[ { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "Man the first ever console i owned personally was a gamecube. Was so surprised getting it was funny what my parents did." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Ahh yes, must have been a very nice surprise! Did you play Mario on it?" }, { "emotion": "annoyed", "from": "patient", "value": "I didn't get Mario until late was Sonic adventures 2, Parents hid the console in the bathroom with the game and told me to go clean the bathroom." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Well thats one way to get your kids to do household chores!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "nostalgic", "from": "patient", "value": "I still remember my high school days, I was a terrific athlete during that time." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "What athletics did you participate in?" }, { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "The runner's marathon. I felt so proud when I came in second place because I had trained for many months for it!" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "Man i know that feeling. But sounds like you worked hard." } ]
[ { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "My brother graduated high school, I was proud of him" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "When did he graduate? Sounds like a really cool moment to share with him." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "patient", "value": "2017, I was there, it was awesome!" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I graduated that year too! Cool to see that you were as excited as he likely was." } ]
[ { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "A month or two ago my girlfriend randomly broke up with me and I had no idea that she was even close to considering that." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am very sorry to hear that, that must be terrible...." }, { "emotion": "angry", "from": "patient", "value": "It wasn't a great time, but it just really irked me since I had no idea that she was not into me at that time. She must've been really good at faking it." }, { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "therapist", "value": "I undertand that. People are crazy like that, I never understood it" } ]
[ { "emotion": "nostalgic", "from": "patient", "value": "I reconnected with one of my childhood friends and I even got to go to the house that we used to hang out in years and years ago." }, { "emotion": "nostalgic", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is something I want to do when I get older, I miss the golden days!" }, { "emotion": "sentimental", "from": "patient", "value": "You should, especially if you truly miss any of your childhood friends. It was a surreal but amazing experience." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I bet it was, to catch up after awhile, few things really compare" } ]
[ { "emotion": "devastated", "from": "patient", "value": "My grandmother passed away when I was a child, it really upset me" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's tragic, I haven't had to deal with anything like that yet." }, { "emotion": "encouraging", "from": "patient", "value": "I am happy for you, I hope that continues" }, { "emotion": "consoling", "from": "therapist", "value": "I hope so too, and I hope that you don't have to deal with anything like that anytime soon." } ]
[ { "emotion": "faithful", "from": "patient", "value": "I have a girlfriend, and I will never cheat on her" }, { "emotion": "faithful", "from": "therapist", "value": "So your saying your faithful and love her." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "Absolutely, not even a doubt" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Sounds like you got your priorities straight good man." } ]
[ { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "So i am really happy with myself lately. Finally graduated college after 8 years since 2009." }, { "emotion": "impressed", "from": "therapist", "value": "Wow, go you! I am proud of you, it can be tough to do!" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah it felt tough every year that passed but i got that degree man." }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is what matters, best of luck using it friend!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "faithful", "from": "patient", "value": "I have a girlfriend, and I would never cheat on her" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is an amazing thing. Being cheated on is one of the worst things that can happen when ones enters a bond like a relationship." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "I agree, I am not sure how people can do that to each other" }, { "emotion": "faithful", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am sure that you two will have a happy and loving life together especially if she reciprocates your desire to never cheat." } ]
[ { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "patient", "value": "My sister is coming from France to visit us. I am happy to see her again." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "How exciting, are you from France?" }, { "emotion": "excited", "from": "patient", "value": "No, I am not. It is exciting. It has been almost a year since I saw her." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "When did she move out there?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "I started working out again and it was nerveracking to begin again." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Great. How long did you stop working out?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "It's been over 10 years since i've worked out!" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "It is always good to work out but start slowly since it has been a long time since your last work out." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "yes i did and i have slowly gotten back into it." } ]
[ { "emotion": "furious", "from": "patient", "value": "This morning I was running late for work, and I got so mad at the driver in front of me!" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Was the person one of those one people who goes like 5 miles an hour in a 65?" }, { "emotion": "annoyed", "from": "patient", "value": "No, but I do hate those, too! We were in bumper to bumper traffic, and this woman is putting on her makeup. She doesn't notice when the car in front of her moves, and we miss the light. Ugh!" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "The question is, did the woman at least do a good job ( from what you could see)?" }, { "emotion": "angry", "from": "patient", "value": "LOL! Not my place to judge. I was so hopping mad about having to sit through that stupid light again." } ]
[ { "emotion": "disappointed", "from": "patient", "value": "It made me feel really disappointed when my CV got rejected in the first place." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "How did you respond after rejection?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Well it took some time for me to cope up because I really put a lot of efforts, however I got to understand that it should be rather taken as a learning experience" }, { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "therapist", "value": "Yes, you hear stories all of the time about people being rejected to find out that it was a blessing in disguise" }, { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "True, and guess what ! Next morning I got a call from a company which I least expected." } ]
[ { "emotion": "anxious", "from": "patient", "value": "My finances are not the greatest lately and I've been so worried. I haven't been sleeping due to stressing about this situation." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am sorry to hear that, I hope things turn around for you soon!" }, { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "Thank you! I'm working through it and I have come up with several solutions to this debt problem." }, { "emotion": "encouraging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am glad to hear that, I hope they work out for you!" }, { "emotion": "hopeful", "from": "patient", "value": "Thank you so much! I think it will all work out!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "guilty", "from": "patient", "value": "I ate my coworkers food recently, I feel bad but they left it there for awhile" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "HaHa What kind of food did they leave for you? Did you say anything to them?" }, { "emotion": "ashamed", "from": "patient", "value": "I ate their wings and so it was kinda hard to hide because my fingers were orange.... whoops" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "LOL It really shouldn't be funny but for some reason you are making me laugh! I guess that will teach them to leave their lunch sitting around! haha" } ]
[ { "emotion": "jealous", "from": "patient", "value": "I beat my classmate in a school election, even though she was way more popular" }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "therapist", "value": "omg congratulations! Thats a great achievement and must give you so much pride and motication for the future" }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "patient", "value": "Thank you, I appreciate it!" }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "therapist", "value": "All the best for your future and your role aswell!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "I went to florida one time and saw a childhood friend there, that was a surprise!" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "You are right.Florida is a big state with lot's of people." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "It sure is, what are the odds..." }, { "emotion": "hopeful", "from": "therapist", "value": "The odds must be astronomical, almost like winning the lottery." } ]
[ { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "I am surprised England Lost to Croatia on the World Cup.I tought they were gonna win easily" }, { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am shocked too, Croatia only has 4 millio people" }, { "emotion": "impressed", "from": "patient", "value": "Did you watched the game? The Croatians were warriors out there." }, { "emotion": "impressed", "from": "therapist", "value": "Yeaah they really were, number 12 killed it with that goal" }, { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "That goal took them to the world cup final" } ]
[ { "emotion": "grateful", "from": "patient", "value": "My parents let me live in their house for free, I am realy thankful" }, { "emotion": "trusting", "from": "therapist", "value": "I feel that man, Parents like that care for their family a lot." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeaaah, I know a lot of people who struggle with bills." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am in that boat at times where i live." } ]
[ { "emotion": "confident", "from": "patient", "value": "I remember a time i got my first retail job. Was scared about the interview but after just taking a deep breath. I just felt like i owned the place." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I know that feeling, good for you!" }, { "emotion": "confident", "from": "patient", "value": "You ever just get those moment where you shake it off and the confident feeling flows in." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "Yes, those are awesome feelings, I crave that all the time" } ]
[ { "emotion": "ashamed", "from": "patient", "value": "So i felt bad once because i broke my parents fax machine. What made me feel bad even more he got angry." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "well he did have a right to be angry (depending on how you broke it ofc)" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah he did but i felt bad cause he threw the fax machine into the kitchen. This was a heavy machine by the way." }, { "emotion": "consoling", "from": "therapist", "value": "oh darn thats just abit rude and unnecessary. I hope everything is ok now" } ]
[ { "emotion": "grateful", "from": "patient", "value": "I have a met with an accident once. one gentlemen saved my life" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am glad to hear that, did you repay him?" }, { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah i did. I have visited him once i was up and running. He was so chuffed see me breathing" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is good to hear, I am glad it worked out well instead of a disaster" }, { "emotion": "grateful", "from": "patient", "value": "God's grace it did worked out well. We became buddies over the time" } ]
[ { "emotion": "furious", "from": "patient", "value": "I was angry when my brother ruined the result of a football game. I recorded it to watch later" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "sibling fights worth living for.. I wish i had one." }, { "emotion": "annoyed", "from": "patient", "value": "I am glad I do, I just wish they could shutup sometimes haha" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "you would know better hehe!!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "excited", "from": "patient", "value": "I am so excited. Tomorrow is my birthday" }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "therapist", "value": "Well happy early birthday! I hope you have a great day!" }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "patient", "value": "Thanks. I can't wait for tomorrow for the party and the presents" }, { "emotion": "encouraging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I bet, I hope you get everything you want!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "lonely", "from": "patient", "value": "I was lonely as a teenager, I had no girlfriend and few friends. I was sad often" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Sorry to hear that. Do you have more firends now?" }, { "emotion": "grateful", "from": "patient", "value": "I do luckily, and a great girlfriend, so things work out in the end" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Great." } ]
[ { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "I am so proud about myself. I just got promoted at my firm." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "Good job! I am sure that took a lot of hard work!" }, { "emotion": "excited", "from": "patient", "value": "You have no idea. I have been waiting 3 years for that promotion." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am sure that was stressful that whole time" } ]
[ { "emotion": "nostalgic", "from": "patient", "value": "playing my gameboy makes me nostalgic. i love pokemon emerald the most" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "Me to. I also play gameboy from time to time" }, { "emotion": "nostalgic", "from": "patient", "value": "I still have my one from when I was young, it is in good shape" }, { "emotion": "nostalgic", "from": "therapist", "value": "I do not have mine.I bought one on EBAY and also 12 games just to remember the past" } ]
[ { "emotion": "furious", "from": "patient", "value": "Someone rear ended me a few months ago. I was very upset because I had places to be" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is so aggravating! I've been in the exact same situation. I hope you weren't hurt." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "I was okay, but my car got a bit messed up" }, { "emotion": "encouraging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Good to hear you were all right. Hopefully insurance covered your car -- though I know nothing makes up for the time spent dealing with the situation!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "terrified", "from": "patient", "value": "I was terrifified when my dad scared me as a kid. I have to admit he was good at it" }, { "emotion": "sad", "from": "therapist", "value": "I believe this kind of a rude attitude by parents leave an impression on the kid's growth" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "I turned out okay, but for some people it certainly might" }, { "emotion": "terrified", "from": "therapist", "value": "True, I have a close friend who's quite young now and he seems to have scary thoughts about his childhood days" } ]
[ { "emotion": "excited", "from": "patient", "value": "I was really fascinated by Skiing and though about taking lessons to make it easy for me." }, { "emotion": "encouraging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I wish I could afford lessons or to even try, I bet it is really fun!" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah it's an amazing experience altogether. I really enjoy the sport." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I do like to watch it in the olympics or sure though!" }, { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "During last winter Olympics, my country did really well in the sport !" } ]
[ { "emotion": "hopeful", "from": "patient", "value": "I hope the nintendo switch get madden on it. I love portable football games" }, { "emotion": "faithful", "from": "therapist", "value": "I like them too. I like to play football games while I'm eating Chik-Fil-A, but I always want to go on Sundays when they're closed." }, { "emotion": "jealous", "from": "patient", "value": "I feel that one deep in my core, I want it ten times more then" }, { "emotion": "lonely", "from": "therapist", "value": "I never think about it during the week, the craving always hits me on Sunday. It's very disheartening when you pull up and the place is completely empty." } ]
[ { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "patient", "value": "I'm so happy about going to the lake with my wife, it makes me burst with joy!" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "That sounds like fun! What are you planning to do at the lake." }, { "emotion": "content", "from": "patient", "value": "I'm planning to relax, maybe even swim, sit near the water. I love swimming!" }, { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "therapist", "value": "It will be a great escape from regular life, right? How often do you get to go?" }, { "emotion": "anticipating", "from": "patient", "value": "I haven't been to the lake for like a year so it's going to be a lot of fun. It's definitely going to be an escape from the daily life." } ]
[ { "emotion": "impressed", "from": "patient", "value": "My husband mowed the lawn today and repaired our back fence." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh that's nice, you must have a hard-working husband." }, { "emotion": "disappointed", "from": "patient", "value": "Yes! Unfortunately, while working on the fence, he grabbed a board with a rough edge and cut his hand." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That sounds horrible. Was it serious?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Not too bad, just needed a band-aid." } ]
[ { "emotion": "terrified", "from": "patient", "value": "So favorite movie is Jurassic park and they had that ride at Universal. I loved that ride so much i was so hyper waiting in line." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That sounds like fun! Was it your first time at Universal?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Yes! it was indeed my first time there even. So that was even more exciting." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "I can imagine! Were there any other memorable aspects of the visit?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "faithful", "from": "patient", "value": "I am working very hard at getting new business and I want people to trust me." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Those are both admirable ideas. How are you trying to improve trust?" }, { "emotion": "prepared", "from": "patient", "value": "I talk about my business to everyone at meetings and why it's important to use a travel agent and not go with the cheap guys online." }, { "emotion": "impressed", "from": "therapist", "value": "Travel agents make complicated travel so much easier than using online sites." }, { "emotion": "confident", "from": "patient", "value": "We do! It's very time consuming looking on line. Even with the cruise lines I'm going to get better deals and better cabin space for a client" }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's awesome. Best of luck to you with your business!" }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "patient", "value": "Thank you very much!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "lonely", "from": "patient", "value": "No one showed up to my birthday part so I ate by myself at home." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I'm sorry to hear that! Happy Birthday! Hope you didn't eat the entire cake LOL!" }, { "emotion": "jealous", "from": "patient", "value": "I wish! I did enjoy a good dinner, but it would have been nice if others were around to celebrate." }, { "emotion": "faithful", "from": "therapist", "value": "I decided not to celebrate birthdays anymore now that I'm old!" }, { "emotion": "disappointed", "from": "patient", "value": "Well, I like to think of it as an excuse to meet friends and family. Too bad I was away from family that day!" }, { "emotion": "suggesting", "from": "therapist", "value": "Maybe next year will be better!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "terrified", "from": "patient", "value": "A few years ago, I was out hiking, and almost stepped on a rattlesnake. Thank goodness it alerted!" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh my goodness! That must have been frightening. What happened after it alerted?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "It took me a minute to figure out what I was hearing, and then I back up VERY quickly!!" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Where did the snake go?" }, { "emotion": "annoyed", "from": "patient", "value": "It stayed put. My friend and I had to backtrack, and cut through some heavy brush to get around it, because the trail was too narrow to walk past it on." } ]
[ { "emotion": "confident", "from": "patient", "value": "My last trip to the beach was amazing! I felt confident enough to wear a bikini!" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is awesome! I bet you had a great time!" }, { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "I did! I was celebrating having lost 20lbs! At first I was nervous, but then it was fun." }, { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "therapist", "value": "Weight loss can be so liberating! I'm glad you were able to enjoy yourself." } ]
[ { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "patient", "value": "I am so happy. My grandmother is getting out of the hospital." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's awesome. Is she better?" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "Yes, she is. She having issues with her heart. She needed a chirurgical operation." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's scary! How old is she?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "hopeful", "from": "patient", "value": "I hope the immigrants children get reunited with their families" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "Same. It is just a devasting thing that is happening." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "Yes, it is.This problem in the border is very complex and emotive" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is true. But this is basic humanity you know. Surely there is another way" } ]
[ { "emotion": "embarrassed", "from": "patient", "value": "I was a student in undergraduate school when this happened." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "When what happened?" }, { "emotion": "hopeful", "from": "patient", "value": "When I was applying to physical therapy school." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "What was the issue that plagued you?" }, { "emotion": "content", "from": "patient", "value": "There was no issue that plagued me." } ]
[ { "emotion": "jealous", "from": "patient", "value": "My co-worker got the promotion I had my eye on it.I am so mad and jealous." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Damn, that sucks. What field do you work in?" }, { "emotion": "jealous", "from": "patient", "value": "I work in Banking and insurance. I have more experience than him." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Why did he get the promotion over you?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "patient", "value": "This past chrstmas, I was gifted my HP laptop, and I have been consistently using it ever since! It really was a great gift." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's such a nice gift! What are your main uses of it?" }, { "emotion": "annoyed", "from": "patient", "value": "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit." }, { "emotion": "apprehensive", "from": "therapist", "value": "I've heard great things about Reddit but have never actually signed up myself!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "furious", "from": "patient", "value": "So i had this annoying little cousin. He went into my room when i wasn't there and got my computer fried because he spilled coke on the desk and into the computer." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's not good at all. Did you lose any important data?" }, { "emotion": "angry", "from": "patient", "value": "I lost a lot of my data i used school at the time. I was really mad at him." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I would be too! That sounds like a real inconvenience." } ]
[ { "emotion": "hopeful", "from": "patient", "value": "I had an interview last week for a part-time-job and I hope I get it it. I have been an unemployed student for 6 months and the work would help!" }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I will send all the good vibes! Is it in a field you could see yourself making a career of?" }, { "emotion": "anxious", "from": "patient", "value": "No, it is unrelated to my career field and temporary work. Thanks for the good vibes. Waiting to hear back from an interview is nerve racking!" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Always, it is. And it sounds empty to say \"it will all work out for the best\"....but it will! In the meantime, are you applying/interviewing for other positions?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "disgusted", "from": "patient", "value": "I am so annoyed that France is in the world cup final. I do not like their style of play" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "What is it about their style of play that you're not a fan of?" }, { "emotion": "annoyed", "from": "patient", "value": "They are to defensive.Their games are so boring." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I see where you're coming from." } ]
[ { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "I am so surprised Roger Federer lost yesterday at Wimbledon. he is the GOAT of tennis." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "I'm not too familiar with Tennis, Is he known to be a winner?" }, { "emotion": "impressed", "from": "patient", "value": "He is the best player ever.He won the mos grand slams titles." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Wow that's neat! Crazy to hear he lost then as you said." } ]
[ { "emotion": "anticipating", "from": "patient", "value": "When my wife and I got married, we knew we wanted to have kids. When we found out that we were expecting, the only thing on our mind for the longest time was if we were having a boy or a girl." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "What exciting news! Did you find out ahead of time what the gender of the baby was?" }, { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "patient", "value": "We did! We were living in Japan at the time, and we were paying this clinic 2000 yen a week so we could keep getting ultrasounds of the baby." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "What is 2000 yen equal to in U.S. currency?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "At the time, the exchange rate was about 110 yen to the dollar, so it was pretty affordable, and worth it to keep going back." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "It sure sounds like it. I think healthcare in Japan is much more affordable that here in America, do you agree?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "I wouldn't be able to tell you, since I wasn't under their healthcare system. This was just a women's clinic that offered this service pretty cheaply." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh, okay, well I watched a documentary about healthcare in other countries. I understand that doesn't apply here." } ]
[ { "emotion": "grateful", "from": "patient", "value": "I'm so happy and relieved my mom came to my rescue this week." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Moms are good at doing that, aren't they? What did she do for you?" }, { "emotion": "grateful", "from": "patient", "value": "She offered to help me out financially with something that was really stressing me out." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I know that feeling! What's been getting to you?" }, { "emotion": "afraid", "from": "patient", "value": "I fell off the back porch steps and broke my wrist. It required surgery." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you make a speedy recovery!" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "patient", "value": "Thanks! I feel like I am. I have double up on milk consumption haha.." } ]
[ { "emotion": "sad", "from": "patient", "value": "You tend to feel really low when you travel frequently. I believe it's because you miss family & friends" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "yes, especially if you travel a lot and for a long time. Is it for work?" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah, it's mainly for client site assignments that I have to travel !" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Where do you go the most?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "It's always interesting to travel to Europe or the Western countries because you have a lot more to do! However quite often I have been travelling to Africa as well." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is nice! I wish I can go to those countries" } ]
[ { "emotion": "excited", "from": "patient", "value": "In the other hand, I am excited to go to Vegas tomorrow" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Wow ! that sound's really awesome. I wish I could have gone there. But surely not for work !" }, { "emotion": "hopeful", "from": "patient", "value": "This is my first time going there. I want to try my luck" }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I wish you all the best pal ! You will surely rock !" } ]
[ { "emotion": "terrified", "from": "patient", "value": "Last night, I had ths crazy realistic dream that I was riding around on a motorcycle. At one point, I hit a quick sharp turn, and felt like I nearly had just fell off. It was so realistic and frightening." }, { "emotion": "suggesting", "from": "therapist", "value": "Maybe something in your life makes you very stress. You should try to relax before go to sleep." }, { "emotion": "lonely", "from": "patient", "value": "Possibly, my dreams are often very confusing and or lonely. It is very sad. I think I need a lifestyle change, or am just too stressed at night." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "You konw, sometimes consulting a psy is a good investment. Dont be afraid to do that." } ]
[ { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "He just took his lunch box, have a last look at me and said : I hope they will be nice." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "That sounds very sad. I am very sorry to hear you experienced that." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Not sad at all. He was so happy, but of course a little bit anxious." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Huh, I see. Well good for him!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "patient", "value": "That's terrible! I suppose sometimes things backfire, no matter how good our intentions are." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "What happened?" }, { "emotion": "angry", "from": "patient", "value": "They tried to make out I was bad at my job, that's the last time I'll give somebody a heads up at my own expense again." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh, no. That's awful! Did you report something that had occurred at your job?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "I sure did, thankfully I've been there a lot longer so they know me well enough." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Yeah, that's good. It's hard to know whether to blow the whistle sometimes. It could always come back for you. I'm glad that it sounds like it worked out." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "It did, but it could have ended very badly for me or even have resulted in me losing my job." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "Yeah, navigating those sorts of things is treacherous, but as long as you know you're doing the right thing, that's all you can do." } ]
[ { "emotion": "sad", "from": "patient", "value": "I lost my best friend last year when he moved to Chicago because he got accepted into a master's program, and he made me feel like our friendship meant nothing since he was going on to do bigger and better things." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That can be pretty hard to swallow, do you stay in touch? It's easier these days with the likes of social media. How do you fill that void?" }, { "emotion": "lonely", "from": "patient", "value": "We don't really stay in touch anymore. He and his fiance invited me to their wedding, though. He's not a social media person, and I'm not either, so we've basically lost touch. I haven't filled the void, unfortunately, but I feel okay about it now." }, { "emotion": "suggesting", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's such a shame, we grieve any kind of loss, I suppose. Perhaps the wedding would bring you closer together?" }, { "emotion": "jealous", "from": "patient", "value": "Maybe it will. I'm not sure, but I feel more happy for him now than I do envious and hurt. So, whatever happens, happens. It's okay." }, { "emotion": "consoling", "from": "therapist", "value": "I hope it works out for you, life is too short. Fill your life with wonderful things and wonderful things will surely happen." } ]
[ { "emotion": "excited", "from": "patient", "value": "I am so exited about the coming world cup final.It is going to be a very exiting game" }, { "emotion": "excited", "from": "therapist", "value": "I'm not actually much of a soccer fan but the hype is hard to escape!" }, { "emotion": "anticipating", "from": "patient", "value": "The world is the biggest sports competition worldwide, right after the Olympics." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "Yes, I'm aware, but i'm a much bigger hockey fan." }, { "emotion": "annoyed", "from": "patient", "value": "I do not like to watch hockey.You can't see the puck." } ]
[ { "emotion": "disgusted", "from": "patient", "value": "I am so disgust at Donald Trump and his immigration policies." }, { "emotion": "trusting", "from": "therapist", "value": "I stand behind him. Compared to the rest of the world we are to easy on illegal immigrants and this is coming from a Mexican American." }, { "emotion": "apprehensive", "from": "patient", "value": "It's coming form a traitor, you mean" }, { "emotion": "caring", "from": "therapist", "value": "How so because I want everyone in this place to be safe? You need to google immigration in other parts of the world and you will realize how awesome it is here." }, { "emotion": "caring", "from": "patient", "value": "I do not care about other parts of the world.I care about how my country treats immigrants." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "It's sad that you have such a small mind." } ]
[ { "emotion": "embarrassed", "from": "patient", "value": "So you ever get those moments when you look like a idiot for not understanding what someone meant earlier." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "It does happen sometimes. Has it ever occurred to you?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah when i was going to drive friends home i thought they were in my car at first but they wanted to ride on our way to the next place we were going." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "You must have felt terribly guilty when you realized! Happens to all of us" } ]
[ { "emotion": "disappointed", "from": "patient", "value": "I usually study hard and get my grades but sometimes it doesnt work out." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Brain just wants to work against you?" }, { "emotion": "disappointed", "from": "patient", "value": "Yep, basically my brain just abandoned me at the critical moment. I was so disappointed." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "I would get that a lot in school back in the day i feel it's pretty normal to have those moments." } ]
[ { "emotion": "lonely", "from": "patient", "value": "I recently broke up with my girlfriend and i feel so lonely." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh, man. That's rough. I'm sorry. Are friends helping?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "They are trying, but they all are in relationships right now, so it is very difficult." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "Friends I know who have been through rough breakups often say that physical activity helps. That, and time. But still -- it's difficult!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "I won $50,000 on one of the 3 scratch off tickets I recently bought!" }, { "emotion": "impressed", "from": "therapist", "value": "Holy smokes - thats unbelievable. I gave up on playing those scratch off games" }, { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "I know! I normally do not win so I could not believe it when I did!" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "How often do you play?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "anxious", "from": "patient", "value": "I started feeling a little anxious when my GPS just shut off" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Were you using it to get to a specific place?" }, { "emotion": "excited", "from": "patient", "value": "yes, I was traveling to my daughters new house" }, { "emotion": "consoling", "from": "therapist", "value": "I hope you were able to get it turned right back on in order to have directions to get where you were going." } ]
[ { "emotion": "consoling", "from": "patient", "value": "I'm hopefully that their will be peace in this world." }, { "emotion": "hopeful", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am hopeful as well, but because we are human beings, I doubt that will ever happen. There will always be the same old squabbles that have occurred since the dawn of man." }, { "emotion": "apprehensive", "from": "patient", "value": "True, just don't like how the world is inching toward a conflict that could spill over to a nuclear war." }, { "emotion": "disappointed", "from": "therapist", "value": "Yeah, sadly our world leaders are too focused on \"flexing\" instead of working towards creating a world that is sustainable and liveable for our grandchildren's children" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "Exactly, its truly very sad times at the moment" } ]
[ { "emotion": "sentimental", "from": "patient", "value": "I went into the old abandoned house went and spent the night." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's sad. Sorry you had to go through that." }, { "emotion": "terrified", "from": "patient", "value": "Well i started hearing footsteps and voice it was so scary." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I would have peed in my pants if i was there." } ]
[ { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "I started my first government job two years ago." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "How do you feel now after so long being there?" }, { "emotion": "proud", "from": "patient", "value": "It feels amazing to know that I've surpassed people that thought I would fail." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is a great feeling i bet! Good job man!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "grateful", "from": "patient", "value": "Last year, we had a trying experience during Hurricane Irma, but came out OK." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That must have been terrible. Were you okay?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "At first, there were no supplies. But yes, we ended up OK." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I can imagine it must have been very distressing. Glad that you were OK." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "patient", "value": "Thanks." } ]
[ { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "patient", "value": "Ever have those days when everything just goes wrong?" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Yes, many. Would you like to tell me about it?" }, { "emotion": "devastated", "from": "patient", "value": "Well if you're curious, I was on my way to work when my car broke down and I ended up missing a very important meeting about my promotion. I was devastated." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Surely you were able to explain that this was out of your control." } ]
[ { "emotion": "annoyed", "from": "patient", "value": "During college, I was bullied." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is terrible. Were you able to do anything about it?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "No, it was terrible period for me. There was sometime that could sleep a full night." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Did you speak to a counselor, priest, or family member about it?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "lonely", "from": "patient", "value": "Last year, my family went on vacation and left me all alone." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is terrible. Did you feel lonely?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Yes. I tried distracting myself with tv and internet, but i kept thinking of them." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "How long did you stay alone?" }, { "emotion": "lonely", "from": "patient", "value": "Till they returned home. It was really a fairly bleak experience, and one which i am not anxious to repeat." } ]
[ { "emotion": "impressed", "from": "patient", "value": "My kid was fast enough to be a master of snowboarding after taking only few lessons last winters!" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is pretty great! I am actually still a beginner with snowboarding." }, { "emotion": "trusting", "from": "patient", "value": "I believe the sooner you start the better it is ! It also depends upon your passion for the sport." }, { "emotion": "jealous", "from": "therapist", "value": "I feel for me it's just getting to the slopes more often too." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah true. When did you start?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "prepared", "from": "patient", "value": "So i like being prepared for a lot of different situations when i go to conventions." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "True ! Conventions give you an opportunity to learn as you never know what kind of situations will prop up" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah, I think the most important thing to me is the first aid kit." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Do you have a professional degree in first aid?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "anticipating", "from": "patient", "value": "I'm anticipating a very warm summer here in Dallas." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Texas does that to us! It helps we live in a place where air conditioning is the norm. Or do you like spending time out in the heat?" }, { "emotion": "annoyed", "from": "patient", "value": "No I hate you can't do anything outside and are trapped indoor its not nice. The only thing that I do is swim in my pool and cool off." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I know what you mean. It's like you have to dress for both the outside *and* the inside. That's great you have a pool in which to escape, though!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "devastated", "from": "patient", "value": "A few weeks ago, we had a terrible storm, and my apartment flooded." }, { "emotion": "consoling", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh no! Hopefully renters insurance covered it!" }, { "emotion": "furious", "from": "patient", "value": "None of my or the landlord's insurance covered the damage, so he's paying for the repairs out of pocket." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "Well that is terrible for him but I am glad at least some of it is being taken care of!" }, { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "Not really, the repairs were supposed to take three days, and it's taken over three weeks so far." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "Ugg I am sorry to hear that. Sometimes dealing with land lords is a tough business." } ]
[ { "emotion": "nostalgic", "from": "patient", "value": "I went back though my old high school as part of a reunion. It brought back many memories." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Were they fond memories?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah, most of the were. I think we forget the awkward stuff. On the other hand, I'm not sure I would want to do it again." }, { "emotion": "consoling", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's understandable. I hope everyone you know is doing well from back then!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "disgusted", "from": "patient", "value": "By mistake, I saw an image of a car accident. I was disgusted." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh wow that sounds awful! was it graphic?" }, { "emotion": "sad", "from": "patient", "value": "Yes, the image keep coming back. Terrible." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I'm so sorry you had to go through that." } ]
[ { "emotion": "furious", "from": "patient", "value": "My boyfriend cheated on me while I was away visiting family. I was very angry and upset" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Sorry to hear about that. Did you ask him to move out of the house?" }, { "emotion": "sad", "from": "patient", "value": "No, we are working on sorting things out but I am still very hurt." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Did you know the person who was with him?" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "Yes, unfortunately" } ]
[ { "emotion": "impressed", "from": "patient", "value": "Hey, I was at this talent show recently. I saw this guy playing a whole song by himself it was crazy." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "What song was it? Did you know it?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah it was Ride the Lightning by Metallica, which made it even more impressive because it's a very technical and fast song." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Man that is crazy! Especially that song!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "prepared", "from": "patient", "value": "I am pretty much the IT guy among my friends. Always ready to fix computers for them." }, { "emotion": "confident", "from": "therapist", "value": "I consider myself somewhat knowledgable about them too, it's very fulfilling being able to help other people with their problems sometimes." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "patient", "value": "Yeah, you sorta feel like the specialist among your friends and loved ones." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "Yeah, sometimes it can be annoying though because they come to you with really easy problems to fix and you feel like they should know how to do it themselves." } ]
[ { "emotion": "hopeful", "from": "patient", "value": "I missed up on something, but was told I could redo it" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Did you take that chance and redo it?" }, { "emotion": "anticipating", "from": "patient", "value": "Not yet I'm still waiting for the email with the new info" }, { "emotion": "encouraging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I hope the email will bring you good news" } ]
[ { "emotion": "annoyed", "from": "patient", "value": "I was tired the other day at work because my boyfriend kept me up all night. So annoying." }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I know that pain! Did he keep you up watching tv or video games?" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "patient", "value": "Video games! How did you know?" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "Because mine does the same thing... If its not video games its the TV on full blast haha! Tell him you need your beauty sleep." } ]
[ { "emotion": "apprehensive", "from": "patient", "value": "My boss called me the other day to tell me I would be receiving a package the next day. No other info, but she told me not to open it until I called her." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "So have you gotten to open it yet??" }, { "emotion": "disappointed", "from": "patient", "value": "Yep! I was hoping it was a special award that my company give to deserving employees. Turns out it was just some HR paperwork that she needed to go over with me regarding my team. Boo!" }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Wow! I would have told her to fill out the paperwork herself getting your hopes up like that." } ]
[ { "emotion": "guilty", "from": "patient", "value": "So the other day I ate a piece of cake that my mom made for my dad as a gift, oops." }, { "emotion": "consoling", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh no! Well what he didn't know won't hurt him. Hopefully you can get a replacement." }, { "emotion": "angry", "from": "patient", "value": "Unfortunately he walked in right as I took the last bite! Fortunately it all worked out so no harm done." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "Awww well I am glad he was understanding about it." } ]
[ { "emotion": "sad", "from": "patient", "value": "I recently had to put my cat, Blackjack, to sleep." }, { "emotion": "sad", "from": "therapist", "value": "Thats unfortunate. It is a difficult decision to make. Sometimes we are put in those situations and they take a toll on us." }, { "emotion": "devastated", "from": "patient", "value": "He was 15 and his kidneys were failing. It was really hard for me and my kids." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "I hope he is in a better place now. How did you have Blackjack for?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Since he was 4 months old. It was so hard, but the right thing to do." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "So you all had relatively all his life. Yes, it was the right thing to do. Did you get another pet instead?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "trusting", "from": "patient", "value": "It was a hot summer day and the sirens went off in the grocery store. I was about to leave the grocery store until the lady next to me with 2 kids stopped me to ask if I can assist her. I carried one of her kids out of the grocery store. It seemed that she felt comfortable around me." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Wow! You must have a very trusting face! That was very nice of you to help her." }, { "emotion": "caring", "from": "patient", "value": "I like to help others! It was not an easy thing to do, but it seemed like it was the right thing to do." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "It definitely was! How old do you think her kids were?" }, { "emotion": "caring", "from": "patient", "value": "I think once was 4 and the other was 2. I helped her with the 4 year old." } ]
[ { "emotion": "afraid", "from": "patient", "value": "I am afraid of the upcoming economic crisis in the USA.It will affect all of us." }, { "emotion": "apprehensive", "from": "therapist", "value": "I almost don't want to talk about it, you know? Are you doing anything to try to move from a place of fear to one of preparation or opportunity?" }, { "emotion": "prepared", "from": "patient", "value": "yes. I am saving all i can for when the storm comes." }, { "emotion": "encouraging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Good for you. And I hope you have moments of joy while you prepare for that?" }, { "emotion": "sad", "from": "patient", "value": "I don't get to have moments of joy in those situations." } ]
[ { "emotion": "nostalgic", "from": "patient", "value": "Last year, i went to a restaurant and they had a pinball machine." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Did you play it?" }, { "emotion": "nostalgic", "from": "patient", "value": "I did. It took me back to my childhood." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "That sounds so fun! I\"m glad you enjoyed it!" }, { "emotion": "guilty", "from": "patient", "value": "When i was a child, i would steal dollars from my brother's coin collection and go to the arcade." } ]
[ { "emotion": "caring", "from": "patient", "value": "I saw a homeless man sweating in the sun the other day." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I imagine that made you feel empathetic to his plight." }, { "emotion": "grateful", "from": "patient", "value": "I was empathetic. It also make me feel thankful for my blessings." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Please tell me that you gave him some money to help him out." } ]
[ { "emotion": "devastated", "from": "patient", "value": "I made plans to spend time with my friend Megan today, and unfortunately, I had to reschedule yet again." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's unfortunate. Do you like her?" }, { "emotion": "guilty", "from": "patient", "value": "Of course, she's my best friend. I just feel bad that I had to bail on her for the third time in a row." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am sorry. Did you set up another day to hang out?" }, { "emotion": "excited", "from": "patient", "value": "I'm taking her out to breakfast when she gets off work Sunday morning. Time to see what this IHOB is all about!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "patient", "value": "The other day I met up with some friends I hadn't seen in a while" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "What did you and your friends do on that day?" }, { "emotion": "excited", "from": "patient", "value": "We went to a new restaurant none of us had ever been to. It was fun!" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That does sound fun! Was the food good?" } ]
[ { "emotion": "terrified", "from": "patient", "value": "I was attacked in the street by someone who stole my bag. I was so scared that I had a panic attack." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh no, did you report it to the police?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Yes, I did but I am still shocked." }, { "emotion": "content", "from": "therapist", "value": "I have some hot chocolate that can help calm you down a bit." } ]
[ { "emotion": "devastated", "from": "patient", "value": "So last year I let my friend borrow my car, and that night he ended up crashing and totaling it. I was crushed." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "No! THAT is painful! He must have felt awful! Did he have insurance to cover anything?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "Well I had insurance, but he was driving so it wasn't covered. He's been paying me back bit by bit." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am so sorry! But he does sound like a true friend if he's actively paying you back!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "patient", "value": "So lately my most fun experience I've had was when the Capitals won the Stanley cup finally." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is exciting when your team wins, have you always been a hockey fan?" }, { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "patient", "value": "Yep since i was 3! Was a nice time the streets of DC flooded with people celebrating a championship finally for the team." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is awesome! I am from Chicago, so when the cubs won the world series I felt the same way." } ]
[ { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "patient", "value": "When my daughter was born I was so happy and excited." }, { "emotion": "encouraging", "from": "therapist", "value": "I bet! always good when new life is born." }, { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "Yes, she is the first granddaughter in our family. Every one was excited to finally have a girl after all boys." }, { "emotion": "acknowledging", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh that must be a handful for your parents." } ]
[ { "emotion": "devastated", "from": "patient", "value": "I recently found out my mom was very sick." }, { "emotion": "sympathizing", "from": "therapist", "value": "I am sorry to hear that.I hope she gets better." }, { "emotion": "devastated", "from": "patient", "value": "She won't. It is stage 4 liver cirrhosis. I'm pretty distraught about it." }, { "emotion": "caring", "from": "therapist", "value": "That is horrible news.Your family should make sure she gets comfortable on her last moments." } ]
[ { "emotion": "impressed", "from": "patient", "value": "I am impress by the Croatian team.They beat England and got to the world cup final." }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "therapist", "value": "Wow I did not know that!" }, { "emotion": "devastated", "from": "patient", "value": "It was a huge upset.The England team was the favorite." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh no. Were you upset as well?" }, { "emotion": "faithful", "from": "patient", "value": "No.I do not care about England." } ]
[ { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "patient", "value": "Have you ever been really disappointed?" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "therapist", "value": "Of course! I'm human! ;-) Beyond the disappointments, I think it's how we respond that defines us, you know?" }, { "emotion": "faithful", "from": "patient", "value": "For sure! Last year I was really hoping to get this one fellowship but it didn't pan out...but I got back up and kept on working hard!" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Probably even harder! Is there another fellowship you have your eye on?" }, { "emotion": "hopeful", "from": "patient", "value": "Not for now, decided to finish up my'll be tough but I think I can be done in 1 year or so!" }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh, sending you all the best vibes! And congratulations ahead of time, Doctor!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "I thought my girlfriend was pregnant recently." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh really? How did that make you feel, honestly?" }, { "emotion": "afraid", "from": "patient", "value": "It made me feel very scared not knowing what would happen." }, { "emotion": "terrified", "from": "therapist", "value": "I can imagine. The unknown can be very scary and make you worry." } ]
[ { "emotion": "embarrassed", "from": "patient", "value": "One time on a date I tripped right at the end and fell right on my face...the worst" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Oh no! Was it a first date? Or had you been out with this person before?" }, { "emotion": "neutral", "from": "patient", "value": "It was a third date! But now I have been with her for the past 2.5 years :) So it wasn't too bad!" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's so sweet. Do you laugh about the situation now together?" }, { "emotion": "agreeing", "from": "patient", "value": "Yep we have definitely told the story to a bunch of our friends and just laugh about it!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "prepared", "from": "patient", "value": "I had a great day at work today! We are working on some pretty complex accounting, and I've had to do a lot of prep at night." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's really awesome, what makes it so complex?" }, { "emotion": "prepared", "from": "patient", "value": "There are many different variables that need to be taken into account-- things that I don't usually deal with on a day to day basis. But my extra prep at night has made it so that it's seeming easy." }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Well that's really great that you were able to prepare so much, obviously you know what you're doing! Do you usually have to prep so much?" }, { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "Not usually; this is an unusual case!" } ]
[ { "emotion": "faithful", "from": "patient", "value": "One night, i hugged my wife and told her i loved her" }, { "emotion": "questioning", "from": "therapist", "value": "Aww! That's so sweet! How long have you been married?" }, { "emotion": "joyful", "from": "patient", "value": "I went to work and got a big raise. I rushed home to tell her." }, { "emotion": "wishing", "from": "therapist", "value": "That's very exciting! Congratulations on your raise!" }, { "emotion": "surprised", "from": "patient", "value": "When i got home, all of the furniture, my wife and kids were gone." } ]