A series of domain-specific LLMs for the Mining Industry
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ADE | Abstract
By depletion of minerals at shallow depths, there is a notable growing trend towards mining
operations in deeper grounds whole the world. However, as the depth of mining and
underground constructions increases, the occurrence of stress-induced failure processes, such
as rockburst, both inside the rock masses, away from the mined-out areas, and near excavations
is inevitable. Rockburst is defined as the sudden and violent failure of a large volume of
overstressed rock, which can damage structures and workers, and considerably affect the
economic viability of the projects. The propensity of rocks to bursting behaviour can be
aggravated by the seismic disturbances induced by different sources in deep underground
openings. Therefore, the in-depth understanding of the rockburst mechanism and its prediction
and treatment is of paramount significance. Due to the high-complex and non-linear nature of
this hazard and the vague relationship between its influential parameters, the common
conventional criteria available in the literature, cannot predict rockburst occurrence and its risk
level with sufficient accuracy. However, the machine learning (ML) algorithms, which benefit
from an inherent intelligence procedure, can be utilised to overcome this problem.
During the last decade, significant progress has been made in implementing ML techniques to
predict the propensity of rocks to bursting behaviour; however, the proposed models have
complex internal structure and are difficult to use in practice. On the other hand, the
experimental studies in this field are limited to measuring the bursting intensity of rocks under
true-triaxial loading/unloading conditions. However, the complete stress-strain relation of
rocks (i.e. the pre-peak and the post-peak regimes) subjected to different cyclic loading
histories can open new insights into the rockburst/brittle failure mechanism and the long-term
stability of the underground structures. The common load control techniques (i.e. the axial
load-controlled and displacement-controlled techniques) cannot be employed directly to
conduct the systematic cyclic loading tests and capture the failure behaviour of rocks,
specifically for rocks showing class II/self-sustaining behaviour in the post-peak regime.
Therefore, most current rock fatigue studies have focused on characterising the evolution of
mechanical rock properties and damage parameters in the pre-peak regime.
Given the above, the main focus of this thesis was on developing practical and accurate models
to predict rockburst-related parameters as well as better understanding the effect of seismic
disturbances on the failure mechanism of rocks using data-driven and experimental approaches.
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ADE | The robust ML algorithms, such as gene expression programming (GEP), GEP-based logistic
regression (GEP-LR), classification and regression tree (CART) etc., were programmed and
employed for the following tasks: (a) Providing a mathematical binary model to estimate the
occurrence/non-occurrence of rockburst hazard; (b) developing a model to cluster the rockburst
events based on their risk levels; (c) proposing a novel and practical multi-class classifier to
distinguish three most common failure mechanisms of squeezing, slabbing and rockburst in
underground mines based on intact rock properties; (d) quantifying the rockburst maximum
stress (i.e. the stress level that bursting occurs) and bursting risk level based on the
comprehensive database compiled from the true-triaxial unloading tests for different rock types
and (e) predicting the peak strength variation of rocks subjected to cyclic loading histories. The
obtained results from the above studies proved the high performance and capability of the used
ML techniques in dealing with high-complex problems in mining projects, such as rockburst
hazards. The newly proposed models in this research project outperformed the conventional
rockburst criteria in terms of prediction accuracy and can be used efficiently in underground
mining projects.
A new testing methodology namely “Double-Criteria Damage-Controlled Test Method” was
developed in this research project to measure the complete stress-strain relation of rocks under
different cyclic loading histories. This methodology, unlike the common testing methods,
benefits from two controlling criteria, including the maximum stress level that can be achieved
and the maximum lateral strain amplitude that the specimen is allowed to experience in a cycle
during loading. The conducted uniaxial multi-level systematic cyclic loading tests on Tuffeau
limestone proved the capability of this testing method in capturing the post-failure behaviour
of rocks. The preliminary results also showed that rocks tend to behave more brittle by
experiencing more cycles. Furthermore, a quasi-elastic behaviour dominated over the pre-peak
regime during cyclic loading, which finally, resulted in strength hardening. In another
comprehensive experimental study, 23 uniaxial single-level systematic cyclic loading tests
were undertaken on Gosford sandstone specimens at different stress levels to unveil the failure
mechanism of rocks subjected to seismic events. It was found that there exists a fatigue
threshold (FTS) that lies between 86-87.5% so that below this threshold, no macroscopic
damage is created in the specimen; rather, strength hardening induced by rock compaction
occurs. Moreover, according to the evolution of damage parameters and brittleness index, the
pre-peak and post-peak behaviour of rocks below the FTS was found to be independent of the
cycle number. However, for the cyclic tests beyond the FTS, the instability of rocks increased
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ADE | with the applied stress level, representing the propensity of rocks to brittle failures like
To better replicate the rock stress conditions in deep underground mines and understand more
about the evolution of some specific rock fatigue characteristics, such as strength hardening,
FTS and post-peak instability with confining pressure, a comprehensive cyclic loading study
was carried out on Gosford sandstone in triaxial loading conditions under seven confinement
levels (𝜎 /𝑈𝐶𝑆 ). It was found that by an increase in 𝜎 /𝑈𝐶𝑆 from 10% to 100%, FTS
3 𝑎𝑣𝑔 3 𝑎𝑣𝑔
decreases from 97% to 80%. An unconventional trend was observed for the stress-strain
relations of rocks by varying 𝜎 /𝑈𝐶𝑆 . A transition brittle to the ductile point was identified
3 𝑎𝑣𝑔
at 𝜎 /𝑈𝐶𝑆 = 65%. Therefore, it can be inferred that with an increase in depth in rock
3 𝑎𝑣𝑔
engineering projects, the propensity of rock structures to brittle failures such as rock bursting
at stress levels lower than the determined average peak strength can be aggravated. Also, it was
observed that below the transition point, cyclic loading has a negligible effect on rock
brittleness; while for 𝜎 /𝑈𝐶𝑆 = 80% and 100%, the weakening effect of cyclic loading
3 𝑎𝑣𝑔
history was visible. According to the results of acoustic emission (AE), tangent Young’s
modulus (𝐸 ), cumulative irreversible axial strain (𝜔𝑖𝑟𝑟) and axial strain at failure point (𝜀 ),
𝑡𝑎𝑛 𝑎 𝑎𝑓
it was found that for the hardening cyclic loading tests (with positive peak strength variation),
the quasi-elastic behaviour was dominant during the pre-peak rock deformation. However, for
the weakening cyclic loading tests (with negative peak strength variation), more plastic strains
were accumulated within the rock specimens, which resulted in gradual damage evolution and
stiffness degradation during cyclic loading before applying final monotonic loading. The peak
deviator stress of Gosford sandstone under different confining pressures varied between -
13.18% and 7.82%. An empirical model was developed using the CART algorithm as a
function of confining pressure and the applied stress level. This model is helpful in predict peak
strength variations of Gosford sandstone.
Keywords: Rockburst; Machine learning algorithm; Gene expression programming (GEP);
Classification and regression tree (CART); Multi-class classification; True-triaxial unloading
test; Failure mechanism; Systematic cyclic loading; Fatigue; Uniaxial cyclic loading test;
Triaxial cyclic loading test; Acoustic emission; Brittleness; Strain energy; Pre-peak and post-
peak behaviour; Brittleness; Damage; Irreversible Strain
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ADE | Statement of Originality
I certify that this work contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other
degree or diploma in my name in any university or other tertiary institution and, to the best of
my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or written by another
person, except where due reference has been made in the text. In addition, I certify that no part
of this work will, in the future, be used in a submission in my name for any other degree or
diploma in any university or other tertiary institution without the prior approval of the
University of Adelaide and where applicable, any partner institution responsible for the joint
award of this degree.
The author acknowledges that copyright of published works contained within this thesis resides
with the copyright holder(s) of those works.
I also give permission for the digital version of my thesis to be made available on the web, via
the University’s digital research repository, the Library Search and also through web search
engines, unless permission has been granted by the University to restrict access for a period of
Roohollah Shirani Faradonbeh
Signature: Date: 26 August 2021
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ADE | Chapter 1
Thesis Overview
1.1. Introductory Background
With an increase in depth of mining and underground constructions, due to the complex stress
state induced by different loading conditions (i.e. static, quasi-static and dynamic loadings),
the occurrence of some destructive phenomena such as rockburst in the confined rock mass
and/or near excavation is inevitable. Although there is no international consensus on the
definition of a rockburst, it can be defined as a sudden and violent expulsion of overstressed
rocks from the surrounding rock mass, resulting in the instantaneous release of accumulated
strain energy. This phenomenon may cause injury to workers, damage to mine infrastructure
and equipment, and possibly endanger the economic viability of the project (Cai and Kaiser
2018). From the viewpoint of the triggering mechanisms and physical modelling approaches,
rockburst can be categorised into two main groups of strainburst and impact-induced rockburst
(He et al. 2012). Strainburst, as a self-initiated rockburst, frequently occurs by local stress
concentration at the edge of underground openings (brittle rocks) in the form of the sudden
release of stored energy and is usually associated with the development of drifts, shafts, stope
faces, and mining pillars. However, rockburst occurrence is not only associated with the strain
energy accumulation in rocks during excavation but also with the human- (e.g. drilling and
blasting operation, haulage system vibration, mechanical excavation, backfilling etc.) and/or
environmental-induced (e.g. earthquake, volcanic activities, fault slip etc.) seismic
disturbances (He et al. 2018). This type of rockburst is known as impact-induced rockburst.
The deformation and failure characteristics of rocks subjected to seismic disturbances are
completely different from those under conventional loading conditions (Taheri et al. 2016).
Many factors affect the rockburst triggering, including the mechanical rock properties,
excavation geometry, discontinuities, in-situ and mining-induced stresses and construction
method, which have complicated rockburst mechanism (He et al. 2015). A considerable
number of studies have been carried out by different researchers on rockburst hazard using
theoretical and experimental approaches. However, due to the complex nature of rockburst and
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ADE | many influential parameters, its mechanism is still unclear. Therefore, there exists a remarkable
theoretical significance and engineering value to deeply understand the rockburst mechanism
and find solutions for its prediction and treatment.
1.2. Literature Review and Research Gaps
1.2.1. Rockburst Occurrence and its Risk Level
The main focus of researchers during the last decade was on the prediction and control methods.
From the viewpoint of prediction, rockburst can be assessed in the short term and long term.
Short-term prediction of rockburst refers to the in-situ measurement techniques, including
micro-seismic monitoring, microgravity, acoustic emission (AE), geological radar and so forth,
which can be employed to determine the time and location of bursting. These techniques,
however, are very costly and time-consuming. On the other hand, long-term prediction of
rockburst is based on empirical criteria, numerical analyses, rockburst charts and data-driven
techniques (soft-computing algorithms), which are usually used at the design stage of the
projects to evaluate the propensity of different areas to bursting. These techniques are relatively
quick, easy to use, and accurate, which can be implemented straightforwardly by engineers in
practice. According to the state-of-the-art literature review conducted by (Zhou et al. 2018),
approximately 100 rockburst empirical criteria have been proposed by different researchers
from 1996 to the present, mostly based on strength/stress, strain and strain energy parameters.
These criteria classify rockburst risk level (intensity) into four main classes of “None”, “Light”,
“Moderate,” and “Strong,” based on the compiled information from the bursting location such
as failure pattern, the scale of damage, and the sound of rockburst. The simplicity and
operability are the most prominent advantages of empirical criteria.
However, the empirical criteria suffer from some critical drawbacks. Firstly, as mentioned
above, rockburst is affected by many geological, rock mechanical and operational factors,
whilst the empirical criteria only consider single or few parameters and cannot reflect the
mutual effects of the influential factors for rockburst assessment. Secondly, the thresholds
defined by the researchers for the empirical criteria are not unique, even for those having
similar expressions. This is mainly due to the case study-based nature of these criteria and also
the limited number of datasets used for their development by scholars. Thirdly, in several
studies (Jian et al. 2012; Liu et al. 2013; Li et al. 2017), these criteria have shown low prediction
accuracy, which raises doubts concerning their efficiency. Fourthly, some engineering
assumptions have been applied to the empirical criteria which may affect their reliability. Given
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ADE | such essential limitations and the complex non-linear nature of rockburst hazard, recently, the
application of data-driven approaches such as machine learning (ML) algorithms have been
increased in this field. The ML techniques (supervised and unsupervised algorithms) are
capable of including more input parameters/predictors, dealing with noisy data, finding the
latent non-linear relationships between inputs and the corresponding output and selecting the
most influential parameters on rockburst occurrence using a smart feature selection procedure.
As such, the ML algorithms do not need any prior knowledge concerning the mechanism of
the problem and interrelationship of parameters, which is a significant benefit over the common
criteria and statistical methods.
A considerable number of ML techniques, including artificial neural network (ANN), Bayesian
network (BN), support vector machine (SVM), and logistic regression (LR), has been used
extensively during the last decade by researchers to predict either rockburst occurrence/non-
occurrence (a binary problem) or rockburst risk level (a multi-class problem) (Pu et al. 2019).
In most of these studies, the uniaxial compressive strength (𝜎 ), uniaxial tensile strength (𝜎 ),
𝑐 𝑡
maximum tangential stress (𝜎 ), elastic strain energy index (𝑊 ) and their combinations have
𝜃 𝑒𝑡
been used as input parameters. The results prove the high performance of such algorithms in
rockburst assessment. However, the ML techniques still have the following limitations: a) most
of these algorithms are known as black-box techniques and have a complex internal
computational procedure which is very difficult to understand by human, b) some of these
techniques are prone to the over-fitting problem and may get stuck in local minima (solutions),
and c) more importantly, most of the used techniques in the literature are not very practical
since they cannot offer any mathematical or visual output to let the engineers and researchers
apply them without using a code. Therefore, to overcome the above problems and provide
practical and user-friendly models for the prediction of rockburst occurrence and its risk level
(intensity), it is required to perform a comprehensive statistical analysis on the compiled
database and utilise robust white-box techniques for modelling. Furthermore, by developing
practical models that have an apparent internal structure, it will be possible to perform different
statistical analyses, evaluate the rockburst vulnerability in associations with different input
parameters, and finally propose an appropriate controlling technique.
From the viewpoint of rockburst control, several techniques have been proposed as potential
solutions to mitigate this hazard (Saharan and Mitri 2011; Feng 2017; He et al. 2018): (1)
Application of energy-absorbing bolts/cables which have a constant resistance under static and
dynamic loadings and benefit from a large elongation capacity. These bolts/cables compared
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ADE | with the ordinary ones, have higher resistance against dynamic loads and are capable of
absorbing energy from multiple impacts, and finally, can maintain the large deformation of
rock masses; (2) Application of ground preconditioning techniques such as destressing and
water infusion (hydrofracturing). Destressing can be conducted using destress blasting and
destress drilling (i.e. boreholes without explosives or pilot tunnels in civil tunnels excavated
by TBMs) methods. The argument for destressing using blasting operation is that if destressing
is carried out ahead of an advancing underground opening, the high-stress concentration zone
would be transferred farther away from the working face into the solid rock mass. Therefore, a
protective barrier (buffer zone) is created between the working face and the highly-stressed
zone for the next mining operation. Hydrofracturing, as another rockburst control technique,
changes the rock properties and decreases the ability of the rock masses in absorbing the strain
energy (source of bursting). This method is mostly used for coal seams. (3) Application of
alternative mining methods such as pillarless mining and mining with protective seams/veins
or sacrifice galleries. This technique can be used in longwall mining of coal seams and can
reduce the risk of spontaneous failures.
1.2.2. Rockburst and other Failure Mechanisms
In deep underground conditions, the rockburst is not the only failure mechanism. Different
types of failure, such as high-stress slabbing and squeezing, may be observed based on the
stress distribution around the excavation and the influential uncertain factors. However, to the
author’s knowledge, there has been no attempt to develop a practical model to distinguish
different failure mechanisms for over-stressed rock masses in the deep underground. This is
while the proper measurement of this issue at the initial stages of the projects can help engineers
to optimise mining layout, apply the adequate supporting system and reduce high costs.
According to the robustness and the approved capabilities of the ML techniques in dealing with
high complex non-linear problems, this gap can be addressed properly by incorporating the
most influential parameters on different failure modes and designing novel hybrid models
(multi-class classifiers).
1.2.3. Experimental Studies and Rockburst Maximum Stress
As mentioned earlier, rockburst can also be investigated using experimental methods. In other
words, the stress state around the excavations can be simulated using laboratory tests, and
subsequently, study the failure mechanism/characteristics of rocks under different loading
histories and loading conditions. Furthermore, the obtained results from these tests can be used
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ADE | to calibrate the numerical models as well as to identify the critical stress conditions leading to
dynamic failures. These experimental tests include uniaxial compression/tensile tests (Gong et
al. 2019), conventional triaxial unloading tests (Huang et al. 2001), combined uniaxial and
biaxial static-dynamic (cyclic) tests and true-triaxial loading/unloading tests (Bagde and Petroš
2005; He et al. 2010; Su et al. 2018). The conventional uniaxial compression and tensile tests
usually have been used by the researchers to measure the mechanical rock properties (e.g. 𝜎 ,
𝜎 , elastic modulus and so on), perform the energy analysis based on the obtained stress-strain
curves and finally, to develop the strength- and strain/energy-based rockburst empirical criteria
(e.g. rock brittleness index, 𝐵𝐼 = 𝜎 /𝜎 ). The combined static-dynamic (cyclic) tests in
𝑐 𝑡
uniaxial, bi-axial and true-triaxial conditions are also significant to reproduce the stress state
affecting on underground structures (e.g. mining pillars) which are exposed to in-situ stress and
cyclic loading induced by different seismic sources (e.g. blasting waves). However, among the
foregoing experimental methods, the true-triaxial unloading test can better simulate physically
the rockburst process in deep underground conditions.
The true-triaxial unloading apparatus is capable of applying the in-situ stresses to the specimen
simultaneously and independently, and by unloading the pressure on one or more surfaces of
the specimen, can simulate the strain bursting at different locations of underground
excavations. In studies undertaken using the true-triaxial testing system, the bursting
propensity of rocks has been investigated based on the evolution of acoustic emission (AE)
parameters (e.g. AE energy, hits, frequency, b-value), the kinetic energy of ejected rock
fragments from the free face of the tested rock specimens, ejection velocity parameter, size of
the rock fragments, the evolution of strain energy components and failure mode. Also, in some
of these studies, the influence of different parameters such as temperature, moisture content,
aspect ratio, loading and unloading rate, deviator stress, tunnel axial stress and radial stress
gradient on rockbursting have been evaluated. Although considerable studies have been
conducted using the true-triaxial test method for rockburst assessment by different researchers,
most of them are limited to some specific rock types and loading histories, and there is no
holistic and convenient approach to quantify the bursting potential of rocks. Rock specimens
subjected to true-triaxial unloading conditions usually experience an explosion-like failure at a
specific stress level, known as rockburst maximum stress (𝜎 ). The proper estimation of this
stress level for different rock types can help engineers to identify rockburst hazards in different
in-situ stress conditions, to increase the long-term stability of the underground openings as well
as for numerical studies. This task can be accomplished by compiling a comprehensive
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ADE | database from rockburst tests and the application of robust ML techniques. By doing so, the
developed model can be used conveniently in practice to predict bursting stress when the
testing apparatus is not available.
1.2.4. Seismic Events and Rock Failure Behaviour
As stated earlier, rockburst can also be triggered by seismic disturbances induced by different
sources in deep underground mines (i.e. impact-induced rockbursts). These seismic events can
be replicated as time-dependent loads, i.e. cyclic and dynamic loadings, on a laboratory scale.
Almost sixteen types of stress waves (waveforms) including ramp wave, sinusoidal wave,
square wave, sawtooth wave and so forth can be generated in the laboratory to simulate
rockburst with different magnitudes (He et al. 2018). The literature review (Bagde and Petroš
2005; Cerfontaine and Collin 2018) shows that different researchers have made tremendous
efforts during the last decades to unveil the rock fatigue mechanism under different loading
histories and loading conditions (i.e. uniaxial tests, triaxial tests, flexion tests, freeze-thaw tests
and wetting and drying tests). Generally, prior studies can be classified into two main groups
of systematic cyclic loading tests with a constant loading amplitude and damage-controlled
cyclic loading tests with an incremental loading amplitude. However, systematic cyclic
loadings having the ramp or sinusoidal waveforms can better represent the seismic events that
are common during the mining operation. In rock fatigue studies, the results are usually
analysed based on the information withdrawn from the measured stress-strain relations. Indeed,
the complete stress-strain relation (i.e. the pre-peak and the post-peak regimes) is an efficient
tool to manifest the evolution of strain energy (source of rockbursting) during the loading
process as well as determining rock failure behaviour.
However, the majority of prior studies have focused on the effect of cyclic loading effect on
the pre-peak characteristics of rocks (i.e. damage evolution, variation of peak strength and
deformability parameters and determination of fatigue life and fatigue threshold stress), and,
no significant progress has been made regarding the post-failure behaviour of rocks under
cyclic loading. This is while in practical engineering, due to the release of in-situ rock stresses
in the field, the surrounding rocks experience damage and instabilities in the post-peak state.
In this regard, the rock brittleness showing the release mode of stored strain energy during
loading is a very significant parameter in the process of rockburst assessment. However, the
common method of brittleness measurement, i.e. 𝐵𝐼 = 𝜎 /𝜎 , cannot represent the brittleness
𝑐 𝑡
of rocks properly as the physical meaning of this index does not reflect the rock fracturing
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ADE | process as well as 𝜎 and 𝜎 can be obtained from each other. Moreover, previous studies show
𝑐 𝑡
that rocks with different 𝜎 and 𝜎 may have similar 𝐵𝐼 values representing the narrow range
𝑐 𝑡
of variation of this index (Munoz et al. 2016; Meng et al. 2020). Hence, the rock brittleness
can be measured in a more reliable manner based on the energy evolution in both the pre-peak
and the post-peak regimes of rocks. On the other hand, rockburst usually occurs in rocks
showing Class II behaviour during the failure stage accompanied by the release of excess
energy and rock ejection (Li 2021).
Therefore, the proper measurement of post-peak behaviour of rocks under cyclic loading is of
paramount significance to quantify the post-peak fracture energy, determine the rock
brittleness, and consequently, understand more about the mechanism of severe geotechnical
hazards like rockburst. However, as mentioned above, the current testing methods are not
capable of capturing the post-peak stress-strain curve of rocks under cyclic loading adequately,
specifically for brittle rocks which show a snap-back/self-sustaining failure behaviour in the
post-peak regime. This is relevant to difficulties in controlling the axial load and damage
extension in the post-peak regime for such rocks. The post-peak behaviour of rocks usually is
characterised by either Class II (positive post-peak modulus representing an unstable fracture
propagation) or a combination of Class I (negative post-peak modulus representing stable
fracture propagation) and Class II behaviour. As it is discussed in detail in Chapters 6 and 7,
the current axial load-controlled, axial displacement-controlled and lateral displacement-
controlled loading techniques have significant limitations in controlling the axial load in the
post-peak regime of rocks subjected to systematic cyclic loading. Thus, applying the current
loading techniques results in a sudden failure without capturing the post-peak response
properly. Therefore, a new testing methodology having the capability of performing different
cyclic loading histories and measuring the complete stress-strain relations of rocks in both
uniaxial and triaxial loading conditions is required.
1.2.5. Evolution of Rock Fatigue Characteristics
In prior rock fatigue studies, little attention has been made to some specific
phenomena/parameters, including cyclic loading-induced strength hardening, fatigue threshold
stress and post-peak instability of rocks and their variations at different confining pressures
(𝜎 ) and stress levels. This is while in rock engineering projects, depending on the depth and
geometry of excavations, surrounding rocks usually experience systematic cyclic loading at
different confinement levels. Therefore, having an in-depth knowledge regarding the evolution
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ADE | of the foregoing parameters with confinement level can open new insights into the failure
mechanism of rocks, long-term stability of openings and reinforcement design. This task,
however, requires applying a triaxial testing method, capable of recording the large lateral
deformations created in the post-failure stage.
1.3. Research Objectives and Thesis Layout
Figure 1.1 represents the objectives, methodology and outcomes of this research schematically.
According to the introductory background and the research gaps discussed in Sections 1.1 and
1.2, the present thesis addressed the following objectives:
1) To develop practical models to predict the occurrence or non-occurrence of rockburst
hazard in deep underground mines through a binary expression and evaluate the effect
of different parameters on rockbursting.
2) To assess rockburst risk levels (intensities) using robust ML techniques and evaluate
the performance of the empirical criteria.
3) To measure the propensity of the over-stressed rock masses to different failure
mechanisms in deep underground conditions.
4) To develop practical models for predicting both rockburst maximum stress (𝜎 ) and
rockburst risk index (𝐼 ) based on the results obtained from the true-triaxial unloading
5) To develop a new experimental methodology to capture the post-failure behaviour of
rocks subjected to systematic cyclic loading in uniaxial loading conditions.
6) To investigate the effect of pre-peak systematic cyclic loading at different stress levels
on damage evolution and failure characteristics of rocks in uniaxial conditions.
7) To investigate the effect of confining pressure on some specific rock fatigue
characteristics, including fatigue threshold stress, post-peak instability, and strength
hardening induced by cyclic loading.
In this thesis, the data-driven approaches and rock mechanics laboratory tests were utilised as
two main research tools to achieve the above objectives. According to the defined research
objectives above, this thesis has been structured into eight chapters as follows:
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ADE | The current chapter, Chapter 1, provides an introductory background regarding this research
and contains topics including problem statement, literature review and research gaps, research
objectives and thesis layout and conclusions and recommendations.
In Chapter 2, to address objective 1, a comprehensive study is carried out on the prediction of
rockburst occurrence/non-occurrence based on a database containing 134 rockburst events,
compiled from different underground mines. Several significant parameters, including uniaxial
compressive strength (𝜎 ), uniaxial tensile strength (𝜎 ), maximum tangential stress (𝜎 ) and
𝑐 𝑡 𝜃
elastic energy index (𝑊 ) are chosen as input parameters, while a binary condition (i.e. “1”
for occurrence and “0” for non-occurrence) is defined for rockburst as the output parameter.
The homogeneity of the database is initially evaluated using different statistical tests. New
models are then developed using three robust supervised ML techniques, including genetic
algorithm-based emotional neural network (GA-ENN), decision tree-based C4.5 algorithm and
gene expression programming (GEP) algorithm. Finally, the performance of the proposed new
models, along with five empirical criteria, are evaluated, and the sensitivity analysis is
performed on the best model to identify the most influential parameters on rockbursting. The
results showed the high performance of the ML techniques in solving complex nonlinear
geotechnical hazards like rockburst and their capability to improve practical models that can
be used in the pre-design stages of an underground opening. The results of this study were
published as a journal paper entitled “Long-term prediction of rockburst hazard in deep
underground openings using three robust data mining techniques”. The details of this paper are
as follows:
Shirani Faradonbeh R, Taheri A (2019) Long-term prediction of rockburst hazard in deep
underground openings using three robust data mining techniques. Engineering with
Computers 35(2):659–675 (IF= 7.963, Q1)
In Chapter 3, two robust unsupervised algorithms, self-organizing map (SOP) and Fuzzy C-
Mean (FCM) are used to cluster and identify rockburst risk level (intensity) as a multi-class
problem based on the collected database (i.e. objective 2). The input parameters in this study
are the same used in Chapter 2. The output, however, is a qualitative parameter showing
different degrees of bursting, i.e. “None”, “Light”, “Moderate” and “Strong”, which have been
defined based on an empirical classification/visual inspection of rockburst location. These two
applied unsupervised algorithms are capable of finding the latent relationships between the
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ADE | input parameters and the corresponding output during a smart procedure, and finally, link each
observation (rockburst event) to an appropriate cluster (risk level). In addition to SOM and
FCM techniques, five empirical criteria are also employed to assess their capability in
clustering rockburst events. Five common performance measures comprising accuracy (%),
precision (%), Recall (%), F1 score (%) and Kappa (%) are calculated for all models and results
are compared. This study revealed the superiority of the unsupervised ML techniques in terms
of accuracy over the conventional criteria in assessing rockburst intensity. The results of this
study were published as a journal paper entitled “Application of self-organizing map and fuzzy
c-mean techniques for rockburst clustering in deep underground projects”. The details of this
paper are as follows:
Shirani Faradonbeh R, Shaffiee Haghshenas S, Taheri A, Mikaeil R (2020) Application of
self-organizing map and fuzzy c-mean techniques for rockburst clustering in deep
underground projects. Neural Computing and Applications 32(12):8545–8559 (IF= 5.606,
Chapter 4 aims to address objective 3, i.e. developing a practical and easy-to-use model for
distinguishing different failure mechanisms of the over-stressed rock masses in deep
underground conditions. For this aim, a database containing 35 failure events recorded from
different underground projects is compiled. This database contains a wide range of rock types
with compressive strength varying from 41 MPa to 335 MPa and includes three common types
of failure, i.e. squeezing, strainbursting and slabbing. The intact rock properties, including
uniaxial compressive strength (𝜎 ), Brazilian tensile strength (𝜎 ), elastic modulus (𝐸) and
𝑐 𝑡
Poisson’s ratio (𝜐), which can be measured straightforwardly in the laboratory and have a
significant effect on failure mechanisms are chosen as the predictors, while the failure mode is
selected as the output parameter. In this chapter, a novel hybrid data-driven approach, namely
gene expression programming based-logistic regression (GEP-LR), is proposed and
implemented as a multi-class classifier to estimate the failure mechanism based on the given
intact properties. Three separate binary mathematical models are initially developed using the
GEP algorithm to reveal the relationship between failure mode and input parameters. Then, a
probabilistic approach (i.e. LR) is linked to the GEP models to determine the probability of
occurrence of each failure mechanism with high accuracy. Finally, the failure type having the
highest probability index is selected as the output. The developed model in this study is
provided as MatLab codes which researchers and engineers can use in practice to identify the
10 |
ADE | most probable failure type in different locations and consequently apply an appropriate
controlling technique. The results of this study were prepared as a journal paper entitled
“Rockburst assessment in deep geotechnical conditions using true-triaxial tests and data-driven
approaches”. The details of this paper are as follows:
Shirani Faradonbeh R, Taheri A, Karakus M (2020) The propensity of the over-stressed
rock masses to different failure mechanisms based on a hybrid probabilistic approach.
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology x(x): x-x. The revised format submitted on
15/06/2021 (Under review) (IF= 5.915, Q1)
In Chapter 5, a comprehensive study is carried out by combining the results obtained from the
true-triaxial unloading tests (rockburst tests) and two white-box machine learning (ML)
algorithms to provide new models for estimating rockburst maximum stress (𝜎 ) and its risk
index (𝐼 ) (objective 4). The information of rockburst laboratory tests conducted from 2004
to 2012 are compiled in this study, and a series of statistical analyses are performed to provide
a homogeneous database (i.e. removing missing values, identifying the outliers and natural
groups in the original database). The prepared database contains different parameters including
rock mass properties (i.e. 𝑈𝐶𝑆, 𝐸 and 𝜈), in-situ stresses, depth, rock density and horizontal
pressure coefficient, which can be considered as input variables, and 𝜎 and 𝐼 , which are
defined as outputs. However, a systematic strategy, i.e. the stepwise selection and elimination
(SSE) procedure, is followed to choose the most influential input parameters and subsequently
decrease the complexity of the final models. The GEP algorithm that whose high performance
in modelling complex problems was proved in previous chapters, is utilised along with the
classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm to develop some explicit models (i.e.
mathematical and graphical models) for estimating rockburst parameters. Validation of the
developed models is completely verified using seven statistical indices and their corresponding
thresholds. Parametric analysis is also performed in this study on the best models to evaluate
the evolution of rockburst parameters by changing each input parameter within its range of
values. The results point to the applicability of the proposed models for rockburst assessment
with high reliability. These models can help researchers and engineers to estimate the stress
level that rocks are prone to bursting and evaluate the rockburst risk level. The results of this
study were published as a journal paper entitled “Rockburst assessment in deep geotechnical
conditions using true-triaxial tests and data-driven approaches”. The details of this paper are as
11 |
ADE | Shirani Faradonbeh R, Taheri A, Ribeiro e Sousa L, Karakus M (2020) Rockburst
assessment in deep geotechnical conditions using true-triaxial tests and data-driven
approaches. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 128:104279 (IF=
7.135, Q1)
In Chapter 6, by reviewing the prior rock fatigue studies, a holistic classification is proposed
for cyclic loading tests based on the loading history and load control technique. Also, a new
experimental methodology, namely “Double-criteria damage-controlled cyclic loading test” is
introduced in this chapter to capture the complete stress-strain relation of rocks (i.e. the pre-
peak and the post-peak regimes) subjected to systematic cyclic loading (objective 5). In this
new testing method, two criteria including the maximum axial stress level that cyclic loading
is applied and the maximum lateral strain amplitude, 𝐴𝑚𝑝.(𝜀 ), that a rock specimen is allowed
to experience in a cycle during loading are adopted to control the axial load and damage
extension before and after failure point. Tuffeau limestone is used in this study as a soft porous
rock to evaluate the applicability of the proposed testing method in capturing the post-failure
behaviour of rocks. A series of multi-level systematic cyclic loading tests are undertaken in
this study by applying the axial load at approximately 81% of the determined average 𝑈𝐶𝑆,
and the post-peak behaviour is captured in a controlled manner. Based on the obtained complete
stress-strain relations, a preliminary evaluation is performed on post-peak behaviour as well as
the evolution of fatigue damage parameters. Generally, the results represent the success of the
proposed technique in measuring the full response of rocks under cyclic loading, which can
open new insights regarding the rock failure mechanism. Also, a strength hardening induced
by cyclic loading is observed for this rock type which needs to be further investigated. The
results of this study were published as a journal paper entitled “Post-peak behaviour of rocks
under cyclic loading using a double-criteria damage-controlled test method”. The details of this
paper are as follows:
Shirani Faradonbeh R, Taheri A, Karakus M (2021) Post-peak behaviour of rocks under
cyclic loading using a double-criteria damage-controlled test method. Bulletin of
Engineering Geology and the Environment 80(2):1713–1727 (IF= 4.298, Q1)
In Chapter 7, a more comprehensive experimental study is undertaken using the developed test
method in Chapter 6 to investigate the effect of pre-peak systematic cyclic loading applied at
different stress levels on both pre-peak and post-peak characteristics of Gosford sandstone in
12 |
ADE | uniaxial loading conditions (objective 6). This chapter also intends to examine some specific
behaviours observed in the previous chapter (e.g. cyclic loading-induced strength hardening)
in more depth. In this chapter, the uniformity of the testing material is initially evaluated based
on the performed six 𝑈𝐶𝑆 tests and the measured mechanical rock properties. Seventeen (17)
single-level systematic cyclic loading tests are then designed at different stress levels ranging
from 80% to 96% of the average monotonic strength (i.e. in the unstable crack propagation
stage). This study defines two types of cyclic loading tests: hardening cyclic loading tests (the
specimens that do not fail during 1500 cycles) and fatigue cyclic loading tests (the specimens
that fail in the cycle). For both types of tests, the double-criteria damage-controlled cyclic
loading test method is adjusted in such a way that the post-peak behaviour of rocks is captured
in a controlled manner, and based on the measured complete stress-strain relations, the damage
evolution, post-peak instability of rocks (rock brittleness) and strength hardening phenomenon
is investigated comprehensively. The results of this study were published as a journal paper
entitled “Failure behaviour of a sandstone subjected to the systematic cyclic loading: Insights
from the double-criteria damage-controlled test method”. The details of this paper are as
Shirani Faradonbeh R, Taheri A, Karakus M (2021) Failure behaviour of a sandstone
subjected to the systematic cyclic Loading: Insights from the double-criteria damage-
controlled test method. Rock Mechanics Rock Engineering x(x): x-x (IF= 6.730, Q1)
In Chapter 8, for the first time, a comprehensive study is carried out in triaxial conditions to
better replicate the stress state in deep underground openings and consequently understand
more about the failure mechanism of rocks subjected to cyclic loading under different confining
pressures. A modified triaxial testing system (by mounting four strain gauges on the Hoek cell
membrane and connecting them to a half-bridge circuit) is utilised to provide a single lateral
strain-based feedback signal. With this arrangement, failure behaviour was accurately
investigated. Seven confinement levels (i.e. 𝜎 /𝑈𝐶𝑆 = 10-100%) are defined to evaluate the
3 𝑎𝑣𝑔
effect of both confining pressure and systematic cyclic loading history on the evolution of some
specific rock fatigue characteristics, including post-peak brittleness, fatigue threshold stress
and strength hardening. At each confinement level, the specimens experience 1000 loading and
unloading cycles at different stress levels. Should the specimen did not fail in cycles, a final
monotonic loading is applied under lateral strain-controlled loading conditions to capture the
failure behaviour. The non-destructive AE technique also is employed to analyse damage
13 |
ADE | Prediction and control of rock burst
phenomenon in deep underground
mining based on rock behaviour
Objective 1: A practical model for rockburst Objective 5: New testing method to capture post-
occurrence prediction peak behaviour of rocks under cyclic loading
Objective 2: Assessing rockburst risk levels accurately Objective 6: Investigate the effect of the pre-peak
Objective 3: Practical model for predicting the failure systematic cyclic loading on the failure behaviour
mechanism of the over-stressed rock masses of rocks in uniaxial conditions
Objective 4: Practical models for predicting rockburst Objective 7: Investigate the effect of confining
maximum stress and its risk index pressure on rock fatigue characteristics
Machine Learning Analysis Experimental Analysis
1- Database Preparation 1- Developing a new testing methodology
2- Statistical analysis of the database 2- Conducting UCS tests
3- Model development using robust ML methods 3- Performing uniaxial single-level
4- Validation verification of the models and multi-level cyclic loading tests
5- Comparing the results 4- Performing triaxial cyclic loading tests
6- Sensitivity/parametric analysis 5- Comprehensive analysis of the test results
Paper #1 Paper #2 Paper #3 Paper #4 Paper #5 Paper #6 Paper #7
(Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8)
Conclusions & Recommendations
(Chapter 9)
Figure 1.1 The objectives, methodologies and outcomes of the present thesis
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ADE | Cerfontaine B, Collin F (2018) Cyclic and fatigue behaviour of rock materials: review,
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Gong F, Yan J, Li X, Luo S (2019) A peak-strength strain energy storage index for rock burst
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Li CC (2021) Principles and methods of rock support for rockburst control. Journal of Rock
Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13(1):46–59
Li N, Feng X, Jimenez R (2017) Predicting rock burst hazard with incomplete data using
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Liu Z, Shao J, Xu W, Meng Y (2013) Prediction of rock burst classification using the technique
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ADE | of cloud models with attribution weight. Natural Hazards 68:549–568
Meng F, Wong LNY, Zhou H (2020) Rock brittleness indices and their applications to different
fields of rock engineering: A review. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical
Engineering, 68(2):549-568
Munoz H, Taheri A, Chanda EK (2016) Fracture Energy-Based Brittleness Index Development
and Brittleness Quantification by Pre-peak Strength Parameters in Rock Uniaxial
Compression. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49(12):4587–4606
Pu Y, Apel DB, Liu V, Mitri H (2019) Machine learning methods for rockburst prediction-
state-of-the-art review. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
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Su G, Hu L, Feng X, et al (2018) True triaxial experimental study of rockbursts induced by
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Zhou J, Li X, Mitri HS (2018) Evaluation method of rockburst: State-of-the-art literature
review. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 81:632–659
17 |
ADE | Statement of Authorship
Title of Paper Long-term prediction of rockburst hazard in deep underground openings using
three robust data mining techniques
Publication Status
Published Accepted for Publication
Submitted for Publication Unpublished and Unsubmitted work
written in manuscript style
Publication Details Shirani Faradonbeh R, Taheri A (2019) Long-term prediction of
rockburst hazard in deep underground openings using three robust
data mining techniques. Engineering with Computers 35(2):659–675
Principal Author
Name of Principal Author (Candidate) Roohollah Shirani Faradonbeh
Contribution to the Paper Literature review and database preparation, statistical analysis, development of
models and preparation of the manuscript
Overall percentage (%) 80%
Certification: This paper reports on original research I conducted during the period of my
Higher Degree by Research candidature and is not subject to any obligations
or contractual agreements with a third party that would constrain its inclusion in
this thesis. I am the primary author of this paper.
Signature Date 17 June 2021
Co-Author Contributions
By signing the Statement of Authorship, each author certifies that:
i. the candidate’s stated contribution to the publication is accurate (as detailed above);
ii. permission is granted for the candidate in include the publication in the thesis; and
iii. the sum of all co-author contributions is equal to 100% less the candidate’s stated contribution.
Name of Co-Author Abbas Taheri
Contribution to the Paper Research supervision, review and revision of the manuscript
Signature Date 21 June 2021
18 |
ADE | Chapter 2
Long-term Prediction of Rockburst Hazard in Deep
Underground Openings using Three Robust Data
Mining Techniques
Rockburst phenomenon is the extreme release of strain energy stored in surrounding rock mass
which could lead to casualties, damage to underground structures and equipment and finally
endanger the economic viability of the project. Considering the complex mechanism of
rockburst and a large number of factors affecting it, the conventional criteria cannot be used
generally and with high reliability. Hence, there is a need to develop new models with high
accuracy and easy to use in practice. This study focuses on the applicability of three novel data
mining techniques including emotional neural network (ENN), gene expression programming
(GEP), and decision tree-based C4.5 algorithm along with five conventional criteria to predict
the occurrence of rockburst in a binary condition. To do so, a total of 134 rockburst events were
compiled from various case studies and the models were established based on training datasets
and input parameters of maximum tangential stress, uniaxial tensile strength, uniaxial
compressive strength, and elastic energy index. The prediction strength of the constructed
models was evaluated by feeding the testing datasets to the models and measuring the indices
of root mean squared error (RMSE) and percentage of the successful prediction (PSP). The
results showed the high accuracy and applicability of all three new models, however, the GA-
ENN and the GEP methods outperformed the C4.5 method. Besides, it was found that the
criterion of elastic energy index (EEI) is more accurate among other conventional criteria and
with the results similar to the C4.5 model, can be used easily in practical applications. Finally,
a sensitivity analysis was carried out and the maximum tangential stress was identified as the
most influential parameter, which could be a guide for rockburst prediction.
Keywords: Rockburst occurrence, Data mining techniques, Emotional neural network, Gene
expression programming, C4.5 algorithm, Conventional criteria
19 |
ADE | 2.1. Introduction
One of the most important concerns in deep underground activities such as mining and civil
projects is the occurrence of rockburst phenomenon. Rockburst is an unexpected and severe
failure of a large volume of over-stressed rock caused by the instantaneous release of
accumulated strain energy. This phenomenon usually is accompanied by other events such as
spalling, slabbing, and throwing of rock fragments which could be led to injuries, deformation
of supporting system, damage to equipment or even collapse of a large area of the underground
excavation and finally cease the operation (Dong et al. 2013; Adoko et al. 2013; Li et al. 2017;
Weng et al. 2018) . In deep underground activities, the induced seismicity has a great role in
rockburst occurrence, therefore, the identification and localization of seismic events are
essential in rockburst assessment (Dong et al. 2016a, b, 2017a, b). Great number of theoretical
and experimental studies have been performed since 1930 by many researchers on the
mechanism, prediction, and control of rockburst (Weng et al. 2017; Akdag et al. 2018).
However, rockburst still remains an unsolved problem in deep mining (He et al. 2015).
Rockbursts can be classified using various criteria comprising potential damage, failure pattern,
scale, and severity. From the viewpoint of damage, it classifies into four classes of none, light,
moderate, and strong. Based on the failure pattern, there are four types of failures including
slabby spalling, dome failure, in-cave collapse, and bending failure. In terms of scale,
rockbursts can be introduced as sparse with the rockburst length lower than 10 m, large-area
with the rockburst length between 10-20 m and continuous rockburst with the length higher
than 20 m. The severity of rockbursts can be assessed as a function of failure depth (He et al.
2012; Wang et al. 2012). According to the influence diagram developed by Sousa and Einstein
(2007), many factors affect the occurrence of rockburst such as mechanical properties of rock,
geological circumstances, construction method, and in-situ stress state. Considering the great
number of effective parameters and the vague mechanism of rockburst, prediction, and control
of this hazardous phenomenon is a very difficult task. Rockburst can be predicted in short-term
and long-term. In-situ measurement techniques such as microseismic monitoring system and
acoustic emission can be used to acquire the exact location and the specific time of rockburst
occurrence at each stage of the project (i.e. in short-term). However, these techniques are time-
consuming, costly, and require precise surveying strategies. On the other hand, rockburst
prediction in long-term is mainly based on conventional criteria, numerical models, and data
mining techniques. Compared to the short-term prediction technique, the long-term one can be
served as a quick guide for engineers during the initial stages of the project and consequently,
20 |
ADE | enable them to decide about the excavating and controlling methods (Adoko et al. 2013; Li et
al. 2017). During the last three decades, various rockburst proneness indices have been
developed based on strength parameters and rock strain energy (see Table 2.1) [15].
Table 2.1 A summary of conventional criteria for rockburst prediction
Criterion Equation Input parameters Rockburst
Russenes criterion (Russenes 1974) 𝜃 𝜎 ,𝜎 ≥0.25
𝜃 𝑐
Hoek criterion (Hoek and Brown 1980) 𝑐 𝜎 ,𝜎 ≤3.5
𝜃 𝑐
Stress coefficient (Wang et al. 1998) 𝜃 𝜎 ,𝜎 ≥0.3
𝜃 𝑐
Rock brittleness coefficient (Wang et al. 1998) 𝑐 𝜎 ,𝜎 ≤40
𝑡 𝑐
Elastic energy index (Wang et al. 1998) 𝐸 𝑅 𝐸 𝑅,𝐸 𝐷 ≥2.0
𝜎 is the maximum tangential stress, 𝜎 is the uniaxial compressive stress, 𝜎 is the uniaxial tensile
𝜃 𝑐 𝑡
stress, 𝐸 is the retained energy, 𝐸 is the dissipated energy
According to Table 2.1, the conventional criteria only consider very few input parameters,
therefore, cannot take into account a wide range of parameters that may influence rock-
bursting. Data mining is a relatively new computational method with the aim of discovering
latent patterns and relationships between raw datasets which combines different areas such as
statistics, machine learning, and so on. Data mining techniques have the capability to deal with
the datasets containing multiple input and output variables (Berthold and Hand 2003; Jian et
al. 2012). Hence, they have been used extensively in geosciences (Khandelwal et al. 2017a, b;
Aryafar et al. 2018; Mikaeil et al. 2018a). As a first attempt, Feng and Wang (1994) developed
two artificial neural networks (ANNs) to predict and control the probable rockbursts. Their
successful experience encouraged other scholars to investigate the applicability of novel data
mining techniques in rockburst assessment (Zhao 2005; Gong and Li 2007; Shi et al. 2010;
Zhou et al. 2010). Although the methods used by the scholars could consider more input
parameters, most of them are black-box, i.e. they cannot provide a clear and comprehensible
relationship between the input and output parameters. Consequently, the developed models
using such opaque techniques cannot easily be used in practice. On the other hand, the
conventional criteria as reported in many studies, could not predict rockburst with high
accuracy. Therefore, there is still a need to develop transparent and easy to use rockburst
21 |
ADE | increase of 𝑊 , the probability of rockburst occurrence and its intensity will increase
(Palmstrom 1995; Jian et al. 2012; Liu et al. 2013; Li et al. 2017). Therefore, in the current
study, four parameters of 𝜎 , 𝜎 , 𝜎 , and 𝑊 were adopted as the input parameters. Table 2.2
𝜃 𝑡 𝑐 𝑒𝑡
shows the descriptive statistics of the relevant input parameters that are used to develop
rockburst models. For convenience, the abbreviations of input parameters were considered for
modelling instead of their symbols; they are characterized by MTS, UTS, UCS, and EEI for
𝜎 , 𝜎 , 𝜎 , and 𝑊 , respectively. To understand more about the relationship between the input
𝜃 𝑡 𝑐 𝑒𝑡
parameters, Pearson correlation coefficients were computed which the results are listed in
Table 2.3. According to this table, there are moderate correlations for the UTS-UCS and EEI-
UCS if the categorizations proposed by Dancy and Reidy (2004) are followed.
Table 2.2 Descriptive statistics of the input parameters within the database
Parameter Abbreviation Unit Minimum Maximum Mean Std. deviation Variance
𝜎 MTS MPa 2.6 108.4 51.354 28.567 816.055
𝜎 UTS MPa 1.3 22.6 7.519 4.926 24.268
𝜎 UCS MPa 20.0 306.6 127.957 59.417 3530.415
𝑊 EEI Dimensionless 0.85 10.6 4.726 2.196 4.824
Table 2.3 Correlation coefficients between the input parameters
Variables T UTS UCS EEI
T 1 0.569 0.589 0.508
UTS 0.569 1 0.650 0.443
UCS 0.589 0.650 1 0.636
EEI 0.508 0.443 0.636 1
Prior to any modelling, the statistical analysis of original database has high importance. The
presence of outliers in the database negatively affects the ability of algorithms to find a precise
relationship between input and output parameters and consequently, decreases the reliability of
the developed model. Additionally, outliers may create some natural groups with different
behaviours in a single dataset and if this is the case, it is necessary to identify them and develop
separate models (Middleton 2000; Tiryaki 2008). The box-plot is a common and standardized
method to display the distribution of data based on minimum, first quartile (𝑄1), median (𝑄2),
third quartile (𝑄3), and maximum values. The measurements outside the range of (𝑄1−
23 |
ADE | 3(𝑄3−𝑄1),𝑄3+3(𝑄3−𝑄1)) are defined as extreme outliers and should to be omitted from
the database, while those which are in the range of (𝑄1−1.5(𝑄3−𝑄1),𝑄3+1.5(𝑄3−𝑄1))
are known as suspected outliers which are common in a big database and could be considered
in modelling (Middleton 2000). Fig. 2.1 shows the box-plots of input parameters. According
to this figure, the median line is not in the centre of boxes which indicates that the input
parameters do not have a symmetric distribution. Besides, with the exception of MTS, other
input parameters have few suspected outliers.
120 25 350 12
100 10
80 8
60 6
40 4
20 2
0 0 0 0
Figure 2.1 Box plots of input parameters
As a second effort, a principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to check the existence
or non-existence of natural groups in the database. PCA is a dimension reduction technique
that enables the user to transform the initial correlated variables from an 𝑚-dimensional space
to an 𝑛-dimensional one where 𝑛 < 𝑚. The new uncorrelated variables are nominated as
principal components (PCs) which are the linear combination of initial variables (Sayadi et al.
2012; Faradonbeh and Monjezi 2017). To perform this analysis, firstly, the datasets were
normalized between 0 and 1 using the Min-Max method to eliminate the effect of range. In the
second step, the correlation matrix was created for input parameters. Then, the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors corresponding to the previous correlation matrix were calculated for each PC as
𝜆 ,𝜆 ,…,𝜆
𝑋𝑉 = 𝜆𝑉 → (𝑋−𝜆𝐼)𝑉 = 0 → 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑡(𝑋−𝜆𝐼) = 0 → { 1 2 𝑛 (2.1)
𝑉 ,𝑉 ,…,𝑉
1 2 𝑛
where 𝑋, 𝜆, and 𝑉 are the matrix of datasets, eigenvalue, and eigenvectors, respectively.
24 |
ADE | Eventually, the PCs were obtained by multiplying the input parameters in related eigenvectors.
Fig. 2.2 shows the scree plot of eigenvalues against the number of components. According to
this figure, 92.872 % of the database variations can be explained just with three first PCs by
projecting the observations on these axes (i.e. PC1, PC2, and PC3). The scatter plots of PC1-
PC2 and PC1-PC3 are shown in Fig. 2.3. As can be seen, there is not any natural group, i.e. the
concentration of observations in specific areas in the database. Besides, few suspected outliers
mentioned in the previous analysis can be seen in this figure as well. As a result, it can be said
that the prepared database is suitable for further analysis. The output parameter is the rockburst
occurrence, if any, was nominated as “Yes” otherwise, was nominated as “No”. Since the
output is a qualitative parameter, we transferred it to a binary parameter, i.e. 0 (No) and 1(Yes).
3 100
80 )
u a
v n 1.5
a v
e e
g 40 v
0.5 20 u C
0 0
Eigenvalue 2.702 0.567 0.446 0.285
Cumulative 67.559 81.734 92.872 100.000
Figure 2.2 Scree plot of PCA analysis
25 |
ADE | and output layers that finally lead to high computational complexity (CC). Recently, a limbic-
based emotional neural network (ENN) is developed by Lotfi and Akbarzadeh-T (2014) based
on the emotional process of the brain with a single layer structure. Unlike ANNs that is formed
based on a biological neuron, ENNs are based on the interaction of four neural areas of the
emotional brain comprising thalamus, sensory cortex, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and
amygdala. These four areas using the features of expanding, comparing, inhibiting, and
exciting, overcome the shortages related to the common ANNs and provide more precise
solutions. Initial ENNs have a low CC during the learning process, but the number of patterns
which can be stored is limited that makes a low information capacity (IC) for this method. Lotfi
and Akbarzadeh-T (2016), thanks to a winner-take-all approach (WTA), introduced a new
version of ENN with the name of WTAENN which is able to increase the IC of the algorithm.
The structure of WTAENN with 𝑛 input, one output, and 𝑚 = 1 competitive part is shown in
Fig. 2.4. According to this figure, original input data (i.e. 𝑝⃗ = [𝑝 ,𝑝 ,…,𝑝 ]) first enter to
1 2 𝑛
thalamus part. In the thalamus, input data will expand by the following equation:
[𝑝 ,…,𝑝 ] = 𝐹𝐸 (𝑝 ) (2.2)
𝑛+1 𝑛+𝑘 𝑗=1,…,𝑛 𝑗
where 𝐹𝐸 is an expander function which can be a Gaussian or Sinusoidal function or in general
can be defined as:
𝐹𝐸 (𝑝 ) = max (𝑝 ) (2.3)
𝑗=1,…,𝑛 𝑗 𝑗
Then, the expanded signals are sent to winner sensory cortex 𝑖∗which is selected if only and
only if:
∀𝑖 ‖[𝑝 ,𝑝 ,…,𝑝 ]−[𝑐 ,𝑐 ,…,𝑐 ]‖ ≤ ‖[𝑝 ,𝑝 ,…,𝑝 ]−[𝑐 ,𝑐 ,…,𝑐 ]‖, 1 ≤ 𝑖 ≤
1 2 𝑛 1,𝑖∗ 2,𝑖∗ 𝑛,𝑖∗ 1 2 𝑛 1,𝑖 2,𝑖 𝑛,𝑖
𝑚 (2.4)
where 𝑐 ,𝑐 ,…,𝑐 are the learning weights.
1 2 𝑛
Afterwards, the signals propagate to the related OFC and amygdala and the weights of
𝑤 ,𝑤 ,…,𝑤 from the 𝑖th OFC and the weights of 𝑣 ,𝑣 ,…,𝑣 from 𝑖th amygdala are
1,𝑖 2,𝑖 𝑛,𝑖 1,𝑖 2,𝑖 𝑛,𝑖
used during the learning process to determine the final output. During the learning process,
amygdala receives the imprecise input of 𝑝 from the thalamus to determine the output signal
of 𝐸 . After that, amygdala receives an inhibiting signal from OFC (𝐸 ) which with applying
𝑎 𝑜
the activation function (e.g. 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛, 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑔, ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑙𝑖𝑚 and 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑠𝑖𝑔 functions), the final
emotional signal (predicted value) will be achieved. The final output can be calculated by the
following equation:
𝐸 (𝑝⃗) = 𝑓(𝐸 −𝐸 ) = 𝑓(∑𝑛+1(𝑣 𝑝 )−∑𝑛 (𝑤 𝑝 )−𝑏 ) (2.5)
𝑖 𝑎𝑖 𝑜𝑖 𝑗=1 𝑗,𝑖 𝑗 𝑗=1 𝑗,𝑖 𝑗 𝑖
27 |
ADE | where 𝑌𝑘 is the output of the winner part for 𝑘th input pattern, 𝑇𝑘 is the related target and 𝑚
is the number of training pattern targets. By minimizing the cost function, the best learning
weights for WTAENN can be obtained (Lotfi et al. 2014; Lotfi and Akbarzadeh-T 2014, 2016). Rockburst Prediction Using GA-ENN
In this study, for the first time, the applicability of ENNs was examined to predict rockburst
occurrence as a geotechnical engineering problem. In GA-based ENN algorithm, it is necessary
to determine the optimum values of its parameters, i.e. the number of competitive parts (𝑚),
number of generations, and the population size. The MatLab code was used to develop this
model. Since the input parameters have different units and range of values, in soft computing
techniques, it is better to normalize datasets on account of speeding up the modelling process,
reducing errors, and more importantly preventing the over-fitting phenomenon. So, the input
parameters were normalized between 0 and 1 using the following equation:
𝑋 = 1−
𝑖 (2.11)
where 𝑋 , 𝑋 , 𝑋 , and 𝑋 are 𝑖th actual value, minimum value, maximum value and
𝑖 𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚
the normalized value of an input parameter, respectively.
In the following, the initial database was divided into three parts of training (70% of the
database), validation (10% of the database), and testing (20% of the database) to conduct a
series of sensitivity analysis and subsequently to find the best combination of parameters. In
the first analysis, the parameters of 𝑚 and activation function were fixed on 1 and “𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑑−
𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡”, and the values of population size and the number of generations increased from 20 to
300. Fig. 2.5 shows the variation of mean square error (MSE) as the fitness function in each
run. According to this figure, after generation no. 100, the MSE value remained constant and
no change was observed up to generation no. 300. So, the value of 100 was selected as the
optimum value for the parameters of population size and generation number. An increase in
MSE can be seen between generations 60 to 100, which may refer to the stochastic mechanism
of ENN algorithm for searching and finding the best combination of training coefficients (i.e.
𝑐, 𝑣, and 𝑤 weights) among all the possible solutions. Similarly, the second analysis with the
aim of finding the optimum value of 𝑚 was executed by varying its value from 1 to 40 and
recording the corresponding MSE values. The 𝑚 = 1 provided the minimum value of MSE.
Eventually, the algorithm was executed for several times based on the obtained optimum values
for parameters and the best model was identified. Table 2.4 indicates the characteristics of the
best GA-ENN model.
29 |
ADE | 0.4
S 0.2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Generation number and population size
Figure 2.5 Variation of fitness function for different values of generation number and
population size
Table 2.4 Characteristics of developed GA-ENN model
Parameter Value
Input variables MTS, UTS, UCS, EEI
Output variable Rockburst occurrence
Yes: 1
No: 0
Generation number 100
Population size 100
Number of competitive units (m) 1
Activation function Hard-limit
2.3.2. C4.5 Algorithm
One of the best-renowned data mining techniques is decision tree (DT). The decision tree is a
nonparametric technique which benefits from simple and interpretable structure, low
computational cost and the ability to represent graphically. DTs have proven their efficiency
for various purposes such as classification, decision making and as a tool to make a relationship
between independent variables and the dependent one (Breiman et al. 1984; Salimi et al. 2016;
Hasanipanah et al. 2017b; Khandelwal et al. 2017a). The most important characteristic of a DT
as a “white box” technique is its simple graphical structure which enables the user to clarify
the relations between variables easier, while other machine learning techniques such as ANNs
30 |
ADE | have a vague internal computational procedure, which means the results are difficult to
interpret. In the case of having a problem with many variables which act in reciprocally and
non-linear ways, finding a comprehensive model may be very difficult. In these circumstances,
DT can be a suitable alternative which is able to break down (sub-divide) the initial space into
smaller parts so that the interactions are easier to manage. A decision tree is a collection of
nodes (root node, internal nodes, and terminal or leaf nodes), arranged as a binary tree. The
root node and internal nodes belong to decision stage and represent specific input variables
which are connected together based on a smaller range of values. The terminal nodes, show the
final classes (Coimbra et al. 2014; Jahed Armaghani et al. 2016; Liang et al. 2016; Hasanipanah
et al. 2017a). There are various types of decision trees, including classification and regression
tree (CART), Chi-squared automatic interaction detection (CHAID), C4.5, ID3, quick,
unbiased, efficient statistical tree (QUEST). C4.5 proposed by Quinlan (1993), is a powerful
classification algorithm which is derived from the development of ID3 algorithm and is able to
handle numeric attributes, missing values, and noisy data (Ghasemi et al. 2017). C4.5 identifies
decision tree classifiers and using a divide-and-conquer method grows the decision tree. The
C4.5 algorithm acts in two main stages: tree constructing and pruning. Tree constructing starts
by calling the training dataset. All of the datasets firstly are concentrated in the root node and
then divided into homogeneous sub-nodes based on a modified splitting criterion, called gain
ratio. The attribute with the highest normalized information gain is chosen to make the decision
(Quinlan 1993). This splitting will continue till the stopping condition is met, i.e. all instances
in a node belong to the same class and this node is identified as a leaf node. The generated DT
by training dataset often is prone to the over-fitting problem because of having a great number
of branches and such DTs fail to classify the new unused data. To overcome this problem, there
is a need to prune the tree. Pruning is the process of reducing decision tree size by eliminating
parts of the tree which have little power for classifying and this process finally led to increasing
the accuracy of the classifier and its reliability (Quinlan 1993; Ture et al. 2009; Hssina et al.
2014). Rockburst Prediction Using C4.5
In this study, the C4.5 algorithm was applied to the training dataset using WEKA (Waikato
Environment for Knowledge Analysis) software. There are two main parameters which should
be adjusted to develop a high-performance C4.5 classifier including confidence factor (CF) and
the minimum number of instances (MNI) (data samples) per leaf. The CF is used to compute a
31 |
ADE | pessimistic upper bound on the error rate at a leaf/node. The smaller this value, the more
pessimistic the estimated error is and generally the heavier the pruning. If a CF greater than 0.5
is chosen, then the pruning will be done on the basis of unchanged classification error on the
training dataset and this is equivalent to turning off the pruning. The MNI affect the volume
(i.e. the complexity) of the developed tree (Bui et al. 2012). Hence, according to Bui et al.
(2012) and Ghasemi et al. (2017), the CF and MNI varied from 0.1 to 0.5 and 1 to 20
respectively, and the corresponding accuracy values were recorded. Finally, the optimum
values of 0.25 and 2 were determined for CF and MNI, respectively. After adjusting the C4.5
parameters in WEKA software, the model was executed and the corresponding tree was
obtained. Fig. 2.6 displays the results obtained by this algorithm which contains a root node, 5
internal nodes, and 7 leaves. There are two numbers in the parentheses of leaf nodes, which the
first number belongs to the number of instances in that node and the second number shows the
number of misclassified instances. The process of rockburst prediction using the developed
tree model is very simple. For example, taking into account the values of 4.6, 3, 20, and 1.39
for MTS, UTS, UCS, and EEI respectively, and passing through the path of 𝑀𝑇𝑆 ≤
25.7, 𝑈𝑇𝑆 ≤ 4.55, 𝐸𝐸𝐼 ≤ 2.04 and 𝑈𝐶𝑆 ≤ 30, the leaf node Yes (2,0) can be achieved which
shows the occurrence of rockburst.
Root node
Internal node
<=25.7 >25.7
Leaf node
UTS >38.2
<=4.55 >4.55 <=38.2
Yes (71,0)
EEI No (12,0) EEI
<=2.04 >2.04 >1.8
Yes (3,0) No (2,0) Yes (15,1)
<=30 >30
Yes (2,0) No (2,0)
Figure 2.6 Developed C4.5 tree model based on training dataset
2.3.3. Gene Expression Programming (GEP)
During the progress of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) since 1975, Ferreira (2002) introduced a
new powerful population-based algorithm called gene expression programming (GEP) that
32 |
ADE | takes advantage of basic GA and genetic programming (GP) methods. The main goal of the
GEP is to find a rational mathematical relationship between the independent variables and the
corresponding dependent in such a way that the defined fitness function reaches its minimal
value. In GEP, possible solutions are in the form of fixed-length coded chromosomes consist
of two groups of entities: terminals and functions. Terminals can be both of input variables and
user-defined constant values. Functions are algebraic symbols e.g. +, −, ×, /, 𝐿𝑛, 𝐿𝑜𝑔 and so
on. The chromosomes can consist of one or more genes, and each gene comprises two parts of
the head and tail so that the genetic operators create effective changes in these areas to produce
better solutions. In contrast to multiple non-linear regression techniques, there is no need to
consider a pre-defined mathematical framework (e.g. exponential, power, logarithmic, etc.) for
GEP to develop a model. As a matter of fact, the GEP algorithm during its intelligent search is
capable to find the optimum combination of terminals and functions to provide a predictive
equation with enough accuracy. As shown in Fig. 2.7, the process of GEP modelling starts with
the random generation of chromosomes in Karva language (a symbolic expression of GEP
chromosomes) which are then expressed and executed as the tree and mathematical structures,
respectively. Then, the generated chromosomes are evaluated according to the pre-defined
fitness function. Bests of the first population are copied into the next generation, and the others
are influenced by genetic operators, including selection and reproduction (i.e. mutation,
inversion, transposition, and recombination). Finally, the modified chromosomes are
transferred to the next generation and this process will continue until the stopping criteria
(maximum generation number or reach to pre-defined fitness) are met (Ferreira 2002; Güllü
2012; Armaghani et al. 2016; Faradonbeh et al. 2016, 2018). The detailed information
concerning genetic operators and their mechanisms can be found in (Ferreira 2002).
33 |
ADE | Head Tail
Create initial population e.g. Q * + - a b c d a a
Express chromosomes -
Q ×
Execute each program a
Evaluate fitness
e.g. 𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸= 1/𝑛 (𝑥 −𝑥 )2
𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑖𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑
Termination? Genetic operators for reprodcution:
No 1) Mutation (an element is changed to another)
Q * + - a b c d Q * + a a b c d
Best of
Generation? 2 ) Inversion (a fragment is inverted in th e head)
Q * + - a b c d Q * + c b a c d
3 ) Transition (IS type: a fragment is cop ied to the head)
Q * + - a b c d Q * + c b a c d
4 ) Recombination (one-point type: Two chromosomes exchnage a fragment)
Q * + - a b c d a a Q * + b - Q a b a a
+ * - b - Q a b a a + * - - a b c d a a
Figure 2.7 GEP flowchart Rockburst Prediction using GEP
The GeneXproTools 5.0, an exceedingly flexible modelling tool designed for function finding,
classification, time series prediction, and logic synthesis, was implemented to classify and
predict rockburst events. This software classifies the value returned by the evolved model as
“1” or “0” via the 0/1 rounding threshold. If the returned value by the evolved model is equal
to or greater than the rounding threshold, then the record is classified as "1", "0" otherwise.
Similar to the GA-ENN and C4.5 modelling, 80% of the database was applied to the software
as the training dataset to develop the model. In the first step, a fitness function for the algorithm
should be defined. The sensitivity/specificity with the rounding threshold of 0.5 was used for
this aim. The sensitivity/specificity (𝑆𝑆 ) of a chromosome as a solution can be calculated by
the following equation:
𝑆𝑆 = 𝑆𝐸 .𝑆𝑃 (2.12)
𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
34 |
ADE | where 𝑆𝐸 is the sensitivity and 𝑆𝑃 is the specificity of the chromosome 𝑖, and are given by
𝑖 𝑖
the following formulas:
𝑆𝐸 = 𝑖 (2.13)
𝑖 𝑖
𝑆𝑃 = 𝑖 (2.14)
𝑖 𝑖
where 𝑇𝑃, 𝑇𝑁, 𝐹𝑃, and 𝐹𝑁 represent, respectively, the number of true positives, true
𝑖 𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
negatives, false positives, and false negatives. 𝑇𝑃, 𝑇𝑁, 𝐹𝑃, and 𝐹𝑁 are the four different
𝑖 𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
possible outcomes of a single prediction for a two-class case with classes “1” (Yes) and “0”
(No). A false positive is when the outcome is incorrectly classified as “Yes” (or positive) when
it is in fact “No” (or negative). A false negative is when the outcome is incorrectly classified
as “No” when it is in fact “Yes”. True positives and true negatives are obviously correct
classifications. Keeping track of all these possible outcomes is such an error-prone activity,
that they are usually shown in what is called a confusion matrix. Thus, the fitness value of
chromosome 𝑖 is evaluated by the following equation:
𝑓 = 1000.𝑆𝑆 (2.15)
𝑖 𝑖
which obviously ranges from 0 to 1000, with 1000 corresponding to the maximum prediction
accuracy. In the second step, terminals and functions which are kernels of generated
chromosomes should be assigned. Terminals are input parameters (i.e. MTS, UTS, UCS, and
EEI). The most common arithmetic functions were selected as follows:
𝐹 = {+,−,×,/,𝑆𝑞𝑟𝑡,𝐸𝑥𝑝,𝐿𝑛,^2,^3,3𝑅𝑡} (2.16)
The goal of GEP modelling is to develop a rockburst index in the form of 𝑅𝐵𝐼 =
𝑓(𝑀𝑇𝑆,𝑈𝑇𝑆,𝑈𝐶𝑆,𝐸𝐸𝐼). The third step is to determine the structural parameters, i.e. the
number of genes and head size. These two parameters affect the length of the generated
chromosomes and subsequently the complexity of the proposed formula. By trial and error, the
best values of 4 and 9 were obtained for the number of genes and head size, respectively. In
the fourth step, the ratios of genetic operators (i.e. mutation, inversion, transposition, and
recombination) as chromosomes modifiers should be determined. A set of values has been
recommended by the researchers for genetic operators that their validity has been confirmed in
many engineering problems (Ferreira 2006; Kayadelen 2011; Güllü 2012; Khandelwal et al.
2016). So, these values were set for the operators in the current study as well (see Table 2.5).
As the final step, since we face multi-genic chromosomes, we need to define a linking function
35 |
ADE | to link genes to each other. Addition (+) is a most common linking function which was used
for this aim. After adjusting the GEP parameters (Table 2.5), the model was executed in training
mode for 2000 generations and the results were recorded. Eq. 2.17 shows the developed
rockburst index based on GEP algorithm. By feeding the input parameters to the Eq. 2.17 and
comparing the calculated value with the Eq. 2.18, the rockburst occurrence can be determined.
𝐸𝑥𝑝( 𝐸𝐸𝐼)
+𝐸𝐸𝐼 −𝐸𝐸𝐼9 (2.17)
1 (𝑌𝑒𝑠) 𝑅𝐵𝐼 ≥ 0.5
𝑅𝐵𝐼∗ = { (2.18)
0 (𝑁𝑜) 𝑅𝐵𝐼 < 0.5
Table 2.5 Characteristics of developed GEP models
Type of setting Parameter
Terminal set MTS, UTS, UCS, EEI
Function set +,−,×,/,𝑆𝑞𝑟𝑡,𝐸𝑥𝑝,𝐿𝑛,^2,^3,3𝑅𝑡
Fitness function Sensitivity/Specificity
Population size 90
General setting
Number of generations 2000
Head size 9
Number of genes 4
Linking function Addition (+)
Mutation rate 0.044
Inversion rate 0.1
Transposition rate 0.1
Genetic operators
One-point recombination rate 0.3
Two-point recombination rate 0.3
Gene recombination rate 0.1
2.4. Performance Evaluation of the Proposed Models
In this section, the remaining testing datasets (27 cases) were applied to the developed models
of GA-ENN, C4.5, and GEP to evaluate their prediction performance. For further evaluation,
five conventional criteria mentioned in Table 2.1 were considered as well. Table 2.6 shows the
obtained results from eight different models in testing stage. A confusion matrix is a useful tool
to describe the performance of a classifier on a set of test data. Each row of the matrix
36 |
ADE | represents the instances in an actual class while each column represents the instances in a
predicted class (or vice versa). Table 2.7 shows the confusion matrices of the developed
models. According to Tables 2.6 and 2.7, GA-ENN and GEP models have the equal number of
misclassified cases (i.e. 4 cases), while this number is equal to 9 for stress coefficient and
brittleness coefficient criteria. In the following, two indices of root mean squared error (RMSE)
(an index to measure the deviation between the actual and predicted data) and the percentage
of the successful prediction (PSP) (the percentile quotient of the number of correct predictions
to the total number of testing data) were used to investigate the accuracy and capability of the
models. Ideally, RMSE and PSP are equal to 0 and 100%, respectively. The results of
performance indices are shown in Table 2.8. As can be seen in this table, all three new
constructed models (i.e. GA-ENN, GEP, and C4.5) have higher accuracy and lower estimation
error compared with five conventional criteria. Table 2.8 also shows that, two models of GA-
ENN and GEP with the similar results outperformed the C4.5. On the other hand, EEI criterion
acted just like the C4.5 model which shows that this criterion with its simple formula can be
used effectively to predict rockburst occurrence in engineering projects. Fig. 2.8 compares the
prediction performance of the developed models.
Table 2.6 Results of validation of developed models with testing dataset
No. Input parameters Developed models
Actual Russenes Hoek
criterion criterion
1 45.7 3.2 69.1 4.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 62.4 9.5 235 9 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
3 55.6 18.9 256.5 9.1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
4 41.6 2.7 67.6 3.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 30.3 3.1 88 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 28.6 12 122 2.5 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
7 4.6 3 20 1.39 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
8 2.6 3 20 1.39 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
9 33.6 10.8 156 5.2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
10 23 3 80 0.85 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
11 80 6.7 180 5.5 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 19 4.48 153 2.11 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
13 38.2 3.9 53 1.6 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
14 73.2 5 120 5.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 3.8 3 20 1.39 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
16 89.56 17.13 190.3 3.97 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
37 |
ADE | 17 18.8 6.3 171.5 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
18 105.5 12.1 170 5.76 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
19 39 2.4 70.1 4.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
20 27.8 2.1 90 1.8 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
21 30 3.7 88.7 6.6 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
22 40.6 2.6 66.6 3.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
23 11 5 115 5.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
24 59.82 7.31 85.8 2.78 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
25 7.5 3.7 52 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
26 11 4.9 105 4.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
27 57.6 5 120 5.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
BC brittleness coefficient criterion, SC stress coefficient criterion, EEI elastic energy index criterion
Table 2.7 Confusion matrices of developed models in testing stage
Model Confusion matrix Number of
misclassified cases
GA-ENN Predicted
No Yes
Actual No 7 3
Yes 1 16
GEP Predicted
No Yes
Actual No 9 1
Yes 3 14
C4.5 Predicted
No Yes
Actual No 6 4
Yes 1 16
Russenes criterion Predicted
No Yes
Actual No 7 3
Yes 4 13
Hoek criterion Predicted
No Yes
Actual No 7 3
Yes 5 12
Stress coefficient criterion Predicted
No Yes
Actual No 7 3
Yes 6 11
Brittleness coefficient criterion Predicted
No Yes 9
Actual No 1 9
38 |
ADE | 2.5. Sensitivity Analysis
In this section a sensitivity analysis is performed to evaluate the effects of input parameters on
rockburst prediction models. To this end, the relevancy factor (Kamari et al. 2015) was used
which is calculated by Eq. 2.19.
∑𝑛 (𝐼 −𝐼̅ )(𝑃 −𝑃̅)
𝑟 = 𝑖=1 𝑖,𝑘 𝑘 𝑖 (2.19)
√∑𝑛 𝑖=1(𝐼 𝑖,𝑘−𝐼 𝑘̅ )2∑𝑛 𝑖=1(𝑃 𝑖−𝑃̅)2
where 𝐼 and 𝐼̅ are the 𝑖th and average values of the 𝑘th input parameter, respectively, 𝑃, and
𝑖,𝑘 𝑘 𝑖
𝑃̅ are the 𝑖th and average values of the predicted rockburst., respectively, and 𝑛 is the number
of rockburst events. The higher 𝑟 value the more influence the input has in predicting the output
value. Fig. 2.9 shows the 𝑟 values. As can be seen in this figure, the maximum tangential stress
(MTS) is the most influential parameter in rockburst prediction, and uniaxial compressive
strength (UCS) has the lowest impact. These results are in agreement with those obtained by
others in a recent study (Li et al. 2017).
0.7 0.658
0.4 0.360
r 0.305
0.3 0.243
Input parameter
Figure 2.9 Relevancy factor of each input parameter
2.6. Discussion
A supplementary explanation regarding the proposed three models is contained in this section.
As previously mentioned, this is the first attempt in the application of ENNs in earth sciences,
and its results were promising. Accordingly, it is highly recommended to check the
applicability of ENNs in combination with other meta-heuristic algorithms, as hybrid models,
for different aims (e.g. classification, prediction, and minimization) for mining and
40 |
ADE | geotechnical engineering applications. However, as a black-box method like ANN, GA-ENN
neither can provide any equation nor a visual pattern for users. This may be considered as a
disadvantage for this algorithm, but it is possible to overcome this issue by using this technique
to find some optimum coefficients of the multiple non-linear regressions in future studies. In
contrast to GA-ENN, C4.5 has a very simple modelling mechanism. Its tree structure easily
can be adopted as a guide by engineers in the projects to predict the rockburst occurrence just
by tracking the values of inputs within the branches of the tree. In some cases, this algorithm
may provide large and complex trees according to the defined controlling parameters, which
finally decrease the applicability of the developed trees. Besides, C4.5 algorithm on account of
its innate PCA characteristic may remove some input parameters during the training stage to
increase the accuracy of the final output. Hence, the process of C4.5 modelling requires
extensive modelling experiences. The common multiple non-linear regressions need a pre-
defined mathematical structure, while the GEP algorithm is able to find the latent relationship
between the input and output parameters without any presupposition. This can be introduced
as the most important characteristic of GEP algorithm compared with the GA-ENN and C4.5
algorithms. In addition, GEP does not have the limitations of previous methods and is more
practical. In the end, it is worth mentioning that the developed models are valid just in the
defined ranges of values of inputs and for the new datasets out of these ranges, the models
should be adjusted again.
2.7. Summary and Conclusions
This study was intended to assess rockburst hazard in deep underground openings using three
renowned data mining techniques including GA-ENN, C4.5, and GEP. A database including
the maximum tangential stress of the surrounding rock, the uniaxial tensile strength of rock,
the uniaxial compressive strength of rock and the elastic energy index of 134 rockburst
experiences in various underground projects was compiled. After a statistical analysis, the GA-
ENN, C4.5, and GEP models were developed based on training datasets. In the following, the
prediction performance of the models was evaluated by applying unused testing datasets. The
results of the new models were compared with five conventional rockburst prediction criteria
via performance indices of root mean squared error (RMSE) and percentage of the successful
prediction (PSP). Finally, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to know about the influence of
input parameters on rockburst using relevancy factor. The following conclusions has been
41 |
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50 |
ADE | Statement of Authorship
Title of Paper Application of self-organising map and fuzzy c-mean techniques for rockburst
clustering in deep undreground projects
Publication Status
Published Accepted for Publication
Submitted for Publication Unpublished and Unsubmitted work
written in manuscript style
Publication Details Shirani Faradonbeh R, Shaffiee Haghshenas S, Taheri A, Mikaeil R
(2020) Application of self-organising map and fuzzy c-mean techniques
for rockburst clustering in deep undreground projects. Neural Computing
and Applications 32(12):8545–8559
Principal Author
Name of Principal Author (Candidate) Roohollah Shirani Faradonbeh
Contribution to the Paper Literature review and database preparation, statistical analysis, development of
models and preparation of the manuscript
Overall percentage (%) 80%
Certification: This paper reports on original research I conducted during the period of my
Higher Degree by Research candidature and is not subject to any obligations
or contractual agreements with a third party that would constrain its inclusion in
this thesis. I am the primary author of this paper.
Signature Date 17 June 2021
Co-Author Contributions
By signing the Statement of Authorship, each author certifies that:
i. the candidate’s stated contribution to the publication is accurate (as detailed above);
ii. permission is granted for the candidate in include the publication in the thesis; and
iii. the sum of all co-author contributions is equal to 100% less the candidate’s stated contribution.
Name of Co-Author Sina Shaffiee Haghshenas
Contribution to the Paper Model Development, review of the manuscript
Signature Date 21 June 2021
Name of Co-Author Abbas Taheri
Contribution to the Paper Research supervision, review and revision of the manuscript
Signature Date 21 June 2021
Name of Co-Author Reza Mikaeil
Contribution to the Paper Review of the manuscript
Signature Date 21 June 2021
52 |
ADE | Chapter 3
Application of Self-Organizing Map and Fuzzy c-
mean Techniques for Rockburst Clustering in Deep
Underground Projects
One of the main concerns associated with deep underground constructions is the violent
expulsion of rock induced by unexpected release of strain energy from surrounding rock masses
that is known as rockburst. Rockburst hazard causes substantial damages to the foundation of
the structure, equipment and can be a menace to the safety of workers. This study was intended
to find the latent relationship between the rockburst-related parameters based on the compiled
data samples from deep underground projects using two robust clustering techniques of self-
organizing map (SOM) and fuzzy c-mean (FCM). The parameters of maximum tangential
stress, uniaxial compressive strength, uniaxial tensile strength, and elastic energy index were
considered as input parameters. SOM model could classify data samples into four distinct
classes (clusters) and the rockburst intensities were identified precisely. FCM also proved its
performance in clustering task with high convergence speed and acceptable accuracy. Having
a comparison, the results of SOM and FCM models were compared with ones calculated from
five empirical criteria of Russenes, Hoek, tangential stress, elastic energy index, and rock
brittleness coefficient. At best, the empirical criteria of Hoek and tangential stress coefficient
could predict rockburst intensity with the accuracy of 56.90 %. By analyzing the SOM results
as the best model, it was turned out that the maximum tangential stress around the openings
has a crucial role in rockburst clustering and has the most influence on the occurrence of strong
and moderate rockburst types. Hence, it was recommended as a possible solution to control
these types of rockbursts by optimizing the diameter and shape of the underground openings.
Keywords: Rockburst, Self-organizing map, Fuzzy c-mean, Empirical criteria
53 |
ADE | 3.1. Introduction
Nowadays, there are many important mining and civil projects such as hard rock mines,
hydropower stations, nuclear power plants, and water conveyance and transportation tunnels
under construction in the deep ground condition all over the world. It is proved that by
increasing of the depth, in-situ stresses would show a linear or non-linear increment
accompanied by the increase of groundwater, osmotic pressure, ground temperature, and the
strength of rock (Sun and Wang 2000; Jian et al. 2012). For instance, by reaching the mining
depth to about 1000 m, the in-situ stresses induced by overburden, geological condition, and
mining operation may lead to stress concentration and subsequently bursting and failure (Weng
et al. 2017; Akdag et al. 2018). Therefore, engineering activities in the deep underground
environment is challenging and difficult due to rockburst and seismic events, the inrush of
water, gas, and large-scale collapses (Feng et al. 2016). Among them, rockburst accidents are
known as the most critical geotechnical disaster in many countries which leads to injuries and
loss of life, damage to property, delays in project activities as well as enormous economic
losses (Blake and Hedley 2003; Li et al. 2007; He et al. 2017). Hence, it is important to predict
and control rockburst hazards underground. The instantaneous release of large amounts of
strain energy stored in overstressed rock mass cause an unexpected and violent failure which
is known as rockburst phenomenon (Blake and Hedley 2003). With respect to this definition,
either the presence of high-levels of in-situ stresses exceeding the rock strength or the external
triggering factors, e.g. mine extraction could provide the necessary circumstances for rockburst
occurrence (Yan et al. 2015). From the perspective of mining, the rockbursts can be classified
into three groups (see Fig. 3.1) (Blake and Hedley 2003; Castro et al. 2012; He et al. 2015):
• Strain bursts caused by the local concentration of high-stress at the edge of mining
openings frequently occur during drilling for blasting or reinforcement. The
consequences of strain bursts range from the ejection of small pieces of rock to the
large-scale collapse of an opening as it tries to achieve a more stable shape. In civil
engineering activities, the strain bursts are a common type of rockburst.
• Pillar bursts caused by exceeding the stress exerted on a support pillar from its strength
are frequent in the sizeable mined-out area.
• Fault-slip bursts caused by the slippage along a geological plane have the mechanism
like an earthquake and different magnitude and damage range.
54 |
ADE | Strain burst
Stress concentration behind the face
No confinement
3 against the face
Pillar burst
Changing driving shear stress t Geological
acting feature
upon a
locking point
Fault-slip burst
Changing clamping normal stress s
Figure 3.1 Schematic representation of rockburst types and the effect of confinement (Zhou
et al. 2018)
Many researches have been carried out during the last decades by scholars not only on the
understanding of the rockburst mechanism but also on developing reliable techniques to predict
and mitigate its hazards. In terms of rockburst mechanism, many theories have been proposed
to assess the stability and deformation localization of rock masses but most of them are
assumptive and empirical (Shi et al. 2010; Tang et al. 2010; Jian et al. 2012; Cai 2016a). From
the standpoint of prediction, the rockburst studies can be categorized into two following
• Strength-based criteria: These criteria such as Turchaninov criterion (Turchaninov et
al. 1972), Russenes criterion (Russenes 1974), Hoek criterion (Hoek and Brown 1980),
Barton criterion (Barton et al. 1974), rock brittleness coefficient criterion (Wang et al.
1998), tangential stress criterion (Wang et al. 1998) and so on are rates composed of
uniaxial compressive strength, uniaxial tensile strength, maximum tangential strength,
axial stress around the opening, and in-situ stresses. The defined rates show specific
types of rockbursts (see Table 3.1).
• Energy-based criteria: As the strain energy has a vital role in the occurrence of
rockburst events, some scholars attempted to develop other criteria experimentally
based on energy theory and consider both the strain energy accumulated in the rock
specimen during the loading process and dissipated energy after deformation and
failure. A summary of the most common energy-based criteria is listed in Table 3.1.
55 |
ADE | Table 3.1 Most common strength- and energy-based criteria for the prediction of rockburst
Type Criterion Equation None Light Moderate Strong
Strength Russenes criterion 𝜎 𝜃 <0.25 0.25 0.33−0.55 >0.55
(Russenes 1974) 𝜎
based 𝑐 −0.33
Barton et al. 𝜎 𝑐 >5 (2.5−5] − ≤2.5
(Barton et al. 1974) 𝜎
Hoek criterion 𝜎 𝑐 >3.5 2.0−3.5 1.7−2.0 <1.7
(Hoek and Brown 1980) 𝜃
Tangential stress coefficient 𝜎 𝜃 ≤0.3 0.3−0.5 0.5−0.7 >0.7
(Wang et al. 1998) 𝑐
Rock brittleness coefficient 𝜎 𝑐 >40 26.7−40 14.5−26.7 <14.5
(Wang et al. 1998) 𝑡
Energy 𝐴 2 − >1.5 1.2−1.5 1.0−1.20
Brittleness index modified
based 1
(BIM) (Aubertin et al. 1994)
Burst energy coefficient (Li 𝑊 𝑒 ≤1 − − −
et al. 1996) 𝑝
Elastic energy index (Wang 𝐸 𝑅 <2.0 2.0−3.5 3.5−5.0 >5.0
et al. 1998) 𝐷
Mo criterion (Mo et al. 2014) 2(𝐸 𝑃−𝐸 𝑇) ≤1 − − −
𝜎 : maximum tangential stress, 𝜎 : uniaxial compressive strength, 𝜎 : major principal stress, 𝜎: tensile strength, 𝐴 : elastic
𝜃 𝑐 1 𝑡 1
energy stored in the rock, 𝐴 : energy given by the total area below the stress-strain curve, 𝑊: the stored energy in the rock
2 𝑒
during loading before peak strength, 𝑊: the pre-peak dissipated energy during the failure process, 𝐸 : the elastic energy
𝑝 𝑃
accumulated, 𝐸 : the dissipated energy, 𝐸 : the post-peak dissipative strain energy
The next imperative issue concerning the rockburst study is providing solutions for its
prevention and control. From this perspective, most of the studies focus on the use of
microseismic monitoring systems, energy-absorbing bolts as well as some strategies to
optimize the mining layout, blasting operation, and supporting system (Jha and Chouhan 1994;
Frid 1997; Dou et al. 2009; Liu et al. 2013; He et al. 2014; Li et al. 2017; Zhao et al. 2017).
According to the complex mechanism of rockburst and a large number of effective parameters
on it, empirical criteria (especially the strength-based ones) could not show satisfactory results
(Liu et al. 2013; Li et al. 2017; Zhao et al. 2017). On the other hand, developing energy-based
criteria need to do an extreme experimental study which is a time-consuming and expensive
process. Hereupon, the application of machine learning (ML) techniques thanks to their ability
to deal with the complex non-linear problems and applying several input variables have been
used widely to predict rockburst hazard in recent years. Feng and Wang (1994) for the first
time used the artificial neural networks (ANNs) successfully to predict the intensity and
location of rockburst. Following their success, further studies were carried out by other scholars
56 |
ADE | using novel ML techniques (Xie and Pan 2007; Gao 2010; Shi et al. 2010; Zhou et al. 2010;
Zhang et al. 2011; Li and Liu 2015). It should be mentioned that most of the used ML
techniques to assess rockburst phenomenon such as ANNs have a complicated internal
structure and their results are not easy to use in practice. As such, they have just focused on the
prediction task. Although these studies have been considered as potential solutions to the
rockburst problem, they could not solve it completely. In fact, due to the high level of
uncertainty and ambiguity in relation to the rockburst phenomenon, the supervised techniques
such as ANNs are not able to properly assess such problems. Unsupervised learning algorithms
are other branches of machine learning algorithms which can detect the hidden patterns in the
database by checking the commonalities between the unlabelled datasets. The most common
types of these algorithms are clustering techniques. Due to the complicated environment of
rockburst hazard, unsupervised learning algorithms can be used to categorize the datasets into
several distinct clusters for better analyzing. In this regard, Xie and Pan (2007) clustered the
rockburst events successfully based on grey whitenization weight function according to the
grey incidence matrix. In addition, an ant colony clustering optimization model was proposed
by Gao (2010) to predict rockburst classes. In another study, Chen et al. (2013) proposed a new
quantitative classification method for rockburst using hierarchical clustering analysis.
The results of the above studies were in good agreement (i.e. accuracy above 80%) with the
practical records which show the capability of such techniques for rockburst assessment.
However, there are few studies in the application of unsupervised learning algorithms for
rockburst assessment, and models with the higher level of accuracy are needed. The current
study focuses on the applicability of self-organizing map (SOM) and fuzzy c-mean (FCM)
algorithms as two unsupervised clustering techniques in order to cluster and identify rockburst
intensity simultaneously based on compiled datasets from deep underground openings. The
SOM algorithm is a robust data mining tool with the ability to discover the non-linear
relationships among high-dimensional data and picturing and clustering them on a low-
dimensional space. Fuzzy c-mean (FCM) is also a renowned clustering technique that is similar
to the k-means algorithm and using a generalized least-squares objective function creates fuzzy
partitions for a set of the numerical dataset. Application of SOM and fuzzy c-mean algorithms
in mining and geotechnics fields are limited to few studies (Das and Basudhar 2009; Rad et al.
2012; Mikaeil et al. 2018). In this study, the most influential parameters on the occurrence of
rockburst, i.e. the maximum tangential stress, the uniaxial compressive strength, the uniaxial
tensile strength, and the elastic energy index were considered as input parameters. The process
57 |
ADE | of clustering of rockburst datasets using SOM and FCM algorithms was conducted based on
the 58 data samples. Afterwards, for the sake of checking the applicability of empirical criteria,
five strength-based of them were selected and finally, their accuracy in clustering the rockburst
data samples was evaluated.
3.2. Methodology
3.2.1. Self-Organizing Map Approach
In recent years, computational intelligence has been used as a powerful tool to deal with
complex industrial and scientific problems (Armaghani et al. 2016; Faradonbeh et al. 2016;
Khandelwal et al. 2016, 2017; Mikaeil et al. 2018). Undoubtedly, artificial neural networks
(ANNs) are one of the most essential components of computational intelligence (Salemi et al.
2018; Aryafar et al. 2018). ANNs with a wide range of applications such as image processing,
pattern recognition, time series prediction, control and robotic systems have a crucial role in
scientific and practical areas. ANNs are efficient tools in dealing with complex systems, among
which classic inferential and argumentative methods have not this ability. In recent years,
ANNs have been used extensively in linear and non-linear problems in different sciences
especially in earth sciences (Mohamad et al. 2016; Mahdevari et al. 2017). The self-organizing
map (SOM), as an unsupervised algorithm, was proposed by Kohonen (1990) and is a specific
type of ANNs which can be used efficiently in statistical and visual data analyses, especially
for high-volume and non-uniform data. This method is based on some characteristics of the
human brain that follows a specific classifying and mapping procedure (i.e. topographic
mapping) to link the input signals to the corresponding processing area (Kohonen 1990; Yu et
al. 2015). In the Kohonen model, the tasks of SOM are implemented by a number of neurons,
which are placed together in a one-dimensional or two-dimensional (flat) topology and have a
reciprocal behavior. Contrary to other artificial neural networks, SOM is composed of two
layers, including an input layer and Kohonen layer (competitive layer) which are schematically
shown in Fig. 3.2. The process of SOM training has three main phases of competition,
cooperation, and adaptation. In the first phase, there is a competition among the neurons, and
a neuron with the closest weight vector to the input signal vector will be selected as the winner,
known as the best matching unit (BMU). Considering the input signal vector 𝑋 =
[𝑥 ,𝑥 ,𝑥 ,…,𝑥 ]𝑇 and the weight vector 𝑊 = [𝑤 ,𝑤 ,𝑤 ,…,𝑤 ]𝑇, the distance between
1 2 3 𝑛 1 2 3 𝑛
these two vectors is defined mathematically as Euclidean distance and can be computed by the
following equation:
58 |
ADE | 𝐷 = ‖𝑋−𝑊‖ = ∑𝑛 (𝑋 −𝑊)2 (3.1)
𝑖=1 𝑖 𝑖
The so-called winner neuron (BMU) has the smallest D. In cooperation phase, the neurons
which are located in the immediate vicinity of the BMU are recognized and then in the
adaptation phase, these neurons are adjusted using Eq. 3.2 to shape a particular pattern on a
plane (this pattern belongs to a particular feature of input signal vector).
𝑊 = 𝑊 +𝜂[𝑋(𝑡)−𝑊(𝑡)] (3.2)
(𝑡+1) 𝑡
Where 𝜂 is learning rate function that ranges between 0 and 1.
During the process of training, the data samples of input layer obtain a certain weight equal to
𝑊 and the weight vectors of the BMU and relevant neighbours progressively will be more
similar to the input data. Finally, the input data samples are attracted to the corresponding
neurons on the competitive layer and the algorithm will be ceased by meeting the stopping
condition (i.e. the maximum number of iteration) (Das and Basudhar 2009; Yu et al. 2015;
Mikaeil et al. 2018a). More details concerning the SOM algorithm and its mathematical
foundation can be found in the studies of Hagan et al. (1996) and Demuth et al. (2014).
Figure 3.2 A schematic model of self-organizing map network (Malondkar et al. 2018)
3.2.2. Fuzzy C-Mean Approach
Zadeh first proposed the fuzzy science as a multi-valued logic versus the classic logic under
the title “Fuzzy sets theory” (Zadeh 1996). The fuzzy logic can deal with problems in which
due to the lack of knowledge and understanding of humans, it is complicated to identify and
understand the system. Fuzzy clustering is one of the most important applications of the fuzzy
59 |
ADE | logic in various sciences. Fuzzy c-mean (FCM) is one of the clustering techniques which was
first proposed by Bezdek (1981) based on the iterative optimization. In fact, FCM is the
advanced version of hard c-means clustering in which unlike the classic clustering, the
membership degree of data in a cluster can have a value in the range of [0,1]. The process of
FCM clustering can be summarized in four steps below:
Step 1: The number of classes (𝑐) is determined. This is worth mentioning that the numerical
value of 𝑐 is larger than or equal to 2 and smaller than or equal to 𝑛 (the number of data
samples). Then, the value of the weight parameter (𝑚′) which defines the amount of fuzziness
of the clustering process must be determined. This parameter has a significant role in the
optimization process. The optimization process in the FCM algorithm can continue for 𝑟
iterations, where 𝑟 = 0,1,2,…,𝑛.
Step 2: The centers of clusters in each iteration are calculated.
Step 3: After determining the centers of clusters, the partitioned matrix for the 𝑟𝑡ℎ iteration is
updated in the form of 𝑈̃(𝑟) using Eqs. 3.3-3.8.
(𝑟) 2
𝜇(𝑟+1) = [∑𝑐 (𝑑 𝑖𝑘 )(𝑚′−1)] for 𝐼 = 𝜑 (3.3)
𝑖𝑘 𝑗=1 (𝑟) 𝑘
𝜇(𝑟+1) = 0 for all classes 𝑖 where 𝑖 ∈ 𝐼̃ (3.4)
𝑖𝑘 𝑘
𝐼 = {𝑖|2 ≤ 𝐶 < 𝑛 ; 𝑑 = 0} (3.5)
𝑘 𝑖𝑘
𝐼̃ = {1,2,…,𝑐}−𝐼 (3.6)
𝑘 𝑘
= 1 (3.7)
𝑖∈𝐼 𝑘 𝑖𝑘
where 𝑑 is the Euclidean distance between the centre of 𝑖𝑡ℎ cluster and 𝑘𝑡ℎ data and 𝜇(𝑟+1) is
𝑖𝑘 𝑖𝑘
the membership degree of 𝑘𝑡ℎ data in the 𝑖𝑡ℎ cluster for 𝑟+1 iteration.
Step 4: In the final step, the accuracy of clustering must be evaluated. In this regard, the
minimum acceptance precision (𝜀 ) is defined and only after satisfying the Eq. 3.8, the
algorithm will be ceased; otherwise, the algorithm is returned to the second step and the
optimization process is iterated until an appropriate level of accuracy is achieved (Bezdek
1981; Caldas et al. 2017).
‖𝑈̃(𝑟+1) − 𝑈̃(𝑟) = 𝜀 ‖ (3.8)
60 |
ADE | 3.3. Results and Discussion
3.3.1. Rockburst Data
In this study, a total of 58 rockburst events were compiled from the literature belong to various
underground openings all around the world (Jian et al. 2012; Dong et al. 2013; Adoko et al.
2013). Due to difficulties in recording the rockburst-related parameters and the incompleteness
of the data, it was tried to consider the most important parameters for further analyses.
Recently, Zhou et al. (2018) have provided a state-of-the-art literature review about the
application of different uncertainty theory, unsupervised learning and supervised learning
algorithms in rockburst studies. In their study, maximum tangential stress (MTS) around the
underground openings, uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock, uniaxial tensile strength
(UTS) of rock, and elastic energy index (EEI) were identified as the most common parameters
for rockburst assessment. Maximum tangential stress around the excavation is a key factor that
is affected by the rock stress, groundwater, shape, and diameter of excavation (Palmstrom
1995). Since it would not be possible to measure these four factors in association with rockburst
occurrence, maximum tangential stress can be considered as a good representative of those
factors. This parameter usually is calculated based on numerical analysis or the information
obtained from in-situ stress tests (e.g. hollow inclusion strain gauge method) and the following
equation (Zhao et al. 2017):
1 𝑎2 1 3𝑎4
𝜎 = (𝜎 +𝜎 )(1+ )− (𝜎 −𝜎 )(1+ )𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝜃 (3.9)
𝜃 2 𝐻 𝑉 𝑟2 2 𝐻 𝑉 𝑟4
where 𝜎 , 𝜎 , and 𝜎 denote the tangential stress, the major horizontal principal stress, and
𝜃 𝐻 𝑣
vertical stress, respectively. The parameters of 𝑟 and 𝑎 denote the tunnel’s radius and the
distance between the point of rockburst occurrence to the center of the tunnel, and 𝜃 represents
the angle between the virtual line connecting the point of rockburst occurrence and the center
of the tunnel and horizontal axis. The strength parameters i.e. the uniaxial compressive strength
and the uniaxial tensile strength also are indicators which show the capability of rocks to store
elastic strain energy before failure as well as their brittleness and indirectly, could describe the
effect of joints and block size of rock mass (Liu et al. 2013). These two parameters can be
easily measured using the related laboratory tests based on the collected rock samples from the
case studies. As mentioned before, several energy-based indices have been proposed and most
of them are correlated with each other and similarly related to rockburst occurrence. Among
them, elastic energy index (EEI) is the most common energy criterion to assess rockburst. EEI
is the ratio of stored energy to that dissipated during a single loading-unloading cycle under
61 |
ADE | uniaxial compression (Kidybiński 1981). This parameter also can be measured directly using
the double-hole method or indirectly using the rebound method. Therefore, in the current study,
four parameters of maximum tangential stress, uniaxial compressive strength, tensile strength,
and the elastic energy index were adopted as input parameters for modelling. The goal
parameter is the rockburst intensity. Rockburst is a qualitative parameter that in such studies
rarely is introduced as a binary problem (i.e. “1” for rockburst occurrence, “0” otherwise) (Li
et al. 2017; Shirani Faradonbeh and Taheri 2019) and mostly is measured and assessed based
on four classes of intensities which their description are given in Table 3.2. Table 3.2 provides
an empirical classification of characteristic behaviour of underground openings subjected to
various rockburst intensities that can be used as a standard for rockburst measuring and further
predictions. The statistical features of all collected rockburst datasets and abbreviation of
parameters are listed in Table 3.3. Fig. 3.3 shows the rockburst classes in regard to each input
parameter. In an ideal manner, each input parameter value should belong to only one class in
order to have an easy clustering process. According to Fig. 3.3, it is apparent that some
parameters values belong to more than one class which shows that these values do not have
distinct boundaries between four classes of rockburst. So, it is not practicable to cluster the
rockburst events precisely just by considering one input parameter. It may be possible to cluster
the datasets by a combination of several parameters. In the following section, it is tried to
cluster the datasets into several distinct groups using SOM and fuzzy c-mean techniques.
Table 3.2 Empirical classification of rockburst based on its intensity (Jian et al. 2012; Liu et
al. 2013)
Descriptive characteristic behaviours of the tunnels
None No sound of rock burst and absence of rock burst activities
May cause loosening of a few fragments. The surrounding rock will be deformed, cracked or
rib-spalled. There would be a weak sound, but no ejection phenomenon
Spalling and falls of thin rock fragments. The surrounding rock will be deformed and fractured;
Moderate there may be a considerable number of rock chip ejections and loose and sudden destructions,
accompanied by crisp crackling and often presented in the local cavern of surrounding rock
Loosening and falls, often as a violent detachment of fragments and platy blocks. The
surrounding rock will be bursting severely and suddenly thrown out or ejected into the tunnel,
accompanied by strong bursts and roaring sound, and will expand rapidly to the deep
surrounding rock
62 |
ADE | Table 3.3 Descriptive statistics of collected rockburst dataset
Input parameter
Statistical feature
𝜎 𝜎 𝜎 𝑊
𝜃 𝑐 𝑡 𝑒𝑡
Abbreviation T UCS UTS EEI
Unit MPa MPa MPa Dimensionless
Minimum 2.6 20 1.3 1.1
Maximum 167.2 263 22.6 9
Mean 49.752 114.592 6.039 4.553
Variance (n) 1184.511 2673.039 18.545 4.332
Standard deviation (n) 34.417 51.701 4.306 2.081
Output parameter (rockburst intensity)
None Light Moderate Strong
Abbreviation N L M S
Number of samples 22 4 19 13
4 4
3 3
l e l e
b b
a a
s s 2
s s 2
a a
l c l c
t s t s
r u 1 r u 1
b b
k k
c c
o o
0 0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 50 100 150 200 250
4 4
l l
e e
b3 b3
a a
s s
a a
l l
c2 c2
t t
s s
r r
u u
b b
k c1 k c1
o o
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 3.3 Rockburst class regarding each input parameter (1: None, 2: Light, 3: Moderate,
4: Strong)
63 |
ADE | 3.3.2. Implementation of SOM Technique
For SOM modeling, 58 datasets with the main parameters of T, UCS, UTS, EEI, and the
corresponding rockburst intensities were used, and the process of modeling was conducted in
MATLAB software environment. First, all the 58 datasets related to the four mentioned
parameters were normalized between 0 and 1 and considered as input data. Then, the
controlling parameters were determined. These parameters have a significant role in the
acceleration and improvement of convergence of algorithm in reaching the optimum response.
In this study, in accordance with trial and error procedure and other scholars’ suggestions (Chen
and Kuo 2017; Mikaeil et al. 2018a, b), the optimum values of 100, 4, and 90 were obtained
for controlling parameters of maximum iteration (epochs), Initneighbor (initial neighborhood
size), and cover steps (the number of training steps for initial covering of the input space),
respectively. Afterwards, the number of neurons (classes) in the competitive layer was defined
as 4 (i.e. none, light, moderate, and strong). Eventually, by adjusting the required parameters,
the algorithm was implemented for 100 iterations, and the results were obtained. By stopping
the algorithm, 58 datasets were absorbed by 4 neurons (classes) on a two-dimensional lattice
structure, and the classification process was completed. Fig. 3.4, as the hits plot, shows the
number of data samples absorbed by each neuron. In Fig. 3.4, the axes show the Euclidean
distance between classes. According to this figure, the four obtained classes have distinct
boundaries. Besides, it can be seen obviously that the third neuron (class) is the most successful
neuron in absorbing input data (by absorbing 22 data samples). In addition, the fourth, second
and first neurons absorbed 19, 13, and 4 data samples, respectively. After assessing the contents
of each class, it was found that all rockburst events in the first class (4 cases) belong to the light
type and similarly, rockburst events in the second class (13 cases) belong to the strong type,
rockburst events in the third class (22 cases) belong to the none type, and rockburst events in
the fourth class (19 cases) belong to the moderate type. These four classes were labelled and
shown in Fig. 3.4. This figure shows that SOM algorithm could classify the data samples into
four classes in such a way that its results have the absolute consistency with the measured
rockburst intensities by the operators in the field.
64 |
ADE | Figure 3.4 Hits plot for SOM model
In pursuance of more transparency, weighted distances between neighboring neurons were
measured and displayed in Fig. 3.5. The axes in Fig. 3.5 show the weighted distances between
neurons. The darker colors show that neurons (classes) are closer to each other and vice versa.
For example, the distance between the first class (light) and the second one (strong) is less than
the distance between the second class (strong) and the third one (none). As such, the distance
between first class (light) and the third one (none) is less than the distance between the third
class (none) and the fourth one (moderate). From another point of view, the distances between
classes are in agreement with the definitions given in Table 3.2 for rockburst intensities.
According to Fig. 3.5, the second and third classes have the maximum distance which can be
referred to the rockburst characteristics explained in Table 3.2 for None and Strong types. To
evaluate the relative importance of the input parameters for rockburst clustering using SOM,
the weights of parameters corresponding to each class are shown graphically in Fig. 3.6. The
darkness of the colors shows the high influence of the parameter on that class. By this figure,
maximum tangential stress (T) has a high influence on the strong (the second class) and
moderate (the fourth class) rockburst events, respectively. On the other hand, the parameters
of UCS, UTS, and EEI similarly have a high influence on the moderate rockburst events (the
fourth class).
65 |
ADE | FCM and examining different combinations of control parameters, the values of 100, 0.00001,
and 2 were obtained for the maximum iteration, 𝜀 , and 𝑚′, respectively. Then, the algorithm
was implemented based on the determined values and the variations of cost function was
recorded that is shown in Fig. 3.7. According to this figure, up to iteration No. 30, the cost
value gradually reduces and then becomes constant till iteration No. 33. In this iteration, the
cost value and the precision level are equal to 1.8014 and 0.0001, respectively in which the
precision level is larger than defined 𝜀 = 0.00001. So, because the Eq. 3.8 is not satisfied yet,
FCM algorithm continues and in iteration No. 36 by reaching to the cost value of 1.8013
and 𝜀 = 0, the algorithm is stopped. It means that FCM was able to classify 58 data samples
into four classes (clusters).
Cost= 1.8014, eL=0.001
Cost= 1.8013, eL=0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 3.7 Variations of cost value during FCM modelling
Table 3.4 presents the membership degrees of each data sample for each class created by FCM.
FCM is based on the minimization of the objective function and in its algorithm, the
membership degree has an inverse relationship with the Euclidean distance. So, the sample
with higher membership degree (or lower Euclidean distance) value in a class will belong to
that class. By comparing the values listed in the rows in Table 3.4, it was turned out that the
first class, the second class, the third class, and the fourth class have 5, 9, 26, and 18 data
samples, respectively. For instance, membership degrees of sample No. 31 is 0.033, 0.087,
0.648, and 0.231 for the first, second, third and fourth classes, respectively, which based on the
above explanation, this sample belongs to the third class. In other words, Table 3.4 gives
information like the hits plot of SOM model. Then, by counting the majority of rockburst types
in each class, the classes were nominated as Table 3.5, i.e. the first class is known as “light”,
67 |
ADE | the SOM and FCM techniques along with the ones obtained from empirical criteria are given
in Table 3.6. To have a quantitative insight regarding the performance of the developed models,
five performance metrics i.e. accuracy rate (Grinand et al. 2008), Cohen’s Kappa coefficient
(Kappa) (Cohen 1960), precision, recall, and F1 score (Zhou et al. 2016) were calculated for
different models based on the confusion matrices obtained from Table 3.6 (see Table 3.7) for
each model. Accuracy rate is a primary criterion for evaluating the model, which is defined as
the ratio of truly classified samples to the total number of samples. Ideally, this value equals
100%. The Kappa coefficient is a more robust index than accuracy rate that measures the
proportion of precisely classified cases after removing the probability of chance agreement.
Hence, Kappa is always somewhat lower than the accuracy rate, and according to the scale
proposed by Landish and Koch (Landis and Koch 1977), a Kappa higher than 0.4 shows a good
agreement. Precision is another metric that measures the accuracy of the model when it predicts
a specific class. The ratio of correctly classified cases of a class by the model is defined as the
recall. The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall metrics that its best value is
1. For all five metrics, a higher value shows the better performance.
Fig. 3.8 compares the models in terms of different performance indices. As can be seen from
this figure, the SOM model could classify the rockburst events exactly with 100% value for all
performance indices that show the high potential of this algorithm for dealing with such a
complex geotechnical problem. In other words, SOM succeeded to find the latent relationship
between the input parameters and the corresponding output and placed all data samples in their
proper clusters. In this study, FCM classified the data samples during 36 iterations with a
satisfactory precision level and proved its capability in dealing with geotechnical problems.
However, in some cases, FCM was not able to place some data samples in proper clusters and
finally showed a lower accuracy than the SOM model. For example, FCM placed the samples
No. 3 and 4 in the third class (moderate), while in the field they have been measured as none
(N) and moderate (M) rockburst types, respectively. In another case, both samples of 25 and
26 have been measured as the strong rockbursts in the field, while FCM put them in different
classes of light and moderate, respectively. On the other hand, among the five conventional
rockburst criteria, Hoek criterion showed slightly better performance than others, while rock
brittleness coefficient identified as the worst model for clustering. Besides, the obtained Kappa
values for EEI (33.3%) and rock brittleness coefficient (1.8%) are lower than 0.4 (40%), and
according to Landish and Koch (Landis and Koch 1977), these models show a poor agreement
and arbitrary classification, respectively. Hence, these models could not be used reliably to
70 |
ADE | classify and predict rockburst intensity. It should be noted that the empirical methods have been
developed based on specific case studies and some engineering judgments and consider few
input parameters, while the datasets compiled in this study have a broad range of rock
properties and locations.
As mentioned in the introduction section, few studies have been done in relation to the
application of unsupervised learning algorithms for assessing rockburst hazard. Among them,
Xie and Pan (2007) and Gao (2010) could classify the rockburst events with grey whitenization
weigh function cluster approach and ant colony clustering algorithm with the accuracy values
of 80% and 83.3%, respectively. They used the maximum tangential stress, uniaxial
compressive strength, uniaxial tensile strength, and elastic energy index as input parameters in
their studies like the current study. Therefore, it can be concluded that the results obtained from
SOM algorithm are more reliable and this method could be considered as a high-performance
clustering system in geoscience, especially in assessing rockburst hazard. It is worth
mentioning that the results of this study can provide feasible measures to prevent rockburst
hazards. Since each of input parameters plays different roles, some indications can be extracted.
As mentioned in section 3.3.2, the maximum tangential stress (T) has a significant impact on
the occurrence of strong and moderate rockbursts, respectively, whereas other input parameters
mostly affect moderate rockbursts. Large values of 𝑇 could led to more intense rockbursts in
underground openings. As discussed by Palmstrom (1995) and Shirani Faradonbeh and Taheri
(2019), the tangential stress around the openings is the representative of four components of
rock stress, groundwater, the shape of the structure, and diameter. Therefore, it is very
important to control these four parameters. With respect to difficulties in controlling the rock
stress and groundwater pressure, it is easier to control maximum tangential stress indirectly by
optimizing the shape and diameter of underground openings in practical projects. It can be a
primary measure to control rockburst.
Table 3.6 Results of clustered data samples using different models
No. Measured Russenes Hoek Tangential Brittleness EEI FCM SOM
1 M M L L M M M M
2 S S S S M S S S
3 N N N N M S M N
4 M M L L N S M M
5 M M M M N S M M
6 M M L L N S M M
7 S S S M S M S S
8 L M L L S S L L
9 L M L L S M S L
10 N N N N L L N N
71 |
ADE | 11 N N N N L L N N
12 N N N N L L N N
13 M M L L M M M M
14 M M L L M S M M
15 S S S S S S S S
16 N N N N S N N N
17 N L N N M M M N
18 N N N N M M N N
19 S M M M S S M S
20 M S S S M M S M
21 S S S S S S S S
22 N S S S S N N N
23 N N N N M M N N
24 L M L L M S L L
25 S L N N M S L S
26 S L L L M S M S
27 N N N N M M M N
28 M S S S M M S M
29 S S S S M M S S
30 M M M M N S M M
31 M S M M L M M M
32 M M L L N M M M
33 N L L L N N N N
34 M M L L N S M M
35 M M L L N M M M
36 M S M M L M M M
37 M S S M M M M M
38 N M L L N N N N
39 S S S M M S M S
40 S M L L M S M S
41 N N N N S N N N
42 N N N N L L N N
43 N N N N M M M N
44 N S S S S N N N
45 N N N N M M N N
46 L M L L M S L L
47 S L N N M S L S
48 S L L L M S M S
49 M S S M M S M M
50 N N N N S N N N
51 M M L L M S M M
52 N N N N S N N N
53 M S S M M S M M
54 N L N N S N N N
55 S S S M S M S S
56 N M L L S N N N
57 M S M M M S M M
58 N N N N S N N N
N none, L light, M moderate, S strong
72 |
ADE | Table 3.7 Confusion matrix for different models
No. Model Confusion matrix No. Model Confusion matrix
1 Russenes Predicted 5 EEI Predicted
Actual N 15 3 2 2 Actual N 11 4 6 1
L 0 0 4 0 L 0 0 1 3
M 0 0 11 8 M 0 0 9 10
S 0 4 2 7 S 0 0 3 10
2 Hoek Predicted 6 FCM Predicted
Actual N 17 3 0 2 Actual N 18 0 4 0
L 0 4 0 0 L 0 3 0 1
M 0 9 5 5 M 0 0 17 2
S 2 3 1 7 S 0 2 5 6
3 Tangential Predicted 7 SOM Predicted
Actual N 17 3 0 2 Actual N 22 0 0 0
L 0 4 0 0 L 0 4 0 0
M 0 9 8 2 M 0 0 19 0
S 2 3 4 4 S 0 0 0 13
4 Brittleness Predicted
Actual N 2 4 7 9
L 0 0 2 2
M 7 2 10 0
S 0 0 8 5
% 70
x 60
d 50
e 40
n a 30
r 20
f r 10
Tangenti Brittlene
Russenes Hoek EEI FCM SOM
al stress ss
Accuracy (%) 56.9 56.9 56.9 29.3 51.7 75.8 100
Precision (%) 50 61 57 23 47 73 100
Recall (%) 45 64 62 25 43 73 100
F1 score (%) 47 62 59 24 45 73 100
Kappa (%) 40.2 43.7 42.9 1.8 33.3 65.3 100
Figure 3.8 Comparison of the proposed models’ performance for rockburst clustering based
on five indices
73 |
ADE | 3.5. Summary and Conclusions
Many empirical equations have been proposed by researchers to predict rockburst intensities
in recent years. However, according to the literature, they are not sufficient and reliable. The
maximum tangential stress, uniaxial compressive strength, uniaxial tensile strength, and elastic
energy index are the most common input parameters which are used to predict rockburst
intensity. In this study by considering these four parameters, it was attempted to apply two
novel clustering techniques namely self-organizing map (SOM) and fuzzy c-mean (FCM) to
58 rockburst data samples that are collected from several underground projects to classify and
determine rockburst intensity. In addition, the capability of five common empirical criteria was
assessed. Five performance metrics including accuracy rate, precision, recall, F1 score, and
Kappa were used to assess the performance of the proposed models. The SOM algorithm with
its especial mechanism classified all data into 4 distinct clusters and predicted rockburst
intensity with the accuracy rate, precision, recall, f1 score, and Kappa values equal to 100 %.
In addition, SOM indicated that the distances between classes are consistent with the intensities
that are described by engineers. The evaluation of the weights of input parameters in each
created class by SOM showed the high influence of maximum tangential stress (T) of
surrounding rock mass on the clustering process, especially on the occurrence of strong and
moderate rockburst events. Therefore, to tackle the rockburst problem, it is recommendable to
optimize the shape and diameter of the underground openings. Despite the high and acceptable
accuracy rate of FCM model (75.86 %), this method was not able to classify some data samples
in appropriate clusters. Nevertheless, FCM outperformed the five empirical criteria that were
studied in this research. Among the empirical criteria, Hoek criterion and tangential stress
coefficient showed better performance in clustering the rockburst datasets, while rock
brittleness coefficient criterion showed the lowest performance. Finally, it can be concluded
that the SOM and FCM algorithms are strong enough to discover the latent relationships
between the independent parameters and the corresponding dependent one. Specifically, in
geoscience, we deal with high-complex and non-linear problems which there is no definite
solution for them, and these kinds of algorithms can help engineers to have an insight into the
74 |
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80 |
ADE | Statement of Authorship
Title of Paper The propensity of the over-stressed rock masses to different failure mechanisms
based on a hybrid probabilistic approach
Publication Status
Published Accepted for Publication
Submitted for Publication Unpublished and Unsubmitted work
written in manuscript style
Publication Details Shirani Faradonbeh R, Taheri A, Karakus M (2021) The propensity of the over-
stressed rock masses to different failure mechanisms based on a hybrid
probabilistic approach. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology x(x):x–x.
Note: Under review [the revised format submitted on 15 June 2021]
Principal Author
Name of Principal Author (Candidate) Roohollah Shirani Faradonbeh
Contribution to the Paper Literature review and database preparation, statistical analysis, development of
models and preparation of the manuscript
Overall percentage (%) 80%
Certification: This paper reports on original research I conducted during the period of my
Higher Degree by Research candidature and is not subject to any obligations
or contractual agreements with a third party that would constrain its inclusion in
this thesis. I am the primary author of this paper.
Signature Date 17 June 2021
Co-Author Contributions
By signing the Statement of Authorship, each author certifies that:
i. the candidate’s stated contribution to the publication is accurate (as detailed above);
ii. permission is granted for the candidate in include the publication in the thesis; and
iii. the sum of all co-author contributions is equal to 100% less the candidate’s stated contribution.
Name of Co-Author Abbas Taheri
Contribution to the Paper Research supervision, review and revision of the manuscript
Signature Date 21 June 2021
Name of Co-Author Murat Karakus
Contribution to the Paper Review and revision of the manuscript
Signature Date 21 June 2021
81 |
ADE | Chapter 4
The Propensity of the Over-Stressed Rock Masses to
Different Failure Mechanisms Based on a Hybrid
Probabilistic Approach
The simultaneous impact of excavation-induced stress concentration and mining disturbances
on deep underground mines/tunnels can result in severe and catastrophic failure like strain
bursting. In this regard, the proper measurement of proneness to different rock failure
mechanisms has great importance in terms of safety and economics. This study proposes a
practical hybrid gene expression programming-based logistic regression (GEP-LR) model, as
a multi-class classifier, to detect the failure mechanism (i.e. squeezing, slabbing and strain
burst) in hard rock based on four intact rock properties. Three non-linear binary models are
developed to predict the occurrence/non-occurrence of each failure mechanism. The logistic
regression technique is linked to the developed GEP models to measure the occurrence
probability of each failure mechanism. Finally, the failure mechanism that has the maximum
probability of occurrence is selected as the predicted output. The performance analysis of the
developed model shows that it is efficiently capable of detecting failure mechanisms with high
accuracy. The failure mechanism detection models are presented in MATLAB codes to be
easily used in practice by engineers/researchers as an initial guide for failure/stability analysis
of underground openings. Finally, the validity of the proposed model is further evaluated by
new datasets compiled from different studies.
Keywords: Failure mechanism; Strain burst; Slabbing; Squeezing; Gene expression
programming; Logistic regression
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ADE | 4.1. Introduction
The mechanical rock properties and their corresponding deformation failure mechanisms are
dramatically different in deep underground than those in shallow conditions. This is due to the
high geo-stress, ground-water pressure and high-temperature environment, which affect the
rock mass for a long time. In this regard, many studies have been undertaken to investigate the
parameters that influence the stability of underground structures using theoretical analyses,
experimental and numerical simulations (Hoek and Brown 1980; Barla et al. 2011; Saadat and
Taheri 2020; Li et al. 2020; Shirani Faradonbeh et al. 2021). Rock fracturing around deep
excavations is mostly governed by the rock type, rock mass jointing degree and its orientation
relative to the excavation free faces, the geometry of the excavation, in-situ stress magnitude
and its orientation relative to the excavation direction (Wagner 2019). In deep mining and
geotechnical projects, the highly uncertain governing factors are coupled to the stress
distribution around the excavations, making the failure mechanism prediction one of the most
challenging issues in terms of safety, the economic viability of the projects etc. The dominant
failure mechanism in deep mining/tunnelling projects is strain burst or slabbing rather than
shearing or squeezing (Fairhurst and Cook 1966). Palmstrom and Stille (2007) give a summary
of different failure mechanisms and their characteristics in the underground. Also, a brief
description of the common failure mechanisms in underground projects is presented below.
One of the common failure mechanisms is squeezing, a non-violent rock behaviour/failure
mechanism, which is characterised as a large time-dependent deformation associated with
creep induced by over-stressing of massive rocks (Kabwe and Karakus 2020; Kabwe et al.
2020). These massive rocks usually have a high percentage of micaceous or clay minerals.
Squeezing creates a plastic zone around the underground openings, which will result in cross-
sectional area reduction during an aseismic process. The potential of rocks to squeezing is
influenced by different parameters such as the geological conditions, rock mass mechanical
properties, in-situ stresses, groundwater pressure, the geometry of the opening and the
supporting system (Aydan et al. 1993; Barla 1995). Fig. 4.1a shows an example of a highly
deformed cross-section of the Saint Martin access adit (Lyon–Turin base tunnel) induced by
squeezing. According to Ortlepp (1997), slabbing refers to the formation of the densely spaced
stress-induced slabs (onion-skin-like fractures) on the boundary of an underground opening
(i.e. roof and sidewalls). The spacing of these slabs depends on the rock heterogeneity, rock
strength, as well as in-situ stresses (Li et al. 2011). This failure mechanism is more common in
moderate to hard over-stressed massive rocks and initiates in excavated regions having high
83 |
ADE | maximum tangential stresses by creating a local V-shaped notch on the opening boundary
(Ortlepp 2001). Fig. 4.1b displays the slabbing failure in the roof of a mine drift excavated in
quartzite at 1000 m depth.
Strain burst is a term for the much more violent fracturing of rocks than slabbing accompanied
by the high seismicity, rock chips ejection and sudden release of strain energy that can pose a
serious threat to workers, equipment and project life (Fig. 4.1c). The coupled static-dynamic
loading conditions induced by stress redistribution after excavations and the dynamic
disturbances generated by drilling and blasting, roof collapse, fault-slip, etc. provide a high-
stress zone around the openings, which in turn triggers the strain bursting proneness effectively
(Akdag et al. 2018; Shirani Faradonbeh et al. 2019; Shirani Faradonbeh et al. 2020; Wang et
al. 2020). Many factors affect the bursting proneness of rocks, and owing to its vague
mechanism, strain burst is known as a high-complex non-linear problem and difficult to predict
(He et al. 2015; Shirani Faradonbeh and Taheri 2019). Among these influential factors, the
intact rock properties have a critical role in the occurrence of this phenomenon in the deep
underground. The uniaxial compressive strength (𝜎 ) and tensile strength (𝜎 ) are among the
𝑐 𝑡
most prominent intact rock properties which can be used for assessing the rock capacity to store
elastic strain energy (Munoz et al. 2016; Munoz and Taheri 2017; Shirani Faradonbeh et al.
2020). These parameters also represent the tensile and shear failure characteristics of rocks
(Liu et al. 2013; Shirani Faradonbeh and Taheri 2019). The 𝜎 and 𝜎 have been used frequently
𝑐 𝑡
in many strain burst studies as the rock brittleness index (i.e. 𝐵 = 𝜎 /𝜎 ) (Cai 2016) or potential
𝑐 𝑡
energy of elastic strain (i.e. 𝑃𝐸𝑆 = 𝜎2/2𝐸 , where 𝐸 is the unloading modulus) (Wsang and
𝑐 𝑢 𝑢
Park 2001) to evaluate the probability of strain burst occurrence and its intensity. Lee et al.
(2004) investigated the interrelationship of rock strength parameters (i.e. 𝜎 and 𝜎 ) and strain
𝑐 𝑡
burst index (PES) mathematically by conducting the experimental tests on the obtained
specimens from a waterway tunnel in Korea, and they proposed a strain burst chart as shown
in Fig. 4.2a. In this chart, the bursting intensity is predicted based on the defined four classes
of very low (VL), low (L), medium (M), and very high (VH). These classes follow the standard
classification assigned for strain burst intensity which is based on visual inspection of the
failure, rock ejection, sound and seismicity (Liu et al. 2013; Shirani Faradonbeh et al. 2019).
In another study, by plotting the 𝜎 values against the brittleness index (𝐵 = 𝜎 /𝜎 ) values,
𝑐 𝑐 𝑡
Diederichs (2007) proposed a chart (see Fig. 4.2b) to predict the strain burst risk level. In that
study, the low value of 𝐵 shows the dominance of extension cracking (spalling potential) in the
damage process, while the rocks with high 𝜎 can accumulate more strain energy and
84 |
ADE | consequently have a higher potential to bursting. In addition, the strength parameters have been
used extensively to assess this hazard by different researchers using supervised and
unsupervised data-mining algorithms (Pu et al. 2019). On the other hand, the modulus of
rigidity is an important parameter to study the stress distribution in the rock mass. Under
mining-induced disturbances, some rocks tend to react elastically, while others may show
plastic deformation. However, in hard rocks, the elastic characteristics are more dominant.
Therefore, they can store a great amount of elastic strain energy. This energy can be released
as an excess energy with seismicity in a violent manner (Singh 1987; Shirani Faradonbeh and
Taheri 2019; Shirani Faradonbeh et al. 2019; Akdag et al. 2019). Singh (1987) evaluated the
relationship between the burst proneness index (𝜂 = 𝐸 /𝐸 , where 𝐸 and 𝐸 are the retained
energy and the dissipated energy during a loading-unloading cycle) and elastic modulus
experimentally, and reported that the 𝜂 increases with the increase of elastic modulus. Hence,
the elastic deformation parameters such as elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio can be
considered as prominent indicators for strain burst proneness measurement.
As mentioned earlier, the failure mechanisms are highly dependent on intrinsic rock properties,
because in deep underground conditions, the rock masses have less discontinuities, and the
existing ones cannot freely slide on each other to create structurally controlled failures (i.e. the
failure is stress-driven). This is while in the shallow ground (low in-situ stress conditions), the
failure process is controlled by the persistence and distribution of natural fractures
(discontinuities), i.e. the failure is structure-driven (Kaiser et al. 2000). Therefore,
discontinuities do not have a dominant role in the stability of structures. Besides, it is quite
easy and convenient to determine intact rock properties such as uniaxial compressive strength
(𝜎 ), tensile strength (𝜎 ), elastic modulus (𝐸) and Poisson’s ratio (𝜈) compared with other
𝑐 𝑡
parameters such as in-situ stresses, maximum tangential stress around the openings, etc. The
proper measurement of failure mechanisms at the initial stages of the project can aid engineers
to optimise the project layout and provide an adequate supporting system to prevent the
occurrence of irreparable damages like fatalities, destruction of supporting systems and
equipment, as well as the negative impact of such failure types on the economic viability of the
project. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no practical and easy-to-use model to
distinguish the failure mechanisms, especially the strain burst and slabbing, and measure the
propensity of competent over-stressed rock masses to different failure mechanisms. Due to the
non-linearity nature of the failure mechanisms and the complex relationship between the failure
mechanisms and their corresponding influential factors, the common linear and non-linear
85 |
ADE | mathematical models cannot be implemented to unveil the latent relationships between
parameters. Hence, soft computing techniques can be assumed as alternative approaches to
tackle this difficulty. These techniques learn from the experiences and recognise the patterns
in the database automatically (Mitchell 1997). From this perspective, soft computing
techniques have been used extensively in mining and geotechnical engineering (Shirani
Faradonbeh et al. 2017; Zhou et al. 2018; Haghshenas et al. 2019). In this study, the gene
expression programming-based logistic regression (GEP-LR) technique is proposed as a new
and practical probabilistic model to measure the propensity of the competent over-stressed rock
masses to different failure mechanisms including squeezing, slabbing and strain burst. The
intact rock properties (i.e. 𝜎 , 𝜎 , 𝐸 and 𝜈) which can be measured easily by the common
𝑐 𝑡
laboratory tests are used as indicators for modelling. The methodology and the obtained results
are discussed in detail.
a a Squeezing b
Strain burst
Figure 4.1 Different failure mechanisms in underground excavations: (a) squeezing
(modified from Barla et al. 2010), (b) high-stress slabbing (modified from Li et al. 2011) and
(c) strain burst (modified from Yan et al. 2012)
86 |
ADE | underground hard rock mines (mostly in Australia) with the known failure mechanism (Lee et
al. 2018). Each dataset corresponds to a specific failure mechanism (i.e. strain burst, slabbing
and squeezing) defined based on the in-situ observations of the fracturing process. The
definition of these failure mechanisms is as those explained in the previous section. It should
be mentioned that this database only covers the intact rock properties for the competent and
over-stressed rock masses and does not consider the blocky over-stressed rock masses or the
competent rock masses which have not yet been over-stressed (Lee et al. 2018). According to
the rock mass classification system developed by Barton et al. (1974) (i.e. the Q-system), the
competent rock masses are characterised by 𝑄 > 60. The results of a minimum of five reliable
tests are used for each case study to measure the intact rock properties (Sainsbury and Kurucuk
2019). The 𝜎 values in Table 4.1 have been normalised using Eq. 4.1 owing to the size-scale
dependency of rocks (Lee et al. 2018).
𝜎 = 𝑑 (4.1)
𝑐 (50/𝑑)0.18
where 𝜎 is the normalised uniaxial compressive strength and 𝜎 and 𝑑 are the measured
𝑐 𝑑
uniaxial compressive strength and the diameter of the tested specimen, respectively.
The 𝜎 , on the other hand, has been measured using the common Brazilian test method on the
specimens having 50 mm diameter. The elastic deformation parameters of 𝐸 and 𝜈 also have
been standardised in this database to the mid-third values by considering a minimum of five
reliable test results. The box-plot is a common technique to evaluate the distribution of datasets
in their range of values using some statistical indices such as minimum value, first quartile
(𝑄 ), second quartile/median (𝑄 ), third quartile (𝑄 ) and the maximum value. Fig. 4.3
1 2 3
demonstrates the box-plots for the intact rock properties. As can be seen in this figure, the
parameters have a wide range of values, and the datasets for all parameters follow an almost
normal distribution. This makes mathematical modelling more feasible and easier.
88 |
ADE | 4.3. Methodology and Results
As mentioned earlier, soft computing algorithms, e.g. artificial neural network (ANN) and
support vector machine (SVM), have shown promising results in dealing with non-linear
problems in different mining and geotechnical projects. However, these techniques suffer from
several limitations, such as the necessity for defining the structure of models in advance, getting
trapped in the local minimum and the inability to generate the practical prediction equations
(Alavi et al. 2016). Therefore, the common soft computing techniques cannot provide practical
models for assessing different failure mechanisms in deep underground openings. In this
regard, a new hybrid gene expression programming-based logistic regression (GEP-LR) model
is proposed in this section to measure the probability of occurrence of the different failure
mechanisms in underground hard rock mines as a function of intact rock properties. According
to Table 4.1, the parameters of 𝜎 , 𝜎 , 𝐸 and 𝜈 are defined as quantitative input/independent
𝑐 𝑡
parameters, while the failure mechanism as the output/dependent parameter is qualitative,
having three types of failure. The dependent parameter does not need to have a normal
distribution regarding the independent parameters. For simplicity, the dependent parameter is
labelled as “1” in the case of squeezing failure, “2” in the case of slabbing failure, and “3” in
the case of strain burst failure (see Table 4.1). The failure mechanisms concerning each
independent parameter can be seen in Fig. 4.4. Ideally, to have a simple classification process,
every datapoint should belong to a specific failure mechanism. As can be observed in Fig. 4.4,
the parameters have some values belonging to more than one class, which means that it is
impossible to predict the failure mechanism merely using one of the independent parameters.
However, a combination of independent parameters along with a robust multi-class
classification technique can be useful for the correct classification of failure mechanisms. The
following sections present a description of the GEP algorithm as a robust classifier and the
hybridisation process of GEP with logistic regression (LR) to predict the occurrence probability
of each failure mechanism.
91 |
ADE | 3 3
a l
a l
s in s in
a h 2 a h 2
c c
e e
m m
e e
r r
u u
lia lia
F 1 F 1
0 100 200 300 400 0 10 20 30
s (MPa) s (MPa)
c t
3 3
le le
b b
a a
s s
in in
a h 2 a h 2
c c
e e
m m
e e
r u r u
F 1
F 1
0 40 80 120 160 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
E (GPa) n
Figure 4.4 Failure mechanism with respect to each independent parameter
4.3.1. GEP-Based Binary Models
As a population-based algorithm, the gene expression programming (GEP) proposed by
Ferreira (2002) is a modified and improved version of the basic genetic algorithm (GA) and
genetic programming (GP). GEP algorithm opens the black-box nature of the prior soft
computing algorithms (e.g. ANN) by providing mathematical equations representing the latent
non-linear relationship between the parameters. Due to this significant capability of the GEP
algorithm, it has been used recently by different researchers to appraise various mining and
geotechnical problems (Armaghani et al. 2016; Jahed Armaghani et al. 2017; Khandelwal et
al. 2017; Salimi et al. 2016). In the GEP algorithm, as shown in Fig. 4.5a, the solutions are in
the form of linear fixed-length coded strings/chromosomes (single-gene or multiple-gene
chromosomes) consisting of two main parts of head and tail in which the genetic operators are
applied on these areas to improve the quality of solutions. The head of a chromosome contains
symbols representing both terminals (input parameters and constant values) and mathematical
functions (e.g. +, -, × and /) and always starts with a function, whereas the tail is composed of
only terminals. The head length/size (h) that affects the complexity of the solutions usually is
92 |
ADE | determined by the user through a trial-and-error procedure. However, the length of the tail (t)
is a function of head size and the maximum argument number (𝑛 ) and can be determined
using the following equation:
𝑡 = ℎ(𝑛 −1)+1 (4.2)
Fig. 4.5 schematically displays the foundation of the GEP algorithm. However, the detailed
mechanism of GEP can be found in Ferreira (2002). According to Fig. 4.5, the main steps of
the GEP modelling procedure can be summarised as follows:
• A population of potential solutions/models initially are generated in the form of linear
chromosomes using a random combination of terminals and mathematical functions
following the Karva language (a language invented for reading and expressing the
information encoded in the chromosomes) (Fig. 4.5a).
• These coded solutions then are automatically parsed into visual tree structures known
as expression trees (ETs) (Fig. 4.5b). To do so, for each gene, the first function of the
head is selected as the root node, and according to its argument number, some empty
sub-nodes are generated. The terminals and functions in the chromosome are then
placed in the sub-nodes from top to down and left to right in each line. This process
continues until a line containing terminals is formed. As the terminals have no
argument, no further sub-nodes are generated. Then, the created sub-ETs for different
genes are linked together using a linking function (e.g. “/” in Fig. 4.5b) to form a single
large ET. The ETs ease and speed up the process of function finding and mathematical
interpretation of coded chromosomes. Thereafter, the mathematical formulation of
solutions is extracted for further assessment (Fig. 4.5c).
• The fitness of solutions is evaluated using a fitness function defined by the user (Fig
4.5d), and if the termination criterion (i.e. the maximum number of iteration or a
prescribed fitness value) did not meet, the best solutions are selected using the fitness
proportionate selection technique (Ferreira 2002) to reproduce with modification (Fig.
4.5e) based on the defined ratios for genetic operators (i.e. mutation, inversion,
transposition, and reproduction). As seen in Fig. 4.5f, these operators try to improve
the fitness of solutions by changing an element through a gene length (i.e. mutation),
inverting a fragment in the head of a gene (i.e. inversion), copying a fragment to the
head of a gene (transposition), and exchanging a fragment between two chromosomes
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ADE | (i.e. recombination). Afterwards, improved solutions are transferred to the next
generation (Fig. 4.5g).
• The above process continues until the termination criterion is met.
In this study, firstly, three separate GEP-based binary models are developed to predict the
occurrence (i.e. “1”) or non-occurrence (i.e. “0”) of each class of failure mechanism based on
the procedure explained above. GeneXproTools 5.0 computer program is used to develop the
GEP models. The intact rock properties of 𝜎 , 𝜎 , 𝐸 and 𝜈 are defined as the terminals/input
𝑐 𝑡
parameters. Furthermore, the computer program is allowed to select up to ten constant values
randomly in the range of [-10,10], should the performance of the solutions is improved. Finally,
the following comprehensive range of mathematical functions is selected to provide a broader
search space for the algorithm, and consequently, generate solutions with higher fitness values:
Function set = {+,−,×,/,𝐸𝑥𝑝,𝐿𝑛,^2,^3,𝑆𝑞𝑟𝑡,3𝑅𝑡,𝑆𝑖𝑛,𝐶𝑜𝑠,𝑇𝑎𝑛,𝐴𝑡𝑎𝑛} (4.3)
where 𝑆𝑞𝑟𝑡,3𝑅𝑡 and 𝐴𝑡𝑎𝑛 respectively represent square root, cube root and arctangent.
As shown in Fig. 4.5d, the correlation coefficient (𝑟) is defined as the fitness function to
evaluate the performance of the generated solutions. For the classification task, the learning
algorithm of the GEP converts the returned value by the evolved model into “1” or “0” using
a rounding threshold. If the evolved model's returned value is equal to or greater than the
rounding threshold, then the record is classified as “1”, “0” otherwise. The correlation
coefficient 𝑟 of the solution/model 𝑖 is calculated as follows:
𝑟 = (4.4)
where 𝐶𝑜𝑣(𝑇,𝑃) is the covariance of the target and model outputs; and 𝜎 and 𝜎 are the
𝑡 𝑝
corresponding standard deviations.
As it stands, 𝑟 cannot be used directly as a fitness function since, for the fitness proportionate
selection technique, the value of fitness must increase with efficiency. Therefore, the following
equation is employed to determine the fitness 𝑓 of a solution 𝑖:
𝑓 = 1000×𝑟 ×𝑟 (4.5)
𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
where 𝑓 ranges from 0 to 1000, with 1000 corresponding to the ideal.
Taking into account the previously suggested values (Alavi et al. 2016; Ferreira 2002;
Hoseinian et al. 2017) for other GEP parameters, including the population size, the number of
94 |
ADE | genes for each chromosome, head size, linking function and the genetic operators, several
preliminary runs are also performed to find the optimum solution with highest fitness value for
each failure mechanism class. The obtained optimum values for the GEP parameters are listed
in Table 4.2. By applying these settings to the software, and running the algorithm for 3000
generations/iterations (i.e. the termination criterion), the following optimum GEP-based binary
models are achieved:
1 𝑒√𝜐
Squeezing = 𝑌 = 𝐿𝑛(𝐸)×( )×( ) ;
1 𝜎 𝑐2 𝐸3+𝜎𝑡
1 𝑌 ≥ 2.2029×10−9
Failure status = { 1 (4.6)
0 𝑌 < 2.2029×10−9
Slabbing = 𝑌 = [𝑡𝑎𝑛(𝐸)+𝜎
2 𝑡
3 1
√ tan (𝜎6 − 3 𝜐−𝜎 −𝐸)×[tan(𝜎 −0.6500𝐸 +𝜐3)−𝜐];
𝑐 𝑐 𝑡
1 𝑌 ≥ 8.1788
Failure status = { 1 (4.7)
0 𝑌 < 8.1788
Strain burst = 𝑌 = 3 𝐸 +tan (−7.4736𝜐(𝜎 +𝜎 ))+ 𝜎𝑡
+𝜎1/9 ;
3 𝑐 𝑡 𝑐
1 𝑌 ≥ 6.2353
Failure status = { 1 (4.8)
0 𝑌 < 6.2353
By calculating the 𝑌-values using input parameters and feeding them to the developed binary
classifiers, i.e. Eqs. 4.6 to 4.8, the occurrence/non-occurrence of each failure mechanism can
be predicted. However, a multi-class classifier is still needed to determine the most probable
failure mechanism based on the given intact rock properties. Indeed, the GEP algorithm has
been basically designed for binary classification and cannot be implemented directly for the
multi-class classification tasks like failure mechanism detection, which has three classes of
squeezing, slabbing and strain burst. This can be defined as a limitation of this algorithm.
However, in the next section, an efficient strategy is employed to adapt the GEP algorithm for
the multi-class classification task.
95 |
ADE | (a) Head Tail Head Tail
Create initial population - b × b a b b a b × √ b + a b b b a
Gene 1 Gene 2
Linking function Root node
Express solutions as ETs /
Root node - ×
b × √ b
(c) 𝑏−(𝑏×𝑎) b a
Execute each program
a b
Gene 1
Evaluate fitness Correlation coefficient (r) Gene 2
1) Mutation
- b × b a b b a b Before
Yes - b × b × b b a b After
2) Inversion
No - b × b a b b a b Before
- × b b a b b a b After
Select the best solutions (e) 3) Transposition
- b × b a b b a b Before
(f) - b a b a b b a b After
Apply genetic operators
4) Recombination
- b × b a b b a b Before
× √ b + a b b b a
Create next generation (g)
- b b + a b b b a After
× √ × b a b b a b
(h)Logistic regression (LR)
GEP score = X
Calculate probabilities (ps)
𝑝= Print p max
Figure 4.5 The multi-class classification procedure used in this study
Table 4.1 The settings for GEP-based models
Parameter Setting
Squeezing Slabbing Strain burst
failure failure failure
General Population size 100 100 85
Number of genes 3 3 3
Head size 8 9 9
Linking function Multiplication (×) Multiplication (×) Addition (+)
Fitness function Correlation Correlation Correlation
coefficient coefficient coefficient
Genetic Mutation rate 0.00138 0.00138 0.00138
operators Inversion rate 0.00546 0.00546 0.00546
Transposition rate 0.00546 0.00546 0.00546
Recombination rate 0.00277 0.00277 0.00277
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