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Sign in with Sign up | Sign in Your question How far can you overclock on average? Last response: in Overclocking Ok. So I have a NVDIA Geforce 6150LE integrated video card with stock speeds of 425MHz (core) and 566 MHz (memory). Since I do not want to overclock the memory clock (as it borrows memory from RAM and my RAM runs at 566 MHz so no point), how far would I be able to stably overclock the core clock (on average without extra cooling- I'm using air cooling) I have it overclocked stably currently at 467 MHz core clock (ran Furmark for 45 minutes each day for three days, as well as did an hour of intense gaming, and ran PCMark05 all with no errors), but I was wondering how far it can go? I've already tried 472 MHz and it ran good, but I could hear the fan somewhat whining, and at 475 MHz, I got a blue screen on shutdown (but not on any stress tests). Also, at 467 MHz, my nForce temperature according to NVIDIA System Monitor is around 41-45C @ idle and 54C around 40 minutes into Furmark stress test, and I'm wondering if that is good? Remember, its an integrated video card. But I still want to try for 500 MHz core clock, as many report being able to reach 525 MHz core on the GeForce 6100 integrated card(which is identical in clock/memory speeds as well fillrates and DirectX/OpenGL versions). So, how much, in terms of percent (%), have you've all been able to overclock your GPU clock speeds without having to install extra cooling? (For me, from 425 MHz core clock to 467 MHz core is about a 10% increase) More about : overclock average a b U Graphics card a b K Overclocking You will not be able to overclock that GPU enough to see a performance gain, without melting everything in a 6 inch radius. It's not made for overclocking and your cooling will not keep it stable - hence the blue screen.
I need to fnd his address! Life or death! Well not really! if anyone knows where he lives or just his phone number! He goes to ridley middle school! Has blong hair, hglasses, hes tall and kind of gangly. I want to know what team he plays for! Thank you!
I forgive but I can’t forget. Now what? – Still Sick Redefining truth has consequences Teachers are key to our children’s success ‘The key turns twice’ Earnest Townes-160All too often when media coverage speaks of an individual who has been formerly incarcerated, it is usually in a negative context (i.e. arrested again, person of interest, not new to the criminal justice system, lengthy arrest record). Following this coverage, depending on the gravity of the crime, there may be public outcry as to "why was he/she released in the first place?" As a result, seemingly all offenders are then cast into that same category. It would be asinine to even suggest every offender returns to society with positive goals and the desire to be a productive member of his/her community. I, too, cringe upon hearing the news of another ex-offender having committed the same or a more appalling crime. Yet, I do contend that amidst that population is a sector with aspirations and hopes of moving forward in their lives! ‘Head start’ for children merits pre-K sales tax keith norman-160If every child in Shelby County is given a head start in life, there is a preponderance of evidence that that child would go on to become a productive member of society – which means skilled workers would be added to the workforce, crime and poverty would decrease, and the need for public assistance would be reduced. We're at a crossroad where a decision has to be made to bring the aforementioned scenario into reality. But that decision would have to be made by the voters of Memphis via a referendum that will be on the ballot this fall to increase the sales tax by a half-cent. If approved, $47 million could be generated, with about $30 million earmarked for pre-K and $17 million to reduce property tax rates. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is not alone in its support of a half-cent sales tax increase for early childhood education. It is a civil rights issue and one of the NAACP's "5 Game Changers for the 21st Century." There are others in support of this initiative as well, including city officials and a number of education advocates who see the significance and critical need of supporting the education of children at the pre-K level. Positive parenting protects and pays Tarrin McGhee-160"I grew up poor, but I didn't know it." Many of us have heard and been inspired by rags to riches stories told by adults who overcame risk factors in their childhood, and avoided becoming products of their environment. Poor upbringing, single-parent family homes, resource-deprived neighborhoods and communities are all conditions that many young children confront, but still manage to excel and beat the odds stacked against them. So what is it that separates the stories of triumph from those of defeat? There are few social ills in the African American community that can’t be solved by listening to a little bit of old Public Enemy. There’s  a great song on the Apocalypse 91 album called “I Don’t Wanna be Called Yo Nigga”  The song is pretty simple actually, it’s just Flava Flav (the pre - Flavor of Love version) rapping about how he and most black people don’t want to be called “Nigga” by anybody, under any circumstances. How can you say to me, "Yo my nigga!" Cursin' up a storm with your finger on a trigger Feelin' all the girls like a big gold digger Take a small problem Make a small problem bigger You say, "Yo; I ain't poor I got dough You Don't consider me your brother no more?" Goddamn kilogram, how do you figure I don't want to be called yo nigga! When asked to be more specific as to why he called her nigger eight times in the span of four minutes Carmona testified he was trying to tell Johnson that she was being  "….too emotional, wrapped up in her[self], at least the negative aspects of human nature." You know…. being a nigger. Of course the jury didn’t buy his ridiculous story either, and Carmona will pay Johnson $25,000 in punitive damages and STRIVE will pay another $5,000 on top of that. He can be found at @Drjasonjohnson on Twitter and at Is being fat normal? Chef Timothy Moore-160Pants with expanding waistlines are sold in most stores now, and big and tall retail shops are popping up everywhere. More and more, society is moving toward the acceptance of being overweight and obese as "normal." It's official that the United States is fat. According to the Centers for Disease Control, two thirds of Americans are obese. Even though some seem to be taking such news lightly and as if it's just a fad, it is no laughing matter. Millions of people die each year from overusing a fork, spoon and a latte. I frequently talk with individuals who deny they even have a weight problem. They argue that God created them to eat and enjoy life to the fullest and not worry about the outcome. I've also found that overweight people often overlook their weight because they feel everyone looks like them. Apartheid lives in Memphis and there is no easy way out Tony Nichelson-160It is impossible for intelligent people to look at the situation faced by young urban men in America and not conclude that something is very wrong with the group. Whether it is self-inflicted or caused by sinister external forces, the fact remains that millions of black boys have been systematically excluded from the American mainstream. Incarceration is the most visible evidence of their plight, but mental illness, poor health, educational deficiencies, chronic unemployment, illiteracy and immature decision-making are all personal characteristics of the six-million troubled souls who can not contribute anything to their race or culture, at least not in their present state. Beef up your plate with a new health journey Chef Timothy Moore-160It's back-to-school time and students are faced with so many weighty challenges – what clothes to wear, food to eat, which hair style is best, who to hang out with and the perception of peers. What happened to the good old days when a child could just be child? Back then a lot of these concerns really didn't matter as much because everyone tended to look and dress alike. People bought their clothes from the same five-and-dime store. It was a rare occurrence that someone missed school or was sick. If that happened, someone went out the way and checked on them; and usually there was a health situation going on, but not for long. We are all toxic – really? Chef Timothy Moore-160In the past 50 to 60 years our environment has become progressively more polluted, which has resulted in a larger human toxic burden than ever before. Chemicals are being produced, tested and introduced into our environment at a frightening rate. It doesn't matter where we are or in what part of the county we live, everyone will have some level of exposure to toxins. These invisible toxins are in our prescription drugs, household cleaners, alcohol, tobacco, and over-the-counter drugs. It is virtually impossible to keep our bodies free of these substances, unless of course we live in a bubble. Our bodies are composed of many organs, but our liver carries the greatest burden. The liver has the task of disposing of foreign substances, as well as body-produced hormones. We can assist in this process by providing our body with enough of the proper nutrients to help the liver function. 50 years later What do we do NOW? Bernal-E-Smith-ii-160Fifty years, half a century, five decades – a milestone by any standard, and a sufficient passing of time to allow for deep reflection and measurement of one's relative position and progress with great expectation of significant growth and accomplishment. One might simultaneously reflect in some disappointment with a lack of forward progress and achievement and even more so with a retardation of growth during a space of 600 months. Understanding of both are necessary to answer the most urgent question of today: Where do we go from here?
First:   Mid:   Last:  City:  State: People with Last Names of Kurtulus USA-People-Search > People Directory > K > Kurtulus > Page 1 Were you searching for someone with the last name Kurtulus? If you look over our results you will realize many people have the last name Kurtulus. You can enhance your people search by choosing the link that contains the first name of the person you are looking to find. Once you do click through you will be offered a list of people with the last name Kurtulus that match the first name you are searching for. You will also find more data like age, known locations, and possible relatives that can help you identify the right person. If you have further information about the person you are looking for, such as their last known address or phone number, you can include that in the search box above and refine your results. This is a quick way to find the Kurtulus you are looking for if you happen to know a lot about them. Alice Kurtulus Andrew Kurtulus Bryan Kurtulus Debra Kurtulus Deidra Kurtulus Diane Kurtulus Douglas Kurtulus Eddie Kurtulus Eric Kurtulus Hanna Kurtulus Joanne Kurtulus Jocelyn Kurtulus Joyce Kurtulus Kathleen Kurtulus Kim Kurtulus Larry Kurtulus Logan Kurtulus Maria Kurtulus Mel Kurtulus Michael Kurtulus Michele Kurtulus Omer Kurtulus Rebecca Kurtulus Renee Kurtulus Sean Kurtulus Shirley Kurtulus Susana Kurtulus Popular People Searches Latest People Listings Recent People Searches
x libya English 22 Set Clip Length: of ambassador stevens. additionally, a flag has been flown over the capitol by democratic leader nancy pelosi, represented by her daughter christine pelosi. this flag has been presented to the family. in celebration of ambassador stevens life and in honor of his tremendous legacy. as i mentioned, we entered into the congressional record our testimony honoring the life of ambassador john christopher stevens. in the interest of time i won't read the entire congressional record but only an excerpt. it said mr. speaker, i rise with my colleagues to honor, celebrate and remember ambassador john christopher chris stevens. a son of northern california and the bay area, ambassador stevens tragically lost his life in the greatest service to his country. selflessly and courageously representing american values in a foreign nation he knew intimately and cared for deeply. in his diplomatic capacity, ambassador stevens brought a profound and prolific knowledge of arab world and middle east to his assignment. his exemplary gift for making person the wealthy. nancy pelosi was here last night talking to the president, i'm told. we are working this issue very hard, alex, as you're probably aware, trying to figure out the state of play here. there isn't much movement here. there wasn't a lot of information to share. everyone in washington that's close to this es being very cagey. the president is actually out golfing right now. i'm told john boehner the speaker has stayed in town this weekend, somewhat unusual for him. but as far as we can see, no movement, alex. >> okay. mike, now don't go too far. you're coming back as one of our esteemed guests in today's big panel. about 1:45. you're going to get all the hard questions. it's all coming your way. we'll see you in a bit. thank you. >>> the fiscal cliff is not just a concern for americans as my next guest learned on a recent trade mission to china where he was pat of a conference organized by former u.s. treasury secretary hank paulsen. joining me now, philadelphia mayor michael nutter here in studio. good day to you. >> good seeing you, alex. >> tell me first of all what was the miss 're expecting a news conference any minute now on that meeting. we'll bring it to you live. nancy pelosi spoke about it a few hours ago. here's what she had to say. >> i would hope that that would break the fall on the cliff, which is becoming more of a soil if they do that but really, we do need to put a down payment, not just in revenues which passing middle income tax cut means the end of holding them hostage. >> senior congressional correspondent dana bash is on capitol hill. so what's happening now? >> reporter: well, we have been talking to republican lawmakers as they have been coming out of this meeting that the house republican conference had this morning and i should tell you any moment we're going to see the speaker and the other members of the leadership. i'll sit down when that happens. but what we've actually heard is what went on behind closed doors is not the backlash from conservatives outside the congress but certainly groups that are very, very upset that the house republican leadership sent a counteroffer to the president that includes $800 billion in new revenue. that's no republicans,'s going to need boehner, he can't push a crammed agenda through when like nancy pelosi was speak of the house. i don't think that president obama or the republicans want us to go over the fiscal cliff. >> jamie: angela, when i have you guys on, i want to learn a little something myself. we have a lot of new members that are going to be seated after the first of the year. so, if they come up with some partial solution, let's say, what's the impact, angela, of us having new members of congress seating into this di decision making process. is it hurtful or beneficial? >> it's always beneficial, i always think that new minds are great to come to the table to give new ideas. what we have have to stop down is putting a bandaid on it and kicking it down the road. we need true me form or we'll be talking about this a year from now. >> jamie: doug, a prediction, going over? >> i don't think so. but you bring up a good point member about the 90 house members who are going to leave and more political incentive to do it now, because with new members, they're going to have to go through the d and representative nancy pelosi have been excluded from talks leaving it to boehner and obama to make a deal. though boehner spokesman michael steele tells us this morning if we're going to solve this problem every congressional leader and more importantly the white house have all important roles to play. the fact is we've heard this same thing. and that is that pelosi and the senate leaders are not in the room at first. they'll be brought in when boehner and the white house are close. mann while, back to the debt ceiling. the new republicans' main point of leverage n. a rare misstep, mcconnell may have taken some of that leverage away in a move that ended with mcconnell filibustering himself. the president doesn't have enough democratic support, mcconnell moved to vote to permanently give the president the rate to approve the debt ceiling. reid shocked mcconnell by calling the idea of having that vote a positive development. forcing him to reject a vote he had called for himself. >> is there objection? >> reserving the right to object, matters of this controversy -- what we're talking about here is not coincidentally who was at the white house yesterday, nancy pelosi talking to the president. >> okay. mike viqueira talking to us. thanks so much. >>> developing news this morning, nbc news has learned egyptian authorities have made a major arrest in the gaza libya consulate attack that killed ambassador chris stevens and three other americans. reporting from cairo, egypt, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, alex. sources tell nbc news they have a man in custody they believe is connected to the u.s. consulate in benghazi that took place september 11th and killed four americans, including ambassador chris stevens. according to the egyptian source the man is identified as being in his late 30s. he's known to egyptian intelligence officials for his connections in the past with extremist groups both in egypt and libya and his connections with groups in afghanistan and iraq. acht the country's revolution he managed to escape from a prison where he was being held. it was shortly afterwards he emerged on the scene for egyptian intelligence officials who say he began trading arms into libya, . and even nancy pelosi has said, look, this is not about rates. it's about revenue. it's about getting the money we need in order to reduce these deficits. so you've got to have spending cuts and you've got to have some revenue to get this done. >> schieffer: let me ask senator simpson. the "new york times" crunched numbers for the tax inn creases for the wealthy and determined even if the rates go back up to the clinton-era rates it would only give us about a quarter of the needed revenue. so what other things can be done? what other taxes have to be raised or where do you get the money to get us to where we need to be? >> well, you go into the tax code, as i say but it's going to take too much time to do that. but there is no possibility to do this, not a single economist who talked to us in our hearings, said we can't grow our way out of this thing if we had double-digit growth for 20 years. you can't cut spending your way out of this baby or you're going to are you ruin a very fragile economy and an emerging and helpful nation and you can't tax your way out of this baby. this is im congress. he submitted his cap and trade proposal when the democrats controlled the house and senate. nancy pelosi got passed in the house. now this group is going to the epa in saying that you just do it, crack down on these admissions yourself. the supreme court has said that you have this power. go for it. the eta said no, for now. reporter: the epa probably wishes that the group had not said so out loud. it is probably not helpful to have outside. the original proposals that the epa talked about earlier in the president's first term related to really tough standards that would essentially make it an economic impossibility to use coal, which still is the preponderance of america's electrical generation power. epa backed off of that. the epa is going to crack down very hard in months to come with the president having been reelected. environmentalists like that because it is a means to a cap-and-trade or means to a carbon cap. without having to go through congress were without having to get ratification of the u.n. treaty. megyn: it is another system. it looks kind of like cap-and-trade fr newsroom from house minority leader nancy pelosi moments ago saying republicans are avoiding the conversation on the fiscal cliff. meantime we're awaiting new reaction from white house press secretary jay carney. there is a live look at the podium in the west wing. you can see it is empty right now. jay carney should be stepping up to the microphone momentarily and we expect the topic a is going to be the fiscal cliff and the white house position on it. let's talk about it with angela mcglowan, fox news political analyst. you have been in washington. >> for a very long time. jon: i'm not going to say that. you're way too young to have been there a long time but you know how these things work. >> yes. jon: is this all political posturing? is there stuff really going on behind the scenes that we don't know about or hear about? >> this is political theater at its best. anytime both sides offer a plan that's when the negotiating process starts. the optimist here. i do believe we will come to a deal, jon. i think you will see a lot more political posturing but you are having polic Excerpts 0 to 21 of about 22 results. 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Free Talk Live - debt ceiling en 2011 Year in Review <p>Much like years past, 2011 has seen it's share of ups and downs, natural and unnatural disasters, more freedoms were taken away than gained &amp; governments at all levels expanded their authority. Here's to a more freedom in 2012 &amp; beyond!</p> 2012 arab spring Congress Constitution debt ceiling freedom News Article occupy wall street victimless crimes war crimes year in review Opinions Sun, 25 Dec 2011 19:09:15 +0000 southernpatriot 18294 at Debt ceiling "default" is a myth <p>We’ve all heard the news over the past week; Members of congress and the worlds largest news organizations have been hammering the claim that “if the debt ceiling isn’t raised, the federal government will go into default and our credit rating will drop, resulting in through-the-roof taxes and economic armageddon throughout the world!”. Is this true or a myth? The answer is: it’s a myth. And its obvious right on it’s face.</p> debt ceiling debt limit Economics Myth News Article Wed, 03 Aug 2011 13:43:03 +0000 aoner1 13316 at
Welcome to Haunted Oklahoma! Some basic setting stuff to get out of the way: 1. I’m lifting Oklahoma out of our world and into the World of Darkness. All real-world laws will apply, and there will be consequences to illegal actions (if they catch you). 2. For the purposes of this story, assume that our timeline diverges from the World of Darkness around early February. After that point, real-world events will not have affected their timeline. So, all the stuff up until two weeks ago happened in both worlds. In-game, I’ll introduce what’s happened since then. 3. Most of the game will happen on campus. Walk around and figure out where your character might live. Off-campus is an option, too, naturally. 4. Pretty much any building built before the 90s is likely to be haunted. You’ve been warned. 5. There will be several other Sin-Eater groups in the area; many are Greek organizations or on-campus extracurricular clubs as a façade. Go ahead and check out the campus map in the Maps tab. I’ll be using it ingame, not that we’re not familiar with the campus as it is. We’re playing a mostly Geist game. There is one Changeling, but if Silver Fang’s player and I weren’t so excited about the idea, it would still be a secret. It’ll be interesting to see how this changes the ultimate aim of the game. This chronicle was designed to mirror real-life events, but you’ll see how much life imitates art once the story proper is underway. There’s not enough money in the world to pay someone to manipulate national sociopolitical events to make the chronicle more topical. There’s going to be tragedy, and there’s going to be intrigue. I advise you to funnel experience points into social and mental skills if you aren’t strong there already. There will be combat, but eventually your characters will be shoved into the spotlight, and you can’t exactly be getting into bar fights with 100k Twitter followers (or a reserved spot on Reddit’s front page, or have your headshots on TIME’s latest issue, etc…) and there not be consequences. Player Characters Non-Player Characters • Mitzi Barnaby: The newest Founder of Sigma Kappa. • Andrew Black: A professor and mentor; a heart big enough for just about any cause. • Eufemia Chavez: A girl who grew up with Hector, and moved to Oklahoma for similar reasons. • Johnny White: An angsty art student. As if there’s any other kind. • Cherie Wilding: An Irish-American studying Journalism and Finance. Think Hunter S. Thompson. • Gregory Reynolds: A mysterious Sin-Eater with mysterious plans. • Marci Palmer: A human thrust into your world, without any of your advantages. Haunted Oklahoma JosephBozeman NathanSheely Schmidtty WilliamBoles Flying_Guerrero Ravnica
Shared publicly  -  Searched for "weirdest thing on the internet" and found this. You're welcome. Gabriel Cornejo's profile photoArtem Russakovskii's profile photoAdnan Begovic's profile photoJoseph Collins's profile photo I feel like I just committed a crime. I feel like I need rehabilitation. I don't even know what to say...I think the most disturbing thing is how she is acting like everything is completely normal. I always try to tell myself I won't be surprised by anything on the internet anymore. I have failed yet again. Damn you.... This is the stuff of nightmares, her arms oh god her arms. If that video is from Japan, that's normal. which is still creepy. :) Add a comment...
Skip navigation Every Purchase Funds Food and Care for Rescued Animals. Skip navigation Help Protect Baby Sea Turtles Item # 31713 Help protect endangered baby sea turtles along the coast of the Bay of Bengal! Along the eastern coast of India, development, pollution, and poaching have driven the local sea turtles towards extinction. What were once nesting grounds have turned into roads and seaside resorts, or are covered with garbage. Turtles are vulnerable to poachers, who illegally sell them as pets, or kill them and use their parts in folk medicines, specialty cuisine, and jewelry. And although the Fishing Industry Law in India mandates that the fishing industry use devices on its nets to prevent turtles from getting caught, very few devices are actually in use. VSPCA rangers monitor nesting sites, eggs, and hatchling Olive Ridley sea turtles, and other endangered sea turtle species (green, loggerhead, hawks bill, and leatherback turtles), rescuing them from plastic bags, dogs, cats, crows, and poachers. Rangers also work to convince fishing trawlers to install turtle excluder devices (TEDs) on their nets, and to create community outreach and awareness to protect sea turtles and their nesting sites. This conservation project spans the coastal cities and towns of Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. You can help. This Gift That Gives More™ funds a week's salary and expenses for a sea turtle ranger patrolling the beaches along the Bay of Bengal. Rescued baby sea turtle making its way to the ocean Report from the Field October, 2011 In the last year, the VSPCA was able to help protect 181 nesting endangered sea turtles, both on the beaches where they laid their eggs and by bringing the eggs to hatcheries, where they could develop safe from predation, tourist activity, and pollution. Donors like you funded salaries for two of the rangers protecting turtles in three different locations for four months! Each sea turtle lays over a hundred eggs; that's a whole lot of tiny baby turtles helped because of people like you. For more than a decade, the VSPCA (Visakha Society For Protection and Care of Animals) has been working in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh to aid suffering animals, prevent cruelty and neglect, protect wildlife, and educate about animal issues. VSPCA conducts extensive spay/neuter campaigns to curb dog and cat overpopulation, provides rescue and ambulance services, helps rescue animals after natural disasters such as the 2004 tsunami, and provides shelter to over a thousand animals in need, including (as of 2008) more than 600 cows and buffalo. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible in the U.S.A. Check with your employer: your company may match your donation. People buying this item also bought: Popular Now:
For Brin. Set pre-game, spoilers, Midori POV. An odd, quick look at the family Uzuki. You hear your father in your dreams. He sounds different each time. One night he is composed entirely from sheet music. The next, cross-lingual puns, and when you stumble down for breakfast, you can't understand which voice he uses to say good morning. Your father always fills your thoughts with letters, disconnected bumbling forms that are printed in cursive, black and white. They don't add up; they never string together properly into words, so much that the village teachers have started to murmur behind their eyes about developmental disorders and Mother has started to wonder about what she has birthed. This silent little girl, who understand more than she should at her age. The girl who crayons in red. But you don't see much point in building order out of chaos, turning abstractions into concretes -- not when your father is just a sound on the tongue and a figment when you sleep. Noise. Your father's mind is white fire, always crackling, always burning. He does not stop. You have lived with it for so long that your father seems hotter than the sun itself, vast enough to create his own form of gravity. He bends the paths of comets. Father's brain is too active to suppress, and rather than try and shield himself from penetration by suppressing his thoughts, the Guardian only lets his synapses run on overdrive. Intruders can drown in him. Father's mind is hungry, hungry, and whenever his eyes are filled with the inspiration for a new invention, you shrink away from him in the hallway. Lest you be engulfed. There is no single diagnosis that can keep up with your father. He wears two faces and lets the truth exist simultaneously in both. He has warring names. Laws are a temporary consideration for him; he fights for his country, he fights against it. He obeys an emperor who plots against his own nation. Your father speaks two ways: an unerring formality in Lamb-tongue, and a harsh series of contractions whenever he drops into Solarian cant. Your mother is not very different. She is calm on the outside, even as Father pretends to be bumbling, but within her lies a coil of action which remains tucked underneath her skin. She is a military knife inside a thigh-high boot. You can hear your mother's brain like a faint signal through your father's scrambled static, and Mother is always waiting, always ready. Originally, Mother had been an assignment for Father to seduce -- a word meant for adults, adult brains and adult bodies and adult betrayals, but that you have not been able to avoid learning -- and who is, by now, an affectionate wife. Who has been taken away from Shevat and a sage-grandfather, cozened by a Guardian's flattery. Who cooks meals for three and wears her hair up when she scrubs linens on the washboard, fingers chapping from harsh-lye soap. But Mother hasn't forgotten her past. Neither has Father -- the Guardian Angel, an Element named Hyuga who invaded Shevat and won his way out of prison through her favor. That they love each other is unquestioned. That they fought to kill one another is as well. You understand this. Reality is bigger than words. It's bigger than fact, or truth, or the happy little village you dwell near, with its painter-Contact-destroyer incubating inside. Father is like one of your dolls. Put the right clothes on him and Father becomes a spy, a murderer, a scientist who has designed the very weapons he clucks his tongue over at night because he expects he will have to destroy them later. Turn him around and he is a doctor once more, thumb flicking his hair back over one shoulder while he fumbles for a wrench, and falls off the ladder. Your parents both want peace, but at the same time, their own natures stretch like animals while they sleep. Instinct snuffles in the corners of their mediocre lives. Hyuga. Yui. On his good days, Father likes to pretend to himself that he is no more complicated than a village doctor named Citan. Mother only ticks off the sleepy hours of the afternoon and wonders if there's enough jam for the thick nut-grain breads that the locals serve up in stone-walled bakeries. If you were born ordinary, you might have been fooled. But instead you are privy to the closed-doors discussions between your parents, hearing their thoughts rise out of the windows and chimney of your home like the smell of dough crisping. They say things that they do not intend for you to hear. Sometimes you wish you couldn't understand the words that they use, couldn't see the pictures in their minds and ghost-bodies on the floor of their memories, but it all makes more sense than Lahan's one-sided simplicity. Mother and Father are vast. You are like them, a girl who is old and young, who ignores language because she knows a better verse. Fei, dead. Lahan, gone. Father talks about that sometimes, out loud and inside himself, with varying degrees of enthusiasm and dread. Mother brings up Shevat's dwindling population. They argue and agree and you hear it all, even the way that Father once said, very politely, very firmly, that there will be no other children now that they have had you. There will be no other risks. Additional loose ends are far too dangerous. Father scares you, but that's okay. Father scares himself. When he remembers to be frightened. The village councilman takes the path down the mountain with a limp. Citan Uzuki, standing at the doorway in his white examination frock and a stethoscope around his neck, lifts a hand to wave farewell. His patient isn't looking back; the gesture is wasted, but Father smiles anyway to the afternoon, automatically cheerful. "He will not last another six months," is the first thing the doctor confides. It comes out of the corner of his mouth, in Mother's direction as she steps out of the door to stand next to him, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. She frowns. "What is it?" "Degradation of the muscular walls of the heart." From where you are sitting on the front lawn with your stuffed duck, you can hear him rattle off additional words in a primal tongue, an ur-dialect of diagnosis that he once claimed was Latinum. He was grinning when he said that, so you weren't certain if he could be trusted; he's grinning now, watching his patient hobble away. You flop the feet of your duck and listen. "I told him it was mere overexertion. I have sent him home with some herbs for tea." Mother stirs, absently folding the towel into neat quarters and hanging it on her arm. "Can you do anything about it, my love?" "If I had a laboratory, maybe." Hands up, sighing, but there is nothing of real regret in Father's heart, nothing save a pang of yearning for sterilized walls and bountiful resources. Beautiful, his mind whispers, desiring freezer-cold labs, surgical saws, anything but helplessness in the face of death. Beautiful tools, out of reach. "If I could take him back to Solaris -- " "Or Shevat." "Or your home too." Voice a little harder. They have had discussions about their birth-lands in the past; Father agreeing to Solaris's flaws, but half-heartedly defending the process that had lifted him up from the slavery of the lower classes and their bio-engineered diseases. Mother has no such stubbornness. She was reared with a disdain for the enemy, and she has never had to put it down. "Can't you order medicines?" "That man," Father replies, tart, "is as good as dead, Yui. A doctor of my supposed caliber would be unable to observe the proper diagnosis, nor would he be capable of curing such a condition even if he found it." Mother sighs, turning and disappearing back into the house, trailing a line of silent disapproval behind her. The Citan-Hyuga-Guardian watches her for a minute over his shoulder, eyes dark and cool behind his false glasses, but his mind is already shoving the medical victim away in favor of a debate for ceramic plating upgrades in certain types of missile silos. Your duck has a grass-stain on the bill. You rub at the mark, and then try to pretend it isn't there. Your parents are not enemies, not co-assassins, but the war has not left either in peace. It's for this reason that they understand one another so well. They do not deny the other's right to exist, but only prepare for the worst. Some miracle might cause the apocalypse to pass them by unharmed -- but neither Mother nor Father believes in luck, except the bad kind. That's what they taught them, Solaris and Shevat. That's what your parents teach you in turn. Mother fingers her kitchen knives sometimes, when Father is off tinkering with machines in the backyard. You can feel her thinking about the clinical necessities of murder. If Father has been corrupted too far, too young; if Solaris will lure him back with another invention to be developed, and honey-mouthed rationales that the Emperor's goals would be better fulfilled by doing so. If Shevat will lose its patience, or possibly its nerve, and will abandon its wandering path over the mainlands to hide forever in the oceans. Neither wonders what might happen to you. Both assume you will end up with the survivor, if their parent-countries ordered them to quarrel. Awareness of the other's capacities also grants them a twisted love. They will kill each other if it comes to that. They will have other people kill themselves. They will destroy the other because it would be the last loving act that a spouse could grant: above all, they will do what they have to, your parents, because the invasion never ended and war is full of brutalities. It can't be any other way. Both of them are dangerous, simmering in the bucolic village of Lahan, being real and not-real at the same time. They are sleeper agents. It's just luck that made them come from opposing nations. It's just luck. The Uzuki kind. Lahan's borders have deteriorated to a 75 percent risk of security contamination. "More butter, Midori?" Father likes to take tea from three p.m. to four. He abandons work during this time, hanging a chalk-scrawled sign on the rickety door to his examination room, and walks back and forth across the meadow lawn. Mother brings out a blanket. She pins down each of the corners with a rock or a plate or a spare saucer, and assembles what she knows will be her husband's only real form of lunch. He eats sparsely, his attention fixed on the distant steeples of Lahan far below; Mother offers a cup as he paces by, serenely adding two sugars in the process and only managing an arbitrary stir before he has taken the tea away into his own hands. If Solaris is alerted, the projected calculations run no greater than three hours for the total extermination of Lahan. Gear deployment: four maximum, one minimum of the current standard model. Variance may range up to 40 percent of the population surviving. Unacceptable: yes, no? "You shouldn't worry about the villagers, my dear." Mother cuts off another pat of butter and laves it over a chunk of bread. This, she sets neatly upon your plate. "They always get fussy during allergy season. You can't cure it overnight for them, no matter how much they complain." "That was not what I was thinking about," Father replies smoothly, "my love." The Guardian smiles fondly as he circles past you, reaching out his fingers to brush them over your head. His mind is a metronome of homicide, babbling along to itself as innocently as if he were debating a crop harvest. You refuse the bread. Instead, you scrunch your face together and press your hands over your ears until your father's thoughts morph into concern, and then curiosity. In that order. Of your parents, you know which is the more dangerous: your father, whose mind builds engines of holocast in his sleep, while Mother only tosses fitfully through fears of katanas lost. In Father's dreams, he destroys worlds, all out of fascination to see if the equations could be made to work properly. Civilizations crumble underneath the touch of Science, and Father strokes his fingers down imaginary viewscreens and sighs into his pillow. Your father makes your breath clench up in your throat sometimes and smothers your thoughts in sticky napalm; you didn't want to know the meaning of that word either, but it poured into you one night while Father was reading in his study, careless. The nightmares lasted for weeks. Your father has given you an entire lexicon of violence over the years, all studiously packaged in sterilized wrappers of indifference. But he is a gentle man. Or tries to be, when he has the luxury for it. You see it in his mind, paired hand-in-hand with his aptitude for genocide. When the night is over, Father wakes up and stares at the dawn through the chipped-pane windows, wondering if this peace could last forever. He brushes his hand across Mother's hair where it spreads out over the sheets, and when she stirs, he smiles at her and offers to do the dishes. Mother loves him, but watches him too. Everything exists in five dimensions. Your family unit, which is simultaneously a cover excuse for Father to stay out of Solaris, and also the focus of what he hopes to be his retirement. Your birth, which he knows weighs in his favor when Shevat doubts his loyalty to Mother. Yui herself. What you see at night when you sleep is the same as what burrows into your head each day: your father's wish for mercy mixes together with his love of artificial creation. He serves and hopes and wants, and your mother does the same, dreading the hour that the two great sky-nations will finally call for action. No one knows when that time may come. Fei is a time-bomb festering inside Lahan, unaware of the potential buried within him. Father straightens his glasses and tastes his own self-destruction lingering in the syllables of his names. And your mother unlocks the cabinet that holds the sword which Father swore abstinence from, checking each week to make certain that the world is dormant and still.
I half expected you to alight the church and forbid the vows on my wedding day. I wore a pink satin sash. But you didn't come. I couldn't have you. The sash had come from her old nightgown, the one she had worn when she last saw Peter. She though, perhaps, if she wore it now, he would come for her. Save her from marriage and being a grown up. Save her, and love her and keep her. It wasn't too late; she was only seventeen. She could still remember how to fly – so could her brothers. Yes, if only Peter would come for them all now, they could go back to living in the tree house the Lost Boys built for her so long ago. Her wedding was only a few weeks away, so why wasn't he here? Wendy watched the streets of London go by her in a daze. Today was her wedding day, and her father was determined to send her off in style. Wendy didn't like automobiles as much as she liked carriages, but it didn't much matter, anyway. She had spent all of last night at the window waiting for Peter. When her mother came to wrap a blanket around her, Wendy cried in her arms. Had Peter forgotten her? No, of course not! He was probably late. Caught in a fight with Hook, no doubt. She would be at the altar and just before the priest could pronounce anything, he would fly in, bathing everything in faerie dust and demand that everything be stopped. The automobile stopped at the church, and Wendy bravely got out. Surrounded by friends and family, this was supposed to be a happy day, and it was. She was certain Peter would be here, just as she had imagined. She would hear him crow, he would grab her (after his challenge to duel had been declined by her fiancé, of course), and they would fly away to Neverland together. The organ music started to play, and it was almost time for her to walk down the aisle. She looked at all the places Peter could be hiding, but didn't see him. She forced herself to smile. Now she was really was at the altar, and the priest had pronounced her a wife. Underneath her veil, hot tears rolled down her cheeks. Peter hadn't come, her happy thought was lost, and now it was too late. Peter came again after Jane's daughter had grown up and had a child of her own. When Wendy looked at the boy she once loved, it broke her heart all over again. Wendy hadn't expected to see him again; she thought that he had forgotten about her. If she had been young, she would have yelled at Peter, raged at him. Now she was far more than a grown up; her younger brothers were dead and she had a great-granddaughter. Now she was far too old for anything but weary resignation. Yes, she had promised never to grow old, but it couldn't be helped. The most she could ever do was to leave the window open. And now as she watched Peter look at Moira the way he had once looked at her, she almost wished she hadn't. With one kiss on her sleeping grandchild's lips, Peter decided he was ready to be kept; it only seventy years too late. Wendy watched Peter turn into an adult. If she had been young again, even for a moment, she would have laughed at herself. Peter Pan grow up? Preposterous. Yet here he was in his late teenage years going to school, reading, writing, and calling her granny. That hurt more than anything. Oh yes, he called her almost every week from America. He had a passion for books and was going to get an accounting certificate before entering law school. He also frequently rang Moira. This bothered Wendy significantly less than she ever imagined. Her great granddaughter was the best of them all; Peter choosing her was proof enough of that. The boy himself had forgotten everything, but perhaps it was for the best. If he ever did remember, he might want to go back, and then Moira's heart would be broken. Peter married Moira shortly after graduating from law school. With all of his ambitions and plans for the future carried out, he had stopped being a child long ago. He had been one for so long, it only made sense that he would grow up so very quickly. Oh yes, Wendy still loved him, but she remembered a different boy all together. One who faced a pirate captain to save her, one who spent his days playing games and eating imaginary food. One who flew with faeries and was never scared of heights. Now Peter surrounded himself with numbers and money and spent his days arguing over figures. He wasn't the same boy who had given her a thimble, and Wendy barely recognised him. It was for the best, she eventually realised. Otherwise she would never get rid of ache in her heart whenever she looked at his children.
A/N: This one-shot is my entry into The Fireplace Writing Challenge. As a result, I'm elaborating on certain points for the benefit of those unfamiliar with the fandom. For those of you following my series, there are no spoilers for episode 2.0 here - it's just for fun. GI JOE Season 3: episode 2.25 0424 hrs. Master Sergeant Wayne Sneeden awoke from his slumber and slowly opened his eyes. He glanced over at his nightstand and took note of the time: as usual, his internal body clock awoke him minutes before his alarm went off. He sat up and reached under his pillow, taking out his M1911A1 pistol. Once he secured the weapon in his gun safe, he dropped to the floor and cranked off 100 push-ups. He felt invigorated as the blood pumped rapidly through his veins. He sprung to his feet and went to his closet. He gripped the pull-up bar he had installed in the doorway and let himself hang. He exhaled slowly as he let gravity stretch out the muscles in his arms and shoulders. As he started his pull-up reps, he let his mind wander: there was no revelry bugle; no snores from a nearby bunkmate – just beautiful silence. He had been in the Army for most of his adult life. Only recently did he decide to move off-base into his own house - it was the best decision he ever made. He pondered the irony that those in his line of work rarely availed themselves of the simpler freedoms that they fought so hard to protect. In his musings, he lost track of his rep count. He scoffed at himself and decided to start over: he didn't want to start his day off cheating. After he indulged himself with a hot shower, he stepped out and walked over to the vanity. He wiped the condensation from the glass and reached for his deodorant on the counter. He raised his arm to apply it, but stopped when he saw a rash developing on his underarm. He examined his other armpit; there was a similar rash developing there as well. He cursed as he threw the deodorant into the wastebasket. After he got dressed, he went outside to retrieve the morning paper delivered on his porch. He went back inside and poured himself a cup of coffee. He took a sip as he unfolded the paper, bypassing the front page and sport sections; turning, instead, to the weather. After taking note of the Air Quality Index, he finished his coffee and took his balaclava out of his pocket. He opened the seam in the ski-mask and replaced the air filter housed in the hidden lining that covered the nose and mouth area. He grabbed his car keys and opened the door to leave for work. Before he closed the door, he regarded his abode one last time. It may have been the smallest house on the block, but it had more space than he knew what to do with. The only furniture he owned was a bed to sleep in and a kitchen table to eat on. He couldn't help but feel guilty from the inefficiency of wasted of living space. The drive to GI JOE headquarters was uneventful. After he showed his face to the guard at the front gate, he was waved in. He drove to the executive parking lot and pulled into his space. He never got tired of reading the plaque above his spot: As usual, BeachHead was the first to arrive in the admin wing where the command offices were located. He preferred to come in early so he could have the floor to himself while he got his bearings in order to plan out his day. Over the next couple of hours, the rest of the staff started to trickle in. Flint and Lady-Jaye walked by, waving at him from the hallway as they did so. By the time 0800 rolled around, an intern knocked on his door and gently reminded him about the weekly Master Sergeants meeting with Stalker and Sgt. Slaughter. He intentionally arrived a few minutes late so as not to engage in small talk and start right away. He hated these meetings. After his promotion, he resigned himself to the fact that the higher rank would bring with it the requisite amount of paperwork. However, lately it seemed that his job was reduced to resolving one personnel issue after another. Being pulled apart in different directions from things competing for his attention forced him to prioritize - something he was used to. Coming to a consensus on what had priority, however, forced him to compromise - a concept that, heretofore, was alien to him. It was a challenge in which Sgt. Slaughter tested him on numerous occasions: "Are you crazy? You want me to put Mercer in rotation?" BeachHead asked. "Yea, what's wrong with that?" said Sgt. Slaughter. "I don't know, maybe it's the fact that he's an ex-Cobra Viper?" "The kid's ready." "Says you. I might have a different opinion." "I'm not saying to give him anything top-secret, just something he can cut his teeth on." "Yea, this is not my first time, Slaughter. Technical ability isn't the only thing to consider: a mission unit is an organic being. 'Trust' is a big part of the organism: if the members can't trust each other, then the unit breaks." "Thanks for the Biology lesson. So are you gonna give him anything or not?" "Alright, I'll put the kid on the list. But if he shits on the carpet, you're cleaning up the mess." "Deal...Are we done here?" "I don't have anything else...What about you Stalker? When Stalker shook his head, Slaughter got up to leave. Stalker followed him, but closed the door to the conference room so he and BeachHead could have some privacy. "You seem on edge today--" "What's that to you?" BeachHead replied, as he scratched his underarms. "Being a Master Sergeant requires a little diplomacy. You're younger than average for this position, so if you're going to survive being second-kick, you need to learn how to loosen up and relax." "My command style doesn't allow for relaxing. What do you know about being second-kick anyway?" "Hey, if I never took that sabbatical, chances are I would've been top-shirt by now." "But you did leave. And we managed to handle the likes of Serpentor and CobraLa just fine without you." Stalker smirked before saying, "you can't go AWOL on family BeachHead." "Humph, 'family'...who needs that inconvenience." "So, what do you have on your plate today?" "I think I'm going to tour all of the departments. I haven't put enough face-time in with the troops lately." "Face-time? This coming from a man wearing a ski-mask?" Stalker folded his arms. His smirk broadened into a lopsided grin. BeachHead pretended to be oblivious to the irony. He recognized that Stalker was trying to be helpful, however, he felt himself quickly running out of patience – exacerbated by the fact that the itching in his underarms had gotten worse. Stalker picked up on this and decided to back off. "Since you'll be on the grounds, would you stop by Building 6 when you get a chance?" Stalker asked, as he unfolded his arms. "CoverGirl's off-site today and she's afraid that the guys in the Motor Pool might goof-off while she's gone." When BeachHead nodded in agreement, he let himself out. After leaving the conference room, BeachHead went to the infirmary. His behavior at the meeting forced him to acknowledge that the discomfort from his rash was starting to affect his job. He sat in the waiting room along with WildBill – who, he noticed, was nursing his shoulder. "What are you in for?" BeachHead asked. "I wrenched my shoulder Havoc-surfing yesterday. How about you?" "Uhm...same thing," he said, as he scratched himself. After a few minutes, Lifeline took in WildBill while Doc called BeachHead into his office. BeachHead undressed to his waist and raised his arms. "That one did a number on you," said Doc, as he examined the rashes on BeachHead's armpits. "Tell me about it." "And you went through the whole list of deodorants that I gave you?" "Yep, I tried all of them." Doc walked over to a nearby utility cabinet. He opened a drawer and took out a tube of ointment. "Hmm, I don't recall you ever having such a bad skin reaction in the past." "That's because I didn't wear any until now. It wasn't an issue before when I would drill the grunts in the field all day. But now that I'm in a hi-vis job with General Hawk, the nature-boy routine presents a problem. My skin is getting rubbed raw with all the showers I have to take." "Well it looks worse than it is. Keep it clean and apply this twice a day," he said, as he handed him the ointment. "If it doesn't go away in a couple of days come back to see me." As BeachHead started to get dressed, Doc noticed when he was about to replace his balaclava. "I know we've been through this before Beach, but you should re-consider getting those allergy shots we've talked about. It would make you less dependent on that thing." "No thanks Doc. I don't like playing games with my immune system," he said, as he put on his ski-mask. "There are no short-cuts. This is just another challenge to overcome." BeachHead left medical and waited by the elevator that would take him to the common area. As he watched the light approach his floor, WildBill joined him in the lobby. The elevator doors opened and both men went in. WildBill waited until the doors came to a close before saying, "Hey 'pard, I couldn't help but overhear you with the Doc." He noticed that Beached glared back at him warily, "It's nothin' to be ashamed of; you just have a condition." "Do you have a point to make Bill?" "Nope, just a suggestion: shave your pits." His eyes narrowed, "Shave my pits?" "Yep, it's an old rancher's trick used before deodorant was invented. You see, if there's no hair, the sweat and dirt have nothing to stick to. At the end of the day you don't smell as bad--" "Yea, yea I got it," BeachHead said, cutting him off. He stood there quietly with WildBill as he started to think about his suggestion. Without turning his head, he eyed the chopper pilot to gauge his reaction as he asked, "...have you ever...shaved your pits?" The two men stood in silence for the rest of the trip. The elevator eventually stopped on WildBill's floor and he got off. General Hawk and Flint boarded the car after him. They were engaged in a conversation and didn't seem to take notice of BeachHead. "...We can talk about this further when the results come back," said Hawk. "Now what's this I hear about you giving Lowlight special permission to carry concealed weapons off-duty?" "I thought it was a reasonable request given that Cobra is back on the radar," Flint replied. "Lt. Jenkins is of the opinion that it isn't necessary. I'm inclined to agree; that's why we have security." "With all due respect to Lt. Jenkins, his Black-Suits aren't as good as the Green-Shirts were. Besides, there has been precedent for security being breached on this base." "I doubt that anyone could breach the base before we had a chance to reach the armory." "True sir. Nevertheless, I wouldn't want to be caught in a pinch without immediate access to a weapon. I personally carry two back-up pistols at all times." General Hawk shook his head in disbelief. He noticed BeachHead standing in the elevator behind them, "You don't walk around with two concealed weapons do you BeachHead?" "Of course not!" Hawk sighed with relief at his answer. After a few seconds, however, his expression turned sour as he turned back to ask, " many do you carry son?" "Four pistols, two knives, and a tac-baton," he replied, plainly. "...And a partridge in a pear tree," Flint said, under his breathe. "I'm sorry I brought it up," Hawk said, as he threw a reprimanding glare at his top command subordinates. "Alright, I got another one...Cobra Commander in drag or the Baroness--" "Let's not play this game again Alpine," said CrossCountry. "It can't be that easy, what's the rub?" CrankCase asked of Alpine. "The rub is: if you choose the Baroness, you die a horrible and gruesome death afterwards." "Alpine, this is not what I had in mind when you offered to help us detail the VAMPs," said CrossCountry. "If you're not going to help, what are doing here in the Motor Pool anyway?" "Actually, I'm hiding out from ShipWreck. I super-starched his drawers last week and he's been looking for payback ever since." "That's pretty funny," said LiftTicket, "so much so, that I'm not even going to ask what you were doing frolicking through his underwear in the first place." "And I appreciate that," Alpine said, as he shuffled the cards. "Still, this isn't exactly an enriching conversation," said CrossCountry. "Although I might enjoy it more if we were drinking." "What else are we going to talk about, the weather?" said Alpine, as he started dealing the next hand. "Besides, we're on duty, so we can't drink." "We're not supposed to be playing poker either, but that's not stopping us," CrankCase pointed out. "Maybe so," Alpine replied, "but playing poker isn't that bad of an offense. If we get busted for playing poker and drinking, The Sarge would go to town on our asses." "Alright, I guess I'll play along then," said CrossCountry."...This would be before Cobra Commander mutated into a snake I assume?" "Of course...I'm not a pervert." "...Hooded Cobra Commander, or Battle-Mask Cobra Commander?" LiftTicket asked. "Why does that matter?" asked Alpine, nonplussed. "Because, in the dark with Hooded Cobra Commander, you can pretend that the silhouette of the hood is chick's hair." Alpine rolled his eyes, "Fine: Hooded Cobra Commander it is." CrankCase sorted the cards in his hand, "If I were to choose Cobra Commander, am I catching, or pitching?" "You're catching." "Damn, then that defeats the purpose of the hood." LiftTicket said. "What's the mode of death if I choose the Baroness--?" "I'm sorry guys, this scenario is ruining my poker-face," CrossCountry said, interrupting. "Can we explore one that isn't so puerile?" "Okay, Mr. Sophisticated, what did you have in mind?" said CrankCase. "I don't know, how about something theoretical?" "I got just the thing," Alpine said, as he stacked his cards and put them facedown on the table. "Let's say that you're on a mission and you're captured by Dr. MindBender. You find out that he wants to build an army of super soldiers using your DNA and you cannot refuse under pain of death." "This all sounds a bit familiar, but go on," said CrossCountry. "He puts the Baroness and Zarana – disguised as CoverGirl – in charge of 'collecting' your DNA." "So far, so good. What's the rub?" said LiftTicket. "The rub is: if you enjoy it, are you guilty of adultery?" "No, of course not," said LiftTicket. "It's a no-brainer," CrankCase added, "you had no choice." "What are you talking about," CrossCountry said. "That is cheating because you enjoyed it." "Aww C'mon! That's not fair," said LiftTicket. "Cry all you want," CrossCountry maintained, "That makes you a cheater." LiftTicket shook his head, saying, "So you're telling me as long as I don't enjoy the 'collection' process - which is impossible - that it's not cheating. But, heaven forbid, if I make the most out the situation, that makes me an adulterer?" "Yes. And furthermore, if you truly loved your significant other, you wouldn't allow yourself to get aroused in the first place." LiftTicket shook his head again, "You're starting to piss me off CrossCountry--" "Aren't you greasers supposed to be detailing the Jeeps?" said BeachHead, as he approached them unnoticed. The four Joes, startled by the Master Sergeant's voice, immediately rose to attention - almost knocking over the flimsy poker table in the process. "Yes, Master Sergeant", CrossCountry said. "We were just taking a break--" "Well, if you do half a good a job on the VAMPs as you're doing polishing those chairs with your asses, then I'll expect to be blinded by the shine when I come back to inspect them at the end of the day." "Yes Master Sergeant," LiftTicket replied. "Ok guys, our 15 minutes are up, lets get back to work." "Alpine, you're not supposed to be in here," BeachHead said, as he pointed to him. "Let's go." Alpine started to leave, with BeachHead following behind him. When he came upon the open door leading out of the motor pool, he caught a glimpse of Torpedo peeking around the corner of the frame. Their eyes met for a split-second as Alpine stopped in his tracks. He then stood aside to let BeachHead pass him. "Age before beauty, Beach..." BeachHead grunted as he walked past Alpine to the exit. When he stepped out into the hallway, he heard a familiar voice: "Avast ye scallywag!" Suddenly BeachHead was hit with wall of water. The force sent him skidding across the hall and smashing into the opposite wall. Eventually, the water stopped. When his vision came back into focus, he saw ShipWreck across the hall holding a fire hose. Torpedo was standing next to ShipWreck holding a camera and Alpine slowly stuck his head out into the hallway when he thought it was safe to look. ShipWreck gulped before saying, "Torpedo, that doesn't look like Alpine." BeachHead slowly rose to his feet and walked over to the three JOEs. No one spoke; the only sound that could be heard was the shutter release clicking in Torpedo's camera – he was so nervous that he forgot to depress the button. BeachHead took off his Balaclava and wrung the water out a couple of times before putting it back on his head. He regarded each of the three JOE's: Torpedo had a look of horror on his face, however, ShipWreck and Alpine snorted quietly as they struggled to restrain their laughter. "Feel free to laugh, that was actually very funny," BeachHead said, as he adjusted his balaclava. The three JOE's burst into laughter, with ShipWreck laughing the loudest. "You had me worried there for a second Beach," ShipWreck said, as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "I thought you were gonna to blow your top. For what its worth, we're really sorry about that; we never would've done that to you on purpose." "I'm glad to hear that Ship. Heck, after a gag like that, you can call me Wayne." "Who says you Grunts don't have a sense of humor," ShipWreck said, slapping BeachHead on the back. "You're alright in my book... Wayne." "Forty-Seven YO JOE!...Forty-Eight YO JOE!...Forty-Nine YO JOE!..." Alpine, ShipWreck and Torpedo cadenced in unison as they did push-ups on the parade ground of the base for all to see. After an hour, they were already worn out from the punitive PT, but they dared not to show any signs of fatigue. BeachHead, as the administrator of their punishment, circled slowly around the men - making sure each one performed their military-style push-ups in proper form. Cheating would start the count over from the beginning. "Since you clowns are in such a good humor today, you ought to love this one: It's a story about three choad-monkeys who manage to get drafted into an elite Army unit..." "Fifty-One YO JOE!...I guess they needed someone to balance the curve," ShipWreck whispered, as BeachHead moved out of earshot. "Fifty-Two YO JOE!...Shut the hell up Ship before he hears you," Alpine whispered back. "Fifty-Three YO JOE!...Fifty-Four YO JOE!...Fifty-Five YO JOE!..." "I don't get it," BeachHead continued, "soldiers like Flash, Airborne, and Recondo didn't make the cut...Each one of them are worth 10 each of you; yet here I am staring at the backs of your heads... I always thought you boys were a little sweet; so I often find myself wondering: whose member have you tea-baggers been servicing in order to stay in this outfit?" "Fifty-Seven YO JOE!...Is that a proposal Master Sergeant," ShipWreck replied sarcastically, much to the chagrin of his push-up mates. BeachHead walked over to ShipWreck, put his foot on his back, and leaned into him. ShipWreck struggled between the reps against BeachHead's added weight. "If I decide to rape you, it won't be in your mouth boy!" BeachHead leaned even harder into ShipWreck, pinning the sailor to the ground, "But I will tell you this: the idea of breaking you down is giving me a huge hard-on." He released the pressure and stepped off,"...Hurry up ladies, its going to be a long week!" By late afternoon, Stalker had finished most of his administrative duties. He decided to take a break and stretch his legs before evening chow. He walked by BeachHead's office and noticed that he was still out – presumably touring the base. On his way to the staff lounge, he overheard two interns gossiping that three JOE's were being tortured on the obstacle course. Stalker grinned as he quickly put two-and-two together: he had to see this for himself. When he got to the training field, he saw that BeachHead was putting Alpine, Torpedo and ShipWreck through their paces on the obstacle course. BeachHead monitored their progress from the sideline as the soldiers crawled in the mud under a barbed fence. "I had a feeling you'd be out here," Stalker said, as he approached. "What are you doing?" "I'm taking your advice and relaxing," BeachHead replied. "I see...Shouldn't you let Sgt. Slaughter handle the reprimand?" "Why should he get all the fun?" he said, as he aimed his pistol. "Besides, this was my field before it was his--" "Keep your butt down when you crawl in that mud, unless you want it to get shot off!" Stalker glanced at the gun in his hand, "Hey...Are you shooting live ammo at the men?" BeachHead kept his pistol raised as he looked back at Stalker out of the corner of his eye. "As long as they don't look up, they'll be fine. The men have had too much downtime; they just need a reminder that GI JOE is still hard-core." "I'm not going to tell you again ShipWreck! If you keep stickin' that ass up in the air, I just might get the impression that you want something rammed between those sweet cheeks!" Stalker arched an eyebrow as he took notice of BeachHead's drenched clothes, "Beach, did you forget to take your clothes off before you stepped into the shower again?" "Why does everyone in this outfit think that they're a comedian?" "Alright, sorry," he said, as he threw his hands up in surrender. "I'll leave the men to your tender ministrations." "Hey Stalker," he called out while he was still within earshot,"...have you ever...shaved your pits?" As he watched Stalker walk away, he let his thoughts wander: he began to realize that he did, indeed, miss being a drill instructor. Part of him wished to go back. Things were simpler then. There was no politics or compromise. The itching of his rash, however, forced him to dismiss this reasoning; going back would be too easy. Life is about challenge: the challenge of crawling forward through the muck: "Less chatter and more mud-humping ladies!" "Dammit Ship! You just had to open your big fat mouth didn't you," Torpedo said, as he instinctively ducked from the bullets flying overhead. "I'm a SeAL, not a salamander!" "Hey don't lay this all on me," ShipWreck replied, wiping the mud off his face. "My plan was brilliant; the problem was having you for a lookout." "Well I did see Alpine heading toward the door. BeachHead must have cut him off at the last second." "Next time, remind me to not take you on recon." "Next time, keep your brilliant plan to yourself." "If I had known it would end like this, I never would have told you."
The cellar door was thrown open and Hermione stared down the dark set of stone stairs. She squeezed her eyes closed, the sight had filled her with fright and dread unlike she'd ever known. The tight grip on her arm forcefully urged her forward. She glared at the hooded man. She always thought that the Death Eaters' masks were silly and childish, reminding her of the Muggles that dressed up for Halloween, but now they seemed anything but silly. To not see the faces of the men that had captured her was intimidating and unnerving. She wanted to see their eyes. Her gaze turned to the wand in his right hand. She longed for her own wand but any would certainly do. She pulled at the rope that bound her wrists. She knew her efforts were futile but she had to keep trying. She looked again at the stairs leading to the Malfoys' cellar, knowing full well that it might be that last place she'd ever see. The hand on her arm tightened with impatience and shoved her forward. Hermione gasped and stumbled down the first few stairs. She blew out a shaky breath as she managed to regain her balance. "Hurry up, bitch," the rough voice growled. Hermione yelped with surprise as a blow to her back threw her to the bottom of the staircase. A sharp pain shot through her body as her head connected with the cold stone floor. She peered through half-lidded eyes as the cellar doors closed, throwing her into complete darkness. She whimpered softly as the pain slowly began to subside. Minutes passed as she lay there, unable to find the will to move. She leaned to the side, finally pushing herself into a sitting position. She regretted it immediately as the throbbing in her head increased in her vertical position. She pushed her back against the wall. Hermione stared through the darkness. Her eyes had adjusted to the lack of light and she could make out basic shadows although the only shadows she saw were of herself and the stairs. The room was empty, not only of people but of anything. She was surrounded only by cold stone walls. The air around her was cool and dry. Her nose wrinkled a little as the room smelled sourly stale. Hermione twisted the rope binding her wrists, pulling as much slack as she could between them. The rope squeezed tight around her wrists as the space between them stretched a few inches. With much struggling, Hermione managed to slip her arms under her bottom and down her legs, bringing her hands to the front of her body. Hermione took a deep steadying breath and brought the rope to her mouth, gnawing through the threads like a rat. It took a little more than an hour before her hands broke loose. It was only after her hands were free that she allowed herself to feel anything and her body wracked with sobs. She closed her eyes and her mind wandered to her friends, wondering where they were at that very moment. They had escaped capture and she was certain they were safe. Perhaps they went to Shell Cottage, or maybe Aunt Muriel's. She wondered if they knew yet that she'd been captured. They were probably waiting for her, thinking she had Apparated somewhere else. They would wait, afraid to miss her if they left. But in truth, they wouldn't know where to look if they wanted to. The snatchers had come upon them so quickly. Harry simply spoke his name, the taboo. Ron tried to stop him, but it was too late. The snatchers were there and their defenses were down. She saw her friends Apparate to safety and was about to do so herself when a well aimed spell pulled her wand from her hand. It didn't take long for them to recognize her; her picture was all over the papers. She envisioned again the sight of her friends disappearing. Never before had she been separated from them like this. They would know soon. They were already worried that she might be captured, of that she was sure. She could see Ron sitting with his head in his hands, tugging at his hair in silent anger and concern, while Harry would be pacing quickly, fuming at the world and himself with agonizing guilt. The Order of the Phoenix would be informed, if that hadn't been already, but it would do no good. The Order had been trying for months to discover the location of the Death Eaters' headquarters. They would never storm the Malfoys' house without evidence that she was there. True despair washed over her and her tears fell faster. It all felt hopeless. Torture was inevitable and death extremely possible, while chance of rescue looked bleak. Her body shook with heavy sobs and she slowly lowered herself into a laying position. Eventually her cry weakened, her body exhausted by her grief, and she fell asleep.
The next morning, Tim woke up with Dallas curled against his chest. For a moment, he didn't know why, then last night's events came flooding back to him. Tim felt his eyebrows jump up. Then he scoffed before tightening his grip on Dally. It was damn cold in the house, and Dally was warm. But the sudden movement woke Dallas up. He didn't want to be awake, because if he was, Tim might make him leave. Then again, if he felt like he did the night before, Dally might be able to get some extra warmth. "Mornin' Tim," he said sleepily, curling his arms around the older greaser. Tim's body went rigid. Then it hit him. "Wait a minnit, how'd you know where you are? You was roarin' drunk last night." Dally blushed. "Well, I was actin'. Wanted to see if you liked me." "Oh, you li'l bastard!" growled Tim,scowling. Seeing Dally's face turn worried, Tim grinned. "Oh well." Tim pounced, swinging a leg over Dally's hips, practically laying on top of him. There was a passionate kiss shared that could rival the one from the night before. It was like they were two lovers that had been separated for too long. But the kiss had to end too early for both of them, because Tim heard someone entering the house. "It's Curly," Tim stated quietly after there was a loud crash. He pressed a soft kiss to Dally's lips. "Time for you to do some more acting." At that, Tim shoved Dally roughly to the floor. "We gotta be fightin' when Curly gets up here." There was a countdown from ten then- "DALLAS WINSTON, IMMA KICK YOUR ASS INTO NEXT YEAR!" Dally almost laughed. "OH LIKE YOU CAN DO IT, SHEPARD!" Their voices carried through the house, but their laughter didn't. Tim picked Dally off of the floor, putting him into a headlock and leading him out of the door, where Curly was standing, awestruck. "Hey, baby bro," greeted Tim. "Back inna minnit." Still in a headlock, Dally was lead out of the house. Tim let go and quickly kissed Dally. "See ya 'round, Dal."
Author's Note: Just REALLY wanted to write a Stefonnie! LOVE them! So I whipped this up! PLEASE don't hate it! Thanks for taking out the time to read! Oh GOSH, if ONLY they happened on the show! Can you say EPIC? Enjoy! ;D Storm After the Storm Chapter One The sun beats down on the earth, like a center stage spotter of a Broadway production, shining strong and bright. It's a beautiful day. The sky is blue and clear, the air is clean, a gentle breeze is soothing the warm atmosphere, and birds are singing. Everything is perfect. An irremovable grin overtakes the vampire's features, as his sightseeing comes to an abrupt halt at the sound of his squealing girlfriend. He looks up just in time to catch her when she throws herself into his arms. She's soaking wet, and he was previously as dry as chapped lips, but he doesn't care. He instantly wraps his arms around her lithe waist and grips her tightly, holding her vise-like to him. No matter how much time has has with her, it will never seem like enough... He sighs as he bends to take in her vanilla scent, before chastely rubbing his lips against her neck, and gently squeezing her sides. He wishes they could stay just like this. Forever. But she's breaking away from him all too soon. The amazing smile she fixes him with upon doing so however, manages to lighten his disappointment somewhat, as she grabs onto his hand and tugs gently. "Come on in. The water's fine." She winks adorably, and the vampire can't help but laugh heartily, before kissing the woman passionately on the lips and allowing himself to be pulled through the warm sand, toward the blue ocean of the Virginia beach. It seems almost too good to be true. The Originals are actually gone...well Kol, Finn, and Mommy Original, that is - which really makes Esther's plan nothing but a plan Michael repeat. All talk and no results - But that's okay, because Klaus is playing nice for Caroline, Rebecca is all over Matt, and Elijah...well he hadn't been so bad to begin with. The Original "plot line" was taken care of. But even more important than that...Elena is his. "Wha? Oh no you didn't." Stefan suddenly shakes his head in disbelief as the brunette licks her tongue out and grins teasingly at him. "You did NOT just splash me!" the vampire exclaims incredulously, before abruptly tackling the woman into the knee length water. She'd finally chosen him over Damon. She's all his. Stefan lands on top of Elena and stills, staring deeply into her dark brown orbs, as she emphatically focuses on his gray. She slowly moves a slender hand up into his wet hair, and he moves one of his own up to caress down her cheek. Everything is over. Everything is perfect now. As they walk hand in hand away from the beach, and toward the red Porsche in the parking lot, Stefan and Elena pass a small creek. It's full of lily pads and...lotus flowers. They instantly remind him of someone who, strangely, he can't seem to configure at the moment. But still, without much thought, he finds himself abandoning his girlfriend's grasp to retrieve one of the beautiful white wonders. He pockets it wordlessly, before returning to his beautiful doppleganger and kissing her cheek. Stefan is king of the school the next day, when he and Elena pull into the student parking lot. Everyone's so happy to see him and Elena back together, but even more so, just happy to see him back at Robert E. Lee. The guys chest bump and fist pound him, while the girls swoon around him, as he lounges on his car with a possessive arm about his girlfriend and a saucy grin on his face. "You're enjoying this way too much." the brunette flashes a side way smile knowingly at him, before shaking her head incredulously when he laughs and nods his head. "Maybe...but so what? Everyone deserves to bask in glory every once in a while." he kisses her temple, and she rolls her eyes, as he meets yet another set of clenched knuckles. "Welcome back, Stefan!" the shaggy red haired soccer player offers enthusiastically, as the football star nods in appreciation, before looking over to the left as a familiar voice catches his ear. The gray eyed vampire looks up to see a grinning Caroline making her way over to him with a broody Tyler in tow. "You came back to school - I'm sure you've pretty much flunked out of EVERYTHING – but it's great to have you back!" she flings herself into his arms, and things feel like normal. Or at least normal for him... Stefan sighs and fights the urge to shake his head as he catches the sight of Klaus' black BMW pulling out of the parking lot, over the cheerleader's shoulder. That definitely wasn't normal... The vampire breaks away from the hug, momentarily darting his eyes over to the murderous looking wolf glaring daggers into the road now devoid of the dark vehicle. Life sucks sometimes...Stefan knew all too well about this. "Stefan Salvatore? No way!" the gray eyed supernatural is suddenly wrenched from his thoughts, at the sound of another familiar voice. A grinning Matt Donovan slowly makes his way over to the group, hand in hand with one Rebekah Michaelson. "Great to have you back, man." the blonde male smiles solemnly before surprising the youngest Salvatore with an impromptu man hug. "Great to be back." the vampire can't help but smile, as he shakes his head slightly, before nodding to Rebekah in greeting. The group chats about their first drama-free, death-free, stress-free weekend, and all is right with the world. Elena gushes about the beach, Matt and Rebekah splurge on a camping trip in the mountains, and Tyler mutters something about finishing his hard work to break the sire bond. Caroline is promptly quiet. "Admit it, Beckah, you LIKED camping! You know you did..." the football captain's blue eyes sparkle brightly as he smirks playfully at his girlfriend, who shuts him up with a kiss. Caroline watches uncomfortably, Elena smiles adoringly, Tyler frowns confusedly, and Stefan doesn't pay much attention at all, as he finds himself absentmindedly scanning the parking lot. "I liked it when nighttime came...and you snuggled SO close, and wrapped your arms SO tightly around me to keep me warm." the Original smiles before all out grinning when Matt repeats her actions from earlier, quieting her with a kiss. No one seems to notice when the gray Prius pulls into the lot. No one except Stefan that is, as he surveys the parking area. He meets the driver's gaze through the glass of her windshield, and smiles politely. She looks away. He frowns off put, but shrugs it off before returning his attention to the impending conversation and offering his thoughts on the new Avengers movie. It takes far too long for her to exit her car, but finally Bonnie Bennett steps out of the vehicle and into the sunlight, diamond studs sparkling, and ponytail swaying in the breeze. About time. She heads off in the opposite direction of them. "Bonnie!" Caroline seems to finally notice the witch's presence as she suddenly shouts mid-sentence out to the rushing woman, who turns around and winces, before shouting something about being late. "Late for what? We've got a whole EIGHT MINUTES till school starts!" the blonde vampire yells incredulously to her, before darting after her. Elena follows, so do Matt and Rebekah. Tyler shrugs along as well. Stefan rolls his eyes and stays behind, fighting off the annoyance that suddenly overtakes him. Her mom is gone. At least Stefan gathers as much as he listens to the gangs rushed conversation, before the group decides to migrate into the school to coddle her indoors. Abby's gone. Great. She's all alone again... "Do you have to be such an anti-social, suffer in silence, melancholy depressant?" he corners the teen witch in an empty corrider after their 2nd block PE class. No longer able to keep his agitation silent, as she scoffs and shakes her head at him. "Wow Stefan, that's a greeting if I ever heard one." she moves to go around him, but he grabs onto her wrist roughly. "Don't talk to me about greetings when everyone in the entire school BUT you greeted me this morning." "Well SOR-RY." the female supernatural rattles off, before pulling at her wrist and frowning. "Hello Stefan. Now will you let me go already, psycho." she deadpans, as he releases her, with a slight shove at that. "What the hell is your problem, vampire?" "What the hell is yours, witch?" Green eyes glare murderously into the youngest Salvatore, and he glares back, not in the least deterred, as Bonnie suddenly scoffs, before sneering furiously at him. "You don't wanna mess with me today, Stefan" she mutters darkly, before resolutely turning on her heels and moving away from warning, an indescribable rage erupts within him at the movement. "Yeah, run away, Bonnie. That's what your good at." The witch immediately swivels around, to face the vampire with intensely narrowed eyes. "That's what you did with your mom, isn't it?" he presses heartlessly as he slowly advances on her. "Abby wanted to stay. She wanted a relationship with you, but you pushed her away." he quietly stabs at Bonnie with eyes so cold and dark, as he grabs onto her arm and shakes her violently. "Don't slump around school like a dark, bottomless pit when YOU'RE the one to blame for your sorrows!" He's instantly sent flying and savagely CRASHING into the wall behind him. "So much for Ripper Stefan being gone...Stay the fuck away from me asshole." the witch gives him a strong aneurysm to prove her threat, before storming away from him. Third block goes off without a hitch. Stefan flirts shamelessly with Elena to keep his eyes from wandering over to Bonnie. Things are different between them. He can no longer deny it. Their time spent together working to open the coffins, then working to save Elena, and finally working to kill the's changed things between them. The dynamic is somehow. Perhaps he should just 'stay the fuck away from her...' His contemplations come to an abrupt halt when he spots her after school, leaning against her car, and staring up at the sky. He takes her in momentarily, noticing that her eyes glance down at the phone in her hand ever so often, reminding him that she is meeting Caroline for shopping. She could probably use it. She looks bad...but good at the same time... The white tank top hugging her chest definitely looks good, Stefan cannot deny. So do the form-fitting jeans around her hips...the bags around her eyes? Not so much. The vampire finds himself absentmindedly placing his hands into his pockets, where his right meets lint, but his left meets something else...something soft. And that's when he realizes. It's her. Bonnie. That's who the lotus makes him think of. His feet seem to move of their own volition suddenly, carrying him until he's standing before her, just as she looks up to address him. He wordlessly shoves the flower into her free hand and closes her fingers around the softness, before smiling solemnly at her. Eyes look murderous. Then soft. Then confused, as she stares down at the semi-flattened object within her hand. "It's a lotus blossom." Stefan answers the unasked question, before settling against the vehicle beside the witch, looking up at the clear sky. A long pause of pregnant and painful silence, before her green eyes slowly dart over to him. "Where did you get it from?" "From the beach yesterday." Stefan sighs heavily at the sudden sound of her voice, soft and curious. He turns to stare at her head on and thrust his trademark half smile upon her. "It's beautiful." she mumbles without sparing him a glance. "It's like you in that way." Her bright orbs burn into him, before narrowing intensely. "So I take it you're done being a jerk?" "Yeah...Sorry about that." Green eyes silently move back down to the white flower, while gray move over the holder of the blossom. Before either realizes, they're in each other's faces and invading personal space. "Why?" the witch fixes the vampire with confused eyes. He shrugs carelessly and moves to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "It reminds me of you." "How so?" It's a challenge, emitted with pursed lips and a perfectly arched eyebrow to boot. Stefan finds himself advancing yet even closer, strangely enough Bonnie doesn't move. "The lotus flower can blossom even in the muddiest of's strong." he whispers quietly, before winking over to her. The fingers of his right hand slowly move up, of their own volition, to hover over her cheek. He finds himself needing to touch her. "It exists...just to...make the world a little brighter." The vampire finally gives into his desire, caressing the backs of his fingers down her left cheek. She closes her eyes, and he swallows, heart aching within his chest. What's wrong with him. Why isn't this enough? Why does he feel like he needs more. Her arms are wrapped around him the next instant, and he's holding onto her as if something threatens to tear them apart. The pain disappears, as she moves her head back slightly, to fix the vampire with watery eyes. "I love it, Stefan! Thanks." "Your Welcome, Bonnie." he kisses her hair and closes his eyes. "Your Welcome." Chapter End Author's Note: I know your probably thinking up a lot of questions now, but hold on! Review for the story, alert, and favorite it, and HOLD ON! ;D All we'll be answered soon! I'll be updating for Bamon soon, so look out for that! Giving credit where credit is due: I got the Lotus flower idea from the Korean drama "Boys Before/Over Flowers! If you haven't watched it yet, WATCH it! BEST show EVER! Thanks for reading, and PLEASE review so I know this doesn't COMPLETELY suck! God bless
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x europe English 22 Set Clip Length: of saudi intelligence, ambassador to the united states and other countries >> and throughout these 80 some years that we have had our kingdom, everybody keeps talking about an uncertain future for the kingdom and because of the sagacity of the people of saudi arabia and the good will of the leadership and the government we have survived pretty well so far we have many problems to face, including syria. many challenges internally among the young people and how the go about the courses of development not just economically but socially and politically and the role of women, etc. all of these are tremendous challenges that are being debated within the kingdom and not coming from the outside. >> rose: tom friedman and prince turki al-faisal when we continue. fb captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: tom friedman is here, he is a pulitzer prize winning columnist in for the "new york times." for more than 30 years he's been writing ant foreign affairs, american politics and so much more. in addition to serving as bureau chief is still very volatile. >> absolutely, and going forward the united states is going to have to deal with this. to what extent do we make foreign assistance conditional? if so, on what kinds of behavior is? this is not limited to libya of. this is going to be the case in cairo with egypt's going forward. this is going to be an extremely difficult diplomatic process. there are going to be moments of instability, and this is not going to be short lived. i think we are talking about years and decades of uneasy relationships with regimes that are unable or unwilling to be a partner with the united states. >> you have often said this is going to take time, but we have seen what protests in tunis, protests in libya, protests in egypt, you think the washington establishment has come up with a convincing way of dealing with the arab world in light of the arab spring? >> the short answer is no. part of the middle east is i believe there is a reduction of influence for all outsiders. there is also reduction of influence for authority. it is not clear what governments can control, so i think it , there are conflicting views of beijing's role as banker to the united states government. some see it as a source of leverage, but others see chinese holdings of u.s. debt as an investment with little return. >> it's not invested in their own country. it hasn't been given to their own people. it's a gigantic waste of money. and really, it does not give china leverage over the u.s., because if they used it, they'd only be shooting themselves in the foot. so, in that respect, i think it's as much a symbol of a weak imbalances in the chinese economy as it is of chinese power. >> reporter: and even if the chinese government wanted to sell off u.s. treasuries, it's not clear it could find a buyer. >> the bigger problem is if they announced that they were simply not going to participate in the next treasury auction or the next three or four treasury auctions. that would produce something of a scramble to see who would participate. the result would probably be some increase in interest rates here. >> reporter: but even that seems likely to hurt china as much or more than the united states. china buys u. . >> warner: the president said the united states would work with the libyan government to track down the perpetrators. >> today, we mourn four more americans who represent the very best of the united states of america. we will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. and make no mistake, justice will be done. >> warner: for now, the pentagon ordered special units of marines to libya called "fast" teams, like this detachment shown training, to reinforce security at diplomatic sites in libya. and from tripoli, the president of libya's national assembly echoed the words of his american counterparts. >> ( translated ): we apologize to the united states of america and to the american people and to the whole world for what happened, and at the same time we expect the rest of the world to help us face these cowardly criminal acts. we refuse to use our country's land as a scene of cowardly rs.rilsal >> warner: those reprisals came apparently in response to internet clips of a film titled "the innocence of muslims" that crudely defamed the prophet muhamma united states and pakistan. >> ok, when you're at the state department, you revise the u.s. government on relations between pakistan and afghanistan. mousavi video president obama put out, this thing -- you saw the video president obama put up, distancing america from the film. does that help? >> it does help. it is the first time united states is taking this kind of innovative pro-active measure. in some ways, you are trying to use this when already a tidal wave has started. it is hard to stop a tidal wave. >> is there anything washington can do? >> keep engaging on an ongoing basis. not this one a crisis happens. also, when we have disagreements with pakastani, we should explain ourselves to them. we should have kept them engaged. where we see the consequences of the collapse of the relationship as we saw today, then we try to come up with these measures, and often they are good, but they are too little to late. >> is that the problem? we have a short-term policy? >> we decided we should punish them, put pressure on pakistan. well, it worked to an extent, but the consequences also pu to stay as president of the united states. he says he shares the pain and frustration of those who have lost their jobs but have never been more hopeful about america because of its people. this election would be the clearest choice in a generation. >> it will be a choice between two pads for america, between different visions for the future. >> this was not the rhetoric of four years ago. instead it workmanlike presence on the hard path to a better place. he derided his opponent as the same old failed policies of the past. >> have a surplus? try a tax cut. the deficit is too high? try another. stilicho coming on? take to bank tax cuts and rollbacks and regulations and call us in the morning. >> he mocked mitt romney's lack of foreign experience. >> you might not be ready if you cannot visit the olympics without insulting our closest allies. >> scarcely time to catch a breath and both hit the campaign trail. this is what greeted the president. >> we are not better off under president obama. fewer jobs, higher taxes on middle-fu p fuel prices have doubled. >> with the romney campaign is 's accomplished. that and more tonight on "n.b.r."! trade tensions between the united states and china are heating up again. this morning, the two countries challenged each other in the world trade organization. the u.s. is accusing china of illegally subsidizing auto and auto parts exports, and hurting u.s. made goods. and china claims trade laws here, open the door for illegal tariffs on a wide range of chinese products. sylvia hall breaks down what's behind the latest flareup. >> reporter: here in the u.s., the auto and auto parts industries employ about 800,000 american workers. the government says those workers are hurt by the money china gives to subsidize its own auto industry. and in ohio, a key swing state fueled by cars, president obama promised a crack down: >> these are subsidies that directly harm working men and women on the assembly lines in ohio and michigan and across the midwest. it is not right, it is against the rules, and we will not let it stand. >> reporter: the administration said that between 2009 and 2011, the chinese government offered up at least $1 billion in subsidies will look at its importance in the region and its relationship with the united states. "this is america" visits the republic of kazakhstan. "this is america" is made possible by -- the national education association, the nation's largest advocate for children and public education. poongsan corporation, forging a higher global standard. the ctc foundation, afo communications, and the rotondaro family trust. this year, kazakhstan celebrates its 20th anniversary of independence. on this program, we will learn about what it was like before independence 20 years ago, and how oil and a visionary president made kazakhstan the success it is today and why diversifying its economy will be the key to kazakhstan's even brighter future. >> it was a while the economy, while business economy, and a great economy mainly. today, we have a lot of public companies. our businessmen are doing international joint ventures. if you take the society as a whole, are people became much more open-minded, a free, outspoken people, and we are much different from what we were before. >> has that been exciting to be a after new years sending the economy into reverse. >> and it's not a threat just for the united states of america. it's a threat for the global economy given the size of the u.s. economy and it's linkages with many other countries around the globe. >> reporter: if the u.s. slows, there may not be anyone left to pick up the slack. even china looks like its growth is faltering. darren gersh, "n.b.r.," washington. >> reporter: i'm diane eastabrook in central illinois. still ahead, the harvest is under way, and farmers are figuring out just how much damage the drought did to their crops. >> tom: that free checking account may not be so free. new regulations are squeezing bank profits, sending banks, both big and small, looking for new ways to bring in revenue. one way is by doing away with the free checking account which was so popular in the late 90's. ruben ramirez reports. >> reporter: dick evans is the c.e.o. of cullen/frost bankers. frost has 115 branches around texas. he says checking account fees are going up because of increased government regulation that went into effect a year ag to have more competitors, last year the united states had like 87% of the global market, 60 some odd billion dollars. what you'll see is they will not have as high of a share. i think the u.s. company share will drop back closer to 50%. >> tom: does the market shrink as well? or does that market continue to grow even with more competitors? >> well, the market grew substantially this year, primarily because of the threat that many middle east countries perceive from iran so, that was the big uptick in the global market. but again i think that the competition will be in what we call the developing countries, europe is not increasing its defense budget, our budget is going to, it's already going down and it probably will go down even more, even if we don't get sequestration, you will see further reductions as we try to grap well the deficit. >> tom: what's your best guess on this, i know you're in the a company analyst, but do you think this deal passes regulatory muster internationally? >> i think it will, because we had the same questions back in the 90s when we had, for example, lock problems that we have here in the united states. >> ifill: is there also a problem with coming to some sort of resolution as far as germany and other bank-- money-- money givers go? that somebody else is going to get in line. that if you give greece money, spain is going to be standing there. if you give spain money portugal could be standing there. >> there is this problem of political moral hazard going on which is really, as you say, well, if you give us, let's say, debt relief to greece, well, then you can be pretty sure that other european countries that also have received bailouts will want the same treatment. so what you're trying to do in europe, in minute, is really to-- i believe that ultimately debt relief will have-- further debt relief will have to be given to greece by the euro area governments. but they're really trying to make the road to that so arduous and so terrible that nobody else in europe will really want to go down that route. and as we're looking at greece today-- which has a cumulative decline in g.d.p. of, you know, close to 20% and still dropping-- i think it's of the greatest nation on earth. thank you. god bless you. and god bless these united states. [crowd cheering] ♪ >> woodruff: president obama making an appeal for the last 37 minutes to americans to re-elect them, telling the delegates in this hall in charlotte, north carolina that he has failings and that the path ahead is not easy. he said that more than once. he described what he wants to do for the next four years, and appeal time and again to americans in so many words to stick with him. the choice could not be clearer he said. >> ifill: his wife and daughters malia and sasha. if you look at the younger daughter i sasha she just shot p in the four years since we've seen them on stage all together. >> bill clinton spoke last night and talked about the better place he wanted to take the country. mark. >> it was stay the course speech to a considerable degree. acknowledging shortcomings but at the same time holding out prospects for a brighter tomorrow. got specific on education, energy, manufacturing. and then an appeal to citizenship which is refreshing and i thought worked. >> woodru , there is instincts, there's tough calls. >> mr. speaker, the president of the united states. >> woodruff: one of the criticisms of mr. obama's leadership is that he's had so much difficulty winning support from congress. many republicans say that's because he was too beholden to his democratic base. tom davis is a former g.o.p. congressman from virginia. >> when he got elected i think he had every intention of trying to bring everybody together behind him, let's work together, but he had a democratic congress. the minute you go over and sit down with the republicans you'll have pelosi and the democrats fighting saying "we won the election." so the pressure is for him to produce a work product and the republicans weren't going to follow over and say "oh, yeah, let's work together." it's tough situation. when your party controls both houses, those interest groups control the agenda. they don't want to give it away to the other side. >> reporter: but the number two democrat, dick durbin, said the president often took on leaders of his own party. he recounted a late night white house meeting on h with the european debt crisis, and even within the united states, with it being an election year. >> reporter: but burberry says it has ber luxury goods makers, so it knows it's not alone in seeing the slowdown. as a result, luxury good stocks like lvmh, tiffany, and coach also fell today, although they didn't get hit nearly as hard as burberry. it's not just luxury firms getting hurt by the global slowdown. many other bellwether firms have said revenues are suffering due to weaker sales in china, europe and elsewhere. in the s&p 500, there have been 88 negative pre-announcements for the third quarter so far, and only 20 positive ones. >> the number of negative pre- announcements we've received is the worst in over a decade. we've already seen analysts become very bearish on these companies. >> reporter: last week, chipmaker intel drastically reduced its sales forecast, warning consumers and businesses are buying fewer personal computers. the company also withdrew its full-year guidance, which isid seen as a sign of extreme uncertainty. and fedex recently cut its earnings forecast due to slow such as in europe. >> tom: i want to ask about demand here in the united states, because natural gas prices have been very low for quite some period of time thanks to new drilling techniques that have led to an abundance of natural gas. how high are natural gas prices have to go in order for your industry, the coal miners, to begin to see a pickup in demand domestically? >> well, when we see gas get back to the $3 range, coal will be back in money in terms of dispatching the electricity market. i think it's public policys that don't allow us to compete and we're starting to see what we believe are bad public policys that are going to carry bad chemical weaponss for american business and american consumers. >> tom: i want to ask you about one of those, an e. p. a. rule that would require plants built after april 2013, power plants, to have carbon capture technology. what kind of impact may that have on coal demand there after? >> well, tom, that is a policy that says we're not going to invest in the future of coal and future of clean coal technology, because if you're going to require something t for coal. >> you have say unique sper spective. you say coal provides 10% of the electricity in the united states. what's your take on economic demand as we move into the new year? >> well, what we're not seeing is strong industrial and manufacturing demand. not to say that we're not seeing growth in certain areas. i think in terms of economic activity. we're seeing a little growth, but it's not to the point where it needs to be in our view to make a fundamental difference to getting the economy where it ought to be in terms of higher levels of gdp growth. we appreciate the insights. it's greg boyce, the ceo of peabody energy. you can see our entire interview online at also online, how do long-term investors fit into the market in this age of high-frequency trading? visit tomorrow on nbr, home prices aren't the only things going up in housing-- the cost of land also is on the rise. and the latest efforts for parents and students to make better financial decisions when it comes to paying for college. could this hail mary pass force a breakthrough in one of the country's hi , the ability to grab market share. it has continued to see its market share erode down to 10% in the united states now compared to google and apple which have been growing their share. >> well, there is positives in the results and it was nice to see the total subscriber base grow to that 80 million it is important to remember that the company still saw revenue decline by 31% on a year-over-year basis. the number of units that were shipped, that 7.4 million for the entire quarter that compared to the 5 million apple sold and on its first weekend of sales are for thix phone 5. so this is a company that has-losing share, people view the platform as being behind the curve technologically and they still have a lot of ground to cover to catch up. >> does it have any price pog we are when it comes to its new device the blackberry -- in other words, it may not make it up on volume but can it continue to see margins and perhaps even increase margins within the company posted a loss this quarter and the expectations are they are going to post a loss in the next your as well. so they are not driving , when should united nations or member states intervene? >> well, these are different situations. in libya, i think we've been right in intervening because gaddafi was a dictator, and you remember that there was a sort of libyan spring, and nobody was possible because of gaddafi. therefore, a decision was taken to intervene. >> rose: is the principle you don't intervene no matter how atroacials the acts of the government in power, if in fact they have a member of the security council who opposes? or if in fact they have an army which will make it a very bloody affair. >> no. >> rose: are those the rules? >> no. the rule is because of veto if one or two people-- nations -- permanent security members-- we cannot contribute because our principle is to intervene only if we have a legal authorization. and up to now, three times, russia and china say no. and, therefore, up to now, we haven't been able to intervene. which is a humanitarian catastrophe. because every day you have more than 200 people killed. and because the security council doesn't say yes, we can't do anything. no, it's Excerpts 0 to 21 of about 22 results. 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Devon's Dissention: My View of the Attitude Era, Part II Use your ← → (arrow) keys to browse more stories Devon's Dissention: My View of the Attitude Era, Part II While the Attitude Era has been part of the last ever "boom" in professional wrestling, and meliorated the oncoming odds in the Monday Night Wars against their biggest competitor in WCW, I have to say that the Attitude Era is just simply: OVERRATED . A while back from my last article, I stated how the Attitude Era was overrated by many wrestling fans who proclaimed it as "the best thing to hit professional wrestling."  But due to the length of the article, I've decided to split it into two parts. The Pit of Talent Obscurity Picking up from where I left off, I want to touch upon the talent that sunk into the pit of obscurity. Many wrestling fans hunger for fresh, young talent ready to prove themselves as the next big thing in professional wrestling.  But it is always that one person (or group, for that matter) that refuses to pass the torch.  That one person or group usually feels insecure about their spot being taken over, and it's only a matter of time before they depart to another company in search of bigger and better things. It's just too bad that when they finally arrive with very high expectations, their dreams are crushed when they discover that nothing has really changed. Let us all remember the slogan WWE has stated on numerous occasions: "You’re nothing before you make it in the WWE. "  Many ex-WCW wrestlers (such as Chris Jericho) that squandered around the cesspool of main eventers who were pushing forty and fifty had to learn the hard way. But one talented individual I want to portray in this scenario is Scott Levy, aka Raven. I'm not going to digress into his current status with TNA, questioning why they chose to have him simply sit at home collecting figurative CPCs (Chuck Palumbo Checks), instead of trying to get him involved behind-the-scenes. Instead, I would like to indulge myself in his illustrious career from the sinking ship that was WCW, to the augmented elite company that is WWE. Raven left WCW sometime in 1999 after a dispute with Eric Bischoff during a company meeting.  Eric Bischoff told Raven that if he didn't like how things were going, he could leave.  Amazingly, Raven was the only one who had the cajones to walk out.  He stated in interviews that he "would rather work in a small outfit that was ECW than the hellhole WCW put itself into". After Raven made his departure from ECW following CyberSlam 2000, he arrived in the WWE.  During his three-year tenure there, it seems that WWE didn't have anything planned for the guy, as he was merely a shell of what his character was. He was put into a meaningless feud with the Moppy-obsessed Perry Saturn, viciously attacked by Kurt Angle during the Invasion angle, and was demoted to Sunday Night HEAT. The only good thing to come out his career was WWE attempting to appease the hostility growing from Raven—by giving him creative control to develop a storyline based on the movie Se7en, which was later aborted by management. Sex Sells, Wrestling Fails Ah, yes.  Who could forget one of the many cornerstones of the Attitude Era?  This concept that was developed by the internet wrestling community's long time "friend" Vince Russo, effectively and efficiently abandoned all the hard work that Alundra Blayze did in exchange for respect.  The result was a montage of stripteases, bikini contests, evening gown matches, and myriads of provocative attire. No one could argue that if a "wardrobe malfunction" occurred television, an instant ratings boost would follow.  But isn't it wrong to exploit the many attractive features of a female for the sake of ratings and revenue? Sex definitely sells, folks.  But it can't be argued that the Divas have relied on the use of sex appeal to further their storylines for some significant interest.  In my humble opinion, I think it simply devalues and crushes any of the credibility maintained by the network. But let's fast forward into today, where WWE is seemingly trying it's best to drift away from the stereotype of having "blonde-haired, blue-eyed, Barbie shaped" women that lack any ability to wrestle whatsoever, and into establishing some actual credibility for its female employees. While I applaud the WWE for taking steps forward, I fear that a cycle has been bestowed upon the Divas.  The "sexploitation" of yesteryear may find its way onto your television screen in the near future, reverting back to the overabundance of the negative stereotyping that has plagued wrestling entertainment in the past. There's only so much shock value we can take. The real lesson to learn here in professional wrestling is to keep everything balanced.  There's more to professional wrestling than boobs, blood, and foul language, as conventional wisdom would have you believe.  Compelling stories, rivalries, entertaining matches, and characters that are not too "over-the-top" will succeed. I'm just trying to advise fans to stop living in the past—don't misconstrue my opinion of the Attitude Era as the worst thing to hit professional wrestling.  We may not know what the future has in store for us, but that doesn't mean we can't strap ourselves along for the ride. 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Draft Watch: Defensive tackles Discussion in 'Draft Zone' started by Arch Stanton, Apr 16, 2006. 1. Arch Stanton Arch Stanton it was the grave marked unknown right beside 6,475 Messages 0 Likes Received Draft Watch: Defensive tackles By Dan Pompei Sporting News An analytical look at the top defensive tackles in the 2006 draft: 1. Haloti Ngata, Oregon, 6-4 1/8, 338. Is enormous with a rear end as big as a billboard. Has rare power and can toss aside blockers. Has a good first step. Can collapse the pocket. Blockers can't budge him. Has good balance. Hits ball carriers like a ton of bricks. Must be in a two-gap scheme or play nose tackle in a 3-4. Weight could be an issue. Is raw and needs to learn to use his hands. Isn't very explosive. Doesn't always read as quickly as he should. Doesn't offer much pass rush; his main value is on first and second down. Lacks change of direction. Needs to play harder. Tends to wear down. Hasn't been much of a playmaker. Plays too high and allows blockers to get leverage. 2. Brodrick Bunkley, Florida State, 6-2 5/8, 304. Is explosive and disruptive. Makes plays. Has some pass-rush ability plus power. Is quick off the snap. Has shock and power in his hands. Shows athleticism and can redirect well. Can squeeze through double teams. Has good play strength for his size. Plays hard. Had a good Combine. Sometimes plays too upright and gives up leverage. Is a better fit in a one-gap scheme. 3. Claude Wroten, LSU, 6-2, 302. An effective one-gap tackle who comes off blocks well and penetrates. Can penetrate to make plays in the backfield. Has a nice array of moves and knows how to use his hands. Is quick and explosive. Has a great first step. Shows good instincts. Is strong and tough. Former junior college transfer should continue to improve with experience. Doesn't have great anchoring ability. Teams have concerns about character; he could drop like a rock as a result, but he still is the draft's most gifted gap-shooting tackle. 4. John McCargo, NC State, 6-1. 305. Tough player who gets overlooked because he came out early and missed six games with a broken foot last season. Has the quickness and power to be disruptive. Changes directions and moves well laterally. Is effective vs. both run and pass. Has some pass-rush moves. Finds the ball. Is getting better each week and should continue to improve. 5. Gabe Watson, Michigan, 6-3 1/2, 336. Is a huge underachiever with considerable ability. Can flash Pro Bowl-caliber talent on one series and then disappear for the rest of the game. Has a great combination of strength and quickness. Excels in short-yardage situations. Is stout at the point of attack. Doesn't play hard, however. Is more of a run plugger than pass rusher. Has good lateral movement skills. Could be a fantastic nose tackle if he puts his mind to it. Helped himself at the Senior Bowl. Has weight control issues. 6. Rodrique Wright, Texas, 6-5 1/8, 300. Has nice athleticism, size, strength and range, but doesn't always show it all. Has been an inconsistent performer and an underachiever. Plays too upright and can get pushed around. Doesn't fight through blocks, but can tackle well. Scouts question his toughness and desire. Potential is tremendous if he decides he wants it. 7. Orien Harris, Miami, 6-3 1/4, 301. Is quick with some pass-rush savvy. Can be slippery. Is effective on the move. Stunts well. Shows a nice first step. Is athletic and strong. Plays the run well. Shows instincts. Is more solid than flashy. Plays hard. 8. Kyle Williams, LSU, 6-1 3/4, 299. Is a scrappy overachiever with great awareness. Sniffs out reverses and screens. Is decisive and instinctive. Disengages well. Has some pass-rush skills with quickness and power. Holds up against double teams. Gives second effort. Is more of a football player than a fluid athlete. Works best in a one-gap scheme. Doesn't offer much speed. Is short-armed. 9. Jesse Mahelona, Tennessee, 6-0 1/4, 310. A disruptive defender, he would fit well in an upfield scheme. Shows some initial explosion and pass-rush ability. Is agile and has good range. Gets push. Goes all out. Has a feel for finding the ball. Is on the ground often. Gets knocked around some. Is on the short side. Plays a little like the Buccaneers' Anthony McFarland. 10. LeKevin Smith, Nebraska, 6-2 7/8, 316. Shows quickness, athleticism and acceleration in getting upfield. Uses hands well. Has some nasty in him. Is neither very explosive nor agile. Is raw and has potential to get better. Can develop as a pass rusher. Would be a good fit in a one-gap scheme. Stock is rising. 11. Babatunde Oshinowo, Stanford, 6-1 3/4, 305. Athletic prospect works better as run defender than pass rusher. Plays hard. Is a little tight in the hips, so he doesn't always get under blocks well. Uses hands to disengage. Is instinctive. Didn't have great workouts, and stock is down as a result. Probably is better equipped for a two-gap scheme. 12. Montavious Stanley, Louisville, 6-2 1/8, 313. Is a disruptive defender with decent athleticism. Helped free up end Elvis Dumervil to rack up sacks. Can play both the run and pass. Hustles and shows good range. Is a steady performer; just needs to diagnose plays more quickly. Worked out well at the Combine. Has been a late riser. 13. Dusty Dvoracek, Oklahoma, 6-2 3/4, 306. Is a hardworker with a passion for the game. Has a blue-collar mentality. If a blocker makes a mistake, Dvoracek capitalizes. Shows good instincts and outthinks opponents. Doesn't offer much pass rush. Is a limited straight-line athlete. Looked good at the Senior Bowl. Has had off-field issues, but they appear to be behind him. 14. Barry Cofield, Northwestern, 6-4, 304. Is a disruptive athlete. Shows good quickness and change of direction. Is an inconsistent performer. Scouts question how badly he wants it. Plays with an end's mentality, but his skills are better suited for tackle. Could be a swingman as a pro. Shows good leadership qualities. 15. Johnny Jolly, Texas A&M, 6-3 1/4, 317. Is athletic and strong but doesn't always show it. Is quick and has good body control. Uses hands well. Up-and-down performer sometimes appears soft. Has been an underachiever. Can penetrate and also pursue plays from sideline-to-sideline. Turned in a disappointing Combine performance. Also has played some end. Could be a backup at any line position. 16. Tony McDaniel, Tennessee, 6-7, 300. Is a tall tackle with some good hands and moves to slip blockers. Early-entry junior is more of a finesse rusher than a power rusher. Has had limited production but has good room to develop. 17. Marcus Green, Ohio State, 6-1 1/4, 295. Is a tough, high-effort player with some disruptive skills. Shows strong hands. Can split double teams and chase down ball carriers. Shows nice athleticism. Is an adequate pass rusher. Plays a bit soft at the point of attack. 18. Jonathan Lewis, Virginia Tech, 6-1 1/8, 309. Although short, is strong and tough. Plays hard. Provides a little pass rush but is better suited for a read-and-react system. Stacks the point of attack well. Has been productive. Can chase plays laterally. Gets good leverage. Is limited athletically. 19. Melvin Oliver, LSU, 6-3 3/4, 276. As an end/tackle 'tweener, he could fall between the cracks. His best spot might be as a 3-4 end. Shows functional strength and some athleticism. Knows how to use his hands. Takes plays off. 20. Domata Peko, Michigan State, 6-2 5/8, 310. Is strictly a run stuffer. Offers little in the way of pass rush. Has some quickness. Doesn't run very well. Gets good leverage. Plays with a good base. Knows how to use his hands. 21. Sir Henry Anderson, Oregon State, 6-3 7/8, 306. Has talent but doesn't always show it. Shows pop at the point of attack. Is better at occupying blockers than making plays. Didn't show much in workouts. 22. Kedric Golston, Georgia, 6-4 1/8, 299. Raw player has some nice athleticism. Can move and slip blockers. Is a little tight in the hips. Can chase laterally. Plays hard. Struggles against double teams. Also has potential at end. Has a medical issue. 23. Steve Fifita, Utah, 5-11 1/3, 323. Short tackle with short arms can be disruptive. Shoots the gap with power. Plays low; blockers have a hard time getting leverage on him. Is not very athletic. Sometimes disappears and can get overpowered. Is more of a football player than an athlete. Is underrated on most boards. 24. Steve Williams, Northwest Missouri State, 6-3, 300. Is a sleeper. Got himself noticed at the postseason all-star practices in Las Vegas, but hasn't faced elite competition. Is a jump-around style of defensive tackle. Has some strength. Probably has the ability to play in a one-gap or two-gap scheme. Has some character concerns. 25. Larry Dibbles, Texas, 6-1 3/8, 290. Is a hardworking, tough, blue-collar tackle who lacks ideal size and athleticism. Overachieves with quickness and aggressiveness. Can be disruptive. Is a better football player than pure athlete. Sometimes gets knocked off the ball. Would fit well in a one-gap system. 26. Tommy Jackson, Auburn, 6-0 3/8, 304. Another short tackle who has some good quickness. Flashes some pass-rush skills. Is limited outside the box as far as chasing down plays. Always hustles. May have been a better college player than he will ever be as a pro. Senior writer Dan Pompei covers the NFL for Sporting News. E-mail him at [email protected]. Share This Page
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Debug (command) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Original author(s) Tim Paterson Developer(s) Microsoft Type Debugger License Proprietary commercial software Website Debug debug is a command in DOS, MS-DOS, OS/2 and Microsoft Windows (only in 32bit[1]) which runs the program debug.exe (or DEBUG.COM in older versions of DOS).[2] Debug can act as an assembler, disassembler, or hex dump program allowing users to interactively examine memory contents (in assembly language, hexadecimal or ASCII), make changes, and selectively execute COM, EXE and other file types. It also has several subcommands which are used to access specific disk sectors, I/O ports and memory addresses.[3] MS-DOS Debug runs at a 16-bit process level and therefore it is limited to 16-bit computer programs.[2] FreeDOS Debug has a "DEBUGX" version supporting 32-bit DPMI programs as well.[4] • It can only access 16-bit registers and not 32-bit extended registers. • When the "n" subcommand for naming files is used the filename is stored from offset DS:5D to DS:67 meaning that the program can only save files in FAT 8.3 filename format. • MS-DOS Debug can only access conventional memory,[2] which is the first 640 kB in an IBM PC. FreeDOS offers a 32-bit clone.[4] Andreas "Japheth" Grech, the author of the HX DOS extender, developed enhanced DEBUG versions 0.98…1.25, and former PC DOS developer Vernon Brooks added versions 1.26…1.29b.[5] When Debug is started without any parameters the Debug prompt, a "-", appears. The user can then enter one of several one or two-letter subcommands, including "a" to enter the assembler mode, "d" to perform a hexadecimal dump, "t" to trace and "u" to unassemble (disassemble) a program in memory.[6] Debug can also be used as a "debug script" interpreter using the following syntax. debug < FileName A script file may contain Debug subcommands and assembly language instructions.[3] This method can be used to create or edit binary files from batch files.[2] See also[edit] 2. ^ a b c d Daniel B. Sedory. "A Guide to DEBUG". Retrieved 2007-05-25.  3. ^ a b "Using Debug". Retrieved 2007-06-23.  4. ^ a b Paul Vojta. "FreeDOS DEBUG README". Retrieved 2007-06-25.  5. ^ Vernon Brook (2014-02-11). "Enhanced DEBUG for PC DOS and MS-DOS". PC DOS Retro. Retrieved 2014-02-13.  6. ^ "Microsoft TechNet Debug article". Retrieved 2008-04-23.
liverpool news Hodgson admits Liverpool are in ''strange times'' September 6, 2010 By Harry Harris, Football Correspondent Roy Hodgson has confessed that there is a lot of uncertainty around Liverpool and the club urgently need a new owner to invest in the team before they can challenge for major honours again. Roy Hodgson GettyImagesRoy Hodgson admits uncertainty surrounds the club. Liverpool have so far been unable to find anyone with the credibility to take the club and the team forward, but Hodgson has finally spoken out about the problems of Anfield returning to the glory days. "The stature, traditions and abilities of Liverpool to attract players certainly make it an achievable task, even though we are in strange times at the moment; the club is up for sale and nobody knows what direction it will take if and when new owners are found,'' he told Manager, the official magazine of the League Managers' Association. Asked if he can attain trophies with the club again, he said: "It's not quite as easy to answer that question as it would have been a few years ago when the situation was far more stable and the money to buy news players was available. "We hope the situation will change when the club is eventually sold and owners who are prepared to invest in the club come in. When that situation arises I'm pretty sure it won't be difficult for us to start achieving things again, but at the moment the task is really to hang on to the players we've got and make certain we don't have a situation where we have got a total rebuild process." However, Hodgson refuses to concede the title, despite the problems he faces. "I don't think there's any such thing as false optimism,'' he said. ''There is pragmatism and you should never try to dampen people's enthusiasm and optimism. "Furthermore, every season you see teams not expected to win titles winning them; it doesn't always go to the favourite in any country. So you should never play down the Liverpool fans incredible desire and passion to keep on winning trophies - and the Premier League in particular - and keep their noses in front of Manchester United."
Why is James Murphy walking away from his band? He says "at a certain point it gets embarrassing" and that he has big plans for his free time: "there's a lot of things I wanna do. I like making coffee." Stephen Colbert doesn't think he should be able to leave that easily and that it's better to burn out than to fade away, etc. Lucky for us, the band then sat down to play a rousing rendition of "I Can Change." LCD Soundsystem - I Can Change Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive
20-40-60 Etiquette: Shoeless in OKC When I visit a work client's home, I always have to take my shoes off. How do I handle this uncomfortable situation? By Helen Ford Wallace and Lillie-Beth Brinkman Modified: July 13, 2012 at 12:05 am •  Published: July 15, 2012 QUESTION: I am working with a new person and have to go to his home every so often. He always asks/requires that I remove my shoes at the front door, ostensibly to avoid dirtying his beige carpet. I feel uncomfortable with this request and think it is inappropriate for him to require unsuspecting guests to go barefoot in his home. What do you think? CALLIE'S ANSWER: I completely understand this! It is polite to offer to take your shoes off when you are working on a house. All the dirt that comes in the house can be overwhelming. However, this request to make everyone take off their shoes to walk in the house is a bit extreme. It is a carpet, and a carpet gets dirty. You can't stop a carpet from getting dirty. But to each his own! LILLIE-BETH'S ANSWER: Sometimes people who work in and around houses track in dirt and grime due to the work they do. The request made of you is unusual, but I can empathize with the desire to protect a new or newly cleaned light-colored carpet since it is so difficult to keep clean. Although it's impossible to ban all dirt from lived-in homes, people will keep trying. I also understand your reluctance to take off your shoes. Since you keep returning for work in the home and the shoe request still stands, you know what to expect. The choice then becomes yours for how you deal with it — stop going to the house altogether, remove your shoes and walk in, or show off your feet with a new pedicure. HELEN'S ANSWER: It is one thing to ask people who have been walking in the mud to remove shoes at the front door before entering the house. It is rude to ask an unsuspecting person to take off his shoes without offering paper slippers or something else to wear. You should have been notified of the house requirement before arriving so you could have brought socks or some change of shoes or you could have decided not to visit. | | by Helen Ford Wallace Society Editor + show more by Lillie-Beth Brinkman + show more Trending Now Around the web 1. 1 Class 2A girls: Millwood, Cordell advance 2. 2 3. 3 Michigan 'rape insurance' law goes into effect 4. 4 5. 5 Survey ranks Texas football third behind A&M, Baylor + show more
Subskrybuj Polish Wyszukaj dowolne słowo, na przykład tittybong: An adventure usually brought on by boredom or shrooms sometimes used to explain a great sexual experience that can not reallyve defined Joe: dude I'm trippin on a vibrant eacapade from those shrooms Jack: purple rhinoasauruses Samantha: chris sent me on a vibrant escapade last nite Jill: yeah I was with him one nite it was unbelivable dodane przez Burntpickle luty 19, 2009 6 0 Words related to Vibrant escapade: awesomeness escapade shrooms vibrant wonderland
Pokémon Wiki Lenora's Herdier 7,499pages on this wiki Lenora's Herdier Japanese Name Aloe Haderia Name: Lenora's Herdier Trainer: Lenora Debut: BW015: The Battle According to Lenora Evolved: This Pokémon Spent 1 Episode as a Lillipup Evolves In: BW016: Rematch at the Nacrene Gym Lenora's Herdier was her main Pokémon in the anime. Lenora's Lillipup debuted in The Battle According to Lenora!, where it battled Ash's Tepig. When it was first sent out, both Iris and Ash thought it was useless and weak due to its cuteness. However, it was shown to be fierce in battle, surprising Iris. In its battle with Ash, it used Roar to send Tepig back, forcing Oshawott to come out. It was then called back to its Poké Ball. Later it was sent back out when Watchog defeated Oshawott. It was able to easily beat Ash's Tepig with a powerful Take Down, causing Ash to lose the battle to Lenora. Lillipup evolved before the rematch. Herdier was used to battle Ash's Tepig during Lenora's rematch with him. Since it's evolution it had more powerful attacks including a stronger Shadow Ball, being capable of using four Shadow Balls at once, Protect to block the opponents attacks and the powerful Giga Impact to replace Take Down. Although it was even more powerful than it had been before, it was eventually defeated by Ash's Tepig's Flame Charge attack. Known Moves Move Episode Lenora Herdier Shadow Ball (4) Roar + The Battle According to Lenora! Shadow Ball + The Battle According to Lenora! Take Down The Battle According to Lenora! Protect + Rematch at the Nacrene Gym! Giga Impact + Rematch at the Nacrene Gym + indicates this Pokémon used this move recently.* - indicates this Pokémon normally can't use this move. Advertisement | Your ad here Around Wikia's network Random Wiki's_Herdier
Hate how they say how hip-hop is dead and everybody is the same now I am not the same, how could I ever be? from Childish Gambino – Both Hands Lyrics on Rap Genius People still say hip-hop is dying and unoriginal. Gambino is revolutionizing the way rap is done, by being more hipster and suburban and not ghetto-gangster like common rappers. He also tends to use more wordplay, metaphors, and similes than other rappers. To help improve the meaning of these lyrics, visit “Both Hands” by Childish Gambino Lyrics and leave a comment on the lyrics box
SEO News Facebook Mobile Social Platform 1. Social Media Monetization in a 'Mobile First' World Most social networking companies eventually monetize through advertising, and more specifically through "native advertising" – or non-standard ad units that are specific to the platform and are organically integrated into the content experience. Custom Audiences allows marketers to retarget Facebook users who earlier visited their websites or mobile apps, as well as combine first-party data such as customer emails, purchase data, and CRM data with Facebook's own targeting parameters to... 3. Unruly's Second Opinion on Top 10 Social Video Trends for 2014 This will be fed by the launch of Facebook's new video ad platform, while Twitter will also play a big part in 2014. It's a game-changing move by the social network, with Morgan Stanley predicting Facebook video ads could be worth $1billion market... Keyword data is still available for advertisers using PPC on Google's platform. First we saw the rise of mega platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Companies with existing content strategies will need to assess the role of mobile, specifically. Because this platform is crowding out the reliable more and more of the reliable "top down" media channels advertisers relied upon for the better part of 100 years. So what exists today is a massive platform for self-expression and sharing of...
Take the 2-minute tour × Currently I have one server that runs an web application (on IIS) and this is also running a SQL Server database. I am getting more and more traffic and soon I will need to increase the amount of traffic I can handle so the user experience is not compromised. I am not talking about google or amazon type traffic. My question is, what is a realistic network and server layout to provide me with better performance and big me a reasonable about of redundancy without expecting to pay huge amounts of money. I would like to keep down time to a reasonable minimum but am not expecting a 100% available all the time solution. I was considering something like a firewall, loadbalancer, two web servers running IIS and one SQL server with a reasonable spec (maybe a Dell R710 with 16GB or more ram), and possibly a second SQL server that we can cluster to the other one. I would like the system to be able to scale in such a way that if in a year or two we have increased our traffic dramatically, we can add additional servers to cater for the increased traffic without rebuilding the entire system. Any suggestions or links pointing me in the right direction is perfect. Note: I have been going through but most of these case studies and articles are referring to mega sites like StackOverflow, Amazon and other super huge site with giant volumes of traffic. I am not in that boat yet. share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 0 down vote accepted The classic issue that this sort of architecture runs into is that web servers are very easy to scale out, whereas databases are much easier to scale up. What you've suggested is a good start. I've had a similar experience and I'm at the point where I have: • 2x IIS 7.5 webservers with shared IIS config and DFS-R replicating the web content directories. • 2x SQL 2008 R2 databases in an MSCS cluster • 2x AD / DNS servers to support the cluster • 2x HaProxy load balancers in front of the webservers Obviously, you can get away with no AD and a single SQL server if you don't care much about availability. When SQL becomes the bottleneck, I'll (after eliminating issues in the application) get bigger hardware for the SQL servers. When IIS becomes the bottleneck, I can just buy more IIS boxes and throw them in. It's not uncommon to see applications with a couple of big database boxes at the back with masses of webservers sat in front. The other main issue in this is licensing cost. In many cases, the cost of hardware becomes immaterial, because the software licenses you need to run this becomes much greater. To cluster SQL server, I believe you need SQL Server Enterprise and Windows Enterprise Edition - these are a lot more $$$ than the Standard versions. Ultimately, you have to decide what you care more about: low cost, performance or availability. Availability is, in my experience, very expensive. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
SI Vault Alfred Wright April 22, 1968 A cruel technicality destroyed the popular Roberto de Vicenzo and also awarded the Masters to Bob Goalby, but before that happened a number of colorful players contributed to the sport's most suspenseful theater in years Decrease font Decrease font Enlarge font Enlarge font April 22, 1968 Golf's Craziest Drama View CoverRead All Articles View This Issue As everyone started replanning his schedule for the playoff on Monday, de Vicenzo was led off to the television room for the ersatz presentation ceremony that is broadcast prior to the real thing. It was only after Roberto had left the scorer's table that Tommy Aaron looked at de Vicenzo's scorecard and noticed something odd. The final total read 66 instead of 65, which was the remarkable score Roberto had shot. Aaron called it to the scorer's attention, and that green-coated gentleman snatched up the card and rushed off with it to a nearby cottage where the ailing Bobby Jones, president of the Augusta National Golf Club and co-host of the Masters, was watching the tournament on television. Clifford Roberts and several other officials got wind of the trouble and also hurried over to Jones's cottage. At this brief meeting in Jones's bedroom it was agreed that nothing could be done, that the harsh rules of golf must apply. De Vicenzo had signed and thereby verified the wrong score, and the rules say that in such a case the score he signed must stand. So Roberto was credited with 278 and Bob Goalby became the 1968 Masters champion on a scorekeeping error. The first that de Vicenzo knew of the trouble was when a tournament official appeared in the television room and summoned him back to the 18th green. He was shown the card and he acknowledged the error—three errors, in fact. Aaron, who had been keeping his playing partner's score, as is the custom in tournament golf, had written in a 4 instead of a 3 for the birdie Roberto had made at the 17th hole. He had also totaled the second nine holes at 35 and the 18 holes at 66, both wrong, although the totals are not considered part of the error. The fact that Roberto had checked the figures for each hole, signed the card and handed it in to the scorer as correct meant that it was official. (If the erroneous figure had been lower than the actual score, instead of higher, Roberto would have been disqualified). "I am so unhappy to make 5 on the last hole, and Bob, he gave me so much pressure on the last hole that I lose my brain," Roberto said sadly in his broken English when it was all over. "I play golf all over the world for 30 years, and now all I can think of is what a stupid I am to be wrong in this wonderful tournament. Never have I ever done such a thing before. Maybe I am too old to win." It was Roberto's 45th birthday—galleries along the course had sung, "Happy birthday, Roberto, happy birthday to you"—and what a miserable present it was. It was certainly a most depressing climax to a thrilling Masters. All afternoon the pressure had been building. De Vicenzo, who had started the final round on this beautiful Easter Sunday in a tie for seventh, two strokes behind Gary Player's lead, set the tone of the day by sinking a nine-iron approach shot at the first hole for an eagle 2 and followed that with birdies at the 2nd, 3rd and 8th for an outgoing 31. One after another they came to challenge him. First it was Bruce Devlin, the Australian, who birdied the first three holes to draw even. Then came Goalby with birdies at 5, 6 and 8. Then Player himself with birdies at 7 and 8 after an unsteady start. Roberto was well into the back nine and still getting birdies before he could shake all but Goalby, playing two holes to the rear and matching him birdie for birdie. Going down the 15th fairway, a par-5, Goalby hit an absolutely classic three-iron over the pond that fronts the green, and the ball settled softly eight feet from the pin. Almost simultaneously Roberto lofted an approach shot off the 17th fairway, going in the opposite direction, and his ball, too, was no more than eight feet from the hole. It was at exactly 23 minutes past 4 that the roar went up from the great gallery banked around the 17th green, a roar that started rolling across the Augusta countryside carrying the news that Roberto had dropped his birdie putt to go 12 under par and lead the tournament by two strokes. But even as the cheer for Roberto was in the air, an answering roar came from the 15th green, where Goalby had sunk his putt for an eagle 3 that brought him to 12 under, too. Continue Story 1 2 3 4
Take the 2-minute tour × I'd like to know if there is a way to determine if a variable contains a MooTools Class instance. Here's the example below in jsFiddle: var a = new Class(); var aInstance = new a(); document.write('#1 instanceOf(aInstance,a) = ' + instanceOf(aInstance,a) + '<br>') // aInstance is instance of a. Returns true. document.write('#2 instanceOf(aInstance,Class) = ' + instanceOf(aInstance,Class) + '<br>') // aInstance isn't instance of Class, so returns false. Is there a way to make #2 happen? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 1 down vote accepted I think I got it. var Foo = new Class({}); var FooInstance = new Foo(); alert(typeOf(FooInstance.$constructor)); // alerts 'class' share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × Alright. I basically want to create an iframe on my website which leads to my other website. On my iFramed website I have a form with a Text Field and a Submit button. I would like to insert some text to the Text Field and then Click on the submit button WHEN I click on a button at Site A (the one which contains the iframe). Is it possible in some way? I have tried the follwoing but it doesn't seems to work: <script type="text/javascript"> function insertTxt() { var textstring = "test successful"; window.frames["iframeAB"].document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0].value = textstring; <iframe name="iframeAB" src ="index.html" id="qab" width="100%" height="210" style="border:1px solid #009ee0"> Your browser doesn't handle iframes <input type="button" value="Go" onclick="top.frames['iframeAB'].window.document.body.getElementById('text_field').value='test successful';"/> <a href="#" onclick="insertTxt();">test</a> share|improve this question Unless on same domain, port and protocol, not possible –  mplungjan Dec 29 '13 at 6:42 add comment 2 Answers Try using window.frames["iframeAB"].documentContent instead of window.frames["iframeAB"].document share|improve this answer add comment Try this using jQuery: // Include the jQuery file inside the head tag // Download the latest version, this is in the jQuery website // Then call the code inside ready method like this $(document).ready(function () { // Get the iFrame jQuery Object var $MyFrame = $("iframe[name='iframeAB']"); // You need to wait for the iFrame content to load first // So, that the click events work properly $MyFrame.load(function () { var frameBody = $MyFrame.contents().find('body'); // Find the textarea by id var textarea = frameBody.find('#text_field'); // Set the value here... share|improve this answer I'm not so good with jQuery. Can you please tell me how can I call this function? Or I should just paste this code to the head between Javascript tags and it will work? –  Radical_Activity Apr 23 '13 at 11:38 I have updated the code. Put it inside the head tag. –  palaѕн Apr 23 '13 at 12:51 It should work even for other domain? I mean Site A is on my domain and Site B (the iFramed one) in another domain. Would that work in that case? –  Radical_Activity Apr 23 '13 at 12:58 I hope so. Give it a try... –  palaѕн Apr 23 '13 at 13:02 It doesn't seems to work at all :( I have tired this by creating an Index file and create a file which contains the form itself, but it doesn't seens to do anything. –  Radical_Activity Apr 23 '13 at 14:24 add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × Is there a way to set the next build number in Hudson from a script? I have the nextBuildNumber plug-in installed, and attempted to use wget with --post-data, but that page appears to require login. I have two steps of a chained build and I want to keep the build numbers in sync. share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers up vote 0 down vote accepted Use HTTP authentication to log into your Hudson server with a user who has suitable privileges for scheduling a build. The authenticating scripted clients page on the Hudson wiki describes this. share|improve this answer Hrm... I didn't specify it, but we're using Active Directory authentication, and as part of a large company, corporate IT hasn't been too keen to give us AD users for scripting purposes. Not sure how I'll get around that limitation, but you've answered my original question. –  Joe Schneider Feb 15 '10 at 18:53 add comment There's a file named jobs/$JOBNAME/nextBuildNumber. It contains the next build number to be used in plain text. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × I'm trying to find a way to hide the switch inside the standard overlay of the UIImagePickerController (the one at bottom right) because I want to force use to only take picture and not video. Is that possible to do it without creating a custom overlay? Thanks Francesco share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 1 down vote accepted I think that you just limit the mediaType as per above share|improve this answer Thanks, that's work perfectly and do exactly what I want. Thats the actual code if someone have the same problem: mypickerController.mediaTypes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: (NSString *) kUTTypeImage, nil]; It also important to add an import for: #import <MobileCoreServices/UTCoreTypes.h> and add MobileCoreServices.framework in the project. Thanks Again –  Punty Aug 4 '11 at 15:07 add comment Your Answer
Take the 2-minute tour × Ok so tbh the title isn't very good I just don't know how to explain what i'm trying to do in 1 short sentence so I will do my best here.... I have an array $options = array('156656', 'bar', '235456','soft', '353636','eve', '4356563', 'evil'); I want number and name to be partnered/linked so have done this by splitting with list() ... list($number, $name) = $options; echo $name . ' : ' . $number . '<br />'; which shows as 156656 : bar but what I need is for all to be listed like so ... 156656 : bar 235456 : soft 353636 : eve 4356563 : evil I'm guessing this is done with a foreach but what ever I try fails As always all help is appreciated and thanks in advance. share|improve this question add comment 3 Answers up vote 2 down vote accepted You can use array_chunk to get sub arrays like below: $options = array('1', 'bar', '2','soft', '3','eve', '4', 'evil'); foreach (array_chunk($options, 2) as $sub) { list($number, $name) = $sub; echo $number . ' : ' . $name . '<br />'; share|improve this answer Thank you xdazz –  Dizzi Oct 29 '11 at 5:24 add comment How about enumerating two at a time: for ($i = 0; 2 * $i < count($arr); ++$i) print("First: " . $arr[2 * $i] . ", Second: " $arr[2 * $i + 1]); share|improve this answer ok I see what you mean but the number in my list isn't actually necessarily in order, maybe I will edit my question –  Dizzi Oct 29 '11 at 5:18 It doesn't matter if numbers in your list are in order or not, the above loop will still work. –  guru Oct 29 '11 at 5:21 add comment Try using associative arrays, for this application, as well: $options = array('156656'=>'bar', '235456'=>'soft', '353636'=>'eve', '4356563'=>'evil'); Then, you can use foreach on it as so: print("$key: $value\n"); share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer
Uppercase germandbls is coming to Unicode twardoch's picture Andreas Stötzner and the German DIN committee submitted a proposal to the ISO 10646 working group that uppercase ß (germandbls, eszett, sharp s) should be added to Unicode/ISO 10646. U+1E9E is the envisioned codepoint. The proposal can be viewed at: It is important to note that according to the proposal, even after adding this character to Unicode, the standard uppercase mapping for "ß" will remain "SS". This encoding effort is not about changing existing application or even spelling rules -- it is simply an effort to encode a character to be used in an "alternate" spelling which some people use (and currently have problems with properly encoding the text). It is an observed fact that "uppercase ß" exists, even if the official rules don't envision it. I believe it is an interesting effort, and it would be reasonable to discuss what the best possible shape for the new character would be. Some links in German: (published by Andreas Stötzner, I recommend reviewing all the PDFs published there.) Some German type designers posted some of their design proposals for an uppercase ß at: I find many of these design proposals structurally flawed -- they don’t look like uppercase letters. They look like lowercase letters enlarged to match uppercase. The graphical structure of the Roman uppercase is very different from lowercase. If one were to invent a new uppercase letter, it would have to stylistically match the Roman uppercase. If Unicode really decides to encode uppercase ß, type designers should imagine what the uppercase ß would have looked from the very beginning, rather than trying to work out of the existing lowercase ß form. Note that the history of "ß" is somewhat surprising. The letter developed in a two-wise way: as a ligation of long s and round ("normal") s, and as a ligation of long s and z. The German language adopted unified spelling rules only in 1901. Before that, both in the middle ages and in the humanist period, German spelling differed much. For example, "Thor" and "Tor" were equal variants of spelling the word meaning "gate". Sharp s was denoted by different writers differently (as ſs or ſz, which looked like ſʒ). The graphical shape of the ß ligature developed independently in these two ways. This dichotomy still shows itself in a small minority practice of uppercasing ß as "SZ" rather than "SS". Incidentally, this practice is understandable for most German readers (though not actively practiced), i.e. "GROSZSTADT" or "MASZGEBLICH" is understandable as the uppercasing of Großstadt or maßgeblich. See for an example. One interesting issue is that in the 1996 spelling reform the status of ß as a single letter has been finally confirmed. In the previous spelling, the general rule was that short vowels are denoted by following them by doubled consonant letters while long vowels are followed by single consonant letters. So writing "met" always indicates a long "e:" while "mett" indicates a short "e". In case of "s"/"ß", it was confusing. Following a vowel with a single "s" always denoted a long vowel, following a vowel with a doubled "ss" indicated a short vowel, but following a vowel with "ß" did not give clue whether the vowel was short or long. So "Ruß" was actually pronounced "ru:s" as if the "ß" stood for a single consonant letter, but "Nuß" was pronounced "nus" as if the "ß" stood for a doubled consonant letter. The 1996 spelling removed this uncertainty by changing the spelling of all "ß" into "ss" when the preceding vowel was to be pronounced short. Today’s spelling of "Nuss" or "dass" underlines that the vowels are to be pronounced short. The uppercasing of "ß" as "SS" but also as "SZ" defeats this clear rule. If I uppercase the word "Rußpartikel" into "RUSSPARTIKEL" or even "RUSZPARTIKEL", suddenly the natural way of pronouncing the "U" changes from short to long, so the reader is confused. The confusion is even bigger now, after the reform, because the special "undefined" treatment of "ß" no longer exists, so readers are used to "ß" being always treated as a single consonant letter, not as a ligature of a doubled consonant. To remain logical, consistent and reader-friendly, "ß" needs (at some point) to assume a single graphemic shape in the uppercase. I strongly feel that uppercasing "ß" as "SS" is now -- especially under the new rules -- a temporary anachronism. "ß" is a single CHARACTER (as per orthographic perception). It has functionally liberated itself from its historical background (which was a ligature of ſs or ſz). Today, "ß" is no more a ligature of "ſs" than "ä" is a ligature of "ae". The transition process from "ae" to "ä" has been completed about 200 years ago, and the transition process between "ſs" to "ß" is happening now. Encoding the uppercase "ä" as "A ZWJ E" (or something like that) would make as little sense as encoding the uppercase "ß" as "S ZWJ S". I believe that "SS" is an anachronic, still-in-use but slowly-to-vanish poor man’s solution to write the uppercase "ß". I believe that it should be an exciting task for type designers now to come up with a new form. In my opinion, this issue is definitely not one that is completely solved. We’re in the middle of a slow transition period for "ß". The 1996 reform started it and showed the direction. I myself once had the idea that Scedilla (U+015E, Ş) would be most appropriate for denoting uppercase ß. After all, Ş is historically an S with a subscribed z (that at this time looked like ʒ). Since ß is a ligature of either ſs or of ſʒ, uppercasing it as Sʒ, or, effectively, Ş, would historically make sense. Using this notation, "Gauß" or "Roßberg" would be uppercased to "GAUŞ" or "ROŞBERG". Similarly, the umlaut in "ä" or "ö" is historically a superscripted "e", so historically "ä" and "æ" are two different ligations of "ae", and "ö" and "œ" are two different ligations of "oe". Since German readers are currently used to uppercasing ß as SS, i.e. they write "GAUSS" or "ROSSBERG", I even thought of a compromise: the SS remains doubled but for added distinctiveness, a subscribed z (i.e. a cedilla) is added after the first S. In other words, "Gauß" or "Roßberg" should be uppercased as "GAUŞS" or "ROŞSBERG". Historically, this would make sense. The cedilla would here have a similar function to the trema in Spanish or French: "GAUŞS" would make clear that it comes from "Gauß" while "GAUSS" would make clear that it comes from "Gauss". "ROŞSBERG" does not look very awkward to a German reader. The addition of a diacritic does not dramatically change the reading pattern but still adds a distinctive mark that is, indeed, needed. If I were to design a glyph that should go into U+1E9E, it would probably look like ŞS, or perhaps just SS, depending on the style of the typeface. An alternative approach is to look at the existing uppercase-to-lowercase relations within the Latin alphabet and try to derive a shape for the uppercase ß which maintains the same relations. In most of the middle ages and the period up until the 19th century, the long s ("ſ") and "f" were closely related, "f" being simply a "ſ" with a stroke going through. The same, very primitive graphic relation exists between the prototypic shapes of the Greek letters gamma (Γ) and digamma (Ϝ). Since the minuscule "f" always has been a "ſ" with a middle stroke, then the capital "F" might also be considered an uppercase "ſ" with a stroke going through. Of course an uppercase long s never existed, but this relation may be helpful when constructing the uppercase ß. Because I think that *if* the Latin alphabet ever used or needed another capital S, the preferred shape could be that of a gamma (Γ). This is a simple, effective shape that maintains a stylistic relation to the lowercase long s that is typical of other uppercase-to-lowercase relations. If we look at the relations between Aa Ee Ff Mm Pp, we will notice that sharp, edgy connections in the uppercase are related to more smooth, round connections in the lowercase. If "F" developed into "f" in a cursive hand, then it is very easy to imagine that a cursive rendition of the "Γ" shape might, indeed, look very much like "ſ". This is an important observation when thinking about the shape of an uppercase "ß": I assert that the shape of uppercase "ß" must be "edgier" than the lowercase. In short, I think that the left part of uppercase ß should be "Γ". What about the right part? Here, I would call to exploit the double origin of "ß", which developed paralelly as a ligature of "ſs" as well as of "ſz" (where the "z" historically used the "ʒ" shape, so "ſʒ"). These days, the lowercase "ß" is typically derived from the ligated form of "ſs". For visual dissimilation purposes -- to strongly set apart the lowercase and the (new) uppercase "ß" I would derive the uppercase "ß" from a ligation of the hypothetical uppercase "ſ" (i.e. "Γ") and the shape of "the other" origin of "ß", i.e. of the historical "Z" shape. In short, I believe that the best graphical rendition of an uppercase "ß" would be be a well-designed ligature that incorporates these shapes: "ΓƷ" I have made a small simulation using Garamond Premier (please excuse my poor drawing abilities): The first line shows what the historical origin of ß looks like, i.e. long s followed by a round s. The second line shows the current shape of ß as we know it. The third line shows what a hypothetical uppercase long S might look like ("Γ"), which is just a mental exercise. The fourth line is my proposal for the uppercase ß shape. Andreas Stötzner has proposed an elaborate document that tries to explore all possible combinations of drawing an uppercase ß: My proposal corresponds to the scheme A1-B2-C1, which I has the most "uppercase" appearance of all those presented there. On a related matter, at the exhibition "Neue Baukunst. Berlin um 1800", which is on display at the Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin until May 28, I have discovered a fantastic calligraphic lowercase "ß" shape, in which the "long s" part connects to the BOTTOM and not to the top of the following "short s". Please take a look: This got my imagination going. Nick Shinn's picture Here are some more I've done recently, for Oneleigh and Goodchild. These will be released soon in updates. I prefer the "Leipziger" style for old-style (Antiqua) faces. Mark Simonson's picture That pointy part at the upper right of the Leipzig variant just looks weird to me. I can't think of any other letter that's made using a pinched vertex like that. In spite of that, yours are looking pretty convincing, Nick. How would it look in something really bold or geometric like Soft Machine? :-0 Nick Shinn's picture You're right about the pinched vertex being unusual. I'm afraid I didn't rationalize it too much! The Leipzig variant would be a challenge in something really bold or geometric, but for me it just seems appropriate for the old style, and I'll probably go with the Dresdner variant for Softmachine. piccic's picture I think as designers, we work on glyphs and have a knowledge of what is the essence of that glyph […] I think Chris is entirely right. I think you should get the essence of a letterform. Since the SS is a "S-related" or "S-sound" letter, I couldn't treat it as an "abstract" form to invent. Here's my form for Neoritmo. The UC [ß] is the same height of the [H], which has an ascending part. The interruption of the [ß]s is a choice, and the form can be seen continuous. What I think is that we may compensate for its feeling of "lowercaseness" by making the upper left corner a "supercurve" (more angular), and thus neither rounded nor angled. piccic's picture P.S. Nick, why did you use for the UC of Oneleigh Roman the "Leipzig" form, while the LC had the "Dresden" one? ralf h.'s picture many of these are hard to distinguish without context: Il1, O0o, rnm, 5S, 2Zz. ... Context helps a lot. I totally agree to that, but the thing is: B and capital sharp S will always appear in the same context, so we need a clear distinction within the skeleton of the letter. Context can not always help: "Die große Wurst" (the big sausage). "Die grobe Wurst" (the coarse sausage). I wouldn't even mind if different shapes come into use (as with single/double-storey a and g), as long as they cannot be mistaken for a B. Nick Shinn's picture why did you use for the UC of Oneleigh Roman the “Leipzig” form, while the LC had the “Dresden” one? I see what you mean. I chose the Dresdner form for the LC as I liked the way the top stroke suggested a chirographic break with the bottom, and that quirkyness seemed to suit the face. I don't think there's a necessity to have overt shape-echoes between the cases, as the UC eszett only appears in all-cap settings. The main thing is to have the cap Eszett look well in all-cap settings, and the LC ß look good in mixed case. cuttlefish's picture Here is how I've handled this character in Agamemnon, Californian Grotesque, Palormak, and Effluent: These are all works in progress and subject to change. I've tried a variety of the suggested solutions and these seem to work best within their own context, being neither to lower-casey nor B -like, and certainly unmistakable for their lower-case counterparts. I keep forgetting or swapping in my mind what distinguishes the Leipzig from the Dresden form, and I'm not sure how either applies to my designs, so I'll refrain from using those words for now. I'm sure there is room for improvement. dezcom's picture Those look good to me except the last one (the didone). The Greek Gamma plus s just looks like a strange creature or an old Hangman game? cuttlefish's picture I agree that one on Effluent (the didone) looks pretty odd, but the other styles weren't working at all on that one. It is the same structure Tim Ahrens used for his, though. Nick Job's picture Purely out of respect, don't you have to look at what German typographers have done/are doing/will do with this character? Is this not one for German designers to solve (at this 'early' stage at least)? This is a uniquely German challenge, isn't it? I can't help thinking that if there were a 'new' character used only in my language, that if someone steamed in from another country that spoke and wrote a different language and told me what it ought to look like... If one can get rather animated and protective over the correct vs incorrect angle of the smallest accent in a particular language, how much more would an entire character get tensions running high. I feel completely unqualified to comment on any of these designs, much as I like some and dislike others. I am far more interested in what, for example, Ralf thinks (he is the 'consumer'), especially as he has been so helpful by elucidating some of the issues involved, which would never have occurred to me. Just because there is going to be a gap in the Unicode list, it doesn't mean it has to be filled in a given font, especially not with dross (I'm not saying the designs above are dross, by the way). The slightly irritating fact of the matter is that the trend is in danger of being set by the hastiest designers rather than considered and informed solutions which might solve the problem in a more efficient manner. Idealistic, I know. I'm sure someone will pile in and put me straight. For all sorts of reasons, let's not regret our Eszetts. Mark Simonson's picture Granted. I just hope that whatever form is settled on, it will fit comfortably and flexibly into the typographic gamut. Nick Shinn's picture Nick, I don't think the trend will be set by the "hastiest designers", I'd credit German typographers with more sense than that. I don't believe this is a problem non-German designers can't solve, it's not very difficult in that respect. All the background is accessible in this thread. All we need to know is summarized by Jason, All we have to do is make that work in our own types, and you can see an example in Jason's Agamemnon--surely you don't have to be German to appreciate how nicely the Eszett is realized as an expression of that typeface, how well it integrates with the other characters? hrant's picture Every time I catch my breath long enough to post to this thread, it has already grown beyond recognition! It warms my heart - I love newborn characters. This is clearly a tricky design problem, with many factors pushing and pulling. If German didn't use caps so much, the problem of the cap eszet looking too much like a "B" would be secondary. But that's what we have to work with. I mostly agree with Nick on the "nativity" issue in this case. As unnerving as the ethnic intrusion might feel to some (I know from my own experience of watching non-Armenians design Armenian type), especially because this is a new character/glyph I think non-Germans can contribute a lot. That said, of course Germans are the "customer". Even though we can't trust laymen to give reliable feedback about a proposed glyph's stylistic integrity with the whole or its non-ligatureness, the issue of diverging sufficiently from the "B" is something I think that only German laymen can help us with. So I propose rounding up the best few candidates (for a normal text font, like maybe Georgia), preparing a Flash movie where some carefully-chosen words are... flashed for varying very short durations in front of readers on non-typographic web sites, and then ask them what they read. Mark Simonson's picture It's sort of a chicken and egg problem. The reason we can read something in a "flash" is because we are thoroughly familiar with the forms. If you introduce unfamiliar forms, the odds are stacked against their being interpreted correctly, no matter how reasonably the forms have been designed. hrant's picture If you only show individual glyphs, certainly. But if you carefully chose the words that either have a "B" or a cap eszet, I think you might start getting a feel for the boundaries. Think for example of the word "apposite" in English. It's a much rarer word than "opposite", so in Avant Garde for example you will get many more people reading it as "opposite", but in Quadraat for example more people will read it as "apposite", even if they don't even know what it means. BTW, "apposite" sort of means the opposite of "opposite". :-) So we would need to find German word pairs like that, and try the different proposed cap eszets to gauge which ones look less like a "B". Nick Shinn's picture That's an interesting proposition Hrant (research-worthy), and the results would be valuable, but your example would appear to legitimize forms that are not optimal for disambiguation. If the single bowl "a" is apposite in Avant Garde, Futura, etc., why shouldn't a cap eszett that is somewhat B-ish be OK in some faces?-- and in fact I think Mark's cap eszett for Futura is like that; it's B-ish, and it seems to suit the face precisely for that reason. Tim Ahrens's picture If German didn’t use caps so much, the problem of the cap eszet looking too much like a “B” would be secondary. But that’s what we have to work with. I don't understand what you mean. Can you explain that? Nick Job's picture Nick S When I said 'hastiest', maybe I should have said 'most eager' and maybe being eager is a good qualification to set the pace. Maybe I was hasty, sorry. > I don’t believe this is a problem non-German designers can’t solve... You're absolutely right, anyone from anywhere can solve a problem (to say otherwise would be bordering on racism), but in this case isn't it a bit like telling a French, Spanish, Catalan person etc, what their cedillas should look like, when they were the ones who invented it/them? That just makes me nervous. There remains a conflict in my mind because the reality is that no-one can really tell me what my Eszett should look like in my own font. It's no-one else's business (not even Germans) and in that sense we all have to be able to solve the problem for every font that we design. However, I'm still intrigued because the 'problem' seems to have only come to light in recent times (hasn't it?) That makes me think Germans were not that bothered about solving it (not as bothered about it as the majority of us on this thread who aren't German) and for us to tell them that they have a problem makes me very nervous. Finally, on a creative note, no-one can have a genuine problem with this new character being B-ish? (P and R are all relatively B-ish but voice completely different sounds) as long as the two characters cannot be mistaken in context (that is where Ralf and friends have indispensable advice). In the end usage and context may well design this character for us. Was ever a character conceived in this 'mass committee' way before? guifa's picture Was ever a character conceived in this ’mass committee’ way before? Not just a character but an entire alphabet. Jongseong's picture Not just a character but an entire alphabet. Actually, despite the popular Korean belief that King Sejong appointed his team of scholar-officials with the creation of hangul (the Korean alphabet), modern scholars agree that it was a personal project of the king himself. So hangul was not conceived by a mass committee. As for characters that were designed in a mass-committee manner... I have no idea, but maybe phonetic symbols? Characters for some African orthographies? Nick Shinn's picture Nick, I don't see this character as a problem, but an opportunity created by Unicode and OpenType. Unicode and OpenType, among other things, are part of present-day internationalism, and the field of font design and production are wide open to foundries worldwide. If foreign type-designers are heavy-handed, it's up to indigenous typographers to ignore their typefaces. Trans-national corporations like Microsoft and Adobe, that are bundling large numbers of fonts globally, have to be more circumspect, because their types will become something of a de facto standard. However, the fact that there is a variety of options available to those who choose and purchase fonts from independent foundries should provide cultural checks and balances, while allowing some "foreign spice" to make things more interesting. hrant's picture Nick, what I'm describing is merely an observation tool - it can only help a designer make a decision; it cannot replace the designer's overall judgment. Of the three factors I can discern, namely stylistic fit, non-ligatureness and non-"B"-ness, only the last can be addressed by the sort of informal field study I describe. And all such a field study could do is give the designers a feeling for how a glyph is being read. That still leaves the bulk of decision-making to the designer's judgment. So for example you might only give up on a very "B"-like cap eszet for Avant Garde if the study results are totally disastrous. > I don’t understand what you mean. Can you explain that? I was hoping my "apposite" example clarified things. But let me try this: you choose a pair of German words where one has a "B" in one spot while the other has an eszet in the same spot (ideally with both words having comparable frequency; or you could weight the results based on the relative frequencies). You set them in all-caps and flash them for very short periods in front of readers, then ask them to type the word. Refinements might involve: using different durations, maybe between 1/10 and 1/4 of a second; using words that start with "B"/cap-eszet and setting the rest in lc; and putting the words in the parafovea (by asking the reader to focus on a point that's some distance* to the left of the flashed word). * To be determined by factoring in screen resolution and viewing distance; tricky. > Germans were not that bothered about solving it Well, most Germans don't design fonts. :-) In fact many Germans want[ed] to dump the lc eszet! For shame. > ... as long as the two characters cannot be mistaken in context 1) Sometimes they could. But the fewer words that might have this problem, the lesser the problem, and the less it makes sense to sweat it, I agree. 2) This is a new character. Changing an established character is a whole other animal! > modern scholars agree that it was a personal project of the king himself. Really? I didn't know that. In a way, that's even more impressive (or maybe my monarchist tendencies are at play :-). It's worth noting here that many people (including myself) consider Hangul to be by far the most powerful and elegant writing system. To me it makes English look like the village idiot. > characters that were designed in a mass-committee manner A mass, anonymous committee: ralf h.'s picture No, because were designing a completely new character here, not changing an existing one. Anyone in the world can understand the design problems and solve them. As for me, I really appreciate the ideas in this thread. The introduction of complete new alphabets is a different thing, because everyone was forced to learn a completely new system. But here we're trying to sneak in a new character in a set of characters everyone is used to. This is not easy. It must have a distinct design but still feel like it was always there and must be easily recognized as a cap Eszett. Arranging legibility test with system fonts like Georgia would be a nice way to check for the B problem. Speaking of Georgia: Maybe we should also try to solve this the Carter-way: The character must also work in a small copy text like this one here on Typophile. Maybe it would be a good idea to start with simple pixel grid, in which it would be easy to see if the skeleton is different enough from B and R. cuttlefish's picture Putting a bit more work into it, I came up with a very different solution for my didone Effluent (I'd really appreciate another name suggestion--I'm tapped out). The new one follows a configuration similar to what I used for Agamemnon, with the Gamma_s lig type from before shown for comparison. The new one is a bit more B-like, but not so much as to cause confuddlement. hrant's picture I think this might have been discussed before, but what about giving it a descender?* That might pull it nicely away from the "B", but hopefully not too close to looking like a lc (which would be another possible field test). The descender could either be at the left stem or the right curl. * Except in fonts where both the "J" and "Q" don't descend I guess. A relevant question here: are "J" and "Q" very low frequency in German? hrant's picture Oh, I said that 1.5 years ago. :-/ cuttlefish's picture I think J has a fairly high frequency in German. Their word for "yes" starts with J, so it's at least an important letter. I don't think I saw the Q used very much in that semester of German class that I slept through, though. dezcom's picture That looks much better, Jason! Florian Hardwig's picture Yes, we like to capitalize a lot of words. All nouns, to start with. But there are no words that start with an ‘ß’. So we would need to find German word pairs like that Here you go: [big — gross] [greeting — to dig (past tense)] [to be called (past tense) — hit/slash] [to let (past tense) — dear] [to tear — to rub] [white — woman (as in shrew)] [to pound sth. — to scatter (past tense)] [shit — pane/slice] hrant's picture Florian, awesome! More, and much faster, than I expected. Any way to get frequency numbers for those? Actually, failing that, migrating the frequency numbers from English* would be much better than nothing (since people pretty much talk about the same things no matter where you go :-). * Which I can provide, via Kucera & Francis. So who's gonna set this puppy up? :-) I'm willing to help with the "interface design" and (non-linguistic) testing. ralf h.'s picture Here is a quick test with a 9 pixel cap height: It is build in FontStruct and anyone can modify it/add Eszett variants: nina's picture Excellent idea, Ralf. I took the liberty of trying out a few variants: I didn't change your FontStruction but clone it to my own space (version with my added variants is here). I agree with your post over on that a descender on the right hand side (as in my third variant) probably doesn't make sense from a logical point of view; still, it does help to differentiate so I figured I'd give it a shot. Emanual Dexterity's picture Tim: "First, show us your solution and then you can criticise the others." No thanks. Drawing, you know, is the first refuge of the confused. ... an uppercase long s and an uppercase s englyphed together into one? I must apologize for any l.c. German ß I made with a leading edge crossbar on the long s. Those were stupid mistakes following stupid models. And why I ever followed the crowd on roman l.c. ß that followed the f and not the fj, I have no idea. Should I ever make an uppercase ß either with a crossbar on the long S or via an uppercase F with the bar removed, crit me to within an inch of my life. And if I ever make one that looks like a l3 or J3 ligature, strike me dumber. Now, would I want to make something that tries to disappear right away, or should I try to make glyphs that are correctly clear, but that may take a generation or two of readers before the glyph disappears into the text? I await an order, that is as usual, specific to an audience, a style, a resolution and a size. Nick has gotten the closest so far as I can agree, but just once and not quite. Nick Job's picture The trouble is, many upper case glyphs look like their lowercase counterparts but many don't - it's about half and half depending on which font you're talking about. Now, who is to say whether the upper case long s is one of the characters that looks like its lowercase counterpart or not; e.g. it might actually look like an F/gamma or even a crazy J, who is to say? But, surely anyone can decide what an uppercase long s looks like and may the best man/woman 'win'. Aren't you (and Nick S) saying that the uppercase long s looks like half an inverted U and not a F/gamma? Why is that anymore right than the F/gamma approach? I'd love to say that historically the long s had nothing to do with f but it kinda did, didn't it? You can't really fault anyone for going for the uppercase F as a model for the uppercase long s too. Are you saying, first and foremost, that we need to have some consensus on what an uppercase long s looks like? If so, you are bound to get some that think that because what you're talking about doesn't really exist, then this new glyph should actually look like two regular uppercase S's ligatured. Then the next logical question is, "Did they actually need ligaturing?" I'm not sure they do, just like FI and FFL etc don't really warrant special characters. All I want is for the logic to be good. Rightly or wrongly, having good, robust logic bothers me more than whether the character looks nice. Not many posters on this thread seem to share my concerns logically. Anyone (OK, not anyone) can design a lovely a character, a lot of the proposed Long s's in this thread look great, but don't they amount to nothing more than follies if the logic that conceived them was flawed? Question 1 for me is "So what does an uppercase long s (if it actually ought to be made to live and breathe at all) really look like?" If one answers this then one might be on the way to defining the look of the actual ligature in its entirety. If you can't answer this question, maybe don't force a ligature to exist. k.l.'s picture Reading things into Mr Berlow's comment, at the risk of misreading it ... It doesn't look like Mr Berlow said that this or that uppercase form of long-s is right or wrong, but rather that there is and never was an uppercase long-s so it's a bit of an idle game. As regards the logic part ... Ralf, earlier: But all of Marks designs use the skeleton of the B with a "strange thing" going on at the bottom. [...] Tim's designs are not the ones I would favour, but they clearly solve the problem. I am not tempted at all to read GROBES. Amusingly Mr Simonson's shapes fit much nicer into uppercase letters' visual laws while Tim's, nice as they are, suffer from having four rather than the usual three horizontal elements and a 3/4 S which -- whether Mr Berlow qualified for judging by not submitting his own Eszett to the jury or not -- is a little alien. Consider Mr Simonson's versions as long-s reminder (the stem) plus a diacritic mark similar to connected semicolon, which construction has some resemblance to early "eszetts". Still I cannot help considering the uppercase Eszett as a bastard. The lowercase version already contains a letterforms that by itself does not exist any more (long-s), and any uppercase version needs to come up with an uppercase long-s which never existed and which must be unintelligent by design. The only solution is, more or less, to uppercasify the lowercase version. But this solution actually means violating the typographic rule to not use an eszett in all-caps setting, but hiding this a bit by dressing up what structurally is a lowercase letter so it looks more like an uppercase. "Uppercase Eszett" itself is logically not sound. Nick Shinn's picture ...the look of the actual ligature... Two models emerged for the "double u", one with kissing v's, one with overlapping v's. Both legitimate. There are variants based on the shape of "u" as well as "v". Look at the different design solutions that have been proffered for the Euro. It's wide open, that's why it's so exciting to take a crack at. hrant's picture > “Did they actually need ligaturing?” What is "need"? I believe that ligatures are good for you. > I cannot help considering the uppercase Eszett as a bastard. All the lc glyphs are bastards (as Cassandre duly noted). But they rule the earth now, so we better work with them. The interesting twist with the cap eszet is that -apparently- no words start with it. So its harmony with other caps seems to be more important than with the lc. (This is also makes it quite unnerving that it took so long to take it seriously.) guifa's picture hrant: I believe that ligatures are good for you. While I'm in total agreement, I could have sworn you were in general against the use of ligatures. Maybe I'm just remembering some old threads wrong. hrant's picture I've been liking them for at least four years, but maybe before that I had said something that I no longer agree with. Or maybe I had said that ligatures that are only there to make text pretty are no good. I mean text text. Mark Simonson's picture They have imaginary numbers in mathematics, indicated with an italic lowercase i. Since the long (cap) S is an imaginary character, we could do the same and write the imaginary long S as iS. Following this logic, the capital Eszett would then be written iSS. However, it would be a bit difficult not to read the i as a letter, so we could just put the dot from the i over the first S to indicate the imaginary long S. The cap Eszett would then be written SS, with a dot over the first S. cuttlefish's picture Are there any words in ANY languages that begin with "ss"? Would these languages benefit from a spelling reform to replace that digraph with eszett (and by extension Eszett)? Just throwing some more ideas against the wall to see if anyone salutes. hrant's picture Mark, that doesn't sound anything like you! :-) Jason, that's a major long-shot, but certainly the presence of a cap eszet makes it much more likely! The thing is, a lowercase eszet would probably get spliced in first. Florian Hardwig's picture Are there any words in ANY languages that begin with “ss”? Would these languages benefit from a spelling reform Don’t know of ‘Ss’, but Hungarian has a lot of words starting with ‘Sz’. According to an entry in the Decode Unicode Wiki, some Hungarians like to replace ‘sz’ with ‘ß’ in text messages – because so they can save a character. To me, that doesn’t sound very plausible, in times of T9 dictionaries. Same is said about the Swiss: SMS efficiency made them raise the ‘ß’ from the dead. Again, I’d say this mainly has to do with the built-in dictionaries: When typing ‘Grus…’, the dictionary proposes ‘Gruß’ [greeting] – which is gladly accepted. Just leetspeak. nina's picture Actually in Switzerland, among young people, the ß is even widely replaced for ss in text messages where it doesn't make sense at all from a grammatical / orthographical perspective; I assume it has less to do with T9 than with, like you said, saving a character. Stuff like "wißen" for "wissen" (to know), which has never been written like this; makes me cringe, but it does appear to be a new use for the character. nina's picture Add to that: There still aren't any words in German that begin with either ß or ss. Which is, the way I understand it, part of the reason why the ß did not previously exist as a capital letter. ralf h.'s picture Still I cannot help considering the uppercase Eszett as a bastard. ... any uppercase version needs to come up with an uppercase long-s which never existed and which must be unintelligent by design. This sort of logic is common, but I don't think it is right. Are German umlauts bastards because they are originally build from a lowercase letter (e) placed on top of a capital letter? Is an A a wrong character because the ox was turned upside down? This sort of logic, that is based on a character's history or the history of parts of the letters doesn't lead anywhere. Letters are nothing but tools and they should be judged according to this and nothing else. Capital Umlauts were created because there was a need for them. And now is the time for the capital sharp S. We just need to figure out the right shape(s) of this tool. And this design process should be based on the question of what works best for the user/reader, not on the history of Eszett (which is unclear till today anyhow). k.l.'s picture Hi Ralf, I was addressing Nick Job's post which spoke about logic. I do not understand what you mean by "this sort of logic". If you design a letter, you need some kind of logic to make sure that the letter can be identified as that. A letter must fit into the context of other letters in terms of particular design style and, more important, fit into the rest of the alphabet in terms of structure (construction) and features -- to make sure a tone [mere shape on a page] can be identified as a token [instantiation] of a type [this or that character]. Beware of people who (want to) make history without knowing it. Look at IPA monsters to see what happens if history -- repertory of signs and marks that already exist -- is left aside: "tool approach" at its best. Problem with uppercase Eszett is that either one tries to make it visually sound, then it looks like Mark Simonson's or maybe like a lowercase eszett tweaked to look more like an uppercase, or structurally correct, which option is not even available because there is no uppercase long-s. hrant's picture Florian, that's wonderful to hear. Human needs should trump modernist bureaucrats all the time! > part of the reason why the ß did not previously exist as a capital letter. So Germans never set all-caps? :-) > This sort of logic, that is based on a character’s history or > the history of parts of the letters doesn’t lead anywhere. Heartily agreed. > you need some kind of logic to make sure > that the letter can be identified as that. Yes, but historical forms are circumstantial. What matters is what's in use (and what should be in use). Historical fidelity is generally promoted by people who simply enjoy history; but users don't need their enjoyment. > Beware of people who (want to) make history without knowing it. I would say that ignorance of history isn't the problem there. The problem is simply poor craft (which does include observation however). History leads us to where we are, but it's never really with us. Syndicate content Syndicate content
The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia Revision as of 19:13, January 19, 2013 by Cyrqa200 (talk | contribs) Jump to: navigation, search The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time The Deku Tree asking Link to touch his Deku Nuts. Developer(s) God Release date 1998 C.E. Genre Action-Adventure Platform(s) 1968 Chevy El Camino, PC Rating AO aardvarks only Would Dr. Phil play it? With gusto and your mom The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time , Zeruda no Densetsu Tokay Wine no Ocarina (ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ ), is a videogame and a brand of Tokay Wine developed by Nintendo and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Console with a Very Unoriginal Name. It was the first Zelda game to be done entirely in 3D and was followed by Labia Majora. It is considered by many drooling fanboys and critics to be the greatest video game of all time ever in the history of man kind (which I masturbate to quite frequently). The hero is a psychotic, terrorist-thief by the name of Link, who has been charged by Princess Zelda to steal someone's family jewels in order to fund her Triforce addiction, which Link inevitably accepts because he mistakes for a confession of love. Link misunderstands her and ends up stealing some guy's "family jewels" (if you get my drift) and hilarity ensues. Oh, and there's something about time traveling Ocarinas and a red-haired guy with a humongous yellow zit on his forehead with ears that make him look like Prince Charles. To achieve his goals Link travels through time using the titular ocarina; interacts with Hyrule's inhabitants (in more ways than one), especially Princess Ruto, a scaly girl who is a seamonkey princess, acquires weapons and items; slaughters every cute little forest creature he can find and solves puzzles in labyrinthine fish colons. For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time. Ocarina of Time is a fourth-person killing game which takes place in the fictional kingdom of Hyscule, a very small, limitedly connected world. For some strange reason, Wikipedia says the complete opposite, which is blatantly a lie. Link starts out with a relatively meager inventory but progressively rapes, pillages, and steals items and weapons from innocent people as the story progresses, leaving them defenseless against evil demons intent on ripping their hearts out. Actually, not even that; Link rips thier hearts out. Some new items are not critical to progress through the game, while equally many are absolutely stupid and pathetically useless rewards for completing optional side quests of varying to put on the back of the box. As in previous Zelda games, the overworld contains several dungeons. How many is several? A lot, promises Nintendo. Of course the Japanese all have 2 inch penises so its a pathetic eight. Within most dungeons, Link must battle fetish-crazed women. A dungeon typically contains a special weapon, often needed to kill some innocent huge monster in the final room. Rip their heart out and feast on it in a satanic ritual to prolong his life. Ocarina of Time included a feature called "BBQ-targeting". Basically, it allows Link to target on defenseless people, whom he can't kill, much to his disappointment. Luckily for him, it also allows him to target on innocent monsters, so that anything he throws will always hit them. Everytime. Even through walls. Even though Link lacks the power to speak due to his parents entrusting him to a tree when he was a baby, his fault is soon made up for the fact that he has an annoying light bulb named navajo following him around, whacking him on the head and telling him to "listen". He never does, even though the light bulb regularly gives Link vital information necessary to his quest, such as "Death Mountain sounds like a good place to visit," or "Hey! Those iron boots you have could sink to the bottom of Lake Hylia! Maybe that's where the next temple is!" Apparently, Nintendo's target audience does not know that metal sinks. Also if you cheat (which you will) the light bulb will keep asking you to do the same thing over and over. Forever. • Left shoulder (L1): Where Link keeps his girly sword. • Right shoulder (R1): Does nothing. Known to freeze the game. • Start button: Pause. But only for you, enemies will continue to attack in the background as you spin about through the complicated menu for all eternity, even after you die. • Joystick (giggity): Used to control Link in this totally open world game. Ahh... 1998. • A button: It is what it is. • B button: Cause The characters to stutter during cut scenes when pressed repeatedly. (fact) • Up C: Allows Navajo to spread her slandours filth that Nintendo claims to be valuable information on the game that in reality turns you Communist. Which is bad for some reason. • Left C: Allows you to use Meth. • Right C: Fingers Zelda. (listen for moaning, works olny with saround sound.) • Down C: The crash after you get High-C. • High-C: Secret button onlocked after using Left-C. • Z button: Uses BBQ-Targeting function. • Я button: (Only featured on russian N64 controllers) Makes Link masturbate if pushed rapidly. • Up Pad: IMMA • Left Pad: CHARGIN • Right Pad: MA • Down Pad: LAZERRR Link can also be controlled using a separately sold attached headset. Buttons are assigned to various phrases. Example: To walk forward, you will have to shout "FORWARD!". If you want to move backward shout "GO BACK NOW!" And if you want him to poop, you have to shout "SHITE!" (Cleverly, this disguises as a violent verbal outburst. Just don't shit yourself out of excitement.) List Of Known Microphone Commands Forward - Link moves forward Moonwalk - useful in graveyards for it causes Link to don a red Micheal Jackson suit and dance to "Thriller" Left - Link moves left. My other left - Link moves right. Shite - Link soils his tights. SWING - Link uses sword. This command isn't always accurate, it constantly gets mixed with the "SCHWING" command. SCHWING - Link Teleports to The Mushroom kingdom and Rapes The Princess. SCHWINGSAFELY - Link Teleports to The Mushroom kingdom and Rapes The Princess with protection, returns 2 months later to give her an abortion with a power star :) . SnooPINGAS! usual I see - Link's cock becomes as large as Hyscule. Think think - Link stands in the same spot. This has to be shouted into the microphone constantly for when it is not commanded, link runs around in a circle like a stupid dolphin, or in more rare cases, jumps up and down like a stupid monkey. Pudding Pop - Link does his impression of Bill Cosby and sucks. Pokeball, GOOOOO! - Link throws a pokeball and a random pokemon comes out and rapes either Link or the nearest innocent monster. Do something for me that makes sense - Used to open doors pick up bottles, etc. DO A BARREL ROLL! - Link will press the a and r button to execute a barrel maneuver. Takes up all 2kb of RAM on the Nintendo Shitty-Four [any sound picked up with the microphone that isn't a command] - Link will sit and do odd things to pass the time i.e: (Leon and Cloud appear outta no where and they Circle jerk to a muffin) Lunch Break - Pause game Taking fire, need assistance! - Link turns away from you and say "Negative". MEDIC! - Link will run around in hyper speed saying "Need a dispenser here!" repeatedly. Do a barrel roll! - Link will turn around and give you the finger. Protect the people! - Link will completely ignore you and murder as many people as he can, as well as those poor, innocent, monsters. Can't touch this - Link run for his life. Leon, help! - Leon from Resident Evil appears and saves him, but then he kills Link, because he was looking for Ashley Fox, get this guy off me! - This is famous. An arwing appears and tries to help Link, but shoot him instead Power Up - Robs Mario of his mushrooms and gets pretty fucked up HADOUKEN!! - Link does a Barrel Roll. Onward! - Link summons a giant pidgeon that is supposed to be his steed, but instead it pecks him to death. Hey, Listen! - Tells Link to listen to the Fairy that always seems to find a way to get into the storyline. PlayStation - The screen will turn black and you (in real life) will die a slow, painful death. Batankyuu... - Link Gets Killed By Puyo. Guu gu guu guu! - Link Gets Turned To Carbuncle. IDDQD - Kills the player. Originally the Godmode cheat in Doom, it is a joke by the developers by making it have the opposite effect in This Game. When entered, on the screen is displayed: TRYING TO CHEAT, EH? NOW YOU DIE! IDKFA - Removes all weapons and ammo the player is carrying. Any weapon that exists as a map item can be regained by picking one up, but the Master Sword will be lost for the remainder of the game session. It can, however, be recovered by using the All Weapons code. Just like the 'iddqd' cheat, this code is from Doom. In Doom, it gives all keys, armor and ammo. In This Game it does the opposite by taking them all away. The screen says: "CHEATER - YOU DON'T DESERVE WEAPONS" Setting and Characters The game is set in Hyrule, a hick-country created by three lesbians. When they left the land to have an orgy, they left a drug called the Triforce. The Triforce was sealed in another dimension called the "Sacred Ream", which is secured by the Apprentice Sword in its pedestal in the Temple of Clocks n' Shit. Seven humanoid races inhabit Hyrule. The Hylians are a race which bear a resemblance to humans with the exception of their pointed elf-like ears, or so says Wikipedia. You know, they could have just said the Hylians looked like Elves, but no... Anyway, they are ruled by a totally incompetent king, whose daughter is the Triforce-addicted Princess Zelda. The Kokiri are children who never grow up, created by the guardian spirit of Kokiri Forest, the Great Dick Tree, who makes the Kokiri touch his "Deku Nuts". They never age and never leave the forest, until Michael Jackson buys them and takes them to his bedroom for some Jesus juice. All Kokiri children have an annoying bulb of light which accompanies them throughout their lives. Link, the antihero of the game, lives among them at of the beginning the game. His closest friend is a Kokiri named Saria, who wants him really badly, but later gets captured by Michael Jackson and taken to the Forest Temple. Link chases him and slices his nuts off, resulting in the defeat on Michael Jackson in a very "Wicked Witch of the West" fashion (HE's Melting!!-HAHA, stupid gay diva). He makes sure Saria escaped without being "worse for wear"(nothing would have happened however, Michael hates girls). After he rescued her, Link finally asks her out, but she says she found out about Zelda, Malon, Ruto, Cucco Lady, and all 357 Lesbians. Saria dumped him on the spot, but Link then found the real Saria (who COULD grow up) and killed the fake, who turned out to just be Chuck Testa. The Morons are large, brown creatures that vary immensely in size but all have beer guts and rock hard old man nipples[1]. They live in a city halfway up Death Mountain, an active volcano, hence their name, and are led by a paedophile, Darunia, who likes touching Link, also to whom Link must play Saria's Song so that he gets an erection. On the other hand, there's a bunch of fish people who live at the source of Zora's River, the kingdom's water supply. The river runs all the way through Hyrule to Lake Hylia, at the very opposite end of the kingdom. The fish people are ruled by some deformed fat frog guy whose daughter eventually gets married to Link, even though Link already has two other wives, Saria and Zelda, but that's okay because you're adopted. The guardian spirit of Zora's Domain is Lord Jabu-Jabu, an immensely enormous fish with cows sticking out of the walls of his gut. The Lesbians are an almost entirely female race of thieves who live in the desert to the west. Only one male is born to the lesbians every hundred years and that male is always made their King. The most recent of these is Ganondorf, a paedophile with black armor and a huge yellow zit on his forehead. He's stupid because he wants to rule Hyrule when he could have made millions from selling hot lesbian porno. Other notable characters in the game include Link's annoying lightbulb companion Navajo, his horse Epona, the twin lesbian witches Twinrova (individually named Koume and Kotake) both of whom are Ganondorf's surrogate mothers (okay. Ganondorf is a bastard), Zelda's hippy alter-ego Sheik, and the country-hicks Talon, Malon, and Ingo. Talon and Malon are highly reminiscent of the characters Marin and Tarin in the previous title in the series, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, primarily because they're Marin and Tarin's in-bred descendants. Additionally, a large chicken named Kaepora Gaebora advises Link throughout his quest. After accidentally setting fire to his father, a Great Dick Tree, Link steals his tree daddy's family jewel. (Yes, he only has the one). He makes a living selling Dick Nuts to Hyrule Town's population, which he does so at a scandalously high price, due to it having the same properties as viagra and also because Link accidentally killed the only source of Dick Nuts i.e. his dad. In Hyrule, he meets Princess Zelda. She asks him to steal two more jewels in order to fund her Triforce addiction. He sets off, gets in a few scrapes, an encounter with a fat Moron paedophile and accidentally married to a fish. Later, Zelda, bitch-slaps him into the future, where he is seven years older and Good King Ganondorf rules effectively. (Under Ganondorf's rule, Hyrule Field is safer, he has protected the Kokiri children from Michael Jackson with his monsters, destroyed the bridge leading to a city of thieves and kidnappers, routed out a terrorist organisation that produced bombs, resurrected the extinct dragons, froze an evil cult that worshipped a man eating whale and overseen the flourishing of Kakariko Town). Since Link is a lazy bugger and there are no cars around, he steals a horse from the local champion horse breeder and jockey, whom has been frequently seen slapping this beast. Link likes to give the horse carrots, which usually means slapping her silly. He rides her across Hyrule, pillaging villages, by burning their women and raping their churches. Of course, he also massacres the monsters that that protect the Kokiri children from Michael Jackson, screws around with Sage herb or something and kills Ganondorf's Generals, because Zelda told him to and Link is a brainless pawn in her plans to rule the world. Link becomes a terrorist and wages war against Ganondorf's regime. Armed with Fire arrows, explosive terrorist devices, and some sticks, Link kills innocent monsters and eventually exterminates Ganondorf, so as to bring in a new era that would last a thousand years. "Drinks on me" and all that jazz. He then goes back in time and eventually stops his mother from meeting his father. Hilarity ensues, as he dressed up as Darth Vader and tries to scare his father into marrying his mother again. He warns Doc Emmett Brown about being shot, then jumps into his DeLorean and goes back to the future. If you watch the credits for a while you can witness some epic hentai btw. The Quest for the Bigmoron Sword It is possible for Link to replace his starting sword for the much larger Bigmoron Sword by solving a vast puzzle involving trading various useless items for other useless items, until eventually someone just gives him the sword out of pity for his slavish obedience to the whims of every person who he ever meets. The exact sequence of trades necessary is outlined below • He starts with an egg... • Which he trades for a pipe • Which he trades for a machete • Which he trades for 2500Mg of Tylenol • Which he trades for a receipt • Link finally gets that dang sword after all of that. A new Zelda was revealed with a technical demo shown at the 1995 SpaceWorld, and originally planned as an add-on to the sex doll 64. She seemed sluttier than the original, but that's completely irrelevant to the topic. A new Legend of Zelda game, however, was also shown at the 1995 SpaceWorld. The development crew for the game involved over 120 people, including stuntmen to take the place of some of the more important game developers for the more dangerous aspects of game coding. The game also contains development code and text that does not exist. Leftover Japanese text in the item banks reveals that there were two extra medallions called the Break Wind and Vanilla Ice Medallions at one point in development. There is data that allows the medallions to be equipped as an item, allowing them to fart like a cow or rap really badly. Ocarina of Time itself gained a large amount of fat before release; consequently, only those who had pre-ordered the game had any guarantee of receiving a copy. Many copies had been preordered by McDonald's and were sold as Chicken McNuggets the following day. Pre-ordered copies of the game were made from solid gold, even the circuits. As they were made entirely from metal, users were advised not to touch the cartridge when playing the game, as they would end up being electrocuted. Many Zelda fans committed suicide this way when they realised that Link still looked like a pile of polygons and not the sexy hunk they imagined him to be. Those who didn't pre-order a copy had to make do with a grey version made out of cardboard. This version was filled with many carbs due to the pre-release weight-gain and is rarely found outside of a fat household today. An early work-in-progress screenshot of Ocarina of Time shows Link receiving the Triforce from a treasure chest. This scene can only be unlocked once you kill a million monsters, play the Song of Time backwards a thousand times and then put Link's dick into the Pedestal of Time. Many rumours abound that you can actually do it another way. They're lying bastards, but you can trust me. There were also rumours that the game would feature realistic graphics, instead of the sharp, jaggy polygons that make Link look as if he has no groin. Frankly, fans took those rumours as seriously as the N64's development name, "Project Reality". (As in, they lapped it up like the gullible morons they are). I mean, honestly, how stupid were you? A sequal, set in -9876 entitled The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina in Time, might be released in 2034, depending on the strength of the future currency: relish. Ocarina of Time's music was composed by Grimace from McDonalds. "The music is culturally and worldly inspired", says Wikipedia, or in other words, it's bland crap that you've heard a million times before. In some locations, the music is a variation of an important ocarina tune related to that area i.e. the composer was feeling lazy and rehashed a song he'd already made for another part of the game. Mick Jagger produced the music for the game on his album "Hot Gerudo Lovin'" Queen Latifah also produced the music for Lost Woods and the theme of Kakariko Village. Nintendo released many versions of the game, fixing bugs and things and adding stuff players complained about. • Version 1.0: The first release of this game. it was made of solid gold. This Version Has Many Bugs. • Version 1.1: • The rotating Nintendo logo upon boot-up has been darkened and looks glossier. • Fixed a bug that let you not have a sword, which for some reason allowed you to do all sorts of fun shit. Fun is not allowed so that had to go. • The hover boot and rock-jump methods of stealing the fishing rod are fixed. • You can only save and reset once, and still keep a Deku Stick on B. On the next reset it will be replaced with the Master Sword. • Version 1.2: • Ganondorf's and Ganon's blood have been changed from red to green so the game could keep its AO rating. • The Fire Temple theme song has been replaced with a remix of the Shadow Temple's theme because the Muslim community was offended. • Fixed a bug that let you cheat at the fishing minigame. Fishing is boring, so being able to cheat simply will not do. • Version 1.3: • The game resolution has doubled from 320 x 240 to 640 x 480. • The dungeon block's, Gerudo sign's, and Mirror Shield's crescent moon & star symbols have been replaced with the Gerudo symbol that was used in Majora's Mask. • You can use Deku Sticks on the B button as adult without crashing the game. • Changed the grass behind the Deku Tree to a slightly lighter shade of green. • Version 1.4: • Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.3 that would cause the cartridge to explode after 4 seconds of gameplay because of the programing error. • Version 1.5: • Reintroduced the bug when you cheat at the fishing minigame. • Version 1.6: • Fixed a bug where every 17 days, some of the cows throughout the game would start spinning extremely fast. • Added Debug Menu. • Added The Cheat Menu, but there's only 3: Moon Jump, left 4 dead mode, and all boots. • Removed Herobrine. • Version 1.8: • Changed and removed some boring unimportant aspect of the game files. • Skipped version 1.7 for some reason. • Version 1.9: • Added support for controllers. • Changed the name to The Legend of Zelda: The Cell Phone of Nauseous Gas 64 For unknown reasons. • Fixed a bug where the textures can go black. • Fixed a bug in the left 4 dead mode where the player can hold more than 2 weapons at the time. • Version 1.10: • Fixed a bug where attempting to eat chicken and use the hookshot at the same time resulted the game crashing. • Version 2.0: • Added 5 new cheats: all swords, all boss keys, first person view, lightsaber, and 2 to 4 player coop. • Changed the name back to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. • Version 2.0.1: • Fixed a bug in the credits where the player can draw his sword or weapon and can crash the game. • The 2 to 4 player coop is now playable outside of the cheat menu, and is replaced by test level. • The Escape From Ganon's Castle Timer Bug is Fixed. • Version 2.0.2: • Added Multiplayer. • Added Very Hard Mode. • The infinite sword glitch no longer works. • Game is fully playable on the PC platform. • Version 2.0.3: • Added CTF To Multiplayer. • Fixed a bug where the mod list could become unresponsive to mouse input. • Added the link bots to Multiplayer. • Added Master Quest Mode. • Version 2.0.4: • Fixed an issue causing players to sometimes crash or freeze after killing Master WeeGee. • Fixed issue resulting in infinite leveling exploit with Fleshstick. • Improved NVIDIA 3D Vision integration. Ocarina of Time was re-released in two different forms for the Nintendo GameCube as part of the Ocarina of Time: Master Quest and Collector's Edition compilation discs. In both the Master Quest and Collector's Edition, the game was an illegal ROM instead of a port. One significant difference in these versions is that Nintendo altered the original crescent moon and star symbol of the Gerudo to a design later used to represent the pirates in Majora's Mask, again due to Islamic protest. Nintendo called shenanigans when their bland copyrighted name, seamonkeys, was stolen by the company that sells tadpoles and markets them as minature, aquatic humans. Nintendo took them to court but lost and consequently the company that sells tadpoles gained the right to make a game featuring every character that has appeared in a Nintendo game ever and so they made Seamonkey's barroom brawl. Seamonkey's barroom brawl was widely acclaimed to be the greatest video game ever by 10 year olds. Reception and impact Ocarina of Time became the worst-selling game of 2012, with 8 copies sold. It went on to sell a total of 12 copies worldwide. It wasn't only comercially retarded, but was also a tremendous fail as Navi is constantly saying stuff you know and because of the lack of Tingle. Ocarina of Time was ranked second behind the ET game which was ranked first on the 2005 edition of IGN's 1,000,000 greatest video games of all time, and came in first on the reader's hate list. Nintendo Power, a lobby group for Nintendo rights, called Ocarina of Time the greatest game to ever appear bearing that name. Pithy users on some website chose an Ocarina as their nineteenth instrument of choice. As a result of these and other similar statements, an Ocarina was disqulified for illegal drug use in the London 2012 Olympics. In addition, when the UK's N64 Magazine reviewed Ocarina, they delayed the full review by one month in order to understand why it wuz liek sew gai. Finally, after an exhaustive review covering every reviewer in the magazine's least favorite moments and some coverage of The Worst Game Ever, the game was awarded 98 million% by the N64 staff, but I think they might be biased. The music from Ocarina of Time was negatively-recepted by many critics. Riots have even started in Times Square because of how much everyone hated it. To quote David Hasselhoff, "omg wut is dis i dun liek at all omg stopid lgs need 2 git a life i mean cum on hahahaha ok wut." In addition, Ocarina of Time is known as the most underrated game in history. It seems to get mainly negative reviews but a few select fans (n00bz) have this to say, "ZOMG! my fav game EVAR!!!!!!!!!!" The 3D Remake You shouldn't have done that. - BEN Shortly after the frickin' retards at Nintendo made the 3DS, a new handheld that could display 3D without glasses, decided to remake Ocarina of Time with newer, better graphics. This was a bad idea, because it pissed off too many fans; mainly because they got rid of the old, crappy N64 graphics that everyone got to know and love. All of the fans kept saying, "If we wanted to see Link with fingers, we would have just read the Ocarina of Time Manga". On top of this, they got rid of the gushy red stuff that everyone loved from the most epic dungeon in the entire game, which in turn, caused many fanboys who grew up using the original game as a pacifier to subsequently pound nails into their eyes in order to replicate what the 3D blood effects might have looked like had they kept it. To make matters worse, GONAD made the fairy bitch twice as annoying, now telling you to take a break every five minutes, lest your eyes bleed from the 3D effects (not that they aren't; your stupid fanboy ass probably did the 'nails in the eyes' thing before she even said a word). 1. Scott Ramsoomair. Some Sagging. VGCats. Retrieved on 2007-08-22. See Also Personal tools In other languages
What Is Direct and Indirect Employment? Direct employment refers to employment directly related to the production of products or services or when a person is permanently employed in a firm. Indirect employment refers to when the business generates employment in other businesses to supply or produce goods and services or when a firm contracts some work to a person. 1 Additional Answer Direct employment refers to the total number of persons employed in an organisation and belongs to a certain sector. Indirect employment is employment throughout the chain of production and it refers to people contracted by a firm to provide intermediate components or products or services to an organisation. Q&A Related to "What Is Direct and Indirect Employment" An object is a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that receives the actions of a verb or a preposition. A direct object receives the action of a verb. An indirect object indicates to or Indirect employment is when you contract with a search firm to get you work. When you get a job on your own efforts, that is direct employment. Source(s) Former recruiter. Discrimination occurs when an employer or other institution makes decisions about people based on sex, national origin, race, color, ethnicity, age, disability or religion. This is So many different possibilities here. In many cases, it's very much cultural - some cultures value directness as politeness in not wasting a person's valuable time. (New Yorkers in Explore this Topic A compensation package is a sum of the benefits, direct and indirect, that an employee receives from an employer. Examples of benefits include: salary, allowance ...
post #1 of 1 Thread Starter  I recently "upgraded" an older Sony ES 5.1 receiver in my family room to a Elite VSX-33 9.1 with HDMI support. The thing is, most streamed content (which in this room is 95% of the content watched) sounds hollow at best. When my OPPO BDP-83 is playing content, the THX settings on the receiver produce great sound. In a perfect world, all video from all sources would be of the highest quality, but in an imperfect source world, ( Netflix, HBO GO, MKV's ) how can I expand the soundfiled for a more rich experience. The Sony had a couple of settings I used to "virtualize" or expand the sound. (virtual 5.1 setting for instance)- it would do it's best to send some sort of signal to all speakers to produce a pseudo surround sound in the absence of a true surround source.
Baylor > Mathematics > Research > Representation Theory Representation Theory Mathematics has enjoyed truly remarkable success in describing the universe in which we live. The fundamental laws often display a wonderful elegance and symmetry. The area of mathematics that studies this amazing symmetry is called Lie theory or representation theory. Loosely speaking, the objects possessing symmetry are called Lie groups and the ways in which they manifest themselves are called representations. Baylor has an active group working in this area. Representation Theory Group: Markus Hunziker, Mark Sepanski, Ron Stanke Rep Theory From left to right: Ron Stanke, Markus Hunziker, Mark Sepanski
Pixel Trade: Photography for Trade Shantanu Starrick embarked on an interesting photo project. Coined "Pixel Trade," Shantanu travels from household to household to photograph people in exchange for food and shelter. Upon exploring his website, one can see lots of inspiring work that shows Shantanu's versatility as a photographer. We emailed Shantanu, and asked him a couple of questions about the project and the logistics of it. B&H: In Pixel Trade, you board with people and give them photos, in return for care and treatment for a period of time. Where did the idea for the project come from? Shantanu: The concept came earlier this year, as I battled to split my time between my architecture studies and my love and work in photography. My mind was full of ideas for using photography to experience cultures around the globe. I had ideas for India, Europe, America, and many other places. My aim was to find an idea which wouldn't require working with other people, or relying on others—one of the hardest things for me to do. So earlier this year I began to wonder how I could travel around the world, using photography as a form of payment. I didn’t want to rely on people's compassion to put me up in return for very little, if anything. I wanted to flip that equation; I wanted to offer a lot in return for very little. That’s when I decided to try to travel without spending a single cent, and offer my services—which would usually cost hundreds or thousands of dollars—in return for food, shelter and transport.  B&H: The scenery and culture vary significantly as you travel from place to place. How do you find inspiration in each new locale? Shantanu: The project is young. It is in its third month now, and I’ve just arrived in Hobart, Tasmania, excited about the trades ahead. Staying inspired is not a difficult thing for me. Imagine having a new setting every three days or so, and a new subject. My focus is not on any particular area of photography, but rather to apply to any project that which I have learned over the last seven years. I’ve already traded with musicians, designers, architects, restaurateurs—and the list grows. Each trade is exciting for me, and inspiration naturally comes about from the individuals and their situations. B&H: What gear are you using, and how do you feel it helps to get your creative vision across? Shantanu: I use two Canon 5D MK IIs, with a mix of four lenses. The great thing with this body is the ability to do video. For a number of trades, it's been an added feature to do a short video or a music video as part of the trade. They involve a lot more work and require more time, but I enjoy it, as it is another medium requiring different thought processes. B&H: What’s your process of documenting the people you stay with? What kind of conversations do you have? Shantanu: What's important to me is observing human interaction; that is one of the underlying elements of this project that interests me most. Studying architecture brought out my fascination in human behavior in both the public and private realms. The initial conversations with these people often bring up concerns of cost. It always ends with them realizing how much time I have spent thinking this through, and they quickly agree that this project will be worth the trade. I also witness people doing what they are truly passionate about. I enjoy having conversations with people who are speaking about what they love, and from the understanding gained, I use photography to help translate these conversations into a photographic narrative. Documentation of the people I stay with is varied. In some cases I manage to capture portraits of other details of their lives which I find interesting. This gets stored on the ridiculous amount of hard drives that I carry, and will possibly be used in the future, perhaps for an exhibition or book. Time does not always allow for curation, and as a result I may have to travel back to some of the people I trade with. B&H: Let’s talk about logistics: How are flights, food, etc., being handled? If someone flies you out to shoot their wedding or whatever, it might be less costly for them to fly you out and give you shelter than paying for a local photographer. Isn’t that so? Shantanu: It absolutely is cheaper. I don’t associate cost with quality. If anything, the quality is higher because money is not in the equation, and as a result, more time can be spent on each trade I undertake. It’s very common for photographers to be flown around the world for work. The flights, food and accommodations are usually extras, in addition to the photographer's services. So suddenly you have the ability to fly a photographer anywhere in the world for a wedding or some other project, and all you provide is the flight, food and shelter—and nothing else. It creates the opportunity for quality photography for people to whom it might otherwise be out of reach. B&H: Traveling from place to place tends to affect us. How do you keep in touch with loved ones? Plus, what do you do to stay healthy? Shantanu: I have always been one who travels alone to begin with, and have spent long periods of time away from home. I tend to make home wherever I am. I started this project in Melbourne, and though it is an unfamiliar city to me, the culture is still Australian. My trades have taken me to a number of major cities in Australia, including Melbourne and Brisbane. In the near future, I have trades which will be taking me to Hobart, Sydney, Brisbane again, New Zealand and Los Angeles. Once I reach America, I will trade all around the states for three months, and it’s anyone’s guess where it will go from there. As for health, I have found that when people are providing only the three things I mentioned, they tend to be extremely generous. They usually go ‘all out’ for the few days I am there. I have never requested that, but it is a natural reaction. It's a situation which begs reciprocity. So I am well fed, and I stay completely focused on the project at hand.  B&H: Was there anything unexpected that has held up the project at any point for longer than you would have liked? Shantanu: The only thing that really made it difficult early on was the website. I designed the website, and needed a programmer to put it together. I kept changing things, and he had a lot of other work, and as a result the website was not ready when I started the project. I didn’t have somewhere to point people to, and as a result, I feel that the legitimacy of the project suffered slightly. The website now acts as a folio of work for The Pixel Trade. People can get an idea of the range of projects that have been photographed, and a snippet of the quality of work. Aside from direct referrals, you can imagine how important the website is, as it is really what people judge the entire project by, and can therefore lead to further trades.  B&H: How long do you think the project will take? Shantanu: There is no specific end date. I thought a few years would allow me to get around the world. A few years of not spending a cent of money will be interesting on many levels. This is also only the first project of what I think will be many. Once this project finishes, it will be on to the next thing. I would like to trade with some of the wealthiest people in the world, and some of the poorest, and gauge the reactions of the people, irrespective of economic class. The other aspect which could alter the length of the project is what people trade. Who is to say that a larger company wouldn't trade a car or a house? If something like this unfolded I would remain a free photographer for much longer. B&H: At the end of the project, what do you hope to have accomplished, besides for traveling all around the world? Shantanu: It is very important for me to achieve this goal. To travel around the world without money in a time when money runs pretty much everything would help to prove that the old way of trading skills can still work, even if for just a short while. I’m not trying to start a revolution against money, I don’t believe that will happen in my lifetime. I would, though, love to see more people offering out their skills in some type of trade. You can check out the Pixel Trade and follow the journey at the website. Add new comment
Luke 1:33; Luke 1:55; Luke 1:70; Luke 16:8; Luke 18:30; Luke 20:34-35 (New American Standard) 33 and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end." 55 As He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and his descendants forever." 70 As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from of old - 8 "And his master praised the unrighteous manager because he had acted shrewdly ; for the sons of this age are more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the sons of light. 30 who will not receive many times as much at this time and in the age to come, eternal life." 34 Jesus said to them, "The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage, 35 but those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage ; Link Options More Options;lu+1:55;lu+1:70;lu+16:8;lu+18:30;lu+20:34;lu+20:35&t=nas
Commentary | Manti Te'o saga natural fit for Notre Dame [email protected] 19, 2013  It seems natural that the Manti Te'o story emanate from beneath the Golden Dome. Notre Dame is the spawning ground of great myths and truths that have co-existed for more than a century. There are the Four Horsemen from Notre Dame's 1924 football team, Touchdown Jesus, "Win one for the Gipper" and all those Knute Rockne quotes that live in infamy. Knute and the Gipper are still bigger than life. They are part of the lore that has made Notre Dame the most famous college football program in America. There is Joe Montana and the soup bowl game in which he reportedly lay near death, downed a bowl of chicken soup at halftime and led Notre Dame to a Cotton Bowl victory. There is Paul Hornung, the "Golden Boy" who won the '56 Heisman. There is Rudy and Catholics vs. Convicts and do you believe in leprechauns? So why not Lennay Kekua? Te'o's fictionalized girlfriend who died during the season and spurred the linebacker and his teammates to their greatest season since winning the national title in 1988 is folklore at its finest. Honestly, do you want to crucify him or give him a hug? Te'o is a 22-year-old kid who might have been swallowed up by college football's most famous campus, simply duped or a combination of both. No school has had more movies made about its football program. And, sorry Jerry Jones and Nick Saban, this is America's team. Maybe Te'o sat in class next to Walter Mitty or heard that it was Paul Bunyan who rang the church bells for Touchdown Jesus. Or perhaps he saw a photo of Lou Holtz walking on water when he coached the Fighting Irish in 1988 with his rumpled program in hand. Some say NFL teams won't want Te'o now that his character flaws have been exposed. But if you are a Hollywood producer looking for a script writer, you are going to knock on his door before any NFL head coach except Bill Belichick, who loves these kinds of characters. One thing we know for certain is that Te'o has a friend in Lance Armstrong. The shamed cyclist was being vilified daily until the Te'o Tale surfaced this week. Oprah might not be happy with the timing because it cut into her television audience Thursday night, when Armstrong admitted his cheating among some unprintable self- characterizations. But that's the way things are in our social media era: Relevancy is fleeting. If Te'o made up this story, his sin is that he loves attention, which puts him in a long line of people who wear NFL uniforms. But he is not solely blame. The mainstream media folks who started this story and perpetuated it broke the cardinal rule of journalism: Check your facts. Some of the industry giants wrote about the death of Lennay Kekua without seeing a death certificate or getting some kind of verification from her family. You couldn't get away with that in a high school journalism class. They are a product of the social media craze that has created laziness among some and a rush to put something out there before the competition gets it. Google can be a reporter's best friend and worst nightmare. Those attributions that say "according to published reports" do not mean what they meant when Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward were taking down Richard Nixon in Watergate. Tweets and blogs are published reports that often don't pass the basic validity test. It's ironic that some of those reporters who did not verify Kekua's alleged death are now calling Te'o a hoax victim as if it will somehow get the egg off their faces. A willingness to pound the pavement, get rejections thrown in your face and risk character assassination used to be the mark of a good investigative reporter. But we are living in the shortcut era that allows a story like Te'o's to grow legs. The dilemma of Te'o might drop his NFL draft status from a projected eighth pick overall, which means the Tampa Bay Buccaneers could get him. Wouldn't that be interesting? If it is proven Te'o invented this whole story, you still wouldn't put his character below that of shamed cornerbacks Aqib Talib and Eric Wright. There is no evidence he took drugs, punched or shot anyone and was never a rape suspect. Nearly everyone on campus says he is a genuinely nice person ... according to published reports. Commenting FAQs | Terms of Service
Definition of Sweat 1. of Sweat 2. To excrete sensible moisture from the pores of the skin; to perspire. 3. Fig.: To perspire in toil; to work hard; to drudge. 4. To emit moisture, as green plants in a heap. 5. To cause to excrete moisture from the skin; to cause to perspire; as, his physicians attempted to sweat him by most powerful sudorifics. 6. To emit or suffer to flow from the pores; to exude. 7. To unite by heating, after the application of soldier. 8. To get something advantageous, as money, property, or labor from (any one), by exaction or oppression; as, to sweat a spendthrift; to sweat laborers. 9. The fluid which is excreted from the skin of an animal; the fluid secreted by the sudoriferous glands; a transparent, colorless, acid liquid with a peculiar odor, containing some fatty acids and mineral matter; perspiration. See Perspiration. 10. The act of sweating; or the state of one who sweats; hence, labor; toil; drudgery. 11. Moisture issuing from any substance; as, the sweat of hay or grain in a mow or stack. 12. The sweating sickness. 13. A short run by a race horse in exercise. Sweat Quotations Colin Powell Winston Churchill Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things. George Carlin Dan Gable Michael Jordan More "Sweat" Quotations Sweat Translations sweat in Danish is svede sweat in Dutch is zweten, transpireren sweat in Finnish is hikoilla sweat in French is transpirer, suer, transpiration sweat in Italian is sudare, sudore sweat in Portuguese is suar, suor sweat in Spanish is sudor, sudar, transpirar sweat in Swedish is svettas, svett Share with your Friends Everyone likes a good quote - don't forget to share.   Mobile Site | Privacy | Terms | Copyright © 2001 - 2014 BrainyQuote® BookRags Media Network
MLB 06: The Show Sony PSP Cheats Rating 1 Change player skills Go to "Player Management" > "View Roster" and select the player you want to power up or down. Press R or L until you see his "Pitching" or "Batting" attributes. The red area in all of the bars represents how skilled that player is in the category shown next to it. Press LEFT or RIGHT to increase or decrease the skill. Rating 1 Change player names Rating 1 Career mode hint To do better in career mode as a position player (anything other than pitcher), put each of the first four hitting stats up as much as you can. Then use the remaining points on fielding and speed. Your player will probably start off in Triple-A, but he will get called up faster because of his higher batting attributes. Once you earn training points, add them all into the first four batting categories until they max out. After that, add all your remaining points into other batting categories, such as plate discipline and clutch hitting. Your player will become great in very little time.
2013 Nissan 370Z Source: Motor Trend Comments     Threshold Turbo vs Naturally aspirated By chillingrsx on 8/27/2013 12:19:57 PM , Rating: 2 I don't believe this is true with turbo have better gas mileage than the non turbo. If you look at the Acura RDX, it was the coolest thing ever when it first came out. A turbo 4 bangers CUV. It didn't do so well. So what did Honda do, switch it up a v6 and it's selling like hot cakes. I know because I own one. I did test drove the turbo and boy it was day and night difference. The v6 is more refine. Guess what, the v6 still have better gas mileage. RE: Turbo vs Naturally aspirated By Pneumothorax on 8/27/2013 1:16:04 PM , Rating: 2 Yup, many of these forced-induction direct injection 4-bangers have great EPA numbers on paper, but in RL barely get 1-2MPG better than their V6 forebears. They also add a ton of complexity with the addition of turbos/HPFP along with worse NVH. RE: Turbo vs Naturally aspirated By lagomorpha on 8/27/2013 1:50:09 PM , Rating: 2 A lot of the reduced efficiency comes from forced-induction engines requiring lower compression ratios. It wouldn't be a problem if GM had not killed off Saab's variable compression ratio research just before it was ready for production. RE: Turbo vs Naturally aspirated By Jeffk464 on 8/27/2013 6:53:21 PM , Rating: 2 You sure, I think you can put a 6psi turbo on any factory engine. When you start getting into 12psi turbos the engine has to be designed all the way around for the turbo. I'm pretty sure ecoboost engines are lightly boosted, don't know what they will do for the Z a 12psi turbo would be a lot more fun. RE: Turbo vs Naturally aspirated By UnauthorisedAccess on 8/27/2013 9:30:22 PM , Rating: 2 It has a lot to do with the engines compression. Secondly, you need to have the injectors/fuel pump able to supply the increase in fuel and thirdly the ECU mapped accordingly. You cannot just bolt on a turbo running 6 PSI and have a bunch of extra horsepower without risk. Some engines this might be possible if you start using a higher octane fuel, though some engines the ECU might not cope with the change. If you've got a high compression engine (11:1 etc) then you'll be riding the fine line of detonation even with low PSI. In my experience and imho, you either by an engine that is turbo or you leave it NA. Don't turbo an NA engine unless you're doing a full house rebuild. RE: Turbo vs Naturally aspirated By lagomorpha on 8/28/2013 8:17:39 AM , Rating: 2 It really depends on the engine. If you've got something that's already pretty solidly built and has pretty big injectors but has a high compression ratio (for example a Hayabusa engine) then you can usually get away with just installing a thicker headgasket to reduce the compression ratio and you can use a turbo without knocking. On the other hand if you feel like installing a turbo in a Hayabusa you might consider seeing a psychologist. RE: Turbo vs Naturally aspirated By 91TTZ on 8/28/2013 5:08:24 PM , Rating: 2 I agree with you. The turbo engines usually have several subtle differences to increase reliability. Differences between the NA Z engine and the TT engine: 1. The TT has a lower compression ratio. 2. The NA Z has stainless steel exhaust valves while the TT version has inconel exhaust valves to withstand the higher exhaust temperature 3. The turbo version has different pistons with holes on the bottom for oil squirters to cool the bottom of the pistons 4. The oil squirters are different. 5. The fuel pump is larger to flow more fuel. This isn't on the engine but you'll need it. 6. The ECU is different and uses fuel maps that go beyond vacuum-0 psi. RE: Turbo vs Naturally aspirated By Jeffk464 on 8/27/2013 1:38:33 PM , Rating: 2 It really depends how you drive, if you have a lead foot they do about the same but if you drive more mileage the turbo does better. When you are just humming along the turbo isn't really spooled up where a V8 always has the drag of a huge engine.
Solidarity Sunday There's so much going on in the Church. How can we make room for this, along with everything else we have to do? Concern for oppressed people is part of the very fabric of our Church. Therefore, Solidarity Sunday can easily fit in with other things going on. One pastor in southern Maine wove the fact that Solidarity Sunday and Pro-Life Sunday occurred on the same day into his homily by remarking that the rainbow ribbons were a good reminder of the sanctity of all life. At a Catholic college in Colorado, Solidarity Sunday was celebrated during Parents' Weekend. Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Gay and lesbian people are gaining increasing visibility in society. Is violence really still a problem? The answer is an emphatic yes. In Maine, after the repeal of civil rights protections for gays and lesbians, there was a highly publicized incident in which a gay man was brutally beaten. Throughout New England, incidences of anti-gay violence climbed 40% in 1997. Clearly, people of faith need to lead the way in saying, "No more!" Taxonomy upgrade extras:  How does Solidarity Sunday relate to official Church teaching? As an anti-violence initiative, this program is entirely consistent with Church teaching. In fact, some parishes see it as a way to begin implementing the American bishops' recent pastoral letter Always our Children. Imagine how supported a mother who has been silent about her child's homosexuality would feel, sitting in Church the morning of Solidarity Sunday surrounded by fellow parishioners wearing rainbow ribbons. Taxonomy upgrade extras:  What are you asking my parish/faith community to do? How can my parish/faith community be involved? It's very easy to participate. You have to make the cards and ribbons available at your church on the Sundays leading up to Solidarity Sunday. Some communities take additional steps, like focusing that Sunday's homily on a theme related to Solidarity Sunday, or holding an educational forum on anti-gay violence, or issues faced by Catholic gay people. If you would like to do something like that, we'd be happy to help you organize it. The important thing is to get involved!  Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Do people really do this? Solidarity Sunday caught on big the first year, and has been growing e ver since. In 1997, approximately 100,000 people-most of them non-gay- participated in the program. We hear from lots of people who choose to be part of Solidarity Sunday because they know someone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, and because they care about what happens to this person. Taxonomy upgrade extras:  What is Solidarity Sunday? Solidarity Sunday, observed every year on the Sunday before October 11 (which is Coming Out Day), is a faith-based anti-violence initiative. Because we understood that, contrary to popular belief, most Catholics are appalled by anti-gay attacks, DignityUSA initiated Solidarity Sunday in 1995 as a way of making our opposition to anti-gay violence visible. It is a very simple program. Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Subscribe to Solidarity Sunday
Understanding Solar Energy Systems Document Sample Understanding Solar Energy Systems Powered By Docstoc <div class="KonaBody"> <p>Sure, many folks know about the thought of using solar energy for generating power and electricity. But perhaps, not everyone has recognized how this renewable source of energy really can be all that is needed to obtain power for homes and buildings. </p> <p>So as to appreciate the advantages of solar energy advantages, it is very important to understand how solar energy systems work in primarily meeting your electricity needs along with accomplishing other tasks like, regulating your property temperature and warming or cooling. A look at the materials you'll need to put in place a solar energy system and just how each component works are a good start to having a good grasp of the way they all collaborate to provide your own private electricity <p>The basic parts of Photovoltaic (PV) systems</p> <p>A PV system's components actually rely on the particular kind of configuration for which you wish to have. It may also be imperative to discover whether the system you'll require should be linked to the electricity grid. For the off-grid system the initial parts are the PV module, the battery which can serve as energy storage, the charge controller often known as battery regulator, wiring and accompanying connections plus the structure wherein the system might be attached. For a grid connected or grid-tied system, its parts includes PV module, an inverter which converts direct current (DC) to alternating electric current (AC), support structures and wiring.</p> 0px 12px 12px"> <script type="text/javascript"> AB_pos = "intext"; AB_lang = "en"; AB_cat_channel = "7997066473, "; AB_path = ""; <script type="text/javascript"> google_ad_channel = "7940249670, " + AB_cat_channel + google_language = "en"; google_ad_region = 'test'; <script type='text/javascript' <p>How exactly does a simple PV system generate electricity?</p> <p>To get electricity, a photovoltaic panel (PV) is constructed by inserting thin layers of negative and positive silicon beneath a layer of non-reflective glass. Silicon can serve as semiconductors that create electricity because of sun exposure. The electrical activity generates a 12- volt energy (DC) and whenever translated via an inverter, the resulting energy are for sure changed into a 110-volt energy (AC).</p> <p>Solar technology for homes</p> <p>PV systems can be utilized for residential, commercial, industrial and remote applications. A property's basic electricity needs can be sufficiently offered by a straightforward Solar Home System that consists of a photovoltaic panel (an assembly of solar cells and accompanying parts), a rechargeable battery exactly where the energy captured during daytime is deposited, a regulator or charge controller also, the required switches and wires.</p> <p>Solar Panel Technology for industrial uses</p> <p>Many industries have long trusted solar panel technology systems primarily because they may be perfect for supplying power even in remote locations. Photovoltaic modules also require little maintenance, thus they could be useful for industrial tasks which require larger electrical loads because of the fact that they are reliable yet cost-effective power <p>Applications in remote regions</p> <p>Photovoltaic systems have long been prevalent particularly in developing regions where far-flung areas often don't have access to electricity. The reason being power is merely available via local wired network from central power plants that happen to be usually found in urban locations. To be able to generate the load requirements of a typical particular remote location, stand-alone off-grid systems are ideally installed. These systems are commonly configured by using a small heavy duty diesel generator which will perform the duty of a back-up power in the event of low sunlight conditions.</p> <!-- Shared By: mr doen mr doen mr About just a nice girl
Document Sample “Doing Anthropology” / Dr. Charles Gore Moshe Morad April 2004 Lying on the warm sands of Ipanema beach in Rio De Janeiro is mostly known as a great lazy pastime, but can also be an interesting fieldwork experience. The soundtrack is somehow a pleasant and non-intrusive cacophony of calls of many vendors (sometimes in a singing mode, and in some cases even accompanied by improvised musical instruments) fading in and out, blending into one another, and into the noise of the powerful Atlantic waves - creating a busy, stimulating however pleasant and non-disruptive audio ambience/space which can become a nice meditative background sound-scape to allow you to relax and even dose off in the heat.... (A bit like those "relaxation" CDs and cassettes you can buy with "ocean sounds" or other nature sounds to help you relax and meditate. a "sounds of Ipanema Beach" CD might be a good idea...) However a deeper look into the commercial activity carried on the 2 miles long strip of land, reveals a whole world of social relationships, hierarchies, intrigues, manipulation, diplomacy, psychology and implementation of sophisticated marketing techniques, whose principals are the same ones used by multi-nationals in their global marketing My position on the beach was definitely that of a participant-observer. Spending on-and -off two weeks on the same section of the beach, being a good customer, talking extensively to the vendors (who after a while stopped viewing me as a potential customer, and started treating me as an "amigo" where they can stop for a break and a chat before continuing walking up and down with their merchandising.) One occasion, on my last day on the beach, I was even mistaken for a vendor myself while filming the vendors with my video camera, and was asked if I am selling dodgy video cameras… In a crumbling economy, Ipanema's beach vendors prove to be successful in "making a living" by applying attraction and persuasion strategies that are also used in multi-million dollars marketing campaigns and in training customer relations officers in the western In this paper I will pinpoint some of these western global marketing techniques and will examine the vendors’ modus operandi in applying them "in the field". Being one of the biggest countries (in area and in population density) in the developing world (or as it is more popularly known as "the third world"), Brazil’s increasing urbanization is facing a new challenge: how to arrest the decline in urban environment and living conditions. Rio is a mega metropolis with over 10 million inhabitants, of which 20% live in 600 Favelas, poverty -stricken neighbourhoods and slums built on the hills, where the heavily armed drug "mafia" took control and is in fact ruling the neighbourhoods (as recently portrayed in the Brazilian film "City of God”). During the two weeks that I recently spent in Brazil, 10 passers-by were shot in Rio's Favelas, and the local police remain completely Facing these problems, and the growth and increasing migration from rural Brazil to the big cities, the local authority is not objecting, and in fact, encouraging and facilitating the informal sector of street mobile vendors, regulating their activity and supervising them. This is in accordance with the United Nations development programme, and the report published in 1997 by the employment sector entitled "Urban Poverty and The Informal Sector”. This report's conclusion was that as the informal sector (markets, street vendors etc) “accounts for a substantial, and increasing, share of urban employment in most developing countries, and since a large majority of the urban poor depend on such activities for their livelihood, any credible strategy to reduce urban poverty in these countries must pay due attention to this sector." (Sethuraman 1997). The informal sector’s activity grows and becomes more significant "in hard times". In a report on Mexico in the 1990s (Martin, 2000) it clearly states that this sector took an added significance in the immediate wake of the peso crisis in 1994. Brazil's current economic crisis therefore just adds to the significance and importance of the informal sector. Keith Hart (1973) differentiates between the illegitimate "informal Sector" including illegal activities such as: hustling, dealing with stolen goods, drug pushing, prostitution, corruption and bribery to the legitimate one. Ipanema’s beach vendors belong to the last category. (There are some incidents of dealing with stolen or fraud goods - like fake watches etc. - but normally not on the beach. The beach trade seems regulated; same faces day after day - trading with the same goods.) Ipanema is a rich quarter of Rio. Many of the vendors I spoke with on the beach come from Favelas and lower class suburbs of Rio, yet the atmosphere on the beach is friendly and non-threatening, with some clever marketing techniques applied to create a vibrant, yet non- intrusive and non-disturbing commercial activity - anything from drink and food (including grilled cheese or shrimps skewers prepared right in front of you on the beach) to jewellery, clothes, pirate CDs, fashion accessories, suntan oils, artefacts, pictures of Catholic saints, Candomble amulets and even massages and sex…(the latter is sometimes "solicited" on the beach, but not performed there ...) The following observations, which I will categorize by certain known global marketing techniques, and will show how they are implemented on Ipanema beach, were carried out during two weeks in cosmopolitan and “tourist-infested” Rio and compared to the perhaps more “natural” behaviour of vendors on the more provincial local beach of Porto Da Barra in Salvador, Bahia. One of the basic rules in “Western” direct marketing and customers service is “always smile”. In basic training courses, customer service and sales assistants are taught to “always smile” (even if they don’t feel like doing so). A big percentage of Ipanema beach vendors have learnt the secret of smiling, and are very good in implementing it. Dragging sometimes-heavy boxes up and down the sandy beach in an average temperature of 30c and high humidity is physically difficult, but the secret of charming the customers (who are there to have fun, relax, and forget their day-to-day troubles) is not to look suffering, but to smile and be patient. In comparison to their colleagues in Salvador beach, who were clearly demonstrating their obvious physical distress of walking up and down the beach with a heavy load, bent and sweaty and hardly smiling – those in Ipanema looked as if they had just graduated in excellence from a “how to serve customers” course – implementing the known “tricks”: look in the eyes, smile, be patient and talkative and look as if you are enjoying yourself. I have noticed many of the vendors looking sweaty, tired, “long-faced” and bent while dragging their goods in the empty areas on the beach, but as soon as they approach the “populated” areas their posture changes, they wipe their sweat and put on a big full-heartedly smile on their face. They do not seem in a rush, and pause when they feel the customer is hesitating or is examining out their merchandise or looking at them, say nicely ”Bom Dia” (good day) and will easily go into a small conversation with you, even if you don’t show interest in buying what they offer. At the same time they do not impose themselves on you, “give you space”, and do not insist if you seem uninterested. Another main difference between Salvador’s and Ipanema’s vendors is patience, “easy going” attitude and readiness of the latter to go into a small-talk conversation with you. Many of the vendors in Ipanema, reacting to a friendly smile, stopped “resting” by me for a few minutes before continuing dragging their goods, asking "where are you from" and my very basic Portuguese mixed with Spanish allowed me to start a personal conversation, hearing about where they live, their family and in many cases (especially with young vendors) I would soon hear that they only do this to finance their studies. I might be a bit cynical here but I doubt that all the vendors stopping by me are indeed studying in the evenings as they say - perhaps this is another sophisticated technique to get the sympathy of western tourists? The appreciation to education and to the will to study and better oneself is being tackled here in a clever psychological way. The vendors I met and talked to did not behave like "beggars" and did not claim poverty or hunger, or try to make you feel sorry for them, like in many other situations of street and beach vendors in "third world" countries. On the contrary, - they “showed off” with their studying, sometimes even brought out their notebooks to prove their genuineness, and behaved quite ambivalently towards trying to sell their merchandise - not pushing or begging, which can cause in many cases antagonism, especially when you are lying on the beach sipping Capirinha (Brazil's "national drink" made form Kasasha, a strong sugarcane alcoholic drink, lemon and crushed ice) trying to forget the world's miseries and look at "the bright side of life". But when a jewellery vendor sits next to you and takes out his student’s notebook and starts reciting the English sentences he had studied the evening before, you don't feel right to let him go without buying a necklace (that you will never wear later), which supposedly will contribute towards his further English studies. One of the basic marketing tools of western economy is "credit". Buy now, with money that you don't actually have on you or that you don't want to spend now, and pay later. This encourages you to buy more than you originally intended to. The "credit" system is not that common when it comes to markets or with street vendors, especially not in environments where the clientele is irregular - fairgrounds, festivals, beaches... In most beaches known to me (including the one is Salvador) a possibility of "credit" never came up. If you don't have enough in your pocket - you either buy less or negotiate a lower price. However, some vendors in Ipanema developed a more "progressive" attitude, based on a basic psychological marketing rule - If you have something to sell, and a potential customer shows any degree of interest – don’t let him go without having it, even if it involves some trust and getting paid later. It is a known fact that most customers will spend more if they don't have to pay immediately for each purchase. Also, on a beach environment, when the money is sometimes hidden in a protected pocket or bag, and change is not always available, especially when the customer is just coming out of the water or not near his bag – a “credit” policy can significantly increase sales. How is this implemented on the beach? Ipanema beach is divided to vertical "territories", each territory is controlled by a group of three or four individuals (usually with family connections) who have a hut on the edge of the territory, far from the water line. From this hut they observe, control, sell and serve their own customers. Each section is identified by chairs of the same colour, sun umbrellas of one design (usually carrying the logo of a specific sponsor/advertiser). To start with, the moment you arrive to the beach, you are offered a chair and/or a sun umbrella, which is being placed in the place of your choice on the sand and the “section owner” makes sure you feel comfortable and settled. Then once in a while they offer you drinks or food, while keeping a "tab" open. You order and order, and pay your bill when you leave the beach. The "nomadic" vendors going up and down the beach have developed mutual trade relations with the section owners, "the lords of the land", so, as I witnessed in some cases, if the customer is short of change, or doesn’t have his money handy, the vendor tells him - "don’t worry, I'll ask Julio (my “section owner”) to add it to your bill. “ The trade relationships between the vendors and beach section owners are beneficial in both ways. I witnessed a few times how Julio increases his beer sales, by simply encouraging the grilled cheese vendor to come to "his beach" - the salty cheese goes down well with chilled beer, and Julio gently follows each cheese portion sold with a chilled tin of beer offered to the eater. Who can refuse? The Global Marketing world discovered long ago the attractiveness of the use of music and sound in advertising. A repetitive, easily recognized melody or song, is one of the basic instruments of western advertising. Advertising agencies are paying very high amounts of money for the rights to use music in their commercials, which eventually (when the campaign is successful) becomes identified with the product. Music and especially the sound of percussion instruments are an important part of Brazilian culture, and it is interesting to see (or in fact hear) these implemented in attracting customers on the beach. Joao, an overweight mulatto is walking up and down the beach carrying in one hand a tray displaying Shrimps on skewers which he grills in front of you on a little oven he carries in his other hand. From far away you hear him singing a repetitive catchy melody with the rhyming stanza: “Eu sou Joao e eu vendo Camarao“ (“I am Joao, and I sell Shrimps”), After a couple of hours on the beach, you hear the singing from far way, well before you see Joao’s distinctive figure, and just the sound of the melody is enough to whet your appetite. This is exactly what advertising companies are trying to achieve when spending a lot of money on creating a catchy radio or TV jingle. Angelo is another good example of implementing music to attract customers and creating strong product identification. Angelo is selling nuts and sweets in a big box he carries in one hand. In his other hands he holds a small improvised percussion instrument which he made form two pieces of wood and a piece of metal hanging on a spring, creating a distinctive wood percussive sound just by shaking it. The sound is well heard from far away. Although low in volume and gentle, its frequency penetrates the “wall of sound” created by the cacophony of beach sounds – waves, music from beach speakers, other vendors’ cries etc. The same acoustic principal is applied in the distinctive sound of very small but repetitive percussion instruments such as the Cuban Clave (2 pieces of wood beaten together in a repetitive rhythm) that are heard and “felt”, even when “drowned” in the sound of a big brass orchestra. After a few times Angelo passes you by with his sweets and distinctive sound – he does not need to call like other vendors to make himself noticed. The distant clicking heard from far makes you know the nut and sweet man is getting closer. One of the main sections of Ipanema beach is known as a Gay beach, catering to many Gay tourists and locals. The Gay or shall we call it "Gay friendly" section is easily identified by two big rainbow flags and the huts of the "section owners" carrying the logos of "Le Boy", Rio’s main Gay club. Just like the western economy discovered the buying power of the so-called "Pink Pound" (Gays being considered to be of relatively high income, with no families or children to spend it on, spending a lot on fashion, cosmetics, health products etc), the vendors on Ipanema beach developed sophisticated techniques to attract Gay customers. Kalvin Klein and the like might have invested millions in attracting gay clientele by using good-looking male models in provocative situations - but Evora knows the trick just as well and applies similar techniques. Evora has three sons who are carrying up and down the beach her “Bahia style” sandwiches. She tells me: " For the gay part I always send Pedrito, he is the best looking and has nice body, and they like looking at him, talking to him and buying from him.” Another "Pink Pound" selling point adapted by Evora is the increased awareness to health food among Gays: "With Pedrito I send more ‘healthy’ sandwiches. They buy it more there. In the straight side I am selling more sausages and burgers, and in the gay part they buy more wholemeal bread and tuna, so Pedrito will call 'wholemeal bread, tuna, healthy and light -calories sandwiches’ when he is on the gay beach" I noticed a similar pattern among drink sellers - normally they shout "coca (cola), cerveja (beer) ", but when approaching the gay section their calls change to: "Guaraviton (Guarana based energy ' healthy drink'), "coca dayetch" (which took me some time to understand is “Diet Coke”) The "Acai” seller (Amazonian fruit considered to be healthy) also tells me: “I sell much more on the Gay beach - Acai mixed with Guarana and cereals …” These are just a few examples of well known global “macro marketing” techniques, and the ways they are being implemented by the vendors on Ipanema beach. Rio, being the biggest city and financial centre of Brazil, and the main tourist destination in this vast country, is exposed to western culture and global media, more than other parts of Brazil, including the third biggest city in Brazil, Salvador, which I used as a point of comparison in this essay. Therefore, it is not surprising that the vendors on Rio’s beaches are more “in tune” with "western style" marketing techniques as described above. It is essential for them to sell, just like it is essential to the global corporate to sell its product to please the board of directors. A smile can sell another sandwich and can mean another Real (Brazilian currency) in their pockets. The basic principle is "Smiles Sell" and there are plenty of wide white-teeth smiles on Ipanema beach. Hart ends his paper on Ghana by concluding:” ...a ...cross-cultural comparison of urban economies in the development process must grant a place to the analysis of informal as well as formal structures. It is time that the language and approach of development economies took this into account." The vendors in Ipanema beach are a good example of an increasing informal free enterprise operating in a developing urban economy, implementing “global” macro-marketing techniques and concepts in the “micro-economy” of a 2 miles long beach. Cross, John 1998 Informal Politics: Street Vendors and the State in Mexico City. Stanford University Press, Stanford Hart, Keith 1973 Informal Income Oppurtunities and Urban Employment in Ghana in “The Journal of Modern African Studies” Volume 11(1), ed. Kimble David & Helen, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Martin, Gary 2000 Employment and unemployment in Mexico in the 1990s in “The Monthly Labour Review” , Nov. 2000, Vol 123,No. 11, US Department of Labour, Bureau of Labour Statistics, Washington DC Rakowski, Cathy 1994 Contrapunto: The Informal Sector Debate in Latin America. SUNY Press, Albany Sethuraman S.V. 1997 Urban Poverty & The Informal Sector - Critical Assessment of Current Strategies , Development Policies Department , International Labour Office, Geneva / United Nations Development Programme, New Shared By:
Amway correct way 【12345】 Document Sample Amway correct way 【12345】 Powered By Docstoc Amway correct way 【12345】 An opportunity Amway is a business opportunity. You are now satisfied with your current situation. In your efforts to work to earn money, I found the soaring prices and wages are not rising, money&amp;#39;s hard to go fast. If you have a business and there is no conflict of your original work, using his spare time to build a pipeline, another more income, number of years after the bigger your business, and that opportunity you have to do it? Amway we heard , but we see a lot of wrong practices, many people fail, or even go bankrupt, let us wonder. Amway said this cause, many people think that this is a salesman in the business, a serious mistake. Amway is not a salesman&amp;#39;s career, Amway is doing good business, help, have a career, his life teaching people learn the cause of life. 2 Share First, the opportunity to share Amway is a pipeline of business is to sell products carrying water, Amway really need to do is to build pipelines to human branch, will open branches all over the Second, to share product Not promote a product. Share product is not to make money, let the other party know that this product can also make money with a white, we told him the career 3 for First, pay for a group of friends And some more successful people contact Amway, Amway interested in understanding some of the friends, which can be easily done online. Second, change the subject talk The time to chat with in business, change the subject talk Amway Third, for a brand with Good to know Amway products, their use, because they will make money with the same time, the Amway products to demonstrate their benefits to the people. 4 degrees First, the width Opportunities to tell others and help them do so. If you tell 20 people, then you are a Crown Ambassador, an annual income of tens of millions. Second, the depth of Down do to help your friend, do deep, the bonus system will be developed according to the depth of your money. Third, the speed The study plan, not in fits and starts, nothing else, the effective management of time, no delay. 4, heat I believe your choice is correct, and maintain a positive attitude, determined to go on, to ensure you continue to heat your pipe repair to a certain extent. Five are One, two friends all over the world, happy three or four of wealth, health, five personal values Shared By:
PowerPoint Presentation - Michigan Technological University Document Sample PowerPoint Presentation - Michigan Technological University Powered By Docstoc Quantum Mechanics Robert Nemiroff Michigan Technological University Physics X: About This Course • Officially "Extraordinary Concepts in Physics" • Being taught for credit at Michigan Tech o Light on math, heavy on concepts o Anyone anywhere is welcome • No textbook required o Wikipedia, web links, and lectures only o Find all the lectures with Google at:  "Starship Asterisk" then "Physics X" o Symmetry and Conservation: Noether's Theorem Symmetries underlie conservation laws (assumes principle of least action) Symmetry Conservation law Rotation Angular momentum Translation Linear momentum Time Energy Many others involving more complex symmetries. Acceleration, Jerk, and Snap: The Movement Paradox To move from rest, and object must have change its position over time, which means it must attain a velocity v. To attain velocity v from rest, the object must accelerate, a. But how does an object attain acceleration from rest? Higher order motion: jerk = da/dt, snap = d(jerk)/dt . Snap is also called "jounce". All orders are needed for motion from rest, but these are the only ones with Charge versus Mass Although both electric charge and gravitational mass appear in similar inverse square laws, there are differences. Speed invariant Changes relativistically charge mass spin energy magnetic moment wavelength Experimental Relativity E = m c2 is a theorist's equation E = α m β c2γ + δ is more experimental where α, β, and γ are near 1, and δ is near 0. I don't know what the current experimental limits on these "free parameters" are. This might make an interesting research Quantum Effects: As plain as the nose on your face? Quantum effects have been observable since humans began, just not understood. Using one eye, one can align a point source (say a star) just over the nose on your face and see diffraction rings. Try it! Quantum Effects: Visible with imperfect lens and blurry vision? To see quantum effects, you don't even have to have a nose! Assuming your eye's lens is imperfect and your vision is even a little bit blurry, look closely at a distant point light source. You will notice several "speckels" that are caused by the fluid in your eye. But notice that each of these speckels have a diffraction pattern around them. Try it! P versus NP Problem Technically the premiere problem in computer science but might be relevant to physics one day. Can answers be generated as quickly as they can be verified? In particular, if answers can be verified in polynomial time on a computer, can the answers be generated in polynomial time as well? (Seems like "no" to me: one can open a lock quickly, given a key, but one can't generate a key as quickly.) Related to the arrow of time? Wave function collapse? Holographic Principle A conjecture that states that a volume of space has all its information encoded on the area that bounds it. Originally used to describe the entropy of black holes -- the entropy inside a black hole can be computed from its bounding event horizon. Extended to string theory and the universe in general. Might be applicable to cosmology. Unruh Effect Accelerating observers measure different blackbody radiation than non- accelerating observers Accelerated observers see a different type of underlying background vacuum than non-accelerating observers. Say a thermometer at rest in a vacuum reads zero temperature. If that same thermometer is waved about in the vacuum, it will read a finite Unruh Effect Unruh temperature: What temperature will the thermometer read? • h is reduced Planck's constant • a is acceleration • c is the speed of light • k is Boltzmann's constant Higgs Mechanism A leading mechanism for how (some) particles have inertial mass. Space is filled with a virtual sea of Higgs bosons (among other things). Fundamental particles perturb this sea so that a crowd of virtual Higgs particles surrounds it. Slogging through this field creates inertial mass. For protons and neutrons, inertial mass is thought to be mostly provided by the exchange of virtual color gluons. Strangelets are a form of matter not seen on Earth consisting of equal numbers of up, down, and strange quarks. Standard nucleons don't contain strange quarks. • are more compact than nuclear matter • may grow to arbitrary size o involves runaway reaction o might make massive "strange stars" • might convert any nucleon to a strangelet upon contact Large Hadron Collider • Currently largest collider, started in 2009 • Frequently known by abbreviation LHC • Located in Switzerland • Find or rule out predicted Higgs boson o Bolster the Higgs mechanism • Search for supersymmetric particle partners • Search for extra space dimension • Search for dark matter particles Large Hadron Collider: Black Hole Controversy Black Holes • LHC will create micro black holes that will devour the Earth • Such mBHs should have been created already in cosmic rays, but the Earth remains. Large Hadron Collider: Strangelet Controversy Strangelets formed in the LHC could change the Earth into one big strange particle • Stranglets might not be found in cosmic rays since they would have decayed before striking the Earth • But still some of them should survive, as does the Earth -- so little • Strangelets are more likely to have been created in other colliders, but have never been found
dslreports logo how-to block ads Note: This section is out of date and no longer maintained. It is retained for the value of any residual information contained in it. DSL - Section 3 More detail.. DSL[2] (Digital Subscriber Line) is a generic name for a family of standards allowing high speed data transfer over telephone lines (POTS), otherwise known as twisted pair. For carrying IP, DSL competes with cable modems, satellite digital data feeds, wireless digital data, ISDN, 56k modems and more expensive frame-relay lines etc. Since the twisted pair lines used in the telephone network that are to carry DSL are not shielded from interference, there are limits on the distance DSL signals can travel before degrading the maximum DSL speeds available in all DSL standards. This distance limitation of DSL is only one of many potential technical hurdles to pass before an installation is complete. ..take me back ---- tell me more... Plain Old Telephone System! Here is a good story about POTS, specifically, POTS and Bell Atlantic. The Bell Atlantic copper network is vast. We expect you imagine all these clever looking people in white lab coats, sitting in a mission control room, with fine HDTV overhead displays showing their network, colored symbols indicating (infrequent) problems, graphs, voices over the announcement system quietly announcing infrastructure problems and changes, something like, say, the space shuttle mission control? Think .. paper. Think sheets of paper the size of table tops. Think 100s of thousands, maybe more, huge, 15 year old, sheets of paper. Each sheet of paper represents a small area of the Bell copper system. Inscribed on these sheets (called plats, we believe), are the lines, and symbols and juntions, every last one of them, of the Bell Plain Old Telephone System. These sheets are the only reliable documentation of what they have out there. They were put together around 15 years ago, by sending teams of convicts out to measure and note every aspect they could reach of the copper infrastructure that had built up on an as-needed basis since and before the war. Telphone pole locations, pole heights, wire gauge, box positions, trunks, distribution points. Every single little bit. These sheets fit together to form a huge 2d sheet. The line up on the edges like a street directory from hell. Ah!, we hear you say, What happens if they build up a new area and an old sheet becomes wrong and they need more space? Well, they re-write the sheet.. using finer and closer lines if need be, to fit the extra infrastructure in. These sheets are stored in some enourmous, and hopefully somewhat fireproof, archive. When there is significant work to be done, or troubles in an area, there is an internal sheet distribution service, that shifts the necessary sheet or sheets down to the local area for use. They get returned when not needed, hopefully without too many extra grubby stains on them. All this is true. A few years ago, it became clear to the hive brain that is Bell Atlantic, that they need to get this infrastructure computerized somehow. Imagine, they thought, if we can _computerize_ all these sheets, then... when there are several faults, we could have a program that would trace through these new electronic sheets, and probably isolate the problem to one junction or cable.! Turning a million sheets the size of your dining room table into computer data is not something you want to do in MS Access, no matter how many wizards Bill provides. It was clear some lateral thinking was needed. So, they embarked upon a program to send the sheets to India, where you can get data keyed in manually for 1 cent a K. Flown by the box load, they got the data on each keyed in, and returned on tape. This wasn't the whole sheet archive, just an initial experiment, for a small town. Call it Lake Falls, for want of a name, and it worked well! When Mr Smith the green grocer found a fault on his line, and so did Mr Jones the undertaker, the system chewed on it for a while and then correctly predicted it was likely to be a problem with junction box number 3A on sheet 351578617AU. Unfortunately, the quality of the sheet data, and the keyed data from India was not the best, since the original convict data collectors did not really have their minds on the job... There was also the issue of sending 1000 sheets describing the phone system of the Whitehouse off to a foreign power possessing nuclear weapons, so a second project was started, this time to digitize (scan) the sheets so that they could at least slide and zoom around the network using computers, instead of receiving and delivering sheets. This project is still underway, and we are told they don't expect to finish the job until 2004, and many don't believe it will ever be finished, nor all that useful if it is. The budget for all this is probably a good chunk of a billion bucks. For those of you concerned about data backup of these sheets of paper, we can report that Bell arranged for huge photocopiers to be built, and these were employed to fast copy all the sheets for archive. So now at least they have a backup. The newer fibre trunks and in better shape, data-wise, as the databases and locations were recorded accurately. So with Tiger land base maps, and this data, they can build their mission control just for the fibre backbones. But for copper, over which DSL runs, we are on sheets of paper still, so now you know why its not easy to answer the question "can i absolutely get DSL", and "why does my phone line have a hum on it". Think about this next time you order pizza by phone. Sections available: 56k modems, ADSL, ATM, ATU-C, ATU-C/R, ATU-R, AWG:, bandwidth, Bell Operating Companies, BERT, BRI, BRIDGE TAP, bridge taps, bridged ips, cable modems, CAP, CBR, CCITT, CIR, CLEC, CLLI, CO, CODEC, Comparing DSL to 56k modems, CPE, CSU, DAML, DCE, DCLEC, DHCP, distance, DLC, DMT, DMZ, DNS services, dsl, DSL, DSL-1, DSL-2, DSL-3, DSL-4, DSL-5, DSL-6, DSL-7, DSL-8, DSL:2, DSLAM, dslam, DSU, DTE, ECHO CANCELLER, extra IPs, family of standards, FDM, filter, firewall, fixed ip, FTTC, FTTH, G.lite, HDSL, HFC, high speed, hub, ICMP, IDSL, idsl, IEC, ILEC, inside wiring, installation, introduction, ISDN, ISP, ITU, IXC, key points, LATA, latency, LEC, lit up, load coil, local loop, loop, maximum DSL speeds, Mbps, MDF, MODULATION, MVL, NAT, NEBS, NEXT, NID, OC48, operating servers, ordering process, packet drops, PCM, pictures, Point of Demarcation, POTS, PPP, PPP vs bridged, PPPoA, pppoe, PPPoE, PRI, private ip, PSTN, PTT, PVC, QAM, RADSL, RBOC, registry settings, router, satellite, SDSL, security, sharing, shielded, SLA, SNR, socks, splitter, SVC, TDM, technical hurdles, terms and conditions, throughput, truck roll, twisted pair, UBR, UDP, UTP, VBR, VDSL, wireless,
Biggest d-bag of the series? #11TorgoForeverPosted 2/20/2013 1:38:59 AM VanilleHopen posted... kain.. end thread.. he sucks worst character in jrpg history.. Not saying Kain is that good, but how is he worse than Edge Maverick? Cecily Campbell = Useless Lead "Oh shut up. I played HDN and other RPGs and I don't care if they either good or bad, they're still good." -MewMewFan #12kupo1705Posted 2/20/2013 1:45:10 AM Lindaru111 posted... VanilleHopen posted... kain.. end thread.. he sucks worst character in jrpg history.. yet I wonder why he's so overrated and overglorified as an OP Badass in Dissidia sickens me I was wondering the same thing about Lightning. #13Moeman_Posted 2/20/2013 2:07:15 AM(edited) EscaSyra posted... dils-d posted... I'd say Algus (Argath). I'd never been more motivated to kill someone in any game ever. This. I hate him with a passion. Both "Argath Thadulfus" and "Algus Sadalfas" mean "Eternal A-hole" in Ancient Ivalician. Tru Faxxx. She lives. You just can't keep a good Moon Princess down. #14TehAssasinPosted 2/20/2013 2:59:55 AM Motomu Toriyama. #15EminentFatePosted 2/20/2013 4:09:24 AM(edited) Hironobu Sakaguchi. For stepping down. Every time you make a Gabe Newell fat joke, he delays Half Life 2: Episode 3 an extra month. #16MalakTawusPosted 2/20/2013 4:22:57 AM Kefka since i totally hated his stupid laugh. #17Nuck-chorrisPosted 2/20/2013 4:38:57 AM That girl that punches people. When i fall in the water, i dont get wet. Water gets me. SE's loss sales pleases me, Maybe they'll start hearing the fans for once.......who am I kidding ? #18King_Shortt_IXPosted 2/20/2013 4:46:43 AM Lightning? She seemed like she could be a jerk at times. #19marcBookPosted 2/20/2013 4:48:35 AM Noel. **** that dude. "The whole building's coming down!" "This isn't good!!!" YOU THINK!? #20heartlesshero17Posted 2/20/2013 6:11:50 AM Argath easily
Question from ProfessorDragon Asked: 4 years ago How do I solve getting through Icy Path/Ice Cave? So, I am just sliding around and around and can not get into the center area to progress, does anyone have a image solution to this puzzle?? Accepted Answer From: Mi10tic_Fan 4 years ago Have you tried Strength? The rocks help you prevent from going around and around. Rated: +1 / -0 This question has been successfully answered and closed Respond to this Question Similar Questions question status from Ice path B2 item? Answered inoble Winner's Path? Open CamCato30360 Winners path? Answered GSluvr94 I cant get out of the ice path third area? Answered aidantristen21 How do you get passed the first maze in the ice path? Open strokeman92
Review by MaxH "If you have a burning desire to love platforming again, relight your passion with this red-hot classic" There's two different types of experiences that sit at the top of videogaming. There's the calm, breathtaking ones that you savour (Hyrule field in Zelda 64, using the first person view in just about any Banjo Kazooie level) and there are the fast furious fun ones seen in games like Crash Bandicoot and just about all first person shooters. Of course you CAN'T have both in a game. Or can you? Overly epic, serene games often need more variety, and the fast furious experiences can prove to be shallow, so why not fuse them together to form a deep, fun experience? And that's what Insomniac games have done, they've made the best platformer available on the playstation. The plot is a little more mythical than in the previous game (Called Spyro1 from here on). Spyro and his dragonfly friend Sparx enter a portal thinking it will lead them to a sunny beach, but find out they have been tricked into a world called Avalar. The people who lead them here did so under honest motivations. The professor, Hunter the Cheetah and Elora the fawn are being terrorised by a villain wizard called Ripto and think only a dragon can save them. They explain to Spyro that to help defeat Ripto he must collect fourteen talismans from the worlds scattered around Avalar (Get to the end of a level and you receive a talisman). And so off he goes. Essentially, the gameplay set up is the same as before: wander around the world hubs (Three in this game) and levels, collect gems and get to the end. But there are three important things this game has that Spyro1 didn't have enough of: variety, character and a long-lasting challenge. As well as simply going around the levels collecting gems, leaping over bottomless pits and killing enemies, there are loads of mini-games and side tasks to complete. Other fundamentals stay the same, the speedways are back (And I'm still no good at them) the health system is the same. Your dragonfly will glow gold when there are three hit points left, blue when there are two, green when there is one, and he'll disappear when you are one hit away from death. Killing the innocent animals scattered around the sprawling levels will put the colour back into Sparx. The first thing you'll notice once you're watching the opening cut scene is the added character. The only real character in the original was Spyro and he had a whiny annoying voice anyway, Tom Kenny plays it much cooler as the purple dragon in this installment. but also there's the tiny, determined Professor, the boastful but easily scared hunter and the rather arrogant Elora. And it doesn't stop with them, every single level has a different set of characters, all with names, and most of them with plenty to say. From secret agent kids Hansel and Gretal to the Buddhist turtles in sunny beach, there's a lot of likable, memorable folk to help out. It really does add a certain charm to the game. The jokes are mostly standard, but hearing the characters bitch about each other is a real laugh. Those who were afraid that the beauty of the first game would be lost need worry no more. The levels are even bigger than before, and the enemies are just as curiously created. The design is far more vivid than before, whereas Spyro1 offered levels with gorgeous textures and open areas, this game adds extra flair such as appropriate architecture. It feels less sparse than the first game and it's just a more convincing involving world. Gliding over the huge fields and caverns is still captivating, and Insomniac have sneaked even more of these moments into the game. Wandering about picking up gems is even more fun (and strangely calming) than before and is a real joy in itself. But if that were all then this would just be a slightly better designed Spyro1. It's not of course. You see the side tasks add SO much in this game. Riding on gurneys, freeing trapped Hula dancers, returning energy balls to the generators, it's all very fun, and very frantic. Often a task will ask you to smash or flame a number of things within a small time limit without missing ONE, this makes for very tense play and will take several goes. It's the kind of frustrating (But hugely rewarding) antics that games like Crash throw at you, and it's mixed in well with the atmosphere of the game. The graceful style of the main game is left in tact, but now there's just so much more to do. Some of the side tasks are EXTREMELY hard (I've yet to beat a couple of them after owning the game for two years). It's two different game dynamics mixed with rip roaring success, so this time round there's something for everyone. And it's all so different. From the logic puzzles, to the reaction tests to the strategic growing of beanstalks every level throws a new challenge at you. One of my favourites (And one of the hardest) is ridding the crops of a robot's farm of insects, you must swoop around the level flaming them away. You'll have to plan your route carefully, you'll have to practice a hell of a lot of times and you'll have to move quickly. It's the kind of challenge the makes you subconsciously shout when you've succeeded and one that will put sweat on your brow for the duration. After that, why not enjoy the scenery and bizarre yokel robot farmers while collecting gems around the fiendishly designed levels. Explore. This is the kind of contrasting experience that typifies the appeal of the game as a whole. It's got the rush and it's got the relaxation. It has just about everything you'd want from a platform game. And it's even more gorgeous than before. The high polygon character models are now much more detailed and expressive. Everything is done with a little extra panache, if an enemy ran away with clear fear on it's face in Spyro1, it will do so while flailing it's arms madly and screaming in this game. The game is at the same technical level as spyro1, but it's overall design is much more accomplished, levels are more creative, wildly bizarre and thoughtfully animated. Detailed wall patterns and cool daunting structures are one-a-penny. It has the same mysterious, attractive, colourful atmosphere as before, but now with a lot more polish. The sound, as it was before, is outstanding. It has a subtle, light-hearted and gloriously mythical score. Sometimes breaking out into rousing melodies, but still retaining that almost inquisitive thought-provoking guitar tune in the background. Truly the best music in a platform game, it's unique, catchy and fits the game's stylings like a glove. The sound effects are great, picking up gems, smashing baskets and making the 'patter patter' noise with your charge attack makes gives enough sound satisfaction to please. The voice acting is much better, with some wholesome, lovable hilarious characters emerging at many points in the game. It's obvious Insomniac have made sure the sound enhances the gameplay, and they've succeeded wholeheartedly. It's much longer than before too. Simply strolling through the levels collecting gems is as effortless as it was before, but the even harder speedways and masses of side-tasks adds hours onto playtime. I still haven't finished it properly. But I still like to play through the whole thing again, it hasn't lost it yet after two years and counting. So this really is the best platformer you can get on the playstation, and one of the best 3-d platformers on any system. It's easily the most enjoyable, well-balanced entry in the Spyro series and it's just begging for your attention with spectacular atmospherics and widely varied challenges. Avalar needs your help.... Relight my fire + It retains the vast, impressive explorable level styles from the first game + Everything is generally more accomplished than it was in spyro1 + The side tasks add a massive amount of extra challenge, and make the game appealing to a wider range of gamers + Loads of weird and wonderful characters to interact with + Atmosphere is enhanced in countless ways + A good solid, challenge + Controls are tighter than before + Good, involving story + Charismatic, enthusiastic voice acting + Perfect music + It looks sharp, colourful and immensely detailed - It's still not quite as good as it should be - It's restricted from reaching it's full potential by the system's limitations - Despite the side tasks, it's very much the same game as the original If you like this.... Spyro the Dragon - playstation: The original Spyro, thoroughly enjoyable but inferior to this. Spyro: Enter the dragon - playstation: It's still good solid fun, but it's lost it's appeal somewhat. Relies too heavily on the side tasks. Spyro: Season of ice - GBA: I haven't had the chance to play it extensively yet, but it seems like a real treat of a handheld game, and one that has that Spyro feeling. Reviewer's Score: 9/10 | Originally Posted: 12/09/01, Updated 12/09/01 Got Your Own Opinion?
Printer Friendly Version ] [ Report Abuse ] << >> Welcoming back an old friend by American Ginny Chapter 4 : Death's final Cry... Rating: 15+Chapter Reviews: 5 Background:   Font color:    Neville knelt down at the side of Ron’s body. They had never really been the best of friends or friends really at all, but Neville could’ve never wished this end upon anyone he knew. True Ron was never the nicest person to him, nor did Ron ever actually expect for him to achieve anything. He was one of the few people that would stand up for Neville when he really needed the help though. Neville let out a sigh and walked towards the entrance of the Great Hall. He had never achieved much in his life truthfully. His greatest accomplishments were what most witches and wizards would call basic spells. It wasn’t that he couldn’t figure the spell or task out. It was always that he never had much confidence to accomplish it. His parents were never there to teach him and encourage him. Sure, he had gran, but she wasn’t always the best for someone with low self-esteem issues. Then there was malfoy. Oh how Neville had come to despise Malfoy. He had never been good at very much, but then Malfoy always had to make everything five times worse. Everything about Neville was always a joke to Malfoy. Even when Neville accomplished something Malfoy would somehow twist it into a joke. Neville turned around and looked at the people behind him. Mr. Weasley sat with his family mourning over his sons. Most people would tell you that Mr. Weasley had never accomplished much within his life, but Neville knew that wasn’t true. Mr. Weasley had accomplished much within his life time, but no one would know that by his position in the ministry. That didn’t say anything though because Mr. Weasley could have easily moved up the ladder in the ministry if he would just not be such a muggle-loving man. He didn’t have to stop loving muggles, just not be so obsessed with them. Ginny stood up from beside her father and began to help remove the dead from the middle of the room to help prepare for the second battle. Now that girl had accomplished a lot even in her six years at Hogwarts. She had managed to date about four or five different guys, but then finally she landed on the guy of her dreams- the Harry Potter. She was known for her bat-boogey hex. She was one of the gang leaders for the rebellion at Hogwarts this year. She accomplished terrorizing death eaters whom most people would have written off as impossible to terrorize. She had accomplished a lot, but she had also lost a lot for a girl so young. Two brothers killed within one night, one scarred by a werewolf, another hurt while in battle. All happening within six years of her short lifetime. Neville let his head drop between his shoulders. He would always be a good for nothing loser. He had never accomplished anything worth wild. “I’ll always be hopeless.” He whispered to himself. “No, you won’t.” a voice behind him said placing her hand on his shoulder. Neville turned around to see Luna standing behind him. It was strange what the effect of war had on people. Luna still had a sense of dreaminess around her, but it was less prominent than normal. She seemed almost normal in this world. Neville smiled at her and said, “Thanks, but I will. I know I will be. I haven’t accomplished anything in my lifetime, and I most likely never will.” “That isn’t true, Neville, and you know it. You were the head of the rebellion at Hogwarts this year. You’ve done lots of things. You’ve accomplished making a full body patronus. Most adults can’t even do that.” Luna smiled and continued, “And you never know a gnome could bite you, and you accomplish something extremely great. Their saliva is lucky you know. I got bit by one earlier this year, and I found my radish earrings after it. It was amazing.” Luna skipped off to help move the dead and prepare for the next battle. There was the Luna he knew. There was the Luna most people were uninterested in. There was the Luna he loved. The Luna that had always believed in him even when he failed to believe in himself.  "Defender's of Hogwarts come out and see how your valiant hero’s body lays empty at my feet." Voldemort’s voice echoed in the hall. Neville froze. Harry was dead? How could this be? Harry had told him that he wasn’t going to die. He had said that…that he was going to finish a job Dumbledore had left for him. Realization flooded over Neville. Harry had every intention of going to his death. He knew Neville would have tried to stop him so he had lied. Lied to accomplish something, but what was he accomplishing by getting himself killed. He had just made it easier for Voldemort to take over. Wow, we are so lost now. There is no way we can win this one. All hope is lost!!! Neville thought hopelessly. Neville ran to the grand double doors that had always held a sense of majesty in his mind. He stood froze as he saw the shape of a body lay motionless at Voldemort’s feet. What were they going to do now?! Their hero really was dead at the hand of their enemy. Neville felt a sudden gush of wind blow past him knocking him from his paralyzing state. He saw a flash of fire red hair fly over the steps. Ginny, he quickly thought. Without thinking or considering, Neville jumped the stairs to the entrance hall and ran with everything he had to catch her. He blindly reached out his hand and closed it tightly around her arm. Neville pulled Ginny closed to him as her screams began to pierce the night. “Harry! HARRY! Harry! NO!” Ginny screamed with all her might as if they would somehow bring him back to life. Ginny fought Neville’s hold. She clawed at his hands. She put all her power into ridding herself of his hold, but nothing worked. Neville finally let her go as she collapsed to the ground still whispering Harry with each breath. The air was pierced a second time with a new scream. “Harry!” Hermione said rushing out from the entrance hall. “HARRY!!! NO! Harry!” Each scream becoming louder as she sank to the ground beside Ginny. The girls held onto each other trying to find comfort in what seemed to be a hopeless time. They looked so sad and helpless to Neville. He wish he could have comforted them or helped them in any sort of way, but Neville had never been good at comforting people- especially girls. He also doubt that the presence of a boy would be much comfort when you had just lost your best guy friend and your lover. Neville wished he had had a father that could’ve taught him what to do in a situation like this. He clenched his fist tight together. This was ridiculous. This man that stood in front of him laughing and making some grand speech destroyed lives. Lives that would have been different if he had not been around and destroyed them. The world would have been different. There would be lives that were different. Harry’s life would have been different. HIS life would have been different. The anger was rising in Neville. He would have had a father and mother at home to care for him. He would not have had to go to the hospital every so often to even see his parents. His mom would hand him presents and treats instead of empty gum wrappers that were worthless. He would have had someone there to guide and support him when everything seemed hopeless. He would have had parents that would know who he was and would be able to say I love you instead of parents that didn’t know who he was and could not even say I love you because of some mental death eaters that destroyed all sense of sanity that his parents once had. Neville let out a scream and broke the crowd. He began to charge at Voldemort. The anger had built up inside of him until he had enough. This was going to be the end of Voldemort. Whether Neville killed him or not, this was Neville’s chance to create his greatest accomplishment. Neville was going to stand up even in the face of death… A/N: hahaha yes two chapters in a month or two! This is an accomplishment for me! YES!!! Woohoo! Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I could have kept going with this chapter and Neville, but when I wrote the last two lines, it just seemed like a perfect ending to me. Please excuse me if it seems extremely disconnected from the previous chapters. Ir has been a year or so since I last actually was connected to this story. I tried to reconnect myself to the story. I really did try. I just couldn’t make it quite the same as it once was. So sorry…Anywho…There is one chapter left, and it may get a little confusing. It depends on whether or not a flip between Hermione and Harry’s point of view or just stick to the focus of one of them. I am probably going to go with one point of view so it will be easier for the reader. Like I said I hope you enjoyed this. One more chapter to post with this story, and then it will be finished. *cries a bit* After this is finished I do plan to go back and finish through her eyes. So those of you who have read or are reading that, do get ready for a new chapter in the near future (hopefully). Thanks for reading this and remember Leave a Review!! =) Happy times! Previous Chapter Next Chapter Favorite |Reading List |Currently Reading << >> Review Write a Review Welcoming back an old friend: Death's final Cry... (6000 characters max.) 6000 remaining Your Name: Prove you are Human: Submit this review and continue reading next chapter. Other Similar Stories No similar stories found!
News Column Film fest takes look into niche of horror cinema [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (PA)] November 14, 2013 Several decades ago, a Vietnam vet and low-budget filmmaker in Maryland named Karl Atticus pushed the boundaries of bloody, gore- splattered filmmaking into disturbingly realistic territory. To film historians and horror fans, he's remembered as "godfather of the slasher movie" -- though, plenty wish they didn't remember him at all. Then, he disappeared. "He's a legendary figure in certain circles," says Pittsburgh- based filmmaker Christian Stavrakis. "People don't like to talk about him. A lot of people walk away when you mention the name. A lot of people deny that he even existed. There's legends out there about this guy, and that's what we took off with." A new movie, "Mortal Remains," attempts to discover what really happened to Atticus and what his true legacy is beyond the small coterie of horror-film fans who still shudder at his memory. It's screening at 9 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Harris Theater, part of the Three Rivers Film Festival, which continues through Nov. 23. Stavrakis made "Mortal Remains" with his Maryland-based partner Mark Ricche. The film was shot in Pittsburgh, but set in Maryland. "We both have full-time jobs," Stavrakis says. "We did it a couple days here and there over a period of years. ... It's a lot easier to work under the radar in the 'Burgh because we know people. In D.C., it's such an established film community. If someone sees you shooting something, the police will come up and ask for permits." There really isn't an existing description or category for a micro-budget meta-horror-mystery like "Mortal Remains." Ricche likes the term "docu-thriller." Stavrakis prefers "shockumentary." Whatever it's called, the pair -- who have been making movies together since high school -- wanted to do something different. "We were definitely striving for something new, something that hadn't been done before," Stavrakis says. "It's all sequels and remakes these days. Such a glut of zombie movies -- I'm glad that they're finally having their day, but let's try something fresh." Curiously, the horror movie that most successfully blurred the lines between documentary and narrative fiction was "The Blair Witch Project," whose co-director, Eduardo Sanchez, went to high school with Stavrakis and Ricche in Maryland. Sanchez is featured as a horror expert in "Mortal Remains." Stavrakis will attend the Nov. 16 screening to introduce "Mortal Remains" and discuss the movie. More information can be found at their website, "We financed it out of our own pockets," Stavrakis says. "We didn't have to seek any investors, or pay for locations. Everyone chipped in through the goodness of their hearts. Hopefully, we can repay them when this gets picked up (by a distributor)." There's one thing they have in common with the types of horror movies that they were trying to avoid, though. "Of course, we're preparing the sequel," Stavrakis says. "Mortal Remains" will be shown at 9 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Harris Theater, Downtown. Admission is $9. Details: A service of YellowBrix, Inc. Story Tools
Yeast Starter Recipes Enjoy our collection of yeast starter recipes submitted, reviewed and rated by community. Meet people who are looking for yeast starter recipes. CCP: 5 Yeast Starter GETTING READY 1. Wash and dry a 300ml or ½ pint soda bottle. MAKING 2. In a saucepan, combine water, malt extract, sugar and citric acid. 3. Place the pan on a medium flame and bring to a boil. 4. Take pan off the heat and cool slightly before pouring it... - 36.6962 Liquid Starter Or Potato Yeast MAKING 1.In a boiler, pour 4 cups of water and cook potatoes in it 2.Take a strainer and put the potatoes through a coarse sieve into a bowl, cool to lukewarm 3.In a bowl, pour water and soften the yeast in it 4.Also beat in the remaining ingredients 5.Cover... - 36.6036 Bread Yeast Starter Combine 1 3/4 cups flour, 1 tablespoon sugar, salt and undissolved yeast in a bowl. Add 2 1/2 cups warm water gradually and beat for 2 minutes with electric mixer at medium speed, scraping bowl occasionally. Cover and let stand at room temperature for 4 days,... - 25.9451 Potato Yeast Rolls Soften yeast in very warm water; set aside. Pour boiling hot milk into large mixing bowl over shortening, sugar and salt. Stir until shortening melts. Stir in potatoes and eggs; cool to lukewarm. Stir in yeast; then half the flour. Beat until batter is smooth... - 45.2925 Sourdough Bread With Yeast 1. Sprinkle yeast into very warm water in a large bowl. ("Very warm water" should feel comfortably warm when dropped on wrist.) Then stir in starter, sugar and salt. 2. Beat in 2 cups of the flour until smooth. Beat in enough of the remaining flour to make a... - 42.8051 You May Also Like! Sourdough Starter This Sourdough starter is amazing! The Sourdough bread made with this sourdough starter feels so soft and tastes incredible! Don't believe me? Try out and tell me if you agree with me ! - 27.8937 Sourdough Starter Soften yeast in 1/2 cup warm water. Stir in flour, 2 cups warm water, and sugar. Beat till smooth. Cover with cheesecloth; let stand at room temperature till bubbly, 5 to 10 days, stirring 2 or 3 times a day. Store Starter, covered, in the refrigerator. To... - 25.7888 Sourdough Starter 1. Mix all ingredients in a crock or glass container. DO NOT USE METAL. Leave overnight at room temperature. 2. In the morning, add 1 cup flour and enough water to make a thick batter. 3. Repeat second step for 2 or 3 days. 4. Allow the starter to sit for 1... - 26.8909 Starter Bread Prepare Starter. In mixing bowl soften yeast in warm water. Blend in 1 cup Starter, 2 1/2 cups of the flour, sugar, and 2 teaspoons salt. Mix 2 1/2 cups of the flour and the soda; stir into flour-yeast mixture. Stir in enough remaining flour to make a stiff... - 37.3206 Sourdough Starter For all those who love to whip up something very different as party starter, this Sourdough Starter is gonna be a favorite. Very simple and made using very less ingredients, this Sourdough Starter serves as a great appetizer for any get-togethers! - 29.5002 Sourdough Starter 1. In large glass or ceramic bowl, combine warm water, yeast, and honey; stir to dissolve. Let stand until foamy, about 5 minutes. Gradually stir in flour. Cover bowl with clean kitchen towel and let stand in warm place (80° to 85°F) until starter stops... - 24.034 Sourdough Starter The sourdough starter is a natural leaven that can be made in many different ways... this recipe has been tested by Giallozafferano. - 123.599 Quick And Easy Sourdough Starter Dissolve yeast in warm water, using a stoneware crock or jar. Add sugar, then flour slowly, mixing well. Cover loosely and set in a warm place; let ferment for 48 hours. Use a closed glass jar to store in refrigerator for future use. - 19.6667 MAKING 1) In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water, set aside. 2) In a pot, cook potatoes 3 cups of water until tender. 3) Pour off the cooking liquid, reserving 2 cups of liquid. 4) Allow to cool the potato liquid to lukewarm. 5) Stir in the yeast,... - 39.4322 Sourdough Starter In glass or crockery container, dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup lukewarm water. Add remaining ingredients and stir well with a wooden or plastic spoon until smooth. Cover with a towel and let stand for 3 to 5 days at room temperature. Stir 2 or 3 times daily. To... - 25.5661 Sourdough Starter Dissolve yeast in the warm water. Add next 4 ingredients. Then add enough potato water to make a creamy batter (about 2 cups). Put in a stone crock or bowl, cover and let stand in a warm place for 2 to 3 days to ferment. It will become bubbly and have a sour... - 33.3095 Yeast Starter Recipes By Category Yeast Starter Dish: Yeast Starter Ingredient:
Mcgarrybowen Jobs Forum Get new comments by email You can cancel email alerts at anytime. Current Discussions (5) - Start a Discussion What's the company culture at Mcgarrybowen? Every business has its own style. What is the office environment and culture like at Mcgarrybowen? Are people dressed in business casual, jeans and... Mcgarrybowen News and Happenings. What do you think - will Mcgarrybowen grow fast? Are they expanding their staff? How does Mcgarrybowen stack up against the competition? Mcgarrybowen Interview Questions. Mcgarrybowen Salaries, Bonuses and Benefits. What are the average starting salaries, bonuses, benefits and travel requirements like at Mcgarrybowen? What do you like best about working at... How to get a job at Mcgarrybowen. Do you work at Mcgarrybowen? How did you find the job? How did you get that first interview? Any advice for someone trying to get in? RSS Feed Icon Subscribe to this forum as an RSS feed. » Sign in or create an account to start a discussion.
@article {Woodriff:1973-05-01T00:00:00:0003-7028:181, author = "Woodriff, Ray and Shrader, Douglas", title = "A New Dual Wave-length Spectrophotometer", journal = "Applied Spectroscopy", volume = "27", number = "3", year = "1973-05-01T00:00:00", abstract = "The design, construction, specifications, and operation of a new dual wave-length spectrophotometer are presented. The instrument utilizes only one fixed grating and mobile exit slits with photomultiplier light sensors. Two wave lengths can be monitored and both channels may be scanned, simultaneously and independently. The spectrophotometer has been integrated into an atomic absorption system which includes a Woodriff furnace and Ithaco dual channel lock-in amplifier. The two channels may be used separately (A and B) or may be ratioed (A/B). Calibration curves were obtained for Ag and Pb. Results are given for the determination of Ag in a complex water sample requiring background correction using the ratio (A/B) mode and for the simultaneous determination of Ag and Pb in synthetic samples using the two separate channel (A and B) mode.", pages = "181-185", url = "", doi = "doi:10.1366/000370273774333632", keyword = "Atomic absorption spectroscopy, Dual channel spectrophotometer, Instrumentation, ultraviolet-visible, Methods, analytical, Techniques, spectroscopic" }
Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act - AMTPA Dictionary Says Definition of 'Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act - AMTPA' An act from 1982 that over-rode many state laws that prevented banks from using mortgages other than conventional fixed-rate mortgages. This act allowed for the total costs of loans to become obscured, and led to the availability of various new mortgages such as adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs), interest only mortgages, and ballon payment mortgages. Investopedia Says Investopedia explains 'Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act - AMTPA' Many believe that this act is the basis of the sub-prime crisis of 2007, which led to the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Many mortgage borrowers in the early 21st century obtained mortgages that they failed to understand. As borrowers began to lose their homes due to defaulting on their mortgages, house prices began to spiral downward making it even more difficult for people to refinance their homes into more affordable mortgages. Articles Of Interest 1. Interest-Only Mortgages: Home Free Or Homeless? These loans can be beneficial, but for many borrowers, they present a financial trap. 2. ARMed And Dangerous 3. Option ARMs: American Dream Or Mortgage Nightmare? 4. Who Is To Blame For The Subprime Crisis? 5. This ARM Has Teeth Find out how to avoid getting bitten when your mortgage rate resets. 6. What Is A Pyramid Scheme? 7. The Best-Performing Sectors Of 2013 A sector represents a high-level way in which analysts and investors group similar companies together. Analyzing Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts, or SPDRs, serves as one of the best proxies ... 8. How To Rent Your Home So You Can Pay Your Mortgage 9. Why Americans Still Can't Escape The Recession National statistics indicate that the U.S. economy is finally gaining momentum. So why doesn't it feel that way for many Americans? 10. 10 Steps To Tax Preparation Follow these simple steps to get you ready for the income tax deadline of April 15. comments powered by Disqus Hot Definitions 1. Abnormal Spoilage 2. "Just Say No" Defense 3. Zaraba Method 4. Zaraba Method 5. Yield Elbow 6. XDIS Trading Center
Labor Issue Splits Zionist Parley a majority of votes, including the resolution on the creation of a General Zionist labor organization. The British delegation declared that it must claim independence from party discipline in view of the fact that the Zionist Organization in England is functioning in the country which has the Mandate over Palestine.
Click photo to enlarge Activists of the right winged Hindu nationalist Vishwa Hindu Parishad, or World Hindu Council, shout slogans during a protest against Pakistan, in Jammu, India, Thursday, Jan. 10, 2013. India has formally complained about an attack on an Indian army patrol in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir that killed two soldiers and left their bodies mutilated. India says Pakistani troops crossed the cease-fire line Tuesday and attacked Indian soldiers patrolling in the Mendhar region before retreating. The case has sparked protests across India by women and men who say India's legal system doesn't do enough to prevent attacks on women. Women have told stories of relentless abuse—from catcalls to bus gropings to rapes—and of a police and judicial system that does little to stop it, often blaming victims' unchaste behavior. The woman and her male friend were coming home from a movie at a New Delhi mall when they boarded a bus that police say was carrying the defendants, who were traveling together on a joy ride through the city. The woman's friend, who has not been identified, has said he tried to defend the woman but was soon beaten unconscious. Authorities say the two were dumped off the bus, naked and bloody, later. Sharma said that authorities, under pressure to quickly wrap up the case, would convict the suspects no matter what evidence, including forcing them to make incriminating statements. "What happened to this woman was so heinous, so horrible," Sharma said, adding that, "the police will manipulate the facts." Sharma also said that the woman's companion was ultimately responsible. Sharma spoke to reporters before a hearing for the suspects in a New Delhi court complex. While Sharma had said he represented three of the suspects—bus driver Ram Singh, Singh's brother Mukesh, and another man, Akshay Thakur—the court eventually approved him to serve as the lawyer only for Mukesh Singh. Other lawyers were assigned to three other suspects, and it was not immediately clear why the fifth had no assigned lawyer. The suspects were quickly hustled into the courtroom Thursday afternoon for the hearing, their faces covered by scarves or hats. They were surrounded by rings of policemen, and it was not clear if they were handcuffed or shackled. Sharma appears to be preparing a defense based, in part, on the many problems with the legal and judicial system. He indicated the men had been picked up because the authorities needed to make arrests given the public outcry, and the suspects all come from poor or working class families. "If the parents of these boys had money, they would not be in court today," he said. India's court system is notorious for allowing wealthy defendants to go free, or at least delaying their trials for years.  He said his clients had all been badly beaten by authorities—a practice common for those under arrest in India—and had repeated whatever statements the police asked them to make. He said Mukesh Singh, 22, was now constantly in tears. "He is sobbing like a child and saying 'Get me out of here, sir,'" Sharma said. Authorities have charged the men with murder, rape and other crimes that could bring the death penalty. A sixth suspect, who is 17 years old, is expected to be tried in a juvenile court, where the maximum sentence would be three years in a reform facility.
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank Albert Delfosse (1956 - 2012) The Guest Book is expired. Albert "Bert" Delfosse Albert "Bert" Delfosse, 56, Appleton, passed away Wednesday, November 14, 2012, at St. Elizabeth Hospital from cardiac arrest. He was born April 1, 1956, in Dayton, OH. Bert was a Veteran of the US Army and later earned a degree in Computer Science from Fox Valley Technical College. Bert enjoyed riding his bike everywhere, regardless of climate conditions. He loved family gatherings and delicious home cooked meals. Bert was very proficient with computers and all types of electronic devices. He was self-taught and constantly strived to learn as much as possible. Bert possessed a wealth of knowledge on many subjects and was always seeking ways to discover new learning resources. He enjoyed sitting for hours at his computer gathering information and entertaining himself. He was an avid reader with interests that included history, politics, science, sports and collecting antiques. Bert was a private person and faced many challenges during his life but always found a constructive way to resolve so many of those challenges. Bert was a very kind, thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate person and will be greatly missed but forever lovingly remembered by his family and friends. Bert is survived by his mother and step father, Gloria and Clarence Krull, Neenah; sisters: Jody (Brad) Schuelke, Shiocton; Julie (Bob) Brawner, Laguna Hills, CA. Memorial services will be held at 6:30 p.m.,Tuesday, November 20, 2012, at the Kessler Funeral Home, 304 S. Commercial St., Neenah, with Rev. Martin Ruge officiating. Visitation will be held Tuesday at the funeral home from 5:00 p.m. until the time of the service. Published in Appleton Post-Crescent on Nov. 18, 2012 bullet Army Search Obituaries & Guest Books You are searching Powered by
New! Read & write annotations I've touched some objects of faith more precious than pieces of eight. Seen sacred places and ritual ways, but for communion let's go to my place. I learned to pray on my knees. Been taken in hand, if you please. Had my own revelations, ideas about fate, but for communion let's go to my place. So as the body, so as the blood, sacred as the soul is to love. Don't be mistaken if you don't understand, divinely simple. Part of the plan. This is my body! I give it to you. This is my blood. Do it in remembrance of me (so you won't forget me). Now, I've been a witness of grace. Iêve stared sacred days in the face. The long long parade of ritual ways, but for communion let's go to my place. Sacred stories are told. They're passed on like pieces of gold. So make your conclusions, consider your fate, and for communion let's go to my place. Are you ready? Are you ready for communion? Lyrics taken from Correct | Report Write about your feelings and thoughts Min 50 words Not bad Write an annotation Add image by pasting the URLBoldItalicLink 10 words Annotation guidelines:
Letter to the Editor: Too many issues Marco Island: Too many issues, too many words, not enough action and management. Putt-Putt: Kramer acknowledges that he was well aware of the deed restrictions and requirements. He instead chose to bulldoze through willing planning, zoning and City Councils, and through the permits. Shut up, suck it up, admit you’re wrong, and do things the right way. New community center: The citizens have responed ‘no’ in numerous surveys. Accept what we say. Forget the new center until we have the money and the public interest to move ahead. Smokehouse Bat Bridge: Our City Council wasted over $2 million of our money already. Either repair the existing bridge for less than already thrown away, or table the issue for review in five years. Marriott expansion: September 2001 Ordinance 01-14 expressly prohibits all buildings and elevated structures on that side. Just say ‘no.’ Have you seen what the resorts and hotels have done to Honolulu? Disgraceful. We want a nice quiet, small town atmosphere. Where is MICA in all this? Bill Harris Marco Island • Discuss • Print Comments » 3 Konfuzius writes: "Where is MICA in all this?" Closing eyes, signed everything and cashed their MICA tax. Konfuzius says: If it is all about money, the brain shut down. MrBreeze writes: Hascle, As a City Marco Island can fight any purposed development. If the Deltona Deed Restrictions do not allow the expansion then thats it over. What is there to be so scared about? The documents speak the rules plain and simple. ajm3s writes: in response to Hascle: (This comment was removed by the site staff.) There is NOT enough money to defend an expansion if the folks (i.e. residents) who live in single family homes and condos do NOT want to increase intensity/density and the council (the final arbiter) to act accordingly. The campaign the Marriott will present will be compelling from so many angles, including increase tax revenue from property value and sales/tourist tax to additional revenue to existing businesses that cater to the tourist trade. Also, consider the enhancement and upgrades of the property to add more capacity and luxury. But what Mr. Medwedeff, Marriott manager, failed to express was the impact on quality for the typical resident, who simply lives here and goes to local shops to maintain their property and day to day enjoyment afforded by the climate. For example, will the beach front be enhanced with more convention/visitors from the residents perspective? Will the additional sales tax generated by the Marriott lower your taxes specifically your sales tax rate, or lower the millage for your property? The answer is a resounding NO. Why, because the increase growth will need more government services to support such a complex expansion vs that of say simply building a parking lot. As a thought exercise, what would be the impact both revenue and cost for government services, if the property was primarily a parking area for the beach-goers (visitors) instead of a convention center with all the accoutrements i.e. top floor restaurant and pool. Bear in mind, the most costly services, from an operational basis for government service are fire/rescue, police, water and wastewater...... How much would it cost to service a parking lot vs more rooms and commercial offerings? Folks this island was designed as a re-creation of a small tropical town to attract both tourists and residents, with Hawaiian style buildings and open air venues. Only problem Hawaii is an archipelago of eight major islands that range in quality and ambiance from highly commercialized to quiet reserves. Our problem: we have only one island, and cannot support more commercialization while attempting to preserve a small tropical town atmosphere. What we have is a rush for expansion to generate more revenue. I ask more revenue for whom? Share your thoughts
Entertainment overtakes gaming in Xbox 360 usage Ben Parfitt Entertainment overtakes gaming in Xbox 360 usage US Xbox 360 owners are now spending more time using Xbox 360’s multimedia functions than they are gaming. It’s the realisation of a long-term goal for Microsoft, which has spent huge amounts of time and money to try and position its device not just as a games console but also as a must-have box below every family’s TV set. The Verge reports that US Xbox 360 owners (and Live Gold subscribers) now spend an average of 84 hours per month on Xbox Live, with entertainment app usage doubling year-on-year. This, for the first time, means that users spend more time on things such as movies, TV, music and social network services than they do playing online games. The breadth of content services available in the UK still lags behind the US, though recent additions such as Netflix and iPlayer has elevated the machine’s stature as a fully-featured content portal. Tags: online , xbox 360 , games , gaming , tv , streaming , movies , entertainment , music , more , popular Follow us on • RSS
 Spina Bifida Causes, Treatment, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complications - MedicineNet Spina Bifida (Neural Tube Defect) Introduction to spina bifida What is spina bifida? Spina bifida, which literally means "cleft spine," is characterized by the incomplete development of the brain, spinal cord, and/or meninges (the protective covering around the brain and spinal cord). It is the most common n eural tube defect in the United States -- affecting 1,500 to 2,000 of the more than 4 million babies born in the country each year. There are an estimated 166,000 individuals with spina bifida living in the United States. What are the different types of spina bifida? Occulta is the mildest and most common form in which one or more vertebrae are malformed. The name "occulta," which means "hidden," indicates that the malformation, or opening in the spine, is covered by a layer of skin. This form of spina bifida is present in 10 to 20 percent of the general population and rarely causes disability or symptoms. In the third type, meningocele, spinal fluid and the meninges protrude through an abnormal vertebral opening. The malformation contains no neural elements and may or may not be covered by a layer of skin. Some individuals with meningocele may have few or no symptoms while others may experience symptoms similar to closed neural tube defects. Myelomeningocele, the fourth form, is the most severe and occurs when the spinal cord or neural elements are exposed through the opening in the spine, resulting in partial or complete motor paralysis and sensory deficits within the parts of the body below the spinal opening. The paralysis may be so severe that the affected individual is unable to walk and may have urinary and bowel dysfunction. Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 9/1/2013 Patient Comments Viewers share their comments Anencephaly Definition
Erika to Satoru no Yume Bōken (NES) Published by Developed by 100 point score based on reviews from various critics. 5 point score based on user ratings. Not an American user? Two children, the girl Erika and the boy Satoru, live together in a small house somewhere in modern Japan. One day, before going to sleep, they notice a strange creature outside: it looks like a pink-white cat (Final Fantasy fans would immediately say: a moogle!), but talks like a human being. Before the mysterious creature disappears, it says only a short sentence: "Children! Find the Time Crown!". Without understanding what he meant by this, but realizing it must be something important, the two young heroes embark the next day on a dangerous journey - the quest for the power of the crown! "Erika & Satoru" plays like a traditional Japanese adventure, although you can also move on the overworld, visiting locations by standing on them and pressing the A button. Upon visiting a location, you can interact with characters and objects you view from first-person perspective by selecting icons located in the corner of the screen: talk to characters, examine, manipulate items, etc. The unusual part is that you control two characters: you can (and should) switch between them and sometimes work together in order to fulfil your quest. There is also a two-players mode, where Erika and Satoru cooperate while being controlled each one by a different player. Erika to Satoru no Yume Bōken NES Nice colorful title screen... Erika to Satoru no Yume Bōken NES And off we go! Erika to Satoru no Yume Bōken NES Talking to a girl Erika to Satoru no Yume Bōken NES This is your inventory Alternate Titles • "えりかとさとるの夢冒険" -- Japanese spelling User Reviews There are no reviews for this game. The Press Says There are no rankings for this game. There are currently no topics for this game. Title translation Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken means "Erika & Satoru's Dream Adventure" YID YANG (164501) added Erika to Satoru no Yume Bōken (NES) on Jun 09, 2004
or Connect New Posts  All Forums: Posts by Katie8681 Baking soda baths can help, too. Sorry for your troubles! As a curly headed person, just wanted to add- it should be a wide toothed comb and the hair should definitely be wet, with conditioner in it! A mix of semi sit and side lying. Sounds awkward but that's how I ended up! Ok Mirzam. Teach me quantum physics! It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of understanding. I don't understand it and I will bet you don't, either. You make the assumption that they are mutually exclusive when in fact, they are more likely to be additive. If your hospital takes 30 min from decision to incision, you can add on to that a 30 minute transport time from home to hospital. A midwife with the system access to coordinate an arrival straight into the OR with a surgeon and the rest of the crew ready to go is damn near unheard of in the US. Let's be real. Having to transport from home can only increase decision... My point is homeopaths are frauds. Homeopathic remedies are sugar pills. And when people tell me that their sugar pills are curing them of illnesses, I am really not inclined to trust their judgment on things like vaccine reactions they claim to have witnessed. The human brain tries to find connections and patterns, even when they do not exist, and homeopathy, as well as say, "treating" viral illnesses with antibiotics, are proof. Thing is, an emergency c/s doesn't seem all that "heroic" in terms of being extraordinary, complicated, or expensive. Shaving off 30 minutes of decision to incision time may very well mean the baby survives with very little, if any, damage. I think parents should at least be given the full information, that if placental abruption or uterine rupture or cord accident happens in the hospital, their baby will probably be born alive but possibly with brain damage, vs if it... Well of course you are, you at least partly make a living on people not thinking too hard about the theory of homeopathy and how those remedies are made! Spend your money however you like but it's bogus. They are sugar pills. Unless you're hypoglycemic, they're placebos. New Posts  All Forums:
or Connect Mothering › Mothering Forums › Pregnancy and Birth › Fertility › Family Planning › How soon is too soon to get pregnant again? New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav: How soon is too soon to get pregnant again? post #1 of 9 Thread Starter  What happens if you get pregnant again too soon after birth? I know people say to wait for your body to heal. What can happen if you get pregnant too soon? And how soon is too soon? (assuming that you cannot breastfeed) post #2 of 9 Well, I had twins via csection and 3 months later got pg with my son. They are 12 months apart. Everything went well, although it does take a toll on your body (HUGE difference in energy during pg)! post #3 of 9 I had read (sorry don't remember the source) that between 18 months & 5 years was the ideal amount of time between children (their births). That anything less than that was hard on your body & that anything more than that can cause more complications (not sure why on that though). We are hoping to get pregnant again within a year. post #4 of 9 I have read to wait at least 14 months (after a normal birth) to get pregnant again. If you get pregnant too soon, the most common complications are miscarriage (I had a friend who got pregnant TWO weeks after her daughters birth and it just ended in a miscarraige) - or premature birth (which is obviously not something nice)...both things I would personally not want to risk imo. However, I am also a fan of larger siblings age gaps for many reasons. post #5 of 9 The mainstream norm is around 2yrs from birth to gettign pregnant again. Atleast that is what My ob would tell me everytime I would come back pregnant in less than 2yrs. But Having babies that are 10 1/2 yrs apart - I wouldn't completly recommend 26mo apart and 21mo apart, I'm perfectly good with that amount of of time. post #6 of 9 My kids will be about 14 months apart in age. I've had no major complications, but at the same time I wouldn't intentionally choose that small of gap. The biggest thing for me was my decreasing and eventually disappearing milk supply affecting my son's health in ways that proved rectifiable but nevertheless were risky -- doesn't happen to everyone, but then again it can't be predicted either. Also there is the simple level of exhaustion in trying to chase after a one year old while in the third trimester, the sense of not having really recovered from the level of attention/care/sleeplessness a newborn can demand before starting it all over again, and the degree of tiredness/soreness in all muscle groups related to supporting my unborn child before they had a chance to recover themselves -- all things that can come with a subsequent birth even years later, but which I feel are exacerbated by being so early. I am concerned, as well, as to what a second birth so soon might do to the scar tissue from where I tore with my first. Obviously none of that is "oh my god the trauma!" kind of stuff, but all together it IS a greater degree of discomfort than I think I was prepared to take on. For some women, of course, one baby after another is great. But I think it's pretty normal to benefit both physically and emotionally from a little bit greater gap. post #7 of 9 Sadly, I believe that when my body isn't ready to sustain a pregnancy, it doesn't. I had three consecutive "just bad luck" miscarriages after Skye, who breastfed obsessively, but I conceived and bore two children in less time after DS1's birth. (21 month gap, as opposed to 26) post #8 of 9 post #9 of 9 My first are 15mnths apart, then right after that-12mnths apart, and it does take a toll. But I love having them so close. New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav:   Return Home   Back to Forum: Family Planning
Small business: Your business online - Guy Horrocks Add a comment Guy Horrocks, co-founder of Carnival Labs, who is based in New York Guy Horrocks, co-founder of Carnival Labs. Photo / Supplied When you set up, how did you get people talking about you? A lot of it has been very organic. We had a pretty unique position having previously co-founded the world's first iPhone app company, Polar Bear Farm, back in 2007. Being first to market meant that agencies started approaching us. As we did successful projects, word of mouth and referrals did the rest. How have you built your profile since, both in NZ and internationally? For the last couple of years we were not as proactive as we should have been as we were busy responding to work requests. We now actively work on profile building as it opens up new opportunities. To get our story out there we engage on lots of levels. We're very active on social media, enter awards, speak at conferences and we talk to media and share our views.We've made a point of being connected with people in the industry as well as other successful entrepreneurs - they talk about us too. Working with great brands like DreamWorks, CNN and OREO provides some good case studies but you often get so tied up working on your clients' projects, that you often don't make enough time to promote your own company's success stories. When you're small, leveraging association with well-known brands is one of the best ways to build profile and credibility. How did you make approaches to the big brands you now work with? Had they heard of you? We actually found it easier in the US than back home in NZ to be honest. We lost a pitch for a NZ TV channel two weeks before signing CNN for the 2012 US Elections. Americans really are willing to give people a chance, but they also really want to win. So as long as you deliver, you're likely to get more work. A lot of brands knew our work, but didn't know us. Is marketing and PR important to your business? How much do you use social media to spread the word about Carnival? Crucial. We are now focusing more on social media, PR and building a strong brand presence. Shareable content is king and caring is a big part of building a brand and a following in the US. Does living in New York help the business's profile in the US? How much of the business's profile is about your personal brand? It's crucial to have presence on the ground in market. If you are wanting to work with big US brands it's hard to really get scale if you're sitting back home in NZ. For better or worse, personal brand can be largely tied into the profile and success of a technology company. Square's Jack Dorsey and Digg's Kevin Rose are really good examples of this. We are seeing this more now in NZ with Rod Drury and Victoria Ransom. What other brands do you look to for inspiration when building Carnival's profile? Square, Wildfire, Apple, Red Bull, Disney Mobile. How do well established small businesses keep updating their offer without losing current customers? Tell us your stories. - NZ Herald Have your say 1200 characters left © Copyright 2014, APN Holdings NZ Limited Assembled by: (static) on red akl_n2 at 14 Mar 2014 13:25:07 Processing Time: 478ms
Find better matches with our advanced matching system —% Match —% Friend —% Enemy 29 / F / Bisexual / Single Randolph, NJ Profile Photos Album details out dancing with my friends on my b'day. i'm the brown person in the middle, with the tiara in NYC with relatives! i <3 nyc '12 halloween costume #2 was for hurricane "Sandy". let me know if you got the reference ;) '12 halloween costume #1- I was Lana from Archer. turns out that not a lot of people watch Archer. so... I had to explain my costume to people even after I added the holsters and my slick water guns
Beefy Boxes and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks Bob Perl: the Markov chain saw Problem creating a row with a manually specified primary key via CDBI::FromCGI by Booger (Pilgrim) on Oct 09, 2004 at 19:44 UTC ( #397897=perlquestion: print w/ replies, xml ) Need Help?? Booger has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question: Hello folks: I'm using MySQL and have some tables where I can't use auto_increment on the primary keys (for some weird reason I won't bother to explain) and want to control the sequence of said primary keys manually. Ex: a user submits a form having a couple of input fields and I receive them in a hash $r->{params} (yes - I'm using Maypole). The piece of code that creates a new row in the database according to the form data looks something like this: $r->{params}{$self->primary_columns} = &some_value; $h = CGI::Untaint->new(%{$r->{params}}); $obj = $self->create_from_cgi($h); Which to me, looks fine. Apparently it's not. Whenever this portion of code gets executed I receive the following error: Can't insert new Library::Book: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Column 'id' cannot be null [for Statement "INSERT INTO book (name, aut +hor, id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"] at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/DBIx/ line 51, +<GEN2> line 7. at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Class/DBI/ line 246 I've searched and searched and can't seem to discover what exactly is causing the manually set primary key to be ignored. Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Comment on Problem creating a row with a manually specified primary key via CDBI::FromCGI Select or Download Code Re: Problem creating a row with a manually specified primary key via CDBI::FromCGI by PodMaster (Abbot) on Oct 10, 2004 at 13:29 UTC What is in $r->{params}? (use Data::Dumper to explain) Thanks for the suggestion PodMaker... the problem turned out to be the result of some custom work I'd done elsewhere... *sigh*. Log In? What's my password? Create A New User Node Status? node history Node Type: perlquestion [id://397897] Approved by Arunbear and the web crawler heard nothing... How do I use this? | Other CB clients Other Users? Others musing on the Monastery: (2) As of 2014-03-14 00:45 GMT Find Nodes? Voting Booth? Have you used a cryptocurrency? Results (293 votes), past polls
Keep It Simple, Stupid Comment on You can use Bit::Vector, but I suspect that would be a good deal slower. There wouldn't be any need to do that. With 32-bit ints, a full run would take around 7 hours. With 64-bit ints, it would take around 3 million years. If you switched to using unpack to count the bits: $tailCnt[ unpack '%32b*', pack 'N', $collection ]++; Then the full 32-bit comes down to a very reasonable 40 minutes, but that still leaves the full 64-bit requiring several hundred thousand years. In the absence of evidence, opinion is indistinguishable from prejudice. In reply to Re^2: Monte Carlo - Coin Toss by BrowserUk in thread Monte Carlo - Coin Toss by James_H and:  <code> code here </code> • Please read these before you post! —         For:     Use: & &amp; < &lt; > &gt; [ &#91; ] &#93; • Log In? What's my password? Create A New User and the web crawler heard nothing... How do I use this? | Other CB clients Other Users? Others studying the Monastery: (3) As of 2014-03-14 00:41 GMT Find Nodes? Voting Booth? Have you used a cryptocurrency? Results (293 votes), past polls;node_id=3333
Beefy Boxes and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks Frank Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister Comment on Is it necessary to wear safety restraints when driving a car or operating machinery? I mean, if you don't plan on getting in an accident, then who needs safety equipment, right? What happens, though, when you are diving perfectly safely, then someone comes along and runs a light, smashing into you? Now is when you _need_ the safety belt. The problem is, it's too late to put it on. So, what happens when you write a perfect 10,000 line program without scoping? It's a perfect program. What happens in six months when you need to help track down a typo someone else made in the code and you don't quite recall what each of those 10,000 lines does (because you've worked on two new major projects and four major maintenance projects in the meantime, as well as daily tweaks and bug hunts)? Now is when you _need_ scoping... In reply to Re: using 'my' by mr_mischief in thread using 'my' by kiat and:  <code> code here </code> • Please read these before you post! —         For:     Use: & &amp; < &lt; > &gt; [ &#91; ] &#93; • Log In? What's my password? Create A New User and the web crawler heard nothing... How do I use this? | Other CB clients Other Users? Others about the Monastery: (3) As of 2014-03-14 00:39 GMT Find Nodes? Voting Booth? Have you used a cryptocurrency? Results (293 votes), past polls;node_id=3333
More like this: harry potter, batman and avatar. Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow! <--- idk why I found this so funny but I laughed really hard! The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The best line of the entire film. Beautiful! Great quote from LOTR. Greatness comes with a price. The sorcerer cursed with immortality. The queen who lost everything. The Pendragon king trapped in the circle of fate. The High Priestess and her struggle for power. The knight who sacrificed himself for his kingdom. The knight who fell fighting. The knight who wanted his friends to be safe. The knight who was a pawn in a game far bigger than himself. Jared when he played Dean on Gilmore Girls. Hahaha love the supernatural fandom Peter Jackson: "A day after saying goodbye to Gandalf and Tauriel, it was time to farewell Legolas. What a great day it was, with Orlando battling a serious Orc for all 12 hours of shooting - part of the Battle of the 5 Armies for the third Hobbit movie. We said goodbye and couldn't resist making this!" House Catchphrases. 4 incredible rule-bending women. Damn right! Well behaved women seldom make history: geek edition SuperWhoLock. I have an unhealthy obsession with this.
Submit a Poem Get Your Premium Membership Written by: Anne Sexton | Biography  | Quotes (127) | Slim inquirer, while the old fathers sleep you are reworking their soil, you have a grocery store there down under the earth and it is well stocked with broken wine bottles, old cigars, old door knobs and earth, that great brown flour that you kiss each day. There are dark stars in the cool evening and you fondle them like killer birds' beaks. But what I want to know is why when small boys dig you up for curiosity and cut you in half why each half lives and crawls away as if whole. Have you no beginning and end? Which heart is the real one? Which eye the seer? Why is it in the infinite plan that you would be severed and rise from the dead like a gargoyle with two heads?
1. Latest News 2. Submit Press Release 1. PR Home 2. Latest News 3. Feeds 4. Alerts 5. Submit Free Press Release 6. Journalist Account 7. PRNewswire Distribution Who Is Measuring Your Job For Carpeting Helps and Tips About Measuring For Wall To Wall Carpet Installation PRLog (Press Release) - Sep. 28, 2009 - I want to talk about something that is very dear to my heart and a problem that runs rampant in the carpet industry. Wrong sizing on you carpet & flooring needs. You know that a store can really make a deal sound so sweet by telling you that the labor is free and the pad is free and the financing is free, when in reality you are really paying for all the above and then some. I've been on many a job over the last 37 years where a store has told the consumer that they have 1125 square feet. After measuring the job it actually took only 875 sf of product to cover the floor. Just think. That person would have paid for 250 sf of product they didn't get. At $ 3.75 sf that is $937.50. That pays for a lot of the free pad and labor and certainly covers the finance charge. You know the average LR-DR-Hall is around 55 sq or 495 sf. That is a good rule of thumb figure. You simply measure the lenght of the room and the width of the room. You measure into the middle of the doorway (or jamb). Then muliply the two figures to get the square feet of the room. Typically add about 8-10 % for seaming and waste to the net square footage. That gives you the total sf. needed to do the job. Remember carpet usually comes in 12 ft. wide rolls. So if you room is 10 x 16 you will need a 12 x 16 . The net square footage is 160 but the actual is 192 sf. Now that is pretty simple don't you think ? But when you get into mupitle rooms it gets a little tricky. You simply do each room seperate and add the rooms together and add the 8-10 % and you would be be close to what the needed material actually will be. By doing this simple little math problem you won't be paying for material you didn't need. I've even found that measuring services ( even the ones the big box stores use ) really get lost in their measurements. They can handle a small job ( like 1 room ), but boy throw in 4 rooms a hall, 10 custom steps and a pattern match and man they are lost. In many cases I've seen the store never call the customer back with a price because they totally underestimated the orginal quote when the customer was in the store. Or they just pile on the yards to make sure they have enough. In any case usually the customer loses. The latter is usually what happens the most and you really got hammered for the Free Stuff (you thought was fee) . Think about this. A carpet installer is usually a independent installer and on his own. You really don't expect him to go to a complete strangers home, take up the old carpet and pad for free, move your furniture for free, then work all day installing the new carpet and pad for free, put all the furniture back for free, then when he and his helper are dead beat tired load up all the old stuff and haul it off for free. Boy do I have a bridge for sale. Heck it's hard to get my crew to find time to install a room in my own home and believe me it's not free. One of the true benefits of buying from a locally owned floor covering professional is just exactly what I'm talking about in the above article. Chances are you are dealing with the owner or his family and when they come to measure they know what they are doing. And when their crew comes they will most likely come with them to go over the job. That's the steps that Judy, Brandon and I take on every job we sell at Home-Based Carpet & Flooring. We know exactly how many sf. each job takes, where the seams are going, what kind of quality seam tape we are using and at the end of the day come back and look at each job with few exceptions. That's the service you should expect and that you certainly deserve. You can contact Judy, Brandon or Greg at or e mail at [email protected].  You can also visit my blog at # # # Family owned carpet & flooring dealer in Cincinnati, Ohio. Excellent certified installation. Carpet, hardwood floors, laminate floors and vinyl tile. We also ship in USA and help arrange iinstallation in your location. Major credit cards and shop @ home --- End --- Click to Share Contact Email: *** Email Verified Source:Greg Keairns City/Town:Cincinnati - Ohio - United States Industry:Home improvement, Home garden Tags:carpet, carpet installation, measuring for carpeting, flooring, carpet sales Latest Press Releases By “ Trending News... 1. SiteMap 2. Privacy Policy 3. Terms of Service 4. Copyright Notice 5. About 6. Advertise Like PRLog? Click to Share
Log in Free trial A Philosophy beyond the Limits of Rationality ; in Pursuit of Theoretical Certainty, We've Lost What's Reasonable Article excerpt According to Stephen Toulmin, a professor at the University of Southern California, there are signs all around us, from medicine to economics, that modern science needs an infusion of common sense. As Toulmin shows in this readable and fascinating account, the practice of reason that produced modern science goes back to the 17th century, when traditional reasonableness was replaced by the model of geometry. As the goal of reason, likelihood was replaced by certainty; nature, including human nature, was replaced by Newton's nature, predictable and self-consistent. Eventually - and this is perhaps one of Toulmin's most challenging insights - what came of this change is the system of disciplines that govern modern intellectual life. And so research universities may resemble madhouses, each researcher locked in his dream of reason, incapable of addressing the needs of others or of society at large. For instance, when a doctor delivers the results of the diagnosis - "There's nothing we can do" - he all too often washes his hands of the patient. Indeed, young doctors "still tend to see the first patient they 'lose' as a total failure; it takes more mature physicians to see that the manner of a patient's dying is not less a mark of success or failure than the fact of his or her death." This book is a call for "reflective practitioners," people more willing to be "reasonable" than strictly "rational." Toulmin bases his concept of reasonableness on the model of "knack," the instinctive knowledge that cooks and musicians and baseball players exhibit as they go about their jobs. While modern reason is expressed by strings of logic and statistical columns, knack is rooted in non-verbal knowledge. The ancients understood knack. …
Last updated on March 13, 2014 at 18:18 EDT The Answer is in the Crests and Troughs 760 of 942 The Answer is in the Crests and Troughs December 19, 2004 This microscopic image taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit shows the troughs between the waves of windblown soil that characterize the surface of Gusev Crater, Mars. The fine-grained soil in the troughs, combined with the coarse grains observed in a similar microscopic image taken of the waves' crests, indicate that the waves are geologic features known as ripples, and not dunes. Dunes contain a more uniform distribution of material. This information helps scientists better understand the winds that shape the landscape of Mars. The image was taken on the 41st martian day, or sol, of the rover's mission by its microscopic imager. The observed area is 3 centimeters (1.2 inches) across.
Last updated on March 13, 2014 at 18:18 EDT Latest Petrified wood Stories 2009-12-14 08:00:00 SEQUIM, Wash., Dec. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Paleo Lithic Art, specializing in artistic mountings of gem quality dinosaur bone and petrified woods, announces a new art form for discriminating collectors. The studio, owned by collector and artist Don Bradley, offers a limited series of fossil material mounted on exceptional metals and woods. Colorful, agatized dinosaur bone considered gem quality will appeal to private collectors and corporations with unique art exhibits. Paleo Lithic Art... 2008-04-20 12:00:00 PETRIFIED FOREST NATIONAL PARK, Ariz. -- Imagine the Greek goddess Medusa was real, not a myth, and that she visited an Arizona forest in the prehistoric past, turning many of the trees to stone with her magical gaze. That fantasy land wouldn't be much different from what you actually see in northeastern Arizona today. Petrified Forest National Park, about 100 miles east of Flagstaff off I-40, is centered around what is believed to be the world's largest concentrations of petrified wood,... 2008-03-12 03:00:21 By Singleton, Scott Karnes and Live Oak counties and surrounding areas in South Texas (fig. 2) are popular petrified-wood hunting grounds because the late Eocene to Oligocene sediments have undergone extensive primary and secondary mineralization, producing wonderfully colored and patterned specimens. In fact, this same mineralization is responsible for the leaching and subsequent concen tration of uranium at the unconformity between the uppermost Jackson Group (Eocene) and the Oligocene... 2007-05-08 06:00:00 SOMEWHERE NEAR YAKIMA, Wash. -- Clyde Friend was bulldozing a driveway around his shop when he first saw them in the dirt: gleaming pieces of the past. A forest of stone, more than 15 million years old. For the past five years, on this hillside above Yakima, Friend has been pulling out pieces of rare petrified wood, no two pieces alike. Branches, trunks and slices in sunset colors. Pieces purple and blue as mussel shells. Pieces like winter sky, gray and white and all the tones in... 2005-01-25 07:35:00 YAKIMA, Wash. (AP) -- Researchers at a national science laboratory in south-central Washington have found a way to achieve in days what takes Mother Nature millions of years - converting wood to mineral. The ability to make petrified wood could hold promise for separating industrial chemicals, filtering pollutants and soaking up contamination, said Yongsoon Shin, research scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. "Wood petrified is very hard and very porous material - it's not... Latest Petrified wood Reference Libraries Petrified Forest National Park 2013-04-24 16:53:26 More Articles (1 articles) »
Register - WIN a $10,000 Safari | Login Surreal moments in a phoney election war July 18, 2004 The Sun-Herald On the eve of the Prime Minister's 65th birthday, Howard and Latham are battling it out on the hustings, Michelle Grattan writes. John Howard is 65 on Monday week. He probably wishes he'd been born in January. He could do without a landmark birthday at this crucial point. The age of retirement for many Australians is for Howard the time at which he is seeking a renewed mandate. At a rough guess, the birthday boy appears to have a 50-50 chance of celebrating at Kirribilli House turning 66 - which would give him the opportunity, before he turns 67, to hand over gracefully to Peter Costello. While partisans and commentators vary in predictions of whether Howard or Mark Latham will win this election, neither will go into the campaign as favourite and it's also quite possible that Howard's 66th birthday will be marked by a modest party at Wollstonecraft. The Liberals are holding their collective breath as they watch their leader fight this epic struggle for the right to retire on his own terms. Some moments on the road are unreal. At a Liberal dinner in Melbourne on Friday night, two men tussled in an extraordinary bidding match over a bottle of Grange Hermitage. Advertisement Advertisement The wine was worth only a few hundred dollars, even with John Howard's signature on the label. They were fighting over the right to donate to the Liberals. When the bidding slowed round $16,900, one leapt to $20,000. Then they jumped to $25,000. After bids of a few hundred more, an offer came of $30,000. In the end, the bottle was knocked down for $30,100. Earlier in the night Karen Synon, a former senator who lost her position in bitter factional infighting between the Kroger-Costello and Kennett forces, gave an introduction to Howard the like of which hasn't been heard since Danna Vale (later rewarded with a ministry) declared in the 2001 campaign that Australia "needs a sound compass to steer by and a captain with the experience and the vision to chart the course of our nation". Synon, who heads the Victorian Liberal women's organisation, gushed in introducing Howard: "You have singlehandedly transformed the Australian economy from an antiquated relic to a modern vibrant showpiece. "Only you, sir, stand for continuing social progress and protect us from a return to the abyss. But being prime minister is not just about being competent and visionary . . . it's about providing a moral and values compass to our citizens. "You, sir, provide that compass. In fact, you are our very own GPS [global positioning system]." But, when it comes to navigation, what Howard and the Liberals need is a positioning system that predicts where Latham will land from week to week. Snap: Latham, with his appointment of Kim Beazley as defence spokesman, defuses much of Labor's alliance problem. Snap, snap: he's there with the Labor premiers, promising that far from being scary - as Howard claims - wall-to-wall Labor governments would help solve problems in health and education. The still-unofficial campaign, which saw both leaders in Melbourne for much of last week, is tactically faster than we've ever seen as they strive to match, outdo or counter each other's moves. One reason Howard's office is so secretive about his engagements is that if there's too much out there they fear Labor pre-emption. Now that politicians and media are operating as if this is already the election campaign, Latham has acquired the advantage of being accorded as much media attention as Howard. In the past week, each man has been developing his lines. Howard talked up a scare campaign around the risk of Labor governments coast to coast. Labor would "govern absolutely without let or hindrance . . . there would be no checks and balances". And in a flash we'd be right back to the bad old days of union domination of our industrial relations system, says Howard. Latham didn't miss the opportunity, when Howard announced his mini reshuffle on Wednesday, to say that now Howard had clarified his ministers' future, what about his own? Labor was back to the theme that a vote for Howard was a vote for Costello. The Coalition expects a major onslaught on this theme in advertising. The Liberals say Costello's doing better with the punters these days, that at last he's getting credit for running the economy well. Costello himself has turned his religious bent to broader uses, and started preaching gospel (we should return to the Ten Commandments) as well as economics. It's his own brand of "values" politics. He also claims to have learned the value of patience. "I guess as you get older you realise you can't do everything at once," he told an interviewer at the weekend. "When you're young, you've got to do everything tomorrow. As you get older you realise you can do some things in a week's time, some things in a month's time, maybe some things in a year's time". He's a clever man with words, that Costello, and the politics watchers won't miss the "maybe some things in a year's time". Howard's critics say he looks old and that will count against him in the electorate. He's still fitter than many half his age, and he brings the stamina and concentration of the Olympic athlete to the political race. At Friday's morning tea at Boronia, on Melbourne's outskirts, he worked the crowd methodically. All the surveys tell us politicians are unpopular, but out on the hustings, whether it be Howard or Latham, the faithful and people at community gatherings want to talk to them. Latham's Beazley coup was a blow to Howard, but then the US Congress's "yes" to the Australia-US free trade agreement gave Howard a fresh card. The future of the agreement is now up to Labor in the Senate. Howard's Friday catch-cry became "call it for Australia, Mr Latham, and pass the US free trade agreement". Assuming Howard does not announce the election before Parliament resumes, Latham is likely to "call it" for political safety and have Labor let the agreement through. Any other course would be foolhardy politics and short-sighted policy. It's true the party is deeply divided on the issue, but trade spokesman Stephen Conroy, foreign affairs spokesman Kevin Rudd and Beazley are all in favour of the FTA. Howard's problem is that once the vote is taken and Labor supports it, the FTA issue loses most of the political value it had. Meanwhile Costello, with his newfound patience, is waiting for the most crucial battle he will face in this campaign. Labor continues to hold back its tax policy, aware of both the opportunities and hazards that will present. Costello will have the weight of the detailed demolition of that tax policy when it comes, and how well he does it will be crucial for both his and Howard's futures.
The TukTuk Meter app is a virtual autorickshaw meter, a multi-platform auto fare calculating application using GPS. It calculates the distance travelled and the correct fare to be given to the driver. It works in all Indian states. It got rave reviews from the country and abroad even featuring in the Wall Street Journal and became fifth most tweeted topic on Twitter on launch day. The Sentinal is a smartphone application from which one can call friends and family with your location in case of distress by simply pressing a button. It works on multiple scenarios even without triggering an alert manually. Even if the phone is destroyed the alerts are sent out. E-mails, SMS and phone call alerts are sent out to multiple contacts . Both these award-winning apps can be downloaded on any smartphone that has GPS.
Our TV Shows Got a Tip? Call TMZ at (888) 847-9869 or Click Here The Smokin' Hot Olsen Twins 7/11/2006 2:20 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF Mary-Kate and Ashley OlsenWhen not sporting oversized sunglasses or visiting Starbucks, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen also find a little time to run their billion dollar corporation entitled Dualstar Entertainment Group. And by a little time we mean once a month. TMZ has learned that the 20-year-old media titans and some-time NYU students, come into Dualstar's Culver City, Calif. offices around every 30 days. But instead of attending executive meetings or going over financial reports, the doll-like duo prefer to hole themselves up in an office and chain smoke cigarettes for hours at a time. Besides being an appetite supressant and bad for you, according to California law smoking indoors in public places also happens to be illegal. While the former "Full House" stars may no longer need Uncle Jesse's permission, we bet the police and the Surgeon General probably have a thing or two to say about their latest extra-curricular activities. No Avatar They look nothing like each other anymore..I used to not be able to tell them apart. Why is their smoking and coffee drinking so bad. Atleast their not partying, making homemade porn or trashing up TV with idiotic reality shows like other "stars" their age. 2778 days ago k those girls have it all there lifes r great why ruin it by smoking!!they need to grow up and act there age!! if i were them i would be helping other people and not worring about my own belly button!! they need to stop doing what there doing because its not only hurting them but its hurting most of there fans who love them but it is mostly hurting there family and parents seeing those girls do that to them selvs!!there parents dont want them to get hurt so they need to make the right choice and stop smoking cause they lok unhealthy!! who ever is with me say i!! lovz brittany 2775 days ago For all those people out there b****in & moaning about smokers...YOU MIND YOUR BUSINESS & WE'LL MIND OURS!!!!! "Opinions are like A**holes, We all have one". So just worry about YOURSELVES.......Have a great night..... : ) 2772 days ago Fourth Grade Mathmatician     Whats the story with the ugly one. You Know MK. She always looks so pathetic. She looks like a science experiment. The science experiment where you sleep under a bridge and then rub crap through your hair before you go in front of the public. Give it a rest already. People are laughing at you skeletor. Some one get her a Ham bisquit STAT. FATTIE FATTIE boom boom 2771 days ago Fourth Grade Mathmatician     No WONDER!!! it all makes sense: This little monkey skeleton did not suffer from anorexianerviosia, Nor did she suffer from Beliema. She would throw up, because when she went to the bathroom she looked in the Mirror... 2771 days ago I agree with lexx428 ......................MIND UR DANM BUSINESS U CELBRETY SEEKING ..POP CULTURE LIL BASTARDS!!!!! 2771 days ago Rick Chaffee     To Vivovida, wishing cancer on two young girls, NICE. Get a real name while your at it. 2760 days ago james pflug     i'll give them omething healthyer to smoke 2758 days ago 2803 days ago Gordon Wagner     How nice that the state is concerned about whether or not we smoke indoors. Is ANYTHING legal in California any longer..? 2803 days ago Jan Boston     Oh My Goodness-----you Bad, Bad little girls. Sisters will do silly things--that is because one can't fink out on the other without getting slammed herself. The worst they do is smoke one a month---------GEEZZZZZZZ----Maybe shoot them????? Get real--I don't have their money, which proves I am not cute at baby age or all that cute now--just pecious--- sure as the devil not as smart--but who cares, you live your life and I will live mine, in fact I am pretty sure I like being me!!!!!Help of the mental kind is needed not for them but for us who post these things. This is my first blog post---hey ---it's fun!!!! 2803 days ago No legs in Texas :(     Enough with this "first" nonsense, it's getting on my nerves! 2803 days ago Jan Boston     Well Hilda, since I don't know you ---look deep into your future and see if anyone cares. Have a Good Day 2802 days ago Gee, I bet the surgeon general is right on that... Please, they can smoke wherever they want, get over it people... If that's the worst they are doing- go for it, it's their lungs, not ours. Why are you people so freaked out about this- yea, they are strange, but who isnt now days? At least they are doing the Michael Jackson porn crap!!!! 2802 days ago Jan Boston     I owe you an apology, I was a butt to you and you weren't even talking to me. Why would someone just write First? Really though these are young sisters, who may have had a rough time, so why not give them ---their little bad girl--smoking--big deal--think of the things a girl that age could be doing--who knows they may but seem pretty sharpe. Wish I was worth their finicial statement!!!!!!!! Big Time! 2802 days ago Around The Web
Our TV Shows Got a Tip? Call TMZ at (888) 847-9869 or Click Here Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry It's Nail-Biting Time 2/1/2012 10:31 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF No Avatar Every time I see a pic of this kid, she's being carried. Why? She's not a baby. Can she not walk by herself? This whole family needs therapy. Everything about them rubs me the wrong way. 772 days ago NO, Gabriel should NOT be stripped of custody, YES, the nanny should be fired and neither of them should be able to hire one without prior approval that the nanny is completely subjective, and YES they all need to continue counseling and Ms. Berry needs to also take parenting courses on how to parent with an ex and how dangerous parent alienation is to the children they use. Team Gabriel! 772 days ago Dear Whatever. I suspect when they are being surrounded by paps that a parent may instinctively pick up the child to protect them and also to move faster through the camera flashes. 772 days ago Does she have gangrene? Kinda looks funky! 772 days ago Hasn't she been on crutches for 6 months now? What gives? 772 days ago This beautiful child is only 3 years old it is going to be a LONG 15 YEARS of endless court battles unless they learn how to co parent and so the judge should force both of them in to mediation to work on co-parenting issues. When Halle made a conscious decision not to go to a sperm bank and she had this baby with this man she should have considered the fact that this man might want to stick around and be a father to his child. Halle grew up without a dad and so I guess she expected Aubry to bail like most men do but much to her surprise the man wants to be an active father in child’s life. As annoying and inconvenient as it is having Aubry around when he makes less money than her she should be thankful that her daughter has a dad who really loves and cares for her. It must be hard knowing your child spends some nights in another home and you are not the first person she sees in the morning or takes her school some mornings but this is the risk she took when she had this child with him. If she wanted to be the person who calls all the shots she should have gone to a sperm bank. That nanny should also be fired. how would Halle feel if Aubry had a nanny who didn’t like her or brought up charges against her? Would she be happy or comfortable knowing that this person irrespective of who is right and wrong was looking after her child? I don’t think so. 772 days ago lisa: 4 minutes ago I agree! Clearly she is using her money and celebrity name to get her way! Someone should investigate her...I mean, she obviously has men "issues" and it seems like she is passing her phobias and insecurites on to her daughter...we will not know the aftermath of her decision making on behalf of her daughter until she is older...A child needs both parents!! She is being selfish and this poor guy who wants to be a dad is being sabotaged every time he turns around! how blessed you are to have a father willing to spend time with his daughter! embrace that! Likes 0 Dislikes 0 Clear Vote 772 days ago ------------------------------------------------------------NEVER saw so many young and healthy rich people getting seizures, broken parts etc. Seems they can't walk AND chew gum at the same time Syndrome? 772 days ago i still can't believe they are leaving every thing up to a judge, they both need to put their grown up pants on put that little girl first, and sit down and figure out how to get along for the child sake! and stop the diva act, cuz it's not about them! 772 days ago kim purdy     Halle is no spring chicken. Why would she bring this crap onto a child. She needs her head examined 772 days ago If I was Halle, I would charge him with child abuse and endangerment ... he doesn't want to acknowledge her black side and says she is just white ... he's a racist and THAT is child abuse. By the way I am white... so don't go there with me. 772 days ago Halle sooooo should have just gone to the sperm bank. Girl has zero luck with men but wanted a kid. In this day and age I really think people would have judged her much less than for this foolery. 772 days ago You know, people do not have this much animosity unless there has been an infidelity. Did Gabriel cheat on Halle? Because that would explain her total hatred for him and trying to keep him from his daughter. I just have a weird feeling that Halle has been cheated on, and this is her vendetta. 772 days ago I honestly think these hollywood stars are very disturbed, and Hallle leads the top of the list, she has more husbands in her than a hooker. Sick women. 772 days ago I honestly think that this woman is too jacked up to have a child in her custody. Always the victim, always someone else's fault, Oh Poor Pitiful Me! I just really think that this girl would fare better with her father. Lets not forget, she has not had a relationship that has not ended badly - and she blames her ex partners. Plus, when Gabriel dated someone else, she had a hissy. 772 days ago Around The Web
Our TV Shows Got a Tip? Call TMZ at (888) 847-9869 or Click Here Kanye West How Dare You Compare Yourself to Cops! 12/12/2013 10:31 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF breaking news No Avatar lmfa bout time sme1 said something to this idiot kanye....your not god....u just another African American man....that's it... 92 days ago AMEN!!!! I still don't understand how this delusional racist has a fan base!!!! 92 days ago Thank you, Chief on behalf of all Military and Police. We thank you and salute you for all that you do and have done. BRAVO! 92 days ago i dont thinkj he is that good of a singer he just runs his mouth and dont think about the words that come out he has no class he dont touch all the people like mr jackson elvis and alot of others . but hey if people are dume enough to give you money go for it me i dont care for him or his attatude and the need for attion sory about the spelling but im useing three computers at one time thank y6ou 92 days ago the artist formerly known as hand turkey     Police guy obviously doesn't understand that climbing fake mountains is treacherous. You could fall and sprain your ankle or bonk your head! Bonk it!! It's scary! 92 days ago 92 days ago bring back recent posts is a idea for self proclaimed ..( well too many names too type)....go take a walk in the rain with Zimmerman next time your in Florida..... 92 days ago Kanye is so delusional its ridiculous.....why are people still supporting him at all? He looks like uneducated, pychotic freak like 90% of the time, his music sucks now, and for christs sake hes become part of the kardashian machine.....please move on people this mess is tired. 92 days ago Always has been, always will be a dbag. 92 days ago i cant wait till he goes bankrupt. i hopehe keeps buying houses as the concert crwods of 4500 in an arena get even smaller// who wants to pay for that? he wears a spiderman mask on his face in concert like he some WWE wrestler with gold and diamonds on his face mask. weirdo needs to lose all his money and so does that baby mamma kim. 92 days ago Is that Buford T Justice in the car window. 92 days ago How dare you say you are Jesus? 92 days ago Kanye has a hard time being human so how could he possibly compare himself to being a cop? A police dog maybe? Nah, not even that domestic. 92 days ago Brimfield Ohio is a city with 7,900 people. Tell me this guy doesn't have too much time on his hands. 92 days ago Hahaha "Check yourself, before you wreck yourself….LMAO, WTG Chief Oliver!!! I wish a bolt of lighting would strike that "grill"of his!!! 92 days ago Around The Web
"32 years old is very very old for a horse. The dogs were just doing what predators do -- they were weeding out the old and infirm." This comment is down right dumb and insensitive. I grew up on the street for 15 years. infact, right next to the dog owners. That horse was apart of the neighbourhood and for someone to say it was basically time to weed out the old is hurtful. I hope they keep their comment in mind once they become old as well.
The silence has been too long and we can no longer sit back and take the injustice that has been placed upon us. I will make this as sweet and to the point as I can. In February 2008 a public auction was held at the estate of my sister's house who was legally married to Robert Herring, aka (murderer of women and children). The proceeds from the auction at the very least which totalled approximately $50,000.00 should of been split equally into the estate accounts. My family spent approximately $20,000.00 to buy back Alecia and her children's belongings. After the auction we were informed that all the money -$300.00 had been placed into Robert the murderer's account. Ok, the family deals with that and attempts to file a wrongful death lawsuit so the money would be frozen. Well forget that there is approximately $5,000.00 left and it has all been given to the murderer's side of the family. From attorney fees, funeral expenses, and even back child support it was all paid the murderer's side. Last time I checked his children still had a mother perfectly capable of working and providing for his children, while Alecia's children try to go on with their lives without their mother and sister. Yes even the murderer's funeral expenses have been reimbursed down to his stinking tombstone (like he even deserved to be acknowledged). All claims were paid on that side, oh yeah except for one from the victim herself. A claim for approximately $8,000.00 to try and recover money from the auction for things that were sold that were Alecia's a long time before the murderer came into her life. By the way that claim was put to the back until there was not enough money to pay it. Now here it is almost two years later and not one claim has been able to be paid on the victims side, no funeral expenses, attorney fees, and no money for her children. Certain counties and people make us sick. The corruption in SC continues starting at the top from the cheating governor all the way down. Alecia and Jade were not only victims of murder at the hands of Robert Herring but are victims of a corrupt judicial system every single day. This is about principle, what is right and wrong, does anyone even care about that anymore. Two people paid the ultimate price at the hands of this murderer, and what has happened to them since is like they are murdered over and over again. Compassion does not exist in certain areas of SC, we have experienced it first hand. This is so hurtful to the family, whom still to this day can find no closure because of the way they have been treated since the deaths of their loved ones Alecia Arangilan and Jade Arangilan. We miss you and we know that you are always with us....LOVE NEVER DIES...This man not only took away a good mother to her four children, a good sister to her many siblings, and a good daughter to her mother and father, he stole the life away from an innocent child to not grow up like everyone else, to not experience love like so many of us, to not be a blessing as she was to her wonderful brother two sisters and her grandparents and father and all of her aunts and uncles and cousins and many many friends. Alecia was a beautiful caring woman and Jade was a beautiful vibrant wonderful young lady. The travisty in South Carolina is corruption and prejudice not not only against women and children but to race. South Carolina has a "good ole boy" persona that comes from the "core" of their government and especially the residing judge of Edgefield County. I am appalled at this in these our United States of America except South Carolina.
Liverpool legend Hansen: Suarez football-obsessive like Dalglish Liverpool legend Alan Hansen has likened returning Luis Suarez to Kenny Dalglish. Hansen explained in the Telegraph: "Spurs at home and (Manchester) United away are huge games for Liverpool this week, but I expect Suárez to prove his quality by making a difference. "Last summer, he spent pretty much the whole of July playing for Uruguay in the Copa America, but rather than citing his international workload and the long journey from South America as a reason for a break, as soon as he returned to Liverpool, he wanted to play. "The word from the training ground was that he had been sensational and totally committed, but he seems to be that type of guy. "You get very few in life like that. His manager, Kenny Dalglish, is one of them, but I was different. "I had a great time as a player and it has given me a great life, but football was a living for me. "The likes of Suárez and Dalglish live and breathe the game, though. "That is why Suárez will be so determined to get back onto the pitch." Have your say Related Images
Man Utd boss Ferguson: Why I went with Owen ahead of Berbatov in Champions League final Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson has revealed how highly he regarded Michael Owen during his time at Old Trafford. Owen is fit to face his old club for Stoke City today. Ferguson said: “There was the case when I left Berbatov out of the European final. I looked at my subs and thought if I was a goal down with a minute to go who would I depend on? Berba or Michael? Michael won hands down, no doubt about that. “He never missed a training session. Every morning he was always there. He showed a great desire to be part of the scene here. “And he improved as a footballer, really. Technically he got better, even though he was in his thirties.” Have your say Related Images
Naomi Martín Hillen´s profile Reviews (1) Cheap prices. Good, but could be better. My boyfriend was supposed to go to Spain for 6 days. He wanted to book a flight, and he did, with bravofly, because they were by far the cheapest of them all. (€40 difference with other booking companies) He bought a flight with paypal. They charged it from his paypal account, and after a few hours they refunded the ticket. He tried again, and again the same thing happened. We assumed that it had not been possible for bravofly to contact the airline or whatnot. Paypal did take some time to get the money back to the bank account. One day later I tried to buy the ticket and everything went as planned. Bravofly kept me updated at all times via e-mail. I found it very reassuring. Within a couple of hours the flight was confirmed and everything turned out okay. My father normally buys my tickets from bravofly and I have never heard him complain about bravofly, either. Those minor setbacks did not really bother me. Just be sure to not use bravofly for a last-minute flight, because it takes some time to know if everything went according to plan. Naomi Martín Hillen´s profile profile image of Naomi Martín Hillen Naomi Martín Hillen Hilversum, United States
First:   Mid:   Last:  City:  State: Angeline Whetstone Locate anyone today, including Angeline Whetstone, right here at Our easy-to-use website provides access to billions of public records data, so you can find exactly who you're searching for. Find out where Angeline Whetstone is living, get a phone number, and more! If you're not positive that you've found the right Angeline, just perform a more detailed search. You can locate Angeline Whetstone faster by adding in any additional details you have, like past addresses or other known names. Profiles may include such personal information as phone numbers, email addresses, names of family members, and more. displays search results in a very user-friendly format that makes finding the right Angeline Whetstone faster and easier. All our information is systematically organized into different sections - name/aliases, age, location, and possible relatives - helping you scan easily and quickly locate the right Angeline. Once you pinpoint the right one, you can examine the details page to get more information.  Name/AKAsAgeLocationPossible Relatives 1. Whetstone, Angeline51  Tamaqua, PA   View Details
Insurgent attacks kill 30, wound dozens in Iraq Associated Press SHARE By SAMEER N. YACOUB, Associated Press BAGHDAD (AP) — Insurgents launched attacks against security forces and civilians in central and northern Iraq on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people and wounding dozens, officials said. Shiite mosques in Baghdad were main targets, along with a city claimed by squabbling ethnic groups in a disputed northern region. The conflicts threaten the stability of Iraq following the final pullout of U.S. military forces nearly a year ago. Car bombs exploded near three mosques shortly after nightfall in the capital, killing 21. Police and hospital officials said the first exploded near a Shiite mosque following evening prayers in the Hurriyah neighborhood, killing nine worshippers and wounding 20 others. Minutes later, another car bomb went off near Gaereat mosque, killing five people. Later, police said a third car bomb exploded, killing seven Shiite worshippers and wounding 21 others in Shula neighborhood in northern Baghdad. Ali Habib, a taxi driver, said he was driving near the Shiite mosque in Hurriyah when he heard a loud explosion. He rushed to the blast site and helped take wounded to the hospital. "The scene was horrific, with people screaming for help," he said. "Such attacks bring back memories of the darkest days of sectarian strife that took place several years ago in Iraq." In the north, a police officer said three bombs in parked cars exploded simultaneously in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk, the largest city in the area claimed by several ethnic groups in a dispute with the central government in Baghdad. In the northeastern province of Diyala, gunmen in a speeding car showered a checkpoint manned by Sahwa, an anti-al-Qaida group, with bullets, killing one and wounding two others, another police official said. The Sahwa are Sunni Arabs who joined forces with the U.S. military to fight al-Qaida at the height of Iraq's insurgency. They have since been favorite targets for Sunni insurgents who consider them traitors. Also in Diyala, a roadside bomb targeted a passing police patrol in the town of Khan Bani Saad, killing a civilian bystander and wounding two policemen, the officer said. The town is about 35 kilometers (20 miles) north of Baghdad. Five other civilians were wounded when a roadside bomb exploded near an Iraqi military base in the town of Taji, 20 kilometers (12 miles) north of Baghdad, a police officer said. Associated Press writer Sinan Salaheddin contributed.
Gardens of the Night The title is the first sign that the audience is in for it. The second is a child's voice reading from The Jungle Book, and the third is the voice of a counselor (John Malkovich) comforting the pretty young thing sitting before him. From there, we are treated to a dubiously long "Stranger Danger" sketch that pushes way beyond the limits of taste and reason: All dripping faucets, dulcet piano tinkling, blinking lightbulbs, fairy-tale allusions, and Tom Arnold whispering sweet nothings, Gardens of the Night poeticizes the horror of young Leslie (Ryan Simpkins) being kidnapped and passed around like a rag doll, along with her surrogate brother Donnie (Jermaine Smith), in a not-so-surreptitious child pornography ring that includes creeps played by B-listers Harold Perrineau and Jeremy Sisto. Pitched at the risible level of Marco Kreuzpaintner's Trade, the film never quite recovers from writer-director Damian Harris's dithering way of shooting things. Back in the present, the subject is the way the abused become abusers, and how the bond between the older Leslie (Gillian Jacobs) and Donnie (Evan Ross) is tested on the streets—but after being built on such a shoddy foundation, their current-day reality registers only as an afterthought. My Voice Nation Help Now Showing powered by VOICE PLaces Box Office Scores provided by Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers
Angies List Report: Preventing Dryer Fires Reported by: Amy Katcher Updated: 4/24/2013 11:46 pm (WDEF)  We often take appliances like our clothes dryers for granted...  But we shouldn't.      Angie Hicks of Angie's List said, "Dryer vent cleaning should be left to the experts. They have the proper tools and additionally they know whether your dryer vent meets code and they can fix it if it doesn't."      Maintenance is key since clogged dryer vents can lead to a fire.      Glen Mayfield is a Dryer Vent Technician.  He said, "The dryer is designed to exhaust the heat and the moisture while it's drying. If that heat and  moisture cannot get out of the dryer, then the dryer just sits there and keeps working itself but it can't accomplish the drying, which then means the dryer works harder and heat builds up and that is what can lead to a dryer vent fire."      Homeowner Brian Pinkins was surprised to see what the technician discovered during a cleaning.  He said, "He got out his tools and started to snake through our vent. As he was doing that nothing was happening. He said he could feel a large jam. Well about five minutes later a whole lot of dust and debris and dryer lint started coming out along with a bird's nest."      So you should never leave your dryer on and unattended.      Hicks added, "While it may be convenient, you should never leave a dryer running while you're not at home. According to experts, more than 15,000 fires a year are a result of dryers being left unattended."      In addition to the reduced threat of fire, a cleaning can pay for itself in less than a year through improved efficiency. 0 Comment(s) Comments: Show | Hide Here are the most recent story comments.View All No comments yet! Inergize Digital This site is hosted and managed by Inergize Digital.
x new york x FOX and Friends Sunday Set Clip Length: at the tax and regulato regulatory, if it's cheaper to make it in china and ship it here. that's not the company's fault, that's the government's fault. you see toyota expanding in mississippi and i think volkswagen in tennessee and what do those states have in common, oh, yes, right to work. so the problem isn't so much -- it's partly the tax aof the government and the punitive costs of unions in states like michigan which has now gone right to work and see how that affects the auto industry. at the end of the day, 26.5 of the auto bailout was a direct check written to the united auto workers and the democrats 2012 in the election cycle. >> and joining us live to tell us how mitt romney is right, ironically he we find that out on the day the president is sworn in for a second term. seton, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> they've committed horrific crimes and now are asking for forgiveness and someone to love them. that story is straight ahead, and they were hand picked to sing at president obama's inauguration, we're seeing how the big choir is preparing for th taxes, pay their flood insurance, pay their home owners insurance and are now paying rent on top of everything else. they have the money, i'm sure each and every one of them got their christmas bonuses we're sitting here, sitting here trying to do everything ourselves. >> alisyn: they have been waiting a long time and obviously very angry. the house of representatives are set to vote on the 51 billion dollar release bill on tuesday. this is good news on the condition of former president george h.w. bush. last night a spokesman for the 41st president said he could be released from a houston hospital this week, and president bush's son jeb is more optimistic and he says he thinks his father will go home tomorrow. the 88-year-old was admitted for a bronchitis related cough. >> mike: what a night if you're a football fan. if you watched the broncos-ravens game. >> tucker: no. >> mike: it's an instant classic, we'll see it over and over again on espn. under a minute to go, ravens q.b. flacco hits the hail mary kind of pass and i don't know how he got behind the defense, in overtime pe Excerpts 0 to 2 of about 3 results. (Some duplicates have been removed) Terms of Use (10 Mar 2001)
No encontramos iTunes en este ordenador. Para usar vista previa y comprar música de Speed of Light de Corbin Bleu, descarga iTunes ya. Yo tengo iTunes Descarga gratis iTunes para Mac y PC Speed of Light Corbin Bleu Abre iTunes para escuchar un fragmento, comprar y descargar música. Reseña de álbum Corbin Bleu has grown up a lot since his first album in 2007. All fresh-faced and innocent on the cover of Another Side, Bleu looks like a man on the cover of 2009's Speed of Light, dressed all in black, sporting sculpted arms and wispy facial hair. He has a sound to match his makeover, ditching the sugary Disney Radio pop in favor of a slick, stylish, modern R&B, driven by rhythmic hooks instead of melody. Bleu winds up with an album that plays FutureSex/LoveSounds with the sex removed; he has the shimmering synths, the chilly sound, but he's still singing about puppy love, he's still a teen idol. The same can also be said of Speed of Light as a whole: so much of the album is draped in threads borrowed from Timberlake/Timbaland that it's easy to overlook the lingering elements of Radio Disney, even when the strongest reminder, "Moments That Matter," arrives at the beginning of the record. "Moments That Matter" isn't only the lead single from the album, it was featured in Bleu's feature film Free Style, a reminder of how Bleu's not just a singer, he's a four-quadrant entertainer ready to tackle any medium he can. Speed of Light doesn't quite play up this ready-to-please element of the High School Musical alum. Perhaps wisely, it's intended to make Bleu into a presence on the pop charts outside of any movie or Disney affiliation and even if the attempt doesn't quite work, it's easy to chalk it up to growing pains, not a deficiency in Bleu himself. Nacido(a): 1989 en Brooklyn, NY Género: Pop Años de actividad: '00s, '10s Born in Brooklyn in 1989, Corbin Bleu began acting and modeling as a toddler, appearing in commercials and print ads for the likes of Hasbro, Nabisco, Gap, and Target. In addition to getting involved with musical theater, before the age of ten he moved with his family to Los Angeles and began to make appearances on television (Malcolm & Eddie, ER) and in movies (Mystery Men, Galaxy Quest). A steady stream of roles continued into the early 2000s, and they gradually became increasingly prominent.... Biografía completa Speed of Light, Corbin Bleu Ver en iTunes Valoraciones de clientes
Bestiary‎ > ‎(Bestiary) By Type‎ > ‎Vermin‎ > ‎Boneneedle‎ > ‎ Boneneedle, Greater This creature is about 5 feet in diameter and resembles a bloated yellow bag of pulpy flesh with eight spidery legs. It has two long sharply-curved mandibles protruding from one end of it which you can assume is the front, though the creature seems to be lacking both eyes and a mouth. Greater Boneneedle CR 4 XP 1,200 N Medium vermin hp 42 (5d8+15) Fort +7; Ref +4; Will +2 Immune mind-affecting effects Weaknesses aversion to daylight Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft. Melee bite +6 (1d6+1 plus poison) Str 12, Dex 16, Con 16, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 3 Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 17 (29 vs. trip) Feats Weapon FinesseB Skills Climb +11, Perception +5, Stealth +9; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +6 Stealth, adds Dexterity to Climb Aversion to Daylight (Ex) Boneneedles shun all light. If exposed to natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell), they take a –4 penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. Poison (Ex) The bite of a boneneedle secretes a thick, syrupy neurotoxin that destroys flesh and quickly breaks down bone. The chemical reaction causes the bones to weaken and become brittle. If the opponent fails his save against the poison’s secondary effect, its bones weaken, and it takes an extra 2 points of damage from any crushing or bludgeoning attack until all Dexterity damage dealt by marrow poisoning is healed. Cumulative bites do not increase the amount of extra damage beyond 2 points An opponent reduced to Dexterity 0 dies as its bones become too brittle to support its weight thus causing its body to collapse in on itself. Creatures without bone structures, such as constructs (except those crafted from bone), oozes, and plants, are immune to the effects of marrow poisoning. Bone Needle Poison; Sting—injury; save Fort DC 15; frequency 1/round for 2 rounds; effect 1d4 Dex; secondary effect target takes an extra 2 points of damage from crushing or bludgeoning attacks until all Dex damage is healed; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.