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Forgot your password?   Rebecca Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard Purchase our Rebecca Lesson Plans Mid-Book Test - Hard Name: _____________________________ Period: ___________________________ Short Answer Questions 1. From the woods, where does Maxim say the right-hand path leads? 2. Why does the narrator feel comfortable with her maid Clarice? 3. To what does the word "gaucherie" refer? 4. What gives the impression of a church archway? 5. Why is the meal with Mrs Van Hopper eaten in silence? Short Essay Questions 1. What is the effect of the description of the London streets in Chapter 26 of Rebecca? 2. Why and in what way does the protagonist behave uncharacteristically? 3. What is the protagonist's vision of her life in Manderley? 4. Why does the protagonist feel that there is "a strange air of unreality" about her first luncheon with Maxim de Winter? 5. What criticisms of the British landed gentry are implied in this chapter of Rebecca? 6. Comment on Ben's significance in this chapter. 7. Why is Maxim against his wife going off after the dog Jasper? 8. What is the overall tone of the opening chapter? 9. What leads to the protagonist's encounter with Mrs. Danvers in the west wing? 10. In what ways is the protagonist of Rebecca a mystery? Essay Topics "The destruction of Manderley symbolizes the destruction of the genteel world of the early twentieth century, with all its hypocrisy." Do you agree? Write a substantial essay that reviews the themes of the novel. Explain the moral problem that lies at the core of Rebecca. Do you think this has been presented satisfactorily? Why or why not? Be sure to refer closely to characters and events in the text. In what ways is the novel Rebecca characteristic of the romance novel genre? Examine and comment on the structure and character dynamics in the novel. Write about 800 words. (see the answer keys) This section contains 1,311 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) Purchase our Rebecca Lesson Plans Rebecca from BookRags. ©2009 BookRags, Inc. All rights reserved. Follow Us on Facebook
Ask Caroline Caroline Manzo tackles questions on parenting, relationships, and self-esteem. on May 16, 20110 Got a question for Caroline? Send it. Jennifer from Manahawkin, NJ says: Hi Caroline - Love the show but most of all I love the kind of mother you are. My question is this. I have three children, two boys (12 and 10) and one girl (5). I really, really want another baby, but my husband says absolutely not! He's concerned about finances, room in our house, etc. He is an amazing father, and I think we do such a great job as parents that we are exactly the type of parents who should be having more children. I know too many people that pop out kids, and then don't take care of them. It breaks my heart, because I just want to be a mom, that's all I ever wanted. How am I supposed to deal with not having another baby. I'm only 32, but the clock is ticking. We have discussed this topic for years and hundreds of times. He's a definite no and I'm a definite yes! Help! PS: Should I get him drunk and take advantage or what? Caroline says: Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer... Count your blessings! You seem to have a wonderful family life that includes a doting father and three beautiful children, be happy!  I have to agree with your husband on this one. It isn't easy raising a family today, and I can understand where he's coming from. Think about college tuition, clothes, extra curricular activities, medical bills, and whatever other surprises pop up along the way. You tell me that he is a doting father and a great provider, so why would you want to put unnecessary pressure on him? It appears to me that this is a true sticking point in the relationship. I can understand if you've discussed having children and never did, that's a promise broken, but you've got three children so he's kept his end of the deal. I can promise you this as sure as I know my name, if you keep up with the "argument," it will eventually strain your relationship and in doing so will ultimately affect the children. Another thing that seems to be screaming at me as I read in between the lines; I know the feeling of being a mom, there's no greater joy in the world. However, you cannot let being a mother define who you are. Yes, it's a huge roll that you will play until your dying day. Having said that, you are also a wife and an individual. Never lose sight of that, remember to keep the spark alive between you and your husband. Being a mom and dad are very important roles, but being a husband and wife is the glue that holds the family together.   Now let's talk about getting him drunk and taking advantage. Hey, I'm all for it, but for the right reasons! Having children is a life-changing situation and should be discussed and agreed upon by the two of you. There's no room for joking. Jennifer you seem like a loving, devoted mother, and I commend you, I really do. You have three healthy children that live a blessed life. Love your children and your husband with all of your heart and realize how lucky you are to have them. BE HAPPY. Well let me start by saying that i think you're a Role Model..and I just want to ask for your advice.. ME and my mom always argue about things I tried so hard not say anything back and if i do she always throws inn face how i am overweight and that just makes me think so bad of myself what should I do?? I understand if you do not reply...Thanks..=) Hello Caroline , I am a 52 yr old mother of 2 sons, ages 23,26. My youngest son was in trouble when he was 14, he was sent away for approx 2-3 yrs . When it was time for him to come home I wasn't able financially to bring him home also the partner that I was with would not let him come home . I have regretted this from the time I allowed it to happen. I have a very strained relationship with him. The whole time he was in placement I went to visit and was very supportive of him. He had always said that he was OK with my being with a woman. Now He is being distant and says we don't have anything in common and won't come to see me .He states this is because I am a lesbian , but yet he says he doesn't want me to change. I would do anything for both my children I love them so much. I am at my wits end I feel like he hates me and is being very judgmental . I don't know what else I can do to repair this relationship.
Businessweek Archives How Safe Are One Stop Financial Web Sites? Finance: Financial Services How Safe Are One-Stop Financial Web Sites? Look, there's your portfolio Managing your finances online appeals to you, but the bank account is at one Web site, the brokerage at another--and each of your credit cards has its own site as well. Now, instead of jumping around the Net, popular Web sites are offering to collect all that financial information for you, allowing you to use it the same way you always did--but with just one log-on name and password. Some 300,000 consumers already use these services, and 3.7 million more are expected to sign up over the next 18 months. Web users can gain access to these services at some well-known sites such as and, but the bulk of the data-gathering, record-keeping, and security functions belong to one of two companies that you've probably never heard of--VerticalOne Corp. and Yodlee Inc. Both data processors, or "aggregators," are little more than a year old. Unlike banks and brokers, they are unregulated and may have no responsibility for fraud. The two are quietly amassing a trove of valuable data on consumers' buying, borrowing, payment, and investment habits, much to the chagrin of bankers. "They're doing what banks should have," says Octavio Marenzi, managing director at Celent Communications Inc., a Boston consulting firm. Here's how the aggregation process works. A customer signs up for the finance-managing service at a "partner" Web site such as In setting up the account, customers must type in their account numbers and passwords--information that goes directly to VerticalOne or Yodlee. Every night, their computers go online to Web sites run by the banks and brokers, and log on with the customer's name, account number, and password to retrieve information. This data-gathering process is known as "screen scraping." If you've ever had doubts about putting one credit-card number online, how about your entire financial life? VerticalOne and Yodlee insist their security is bulletproof. Account numbers and passwords are never actually in the hands of the Web-site partner. Instead, they're collected and held by the aggregators. The account information is separated into names, numbers, and passwords. It's then encoded and stored in high-security databases that use palm-scanners for access. Although together the companies have several hundred employees, there are only six--three executives at VerticalOne and three at Yodlee--who have complete access to the information. That is an enormous responsibility for these two small companies. Anyone with access to the databases at one of these sites could have thousands of accounts and passwords at his or her disposal, critics worry. Unlike a thief who steals just your credit-card number, this person could theoretically wipe out your entire financial portfolio. The portfolio wipeout scenario isn't just idle speculation, some say. "There's a real risk that someone could break in and run amuck," says Marenzi. "Every system that human beings have ever built has failed at some point. It's not a question of if, it's a question of when." Armed with the information that these sites compile, a brazen thief could start mailing checks, running up charge-card purchases, and even set up a second bank account, Marenzi says. Hacking into retail sites and illegally using credit-card numbers is already common. About 15% of all purchases made over the Internet are either frauds or chargebacks to correct mistakes, adds Naftali Bennett, chief exec of Inc., a New York City company that makes software designed to limit credit-card fraud. Account aggregators deny that a break-in is possible. VerticalOne, a subsidiary of bank adviser S1 Corp., collects data for more than a dozen different Web sites, including Ameritrade's, and VerticalOne chief executive and founder Gregg Freishtat says logging on to one of the Web sites his company services is no more risky than going online to each bank or credit-card company where you have an account. The risk lies where your account information and passwords are held, Freishtat explains. In VerticalOne's case, that's at the company's Atlanta data center. Security measures include 24-hour video surveillance, round-the-clock security guards, and regular drug tests and background checks for employees.TRIPLE-CHECKED., which consolidates account information on its own site as well as partnering with Altavista and Intuit, among others, was founded by P. Venkat Rangan, a former University of California at San Diego computer science professor, and his two brothers. At Yodlee, names, account information, and passwords are also separated and stored in a secure site away from its Sunnyvale (Calif.) headquarters. Information is encrypted and employee backgrounds are checked. "We've had three different security firms come in to check our system, as well as some financial institutions," says Matthew Idema, vice-president for operations. So would cracking the codes at these data consolidators require a James Bond-like effort?. The two firms are "following the right design principle" to ensure that data is secure, says Daniel Geer, chief technology officer of @Stake Inc., a security firm. But other security experts are quick to add that their allure for a thief is unmistakable. "If these companies get as big as they want to be, they're going to be like the Grand Prix for hackers," says Adi Shamir, security adviser at Cyota. If naysayers like Shamir are correct, the big question becomes: Who's liable if hackers steal your accounts? The aggregators are not regulated by the federal government like banks, and technically have no responsibility to make consumers whole in case of a break-in. VerticalOne guarantees to reimburse up to $100,000. Yodlee makes no such guarantees. Sensing their vulnerability, some banks began criticizing these sites last year. Under the Electronic Funds Transfer Act, the law that governs electronic transactions, banks are on the hook if a hacker or employee gains access to account information at an aggregator and illegally transfers funds, explains Kit Needham, co-chair of BITS, Banking Industry Technology Secretariat, a trade group. "Nobody anticipated this kind of technology when this rule was written," she says. "Banks have no way to protect themselves." BITS has asked the Federal Reserve to issue an opinion about banks' specific liability; it's expected this summer.QUESTIONS REMAIN. The Web sites that offer the aggregators' services also present a competitive challenge to banks. They keep customers away from the banks' online sites, making it harder to sell additional products. And though the aggregators say they don't share specific account information with anyone, they are exploring ways to market to specific customers. For example, if a cell-phone operator is looking for frequent travelers with high mobile-phone bills, aggregators could identify them. But instead of giving up names, the aggregator could display the cell-phone company's ad when those customers went online. Banks have fought legal battles to keep the screen scrapers from gathering data at their sites without success. In fact, rather than fight them, some banks are even partnering with Yodlee or VerticalOne to develop account aggregators at their sites. and Hibernia Corp. have already announced such partnerships, and more such deals are expected. "Many would argue that account consolidators are as safe as online brokerage services," says Robert Foregger, executive vice- president at Still, questions about security and liability remain. Says Gayle Wellborn, director of customer advocacy at First Union Corp.: "Should something happen, it's not going to reflect well on anyone." Indeed, if there is a security breach that leads to large losses, consumers will paint the aggregators, the Web sites, and the banks with the same brush.By Heather Timmons in New YorkReturn to top The Epic Hack (enter your email) (enter up to 5 email addresses, separated by commas) Max 250 characters blog comments powered by Disqus
2009 Volkswagen Routan Change Vehicle 2009 Volkswagen Routan Available in 4 styles:  2009 Volkswagen Routan FWD Passenger Van shown Kelley Blue Book Retail Est. MPG 16–17 city / 23–25 hwy See Photos & Videos Expert Reviews     Expert Reviews 1 of 8 National If the goofy "Routan" name didn't tip you off, this new minivan comes from Volkswagen — or does it? It's based tightly on the Chrysler Town & Country (and its Dodge Grand Caravan sibling) and is built on the same production line at Chrysler's Windsor, Ontario, assembly plant. The product of this union is a van that falls somewhere between its parents in style and demeanor. As a result, I suspect VW devotees will disown this mongrel half-brother. Perhaps you've seen the TV commercials starring Brooke Shields, who claims that people are having children just so they can buy a Routan (pronounced roo-tahn, not roo-tan). It's not VW's best ad campaign, but it's cute and memorable. The problem comes when she says the couples are doing it to get "German engineering." Now, I try not to concern myself with where a model comes from. I never dismissed the Lexus ES for being based on the Toyota Camry, and I don't think the Honda Passport (1994-2002) was any less viable, fundamentally, for being an Isuzu Rodeo underneath. The sharing of parts, components and platforms is common, and each model must be judged on its own merits. That said, when VW redoes an American van and markets it as German engineering, they're just asking for it. Best I can tell, the only German engineering is the retuned suspension — if different spring and shock absorber rates qualify as engineering. Also, the window switches look suspiciously like those found in Mercedes-Benzes, whose parent company, Daimler, owned Chrysler during this van family's development. If that's the German engineering, then Chrysler and Dodge have it too, torpedoing VW's claim to have the only minivan with the German touch. A Good Place to Start I emphasize that my main criticism is of the Routan as a Volkswagen, not the Routan versus the Town & Country. Being based on the Town & Country brings major upsides. In terms of innovation, Chrysler has led more than it has followed in the minivan segment, and the company's quarter-century of experience with the genre it invented is apparent in the current generation, which accounts for roughly 40 percent of minivan sales. Where we've criticized the vans is in quality aspects. They've been downright poor in terms of reliability — an area where the Volkswagen brand hasn't had much to crow about either, until relatively recently. What VW can crow about is the perceived quality of its interiors, which are an industry benchmark. (It's called "perceived" because it involves observer perceptions, not some underlying gauge of cost or quality.) Chrysler is also known for the quality of its interiors ... for other reasons, unfortunately. What VW would do with the Routan's interior was the leading point of curiosity. The sole functional change VW introduced to the Routan seems to be its suspension, which definitely rides differently. I think it rides well, but I'm not sure it's distinguished enough from the Chrysler and Dodge that personal preference wouldn't trump my impressions. Aside from that, it handles like a minivan in normal driving. There's a little bit of rattle in the suspension on rough roads, but not enough to distract you from the preponderant wind noise, which also plagues the American models. The front seats have more prominent side bolsters than the domestic vans, and I found them comfortable enough. I was a little surprised by the modest amount of legroom, especially when the driver's seat is raised, which simultaneously inches it forward. However, a peek at the specs shows that the interior dimensions are identical to the T&C's for all three seat rows. Also identical are the gear-selector location — high on the dash, which never bothered me — and the tilt-only steering wheel. Volkswagen added a standard telescoping feature to all its models years ago, but you won't find it here. You can get power-adjustable pedals, which serve a similar purpose, but they're an extra-cost option. Power and a Price My test Routan SE had the base 3.8-liter V-6, which I found perfectly workable. VW cites a 0-60 mph time of 10.2 seconds. There's also a 4.0-liter V-6 that gives you more power and better mileage. But it will cost you. Routan Engines 3.8-liter V-64.0-liter V-6 (@ rpm) 197 @ 5,200251 @ (lbs.-ft. @ rpm) 230 @ 4,000259 @ 0-60 mph (sec.)10.28.9 EPA mpg (city/highway - combined) 16/23 - 1817/25 - 20 Trim levelS, SESEL, SEL Premium Starting price$25,200$33,600 Source: Manufacturer The better acceleration and mileage are nice options to have, but the price of entry is the SEL trim level, which costs almost $9,000 more than the base Routan S. If you're accustomed to base engines being more efficient, this arrangement might seem rant-worthy, but practically the same thing is true of the Honda Odyssey. It has identical low and high mileage numbers — with the base engine also getting worse mileage — for trim levels that start at $26,355 and $33,155. But the Honda engines have exactly the same horsepower rating. With the Routan, at least you feel like you're getting more power for your money, along with the other SEL upgrades. The Stow is No Go Some shoppers are sure to bemoan the fact that a couple of the birth mother's genes didn't pass on to the Routan: Chrysler hasn't relinquished its exclusive hold on the famed Stow 'n Go and Swivel 'n Go second-row seats. The Stows are two captain's chairs that fold flat into the floor, and the Swivel versions turn around to face the third-row seat (complete with an optional table). I've always found the Stow 'n Go seats to be too low-slung, thin and inadequately padded, so I'm fine with the Routan's comfortable second-row seats. But I do think Stow 'n Go is largely responsible for these models' continued success; people freakin' love them. And when it came time for me to haul something, the Routan's tumble-forward feature didn't create much room. Taking the heavy seats out entirely is no one's favorite option. The Routan has the underfloor space into which Stow 'n Go seats would have gone if the feature were offered, and that gives you additional storage. The space isn't simple to access, and the shape makes it hard to stash boxes or hard-sided luggage there, but if you have laundry, a duffel or the like, the storage room down there is remarkable. It's What's Inside That Counts? Volkswagen dictated significant changes to the dashboard and door panels, including some different materials and a center control panel that doesn't protrude as much. The top of the dashboard is pure Volkswagen: low gloss, soft to the touch and generally upscale. Once you move down farther, though, the results aren't as strong. The silver-gray plastic doesn't say VW to me, and neither does the Indiglo-style gauge backlighting. As for the gaps between panels and such, I'm not usually a stickler for the fit aspect of fit and finish, but VW always has been. That hasn't fully translated to the Routan. With the exception of the dashtop surface, the Routan doesn't have the Volkswagen feel. The ventilation knobs aren't bad, but they aren't quite to the VW level, and the rubbery cupholder drawer inserts are prototypically American. You can get an optional center storage console of decent quality and functionality, but the standard one in my test Routan was unimpressive. The storage bin is obscured by two pairs of plastic cupholders that you have to give a mighty yank to remove — and then you have to force them to snap back in place. Pretty low-rent. Some of the control iconography looks like VW's, but the stereo is clearly Chrysler-issue. The touch-screen navigation and premium stereo — which my model didn't have — appear to be the same story. There's no sign of VW's nifty moonroof-control knob (the old or new style), and the Routan has the same cold LED cabin lighting as the American models. The front door panels mirror the dashboard, and Volkswagen seems to have German-engineered the ergonomics out of the door handle. Best I can tell, the problem is that they eliminated the reach-through space below the chrome lever, so you're leaning forward and pulling with your fingertips. Give it a try. Tell me if I'm wrong. Routan in the Market I believe that minivan shoppers who survey the field as a whole will like the Routan. Some might even be enthusiastic about it. Never underestimate the importance of styling — even for a minivan — and the Routan's is quite nice. It stands to reason that a joint venture would give you a little bit of both parent companies, but even if it were 50/50, this isn't a Chrysler/VW. The brand name is Volkswagen, and the Routan leans heavily toward Chrysler. VW fans are likely to be disappointed. Promptly after the original Beetle gave Americans a low-cost motoring alternative, VW became a higher-cost brand that has gotten away with its premium prices honestly, by providing a certain experience: a solidity, a feel, a quality of experience (if not always of maintenance and repair) that's higher than the average brand but not quite luxury level. In the Routan, it's not all there. On the plus side, the stiffest competition in the minivan market comes from Honda and Toyota, which aren't exactly cheap, and the Routan doesn't demand the high premium that some VW models do. The Routan experiment looks like a textbook example of bad timing. The economy has tanked and new-car sales are way down, and that's not a good time to introduce an all-new model, an unknown quantity. And, of course, crossovers are drowning out the minivan in many a suburb. Further, the Chrysler connection isn't exactly a secret, and that American automaker is in trouble. Shoppers and owners are already concerned about its future and how it might affect them. While Chrysler's fortunes are widely known, the Routan model isn't. Their fates are intertwined, and the cards are stacked against them. Send Joe an email  Related Images Front seats Front seats Inconsistent quality Inconsistent quality German engineering? German engineering? Buttons and knobs Buttons and knobs Rear seats Rear seats Wayback cargo Wayback cargo Tumbling chairs Tumbling chairs Underfloor storage Underfloor storage     Expert Reviews 1 of 8 Featured Services for this Volkswagen Routan • Sell your current car quickly and easily on Search Inventory Near You Calculate Monthly Payment What will my monthly cost be? Check Payment Calculate Affordable Price What is the most I can afford? Check Price More Calculators Compare finance offers to decide what's right for you.
Where Will the Senate ‘School-to-Prison Pipeline’ Hearing Lead? The Senate hearing at which I testified yesterday, chaired by Sen. Dick Durbin, seemed designed to raise support for legislation imposing federal mandates on states or districts to curtail the use of out-of-school suspensions, to make suspension policies uniform across schools, or both. The motivations for such legislation are understandable. Out-of-school suspensions do little to help the suspended students educationally and they are correlated with arrests and incarceration. The Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Human Rights, which Sen. Durbin chairs, is particularly interested in these facts because African American students are much more likely to be suspended than whites. But the facts do not support the kind of legislation that seems to be under consideration. Two recent and highly sophisticated studies by Rochester University professor Joshua Kinsler shed new light on the well-established trends noted above. For the first time, Kinsler factored-in between school variations in discipline policy when looking at the racial disparity in out-of-school suspensions. He discovered that, within any given school, black and white students sent to the principal’s office for a given reason are issued the same suspensions at the same rates. The disparity is all between schools. Schools with predominantly black student bodies are more likely to issue suspensions, and to issue longer ones, for a given offense. White students at those schools get the same treatment, but most white students are in predominantly white schools that are less severe in their discipline policies. Black students at mostly white schools also get less severe punishments. Kinsler did find that African American students were more likely to be referred to the principal’s office, which has long been seen as evidence of systemic racism.  To investigate that explanation, Kinsler looked for any relationship between teachers’ referral rates to the principal’s office and the race of those teachers and of the students they refer. He found none. This does not mean that racism plays no role, but it calls into question the view that racism is a dominant factor in referrals to the principal’s office. Kinsler’s methodology, which jointly models discipline policy, student behavior and student academic achievement, is the most advanced I’ve seen used in this field. Unless and until his findings are found to be in error, or are contradicted by similarly sophisticated research, it would be unconscionable and counterproductive to impose a blanket reduction in suspensions on the nation’s schools. None of this is meant to defend the cavalier use of out-of-school suspensions. As I explain in my written testimony to the Committee, there are much better alternatives and there are policies that will systematically encourage the use of those superior alternatives. I sincerely hope that Senator Durbin and his Committee do not leap before they look at these alternatives and at professor Kinsler’s findings.
SimFarm PC Cheats Rating 3 Flying the cropduster To fly the cropduster use the following keys: Turn left: LEFT Turn right: RIGHT Descend in altitude: PAGE DOWN Increase altitude: PAGE UP Land when above airport: END Rating 2 If you plant oranges, you can earn up to $28K. The crop will need to be changed however, because it takes nutrients out of the soil. Switch it with sugar beets and strawberries. Rating 1 Cheat Codes Activate the following cheats by entering the corresponding case-sensitive codes during game play: $10,000 - corn Donate $10,000 unowned money to city - fund Display llama screen - llama 3 cows in perfect health - poultry Display version number - v Test mode - t Rating 1 Good strawberry crops Just after your strawberries turn from green to light red, flood the field. You will notice a great difference in the price value when harvested. You can also do this a month before you have to harvest the field. Rating 1 Healthy animals Place a barn enclosed by a fence then put four bales of hay and two water troughs in front of the door so that the animals cannot get out. They will stay in the best health and will not use any food. Just make sure to leave empty stalls for offspring. The position of the food and water is as follows (W indicates Water, F indicates Food, and B indicates Barn): Rating 1 Easy profit Harvest a crop and start a drought from the "Disasters" menu. Wait until the price of your crop increases before selling. Rating 0 Holding animals Rather than putting up fences for horses, cows, pigs, and/or sheep, just make ditches around their pen area. By doing this, they will not break the fences when they get too fat. None of those types of animals will cross a ditch.
Help please its due by 9 AM 0 pts ended You are pushing a refrigerator across the floor of your kitchen.You exert a horizontal force of 270 N for6.5 s, during which time the refrigeratormoves a distance of 2.7 m at a constantvelocity. part a asks what is the total work (by all forces) done on therefrigerator. part b is what is the work done by friction. How do I even solve for friction with out being given thecoefficient of friction or the F frictional?  Any suggestionswould be helpful thanks. Answers (0)
Martin Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street" has drawn mixed reviews -- even among the Variety critics. Here, in addition to Scott Foundas' full review, Justin Chang and Peter Debruge offer competing takes. Justin Chang Score: 7/10 In "The Wolf of Wall Street," Martin Scorsese's brilliantly repugnant portrait of retired white-collar crook Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio), you never see any of the victims -- those nameless middle-class masses who paid (and are still paying) for Belfort's crimes. In a movie that spends 179 minutes detailing every Quaalude-popping, hooker-spanking particular of the Stratton Oakmont lifestyle, this is not an insignificant omission, and some are sure to see it as a glaring failure of sympathy. Yet it strikes me as deliberate on the part of Scorsese and scribe Terence Winter, who are less interested in exacting strict cinematic restitution than in bringing you fully into Belfort's boiler-room mindset and allowing you to take the full measure of his moral oblivion. They also trust you've scanned a headline in the past decade. In this context, a passing reference to victims -- which would look like what, a violin-scored montage of poor dupes receiving foreclosure notices? -- wouldn't just be perfunctory; it would be an insult. If "The Wolf of Wall Street" at times feels like an invitation to an orgy, it is just as often slyly, programmatically subversive of the hedonism it ostensibly glorifies. At a certain point in this very funny film, the laughter dies in your throat, and Belfort's ill-gotten gains begin to lose their luster. Marriages crumble. A helicopter falls to earth, a yacht nearly capsizes, and Belfort crashes his Ferrari twice; it's amusing the first time, horrifying the second. And still the movie goes on, swaggering and relentless, building over three increasingly unbearable hours to a withering assessment of the fratboy clowns who were permitted to ransom this country's future. To simultaneously embody and critique a culture of greed is a tricky feat, and Scorsese, with his flair for spinning crooked shenanigans into great, amoral joyrides, isn't always in control of his material. But control isn't the point. A more sober approach would never have allowed for the gonzo feats of physical comedy DiCaprio achieves here (in an OD scene for the history books); nor would it have allowed for this movie's excoriating journey from amusement and arousal to shock and outrage, finally depositing the viewer in a state of nauseated numbness. The consequences may be offscreen, but Scorsese trusts us to recoil from what we see. leonardo dicaprio wolf of wall street Peter Debruge Score: 3/10 The real Jordan Belfort stands 5-foot-7. "The Wolf of Wall Street" makes him 12 feet tall. After serving nearly two years in prison for manipulating the stock market and bilking investors, Belfort went on to become a motivational speaker. "The Wolf of Wall Street" might as well be his motivational speech: a three-hour smorgasbord of sex and drugs, adapted from his memoir and presented as the reward for outwitting the system. Just as Brian De Palma's "Scarface" went on to find a toxic second life -- a caricature of criminal excess turned aspirational success story -- Martin Scorsese's "Wolf" seems destined to inspire a fresh crop of degenerates to ignore its potential cautionary power and embrace the lifestyle it represents. In his book "On Moral Fiction," novelist John Gardner valiantly crusaded on behalf of responsible art, which he argued, "seeks to improve life, not debase it." Whatever momentary amusement Scorsese's improv-addled comedy offers aside, "Wolf" is a vile and poisonous piece of satire directed at an unscrupulous culture of excess. It depicts capitalism gone unconscionably wrong and invites us to party along with the drug-addled rewards of seemingly victimless white-collar criminality. "I'm a former member of the middle class," announces Leonardo DiCaprio's Belfort, delivering his "MTV Cribs"-worthy narration from behind the wheel of a Ferrari while his former-Miller-Lite-model wife's head bobs up and down in his lap. This, unfortunately, is the new American way, where wealth and status matter, but not the dubious means by which they are attained -- a distinction that places Belfort in the same class as Jay Gatsby, another (albeit fictional) millionaire DiCaprio played earlier this year. But "The Great Gatsby" stood for something: a tragic money-can't-buyhappiness fable even Baz Luhrmann's over-the-top theatrics couldn't suppress. Belfort receives his slap on the wrist, but that's not the point. In "Wolf," the criminals not only live like stars, but are actually embodied by them, while the law-abiding chump (Kyle Chandler) takes the subway. leonardo dicaprio wolf of wall street jonah hill Scott Foundas Score: 7/10 Even Gordon Gekko looks like a veritable lap dog compared to Jordan Belfort, the self-proclaimed "Wolf of Wall Street" whose coked-up, pill-popping, high-rolling shenanigans made him a multi-millionaire at age 26, a convicted felon a decade later, and a bestselling author and motivational speaker a decade after that. Now, Belfort's riches-to-slightly-less-riches tale has been brought to the screen by no less a connoisseur of charismatic sociopaths than Martin Scorsese, and the result is a big, unruly bacchanal of a movie that huffs and puffs and nearly blows its own house down, but holds together by sheer virtue of its furious filmmaking energy and a Leonardo DiCaprio star turn so electric it could wake the dead. After going unexpectedly kid-friendly for 2011's "Hugo" (his first PG movie in two decades), Scorsese could hardly have followed with a more dramatic about-face than "Wolf," which skirts the very outer limits of the R rating with its nonstop barrage of drug-fueled decadence, all put across with a sinister smile. In the first reel alone, which aptly sets the tone for what's to come, Belfort (DiCaprio) can be seen snorting coke off a prostitute's backside, getting fellated while driving his white Ferrari, and nearly crashing his private helicopter while high on a homemade cocktail of Quaaludes, Xanax and morphine (the last one "because it's awesome"). If some of the advance hype suggested that "Wolf" was going to be a kind of "Goodfellas" on Wall Street, in reality it's more like the jittery, paranoid third act of that movie stretched out to three hours, starting at a fever pitch and heading toward the nuclear. Read the full review,0,2702711.story
The Svartalfheim wiki last edited by fesak on 08/27/13 01:56PM View full history Though possibly because of a misspelling, Svarthalfheim appears in one issue of Lucifer, during The Wolf Beneath the Tree story arc when Lucifer brings Michael, Elaine and The Host to that place, telling them it is the location from which Yggdrasil, the World Tree, expects to be approached, thus making their journey their "easier".  Svartalfheim is one of the Nine Worlds in Marvel's version of the Norse cosmos.  The geography and climate of the realm has been shown to be heavily wooded with Dark Elf towns and castles doting across the landscape.  Large caverns exist beneath the land that the Elves frequently inhabit.  It is inhabited by Dark Elves who perhaps bear some kind of relationship with the Light Elves of Alfheim and the Elves found in the Otherworld of Celtic mythology.  The Dark Elves have generally been hostile to the inhabitants of the other world and under different leaders embarked on schemes of conquest several times.    Dark Elves are about human in shape and size, but are distinguished by far longer life spans, pointed ears, and blue skin.  Physically, the Dark Elves are superior to normal humans, but weaker than an Asgardian god.  They can see in the dark.  They have been shown to live both above ground in castles and underground in large caverns.   The Dark Elves have their own portals that grants them access to Earth independent of Bifrost.   The government and culture of Dark Elves is along the lines of Middle Age Europe with different Elf lords ruling the land.  The past ruler has been Malekith the Accursed.  His often waged war against Asgard and allied with dangerous creatures like Surtur.  The current ruler is  Queen Alflyse of the Eastern Spires.  She too has had plans of conquest, but generally cares more for her people than Malekith and tries to avoid the suffering he caused. Dark Elves and their magic have a severe weakness to anything iron.  Iron can cut through their armor and negate their magic.  Dark Elf magic cannot directly effect anything made of iron. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Comment and Save
Comments     Threshold What a load of crap By tim851 on 2/17/2009 9:52:48 AM , Rating: 5 Sure, that's why all these Linux distros have gone C3PO on us... RE: What a load of crap By Rugar on 2/17/2009 10:05:21 AM , Rating: 2 Heh... I wish I could +1 you for the C3PO. Clearly this is about to happen because Cyberdyne found technology from the future and incorporated it into our new killer robots. RE: What a load of crap By quiksilvr on 2/17/2009 10:20:39 AM , Rating: 2 Oh for God's sake. A.I. CANNOT MAKE THEIR OWN ALGORITHMS WITHOUT US EITHER PUTTING IT THERE OR TELLING IT TO MAKE ONE THEMSELVES. How can an A.I. that was originally designed to receive orders, shoot and move magically gets insane processing power from the air and decides: "I'm gonna doughnut across the desert!" and just randomly writes its own line of code saying so? It doesn't make any goddamn sense! If it does end up doing a doughnut across the desert, 99.9999999% of the time, it's just buggy and the programmer screwed up somewhere. RE: What a load of crap By Rugar on 2/17/2009 10:35:22 AM , Rating: 2 Wow... That so totally had to do with my comment. And by the way, it's because of the reverse engineered chips! RE: What a load of crap By callmeroy on 2/17/2009 11:33:40 AM , Rating: 5 First...enough already with the dramatised replies to such articles. My hunch, albeit just a hunch...tells me the team researching this and writing this kind of code are a notch above the average run of the mill programmer who just got their degree from. Now I don't know anyone personally on these forums - so perhaps some of you are akin to a programming God , maybe you have multiple PhD's, perhaps you already have the foundations down for designing a time machine, curing cancer and solving the problem with world hunger.....BUT I think you also might just be overly down playing the skills of these folks and their knowledge just a tad. I'm sure there's more to it that what we've already discussed here... RE: What a load of crap By Rugar on 2/17/09, Rating: -1 RE: What a load of crap By arazok on 2/17/2009 2:53:01 PM , Rating: 5 Do you seriously think that I am actually suggesting that there is a company named Cyberdyne which reverse engineered a chip taken from the arm of a destroyed T-800 sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor? That’s what I thought. You have no idea how relieved I am to know you weren’t serious. RE: What a load of crap By Seemonkeyscanfly on 2/17/2009 5:23:03 PM , Rating: 2 Yea, I was worried about that too. In real life the company is call Cybertech Autonomics LLC. They had to change the name in the movie. The movie did not want to pay for the royalty rates to use the real name of the company. :) RE: What a load of crap By bigboxes on 2/17/2009 3:39:25 PM , Rating: 5 Are you serious about being serious about this dude being serious? You can't be serious. Seriously. RE: What a load of crap I think you missed a great dude opertunity.... RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap Dude. . . RE: What a load of crap By bohhad on 2/19/2009 2:10:47 PM , Rating: 2 RE: What a load of crap By MamiyaOtaru on 2/22/2009 5:56:28 PM , Rating: 2 RE: What a load of crap By gamerk2 on 2/17/2009 11:53:31 AM , Rating: 5 Actaully, some advanced programming languages allow for the code itself to be replaced automatically at run-time depending on certain variables, so its quite possible for code to be "written" without any human involvement. RE: What a load of crap By quiksilvr on 2/17/09, Rating: -1 RE: What a load of crap By TSS on 2/17/2009 1:37:30 PM , Rating: 3 the problem isn't in telling the bots what to do. it's telling them what to do, having a malfunction, and them not stopping. where already telling them to kill other humans, although to us those humans are "the enemy". this discussion is about giving robots ethics, in other words, allowing them to seperate friend from foe themselves. which, in my oppinion, is the first step to the terminator universe. hell we try to teach a robot ethics then a human orders him to go kill another human, but not *those* humans. where in the process does the bot learn right from wrong? and what would the bot percieve as wrong? would a bot operating for nazi germany, percieve it ethically wrong to kill jews and rise up against their masters (which would be a terminator situation). this debate is far more philosophical then just debating wether the code is *capable* of doing it. any player of world of warcraft will tell you that eventually, code will start to get a mind of his own. i swear that game just wants me dead at times (out of the blue for no reason pulling an entire FIELD of npc's). RE: What a load of crap By rudolphna on 2/17/2009 2:12:45 PM , Rating: 1 Great post, exactly my thoughts. Oh, and on the WoW thing I know exactly what you speak of. Sometimes I think there is a blizz employee sitting at a screen screwing around and doing it on purpose, lol. RE: What a load of crap By rykerabel on 2/17/2009 3:02:11 PM , Rating: 2 RE: What a load of crap By GaryJohnson on 2/17/2009 2:15:24 PM , Rating: 2 You had me up until "world of warcraft". RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap By SleepyGreg on 2/17/2009 2:56:08 PM , Rating: 2 I think the concern is that the AI is going to have a learning ability (necessary to overcome new experiences out in the field) This ability to learn and write its own code based on experience coupled with millions of lines of existing human code and its inevitable bugs gives a potential for unpredictable outcomes. I'd say it's a very real threat. We're not just talking about a hardwired machine here, it's a dynamic evolving system with millions of permutations. And there will be "surprises" RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap By WayneG on 2/17/2009 1:05:00 PM , Rating: 2 So who made it in the first place?!? :O RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap Robot virus FTW! RE: What a load of crap Have you seen how we behave?;) RE: What a load of crap You will see the Real trojan Horses... RE: What a load of crap RE: What a load of crap By Rodney McNaggerton on 2/17/2009 2:26:12 PM , Rating: 2 The idea isn't a load of crap, this article is. RE: What a load of crap By Gul Westfale on 2/17/2009 10:24:39 PM , Rating: 1 so a robot going "terminator"... navybot: lower your gun and surrender! enemy soldier: NO (starts shooting) enemy soldier: why so serious? RE: What a load of crap By Azsen on 2/18/2009 3:30:35 PM , Rating: 2 Ahahahaha gold! Dunno why they're rating you down. RE: What a load of crap By sweetsauce on 2/23/2009 2:09:20 PM , Rating: 2 you forgot enemy soldier: you mad bro? RE: What a load of crap By Gideon on 2/18/2009 2:41:53 AM , Rating: 2 100% agree, that's why I think the article heading is terribly misguided (good for clicks though :D). No-one is actually talking about these robots creating a Strong AI out of the blue, rather about screwing up and causing friendly fire or doing something else unexpected causing human life loss. With semi-autonomous robots actually pulling the trigger the risk of something like that happening is considerably higher than with previous complex military systems. RE: What a load of crap By MrPoletski on 2/18/2009 8:40:43 AM , Rating: 2 well at least we know that if we ever lose any of these robots.. that they'll be back... RE: What a load of crap By TheOneStorm on 2/19/2009 11:53:31 AM , Rating: 2 I'd fear ethical laws programming more than AI. The storyline depicted in "i, Robot" is in relation to ethical law programming moreso than robots turning against their humanoid creators in reference to the Terminator series. In "i, Robot" the ethical programming of the machines became the point that humans themselves, living, is an endangerment of their own life. That robots must control our lives for our own sake because humans are susceptible to free will and have the possibility of doing wrong. Inevitably, hindering war and other human-on-human violence. How could ethical programming, in the sense of obtaining morality in forms of AI (which is what they're trying to accomplish), ever logically process the good in HELPING us in war, than backing away from war and defending itself? I'm all for AI, and I could care less about these claims. I just thought I'd chime in because this is one of the first times I've heard of any military leadership mention "ethical programming" before. I think MS has probably helped instill this fear of too many people working on a large codebase that could never be bug-free. <joke>In my not-so-humble opinion, as long as MS isn't the creator of the AI "operating system", we should be fine.</joke> :) RE: What a load of crap By SiliconAddict on 2/20/2009 12:28:25 AM , Rating: 2 Hmmm and just because we have had decades of falures to create a real honest to God AI means that it will never happen? Look at computing power. Its come a hell of a lot closer in the past 10 years to the capability of the human brain then in the past 20. Look at our ability to program. How the hell do we know where the tipping point is between a program designed be intelligent in a narrow confine and one that has the ability to program itself. Something that starts doing thing could easily be seen as simply a programming error on the part of a human and overlooked. This is where the "code is getting to big" comes into play. There is a certain amount of arrogance based on past failures in your statement that is exactly why an article like this should be "considered" No I'm not talking OMG! RUN FOR THE HILLS! THE ROBOTS ARE GONNA GET US! DESTROY ALL TECH NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!111oneoneone But start taking this seriously as we move forward. RE: What a load of crap Related Articles Dawn of the Drones June 6, 2008, 6:15 PM War Robots Still in Iraq April 17, 2008, 10:20 AM Can Robots Commit War Crimes? February 29, 2008, 2:37 PM
Former NASA astronaut turns heads with his innovative engine Comments     Threshold Star Trek... By ChristopherO on 10/7/2009 2:20:06 PM , Rating: 3 I read stories like this, and I laugh that all the contributing physicists to Star Trek are asked, "How would we solve this problem?" They usually get it right, and some number of years later we figure out how to solve the engineering challenges for the solutions they daydreamed about decades ago. In most sci-fi the sub-light drive systems are basically the same thing as the VASIMR using plasma for propulsion. (Assuming a few hundred years of progress, and a lot of dramatic license) Still, what I find more humbling is how much we don't know that we constantly discover. There's always a better way of doing something. A lot of progress has been made *in space*, but I'm wondering what sort of limits we have for improving traditional chemical boosters. Besides the concept of a space elevator, getting away from Earth is just as costly as it has ever been. We can do more interesting things once we get away from here, but getting away is always the biggest problem. Certainly there are some cheaper boosters for small payloads (space ship one, etc), but we seem stuck in the same rut of paying a lot of money for anything large. RE: Star Trek... By kattanna on 10/7/2009 3:39:44 PM , Rating: 2 in star trek, our VASIMR engines were being powered by multi GW Fusion reactors, instead of lowly 200Kw levels. thats some serious orders of magnitude difference. who knows.. if we can get such engines up to such power levels, they might just be strong enough to take something into orbit as well. RE: Star Trek... By jeff834 on 10/7/2009 9:49:00 PM , Rating: 2 Antimatter not fusion. RE: Star Trek... By acer905 on 10/8/2009 12:18:00 AM , Rating: 3 Actually, only the warp core uses an antimatter reaction, the impulse engines use their own fusion reactors to generate the electrical needs for the fusion rockets to function Additionally, it has been assumed that the first vessels to travel at warp speed (i.e. The Phoenix) used fusion reactors to produce the energy needed, but it was abandoned when M/Am was finally perfected and was found to be more efficient RE: Star Trek... By lightfoot on 10/8/2009 5:46:26 PM , Rating: 2 Spoken as though it were fact. The sign of a true Trek geek. :)
Source: Reuters Comments     Threshold RE: Funny.... By albus on 9/27/2012 9:19:32 AM , Rating: 0 Apple & Microsoft are not equal in marketshare. When Apple commands 90% of the desktop share, they will have to face it too. The total share of Apple is miniscule in the PC market. RE: Funny.... By 3minence on 9/27/2012 9:24:38 AM , Rating: 4 It will be entertaining to watch when the EU does start to treat Apple the same. RE: Funny.... By Motoman on 9/27/2012 10:34:09 AM , Rating: 1 Granted that the Mac has something like 5% of the user base worldwide, and considerably less than 1% in the business world, I don't think you're ever going to have to worry about it. RE: Funny.... By Samus on 9/27/2012 1:38:12 PM , Rating: 5 That is true, but this type of "fine" shouldn't only apply to desktop/laptop PC's. Tablets (which have been outselling PC's lately) like the iPad and mobile products like the iPhone (the best selling smartphone in the United States) should be required to comply with rulings like this. They have millions and millions of users that are all forced to use Safari and now Apple Maps. This is all clearly anti-competitive. It has been for years. Apple simply gets away with it because they throw out figures about developer revenue and App Store sales that make people go oooh aaaah. RE: Funny.... By michael67 on 9/27/2012 3:43:17 PM , Rating: 2 It has noting to do with going after Microsoft again, they just want MS honor a agreement they made with the EU, and mS broke it again, and not only for a short time, but for over a year. MS clearly broke the agreement, is it strange that the EU after warning them for over a half a year now says enough is enough, you had your chance. Or would the US government react different? Discussions about Apple market share or relevancy of the agreement dose not mater, MS just broke a agreement, and have bin given plenty of time to fix it. Apparently they did not learn from the mega fines from before, or would the US government sit idly by if a EU company ignored a agreement? Like BP cleaning up less then agreed on. RE: Funny.... RE: Funny.... By Manch on 9/27/2012 10:08:22 AM , Rating: 4 But they own the tablet space, and until recently had the majority of the smartphone space. Only one choice there, so how is that not the same? RE: Funny.... By albus on 9/27/12, Rating: -1 RE: Funny.... By Manch on 9/28/2012 2:41:26 AM , Rating: 1 What does that matter? Its a different market. Despite Androids attempts to make any headway into the tablet space, there line up is a fractured mess, MS was even worse(non-existent really), which is why the surface is now coming out. Yeah google has their reference design that they're selling at cost, but just like every other tablet out there, when compared to the ipad, it's just not as good, so people are still flocking to the ipad. The IPAD dominates that market and Apples restriction in that market to limit its competitors is just as anticompetitive as MS was when the browser fiasco took off. As far as the EU goes, fining MS for 10% of its global? I didn't realize the EU had jurisdiction over the whole damn planet. If it was 10% of its EU revenue, then OK. It's a money grab pure and simple. They're threatening to go after google now. They 're raiding the Germans coffers to bail out everyone. Theres a whole lot more BS they're pulling in well pick a category! RE: Funny.... By GotThumbs on 9/27/2012 11:17:56 AM , Rating: 4 That excuse is getting old. Attempting to justify Apple's clearly restrictive and closed ecosystem by saying they are not as big as MS is just lying to yourself. If you don't think Apple is big....have you looked at thier revenues recently in the past years. They are way beyond mom and pop. Get your head out of the sand. You can lie to yourself, but don't try to push that lie onto others. It reflect poorly on your view of reality. Best Wishes, RE: Funny.... By BZDTemp on 9/27/2012 12:04:06 PM , Rating: 2 LOL You're the one with the head in the sand. The proceeding covered here are not about behavior they are about behavior of a company having a controlling market share in one or more markets. Sure Apple is big and they are certainly behaving like major pricks but they haven't got market control of anything except perhaps parts of the on-line music/media business (which the EU and others are looking into). RE: Funny.... By semiconshawn on 9/27/2012 4:14:13 PM , Rating: 2 Cash has nothing to do with market control. Apple is losing market control by the minute. They are making more money by a factor of 10 than almost any other player in the game. Apples closed ecosystem itself has competition. You have to buy into the ecosystem, if you dont want to you can go with Android/Google, Microsoft, or Amazon or a combination of both with some. More people have now and are going in that direction according to most metrics. I have all 3 companies procucts in my house. I fail to see how one has an unfair advantage at this point and should be hampered by govt BS. RE: Funny.... RE: Funny.... RE: Funny.... RE: Funny.... Oh snap! RE: Funny.... RE: Funny.... RE: Funny.... RE: Funny.... RE: Funny.... By geddarkstorm on 9/27/2012 1:29:04 PM , Rating: 2 So it's ok to mistreat and competitively handicap one company and not others based solely on success and size? I've got some good news: You too could be an EU regulator. RE: Funny.... By albus on 9/27/2012 1:32:27 PM , Rating: 2 Heard of Intel vs AMD? Intel desperately needs AMD to prevent the axe of the regulators. Thats how the big boys are treated. Do you remember AT&T split? RE: Funny....
Newer Older Second run of the day for visiting locomotive 80072. Passing Bewdley South box gantry. Bingley Hall, and 2 other people added this photo to their favorites. 1. Rob-33 28 months ago | reply Is that the No.1 key, just in front of the loco? 2. ThePigface 28 months ago | reply Wonder if Peter found it...... 3. Rob-33 28 months ago | reply No, he didn't get the chance to look... not a big enough turnout on sunday.. so had to do a bit of packing!! :)
• >_> Downtown Morocco Green sec. "Whore Alley"(NON-EDIT) Newer Older 32 00 N, 5 00 W *Left side window. fire. *copy. targeting. *Dental I lost visual, you got him?? *target down. *Im gunna take that as a yes. *Myxer. cross the street. Your on point. Ironsniper, pecovam, ~JD ~, and 50 other people added this photo to their favorites. 1. Ironsniper 33 months ago | reply Nice job! That E-tape work is really well done, and so is the Forced Perspective. 2. Griffin! 33 months ago | reply I was thinking more of a PMC, with the landscape drawn from Battle: LA. 3. mike 3579 33 months ago | reply This is great, and those vests are so damn sexy! <3 4. Lego Junkie. 32 months ago | reply Dude, this is excellence. 5. N3ONBRICK [deleted] 32 months ago | reply so cool 6. -TheApexPredator- 32 months ago | reply Thanks everyone! Although, this picture still needs editing, and there are lots of mistakes! 7. -Juzu- 32 months ago | reply Very nice! 8. Andrew Somers 32 months ago | reply I was actually looking for this picture just the other day! I saw it in someone's favorites and didn't favorite it myself. Very inspirational! 9. Awk' [deleted] 31 months ago | reply This is full of win.
Prev Next * Eartha Kitsch *, mr.jones, and 10 other people added this photo to their favorites. 1. * Eartha Kitsch * 53 months ago | reply Gah! This is incredible! 2. cathy breizh 52 months ago | reply Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Accordéon / Boest an diaoul ....BOITE DU DIABLE, and we'd love to have this added to the group! 3. Samm Bennett 52 months ago | reply Hadda be a comedy team, right? 4. LR Monkeytoes/ Lisa 51 months ago | reply It doesn't get much better than this! 5. Ella Jane 37 months ago | reply "Laurel and Hardy: The Early Days." LOL! Great photo.
General Question Zone36's avatar Should I parbake homemade pizza pockets/calzones for freezing or leave them raw? Asked by Zone36 (408 points ) March 9th, 2010 I want to make a bunch of pizza pockets, but I know I can’t eat them all now. I want to freeze some for the future. Should I parbake them first? Or leave them raw to be baked later? Or if there is a proper process to this please tell me. Essentially I made pizza recently. I have leftover ingredients and dough. I definitely don’t want to waste them, so I thought this would be a good way to save them for later and be ready to eat. Observing members: 0 Composing members: 0 5 Answers YoH's avatar I have parbaked small pizzas so I don’t know why you couldn’t. I think the dough sets up better being partially baked and doesn’t absorb extra moisture from freezing. YARNLADY's avatar I always partially cook mine first, then put in the refrigerator over night. If they go straight into the freezer, they turn into ice cakes and are harder to cook. DrasticDreamer's avatar I would parbake them first. If you don’t, the crust won’t be as fluffy. I used to work in a bakery and parbaked bread, in my opinion, always tastes better. Edit: I forgot to add that parbaking bread also makes it cook more evenly and it’s less prone to becoming burnt. stevenb's avatar When I make homemade pizza crust, if I want to save one, I will cook it for four to five minutes (the total pizza cook time is ten, @ 500 degrees), and then let it cool and freeze it. They keep for a month and a half to two month very well. Longer than that is not so good. Good luck. Starburst's avatar you really can do either. It just depends on how much time you want to spend on them when it is time to eat them. Answer this question to answer. Your answer will be saved while you login or join. Have a question? Ask Fluther! What do you know more about? Knowledge Networking @ Fluther
According to scientists from Nasa and the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, the ice cover is the smallest in the three decades since the polar cap has been monitored by satellite. The ice is measured by a Special Sensor Microwave Imager, on a US spacecraft. The ice is currently 1.58 million square miles. nasa ice Sunset in the Arctic: Each year, the ice cap melts throughout the summer months before expanding through winter Today's ice is 27,000 square miles smaller than 2007, when 1.61 million square miles of ice were measured. And the 2012 "melt season" could still continue for several weeks, resulting in an even larger loss of ice. But over the last three decades, satellites have observed a 13% decline per decade in the sea ice, which is measured when it is at its smallest, and the ice is steadily getting thinner. ice caps Joey Comiso, senior research scientist at Nasa, said the results were particularly unusual, because temperatures had not been exceptionally warm. He said: "The persistent loss of perennial ice cover - ice that survives the melt season - led to this year's record summertime retreat. Unlike 2007, temperatures were not unusually warm in the Arctic this summer." "In 2007, it was actually much warmer. We are losing the thick component of the ice cover. ice cap The sea ice concentration from September 21, 1979, which is much larger than 2012 NSIDC research scientist Walt Meier said: "By itself it's just a number, and occasionally records are going to get set. Rod Downie, Polar Programme Manager for WWF-UK said the new research was concerning.
The Fighter (2010) Poster (I) (2010) Plot Keywords boxing boxer lowell massachusetts domineering mother anger bartender boxing match drug addiction apartment what happened to epilogue movie date cake blood watching self on tv documentary crew manipulation reference to hbo half brother half brother relationship assault on police officer release from prison panties irish american sister sister relationship nipples visible through clothing father son relationship robbery singing in a car catfight fellatio python prison visit court impersonating a police officer shame beating two word title adidas clothing giving the finger large family limousine boyfriend girlfriend relationship interracial kiss interview calling parent by first name strategy bare chested male jumping from a window singing police brutality criminal falling asleep in a movie theatre embarrassment boxing trainer brother brother hug thinness blue collar worker boxer shorts prisoner slow motion scene reference to mtv 1990s boxing ring black bra and panties drug use black bra watching tv press conference brother sister relationship documentary filmmaking convict unreliability oral sex in a car arrest character says trust me telephone husband wife relationship new hampshire prison woman in bra and panties jumping rope garbage dumpster drug addict london england black eye redemption technical knockout freeze frame loyalty bar title fight mother daughter relationship college dropout shadow boxing police arrest cigarette smoking foot chase title bout applause family relationships police sergeant running from the police female bartender home movie boxing gloves knocked out father daughter relationship boxing manager cambodian mother son relationship broken hand character repeating someone else's dialogue crack cocaine character appears on tv ex boxer see through bra actor playing himself gym welterweight boxer scene during end credits watching boxing on tv bandaged hand reference to the new york times prostitute boxing knockout resisting arrest american abroad gash in the face crack house bruise male underwear church bells ex husband ex wife relationship falling from height scene before opening credits chase training parent grown child relationship movie theater ends with real life footage punched in the stomach hairy chest underdog drug withdrawal reference to sugar ray leonard character is the subject of a documentary boxing movie black panties atlantic city new jersey intercom boxing ko punched in the face scene during opening credits based on true story See also Taglines | Plot Summary | Synopsis | Parents Guide Contribute to This Page
"And he answered, 'That's not sexy. That's like a limp fish. Put that arm out there, strong! That's sexy! That's life, that's alive, that's energy!' " In his 1984 Cole biography, "Unsung Genius," Loney quotes music arranger Peter Matz: "The persona Marilyn showed in her film musicals was Jack Cole. He grabbed on to something in her. She followed everything he gave her. Phrasing! The gestures, the walk. All of it!" In fact, "Diamonds" belongs to Cole. He directed it. Feeling unqualified, Hawks opted out of "Gentlemen's" musical numbers. Russell told McCarthy, "Hawks was not even there." Verdon agreed, telling McCarthy, "Jack decided where the camera should be, setup by setup, in consultation with [director of photography] Harry Wild. He also synced camera angles with [editor] Hugh Fowler. Hawks stood by and let Jack do what he wanted." Cole used a heavy hand in reworking "Diamonds" from the Broadway version, Schaefer recalls: "The original concept for the number was way too square. Cole redid it in a sensual way for Marilyn. He told me, 'I want to make it swing. I want to get it loose.' "The part where she bumps and grinds, sensually naming famous jewelers, Tiffany's, Cartier, Black Starr -- that's not in the [Jules Styne/Leo Robin] original. That's Jack's material. He wrote it. Then he taught Marilyn how to move on it." The moves he made Like Monroe the product of a fatherless home, the New Jersey-born Cole began his career with Ted Shawn and Ruth St. Denis' Denishawn modern dance ensemble. Disenchanted with Denishawn's pseudo-Orientalism, he studied India's bharata natyam. In a moment of inspired genre-busting, Cole infused Indian dance into his jazz-based supper club act. The cool combination fit surprisingly well with postwar beatnik culture. An odd-looking man with high cheekbones and one lopsided eye, this exotic creature dressed like an Indian swami garnered bookings at top nightclubs. He was a regular at New York's Rainbow Room and bookings at Ciro's and Slapsy Maxie brought him to Los Angeles. So did Hollywood. In 1941, Cole and his dancers first appeared in "Moon Over Miami." In 1946, after blessing the formerly shy Rita Hayworth with her sultry "Mame" number, she championed him at Columbia Pictures. (Betty Grable did the same at Fox.) For four years, Cole ran a resident dance group at Columbia, where innumerable dancers ruined their knees perfecting the master's diabolical floor slides. In 30-plus movies, many uncredited, Cole lighted a blowtorch under 1950s bombshells -- Grable, Hayworth, Bacall, Russell, Gaynor, Ann Miller, Lana Turner, Dolores Gray and Monroe. Fifties screen virgins like Doris Day are not on this list; Cole's work sizzled with sex. Although he purported to loathe L.A. (keeping a Manhattan pied-à-terre for Broadway work), Cole's primary residence was in the Hollywood Hills from 1943 until his death from cancer at 62 in 1974. In his last two years of life, he was a treasured UCLA dance instructor and a scholar with an impressive private dance library. The partnership During production planning for "Gentlemen" in March 1952, word of Monroe's nude calendar photos from the late '40s exploded in the media. Darryl Zanuck reacted unambiguously in a memo: "Cover her up." Travilla, Monroe's costumer, ditched his original design for "Diamonds" -- a low-cut rhinestone burlesque bikini worn over a giant fishnet body stocking (photos show Monroe posing uneasily in it). Replacing this cheesy look was an astonishingly sophisticated form-fitting fuchsia evening gown. Cole, a costume maven, may have influenced it. The classy outfit bears a striking similarity to Hayworth's get-up in "Mame" -- also a strapless evening gown worn with opera gloves designed by Jean-Louis. (Travilla said in a 1981 L.A. Times fashion column that he lined the hot-pink peau de soie tube with felt to keep all of Monroe's parts moving in one direction. "But underneath that, Marilyn wore Marilyn," he added slyly.) In July 1953, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" opened to glowing reviews, particularly for Monroe. The Hollywood Reporter praised her "wiggle terps." Newsweek noted that the "camera itself can be the most expressive of dancers" while leaking Monroe's secret, which was "to avoid repose, always keeping lips, hips or some other department at least slightly in motion." Time's critic wrote, "she dances, or rather undulates all over, fluttering the heaviest eyelids in show business." In her difficult 1954 contract renegotiation with Fox, Monroe demanded the right to approve her drama coach, Natasha Lytess, and her choreographer, Jack Cole. Monroe and Cole worked again in "River of No Return" and "There's No Business like Show Business" (1954), "Bus Stop" (1956) and "Some Like It Hot" (1959). In the end, Monroe drove Cole crazy too. During the 10-week rehearsal period for "Let's Make Love" (1960), Cole fumed in a dance studio with Monroe showing up late, if at all. The resulting mess of "My Heart Belongs to Daddy" ranks many notches below the sparkling perfection of "Diamonds." But they were friends. By 1962, Monroe included Cole in her close coterie, and they were telephone buddies. She leaned on him, among others, hard in the end. Jack Cole took a gorgeous woman at the height of her physical beauty and gave her the ability to communicate with her body, a means of expression beyond cinema's main instruments of face and voice. He expanded her repertoire as a film artist. It was an immense gift, and Marilyn Monroe knew it.,0,5569636.story?page=2
Available from: NC State University Archives 20 October, 2000 Nuclear Reactor Digitization Project R. L. Murray Reactor Project Notebook Illustrations have been included from the print version. Scanned by Russell Koonts with Photoshop 5.0 software. Memorandum from R. L. Murray to Dr. Clifford K. Beck A. C. Menius, Jr. R. L. Murray 2 pp. Manuscript copy consulted UA 105.16 Library of Congress Subject Headings 1951 English LCSH manuscript 24-bit color: 400 dpi Memorandum from R. L. Murray to Dr. Clifford K. Beck Typescript 2 pp. 1951 MurNBingredients000051 SHIELDING77947294 TO: Dr. Clifford K. Beck FROM: R. L. Murray CC: A. C. Menius, Newton Underwood This note answers your request for calculations on the heavy concrete. The composition of Barytes mix, according to the Carbide purchasing agent is, per yd3, Barytes3970 lb72.0 Colemanite400 lb7.3 Portland cement830 lb15.1 Water310 lb (37.5 gallons)5.6 Total mix5510 lb100.0 Since the Colemanite consists of B2O344% CaO27% H2O28% The boron content at the final mix is almost exactly 1%, as computed below: The density of the concrete is or its specific gravity is The ORNL figures for this concrete are 1% Boron, 3.5 specific gravity. The neutron flux data show that in a 6 foot shield, the attenuation with the 1% B concrete is 100 times that for Barytes without B. The minimum cost figures quoted by CCC&D are Barytes aggregate $20/tonEstimated shipping cost $4/tonColemanite $60/tonEstimated shipping cost $15/ton The fractions of each in the mix are Barytes 3970/5510 = 0.72, Colemanite 400/5510 = 0.072. Assuming a figure of $16 a ton for Portland Cement, with 830/5510 = 0.15 required, the cost is [(0.72)(24) + 0.072(75) + (0.15)(18)] 5510/2000 = $70/yd3 A good estimate for the volume of concrete in the shield is 107 yd3, so that the cost would be ($70)(107)= $7500. Of this, the critical item so far as shipping (from California) is the 21.4 tons of Colemanite. However, it only constitutes 7.2% of the mix, and 20% of the cost, so it would probably be worth the invest- ment to achieve the full degree of shielding, rather than using an inner lining of the Boron cement. Special forms might be needed also, which would run up the construction cost. The cost estimates for a 4 ft inside lining corresponding to 1440 ft3 = 53 yd3 are computed for consideration, anyway. This is half the reactor volume. Substituting Barytes for Colemanite would reduce the yd3 cost to only $65 and the total concrete to $7000. Letter of Feb. 23, 1951 - R. N. Reams to C. K. Beck Based on Mr. Stainback's figures on W. Va. coal shipping Freight agent, Seaboard Railway Barytes:Ba 41.9% O 31 S 9.9 Fe 8.7 Co 4.5 Si 1.7 other 3.3 100 Quoted by N. C. State Products Corp. Assume top slab = hole inside V= 17x17x10 = 2890 ft3=107 yd3
The latest development came Tuesday with the Bank of Japan's announcement that it was setting an inflation target of 2 percent—twice the current target. It was a signal that the Bank of Japan is ready to accept the risk of higher inflation in exchange for combating a prolonged bout of deflation. Interest rates: Has kept its benchmark rate at 0.75 percent, a record low. Bond buying: Unveiled in September a plan to buy unlimited amounts of government bonds to help lower borrowing costs for countries struggling to manage their debts. Earlier, the ECB gave banks more than euro 1 trillion ($1.3 trillion) in low-interest loans lasting up to three years. The loans provide secure financing at a time when some banks can't borrow normally. Interest rate: Has kept its benchmark rate at a record low of 0.5 percent since 2009. Bond buying: Announced last summer a plan to buy more government bonds from financial institutions. The goal is for the banks to use the extra cash to lend to businesses and households.
PHOTOS: Old stuffed animals and the stories behind them They’re well-worn, falling apart and have been chewed on my moths, but after many years these stuffed animals are still treasured and never forgotten. “Much Loved,” a book by Irish photographer Mark Nixon documenting 65 teddy bears, takes a nostalgic look at the lives of our lifetime companions. How did this project take off? I got the idea from watching my son, Calum. I was struck by how attached he was to his Peter Rabbit, the way he buried his nose in it while sucking his thumb. I remembered having similar childhood feelings about my own panda. And so, I organized a Teddy Day at my studio, where adults and children brought in their teddies and I photographed them. Documenting these teddies must have given you a peek into people’s childhood and memories. Indeed, people opened up with stories about their teddies – how they had nearly lost theirs at some stage was a common theme. Some tales were hilarious: The wife of a local radio broadcaster joked, “My teddy is the third person in our marriage.” A lady in her 60s told me that when she dies her toy will be buried with her. But other stories were sadder in tone. I received a teddy from Bono, of all people. It had belonged to a friend of his, Greg Carroll, who died in a motor accident in the 1980s. At Greg’s funeral a mate of his gave Bono a memento: Greg’s one-eared teddy bear. U2’s song “One Tree Hill” from their album “The Joshua Tree” is dedicated to Greg. I photographed a teddy that once belonged to a child with Down syndrome who died at age 5. Tears well up in my eyes every time I read about the boy’s life. Why do you people keep their teddy bears for so many years? There’s something really primal about a cuddly toy. It’s the first affectionate object a child clings to after their mother. A teddy bear has that familiar smell, shape and the feel of fabric that remind us of a comforting time from childhood. Pabst Blue Ribbon: A timeline of America's favorite… US Airways plane skids off runway in Philadelphia Philadelphia plane crash selfie goes viral Vampire-fanged Utah trucker faces charges of kidnapping women Review: The doc 'Teenage' is a haunting grad… The Word Orlando Bloom is the jealous type regarding Kirsten… The Word Paul Walker's crash items for sale Opinion: Darrelle Revis, Aqib Talib fire up NFL… Vince Wilfork asks for release from Patriots Fantasy football: How will free agency affect your… Talib has beef with the Patriots Study notes: Cyber attacks, happiness and sculpting 'Five-second rule' holds up in scientific research Show off that work of yours What's Hot in Java Metro’s top five trends for New York’s favorite beverage.
or Connect New Posts  All Forums: Posts by ASusan Another vote for a food or foods he is sensitive to. Can you keep a food-behavior journal and look for links?   How is his intake of Omega 3s, choline, B-vitamins, ...all those things needed for good brain functioning? I'll bite, although my son is only 4.   For us, about 1.5 weeks' worth is good. This means when I have crazy weeks and can do the laundry/fold/put-away catch-up only on weekends, he's still good to go through the weekend. I weed out seasonally or when everything of one type is clean at once. (Recently, ALL his short sleeve shirts were clean at the same time, so I weeded out the smallest of them.)   But, for you, I'd probably still have 1.5-2-weeks worth of... You might have the LC carefully check his latch, and look for tongue ties, frenulum tie, etc. It's possible he isn't transferring milk well. (although wet diapers may contradict this)   Does he have any signs of gastro distress? burping a lot, reflux, pain, colic, green poop, bloody there ANYthing that could suggest a food sensitivity? (A nutritionist will most likely NOT be helpful in this department.) If so, it is possible that a food (or class of foods)... DS got the pool w/ waterslide for his 4th birthday recently. He LOVES swimming and has been making diving boards with his legos for months. I went based on that.   I should have ordered it from playmobil or B&N, but waited too long and paid more than I should have at TRU.   For Christmas, I bought him the zoo feeding station. I bought it a few months ago, when I... Variation of this sweet potato-ground beef hash. (added white & red potato, butternut, bacon fat, & herbs. no coconut flour)   False negatives are much more likely than false positives. Our son's RAST results and SPT results have been constant from the start (RAST at 10 mos; SPT at 14 mos; RAST at 38 mos.) All showed the same 3 allergens: wheat, peanut, egg. He is also sensitive to dairy. The IgE tests were negative to dairy and he "passed" an in-office challenge of dairy, but he reacts 24+ hours later and has a stuffy nose and swollen tonsils/adenoids for weeks afterward. My breastfeeding, dairy-sensitive son reacted to me taking homeopathics. Have you been checked for fibroids? Agree w/ Cristeen. They would get used here (heck, even week-old chicken leftovers would get eaten here). If you heat them up and they smell bad, toss them. Anything you can do to get magnesium into your body will probably help.   Epsom salt baths Calcium-magnesium supplements (tablets or liquid. My body absorbs liquid much better.) Epsom salt lotion. CVS sells it's own brand.   My first pregnancy, I did Epsom salt baths almost every night, and took liquid calcium-magnesium. This helped with constipation and with leg cramps/charley horses/restless legs at night,   This pregnancy, I'm using primarily Epsom... New Posts  All Forums:
or Connect Mothering › Mothering Forums › Baby › Co-sleeping and the Family Bed › Help 2-year sleep nightmare New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav: Help 2-year sleep nightmare post #1 of 7 Thread Starter  DH and I have had it. It has been over two years since we've had anything close to a decent night's sleep. DD is the worst sleeper ever! (She is our third, so we have realistic expectations).  She goes to sleep in her own bed and sleeps fine until about midnight, when she wakes and we get her and put her in our own bed. She wants to nurse all night, which drives me nuts - it is uncomfortable and she pulls and bites and I can't sleep through it all all anymore. If she is not nursing, she is fussing, yelling command: "I want the blanket!" "I don't want the blanket!" "I want Papa!" "Over here mama!" She demands that she be held and fidgets and flops until about  5 am. It is killing us, because we can't get any sleep. I have never used a crib, but I am wishing I had with this one. I dont' know what to do now. Any ideas? post #2 of 7 Thread Starter  I should have added she is 2 years, 2 months. post #3 of 7 If she is biting and pulling she is not nursing.  Firmly say," You bit mama -- nursies are going to sleep."  pull down your shirt.  This will make her mad but firmly, yet gently say I will not allow you to bit me.  No more nursing until morning.  (One child was OK with this. The other child was not.  However, I started using a timer and making her wait. Not just at night or with nursing.  She needed to learn to wait and that she will still get what ever.  She really needed to her once I am done with XYZ we will do ABC. We also set up signs for her to be able to match the first number to when she could ask. She had a high nursing need and nursed until 4, but I really had to guide the relationship so it could be mutual) The other behavior keep the same firm, yet gentle tone --when you have to speak to her.  Let her know she is more than welcome to play on the floor but night time is sleep time.  Pretend to be asleep and "ignore" her.  She does these things because she is old enough to understand how to get your attention, even it if is by negative behavior.   "Night time is sleep time. If you want to play  do it on the floor. We are sleeping."  Is OK to say.  Put a gate on your room and baby proof it.  Or  one of you do it in her room.  Keep your interactions as minuscule with as little light as possible.    Tank her up on attention during the day.  Also, I had one child do this about her age.  It was a growth spurt. He needed food.  Make sure she has a snack that has protein, good fats and carbs before bed.   post #4 of 7 Have you tried in your bed always instead of half night? Have you tried solo nightime parenting to reduce demands? Ease exhaust any typos, set from my itouch. post #5 of 7 Yes, I would set some boundaries for sleeping in your  bed. She is old enough to understand.  I would say that if she sleeps quietly, and doesn't wake you up, she can sleep in your bed. If not, she can sleep on a pallet on the floor in your room. I wouldn't encourage playing during the night while you are sleeping. I would tell her that night time is for sleeping....and that's it. My husband ended up helping me by sleeping with my middle one alone until she realized that she wasn't going to nurse in the middle of the night. I slept with my oldest during that time. She was 18 months old. After a few weeks, I rejoined them. Dh slept in the middle, and she slept on the other side, next to the wall. We told her that she could nurse when the sun came up. Of course, this is only useful if you are open to night weaning.  Good luck! post #6 of 7 I would echo the night-weaning suggestion.  I night-weaned DD at 20 months and have had a good night's sleep since then.  When we weaned, we still brought her into our bed, but told her "not until the sun came up".  She screamed bloody murder for two nights (in bed, with us), but then that was it.  I was in the same boat as you.... I was not able to sleep and nurse at the same time anymore and I was sick of it.  Not-to-mention that I was pregnant and DID NOT want to nurse 2 babies at night. post #7 of 7 No real advice, but I'm in the same boat. DS sleeps with us (attempts at own bed / crib sleeping did not work) and we were doing okay with it. But it's been getting harder and harder to sleep with him. He's fighting naps, night-time sleep, and attempts to night wean are really not going well (he screams from the moment I stop nursing until I give in - sometimes hours later). Yes, I realize I'm setting myself up for failure by giving in but he works himself up so badly that I feel like it's almost like crying it out, what we're doing. It doesn't feel right, but then again, I can't keep doing this. He's also really thin and I worry he's actually hungry; we do our best to get him to eat well during the day but some days are better than others. I want to get through this phase, and believe it's probably a growth spurt / teething, but I'm getting to the point where I don't feel it is safe to drive anymore. I'm so zonked out in the day I feel like I'm under water. Same nursing patterns, too. He'll nurse and fall "asleep" but nurse really sloppily, teeth grazing my nipple, etc, so that I can't sleep through it like I used to. I KNOW he's working on his 2 year molars, so I"m trying to just get through it, but this has been going on for a while and the teeth just won't break through already. There's no medical issue underlying and I'm a crappy sleeper myself. All I know is something's gotta give or mama is going to lose her  mind! Huge sympathies to those of you doing it pregnant. DS's sleep patterns are a major reason why we're not ready yet.  Anyway, hoping to see some new ideas here!  New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav:   Return Home   Back to Forum: Co-sleeping and the Family Bed
or Connect Mothering › Mothering Forums › Mom › Parenting › Blended and Step Family Parenting › The Name Game New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav: The Name Game post #1 of 4 Thread Starter  I was happy when dd came along, because it gave me something to call fil. When I first met him, I used his name, but three years living in the same house and hearing dh always say "dad" I started to say it, but then felt guilty cuz I dont call my stepdad dad, and he's been with my mom 16 years. I was grown when he came along, but still, he's been more of a parent to me than anyone else every has (besides my grandfather who passed away years ago). I called my exes parents mom and dad and it made my mother furious. For eleven years, even after the divorce I called them this but it bothers dh, since they ARENT my il's anymore. Sigh. Anyway, fil is now "pawpaw"and thats fine, but heres the confusion: When my first ds was born, my mom called my stepfather "grandpa Jeff" to him, to differientiate him from??? Dunno as I made the decision before conception that my biofather would never know my children (he sexually abused me and my sister). But later, my stepdad said he wished we never added his name to the end so I tried to just call him grandpa. Then my stepsister and stepbrother had kids, and my stepdad is "pawpaw" to them. My ds calls my exfil "pawpaw" as well. Thats a lot of pawpaws running around. To differentiate, fil calls stepdad "pawpaw Jeff" to the kids, which I know he doesnt like. My mom says "papaw" for both, which is close. ds1 alternately calls fil pawpaw and by his name, remember he has a pawpaw, but he calls stepdad grandpa, though all other grandkids are told pawpaw. Then theres my mom, whom has always been "grammy" but fil says "grandma" so dd says "grandma" though all other grandkids say "grammy". Ack! Im afraid my kids wont know who to call what or who anyone is talking about!! How do you handle this? Oh, just to add to the confusion, I have a sister and a stepsister named Amy/Amie (same pronounciation). I cant even say "aunt amy" kids still say "which one"? So its "Astins mom" and "claytons mom". And of course everyone assumes dh is ds's father and ds has gotten tired of correcting people so he lets it stand, but that bugs my ex. Oh God, once ds called his dad by dh's name and his dad when ballistic. It was an honest mistake, like when he's at school all day then comes home and calls me by his teachers name, no big deal really. Anyway, we have quite an extended blended family. Add to that dh's cousin who lives with us and I always want to call him a nephew or even ds. At least we all know who we are! (I think) post #2 of 4 How confusing!! We only have two little 'issues', but have managed to get around them so far. My daughter calls her grandmother 'Grammy', and my step-son calls his grandmother 'Grammy', so when we came together as a family, it was quite confusing for my daughter. Cause 'her' Grammy lives 3000 miles away now, so she doesn't get to see her, so when you say Grammy, it confuses her for a minute. So now, she calls SO's mother, 'Grammy Debie'... It works, and everyone seems okay with it The other thing, isn't really in our little family... My step-son is Andrew, his biomother's boyfriend has a son named Andrew So his someday-step-brother, has the same name as him. Also, the biomom and boyfriend have a baby together, who has two brothers named Poor Otherwise, no real issues for us post #3 of 4 Hmm. I think when there are steps involved we get tense over these issues, but really, they exist in intact families too and there it isn't really a big deal. For example, I call my mom "mom" and dh calls his mom " mom" and ds calls me "mom" but nobody is confused or anything, kwim? We try to just laugh about it and keep it light like its no big deal when I say "grandma's coming over" and dss says "which grandma?" there are tons of grandmas! We call all grandmas (step and "real") grandma+first name when we talk about them when they aren't here, but usually just call them "grandma" when they are here. My dad likes to be called Papa, so he is, all the other grandpas (steps and bio) are grandpa+ first name. You have to distinguish in someway right? Even in intact familes there is more than one grandma so you have to have some other way of identifing them. post #4 of 4 Growing up I had "Grandma B. and Grandpa B."(Dad's parents) "Grandma and Grandpa"(mom's parents) "Pat & Jim" (stepmom's parents, now deceased). My kids all have "Nonna" (my mom) and "Grandpa with a ponytail :LOL" (my dad) My son also has "Grandma Pam" and "Grandpa Mark" (his dad's mom and dad) "Great Grandma and Grandpa B______" "Great Grandma M______" "Gee-ma"(my ex's great-grandmother !) and "Mark and Rosie" (ex's wife's parents) DSD has "Grandma at the beach" (dh's mom - ds calls her Grandma Joyce) "Grandma upstairs" (her mom's mom) Papa (her mom's stepdad) "Grandma downstairs (her mom's grandma - they live in a duplex) But everyone keeps track somehow :LOL New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav:   Return Home
Hey Guys, I'm using AMP frontend, and I have started replacing the visuals withe other quartz visuals found here: I would really like a revolving Toyota embelm on a back background as a visual. I'm not lazy, its just I know there must a quartz expert who could knock this up very quickly. I would be extremely grateful.
Hylton Lawrence: Infinite repairs November 2, 2012  Infinite repairs How many times are the taxpayers going to repair N.C. 12? How many people live out there and how many tourists go there every year? Is it worth it? I have been trying to get my road repaved for four years. A couple of my neighbors and I originally paved our road in 1985. It has not been touched since, despite the disrepair it is currently in. This road is now lined with homes. I know N.C. 12 is nice, but is it worth the price tag? Hylton Lawrence Commenting FAQs | Terms of Service
Don’t have a cow, man Established in 1976 - or so their crest proudly claims - the noble house of Aberdeen Angus Steak Houses seems always to have been among us, yet I cannot recall ever speaking to anyone who admitted to eating in one. My own definitive experience of the chain is definitely a case of le lèche-vitrine. Heading dreamily up west on a Saturday afternoon in late March of 1990, I emerged from Leicester Square Tube to find myself in the middle of a pitched battle between police and anarchists. It was, indeed, the pivotal moment of the poll tax riots: the police, having forced the demonstrators back against a building site in Trafalgar Square, were now being attacked by lithe young men hurling scaffolding poles, apparently with all the skill of hoplites. I watched, awed, as the Met - some on horseback, others forming a loose testudo with their riot shields - retreated up Charing Cross Road. I was struck by the timelessness of the scene; this, I felt, could have been the Peasants' Revolt, or the Gordon Riots, such was the perfectly achieved choreography of the Law and the Mob. Still more atavistic were the spectators who filled the mouths of the side roads; they were in festive spirits, laughing and pointing when someone managed a particularly accurate pole-throw or truncheon-swipe. But most remarkable of all was the behaviour of the diners I could see plumped down solidly on the leatherette banquettes of the Steak House on the corner of Cranbourn Street. These hefty American tourists, far from being intimidated by the biggest civil disturbance central London had witnessed in decades, continued unabashed with their bovine noshing. The rich, far from being eaten - as the Class Warriors would have wished - were still eating. Prawn barons Back in the day there were 30-odd of these establishments, poised to capture unwary tourists as they staggered from London's mainline terminuses. With their red paint and black leather decor, and their menus of uncompromising naffness - prawn cocktails, steaks, chips, gateaux - the chain had by the late 1980s become a synonym for "clip joint". No self-respecting native would ever dream of setting foot in one. But 20 years on, revolutionary socialism has been reduced to a mere rump - and so, for that matter, have the Steak Houses: there are only four left. When I rang at Friday lunchtime to see if I could book a table at the Cranbourn Street branch for dinner that evening, the woman who answered was mildly incredulous: “We don't take bookings," she said, "and to be honest you really don't need one." The small herd of three prime young men I'd assembled to dine with me were equally thrown when I revealed our destination. They muttered about cholesterol, prions and - most important, this - the terrible solecism of natives eating in such a tourist trap. “It can't be that bad!" I cried, leading the way. "Besides, I'm paying." Such arrogance, for just as the Steak Houses barely survived the BSE and foot-and-mouth epidemics, so the bill took a near-fatal chunk out of my bank balance. It was £130 for a single course for four, with no wine to drink, only four Cokes (plus 15 per cent tip on top). True, the bullocks all had fillet steaks, while I had a sirloin, but there was no tricky preparation involved - just beef + fire - and as for side orders: chips and salad, d'oh! Where's the beef? The strange thing was that although we had to wait a ridiculously long time for our steaks, the meat was of a premium quality and perfectly cooked. The bullocks grazed contentedly, while I too happily chewed on someone else's cud, ruminating that since beef production is such a wasteful and environmentally devastating business, it was probably entirely apt that those other steak-holders, back in 1990, ignored the civil disturbances within feet of their snouts, for wasn't I doing exactly the same thing 20 years later? Granted, there wasn't a riot going on, but all meat is by definition murder, and somewhere else in the world someone was suffering the attendant grief. Not I, though. I paid the bill, said goodbye to a pair of the bullocks and, accompanied by the third, headed for home. Herding him down Charing Cross Road, I shared some of my thoughts with this, the prime cut of my loins. "Dad," he interrupted me, "can we get some Krispy Kreme doughnuts?" And people say the young have lost all interest in politics.
or Connect New Posts  All Forums: Posts by baurelio Quote: wow, if only the 400Mhz DDR wasn't so expensive, but wow, what a difference true that. the dual channel probably makes the biggest difference. what about the 5680? does this mean it's getting released later? slacker, I wasn't trying to get anyone to buy an 8890. I was just trying to keep people from getting the 5680. That's because they should all wait for the 800fsb and m10p on a 17" widescreen. rumors are that the upgrade will have a wuxga option. Quote: THE 8890 is a fat slob! I agree, but let's just keep that between us. (I need to make sure everyone else doesn't buy the first shipment before I get one) you aren't leaving until the 29th and start orientation? That's pretty late. I'm leaving on the 22nd to go to college and our classes start the 27th. with the new models so close, i was curious as to what everyone will be spending their hard earned cash on. i think the fastest is each stick runs at 400mhz. if you look at the specs, one of the options is 333. I doubt in that instance each stick runs at 166.5mhz. if my memory serves me correctly (pun not intended), dual channel is a property of the motherboard not the ram. only a couple of things to add to ryanniedz 2. the first set of laptops to ship will be approximately one week after they are available for pre-order. After they start shipping, it should be as ryanniedz says. 8. if you're worried about weight, look at the 5680. It's significantly lighter in weight. It's cheaper too and has longer battery life. It won't have a tv tuner, but with the money you save, you can probably get a better one for the pcmcia card slot. I don't... i believe that it will use 200 pin sodimm. that's what the 5660 used according to the tear down review adam did. i differ from bratag only slightly. I would suggest getting 512mb now and upgrading in a year or so when prices come down. No game will actaully require that much system ram. I would get 1gb only if you were doing graphics rendering or video editing. I do recommend the extra battery. It just depends on whether or not you think you will need the extra battery time. I think I will since I plan on taking the beast with me to class. New Posts  All Forums:
or Connect New Posts  All Forums: Posts by poiygon My friend has an Inspiron 1100 that has just recently given him some problems. The notebook works just fine, except whenever he moves the LCD forward, the screen goes black and it looks as if the system locks up. This happens at any time the computer is on, even from the boot screen. Great to hear jaycrew. You'll definitely see a noticable difference if you upgrade the RAM especially since the video runs off shared memory. Try the MediaDirect repair utility on Dell's website. It requires you to burn a CD that you'll boot your computer from to run the repair. Quote: Originally Posted by drjeff2b Followed all the steps with help from a couple of other forums and the computer is running great, although there are still dozens of processes running. Took a little to time to figure out all the right settings but i think i got it right. Any way to get these processes down? Did I not do it right? Well, I didn't look at what processes ran when I did the clean install, but I have a bunch of processes... I don't know what kind of visual improvements they're going to make in Halo 2 for Vista, but seeing as it ran on a 733MHz P3 w/ 64MB of RAM ... it should run on current video cards and processors. The two reasons MS launching Halo 2 for Vista only is to boost sales for Vista and the online gaming system will be one of the first PC games to work with the expanding Live platform. jaycrew: Congratulations on your purchase. No, it's not necessary. However, when you do a clean install, if you don't delete the MediaDirect partition (which is the F: drive if I recall correctly) you don't need to order the MediaDirect CD. You'll just need to download the repair utility from Dell's website and it'll give you all the instructions on how to burn a repair CD. 1. The X1400 should allow you to play the current games smoothly at medium settings, but you'll probably find yourself dropping to lower settings as new games are released. 2. Vista is supposed to be launched in Q1 of 2007. Microsoft is aiming for CES 2007, which is early January, but it might be delayed a month or so. 3. My recommendations would be: - Configure your system with the 60GB hdd 5400RPM drive and 512MB of RAM - Purchase a larger 7200RPM hdd and 2GB of RAM... Just givin' my thumbs up for Bal`thzar. Awesome deal and great condition for a DGL-4300. jaycrew: The Core Duos run excellent. Applications run very smooth and launch very quickly. I'd say the only bottleneck in the system is the 5400rpm hard drive. I could switch it out with a 7200rpm with a larger cache and probably see a difference in loading applications. drjeff2b: Reformatting is a very simple process as long as you have three things: a bootable installation CD for Windows, CD with drivers, and a repair CD for MediaDirect. Here's a pretty simple guide... Got it yesturday. Everything works great. Thanks! New Posts  All Forums:
Fashion for the Subzero Biker Jill Homer's Cold-Weather Gear hide captionWhat an Alaska cyclist should wear, minus the cat. Courtesy of Jill Homer People often ask me what to wear in order to be comfortable riding a bicycle in temperatures that could freeze boiling water before it hit the ground. The quick answer is, "quite a lot." But it's not as simple as that. Bike riders cannot simply wedge themselves into every article of clothing they have in their closets and expect good results. There is definitely a science to it. And like any modern science, truth is forged in the fire of trial and error, and subjects nearly always emerge with theories of their own. Here are the "truths" I've discovered: The first rule in dressing for dangerously cold: Layer, layer, layer. This is the most important rule, and yet it is the hardest one to quantify. Too many layers will leave a cyclist soaked in sweat. Too few will invite in the Arctic wind. The point of layering is to be constantly vigilant of how you're feeling, and adding and subtracting articles of clothing as necessary. I like to use fleece jackets and have found that the number I need is directly proportional to the drop in temperature by a ratio of 1:20. One jacket is comfortable when it's 30 degrees. Two when it's 10. Three when it's -10. And so on. The second rule in dressing for the dangerously cold: Cotton kills. Lycra-clad cyclists have known this all along. But what many don't know is, cotton really kills. It soaks up its own weight in sweat, which quickly converts to ice, and the resulting solid frost armor is worse than useless when it comes to insulation. So instead, I use a skin-tight, sweat-wicking polypro base layer on my legs and torso, then the aforementioned fleece layers (which also repel water toward my outer shell). The outer shell has plenty of ventilation to hopefully send that sweat skyward. Anything that solidifies on clothing is there to stay, which gives a whole new meaning to gaining unwanted weight. The third rule in dressing for the dangerously cold: Hands and feet first. Never ignore hands and feet, and never underestimate the gear needed to cover them. Layering up socks doesn't work because toes need room to circulate the warm blood that keeps them toasty and not frostbitten. I use a polypro liner sock followed by something called a vapor barrier layer, which is similar to a durable plastic bag. It keeps all the moisture locked inside, where it can't find its way into places where it will likely become ice. On top of that is a thick wool sock, winter boots that are three sizes to large for me, and a waterproof overboot. Hands stay the warmest when wrapped in liner gloves, which are then wrapped in mittens, which are then wrapped inside a handlebar mitt that cyclists call a "pogie." The problem with hands is they become rather useless in all this gear, like awkward stumps with vaguely functional appendages. Once winter cyclists learn to feed themselves with mittens, they know they're set. The fourth rule of dressing for the dangerously cold: You really can't put too much stuff on your head. Others might disagree. But I think two face masks and four hats, or anything else that makes a person look like a bulbous mushroom, are perfectly acceptable. There are other rules for dressing in the cold. Wearing a down jacket is a good idea. Dry shoes are crucial. And remember, if the glove doesn't fit, fingers will freeze in it. I'm probably missing several dozen important truths. But I know if I at least remember the first four, I'm off to a good start. Snow Cyclist Checks In: 'Now I'm Frightened' Jill Homer in the Very Cold hide captionWhen the air is this cold, condensation freezes on her eye lashes. Courtesy of Jill Homer Jill Homer is planning to bike the Iditarod. First, she has a learning curve to master. Lately, that has included lessons in how to change a flat tire, in the cold and dark, alone. And how to brace yourself against hurricane-force wind that is tossing you around in your own backyard. The intrepid Homer admits to feeling a little nervous as she checks in this week. Support comes from:
Edition: U.S. / Global Crackdown Makes Inroad in Lawless Karachi Published: February 10, 1999 Murderous and macabre, Karachi is a patch quilt of robust commerce and urban detritus, where modern seaside high rises loom above mud-caked squatter colonies and much of the water supply is delivered by donkey cart. Common thugs moonlight as political operatives, and a Kalashnikov rifle is easy to rent for $10 a week. With 10 million people, it is one of the world's largest and most dangerous cities. For nearly a decade, two predatory political factions with terrorist elements -- the Muttahida Qaumi Movement and its rival offshoot, the Haqiqi -- have fought each other and, very often, the police and the army. Karachi has slipped back and forth between times of deadly mayhem and brutal crackdowns, the one a disease that is crippling the city and the other a temporary remedy that many here say only insures more violence ahead. Right now is a period of crackdown. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has used his constitutional powers to turn over control of Sindh Province, which includes Karachi, to his appointed Governor, Moinuddin Haider. ''What choice was there, with terrorists killing people every day, mutilating their bodies, cutting them up, stuffing them in sacks and dropping them around the city?'' asked Governor Haider, a recently retired and well-respected general. Much of Pakistan, not just this city, suffers from lawlessness. While Mr. Sharif's get-tough tactics may combat crime, it is commonly believed that he also wants tighter control over his economically troubled country at a time when his popularity has plummeted. In Karachi, police officers and paramilitary troops were unleashed to capture people accused of being terrorists, and thousands of people were taken into custody like minnows in a seine. Workers of the M.Q.M., Karachi's main political party, have been particular targets of the crackdown. The party successfully competes in elections and ruthlessly kills and extorts in the streets. Its support comes from Urdu speakers, known as Mohajirs, whose families came from India a half-century ago and formed much of the city's business class. For ''the speedy and inexpensive justice'' that he insists is a must, Mr. Sharif had little faith in the existing courts and their overwhelmed, oftenintimidated civilian judges. In December, citing conviction rates of less than 1 percent, he enlisted military officers to try criminal cases, a strategy he says he now hopes to expand to the rest of the country. Under the procedures in Sindh, Governor Haider chooses cases for three-judge military tribunals, and the time between a trial and an execution is measured in weeks. The near-hanging of Mohammad Saleem, 14, is an example of how this refashioned justice is working, though whether these workings are a horror or a triumph is in dispute. Too Young for Trial, He Was Tried Anyway During one of the military's swiftly held trials, Mohammad, an illiterate carpet weaver, was convicted along with several others in the terrorist murder of three policemen. No defense was presented for the teenager, though he had a solid alibi and witnesses to prove it. Ignored as well was his age. He was too young to be legally tried as an adult. On the other hand, the young man lives, and to many here that shows that the system is fair as well as fast. Though Mohammad had but three days to appeal, an outcry from the shanties where he lived was enough to alert human rights lawyers to his case. A second military panel set him free. In two months, 13 people have been sentenced to death, though after a murderer and a rapist went to the gallows, the Supreme Court suspended further executions and is considering whether the Prime Minister had the right to set up this parallel system of justice. Soldiers Now Handle Many Civilian Chores Whatever the legality, the effects have been tranquilizing. The number of murders in Karachi, by official statistics, has fallen sharply. Last June's monthly total was 139; December's was 37. Such statistics are encouraging to Mr. Sharif, who has increasingly relied on the military for civilian chores. Soldiers now run the Government's water and power company. They conducted the census in this, the world's eighth-most-populous country, and are repairing the roads. The crackdown in Karachi involves political calculation on Mr. Sharif's part, some say. ''Sharif had an alliance with the M.Q.M., and when the deal came apart he did what any cutthroat would do,'' said Ardeshir Cowasjee, an acerbic political commentator and retired businessman. ''In this country everything is possible in the name of power and greed.'' In February 1997, when Mr. Sharif was elected, his party, the Pakistan Muslim League, made a deal with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement. Together they held enough legislative seats to form a coalition to head Sindh's provincial government. But from the start the partners bickered about how the deal was being fulfilled. Political violence again menaced the peace. Muttahida Qaumi terrorists, including some newly sprung from jail, were taking revenge against the Haqiqi faction and against law enforcement, occasionally using rockets and grenades. When the coalition finally came apart, the police, who had been held back while the M.Q.M. shared power, were pleased to be set loose.
Edition: U.S. / Global Zoos Rethink Ways to Contain Gorillas Published: June 20, 2004 A cheetah could do it. So could a chimpanzee. But no one expected a stocky, knuckle-dragging 340-pound gorilla to leap across a 12-foot-wide moat and a wall that separated him from visitors at the Dallas Zoo. But zoo investigators say that is exactly what happened the day the 13-year-old gorilla, Jabari, escaped and went on a 40-minute rampage in March, snatching up a toddler with his teeth and injuring three other people before being shot to death by officers. The gorilla's flying leap has astounded primate experts and is leading some to rethink the design of the gorilla exhibits at zoos across the country. ''You think, 'This may be one championship gorilla here, but I've got to be careful because maybe I've got one, too,''' said Terry L. Maple, who was director of Zoo Atlanta for 17 years and has written about gorilla behavior. At the Dallas Zoo, animals in the gorilla enclosure are roughly at visitors' eye level. Zoo officials, who conducted a three-month investigation, announced this week that they believed Jabari had taken a running start and sailed over the trench, clearing the 14-foot wall and an electrical wire atop it that is supposed to give a mild shock. Some experts speculate that Jabari may have been doing a ''display run,'' a showy charge that younger males perform for females or other audiences. Others say he could have been motivated by fear, anger or desire to breed. Dallas Zoo officials believe he escaped by leaping, because they could not find evidence of human error, like an open door, or any object that could have helped him get out. But the zoo director, Rich Buickerood, said, ''We still have not had anyone come forward yet to say they actually witnessed the event.'' As a result, some experts are a bit skeptical that the gorilla made such a leap. Whatever happened, Jabari's escape moved the zoo to renovate the exhibit where younger gorillas stay. It raised the walls to at least 15 feet, added ''gorilla speed bumps'' to break up long, flat stretches and installed ''hot vines,'' electric wires that resemble plants. ''Everybody who knows anything about gorillas is concerned about this, and everybody should be re-evaluating their safety mechanisms as we speak,'' Dr. Maple said. Before Jabari's escape, a 12-foot-wide moat was considered an adequate barrier, said Dan Wharton, director of the Central Park Zoo in Manhattan and chairman of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association's Gorilla Species Survival Plan. Gorillas, though powerful, quick, agile in trees and believed by some experts to be as intelligent as chimpanzees, are heavy-boned and were thought to lack the ability to leap long distances. ''I think we probably have underestimated the ability of these animals,'' Dr. Maple said. ''I'm not saying he did it, but if he did do it, it was a tremendous feat of athleticism that heretofore was not known to this species.'' Dr. Wharton said that he had not yet seen the zoo's review of the incident, but that he and other officials planned to study it to determine whether the association should change exhibit guidelines for accredited zoos. Karen Killmar, associate curator of mammals at the San Diego Zoo, said that zoos would adapt to whatever changes were ordered. Photo: Jabari escaped at the Dallas Zoo in March and hurt three people. (Photo by Associated Press)
How Puritans Became Capitalists VALERI: You need to have a change in your basic understanding of how or where God works in the world before you can envision different economic behaviors as morally sufferable. These religious changes come first. The market–networks of exchange, converging prices, things being adjudicated in courts–is not put in place in North America until the 1740s,1750s. The religious changes come before that. They’re integral to it. IDEAS: Your book comes out at an interesting moment for America’s relationship with free-market economics–to a lot of people, it looks like everyone in the financial markets has been behaving in defiance of the broader interests of the society. VALERI: I asked a hedge fund manager I know if he had said to the traders described in [Michael Lewis’s] ”The Big Short,” ”What you’re doing will result in huge financial calamity, unemployment, people losing their homes–isn’t that socially irresponsible?”, what would they have said? He said, ”Their response would be, ’that doesn’t matter, that’s not my concern. My job is to make as much money as I possibly can.’” My book shows the people who built the capitalist system did not think like that. The people who built the market economy had a whole cluster of deep collective loyalties and moral convictions. Read more . . .
Beefy Boxes and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks Bob Keep It Simple, Stupid Re^2: Do you have a middle name? by igoryonya (Acolyte) on Dec 04, 2009 at 07:41 UTC ( #811037=note: print w/ replies, xml ) Need Help?? in reply to Re: Do you have a middle name? in thread Do you have a middle name? In Russia, a middle name is always a father's name with gender endings. For instance, my father's name is Aleksandr, so my Father, hence middle, name is Aleksandrovich, on the other hand, if I was a girl, my father name would be Aleksandrovna. In addition to ovich and ovna endings, there is a variation evich, evna, depending on which name is used. This is just a fun brainstorm, so I, to be quick, only did ovich, ovna. In context with english names: @Michael = ('Michaelovich', 'Michaelovna); my @genderEnding = ('ovich', 'ovna'); my @genderType = ('Male', 'Female'); my $genderSelected = 1; my $fathersName = &promptConsole("What's your father's name"); my $gender = &promptConsole("What's your gender"); for my $gen (qw{m male man boy}){ $genderSelected = 0 if(lc($gender) eq $gen); } print "Since, you are $genderType[$genderSelected], your father (middl +e) name is $fathersName$genderEnding[$genderSelected]\n"; sub promptConsole{ print shift, ": "; my $in = <>; $in =~ s/[\r\n\cM]+$//; return $in; } Pardon me, I've wrote this script after voting without testing as a fun brainstorm :) and I've made a couple of bugs. People messaged me, saying that it's not working, so I've fixed it. I've misspelled sub call to $fathersName and I used <INPUT> instead of <>. I got it mixed up with an other programming language. I don't even remember which one, but here we go, the fixed version. Select or Download Code Log In? What's my password? Create A New User Node Status? node history Node Type: note [id://811037] and the web crawler heard nothing... How do I use this? | Other CB clients Other Users? Others perusing the Monastery: (4) As of 2014-03-14 01:54 GMT Find Nodes? Voting Booth? Have you used a cryptocurrency? Results (293 votes), past polls
Beefy Boxes and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks vroom Perl Monk, Perl Meditation Comment on Excellent node! I have a couple of questions: 1. Why do you do [@item[0..$#item]] rather than just [@item]? IIRC, the second will copy the array as well, so there's no need to take a slice. 2. re: number 15 -- I've noticed that it complains about RD_AUTOACTION when you use Precompile (which is the same as the command-line?), but it seems to still append auto-actions just fine. Is this the behavior you saw? And finally, one additional suggestion to add: Do as little as possible in your actions, particularly in the ones in lower-level rules. Building up and tearing down parse trees can be awfully slow, so it may be faster to just do the fastest thing possible during the parse, and post-process it afterwards. In reply to Re: Random Tips on Parse::RecDescent by educated_foo in thread Random Tips on Parse::RecDescent by hsmyers and:  <code> code here </code> • Please read these before you post! —         For:     Use: & &amp; < &lt; > &gt; [ &#91; ] &#93; • Log In? What's my password? Create A New User and the web crawler heard nothing... How do I use this? | Other CB clients Other Users? Others perusing the Monastery: (5) As of 2014-03-14 01:30 GMT Find Nodes? Voting Booth? Have you used a cryptocurrency? Results (293 votes), past polls;node_id=3333
Center for Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, University of Liège, B-4000 Liège, Belgium. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Impact Factor: 4.66). 09/2005; 1725(1):93-102. DOI:10.1016/j.bbagen.2005.05.026 Source: PubMed ABSTRACT Thiamine triphosphate (ThTP) is found in most organisms and may be an intracellular signal molecule produced in response to stress. We have recently cloned the cDNA coding for a highly specific mammalian 25-kDa thiamine triphosphatase. The enzyme was active in all mammalian species studied except pig, although the corresponding mRNA was present. In order to determine whether the very low ThTPase activity in pig tissues is due to the absence of the protein or to a lack of catalytic efficiency, we expressed human and pig ThTPase in E. coli as GST fusion proteins. The purified recombinant pig GST-ThTPase was found to be 2-3 orders of magnitude less active than human GST-ThTPase. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we show that, in particular, the change of Glu85 to lysine is responsible for decreased solubility and catalytic activity of the pig enzyme. Immunohistochemical studies revealed a distribution of the protein in pig brain very similar to the one reported in rodent brain. Thus, our results suggest that a 25-kDa protein homologous to hThTPase but practically devoid of enzyme activity is expressed in pig tissues. This raises the possibility that this protein may play a physiological role other than ThTP hydrolysis. 0 0 • [show abstract] [hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Thiamine triphosphate (ThTP) is present in low amounts in most organisms from bacteria to humans, but its biological role remains unknown. Escherichia coli grown aerobically in LB medium contain no detectable amounts of ThTP, but when they are transferred to M9 minimal medium with a substrate such as glucose or pyruvate, there is a rapid but transient accumulation of relatively high amounts of ThTP (about 20% of total thiamine). If a mixture of amino acids is present in addition to glucose, ThTP accumulation is impaired, suggesting that the latter may occur in response to amino acid starvation. To test the importance of ThTP for bacterial growth, we used an E. coli strain overexpressing a specific human recombinant thiamine triphosphatase as a glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein (GST-ThTPase). Those bacteria were unable to accumulate measurable amounts of ThTP. On minimal medium supplemented with glucose, pyruvate, or acetate, they exhibited an intermediate plateau in cell growth compared with control bacteria expressing GST alone or a GST fusion protein unrelated to thiamine metabolism. These results suggest that the early accumulation of ThTP initiates a reaction cascade involved in the adaptation of bacteria to stringent conditions such as amino acid starvation. This is the first demonstration of a physiological role of this ubiquitous compound in any organism. Journal of Biological Chemistry 05/2004; 279(17):17142-7. · 4.65 Impact Factor • [show abstract] [hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Thiamine triphosphate (ThTP) is found at low concentrations in most animal tissues, and recent data suggest that it may act as a phosphate donor for the phosphorylation of some proteins. In the mammalian brain, ThTP synthesis is rapid, but its steady-state concentration remains low, presumably because of rapid hydrolysis. In this report we purified a soluble thiamine triphosphatase (ThTPase; EC ) from calf brain. The bovine ThTPase is a 24-kDa monomer, hydrolyzing ThTP with virtually absolute specificity. Partial sequence data obtained from the purified bovine enzyme by tandem mass spectrometry were used to search the GenBank data base. A significant identity was found with only one human sequence, the hypothetical 230-amino acid protein MGC2652. The coding regions from human and bovine brain mRNA were amplified by reverse transcription-PCR, cloned in Escherichia coli, and sequenced. The human open reading frame was expressed in E. coli as a GST fusion protein. Transformed bacteria had a high isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside-inducible ThTPase activity. The recombinant ThTPase had properties similar to those of human brain ThTPase, and it was specific for ThTP. The mRNA was expressed in most human tissues but at relatively low levels. This is the first report of a molecular characterization of a specific ThTPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 05/2002; 277(16):13771-7. · 4.65 Impact Factor • [show abstract] [hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Thiamine triphosphatase (TTPase) from membranes isolated from the main electric organ of E. electricus is activated about 8 fold by NO3-, I- and SCN- while SO42- is inhibitory. Activating anions shift the pH optimum of the enzyme from 5.0 to 8.0. The enzyme is irreversibly inactivated by low concentrations of 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2' disulfonic acid (DIDS), an inhibitor of anion transport. Anions protect from DIDS inactivation. These and other results suggest that the membrane-bound TTPase activity is tightly controlled, possibly through mechanisms involving anion transport. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 09/1988; 154(3):942-7. · 2.41 Impact Factor
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Early on Monday afternoon in the US most of the nation was gripped by the notion that while one gunman was "down" in the DC Navy Yard others might be on the lose. That suggested the mass shooting may have been a terrorist attack. Perhaps the President was getting better briefings than the rest of us because when he spoke at 12.30pm he framed the attack as yet another gun rampage rather than as terrorism. Under siege: People come out from a building with their hands up after the shooting at the Washington Navy Yard. Under siege: People come out from a building with their hands up after the shooting at the Washington Navy Yard. Photo: AFP He sounded grim and he sounded frustrated. He should be. Ten months after the killing of 20 primary school children sparked a new push for gun control Congress has not passed a single law to broaden background checks, restrict access to military-style rifles or limit the size of magazines, all measures that were mooted after the Sandy Hook's indescribable loss. True, some liberal states have introduced some measures - including Connecticut, where Sandy Hook is - but those measures have been equalled, perhaps outweighed, by National Rifle Association-backed laws stripping away what little gun regulation exists in other right-leaning states. To foreign eyes some of these laws will seem preposterous. The resurgent Republican party now controlling North Carolina has just passed a "save the gun" law, which prohibits law enforcement agencies from destroying guns they confiscate or purchase in buy-backs. Instead they must keep, donate or sell the guns to licensed gun dealers. Some of the state's police forces - who do not like their officers being shot - held last minute buy backs just ahead of the law's introduction to try to get some of the weapons off the street. Also this month the Des Moines Register revealed that Iowa state authorities has been granting gun licences to people who are legally or completely blind. In Missouri earlier this year a state politician proposed a law that would make it a felony for politicians to even introduce a gun control law into the state's general assembly. Other states have passed laws that would make it illegal for state employees - that is, police officers - to help enforce what few federal restrictions do exist or may be introduced. In Colorado two senators - one a former police chief - just suffered defeats at recall elections because they had dared to back very limited gun regulations - extending background checks to all buyers and limiting the size of magazines to 15 rounds. 15! Recalls are launched by petitioning citizens who can force politicians to face new elections if they collect enough signatures. Removing the two Colorado state senators was a major NRA victory that will have broad implications across the nation. An example has been set. "The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is proud to have stood with the men and women in Colorado who sent a clear message that their Second Amendment rights are not for sale," the NRA crowed in a statement after the election. No one is quite sure how many have died at the end of a gun in America since Sandy Hook, but in 2010 there were 19,392 firearm related deaths, including 11,078 homicides and 19,392 suicides. is maintaining a crowd-sourced project to tally gun deaths, but most of those it is able to verify are murders and accidents. Its interactive graphic makes for terrible reading. Visitors to the site can click on any one of 8232 icons of men women and children to read the details of their deaths. So why has nothing happened? In part the gun debate in America perfectly reflects the nation's broader political malaise. Liberal states are becoming more liberal as conservative states pull further to the right. The gulf between them is filled more by mutual anger and contempt than understanding. This is the same fissure that has utterly stalled America's Congress, where Republicans dominate the House and Democrats hold a majority in the Senate so slim that can be overcome by the Republican filibuster. With no real control of Congress then Obama and his allies - including many of the parents of children killed in Sandy Hook - tried to appeal directly to the people early in the year in order to shame Congress into adopting proposed reforms. They failed, and soon Obama seemed either to lose the will to act or became overwhelmed by the battles to prosecute his own broader agenda while fighting constant political brushfires like the Snowden leaks and IRS scandal. What is less clear is why the executive of the National Rifle Association is so hysterical, so insistent that any regulation of guns is evidence of government tyranny, even though there is evidence even their own membership overwhelmingly supports universal criminal backgrounds checks.    This hysteria was convincingly explained in an essay earlier this year by Matt Bennett, a former White House staffer who now advises the Sandy Hook Promise gun control lobby group. He argues there are three types of gun owner in America - hunters, those who want self-protection and finally those who own guns as a bulwark against government tyranny. The first two groups are the majority, and most of them support some gun control. The third group, the constitutionalists, are the minority but wield the most power, especially since they seized control of the NRA in a coup during an executive meeting in 1977. Their outsized influence is no mystery - like most motivated single-issue voters, they care more than anyone else in the room. Now that they have forged a lucrative alliance with gun manufacturers they have the war chest too. With the battle-lines drawn it is not hard to predict how the public debate over coming days will go. Gun control advocates will point out that the Navy Yard shooter was armed with an AR-15 military-style semi-automatic rifle, the same gun that killed Sandy Hook's children, the same gun that felled so many in a Colorado cinema. They will note that the killer managed to take most of the 12 lives he ended in burst of gunfire between 8.18 am and about 8.25 am. The gun lobby will deny the AR-15 is a military style weapon - despite all the industry advertising that boasts that it is - and condemn critics for "politicising" a tragedy. Neither side will address the real issue. Whatever you think of the ready civilian access to military-style weapons, and there is no doubt that that is what the AR-15 is, long arms only kill a few hundred people in America each year. By murder and suicide thousands upon thousands are killed by handguns. You can bet no one will be talking about that.
My brother the quarryman Arnold Wesker salutes Daniel Gavron's attempts to look impartially at the problems of the Middle East in The Other Side of Despair The Other Side of Despair: Jews and Arabs in the Promised Land by Daniel Gavron by Daniel Gavron 224pp, Rowman & Littlefield, £17.95 This seemed to me an important book when I read it; post-Madrid and post-Sheik Yassin, it is an urgent book to read. As Daniel Gavron writes: "Although it is the bombs and bullets that capture the headlines, numerous examples exist of friendly cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians." We are desperately hungry to know about them. This book is a kind of Jewish Via Dolorosa. David Hare spent a few weeks in Israel and interviewed a motley collection of Jews and Palestinians. Gavron, London born, has lived for 43 years in Israel, where he has worked as a journalist, written five books of non-fiction and two novels about life in Israel and its history, and was a founding member of the team that established the Palestine-Israel Journal. In his hugely intelligent and originally structured book he has interviewed and drawn portraits of 16 remarkable Palestinians and Jews. His conclusions are startling. The late Professor Talmon of the Hebrew University once gave a lecture attempting to explain how the sociological and political development of the previous centuries led up to the Nazi holocaust. In it he used a very interesting phrase: "Release from awe and respect". European civilisation, he argued, had gradually evolved a state of mind in which "the group" was considered the instrument for either good or evil. There were no individuals, there were only groups. Attempting to evaluate the virtues and failings of each individual took too much time. It was simpler, cosier, to declare that "the group" was at fault. For some it was "the bourgeoisie" that was the instrument of suffering, while the working class was the instrument of change for the better. To the Protestants it was Catholics who caused the world's ills; for the Catholics the Protestants were to blame. Such thinking, Talmon argued, led to a release from that awe and respect which the individual could command. The group was too nebulous to require it, whereas the individual face forced us to have awe and respect. Confronting him or her made judgment a complex affair; it was easier to judge a group, which conveniently had no individual human face - no eyes to look into, no individual life to care about, no conscience to question. The delight, optimism and sheer relief of Gavron's book is that it draws our perception away from the group - "the Arabs", "the Jews", "the Palestinians" - and focuses our attention on individuals. Instantly our hearts warm, and instead of our phobias about groups, our intelligence comes into play, we have awe and respect. And against a historical background, how well he's knitted their reported and actual speech, and how vivid and attractive they emerge, offering fresh pictures of Israeli/Palestinian life. It is true that suffering exists on both sides. Gavron is not afraid to spell it out. "Although the Palestinians have suffered far more than the Israelis, both sides have been harmed. There has been enormous damage to the Israeli economy; the Palestinian economy has been all but destroyed; the continuous disruption of both societies has resulted in irreparable harm to both national psyches." To Gavron the basic problem is simple: "Two peoples lay claim to the same piece of real estate. Somehow it has to be shared, and the complications emerge in working out how ... Israelis and Palestinians live among each other, entwined in a deadly, unbreakable embrace ... There is no right or wrong here - simply different angles of vision." In this clearly assembled, imaginatively researched selection of interviews Gavron offers those different angles of vision, many of which were, to me at least, unknown. How many are aware, for example, that Palestinians produced most of the world's Arabic computer software? How many know that in 1948 David Ben Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, "smashed the main Jewish dissident organisation, the Irgun Zvai Leumi"? - unlike the Palestinians' President Arafat, who refuses to disband the Arab dissident organisation Hamas. His interviews begin with personalities from the past, such as Nasser Eddin Nashashibi, a Palestinian Arab of the old school and a member of one of the two most influential families in Palestine, the other being the Husseinis. Between them they owned urban real estate, olive and citrus groves, farms and businesses, and were fierce rivals. On his first meeting with Gavron in 1987, Nashashibi boomed out: "Good morning Mr Gavron. What a bloody mess! I don't know what the hell is going to happen, do you?" Although he's one of "yesterday's men", despite living through distress, disappointments and failed attempts to reconcile his people with the Jews, he is still able to declare: "My dear sir, it is nonsense to talk of unsolvable problems. Every problem has a solution. Reason can solve everything. But bombs, rockets and bullets have no place any more." Such reasoning is echoed by another Palestinian, Tariq Essawi, who observes: "Whatever happens in this country, you are going to be here tomorrow morning, and so am I." What makes this rational observation poignant is that Essawi is one of two bereaved parents interviewed by Gavron. The other is an Israeli, Yitzhak Frankenthal. Both lost their sons. Essawi has a nephew who is planning to study law at the Hebrew University. That's an image few conjure up at the mention of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict - a Palestinian going to an Israeli college to study law. Gavron's book is full of such fresh images: Lova Eliav, an Israeli pioneer and long-standing member of the Labour party who was once in line to take over the leadership, lost his position and prospects, and shocked his comrades, when he proposed the idea of a confederation of Israel, Palestine and Jordan, and even laid out a practical programme for joint exploration of resources; Adi Eilat, an Israeli refusenik who decided it was not soldiers who kill mothers and children that are to blame - they are merely frightened, jumpy young men in an abnormal battlefield. "It is the situation we have to change." Samir Huleileh is the marketing and export manager of Nassar Jerusalem Stone, the largest quarry and stone-processing factory in the Middle East. Gavron records that: "It buys 40% of its raw materials from Israel, sells a third of its products to Israel, and exports to 32 countries via Israeli ports." Another fresh image, of life continuing through trade. An Israeli businessman says of Huleileh: "These guys are amazing. With all the curfews and closures, they keep operating. If there are only four available hours in a day, they will use them to the full. It's a pleasure to do business with them." And what is one to make of Menahem Froman, a rabbi and passionate Zionist on intimate terms with both Ariel Sharon and Arafat, as well as with the Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, and the former Archbishop of Canterbury, now Lord Carey? Froman thinks that the Jews should give up the conventional concept of national sovereignty and favours both an Israeli state and a Palestinian Arab state in all of Palestine. Jerusalem, he maintains, is too big for either Israel or Palestine. It can be the religious and cultural capital of the world. The conclusion that Gavron reaches from listening to these diverse, reasonable and imaginative voices (13 men, three women) is that the Israelis and Palestinians have proved not only that they can live side by side but have declared that they want to live side by side; there is no other way. Most of them think it should be in two separate states. Gavron thinks otherwise. He believes - and this is what is startling - that they should live side by side in a single state, to be called Jerusalem. "The borders are already irrelevant," states Gavron in his final paragraph. "I am suggesting that Israeli and the Palestinian territories can be merged into a dynamic, multi-ethnic, culturally rich nation with new forms of co-existence between its different constituents ... We must repudiate our phobias and prejudices and make a quantum jump ... vaulting beyond despair." The Jewish, Palestinian and Christian voices within his book reaffirm a humane sanity of which we are all desperately in need. · Arnold Wesker will have a five-night residency at the Guardian Hay Festival, starting this evening. See for details. Today's best video Today in pictures
Should we be scared? We've all read the warnings about 'killer nanobots' and 'grey goo'. But how seriously should we take the hype about nanotechnology? Ian Sample tours some labs to find out On the outer edges of Farnborough stands a large, ugly, aluminium-clad building. Once the home of a wind tunnel for testing the aerodynamics of British missiles, it now houses a hi-tech production plant. In the space of an hour, the plant takes a few kilogrammes of metal or metal oxide and blasts them with an inert gas heated to 9,000 degrees. The vaporised material then cools to form billions and billions of tiny particles. These "nanoparticles" are just a few billionths of a metre across, and can be incredibly useful in a wide range of applications. The Farnborough site, which opened this summer, is, naturally, a source of great pride to Qinetiq, the research company that owns it. After all, this is cutting-edge. The plant is one of Europe's most advanced nanotechnology facilities, and nanotechnology, of course, is hot stuff right now. The headlines are full of nanobots (robots that are little bigger than a few molecules), grey goo (which is all that will be left when the nanobots have taken over the planet), and imminent apocalypse - either that or nanotechnology making us immortal and/or saving the planet. Even in the sober world of academia, attaching the word "nano" to a research project can make all the difference if you're trying to secure funding. What self-respecting university doesn't have its own nanotech lab these days? Nano is where it's at. Of course, nanotechnology in some form or other has long been with us. Nano, meaning dwarf in Greek, is used in mathematics to denote "one billionth". So anything that can sensibly be measured in billionths of a metre qualifies for the nano tag. The chips in your computer are likely to have circuitry measuring in the nanometre range. Increasingly, car bumpers contain highly conductive nanotubes to prevent static electricity building up. For the next six months, 1,000 Stagecoach buses will be trialling a fuel additive containing nano-sized particles that promises to cut their emissions drastically. In many ways, the definition of nano is so broad that it is an unhelpful prefix. When a term encompasses everything on the molecular scale from physics and chemistry to biology and biochemistry, it becomes unclear what use it is. And the term has been stretched by scientists keen to be involved in the nanotech revolution. For them, anything remotely small becomes nano-technology. But for most of us at least, nanotech means building tiny, tiny machines, that sort of thing. And as fabulous as the Farnborough plant surely is, this is not quite the thrilling world of nanotechnology we have been led to expect. It is, after all, simply a plant that makes very small bits of metal. Where are the ingenious, microscopically small machines we're always reading about? To find out, we decided to visit some nanotech labs, and take a look for ourselves. The answer, it turns out, is that those tiny machines do not exist - and won't for a very long time to come. Walk into any lab around the world and it quickly becomes apparent that experiments to take individual atoms and molecules and use them to construct anything remotely useful - never mind a killer nanobot - are at a sub-rudimentary level and are dogged by obvious, yet infuriating difficulties that drive scientists to distraction. At the University of Nottingham, for example, Philip Moriarty is experimenting with tools for moving single molecules around. One day, being able to make patterns with individual molecules could lead to vanishingly small electrical circuits made from lines of conducting molecules instead of wires. But not for some time yet. For now, Moriarty is really just getting used to the tools needed to work at such a tiny scale. The main tool of the trade is called an atomic force microscope. It has an ultra-thin metal spike whose tip, in the hands of an experienced user, can be wielded to push atoms and molecules from place to place. But even for the experienced, this is no easy task. "It's hugely challenging," he says. "All your work has to be done in a vacuum that is comparable to that found in deep space. Then you have to consider that atoms and molecules like sticking to things, so they stick to each other and to the tip you are trying to move them around with." You can spend hours moving molecules to where you want them only for the final piece of the molecular jigsaw to get stuck to the microscope tip, ruining everything, says Moriarty. In 1989, Don Eigler, a researcher at IBM famously nudged 35 xenon atoms around under a microscope to spell out the letters of the company. Less well publicised was that the task took 22 hours to complete and was carried out at nearly -270 degrees. At room temperature, the stunt would have been impossible. The atoms would have jiggled around and wandered off in the heat. The problems Moriarty mentions are just a few of the everyday hurdles nanotechnologists have to surmount. One remotely clumsy move and fragile molecular structures can be flattened or flicked out of sight, never to be seen again. One of the biggest problems of working with really small things is losing what you've just spent hours making. "Imagine you're working on an infinitely large snooker table but you can only see a tiny fraction of it," says Mark Welland, director of the nanoscale science laboratory at the University of Cambridge. "You know that somewhere on it are two balls that are jiggling around and you've got to find one, then pick it up and take it over to the other one. If you don't know where they are, that can take you ages." The consensus seems to be that the sheer difficulty of dealing with atoms and molecules one at a time is a brick on the brake of nanotechnology - and will continue to be so for some time yet. Even if scientists knew how to build things from individual atoms and molecules, though, it's questionable whether they would know quite what to build. At the nanoscale, engineering works very differently to the big stuff we are used to making. You can't just take today's designs for a combustion engine, make it out of molecules and expect it to run like a dream. To get some pointers on how they might build nanoscale machines, scientists are looking to nature, which has, after all, come up with countless ingenious molecular machines (albeit over a period of several million years). In fact, this is the real business of many nanotech labs - observing how biological machines work in nature, rather than coming up with man-made equivalents. At the University of Oxford, Richard Berry's team is focused on the molecular machinery inside bacteria, and E coli in particular. When food gets scarce, the bacteria switch on a set of genes that triggers the production of a bunch of proteins. The proteins steadily assemble themselves into a long, thin structure called a flagellum, which pokes out of the cell like a tail, and a molecular motor that wedges itself into the bacteria's cell wall, ready to make the flagellum spin like crazy. The whole process takes around 40 minutes. Once the motor is in place, the bacteria can kick it into action and amble off in the direction of food at a fraction of a millimetre a second. Studying tiny biological machines is not without its own difficulties though. During my visit to Berry's lab, I found a group of students standing around the video screen of a microscope watching a bacterium put its motor, which was less than one-thousandth the width of a human hair, through its paces. The bacterium seemed to be having a whale of a time, clutching a tiny plastic ball and swinging it around in circles so fast it would make a cat go dizzy, were one on hand to watch the show. In fact, the ball was stuck to the end of the bacterium's flagellum and merely served to help us see how fast the motor was spinning. To take a closer look at the microbe, one of the scientists leaned in to adjust the microscope, a move that quickly became a lesson in the fragility of the small. A quick twiddle of the controls and our merry bacterium was either knocked for six or mercilessly crushed between lens and stage - we never worked out which. Whatever its fate, it was gone and gone for good. Given how hard it is to work with such small things, it's a wonder scientists are making much headway with nanotechnology at all. But progress there is, even if it's far from spectacular. By tweaking the proteins used to build up bacterial motors, the scientists in Berry's lab are slowly unravelling how these engines work. They are, however, not even contemplating building their own. "At this stage, we just want to understand how it all works," says Berry. Understanding how biological motors work may give scientists some idea of how to build their own tiny motors years down the line, but otherwise they are arguably of little use. Even if you could pluck a motor from a bacterium to stick into a newly created nanomachine, it might only work for a little while before it conks out. "The problem is that biological material just isn't that robust," says John Ryan, director of the bionanotechnology research group at Oxford. "Molecular motors fall apart after a while. That's not a problem in an organism as it can just grow another one, but if you've put it in a machine, once it stops, that's it." The drawback hasn't stopped people dabbling with biological motors though. In 2000, for example, Carlo Montemagno, then a researcher at Cornell University, New York state, stuck a microscopic nickel propeller on to a biological motor powered by the human body's natural fuel, a chemical called ATP. Two years later, he announced that he had found a way to turn it on and off, and he and his team say the motor could one day be used to power nanomachines inside living cells. Quite when that will be, they haven't said. Having looked in on a few cutting-edge nanotechnology labs, it's pretty clear that the world is safe from demented nanobots for the time being. I struggled to find anything that looks like it's about to shake things up big time. The stark reality of cutting-edge nanotechnology, it emerges, is that it is far more prosaic than the dreams and nightmares of the enthusiasts suggest. Right now, researchers are still struggling with the hard graft of day-to-day experiments. That means working out how to move atoms and molecules; learning how nature has put these basic units together to make useful molecular machines; and making sure you don't lose whatever it is you're trying to make. In fact, the more time you spend investigating the "wow" end of nanotechnology - trying to build tiny motors and so on - the clearer it becomes that the relatively dull end of nanotechnology - making very small particles - is what nanotech is really about (at least for now). Never mind nanobots, these nanoparticles are actually out there, on the shelves, in all sorts of guises. Nanoparticles are used in sun creams and car paint. They are used as catalysts in industrial chemical plants and in packaging for electronics. All very useful, but not exactly sensational. Why nanotechnology continues to attract so much media hype, with so little apparent progress being made in the labs, is a question there is little consensus on. But most of those involved agree that if it were not, at least in theory, a truly potent technology, fears and expectations would never have become so inflated. "Technology has been making things smaller and smaller for a long time and we're now at the stage where we've reached a fundamental limit which happens to be at this nanometre scale, the scale of single molecules," says Welland. "We're now working with the building blocks of nature, the nitty gritty of life, and that's where both the excitement and the hype comes from. If you said we could control things completely just like nature does, then that's potentially very positive, but it's also potentially very dangerous," he says. Eric Drexler, author of the 1986 book Engines of Creation and chairman of the pro-nanotech organisation the Foresight Institute, argues that the rush of scientists to jump on the nanotechnology bandwagon has played a big part in creating media hype, and whatever public anxiety that may in turn have caused. "What happened was a relabelling of cutting-edge research in a whole host of areas," he says. "Chemistry became nanotechnology; materials science became nanotechnology. Anybody who wanted funding just put 'nano' as a prefix to their work," he says. "The result was that all of a sudden, the press and public, who had a sense that nanotechnology was this powerful, future revolution with a potential for tremendous up sides and tremendous down sides, started hearing it was happening right now when really it wasn't." One can hardly blame the scientists though - if the money's there for the taking, why not take it? The money being set aside for nanotechnology is massive by any measure. According to figures from the US National Nanotechnology Initiative, last year alone, the world's governments spent more than $3bn (£1.8bn) on nanotechnology, with the vast majority being spent in Japan and the US. And it's not just skint laboratory scientists that rebrand their work to get a slice of the pie, says Drexler. "Look at Nasa. They have what they call nanosatellites, but if you dropped one on your foot, you'd want to be wearing strong boots," he says. The US National Nanotechnology Initiative also estimates a market for nanotechnology products topping $1 trillion in 10 to 15 years time. Here, it's safe to assume, we're talking about relatively simple nanomaterials, such as the nanoparticles they make at Farnborough, rather than nanobots. This doesn't mean that the newspaper warnings about the imminent dangers of nanotechnology are completely irrelevant, however - it's just that we should probably be more concerned about inhaling nanoparticles than wading about in grey goo any time soon. Drexler says that even the most unsexy nanotechnology products, such as fine particles, should be checked to make sure they are safe to use. "You hear people say their nanoparticles have wonderful beneficial properties because they are so small, but if you ask them about regulatory issues, they say they are just the same as larger particles and there's no need to worry," says Drexler. "They have to make up their minds. If the particles have novel properties, they might also have detrimental properties that need to be checked out." These threats are being taken seriously. At Rice University in Houston, the Centre for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology has been set up to look at precisely what dangers nanotechnology products might really pose once they become more broadly available. "By doing the research beforehand we want to work out if we are getting into something bad before it causes problems down the line," says Kevin Ausman, adding that no one wants to witness another asbestos-like debacle. "Suppose you have fenders containing nanotubes in a landfill," says Ausman. "Are those nanotubes going to move through the landfill, will they get into water supplies? Those are the questions you have to ask." Whether nanomaterials could be damaging to health also needs to be studied, he says. The titanium oxide nanoparticles used in some sun creams are good at producing potentially damaging free radicals if they are in contact with moisture when they are exposed to sunlight. "We know they produce free radicals and that it could be an issue. Realistically, it's unlikely they will make it through the skin to a live portion of cells where they could do damage, but it's something we have to look at," says Ausman. Next month, two research papers are due to report on another possible health risk of nanomaterials. The two experiments were designed to investigate the health risks faced by those manufacturing or working with nanotubes. In both experiments, nanotubes were pumped into the lungs of mice to see what happened. Both found that the body launched an immune response to the nanotubes, which clumped together, in some cases scarring lung tissue. The paucity of research on the potential health and environmental threats of nanomaterials is also a matter being considered by a study of nanotechnology set up this summer by the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering. As well as summarising the state of nanotechnology research and attempting to see where it will lead in 10 to 20 years, the panel is expected to suggest any changes to regulations that should be brought in to deal with nanomaterials. While legislation for certain particle sizes exists already, to deal with emissions from car exhausts and the like, many scientists believe it needs to be expanded to specifically encompass nanoparticles. "That's where the time and effort should be spent, rather than getting steamed up about an issue that's in the realm of science fiction," says Ryan. Today's best video Today in pictures
Inside IT 'I guess I like other people's money' Even geeks can get scammed by online fraudsters. Ben Goldacre on his eBay shame As a geek, I consider it a matter of personal pride that nobody can rip me off over the internet. I laugh at my parents' paranoia about buying online. After all, what's the point of being a clever dick if it doesn't save you money? So it hurt pretty badly, last week, when someone came very close indeed to working me over for £1,100. eBay was made for procrastination. It's not actually a very good place to buy anything collectable, because the prices are always too high: nobody likes to lose, I guess, and I can tell you from personal experience that there is a slightly sinister satisfaction to be had from outbidding a stranger at the very last minute. But when I saw a vintage ARP 2600 synthesiser from 1973 for less than a grand: you'll just have to suspend belief and empathise with my colossal excitement. I've been after one for years. So I bid, and straight away, the guy contacts me. He's in a hurry to sell. Make me an offer, he says, and we'll do business. My avarice goes into overdrive, and I do the maths. They usually go for £1,800 at least, and this one comes with the original keyboard, but the guy's in a hurry; I offer him £1,100. He goes for it. Then he starts talking about payment and I step back. He's using an eBay membership number with no feedback, which is weird. But I really want my synth. Strangely, the same item seems to be listed five times by people who all have no feedback. Maybe he made a mistake. He's obviously some kind of fool to sell an ARP 2600 for £1,100. But he's telling me our transaction will be protected by eBay, which I guess it will be, and he does have a very professional-looking website. But the postcode on his website is for Thornton Heath, just down the road from me: why don't I come and pick it up, I ask? Oh no, he says, it all gets shipped from the warehouse. I call the phone number, a UK mobile. No answer. I look up the number on the internet. As a long shot. And it turns out he's been ripping people off for a long, long time. Now what's interesting about this is, he's a clever guy, so this is a pretty lame mistake to make. Like most scams, he relies on social engineering, and being plausible, rather than the kind of hacking that lets you take over the Pentagon. I get on to the entertaining which has been looking into him already, and discover a world of scams. The most common is that the criminal gets hold of a legitimate eBay seller's account and starts taking people's money, before disappearing. So far, so predictable. There's even a fantastic variant where they set up an 'escrow' company, one that takes a cut and holds the money until the recipient is satisfied, but when you set up an account on the criminal's escrow company's website, they save your password, on the off chance that you're stupid enough to use the same one there as you do for your email and eBay accounts, so they can steal your identities too. Nice. So what about the toad trying to rip me off? I report him to eBay, and the best they can do with this guy, who's been ripping people off for months, is suggest that they might consider erasing his eBay identity. Not very scary, given that he can set a new one up in 10 minutes. But how cheeky can he get? Jeff at empiresecurity sets up a deal with him. Jeff is posing as a blind guy who needs a laptop to run his dialysis machine. It's a real tear-jerker, and I can't help feeling it's not holding together very plausibly. Soon enough, my scammer calls his bluff. These are his parting words (you can read the whole exchange at "Hello Jeff," he says. "I must admit, you are good at it, you made me feel terrible with the blind-man failed-kidney stuff, I bought it and felt bad about scamming such a poor man... then I was at and saw what an ass I was. Anyway, it will be my source of inspiration in the future, thanks for it... I really hope I will drop this one day, when eBay will take serious steps to protect the buyers from scammers... You may ask why I am scamming - I guess I like other people's money." Today's best video Today in pictures More from Inside IT
Wichita, KS (Sports Network) - Casey Wittenberg fired a 5-under 66 on Sunday to come from behind and win the Wichita Open. Wittenberg finished the tournament at 18-under-par 266 to earn his second title of the season. He won the Louisiana Open by a massive 8-stroke margin in March. The 27-year-old had a slightly smaller cushion Sunday, when he finished 2 shots ahead of Justin Hicks and Jim Herman. Herman had carried a two-stroke advantage into the final round, but managed just a 1-under 70 to end at minus-16. He was joined in second place by Hicks, who shot a 67. Scott Gardiner (65), Joseph Bramlett (68), Hudson Swafford (68) and Brice Garnett (69) shared fourth place at 13-under.
Our TV Shows Got a Tip? Call TMZ at (888) 847-9869 or Click Here John Cena Ok to Fight The Rock 3/19/2012 10:35 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF When is TMZ Sports? No Avatar 725 days ago "Fight"?? You call pro wrasslin' a "fight"?? Only grannies and the mentally handicapped regard this as real. 725 days ago You have to be ok to pretend to fight??????? 725 days ago Not much of a wrestling fan (Ok, maybe when I was a kid) but I'm looking forward to seeing this one. I'm rooting for the Rock but since his time is so tied up with filming, I say Cena will take it. Thoughts? 725 days ago Ok, wrestling is fake but how do you fake a body slam o being thrown through the air? 725 days ago Was the Rock driving that tractor n trailer lol glad his fruity pepple self is ok. 725 days ago That would be a riot if he couldn't do the Wrestlemania match that's been a year in the making, and it would piss off Dwane. 725 days ago I wonder how many marriages this guy could break up merely by walking down Santa Monica Blvd? 725 days ago The PMG     You all call wrestling fake (it's scripted, big difference) but shows like the Kardashians and Jersey Shore are real? 725 days ago Jesus ****ing Christ I'm sick and tired of all of you saying "Derp, wrassin' be faik herpa derrrp!" No ****. We know the outcome is in fact predetermined, however, I would LOVE one of you guys to take a chair shot to the face, not not have it hurt like hell. I'd like to see you all tackle a guy off a 20 foot ladder and not get hurt. There are in fact certain methods that wrestlers use to protect themselves from any REAL damage, but they don't always work. Ask anyone. In wrestling, there's this thing called a "botch," where a move doesn't go exactly as planned, and one guy ACTUALLY gets hurt. Ooooh, someone actually getting hurt in wrestling? Why, that's unheard of! Because we all know that "Wrasslin' is FAKE, right?" I hate using this example by calling it a botch, because I have too much respect for Bret, but look at Owen Hart. The guy was killed after jumping from the rafters to make his grand entrance. He was supposed to be slowly lowered into the ring, but something went screwy with the lowering mechanism, and so he ended up dropping about 80 feet to his death. Let's take Psycho Sid too. Just google "Psycho Sid injury" and you'll see how much his leg was messed up. Now let me ask you this, do you honestly think that with your leg broken that badly, you could get back up and still preform? Now let's take a look at two more recent examples, the more tragic of the two being Jesse Sorensen who received a C-1 vertebrae fracture after a botch. Last I heard, he'll be out for a year. Now let's move on to Wade Barrett who suffered a dislocated elbow almost exactly a month ago. Now, do you think acrobats have to be in tip top shape in order to preform? Then what makes wrestlers any different. I could continue with this list forever, but I think I've made my point. 725 days ago Damn AceBobcat... sensitive much? lmao 725 days ago I know this may sound horrible, but I am disappointed that he isn't injured, I mean not like so injured that he would never be able to wrestle again, but injured enough to not let him fight at 'Mania. I mean, WWE has been promoting this match for the best part of a year now, and I would love to see their big plans go up in smoke this close to 'Mania. 725 days ago As a former indy wrestler. Yes it's all pre determined but what these people do is no joke. They take brutality for 320 days a year. 725 days ago No, the most anticipated was the Rock vs Hulk Hogan. 725 days ago Wrestling is so gay, it makes gays ashamed 725 days ago Around The Web
If they r using this millage money to fund these lucrative pensions & salaries this to me is fraud! Kicking cans down the road without public knowledge is bad news. As in taylortucky and other cities also counties they need to take extreme concessions! No joke! This folks is the gospel.not a fairy tale!! Wake up if they r into cookie jar. Or coffee fund! Etc. No free rides!
Instead of projecting across a room, the Sanyo LP-XL50 can be placed up right up against a wall. Although the projector looks a little odd, it can project a 100" image, effectively creating a movie theater in tight spaces. Implications - The way the Sanyo LP-XL50 works is by using a surface mirror at a high angle to help project the image effectively onto any wall. Although the thought of having your own movie theater screen sounds pretty awesome, there is a hefty price tag of $5000 attached. What is great about the item is that it can be used practically anywhere -- even if you have a tiny apartment. If you only like to watch movies, there is no need for a TV!
Sundays 8:00 PM on FOX Lisa: What kind of artists are you? Jermaine: Sandwich artists. Jemaine: Well obviously. Because we taught her nothing. Bret: She can't hear us. We're stage whispering. Lisa: I can hear you. Jermaine: No you can't! Krusty: Where's the closest place I can score some victory weed? Judge: That would be the courthouse cafeteria. Lisa: Emily Dickson!? Grampa: No, I was just describing my day. Otto: What's the matter Lisa, you're normally the first one off this death trap? Lisa: The combination of me leaving arts camp and you driving on and off the shoulder has made me a little ill. Otto: I guess I shouldn't be playing this driving game while driving. Can my son come too? He knows what to do when I swallow my tongue. Displaying quotes 1 - 9 of 11 in total
Subscribe English look up any word, like drinking watermelon: Originating from high-fives. It's considered rude to not return a high-five when someone puts their hand in the air—there's no graceful way for them to lower it without someone returning their high-five. Their hand is left hanging in the air. So, whenever a person leaves another person in a situation where the first person is waiting for a response--and not getting it from the second person--it's referred to as being left hanging. "Yo, dude, don't leave me hanging!" by aidenfire April 19, 2006 213 67
Subscribe English look up any word, like poopsterbate: a) for a sober person to be cleaning up and preventing intoxicated individuals from "whiteying" on the floor at a house party...the individual is usually the person hu through the party... or a sober person hu is bored b) a choice phrase uttered by someone moments b4 of after a whitey. generally becuz they realise there gonna have to clean it up oi wheres donk. hes on whitey patrol with spindle u ok tobe? yeh mate im on whitey patrol by S L Daly September 11, 2007 2 2 Words related to whitey patrol: bare donk patrol spindle whitey
First:   Mid:   Last:  City:  State: Chelsey Whitey Access recent information on Chelsey Whitey by searching We have a thorough database of public records and online tools that will make it simple to locate who you're looking for. Find out Chelsey Whitey's age, year of birth, prior addresses, aliases, and more. Make your search for the right Chelsey Whitey better by accessing all of the public records available in our detailed database. Identify the right Chelsey using info like previous residences, age, and relatives. Find further details, including background checks, criminal profiles, and email addresses on If this Chelsey is not the person you're looking for, refer to the list of people with the last name Whitey below. This list could include name, age, location, and relatives. Add further information into the search fields on the left to improve your results. A first name, middle name, last name, city, state and/or age can be the answer to locating Chelsey Whitey. Utilize the map to visualize their whereabouts. Once you find the Chelsey Whitey you need to track down, you can then access any public records data we have on Chelsey Whitey. Our trustworthy database makes gathering information about anyone quick and easy.  Name/AKAsAgeLocationPossible Relatives 1. Whitey, Chelsey  Dawsonville, GA WHITEY, JAMES R (age 46) WHITEY, TWANA W (age 47) View Details
Because they are already funded, the exchanges are not affected by the government shutdown that began at midnight when Congress failed to produced a new spending plan. The Republican-run House wants a plan that would delay other major parts of the new health care law, including the requirement that nearly all Americans buy insurance. Obama and the Democratic-run Senate say that is unacceptable and that Republicans are using the budget to try and gut the health care law. Meanwhile, other administration officials will be busy promoting the new health care exchanges, which are the key to financing the law. Vice President Biden will give an interview to air on some 450 college radio stations, explaining to "young Americans the health care benefits that will kick in for themselves and their families," says the White House. First lady Michelle Obama has an op-ed running on Yahoo! Shine, a women's lifestyle website. And, throughout the day, White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett and other administration officials will be interviewed on African-American radio shows. The White House list includes the Tom Joyner Morning Show, the Al Sharpton Show, the Yolanda Adams Morning Show, Sway on Sirius HM, the Russ Parr Morning Show, Rickey Smiley Morning Show, and the Joe Madison Show. Also during the day, Obama and aides will be monitoring events on Capitol Hill, as Republicans and Democrats wrestle over the budget and the government shutdown.
Hints From Heloise: Checkout chat Dear Readers: Here are some SOUND OFF comments from readers: A reader in South Dakota wrote, “I am so tired of perfect strangers asking me ‘How are you?’ as they wait on me, be it at the checkout in the grocery store or a checkout in a mall store ... wherever.” A reader from Nebraska wrote: “When checking out at the grocery store or other large retailers, I am routinely asked ‘Did you find everything?’ You can respond with ‘No,’ to which the cashier has a look of panic and does not know what to say or do. The customers in line behind are inconvenienced while a response is generated.” Readers, when they ask, tell them! If you have the time, they will try to find it for you. -- Heloise P.O. Box 795000 San Antonio, TX 78279-5000 Fax: 1-210-HELOISE Dear Heloise: Do any of your readers have any ideas of what to do with an old set of encyclopedia books? I have a 1964 set, in great condition and with lots of still-relevant information, but I cannot find any organization or library that can use it. It goes against my nature to just throw away the books. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. -- Sharyn, via e-mail Why not try a secondhand bookstore? It might take a donation or even give you a little money for them. Book collectors often shop at secondhand stores looking for great finds, like a classic set of encyclopedias. Readers, do you have any other ideas? -- Heloise Dear Readers: Uses for small scoops from powdered drinks: * Sprinkles dispenser for cupcakes. * Scoop food for small pets, like birds. * Measure bath salts. * Handy kitchen tool. * A child’s bath toy. -- Heloise Dear Heloise: My boyfriend and I were visiting his aunt’s home when he accidentally knocked over a red candle. Wax splattered on the carpet. I remembered a trick my grandma taught me. Heat up an iron (low heat — Heloise) and place a paper towel or a brown paper bag over the wax. Place the iron on the bag and SLOWLY rub. This took about 20 minutes, but all the wax came up and left the carpet like new. -- Carpet Saver in Nebraska You were right to reach for the iron. Just remember, before using it, that the wax must be DRY AND COOL first. Also, use only the LOW heat setting on the iron. -- Heloise Dear Heloise: I found an easy way to store my ponytail holders. I took one of my husband’s carabiners and looped all of them through it. This keeps them contained and easily accessible. I am no longer searching the house for a lost ponytail holder. -- Rebecca, via e-mail Dear Heloise: When selecting trousers, my husband has difficulty seeing the difference between the colors navy blue and black. To remedy this situation, I write the color in permanent marker on the inner part of the front pockets. Problem solved. -- Debra in Ohio 2012, King Features Syndicate Read what others are saying
Zero-hit kills 99,922pages on this wiki Forum page Forums: Index World of Warcraft Zero-hit kills Yesterday I was run through some quests by a shadow priest. Because her attack had no animation, it looked like she was killing the mobs just by coming near them. Do any abilities actually do this, and has anyone managed to kill a mob without attacking (or letting it attack, as would have to happen with Thorns and Aura of Retribution)? What's the highest DPS anyone's achieved this way? Rogues think they're hot stuff with their one-shot kills; let's one-up them! --Seahen (talk) 05:28, August 2, 2010 (UTC) Advertisement | Your ad here Around Wikia's network Random Wiki
 Add Sharp to the list of Microsoft exFAT licensees | ZDNet Add Sharp to the list of Microsoft exFAT licensees Topics: Patents, Android, Legal, Microsoft Log in or register to join the discussion • Add Sharp to the list of Microsoft exFAT licensees There was never any doubt that linux used Microsoft technology, not with all the companies signing into patent agreements. Its a pretty fair warning to android. Loverock Davidson- • The Linux Connection Is Just FUD If Microsoft had any real claims that Linux violated there IP they would have sued Red Hat. • I thought Linux is FOSS not some corporate like RedHat owned. Ram U • Wikipedia • Sure sure.... Never and any doubt are very strong words.... It is strange that almost after two decade Microsoft FUD campaings, someone still comes and say that Microsoft was right, even when they has not ever shown any proofs, not even in court.... (SCO case). • or... Maybe no one has taken Microsoft to court, because they know they cannot win? Look at all the other billion dollar corporations slugging it out in courts over patents, but you think they are all to afraid of Microsoft to do the same? Why has none of them taken Microsoft to court to prove these "non existent" patents? • Cannot afford the 5-6 million cost. Plus legal expenses. • Acutally, one did. MS caved and then settled out of court, hiding everything in NDAs. • and as proof of this you offer us.... ? • Exfat & Linux Linux kernel don't have support for exFAT.. Theres a 3rd party fuse module but nothing native in the kernel.. I can understand for fat32 support but not ExFat. Anthony E • Not true. The linux kernel has an experimental ExFAT driver in it. • Actually Actually Linux operating system (you know that Linux OS and Linux kernel are same thing?) does have support for ExFAT reading, but not for writing. The propietary modules are ones what gives 100% working support and they are build with Microsoft help and specs what Linux community can not use. I would say that every Android manufacturer should go and use only Ext filesystem on Android phones and actually say to every card manufacturer that FAT32 isn't going to be supported anymore. And then together make a Ext4 driver for Windows so every Windows user could install it and OEM pre-install it and then get once and all Microsoft out of filesystem markets with FAT. As now only reason to use FAT (were they FAT32 or ExFAT) filesystem is the memory card needs to be visible to windows as thumb drive or the phone NAND memory by same reason. Or other way would be that Android would itself make a conversion layer between computer and phone when connected via USB. • Agreed 100% Everyone who isn't on MS payroll should be pushing EXT4 as the alternative to FAT32 and ExFAT. No more MS lock in. It's bad for Linux, it's bad for Android, and it's bad for Apple. • Errrmm...Windows has had exFAT support for years So your statements about needing to make a driver for windows are pointless and your statement about using FAT32 for windows support is wrong. • Sorry, fail on my part I misread your post. Whoops!! • Useful to know Like maybe I should reformat my thumb drive to something other than FAT32 (I'd hate to violate MS' IP rights any more than I have to). We'll see if any of MS' PR people are fired over this. John L. Ries • Actually ''Microsoft has not publicly disclosed a list of its technologies which it uses to get Android and Chrome OS device makers'' Actually it has, but not all. Microsoft vs Barners and Noble case Microsoft listed 5 of 6 patents what Android was infiring. All five (microsoft withdraw sixth to keep it in secret) were about WWW browser patents and GUI functionality. One, like how to select a word by double clicking it.... Microsoft is playing very dirty game and these patents should never have been allowed to be registered in the first place... • Android, But Not Windows Phone? So Microsoft took this opportunity to its biggest rival in mobile even more free publicity, but totally missed the chance to blow the trumpet for its own Windows Phone? Great marketing coup there, Microsoft. • It's LFNs that are patented I don't know everything that MS has patented in *FAT*, but it began with LFN implementation in NT 3.5, which FAT32 carried over. Contrary to Linux misinformation, there is no vFAT FS, vFAT is a driver in WinWG 20 years ago. As there is no way around this, why didn't Android and others switch to UDF years ago? UDF has flash optimizations, no size limits, LFNs, and is patent free. Eric Gisin • they never used fat internally This is only to support removable storage which uses FAT traditionally. Its like asking why people still use windows. Internally, android devices use ext4 filesystem. The patent is only about LFN, a stupid hack. The basic FAT design is not patented. There's no need for UDF, itself an outdated filesystem.
x connecticut English 62 Set Clip Length: of urgency if we fail to avoid the fiscal cliff, go over it and the markets react badly to it. right now people want us to come together in a bipartisan way. the absolute has to be bipartisan in the house. we've seen that in the last week. not even plan b, which is an unreasonable alternative to the too,000 threshold was able to garner a majority in the house of representatives. the speaker can't sell it to his own party, so i think he has to craft a bipartisan solution one way or the other, put aside the politics here. the nation's economic will suffer. >> should it come from the senate or from the house? >> i don't think it matters where it originates, but the point is the senate has already passed a bill that represents a reasonable compromise. extend the 250 -- the tax cuts for all incomes up to $250,000, and everybody would benefit on that first $250,000 of income. that it not only protects the middle class against huge tax increases on january 1, but also benefits many americans making more than 1250,000, because they will see the tax cut extended on their first $250,000 in income. . >> this whole metaphor we've been using about a fiscal cliff probably isn't the right one to be used. after all, if you go over a cliff, you usually don't get to live to tell about it unless you're batman or spider-man, but there are things that actually would happen right away and one of those things that would be right away in a negative impact would be unemployment benefits and 2 million americans would see the unemployment benefits and that would hurt the economy and that would hurt these people that are relying on this and the unemployment insurance has been seen as economic stimulus to get hands into the money of people who need it and they were things that actually get spread over the course of 2013 if there is no fix that is actually done and it is possible for congress to go back and fix things and talking about the increase of tax rates and there will also be spending cuts to government programs as well as the military and that will be spread over with 2013 and the world doesn't come to an end if we go over this quote, unquote, fiscal cliff and instead, a lot of the damage gets spread that they are getting something done, the fiscal cliff meeting at the white house right now. what were the mechanics of rushing the deal through congress and getting it passed into law? what would that look like in four days? lisa desjardins joins us now. what will it look like? >> well, there is a couple of possibilities, don. one is that they take sort of the remnants of one of the bills that passed the house or the senate and they just change it. they add whatever is in this deal to it. they have a whole bunch of vehicles that are possible for that. one sticking point, because this deal would most likely deal with taxes, there is a rule in the constitution that is has been interpreted by most every side to determine it has to begin in the house, revenue measures begin in the house. they need a bill that starts in the house, okay, they have a lot to do that. then the trick is making sure they have the votes. i think if we see anything come out of tonight's meeting, anything substantial, that's what is going to happen this next day and a half. leaders on both sides have to make sure they have got t comforts that town right now. also this morning, a rather dire prediction about the fiscal cliff and what might happen when lawmakers return later this week. it's a pocketbook issue for all of us. >> some people are expecting to maybe go right over that cliff. >> more likely than a couple days ago. >>> and later this half hour, the christmas edition of our insomniac play list. your favorites performed with an updated beat. putting a new spin on some of the old christmas classics. >> good to see ceelo hanging out with the muppets there. >>> topping our news right now, the nra is not backing down from its call to place armed officers in the nation schools. >> congressman chris murphy whose district includes newtown calls it tone deaf and also revolting. >> reporter: from the brooklyn bridge in new york to the sidewalks of falls church, virginia, anti-gun protests are springing up around the country. the debate on gun control has also triggered a run on gun shows and gun stores. sales are soaring as people rush to buy assault weapons before a possible ban. >> we're completely out of the so-c press that folks are starting to accept that weekend in fact plunge right off that fiscal cliff. after all we are a little more than a week away from the deadline when the spending cuts and push us back into another recession. lawmakers do plan to return to washington later this week to try to hammer out a last-minute deal. for now president obama and the first family are celebrating christmas in hawaii and that's where our ed henry is traveling with the president now live in honolulu. ed? bottom line the president is here in hawaii but might not be here for long. shortly after christmas likely to go back to washington. try and broker some sort of a deal. you remember before he left for hawaii, he announced that he wanted more of a short-term deal. sort of scaled back stop gap measure so that that big grand 4 trillion-dollar. instead he wanted to extend tax cuts for the middle class. he wanted to extend benefits for 2 million people that will lose those benefits a week after christmas. republicans are saying they think the president actually wants to go off the fiscal cliff for politic the the fiscal cliff. everyone's taxes as of right now set to go up january 1st. do we have the countdown clock up? we'll get that up later, but here is where congressional leaders and the president stand on the fiscal cliff, listen. >> but whatever we come up with is going to be imperfect, some people are going to like it, some people like it less, but that's where we are and i feel confident that we have an obligation to do the best we can. >> a good meeting down to the white house. we are engaged in discussions, the majority leader and myself, and the white house in the hopes that we can come forward as early as sunday and have a recommendation that i can make to my conference and the majority leader can make hess to his conference and we'll be working hard to see if we can get there in the next 24 hours and so i'm hopeful and optimistic. >> i'm modestly optimistic that an agreement can be achieved. nobody can get 100% of what they want. let's make sure that middle class families and the american economy and in fact the world economy aren't adversely impacted because people can't do their jo . "early start" begins right now. >>> crunch time for the fiscal cliff. the key players to meet at the white house with just four days left until the deadline. >> they called him stormin norman. america remembering general norman schwarzkopf. >> and have gun, will teach. hundreds of educators get a hands-on lesson in firearms. controversial proposal. good morning. welcome to "early start." 5:00 a.m. in the east. >>> it is the last friday of 2012. i've just had that pointed out to us. one final desperate attempt to dodge the fiscal cliff, just four days left before we go over the edge triggers tax hikes, spending cuts that could send the nation back into recession. the president calling for members of the congress the back. a gang of six attending. vice president biden, harry reid, house minority leader nancy pelosi, mitch mcconnell and john boehner representing the republicans. brianna keilar is live from washington. is anybody optimistic that a deal could be done today around a table? >> i will tell you the optimism is sort of sinking. senate majority leader harry reid said he ? gregg: congressional leaders are on the floor right now talking about the fiscal cliff. this after senate majority leader harry reid said, yesterday, a significant distance remains in negotiations on resolving this. notwithstanding then about 48 hours of intense talks about spending and social security. >> i was really gratified to hear the republicans taking their demand for social security benefit cuts off the table. the truth is they should have never been on the table to begin with. there is still significant difference between the two sides but negotiations continue. >> i'm concerned about the lack of urgency here. we all know we're running out of time. this is far too much at stake for political gamesmanship. we need to protect the american families and businesses from this looming tax hike. everyone agrees that that action is necessary. gregg: steve hayes, is the senior writer for "the weekly standard" and a fox news contributor. steve, great to see you. the deal being bandied about right now to raise taxes on higher earners actually doesn't appear to do anything to fix the this fiscal cliff is really all about. we're talking about automatic tax cuts that will go into place as well as drastic, draconian cuts in entitlement programs, medicare, and even the military. the military can suffer very greatly if this goes through the sequestration. if you look at all this, you realize something has got to be done, because $2,000 per average taxpayer will be added to them over the course of this year if they fail to do something, what is going to happen? what is your prediction, brad? >> well, my prediction is, that we're likely to go over the cliff because the president also knows, kelly, in 2013 any deal made then can be retroactive to january 1st. so the draconian cuts we're talking about can be wiped away with the stroke of a pen should a deal be made. i believe the president believes he is in stronger position if he deal doesn't go through now because he believes he will have better leverage in january. kelly: sear lena? >> he has better leverage i agree with brad about that. he can come to congress after january 1 and pass tax cuts only for those making under $250, friends on new year's eve. right now you talk about the fiscal cliff and also hitting this potential debt ceiling limit as well. $16.4 trillion we could arrive at on new year's eve. >> juliet: yeah. let's hear what congressman tray goudie had to say about this. he was on greta the other night. >> i assure you that there will be a resolution either before the new year or shortly after the new year. that's the good news, that there will be a deal. the bad news for you and your viewers is that there won't o'clock a solution. it will be a panacea or some magical alickser, make us all feel a little better. but shortly after the new year, we're also going to get a letter from timothy geithner asking us to raise the debt ceiling for the 80th time in our country's history. so there will be a quote, move to avert the fiscal cliff. your viewers should demand more than a deal. they should demand a solution. >> juliet: kimberly guilfoyle had that. >> kelly: here is a problem with all that, and i hope the congressman is right, because you want to have a sense of optimism. the president talked about be 't so high for the rest of us. >> that's right. two days left until we all go over the fiscal cliff, which would mean everyone's taxes will go up, and sharp spending cuts will go into effect. that could drive our economy back into recession. so let's go to abc news chief white house correspondent jonathan karl filling in today for george stephanopoulos as host of abc's "this week." >> hey, jon, good morning. i know today and tomorrow, obviously hugely important. can you sort of walk us through the potential order of operations? what could we see play out today and tomorrow? >> well, it is right down to the wire, dan. what's happening right now is harry reid and mitch mcconnell, the top democrat, top republican in the senate, are still negotiating their staffs at this hour. they are supposed to be working until about 3:00 this afternoon when the plan would be presented to both caucuses. as we understand what they are talking about is the bare minimum. basically the senate negotiating to extend those tax cuts for everybody making under $250,000 a year and to extend unemployment benefi a fiscal cliff breaking filibuster, i think that's going to have effects that they're going to be very concerned about down the road. so we have kind of a filibuster window here, if the minority leader, if the republican leader will let us proceed that way. >> well, from your mouth to your 99 colleagues' ears, to be sure. >> yeah. >> let's take a listen at your leader, your senate majority leader reid after the meeting. >> i hope everything's a good sign. i've had my confidence destroyed on other occasions, so i hope it's not on this occasion. >> do you share harry reid's cautious optimism there? >> yeah, i think so. he and minority leader mcconnell work together day in and day out. harry is a very good negotiator, who is very familiar with these issues, and we don't, in the senate, have the same issue of the huge tea party caucus in the house that the speaker, frankly, can't get a majority of his party together, because of. so you really have such a dysfunctional republican party in the house that the president had no place to turn, but to let these veteran legislators, these veteran we go over the fiscal cliff or not, the debt is a huge problem. and it is not just lawmaker's crisis, it is ours too, some americans are not waiting for politicians to fix it. kyung lah met somebody who is doing something about it. >> reporter: in his garage, garcia is waiting to fix the fiscal cliff one can at a time. how much money have you sent the government? >> a little bit over $3,000. >> reporter: $3,197.88, to be exact. all tracked on a handwritten ledger. for the last three years, garcia has been paying the government $50 a month of his postal service pension and money from cans he collects. >> we are paying absolutely too much interest, too much interest. >> reporter: it really bothers you? >> it bothers me, because it makes no sense. >> reporter: sense is something garcia's wife of 59 years thinks her husband could use. do you think he is crazy? >> well -- >> reporter: call him crazy. but there is an entire federal office, the bureau of public debt that collects money from hundreds of mr. garcias. this office in parkersburg, west virginia, was set up by president kennedy s 're at in the system right now. >> it's all about the fiscal cliff, guys. schultz says this is a way to, quote, send our elected officials a respectful but potent message. interesting way to do it. >> the problem with the starbucks, they'll cut a deal. >>> let's talk about sports, shall we? call him a bad quarterback but do not call him a bad teammate. tim tebow firing back after a report that said he asked to sit out some offensive plays on sunday after being snubbed for the jets starting quarterback job. espn says tebow was so upset with the perception that he quit on the team that it dampened his christmas. as for tebow, he will likely be out of new york by next year, headed to presumably the jacksonville jaguars, his home team. but you know what this is? world's smallest violin. you think i feel sorry for him? >> especially with $5 million after being traded from denver. come on, tim, you're terrible. >> oh! >> he's got a lot to say. >> back to the dinner topic right now. as we have told you, president obama lands in washington today, back from hawaii to take part in negotiations over the f is c >>> "outfront" next, just six days until we all fall over the fiscal cliff and tonight, there's no action on capitol hill. will that change by the end of the year? tonight, two congressmen come out front to talk. plus, arizona's attorney general backs a plan reminiscent of the nra. and -- big from the worst of our politics. >>> i'm in for erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, christmas is over. washington back to work. the countydown is on. you've got six days to prevent this country from going over the fiscal cliff and today at least, we didn't see any action. nothing. now, i'm not trying to be a g n grinch here. i hope everyone's had a merry, merry christmas. >> drink some eggnog, have some christmas cookies, sing some christmas carols. >> but today's the 26th. you've drunk, you eaten and you've sung. now is the time for action. the latest news out of washington tonight, treasury secretary tim geithner told congress that the country will hit the debt ceiling on december 31st, some two months earlier than expected, but there's still no date yet on when the house of representatives will be c ready to do a thelma and louise and plunge over the fiscal cliff? some lawmakers sounded gloomy about any chances for a compromise deal. >> passing pln b would not have changed the outcome. we would have gone over the cliff before, we will go over the cliff now because it's what the president wants. you can't negotiate with someone who does not want to negotiate. >> in the aftermath of the house republicans rejecting speaker boehner aers so-called plan "b," it's the first time i feel like we will more likely go over the cliff than not, and if we allow that to happen, it will be the most colossal consequential act of congressional irresponsibility in a long time, maybe ever in american history. >> nine days remain to get a deal done. lawmakers are home for the holidays. house speaker boehner is in ohio. president obama as reported is in his native hawaii. before leaving washington, president obama urged congress to pass a mini plan that would preserve middle class tax rates. brianna keilar joins us live from hawaii. what do we think will happen as the holiday week rolls out? >> reporte could the fiscal cliff mean for wall street and your retirement fund? i'm going to ask independent new york stock exchange trader in about one hour from now. >>> all right. let's switch gears here. because after newtown, gun buybacks are making headlines across the country. >>> and we're going to tell you how donors funded the biggest buyback ever in one connecticut town. i know. i'm will, and this is the nokia lumia 920 from at&t. it's got live tiles so all my stuff's always right there in real-time. it's like the ultimate personal assistant. but i'm me, and me needs handlers. so i hired todd to handle it for me. todd, gimme that hollywood news! what's happening on twitter? you're trending! yes! you can't have a todd, but you can have your own personal assistant. i guess you could call it todd. [ male announcer ] the new nokia lumia 920 with live tiles that deliver what you want in real time. only from at&t. rethink possible. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it because of the budget and the fiscal cliff, hurricane and school shooting. and now, many retailers are stuck with inventory that they really need to clean out. >> they've got new merchandise that's coming in right behind it. and they recognize it's really now about recouping what sales they lost from the lack of excitement. so, look for the sales to carry through for most of january. but not much further than that. >> cohen says the biggest discounts will be on cold-weather merchandise because winter arrived late this year. >>> top economists feel housing will be one of the bright spots on the economy next year. mark zandi of moody says better housing will continue to improve over the next three to four years, with better sales, more construction and higher prices. last month, existing home sales rose more than wall street expected, almost 6%, reaching the highest level in three years. >>> more homeowners in trouble may also be getting some help. "the wall street journal" reports the obama administration is thinking about expanding its refinancing program. borrowers whose mortgages , it's not going to be anything where they reached the fiscal cliff. but there's not enough agreement to have the rank and file members do anything. it is still at the top level leadership discussions. the senate is going to try to finish work on a sandy disaster aid supplemental bill which they have been trying to get done for weeks. they are hoping to finish that today and also trying to work on a foreign intelligence surveillance act authorization extension. there's enough on the floor to keep them busy. the question is whether they will have something to vote on may be on christmas eve. on sunday joe lieberman indicated we would all be working new year's eve. we will see that happens. >> online, we have a special page set up related to the so- called fiscal cliff. you could watch video of hearings and briefings. there is a live stream of comments from viewers and reporters. that is all at cli cliff.l >> it is a great resource for anyone to know the ins and outs of capitol hill. >> julie watches c-span on verizon. brought to you as a public service by your television pro have breaking news from the white house where president obama is talking about the fiscal cliff after a meeting with congressional leaders. let's listen in. >> also ask lobbyist americans to pay a little more. above all, protect our middle class and everyone who is striving to get into the middle class. i want to still get this down. the right thing to do for our families, our businesses, and for our entire economy. but, the hour for immediate action is here. it's now. we're now at the point where, in just four days, every american's tax rates are scheduled to go up by law every american's paycheck will get considerably smaller. and that would be the wrong thing to do. for the economy, would be -- it would be bad for middle-class families and for businesses that depend on family spending. fortunately, congress can prevent it from happening if they act right now. i just had a good and constructive discussion at the white house with senate and house leadership about how to prevent this tax hike on the middle class. and i am optimistic we may still be able to reach an agreement that can . we begin with that fiscal cliff hanger in washington, d.c. there are now just two days left until automatic tax hikes and severe budget cuts go into effect the. the president is urging them to reach a deal. senate leaders are working on a last-minute compromise. >>> a horrific accident in mississippi. six people including five children were killed when their suv plunged into a creek yesterday. the children were all related. police say four other adults including the parents of those children managed to escape. the vehicle that caused that accident is under investigation. >>> stunning video of a plane crash outside of moscow, russia, the passenger plane overshot the runway and slammed into a highway yesterday. amazing video for that. the eight members on board were killed. no passengers on the plane and no one on the highway was hurt. the cause of that crash is under investigation. >>> and finally, a celebration at the vatican. about 40,000 young pilgrims from all across europe attended an open air mass conducted by pope benedict. they cheered as the pope waved to the crowd from hi . the top headline on politico is fiscal cliff deal increasingly unlikely. i think a lot of people are feeling that pessimism right now. what are you hearing? >> well, i think what you've got here, alena, is a nash equilibrium to borrow from economic theory and game theory. each of the players believe they are pursuing their optimal strategies given the strategies of the other players and there's no reason to change it. i think as observers of this, the american public, you can say there's a real reason to change it. in terms of the politicians, i think they're pursuing their best strategy right now and that leads us toward that cliff. unless something changes in the next couple of days, most folks now believe that any fix will happen after january 1st. >> the house gop leadership put out a statement yesterday. i want to read part of it for you. it says in part, the house has acted on two bills which collectively would avert the entire fiscal cliff if enacted. those bills await action by the senate. if the senate will not approve, and send them to the president to be signed into la that are in our control and we have to worry about our fiscal houses and less about the fiscal cliff. >> and those are simple things to do but they take time. but it's good advice. >>> okay, we hear a lot about the amt and how congress may put a patch on that. can you explain it in a simple way so everyone can understand? >> back in '69 they came out with something called "minimum tax." and in '82, the alternative minimum tax and this was a way to make sure the ch wealthy pay their fair share. this is how to level the playing field a little bit. this simply says now it's around $74,500. if -- it will go down to about $45,000 if the fiscal cliff goes off and nothing is done to adjust it. individuals now getting $45,000 back in '82 when first enarngted which is a lot different than $45,000 today. so if individuals earning $45,000 today might be impacted by additional taxes by this amt if something's not done. and, again, this is just a way to try to -- the problem with the amt is it wasn't adjusted for inflation so as time went on and prices have gone up and people have made more money and inflation in a substantive manner. we now are here at this fiscal slope as i like to call it, not cliff. >> laura: presumably, no matter what you say about what happened a year and a half ago, the president was part of that equation, right? he is the president of the united states. >> he is. but there are three branches of government. >> laura: accountability for that as well: that's for sure and the democrats didn't get around to actually passing a budget so we need to move on to that that guy, we are going to have the republicans have only so much leverage. in effect they don't have a lot of power here, do they? not really i think we learned that speaker boehner own party we can go back as you said to the debt ceiling debate. the only reason we have cliffs and crises because democrats, particularly in the senate have completely abandoned the legally mandated budgeting process. we have not had a budget in this country for three years. that's why we keep having all these high stakes crises where we are really worried about some deadline that's looming. if we just passed budgets the way we were supposed to a to you. >> all right, maria. thank you very much. >>> with just four days left to avoid the fiscal cliff, congressional leaders heading to the white house this afternoon for key talks with president obama. nbc's capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell has more. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, willie. the top two democrats and republicans from the house and senate will sit down with the president middle of the afternoon. but we should tell you that behind the scenes the most senior staffers who have been given the task of negotiating have continued their conversations looking for ways to try to bring a deal together. while the elected officials know they need to be more visible. >> mr. speaker, we ought to be here working, addressing these challenges. >> reporter: under pressure to show up, even if there is no deal to consider, congress will work this holiday weekend. the deadline is so close, outgoing members have already packed up their offices and need to move out while the harsh tone is going nowhere. >> the american people, i don't think understand the house of rep one week left before the country goes over the fiscal cliff. your taxes will soar if congress and the president can't reach a deal. so steve is live for us in washington with the very latest. all right, good morning to you, steve. >> good morning, gretchen. yeah, the house as you know, tried and failed to pass some kind of a compromise on that fiscal cliff. now the spotlight falls on the u.s. senate. some kind of deal could have a better chance there because the senate is not as bitterly divided as the house. success depends partly on whether mitch mcconnell decides to filibuster any legislation. there is senate republicans who are willing to compromise in order to avoid the fiscal cliff. including kay bailey hutchison of texas and johnny isakson of georgia. >> time is running out. and the truth of the matter is, if we do fall off the cliff after the president's maturitied, he'll come back, propose just what he proposed yesterday in leaving washington and we'll end up adopting it. why should we put the markets mn such turmoil and the people in misunderstanding or lack of confi for any deal on the budget crisis or fiscal cliff, as we call it and a lot of ceos are telling us once that uncertainty is lifted, it will give them more confidence to lift or high more people. all in all, it's been a good year for stocks. s&p up 13% this year. the pick heavy nasdaq is up nearly 15%. we'll see what next year brings us. back to you. >> we'll take the silver lining. >>> a terrifying scene at a shanghai shopping center. an aquarium filled with sharks cracked and shattered sending the creatures and tons of water on to visitors. luckily they were lemon sharks harm loss to humans. three sharks did die. some 15 people were injured by broken glass. the mall has no plan s s to bri back the aquarium. this brings back jaws 3d, remember that movie? >> no. i'm trying to forget it. >> terrifying. >>> this is a busy weekend in the weather department. >> every kind of weather has been coming at us. we still have it going in the northeast with the snow and rain and i-95 corridor and winds. we've seen them gust over 60 miles an hour. travel will be highly impacted even if the snow and r -off for the division championship. >>> and the action we could see today to avoid a deep dive off the fiscal cliff. >>> we had a light dusting of snow move through, however -- >> but instead of the snow today the wind may be the big talker. let's get the big forecast with the meteorologist. >> it's going to be a windy day. we are looking at temperatures, 30s across the board. but it's windchill in lex con that i am worried about. look at the 38-mile-per-hour wind gusts in winchester. the temperatures feel like the 20s everywhere this morning and it feels like the teens in winchester, so dress what it looks like, and obviously the 54 is a mistake in annapolis. and the forecast high says 39 but it will feel like the 20s today. at least we get the sunshine back. we will talk about the redskins forecast and the 7-day forecast looking right into the new year when i see you guys in just a bit. >>> the country is two days from going over the so-called fiscal cliff. both the house and senate will be in session this sunday to prevent tax hikes and spending cuts that could go into effect on tuesday, and we it was beginning to rev up in early november. then the worries about the fiscal cliff they took over everybody's pocketbooks. people are really worried their taxes going up. so what do you get? you get holiday sales not doing too hot. holiday sales are up a little less than 1%, winds up being the weakest growth in three years. it is still early. these numbers are still rolling in. but, you know what, they're not a good sign. after christmas spending, it could help a little bit, but because of limited -- but because of limited -- there could be limited returns in the christmas shopping because a lot of people get gift cards and they do their returns. what retailers were hoping for is when people get into the stores do the returns and to shop for gift cards, maybe people will spend a little more on their gift card and maybe exchange instead of just returns. >> we got the sad trombone for the holiday shopping results. combine that with the fiscal cliff fears, we're six days away, how is wall street reacting? >> reporter: wall street is pretty quiet today. there is low volume again, which means no Excerpts 0 to 61 of about 62 results. 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List Price: 7.20 Save 12 % off List Price Add to Cart Play Dead How do you stop a killer when everyone thinks you're dead? When Newport Beach heiress Hayley Fordham heads to Costa Rica on an art commission, she has no idea she's narrowly escaped an assassin's car bomb. But before the paint's even dry on her mural, her stepsiblings have arranged her funeral and redivided the family trust. The fact that Hayley is still very much alive remains a secret to everyone but FBI investigator Ryan Hollister, who intercepts the "victim" returning home in the flesh. Ryan has zero tolerance for the pampered elite. But there's something about the complex Hayley that sets his blood racing. With evidence pointing to a Fordham family associate, Ryan needs her cooperation--and her closeness--more than he dares admit. Because now, especially now, he's prepared to risk anything to stop Hayley from being killed...again. Author Information Meryl SawyerNotify me of new titles added by this author Meryl grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the only child of a single mother. She gives her mother credit for her love of books and encouraging her to write. When Meryl was in the third grade her birthday gift was an ancient Underwood with the E key missing. That didn't stop Meryl! She wrote stories and went back and put in the E with a pencil. She's been writing ever since first on a typewriter, then a word processor, then a computer. When Meryl finally decided to get serious about writing by serious she meant wanting to see her work in print Meryl attended the Writers Program at UCLA. She had graduated from UCLA years earlier but this time she returned to study writing. There Meryl was fortunate to meet Colleen McCullough, author of Thornbirds. She was on tour and one of Meryl's instructors threw a cocktail party to introduce Colleen to some aspiring writers. Colleen was unbelievably warm and charming and helpful. "Write what you like to read," she told the students. Meryl had always wanted to be a female Sidney Sheldon so that's the direction she took. Meryl completed a novel, attended seminars, met an agent and had offers from four different publishers within two months of finishing the book. That's not every author's experience, but it happened that way for Meryl. She jokingly says, "I thought I would be famous by Friday Saturday at the very latest. Here I am eighteen years later. Not famous but successful, and more importantly, happy." Customer Reviews Product Details • Published by • Publish Date May 01, 2010  • Print ISBN • eBook ISBN • Filesize 645.89 KB • Number of Print Pages* • Format Adobe DRM EPUB Excerpt from Play Dead by Meryl Sawyer Trent Fordham took the turn off Pacific Coast Highway in his Porsche at nearly one hundred miles per hour. It was after two in the morning, so no cars were around. He rarely had the opportunity to see what his baby would do. He floored it and the needle shot up to one-twenty. "Slow down," screeched Courtney from the seat beside him. "You'll get another ticket." His wife was right, he silently conceded. He could not afford to be stopped tonight. It might result in a sobriety test. Not that he'd been drinking... but it was best to be cautious. After all, he was now a CEO of a company. Not a major player--yet--but he was well on his way up the ladder of success. Another speeding ticket was the last thing he needed. He eased off the accelerator to an audible sigh of relief from his wife and watched the needle drop. They drove in silence--what was there to say?--up to the gated entrance to their exclusive community. He slowed, expecting Jerome, the night guard, to wave as they passed. Instead, the guard signaled for him to stop. "What's up?" Trent asked. "The police are waiting for you." "Why?" He wasn't worried; this had to be some mix-up. Jerome shrugged. "Wouldn't say." He shrugged again, his voice apologetic. "I had to let them in." "Of course." Trent tried to sound unfazed, but a yellow flag of caution shot up in his brain. "Thanks for the heads up." That's why he tipped the guards handsomely at Christmas--just for times like this. He roared through the ornate, twenty-foot-tall gates. He sped by mansions lit up like national monuments. What was going on? he wondered silently. "It can't be Timmy. The Scouts would have called my cell or yours. Something's wrong at Surf's Up," Courtney said, sounding only slightly worried. "No way," Trent told her. "Security would have contacted me." His mind was whirling like one of those dervishes he'd read about. Why would the police be waiting for him in the middle of the night? He stopped at the small park area. The green belt had created open space between mansions that took up most of each lot, leaving little grassy areas. During the day, nannies would be there with children and maids walking neighborhood dogs would be strolling along the meandering flagstone paths. "What are you doing?" Courtney cried. Trent turned off the sports car and climbed out, saying, "That was pretty awesome shit we were smoking. I want to hide my jacket in the trunk. It probably reeks." "You were smoking," Courtney said, "with your buddies. I--" Trent tuned her out. Courtney should talk! She was high on pain pills. All day; every day. He shared a spliff or two with the guys on weekends only. Bile had risen in his throat; he needed air. He tossed the jacket into the trunk and looked up at the stars. He forced himself to inhale a few deep, calming breaths. The Milky Way slipped in and out, back and forth like a kaleidoscope. He tried lowering his head, then sucking in more air. Better, but not much. "Oh, my God!" Courtney cried her voice high-pitched. "Maybe something did happen to Timmy They might not have been able to reach our cells. You know, a tower outage or something." Trent stood up and rushed back to the driver's side. Their son was with the Boy Scouts at the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park for something called a Roar and Snore sleepover. The kids stayed up half the night to watch the lions feed, then they slept in tents. A thought hit him, kind of wobbly, fading away almost before he could grasp it. The Scouts required all sorts of emergency information before they took the kids anywhere. He was as sure as he could be when he was this mellow that nothing had happened to his son. "Don't worry, honey. Timmy is fine." "I hope so." "Unless," he said as he put the Porsche into gear, "they caught him with dope again." "Impossible! You know he's being bullied. Those kids planted it in his backpack. None of those little monsters are Scouts." "Right. So you said." Trent wasn't buying that bridge. He'd been Timmy's age not so long ago. True, his son was just eleven and Trent had been older before he'd first experimented. But today's kids were getting into trouble at a younger age. The problem with Timothy Grant Fordham wasn't experimenting with drugs. His son was a wimp. How could he grow up in a family who made a fortune from surf and skateboard equipment and not even be able to ride a boogie board? Timmy only used his skateboard when Trent insisted. The kid should be a surfer or least a skateboard champ, the way Trent had been at the same age, if his mother didn't do her best to make him a sissy. The kid wanted piano lessons. Now whose idea was that? Courtney's. She was a frustrated singer who'd sung backup for a local band before he'd met her. She had music in her blood and claimed Timmy did, as well. Trent rounded the corner and forced his mind back to the problem. The police cruiser was parked right in front of his house, which, like all the other houses around, was still lit up even though it was well after midnight. Maybe Timmy had been caught with drugs again. Perhaps the Scout leaders had found his stash and called the police. The Scouts did not like having their name dragged through the muck, so it seemed unlikely that they had called the cops. Then he noticed the panda car belonged to the Costa Mesa police. Newport Beach patrol cars had ocean blue stylized italic lettering on the sides. Very beachy--for cop cars. Timmy was in San Diego County. If there'd been a problem, the Newport Beach police would have contacted him. Wouldn't they? They lived in Newport, not the lower-middle-class Costa Mesa where Trent had grown up. It bordered Newport but was worlds away financially, socially. Trent pulled to a stop in his driveway near the rear of the police car and got out. A uniformed officer stepped out of the driver's side of the cruiser while a man in a sports jacket emerged from the passenger side. "Mr. Fordham?" asked the officer. "Yes?" Keep it together, Trent warned himself. "Is something the matter?" "Could we go inside?" This from the suit. Trent assumed he was a detective. Trent leaned into the Porsche, turned off the ignition and switched off the headlights. Courtney was already out of the car and waiting near him. Tears clouded her dark eyes. She cried so damn easily. Once he'd found it touching. Now was not the time to bawl. Something was really wrong. He needed to be firing on all cylinders, which he wasn't, thanks to the heavy-duty shit he'd shared with his buddies earlier. "T-Timmy." Courtney's lips quivered around the kid's name. "My son..." Tears gushed and Trent put his arm around her, knowing the meds she took often triggered crying jags. She collapsed against him, sobbing softly. "Mrs. Fordham, this isn't about your son." Courtney lifted her head. "Really? Timmy's all right?" "As far as I know," the detective assured her. There was something ominous about the way the man responded. It was as if the guy thought they should know why he was there. Trent was nervous, which was unusual when he was high. He sucked in a deep breath and held it in his lungs to clear his head. He let it out slowly so no one would notice. They walked up the flagstone path to the massive double doors that led into the house. For a second, Trent wondered what they thought. The place was impressive, he had to admit, but it wasn't anything compared with the Pelican Point mansion where they'd attended the party tonight. Trent hoped to move there--just as soon as his parents' estate went through probate and he received his share. If the economy tanked any more, he'd need the money from the estate to keep the company his father started afloat. And pay the mortgage on this house. The cops probably didn't envy him. No doubt they were glad they didn't have this overhead. Trent unlocked the door and disarmed the security system. The cloying scent of too many roses bombarded his nostrils. Courtney insisted on having five dozen white roses arranged in a crystal vase in the entry hall each week even though he'd told her to cut back. Above the spacious marble entry a vaulted ceiling rose to the second floor. Dead in the center of the foyer was the spectacular floral arrangement on an antique table. He took Courtney's hand and led the group into the spacious living room that was rarely used. He punched the control panel on the wall to make the low-level lighting in the room brighter. Trent settled Courtney on one of three sofas that faced a fireplace befitting a castle. The men took chairs nearby. The detective settled back, but the uniformed officer teetered on the edge of the silk chair that some fancy decorator had found, as if the officer believed his gabardine slacks would snag the delicate fabric. Courtney suddenly began to sob loudly. Now what? Trent wondered. "Honey, they said Timmy is okay. Stop crying." "Th-this... is b-bad news. I--I can tell." "Now, Courtney--" "I'm afraid your wife is correct," the detective said in a level voice. The words were like a shard of glass entering Trent's spongy brain. This reminded him of the night a little over a year ago when he'd received the telephone call that his father's plane had crashed, killing Trent's father and stepmother. Allison's death was no loss, but Trent had been devastated that his father--his idol--was no longer around to guide him. "I understand you're next of kin to Hayley Fordham." It took a second for the words to register. He'd always thought of Hayley as "the step," never his next of anything, but he realized the death of his father and Hayley's mother meant that he was Hayley's closest relative except for her aunt Meg. "Oh, no," wailed Courtney. "Has Hayley been in an accident?" Trent didn't have much use for his stepsister beyond her value as a designer for Surf's Up. That role had taken on greater significance when Hayley's mother Allison had been killed with Trent's father in the plane crash. He had to admit Hayley had been instrumental in aligning their company with Mixed Martial Arts. Illegal in many states, MMA--the human equivalent of cock-fighting--was the fastest growing sport in America. Hayley had picked up on this multibillion dollar business and designed a line of clothes for The Wrath to wear. The Wrath was National MMA champion and one scary dude, but he was to MMA what Tony Hawk was to skateboarding. The MMA line kept the bucks rolling in just when surfboards were tanking, another victim of cheap Asian imports and a nosediving economy. Trent might not care for his stepsister, but he admired her business sense. His wife was another story. Courtney adored Hayley. An artist-to-artist thing, he supposed. "What's happened?" Even as he asked the question, Trent knew this couldn't be a simple accident. A telephone call would have done the trick. His skin prickled with anxiety as reality began to penetrate his usually sharp mind. "I'm afraid," the detective began in that same irritat-ingly level tone, "she's been killed." "Oh, my God! No!" Courtney jumped to her feet. "Tell me it isn't true." Trent pulled her back down beside him. Breath gushed from his lungs in short bursts. His mind struggled to get a grip on what he'd just been told. Her death changed-- everything. For the better, he had to admit. "Her car was blown up by a bomb at about eight o'clock this evening," the uniformed officer informed them in a voice barely loud enough to be heard over Courtney's sobs. "What? That's terrible--a tragedy." Trent shaded the truth. He'd be a hell of a lot richer with Hayley out of the way. "Car bombs happen in the Middle East, not Newport Beach." He tried to keep his mind off the money, adding, "Besides, who would want to kill Hayley?" "Dear Lord, what is the world coming to?" Meg Amboy asked the nurse who'd brought her breakfast just after dawn. Along with it came her medication and the morning paper. "Did you see there was a car bombing right here in Newport Beach last night?" "Umm-hmmm," the middle-aged woman with a chest like the prow of a battleship responded. "It was out by the airport. That's Costa Mesa." Meg noticed the nurse had dismissed the incident as if it had happened on another planet. Typical attitude around Twelve Acres. The staff had been trained to be elitist. Newport had money and cachet while Costa Mesa, which bordered on Newport, was decidedly middle class with an area that could only be termed a barrio. Meg knew most of the help in the kitchen and the housekeepers lived in Costa Mesa or just beyond in Santa Ana. Meg prided herself on not being a snob. True, she spent her money on the best assisted-living facility she could afford because she knew she didn't have much longer to live. But she remembered with fondness growing up poor and earning her own way. Making a fortune with no one's help. The battleship nurse, whose name Meg always failed to remember even though Meg had been at Twelve Acres for two years, left. Meg went back to the paper, content to read it until it was time to go downstairs for a second cup of coffee with Conrad Hollister. After they'd finished, she would walk beside his wheelchair to their morning game of bridge. "Conrad," she whispered and lowered the paper. She stared out at the craggy shoreline framed by her huge window. The rampartlike bluffs had been weathered by wind and the unrelenting surf. Now scrims of early morning mist clung to the shore. Short trees bowed by the elements stooped like hunchback sentinels along the tops of the bluffs where mansions were perched. The view was breathtaking but she often experienced a haunting, solitary feeling when she gazed at the sweep of the deep blue sea. It made her lonely, which was an emotion she'd rarely experienced when she was younger, but she had more time to reflect now. Too much time. "What might have been?" she whispered to herself. What if she'd met Conrad Hollister ten, twenty, even thirty years ago? Meg refused to allow her thoughts to stray in this direction. At eighty-five, she had the same sharp mind that had guided her as she amassed an empire in real estate. She wouldn't be here if she didn't have a heart that refused to recognize her brain was still young. Why dwell on what might have been when she had accomplished so much?
Idaho Fish and GameIDFG Logo IDFG Regions Questions & Answers Displaying 1 - 25 of 626 questions Question Askedsort ascending A: According to the details of your question, she will be accompanying you while you hunt, but she will not be hunting.  Since she is not hunting, she is not required to have a hunting license. A: No.  Pheasants are not planted there so the WMA permit is not required. Hunting for pheasants on the nine Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) listed below requires a WMA Upland Game Bird Permit. The WMA Permit allows the take of six... Read more A: Nonresidents can purchase a bear tag over-the-counter without purchasing a deer or elk tag.  You do, however, have to purchase an Idaho hunting license. A: Please refer to our rules for additional information regarding weapon restrictions. For Big Game. No person shall take big game animals with any rimfire rifle, rimfire handgun or any muzzleloading handgun, EXCEPT for mountain lion and... Read more A: This question has been asked similarly, please refer to: A: It is unlawful for any person to hunt any animal or bird except raccoon by the aid of a spotlight, flashlight or artificial light of any kind. The act of casting or throwing, after sunset, the beam or rays of any spotlight, headlight or... Read more A: Yes, you can use a rangefinder while bow hunting big game in Idaho.  It cannot be attached to the bow. The rule states; No person shall take big game animals with any electronic or tritium-powered device attached to, or incorporated into... Read more A: The Idaho Fish and Game Commission periodically reviews equipment rules to ensure they are still reasonable, easy to abide by, necessary to meet species management objectives, and consistent with current technology.  From 2006 to 2009,... Read more A: Ok, you've proven we aren't infallible.  The Birding Trail information is not totally correct. We have confirmed that Indian Creek and Blair Trail reservoirs are open for waterfowl hunting.  Just make sure you access both bodies of water... Read more A: How to Apply for a Controlled Hunt--Deer, Elk, Pronghorn, fall Bear Big game rules for the current year come out each April. Check the general season information (listed by species) to see if the over-the-counter general season has a hunt... Read more A: This time of year, most of the mule deer bucks in the Twin Falls area have moved down onto winter range areas. Winter range areas near Twin Falls tend to be on the foothills where deer can find refuge from deep snow, and forage sources.... Read more A: A series of open-house meetings are planned throughout the state to discuss proposals for this year's big game hunting seasons.  In addition, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission will take public testimony on the proposals when it meets in... Read more A: Yes. Information about the current program we have for nonresident disabled veterans can be found on our website under the license tab. Look for the Disabled Veterans Programs link. Nonresident Disabled VeteransNonresident disabled... Read more A: Both reservoirs can be accessed by public property and there are no rules we are aware of to prevent waterfowl hunting during the set season. Because these reservoirs also border private property, you need to be cognizant of the direction... Read more A: According to their website there are two different "units" in the refuge..the Lake Lowell unit where goose hunting is prohibited and the Snake River unit where it is permitted. Please refer to the brochure you have listed (http://www.fws.... Read more A: Yes, you can.  They can be hunted all year and there are no limits on the number you can take.  You must have a hunting license.   A: This proposal has to be passed by the 2014 Idaho legislature so it is too early to say if it will go into effect and when the change might be made.   Information about legislation affecting IDFG is on our website at https://fishandgame.... Read more A: The regulations for 2014 elk hunting will be available in April. A: The Idaho Fish & Wildlife Foundation was established in 1990 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Their mission is to preserve and sustain Idaho’s fishing, hunting and wildlife heritage. The Foundation is headquartered in Boise,... Read more A: It is legal to hunt coyotes in Idaho using manual or electronic predator calls. The use of electronic predator calls are restricted for big game animals; and some furbearers may only be taken by trapping in certain areas (which would... Read more A: Yes, the license will still be valid:   Lifetime combination, hunting and fishing licenses authorize all privileges associated with a corresponding annual license. These licenses are valid for the lifetime of the license holder and... Read more A: The 1998 Idaho Legislature required that all applicants for licenses issued by the state, including hunting or fishing licenses, tags and permits, must give their Social Security number for a license or permit to be issued. The Idaho... Read more
No encontramos iTunes en este ordenador. Para usar vista previa y comprar música de Living With Owusu & Hannibal de Owusu and Hannibal, descarga iTunes ya. Yo tengo iTunes Descarga gratis iTunes para Mac y PC Living With Owusu & Hannibal Owusu and Hannibal Abre iTunes para escuchar un fragmento, comprar y descargar música. Reseña de álbum To judge strictly from the album artwork, living with Philip Owusu and Robin Hannibal (who, if you want to get technical, actually live across the street from one another, in Copenhagen's poly-ethnic Nørrebro neighborhood) would involve a lot of lounging around, eating spaghetti in front of the TV in an apartment cluttered with dirty clothes, blank CDs, musical instruments, and greasy pizza boxes. The music on Living With... isn't anywhere near that slovenly — in fact, it's quite meticulous; artfully arranged and layered with crisp, inventive production — but it would be ideally suited to such a laid-back, lazily indulgent lifestyle. The tempo rarely rises above a genial amble as electronically tweaked R&B grooves, twitchy but languorous, stretch on into the five- to six-minute range, and even those that don't seem like they should (indeed, the album feels longer than its relatively concise one-hour length). It's good stuff, inspired even, as urban-inflected downtempo music goes — certainly several notches hipper than your average mass-market chillout release — but the first half of the album, in particular, tends to drag on one's attention, in spite of unconventional production touches, Hannibal's capable neo-soul vocal stylings (he recalls a less strained Jamie Lidell), and intriguingly oblique lyrics if you can be bothered to pay attention (an exception, and a highlight, is the would-be baby-making slow jam "A Million Babies," with the admission "I'm really too drunk tonight to try"). Half an hour in, however, Owusu & Hannibal reveal that they've got more up their sleeves than a somewhat tepid 21st century updating of quiet storm's relentless vibe: "What It's About," an abrupt about-face from nearly everything else on the album, is a practically perfect, if decidedly eccentric, pop song, strikingly reminiscent of soulful sophisti-pop greats Scritti Politti. Consisting of very little other than doubled falsetto vocals, luscious backing "oohs," and a syncopated, Bo Diddley-esque drumbeat, with some occasional electronic embellishments (those 808 cowbells), it has the infectious simplicity and flirtatious nonchalance of a naughty schoolyard ditty, with surreal, hilariously confused pubescent sex fantasy lyrics to match. Laid-back but utterly funky, it's an unexpected standout that isn't really followed up on anywhere else on the disc, although the lovely, lilting "Watch" (which seems to be about either voyeurism or watching TV on the couch, or both) is nearly as appealing in its way (and features a quirky, FutureSex/LoveSounds-styled extended coda). Otherwise, the album's second half does have more of interest to offer than the first, including the digital electro grooves of "Upstairs Downstairs" and "Another Mile" and a touching cover of the Beach Boys classic "Caroline No." ~ K. Ross Hoffman, Rovi Se formó en: Copenhagen, Denmark Género: Electronic Años de actividad: '00s Danish modernists Philip Owusu and Robin Hannibal are among a handful of artists — Jamie Lidell, Eric Lau, Sa-Ra Creative Partners, and Henrik Schwarz are some others — working to find a way forward for soul music and R&B in the 21st century by blending it with house, broken beat, trip-hop, and other forms of electronica. Both Copenhagen natives, although they consider themselves international citizens first and Danish second, Hannibal (formerly of jazzy hip-hop collective Nobody... Biografía completa Living With Owusu &amp; Hannibal, Owusu and Hannibal Ver en iTunes Valoraciones de clientes
Python indentation deters newbies? beliavsky at beliavsky at Mon Aug 16 15:12:07 CEST 2004 Peter Hansen <peter at> wrote in message news:<AuWdnUL93se81L3cRVn-hQ at>... > For example, if 90% of people who have the "indentation rash" > had previous encounters with FORTRAN IV, then it ought to > be possible to make it obvious in the early documentation > (tutorial, intro page, etc) that Python is not FORTRAN and > doesn't suffer from the same limitations with respect to > indentation/whitespace significance as FORTRAN does. Uh oh, people are picking on my beloved Fortran :). Fortran IV was standardized as Fortran 66. Even the following Fortran standard, Fortran 77, had only "fixed format" with the rigid column restrictions. The Fortran 90 standard introduced free format, and I think such code resembles Python more closely than other compiled languages, because there are no semicolons needed to terminate lines, and curly braces are not used to delimit blocks. It would be misleading to discuss certain flaws of earlier versions of Fortran without mentioning that they have long since been corrected. Btw, the official spelling has been "Fortran" (not all uppercase) since the 1990 standard. I have done a good bit of coding in both Python and Fortran and still (mildly)prefer using key words rather than indentation to terminate blocks, for example do i=0,9 ! some code compared to for i in range(10): # some code In Fortran you easily wrap a do-enddo or if-endif around a block of code without touching the interior lines. This is useful for debugging. If the change is permanent, the code should be re-indented. In Python the indentation must be correct at all times, which can be More information about the Python-list mailing list
Anthony from La Grange Park, IL "From the minute I stepped on campus, I felt taken care of.  Whether you are an amateur, teacher, tech expert or just enthusiast, the Google Summit will provide you with great practical ideas in education as well as the assistance to bring ideas to life in the classroom.  The staff was so helpful and although the amount of information could be overwhelming at times, the excitement they provided inspired you to continue to investigate into new ways to change the way students are educated." Brett from Menominee Falls, WI "The Google Summit trained me to make Google and its Apps work in the classroom.  The week is fast-paced and fun while the presenters were energentic and ready to help." Ed from Wauwatosa, WI Whether you are using Goolge Chromebooks, iPads, laptops, PC, Macs, etc.. this is the conference for you. The processes, ideas, and information that is presented at this conference are relative to anyone with any format. The best quote from the week was, “date the device and marry the process.” And that says it all about this conference. Do I think you should attend and is it worth it? Let me put it this way, I am going to try to attend again this year because I am so sure there is more I could learn. Hope to see you there! Rachel from Waukesha, WI "The Google Education Summit brought together amazing presenters and practical information. Any educator would benefit from the Summit, because there were tips and tricks immediately applicable to integrate into lesson plans. The week-long format immersed the attendees in all things Google. The extra outings, particularly the trip to Discovery World, were awesome! (The coffee was great, too!)"
World of Sport Veteran athletes shine with gutsy performances Pensioners' sporting efforts generally tend to revolve around genteel sports such as golf and bowls. But a group of gutsy senior citizens in Germany have been turning those preconceptions on their heads at an indoor athletics championships. 86-year-old Hans Eberle is probably the star of the show. The sprinter and jumper is the star of his 85-years-and-over age group with a 17.05 second 100m run under his belt, and his famous 3.53m long jump at a meeting last summer would have been good enough for the gold medal even in the under-80s. Here are some pictures of the athletes in action in Baden-Württemberg. 86-year-old Hans Eberle shows off the awesome long jump technique that would have won him under-80 gold last s …80-year-old Herman Kemmler outpaced Eberle in the 1500m; Kemmler's PB is 7:31.2670-year-old decathlete Joseph Halder soars over the pole vault bar, an event in which he's recorded 2.91m Christina Lipps, a 64-year-old heptathlete 76-year-old shot putter Berhard Bolz, who was born the year of the 1936 Berlin OlympicsStanislav Ivanovic hasn't let his 81 years stand in the way of him recording a hefty 8.12m in the shot put71-year-old sprinter Fritz Reichle lunges for the tape as he clocks up an impressive 13.33m in the 100m76-year-old shot and discus thrower Gustav Jenne, whose 30m-plus discus throws often win him gold About World of Sport
THIS IS A SLASH STORY. Slash? Oh, slash! Yes, slash! Am I sure it's slash? Yes, it's slash! Slash…slashiness! Slash slash slash. A/N: For you reviews who ignored that, this story is SLASH. It appears that someone didn't understand that in the summary last chapter, so I'll say it again…THIS IS SLASH. Mmkay? Thanks for all the wonderful reviews, guys! Look, I even wrote the next chapter already! Disclaimer: I'm merely drowning in the ocean that is Harry Potter. Feedback: Yes, please. ^___^ (Note: THIS IS SLASH!) Apple Pie: Yummmm…^________^ (I really like apple pie…hm…nummy…) "Wake up, pet." I hate the nickname "pet". Seriously. If I had a spell cast on me that I'd have my eyeballs gouged and my skin burned off by sulfuric acid if someone did not call me "pet" for the rest of my life, I'd opt for the former. He's so inconsiderate sometimes; I haven't called him Wonder-Boy, since…Well, since last night, but that's beside the point. I hate that nickname. And there was no way in HELL I was going to get up and entertain him. Not only because of the nickname, but because we'd been up half the night and I was damn tired. I don't know what he was thinking, waking me up before seven. It made me want to slap his stupid lightning bolt forehead. Didn't he know it takes time and effort and lots of sleep to look as good as me everyday? "Pro…Professor Snape!" Obviously not. Nope, that one had only worked the first time he'd tried it. Honestly, he needed to get some new material. Not moving from my position facing the floor, I decided to talk. It wouldn't be long before he tried to the whole "nibbling on my ear" approach, and while that sounded like lots of fun, my conscience got to me. Yes, Malfoy's have conscience's, and mine was- whispering. 'Get up, you lazy bum, and talk to your boyfriend.' Since having a lively quarrel with myself wasn't sounding appealing, I dignified him a reply. "I'm never going to wake up if you call me 'pet'." He ruffled my hair, and to the floor I gagged. That is truly the most annoying sensation known to man, especially since I'm rather fond of my hair the way it is. Untouched. Left alone. Harry Potter doesn't seem to grasp this concept. In fact, sometimes he's rather thick. For a second I wondered why I was going out with him. "You know, Draco, in that position you're rather vulnerable…" his voice trailed off. I smirked at the ground. He's so horny. I flipped, pulling a face of mock disgust. "You're sick, Potter. Really, you are. Talking about taking advantage of helpless old me. Honestly." It was hard to keep a straight face looking at him. He has the innocent look down pat. He flipped a leg over my side and seated himself on my stomach. How dare he, acting as if I'm a chair. I almost told him to get his bum off my precious tummy when he spoke. "You know you would have enjoyed it." I lost face and ginned. I've always looked like a bafoon when I grin, I hate it. It makes my beautiful visage look odd and distorted. "Probably, but that's beside the point." I stopped at that point, reaching a hand up to trace the outline of his features. I felt my grin disappear from my face, and suddenly I remembered something I'd almost forgotten. The whole reason why I was in this relationship."Guess what, Harry Potter." I whispered it softly, almost like I wasn't sure I wanted him to hear. He slid down next to me, and smiled lightly. "I love you." He paused, which was sheer torture. I held my breath and counted the seconds…one…two…three. "I love you, too." Took him long enough. A/N: I will never, ever EVER write in Draco Malfoy's POV again. That was HARD. Really REALLY HARD. I mean, REALLY HARD. You'd think it'd be easy, but it's not. Sheesh, I'm terribly disappointed in this chapter. I'm sorry I didn't do Draco justice, my beloved reviewers. Hm…does anyone know how to do italics/bold? I use Microsoft Word, but it doesn't hold if I tell it to bold. It goes back to regular font. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. ^_______________^
One second... aka Lynn is a 33.53 year old girl and has been a part of the Threadless community for 7 years, 7 months! she has scored 5500 submissions, giving an average score of 2.62, helping 84 designs get printed.
Take the 2-minute tour × I've bought some application and I feel that I don't want to use it anymore and I've uninstalled it. However, when I opened Downloads tab in the Market, it is listed there even though it's not installed. So, how do I remove it from the list? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 2 down vote accepted If you did not purchase the app (i.e. it was free), it should be gone. If you did, then it's always there because you have purchased the right to download it. share|improve this answer Yeah, I know that, but how do I get rid of the app from the list (if it's possible)? –  amree Feb 5 '11 at 2:46 I do not think it's possible. Beyond using a different Google account, but then you don't get your other paid apps. –  Matthew Read Feb 5 '11 at 4:03 I think I'll just accept the answer since it's not possible sigh –  amree Feb 8 '11 at 12:41 add comment Your Answer
x richmond x north carolina Set Clip Length: don't understand where that law came from, i thought a majority is anything that's above 50%, and i don't know where this 60% came from. maybe you could enlighten us on exactly the origin of that filibuster law. host: well, andy, that would take way too long for me to explain, but perhaps we'll do that as a segment on the "washington journal" and take our viewers and listeners through the intricacies of the rules of the house and senate. but thanks for your call. we're going to move on to ron on our line for democrats, calling from florida. good morning, ron. caller: good morning. host: ron, divided party -- one party or divided government? caller: well, that question is -- the underlying point is you're saying a -- in essence, what you're saying is a one-party state, and that just doesn't work. it was proved in the soviet union and the place where i immigrated from, which was cuba. the problem is, as someone said, this is not your father's republican party. when you have a new crop signing a pledge before they even take office that allows them no room to negotiate, on top of that, Excerpts 0 to 3 of about 4 results. Terms of Use (10 Mar 2001)
x Erin Burnett OutFront Set Clip Length: anybody has the answer to that right now. sort of on the definition of insanity. we're doing the same thing over and over again. doing the same thing we did in libya. getting involved in yet again in a civil war in a muslim country and i'm not sure why we expect different results. and i wonder what those senators will have to say in a year or two or five if we provide a surface to air missile that gets used to take down a jet liner in europe or africa. >> seth, isn't that the problem? what we saw in libya was all those weapons have gone missing. now they're elsewhere in northern africa and some got into the hands of hamas in gaza. syria seems to be libya on steroids in terms of the things that could go wrong. >> i think it's kind of ludicrous to provide them with surface to air missiles. i think what they need more than anything else is ammunition and small arms. they can do a lot with just that kind of activity. and really intelligence. especially with the internet going down, it's harder for them to communicate with each other. radios are down across the country. they need help in a Excerpts 0 to 2 of about 3 results. (Some duplicates have been removed) Terms of Use (10 Mar 2001)
x schwab x benghazi English 18 Set Clip Length: obama's so-called red line against syria. the president said this summer that syria's use or movement of chemical weapons could mean u.s. intervention. so outfront tonight, barbara star. how exactly -- how clear is the evidence that they are moving in a new step with chemical weapons. >> it was just over the weekend in the last few days the intelligence began coming in. showing that the assad regime was mixing agents, mixing chemicals to make sarin gas. they're not telling us exactly what the evidence is, but what they are saying is they have multiple sources of intelligence. this suggests possibly some satellite imagery, some phone intercepts, maybe even some human sources on the ground giving them misinformation. >> at this point, what kind of military action might the united states be considering right now? >> when the president of the united states goes out there and makes a strong statement like he did today. >> that's commitment. >> you have to follow up it and do something. >> they're going to watch there carefully. when they see this move, they have to determine rapidly, what the risk, for example, of chemical weapons, nerve gas being used in syria which can literally wipe out thousands of people with one single weapon. the united states has been disengaged. the united states has said if we get engaged and intervene all of these terrible things will happen. everything they said would happen if we intervene have not happened because we didn't. there is an absence of american leadership in the region and i just came from a conference and i talked to these leaders. i know them well. they believe the united states is drawn and week. there are al qaeda training camps and to look at afghanistan where the message is we are leaving, you look at syria where 40,000 people have now been massacred, the upheaval in egypt, the consulate situation in benghazi is more dangerous than ever before and if america doesn't lead, then other people will lead and they are not in america's interest. >> here is the flip side of the argument, which is america used to have reasonably good relations with others. yes, they were dictators. yes they did despicable things. but as senator mc 're starting off agreeing. >>> still ahead on "starting point" the war in syria taken to a whole new level. the dangerous new weapons that are now in play. >>> and a serious scare for justin bieber. details on a reported plot to kill him. that's ahead. prilosec otc. now with a fancy coating that gives you a burst of wildberry flavor. now why make a flavored heartburn pill? because this is america. and we don't just make things you want, we make things you didn't even know you wanted. like a spoon fork. spray cheese. and jeans made out of sweatpants. so grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. satisfaction guaranteed why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. >>> welcome back, everybody. you'r rescue. a reporter freed from captors in syria today. we'll update you on what happened there. live reports, up next. ♪ [ gordon ] for some this line is a convenience. how you doing today? i'm good thanks. how are you? i'm good. [ gordon ] but for others, it's all they can afford. every day nearly nine million older americans don't have enough to eat. anything else? no, not today. join me, aarp, and aarp foundation in the drive to end hunger by visiting in the drive to end hunger alriwoah! did you get that? and...flip! yep, look at this. it takes like 20 pictures at a time. i never miss anything. isn't that awesome? uh that's really cool. you should upload these. i know, right? that is really amazing. the pictures are so clear. kevin's a handsome devil that phone does everything! search dog tricks. okay, see if we can teach him something cool. look at how lazy kevin is. kevin, get it together dude cmon, kevin take 20 pictures with burst shot on the galaxy s3. >>> welcome back, everyone. a harrowing tale, a reporter and his crew held for five days in syria, no 's now a free man. we'll tell you why coming up. >>> tonight a 360 exclusive from syria. an extraordinary display of bravery. a teenage boy, who risked his life, says he's no hero, that he did what countless others do every day. we're going to show you that in a moment. >>> first, new signs that defeat could be near for al assad's regime. he is losing control of his country and admitted the opposition could win. nato's leader said the regime is approaching collapse. their comments came as opposition groups seized a military base near damascus. syrian state television said at least two dozen civilians were killed in two car bombings outside of damascus. seven children were said to be among those killed in this blast. in a nearby town, eight people, mostly women and children, were reported killed in this bombing according to state television. assad shows no outward signs of backing down and in hot spots civilians are still dying in the crossfire. now that affect incredible courage that was caught on tape. here is auchrwa damon's exclusi report. >> reporter: a fighter slithers across the str of the humanitarian crisis unfolding in syria. lisa sylvester is monitoring that and other stories here in the situation room. what is going on? >> a quarter of the population in syria is in need of food, shelter, medical area or other aid. the situation is, quote, dramatically deteriorating. the u.n. says half a million syrians have fled the civil war and barbara mikulski will become the chair of the senate appropriations committee: mikulski would be the first female to chair that powerful committee. >>> and we have new information on this video. take a look here. this has been causing quite the sensation on the internet. it purports to show a child being taken by an eagle but it t is a hoax. it hasn't stopped it from getting more than a million hits in youtube since being posted last night. and the photo sharing app instagram is backtracking by suggesting it owns photos and can use them without providing compensation. the co-founder says that the language is being removed in the user language. and talk about an uproar, i know a lot of people were buzzing about that saying, wait a minu that slaughtered frin syria. it should not be happening on the streets of the united states. the second amendment does not infringe on the right of hunters. joe manchin said to me, i don't need high capacity magnets, i don't need assault rifles. >> when you say -- so is your issue in the second amendment the word infringement? any law at all that would prevent somebody -- it's two lines long. it's not long. >> not any weapon. the answer is not any weapon. sooner or later the principle abuts against efficacy. that's what i was trying to say to christiane. absence and absolute ban as such they have accomplished in japan. absent that, when you say we're just going to limit assault rifles, i assume that's one of the things you concentrate on in a sensible regulation. what we're talking about specifically in incidents over the past week are premeditated psychopathic killers who will find the weapons they need to perpetuate these crimes. they're like a drunkard. >> you just brought up -- >> almost finished with the point. if you outlaw whiskey will you -- >> perfect analogy. mothers against drunk drivi 's growing in syria. that kind runs against the message that we get orage the ws to put out it has had a successful run against counterterrorism because of the drone strikes. if you start to see al qaeda and libya and all the other countries, you have to start to question whether the policy is successful, right? >> all right. we'll be following this. i guess the testimony will continue without her, which i think is interesting. >> jon wanted to say something. >> i think secretary clinton has a really interesting opportunity here it seems to me. she is leaving. she can be as fully candid, take responsibility, and she's accepted the recommendations. actually talking about what happened nofr you can without compromising sources and methods. people it seems to me -- i think we've seen this in connecticut. i know we see this again and again in stories that tend on to obsess us all too briefly. we all intuitively know this is really difficult. it's difficult to secure embassies and fight terrorists. i disagree with katty a little bit. i think this has been a remarkable run for administration Excerpts 0 to 17 of about 18 results. (Some duplicates have been removed) Terms of Use (10 Mar 2001)
Take the 2-minute tour × To open a web browser, I currently use xdg-open inside a python app. However the web browser steals focus. The Python webbrowser module is unreliable so how could I use xdg-open without the browser stealing focus? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 1 down vote accepted Try adding the -iconic flag to your command, even though some window managers may choose to ignore it but I believe Unity acknowledges it. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Installation Instructions The instructions are basically as per any Perl module. INSTALLING AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------ The easiest way to install is via CPAN or CPANPLUS: CPAN: % perl -MCPAN -e shell [as root] > install Data-FormValidator-Constraints-Words > quit CPANPLUS: % cpanp > i Data-FormValidator-Constraints-Words > q See your local 'perldoc CPAN' or 'perldoc CPANPLUS' for instructions on setting up and configuring CPAN or CPANPLUS. OBTAINING THE MODULE -------------------- The latest release version of Data-FormValidator-Constraints-Words can be downloaded from any CPAN site: Phrasebook is distributed as a gzipped tar archive file: Data-FormValidator-Constraints-Words-.tar.gz where represents the current version number, e.g. 0.01. To install the module, unpack the distribution archive to create an installation directory. Something like this: tar zxf Data-FormValidator-Constraints-Words-0.01.tar.gz or gunzip Data-FormValidator-Constraints-Words-0.01.tar.gz tar xf Data-FormValidator-Constraints-Words-0.01.tar You can then 'cd' into the directory created, cd Data-FormValidator-Constraints-Words-0.01 INSTALLING MANUALLY ------------------- The 'make install' (done later) will install the modules and scripts on your system. You may need administrator privileges to perform this task. Alternately you can install the module to a local directory (see ExtUtils::MakeMaker for full details), e.g. % perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/me/ Don't forget to update your PERL5LIB environment variable if you do this, or add a line to your script to tell Perl where to find the files, e.g. use lib qw( /home/me/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 ); If you're not after a custom location, just do: % perl Makefile.PL If you are lacking any of the prerequisite modules, running that program will tell you. All prerequisites are available from CPAN. When you have them all: % make && make test If there are any failures, it's best if you contact me. It may help other people who have the same problem. I don't tend to read the Perl newsgroups or PerlMonks, so it's no use posting there. When you report your trouble, be sure to send me the following information; + result of `perl -V' + output from 'make test' - ideally do 'make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 >& errs' Send those to and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm able. If it worked, then become root and type: # make install Congratulations. You've just installed Data::FormValidator::Constraints::Words::UTF8. If you have a copy of cpantest installed, type: % cpantest -g pass -nc -p `basename \`pwd\`` -auto Or: % cpantest -g pass -nc -p Data-FormValidator-Constraints-Words-0.01 -auto That will tell both me and other potential users that the module built correctly on your machine. Cheers, Barbie.
Harbour (software) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Harbour (programming language)) Jump to: navigation, search Harbour Project Paradigm(s) multi-paradigm: imperative, functional, object-oriented, reflective Appeared in 1999 Designed by Antonio Linares Developer Viktor Szakáts and community Stable release 3.0.0 (17 July 2011; 2 years ago (2011-07-17)) Preview release 3.2.0dev Typing discipline optionally duck, dynamic, safe, partially strong Dialects Clipper, Xbase++, FlagShip, FoxPro, xHarbour Influenced by dBase, Clipper Influenced xHarbour OS Cross-platform License Open source GPL Compatible Usual filename extensions .prg, .ch, .hb, .hbp Website Harbour is a modern computer programming language, primarily used to create database/business programs. It is a modernized, open sourced and cross-platform version of the older and largely DOS-only Clipper system, which in turn developed from the dBase database market of the 1980s and 90s. Harbour code using the same databases can be compiled under a wide variety of platforms, including DOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix variants, several BSD descendants, Mac OS X, MINIX 3, Windows CE, Pocket PC, Symbian, iOS, Android, QNX, VxWorks, OS/2/eComStation, BeOS/Haiku, AIX. The idea of a free software Clipper compiler had been floating around for a long time and the subject has often cropped up in discussion on comp.lang.clipper. Antonio Linares founded the Harbour project and the implementation was started in March, 1999. The name "Harbour" was proposed by Linares, it is a play on a Clipper as a type of ship. Harbour is a synonym for port (where ships dock), and Harbour is a port of the Clipper language. In 2009 Harbour was substantially redesigned, mainly by Viktor Szakáts and Przemyslaw Czerpak. Database support[edit] Harbour extends the Clipper Replaceable Database Drivers (RDD) approach. It offers multiple RDDs such as DBF, DBFNTX, DBFCDX, DBFDBT and DBFFPT. In Harbour multiple RDDs can be used in a single application, and new logical RDDs can be defined from combination of other RDDs. The RDD architecture allows for inheritance, so that a given RDD may extend the functionality of other existing RDD(s). Third-party RDDs, like RDDSQL, RDDSIX, RMDBFCDX, Advantage Database Server, and Mediator exemplify some of the RDD architecture features. DBFNTX implementation has almost same functionality of DBFCDX and RDDSIX. NETIO and LetoDB[1] provide remote access over TCP protocol. Harbour also offers ODBC support by means of an OOP syntax, and ADO support by means of OLE. MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, Oracle are examples of databases which Harbour can connect. xBase technologies often is confused with a RDBMS software. Although this is true, xBase is more than a simple database system as the same time xBase languages using purely DBF can not provide full concept of a real RDBMS.[citation needed] Programming philosophy[edit] Unlike Java which is intended to be write once, run anywhere, Harbour aims to be write once, compile anywhere. As the same compiler is available for all of the above operating systems, there is no need for recoding to produce identical products for different platforms, except when operating system dependent features are used. Cross-compiling is supported with MinGW. Under Microsoft Windows, Harbour is more stable but less well-documented than Clipper, but has multi-platform capability and is more transparent, customizable and can run from a USB flash drive. Under Linux and Windows Mobile, Clipper source code can be compiled with Harbour with very little adaptation. Most software originally written to run on Xbase++, Flagship, FoxPro, xHarbour and others dialects can be compiled with Harbor with some adaptation. As 2010 many efforts have been made to turn the transition from other xBase dialects easier. Harbour can use the following C compilers, among others: GCC, MinGW, Clang, ICC, Microsoft Visual C++ (6.0+), Borland C++, Watcom C, Pelles C and Sun Studio. Harbour can make use of multiple Graphic Terminal emulations, including console drivers, and Hybrid Console/GUIs, such as GTWvt, and GTWvg. Harbour supports external GUIs, free (e.g. HBQt, HWGui, MiniGUI (latest version based on Qt) and QtContribs) and commercial (e.g. FiveWin, Xailer). HBQt is a library provinding bindings to Qt. HBIDE application is a sample of HBQt potencial. Harbour is 100% Clipper-compatible[2] and supports many language syntax extensions including greatly extended run-time libraries such as OLE, Blat, OpenSSL, FreeImage, GD, hbtip, hbtpathy, PCRE, hbmzip (zlib), hbbz2 (bzip2), cURL, Cairo, its own implementation of CA-Tools, updated NanFor libraries and many others. Harbour has an active development community and extensive third party support. Any xBase language provides a very productive way to build business and data intensive applications. Harbour is not an exception. Macro Operator (runtime compiler)[edit] One of the most powerful features of xBase languages is the Macro Operator '&'. Harbour's implementation of the Macro Operator allows for runtime compilation of any valid Harbour expression. Such a compiled expression may be used as a VALUE, i.e. the right side of an assignment (rvalue), but more interestingly, such a compiled expression may be used to resolve the left side (lvalue) of an assignment, i.e. PRIVATE, or PUBLIC variables, or a database FIELD. Additionally, the Macro Operator may compile and execute function calls, complete assignments, or even list of arguments, and the result of the macro may be used to resolve any of the above contexts in the compiled application. In other words, any Harbour application may be extended and modified at runtime to compile and execute additional code on-demand. Latest Macro compiler can compile any valid Harbour code including code to pre-process before compile. &( ... ) The text value of the expression '...' will be compiled, and the value resulting from the execution of the compiled code is the result. is the short form for &( SomeId ). is the short form of &( SomeId + "postfix" ). Object Oriented Programming[edit] Programming in an OOP style is a broader issue than a specific library or a specific interface, but OOP programming is something many Clipper programmers have come to expect. CA-Clipper 5.2 and especially 5.3 added a number of base classes, and a matching OOP syntax. Libraries such as Class(y), Fivewin, Clip4Win, and TopClass provide additional OOP functionality. Harbour has OOP extensions with full support for classes including inheritance, based on Class(y) syntax. OOP syntax in Harbour is very similar to that of earlier Clipper class libraries so it should be possible to maintain legacy Clipper code with minimal changes. Syntax and semantics[edit] Harbour code on HBIDE. Harbour as every xBase language is case insensitive and can optionally accept keywords written just by first four characters. Built-in data types[edit] Harbour has 6 scalar types : Nil, String, Date, Logical, Number, Pointer, and 4 complex types: Array, Object, CodeBlock, and Hash. A scalar holds a single value, such as a string, number, or reference to any other type. Arrays are ordered lists of scalars or complex types, indexed by number, starting at 1. Hashes, or associative arrays, are unordered collections of any type values indexed by their associated key, which may be of any scalar or complex type. Literal (static) representation of scalar types: • Nil: NIL • String: "hello", 'hello', [hello] • Date: 0d20100405 • Logical: .T., .F. • Number: 1, 1.1, −1, 0xFF Complex Types may also be represent as literal values: • Array: { "String", 1, { "Nested Array" }, .T., FunctionCall(), @FunctionPointer() } • CodeBlock: { |Arg1, ArgN| Arg1 := ArgN + OuterVar + FunctionCall() } • Hash: { "Name" => "John", 1 => "Numeric key", { "Nested" => "Hash" } } Hashes may use any type including other Hashes as the Key for any element. Hashes and Arrays may contain any type as the Value of any member, including nesting arrays, and Hashes. Codeblocks may have references to Variables of the Procedure/Function>method in which it was defined. Such Codeblocks may be returned as a value, or by means of an argument passed BY REFERENCE, in such case the Codeblock will "outlive" the routine in which it was defined, and any variables it references, will be a DETACHED variable. Detached variables will maintain their value for as long as a Codeblock referencing them still exists. Such values will be shared with any other Codeblock which may have access to those same variables. If the Codeblock did not outlive its containing routine, and will be evaluated within the lifetime of the routine in which it is defined, changes to its Detached Variables(s) by means of its evaluation, will be reflected back at its parent routine. Codeblocks can be evaluated any number of times, by means of the Eval( BlockExp ) function. All types can be assigned to named variables. Named variable identifiers are 1 to 63 characters long, start with [A-Z|_] and further consist of the characters [A-Z|0–9|_] up to a maximum of 63 characters. Named variables are not case sensitive. Variables have one of the following scopes: • LOCAL: Visible only within the routine which declared it. Value is lost upon exit of the routine. • STATIC: Visible only within the routine which declared it. Value is preserved for subsequent invocations of the routine. If a STATIC variable is declared before any Procedure/Function/Method is defined, it has a MODULE scope, and is visible within any routine defined within that same source file, it will maintain its life for the duration of the application lifetime. • PRIVATE: Visible within the routine which declared it, and all routines called by that routine. • PUBLIC: Visible by all routines in the same application. LOCAL and STATIC are resolved at compile time, and thus are much faster than PRIVATE and PUBLIC variables which are dynamic entities accessed by means of a runtime Symbol table. For this same reason, LOCAL and STATIC variables are not exposed to the Macro compiler, and any macro code which attempts to reference them will generate a runtime error. Due to the dynamic nature of PRIVATE and PUBLIC variables, they can be created and destroyed at runtime, can be accessed and modified by means of runtime macros, and can be accessed and modified by Codeblocks created on the fly. Control structures[edit] The basic control structures include all of the standard dBase, and Clipper control structures as well as additional ones inspired by the C or Java programming languages: [DO] WHILE ConditionExp FOR Var := InitExp TO EndExp [STEP StepExp] FOR EACH Var IN CollectionExp • The ... is a sequence of one of more Harbour statements, and square bracketes [] denote optional syntax. • The Var:__enumIndex() may be optionally used to retrieve the current iteration index (1 based). • The LOOP statement restarts the current iteration of the enclosing loop structure, and if the enclosing loop is a FOR or FOR EACH loop, it increases the iterator, moving to the next iteration of the loop. • The EXIT statement immediately terminates execution of the enclosing loop structure. • The NEXT statement closes the control structure and moves to the next iteration of loop structure. In the FOR statement, the assignment expression is evaluated prior to the first loop iteration. The TO expression is evaluated and compared against the value of the control variable, prior to each iteration, and the loop is terminated if it evaluates to a numeric value greater than the numeric value of the control variable. The optional STEP expression is evaluated after each iteration, prior to deciding whether to perform the next iteration. In FOR EACH, the Var variable will have the value (scalar, or complex) of the respective element in the collection value. The collection expression, may be an Array (of any type or combinations of types), an Hash Table, or an Object type. IF statements[edit] IF CondExp [ELSEIF] CondExp ... represents 0 or more statement(s). The condition expression(s) has to evaluate to a LOGICAL value. SWITCH statements[edit] Harbour supports a SWITCH construct inspired by the C implementation of switch(). SWITCH SwitchExp CASE LiteralExp [CASE LiteralExp] • The LiteralExp must be a compiled time resolvable numeric expression, and may involve operators, as long as such operators involve compile time static value. • The EXIT optional statement is the equivalent of the C statement break, and if present, execution of the SWITCH structure will end when the EXIT statement is reached, otherwise it will continue with the first statement below the next CASE statement (fall through). BEGIN SEQUENCE statements[edit] [Break( [Exp] )] The BEGIN SEQUENCE structure allows for a well behaved abortion of any sequence, even when crossing nested procedures/functions. This means that a called procedure/function, may issue a BREAK statement, or a Break() expression, to force unfolding of any nested procedure/functions, all the way back to the first outer BEGIN SEQUENCE structure, either after its respective END statement, or a RECOVER clause if present. The Break statement may optionally pass any type of expression, which may be accepted by the RECOVER statement to allow further recovery handing. Additionally the Harbour Error Object supports canDefault, canRetry and canSubstitute properties, which allows error handlers to perform some preparations, and then request a Retry Operation, a Resume, or return a Value to replace the expression triggering the error condition. Alternatively TRY [CATCH] [FINALLY] statements are available on xhb library working like the SEQUENCE construct. [STATIC] PROCEDURE SomeProcedureName [STATIC] PROCEDURE SomeProcedureName() [STATIC] PROCEDURE SomeProcedureName( Param1 [, ParamsN] ) INIT PROCEDURE SomeProcedureName EXIT PROCEDURE SomeProcedureName [STATIC] FUNCTION SomeProcedureName [STATIC] FUNCTION SomeProcedureName() [STATIC] FUNCTION SomeProcedureName( Param1 [, ParamsN] ) Procedures/Functions in Harbour can be specified with the keywords PROCEDURE, or FUNCTION. Naming rules are same as those for Variables (up to 63 characters non case sensitive). Both Procedures and Functions may be qualified by the scope qualifier STATIC to restrict their usage to the scope of the module where defined. The INIT or EXIT optional qualifiers, will flag the procedure to be automatically invoked just before calling the application startup procedure, or just after quitting the application, respectively. Parameters passed to a procedure/function appear in the subroutine as local variables, and may accept any type, including references. Changes to argument variables are not reflected in respective variables passed by the calling procedure/function/method unless explicitly passed BY REFERENCE using the @ prefix. PROCEDURE have no return value, and if used in an Expression context will produce a NIL value. FUNCTION may return any type by means of the RETURN statement, anywhere in the body of its definition. An example procedure definition and a function call follows: x := Cube( 2 ) FUNCTION Cube( n ) RETURN n ** 3 Sample code[edit] The typical "hello world" program would be: ? "Hello, world!" QOut( "Hello, world!" ) Alert( "Hello, world!" ) Or, enclosed in an explicit procedure: ? "Hello, world!" OOP examples[edit] #include "" LOCAL oPerson oPerson := Person():New( "Dave" ) oPerson:Eyes := "Invalid" oPerson:Eyes := "Blue" Alert( oPerson:Describe() ) VAR Name INIT "" METHOD New( cName ) METHOD Describe() ACCESS Eyes INLINE ::pvtEyes ASSIGN Eyes( x ) INLINE iif( HB_ISSTRING( x ) .AND. x $ "Blue,Brown,Green", ::pvtEyes := x, Alert( "Invalid value" ) ) VAR pvtEyes // Sample of normal Method definition METHOD New( cName ) CLASS Person ::Name := cName RETURN Self METHOD Describe() CLASS Person LOCAL cDescription IF Empty( ::Name ) cDescription := "I have no name yet." cDescription := "My name is: " + ::Name + ";" IF ! Empty( ::Eyes ) cDescription += "my eyes' color is: " + ::Eyes RETURN cDescription • hbmk2 – Powerful build tool like make • hbrun – Shell interpreter for Harbour. Macro compiling allows to run any valid Harbour code as it's being compiled • hbformat – Formats source code written on Harbour or another dialect according defined rules • hbpp – Pre-processor, a powerful tool which avoids typical problems found on C language pre-processor • hbi18n – Tools to localizing text on applications • hbdoc – Creates documentation for Harbour All tools are multiplatform. HBIDE look. Today Habour development is leading by Viktor Szakáts with huge collaborations and leading many components of core and contribs by Przemysław Czerpak. HBIDE and some components, specially HBQt, are developed by Pritpal Bedi. Others members send minor changes to the GitHub source repository.[3] As of 2010 Harbour development is keeping vibrant activity. Although there is no way to measure popularity of Harbour or xBase, the TIOBE Programming Community Index[4] As of June 2006 ranked Microsoft Visual FoxPro, a high profile dialect of xBase, on 12th position on programming languages popularity ranking. FoxPro/xBase ranked on 25th position As of August 2010. As of September 2010, the Clipper Usenet newsgroups comp.lang.clipper is still active. As of August 2010 Harbour figured on 16th position on weekly downloads in compiler category and 132nd position on global rank.[5] xHarbour comparison[edit] xHarbour is a fork[6] of the earlier Harbour project. xHarbour takes a more aggressive approach to implementing new features in the language, while Harbour is more conservative in its approach, aiming first of all for an exact replication of Clipper behaviour and then implementing new features and extensions as a secondary consideration. It should also be noted that Harbour is supported on a wide variety of operating systems while xHarbour only really supports MS Windows and Linux 32-bit. The Harbour developers have attempted to document all hidden behaviour in the Clipper language and test Harbour-compiled code alongside the same code compiled with Clipper to maintain compatibility. The Harbour developers explicitly reject extensions to the language where those extensions would break Clipper compatibility. These rejections were soften recently since the new Harbour architecture allow extensions out of the core compiler. A detailed comparison between extensions implemented in Harbour and xHarbour can be found in source repository of the project on GitHub.[7] As of 2009–2010, Harbour has seen a huge increase in its adoption while xHarbour decline as can be seen on its mailing list.[8] GUI libraries and tools[edit] See also[edit] 1. ^ "LetoDB". Retrieved 2013-12-09.  2. ^ "Official Harbour page". Retrieved 2013-12-09.  3. ^ "harbour 路 GitHub". Retrieved 2013-12-09.  4. ^ "TIOBE Programming Community Index". Retrieved 2013-12-09.  5. ^ "SourceForge". SourceForge. Retrieved 2013-12-09.  6. ^ "About xHarbour". Retrieved 2013-12-09.  7. ^ "xhb-diff.txt". Retrieved 2013-12-09.  8. ^ "Activity comparison". Retrieved 2013-12-09.  9. ^ vailtom (2009-08-17). "Harbour MiniGUI Extended Edition. | Free Communications software downloads at". Retrieved 2013-12-09.  External links[edit]
List of Community characters From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Cast members of Community The cast of Community Seasons 1–2. Third row, in the back, from left to right: Chevy Chase as Pierce Hawthorne, John Oliver as Ian Duncan, Donald Glover as Troy Barnes, and Ken Jeong as Ben Chang. Second row, sitting at table, left to right: Alison Brie as Annie Edison, Yvette Nicole Brown as Shirley Bennett, and Danny Pudi as Abed Nadir. (Front row, left to right) Joel McHale as Jeff Winger, and Gillian Jacobs as Britta Perry. The cast of Community Season 5. This season introduced Jonathan Banks as Buzz Hickey, the return of John Oliver as Ian Duncan, and included the departure of Chevy Chase as Pierce Hawthorne (Not pictured), and Donald Glover as Troy Barnes The series also features recurring characters, typically fellow students or teachers at Greendale. Main characters[edit] Jeff Winger[edit] Jeffrey "Jeff" Tobias Winger (Joel McHale), is a snarky, glib ex-lawyer attending Greendale Community College.[1] Jeff Winger (Joel McHale) was once a highly successful defense attorney with the law firm Hamish, Hamish, and Hamlin. For over six years, he specialized in juvenile and traffic offenses, as well as DUI/DWA/DUID cases. During this period, he successfully defended Ian Duncan from a DUI, and they developed a friendship. After a successful case in which he defended a stripper named Mysti, Colorado Bar Association began scrutinizing his background. His rival and friend Alan Connor, then betrayed him by sending the CBA an incriminating email, revealing that Jeff did not receive a bachelor's degree from Columbia University but, in fact, got one that was "less than legitimate" and "better than real" from the country of Colombia. He strikes a deal with the bar in order to prevent him from being disbarred, on the condition that he graduate from an existing college with an actual degree. While brainstorming the right college to attend, he ate at a frozen-yogurt restaurant, and overheard a conversation detailing the ease of graduation from Greendale Community College. Remembering that Ian Duncan was a professor there, Jeff decided to attend in hopes that Duncan would help him graduate as quickly as possible. In the pilot, Jeff forms and joins the study group because he is attracted to fellow student Britta whom he hits on, despite her rejection of his advances. However, by the end of the pilot episode, he is kicked out of the group before being asked to join back in. After Britta definitively rejects his advances, Jeff begins flirting with his Statistics professor, Professor Slater, and they eventually begin dating. Before this, he shares a number of awkward moments with another study group member, Annie, after she kisses him to win a championship debate. After Professor Slater breaks up with him, he sleeps with Britta in the study room after a paintball fight in "Modern Warfare." At the end of season one, Britta and a newly interested Professor Slater compete for his affections, culminating in Britta professing her love for him at the school's Tranny Dance. Soon after, he meets Annie outside and they kiss. At the beginning of season two, Britta recants her "I love you," saying she was caught up in the spirit of competition, and he comes to an uneasy understanding with both Britta and Annie. Later in the season, the study group finds out that Britta and Jeff had been hooking up in secret throughout the year, and both of them then realize they have no interest in continuing to hook up. Jeff and Annie both wrestle with their romantic impulses towards each other for much of Season 3. In the season four finale, Jeff receives an Associate of Education degree and finally graduates from Greendale. Britta Perry[edit] Britta Perry (Gillian Jacobs), born in October 1982 and of Swedish descent, is a politically interested and socially empathetic student at Greendale, who in many cases serves as the study group's scapegoat. Britta experienced an unexplained trauma in her childhood during a birthday party, involving a man in a dinosaur costume. She decided to drop out of high school because she thought it would impress Radiohead.[2] After dropping out of school, she started vandalizing billboards around the area where she grew up. During the vandalizing she became friends with other people who liked to vandalize. The friends created a small group of "anarchist billboard vandals". When the group grew larger she was kicked out, via a democratic voting system. Soon after her departure, the group developed into a high-end advertising firm.[3] After her fallout Britta joined the Peace Corps, did some foot modeling, got teargassed at a World Trade rally, and took an extended vacation in Africa.[3] She at one point formed an activist group, THE ANHERCHISTS, but it disbanded when the other members grew tired of activism. This led Britta to realize that she needed to do something with her life. While applying for a job at a frozen yogurt restaurant, Britta began a conversation with an irritable man handing out flyers for Greendale Community College. Upon learning how easy gaining a degree from the school was, Britta resolved to get her G.E.D, and enrolled at Greendale.[3] In the Season 3 premiere, Britta tells the study group that she's decided to major in Psychology and work towards becoming a therapist, a career goal the study group is extremely skeptical about. In Season 3, an attraction begins to emerge between Britta and Troy. In "Origins of Vampire Mythology", it is a disguised Troy who texts "something nice" to Britta in an attempt to end her interest in an old flame of hers. She is shown smiling when she discovers that it was Troy who sent the text. In the following episode, "Virtual Systems Analysis", Annie plays matchmaker with them, and the two go on what appears to be an unofficial date. In the Season 4 premiere, it is revealed that Britta and Troy have begun dating. However they break up in "Basic Human Anatomy". Abed Nadir[edit] Abed's original plan at Greendale was to take business classes to eventually help run his father's falafel stand, but this became his backup plan when Britta inspired him to pursue his true passion. While like Spock, Abed has emotion and sympathy for his friends, he is very analytical and speaks with a rather detached and emotionless tone. He also has a distinct straightforwardness and often contextualizes situations via pop cultural tropes and references, which leads many people to suspect he has Asperger's Syndrome. Jeff openly accuses him of having Asperger's during the first study group meeting, which the others find offensive, but Abed responds "what's that?" with confusion, apparently having never heard of the term. While Abed exhibits many of the classic symptoms of Asperger's throughout the show, he apparently never submits himself for a formal diagnosis. Abed even comments on this possibility in the episode Regional Holiday Music, during his rap with Troy, as he raps "On the Spectrum? None of your business..." Inwardly, however, Abed might not be as pervasively content as his nonchalant exterior presents. His mother eventually became so fed up with his atypical behavior (due to his undiagnosed neurological condition) that she left the family when he was only six years old. Abed doesn't talk about it much, but his film project in the first season revealed that it deeply affected him. Abed truly cares for his father but frequently clashes with him, though privately Abed blamed himself that his mother left, and felt deeply guilty about the pain that her departure caused his father. Abed usually serves as a self-aware bridge between the world of "Community" and the world of the viewer, and this frequently permits "Community" to play with television motifs and conventions. However, although this is a defining character trait it is not his only one. Despite his straightforwardness and self-awareness he also has an underlying happy, innocent, and sweet nature. Because of this, Abed is generally loved by all, and especially so by his best friend Troy. Abed also possesses many stealth talents, such as being surprisingly athletic and coordinated. He also is competent at attracting both women and men. At the end of the episode "Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps", it is revealed that Abed is the only sane member of the study group, according to a set of psychology tests they all took. Abed's family situation over the years has been quite complicated. His parents divorced when he was very young, and for a long time Abed blamed this on himself and his neuroatypicality. His mother is remarried and has her own family. Abed's dad, Gobi Nadir (played by Iqbal Theba), lives in close proximity to Greendale, and until Abed moved into Apartment 303 during his junior year at Greendale, Abed lived with his dad during the summer. According to Abed and his dad's accounts, most of his extended family either lives in the Middle East or in Poland. Shirley Bennett[edit] Shirley Bennett, née Edwards (Yvette Nicole Brown), is a mother of three who attends Greendale Community College.[6] At Greendale, Shirley is taking classes which will allow her to market her baked goods, specifically her famous brownies.[6] She is proud to be an African American and a woman but appreciates not being defined by those characteristics.[6] Shirley is a devout Christian and has very sweet, feminine and motherly mannerisms; but she also has thinly veiled rage issues—her husband cheated on her and she has an alcoholic past—as well as religious-tolerance issues. She is very friendly to everyone, but sometimes has problems minding her own business or keeping secrets, and she gossips compulsively. Shirley's life took a turn when she took her family to the Mall. While eating with her husband, Andre, at a restaurant, she was distracted by her children being accosted by an angered movie-goer. While she was gone, Andre met a stripper named Mysti, with whom he eventually had an affair. When she discovered this, her marriage ended in divorce, she fell into a deep depression, and began abusing alcohol. During an outing to a frozen yogurt restaurant, she read an advertisement for Greendale Community College, and decided to turn her life around. She then set out to earn an Associate's Degree in Business, so that she could start her own company. Shirley bonds principally with the women in the study group.[citation needed] Shirley just barely tolerates Pierce, given his racist statements. It was revealed in 'Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism', Season Three, that Shirley and Jeff met when they were 12 and 10, respectively. Shirley humiliated Jeff by beating him so badly in a Foosball game that he urinated all over his pants; they did not realize this for years because they'd never said what their nicknames were. In the Halloween episode of season two, Shirley and Chang hook up after bonding over how their costumes are misunderstood (she being Glinda the Good Witch and not Miss Piggy and he being Peggy Fleming and not Kristi Yamaguchi or Michelle Kwan). Shirley was divorced at that time, and she reconnects with her ex-husband before learning that she is pregnant. During the episode 'Cooperative Calligraphy' it is revealed Shirley has a home pregnancy test in her bag. In 'Asian Population Studies', Shirley's pregnancy is confirmed, and thanks to Troy's voice mail, it is speculated that Chang is the biological father. This possibility Shirley abhors, due to Chang's deviance and slightly malevolent insanity. Beyond the evidence of the voice mail that Chang sent to Troy during the Halloween episode, however, no one remembers this incident due to the Army wiping their memory and blaming it on roofies after a zombie incident. The baby is born in 'Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts' in an anthropology classroom, and Shirley is relieved to find that it is her husband's baby. Graciously, she decides to name the baby Ben after Chang, as he helped her during the delivery. After the board of Hawthorne Wipes fires Pierce, he tries to open up a sandwich shop on campus with Shirley. Instead, the space for the sandwich shop is rented out to Subway, so Pierce and Shirley work together to sabotage the Subway restaurant. In "Curriculum Unavailable" Shirley delivers a speech against the Subway restaurant, and it is destroyed in the ensuing riot. In, "Introduction to Finality" Dean Pelton then offers the space to Shirley and Pierce, but because there is only one signature space, Pierce and Shirley file suit for the rights to the sandwich shop. After an inspirational Winger speech, Pierce and Shirley agree to jointly own Shirley's Sandwich Shop by having Jeff sign the papers, and she achieves her dream of opening her own business. Annie Edison[edit] Annie Edison (Alison Brie), born in December 1990, is a diligent, straight-laced, Type-A, Jewish twenty-one year-old who is in her fifth year at Greendale Community College after graduating and then reapplying to major in her dream, forensic science.[7] During high school, Annie was a timid, nerdy student who desperately wanted to succeed, subsequently developed an addiction to Adderall. She was acquaintance of Troy Barnes, who was a popular athlete at the time, and harbored a crush on him. They both attended a party where high school honors were being awarded. When Troy instead of Annie received the award for "Most likely to succeed", and when failed to recognize Annie when she berated him, she suffered a breakdown and ran through a (closed) sliding glass door. Her stress finally induced a full nervous breakdown that culminated in her jumping through a plate glass window yelling "Everyone's a robot!". Her injuries necessitated six separate reconstructive surgeries. Against the wishes of her mother, she chose to confront the addiction and go to rehab. This led to an estrangement from her family, including any financial support, and she currently survives on her saving from her childhood. In Season 2, the group learns she is living in a horrible neighborhood (in an apartment situated over Dildopolis, an all-night sex shop), and Troy and Abed invite her to move into their new place in Season 3. Annie has been shown to occasionally choose her own interests over keeping the group intact, first by dating Britta's estranged ex-boyfriend Vaughn and (temporarily) choosing to leave Greendale and the group to follow Vaughn to another college, and later by deciding to exclude Jeff from the group and her friendship during his Third Season premiere nervous breakdown when he attacked the table with an axe after accidentally inhaling monkey-gas. Her somewhat-illicit cradle sexuality is used to lure Jeff into Glee Club. Nonetheless, the self-interest cases serve only for within-episode plot tension, and the study group remains intact. Annie used to pine after Troy, on whom she had a crush since his high school football quarterback days, but that stops when she begins dating Vaughn. At the end of the first season, it appears as if Annie has developed a romantic dynamic with Jeff, whom she kissed both to win a debate competition and at the end of the season. While she is still interested in Jeff at the beginning of the second season, he is more standoffish, and after the study group learns he'd had sex with Britta during the paintball episode, Annie says she thinks of Jeff as "gross". Later in the episode "Asian Population Studies" Annie develops a crush on Dr. Rich, a fellow Greendale student that Jeff had clashed with, Jeff seems jealous but refuses to admit it. However Dr. Rich turns down Annie's advances due to their age difference. There have been indications that Annie may still harbor feelings for Jeff, and it has been suggested that he may feel similarly. However it is revealed in "Virtual Systems Analysis" that Annie is actually upset that Jeff used her by kissing her at the end of the first season, so she is now trying to teach Jeff to respect other ladies instead of using them. She practices this in the episode "Digital Exploration of Interior Design" By convincing Jeff to apologize to a student named Kim for supposedly also using her. It is revealed that Kim, much to Annie's dismay, is actually a male student that is upset Jeff kept forgetting his name and in the end Jeff learns nothing. Troy Barnes[edit] Though he repeatedly tries to deny it, Troy is skilled at plumbing and air conditioner repair, expertise recognized by the Greendale plumbing underground as well as Greendale's air conditioning technical school powerhouse cabal,("Advanced Gay") who have launched a serious campaign to convince him to leave the regular school and join their ranks. Troy also plays down the serious interest he shares with Britta in interpretive dance, which conflicts with his fading image as a football player. His lifetime idol is actor LeVar Burton, but he is so terrified to meet Burton in person, that when he does so, he goes catatonic. A reliable source of boyish faux-dumb wit, Troy has a number of unique opinions and beliefs, such as that there are only boy dogs and girl cats; he is also distracted by shiny objects and tends to cry over minor emotional setbacks. Troy has evolved from the start of the series as a cocky, selfish, image-obsessed boy to a goofy and emotional yet good-hearted and responsible young man. In the season four premiere, it is revealed that Britta and Troy have begun dating. They break up in "Basic Human Anatomy". In season five, after Pierce's funeral, Troy was given his remaining shares of Hawthorne Wipes weighting at about $14.3 million, on the condition that he sails around the world. Pierce had the chance to do so but failed and called it his biggest regret; he wants Troy to do it and Troy accepts. Troy then leaves in Geothermal Escapism. Pierce Hawthorne[edit] Piercinald Anastasia "Pierce" Hawthorne (Chevy Chase) is a moist towelette tycoon attending Greendale Community College. His father created Hawthorne Wipes, the award-winning moist towelette company.[3] He claims to be a world traveler, a toastmaster, magician, keyboardist and self-styled hypnotherapist, and considers himself a "quality of life person".[3] Though he considers himself to be a "Reformed Neo-Buddhist," he is actually a member of an obscure religious cult. In the first season episode "The Science of Illusion", the group pranks him into dressing as the Cookie Crisp wizard in order to achieve a level of ascension in his cult. His religion also plays an important role when his mother dies in season two and Pierce believes his "Buddhist" teachings that she will be reborn, carrying a canister of what he thinks is his mother's soul around. When, along with Jeff and Troy, he listens to a CD made by his mother telling him she's gone and encouraging him to let her go and live his life, Pierce simply shrugs it off as her losing her mind. At the same time, Jeff decides he's better off with that rationale and lets him continue with his belief. In Season 2, Pierce becomes more and more annoyed at the study group for leaving him out of their activities. He temporarily joins an elderly group of students who act like teenagers called the Hipsters, to feel accepted. He breaks both of his legs in a trampoline accident after revealing a secret trampoline Jeff and Troy were hiding. To move around, he buys himself an ineffective wheelchair powered by his breath, which he claims to have outbid three hospitals for. After this, he grows dependent on his painkillers and also becomes increasingly at-odds with the study group because of the combination of his nasty behavior and their tendency to exclude him from their activities. He begins to play the role of the study group's villain but both trends seem to subside when he comes to terms with the group after overdosing on his painkillers. These underlying tensions come to a head in "A Fistful of Paintballs", however, when it's revealed that the other members of the group secretly took a vote about whether they'd include him in the group next year, with only Annie voting to keep him in; by the end of "For A Few Paintballs More", while the other group members have reconsidered and are willing to let him back in the group, Pierce says he's not interested in staying with "whatever this is". He also tells the group that he assumes all of his relationships will end, which is why he constantly tests and provokes people, and why he's had seven divorces and never kept a group of friends at Greendale for longer than a semester (until he joined the study group). However, at the start of Season 3, he promptly returns and rejoins the study group, having regained an overall center of calm. Having always sought the approval of his racist, homophobic father, Cornelius Hawthorne, he becomes more defiant after his death (Advanced Gay). After the board of Hawthorne Wipes subsequently fires him, he tries to open up a sandwich shop on campus with Shirley. The space for the sandwich shop is rented out instead to Subway and together, Pierce and Shirley work together to sabotage the Subway restaurant. In "Curriculum Unavailable" Shirley delivers a speech against the Subway restaurant and it is destroyed in the ensuing riot. In, "Introduction to Finality" Dean Pelton then offers the space to Shirley and Pierce but because there is only one signature space, Pierce and Shirley file suit for the rights to the sandwich shop. After an inspirational Winger speech, Pierce fires his lawyer, Alan Connor (Rob Corddry), and he and Shirley agree to have joint ownership of Shirley's Sandwich Shop by having Jeff sign the papers. In the Season 4 finale, Pierce finally graduates from Greendale. He later appears in a cameo during the Season 5 episode "Repilot", as a pre-recorded holographic projection in a courtyard at Greendale. It is revealed that the hologram was donated in compliance with a court order he was "not allowed to discuss" and that he has "no legal right" to be on the Greendale campus as a result of the lawsuit. The recording also reveals that the Greendale College Quad is home to the "Pierce Hawthorne Museum of Gender Sensitivity and Sexual Potency". In the Season 5 episode "Basic Interguteal Numismatics", Shirley reveals that Pierce has died; in the episode "Cooperative Polygraphy", the group is forced to take a lie detector test in compliance with Pierce's will to prove that none of them have murdered him. He leaves the group sentimental parting words and gifts. He leaves Troy his remaining shares in his moist towelette company, worth over $14 million. He leaves Shirley his time-share in Florida. He also leaves each member of the study group a cylinder of his frozen sperm may they like to continue his legacy. Craig Pelton[edit] Dean Craig Pelton (Jim Rash) (recurring seasons 1-2, starring season 3-present) was an educator at Greendale for 10 years after or during which he earned a Bachelor of Education degree at the fictional Appomattox University, and has been Dean for four years.[10] He wants his school to be more like a "real" university, and is often asking favors of the students. He is described as politically correct, made evident when he changed the college mascot from the Greendale Grizzlies to the Greendale Human Beings in Football, Feminism and You; Pelton's politically-incorrect explanation for the change was that "most of these people have been called animals their entire lives". Pelton has displayed a number of quirks and eccentricities regarding his sexual orientation. He is described by Vice Dean Laybourne as a "pansexual imp", and when once called a "fruit" by student Leonard during an episode, Pelton mentioned briefly in passing that the term was "barely the whole truth." Pelton has also clearly displayed an obsessive crush on Jeff Winger, treating Jeff with favoritism and often inappropriately touching him (particularly on the chest) when he is nearby, even though Jeff does not reciprocate the feelings of attraction. It is implied that Pelton has also used Greendale's fountain (where students throw coins and make wishes) to make wishes regarding Jeff, and he is shown to have adopted a litter of kittens in one episode, two of which he named "Jeffrey". Despite his ongoing behavior, Pelton has on occasion shown some traces of self-doubt and confusion, once even questioning his life-choices after realizing that he had gone "too far" with one of his costumes after realizing he was going to have to wear it during a trip to the bank that day, commenting to himself that he needs to "get his life together". Ben Chang[edit] Chang has an antagonistic relationship with almost every student and faculty member at Greendale. He is on especially bad terms with Professor Duncan ("Pascal's Triangle Revisited", "The Psychology of Letting Go"), who potentially foreshadows Chang's lack of teaching qualifications early in the series when he notes Chang demands to be called "Señor" because he is not a real professor. In the first season finale, Chang and Duncan come to blows when Chang becomes a student and Duncan is suspended from teaching, resulting in a physical battle at the end of the year dance. Though Duncan gets a restraining order against him, Chang in turn nullifies this by getting a restraining order against Duncan, thus allowing him to take his anthropology class. They seem to have formed a grudging respect for each other since. Dean Pelton, in the wake of the riot, decides to fire Ben and pin the blame for causing the damage to the school on him. However, Chang instead replaces the dean with a doppelgänger, tranquilizing the real dean and keeping him prisoner within Greendale. The fake dean, under the orders of Chang, supports the school board at the trial for the "Greendale Seven", and the study group is expelled. With the study group gone, Chang takes over Greendale, installing his "Changlorious Bastards" as school-wide security officers and keeping the real Dean under heavy security. After gaining intel on the inner workings of Chang's rule over Greendale, the study group plan an "elaborate heist", attempting to rescue the real dean and expose Chang to the school board. While it originally looks as if the heist has failed, Chang realizes the study group has pulled a fast one on him, and the failed plan was merely part of a larger plan that succeeds. However, Chang realizes the true plan in time, and stops the study group from leaving. He explains his goal, which is to burn down the Greendale records and thereby erase any evidence of his wrongdoing, but fails to see that this could potentially burn down the entire school and kill everyone. With help from the Greendale Air-Conditioning Repair School, Troy and the group manage to escape Chang's imprisonment and prevent the fire from ever starting. In a final showdown with the study group, both Jeff and Chang equip electric taser batons with which they intend to duel, however this is quickly cut short by the school board arriving, demanding explanations for both the real and fake deans fighting each other and Chang's actions in running Greendale. He vows to explain, but quickly runs out the door. In the season three finale montage, it is shown that Chang has taken to living in air ducts again, however this time he resides in the ducts at City College, foreshadowing a possible alliance between the two in season four. However, he returns to Greendale in season four with no apparent memory of his identity or previous actions, referring to his condition as "Changnesia". However in the end of the episode "Advanced Documentary Filmmaking", it is revealed he is in fact faking Changnesia. In "Heroic Origins" after Abed realizes that it was because of Chang that the Study group all went to Greendale and tells him he was always a part of the Group and hints that he knows that "Kevin" was faking "Changnesia". He then calls Dean Stephen Spreck, Dean of City College that he is out of the plan to destroy Greendale. Chang decides to turn himself in for his crimes and returns to Greendale under work release as a math professor, living in the school Recurring characters[edit] Ian Duncan[edit] In the Season 5 episode "Basic Intergluteal Numismatics", Duncan returns, explaining that he had been taking care of his ailing mother, although he stopped because he had "put in [his] time", and didn't want to help her anymore. He has since appeared more frequently. Buzz Hickey[edit] Prof. Buzz Hickey (Jonathan Banks) is a criminology professor and Jeff's officemate in season five. Hickey's gruff demeanor is a result of his 15-year tenure at Greendale, and he serves as a mentor to Jeff, helping him to transition from student to teacher. Hickey is a member the Save Greendale student-teacher alliance and Annie's criminology teacher. Michelle Slater[edit] Eustice Whitman[edit] Prof. Eustice Whitman (John Michael Higgins) is an accounting professor at Greendale Community College, the college's debate coach, and a strong believer in carpe diem.[15] Despite believing that Whitman would be an easy teacher, Jeff had trouble passing his accounting class in "Introduction to Film" since Whitman grades his students not on their academics but on how well they "seize the day". In "Debate 109", he instructs Jeff as coach of the debate team and offers him unsolicited advice on how to lead his life fully in different circumstances. Sean Garrity[edit] Prof. Sean Garrity (Kevin Corrigan) is the theatrical drama instructor at Greendale. He gets involved in a conspiracy intrigue with Jeff, Annie and Dean Pelton, when he mysteriously poses as Jeff's fake Conspiracy Theories night school class teacher, "Professor Professorson" in the episode "Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design". He later teaches Troy and Britta in an elective acting class and directs Troy in an all-black cast stage production of Fiddler on the Roof, entitled, "Fiddla Please". In "Introduction to Teaching", he teaches a two day course called "Nicolas Cage: Good or Bad?" that Abed finds very difficult. June Bauer[edit] Marshall Kane[edit] Noel Cornwallis[edit] Alex "Star-Burns" Osbourne[edit] Alex "Star-Burns" Osbourne (Dino Stamatopoulos) is a middle-aged student at Greendale known for his facial hair and sideburns shaped like stars. He takes a number of classes with the main characters, including Spanish and Boating. He is a member of the campus' "cool study group", and a music lover.[16] Though Star Burns is habitually laid back and sloppily dressed, he has a son who, in stark contrast to him, is incredibly businesslike. In "Intro to Political Science", he admits that he is a drug dealer. He worked in the school cafeteria until the group got him fired for siphoning off chicken fingers for his friends. For the most part, however, he is disconnected from the group and he sometimes seems confused as to who the individual members in the group actually are. He does know who Jeff is, and acts as the impromptu campus spokesman after Britta and Professor Slater both declare their love for him by saying everyone's waiting for Jeff's response to what happened. Though he enjoys the attention he receives with his sideburns, he craves an identity beyond them and begins wearing a top hat at the beginning of the second season to draw attention away from them. He is allegedly killed when the meth lab in the trunk of his car explodes in "Basic Lupine Urology". As per his wishes, his body was cremated. In the third season finale it is revealed that he faked his death and is now attempting to start a new identity; to this end he is shown sporting a new haircut, albeit still with star-shaped sideburns. He returns in "Basic Intergluteal Numismatics", when he is found hiding in the stables, where has apparently lived while hiding, eating garbage, and trying to develop a "cat car". He ends up being accused of being the Greendale Ass-Crack bandit, only for Jeff to find out this was a ruse by the Dean to deflect attention, in exchange for the Dean hiding Star-Burns' meth charges, and allowing him to remain in the stables. Leonard Rodriguez[edit] Leonard Rodriguez (formerly Leonard Briggs, played by Richard Erdman) is an elderly man who is studying business at Greendale Community College.[17] He and Jeff have a comically antagonistic relationship resulting in Jeff and other members of the study group to only say "Shut up Leonard..." followed by a comment (Shut up Leonard. No one knows what you're talking about; Shut up Leonard. I talked to your son at family day, I know all about your gambling). Though noticeably older than the other students at Greendale, he acts in as reckless and laid-back a fashion as most young adults, often using slang and engaging in such activities as playing pranks and bass guitar and encountering "pregnancy scares". He leads a rowdy, disobedient band of elderly Greendale students called the "Hipsters" (because they all apparently have hip replacements), which Pierce temporarily hang out. "Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples" He has children, though they are never seen on camera. In the season two finale he claims to have been one of the Little Rascals, to have been in "a few real wars" that were less scary than the all-out paintball battle raging on campus, and to have been banned from the Denny's near the fifteen exit. During the student election episode from Season Two, he ran for office, using the surname "Rodriguez" in an attempt to court the Latino vote. It is revealed in multiple episodes from Season Three that Leonard still has the last name Rodriguez in a title card. Leonard has a series of videos on YouTube in which he reviews food products. One such video is shown in a closing scene, where he declares Euginio's Four Cheese Pizza to be "a buy." He does this again in the episode "Introduction to Finality" with a bag of potato chips he also approves of. While Leonard briefly held valedictorian status in Season 4, Dean Pelton (empowered by a pseudo body-swap where he was acting and talking like Jeff Winger) learned that after earning an A in a brainless course he took in 1968, Leonard simply made all of his subsequent classes Pass/Fail, taking him out of the running for a title now coming down to a showdown between Annie and Shirley. Vaughn Miller[edit] Rich Stephenson[edit] Rich Stephenson (Greg Cromer) is a student who is in Jeff's pottery class, of whom Jeff grows jealous for his sculpting skills ("Beginner Pottery"). A doctor who is friendly and well-liked by everyone, he stands in stark contrast to Jeff who tries to catch him as a ringer. Nicknamed "Doc Potterywood" by Jeff, it is implied that Jeff may actually have been right and Rich had secretly taken previous pottery classes at different colleges. It is hinted at the end of "Beginner Pottery" that his relationship with his mother is extremely strained. Rich had a brother who died in a roller-coaster accident ("Beginner Pottery"). He spends time with the study group again in the season two Halloween episode, when he attempts to treat the infected students while dressed as a banana and causes Jeff to openly admit his hatred for him. After spending winter break volunteering with Annie, he joins Duncan's anthropology class and unsuccessfully competes against Chang for a spot in the study group. When he turns down a date with Annie due to her young age, Jeff begins to admire his ethics and seeks life-advice from him although it is to abuse the power Rich gets from everyone loving him. Fat Neil[edit] Magnitude (Luke Youngblood), short for "Magnetic Attitude", is a student at Greendale who is described as a "One man party." His catchphrase is "Pop pop!" a phrase that gains him laughter from his peers. It is implied that he is disliked by the faculty staff, particularly Professor Marshall Kane ("Competitive Ecology"). In the episode "Intro to Political Science" Magnitude runs for the office of Student Body President. He is one of the final two candidates, opposing Leonard in "the political debate of the century" which consists of Magnitude repeating his "Pop pop!" catchphrase, while Leonard blows raspberries as a retort.[19] When Dean Pelton and Annie take the "Pop pop!" phrase away from him to give to a lazy potential student with rich parents, he is left broken and speechless, and they're so horrified that they tell the student he cannot have Magnitude's catchphrase (though to everyone's surprise, that ends up leading him to enroll at Greendale, because he's tired of having his ass kissed and never getting any better at anything) and Magnitude happily declares "POP POP!" Magnitude attended high school with Annie and Troy. It was revealed that Magnitude's use of "Pop pop!" as a catchphrase began at the high school party where Annie had her mental breakdown ("Heroic Origins"). In season five ("Geothermal Escapism"), he admits that he is actually British. Garrett Lambert[edit] Todd Jacobson[edit] Todd Jacobson (David Neher) is a student at Greendale who takes biology with the study group in "Competitive Ecology". They all pick on him after he is paired with Pierce on a class project, and inadvertently upsets the natural balance of the group. He eventually leaves the study group, calling their love for each other "weird" and "toxic." Todd is a married Iraq War veteran who has a newborn son. He also appears in "Basic Lupine Urology", in which he is accused of destroying the study group's biology project. Other recurring students[edit] • Eric Wisniewski (Bill Parks) is a football player at Greendale. He appears in "For a Few Paintballs More" before getting shot down by city college paintball soldiers.[21] • Pavel Iwaszkiewicz (Dominik Musiol) is a Polish exchange student, and a hallmate of Abed, serving - among other things - as his directing assistant.[22] • Mark Millot (DC Pierson) is a journalist for the student newspaper as a co-founder of the college sketch group the Greendale Goofaws, which also include Linda Greene (Meggie McFadden), Buzz Foster (Dominic Dierkes) and Derrick Bideos (Dan Eckman).[23] In real life, actors Pierson, McFadden, Dierkes, and Eckman form the comedy group Derrick Comedy, with Donald Glover as the fifth member. • Quendra (Marcy McCusker) is a student at Greendale whom Jeff brings to a mixer in order to keep Rich from being voted into the study group in "Asian Population Studies". Her personality is that of a flirty, air-headed blonde who has a penchant for spelling words with "Qu" where a "K" sound would normally be, which explains her name. She also appears in "For a Few Paintballs More". In "Basic Lupine Urology", Star-Burns attempts to use her as a "make-out decoy". She is mentioned in the 4th season episode "Intro to Knots" when Annie tells the group that she'd learned from Quendra that they were receiving a failing grade from Professor Cornwallis, who Quendra did "assistant work" for. Upon hearing of Quendra's connection to Cornwallis, Shirley replies sarcastically alluding to Cornwallis' history with co-eds. • Annie Kim (Irene Choi) is Annie's chief academic rival at Greendale. Intelligent and extremely competitive, she copies Annie's idea of a Greendale Model United Nations Team ("Geography of Global Conflict"), and later appears as a rival to the group in other school events. • Harry Jefferson (Wil Garret) is an elderly, blind man. Appears in ("Digital Exploration of Interior Design")("Basic Lupine Urology"). He has a short monologue in ("Pillows and Blankets"), where he states "Well, I guess all hugs have to come to an end" . Robert Laybourne[edit] Crazy Schmidt[edit] Sgt. Nunez[edit] Sgt. Nunez (Mel Rodriguez) is the chief of campus security for Greendale College. All of Nunez's officers quit when Dean Pelton informs them that the college no longer has funds to pay them, and they can only be reimbursed in class credits. Nunez stays because he needs SCUBA certification, and Chang becomes his new underling. He eventually quits after Dean Pelton sides with Chang. Carl and Richie[edit] Carl (Jeremy Scott Johnson) and Richie (Brady Novak) are two inept, often drunk members of Greendale's board of directors. Though they are generally laid back and friendly, they have repeatedly low standards for the school and fail to realize when Chang replaces the Dean. The Greendale Human Being[edit] The Greendale Human Being is the "ethnically neutral" school mascot created and designed by Pierce and Dean Pelton in "Football, Feminism and You". Though intended to embody a spirit of inclusiveness and to avoid derogatory stereotypes, its featureless appearance is distinctly uncanny, like a neutral gray gimp or zentai performer. It appears in a number of different events and initiatives sponsored by the Dean as the school's mascot, and fumes from the magic marker used on its costume have been known to make it unusually aggressive. It has been seen with both female and child versions of itself. Items have been added to the costume, such as angel wings for Valentine's Day and icicles in "Regional Holiday Music", which the students say only make it look creepier. In an episode of Dean Pelton's Office Hours, a series of mini episodes featuring the Dean, it's revealed that at least one of the mascots is played by a woman. Andre Bennett[edit] Alan Connor[edit] Gobi Nadir[edit] Officer Cackowski[edit] Officer Cackowski (Craig Cackowski) is a local police officer, repeatedly visiting Greendale in the line of duty. He originally appeared as a member of campus security before inexplicably becoming a police officer. He seems to be friends with Professor Garrity, referring to him as Sean. He appears in "The Science of Illusion" to investigate a body Britta drops out of the biology labs; in "Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design", he teaches Jeff and Annie the dangers of fake gun shootouts. He later returns in season 3 to investigate Troy and Abed's landlord in "Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism", and in "Curriculum Unavailable" to assign Abed to a psychologist for sneaking onto Greendale Campus to investigate the Dean's Doppelganger Chang has in control. Steven Spreck[edit] Dean Steven Spreck (Jordan Black) is the dean of rivaling City College, who makes several subversive efforts to shut Greendale down, including the instigation of an all-out paintball war on Greendale's campus. Like Dean Pelton, he seems to have an ambiguous sexuality. He appears briefly during a montage at the end of season three, apparently forming another plot. In the Season 4 episode "Heroic Origins", it is revealed that he is working with Chang to sabotage Greendale, and has blueprints for a giant mechanical spider. Gilbert Lawson[edit] Gilbert Lawson (Giancarlo Esposito) is Cornelius Hawthorne's personal assistant, executor of estate, and illegitimate son. According to Cornelius' will, he has Pierce and the study group play "Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne" to claim his inheritance. After learning that Cornelius refused to accept Gilbert when he was alive, the group agrees to allow Gilbert to claim the inheritance in the episode "Digital Estate Planning". He later becomes Pierce's roommate in his mansion. Annie's Boobs[edit] Faux-by (J.P. Manoux) is an underemployed Moby impersonator that Chang hires to impersonate and replace the Dean after he takes over the school. Guest characters[edit] • Cornelius Hawthorne (Larry Cedar in "Advanced Gay" and "Digital Estate Planning") is Pierce's overbearing father. Both a racist and a homophobe, Cornelius wears a toupee made out of ivory in order to avoid hair coming from "orientals". He dies of a heart attack after Jeff yells at him about his continued dominance over Pierce's life. Cornelius is seen as embarrassed by his son Pierce even from a young age. • Jeremy Simmons (Aaron Himelstein in "Debate 109") is a student at a neighboring community college, who is the primary rival of Greendale's debate team. • Madame LeClair (Twink Caplan in "Interpretive Dance") is the ballet professor of Greendale. • Coach Herbert Bogner (Blake Clark[26] in "Physical Education") is a physical education coach who teaches billiards at Greendale. He comes into conflict with Jeff, who refuses to wear gym shorts when playing pool, and the two face off in a billiards match which ends in the nude. • Amber (Katharine McPhee in "Basic Genealogy") is one of Pierce's 32 ex-stepchildren, who pretends to like him and comes to Family Day since he sends her big sums of money. She is attracted to Jeff and the two have sex until Jeff learns how she is exploiting Pierce. • Prof. Marion Holly (Tony Hale[27] in "Beginners Pottery") is the pottery professor at Greendale. While his class seems very easy and passable, he has a zero-tolerance policy for students who jokingly reference the pottery scene from the film Ghost (1990) (which he calls "Ghosting") and thus comes into conflict with Jeff. He has a habit of calling the students in his class "blueberries". • Admiral Lee Slaughter (Lee Majors in "Beginners Pottery") is the gruff teacher of boating at Greendale who runs his classes on a sailboat in the school's parking lot. • Ted (Drew Carey in "Accounting for Lawyers") is Jeff's former boss. He started up a law firm so that he could have people around him who would not inquire about the weird hole in his hand. He and Jeff have a good relationship as evidenced by his offering Jeff a consulting position at the firm. Alan Connor claims in "Introduction to Finality" that that Ted has died (having been literally eaten by sharks) and that Alan is now the head of the firm, but this is not confirmed. • Paige (Brit Marling in "Early 21st Century Romanticism") is a student at Greendale befriended by Britta. Britta believes that Paige is a lesbian, and uses her friendship with Paige to show her open-mindedness. Annie learns from Paige's friend that Paige is heterosexual, and interested in Britta for largely the same reasons Britta is interested in her. Britta and Paige eventually realize that neither of them are lesbians, and have a falling out. • Special Agent Robin Vohlers (Eliza Coupe in "Intro to Political Science") is an emotionless Secret Service agent, who scouts out Greendale in preparation for Vice President Joe Biden's arrival. She meets and is intrigued by Abed with whom she has several similarities. The two seem to develop feelings for each other enough for Vohlers to try and make him a threat to national security so she can spend more time around him, while Abed claims he can make napalm out of dish soap and catfood on television so she can observe him. They end up having a "date" watching Kickpuncher with Vohlers watching through binoculars from her van in the parking lot. She also bugged Abed's room. • Luis Guzmán is the most famous alumnus of Greendale, and appears as himself in the episode "Documentary Filmmaking: Redux" to help film the college's new TV ad. Previously, the Dean had commissioned a statue of him for Greendale's campus. Like the study group, Guzmán acknowledges the inferiority of Greendale Community College but holds it dear because of the good times had there (His good times there related to him getting "Laid like crazy"). • Juergen (Nick Kroll in "Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism") is the leader of a German foosball gang at Greendale. • Vinnie (French Stewart in "Celebrity Impressionists") is the manager of a company that rents out celebrity impersonators who used to impersonate French Stuart himself. After Abed goes in debt after using the service too much, Vinnie makes the group work for him at a bar mitzvah. • Reinhold (Chris Diamantopoulos in "Alternate History of the German Invasion") is Jeurgen's brother who seeks revenge on the study group by repeatedly reserving their table before they can. • Mark (Joe Lo Truglio in "Heroic Origins" and "Advanced Introduction to Finality") is one of Jeff's former partners from his law-firm. In "Advanced Introduction to Finality", he offers Jeff a partnership at his law firm, claiming that Jeff is still a great lawyer. Jeff later decides against Mark's offer, instead opting to search for another firm closer to Greendale so he can remain close to the Study Group. • Bob Waite (Nathan Fillion in "Analysis of Cork-Based Networking") is the head custodian at Greendale. Though a slick politician, one of his primary concerns is his difficulty accessing internet porn on campus. Fictional characters within Community[edit] Inspector Spacetime[edit] Inspector Spacetime (Travis Richey) is the protagonist in a British science fiction television program called Inspector Spacetime that has been on the air for fifty years, and has many similarities to Doctor Who (both of them are British science fiction television programs that have been running for approximately fifty years). With his sidekick (similar to that of a companion in Doctor Who) Constable Reggie, he travels through space and time while fighting creatures such as "Blorgons". Starting in the third season, Troy and Abed become major fans and often impersonate Reggie and the Inspector. Constable Reggie[edit] Constable Reggie (Derwin Reggie) is the secondary character in "Inspector Spacetime", who acts as the Inspector's sidekick. Unlike the Inspector, who is an alien, Reggie is human. Kickpuncher (Derek Mears) is the titular hero in a series of cheesy action movies that Troy and Abed like to make fun of, while still being fans. He is a cybernetically enhanced police officer, reminiscent of Robocop. His first name is David. The Helicopter Pilot[edit] Evil Abed[edit] Evil Abed (Danny Pudi) is (implied to be) a figment of Abed's imagination who torments Abed as his nemesis. Identical to Abed except for an evil-looking felt beard, he is originally from the darkest timeline in the episode "Remedial Chaos Theory" and makes a return appearance in the episode "Contemporary Impressionists". He returns to seek revenge against Abed and the study group in the season 3 finale "Introduction to Finality". His beard parodies that worn by "Mirror Spock" in the classic Star Trek episode "Mirror Mirror." Webisode characters[edit] 2. ^ 06 minutes and 06 seconds into S01E01 - Pilot 5. ^ "The 20 Best TV Characters of 2011". List of the Day. Paste. December 5, 2011. Retrieved 2013-03-29. "It quickly became apparent, though, that he was actually the show’s emotional center—that everyone around him was a little disturbed, and he would be the one holding it all together. And when he reached that point of emotional overload in Season Two, the result was 'Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas,' Community's best episode that didn’t involve paintball. His pop-culture obsessions and antics with his buddy Troy have made for some of the show’s finest moments, particularly the closing segments like the absurdist Troy and Abed in the Morning."  13. ^ Community S02E11 "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas" External links[edit]
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2002 video game) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Star Wars: The Clone Wars North American PS2 cover art North American PS2 cover art Developer(s) Pandemic Studios Publisher(s) LucasArts Engine Zero Platform(s) GameCube Release date(s) Genre(s) Action Mode(s) Single-player, multiplayer Star Wars: The Clone Wars is a video game developed by Pandemic Studios and published by LucasArts. Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released for the Nintendo GameCube on October 28, 2002, the PlayStation 2 on December 10, 2002, and the Xbox on April 22, 2003. This game mostly consists of vehicular combat, although there are a few times on certain missions where the player controls Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu. The main vehicles in this game (in order of most used to least used) are the IFT-X, the Republic Gunship, and the AT-XT (aka Republic Walker). The player plays as the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the game. Though, in the various multiplayer modes offered in the game, players may select vehicles from both the Republic Army and the Confederacy of Independent Systems Army. CIS vehicles include the Hailfire droid, GAT, and the Armoured Assault Tank (AAT). The game is split up into two segments, vehicles and 3rd person Jedi fighting. The vehicle segments involve most vehicles from the Star Wars universe: STAPs, tanks, AATs, AT-XTs and clone gunships. The controls used involve primary and secondary fire, acceleration and a special ability that changes from vehicle to vehicle. The Jedi segments use basic lightsaber slashing and two force powers, which rely on a force power bar, lightsaber throw and force push. The game begins with the Battle of Geonosis, and takes the player through the evacuation of Rhen Var, with the player leading the escape only minutes before the Separatist Army captures the planet. The battle of Raxus Prime One month after the Battle of Geonosis, the Republic detects unusual activity on Raxus Prime, and sends a strike force led by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to investigate the activity. On arrival, they find Separatist forces at an excavation site. They send for reinforcements to take the planet. The Republic captures Raxus Prime, but during the battle, Anakin is captured by Count Dooku. Anakin Skywalker is sent to Alaris Prime, the Kashyyyk moon, to be executed. Skywalker and the other prisoners are doomed to be killed by the Force Harvester, an ancient Sith weapon that drains the Force from all living things within its range. Anakin is able to escape his cell and call for help. The Republic arrives, rescues Anakin, and destroys the Separatist presence on Alaris Prime. When Anakin returns to the Jedi Temple, Yoda and Mace Windu tell him and Obi-Wan of the Dark Reaper, an ancient Sith weapon built during the Great Sith War that was so powerful that none could withstand it. It required large amounts of energy to work, which the Force Harvester could provide. Windu then mentions that the Reaper was destroyed by a fallen Jedi Knight Ulic Qel-Droma, and the remains of the Sith weapon were scattered by the Jedi across the galaxy. To learn more about the Dark Reaper, Anakin and Obi-Wan lead Republic forces to Rhen Var to retake the planet from the Separtists. In an ancient tomb, Anakin meets the spirit of Ulic Qel-Droma, who teaches Anakin how to defeat the Dark Reaper and reveals the location of the Sith Weapon. With the Dark Reaper located on Thule, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Windu lead Republic forces to Thule to prevent the Sith Weapon from being built. When they reach Thule, a massive battle ensues. While the other Jedi and Republic forces battle the Separatist forces outside the Sith Temple in Theed, Anakin enters the temple and destroys the Dark Reaper. As Republic forces are leaving Thule after the battle, Windu claims that the battle has turned the tide of the war, but Yoda reminds him the war is far from over. The game achieved mixed to positive reviews on online gaming website reviews. IGN gave the game 7.6/10, noting, "The action is intense, the control is fluid and tight, and the gameplay is diverse and well balanced," but also noting, "If only some of the more technical flaws and lack of polish had been smoothed out before the game shipped." GameSpot's score for the game was 7.5/10, commenting, "Despite some strategic elements, it really is a pure action game at heart, filled with plenty of targets to shoot at, plenty of power-ups to collect, and a good variety of tough missions to accomplish. " The game has a Metacritic score of 73 out of 100 for the Gamecube[1] and 72 out of 100 for the PlayStation 2.[2] External links[edit]
The Big Picture Patrick Goldstein and James Rainey on entertainment and media « Previous Post | The Big Picture Home | Next Post » comedy play in both pointing out differences and unifying us through They're all good questions and I'm certainly not the person who has forth in your post.  I suppose you're right that since our functioning brain."  So here we go. outrageous things along the way. and TV shows that preceded it that have even more provocative those of us who made it. Ronny Valentine character can be offensive and inappropriate at times and Will comedy be neutered if everyone gets to complain about every potentially offensive joke in every comedy that's made?  Anybody can storytellers, comedians, actors and artists are strong armed into making creative changes, it will endanger comedy as both entertainment and a provoker of thought. member of the audience should for that matter. Comments () | Archives (60) The comments to this entry are closed. Jet Black, I'm gay and a Christian. They're not mutually exclusive. And since I don't see Christians in an uproar over the anti-gay joke in this I don't see your point. If the line hadn't been in the preview for this movie no one would have complained--because no one would have seen this movie. I'm sorry did I read right? The word "gay" is now offensive and being compared to the "N-word" and "R-Word"!!?!!...Wait, let's what does the "G" word stand for in the GLAAD acronym? Seriously, find something substantial to complain about. This kind of thing is actually more hurtful to the cause than beneficial. Much ado about nothing! To TM in LBC Open your eyes! Your parents were right! In response to Marco Budgyk, his stand is not weak, but is in fact the opposite. Ron Howard will not back down from what he finds as comedy because a few people take offense to it. The point he's making is anyone can take offense to ANYTHING. There is no point in censoring anything because there will always be personal opinion and everyone will always have a different taste. It's very professional of him to develop a character that he does not neccesarily agree with, not many writers can do that. Also, in the end it is just a word. Some people need to learn what really matters in life. I am stunned by Howard's insensitivity and weak justification for promoting homophobia. I am an educated, heterosexual, avid moviegoer, and I strongly supports the arts and freedom of speech. I also believe in artistic responsibility. I find Howard's explanation completely inadequate. I would have seen the film without the joke because I used to admire Howard as a filmmaker. I will be boycotting this film as well as Howard's future films. The character who makes the joke in the film is the protagonist of the film, and there appears to be no critique within the film whatsoever of his homophobia. Therefore, the film does support homophobia. If the character were an antagonist and/or the film critiqued his homophobia, then Howard's argument would make sense this is not the case Archie Bunker was a racist on the classic tv show All in the Family, but other characters on the show engaged in a rigorous critique of his racism. That's not the case here. The irony is that the joke isn't even very funny. He is willing to degrade people over a bad joke. I'm very disappointed. Way to go Ronnie, Your my hero. They act as if they ahve more rights then everyone else. God bless you! Some friends and I are going to see the movie. We will support Ron Howard financially by purchasing tickets. When the term "so Gay" is used in the movie, we are going to jump from out seats and point at other audience members chanting "YOU'RE SO GAY!" "YOU'RE SO GAY!" "YOU'RE SO GAY!" I'm the Gay father of a 17 year old straight young man that I raised from birth. I can't donate blood because I'm Gay. I can't legally marry. I can't serve beside him, or other family members, in the armed forces. I never realized until recently that I was raising another human being that was born with more rights and equality then I will ever have. It's unfortunate that I pay taxes to support a government that doesn't support me or see me as equal. Ron Howard should be ashamed for supporting the use of demeaning language that perpetuates hatred and negativity .. and for what? Publicity for his crappy film "starring" a crappy has been "actor". Thanks Ronnie, for your fine, sensitive, insightful responses to Patrick Goldstein's questions. Short, sweet, and to the point. Art imitates life and then some. So it is with life rubbing a little of itself off on art, whether we like it or not! You are a fine filmmaker sir. Go to it! God bless! This isn't a matter of "if we censor this joke, soon we'll find ourselves in 1984!" The problem is why this joke is supposedly funny. It's the way in which the media casually uses words that disparage a disadvantaged group for the laughs (not exclusive to queer people). We see more "that's gay" and "don't be such a homo" jokes than we see queer people or characters in media. This is the problem. We look to media to get cultural clues about ourselves and those around us, and for people who may not be in an area with multitudes of openly queer people, they are inundated with queer jokes without exposure to real people. It contributes to the use of these words in schools and against young people. It's not that Ron Howard wanted to make a joke some people might find offensive, but that it's just one more example of queer people being derided for the laughs. It's a lazy joke, relying on tired stereotypes and middle school catch-phrases. Offensiveness aside, it isn't clever or hilarious to begin with. « | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | » Recommended on Facebook In Case You Missed It... 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Let's Make Robots! Bluetooth and Arduino Calculon320's picture Happy Holidays LMR, Calculon is wondering if any of you have used bluetooth with arduino successfully. And if so, what did you use? He's aware that there's an Arduino BT board, but he's looking to use a standalone module with his Mega to talk to his android phone. Anyone have any experience with this? Would this work for this purpose? Comment viewing options rogue's picture Sparkfun now sells a $40 module, the BlueSmirf Silver.  This is a class 2 module (less range than class 1) but I'm sure thats what you phone is too.  I have a robot that uses an AVR and the same Bluetooth module (different board) to communicate with my smartphone.  Check it out here.  Unfortunately there's no Arduino code there as it uses a straight AVR microcontroller.  However I did include the schematic and all code. Also, you may look into Python for Android to create Bluetooth applications! arbarnhart's picture You may have inferred that my answer is "No" - that device won't do it. It is a slave and you need a master. RobotFreak's picture RobotFreak disagree. Depends on your phone. Modern Smartphone can act as master to establisch a connection to a bluetooth slave device. RobotFreak have a similar module and will test it later. The bad thing with those cheap BT modules is: •  These are 3.3V devices. You can't connect it directly to a 5V microcontroller. You will need level shifters for the signal lines and a seperate 3.3V power supply (or the Arduino internal 3.3V PS).  • Changing the configuration (Baudrate etc) is only possible from UART (serial) side, not the Bluetooth side. You will need a USB UART module to configure it from a PC, or need to make the configuration from your microcontroller (difficult, you don*'t have a feedback). rogue's picture I really like the RN-42/RN-41 used on the Bluesmirf silver/gold from SFE (and also available with breakout from Roving Networks-> RN-42-SM).  You can change the Baudrate and all other commands wirelessly via Bluetooth, frreakin' awesome :-) FYI the baudrate setting doesn't change until the module is reset (following baudrate configuration). arbarnhart's picture I completely forgot about how phones do accessories. Sometimes it even seems more like peer to peer. If you pair one of hose little "hang on your ear" BT headsets you do it from the phone, but my car did the pairing for its BT handsfree with my phone and I only had to use the phone to confirm it was okay. arbarnhart's picture I use the BlueTooth Mate. I like it as it mates with an FTDI connection, making it easy to use with the Pro Mini and Fio. I also used it on the breadboard with the Mega. But in all cases, it was just a serial port from the Arduino side. Windows did all the heavylifting to set up the connection. It s far less trivial to be a master. There is a shield that does it that someone posted about recently, but if I remember correctly most of what has been done with it is for cameras.
> question is, is it always necessary to retrieve a record > before doing save() in order to make it update a record which > already exists? If so, would I do something like: No. Your could do the following. User user = new User(); data.getParameters().setProperties(user); // much easier user.setNew(false);; // save() UserPeer.doUpdate(user); // or use the peer Try that. Eric[email protected]%3E/
Submitted by PS-Analog 465d ago | opinion piece 2013 – PS Vita’s Last Hope 2013 needs to be a turning point, so what will it offer us? (PS Vita) « 1 2 » Embeepee  +   466d ago Good article AMP! MmaFan-Qc  +   465d ago nothing but a blog, i wouldnt call it an article. RustedMan  +   465d ago ...Then what would you call it? Anyways, I've yet to purchase a Vita, and probably never will at this rate, Sony has yet to entice me with a SINGLE game, considered by most to be it's "system seller". They have many IPs, but for some reason, the transition to the DUAL ANALOG STICK has been difficult. As someone who purchased the PSP for it's power, and a person who enjoys any company who makes good games, I feel like Sony has put the wrong people in charge of some of these titles. Personally, I'm pretty shocked that even launch titles have failed, (with the exception of Uncharted: Golden Abyss). C'mon Sony. #1.1.1 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(13) | Disagree(57) | Report chazjamie  +   465d ago the future is so bleak. im selling mine. not really sad about letting go of this device. just waiting for some hits on my ad. AIndoria  +   465d ago @RustedMan Persona 4 Golden. How about it? Buff1044   465d ago | Off topic | show gaffyh  +   465d ago @RustedMan - He'd call it a blog? Duh. Sites like this are always quick to play the "it's doomed" card, it was the same with the PS3, and look at it now. I'm not a big fan of what Nintendo is doing with the Wii U, but it's way too early to say whether or not that is doomed either. Soldierone  +   465d ago @RustedMan, then don't buy one. You don't own one so how do you know if it sucks? You can't just play it once or twice and call it a failure..... If you don't plan on buying one, then stop talking negative about it and just leave it alone. So none of the current games interest you, okay. So you rather go support the crap phone market instead? Have fun playing knockoff Gameloft games and updating your phone every 6 months to play identical looking games to your current phone. "Surprised launch games failed" how? They are selling fine, even Ubisoft said they were happy with Assassins Creed numbers. Its launch, not everyone has one, and launch titles never see mind blowing numbers.... FriedGoat  +   465d ago I'm looking forward to the multiple rockstar games. Dmarc  +   465d ago I seriously dont get how 3million in 1 year is bad. Can someone seriously explain it to me.. and please dont say 3DS because compared to 3DS at this rate the 360 ps3 and wii should be considered "doomed" and I guess psp flopped too because it didnt sell as much as the ds? despite selling over 70million. seriously I need an explanation. It feels like PS3 2007 all over again.People claiming things with no real explanation just to tarnish the name. born2live  +   465d ago If you'd asked me what I think of Vita 3 weeks ago, I would have agreed with your opinion but, as a ps+ subscriber for my PS3 and with the deals on Black Friday, it would've been stupid for me not to buy one... You already start with 6 games (3 of which are real and high ranking Vita games) on PS+, and the bundle I got was nothing short of amazing... I still agree tho that they need to develop more games, and fast (the "coming soon" list is not as enticing as I'd like, at least in the short run), but buy one and you will not regret it. It's just the most amazing handheld I've ever had. #1.1.9 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(3) | Disagree(1) | Report slapedurmomsace  +   464d ago @dmarc...because lets use the ps3 as example, it launched in 2006, at 3 million sales a year, it would be coming up on the big 20 million sold..not good. The sales have to pick up. RustedMan  +   464d ago Just because I am not liking where the Vita is going doesn't mean I favor the smartphone market of games, or Nintendo, or a damned NeoGeo. I believe that mobile gaming is in flux right now, we don't know what we want. Are we going digital-only or not? are we using storage for game data or are we eventually switching over to streaming games over the internet? what imminent changes will immediately throw curve balls at the handheld market? For some reason, I'm considered an outlandish fanboy who burns printed pages of Sony's logo but I'm not. Hell I've owned 3 ps3's because two of them have YLOD on me. I consider that to be a pretty damned loyal costumer. If you guys feel satisfied with your Vita, that's fine, (and don't get me the, "well, don't comment on this article then" crap. Everyone has an opinion, and my opinion is worth the same as everyone else on here). I have never played the Persona series, I haven't been big into RPGs as of late. But, I've owned every handheld, with the exception of the 3DS, and know that regardless of power, it's games that make the system, and why the "big boys" of Sony can't make their own portable adaptations of their franchises is beyond me. Yes, it's very early, and I don't think the Vita is going to die anytime soon, (hence the needed clarification of my earlier post) but I am somewhat letdown by what I've seen. Yes, financially, it's damned difficult to settle for games with little replay value, (with the exception of the heralded Persona 4). All I have to say is that the landscape is changing, and I despise Apple's self imposed monopoly as well as the idea that the five minute "flick the ball into the basket" style of App store flash game will seemingly conquer all handheld games. I do have high hopes for the console, and developers like "Ready At Dawn" have shown that they are fully capable of making portable versions of their console counterparts, but I hope the trend doesn't go on for long. #1.1.11 (Edited 464d ago ) | Agree(0) | Disagree(3) | Report Ritsujun  +   465d ago More like Wii U's DOOMED. Please learn to spell, by the way. fatstarr  +   465d ago Lol the delusion in the comment section right now is off the charts. Ill message you when the wiiu passes vitas sales. #1.2.1 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(7) | Disagree(12) | Report JoGam  +   465d ago yeah right ConstipatedGorilla  +   465d ago Why all the disagrees? You guys really think the Vita's going to hang around much longer? wishingW3L  +   465d ago history is gonna repeat itself. Sony will not abandon the Vita just like they didn't abandon the PS3 when all we got on N4G (back in 2006) were articles about its doomsday. But guess what... PS3 has the brightest future between the 3 consoles. =) Gabe Newell [2007]: "I'd say, even at this late date, they (Sony) should just cancel it (the PS3) and do a do over. Just say, 'This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it'." #1.4.1 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(26) | Disagree(7) | Report Marquis_de_Sade  +   465d ago wishingW3L, the vita is in a completely different situation to the PS3 though. The PS3 has only ever been competing against other consoles, whereas the Vita is competing for pocket space with increasingly powerful smart phones that do so much more than play games. I'm not arguing that a market doesn't exist for a dedicated handheld console, certainly "core" gamers will always prefer the physical controls, but Sony need the Vita to sell to more than just the core demographic. punisher99  +   465d ago "Why all the disagrees? You guys really think the Vita's going to hang around much longer?" Is it gonna just somehow drop off the face of the earth and disappear from existence?? ConstipatedGorilla  +   465d ago No, but there will reach a point when nobody is developing games for it anymore, and I suspect that will be sooner rather than later. People don't want it. It's not selling. It's not that hard to comprehend really. insomnium2  +   464d ago Why would you say this without giving Vita even ONE holiday season? It's christmas soon you know.... I got my Vita a couple of weeks ago and joined ps+. Now I'm playing gravity rush and enjoying the hell out of it. Does someone have a problem with that? #1.4.5 (Edited 464d ago ) | Agree(1) | Disagree(1) | Report PS-Analog  +   464d ago I highly doubt that the Vita will fail anytime soon. Sony are laying down some solid foundations with the Vita like Cross-Gaming and adding it to PS+. It's also easy to develop on and port games to, so little resources are needed to get games on the platform and should encourage developers to keep developing games on it because it's not too risky. That said, 2012 was a bit of a rough year and Vita failed to reach Sony's expectations. We fully expect the PSV to come back fighting and continue to seep the message into people minds of the awesome feature that is Cross-Gaming. Big games will probably come next year along with a price cut to start some momentum. It also needs a Monster Hunter game because right now in Japan, PSP is more prefered and even outsells the PSV on a weekly basis. They will inevitably get the Japanese moving from the PSP to the PSV soon. The PSV is no where near dead and I continue to use mine and will do for a long time. #1.4.6 (Edited 464d ago ) | Agree(1) | Disagree(1) | Report ConstipatedGorilla  +   463d ago @PS Analog, I hope you're right. I'd like to see good stuff come out on it. I have my doubts though. nintendoland  +   465d ago agree 100% and I don't hate ps vita. I think vita has no great games. Not a single one. Only ps store psp games such as gta are worth playing. Vita is flop. Get over it BlaqMagiq24  +   465d ago "I think vita has no great games. Not a single one." Says the nintendo fanboy that has never played one. Kratoscar2008  +   465d ago Persona 4 Golden and Uncharted Golden Abbys are great games, P4G has been one of the most positive reviewed handheld game this year. Fanboyism is AMAZING! chrisarsenalsavart  +   465d ago just remind me what great games 3ds had at launch unchartedxplorer  +   465d ago Uncharted Golden abyss? Wipeout? Have you been living under a rock? Kennytaur  +   465d ago Persona 4 Golden is the highest rated game of the year on any platform. If the Vita has no games, then I'm not even sure what the 3DS has... AcidKill  +   465d ago There are limits of trolling, dude! And I don't think this is the right place for you to troll.. Go moan your A** somewhere else! #1.5.6 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(6) | Disagree(4) | Report charted  +   465d ago 2 games hardly warrants a $300 (Australia) purchase. I would rather buy a PS3 with that money. Dont get me wrong, vita is a powerful device but it is not supported well by Sony. #1.5.7 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(4) | Disagree(5) | Report TheRacingX  +   465d ago he's just mad because his mom said she wouldn't buy him one for Christmas..... FriedGoat  +   465d ago @nintendoland yes, it only has the highest rated handheld game ever. P4P WiiUsauce  +   464d ago I'm a huge Nintendo fan, and if I bought a Vita, which I will very soon, I'm just waiting for those stupid memory cards to drop in price (if they have somebody please tell me, I could've already been playing Persona), I could EASILY think of 10 games off the top of my head that I want for it. not in any specific order, but this is just off the top of my head: WipeOut 2048 Uncharted Golden Abyss Persona 4 Golden Mortal Kombat LBP Vita PlayStation Allstars Gravity Rush Rayman Origins Need for Speed Most Wanted Bowzabub  +   465d ago 3 words. Grand Theft Auto. wages of sin  +   465d ago Here's three more: Call of Duty. You guys say the same lame crap everytime. It's too predictable at this point. The Vita is lame and it's not going to leave any signifcant mark. Just like the psps go. And to you fools who say "Sony won't leave us!" get real. Sony has to save face that's why they would continue to support when no one else cares. #1.6.1 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(9) | Disagree(23) | Report stage88  +   465d ago @wages of sin Oh, you have one bubble. It makes sense now. specialguest  +   465d ago No one game alone is going to save the Vita. If COD couldn't even cause a spark, then GTA definitely won't. It's going to take a consistent wave of great titles combined with price cuts to turn things around. feeter  +   465d ago @ specialguest... CoD on the Vita was rushed but i doubt R* will do that... there are several things Sony needs to change to have the Vita sell better but only time will tell if they will do them tachy0n  +   465d ago this article is only more proof of Apple and nintendo trying to kill the PSVita, they do that so people get scared and dont buy them, i remember all the "oh PC gaming is DOOMZZZ!!!" and look, it still is alive..... Tapewurm  +   465d ago If you haven't found a reason to buy Vita yet then there is only one reason.... You are poor! "Your family is POOR Kenny!!!" All joking aside :) There are several games for the Vita that warrant a purchase....having Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, Madden, MLB the Show, Call of Duty, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Unit 13,and several other titles that are out atm available on the go is just simply a dream come true .... If you can afford one and are truly interested in console quality in the palm of your hand....I truly recommend grabbing one. showtimefolks  +   465d ago sony has proven it again and again that its not race but a marathon so don't expect sony to drop Vita anytime soon. also with more games coming out in 2013 vita is actually looking good. can't wait for the game from LBP developer can't wait to play that and the new killzone could be great too people just want Vita to fail, since day one its been all doom articles, Vita launched with 20 plus games and people forget that and call it a failure yet wii-u launched with 20 plus games and all of the sudden its great? double standard i think sony rather sell a little less but make a profit, they are in no position to loose money. and the same goes for ps3 and when they launch ps4. Every system from sony will have to make a profit so days of sony loosing money are gone. their margin for error isn't that big now. if you just lost all those billions would you take more loss? or would you sell let's say 2 million less but make a profit on each sold. #1.9 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(4) | Disagree(1) | Report | Reply Blackdeath_663  +   466d ago a really good monster hunter game would do wonders for the vita right now. the vita is a pretty impressive piece of tech and at a reasonable price too its a pitty there isn't much to get excited about as far as the games go. at this point i think its go big or go home for the vita. TheRacingX  +   465d ago Ragnarock Odyssey is pretty good at filling that, swansong  +   465d ago I think Sony will do a sort of re-launch when they are ready for a decent price drop. They should at least drop the price next year around march too $179 bundle with a 8gb card and a voucher for a Vita psn game.Then advertise the heck out of it like it just launched for the first time. TheEnigma313  +   465d ago I think it's the price, if Sony drops it to $199.99 it will sell quick. I also think it needs to come with a 4gb memory card. Ju  +   465d ago $200 and some built in memory. 4gb would be a start, but should be at least 16 in the long run. I think it's not the price, it's the mem cards or/and their pricing. Adding 1 or 2 games in a bundle would sure be nice, too. Everybody who gets their hands on mine is impressed. I guess it sure isn't the product which "fails". #4.1 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(0) | Disagree(0) | Report | Reply XB1_PS4  +   465d ago Bundles at $179-$199 seem to be irresistable. I hope they have a good plan, because I don't want my vita to be unsupported anytime soon. Cam977  +   465d ago Fortunately, us Vita owners have a backup incase the console was left to die - the Plastation Store! That's right, there are 100s of PS1 and PSP games for you to enjoy for a bargain price (in general). XB1_PS4  +   464d ago I agree somewhat, but I can get all the PsOne games on emulator/PsOne and all the PsP games on my PsP. If I didn't have a PsP with a huge library of games, then yeah that would be a good deal on it's own. shivvy24  +   465d ago theres great games already on it like uncharted and theres great future games like ratchet and clank , sly 4 about to come out on DragonKnight  +   465d ago When it doesn't support a hater agenda, or a kid with no money, it's easy to ignore the fact that Vita already has great games on it and isn't expensive. Just another typical Sony hate article. After 6 years of the same recycled hate, you gotta wonder if there are scripts for these articles that get re-written over and over with minor changes. Kennytaur  +   465d ago A sensible person appeared! I think the Vita is rather cheap for what you're getting and I've yet to finish a lot of my games because there are so many... andibandit  +   465d ago To be honest, i've already played plenty of UC on my PS3, and i'm hardly inclined to shell out 180$ + 30$ +$Memory card, to play it again. #6.2 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(8) | Disagree(24) | Report | Reply MasterCornholio  +   465d ago The main reason why i didnt buy Uncharted Golden Abyss (which is a new game in the series and not a PS3 port like you are claiming) is because i really didn't want to shell out 50$ for a portable version of Uncharted. But ever since it got added to plus i manage to download it and several other games for free with my Vita. But i do agree with you that the memory cards are expensive but N4G (contest) a while back gave me a free 32GB stick so im not really complaining. #6.2.1 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(5) | Disagree(6) | Report DragonKnight  +   465d ago @andibandit. In order for whatever you said to be true, you'd have to have had a PS3 to begin with. Plus, that $180 you mentioned was for a bundle THAT INCLUDES A 4GB MEMORY STICK! Failure troll is a failure. cpayne93  +   465d ago Uncharted on the Vita was awesome, but if you want an experience you can't get anywhere else go for gravity rush. It might not be perfect, but the gameplay is insanely unique, nothing like it. Also, the 4 gb card isn't so bad, I'm carrying around Gravity Rush, FF tactics psp, Castelvania, velocity, and mutant blobs on my card right now, along with AC liberation as my physical game. That's a good bit of games to have on you at one time. It isn't like you have to have every game you own on the Vita at one time, I'm using my ps3 to copy games to my Vita. Tetsujin  +   465d ago Doom article #2358234 on Sony BanBrother  +   465d ago No that was the one 5 minutes ago. This one is number 2358235. PS-Analog  +   465d ago You clearly didn't read the article. It's optimistic. Hicken  +   465d ago With a name like "Vita's Last Hope," where do you expect that someone will see the optimism? xtreampro  +   465d ago Sony is doomed just look at their financial situation. Their TV's and the PS3 were and are the cause of their problems, they may be recovering now from the PS3 launch but it made a massive dent on the company and it's still stings them today. Are you fanboys really this dumb or are you just trolling? It's not a conspiracy against Sony you lemons. #7.3 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(0) | Disagree(6) | Report | Reply punisher99  +   464d ago " Their TV's and the PS3 were and are the cause of their problems" The Playstation brand as a whole has always been profitable for Sony, even in 2007 when they were losing at least 200$ on each PS3 console. #7.3.1 (Edited 464d ago ) | Agree(2) | Disagree(1) | Report TheBatman_Fanatic  +   465d ago The Vita will be fine, some people just don't look at history. It takes time for consoles to get a bunch of good games, every console has gone through this. MikeMyers  +   465d ago I've said it before and I'll say it again, it was and is still far too early to be writing articles about its demise. Wait until after next years holiday season, then we will have a much better understanding how Vita is doing. Right now is the first holiday season so in 2013 we can expect more games since developers will then have more time with it. feeter  +   465d ago I think next Holiday is too late... Vita sales need to pick up before developers fear they will not make money by making a game that will not sell well... MikeMyers  +   463d ago This isn't like an iPhone that has stiff competition and gets replaced on an annual basis. Vita is a product that will be around for years and it takes time to build a fanbase. Nerdmaster  +   465d ago But history also teaches us that lack of games and a high price can kill a console, even if such console is more technically advanced than the competition. Launching a console is never a certainty of success. And it's not because Sony is a big company that it won't pull the plug on Vita if it doesn't sell well. ginsunuva  +   465d ago Ps3 says hi Knight_Crawler  +   465d ago @Ginsu - Yes Sony says Hi but thats one of the reason they are in the red and have been rated down. Sony can not afford to bleed anymore money and what saved them with the PS3 was that the PS2 sold exremly well and Sony was using that money to support the PS3. I love Sony as much as you but at some point they have to make huge profit and quick becuase Gaikai was not free and Sony had to shell out millions. #8.2.2 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(5) | Disagree(9) | Report DiRtY  +   465d ago History tells us that the Vita is selling slightly below Dreamcast numbers and we know how that turned out. The PS Vita is pretty much irrelevant already. Smartphones killed it before it even launched. FunAndGun  +   465d ago lol, you comparing a smartphone to a Vita. Smartphones can't do what the Vita can do. If you think they are comparable then you must be one hellava casual gamer. Please show me a comparable game on Smartphones like Battle Royale or Gravity Rush. FPS with dual thumbsticks....hello!! #8.3.1 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(15) | Disagree(3) | Report Seraphemz  +   465d ago You mentioning smartphones discredits you right there... Marquis_de_Sade  +   465d ago You guys really are in denial if you believe smartphones aren't having an impact on PS Vita sales. I can think of few people who would be willing to carry a PS Vita in addition to a (more or less) essential smart phone. P.S. Now I come to think of it, I can't think of anyone off the top of my head who owns a Vita. optimus  +   465d ago I would throw in tablets moreso than smartphones. that is what people are flocking to given that you can get a tablet nowadaws for $150...hell, even the 3ds is struggling to keep up...I say if they want the vita to really sell they need to bring it down to $100 or less...not to mention that the games that are being developed are getting better and better with some reaching console quality levels...sure, you have virtual thumbsticks but most people are ok with it. #8.3.4 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(1) | Disagree(4) | Report Ju  +   465d ago Virtual joysticks are no alternative if you can have the real thing. Tablet gaming might be an alternative, but I still prefer the Vita if I can get the game there. Vitas library is okay, but I don't understand why the reviews are dragging most of the games down. Wrong expectations I guess. I enjoy most of them. More is always appreciated. But I can't afford them all anyway. I'm quite ok with what I have. mcstorm  +   465d ago I do hope the sales of the PSV pickup as im loving mine at the moment. I got NFS which I am really impressed with the Graphics and game play are very impressive and I also have All Stars for it and again this game impresses and having both PS3 and PSV versions I like how they feel the same on both consoles. DomceM  +   465d ago I am getting one as a gift for Christmas. My girlfriend is getting one too so she could play with me. We are looking forward to playing some Mortal kombat and LBP together on the hand held. It will be very hard to care about the countless doom and gloom articles when I am enjoying the most advanced handheld in the world. Deusthousand  +   465d ago You guys are crazy. Since having a vita I actually use it more than my ps3. And, if you guys think the only good game is Uncharted the you are really crazy. It has (arguably) the best Wipeout ever made. It got some good games for its first year. Its the same thing fools said about the PS3 first year out and some of those games turned out to be classics. cpayne93  +   465d ago Yeah I just can't put the thing down. Gravity Rush is one of the most unique experiences I've ever had in any game. Also, Unit 13 is an incredibly fun shooter which was knocked down for no story or competitive multiplayer, and Liberation is still a fun game. Uncharted was excellent. Wipeout is downloading right now so I would recommend the Vita to any gamer, and I would recommend ps + to anyone who wants to get one. You get more than your money's worth just from the three Vita games that come free. Williamson  +   465d ago Gravity rush was such an amazing game for me too! Was kinda sad when I beat it since I never experienced a game like it, and the characters/story made me feel like i was watching an actual anime. vlonjati77  +   465d ago hi Deus,you right man wipeout is awesome,on vita,i had also wipeout HD on my ps3 's hdd and never played it before,i said i would try it and i discovered that its very good game.Im enjoying Gravity Rush very good game,tomorrow we are getting Bioshok 2 and havent finished all my free ps vita games yet .Sony I hate you ,you are milking my time :) Genuine-User  +   465d ago 2013 looks good to me. So many quality games on all systems. Farsendor1  +   465d ago hoping to sale my vita for 150$ with mortal kombat and 8gb card Deusthousand  +   465d ago I know someone that will buy it right now! cee773  +   465d ago I will buy it right now for $150 this will be the ultimate ps4 controller playstation mobile needs to become more like android play store/amazon app store get some student apps make it more than just a gaming device hell give it to Q let him trick it out for Bond lol. It has so much potential it could be used for everything It should have had the moniker It only does everything because in the end this device will mature in do time espcially when ps4 arrives I can see this device being the controller of chose on ps4 take everywhere game everywhere remotely from ps4 if it could be the ultimate ps3 controller it would sell just off that premise alone I wish they put GOW3 on the remote playlist they tease us with GOW1&2 via remote play #13.2 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(2) | Disagree(1) | Report | Reply 1upgamer99  +   465d ago Just like Nintendo with 3DS(only its even worse for Vita) People are not spending that kind of money on a hand held. Nintendo had to drop the price almost right after launch. Then they gave the people who had bought the 3DS already a free game. I am not a handheld guy really, BUT I really like the Vita and the 3DS. Handhelds have come along way. If I were to pick up a handheld, I would go with 3DS though. Not because Vita sucks, but there are a vast amount of games for the DS and 3DS. DEATHxTHExKIDx  +   465d ago 10 free GBA and 10 free NES games. Id say it was worth it too I didnt own a single one of those games before. HarvesterOSarow  +   465d ago I have spent 40 hours on my Vita with Persona 4 Golden in the last two weeks. That's more than my console games and I just picked up Borderlands 2 and Halo 4, as well as 8 other games for 360/ps3/wii. Chalk it up to Atlus being awesome and Personas addictive nature, but all it takes is a few great games and hardware sells just fine. Same reason I haven't purchased a 3DS yet. Nintendo has to give me a few more games worth owning before I consider spending my money on the system. banjadude  +   465d ago Can always trust Atlus/Xseed/NISA to pull through for the portable scene :) DEATHxTHExKIDx  +   465d ago lol I have a 3DS and, I said the same thing about Vita. Sony has to give me a few more games I care enough about to buy on Vita. Its all personal preference really. SqueezedWeazel  +   465d ago Persona 4 is insanely good :-) DrJones  +   465d ago LBP Vita! WalterWJR  +   465d ago VITA is BEAST - V2.00 is BOMB - best mobile browser (excluding flash support) don't listen to these sheep and buy 1. There are a lot of people who want to see it fail for all the wrong reasons! #17 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(19) | Disagree(5) | Report | Reply Braid  +   465d ago Best mobile browser among which devices, exactly? Are we including smart phones to your generalization as well? If so, that'd be Safari Mobile (iOS 6 version) as proved by benchmark tests. On topic: all that Vita needs right now is developer support from Japan. I'm hoping that Soul Sacrifice's release might stir some things up in Japan, and devs would come up and start programming great games that'd appeal to the Japanese audience, which would eventually sell more Vitas, and as the user base expands, the Western developers will start giving Vita the attention it deserves as well; resulting in gorgeous looking, home console quality games like AC Liberation and NFS Most Wanted. Oh, don't forget the first party support by the way: Sony needs to announce a God of War game, and an Infamous game ASAP, and then you'll see a dramatic increase in the sales numbers. The device is not even close to its "doom", it's a gorgeous piece of hardware and what it's capable of is evidenced by some great games, the promise and the potential is obviously there, and the future looks bright for it, but gamers are still waiting for more AAA titles which is kind of tiresome, Sony should just try to shorten this process as fast as they can, with new IPs and game announcements to be revealed in the near future in order to keep Vita owners at least excited, giving them a reason to hold on to their systems. Other than that, it's still the most capable handheld out there, and the most powerful mobile gaming device ever released in the history of gaming- you just can't go wrong with that. #17.1 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(6) | Disagree(3) | Report | Reply tubers  +   465d ago I recently got one and really liking it. The hardware itself is a beauty and felt great but the flushed PS, Start and Select buttons are annoying as f***. The interface was pretty fun too! I found it faster than the PS3's! I do still understand why it's selling poorly though. :( Farsendor1  +   465d ago i do have a vita and it really isn't that good MetalProxy  +   465d ago Compared to what? If there is a better "handheld gaming device" out there let me know...and now I dont buy things because of sales. tiffac008  +   465d ago The Vita needs Japan. Currently there are more games being made and released on the PSP than on the Vita in the Land of the Rising Sun. Sony should probably come out and stop supporting the PSP and create some incentives to get 3rd party developers put their games on the Vita. The price will eventually go down, hopefully they permanently stick a memory card with every Vita but getting the games on the system is the key to its success. The ball is in Sony's court. The gaming industry is just waiting for them to make the right moves. #18 (Edited 465d ago ) | Agree(3) | Disagree(1) | Report | Reply ziggurcat  +   465d ago well, it's december, so i guess they gotta get in as many doom articles by the end of the year. can't wait for the "top 10 sony doom articles of 2012" article to pop up here on N4G... air1  +   465d ago You fools need to stop acting like vita has great games out. I got the shit and regret it.. How the hell can sony have more studios than ms and nin combined yet not produce 1 or 2 must have games for vita. user4672848   465d ago | Spam strigoi814  +   465d ago I wonder if someone can write an article about the Top 20 or Top 10 websites to write the doom article.. strigoi814  +   465d ago yesterday i saw a guy playing a shooting game on his i really was thinking..the guy has a huge hand and fingers he is almost covering the whole screen..and make me think..oh thank goodness i have a vita..with buttons gaming on the go will be awesome..just saying just saying the truth.. SillyBastid  +   465d ago PSVITA needs a Dark/Demon Souls related game by 'FROM SOFTWARE'. IMHO that would be a system seller. I would love farming for souls and titanite shards on my commute home. This would also increase the sales of wrist attachments for the vita since everyone will want to throw it across the room with the difficult of the Dark/Demon Souls games.... oh how lovely it would be one2thr  +   465d ago The Vita has plenty of games, I got 18 vita only games and have only beaten 5. And LBP and Sound Shapes, PSASBR, and many others have an endless replay value for what they provide. To me its just people making up piss poor excuses of not trying it out nor going out of their comfort zone. Heck, I played the Gravity Rush demo for about an hour before the actual game came out, and felt like it was worth giving a shot. And boy was that a great decision. Including other unmentioned titles as well. And am I the only person that took, "Dice" statement of bringing the "Frostbite 2.0" engine to mobile devices, code for "Yeah, we're looking to bring the Frostbite experience to the Vita" I can bet my PS Vita, that there will be some jaw dropping games announced at 2013's E3, GamesCom, Tokyo Game Show, etc. That'll make every non-Vita owner(s) envious of those that do own a Vita... Shame on people, trying to count Sony egg's before they hatch... Lex Luthor  +   465d ago I've had my Vita for a good couple of months and during that time it has been gathering dust. Most of its games are just inferior ports of there PS3 counterparts. Games like fifa, uncharted, assassins creed, most wanted and so forth are superior on the PS3 and cheaper too. More Unique games are needed. Ju  +   465d ago Makes me think you don't have neither. How are PS3 games "cheaper" if Vita games retail in fact a least $10 below console versions? Whitefox789  +   465d ago I remember reading that the 3DS was doomed, now after a price drop, and a Mario game. The doom articles disappeared... I'm continually wondering why people are "hoping" for consoles either mainstream or portable to end up with the fate of the Dreamcast[it was too soon :,( ]. Andrespetmonkey  +   465d ago Writer here. Why do you think this is a doom article? It's quite optimistic. Maybe you should actually read it. vlonjati77  +   465d ago andre hahahah from the moment you or any writer coments and try to prove their point to the commenters loses credibility as a proffessional writer,did I just write professional MUAHAHAHA ,99% of the time I just get in the comment section just to have a laugh at stupid people arguing hahaha Whitefox789  +   465d ago Having the title stated as "Last Hope" is insinuating onto the reader that this is the PS Vita's last straw; if whatever X item that is PS Vita's salvation doesn't work then the system is doomed to fail. As a writer, you should know the title of the article should be in tuned with its content so if what you say is true and that is, it's quite an optimistic article then maybe you should have an optimistic title. Andrespetmonkey  +   464d ago I still think 2013 is the last year the Vita has to prove itself, and the title reflects that. But the difference between this article a doom article is that I don't think the Vita is destined to fail as I'm very optimistic for it in 2013. The title is quite provocative, but people should still consider the actual content of the article, and I'm right in defending it. microgenius  +   465d ago it just needs a pricedrop just like 3ds SDF Repellent  +   465d ago Foreseen this on my crystal ball back in March. Sold it along with 4 games after I bought it and hardly used it for 3 weeks. I really like it but with Smartphones these days, the VITA needs some games that define the system, and sadly, there are none thus far. youssef3740  +   465d ago title should be author's last hope of being one « 1 2 » Add comment New stories Game Rentals Appear On The PlayStation Store 1m ago - MP1st - It seems that Sony may have sneaked in a new feature to the PlayStation Store. | PS3 Feature: Eight of Gaming's Sleaziest Bachelors and Bachelorettes 1m ago - GameDynamo - "When someone asks you to give them the definition of “sleazy”, the notion of the co... | PC Dark Souls II Review | GameDynamo 2m ago - GameDynamo - "If you want to know what kind of game Dark Souls II is, one of the first achievemen... | PS3 New Star Citizen Video and Artwork Show Revolutionary AI and the Making of the Avenger 6m ago - Star Citizen is already $200,000 past the 40 million goal achieved a couple days ago, and Cloud I... | PC South Park: The Stick of Truth Review Titanfall Unlock Guide – The First 10 Levels
Assine Portuguese Procure por qualquer palavra, como fuck: 64 definitions by sega31098 The year autotune started. Cher-Believe (1998) was the first song to use autotune. Then came Eiffel 65-Blue, also 1998. por sega31098 01 de Junho de 2011 28 10 You never have the right ones. I needed this screwdriver for unscrewing screws, but they were all the wrong sizes. por sega31098 11 de Agosto de 2010 68 50 Every year something tragic happens in the world of music, according to the populace. Examples of what people say or potentially say to be the year music died: 1959-The plane carrying Buddy Holly, Lionel Richie and Big Bopper crashes killing all 3. 1977-Elvis Presley dies 1980-John Lennon is shot and killed. 1990-The end of the 1980s, which is a fondly remembered as a musically sound decade. 1994-Kurt Cobain is found dead, Justin Bieber is born 1995-Eazy E succumbs to AIDS 1996-Tupac Shakur is shot dead. 2000-Big Pun and DJ Screw die, Justin Bieber opens his mouth and starts singing for the first time 2001-Aaliyah's plane crashes 2009-Michael Jackson dies, Justin Bieber starts his career. por sega31098 13 de Julho de 2011 29 12 A classic Japanese cartoon/anime about a magical robot cat named Doraemon who set out to improve the life of a boy named Nobita. It is popular worldwide, but for some reason has not yet been properly released in the English-speaking world (except Singapore). An an an, tottemo daisuki Doraemon. (Ah ah ah, I really love Doraemon) por sega31098 14 de Janeiro de 2012 16 0 The year entertainment died. Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mays, Patrick Swayze, Britanny Murphy, Ron Silver and the manga artist Yoshito Usui. All victims of 2009. The end of King of The Hill, Guiding Light and various other popular shows. The end of Yoshito Usui's Crayon Shin Chan's manga. The end of Fox's saturday morning program. Last but not least, the beginning of Justin Bieber and Ke$ha's ventures into music (I just had to say this for the lulz). por sega31098 08 de Julho de 2011 32 17 1. Pertaining to satan or satanism. 2. A term used by simple-minded fundamentalist christians for anything that their minds can't comprehend. 3. Any celebrity that is extremely hated. 1. Satanism is satanic. 2. This foreign language is satanic because I can't understand it and therefore must be cursing our children! 3. Justin Bieber is satanic. por sega31098 12 de Julho de 2011 26 14 Cartoons that ran during Saturday mornings. A stem of nostalgia for many, there are few of these Saturday morning cartoons remaining since the late 2000s. Garfield and Friends is an example of a Saturday morning cartoon in the 1980s-1990s. por sega31098 16 de Julho de 2010 24 12
Files | Admin Release Name: 0.0.3 # gdiff / gpatch ## Description The Generic Diff Format (GDIFF) can be used to efficiently describe the differences between two arbirary files. The format does not make any assumptions about the type or contents of the files, and thus can be used to describe the differences between text files as well as binary files. The GDIFF format is itself a binary file format. ## An implementation of the gdiff protocol [Protocol description]( ## Authors This was implemented by Brian Schroeder with the help of Zed Shaws wonderfull suffix-tree extension. ## License GPL and ruby license if applicable (I have to ask zed). Changes: 0.0.3 * Use print instead of puts, removing unneccessary newlines. [Proposed by Leslie Vilijoen] * Open files explicitly in binmode, to make it work under windows. [Proposed by Leslie Vilijoen] * Removed some signedness-errors from the suffixarray code. * Made all the testcases pass again 0.0.2 * Removed bug, where gdiff crashed with certain large files. [Reported by David Felstead] 0.0.1 * Improved documentation * Releasing as a .gem, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, and .zip. * Improved interface 0.0.0 * Initial Release
Seeking Alpha Seeking Alpha Portfolio App for iPad Editor's notes: PARF's discount to net current assets offers a sweet deal for investors. 40% upside on a conservative basis, and the company is an attractive acquisition target. Executive Summary Paradise, Inc. (OTCQB:PARF) ("Paradise", "PARF" or the "Company") is a leading manufacturer of candied fruits and plastic containers within the United States. The Company has a market cap of $12.0MM, an enterprise value of $11.6MM and a tangible net worth of $19.5MM. As of the last year end, the Company generated $25.7MM in revenues and $2.1MM in EBITDA, respectively . Paradise is a "hidden champion" straight from Hermann Simon's book, currently left for dead, given its status as a net-net (a company trading below its net current assets). Why does this opportunity exist? (1) illiquidity and volatility of the shares given its high inside ownership and over-the-counter status; and (2) anemic returns on capital for a...
Seeking Alpha Seeking Alpha Portfolio App for iPad Profile| Send Message| (56)   First things first, I must congratulate my fellow SA contributor Ashraf Eassa on a particularly prescient call he made regarding BlackBerry (BBRY) on 22nd of September: I wouldn't be bold enough to short the stock here, as I'd still be pretty worried about a potential "buyout". That being said, the odds are that this stock goes lower and that the price you see today (~$9) will be the eventual "take-over" price (if it does indeed get taken over). On the following day, the stock hit a new 52 week low of $8.19, only for the trading of the shares to get halted as the following news hit the wire: Now let's get the obvious out of the way: with BlackBerry shares closing at $8.82 on Sept. 23, the upside to the potential buy-out price is a mere 2%, so I think you have to be crazy to be buying shares at these levels. Another fellow SA contributor thinks buying in might make sense: Very likely : Buyout goes through, buyers at $8.83 yield an instant 2% I disagree: it's an insanity to potentially lock up your money for weeks (and possibly months) for a 2% gain, while having enormous downside risk. The complete list of downside risks would be huge, so I will only go over the ones I consider most important. What is a "letter of intent"? The important thing to note is that Fairfax is not agreeing to buy BlackBerry, it is agreeing to intend to buy BlackBerry. However, BlackBerry IS essentially agreeing to be bought out by Fairfax. If BlackBerry backs out of the deal and/or accepts a buy-out offer from another party, it will have to pay Fairfax a cool $157 million in penalties, reducing further any potential for a competitive offer. Risk of failure to secure financing. As per the news release (emphasis added): Fairfax has not secured financing of the deal, it is merely seeking it. Risk of Fairfax backing away. The deal is subject to due diligence: Fairfax has until Nov. 4 to look at BlackBerry's books and figure out whether this deal actually makes any sense. At first it might seem odd that Fairfax would need to do this, after all, they have been a shareholder since 2011, but considering the amount of negative surprises from BlackBerry over the past couple of years, I don't think I can blame them. If Fairfax does it's due diligence and decides not to proceed (and unlike BlackBerry, Fairfax can actually walk away from the deal without a penalty), can you imagine what kind of a signal that would send to other potential suitors? There would be no floor for the share price if this was to happen. Risk of shareholders blocking the deal. Fairfax currently owns roughly 10% of BlackBerry. While surely a significant stake, there is no guarantee whatsoever that Fairfax can convince or force the required amount of company shareholders to give up their stake for $9 a share in order for the deal to go through. As can be seen from the discussions on Seeking Alpha and various other Internet forums, people have wildly differing opinions regarding the true value of BlackBerry. Some hold the opinion that the company is worth almost nothing, but I think it's a safe bet to assume that the majority of these people no longer own any company shares and as such are unable to influence the acceptance or rejection of the deal. Others are convinced the company is worth way way more, possibly in the range of $12-14 a share or even higher and surely this is the kind of investor who might be still holding on to their shares despite the barrage of bad news and convincing them to give up their stake for $9 a share might be a tall order indeed. With very limited upside and huge downside risks, my verdict is clear: stay away. Source: Blackberry Still Not A Buy, Despite The LBO Potential
Take the 2-minute tour × We are going to outsource a solution from the data-center (for some reason), it is a web solution built on .NET and SQL server and it has scheduled night services. I searched for Cloud Hosting (IaaS) and I found some nice prices and offers and see that dedicated servers are very cheep and the hardware specifications are very good. The advantage I see in cloud hosting is that it is easier to scale and they provide better availability since it is a virtual machine. But IMHO if I want to compare dedicated servers with cloud servers/hosting, in terms of hardware specs and pricing I see dedicated servers are cheaper. I would give some pricing examples but I don't want to include specific companys' packages lest it be seen as advertising for them. What are the cases that make cloud hosting more preferable then dedicated servers? What are the cases that make dedicated servers more preferable then cloud hosting? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer You sort of answered your own questions... the cloud solutions are typically better at scalability and also more reliable (because a hardware outage usually results in your VM being restarted on a new host in seconds rather than waiting hours for a physical hardware repair.) You also get tons of flexibility for deployment with the cloud as with any virtualization solution... you can typically split an single-server application amongst two smaller servers for the same price in minutes or hours instead of days. OR scale up to a single bigger VM with more RAM and CPU allocation. It's also far easier to clone temporary instances for development, QA, and testing, because you usually only pay for what you use. On the other hand, with dedicated boxes you get more consistent performance since you're not competing with other VMs for processor, disk, and network resources. I would say that cost should not be a primary driver for you in this decision... saving $50/month doesn't matter as much as getting the right fit, especially if this is a business. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
SI Vault Gypsy Joe: fire and music and miniculture Mark Kram April 10, 1967 Joe Harris burst upon New York—and welterweight king Curtis Cokes—like an infant Muhammad Ali. He danced and feinted and landed just often enough to win a fight his opponent was having little part of Decrease font Decrease font Enlarge font Enlarge font April 10, 1967 Gypsy Joe: Fire And Music And Miniculture View CoverRead All Articles View This Issue His name is Gypsy Joe Harris, and he should be, it seems, in some toy window, along with Bellcycle Rabbit and Bruno, The Spectacle Bear. He is 5'5", his legs are bowed, his stomach protrudes, and the head, shaven and like an old, scuffed marble, belongs to some 20th Century-Fox Mongolian warrior. Call him boxing's contribution to miniculture. Last week he crashed into Madison Square Garden like a wrecker's steel ball. Gypsy's opponent in his first New York appearance, an over-the-weight nontitle bout, was Curtis Cokes, fighting for the second time in New York. Cokes is the welterweight champion, but hardly anyone really believes this except the World Boxing Association, an organization equally unbelievable. Nobody gave Cokes much of a chance against Harris, either—not even Cokes, a laconic, inconspicuous gentleman from Dallas who does not inspire thunder-clapping flack. "I know if I don't knock him out," he said before the fight, "I don't win." He was right. Harris, whose name and abilities were trumpeted louder than those of any newcomer to New York in years, unanimously decisioned Cokes for his 17th straight victory, but the fight seemed much closer than most of those present concluded. True, Harris was the aggressor ("If he don't make the fight they got to fumigate the joint," said one observer), but Cokes was a neat technician at times—that is, if you were careful to watch him. Gypsy's style dominates any fight. There has never been a style like Gypsy's. It is all fire and music. Rockin' music. It comes at you from off the wall, even from the moment he steps into the ring, a black hood over his head, a three-quarter-length, double-breasted, red-satin jacket with a black bow on the back as his robe. That alone, at least in Philadelphia, is enough to break up a place, but there is much more to come when he sheds the robe. His punches pile out from all angles, and they are thrown from any position. He is a machine gun and a jester, with a Chaplinesque walk and the brass of a pickpocket. Frequently, with his arms dangling by his sides, he gives you his chin to hit, and sometimes, in a corner, he will hold the rope with one hand and keep cracking you with the other. "I don't make plans," he says. "I just fight. The guys I fight don't know what I'm gonna do next, because I don't know what I'm doing." Against Cokes, Harris was a bit more subdued than he generally is, but he did take enormous risks, rolling in with his arms folded by his chest and his chin stuck out. He wanted Cokes to bang him, to flurry with him, but the champion declined. Instead Cokes stayed outside, pawing at Harris with soft jabs and rocking him with good right hands. Harris caught more solid shots than anybody would admit. It was obvious that Cokes was the more effective puncher in the fight. In two of the major wars, corner fighting in the eighth and 10th rounds. Cokes dealt out the most punishment. But in the end Cokes beat himself. He simply did not fight enough. He was beaten by a performer who reminds you of a ball club that knocks you over with slow rollers, bunts and pop flies that nobody can reach. Gypsy, despite a sharp, damaging left hook that was on target throughout Friday night's fight, is not a devastating puncher. He depends on volume to mark you up. He is an animal in the ring, and he has to be handled like one. Had Cokes been less timorous, he might have had his knockout, and nobody would be wondering still who the welterweight champion is. The question now is where is Gypsy going? Continue Story 1 2 3
Take the 2-minute tour × Can I create very detailed animations within UDK, like samaratian UDK demo, wtihin 3 months? I don't have any previous experience in UDK, but I modeled something basic models in Zbrush and in 3Ds Max. So, could I create a fully deatiled and edited animation (of course, first learn it) in 3 months and how much time would I have to invest? If you have any better program just for 3D cinematic animations scenes, could you put the name of that program and reccomend it for me? Could you put up some references about UDK (or your progam), so I can start learning right away? So I am a complete begginer, which main goal is to create detailed animations (I would of course edit the raw 3D animation in video editing program). share|improve this question Adobe AfterEffects is a very popular professional package. Blender is great for 3D modelling and okay for animation. –  wallyk Apr 24 '12 at 21:37 add comment 1 Answer You can not create detailed animations using UDK. It is not a animation suite. It is a game engine. What you have to do is make all the animations from another tool such as Maya or 3Ds Max and import them in to UDK. When you have the right animations in .fbx format you can manipulate them with UDK. You can make animtrees with set of seperate animations. UDK supports features such as blending between animations. Of course you can do a cinematic demo like samaritan , but you need to create animation from another software and import them to UDK. After that using UDK's tools such as Kismet and Matinee you can do the cinematic stuff. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × Is it possible to check if first line of two files is equal using diff(or another easy bash command)? [Generally checking equality of first/last k lines, or even lines i to j] share|improve this question add comment 4 Answers up vote 7 down vote accepted To diff the first k lines of two files: $ diff <(head -k file1) <(head -k file2) Similary, to diff the last k lines: $ diff <(tail -k file1) <(tail -k file2) To diff lines i to j: diff <(sed -n 'i,jp' file1) <(sed -n 'i,jp' file2) share|improve this answer What does p mean in 'i,jp'? –  a-z May 3 '12 at 8:59 p means print. –  dogbane May 3 '12 at 9:13 and to check equality: if diff ...; then echo "equal"; else echo "not equal"; fi –  glenn jackman May 3 '12 at 10:12 add comment My solution seems rather basic and beginner when compared to dogbane's above, but here it is all the same! echo "Comparing the first line from file $1 and $2 to see if they are the same." FILE1=`head -n 1 $1` FILE2=`head -n 1 $2` echo $FILE1 > tempfile1.txt echo $FILE2 > tempfile2.txt if diff "tempfile1.txt" "tempfile2.txt"; then echo Success echo Fail share|improve this answer add comment My solution uses the filterdiff program of the patchutils program collection. The following command shows the difference between file1 and file2 from line number j to k: diff -U 0 file1 file2 | filterdiff --lines j-k share|improve this answer add comment below command displays the first line of both the files. krithika.450> head -1 temp1.txt temp4.txt ==> temp1.txt <== Starting CXC <...> R5x BCMBIN (c) AB 2012 ==> temp4.txt <== Below command displays yes if the first line in both the filesare equal. krithika.451> head -1 temp4.txt temp1.txt | awk '{if(NR==2)p=$0;if(NR==5){q=$0;if(p==q)print "yes"}}' share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × I want to print a row in Excel. One row contains data for one project. I want to print one row on one page nicely formatted. Meaning the value of one cell is the header and should be printed fat and centred, the other values should also be placed at fixed positions on the page. Is this with VBA possible? When I was searching for this problem I only found results for printing a worksheet or a table or parts of it, but no results to use the values of the cells and formatting them. Thanks in advance share|improve this question If you only need to print some value to a cell and give the cell some formatting, you can simply record a Macro, do it manually, then use the recorded VBA code. –  KMC May 11 '12 at 10:08 does it have to be in VBA? you can create a sheet as a template for printing with formulas like =INDIRECT("sheet1!A"&row_number), create a named range called "row_number" and enter here the row number you want to print... –  deathApril May 11 '12 at 10:17 add comment 3 Answers up vote 0 down vote accepted As the other answers indicate, it is certainly possible in Excel VBA, but it is not really Excel's strong point. What would typically be done to obtain the result you seem to be after is use a fully formatted Word document with fields that are then filled in with values from an Excel worksheet. You can even cheat a bit and use the Mail Merge \ Letter wizard to set everything up. If you do want to do it all in Excel, you can find instructions and an example VBA macro here: share|improve this answer add comment Template is a good way to do. With a macro there's better performance where it avoids the usage of volatile functions such as INDIRECT() However again it depends on how many volatile functions your worksheet carries. share|improve this answer add comment Yes, it is possible when you use the Styles in excel. I know you can do Font formatting quite easily. Not sure about indenting it, but worth a try. If style doesnt support it (it might in Excel 2010), you can always indent it via VBA (record a macro when you indent the values , it should look like this): Selection.InsertIndent 1 share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × What's up with the NIB->XIB change somewhere between XCode 3.0 to 3.1? Is there any difference with this name change that I should know while I go through tutorials that mention nothing but the .nib file? share|improve this question add comment 4 Answers XIB's are very cool. they are basically an un-compiled NIB (in XML format if memory serves me) during the build process they are converted to NIB's to be deployed in the final product. share|improve this answer Is that so it will work nicely with a repository system like git/svn? –  Jackson Oct 31 '11 at 4:34 @jackson: yes... –  kent Dec 12 '11 at 14:04 add comment The other answers and link explain what XIB files are, but not about the specific change. The new flat-file .xib format was introduced with Leopard (and Xcode 3.0) in 2007, but I believe that .nib remained the default, primarily for compatibility with older versions of Xcode and OS X. With Xcode 3.1, there was a shift to .xib as the preferred format. However, most documentation hasn't been updated, probably in part because the distinction is fairly minor from the standpoint of a normal developer. I definitely echo the sentiment that XIB files are much better than NIB files, especially when using version control. (Flat files are much easier to manage than directory packages in most tools.) share|improve this answer add comment As I understand it, xib files are xml nib files. xib files are compiled into nibs when the application is built. The xib format was created because nib files don't mesh well with version control (because they're not text), whereas a plain text xml file works well. share|improve this answer You're correct about what they are. Another reason they were created is because .NIB files can be edited in IB, but are in a non-human-readable binary format. The XML format makes it much easier to tweak something by hand (if necessary) or see what changed from one revision to the next. –  Quinn Taylor Jul 2 '09 at 3:50 add comment Perfect link for this question. I should have googled first :S share|improve this answer yes. and definitely note that XIB's are MUCH more version control friendly! –  kent Jul 1 '09 at 14:31 Fraser should have been hired by Apple over a decade ago. He is truly an expert to be respected. +1 –  Lord Andrei Apr 8 '11 at 3:52 The link is dead. Don't go for it. –  Karan H. Joshi Feb 11 at 4:51 add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × Years ago, I wrote a code template that took a few simple parameters (points) and produced a class skeleton. Since some of the method bodies had code in them, I couldn't call InvokeClassCompletion and just placed the implementations with the declarations (user had to move them). It has occurred to me that I can write a code template script engine to insert these methods in the correct position, but I don't see how I'm supposed to navigate the file. There are declarations for IOTAEditReader and IOTAEditWriter in ToolsAPI.pas, but I'm guessing there is a step missing - certainly I don't need to manually parse the Delphi code just to find the implementation section? Does anyone have experience with it? share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers up vote 5 down vote accepted The IDE has plenty of parsers in it, but not one is made available for IDE plugins (ToolsAPI). So you have to write your own parser or use an existing one like share|improve this answer No wonder the IDE gets sluggish when you have a couple of experts installed... :( –  Marjan Venema Jun 15 '12 at 19:42 My IDE gets faster after I install an expert or two and then turn OFF the built in IDE code completion. I use grep search for everything these days because the IDE's "code insight" features are so brutal. –  Warren P Jun 16 '12 at 0:56 add comment You might find that GExperts or CNPack contains almost all the code you need, in one of its editor wizards. If not, then, those two are the best reference I know for writing IDE plugins. As far as writing parsers, see Andreas' answer. If you just want better code templates, you could consider buying Castalia, as it has an improved code template feature over the builtin delphi IDE plugin features. Castalia internally uses the Castalia delphi parser mentioned by andreas. It's quite good. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × I am running the following query and checking whether it returns any results and if not I need implement some logic in my sp. I have given couple of code blocks below from my sp. select * from temp where (select * table1 where Id='4728')=0 If the table1 doesnt have any records it shouldn't return any results and I need to know whether I am checking it correctly. INSERT INTO #companies SELECT DISTINCT c.Company_Id INNER JOIN Request_Summary rs ON c.Company_ID=rs.Company_ID rs.IsMember_Ind <> 0 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Monitor_Request mr WHERE mr.Company_ID=c.Company_ID)< 5 -- I am checking it here AND EXISTS(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Monitor_Request mr2 WHERE mr2.Company_ID=c.Company_ID) AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM TaskAction ta WHERE ta.FirstActionTypeId = @firstActionTypeId and ta.TaskTypeId = @taskTypeId and ta.NextActionTypeId is not null and ta.EntityId = c.Company_ID and ta.EntityTypeId = 1) share|improve this question Do you have to check this explicitly? Can we see the whole SP? Depending on what you're attempting to do, you may not need to explicitly check for existence - especially if you're dealing with concurrent access. –  Clockwork-Muse Jul 3 '12 at 15:32 added the code. and commented here I need to check. –  Joshua Jul 3 '12 at 15:41 @X-Zero There you go. –  Joshua Jul 3 '12 at 15:46 add comment 4 Answers up vote 3 down vote accepted If the table1 doesnt have any records it shouldn't return any results Since you're in a Stored Procedure and you may just want to do this IF Exists(select * table1 where Id='4728') share|improve this answer add comment Use WHERE EXISTS instead: FROM temp SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE Id='4728' share|improve this answer +1 - pretty much where I was headed, although I tend to prefer constant values ('1', which evaluates to true in RPG...) instead of SELECT * in the EXISTS clause. –  Clockwork-Muse Jul 3 '12 at 15:30 add comment Here's another solution: IF (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM table1 WHERE Id='4728') = 0 SELECT * FROM temp and yet another solution, as pruposed by Aaron at the comments: SELECT * FROM temp share|improve this answer Great solution because it decouples the relationship between table1 and temp. –  Nick Vaccaro Jul 3 '12 at 15:35 humm why downvote? –  aF. Jul 3 '12 at 15:47 Wasn't me, but I'm not fond of this answer because getting a count is potentially much less efficient than checking for existence. While Id may be the primary key, it isn't necessarily the case, and future readers may think getting an expensive count is worthwhile even when they only care whether the count is 0 or 1. EXISTS can be no more inefficient than getting a count, so I would prefer Conrad's approach over this one, always. –  Aaron Bertrand Jul 3 '12 at 16:17 @AaronBertrand nice thought, just updated to put that solution as well :) –  aF. Jul 3 '12 at 16:21 add comment Hmm, I think I'd restructure that query to something like this: INSERT INTO #companies SELECT c.company_Id -- presumes that company_Id is DISTINCT initially FROM Company c FROM Request_Summary s WHERE s.company_Id = c.company_Id AND s.isMember_Ind <> 0) FROM Monitor_Request m WHERE m.company_Id = c.company_Id GROUP BY m.company_Id HAVING COUNT(*) < 5) FROM TaskAction t WHERE ta.FirstActionTypeId = @firstActionTypeId AND t.TaskTypeId = @taskTypeId AND t.NextActionTypeId IS NOT NULL AND t.EntityId = c.Company_ID AND t.EntityTypeId = 1) Don't ever bother with a SELECT COUNT(*) inside a WHERE EXISTS clause, as the optimizer will potentially count all rows (even if we only care about one). If a JOIN is giving you more than one row, but you're only checking for existence (ie, you don't need any data from it), use an EXISTS clause. I was actually curious about your entire SP, not just this query - especially as you're inserting into a session/temp table. Is this something that should be turned into a CTE? share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × i am working on a app that is keeping track of high school sporting even scores. it will allow users to submit scores of games in progress. right now i have a database table called scores. But i am stuck when it comes to representing the amount of time in minutes and seconds left in the game. share|improve this question Instead of recording the (relative) "time left" consider reporting the "time submitted" as well as the "end time". Then the "time left" is just the difference of the other two (absolute) times. –  user166390 Jul 19 '12 at 3:37 i am capturing the timestamp of when the score was submitted by the user. although there is really no way of capturing the end time since its "game time" and you have stoppages of play or the stoppages of the game clock due to timeouts, an incomplete pass, or the ball carrier going out of bounds. –  Eric Cumbee Jul 19 '12 at 3:42 add comment 1 Answer up vote 2 down vote accepted You can use the TIME type: share|improve this answer that seemed like the obvious answer, but i was not sure since i was not representing a time of day, but an elapsed or remaining time. thank you. –  Eric Cumbee Jul 19 '12 at 3:36 add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × I have two models; team and project. The application I am trying to create lets the team to create a new project. Sometimes, a team can do a joint project with another team. So what is the correct association that I should use between them? Right now, I have has_many :projects belongs_to :team I am not sure if "has_and_belongs_to_many" association will do since RoR guide uses two model plus a weak model share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer You can use the has_and_belongs_to_many association with two models if you also create a join table like so: class AddTeamsProjectsJoinTable < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :teams_projects, :id => false do |t| t.integer :teams_id t.integer :projects_id def self.down drop_table :teams_projects Then in your models: has_and_belongs_to_many :projects has_and_belongs_to_many :teams Then you can access all the projects for one team using @team.projects, or all the teams for one project with @project.teams share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × I have a database that has a table of Ingredients I and a table of Recipes R. The two tables have a many-to-many relationship, as one recipes uses many ingredients and one ingredient is used in many recipes. I have a third cross-reference table that uses the cross-reference validation pattern to enforce my many-to-many relationship, and is done using string foreign keys (instead of integers). Assuming I have a collection of ingredients C outside of my database, how can I query Recipe table R for every recipe that can be made using ONLY the list of ingredients supplied in C? Other things to consider 1) Speed will (of course) be a concern eventually, but correctness is what I'm stuck on at the moment. 2) The collection of ingredients C might be very large (~100 ingredients). Any answers or even just pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. share|improve this question What is the DB/Version? –  Chandu Jul 25 '12 at 21:15 @Chandu, I haven't figured out any of that yet, I'm just working on this system as a hobby so I haven't laid out any specifications yet. For now, you can just assume the current stable MySQL 5.5.25 . But really, any answer you can provide I will try and port back to MySQL (or whatever DB I decide to use) –  pghprogrammer4 Jul 25 '12 at 21:51 add comment 1 Answer up vote 5 down vote accepted One way is to write: select ... from R where ID not in ( select R_ID from RI where I_ID not in ( select I_ID from C That is: start with C. Select all recipe–ingredient cross-references where the ingredient is not in C. This gives you the set of all recipes that cannot be made using only ingredients in C. Then, select all recipes that aren't in that set. share|improve this answer Good catch on my answer. I read the question to fast. I missed the point about only recipes that can be made with ONLY those ingredients. –  RThomas Jul 25 '12 at 21:27 add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × So I have a site that uses the PHP Markdown Extra extension (with added support for Github Flavored Markdown) and up until recently everything worked fine. However today I noticed both on my live server and my local environment that Markdown was not rendering the link syntax in HTML. So this is more or less what I was getting with every file. "<p>[link](</p>" === Markdown("[link]("); I don't know why this is happening and I can't find any other instance of this happening anywhere with this library, and I could not find another library that was just as good. If anyone could give me any tips to why this is happening that would be wonderful. The source code for the markdown parser is at and an example of this happening on a live site is (hopefully by the time you look at the live site example it will be fixed). Could this have something to do with me running the framework out of a Phar? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 0 down vote accepted Turns out the issue was that PHP Markdown cannot run properly in a namespace. When I removed the namespace the issue went away. (Weird) I'll look into that later and maybe submit a pull request. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × I'm new to Mustache templating so please be kind. My approach is to create a new HTML file based on a template HTML. I successfully integrated Mustache on my CodeIgniter application, via: require 'system/libraries/mustache/src/Mustache/Autoloader.php'; // Create instance of autoloader // Instantiate Mustache class $m = new Mustache_Engine; echo $m->render('Hello, {{planet}}!', array('planet' => 'Mars')); Now I have a template HTML located on application/templates/my_html_template.php, this file contains HTML semantics having some variable template {{words}}. I do understand that I need to render this but I can't seem to understand how things work. Should I use file_get_contents then fwrite the rendered HTML from Mustache to create the desired output of a new HTML file to a certain directory? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer The Mustache_Engine constructor takes an array of options, one of them is the loader. This class will be responsible to get the template content from the first parameter that passed to render. The default loader is Mustache_Loader_StringLoader but there's other loaders in the library you can use like Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader. This sould take care of the loading the template file part of the task. Once it rendered you can use file_put_contents() to shove it into a file. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × I don't understand why the array t1 is empty. As I know, memcpy shouldn't care about the underlying types of the objects. What do you think? %) cout << sizeof(float) << sizeof(int) << endl; float *t1= (float *)malloc(20*sizeof(float)); int *t2= (int *)malloc(20*sizeof(int)); printf("%f\t", (float)t1[i]); I know what type casting means. Ok I did a little mistakes. It was carelessness! P.S. It was sample for understanding how memcpy works!! share|improve this question You've tagged this as "C", yet you're using cout? –  Damien_The_Unbeliever Aug 24 '12 at 8:04 sorry, it is mix code )) –  Myosotis Aug 24 '12 at 8:05 What do you mean by "empty"? –  Kerrek SB Aug 24 '12 at 8:05 The final (float) cast is completely pointless: variable function arguments are default-promoted. (And t1[i] is already of type float!) Are you copy/pasting bits of code from somewhere else? –  Kerrek SB Aug 24 '12 at 8:06 there is zero in every cell –  Myosotis Aug 24 '12 at 8:06 show 5 more comments 6 Answers up vote 3 down vote accepted Your array is not "empty", despite your protestations. It just holds a very, very small value: Your machine uses the IEEE754 standard for representing floating points. In that standard, the word with all zeros represents the value 0.0. The next bigger word (i.e. the one obtained by adding 1 to the underlying bits) represents the next biggest floating point value, which is an extremely tiny, denormal value. When you printf this value to standard precision (6 decimal places?), it's just rounded to zero. Here's a tangentially related answer of mine on a similar question. share|improve this answer I see that you are right. I can see these small values with cout << t1[i]; –  Myosotis Aug 24 '12 at 8:33 Totally nitpicky point: the latest revision of IEEE 754 (2008) changed "denormal" to "subnormal". –  Pete Becker Aug 24 '12 at 12:13 @PeteBecker: Haha, interesting :-) –  Kerrek SB Aug 24 '12 at 12:14 add comment The function memcpy copies bits, verbatim. So you're copying bits from an integer array to a float array: there's very little chance the contents will match the floating point representation. So you get an array filled with stuff that makes little sense to your floating point format. In a nutshell, at the lowest level, 1 and 1.0f look wildly different. The cast (float)t1[i]) doesn't really do anything since t1[i] is already float. share|improve this answer What should he use instead? –  Default Aug 24 '12 at 8:09 Ok. So memcpy is useful function –  Myosotis Aug 24 '12 at 8:09 @Default, std::vector<float>, std::vector<int>, std::copy()... –  Nim Aug 24 '12 at 8:09 @Leila if it was useless, I don't think it would exist. –  Default Aug 24 '12 at 8:10 @Leila It's not useless, it's made for other uses :-) –  cnicutar Aug 24 '12 at 8:10 show 4 more comments You are forcing the integer values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 .. 20 into floats. Floats and ints use different underlying representations, and offhand, I think those values are just very very small and will print as 0 unless you change the format to include a lot of precision. share|improve this answer add comment Bit arrangement is different in an int and a float.Even if things get copied well you wont be able to understand it. Change to printf("%d\t", (int)t1[i]); and you will see things copied. share|improve this answer But I see only zeros –  Myosotis Aug 24 '12 at 8:30 add comment memcpy copies memory as bytes and doesn't care what underlying types have been stored at the memory location. Integers in memory are stored in a different format than floats so what basically ends up in t1 could be but must not necessarily be valid floating point values. share|improve this answer add comment Since you are using C++ you can use the C++ features instead, like std::vector #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main(){ std::vector<float> floatVector; std::vector<int> intVector; std::copy(intVector.begin(), intVector.end(), floatVector.begin()); cout << "element[" << i << "]: " << floatVector[i] << std::endl; share|improve this answer It is good. But I use Memory_alloc from c6accel library (sharing memory with DSP). I can't represent this data with vector object. –  Myosotis Aug 24 '12 at 8:35 add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × Is there any way to get current wireless SSID without root permission? iwconfig tells me ESSID, but only if I run it as root. share|improve this question What happens if you run it as a regular user? What Linux distribution do you use? Also, you may find Unix & Linux a more suitable site for such questions. –  Lev Levitsky Sep 1 '12 at 20:09 add comment closed as off topic by nandeesh, John Palmer, joran, DCoder, jonsca Sep 2 '12 at 6:56 1 Answer up vote 3 down vote accepted If you take a look at the source code of the iwconfig (wireless_tools), you'll see this line: iwconfig.c:639: if(iw_get_ext(skfd, ifname, SIOCGIWESSID, &wrq) < 0) This line is responsible for the get of ESSID (wireless.h). And i think that only root have permissions (out of the box) to do this, so the function iw_get_ext (defined in iwlib.h from wireless_tools package) which call ioctl will return EPERM (Operation not permitted). * Wrapper to extract some Wireless Parameter out of the driver static inline int iw_get_ext(int skfd, /* Socket to the kernel */ const char * ifname, /* Device name */ int request, /* WE ID */ struct iwreq * pwrq) /* Fixed part of the request */ /* Set device name */ strncpy(pwrq->ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ); /* Do the request */ return(ioctl(skfd, request, pwrq)); You have 2 solutions: 1. Use the setuid to allow the user to use iwconfig command: sudo chmod u+s /sbin/iwconfig 2. You can also try to do some hacking with the CAP_NET_ADMIN capability which allow some specific capabilities to a specific user. Here some links about CAP_NET_ADMIN: Finally you can use strace to trace all system calls and to confirm that ioctl call is the responsible for this: as root do this: #strace /sbin/iwconfig your_interface_name > strace_iwconfig_root.log And the same as normal user: $strace /sbin/iwconfig your_interface_name > strace_iwconfig_normal.log And compare the results. share|improve this answer Great! chmod u+s or doing something with CAP_NET_ADMIN and CAP_NET_ADMIN both work very well. Thank you very much! –  npcode Sep 3 '12 at 15:23 @npcode : ok thanks, you're welcome. –  TOC Sep 3 '12 at 15:32 add comment
Take the 2-minute tour × I am currently using mySQL LOAD DATA INFILE to insert a csv file into my database. This csv file is downloaded to the server on a daily basis in order to keep product data up-to-date. What I want to know is how can I update the table with the new csv and preserve the existing data where it's not different? Here is my current statement: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '$file' REPLACE INTO TABLE products FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"' ESCAPED BY '\\\' IGNORE 1 LINES (aw_product_id,merchant_id,merchant_image_url,aw_deep_link,description,in_stock,merchant_name,brand_name,display_price,product_name,rrp_price,merchant_category This works fine but it replaces the ID column with a completely new set and also reverts columns that I want to ignore, back to the default state. For example I have a column called 'Published' with a value of 0 or 1. If I use REPLACE it sets that column back to 0. How can I use REPLACE but ignore some columns? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer The answer to How can I use REPLACE but ignore some columns? is you can't: REPLACE allways replaces a complete row, not the single field values of that row. The answer to Can I still achieve my goal though is Yes: My recommendation would be to LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE into another table, then use a stored procedure or query to INSERT and UPDATE (as opposed to REPLACE) your main table. If you give us a bit more information (table structure, which column matches the loaded data with the existing data) we might be able to help you further. share|improve this answer Thank you for confirming my suspicion! –  veeTrain Aug 30 '13 at 14:32 add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × i am using Ruby + GTK with threads. I have one question on RUBY-THREADING Is there is any way to run long running threads that does not blocks UI. i searched a lot, all of my searches end's with this function rb_thread_blocking_region But there is no clear documentation about "rb_thread_blocking_region" . How can i achieve real threading in RUBY.... Thanks in advance. share|improve this question add comment Your Answer Browse other questions tagged or ask your own question.
Take the 2-minute tour × I have one view controller (AViewController) and there I have table. In that controller I have added another view controller view as a subview (BViewController): BViewController *barCodeScanner = [[BViewController alloc]init]; [self.view addSubview:barCodeScanner.view]; BViewController has a delegate and one delegate method in it and it works. But I want to refresh table on AViewController. So I moved delegate to AViewController and try to change delegate code from: rdr.readerDelegate = self; rdr.readerDelegate = AViewController; but it doesn't work. Why? share|improve this question add comment 3 Answers up vote 4 down vote accepted You need to create an instance for AViewController and set it as a delegate to rdr: rdr.readerDelegate = aViewControllerInstance; share|improve this answer add comment AViewController is a type (a class) , not an instance of the type. Delegate accepts the instance of class, not class name. share|improve this answer add comment hi may be this will clear you question. AViewController *aView = [[AViewController alloc]init]; rdr.readerDelegate = aView ; You need to set the object of AViewController as the delegate. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × It is common sense to keep business logic out of controllers. It is also common sense that database access logic should be on a repository, using a repository pattern, as described here: Repository Pattern However, the repository pattern specifies only very simple low level database operations: Insert, Delete, Update, Select. People advise to keep validation logic out of it too. That is not a problem, since most of the validation can be put inside the model object itself. The problem comes when we need to make some kind of cross-validation, that is, a validation that needs to look on more than one instance of the same model object (for example, ensuring that a name is unique accross all instances of same object) or, even worse, when the validation logic needs to check two or more objects of different types. In this case, we have a real big hole: the business logic cannot be in controller, cannot be in the repository, cannot be in the object model itself (since the logic is not bound only to the object's properties). Where should this logic be? What is the best design pattern for this kind of requirement? share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers The problem here is that your design requires the UI to do validation based on business concerns. The way to accomplish this is to abstract the validation into the business layer. Your business layer may have methods like ValidateUserIsUnique() and then your ui calls into this layer and receives a result, which is then used for validation. In particular, for client-side validation MVC provides the RemoteValidationAttribute, but this will only do client-side validation. You will also need to do a server-side validation that calls the same (or a similar) function on the server. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × The Login method of the Authentication service takes four arguments, the last being a string customData. public T Login(string userName, string password, bool isPersistent, string customData); I would like to know how this customData parameter can be used. I don't see how it given the membership provider (since the membershipProvider ValidateUser takes only username and password), and I don't see how it is used by the AuthenticationBase Domain Service. What I don't understand is this statement, from the documentation customData: Optional implementation-specific data. It is unused by this base class. If it is unused by the base class, how is a derived class suppose to use it, since the Login method is not virtual? I need to pass additional authentication data as part of the login process and I was rather hoping that there would be a few extensible points on the server side that would make using the customData possible. share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 2 down vote accepted The AuthenticationBase implements the IAuthentication interface and that is where the Login method is defined. If you create your own DomainService that implements IAuthentication directly instead of inheriting AuthenticationBase then you can use the customData. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer