the Icelandic language and Icelandic Sign Language | Status of the Icelandic Sign Language | Félag Heyrnalausra+Act on the Status of the Icelandic language and Icelandic Sign Language | Status of the Icelandic Sign Language | Félag Heyrnalausra | 2021-07-24 18:31 | 2021-07-24 18:49+2021-07-24 18:49 | html | html+html | good | good+neargood | no | no+yes | ffcf1829716194ef | 100.41 | 0.669 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Hengifoss og gljúfur hans snýr í suðaustur svo að ef þú vilt sjá fossinn í sólinni þá þarftu að ganga upp að honum að morgni. | The waterfall and the big gorge is facing southeast so if you want to have the sun on the falls you need to go there in the morning. | 0.414493 | 4017b7bb5ffd07cf | 68e288ea85c82263 | p21:36s3/4 | p25:41s1/2 | Hengifoss | Hengifoss | 2021-07-18 15:20 | 2021-07-18 07:46 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcfa9384c369147 | 100.73 | 0.705 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Hengifoss og gljúfur hans snýr í suðaustur svo að ef þú vilt sjá fossinn í sólinni þá þarftu að ganga upp að honum að morgni. | The waterfall and the big gorge is facing southeast so if you want to have the sun on the falls you need to go there in the morning. | 0.414493 | 4017b7bb5ffd07cf | 68e288ea85c82263 | p21:36s3/4 | p25:41s1/2 | Hengifoss | Hengifoss | 2021-07-18 00:06 | 2021-07-18 15:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcfa9384c369147 | 100.73 | 0.705 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Svikaeftirlit Í sumum tilfellum getur eins og viðeigandi lög leyfa þurft að safna gögnum frá utanaðkomandi aðilum til að hafa eftirlit með svikum og koma í veg fyrir þau. | In certain instances, and as permitted by applicable law, may need to collect data through third party sources for fraud detection and prevention purposes. | 0.219718 | ab96dc4a8f4e0a2a+8fa2eabde1a857e1 | cb7b10348c17588 | p35:99s1/1+p36:99s1/1 | p36:99s1/1 | Trúnaðaryfirlýsing viðskiptafélaga+Trúnaðaryfirlýsing viðskiptafélaga | Privacy Statement for Business Partners | 2021-07-18 02:09+2021-07-18 02:09 | 2021-07-18 03:03 | html+html | html | short+good | good | yes+no | no | ffcfc178042f800f | 99.48 | 0.979 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Þorbjörn var starfsmaður mikill og var nær aldrei iðjulaus. | Thorbjorn was a hard worker and was scarcely ever idle. | 0.504525 | ec780386cc1163c2 | 633350ffcb661dc7 | p841:1648s7/8 | p663:1297s4/9 | Grettis saga | Grettir's Saga | 2021-07-26 21:20 | 2021-07-21 05:10 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcfe24dfb74910e | 100.81 | 0.669 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Ég nota raka í stað tilfinninga til að tala um eignarhald, tilvist, og fólksflutning. | I employ humidity in the place of emotion in relation to occupation and migration. | 0.223618 | a34305f09fe9001c | 190b53c494724c8f | p5:5s4/9 | p5:5s4/9 | Patricia Carolina | Listaháskóli Íslands | Patricia Carolina | Listaháskóli Íslands | 2021-07-17 22:49 | 2021-07-18 23:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcffa34d8bccea4 | 97.8 | 0.792 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Bankastjóri ber ábyrgð á daglegum rekstri bankans og fer með ákvörðunarvald í öllum málefnum hans sem ekki eru öðrum falin með lögum, samþykktum bankans eða ákvörðunum bankaráðs. | The Bank’s CEO is responsible for the Bank’s day-to-day operations and is authorised to take decisions on all matters not entrusted to others by law, the Bank’s Articles of Association or decisions by the Board of Directors. | 0.408575 | 3169e10b39c15e87 | d52d0f5086b7188e | p17:62s2/4 | p17:66s2/4 | Stjórnarhættir - Stjórn og skipulag - Ársskýrsla | Governance - Governance and organisation - Landsbankinn Annual Report | 2021-07-18 15:51 | 2021-07-17 22:06 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffcffbe18de68c22 | 161.77 | 0.980 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Athuganir Chandra eru ekki aðeins nauðsynlegar til að finna megi út hvar gasið er, heldur líka til að sýna okkur úr hvaða stefnu og á hvaða hraða mismunandi hlutar þyrpingarinnar runnu saman. | These observations are not just crucial to find out where the gas is, but also to show the angles and speeds at which different components of the cluster came together. | 0.559020 | cc44abb7cc812d3c | 243cbad495f3325e | p12:27s2/2 | p12:23s2/2 | Árekstur vetrarbrautaþyrpinga grannskoðaður | ESO Ísland | A Galactic Crash Investigation | ESO | 2021-07-18 01:43 | 2021-07-19 19:35 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd025cff992103c | 99.21 | 0.803 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Framkvæmdaáætlun um framtíðarsýn fyrir árið 2030 | Action plan for Vision 2030 | 0.316660 | 7ec5dff17f411126 | 33f49148df99b559 | p42:44s1/1 | p42:44s1/1 | Framtíðarsýn okkar 2030 | Norrænt samstarf | Our Vision 2030 | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-17 23:53 | 2021-07-18 01:16 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | ffd04c5696aff289 | 105.35 | 0.976 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Framkvæmdaáætlun um framtíðarsýn fyrir árið 2030 | Action plan for Vision 2030 | 0.316660 | 7ec5dff17f411126 | 33f49148df99b559 | p40:67s1/1 | p41:68s1/1 | Samstarfsráðherrarnir (MR-SAM) | Norrænt samstarf | Ministers for Co-operation (MR-SAM) | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 02:44 | 2021-07-18 02:57 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | ffd04c5696aff289 | 105.35 | 0.976 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Framkvæmdaáætlun um framtíðarsýn fyrir árið 2030 | Action plan for Vision 2030 | 0.316660 | 7ec5dff17f411126 | 33f49148df99b559 | p88:93s1/1 | p88:94s1/1 | Umhverfi og loftslag | Norrænt samstarf | Environment and climate | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-17 22:34 | 2021-07-18 00:26 | html | html | short | short | yes | yes | ffd04c5696aff289 | 105.35 | 0.976 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Við hrun bankans árið 2008 voru bréfin skilgreind sem almennar viðskiptakröfur og benda líkur til þess að féð sé nú að verulegu leyti glatað. | When the bank collapsed in 2008, the bonds were defined as general receivables, and it is now likely that a substantial proportion of the funds has been lost. | 0.439944 | 7c6f48f0796409d2 | ba8fef3e0f4b6e2b | p5:8s3/4 | p6:8s2/7 | Fréttir > Ýmsar athugasemdir gerðar við reikningsskil og fjármálastjórn ríkisins | Fréttir > Audit of the 2009 Central Government’s Accounts | 2021-07-18 00:54 | 2021-07-17 23:37 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd0844612b6921b | 98.88 | 0.917 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Við hrun bankans árið 2008 voru bréfin skilgreind sem almennar viðskiptakröfur og benda líkur til þess að féð sé nú að verulegu leyti glatað. | When the bank collapsed in 2008, the bonds were defined as general receivables, and it is now likely that a substantial proportion of the funds has been lost. | 0.439944 | 7c6f48f0796409d2 | ba8fef3e0f4b6e2b | p5:8s3/4 | p6:8s2/7 | Fréttir > Ýmsar athugasemdir gerðar við reikningsskil og fjármálastjórn ríkisins | Fréttir > Audit of the 2009 Central Government’s Accounts | 2021-07-18 13:24 | 2021-07-18 10:56 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd0844612b6921b | 98.88 | 0.917 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Þetta nýja ferli auðveldar viðskiptavinum að uppfylla upplýsingaskyldu sína gagnvart lögum um peningaþvætti og fækkar handtökum starfsfólks við þá vinnu. | The new process makes it easier for customers to fulfil disclosure requirements under anti-money laundering legislation and reduces the workload of employees involved in the process. | 0.384903 | 2f087a18fb215272 | 550f3057cb7f9a07 | p34:42s2/2 | p34:41s2/2 | Viðskiptabankasvið | Retail Banking | 2021-08-10 21:05 | 2021-07-23 12:41 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd0d3848d5fd456 | 103.96 | 0.938 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Þetta nýja ferli auðveldar viðskiptavinum að uppfylla upplýsingaskyldu sína gagnvart lögum um peningaþvætti og fækkar handtökum starfsfólks við þá vinnu. | The new process makes it easier for customers to fulfil disclosure requirements under anti-money laundering legislation and reduces the workload of employees involved in the process. | 0.384903 | 2f087a18fb215272 | 550f3057cb7f9a07 | p34:42s2/2 | p34:41s2/2 | Viðskiptabankasvið | Retail Banking | 2021-07-22 10:22 | 2021-08-13 14:33 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd0d3848d5fd456 | 103.96 | 0.938 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ef það er ógerlegt mega leikmennirnir ljúka holunni, þótt holan sé skemmd. | If this is not possible the players may complete the hole with the hole in its damaged state. | 0.358685 | a5f80b170779a9fe | fbde254b541cfbf8 | p25:44s2/2 | p25:44s2/2 | Völlurinn | The Course | 2021-07-17 23:17 | 2021-07-18 03:07 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd0d3c03cfd5c24 | 99.01 | 0.782 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Á þessum síðum eru allar helstu upplýsingar um þær reglur sem gilda við innflutning á vörum til landsins. | Importing to Iceland Here you find general information on rules and regulations regarding importation of goods to Iceland. | 0.202326 | 52ced166b6251f47 | beaeddf518cf2915+47beaff97ab42e2d | p2:6s3/3 | p1:8s1/1+p2:8s1/1 | Innflutningur | Skatturinn - skattar og gjöld | Importing to Iceland | Skatturinn - skattar og gjöld+Importing to Iceland | Skatturinn - skattar og gjöld | 2021-07-17 23:47 | 2021-07-18 04:35+2021-07-18 04:35 | html | html+html | good | short+good | no | yes+no | ffd12b78a44c3c9b | 101.36 | 0.988 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Almennt áttu rétt á kaffi- og matarhléi. | As a rule, you are entitled to a coffee-break and a lunch-break. | 0.468843 | a8385875e9c1a0d9 | f29e5220e505702f | p23:36s1/5 | p23:36s1/5 | Ég læt ekki svindla á mér – Segjum NEI við launaþjófnaði | Efling | Ég læt ekki svindla á mér – Segjum NEI við launaþjófnaði | Efling | 2021-07-19 03:03 | 2021-07-21 13:13 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd16e107dbbddac | 94.93 | 0.863 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Friedman talaði um lög án ríkisvalds, en hann vinnur nú að bók um það efni. | Friedman spoke about law without government, on which he is now writing a book. | 0.513145 | 8695d3eaff3e2a27 | 2e1ad0fedbd0f9f | p2:3s9/10 | p2:3s8/9 | Fjörug og fjölsótt stúdentaráðstefna | RNH | Lively and Well-Attended Student Conference | RNH | 2021-07-17 22:20 | 2021-07-18 03:11 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd1adafbf6220a1 | 100.27 | 0.776 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Friedman talaði um lög án ríkisvalds, en hann vinnur nú að bók um það efni. | Friedman spoke about law without government, on which he is now writing a book. | 0.513145 | 8695d3eaff3e2a27 | 2e1ad0fedbd0f9f | p2:3s9/10 | p2:3s8/9 | Fjörug og fjölsótt stúdentaráðstefna | RNH | Lively and Well-Attended Student Conference | RNH | 2021-07-18 11:50 | 2021-07-18 17:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd1adafbf6220a1 | 100.27 | 0.776 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | RNH er aðili að Evrópuvettvangi minningar og samvisku, þar sem leitast er við að halda uppi minningunni um fórnarlömb alræðisstefnunnar í Evrópu, en Kelam hefur tekið mikinn þátt í starfsemi vettvangsins. | RNH is a member of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience which seeks to keep alive the memory of the victims of totalitarianism in Europe. Kelam has been active in the Platform. | 0.613306 | 74261bfa55dc2a98 | 561bc6ba4f5b1822+b2945d27c24210e | p5:6s2/3 | p5:6s3/5+p5:6s4/5 | Frelsisneistinn varð að báli | RNH | Keeping the Flame of Freedom Burning | RNH+Keeping the Flame of Freedom Burning | RNH | 2021-07-18 00:44 | 2021-07-18 06:30+2021-07-18 06:30 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | ffd23ac5f725d050 | 99.07 | 0.975 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | RNH er aðili að Evrópuvettvangi minningar og samvisku, þar sem leitast er við að halda uppi minningunni um fórnarlömb alræðisstefnunnar í Evrópu, en Kelam hefur tekið mikinn þátt í starfsemi vettvangsins. | RNH is a member of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience which seeks to keep alive the memory of the victims of totalitarianism in Europe. Kelam has been active in the Platform. | 0.613306 | 74261bfa55dc2a98 | 561bc6ba4f5b1822+b2945d27c24210e | p5:6s2/3 | p5:6s3/5+p5:6s4/5 | Frelsisneistinn varð að báli | RNH | Keeping the Flame of Freedom Burning | RNH+Keeping the Flame of Freedom Burning | RNH | 2021-07-17 22:54 | 2021-07-18 03:00+2021-07-18 03:00 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | ffd23ac5f725d050 | 99.07 | 0.975 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Leikmaðurinn hefur þrjá kosti, hvern gegn einu vítahöggi: | The player has three options, in each case adding one penalty stroke: | 0.443401 | f1a35ab964888a45 | 9f1d5621dc44c53 | p12:83s2/2 | p12:85s2/2 | Ósláanlegur bolti | Unplayable Ball | 2021-07-17 22:44 | 2021-07-18 00:17 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd240d463fd8d26 | 99.65 | 0.554 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Fyrsta tónsmíðin á listanum mínum er hin svokallaða Tunglskinssónata. | The first composition on my playlist is the so-called Moonlight Sonata. | 0.728219 | f743f937b9409ec8 | df5207e8548b1121 | p4:10s1/1 | p3:18s1/1 | Tunglskinssónatan — Stúdentablaðið | Moonlight Sonata — Stúdentablaðið | 2021-07-19 03:10 | 2021-07-19 02:28 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | ffd27612a2bd9f93 | 102.97 | 0.965 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | A | | | Niðurstöður úr erfðarannsókn sem þú ferð í getur þannig upplýst um erfðaeiginleika annarra í fjölskyldunni, einkum áhættu þeirra á því að fá þann sjúkdóm sem verið er að rannsaka. | Therefore, the results of your genetic test may reveal genetic information about other family members, in particular their genetic risk of a condition. | 0.322186 | d12fed887c154a7a | 8c08e5ed5133e97e | p34:51s2/3 | p31:50s2/3 | EuroGentest: what_is_a_genetic_test | EuroGentest: what_is_a_genetic_test | 2021-07-21 03:01 | 2021-07-21 02:26 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd29bccf2de390f | 106.61 | 0.931 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Þaukölluðu jafnframt eftir kynningu á leiðum og vettvangi til þátttöku. | Also, they called for information about ways and fields to be active. | 0.196131 | 8259ec3736a21be9 | 60c9f2a7a080c740 | p1:1s11/11 | p1:1s13/13 | Viðhorf ungs fólks til pólitískrar þátttöku | Bókasafn Menntavísindasviðs | Young people’s views on political participation | Bókasafn Menntavísindasviðs | 2021-07-18 20:20 | 2021-07-18 20:21 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd2b79dad5daf90 | 103.0 | 0.889 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Staða: Vegna mistaka við flokkun og ferli úrgangs vegna framkvæmda í höfuðstöðvum á árinu 2020 fór flokkunarhlutfall bankans niður um tæp 33% á árinu. | Status: Due to waste sorting and processing errors relating to construction work at headquarters in 2020, the Bank’s sorting ratio went down by almost 33% during the year. | 0.542075 | 48bf005213741113 | b70b019cee580c94 | p65:111s1/2 | p65:112s1/2 | Virðing fyrir umhverfinu | Respecting the environment | 2021-07-19 12:54 | 2021-07-23 12:37 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd2caf4f4912d32 | 124.27 | 0.957 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Staða: Vegna mistaka við flokkun og ferli úrgangs vegna framkvæmda í höfuðstöðvum á árinu 2020 fór flokkunarhlutfall bankans niður um tæp 33% á árinu. | Status: Due to waste sorting and processing errors relating to construction work at headquarters in 2020, the Bank’s sorting ratio went down by almost 33% during the year. | 0.542075 | 48bf005213741113 | b70b019cee580c94 | p65:111s1/2 | p65:112s1/2 | Virðing fyrir umhverfinu | Respecting the environment | 2021-07-18 02:01 | 2021-07-19 20:42 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd2caf4f4912d32 | 124.27 | 0.957 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Eftir að hafa athugað, hvort innrauði hitamælirinn þinn er knúinn með virkni baklýsingar og viðvörunar, ertu fær um að skoða græna baklýsingu og heyra mjúkan píp ef hitastigið er eðlilegt. | After checking, if your infrared thermometer is powered with the functionality of backlight and alarm, you're able to view green backlight and hear soft beep if the temperature is normal. | 0.609183 | 4a58d2475ca3434a | 6d3a68364863afe5 | p44:53s1/3 | p44:53s1/3 | Heil leiðbeiningar og ráð: Hvernig nota á innrautt hitamæli | Full Guide & Tips: How to Use An Infrared Thermometer | 2021-07-18 11:21 | 2021-07-18 12:42 | html | html | good | good | no | no | ffd2e0882fc8f24a | 101.05 | 0.958 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A |
Subsets and Splits