19 values
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In this study, we are primarily concerned with how we reach the final voltage and consider the discontinuity in voltage after reaching the desired value to be of little concern. Consequences that result from not smoothing the waveforms will be left as a field for future research. Finally, we must also consider the initial conditions from which we begin applying input. Since we wish to investigate performance for a range of slopes b, it makes sense to normalize the input to a standard reference voltage. If we consider a commanded motion from the static equilibrium point the appropriate reference voltage would be that needed to remain stationary on an arbitrary slope as discussed in chapter three. 5.2 Performance Envelope Figure 5.2 illustrates the results of the performance envelope calculations described above for T = 5. As T is increased all these input curves tend to coalesce. Performance Plot for the Biplanar Bicycle 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Slope Angle Beta (degrees) 41 Performance Envelope of the Planar Biplanar Bicycle )lanoisnemid-non( egatloV erutamrA Lower Bound Step 1/4 Sin Whirling Region Ramp 1/2 Cos 1/4 Cycloid Parabola Can Accelerate Uphill Rolls Figure 5.2: Performance envelopes for various input waveforms. No Equilibrium Exists
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There are several interesting conclusions that may be drawn from the performance envelope study. Perhaps the most important and influential observation from the perspective of control strategy design is the relative difference in maximum input voltage between the various waveform types at any given terrain slope b. We saw in chapter three that every input voltage within the operational envelope results in finite forward velocity equilibrium. Therefore, the greater the steady state input voltage for a given b, the faster the vehicle will move at dynamic equilibrium. Here, we see the ramp input allows the highest voltage increase over a finite time span. This is a particularly attractive result when considering vehicle control since its implementation in hardware and software requires minimal effort. The use of a ramp function as input makes the control signal generation simple to implement. We may further justify the use of ramp inputs by considering what happens if the controller is discrete (as may be expected in a real vehicle). We have not only demonstrated that the ramp is the best for an arbitrary change in voltage, but we have also shown that the step input falls short of every other input type. If we assume the vehicle controller is digital, any input waveform will consist of many small step inputs. Though undesirable, this is for the most part an unavoidable consequence caused by zero-order- hold digital to analog conversion. To avoid whirling, we would like to minimize the step change between any two time-intervals. In comparing two arbitrary waveforms, the minimum step change is associated with the waveform with the smallest instantaneous first derivative. Therefore, if we optimize any input function between two given points based on minimizing the peak of the first derivative, the resulting curve is a line (or ramp) connecting the endpoints. This heuristic argument is the simplest way to understand why the ramp input allows the largest change in input voltage in the shortest time. Because we have already proven the relationship between command voltage and steady- state wheel velocity, it is a simple step in logic to assert that the ramp input will ultimately result in a higher maximum speed on any given slope. It must be remembered 42 Performance Envelope of the Planar Biplanar Bicycle
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that this result is, in the most general case, dependent on the input time period T. If interest lies in fast response times, this result is of great significance. However, we still have not gained any insight concerning the development of a control feedback term based on control proximity to the bifurcation point. Unfortunately, the Lyapunov exponent and Fiegenbaum’s number are the only tools available to deal with the locations of bifurcation points. Although accurate, neither lends itself to the quick prediction of a system’s first bifurcation. Further, if the slope changes, the nodal points would change as well. Therefore, the incorporation of a control term based on the proximity of operation to bifurcation is not a viable option. Further, if the performance envelope for a specific vehicle is developed numerically, it would be a much easier and probably more robust measure to simply regress the data, introduce a factor of safety and hard-wire the nodal locations into a slope-adaptive control algorithm. Biplanar bicycle performance envelopes, regardless of geometry or non-dimensional parameters, take on the form presented here. The ramp input prevails in all designs as the input with the largest operational envelope. However, it must be remembered that each specific design configuration will result in a numerically different envelope and should be simulated prior to the development an adaptive linear controller. 43 Performance Envelope of the Planar Biplanar Bicycle
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Chapter 6 3-D Dynamics on an Arbitrarily Inclined Plane By this point we have investigated and learned quite a bit about the dynamics of the biplanar bicycle. We have demonstrated complex non-linear behavior including behavioral bifurcation, Lyapunov stability characteristics, and some heuristic control techniques to avoid the unattractive operational regime of whirling. However, the study thus far has been confined to the plane and the effects of two wheels being driven off one reaction mass have not been considered. There are two primary reasons why the full 3-D model has not been stressed as highly as the planar system. First, the relative importance of parameters such as viscous damping and non-linear terms are easily discerned in the planar model. The mathematics in the three-dimensional model, as will soon be demonstrated, are much more complex and subsequently more difficult to dissect into informative results. Second, the present application of the vehicle class has been restricted to low-speed autonomous ground vehicles. The planar model is sufficient to explain design criteria necessary to physically construct such a vehicle. The only missing information involves the control of navigation. However, the control on biplanar bicycles turning at low speed does not deviate substantially from that of more common differentially driven three and four-wheeled vehicles. 44 3-D Dynamics on an Arbitrarily Inclined Plane
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During the 3-D vehicle’s linear traversal of an inclined plane, its governing dynamics are the same as those developed for the planar model. Only during turns does it perform differently. Without any design constraints on navigation we are left to an arbitrary inspection of the 3-D dynamics. It is for this reason that we only derive the information necessary to calculate the equations of motion and provide neither solutions nor simulations to the resulting system. That work will be left to future researchers who need specific results for specific applications. 6.1 Kinematic Model Figure 6.1 presents the idealized kinematic diagram of the three-dimensional biplanar bicycle. The side view is identical to the planar model of chapter three with the exception of an additional wheel and associated angular coordinate. n3 n2 n1 Top View 2 d qq l P L P L aa 2 d a x(t), y(t) R x(t), P R Q y(t) n2 qq r P ff R Q, Reaction mass modeled as a point mass. n1 Figure 6.1: Kinematic Diagram of the 3-D Bicycle It becomes immediately evident that the complexity of the system definitions has increased substantially. Like the planar model, we first define the positions of all body masses in terms of the Newtonian fixed reference frame (denoted by nˆ). However, because the complex number notation used previously can only be implemented with a 45 3-D Dynamics on an Arbitrarily Inclined Plane
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However, Eq. (6.4) is complicated by the fact that we wish to examine the vehicle dynamics while traversing an arbitrarily inclined plane. The gravitational field term of Eq. (6.4) needs to be defined in a more rigorous manner. Equations (6.1) and (6.2) suggest the Newtonian fixed frame is coincident with the plane on which the vehicle is in contact. This convention in the kinematic definition has been enforced by design. It is easier to redefine the gravitational field for different planes than it is to redefine the position vectors. Consider a plane that is rotated using 2-1 Newtonian angles b and b . It can be shown x y that we may arbitrarily orient a plane in Newtonian space using only two rotations. The Newtonian cosine direction matrix associated with transforming a general directional reference from the gravity-coincident system to the plane-fixed Newtonian reference is derived as Ø gˆ ø Ø cosb sinb sinb - cosb sinb ø Ø nˆ ø Œ 1œ Œ x y x y xœ Œ 1œ Œ gˆ œ = Œ 0 cosb sinb œ Œ nˆ œ (6.5) 2 y y 2 Œ º gˆ œ ß Œ º sinb - sinb cosb cosb cosb œ ß Œ º nˆ œ ß 3 x y x y x 3 In the case of a gravitational field, we only wish to know the rotational components operating on the original k direction. Decomposing Eq. (6.5) and applying it to the known gravitation field results in an expression for the local gravitational field in terms of our Newtonian fixed reference coordinates. Since we are concerned with the vehicle on a plane, we can realign the Newtonian reference frame of figure 6.1 such that n and 1 n lie within the plane of motion. By doing so, the gravitational field as viewed from the 2 Newtonian reference becomes v [ ] G = - g sinb nˆ - sinb cosb nˆ +cosb cosb nˆ (6.6) x 1 y x 2 y x 3 Substituting this result back into Eq. (6.4) completes the energy definitions in the three- dimensional biplanar bicycle system. 47 3-D Dynamics on an Arbitrarily Inclined Plane
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6.3 Generalized Forces Before equations of motion can be developed, we must consider any external generalized forces acting on the system. Like the planar model, we neglect the effects of aerodynamic body forces and focus only on the forces generated by the DC drive motors. Although the input torque generated by the motors has been derived in previous chapters, the model is repeated here for convenience. The torque developed by each motor is defined using the motor torque constant and the armature current. t = K i (6.7) t a The armature current is modeled using both the armature resistance and the electrical back EMF constant. In this case, the rotational coordinate in q is for the right and left wheels. One torque equation must be developed for each wheel. V K ( ) i = a - B q&+f& (6.8) a R R a a Combining equation (6.7) and (6.8) we develop the final torque equation. K K K ( ) ( ) t = T V - T B q&+f& = K V - K q&+f& (6.9) R a R 1 a 2 a a At this point the derivation differs in form from that in chapter three. Consider the general definition for calculating generalized forces acting on j generalized coordinates Qj =(cid:229) Fi (cid:215) ¶ rA + MA (cid:215) ¶ w (6.10) ¶ qj ¶ q& j i where r are vectors locating points at which i forces are applied and M are moments A A acting on the bodies rotating at w. From this, we deduce that the force affecting the 48 3-D Dynamics on an Arbitrarily Inclined Plane
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reaction mass is no longer a single torque, but rather a linear combination of the torque produced by both drive motors. Implementing Eq. (6.10) and defining motor torques with Eq. (6.9) we calculate the generalized forces acting on each of the generalized coordinates. The resulting forces are ( ) Q q = K1Va - K2 q& R +f& R R ( ) Q q = K1Va - K2 q& L +f& (6.11) (L L) ( ) Q f = K1Va +Va - K2 q& R +q& L +2f& R L 6.4 Dynamic Model In order to complete the dynamic model, we have to define further kinematic constraints to relate the vehicles spatial position to the motion of the generalized variables. First, there exists a constraint that relates the angular position a of the vehicle and its total time derivatives to the angular positions q of the wheels and their total time derivatives. i These relationships can be expressed as ( ) Rq - q a = R L 2d ( ) Rq& - q& a& = R L (6.12) 2d ( ) Rq&& - q&& a&&= R L 2d Equation (6.12) is commonly used in the process of vehicular ground navigation by means of dead reckoning. For example, the differential mechanism at the heart of the notorious South pointing chariot is inherently based on the same concepts. However, it is important to note that Eq. (6.12) is derived and proved assuming the vehicle operates in accordance with conditions of no slip. Even though we have shown in chapter four that 49 3-D Dynamics on an Arbitrarily Inclined Plane
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this assumption is robust for real vehicles, it remains a kinematic constraint that must be dealt with in any mathematical simulation. Unlike the planar case in which the no-slip condition can be enforced by equating wheel rotation to linear distance, the same constraint in spatial coordinates creates a non- holonomic constraint between the wheels and the rigid rolling surface. We must therefore ensure proper contact forces under each wheel’s no-slip condition so that angular velocity of a wheel remains proportional to its linear velocity. We define the velocities of the wheels to be d v ( ) ( ) V = P = x&+a&d cosa nˆ + y&+a&dsina nˆ R dt R 1 2 (6.13) d v ( ) ( ) V = P = x&- a&dcosa nˆ + y&- a&dsina nˆ L dt R 1 2 Because Eq. (6.12) already enforces constant distance between the wheel centers (it assumes a non-extensible axle) we need only employ the no slip condition for a single wheel. Examining the similarities between the resulting constraint equations for each wheel can mathematically demonstrate this idea. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) V = x&+a&dcosa nˆ + y&+a&dsina nˆ = Rq& cosa nˆ + Rq& sina nˆ R 1 2 ( R ) 1 ( R ) 2 (6.14) ( ) ( ) V = x&- a&dcosa nˆ + y&- a&dsina nˆ = Rq& cosa nˆ + Rq& sina nˆ L 1 2 L 1 L 2 We can now separate one of the relationships in Eq. (6.14) into two scalar equations. This yields the two constraint equations with which we enforce the no-slip condition. Using the vector equation for the right wheel only we find the resulting constraints to be x&+a&dcosa = Rq& cosa R (6.15) y&+a&dsina = Rq& sina R Because the constraint equations in Eq. (6.15) have first order terms, it is necessary when applying the Lagrange multipliers that the full variational result is used. Therefore, the 50 3-D Dynamics on an Arbitrarily Inclined Plane
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full extended Lagrange equation with Raleigh dissipation is used. C denotes one of n i c constraint equations and l is the multiplier associated with the constraint. In this case, i four Lagrange multipliers are required to fully constrain the system to the non-holonomic no-slip condition. (cid:229)nc ŒØ d (cid:231)(cid:230) ¶L (cid:247)(cid:246) - ¶L + ¶D - l ¶C i - d (cid:231)(cid:230) l ¶C i (cid:247)(cid:246) œø =Q (6.16) i=1Œº dt (cid:231) Ł ¶q& j (cid:247) ł ¶q j ¶q& j i ¶q j dt (cid:231) Ł i ¶q& j (cid:247) ł œß We now have a system of seven coupled differential equations and seven unknown accelerations. However, the two constraint equations (6.15) are functions of the states only. This reduces our set to five equations and seven unknowns. Therefore, before the system may be solved, the total time derivatives of the constraint equations must be taken, remembering that a is a function of q. We now have sufficient equations to solve i the system. Further, the unknowns in the system are now q&& q&& f&& &x& &y& l& l& (6.17) R L 1 2 It should be noted that this system is considerably more complicated than the planar model developed in chapter three. To date, the mathematics involved in solving this system are too complicated for most symbolic and numerical solution software packages. Further, the potential payoff in the solution of this system is relatively low and resides primarily in navigation and control of high-speed vehicles. For these reasons, the solution of the three-dimensional system is not completed and left as a topic of future research. The Mathematica code and resulting coupled equations of motion are presented in the Appendix as a resource during future work. 51 3-D Dynamics on an Arbitrarily Inclined Plane
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Chapter 7 Orientation-Regulated Platforms for Use in Biplanar Bicycles The dynamics of the biplanar bicycle have been explored in depth during previous chapters. We have seen both planar and three-dimensional models and have simulated and attempted basic control of the planar system. We have also spent extensive energy in understanding the operational envelops of these vehicles, and have a firm grasp on their salient operational characteristics. However, we have done little beyond heuristic thought experimentation in the consideration of application and usage of this new vehicle class. Some ideas, such as planetary exploration, landmine clearance, and railroad inspection are striking in their potential. Unfortunately, the design challenges associated with implementing this type of vehicle do not cease with the design of the vehicle geometry. Many secondary design considerations must be accounted for prior to the fielding any such ground vehicle. This chapter demonstrates an example of one of these problems. 7.1 The Pendulation Problem Kinematically speaking, the biplanar bicycle contains no grounded or Newtonian-fixed link within its body-relative system. This can also be restated to say that at no time during operation can we assume to know the direction of the local gravitational field with 52 Orientation-Regulated Platforms for use in Biplanar Bicycles
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respect to vehicle components. In fact, calculating the gravitational direction is made more difficult, especially during transient motion, because we do not know the local terrain slope. the lack of a Newtonian ground prevents our design from having a linkage to maintain directional information. The result of all this is the potentially detrimental pendulation of any and all devices being carried by the vehicle chassis. One application in which this problem becomes evident is in the implementation of computer vision which is needed in most autonomous robotic applications. Regardless of what kind of camera is being used, its pendulation about the axle predicates the implementation of rigorous mathematics to compute navigation and obstacle avoidance routines. It is possible to nearly counter-balance a camera spar with a passive weight, but the pendulation will continue unless the counter-balance is perfect. Although an attractive prospect, this design fails with the introduction of any exogenous system inputs such as aerodynamic drag or viscous damping in the mount bearing. Any generalized external moment will, during a finite duration of application, force the counterbalanced system into an orientation other than that which is desired. It becomes evident that in order to isolate any peripheral or excitation-sensitive equipment from the vehicle dynamics, a controlled stable platform must be designed. The rest of this chapter develops such a platform and uses the camera spar used in computer vision as a working example. However, the control techniques developed herein are applicable for any platforms. 7.2 Possible Control Techniques As stated before, one control technique is simple mass counterbalance sufficient enough to maintain the camera’s position above the axle. Although the resulting pendulum is stable, the accelerations of the axle result in base-excited oscillations. Further, adjustment of the CG location does not eliminate the problem; in fact the result is a new design trade off. Consider, for modest disturbances, the frequency of the induced nonlinear oscillation is given by (Nayfeh and Mook, 1979) 53 Orientation-Regulated Platforms for use in Biplanar Bicycles
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g (cid:230) 1 (cid:246) ( ) w = (cid:231) 1- a2(cid:247) +O a3 (7.1) l Ł 16 ł CG and so a reduction in the distance between the CG and the axle decreases the period of the motion resulting in a faster return to the unperturbed orientation. However, a decrease in l results in a reduction in the restoring moment as can be seen by CG differentiation of the potential energy with respect to the angular coordinate (Meirovitch, 1970): ¶ V M = =mgl sinq (7.2) restoring ¶ q cg Such reductions culminate with zero restoring moment as the mass moves closer to the pivot point even as the frequency of motion approaches infinity (the result is marginal stability; perturbations result in unrecoverable deviations). Having seen the inadequacy of the counter-balance, the next logical step in system control would be to implement a simple open-loop control strategy in which employ an equal and opposite rotation with respect to the wheels. This would certainly result in a fixed camera orientation. However, this approach relies completely on dead reckoning and may therefore fall short as a robust control strategy. The only alternative remaining is the implementation of an active control technique. In considering any active control, one must reconsider the lack of fixed ground from which to react any control efforts. Two mass-based control alternatives exist. Used in space applications for similar reasons, thrusters and reaction masses are employed to impart forces on structures. Although either would prove sufficient, the reaction mass is more appropriate to ground-based vehicle architecture. Here, a secondary ballast is employed in a double pendulum arrangement. Actively controlling the angle between the bottom pendulum relative to the upper pendulum with a simple DC servomotor provides the inertial and gravitational resistance necessary to generate the control torque. 54 Orientation-Regulated Platforms for use in Biplanar Bicycles
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v v C =O+ jl ejq(t) (7.6) c With the system geometry defined, we can now define the system kinetic and potential energy. The resulting energy equations are [ ] 1 v & v & v & v & v & v & T = m C(cid:215) C + m M (cid:215) M +m R(cid:215) R (7.7) 2 c m r [ v v v ] V = g m C(cid:215) j+m M (cid:215) j+m R(cid:215) j (7.8) c m r Again, we wish to maintain a level of physical relevance and add a Rayleigh dissipation function to account for what is modeled as linear viscous damping in the joint bearing. The primary advantage of this is to ensure all system poles do not lie on the imaginary axis. This is desirable since losses in any real system prohibit marginal dynamic stability. The desired function is 1 R= cq&2 (7.9) 2 The equations of motion are then found by the application of the extended Lagrange equations d (cid:231)(cid:230) ¶ T (cid:247)(cid:246) - ¶ T + ¶ V + ¶ R =Q (7.10) (cid:231) (cid:247) dt Ł ¶ q& ł ¶ q ¶ q ¶ q& j j j j j ( ) ( ) where q= q,f and Q = 0,t where t is the controller motor torque. In the servo- dynamic model the back EMF and armature resistance are considered while the motor inductance is neglected. The equation that governs the torque output verses the applied voltage is given by 56 Orientation-Regulated Platforms for use in Biplanar Bicycles
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m =1+L2 (M +M ) 1 m m r k = L (M +M )- 1 (7.14) 1 m m r m = L2M 2 r r m = L L M 3 m r r k = L M 2 r r and overdots now indicate differentiation with respect to non-dimensional time. 7.4 Controller Design In the design of an active feedback controller, we take advantage of the relatively generous region of near-linear behavior of pendulums for moderate angular deflections. Because the temporal character of the disturbance excitation is not known a priori, we attack the problem as a simple regulation of the equilibrium. By designing a full-state- feedback regulator for the system, the closed-loop robustness to external forcing is improved by the increase in effective linear damping. Here, we seek to design a fixed gain, linear, state feedback controller using the techniques of optimal control. The basis for the control-law design is the linearization of the plant via a power series expansion in f and q about the trivial equilibrium point. Next, a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) controller is designed to minimize the (quadratic) cost functional based on the linear approximation to the plant. Upon linearization the equations are transformed to state-space form to allow the tools of modern controls be applied. The form of the state space equation is x& = Ax+bv (7.15) [ ] The state vector x is established as q f q& f& T . The state matrix A is developed based on the mass, damping, and stiffness matrices associated with the linearization: 58 Orientation-Regulated Platforms for use in Biplanar Bicycles
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1 PA- PbbTP+ATP+Q =0 (7.21) r where 1 gT =- bTP r P may be determined using Potter’s algorithm (Meirovitch, 1989). 7.5 Numerical Simulations Applying the above control law, the closed-loop system was simulated via numerical simulation. The values for the non-dimensional parameters used in the simulation were K = 2 M = 3 M = 4 m m r L = 1/6 L = 1/6 z = 0.2 w = 3.27 rad/s m r c The weighting factors used in the LQR cost functional Q=diag[10000 100 0 0] and r =1 (note that Q is positive semi-definite) results in the state feedback gain vector K = [92.06 6.84 –49.14 –6.96]. The closed-loop system robustness is demonstrated by considering initial condition responses and horizontally and vertically forced responses. For example, Fig. 7.2a demonstrates the system’s fast decay rate when subjected to an initial displacement of 10o. The associated control effort is shown in Fig. 7.2b as f(t). Figure 7.3a demonstrates system response to base disturbances of &y&=0.1sint and &x&=0.1cost. After a short transient, the system stabilizes in a 2o sinusoidal oscillation. 60 Orientation-Regulated Platforms for use in Biplanar Bicycles
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m c Im y Re P (x,y), M, I l c Q, m q Cyclic l l m m m l r m r g b f Figure 8.1: Coupled Vehicle-Camera Kinematic Definitions No changes have been made from the vehicle nomenclature presented in chapter three. However, some new variables had to be added to the camera system from chapter seven. The angles associated with camera and reaction mass motion have been renamed to avoid redundancy. Further, the system will ultimately be non-dimensionalized with respect to the wheel radius r and mass M. Finally, reference for wheel rotation angle q is simply suggested in figure 8.1 but is assumed to lie along the imaginary axis at time t = 0. We may do so without loss of generality because of the cyclic nature of the variable as discussed in chapter three. In superimposing the systems, we may write the system kinetic and potential energies as the linear combination of those developed earlier. Likewise, the Rayleigh dissipation functions may also be combined. All these are repeated and combined here with the modified coordinate nomenclature. 65 Coupled Vehicle-Camera Dynamics and Control
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T = 1 ŒØ mQv & (cid:215) Qv & + 1 MPv & (cid:215) Pv & +m Cv & (cid:215) Cv & +m Mv & (cid:215) Mv & +m Rv & (cid:215) Rv & œø + 1 Iq&2 (8.1) 2º 2 c m r ß 2 (v ) (v ) (v ) ( v ) (v ) V =mg Q(cid:215) j +Mg P(cid:215) j +m g C(cid:215) j +m g M (cid:215) j +m g R(cid:215) j (8.2) c m r ( ) R= 1 Cq&+f& 2 +1 Cy&2 (8.3) 2 2 With T, V, and R defined we may now solve the extended Lagrange equation for the dynamic response. This is represented as (cid:230) (cid:246) d (cid:231) ¶T (cid:247) - ¶T + ¶V + ¶R =Q (8.3) (cid:231) (cid:247) dt Ł ¶q& ł ¶q ¶q ¶q& j j j j j ( ) ( ) where q= q,f,y,g and Q = t,t,0,t . To maintain consistency between the models j presented in chapters three and seven, the motor torques t are defined with identical motor constants. The DC servomotor model developed earlier remains the same and the resulting expression for motor torque on both drive and control motors is shown to be K K K ( ) t = T Vˆ - B T q&+f& (8.4) R a R a a As we have done in all past models, the system is simplified by introducing non- dimensional variables and parameters. Because the vehicle is of primary concern we will maintain the wheel radius and mass as the characteristic length and mass. By doing so, the parameters and variables defined in chapter seven are rendered invalid, as they are now in terms of a vehicle dimension. Also note the addition of two new parameters to describe the camera spar length and camera mass. We introduce the non-dimensional parameters 66 Coupled Vehicle-Camera Dynamics and Control
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l l l l L= L = m L = p L = r r m r p r r r m m m m a = M = m M = r M = c M +m m M r M c M (8.5) C K K I z = r2w + R ar2( MB +T m) w m = ( M +m) r2 and variables K Vˆ K vˆ U = T a , v = T and t=tˆw (8.6) ( ) R r2 M +mw2 R l2m w2 a a c c c where w = g/r . Once again we take advantage of the relatively generous region of near-linear behavior of pendulums for moderate angular deflections. As before, the temporal character of the disturbance excitation is not known a priori. However, we designed the previous full-state feedback regulator without any regard to the disturbance source. Therefore, it would be a logical assumption that the regulator design should remain unchanged by the addition of the vehicle. Mathematically, we see a difference in the system dynamic matrices caused by the change in source description. We no longer describe the base excitation with a arbitrary x and y motion but rather incorporate the motion at point P based on the vehicle coordinates q and f. Using the same process of power expansion and LQR design presented in chapter seven we linearize the camera system about the trivial solution. In doing so we may see the new mass, stiffness, and damping matrices to be Ø L2M +L2 M +L2 M +L2M +2L L M L L M +L2M ø M =Œ P C M M M R R R M R R M R R R Rœ º L L M +L2M L2M ß M R R R R R R Ø - L M +L M +L M +L M L M ø K = Œ P C M M M R R R R R œ (8.7) º L M L M ß R R R R 67 Coupled Vehicle-Camera Dynamics and Control
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Using the same relative link lengths, masses, and control gains as found in chapter seven, we see the camera spar is controlled to a maximum angular deviation of approximately 4 degrees. When compared to the uncontrolled deviation of more than 60 degrees, we determine the controller is performing as expected. Additionally, we see the expected linear damping effects of the feedback. Of course, it is also helpful to determine the control effort involved in accomplishing these results. Figure 8.3 presents the absolute angle of the controller reaction mass. Controlled and Uncontrolled Absolute Camera Reaction Mass Angle g 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (w ) n 69 Coupled Vehicle-Camera Dynamics and Control seerged ni g elgnA fo edutingaM Uncontrolled Controlled Figure 8.3: Control Effort in Reaction Mass Degrees for a Vehicular Step Input Recall the reaction mass angle is measured relative to the projected camera spar. Here, the angle is presented as an absolute measurement from the negative imaginary axis to help the reader visualize the system in action. It is interesting to note that the maximum angular displacement of the controlled system is not substatially greater than that of the uncontrolled counterpart.
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Again, the results of the controller performance simulations are in no way surprising since the original regulator was designed to reject base-excitation disturbances regardless of input waveform. However, what may not be intuitive in any way are the effects in vehicle performance characteristics. One would probably conclude from intuition that the vehicle will respond substantially differently as a result of mounting the controlled camera system to the axle. However, as is true with many aspects of this new vehicle class, intuition would prove incorrect in this case. 8.3 Coupled System Stability If we re-examine stability characteristics as we did in chapter three, we see the static and dynamic equilibrium conditions remain identical in nature; they simple have added mass terms. First, consider again the equilibrium solution in which the vehicle remains static on an arbitrarily inclined plane. The resulting conditions for static equilibrium are ( ) ( ) ( ) 1+M +M +M sin b =U and La sinf =U (8.8) C M R o o o This result is analogous to the result found in Eq. (3.14). In fact, the only difference between the two is the addition of the camera system masses. The unity term in the mass is the non-dimensional representation of the wheel mass and existed implicitly in the conditions of Eq. (3.14). The relationship correlating the pendulum angle f to the control voltage U remains unchanged. Buried in Eq. (8.8) is an expression for the maximum o slope on which the biplanar bicycle may rest statically. By using the same logic as we did in chapter three in which we denied the existence of complex angles in f and b we see the maximum slope to be bounded above and below by (cid:230) (cid:246) (cid:230) (cid:246) La La - sin- 1 (cid:231)(cid:231) (cid:247)(cid:247) £ b £ sin- 1 (cid:231)(cid:231) (cid:247)(cid:247) (8.9) Ł 1+M +M +M ł Ł 1+M +M +M ł C M R C M R Since the static equilibrium is based solely on a torque balance between the body mass and reaction mass, the result of Eq. (8.9) seems a logical result. It is important to note, 70 Coupled Vehicle-Camera Dynamics and Control
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however, that the control of f by the propulsive drive-motor has no effect on the two new generalized coordinates y and g. In steady state, the camera-system center of mass necessarily has to lie on the same vertical axis as the vehicle axle. Regardless of the controlled angle g, the system will pendulate to its natural equilibrium. This can be shown mathematically in the static equilibrium solutions of the controller’s generalized coordinates. (cid:230) (cid:246) y =sin- 1(cid:231) vˆ(t) (cid:247) (8.10) (cid:231) Ł L M - L M - L M (cid:247) ł p c m m m r (cid:230) vˆ(t) (cid:246) g(t)=sin- 1 (cid:231)(cid:231) (cid:247)(cid:247) - y (8.11) Ł L M ł r r Once again, it is easily seen that Eqs.(8.10) and (8.11) represent nothing more than a torque balance on the stabilization components. Further, these relationships do not change for the steady-state vehicle velocity equilibrium case. We can deduce from the stability analysis that the vehicle acts very much like the original uncoupled system when in its steady-state configurations. To determine if any transient differences exist, we turn to numerical simulations. It stands to reason that if we wish to compare the coupled and uncoupled system responses, we should examine both simultaneously under the same input conditions. To do so we apply a step input to the vehicle drive motor in both cases and then apply the controlled camera system to the coupled simulation. The coordinates of interest are those associated with the vehicle performance, q and f. Figure 8.4 presents the wheel rotation angle q for both the uncoupled and controlled-coupled dynamic configurations. 71 Coupled Vehicle-Camera Dynamics and Control
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Coupled and Uncoupled Vehicle Reaction Mass Angle f 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (w ) n 73 Coupled Vehicle-Camera Dynamics and Control seerged ni f muludneP fo edutingaM Uncoupled Coupled Figure 8.5: Comparison of Uncoupled and Controlled-Coupled Reaction Mass Angle Indeed, we see the reaction mass performance to be near identical to that of the uncoupled case. More interestingly, figures 8.4 and 8.5 are representative of the system while experiencing input voltages near the critical whirling input. Therfore, what we see here is the near worst-case comparison. 8.4 Results and Further Considerations Surprisingly, the results of this study suggest that adding a platform stabilization system with a reaction mass as large as 15% that of the vehicle mass does not affect the vehicle performace curves in a significant way. Therefore, the control strategies and performace envelopes developed in previous chapters will still apply in the case of the coupled system design. However, it would also be prudent to consider other design issues associated with coupling these two systems. For example, in order to stabilize a platform in the manner presented here, we necessarily must add additional mass to the overall vehicular system. In applications such as planetary exploration and autonomous ground vehicles where weight-saving is a major driving force, this additional reaction mass may be more detrimental in the end. Several methods of countering this problem are
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presented here as food for thought. The development of dynamics and control for these cases is left as an exercise for future research. If the primary concern with platform stabilization is weight addition, it would only seen reasonable to use the already existing vehicle reaction mass as the stabilization mass. For example, figure 8.6 presents a concept whereby the platform is actuated against the reaction mass via a four-bar linkage. Camera Arm Axle and Propulsive Moment Control Arm Drive Arm Control Moment Reaction Mass Figure 8.6: Four-Bar Camera Stabilization Concept The link lengths of the driving four-bar must be designed according to Grashoff’s law such that the pendulum link can rotate fully with respect to the camera arm. This way, camera-ground impingement may be avoided during whirling. However, using linkages of this type present issues associated with the kinematics of the drive. Singular positions in the four-bar motion will require instantaneous changes in drive direction in the event of reaction mass whirling. The forces and responses times resulting from such a singular point may prove detrimental to an otherwise robust control strategy. Another similar drive mechanism is presented in figure 8.7 in which motion is transmitted though linear rather than rotary actuation. 74 Coupled Vehicle-Camera Dynamics and Control
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Camera Arm Axle and Propulsive Moment Drive Arm Control Arm Reaction Mass Figure 8.7: Linear Actuated Platform Control Concept There are obvious limitations to this concept. The control arm must be pinned to the camera spar with an offset. The case of static equilibrium on no grade dictates the colinearity of the camera and drive arms. This would in turn require the control arm to assume a zero-length position. Further, though must be given to what may occur when the reaction mass swings in the negative direction. In spite of these obvious drawbacks, this concept should not be entirely dismissed for low-speed applications in which the vehicle reaction mass angle f is expected to remain relatively small. It is important to note that the solutions presented here are not intended to cover all possible design solutions to the platform stabilization problem. In fact, we assume many application-specific solutions exist. What has been presented here are the ideas considered from a very general perspective and the solution to one of the simplest configurations conceived to date. However, since the biplanar bicycle is novel in design and application, the designer must remain open to innovative kinematic and control configurations when trying to meet a specific mission. 75 Coupled Vehicle-Camera Dynamics and Control
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Chapter 9 Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work This work has outlined a foundation of mathematics, analytical methods, and design strategies necessary to complete the robust and reliable design for any biplanar bicycle application. Although the mathematics and simulations presented herein can prove useful in their extension to mission-specific vehicles, they are really intended to provide a solid background in the vehicle class from which the designer may cultivate an intuitive understanding of generalized performance and control characteristics. Understanding the nature of what has been done here is essential in any future development of the biplanar bicycle. Having said this, we can now consider some of the natural spin-offs of this research that must be considered in any future development efforts. 9.1 Future Work The dynamics for the three-dimensional vehicle have been presented but not solved. At this time, the symbolic representations of the resulting equations of motion are beyond the computing power available. However, the solutions to the dynamics, symbolic or numerical, should be investigated in terms of ground navigation. Until then, dead reckoning seems the logical algorithmic choice for the autonomous ground vehicle applications currently under consideration. Although dead reckoning is a widely 76 Recommendations for Future Work and Conclusions
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accepted method of navigation, we may find the integration of global positioning to be better suited to some vehicle applications. In the event GPS is desired, navigation no longer stands as the major design challenge. Instead, a deeper understanding of the three- dimensional dynamics will be needed in the planning and control of specific trajectories over known terrain. Careful navigational control schemes may prove beneficial as a means of reducing control effort, minimizing energy dissipation, governing travel time, and controlling obstacle avoidance. Therefore, it stands to reason that as the technology involved in the building and implementation of the biplanar bicycle increases, our ability to analytically model and predict system behavior will become more important. In fact, the three-dimensional dynamic model may one day supercede the planar system presented here as the backbone of vehicular design methodology. Another focus of future work is experimental validation of the biplanar bicycle’s ability to traverse discontinuous terrain. We have suggested the biplanar bicycle may provide distinct advantages in stair climbing. To date we have only verified this concept through calculations and prototype testing. A more rigorous investigation may be prudent if application warrants this capability. As a natural extension of the validation process the generation of performance envelopes based on the relative size of terrain discontinuities would be prudent. This kind of information would be useful not only during the design phase but may also be integrated into the navigational obstacle avoidance algorithms. No everything must be avoided, some things can be climbed and conquered. In general, we must continue to find and prove the application worthiness of the biplanar bicycle vehicle class. We have learned enough to believe the class provides advantages over classical ground vehicle designs. However, it will never be accepted as a viable solution until we can prove its performance and applicability using prototypes. Therefore, it would be very useful if future researchers choose reasonable applications such as planetary exploration, landmine clearance, and railway inspection and build vehicles capable of completing the tasks as well or better than traditional designs. To this end, the development of an autonomous railway inspection vehicle is suggested as a primary target for vehicle application. Because rail systems naturally constrain the 77 Recommendations for Future Work and Conclusions
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vehicle in its directional navigation, the planar models presented in this work can be very easily extended to this application. Few issues like non-holonomic constraints and added kinematics would arise in this design. Therefore, we suggest this field as the first likely source of application. Another very interesting field of work surrounds to continuation of control algorithms for the stabilized platform concept. For example, the four-bar drive linkage concept presented in chapter eight requires the development of a non-learning adaptive control scheme based in system linearization around the constant forward velocity equilibrium points. Using such techniques is the only way the linkage approach would work throughout the vehicle’s performance envelope. Further, the non-linear control of the vehicle itself could potentially be improved by implementing the same type of adaptive control strategy. By doing so, the analytical performance envelop information regarding dynamic bifurcation points may be included in the control system design as a way of making the system considerably more robust and reliable with respect to vehicle whirling. Finally, work must be completed on the physical design of the vehicle. Many ideas concerning the physical realization of a useful vehicle have been considered during this research. Moving all body mass components into the wheel rims would be a method of increasing ground clearance. Adding hemispherical hubs to the drive wheels would allow the vehicle to self-right itself if dropped from aircraft or spacecraft. This idea can be take one step further by designing an extendable axle so the entire vehicle can be deployed as a sphere. Another type of performance improvement involves using more than one point of contact during the traversal of discontinuous terrain as a kinematic ground. By doing so, other internal linkages could be implemented to enhance performance in stair or rock climbing applications. 9.2 Conclusions The research presented in this work has convinced us that the biplanar bicycle is a viable option in the design of autonomous ground vehicles. We have seen the dynamic 78 Recommendations for Future Work and Conclusions