listlengths 1
"emotion": "content",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I have lived in my apartment for 5 years now."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "O wow that is a long time, Are you happy with it?"
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It's getting smaller, but my friends used to come over more. Now I'm by myself all the time."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Im sorry to hear that sometimes people grow apart. You should try to throw a party and see who comes."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Sounds like a plan"
] |
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I recently moved to my dream location, but it sucks not knowing anyone."
"emotion": "wishing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "congratulations! I know, it probably feels lonely. Maybe you should do a party at your house and invite all the neighbours"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "That actually sounds like a really good idea! Thank you... now to decide what to cook.. lol"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "you can't go wrong with some grilled food :) burgers, wings, hot dogs"
] |
"emotion": "disgusted",
"from": "patient",
"value": "so i saw a snake outside my apartment today, i hate snakes, so disgusting eww"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I would have went running like forest gump - what did you do?"
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "went back inside the house and called animal control. it looked like a copperhead so i'm not messing with them"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Going to have to burn the whole house down now, and move... LOL just joking!"
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "i totally would. lol i hate snakes and bugs and spiders"
] |
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So they just posted online about how they are not making a sequel to Hot Fuzz."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Oh no. Did they say why?"
"emotion": "disappointed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I guess it just did not get enough funding. It just sucks because it is my favorite movie."
"emotion": "consoling",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Hopefully it might be reconsidered later on."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "That is what im thinking but you can never tell with these things."
] |
"emotion": "proud",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I was able to save a blind lady from falling down an escalator."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Is she ok? Im glad you were close by!"
"emotion": "caring",
"from": "patient",
"value": "She was very alarmed and rightfully so. I'm usually not a nice person, but I'm glad I did the right thing that time!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That is really cool of you to do, Did anyone else see it happen?"
] |
"emotion": "furious",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I am so sick of my job not paying us for the proper amount of hours!"
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's terrible. Employers just don't value their employees sometimes."
"emotion": "consoling",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It seems like it doesnt it.. i hope it gets better."
"emotion": "encouraging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I hope so, too. Have you considered working elsewhere?"
] |
"emotion": "ashamed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I was mowing the lawn, and a rock flew and broke my neighbor's window."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Oh no... were they relaxed about it or did it cause a problem?"
"emotion": "trusting",
"from": "patient",
"value": "They didn't even know what happened, but I got myself to let them know although I was terribly scared of the expenses."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Well glad they didnt freak out on you, some people arent as understanding. I bet it was pricey."
] |
"emotion": "embarrassed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I hadn't worn a bathing suit in maybe 5 uears until recently."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Why is that?"
"emotion": "ashamed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I had gained a little weight and got embarassed."
"emotion": "confident",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Well I just bought a great bathing suit that covers up all the extras but still shows a little skin and makes me feel good. Maybe that will work for you."
"emotion": "confident",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I have one now. I saw a bunch of ladies strutting in their suits and iy boosted my confidence. I had a ball at the beach the next day."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's good to hear. Where did you get it from?"
"emotion": "embarrassed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Online. I can't say the store name. I won't allow me"
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I gotcha. I bought mine online too."
] |
"emotion": "devastated",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My grandmother passed away unexpectedly a few years ago."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "oh no sorry to hear that. I just lost mine in November. It's hard."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes it is. She was the grandparent I was closest to."
"emotion": "anticipating",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "People say it gets easier. I'm still waiting for that part."
"emotion": "faithful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes, I believe that time is the best way to heal."
"emotion": "encouraging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I hope so. Nice chatting with you."
"emotion": "wishing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "You as well. Have a great day."
] |
"emotion": "guilty",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I wish I could work less.. i feel so bad that i dont get to spend as much time with my daughter."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I hear ya. Anyway to get a new job?"
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Ive been trying what I really need is a higher paid one so that way I dont have to work 2 jobs."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Got ya. What kind of work do you currently do?"
] |
"emotion": "angry",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My friend called someone a bad name, he really mad me upset."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I dont like rude people either did you tell him?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I did and then we got into a argument about it."
"emotion": "consoling",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Oh god.. give it a few days and then try to sort it out!"
] |
"emotion": "annoyed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My fence is collapsing at areas where my neighbors keep climbing over to get their ball. It's going to be expensive to fix."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Oh yeah I am sure it is.. have you talked to them about paying for it?"
"emotion": "afraid",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I'm afraid to unfortunately. They broke the window once, and I had to get police involved."
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That really sucks.. i guess all you can do is get a metal type of fence or maybe one with spikes! ( lol )"
] |
"emotion": "anxious",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I cant wait to relocate and move again. I am so ready."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Wow! Have you been to many places?"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "patient",
"value": "New York, VA, FL... how about you?"
"emotion": "nostalgic",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I've been in the same place. DC and then its neighbor, MD."
] |
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My brother usually doesn't do anything for me unless asked. After 3 decades, he actually took me out for my birthday."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "MY brothers are the same way. At least yours ginally came around."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "patient",
"value": "haha siblings! How many brothers do you have?"
"emotion": "jealous",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "two younger ones. They only call when they want something. my older sister is the same. I'm the good one."
] |
"emotion": "sentimental",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Today is my birthday and I got a call yesterday wishing me a happy birthfay from my ex."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Happy Birthday! Is the call from the ex a good or bad thing?"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Thanks. It wouldve been a good thing if he didn't call last month to tell me happy birthday also. He should know when my birthday is after 11 years lol"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Exes are exes for a reason I guess lol."
"emotion": "angry",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Aint that the truth!!!"
] |
"emotion": "afraid",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I went to the optometrist, and my prescription got strong. She warned me about being at risk for losing my vision."
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's not good. I know my eyes hurt when staring at the bright white screen on computers . So I change them to a darker color when possible."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Oh yes. That is smart. After the warning, I use the screen dimming program called f.lux."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Haven't tried that yet, but I have heard of it. I will check it out. thanks !"
] |
"emotion": "nostalgic",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My old high school is being sold and turned into an old people's apartment complex. Sad to see it go."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Nostalgia. Is there another HS nearby for the kids to go to?"
"emotion": "furious",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes, They consolidated and it's awful. The kids now have a thirty minute bus ride one way to school."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's pretty terrible. Thirty minutes in a day pretty much just commuting one way. School is already tough."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I know. We have a lot of snow in the winter too. So it's dangerous also."
] |
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It was my birthday and my mother came to surprise me."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Aw thats so nice, how did she surprise you?"
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "She showed up to my house and brought me a cake."
"emotion": "joyful",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Cakes! yessss winning. :)"
] |
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I still remember the day i had to say goodbye to my dad. :("
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats too bad. What happened?"
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "He had a heat stroke in the middle of July."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats horrible. Sorry to hear."
] |
"emotion": "joyful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Today is my birthday! I think tonight we are all going out."
"emotion": "wishing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Awesome! Happy Birthday to you! Where are you going?"
"emotion": "apprehensive",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I think to a amusment park but im not sure!"
"emotion": "encouraging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That seriously sounds like the best birthday ever... i hope you guys have an awesome time."
"emotion": "encouraging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Thank you! I hope you have a good dau."
] |
"emotion": "prepared",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It was insane getting ready for hurricane IRMA to hit last year...."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Did you get hit my it? I bet that was scary."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "We did but it wasnt too bad, not as bad as the news made it out to sound."
"emotion": "consoling",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Im glad you are ok, How is your community."
] |
"emotion": "impressed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My neighbor went back to school at 59. She just got her bachelor's this year."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Wow that's awesome. I went back at 31. Still going."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yea. She's a pretty amazing lady to do that and inspirational of course. What are you in school for?"
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I am studying Criminal Justice now. Hopefully I will be done soon."
] |
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It makes me sad to be single nowadays."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Did you go through a breakup recently?"
"emotion": "ashamed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "IF two years is recent lol. Today is my birthday and I don't want to cook."
"emotion": "wishing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Happy Birthday! Well, you can order out of course."
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I think I will."
] |
"emotion": "faithful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My friend's boyfriend got into an accident 5 years ago. She's still with him."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "What happened to him? How are they doing?"
"emotion": "faithful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Got into a motorcycle accident and is now paraplegic. They're doing just fine! He's got his pride issues, but she's sticking with him."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That is understanable, I would be the same way."
] |
"emotion": "annoyed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So last night a cop pulled me over."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Oh man. What happened?"
"emotion": "trusting",
"from": "patient",
"value": "He said I was speeding but I was really nervous."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Did you end up getting a ticket?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "No he let me off with a warning."
] |
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I've been taking care of my aging mom for 5 years now and don't really have any friends, since so much time is used taking care of her."
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That is a nice thing you are doing for her though. Maybe you could hire somebody for a few hours a week and join a gym or yoga class."
"emotion": "grateful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Thank you. Can't afford outside help unfortunatley. Yes. I have picked up exercising though."
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Go to a walking path or park. Maybe to a dog park also."
] |
"emotion": "guilty",
"from": "patient",
"value": "A little baby turtle was crossing the road the other day and I was in a hurry and didn't stop and help him. I hope he made it. I usually stop and take them to a creek away from the road. Darn!"
"emotion": "consoling",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Can't always help unfortunately. I hope the little guy made it, too!"
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "They're so pitiful with their little heads up , like where are you mom, where did you go."
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I wonder how they get all the way to the road away from the other turtles!"
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "They come down a mountain and the creek is on the opposite side of the road I believe"
] |
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My mom has arthritis in her neck, and the pain seems to be traveling down now."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I am sorry to hear that.. is there any physical therapy that can help her?"
"emotion": "apprehensive",
"from": "patient",
"value": "The doctor just recommended exercise. I'm not sure if they were just busy to do anymore for her or if exercise is the best."
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Usually moving your body helps but it depends on her situation... i would get a 2nd opinion!"
] |
"emotion": "anticipating",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I am so impatient right now... waiting for the clock to hit 5 so I can go on vacation!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "How many hours do you have left?"
"emotion": "anxious",
"from": "patient",
"value": "4 hours to go! ahhh"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "haha not bad! where are you going on vacation?"
] |
"emotion": "confident",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So my boss sent me over to close the deal with the Mr Harris. I felt so happy closeing a big client like that."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats great, was the result good?"
"emotion": "joyful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "He signed right away and we had a drink to celebrate."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's great. How happy were you?"
"emotion": "confident",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Well lets just say I think im going to get that bonus."
] |
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I was in the woods and a snake came out of no where."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Did it bite you? Are you ok?"
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Luckily it did not. I was fine just scared."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Im glad you are ok. Some of those are poisonous and can kill."
] |
"emotion": "proud",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My mom went back to school at 63 and recently got her bachelor's in computer science!"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Wow That's amazing. You must be very proud of her. I think coding, etc, seems very hard."
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yea. I mean I can't even code. And there goes my mom who didn't even know a browser was, now coding!"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Very inspirational story. They make good money too."
] |
"emotion": "grateful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I finally finished my Phlebotomy class . It was an hour's drive one way, but thankfully it's over and a hospital nearby is hiring I heard. Whew!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's amazing! How do you anticipate dealing with people who are afraid of needles?"
"emotion": "angry",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I would probably tell them to look the other way and that it really isn't very painful."
"emotion": "encouraging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's good thinking. I hope you won't get too many who are afraid!"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Or pass out on me, lol. Thanks"
] |
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Had a interview yesterday. I think it went pretty well. I hope I get the job."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats good. Make sure you follow up."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Thank you. I did actually. The recruiter sounded pretty positive on the phone."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's great. Would this be a good job?"
] |
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I bought a lottery ticket and have a feeling I will win."
"emotion": "wishing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Good luck! I hope you'll win!"
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I know my chances are not good but maybe I can get lucky."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Well, you never know. It's nice to think what you can do with the money though."
] |
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My birthday was last weekend, and no one wished me a Happy Birthday."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I'm so sorry to hear that. How sad for you."
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It is. I've been absorbed in work for the last 3 years and haven't gone out. So I guess everyone kinda moved on without me."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Did he ditch you as well? And how did the girlfriend react?"
] |
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "For my 30th birthday, my family and friends got together and threw me a surprise birthday party."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Very nice! Where was the party?"
"emotion": "sentimental",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It was held at my parent's house in New Orleans."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's really sweet of them. Must've been a big party."
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Last year my family surprised me for my birthday with a party."
] |
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "The vet told me my cat only has a few weeks left to live."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats so terrible! :( Im really sorry... you should do something special everyday and make memories!"
"emotion": "anticipating",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I plan on it! He is really old so it is just his time to go and I get that but that doesnt make it any easier."
"emotion": "consoling",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "It really doesnt.. i had to put my dog to sleep and it was extremely painful. I really hope that he can rest without pain and that you can feel better soon.."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yeah It is just one of those things we all have to go through at some point."
] |
"emotion": "faithful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "A friend tried to get me to go out to a bar and hang out behind my spouses back..."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Did you tell your spouse? I really think they should know."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I havent yet, but I agree with you I should. I just dont want them to be upset with my friends."
"emotion": "faithful",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Some would consider it cheating if you did not tell them."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I would too. Deff need to."
] |
"emotion": "jealous",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I hate being envious, but I've needed a car for months and my friend just bought a new one."
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I know what you mean... but for now maybe you can just car pool around with your friend until you can get one!"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I guess so. It is a really nice car."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "So you can ride in style for free. Sounds fair to me.. until you get yours! :)"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "lol. i like you!"
] |
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I had to put my dog to sleep and it was super stressing! :("
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "oh no. I'm sorry to hear that."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Thanks, it always sucks when you have to say goodbye.. but shes better off now without pain. Do you have any pets?"
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I don't. My apartment won't allow, but we are moving soon I hope to get a cat."
] |
"emotion": "joyful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Went out with my friends last night after not seeing each other for a year. I was in another country for work and just got back."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Oh, I bet that was fun and interesting visiting another country too."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yea. It was nice learning about the culture there, and people were really nice."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I like to try different types of food from other places too. Then try to make them later on."
] |
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I think I found someone that's interested in my house finally . It's been on the market for over a year now."
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That can be stressful. I hope you get the sale. What will you do afterwards?"
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I will move to a less rural area. It's very isolated and you have to have a vehicle for transportation."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Do you prefer the isolation?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "No, that's why I'm selling actually."
] |
"emotion": "excited",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I'll get to go on vacation tomorrow. Been working really hard to get things clear up so I can enjoy myself."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Awesome! Where are you headed to?"
"emotion": "anticipating",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Japan! Looking forward to the food."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "OMG!!!!! That sounds amazing! Its going to be epic. I hope you have a great time."
] |
"emotion": "caring",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Recently I offered to start working extra long hours just to help support my family more."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's really considerate of you. Do they need your help a lot?"
"emotion": "disgusted",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yeah we recently moved so we have gotten in quite debt while trying to sell the previous home! ugh"
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Wow. Home selling can be tough. I hope that debt clears up real soon!"
] |
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Just moved here for work, and I don't know anyone. My coworkers have families of their own."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's sucks. You just have to warm up to people."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yea. It's going to take some time. It's just tough going through it right now."
"emotion": "wishing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I would be so scared to move to a new place. I commend you. It'll get better"
] |
"emotion": "ashamed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I went to grocery store the other day and completely embarassed myself."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "What happened?!"
"emotion": "embarrassed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I filled an entire cart with food for a party and then realized I had forgot me purse at home."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Oh no. Did you end up having to leave the cart?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes. MY apartment is close by but It was still embarrassing"
] |
"emotion": "anticipating",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I cant wait to buy my christmas tree this year, lol.. funny right? ...but I am actually really excited."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Do you usually get a live one ?"
"emotion": "apprehensive",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I thought about it, but dont think I could handle one. Do you have one?"
"emotion": "jealous",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Just a small fake one. Some people get really into decorating. I don't really like it."
] |
"emotion": "nostalgic",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I visited my old home town recently and it has gone down hill so much. A lot of the houses are run down and dilapidated. So sad."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That sucks..... always bad to see something like that. Did you atleast enjoy your trip?"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yeah, I got to see a few people I knew . It was still fun"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Aw thats good! Im glad you still had a good time."
"emotion": "encouraging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Thank you . Hope you get a vacation this year too."
] |
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So I came home from work yesterday and when I walked in the apartment Sally had all my friends and family inside."
"emotion": "apprehensive",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "surprise party or intervention"
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It was a surprise party I turned 25. I honestly thought they all had forgotten."
"emotion": "encouraging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "How sweet! I hope someone throws me one one day."
] |
"emotion": "proud",
"from": "patient",
"value": "MY daughter started a new school last year."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That is exciting and scary all at the same time"
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I was more afraid than she was. It was a big transistion. All girls and she is 13."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I could understand that, Does she know anyone at her new school?"
"emotion": "impressed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Not one person. But she did end up making a lot of new friends and doing well in her classes. I am so proud of her."
] |
"emotion": "excited",
"from": "patient",
"value": "i was excited when i was a child and found out my firned could come over and play"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "life was simple then wasnt it! very cute."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes it was so much simpler. We got excited for the smallest things"
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I know what you mean. I miss being little myself."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "yes me too"
] |
"emotion": "embarrassed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I was in the middle of a long distance move, and somehow misplaced my drivers registration and car insurance!!!"
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Oh no that is not good"
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I know I was so scared, and nervous.. it almost ruined the entire trip."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Did you finally find it"
] |
"emotion": "jealous",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So Bob got the promotion at work even though I put in all those hours."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's gotta be terrible. Why did they pick him instead of you?"
"emotion": "jealous",
"from": "patient",
"value": "They made us both take a test. I geuss he scored better than me."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I'm sorry to hear. Will you have another chance to get promoted?"
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I think we get another chance in the winter."
] |
"emotion": "caring",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My neighbor's kid just lost his eyesight. The whole family is devastated."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "O im sorry to hear that! How did it happen?"
"emotion": "afraid",
"from": "patient",
"value": "His vision was gradually getting worse. Suddenly, his vision got really blurry one day and they called emergency."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Does he not have a chance to regain his eyesite?"
] |
"emotion": "sentimental",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I once went to see fireworks with my best friend. Best day of my life. We're no longer friends."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "What a beautiful memory that you will always have though... have you tried to be friends again?"
"emotion": "ashamed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "No. I am too embarassed to reach out to her after all these years."
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I get it.. but you know life really is too short.. i think you should try to reach out! Do it! :)"
] |
"emotion": "angry",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So I found something out the other night that made me extremely upset!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "What happened?!"
"emotion": "furious",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My child went out behind my back, and snuck out!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Oh no. Guess they have finally reached that rebellious age. What did you do?"
] |
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So I just saw how they are going to have a remake of Fist of Fury."
"emotion": "afraid",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I have no idea what that is."
"emotion": "nostalgic",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It is a old movie that came out in the 80s. I remember seeing it as a kid!"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Oh is it and action movie."
"emotion": "nostalgic",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yeah it is a old black and white Karate movie"
] |
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "One time there was a large mouse in my kitchen."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "What did you do with it? Did you try to kill it?"
"emotion": "ashamed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I closed the door and put a towel under it. IT was late so i couldn't call maintenence til thehmorning."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats what I would have done. Did they get it taken care of?"
"emotion": "proud",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes. He had chewed a hole under my sink so they boaded it up and put down traps."
] |
"emotion": "afraid",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I think our job might be laying us off."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "O No! Are they going to offer you any kind of package?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Doubtful honestly.. they dont seem to care very much. :/"
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Im sorry to hear that. Maybe you should contact your HR and see what your options are"
] |
"emotion": "proud",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So after a year of being here we finally got to rearrange the garage."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "How is it looking?"
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I think we will be able to get two cars in here now!"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "There you go! Thats awesome.. i really wish we had a garage. lol lucky!"
] |
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So my cat of 10 years past away last night. I dont know what to do"
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "oh no. I'm sorry to hear that."
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "He is really old but I hate that it happened you know?"
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "OF course. Pets are family."
] |
"emotion": "caring",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I like to give to charity."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "What charities do you like to give too"
"emotion": "caring",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Whatever my local pharmacy is giving to at the time. I donate my change since I shop there a lot. It adds up."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That is a very nice thing to do, I wish I could do more to help."
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Every litlle bit counts. Eventually I will be able to write a check."
"emotion": "trusting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I just put all my change in a giant bottle."
] |
"emotion": "annoyed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So I lost my wallet and had to get a new ID issued to me."
"emotion": "consoling",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I hope someone turns it in soon to you.. did you lose out on money too?"
"emotion": "grateful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I usually dont have much cash on me but the cards are hard to replace."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Yeah a real pain honestly... im sorry that happened to you. :/"
] |
"emotion": "excited",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Im going to my first concert this weekend. Yesssssss!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Did you buy tickets or win them?"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I bought them, woulda been cool to win them though right? lol"
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Yeah"
] |
"emotion": "excited",
"from": "patient",
"value": "When the Falcons won the game I was excited."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "What game did they win?"
"emotion": "excited",
"from": "patient",
"value": "The NFC championship."
"emotion": "embarrassed",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Really? I don't recall that at all. I remember them choking. I could be wrong."
] |
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "There was a big storm here last week."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That sucks. Are you ok?"
"emotion": "afraid",
"from": "patient",
"value": "The power went out for about 15 and scared the crap out of me, but other than that we were fine."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats good. Did the clocks all reset?"
"emotion": "prepared",
"from": "patient",
"value": "The ones I have back ups so they never went out."
] |
"emotion": "impressed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I was impressed with the new Tesla that I test drove."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I bet that was rather fun, how fast did you get it going?"
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Over 100mph."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Wow! You are crazy, ha ha - i probably would have had a panic attack at 90MPH. :p"
] |
"emotion": "proud",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I managed to change the oil in my car on my own without breaking anything..."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats great.I change my oil all the time."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I havent changed my oil in years since my dad taught me so... it was an achievement for sure."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Yes my dad taught me also."
] |
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I should really try to get a girlfriend or something. I just need to feel someone."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Try online dating! Its actually really fun... have you tried it?"
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yeah I just feel like it is no use."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Dont feel that way... theres someone out there for everyone. Give it a try. :)"
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "patient",
"value": "OK I geuss I can try to apply myself more."
] |
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "The other day during breakfast my daughter started choking and I panicked."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Were you able to get her help in time! How is she doing?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yeah I was able to get the food unlodged but wow it was super scary. Shes okay now thanks!"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That is good to hear! Yeah situations like that can be really alarming."
] |
"emotion": "prepared",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It was for science but I had notes i had brought."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats not right. How did you feel?"
"emotion": "prepared",
"from": "patient",
"value": "No we are allowed to bring notes it was just a surprise test. I felt happy about being able to bring mine."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's good. How did you do?"
"emotion": "proud",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I got a A! the highest score in the class."
] |
"emotion": "devastated",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My grandma died. I am so sad."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Im sorry to hear that. Was it from age or complications?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Age but she also smoked."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Yeah that is not good. But everyone does have a time to go you know?"
] |
"emotion": "afraid",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I use to hate the dark when I was little."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "were you afraid of the dark?"
"emotion": "prepared",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes. I had a nightlight to help."
"emotion": "afraid",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "i slept in my mom's room because i was always afraid of the dark"
"emotion": "embarrassed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I was. I use to have a nightlight to help."
] |
"emotion": "impressed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So I was at cheeleading last night and this girl did a double backflip!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Did she land?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yeah! It was just really fast and she went up really high!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Sweet. Did the crowd cheer?"
"emotion": "impressed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Everyone got on there feet and clapped for her. She had to be only 10 or so."
] |
"emotion": "proud",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I got into Harvard. Can you believe it?"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Wow that is great! When are you going to start?"
"emotion": "afraid",
"from": "patient",
"value": "In the Fall."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That is really great! How does that make you feel?"
] |
"emotion": "annoyed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "it annoys me that my wife keeps giving our son a stick even though he hurts himself every single time"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Why don't you say something?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "i did, she calls me a helicopter parent and just laughs at me"
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That isn't nice."
] |
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I am afraid of clowns."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "oh gosh, me too!! especially the clown from the movie IT"
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes I saw that movie and cried."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "i slept with a light on for a couple of night lol"
] |
"emotion": "content",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I took a trip over the weekend where we stayed at a nice hotel with a balcony overlooking the pool."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That sounds really nice! Did you stay near the ocean?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes in Biloxi. The balcony had a downside though. The seagulls would always try to steal your food."
"emotion": "nostalgic",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I remember throwing food over and watching them catch it as a kid."
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "There were like 5 of them trying to steal my crackers. I was scared."
] |
"emotion": "furious",
"from": "patient",
"value": "When I got in my car to go to work I notcied a note on my seat."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "What did it say?"
"emotion": "sentimental",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It was from my 7 year old son, He wanted to tell me he loved me and wished he could come work with me,"
"emotion": "faithful",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That is so sweet. Give him twenty dollars."
"emotion": "joyful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I think I am going to take him out for icecream."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I bet he would love that."
] |
"emotion": "ashamed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I cheated on a test. I am very ashamed."
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "oh no :( maybe you should confess and i'm sure you will feel better"
"emotion": "ashamed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I would but I will get in trouble."
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "i understand. maybe next time you shouldn't cheay"
] |
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I miss my family members as they all pretty much gone now..."
"emotion": "sympathizing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Sorry to hear that."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yeah, as you get older you have to face the fact of loved ones not being around forever."
"emotion": "devastated",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Yes. I have lost my grandma."
"emotion": "consoling",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My condolences to you...I hope you have wonderful memories of her!"
] |
"emotion": "afraid",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I almost died last year."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That is a terrible thing to happen, I'm sure..."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes I was very lucky."
"emotion": "grateful",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I'm happy that you are still here as well! Think of the alternative :("
] |
"emotion": "content",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Went for a dip at the pool late one night on vacation."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Nice, how was the water."
"emotion": "annoyed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It was a heated ppol so that was nice. But when I jumped in some of may hair extension came out!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats funny. Did you get them all?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes luckily no one else was there."
] |
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I am afraid of ghosts."
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Mw too. I don't even llike when it's too dark inside or outside."
"emotion": "terrified",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I hope I never meet a ghost."
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Maybe we are ghosts."
] |
"emotion": "prepared",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I always am prepared for hurricanes."
"emotion": "content",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I live in Texas, We really dont have to worry about them here."
"emotion": "nostalgic",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I love Texas."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Texas is a great place! But I can understand the need to want to be prepared."
] |
"emotion": "joyful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So i got a huge bonus at work last week!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "How much?"
"emotion": "content",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It was enough that I was able to pay off my car and a lot of bills."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Cool. What kind of car."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It was a 84 Mustang."
] |
"emotion": "annoyed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My apartment is right near the dumpster for our commplex."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That is terrible, does it smell?"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "no. That's not the problem. Sometimes people leave their trash on the outside and then there are a lot of raccoons out there at night."
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "You should tell someone."
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I have for 5 years. Everyone should just move awawy and I live here alone lol."
] |
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I hope I win the lottery this week."
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I think it's my turn to win the lottery"
"emotion": "suggesting",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Maybe we can split it if we win."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Sure, That's sounds like a real plan. lol"
] |
"emotion": "annoyed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My friend is so annoying."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "what did he do?"
"emotion": "annoyed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "He just talks too much."
"emotion": "acknowledging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "yes, i can see how it can bbe annoying"
] |
"emotion": "joyful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I was so happy when my son was born."
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "awww. don't tell anyone but my son is my favorite child. I have two girls also."
"emotion": "faithful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I won't tell anyone."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "How old is your son now?"
] |
"emotion": "excited",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Halloween can't get here quick enough."
"emotion": "anticipating",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I love Halloween."
"emotion": "joyful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "It is my favorite. I love dressing up with my kids and eating all of their candy."
"emotion": "joyful",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I love candy."
] |
"emotion": "caring",
"from": "patient",
"value": "So I went to pick up Lucy last night for our date. I was very polite and nice."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Where did you meet her?"
"emotion": "confident",
"from": "patient",
"value": "We meet online on a dating site. I was nervous but I did not let it show and took charge."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Thats cool. Will you see her again?"
"emotion": "excited",
"from": "patient",
"value": "We have plans to go out next week!"
] |
"emotion": "proud",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I am so happy I graduated college."
"emotion": "encouraging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I bet! It has to feel like a huge accomplishment."
"emotion": "ashamed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Yes and I had a 4.0"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I did not know you had a 4.0! How do your parents feel about that."
] |
"emotion": "surprised",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Got asked to my boss' office. Thought I was getting bad news but turns out I was offered a promotion."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Nice. Did you take it?"
"emotion": "agreeing",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I definitely did!"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Nice did you take it?"
] |
"emotion": "confident",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I have studied and am sure I will pass the test."
"emotion": "wishing",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Good luck! Do your best. you sound well prepapred."
"emotion": "hopeful",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I expect an A."
"emotion": "encouraging",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I hope you get it!"
] |
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "patient",
"value": "How about our president huh?"
"emotion": "jealous",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I'm not actually in America so I don't share the same joy as you :p"
"emotion": "sad",
"from": "patient",
"value": "Lol. There is no joy here. But I think the only way to go is up now."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's always the positive side of hitting rock bottom right?"
] |
"emotion": "trusting",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I let my new neighbors borrow our lawnmower. It came back broken."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's terrible. Do you think they'll take care of it>"
"emotion": "neutral",
"from": "patient",
"value": "No. They went pretty quiet."
"emotion": "consoling",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Hope you don't end up in court."
] |
"emotion": "disappointed",
"from": "patient",
"value": "My daughter is being so lazy this summer."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "I think that's the usual for kids. How old is she"
"emotion": "guilty",
"from": "patient",
"value": "13. I ate her dinner yesterday because she just refused to get up. I feel bad about it now"
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "That's kind of funny though. How did she react?"
"emotion": "lonely",
"from": "patient",
"value": "she went to bed lo"
] |
"emotion": "guilty",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I lied to the police. I am ashamed."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "You should never lie to them. What did you say?"
"emotion": "guilty",
"from": "patient",
"value": "I said I did not know where my friend was."
"emotion": "questioning",
"from": "therapist",
"value": "Did your friend do something bad? Why were they looking for them"
] |
Subsets and Splits