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---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | Beiti kennari þessu úrræði ber honum að upplýsa nemanda skriflega um að hann geti skotið málinu til deildarforseta eða forstöðumanns háskólagrunns. | If the teacher decides to issue such a penalty, he/she must inform the student in writing that the student can appeal the decision to the Dean of the School or the Director of the Department of Preliminary Studies. | 0.315745 | d5461b35e49f0691 | 3fac3b45edfc329 | p156:170s2/2 | p157:171s3/3 | Almennar reglur um nám og námsmat | | General rules on study and assessment | Reykjavik University | 2021-07-18 11:34 | 2021-07-19 02:32 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0000596f7a82124c | 99.43 | 0.830 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Tilgangur þess er að auðvelda smitrakningu. | The aim of the app is to make it easier to trace infections. | 0.111360 | 60a7003322a48360 | 68fd0ddf03ec0a3 | p92:121s2/2 | p91:117s2/2 | Viðbrögð á Íslandi | covid19 | 2021-07-17 21:50 | 2021-07-17 22:06 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00007eca24002924 | 97.07 | 0.716 | Yes | open-data-portal | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | Vegna COVID19 og kröfum frá yfirvöldum um lágmarks fjarlægð milli farþega hefur öllum ferðum okkar til og með 13. apríl 2020 verið aflýst. | Due to the COVID19 outbreak and the restrictions from the Icelandic government all tours operating until the 13th of April 2020 have been cancelled. | 0.320016 | eaacf0a8a1faa3e1 | f149a91774a676db | p3:4s1/1 | p3:4s1/1 | COVID 19 | Sýsli - Ferðir og ökukennsla | COVID 19 | Sýsli - Tours and Driving Instructing | 2021-07-17 21:47 | 2021-07-18 00:53 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00008d400a762290 | 96.17 | 0.885 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Hér má lesa um umboð norræna vinnuhópsins um líffræðilega fjölbreytni. | Mandate for the Nordic Working Group for Biodiversity (NBM) | 0.276361 | 5c07b4d22503676 | 19292f27bdc7e74e | p25:43s1/1 | p25:44s1/1 | Umboð norræna vinnuhópsins um líffræðilega fjölbreytni | Norrænt samstarf | Mandate for the Nordic Working Group for Biodiversity (NBM) | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-27 02:51 | 2021-07-22 11:56 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | yes | 00008da2e7e370c1 | 103.38 | 0.951 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Þegar það er kominn tími til að leiðrétta hegðun hundsins, þá er ekkert mál að draga reipið. | When it’s time to correct the dog’s behavior, there is no point in pulling the rope. | 0.560131 | 70e2ed5a0d369041 | b7bd6fc346e9a26 | p12:17s5/6 | p12:17s5/6 | Hvað á að gera ef hundurinn gengur ekki á tauminn | QQPETS | What to do if the dog does not walk on the leash | QQPETS | 2021-08-13 01:25 | 2021-07-29 21:42 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00012cdbf61f6528 | 194.53 | 0.940 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | A | | | Uppfærslukerfið mun bæta bugs og bæta enn frekar stöðugleika í rekstri, öryggi og sléttleika. | The update system will remedy bugs and further improve the operating stability, security and smoothness. | 0.618347 | bde5ddae1a93926b | 32cba5e319ea56e9 | p11:39s1/2 | p11:39s1/2 | Leyndarmál Android uppfærslu og hvernig á að uppfæra Android síma | The Secrets of Android Update and How to Upgrade Android Phone | 2021-07-18 12:15 | 2021-07-18 13:36 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000186613640b46a | 102.29 | 0.931 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | A | | | Þegar þú hefur sagt upp áskriftinni gætir þú haldið áfram að fá tölvupóst frá okkur í nokkra daga meðan við vinnum úr beiðni þinni. | Once you unsubscribe, you may continue to receive marketing messages for a few days while we action your unsubscribe request. | 0.557106 | 49ebee4cd7494b3c | 209e305a8aca5ec | p13:22s1/1 | p13:22s1/1 | Persónuvernd (GDPR) – ZO•ON Iceland | Personal Information (GDPR) – ZO•ON Iceland | 2021-07-18 03:47 | 2021-07-18 03:34 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0001c4279d8958b8 | 105.1 | 0.923 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Prjónið síðan áfram þar til stykkið mælist 51-50-49-47-45-43 cm (styttra mál í stærri stærðum vegna breiðari axla). | Continue working until piece measures 51-50-49-47-45-43 cm (shorter measurements in larger sizes due to broader shoulders). | 0.758103 | 2221f4b8247d9883 | e5ec0f8e4095e497 | p5:98s48/53 | p10:103s48/53 | Spring Peach / DROPS 186-9 - Frí prjónamynstur frá DROPS Design | Spring Peach / DROPS 186-9 - Free knitting patterns by DROPS Design | 2021-07-18 18:45 | 2021-07-20 16:05 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0001c5cb87c199c1 | 95.95 | 0.955 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | Prjónið síðan áfram þar til stykkið mælist 51-50-49-47-45-43 cm (styttra mál í stærri stærðum vegna breiðari axla). | Continue working until piece measures 51-50-49-47-45-43 cm (shorter measurements in larger sizes due to broader shoulders). | 0.758103 | 2221f4b8247d9883 | e5ec0f8e4095e497 | p92:98s48/53 | p97:103s48/53 | Spring Peach / DROPS 186-9 - Frí prjónamynstur frá DROPS Design | Spring Peach / DROPS 186-9 - Free knitting patterns by DROPS Design | 2021-07-18 18:45 | 2021-07-20 16:05 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0001c5cb87c199c1 | 95.95 | 0.955 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | Rannsóknarsetrið er þverfaglegt og er því ætlað að auka skilning á samspili loftslagsbreytinga og vistkerfa hafsins og mikilvægi þeirra fyrir íslenskt samfélag og menningu. | The aim of the interdisciplinary research center is to increase our understanding of the interaction between climate and the ecosystems of the ocean and their importance to culture and society in Iceland. | 0.554766 | 23d1b4614ac32221 | 65ea9d83d9747772 | p9:19s3/5 | p10:19s2/2 | Rannsóknasetur Margrétar II. Danadrottningar og frú Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur um haf, loftslag og samfélag (ROCS) | Rannsóknasetur H.H. Margrétar II. Danadrottningar og fr. Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur um haf, loftslag og samfélag (ROCS) | Rannsóknamiðstöð Íslands | HM Queen Margrethe II´s and Vigdís Finnbogadóttir's Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Ocean, Climate and Society (ROCS) | HM Queen Margrethe II´s and Vigdís Finnbogadóttir’s Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Ocean, Climate and Society | The Icelandic Centre for Research | 2021-07-18 13:26 | 2021-07-19 05:24 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0001c69ae3d84ae2 | 100.55 | 0.977 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | B | | | Einn samstarfsaðili RNH, RSE, Rannsóknamiðstöð í samfélags- og efnahagsmálum, styrkti útkomu bókarinnar. | One of the partners of RNH, RSE, supported the publication of the book. | 0.447088 | f2442c768a4af547 | c4086162395c7561 | p3:3s3/6 | p3:3s2/5 | Tekjudreifing og skattar: Föstudag 24. október kl. 16–19 | RNH | Income Distribution and Taxes: Friday 24 October 4-7 | RNH | 2021-07-17 21:56 | 2021-07-18 00:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0002527a53eb2761 | 99.98 | 0.952 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Einn samstarfsaðili RNH, RSE, Rannsóknamiðstöð í samfélags- og efnahagsmálum, styrkti útkomu bókarinnar. | One of the partners of RNH, RSE, supported the publication of the book. | 0.447088 | f2442c768a4af547 | c4086162395c7561 | p3:3s3/6 | p3:3s2/5 | Tekjudreifing og skattar: Föstudag 24. október kl. 16–19 | RNH | Income Distribution and Taxes: Friday 24 October 4-7 | RNH | 2021-07-18 03:54 | 2021-07-18 15:37 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0002527a53eb2761 | 99.98 | 0.952 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Gæludýr Byrjaðu á því að skoða leigusamning þinn eða reglur byggingarinnar til að staðfesta að engar takmarkanir séu á gæludýrahaldi. | Pets First, check your lease or building rules to make sure there isn’t a restriction on pets. | 0.124817 | eec6a04821dd75b9+e23a2e42c6d6ee62 | 5d01fe2228b7f9f5+741af4d672a195d8 | p100:113s1/1+p101:113s1/3 | p76:89s1/1+p77:89s1/3 | Ábyrg gestaumsjón á Íslandi - Hjálparmiðstöð Airbnb+Ábyrg gestaumsjón á Íslandi - Hjálparmiðstöð Airbnb | Ábyrg gestaumsjón í Tyrklandi - Hjálparmiðstöð Airbnb+Ábyrg gestaumsjón í Tyrklandi - Hjálparmiðstöð Airbnb | 2021-07-18 21:10+2021-07-18 21:10 | 2021-07-18 21:07+2021-07-18 21:07 | html+html | html+html | short+good | short+good | yes+no | yes+no | 0002c9dd0a6307ce | 140.23 | 0.964 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | A | | A | | | Er hraðallinn einnig fyrir fyrirtæki sem eru nú þegar í rekstri? | Is the accelerator only for startups? | 0.161763 | b13c280090ea1185 | 768c56530e4c727c | p8:27s1/1 | p20:41s1/1 | Spurt&svarað - Startup SuperNova | Nova | About Startup SuperNova | Nova | 2021-07-18 02:05 | 2021-07-18 02:03 | html | html | neargood | short | yes | yes | 00030e076d38d22a | 102.24 | 0.866 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Einnig hvetur Bókmenntaborgin Manchester fólk til að deila með öðrum hvert sé þeirra uppáhaldsljóð um tré eða náttúru. Melbourne | People will also be to share their favorite poetry connected to trees and nature. Melbourne | 0.287253 | 3387c62ee011dd7e+ef3c4b1716f3191d | 3170a7889d7f695e+ef3c4b1716f3191d | p38:50s1/1+p39:50s1/1 | p40:56s1/1+p41:56s1/1 | Alþjóðadagur ljóðsins í Bókmenntaborgum UNESCO+Alþjóðadagur ljóðsins í Bókmenntaborgum UNESCO | World Poetry Day+World Poetry Day | 2021-07-18 13:00+2021-07-18 13:00 | 2021-07-18 06:06+2021-07-18 06:06 | html+html | html+html | good+short | neargood+short | no+yes | no+yes | 000385712361941a | 104.38 | 0.896 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Einnig hvetur Bókmenntaborgin Manchester fólk til að deila með öðrum hvert sé þeirra uppáhaldsljóð um tré eða náttúru. Melbourne | People will also be to share their favorite poetry connected to trees and nature. Melbourne | 0.287253 | 3387c62ee011dd7e+ef3c4b1716f3191d | 3170a7889d7f695e+ef3c4b1716f3191d | p38:50s1/1+p39:50s1/1 | p40:56s1/1+p41:56s1/1 | Alþjóðadagur ljóðsins í Bókmenntaborgum UNESCO+Alþjóðadagur ljóðsins í Bókmenntaborgum UNESCO | World Poetry Day+World Poetry Day | 2021-07-18 03:34+2021-07-18 03:34 | 2021-07-18 11:00+2021-07-18 11:00 | html+html | html+html | good+short | neargood+short | no+yes | no+yes | 000385712361941a | 104.38 | 0.896 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Einnig hvetur Bókmenntaborgin Manchester fólk til að deila með öðrum hvert sé þeirra uppáhaldsljóð um tré eða náttúru. Melbourne | People will also be to share their favorite poetry connected to trees and nature. Melbourne | 0.287253 | 3387c62ee011dd7e+ef3c4b1716f3191d | 3170a7889d7f695e+ef3c4b1716f3191d | p38:50s1/1+p39:50s1/1 | p40:56s1/1+p41:56s1/1 | Alþjóðadagur ljóðsins í Bókmenntaborgum UNESCO+Alþjóðadagur ljóðsins í Bókmenntaborgum UNESCO | World Poetry Day+World Poetry Day | 2021-07-18 04:12+2021-07-18 04:12 | 2021-07-18 02:59+2021-07-18 02:59 | html+html | html+html | good+short | neargood+short | no+yes | no+yes | 000385712361941a | 104.38 | 0.896 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Nefndarálit um þingmannatillögu um að tryggja margbreytileika í stjórnum fyrirtækja og efla þannig hæfni innan þeirra, A 1804/tillväxt | Consideration of member’s proposal for strengthened board expertise by ensuring diversity, A 1804/growth | 0.182523 | 3cfb01873c6bc5c1 | 26dfd4c4033bb9a2 | p26:29s1/1 | p26:29s1/1 | Nefndarálit um þingmannatillögu um að tryggja margbreytileika í stjórnum fyrirtækja og efla þannig hæfni innan þeirra, A 1804/tillväxt | Norrænt samstarf | Consideration of member’s proposal for strengthened board expertise by ensuring diversity, A 1804/growth | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-20 07:29 | 2021-07-21 02:12 | html | html | good | good | yes | yes | 000405745a11ec48 | 135.35 | 0.980 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Nefndarálit um þingmannatillögu um að tryggja margbreytileika í stjórnum fyrirtækja og efla þannig hæfni innan þeirra, A 1804/tillväxt | Consideration of member’s proposal for strengthened board expertise by ensuring diversity, A 1804/growth | 0.182523 | 3cfb01873c6bc5c1 | 26dfd4c4033bb9a2 | p88:116s1/1 | p126:172s1/1 | Norðurlandaráðsþing 2019 | Norrænt samstarf | Annual Session of the Nordic Council 2019 | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 05:52 | 2021-07-18 09:03 | html | html | good | good | yes | yes | 000405745a11ec48 | 135.35 | 0.980 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Við mælum sérstaklega með hestaferðum og jöklaferðum. | We especially recommend horse riding and glacier tours. | 0.816497 | 12374b2f043983f0 | 2776a21693cce732 | p10:51s2/2 | p12:53s2/2 | Hotel Vos | Sveitahótel í Þykkvabæ | Hotel Vos - Small and cosy country hotel in South Iceland | Small and cosy country hotel in South Iceland | 2021-07-17 21:40 | 2021-07-18 05:46 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00041d3780a332e8 | 105.03 | 0.983 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | UNK | | | Eftir Carrie Tsai, síðast uppfært: 24. júní 2020Ráðleggingar | By Carrie Tsai, Last Updated: June 24, 2020TIPS | 0.700767 | 2f6e2831bb3f51ff | 70de461625ce6a09 | p2:34s1/1 | p2:34s1/1 | Andlits ID: Þú getur aldrei verið of varkár | Face ID: You can never be too careful | 2021-07-18 11:39 | 2021-07-18 13:00 | html | html | neargood | short | no | no | 000442c1cc6bea2c | 92.36 | 0.916 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Þú getur reiknað út skattinn þinn hér | You may calculate your tax here | 0.707107 | e1a190923d1502d5 | 83ecacddbd7c9681 | p11:11s2/2 | p11:11s2/2 | Dæmi um skattaútreikning á Íslandi | Examples on tax calculation Iceland | 2021-08-07 21:23 | 2021-08-23 12:17 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000445d5d92f3651 | 107.69 | 0.962 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | UNK | | B | | | Deila Hrífunes Nature Park er staðsett á Suðurlandi, þar sem náttúran er stórbrotin og fjölbreytileg frá fjöru til fjalls. | Share Hrífunes Nature Park is located in the south of Iceland which is famed for the range of contrasts found there: ice, active volcanoes, woods, sandy beaches, lava fields, thriving villages, dramatic history and a peaceful atmosphere. | 0.184136 | d867f3ed24ea1ad3+ccaf4d169f5d61ed | 92edfcd0b1fdc222+2ce06006e7bdb6a | p7:22s1/1+p8:22s1/2 | p7:22s1/1+p8:22s1/1 | Adventures in Hrifunes - a closer look.+Adventures in Hrifunes - a closer look. | Adventures in Hrifunes - a closer look.+Adventures in Hrifunes - a closer look. | 2021-07-19 17:38+2021-07-19 17:38 | 2021-07-18 12:26+2021-07-18 12:26 | html+html | html+html | short+good | short+good | no+no | no+no | 0004578e5632cf9b | 97.84 | 0.726 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | B | | | Skurðaðgerðir við hjartaþelsbólgu á Íslandi 1997-2013 Ágrip | Surgical treatment for endocarditis in Iceland 1997-2013 | 0.522773 | 436b0dd969fe5a86+686bb5eca68ccffa | 1976ae088cf0c7c9 | p2:81s1/1+p3:81s1/1 | p2:7s1/1 | Skurðaðgerðir við hjartaþelsbólgu á Íslandi 1997-2013 | 02. tbl. 103. árg. 2017 | Læknablaðið+Skurðaðgerðir við hjartaþelsbólgu á Íslandi 1997-2013 | 02. tbl. 103. árg. 2017 | Læknablaðið | Surgical treatment for endocarditis in Iceland 1997-2013 | 02. tbl. 103. árg. 2017 | Læknablaðið | 2021-07-18 11:14+2021-07-18 11:14 | 2021-07-19 16:03 | html+html | html | neargood+short | neargood | yes+yes | yes | 00050463fd417e28 | 99.36 | 0.832 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | - Ástæða þess að viðkomandi getur ekki farið aftur til búseturíkis fyrir 10. september. | - The reason why you are unable to travel back to your home country by 10 September. | 0.228262 | 4b076ad141eda156 | 6d9588cfc652b56 | p9:71s4/4 | p6:84s5/5 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-25 22:05 | 2021-08-04 22:09 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000512d02dc03165 | 98.71 | 0.989 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | MIX | | | - Ástæða þess að viðkomandi getur ekki farið aftur til búseturíkis fyrir 10. september. | - The reason why you are unable to travel back to your home country by 10 September. | 0.228262 | 4b076ad141eda156 | 6d9588cfc652b56 | p9:10s4/4 | p9:10s5/5 | Skráning einstaklinga sem komast ekki heim vegna Covid-19 | Registration for individuals who cannot return home due to COVID-19 | 2021-07-18 23:22 | 2021-07-21 04:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000512d02dc03165 | 98.71 | 0.989 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | MIX | | | - Ástæða þess að viðkomandi getur ekki farið aftur til búseturíkis fyrir 10. september. | - The reason why you are unable to travel back to your home country by 10 September. | 0.228262 | 4b076ad141eda156 | 6d9588cfc652b56 | p9:71s4/4 | p6:84s5/5 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-18 18:26 | 2021-07-19 00:24 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000512d02dc03165 | 98.71 | 0.989 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | MIX | | | - Ástæða þess að viðkomandi getur ekki farið aftur til búseturíkis fyrir 10. september. | - The reason why you are unable to travel back to your home country by 10 September. | 0.228262 | 4b076ad141eda156 | 6d9588cfc652b56 | p9:10s4/4 | p9:10s5/5 | Skráning einstaklinga sem komast ekki heim vegna Covid-19 | Registration for individuals who cannot return home due to COVID-19 | 2021-07-18 08:33 | 2021-07-19 06:45 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000512d02dc03165 | 98.71 | 0.989 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | MIX | | | - Ástæða þess að viðkomandi getur ekki farið aftur til búseturíkis fyrir 10. september. | - The reason why you are unable to travel back to your home country by 10 September. | 0.228262 | 4b076ad141eda156 | 6d9588cfc652b56 | p9:71s4/4 | p6:84s5/5 | Fréttir | News | 2021-07-18 06:43 | 2021-07-18 23:55 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000512d02dc03165 | 98.71 | 0.989 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | MIX | | | Helsta hlutverk Íslands og annarra vestrænna lýðræðisríkja gagnvart Eystrasaltsríkjunum, á meðan þau voru hernumin af rússnesku ráðstjórninni, var að reyna að hlúa að þeim neista frelsisins, sem síðan blossaði sem betur fer upp, sagði Davíð Oddsson ritstjóri á samkomu, sem … Continue reading → | Continue reading → During the Russian occupation of the Baltic countries, the main role of Iceland and other Western democracies was to help keeping the flame of freedom burning there, editor David Oddsson said at a meeting organised by the Public Book Club, … | 0.427247 | 4bea84f4f59e8515 | 570b5d2b0a4e0cad+c6d383ce62ad629c | p3:5s1/1 | p2:5s3/3+p3:5s1/2 | August | 2016 | RNH | August | 2016 | RNH+August | 2016 | RNH | 2021-07-17 22:36 | 2021-07-18 04:06+2021-07-18 04:06 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | 000537b76609bbee | 160.58 | 0.519 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Helsta hlutverk Íslands og annarra vestrænna lýðræðisríkja gagnvart Eystrasaltsríkjunum, á meðan þau voru hernumin af rússnesku ráðstjórninni, var að reyna að hlúa að þeim neista frelsisins, sem síðan blossaði sem betur fer upp, sagði Davíð Oddsson ritstjóri á samkomu, sem … Continue reading → | Continue reading → During the Russian occupation of the Baltic countries, the main role of Iceland and other Western democracies was to help keeping the flame of freedom burning there, editor David Oddsson said at a meeting organised by the Public Book Club, … | 0.427247 | 4bea84f4f59e8515 | 570b5d2b0a4e0cad+c6d383ce62ad629c | p3:5s1/1 | p2:5s3/3+p3:5s1/2 | August | 2016 | RNH | August | 2016 | RNH+August | 2016 | RNH | 2021-07-18 02:54 | 2021-07-18 11:25+2021-07-18 11:25 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | 000537b76609bbee | 160.58 | 0.519 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Mild Hybrid tækni bætir við fágaðri akstursupplifun. | The mild hybrid technology adds to a more refined driving experience. | 0.629924 | b0158ada425318ea | 25c98ccf5782f944 | p4:24s1/2 | p4:27s1/2 | Mild Hybrid tækni - Rafmögnuð innspýting | Brimborg | Mild hybrid Cars Technology - Electric Boost | Volvo Cars | 2021-07-18 07:57 | 2021-07-20 14:30 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0005b2b00ddb6516 | 100.89 | 0.680 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | Það eru í gildi sérstakar reglur sem segja til um hvar þú átt að vera tryggður. | There are specific regulations governing where you are covered by social insurance. | 0.179046 | c2733796a0afab32 | c59d57ebf901f79f | p12:14s1/2 | p12:15s1/2 | Býrð þú í Svíþjóð og ætlar að vinna sem verktaki í öðru norrænu landi? | Do you live in Sweden and intend to work as a self-employed person in another Nordic country? | 2021-08-17 07:20 | 2021-09-01 18:08 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0005e78ba951edba | 101.98 | 0.793 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Það eru í gildi sérstakar reglur sem segja til um hvar þú átt að vera tryggður. | There are specific regulations governing where you are covered by social insurance. | 0.179046 | c2733796a0afab32 | c59d57ebf901f79f | p12:14s1/2 | p12:15s1/2 | Býrð þú í Svíþjóð og ætlar að vinna sem verktaki í öðru norrænu landi? | Do you live in Sweden and intend to work as a self-employed person in another Nordic country? | 2021-08-04 04:19 | 2021-08-04 04:17 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0005e78ba951edba | 101.98 | 0.793 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Það eru í gildi sérstakar reglur sem segja til um hvar þú átt að vera tryggður. | There are specific regulations governing where you are covered by social insurance. | 0.179046 | c2733796a0afab32 | c59d57ebf901f79f | p19:38s1/2 | p19:38s1/2 | Býrð þú í öðru norrænu landi og ætlar að vinna sem verktaki í Svíþjóð? | Do you live in another Nordic country and intend to work as a self-employed person in Sweden? | 2021-07-25 11:25 | 2021-07-25 11:27 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0005e78ba951edba | 101.98 | 0.793 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | B | | | Gistiheimilið rúmar allt að ellefu manns í einstaklings-, tveggja manna og fjögurra manna herbergjum. | Our guesthouse can accommodate up to eleven people in single, double and quadruple rooms. | 0.456435 | c4152b03de4c81f3 | e026e27079c3b58 | p10:27s2/3 | p10:29s2/3 | Rjúpaguesthouse | | Rjúpaguesthouse | | 2021-07-18 00:17 | 2021-07-18 00:17 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0006dd927f80dddf | 98.51 | 0.948 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Kapal kirtlar pólýamíð þráður metrískur IP68 framleiddur af AtexDelvalle eru notaðir til að leiða, halda og þjappa... | Cable glands polyamide thread metric IP68 made by AtexDelvalle are used for passing, holding and compressing cables between two... | 0.375931 | 564883ef9aeaa4a | e88fdd4d5042e60f | p5:18s1/1 | p7:30s1/1 | EX Kaplar, Atex innstungur og lokar Atex · Atex Delvalle | Ex Cable Glands, Atex Plugs and Valves Atex,glakor · Atex Delvalle | 2021-08-18 03:12 | 2021-08-03 05:45 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0006e7bd6cdc94ff | 98.79 | 0.853 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | B | | B | | | Þegar uppbygging á sér stað í sveitarfélögum t.d. á veitukerfum, er mikilvægt að senda upplýsingar reglulega inn til NTÍ til að tryggja að viðkomandi framkvæmdir falli undir vátryggingarvernd NTÍ ef til tjóns kemur. | During development in municipalities, for example, on utilities, it is important to submit information regularly to NTI to ensure that the relevant development projects are covered by NTI's insurance coverage in the event of damage. | 0.375187 | 3ad57190a0c6f9ee | c5abff9a42cdc0b8 | p11:13s2/3 | p11:14s2/2 | Veitur, hafnir og brýr | Utilities, harbours and bridges | 2021-07-17 23:21 | 2021-07-18 04:01 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00073cea9d869426 | 100.13 | 0.964 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Með því að samþykkja þessa skilmála um notkun á fótsporum er okkur m.a. veitt heimild til þess að safna og greina upplýsingar eins og t.d.: | We do not control use of these cookies and expressly disclaim responsibility for information collected through them. | 0.116071 | 45f270313f83c08e | d257f342bb8fb589 | p14:29s1/1 | p64:84s2/2 | Bílaborg | Business Brokers | Smore Newsletters | 2021-07-18 06:37 | 2021-08-03 06:08 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00075d7771b89199 | 100.92 | 0.508 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | UNK | | | Yfir heiðar og um fjallaskörð suður af Borgarfirði eystra liggja heillandi gönguleiðir til eyðibyggða í Víkum og Loðmundarfirði, landsvæðis þar sem víða var búi allt fram undir miðja 20. öld en er nú eitthvert vinsælasta göngu- og útilegusvæði á norðaustur-Íslandi. | Across the heaths and mountain passes south of Borgafjörður eystri lie enchanting trails to the once inhabited areas in Víkur and Loðmundarfjörður, an area with widespread settlements up until the middle of the 20th century, now one of the most popular hiking and camping areas in Northeast Iceland. | 0.398440 | 4d3e79f64e6b6b1d | 28a97a1672a82113 | p27:29s1/5 | p29:31s1/5 | Blábjörg í Borgarfirði eystra | Blábjörg Guesthouse - Hey Iceland | 2021-07-17 22:23 | 2021-07-24 10:48 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00076bb0e6b4450d | 102.72 | 0.855 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Einnig er fylgst vel með jarðskjálftaóróa og viðvörun er gefin ef órói vex yfir ákveðin þröskuld á skjálftastöðvum og þá er athugað hvort merki séu um eldgosaóróa. | Seismic tremor is also monitored and a warning is issued every time the tremor at any station exceeds a threshold which might indicate eruption tremor. | 0.219629 | 832a9c867d3fd55c | 88fb10bf7f6466ae | p16:26s1/2 | p12:20s5/7 | Vöktun Heklu | Fréttir | Veðurstofa Íslands | Monitoring of Hekla | News | Icelandic Meteorological office | 2021-07-18 21:59 | 2021-07-18 01:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000791813c6217ab | 105.12 | 0.908 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Mynd Olegs af NGC 3521 var hátt metin í keppninni en næstum 100 myndir bárust í hana. | Oleg’s image of NGC 3521 was a highly ranked entry in the competition, which attracted almost 100 entries. | 0.416764 | 47dbcd9c347a7fcb | 895d247ab4745fa | p10:17s4/4 | p10:14s4/4 | Þyrilþoka í Ljóninu | ESO Ísland | A Spiral in Leo | ESO | 2021-07-17 22:45 | 2021-07-19 09:48 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0007d996323b962b | 133.62 | 0.974 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Spilaðu Cloud Streaming Windows Games á Mac í gegnum GeForce Now | Play Cloud Streaming Windows Games on Mac via GeForce Now | 1.000000 | e174f5df66bb7853 | 9281e69e5ca5a1f | p49:79s1/1 | p49:79s1/1 | Leyst: 5 aðferðir um hvernig á að spila Windows leiki á Mac | Solved: 5 Methods on How to Play Windows Games on Mac | 2021-07-18 11:18 | 2021-07-18 12:40 | html | html | neargood | neargood | yes | yes | 0007e7d70d8ddd45 | 94.05 | 0.947 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | A | | | Flest fólk hefur tvær hendur og þær er hægt að nota til þess að skapa eitthvað nýtt. | Most people have two hands, and you can use them to create something new. | 0.632487 | ae2124e3fbff23fc | c052ddeeb9e8dabf | p3:7s2/4 | p4:8s2/4 | Jólagjafahugmyndir fyrir blanka stúdenta — Stúdentablaðið | Christmas Gift Ideas for Broke Students — Stúdentablaðið | 2021-07-19 03:54 | 2021-07-19 02:24 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0008395c535db4da | 101.01 | 0.986 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | A | | | Hafðu karakter. | Have character. | 1.000000 | acb93bf759d3bad6 | 33cddc02f381e287 | p24:31s3/4 | p18:25s3/4 | Branding: Verum öðruvísi! Verum hugrökk! - | Branding: Be Different, Be Brave! | 2021-07-17 22:32 | 2021-07-18 00:03 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000850e3f2bfd0ee | 98.87 | 0.919 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-mt | MIX | | MIX | | | Myndavélinni er komið fyrir á sleða sem hreyfist á brautinni og innbyggð tölva stjórnar hraða myndavélarinnar. | A camera is mounded on the sled, and a built-in computer controls the speed of the camera. | 0.611476 | 1059dbd8db7ee6f5 | 4116213717f176a9 | p5:11s3/3 | p4:5s3/4 | Släden + Ljósaskipti – Skaftfell – myndlistarmiðstöð Austurlands | Släden – Skaftfell – myndlistarmiðstöð Austurlands | 2021-07-18 02:53 | 2021-07-18 11:55 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00085cb0eb32a6c7 | 100.69 | 0.783 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Þessi leið hefur augljóslega ýmsa góða kosti, einkum fyrir þá sem hafa tilhneigingu til að vera óákveðnir og eiga erfitt með að gera upp hug sinn. | This method obviously has some advantages, especially for those who are indecisive and find it hard to make up their minds. | 0.454544 | 544f58c573e90663 | c0a27f1c81ecdd4 | p68:83s2/7 | p66:82s2/7 | Er hægt að kenna gagnrýna hugsun? | Can Critical Thinking Be Taught? | 2021-07-17 21:56 | 2021-07-17 22:15 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00086f09080c9c27 | 100.48 | 0.957 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | MIX | | A | | | Þessi leið hefur augljóslega ýmsa góða kosti, einkum fyrir þá sem hafa tilhneigingu til að vera óákveðnir og eiga erfitt með að gera upp hug sinn. | This method obviously has some advantages, especially for those who are indecisive and find it hard to make up their minds. | 0.454544 | 544f58c573e90663 | c0a27f1c81ecdd4 | p68:83s2/7 | p66:82s2/7 | Er hægt að kenna gagnrýna hugsun? | Can Critical Thinking Be Taught? | 2021-07-17 23:05 | 2021-07-17 22:54 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00086f09080c9c27 | 100.48 | 0.957 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | MIX | | A | | | Þessi leið hefur augljóslega ýmsa góða kosti, einkum fyrir þá sem hafa tilhneigingu til að vera óákveðnir og eiga erfitt með að gera upp hug sinn. | This method obviously has some advantages, especially for those who are indecisive and find it hard to make up their minds. | 0.454544 | 544f58c573e90663 | c0a27f1c81ecdd4 | p68:83s2/7 | p66:82s2/7 | Er hægt að kenna gagnrýna hugsun? | Can Critical Thinking Be Taught? | 2021-07-17 22:25 | 2021-07-18 01:51 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00086f09080c9c27 | 100.48 | 0.957 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | MIX | | A | | | Í þeim tilgangi hefur Ananda Tara Shan stofnandi Guðspekisamtakanna miðlað nýrri vitneskju, Maitreya guðspeki, frá Herranum Maitreya, sem er stjórnandi andlegrar Helgistjórnar jarðarinnar og þekktur sem Bodhisattva og Kristur jarðar. | Ananda Tara Shan has therefore transmitted new teaching, Maitreya Theosophy, from the Lord Maitreya who is the director of the Spiritual Hiearachy and know as the Bodhisattwa of the Earth. | 0.369478 | 4eab748fb05dc2a1 | dac280a63fa18e26 | p2:11s6/6 | p2:9s6/6 | Um okkur – Nyja Avalon | About us – Nyja Avalon | 2021-07-17 22:46 | 2021-07-18 00:49 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000891d0d27603b9 | 98.43 | 0.950 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | B | | | Félagsvísindasvið og hagfræðideild Háskóla Íslands standa ásamt RNH að ráðstefnu um „Umhverfisvernd og auðlindanýtingu“ fimmtudaginn 8. október 2015 kl. 16.30–18 í hátíðasal Háskóla Íslands. | The School of Social Sciences and the Economics Faculty at the University of Iceland, and RNH, hold a conference on “Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Utilisation” Thursday 8 October 2015 at 16.30–18 at the Festivities Hall of the University. | 0.504173 | 4f3af798309c4576 | 258ef17aef7abcd4 | p2:2s1/9 | p2:2s1/9 | Ráðstefna til heiðurs Rögnvaldi | RNH | Conference in Honour of Hannesson | RNH | 2021-07-17 22:00 | 2021-07-18 13:49 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0008da5fe4756b13 | 207.06 | 0.989 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Félagsvísindasvið og hagfræðideild Háskóla Íslands standa ásamt RNH að ráðstefnu um „Umhverfisvernd og auðlindanýtingu“ fimmtudaginn 8. október 2015 kl. 16.30–18 í hátíðasal Háskóla Íslands. | The School of Social Sciences and the Economics Faculty at the University of Iceland, and RNH, hold a conference on “Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Utilisation” Thursday 8 October 2015 at 16.30–18 at the Festivities Hall of the University. | 0.504173 | 4f3af798309c4576 | 258ef17aef7abcd4 | p2:2s1/9 | p2:2s1/9 | Ráðstefna til heiðurs Rögnvaldi | RNH | Conference in Honour of Hannesson | RNH | 2021-07-18 03:21 | 2021-07-18 00:30 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0008da5fe4756b13 | 207.06 | 0.989 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Mundu að því nær sem gestir vefsíðunnar eru við netþjóninn þar sem vefsíðan þín er hýst, því betra. | Remember, the closer your website visitors are to the server where your website is hosted, the better. | 0.635476 | ea73b1d57ad4e28b | 59c7d9073d73a848 | p142:317s1/3 | p140:310s1/3 | SiteGround vs InMotion Hosting: Heiðarleg endurskoðun (Jan 2021) | SiteGround vs InMotion Hosting: An Honest Review (Jan 2021) | 2021-07-20 23:26 | 2021-07-18 21:20 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 0009246c4e55a66f | 105.8 | 0.898 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | A | | MIX | | | Ef þú ert á aldrinum 18 ára til 59 ára getur þú sótt um sjúkdómatryggingu og gildir tryggingin til 70 ára aldurs. | You can apply for Critical Illness Insurance if you are between the ages of 18 and 59 and the insurance is valid until the age of 70. | 0.669989 | d9293bc85f7c0dd9 | b777c35cbbf5ba17 | p4:75s1/3 | p4:68s1/3 | Sjúkdómatrygging · Bætur vegna sjúkdóma · VÍS | Critical Illness Insurance · Life and Health Insurance · VIS | 2021-07-17 22:27 | 2021-07-17 23:54 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00096551644ee157 | 95.33 | 0.974 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | B | | B | | | Í september 2019 voru kynntar umfangsmiklar skipulagsbreytingar með tilheyrandi breytingum á framkvæmdastjórn og starfsfólki bankans fækkaði um 12% eða um eitt hundrað í þessum aðgerðum, 80% í höfuðstöðvum bankans og 20% í útibúum. | In September 2019, extensive organizational changes were announced, resulting in changes in the management team and a 12% reduction in the number of employees, with approximately 100 people leaving the Bank, 80% of these at the headquarters and 20% in the branches. | 0.397939 | b99953d0fc089872 | 6ce4e8d14eb2c0ec | p12:65s1/1 | p12:62s1/1 | Mannauður | Human Resources | 2021-07-17 21:45 | 2021-07-29 05:13 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 00099b3bb02ec227 | 97.65 | 0.539 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Stúdentinn gerir áætlun um almennan hluta doktorsnáms í samráði við leiðbeinanda, samkvæmt nánari námsskipunarreglum sem deildin setur fyrir hverja grein. Námsáætlun skal staðfest af framhaldsnámsnefnd og námsframvinda staðfest með mati sem nefndin viðurkennir og með árangri sem hún metur fullnægjandi. Stúdent í doktorsnámi velur sér rannsóknarverkefni í samráði við leiðbeinanda sinn og gerir áætlun um hvernig að verkinu skuli staðið. | The student shall produce a study plan for completing the general component of the doctorate in consultation with the academic supervisor, in accordance with detailed rules for organisation of study set by the Faculty for each subject. The postgraduate study committee shall confirm the study plan; student progression shall be evaluated by means deemed satisfactory by the committee. A doctoral student shall select a research topic in consultation with the academic supervisor and draw up a proposal describing how the project shall be completed. | 0.351673 | f38618adfcd2856+19e5b053d2ad978b+6df802729ed0f614 | e2f2fd4c4155c290+759058c0a35c6cdf+e8bad858eba6fdeb | p1043:1484s4/5+p1043:1484s5/5+p1044:1484s1/5 | p1054:1528s4/5+p1054:1528s5/5+p1055:1528s1/5 | Reglur fyrir Háskóla Íslands | Háskóli Íslands+Reglur fyrir Háskóla Íslands | Háskóli Íslands+Reglur fyrir Háskóla Íslands | Háskóli Íslands | Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569-2009 | University of Iceland+Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569-2009 | University of Iceland+Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569-2009 | University of Iceland | 2021-07-18 12:23+2021-07-18 12:23+2021-07-18 12:23 | 2021-07-18 01:42+2021-07-18 01:42+2021-07-18 01:42 | html+html+html | html+html+html | good+good+good | good+good+good | no+no+no | no+no+no | 0009d434f92ff490 | 101.27 | 0.668 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | En það má heldur ekki gleyma því að bílar nota yfirleitt meiri orku en hús. | But one should not forget that cars need more energy than housing. | 0.332831 | 527ed77c92233ec | cdba70de3a2e1c79 | p26:33s5/10 | p26:31s5/10 | Eðlisfræði arkitektúrs —Jón Kristinsson, frumkvöðull á sviði sjálfbærs arkitektúrs – HA | The Physics of Architecture — Jón Kristinsson, pioneer in sustainable architecture. – HA | 2021-07-17 22:04 | 2021-07-17 22:46 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000a565247b5de2b | 100.65 | 0.948 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Einnig eru í boði sjálfstyrkingarnámskeið, fjölskylduráðgjöf, foreldrahópar, sjálfstyrking fyrir foreldra og unglingahópar fyrir unglinga í fíkniefnavanda. | There are also self-support courses, family counselling, parenting groups, parenting self-help sessions and adolescent groups for adolescents with substance abuse problems. | 0.516404 | 411a696bd82eb5df | 6e357dd7a8bab819 | p62:128s3/4 | p63:131s3/5 | Hugrún | Hugrún | 2021-07-17 23:03 | 2021-07-17 22:51 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000acacb622b12e8 | 103.16 | 0.990 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | B | | | Vinnumarkaðslífeyrir og einstaklingsbundinn lífeyrir | Labour market pensions and individual pensions | 0.816497 | 2d9bccd3ba3554e | 4c59f7d2667ff780 | p39:53s1/1 | p39:53s1/1 | Lífeyriskerfið í Danmörku | Norrænt samstarf | The Danish pension system | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 20:09 | 2021-07-23 00:51 | html | html | neargood | short | yes | yes | 000ace7ab1efb87f | 105.2 | 0.964 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | B | | B | | | Sum staðbundin farsímamerki eða fyrirtæki, sem hafa ákveðið orðspor á heimamarkaðssímamarkaðnum, vilja ekki láta af hendi sitt eigið vörumerki til að vera umboðsaðili vörumerkis þegar farsímamarkaðurinn, sérstaklega snjallmarkaðsmarkaðurinn, stækkar. | Some local mobile phone brands or companies, which have certain reputation in the local phone market, don't want to give up their own brand to be a brand agent when the mobile phone market, especially smart phone market, is expanding. | 0.553690 | 3b3d33a8f3f27fd0 | 3fdcd06c08871871 | p6:12s1/3 | p6:12s1/3 | Um ODM Smartphone Service -With-Labeling Yours | Neway | About ODM Smartphone Service -White-Labeling Yours | Neway | 2021-07-18 08:46 | 2021-07-18 11:19 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000adc485fd8fe0d | 102.32 | 0.976 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | A | | A | | | Sum staðbundin farsímamerki eða fyrirtæki, sem hafa ákveðið orðspor á heimamarkaðssímamarkaðnum, vilja ekki láta af hendi sitt eigið vörumerki til að vera umboðsaðili vörumerkis þegar farsímamarkaðurinn, sérstaklega snjallmarkaðsmarkaðurinn, stækkar. | Some local mobile phone brands or companies, which have certain reputation in the local phone market, don't want to give up their own brand to be a brand agent when the mobile phone market, especially smart phone market, is expanding. | 0.553690 | 3b3d33a8f3f27fd0 | 3fdcd06c08871871 | p6:12s1/3 | p6:12s1/3 | Um ODM Smartphone Service -With-Labeling Yours | Neway | About ODM Smartphone Service -White-Labeling Yours | Neway | 2021-07-18 01:16 | 2021-07-18 01:30 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000adc485fd8fe0d | 102.32 | 0.976 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | A | | A | | | Á vegum samtakanna eru nú starfrækt fj órtán mismunandi verkefni í vinnubúðum víðs vegar um landið þar sem erlendir sjálfboðaliðar vinna mismunandi störf. | Seeds has fourteen different projects going on in work camps throughout Iceland, where international volunteers work with local communities. One project is for the city of Reykjavík. | 0.203297 | a7c1e408f0a44d99 | b42ba4576db72d6d+446b33c2fc3b5118 | p2:8s2/3 | p4:10s4/6+p4:10s5/6 | SEEDS - Volunteering for Iceland | SEEDS - Volunteering for Iceland+SEEDS - Volunteering for Iceland | 2021-07-17 22:04 | 2021-07-17 22:39+2021-07-17 22:39 | html | html+html | good | good+good | no | no+no | 000b0d6c9391950f | 102.69 | 0.730 | No | other | second-orig-first-ht | UNK | | B | | | Sjá Verklag nefnda, hluta 8 og fyrirmynd staðarreglu G-6 (nefndin má setja staðarreglu sem bannar notkun vélknúinna ökutækja á meðan umferð er leikin). | See Committee Procedures, Section 8; Model Local Rule G-6 (the Committee may adopt a Local Rule prohibiting the use of motorized transportation during a round). | 0.463934 | 119eb3d76d12870a | 431e267574891ce0 | p155:713s1/1 | p156:709s1/1 | Útbúnaður leikmannsins | The Player’s Equipment | 2021-07-17 22:51 | 2021-07-18 00:25 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000b40a73ca08dd2 | 96.72 | 0.543 | No | other | second-orig-first-mt | MIX | | MIX | | | Þó má leikmaðurinn snerta sandinn með farartækinu af hvaða annarri ástæðu sem er, vítalaust. Lesa meira Skoða minna | But the player may touch the sand with his or her assistive mobility device for any other purpose, without penalty. Read More View Less | 0.582623 | 3ca51a92fe2997ed+82ac8c33f61d2be6 | b90b62873a020173+6da2ab9e85da4e3f | p178:1057s1/1+p179:1057s1/1 | p188:1077s1/1+p189:1077s1/1 | R&A - Fatlaðir leikmenn+R&A - Fatlaðir leikmenn | The R&A - Players with Disabilities+The R&A - Players with Disabilities | 2021-07-17 22:03+2021-07-17 22:03 | 2021-07-18 00:10+2021-07-18 00:10 | html+html | html+html | neargood+short | good+short | no+no | no+no | 000b4e7a2ad7c111 | 100.22 | 0.906 | Yes | other | second-orig-first-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Allar nefndir sem stjórn stofnar skulu kjósa sér formann. | The Chairman shall preside as chairman at every meeting of the Board of Directors. | 0.315402 | 4488192681f1cc83 | d3a6b47e3386f68c | p39:56s1/2 | p520:746s4/8 | Slóðavinir | Lög félagsins | Memorandum of Association - Renren Inc. - Sample Contracts and Business Forms | 2021-07-18 00:22 | 2021-07-27 05:06 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000bc6cfd77683ba | 96.76 | 0.781 | No | other | first-orig-second-mt | UNK | | UNK | | | Märta Stenevi, ráðherra jafnréttis- og húsnæðismála, Svíþjóð | Märta Stenevi, Minister for Gender Equality and Housing, Sweden | 1.000000 | dde4781e871a4bc4 | e8a4e1bf1c0c5d8c | p35:47s1/1 | p36:47s1/1 | Lýðræðisvika WorldPride í Kaupmannahöfn opnuð með norrænni pallborðsumræðu | Norrænt samstarf | Nordic panel opens WorldPride’s democracy week in Copenhagen | Nordic cooperation | 2021-07-18 01:06 | 2021-07-18 03:35 | html | html | neargood | neargood | no | no | 000c9c874d729b36 | 108.08 | 0.996 | Yes | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | B | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p1699:1747s1/1 | p1658:1753s1/1 | R&A - Leikmannaútgáfa skilgreininganna | The R&A - Player Edition Definitions | 2021-07-18 00:41 | 2021-07-18 04:52 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p865:1747s1/1 | p1103:1753s1/1 | R&A - Leikmannaútgáfa skilgreininganna | The R&A - Player Edition Definitions | 2021-07-18 00:41 | 2021-07-18 04:52 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p898:1747s1/1 | p1123:1753s1/1 | R&A - Leikmannaútgáfa skilgreininganna | The R&A - Player Edition Definitions | 2021-07-18 00:41 | 2021-07-18 04:52 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p3291:7611s1/1 | p4024:7664s1/1 | R&A - Heildarútgáfa skilgreininganna | The R&A - Definitions | 2021-07-18 01:07 | 2021-07-18 00:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p3353:7611s1/1 | p4061:7664s1/1 | R&A - Heildarútgáfa skilgreininganna | The R&A - Definitions | 2021-07-18 01:07 | 2021-07-18 00:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p7399:7611s1/1 | p7363:7664s1/1 | R&A - Heildarútgáfa skilgreininganna | The R&A - Definitions | 2021-07-18 01:07 | 2021-07-18 00:22 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p3294:7614s1/1 | p4024:7664s1/1 | R&A - Skilgreiningar | The R&A - Full Edition Definitions | 2021-07-17 22:02 | 2021-07-18 05:14 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p3356:7614s1/1 | p4061:7664s1/1 | R&A - Skilgreiningar | The R&A - Full Edition Definitions | 2021-07-17 22:02 | 2021-07-18 05:14 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p7402:7614s1/1 | p7363:7664s1/1 | R&A - Skilgreiningar | The R&A - Full Edition Definitions | 2021-07-17 22:02 | 2021-07-18 05:14 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p3294:7614s1/1 | p4024:7664s1/1 | R&A - Skilgreiningar | The R&A - Definitions | 2021-07-17 22:56 | 2021-07-18 04:46 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p3356:7614s1/1 | p4061:7664s1/1 | R&A - Skilgreiningar | The R&A - Definitions | 2021-07-17 22:56 | 2021-07-18 04:46 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p7402:7614s1/1 | p7363:7664s1/1 | R&A - Skilgreiningar | The R&A - Definitions | 2021-07-17 22:56 | 2021-07-18 04:46 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p1702:1750s1/1 | p1658:1753s1/1 | R&A - Skilgreiningar | The R&A - Definitions | 2021-07-17 22:56 | 2021-07-18 04:51 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p868:1750s1/1 | p1103:1753s1/1 | R&A - Skilgreiningar | The R&A - Definitions | 2021-07-17 22:56 | 2021-07-18 04:51 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p901:1750s1/1 | p1123:1753s1/1 | R&A - Skilgreiningar | The R&A - Definitions | 2021-07-17 22:56 | 2021-07-18 04:51 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p118:211s1/1 | p123:218s1/1 | Glompur | Bunkers | 2021-07-17 23:18 | 2021-07-18 03:08 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p221:273s1/1 | p255:307s1/1 | Flatir | Putting Greens | 2021-07-17 23:13 | 2021-07-18 03:16 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p119:181s1/1 | p122:184s1/1 | Leikhraðareglur | Pace of Play Policies | 2021-07-17 23:15 | 2021-07-18 03:09 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p353:806s1/1 | p368:832s1/1 | Leikurinn, hegðun leikmannsins og reglurnar | The Game, Player Conduct and the Rules | 2021-07-17 23:02 | 2021-07-18 04:38 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p48:470s1/1 | p47:471s1/1 | Glompur | Bunkers | 2021-07-17 23:04 | 2021-07-18 04:45 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p94:470s1/1 | p94:471s1/1 | Glompur | Bunkers | 2021-07-17 23:04 | 2021-07-18 04:45 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | UNK | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p248:490s1/1 | p243:488s1/1 | Lausn frá lausung og hreyfanlegum hindrunum (þar á meðal boltum eða boltamerkjum sem aðstoða við eða trufla leik) | Relief from Loose Impediments and Movable Obstructions (including Ball or Ball-Marker Helping or Interfering with Play) | 2021-07-17 23:06 | 2021-07-18 04:43 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p348:490s1/1 | p343:488s1/1 | Lausn frá lausung og hreyfanlegum hindrunum (þar á meðal boltum eða boltamerkjum sem aðstoða við eða trufla leik) | Relief from Loose Impediments and Movable Obstructions (including Ball or Ball-Marker Helping or Interfering with Play) | 2021-07-17 23:06 | 2021-07-18 04:43 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | A | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p317:982s1/1 | p319:983s1/1 | Fjórleikur | Four-Ball | 2021-07-17 23:07 | 2021-07-18 04:42 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p640:767s1/1 | p640:767s1/1 | Að leika umferðina | Playing the Round | 2021-07-17 22:59 | 2021-07-18 04:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p686:767s1/1 | p686:767s1/1 | Að leika umferðina | Playing the Round | 2021-07-17 22:59 | 2021-07-18 04:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p713:767s1/1 | p713:767s1/1 | Að leika umferðina | Playing the Round | 2021-07-17 22:59 | 2021-07-18 04:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p111:285s1/1 | p113:287s1/1 | Leit að bolta: Að finna og þekkja bolta | Ball Search: Finding and Identifying Ball | 2021-07-17 23:00 | 2021-07-18 04:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p138:285s1/1 | p140:287s1/1 | Leit að bolta: Að finna og þekkja bolta | Ball Search: Finding and Identifying Ball | 2021-07-17 23:00 | 2021-07-18 04:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p167:285s1/1 | p169:287s1/1 | Leit að bolta: Að finna og þekkja bolta | Ball Search: Finding and Identifying Ball | 2021-07-17 23:00 | 2021-07-18 04:39 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p1091:1478s1/1 | p1097:1486s1/1 | Völlurinn leikinn eins og komið er að honum | Course Played as It Is Found | 2021-07-17 23:01 | 2021-07-18 04:38 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p1161:1478s1/1 | p1167:1486s1/1 | Völlurinn leikinn eins og komið er að honum | Course Played as It Is Found | 2021-07-17 23:01 | 2021-07-18 04:38 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p430:1879s1/1 | p420:1858s1/1 | Bolta leikið þar sem hann liggur. Kyrrstæðum bolta lyft eða hann hreyfður | Ball Played as It Lies; Ball at Rest Lifted or Moved | 2021-07-17 22:59 | 2021-07-18 04:37 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | MIX | | MIX | | | Ormar, skordýr og svipuð dýr sem auðvelt er að fjarlægja og hraukar eða vefir sem þau mynda (svo sem hraukar eftir orma og mauraþúfur), og | Worms, insects and similar animals that can be removed easily, and the mounds or webs they build (such as worm casts and ant hills), and | 0.466428 | 28a1aecea7d29349 | a00adb7c238e699b | p66:106s1/1 | p67:107s1/1 | Bolti á hreyfingu hittir af slysni einstakling, dýr eða hlut. Vísvitandi athafnir til að hafa áhrif á bolta á hreyfingu | Ball in Motion Accidentally Hits Person, Animal or Object; Deliberate Actions to Affect Ball in Motion | 2021-07-17 22:44 | 2021-07-18 00:16 | html | html | good | good | no | no | 000ccd179c118574 | 97.09 | 0.833 | No | other | first-orig-second-ht | B | | MIX |
End of preview. Expand
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license: cc0-1.0
Dataset Summary
The collection of MaCoCu parallel corpora have been crawled and consist of pairs of source and target segments (one or several sentences) and additional metadata. The following metadata is included:
- "src_url" and "trg_url": source and target document URL;
- "src_text" and "trg_text": text in non-English language and in English Language;
- "bleualign_score": similarity score as provided by the sentence alignment tool Bleualign (value between 0 and 1);
- "src_deferred_hash" and "trg_deferred_hash": hash identifier for the corresponding segment;
- "src_paragraph_id" and "trg_paragraph_id": identifier of the paragraph where the segment appears in the original document;
- "src_doc_title" and "trg_doc_title": title of the documents from which segments where obtained;
- "src_crawl_date" and "trg_crawl_date": date and time when source and target documents where donwoaded;
- "src_file_type" and "trg_file_type": type of the original documents (usually HTML format);
- "src_boilerplate" and "trg_boilerplate": are source or target segments boilerplates?
- "bifixer_hash": hash identifier for the segment pair;
- "bifixer_score": score that indicates how likely are segments to be correct in their corresponding language;
- "bicleaner_ai_score": score that indicates how likely are segments to be parallel;
- "biroamer_entities_detected": do any of the segments contain personal information?
- "dsi": a DSI class (“dsi”): information whether the segment is connected to any of Digital Service Infrastructure (DSI) classes (e.g., cybersecurity, e-health, e-justice, open-data-portal), defined by the Connecting Europe Facility (;
- "translation_direction": translation direction and machine translation identification ("translation-direction"): the source segment in each segment pair was identified by using a probabilistic model (, which also determines if the translation has been produced by a machine-translation system;
- "en_document_level_variant": the language variant of English (British or American, using a lexicon-based English variety classifier - was identified on document and domain level;
- "domain_en": name of the web domain for the English document;
- "en_domain_level_variant": language variant for English at the level of the web domain.
To load a language pair just indicate the dataset and the pair of languages with English first
dataset = load_dataset("MaCoCu/parallel_data", "en-is")
- Downloads last month
- 240