stringlengths 313
# Python Programming/Creating Python programs
Welcome to Python! This tutorial will show you how to start writing
Python programs are nothing more than text files, and they may be edited
with a standard text editor program.[^1]
What text editor you use will probably depend on your operating system:
any text editor can create Python programs. However, it is easier to use
a text editor that includes Python syntax
## Hello, World
The very first program that beginning programmers usually write or learn
is the \"Hello, World!\"
program. This program simply
outputs the phrase \"Hello, World!\" then terminates itself. Let\'s
write \"Hello, World!\" in Python!
Open up your text editor and create a new file called `hello.py`
containing just this line (you can copy-paste if you want):
``` python
print('Hello, World!')
The below line is used for Python 3.x.x
``` python
print("Hello, World!")
You can also put the below line to pause the program at the end until
you press anything.
``` python
This program uses the `print` function, which simply outputs its
parameters to the terminal. By default, `print` appends a `newline`
character to its output, which simply moves the cursor to the next line.
Now that you\'ve written your first program, let\'s run it in Python!
This process differs slightly depending on your operating system.
### Windows
- Create a folder on your computer to use for your Python programs,
such as `C:\pythonpractice`, and save your `hello.py` program in
that folder.
- In the Start menu, select \"Run\...\", and type in `cmd`. This will
cause the Windows terminal to open.
- Type `cd \pythonpractice` to **c**hange **d**irectory to your
`pythonpractice` folder, and hit Enter.
- Type `hello.py` to run your program!
If it didn\'t work, make sure your PATH contains the python directory.
See Getting Python.
### Mac
- Create a folder on your computer to use for your Python programs. A
good suggestion would be to name it `pythonpractice` and place it in
your Home folder (the one that contains folders for Documents,
Movies, Music, Pictures, etc). Save your `hello.py` program into it.
Open the Applications folder, go into the Utilities folder, and open
the Terminal program.
- Type `cd pythonpractice` to **c**hange **d**irectory to your
`pythonpractice` folder, and hit Enter.
- Type `python ./hello.py` to run your program!
### Linux
- Create a folder on your computer to use for your Python programs,
such as `~/pythonpractice`, and save your `hello.py` program in that
- Open up the terminal program. In KDE, open the main menu and select
\"Run Command\...\" to open . In GNOME,
open the main menu, open the Applications folder, open the
Accessories folder, and select Terminal.
- Type `cd ~/pythonpractice` to **c**hange **d**irectory to your
`pythonpractice` folder, and hit Enter.
- Don\'t forget to make the script executable by chmod +x.
- Type `python ./hello.py` to run your program!
### Linux (advanced)
- Create a folder on your computer to use for your Python programs,
such as `~/pythonpractice`.
<!-- -->
- Open up your favorite text editor and create a new file called
`hello.py` containing just the following 2 lines (you can copy-paste
if you want):`<ref>`{=html}
A Quick Introduction to Unix/My First Shell
explains what a hash bang line does.
``` python
#! /usr/bin/python
print('Hello, world!')
- save your `hello.py` program in the `~/pythonpractice` folder.
- Open up the terminal program. In KDE, open the main menu and select
\"Run Command\...\" to open Konsole. In GNOME, open the main menu,
open the Applications folder, open the Accessories folder, and
select Terminal.
- Type `cd ~/pythonpractice` to **c**hange **d**irectory to your
`pythonpractice` folder, and hit Enter.
- Type `chmod a+x hello.py` to tell Linux that it is an executable
- Type `./hello.py` to run your program!
- In addition, you can also use `ln -s hello.py /usr/bin/hello` to
make a **s**ymbolic **l**i**n**k `hello.py` to `/usr/bin` under the
name `hello`, then run it by simply executing `hello`.
Note that this mainly should be done for complete, compiled programs, if
you have a script that you made and use frequently, then it might be a
good idea to put it somewhere in your home directory and put a link to
it in /usr/bin. If you want a playground, a good idea is to invoke
`mkdir ~/.local/bin` and then put scripts in there. To make
\~/.local/bin content executable the same way /usr/bin does type
`$PATH = $PATH:~/local/bin` (you can add this line to your shell rc
file, for example \~/.bashrc).
### Result
The program should print:
`Hello, world!`
Congratulations! You\'re well on your way to becoming a Python
## Exercises
1. Modify the `hello.py` program to say hello to someone from your
family or your friends (or to Ada
2. Change the program so that after the greeting, it asks, \"How did
you get here?\".
3. Re-write the original program to use two `print` statements: one for
\"Hello\" and one for \"world\". The program should still only print
out on one line.
## Notes
<references />
[^1]: Sometimes, Python programs are distributed in compiled form. We
won\'t have to worry about that for quite a while.
# Python Programming/Variables and Strings
In this section, you will be introduced to two different kinds of data
in Python: variables and strings. Please follow along by running the
included programs and examining their output.
## Variables
A *variable* is something that holds a value that may change. In
simplest terms, a variable is just a box that you can put stuff in. You
can use variables to store all kinds of stuff, but for now, we are just
going to look at storing numbers in variables.
``` python
lucky = 7
print (lucky)
This code creates a variable called `lucky`, and assigns to it the
integer number `7`. When we ask Python to tell us what is stored in the
variable `lucky`, it returns that number again.
We can also change what is inside a variable. For example:
``` python
changing = 3
print (changing)
changing = 9
print (changing)
different = 12
print (different)
print (changing)
changing = 15
print (changing)
We declare a variable called `changing`, put the integer `3` in it, and
verify that the assignment was properly done. Then, we assign the
integer `9` to `changing`, and ask again what is stored in `changing`.
Python has thrown away the `3`, and has replaced it with `9`. Next, we
create a second variable, which we call `different`, and put `12` in it.
Now we have two independent variables, `different` and `changing`, that
hold different information, i.e., assigning a new value to one of them
is not affecting the other.
You can also assign the value of a variable to be the value of another
variable. For example:
``` python
red = 5
blue = 10
print (red, blue)
5 10
yellow = red
print (yellow, red, blue)
5 5 10
red = blue
print (yellow, red, blue)
5 10 10
To understand this code, keep in mind that the **name** of the variable
is always on the left side of the equals sign (the assignment operator),
and the **value** of the variable is on the right side of the equals
sign. First the name, then the value.
We start out declaring that `red` is `5`, and `blue` is `10`. As you can
see, you can pass several arguments to `print` to tell it to print
multiple items on one line, separating them by spaces. As expected,
Python reports that `red` stores `5`, and `blue` holds `10`.
Now we create a third variable, called `yellow`. To set its value, we
tell Python that we want `yellow` to be whatever `red` is. (Remember:
name to the left, value to the right.) Python knows that `red` is `5`,
so it also sets `yellow` to be `5`.
Now we\'re going to take the `red` variable, and set it to the value of
the `blue` variable. Don\'t get confused --- name on the left, value on
the right. Python looks up the value of `blue`, and finds that it is
`10`. So, Python throws away `red`\'s old value (`5`), and replaces it
with `10`. After this assignment Python reports that `yellow` is `5`,
`red` is `10`, and `blue` is `10`.
But didn\'t we say that `yellow` should be whatever value `red` is? The
reason that `yellow` is still `5` when `red` is `10`, is because we only
said that `yellow` should be whatever `red` is *at the moment of the
assignment.* After Python has figured out what `red` is and assigned
that value to `yellow`, `yellow` doesn\'t care about `red` any more.
`yellow` has a value now, and that value is going to stay the same no
matter what happens to `red`.
For the **name** of the variable, it can only consist of uppercase and
lowercase letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), and the underscore character
(\_), and the *first* character of the name *cannot* be a digit. For
example, `1abc` and `_#$ad` are *not* valid variable names, while `_123`
and `a__bc` are valid variable names.
## String
A \'string\' is simply a list of characters in order. A *character* is
anything you can type on the keyboard in one keystroke, like a letter, a
number, or a backslash. For example, \"`hello`\" is a string. It is five
characters long --- `h`, `e`, `l`, `l`, `o`. Strings can also have
spaces: \"`hello world`\" contains 11 characters: 10 letters and the
space between \"`hello`\" and \"`world`\". There are no limits to the
number of characters you can have in a string --- you can have anywhere
from one to a million or more. You can even have a string that has 0
characters, which is usually called an \"empty string.\"
There are three ways you can declare a string in Python: single quotes
(`'`), double quotes (`"`), and triple quotes (`"""`). **In all cases,
you start and end the string with your chosen string declaration.** For
``` python
>>> print ('I am a single quoted string')
I am a single quoted string
>>> print ("I am a double quoted string")
I am a double quoted string
>>> print ("""I am a triple quoted string""")
I am a triple quoted string
You can use quotation marks within strings by placing a backslash
directly before them, so that Python knows you want to include the
quotation marks in the string, instead of ending the string there.
Placing a backslash directly before another symbol like this is known as
*escaping* the symbol.
``` python
>>> print ("So I said, \"You don't know me! You'll never understand me!\"")
So I said, "You don't know me! You'll never understand me!"
>>> print ('So I said, "You don\'t know me! You\'ll never understand me!"')
So I said, "You don't know me! You'll never understand me!"
>>> print ("""The double quotation mark (\") is used to indicate direct quotations.""")
The double quotation mark (") is used to indicate direct quotations.
If you want to include a backslash in a string, you have to escape said
backslash. This tells Python that you want to include the backslash in
the string, instead of using it as an escape character. For example:
``` python
>>> print ("This will result in only three backslashes: \\ \\ \\")
This will result in only three backslashes: \ \ \
As you can see from the above examples, only the specific character used
to quote the string needs to be escaped. This makes for more readable
To see how to use strings, let\'s go back for a moment to an old,
familiar program:
``` python
>>> print("Hello, world!")
Hello, world!
Look at that! You\'ve been using strings since the very beginning!
You can add two strings together using the `+` operator: this is called
*concatenating* them.
``` python
>>> print ("Hello, " + "world!")
Hello, world!
Notice that there is a space at the end of the first string. If you
don\'t put that in, the two words will run together, and you\'ll end up
with `Hello,world!`
You can also repeat strings by using the `*` operator, like so:
``` python
>>> print ("bouncy " * 5)
bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy
>>> print ("bouncy " * 10)
bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy
The string `bouncy` gets repeated 5 times in the 1st example and 10
times in the 2nd.
If you want to find out how long a string is, you use the `len()`
function, which simply takes a string and counts the number of
characters in it. (`len` stands for \"length.\") Just put the string
that you want to find the length of *inside* the parentheses of the
function. For example:
``` python
>>> print (len("Hello, world!"))
## Strings and Variables
Now that you\'ve learned about variables and strings separately, let\'s
see how they work together.
Variables can store much more than just numbers. You can also use them
to store strings! Here\'s how:
``` python
question = "What did you have for lunch?"
print (question)
What did you have for lunch?
In this program, we are creating a variable called `question`, and
storing the string \"`What did you have for lunch?`\" in it. Then, we
just tell Python to print out whatever is inside the `question`
variable. Notice that when we tell Python to print out `question`, there
are **no quotation marks** around the word `question`: this tells Python
that we are using a variable, not a string. If we put in quotation marks
around `question`, Python would treat it as a string, as shown below:
``` python
question = "What did you have for lunch?"
print ("question")
Let\'s try something different. Sure, it\'s all fine and dandy to ask
the user what they had for lunch, but it doesn\'t make much difference
if they can\'t respond! Let\'s edit this program so that the user can
type in what they ate.
``` python
question = "What did you have for lunch?"
print (question)
answer = raw_input() #You should use "input()" in python 3.x, because python 3.x doesn't have a function named "raw_input".
print ("You had " + answer + "! That sounds delicious!")
To ask the user to write something, we used a function called
`raw_input()`, which waits until the user writes something and presses
enter, and then returns what the user wrote. Don\'t forget the
parentheses! Even though there\'s nothing inside of them, they\'re still
important, and Python will give you an error if you don\'t put them in.
You can also use a different function called `input()`, which works in
nearly the same way. We will learn the differences between these two
functions later.
In this program, we created a variable called `answer`, and put whatever
the user wrote into it. Then, we print out a new string, which contains
whatever the user wrote. Notice the extra space at the end of the
\"`You had`\" string, and the exclamation mark at the start of the
\"`! That sounds delicious!`\" string. They help format the output and
make it look nice, so that the strings don\'t all run together.
## Combining Numbers and Strings
Take a look at this program, and see if you can figure out what it\'s
supposed to do.
``` python
print ("Please give me a number: ")
number = raw_input()
plusTen = number + 10
print ("If we add 10 to your number, we get " + plusTen)
This program should take a number from the user, add 10 to it, and print
out the result. But if you try running it, it won\'t work! You\'ll get
an error that looks like this:
`Traceback (most recent call last):`\
` File "test.py", line 5, in ``<module>`{=html}\
` print "If we add 10 to your number, we get " + plusTen`\
`TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects`
What\'s going on here? Python is telling us that there is a `TypeError`,
which means there is a problem with the types of information being used.
Specifically, Python can\'t figure out how to reconcile the two types of
data that are being used simultaneously: integers and strings. For
example, Python thinks that the `number` variable is holding a string,
instead of a number. If the user enters `15`, then `number` will contain
a string that is two characters long: a `1`, followed by a `5`. So how
can we tell Python that `15` should be a number, instead of a string?
Also, when printing out the answer, we are telling Python to concatenate
together a string (\"`If we add 10 to your number, we get`\") and a
number (`plusTen`). Python doesn\'t know how to do that \-- it can only
concatenate strings together. How do we tell Python to treat a number as
a string, so that we can print it out with another string?
Luckily, there are two functions that are perfect solutions for these
problems. The `int()` function will take a string and turn it into an
integer, while the `str()` function will take an integer and turn it
into a string. In both cases, we put what we want to change inside the
parentheses. Therefore, our modified program will look like this:
``` python
print ("Please give me a number:",)
response = raw_input()
number = int(response)
plusTen = number + 10
print ("If we add 10 to your number, we get " + str(plusTen))
That\'s all you need to know about strings and variables! We\'ll learn
more about types later.
## List of Learned Functions
- **`print()`**: Print the output information to the user
- **`input()`** or **`raw_input()`**: asks the user for a response,
and returns that response. (Note that in version 3.x
**`raw_input()`** does not exist and has been replaced by
- **`len()`**: returns the length of a string (number of characters)
- **`str()`**: returns the string representation of an object
- **`int()`**: given a string or number, returns an integer
## Exercises
1. Write a program that asks the user to type in a string, and then
tells the user how long that string was.
2. Ask the user for a string, and then for a number. Print out that
string, that many times. (For example, if the string is `hello` and
the number is `3` you should print out `hello hello hello`.)
3. What would happen if a mischievous user typed in a word when you ask
for a number? Try it.
`<span style="font-size: 14pt;">`{=html}Quiz`</span>`{=html}
# Python Programming/Basic syntax
There are five fundamental concepts in
### Semicolons
Python does not normally use semicolons, but they are allowed to
separate statements on the same line, if your code has semicolons; your
code isn\'t \"Pythonic\"
### Case Sensitivity
All variables are case-sensitive. Python treats \'number\' and
\'Number\' as separate, unrelated entities.
### Spaces and tabs don\'t mix
Instead of block delimiters (braces → \"{}\" in the C family of
languages), indentation is used to indicate where blocks begin and end.
Because whitespace is significant, remember that spaces and tabs don\'t
mix, so use only one or the other when indenting your programs. A common
error is to mix them. While they may look the same in editor, the
interpreter will read them differently and it will result in either an
error or unexpected behavior. Most decent text editors can be configured
to let tab key emit spaces instead.
Python\'s Style Guideline described that the preferred way is using 4
Tips: If you invoked python from the command-line, you can give -t or
-tt argument to python to make python issue a warning or error on
inconsistent tab usage.
``` bash
pythonprogrammer@wikibook:~$ python -tt myscript.py
This will issue an error if you have mixed spaces and tabs.
### Objects
In Python, like all object-oriented languages, there are aggregations of
code and data called *objects*, which typically represent the pieces in
a conceptual model of a system.
Objects in Python are created (i.e., instantiated) from templates called
*classes* (which are covered
later, as much of the language can be used without understanding
classes). They have *attributes*, which represent the various pieces of
code and data which make up the object. To access attributes, one writes
the name of the object followed by a period (henceforth called a dot),
followed by the name of the attribute.
An example is the \'upper\' attribute of strings, which refers to the
code that returns a copy of the string in which all the letters are
uppercase. To get to this, it is necessary to have a way to refer to the
object (in the following example, the way is the literal string that
constructs the object).
``` python
Code attributes are called *methods*. So in this example, upper is a
method of \'bob\' (as it is of all strings). To execute the code in a
method, use a matched pair of parentheses surrounding a comma separated
list of whatever arguments the method accepts (upper doesn\'t accept any
arguments). So to find an uppercase version of the string \'bob\', one
could use the following:
``` python
### Scope
In a large system, it is important that one piece of code does not
affect another in difficult to predict ways. One of the simplest ways to
further this goal is to prevent one programmer\'s choice of a name from
blocking another\'s use of that name. The concept of scope was invented
to do this. A scope is a \"region\" of code in which a name can be used
and outside of which the name cannot be easily accessed. There are two
ways of delimiting regions in Python: with functions or with modules.
They each have different ways of accessing from outside the scope useful
data that was produced within the scope. With functions, that way is to
return the data. The way to access names from other modules leads us to
another concept.
### Namespaces
It would be possible to teach Python without the concept of namespaces
because they are so similar to attributes, which we have already
mentioned, but the concept of namespaces is one that transcends any
particular programming language, and so it is important to teach. To
begin with, there is a built-in function **`dir()`** that can be used to
help one understand the concept of namespaces. When you first start the
Python interpreter (i.e., in interactive mode), you can list the objects
in the current (or default) namespace using this function.
``` python
Python 2.3.4 (#53, Oct 18 2004, 20:35:07) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> dir()
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__']
This function can also be used to show the names available within a
module\'s namespace. To demonstrate this, first we can use the
**`type()`** function to show what kind of object \_\_builtins\_\_ is:
``` python
>>> type(__builtins__)
<type 'module'>
Since it is a module, it has a namespace. We can list the names within
the \_\_builtins\_\_ namespace, again using the **`dir()`** function
(note that the complete list of names has been abbreviated):
``` python
>>> dir(__builtins__)
['ArithmeticError', ... 'copyright', 'credits', ... 'help', ... 'license', ... 'zip']
Namespaces are a simple concept. A namespace is a particular place in
which names specific to a module reside. Each name within a namespace is
distinct from names outside of that namespace. This layering of
namespaces is called scope. A name is placed within a namespace when
that name is given a value. For example:
``` python
>>> dir()
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__']
>>> name = "Bob"
>>> import math
>>> dir()
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'math', 'name']
Note that I was able to add the \"name\" variable to the namespace using
a simple assignment statement. The import statement was used to add the
\"math\" name to the current namespace. To see what math is, we can
``` python
>>> math
<module 'math' (built-in)>
Since it is a module, it also has a namespace. To display the names
within this namespace, we:
``` python
>>> dir(math)
['__doc__', '__name__', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'ceil', 'cos', 'cosh', 'degrees', 'e',
'exp', 'fabs', 'floor', 'fmod', 'frexp', 'hypot', 'ldexp', 'log', 'log10', 'modf', 'pi', 'pow',
'radians', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'tan', 'tanh']
If you look closely, you will notice that both the default namespace and
the math module namespace have a \'\_\_name\_\_\' object. The fact that
each layer can contain an object with the same name is what scope is all
about. To access objects inside a namespace, simply use the name of the
module, followed by a dot, followed by the name of the object. This
allows us to differentiate between the `__name__` object within the
current namespace, and that of the object with the same name within the
`math` module. For example:
``` python
>>> print (__name__)
>>> print (math.__name__)
>>> print (math.__doc__)
This module is always available. It provides access to the
mathematical functions defined by the C standard.
>>> print (math.pi)
# Python Programming/Sequences
Sequences allow you to store multiple values in an organized and
efficient fashion. There are seven sequence types: strings, bytes,
lists, tuples, bytearrays, buffers, and range objects. Dictionaries and
sets are containers for sequential data.
## Strings
We already covered strings, but that was before you knew what a sequence
is. In other languages, the elements in arrays and sometimes the
characters in strings may be accessed with the square brackets, or
subscript operator. This works in Python too:
``` python
>>> "Hello, world!"[0]
>>> "Hello, world!"[1]
>>> "Hello, world!"[2]
>>> "Hello, world!"[3]
>>> "Hello, world!"[4]
Indexes are numbered from 0 to n-1 where n is the number of items (or
characters), and they are given to the characters from the start of the
H e l l o , w o r l d !
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Negative indexes (numbered from -1 to -n) are counted from the end of
the string:
H e l l o , w o r l d !
-13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
``` python
>>> "Hello, world!"[-2]
>>> "Hello, world!"[-9]
>>> "Hello, world!"[-13]
>>> "Hello, world!"[-1]
If the number given in the bracket is less than -n or greater than n-1,
then we will get an IndexError.
But in Python, the colon : allows the square brackets to take two
numbers. For any sequence which only uses numeric indexes, this will
return the portion which is between the specified indexes. This is known
as \"slicing\" and the result of slicing a string is often called a
``` python
>>> "Hello, world!"[3:9]
'lo, wo'
>>> string = "Hello, world!"
>>> string[:5]
>>> string[-6:-1]
>>> string[-9:]
'o, world!'
>>> string[:-8]
>>> string[:]
'Hello, world!'
As demonstrated above, if the first and second number is omitted, then
they take their default values, which are 0 and n-1 respectively,
corresponding to the beginning and end of the sequence respectively (in
this case). Note also that the brackets are inclusive on the left but
*exclusive* on the right: in the first example above with \[3:9\] the
character at index 3, \'l\', is included while the character at index 9,
\'r\', is excluded.
We can add a third number in the bracket, by adding one more colon in
the bracket, which indicates the *increment step* of the slicing:
``` python
>>> s = "Hello, world!"
>>> s[3:9:2] #returns the substring s[3]s[5]s[7]
>>> s[3:6:3] #returns the substring s[3]
>>> s[:5:2] #returns the substring s[0]s[2]s[4]
>>> s[::-1] #returns the reverted string
'!dlrow ,olleH'
>>> s[::-2] #returns the substring s[-1]s[-3]s[-5]s[-7]s[-9]s[-11]s[-13]
'!lo olH'
The increment step can be positive or negative. For positive increment
step, the slicing is from left to right, and for negative increment
step, the slicing is from right to left. Also, we should aware that
- the default value of the increment step is 1
<!-- -->
- the default value for the first and second number becomes -1 (or n)
and -n (or 0) respectively, when the increment step is negative
(same default value as above when the increment step is positive)
- the increment step cannot be 0
## Lists
A list is just what it sounds like: a list of values, organized in
order. A list is created using square brackets. For example, an empty
list would be initialized like this:
``` python
spam = []
The values of the list are separated by commas. For example:
``` python
spam = ["bacon", "eggs", 42]
Lists may contain objects of varying types. It may hold both the strings
\"eggs\" and \"bacon\" as well as the number 42.
Like characters in a string, items in a list can be accessed by indexes
starting at 0. To access a specific item in a list, you refer to it by
the name of the list, followed by the item\'s number in the list inside
brackets. For example:
``` python
>>> spam
['bacon', 'eggs', 42]
>>> spam[0]
>>> spam[1]
>>> spam[2]
You can also use negative numbers, which count backwards from the end of
the list:
``` python
>>> spam[-1]
>>> spam[-2]
>>> spam[-3]
The `len()` function also works on lists, returning the number of items
in the array:
``` python
>>> len(spam)
Note that the `len()` function counts the number of item inside a list,
so the last item in spam (42) has the index (len(spam) - 1).
The items in a list can also be changed, just like the contents of an
ordinary variable:
``` python
>>> spam = ["bacon", "eggs", 42]
>>> spam
['bacon', 'eggs', 42]
>>> spam[1]
>>> spam[1] = "ketchup"
>>> spam
['bacon', 'ketchup', 42]
(Strings, being *immutable*, are impossible to modify.) As with strings,
lists may be sliced:
``` python
>>> spam[1:]
['eggs', 42]
>>> spam[:-1]
['bacon', 'eggs']
It is also possible to add items to a list. There are many ways to do
it, the easiest way is to use the append() method of list:
``` python
>>> spam.append(10)
>>> spam
['bacon', 'eggs', 42, 10]
Note that you cannot manually insert an element by specifying the index
outside of its range. The following code would fail:
``` python
>>> spam[4] = 10
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
Instead, you must use the insert() function. If you want to insert an
item inside a list at a certain index, you may use the insert() method
of list, for example:
``` python
>>> spam.insert(1, 'and')
>>> spam
['bacon', 'and', 'eggs', 42, 10]
You can also delete items from a list using the `del` statement:
``` python
>>> spam
['bacon', 'and', 'eggs', 42, 10]
>>> del spam[1]
>>> spam
['bacon', 'eggs', 42, 10]
>>> spam[0]
>>> spam[1]
>>> spam[2]
>>> spam[3]
As you can see, the list re-orders itself, so there are no gaps in the
Lists have an unusual characteristic. Given two lists a and b, if you
set b to a, and change a, b will also be changed.
``` python
>>> a=[2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> b=a
>>> del a[3]
>>> print(a)
[2, 3, 4]
>>> print(b)
[2, 3, 4]
This can easily be worked around by using `b=a[:]` instead.
For further explanation on lists, or to find out how to make 2D arrays,
see Data Structure/Lists
## Tuples
Tuples are similar to lists, except they are immutable. Once you have
set a tuple, there is no way to change it whatsoever: you cannot add,
change, or remove elements of a tuple. Otherwise, tuples work
identically to lists.
To declare a tuple, you use commas:
``` python
unchanging = "rocks", 0, "the universe"
It is often necessary to use parentheses to differentiate between
different tuples, such as when doing multiple assignments on the same
``` python
foo, bar = "rocks", 0, "the universe" # 3 elements here
foo, bar = "rocks", (0, "the universe") # 2 elements here because the second element is a tuple
Unnecessary parentheses can be used without harm, but nested parentheses
denote nested tuples:
``` python
>>> var = "me", "you", "us", "them"
>>> var = ("me", "you", "us", "them")
both produce:
``` python
>>> print(var)
('me', 'you', 'us', 'them')
``` python
>>> var = ("me", "you", ("us", "them"))
>>> print(var)
('me', 'you', ('us', 'them')) # A tuple of 3 elements, the last of which is itself a tuple.
For further explanation on tuple, see *Data
## Dictionaries
Dictionaries are also like lists, and they are mutable \-- you can add,
change, and remove elements from a dictionary. However, the elements in
a dictionary are not bound to numbers, the way a list is. Every element
in a dictionary has two parts: a key, and a value. Calling a key of a
dictionary returns the value linked to that key. You could consider a
list to be a special kind of dictionary, in which the key of every
element is a number, in numerical order.
Dictionaries are declared using curly braces, and each element is
declared first by its key, then a colon, and then its value. For
``` python
>>> definitions = {"guava": "a tropical fruit", "python": "a programming language", "the answer": 42}
>>> definitions
{'python': 'a programming language', 'the answer': 42, 'guava': 'a tropical fruit'}
>>> definitions["the answer"]
>>> definitions["guava"]
'a tropical fruit'
>>> len(definitions)
Also, adding an element to a dictionary is much simpler: simply declare
it as you would a variable.
``` python
>>> definitions["new key"] = "new value"
>>> definitions
{'python': 'a programming language', 'the answer': 42, 'guava': 'a tropical fruit', 'new key': 'new value'}
For further explanation on dictionary, see *Data
## Sets
Sets are just like lists except that they are **unordered** and they do
not allow duplicate values. Elements of a set are neither bound to a
number (like list and tuple) nor to a key (like dictionary). The reason
for using a set over other data types is that a set is much faster for a
large number of items than a list or tuple and sets provide fast data
insertion, deletion, and membership testing. Sets also support
mathematical set operations such as testing for subsets and finding the
union or intersection of two sets.
``` python
>>> mind = set([42, 'a string', (23, 4)]) #equivalently, we can use {42, 'a string', (23, 4)}
>>> mind
set([(23, 4), 42, 'a string'])
``` python
>>> mind = set([42, 'a string', 40, 41])
>>> mind
set([40, 41, 42, 'a string'])
>>> mind = set([42, 'a string', 40, 0])
>>> mind
set([40, 0, 42, 'a string'])
>>> mind.add('hello')
>>> mind
set([40, 0, 42, 'a string', 'hello'])
Note that sets are unordered, items you add into sets will end up in an
indeterminable position, and it may also change from time to time.
``` python
>>> mind.add('duplicate value')
>>> mind.add('duplicate value')
>>> mind
set([0, 'a string', 40, 42, 'hello', 'duplicate value'])
Sets cannot contain a single value more than once. Unlike lists, which
can contain anything, the types of data that can be included in sets are
restricted. A set can only contain hashable, immutable data types.
Integers, strings, and tuples are hashable; lists, dictionaries, and
other sets (except frozensets, see below) are not.
### Frozenset
The relationship between frozenset and set is like the relationship
between tuple and list. Frozenset is an immutable version of set. An
``` python
>>> frozen=frozenset(['life','universe','everything'])
>>> frozen
frozenset(['universe', 'life', 'everything'])
## Other data types
Python also has other types of sequences, though these are used less
frequently and need to be imported from the standard library before
being used. We will only brush over them here.
array: A typed-list, an array may only contain homogeneous values.\
collections.defaultdict: A dictionary that, when an element is not found, returns a default value instead of error.\
collections.deque: A double ended queue, allows fast manipulation on both sides of the queue.\
heapq: A priority queue.\
Queue: A thread-safe multi-producer, multi-consumer queue for use with multi-threaded programs. Note that a list can also be used as queue in a single-threaded code.
For further explanation on set, see *Data
### 3rd party data structure
Some useful data types in Python do not come in the standard library.
Some of these are very specialized in their use. We will mention some of
the more well known 3rd party types.
numpy.array: useful for heavy number crunching =\> see numpy section\
sorteddict: like the name says, a sorted dictionary
## Exercises
1. Write a program that puts 5, 10, and \"twenty\" into a list. Then
remove 10 from the list.
2. Write a program that puts 5, 10, and \"twenty\" into a tuple.
3. Write a program that puts 5, 10, and \"twenty\" into a set. Put
\"twenty\", 10, and 5 into another set purposefully in a different
order. Print both of them out and notice the ordering.
4. Write a program that constructs a tuple, one element of which is a
5. Write a program that creates a dictionary mapping 1 to \"Monday,\" 2
to \"Tuesday,\" etc.
## External links
- Sequence Types --- list, tuple,
in The Python Library Reference, docs.python.org
# Python Programming/Data types
Data types determine whether an object can do something, or whether it
just would not make sense. Other programming languages often determine
whether an operation makes sense for an object by making sure the object
can never be stored somewhere where the operation will be performed on
the object (this type system
is called static typing). Python does not do that. Instead it stores the
type of an object with the object, and checks when the operation is
performed whether that operation makes sense for that object (this is
called dynamic typing).
##### Built-in Data types
Python\'s built-in (or standard) data types can be grouped into several
classes. Sticking to the hierarchy scheme used in the official Python
documentation these are **numeric types, sequences, sets and mappings**
(and a few more not discussed further here). Some of the types are only
available in certain versions of the language as noted below.
- boolean: the type of the built-in values `True` and `False`. Useful
in conditional expressions, and anywhere else you want to represent
the truth or falsity of some condition. Mostly interchangeable with
the integers 1 and 0. In fact, conditional expressions will accept
values of any type, treating special ones like boolean `False`,
integer 0 and the empty string `""` as equivalent to `False`, and
all other values as equivalent to `True`.
Numeric types:
- int: Integers; equivalent to C longs in Python 2.x, non-limited
length in Python 3.x
- long: Long integers of non-limited length; exists only in Python 2.x
- float: Floating-Point numbers, equivalent to C doubles
- complex: Complex Numbers
- str: String; represented as a sequence of 8-bit characters in Python
2.x, but as a sequence of Unicode characters (in the range of
U+0000 - U+10FFFF) in Python 3.x
- bytes: a sequence of integers in the range of 0-255; only available
in Python 3.x
- byte array: like bytes, but mutable (see below); only available in
Python 3.x
- list
- tuple
- set: an unordered collection of unique objects; available as a
standard type since Python 2.6
- frozen set: like set, but immutable (see below); available as a
standard type since Python 2.6
- dict: Python dictionaries, also called hashmaps or associative
arrays, which means that an element of the list is associated with a
definition, rather like a Map in Java\
Some others, such as type and callables
##### Mutable vs Immutable Objects
In general, data types in Python can be distinguished based on whether
objects of the type are mutable or immutable. The content of objects of
immutable types cannot be changed after they are created.
| Some *immutable* types | Some *mutable* types |
| - int, float, complex | - array |
| - str | - bytearray |
| - bytes | - list |
| - tuple | - set |
| - frozenset | - dict |
| - bool | |
Only mutable objects support methods that change the object in place,
such as reassignment of a sequence slice, which will work for lists, but
raise an error for tuples and strings.
It is important to understand that variables in Python are really just
references to objects in memory. If you assign an object to a variable
as below,
``` python
a = 1
s = 'abc'
l = ['a string', 456, ('a', 'tuple', 'inside', 'a', 'list')]
all you really do is make this variable (`a`, `s`, or `l`) point to the
object (`1`, `'abc'`,
`['a string', 456, ('a', 'tuple', 'inside', 'a', 'list')]`), which is
kept somewhere in memory, as a convenient way of accessing it. If you
reassign a variable as below
``` python
a = 7
s = 'xyz'
l = ['a simpler list', 99, 10]
you make the variable point to a different object (newly created ones in
our examples). As stated above, only mutable objects can be changed in
place (`l[0] = 1` is ok in our example, but `s[0] = 'a'` raises an
error). This becomes tricky, when an operation is not explicitly asking
for a change to happen in place, as is the case for the `+=` (increment)
operator, for example. When used on an immutable object (as in `a += 1`
or in `s += 'qwertz'`), Python will silently create a new object and
make the variable point to it. However, when used on a mutable object
(as in `l += [1,2,3]`), the object pointed to by the variable will be
changed in place. While in most situations, you do not have to know
about this different behavior, it is of relevance when several variables
are pointing to the same object. In our example, assume you set `p = s`
and `m = l`, then `s += 'etc'` and `l += [9,8,7]`. This will change `s`
and leave `p` unaffected, but will change both `m` and `l` since both
point to the same list object. Python\'s built-in `id()` function, which
returns a unique object identifier for a given variable name, can be
used to trace what is happening under the hood.\
Typically, this behavior of Python causes confusion in functions. As an
illustration, consider this code:
``` python
def append_to_sequence (myseq):
myseq += (9,9,9)
return myseq
tuple1 = (1,2,3) # tuples are immutable
list1 = [1,2,3] # lists are mutable
tuple2 = append_to_sequence(tuple1)
list2 = append_to_sequence(list1)
print('tuple1 = ', tuple1) # outputs (1, 2, 3)
print('tuple2 = ', tuple2) # outputs (1, 2, 3, 9, 9, 9)
print('list1 = ', list1) # outputs [1, 2, 3, 9, 9, 9]
print('list2 = ', list2) # outputs [1, 2, 3, 9, 9, 9]
This will give the above indicated, and usually unintended, output.
`myseq` is a local variable of the `append_to_sequence` function, but
when this function gets called, `myseq` will nevertheless point to the
same object as the variable that we pass in (`t` or `l` in our example).
If that object is immutable (like a tuple), there is no problem. The +=
operator will cause the creation of a new tuple, and `myseq` will be set
to point to it. However, if we pass in a reference to a mutable object,
that object will be manipulated in place (so `myseq` and `l`, in our
case, end up pointing to the same list object).
- 3.1. Objects, values and
The Python Language Reference, docs.python.org
- 5.6.4. Mutable Sequence
The Python Standard Library, docs.python.org
##### Creating Objects of Defined Types
Literal integers can be entered in three ways:
- decimal numbers can be entered directly
- hexadecimal numbers can be entered by prepending a 0x or 0X (0xff is
hex FF, or 255 in decimal)
- the format of octal literals depends on the version of Python:
:\* Python 2.x: octals can be entered by prepending a 0 (0732 is octal
732, or 474 in decimal)
:\* Python 3.x: octals can be entered by prepending a 0o or 0O (0o732 is
octal 732, or 474 in decimal)
Floating point numbers can be entered directly.
Long integers are entered either directly
(1234567891011121314151617181920 is a long integer) or by appending an L
(0L is a long integer). Computations involving short integers that
overflow are automatically turned into long integers.
Complex numbers are entered by adding a real number and an imaginary
one, which is entered by appending a j (i.e. 10+5j is a complex number.
So is 10j). Note that j by itself does not constitute a number. If this
is desired, use 1j.
Strings can be either single or triple quoted strings. The difference is
in the starting and ending delimiters, and in that single quoted strings
cannot span more than one line. Single quoted strings are entered by
entering either a single quote (\') or a double quote (\") followed by
its match. So therefore
`'foo' works, and`\
`"moo" works as well,`\
` but`\
`'bar" does not work, and`\
`"baz' does not work either.`\
`"quux'' is right out.`
Triple quoted strings are like single quoted strings, but can span more
than one line. Their starting and ending delimiters must also match.
They are entered with three consecutive single or double quotes, so
`'''foo''' works, and`\
`"""moo""" works as well,`\
` but`\
`'"'bar'"' does not work, and`\
`"""baz''' does not work either.`\
`'"'quux"'" is right out.`
Tuples are entered in parentheses, with commas between the entries:
``` python
(10, 'Mary had a little lamb')
Also, the parenthesis can be left out when it\'s not ambiguous to do so:
``` python
10, 'whose fleece was as white as snow'
Note that one-element tuples can be entered by surrounding the entry
with parentheses and adding a comma like so:
``` python
('this is a singleton tuple',)
Lists are similar, but with brackets:
``` python
['abc', 1,2,3]
Dicts are created by surrounding with curly braces a list of key/value
pairs separated from each other by a colon and from the other entries
with commas:
``` python
{ 'hello': 'world', 'weight': 'African or European?' }
Any of these composite types can contain any other, to any depth:
``` python
((((((((('bob',),['Mary', 'had', 'a', 'little', 'lamb']), { 'hello' : 'world' } ),),),),),),)
## Null object
The Python analogue of null pointer known from other programming
languages is *None*. *None* is not a null pointer or a null reference
but an actual object of which there is only one instance. One of the
uses of *None* is in default argument values of functions, for which see
Comparisons to *None* are usually made using *is* rather than ==.
Testing for None and assignment:
``` python
if item is None:
another = None
if not item is None:
if item is not None: # Also possible
Using None in a default argument value:
``` python
def log(message, type = None):
PEP8 states that \"Comparisons to singletons like None should always be
done with is or is not, never the equality operators.\" Therefore, \"if
item == None:\" is inadvisable. A class can redefine the equality
operator (==) such that instances of it will equal None.
You can verify that None is an object by dir(None) or id(None).
See also ../Operators/#Identity
- 4. Built-in
- 3.11.7 The Null
- Python None comparison: should I use "is" or
- PEP 0008 \-- Style Guide for Python
Code, python.org
## Type conversion
Type conversion in Python by example:
``` Python
v1 = int(2.7) # 2
v2 = int(-3.9) # -3
v3 = int("2") # 2
v4 = int("11", 16) # 17, base 16
v5 = long(2) # Python 2.x only, not Python 3.x
v6 = float(2) # 2.0
v7 = float("2.7") # 2.7
v8 = float("2.7E-2") # 0.027
v9 = float(False) # 0.0
vA = float(True) # 1.0
vB = str(4.5) # "4.5"
vC = str([1, 3, 5]) # "[1, 3, 5]"
vD = bool(0) # False; bool fn since Python 2.2.1
vE = bool(3) # True
vF = bool([]) # False - empty list
vG = bool([False]) # True - non-empty list
vH = bool({}) # False - empty dict; same for empty tuple
vI = bool("") # False - empty string
vJ = bool(" ") # True - non-empty string
vK = bool(None) # False
vL = bool(len) # True
vM = set([1, 2])
vN = set((1, 2)) # Converts any sequence, not just a list
vO = set("abc") # {'c', 'b', 'a'}
vP = set(b"abc") # {97, 98, 99}
vQ = list(vM)
vR = list({1: "a", 2: "b"}) # dict -> list of keys
vS = tuple(vQ)
vT = list("abc") # ['a', 'b', 'c']
print(v1, v2, v3, type(v1), type(v2), type(v3))
Implicit type conversion:
``` Python
int1 = 4
float1 = int1 + 2.1 # 4 converted to float
# str1 = "My int:" + int1 # Error: no implicit type conversion from int to string
str1 = "My int:" + str(int1)
int2 = 4 + True # 5: bool is implicitly converted to int
float2 = 4.5 + True # 5.5: True is converted to 1, which is converted to 1.0
Keywords: type casting.
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
## Exercises
1. Write a program that instantiates a single object, adds \[1,2\] to
the object, and returns the result.
1. Find an object that returns an output of the same length (if one
2. Find an object that returns an output length 2 greater than it
3. Find an object that causes an error.
2. Find two data types X and Y such that X = X + Y will cause an error,
but X += Y will not.
# Python Programming/Numbers
Python 2.x supports 4 built-in numeric types - int, long, float and
complex. Of these, the long type has been dropped in Python 3.x - the
int type is now of unlimited length by default. You don't have to
specify what type of variable you want; Python does that automatically.
- *Int:* The basic integer type in python, equivalent to the hardware
\'c long\' for the platform you are using in Python 2.x, unlimited
in length in Python 3.x.
- *Long:* Integer type with unlimited length. In python 2.2 and later,
Ints are automatically turned into long ints when they overflow.
Dropped since Python 3.0, use int type instead.
- *Float:* This is a binary floating point number. Longs and Ints are
automatically converted to floats when a float is used in an
expression, and with the true-division `/` operator. In CPython,
floats are usually implemented using the C languages *double*, which
often yields 52 bits of significand, 11 bits of exponent, and 1 sign
bit, but this is machine dependent.
- *Complex:* This is a complex number consisting of two floats.
Complex literals are written as a + bj where a and b are
floating-point numbers denoting the real and imaginary parts
In general, the number types are automatically \'up cast\' in this
Int → Long → Float → Complex. The farther to the right you go, the
higher the precedence.
``` python
>>> x = 5
>>> type(x)
<type 'int'>
>>> x = 187687654564658970978909869576453
>>> type(x)
<type 'long'>
>>> x = 1.34763
>>> type(x)
<type 'float'>
>>> x = 5 + 2j
>>> type(x)
<type 'complex'>
The result of divisions is somewhat confusing. In Python 2.x, using the
/ operator on two integers will return another integer, using floor
division. For example, `5/2` will give you 2. You have to specify one of
the operands as a float to get true division, e.g. `5/2.` or `5./2` (the
dot specifies you want to work with float) will yield 2.5. Starting with
Python 2.2 this behavior can be changed to true division by the future
division statement `from __future__ import division`. In Python 3.x, the
result of using the / operator is always true division (you can ask for
floor division explicitly by using the // operator since Python 2.2).
This illustrates the behavior of the / operator in Python 2.2+:
``` python
>>> 5/2
>>> 5/2.
>>> 5./2
>>> from __future__ import division
>>> 5/2
>>> 5//2
For operations on numbers, see chapters ../Basic
Math/ and ../Math/.
## Links
- 5.4. Numeric Types --- int, float, long,
# Python Programming/Strings
## Overview
Strings in Python at a glance:
``` python
str1 = "Hello" # A new string using double quotes
str2 = 'Hello' # Single quotes do the same
str3 = "Hello\tworld\n" # One with a tab and a newline
str4 = str1 + " world" # Concatenation
str5 = str1 + str(4) # Concatenation with a number
str6 = str1[2] # 3rd character
str6a = str1[-1] # Last character
#str1[0] = "M" # No way; strings are immutable
for char in str1: print(char) # For each character
str7 = str1[1:] # Without the 1st character
str8 = str1[:-1] # Without the last character
str9 = str1[1:4] # Substring: 2nd to 4th character
str10 = str1 * 3 # Repetition
str11 = str1.lower() # Lowercase
str12 = str1.upper() # Uppercase
str13 = str1.rstrip() # Strip right (trailing) whitespace
str14 = str1.replace('l','h') # Replacement
list15 = str1.split('l') # Splitting
if str1 == str2: print("Equ") # Equality test
if "el" in str1: print("In") # Substring test
length = len(str1) # Length
pos1 = str1.find('llo') # Index of substring or -1
pos2 = str1.rfind('l') # Index of substring, from the right
count = str1.count('l') # Number of occurrences of a substring
print(str1, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10)
print(str11, str12, str13, str14, list15)
print(length, pos1, pos2, count)
See also chapter ../Regular
Expression/ for advanced pattern
matching on strings in Python.
## String operations
### Equality
Two strings are equal if they have *exactly* the same contents, meaning
that they are both the same length and each character has a one-to-one
positional correspondence. Many other languages compare strings by
identity instead; that is, two strings are considered equal only if they
occupy the same space in memory. Python uses the `is`
operator to test the
identity of strings and any two objects in general.
``` python
>>> a = 'hello'; b = 'hello' # Assign 'hello' to a and b.
>>> a == b # check for equality
>>> a == 'hello' #
>>> a == "hello" # (choice of delimiter is unimportant)
>>> a == 'hello ' # (extra space)
>>> a == 'Hello' # (wrong case)
### Numerical
There are two quasi-numerical operations which can be done on strings
\-- addition and multiplication. String addition is just another name
for concatenation, which is simply sticking the strings together. String
multiplication is repetitive addition, or concatenation. So:
``` python
>>> c = 'a'
>>> c + 'b'
>>> c * 5
### Containment
There is a simple operator \'in\' that returns True if the first operand
is contained in the second. This also works on substrings:
``` python
>>> x = 'hello'
>>> y = 'ell'
>>> x in y
>>> y in x
Note that \'print(x in y)\' would have also returned the same value.
### Indexing and Slicing
Much like arrays in other languages, the individual characters in a
string can be accessed by an integer representing its position in the
string. The first character in string s would be s\[0\] and the nth
character would be at s\[n-1\].
``` python
>>> s = "Xanadu"
>>> s[1]
Unlike arrays in other languages, Python also indexes the arrays
backwards, using negative numbers. The last character has index -1, the
second to last character has index -2, and so on.
``` python
>>> s[-4]
We can also use \"slices\" to access a substring of s. s\[a:b\] will
give us a string starting with s\[a\] and ending with s\[b-1\].
``` python
>>> s[1:4]
None of these are assignable.
``` python
>>> print(s)
>>> s[0] = 'J'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object does not support item assignment
>>> s[1:3] = "up"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object does not support slice assignment
>>> print(s)
Outputs (assuming the errors were suppressed):
Another feature of slices is that if the beginning or end is left empty,
it will default to the first or last index, depending on context:
``` python
>>> s[2:]
>>> s[:3]
>>> s[:]
You can also use negative numbers in slices:
``` python
>>> print(s[-2:])
To understand slices, it\'s easiest not to count the elements
themselves. It is a bit like counting not on your fingers, but in the
spaces between them. The list is indexed like this:
`Element: 1 2 3 4`\
`Index: 0 1 2 3 4`\
` -4 -3 -2 -1`
So, when we ask for the \[1:3\] slice, that means we start at index 1,
and end at index 2, and take everything in between them. If you are used
to indexes in C or Java, this can be a bit disconcerting until you get
used to it.
## String constants
String constants can be found in the standard string module. An example
is string.digits, which equals to \'0123456789\'.
- Python documentation of \"string\"
module \-- python.org
## String methods
There are a number of methods or built-in string functions:
- **capitalize**
- **center**
- **count**
- decode
- encode
- endswith
- **expandtabs**
- **find**
- **index**
- **isalnum**
- **isalpha**
- **isdigit**
- **islower**
- **isspace**
- **istitle**
- **isupper**
- **join**
- **ljust**
- **lower**
- **lstrip**
- **replace**
- **rfind**
- **rindex**
- **rjust**
- **rstrip**
- **split**
- **splitlines**
- startswith
- **strip**
- **swapcase**
- **title**
- translate
- **upper**
- zfill
Only emphasized items will be covered.
### is\*
isalnum(), isalpha(), isdigit(), islower(), isupper(), isspace(), and
istitle() fit into this category.
The length of the string object being compared must be at least 1, or
the is\* methods will return False. In other words, a string object of
len(string) == 0, is considered \"empty\", or False.
- **isalnum** returns True if the string is entirely composed of
alphabetic and/or numeric characters (i.e. no punctuation).
- **isalpha** and **isdigit** work similarly for alphabetic characters
or numeric characters only.
- **isspace** returns True if the string is composed entirely of
- **islower**, **isupper**, and **istitle** return True if the string
is in lowercase, uppercase, or titlecase respectively. Uncased
characters are \"allowed\", such as digits, but there must be at
least one cased character in the string object in order to return
True. Titlecase means the first cased character of each word is
uppercase, and any immediately following cased characters are
lowercase. Curiously, \'Y2K\'.istitle() returns True. That is
because uppercase characters can only follow uncased characters.
Likewise, lowercase characters can only follow uppercase or
lowercase characters. Hint: whitespace is uncased.
``` python
>>> '2YK'.istitle()
>>> 'Y2K'.istitle()
>>> '2Y K'.istitle()
### Title, Upper, Lower, Swapcase, Capitalize
Returns the string converted to title case, upper case, lower case,
inverts case, or capitalizes, respectively.
The **title** method capitalizes the first letter of each word in the
string (and makes the rest lower case). Words are identified as
substrings of alphabetic characters that are separated by non-alphabetic
characters, such as digits, or whitespace. This can lead to some
unexpected behavior. For example, the string \"x1x\" will be converted
to \"X1X\" instead of \"X1x\".
The **swapcase** method makes all uppercase letters lowercase and vice
The **capitalize** method is like title except that it considers the
entire string to be a word. (i.e. it makes the first character upper
case and the rest lower case)
``` python
s = 'Hello, wOrLD'
print(s) # 'Hello, wOrLD'
print(s.title()) # 'Hello, World'
print(s.swapcase()) # 'hELLO, WoRld'
print(s.upper()) # 'HELLO, WORLD'
print(s.lower()) # 'hello, world'
print(s.capitalize())# 'Hello, world'
Keywords: to lower case, to upper case, lcase, ucase, downcase, upcase.
### count
Returns the number of the specified substrings in the string. i.e.
``` python
>>> s = 'Hello, world'
>>> s.count('o') # print the number of 'o's in 'Hello, World' (2)
Hint: .count() is case-sensitive, so this example will only count the
number of lowercase letter \'o\'s. For example, if you ran:
``` python
>>> s = 'HELLO, WORLD'
>>> s.count('o') # print the number of lowercase 'o's in 'HELLO, WORLD' (0)
### strip, rstrip, lstrip
Returns a copy of the string with the leading (lstrip) and trailing
(rstrip) whitespace removed. strip removes both.
``` python
>>> s = '\t Hello, world\n\t '
>>> print(s)
Hello, world
>>> print(s.strip())
Hello, world
>>> print(s.lstrip())
Hello, world
# ends here
>>> print(s.rstrip())
Hello, world
Note the leading and trailing tabs and newlines.
Strip methods can also be used to remove other types of characters.
``` python
import string
s = 'www.wikibooks.org'
print(s.strip('w')) # Removes all w's from outside
print(s.strip(string.lowercase)) # Removes all lowercase letters from outside
print(s.strip(string.printable)) # Removes all printable characters
` `
Note that string.lowercase and string.printable require an import string
### ljust, rjust, center
left, right or center justifies a string into a given field size (the
rest is padded with spaces).
``` python
>>> s = 'foo'
>>> s
>>> s.ljust(7)
'foo '
>>> s.rjust(7)
' foo'
>>> s.center(7)
' foo '
### join
Joins together the given sequence with the string as separator:
``` python
>>> seq = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
>>> ' '.join(seq)
'1 2 3 4 5'
>>> '+'.join(seq)
map may be helpful here: (it converts numbers in seq into strings)
``` python
>>> seq = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> ' '.join(map(str, seq))
'1 2 3 4 5'
now arbitrary objects may be in seq instead of just strings.
### find, index, rfind, rindex
The find and index methods return the index of the first found
occurrence of the given subsequence. If it is not found, find returns -1
but index raises a ValueError. rfind and rindex are the same as find and
index except that they search through the string from right to left
(i.e. they find the last occurrence)
``` python
>>> s = 'Hello, world'
>>> s.find('l')
>>> s[s.index('l'):]
'llo, world'
>>> s.rfind('l')
>>> s[:s.rindex('l')]
'Hello, wor'
>>> s[s.index('l'):s.rindex('l')]
'llo, wor'
Because Python strings accept negative subscripts, index is probably
better used in situations like the one shown because using find instead
would yield an unintended value.
### replace
Replace works just like it sounds. It returns a copy of the string with
all occurrences of the first parameter replaced with the second
``` python
>>> 'Hello, world'.replace('o', 'X')
'HellX, wXrld'
Or, using variable assignment:
``` python
string = 'Hello, world'
newString = string.replace('o', 'X')
`Hello, world`\
`HellX, wXrld`
Notice, the original variable (`string`) remains unchanged after the
call to `replace`.
### expandtabs
Replaces tabs with the appropriate number of spaces (default number of
spaces per tab = 8; this can be changed by passing the tab size as an
``` python
s = 'abcdefg\tabc\ta'
t = s.expandtabs()
`abcdefg abc a`\
`abcdefg abc a`\
Notice how (although these both look the same) the second string (t) has
a different length because each tab is represented by spaces not tab
To use a tab size of 4 instead of 8:
``` python
v = s.expandtabs(4)
`abcdefg abc a`\
Please note each tab is not always counted as eight spaces. Rather a tab
\"pushes\" the count to the next multiple of eight. For example:
``` python
s = '\t\t'
print(s.expandtabs().replace(' ', '*'))
` ****************`\
` 16`
``` python
s = 'abc\tabc\tabc'
print(s.expandtabs().replace(' ', '*'))
` abc*****abc*****abc`\
` 19`
### split, splitlines
The **split** method returns a list of the words in the string. It can
take a separator argument to use instead of whitespace.
``` python
>>> s = 'Hello, world'
>>> s.split()
['Hello,', 'world']
>>> s.split('l')
['He', '', 'o, wor', 'd']
Note that in neither case is the separator included in the split
strings, but empty strings are allowed.
The **splitlines** method breaks a multiline string into many single
line strings. It is analogous to split(\'\\n\') (but accepts \'\\r\' and
\'\\r\\n\' as delimiters as well) except that if the string ends in a
newline character, **splitlines** ignores that final character (see
``` python
>>> s = """
... One line
... Two lines
... Red lines
... Blue lines
... Green lines
... """
>>> s.split('\n')
['', 'One line', 'Two lines', 'Red lines', 'Blue lines', 'Green lines', '']
>>> s.splitlines()
['', 'One line', 'Two lines', 'Red lines', 'Blue lines', 'Green lines']
The method **split** also accepts multi-character string literals:
``` python
txt = 'May the force be with you'
spl = txt.split('the')
# ['May ', ' force be with you']
## Unicode
In Python 3.x, all strings (the type str) contain Unicode per default.
In Python 2.x, there is a dedicated unicode type in addition to the str
type: u = u\"Hello\"; type(u) is unicode.
The topic name in the internal help is UNICODE.
Examples for Python 3.x:
- v = \"Hello Günther\"
- Uses a Unicode code point directly in the source code; that has
to be in UTF-8 encoding.
- v = \"Hello G\\xfcnther\"
- Specifies 8-bit Unicode code point using \\xfc.
- v = \"Hello G\\u00fcnther\"
- Specifies 16-bit Unicode code point using \\u00fc.
- v = \"Hello G\\U000000fcnther\"
- Specifies 32-bit Unicode code point using \\U000000fc, the U
being capitalized.
- Specifies a Unicode code point using \\N followed by the unicode
point name.
- v = \"Hello G\\N{latin small letter u with diaeresis}nther\"
- The code point name can be in lowercase.
- n = unicodedata.name(chr(252))
- Obtains Unicode code point name given a Unicode character, here
of ü.
- v = \"Hello G\" + chr(252) + \"nther\"
- chr() accepts Unicode code points and returns a string having
one Unicode character.
- c = ord(\"ü\")
- Yields the code point number.
- b = \"Hello Günther\".encode(\"UTF-8\")
- Creates a byte sequence (bytes) out of a Unicode string.
- b = \"Hello Günther\".encode(\"UTF-8\"); u = b.decode(\"UTF-8\")
- Decodes bytes into a Unicode string via decode() method.
- v = b\"Hello \" + \"G\\u00fcnther\"
- Throws TypeError: can\'t concat bytes to str.
- v = b\"Hello\".decode(\"ASCII\") + \"G\\u00fcnther\"
- Now it works.
- f = open(\"File.txt\", encoding=\"UTF-8\"); lines = f.readlines();
- Opens a file for reading with a specific encoding and reads from
it. If no encoding is specified, the one of
locale.getpreferredencoding() is used.
- f = open(\"File.txt\", \"w\", encoding=\"UTF-8\"); f.write(\"Hello
G\\u00fcnther\"); f.close()
- Writes to a file in a specified encoding.
- f = open(\"File.txt\", encoding=\"UTF-8-sig\"); lines =
f.readlines(); f.close()
- The -sig encoding means that any leading byte order mark (BOM)
is automatically stripped.
- f = tokenize.open(\"File.txt\"); lines = f.readlines(); f.close()
- Automatically detects encoding based on an encoding marker
present in the file, such as BOM, stripping the marker.
- f = open(\"File.txt\", \"w\", encoding=\"UTF-8-sig\");
f.write(\"Hello G\\u00fcnther\"); f.close()
- Writes to a file in UTF-8, writing BOM at the beginning.
Examples for Python 2.x:
- v = u\"Hello G\\u00fcnther\"
- Specifies 16-bit Unicode code point using \\u00fc.
- v = u\"Hello G\\U000000fcnther\"
- Specifies 32-bit Unicode code point using \\U000000fc, the U
being capitalized.
- Specifies a Unicode code point using \\N followed by the unicode
point name.
- v = u\"Hello G\\N{latin small letter u with diaeresis}nther\"
- The code point name can be in lowercase.
- unicodedata.name(unichr(252))
- Obtains Unicode code point name given a Unicode character, here
of ü.
- v = \"Hello G\" + unichr(252) + \"nther\"
- chr() accepts Unicode code points and returns a string having
one Unicode character.
- c = ord(u\"ü\")
- Yields the code point number.
- b = u\"Hello Günther\".encode(\"UTF-8\")
- Creates a byte sequence (str) out of a Unicode string. type(b)
is str.
- b = u\"Hello Günther\".encode(\"UTF-8\"); u = b.decode(\"UTF-8\")
- Decodes bytes (type str) into a Unicode string via decode()
- v = \"Hello\" + u\"Hello G\\u00fcnther\"
- Concatenates str (bytes) and Unicode string without an error.
- f = codecs.open(\"File.txt\", encoding=\"UTF-8\"); lines =
f.readlines(); f.close()
- Opens a file for reading with a specific encoding and reads from
it. If no encoding is specified, the one of
locale.getpreferredencoding() is used\[VERIFY\].
- f = codecs.open(\"File.txt\", \"w\", encoding=\"UTF-8\");
f.write(u\"Hello G\\u00fcnther\"); f.close()
- Writes to a file in a specified encoding.
- Unlike the Python 3 variant, if told to write newline via \\n,
does not write operating system specific newline but rather
literal \\n; this makes a difference e.g. on Windows.
- To ensure text mode like operation one can write os.linesep.
- f = codecs.open(\"File.txt\", encoding=\"UTF-8-sig\"); lines =
f.readlines(); f.close()
- The -sig encoding means that any leading byte order mark (BOM)
is automatically stripped.
- Unicode HOWTO for
Python 3, docs.python.org
- Unicode HOWTO for
Python 2, docs.python.org
- Processing Text Files in Python
- PEP 263 -- Defining Python Source Code
Encodings, python.org
- unicodedata --- Unicode
Database in
Python Library Reference, docs.python.org
- Get a list of all the encodings Python can encode
## External links
- \"String Methods\"
\-- python.org
- Python documentation of \"string\"
module \-- python.org
# Python Programming/Lists
A list in Python is an ordered group of items (or *elements*). It is a
very general structure, and list elements don\'t have to be of the same
type: you can put numbers, letters, strings and nested lists all on the
same list.
## Overview
Lists in Python at a glance:
``` python
list1 = [] # A new empty list
list2 = [1, 2, 3, "cat"] # A new non-empty list with mixed item types
list1.append("cat") # Add a single member, at the end of the list
list1.extend(["dog", "mouse"]) # Add several members
list1.insert(0, "fly") # Insert at the beginning
list1[0:0] = ["cow", "doe"] # Add members at the beginning
doe = list1.pop(1) # Remove item at index
if "cat" in list1: # Membership test
list1.remove("cat") # Remove AKA delete
#list1.remove("elephant") - throws an error
for item in list1: # Iteration AKA for each item
print("Item count:", len(list1))# Length AKA size AKA item count
list3 = [6, 7, 8, 9]
for i in range(0, len(list3)): # Read-write iteration AKA for each item
list3[i] += 1 # Item access AKA element access by index
last = list3[-1] # Last item
nextToLast = list3[-2] # Next-to-last item
isempty = len(list3) == 0 # Test for emptiness
set1 = set(["cat", "dog"]) # Initialize set from a list
list4 = list(set1) # Get a list from a set
list5 = list4[:] # A shallow list copy
list4equal5 = list4==list5 # True: same by value
list4refEqual5 = list4 is list5 # False: not same by reference
list6 = list4[:]
del list6[:] # Clear AKA empty AKA erase
list7 = [1, 2] + [2, 3, 4] # Concatenation
print(list1, list2, list3, list4, list5, list6, list7)
print(list4equal5, list4refEqual5)
print(list3[1:3], list3[1:], list3[:2]) # Slices
print(max(list3 ), min(list3 ), sum(list3)) # Aggregates
print([x for x in range(10)]) # List comprehension
print([x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 1])
print([x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 1 if x < 5])
print([x + 1 for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 1])
print([x + y for x in '123' for y in 'abc'])
## List creation
There are two different ways to make a list in Python. The first is
through assignment (\"statically\"), the second is using list
comprehensions (\"actively\").
### Plain creation
To make a static list of items, write them between square brackets. For
``` python
[ 1,2,3,"This is a list",'c',Donkey("kong") ]
1. The list contains items of different data types: integer, string,
and Donkey class.
2. Objects can be created \'on the fly\' and added to lists. The last
item is a new instance of Donkey class.
Creation of a new list whose members are constructed from non-literal
``` python
a = 2
b = 3
myList = [a+b, b+a, len(["a","b"])]
### List comprehensions
Using list comprehension, you describe the process using which the list
should be created. To do that, the list is broken into two pieces. The
first is a picture of what each element will look like, and the second
is what you do to get it.
For instance, let\'s say we have a list of words:
``` python
listOfWords = ["this","is","a","list","of","words"]
To take the first letter of each word and make a list out of it using
list comprehension, we can do this:
``` python
>>> listOfWords = ["this","is","a","list","of","words"]
>>> items = [ word[0] for word in listOfWords ]
>>> print(items)
['t', 'i', 'a', 'l', 'o', 'w']
List comprehension supports more than one for statement. It will
evaluate the items in all of the objects sequentially and will loop over
the shorter objects if one object is longer than the rest.
``` python
>>> item = [x+y for x in 'cat' for y in 'pot']
>>> print(item)
['cp', 'co', 'ct', 'ap', 'ao', 'at', 'tp', 'to', 'tt']
List comprehension supports an if statement, to only include members
into the list that fulfill a certain condition:
``` python
>>> print([x+y for x in 'cat' for y in 'pot'])
['cp', 'co', 'ct', 'ap', 'ao', 'at', 'tp', 'to', 'tt']
>>> print([x+y for x in 'cat' for y in 'pot' if x != 't' and y != 'o' ])
['cp', 'ct', 'ap', 'at']
>>> print([x+y for x in 'cat' for y in 'pot' if x != 't' or y != 'o' ])
['cp', 'co', 'ct', 'ap', 'ao', 'at', 'tp', 'tt']
In version 2.x, Python\'s list comprehension does not define a scope.
Any variables that are bound in an evaluation remain bound to whatever
they were last bound to when the evaluation was completed. In version
3.x Python\'s list comprehension uses local variables:
``` python
>>> print(x, y) #Input to python version 2
t t #Output using python 2
>>> print(x, y) #Input to python version 3
NameError: name 'x' is not defined #Python 3 returns an error because x and y were not leaked
This is exactly the same as if the comprehension had been expanded into
an explicitly-nested group of one or more \'for\' statements and 0 or
more \'if\' statements.
### List creation shortcuts
You can initialize a list to a size, with an initial value for each
``` python
>>> zeros=[0]*5
>>> print zeros
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
This works for any data type:
``` python
>>> foos=['foo']*3
>>> print(foos)
['foo', 'foo', 'foo']
But there is a caveat. When building a new list by multiplying, Python
copies each item by reference. This poses a problem for mutable items,
for instance in a multidimensional array where each element is itself a
list. You\'d guess that the easy way to generate a two dimensional array
would be:
``` python
listoflists=[ [0]*4 ] *5
and this works, but probably doesn\'t do what you expect:
``` python
>>> listoflists=[ [0]*4 ] *5
>>> print(listoflists)
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
>>> listoflists[0][2]=1
>>> print(listoflists)
[[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]]
What\'s happening here is that Python is using the same reference to the
inner list as the elements of the outer list. Another way of looking at
this issue is to examine how Python sees the above definition:
``` python
>>> innerlist=[0]*4
>>> listoflists=[innerlist]*5
>>> print(listoflists)
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
>>> innerlist[2]=1
>>> print(listoflists)
[[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]]
Assuming the above effect is not what you intend, one way around this
issue is to use list comprehensions:
``` python
>>> listoflists=[[0]*4 for i in range(5)]
>>> print(listoflists)
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
>>> listoflists[0][2]=1
>>> print(listoflists)
[[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
## List size
To find the length of a list use the built in len() method.
``` python
>>> len([1,2,3])
>>> a = [1,2,3,4]
>>> len( a )
## Combining lists
Lists can be combined in several ways. The easiest is just to \'add\'
them. For instance:
``` python
>>> [1,2] + [3,4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
Another way to combine lists is with `<b>`{=html}extend`</b>`{=html}. If
you need to combine lists inside of a lambda,
`<b>`{=html}extend`</b>`{=html} is the way to go.
``` python
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b = [4,5,6]
>>> a.extend(b)
>>> print(a)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
The other way to append a value to a list is to use **append**. For
``` python
>>> p=[1,2]
>>> p.append([3,4])
>>> p
[1, 2, [3, 4]]
>>> # or
>>> print(p)
[1, 2, [3, 4]]
However, \[3,4\] is an element of the list, and not part of the list.
**append** always adds one element only to the end of a list. So if the
intention was to concatenate two lists, always use **extend**.
## Getting pieces of lists (slices)
### Continuous slices
Like strings, lists can be
indexed and sliced:
``` python
>>> list = [2, 4, "usurp", 9.0, "n"]
>>> list[2]
>>> list[3:]
[9.0, 'n']
Much like the slice of a string is a substring, the slice of a list is a
list. However, lists differ from strings in that we can assign new
values to the items in a list:
``` python
>>> list[1] = 17
>>> list
[2, 17, 'usurp', 9.0, 'n']
We can assign new values to slices of the lists, which don\'t even have
to be the same length:
``` python
>>> list[1:4] = ["opportunistic", "elk"]
>>> list
[2, 'opportunistic', 'elk', 'n']
It\'s even possible to append items onto the start of lists by assigning
to an empty slice:
``` python
>>> list[:0] = [3.14, 2.71]
>>> list
[3.14, 2.71, 2, 'opportunistic', 'elk', 'n']
Similarly, you can append to the end of the list by specifying an empty
slice after the end:
``` python
>>> list[len(list):] = ['four', 'score']
>>> list
[3.14, 2.71, 2, 'opportunistic', 'elk', 'n', 'four', 'score']
You can also completely change the contents of a list:
``` python
>>> list[:] = ['new', 'list', 'contents']
>>> list
['new', 'list', 'contents']
The right-hand side of a list assignment statement can be any iterable
``` python
>>> list[:2] = ('element',('t',),[])
>>> list
['element', ('t',), [], 'contents']
With slicing you can create copy of list since slice returns a new list:
``` python
>>> original = [1, 'element', []]
>>> list_copy = original[:]
>>> list_copy
[1, 'element', []]
>>> list_copy.append('new element')
>>> list_copy
[1, 'element', [], 'new element']
>>> original
[1, 'element', []]
Note, however, that this is a shallow copy and contains references to
elements from the original list, so be careful with mutable types:
``` python
>>> list_copy[2].append('something')
>>> original
[1, 'element', ['something']]
### Non-Continuous slices
It is also possible to get non-continuous parts of an array. If one
wanted to get every n-th occurrence of a list, one would use the ::
operator. The syntax is a:b:n where a and b are the start and end of the
slice to be operated upon.
``` python
>>> list = [i for i in range(10) ]
>>> list
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> list[::2]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
>>> list[1:7:2]
[1, 3, 5]
## Comparing lists
Lists can be compared for equality.
``` python
>>> [1,2] == [1,2]
>>> [1,2] == [3,4]
Lists can be compared using a less-than operator, which uses
lexicographical order:
``` python
>>> [1,2] < [2,1]
>>> [2,2] < [2,1]
>>> ["a","b"] < ["b","a"]
## Sorting lists
Sorting at a glance:
``` python
list1 = [2, 3, 1, 'a', 'B']
list1.sort() # list1 gets modified, case sensitive
list2 = sorted(list1) # list1 is unmodified; since Python 2.4
list3 = sorted(list1, key=lambda x: x.lower()) # case insensitive ; will give error as not all elements of list are strings and .lower() is not applicable
list4 = sorted(list1, reverse=True) # Reverse sorting order: descending
print(list1, list2, list3, list4)
Sorting lists is easy with a sort method.
``` python
>>> list1 = [2, 3, 1, 'a', 'b']
>>> list1.sort()
>>> list1
[1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b']
Note that the list is sorted in place, and the sort() method returns
**None** to emphasize this side effect.
If you use Python 2.4 or higher there are some more sort parameters:
- sort(cmp,key,reverse)
- cmp : method to be used for sorting
- key : function to be executed with key element. List is sorted
by return-value of the function
- reverse : sort(reverse=True) or sort(reverse=False)
Python also includes a sorted() function.
``` python
>>> list1 = [5, 2, 3, 'q', 'p']
>>> sorted(list1)
[2, 3, 5, 'p', 'q']
>>> list1
[5, 2, 3, 'q', 'p']
Note that unlike the sort() method, sorted(list) does not sort the list
in place, but instead returns the sorted list. The sorted() function,
like the sort() method also accepts the reverse parameter.
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- Sorting HOW TO,
## Iteration
Iteration over lists:
Read-only iteration over a list, AKA for each element of the list:
``` python
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
for item in list1:
Writable iteration over a list:
``` python
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
for i in range(0, len(list1)):
list1[i]+=1 # Modify the item at an index as you see fit
From a number to a number with a step:
``` python
for i in range(1, 13+1, 3): # For i=1 to 13 step 3
for i in range(10, 5-1, -1): # For i=10 to 5 step -1
For each element of a list satisfying a condition (filtering):
``` python
for item in list:
if not condition(item):
See also ../Loops#For_Loops.
## Removing
Removing aka deleting an item at an index (see also
#pop(i) "wikilink")):
``` python
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
list1.pop() # Remove the last item
list1.pop(0) # Remove the first item , which is the item at index 0
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
del list1[1] # Remove the 2nd element; an alternative to list.pop(1)
Removing an element by value:
``` python
list1 = ["a", "a", "b"]
list1.remove("a") # Removes only the 1st occurrence of "a"
Keeping only items in a list satisfying a condition, and thus removing
the items that do not satisfy it:
``` python
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
newlist = [item for item in list1 if item > 2]
This uses a list comprehension.
Removing items failing a condition can be done *without losing the
identity* of the list being made shorter, by using \"\[:\]\":
``` python
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
sameList = list1
list1[:] = [item for item in list1 if item > 2]
print(sameList, sameList is list1)
Removing items failing a condition can be done by having the condition
in a *separate function*:
``` python
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
def keepingCondition(item):
return item > 2
sameList = list1
list1[:] = [item for item in list1 if keepingCondition(item)]
print(sameList, sameList is list1)
Removing items *while iterating a list* usually leads to unintended
outcomes unless you do it carefully by using an index:
``` python
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
index = len(list1)
while index > 0:
index -= 1
if not list1[index] < 2:
- Remove items from a list while
## Aggregates
There are some built-in functions for arithmetic aggregates over lists.
These include minimum, maximum, and sum:
``` python
list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
print(max(list), min(list), sum(list))
average = sum(list) / float(len(list)) # Provided the list is non-empty
# The float above ensures the division is a float one rather than integer one.
The max and min functions also apply to lists of strings, returning
maximum and minimum with respect to alphabetical order:
``` python
list = ["aa", "ab"]
print(max(list), min(list)) # Prints "ab aa"
## Copying
Copying AKA cloning of lists:
Making a shallow copy:
``` python
list1= [1, 'element']
list2 = list1[:] # Copy using "[:]"
list2[0] = 2 # Only affects list2, not list1
print(list1[0]) # Displays 1
# By contrast
list1 = [1, 'element']
list2 = list1
list2[0] = 2 # Modifies the original list
print(list1[0]) # Displays 2
The above does not make a deep copy, which has the following
``` python
list1 = [1, [2, 3]] # Notice the second item being a nested list
list2 = list1[:] # A shallow copy
list2[1][0] = 4 # Modifies the 2nd item of list1 as well
print(list1[1][0]) # Displays 4 rather than 2
Making a deep copy:
``` python
import copy
list1 = [1, [2, 3]] # Notice the second item being a nested list
list2 = copy.deepcopy(list1) # A deep copy
list2[1][0] = 4 # Leaves the 2nd item of list1 unmodified
print list1[1][0] # Displays 2
See also #Continuous slices.
- 8.17. copy --- Shallow and deep copy
operations at
## Clearing
Clearing a list:
``` python
del list1[:] # Clear a list
list1 = [] # Not really clear but rather assign to a new empty list
Clearing using a proper approach makes a difference when the list is
passed as an argument:
``` python
def workingClear(ilist):
del ilist[:]
def brokenClear(ilist):
ilist = [] # Lets ilist point to a new list, losing the reference to the argument list
list1=[1, 2]; workingClear(list1); print(list1)
list1=[1, 2]; brokenClear(list1); print(list1)
Keywords: emptying a list, erasing a list, clear a list, empty a list,
erase a list.
## Removing duplicate items
Removing duplicate items from a list (keeping only unique items) can be
achieved as follows.
If each item in the list is **hashable**, using list comprehension,
which is fast:
``` python
list1 = [1, 4, 4, 5, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1]
seen = {}
list1[:] = [seen.setdefault(e, e) for e in list1 if e not in seen]
If each item in the list is hashable, using index iteration, much
``` python
list1 = [1, 4, 4, 5, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1]
seen = set()
for i in range(len(list1) - 1, -1, -1):
if list1[i] in seen:
If some items are **not hashable**, the set of visited items can be kept
in a list:
``` python
list1 = [1, 4, 4, ["a", "b"], 5, ["a", "b"], 3, 2, 3, 2, 1]
seen = []
for i in range(len(list1) - 1, -1, -1):
if list1[i] in seen:
If each item in the list is **hashable** and preserving element **order
does not matter**:
``` python
list1 = [1, 4, 4, 5, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1]
list1[:] = list(set(list1)) # Modify list1
list2 = list(set(list1))
In the above examples where index iteration is used, scanning happens
from the end to the beginning. When these are rewritten to scan from the
beginning to the end, the result seems hugely slower.
- How do you remove duplicates from a
at python.org Programming FAQ
- Remove duplicates from a sequence (Python
recipe) at
- Removing duplicates in
at stackoverflow.com
## List methods
### append(x)
Add item *x* onto the end of the list.
``` python
>>> list = [1, 2, 3]
>>> list.append(4)
>>> list
[1, 2, 3, 4]
See pop(i) "wikilink")
### pop(i)
Remove the item in the list at the index *i* and return it. If *i* is
not given, remove the last item in the list and return it.
``` python
>>> list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> a = list.pop(0)
>>> list
[2, 3, 4]
>>> a
>>> b = list.pop()
[2, 3]
>>> b
## Operators
### +
To concatenate two lists.
### \*
To multiply one list several times.
### in
The operator \'in\' is used for two purposes; either to iterate over
every item in a list in a for loop, or to check if a value is in a list
returning true or false.
``` python
>>> list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> if 3 in list:
>>> ....
>>> l = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> 3 in l
>>> 18 in l
>>>for x in l:
>>> print(x)
## Difference
To get the difference between two lists, just iterate:
``` python
a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4]
b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]
print([item for item in a if item not in b])
# [0]
## Intersection
To get the intersection between two lists (by preserving its elements
order, and their doubles), apply the difference with the difference:
``` python
a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4]
b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]
dif = [item for item in a if item not in b]
print([item for item in a if item not in dif])
# [1, 2, 3, 4, 4]
## Exercises
1. Use a list comprehension to construct the list \[\'ab\', \'ac\',
\'ad\', \'bb\', \'bc\', \'bd\'\].
2. Use a slice on the above list to construct the list \[\'ab\',
\'ad\', \'bc\'\].
3. Use a list comprehension to construct the list \[\'1a\', \'2a\',
\'3a\', \'4a\'\].
4. Simultaneously remove the element \'2a\' from the above list and
print it.
5. Copy the above list and add \'2a\' back into the list such that the
original is still missing it.
6. Use a list comprehension to construct the list \[\'abe\', \'abf\',
\'ace\', \'acf\', \'ade\', \'adf\', \'bbe\', \'bbf\', \'bce\',
\'bcf\', \'bde\', \'bdf\'\]
## Solutions
Question 1 :
`List1 = [a + b for a in 'ab' for b in 'bcd']`\
`>>> ['ab', 'ac', 'ad', 'bb', 'bc', 'bd']`
Question 2 :
`List2 = List1[::2]`\
`>>> ['ab', 'ad', 'bc']`
Question 3 :
`List3 = [a + b for a in '1234' for b in 'a']`\
`>>> ['1a', '2a', '3a', '4a']`
Question 4 :
`>>> 3a`\
`>>> ['1a', '2a', '4a']`
Question 5 :
`List4 = List3[:]`\
`List4.insert(2, '3a')`\
`>>> ['1a', '2a', '3a', '4a']`
Question 6 :
`List5 = [a + b + c for a in 'ab' for b in 'bcd' for c in 'ef']`\
`>>> ['abe', 'abf', 'ace', 'acf', 'ade', 'adf', 'bbe', 'bbf', 'bce', 'bcf', 'bde', 'bdf']`
## External links
- Python documentation, chapter \"Sequence
\-- python.org
- Python Tutorial, chapter
\-- python.org
# Python Programming/Tuples
A tuple in Python is much like a list except that it is immutable
(unchangeable) once created. A tuple of hashable objects is hashable and
thus suitable as a key in a dictionary and
as a member of a set.
## Overview
Tuples in Python at a glance:
``` python
tup1 = (1, 'a')
tup2 = 1, 'a' # Brackets not needed
tup3 = (1,) # Singleton
tup4 = 1, # Singleton without brackets
tup5 = () # Empty tuple
list1 = [1, 'a']
it1, it2 = tup1 # Assign items
print(tup1 == tup2) # True
print(tup1 == list1) # False
print(tup1 == tuple(list1)) # True
print(list(tup1) == list1) # True
print(tup1[0]) # First member
for item in tup1: print(item) # Iteration
print((1, 2) + (3, 4)) # (1, 2, 3, 4)
tup1 += (3,)
print(tup1) # (1, 'a', 3), despite immutability
print(len(tup1)) # Length AKA size AKA item count
print(3 in tup1) # Membership - true
return r1, r2 # Return multiple values
r1, r2 = myfun() # Receive multiple values
tup6 = ([1,2],)
print(tup6) # The list within is mutable
set1 = set( (1,2) ) # Can be placed into a set
#set1 = set( ([1,2], 2) ) # Error: The list within makes it unhashable
## Tuple notation
Tuples may be created directly or converted from lists. Generally,
tuples are enclosed in parentheses.
``` python
>>> l = [1, 'a', [6, 3.14]]
>>> t = (1, 'a', [6, 3.14])
>>> t
(1, 'a', [6, 3.14])
>>> tuple(l)
(1, 'a', [6, 3.14])
>>> t == tuple(l)
>>> t == l
A one item tuple is created by an item in parentheses followed by a
``` python
>>> t = ('A single item tuple',)
>>> t
('A single item tuple',)
Also, tuples will be created from items separated by commas.
``` python
>>> t = 'A', 'tuple', 'needs', 'no', 'parens'
>>> t
('A', 'tuple', 'needs', 'no', 'parens')
## Packing and Unpacking
You can also perform multiple assignment using tuples.
``` python
>>> article, noun, verb, adjective, direct_object = t #t is defined above
>>> noun
Note that either, or both sides of an assignment operator can consist of
``` python
>>> a, b = 1, 2
>>> b
The example above: article, noun, verb, adjective, direct_object = t is
called \"tuple unpacking\" because the tuple *t* was unpacked and its
values assigned to each of the variables on the left. \"Tuple packing\"
is the reverse: t=article, noun, verb, adjective, direct_object. When
unpacking a tuple, or performing multiple assignment, you must have the
same number of variables being assigned to as values being assigned.
## Operations on tuples
These are the same as for lists except that we may not assign to indices
or slices, and there is no \"append\" operator.
``` python
>>> a = (1, 2)
>>> b = (3, 4)
>>> a + b
(1, 2, 3, 4)
>>> a
(1, 2)
>>> b
(3, 4)
>>> a.append(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'
>>> a
(1, 2)
>>> a[0] = 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: object does not support item assignment
>>> a
(1, 2)
For lists we would have had:
``` python
>>> a = [1, 2]
>>> b = [3, 4]
>>> a + b
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> a
[1, 2]
>>> b
[3, 4]
>>> a.append(3)
>>> a
[1, 2, 3]
>>> a[0] = 0
>>> a
[0, 2, 3]
### Tuple Attributes
Length: Finding the length of a tuple is the same as with lists; use the
built in len() method.
``` python
>>> len( ( 1, 2, 3) )
>>> a = ( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
>>> len( a )
### Conversions
Convert list to tuples using the built in tuple() method.
``` python
>>> l = [4, 5, 6]
>>> tuple(l)
(4, 5, 6)
Converting a tuple into a list using the built in list() method to cast
as a list:
``` python
>>> t = (4, 5, 6)
>>> list(t)
[4, 5, 6]
Dictionaries can also be converted to tuples of tuples using the items
method of dictionaries:
``` python
>>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> tuple(d.items())
(('a', 1), ('b', 2))
## Uses of Tuples
Tuples can be used in place of lists where the number of items is known
and small, for example when returning multiple values from a function.
Many other languages require creating an object or container to return,
but with Python\'s tuple assignment, multiple-value returns are easy:
``` python
def func(x, y):
# code to compute x and y
return x, y
This resulting tuple can be easily unpacked with the tuple assignment
technique explained above:
``` python
x, y = func(1, 2)
## Using List Comprehension to process Tuple elements
Occasionally, there is a need to manipulate the values contained within
a tuple in order to create a new tuple. For example, if we wanted a way
to double all of the values within a tuple, we can combine some of the
above information in addition to list
like this:
``` python
def double(T):
'double() - return a tuple with each tuple element (e) doubled.'
return tuple( [ e * 2 for e in T ] )
## Exercises
1. Create the list \[\'a\', \'b\', \'c\'\], then create a tuple from
that list.
2. Create the tuple (\'a\', \'b\', \'c\'), then create a list from that
tuple. (Hint: the material needed to do this has been covered, but
it\'s not entirely obvious)
3. Make the following instantiations simultaneously: a = \'a\', b=2,
c=\'gamma\'. (That is, in one line of code).
4. Create a tuple containing just a single element which in turn
contains the three elements \'a\', \'b\', and \'c\'. Verify that the
length is actually 1 by using the len() function.
## External links
- Python documentation, chapter \"Sequence
\-- python.org
- Python documentation, chapter \"Tuples and
\-- python.org
# Python Programming/Dictionaries
A dictionary in Python is a collection of unordered values accessed by
key rather than by index. The keys have to be hashable: integers,
floating point numbers, strings, tuples, and, frozensets are hashable,
while lists, dictionaries, and sets other than frozensets are not.
Dictionaries were available as early as in Python 1.4.
## Overview
Dictionaries in Python at a glance:
``` python
dict1 = {} # Create an empty dictionary
dict2 = dict() # Create an empty dictionary 2
dict2 = {"r": 34, "i": 56} # Initialize to non-empty value
dict3 = dict([("r", 34), ("i", 56)]) # Init from a list of tuples
dict4 = dict(r=34, i=56) # Initialize to non-empty value 3
dict1["temperature"] = 32 # Assign value to a key
if "temperature" in dict1: # Membership test of a key AKA key exists
del dict1["temperature"] # Delete AKA remove
equalbyvalue = dict2 == dict3
itemcount2 = len(dict2) # Length AKA size AKA item count
isempty2 = len(dict2) == 0 # Emptiness test
for key in dict2: # Iterate via keys
print (key, dict2[key]) # Print key and the associated value
dict2[key] += 10 # Modify-access to the key-value pair
for key in sorted(dict2): # Iterate via keys in sorted order of the keys
print (key, dict2[key]) # Print key and the associated value
for value in dict2.values(): # Iterate via values
print (value)
for key, value in dict2.items(): # Iterate via pairs
print (key, value)
dict5 = {} # {x: dict2[x] + 1 for x in dict2 } # Dictionary comprehension in Python 2.7 or later
dict6 = dict2.copy() # A shallow copy
dict6.update({"i": 60, "j": 30}) # Add or overwrite; a bit like list's extend
dict7 = dict2.copy()
dict7.clear() # Clear AKA empty AKA erase
sixty = dict6.pop("i") # Remove key i, returning its value
print (dict1, dict2, dict3, dict4, dict5, dict6, dict7, equalbyvalue, itemcount2, sixty)
## Dictionary notation
Dictionaries may be created directly or converted from sequences.
Dictionaries are enclosed in curly braces, `{}`
``` python
>>> d = {'city':'Paris', 'age':38, (102,1650,1601):'A matrix coordinate'}
>>> seq = [('city','Paris'), ('age', 38), ((102,1650,1601),'A matrix coordinate')]
>>> d
{'city': 'Paris', 'age': 38, (102, 1650, 1601): 'A matrix coordinate'}
>>> dict(seq)
{'city': 'Paris', 'age': 38, (102, 1650, 1601): 'A matrix coordinate'}
>>> d == dict(seq)
Also, dictionaries can be easily created by zipping two sequences.
``` python
>>> seq1 = ('a','b','c','d')
>>> seq2 = [1,2,3,4]
>>> d = dict(zip(seq1,seq2))
>>> d
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2, 'd': 4}
## Operations on Dictionaries
The operations on dictionaries are somewhat unique. Slicing is not
supported, since the items have no intrinsic order.
``` python
>>> d = {'a':1,'b':2, 'cat':'Fluffers'}
>>> d.keys()
['a', 'b', 'cat']
>>> d.values()
[1, 2, 'Fluffers']
>>> d['a']
>>> d['cat'] = 'Mr. Whiskers'
>>> d['cat']
'Mr. Whiskers'
>>> 'cat' in d
>>> 'dog' in d
## Combining two Dictionaries
You can combine two dictionaries by using the update method of the
primary dictionary. Note that the update method will merge existing
elements if they conflict.
``` python
>>> d = {'apples': 1, 'oranges': 3, 'pears': 2}
>>> ud = {'pears': 4, 'grapes': 5, 'lemons': 6}
>>> d.update(ud)
>>> d
{'grapes': 5, 'pears': 4, 'lemons': 6, 'apples': 1, 'oranges': 3}
## Deleting from dictionary
``` python
del dictionaryName[membername]
## Exercises
Write a program that:
1. Asks the user for a string, then creates the following dictionary.
The values are the letters in the string, with the corresponding key
being the place in the string.
2. Replaces the entry whose key is the integer 3, with the value
3. Asks the user for a string of digits, then prints out the values
corresponding to those digits.
## External links
- 5.5.
in Tutorial, docs.python.org
- 5.8. Mapping
in Library Doc, docs.python.org
# Python Programming/Sets
Starting with version 2.3, Python comes with an implementation of the
mathematical set. Initially this implementation had to be imported from
the standard module `set`, but with Python 2.6 the types set and
frozenset became built-in types. A set is an
unordered collection of objects, unlike sequence objects such as lists
and tuples, in which each element is indexed. Sets cannot have duplicate
members - a given object appears in a set 0 or 1 times. All members of a
set have to be hashable, just like dictionary keys. Integers, floating
point numbers, tuples, and strings are hashable; dictionaries, lists,
and other sets (except frozensets) are not.
### Overview
Sets in Python at a glance:
``` python
set1 = set() # A new empty set
set1.add("cat") # Add a single member
set1.update(["dog", "mouse"]) # Add several members, like list's extend
set1 |= set(["doe", "horse"]) # Add several members 2, like list's extend
if "cat" in set1: # Membership test
#set1.remove("elephant") - throws an error
set1.discard("elephant") # No error thrown
for item in set1: # Iteration AKA for each element
print("Item count:", len(set1))# Length AKA size AKA item count
#1stitem = set1[0] # Error: no indexing for sets
isempty = len(set1) == 0 # Test for emptiness
set1 = {"cat", "dog"} # Initialize set using braces; since Python 2.7
#set1 = {} # No way; this is a dict
set1 = set(["cat", "dog"]) # Initialize set from a list
set2 = set(["dog", "mouse"])
set3 = set1 & set2 # Intersection
set4 = set1 | set2 # Union
set5 = set1 - set3 # Set difference
set6 = set1 ^ set2 # Symmetric difference
issubset = set1 <= set2 # Subset test
issuperset = set1 >= set2 # Superset test
set7 = set1.copy() # A shallow copy
print(set7.pop()) # Remove an arbitrary element
set8 = set1.copy()
set8.clear() # Clear AKA empty AKA erase
set9 = {x for x in range(10) if x % 2} # Set comprehension; since Python 2.7
print(set1, set2, set3, set4, set5, set6, set7, set8, set9, issubset, issuperset)
### Constructing Sets
One way to construct sets is by passing any sequential object to the
\"set\" constructor.
``` python
>>> set([0, 1, 2, 3])
set([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> set("obtuse")
set(['b', 'e', 'o', 's', 'u', 't'])
We can also add elements to sets one by one, using the \"add\" function.
``` python
>>> s = set([12, 26, 54])
>>> s.add(32)
>>> s
set([32, 26, 12, 54])
Note that since a set does not contain duplicate elements, if we add one
of the members of s to s again, the add function will have no effect.
This same behavior occurs in the \"update\" function, which adds a group
of elements to a set.
``` python
>>> s.update([26, 12, 9, 14])
>>> s
set([32, 9, 12, 14, 54, 26])
Note that you can give any type of sequential structure, or even another
set, to the update function, regardless of what structure was used to
initialize the set.
The set function also provides a copy constructor. However, remember
that the copy constructor will copy the set, but not the individual
``` python
>>> s2 = s.copy()
>>> s2
set([32, 9, 12, 14, 54, 26])
### Membership Testing
We can check if an object is in the set using the same \"in\" operator
as with sequential data types.
``` python
>>> 32 in s
>>> 6 in s
>>> 6 not in s
We can also test the membership of entire sets. Given two sets $S_1$ and
$S_2$, we check if $S_1$ is a subset or a
superset of $S_2$.
``` python
>>> s.issubset(set([32, 8, 9, 12, 14, -4, 54, 26, 19]))
>>> s.issuperset(set([9, 12]))
Note that \"issubset\" and \"issuperset\" can also accept sequential
data types as arguments
``` python
>>> s.issuperset([32, 9])
Note that the \<= and \>= operators also express the issubset and
issuperset functions respectively.
``` python
>>> set([4, 5, 7]) <= set([4, 5, 7, 9])
>>> set([9, 12, 15]) >= set([9, 12])
Like lists, tuples, and string, we can use the \"len\" function to find
the number of items in a set.
### Removing Items
There are three functions which remove individual items from a set,
called pop, remove, and discard. The first, pop, simply removes an item
from the set. Note that there is no defined behavior as to which element
it chooses to remove.
``` python
>>> s = set([1,2,3,4,5,6])
>>> s.pop()
>>> s
We also have the \"remove\" function to remove a specified element.
``` python
>>> s.remove(3)
>>> s
However, removing a item which isn\'t in the set causes an error.
``` python
>>> s.remove(9)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
KeyError: 9
If you wish to avoid this error, use \"discard.\" It has the same
functionality as remove, but will simply do nothing if the element
isn\'t in the set
We also have another operation for removing elements from a set, clear,
which simply removes all elements from the set.
``` python
>>> s.clear()
>>> s
### Iteration Over Sets
We can also have a loop move over each of the items in a set. However,
since sets are unordered, it is undefined which order the iteration will
``` python
>>> s = set("blerg")
>>> for n in s:
... print(n, "", end="")
r b e l g
### Set Operations
Python allows us to perform all the standard mathematical set
operations, using members of set. Note that each of these set operations
has several forms. One of these forms, s1.function(s2) will return
another set which is created by \"function\" applied to $S_1$ and $S_2$.
The other form, s1.function_update(s2), will change $S_1$ to be the set
created by \"function\" of $S_1$ and $S_2$. Finally, some functions have
equivalent special operators. For example, s1 & s2 is equivalent to
#### Intersection
Any element which is in both $S_1$ and $S_2$ will appear in their
intersection "wikilink").
``` python
>>> s1 = set([4, 6, 9])
>>> s2 = set([1, 6, 8])
>>> s1.intersection(s2)
>>> s1 & s2
>>> s1.intersection_update(s2)
>>> s1
#### Union
The union "wikilink") is the merger of two sets.
Any element in $S_1$ or $S_2$ will appear in their union.
``` python
>>> s1 = set([4, 6, 9])
>>> s2 = set([1, 6, 8])
>>> s1.union(s2)
set([1, 4, 6, 8, 9])
>>> s1 | s2
set([1, 4, 6, 8, 9])
Note that union\'s update function is simply \"update\"
#### Symmetric Difference
The symmetric difference of two
sets is the set of elements which are in one of either set, but not in
``` python
>>> s1 = set([4, 6, 9])
>>> s2 = set([1, 6, 8])
>>> s1.symmetric_difference(s2)
set([8, 1, 4, 9])
>>> s1 ^ s2
set([8, 1, 4, 9])
>>> s1.symmetric_difference_update(s2)
>>> s1
set([8, 1, 4, 9])
#### Set Difference
Python can also find the set
difference#Relative_Complement "wikilink") of
$S_1$ and $S_2$, which is the elements that are in $S_1$ but not in
``` python
>>> s1 = set([4, 6, 9])
>>> s2 = set([1, 6, 8])
>>> s1.difference(s2)
set([9, 4])
>>> s1 - s2
set([9, 4])
>>> s1.difference_update(s2)
>>> s1
set([9, 4])
### Multiple sets
Starting with Python 2.6, \"union\", \"intersection\", and
\"difference\" can work with multiple input by using the set
constructor. For example, using \"set.intersection()\":
``` python
>>> s1 = set([3, 6, 7, 9])
>>> s2 = set([6, 7, 9, 10])
>>> s3 = set([7, 9, 10, 11])
>>> set.intersection(s1, s2, s3)
set([9, 7])
### frozenset
A frozenset is basically the same as a set, except that it is
immutable - once it is created, its members cannot be changed. Since
they are immutable, they are also hashable, which means that frozensets
can be used as members in other sets and as dictionary keys. frozensets
have the same functions as normal sets, except none of the functions
that change the contents (update, remove, pop, etc.) are available.
``` python
>>> fs = frozenset([2, 3, 4])
>>> s1 = set([fs, 4, 5, 6])
>>> s1
set([4, frozenset([2, 3, 4]), 6, 5])
>>> fs.intersection(s1)
>>> fs.add(6)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'frozenset' object has no attribute 'add'
### Exercises
1. Create the set {\'cat\', 1, 2, 3}, call it s.
2. Create the set {\'c\', \'a\', \'t\', \'1\', \'2\', \'3\'}.
3. Create the frozen set {\'cat\', 1, 2, 3}, call it fs.
4. Create a set containing the frozenset fs, it should look like
{frozenset({\'cat\', 2, 3, 1})}.
### Reference
- Python Tutorial, section \"Data Structures\", subsection
\-- python.org
- Python Library Reference on Set
\-- python.org
- PEP 218 \-- Adding a Built-In Set Object
Type, python.org, a nice
concise overview of the set type
# Python Programming/Operators
## Basics
Python math works as expected:
``` {.python .numberLines}
>>> x = 2
>>> y = 3
>>> z = 5
>>> x * y
>>> x + y
>>> y - x
>>> x * y + z
>>> (x + y) * z
>>> 3.0 / 2.0 # True division
>>> 3 // 2 # Floor division
>>> 2 ** 3 # Exponentiation
Note that Python adheres to the PEMDAS order of
## Powers
There is a built in exponentiation operator *\*\**, which can take
either integers, floating point or complex numbers. This occupies its
proper place in the order of operations.
``` python
>>> 2**8
## Floor Division and True Division
In Python 3.x, slash operator (\"/\") does *true division* for all types
including integers, and therefore, e.g. `3/2==1.5`[^1][^2]. The result
is of a floating-point type even if both inputs are integers: 4 / 2
yields 2.0.
In Python 3.x and latest 2.x, *floor division* for both integer
arguments and floating-point arguments is achieved by using the double
slash (\"//\") operator. For negative results, this is unlike the
integer division in the C language since -3 // 2 == -2 in Python while
-3 / 2 == -1 in C: C rounds the negative result toward zero while Python
toward negative infinity.
Beware that due to the limitations of floating point
arithmetic, rounding errors can cause
unexpected results. For example:
`>>> print(0.6/0.2)`\
`>>> print(0.6//0.2)`\
For Python 2.x, dividing two integers or longs using the slash operator
(\"/\") uses *floor division* (applying the floor
function after division) and results in an
integer or long. Thus, 5 / 2 == 2 and -3 / 2 == -2. Using \"/\" to do
division this way is deprecated; if you want floor division, use \"//\"
(available in Python 2.2 and later). Dividing by or into a floating
point number will cause Python to use true division. Thus, to ensure
true division in Python 2.x: `x=3; y=2; float(x)/y == 1.5`.
- 6.7. Binary arithmetic
in The Python Language Reference, docs.python.org
- Python-style integer division & modulus in
- Integer division rounding with negatives in
- In Python, what is a good way to round towards zero in integer
- Why Python\'s Integer Division
## Modulus
The modulus (remainder of the division of the two operands, rather than
the quotient) can be found using the *%* operator, or by the *divmod*
builtin function. The *divmod* function returns a *tuple* containing the
quotient and remainder.
``` python
>>> 10 % 7
>>> -10 % 7
Note that -10 % 7 is equal to 4 while it is equal to -3 in the C
language. Python calculates the remainder as one after floor division
while the C language calculates the remainder after C integer division,
which differs from Python\'s floor division on integers: C integer
division rounds negative results toward zero.
- 6.7. Binary arithmetic
in The Python Language Reference, docs.python.org
## Negation
Unlike some other languages, variables can be negated directly:
``` python
>>> x = 5
>>> -x
## Comparison
Operation Means
----------- --------------------------
\< Less than
\> Greater than
\<= Less than or equal to
\>= Greater than or equal to
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
Numbers, strings and other types can be compared for equality/inequality
and ordering:
``` python
>>> 2 == 3
>>> 3 == 3
>>> 3 == '3'
>>> 2 < 3
>>> "a" < "aa"
## Identity
The operators `is` and `is not` test for object identity and stand in
contrast to == (equals): `x is y` is true if and only if x and y are
references to the same object in memory. `x is not y` yields the inverse
truth value. Note that an identity test is more stringent than an
equality test since two distinct objects may have the same value.
``` python
>>> [1,2,3] == [1,2,3]
>>> [1,2,3] is [1,2,3]
For the built-in immutable data
(like int, str and tuple) Python uses caching mechanisms to improve
performance, i.e., the interpreter may decide to reuse an existing
immutable object instead of generating a new one with the same value.
The details of object caching are subject to changes between different
Python versions and are not guaranteed to be system-independent, so
identity checks on immutable objects like `'hello' is 'hello'`,
`(1,2,3) is (1,2,3)`, `4 is 2**2` may give different results on
different machines.
In some Python implementations, the following results are applicable:
``` python
print(8 is 8) # True
print("str" is "str") # True
print((1, 2) is (1, 2)) # False - whyever, it is immutable
print([1, 2] is [1, 2]) # False
print(id(8) == id(8)) # True
int1 = 8
print(int1 is 8) # True
oldid = id(int1)
int1 += 2
print(id(int1) == oldid)# False
- 3. Data model,
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
id, python.org
- 5. Expressions \#
## Augmented Assignment
There is shorthand for assigning the output of an operation to one of
the inputs:
``` python
>>> x = 2
>>> x # 2
>>> x *= 3
>>> x # 2 * 3
>>> x += 4
>>> x # 2 * 3 + 4
>>> x /= 5
>>> x # (2 * 3 + 4) / 5
>>> x **= 2
>>> x # ((2 * 3 + 4) / 5) ** 2
>>> x %= 3
>>> x # ((2 * 3 + 4) / 5) ** 2 % 3
>>> x = 'repeat this '
>>> x # repeat this
repeat this
>>> x *= 3 # fill with x repeated three times
>>> x
repeat this repeat this repeat this
## Logical Operators
Logical operators are operators that act on booleans.
### or
The or operator returns true if any one of the booleans involved are
true. If none of them are true (in other words, they are all false), the
or operator returns false.
``` python
if a or b:
### and
The and operator only returns true if all of the booleans are true. If
any one of them is false, the and operator returns false.
``` python
if a and b:
### not
The not operator only acts on one boolean and simply returns its
opposite. So, true turns into false and false into true.
``` python
if not a:
The order of operations here is: *not* first, *and* second, *or* third.
In particular, \"True or True and False or False\" becomes \"True or
False or False\" which is True.
Warning, logical operators can act on things other than booleans. For
instance \"1 and 6\" will return 6. Specifically, \"and\" returns either
the first value considered to be false, or the last value if all are
considered true. \"or\" returns the first true value, or the last value
if all are considered false. In Python, (floating-point) number with
value *zero*, and *empty* strings, lists, sets, etc. are considered to
be false. You may use `bool()` to check whether a thing is considered to
be true or false in Python. For instance, `bool(0.0)` and `bool([])`
both return `False`.
## Bitwise Operators
Python operators for bitwise arithmetic are like those in the C
language. They include & (bitwise and), \| (bitwise or), \^ (exclusive
or AKA xor), \<\< (shift left), \>\> (shift right), and \~ (complement).
Augmented assignment operators (AKA compound assignment operators) for
the bitwise operations include &=, \|=, \^=, \<\<=, and \>\>=. Bitwise
operators apply to integers, even negative ones and very large ones; for
the shift operators, the second operand must be non-negative. In the
Python internal help, this is covered under the topics of EXPRESSIONS
- 0b1101 & 0b111 == 0b101
- Note: 0b starts a binary literal, just like 0x starts a
hexadecimal literal.
- 0b1 \| 0b100 == 0b101
- 0b111 \^ 0b101 == 0b10
- 1 \<\< 4 == 16
- 7 \>\> 1 == 3
- 1 \<\< 100 == 0x10000000000000000000000000
- Large results are supported.
- 1 \<\< -1
- An error: the 2nd operand must be non-negative.
- -2 & 15 == 14
- For bitwise operations, negative integers are treated as if
represented using two\'s complement with an infinite sequence of
leading ones. Thus -2 is as if 0x\...FFFFFFFFFE, which ANDed
with 15 (0xF) yields 0xE, which is 14.
- format(-2 % (1 \<\< 32), \"032b\")
- Determines a string showing the last 32 bits of the implied
two\'s complement representation of -2.
- \~-2 == 1
- The above note about treatment of negative integers applies. For
the complement (\~), this treatment yields \~x == -1 \* (x + 1).
This can be verified: min((\~x == -1 \* (x + 1) for x in
range(-10 \*\* 6, 10 \*\* 6))) == True.
- \~1 == -2
- The formula \~x == -1 \* (x + 1) mentioned above applies. In the
bitwise complement interpretation, all the imaginary leading
leading zeros of 1 are toggled to leading ones, which is then
interpreted as two\'s complement representation of -2, which is
as if 0x\...FFFFFFFFFE.
- x = 0b11110101; x &= \~(0xF \<\< 1); x == 0b11100001
- A common idiom clears the least significant bits 5 to 2 using
complement, showing the usefulness of the infinite-leading-ones
two\'s complement implied representation of negative numbers for
bitwise operations. Works for arbitrarily large x.
- \~2 & 0xFFFFFFFF == 0xFFFFFFFD
- We can emulate bitwise complement on 32-bit integers by ANDing
the complement with the maximum unsigned 32-bit integer,
0xFFFFFFFF. We can proceed similarly for 8-bit complement,
16-bit complement, etc., by ANDing the complement with 0xFF,
0xFFFF, etc.
- Another way to emulate fixed-size bitwise complement is by
XORing with all Fs for the size.
- v = 2.0 & 2
- Yields an error: no automatic conversion of floats to ints, and
no operation on the underlying representation of the float.
- int.bit_length(0x8000) == 16
- Determines how many bits are needed to represent the integer.
Therefore, min((int.bit_length(1 \<\< x) == x + 1 for x in
range(100000))) == True.
Examples of augmented assignment operators:
- a = 0b1101; a &= 0b111; a == 0b101
- a = 0b1; a \|= 0b100; a == 0b101
- a = 0b111; a \^= 0b101; a == 0b10
- a = 1; a \<\<= 4; a == 16
- a = 7; a \>\>= 1; a == 3
Class definitions can overload the operators for the instances of the
class; thus, for instance, sets overload the pipe (\|) operator to mean
set union: {1,2} \| {3,4} == {1,2,3,4}. The names of the override
methods are \_\_and\_\_ for &, \_\_or\_\_ for \|, \_\_xor\_\_ for \^,
\_\_invert\_\_ for \~, \_\_lshift\_\_ for \<\<, \_\_rshift\_\_ for \>\>,
\_\_iand\_\_ for &=, \_\_ior\_ for \|=, \_\_ixor\_\_ for \^=,
\_\_ilshift\_\_ for \<\<=, and \_\_irshift\_\_ for \>\>=.
Examples of use of bitwise operations include calculation of CRC and
MD5. Admittedly, these would usually be implemented in C rather than
Python for maximum speed; indeed, Python has libraries for these written
in C. Nonetheless, implementations in Python are possible and are shown
in the links to Rosetta Code below.
- BitwiseOperators,
- BitManipulation,
- Bitwise Operations on Integer
in Library Reference, docs.python.org
- 2.5.
in The Python Language Reference, docs.python.org
- 6.
in The Python Language Reference, docs.python.org
- 3. Data model
in in The Python Language Reference, docs.python.org
: \"Integers (int) \[\...\] For the purpose of shift and mask
operations, a binary representation is assumed, and negative
numbers are represented in a variant of 2's complement which
gives the illusion of an infinite string of sign bits extending
to the left.\"
- , wikipedia.org
- , wikipedia.org
- PEP 203 -- Augmented
Assignments, python.org
- Bitwise operation and
- CRC-32 \# Python,
- MD5/Implementation \#
- longobject.c
at python/cpython, github.com - functions long_bitwise, long_rshift,
long_lshift, and long_invert
## References
## External Links
- 3.1.1.
in The Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
- 6.
in The Python Language Reference, docs.python.org
[^1]: What\'s New in Python
[^2]: PEP 238 \-- Changing the Division
# Python Programming/Control Flow
As with most imperative languages, there are three main categories of
program control flow:
- loops
- branches
- function calls
Function calls are covered in the next
Generators and list comprehensions are advanced forms of program control
flow, but they are not covered here.
### Overview
Control flow in Python at a glance:
``` python
x = -6 # Branching
if x > 0: # If
elif x == 0: # Else if AKA elseif
else: # Else
list1 = [100, 200, 300]
for i in list1: print(i) # A for loop
for i in range(0, 5): print(i) # A for loop from 0 to 4
for i in range(5, 0, -1): print(i) # A for loop from 5 to 1
for i in range(0, 5, 2): print(i) # A for loop from 0 to 4, step 2
list2 = [(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)]
for x, xsq in list2: print(x, xsq) # A for loop with a two-tuple as its iterator
l1 = [1, 2]; l2 = ['a', 'b']
for i1, i2 in zip(l1, l2): print(i1, i2) # A for loop iterating two lists at once.
i = 5
while i > 0: # A while loop
i -= 1
list1 = ["cat", "dog", "mouse"]
i = -1 # -1 if not found
for item in list1:
i += 1
if item=="dog":
break # Break; also usable with while loop
print("Index of dog:", i)
for i in range(1,6):
if i <= 4:
continue # Continue; also usable with while loop
print("Greater than 4:", i)
### Loops
In Python, there are two kinds of loops, \'for\' loops and \'while\'
#### For loops
A for loop iterates over elements of a sequence (tuple or list). A
variable is created to represent the object in the sequence. For
``` python
x = [100,200,300]
for i in x:
print (i)
This will output
The `for` loop loops over each of the elements of a list or iterator,
assigning the current element to the variable name given. In the example
above, each of the elements in `x` is assigned to `i`.
A built-in function called range exists to make creating sequential
lists such as the one above easier. The loop above is equivalent to:
``` python
l = range(100, 301,100)
for i in l:
print (i)
Similar to the slicing operation, in the range function, the first
argument is the starting integer (we can just pass one argument to the
range, which will be interpreted as the *second* argument, and then the
default value: 0 is used for the first argument), and the second
argument is the ending integer *but excluded* from the list.
``` python
>>> range(5)
range(0, 5)
>>> list(range(5)) #need to use list() to really print the list out
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> set(range(5)) #we can also print a set out
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
>>> list(range(1,5))
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list(range(1,1)) #starting from 1, but 1 itself is excluded from the list
The next example uses a negative *step* (the third argument for the
built-in range function, which is similar to the slicing operation):
``` python
for i in range(5, 0, -1):
print (i)
This will output
The negative step can be -2:
``` python
for i in range(10, 0, -2):
print (i)
This will output
For loops can have names for each element of a tuple, if it loops over a
sequence of tuples:
``` python
l = [(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9), (4, 16), (5, 25)]
for x, xsquared in l:
print(x, ':', xsquared)
This will output
`1 : 1`\
`2 : 4`\
`3 : 9`\
`4 : 16`\
`5 : 25`
- 4.2. for
The Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
- 4.3. The range()
The Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
#### While loops
A while loop repeats a sequence of statements until the condition
becomes false. For example:
``` python
x = 5
while x > 0:
print (x)
x = x - 1
Will output:
Python\'s while loops can also have an \'else\' clause, which is a block
of statements that is executed (once) when the while condition evaluates
to false. The break statement (see the next section) inside the while
loop will not direct the program flow to the else clause. For example:
``` python
x = 5
y = x
while y > 0:
print (y)
y = y - 1
print (x)
This will output:
Unlike some languages, there is no post-condition loop.
When the while condition never evaluates to false, i.e., is always true,
then we have an *infinite loop*. For example,
``` python
x = 1
while x > 0:
x += 1
This results in an infinite loop, which prints 1,2,3,4,\... . To stop an
infinite loop, we need to use the break statement.
- 3.2. First Steps Towards
The Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
#### Breaking and continuing
Python includes statements to exit a loop (either a for loop or a while
loop) prematurely. To exit a loop, use the break statement:
``` python
x = 5
while x > 0:
x -= 1
This will output
The statement to begin the next iteration of the loop without waiting
for the end of the current loop is \'continue\'.
``` python
l = [5,6,7]
for x in l:
This will not produce any output.
#### Else clause of loops
The else clause of loops will be executed if no break statements are met
in the loop.
``` python
l = range(1,100)
for x in l:
if x == 100:
print(x, " is not 100")
print("100 not found in range")
Another example of a while loop using the break statement and the else
``` python
expected_str = "melon"
received_str = "apple"
basket = ["banana", "grapes", "strawberry", "melon", "orange"]
x = 0
step = int(raw_input("Input iteration step: "))
while received_str != expected_str:
if x >= len(basket): print("No more fruits left on the basket."); break
received_str = basket[x]
x += step # Change this to 3 to make the while statement
# evaluate to false, avoiding the break statement, using the else clause.
if received_str==basket[2]: print("I hate", basket[2], "!"); break
if received_str != expected_str: print("I am waiting for my ", expected_str,".")
print("Finally got what I wanted! my precious ", expected_str, "!")
print("Going back home now !")
This will output:
Input iteration step: 2
I am waiting for my melon .
I hate strawberry !
Going back home now !
#### White Space
Python determines where a loop repeats itself by the indentation in the
whitespace. Everything that is indented is part of the loop, the next
entry that is not indented is not. For example, the code below prints
\"1 1 2 1 1 2\"
``` python
for i in [0, 1]:
for j in ["a","b"]:
On the other hand, the code below prints \"1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2\"
``` python
for i in [0, 1]:
for j in ["a","b"]:
### Branches
There is basically only one kind of branch in Python, the \'if\'
statement. The simplest form of the if statement simple executes a block
of code only if a given predicate is true, and skips over it if the
predicate is false
For instance,
``` python
>>> x = 10
>>> if x > 0:
... print("Positive")
>>> if x < 0:
... print("Negative")
You can also add \"elif\" (short for \"else if\") branches onto the if
statement. If the predicate on the first "if" is false, it will test the
predicate on the first elif, and run that branch if it's true. If the
first elif is false, it tries the second one, and so on. Note, however,
that it will stop checking branches as soon as it finds a true
predicate, and skip the rest of the if statement. You can also end your
if statements with an \"else\" branch. If none of the other branches are
executed, then python will run this branch.
``` python
>>> x = -6
>>> if x > 0:
... print("Positive")
... elif x == 0:
... print("Zero")
... else:
... print("Negative")
- 4.1. if
The Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
### Conclusion
Any of these loops, branches, and function calls can be nested in any
way desired. A loop can loop over a loop, a branch can branch again, and
a function can call other functions, or even call itself.
## Exercises
1. Print the numbers from 0 to 1000 (including both 0 and 1000).
2. Print the numbers from 0 to 1000 that are multiples of 5.
3. Print the numbers from 1 to 1000 that are multiples of 5.
4. Use a nested for-loop to prints the 3x3 multiplication table below
``` python
1 2 3
2 4 6
3 6 9
1. Print the 3x3 multiplication table below.
``` python
1 2 3
1|1 2 3
2|2 4 6
3|3 6 9
## External links
- 4. More Control Flow
Tools, The
Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
# Python Programming/Decision Control
Python, like many other computer programming languages, uses Boolean
logic for its decision control. That is, the Python interpreter compares
one or more values in order to decide whether to execute a piece of code
or not, given the proper syntax and instructions.
Decision control is then divided into two major categories, conditional
and repetition. Conditional logic simply uses the keyword **if** and a
Boolean expression to decide whether or not to execute a code block.
Repetition builds on the conditional constructs by giving us a simple
method in which to repeat a block of code while a Boolean expression
evaluates to *true*.
## Boolean Expressions
Here is a little example of boolean expressions (you don\'t have to type
it in):
``` python
a = 6
b = 7
c = 42
print (1, a == 6)
print (2, a == 7)
print (3, a == 6 and b == 7)
print (4, a == 7 and b == 7)
print (5, not a == 7 and b == 7)
print (6, a == 7 or b == 7)
print (7, a == 7 or b == 6)
print (8, not (a == 7 and b == 6))
print (9, not a == 7 and b == 6)
With the output being:
1 True
2 False
3 True
4 False
5 True
6 True
7 False
8 True
9 False
What is going on? The program consists of a bunch of funny looking
`print` statements. Each `print` statement prints a number and an
expression. The number is to help keep track of which statement I am
dealing with. Notice how each expression ends up being either True or
False; these are built-in Python values. The lines:
``` python
print (1, a == 6)
print (2, a == 7)
print out True and False respectively, just as expected, since the first
is true and the second is false. The third print,
`print (3, a == 6 and b == 7)`, is a little different. The operator
`and` means if both the statement before and the statement after are
true then the whole expression is true otherwise the whole expression is
false. The next line, `print (4, a == 7 and b == 7)`, shows how if part
of an `and` expression is false, the whole thing is false. The behavior
of `and` can be summarized as follows:
expression result
----------------- --------
true and true true
true and false false
false and true false
false and false false
Note that if the first expression is false Python does not check the
second expression since it knows the whole expression is false.
The next line, `print (5, not a == 7 and b == 7)`, uses the `not`
operator. `not` just gives the opposite of the expression (The
expression could be rewritten as `print (5, a != 7 and b == 7)`).
Here\'s the table:
expression result
------------ --------
not true false
not false true
The two following lines, `print (6, a == 7 or b == 7)` and
`print (7, a == 7 or b == 6)`, use the `or` operator. The `or` operator
returns true if the first expression is true, or if the second
expression is true or both are true. If neither are true it returns
false. Here\'s the table:
expression result
---------------- --------
true or true true
true or false true
false or true true
false or false false
Note that if the first expression is true Python doesn\'t check the
second expression since it knows the whole expression is true. This
works since `or` is true if at least one of the expressions are true.
The first part is true so the second part could be either false or true,
but the whole expression is still true.
The next two lines, `print (8, not (a == 7 and b == 6))` and
`print (9, not a == 7 and b == 6)`, show that parentheses can be used to
group expressions and force one part to be evaluated first. Notice that
the parentheses changed the expression from false to true. This occurred
since the parentheses forced the `not` to apply to the whole expression
instead of just the `a == 7` portion.
Here is an example of using a boolean expression:
``` python
list = ["Life","The Universe","Everything","Jack","Jill","Life","Jill"]
# Make a copy of the list.
copy = list[:]
# Sort the copy
prev = copy[0]
del copy[0]
count = 0
# Go through the list searching for a match
while count < len(copy) and copy[count] != prev:
prev = copy[count]
count = count + 1
# If a match was not found then count can't be < len
# since the while loop continues while count is < len
# and no match is found
if count < len(copy):
print ("First Match:",prev)
See the Lists chapter to explain
what \[:\] means on the first line.
Here is the output:
First Match: Jill
This program works by continuing to check for a match
`while count < len(copy) and copy[count] != prev`. When either `count`
is greater than the last index of `copy` or a match has been found the
`and` is no longer true so the loop exits. The `if` simply checks to
make sure that the `while` exited because a match was found.
The other \'trick\' of `and` is used in this example. If you look at the
table for `and` notice that the third entry is \"false and won\'t
check\". If `count >= len(copy)` (in other words `count < len(copy)` is
false) then copy\[count\] is never looked at. This is because Python
knows that if the first is false then they both can\'t be true. This is
known as a short circuit and is useful if the second half of the `and`
will cause an error if something is wrong. I used the first expression
(`count < len(copy)`) to check and see if `count` was a valid index for
`copy`. (If you don\'t believe me remove the matches \`Jill\' and
\`Life\', check that it still works and then reverse the order of
`count < len(copy) and copy[count] != prev` to
`copy[count] != prev and count < len(copy)`.)
Boolean expressions can be used when you need to check two or more
different things at once.
## Examples
``` python
## This programs asks a user for a name and a password.
# It then checks them to make sure that the user is allowed in.
# Note that this is a simple and insecure example,
# real password code should never be implemented this way.
name = raw_input("What is your name? ")
password = raw_input("What is the password? ")
if name == "Josh" and password == "Friday":
print ("Welcome Josh")
elif name == "Fred" and password == "Rock":
print ("Welcome Fred")
print ("I don't know you.")
Sample runs
What is your name? Josh
What is the password? Friday
Welcome Josh
What is your name? Bill
What is the password? Saturday
I don't know you.
## Exercises
1. Write a program that has a user guess your name, but they only get 3
chances to do so until the program quits.
# Python Programming/Conditional Statements
## Decisions
A **Decision** is when a program has more than one choice of actions
depending on a variable\'s value. Think of a traffic light. When it is
green, we continue our drive. When we see the light turn yellow, we
reduce our speed, and when it is red, we stop. These are logical
decisions that depend on the value of the traffic light. Luckily, Python
has a decision statement to help us when our application needs to make
such decision for the user.
## If statements
Here is a warm-up exercise - a short program to compute the absolute
value of a number:\
``` python
n = input("Integer? ")#Pick an integer. And remember, if raw_input is not supported by your OS, use input()
n = int(n)#Defines n as the integer you chose. (Alternatively, you can define n yourself)
if n < 0:
print ("The absolute value of",n,"is",-n)
print ("The absolute value of",n,"is",n)
Here is the output from the two times that I ran this program:
Integer? -34
The absolute value of -34 is 34
Integer? 1
The absolute value of 1 is 1
What does the computer do when it sees this piece of code? First it
prompts the user for a number with the statement
\"`n = input("Integer? ")`\". Next it reads the line \"`if n < 0:`\". If
`n` is less than zero Python runs the line
\"`print ("The absolute value of",n,"is",-n)`\". Otherwise python runs
the line \"`print ("The absolute value of",n,"is",n)`\".
More formally, Python looks at whether the *expression* `n < 0` is true
or false. An `if` statement is followed by an indented *block* of
statements that are run when the expression is true. After the `if`
statement is an optional `else` statement and another indented *block*
of statements. This 2nd block of statements is run if the expression is
Expressions can be tested several different ways. Here is a table of all
of them:
operator function
---------- --------------------------
`<` less than
`<=` less than or equal to
`>` greater than
`>=` greater than or equal to
`==` equal
`!=` not equal
Another feature of the `if` command is the `elif` statement. It stands
for \"else if,\" which means that if the original `if` statement is
false and the `elif` statement is true, execute the block of code
following the `elif` statement. Here\'s an example:\
``` python
a = 0
while a < 10:
a = a + 1
if a > 5:
print (a,">",5)
elif a <= 7:
print (a,"<=",7)
print ("Neither test was true")
and the output:
1 <= 7
2 <= 7
3 <= 7
4 <= 7
5 <= 7
6 > 5
7 > 5
8 > 5
9 > 5
10 > 5
Notice how the `elif a <= 7` is only tested when the `if` statement
fails to be true. `elif` allows multiple tests to be done in a single if
### If Example
``` python
# Plays the guessing game higher or lower
# (originally written by Josh Cogliati, improved by Quique, now improved
# by Sanjith, further improved by VorDd, with continued improvement from
# the various Wikibooks contributors.)
# This should actually be something that is semi random like the
# last digits of the time or something else, but that will have to
# wait till a later chapter. (Extra Credit, modify it to be random
# after the Modules chapter)
# This is for demonstration purposes only.
# It is not written to handle invalid input like a full program would.
answer = 23
question = 'What number am I thinking of? '
print ('Let\'s play the guessing game!')
while True:
guess = int(input(question))
if guess < answer:
print ('Little higher')
elif guess > answer:
print ('Little lower')
else: # guess == answer
print ('MINDREADER!!!')
Sample run:
Let's play the guessing game!
What number am I thinking of? 22
Little higher
What number am I thinking of? 25
Little Lower
What number am I thinking of? 23
As it states in its comments, this code is not prepared to handle
invalid input (*i.e.*, strings instead of numbers). If you are wondering
how you would implement such functionality in Python, you are referred
to the Errors Chapter of this
book, where you will learn about error handling. For the above code you
may try this slight modification of the `while` loop:
``` python
while True:
inp = input(question)
guess = int(inp)
except ValueError:
print('Your guess should be a number')
if guess < answer:
print ('Little higher')
elif guess > answer:
print ('Little lower')
else: # guess == answer
print ('MINDREADER!!!')
``` python
#Asks for a number.
#Prints if it is even or odd
print ("Input [x] for exit.")
while True:
inp = input("Tell me a number: ")
if inp == 'x':
# catch any resulting ValueError during the conversion to float
number = float(inp)
except ValueError:
print('I said: Tell me a NUMBER!')
test = number % 2
if test == 0:
print (int(number),"is even.")
elif test == 1:
print (int(number),"is odd.")
print (number,"is very strange.")
Sample runs.
Tell me a number: 3
3 is odd.
Tell me a number: 2
2 is even.
Tell me a number: 3.14159
3.14159 is very strange.
``` python
#Prints the average value.
print ("Welcome to the average calculator program")
x = int(input("Please enter the first number "))
y = int(input("Please enter the second number "))
z = int(input("Please enter the third number "))
str = x+y+z
print (float (str/3.0))
#MADE BY SANJITH [email protected]
Sample runs
Welcome to the average calculator program
Please enter the first number 7
Please enter the second number 6
Please enter the third number 4
``` python
#keeps asking for numbers until count have been entered.
#Prints the average value.
sum = 0.0
print ("This program will take several numbers, then average them.")
count = int(input("How many numbers would you like to sum: "))
current_count = 0
while current_count < count:
print ("Number",current_count)
number = float(input("Enter a number: "))
sum = sum + number
current_count += 1
print("The average was:",sum/count)
Sample runs
This program will take several numbers, then average them.
How many numbers would you like to sum: 2
Number 0
Enter a number: 3
Number 1
Enter a number: 5
The average was: 4.0
This program will take several numbers, then average them.
How many numbers would you like to sum: 3
Number 0
Enter a number: 1
Number 1
Enter a number: 4
Number 2
Enter a number: 3
The average was: 2.66666666667
``` python
#Continuously updates the average as new numbers are entered.
print ("Welcome to the Average Calculator, please insert a number")
currentaverage = 0
numofnums = 0
while True:
newnumber = int(input("New number "))
numofnums = numofnums + 1
currentaverage = (round((((currentaverage * (numofnums - 1)) + newnumber) / numofnums), 3))
print ("The current average is " + str((round(currentaverage, 3))))
Sample runs
Welcome to the Average Calculator, please insert a number
New number 1
The current average is 1.0
New number 3
The current average is 2.0
New number 6
The current average is 3.333
New number 6
The current average is 4.0
New number
### If Exercises
1. Write a password guessing program to keep track of how many times
the user has entered the password wrong. If it is more than 3 times,
print *You have been denied access.* and terminate the program. If
the password is correct, print *You have successfully logged in.*
and terminate the program.
2. Write a program that asks for two numbers. If the sum of the numbers
is greater than 100, print *That is a big number* and terminate the
3. Write a program that asks the user their name. If they enter your
name, say \"That is a nice name.\" If they enter \"John Cleese\" or
\"Michael Palin\", tell them how you feel about them ;), otherwise
tell them \"You have a nice name.\"
4. Ask the user to enter the password. If the password is correct print
\"You have successfully logged in\" and exit the program. If the
password is wrong print \"Sorry the password is wrong\" and ask the
user to enter the password 3 times. If the password is wrong print
\"You have been denied access\" and exit the program.
``` python
## Password guessing program using if statement and while statement only
### source by zain
guess_count = 0
correct_pass = 'dee234'
while True:
pass_guess = input("Please enter your password: ")
guess_count += 1
if pass_guess == correct_pass:
print ('You have successfully logged in.')
elif pass_guess != correct_pass:
if guess_count >= 3:
print ("You have been denied access.")
``` python
def mard():
for i in range(1,4):
a = input("enter a password: ") # to ask password
b = "sefinew" # the password
if a == b: # if the password entered and the password are the same to print.
print("You have successfully logged in")
exit()# to terminate the program. Using 'break' instead of 'exit()' will allow your shell or idle to dump the block and continue to run.
else: # if the password entered and the password are not the same to print.
print("Sorry the password is wrong ")
if i == 3:
print("You have been denied access")
exit() # to terminate the program
``` python
#Source by Vanchi
import time
import getpass
password = getpass.getpass("Please enter your password")
print ("Waiting for 3 seconds")
got_it_right = False
for number_of_tries in range(1,4):
reenter_password = getpass.getpass("Please reenter your password")
if password == reenter_password:
print ("You are Logged in! Welcome User :)")
got_it_right = True
if not got_it_right:
print ("Access Denied!!")
### Conditional Statements
Many languages (like Java and PHP) have the concept of a one-line
conditional (called The Ternary Operator), often used to simplify
conditionally accessing a value. For instance (in Java):
``` java
int in= ; // read from program input
// a normal conditional assignment
int res;
if(number < 0)
res = -number;
res = number;
For many years Python did not have the same construct natively, however
you could replicate it by constructing a tuple of results and calling
the test as the index of the tuple, like so:
``` python
number = int(input("Enter a number to get its absolute value:"))
res = (-number, number)[number > 0]
It is important to note that, unlike a built in conditional statement,
both the true and false branches are evaluated before returning, which
can lead to unexpected results and slower executions if you\'re not
careful. To resolve this issue, and as a better practice, wrap whatever
you put in the tuple in anonymous function calls (lambda notation) to
prevent them from being evaluated until the desired branch is called:
``` python
number = int(input("Enter a number to get its absolute value:"))
res = (lambda: number, lambda: -number)[number < 0]()
Since Python 2.5 however, there has been an equivalent operator to The
Ternary Operator (though not called such, and with a totally different
``` python
number = int(input("Enter a number to get its absolute value:"))
res = -number if number < 0 else number
## Switch
A switch is a control statement present in most computer programming
languages to minimize a bunch of If - elif statements. Sadly Python
doesn\'t officially support this statement, but with the clever use of
an array or dictionary, we can recreate this Switch statement that
depends on a value.
``` python
x = 1
def hello():
print ("Hello")
def bye():
print ("Bye")
def hola():
print ("Hola is Spanish for Hello")
def adios():
print ("Adios is Spanish for Bye")
# Notice that our switch statement is a regular variable, only that we added the function's name inside
# and there are no quotes
menu = [hello,bye,hola,adios]
# To call our switch statement, we simply make reference to the array with a pair of parentheses
# at the end to call the function
menu[3]() # calls the adios function since is number 3 in our array.
menu[0]() # Calls the hello function being our first element in our array.
menu[x]() # Calls the bye function as is the second element on the array x = 1
This works because Python stores a reference of the function in the
array at its particular index, and by adding a pair of parentheses we
are actually calling the function. Here the last line is equivalent to:
## Another way. Using function through user Input
``` python
go = "y"
x = 0
def hello():
print ("Hello")
def bye():
print ("Bye")
def hola():
print ("Hola is Spanish for Hello")
def adios():
print ("Adios is Spanish for Bye")
menu = [hello, bye, hola, adios]
while x < len(menu) :
print ("function", menu[x].__name__, ", press " , "[" + str(x) + "]")
x += 1
while go != "n":
c = int(input("Select Function: "))
go = input("Try again? [y/n]: ")
print ("\nBye!")
### Another way
``` python
if x == 0:
elif x == 1:
elif x == 2:
### Another way
Another way is to use lambdas. Code pasted here with
``` python
result = {
'a': lambda x: x * 5,
'b': lambda x: x + 7,
'c': lambda x: x - 2
For more information on *lambda* see anonymous
in the function section.
# Python Programming/Loops
## While loops
This is our first control structure.The version used is 2.7. Ordinarily
the computer starts with the first line and then goes down from there.
Control structures change the order that statements are executed or
decide if a certain statement will be run. As a side note, decision
statements (e.g., if statements) also influence whether or not a certain
statement will run. Here\'s the source for a program that uses the while
control structure:
``` python
a = 0
while a < 5:
a += 1 # Same as a = a + 1
print (a)
And here is the output:
So what does the program do? First it sees the line `a = 0` and sets the
variable a to zero. Then it sees `while a < 5:` and so the computer
checks to see if `a < 5`. The first time the computer sees this
statement, a is zero, and zero is less than 5. In other words, while a
is less than five, the computer will run the indented statements.
Here is another example of the use of `while`:
``` python
a = 1
s = 0
print ('Enter Numbers to add to the sum.')
print ('Enter 0 to quit.')
while a != 0:
print ('Current Sum: ', s)
a = input('Number? ') #raw_input() will not work anymore.
a = float(a)
s += a
print ('Total Sum = ',s)
Enter Numbers to add to the sum.
Enter 0 to quit.
Current Sum: 0
Number? 200
Current Sum: 200
Number? -15.25
Current Sum: 184.75
Number? -151.85
Current Sum: 32.9
Number? 10.00
Current Sum: 42.9
Number? 0
Total Sum = 42.9
Notice how `print 'Total Sum =',s` is only run at the end. The `while`
statement only affects the lines that are tabbed in (a.k.a. indented).
The `!=` means does not equal so `while a != 0 :` means until a is zero
run the tabbed in statements that are afterwards.
Now that we have while loops, it is possible to have programs that run
forever. An easy way to do this is to write a program like this:
``` python
while 1 == 1:
print ("Help, I'm stuck in a loop.")
This program will output `Help, I'm stuck in a loop.` until the heat
death of the universe or you stop it. The way to stop it is to hit the
Control (or Ctrl) button and \`c\' (the letter) at the same time. This
will kill the program. (Note: sometimes you will have to hit enter after
the Control C.)
### Examples
``` python
#This program calculates the Fibonacci sequence
a = 0
b = 1
count = 0
max_count = 20
while count < max_count:
count = count + 1
#we need to keep track of a since we change it
old_a = a
old_b = b
a = old_b
b = old_a + old_b
#Notice that the , at the end of a print statement keeps it
# from switching to a new line
print (old_a),
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181
``` python
# Waits until a password has been entered. Use control-C to break out without
# the password.
# Note that this must not be the password so that the
# while loop runs at least once.
password = "foobar"
#note that != means not equal
while password != "unicorn":
password = input("Password: ")
print ("Welcome in")
Sample run:
Password:open sesame
Welcome in
## For Loops
The next type of loop in Python is the `for` loop. Unlike in most
languages, `for` requires some `__iterable__` object like a `Set` or
`List` to work.
``` python
onetoten = range(1,11)
for count in onetoten:
print (count)
The output:
The output looks very familiar, but the program code looks different.
The first line uses the `range` function. The `range` function uses two
arguments like this `range(start,finish)`. `start` is the first number
that is produced. `finish` is one larger than the last number. Note that
this program could have been done in a shorter way:
``` python
for count in range(1,11):
print (count)
Here are some examples to show what happens with the `range` function:
>>> range(1,10)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> range(-32, -20)
[-32, -31, -30, -29, -28, -27, -26, -25, -24, -23, -22, -21]
>>> range(5,21)
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
>>> range(21,5)
**Remark**: for the current version of Python, we need to pass the range
function to `list()` to actually print a list. For instance, we need to
use `list(range(1,10))` to get `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]`.
Another way to use the `range()` function in a `for` loop is to supply
only one argument:
``` python
for a in range(10):
print (a)
The above code acts exactly the same as:
``` python
for a in range(0, 10):
print (a)
with 0 implied as the starting point. The output is
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The code would cycle through the `for` loop 10 times as expected, but
starting with 0 instead of 1.
The next line `for count in onetoten:` uses the `for` control structure.
A `for` control structure looks like `for variable in list:`. `list` is
gone through starting with the first element of the list and going to
the last. As `for` goes through each element in a list it puts each into
`variable`. That allows `variable` to be used in each successive time
the for loop is run through. Here is another example to demonstrate:
``` python
demolist = ['life',42, 'the universe', 6,'and',7,'everything']
for item in demolist:
print ("The Current item is: %s" % item)
The output is:
The Current item is: life
The Current item is: 42
The Current item is: the universe
The Current item is: 6
The Current item is: and
The Current item is: 7
The Current item is: everything
Notice how the for loop goes through and sets item to each element in
the list. (Notice how if you don\'t want `print` to go to the next line
add a comma at the end of the statement (i.e. if you want to print
something else on that line). ) So, what is `for` good for? The first
use is to go through all the elements of a list and do something with
each of them. Here a quick way to add up all the elements:
``` python
list = [2,4,6,8]
sum = 0
for num in list:
sum = sum + num
print ("The sum is: %d" % sum)
with the output simply being:
The sum is: 20
Or you could write a program to find out if there are any duplicates in
a list like this program does:
``` python
list = [4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 1,0,7,10]
prev = list[0]
del list[0]
for item in list:
if prev == item:
print ("Duplicate of ",prev," Found")
prev = item
and for good measure:
Duplicate of 7 Found
How does it work? Here is a special debugging version:
``` python
l = [4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 1,0,7,10]
print ("l = [4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 1,0,7,10]","\tl:",l)
print ("l.sort()","\tl:",l)
prev = l[0]
print ("prev = l[0]","\tprev:",prev)
del l[0]
print ("del l[0]","\tl:",l)
for item in l:
if prev == item:
print ("Duplicate of ",prev," Found")
print ("if prev == item:","\tprev:",prev,"\titem:",item)
prev = item
print ("prev = item","\t\tprev:",prev,"\titem:",item)
with the output being:
l = [4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 1,0,7,10] l: [4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 1, 0, 7, 10]
l.sort() l: [0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10]
prev = l[0] prev: 0
del l[0] l: [1, 4, 5, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10]
if prev == item: prev: 0 item: 1
prev = item prev: 1 item: 1
if prev == item: prev: 1 item: 4
prev = item prev: 4 item: 4
if prev == item: prev: 4 item: 5
prev = item prev: 5 item: 5
if prev == item: prev: 5 item: 7
prev = item prev: 7 item: 7
if prev == item: prev: 7 item: 7
Duplicate of 7 Found
prev = item prev: 7 item: 7
if prev == item: prev: 7 item: 8
prev = item prev: 8 item: 8
if prev == item: prev: 8 item: 9
prev = item prev: 9 item: 9
if prev == item: prev: 9 item: 10
prev = item prev: 10 item: 10
Note: The reason there are so many `print` statements is because print
statements can show the value of each variable at different times, and
help debug the program. First the program starts with a old list. Next
the program sorts the list. This is so that any duplicates get put next
to each other. The program then initializes a prev(ious) variable. Next
the first element of the list is deleted so that the first item is not
incorrectly thought to be a duplicate. Next a for loop is gone into.
Each item of the list is checked to see if it is the same as the
previous. If it is a duplicate was found. The value of prev is then
changed so that the next time the for loop is run through prev is the
previous item to the current. Sure enough, the 7 is found to be a
The other way to use for loops is to do something a certain number of
times. Here is some code to print out the first 9 numbers of the
Fibonacci series:
``` python
a = 1
b = 1
for c in range(1,10):
print (a)
n = a + b
a = b
b = n
print ("")
with the surprising output:
Everything that can be done with `for` loops can also be done with
`while` loops but `for` loops give an easy way to go through all the
elements in a list or to do something a certain number of times.
## range Versus xrange
***Python 3 Note:** In Python 3.*x*, there is no function named
`xrange`. Instead, the `range` function has the behaviour described
below for `xrange`. The following applies to the legacy Python 2.*
Above, you were introduced to the `range` function, which returns a list
of all the integers in a specified range. Supposing you were to write an
expression like `range(0, 1000000)`: that would construct a list
consisting of a million integers! That can take up a lot of memory.
Often, you do indeed need to process all the numbers over a very wide
range. But you might only need to do so one at a time; as each number is
processed, it can be discarded from memory before the next one is
To do this, you can use the `xrange` function instead of `range`. For
example, the following simple loop
for i in xrange(0, 1000000):
will print the million integers from 0 to 999999, but it will get them
one at a time from the `xrange` call, instead of getting them all at
once as a single list and going through that.
This is an example of an *iterator*, which yields values one at a time
as they are needed, rather than all at once. As you learn more about
Python, you will see a lot more examples of iterators in use, and you
will learn how to write your own.
## The `break` Statement
A `while`-loop checks its termination condition before each entry into
the loop body, and terminates if the condition has gone `False`. Thus,
the loop body will normally iterate zero, one or more *complete* times.
A `for`-loop iterates its body once for each value returned from the
iterator expression. Again, each iteration is normally of the *complete*
loop body.
Sometimes you want to conditionally stop the loop in the *middle* of the
loop body. An example situation might look like this:
1. Obtain the next value to check
2. Is there in fact another value to check? If not, exit the loop with
3. Is the value what I'm looking for? If so, exit the loop with
4. Otherwise, go back to step 1.
As you can see, there are two possible exits from this loop. You can
exit from the middle of a Python `while`- or `for`-loop with the
`break`-statement. Here is one way to write such a loop:
``` python
found = False # initial assumption
for value in values_to_check():
if is_what_im_looking_for(value):
found = True
# ... found is True on success, False on failure
The trouble with this is the asymmetry between the two ways out of the
loop: one through normal `for`-loop termination, the other through the
`break`. As a stylistic matter, it would be more consistent to follow
this principle:
: If one exit from a loop is represented by a `break`, then *all*
exits from the loop should be represented by `break`s.
In particular, this means that the loop construct itself becomes a
"loop-forever" loop; the only out of it is via a `break` statement.
We can do this by explicitly dealing with an iterator yielding the
values to be checked. Perhaps the `values_to_check()` call above already
yields an iterator; if not, it can be converted to one by wrapping it in
a call to the `iter()` built-in function, and then using the `next()`
built-in function to obtain successive values from this iterator. Then
the loop becomes:
``` python
values = iter(values_to_check())
while True:
value = next(values, None)
if value is None:
found = False
if is_what_im_looking_for(value):
found = True
# ... found is True on success, False on failure
This uses the special Python value `None` to indicate that the iterator
has reached its end. This is a common Python convention. But if you need
to use `None` as a valid item in your sequence of values, then it is
easy enough to define some other unique value (e.g. a custom dummy
class) to represent the end of the list.
## Exercises
1. Create a program to count by prime numbers. Ask the user to input a
number, then print each prime number up to that number.
2. Instruct the user to pick an arbitrary number from 1 to 100 and
proceed to guess it correctly within seven tries. After each guess,
the user must tell whether their number is higher than, lower than,
or equal to your guess.
# Python Programming/Functions
## Function Calls
A *callable object* is an object that can accept some arguments (also
called parameters) and possibly return an object (often a tuple
containing multiple objects).
A function is the simplest callable object in Python, but there are
others, such as classes or
certain class instances.
#### Defining Functions
A function is defined in Python by the following format:
``` python
def functionname(arg1, arg2, ...):
``` python
>>> def functionname(arg1,arg2):
... return arg1+arg2
>>> t = functionname(24,24) # Result: 48
If a function takes no arguments, it must still include the parentheses,
but without anything in them:
``` python
def functionname():
The arguments in the function definition bind the arguments passed at
function invocation (i.e. when the function is called), which are called
actual parameters, to the names given when the function is defined,
which are called formal parameters. The interior of the function has no
knowledge of the names given to the actual parameters; the names of the
actual parameters may not even be accessible (they could be inside
another function).
A function can \'return\' a value, for example:
``` python
def square(x):
return x*x
A function can define variables within the function body, which are
considered \'local\' to the function. The locals together with the
arguments comprise all the variables within the scope of the function.
Any names within the function are unbound when the function returns or
reaches the end of the function body.
You can **return multiple values** as follows:
``` python
def first2items(list1):
return list1[0], list1[1]
a, b = first2items(["Hello", "world", "hi", "universe"])
print(a + " " + b)
Keywords: returning multiple values, multiple return values.
### Declaring Arguments
When calling a function that takes some values for further processing,
we need to send some values as Function **Arguments**. For example:
``` python
>>> def find_max(a,b):
if(a > b):
return str(a) + " is greater than " + str(b)
elif(b > a):
return str(b) + " is greater than " + str(a)
>>> find_max(30, 45) #Here (30, 45) are the arguments passing for finding max between this two numbers
The output will be: 45 is greater than 30
#### Default Argument Values
If any of the formal parameters in the function definition are declared
with the format \"arg = value,\" then you will have the option of not
specifying a value for those arguments when calling the function. If you
do not specify a value, then that parameter will have the default value
given when the function executes.
``` python
>>> def display_message(message, truncate_after=4):
... print(message[:truncate_after])
>>> display_message("message")
>>> display_message("message", 6)
- 4.7.1. Default Argument
The Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
#### Variable-Length Argument Lists
Python allows you to declare two special arguments which allow you to
create arbitrary-length argument lists. This means that each time you
call the function, you can specify any number of arguments above a
certain number.
``` python
def function(first,second,*remaining):
When calling the above function, you must provide value for each of the
first two arguments. However, since the third parameter is marked with
an asterisk, any actual parameters after the first two will be packed
into a tuple and bound to \"remaining.\"
``` python
>>> def print_tail(first,*tail):
... print(tail)
>>> print_tail(1, 5, 2, "omega")
(5, 2, 'omega')
If we declare a formal parameter prefixed with *two* asterisks, then it
will be bound to a dictionary containing any keyword arguments in the
actual parameters which do not correspond to any formal parameters. For
example, consider the function:
``` python
def make_dictionary(max_length=10, **entries):
return dict([(key, entries[key]) for i, key in enumerate(entries.keys()) if i < max_length])
If we call this function with any keyword arguments other than
max_length, they will be placed in the dictionary \"entries.\" If we
include the keyword argument of max_length, it will be bound to the
formal parameter max_length, as usual.
``` python
>>> make_dictionary(max_length=2, key1=5, key2=7, key3=9)
{'key3': 9, 'key2': 7}
- 4.7.3. Arbitrary Argument
The Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
#### By Value and by Reference
Objects passed as arguments to functions are passed *by reference*; they
are not being copied around. Thus, passing a large list as an argument
does not involve copying all its members to a new location in memory.
Note that even integers are objects. However, the distinction of *by
value* and *by reference* present in some other programming languages
often serves to distinguish whether the passed arguments can be
*actually changed* by the called function and whether the *calling
function can see the changes*.
Passed objects of *mutable* types such as lists and dictionaries can be
changed by the called function and the changes are visible to the
calling function. Passed objects of *immutable* types such as integers
and strings cannot be changed by the called function; the calling
function can be certain that the called function will not change them.
For mutability, see also Data
Types chapter.
An example:
``` python
def appendItem(ilist, item):
ilist.append(item) # Modifies ilist in a way visible to the caller
def replaceItems(ilist, newcontentlist):
del ilist[:] # Modification visible to the caller
ilist.extend(newcontentlist) # Modification visible to the caller
ilist = [5, 6] # No outside effect; lets the local ilist point to a new list object,
# losing the reference to the list object passed as an argument
def clearSet(iset):
def tryToTouchAnInteger(iint):
iint += 1 # No outside effect; lets the local iint to point to a new int object,
# losing the reference to the int object passed as an argument
print("iint inside:",iint) # 4 if iint was 3 on function entry
list1 = [1, 2]
appendItem(list1, 3)
print(list1) # [1, 2, 3]
replaceItems(list1, [3, 4])
print(list1) # [3, 4]
set1 = set([1, 2])
clearSet(set1 )
print(set1) # set([])
int1 = 3
print(int1) # 3
### Preventing Argument Change
An argument cannot be declared to be constant, not to be changed by the
called function. If an argument is of an immutable type, it cannot be
changed anyway, but if it is of a mutable type such as list, the calling
function is at the mercy of the called function. Thus, if the calling
function wants to make sure a passed list does not get changed, it has
to pass a copy of the list.
An example:
``` python
def evil_get_length(ilist):
length = len(ilist)
del ilist[:] # Muhaha: clear the list
return length
list1 = [1, 2]
print(evil_get_length(list1[:])) # Pass a copy of list1
print(list1) # list1 = [1, 2]
print(evil_get_length(list1)) # list1 gets cleared
print(list1) # list1 = []
### Calling Functions
A function can be called by appending the arguments in parentheses to
the function name, or an empty matched set of parentheses if the
function takes no arguments.
``` python
bar(5, x)
A function\'s return value can be used by assigning it to a variable,
like so:
``` python
x = foo()
y = bar(5,x)
As shown above, when calling a function you can specify the parameters
by name and you can do so in any order
``` python
def display_message(message, start=0, end=4):
display_message("message", end=3)
This above is valid and start will have the default value of 0. A
restriction placed on this is after the first named argument then all
arguments after it must also be named. The following is not valid
``` python
display_message(end=5, start=1, "my message")
because the third argument (\"my message\") is an unnamed argument.
## Nested functions
Nested functions are functions defined within other functions. Arbitrary
level of nesting is possible.
Nested functions can read variables declared in the immediately outside
function. For such variables that are mutable, nested functions can even
modify them. For such variables that are immutable such as integers,
attempt at modification in the nested function throws UnboundLocalError.
In Python 3, an immutable immediately outside variable can be declared
in the nested function to be *nonlocal*, in an analogy to *global*. Once
this is done, the nested function can assign a new value to that
variable and that modification is going to be seen outside of the nested
Nested functions can be used in #Closures, on
which see below. Furthermore, they can be used to reduce repetion of
code that pertains only to a single function, often with reduced
argument list owing to seeing the immediately outside variables.
An example of a nested function that modifies an immediately outside
variable that is a list and therefore mutable:
``` python
def outside():
outsideList = [1, 2]
def nested():
An example in which the outside variable is first accessed *below* the
nested function definition and it still works:
``` python
def outside():
def nested():
outsideList = [1, 2]
Keywords: inner functions, internal functions, local functions.
- Nested Function in
- 7. Simple statements \# 7.13. The nonlocal
- Python nonlocal
## Closures
A *closure* is a nested function with an after-return access to the data
of the outer function, where the nested function is returned by the
outer function as a function object. Thus, even when the outer function
has finished its execution after being called, the closure function
returned by it can refer to the values of the variables that the outer
function had when it defined the closure function.
An example:
``` python
def adder(outer_argument): # outer function
def adder_inner(inner_argument): # inner function, nested function
return outer_argument + inner_argument # Notice outer_argument
return adder_inner
add5 = adder(5) # a function that adds 5 to its argument
add7 = adder(7) # a function that adds 7 to its argument
print(add5(3)) # prints 8
print(add7(3)) # prints 10
Closures are possible in Python because functions are *first-class
objects*. A function is merely an object of type function. Being an
object means it is possible to pass a function object (an uncalled
function) around as argument or as return value or to assign another
name to the function object. A unique feature that makes closure useful
is that the enclosed function may use the names defined in the parent
function\'s scope.
## Lambda Expressions
A lambda is an anonymous (unnamed) function. It is used primarily to
write very short functions that are a hassle to define in the normal
way. A function like this:
``` python
>>> def add(a, b):
... return a + b
>>> add(4, 3)
may also be defined using lambda
``` python
>>> print ((lambda a, b: a + b)(4, 3))
Lambda is often used as an argument to other functions that expects a
function object, such as sorted()\'s \'key\' argument.
``` python
>>> sorted([[3, 4], [3, 5], [1, 2], [7, 3]], key=lambda x: x[1])
[[1, 2], [7, 3], [3, 4], [3, 5]]
The lambda form is often useful as a closure, such as illustrated in the
following example:
``` python
>>> def attribution(name):
... return lambda x: x + ' -- ' + name
>>> pp = attribution('John')
>>> pp('Dinner is in the fridge')
'Dinner is in the fridge -- John'
Note that the lambda function can use the values of variables from the
scope in which it was created
(like pre and post). This is the essence of closure.
- 4.7.5. Lambda
The Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
## Generator Functions
When discussing loops, you came across the concept of an *iterator*.
This yields in turn each element of some sequence, rather than the
entire sequence at once, allowing you to deal with sequences much larger
than might be able to fit in memory at once.
You can create your own iterators, by defining what is known as a
*generator function*. To illustrate the usefulness of this, let us start
by considering a simple function to return the *concatenation* of two
``` python
def concat(a, b):
return a + b
print(concat([5, 4, 3], ["a", "b", "c"]))
# prints [5, 4, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c']
Imagine wanting to do something like
`concat(list(range(0, 1000000)), list(range(1000000, 2000000)))`
That would work, but it would consume a lot of memory.
Consider an alternative definition, which takes two iterators as
``` python
def concat(a, b):
for i in a:
yield i
for i in b:
yield i
Notice the use of the **yield** statement, instead of **return**. We can
now use this something like
``` python
for i in concat(range(0, 1000000), range(1000000, 2000000)):
and print out an awful lot of numbers, without using a lot of memory at
Note: You can still pass a list or other sequence type wherever Python
expects an iterator (like to an argument of your `concat` function);
this will still work, and makes it easy not to have to worry about the
difference where you don't need to.
- Functional Programming HOWTO \#
## External Links
- 4.6. Defining
The Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
de:Python unter Linux:
Funktionen es:Inmersión
en Python/Su primer programa en Python/Declaración de
# Python Programming/Scoping
### Variables
Variables in Python are automatically declared by assignment. Variables
are always references to objects, and are never typed. Variables exist
only in the current scope or global scope. When they go out of scope,
the variables are destroyed, but the objects to which they refer are not
(unless the number of references to the object drops to zero).
Scope is delineated by function and class blocks. Both functions and
their scopes can be nested. So therefore
``` python
def foo():
def bar():
x = 5 # x is now in scope
return x + y # y is defined in the enclosing scope later
y = 10
return bar() # now that y is defined, bar's scope includes y
Now when this code is tested,
``` python
>>> foo()
>>> bar()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#26>", line 1, in -toplevel-
NameError: name 'bar' is not defined
The name \'bar\' is not found because a higher scope does not have
access to the names lower in the hierarchy.
It is a common pitfall to fail to lookup an attribute (such as a method)
of an object (such as a container) referenced by a variable before the
variable is assigned the object. In its most common form:
``` python
>>> for x in range(10):
y.append(x) # append is an attribute of lists
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#46>", line 2, in -toplevel-
NameError: name 'y' is not defined
Here, to correct this problem, one must add y = \[\] before the for
A loop does not create its own scope:
``` python
for x in [1, 2, 3]:
inner = x
print(inner) # 3 rather than an error
### Keyword global
Global variables of a Python module are read-accessible from functions
in that module. In fact, if they are mutable, they can be also modified
via method call. However, they cannot modified via a plain assignment
unless declared *global* in the function.
An example to clarify:
``` python
count1 = 1
count2 = 1
list1 = []
list2 = []
def test1():
print(count1) # Read access is unproblematic, referring to the global
def test2():
print(count1) # This print would be unproblematic, but it throws an error ...
count1 += 1 # ... since count1 += 1 causes count1 to be local.
except UnboundLocalError as error:
print("Error caught:", error)
def test3():
list1 = [2] # No outside effect; this rebinds list1 to be a local variable
def test4():
global count2, list2
print(count1) # Read access is unproblematic, referring to the global
count2 += 1 # We can modify count2 via assignment
list1.append(1) # Impacts the global list1 even without global declaration
list2 = [2] # Impacts the global list2
print("count1:", count1) # 1
print("count2:", count2) # 2
print("list1:", list1) # [1]
print("list2:", list2) # [2]
- 6.13. The global
- What are the rules for local and global variables in
in Programming FAQ, docs.python.org
### Keyword nonlocal
Keyword nonlocal, available since Python 3.0, is an analogue of *global*
for nested scopes. It enables a nested function of assign-modify a
variable that is local to the outer function.
An example:
``` python
# Requires Python 3
def outer():
outerint = 0
outerint2 = 10
def inner():
nonlocal outerint
outerint = 1 # Impacts outer's outerint only because of the nonlocal declaration
outerint2 = 1 # No impact
Simulation of nonlocal in Python 2 via a mutable object:
``` python
def outer():
outerint = [1] # Technique 1: Store int in a list
class outerNL: pass # Technique 2: Store int in a class
outerNL.outerint2 = 11
def inner():
outerint[0] = 2 # List members can be modified
outerNL.outerint2 = 12 # Class members can be modified
- 7.13. The nonlocal
### globals and locals
To find out which variables exist in the global and local scopes, you
can use *locals()* and *globals()* functions, which return dictionaries:
``` python
int1 = 1
def test1():
int1 = 2
globals()["int1"] = 3 # Write access seems possible
print(locals()["int1"])# 2
print(int1) # 3
Write access to locals() dictionary is discouraged by the Python
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
### External links
- 4. Execution
- 7.13. The nonlocal
- PEP 3104 \-- Access to Names in Outer
# Python Programming/Input and Output
## Input
Python 3.x has one function for input from user, `input()`. By contrast,
legacy Python 2.x has two functions for input from user: `input()` and
There are also very simple ways of reading a file and, for stricter
control over input, reading from stdin if necessary.
### input() in Python 3.x
In Python 3.x, input() asks the user for a string of data (ended with a
newline), and simply returns the string. It can also take an argument,
which is displayed as a prompt before the user enters the data. E.g.
``` python
print(input('What is your name?'))
prints out
What is your name? <user input data here>
Example: to assign the user\'s name, i.e. string data, to a variable
\"x\" you would type
``` python
x = input('What is your name?')
In legacy Python 2.x, the above applies to what was `raw_input()`
function, and there was also `input()` function that behaved
differently, automatically evaluating what the user entered; in Python
3, the same would be achieved via `eval(input())`.
- input() in
Built-in Functions in Library Reference for Python 3,
- raw_input()
in Built-in Functions in Library Reference for Python 2,
### input() in Python 2.x
In legacy Python 2.x, input() takes the input from the user as a string
and evaluates it.
Therefore, if a script says:
``` python
x = input('What are the first 10 perfect squares? ')
it is possible for a user to input:
``` python
map(lambda x: x*x, range(10))
which yields the correct answer in list form. Note that no inputted
statement can span more than one line.
input() should not be used for anything but the most trivial program,
for security reasons. Turning the strings returned from raw_input() into
Python types using an idiom such as:
``` python
x = None
while not x:
x = int(raw_input())
except ValueError:
print('Invalid Number')
is preferable, as input() uses eval() to turn a literal into a Python
type, which allows a malicious person to run arbitrary code from inside
your program trivially.
- input() in
Built-in Functions in Library Reference for Python 2,
### File Input
#### File Objects
To read from a file, you can iterate over the lines of the file using
``` python
f = open('test.txt', 'r')
for line in f:
This will print the first character of each line. A newline is attached
to the end of each line read this way. The second argument to *open* can
be \'r\', \'w\', or \'rw\', among some others.
The newer and better way to read from a file:
``` python
with open("test.txt", "r") as txt:
for line in txt:
The advantage is that the opened file will close itself after finishing
the part within the *with* statement, and will do so even if an
exception is thrown.
Because files are automatically closed when the file object goes out of
scope, there is no real need to close them explicitly. So, the loop in
the previous code can also be written as:
``` python
for line in open('test.txt', 'r'):
You can read a specific numbers of characters at a time:
``` python
c = f.read(1)
while len(c) > 0:
if len(c.strip()) > 0: print(c)
c = f.read(1)
This will read the characters from f one at a time, and then print them
if they\'re not whitespace.
A file object implicitly contains a marker to represent the current
position. If the file marker should be moved back to the beginning, one
can either close the file object and reopen it or just move the marker
back to the beginning with:
``` python
#### Standard File Objects
There are built-in file objects representing standard input, output, and
error. These are in the sys module and are called stdin, stdout, and
stderr. There are also immutable copies of these in \_\_stdin\_\_,
\_\_stdout\_\_, and \_\_stderr\_\_. This is for IDLE and other tools in
which the standard files have been changed.
You must import the sys module to use the special stdin, stdout, stderr
I/O handles.
``` python
import sys
For finer control over input, use sys.stdin.read(). To implement the
UNIX \'cat\' program in Python, you could do something like this:
``` python
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
print(line, end="")
Note that sys.stdin.read() will read from standard input till EOF.
(which is usually Ctrl+D.)
### Parsing command line
Command-line arguments passed to a Python program are stored in sys.argv
list. The first item in the list is name of the Python program, which
may or may not contain the full path depending on the manner of
invocation. sys.argv list is modifiable.
Printing all passed arguments except for the program name itself:
``` python
import sys
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
Parsing passed arguments for passed minus options:
``` python
import sys
option_f = False
option_p = False
option_p_argument = ""
i = 1
while i < len(sys.argv):
if sys.argv[i] == "-f":
option_f = True
elif sys.argv[i] == "-p":
option_p = True
option_p_argument = sys.argv.pop(i)
i += 1
Above, the arguments at which options are found are removed so that
sys.argv can be looped for all remaining arguments.
Parsing of command-line arguments is further supported by library
modules optparse (deprecated), argparse (since Python 2.7) and getopt
(to make life easy for C programmers).
A minimum parsing example for argparse:
``` python
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Concatenates two strings")
addarg = parser.add_argument
addarg("s1", help="First string to concatenate")
addarg("s2", help="Second string to concatenate")
args = parser.parse_args()
result = args.s1 + args.s2
Parse with argparse\--specify the arg type as int:
``` python
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sum two ints")
addarg = parser.add_argument
addarg("i1", help="First int to add", type=int)
addarg("i2", help="Second int to add", type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()
result = args.i1 + args.i2
Parse with argparse\--add optional switch -m to yield multiplication
instead of addition:
``` python
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sums or multiplies two ints.")
addarg = parser.add_argument
addarg("i1", help="First int", type=int)
addarg("i2", help="Second int", type=int)
addarg("-m", help="Multiplies rather than adds.", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.m:
result = args.i1 * args.i2
result = args.i1 + args.i2
Parse with argparse\--set an argument to consume one or more items:
``` python
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sums one or more ints.")
addarg = parser.add_argument
addarg("intlist", help="Ints", type=int, nargs="+")
args = parser.parse_args()
result = 0
for item in args.intlist:
result += item
Usage example: python ArgparseTest.py 1 3 5
Parse with argparse\--as above but with a help epilog to be output after
parameter descriptions upon -h:
``` python
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sums one or more ints.",
epilog="Example: python ArgparseTest.py 1 3 5")
addarg = parser.add_argument
addarg("intlist", help="Ints", type=int, nargs="+")
args = parser.parse_args()
result = 0
for item in args.intlist:
result += item
Parse with argparse\--make second integer argument optional via nargs:
``` python
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sums one or two integers.",
epilog="Example: python ArgparseTest.py 3 4\n"
"Example: python ArgparseTest.py 3")
addarg = parser.add_argument
addarg("i1", help="First int", type=int)
addarg("i2", help="Second int, optional, defaulting to 1.", type=int, default=1, nargs="?")
args = parser.parse_args()
result = args.i1 + args.i2
- The Python Standard Library - 28.1.
sys, docs.python.org
- The Python Standard Library - 15.4.
- The Python Standard Library - 15.5.
- The Python Standard Library - 15.6.
- Argparse Tutorial,
## Output
The basic way to do output is the print statement.
``` python
print('Hello, world')
To print multiple things on the same line separated by spaces, use
commas between them:
``` python
print('Hello,', 'World')
This will print out the following:
`Hello, World`
While neither string contained a space, a space was added by the print
statement because of the comma between the two objects. Arbitrary data
types can be printed:
``` python
print(1, 2, 0xff, 0777, 10+5j, -0.999, map, sys)
This will output the following:
`1 2 255 511 (10+5j) -0.999 ``<built-in function map>`{=html}` <module 'sys' (built-in)>`
Objects can be printed on the same line without needing to be on the
same line:
``` python
for i in range(10):
print(i, end=" ")
This will output the following:
`0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9`
To end the printed line with a newline, add a print statement without
any objects.
``` python
for i in range(10):
print(i, end=" ")
for i in range(10,20):
print(i, end=" ")
This will output the following:
`0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9`\
`10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19`
If the bare print statement were not present, the above output would
look like:
`0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19`
You can print to a file instead of to standard output:
``` python
print('Hello, world', file=f)
This will print to any object that implements write(), which includes
file objects.
Note on legacy Python 2: in Python 2, print is a statement rather than a
function and there is no need to put brackets around its arguments.
Instead of `print(i, end=" ")`, one would write `print i,`.
### Omitting newlines
In Python 3.x, you can output without a newline by passing end=\"\" to
the print function or by using the method write:
``` python
import sys
print("Hello", end="")
sys.stdout.write("Hello") # Or stderr to write to standard error stream.
In Python 2.x, to avoid adding spaces and newlines between objects\'
output with subsequent print statements, you can do one of the
*Concatenation*: Concatenate the string representations of each object,
then later print the whole thing at once.
``` python
This will output the following:
`12255511(10+5j)-0.999``<built-in function map>`{=html}`<module 'sys' (built-in)>`
*Write function*: You can make a shorthand for *sys.stdout.write* and
use that for output.
``` python
import sys
write = sys.stdout.write
This will output the following:
You may need sys.stdout.flush() to get that text on the screen quickly.
### Examples
Examples of output with *Python 3.x*:
- from \_\_future\_\_ import print_function
- Ensures Python 2.6 and later Python 2.x can use Python 3.x print
- print(\"Hello\", \"world\")
- Prints the two words separated with a space. Notice the
surrounding brackets, ununsed in Python 2.x.
- print(\"Hello world\", end=\"\")
- Prints without the ending newline.
- print(\"Hello\", \"world\", sep=\"-\")
- Prints the two words separated with a dash.
- print(\"Hello\", 34)
- Prints elements of various data types, separating them by a
- print(\"Hello \" + 34)
- Throws an error as a result of trying to concatenate a string
and an integer.
- print(\"Hello \" + str(34))
- Uses \"+\" to concatenate strings, after converting a number to
a string.
- sum=2+2; print \"The sum: %i\" % sum
- Prints a string that has been formatted with the use of an
integer passed as an argument. See also
<!-- -->
- print (\"Error\", file=sys.stderr)
- Outputs to a file handle, in this case standard error stream.
Examples of output with *Python 2.x*:
- print \"Hello\"
- print \"Hello\", \"world\"
- Separates the two words with a space.
- print \"Hello\", 34
- Prints elements of various data types, separating them by a
- print \"Hello \" + 34
- Throws an error as a result of trying to concatenate a string
and an integer.
- print \"Hello \" + str(34)
- Uses \"+\" to concatenate strings, after converting a number to
a string.
- print \"Hello\",
- Prints \"Hello \" without a newline, with a space at the end.
- sys.stdout.write(\"Hello\")
- Prints \"Hello\" without a newline. Doing \"import sys\" is a
prerequisite. Needs a subsequent \"sys.stdout.flush()\" in order
to display immediately on the user\'s screen.
- sys.stdout.write(\"Hello\\n\")
- Prints \"Hello\" with a newline.
- print \>\> sys.stderr, \"An error occurred.\"
- Prints to standard error stream.
- sys.stderr.write(\"Hello\\n\")
- Prints to standard error stream.
- sum=2+2; print \"The sum: %i\" % sum
- Prints a string that has been formatted with the use of an
integer passed as an argument.
- formatted_string = \"The sum: %i\" % (2+2); print formatted_string
- Like the previous, just that the formatting happens outside of
the print statement.
- print \"Float: %6.3f\" % 1.23456
- Outputs \"Float: 1.234\". The number 3 after the period
specifies the number of decimal digits after the period to be
displayed, while 6 before the period specifies the total number
of characters the displayed number should take, to be padded
with spaces if needed.
- print \"%s is %i years old\" % (\"John\", 23)
- Passes two arguments to the formatter.
### File Output
Printing numbers from 1 to 10 to a file, one per line:
``` python
file1 = open("TestFile.txt","w")
for i in range(1,10+1):
print(i, file=file1)
With \"w\", the file is opened for writing. With \"file=file1\", print
sends its output to a file rather than standard output.
Printing numbers from 1 to 10 to a file, separated with a dash:
``` python
file1 = open("TestFile.txt", "w")
for i in range(1, 10+1):
if i > 1:
Opening a file for appending rather than overwriting:
``` python
file1 = open("TestFile.txt", "a")
In Python 2.x, a redirect to a file is done like `print >>file1, i`.
See also ../Files/ chapter.
### Formatting
Formatting numbers and other values as strings using the string percent
``` Python
v1 = "Int: %i" % 4 # 4
v2 = "Int zero padded: %03i" % 4 # 004
v3 = "Int space padded: %3i" % 4 # 4
v4 = "Hex: %x" % 31 # 1f
v5 = "Hex 2: %X" % 31 # 1F - capitalized F
v6 = "Oct: %o" % 8 # 10
v7 = "Float: %f" % 2.4 # 2.400000
v8 = "Float: %.2f" % 2.4 # 2.40
v9 = "Float in exp: %e" % 2.4 # 2.400000e+00
vA = "Float in exp: %E" % 2.4 # 2.400000E+00
vB = "List as string: %s" % [1, 2, 3]
vC = "Left padded str: %10s" % "cat"
vD = "Right padded str: %-10s" % "cat"
vE = "Truncated str: %.2s" % "cat"
vF = "Dict value str: %(age)s" % {"age": 20}
vG = "Char: %c" % 65 # A
vH = "Char: %c" % "A" # A
Formatting numbers and other values as strings using the format() string
method, since Python 2.6:
``` Python
v1 = "Arg 0: {0}".format(31) # 31
v2 = "Args 0 and 1: {0}, {1}".format(31, 65)
v3 = "Args 0 and 1: {}, {}".format(31, 65)
v4 = "Arg indexed: {0[0]}".format(["e1", "e2"])
v5 = "Arg named: {a}".format(a=31)
v6 = "Hex: {0:x}".format(31) # 1f
v7 = "Hex: {:x}".format(31) # 1f - arg 0 is implied
v8 = "Char: {0:c}".format(65) # A
v9 = "Hex: {:{h}}".format(31, h="x") # 1f - nested evaluation
Formatting numbers and other values as strings using literal string
interpolation, since Python 3.6:
``` Python
int1 = 31; int2 = 41; str1="aaa"; myhex = "x"
v1 = f"Two ints: {int1} {int2}"
v2 = f"Int plus 1: {int1+1}" # 32 - expression evaluation
v3 = f"Str len: {len(str1)}" # 3 - expression evaluation
v4 = f"Hex: {int1:x}" # 1f
v5 = f"Hex: {int1:{myhex}}" # 1f - nested evaluation
- 5.6.2. String Formatting
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- 7.1.2. Custom String
- Format Specification
- 7.1.4. Template
- PEP 3101 \-- Advanced String
Formatting, python.org
- PEP 498 \-- Literal String
## External Links
- 7. Input and
in The Python Tutorial, python.org
- 6.6. The print
in The Python Language Reference, python.org
- 2. Built-in Functions
#open in The
Python Standard Library at Python Documentation, python.org
- 5. Built-in Types
in The Python Standard Library at Python Documentation, python.org
- 27.1. sys --- System-specific parameters and
functions in Python
Documentation, python org \-- mentions sys.stdout, and sys.stderr
- 2.3.8 File
in Python Library Reference, python.org, for \"flush\"
- 5.6.2. String Formatting
in The Python Standard Library at Python Documentation, python.org
\-- for \"%i\", \"%s\" and similar string formatting
- 7.2.2. The string format
in Python 2.5 quick reference, nmt.edu, for \"%i\", \"%s\" and
similar string formatting
# Python Programming/Files
## File I/O
Read entire file:
``` python
inputFileText = open("testit.txt", "r").read()
In this case the \"r\" parameter means the file will be opened in
read-only mode.
Read certain amount of bytes from a file:
``` python
inputFileText = open("testit.txt", "r").read(123)
When opening a file, one starts reading at the beginning of the file, if
one would want more random access to the file, it is possible to use
`seek()` to change the current position in a file and `tell()` to get to
know the current position in the file. This is illustrated in the
following example:
``` python
>>> f=open("/proc/cpuinfo","r")
>>> f.tell()
>>> f.read(10)
>>> f.read(10)
': 0\nvendor'
>>> f.tell()
>>> f.seek(10)
>>> f.tell()
>>> f.read(10)
': 0\nvendor'
>>> f.close()
>>> f
<closed file '/proc/cpuinfo', mode 'r' at 0xb7d79770>
Here a file is opened, twice ten bytes are read, `tell()` shows that the
current offset is at position 20, now `seek()` is used to go back to
position 10 (the same position where the second read was started) and
ten bytes are read and printed again. And when no more operations on a
file are needed the `close()` function is used to close the file we
Read one line at a time:
``` python
for line in open("testit.txt", "r"):
In this case `readlines()` will return an array containing the
individual lines of the file as array entries. Reading a single line can
be done using the `readline()` function which returns the current line
as a string. This example will output an additional newline between the
individual lines of the file, this is because one is read from the file
and print introduces another newline.
Write to a file requires the second parameter of `open()` to be \"w\",
this will overwrite the existing contents of the file if it already
exists when opening the file:
``` python
outputFileText = "Here's some text to save in a file"
open("testit.txt", "w").write(outputFileText)
Append to a file requires the second parameter of `open()` to be \"a\"
(from append):
``` python
outputFileText = "Here's some text to add to the existing file."
open("testit.txt", "a").write(outputFileText)
Note that this does not add a line break between the existing file
content and the string to be added.
Since Python 2.5, you can use *with* keyword to ensure the file handle
is released as soon as possible and to make it exception-safe:
``` python
with open("input.txt") as file1:
data = file1.read()
# process the data
Or one line at a time:
``` python
with open("input.txt") as file1:
for line in file1:
Related to the *with* keywords is ../Context
Managers/ chapter.
- 7.5. The with
- PEP 343 \-- The \"with\"
Statement, python.org
## Testing Files
Determine whether path exists:
``` python
import os
os.path.exists('<path string>')
When working on systems such as Microsoft Windows™, the directory
separators will conflict with the path string. To get around this, do
the following:
``` python
import os
A better way however is to use \"raw\", or `r`:
``` python
import os
But there are some other convenient functions in `os.path`, where
`os.path.exists()` only confirms whether or not path exists, there are
functions which let you know if the path is a file, a directory, a mount
point or a symlink. There is even a function `os.path.realpath()` which
reveals the true destination of a symlink:
``` python
>>> import os
>>> os.path.isfile("/")
>>> os.path.isfile("/proc/cpuinfo")
>>> os.path.isdir("/")
>>> os.path.isdir("/proc/cpuinfo")
>>> os.path.ismount("/")
>>> os.path.islink("/")
>>> os.path.islink("/vmlinuz")
>>> os.path.realpath("/vmlinuz")
## Common File Operations
To copy or move a file, use the shutil library.
``` python
import shutil
To perform a recursive copy it is possible to use `copytree()`, to
perform a recursive remove it is possible to use `rmtree()`
``` python
import shutil
To remove an individual file there exists the `remove()` function in the
os module:
``` python
import os
## Finding Files
Files can be found using *glob*:
``` python
glob.glob('*.txt') # Finds files in the current directory ending in dot txt
glob.glob('*\\*.txt') # Finds files in any of the direct subdirectories
# of the currect directory ending in dot txt
for fileName in glob.glob('C:\\Windows\\*.exe'):
glob.glob('C:\\Windows\\**.exe', recursive=True) # Py 3.5: ** allows recursive nesting
The content of a directory can be listed using *listdir*:
``` python
for item in filesAndDirectories:
if os.path.isfile(item) and item.endswith('.txt'):
print("Text file: " + item)
if os.path.isdir(item):
print("Directory: " + item)
Getting a list of all items in a directory, including the nested ones:
``` python
for root, directories, files in os.walk('/user/Joe Hoe'):
print("Root: " + root) # e.g. /user/Joe Hoe/Docs
for dir1 in directories:
print("Dir.: " + dir1) # e.g. Fin
print("Dir. 2: " + os.path.join(root, dir1)) # e.g. /user/Joe Hoe/Docs/Fin
for file1 in files:
print("File: " + file1) # e.g. MyFile.txt
print("File 2: " + os.path.join(root, file1))# e.g. /user/Joe Hoe/Docs/MyFile.txt
Above, root takes value of each directory in /user/Joe Hoe including
/user/Joe Hoe itself, and directories and files are only those directly
present in each root.
Getting a list of all *files* in a directory, including the nested ones,
ending in .txt, using list comprehension:
``` python
files = [os.path.join(r, f) for r, d, fs in os.walk(".") for f in fs
if f.endswith(".txt")]
# As iterator
files = (os.path.join(r, f) for r, d, fs in os.walk(".") for f in fs
if f.endswith(".txt"))
- glob, python.org
- glob, Py 3,
- os.listdir,
- os.walk,
- os.path.join,
## Current Directory
Getting current working directory:
``` python
Changing current working directory:
``` python
## External Links
- os --- Miscellaneous operating system
interfaces in Python
- glob --- Unix style pathname pattern
expansion in Python
- shutil --- High-level file
operations in Python
- Brief Tour of the Standard
Library in The
Python Tutorial
# Python Programming/Modules
Modules are a way to structure a program and create reusable libraries.
A module is usually stored in and corresponds to a separate .py file.
Many modules are available from the standard library. You can create
your own modules. Python searches for modules in the current directory
and other locations; the list of module search locations can be expanded
by expanding PYTHONPATH environment variable and by other means.
## Importing a Module
To use the functions and classes offered by a module, you have to import
the module:
``` python
import math
The above imports the math standard module, making all of the functions
in that module namespaced by the module name. It imports all functions
and all classes, if any.
You can import the module under a different name:
``` python
import math as Mathematics
You can import a single function, making it available without the module
name namespace:
``` python
from math import sqrt
You can import a single function and make it available under a different
``` python
from math import cos as cosine
You can import multiple modules in a row:
``` python
import os, sys, re
You can make an import as late as in a function definition:
``` python
def sqrtTen():
import math
Such an import only takes place when the function is called.
You can import all functions from the module without the module
namespace, using an asterisk notation:
``` python
from math import *
However, if you do this inside a function, you get a warning in Python 2
and error in Python 3:
``` python
def sqrtTen():
from math import *
You can guard for a module not found:
``` python
import custommodule
except ImportError:
Modules can be different kinds of things:
- Python files
- Shared Objects (under Unix and Linux) with the .so suffix
- DLL\'s (under Windows) with the .pyd suffix
- Directories
Modules are loaded in the order they\'re found, which is controlled by
sys.path. The current directory is always on the path.
Directories should include a file in them called \_\_init\_\_.py, which
should probably include the other files in the directory.
Creating a DLL that interfaces with Python is covered in another
## Imported Check
You can check whether a module has been imported as follows:
``` python
if "re" in sys.modules:
print("Regular expression module is ready for use.")
- 28.1. sys \#
## Creating a Module
### From a File
The easiest way to create a module is by having a file called mymod.py
either in a directory recognized by the PYTHONPATH variable or (even
easier) in the same directory where you are working. If you have the
following file mymod.py
``` python
class Object1:
def __init__(self):
self.name = 'object 1'
you can already import this \"module\" and create instances of the
object *Object1*.
``` python
import mymod
myobject = mymod.Object1()
from mymod import *
myobject = Object1()
### From a Directory
It is not feasible for larger projects to keep all classes in a single
file. It is often easier to store all files in directories and load all
files with one command. Each directory needs to have a `__init__.py`
file which contains python commands that are executed upon loading the
Suppose we have two more objects called `Object2` and `Object3` and we
want to load all three objects with one command. We then create a
directory called *mymod* and we store three files called `Object1.py`,
`Object2.py` and `Object3.py` in it. These files would then contain one
object per file but this not required (although it adds clarity). We
would then write the following `__init__.py` file:
``` python
from Object1 import *
from Object2 import *
from Object3 import *
__all__ = ["Object1", "Object2", "Object3"]
The first three commands tell python what to do when somebody loads the
module. The last statement defining \_\_all\_\_ tells python what to do
when somebody executes *from mymod import \**. Usually we want to use
parts of a module in other parts of a module, e.g. we want to use
Object1 in Object2. We can do this easily with an *from . import \**
command as the following file *Object2.py* shows:
``` python
from . import *
class Object2:
def __init__(self):
self.name = 'object 2'
self.otherObject = Object1()
We can now start python and import *mymod* as we have in the previous
## Making a program usable as a module
In order to make a program usable both as a standalone program to be
called from a command line and as a module, it is advisable that you
place all code in functions and methods, designate one function as the
main one, and call then main function when \_\_name\_\_ built-in equals
\'\_\_main\_\_\'. The purpose of doing so is to make sure that the code
you have placed in the main function is not called when your program is
imported as a module; the code would be called upon import if it were
placed outside of functions and methods.
Your program, stored in mymodule.py, can look as follows:
``` python
def reusable_function(x, y):
return x + y
def main():
# Any code you like
if __name__ == '__main__':
The uses of the above program can look as follows:
``` python
from mymodule import reusable_function
my_result = reusable_function(4, 5)
- The Python Tutorial - 6.1.1. Executing modules as
## Extending Module Path
When import is requested, modules are searched in the directories (and
zip files?) in the module path, accessible via sys.path, a Python list.
The module path can be extended as follows:
``` python
import sys
from ModuleFileName import my_function
Above, if ModuleFileName.py is located at /My/Path/To/Module/Directory
and contains a definition of my_function, the 2nd line ensures the 3rd
line actually works.
- The Module Search
at Python doc
## Module Names
Module names seem to be limited to alphanumeric characters and
underscore; dash cannot be used. While my-module.py can be created and
run, importing my-module fails. The name of a module is the name of the
module file minus the .py suffix.
Module names are case sensitive. If the module file is called
MyModule.py, doing \"import mymodule\" fails while \"import MyModule\"
is fine.
PEP 0008 recommends module names to be in all lowercase, with possible
use of underscores.
Examples of module names from the standard library include math, sys,
io, re, urllib, difflib, and unicodedata.
- Package and Module
at PEP 0008 \-- Style Guide for Python Code
- The Python Standard
Library at
## Built-in Modules
For a module to be built-in is not the same as to be part of the
standard library. For instance, re is not a built-in module but rather a
module written in Python. By contrast, \_sre is a built-in module.
Obtaining a list of built-in module names:
`print("_sre" in sys.builtin_module_names) # True`\
`print("math" in sys.builtin_module_names) # True`
- 28.1. sys \#
- The Python Standard
## External links
- 6. Modules, The
Python Tutorial, python.org
- Python Module Index,
- 31. Importing
Modules, python.org
- Installing Python Modules,
- Idioms and Anti-Idioms in
Python, python.org
- Python: Why should \'from `<module>`{=html} import \*\' be
- Error handling when importing
# Python Programming/Classes
Classes are a way of aggregating similar data and functions. A class is
basically a scope inside which various code (especially function
definitions) is executed, and the locals to this scope become
*attributes* of the class, and of any objects constructed by this class.
An object constructed by a class is called an *instance* of that class.
### Overview
Classes in Python at a glance:
``` python
import math
class MyComplex:
"""A complex number""" # Class documentation
classvar = 0.0 # A class attribute, not an instance one
def phase(self): # A method
return math.atan2(self.imaginary, self.real)
def __init__(self): # A constructor
"""A constructor"""
self.real = 0.0 # An instance attribute
self.imaginary = 0.0
c1 = MyComplex()
c1.real = 3.14 # No access protection
c1.imaginary = 2.71
phase = c1.phase() # Method call
c1.undeclared = 9.99 # Add an instance attribute
del c1.undeclared # Delete an instance attribute
print(vars(c1)) # Attributes as a dictionary
vars(c1)["undeclared2"] = 7.77 # Write access to an attribute
print(c1.undeclared2) # 7.77, indeed
MyComplex.classvar = 1 # Class attribute access
print(c1.classvar == 1) # True; class attribute access, not an instance one
print("classvar" in vars(c1)) # False
c1.classvar = -1 # An instance attribute overshadowing the class one
MyComplex.classvar = 2 # Class attribute access
print(c1.classvar == -1) # True; instance attribute access
print("classvar" in vars(c1)) # True
class MyComplex2(MyComplex): # Class derivation or inheritance
def __init__(self, re = 0, im = 0):
self.real = re # A constructor with multiple arguments with defaults
self.imaginary = im
def phase(self):
print("Derived phase")
return MyComplex.phase(self) # Call to a base class; "super"
c3 = MyComplex2()
c4 = MyComplex2(1, 1)
c4.phase() # Call to the method in the derived class
class Record: pass # Class as a record/struct with arbitrary attributes
record = Record()
record.name = "Joe"
record.surname = "Hoe"
### Defining a Class
To define a class, use the following format:
``` python
class ClassName:
"Here is an explanation about your class"
The capitalization in this class definition is the convention, but is
not required by the language. It\'s usually good to add at least a short
explanation of what your class is supposed to do. The pass statement in
the code above is just to say to the python interpreter just go on and
do nothing. You can remove it as soon as you are adding your first
### Instance Construction
The class is a callable object that constructs an instance of the class
when called. Let\'s say we create a class Foo.
``` python
class Foo:
"Foo is our new toy."
To construct an instance of the class, Foo, \"call\" the class object:
``` python
f = Foo()
This constructs an instance of class Foo and creates a reference to it
in f.
### Class Members
In order to access the member of an instance of a class, use the syntax
`<class instance>`{=html}.`<member>`{=html}. It is also possible to
access the members of the class definition with
`<class name>`{=html}.`<member>`{=html}.
#### Methods
A method is a function within a class. The first argument (methods must
always take at least one argument) is always the instance of the class
on which the function is invoked. For example
``` python
>>> class Foo:
... def setx(self, x):
... self.x = x
... def bar(self):
... print(self.x)
If this code were executed, nothing would happen, at least until an
instance of Foo were constructed, and then bar were called on that
##### Why a mandatory argument?
In a normal function, if you were to set a variable, such as
`test = 23`, you could not access the test variable. Typing `test` would
say it is not defined. This is true in class functions unless they use
the `self` variable.
Basically, in the previous example, if we were to remove self.x,
function bar could not do anything because it could not access x. The x
in setx() would disappear. The self argument saves the variable into the
class\'s \"shared variables\" database.
##### Why self?
You do not need to use self. However, it is a norm to use self.
#### Invoking Methods
Calling a method is much like calling a function, but instead of passing
the instance as the first parameter like the list of formal parameters
suggests, use the function as an attribute of the instance.
``` python
>>> f = Foo()
>>> f.setx(5)
>>> f.bar()
This will output
It is possible to call the method on an arbitrary object, by using it as
an attribute of the defining class instead of an instance of that class,
like so:
``` python
>>> Foo.setx(f,5)
>>> Foo.bar(f)
This will have the same output.
#### Dynamic Class Structure
As shown by the method setx above, the members of a Python class can
change during runtime, not just their values, unlike classes in
languages like C++ or Java. We can even delete f.x after running the
code above.
``` python
>>> del f.x
>>> f.bar()
`Traceback (most recent call last):`\
` File "``<stdin>`{=html}`", line 1, in ?`\
` File "``<stdin>`{=html}`", line 5, in bar`\
`AttributeError: Foo instance has no attribute 'x'`
Another effect of this is that we can change the definition of the Foo
class during program execution. In the code below, we create a member of
the Foo class definition named y. If we then create a new instance of
Foo, it will now have this new member.
``` python
>>> Foo.y = 10
>>> g = Foo()
>>> g.y
##### Viewing Class Dictionaries
At the heart of all this is a
dictionary that can be
accessed by \"vars(ClassName)\"
``` python
>>> vars(g)
At first, this output makes no sense. We just saw that g had the member
y, so why isn\'t it in the member dictionary? If you remember, though,
we put y in the class definition, Foo, not g.
``` python
>>> vars(Foo)
{'y': 10, 'bar': <function bar at 0x4d6a3c>, '__module__': '__main__',
'setx': <function setx at 0x4d6a04>, '__doc__': None}
And there we have all the members of the Foo class definition. When
Python checks for g.member, it first checks g\'s vars dictionary for
\"member,\" then Foo. If we create a new member of g, it will be added
to g\'s dictionary, but not Foo\'s.
``` python
>>> g.setx(5)
>>> vars(g)
{'x': 5}
Note that if we now assign a value to g.y, we are not assigning that
value to Foo.y. Foo.y will still be 10, but g.y will now override Foo.y
``` python
>>> g.y = 9
>>> vars(g)
{'y': 9, 'x': 5}
>>> vars(Foo)
{'y': 10, 'bar': <function bar at 0x4d6a3c>, '__module__': '__main__',
'setx': <function setx at 0x4d6a04>, '__doc__': None}
Sure enough, if we check the values:
``` python
>>> g.y
>>> Foo.y
Note that f.y will also be 10, as Python won\'t find \'y\' in vars(f),
so it will get the value of \'y\' from vars(Foo).
Some may have also noticed that the methods in Foo appear in the class
dictionary along with the x and y. If you remember from the section on
we can treat functions just like variables. This means that we can
assign methods to a class during runtime in the same way we assigned
variables. If you do this, though, remember that if we call a method of
a class instance, the first parameter passed to the method will always
be the class instance itself.
##### Changing Class Dictionaries
We can also access the members dictionary of a class using the
\_\_dict\_\_ member of the class.
``` python
>>> g.__dict__
{'y': 9, 'x': 5}
If we add, remove, or change key-value pairs from g.\_\_dict\_\_, this
has the same effect as if we had made those changes to the members of g.
``` python
>>> g.__dict__['z'] = -4
>>> g.z
### Why use classes?
Classes are special due to the fact once an instance is made, the
instance is independent of all other instances. I could have two
instances, each with a different x value, and they will not affect the
other\'s x.
``` python
f = Foo()
g = Foo()
`f.boo()` and `g.boo()` will print different values.
### New Style Classes
New style classes were introduced in python 2.2. A new-style class is a
class that has a built-in as its base, most commonly object. At a low
level, a major difference between old and new classes is their type. Old
class instances were all of type `instance`. New style class instances
will return the same thing as x.\_\_class\_\_ for their type. This puts
user defined classes on a level playing field with built-ins.
Old/Classic classes are slated to disappear in Python 3. With this in
mind all development should use new style classes. New Style classes
also add constructs like properties and static methods familiar to Java
Old/Classic Class
``` python
>>> class ClassicFoo:
... def __init__(self):
... pass
New Style Class
``` python
>>> class NewStyleFoo(object):
... def __init__(self):
... pass
#### Properties
Properties are attributes with getter and setter methods.
``` python
>>> class SpamWithProperties(object):
... def __init__(self):
... self.__egg = "MyEgg"
... def get_egg(self):
... return self.__egg
... def set_egg(self, egg):
... self.__egg = egg
... egg = property(get_egg, set_egg)
>>> sp = SpamWithProperties()
>>> sp.egg
>>> sp.egg = "Eggs With Spam"
>>> sp.egg
'Eggs With Spam'
and since Python 2.6, with \@property decorator
``` python
>>> class SpamWithProperties(object):
... def __init__(self):
... self.__egg = "MyEgg"
... @property
... def egg(self):
... return self.__egg
... @egg.setter
... def egg(self, egg):
... self.__egg = egg
#### Static Methods
Static methods in Python are just like their counterparts in C++ or
Java. Static methods have no \"self\" argument and don\'t require you to
instantiate the class before using them. They can be defined using
``` python
>>> class StaticSpam(object):
... def StaticNoSpam():
... print("You can't have have the spam, spam, eggs and spam without any spam... that's disgusting")
... NoSpam = staticmethod(StaticNoSpam)
>>> StaticSpam.NoSpam()
You can't have have the spam, spam, eggs and spam without any spam... that's disgusting
They can also be defined using the function decorator \@staticmethod.
``` python
>>> class StaticSpam(object):
... @staticmethod
... def StaticNoSpam():
... print("You can't have have the spam, spam, eggs and spam without any spam... that's disgusting")
### Inheritance
Like all object oriented languages, Python provides support for
inheritance. Inheritance is a simple concept by which a class can extend
the facilities of another class, or in Python\'s case, multiple other
classes. Use the following format for this:
``` python
class ClassName(BaseClass1, BaseClass2, BaseClass3,...):
ClassName is what is known as the derived class, that is, derived from
the base classes. The derived class will then have all the members of
its base classes. If a method is defined in the derived class and in the
base class, the member in the derived class will override the one in the
base class. In order to use the method defined in the base class, it is
necessary to call the method as an attribute on the defining class, as
in Foo.setx(f,5) above:
``` python
>>> class Foo:
... def bar(self):
... print("I'm doing Foo.bar()")
... x = 10
>>> class Bar(Foo):
... def bar(self):
... print("I'm doing Bar.bar()")
... Foo.bar(self)
... y = 9
>>> g = Bar()
>>> Bar.bar(g)
I'm doing Bar.bar()
I'm doing Foo.bar()
>>> g.y
>>> g.x
Once again, we can see what\'s going on under the hood by looking at the
class dictionaries.
``` python
>>> vars(g)
>>> vars(Bar)
{'y': 9, '__module__': '__main__', 'bar': <function bar at 0x4d6a04>,
'__doc__': None}
>>> vars(Foo)
{'x': 10, '__module__': '__main__', 'bar': <function bar at 0x4d6994>,
'__doc__': None}
When we call g.x, it first looks in the vars(g) dictionary, as usual.
Also as above, it checks vars(Bar) next, since g is an instance of Bar.
However, thanks to inheritance, Python will check vars(Foo) if it
doesn\'t find x in vars(Bar).
### Multiple inheritance
As shown in section #Inheritance, a class can
be derived from multiple classes:
``` python
class ClassName(BaseClass1, BaseClass2, BaseClass3):
A tricky part about multiple inheritance is method resolution: upon a
method call, if the method name is available from multiple base classes
or their base classes, which base class method should be called.
The method resolution order depends on whether the class is an old-style
class or a new-style class. For old-style classes, derived classes are
considered from left to right, and base classes of base classes are
considered before moving to the right. Thus, above, BaseClass1 is
considered first, and if method is not found there, the base classes of
BaseClass1 are considered. If that fails, BaseClass2 is considered, then
its base classes, and so on. For new-style classes, see the Python
documentation online.
- 9.5.1. Multiple
- The Python 2.3 Method Resolution
### Special Methods
There are a number of methods which have reserved names which are used
for special purposes like mimicking numerical or container operations,
among other things. All of these names begin and end with two
underscores. It is convention that methods beginning with a single
underscore are \'private\' to the scope they are introduced within.
#### Initialization and Deletion
##### \_\_init\_\_
One of these purposes is constructing an instance, and the special name
for this is \'\_\_init\_\_\'. \_\_init\_\_() is called before an
instance is returned (it is not necessary to return the instance
manually). As an example,
``` python
class A:
def __init__(self):
a = A()
\_\_init\_\_() can take arguments, in which case it is necessary to pass
arguments to the class in order to create an instance. For example,
``` python
class Foo:
def __init__ (self, printme):
foo = Foo('Hi!')
Here is an example showing the difference between using \_\_init\_\_()
and not using \_\_init\_\_():
``` python
class Foo:
def __init__ (self, x):
foo = Foo('Hi!')
class Foo2:
def setx(self, x):
f = Foo2()
##### \_\_del\_\_
Similarly, \'\_\_del\_\_\' is called when an instance is destroyed; e.g.
when it is no longer referenced.
##### \_\_enter\_\_ and \_\_exit\_\_
These methods are also a constructor and a destructor but they\'re only
executed when the class is instantiated with `with`. Example:
``` python
class ConstructorsDestructors:
def __init__(self):
def __del__(self):
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
with ConstructorsDestructors():
##### \_\_new\_\_
#### Representation
| ##### \_\_str\_\_ | Function Operator |
| | --------- |
| Converting an object to a | -------- ----------------------- |
| string, as with the print | \_\_str\_\_ str(A) |
| statement or with the str() | \_\_repr\_\_ repr(A) |
| conversion function, can be | \_\_uni |
| overridden by overriding | code\_\_ unicode(x) (2.x only) |
| \_\_str\_\_. Usually, | |
| \_\_str\_\_ returns a formatted | : String Representation |
| version of the objects content. | Override Functions |
| This will NOT usually be | |
| something that can be executed. | |
| | |
| For example: | |
| | |
| ``` python | |
| class Bar: | |
| | |
| def __init__ (self, iamthis): | |
| self.iamthis = iamthis | |
| def __str__ (self): | |
| return self.iamthis | |
| bar = Bar('apple') | |
| print(bar) | |
| ``` | |
| | |
| outputs | |
| | |
| `apple` | |
| | |
| ##### \_\_repr\_\_ | |
| | |
| This function is much like | |
| \_\_str\_\_(). If \_\_str\_\_ is | |
| not present but this one is, | |
| this function\'s output is used | |
| instead for printing. | |
| \_\_repr\_\_ is used to return a | |
| representation of the object in | |
| string form. In general, it can | |
| be executed to get back the | |
| original object. | |
| | |
| For example: | |
| | |
| ``` python | |
| class Bar: | |
| | |
| def __init__ (self, iamthis): | |
| self.iamthis = iamthis | |
| def __repr__(self): | |
| r | |
| eturn "Bar('%s')" % self.iamthis | |
| bar = Bar('apple') | |
| bar | |
| ``` | |
| | |
| outputs (note the difference: it | |
| may not be necessary to put it | |
| inside a print, however in | |
| Python 2.7 it does) | |
| | |
| `Bar('apple')` | |
#### Attributes
| ## | Function |
| ### \_\_setattr\_\_ | Indirect form Direct Form |
| | ----------------- |
| This is the function which is in | ------------------ ------------- |
| charge of setting attributes of | \_\_geta |
| a class. It is provided with the | ttr\_\_ getattr(A, B) A.B |
| name and value of the variables | \_\_setattr\ |
| being assigned. Each class, of | _\_ setattr(A, B, C) A.B = C |
| course, comes with a default | \_\_delattr\ |
| \_\_setattr\_\_ which simply | _\_ delattr(A, B) del A.B |
| sets the value of the variable, | |
| but we can override it. | : Attribute Override Functions |
| | |
| ``` python | |
| >>> class Unchangable: | |
| ... def | |
| __setattr__(self, name, value): | |
| ... print("Nice try") | |
| ... | |
| >>> u = Unchangable() | |
| >>> u.x = 9 | |
| Nice try | |
| >>> u.x | |
| ``` | |
| | |
| `Trac | |
| eback (most recent call last):`\ | |
| ` File "``< | |
| stdin>`{=html}`", line 1, in ?`\ | |
| `AttributeError: Unchangabl | |
| e instance has no attribute 'x'` | |
| | |
| ##### | |
| \_\_getattr\_\_\_ | |
| | |
| Similar to \_\_setattr\_\_, | |
| except this function is called | |
| when we try to access a class | |
| member, and the default simply | |
| returns the value. | |
| | |
| ``` python | |
| >>> class HiddenMembers: | |
| ... | |
| def __getattr__(self, name): | |
| ... retur | |
| n "You don't get to see " + name | |
| ... | |
| >>> h = HiddenMembers() | |
| >>> h.anything | |
| "You don't get to see anything" | |
| ``` | |
| | |
| ## | |
| ### \_\_delattr\_\_ | |
| | |
| This function is called to | |
| delete an attribute. | |
| | |
| ``` python | |
| >>> class Permanent: | |
| ... | |
| def __delattr__(self, name): | |
| ... | |
| print(name, "cannot be deleted") | |
| ... | |
| >>> p = Permanent() | |
| >>> p.x = 9 | |
| >>> del p.x | |
| x cannot be deleted | |
| >>> p.x | |
| 9 | |
| ``` | |
#### Operator Overloading
Operator overloading allows us to use the built-in Python syntax and
operators to call functions which we define.
##### Binary Operators
| If a class has the \_\_add\_\_ | + |
| function, we can use the \'+\' | ------------------+------------+ |
| operator to add instances of the | | |
| class. This will call | Function | Operator | |
| \_\_add\_\_ with the two | + |
| instances of the class passed as | ==================+============+ |
| parameters, and the return value | | |
| will be the result of the | \_\_add\_\_ | A + B | |
| addition. | + |
| | ------------------+------------+ |
| ``` python | | |
| >>> class FakeNumber: | \_\_sub\_\_ | A - B | |
| ... n = 5 | + |
| ... def __add__(A,B): | ------------------+------------+ |
| ... return A.n + B.n | | |
| ... | \_\_mul\_\_ | A \* B | |
| >>> c = FakeNumber() | + |
| >>> d = FakeNumber() | ------------------+------------+ |
| >>> d.n = 7 | | |
| >>> c + d | \_\_truediv\_\_ | A / B | |
| 12 | + |
| ``` | ------------------+------------+ |
| | | |
| To override the augmented | \_\_floordiv\_\_ | A // B | |
| assignmen | + |
| t | | |
| operators, merely add \'i\' in | \_\_mod\_\_ | A % B | |
| front of the normal binary | + |
| operator, i.e. for \'+=\' use | ------------------+------------+ |
| \'\_\_iadd\_\_\' instead of | | |
| \'\_\_add\_\_\'. The function | \_\_pow\_\_ | A \*\* B | |
| will be given one argument, | + |
| which will be the object on the | ------------------+------------+ |
| right side of the augmented | | |
| assignment operator. The | \_\_and\_\_ | A & B | |
| returned value of the function | + |
| will then be assigned to the | ------------------+------------+ |
| object on the left of the | | |
| operator. | \_\_or\_\_ | A \| B | |
| | + |
| ``` python | ------------------+------------+ |
| >> | | |
| > c.__imul__ = lambda B: B.n - 6 | \_\_xor\_\_ | A \^ B | |
| >>> c *= d | + |
| >>> c | ------------------+------------+ |
| 1 | | |
| ``` | \_\_eq\_\_ | A == B | |
| | + |
| It is important to note that the | ------------------+------------+ |
| augmented | | |
| assignmen | \_\_ne\_\_ | A != B | |
| t | ------------------+------------+ |
| operators will also use the | | |
| normal operator functions if the | \_\_gt\_\_ | A \> B | |
| augmented operator function | + |
| hasn\'t been set directly. This | ------------------+------------+ |
| will work as expected, with | | |
| \"\_\_add\_\_\" being called for | \_\_lt\_\_ | A \< B | |
| \"+=\" and so on. | + |
| | ------------------+------------+ |
| ``` python | | |
| >>> c = FakeNumber() | \_\_ge\_\_ | A \>= B | |
| >>> c += d | + |
| >>> c | ------------------+------------+ |
| 12 | | |
| ``` | \_\_le\_\_ | A \<= B | |
| | + |
| | ------------------+------------+ |
| | | |
| | \_\_lshift\_\_ | A \<\< B | |
| | + |
| | ------------------+------------+ |
| | | |
| | \_\_rshift\_\_ | A \>\> B | |
| | + |
| | ------------------+------------+ |
| | | |
| | \_\_contains\_\_ | A in B\ | |
| | | |
| | | A not in B | |
| | + |
| | ------------------+------------+ |
| | |
| | : Binary Operator Override |
| | Functions |
##### Unary Operators
| Unary operators will be passed | Function Operator |
| simply the instance of the class | ------------- ---------- |
| that they are called on. | \_\_pos\_\_ +A |
| | \_\_neg\_\_ -A |
| ``` python | \_\_inv\_\_ \~A |
| >>> FakeNum | \_\_abs\_\_ abs(A) |
| ber.__neg__ = lambda A : A.n + 6 | \_\_len\_\_ len(A) |
| >>> -d | |
| 13 | : Unary Operator Override |
| ``` | Functions |
##### Item Operators
| It is also possible in Python to | Function Operator |
| override the indexing and | - |
| slic | ----------------- -------------- |
| ing | \_\_setitem\_\_ C\[i\] = v |
| operators. This allows us to use | \_\_delitem\_\_ del C\[i\] |
| the class\[i\] and class\[a:b\] | \_\_getslice\_\_ C\[s:e\] |
| syntax on our own objects. | |
| | \_\_setslice\_\_ C\[s:e\] = v |
| The simplest form of item | |
| operator is \_\_getitem\_\_. | \_\_delslice\_\_ del C\[s:e\] |
| This takes as a parameter the | |
| instance of the class, then the | : Item Operator Override |
| value of the index. | Functions |
| | |
| ``` python | |
| >>> class FakeList: | |
| ... | |
| def __getitem__(self,index): | |
| ... return index * 2 | |
| ... | |
| >>> f = FakeList() | |
| >>> f['a'] | |
| 'aa' | |
| ``` | |
| | |
| We can also define a function | |
| for the syntax associated with | |
| assigning a value to an item. | |
| The parameters for this function | |
| include the value being | |
| assigned, in addition to the | |
| parameters from \_\_getitem\_\_ | |
| | |
| ``` python | |
| >>> class FakeList: | |
| ... de | |
| f __setitem__(self,index,value): | |
| ... self.str | |
| ing = index + " is now " + value | |
| ... | |
| >>> f = FakeList() | |
| >>> f['a'] = 'gone' | |
| >>> f.string | |
| 'a is now gone' | |
| ``` | |
| | |
| We can do the same thing with | |
| slices. Once again, each syntax | |
| has a different parameter list | |
| associated with it. | |
| | |
| ``` python | |
| >>> class FakeList: | |
| ... de | |
| f __getslice___(self,start,end): | |
| ... retur | |
| n str(start) + " to " + str(end) | |
| ... | |
| >>> f = FakeList() | |
| >>> f[1:4] | |
| '1 to 4' | |
| ``` | |
| | |
| Keep in mind that one or both of | |
| the start and end parameters can | |
| be blank in slice syntax. Here, | |
| Python has default value for | |
| both the start and the end, as | |
| show below. | |
| | |
| ``` python | |
| >> f[:] | |
| '0 to 2147483647' | |
| ``` | |
| | |
| Note that the default value for | |
| the end of the slice shown here | |
| is simply the largest possible | |
| signed integer on a 32-bit | |
| system, and may vary depending | |
| on your system and C compiler. | |
| | |
| - \_\_setslice\_\_ has the | |
| parameters | |
| (self,start,end,value) | |
| | |
| We also have operators for | |
| deleting items and slices. | |
| | |
| - \_\_delitem\_\_ has the | |
| parameters (self,index) | |
| - \_\_delslice\_\_ has the | |
| parameters (self,start,end) | |
| | |
| Note that these are the same as | |
| \_\_getitem\_\_ and | |
| \_\_getslice\_\_. | |
#### Other Overrides
| | Function Operator |
| | ------------------ ------------------------- |
| | \_\_cmp\_\_ cmp(x, y) |
| | \_\_hash\_\_ hash(x) |
| | \_\_nonzero\_\_ bool(x) |
| | \_\_call\_\_ f(x) |
| | \_\_iter\_\_ iter(x) |
| | \_\_reversed\_\_ reversed(x) (2.6+) |
| | \_\_divmod\_\_ divmod(x, y) |
| | \_\_int\_\_ int(x) |
| | \_\_long\_\_ long(x) |
| | \_\_float\_\_ float(x) |
| | \_\_complex\_\_ complex(x) |
| | \_\_hex\_\_ hex(x) |
| | \_\_oct\_\_ oct(x) |
| | \_\_index\_\_ |
| | \_\_copy\_\_ copy.copy(x) |
| | \_\_deepcopy\_\_ copy.deepcopy(x) |
| | \_\_sizeof\_\_ sys.getsizeof(x) (2.6+) |
| | \_\_trunc\_\_ math.trunc(x) (2.6+) |
| | \_\_format\_\_ format(x, \...) (2.6+) |
| | |
| | : Other Override Functions |
### Programming Practices
The flexibility of python classes means that classes can adopt a varied
set of behaviors. For the sake of understandability, however, it\'s best
to use many of Python\'s tools sparingly. Try to declare all methods in
the class definition, and always use the
`<class>`{=html}.`<member>`{=html} syntax instead of \_\_dict\_\_
whenever possible. Look at classes in
C++ and
Java#Java "wikilink") to see what most
programmers will expect from a class.
#### Encapsulation
Since all python members of a python class are accessible by
functions/methods outside the class, there is no way to enforce
encapsulation short of overriding
\_\_getattr\_\_, \_\_setattr\_\_ and \_\_delattr\_\_. General practice,
however, is for the creator of a class or module to simply trust that
users will use only the intended interface and avoid limiting access to
the workings of the module for the sake of users who do need to access
it. When using parts of a class or module other than the intended
interface, keep in mind that the those parts may change in later
versions of the module, and you may even cause errors or undefined
behaviors in the module.since encapsulation is private.
#### Doc Strings
When defining a class, it is convention to document the class using a
string literal at the start of the class definition. This string will
then be placed in the \_\_doc\_\_ attribute of the class definition.
``` python
>>> class Documented:
... """This is a docstring"""
... def explode(self):
... """
... This method is documented, too! The coder is really serious about
... making this class usable by others who don't know the code as well
... as he does.
... """
... print("boom")
>>> d = Documented()
>>> d.__doc__
'This is a docstring'
Docstrings are a very useful way to document your code. Even if you
never write a single piece of separate documentation (and let\'s admit
it, doing so is the lowest priority for many coders), including
informative docstrings in your classes will go a long way toward making
them usable.
Several tools exist for turning the docstrings in Python code into
readable API documentation, *e.g.*,
Don\'t just stop at documenting the class definition, either. Each
method in the class should have its own docstring as well. Note that the
docstring for the method *explode* in the example class *Documented*
above has a fairly lengthy docstring that spans several lines. Its
formatting is in accordance with the style suggestions of Python\'s
creator, Guido van Rossum in PEP
#### Adding methods at runtime
##### To a class
It is fairly easy to add methods to a class at runtime. Lets assume that
we have a class called *Spam* and a function cook. We want to be able to
use the function cook on all instances of the class Spam:
``` python
class Spam:
def __init__(self):
self.myeggs = 5
def cook(self):
print("cooking %s eggs" % self.myeggs)
Spam.cook = cook #add the function to the class Spam
eggs = Spam() #NOW create a new instance of Spam
eggs.cook() #and we are ready to cook!
This will output
`cooking 5 eggs`
##### To an instance of a class
It is a bit more tricky to add methods to an instance of a class that
has already been created. Lets assume again that we have a class called
*Spam* and we have already created eggs. But then we notice that we
wanted to cook those eggs, but we do not want to create a new instance
but rather use the already created one:
``` python
class Spam:
def __init__(self):
self.myeggs = 5
eggs = Spam()
def cook(self):
print("cooking %s eggs" % self.myeggs)
import types
f = types.MethodType(cook, eggs, Spam)
eggs.cook = f
Now we can cook our eggs and the last statement will output:
`cooking 5 eggs`
##### Using a function
We can also write a function that will make the process of adding
methods to an instance of a class easier.
``` python
def attach_method(fxn, instance, myclass):
f = types.MethodType(fxn, instance, myclass)
setattr(instance, fxn.__name__, f)
All we now need to do is call the attach_method with the arguments of
the function we want to attach, the instance we want to attach it to and
the class the instance is derived from. Thus our function call might
look like this:
``` python
attach_method(cook, eggs, Spam)
Note that in the function add_method we cannot write `instance.fxn = f`
since this would add a function called fxn to the instance.
### External links
- 9. Classes,
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
fr:Programmation Python/Programmation orienté
# Python Programming/Exceptions
Python 2 handles all errors with exceptions.
An *exception* is a signal that an error or other unusual condition has
occurred. There are a number of built-in exceptions, which indicate
conditions like reading past the end of a file, or dividing by zero. You
can also define your own exceptions.
### Overview
Exceptions in Python at a glance:
``` Python
import random
ri = random.randint(0, 2)
if ri == 0:
infinity = 1/0
elif ri == 1:
raise ValueError("Message")
#raise ValueError, "Message" # Deprecated
elif ri == 2:
raise ValueError # Without message
except ZeroDivisionError:
except ValueError as valerr:
# except ValueError, valerr: # Deprecated?
raise # Raises the exception just caught
except: # Any other exception
finally: # Optional
pass # Clean up
class CustomValueError(ValueError): pass # Custom exception
raise CustomValueError
raise TypeError
except (ValueError, TypeError): # Value error catches custom, a derived class, as well
pass # A tuple catches multiple exception classes
### Raising exceptions
Whenever your program attempts to do something erroneous or meaningless,
Python raises exception to such conduct:
``` python
>>> 1 / 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
This *traceback* indicates that the `ZeroDivisionError` exception is
being raised. This is a built-in exception \-- see below for a list of
all the other ones.
### Catching exceptions
In order to handle errors, you can set up *exception handling blocks* in
your code. The keywords `try` and `except` are used to catch exceptions.
When an error occurs within the `try` block, Python looks for a matching
`except` block to handle it. If there is one, execution jumps there.
If you execute this code:
``` python
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("You can't divide by zero!")
Then Python will print this:
You can\'t divide by zero!
If you don\'t specify an exception type on the `except` line, it will
cheerfully catch all exceptions. This is generally a bad idea in
production code, since it means your program will blissfully ignore
*unexpected* errors as well as ones which the `except` block is actually
prepared to handle.
Exceptions can propagate up the call stack:
``` python
def f(x):
return g(x) + 1
def g(x):
if x < 0: raise ValueError, "I can't cope with a negative number here."
else: return 5
except ValueError:
print("That value was invalid.")
In this code, the `print` statement calls the function `f`. That
function calls the function `g`, which will raise an exception of type
ValueError. Neither `f` nor `g` has a `try`/`except` block to handle
ValueError. So the exception raised propagates out to the main code,
where there *is* an exception-handling block waiting for it. This code
That value was invalid.
Sometimes it is useful to find out exactly what went wrong, or to print
the python error text yourself. For example:
``` python
the_file = open("the_parrot")
except IOError, (ErrorNumber, ErrorMessage):
if ErrorNumber == 2: # file not found
print("Sorry, 'the_parrot' has apparently joined the choir invisible.")
print("Congratulation! you have managed to trip a #%d error" % ErrorNumber)
Which will print:
Sorry, \'the_parrot\' has apparently joined the choir invisible.
#### Custom Exceptions
Code similar to that seen above can be used to create custom exceptions
and pass information along with them. This can be very useful when
trying to debug complicated projects. Here is how that code would look;
first creating the custom exception class:
``` python
class CustomException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.parameter = value
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.parameter)
And then using that exception:
``` python
raise CustomException("My Useful Error Message")
except CustomException, (instance):
print("Caught: " + instance.parameter)
#### Trying over and over again
### Recovering and continuing with `finally`
Exceptions could lead to a situation where, after raising an exception,
the code block where the exception occurred might not be revisited. In
some cases this might leave external resources used by the program in an
unknown state.
`finally` clause allows programmers to close such resources in case of
an exception. Between 2.4 and 2.5 version of python there is change of
syntax for `finally` clause.
- Python 2.4
``` python
result = None
result = x/y
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("division by zero!")
print("result is ", result)
print("executing finally clause")
- Python 2.5
``` python
result = x / y
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("division by zero!")
print("result is", result)
print("executing finally clause")
### Built-in exception classes
All built-in Python
### Exotic uses of exceptions
Exceptions are good for more than just error handling. If you have a
complicated piece of code to choose which of several courses of action
to take, it can be useful to use exceptions to jump out of the code as
soon as the decision can be made. The Python-based mailing list software
Mailman does this in deciding how a message should be handled. Using
exceptions like this may seem like it\'s a sort of GOTO \-- and indeed
it is, but a limited one called an *escape continuation*. Continuations
are a powerful functional-programming tool and it can be useful to learn
Just as a simple example of how exceptions make programming easier, say
you want to add items to a list but you don\'t want to use \"if\"
statements to initialize the list we could replace this:
``` python
if hasattr(self, 'items'):
self.items = list(new_items)
Using exceptions, we can emphasize the normal program flow---that
usually we just extend the list---rather than emphasizing the unusual
``` python
except AttributeError:
self.items = list(new_items)
### External links
- 8. Errors and
Exceptions in The
Python Tutorial, docs.python.org
- 8. Errors and
Exceptions in The
Python Tutorial for Python 2.4, docs.python.org
- 6. Built-in
# Python Programming/Errors
In python there are three types of errors; *syntax
errors*, *logic
errors* and
## Syntax errors
Syntax errors are the most basic type of error. They arise when the
Python parser is unable to understand a line of code. Syntax errors are
almost always fatal, i.e. there is almost never a way to successfully
execute a piece of code containing syntax errors. Some syntax errors can
be caught and handled, like eval(\"\"), but these are rare.
In IDLE, it will highlight where the syntax error is. Most syntax errors
are typos, incorrect indentation, or incorrect arguments. If you get
this error, try looking at your code for any of these.
## Logic errors
These are the most difficult type of error to find, because they will
give unpredictable results and may crash your program. A lot of
different things can happen if you have a logic error. However these are
very easy to fix as you can use a debugger, which will run through the
program and fix any problems.
A simple example of a logic error can be showcased below, the while loop
will compile and run however, the loop will never finish and may crash
``` python
#Counting Sheep
#Goal: Print number of sheep up until 101.
while sheep_count<100:
print("%i Sheep"%sheep_count)
Logic errors are only erroneous in the perspective of the programming
goal one might have; in many cases Python is working as it was intended,
just not as the user intended. The above while loop is functioning
correctly as Python is intended to, but the exit the condition the user
needs is missing.
## Exceptions
Exceptions arise when the python parser knows what to do with a piece of
code but is unable to perform the action. An example would be trying to
access the internet with python without an internet connection; the
python interpreter knows what to do with that command but is unable to
perform it.
### Dealing with exceptions
Unlike syntax errors, exceptions are not always fatal. Exceptions can be
handled with the use of a `try` statement.
Consider the following code to display the HTML of the website
\'example.com\'. When the execution of the program reaches the try
statement it will attempt to perform the indented code following, if for
some reason there is an error (the computer is not connected to the
internet or something) the python interpreter will jump to the indented
code below the \'except:\' command.
``` python
import urllib2
url = 'http://www.example.com'
req = urllib2.Request(url)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
the_page = response.read()
print("We have a problem.")
Another way to handle an error is to except a specific error.
``` python
age = int(raw_input("Enter your age: "))
print("You must be {0} years old.".format(age))
except ValueError:
print("Your age must be numeric.")
If the user enters a numeric value as his/her age, the output should
look like this:
Enter your age: 5
Your age must be 5 years old.
However, if the user enters a non-numeric value as his/her age, a
`ValueError` is thrown when trying to execute the `int()` method on a
non-numeric string, and the code under the `except` clause is executed:
Enter your age: five
Your age must be numeric.
You can also use a `try` block with a `while` loop to validate input:
``` python
valid = False
while valid == False:
age = int(raw_input("Enter your age: "))
valid = True # This statement will only execute if the above statement executes without error.
print("You must be {0} years old.".format(age))
except ValueError:
print("Your age must be numeric.")
The program will prompt you for your age until you enter a valid age:
Enter your age: five
Your age must be numeric.
Enter your age: abc10
Your age must be numeric.
Enter your age: 15
You must be 15 years old.
In certain other cases, it might be necessary to get more information
about the exception and deal with it appropriately. In such situations
the except as construct can be used.
``` python
f=raw_input("enter the name of the file:")
l=raw_input("enter the name of the link:")
except OSError as e:
print("an error occurred linking %s to %s: %s\n error no %d"%(f,l,e.args[1],e.args[0]))
enter the name of the file:file1.txt
enter the name of the link:AlreadyExists.txt
an error occurred linking file1.txt to AlreadyExists.txt: File exists
error no 17
enter the name of the file:file1.txt
enter the name of the link:/Cant/Write/Here/file1.txt
an error occurred linking file1.txt to /Cant/Write/Here/file1.txt: Permission denied
error no 13
pt:Python/Conceitos básicos/Erros e
# Python Programming/Source Documentation and Comments
Documentation is the process of leaving information about your code. The
two mechanisms for doing this in Python are comments and documentation
## Comments
There will always be a time in which you have to return to your code.
Perhaps it is to fix a bug, or to add a new feature. Regardless, looking
at your own code after six months is almost as bad as looking at someone
else\'s code. What one needs is a means to leave reminders to yourself
as to what you were doing.
For this purpose, you leave comments. Comments are little snippets of
text embedded inside your code that are ignored by the Python
interpreter. A comment is denoted by the hash character (#) and extends
to the end of the line. For example:
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# commentexample.py
# Display the knights that come after Scene 24
print("The Knights Who Say Ni!")
# print("I will never see the light of day!")
As you can see, you can also use comments to temporarily remove segments
of your code, like the second print statement.
### Comment Guidelines
The following guidelines are from PEP
8, written by Guido van
- General
- Comments that contradict the code are worse than no comments.
Always make a priority of keeping the comments up-to-date when
the code changes!
- Comments should be complete sentences. If a comment is a phrase
or sentence, its first word should be capitalized, unless it is
an identifier that begins with a lower case letter (never alter
the case of identifiers!).
- If a comment is short, the period at the end can be omitted.
Block comments generally consist of one or more paragraphs built
out of complete sentences, and each sentence should end in a
- You should use two spaces after a sentence-ending period.
- When writing English, Strunk and
White applies.
- Python coders from non-English speaking countries: please write
your comments in English, unless you are 120% sure that the code
will never be read by people who don\'t speak your language.
- Inline Comments
- An inline comment is a comment on the same line as a statement.
Inline comments should be separated by at least two spaces from
the statement. They should start with a \# and a single space.
- Inline comments are unnecessary and in fact distracting if they
state the obvious. Don\'t do this:
``` python
x = x + 1 # Increment x
But sometimes, this is useful:
``` python
x = x + 1 # Compensate for border
## Documentation Strings
But what if you just want to know how to use a function, class, or
method? You could add comments before the function, but comments are
inside the code, so you would have to pull up a text editor and view
them that way. But you can\'t pull up comments from a C extension, so
that is less than ideal. You could always write a separate text file
with how to call the functions, but that would mean that you would have
to remember to update that file. If only there was a mechanism for being
able to embed the documentation and get at it easily\...
Fortunately, Python has such a capability. Documentation strings (or
docstrings) are used to create easily-accessible documentation. You can
add a docstring to a function, class, or module by adding a string as
the first indented statement. For example:
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# docstringexample.py
"""Example of using documentation strings."""
class Knight:
An example class.
Call spam to get bacon.
def spam(eggs="bacon"):
"""Prints the argument given."""
The convention is to use triple-quoted strings, because it makes it
easier to add more documentation spanning multiple lines.
To access the documentation, you can use the `help` function inside a
Python shell with the object you want help on, or you can use the
`pydoc` command from your system\'s shell. If we were in the directory
where docstringexample.py lives, one could enter
`pydoc docstringexample` to get documentation on that module.
# Python Programming/Idioms
Python is a strongly idiomatic language: there is generally a single
optimal way of doing something (a
programming idiom), rather than many ways:
"There's more than one way to do
it" is *not* a Python
This section starts with some general principles, then goes through the
language, highlighting how to idiomatically use operations, data types,
and modules in the standard library.
## Principles
Use exceptions for
error-checking, following EAFP (It\'s Easier to Ask Forgiveness than
Permission) instead of LBYL (Look Before You Leap): put an action that
may fail inside a `try...except` block.
Use context managers
for managing resources, like files. Use `finally` for ad hoc cleanup,
but prefer to write a context manager to encapsulate this.
Use properties, not getter/setter pairs.
Use dictionaries for dynamic records, classes for static records (for
simple classes, use
if a record always has the same fields, make this explicit in a class;
if the fields may vary (be present or not), use a dictionary.
Use `_` for throwaway variables, like discarding a return value when a
tuple is returned, or to indicate that a parameter is being ignored
(when required for an interface, say). You can use `*_, **__` to discard
positional or keyword arguments passed to a function: these correspond
to the usual `*args, **kwargs` parameters, but explicitly discarded. You
can also use these in addition to positional or named parameters
(following the ones you use), allowing you to use some and discard any
excess ones.
Use implicit True/False (truthy/falsy values), except when needing to
distinguish between falsy values, like None, 0, and \[\], in which case
use an explicit check like `is None` or `== 0`.
Use the optional `else` clause after `try, for, while` not just `if`.
## Imports
For readable and robust code, only import modules, not names (like
functions or classes), as this creates a new (name) binding, which is
not necessarily in sync with the existing binding.[^1] For example,
given a module `m` which defines a function `f`, importing the function
with `from m import f` means that `m.f` and `f` can differ if either is
assigned to (creating a new binding).
In practice, this is frequently ignored, particularly for small-scale
code, as changing a module post-import is rare, so this is rarely a
problem, and both classes and functions are imported from modules so
they can be referred to without a prefix. However, for robust,
large-scale code, this is an important rule, as it risks creating very
subtle bugs.
For robust code with low typing, one can use a renaming import to
abbreviate a long module name:
``` python
import module_with_very_long_name as vl
vl.f() # easier than module_with_very_long_name.f, but still robust
Note that importing submodules (or subpackages) from a
using `from` is completely fine:
``` python
from p import sm # completely fine
## Operations
Swap values
``` python
b, a = a, b
Attribute access on nullable value
To access an attribute (esp. to call a method) on a value that might be
an object, or might be `None`, use the boolean shortcircuiting of `and`:
``` python
a and a.x
a and a.f()
Particularly useful for regex matches:
``` python
match and match.group(0)
`in` in can be used for substring checking
## Data types
### All sequence types
Indexing during iteration
Use `enumerate()` if you need to keep track of iteration cycles over an
``` python
for i, x in enumerate(l):
# ...
``` python
for i in range(len(l)):
x = l[i] # why did you go from list to numbers back to the list?
# ...
Finding first matching element
Python sequences do have an `index` method, but this returns the index
of the first occurrence of a specific value in the sequence. To find the
first occurrence of a value that satisfies a condition, instead, use
`next` and a generator expression:
``` python
x = next(i for i, n in enumerate(l) if n > 0)
except StopIteration:
print('No positive numbers')
print('The index of the first positive number is', x)
If you need the value, not the index of its occurrence, you can get it
directly through:
``` python
x = next(n for n in l if n > 0)
except StopIteration:
print('No positive numbers')
print('The first positive number is', x)
The reason for this construct is twofold:
- Exceptions let you signal "no match found" (they solve the
semipredicate problem): since you\'re returning a single value (not
an index), this can\'t be returned in the value.
- Generator expressions let you use an expression without needing a
lambda or introducing new grammar.
For mutable sequences, use `del`, instead of reassigning to a slice:
``` python
del l[j:]
del l[:i]
``` python
l = l[:j]
l = l[i:]
The simplest reason is that `del` makes your intention clear: you\'re
More subtly, slicing creates another reference to the same list (because
lists are mutable), and then unreachable data can be garbage-collected,
but generally this is done later. Deleting instead immediately modifies
the list in-place (which is faster than creating a slice and then
assigning it to the existing variable), and allows Python to immediately
deallocate the deleted elements, instead of waiting for garbage
In some cases you *do* want 2 slices of the same list -- though this is
rare in basic programming, other than iterating once over a slice in a
`for` loop -- but it\'s rare that you\'ll want to make a slice of a
whole list, then replace the original list variable with a slice (but
not change the other slice!), as in the following funny-looking code:
``` python
m = l
l = l[i:j] # why not m = l[i:j] ?
Sorted list from an iterable
You can create a sorted list directly from any iterable, without needing
to first make a list and then sort it. These include sets and
dictionaries (iterate on the keys):
``` python
s = {1, 'a', ...}
l = sorted(s)
d = {'a': 1, ...}
l = sorted(d)
### Tuples
Use tuples for constant sequences. This is rarely necessary (primarily
when using as keys in a dictionary), but makes intention clear.
### Strings
Use `in` for substring checking.
However, do *not* use `in` to check if a string is a single-character
match, since it matches substrings and will return spurious matches --
instead use a tuple of valid values. For example, the following is
``` python
def valid_sign(sign):
return sign in '+-' # wrong, returns true for sign == '+-'
Instead, use a tuple:
``` python
def valid_sign(sign):
return sign in ('+', '-')
Building a string
To make a long string incrementally, build a list and then join it with
`''` -- or with newlines, if building a text file (don\'t forget the
final newline in this case!). This is faster and clearer than appending
to a string, which is often *slow.* (In principle can be $O(nk)$ in
overall length of string and number of additions, which is $O(n^2)$ if
pieces are of similar sizes.)
However, there are some optimizations in some versions CPython that make
simple string appending fast -- string appending in CPython 2.5+, and
bytestring appending in CPython 3.0+ are fast, but for building Unicode
strings (unicode in Python 2, string in Python 3), joining is faster. If
doing extensive string manipulation, be aware of this and profile your
code. See Performance Tips: String
and Concatenation Test
Code for details.
Don\'t do this:
``` python
s = ''
for x in l:
# this makes a new string every iteration, because strings are immutable
s += x
``` python
# ...
# l.append(x)
s = ''.join(l)
You can even use generator expressions, which are extremely efficient:
``` python
s = ''.join(f(x) for x in l)
If you do want a mutable string-like object, you can use `StringIO`.
- Efficient String Concatenation in
Python -- old article
(so benchmarks out of date), but gives overview of some techniques.
### Dictionaries
To iterate through a dictionary, either keys, values, or both:
``` python
# Iterate over keys
for k in d:
# Iterate over values, Python 3
for v in d.values():
# Iterate over values, Python 2
# In Python 2, dict.values() returns a copy
for v in d.itervalues():
# Iterate over keys and values, Python 3
for k, v in d.items():
# Iterate over values, Python 2
# In Python 2, dict.items() returns a copy
for k, v in d.iteritems():
``` python
for k, _ in d.items(): # instead: for k in d:
for _, v in d.items(): # instead: for v in d.values()
- setdefault
- usually better to use collections.defaultdict
`dict.get` is useful, but using `dict.get` and then checking if it is
`None` as a way of testing if the key is in the dictionary is an
anti-idiom, as `None` is a potential value, and whether the key is in
the dictionary can be checked directly. It\'s ok to use `get` and
compare with `None` if this is _not_ a potential
value, however.
``` python
if 'k' in d:
# ... d['k']
Anti-idiom (unless `None` is not a potential value):
``` python
v = d.get('k')
if v is not None:
# ... v
Dict from parallel sequences of keys and values
Use `zip` as: `dict(zip(keys, values))`
## Modules
### re
Match if found, else `None`:
``` python
match = re.match(r, s)
return match and match.group(0)
\...returns `None` if no match, and the match contents if there is one.
## References
- "Idioms and Anti-Idioms in
Python", Moshe
## Further reading
- "PEP 20 \-- The Zen of
Python", Tim Peters
[^1]: "Idioms and Anti-Idioms in
Python": from
module import name1,
# Python Programming/Package management
*pip* is the standard Python package manager, making it easy to download
and install packages from the PyPI repository. pip seems to be part of
Python distribution since Python 2.7.9 and 3.5.4. If you do not have
pip, you can install it by downloading get-pip.py from bootstrap.pypa.io
and running python get-pip.py. Other package managers are not covered in
this chapter.
Examples of pip use:
- pip install xlrd
- Installs xlrd package from the PyPI repository, or from another
repository if customized to search in additional repositories.
- pip install \--upgrade xlrd
- Upgrades a package to the latest version.
- pip install mypackage.whl
- Installs the package from wheel file mypackage.whl. This is
useful when for whatever reason installation from PyPI fails and
you need to download the wheel file (.whl) of the package
- pip freeze
- Lists installed packages and their versions.
- pip show xlrd
- Outputs information about an installed package (here xlrd),
including version, author and license.
- python -m pip install xlrd
- Calls pip via python and -m option. Useful e.g. for installing
packages for ../PyPy/ (a just-in-time
compiler for Python), in which case you use pypy -m pip install
- pip \--version
- Outputs the pip version.
- pip install \--upgrade pip
- Upgrades pip itself.
*PyPI* is an online repository of Python packages, many of which are
published under a rather permissive license such as MIT license or one
of the BSD licenses. PyPI hosts both pure-Python packages and Python
packages taking advantage of the C language. Installing pure-Python
packages such as xlrd is usually seamless. As for C language packages,
many of them have precompiled binaries for multiple operating systems,
making the installation seamless as well. However, for a C language
package that has only sources published, pip needs a working and
properly set up compiler to successfully install the package.
A *wheel file* is a package distribution. It can contain pure-Python
code but also precompiled executable binaries if required. A single
package can offer multiple wheels per different Python versions and
operating systems. An example wheel file containing precompiled binaries
is numpy-1.16.2-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl, for numpy package, available from
pypi Download files section for
the package. If you are using pip with no problems, you do not need to
worry about wheel files.
## requirements.txt
This file lists the application dependencies. It\'s equivalent to
composer.json in PHP or package.json in JavaScript.
File generation:
`pip freeze > requirements.txt`
Dependencies installation:
`pip install -r requirements.txt`
## External links
- pip - The Python Package
Installer, pip.pypa.io
- Installation
in pip documentation, pip.pypa.io
- How do I install pip on
- Installing
- Packaging Python
- The Python Package Index (PyPI), pypi.org
- Over 10% of Python Packages on PyPI are Distributed Without Any
2018, snyk.io
# Python Programming/Python 2 vs. Python 3
Python 3 was created incompatible with Python 2. Support for Python 2.7
ended in 2020.
One noticeable difference is that in Python 3, *print* is not a
statement but rather a function, and therefore, invoking it requires
placing brackets around its arguments. Differences with deeper impact
include making all strings Unicode and introducing a bytes type, making
all integers big integers, letting slash (/) denote a true division
rather than per default integer division, etc.; for a compact overview,
see Python wiki.
Python 2 code can be made ready for a switch to Python 3 by importing
features from \_\_future\_\_ module. For instance, *from \_\_future\_\_
import print_function* makes Python 2 behave as if it had Python 3 print
Python 3 was first released in 2008.
A list of Python packages ready for Python 3 is available from
A survey conducted in 2018 by JetBrains and Python Software Foundation
suggests significant adoption of Python 3 among Python users.
## External links
- W:History of Python#Version
3, en.wikipedia.org
- What's New In Python
3.0, docs.python.org
- 28.11. \_\_future\_\_ --- Future statement
- Porting Python 2 Code to Python
3, docs.python.org
- Cheat Sheet: Writing Python 2-3 compatible
- Should I use Python 2 or Python 3 for my development
- Python3.0, wiki.python.org
- Python 3 Readiness, pyreadiness.org
- PEP 373 \-- Python 2.7 Release
- Python Developers Survey 2018
jetbrains.com (conducted with Python Software Foundation)
- How we rolled out one of the largest Python 3 migrations
2018, blogs.dropbox.com
# Python Programming/Decorators
Duplicated code is recognized as bad practice in software for lots of
reasons, not least of which is that it requires more work to maintain.
If you have the same algorithm operating twice on different pieces of
data you can put the algorithm in a function and pass in the data to
avoid having to duplicate the code. However, sometimes you find cases
where the code itself changes, but two or more places still have
significant chunks of duplicated boilerplate code. A typical example
might be logging:
``` python
def multiply(a, b):
result = a * b
log("multiply has been called")
return result
def add(a, b):
result = a + b
log("add has been called")
return result
In a case like this, it\'s not obvious how to factor out the
duplication. We can follow our earlier pattern of moving the common code
to a function, but calling the function with different data is not
enough to produce the different behavior we want (add or multiply).
Instead, we have to pass a *function* to the common function. This
involves a function that operates on a function, known as a
*higher-order function*.
Decorator in Python is a syntax sugar for high-level function.
Minimal example of property decorator:
``` python
>>> class Foo(object):
... @property
... def bar(self):
... return 'baz'
>>> F = Foo()
>>> print(F.bar)
The above example is really just a syntax sugar for codes like this:
``` python
>>> class Foo(object):
... def bar(self):
... return 'baz'
... bar = property(bar)
>>> F = Foo()
>>> print(F.bar)
Minimal Example of generic decorator:
``` python
>>> def decorator(f):
... def called(*args, **kargs):
... print('A function is called somewhere')
... return f(*args, **kargs)
... return called
>>> class Foo(object):
... @decorator
... def bar(self):
... return 'baz'
>>> F = Foo()
>>> print(F.bar())
A function is called somewhere
A good use for the decorators is to allow you to refactor your code so
that common features can be moved into decorators. Consider for example,
that you would like to trace all calls to some functions and print out
the values of all the parameters of the functions for each invocation.
Now you can implement this in a decorator as follows:
``` python
#define the Trace class that will be
#invoked using decorators
class Trace(object):
def __init__(self, f):
self.f =f
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print("entering function " + self.f.__name__)
for arg in args:
print("arg {0}: {1}".format(i, arg))
i =i+1
return self.f(*args, **kwargs)
Then you can use the decorator on any function that you defined by:
``` python
def sum(a, b):
print "inside sum"
return a + b
On running this code you would see output like
``` python
>>> sum(3,2)
entering function sum
arg 0: 3
arg 1: 2
inside sum
Alternately, instead of creating the decorator as a class, you could
have used a function as well.
``` python
def Trace(f):
def my_f(*args, **kwargs):
print("entering " + f.__name__)
result= f(*args, **kwargs)
print("exiting " + f.__name__)
return result
my_f.__name = f.__name__
my_f.__doc__ = f.__doc__
return my_f
#An example of the trace decorator
def sum(a, b):
print("inside sum")
return a + b
#if you run this you should see
>>> sum(3,2)
entering sum
inside sum
exiting sum
Remember it is good practice to return the function or a sensible
decorated replacement for the function so that decorators can be
# Python Programming/Context Managers
A basic issue in programming is resource
management "wikilink"): a
resource "wikilink") is anything in limited
supply, notably file handles, network sockets,
locks, etc., and a key problem is making sure these are *released* after
they are *acquired.* If they are not released, you have a
resource leak, and the system may slow down or
crash. More generally, you may want cleanup actions to always be done,
other than simply releasing resources.
Python provides special syntax for this in the `with`
which automatically manages resources encapsulated within context
or more generally performs startup and cleanup actions around a block of
code. You should **always** use a `with` statement for resource
management. There are many built-in context manager types, including the
basic example of `File`, and it is easy to write your own. The code is
not hard, but the concepts are slightly subtle, and it is easy to make
## Basic resource management
Basic resource management uses an explicit pair of `open()...close()`
functions, as in basic file opening and closing. ***Don\'t do this,***
for the reasons we are about to explain:
``` python
f = open(filename)
# ...
The key problem with this simple code is that it fails if there is an
early return, either due to a `return` statement or an exception,
possibly raised by called code. To fix this, ensuring that the cleanup
code is called when the block is exited, one uses a `try...finally`
``` python
f = open(filename)
# ...
However, this still requires manually releasing the resource, which
might be forgotten, and the release code is distant from the acquisition
code. The release can be done automatically by instead using `with`,
which works because `File` is a context manager type:
``` python
with open(filename) as f:
# ...
This assigns the value of `open(filename)` to `f` (this point is subtle
and varies between context managers), and then automatically releases
the resource, in this case calling `f.close()`, when the block exits.
## Technical details
Newer objects are *context managers* (formally context manager
subtypes, as they implement the context manager interface, which
consists of `__enter__()`, `__exit__()`), and thus can be used in `with`
statements easily (see With Statement Context
For older file-like objects that have a `close` method but not
`__exit__()`, you can use the
decorator. If you need to roll your own, this is very easy, particularly
using the
Context managers work by calling `__enter__()` when the `with` context
is entered, binding the return value to the target of `as`, and calling
`__exit__()` when the context is exited. There\'s some subtlety about
handling exceptions during exit, but you can ignore it for simple use.
More subtly, `__init__()` is called when an object is created, but
`__enter__()` is called when a `with` context is entered.
The `__init__()`/`__enter__()` distinction is important to distinguish
between single use, reusable and reentrant context
It\'s not a meaningful distinction for the common use case of
instantiating an object in the `with` clause, as follows:
``` python
with A() as a:
\...in which case any single use context manager is fine.
However, in general it is a difference, notably when distinguishing a
reusable context manager from the resource it is managing, as in here:
``` python
a_cm = A()
with a_cm as a:
Putting resource acquisition in `__enter__()` instead of `__init__()`
gives a reusable context
Notably, `File()` objects do the initialization in `__init__()` and then
just returns itself when entering a context, as in
`def __enter__(): return self`. This is fine if you want the target of
the `as` to be bound to an *object* (and allows you to use factories
like `open` as the source of the `with` clause), but if you want it to
be bound to something else, notably a *handle* (file name or file
handle/file descriptor), you want to wrap the actual object in a
separate context manager. For example:
``` python
def FileName(*args, **kwargs):
with File(*args, **kwargs) as f:
yield f.name
For simple uses you don\'t need to do any `__init__()` code, and only
need to pair `__enter__()`/`__exit__()`. For more complicated uses you
can have reentrant context
but that\'s not necessary for simple use.
## Caveats
### `try...finally`
Note that a `try...finally` clause *is* necessary with
`@contextlib.contextmanager`, as this does not catch any exceptions
raised after the `yield`, but is *not* necessary in `__exit__()`, which
is called even if an exception is raised.
### Context, not scope
The term *context* manager is carefully chosen, particularly in contrast
to "scope". Local variables in Python have function scope, and thus the
target of a `with` statement, if any, is still visible after the block
has exited, though `__exit__()` has already been called on the context
manager (the argument of the `with` statement), and thus is often not
useful or valid. This is a technical point, but it\'s worth
distinguishing the `with` statement context from the overall function
### Generators
Generators that hold or use resources are a bit tricky.
Beware that creating generators within a `with` statement and then using
them outside the block does *not* work, because generators have deferred
evaluation, and thus when they are evaluated, the resource has already
been released. This is most easily seen using a file, as in this
generator expression to convert a file to a list of lines, stripping the
end-of-line character:
``` python
with open(filename) as f:
lines = (line.rstrip('\n') for line in f)
When `lines` is then used -- evaluation can be forced with `list(lines)`
-- this fails with `<samp>`{=html}ValueError: I/O operation on closed
file.`</samp>`{=html} This is because the file is closed at the end of
the `with` statement, but the lines are not read until the generator is
The simplest solution is to avoid generators, and instead use lists,
such as list comprehensions. This is generally appropriate in this case
(reading a file) since one wishes to minimize system calls and just read
the file all at once (unless the file is very large):
``` python
with open(filename) as f:
lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f]
In case that one does wish to use a resource in a generator, the
resource must be held within the generator, as in this generator
``` python
def stripped_lines(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
yield line.rstrip('\n')
As the nesting makes clear, the file is kept open while iterating
through it.
To release the resource, the generator must be explicitly closed, using
just as with other objects that hold resources (this is the dispose
pattern). This can in turn be automated
by making the generator into a context manager, using
`@contextlib.closing,` as:
``` python
from contextlib import closing
with closing(stripped_lines(filename)) as lines:
# ...
### Not RAII
is an alternative form of resource management, particularly used in C++.
In RAII, resources are acquired during object construction, and released
during object destruction. In Python the analogous functions are
`__init__()` and
(finalizer), but RAII does *not* work in Python, and releasing resources
in `__del__()` does *not* work. This is because there is no guarantee
that `__del__()` will be called: it\'s just for memory manager use, not
for resource handling.
In more detail, Python object construction is two-phase, consisting of
(memory) allocation in `__new__()` and (attribute) initialization in
`__init__()`. Python is garbage-collected via reference counting, with
objects being finalized (not destructed) by `__del__()`. However,
finalization is non-deterministic (objects have non-deterministic
lifetimes), and the finalizer may be called much later or not at all,
particularly if the program crashes. Thus using `__del__()` for resource
management will generally leak resources.
It is possible to use finalizers for resource management, but the
resulting code is implementation-dependent (generally working in CPython
but not other implementations, such as PyPy) and fragile to version
changes. Even if this is done, it requires great care to ensure
references drop to zero in all circumstances, including: exceptions,
which contain references in tracebacks if caught or if running
interactively; and references in global variables, which last until
program termination. Prior to Python 3.4, finalizers on objects in
cycles were also a serious problem, but this is no longer a problem;
however, finalization of objects in cycles is not done in a
deterministic order.
## References
- Context Manager
- With Statement Context
## External links
- Get With the Program as
- PyMOTW (Module of the Week):
- Markus Gattol: Context
[^1]: Nils von
answer to "how to delete dir created by python
# Python Programming/Reflection
A Python script can find out about the type, class, attributes and
methods of an object. This is referred to as **reflection** or
**introspection**. See also
Reflection-enabling functions include type(), isinstance(), callable(),
dir() and getattr().
## Type
The type method enables to find out about the type of an object. The
following tests return True:
- type(3) is int
- type(3.0) is float
- type(10\*\*10) is long \# Python 2
- type(1 + 1j) is complex
- type(\'Hello\') is str
- type(\[1, 2\]) is list
- type(\[1, \[2, \'Hello\'\]\]) is list
- type({\'city\': \'Paris\'}) is dict
- type((1,2)) is tuple
- type(set()) is set
- type(frozenset()) is frozenset
- type(3).\_\_name\_\_ == \"int\"
- type(\'Hello\').\_\_name\_\_ == \"str\"
- import types, re, Tkinter \# For the following examples
- type(re) is types.ModuleType
- type(re.sub) is types.FunctionType
- type(Tkinter.Frame) is types.ClassType
- type(Tkinter.Frame).\_\_name\_\_ == \"classobj\"
- type(Tkinter.Frame()).\_\_name\_\_ == \"instance\"
- type(re.compile(\'myregex\')).\_\_name\_\_ == \"SRE_Pattern\"
- type(type(3)) is types.TypeType
The type function disregards class inheritance: \"type(3) is object\"
yields False while \"isinstance(3, object)\" yields True.
- 2. Built-in Functions \#
- 8.15. types --- Names for built-in
types, python.org
## Isinstance
Determines whether an object is an instance of a type or class.
The following tests return True:
- isinstance(3, int)
- isinstance(\[1, 2\], list)
- isinstance(3, object)
- isinstance(\[1, 2\], object)
- import Tkinter; isinstance(Tkinter.Frame(), Tkinter.Frame)
- import Tkinter; Tkinter.Frame().\_\_class\_\_.\_\_name\_\_ ==
Note that isinstance provides a weaker condition than a comparison using
Function isinstance and a user-defined class:
``` python
class Plant: pass # Dummy class
class Tree(Plant): pass # Dummy class derived from Plant
tree = Tree() # A new instance of Tree class
print(isinstance(tree, Tree)) # True
print(isinstance(tree, Plant)) # True
print(isinstance(tree, object)) # True
print(type(tree) is Tree) # True
print(type(tree).__name__ == "instance") # False
print(tree.__class__.__name__ == "Tree") # True
- Built-in Functions \#
- isinstance() considered
harmful, canonical.org
## Issubclass
Determines whether a class is a subclass of another class. Pertains to
classes, not their instances.
``` python
class Plant: pass # Dummy class
class Tree(Plant): pass # Dummy class derived from Plant
tree = Tree() # A new instance of Tree class
print(issubclass(Tree, Plant)) # True
print(issubclass(Tree, object)) # False in Python 2
print(issubclass(int, object)) # True
print(issubclass(bool, int)) # True
print(issubclass(int, int)) # True
print(issubclass(tree, Plant)) # Error - tree is not a class
- Built-in Functions \#
## Duck typing
Duck typing provides an indirect means of reflection. It is a technique
consisting in using an object as if it was of the requested type, while
catching exceptions resulting from the object not supporting some of the
features of the class or type.
- Glossary \#
## Callable
For an object, determines whether it can be called. A class can be made
callable by providing a \_\_call\_\_() method.
- callable(2)
- Returns False. Ditto for callable(\"Hello\") and callable(\[1,
- callable(\[1,2\].pop)
- Returns True, as pop without \"()\" returns a function object.
- callable(\[1,2\].pop())
- Returns False, as \[1,2\].pop() returns 2 rather than a function
- Built-in Functions \#
## Dir
Returns the list of names of attributes of an object, which includes
methods. Is somewhat heuristic and possibly incomplete, as per
- dir(3)
- dir(\"Hello\")
- dir(\[1, 2\])
- import re; dir(re)
- Lists names of functions and other objects available in the re
module for regular expressions.
- Built-in Functions \#
## Getattr
Returns the value of an attribute of an object, given the attribute name
passed as a string.
An example:
- getattr(3, \"imag\")
The list of attributes of an object can be obtained using
- Built-in Functions \#
## Keywords
A list of Python keywords can be obtained from Python:
``` python
import keyword
pykeywords = keyword.kwlist
print(keyword.iskeyword("if")) # True
print(keyword.iskeyword("True")) # False
- 32.6. keyword --- Testing for Python
## Built-ins
A list of Python built-in objects and functions can be obtained from
``` python
print(dir(__builtins__)) # Output the list
print(type(__builtins__.list)) # = <type 'type'>
print(type(__builtins__.open)) # = <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
print(list is __builtins__.list) # True
print(open is __builtins__.open) # True
- 28.3. \_\_builtin\_\_ --- Built-in
- Built-in Functions \#
## External links
- 2. Built-in
- How to determine the variable type in
- Differences between isinstance() and type() in
- W:Reflection
(computer_programming)#Python#Python "wikilink"),
- W:Type
# Python Programming/Metaclasses
In Python, classes are themselves objects. Just as other objects are
instances of a particular class, classes themselves are instances of a
### Python3
The Pep 3115 defines the
changes to python 3 metaclasses. In python3 you have a method
\_\_prepare\_\_ that is called in the metaclass to create a dictionary
or other class to store the class members.[^1] Then there is the
\_\_new\_\_ method that is called to create new instances of that class.
### The type Metaclass
The metaclass for all standard Python types is the \"type\" object.
``` python
>>> type(object)
<type 'type'>
>>> type(int)
<type 'type'>
>>> type(list)
<type 'type'>
Just like list, int and object, \"type\" is itself a normal Python
object, and is itself an instance of a class. In this case, it is in
fact an instance of itself.
``` python
>>> type(type)
<type 'type'>
It can be instantiated to create new class objects similarly to the
class factory example above by passing the name of the new class, the
base classes to inherit from, and a dictionary defining the namespace to
For instance, the code:
``` python
>>> class MyClass(BaseClass):
... attribute = 42
Could also be written as:
``` python
>>> MyClass = type("MyClass", (BaseClass,), {'attribute' : 42})
### Metaclasses
It is possible to create a class with a different metaclass than type by
setting the metaclass keyword argument when defining the class. When
this is done, the class, and its subclass will be created using your
custom metaclass. For example
``` python
class CustomMetaclass(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
print("Creating class %s using CustomMetaclass" % name)
super(CustomMetaclass, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
class BaseClass(metaclass=CustomMetaclass):
class Subclass1(BaseClass):
This will print
`Creating class BaseClass using CustomMetaclass`\
`Creating class Subclass1 using CustomMetaclass`
By creating a custom metaclass in this way, it is possible to change how
the class is constructed. This allows you to add or remove attributes
and methods, register creation of classes and subclasses creation and
various other manipulations when the class is created.
### More resources
- Wikipedia article on Aspect Oriented
- Unifying types and classes in Python
- O\'Reilly Article on Python
### References
[^1]: <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3115/>
[^2]: <http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/08/14/python-metaclasses-by-example/>
# Python Programming/Performance
Since Python is an interpreted language in its most commonly used
CPython implementation, it is many times slower in a variety of tasks
than the most commonly used compiled non-managed languages such as C and
C++; for some tasks, it is more than 100 times slower. CPython seems to
be on par with Perl, another interpreted language, slower on some tasks,
faster on other tasks.
Performance can be measured using benchmarks. Benchmarks are often far
from representative of the real-world usage and have to be taken with a
grain of salt. Some benchmarks are outright wrong in that non-idiomatic
code is used for a language, yielding avoidably low performance for the
../PyPy/ is a just-in-time (JIT) compiler that
often runs faster than CPython. Another compiler that can lead to
greater speeds is Numba, which works for a subset of Python. Yet another
compiler is ../Cython/, not to be confused with
## External links
- Python 3 versus C gcc fastest
- Python 3 versus Java fastest
- Python 3 versus Go fastest
- Perl vs Python 3 - Which programs are
- Python speed center, speed.python.org
- pypy speed center, speed.pypy.org
- Python Interpreters Benchmarks,
- Performance of Python runtimes on a non-numeric scientific
code by Riccardo Murri,
- How To Make Python Run As Fast As
by Jean Francois Puget, ibm.com
# Python Programming/PyPy
PyPy is a Python interpreter containing a just-in-time compiler. Python
programs can usually be run by PyPy without modification but for
availability of 3rd party modules since a module made for CPython, the
normal Python interpreter, does not automatically work with PyPy.
Furthermore, some Python programs can run into trouble because of
PyPy\'s different strategy of when to free up allocated objects
including file handles.
The speed-up brought by PyPy compared to CPython depends on the nature
of the task. For some computationally heavy tasks, the speed-up factor
can reach as high as 50. PyPy speed center reports the geometric average
speed-up factor as 7.6, calculated from a set of benchmarks.
PyPy is available both for Python 2 and Python 3, but the version for
Python 3 is slower; the above speed statements pertain to Python 2.
Interactive use of PyPy is possible: you can type \"pypy\" into a
command line, and start interacting with it just like with CPython.
The outputs from PyPy are not guaranteed to be exactly the same as from
CPython. For instance, PyPy can yield items from a set in an order
different from that of CPython since the item order in a set is
arbitrary and not guaranteed to the same between different Python
implementations; for verification, you can compare the results of
{1,2}.pop(). Dictionaries have an arbitrary key order as well.
Floating point results may be slightly different between PyPy and
CPython in some setups as long as PyPy is built with SSE2 instruction
set enabled and CPython is not.
See also ../Performance/.
## External links
- PyPy, pypy.org
- PyPy\'s Speed Center, speed.pypy.org
- PyPy, en.wikipedia.org
# Python Programming/Cython
Cython (not to be confused with CPython) is a compiler of Python-like
source code to the C language, from which it is compiled by a C compiler
to binary executable. The objective is a significant speedup compared to
interpreting the Python code in CPython, the standard interpreter.
Cython is usually used to create extension modules for Python. The
source code language compilable by Cython is a near superset of Python.
You can install Cython using *pip install Cython*. However, in order for
Cython to work, you will need a working C compiler. On Linux, you
usually have one; on Windows, you can install and use Microsoft Visual
C++ compiler or MinGW.
Beyond the normal Python, Cython-compilable Python source can contain
C-like declarations of variable types, leading to speedups of the
compiled code.
Cython-compilable Python source code files conventionally use extension
The compiled extension module still needs CPython (the normal Python
interpreter) to run, and can call other Python modules, including pure
Python modules. This is because, where required, Cython compiles to C
code that uses the CPython API to achieve general Python-like behavior.
## External links
- Official website, cython.org
- Basic
- Cython, pypi.org
- cython, github.com
- Cython, en.wikipedia.org
- Python Interpreters Benchmarks,
# Python Programming/Command-line one-liners
Python can run one-liners from an operating system command line using
option -c:
- python -c \"print(3.0/2)\"
- Calculates and outputs the result.
- python -c \"import math;print(math.sin(1))\"
- Imports a module required and outputs sine value.
- python -c \"for i in range(1,11):print(i)\"
- Uses a loop to output numbers from 1 to 10.
- python -c \"for i in range(1,11):for j in range(1,11): print(i,j)\"
- Does not work; two loops in a line are an invalid syntax.
- python -c \"for i, j in ((i,j) for i in range (1,11) for j in
range(1,11)): print(i, j)\"
- Outputs pairs using two analogues of loop within a
- echo hey \| python -c \"import sys,re;\[sys.stdout.write(line) for
line in sys.stdin if re.search(\'he.\', line)\]\"
- Acts as grep: outputs each line of the input containing a
substring matching a regular expression. Not a Python one-liner
- echo hallo \| python -c \"import
sys,re;\[sys.stdout.write(re.sub(\'h\[au\]llo\', \'hello\', line))
for line in sys.stdin\]\"
- Acts as sed: for each line of the input, performs a regex
replacement and outputs the results. Again, not a Python
one-liner strength.
- python -m calendar
- Outputs a year\'s calendar using calendar module.
- python -c \"import playsound as
- On Windows, plays notification sound. Requires installation of
playsound module. The module works across platforms; what is
Windows specific above is the file path.
## External links
- Powerful Python
# Python Programming/Tips and Tricks
There are many tips and tricks you can learn in Python:
## Strings
- Triple quotes are an easy way to define a string with both single
and double quotes.
- String concatenation is *expensive*. Use percent formatting and
str.join() for concatenation:
(but don\'t worry about this unless your resulting string is more than
500-1000 characters long) [^1]
``` python
print "Spam" + " eggs" + " and" + " spam" # DON'T DO THIS
print " ".join(["Spam","eggs","and","spam"]) # Much faster/more
# common Python idiom
print "%s %s %s %s" % ("Spam", "eggs", "and", "spam") # Also a pythonic way of
# doing it - very fast
## Optimized C modules
Several modules have optimized versions written in C, which provide an
almost-identical interface and are frequently *much* faster or more
memory-efficient than the pure Python implementations. Module behavior
generally does differ in some respects, often minor, and thus C versions
are frequently used.
This is primarily a Python 2.x feature, which has been largely removed
in Python 3, with modules automatically using optimized implementations
if available.[^2] However, the `cProfile`/`profile` pair still exists
(as of Python 3.4).
### importing
The C version of a module named `module` or `Module` is called
`cModule`, and frequently imported using `import...as` to strip off the
prefix, as:
``` python
import cPickle as pickle
For compatibility, one can try to import the C version and fall back to
the Python version if the C version is not available; in this case using
`import...as` is *required,* so the code does not depend on which module
was imported:
``` python
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
### Examples
Notable examples include:
- (Python 2.x) `cPickle` for `pickle`, up to 1000× faster.
- (Python 2.x)
for `StringIO`,
replaced by
in Python 3
- `cProfile`
-- the Python `profile` adds significant overhead, and thus
`cProfile` is recommended for most use.
- (not needed in Python 3.3+) `cElementTree` for
15--20 times faster and uses 2--5 times less memory;[^3] not needed
in Python 3.3+, which automatically uses a fast implementation if
## List comprehension and generators
- List comprehension and generator expressions are very useful for
working with small, compact loops. Additionally, it is faster than a
normal for-loop.
``` python
directory = os.listdir(os.getcwd()) # Gets a list of files in the
# directory the program runs from
filesInDir = [item for item in directory] # Normal For Loop rules apply, you
# can add "if condition" to make a
# more narrow search.
- List comprehension and generator expression can be used to work with
two (or more) lists with zip or itertools.izip
``` python
[a - b for (a,b) in zip((1,2,3), (1,2,3))] # will return [0, 0, 0]
## Data type choice
Choosing the correct data type can be critical to the performance of an
application. For example, say you have 2 lists:
``` python
list1 = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'c': 3, 'd': 4}, {'e': 5, 'f': 6}]
list2 = [{'e': 5, 'f': 6}, {'g': 7, 'h': 8}, {'i': 9, 'j': 10}]
and you want to find the entries common to both lists. You could iterate
over one list, checking for common items in the other:
``` python
common = []
for entry in list1:
if entry in list2:
For such small lists, this will work fine, but for larger lists, for
example if each contains thousands of entries, the following will be
more efficient, and produces the same result:
``` python
set1 = set([tuple(entry.items()) for entry in list1])
set2 = set([tuple(entry.items()) for entry in list2])
common = set1.intersection(set2)
common = [dict(entry) for entry in common]
Sets are optimized for speed in such functions. Dictionaries themselves
cannot be used as members of a set as they are mutable, but tuples can.
If one needs to do set operations on a list of dictionaries, one can
convert the items to tuples and the list to a set, perform the
operation, then convert back. This is often much faster than trying to
replicate set operations using string functions.
## Other
- Decorators can be used for handling common concerns like logging, db
access, etc.
- While Python has no built-in function to flatten a list you can use
a recursive function to do the job quickly.
``` python
def flatten(seq, list = None):
"""flatten(seq, list = None) -> list
Return a flat version of the iterator `seq` appended to `list`
if list == None:
list = []
try: # Can `seq` be iterated over?
for item in seq: # If so then iterate over `seq`
flatten(item, list) # and make the same check on each item.
except TypeError: # If seq isn't iterable
list.append(seq) # append it to the new list.
return list
- To stop a Python script from closing right after you launch one
independently, add this code:
``` python
print 'Hit Enter to exit'
- Python already has a GUI built in: Tkinter, based on Tcl\'s Tk. More
are available, such as PyQt4, pygtk3, and wxPython.
<!-- -->
- Ternary Operators:
``` python
[on_true] if [expression] else [on_false]
x, y = 50, 25
small = x if x < y else y
- Booleans as indexes:
``` python
b = 1==1
name = "I am %s" % ["John","Doe"][b]
#returns I am Doe
## References
[^2]: What's New In Python
3.0, Guido van Rossum
[^3]: \"The cElementTree
Module\", January 30,
2005, Fredrik Lundh
# Python Programming/Standard Library
The Python Standard Library is a collection of script modules accessible
to a Python program to simplify the programming process and removing the
need to rewrite commonly used commands. They can be used by
\'calling/importing\' them at the beginning of a script.
A list of the Standard Library modules can be found at
The following are among the most important:
- time
- sys
- os
- math
- random
- pickle
- urllib
- re
- cgi
- socket
pt:Python/Bibliotecas padrão
# Python Programming/Regular Expression
Python includes a module for working with regular expressions on
strings. For more information about writing regular expressions and
syntax not specific to Python, see the regular
expressions wikibook. Python\'s regular
expression syntax is similar to
To start using regular expressions in your Python scripts, import the
\"re\" module:
``` python
import re
## Overview
Regular expression functions in Python at a glance:
``` python
import re
if re.search("l+","Hello"): print(1) # Substring match suffices
if not re.match("ell.","Hello"): print(2) # The beginning of the string has to match
if re.match(".el","Hello"): print(3)
if re.match("he..o","Hello",re.I): print(4) # Case-insensitive match
print(re.sub("l+", "l", "Hello")) # Prints "Helo"; replacement AKA substitution
print(re.sub(r"(.*)\1", r"\1", "HeyHey")) # Prints "Hey"; backreference
print(re.sub("EY", "ey", "HEy", flags=re.I))# Prints "Hey"; case-insensitive sub
print(re.sub(r"(?i)EY", r"ey", "HEy")) # Prints "Hey"; case-insensitive sub
for match in re.findall("l+.", "Hello Dolly"):
print(match) # Prints "llo" and then "lly"
for match in re.findall("e(l+.)", "Hello Dolly"):
print(match) # Prints "llo"; match picks group 1
for match in re.findall("(l+)(.)", "Hello Dolly"):
print(match[0], match[1]) # The groups end up as items in a tuple
match = re.match("(Hello|Hi) (Tom|Thom)","Hello Tom Bombadil")
if match: # Equivalent to if match is not None
print(match.group(0)) # Prints the whole match disregarding groups
print(match.group(1) + match.group(2)) # Prints "HelloTom"
## Matching and searching
One of the most common uses for regular expressions is extracting a part
of a string or testing for the existence of a pattern in a string.
Python offers several functions to do this.
The match and search functions do mostly the same thing, except that the
match function will only return a result if the pattern matches at the
beginning of the string being searched, while search will find a match
anywhere in the string.
``` python
>>> import re
>>> foo = re.compile(r'foo(.{,5})bar', re.I+re.S)
>>> st1 = 'Foo, Bar, Baz'
>>> st2 = '2. foo is bar'
>>> search1 = foo.search(st1)
>>> search2 = foo.search(st2)
>>> match1 = foo.match(st1)
>>> match2 = foo.match(st2)
In this example, match2 will be `None`, because the string `st2` does
not start with the given pattern. The other 3 results will be Match
objects (see below).
You can also match and search without compiling a regexp:
``` python
>>> search3 = re.search('oo.*ba', st1, re.I)
Here we use the search function of the re module, rather than of the
pattern object. For most cases, its best to compile the expression
first. Not all of the re module functions support the flags argument and
if the expression is used more than once, compiling first is more
efficient and leads to cleaner looking code.
The compiled pattern object functions also have parameters for starting
and ending the search, to search in a substring of the given string. In
the first example in this section, `match2` returns no result because
the pattern does not start at the beginning of the string, but if we do:
``` python
>>> match3 = foo.match(st2, 3)
it works, because we tell it to start searching at character number 3 in
the string.
What if we want to search for multiple instances of the pattern? Then we
have two options. We can use the start and end position parameters of
the search and match function in a loop, getting the position to start
at from the previous match object (see below) or we can use the findall
and finditer functions. The findall function returns a list of matching
strings, useful for simple searching. For anything slightly complex, the
finditer function should be used. This returns an iterator object, that
when used in a loop, yields Match objects. For example:
``` python
>>> str3 = 'foo, Bar Foo. BAR FoO: bar'
>>> foo.findall(str3)
[', ', '. ', ': ']
>>> for match in foo.finditer(str3):
... match.group(1)
', '
'. '
': '
If you\'re going to be iterating over the results of the search, using
the finditer function is almost always a better choice.
### Match objects
Match objects are returned by the search and match functions, and
include information about the pattern match.
The group function returns a string corresponding to a capture group
(part of a regexp wrapped in `()`) of the expression, or if no group
number is given, the entire match. Using the `search1` variable we
defined above:
``` python
>>> search1.group()
'Foo, Bar'
>>> search1.group(1)
', '
Capture groups can also be given string names using a special syntax and
referred to by `matchobj.group('name')`. For simple expressions this is
unnecessary, but for more complex expressions it can be very useful.
You can also get the position of a match or a group in a string, using
the start and end functions:
``` python
>>> search1.start()
>>> search1.end()
>>> search1.start(1)
>>> search1.end(1)
This returns the start and end locations of the entire match, and the
start and end of the first (and in this case only) capture group,
## Replacing
Another use for regular expressions is replacing text in a string. To do
this in Python, use the sub function.
sub takes up to 3 arguments: The text to replace with, the text to
replace in, and, optionally, the maximum number of substitutions to
make. Unlike the matching and searching functions, sub returns a string,
consisting of the given text with the substitution(s) made.
``` python
>>> import re
>>> mystring = 'This string has a q in it'
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'(a[n]? )(\w) ')
>>> newstring = pattern.sub(r"\1'\2' ", mystring)
>>> newstring
"This string has a 'q' in it"
This takes any single alphanumeric character (\\w in regular expression
syntax) preceded by \"a\" or \"an\" and wraps in in single quotes. The
`\1` and `\2` in the replacement string are backreferences to the 2
capture groups in the expression; these would be group(1) and group(2)
on a Match object from a search.
The subn function is similar to sub, except it returns a tuple,
consisting of the result string and the number of replacements made.
Using the string and expression from before:
``` python
>>> subresult = pattern.subn(r"\1'\2' ", mystring)
>>> subresult
("This string has a 'q' in it", 1)
Replacing without constructing and compiling a pattern object:
``` python
>>> result = re.sub(r"b.*d","z","abccde")
>>> result
## Splitting
The split function splits a string based on a given regular expression:
``` python
>>> import re
>>> mystring = '1. First part 2. Second part 3. Third part'
>>> re.split(r'\d\.', mystring)
['', ' First part ', ' Second part ', ' Third part']
## Escaping
The escape function escapes all non-alphanumeric characters in a string.
This is useful if you need to take an unknown string that may contain
regexp metacharacters like `(` and `.` and create a regular expression
from it.
``` python
>>> re.escape(r'This text (and this) must be escaped with a "\" to use in a regexp.')
'This\\ text\\ \\(and\\ this\\)\\ must\\ be\\ escaped\\ with\\ a\\ \\"\\\\\\"\\ to\\ use\\ in\\ a\\ regexp\\.'
## Flags
The different flags use with regular expressions:
Abbreviation Full name Description
-------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`re.I` `re.IGNORECASE` Makes the regexp case-insensitive
`re.L` `re.LOCALE` Makes the behavior of some special sequences (`\w, \W, \b, \B, \s, \S`) dependent on the current locale
`re.M` `re.MULTILINE` Makes the `^` and `$` characters match at the beginning and end of each line, rather than just the beginning and end of the string
`re.S` `re.DOTALL` Makes the `.` character match every character *including* newlines.
`re.U` `re.UNICODE` Makes `\w, \W, \b, \B, \d, \D, \s, \S` dependent on Unicode character properties
`re.X` `re.VERBOSE` Ignores whitespace except when in a character class or preceded by an non-escaped backslash, and ignores `#` (except when in a character class or preceded by an non-escaped backslash) and everything after it to the end of a line, so it can be used as a comment. This allows for cleaner-looking regexps.
## Pattern objects
If you\'re going to be using the same regexp more than once in a
program, or if you just want to keep the regexps separated somehow, you
should create a pattern object, and refer to it later when
To create a pattern object, use the compile function.
``` python
import re
foo = re.compile(r'foo(.{,5})bar', re.I+re.S)
The first argument is the pattern, which matches the string \"foo\",
followed by up to 5 of any character, then the string \"bar\", storing
the middle characters to a group, which will be discussed later. The
second, optional, argument is the flag or flags to modify the regexp\'s
behavior. The flags themselves are simply variables referring to an
integer used by the regular expression engine. In other languages, these
would be constants, but Python does not have constants. Some of the
regular expression functions do not support adding flags as a parameter
when defining the pattern directly in the function, if you need any of
the flags, it is best to use the compile function to create a pattern
The `r` preceding the expression string indicates that it should be
treated as a raw string. This should normally be used when writing
regexps, so that backslashes are interpreted literally rather than
having to be escaped.
## External links
- re --- Regular expression
operations, docs.python.org
- Python
# Python Programming/External commands
The traditional way of executing external commands is using os.system():
``` python
import os
os.system("echo Hello")
exitCode = os.system("echotypo")
The modern way, since Python 2.4, is using subprocess module:
``` python
subprocess.call(["echo", "Hello"])
exitCode = subprocess.call(["dir", "nonexistent"])
The traditional way of executing external commands and reading their
output is via popen2 module:
``` python
import popen2
readStream, writeStream, errorStream = popen2.popen3("dir")
# allLines = readStream.readlines()
for line in readStream:
The modern way, since Python 2.4, is using subprocess module:
``` python
import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(["echo","Hello"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in process.stdout:
Keywords: system commands, shell commands, processes, backtick, pipe.
## External links
- 17.1. subprocess --- Subprocess
python.org, since Python 2.4
- 15.1. os --- Miscellaneous operating system
- 17.5. popen2 --- Subprocesses with accessible I/O
streams, python.org,
deprecated since Python 2.6
# Python Programming/XML Tools
## Introduction
Python includes several modules for manipulating xml.
## xml.sax.handler
Python Doc
``` python
import xml.sax.handler as saxhandler
import xml.sax as saxparser
class MyReport:
def __init__(self):
self.Y = 1
class MyCH(saxhandler.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self, report):
self.X = 1
self.report = report
def startDocument(self):
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
print('Element:', name)
report = MyReport() #for future use
ch = MyCH(report)
xml = """\
<comic title=\"Sandman\" number='62'>
<writer>Neil Gaiman</writer>
<penciller pages='1-9,18-24'>Glyn Dillon</penciller>
<penciller pages="10-17">Charles Vess</penciller>
saxparser.parseString(xml, ch)
## xml.dom.minidom
An example of doing RSS feed parsing with DOM
``` python
from xml.dom import minidom as dom
import urllib2
def fetchPage(url):
a = urllib2.urlopen(url)
return ''.join(a.readlines())
def extract(page):
a = dom.parseString(page)
item = a.getElementsByTagName('item')
for i in item:
if i.hasChildNodes():
t = i.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].firstChild.wholeText
l = i.getElementsByTagName('link')[0].firstChild.wholeText
d = i.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].firstChild.wholeText
print(t, l, d)
if __name__=='__main__':
page = fetchPage("http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot")
XML document provided by pyxml
# Python Programming/Email
Python includes several modules in the standard library for working with
emails and email servers.
## Sending mail
Sending mail is done with Python\'s `smtplib` using an SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol) server. Actual usage varies depending on complexity
of the email and settings of the email server, the instructions here are
based on sending email through Google\'s Gmail.
The first step is to create an SMTP object, each object is used for
connection with one server.
``` python
import smtplib
server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
The first argument is the server\'s hostname, the second is the port.
The port used varies depending on the server.
Next, we need to do a few steps to set up the proper connection for
sending mail.
``` python
These steps may not be necessary depending on the server you connect to.
ehlo() is used for ESMTP servers, for non-ESMTP
servers, use helo() instead. See Wikipedia\'s article about the
SMTP protocol for more
information about this. The starttls() function starts Transport Layer
Security mode, which is required
by Gmail. Other mail systems may not use this, or it may not be
Next, log in to the server:
``` python
server.login("youremailusername", "password")
Then, send the mail:
``` python
msg = "\nHello!" # The /n separates the message from the headers (which we ignore for this example)
server.sendmail("[email protected]", "[email protected]", msg)
Note that this is a rather crude example, it doesn\'t include a subject,
or any other headers. For that, one should use the `email` package.
## The `email` package
Python\'s email package contains many classes and functions for
composing and parsing email messages, this section only covers a small
subset useful for sending emails.
We start by importing only the classes we need, this also saves us from
having to use the full module name later.
``` python
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
Then we compose some of the basic message headers:
``` python
fromaddr = "[email protected]"
toaddr = "[email protected]"
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['From'] = fromaddr
msg['To'] = toaddr
msg['Subject'] = "Python email"
Next, we attach the body of the email to the MIME message:
``` python
body = "Python test mail"
msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain'))
For sending the mail, we have to convert the object to a string, and
then use the same procedure as above to send using the SMTP server..
``` python
import smtplib
server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
server.login("youremailusername", "password")
text = msg.as_string()
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, text)
If we look at the text, we can see it has added all the necessary
headers and structure necessary for a MIME formatted email. See
MIME for more details on the standard:
# Python Programming/Threading
Threading in python is used to run multiple threads (tasks, function
calls) at the same time. Note that this does not mean that they are
executed on different CPUs. Python threads will NOT make your program
faster if it already uses 100 % CPU time. In that case, you probably
want to look into parallel programming. If you are interested in
parallel programming with python, please see
Python threads are used in cases where the execution of a task involves
some waiting. One example would be interaction with a service hosted on
another computer, such as a webserver. Threading allows python to
execute other code while waiting; this is easily simulated with the
sleep function.
## Examples
### A Minimal Example with Function Call
Make a thread that prints numbers from 1-10 and waits a second between
each print:
``` python
import threading
import time
def loop1_10():
for i in range(1, 11):
### A Minimal Example with Object
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python
import threading
import time
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self): # Default called function with mythread.start()
print("{} started!".format(self.getName())) # "Thread-x started!"
time.sleep(1) # Pretend to work for a second
print("{} finished!".format(self.getName())) # "Thread-x finished!"
def main():
for x in range(4): # Four times...
mythread = MyThread(name = "Thread-{}".format(x)) # ...Instantiate a thread and pass a unique ID to it
mythread.start() # ...Start the thread, run method will be invoked
time.sleep(.9) # ...Wait 0.9 seconds before starting another
if __name__ == '__main__':
The output looks like this:
`Thread-0 started!`\
`Thread-1 started!`\
`Thread-0 finished!`\
`Thread-2 started!`\
`Thread-1 finished!`\
`Thread-3 started!`\
`Thread-2 finished!`\
`Thread-3 finished!`
fr:Programmation Python/Les
# Python Programming/Sockets
## HTTP Client
Make a very simple HTTP client
``` python
import socket
s = socket.socket()
s.connect(('localhost', 80))
s.send('GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost:localhost\n\n')
s.recv(40000) # receive 40000 bytes
## NTP/Sockets
Connecting to and reading an NTP time server, returning the time as
`ntpps picoseconds portion of time`\
`ntps seconds portion of time`\
`ntpms milliseconds portion of time`\
`ntpt 64-bit ntp time, seconds in upper 32-bits, picoseconds in lower 32-bits`
# Python Programming/GUI Programming
There are various GUI toolkits usable from Python.
Very productive are true GUI-builders, where the programmer can arrange
the GUI window and other components such as database by using the mouse
only in an intuitive fashion like in Windows Delphi 2.0. Very little
typing is required. For python, only Boa Constructor follows this
paradigm. WXglade and Qt-designer, monkey studio etc. come somewhat near
but remain incomplete.
Disadvantages with the following kits described below are:
- Difficult deployment - the apps won\'t run on a particular GNU-Linux
installation without major additional work
- breakage - apps won\'t work due to bit-rot.
## Tkinter
Tkinter is a Python wrapper for Tcl/Tk providing a cross-platform GUI
toolkit. On Windows, it comes bundled with Python; on other operating
systems, it can be installed. The set of available widgets is smaller
than in some other toolkits, but since Tkinter widgets are extensible,
many of the missing compound widgets can be created using the
extensibility, such as combo box and scrolling pane.
A minimal example:
``` python
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root)
label = Label(frame, text="Hey there.")
quitButton = Button(frame, text="Quit", command=frame.quit)
Main chapter: ../Tkinter/.
- 24.1. Tkinter --- Python interface to
Tcl/Tk, python.org
- Tkinter 8.5 reference: a GUI for
infohost.nmt.edu; the same as
- An Introduction to Tkinter,
## PyGTK
*See also book PyGTK For GUI
PyGTK provides a convenient wrapper for the
GTK+ library for use in Python programs, taking
care of many of the boring details such as managing memory and type
casting. The bare GTK+ toolkit runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X
(port in progress), but the more extensive features --- when combined
with PyORBit and gnome-python --- require a
GNOME install, and can be used to write full
featured GNOME applications.
Home Page
## PyQt
PyQt is a wrapper around the cross-platform Qt C++
It has many widgets and support
supporting SQL, OpenGL, SVG, XML, and advanced graphics capabilities. A
PyQt hello world example:
``` python
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
class App(QApplication):
def __init__(self, argv):
super(App, self).__init__(argv)
self.msg = QLabel("Hello, World!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
app = App(sys.argv)
PyQt is a set of bindings
for the cross-platform Qt application framework. PyQt
v4 supports Qt4 and PyQt v3 supports Qt3 and earlier.
## wxPython
Bindings for the cross platform toolkit
wxWidgets. WxWidgets is available on
Windows, Macintosh, and Unix/Linux.
``` python
import wx
class test(wx.App):
def __init__(self):
wx.App.__init__(self, redirect=False)
def OnInit(self):
frame = wx.Frame(None, -1,
pos=(50,50), size=(100,40),
button = wx.Button(frame, -1, "Hello World!", (20, 20))
self.frame = frame
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = test()
- wxPython
## Dabo
Dabo is a full 3-tier application framework. Its UI layer wraps
wxPython, and greatly simplifies the syntax.
``` python
import dabo
class TestForm(dabo.ui.dForm):
def afterInit(self):
self.Caption = "Test"
self.Position = (50, 50)
self.Size = (100, 40)
self.btn = dabo.ui.dButton(self, Caption="Hello World",
self.Sizer.append(self.btn, halign="center", border=20)
def onButtonClick(self, evt):
dabo.ui.info("Hello World!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = dabo.ui.dApp()
app.MainFormClass = TestForm
- Dabo
## pyFltk
pyFltk is a Python wrapper for the
FLTK, a lightweight cross-platform GUI toolkit.
It is very simple to learn and allows for compact user interfaces.
The \"Hello World\" example in pyFltk looks like:
``` python
from fltk import *
window = Fl_Window(100, 100, 200, 90)
button = Fl_Button(9,20,180,50)
button.label("Hello World")
## Other Toolkits
- PyKDE - Part
of the kdebindings package, it provides a python wrapper for the KDE
- PyXPCOM provides a
wrapper around the Mozilla
XPCOM component
architecture, thereby enabling the use of standalone
XUL applications in
Python. The XUL toolkit has traditionally been wrapped up in various
other parts of XPCOM, but with the advent of libxul and
XULRunner this
should become more feasible. These days, nobody uses PyXPCOM for
very good reasons: PyXPCOM gives one dead links and outdated
incompatible firefox extensions.
## External links
- Graphic User Interface
FAQ, python.org
- An excerpt from Chapter 20: GUI Development, from Python
Programming on Win32, onlamp.com,
by Mark Hammond, Andy Robinson; covers Tkinter, PythonWin and
- Google Ngram Viewer: Tkinter, wxPython, wxWidgets, PyGTK,
fr:Programmation Python/L\'interface
pt:Python/Programação com
# Python Programming/Tkinter
Tkinter is a Python wrapper for Tcl/Tk providing a cross-platform GUI
toolkit. On Windows, it comes bundled with Python; on other operating
systems, it can be installed. The set of available widgets is smaller
than in some other toolkits, but since Tkinter widgets are extensible,
many of the missing compound widgets can be created using the
extensibility, such as combo box and scrolling pane.
IDLE, Python\'s Integrated Development and Learning Environment, is
written using Tkinter and is often distributed with Python. You can
learn about features of Tkinter by playing around with menus and dialogs
of IDLE. For instance, Options \> Configure IDLE\... dialog shows a
broad variety of GUI elements including tabbed interface. You can learn
about programming using Tkinter by studying IDLE source code, which, on
Windows, is available e.g. in C:\\Program Files\\Python27\\Lib\\idlelib.
*Python 3:* The examples on this page are for Python 2. In Python 3,
what was previously module Tkinter is tkinter, what was tkMessageBox is
messagebox, etc.
## Minimal example
A minimal example:
``` python
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root)
label = Label(frame, text="Hey there.")
quitButton = Button(frame, text="Quit", command=frame.quit)
A minimal example made more compact - later references to GUI items not
``` python
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
frame = Frame(root)
Label(frame, text="Hey there.").pack()
Button(frame, text="Quit", command=frame.quit).pack()
A minimal example creating an application class derived from Frame:
``` python
from Tkinter import *
class App(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
self.label = Label(master, text="Hey there.")
self.quitButton = Button(master, text="Quit", command=self.quit)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
app = App(root)
## Message boxes
Simple message boxes can be created using tkMessageBox as follows:
``` python
import Tkinter, tkMessageBox
Tkinter.Tk().withdraw() # Workaround: Hide the window
answer = tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Confirmation", "File not saved. Discard?")
answer = tkMessageBox.askyesno("Confirmation", "Do you really want to delete the file?")
# Above, "OK" and "Yes" yield True, and "Cancel" and "No" yield False
tkMessageBox.showwarning("Warning", "Timeout has elapsed.")
tkMessageBox.showwarning("Warning", "Timeout has elapsed.", icon=tkMessageBox.ERROR)
tkMessageBox.showerror("Warning", "Timeout has elapsed.")
- The tkMessageBox dialogs
- Standard
## File dialog
File dialogs can be created as follows:
``` python
import Tkinter, tkFileDialog
Tkinter.Tk().withdraw() # Workaround: Hide the window
filename1 = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
filename2 = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=r"C:\Users")
filename3 = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename()
filename4 = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(initialdir=r"C:\Users")
if filename1 <> "":
for line in open(filename1): # Dummy reading of the file
dummy = line.rstrip()
- The tkFileDialog
- File
- tkFileDialog,
## Radio button
A radio button can be used to create a simple choice dialog with
multiple options:
``` python
from Tkinter import *
master = Tk()
choices = [("Apple", "a"), ("Orange", "o"), ("Pear", "p")]
defaultChoice = "a"
userchoice = StringVar()
def cancelAction(): userchoice.set("");master.quit()
Label(master, text="Choose a fruit:").pack()
for text, key in choices:
Radiobutton(master, text=text, variable=userchoice, value=key).pack(anchor=W)
Button(master, text="OK", command=master.quit).pack(side=LEFT, ipadx=10)
Button(master, text="Cancel", command=cancelAction).pack(side=RIGHT, ipadx=10)
if userchoice.get() <>"":
print userchoice.get() # "a", or "o", or "p"
print "Choice canceled."
An alternative to radio button that immediately reacts to button press:
``` python
from Tkinter import *
import os
buttons = [("Users", r"C:\Users"),
("Windows", r"C:\Windows"),
("Program Files", r"C:\Program Files")]
master = Tk()
def open(filePath):
def openInner():
os.chdir(filePath) # Cross platform
#os.system('start "" "'+filePath+'') # Windows
return openInner
Label(master, text="Choose a fruit:").pack()
for buttonLabel, filePath in buttons:
Button(master, text=buttonLabel, command=open(filePath)).pack(anchor=W)
- The Radiobutton
- The Tkinter Radiobutton
Widget, effbot.org
## List box
A list box can be used to create a simple multiple-choice dialog:
``` python
from Tkinter import *
master = Tk()
choices = ["Apple", "Orange", "Pear"]
canceled = BooleanVar()
def cancelAction(): canceled.set(True); master.quit()
Label(master, text="Choose a fruit:").pack()
listbox = Listbox(master, selectmode=EXTENDED) # Multiple options can be chosen
for text in choices:
listbox.insert(END, text)
Button(master, text="OK", command=master.quit).pack(side=LEFT, ipadx=10)
Button(master, text="Cancel", command=cancelAction).pack(side=RIGHT, ipadx=10)
if not canceled.get():
print listbox.curselection() # A tuple of choice indices starting with 0
# The above is a tuple even if selectmode=SINGLE
if "0" in listbox.curselection(): print "Apple chosen."
if "1" in listbox.curselection(): print "Orange chosen."
if "2" in listbox.curselection(): print "Pear chosen."
print "Choice canceled."
- The Listbox
- The Tkinter Listbox
Widget, effbot.org
- TKinter Listbox example (Python
## Checkbox
Checkbox or check button can be created as follows:
``` python
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
checkbuttonState = IntVar()
Checkbutton(root, text="Recursive", variable=checkbuttonState).pack()
print checkbuttonState.get() # 1 = checked; 0 = unchecked
- The Checkbutton
- The Tkinter Checkbutton
Widget, effbot.org
## Entry
Entry widget, a single-line text input field, can be used as follows:
``` python
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
Label(text="Enter your first name:").pack()
entryContent = StringVar()
Entry(root, textvariable=entryContent).pack()
print entryContent.get()
- The Entry
- The Tkinter Entry Widget,
## Menu
Menus can be created as follows:
``` python
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def mycommand(): print "Chosen."
menubar = Menu(root)
menu1 = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
menu1.add_command(label="New", command=mycommand)
menu1.add_command(label="Clone", command=mycommand)
menu1.add_command(label="Exit", command=root.quit)
menubar.add_cascade(label="Project", menu=menu1)
menu2 = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
menu2.add_command(label="Oval", command=mycommand)
menu2.add_command(label="Rectangle", command=mycommand)
menubar.add_cascade(label="Shapes", menu=menu2)
- The Menu
- The Tkinter Menu Widget,
## LabelFrame
A frame around other elements can be created using LabelFrame widget as
``` python
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
frame = LabelFrame(root, text="Fruits") # text is optional
Label(frame, text="Apple").pack()
Label(frame, text="Orange").pack()
- The LabelFrame
- Tkinter LabelFrame
Widget, effbot.org
## Message
Message is like Label but ready to wrap across multiple lines. An
``` python
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
Message(text="Lazy brown fox jumped. " * 5, width=100).pack() # width is optional
- The Message
- The Tkinter Message
Widget, effbot.org
## Option menu
Drop-down list, in Tkinter option menu, can be created as follows:
``` python
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
options = ["Apple", "Orange", "Pear"]
selectedOption = StringVar()
selectedOption.set("Apple") # Default
OptionMenu(root, selectedOption, *options).pack()
print selectedOption.get() # The text in the options list
- The OptionMenu
- The Tkinter OptionMenu
Widget, effbot.org
## Text
Text widget is a more complex one, allowing editing of both plain and
formatted text, including multiple fonts.
Example to be added.
- The Text
- The Tkinter Text Widget,
## Tcl/Tk version
The Windows installer for Python 2.3 ships with Tcl/Tk 8.4.3. You can
find out about the version:
``` python
import Tkinter
print Tkinter.TclVersion # Up to 8.5
print Tkinter.TkVersion # Up to 8.5
- What\'s new in Python
## Related books
- Tcl Programming/Tk
## External links
- 24.1. Tkinter --- Python interface to
Tcl/Tk, python.org
- Tkinter 8.5 reference: a GUI for
infohost.nmt.edu; the same as
- An Introduction to Tkinter,
- Tkinter
- TkInter, wiki.python.org
- GUI Tk «
java2s.com, many examples
# Python Programming/CGI interface
The Common Gateway Interface
(CGI) allows to execute some Python programs on
an HTTP server.
## Installation
By default, open a .py file in HTTP returns its content. In order to
make the server compile and execute the source code, it must be placed
in a directory including an *.htaccess*
file, with the lines[^1]:
`AddHandler cgi-script .py`\
`Options +ExecCGI`
Attention: on the Unix-like servers the files aren\'t executable by
default, so this must be set with the command: *chmod +x \*.py*.
## Examples
The module `cgitb` is used for debugging:
``` python
#!C:\Program Files (x86)\Python\python.exe
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"
print "<html><head><title>Local directory</title></head><body>"
import cgitb
import os
print "The CGI file is located into:"
print os.path.dirname(__file__)
print "</body></html>"
The usage of a form needs an `import cgi`[^2].
For a MySQL database, its `import MySQLdb`[^3].
The following file is called *CGI_MySQL.py*, and uses the both modules:
``` python
#!C:\Program Files (x86)\Python\python.exe
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"
print "<html><head><title>DB CGI</title></head><body>"
print "<h1>MySQL extraction</h1>"
print "<ul>"
import cgitb
import cgi, MySQLdb
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
if form.getvalue('name') == None:
print "<h2>Research a name</h2>"
print '''
<form action="CGI_MySQL.py" method="post">
<input type="text" name="name" />
<input type="submit"></form>
print "<h2>Result</h2>"
print "List for " + form.getvalue('name') + " :"
connection = MySQLdb.connect(user='login1', passwd='passwd1', db='base1')
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT page_title FROM page WHERE name ='"+form.getvalue('name')+"'")
for row in cursor.fetchall():
print "<li>%s</li>" % row[0]
print "</ul>"
print "</body></html>"
## References
fr:Programmation Python/L\'interface
[^2]: <http://fr.openclassrooms.com/informatique/cours/apercu-de-la-cgi-avec-python>
[^3]: <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/MySQL-python/1.2.5>
# Python Programming/Internet
The urllib module which is bundled with python can be used for web
interaction. This module provides a file-like interface for web urls.
## Getting page text as a string
An example of reading the contents of a webpage
``` python
import urllib.request as urllib
pageText = urllib.urlopen("http://www.spam.org/eggs.html").read()
Processing page text line by line:
``` python
import urllib.request as urllib
for line in urllib.urlopen("https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Python_Programming/Internet"):
Get and post methods can be used, too.
``` python
import urllib.request as urllib
params = urllib.urlencode({"plato":1, "socrates":10, "sophokles":4, "arkhimedes":11})
# Using GET method
pageText = urllib.urlopen("http://international-philosophy.com/greece?%s" % params).read()
# Using POST method
pageText = urllib.urlopen("http://international-philosophy.com/greece", params).read()
## Downloading files
To save the content of a page on the internet directly to a file, you
can read() it and save it as a string to a file object
``` python
import urllib2
data = urllib2.urlopen("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikibooks/en/9/91/Python_Programming.pdf", "pythonbook.pdf").read() # not recommended as if you are downloading 1gb+ file, will store all data in ram.
file = open('Python_Programming.pdf','wb')
This will download the file from
and save it to a file \"pythonbook.pdf\" on your hard drive.
## Other functions
The urllib module includes other functions that may be helpful when
writing programs that use the internet:
``` python
>>> plain_text = "This isn't suitable for putting in a URL"
>>> print(urllib.quote(plain_text))
>>> print(urllib.quote_plus(plain_text))
The urlencode function, described above converts a dictionary of
key-value pairs into a query string to pass to a URL, the quote and
quote_plus functions encode normal strings. The quote_plus function uses
plus signs for spaces, for use in submitting data for form fields. The
unquote and unquote_plus functions do the reverse, converting urlencoded
text to plain text.
## Email
With Python, MIME compatible emails can be sent.
This requires an installed SMTP server.
``` python
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
msg = MIMEText(
"""Hi there,
This is a test email message.
me = '[email protected]'
you = '[email protected]'
msg['Subject'] = 'Hello!'
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you
s = smtplib.SMTP()
s.sendmail(me, [you], msg.as_string())
This sends the sample message from \'[email protected]\' to
\'[email protected]\'.
## External links
- urllib.request,
- HOWTO Fetch Internet Resources Using The urllib
- urllib2 for Python
2, docs.python.org
- HOWTO Fetch Internet Resources Using
urllib2 --- Python
2.7, docs.python.org
# Python Programming/Networks
## Sockets
Python can also communicate via sockets.
### Connecting to a server
This simple Python program will fetch a 4096 byte HTTP response from
``` python
import socket, sys
sock = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
sock.connect ( ( "google.com", 80 ) )
sock.send('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n')
sock.send('User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (wikibooks test)\r\n\r\n')
## High-level interfaces
Most Python developers will prefer to use a high-level interface over
using sockets, such as Twisted and
# Python Programming/Math
For basic math including addition, subtraction, multiplication and the
like, see ../Basic Math/ and
../Operators/ chapters. For quick reference,
the built-in Python math operators include addition (+), subtraction
(-), multiplication (\*), division (/), floor division (//), modulo (%),
and exponentiation (\*\*). The built-in Python math functions include
rounding (round()), absolute value (abs()), minimum (min()), maximum
(max()), division with a remainder (divmod()), and exponentiation
(pow()). Sign function can be created as \"sign = lambda n: 1 if n \> 0
else -1 if n \< 0 else 0\".
## Math
A range of mathematical functions is available from math module of the
standard library:
``` python
import math
v1 = math.sin(10) # sine
v2 = math.cos(10) # cosine
v3 = math.tan(10) # tangent
v4 = math.asin(10) # arc sine
v5 = math.acos(10) # arc cosine
v6 = math.atan(10) # arc tangent
v7 = math.sinh(10) # hyperbolic sine
v8 = math.cosh(10) # hyperbolic cosine
v9 = math.tanh(10) # hyperbolic tangent
vA = math.pow(2, 4) # 2 raised to 4
vB = math.exp(4) # e ^ 4
vC = math.sqrt(10) # square root
vD = math.pow(5, 1/3.0) # cubic root of 5
vE = math.log(3) # ln; natural logarithm
vF = math.log(100, 10) # base 10
vG = math.ceil(2.3) # ceiling
vH = math.floor(2.7) # floor
vI = math.pi
vJ = math.e
## Example code using in-built operators
This code was made to replicate the log function in a calculator
``` python3
import time
base_number = input("[A]input base number: ")
new_number = 0
result = input("[end number]input result ")
exponent = 0
while int(new_number) != int(result):
exponent += float("0.0000001")
new_number = int(base_number)**float(exponent)
print("The exponent or X is " + str(exponent))
## Cmath
The cmath module provides similar functions like the math module but for
complex numbers, and then some.
## Random
Pseudo-random generators are available from the random module:
``` python
import random
v1 = random.random() # Uniformly distributed random float >= 0.0 and < 1.0.
v2 = random.random()*10 # Uniformly distributed random float >= 0.0 and < 10.0
v3 = random.randint(0,9) # Uniformly distributed random int >= 0 and <=9
li=[1, 2, 3]; random.shuffle(li); print(li) # Randomly shuffled list
## Decimal
The decimal module enables decimal floating point arithmethic, avoiding
certain artifacts of the usual underlying binary representation of
floating point numbers that are unintuitive to humans.
``` python
import decimal
plainFloat = 1/3.0
v1 = plainFloat # 0.3333333333333333
decFloat = decimal.Decimal("0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333")
v2 = decFloat # Decimal('0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333')
decFloat2 = decimal.Decimal(plainFloat)
v3 = decFloat2 # Decimal('0.333333333333333314829616256247390992939472198486328125')
## Fractions
The fractions module provides fraction arithmetic via Fraction class.
Compared to floating point numbers representing fractions, Fraction
fractions do not lose precision.
``` python
from fractions import Fraction
oneThird = Fraction(1, 3)
floatOneThird = 1/3.0
v1 = Fraction(0.25) # 1/4
v2 = Fraction(floatOneThird) # 6004799503160661/18014398509481984
v3 = Fraction(1, 3) * Fraction(2, 5) # 2/15
## Statistics
The statistics module, available since Python 3.4, provides some basic
statistical functions. It only provides basics; it does not replace
full-fledged 3rd party libraries such as numpy. For Python 2.7, the
statistics module can be installed from pypi.
``` python
import statistics as stats
v1 = stats.mean([1, 2, 3, 100]) # 26.5
v2 = stats.median([1, 2, 3, 100]) # 2.5
v3 = stats.mode([1, 1, 2, 3]) # 1
v4 = stats.pstdev([1, 1, 2, 3]) # 0.82915...; population standard deviation
v5 = stats.pvariance([1, 1, 2, 3]) # 0.6875; population variance
## External links
- 2. Built-in
- 9. Numeric and Mathematical
Modules, python.org
- 9.2. math --- Mathematical
functions, python.org
- 9.3. cmath --- Mathematical functions for complex
numbers, python.org
- 9.4. decimal --- Decimal fixed point and floating point
- 9.5. fractions --- Rational
- 9.6. random --- Generate pseudo-random
numbers, python.org
- 9.7. itertools --- Functions creating iterators for efficient
- 9.7. statistics --- Mathematical statistics
# Python Programming/Database Programming
Python has support for working with databases via a simple API. Modules
included with Python include modules for SQLite
and Berkeley DB. Modules for
MySQL , PostgreSQL ,
FirebirdSQL and others are available as
third-party modules. The latter have to be downloaded and installed
before use. The package MySQLdb can be installed, for example, using the
debian package \"python-mysqldb\".
## DBMS Specifics
### MySQL
An Example with MySQL would look like this:
``` python
import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect("host machine", "dbuser", "password", "dbname")
cursor = db.cursor()
query = """SELECT * FROM sampletable"""
lines = cursor.execute(query)
data = cursor.fetchall()
On the first line, the Module
`MySQLdb` is imported. Then a connection to the database is set up and
on line 4, we save the actual SQL statement to be executed in the
variable `query`. On line 5 we execute the query and on line 6 we fetch
all the data. After the execution of this piece of code, `lines`
contains the number of lines fetched (e.g. the number of rows in the
table `sampletable`). The variable `data` contains all the actual data,
e.g. the content of `sampletable`. In the end, the connection to the
database would be closed again. If the number of lines are large, it is
better to use `row = cursor.fetchone()` and process the rows
``` python
#first 5 lines are the same as above
while True:
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
#do something with this row of data
Obviously, some kind of data processing has to be used on row, otherwise
the data will not be stored. The result of the `fetchone()` command is a
In order to make the initialization of the connection easier, a
configuration file can be used:
``` python
import MySQLdb
db = MySQLdb.connect(read_default_file="~/.my.cnf")
Here, the file .my.cnf in the home directory contains the necessary
configuration information for MySQL.
### Sqlite
An example with sqlite is very similar to the one above and the cursor
provides many of the same functionalities.
``` python
import sqlite3
db = sqlite3.connect("/path/to/file")
cursor = db.cursor()
query = """SELECT * FROM sampletable"""
lines = cursor.execute(query)
data = cursor.fetchall()
When writing to the db, one has to remember to call db.commit(),
otherwise the changes are not saved:
``` python
import sqlite3
db = sqlite3.connect("/path/to/file")
cursor = db.cursor()
query = """INSERT INTO sampletable (value1, value2) VALUES (1,'test')"""
### Postgres
``` python
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=test")
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select * from test");
for i in cursor.next():
### Firebird
``` python
import firebirdsql
conn = firebirdsql.connect(dsn='localhost/3050:/var/lib/firebird/2.5/test.fdb', user='alice', password='wonderland')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select * from baz")
for c in cur.fetchall():
## General Principles
### Parameter Quoting
You will frequently need to substitute dynamic data into a query string.
**It is important to ensure this is done correctly.**
``` python
# Do not do this!
result = db.execute("SELECT name FROM employees WHERE location = '" + location + "'")
This example is **wrong**, because it doesn't correctly deal with
special characters, like apostrophes, in the string being substituted.
If your code has to deal with potentially hostile users (like on a
public-facing Web server), this could leave you open to an **SQL
injection attack**.
For simple cases, use the automatic parameter substitution provided by
the `execute` method, e.g.
``` python
result = db.execute("SELECT name FROM employees WHERE location = ?", [location])
The DBMS interface itself will automatically convert the values you pass
into the correct SQL syntax.
For more complex cases, the DBMS module should provide a quoting
function that you can explicitly call. For example, MySQLdb provides the
`escape_string` method, while APSW (for SQLite3) provides
`format_sql_value`. This is necessary where the query structure takes a
more dynamic form:
``` python
criteria = [("company", company)] # list of tuples (fieldname, value)
if department != None :
criteria.append(("department", department))
# ... append other optional criteria as appropriate ...
result = db.execute(
"SELECT name FROM employees WHERE "
" and ".join(
"%s = %s" % (criterion[0], MySQLdb.escape_string(criterion[1]))
for criterion in criteria
This will dynamically construct queries like "select name from employees
where company = \'*some company*\'" or "select name from employees where
company = \'*some company*\' and department = \'*some department*\'",
depending on which fields have been filled in by the user.
### Use Iterators
Python iterators are a natural fit for the problem of iterating over
lots of database records. Here is an example of a function that performs
a database query and returns an iterator for the results, instead of
returning them all at once. It relies on the fact that, in APSW (the
Python 3 interface library for SQLite), the `cursor.execute` method
itself returns an iterator for the result records. The result is that
you can write very concise code for doing complex database queries in
``` python
def db_iter(db, cmd, mapfn = lambda x : x) :
"executes cmd on a new cursor from connection db and yields the results in turn."
cu = db.cursor()
result = cu.execute(cmd)
while True:
yield mapfn(next(result))
Example uses of this function:
``` python
for artist, publisher in db_iter(
db = db,
cmd =
"SELECT artist, publisher FROM artists WHERE location = %s"
print(artist, publisher)
``` python
for location in db_iter(
db = db,
cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT location FROM artists",
mapfn = lambda x : x[0]
In the first example, since `db_iter` returns a tuple for each record,
this can be directly assigned to individual variables for the record
fields. In the second example, the tuple has only one element, so a
custom `mapfn` is used to extract this element and return it instead of
the tuple.
### Never Use "SELECT \*" in a Script
Database table definitions are frequently subject to change. As
application requirements evolve, fields and even entire tables are often
added, or sometimes removed. Consider a statement like
``` python
result = db.execute("select * from employees")
You may happen to know that the `employees` table currently contains,
say, 4 fields. But tomorrow someone may add a fifth field. Did you
remember to update your code to deal with this? If not, it's liable to
crash. Or even worse, produce an incorrect result!
Better to always list the **specific** fields you're interested in, no
matter how many there are:
``` python
result = db.execute("select name, address, department, location from employees")
That way, any extra fields added will simply be ignored. And if any of
the named fields are removed, the code will at least fail with a runtime
error, which is a good reminder that you forgot to update it!
### Looping on Field Breaks
Consider the following scenario: your sales company database has a table
of employees, and also a table of sales made by each employee. You want
to loop over these sale entries, and produce some per-employee
statistics. A naïve approach might be:
- Query the database to get a list of employees
- For each employee, do a database query to get the list of sales for
each employee.
If you have a lot of employees, then the first query may produce a large
list, and the second step will involve a correspondingly large number of
database queries.
In fact, the entire processing loop can run off a *single database
query*, using the standard SQL construct called a `join`.
Here is what an example of such a loop could look like:
``` python
rows = db_iter \
db = db,
cmd =
"select employees.name, sales.amount, sales.date from"
" employees left join sales on employees.id = sales.employee_id"
" order by employees.name, sales.date"
prev_employee_name = None
while True:
row = next(rows, None)
if row != None :
employee_name, amount, date = row
if row == None or employee_name != prev_employee_name :
if prev_employee_name != None :
# done stats for this employee
report(prev_employee_name, employee_stats)
if row == None :
# start stats for a new employee
prev_employee_name = employee_name
employee_stats = {"total_sales" : 0, "number_of_sales" : 0}
if date != None :
employee_stats["earliest_sale"] = date
# another row of stats for this employee
if amount != None :
employee_stats["total_sales"] += amount
employee_stats["number_of_sales"] += 1
if date != None :
employee_stats["latest_sale"] = date
Here the statistics are quite simple: earliest and latest sale, and
number and total amount of sales, and could be computed directly within
the SQL query. But the same loop could compute more complex statistics
(like standard deviation) that cannot be represented directly within a
simple SQL query.
Note how the statistics for each employee are written out under either
of two conditions:
- The employee name of the next record is different from the previous
- The end of the query results has been reached.
Both conditions are tested with
`row == None or employee_name != prev_employee_name`; after writing out
the employee statistics, a separate check for the second condition
`row == None` is used to terminate the loop. If the loop doesn't
terminate, then processing is initialized for the new employee.
Note also the use of a `left join` in this case: if an employee has had
no sales, then the join will return a single row for that employee, with
SQL `null` values (represented by `None` in Python) for the fields from
the `sales` table. This is why we need checks for such `None` values
before processing those fields.
Alternatively, we could have used an `inner join`, which would have
returned *no* results for an employee with no sales. Whether you want to
omit such an employee from your report, or include them with totals of
zero, is really up to your application.
## See Also
- Python Programming/Database
## External links
- APSW module, code.google.com ---
SQLite3 for Python 2.*x* and 3.*x*
- SQLite documentation
- Psycopg2 (PostgreSQL module - newer), initd.org
- PyGreSQL (PostgreSQL module - older),
- MySQL module,
- FirebirdSQL module,
# Python Programming/numpy
is a numeric library for python.
## Installation
It\'s provided with the main Linux distribution, however it can be
installed through the Debian package *python-numpy*. On Windows, it can
be downloaded on <http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/>.
Then, once the .zip unpacked, the installation is done by entering into
the console:
`python setup.py install`
In case of error:
- *ImportError "No Module named Setuptools"*, save the file
<https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py> into the Python folder, and
install it with: `python ez_setup.py install`.
- *Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required*, download it on
## Histogram
``` python
import numpy
mydata = [numpy.random.normal(0,1) for i in range(10000) ]
h, n = numpy.histogram( mydata , 100, (-5,5) )
## See also
- <http://numpy.scipy.org/>
- <http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/>
- Research using
# Python Programming/Game Programming in Python
### 3D Game Programming
#### 3D Game Engine with a Python binding
- Irrlicht Engine1 (Python binding
website: 2 )
Both are very good free open source C++ 3D game Engine with a Python
- CrystalSpace is a free
cross-platform software development kit for real-time 3D graphics,
with particular focus on games. Crystal Space is accessible from
Python in two ways: (1) as a Crystal Space plugin module in which
C++ code can call upon Python code, and in which Python code can
call upon Crystal Space; (2) as a pure Python module named 'cspace'
which one can 'import' from within Python programs. To use the first
option, load the 'cspython' plugin as you would load any other
Crystal Space plugin, and interact with it via the SCF 'iScript'
interface .The second approach allows you to write Crystal Space
applications entirely in Python, without any C++ coding. CS
#### 3D Game Engines written for Python
Engines designed for Python from scratch.
- Blender is an impressive 3D tool with a
fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite allowing modeling,
animation, rendering, post-production, real-time interactive 3D and
game creation and playback with cross-platform compatibility. The 3D
game engine uses an embedded python interpreter to make 3D games.
- Panda3D is a 3D game engine. It\'s a
library written in C++ with Python bindings. Panda3D is designed in
order to support a short learning curve and rapid development. This
software is available for free download with source code under the
BSD License. The development was started by \[Disney\]. Now there
are many projects made with Panda3D, such as Disney\'s Pirate\'s of
the Caribbean Online,
ToonTown, Building Virtual
World, Shell
Games and many others. Panda3D supports
several features: Procedural Geometry, Animated Texture, Render to
texture, Track motion, fog, particle system, and many others.
- Crystal-space Is a 3D game engine,
with a Python bindings, named
\*Crystal, view
Wikipedia page of
### 2D Game Programming
- Pygame is a cross platform Python library
which wraps SDL. It
provides many features like Sprite groups and sound/image loading
and easy changing of an objects position. It also provides the
programmer access to key and mouse events. A full tutorial can be
found in the free book \"Making Games with Python &
- Phil\'s Pygame Utilities
(PGU) is a
collection of tools and libraries that enhance Pygame. Tools include
a tile editor and a level editor (tile,
isometric, hexagonal). GUI enhancements include full featured GUI,
HTML rendering, document layout, and text rendering. The libraries
include a sprite and tile engine (tile,
isometric, hexagonal), a state engine, a timer, and a high score
system. (Beta with last update March, 2007. APIs to be deprecated
and isometric and hexagonal support is currently Alpha and subject
to change.) \[Update 27/02/08 Author indicates he is not currently
actively developing this library and anyone that is willing to
develop their own scrolling isometric library offering can use the
existing code in PGU to get them started.\]
- Pyglet is a cross-platform windowing and
multimedia library for Python with no external dependencies or
installation requirements. Pyglet provides an object-oriented
programming interface for developing games and other visually-rich
applications for Windows, Mac OS
X and Linux. Pyglet
allows programs to open multiple windows on multiple screens, draw
in those windows with OpenGL, and play back audio and video in most
formats. Unlike similar libraries available, pyglet has no external
dependencies (such as SDL) and is written entirely in Python. Pyglet
is available under a BSD-Style license.
- Kivy Kivy is a library for developing
multi-touch applications. It is completely cross-platform
(Linux/OSX/Win & Android with OpenGL ES2). It comes with native
support for many multi-touch input devices, a growing library of
multi-touch aware widgets and hardware accelerated OpenGL drawing.
Kivy is designed to let you focus on building custom and highly
interactive applications as quickly and easily as possible.
- Rabbyt A fast
Sprite "wikilink") library for Python
with game development in mind. With Rabbyt Anims, even old graphics
cards can produce very fast animations of 2,400 or more sprites
handling position, rotation, scaling, and color simultaneously.
### See Also
- 10 Lessons
How To Build a Game In A Week From Scratch With No Budget
# Python Programming/PyQt4
**WARNING: The examples on this page are a mixture of PyQt3 and PyQt4 -
use with caution!**
This tutorial aims to provide a hands-on guide to learn the basics of
building a small Qt4 application in Python.
To follow this tutorial, you should have basic Python knowledge.
However, knowledge of Qt4 is not necessary. I\'m using Linux in these
examples and am assuming you already have a working installation of
Python and PyQt4. To test this, open a Python shell (by typing
\'Python\' in a console to start the interactive interpreter) and type:
`>>> import PyQt4`
If no error message appears, you should be ready to go.
The examples in this tutorial as easy as possible, showing useful ways
to write and structure your program. It is important that you read the
source code of the example files, most of the explanations are in the
code. The best way to get comfortable with PyQt is play around with the
examples and try to change things.
## Hello, world!
Let\'s start easy: popping up a window and displaying something. The
following small program will pop up a window showing \"Hello, world!\".
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from PyQt4 import Qt
# We instantiate a QApplication passing the arguments of the script to it:
a = Qt.QApplication(sys.argv)
# Add a basic widget to this application:
# The first argument is the text we want this QWidget to show, the second
# one is the parent widget. Since Our "hello" is the only thing we use (the
# so-called "MainWidget", it does not have a parent.
hello = Qt.QLabel("Hello, World")
# ... and that it should be shown.
# Now we can start it.
About 7 lines of code, and that\'s about as easy as it can get.
## A Button
Let\'s add some interaction! We\'ll replace the label saying \"Hello,
World!\" with a button and assign an action to it. This assignment is
done by connecting a **signal**, an event which is sent out when the
button is pushed, to a **slot**, which is an action, normally a function
that is run in the case of that event.
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from PyQt4 import Qt
a = Qt.QApplication(sys.argv)
# Our function to call when the button is clicked
def sayHello():
print ("Hello, World!")
# Instantiate the button
hellobutton = Qt.QPushButton("Say 'Hello world!'")
# And connect the action "sayHello" to the event "button has been clicked"
# The rest is known already...
You can imagine that coding this way is not scalable nor the way you\'ll
want to continue working. So let\'s make that stuff pythonic, adding
structure and actually using object-orientation in it. We create our own
application class, derived from a QApplication and put the customization
of the application into its methods: One method to build up the widgets
and a slot which contains the code that\'s executed when a signal is
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from PyQt4 import Qt
class HelloApplication(Qt.QApplication):
def __init__(self, args):
""" In the constructor we're doing everything to get our application
started, which is basically constructing a basic QApplication by
its __init__ method, then adding our widgets and finally starting
the exec_loop."""
Qt.QApplication.__init__(self, args)
def addWidgets(self):
""" In this method, we're adding widgets and connecting signals from
these widgets to methods of our class, the so-called "slots"
self.hellobutton = Qt.QPushButton("Say 'Hello world!'")
def slotSayHello(self):
""" This is an example slot, a method that gets called when a signal is
emitted """
print ("Hello, World!")
# Only actually do something if this script is run standalone, so we can test our
# application, but we're also able to import this program without actually running
# any code.
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = HelloApplication(sys.argv)
## GUI Coding
\... so we want to use Qt3 Designer for creating our GUI. In the
picture, you can see a simple GUI, with in green letters the names of
the widgets. What we are going to do is We compile the .ui file from Qt
designer into a python class We subclass that class and use it as our
mainWidget This way, we\'re able to change the user interface afterwards
from Qt designer, without having it messing around in the code we added.
`pyuic4 testapp_ui.ui -o testapp_ui.py`
makes a Python file from it which we can work with.
The way our program works can be described like this: We fill in the
lineedit Clicking the add button will be connected to a method that
reads the text from the lineedit, makes a listviewitem out of it and
adds that to our listview. Clicking the deletebutton will delete the
currently selected item from the listview. Here\'s the heavily commented
code (only works in PyQt3):
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python
from testapp_ui import TestAppUI
from qt import *
import sys
class HelloApplication(QApplication):
def __init__(self, args):
""" In the constructor we're doing everything to get our application
started, which is basically constructing a basic QApplication by
its __init__ method, then adding our widgets and finally starting
the exec_loop."""
QApplication.__init__(self, args)
# We pass None since it's the top-level widget, we could in fact leave
# that one out, but this way it's easier to add more dialogs or widgets.
self.maindialog = TestApp(None)
class TestApp(TestAppUI):
def __init__(self, parent):
# Run the parent constructor and connect the slots to methods.
TestAppUI.__init__(self, parent)
# The listview is initially empty, so the deletebutton will have no effect,
# we grey it out.
def _connectSlots(self):
# Connect our two methods to SIGNALS the GUI emits.
def _slotAddClicked(self):
# Read the text from the lineedit,
text = self.lineedit.text()
# if the lineedit is not empty,
if len(text):
# insert a new listviewitem ...
lvi = QListViewItem(self.listview)
# with the text from the lineedit and ...
# clear the lineedit.
# The deletebutton might be disabled, since we're sure that there's now
# at least one item in it, we enable it.
def _slotDeleteClicked(self):
# Remove the currently selected item from the listview.
# Check if the list is empty - if yes, disable the deletebutton.
if self.listview.childCount() == 0:
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = HelloApplication(sys.argv)
also this code is useful and it works on PyQt4 and it has many useful
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2008-10 Qtrac Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This program or module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is
# provided for educational purposes and is distributed in the hope that
# it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# the GNU General Public License for more details.
# Versions
# 1.0.1 Fixed bug reported by Brian Downing where paths that contained
# spaces were not handled correctly.
# 1.0.2 Fixed bug reported by Ben Thompson that if the UIC program
# fails, no problem was reported; I try to report one now.
# 1.1.0 Added Remember path option; if checked the program starts with
# the last used path, otherwise with the current directory, unless
# overridden on the command line
# 1.1.1 Changed default path on Windows to match PyQt 4.4
# 1.2.1 Changed import style + bug fixes
# 1.2.2 Added stderr to error message output as per Michael Jackson's
# suggestion
# 1.2.3 Tried to make the paths work on Mac OS X
# 1.2.4 Added more options
# 1.2.5 Use "new-style" connections (src.signal.connect(target.slot) instead of
# src.connect(src, SIGNAL("signal()"), target.slot)) and improve PEP-8
# compliance
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future_builtins import *
import os
import platform
import stat
import sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
__version__ = "1.2.5"
Windows = sys.platform.lower().startswith(("win", "microsoft"))
class OptionsForm(QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(OptionsForm, self).__init__(parent)
settings = QSettings()
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
pyuic4Label = QLabel("pyuic4 (pyuic.py)")
pyuic4Label = QLabel("pyuic4")
self.pyuic4Label = QLabel(settings.value("pyuic4",
pyuic4Button = QPushButton("py&uic4...")
pyrcc4Label = QLabel("pyrcc4")
self.pyrcc4Label = QLabel(settings.value("pyrcc4",
pyrcc4Button = QPushButton("p&yrcc4...")
pylupdate4Label = QLabel("pylupdate4")
self.pylupdate4Label = QLabel(settings.value("pylupdate4",
pylupdate4Button = QPushButton("&pylupdate4...")
lreleaseLabel = QLabel("lrelease")
self.lreleaseLabel = QLabel(settings.value("lrelease",
lreleaseButton = QPushButton("&lrelease...")
toolPathGroupBox = QGroupBox("Tool Paths")
pathsLayout = QGridLayout()
pathsLayout.addWidget(pyuic4Label, 0, 0)
pathsLayout.addWidget(self.pyuic4Label, 0, 1)
pathsLayout.addWidget(pyuic4Button, 0, 2)
pathsLayout.addWidget(pyrcc4Label, 1, 0)
pathsLayout.addWidget(self.pyrcc4Label, 1, 1)
pathsLayout.addWidget(pyrcc4Button, 1, 2)
pathsLayout.addWidget(pylupdate4Label, 2, 0)
pathsLayout.addWidget(self.pylupdate4Label, 2, 1)
pathsLayout.addWidget(pylupdate4Button, 2, 2)
pathsLayout.addWidget(lreleaseLabel, 3, 0)
pathsLayout.addWidget(self.lreleaseLabel, 3, 1)
pathsLayout.addWidget(lreleaseButton, 3, 2)
resourceModuleNamesGroupBox = QGroupBox(
"Resource Module Names")
qrcFiles = bool(int(settings.value("qrc_resources", "1").toString()))
self.qrcRadioButton = QRadioButton("&qrc_file.py")
self.rcRadioButton = QRadioButton("file_&rc.py")
self.rcRadioButton.setChecked(not qrcFiles)
radioLayout = QHBoxLayout()
self.pyuic4xCheckBox = QCheckBox("Run pyuic4 with -&x "
" to make forms stand-alone runable")
x = bool(int(settings.value("pyuic4x", "0").toString()))
buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|
layout = QVBoxLayout()
pyuic4Button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.setPath("pyuic4"))
pyrcc4Button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.setPath("pyrcc4"))
pylupdate4Button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.setPath("pylupdate4"))
lreleaseButton.clicked.connect(lambda: self.setPath("lrelease"))
self.setWindowTitle("Make PyQt - Options")
def accept(self):
settings = QSettings()
settings.setValue("pyuic4", QVariant(self.pyuic4Label.text()))
settings.setValue("pyrcc4", QVariant(self.pyrcc4Label.text()))
settings.setValue("lrelease", QVariant(self.lreleaseLabel.text()))
"1" if self.qrcRadioButton.isChecked() else "0")
"1" if self.pyuic4xCheckBox.isChecked() else "0")
def setPath(self, tool):
if tool == "pyuic4":
label = self.pyuic4Label
elif tool == "pyrcc4":
label = self.pyrcc4Label
elif tool == "pylupdate4":
label = self.pylupdate4Label
elif tool == "lrelease":
label = self.lreleaseLabel
path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,
"Make PyQt - Set Tool Path", label.text())
if path:
class Form(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(Form, self).__init__()
pathLabel = QLabel("Path:")
settings = QSettings()
rememberPath = settings.value("rememberpath",
QVariant(True if Windows else False)).toBool()
if rememberPath:
path = (unicode(settings.value("path").toString()) or
path = (sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 and
QFile.exists(sys.argv[1]) else os.getcwd())
self.pathLabel = QLabel(path)
self.pathLabel.setToolTip("The relative path; all actions will "
"take place here,<br>and in this path's subdirectories "
"if the Recurse checkbox is checked")
self.pathButton = QPushButton("&Path...")
"The", "Sets the"))
self.recurseCheckBox = QCheckBox("&Recurse")
self.recurseCheckBox.setToolTip("Clean or build all the files "
"in the path directory,<br>and all its subdirectories, "
"as deep as they go.")
self.transCheckBox = QCheckBox("&Translate")
self.transCheckBox.setToolTip("Runs <b>pylupdate4</b> on all "
"<tt>.py</tt> and <tt>.pyw</tt> files in conjunction "
"with each <tt>.ts</tt> file.<br>Then runs "
"<b>lrelease</b> on all <tt>.ts</tt> files to produce "
"corresponding <tt>.qm</tt> files.<br>The "
"<tt>.ts</tt> files must have been created initially by "
"running <b>pylupdate4</b><br>directly on a <tt>.py</tt> "
"or <tt>.pyw</tt> file using the <tt>-ts</tt> option.")
self.debugCheckBox = QCheckBox("&Dry Run")
self.debugCheckBox.setToolTip("Shows the actions that would "
"take place but does not do them.")
self.logBrowser = QTextBrowser()
self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox()
menu = QMenu(self)
optionsAction = menu.addAction("&Options...")
self.rememberPathAction = menu.addAction("&Remember path")
aboutAction = menu.addAction("&About")
moreButton = self.buttonBox.addButton("&More",
moreButton.setToolTip("Use <b>More->Tool paths</b> to set the "
"paths to the tools if they are not found by default")
self.buildButton = self.buttonBox.addButton("&Build",
self.buildButton.setToolTip("Runs <b>pyuic4</b> on all "
"<tt>.ui</tt> "
"files and <b>pyrcc4</b> on all <tt>.qrc</tt> files "
"that are out-of-date.<br>Also runs <b>pylupdate4</b> "
"and <b>lrelease</b> if the Translate checkbox is "
self.cleanButton = self.buttonBox.addButton("&Clean",
self.cleanButton.setToolTip("Deletes all <tt>.py</tt> files that "
"were generated from <tt>.ui</tt> and <tt>.qrc</tt> "
"files,<br>i.e., all files matching <tt>qrc_*.py</tt>, "
"<tt>*_rc.py</tt> and <tt>ui_*.py.")
quitButton = self.buttonBox.addButton("&Quit",
topLayout = QHBoxLayout()
topLayout.addWidget(self.pathLabel, 1)
bottomLayout = QHBoxLayout()
layout = QVBoxLayout()
widget = QWidget()
self.setWindowTitle("Make PyQt")
def closeEvent(self, event):
settings = QSettings()
settings.setValue("path", QVariant(self.pathLabel.text()))
def about(self):
QMessageBox.about(self, "About Make PyQt",
"""<b>Make PyQt</b> v {0}
<p>Copyright © 2007-10 Qtrac Ltd.
All rights reserved.
<p>This application can be used to build PyQt
It runs pyuic4, pyrcc4, pylupdate4, and lrelease as
required, although pylupdate4 must be run directly to
create the initial .ts files.
<p>Python {1} - Qt {2} - PyQt {3} on {4}""".format(
__version__, platform.python_version(),
def setPath(self):
path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self,
"Make PyQt - Set Path", self.pathLabel.text())
if path:
def setOptions(self):
dlg = OptionsForm(self)
def build(self):
recurse = self.recurseCheckBox.isChecked()
path = unicode(self.pathLabel.text())
self._apply(recurse, self._build, path)
if self.transCheckBox.isChecked():
self._apply(recurse, self._translate, path)
def clean(self):
recurse = self.recurseCheckBox.isChecked()
path = unicode(self.pathLabel.text())
self._apply(recurse, self._clean, path)
def updateUi(self, enable):
for widget in (self.buildButton, self.cleanButton,
self.pathButton, self.recurseCheckBox,
self.transCheckBox, self.debugCheckBox):
if not enable:
def _apply(self, recurse, function, path):
if not recurse:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for dir in sorted(dirs):
function(os.path.join(root, dir))
def _make_error_message(self, command, process):
err = ""
ba = process.readAllStandardError()
if not ba.isEmpty():
err = ": " + str(QString(ba))
return "<span style="color:red;">FAILED: %s%s</span>" % (command, err)
def _build(self, path):
settings = QSettings()
pyuic4 = unicode(settings.value("pyuic4",
pyrcc4 = unicode(settings.value("pyrcc4",
prefix = unicode(self.pathLabel.text())
pyuic4x = bool(int(settings.value("pyuic4x", "0").toString()))
if not prefix.endswith(os.sep):
prefix += os.sep
failed = 0
process = QProcess()
for name in os.listdir(path):
source = os.path.join(path, name)
target = None
if source.endswith(".ui"):
target = os.path.join(path,
"ui_" + name.replace(".ui", ".py"))
command = pyuic4
elif source.endswith(".qrc"):
if bool(int(settings.value("qrc_resources", "1").toString())):
target = os.path.join(path,
"qrc_" + name.replace(".qrc", ".py"))
target = os.path.join(path, name.replace(".qrc", "_rc.py"))
command = pyrcc4
if target is not None:
if not os.access(target, os.F_OK) or (
os.stat(source)[stat.ST_MTIME] >
args = ["-o", target, source]
if command == PYUIC4 and pyuic4x:
args.insert(0, "-x")
if (sys.platform.startswith("darwin") and
command == PYUIC4):
command = sys.executable
args = [PYUIC4] + args
msg = ("converted <span style="color:darkblue;">" + source +
"</span> to <span style="color:blue;">" + target +
if self.debugCheckBox.isChecked():
msg = "<span style="color:green;"># " + msg + "</span>"
process.start(command, args)
if (not process.waitForFinished(2 * 60 * 1000) or
not QFile.exists(target)):
msg = self._make_error_message(command,
failed += 1
self.logBrowser.append(msg.replace(prefix, ""))
self.logBrowser.append("<span style="color:green;">"
"# {0} is up-to-date</span>".format(
source.replace(prefix, "")))
if failed:
QMessageBox.information(self, "Make PyQt - Failures",
"Try manually setting the paths to the tools "
"using <b>More->Options</b>")
def _clean(self, path):
prefix = unicode(self.pathLabel.text())
if not prefix.endswith(os.sep):
prefix += os.sep
deletelist = []
for name in os.listdir(path):
target = os.path.join(path, name)
source = None
if (target.endswith(".py") or target.endswith(".pyc") or
if name.startswith("ui_") and not name[-1] in "oc":
source = os.path.join(path, name[3:-3] + ".ui")
elif name.startswith("qrc_"):
if target[-1] in "oc":
source = os.path.join(path, name[4:-4] + ".qrc")
source = os.path.join(path, name[4:-3] + ".qrc")
elif name.endswith(("_rc.py", "_rc.pyo", "_rc.pyc")):
if target[-1] in "oc":
source = os.path.join(path, name[:-7] + ".qrc")
source = os.path.join(path, name[:-6] + ".qrc")
elif target[-1] in "oc":
source = target[:-1]
if source is not None:
if os.access(source, os.F_OK):
if self.debugCheckBox.isChecked():
self.logBrowser.append("<span style="color:green;">"
"# delete {0}</span>".format(
target.replace(prefix, "")))
self.logBrowser.append("<span style="color:darkred;">"
"will not remove "
"'{0}' since `{1}' not found</span>"
.format(target.replace(prefix, ""),
source.replace(prefix, "")))
if not self.debugCheckBox.isChecked():
for target in deletelist:
self.logBrowser.append("deleted "
"<span style="color:red;">{0}</span>".format(
target.replace(prefix, "")))
def _translate(self, path):
prefix = unicode(self.pathLabel.text())
if not prefix.endswith(os.sep):
prefix += os.sep
files = []
tsfiles = []
for name in os.listdir(path):
if name.endswith((".py", ".pyw")):
files.append(os.path.join(path, name))
elif name.endswith(".ts"):
tsfiles.append(os.path.join(path, name))
if not tsfiles:
settings = QSettings()
pylupdate4 = unicode(settings.value("pylupdate4",
lrelease = unicode(settings.value("lrelease",
process = QProcess()
failed = 0
for ts in tsfiles:
qm = ts[:-3] + ".qm"
command1 = pylupdate4
args1 = files + ["-ts", ts]
command2 = lrelease
args2 = ["-silent", ts, "-qm", qm]
msg = "updated <span style="color:blue;">{0}</span>".format(
ts.replace(prefix, ""))
if self.debugCheckBox.isChecked():
msg = "<span style="color:green;"># {0}</span>".format(msg)
process.start(command1, args1)
if not process.waitForFinished(2 * 60 * 1000):
msg = self._make_error_message(command1, process)
failed += 1
msg = "generated <span style="color:blue;">{0}</span>".format(
qm.replace(prefix, ""))
if self.debugCheckBox.isChecked():
msg = "<span style="color:green;"># {0}</span>".format(msg)
process.start(command2, args2)
if not process.waitForFinished(2 * 60 * 1000):
msg = self._make_error_message(command2, process)
failed += 1
if failed:
QMessageBox.information(self, "Make PyQt - Failures",
"Try manually setting the paths to the tools "
"using <b>More->Options</b>")
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
PATH = unicode(app.applicationDirPath())
if Windows:
PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable),
if os.access(os.path.join(PATH, "bin"), os.R_OK):
PATH = os.path.join(PATH, "bin")
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
i = PATH.find("Resources")
if i > -1:
PATH = PATH[:i] + "bin"
PYUIC4 = os.path.join(PATH, "pyuic4")
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
PYUIC4 = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
i = PYUIC4.find("Resources")
if i > -1:
PYUIC4 = PYUIC4[:i] + "Lib/python2.6/site-packages/PyQt4/uic/pyuic.py"
PYRCC4 = os.path.join(PATH, "pyrcc4")
PYLUPDATE4 = os.path.join(PATH, "pylupdate4")
LRELEASE = "lrelease"
if Windows:
PYUIC4 = PYUIC4.replace("/", "\\") + ".bat"
PYRCC4 = PYRCC4.replace("/", "\\") + ".exe"
PYLUPDATE4 = PYLUPDATE4.replace("/", "\\") + ".exe"
app.setOrganizationName("Qtrac Ltd.")
app.setApplicationName("Make PyQt")
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "-c":
settings = QSettings()
settings.setValue("pyuic4", QVariant(PYUIC4))
settings.setValue("pyrcc4", QVariant(PYRCC4))
settings.setValue("pylupdate4", QVariant(PYLUPDATE4))
settings.setValue("lrelease", QVariant(LRELEASE))
form = Form()
## Useful to Know
Creating the GUI in Qt Designer not only makes creating the GUI easier,
but it\'s also a great learning tool. You can test what a widget looks
like, see what\'s available in Qt, and have a look at properties you
might want to use.
The C++ API documentation is also a very useful (read: necessary) tool
when working with PyQt. The API translation is straightforward, and
after a little experience, you\'ll find the developers API docs one of
the tools you really need. When working from KDE, konqueror\'s default
shortcut is qt:\[widgetname\], so \[alt\]+\[F2\], \"qt:qbutton directly
takes you to the right API documentation page. Trolltech\'s doc section
has much more documentation which you might want to have a look at.
The first 3 examples in this tutorial have been created using PyQt4, the
last one uses syntax that only works with PyQt3.
Note: The previous version of this page (applicable to pyqt3) is/was
available at <http://vizzzion.org/?id=pyqt>.
This document is published under the GNU Free Documentation
# Python Programming/Dbus
In Linux, **Dbus** is a way for processes to communicate with each
other. For example, programs like
Pidgin instant
messenger allow other programs to find out or change the user\'s status
(Available, Away, etc). Another example is the
network-manager service
that publishes which internet connection is active. Programs that
sometimes connect to the internet can then pick the best time to
download updates to the system.
## Buses
Messages are sent along buses. Services attach themselves to these
buses, and allow clients to pass messages to and from them.
There are two main buses, the **system bus** and **session bus**.
Services on the system bus affect the whole system, such as providing
information about the network or disk drives. Services on the session
bus provide access to programs running on the desktop, like Pidgin.
``` python
import dbus
sys_bus = dbus.SystemBus()
## Objects and interfaces
Services attached to a bus can be contacted using their **well-known
name**. While this could be any string, the format is normally that of a
reverse domain name: an example for a spreadsheet program called
\"CalcProgram\" from \"My Corp Inc.\" could be
Services publish objects using slash-separated paths (this is similar to
webpages). Someone on dbus can request an object if they know this path.
The object passed back is not a full object: it just refers to the
service\'s copy of the object. It is called a **proxy object**.
``` python
proxy_for_cell_a2 = sys_bus.get_object('com.mycorp.CalcProgram', '/spreadsheet1/cells/a2')
Before the proxy object can be used, we need to specify what type of
object it is. We do this by creating an interface object.
``` python
cell_a2 = dbus.Interface(proxy_for_cell_a2, 'com.mycorp.CalcProgram.SpreadsheetCell')
Whatever methods are set up for this type of object can be called:
``` python
Name Example Description
------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
service well known name com.mycorp.CalcProgram Identifies the application
path of an object /spreadsheet1/cells/a2 Identifies an object published by a service
interface com.mycorp.CalcProgram.SpreadsheetCell Identifies what type of object we expect
## dbus-python examples
These examples have been tested with dbus-python 0.83.0. Older library
versions may not have the same interface.
Calling an interface\'s methods / Listing HAL Devices:
``` python
import dbus
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
hal_manager_object = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Hal', '/org/freedesktop/Hal/Manager')
hal_manager_interface = dbus.Interface(hal_manager_object, 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager')
# calling method upon interface
print hal_manager_interface.GetAllDevices()
# accessing a method through 'get_dbus_method' through proxy object by specifying interface
method = hal_manager_object.get_dbus_method('GetAllDevices', 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager')
# calling method upon proxy object by specifying the interface to use
print( hal_manager_object.GetAllDevices(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Hal.Manager'))
Introspecting an object:
``` python
import dbus
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
hal_manager_object = bus.get_object(
'org.freedesktop.Hal', # service
'/org/freedesktop/Hal/Manager' # published object
introspection_interface = dbus.Interface(
# Introspectable interfaces define a property 'Introspect' that
# will return an XML string that describes the object's interface
interface = introspection_interface.Introspect()
``` python
import dbus
sys_bus = dbus.SystemBus()
# get an object called / in org.freedesktop.Avahi to talk to
raw_server = sys_bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Avahi', '/')
# objects support interfaces. get the org.freedesktop.Avahi.Server interface to our org.freedesktop.Avahi object.
server = dbus.Interface(raw_server, 'org.freedesktop.Avahi.Server')
# The so-called documentation is at /usr/share/avahi/introspection/Server.introspect
## pydbus examples
These examples have been tested with pydbus 0.2 and 0.3.
Calling an interface\'s methods / Listing systemd units:
``` python
from pydbus import SystemBus
bus = SystemBus()
systemd = bus.get(
'.systemd1' # service name - names starting with . automatically get org.freedesktop prepended.
# no object path - it'll be set to the service name transformed to the path format (/org/freedesktop/systemd1)
for unit in systemd.ListUnits()[0]:
Introspecting an object:
``` python
from pydbus import SystemBus
bus = SystemBus()
systemd = bus.get('.systemd1')
# Introspectable interfaces define a property 'Introspect' that
# will return an XML string that describes the object's interface
# Introspection data is automatically converted to Python's help system data
``` python
from pydbus import SystemBus
bus = SystemBus()
# get an object called / in org.freedesktop.Avahi to talk to
avahi = bus.get('.Avahi', '/')
# See the object's API
## References
- dbus-python
dbus.freedesktop.org, Simon McVittie, 2006-06-14
- pydbus
- DbusExamples,
- D-Bus Howto,
- Rough notes: Python and
archived version, A.M. Kuchling, 2007, originally at www.amk.ca
# Python Programming/matplotlib
matplotlib is a Python library that allows Python to be used like
Matlab, visualizing data on the fly. It is able to create plots,
histograms, power spectra, bar charts, errorcharts, scatterplots, etc.
It can be used from normal Python and also from iPython.
Plot a data series that represents the square function:
``` py
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
data = [x * x for x in range(20)]
Plot a data series that represents the square function but in reverse
order, by providing not only the series of the y-axis values but also
the series of x-axis values:
``` py
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
datax = range(20)
datay = [x * x for x in range(20)]
plt.plot(datax, datay)
Plot the square function, setting the limits for the y-axis:
``` py
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
data = [x * x for x in range(20)]
plt.ylim(-500, 500) # Set limits of y-axis
## Links
- matplotlib, matplotlib.org
- Pyplot
# Python Programming/Sorted Container Types
Python does not provide modules for *sorted* set and dictionary data
types as part of its standard library. This is a concious decision on
the part of Guido van Rossum, et al. to preserve \"one obvious way to do
it.\" Instead, Python delegates this task to third-party libraries that
are available on the Python Package Index. These libraries use various
techniques to maintain list, dict, and set types in sorted order.
Maintaining order using a specialized data structure can avoid very slow
behavior (quadratic run-time) in the naive approach of editing and
constantly re-sorting.
Third-party modules supporting sorted containers:
- SortedContainers - Pure-Python implementation that is fast-as-C
implementations. Implements sorted list, dict, and set. Testing
includes 100% code coverage and hours of stress. Documentation
includes full API reference, performance
and contributing/development guidelines. License: Apache2.
- rbtree - Provides a fast, C-implementation for sorted dict and set
data types. Based on a red-black tree implementation.
- treap - Provides a sorted dict data type. Uses a treap for
implementation and improves performance using Cython.
- bintrees - Provides several tree-based implementations for dict and
set data types. Fastest implementations are based on AVL and
Red-Black trees. Implemented in C. Extends the conventional API to
provide set operations for dict data types.
- banyan - Provides a fast, C-implementation for dict and set data
- skiplistcollections - Pure-Python implementation based on skip-lists
providing a limited API for dict and set data types.
- blist - Provides sorted list, dict and set data types based on the
\"blist\" data type, a B-tree implementation. Implemented in Python
and C.
## External links
- SortedContainers,
- rbtree, pypi.python.org
- treap, pypi.python.org
- bintrees, pypi.python.org
- Banyan, pypi.python.org
- skiplistcollections,
- blist, pypi.python.org
# Python Programming/Excel
Python has multiple 3rd party libraries for reading and writing
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files, including .xls and .xlsx.
For working with .xls files, there is *xlrd* for reading and *xlwt* for
For working with .xlsx files, there is *xlrd* for reading, *openpyxl*
for reading and writing, and *XlsxWriter* and *PyExcelerate* for
To interact with the Excel application and create Python-based add-ins:
*xlwings*, *xlOil*, *PyXLL* (commercial).
## xlrd
Supports reading .xls Excel files. Support for .xlsx files was removed
in xlrd version 2.0.0 from Dec 2020 due to security concerns, but is
still available in xlrd version 1.2.0 from Dec 2018. License: BSD.
``` Python
import xlrd
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook("MySpreadsheet.xls")
#for sheet in workbook.sheets(): # Loads all the sheets, unlike workbook.sheet_names()
for sheetName in workbook.sheet_names(): # Sheet iteration by name
print("Sheet name:", sheetName)
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheetName)
for rowno in range(sheet.nrows):
for colno in range(sheet.ncols):
cell = sheet.cell(rowno, colno)
print(str(cell.value)) # Output as a string
if cell.ctype == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE:
dateTuple = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(cell.value, workbook.datemode)
print(dateTuple) # E.g. (2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
mydate = xlrd.xldate.xldate_as_datetime(cell.value, workbook.datemode)
print(mydate) # In xlrd 0.9.3
for sheetno in range(workbook.nsheets): # Sheet iteration by index
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(sheetno)
print("Sheet name:", sheet.name)
for notekey in sheet.cell_note_map: # In xlrd 0.7.2
print("Note AKA comment text:", sheet.cell_note_map[notekey].text)
print(xlrd.formula.colname(1)) # Column name such as A or AD, here 'B'
- xlrd, pypi.python.org
- xlrd 1.2.0, pypi.python.org
- xlrd documentation,
- xlrd API
- Python: xlrd discerning dates from
- xlrd.biffh.XLRDError: Excel xlsx file; not
11 Dec 2020, stackoverflow.com
- xlrd 2
11 Dec 2020, groups.google.com
## xlwt
Supports writing .xls files. License: BSD.
- xlwt, pypi.python.org
- xlwt documentation,
## openpyxl
Supports reading and writing .xlsx Excel files. Does not support .xls
files. License: MIT.
Reading a workbook:
``` python
from openpyxl import load_workbook
workbook = load_workbook("MyNewWorkbook.xlsx")
for worksheet in workbook.worksheets:
print("==%s==" % worksheet.title)
for row in worksheet: # For each cell in each row
for cell in row:
print(cell.row, cell.column, cell.value) # E.g. 1 A Value
for cell in worksheet["A"]: # For each cell in column A
print(worksheet["A1"].value) # A single cell
print(worksheet.cell(column=1, row=1).value) # A1 value as well
Creating a new workbook:
``` python
from openpyxl import Workbook
workbook = Workbook()
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
worksheet['A1'] = 'String value'
worksheet['A2'] = 42 # Numerical value
worksheet.cell(row=3, column=1).value = "New A3 Value"
workbook.save("MyNewWorkbook.xlsx") # Overrides if it exists
Changing an existing workbook:
``` python
from openpyxl import load_workbook
workbook_name = 'MyWorkbook.xlsx'
workbook = load_workbook(workbook_name)
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
worksheet['A1'] = "String value"
- openpyxl, pypi.org
- openpyxl - A Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm
files, readthedocs.io
## XlsxWriter
Supports writing of .xlsx files. License: BSD.
- XlsxWriter, pypi.org
- Creating Excel files with Python and
XlsxWriter, readthedocs.io
## PyExcelerate
Supports writing .xlsx files. License: BSD.
- PyExcelerate, pypi.org
## xlutils
Supports various operations and queries on .xls files; depends on xlrd
and xlwt. License: MIT.
- xlutils, pypi.org
## xlOil
Supports creation of Python-based Excel add-ins. Requires Python 3.6 or
later; requires Excel 2010 or later installed. Supports: global and
local scope worksheet functions, ribbon customisation, custom task
panes, RTD/async functions, *numpy*, *matplotlib*, *pandas*, *jupyter*.
Low overhead function calls due to use of the Excel\'s C-API and
embedded in-process Python
Create a function to add one day to a date:
``` Python
import datetime as dt
def pyTestDate(x: dt.datetime) -> dt.datetime:
return x + dt.timedelta(days=1)
Create a function which give a live ticking clock in an cell (uses RTD):
``` python
async def pyTestAsyncGen(secs):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(secs)
yield datetime.datetime.now()
- xlOil, pypi.org
- xloil, readthedocs.io
## pywin32
Supports access to Windows applications via Windows Component Object
Model (COM). Thus, on Windows, if Excel is installed, PyWin32 lets you
call it from Python and let it do various things. You can install
PyWin32 by downloading a .exe installer from SourceForge, where it is
currently hosted.
- 3.4.1.
- pywin32, pypi.org
- Python for Windows Extensions
- Python Excel Mini
## External links
- Working with Excel Files in Python,
python-excel.org \-- has links to source code repositories (GitHub,
etc.) for the packages
# Python Programming/MS Word
Microsoft Word documents of the .docx format can be created or changed
using python-docx 3rd party module.
The .doc format can be worked with on Windows using PyWin32 via COM
interface, provided Word is installed. An example:
``` Python
import win32com.client
wordapp = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Word.Application")
# wordapp.Visible = False
worddoc = wordapp.Documents.Open(r"C:\MyFile.doc")
wdFormatHTML = 8
worddoc.SaveAs(r"C:\MyFile.html", FileFormat=wdFormatHTML)
# wordapp.Application.Quit(-1) - No need to quit; Word quits when its last window is closed
## External links
- python-docx,
- python-docx,
# Python Programming/Extending with C
Python modules can be written in pure Python but they can also be
written in the C language. The following shows how to extend Python with
## Using the Python/C API
### A minimal example
To illustrate the mechanics, we will create a minimal extension module
containing a single function that outputs \"Hello\" followed by the name
passed in as the first parameter.
We will first create the C source code, placing it to **hellomodule.c**:
``` c
#include <Python.h>
static PyObject*
say_hello(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
const char* name;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &name))
return NULL;
printf("Hello %s!\n", name);
static PyMethodDef HelloMethods[] =
{"say_hello", say_hello, METH_VARARGS, "Greet somebody."},
(void) Py_InitModule("hello", HelloMethods);
Then we will need a setup file, **setup.py**:
``` python
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
module1 = Extension('hello', sources = ['hellomodule.c'])
setup (name = 'PackageName',
version = '1.0',
description = 'This is a demo package',
ext_modules = [module1])
Then we can build the module using a procedure whose details depends on
the operating system and the compiler suite.
#### Building with GCC for Linux
Before our module can be compiled, you must install the Python
development headers if you have not already. On Debian and Debian-based
systems such as Ubuntu, these can be installed with the following
``` bash
$ sudo apt install python-dev
On openSUSE, the required package is called `python-devel` and can be
installed with `zypper`:
``` bash
$ sudo zypper install python-devel
Now that `Python.h` is available, we can compile the module source code
we created in the previous section as follows:
``` bash
$ python setup.py build
The will compile the module to a file called `hello.so` in
#### Building with GCC for Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows users can use MinGW to compile
the extension module from the command line. Assuming `gcc` is in the
path, you can build the extension as follows:
`python setup.py build -cmingw32`
The above will produce file `hello.pyd`, a Python Dynamic Module,
similar to a DLL. The file will land in `build\lib.win32-`*`x`*`.`*`y`*.
An alternate way of building the module in Windows is to build a DLL.
(This method does not need an extension module file). From `cmd.exe`,
`gcc -c hellomodule.c -I/Python`*`XY`*`/include`\
`gcc -shared hellomodule.o -L/Python`*`XY`*`/libs -lpython`*`XY`*` -o hello.dll`
where *XY* represents the version of Python, such as \"24\" for version
#### Building using Microsoft Visual C++
With VC8, distutils is broken. Therefore, we will use cl.exe from a
command prompt instead:
`cl /LD hellomodule.c /Ic:\Python24\include c:\Python24\libs\python24.lib /link/out:hello.dll`
#### Using the extension module
Change to the subdirectory where the file hello.so resides. In an
interactive Python session you can use the module as follows.
`>>> import hello`\
`>>> hello.say_hello("World")`\
`Hello World!`
### A module for calculating Fibonacci numbers
In this section, we present a module for Fibonacci numbers, thereby
expanding on the minimal example above. Compared to the minimal example,
what is worth noting is the use of \"i\" in PyArg_ParseTuple() and
The C source code in (fibmodule.c):
``` c
#include <Python.h>
_fib(int n)
if (n < 2)
return n;
return _fib(n-1) + _fib(n-2);
static PyObject*
fib(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
int n;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &n))
return NULL;
return Py_BuildValue("i", _fib(n));
static PyMethodDef FibMethods[] = {
{"fib", fib, METH_VARARGS, "Calculate the Fibonacci numbers."},
(void) Py_InitModule("fib", FibMethods);
The build script (setup.py):
``` python
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
module1 = Extension('fib', sources = ['fibmodule.c'])
setup (name = 'PackageName',
version = '1.0',
description = 'This is a demo package',
ext_modules = [module1])
`>>> import fib`\
`>>> fib.fib(10)`\
## Using SWIG
SWIG is a tool that helps a variety of scripting and programming
languages call C and C++ code. SWIG makes creation of C language modules
much more straightforward.
To use SWIG, you need to get it up and running first.
You can install it on an Ubuntu system as follows:
`$ sudo apt-get install swig`\
`$ sudo apt-get install python-dev`
To get SWIG for Windows, you can use binaries available from the SWIG
download page.
Once you have SWIG, you need to create the module source file and the
module interface file:
``` c
#include <stdio.h>
void say_hello(const char* name) {
printf("Hello %s!\n", name);
``` c
%module hello
extern void say_hello(const char* name);
Then we let SWIG do its work:
`swig -python hello.i`
The above produces files hello.py and hello_wrap.c.
The next step is compiling; substitute /usr/include/python2.4/ with the
correct path to Python.h for your setup:
`gcc -fpic -c hellomodule.c hello_wrap.c -I/usr/include/python2.4/`
As the last step, we do the linking:
`gcc -shared hellomodule.o hello_wrap.o -o _hello.so -lpython`
The module is used as follows:
`>>> import hello`\
`>>> hello.say_hello("World")`\
`Hello World!`
## External links
- Extending and Embedding the Python
- Python/C API Reference
Manual, python.org
- SWIG, swig.org
- Download SWIG, swig.org
# Python Programming/Extending with C++
There are different ways to extend Python with C and C++ code:
- In plain C, using Python.h
- Using Swig
- Using Boost.Python, optionally with Py++ preprocessing
- Using pybind11
- Using ../Cython/.
This page describes Boost.Python. Before the emergence of Cython, it was
the most comfortable way of writing C++ extension
Boost.Python comes bundled with the Boost C++ Libraries. To install it
on an Ubuntu system, you might need to run the following commands
`$ sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev `\
`$ sudo apt-get install python-dev`
## A Hello World Example
### The C++ source code (hellomodule.cpp)
``` cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void say_hello(const char* name) {
cout << "Hello " << name << "!\n";
#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
#include <boost/python/def.hpp>
using namespace boost::python;
def("say_hello", say_hello);
### setup.py
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
Extension("hello", ["hellomodule.cpp"],
libraries = ["boost_python"])
Now we can build our module with
`python setup.py build`
The module \`hello.so\` will end up in e.g \`build/lib.linux-i686-2.4\`.
### Using the extension module
Change to the subdirectory where the file \`hello.so\` resides. In an
interactive python session you can use the module as follows.
`>>> import hello`\
`>>> hello.say_hello("World")`\
`Hello World!`
## An example with CGAL
Some, but not all, functions of the CGAL library already have Python
bindings. Here an example is provided for a case without such a binding
and how it might be implemented. The example is taken from the CGAL
``` Cpp
// test.cpp
using namespace std;
/* PYTHON */
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
#include <boost/python/def.hpp>
namespace python = boost::python;
/* CGAL */
#include <CGAL/Cartesian.h>
#include <CGAL/Range_segment_tree_traits.h>
#include <CGAL/Range_tree_k.h>
typedef CGAL::Cartesian<double> K;
typedef CGAL::Range_tree_map_traits_2<K, char> Traits;
typedef CGAL::Range_tree_2<Traits> Range_tree_2_type;
typedef Traits::Key Key;
typedef Traits::Interval Interval;
Range_tree_2_type *Range_tree_2 = new Range_tree_2_type;
void create_tree() {
typedef Traits::Key Key;
typedef Traits::Interval Interval;
std::vector<Key> InputList, OutputList;
InputList.push_back(Key(K::Point_2(8,5.1), 'a'));
InputList.push_back(Key(K::Point_2(1.0,1.1), 'b'));
InputList.push_back(Key(K::Point_2(3,2.1), 'c'));
Interval win(Interval(K::Point_2(1,2.1),K::Point_2(8.1,8.2)));
std::cout << "\n Window Query:\n";
Range_tree_2->window_query(win, std::back_inserter(OutputList));
std::vector<Key>::iterator current=OutputList.begin();
std::cout << " " << (*current).first.x() << "," << (*current).first.y()
<< ":" << (*current).second << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n Done\n";
void initcreate_tree() {;}
using namespace boost::python;
def("create_tree", create_tree, "");
``` Cpp
// setup.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
Extension("test", ["test.cpp"],
libraries = ["boost_python"])
We then compile and run the module as follows:
`$ python setup.py build`\
`$ cd build/lib*`\
`$ python`\
`>>> import test`\
`>>> test.create_tree()`\
`Window Query:`\
` 3,2.1:c`\
` 8,5.1:a`\
## Handling Python objects and errors
One can also handle more complex data, e.g. Python objects like lists.
The attributes are accessed with the extract function executed on the
objects \"attr\" function output. We can also throw errors by telling
the library that an error has occurred and returning. In the following
case, we have written a C++ function called \"afunction\" which we want
to call. The function takes an integer N and a vector of length N as
input, we have to convert the python list to a vector of strings before
calling the function.
``` Cpp
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void _afunction_wrapper(int N, boost::python::list mapping) {
int mapping_length = boost::python::extract<int>(mapping.attr("__len__")());
//Do Error checking, the mapping needs to be at least as long as N
if (mapping_length < N) {
"The string mapping must be at least of length N");
vector<string> mystrings(mapping_length);
for (int i=0; i<mapping_length; i++) {
mystrings[i] = boost::python::extract<char const *>(mapping[i]);
//now call our C++ function
_afunction(N, mystrings);
using namespace boost::python;
def("afunction", _afunction_wrapper);
## External links
- Boost.Python, boost.org
- pybind11, pypi.org
# Python Programming/Extending with Pyrex
Pyrex is a compiler of Python-like source code to the C language,
intended to make it relatively easy for Python programmers to write fast
Python extension modules without having to learn the C language.
../Cython/ is an actively developed derivative
of Pyrex. Pyrex is no longer actively developed, the last stable release
being from 2010.
- Pyrex - a Language for Writing Python Extension
- Pyrex (programming
language) "wikilink"),
# Python Programming/Extending with ctypes
ctypes1 is a foreign function
interface module for Python
(included with Python 2.5 and above), which allows you to load in
dynamic libraries and call C functions. This is not technically
extending Python, but it serves one of the primary reasons for extending
Python: to interface with external C code.
## Basics
A library is loaded using the `ctypes.CDLL` function. After you load the
library, the functions inside the library are already usable as regular
Python calls. For example, if we wanted to forego the standard Python
print statement and use the standard C library function, `printf`, you
would use this:
``` python
from ctypes import *
libName = 'libc.so' # If you're on a UNIX-based system
libName = 'msvcrt.dll' # If you're on Windows
libc = CDLL(libName)
libc.printf("Hello, World!\n")
Of course, you must use the libName line that matches your operating
system, and delete the other. If all goes well, you should see the
infamous Hello World string at your console.
## Getting Return Values
ctypes assumes, by default, that any given function\'s return type is a
signed integer of native size. Sometimes you don\'t want the function to
return anything, and other times, you want the function to return other
types. Every ctypes function has an attribute called `restype`. When you
assign a ctypes class to `restype`, it automatically casts the
function\'s return value to that type.
### Common Types
ctypes name C type Python type Notes
------------- -------------------- ------------- -----------------
None void None the None object
c_bool C99 \_Bool bool
c_byte signed char int
c_char signed char str length of one
c_char_p char \* str
c_double double float
c_float float float
c_int signed int int
c_long signed long long
c_longlong signed long long long
c_short signed short long
c_ubyte unsigned char int
c_uint unsigned int int
c_ulong unsigned long long
c_ulonglong unsigned long long long
c_ushort unsigned short int
c_void_p void \* int
c_wchar wchar_t unicode length of one
c_wchar_p wchar_t \* unicode
# Python Programming/Extending with Perl
It is possible to call Perl functions and modules in Python. One way to
do that is the PyPerl Module. It
is not developed actively any more and for it to work in newer versions,
one has to use
version and apply the patches.
``` python
import perl
perl.eval( "use lib './' ")
perl.require( 'Module::ModuleName' )
obj = perl.callm("new", 'Module::ModuleName' )
obj[ '_attr1' ] = 9
obj[ '_attr2' ] = 42
It is thus possible to handle Perl objects, change their attributes and
call their methods.
## See also
- <http://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratingPythonWithOtherLanguages#Perl>
# Python Programming/Popularity
The popularity of a programming language is one factor that people
consider when choosing a language for a task or a project. Beware that
even a good programming language can be unpopular.
The popularity of Python can be determined with the help of various
indices, which are not identical to the real popularity in the real
world. While the statistics are linked from the external links section
below, it is advisable that you use them with a grain of salt.
Python is the main scripting language used by Google, per Google Python
Style Guide.
Python is embedded in various software packages to support their
extensibility and automation, including Gimp and Inkscape; see also
Wikipedia\'s W:Python
(programming_language)#Uses#Uses "wikilink")
and W:List of Python software#Embedded as a scripting
## External links
- Tiobe index, tiobe.com
- PYPL PopularitY of Programming
Languages, pypl.github.io
- RedMonk
redmonk.com, combines Stack Overflow data with GitHub data
- The 2015 Top Ten Programming
spectrum.ieee.org, 2015
- W:Measuring programming language
- W:Programming languages used in most popular
- W:Python
(programming_language) "wikilink")
- W:List of Python software
- Google Python Style
- Python Success Stories,
- Organizations using
# Python Programming/Links
Web resources:
- The Python.org documents section
- Current Python 2.x documentation
- Current Python 3.x documentation
- Python Wiki at python.org
- Python IDEs
Online books:
- Dive into Python by Mark Pilgrim,
a free book published under GNU Free Documentation License, with
around 100 000 words
- Text Processing in Python, a book by David
Mertz, published by Addison Wesley
- Introduction to Python Programming with
NCLab, a book available as a
single PDF, with around 44 000 words
- Invent Your Own Computer Games with
Python - A complete eBook for total
beginners available for free under a Creative Commons license.
- Making Games with Python &
Pygame - A Creative
Commons-licensed book that covers the Pygame library.
- Hacking Secret Ciphers with
Python - A Creative
Commons-licensed book for complete beginners with a focus on
- Python Programming
Tutorials \--
a list of Python tutorials
- ActiveState Python
Cookbook \-- a
collection of Python recipes
- Dev Shed\'s Python Tutorials
\-- a collection of Python articles
- Python Tutorials at
- Python 101 \-- Introduction to
Python by
Dave Kuhlman, around 9000 words
- Category:Python,
# Python Programming/Library Modules
This is a list of python modules in the standard library as of Python
- \_\_future\_\_: Future statement definitions
- \_\_main\_\_: The environment where the top-level script is run.
- \_dummy_thread: Drop-in replacement for the \_thread module.
- \_thread: Low-level threading API.
- abc: Abstract base classes according to PEP 3119.
- aifc: Read and write audio files in AIFF or AIFC format.
- argparse: Command-line option and argument parsing library.
- array: Space efficient arrays of uniformly typed numeric values.
- ast: Abstract Syntax Tree classes and manipulation.
- asynchat: Support for asynchronous command/response protocols.
- asyncio: Asynchronous I/O, event loop, coroutines and tasks.
- asyncore: A base class for developing asynchronous socket handling
- atexit: Register and execute cleanup functions.
- audioop: Manipulate raw audio data.
- base64: RFC 3548: Base16, Base32, Base64 Data Encodings; Base85 and
- bdb: Debugger framework.
- binascii: Tools for converting between binary and various
ASCII-encoded binary representations.
- binhex: Encode and decode files in binhex4 format.
- bisect: Array bisection algorithms for binary searching.
- builtins: The module that provides the built-in namespace.
- bz2: Interfaces for bzip2 compression and decompression.
- calendar: Functions for working with calendars, including some
emulation of the Unix cal program.
- cgi: Helpers for running Python scripts via the Common Gateway
- cgitb: Configurable traceback handler for CGI scripts.
- chunk: Module to read IFF chunks.
- cmath: Mathematical functions for complex numbers.
- cmd: Build line-oriented command interpreters.
- code: Facilities to implement read-eval-print loops.
- codecs: Encode and decode data and streams.
- codeop: Compile (possibly incomplete) Python code.
- collections: Container datatypes
- colorsys: Conversion functions between RGB and other color systems.
- compileall: Tools for byte-compiling all Python source files in a
directory tree.
- concurrent:
- configparser: Configuration file parser.
- contextlib: Utilities for with-statement contexts.
- copy: Shallow and deep copy operations.
- copyreg: Register pickle support functions.
- cProfile
- crypt (Unix): The crypt() function used to check Unix passwords.
- csv: Write and read tabular data to and from delimited files.
- ctypes: A foreign function library for Python.
- curses (Unix): An interface to the curses library, providing
portable terminal handling.
- datetime: Basic date and time types.
- dbm: Interfaces to various Unix \"database\" formats.
- decimal: Implementation of the General Decimal Arithmetic
- difflib: Helpers for computing differences between objects.
- dis: Disassembler for Python bytecode.
- distutils: Support for building and installing Python modules into
an existing Python installation.
- doctest: Test pieces of code within docstrings.
- dummy_threading: Drop-in replacement for the threading module.
- email: Package supporting the parsing, manipulating, and generating
email messages.
- encodings:
- ensurepip: Bootstrapping the \"pip\" installer into an existing
Python installation or virtual environment.
- enum: Implementation of an enumeration class.
- errno: Standard errno system symbols.
- faulthandler: Dump the Python traceback.
- fcntl (Unix): The fcntl() and ioctl() system calls.
- filecmp: Compare files efficiently.
- fileinput: Loop over standard input or a list of files.
- fnmatch: Unix shell style filename pattern matching.
- formatter: Deprecated: Generic output formatter and device
- fpectl (Unix): Provide control for floating point exception
- fractions: Rational numbers.
- ftplib: FTP protocol client (requires sockets).
- functools: Higher-order functions and operations on callable
- gc: Interface to the cycle-detecting garbage collector.
- getopt: Portable parser for command line options; support both short
and long option names.
- getpass: Portable reading of passwords and retrieval of the userid.
- gettext: Multilingual internationalization services.
- glob: Unix shell style pathname pattern expansion.
- grp (Unix): The group database (getgrnam() and friends).
- gzip: Interfaces for gzip compression and decompression using file
- hashlib: Secure hash and message digest algorithms.
- heapq: Heap queue algorithm (a.k.a. priority queue).
- hmac: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication (HMAC) implementation
- html: Helpers for manipulating HTML.
- http: HTTP status codes and messages
- imaplib: IMAP4 protocol client (requires sockets).
- imghdr: Determine the type of image contained in a file or byte
- imp: Deprecated: Access the implementation of the import statement.
- importlib: The implementation of the import machinery.
- inspect: Extract information and source code from live objects.
- io: Core tools for working with streams.
- ipaddress: IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library.
- itertools: Functions creating iterators for efficient looping.
- json: Encode and decode the JSON format.
- keyword: Test whether a string is a keyword in Python.
- lib2to3: the 2to3 library
- linecache: This module provides random access to individual lines
from text files.
- locale: Internationalization services.
- logging: Flexible event logging system for applications.
- lzma: A Python wrapper for the liblzma compression library.
- macpath: Mac OS 9 path manipulation functions.
- mailbox: Manipulate mailboxes in various formats
- mailcap: Mailcap file handling.
- marshal: Convert Python objects to streams of bytes and back (with
different constraints).
- math: Mathematical functions (sin() etc.).
- mimetypes: Mapping of filename extensions to MIME types.
- mmap: Interface to memory-mapped files for Unix and Windows.
- modulefinder: Find modules used by a script.
- msilib (Windows): Creation of Microsoft Installer files, and CAB
- msvcrt (Windows): Miscellaneous useful routines from the MS VC++
- multiprocessing: Process-based parallelism.
- netrc: Loading of .netrc files.
- nis (Unix): Interface to Sun\'s NIS (Yellow Pages) library.
- nntplib: NNTP protocol client (requires sockets).
- numbers: Numeric abstract base classes (Complex, Real, Integral,
- operator: Functions corresponding to the standard operators.
- optparse: Deprecated: Command-line option parsing library.
- os: Miscellaneous operating system interfaces.
- ossaudiodev (Linux, FreeBSD): Access to OSS-compatible audio
- parser: Access parse trees for Python source code.
- pathlib: Object-oriented filesystem paths
- pdb: The Python debugger for interactive interpreters.
- pickle: Convert Python objects to streams of bytes and back.
- pickletools: Contains extensive comments about the pickle protocols
and pickle-machine opcodes, as well as some useful functions.
- pipes (Unix): A Python interface to Unix shell pipelines.
- pkgutil: Utilities for the import system.
- platform: Retrieves as much platform identifying data as possible.
- plistlib: Generate and parse Mac OS X plist files.
- poplib: POP3 protocol client (requires sockets).
- posix (Unix): The most common POSIX system calls (normally used via
module os).
- pprint: Data pretty printer.
- profile: Python source profiler.
- pstats: Statistics object for use with the profiler.
- pty (Linux): Pseudo-Terminal Handling for Linux.
- pwd (Unix): The password database (getpwnam() and friends).
- py_compile: Generate byte-code files from Python source files.
- pyclbr: Supports information extraction for a Python class browser.
- pydoc: Documentation generator and online help system.
- queue: A synchronized queue class.
- quopri: Encode and decode files using the MIME quoted-printable
- random: Generate pseudo-random numbers with various common
- re: Regular expression operations.
- readline (Unix): GNU readline support for Python.
- reprlib: Alternate repr() implementation with size limits.
- resource (Unix): An interface to provide resource usage information
on the current process.
- rlcompleter: Python identifier completion, suitable for the GNU
readline library.
- runpy: Locate and run Python modules without importing them first.
- sched: General purpose event scheduler.
- secrets: Generate secure random numbers for managing secrets.
- select: Wait for I/O completion on multiple streams.
- selectors: High-level I/O multiplexing.
- shelve: Python object persistence.
- shlex: Simple lexical analysis for Unix shell-like languages.
- shutil: High-level file operations, including copying.
- signal: Set handlers for asynchronous events.
- site: Module responsible for site-specific configuration.
- smtpd: A SMTP server implementation in Python.
- smtplib: SMTP protocol client (requires sockets).
- sndhdr: Determine type of a sound file.
- socket: Low-level networking interface.
- socketserver: A framework for network servers.
- spwd (Unix): The shadow password database (getspnam() and friends).
- sqlite3: A DB-API 2.0 implementation using SQLite 3.x.
- ssl: TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects
- stat: Utilities for interpreting the results of os.stat(),
os.lstat() and os.fstat().
- statistics: mathematical statistics functions
- string: Common string operations.
- stringprep: String preparation, as per RFC 3453
- struct: Interpret bytes as packed binary data.
- subprocess: Subprocess management.
- sunau: Provide an interface to the Sun AU sound format.
- symbol: Constants representing internal nodes of the parse tree.
- symtable: Interface to the compiler\'s internal symbol tables.
- sys: Access system-specific parameters and functions.
- sysconfig: Python\'s configuration information
- syslog (Unix): An interface to the Unix syslog library routines.
- tabnanny: Tool for detecting white space related problems in Python
source files in a directory tree.
- tarfile: Read and write tar-format archive files.
- telnetlib: Telnet client class.
- tempfile: Generate temporary files and directories.
- termios (Unix): POSIX style tty control.
- test: Regression tests package containing the testing suite for
- textwrap: Text wrapping and filling
- threading: Thread-based parallelism.
- time: Time access and conversions.
- timeit: Measure the execution time of small code snippets.
- tkinter: Interface to Tcl/Tk for graphical user interfaces
- token: Constants representing terminal nodes of the parse tree.
- tokenize: Lexical scanner for Python source code.
- trace: Trace or track Python statement execution.
- traceback: Print or retrieve a stack traceback.
- tracemalloc: Trace memory allocations.
- tty (Unix): Utility functions that perform common terminal control
- turtle: An educational framework for simple graphics applications
- turtledemo: A viewer for example turtle scripts
- types: Names for built-in types.
- typing: Support for type hints (see PEP 484).
- unicodedata: Access the Unicode Database.
- unittest: Unit testing framework for Python.
- urllib:
- uu: Encode and decode files in uuencode format.
- uuid: UUID objects (universally unique identifiers) according to RFC
- venv: Creation of virtual environments.
- warnings: Issue warning messages and control their disposition.
- wave: Provide an interface to the WAV sound format.
- weakref: Support for weak references and weak dictionaries.
- webbrowser: Easy-to-use controller for Web browsers.
- winreg (Windows): Routines and objects for manipulating the Windows
- winsound (Windows): Access to the sound-playing machinery for
- wsgiref: WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementation.
- xdrlib: Encoders and decoders for the External Data Representation
- xml: Package containing XML processing modules
- zipapp: Manage executable python zip archives
- zipfile: Read and write ZIP-format archive files.
- zipimport: support for importing Python modules from ZIP archives.
- zlib: Low-level interface to compression and decompression routines
compatible with gzip.
# Python Programming/Naming conventions
There are various naming conventions used in Python programs.
PEP 0008 specifies naming conventions for class names (e.g.
GenericTree), package and module names (e.g. generictree and
generic_tree), function and variable names (storestate or store_state;
mixedCase is dispreferred), and more. Google Python Style Guide follows
similar naming conventions.
The above stands in contrast to Java naming convention (e.g. storeState
for method names) and C# naming convention (e.g. StoreState for method
In Python 2, the standard library contains multiple deviations from PEP
0008. For instance, Tkinter module is spelled as Tkinter with capital T;
this was renamed to tkinter in Python 3.
## External links
- Naming
in PEP 0008: Style Guide for Python Code, python.org
- Naming in
Google Python Style Guide, google.github.io
- pycodestyle - Python
style guide checker, pypi.python.org
- Modules to
in PEP 3108, python.org
- W:Naming convention
(programming) "wikilink")
# Ada Programming/All Chapters
!Ada. Time-tested, safe and
\_\_NOEDITSECTION\_\_ \_\_TOC\_\_
# Preface
# Basic Ada
# Installing
# Building
# Control Statements
# Type System
# Integer types
# Unsigned integer types
# Enumerations
# Floating point types
# Fixed point types
# Arrays
# Records
# Access types
# Limited types
# Strings
# Subprograms
# Packages
# Input Output
# Exceptions
# Generics
# Tasking
# Object Orientation
# New in Ada 2005
# Containers
# Interfacing
# Coding Standards
# Tips
# Common Errors
# Algorithms
# Chapter 1
# Chapter 6
# Knuth-Morris-Pratt pattern matcher
# Binary Search
# Function overloading
# Mathematical calculations
# Statements
# Variables
# Lexical elements
# Keywords
# Delimiters
# Operators
# Attributes
# Pragmas
# Libraries
# Libraries: Standard
# Libraries: Ada
# Libraries: Interfaces
# Libraries: System
# Libraries: GNAT
# Libraries: Multi-Purpose
# Libraries: Container
# Libraries: GUI
# Libraries: Distributed Systems
# Libraries: Databases
# Libraries: Web
# Libraries: Input Output
# Platform Support
# Platform: Linux
# Platform: Windows
# Platform: Virtual Machines
# Portals
# Tutorials
# Web 2.0
All Chapters All
# Ada Programming/Installing
Ada compilers are available from
several vendors, on a variety of host and target platforms. The Ada
Resource Association maintains a list of
available compilers.
Below is an alphabetical list of available compilers with additional
## AdaMagic from SofCheck
SofCheck used to produce an Ada 95 front-end that can be plugged into a
code generating back-end to produce a full compiler. This front-end is
offered for licensing to compiler vendors.
Based on this front-end, SofCheck used to offer:
- AdaMagic, an Ada-to-C/C++ translator
- AppletMagic, an
Ada-to-Java bytecode
SofCheck has
merged with
AdaCore under the AdaCore name, leaving no visible trace of AdaMagic
offering on AdaCore website.
However, MapuSoft is now licensed to resell AdaMagic. They renamed it to
\"Ada-to-C/C++ changer\".
New name sounds like fake. Almost no Ada developer heard of MapuSoft.
MapuSoft is never seen making Ada libraries, commercial or FLOSS. They
are never seen at Ada conferences. Yet this is a real stuff, a validated
Ada compiler that knows lots of tricks required to work on top of C/C++
compilers. E.g. it contains a proven knowledge of handling integer
overflow with a special \"-1\" case.
Thanks to MapuSoft, AdaMagic really became available to developers. Get
AppCOE, but not Win64
one, install it. In the MapuSoft/AppCOE_x32/Tools/Ada there will be
AdaMagic. AdaMagic is known to support Win64, but AppCOE for Win64 is
known to contain no AdaMagic at all.
Using AdaMagic from command line is badly supported in AppCOE, but
possible. Set up ADA_MAGIC environment variable, edit
Tools/Ada/{linux\|windows}/SITE/rts_path to point to real path, edit
SITE/config to get rid of unsupported C compiler keys, and compile via
``` bash
adareg -key=`test_key | sed -e '/md5/!d;s/md5 = //'` Hello_World.adb
adabgen -key=`test_key | sed -e '/md5/!d;s/md5 = //'` Hello_World
Commercial; proprietary.
## AdaMULTI from Green Hills Software
Green Hills Software sells development environments for multiple
languages and multiple targets (including
DSPs), primarily to embedded
software developers.
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, C, C++, Fortran
---------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library Proprietary, royalty free.
Native platforms GNU/Linux on i386, Microsoft Windows on i386, and Solaris on SPARC
Cross platforms INTEGRITY, INTEGRITY-178B and velOSity from Green Hills; VxWorks from Wind River; several bare board targets, including x86, PowerPC, ARM, MIPS and ColdFire/68k. Safety-critical GMART and GSTART run-time libraries certified to DO-178B level A.
Available from <http://www.ghs.com/>
Support Commercial
Add-ons included IDE, debugger, TimeMachine, integration with various version control systems, source browsers, other utilities
GHS claims to make great efforts to ensure that their compilers produce
the most efficient code and often cites the
EEMBC benchmark results as evidence, since many
of the results published by chip manufacturers use GHS compilers to show
their silicon in the best light, although these benchmarks are not Ada
GHS has no publicly announced plans to support the two most recent Ada
standards (2005 and 2012) but they do continue to actively market and
develop their existing Ada products.
## DEC Ada from HP
DEC Ada was an Ada 83 compiler for OpenVMS.
While "DEC Ada" is probably the name most users know, the compiler has
also been called "HP Ada", \"VAX Ada\", and \"Compaq Ada\".
- Ada for OpenVMS Alpha Installation
- Ada for OpenVMS VAX Installation
## GNAT, the GNU Ada Compiler from AdaCore and the Free Software Foundation
GNAT is the free GNU Ada compiler, which is
part of the GNU Compiler
Collection. It is the
only Ada compiler that supports all of the optional annexes of the
language standard. The original authors formed the company
AdaCore to offer professional support,
consulting, training and custom development services. It is thus
possible to obtain GNAT from many different sources, detailed below.
GNAT is always licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
However, the run-time library uses either the
GPL, or the GNAT
depending on where you obtain it.
Several optional add-ons are available from various places:
- ASIS, the Ada Semantic Interface
is a library that allows Ada programs to examine and manipulate
other Ada programs.
- FLORIST is a library
that provides a POSIX programming interface to the operating system.
- GDB, the GNU Debugger, with Ada extensions.
- GLADE implements Annex E, the Distributed Systems Annex. With it,
one can write distributed programs in Ada, where partitions of the
program running on different computers communicate over the network
with one another and with shared objects.
- GPS, the GNAT Programming Studio, is a full-featured integrated
development environment, written in Ada. It allows you to code in
Ada, C and C++.
Many Free Software libraries are also available.
### GNAT GPL (or Community) Edition
As of may 2022, AdaCore no longer supports GNAT GPL. It has been
replaced with Alire, a package manager for Ada
sources, which also provides toolchains. The following is no longer
relevant for post May 2022 users.
This is a source and binary release from AdaCore, intended for use by
Free Software developers only. If you want to distribute your binary
programs linked with the GPL run-time library, then you must do so under
terms compatible with the GNU General Public License.
As of GNAT GPL Edition 2013:
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, Ada 2012, C, C++
---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library pure GPL
Native platforms GNU/Linux on x86_64; Microsoft Windows on i386; ; Mac OS X (Darwin, x86_64). Earlier releases have supported Solaris on SPARC, GNU/Linux on i386, Microsoft .NET on i386
Cross platforms AVR, hosted on Windows; Java VM, hosted on Windows; Mindstorms NXT, hosted on Windows; ARM, hosted on Windows and Linux;
Compiler back-end GCC 4.9
Available from <https://www.adacore.com/download>
Support None
Add-ons included GDB, GPS in source and binary form; many more in source-only form.
### GNAT Modified GPL releases
With these releases of GNAT, you can distribute your programs in binary
form under licensing terms of your own choosing; you are not bound by
the GPL.
#### GNAT 3.15p
This is the last public release of GNAT from AdaCore that uses the GNAT
Modified General Public
GNAT 3.15p has passed the Ada Conformity Assessment Test
(ACATS). It was released in October 2002.
The binary distribution from AdaCore also contains an Ada-aware version
of the GNU Debugger (GDB), and a graphical
front-end to GDB called the GNU Visual Debugger (GVD).
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, C
---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library GNAT-modified GPL
Native platforms GNU/Linux on i386 (with glibc 2.1 or later), Microsoft Windows on i386, OS/2 2.0 or later on i386, Solaris 2.5 or later on SPARC
Cross platforms none
Compiler back-end GCC 2.8.1
Available from <ftp://ftp.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/Ada-Belgium/mirrors/gnu-ada/3.15p/>
Support None
Add-ons included ASIS, Florist, GLADE, GDB, Gnatwin (on Windows only), GtkAda 1.2, GVD
#### GNAT Pro
GNAT Pro is the professional version of GNAT, offered as a subscription
package by AdaCore. The package also includes professional consulting,
training and maintenance services. AdaCore can provide custom versions
of the compiler for native or cross development. For more information,
see <http://www.adacore.com/>.
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, Ada 2012, C, and optionally C++
---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library GNAT-modified GPL
Native platforms many, see <http://www.adacore.com/home/products/gnatpro/supported_platforms/>
Cross platforms many, see <http://www.adacore.com/home/products/gnatpro/supported_platforms/>; even more on request
Compiler back-end GCC 4.3
Available from <http://www.adacore.com/> by subscription (commercial)
Support Commercial; customer-only bug database
Add-ons included ASIS, Florist, GDB, GLADE, GPS, GtkAda, XML/Ada, and many more in source and, on request, binary form.
#### GCC
GNAT has been part of the Free Software
Foundation\'s GCC since
October 2001. The Free Software Foundation does not distribute binaries,
only sources. Its licensing of the run-time library for Ada (and other
languages) allows the development of proprietary software without
necessarily imposing the terms of the
Most GNU/Linux distributions and several distributions for other
platforms include prebuilt binaries; see below.
For technical reasons, we recommend against using the Ada compilers
included in GCC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 4.0. Instead, we recommend using GCC
3.4, 4.1 or later, or one of the releases from
AdaCore (3.15p, GPL Edition or Pro).
Since October 2003, AdaCore merge most of their changes from GNAT Pro
into GCC during Stage 1; this
happens once for each major release. Since GCC 3.4, AdaCore has
gradually added support for revised language standards, first Ada 2005
and now Ada 2012.
GCC version 4.4 switched to version 3 of the GNU General Public
License and grants a Runtime
Library Exception
similar in spirit to the GNAT Modified General Public
License used
in all previous versions. This Runtime Library Exception applies to
run-time libraries for all languages, not just Ada.
As of GCC 4.7, released on 2012-03-22:
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, parts of Ada 2012, C, C++, Fortran 95, Java, Objective-C, Objective-C++ (and others)
---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library GPL version 3 with Runtime Library Exception
Native platforms none (source only)
Cross platforms none (source only)
Compiler back-end GCC 4.7
Available from <http://gcc.gnu.org/> in source only form.
Support Volunteer; public bug database
Add-ons included none
### The GNU Ada Project
The GNU Ada Project provides source and
binary packages of various GNAT versions for several operating systems,
and, importantly, the scripts used to create the packages. This may be
helpful if you plan to port the compiler to another platform or create a
cross-compiler; there are instructions for building your own GNAT
compiler for
GNU/Linux and
Mac OS
Both GPL and
Runtime Library
Exception versions of
GNAT are available.
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, C. `<small>`{=html}(Some distributions also support Ada 2012, Fortran 90, Java, Objective C and Objective C++)`</small>`{=html}
---------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library pure, GNAT-modified GPL, or GCC Runtime Library Exception
Native platforms Fedora Core 4 and 5, MS-DOS, OS/2, Solaris 10, SuSE 10, Mac OS X, `<small>`{=html}(more?)`</small>`{=html}
Cross platforms none
Compiler back-end GCC 2.8.1, 3.4, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 `<small>`{=html}(various binary packages)`</small>`{=html}
Available from Sourceforge
Support Volunteer; public bug database
Add-ons included AdaBrowse, ASIS, Booch Components, Charles, GPS, GtkAda `<small>`{=html}(more?)`</small>`{=html}
### A# (A-Sharp, a.k.a. Ada for .NET)
This compiler is historical as it has now been merged into GNAT GPL
Edition and GNAT
A# is a port of Ada to the .NET
Platform. A# was originally
developed at the Department of Computer Science at the United States Air
Force Academy which distribute A# as a service to the Ada community
under the terms of the GNU general public license. A# integrates well
with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, AdaGIDE and the RAPID open-source GUI
Design tool. As of 2006-06-06:
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, C
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library pure GPL
Native platforms Microsoft .NET
Cross platforms none
Compiler back-end GCC 3.4 (GNAT GPL 2006 Edition?)
Available from <http://sourceforge.net/projects/asharp/>
Support None (but see GNAT Pro)
Add-ons included none.
### GNAT for AVR microcontrollers
Rolf Ebert and others provide a version of GNAT configured as a
cross-compiler to various AVR
microcontrollers, as well as an
experimental Ada run-time library suitable for use on the
microcontrollers. As of Version 1.1.0 (2010-02-25):
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, C
---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library GNAT-Modified GPL
Host platforms GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows on i386
Target platforms Various AVR 8-bit microcontrollers
Compiler back-end GCC 4.7
Available from <http://avr-ada.sourceforge.net/>
Support Volunteer; public bug database
Add-ons included partial Ada run time system, AVR peripherals support library
### GNAT for LEON
The Real-Time Research Group of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM,
*Universidad Politécnica de Madrid*) wrote a
Ravenscar-compliant real-time kernel
for execution on LEON processors and a modified
run-time library. They also provide a GNAT cross-compiler. As of version
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, C
---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library pure GPL
Native platforms none
Cross platforms GNU/Linux on i686 to LEON2 bare boards
Compiler back-end GCC 4.1 (GNAT GPL 2007 Edition)
Available from <http://www.dit.upm.es/ork/>
Support ?
Add-ons included OpenRavenscar real-time kernel; minimal run-time library
### GNAT for Macintosh (Mac OS X)
GNAT for Macintosh provides both FSF (GMGPL)
and AdaCore (GPL) versions of GNAT with
Xcode and Carbon "wikilink")
integration and bindings.
Note that this site was last updated for GCC 4.3 and Mac OS X Leopard
(both PowerPC and Intel-based). Aside from the work on integration with
Apple's Carbon graphical user interface and with Xcode 3.1 it may be
preferable to see above.
There is also support at
the last update (at 25 Nov 2011) was for GCC 4.4.2.
### Prebuilt packages as part of larger distributions
Many distributions contain prebuilt binaries of GCC or various public
releases of GNAT from AdaCore. Quality varies widely between
distributions. The list of distributions below is in alphabetical oder.
*(Please keep it that way.)*
#### AIDE (for Microsoft Windows)
AIDE --- Ada Instant Development
Environment is a complete
one-click, just-works Ada distribution for Windows, consisting of GNAT,
comprehensive documentation, tools and libraries. All are precompiled,
and source code is also available. The installation procedure is
particularly easy (just unzip to default c:\\aide and run). AIDE is
intended for beginners and teachers, but can also be used by advanced
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, C
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library GNAT-modified GPL
Native platforms Microsoft Windows on i386
Cross platforms none
Compiler back-end GCC 2.8.1
Available from <https://stef.genesix.org/aide/aide.html>
Support [email protected]
Add-ons included ASIS, GDB, GPS, GtkAda, Texinfo (more?)
#### Cygwin (for Microsoft Windows)
Cygwin, the Linux-like environment for Windows,
also contains a version of the
compiler. The Cygwin version of
GNAT is older than the MinGW
version and does not support DLLs and Multi-Threading
`<small>`{=html}(as of 11.2004)`</small>`{=html}.
#### Debian (GNU/Linux and GNU/kFreeBSD)
There is a Debian Policy for
Ada which
tries to make Debian the best Ada development *and deployment* platform.
The development platform includes the compiler and many libraries,
pre-packaged and integrated so as to be easy to use in any program. The
deployment platform is the renowned
*stable* distribution, which
is suitable for mission-critical workloads and enjoys long life cycles,
typically 3 to 4 years. Because Debian is a binary distribution, it is
possible to deploy non-free, binary-only programs on it while enjoying
all the benefits of a stable platform. Compiler choices are conservative
for this reason, and the Policy mandates that all Ada programs and
libraries be compiled with the same version of GNAT. This makes it
possible to use all libraries in the same program. Debian separates
run-time libraries from development packages, so that end users do not
have to install the development system just to run a program.
The GNU Ada compiler can be installed on a Debian system with this
`aptitude install gnat`
This will also give you a list of related packages, which are likely to
be useful for an Ada programmer.
Debian is unique in that it also allows programmers to use some of
GNAT\'s internal components by means of two libraries:
- libgnatvsn (licensed under GNAT-Modified GPL) and
- libgnatprj (the project manager, licensed under pure GPL).
Debian packages make use of these libraries.
In the table below, the information about the future Debian 8.0 *Jessie*
is accurate as of October 2014 and will change.
3.1 *Sarge* 4.0 *Etch* 5.0 *Lenny* 6.0 *Squeeze* 7.0 *Wheezy* 8.0 *Jessie*
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------- ---------------- -----------------
Release date June 2005 April 2007 February 2009 February 2011 May 2013 April 2015
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, C +Ada 2005, parts of Ada 2012, C, C++, Fortran 95, Java, Objective-C, Objective-C++ +Ada 2012
License for the run-time library GNAT-modified GPL (both ZCX and SJLJ versions starting from 5.0 *Lenny*) GPL version 3 with Run-time library exception
Native platforms: 3.1 *Sarge* 4.0 *Etch* 5.0 *Lenny* 6.0 *Squeeze* 7.0 *Wheezy* 8.0 *Jessie*
`alpha` yes yes
`amd64` yes yes yes yes yes
`armel` preliminary yes yes
`armhf` yes yes
`hppa` yes yes yes
`hurd-i386` yes yes
`i386` yes yes yes yes yes yes
`ia64` yes yes yes yes
`kfreebsd-amd64` yes yes yes
`kfreebsd-i386` yes yes yes yes yes
`mips` yes yes yes yes yes
`mipsel` yes yes yes yes yes
`powerpc` yes yes yes yes yes yes
`ppc64` yes yes yes yes
`s390` yes yes yes yes s390x
`sparc` yes yes yes yes yes yes
Cross platforms none
Compiler back-end GCC 2.8.1 GCC 4.1 GCC 4.3 GCC 4.4 GCC 4.6 GCC 4.9
Available from <http://www.debian.org/>
Support Volunteer; public bug database; paid support available from third parties; public mailing list
Add-ons included 3.1 *Sarge* 4.0 *Etch* 5.0 *Lenny* 6.0 *Squeeze* 7.0 *Wheezy* 8.0 *Jessie*
ada-reference-manual 1995 1995 1995 2005 2012 2012
AdaBindX 0.7.2
AdaBrowse 4.0.2 4.0.2 4.0.2 4.0.3 4.0.3 \-
AdaCGI 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
AdaControl 1.6r8 1.9r4 1.12r3 1.12r3 1.16r11
APQ (with PostgreSQL) 3.0 3.2 3.2
AdaSockets 1.8.8 1.8.10 1.8.11
Ahven 1.2 1.7 2.1 2.4
Alog 0.1 0.3 0.4.1 \-
anet 0.1 0.3.1
ASIS 3.15p 2005 2007 2008 2010 2014
AUnit 1.01 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 3.7.1
AWS 2.0 2.2 2.5 prerelease 2.7 2.10.2 3.2.0
Charles 2005-02-17 (superseded by Ada.Containers in gnat)
Florist 3.15p 2006 2006 2009 2011 2014
GDB 5.3 6.4 6.8 7.0.1 7.4.1 7.7.1
GLADE 3.15p 2006 (superseded by PolyORB)
GMPAda 0.0.20091124 0.0.20120331 0.0.20131223
GNADE 1.5.1 1.6.1 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.2 \-
GNAT Checker 1999-05-19 (superseded by AdaControl)
GPRBuild 1.3.0w 2011 2014
GPS 2.1 4.0.1 4.0.1 4.3 5.0 5.3
GtkAda 2.4 2.8.1 2.8.1 2.14.2 2.24.1 2.24.4
Log4Ada 1.0 1.2 1.2
Narval 1.10.2
OpenToken 3.0b 3.0b 3.0b 4.0b 4.0b 5.0a
PC/SC Ada 0.6 0.7.1 0.7.2
PolyORB 2.6 prerelease 2.8 prerelease 2.11 prerelease
PLPlot 5.9.0 5.9.5 5.9.5 5.10.0
Templates Parser 10.0+20060522 11.1 11.5 11.6 11.8
TextTools 2.0.3 2.0.3 2.0.5 2.0.6 2.1.0
XML/Ada 1.0 2.2 3.0 3.2 4.1 4.4
XML-EZ-out 1.06 1.06.1 1.06.1
The ADT plugin for Eclipse (see section ObjectAda from
Aonix) can be used with GNAT as
packaged for Debian Etch. Specify \"/usr\" as the toolchain path.
#### DJGPP (for MS-DOS)
DJGPP has GNAT as part of their
GCC distribution.
DJGPP is a port of a comprehensive
collection of GNU utilities to MS-DOS with 32-bit extensions, and is
actively supported (as of 1.2005). It includes the whole
GCC compiler collection, that now includes Ada. See
the DJGPP website for installation
DJGPP programs run also in a DOS command box in Windows, as well as in
native MS-DOS systems.
#### FreeBSD and DragonFly
FreeBSD\'s ports
collection has an Ada framework with an
expanding set of software packages. The Framework is currently built by
FSF GCC 6.3.1, although FSF GCC 5.4 can optionally be used instead. The
AdaCore GPL compilers are not present. There are several reasons for
this, not the least of which is the addition maintenance of multiple
compilers is significant. There are no non-GCC based Ada compilers
represented in ports either.
While FreeBSD does have a snapshot that goes with each release, the
ports are updating in a rolling fashion continuously, and the vast
majority of users prefer the \"head\" of ports which has the latest
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, Ada 2012, C, C++, ObjC, Fortran
---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library GPLv3 with Runtime Library Exception v3
Native platforms FreeBSD i386, FreeBSD AMD64, FreeBSD ARM64, DragonFly x86-64
Cross platforms FreeBSD/DragonFly-\>Android (targets ARMv7 and x86), FreeBSD/DragonFly-\>FreeBSD/ARM64 (targets Aarch64)
Compiler back-end GCC 6.3.1
Available from <http://www.freebsd.org>, <https://github.com/DragonFlyBSD/DPorts>
Support Volunteer; public bug database
There are two ways to install the software. The quickest and easiest way
is to install prebuilt binaries using the command \"pkg install
`<pkg name>`{=html}\". For example, to install the GNAT Programming
Studio and all of its dependencies including the GNAT compiler, all you
need is one command:
`pkg install gps-ide`
If a specific package is not available, or the user just prefers to
build from source (this can take a long time), then a typical command
would be:
`cd /usr/ports/devel/gps && make install clean`
As with the binary installation, if any dependencies are missing they
will be built first, also from source.
**Available software as of 8 February 2017**
Directory Common Name version pkg name
------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------------
archivers/zip-ada Zip-Ada (Library) 52 zip-ada
cad/ghdl GNU VHDL simulator 0.33 ghdl
databases/adabase Thick bindings to Postgres, MySQL and SQLite 3.0 adabase
databases/apq Ada95 database interface library 3.2.0 apq
databases/apq-mysql APQ MySQL driver 3.2.0 apq-mysql
databases/apq-odbc APQ ODBC driver 3.2.0 apq-odbc
databases/apq-pgsql APQ PostgreSQL driver 3.2.0 apq-pgsql
devel/ada-util Ada 2005 app utilities (Library) 1.8.0 ada-util
devel/adaid UUID generation library 0.0.1 adaid
devel/adabooch Ada95 Booch Components (Library) 2016-03-21 adabooch
devel/adacurses AdaCurses (Binding) 2015-08-08 adacurses
devel/afay AFlex and AYACC parser generators 041111 afay
devel/ahven Ahven (Unit Test Library) 2.6 ahven
devel/alog Stackable logging framework 0.5.2 alog
devel/aunit Unit testing framework 2016 aunit
devel/florist-gpl Florist (Posix Binding) 2016 florist-gpl
devel/gnatcoll GNAT Component Collection 2016 gnatcoll
devel/gnatpython GNATPython (python-based test framework) 2014-02-24 gnatpython
devel/gprbuild GPRbuild (Multi-language build tool) 20160609 gprbuild
devel/gps GNAT Programming Studio 2016 gps-ide
devel/libspark2012 SPARK 2012 library source files 2012 libspark2012
devel/matreshka Matreshka (Info Systems Library) 0.7.0 matreshka
devel/pcsc-ada PCSC library 0.7.3 pcsc-ada
devel/pragmarcs PragmAda Reusable Components 20161207 pragmarcs
devel/sdl_gnat GNAT SDL bindings (Thin) 2013 sdl_gnat
devel/simple_components Simple Ada components 4.18 simple_components
dns/ironsides Spark/Ada Ironsides DNS Server 2015-04-15 ironsides
graphics/generic_image_decoder image decoder library 05 generic_image_decoder
lang/adacontrol AdaControl (Construct detection tool) 1.17r3 adacontrol
lang/asis Ada Semantic Interface Specification 2016 asis
lang/gcc5-aux GNAT Ada compiler (FSF GCC) 5.4 (2016-06-03) gcc5-aux
lang/gcc6-aux GNAT Ada compiler (FSF GCC) 6.3.1 (2017-02-02) gcc6-aux
lang/gnat_util GNAT sources (helper Library) 2017-02-02 gnat_util
lang/gnatcross-aarch64 FreeBSD/ARM64 cross-compiler, Aarch64 2017-02-02 (6.3.1) gnatcross-aarch64
lang/gnatcross-binutils-aarch64 GNU Binutils used by FreeBSD/ARM64 cross-compiler 2.27 gnatcross-binutils-aarch64
lang/gnatcross-sysroot-aarch64 FreeBSD/ARM64 sysroot 1 gnatcross-sysroot-aarch64
lang/gnatdroid-armv7 Android 5.0 cross-compiler, ARMv7 2017-02-02 (6.3.1) gnatdroid-armv7
lang/gnatdroid-binutils GNU Binutils used by Android cross-compiler 2.27 gnatdroid-binutils
lang/gnatdroid-binutils-x86 GNU Binutils used by Android cross-compiler (x86) 2.27 gnatdroid-binutils-x86
lang/gnatdroid-sysroot Android API 4.0 to 6.0 sysroot 23 gnatdroid-sysroot
lang/gnatdroid-sysroot-x86 Android API 4.4 to 6.0 sysroot (x86) 23 gnatdroid-sysroot-x86
lang/gnatdroid-x86 Android 5.0 cross-compiler, x86 2017-02-02 (6.3.1) gnatdroid-x86
lang/lua-ada Ada bindings for Lua 1.0 ada-lua
math/plplot-ada PLplot Ada bindings 5.12.0 plplot-ada
misc/excel-writer Excel output library 15 excel-writer
misc/ini_file_manager Configuration file library 03 ini_file_manager
net/adasockets IPv4 socket library 1.10 adasockets
net/anet Network library (IPv4 and IPv6) 0.3.4 anet
net/polyorb PolyORB (CORBA/SOAP/DSA middleware) 2.11.1 (2014) polyorb
security/libadacrypt Cryptography Library (symm & asymm) 20151019 libadacrypt
security/libsparkcrypto LibSparkCrypto (Cryptography Library) 0.1.1 libsparkcrypto
shells/sparforte Shell and scripting language for mission-critical projects 2.0.2 spareforte
textproc/adabrowse AdaBrowse (Ada95 HTML doc. generator) 4.0.3 adabrowse
textproc/opentoken Ada Lex analyzer and parser 6.0b opentoken
textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-adadomain Sphinx documentation generator for Ada 0.1 py27-sphinxcontrib-adadomain
textproc/templates_parser AWS Template Parser library 17.0.0 templates_parser
textproc/words Words (Latin/English dictionary) 1.97F words
textproc/xml_ez_out XML output (Library) 1.06 xml_ez_out
textproc/xmlada XML/Ada (Library) 17.0.0 xmlada
www/aws Ada Web Server 17.0.1 aws
www/aws-demos Ada Web Server demos 17.0.1 aws-demos
x11-toolkits/gtkada GTK2/Ada (bindings) 2.24.4 gtkada
x11-toolkits/gtkada3 GTK3/Ada (bindings) 3.14.2 gtkada3
#### Gentoo GNU/Linux
The GNU Ada compiler can be installed on a Gentoo system using emerge:
` emerge dev-lang/gnat`
In contrast to Debian, Gentoo is primarily a source distribution, so
many packages are available only in source form, and require the user to
recompile them (using emerge).
Also in contrast to Debian, Gentoo supports several versions of GNAT in
parallel on the same system. Be careful, because not all add-ons and
libraries are available with all versions of GNAT.
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, C (more?)
---------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library pure or GNAT-modified GPL (both available)
Native platforms Gentoo GNU/Linux on amd64, powerpc and i386
Cross platforms none
Compiler back-end GCC 3.4, 4.1 (various binary packages)
Available from <http://www.gentoo.org/> (see other Gentoo dev-ada packages)
Support Volunteer; public bug database
Add-ons included AdaBindX, AdaBroker, AdaDoc, AdaOpenGL, AdaSockets, ASIS, AUnit, Booch Components, CBind, Charles, Florist, GLADE, GPS, GtkAda, XML/Ada
#### Mandriva Linux
The GNU Ada compiler can be installed on a Mandriva system with this
`urpmi gnat`
#### MinGW (for Microsoft Windows)
MinGW --- Minimalist GNU for Windows
contains a version of the GNAT compiler.
The current version of MinGW (5.1.6) contains gcc-4.5.0. This includes a
fully functional GNAT compiler. If the automatic downloader does not
work correctly you can download the compiler directly: pick gcc-4.5.0-1
from MinGW/BaseSystem/GCC/Version4/
##### old instructions
The following list should help you with the installation. (I may have
forgotten something --- but this is wiki, just add to the list)
1. Install `<var>`{=html}MinGW-3.1.0-1.exe`</var>`{=html}
1. extract
2. extract `<var>`{=html}mingw-runtime-3.5.tar.gz`</var>`{=html}
3. extract
4. extract
5. extract `<var>`{=html}gcc-g++-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz
6. extract `<var>`{=html}gcc-g77-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz
7. extract `<var>`{=html}gcc-java-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz
8. extract `<var>`{=html}gcc-objc-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz
9. extract `<var>`{=html}w32api-3.1.tar.gz`</var>`{=html}
2. Install `<var>`{=html}mingw32-make-3.80.0-3.exe
3. Install `<var>`{=html}gdb-5.2.1-1.exe (Optional)`</var>`{=html}
4. Install `<var>`{=html}MSYS-1.0.10.exe (Optional)`</var>`{=html}
5. Install `<var>`{=html}msysDTK-1.0.1.exe (Optional)`</var>`{=html}
1. extract `<var>`{=html}msys-automake-1.8.2.tar.bz2
2. extract `<var>`{=html}msys-autoconf-2.59.tar.bz2
3. extract `<var>`{=html}msys-libtool-1.5.tar.bz2
I have made good experience in using
`<var>`{=html}D:\\MinGW`</var>`{=html} as target directory for all
installations and extractions.
Also noteworthy is that the Windows version for GNAT from Libre is also
based on MinGW.
In gcc-3.4.2-release_notes.txt from MinGW site reads: *please check that
the files in the /lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/adainclude and adalib
directories are flagged as read-only. This attribute is necessary to
prevent them from being deleted when using gnatclean to clean a
So be sure to do this.
#### OpenCSW (for Solaris on SPARC and x86)
OpenCSW has binary packages of GCC 3.4.6 and
4.6.2 with Ada support. The package names are gcc3ada and gcc4ada
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, parts of Ada 2005, C, C++, Fortran 95, Java, Objective-C, Objective-C++
---------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library GNAT-modified GPL
Native platforms Oracle Solaris and OpenSolaris on SPARC and x86
Cross platforms none
Compiler back-end GCC 3.4.6 and 4.6.2 (both available)
Support ?
Available from <http://www.opencsw.org/>
Add-ons included none (?)
#### pkgsrc: NetBSD, DragonFly, FreeBSD and Solaris
The pkgsrc portable package file system has a
small Ada framework. It is based on FSF GCC 5.4 currently and the FSF
GCC 6.2 is available as well. The AdaCore GPL versions are not present,
nor are non-GCC based compilers.
The pkgsrc system is released in quarterly branches, which are normally
recommended. However, a user could also choose the \"head\" which would
the very latest package versions. The pkgsrc system supports 21
platforms, but for Ada this is potentially limited to 5 due to the
bootstrap compiler requirement: NetBSD, DragonFly, SunOS
(Solaris/Illumos), OpenBSD/MirBSD, and FreeBSD.
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005, Ada 2012, C, C++, ObjC, Fortran
---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library GPLv3 with Runtime Library Exception v3
Native platforms NetBSD i386 and amd64, DragonFly x86-64, FreeBSD i386 and amd64, Solaris i386 and x86_64
Cross platforms None
Compiler back-end GCC 5.4 (GCC 4.9 and 6 available)
Available from <http://www.pkgsrc.org>, status: <http://www.pkgsrc.se>
Support Volunteer; public bug database
There are two ways to install the software. The quickest and easiest way
is to install prebuilt binaries using the command \"pkg_add
`<pkg name>`{=html}\". For example, to install the GNAT Programming
Studio and all of its dependencies including the GNAT compiler, all you
need is one command:
`pkg_add gps`
If a specific package is not available, or the user just prefers to
build from source (this can take a long time), then a typical command
would be:
`cd /usr/pkg/devel/gps && bmake install`
As with the binary installation, if any dependencies are missing they
will be built first, also from source.
**Available software as of 14 December 2016**
Directory Common Name version pkg name
-------------------- ------------------------------------------ -------------------- --------------
cad/ghdl GNU VHDL simulator 0.32rc1 ghdl
devel/florist Florist (Posix Binding) 2012 florist-gpl
devel/gnatpython GNATPython (python-based test framework) 2011-09-12 gnatpython
devel/gprbuild-aux GPRbuild (Multi-language build tool) 2016-06-09 gprbuild-aux
lang/gcc-aux GNAT Ada compiler (FSF GCC) 4.9.2 (2014-10-23) gcc-aux
lang/gcc5-aux GNAT Ada compiler (FSF GCC) 5.4.0 (2016-06-03) gcc5-aux
lang/gcc6-aux GNAT Ada compiler (FSF GCC) 6.2.0 (2016-08-22) gcc6-aux
textproc/xmlada XML/Ada (Library) 4.4.0 xmlada
www/aws Ada Web Server (w) aws
www/aws-demos Ada Web Server demos (w) aws-demos
x11/gtkada GTK/Ada (bindings) 2.24.4 gtkada
#### SuSE Linux
All versions of SuSE Linux have a GNAT compiler included. SuSE versions
9.2 and higher also contains ASIS, Florist and GLADE libraries. The
following two packages are needed:
For SuSE version 12.1, the compiler is in the package
` gcc46-ada`\
` libada46`
For 64 bit system you will need the 32 bit compatibility packages as
#### Ubuntu
Ubuntu (and derivatives like Kubuntu, Xubuntu\...) is a Debian-based
Linux distribution, thus the installation process described
above "wikilink") can be used.
Graphical package managers like Synaptic or Adept can also be employed
to select the Ada packages.
## ICC from Irvine Compiler Corporation
Irvine Compiler Corporation provides native
and cross compilers for various
platforms.1 The compiler and
run-time system support development of certified, safety-critical
Commercial, proprietary. No-cost evaluation is possible on request.
Royalty-free redistribution of the run-time system is allowed.
## Janus/Ada 83 and 95 from RR Software
RR Software offers native compilers for
MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows and various Unix and Unix-like systems, and a
library for Windows GUI programming called CLAW. There are academic,
personal and professional editions, as well as support options.
Janus/Ada 95 supports subset of Ada 2007 and Ada 2012
Commercial but relatively cheap; proprietary.
## MAXAda from Concurrent
Concurrent offers
an Ada 95 compiler for Linux/Xeon and PowerPC platforms, and Ada
bindings to POSIX and
Commercial, proprietary.
## ObjectAda from PTC (formerly Aonix/Atego)
PTC offers
native (Windows, some flavors of Unix, and Linux) and cross (PPC, Intel,
VxWorks, and ERC32) compilers.
Limited support of Ada 2012 is available.
Commercial, proprietary.
## PowerAda from OC Systems
OC Systems offers Ada compilers and
bindings to POSIX and X-11:
- PowerAda, an Ada 95
compiler for Linux and AIX,
- LegacyAda/390, an
Ada 83 compiler for IBM System 370 and 390 mainframes
Commercial, proprietary.
## ApexAda from PTC (formerly IBM Rational)
PTC ApexAda
for native and embedded development.
Commercial, proprietary.
## SCORE from DDC-I
DDC-I offers its
SCORE cross-compilers for
embedded development. SCORE stands for Safety-Critical, Object-oriented,
Real-time Embedded.
Commercial, proprietary.
## TADS from Tartan
Tartan offers the Tartan Ada Development
System (TADS), with cross-compilers for some digital signal processors.
Commercial, proprietary.
## XD Ada from DXC
is an Ada 83 cross-compiler for embedded development. Hosts include VAX,
Alpha and Integrity Servers running OpenVMS. Targets include Motorola
68000 and MIL-STD-1750A processors.
Commercial, proprietary.
## XGC Ada from XGC Software
XGC compilers are GCC with custom run-time libraries suitable for
avionics and space applications. The run-time kernels are very small and
do not support exception propagation (i.e. you can handle an exception
only in the subprogram that raised it).
Commercial but some versions are also offered as free downloads. Free
Languages supported Ada 83, Ada 95, C
---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
License for the run-time library GNAT-Modified GPL
Native platforms none
Cross platforms Hosts: sun-sparc-solaris, pc-linux2.\*; targets are bare boards with ERC32, MIL-STD-1750A, Motorola 68000 family or Intel 32-bit processors. PowerPC and Intel 80186 targets on request.
Compiler back-end GCC 2.8.1
Available from <http://www.xgc.com/>
Support Commercial
Add-ons included Ravenscar-compliant run-time kernels, certified for avionics and space applications; gdb cross-debugger; target simulator.
## References
Programming}}\|Installing es:Programación
en Ada/Instalación
# Ada Programming/Building
Ada programs are usually easier to build than programs written in other
languages like C or C++, which frequently require a makefile. This is
because an Ada source file already specifies the dependencies of its
source unit. See the **with**
keyword for further details.
Building an Ada program is not defined by the Reference Manual, so this
process is absolutely dependent on the compiler. Usually the compiler
kit includes a make tool which compiles a main program and all its
dependencies, and links an executable file.
## Building with various compilers
: *This list is incomplete. You can help Wikibooks by adding the
for other compilers.*
### GNAT
With GNAT, you can run this command:
`gnat make `*`<your_unit_file>`{=html}*
If the file contains a procedure, gnatmake will generate an executable
file with the procedure as main program. Otherwise, e.g. a package,
gnatmake will compile the unit and all its dependencies.
#### GNAT command line
gnatmake can be written as one word `gnatmake` or two words `gnat make`.
For a full list of gnat commands just type `gnat` without any command
options. The output will look something like this:
`GNAT 3.4.3 Copyright 1996-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.`\
`List of available commands`\
`GNAT BIND gnatbind`\
`GNAT CHOP gnatchop`\
`GNAT CLEAN gnatclean`\
`GNAT COMPILE gnatmake -c -f -u`\
`GNAT ELIM gnatelim`\
`GNAT FIND gnatfind`\
`GNAT KRUNCH gnatkr`\
`GNAT LINK gnatlink`\
`GNAT LIST gnatls`\
`GNAT MAKE gnatmake`\
`GNAT NAME gnatname`\
`GNAT PRETTY gnatpp`\
`GNAT STUB gnatstub`\
`GNAT XREF gnatxref`\
`Commands FIND, LIST, PRETTY, STUB and XREF accept project file switches -vPx, -Pprj and -Xnam=val`
For further help on the option just type the command (one word or two
words --- as you like) without any command options.
The GNAT toolchain comes with an
IDE called
GPS, included with
recent releases of the GPL version of
GNAT. GPS features a graphical user
Emacs includes (Ada
Mode), and
GNAT plugins for KDevelop and
Vim "wikilink") (Ada
Mode) are
Vim Ada Mode is maintained by The GNU Ada
#### GNAT with Xcode
Apple\'s free (gratis) IDE, Xcode,
uses the LLVM compiler with the
Clang front-end, and does not support Ada:
however, in Xcode 4.3 for OS X Lion
and later versions, the command line tools (assembler, linker etc) which
are required to use GNAT are an optional component of Xcode and must be
### Rational APEX
Rational APEX is a complete development environment comprising a
language sensitive editor, compiler, debugger, coverage analyser,
configuration management and much more. You normally work with APEX
running a GUI.
APEX has been built for the development of big programs. Therefore the
basic entity of APEX is a *subsystem*, a directory with certain traits
recognized by APEX. All Ada compilation units have to reside in
You can define an *export set*, i.e. the set of Ada units visible to
other subsystems. However for a subsystem A to gain visibility to
another subsystem B, A has to *import* B. After importing, A sees all
units in B\'s export set. (This is much like the with-clauses, but here
visibility means only potential visibility for Ada: units to be actually
visible must be mentioned in a with-clause of course; units not in the
export set cannot be used in with-clauses of Ada units in external
Normally subsystems should be hierarchically ordered, i.e. form a
directed graph. But for special uses, subsystems can also mutually
import one another.
For configuration management, a subsystem is decomposed in *views*,
subdirectories of the subsystem. Views hold different development
versions of the Ada units. So actually it\'s not subsystems which import
other subsystems, rather subsystem views import views of other
subsystems. (Of course, the closure of all imports must be consistent
--- it cannot be the case that e.g. subsystem (A, view A1) imports
subsystems (B, B1) and (C, C1), whereas (B, B1) imports (C, C2)).
A view can be defined to be the development view. Other views then hold
releases at different stages.
Each Ada compilation unit has to reside in a file of its own. When
compiling an Ada unit, the compiler follows the with-clauses. If a unit
is not found within the subsystem holding the compile, the compiler
searches the import list (only the direct imports are considered, not
the closure).
Units can be taken under version control. In each subsystem, a set of
*histories* can be defined. An Ada unit can be taken under control in a
history. If you want to edit it, you first have to check it out --- it
gets a new version number. After the changes, you can check it in again,
i.e. make the changes permanent (or you abandon your changes, i.e. go
back to the previous version). You normally check out units in the
development view only; check-outs in release views can be forbidden.
You can select which version shall be the active one; normally it is the
one latest checked in. You can even switch histories to get different
development paths. e.g. different bodies of the same specification for
different targets.
### ObjectAda
ObjectAda is a set of tools for editing, compiling, navigating and
debugging programs written in Ada. There are various editions of
ObjectAda. With some editions you compile programs for the same platform
and operating systems on which you run the tools. These are called
native. With others, you can produce programs for different operating
systems and platforms. One possible platform is the Java virtual
These remarks apply to the native Microsoft Windows edition. You can run
the translation tools either from the IDE or from the command line.
Whether you prefer to work from the IDE, or from the command line, a
little bookkeeping is required. This is done by creating a project. Each
project consists of a number of source files, and a number of settings
like search paths for additional Ada libraries and other dependences.
Each project also has at least one target. Typically, there is a debug
target, and a release target. The names of the targets indicate their
purpose. At one time you compile for debugging, typically during
development, at other times you compile with different settings, for
example when the program is ready for release. Some (all commercial?)
editions of ObjectAda permit a Java (VM) target.
### DEC Ada for VMS
DEC Ada is an Ada 83 compiler for VMS. While
"DEC Ada" is probably the name most users know, the compiler is now
called "HP
Ada". It had
previously been known also by names of \"VAX Ada\" and \"Compaq Ada\".
DEC Ada uses a true library management system --- so the first thing you
need to do is create and activate a library:
`ACS Library Create [MyLibrary]`\
`ACS Set Library [MyLibrary]`
When creating a library you already set some constraints like support
for Long_Float or the available memory size. So carefully read
`HELP ACS Library Create *`
Then next step is to load your Ada sources into the library:
`ACS Load [Source]*.ada`
The sources don\'t need to be perfect at this stage but syntactically
correct enough for the compiler to determine the packages declared and
analyze the statements. Dec Ada allows you
to have more than one package in one source file and you have any
filename convention you like. The purpose of `ACS Load` is the creation
of the dependency tree between the source files.
Next you compile them:
`ACS Compile *`
Note that compile take the package name and not the filename. The
wildcard `*` means *all packages loaded*. The compiler automatically
determines the right order for the compilation so a
make "wikilink") tool is not strictly needed.
Last but not least you link your file into an
`ACS Link /Executable=[Executables]Main.exe Main`
On large systems you might want to break sources down into several
libraries --- in which case you also need
`ACS Merge /Keep *`
to merge the content of the current library with the library higher up
the hierarchy. The larger libraries should then be created with:
`ACS Library Create /Large`
This uses a different directory layout more suitable for large
#### DEC Ada IDE
Dec Ada comes without an IDE, however the DEC
LSE as well as the
Ada Mode of the
Vim text editor "wikilink") support DEC
## Compiling our Demo Source
Once you have
our example programs you might wonder how to compile them.
First you need to extract the sources. Use your favorite zip
tool "wikilink") to achieve that. On
extraction a directory with the same name as the filename is created.
Beware: WinZip might also create a directory equaling the filename so
Windows users need to be careful using the right option otherwise they
end up with
`<var style="color:OliveDrab4">`{=html}wikibook-ada-1_2\_0.src\\wikibook-ada-1_2\_0`</var>`{=html}.
Once you extracted the files you will find all sources in
`<var style="color:OliveDrab4">`{=html}wikibook-ada-1_2\_0/Source`</var>`{=html}.
You could compile them right there. For your convenience we also provide
ready made project files for the following IDEs (If you find a directory
for an IDEs not named it might be in the making and not actually work).
### GNAT
You will find multi-target GNAT Project files and a multi-make Makefile
file in
`<var style="color:OliveDrab4">`{=html}wikibook-ada-2_0\_0/GNAT`</var>`{=html}.
For i686 Linux and Windows you can compile any demo using:
`gnat make -P `*`project_file`*
You can also open them inside the GPS with
`gps -P `*`project_file`*
For other target platform it is a bit more difficult since you need to
tell the project files which target you want to create. The following
options can be used:
style (\"Debug\", \"Release\"): you can define if you like a debug or release version so you can compare how the options affect size and speed.\
os (\"Linux\", \"OS2\", \"Windows_NT\", \"VMS\") : choose your operating system. Since there is no Ada 2005 available for OS/2 don\'t expect all examples to compile.\
target (\"i686\", \"x86_64\", \"AXP\"): choose your CPU --- \"i686\" is any form of 32bit Intel or AMD CPU, \"x86_64\" is an 64 bit Intel or AMD CPU and if you have an \"AXP\" then you know it.
Remember to type all options as they are shown. To compile a debug
version on x86-64 Linux you type:
`gnat make -P `*`project_file`*` -Xstyle=Debug -Xos=Linux -Xtarget=x86_64`
As said in the beginning there is also a **makefile** available that
will automatically determine the target used. So if you have a GNU make
you can save yourself a lot of typing by using:
`make `*`project`*
or even use
`make `*`all`*
to make all examples in debug and release in one go.
Each compile is stored inside its own directory which is created in the
form of
`<var style="color:OliveDrab4">`{=html}wikibook-ada-2_0\_0/GNAT/**OS**-**Target**-**Style**`</var>`{=html}.
Empty directories are provided inside the archive.
### Rational APEX
APEX uses the subsystem and view directory structure, so you will have
to create those first and copy the source files into the view. After
creating a view using the architecture model of your choice, use the
menu option \"Compile -\> Maintenance -\> Import Text Files\". In the
Import Text Files dialog, add \"wikibook-ada-2_0\_0/Source/\*.ad?\" to
select the Ada source files from the directory you originally extracted
to. Apex uses the file extensions .1.ada for specs and .2.ada for bodies
--- don\'t worry, the import text files command will change these
To link an example, select its main subprogram in the directory viewer
and click the link button in the toolbar, or \"Compile -\> Link\" from
the menu. Double-click the executable to run it. You can use the
shift-key modifier to bypass the link or run dialog.
### ObjectAda
#### ObjectAda command-line
The following describes using the ObjectAda tools for Windows in a
console window.
Before you can use the ObjectAda tools from the command line, make sure
the `PATH` environment variable lists the directory containing the
ObjectAda tools. Something like
`set path=%path%;P:\Programs\Aonix\ObjectAda\bin`
A minimal ObjectAda project can have just one source file. like the
Hello World program provided in
To build an executable from this source file, follow these steps
(assuming the current directory is a fresh one and contains the above
mentioned source file):
- Register your source files:
`X:\some\directory> adareg hello_world_1.adb`
This makes your sources known to the ObjectAda tools. Have a look at the
file UNIT.MAP created by adareg in the current directory if you like
seeing what is happening under the hood.
- Compile the source file:
`X:\some\directory> adacomp hello_world_1.adb`\
`Front end of hello_world_1.adb succeeded with no errors.`
- Build the executable program:
`X:\some\directory> adabuild hello_world_1`\
`ObjectAda Professional Edition Version 7.2.2: adabuild`\
` Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Aonix. All rights reserved.`\
`Link of hello completed successfully`
Notice that you specify the name of the main unit as argument to
`adabuild`, not the name of the source file. In this case, it is
*Hello_World_1* as in
` Hello_World_1 `
More information about the tools can be found in the user guide *Using
the command line interface*, installed with the ObjectAda tools.
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada Programming/Installing
## External links
- GNAT Online Documentation:
- GNAT User\'s
- DEC Ada:
- Developing Ada Products on
- DEC Ada --- Language Reference
- DEC Ada --- Run-Time
# Ada Programming/Environment
environment for the development of Ada-language programs. Some useful
## Emacs Ada-Mode
**Emacs** is an easily-customized highly-extensible text-editor. Emacs
includes a module for Ada-language support as part of the Emacs standard
distribution, called **\'Ada-mode**\'. Emacs is available for many Linux
distributions as a binary or source package. Emacs is available as a
binary installer for Windows, and is also available as an OS-agnostic
source code package. The Ada-mode website includes a description of
\'Ada-mode\' as well as installation
and configuration instructions for different operating systems,
including a guide to customizing Ada-mode to personal taste.[^1] A
mailing list is available at the Ada-mode website for answering
questions related to Ada development in Emacs.
## GNAT Studio
**GNAT Studio** (formerly **GPS**, an acronym for the **GNAT Programming
Studio**) is a fully-featured integrated development environment. It
includes support for multiple platforms and languages, and modern
programming tools including a language sensitive editor, graphical
debugger, automatic code fixing, and support for version control
systems. GPS is supported by AdaCore, and comes with a large amount of
online documentation, including an online user
guide and
AdaCore also maintains a port of the GUI toolkit
GTK called
GtkAda, which provides for the
development of rich, GUI-based applications with Ada.
## PTC
PTC\'s editions of
include compilers and tools for various targets, a programmable
debugger, a language sensitive editing environment, and also an Eclipse
continues the full lifecycle environment offered with this former
Rational/IBM Ada.
## Ada support in mainstream Integrated Development Environments
There are extensions for mainstream Integrated Development Environments
supporting Ada with the GNAT compiler: GNATbench for
Eclipse, Ada for VS
IntelliJ IDEA, and Ada for
## APSE (historical)
**APSE** is short for **Ada Programming Support Environment**.[^2] APSE
was a U.S. Military specification for developing a programming
environment that would support the Ada programming language and
Ada-related programming tools.
## References
<references />
## See also
### Wikibook
- Getting Started (from
Ada Programming)
- Ada Style Guide
[^1]: FSF download (download)
[^2]: APSE (article on wikipedia).
# Ada Programming/Expressions
## Expressions
The LRM defines an expression as `<q>`{=html}a formula that defines the
computation or retrieval of a value.`</q>`{=html}.[^1] There are
numerous forms of expression, ranging from primaries such as literals or
names, to quantified expression.
An expression is typically used in an assignment, or as part of a bigger
expression. The value of an expression usually involves computation.
However, some expressions\' values are determined at compile time; these
are called *static* expressions. A so-called simple expression (which
happens to be a *term*) is seen in
` Area := Length * Height;`
The text `Length * Height` has the form of an expression, and is used on
the right hand side of an assignment statement. Computing the value of
the expression means multiplying the value named `Length` by the one
named `Height`. Using the same expression as part of a bigger expression
is demonstrated in the following example:
` `` Cost (Paint, Area => Length * Height) > 900 * Dollar `\
` ...`
The bigger expression starts with `Cost` and ends with `Dollar`. It
features another form of expression, a *relation*, and places a function
call and another multiplicative expression to the left and right,
respectively, of the relation\'s relational operator `>`. The two are
called *operands* and the result is a Boolean expression.
### Kinds of Expressions
Among basic expressions are *literals*, for example, decimal (real),
enumeration, string, and access value literals:
` 2.5e+3`\
` False`\
` "и"`\
` `
Involving many of those, one can write *aggregates* (a *primary*),
` (X => 0.0,`\
` Y => 1.0,`\
` Z => 0.0)`
but arbitrarily complex sub-components are possible, too, creating an
aggregate from component expressions,
` (Height => 1.89 * Meter, `\
` Age => Guess (Picture => Images.Load (Suspects, "P2012-Aug.PNG"),`\
` Tiles => Grid'(1 .. 3 => Scan, 4 => Skip)),`\
` Name => `` Nickname'("Herbert"))`
`Age` is associated with the value of a nested *function
call*. The actual
parameter for `Tiles` has type name `Grid` qualify the array aggregate
following it; the component `Name` is associated with an *allocator*.
The well known 'mathematical' expressions have closely corresponding
*simple expressions* in Ada syntax, for example `2.0*π*r`, or the
` Area = π*r**2`
Other expressions test for
*membership* in
a range, or in a type:
` X `` 1 .. 10 | 12`\
` Shape `` Polygon'Class`
### Conditional Expressions, Quantified Expressions
New in Ada 2012, there are forms for making the value of an expression
depend on the value of another expression, conditionally. They have a
pair of parentheses around them and they start with a keyword, which
clearly distinguishes them from other kinds of expression. For example:
` Area := (`` Is_Circular `` Pi * Radius**2 `` Length * Height);`
In this example, the value of `Is_Circular` determines the part of the
expression that is used for computing the value of the entire
expression. A similar construct exists for
and also one for . These kinds of
expressions are frequently used in assertions, like in the conditions of
contract based
### References
# Ada Programming/Control
` `*`condition`*` `\
` `*`statement`*`;`\
` `*`other statement`*`;`\
` ``;`
` `*`condition`*` `\
` `*`statement`*`;`\
` `*`condition`*` `\
` `*`other statement`*`;`\
` `*`condition`*` `\
` `*`other statement`*`;`\
` `*`another statement`*`;`\
` ``; `
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Degrees `` `` Float `` -273.15 .. Float'Last;`\
`Temperature : Degrees;`\
` Temperature >= 40.0 `\
` Put_Line ("Wow!");`\
` Put_Line ("It's extremely hot");`\
` Temperature >= 30.0 `\
` Put_Line ("It's hot");`\
` Temperature >= 20.0 `\
` Put_Line ("It's warm");`\
` Temperature >= 10.0 `\
` Put_Line ("It's cool");`\
` Temperature >= 0.0 `\
` Put_Line ("It's cold");`\
` Put_Line ("It's freezing");`\
` ``; `
In Ada, conditional statements with more than one conditional do not use
short-circuit evaluation by default. In order to mimic C/C++\'s
short-circuit evaluation, use
` ` or
` ` between the
` X `\
` `` 1 `\
` Walk_The_Dog;`\
` `` 5 `\
` Launch_Nuke;`\
` `` 8 | 10 `\
` Sell_All_Stock;`\
` `` `` `\
` Self_Destruct;`\
` ``;`
The subtype of X must be a discrete type, i.e. an enumeration or integer
In Ada, one advantage of the case statement is that the compiler will
check the coverage of the choices, that is, all the values of the
subtype of variable X must be present or a default branch
specify what to do in the remaining cases.
For procedures:
For functions:
` Value;`
` `` Label;`\
` Dont_Do_Something;`\
` ...`
` Use_Return `\
` Do_Something;`\
` `` Test `\
` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Do_Something_Else;`\
` ``;`\
` Use_Return;`
` Use_Goto `\
` Do_Something`\
` `\
` `` Test `\
` `` Exit_Use_Goto`\
` `` `\
` Do_Something_Else`\
` `\
` Use_Goto`
` Use_If `\
` Do_Something;`\
` `\
` `` `` Test `\
` Do_Something_Else;`\
` `` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Use_If;`
*`Endless_Loop`*` :`\
` `\
` Do_Something;`\
` `` `` `*`Endless_Loop`*`;`
The loop name (in this case, \"Endless_Loop\") is an optional feature of
Ada. Naming loops is nice for readability but not strictly needed. Loop
names are useful though if the program should jump out of an inner loop,
see below.
*`While_Loop`*` :`\
` `` X <= 5 `\
` X := Calculate_Something;`\
` `` `` `*`While_Loop`*`;`
*`Until_Loop`*` :`\
` `\
` X := Calculate_Something;`\
` `` Until_Loop `` X > 5;`\
` `` `` `*`Until_Loop`*`;`
*`Exit_Loop`*` :`\
` `\
` X := Calculate_Something;`\
` `` Exit_Loop `` X > 5;`\
` Do_Something (X);`\
` `` `` `*`Exit_Loop`*`;`
In Ada the **exit** condition can be combined with any other loop
statement as well. You can also have more than one **exit** statement.
You can also exit a named outer loop if you have several loops inside
each other.
*`For_Loop`*` :`\
` `` I `` Integer `` 1 .. 10 `\
` Do_Something (I)`\
` `` `` `*`For_Loop`*`;`
You don\'t have to declare both subtype and range as seen in the
example. If you leave out the subtype then the compiler will determine
it by context; if you leave out the range then the loop will iterate
over every value of the subtype given.
As always with Ada: when \"determine by context\" gives two or more
possible options then an error will be displayed and then you have to
name the type to be used. Ada will only do \"guess-works\" when it is
safe to do so.
The loop counter I is a constant implicitly declared and ceases to exist
after the body of the loop.
*`Array_Loop`*` :`\
` `` I `` X'`` `\
` X (I) := Get_Next_Element;`\
` `` `` `*`Array_Loop`*`;`
With X being an array. Note: This syntax is mostly used on arrays ---
hence the name --- but will also work with other types when a full
iteration is needed.
#### Working example
The following example shows how to iterate over every element of an
integer type.
` ``;`\
` Range_1 `\
` `` Range_Type `` `` -5 .. 10;`\
` `` T_IO `` ``;`\
` `` I_IO `` `` `` (Range_Type);`\
` `` A `` Range_Type `\
` I_IO.Put (Item => A,`\
` Width => 3,`\
` Base => 10);`\
` `` A < Range_Type'Last `\
` T_IO.Put (",");`\
` `\
` T_IO.New_Line;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Range_1;`
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
### Ada Reference Manual
Programming}}\|Control es:Programación en
Ada/Sentencias y estructuras de
# Ada Programming/Type System
Ada\'s type system allows the programmer to construct powerful
abstractions that represent the real world, and to provide valuable
information to the compiler, so that the compiler can find many logic or
design errors before they become bugs. It is at the heart of the
language, and good Ada programmers learn to use it to great advantage.
Four principles govern the type system:
- **Type**: a way to categorize data. characters are types \'a\'
through \'z\'. Integers are types that include 0,1,2\....
- **Strong typing**: types are incompatible with one another, so it is
not possible to mix apples and oranges. The compiler will not guess
that your apple is an orange. You must explicitly say my_fruit =
fruit(my_apple). Strong typing reduces the amount of errors. This is
because developers can really easily write a float into an integer
variable without knowing. Now data you needed for your program to
succeed has been lost in the conversion when the complier switched
types. Ada gets mad and rejects the developer\'s dumb mistake by
refusing to do the conversion unless explicitly told.
- **Static typing**: type checked while compiling, this allows type
errors to be found earlier.
- **Abstraction**: types represent the real world or the problem at
hand; not how the computer represents the data internally. There are
ways to specify exactly how a type must be represented at the bit
level, but we will defer that discussion to another chapter. An
example of an abstraction is your car. You don\'t really know how it
works you just know that bumbling hunk of metal moves. Nearly every
technology you work with is abstracted layer to simplify the complex
circuits that make it up - the same goes for software. You want
abstraction because code in a class makes a lot more sense than a
hundred if statements with no explanation when debugging
- **Name equivalence**, as opposed to *structural equivalence* used in
most other languages. Two types are compatible if and only if they
have the same name; *not* if they just happen to have the same size
or bit representation. You can thus declare two integer types with
the same ranges that are totally incompatible, or two record types
with exactly the same components, but which are incompatible.
Types are incompatible with one another. However, each type can have any
number of *subtypes*, which are compatible with their base type and may
be compatible with one another. See below for examples of subtypes which
are incompatible with one another.
## Predefined types
There are several predefined types, but most programmers prefer to
define their own, application-specific types. Nevertheless, these
predefined types are very useful as interfaces between libraries
developed independently. The predefined library, obviously, uses these
types too.
These types are predefined in the
Integer: This type covers at least the range $-2^{15}+1$ .. $+2^{15}-1$ (RM ). The Standard also defines `Natural` and `Positive` subtypes of this type.
Float: There is only a very weak implementation requirement on this type (RM ); most of the time you would define your own floating-point types, and specify your precision and range requirements.\
Duration: A fixed point type used for timing. It represents a period of time in seconds (RM ).\
Character : A special form of Enumerations. There are three predefined kinds of character types: 8-bit characters (called `Character`), 16-bit characters (called `Wide_Character`), and 32-bit characters (`Wide_Wide_Character`). `Character` has been present since the first version of the language (Ada 83), `Wide_Character` was added in Ada 95, while the type `Wide_Wide_Character` is available with Ada 2005.\
String: Three indefinite array types, of `Character`, `Wide_Character`, and `Wide_Wide_Character` respectively. The standard library contains packages for handling strings in three variants: fixed length (), with varying length below a certain upper bound (), and unbounded length (). Each of these packages has a `Wide_` and a `Wide_Wide_` variant.\
Boolean : A `Boolean` in Ada is an Enumeration of `False` and `True` with special semantics.
Packages and
predefine some
types which are primarily useful for low-level programming and
interfacing to hardware.
System.Address : An address in memory.\
System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Offset : An offset, which can be added to an address to obtain a new address. You can also subtract one address from another to get the offset between them. Together, `Address`, `Storage_Offset` and their associated subprograms provide for address arithmetic.\
System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count : A subtype of `Storage_Offset` which cannot be negative, and represents the memory size of a data structure (similar to C\'s `size_t`).\
System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Element : In most computers, this is a byte. Formally, it is the smallest unit of memory that has an address.\
System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Array : An array of `Storage_Element`s without any meaning, useful when doing raw memory access.
## The Type Hierarchy
Types are organized hierarchically. A type inherits properties from
types above it in the hierarchy. For example, all scalar types (integer,
enumeration, modular, fixed-point and floating-point types) have
\"\", \"\" and
arithmetic operators defined for them, and all discrete types can serve
as array indexes.
!Ada type hierarchy{width="550"}
Here is a broad overview of each category of types; please follow the
links for detailed explanations. Inside parenthesis there are
equivalences in C and Pascal for readers familiar with those languages.
Signed Integers `<small>`{=html}(**int**, **INTEGER**)`</small>`{=html} : Signed Integers are defined via the range of values needed.\
Unsigned Integers `<small>`{=html}(**unsigned**, **CARDINAL**)`</small>`{=html} : Unsigned Integers are called Modular Types. Apart from being unsigned they also have wrap-around functionality.\
Enumerations `<small>`{=html}(**enum**, **char**, **bool**, **BOOLEAN**)`</small>`{=html} : Ada Enumeration types are a separate type family.\
Floating point `<small>`{=html}(**float**, **double**, **REAL**)`</small>`{=html} : Floating point types are defined by the digits needed, the relative error bound.\
Ordinary and Decimal Fixed Point `<small>`{=html}(**DECIMAL**)`</small>`{=html} : Fixed point types are defined by their delta, the absolute error bound.\
Arrays `<small>`{=html}( **\[ \]**, **ARRAY \[ \] OF**, **STRING** )`</small>`{=html} : Arrays with both compile-time and run-time determined size are supported.\
Record `<small>`{=html}(**struct**, **class**, **RECORD OF**)`</small>`{=html} : A **record** is a composite type that groups one or more fields.\
Access `<small>`{=html}(**\***, **\^**, **POINTER TO**)`</small>`{=html} : Ada\'s Access types may be more than just a simple memory address.\
Task & Protected `<small>`{=html}(similar to multithreading in C++)`</small>`{=html} : Task and Protected types allow the control of concurrency\
Interfaces `<small>`{=html}(similar to virtual methods in C++)`</small>`{=html} : New in Ada 2005, these types are similar to the Java interfaces.
### Classification of Types
Ada\'s types can be classified as follows.
**Specific vs. Class-wide**
` T `` ... -- a specific type`\
` T'Class -- the corresponding class-wide type (exists only for tagged types)`
`T'Class` and `T'Class'Class` are the same.
Primitive operations with parameters of specific types are
*non-dispatching*, those with parameters of class-wide types are
New types can be declared by *deriving* from specific types; primitive
operations are *inherited* by derivation. You cannot derive from
class-wide types.
**Constrained vs. Unconstrained**
` I `` `` 1 .. 10; -- constrained`\
` AC `` `` (1 .. 10) `` ... -- constrained`
` AU `` `` (I `` <>) `` ... -- unconstrained`\
` R (X: Discriminant [:= Default]) `` ... -- unconstrained`
By giving a *constraint* to an unconstrained subtype, a subtype or
object becomes constrained:
` RC `` R (Value); -- constrained subtype of R`\
`OC: R (Value); -- constrained object of anonymous constrained subtype of R`\
`OU: R; -- unconstrained object`
Declaring an unconstrained object is only possible if a default value is
given in the type declaration above. The language does not specify how
such objects are allocated. GNAT allocates the maximum size, so that
size changes that might occur with discriminant changes present no
problem. Another possibility is implicit dynamic allocation on the heap
and re-allocation followed by a deallocation when the size changes.
**Definite vs. Indefinite**
` I `` `` 1 .. 10; -- definite`\
` RD (X: Discriminant := Default) `` ... -- definite`
` T (<>) `` ... -- indefinite`\
` AU `` `` (I `` <>) `` ... -- indefinite`\
` RI (X: Discriminant) `` ... -- indefinite`
Definite subtypes allow the declaration of objects without initial
value, since objects of definite subtypes have constraints that are
known at creation-time. Object declarations of indefinite subtypes need
an initial value to supply a constraint; they are then constrained by
the constraint delivered by the initial value.
`OT: T := Expr; -- some initial expression (object, function call, etc.)`\
`OA: AU := (3 => 10, 5 => 2, 4 => 4); -- index range is now 3 .. 5`\
`OR: RI := Expr; -- again some initial expression as above`
**Unconstrained vs. Indefinite**
Note that unconstrained subtypes are not necessarily indefinite as can
be seen above with RD: it is a definite unconstrained subtype.
## Concurrency Types
The Ada language uses types for one more purpose in addition to
classifying data + operations. The type system integrates concurrency
(threading, parallelism). Programmers will use types for expressing the
concurrent threads of control of their programs.
The core pieces of this part of the type system, the **task** types and
the **protected** types are explained in greater depth in a section on
## Limited Types
Limiting a type means disallowing assignment. The "concurrency types"
described above are always limited. Programmers can define their own
types to be limited, too, like this:
` T `` `` …;`
(The ellipsis stands for , or for a
definition, see the corresponding
subsection on this page.) A limited type also doesn\'t have an equality
operator unless the programmer defines one.
You can learn more in the limited
types chapter.
## Defining new types and subtypes
You can define a new type with the following syntax:
` T ``...`
followed by the description of the type, as explained in detail in each
category of type.
Formally, the above declaration creates a type and its *first subtype*
named `T`. The type itself, correctly called the \"type of T\", is
anonymous; the RM refers to it as *`T`* (in italics), but often speaks
sloppily about the type T. But this is an academic consideration; for
most purposes, it is sufficient to think of `T` as a type. For scalar
types, there is also a base type called `T'Base`, which encompasses all
values of T.
For signed integer types, the type of T comprises the (complete) set of
mathematical integers. The base type is a certain hardware type,
symmetric around zero (except for possibly one extra negative value),
encompassing all values of T.
As explained above, all types are incompatible; thus:
` Integer_1 `` `` 1 .. 10;`\
` Integer_2 `` `` 1 .. 10;`\
`A : Integer_1 := 8;`\
`B : Integer_2 := A; `
is illegal, because `Integer_1` and `Integer_2` are different and
incompatible types. It is this feature which allows the compiler to
detect logic errors at compile time, such as adding a file descriptor to
a number of bytes, or a length to a weight. The fact that the two types
have the same range does not make them compatible: this is *name
equivalence* in action, as opposed to structural equivalence. (Below, we
will see how you can convert between incompatible types; there are
strict rules for this.)
### Creating subtypes
You can also create new subtypes of a given type, which will be
compatible with each other, like this:
` Integer_1 `` `` 1 .. 10;`\
` Integer_2 `` Integer_1 `` 7 .. 11; `\
` Integer_3 `` Integer_1'Base `` 7 .. 11; `\
`A : Integer_1 := 8;`\
`B : Integer_3 := A; `
The declaration of `Integer_2` is bad because the constraint `7 .. 11`
is not compatible with `Integer_1`; it raises `Constraint_Error` at
subtype elaboration time.
`Integer_1` and `Integer_3` are compatible because they are both
subtypes of the same type, namely `Integer_1'Base`.
It is not necessary that the subtype ranges overlap, or be included in
one another. The compiler inserts a run-time range check when you assign
A to B; if the value of A, at that point, happens to be outside the
range of `Integer_3`, the program raises `Constraint_Error`.
There are a few predefined subtypes which are very useful:
` Natural `` Integer `` 0 .. Integer'Last;`\
` Positive `` Integer `` 1 .. Integer'Last;`
### Derived types
A derived type is a new, full-blown type created from an existing one.
Like any other type, it is incompatible with its parent; however, it
inherits the primitive operations defined for the parent type.
` Integer_1 `` `` 1 .. 10;`\
` Integer_2 `` `` Integer_1 `` 2 .. 8;`\
`A : Integer_1 := 8;`\
`B : Integer_2 := A; `
Here both types are discrete; it is mandatory that the range of the
derived type be included in the range of its parent. Contrast this with
subtypes. The reason is that the derived type inherits the primitive
operations defined for its parent, and these operations assume the range
of the parent type. Here is an illustration of this feature:
` Derived_Types `\
` `` Pak `\
` `` Integer_1 `` `` 1 .. 10;`\
` `` P (I: `` Integer_1); `\
` `` Integer_2 `` `` Integer_1 `` 8 .. 10; `\
` `\
` `` Pak;`\
` `` `` Pak `\
` `\
` `` Pak;`\
` `` Pak;`\
` A: Integer_1 := 4;`\
` B: Integer_2 := 9;`\
` P (B); `\
` Derived_Types;`
When we call `P (B)`, the parameter B is converted to `Integer_1`; this
conversion of course passes since the set of acceptable values for the
derived type (here, 8 .. 10) must be included in that of the parent type
(1 .. 10). Then P is called with the converted parameter.
Consider however a variant of the example above:
` Derived_Types `\
` `` Pak `\
` `` Integer_1 `` `` 1 .. 10;`\
` `` P (I: `` Integer_1; J: `` Integer_1);`\
` `` Integer_2 `` `` Integer_1 `` 8 .. 10;`\
` `` Pak;`\
` `` `` Pak `\
` `` P (I: `` Integer_1; J: `` Integer_1) `\
` `\
` J := I - 1;`\
` `` P;`\
` `` Pak;`\
` `` Pak;`\
` A: Integer_1 := 4; X: Integer_1;`\
` B: Integer_2 := 8; Y: Integer_2;`\
` P (A, X);`\
` P (B, Y);`\
` Derived_Types;`
When `P (B, Y)` is called, both parameters are converted to `Integer_1`.
Thus the range check on J (7) in the body of P will pass. However on
return parameter Y is converted back to `Integer_2` and the range check
on Y will of course fail.
With the above in mind, you will see why in the following program
Constraint_Error will be called at run time, before `P` is even called.
` Derived_Types `\
` `` Pak `\
` `` Integer_1 `` `` 1 .. 10;`\
` `` P (I: `` Integer_1; J: `` Integer_1);`\
` `` Integer_2 `` `` Integer_1'Base `` 8 .. 12;`\
` `` Pak;`\
` `` `` Pak `\
` `` P (I: `` Integer_1; J: `` Integer_1) `\
` `\
` J := I - 1;`\
` `` P;`\
` `` Pak;`\
` `` Pak;`\
` B: Integer_2 := 11; Y: Integer_2;`\
` P (B, Y);`\
` Derived_Types;`
## Subtype categories
Ada supports various categories of subtypes which have different
abilities. Here is an overview in alphabetical order.
### Anonymous subtype
A subtype which does not have a name assigned to it. Such a subtype is
created with a variable declaration:
`X : String (1 .. 10) := (`` => ' ');`
Here, (1 .. 10) is the constraint. This variable declaration is
equivalent to:
` Anonymous_String_Type `` String (1 .. 10);`\
`X : Anonymous_String_Type := (`` => ' ');`
### Base type
In Ada, all types are anonymous and only
subtypes may be named. For scalar types,
there is a special subtype of the anonymous type, called the *base
type*, which is nameable with the \'
attribute. The base type comprises all values of the *first subtype*.
Some examples:
` `` Int `` `` 0 .. 100;`
The base type `Int'Base` is a hardware type selected by the compiler
that comprises the values of `Int`. Thus it may have the range -2^7^ ..
2^7^-1 or -2^15^ .. 2^15^-1 or any other such type.
` `` Enum `` (A, B, C, D);`\
` `` Short `` `` Enum `` A .. C;`
`Enum'Base` is the same as `Enum`, but `Short'Base` also holds the
literal `D`.
### Constrained subtype
A subtype of an indefinite subtype that adds constraints. The following
example defines a 10 character string sub-type.
` `` String_10 `` String (1 .. 10);`
You cannot partially constrain an unconstrained subtype:
` `` My_Array `` `` (Integer `` <>, Integer `` <>) `` Some_Type;`\
` -- `` Constr `` My_Array (1 .. 10, Integer `` <>); illegal`\
` `` Constr `` My_Array (1 .. 10, -100 .. 200);`
Constraints for all indices must be given, the result is necessarily a
definite subtype.
### Definite subtype
A definite subtype is a subtype whose size is known at compile-time. All
subtypes which are not indefinite subtypes are, by definition, definite
Objects of definite subtypes may be declared without additional
### Indefinite subtype
An **indefinite subtype** is a subtype whose size is not known at
compile-time but is dynamically calculated at run-time. An indefinite
subtype does not by itself provide enough information to create an
object; an additional constraint or explicit initialization expression
is necessary in order to calculate the actual size and therefore create
the object.
`X : String := "This is a string";`
`X` is an object of the indefinite (sub)type `String`. Its constraint is
derived implicitly from its initial value. `X` may change its value, but
not its bounds.
It should be noted that it is not necessary to initialize the object
from a literal. You can also use a function. For example:
`X : String := Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1);`
This statement reads the first command-line argument and assigns it to
A subtype of an indefinite subtype that does not add a constraint only
introduces a new name for the original subtype (a kind of renaming under
a different notion).
` `` My_String `` String;`
`My_String` and `String` are interchangeable.
### Named subtype
A subtype which has a name assigned to it. "First subtypes" are created
with the keyword (remember that types are
always anonymous, the name in a type declaration is the name of the
first subtype), others with the keyword
. For example:
` Count_To_Ten `` `` 1 .. 10;`
`Count_to_Ten` is the first subtype of a suitable integer base type.
However, if you would like to use this as an index constraint on
`String`, the following declaration is illegal:
` Ten_Characters `` String (Count_to_Ten);`
This is because `String` has `Positive` as its index, which is a subtype
of `Integer` (these declarations are taken from package `Standard`):
` Positive `` Integer `` 1 .. Integer'Last;`\
` String `` (Positive `` <>) `` Character;`
So you have to use the following declarations:
` Count_To_Ten `` Integer `` 1 .. 10;`\
` Ten_Characters `` String (Count_to_Ten);`
Now `Ten_Characters` is the name of that subtype of `String` which is
constrained to `Count_To_Ten`. You see that posing constraints on types
versus subtypes has very different effects.
### Unconstrained subtype
Any indefinite type is also an unconstrained subtype. However,
unconstrainedness and indefiniteness are not the same.
` `` My_Enum `` (A, B, C);`\
` `` My_Record (Discriminant: My_Enum) `` ...;`\
` My_Object_A: My_Record (A);`
This type is unconstrained and indefinite because you need to give an
actual discriminant for object declarations; the object is constrained
to this discriminant which may not change.
When however a default is provided for the discriminant, the type is
definite yet unconstrained; it allows to define both, constrained and
unconstrained objects:
` `` My_Enum `` (A, B, C);`\
` `` My_Record (Discriminant: My_Enum := A) `` ...;`\
` My_Object_U: My_Record; -- unconstrained object`\
` My_Object_B: My_Record (B); -- constrained to discriminant B like above`
Here, My_Object_U is unconstrained; upon declaration, it has the
discriminant A (the default) which however may change.
### Incompatible subtypes
` `` My_Integer `` `` -10 .. + 10;`\
` `` My_Positive `` My_Integer `` + 1 .. + 10;`\
` `` My_Negative `` My_Integer `` -10 .. - 1;`
These subtypes are of course incompatible.
Another example are subtypes of a discriminated record:
` `` My_Enum `` (A, B, C);`\
` `` My_Record (Discriminant: My_Enum) `` ...;`\
` `` My_A_Record `` My_Record (A);`\
` `` My_C_Record `` My_Record (C);`
Also these subtypes are incompatible.
## Qualified expressions
In most cases, the compiler is able to infer the type of an expression;
for example:
` Enum `` (A, B, C);`\
`E : Enum := A;`
Here the compiler knows that `A` is a value of the type `Enum`. But
` Bad `\
` `` Enum_1 `` (A, B, C);`\
` `` P (E : `` Enum_1) ``... `\
` `` Enum_2 `` (A, X, Y, Z);`\
` `` P (E : `` Enum_2) ``... `\
` P (A); `\
` Bad;`
The compiler cannot choose between the two versions of `P`; both would
be equally valid. To remove the ambiguity, you use a *qualified
` P (Enum_1'(A)); `
As seen in the following example, this syntax is often used when
creating new objects. If you try to compile the example, it will fail
with a compilation error since the compiler will determine that 256 is
not in range of `Byte`.
` ``;`\
` Convert_Evaluate_As `\
` `` Byte `` `` 2**8;`\
` `` Byte_Ptr `` `` Byte;`\
` `` T_IO `` ``;`\
` `` M_IO `` `` `` (Byte);`\
` A : `` Byte_Ptr := `` Byte'(256);`\
` T_IO.Put ("A = ");`\
` M_IO.Put (Item => A.all,`\
` Width => 5,`\
` Base => 10);`\
` Convert_Evaluate_As;`
You should use qualified expression when getting a string literal\'s
``` ada
"foo"'Length -- compilation error: prefix of attribute must be a name
-- qualify expression to turn it into a name
String'("foo" & "bar")'Length -- 6
## Type conversions
Data do not always come in the format you need them. You must, then,
face the task of converting them. As a true multi-purpose language with
a special emphasis on \"mission critical\", \"system programming\" and
\"safety\", Ada has several conversion techniques. The most difficult
part is choosing the right one, so the following list is sorted in order
of utility. You should try the first one first; the last technique is a
last resort, to be used if all others fail. There are also a few related
techniques that you might choose instead of actually converting the
Since the most important aspect is not the result of a successful
conversion, but how the system will react to an invalid conversion, all
examples also demonstrate **faulty** conversions.
### Explicit type conversion
An explicit type conversion looks much like a function call; it does not
use the *tick* (apostrophe, \') like the qualified expression does.
`Type_Name (`*`Expression`*`)`
The compiler first checks that the conversion is legal, and if it is, it
inserts a run-time check at the point of the conversion; hence the name
*checked conversion*. If the conversion fails, the program raises
Constraint_Error. Most compilers are very smart and optimise away the
constraint checks; so, you need not worry about any performance penalty.
Some compilers can also warn that a constraint check will always fail
(and optimise the check with an unconditional raise).
Explicit type conversions are legal:
- between any two numeric types
- between any two subtypes of the same type
- between any two types derived from the same type (note special rules
for tagged types)
- between array types under certain conditions (see RM
- and *nowhere else*
(The rules become more complex with class-wide and anonymous access
`I: Integer := Integer (10); `\
`J: Integer := 10; `\
`K: Integer := Integer'(10); `\
` `
This example illustrates explicit type conversions:
` ``;`\
` Convert_Checked `\
` `` Short `` `` -128 .. +127;`\
` `` Byte `` `` 256;`\
` `` T_IO `` ``;`\
` `` I_IO `` `` `` (Short);`\
` `` M_IO `` `` `` (Byte);`\
` A : Short := -1;`\
` B : Byte;`\
` B := Byte (A); -- range check will lead to Constraint_Error`\
` T_IO.Put ("A = ");`\
` I_IO.Put (Item => A,`\
` Width => 5,`\
` Base => 10);`\
` T_IO.Put (", B = ");`\
` M_IO.Put (Item => B,`\
` Width => 5,`\
` Base => 10);`\
` Convert_Checked;`
Explicit conversions are possible between any two numeric types:
integers, fixed-point and floating-point types. If one of the types
involved is a fixed-point or floating-point type, the compiler not only
checks for the range constraints (thus the code above will raise
Constraint_Error), but also performs any loss of precision necessary.
Example 1: the loss of precision causes the procedure to only ever print
\"0\" or \"1\", since `P / 100` is an integer and is always zero or one.
` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` Naive_Explicit_Conversion `\
` `` Proportion `` `` 4 `` 0.0 .. 1.0;`\
` `` Percentage `` `` 0 .. 100;`\
` `` To_Proportion (P : `` Percentage) `` Proportion `\
` `\
` `` Proportion (P / 100);`\
` `` To_Proportion;`\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Proportion'Image (To_Proportion (27)));`\
` Naive_Explicit_Conversion;`
Example 2: we use an intermediate floating-point type to guarantee the
` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` Explicit_Conversion `\
` `` Proportion `` `` 4 `` 0.0 .. 1.0;`\
` `` Percentage `` `` 0 .. 100;`\
` `` To_Proportion (P : `` Percentage) `` Proportion `\
` `` Prop `` `` 4 `` 0.0 .. 100.0;`\
` `\
` `` Proportion (Prop (P) / 100.0);`\
` `` To_Proportion;`\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Proportion'Image (To_Proportion (27)));`\
` Explicit_Conversion;`
You might ask why you should convert between two subtypes of the same
type. An example will illustrate this.
` String_10 `` String (1 .. 10);`\
`X: String := "A line long enough to make the example valid";`\
`Slice: `` String := String_10 (X (11 .. 20));`
Here, `Slice` has bounds 1 and 10, whereas `X (11 .. 20)` has bounds 11
and 20.
### Change of Representation
Type conversions can be used for packing and unpacking of records or
` Unpacked `` `\
` `\
` ``;`\
` Packed `` `` Unpacked;`\
` Packed `` `\
` `\
` ``;`
`P: Packed;`\
`U: Unpacked;`\
`P := Packed (U); `\
`U := Unpacked (P); `
### Checked conversion for non-numeric types
The examples above all revolved around conversions between numeric
types; it is possible to convert between any two numeric types in this
way. But what happens between non-numeric types, e.g. between array
types or record types? The answer is two-fold:
- you can convert explicitly between a type and types derived from it,
or between types derived from the same type,
- and that\'s all. No other conversions are possible.
Why would you want to derive a record type from another record type?
Because of representation clauses. Here we enter the realm of low-level
systems programming, which is not for the faint of heart, nor is it
useful for desktop applications. So hold on tight, and let\'s dive in.
Suppose you have a record type which uses the default, efficient
representation. Now you want to write this record to a device, which
uses a special record format. This special representation is more
compact (uses fewer bits), but is grossly inefficient. You want to have
a layered programming interface: the upper layer, intended for
applications, uses the efficient representation. The lower layer is a
device driver that accesses the hardware directly and uses the
inefficient representation.
` Device_Driver `\
` `` Size_Type `` `` 0 .. 64;`\
` `` Register `` `\
` A, B : Boolean;`\
` Size : Size_Type;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Read (R : `` Register);`\
` `` Write (R : `` Register);`\
` Device_Driver;`
The compiler chooses a default, efficient representation for `Register`.
For example, on a 32-bit machine, it would probably use three 32-bit
words, one for A, one for B and one for Size. This efficient
representation is good for applications, but at one point we want to
convert the entire record to just 8 bits, because that\'s what our
hardware requires.
` `` Device_Driver `\
` `` Hardware_Register `` `` Register; `\
` `` Hardware_Register `` `\
` A `` 0 `` 0 .. 0;`\
` B `` 0 `` 1 .. 1;`\
` Size `` 0 `` 2 .. 7;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Get `` Hardware_Register; `\
` `` Put (H : `` Hardware_Register); `\
` `` Read (R : `` Register) `\
` H : Hardware_Register := Get;`\
` `\
` R := Register (H); `\
` `` Read;`\
` `` Write (R : `` Register) `\
` `\
` Put (Hardware_Register (R)); `\
` `` Write;`\
` Device_Driver;`
In the above example, the package body declares a derived type with the
inefficient, but compact representation, and converts to and from it.
This illustrates that **type conversions can result in a change of
### View conversion, in object-oriented programming
Within object-oriented
programming you have to
distinguish between *specific* types and *class-wide* types.
With specific types, only conversions in the direction to the root are
possible, which of course cannot fail. There are no conversions in the
opposite direction `<small>`{=html}(where would you get the further
components from?)`</small>`{=html}; *extension aggregates* have to be
used instead.
With the conversion itself, no components of the source object that are
not present in the target object are lost, they are just hidden from
visibility. Therefore, this kind of conversion is called a *view
conversion* since it provides a view of the source object as an object
of the target type (especially it does not change the object\'s tag).
It is a common idiom in object oriented programming to rename the result
of a view conversion. (A renaming declaration does not create a new
object; it only gives a new name to something that already exists.)
` Parent_Type `` `` `\
` ``<components>`{=html}`;`\
` ``;`\
` Child_Type `` `` Parent_Type `` `\
` ``<further components>`{=html}`;`\
` ``;`\
`Child_Instance : Child_Type;`\
`Parent_View : Parent_Type `` Parent_Type (Child_Instance);`\
`Parent_Part : Parent_Type := Parent_Type (Child_Instance);`
`Parent_View` is not a new object, but another name for `Child_Instance`
viewed as the parent, i.e. only the parent components are visible, the
child-specific components are hidden. `Parent_Part`, however, is an
object of the parent type, which of course has no storage for the
child-specific components, so they are lost with the assignment.
All types derived from a tagged type `T` form a tree rooted at `T`. The
class-wide type `T'Class` can hold any object within this tree. With
class-wide types, conversions in any direction are possible; there is a
run-time tag check that raises `Constraint_Error` if the check fails.
These conversions are also view conversions, no data is created or lost.
`Object_1 : Parent_Type'`` := Parent_Type'`` (Child_Instance);`\
`Object_2 : Parent_Type'`` `` Parent_Type'`` (Child_Instance);`
`Object_1` is a new object, a copy; `Object_2` is just a new name. Both
objects are of the class-wide type. Conversions to any type within the
given class are legal, but are tag-checked.
`Success : Child_Type := Child_Type (Parent_Type'Class (Parent_View));`\
`Failure : Child_Type := Child_Type (Parent_Type'Class (Parent_Part));`
The first conversion passes the tag check and both objects
`Child_Instance` and `Success` are equal. The second conversion fails
the tag check. `<small>`{=html}(Conversion assignments of this kind will
rarely be used; dispatching will do this automatically, see object
You can perform these checks yourself with membership tests:
` Parent_View `` Child_Type `` ...`\
` Parent_View `` Child_Type'`` `` ...`
There is also the package `Ada.Tags`.
### Address conversion
Ada\'s access type is not
just a memory location (a thin pointer). Depending on implementation and
the access type used, the
access might keep additional
information (a fat pointer). For example GNAT keeps two memory addresses
for each access to an
indefinite object --- one for the data and one for the constraint
informations `<small>`{=html}(,
If you want to convert an access to a simple memory location you can use
the package
. Note
however that an address and a fat pointer cannot be converted reversibly
into one another.
The address of an array object is the address of its first component.
Thus the bounds get lost in such a conversion.
` My_Array `` `` (Positive `` <>) `` Something;`\
`A: My_Array (50 .. 100);`\
` A'`` = A(A'``)'`
### Unchecked conversion
One of the great criticisms of Pascal was \"there is no escape\". The
reason was that sometimes you have to convert the incompatible. For this
purpose, Ada has the generic function *Unchecked_Conversion*:
` `` Source (<>) `` `` ``;`\
` `` Target (<>) `` `` ``;`\
` `` (S : Source) `` Target;`
*`Unchecked_Conversion`* will bit-copy the source data and reinterpret
them under the target type without any checks. It is **your** chore to
make sure that the requirements on unchecked conversion as stated in RM
are fulfilled; if not, the result is
implementation dependent and may even lead to abnormal data. Use the
\'Valid attribute after the conversion to check the validity of the data
in problematic cases.
A function call to (an instance of) `Unchecked_Conversion` will copy the
source to the destination. The compiler may also do a conversion *in
place* (every instance has the convention *Intrinsic*).
To use `Unchecked_Conversion` you need to instantiate the generic.
In the example below, you can see how this is done. When run, the
example will output `A = -1, B = 255`. No error will be reported, but is
this the result you expect?
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Convert_Unchecked `\
` `` Short `` `` -128 .. +127;`\
` `` Byte `` `` 256;`\
` `` T_IO `` ``;`\
` `` I_IO `` `` `` (Short);`\
` `` M_IO `` `` `` (Byte);`\
` `` Convert `` `` `` (Source => Short,`\
` Target => Byte);`\
` A : `` Short := -1;`\
` B : Byte;`\
` B := Convert (A);`\
` T_IO.Put ("A = ");`\
` I_IO.Put (Item => A,`\
` Width => 5,`\
` Base => 10);`\
` T_IO.Put (", B = ");`\
` M_IO.Put (Item => B,`\
` Width => 5,`\
` Base => 10);`\
` Convert_Unchecked;`
There is of course a range check in the assignment `B := Convert (A);`.
Thus if `B` were defined as
`B: Byte `` 0 .. 10;`, `Constraint_Error`
would be raised.
### Overlays
If the copying of the result of `Unchecked_Conversion` is too much waste
in terms of performance, then you can try overlays, i.e. address
mappings. By using overlays, both objects share the same memory
location. If you assign a value to one, the other changes as well. The
syntax is:
` Target'`` `` `*`expression`*`;`\
` (Ada, Target);`
where *expression* defines the address of the source object.
While overlays might look more elegant than `Unchecked_Conversion`, you
should be aware that they are even more dangerous and have even greater
potential for doing something very wrong. For example if
`Source'`` < Target'`
and you assign a value to Target, you might inadvertently write into
memory allocated to a different object.
You have to take care also of implicit initializations of objects of the
target type, since they would overwrite the actual value of the source
object. The Import pragma with convention Ada can be used to prevent
this, since it avoids the implicit initialization, RM
The example below does the same as the example from \"Unchecked
` ``;`\
` Convert_Address_Mapping `\
` `` Short `` `` -128 .. +127;`\
` `` Byte `` `` 256;`\
` `` T_IO `` ``;`\
` `` I_IO `` `` `` (Short);`\
` `` M_IO `` `` `` (Byte);`\
` A : `` Short;`\
` B : `` Byte;`\
` `\
` `` B'`` `` A'``;`\
` `` (Ada, B);`\
` `\
` A := -1;`\
` T_IO.Put ("A = ");`\
` I_IO.Put (Item => A,`\
` Width => 5,`\
` Base => 10);`\
` T_IO.Put (", B = ");`\
` M_IO.Put (Item => B,`\
` Width => 5,`\
` Base => 10);`\
` Convert_Address_Mapping;`
### Export / Import
Just for the record: There is still another method using the
pragmas. However, since this
method completely undermines Ada\'s visibility and type concepts even
more than overlays, it has no place here in this language introduction
and is left to experts.
## Elaborated Discussion of Types for Signed Integer Types
As explained before, a type declaration
` T `` `` 1 .. 10;`
declares an anonymous type *`T`* and its first subtype `T` (please note
the italicization). *`T`* encompasses the complete set of mathematical
integers. Static expressions and named numbers make use of this fact.
All numeric integer literals are of type `Universal_Integer`. They are
converted to the appropriate specific type where needed.
`Universal_Integer` itself has no operators.
Some examples with static named numbers:
` S1: `` := Integer'`` + Integer'``; `\
` S2: `` := Long_Integer'`` + 1; `\
` S3: `` := S1 + S2; `\
` S4: `` := Integer'`` + Long_Integer'``; `
Static expressions are evaluated at compile-time on the appropriate
types with no overflow checks, i.e. mathematically exact (only limited
by computer store). The result is then implicitly converted to
The literal 1 in `S2` is of type `Universal_Integer` and implicitly
converted to `Long_Integer`.
`S3` implicitly converts the summands to `root_integer`, performs the
calculation and converts back to `Universal_Integer`.
`S4` is illegal because it mixes two different types. You can however
write this as
` S5: `` := Integer'Pos (Integer'``) + Long_Integer'Pos (Long_Integer'``); `
where the Pos attributes convert the values to `Universal_Integer`,
which are then further implicitly converted to `root_integer`, added and
the result converted back to `Universal_Integer`.
`root_integer` is the anonymous greatest integer type representable by
the hardware. It has the range
`System.Min_Integer .. System.Max_Integer`. All integer types are rooted
at `root_integer`, i.e. derived from it. `Universal_Integer` can be
viewed as `root_integer'Class`.
During run-time, computations of course are performed with range checks
and overflow checks on the appropriate subtype. Intermediate results may
however exceed the range limits. Thus with `I, J, K` of the subtype `T`
above, the following code will return the correct result:
`I := 10;`\
`J := 8;`\
`K := (I + J) - 12;`\
Real literals are of type `Universal_Real`, and similar rules as the
ones above apply accordingly.
## Relations between types
Types can be made from other types. Array types, for example, are made
from two types, one for the arrays\' index and one for the arrays\'
components. An array, then, expresses an association, namely that
between one value of the index type and a value of the component type.
` `` Color `` (Red, Green, Blue);`\
` `` Intensity `` `` 0 .. 255;`\
` `\
` `` Colored_Point `` `` (Color) `` Intensity;`
The type `Color` is the index type and the type `Intensity` is the
component type of the array type `Colored_Point`. See
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
### Ada Reference Manual
System es:Programación en
# Ada Programming/Constants
# Are Constants Constant?
Variables and constants are declared like so:
`X, Y: T := Some_Value; -- Initialization optional`\
`C: `` T := Some_Value;`
The initialization value for X and Y is evaluated separately for each
one -- thus, if this is a function call, they may have different values.
For the nomenclature: Ada calls variables and constants together
\"objects\". Do not confuse this with the term \"objects\" used in OOP.
It is good practice to declare local objects which do not change as
Silly question: What actually does \"constant\" mean?
` Swap (X, Y: `` T) `\
` Temp: `` T := X;`\
` X := Y;`\
` Y := Temp;`\
` Swap;`
In the Swap example, the temporary copy of X certainly is constant -- we
do not touch it. However (a triviality you'll say), it is not constant
during construction nor during destruction at the end of Swap.
Hold it!
In the following, you will learn some astonishing facts about
"constants" (objects with the keyword constant).
## First Doubts
Let us sow first doubts about the constancy.
Controlled types (RM 7.6) grant the programmer access to the process of
construction, copy and destruction via the three operations Initialize,
Adjust and Finalize.
Given a controlled type T.
`X: `` T := F;`
After construction of X and its initialization with a copy of F, the
operation Adjust is called with parameter mode in out for the constant
object X. (Initialize is not called here because an initial value is
In Ada.\*\_IO (RM A.6-A.10), the file parameter of Create and Close has
mode in out, of Read and Write (resp. Put and Get) it has in. But each
of these operations does change the state of the file parameter.
This reflects a design where the (internal) File object\'s \"state\"
represents the open-ness of the File object, rather than the content of
the (external) file. Agreed that this choice is debatable, but it is
consistent across the I/O packages.
The presumed implementation model implies a level of indirection, where
the File parameter represents a reference, which is essentially \"null\"
when the file is closed, and non-null when the file is open. Everything
else is buried in some mysterious netherland whose state is not
reflected in the mode of the File parameter.
This is a symptom of any language that has pointer parameters whose mode
has no effect on the ability to update the pointed-to object.
**An object is not constant at least during construction and
But as you have seen with Ada.\*\_IO, a constant object can indeed
change its state also during its lifetime. (An in parameter is like a
constant within a subprogram.)
**"The constant keyword means that the value never changes" -- this is a
False statement for Ada** (the details are painful); it\'s true for
elementary types and some others, but not for most composite types.
You can find some interesting statements about this in Ada RM: RM
3.3(13/3, 25.1/3), 13.9.1(13/3). The corresponding terms are *immutably
limited* and *inherently mutable*.
## Example Pointers
` `` Rec `` `\
` I: `` Integer;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Ob: `` Rec := (I => `` Integer'(42));`\
` -- Ob.I is constant, but not Ob.I.all!`\
` Ob.I.all := 53;`\
` Pointer;`
Here you will certainly agree with me that this is clear as daylight.
But what about the case of an internal pointer accessing the whole
object itself?
` `` Rec `` `` `` -- immutably limited`\
` -- Rosen technique (only possible on immutably limited types);`\
` -- Ref is a variable view (Rec is aliased since it is limited).`\
` Ref: `` Rec := Rec'Unchecked_Access;`\
` I : Integer;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Ob: `` Rec := (I => 42, Ref => <>);`\
` Ob.I := 53; -- illegal`\
` Ob.Ref.I := 53; -- erroneous until Ada 2005, legal for Ada 2012`\
` Reflexive;`
The object must be limited since copying would ruin the reference.
Ada 2012 AARM 13.9.1(14.e/3): The Rosen trick (named after Jean Pierre
Rosen) is no longer erroneous when the actual object is constant, but
good practice.
This applies to objects where there is necessarily a variable view at
some point in the lifetime of the object which you can \"squirrel away\"
for later use. This certainly does not happen \"by mistake\", the
programmer does it on purpose.
` Controlled `\
` `` Rec `` `` Ada.Finalization.Controlled `` `\
` Ref: `` Rec; -- variable view`\
` I : Integer;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` `` Initialize (T: `` Rec);`\
` `` `` Adjust (T: `` Rec);`\
` -- "in out" means they see a variable view of the object`\
` -- (even if it's a constant)`\
` Controlled;`
You can use it like so:
` `` Create `` Controlled.Rec `` … `` Create;`\
` Ob: `` Controlled.Rec := Create;`\
` -- here, Adjust works on a constant on an assignment operation`\
` Ob.Ref.I := 53; -- Ob.I := 53; illegal`\
A copy of the return object Create is assigned to Ob, the object Create
is finalized. Now the component Ref points to a no longer existing
object. (Note the difference between *assignment statement* and
*assignment operation*.) Adjust has to correct the wrong target.
Create might look like this:
` Create `` Controlled.Rec `\
` X: Controlled.Rec; -- Initialize called`\
` `` X;`\
` Create;`
The variable X is declared without an initial value, so Initialize is
called. Create returns this self referencing object.
This is the package body:
` `` Controlled `\
` `` Initialize (T: `` Rec) `\
` `\
` T := (Ada.Finalization.Controlled `\
` Ref => T'Unchecked_Access,`\
` I => 42);`\
` `` Initialize;`\
` `` Adjust (T: `` Rec) `\
` `\
` T.Ref := T'Unchecked_Access;`\
` `` Adjust;`\
` Controlled;`
Initiallize is only called if no initial value is given in the object
declaration. T is regarded as *aliased* so that the component Ref is a
variable view of the object itself.
## Example Task and Protected Object
Tasks are active objects, i.e. each task has its own thread of control:
All tasks run concurrently. A task communicates with other tasks via
rendezvous by calling one of its entries (roughly corresponding to a
subprogram call).
Since Ada is a block-oriented language, tasks may be defined as
components of arrays and records, and these may be constants.
` `` TT `\
` `` Set (I: Integer);`\
` TT;`\
` `` TT `` -- local objects are not`\
` I: Integer := 42; -- considered part of constant`\
` `` Set (I: Integer) `\
` TT.I := I;`\
` `` Set;`\
` TT;`\
` Rec `` `\
` T: TT; -- active object that changes state (even if "constant")`\
` record;`\
`Ob: `` Rec := (T => <>);`
`Ob.T.Set (53); -- execution of an entry of a constant task`
Protected objects are very similar to tasks.
` `` Prot `\
` `` Set (I: Integer);`\
` I: Integer := 42; -- *`\
` Prot;`\
` `` Prot `\
` `` Set (I: Integer) `\
` `\
` Prot.I := I; -- Prot.I is *`\
` `` Set;`\
` Prot;`\
` Rec `` `` `\
` Ref: `` Rec := Rec'Unchecked_Access; -- reflexive`\
` P : Prot;`\
` ``;`\
`Ob: `` Rec := (`` => <>);`
`Ob.P.Set (53); -- illegal`\
`Ob.Ref.P.Set (53); -- variable view required`
## Constants Are Like This
If an object is declared "constant", the meaning is just twofold:
- The object cannot be used in an assignment (if it is not yet
- The object can only be used as an in parameter.
**In no case at all does it mean that the logical state of the object is
immutable.** In fact, such a type should be
_private_, which means _the client has
no influence at all on what happens in the object's inside. The provider
is responsible for the correct behavior._ *Immutably
limited* and *controlled objects* are *inherently mutable*.
# See also
## Wikibook
- Ada
## Ada Reference Manual
Programming}}\|Constants es:Programación en
# Ada Programming/Representation clauses
There are several forms to specify the representation of items.
## Attributes
` Day_Of_Month `` `` 1 .. 31;`\
` Day_Of_Month'`` `` 8; `\
` Day_Of_Month'`` `` 1; `
## Records
A record representation clause specifies the *Layout*
aspect of a record. For any
component, a *component clause* may be given specifying the location
within the record object by its storage unit offset with respect to the
address (called *Position*) and the bits occupied at this position
(called *First_Bit* and *Last_Bit*):
`Component_Name `` Position `` First_Bit .. Last_Bit;`
These three expressions must be static, not negative and of any integer
type; they have corresponding
attributes **\'Position**,
**\'First_Bit** and **\'Last_Bit**. Note that the bit range may extend
well over storage unit boundaries. Components without a component clause
are located at the compiler\'s choice.
` Device_Register `` `\
` Ready : Status_Flag;`\
` Error : Error_Flag;`\
` Data : Unsigned_16;`\
` ``;`\
` Device_Register `` `\
` Ready `` 0 `` 0 .. 0;`\
` Error `` 0 `` 1 .. 1;`\
` `\
` Data `` 0 `` 16 .. 31;`\
` ``;`
Alternatively with identical result:
` Device_Register `` `\
` Ready `` 0 `` 0 .. 0;`\
` Error `` 0 `` 1 .. 1;`\
` `\
` Data `` 1 `` 0 .. 15;`\
` ``;`
The layout depends of course on whether the machine architecture is
*little endian* or *big endian*. The corresponding
attribute is called
For the Data component in the native bit order, **\'Position**,
**\'First_Bit** and **\'Last_Bit** will in both cases return 1, 0 and
### Biased Representation
For certain components, a so-called *biased representation* may be
possible. For the type T, the attribute
\'Size will return 10,
but since it has only eight values, three bits would suffice. This can
be forced with the following specification:
` T `` `` 1000 .. 1007;`
` Rec `` `\
` A: Integer `` 0 .. 1;`\
` B: Boolean;`\
` C: T;`\
` ``;`
` Rec `` `\
` B `` 0 `` 0 .. 1;`\
` C `` 0 `` 4 .. 6; `\
` ``;`
Note that no size clause is needed for type T. Thus, a *change of
representation* is performed in either way when record components and
stand-alone objects of type T are assigned to one another.
Also note that for component `A` the compiler is free to choose any of
the remaining bits of position 0, but may also use at position 1 as many
bits as an integer requires in the given implementation.
## Enumerations
An enumeration representation clause specifies the *Coding*
aspect of an enumeration type with
a named aggregate.
` Status_Flag `` (Ready, Wait);`\
` Status_Flag `` (Ready => 0, Wait => 1); `
Another representation:
` Status_Flag `` (Ready => 0, Wait => 2#100#);`
The expressions for the literals must be static and of any integer type.
The values must not conflict with the order.
## The Aspect Pack
The aspect Pack may be used for
arrays and records. It specifies that for each component as many bits
are used as the attribute
\'Size applied to its
subtype returns.
# Ada Programming/Strings
Ada supports three different types of strings. Each string type is
designed to solve a different problem.
In addition, every string type is implemented for each available
Characters type `<small>`{=html}(Character, Wide_Character,
Wide_Wide_Character)`</small>`{=html} giving a complement of nine
## Fixed-length string handling
Fixed-Length Strings (the predefined type
String) are
arrays of Character, and
consequently of a fixed length. Since String is an indefinite
subtype the
length does not need to be known at compile time --- the length may well
be calculated at run time. In the following example the length is
calculated from command-line argument 1:
`X : String := Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1);`
However once the length has been calculated and the string has been
created the length stays constant. Try the following program which shows
a typical mistake:
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Show_Commandline_1 `\
` `` T_IO `` ``;`\
` `` CL `` ``;`\
` X : String := CL.Argument (1);`\
` T_IO.Put ("Argument 1 = ");`\
` T_IO.Put_Line (X);`\
` X := CL.Argument (2);`\
` T_IO.Put ("Argument 2 = ");`\
` T_IO.Put_Line (X);`\
` Show_Commandline_1;`
The program will only work when the 1st and 2nd parameter have the same
length. This is even true when the 2nd parameter is shorter. There is
neither an automatic padding of shorter strings nor an automatic
truncation of longer strings.
Having said that, the package
contains a set of
procedures and functions for Fixed-Length String Handling which allows
padding of shorter strings and truncation of longer strings.
Try the following example to see how it works:
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Show_Commandline_2 `\
` `` T_IO `` ``;`\
` `` CL `` ``;`\
` `` S `` ``;`\
` `` SF `` ``;`\
` X : String := CL.Argument (1);`\
` T_IO.Put ("Argument 1 = ");`\
` T_IO.Put_Line (X);`\
` SF.Move (`\
` Source => CL.Argument (2),`\
` Target => X,`\
` Drop => S.Right,`\
` Justify => S.Left,`\
` Pad => S.Space);`\
` T_IO.Put ("Argument 2 = ");`\
` T_IO.Put_Line (X);`\
` Show_Commandline_2;`
## Bounded-length string handling
Bounded-Length Strings can be used when the maximum length of a string
is known and/or restricted. This is often the case in database
applications where only a limited number of characters can be stored.
Like Fixed-Length Strings the maximum length does not need to be known
at compile time --- it can also be calculated at runtime --- as the
example below shows:
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Show_Commandline_3 `\
` `` T_IO `` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` `` CL `` Ada.Command_Line;`\
` `` Max_Length (`\
` Value_1 : Integer;`\
` Value_2 : Integer)`\
` `\
` Integer`\
` `\
` Retval : Integer;`\
` `\
` `` Value_1 > Value_2 `\
` Retval := Value_1;`\
` `\
` Retval := Value_2;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Retval;`\
` `` Max_Length;`\
` `` Inline (Max_Length);`\
` `` SB`\
` `` `` Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length (`\
` Max => Max_Length (`\
` Value_1 => CL.Argument (1)'Length,`\
` Value_2 => CL.Argument (2)'Length));`\
` X : SB.Bounded_String`\
` := SB.To_Bounded_String (CL.Argument (1));`\
` T_IO.Put ("Argument 1 = ");`\
` T_IO.Put_Line (SB.To_String (X));`\
` X := SB.To_Bounded_String (CL.Argument (2));`\
` T_IO.Put ("Argument 2 = ");`\
` T_IO.Put_Line (SB.To_String (X));`\
` Show_Commandline_3;`
You should know that Bounded-Length Strings have some distinct
disadvantages. Most noticeable is that each Bounded-Length String is a
different type which makes converting them rather cumbersome. Also a
Bounded-Length String type always allocates memory for the maximum
permitted string length for the type. The memory allocation for a
Bounded-Length String is equal to the maximum number of string
\"characters\" plus an implementation dependent number containing the
string length (each character can require allocation of more than one
byte per character, depending on the underlying character type of the
string, and the length number is 4 bytes long for the Windows GNAT Ada
compiler v3.15p, for example).
## Unbounded-length string handling
Last but not least there is the Unbounded-Length String. In fact: If you
are not doing embedded or database programming this will be the string
type you are going to use most often as it gives you the maximum amount
of flexibility.
As the name suggest the Unbounded-Length String can hold strings of
almost any length --- limited only to the value of Integer\'Last or your
available heap memory. This is because Unbounded_String type is
implemented using dynamic memory allocation behind the scenes, providing
lower efficiency but maximum flexibility.
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Show_Commandline_4 `\
` `` T_IO `` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` `` CL `` Ada.Command_Line;`\
` `` SU `` Ada.Strings.Unbounded;`\
` X : SU.Unbounded_String `\
` := SU.To_Unbounded_String (CL.Argument (1));`\
` T_IO.Put ("Argument 1 = ");`\
` T_IO.Put_Line (SU.To_String (X));`\
` X := SU.To_Unbounded_String (CL.Argument (2));`\
` T_IO.Put ("Argument 2 = ");`\
` T_IO.Put_Line (SU.To_String (X));`\
` Show_Commandline_4;`
As you can see the Unbounded-Length String example is also the shortest
`<small>`{=html}(disregarding the buggy first example)`</small>`{=html}
--- this makes using Unbounded-Length Strings very appealing.
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
### Ada 95 Reference Manual
### Ada 2005 Reference Manual
es:Programación en
# Ada Programming/Subprograms
In Ada the subprograms are classified into two categories:
procedures and
functions. A procedures call is a statement and
does not return any value, whereas a function returns a value and must
therefore be a part of an expression.
Subprogram parameters may have three modes.
: The actual parameter value goes into the call and is not changed there; the formal parameter is a constant and allows only reading -- with a caveat, see Ada Programming/Constants. This is the default when no mode is given. The actual parameter can be an expression.\
: The actual parameter goes into the call and may be redefined. The formal parameter is a variable and can be read and written.\
: The actual parameter\'s value before the call is irrelevant, it will get a value in the call. The formal parameter can be read and written. (In Ada 83 parameters were write-only.)
A parameter of any mode may also be explicitly
: The formal parameter is an access (a pointer) to some variable. (This is not a parameter mode from the reference manual point of view.)
Note that parameter modes do not specify the parameter passing method.
Their purpose is to document the data flow.
The parameter passing method depends on the type of the parameter. A
rule of thumb is that parameters fitting into a register are passed by
copy, others are passed by reference. For certain types, there are
special rules, for others the parameter passing mode is left to the
compiler (which you can assume to do what is most sensible). Tagged
types are always passed by reference.
Explicitly parameters and
parameters specify pass by reference.
Unlike in the C class of programming languages, Ada subprogram calls
cannot have empty parameters parentheses
` ` when there are
no parameters.
## Procedures
A procedure call in Ada constitutes a statement by itself.
For example:
` A_Test ``A, B: `` Integer; C: `` Integer`` `\
` C := A + B;`\
` A_Test;`
When the procedure is called with the statement
`A_Test (5 + P, 48, Q);`
the expressions 5 + P and 48 are evaluated (expressions are only allowed
for in parameters), and then assigned to the formal parameters A and B,
which behave like constants. Then, the value A + B is assigned to formal
variable C, whose value will be assigned to the actual parameter Q when
the procedure finishes.
C, being an parameter, is an uninitialized
variable before the first assignment. (Therefore in Ada 83, there
existed the restriction that parameters are
write-only. If you wanted to read the value written, you had to declare
a local variable, do all calculations with it, and finally assign it to
C before return. This was awkward and error prone so the restriction was
removed in Ada 95.)
Within a procedure, the return statement can be used without arguments
to exit the procedure and return the control to the caller.
For example, to solve an equation of the kind $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$:
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Quadratic_Equation`\
` ``A, B, C : Float; `\
` R1, R2 : `` Float;`\
` Valid : `` Boolean`\
` Z : Float;`\
` Z := B**2 - 4.0 * A * C;`\
` `` Z < 0.0 `` A = 0.0 `\
` Valid := False; `\
` R1 := 0.0;`\
` R2 := 0.0;`\
` `\
` Valid := True;`\
` R1 := (-B + Sqrt (Z)) / (2.0 * A);`\
` R2 := (-B - Sqrt (Z)) / (2.0 * A);`\
` `` ``;`\
` Quadratic_Equation;`
The function SQRT calculates the square root of non-negative values. If
the roots are real, they are given back in R1 and R2, but if they are
complex or the equation degenerates (A = 0), the execution of the
procedure finishes after assigning to the Valid variable the False
value, so that it is controlled after the call to the procedure. Notice
that the parameters should be modified at
least once, and that if a mode is not specified, it is implied
## Functions
A function is a subprogram that can be invoked as part of an expression.
Until Ada 2005, functions can only take (the
default) or parameters; the latter can
be used as a work-around for the restriction that functions may not have
parameters. Ada 2012 has removed this
Here is an example of a function body:
` Minimum (A, B: Integer) `` Integer `\
` `` A <= B `\
` `` A;`\
` `\
` `` B;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Minimum;`
(There is, by the way, also the attribute `Integer'Min`, see RM 3.5.) Or
in Ada2012:
` Minimum (A, B: Integer) `` Integer `\
` `` (`` A <= B `` A `` B);`\
` Minimum;`
or even shorter as an *expression function*
` Minimum (A, B: Integer) `` Integer `` (`` A <= B `` A `` B);`
The formal parameters with mode behave as
local constants whose values are provided by the corresponding actual
parameters. The statement is used to
indicate the value returned by the function call and to give back the
control to the expression that called the function. The expression of
the statement may be of arbitrary
complexity and must be of the same type declared in the specification.
If an incompatible type is used, the compiler gives an error. If the
restrictions of a subtype are not fulfilled, e.g. a range, it raises a
Constraint_Error exception.
The body of the function can contain several
statements and the execution of any of
them will finish the function, returning control to the caller. If the
flow of control within the function branches in several ways, it is
necessary to make sure that each one of them is finished with a
statement. If at run time the end of a
function is reached without encountering a
statement, the exception Program_Error
is raised. Therefore, the body of a function must have at least one such
Every call to a function produces a new copy of any object declared
within it. When the function finalizes, its objects disappear.
Therefore, it is possible to call the function recursively. For example,
consider this implementation of the factorial function:
` Factorial (N : Positive) `` Positive `\
` `` N = 1 `\
` `` 1;`\
` `\
` `` (N * Factorial (N - 1));`\
` `` ``;`\
` Factorial;`
When evaluating the expression `Factorial (4);` the function will be
called with parameter 4 and within the function it will try to evaluate
the expression `Factorial (3)`, calling itself as a function, but in
this case parameter N would be 3 (each call copies the parameters) and
so on until N = 1 is evaluated which will finalize the recursion and
then the expression will begin to be completed in the reverse order.
A formal parameter of a function can be of any type, including vectors
or records. Nevertheless, it cannot be an anonymous type, that is, its
type must be declared before, for example:
` Float_Vector `` `` (Positive `` <>) `` Float;`\
` Add_Components (V: Float_Vector) `` Float `\
` Result : Float := 0.0;`\
` `` I `` V'`` `\
` Result := Result + V(I);`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Result;`\
` Add_Components;`
In this example, the function can be used on a vector of arbitrary
dimension. Therefore, there are no static bounds in the parameters
passed to the functions. For example, it is possible to be used in the
following way:
`V4 : Float_Vector (1 .. 4) := (1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8);`\
`Sum : Float;`\
`Sum := Add_Components (V4);`
In the same way, a function can also return a type whose bounds are not
known a priori. For example:
` Invert_Components (V : Float_Vector) `` Float_Vector `\
` Result : Float_Vector(V'``); `\
` `` I `` V'`` `\
` Result(I) := V (V'`` + V'`` - I);`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Result;`\
` Invert_Components; `
The variable Result has the same bounds as V, so the returned vector
will always have the same dimension as the one passed as parameter.
A value returned by a function can be used without assigning it to a
variable, it can be referenced as an expression. For example,
`Invert_Components (V4) (1)`, where the first element of the vector
returned by the function would be obtained (in this case, the last
element of V4, i.e. 7.8).
## Named parameters
In subprogram calls, named parameter notation (i.e. the name of the
formal parameter followed of the symbol
and then the actual parameter) allows the rearrangement of the
parameters in the call. For example:
`Quadratic_Equation (Valid => OK, A => 1.0, B => 2.0, C => 3.0, R1 => P, R2 => Q);`\
`F := Factorial (N => (3 + I));`
This is especially useful to make clear which parameter is which.
`Phi := Arctan (A, B);`\
`Phi := Arctan (Y => A, X => B);`
The first call (from Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions) is not very
clear. One might easily confuse the parameters. The second call makes
the meaning clear without any ambiguity.
Another use is for calls with numeric literals:
`Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put_Line (X, 3, 2, 0); -- ?`\
`Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put_Line (X, Fore => 3, Aft => 2, Exp => 0); -- OK`
## Default parameters
On the other hand, formal parameters may have default values. They can,
therefore, be omitted in the subprogram call. For example:
` By_Default_Example (A, B: `` Integer := 0);`
can be called in these ways:
`By_Default_Example (5, 7); `\
`By_Default_Example (5); `\
`By_Default_Example; `\
`By_Default_Example (B => 3); `\
`By_Default_Example (1, B => 2); `
In the first statement, a \"regular call\" is used (with positional
association); the second also uses positional association but omits the
second parameter to use the default; in the third statement, all
parameters are by default; the fourth statement uses named association
to omit the first parameter; finally, the fifth statement uses mixed
association, here the positional parameters have to precede the named
Note that the default expression is evaluated once for each formal
parameter that has no actual parameter. Thus, if in the above example a
function would be used as defaults for A and B, the function would be
evaluated once in case 2 and 4; twice in case 3, so A and B could have
different values; in the others cases, it would not be evaluated.
## Renaming
Subprograms may be renamed. The parameter and result profile for a
renaming-as-declaration must be mode conformant.
` Solve`\
` (A, B, C: `` Float;`\
` R1, R2 : `` Float;`\
` Valid : `` Boolean) `` Quadratic_Equation;`
This may be especially comfortable for tagged types.
` Some_Package `\
` `` Message_Type `` `` `` ``;`\
` `` Print (Message: `` Message_Type);`\
` Some_Package; `
` Some_Package;`\
` Main `\
` Message: Some_Package.Message_Type;`\
` `` Print `` Message.Print; `\
` ``<s>`{=html}`Method_Ref: `` `` := Print'``;``</s>`{=html}` `\
` `\
` Some_Package.Print (Message); `\
` Message.Print; `\
` Print; `\
` ``<s>`{=html}`Method_Ref.``;``</s>`{=html}` `\
` `\
` Main;`
But note that `Message.Print'``;` is
illegal, you have to use a renaming declaration as above.
Since only mode conformance is required (and not full conformance as
between specification and body), parameter names and default values may
be changed with renamings:
`P (X: ``Integer := 0);`\
`R (A: ``Integer := -1) ``P;`
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada Programming/Operators
### Ada 95 Reference Manual
### Ada 2005 Reference Manual
### Ada Quality and Style Guide
es:Programación en
# Ada Programming/Packages
Ada encourages the division of code into separate modules called
*packages*. Each package can contain any combination of items.
Some of the benefits of using packages are:
- package contents are placed in a separate namespace, preventing
naming collisions,
- implementation details of the package can be hidden from the
programmer (information hiding),
- object orientation requires defining a type and its primitive
subprograms within a package, and
- packages that are library units can be separately compiled.
Some of the more common package usages are:
- a group of related subprograms along with their shared data, with
the data not visible outside the package,
- one or more data types along with subprograms for manipulating those
data types, and
- a generic package that can be instantiated under varying conditions.
The following is a quote from the current Ada Reference Manual
## Separate compilation
Note: The following chapters deal with packages on *library level*. This
is the most common use, since packages are the basic code structuring
means in Ada. However, Ada being a block oriented language, packages can
be declared at any level in any declarative region. In this case, the
normal visibility rules apply, also for the package body.
Package specifications and bodies on library level are compilation
units, so can be separately compiled. Ada has nothing to say about how
and where compilation units are stored. This is implementation
dependent. (Most implementations indeed store compilation units in files
of their own; name suffixes vary, GNAT uses `.ads` and `.adb`,
APEX `.1.ada` and
`.2.ada`.) The package body can itself be divided into multiple parts by
specifying that subprogram implementations or bodies of nested packages
are **separate**. These are then further compilation units.
One of the biggest advantages of Ada over most other programming
languages is its well-defined system of modularization and separate
compilation. Even though Ada allows separate compilation, it maintains
the strong type checking among the various compilations by enforcing
rules of compilation order and compatibility checking. Ada compilers
determine the compilation sequence; no make file is needed. Ada uses
separate compilation (like Modula-2,
Java and
C#), and not independent
compilation (as
C/C++ does),
in which the various parts are compiled with no knowledge of the other
compilation units with which they will be combined.
A note to C/C++ users: Yes, you can use the preprocessor to emulate
separate compilation --- but it is only an emulation and the smallest
mistake leads to very hard to find bugs. It is telling that all C/C++
successor languages including D
have turned away from the independent compilation and the use of the
So it\'s good to know that Ada has had separate compilation ever since
Ada-83 and is probably the most sophisticated implementation around.
## Parts of a package
A package generally consists of two parts, the specification and the
body. A package specification can be further divided in two logical
parts, the visible part and the private part. Only the visible part of
the specification is mandatory. The private part of the specification is
optional, and a package specification might not have a package
body---the package body only exists to complete any *incomplete* items
in the specification. Subprogram declarations are the most common
*incomplete* items. There must not be a package body if there is no
incomplete declaration, and there has to be a package body if there is
some incomplete declaration in the specification.
To understand the value of the three-way division, consider the case of
a package that has already been released and is in use. A change to the
visible part of the specification will require that the programmers of
all using software verify that the change does not affect the using
code. A change to the private part of the declaration will require that
all using code be recompiled but no review is normally needed. Some
changes to the private part can change the meaning of the client code
however. An example is changing a private record type into a private
access type. This change can be done with changes in the private part,
but change the semantic meaning of assignment in the clients code. A
change to the package body will only require that the file containing
the package body be recompiled, because *nothing* outside of the package
body can ever access anything within the package body (beyond the
declarations in the specification part).
A common usage of the three parts is to declare the existence of a type
and some subprograms that operate on that type in the visible part,
define the actual structure of the type (e.g. as a record) in the
private part, and provide the code to implement the subprograms in the
package body.
### The package specification --- the visible part
The visible part of a package specification describes all the subprogram
specifications, variables, types, constants etc. that are visible to
anyone who wishes to use the package.
` Public_Only_Package `\
` `` Range_10 `` `` 1 .. 10;`\
` Public_Only_Package;`
Since Range_10 is an integer type, there are a lot of operations
declared implicitly in this package.
### The private part
The private part of a package serves two purposes:
- To complete the deferred definition of private types and constants.
- To export entities only visible to the children of the package.
` Package_With_Private `\
` `\
` `` Private_Type `` ``;`\
` `` Private_Type `` `` (1 .. 10) `` Integer;`\
` Package_With_Private;`
Since the type is private, clients cannot make any use of it as long as
there are no operations defined in the visible part.
### The package body
The package body defines the implementation of the package. All the
subprograms defined in the specification have to be implemented in the
body. New subprograms, types and objects can be defined in the body that
are not visible to the users of the package.
` Package_With_Body `\
` `` Basic_Record `` ``;`\
` `` Set_A (This : `` `` Basic_Record;`\
` An_A : `` Integer);`\
` `` Get_A (This : Basic_Record) `` Integer;`\
` `` Basic_Record `` `\
` `` `\
` A : Integer;`\
` `` `` ;`\
` `` (Get_A); -- not a standard Ada pragma`\
` `` (Get_A);`\
` `` (Set_A);`\
` Package_With_Body;`
` `` Package_With_Body `\
` `` Set_A (This : `` `` Basic_Record;`\
` An_A : `` Integer) `\
` `\
` This.A := An_A;`\
` `` Set_A;`\
` `` Get_A (This : Basic_Record) `` Integer `\
` `\
` `` This.A;`\
` `` Get_A;`\
` Package_With_Body;`
: Only available when using GNAT.
### Two Flavors of Package
The packages above each define a type together with operations of the
type. When the type\'s composition is placed in the private part of a
package, the package then exports what is known to be an Abstract Data
Type or ADT for short. Objects of the
type are then constructed by calling one of the subprograms associated
with the respective type.
A different kind of package is the Abstract State Machine or ASM. A
package will be modeling a single item of the problem domain, such as
the motor of a car. If a program controls one car, there is typically
just one motor, or *the* motor. The public part of the package
specification only declares the operations of the module (of the motor,
say), but no type. All data of the module are hidden in the body of the
package where they act as state variables to be queried, or manipulated
by the subprograms of the package. The initialization part sets the
state variables to their initial values.
` Package_With_Body `\
` `` Set_A ``An_A `` `` Integer`\
` `` Get_A `` Integer`\
` `` Pure_Function ``Get_A``—not a standard Ada pragma`\
` Package_With_Body`
` `` Package_With_Body `\
` The_A`` Integer`\
` `` Set_A ``An_A `` `` Integer`` `\
` `\
` The_A `` An_A`\
` `` Set_A`\
` `` Get_A `` Integer `\
` `\
` `` The_A`\
` `` Get_A`\
` The_A `` 0`\
` Package_With_Body`
(A note on construction: The package initialization part after
corresponds to a construction subprogram
of an ADT package. However, as a state machine *is* an "object" already,
"construction" is happening during package initialization. (Here it sets
the state variable `The_A` to its initial value.) An ASM package can be
viewed as a singleton.)
## Using packages
To utilize a package it\'s needed to name it in a **with** clause,
whereas to have direct visibility of that package it\'s needed to name
it in a **use** clause.
For C++ programmers, Ada\'s **with** clause is analogous to the C++
preprocessor\'s **#include** and Ada\'s **use** is similar to the
**using namespace** statement in C++. In particular, **use** leads to
the same namespace pollution problems as **using namespace** and thus
should be used sparingly. Renaming can shorten long compound names to a
manageable length, while the **use type** clause makes a type\'s
operators visible. These features reduce the need for plain **use**.
### Standard with
The standard with clause provides visibility for the public part of a
unit to the following defined unit. The imported package can be used in
any part of the defined unit, including the body when the clause is used
in the specification.
### Private with
` `` Ada.Strings.Unbounded; `\
` Private_With `\
` `\
` `` Basic_Record `` ``;`\
` `` Set_A (This : `` `` Basic_Record;`\
` An_A : `` String);`\
` `` Get_A (This : Basic_Record) `` String;`\
` `\
` `` Unbounded `` Ada.Strings.Unbounded;`\
` `` Basic_Record `` `\
` `` `\
` A : Unbounded.Unbounded_String;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` (Get_A);`\
` `` (Get_A);`\
` `` (Set_A);`\
` Private_With;`
` `` Private_With `\
` `\
` `` Set_A (This : `` `` Basic_Record;`\
` An_A : `` String)`\
` `\
` `\
` This.A := Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (An_A);`\
` `` Set_A;`\
` `` Get_A (This : Basic_Record) `` String `\
` `\
` `` Unbounded.To_String (This.A);`\
` `` Get_A;`\
` Private_With;`
### Limited with
The limited with can be used to represent two mutually dependent type
(or more) located in separate packages.
` `` Departments;`\
` Employees `\
` `` Employee `` `` ``;`\
` `` Assign_Employee`\
` (E : `` `` Employee;`\
` D : `` Departments.Department'``);`\
` `` Dept_Ptr `` `` `` Departments.Department'``;`\
` `` Current_Department(E : `` Employee) `` Dept_Ptr;`\
` ...`\
` Employees;`
` `` Employees;`\
` Departments `\
` `` Department `` `` ``;`\
` `` Choose_Manager`\
` (Dept : `` `` Department;`\
` Manager : `` Employees.Employee'``);`\
` ...`\
` Departments;`
### Making operators visible
Suppose you have a package Universe that defines some numeric type T.
` Universe`\
` P `\
` V`` Universe``T `` 10``0`\
` V `` V `` 42``0`` `\
` P`
This program fragment is illegal since the operators implicitly defined
in Universe are not directly visible.
You have four choices to make the program legal.
Use a use_package_clause. This makes **all declarations** in Universe
directly visible (provided they are not hidden because of other
` Universe`\
` Universe`\
` P `\
` V`` Universe``T `` 10``0`\
` V `` V `` 42``0`\
` P`
Use renaming. This is error prone since if you rename many operators,
cut and paste errors are probable.
` Universe`\
` P `\
` `` "*" ``Left`` Right`` Universe``T`` `` Universe``T `` Universe``"*"`\
` `` "/" ``Left`` Right`` Universe``T`` `` Universe``T `` Universe``"*"`` `\
` V`` Universe``T `` 10``0`\
` V `` V `` 42``0`\
` P`
Use qualification. This is extremely ugly and unreadable.
` Universe`\
` P `\
` V`` Universe``T `` 10``0`\
` V `` Universe``"*" ``V`` 42``0`\
` P`
Use the use_type_clause. This makes only the **operators** in Universe
directly visible.
` Universe`\
` P `\
` V`` Universe``T `` 10``0`\
` `` `` Universe``T`\
` V `` V `` 42``0`\
` P`
There is a special beauty in the use_type_clause. Suppose you have a set
of packages like so:
` Universe`\
` Pack `\
` `` T `` Universe``T`\
` Pack`
` Pack`\
` P `\
` V`` Pack``T `` 10``0`\
` V `` V `` 42``0`` `\
` P`
Now you\'ve got into trouble. Since Universe is not made visible, you
cannot use a use_package_clause for Universe to make the operator
directly visible, nor can you use qualification for the same reason.
Also a use_package_clause for Pack does not help, since the operator is
not defined in Pack. The effect of the above construct means that the
operator is not nameable, i.e. it cannot be renamed in a renaming
Of course you can add Universe to the context clause, but this may be
impossible due to some other reasons (e.g. coding standards); also
adding the operators to Pack may be forbidden or not feasible. So what
to do?
The solution is simple. Use the use_type_clause for Pack.T and all is
` Pack`\
` P `\
` V`` Pack``T `` 10``0`\
` `` `` Pack``T`\
` V `` V `` 42``0`\
` P`
## Package organisation
### Nested packages
A nested package is a package declared inside a package. Like a normal
package, it has a public part and a private part. From outside, items
declared in a nested package N will have visibility as usual; the
programmer may refer to these items using a full dotted name like
`P.N.X`. (But not `P.M.Y`.)
` P `\
` D`` Integer`\
` `\
` `` N `\
` X`` Integer`\
` `\
` Foo`` Integer`\
` `` N`\
` E`` Integer`\
` `\
` `` M `\
` Y`` Integer`\
` `\
` Bar`` Integer`\
` `` M`\
` P`
Inside a package, declarations become visible as they are introduced, in
textual order. That is, a nested package N that is declared *after* some
other declaration D can refer to this declaration D. A declaration E
following N can refer to items of N.[^1] But neither can "look ahead"
and refer to any declaration that goes after them. For example, spec `N`
above cannot refer to `M` in any way.
In the following example, a type is derived in both of the two nested
packages `Disks` and `Books`. Notice that the full declaration of parent
type `Item` appears before the two nested packages.
` `` `` `\
` Shelf `\
` `` Elaborate_Body`\
` `\
` `` ID `` `` 1_000 `` 9_999`\
` `` Item ``Identifier `` ID`` `` `` `` `` `` `\
` `` Item_Ref `` `` `` Item`\
` `` Next_ID `` ID`\
` `\
` `` Disks `\
` `` Music `` `\
` Jazz`\
` Rock`\
` Raga`\
` Classic`\
` Pop`\
` Soul`\
` `` Disk ``Style `` Music`` Identifier `` ID`` `` `` Item ``Identifier`\
` `` `\
` Artist `` Unbounded_String`\
` Title `` Unbounded_String`\
` `` `\
` `` Disks`\
` `` Books `\
` `` Literature `` `\
` Play`\
` Novel`\
` Poem`\
` Story`\
` Text`\
` Art`\
` `` Book ``Kind `` Literature`` Identifier `` ID`` `` `` Item ``Identifier`\
` `` `\
` Authors `` Unbounded_String`\
` Title `` Unbounded_String`\
` Year `` Integer`\
` `` `\
` `` Books`\
` `\
` `` Put ``it`` Item_Ref`\
` `` Get ``identifier `` ID`` `` Item_Ref`\
` `` Search ``title `` String`` `` ID`\
` `\
` `` Boxes `\
` `` Treasure``Identifier`` ID`` `` `` `\
` `\
` `` Treasure``Identifier`` ID`` `` `` Item``Identifier`` `` `` `\
` `` Boxes`\
` Shelf`
A package may also be nested inside a subprogram. In fact, packages can
be declared in any declarative part, including those of a block.
### Child packages
Ada allows one to extend the functionality of a unit (package) with
so-called children (child packages). With certain exceptions, all the
functionality of the parent is available to a child. This means that all
public and private declarations of the parent package are visible to all
child packages.
The above example, reworked as a hierarchy of packages, looks like this.
Notice that the package
is not needed by the
top level package `Shelf`, hence its with clause doesn\'t appear here.
(We have added a match function for searching a shelf, though):
` Shelf `\
` `` Elaborate_Body`\
` `` ID `` `` 1_000 `` 9_999`\
` `` Item ``Identifier `` ID`` `` `` `` `` `` `\
` `` Item_Ref `` `` `` Item`\
` `` Next_ID `` ID`\
` `\
` `` match ``it `` Item`` Text `` String`` `` Boolean `` `\
` `\
` `\
` `` Put ``it`` Item_Ref`\
` `` Get ``identifier `` ID`` `` Item_Ref`\
` `` Search ``title `` String`` `` ID`\
` Shelf`
The name of a child package consists of the parent unit\'s name followed
by the child package\'s identifier, separated by a period (dot)
` `` `` `\
` Shelf``Books `\
` `` Literature `` `\
` Play`\
` Novel`\
` Poem`\
` Story`\
` Text`\
` Art`\
` `` Book ``Kind `` Literature`` Identifier `` ID`` `` `` Item ``Identifier`\
` `` `\
` Authors `` Unbounded_String`\
` Title `` Unbounded_String`\
` Year `` Integer`\
` `` `\
` `` match``it`` Book`` text`` String`` `` Boolean`\
` Shelf``Books`
`Book` has two components of type `Unbounded_String`, so
appears in a with
clause of the child package. This is unlike the nested packages case
which requires that all units needed by any one of the nested packages
be listed in the context clause of the enclosing package (see
Child packages thus give better control over package dependences. With
clauses are more local.
The new child package `Shelf.Disks` looks similar. The `Boxes` package
which was a nested package in the private part of the original `Shelf`
package is moved to a private child package:
` `` Shelf``Boxes `\
` `` Treasure``Identifier`` ID`` `` `` `\
` `` Treasure``Identifier`` ID`` `` `` Item``Identifier`` `` `` `\
` `` match``it`` Treasure`` text`` String`` `` Boolean`\
` Shelf``Boxes`
The privacy of the package means that it can only be used by equally
private client units. These clients include private siblings and also
the bodies of siblings (as bodies are never public).
Child packages may be listed in context clauses just like normal
packages. A of a child also \'withs\'
the parent.
### Subunits
A subunit is just a feature to move a body into a place of its own when
otherwise the enclosing body will become too large. It can also be used
for limiting the scope of context clauses.
The subunits allow to physically divide a package into different
compilation units without breaking the logical unity of the package.
Usually each separated subunit goes to a different file allowing
separate compilation of each subunit and independent version control
history for each one.
` `` `` Pack `\
` `` Proc `` `\
` `` Pack`\
` `` Some_Unit`\
` `` ``Pack`\
` `` Proc `\
` `\
` ...`\
` `` Proc`
## Notes
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
### Wikipedia
- Module "wikilink")
### Ada 95 Reference Manual
### Ada 2005 Reference Manual
Programming}}\|Packages Ada
Programming}}/Unfinished module\|Packages
es:Programación en
[^1]: For example, `E: Integer := D + N.X;`
# Ada Programming/Input Output
## Overview
The standard Ada libraries provide several Input/Output facilities, each
one adapted to specific needs. Namely, the language defines the
following dedicated packages:
- Text_IO
- Sequential_IO
- Direct_IO
- Stream_IO
The programmer must choose the adequate package depending on the
application needs. For example, the following properties of the data
handled by the application should be considered:
- **Data contents**: plain text, or binary data?
- **Accessing the data**: random access, or sequential access?
- **Medium**: data file, console, network/data-bus?
- **Data structure**: homogeneous file (sequence of the same data
field), heterogeneous file (different data fields)?
- **Data format**: adherence to an existing data format, or the
application can freely choose a new one?
For example, Stream_IO is very powerful and can handle complex data
structures but can be heavier than other packages; Sequential_IO is lean
and easy to use but cannot be used by applications requiring random data
access; Text_IO can handle just textual data, but it is enough for
handling the command-line console.
The following table gives some advices for choosing the more adequate
Data access Plain text Binary data
------------- --------------- ---------------
Homogeneous Heterogeneous
Sequential Text_IO Sequential_IO
Random Stream_IO Direct_IO
: **Simple heuristics for choosing an I/O package**
So the most important lesson to learn is choosing the right one. This
chapter will describe more in detail these standard packages, explaining
how to use them effectively. Besides these Ada-defined packages for
general I/O operations each Ada compiler usually has other
implementation-defined Input-Output facilities, and there are also other
external libraries for specialized I/O
needs like XML
processing or interfacing with databases.
## Text I/O
Text I/O is probably
the most used Input/Output package. All data inside the file are
represented by human readable text. Text I/O provides support for line
and page layout but the standard is free form text.
` `\
` `\
` Main `\
` Str `` String ``1 `` 80`\
` Last `` Natural`\
` Ada``Text_IO``Get_Line ``Str`` Last`\
` Ada``Text_IO``Put_Line ``Str ``1 `` Last`\
This example copies text from standard input to standard output when all
lines are shorter than 80 characters, the string length. See package
Text I/O how to deal
with longer lines.
The package also contains several generic packages for converting
numeric and enumeration types to character strings; there are child
packages for handling Bounded and Unbounded strings, allowing the
programmer to read and write different data types in the same file
easily (there are ready-to-use instantiations of these generic packages
for the Integer, Float, and Complex types). Finally, the same family of
Ada.Text_IO packages (including the several children and instantiation
packages) for the type Wide_Character and Wide_Wide_Character.
It is worth noting that the family of Text_IO packages provide some
automatic text processing. For example, the Get procedures for numeric
and enumeration types ignore white space at the beginning of a line
(Get_Line for String does not present this behavior), or adding line and
page terminators when closing the file. This is thus adequate for
applications handling simple textual data, but users requiring direct
management of text (e.g. raw access to the character encoding) must
consider other packages like Sequential_IO.
## Direct I/O
Direct I/O is used for random access files which contain only elements
of one specific type. With Direct_IO you can position the file pointer
to any element of that type `<small>`{=html}(random
access)`</small>`{=html}, however you can\'t freely choose the element
type, the element type needs to be a definite
## Sequential I/O
Direct I/O is used for random access files which contain only elements
of one specific type. With Sequential_IO it is the other way round: you
can choose between
definite and
element types but you have to read and write the elements one after the
## Stream I/O
Stream I/O is the most powerful input/output package which Ada provides.
Stream I/O allows you to mix objects from different element types in one
sequential file. In order to read/write from/to a stream each type
provides a \'Read and
\'Write attribute as
well as an \'Input and
\'Output attribute.
These attributes are automatically generated for each type you declare.
The \'Read and
\'Write attributes treat
the elements as raw data. They are suitable for low level input/output
as well as interfacing with other programming languages.
The \'Input and
\'Output attributes add
additional control information to the file, like for example the
\'First and
\'Last attributes for an
In object orientated programming you can also use the
attributes - they will store and recover the actual object type as well.
Stream I/O is also the most flexible input/output package. All I/O
attributes can be replaced with user defined functions or procedures
using representation clauses and you can provide your own Stream I/O
types using flexible object oriented techniques.
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
(nested package)
- Ada
(nested package)
- Ada
(nested package)
- Ada
(nested package)
- Ada
(nested package)
- Ada
(nested package)
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
(specialized needs annex)
- Ada
(specialized needs annex)
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
(specialized needs annex)
- Ada
(not a general-purpose I/O package)
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
(implementation defined)
- Ada
(implementation defined)
- Ada
(implementation defined)
- Ada
(implementation defined)
- Ada Programming/Libraries
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada Programming/Platform
- Ada
- Ada
### Ada Reference Manual
### Ada 95 Quality and Style Guide
- -
Programming}}\|InputOutput es:Programación
en Ada/Entrada-salida
# Ada Programming/Exceptions
## Robustness
*Robustness* is the ability of a system or system component to behave
"reasonably" when it detects an anomaly, e.g.:
- It receives invalid inputs.
- Another system component (hardware or software) malfunctions.
Take as example a telephone exchange control program. What should the
control program do when a line fails? It is unacceptable simply to halt
--- all calls will then fail. Better would be to abandon the current
call (only), record that the line is out of service, and continue.
Better still would be to try to reuse the line --- the fault might be
transient. Robustness is desirable in all systems, but it is essential
in systems on which human safety or welfare depends, e.g., hospital
patient monitoring, aircraft fly-by-wire, nuclear power station control,
## Modules, preconditions and postconditions
A module may be specified in terms of its preconditions and
postconditions. A *precondition* is a condition that the module's inputs
are supposed to satisfy. A *postcondition* is a condition that the
module's outputs are required to satisfy, provided that the precondition
is satisfied. What should a module do if its precondition is not
- Halt? Even with diagnostic information, this is generally
- Use a global result code? The result code can be set to indicate an
anomaly. Subsequently it may be tested by a module that can effect
error recovery. Problem: this induces tight coupling among the
modules concerned.
- Each module has its own result code? This is a parameter (or
function result) that may be set to indicate an anomaly, and is
tested by calling modules. Problems: (1) setting and testing result
codes tends to swamp the normal-case logic and (2) the result codes
are normally ignored.
- Exception handling --- Ada's solution. A module detecting an anomaly
raises an exception. The same, or another, module may handle that
The exception mechanism permits clean, modular handling of anomalous
- A unit (e.g., block or subprogram body) may raise an exception, to
signal that an anomaly has been detected. The computation that
raised the exception is abandoned (and can never be resumed,
although it can be restarted).
- A unit may propagate an exception that has been raised by itself (or
propagated out of another unit it has called).
- A unit may alternatively handle such an exception, allowing
programmer-defined recovery from an anomalous situation. Exception
handlers are segregated from normal-case code.
## Predefined exceptions
The predefined exceptions are those defined in package
. Every language-defined run-time
error causes a predefined exception to be raised. Some examples are:
- `Constraint_Error`, raised when a subtype's constraint is not
- `Program_Error`, when a protected operation is called inside a
protected object, e.g.
- `Storage_Error`, raised by running out of storage
- `Tasking_Error`, when a task cannot be activated because the
operating system has not enough resources, e.g.
` Name : String (1 .. 10);`\
` ...`\
` Name := "Hamlet"; `\
` `
` `\
` P := `` Int_Node'(0, P);`\
` `` ``; `\
` `
Ex.3 Compare the following approaches:
` `` Compute_Sqrt (X : `` Float;`\
` Sqrt : `` Float;`\
` OK : `` Boolean)`\
` `\
` `\
` `` X >= 0 `\
` OK := True;`\
` `\
` ...`\
` `\
` OK := False;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Compute_Sqrt;`\
` `\
` ...`\
` `\
` `` Triangle (A, B, C : `` Float;`\
` Area, Perimeter : `` Float;`\
` Exists : `` Boolean)`\
` `\
` S : `` Float := 0.5 * (A + B + C);`\
` OK : Boolean;`\
` `\
` Compute_Sqrt (S * (S-A) * (S-B) * (S-C), Area, OK);`\
` Perimeter := 2.0 * S;`\
` Exists := OK;`\
` `` Triangle;`
A negative argument to Compute_Sqrt causes OK to be set to False.
Triangle uses it to determine its own status parameter value, and so on
up the calling tree, *ad nauseam*.
` `` Sqrt (X : Float) `` Float `\
` `\
` `` X < 0.0 `\
` `` Constraint_Error;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `\
` ...`\
` `` Sqrt;`\
` `\
` ...`\
` `\
` `` Triangle (A, B, C : `` Float;`\
` Area, Perimeter : `` Float)`\
` `\
` S: `` Float := 0.5 * (A + B + C);`\
` `\
` Area := Sqrt (S * (S-A) * (S-B) * (S-C));`\
` Perimeter := 2.0 * S;`\
` `` Triangle;`
A negative argument to Sqrt causes Constraint_Error to be explicitly
raised inside Sqrt, and propagated out. Triangle simply propagates the
exception (by not handling it).
Alternatively, we can catch the error by using the type system:
` `` Pos_Float `` Float `` 0.0 .. Float'``;`\
` `\
` `` Sqrt (X : Pos_Float) `` Pos_Float `\
` `\
` `\
` ...`\
` `` Sqrt;`
A negative argument to Sqrt now raises Constraint_Error at the point of
call. Sqrt is never even entered.
## Input-output exceptions
Some examples of exceptions raised by subprograms of the **predefined
package** are:
- `End_Error`, raised by Get, Skip_Line, etc., if end-of-file already
- `Data_Error`, raised by Get in Integer_IO, etc., if the input is not
a literal of the expected type.
- `Mode_Error`, raised by trying to read from an output file, or write
to an input file, etc.
- `Layout_Error`, raised by specifying an invalid data format in a
text I/O operation
Ex. 1
` `\
` A : Matrix (1 .. M, 1 .. N);`\
` `\
` `` I `` 1 .. M `\
` `` J `` 1 .. N `\
` `\
` Get (A(I,J));`\
` `\
` `` Data_Error =>`\
` Put ("Ill-formed matrix element");`\
` A(I,J) := 0.0;`\
` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `\
` `` End_Error =>`\
` Put ("Matrix element(s) missing");`\
` ``;`
## Exception declarations
Exceptions are declared similarly to objects.
Ex.1 declares two exceptions:
` Line_Failed, Line_Closed: ``;`
However, exceptions are not objects. For example, recursive re-entry to
a scope where an exception is declared does *not* create a new exception
of the same name; instead the exception declared in the outer invocation
is reused.
` `` Directory_Enquiries `\
` `` Insert (New_Name : `` Name;`\
` New_Number : `` Number);`\
` `` Lookup (Given_Name : `` Name;`\
` Corr_Number : `` Number);`\
` Name_Duplicated : ``;`\
` Name_Absent : ``;`\
` Directory_Full : ``;`\
` `` Directory_Enquiries;`
## Exception handlers
When an exception occurs, the normal flow of execution is abandoned and
the exception is handed up the call sequence until a matching handler is
found. Any declarative region (except a package specification) can have
a handler. The handler names the exceptions it will handle. By moving up
the call sequence, exceptions can become anonymous; in this case, they
can only be handled with the handler.
` F `` Some_Type `\
` ... -- declarations (1)`\
` ... -- statements (2)`\
` -- handlers start here (3)`\
` `` Name_1 | Name_2 => ... -- The named exceptions are handled with these statements`\
` `` `` => ... -- any other exceptions (also anonymous ones) are handled here`\
` F;`
Exceptions raised in the declarative region itself (1) cannot be handled
by handlers of this region (3); they can only be handled in outer
scopes. Exceptions raised in the sequence of statements (2) can of
course be handled at (3).
The reason for this rule is so that the handler can assume that any
items declared in the declarative region (1) are well defined and may be
referenced. If the handler at (3) could handle exceptions raised at (1),
it would be unknown which items existed and which ones didn\'t.
## Raising exceptions
The **raise** statement explicitly raises a specified exception.
Ex. 1
` `` `` Directory_Enquiries `\
` `\
` `` Insert (New_Name : `` Name;`\
` New_Number : `` Number)`\
` `\
` …`\
` `\
` …`\
` `` New_Name = Old_Entry.A_Name `\
` `` Name_Duplicated;`\
` `` ``;`\
` …`\
` New_Entry := `` Dir_Node'(New_Name, New_Number,…);`\
` …`\
` `\
` `` Storage_Error => `` Directory_Full;`\
` `` Insert;`\
` `\
` `` Lookup (Given_Name : `` Name;`\
` Corr_Number : `` Number)`\
` `\
` …`\
` `\
` …`\
` `` `` Found `\
` `` Name_Absent;`\
` `` ``;`\
` …`\
` `` Lookup;`\
` `\
` `` Directory_Enquiries;`
## Exception handling and propagation
Exception handlers may be grouped at the end of a block, subprogram
body, etc. A handler is any sequence of statements that may end:
- by completing;
- by executing a **return** statement;
- by raising a different exception (**raise** e;);
- by re-raising the same exception (**raise**;).
Suppose that an exception *e* is raised in a sequence of statements *U*
(a block, subprogram body, etc.).
- If *U* contains a handler for *e*: that handler is executed, then
control leaves *U*.
- If *U* contains no handler for *e*: *e* is *propagated* out of *U*;
in effect, *e* is raised at the \"point of call" of *U*.
So the raising of an exception causes the sequence of statements
responsible to be abandoned at the point of occurrence of the exception.
It is not, and cannot be, resumed.
Ex. 1
` ...`\
` `\
` `` Line_Failed =>`\
` `` `\
` Log_Error;`\
` Retransmit (Current_Packet);`\
` `\
` `` Line_Failed =>`\
` Notify_Engineer; `\
` Abandon_Call;`\
` ``;`\
` ...`
## Information about an exception occurrence
Ada provides information about an exception in an object of type
Exception_Occurrence, defined in
along with subprograms
taking this type as parameter:
- Exception_Name: return the full exception name using the dot
notation and in uppercase letters. For example, `Queue.Overflow`.
- Exception_Message: return the exception message associated with the
- Exception_Information: return a string including the exception name
and the associated exception message.
For getting an exception occurrence object the following syntax is used:
` ``; `` ``;`\
` `` Error: High_Pressure | High_Temperature =>`\
` Put ("Exception: ");`\
` Put_Line (Exception_Name (Error));`\
` Put (Exception_Message (Error));`\
` `` Error: `` =>`\
` Put ("Unexpected exception: ");`\
` Put_Line (Exception_Information(Error));`\
The exception message content is implementation defined when it is not
set by the user who raises the exception. It usually contains a reason
for the exception and the raising location.
The user can specify a message using the procedure Raise_Exception.
` Valve_Failure : ``;`\
` ...`\
` Raise_Exception (Valve_Failure'``, "Failure while opening");`\
` ...`\
` Raise_Exception (Valve_Failure'``, "Failure while closing");`\
` ...`\
` `` Fail: Valve_Failure =>`\
` Put (Exception_Message (Fail));`\
Starting with Ada 2005, a simpler syntax can be used to associate a
string message with exception occurrence.
`-- `\
` Valve_Failure : ``;`\
` ...`\
` `` Valve_Failure `` "Failure while opening";`\
` ...`\
` `` Valve_Failure `` "Failure while closing";`\
` ...`\
` `` Fail: Valve_Failure =>`\
` Put (Exception_Message (Fail));`\
The package also provides
subprograms for saving exception occurrences and re-raising them.
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
### Ada 95 Reference Manual
### Ada 2005 Reference Manual
### Ada Quality and Style Guide
- **Chapter 4: Program Structure**
- -
<!-- -->
- **Chapter 5: Programming Practices**
- -
<!-- -->
- **Chapter 7: Portability**
- -
es:Programación en
# Ada Programming/Generics
## Parametric polymorphism (generic units)
The idea of code reuse arises from the necessity for constructing large
software systems combining well-established building blocks. The
reusability of code improves the productivity and the quality of
software. The generic units are one of the ways in which the Ada
language supports this characteristic. A generic unit is a subprogram or
package that defines algorithms in terms of types and operations that
are not defined until the user instantiates them.
Note to C++ programmers: generic units are similar to C++ templates.
For example, to define a procedure for swapping variables of any
(non-limited) type:
` `` Element_T `` ``; `\
` Swap (X, Y : `` `` Element_T);`
` Swap (X, Y : `` `` Element_T) `\
` Temporary : `` Element_T := X;`\
` X := Y;`\
` Y := Temporary;`\
` Swap;`
The `Swap` subprogram is said to be generic. The subprogram
specification is preceded by the generic formal part consisting of the
reserved word followed by a list of
generic formal parameters which may be empty. The entities declared as
generic are not directly usable, it is necessary to instantiate them.
To be able to use `Swap`, it is necessary to create an instance for the
wanted type. For example:
` Swap_Integers `` `` Swap (Integer);`
Now the `Swap_Integers` procedure can be used for variables of type
The generic procedure can be instantiated for all the needed types. It
can be instantiated with different names or, if the same identifier is
used in the instantiation, each declaration overloads the procedure:
` Instance_Swap `` `` Swap (Float);`\
` Instance_Swap `` `` Swap (Day_T);`\
` Instance_Swap `` `` Swap (Element_T => Stack_T);`
Similarly, generic packages can be used, for example, to implement a
stack of any kind of elements:
` Max: Positive; `\
` `` Element_T `` ``;`\
` Generic_Stack `\
` `` Push (E: Element_T);`\
` `` Pop return Element_T;`\
` Generic_Stack;`
` `` Generic_Stack `\
` Stack: `` (1 .. Max) `` Element_T;`\
` Top : Integer `` 0 .. Max := 0; `\
` `\
` Generic_Stack;`
A stack of a given size and type could be defined in this way:
` `` Float_100_Stack `` `` Generic_Stack (100, Float);`\
` `` Float_100_Stack;`\
` Push (45.8);`\
` `\
## Generic parameters
The generic unit declares *generic formal parameters*, which can be:
- objects (of mode *in* or *in out* but never *out*)
- types
- subprograms
- instances of another, designated, generic unit.
When instantiating the generic, the programmer passes one *actual
parameter* for each formal. Formal values and subprograms can have
defaults, so passing an actual for them is optional.
### Generic formal objects
Formal parameters of mode *in* accept any value, constant, or variable
of the designated type. The actual is copied into the generic instance,
and behaves as a constant inside the generic; this implies that the
designated type cannot be limited. It is possible to specify a default
value, like this:
` Object : `` Natural := 0;`
For mode *in out*, the actual must be a variable.
One limitation with generic formal objects is that they are never
considered static, even if the actual happens to be static. If the
object is a number, it cannot be used to create a new type. It can
however be used to create a new derived type, or a subtype:
` Size : `` Natural := 0;`\
` P `\
` `` T1 `` `` Size; `\
` `` T2 `` `` 1 .. Size; `\
` `` T3 `` `` Integer `` 1 .. Size; `\
` `` T4 `` Integer `` 1 .. Size; `\
` P;`
The reason why formal objects are nonstatic is to allow the compiler to
emit the object code for the generic only once, and to have all
instances share it, passing it the address of their actual object as a
parameter. This bit of compiler technology is called *shared generics*.
If formal objects were static, the compiler would have to emit one copy
of the object code, with the object embedded in it, for each instance,
potentially leading to an explosion in object code size (*code bloat*).
(Note to C++ programmers: in C++, since formal objects can be static,
the compiler cannot implement shared generics in the general case; it
would have to examine the entire body of the generic before deciding
whether or not to share its object code. In contrast, Ada generics are
designed so that the compiler can instantiate a generic *without looking
at its body*.)
### Generic formal types
The syntax allows the programmer to specify which type categories are
acceptable as actuals. As a rule of thumb: The syntax expresses how the
generic sees the type, i.e. it assumes the worst, not how the creator of
the instance sees the type.
This is the syntax of RM :
` formal_type_declaration ::=`\
` `` defining_identifier[discriminant_part] `` formal_type_definition;`\
` `\
` formal_type_definition ::= formal_private_type_definition`\
` | formal_derived_type_definition`\
` | formal_discrete_type_definition`\
` | formal_signed_integer_type_definition`\
` | formal_modular_type_definition`\
` | formal_floating_point_definition`\
` | formal_ordinary_fixed_point_definition`\
` | formal_decimal_fixed_point_definition`\
` | formal_array_type_definition`\
` | formal_access_type_definition`\
` | formal_interface_type_definition`
This is quite complex, so some examples are given below. A type declared
with the syntax ` T (<>)` denotes a type
with *unknown discriminants*. This is the Ada vernacular for indefinite
types, i.e. types for which objects cannot be declared without giving an
initial expression. An example of such a type is one with a discriminant
without default, another example is an unconstrained array type.
Generic formal type Acceptable actual types
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
` T (<>) `` `` ``;` Any type at all. The actual type can be limited or not, indefinite or definite, but the *generic* treats it as limited and indefinite, i.e. does not assume that assignment is available for the type.
` T (<>) `` ``;` Any nonlimited type: the generic knows that it is possible to assign to variables of this type, but it is not possible to declare objects of this type without initial value.
` T `` ``;` Any nonlimited definite type: the generic knows that it is possible to assign to variables of this type and to declare objects without initial value.
` T (<>) `` `` `` `` ``;` Any tagged type, abstract or concrete, limited or not.
` T (<>) `` `` `` ``;` Any concrete tagged type, limited or not.
` T (<>) `` `` `` ``;` Any nonlimited tagged type, abstract or concrete.
` T (<>) `` `` ``;` Any nonlimited, concrete tagged type.
` T (<>) `` `` Parent;` Any type derived from `Parent`. The generic knows about `Parent`\'s operations, so can call them. Neither `T` nor `Parent` can be abstract.
` T (<>) `` `` `` Parent `` ``;` Any type, abstract or concrete, derived from `Parent`, where `Parent` is a tagged type, so calls to `T`\'s operations can dispatch dynamically.
` T (<>) `` `` Parent `` ``;` Any concrete type, derived from the tagged type `Parent`.
` T `` (<>);` Any discrete type: integer, modular, or enumeration.
` T `` `` <>;` Any signed integer type
` T `` `` <>;` Any modular type
` T `` `` <>;` Any (non-decimal) fixed point type
` T `` `` <> `` <>;` Any decimal fixed point type
` T `` `` <>;` Any floating point type
`<code>`{=html} T (I) E; Any array type with index of type `I` and elements of type `E` (`I` and `E` could be formal parameters as well)
` T `` `` O;` Any access type pointing to objects of type `O` (`O` could be a formal parameter as well)
In the body we can only use the operations predefined for the type
category of the formal parameter. That is, the generic specification is
a contract between the generic implementor and the client instantiating
the generic unit. This is different to the parametric features of other
languages, such as C++.
It is possible to further restrict the set of acceptable actual types
like so:
Generic formal type Acceptable actual types
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
` T (<>) `\... Definite or indefinite types (loosely speaking: types with or without discriminants, but other forms of indefiniteness exist)
` T (D : DT) `\... Types with a discriminant of type DT (it is possible to specify several discriminants, too)
` T `\... Definite types (loosely speaking types without a discriminant or with a discriminant with default value)
### Generic formal subprograms
It is possible to pass a subprogram as a parameter to a generic. The
generic specifies a generic formal subprogram, complete with parameter
list and return type (if the subprogram is a function). The actual must
match this parameter profile. It is not necessary that the *names* of
parameters match, though.
Here is the specification of a generic subprogram that takes another
subprogram as its parameter:
` `` Element_T `` ``;`\
` `` `` "*" (X, Y: Element_T) `` Element_T;`\
` Square (X : Element_T) `` Element_T;`
And here is the body of the generic subprogram; it calls parameter as it
would any other subprogram.
` Square (X: Element_T) `` Element_T `\
` `` X * X; `\
` Square;`
This generic function could be used, for example, with matrices, having
defined the matrix product.
` Square;`\
` Matrices;`\
` Matrix_Example `\
` `` Square_Matrix `` `` Square`\
` (Element_T => Matrices.Matrix_T, "*" => Matrices.Product);`\
` A : Matrices.Matrix_T := Matrices.Identity;`\
` A := Square_Matrix (A);`\
` Matrix_Example;`
It is possible to specify a default with \"the box\"
(` `), like
` `` Element_T `` ``;`\
` `` `` "*" (X, Y: Element_T) `` Element_T `` <>;`
This means that if, at the point of instantiation, a function \"\*\"
exists for the actual type, and if it is directly visible, then it will
be used by default as the actual subprogram.
One of the main uses is passing needed operators. The following example
shows this `<small>`{=html}(follow download links for full
` `
` `\
` `` Element_Type `` ``;`\
` `*`...`*\
` `` `` "<"`\
` (Left : `` Element_Type;`\
` Right : `` Element_Type)`\
` `` Boolean`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Search`\
` (Elements : `` Array_Type;`\
` Search : `` Element_Type;`\
` Found : `` Boolean;`\
` Index : `` Index_Type'``)`\
` `*`...`*
### Generic instances of other generic packages
A generic formal can be a package; it must be an instance of a generic
package, so that the generic knows the interface exported by the
` `` `` P `` `` Q (``);`
This means that the actual must be an instance of the generic package Q.
The box after Q means that we do not care which actual generic
parameters were used to create the actual for P. It is possible to
specify the exact parameters, or to specify that the defaults must be
used, like this:
` `\
` `` `` P1 `` `` Q (Param1 => X, Param2 => Y);`\
` `\
` `` `` P2 `` `` Q;`\
You can specify one default parameters, none or only some. Defaults are
indicated with a box (\" =\> \<\> \"), and you can use \" others =\>
\<\>\") to mean \"use defaults for all parameters not mentioned\". The
actual package must, of course, match these constraints.
The generic sees both the public part and the generic parameters of the
actual package (Param1 and Param2 in the above example).
This feature allows the programmer to pass arbitrarily complex types as
parameters to a generic unit, while retaining complete type safety and
encapsulation. *(example needed)*
It is not possible for a package to list itself as a generic formal, so
no generic recursion is possible. The following is illegal:
` A;`\
` `` `` P `` `` A (``);`\
` A; `
In fact, this is only a particular case of:
` A; `\
` A;`
which is also illegal, despite the fact that A is no longer generic.
## Instantiating generics
To instantiate a generic unit, use the keyword **new**:
` Square_Matrix `` `` Square`\
` (Element_T => Matrices.Matrix_T, "*" => Matrices.Product);`
Notes of special interest to C++ programmers:
- The generic formal types define *completely* which types are
acceptable as actuals; therefore, the compiler can instantiate
generics without looking at the body of the generic.
- Each instance has a name and is different from all other instances.
In particular, if a generic package declares a type, and you create
two instances of the package, then you will get two different,
incompatible types, even if the actual parameters are the same.
- Ada requires that all instantiations be explicit.
- It is not possible to create special-case instances of a generic
(known as \"template specialisation\" in C++).
As a consequence of the above, Ada does not permit template
metaprogramming. However, this design has significant advantages:
- the object code can be shared by all instances of a generic, unless
of course the programmer has requested that subprograms be inlined;
there is no danger of code bloat.
- when reading programs written by other people, there are no hidden
instantiations, and no special cases to worry about. Ada follows the
Law of Least Astonishment.
## Advanced generics
### Generics and nesting
A generic unit can be nested inside another unit, which itself may be
generic. Even though no special rules apply (just the normal rules about
generics and the rules about nested units), novices may be confused. It
is important to understand the difference between a generic unit and
*instances* of a generic unit.
**Example 1**. A generic subprogram nested in a nongeneric package.
` Bag_Of_Strings `\
` `` Bag `` ``;`\
` `\
` `` `` Operator (S : `` `` String);`\
` `` Apply_To_All (B : `` `` Bag);`\
` `\
` Bag_Of_Strings;`
To use **Apply_To_All**, you first define the procedure to be applied to
each String in the Bag. Then, you instantiate **Apply_To_All**, and
finally you call the instance.
` Bag_Of_Strings;`\
` Example_1 `\
` `` Capitalize (S : `` `` String) `` ``; `\
` `` Capitalize_All `\
` `` Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All (Operator => Capitalize);`\
` B : Bag_Of_Strings.Bag;`\
` Capitalize_All (B);`\
` Example_1;`
**Example 2.** A generic subprogram nested in a generic package
This is the same as above, except that now the Bag itself is generic:
` `` Element_Type (<>) `` ``;`\
` Generic_Bag `\
` `` Bag `` ``;`\
` `\
` `` `` Operator (S : `` `` Element_Type);`\
` `` Apply_To_All (B : `` `` Bag);`\
` `\
` Generic_Bag;`
As you can see, the generic formal subprogram **Operator** takes a
parameter of the generic formal type **Element_Type**. This is okay: the
nested generic sees everything that is in its enclosing unit.
You cannot instantiate **Generic_Bag.Apply_To_All** directly, so you
must first create an instance of **Generic_Bag**, say
**Bag_Of_Strings**, and then instantiate
` Generic_Bag;`\
` Example_2 `\
` `` Capitalize (S : `` `` String) `` ``; `\
` `` Bag_Of_Strings `\
` `` Generic_Bag (Element_Type => String);`\
` `` Capitalize_All `\
` `` Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All (Operator => Capitalize);`\
` B : Bag_Of_Strings.Bag;`\
` Capitalize_All (B);`\
` Example_2;`
### Generics and child units
**Example 3**. A generic unit that is a child of a nongeneric unit.
Each instance of the generic child is a child of the parent unit, and so
it can see the parent\'s public and private parts.
` Bag_Of_Strings `\
` `` Bag `` ``;`\
` `\
` Bag_Of_Strings; `\
` `` `` Operator (S : `` `` String);`\
` Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All (B : `` `` Bag);`
The differences between this and Example 1 are:
- **Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All** is compiled separately. In
particular, **Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All** might have been written
by a different person who did not have access to the source text of
- Before you can use **Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All**, you must
**with** it explicitly; **with**ing the parent, **Bag_Of_Strings**,
is not sufficient.
- If you do not use **Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All**, your program does
not contain its object code.
- Because **Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All** is at the library level, it
can declare controlled types; the nested package could not do that
in Ada 95. In Ada 2005, one can declare controlled types at any
` Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All; `\
` Example_3 `\
` `` Capitalize (S : `` `` String) `` ``; `\
` `` Capitalize_All `\
` `` Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All (Operator => Capitalize);`\
` B : Bag_Of_Strings.Bag;`\
` Capitalize_All (B);`\
` Example_3;`
**Example 4**. A generic unit that is a child of a generic unit
This is the same as Example 3, except that now the Bag is generic, too.
` `` Element_Type (<>) `` ``;`\
` Generic_Bag `\
` `` Bag `` ``;`\
` `\
` Generic_Bag;`\
` `` `` Operator (S : `` `` Element_Type);`\
` Generic_Bag.Apply_To_All (B : `` `` Bag);`\
` Generic_Bag.Apply_To_All;`\
` Example_4 `\
` `` Capitalize (S : `` `` String) `` ``; `\
` `` Bag_Of_Strings `\
` `` Generic_Bag (Element_Type => String);`\
` `` Capitalize_All `\
` `` Bag_Of_Strings.Apply_To_All (Operator => Capitalize);`\
` B : Bag_Of_Strings.Bag;`\
` Capitalize_All (B);`\
` Example_4;`
**Example 5**. A parameterless generic child unit
Children of a generic unit **must** be generic, no matter what. If you
think about it, it is quite logical: a child unit sees the public and
private parts of its parent, including the variables declared in the
parent. If the parent is generic, which instance should the child see?
The answer is that the child must be the child of only one instance of
the parent, therefore the child must also be generic.
` `` Element_Type (<>) `` ``;`\
` `` Hash_Type `` (<>);`\
` `` `` Hash_Function (E : Element_Type) `` Hash_Type;`\
` Generic_Hash_Map `\
` `` Map `` ``;`\
` `\
` Generic_Hash_Map;`
Suppose we want a child of a **Generic_Hash_Map** that can serialise the
map to disk; for this it needs to sort the map by hash value. This is
easy to do, because we know that **Hash_Type** is a discrete type, and
so has a less-than operator. The child unit that does the serialisation
does not need any additional generic parameters, but it must be generic
nevertheless, so it can see its parent\'s generic parameters, public and
private part.
` Generic_Hash_Map.Serializer `\
` `` Dump (Item : `` Map; To_File : `` String);`\
` `` Restore (Item : `` Map; From_File : `` String);`\
` Generic_Hash_Map.Serializer;`\
To read and write a map to disk, you first create an instance of
**Generic_Hash_Map**, for example **Map_Of_Unbounded_Strings**, and then
an instance of **Map_Of_Unbounded_Strings.Serializer**:
` Ada.Strings.Unbounded;`\
` Generic_Hash_Map.Serializer;`\
` Example_5 `\
` `` Ada.Strings.Unbounded;`\
` `` Hash (S : `` Unbounded_String) `` Integer `` ``; `\
` `` Map_Of_Unbounded_Strings `\
` `` Generic_Hash_Map (Element_Type => Unbounded_String,`\
` Hash_Type => Integer,`\
` Hash_Function => Hash);`\
` `` Serializer `\
` `` Map_Of_Unbounded_Strings.Serializer;`\
` M : Map_Of_Unbounded_Strings.Map;`\
` Serializer.Restore (Item => M, From_File => "map.dat");`\
` Example_5;`
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada Programming/Object
Orientation: tagged
types provides other mean of polymorphism in Ada.
### Wikipedia
- Generic programming
### Ada Reference Manual
es:Programación en Ada/Unidades
# Ada Programming/Tasking
## Tasks
A *task unit* is a program unit that is obeyed concurrently with the
rest of an Ada program. The corresponding activity, a new locus of
control, is called a *task* in Ada terminology, and is similar to a
*thread*, for example in Java Threads. The
execution of the main program is also a task, the anonymous environment
task. A task unit has both a declaration and a body, which is mandatory.
A task body may be compiled separately as a subunit, but a task may not
be a library unit, nor may it be generic. Every task depends on a
*master*, which is the immediately surrounding declarative region - a
block, a subprogram, another task, or a package. The execution of a
master does not complete until all its dependent tasks have terminated.
The environment task is the master of all other tasks; it terminates
only when all other tasks have terminated.
Task units are similar to packages in that a task declaration defines
entities exported from the task, whereas its body contains local
declarations and statements of the task.
A single task is declared as follows:
` `` Single `\
` `*`declarations of exported identifiers`*\
` `` Single;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` Single `\
` `*`local declarations and statements`*\
` `` Single;`
A task declaration can be simplified, if nothing is exported, thus:
` `` No_Exports;`
Ex. 1
` `` Housekeeping `\
` `\
` `` Check_CPU;`\
` `` Backup_Disk;`\
` `\
` `` `` Check_CPU `\
` ...`\
` `` Check_CPU;`\
` `\
` `` `` Backup_Disk `\
` ...`\
` `` Backup_Disk;`\
` `\
` `` `\
` ``;`\
` `\
` `` Housekeeping;`
It is possible to declare task types, thus allowing task units to be
created dynamically, and incorporated in data structures:
` `` `` T `\
` ...`\
` `` T;`\
` ...`\
` Task_1, Task_2 : T;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` T `\
` ...`\
` `` T;`
Task types are **limited**, i.e. they are restricted in the same way as
limited types, so assignment and comparison are not allowed.
### Rendezvous
The only entities that a task may export are entries. An **entry** looks
much like a procedure. It has an identifier and may have **in**, **out**
or **in out** parameters. Ada supports communication from task to task
by means of the *entry call*. Information passes between tasks through
the actual parameters of the entry call. We can encapsulate data
structures within tasks and operate on them by means of entry calls, in
a way analogous to the use of packages for encapsulating variables. The
main difference is that an entry is executed by the called task, not the
calling task, which is suspended until the call completes. If the called
task is not ready to service a call on an entry, the calling task waits
in a (FIFO) queue associated with the entry. This interaction between
calling task and called task is known as a *rendezvous*. The calling
task requests rendezvous with a specific named task by calling one of
its entries. A task accepts rendezvous with any caller of a specific
entry by executing an **accept** statement for the entry. If no caller
is waiting, it is held up. Thus entry call and accept statement behave
symmetrically. (To be honest, optimized object code may reduce the
number of context switches below the number implied by this poor
There is, however, a big difference between a procedure and an entry. A
procedure has exactly one body that is executed when called. There is no
such relation between an entry and a corresponding accept statement. An
entry may have more than one accept statement, and the code executed may
be different each time. In fact, there even need not be an accept
statement at all. (Calling such an entry leads to deadlock of the caller
if not timed, of course.)
Ex. 2 The following task type implements a single-slot buffer, i.e. an
encapsulated variable that can have values inserted and removed in
strict alternation. Note that the buffer task has no need of state
variables to implement the buffer protocol: the alternation of insertion
and removal operations is directly enforced by the control structure in
the body of Encapsulated_Buffer_Task_Type which is, as is typical, a
` `` `` Encapsulated_Buffer_Task_Type `\
` `` Insert (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Remove (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Encapsulated_Buffer_Task_Type;`\
` ...`\
` Buffer_Pool : `` (0 .. 15) `` Encapsulated_Buffer_Task_Type;`\
` This_Item : Item;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` Encapsulated_Buffer_Task_Type `\
` Datum : Item;`\
` `\
` `\
` `` Insert (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` Datum := An_Item;`\
` `` Insert;`\
` `` Remove (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` An_Item := Datum;`\
` `` Remove;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Encapsulated_Buffer_Task_Type;`\
` ...`\
` Buffer_Pool(1).Remove (This_Item);`\
` Buffer_Pool(2).Insert (This_Item);`
### Selective Wait
To avoid being held up when it could be doing productive work, a server
task often needs the freedom to accept a call on any one of a number of
alternative entries. It does this by means of the *selective wait*
statement, which allows a task to wait for a call on any of two or more
If only one of the alternatives in a selective wait statement has a
pending entry call, then that one is accepted. If two or more
alternatives have calls pending, the implementation is free to accept
any one of them. For example, it could choose one at random. This
introduces *bounded non-determinism* into the program. A sound Ada
program should not depend on a particular method being used to choose
between pending entry calls. (However, there are facilities to influence
the method used, when that is necessary.)
Ex. 3
` `` `` Encapsulated_Variable_Task_Type `\
` `` Store (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Fetch (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Encapsulated_Variable_Task_Type;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` Encapsulated_Variable_Task_Type `\
` Datum : Item;`\
` `\
` `` Store (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` Datum := An_Item;`\
` `` Store;`\
` `\
` `` `\
` `` Store (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` Datum := An_Item;`\
` `` Store;`\
` `\
` `` Fetch (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` An_Item := Datum;`\
` `` Fetch;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Encapsulated_Variable_Task_Type;`
` x, y : Encapsulated_Variable_Task_Type;`
creates two variables of type Encapsulated_Variable_Task_Type. They can
be used thus:
` it : Item;`\
` ...`\
` x.Store(Some_Expression);`\
` ...`\
` x.Fetch (it);`\
` y.Store (it);`
Again, note that the control structure of the body ensures that an
Encapsulated_Variable_Task_Type must be given an initial value by a
first Store operation before any Fetch operation can be accepted.
### Guards
Depending on circumstances, a server task may not be able to accept
calls for some of the entries that have accept alternatives in a
selective wait statement. The acceptance of any alternative can be made
conditional by using a *guard*, which is
*Boolean* precondition for
acceptance. This makes it easy to write monitor-like server tasks, with
no need for an explicit signaling mechanism, nor for mutual exclusion.
An alternative with a True guard is said to be *open*. It is an error if
no alternative is open when the selective wait statement is executed,
and this raises the Program_Error exception.
Ex. 4
` `` Cyclic_Buffer_Task_Type `\
` `` Insert (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Remove (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Cyclic_Buffer_Task_Type;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` Cyclic_Buffer_Task_Type `\
` Q_Size : `` := 100;`\
` `` Q_Range `` Positive `` 1 .. Q_Size;`\
` Length : Natural `` 0 .. Q_Size := 0;`\
` Head, Tail : Q_Range := 1;`\
` Data : `` (Q_Range) `` Item;`\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` `` Length < Q_Size =>`\
` `` Insert (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` Data(Tail) := An_Item;`\
` `` Insert;`\
` Tail := Tail `` Q_Size + 1;`\
` Length := Length + 1;`\
` `\
` `` Length > 0 =>`\
` `` Remove (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` An_Item := Data(Head);`\
` `` Remove;`\
` Head := Head `` Q_Size + 1;`\
` Length := Length - 1;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Cyclic_Buffer_Task_Type;`
## Protected types
Tasks allow for encapsulation and safe usage of variable data without
the need for any explicit mutual exclusion and signaling mechanisms. Ex.
4 shows how easy it is to write server tasks that safely manage
locally-declared data on behalf of multiple clients. There is no need
for mutual exclusion of access to the managed data, *because it is never
accessed concurrently*. However, the overhead of creating a task merely
to serve up some data may be excessive. For such applications, Ada 95
provides **protected** modules, based on the well-known computer science
concept of a *monitor "wikilink")*. A
protected module encapsulates a data structure and exports subprograms
that operate on it under automatic mutual exclusion. It also provides
automatic, implicit signaling of conditions between client tasks. Again,
a protected module can be either a single protected object or a
protected type, allowing many protected objects to be created.
A protected module can export only procedures, functions and entries,
and its body may contain only the bodies of procedures, functions and
entries. The protected data is declared after **private** in its
specification, but is accessible only within the protected module\'s
body. Protected procedures and entries may read and/or write its
encapsulated data, and automatically exclude each other. Protected
functions may only read the encapsulated data, so that multiple
protected function calls can be concurrently executed in the same
protected object, with complete safety; but protected procedure calls
and entry calls exclude protected function calls, and vice versa.
Exported entries and subprograms of a protected object are executed by
its calling task, as a protected object has no independent locus of
control. (To be honest, optimized object code may reduce the number of
context switches below the number implied by this naive description.)
Similar to a task entry which optionally has a *guard*, a protected
entry must have a *barrier* to control admission. This provides
automatic signaling, and ensures that when a protected entry call is
accepted, its barrier condition is True, so that a barrier provides a
reliable precondition for the entry body. A barrier can statically be
true, then the entry is always open.
Ex. 5 The following is a simple protected type analogous to the
Encapsulated_Buffer task in Ex. 2.
` `` `` Protected_Buffer_Type `\
` `` Insert (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Remove (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `\
` Buffer : Item;`\
` Empty : Boolean := True;`\
` `` Protected_Buffer_Type;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` Protected_Buffer_Type `\
` `` Insert (An_Item : `` Item)`\
` `` Empty `\
` `\
` Buffer := An_Item;`\
` Empty := False;`\
` `` Insert;`\
` `` Remove (An_Item : `` Item)`\
` `` `` Empty `\
` `\
` An_Item := Buffer;`\
` Empty := True;`\
` `` Remove;`\
` `` Protected_Buffer_Type;`
Note how the barriers, using the state variable Empty, ensure that
messages are alternately inserted and removed, and that no attempt can
be made to take data from an empty buffer. All this is achieved without
explicit signaling or mutual exclusion constructs, whether in the
calling task or in the protected type itself.
The notation for calling a protected entry or procedure is exactly the
same as that for calling a task entry. This makes it easy to replace one
implementation of the abstract type by the other, the calling code being
Ex. 6 The following task type implements Dijkstra\'s semaphore ADT, with
FIFO scheduling of resumed processes. The algorithm will accept calls to
both Wait and Signal, so long as the semaphore invariant would not be
violated. When that circumstance approaches, calls to Wait are ignored
for the time being.
` `` `` Semaphore_Task_Type `\
` `` Initialize (N : `` Natural);`\
` `` Wait;`\
` `` Signal;`\
` `` Semaphore_Task_Type;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` Semaphore_Task_Type `\
` Count : Natural;`\
` `\
` `` Initialize (N : `` Natural) `\
` Count := N;`\
` `` Initialize;`\
` `\
` `\
` `` Count > 0 =>`\
` `` Wait `\
` Count := Count - 1;`\
` `` Wait;`\
` `\
` `` Signal;`\
` Count := Count + 1;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Semaphore_Task_Type;`
This task could be used as follows:
` nr_Full, nr_Free : Semaphore_Task_Type;`\
` ...`\
` nr_Full.Initialize (0); nr_Free.Initialize (nr_Slots);`\
` ...`\
` nr_Free.Wait; nr_Full.Signal;`
Alternatively, semaphore functionality can be provided by a protected
object, with major efficiency gains.
Ex. 7 The Initialize and Signal operations of this protected type are
unconditional, so they are implemented as protected procedures, but the
Wait operation must be guarded and is therefore implemented as an entry.
` `` `` Semaphore_Protected_Type `\
` `` Initialize (N : `` Natural);`\
` `` Wait;`\
` `` Signal;`\
` `\
` Count : Natural := 0;`\
` `` Semaphore_Protected_Type;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` Semaphore_Protected_Type `\
` `` Initialize (N : `` Natural) `\
` `\
` Count := N;`\
` `` Initialize;`\
` `` Wait`\
` `` Count > 0 `\
` `\
` Count := Count - 1;`\
` `` Wait;`\
` `` Signal `\
` `\
` Count := Count + 1;`\
` `` Signal;`\
` `` Semaphore_Protected_Type;`
Unlike the task type above, this does not ensure that Initialize is
called before Wait or Signal, and Count is given a default initial value
instead. Restoring this defensive feature of the task version is left as
an exercise for the reader.
## Entry families
Sometimes we need a group of related entries. Entry *families*, indexed
by a *discrete type*,
meet this need.
Ex. 8 This task provides a pool of several buffers.
` `` Buffer_Id `` Integer `` 1 .. nr_Bufs;`\
` ...`\
` `` Buffer_Pool_Task `\
` `` Insert (Buffer_Id) (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Remove (Buffer_Id) (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Buffer_Pool_Task;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` Buffer_Pool_Task `\
` Data : `` (Buffer_Id) `` Item;`\
` Filled : `` (Buffer_Id) `` Boolean := (others => False);`\
` `\
` `\
` `` I `` Data'`` `\
` `\
` `` `` Filled(I) =>`\
` `` Insert (I) (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` Data(I) := An_Item;`\
` `` Insert;`\
` Filled(I) := True;`\
` `\
` `` Filled(I) =>`\
` `` Remove (I) (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` An_Item := Data(I);`\
` `` Remove;`\
` Filled(I) := False;`\
` `\
` ``; `\
` `` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` ``; `\
` `` Buffer_Pool_Task;`\
` ...`\
` Buffer_Pool_Task.Remove(K)(This_Item);`
Note that the busy wait
is necessary here to prevent the task from
being suspended on some buffer when there was no call pending for it,
because such suspension would delay serving requests for all the other
buffers (perhaps indefinitely).
## Termination
Server tasks often contain infinite loops to allow them to service an
arbitrary number of calls in succession. But control cannot leave a
task\'s master until the task terminates, so we need a way for a server
to know when it should terminate. This is done by a *terminate
alternative* in a selective wait.
Ex. 9
` `` `` Terminating_Buffer_Task_Type `\
` `` Insert (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Remove (An_Item : `` Item);`\
` `` Terminating_Buffer_Task_Type;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` Terminating_Buffer_Task_Type `\
` Datum : Item;`\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` `` Insert (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` Datum := An_Item;`\
` `` Insert;`\
` `\
` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `\
` `` Remove (An_Item : `` Item) `\
` An_Item := Datum;`\
` `` Remove;`\
` `\
` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Terminating_Buffer_Task_Type;`
The task terminates when:
1. at least one terminate alternative is open, and
2. there are no pending calls to its entries, and
3. all other tasks of the same master are in the same state (or already
terminated), and
4. the task\'s master has completed (i.e. has run out of statements to
Conditions (1) and (2) ensure that the task is in a fit state to stop.
Conditions (3) and (4) ensure that stopping cannot have an adverse
effect on the rest of the program, because no further calls that might
change its state are possible.
## Timeout
A task may need to avoid being held up by calling to a slow server. A
*timed entry call* lets a client specify a maximum delay before
achieving rendezvous, failing which the attempted entry call is
withdrawn and an alternative sequence of statements is executed.
Ex. 10
` `` Password_Server `\
` `` Check (User, Pass : `` String; Valid : `` Boolean);`\
` `` Set (User, Pass : `` String);`\
` `` Password_Server;`\
` ...`\
` User_Name, Password : String (1 .. 8);`\
` ...`\
` Put ("Please give your new password:");`\
` Get_Line (Password);`\
` `\
` Password_Server.Set (User_Name, Password);`\
` Put_Line ("Done");`\
` `\
` `` 10.0;`\
` Put_Line ("The system is busy now, please try again later.");`\
` `` ``;`
To time out the *functionality* provided by a task, two distinct entries
are needed: one to pass in arguments, and one to collect the result.
Timing out on rendezvous with the latter achieves the desired effect.
Ex. 11
` `` Process_Data `\
` `` Input (D : `` Datum);`\
` `` Output (D : `` Datum);`\
` `` Process_Data;`\
` `\
` Input_Data, Output_Data : Datum;`\
` `\
` `\
` `*`collect`*` Input_Data `*`from sensors`*`;`\
` Process_Data.Input (Input_Data);`\
` `\
` Process_Data.Output (Output_Data);`\
` `*`pass`*` Output_Data `*`to display task`*`;`\
` `\
` `` 0.1;`\
` Log_Error ("Processing did not complete quickly enough.");`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` ``;`
Symmetrically, a delay alternative in a selective wait statement allows
a server task to withdraw an offer to accept calls after a maximum delay
in achieving rendezvous with any client.
Ex. 12
` `` Resource_Lender `\
` `` Get_Loan (Period : `` Duration);`\
` `` Give_Back;`\
` `` Resource_Lender;`\
` ...`\
` `` `` Resource_Lender `\
` Period_Of_Loan : Duration;`\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` `` Get_Loan (Period : `` Duration) `\
` Period_Of_Loan := Period;`\
` `` Get_Loan;`\
` `\
` `` Give_Back;`\
` `\
` `` Period_Of_Loan;`\
` Log_Error ("Borrower did not give up loan soon enough.");`\
` `` ``;`\
` `\
` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Resource_Lender;`
## Conditional entry calls
An entry call can be made conditional, so that it is withdrawn if the
rendezvous is not immediately achieved. This uses the select statement
notation with an **else** part. Thus the constructs
` `\
` Callee.Rendezvous;`\
` `\
` Do_something_else;`\
` `` ``;`
` `\
` Callee.Rendezvous;`\
` `\
` `` 0.0;`\
` Do_something_else;`\
` `` ``;`
seem to be conceptually equivalent. However, the attempt to start the
rendezvous may take some time, especially if the callee is on another
processor, so the *delay 0.0;* may expire although the callee would be
able to accept the rendezvous, whereas the *else* construct is safe.
## Requeue statements
A requeue statement allows an accept statement or entry body to be
completed while redirecting it to a different or the same entry queue,
even to one of another task. The called entry has to share the same
parameter list or be parameter-less. The caller of the original entry is
not aware of the requeue and the entry call continues although now to
possibly another entry of another task.
The requeue statement should normally be used to quickly check some
precondition for the work proper. If these are fulfilled, the work
proper is delegated to another task, hence the caller should nearly
immediately be requeued.
Thus requeuing may have an effect on timed entry calls. To be a bit more
specific, say the timed entry call is to T1.E1, the requeue within T1.E1
to T2.E2:
` `` T1 `\
` ...`\
` `` E1 `\
` ... `\
` `` T2``E2`` `\
` `` E1`\
` ...`\
` T1`
Let Delta_T be the timeout of the timed entry call to T1.E1. There are
now several possibilities:
1\. Delta_T expires before T1.E1 is accepted.`</br>`{=html}
: The entry call is aborted, i.e. taken out of the queue.
2\. Delta_T expires after T1.E1 is accepted.`</br>`{=html}
: T1.E1 has finished (its check of preconditions) and T2.E2 is to be
: For the caller, who is unaware of the requeue, the entry call is
still executing; it is completed only with the completion T2.E2.
Thus, although the original entry call may be postponed for a long time
while T2.E2 is waiting to be accepted, the call is executing from the
caller\'s point of view.
To avoid this behaviour, a call may be *requeued with abort*. This
changes case 2 above:
2.a The call is requeued to T2.E2 before Delta_T expires.
: 2.a.1. T2.E2 is accepted before expiration, the call continues until
T2.E2 is completed.
<!-- -->
: 2.a.2. Delta_T expires before T2.E2 is accepted: The entry call is
aborted, i.e. taken out of the queue of T2.E2.
2.b The call is requeued to T2.E2 after the expiration of Delta_T.
: 2.b.1. T2.E2 is immediately available (i.e. there is no requeue),
T2.E2 continues to completion.
<!-- -->
: 2.b.2. T2.E2 is queued: The entry call is aborted, i.e. taken out of
the queue of T2.E2.
In short, for a requeue with abort, the entry call to T1.E1 is completed
in cases 1, 2.a.1 and 2.b.1; it is aborted in 2.a.2 and 2.b.2.
So what is the difference between these three entries?
` `` E1 `\
` ... `\
` `` T2``E2 `` `` `\
` `` E1`\
` `` E2 `\
` ... `\
` T2``E2`` `\
` `` E2`\
` `` E3 `\
` ... `\
` `` E3`\
` T2``E2`` `
E1 has just been discussed. After the requeue, its enclosing task is
free for other work, while the caller is still suspended until its call
is completed or aborted.
E2 also delegates, however via an entry call. Thus E2 completes only
with the completion of T2.E2.
E3 first frees the caller, then delegates to T2.E2, i.e. the entry call
is completed with E3.
## Scheduling
FIFO, priority, priority inversion avoidance, \... to be completed.
## Interfaces and polymorphism
Tasks and protected types can also implement
` Printable `` `` ``;`\
` Input (D : `` Printable);`\
` Process_Data `` `` Printable `\
` `` Input (D : `` Datum);`\
` `` Output (D : `` Datum);`\
` Process_Data;`
To allow delegation necessary to the polymorphism, the interface
**Printable** shall be defined in its own
package. It is then
possible to define different **task type** implementing the
**Printable** interface and use these implemetations polymorphically:
` `` printable_package; `` printable_package; `\
` `` Printer `\
` `` `` Print_Red `` `` Printable `` ``;`\
` `` `` Print_Blue `` `` Printable `` ``;`\
` `\
` `` `` Print_Red `\
` `\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Printing in Red");`\
` `` Print_Red;`\
` `\
` `` `` Print_Blue `\
` `\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Printing in Blue");`\
` `` Print_Blue;`\
` `\
` printer_task : `` Printable'Class;`\
` `\
` printer_task := `` Print_Red;`\
` printer_task := `` Print_Blue; `\
` `` Printer;`
This feature is also called **synchronized interfaces**.
## Restrictions and Profiles
Ada tasking has too many features for some applications. Therefore there
exist restrictions and profiles for certain, mostly safety or security
critical applications. Restrictions and profiles are defined via
pragmas. A restriction forbids the use of certain features, for instance
the restriction No_Abort_Statements forbids the use of the abort
statement. A profile (do not confuse with parameter profiles for
subprograms) combines a set of restrictions.
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada Programming/Libraries/Ada.Storage
- Ada
- Ada
### Ada Reference Manual
#### Ada 95
#### Ada 2005
## Ada Quality and Style Guide
- **Chapter 4: Program Structure**
- - Chapter 6:
es:Programación en
# Ada Programming/Object Orientation
## Object orientation in Ada
Object oriented programming consists in building the software in terms
of \"objects\". An \"object\" contains data and has a behavior. The
data, normally, consists in constants and variables as seen in the rest
of this book but could also, conceivably, reside outside the program
entirely, i.e. on disk or on the network. The behavior consists in
subprograms that operate on the data. What makes Object Orientation
unique, compared to procedural programming, is not a single feature but
the combination of several features:
- *encapsulation*, i.e. the ability to separate the implementation of
an object from its interface; this in turn separates \"clients\" of
the object, who can only use the object in certain predefined ways,
from the internals of the object, which have no knowledge of the
outside clients.
<!-- -->
- *inheritance*, the ability for one type of objects to inherit the
data and behavior (subprograms) of another, without necessarily
needing to break encapsulation;
<!-- -->
- *type extension*, the ability for an object to add new data
components and new subprograms on top of the inherited ones and to
*replace* some inherited subprograms with its own versions; this is
called *overriding*.
<!-- -->
- *polymorphism*, the ability for a \"client\" to use the services of
an object without knowing the exact type of the object, i.e. in an
abstract way. Indeed at run time, the actual objects can have
different types from one invocation to the next.
It is possible to do object-oriented programming in any language, even
assembly. However, type extension and polymorphism are very difficult to
get right without language support.
In Ada, each of these concepts has a matching construct; this is why Ada
supports object-oriented programming directly.
- Packages provide encapsulation;
- Derived types provide inheritance;
- Record extensions, described below, provide for type extension;
- Class-wide types, also described below, provide for polymorphism.
Ada has had encapsulation and derived types since the first version
(MIL-STD-1815 in 1980), which led some to qualify the language as
\"object-oriented\" in a very narrow sense. Record extensions and
class-wide types were added in Ada 95. Ada 2005 further adds interfaces.
The rest of this chapter covers these aspects.
### The simplest object: the Singleton
` Directory `\
` `` Present (Name_Pattern: String) `` Boolean;`\
` `\
` `` Visit (Full_Name, Phone_Number, Address: String;`\
` Stop: `` Boolean);`\
` `` Iterate (Name_Pattern: String);`\
` Directory;`
The Directory is an object consisting of data (the telephone numbers and
addresses, presumably held in an external file or database) and behavior
(it can look an entry up and traverse all the entries matching a
Name_Pattern, calling Visit on each).
A simple package provides for encapsulation (the inner workings of the
directory are hidden) and a pair of subprograms provide the behavior.
This pattern is appropriate when only one object of a certain type must
exist; there is, therefore, no need for type extension or polymorphism.
### Primitive operations
In Ada, methods are usually referred to by the technical term *primitive
subprograms of a tagged type* or the equivalent term *primitive
operations of a tagged type*. The primitive operations of a type are
those that are always available wherever the type is used. For the
tagged types that are used in object oriented programming, they also can
be inherited by and overridden by derived types, and can be dynamically
Primitive operations of a type need to be declared immediately within
the same package as the type (not within a nested package nor a child
package). For tagged types, new primitive operations and overrides of
inherited primitive operations are further required to be declared
before the *freezing point* of the type. Any subprograms declared after
the freezing point will not be considered primitive, and therefore
cannot be inherited and are not dynamically dispatched. Freezing points
are discussed in more detail below, but the simple practice of declaring
all primitive operations immediately following the initial type
declaration will ensure that those subprograms are indeed recognized as
Primitive operations of type T need to have at least one parameter of
type `T` or of type `access T`. While most object-oriented languages
automatically provide a `this` or `self` pointer, Ada requires that you
explicitly declare a formal parameter to receive the current object.
That typically will be the first parameter in the list, which enables
the `object.subprogram` call syntax (available since Ada 2005), but it
may be at any parameter position. Tagged types are always passed by
reference; the parameter passing method has nothing to do with the
parameter modes `in` and `out`, which describe the dataflow. The
parameter passing method is identical for `T` and `access T`.
For tagged types, no other directly dispatchable types can be used in
the parameter list because Ada doesn\'t offer multiple dispatching. The
following example is illegal.
` P `\
` `` A `` `` ``;`\
` `` B `` `` ``;`\
` `` Proc (This: B; That: A); `\
` P;`
When additional dispatchable objects need to be passed in, the parameter
list should declare them using their class-wide types, `T'Class`. For
` P `\
` `` A `` `` ``;`\
` `` B `` `` ``;`\
` `` Proc (This: B; That: A'Class); `\
` P;`
Note, however, that this does not limit the number of parameters of the
same tagged type. For example, the following definition is legal.
` P `\
` `` A `` `` ``;`\
` `` Proc (This, That: A); `\
` P;`
Primitive operations of tagged types are dispatching operations. Whether
a call to such a primitive operation is in effect dispatching or
statically bound, depends on the context (see below). Note that in a
dispatching call both actual parameters of the last example must have
the same tag (i.e. the same type); Constraint_Error will be called if
the tag check fails.
### Derived types
Type derivation has been part of Ada since the very start.
` P `\
` `` T ``;`\
` `` Create (Data: Boolean) `` T; `\
` `` Work (Object : `` T); `\
` `` Work (Pointer: `` T); `\
` `` Acc_T `` T;`\
` `` Proc (Pointer: Acc_T); `\
` `` T `\
` Data: Boolean;`\
` ``;`\
` P;`
The above example creates a type T that contains data (here just a
Boolean but it could be anything) and behavior consisting of some
subprograms. It also demonstrates encapsulation by placing the details
of the type T in the private part of the package.
The primitive operations of T are the function Create, the overloaded
procedures Work, and the predefined \"=\" operator; Proc is not
primitive, since it has an *access type* on T as parameter --- don\'t
confuse this with an *access parameter*, as used in the second procedure
Work. When deriving from T, the primitive operations are inherited.
` P;`\
` Q `\
` `` Derived `` P.T;`\
` Q;`
The type Q.Derived has the same data *and the same behavior* as P.T; it
inherits both the data *and the subprograms*. Thus it is possible to
` Q;`\
` Main `\
` Object: Q.Derived := Q.Create (Data => False);`\
` Q.Work (Object);`\
` Main;`
Inherited operations may be overridden and new operations added, but the
rules (Ada 83) unfortunaltely are somewhat different from the rules for
tagged types (Ada 95).
Admittedly, the reasons for writing this may seem obscure. The purpose
of this kind of code is to have objects of types P.T and Q.Derived,
which are not compatible:
`Ob1: P.T;`\
`Ob2: Q.Derived;`
`Ob1 := Ob2; -- illegal`\
`Ob1 := P.T (Ob2); -- but convertible`\
`Ob2 := Q.Derived (Ob1); -- in both directions`
This feature is not used very often (it\'s used e.g. for declaring types
reflecting physical dimensions) but I present it here to introduce the
next step: type extension.
### Type extensions
Type extensions are an Ada 95 amendment.
A tagged type provides support for dynamic polymorphism and type
extension. A tagged type bears a hidden tag that identifies the type at
run-time. Apart from the tag, a tagged record is like any other record,
so it can contain arbitrary data.
` Person `\
` `` Object `` `\
` `\
` Name : String (1 .. 10);`\
` Gender : Gender_Type;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Put (O : Object);`\
` Person;`
As you can see, a `Person.Object` is an *object* in the sense that it
has data and behavior (the procedure `Put`). However, this object does
not hide its data; any program unit that has a
` Person` clause can read and write the
data in a Person.Object directly. This breaks encapsulation and also
illustrates that Ada completely separates the concepts of
*encapsulation* and *type*. Here is a version of Person.Object that
encapsulates its data:
` Person `\
` `` Object `` ``;`\
` `` Put (O : Object);`\
` `` Object `` `\
` `\
` Name : String (1 .. 10);`\
` Gender : Gender_Type;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Person;`
Because the type Person.Object is tagged, it is possible to create a
record extension, which is a derived type with additional data.
` Person;`\
` Programmer `\
` `` Object `` `` Person.Object ``;`\
` `` Object `` `` Person.Object `\
` `\
` Skilled_In : Language_List;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Programmer;`
The type `Programmer.Object` inherits the data and behavior, i.e. the
type\'s primitive operations, from `Person.Object`; it is thus possible
to write:
` Programmer;`\
` Main `\
` Me : Programmer.Object;`\
` Programmer.Put (Me);`\
` Me.Put; `\
` Main;`
So the declaration of the type `Programmer.Object`, as a record
extension of `Person.Object`, implicitly declares a
` Put` that applies to a
Like in the case of untagged types, objects of type Person and
Programmer are convertible. However, where untagged objects are
convertible in either direction, conversion of tagged types only works
in the direction to the root. (Conversion away from the root would have
to add components out of the blue.) Such a conversion is called a *view
conversion*, because components are not lost, they only become
Extension aggregates have to be used if you go away from the root.
### Overriding
Now that we have introduced tagged types, record extensions and
primitive operations, it becomes possible to understand overriding. In
the examples above, we introduced a type `Person.Object` with a
primitive operation called `Put`. Here is the body of the package:
` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` Person `\
` `` Put (O : Object) `\
` `\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put (O.Name);`\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put (" is a ");`\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Gender_Type'Image (O.Gender));`\
` `` Put;`\
` Person;`
As you can see, this simple operation prints both data components of the
record type to standard output. Now, remember that the record extension
`Programmer.Object` has an additional data member. If we write:
` Programmer;`\
` Main `\
` Me : Programmer.Object;`\
` Programmer.Put (Me);`\
` Me.Put; `\
` Main;`
then the program will call the inherited primitive operation `Put`,
which will print the name and gender *but not the additional data*. In
order to provide this extra behavior, we must *override* the inherited
procedure `Put` like this:
` Person;`\
` Programmer `\
` `` Object `` `` Person.Object ``;`\
` `` `\
` `` Put (O : Object);`\
` `` Object `` `` Person.Object `\
` `\
` Skilled_In : Language_List;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Programmer;`
` Programmer `\
` `` Put (O : Object) `\
` `\
` Person.Put (Person.Object (O)); `\
` Put (O.Skilled_In); `\
` `` Put;`\
` Programmer;`
`Programmer.Put` *overrides* `Person.Put`; in other words it *replaces*
it completely. Since the intent is to extend the behavior rather than
replace it, `Programmer.Put` calls `Person.Put` as part of its behavior.
It does this by converting its parameter from the type
`Programmer.Object` to its ancestor type `Person.Object`. This construct
is a *view conversion*; contrary to a normal type conversion, it does
*not* create a new object and does *not* incur any run-time cost (and
indeed, if the operand of such *view conversion* was actually a
variable, the result can be used when an out parameter is required (eg.
procedure call)). Of course, it is optional that an overriding operation
call its ancestor; there are cases where the intent is indeed to
replace, not extend, the inherited behavior.
(Note that also for untagged types, overriding of inherited operations
is possible. The reason why it\'s discussed here is that derivation of
untagged types is done rather seldom.)
### Polymorphism, class-wide programming and dynamic dispatching
The full power of object orientation is realized by polymorphism,
class-wide programming and dynamic dispatching, which are different
words for the same, single concept. To explain this concept, let us
extend the example from the previous sections, where we declared a base
tagged type `Person.Object` with a primitive operation `Put` and a
record extension `Programmer.Object` with additional data and an
overriding primitive operation `Put`.
Now, let us imagine a collection of persons. In the collection, some of
the persons are programmers. We want to traverse the collection and call
`Put` on each person. When the person under consideration is a
programmer, we want to call `Programmer.Put`; when the person is not a
programmer, we want to call `Person.Put`. This, in essence, is
polymorphism, class-wide programming and dynamic dispatching.
With Ada\'s strong typing, ordinary calls cannot be dynamically
dispatched; a call to an operation on a declared type must always be
statically bound to go to the operation defined for that specific type.
Dynamic dispatching (known as simply *dispatching* in Ada parlance) is
provided through separate *class-wide types* that are polymorphic. Each
tagged type, such as `Person.Object`, has a corresponding *class of
types* which is the set of types comprising the type `Person.Object`
itself and all types that extend `Person.Object`. In our example, this
class consists of two types:
- `Person.Object`
- `Programmer.Object`
Ada 95 defines the `Person.Object'Class` attribute to denote the
corresponding class-wide type. In other words:
` Someone : Person.Object'Class := ...; `\
` Someone.Put; `\
The declaration of Someone denotes an object that may be of *either*
type, `Person.Object` or `Programmer.Object`. Consequently, the call to
the primitive operation `Put` dispatches dynamically to either
`Person.Put` or `Programmer.Put`.
The only problem is that, since we don\'t know whether Someone is a
programmer or not, we don\'t know how many data components Someone has,
either, and therefore we don\'t know how many bytes Someone takes in
memory. For this reason, the class-wide type `Person.Object'Class` is
It is impossible to declare an object of this type without giving some
constraint. It is, however, possible to:
- declare an object of a class-wide with an initial value (as above).
The object is then constrained by its initial value.
- declare an *access value* to such an object (because the access
value has a known size);
- pass objects of a class-wide type as parameters to subprograms
- assign an object of a specific type (in particular, the result of a
function call) to a variable of a class-wide type.
With this knowledge, we can now build a polymorphic collection of
persons; in this example we will quite simply create an array of access
values to persons:
` Person;`\
` Main `\
` `` Person_Access `` Person.Object'Class;`\
` `` Array_Of_Persons `` (Positive `` <>) of Person_Access;`\
` `` Read_From_Disk `` Array_Of_Persons ``;`\
` Everyone : `` Array_Of_Persons := Read_From_Disk;`\
` `\
` `` K `` Everyone'Range `\
` Everyone (K).``.Put; `\
` ``;`\
` Main;`
The above procedure achieves our desired goal: it traverses the array of
Persons and calls the procedure `Put` that is appropriate for each
#### Advanced topic: How dynamic dispatching works
You don\'t need to know how dynamic dispatching works in order to use it
effectively but, in case you are curious, here is an explanation.
The first component of each object in memory is the *tag*; this is why
objects are of a *tagged* type rather than plain records. The tag really
is an access value to a table; there is one table for each specific
type. The table contains access values to each primitive operation of
the type. In our example, since there are two types `Person.Object` and
`Programmer.Object`, there are two tables, each containing a single
access value. The table for `Person.Object` contains an access value to
`Person.Put` and the table for `Programmer.Object` contains an access
value to `Programmer.Put`. When you compile your program, the compiler
constructs both tables and places them in the program executable code.
Each time the program creates a new object of a specific type, it
automatically sets its tag to point to the appropriate table.
Each time the program performs a *dispatching call* of a primitive
operation, the compiler inserts object code that:
- dereferences the tag to find the table of primitive operations for
the specific type of the object at hand
- dereferences the access value to the primitive operation
- calls the primitive operation.
Conversely, when the program performs a call where the parameter is a
view conversion to an ancestor type, the compiler performs these two
dereferences at compile time rather than run time: such a call is
*statically bound*; the compiler emits code that directly calls the
primitive operation of the ancestor type specified in the view
#### Redispatching
Dispatching is controlled by the (hidden) tag of the object. So what
happens when a primitive operation `Op1` calls another primitive
operation `Op2` on the same object?
` `` Root `` `` ``;`\
` `` Op1 (This: Root);`\
` `` Op2 (This: Root);`\
` `` Derived `` `` Root `` ``;`\
` -- Derived inherits Op1`\
` `` `` Op2 (This: Derived);`\
` `` Op1 (This: Root) `\
` `\
` ...`\
` Op2 (This); -- not redispatching`\
` Op2 (Root'Class (This)); -- redispatching`\
` This.Op2; -- not redispatching (new syntax since Ada 2005)`\
` (Root'Class (This)).Op2; -- redispatching (new syntax since Ada 2005)`\
` ...`\
` `` Op1;`\
` D: Derived;`\
` C: Root'Class := D;`\
` Op1 (D); -- statically bound call`\
` Op1 (C); -- dispatching call`\
` D.Op1; -- statically bound call (new syntax since Ada 2005)`\
` C.Op1; -- dispatching call (new syntax since Ada 2005)`
In this fragment, `Op1` is not overridden, whereas `Op2` is overridden.
The body of `Op1` calls `Op2`, so which `Op2` will be called if `Op1` is
called for an object of type `Derived`?
The basic rules of dispatching still apply. Calls to `Op2` will be
dispatched when called using an object of a class-wide type.
The formal parameter lists for the operations specify the type of `This`
to be a specific type, not class-wide. In fact, that parameter *must* be
a specific type so that the operation will be dispatched for objects of
that type, and to allow the operation\'s code to access any additional
data items associated with that type. If you want redispatching, you
must state that explicitly by converting the parameter of the specific
type to the class-wide type again. (Remember: view conversions never
lose components, they just hide them. A conversion to a class-wide type
can unhide them again.) The first call `Op1 (D)` (statically bound,
i.e., not dispatching) executes the inherited `Op1` --- and within
`Op1`, the first call to `Op2` is also statically bound (there is no
redispatching) because parameter `This` is a view conversion to specific
type `Root`. However, the second call is dispatching because the
parameter `This` is converted to the class-wide type. That call
dispatches to the overriding `Op2`.
Because the conventional `This.Op2` call is *not* dispatching, the call
will be to `Root.Op2` even though the object itself is of type `Derived`
and the `Op2` operation is overridden. *This is very different from how
other OO languages behave.* In other OO languages, a method is either
dispatching or not. In Ada, an operation is either *available* for
dispatching or not. Whether or not dispatching is actually *used* for a
given call depends on the way that the object\'s type is specified at
that call point. For programmers accustomed to other OO languages, it
can come as quite a surprise that calls from a dispatchable operation to
other operations on the same object are, by default, *not* (dynamically)
The default of not redispatching is not an issue if all of the
operations have been overridden, because they all will be operating on
the expected type of object. However, it has ramifications when writing
code for types that might be extended by another type sometime in the
future. It\'s possible that the new type will not work as intended if it
doesn\'t override all of the primitive operations that call other
primitive operations. The safest policy is to use a class-wide
conversion of the object to force dispatching of calls. One way to
accomplish that is to define a class-wide constant in each dispatched
` `` Op2 (This: Derived) `\
` This_Class: `` Root'Class := This;`\
` `
`This` is needed to access data items and to make any non-dispatching
calls. `This_Class` is needed to make dispatching calls.
Less commonly encountered and perhaps less surprising, calls from a
non-dispatchable (class-wide) routine for a tagged type to other
routines on the same object are, by default, dispatched:
` `` Root `` `` ``;`\
` `` Op1 (This: Root'Class);`\
` `` Op2 (This: Root);`\
` `` Derived `` `` Root `` ``;`\
` -- Derived does `**`not`**` inherit Op1, rather Op1 is applicable to Derived.`\
` `` `` Op2 (This: Derived);`\
` `` Op1 (This: Root'Class) `\
` `\
` ...`\
` Op2 (This); -- dispatching`\
` Op2 (Root (This)); -- static call`\
` This.Op2; -- dispatching (new syntax since Ada 2005)`\
` (Root (This)).Op2; -- static call (new syntax since Ada 2005)`\
` ...`\
` `` Op1;`\
` D: Derived;`\
` C: Root'Class := D;`\
` Op1 (D); -- static call`\
` Op1 (C); -- static call`\
` D.Op1; -- static call (new syntax since Ada 2005)`\
` C.Op1; -- static call (new syntax since Ada 2005)`
Note that calls on `Op1` are always static, since `Op1` is *not*
inherited. Its parameter type is class-wide, so the operation is
*applicable* to all types derived from Root. (Op2 has an entry for each
type derived from `Root` in the dispatch table. There is no such
dispatch table for `Op1`; rather there is only one such operation for
all types in the class.)
Normal calls *from* `Op1` are dispatched because the declared type of
`This` is class-wide. The default to dispatching usually isn\'t
bothersome because class-wide operations are typically used to perform a
script involving calls to one or more dispatched operations.
#### Run-time type identification
Run-time type identification allows the program to (indirectly or
directly) query the tag of an object at run time to determine which type
the object belongs to. This feature, obviously, makes sense only in the
context of polymorphism and dynamic dispatching, so works only on tagged
You can determine whether an object belongs to a certain class of types,
or to a specific type, by means of the membership test
, like this:
` Base `` `` ``;`\
` Derived `` `` Base `` ``;`\
` Leaf `` `` Derived `` ``;`\
` Explicit_Dispatch (This : `` Base'Class) `\
` `` This `` Leaf `` ... ``;`\
` `` This `` Derived'Class `` ... ``;`\
` Explicit_Dispatch;`
Thanks to the strong typing rules of Ada, run-time type identification
is in fact rarely needed; the distinction between class-wide and
specific types usually allows the programmer to ensure objects are of
the appropriate type without resorting to this feature.
Additionally, the reference manual defines `package Ada.Tags` (RM
3.9(6/2)), attribute `'Tag` (RM 3.9(16,18)), and
`function Ada.Tags.Generic_Dispatching_Constructor` (RM 3.9(18.2/2)),
which enable direct manipulation with tags.
### Creating Objects
The Language Reference Manual\'s section on
states when
an object is created, and destroyed again. This subsection illustrates
how objects are created.
The LRM section starts,
For example, assume a typical hierarchy of object oriented types: a
top-level type `Person`, a `Programmer` type derived from `Person`, and
possibly more kinds of persons. Each person has a name; assume `Person`
objects to have a `Name` component. Likewise, each `Person` has a
`Gender` component. The `Programmer` type inherits the components and
the operations of the `Person` type, so `Programmer` objects have a
`Name` and a `Gender` component, too. `Programmer` objects may have
additional components specific to programmers.
Objects of a tagged type are created the same way as objects of any
type. The second LRM sentence says, for example, that an object will be
created when you declare a variable or a constant of a type. For the
tagged type `Person`,
` P`` Person`\
` Text_IO``Put_Line``"The name is " `` P``Name`\
Nothing special so far. Just like any ordinary variable declaration this
O-O one is elaborated. The result of elaboration is an object named `P`
of type `Person`. However, `P` has only default name and gender value
components. These are likely not useful ones. One way of giving initial
values to the object\'s components is to assign an aggregate.
` P`` Person `` ``Name `` "Scorsese"`` Gender `` Male`\
` Text_IO``Put_Line``"The name is " `` P``Name`\
The parenthesized expression after := is called an *aggregate*
Another way to create an object that is mentioned in the LRM paragraph
is to call a function. An object will be created as the return value of
a function call. Therefore, instead of using an aggregate of initial
values, we might call a function returning an object.
Introducing proper O-O information hiding, we change the package
containing the `Person` type so that `Person` becomes a private type. To
enable clients of the package to construct `Person` objects we declare a
function that returns them. (The function may do some interesting
construction work on the objects. For instance, the aggregate above will
most probably raise the exception Constraint_Error depending on the name
string supplied; the function can mangle the name so that it matches the
declaration of the component.) We also declare a function that returns
the name of `Person` objects.
` Persons `\
` `` Person `` `` `\
` `` Make ``Name`` String`` Sex`` Gender_Type`` `` Person`\
` `` Name ``P`` Person`` `` String`\
` `` Person `` `\
` `\
` Name `` String ``1 `` 10`\
` Gender `` Gender_Type`\
` `` `\
` Persons`
Calling the `Make` function results in an object which can be used for
initialization. Since the `Person` type is **private** we can no longer
refer to the `Name` component of `P`. But there is a corresponding
function `Name` declared with type `Person` making it a socalled
primitive operation. (The component and the function in this example are
both named `Name` However, we can choose a different name for either if
we want.)
` P`` Person `` Make ``Name `` "Orwell"`` Sex `` Male`\
` Text_IO``Put_Line``"The name is " `` Name``P`\
Objects can be copied into another. The target object is first
destroyed. Then the component values of the source object are assigned
to the corresponding components of the target object. In the following
example, the default initialized `P` gets a copy of one of the objects
created by the `Make` calls.
` P`` Person`\
` `` 2001 `` 1984 `\
` P `` Make ``Name `` "Kubrick"`` Sex `` Male`\
` `\
` P `` Make ``Name `` "Orwell"`` Sex `` Male`\
` `` `\
` Text_IO``Put_Line``"The name is " `` Name``P`\
So far, there is no mention of the `Programmer` type derived from
`Person`. There is no polymorphism yet, and likewise initialization does
not yet mention inheritance. Before dealing with `Programmer` objects
and their initialization a few words about class-wide types are in
### More details on primitive operations
Remember what we said before about \"Primitive
Operations\". Primitive operations
- subprograms taking a parameter of the tagged type;
- functions returning an object of the tagged type;
- subprograms taking a parameter of an *anonymous access type* to the
tagged type;
- In Ada 2005 only, functions returning an *anonymous access type* to
the tagged type;
Additionally, primitive operations must be declared before the type is
*frozen* (the concept of freezing will be explained later):
` X `\
` `` Object `` `` `` ``;`\
` `` Primitive_1 (This : `` Object);`\
` `` Primitive_2 (That : `` Object);`\
` `` Primitive_3 (Me : `` `` Object);`\
` `` Primitive_4 (Them : `` Object);`\
` `` Primitive_5 `` Object;`\
` `` Primitive_6 (Everyone : Boolean) `` `` Object;`\
` X;`
All of these subprograms are primitive operations.
A primitive operation can also take parameters of the same or other
types; also, the controlling operand does not have to be the first
` X `\
` `` Object `` `` `` ``;`\
` `` Primitive_1 (This : `` Object; Number : `` Integer);`\
` `` Primitive_2 (You : `` Boolean; That : `` Object);`\
` `` Primitive_3 (Me, Her : `` `` Object);`\
` X;`
The definition of primitive operations specifically excludes named
access types and class-wide types as well as operations not defined
immediately in the same declarative region. Counter-examples:
` X `\
` `` Object `` `` `` ``;`\
` `` Object_Access `` `` Object;`\
` `` Object_Class_Access `` `` Object'Class;`\
` `` Not_Primitive_1 (This : `` Object'Class);`\
` `` Not_Primitive_2 (This : `` `` Object_Access);`\
` `` Not_Primitive_3 (This : `` Object_Class_Access);`\
` `` Not_Primitive_4 `` Object'Class;`\
` `` Inner `\
` `` Not_Primitive_5 (This : `` Object);`\
` `` Inner;`\
` X;`
#### Advanced topic: Freezing rules
Freezing rules (ARM
13.14) are
perhaps the most complex part of the Ada language definition; this is
because the standard tries to describe freezing as unambiguously as
possible. Also, that part of the language definition deals with freezing
of all entities, including complicated situations like generics and
objects reached by dereferencing access values. You can, however, get an
intuitive understanding of freezing of tagged types if you understand
how dynamic dispatching
works. In
that section, we saw that the compiler emits a table of primitive
operations for each tagged type. The point in the program text where
this happens is the point where the tagged type is *frozen*, i.e. the
point where the table becomes complete. After the type is frozen, no
more primitive operations can be added to it.
This point is the earliest of:
- the end of the package spec where the tagged type is declared
- the appearance of the first type derived from the tagged type
` X `\
` `` Object `` `` `` ``;`\
` `` Primitive_1 (This: `` Object);`\
` -- this declaration freezes Object`\
` `` Derived `` `` Object `` `` ``;`\
` -- illegal: declared after Object is frozen`\
` `` Primitive_2 (This: `` Object);`\
` X;`
Intuitively: at the point where Derived is declared, the compiler starts
a new table of primitive operations for the derived type. This new
table, initially, is equal to the table of the primitive operations of
the parent type, `Object`. Hence, `Object` must freeze.
- the declaration of a variable of the tagged type
` X `\
` `` Object `` `` `` ``;`\
` `` Primitive_1 (This: `` Object);`\
` V: Object; -- this declaration freezes Object`\
` -- illegal: Primitive operation declared after Object is frozen`\
` `` Primitive_2 (This: `` Object);`\
` X;`
Intuitively: after the declaration of `V`, it is possible to call any of
the primitive operations of the type on `V`. Therefore, the list of
primitive operations must be known and complete, i.e. frozen.
- The completion (*not* the declaration, if any) of a constant of the
tagged type:
` X `\
` `` Object `` `` `` ``;`\
` `` Primitive_1 (This: `` Object);`\
` -- this declaration does NOT freeze Object`\
` Deferred_Constant: `` Object;`\
` `` Primitive_2 (This : `` Object); -- OK`\
` -- only the completion freezes Object`\
` Deferred_Constant: `` Object := (`` ``);`\
` -- illegal: declared after Object is frozen`\
` `` Primitive_3 (This: `` Object);`\
` `` X;`
### New features of Ada 2005
Ada 2005 adds overriding indicators, allows anonymous access types in
more places and offers the object.method notation.
#### Overriding indicators
The new keyword can be used to
indicate whether an operation overrides an inherited subprogram or not.
Its use is optional because of upward-compatibility with Ada 95. For
` X `\
` `` Object `` `` `` ``;`\
` `` Primitive `` `` Object; `\
` `` Derived_Object `` `` Object `` `` ``;`\
` `` `\
` `` Primitive (This : `` Derived_Object); `\
` `\
` `` Primitive `` Derived_Object;`\
` X;`
The compiler will check the desired behaviour.
This is a good programming practice because it avoids some nasty bugs
like not overriding an inherited subprogram because the programmer spelt
the identifier incorrectly, or because a new parameter is added later in
the parent type.
It can also be used with abstract operations, with renamings, or when
instantiating a generic subprogram:
` `\
` Primitive_X (This : `` Object) `` ``;`\
` Primitive_Y `` Object `` Some_Other_Subprogram;`\
` `\
` Primitive_Z (This : `` Object)`\
` `` `` Generic_Procedure (Element => Integer);`
#### Object.Method notation
We have already seen this notation:
` X `\
` `` Object `` `` `` ``;`\
` `` Primitive (This: `` Object; That: `` Boolean);`\
` X;`
` X;`\
` Main `\
` Obj : X.Object;`\
` Obj.Primitive (That => True); `\
` Main;`
This notation is only available for primitive operations where the
controlling parameter is the *first* parameter.
### Abstract types
A tagged type can also be abstract (and thus can have abstract
` X `\
` `` Object `` `` `` …;`\
` `` One_Class_Member (This : `` Object);`\
` `` Another_Class_Member (This : `` `` Object);`\
` `` Abstract_Class_Member `` Object `` ``;`\
` X;`
An abstract operation cannot have any body, so derived types are forced
to override it (unless those derived types are also abstract). See next
section about interfaces for more information about this.
The difference with a non-abstract tagged type is that you cannot
declare any variable of this type. However, you can declare an access to
it, and use it as a parameter of a class-wide operation.
### Multiple Inheritance via Interfaces
Interfaces allow for a limited form of multiple inheritance (taken from
Java). On a semantic level they are similar to an \"abstract tagged null
record\" as they may have primitive operations but cannot hold any data
and thus these operations cannot have a body, they are either declared
or .
*Abstract* means the operation has to be overridden, *null* means the
default implementation is a null body, i.e. one that does nothing.
An interface is declared with:
` Printable `\
` `` Object `` ``;`\
` `` Class_Member_1 (This : `` Object) `` ``;`\
` `` Class_Member_2 (This : `` Object) `` ``;`\
` Printable;`
You implement an by adding it to a
concrete *class*:
` Person;`\
` Programmer `\
` `` Object `` `` Person.Object`\
` `` Printable.Object`\
` `\
` `\
` Skilled_In : Language_List;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `\
` `` Class_Member_1 (This : `` Object);`\
` `` `\
` `` New_Class_Member (This : Object; That : String);`\
` Programmer;`
As usual, all inherited abstract operations must be overridden although
*null subprograms* ones need not.
Such a type may implement a list of interfaces (called the
*progenitors*), but can have only one *parent*. The parent may be a
concrete type or also an interface.
` Derived `` `` Parent `` Progenitor_1 `` Progenitor_2 ... `` ...;`
### Multiple Inheritance via Mix-in
Ada supports multiple inheritance of *interfaces* (see above), but only
single inheritance of *implementation*. This means that a tagged type
can *implement* multiple interfaces but can only *extend* a single
ancestor tagged type.
This can be problematic if you want to add behavior to a type that
already extends another type; for example, suppose you have
` Base ``;`\
` Derived `` Base ``;`
and you want to make `Derived` controlled, i.e. add the behavior that
`Derived` controls its initialization, assignment and finalization. Alas
you cannot write:
` Derived `` Base `` ``.Controlled ``; `
since for historical
reasons does not define interfaces `Controlled` and
`Limited_Controlled`, but abstract types.
If your base type is not limited, there is no good solution for this;
you have to go back to the root of the class and make it controlled.
(The reason will become obvious presently.)
For limited types however, another solutions is the use of a mix-in:
` Base ``;`\
` Derived;`\
` Controlled_Mix_In (Enclosing: `` Derived) `\
` `` ``.Limited_Controlled ``;`\
` Initialize (This: `` Controlled_Mix_In);`\
` Finalize (This: `` Controlled_Mix_In);`\
` Derived `` Base `\
` Mix_In: Controlled_Mix_In (Enclosing => Derived'Access); `\
` `\
This special kind of mix-in is an object with an access discriminant
that references its enclosing object (also known as *Rosen trick*). In
the declaration of the `Derived` type, we initialize this discriminant
with a special syntax: `Derived'Access` really refers to an access value
to the *current instance* of type `Derived`. Thus the access
discriminant allows the mix-in to see its enclosing object and all its
components; therefore it can initialize and finalize its enclosing
` Initialize (This: `` Controlled_Mix_In) `\
` Enclosing: Derived `` This.Enclosing.``;`\
` `\
` Initialize;`
and similarly for `Finalize`.
The reason why this does not work for non-limited types is the
self-referentiality via the discriminant. Imagine you have two variables
of such a non-limited type and assign one to the other:
`X := Y;`
In an assignment statement, `Adjust` is called only *after* `Finalize`
of the target `X` and so cannot provide the new value of the
discriminant. Thus `X.Mixin_In.Enclosing` will inevitably reference `Y`.
Now let\'s further extend our hierarchy:
` Further `` Derived ``;`\
` Initialize (This: `` Further);`\
` Finalize (This: `` Further);`
Oops, this does not work because there are no corresponding procedures
for `Derived`, yet -- so let\'s quickly add them.
` Base ``;`\
` Derived;`\
` Controlled_Mix_In (Enclosing: `` Derived) `\
` `` ``.Limited_Controlled ``;`\
` Initialize (This: `` Controlled_Mix_In);`\
` Finalize (This: `` Controlled_Mix_In);`\
` Derived `` Base `\
` Mix_In: Controlled_Mix_In (Enclosing => Derived'Access); `\
` `\
` Initialize (This: `` Derived); `\
` Finalize (This: `` Derived);`\
` Further `` Derived ``;`
` Initialize (This: `` Further);`\
` Finalize (This: `` Further);`
We have of course to write `not overriding` for the procedures on
`Derived` because there is indeed nothing they could override. The
bodies are
` Initialize (This: `` Derived) `\
` `\
` Initialize;`
` Initialize (This: `` Controlled_Mix_In) `\
` Enclosing: Derived `` This.Enclosing.``;`\
` Initialize (Enclosing);`\
` Initialize;`
To our dismay, we have to learn that `Initialize/Finalize` for objects
of type `Further` will not be called, instead those for the parent
`Derived`. Why?
` X: Further; -- Initialize (Derived (X)) is called here`\
` ``;`\
`; -- Finalize (Derived (X)) is called here`
The reason is that the mix-in defines the local object `Enclosing` to be
of type `Derived` in the renames-statement above. To cure this, we have
necessarily to use the dreaded redispatch (shown in different but
equivalent notations):
` Initialize (This: `` Controlled_Mix_In) `\
` Enclosing: Derived `` This.Enclosing.``;`\
` Initialize (Derived'Class (Enclosing));`\
` Initialize;`
` Finalize (This: `` Controlled_Mix_In) `\
` Enclosing: Derived'Class `` Derived'Class (This.Enclosing.``);`\
` Enclosing.Finalize;`\
` Finalize;`
` X: Further; -- Initialize (X) is called here`\
` ``;`\
`; -- Finalize (X) is called here`
Alternatively (and presumably better still) is to write
` Controlled_Mix_In (Enclosing: `` Derived'Class) `\
` `` ``.Limited_Controlled ``;`
Then we automatically get redispatch and can omit the type conversions
on `Enclosing`.
## Class names
Both the class package and the class record need a name. In theory they
may have the same name, but in practice this leads to nasty
`<small>`{=html}(because of unintuitive error messages)`</small>`{=html}
name clashes when you use the clause. So
over time three de facto naming standards have been commonly used.
### Classes/Class
The package is named by a plural noun and the record is named by the
corresponding singular form.
` Persons `\
` `` Person `` `\
` `\
` Name : String (1 .. 10);`\
` Gender : Gender_Type;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Persons;`
This convention is the usually used in Ada\'s built-in libraries.
Disadvantage: Some \"multiples\" are tricky to spell, especially for
those of us who aren\'t native English speakers.
### Class/Object
The package is named after the class, the record is just named Object.
` Person `\
` `` Object `` `\
` `\
` Name : String (1 .. 10);`\
` Gender : Gender_Type;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Person;`
Most UML and
IDL code generators use
this technique.
Disadvantage: You can\'t use the clause on
more than one such class packages at any one time. However you can
always use the \"type\" instead of the package.
### Class/Class_Type
The package is named after the class, the record is postfixed with
` Person `\
` `` Person_Type `` `\
` `\
` Name : String (1 .. 10);`\
` Gender : Gender_Type;`\
` `` ``;`\
` Person;`
Disadvantage: lots of ugly \"\_Type\" postfixes.
## Object-Oriented Ada for C++ programmers
In C++, the construct
``` c++
struct C {
virtual void v();
void w();
static void u();
is strictly equivalent to the following in Ada:
` P `\
` `` C ``;`\
` `` V (This : `` C); `\
` `` W (This : `` C'Class); `\
` `` U;`\
` P;`
In C++, member functions implicitly take a parameter `this` which is of
type `C*`. In Ada, all parameters are explicit. As a consequence, the
fact that `u()` does *not* take a parameter is implicit in C++ but
explicit in Ada.
In C++, `this` is a pointer. In Ada, the explicit `This` parameter does
not have to be a pointer; all parameters of a tagged type are implicitly
passed by reference anyway.
### Static dispatching
In C++, function calls dispatch statically in the following cases:
- the target of the call is an object type
- the member function is non-virtual
For example:
``` c++
C object;
both dispatch statically. In particular, the static dispatch for v() may
be confusing; this is because object is neither a pointer nor a
reference. Ada behaves exactly the same in this respect, except that Ada
calls this *static binding* rather than *dispatching*:
` Object : P.C;`\
` Object.V; `\
` Object.W; `\
### Dynamic dispatching
In C++, a function call dispatches dynamically if the two following
conditions are met simultaneously:
- the target of the call is a pointer or a reference
- the member function is virtual.
For example:
``` c++
C* object;
object->v(); // dynamic dispatch
object->w(); // static, non-virtual member function
object->u(); // illegal: static member function
C::u(); // static dispatch
In Ada, a primitive subprogram call dispatches (dynamically) if and only
- the target object is of a class-wide type;
Note: In Ada vernacular, the term *dispatching* always means *dynamic*.
For example:
` Object : P.C'Class := ...;`\
` P.V (Object); `\
` P.W (Object); `\
` P.U; `\
As can be seen *there is no need for access types or pointers* to do
dispatching in Ada. In Ada, *tagged types are always passed by-reference
to subprograms* without the need for explicit access values.
Also note that in C++, the class serves as:
- the unit of encapsulation (Ada uses packages and visibility for
- the type, like in Ada.
As a consequence, you call C::u() in C++ because u() is encapsulated in
C, but P.U in Ada since U is encapsulated in the *package* P, not the
*type* C.
### Class-wide and specific types
The most confusing part for C++ programmers is the concept of a
\"class-wide type\". To help you understand:
- pointers and references in C++ are really, implicitly, class-wide;
- object types in C++ are really specific;
- C++ provides no way to declare the equivalent of:
` C_Specific_Access `` C;`
- C++ provides no way to declare the equivalent of:
` C_Specific_Access_One `` C;`\
` C_Specific_Access_Two `` C;`
which, in Ada, are two different, *incompatible* types, possibly
allocating their memory from different storage pools!
- In Ada, you do *not* need access values for dynamic dispatching.
- In Ada, you use access values for dynamic memory management (only)
and class-wide types for dynamic dispatching (only).
- In C++, you use pointers and references both for dynamic memory
management and for dynamic dispatching.
- In Ada, class-wide types are explicit (with `'Class`).
- In C++, class-wide types are implicit (with `*` or `&`).
### Constructors
in C++, a special syntax declares a constructor:
``` c++
class C {
C(/* optional parameters */); // constructor
A constructor cannot be virtual. A class can have as many constructors,
differentiated by their parameters, as necessary.
Ada does not have such constructors. Perhaps they were not deemed
necessary since in Ada, any function that returns an object of the
tagged type can serve as a kind of constructor. This is however not the
same as a real constructor like the C++ one; this difference is most
striking in cases of derivation trees (see Finalization below). The Ada
constructor subprograms do not have to have a special name and there can
be as many constructors as necessary; each function can take parameters
as appropriate.
` P `\
` `` T is `` ``;`\
` `` Make `` T; -- constructor`\
` `` To_T (From: Integer) `` T; -- another constructor`\
` `` Make (This: `` T); -- not a constructor`\
` ...`\
` P;`
If an Ada constructor function is also a primitive operation (as in the
example above), it becomes abstract upon derivation and has to be
overridden if the derived type is not itself abstract. If you do not
want this, declare such functions in a nested scope.
In C++, one idiom is the *copy constructor* and its cousin the
*assignment operator*:
``` c++
class C {
C(const C& that); // copies "that" into "this"
C& operator= (const C& right); // assigns "right" to "this", which is "left"
This copy constructor is invoked implicitly on initialization, e.g.
``` c++
C a = b; // calls the copy constructor
C c;
a = c; // calls the assignment operator
Ada provides a similar functionality by means of *controlled types*. A
controlled type is one that extends the predefined type
` ``;`\
` P `\
` `` T `` `` ``.Controlled `` ``;`\
` `` Make `` T; -- constructor`\
` `` T `` ... `` ``;`\
` `` `` Initialize (This: `` `` T);`\
` `` `` Adjust (This: `` `` T); -- copy constructor`\
` P;`
Note that Initialize is not a constructor; it resembles the C++
constructor in some way, but is also very different. Suppose you have a
type T1 derived from T with an appropriate overriding of Initialize. A
real constructor (like the C++ one) would automatically first construct
the parent components (T), then the child components. In Ada, this is
not automatic. In order to mimic this in Ada, we have to write:
` Initialize (This: `` `` T1) `\
` Initialize (T (This)); -- Don't forget this part!`\
` ... -- handle the new components here`\
` Initialize;`
The compiler inserts a call to Initialize after each object of type T is
allocated when no initial value is given. It also inserts a call to
Adjust after each assignment to the object. Thus, the declarations:
`A: T;`\
`B: T := X;`
- allocate memory for A
- call Initialize (A)
- allocate memory for B
- copy the contents of X to B
- call Adjust (B)
Initialize (B) will not be called because of the explicit
So, the equivalent of a copy constructor is an overriding of Adjust.
If you would like to provide this functionality to a type that extends
another, non-controlled type, see \"Multiple
### Destructors
In C++, a destructor is a member function with only the implicit `this`
``` c++
class C {
virtual ~C(); // destructor
While a constructor *cannot* be virtual, a destructor *must* be virtual
if the class is to be used with dynamic dispatch (has virtual methods or
derives from a class with virtual methods). C++ classes do not use
dynamic dispatch by default, so it can catch some programmers out and
wreak havoc in their programs by simply forgetting the keyword
In Ada, the equivalent functionality is again provided by controlled
types, by overriding the procedure Finalize:
` ``;`\
` P `\
` `` T `` `` ``.Controlled `` ``;`\
` `` Make `` T; -- constructor`\
` `` T `` ... `` ``;`\
` `` `` Finalize (This: `` `` T); -- destructor`\
` P;`
Because Finalize is a primitive operation, it is automatically
\"virtual\"; you cannot, in Ada, forget to make a destructor virtual.
### Encapsulation: public, private and protected members
In C++, the unit of encapsulation is the class; in Ada, the unit of
encapsulation is the package. This has consequences on how an Ada
programmer places the various components of an object type.
``` c++
class C {
int a;
void public_proc();
int b;
int protected_func();
bool c;
void private_proc();
A way to mimic this C++ class in Ada is to define a hierarchy of types,
where the base type is the public part, which must be abstract so that
no stand-alone objects of this base type can be defined. It looks like
` `` ``;`\
` CPP `\
` `` Public_Part `` `` `` `` -- no objects of this type`\
` A: Integer;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Public_Proc (This: `` `` Public_Part);`\
` `` Complete_Type `` `` Public_Part `` ``;`\
` -- procedure Public_Proc (This: in out Complete_Type); -- inherited, implicitly defined`\
` -- visible for children`\
` `` Private_Part; -- declaration stub`\
` `` Private_Part_Pointer `` `` Private_Part;`\
` `` Private_Component `` `` ``.Controlled `` `\
` P: Private_Part_Pointer;`\
` `` record;`\
` `` `` Initialize (X: `` `` Private_Component);`\
` `` `` Adjust (X: `` `` Private_Component);`\
` `` `` Finalize (X: `` `` Private_Component);`\
` `` Complete_Type `` `` Public_Part `` `\
` B: Integer;`\
` P: Private_Component; -- must be controlled to avoid storage leaks`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` `` `` Protected_Proc (This: Complete_Type);`\
` CPP;`
The private part is defined as a stub only, its completion is hidden in
the body. In order to make it a component of the complete type, we have
to use a pointer since the size of the component is still unknown (the
size of a pointer is known to the compiler). With pointers,
unfortunately, we incur the danger of memory leaks, so we have to make
the private component controlled.
For a little test, this is the body, where the subprogram bodies are
provided with identifying prints:
` Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;`\
` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` `` CPP `\
` `` Public_Proc (This: `` `` Public_Part) `` -- primitive`\
` `\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Public_Proc" & Integer'Image (This.A));`\
` `` Public_Proc;`\
` `` Private_Part `` `` -- complete declaration`\
` C: Boolean;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` `` Initialize (X: `` `` Private_Component) `\
` `\
` X.P := new Private_Part'(C => True);`\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Initialize " & Boolean'Image (X.P.C));`\
` `` Initialize;`\
` `` `` (X: `` `` Private_Component) `\
` `\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Adjust " & Boolean'Image (X.P.C));`\
` X.P := new Private_Part'(C => X.P.C); -- deep copy`\
` `` Adjust;`\
` `` `` Finalize (X: `` `` Private_Component) `\
` `` Free `` `` Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Private_Part, Private_Part_Pointer);`\
` `\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Finalize " & Boolean'Image (X.P.C));`\
` Free (X.P);`\
` `` Finalize;`\
` `` Private_Proc (This: `` `` Complete_Type) `` -- not primitive`\
` `\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Private_Proc" & Integer'Image (This.A) & Integer'Image (This.B) & ' ' & Boolean'Image (This.P.P.C));`\
` `` Private_Proc;`\
` `` `` `` Protected_Proc (This: Complete_Type) `` -- primitive`\
` X: Complete_Type := This;`\
` `\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Protected_Proc" & Integer'Image (This.A) & Integer'Image (This.B));`\
` Private_Proc (X);`\
` `` Protected_Proc;`\
` CPP;`
We see that, due to the construction, the private procedure is not a
primitive operation.
Let\'s define a child class so that the protected operation can be
` CPP.Child `\
` `\
` `` Do_It (X: Complete_Type); -- not primitive`\
` CPP.Child;`
A child can look inside the private part of the parent and thus can see
the protected procedure:
` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` `` CPP.Child `\
` `` Do_It (X: Complete_Type) `\
` `\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Do_It" & Integer'Image (X.A) & Integer'Image (X.B));`\
` Protected_Proc (X);`\
` `` Do_It;`\
` CPP.Child;`
This is a simple test program, its output is shown below.
` CPP.Child;`\
` CPP.Child, CPP;`\
` Test_CPP `\
` X, Y: Complete_Type;`\
` X.A := +1;`\
` Y.A := -1;`\
` Public_Proc (X); Do_It (X);`\
` Public_Proc (Y); Do_It (Y);`\
` X := Y;`\
` Public_Proc (X); Do_It (X);`\
` Test_CPP;`
This is the commented output of the test program:
`Initialize TRUE Test_CPP: Initialize X`\
`Initialize TRUE and Y`\
`Public_Proc 1 | Public_Proc (X): A=1`\
`Do_It 1-1073746208 | Do_It (X): B uninitialized`\
`Adjust TRUE | | Protected_Proc (X): Adjust local copy X of This`\
`Protected_Proc 1-1073746208 | | |`\
`Private_Proc 1-1073746208 TRUE | | | Private_Proc on local copy of This`\
`Finalize TRUE | | Protected_Proc (X): Finalize local copy X`\
`Public_Proc-1 | ditto for Y`\
`Do_It-1 65536 | |`\
`Adjust TRUE | |`\
`Protected_Proc-1 65536 | |`\
`Private_Proc-1 65536 TRUE | |`\
`Finalize TRUE | |`\
`Finalize TRUE | Assignment: Finalize target X.P.C`\
`Adjust TRUE | | Adjust: deep copy`\
`Public_Proc-1 | again for X, i.e. copy of Y`\
`Do_It-1 65536 | |`\
`Adjust TRUE | |`\
`Protected_Proc-1 65536 | |`\
`Private_Proc-1 65536 TRUE | |`\
`Finalize TRUE | |`\
`Finalize TRUE Finalize Y`\
`Finalize TRUE and X`
You see that a direct translation of the C++ behaviour into Ada is
difficult, if feasible at all. Methinks, the primitive Ada subprograms
corresponds more to virtual C++ methods (in the example, they are not).
Each language has its own idiosyncrasies which have to be taken into
account, so that attempts to directly translate code from one into the
other may not be the best approach.
### De-encapsulation: friends and stream input-output
In C++, a friend function or class can see all members of the class it
is a friend of. Friends break encapsulation and are therefore to be
discouraged. In Ada, since packages and not classes are the unit of
encapsulation, a \"friend\" subprogram is simply one that is declared in
the same package as the tagged type.
In C++, stream input and output are the particular case where friends
are usually necessary:
``` c++
#include <iostream>
class C {
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, C& arg);
int a, b;
bool c;
#include <iostream>
int main() {
C object;
cout << object;
return 0;
Ada does not need this construct because it defines stream input and
output operations by default: The default implementation of the `Input`,
`Output`, `Read` and `Write` attributes may be overridden (shown for
`Write` as an example). The overriding must occur before the type is
frozen, i.e. (in the case of this example) in the package specification.
` `` Ada``Streams`` `\
` P `\
` `` C `` `` `\
` `` C `` `` `\
` A`` B `` Integer`\
` C `` Boolean`\
` `` `\
` `` My_Write ``Stream `` `` `` `` Ada``Streams``Root_Stream_Type`\
` Item `` `` C`\
` `` C`` `` My_Write`` `\
` P`
By default, the `Write` attribute sends the components to the stream in
the same order as given in the declaration, i.e. A, B then C, so we
change the order.
` `` P `\
` `` My_Write ``Stream `` `` `` `` Ada``Streams``Root_Stream_Type`\
` Item `` `` C`` `\
` `\
` `\
` Boolean`` ``Stream`` Item``C`` `\
` Integer`` ``Stream`` Item``B`` `\
` Integer`` ``Stream`` Item``A`` `\
` `` My_Write`\
` P`
Now `P.C'Write` calls the overridden version of the package.
` `` Ada``Text_IO``Text_Streams`\
` `` P`\
` `` Main `\
` Object `` P``C`\
` `\
` P``C`` ``Ada``Text_IO``Text_Streams``Stream ``Ada``Text_IO``Standard_Output`\
` Object`\
` `` Main`
Note that the stream IO attributes are not primitive operations of the
tagged type; this is also the case in C++ where the friend operators are
not, in fact, member functions of the type.
### Terminology
Ada C++
---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Package class (as a unit of encapsulation)
Tagged type class (of objects) (as a type) (*not* pointer or reference, which are class-wide)
Primitive operation virtual member function
Tag pointer to the virtual table
Class (of types) a tree of classes, rooted by a base class and including all the (recursively-)derived classes of that base class
Class-wide type \-
Class-wide operation static member function
Access value to a specific tagged type \-
Access value to a class-wide type pointer or reference to a class
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada
- record
- interface
- tagged
### Wikipedia
- Object-oriented
### Ada Reference Manual
#### Ada 95
#### Ada 2005
### Ada Quality and Style Guide
es:Programación en Ada/Tipos
# Ada Programming/Contract Based Programming
## Contract Based Programming in Ada 2012
Among the additions to Ada 2012, a number of aspects follow the common
theme of 'formal' contracts on types and subprograms. The formality here
is referring to symbolic logic integrated with existing features of Ada.
Contracts endow the language with expressive features similar to those
of Eiffel\'s Design by Contract™, SPARK, or those connected with
Since specifying contracts involves several parts of the Ada language,
also since obeying contracts on the part of the compiler does so, too,
the topic of contracts is addressed in several parts of the language
reference. A comprehensive, more focused view, is a subject of the
latest edition of the Ada Rationale.[^1]
Parts of the contracts can be about statically known properties of the
program, while others would be checked only at run-time. In the first
case, the formal parts of the contract may be analyzed not just by the
Ada compiler, but also by proof tools. The assurance resulting from the
analysis can be that certain undesirable properties will be absent from
the program. For example, the program might then be known to not raise
This overview will only outline syntax and variants by example while
referring to existing wikibook entries and other resources for
explanations of contracts in general.
### Preconditions and Postconditions of Subprograms
Considering functions, for example, their specification gives the type
of the return value as part of the parameter profile. One way of
informing about the specifics of the return value of the function is to
give a mathematical (in style) expression of the result, which is thus
guaranteed by this clause of the contract. A contract may also specify
conditions that say what must be true of objects entering the
computation in order for the function to produce its result. In
contracts, the return value is named *function_name*`'Result`.
` `` Sum (A, B : Number) `` Number`\
` `\
` Post => (`\
` A <= 0.0 `` B >= 0.0`\
` `\
` Sum'Result = A + B);`
An alternative mode of expression emphasizes the pre-requisites,
` `` Sum (A, B : Number) `` Number`\
` `\
` Pre => A <= 0.0 and B >= 0.0,`\
` Post => Sum'Result = A + B;`
The first example leaves unsaid what happens when the condition
evaluates to False. By default, when an assertion fails, and if the
current Assertion_Policy is Check, Assertion_Error is raised. (The
current amendment process of Ada is considering "raise expressions"
(8652/0117): should the condition not be True, these permit raising a
specific exception as an part, with a
corresponding specific message instead of defaulting as just outlined.)
The second example expressly obliges, in `Pre`, the caller to ensure
that both `A` and `B` will have the specified properties of being
`Number`s and of being no greater than 0.0 and no less than 0.0,
respectively. This way the `Pre` aspect is stating that in case the
condition is False, the function cannot fulfill its contractual
obligation as given in `Post`.
### Assertions About Types And Subtypes
Ada types may be declared to have a type invariant. This kind of
predicate applies to private types. Hence, its expression may only refer
to other publicly visible features of the type. The type\'s name here
denotes the current instance of the type.
` `` Stack `` `\
` `` Type_Invariant => Count(Stack) >= 0;`
As detailed in
, invariants
may also be given for a derivation class of types, using aspect name
`Type_Invariant'Class`, to apply to all types in a hierarchy.
A predicate may also be given when declaring a subtype. In this case,
the expression (of a boolean type) states properties of the subtype (see
details) and its truth would be checked at certain points. When a
predicate should be tested by the compiler, its aspect is named
`Static_Predicate`, and `Dynamic_Predicate` otherwise. Roughly, then,
checks are performed when a type conversion takes place, or when a
parameter is passed, or when an object is created.
When deriving subtypes, the predicate that applies is the conjunction of
the predicates on the subtypes involved.
### Assertion Policies
The language reference manual extends the `Assert` pragma and its
associated `Assertion_Policy` to also cover aspects of contract based
programming in
Each 'section' of a contract, such as `Pre`, can be turned on and off
for checking. This is done by specifying the desired Assertion_Policy,
as locally or as globally as is desired. The following line turns checks
on for aspect mark `Pre`:
` `` Assertion_Policy (Pre => Check);`
Implementations of Ada are free to provide more policy identifiers than
the two defined by the language, `Check` and `Ignore`.
A setting that affects all possible assertion aspects at the same time
omits giving aspect marks.
` `` Assertion_Policy (Check);`
## References
[^1]: Ada Rationale, Contracts and
# Ada Programming/Ada 2005
This is an overview of the major features that are available in **Ada
2005**, the version of the Ada standard that was accepted by ISO in
January 2007 (to differentiate it from its predecessors Ada
83 and Ada
95, the informal name Ada 2005 is
generally agreed on). For the rationale and a more detailed (and very
technical) description, see the
Amendment to the Ada
Reference Manual following the links to the last version of every Ada
Issue document (AI).
Although the standard is now published, not all compilers will be able
to handle it. Many of these additions are already implemented by the
following Free Software compilers:
- GNAT GPL Edition
- GCC 4.1
- GNAT Pro 6.0.2 (the AdaCore
supported version) is a complete implementation.
After downloading and installing any of them, remember to use the
`-gnat05` switch when compiling Ada 2005 code. Note that Ada 2005 is the
default mode in GNAT GPL 2007 Edition.
## Language features
### Character set
Not only does Ada 2005 now support a new 32-bit character type ---
called `Wide_Wide_Character` --- but the source code itself may be of
this extended character set as well. Thus Russians and Indians, for
example, will be able to use their native language in identifiers and
comments. And mathematicians will rejoice: The whole Greek and fractur
character sets are available for identifiers. For example,
Ada.Numerics will
be extended with a new constant:
`π : `` := Pi;`
This is not a new idea --- GNAT always had the
`-gnati`*`c`* compiler option to specify the character set
But now this idea has become standard, so all Ada compilers will need to
support Unicode 4.0 for identifiers --- as the
new standard requires.
See also:
### Interfaces
Interfaces allow for a limited form of multiple inheritance similar to
Java and C#.
You find a full description here: Ada
See also:
### Union
In addition to Ada\'s safe variant record an unchecked C style union is
now available.
You can find a full description here: Ada
See also:
### With
The with statement got a massive upgrade. First there is the new
limited with which
allows two packages to *with* each other. Then there is private
with to make a
package only visible inside the private part of the specification.
See also:
### Access types
#### Not null access
An access type definition can specify that the access type can never be
See Ada Programming/Types/access#Null
See also:
#### Anonymous access
The possible uses of anonymous access types are extended. They are
allowed virtually in every type or object definition, including access
to subprogram parameters. Anonymous access types may point to constant
objects as well. Also, they could be declared to be not null.
With the addition of the following operations in package
, it is possible to test the
equality of anonymous access types.
` `` "=" (Left, Right : `*`universal_access`*`) `` Boolean;`\
` `` "/="(Left, Right : `*`universal_access`*`) `` Boolean;`
See Ada Programming/Types/access#Anonymous
See also:
## Language library
### Containers
A major addition to the language library is the generic packages for
containers. If you are familiar with the C++ STL, you will likely feel
very much at home using .
One thing, though: Ada is a block structured language. Many ideas of how
to use the STL employ this feature of the language. For example, local
subprograms can be supplied to iteration schemes.
The original Ada Issue text
has now been
transformed into .
If you know how to write Ada programs, and have a need for vectors,
lists, sets, or maps (tables), please have a look at the
mentioned above. There is
an *!example* section in the text explaining the use of the containers
in some detail. Matthew Heaney provides a number of demonstration
programs with his reference implementation of AI-302
() which you can find at
In Ada Programming/Containers
you will find a demo using containers.
**Historical side note**: The C++ STL draws upon the work of David R.
Musser and Alexander A. Stepanov. For some of their studies of generic
programming, they had been using Ada 83. The Stepanov Papers
Collection has a few publications
### Scan Filesystem Directories and Environment Variables
See also:
### Numerics
Besides the new constant of package
(see Character
Set above), the most
important addition are the packages to operate with vectors and
See also:
(Related note on Ada programming tools: AI-388 contains an interesting
assessment of how compiler writers are bound to perpetuate the lack of
handling of international characters in programming support tools for
now. As an author of Ada programs, be aware that your tools provider or
Ada consultant could recommend that the program text be 7bit ASCII
## Real-Time and High Integrity Systems
See also:
### Ravenscar profile
See also:
### New scheduling policies
See also:
### Dynamic priorities for protected objects
See also:
## Summary of what\'s new
### New keywords
Added 3 keywords (72 total)
### New pragmas
Added 11 pragmas:
### New attributes
Added 7 attributes:
### New packages
- Assertions:
<!-- -->
- Container library:
- `<small>`{=html}(generic procedure)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic procedure)`</small>`{=html}
<!-- -->
- Vector and matrix manipulation:
<!-- -->
- General OS facilities:
<!-- -->
- String hashing:
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
<!-- -->
- Time operations:
<!-- -->
- Tagged types:
- `<small>`{=html}(generic function)`</small>`{=html}
<!-- -->
- Text packages:
<!-- -->
- `Wide_Wide_Character` packages:
<!-- -->
- Execution-time clocks:
<!-- -->
- Dispatching:
<!-- -->
- Timing events:
<!-- -->
- Task termination procedures:
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming/Ada 83
- Ada Programming/Ada 95
- Ada Programming/Ada 2012
- Ada Programming/Object
- Ada
- Ada Programming/Keywords
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada Programming/Attributes
- Ada Programming/Pragmas
- Ada
- Ada
- Ada
### Pages in the category Ada 2005
- Ada Programming}}/Ada 2005 feature
## External links
### Papers and presentations
- Ada 2005: Putting it all
(SIGAda 2004 presentation)
- GNAT and Ada 2005
(SIGAda 2004 paper)
- An invitation to Ada
and the presentation of this
at Ada-Europe 2004
### Rationale
- *Rationale for Ada
2005* by
Barnes "wikilink"):
1. Introduction
2. Object Oriented Model
3. Access Types
4. Structure and Visibility
5. Tasking and Real-Time
6. Exceptions, Generics, Etc.
7. Predefined Library
8. Containers
9. Epilogue
: References
: Index
Available as a single document for
### Language Requirements
- *Instructions to the Ada Rapporteur Group from SC22/WG9 for
Preparation of the Amendment to ISO/IEC
8652* (10 October
2002), and a presentation of this
document at SIGAda 2002
### Ada Reference Manual
- **Ada Reference Manual**, ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) with COR.1:2001 and
- **Annotated Ada Reference Manual**, ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) with
COR.1:2001 and
(colored diffs)
- List of Ada Amendment
### Ada Issues
- Amendment 200Y
2005 Ada Programming}}/Ada 2005\| \*Ada
2005 Ada Programming}}/Ada 2005 feature\|
\*Ada 2005
# Ada Programming/Ada 2012
This is an overview of the major features that are available in **Ada
2012**, the most recent version of the Ada standard.
## Summary of what\'s new
### New syntax
Added 4 forms of expressions:
- conditional expressions
- case expressions
- quantified expressions
- expression functions
These additional expressions
originated with new support for contract based
### New keywords
Added 1 keyword (73 total)
### New pragmas
Added 5 pragmas:
Note that all these pragmas except
born obsolescent,
and it is recommended to use them as aspects
### New aspects
Aspect specifications is a new
feature of Ada 2012. While some aspect identifiers are completely new,
others were present in previous versions of the language as
aspect-related pragmas or attribute-definition clauses. Note that for
these pragmas, in some cases the old pragma identifiers are marked as
obsolescent, while in other cases the usage of the pragma is still the
recommended approach.
Added 18 aspects:
- (also added as an obsolescent pragma)
- (also added as an obsolescent pragma)
- (also added as an obsolescent pragma)
- (also added as an obsolescent pragma)
Aspect specifications already present in previous versions of the
language as pragmas:
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
- (pragma now obsolescent)
Aspect specifications already present in previous versions of the
language as attribute definition clauses:
### New attributes
Added 5 attributes:
### New packages
- Multiprocessing:
<!-- -->
- Real-time:
<!-- -->
- OS facilities:
<!-- -->
- Iterators:
<!-- -->
- Text handling:
<!-- -->
- Container library:
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming/Ada 83
- Ada Programming/Ada 95
- Ada Programming/Ada 2005
### Pages in the category Ada 2012
- Ada Programming}}/Ada 2012 feature
## External links
- www.ada2012.org, website maintained by
the Ada Resource Association.
- Ada Answers: Ada
- ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 N498 (2009). *Instructions to the Ada
Rapporteur Group from SC22/WG9 for Preparation of Amendment 2 to
ISO/IEC 8652*
### Papers and presentations
- Towards Ada 2012: an interim report from the Ada Rapporteur
by Ed Schonberg (2010-06-17)
- HD Video: *An introduction to Ada
2012*, presentation by
Ed Schonberg (1h 02 min, 2012-10-16)
### Rationale
- *Ada 2012
by John Barnes "wikilink")
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Contracts and
- Chapter 2:
- Chapter 3: Structure and
- Chapter 4: Tasking and
- Chapter 5: Iterators, Pools,
- Chapter 6:
- Epilogue
- Predefined
### Ada Reference Manual
- **Ada Reference Manual**, ISO/IEC 8652:2012(E) --- Language and
- ISO/IEC 8652:2012 --- Information technology --- Programming
languages ---
(2012-12-10), same contents as the above link.
- **Annotated Ada Reference Manual**, ISO/IEC 8652:2012(E) ---
Language and Standard
(colored diffs)
- List of Ada Amendment
### Ada Issues
- Ada 2005 Issues
### Implementations
- Implementation of Ada 2012
in GNAT compiler
### Press releases
- Ada 2012 Language Standard Approved by
by Ada Resource Association & Ada-Europe (2012-12-18)
- Ada 2012 Language Standard Submitted to
by Ada Resource Association & Ada-Europe (2012-06-12)
2012 Ada Programming}}/Ada 2012\| \*Ada
2012 Ada Programming}}/Ada 2012 feature\|
# Ada Programming/Containers
What follows is a simple demo of some of the container types. It does
not cover everything, but should get you started.
#### First Example: Maps
The program below prints greetings to the world in a number of human
languages. The greetings are stored in a table, or hashed map. The map
associates every greeting (a value) with a language code (a key). That
is, you can use language codes as keys to find greeting values in the
The elements in the map are constant strings of international
characters, or really, pointers to such constant strings. A package
`Regional` is used to set up both the language IDs and an instance of
` `
` ``; `` Ada.Containers;`\
` Regional `\
` `` Language_ID `` (DE, EL, EN, ES, FR, NL);`\
` `\
` `` Hello_Text `` `` `` Wide_String;`\
` `\
` `` ID_Hashed (id: Language_ID) `` Hash_Type;`\
` `\
` `` Phrases `` `` Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps`\
` (Key_Type => Language_ID,`\
` Element_Type => Hello_Text,`\
` Hash => ID_Hashed,`\
` Equivalent_Keys => "=");`\
` Regional;`
Here is the program, details will be explained later.
` Regional; `` Regional;`\
` ``; `` Ada;`\
` Hello_World_Extended `\
` `\
` greetings: Phrases.Map;`\
` `\
` `\
` Phrases.Insert(greetings,`\
` Key => EN,`\
` New_Item => `` Wide_String'("Hello, World!"));`\
` `\
` greetings.Insert(DE, `` Wide_String'("Hallo, Welt!"));`\
` greetings.Insert(NL, `` Wide_String'("Hallo, Wereld!"));`\
` greetings.Insert(ES, `` Wide_String'("¡Hola mundo!")); `\
` greetings.Insert(FR, `` Wide_String'("Bonjour, Monde!"));`\
` greetings.Insert(EL, `` Wide_String'("Γεια σου κόσμε"));`\
` `\
` `` Phrases;`\
` speaker: Cursor := First(greetings);`\
` `\
` `` Has_Element(speaker) `\
` Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line( Element(speaker).`` );`\
` Next(speaker);`\
` `` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Hello_World_Extended;`
The first of the `Insert` statements is written in an Ada 95 style:
` Phrases.Insert(greetings,`\
` Key => EN,`\
` New_Item => `` Wide_String'("Hello, World!"));`
The next insertions use so called distinguished receiver notation which
you can use in Ada 2005. (It\'s O-O parlance. While the Insert call
involves all of: a Container object (greetings), a Key object (EN), and
a New_Item object (
Wide_String\'(\"Hello, World!\")), the Container object is distinguished
from the others in that the Insert call provides it (and only it) with
the other objects. In this case the Container object will be modified by
the call, using arguments named Key and New_Item for the modification.)
` greetings.Insert(ES, `` Wide_String'("¡Hola mundo!"));`
After the table is set up, the program goes on to print all the
greetings contained in the table. It does so employing a cursor that
runs along the elements in the table in some order. The typical scheme
is to obtain a cursor, here using `First`, and then to iterate the
following calls:
1. `Has_Element`, for checking whether the cursor is at an element
2. `Element`, to get the element and
3. `Next`, to move the cursor to another element
When there is no more element left, the cursor will have the special
value `No_Element`. Actually, this is an iteration scheme that can be
used with all containers in child packages of
#### A slight variation: picking an element
The next program shows how to pick a value from the map, given a key.
Actually, you will provide the key. The program is like the previous
one, except that it doesn\'t just print all the elements in the map, but
picks one based on a Language_ID value that it reads from standard
` Regional; `` Regional;`\
` Ada.Wide_Text_IO; `` Ada;`\
` Hello_World_Pick `\
` ... as before ...`\
` `\
` `` Phrases;`\
` `\
` `` Lang_IO `` `` Wide_Text_IO.Enumeration_IO(Language_ID);`\
` lang: Language_ID;`\
` `\
` Lang_IO.Get(lang);`\
` Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line( greetings.Element(lang).`` );`\
` ``;`\
` `\
` Hello_World_Pick;`
This time the `Element` function consumes a Key (lang) not a Cursor.
Actually, it consumes two values, the other value being `greetings`, in
distinguished receiver notation.
#### Second Example: Vectors and Maps
Let\'s take bean counting literally. Red beans, green beans, and white
beans. (Yes, white beans really do exist.) Your job will be to collect a
number of beans, weigh them, and then determine the average weight of
red, green, and white beans, respectively. Here is one approach.
Again, we need a package, this time for storing vegetable related
information. Introducing the `Beans` package (the Grams type doesn\'t
belong in a vegetable package, but it\'s there to keep things simple):
` `\
` Beans `\
` `` Bean_Color `` ``R`` G`` W`\
` `\
` `` Grams `` `` 0``01 `` 7`\
` `\
` `\
` `` Bean `\
` `\
` `\
` kind`` Bean_Color`\
` weight`` Grams`\
` `` `\
` `` Bean_Count `` Positive `` 1 `` 1_000`\
` `\
` `` Bean_Vecs `` `` Ada``Containers``Vectors`\
` ``Element_Type => Bean`\
` Index_Type => Bean_Count`\
` Beans`
The `Vectors` instance offers a data structure similar to an array that
can change its size at run time. It is called `Vector`. Each bean that
is read will be appended to a `Bean_Vecs.Vector` object.
The following program first calls `read_input` to fill a buffer with
beans. Next, it calls a function that computes the average weight of
beans having the same color. This function:
` Beans`` `` Beans`\
` average_weight`\
` ``buffer`` Bean_Vecs``Vector`` desired_color`` Bean_Color`` `` Grams`\
``{{Ada/comment | scan `buffer` for all beans that have `desired_color`. Compute the}}``{=mediawiki}\
``{{Ada/comment | mean of their `.weight` components}}``{=mediawiki}
Then the average value is printed for beans of each color and the
program stops.
` Beans`\
` average_weight`\
` `\
` bean_counting `\
` `` Beans`` Ada`\
` buffer`` Bean_Vecs``Vector`\
` `` read_input``buf`` `` `` Bean_Vecs``Vector`` `` `\
` ```{{Ada/comment | collect information from a series of bean measurements into `buf`}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `\
` read_input``buffer`\
` `\
` ```{{Ada/comment | For every bean color in `Bean_Color`, the function `average_weight`}}``{=mediawiki}\
` ```{{Ada/comment | will scan `buffer` once, and accumulate statistical data from}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `\
` `` kind `` Bean_Color `\
` Wide_Text_IO``Put_Line`\
` ``Bean_Color``Wide_Image``kind`` `\
` " ø =" `` Grams``Wide_Image`` average_weight``buffer`` kind`` `\
` `` `\
` bean_counting`
All container operations take place in function `average_weight`. To
find the mean weight of beans of the same color, the function is looking
at all beans in order. If a bean has the right color, `average_weight`
adds its weight to the total weight, and increases the number of beans
counted by 1.
The computation visits all beans. The iteration that is necessary for
going from one bean to the next and then performing the above steps is
best left to the `Iterate` procedure which is part of all container
packages. To do so, wrap the above steps inside some procedure and pass
this procedure to `Iterate`. The effect is that `Iterate` calls your
procedure for each element in the vector, passing a cursor value to your
procedure, one for each element.
Having the container machinery do the iteration can also be faster than
moving and checking the cursor yourself, as was done in the
`Hello_World_Extended` example.
` Beans`` `` Beans``Bean_Vecs`\
` average_weight`\
` ``buffer`` Bean_Vecs``Vector`` desired_color`` Bean_Color`` `` Grams`\
` total`` Grams := 0``0`\
` ```{{Ada/-- | weight of all beans in `buffer` having `desired_color`}}``{=mediawiki}\
` number`` Natural := 0`\
` ```{{Ada/-- | number of beans in `buffer` having `desired_color`}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `` accumulate``c`` Cursor`` `\
` ```{{Ada/-- | if the element at `c` has the `desired_color`, measure it}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `\
` `` Element``c``kind = desired_color `\
` number := number `` 1`\
` total := total `` Element``c``weight`\
` `` `\
` `` accumulate`\
` `\
` Iterate``buffer`` accumulate``Access`\
` `` number `` 0 `\
` `` total `` number`\
` `\
` `` 0``0`\
` `` `\
` average_weight`
This approach is straightforward. However, imagine larger vectors.
`average_weight` will visit all elements repeatedly for each color. If
there are M colors and N beans, `average_weight` will be called M \* N
times, and with each new color, N more calls are necessary. A possible
alternative is to collect all information about a bean once it is
visited. However, this will likely need more variables, and you will
have to find a way to return more than one result (one average for each
color), etc. Try it!
A different approach might be better. One is to copy beans of different
colors to separate vector objects. (Remembering Cinderella.) Then
`average_weight` must visit each element only one time. The following
procedure does this, using a new type from `Beans`, called `Bean_Pots`.
` ...`\
` `` Bean_Pots `` ``Bean_Color`` `` Bean_Vecs``Vector`\
` ...`
Note how this plain array associates colors with Vectors. The procedure
for getting the beans into the right bowls uses the bean color as array
index for finding the right bowl (vector).
` gather_into_pots``buffer`` Bean_Vecs``Vector`` pots`` `` `` Bean_Pots`` `\
` `` Bean_Vecs`\
` `` put_into_right_pot``c`` Cursor`` `\
` ```{{Ada/comment | select the proper bowl for the bean at `c` and «append»}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `\
` `\
` Append``pots``Element``c``kind`` Element``c`\
` `` put_into_right_pot`\
` `\
` Iterate``buffer`` put_into_right_pot``Access`\
` gather_into_pots`
Everything is in place now.
` Beans`\
` average_weight`\
` gather_into_pots`\
` Ada``Wide_Text_IO`\
` bean_counting `\
` `` Beans`` Ada`\
` buffer`` Bean_Vecs``Vector`\
` bowls`` Bean_Pots`\
` `` read_input``buf`` `` `` Bean_Vecs``Vector`` `` `\
` ```{{Ada/-- | collect information from a series of bean measurements into `buf`}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `\
` read_input``buffer`\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` gather_into_pots``buffer`` bowls`\
` `` color `` Bean_Color `\
` Wide_Text_IO``Put_Line`\
` ``Bean_Color``Wide_Image``color`\
` & " ø ="`\
` & Grams``Wide_Image``average_weight``bowls``color`` color`\
` `` `\
` bean_counting`
As a side effect of having chosen one vector per color, we can determine
the number of beans in each vector by calling the `Length` function. But
`average_weight`, too, computes the number of elements in the vector.
Hence, a summing function might replace `average_weight` here.
#### All In Just One Map!
The following program first calls `read_input` to fill a buffer with
beans. Then, information about these beans is stored in a table, mapping
bean properties to numbers of occurrence. The processing that starts at
`Iterate` uses chained procedure calls typical of the
iteration mechanism.
The Beans package in this example instantiates another generic library
unit, . Where
the require a
hashing function,
require a
comparison function. We provide one, `"<"`, which sorts beans first by
color, then by weight. It will automatically be associated with the
corresponding generic formal function, as its name, `"<"`, matches that
of the generic formal function, `"<"`.
` ...`\
` `` "<"``a`` b`` Bean`` `` Boolean`\
` `\
` `` Bean_Statistics`\
` `\
` `\
` `` `` Ada``Containers``Ordered_Maps`\
` ``Element_Type => Natural`\
` Key_Type => Bean`\
` ...`
Where the previous examples have ed
subprograms, this variation on `bean_counting` packs them all as local
` Beans`\
` Ada``Wide_Text_IO`\
` bean_counting `\
` `` Beans`` Ada`\
` buffer`` Bean_Vecs``Vector`\
` stats_cw`` Bean_Statistics``Map`\
` `\
` `\
` `` read_input``buf`` `` `` Bean_Vecs``Vector`` `` `\
` ```{{Ada/-- | collect information from a series of bean measurements into `buf`}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `` add_bean_info``specimen`` `` Bean`\
` ```{{Ada/-- | insert bean `specimen` as a key into the `stats_cw` table unless}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `\
` `\
` `` add_bean_info``specimen`` `` Bean`` `\
` `` one_more``b`` `` Bean`` n`` `` `` Natural`` `\
` `\
` `\
` n := n `` 1`\
` `` one_more`\
` c `` Bean_Statistics``Cursor`\
` inserted`` Boolean`\
` `\
` stats_cw``Insert``specimen`` 0`` c`` inserted`\
` Bean_Statistics``Update_Element``c`` one_more``Access`\
` `` add_bean_info`\
` `\
` read_input``buffer`\
` ```{{Ada/-- | next, for all beans in the vector `buffer` just filled, store}}``{=mediawiki}\
` ```{{Ada/-- | information about each bean in the `stats_cw` table.}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `\
` `` Bean_Vecs`\
` `` count_bean``c`` Cursor`` `\
` `\
` add_bean_info``Element``c`\
` `` count_bean`\
` `\
` Iterate``buffer`` count_bean``Access`\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` ```{{Ada/-- | The `First`, and `Ceiling` functions will find cursors}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `\
` `\
` `` Bean_Statistics`\
` `\
` q_sum`` Grams`\
` q_count`` Natural`\
` `` q_stats``lo`` hi`` Cursor`\
` ```{{Ada/-- | `q_stats` will update the `q_sum` and `q_count` globals with}}``{=mediawiki}\
` ```{{Ada/-- | the sum of the key weights and their number, respectively. `lo`}}``{=mediawiki}\
` ```{{Ada/-- | (included) and `hi` (excluded) mark the interval of keys}}``{=mediawiki}\
` `\
` `` q_stats``lo`` hi`` Cursor`` `\
` k`` Cursor := lo`\
` `\
` q_count := 0`` q_sum := 0``0`\
` `\
` `` `` k = hi`\
` q_count := q_count `` Element``k`\
` q_sum := q_sum `` Key``k``weight `` Element``k`\
` Next``k`\
` `` `\
` `` q_stats`\
` `\
` `` assert`` Is_Empty``stats_cw`` "container is empty"`\
` lower`` upper`` Cursor := First``stats_cw`\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` Wide_Text_IO``Put_Line``"Summary:"`\
` `` color `` Bean_Color `\
` lower := upper`\
` `` color = Bean_Color``Last `\
` upper := No_Element`\
` `\
` upper := Ceiling``stats_cw`` Bean``Bean_Color``Succ``color`` 0``0`\
` `` `\
` q_stats``lower`` upper`\
` `` q_count `` 0 `\
` Wide_Text_IO``Put_Line`\
` ``Bean_Color``Wide_Image``color`` & " group:" &`\
` " ø =" & Grams``Wide_Image``q_sum `` q_count`` &`\
` ", # =" & Natural``Wide_Image``q_count`` &`\
` ", Σ =" & Grams``Wide_Image``q_sum`\
` `` `\
` `` `\
` `\
` bean_counting`
Like in the greetings example, you can pick values from the table. This
time the values tell the number of occurrences of beans with certain
properties. The `stats_cw` table is ordered by key, that is by bean
properties. Given particular properties, you can use the `Floor` and
`Ceiling` functions to approximate the bean in the table that most
closely matches the desired properties.
It is now easy to print a histogram showing the frequency with which
each kind of bean has occurred. If N is the number of beans of a kind,
then print N characters on a line, or draw a graphical bar of length N,
etc. A histogram showing the number of beans per color can be drawn
after computing the sum of beans of this color, using groups like in the
previous example. You can delete beans of a color from the table using
the same technique.
Finally, think of marshalling the beans in order starting at the least
frequently occurring kind. That is, construct a vector appending first
beans that have occurred just once, followed by beans that have occurred
twice, if any, and so on. Starting from the table is possible, but be
sure to have a look at the sorting functions of
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada
### Ada 2005 Reference Manual
# Ada Programming/Interfacing
## Interfacing
Ada is one of the few languages where interfacing is part of the
language standard. The programmer can interface with other programming
languages, or with the hardware.
## Other programming languages
The language standard defines the interfaces for
C, Cobol and
Fortran. Of course any implementation
might define further interfaces ---
GNAT for example defines an interface
to C++.
Interfacing with other languages is actually provided by pragma
Import and
### Interfacing with C
The package Interfaces.C is used to define C types. C function wrappers
should be used to encapsulate types and functions on the C side. This
way the code is portable and foward-compatible. This is similar to the
way of interfacing with C in Java\'s JNI. Wrappers should be used for:
- Translating typedefs defined in C includes to types defined in
- Using macros and exposing macro values to the Ada side;
- Using variable parameter list functions;
- Defining multiple function wrappers for a function that takes weakly
typed parameters such as a function that takes a char_array or a
null pointer;
- Using getters and setters for C structs that depend on operating
system version or other compile-type aspect;
- Using pointer arithmetic;
- Keeping Ada source memory-safe.
#### Example
` Interfaces.C;`\
` System;`\
` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` Main `\
` `` W32_Open_File_Dialog`\
` `\
` `` C `` Interfaces.C;`\
` `` C;`\
` `\
` `` OPENFILENAME `` `` System.Address;`\
` `` Window_Type `` `` System.Address;`\
` `\
` `` GetOpenFileName (p : OPENFILENAME) `` C.int;`\
` `` Import (C, GetOpenFileName, "ada_getopenfilename");`\
` `\
` `` Allocate `` OPENFILENAME `\
` Import => True,`\
` Convention => C,`\
` External_Name => "ofn_allocate";`\
` `\
` `` Set_Struct_Size (X : OPENFILENAME) `\
` Import => True,`\
` Convention => C,`\
` External_Name => "ofn_set_struct_size";`\
` `\
` `` Set_Owner (X : OPENFILENAME; Owner : Window_Type) `\
` Import => True,`\
` Convention => C,`\
` External_Name => "ofn_set_owner";`\
` `\
` `` Set_File (X : OPENFILENAME; File : char_array; Length : C.int) `\
` Import => True,`\
` Convention => C,`\
` External_Name => "ofn_set_file";`\
` `\
` `` Set_Filter (X : OPENFILENAME; Filter : char_array);`\
` `` Import (C, Set_Filter, "ofn_set_filter");`\
` `\
` `` Set_Filter_Index (X : OPENFILENAME; N : C.int) `\
` Import => True,`\
` Convention => C,`\
` External_Name => "ofn_set_filter_index";`\
` `\
` `` Get_File (X : OPENFILENAME) `` System.Address;`\
` `` Import (C, Get_File, "ofn_get_file");`\
` `\
` `` Get_File_Length (X : OPENFILENAME) `` C.size_t;`\
` `` Import (C, Get_File_Length, "ofn_get_file_length");`\
` `\
` `` Free (X : OPENFILENAME) `\
` Import => True,`\
` Convention => C,`\
` External_Name => "ofn_free";`\
` `\
` Ret : C.int;`\
` File : `` C.char_array := "test.txt" & C.nul;`\
` Filter : `` C.char_array := "All" & C.nul & "*.*" & C.nul & C.nul & C.nul;`\
` `\
` OFN := Allocate;`\
` Set_Struct_Size (OFN);`\
` Set_Owner (OFN, Window_Type (System.Null_Address));`\
` Set_File (OFN, File, 256);`\
` Set_Filter (OFN, Filter);`\
` Set_Filter_Index (OFN, 0);`\
` Ret := GetOpenFileName (OFN);`\
` `` Ret = 0 `\
` Free (OFN);`\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("No file selected.");`\
` return;`\
` `` ``;`\
` `\
` Selected_File_Address : System.Address := Get_File (OFN);`\
` Selected_File_Length : C.size_t := Get_File_Length (OFN);`\
` Selected_File : char_array (1 .. Selected_File_Length + 1);`\
` `` Selected_File'Address `` Selected_File_Address;`\
` `\
` Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (To_Ada (Selected_File, Trim_Nul => True));`\
` ``;`\
` Free (OFN);`\
` `` W32_Open_File_Dialog;`\
` W32_Open_File_Dialog;`\
` Main;`
``` c
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
OPENFILENAME *ofn_allocate()
ofn = (OPENFILENAME *) malloc(sizeof(OPENFILENAME));
if (ofn == NULL)
return NULL;
memset(ofn, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME));
return ofn;
void ofn_set_struct_size(OPENFILENAME *ofn)
ofn->lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
void ofn_set_owner(OPENFILENAME *ofn, void *owner)
ofn->hwndOwner = (HWND) owner;
void ofn_set_file(OPENFILENAME *ofn, char *file, int length)
if (ofn->lpstrFile)
ofn->lpstrFile = (char *)malloc (length);
if (ofn->lpstrFile == NULL) {
ofn->nMaxFile = 0;
strncpy(ofn->lpstrFile, file, length);
ofn->nMaxFile = length;
void ofn_set_filter(OPENFILENAME *ofn, char *filter)
ofn->lpstrFilter = filter;
void ofn_set_filter_index(OPENFILENAME *ofn, int n)
ofn->nFilterIndex = n;
void ofn_free(OPENFILENAME *ofn)
if (ofn->lpstrFile)
int ada_getopenfilename(OPENFILENAME *ofn)
return (int) GetOpenFileNameA(ofn);
char *ofn_get_file(OPENFILENAME *ofn)
return ofn->lpstrFile;
size_t ofn_get_file_length(OPENFILENAME *ofn)
return (size_t) lstrlen (ofn->lpstrFile);
The following project file (getopenfilename.gpr) shows how to link to
project Getopenfilename is
for Languages use ("Ada", "C");
for Source_Dirs use ("src");
for Object_Dir use "obj";
for Main use ("main.adb");
package Linker is
for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-lComdlg32");
end Linker;
end Getopenfilename;
## Hardware devices
Embedded programmers usually have to write device drivers. Ada provides
extensive support for interfacing with hardware, like using
clauses to specify
the exact representation of types used by the hardware, or standard
interrupt handling for writing Interrupt service
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada
### Ada Reference Manual
### Ada 95 Rationale
### Ada Quality and Style Guide
Programming}}\|Interfacing Ada
Programming}}/Unfinished module\|Interfacing
# Ada Programming/Coding standards
## Introduction
Each project should follow a specific coding
standard to ease readability and
maintenance of the source code, and reduce the insertion of errors.
Depending on the requirements of the project, a set of guidelines can
help to achieve the desired level of performance, portability, code
There are many ASIS
tools that can be used to check automatically the adherence of Ada
source code to the guidelines.
## Tools
- AdaControl
- gnatcheck
- The GNAT Metric Tool
## Coding guidelines
- *Ada Quality & Style Guide: Guidelines
for Professional Programmers*
- ISO/IEC TR 15942:2000, *Guide for the use of the Ada programming
language in high integrity
First edition (2000-03-01). ISO Freely Available
- (PDF)
## See also
### Other wikibooks
- Ada Style Guide
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
### Ada Quality and Style Guide
## External links
- Introduction to Coding
Programming}}\|Coding standards
# Ada Programming/Tips
## Full declaration of a type can be deferred to the unit\'s body
Often, you\'ll want to make changes to the internals of a private type.
This, in turn, will require the algorithms that act on it to be
modified. If the type is completed in the unit specification, it is a
pain to edit and recompile both files, even with an
IDE, but
it\'s something some programmers learn to live with.
It turns out you don\'t have to. Nonchalantly mentioned in the
ARM, and
generally skipped over in tutorials, is the fact that private types can
be completed in the unit\'s body itself, making them much closer to the
relevant code, and saving a recompile of the specification, as well as
every unit depending on it. This may seem like a small thing, and, for
small projects, it is. However, if you have one of those uncooperative
types that requires dozens of tweaks, or if your dependence graph has
much depth, the time and annoyance saved add up quickly.
Also, this construction is very useful when coding a shared library,
because it permits to change the implementation of the type while still
providing a compatible ABI.
Code sample:
` Private_And_Body `\
` `` Private_Type `` `` ``;`\
` `\
` `` Body_Type; `\
` `` Private_Type `` `` Body_Type;`\
` Private_And_Body;`
The type in the public part is an
access to the hidden type.
This has the drawback that memory management has to be provided by the
package implementation. That is the reason why `Private_Type` is a
limited type, the client will not be allowed to copy the access values,
in order to prevent dangling references.
Normally, the full type definition has to be given in the specification
because the compiler has to know how much place to allocate to objects
in order to produce code using this type. And the astute reader will
note that also in this case the full type definition is given for
Private_Type: it is an access to some other (albeit incomplete) type,
and the size of an access value is known. This is why the full type
definition of Body_Type can be moved to the body.
The construction centering around `Private_Type` is sometimes called an
opaque pointer.
## Lambda calculus through generics
Suppose you\'ve decided to roll your own
set "wikilink") type. You can add
things to it, remove things from it, and you want to let a user apply
some arbitrary function to all of its members. But the scoping rules
seem to conspire against you, forcing nearly everything to be global.
The mental stumbling block is that most examples given of
generics are packages, and the Set package is
already generic. In this case, the solution is to make the Apply_To_All
procedure generic as well; that is, to nest the generics. Generic
procedures inside packages exist in a strange scoping limbo, where
anything in scope at the instantiation can be used by the instantiation,
and anything normally in scope at the formal can be accessed by the
formal. The end result is that the relevant scoping roadblocks no longer
apply. It isn\'t the full lambda calculus, just one of the most useful
` `` Element `` ``;`\
` Sets `\
` `` Set `` ``;`\
` `*`[..]`*\
` `\
` `` `` Apply_To_One (The_Element : `` `` Element);`\
` `` Apply_To_All (The_Set : `` `` Set);`\
` Sets;`
For a view of Functional Programming in Ada see.[^1]
## Compiler Messages
Different compilers can diagnose different things differently, or the
same thing using different messages, etc.. Having two compilers at hand
can be useful.
`selected component`: When a source program contains a construct such as `Foo.Bar`, you may see messages saying something like «selected component \"Bar\"» or maybe like «selected component \"Foo\"». The phrases may seem confusing, because one refers to `Foo`, while the other refers to `Bar`. But they are both right. The reason is that `selected_component` is an item from Ada\'s grammar (). It denotes all of: a prefix, a dot, and a selector_name. In the `Foo.Bar` example these correspond to `Foo`, \'`.`\', and `Bar`. Look for more grammar words in the compiler messages, e.g. «prefix», and associate them with identifiers quoted in the messages.
<!-- -->
: For example, if you submit the following code to the compiler,
` `*`Pak`*\
` Foo `\
` `` T `` `` `*`Pak`*`Bar`` `\
` Foo`
: the compiler may print a diagnostic message about a prefixed
component: `Foo`\'s author thought that `Pak` denotes a package, but
actually it is the name of a *generic* package. (Which needs to be
instantiated first; and then the *instance* name is a suitable
## Universal integers
All integer literals and also some attributes like `'Length` are of the
anonymous type *universal_integer*, which comprises the infinite set of
mathematical integers. Named numbers are of this type and are evaluated
exactly (no overflow except for machine storage limitations), e.g.
` Very_Big: `` := 10**1_000_000 - 1;`
Since *universal_integer* has no operators, its values are converted in
this example to *root_integer*, another anonymous type, the calcuation
is performed and the result again converted back in *universal_integer*.
Generally values of *universal_integer* are implicitly converted to the
appropriate type when used in some expression. So the expression
` A`
is fine; the value of
is interpreted as a modular integer since
can only be applied to modular
integers (of course a context is needed to decide which modular integer
type is meant). This feature can lead to pitfalls. Consider
` `` Ran_6 `` `` 1 `` 6`\
` `` Mod_6 `` `` 6`
and then
` `\
` `` A`` `` Ran_6 `` `\
` …`\
` `\
` `` `` A`` `` Ran_6 `` `\
` …`\
` `\
` `` (`` A``) `` Ran_6 `` `\
` …`\
` `\
` `` A`` `` 1 `` 6 `` `\
` …`\
` `\
` `` `` A`` `` 1 `` 6 `` `\
` …`\
` `\
` `` A`` `` Mod_6 `` `\
` …`\
` `\
` `` `` A`` `` Mod_6 `` `\
` …`
: The second conditional cannot be compiled because the expressions to
the left of is incompatible to the
type at the right. Note that has
precedence over . It does not negate
the entire membership test but only
<!-- -->
: The fourth conditional fails in various ways.
<!-- -->
: The sixth conditional might be fine because
into a modular value which is OK if the value is covered by modular
type `Mod_6`.
<!-- -->
: GNAT GPL 2009 gives these diagnoses respectively:
`error: incompatible types`\
`error: operand of not must be enclosed in parentheses`\
`warning: not expression should be parenthesized here`
: A way to *avoid* these problems is to use
` `
for the membership test (which, btw., is the language-intended
` `` A`` `` `` Ran_6 `` `\
` …`
: See
- ,
- ), and
- ,
- ,
- Membership
## I/O
### Text_IO Issues
A canonical method of reading a sequence of lines from a text file uses
the standard procedure
.*Get_Line*. When the end of
input is reached, *Get_Line* will fail, and exception *End_Error* is
raised. Some programs will use another function from
to prevent this and test for
*End_of_File*. However, this isn\'t always the best choice, as has been
explained for example in a Get_Line news group discussion on
A working solution uses an exception handler instead:
` `\
` The_Line`` String``1``100`\
` Last`` Natural`\
` `\
` `\
` Text_IO``Get_Line``The_Line`` Last`\
` `\
` `` `\
` `\
` `` Text_IO``End_Error `\
` `\
` `
The function End_of_File RM A.10.1(34) works fine as long as the file
follows the canonical form of text files presumed by Ada, which is
always the case when the file has been written by
. This canonical form requires
an End_of_Line marker followed by an End_of_Page marker at the very end
before the End_of_File.
If the file was produced by another any other means, it will generally
not have this canonical form, so a test for End_of_File will fail.
That\'s why the exception End_Error has to be used in those cases (which
always works).
## Quirks
Using GNAT on Windows, calls to subprograms from
might need special
attention. (For example, the `Real_Time.Clock` function might seem to
return values indicating that no time has passed between two invocations
when certainly some time has passed.) The cause is reported to be a
missing initialization of the run-time support when no other real-time
features are present in the program.[^2] As a provisional fix, it is
suggested to insert
` 0``0`
before any use of `Real_Time` services.
### Stack Size
With some implementations, notably GNAT, knowledge of stack size
manipulation will be to your advantage. Executables produced with GNAT
tools and standard settings can hit the stack size limit. If so, the
operating system might allow setting higher limits. Using GNU/Linux and
the Bash command shell, try
`$ ulimit -s [some number]`
The current value is printed when only `-s` is given to *ulimit*.
## References
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada Programming/Errors
### Ada Reference Manual
[^1]: Functional Programming
by Chris Okasaki
Usenet article forwards this information from AdaCore.
# Ada Programming/Errors
Some language features are often misunderstood, resulting in common
programming errors, performance degradation and portability problems.
The following incorrect usages of the Ada language are often seen in
code written by Ada beginners.
## pragma Atomic & Volatile
## pragma Pack
## \'Bit_Order attribute
## \'Size attribute
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada Programming/Tips
## References
Programming}}\|Errors Ada
Programming}}/Common errors
# Ada Programming/Error handling
## Error handling techniques
This chapter describes various error handling techniques. First the
technique is described, then its use is shown with an example function
and a call to that function. We use the √ function which should report
an error condition when called with a negative parameter.
To be specific: Exceptions is the Ada way to go.
### Return code
` Error_Handling_1 `\
` `` Square_Root (X : `` Float) `` Float `\
` `` Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;`\
` `\
` `` X < 0.0 `\
` `` -1.0;`\
` `\
` `` Sqrt (X);`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Square_Root;`\
` C := Square_Root (A ** 2 + B ** 2);`\
` `` C < 0.0 `\
` T_IO.Put ("C cannot be calculated!");`\
` `\
` T_IO.Put ("C is ");`\
` F_IO.Put`\
` (Item => C,`\
` Fore => F_IO.Default_Fore,`\
` Aft => F_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Exp => F_IO.Default_Exp);`\
` `` ``;`\
` Error_Handling_1;`
Our example makes use of the fact that all valid return values for √ are
positive and therefore -1 can be used as an error indicator. However
this technique won\'t work when all possible return values are valid and
no return value is available as error indicator; hence to use this
method is a very bad idea.
### Error (success) indicator parameter
An error condition is returned via additional *out* parameter.
Traditionally the indicator is either a boolean with \"true = success\"
or an enumeration with the first element being \"Ok\" and other elements
indicating various error conditions.
` Error_Handling_2 `\
` `` Square_Root`\
` (Y : `` Float;`\
` X : `` Float;`\
` Success : `` Boolean)`\
` `\
` `` Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;`\
` `\
` `` X < 0.0 `\
` Y := 0.0;`\
` Success := False;`\
` `\
` Y := Sqrt (X);`\
` Success := True;`\
` `` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` `` Square_Root;`\
` Square_Root`\
` (Y => C,`\
` X => A ** 2 + B ** 2,`\
` Success => Success);`\
` `` Success `\
` T_IO.Put ("C is ");`\
` F_IO.Put (Item => C);`\
` `\
` T_IO.Put ("C cannot be calculated!");`\
` `` ``;`\
` Error_Handling_2;`
One restriction for Ada up to Ada 2005 is that functions cannot have out
parameters. (Functions can have any side effects but may not show them).
So for our example we had to use a procedure instead. The bad news is
that the Success parameter value can easily be ignored.
In Ada 2012, functions may have parameters of any mode; hence this is
possible at last:
` `` Square_Root`\
` (X : `` Float;`\
` Success : `` Boolean) `` Float`\
` `\
` ...`
This technique does not look very nice in mathematical calculations;
hence no good idea either.
### Global variable
An error condition is stored inside a global variable. This variable is
then read directly or indirectly via a function.
` Error_Handling_3 `\
` Float_Error : Boolean;`\
` `` Square_Root (X : `` Float) `` Float`\
` `\
` `` Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;`\
` `\
` `` X < 0.0 `\
` Float_Error := True;`\
` `` 0.0;`\
` `\
` `` Sqrt (X);`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Square_Root;`\
` Float_Error := False; -- reset the indicator before use`\
` C := Square_Root (A ** 2 + B ** 2);`\
` `` Float_Error `\
` T_IO.Put ("C cannot be calculated!");`\
` `\
` T_IO.Put ("C is ");`\
` F_IO.Put`\
` (Item => C,`\
` Fore => F_IO.Default_Fore,`\
` Aft => F_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Exp => F_IO.Default_Exp);`\
` `` ``;`\
` Error_Handling_3;`
As you can see from the source, the problematic part of this technique
is choosing the place at which the flag is reset. You could either have
the callee or the caller do that.
Also this technique is not suitable for multithreading.
Use of global variables for cases like this indeed is a very bad idea,
in effect one of the worst.
### Exceptions
Ada supports a form of error handling that has long been used by other
languages like the classic `ON ERROR GOTO ...` from early Basic dialects
to the `try ... catch` exception handling from modern object oriented
The idea is: You register some part of your program as error handler to
be called whenever an error happens. You can even define more than one
handler to handle different kinds of errors separately. Once an error
occurs, the execution jumps to the error handler and continues there; it
is impossible to return to the location where the error occurred.
This is the Ada way!
` Error_Handling_4 `\
` Root_Error: ``;`\
` `` Square_Root (X : `` Float) `` Float `\
` `` Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;`\
` `\
` `` X < 0.0 `\
` `` Root_Error;`\
` `\
` `` Sqrt (X);`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` Square_Root;`\
` C := Square_Root (A ** 2 + B ** 2);`\
` T_IO.Put ("C is ");`\
` F_IO.Put`\
` (Item => C,`\
` Fore => F_IO.Default_Fore,`\
` Aft => F_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Exp => F_IO.Default_Exp);`\
` `` Root_Error =>`\
` T_IO.Put ("C cannot be calculated!");`\
` Error_Handling_4;`
The great strength of exceptions handling is that it can block several
operations within one exception handler. This eases the burden of error
handling since not every function or procedure call needs to be checked
independently for successful execution.
### Design by contract
In Design by Contract (DbC), operations must be called with the correct
parameters. This is the caller\'s part of the contract. If the subtypes
of the actual arguments match the subtypes of the formal arguments, and
if the actual arguments have values that make the function\'s
preconditions True, then the subprogram gets a chance to fulfill its
postcondition. Otherwise an error condition occurs.
Now you might wonder how that is going to work. Let\'s look at the
example first:
` Error_Handling_5 `\
` `` Square_Root_Type `` Float `` 0.0 .. Float'``;`\
` `\
` `` Square_Root`\
` (X : `` Square_Root_Type)`\
` `` Square_Root_Type`\
` `\
` `` Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;`\
` `\
` `` Sqrt (X);`\
` `` Square_Root;`\
` C := Square_Root (A ** 2 + B ** 2);`\
` T_IO.Put ("C is ");`\
` F_IO.Put`\
` (Item => C,`\
` Fore => F_IO.Default_Fore,`\
` Aft => F_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Exp => F_IO.Default_Exp);`\
` ``;`\
` Error_Handling_5;`
As you can see, the function requires a precondition of `X >= 0` ---
that is, the function can only be called when
`<var>`{=html}X`</var>`{=html} ≥ 0. In return the function promises as
postcondition that the return value is also ≥ 0.
In a full DbC approach, the postcondition will state a relation that
fully describes the value that results when running the function,
something like `result ≥ 0 and X = result * result`. This postcondition
is √\'s part of the contract. The use of assertions, annotations, or a
language\'s type system for expressing the precondition `X >= 0`
exhibits two important aspects of Design by Contract:
1. There can be ways for the compiler, or analysis tool, to help check
the contracts. (Here for example, this is the case when `X ≥ 0`
follows from X\'s subtype, and √\'s argument when called is of the
same subtype, hence also ≥ 0.)
2. The precondition can be mechanically checked **before** the function
is called.
The 1st aspect adds to safety: No programmer is perfect. Each part of
the contract that needs to be checked by the programmers themselves has
a high probability for mistakes.
The 2nd aspect is important for optimization --- when the contract can
be checked at compile time, no runtime check is needed. You might not
have noticed but if you think about it: $A^2 + B^2$ is never negative,
*provided* the exponentiation operator and the addition operator work in
the usual way.
We have made 5 nice error handling examples for a piece of code which
never fails. And this is the great opportunity for controlling some
runtime aspects of DbC: You can now safely turn checks off, and the code
optimizer can omit the actual range checks.
DbC languages distinguish themselves on how they act in the face of a
contract breach:
1. True DbC programming languages combine DbC with exception handling
--- raising an exception when a contract breach is detected at
runtime, and providing the means to restart the failing routine or
block in a known good state.
2. Static analysis tools check all contracts at analysis time and
demand that the code written in such a way that no contract can ever
be breached at runtime.
Ada 2012 has introduced pre- and postcondition aspects.
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada Programming/Exceptions
### Ada 95 Reference Manual
### Ada 2005 Reference Manual
# Ada Programming/Function overloading
## Description
***Function overloading*** (also *method overloading*) is a programming
concept that allows programmers to define two or more functions with the
same name and in the same scope.
Each function has a unique signature (or header), which is derived from:
1. function/procedure name
2. number of arguments
3. arguments\' type
4. arguments\' order
5. arguments\' name
6. return type
Please note: Not all above signature options are available in all
programming languages.
Language 1 2 3 4 5 6
---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Ada yes yes yes yes yes yes
C++ yes yes yes yes no no
Java yes yes yes yes no no
Swift yes yes yes yes yes yes
: Available functions overloadings
Warning: Function overloading is often confused with function
overriding. In Function overloading, a function with a different
signature is created, adding to the pool of available functions. In
function overriding, however, a function with the same signature is
declared, replacing the old function in the context of the new function.
## Demonstration
Since functions\' names are in this case the same, we must preserve
uniqueness of signatures, by changing something from the ***parameter
list*** (last three alienees).
If the functions\' signatures are sufficiently different, the compiler
can distinguish which function was intended to be used at each
occurrence. This process of searching for the appropriate function is
called ***function resolution*** and can be quite an intensive one,
especially if there are a lot of equally named functions.
Programming languages supporting implicit type conventions usually use
promotion of arguments (i.e. type casting of integer to floating-point)
when there is no exact function match. The demotion of arguments is
rarely used.
When two or more functions match the criteria in function resolution
process, an ***ambiguity error*** is reported by compiler. Adding more
information for the compiler by editing the source code (using for
example type casting), can address such doubts.
The example code shows how function overloading can be used. As
functions do practically the same thing, it makes sense to use function
` Generate_Number (MaxValue : Integer) `` Integer `\
` `` Random_Type `` Integer `` 0 .. MaxValue;`\
` `` Random_Pack `` `` `` (Random_Type);`\
` `\
` G : Random_Pack.Generator;`\
` Random_Pack.Reset (G);`\
` `` Random_Pack.Random (G);`\
` Generate_Number;`\
` Generate_Number (MinValue : Integer;`\
` MaxValue : Integer) `` Integer`\
` `` Random_Type `` Integer `` MinValue .. MaxValue;`\
` `` Random_Pack `` `` `` (Random_Type);`\
` `\
` G : Random_Pack.Generator;`\
` Random_Pack.Reset (G);`\
` `` Random_Pack.Random (G);`\
` Generate_Number;`
### calling the first function
The first code block will generate numbers from 0 up to specified
parameter *MaxValue*. The appropriate function call is:
` Number_1 : Integer := Generate_Number (10);`
### calling the second function
The second requires another parameter *MinValue*. Function will return
numbers above or equals *MinValue* and lower than *MaxValue*.
` Number_2 : Integer := Generate_Number (6, 10);`
## Function overloading in Ada
Ada supports all six signature options, but if you use the arguments\'
name as option, you will always have to name the parameter when calling
the function. i.e.:
`Number_2 : Integer := Generate_Number (MinValue => 6,`\
` MaxValue => 10);`
Note that you cannot overload a generic procedure or generic function
within the same package. The following example will fail to compile:
` `` myPackage`\
` `\
` `` Value_Type `` (<>); `\
` `\
` `\
` `` Generic_Subprogram (Value : `` `` Value_Type);`\
` ...`\
` `\
` `` Value_Type `` (<>); `\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` `` Generic_Subprogram;`\
` ...`\
` `\
` `` Value_Type `` (<>); `\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` `\
` `` Generic_Subprogram (Value : Value_Type) `` Value_Type;`\
` `` myPackage;`
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada
### Ada 95 Reference Manual
### Ada 2005 Reference Manual
# Ada Programming/Mathematical calculations
Ada is very well suited for all kinds of calculations. You can define
your own fixed point and floating point types and --- with the aid of
generic packages call all the mathematical functions you need. In that
respect Ada is on par with Fortran.
This module will show you how to use them and while we progress we
create a simple RPN
## Simple calculations
### Addition
Additions can be done using the predefined operator
. The operator is predefined for all
numeric types and the following, working code, demonstrates its use:
`{{Ada/--|{{Ada/95/RM|A|10|1|title=The Package Text_IO}}}}`{=mediawiki}\
` ``;`\
` Numeric_1 `\
` `` Value_Type `` `` 12`\
` `` -999_999_999_999.0e999 .. 999_999_999_999.0e999;`\
` `` T_IO `` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` `` F_IO `` `` Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Value_Type);`\
` Value_1 : Value_Type;`\
` Value_2 : Value_Type;`\
` T_IO.Put ("First Value : ");`\
` F_IO.Get (Value_1);`\
` T_IO.Put ("Second Value : ");`\
` F_IO.Get (Value_2);`\
` F_IO.Put (Value_1);`\
` T_IO.Put (" + ");`\
` F_IO.Put (Value_2);`\
` T_IO.Put (" = ");`\
` F_IO.Put (Value_1 `` Value_2);`\
` Numeric_1;`
### Subtraction
Subtractions can be done using the predefined operator
. The following extended demo shows the
use of + and - operator together:
`{{Ada/--|{{Ada/95/RM|A|10|1|title=The Package Text_IO}}}}`{=mediawiki}\
` `\
` Numeric_2`\
` `` Value_Type`\
` `` `\
` 12`\
` `\
` -999_999_999_999.0e999 .. 999_999_999_999.0e999;`\
` `` T_IO `` ``;`\
` `` F_IO `` `` Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Value_Type);`\
` Value_1 : Value_Type;`\
` Value_2 : Value_Type;`\
` Result : Value_Type;`\
` Operation : Character;`\
` T_IO.Put ("First Value : ");`\
` F_IO.Get (Value_1);`\
` T_IO.Put ("Second Value : ");`\
` F_IO.Get (Value_2);`\
` T_IO.Put ("Operation : ");`\
` T_IO.Get (Operation);`\
` `` Operation `\
` `` '+' =>`\
` Result := Value_1 + Value_2;`\
` `` '-' =>`\
` Result := Value_1 - Value_2;`\
` `` `` =>`\
` T_IO.Put_Line ("Illegal Operation.");`\
` `` Exit_Numeric_2;`\
` `` ``;`\
` F_IO.Put (Value_1);`\
` T_IO.Put (" ");`\
` T_IO.Put (Operation);`\
` T_IO.Put (" ");`\
` F_IO.Put (Value_2);`\
` T_IO.Put (" = ");`\
` F_IO.Put (Result);`\
` ``;`\
` Numeric_2;`
Purists might be surprised about the use of goto --- but some people
prefer the use of goto over the use of multiple return statements if
inside functions --- given that, the opinions on this topic vary
strongly. See the isn\'t goto
evil article.
### Multiplication
Multiplication can be done using the predefined operator
. For a demo see the next chapter about
### Division "wikilink")
Divisions can be done using the predefined operators
, ,
. The operator
performs a normal division,
returns a modulus division and
returns the remainder of the modulus
The following extended demo shows the use of the
, ,
operators together as well as the use of a four number wide stack to
store intermediate results:
The operators and
are not part of the demonstration as
they are only defined for integer types.
` ``;`\
` Numeric_3 `\
` `` Pop_Value;`\
` `` Push_Value;`\
` `` Value_Type `` `` 12 `\
` -999_999_999_999.0e999 .. 999_999_999_999.0e999;`\
` `` Value_Array `` `` (Natural `` 1 .. 4) `` Value_Type;`\
` `` T_IO `` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` `` F_IO `` `` Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Value_Type);`\
` Values : Value_Array := (`` => 0.0);`\
` Operation : String (1 .. 40);`\
` Last : Natural;`\
` `` Pop_Value `\
` `\
` Values (Values'`` + 1 .. Values'``) :=`\
` Values (Values'`` + 2 .. Values'``) & 0.0;`\
` `` Pop_Value;`\
` `` Push_Value `\
` `\
` Values (Values'`` + 1 .. Values'``) :=`\
` Values (Values'`` .. Values'`` - 1);`\
` `` Push_Value;`\
` Main_Loop:`\
` `\
` T_IO.Put (">");`\
` T_IO.Get_Line (Operation, Last);`\
` `` Last = 1 `` `` Operation (1) = '+' `\
` Values (1) := Values (1) + Values (2);`\
` Pop_Value;`\
` `` Last = 1 `` `` Operation (1) = '-' `\
` Values (1) := Values (1) + Values (2);`\
` Pop_Value;`\
` `` Last = 1 `` `` Operation (1) = '*' `\
` Values (1) := Values (1) * Values (2);`\
` Pop_Value;`\
` `` Last = 1 `` `` Operation (1) = '/' `\
` Values (1) := Values (1) / Values (2);`\
` Pop_Value;`\
` `` Last = 4 `` `` Operation (1 .. 4) = "exit" `\
` `` Main_Loop;`\
` `\
` Push_Value;`\
` F_IO.Get (From => Operation, Item => Values (1), Last => Last);`\
` `` ``;`\
` `\
` Display_Loop:`\
` `` I `` `` Value_Array'`` `\
` F_IO.Put`\
` (Item => Values (I),`\
` Fore => F_IO.Default_Fore,`\
` Aft => F_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Exp => 4);`\
` T_IO.New_Line;`\
` `` `` Display_Loop;`\
` `` `` Main_Loop;`\
` ``;`\
` Numeric_3;`
## Exponential calculations
All exponential functions are defined inside the generic package
### Power of
Calculation of the form $x^y$ are performed by the operator
. Beware: There are two versions of
this operator. The predefined operator
allows only for Standard.Integer to be used as exponent. If you need to
use a floating point type as exponent you need to use the
defined in
### Root "wikilink")
The square root $\sqrt{x}$ is calculated with the function `Sqrt()`.
There is no function defined to calculate an arbitrary root
$\sqrt[n]{x}$. However you can use logarithms to calculate an arbitrary
root using the mathematical identity: $\sqrt[b]{a} = e^{\log_e (a) / b}$
which will become `root := Exp (Log (a) / b)` in Ada. Alternatively, use
$\sqrt[b]{a}=a^{\frac1b}$ which, in Ada, is `root := a**(1.0/b)`.
### Logarithm
defines a function for both the arbitrary logarithm $log_n(x)$ and the
natural logarithm $log_e(x)$, both of which have the same name `Log()`
distinguished by the number of parameters.
### Demonstration
The following extended demo shows the how to use the exponential
functions in Ada. The new demo also uses
instead of Strings which make the comparisons easier.
Please note that from now on we won\'t copy the full sources any more.
Do follow the download links to see the full program.
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Numeric_4 `\
` `` Str `` Ada.Strings.Unbounded;`\
` `` T_IO `` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` `` Pop_Value;`\
` `` Push_Value;`\
` `` Get_Line `` Str.Unbounded_String;`\
` `` Value_Type `` `` 12 `\
` -999_999_999_999.0e999 .. 999_999_999_999.0e999;`\
` `` Value_Array `` `` (Natural `` 1 .. 4) `` Value_Type;`\
` `` F_IO `` `` Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Value_Type);`\
` `` Value_Functions `` `` Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions (`\
` Value_Type);`\
` `` Value_Functions;`\
` `` `` Str.Unbounded_String;`\
` Values : Value_Array := (`` => 0.0);`\
` Operation : Str.Unbounded_String;`\
` Dummy : Natural;`\
` `` Get_Line `` Str.Unbounded_String `\
` BufferSize : `` := 2000;`\
` Retval : Str.Unbounded_String := Str.Null_Unbounded_String;`\
` Item : String (1 .. BufferSize);`\
` Last : Natural;`\
` `\
` Get_Whole_Line :`\
` `\
` T_IO.Get_Line (Item => Item, Last => Last);`\
` Str.Append (Source => Retval, New_Item => Item (1 .. Last));`\
` `` Get_Whole_Line `` Last < Item'``;`\
` `` `` Get_Whole_Line;`\
` `` Retval;`\
` `` Get_Line;`\
` Main_Loop :`\
` `\
` T_IO.Put (">");`\
` Operation := Get_Line;`\
` `` Operation = "e" `` `\
` Push_Value;`\
` Values (1) := Ada.Numerics.e;`\
` `` Operation = "**" `` `` Operation = "^" `` `\
` Values (1) := Values (1) ** Values (2);`\
` Pop_Value;`\
` `` Operation = "sqr" `` `\
` Values (1) := Sqrt (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "root" `` `\
` Values (1) :=`\
` Exp (Log (Values (2)) / Values (1));`\
` Pop_Value;`\
` `` Operation = "ln" `` `\
` Values (1) := Log (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "log" `` `\
` Values (1) :=`\
` Log (Base => Values (1), X => Values (2));`\
` Pop_Value;`\
` `` Operation = "``" `\
` `` Main_Loop;`\
` `\
` Push_Value;`\
` F_IO.Get`\
` (From => Str.To_String (Operation),`\
` Item => Values (1),`\
` Last => Dummy);`\
` `` ``;`\
` `` `` Main_Loop;`\
` ``;`\
` Numeric_4;`
## Higher math
### Trigonometric calculations
The full set of trigonometric functions are
defined inside the generic package
All functions are defined for 2π and an arbitrary cycle value (a full
cycle of revolution).
Please note the difference of calling the `Arctan ()` function.
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Numeric_5 `\
` `` Put_Line (Value : `` Value_Type);`\
` `` Value_Functions;`\
` `` `` Str.Unbounded_String;`\
` Values : Value_Array := (`` => 0.0);`\
` Cycle : Value_Type := Ada.Numerics.Pi;`\
` Operation : Str.Unbounded_String;`\
` Dummy : Natural;`\
` `` Put_Line (Value : `` Value_Type) `\
` `\
` `` `` Value_Type'`` (Value) >=`\
` `` Value_Type'`` (10.0 ** F_IO.Default_Aft)`\
` `\
` F_IO.Put`\
` (Item => Value,`\
` Fore => F_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Aft => F_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Exp => 4);`\
` `\
` F_IO.Put`\
` (Item => Value,`\
` Fore => F_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Aft => F_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Exp => 0);`\
` `` ``;`\
` T_IO.New_Line;`\
` ``;`\
` `` Put_Line;`\
` Main_Loop :`\
` `\
` Display_Loop :`\
` `` I `` `` Value_Array'`` `\
` Put_Line (Values (I));`\
` `` `` Display_Loop;`\
` T_IO.Put (">");`\
` Operation := Get_Line;`\
` `` Operation = "deg" `` `\
` Cycle := 360.0;`\
` `` Operation = "rad" `` `\
` Cycle := Ada.Numerics.Pi;`\
` `` Operation = "grad" `` `\
` Cycle := 400.0;`\
` `` Operation = "pi" `` `` Operation = "π" `` `\
` Push_Value;`\
` Values (1) := Ada.Numerics.Pi;`\
` `` Operation = "sin" `` `\
` Values (1) := Sin (X => Values (1), Cycle => Cycle);`\
` `` Operation = "cos" `` `\
` Values (1) := Cos (X => Values (1), Cycle => Cycle);`\
` `` Operation = "tan" `` `\
` Values (1) := Tan (X => Values (1), Cycle => Cycle);`\
` `` Operation = "cot" `` `\
` Values (1) := Cot (X => Values (1), Cycle => Cycle);`\
` `` Operation = "asin" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arcsin (X => Values (1), Cycle => Cycle);`\
` `` Operation = "acos" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arccos (X => Values (1), Cycle => Cycle);`\
` `` Operation = "atan" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arctan (Y => Values (1), Cycle => Cycle);`\
` `` Operation = "acot" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arccot (X => Values (1), Cycle => Cycle);`\
` `` `` Main_Loop;`\
` ``;`\
` Numeric_5;`
The Demo also contains an improved numeric output which behaves more
like a normal calculator.
### Hyperbolic calculations
You guessed it: The full set of hyperbolic functions is defined inside
the generic package
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` ``;`\
` Numeric_6 `\
` `` Str `` Ada.Strings.Unbounded;`\
` `` T_IO `` Ada.Text_IO;`\
` `` Exept `` Ada.Exceptions;`\
` `\
` Main_Loop :`\
` `\
` Try :`\
` `\
` Display_Loop :`\
` `` Operation = "sinh" `` `\
` Values (1) := Sinh (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "cosh" `` `\
` Values (1) := Coth (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "tanh" `` `\
` Values (1) := Tanh (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "coth" `` `\
` Values (1) := Coth (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "asinh" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arcsinh (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "acosh" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arccosh (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "atanh" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arctanh (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "acoth" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arccoth (Values (1));`\
` `\
` `` An_Exception : `` =>`\
` T_IO.Put_Line`\
` (Exept.Exception_Information (An_Exception));`\
` `` Try;`\
` `` `` Main_Loop;`\
` ``;`\
` Numeric_6;`
As added bonus this version supports error handling and therefore won\'t
just crash when an illegal calculation is performed.
### Complex arithmethic
For complex arithmetic Ada
provides the package
. This
package is part of the \"special need Annexes\" which means it is
optional. The open source Ada compiler GNAT implements all \"special
need Annexes\" and therefore has complex arithmetic available.
Since Ada supports user defined operators, all
)`</small>`{=html} operators have their
usual meaning as soon as the package
been instantiated `<small>`{=html}( \...
\...)`</small>`{=html} and the type has been made visible
Ada also provides the packages
which provide similar functionality to their normal counterparts. But
there are some differences:
- supports only the exponential and trigonometric functions which make
sense in complex arithmetic.
<!-- -->
- is a child package of and
therefore needs its own . Note: the
`Get ()`
function is pretty fault tolerant - if you forget the \",\" or the
\"()\" pair it will still parse the input correctly.
So, with only a very few modifications you can convert your \"normals\"
calculator to a calculator for complex arithmetic:
` Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO;`\
` Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types;`\
` Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions;`\
` Ada.Strings.Unbounded;`\
` Ada.Exceptions; `\
` Numeric_7 `\
` `\
` `` Complex_Types `` `` Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types (`\
` Value_Type);`\
` `` Complex_Functions `` `\
` Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions (`\
` Complex_Types);`\
` `` C_IO `` `` Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO (Complex_Types);`\
` `` Value_Array `\
` `` (Natural `` 1 .. 4) `` Complex_Types.Complex;`\
` `` Put_Line (Value : `` Complex_Types.Complex);`\
` `` `` Complex_Types.Complex;`\
` `` `` Str.Unbounded_String;`\
` `` Complex_Functions;`\
` Values : Value_Array :=`\
` (`` => Complex_Types.Complex'(Re => 0.0, Im => 0.0));`\
` `\
` `` Put_Line (Value : `` Complex_Types.Complex) `\
` `\
` `` (`` Value_Type'`` (Value.Re) >=`\
` `` Value_Type'`` (10.0 ** C_IO.Default_Aft))`\
` `` `` (`` Value_Type'`` (Value.Im) >=`\
` `` Value_Type'`` (10.0 ** C_IO.Default_Aft))`\
` `\
` C_IO.Put`\
` (Item => Value,`\
` Fore => C_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Aft => C_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Exp => 4);`\
` `\
` C_IO.Put`\
` (Item => Value,`\
` Fore => C_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Aft => C_IO.Default_Aft,`\
` Exp => 0);`\
` `` ``;`\
` T_IO.New_Line;`\
` ``;`\
` `` Put_Line;`\
` `` Operation = "e" `` `\
` Push_Value;`\
` Values (1) :=`\
` Complex_Types.Complex'(Re => Ada.Numerics.e, Im => 0.0);`\
` `` Operation = "pi" `` `` Operation = "π" `` `\
` Push_Value;`\
` Values (1) :=`\
` Complex_Types.Complex'(Re => Ada.Numerics.Pi, Im => 0.0);`\
` `` Operation = "sin" `` `\
` Values (1) := Sin (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "cos" `` `\
` Values (1) := Cot (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "tan" `` `\
` Values (1) := Tan (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "cot" `` `\
` Values (1) := Cot (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "asin" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arcsin (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "acos" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arccos (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "atan" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arctan (Values (1));`\
` `` Operation = "acot" `` `\
` Values (1) := Arccot (Values (1));`\
` ``;`\
` Numeric_7;`
### Vector and Matrix Arithmetic
Ada supports vector and
Arithmetic for both normal real types and complex types. For those, the
generic packages Ada.Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays and
Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays are used. Both packages offer the
usual set of operations, however there is no I/O package and
understandably, no package for elementary functions.
Since there is no I/O package for vector and matrix I/O creating a demo
is by far more complex --- and hence not ready yet. You can have a look
at the current progress which will be a universal calculator merging all
Status: Stalled - for a Vector and Matrix stack we need
Indefinite_Vectors --- which are currently not part of GNAT/Pro. Well I
could use the booch components \...
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada
- Ada Programming/Libraries/Ada.Numerics.Generic Complex
- Ada Programming/Libraries/Ada.Numerics.Generic Elementary
### Ada 95 Reference Manual
### Ada 2005 Reference Manual
# Ada Programming/Lexical elements
## Character set
The character set used in Ada programs is composed of:
- Upper-case letters: A, \..., Z and lower-case letters: a, \..., z.
- Digits: 0, \..., 9.
- Special characters.
Take into account that in Ada 95 the letter range includes accented
characters and other letters used in Western Europe languages, those
belonging to the *ISO Latin-1* character set,
as ç, ñ, ð, etc.
In Ada 2005 the character set has
been extended to the full Unicode set, so the
identifiers and comments can be written in almost any language in the
Ada is a case-insensitive language, i. e. the upper-case set is
equivalent to the lower-case set except in character string literals and
character literals.
## Lexical elements
In Ada we can find the following lexical elements:
- Identifiers
- Numeric Literals
- Character Literals
- String Literals
- Delimiters
- Comments
- Reserved Words
`Temperature_In_Room := 25; `
This line contains 5 lexical elements:
- The identifier `Temperature_In_Room`.
- The compound delimiter `:=`.
- The number `25`.
- The single delimiter `;`.
- The comment
### Identifiers
Definition in *BNF*:
`identifier ::= letter { [ underscore ] letter | digit }`\
`letter ::= A | ... | Z | a | ... | z`\
`digit ::= 0 | ... | 9`\
`underscore ::= _`
From this definition we must exclude the keywords that are reserved
words in the language and cannot be used as identifiers.
The following words are legal Ada identifiers:
`Time_Of_Day TimeOfDay El_Niño_Forecast Façade counter ALARM`
The following ones are **NOT** legal Ada identifiers:
`_Time_Of_Day 2nd_turn Start_ Access Price_In_$ General__Alarm`
**Exercise**: could you give the reason for not being legal for each one
of them?
### Numbers
The numeric literals are composed of the following characters:
- digits `0 .. 9`
- the decimal separator `.`,
- the exponentiation sign `e` or `E`,
- the negative sign `-` (in exponents only) and
- the underscore `_`.
The underscore is used as separator for improving legibility for humans,
but it is ignored by the compiler. You can separate numbers following
any rationale, e.g. decimal integers in groups of three digits, or
binary integers in groups of eight digits.
For example, the real number such as 98.4 can be represented as:
`9.84E1`, `98.4e0`, `984.0e-1` or `0.984E+2`, but not as `984e-1`.
For integer numbers, for example 1900, it could be written as `1900`,
`19E2`, `190e+1` or `1_900E+0`.
A numeric literal could also be expressed in a base different to 10, by
enclosing the number between `#` characters, and preceding it by the
base, which can be a number between 2 and 16. For example, `2#101#` is
101~2~, that is 5~10~; a hexadecimal number with exponent is `16#B#E2`,
that is 11 × 16² = 2,816.
Note that there are no negative literals; e.g. -1 is not a literal,
rather it is the literal 1 preceded by the unary minus operator.
### Character literals
Their type is .Character,
Wide_Character or Wide_Wide_Character. They are delimited by an
apostrophe (\').
`'A' 'n' '%'`
### String literals
String literals are of type
.String, Wide_String or
Wide_Wide_String. They are delimited by the quotation mark
`"This is a string literal"`
### Delimiters
Single delimiters are one of the following special characters:
`& ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > `
Compound delimiters are composed of two special characters, and they are
the following ones:
`=> .. ** := /= >= <= << >> <>`
You can see a full reference of the delimiters in Ada
### Comments
Comments in Ada start with two consecutive hyphens (`--`) and end in the
end of line.
`My_Savings := My_Savings * 10.0; `\
`My_Savings := My_Savings * `\
` 1_000_000.0;`
A comment can appear where an end of line can be inserted.
### Reserved words
Reserved words are equivalent in upper-case and lower-case letters,
although the typical style is the one from the Reference Manual, that is
to write them in all lower-case letters.
In Ada some keywords have a different meaning depending on context. You
can refer to Ada
Programming/Keywords and the
following pages for each keyword.
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada Programming/Delimiters
- Ada Programming/Keywords
### Ada Reference Manual
es:Programación en Ada/Elementos del
# Ada Programming/Keywords
## Language summary keywords
Most Ada "keywords" have different functions depending on where they are
used. A good example is
**for** which controls the
representation clause when used within a declaration part and controls a
loop when used within an implementation.
In Ada, a keyword is a **reserved word**, so it cannot be used as an
identifier. Some of them are used as
attribute names.
## List of keywords
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
- Ada Programming/Aspects
- Ada Programming/Attributes
- Ada Programming/Pragmas
### Ada Reference Manual
#### Ada 83
#### Ada 95
#### Ada 2005
#### Ada 2012
### Ada Quality and Style Guide
Programming}}\|Keywords Ada
Programming}}/Ada 2005 feature\|Keywords
es:Programación en Ada/Palabras
# Ada Programming/Delimiters
## Single character delimiters
& : ampersand `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
\' : apostrophe, tick\
( : left parenthesis\
) "wikilink") : right parenthesis\
\* : asterisk, multiply `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
+ : plus sign `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
, : comma\
- : hyphen, minus `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
. : full stop, point, dot\
/ : solidus, divide `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
: : colon\
; : semicolon\
\< : less than sign `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
= : equal sign `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
\> : greater than sign `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
\| : vertical line
## Compound character delimiters
=\> : arrow\
.. : double dot\
\*\* : double star, exponentiate `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
:= : assignment\
/= : inequality `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
\>= : greater than or equal to `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
\<= : less than or equal to `<small>`{=html}(operator)`</small>`{=html}\
\<\< : left label bracket\
\>\> : right label bracket\
\<\> : box
## Others
The following ones are special characters but not delimiters.
\" : quotation mark, used for string literals.\
\# : number sign, used in based numeric literals.
The following special characters are unused in Ada code - they are
illegal except within string literals and comments (they are used in the
Reference Manual Backus-Naur syntax definition of Ada):
\[ : left square bracket\
\] : right square bracket\
{ : left curly bracket\
} : right curly bracket
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
### Ada 95 Reference Manual
### Ada 2005 Reference Manual
# Ada Programming/Operators
## Standard operators
Ada allows operator
overloading for all standard
operators and so the following summaries can only describe the suggested
standard operations for each operator. It is quite possible to misuse
any standard operator to perform something unusual.
Each operator is either a keyword
or a delimiter---hence all
operator pages are redirects to the appropriate
keyword or
Operators have arguments which in the RM are called Left and Right for
binary operators, Right for unary operators (indicating the position
with respect to the operator symbol).
The list is sorted from lowest precedence to highest precedence.
### Logical operators
and : and $x \land y$, `<small>`{=html}(also keyword and)`</small>`{=html}\
or : or $x \lor y$, `<small>`{=html}(also keyword or)`</small>`{=html}\
xor : exclusive or $(x \land \bar{y}) \lor (\bar{x} \land y)$, `<small>`{=html}(also keyword xor)`</small>`{=html}
### Relational operators
/= : Not Equal $x \ne y$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character /=)`</small>`{=html}\
= : Equal $x = y$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character =)`</small>`{=html}\
\< : Less than $x<y$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character \<)`</small>`{=html}\
\<= : Less than or equal to ($x \le y$), `<small>`{=html}(also special character \<=)`</small>`{=html}\
\> : Greater than ($x > y$), `<small>`{=html}(also special character \>)`</small>`{=html}\
\>= : Greater than or equal to ($x \ge y$), `<small>`{=html}(also special character \>=)`</small>`{=html}
### Binary adding operators
+ : Add $x + y$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character +)`</small>`{=html}\
- : Subtract $x - y$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character -)`</small>`{=html}\
& : Concatenate , $x$ & $y$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character &)`</small>`{=html}
### Unary adding operators
+ : Plus sign $+x$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character +)`</small>`{=html}\
- : Minus sign $-x$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character -)`</small>`{=html}
### Multiplying operator
\* : Multiply, $x \times y$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character \*)`</small>`{=html}\
/ : Divide $x / y$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character /)`</small>`{=html}\
mod : modulus `<small>`{=html}(also keyword mod)`</small>`{=html}\
rem : remainder `<small>`{=html}(also keyword rem)`</small>`{=html}
### Highest precedence operator
\*\* : Power $x^y$, `<small>`{=html}(also special character \*\*)`</small>`{=html}\
not : logical not $\lnot x$, `<small>`{=html}(also keyword not)`</small>`{=html}\
abs : absolute value `<small>`{=html} $|x|$ (also keyword abs)`</small>`{=html}
## Short-circuit control forms
These are not operators and thus cannot be overloaded.
and then : *e.g.* **`if`**` Y /= 0 `**`and then`**` X/Y > Limit `**`then`**` ...`\
or else : *e.g.* **`if`**` Ptr = `**`null`**` `**`or else`**` Ptr.I = 0 `**`then`**` ...`
## Membership tests
The Membership Tests also cannot be overloaded because they are not
in : element of, $var \in type$, *e.g.* ` I `` Positive `, `<small>`{=html}(also keyword )`</small>`{=html}\
not in : not element of, $var \notin type$, *e.g.* ` I `` `` Positive `, `<small>`{=html}(also keywords )`</small>`{=html}
### Range membership test
` Today `` `` Tuesday .. Thursday `\
` ...`
### Subtype membership test
`Is_Non_Negative := X `` Natural;`
### Class membership test
` `` Object `` Circle'``;`
### Range membership test
` Today `` `` Tuesday .. Thursday `\
` ...`
### Choice list membership test
Ada 2012 extended the membership tests to include the union
(short-circuit or) of several range or value choices.
` Today `` Monday .. Wednesday | Friday `\
` ...`
## See also
### Wikibook
- Ada Programming
### Ada 95 Reference Manual
### Ada 2005 Reference Manual
### Ada Quality and Style Guide
es:Programación en
Subsets and Splits