stringlengths 313
# Tcl Programming/expr
### Overview
Arithmetic and logical operations (plus some string comparisons) are in
Tcl concentrated in the **expr** command. It takes one or more
arguments, evaluates them as an expression, and returns the result. The
language of the **expr** command (also used in condition arguments of
the **if**, **for**, **while** commands) is basically equivalent to C\'s
expressions, with infix operators and functions. Unlike C, references to
variables have to be done with *\$var*. Examples:
`set a [expr {($b + sin($c))/2.}]`\
`if {$a > $b && $b > $c} {puts "ordered"}`\
`for {set i 10} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {puts $i...} ;# countdown`
The difference between Tcl syntax and *expr* syntax can be contrasted
like this:
`[f $x $y] ;# Tcl: embedded command`\
` f($x,$y) ;# expr: function call, comma between arguments`
In another contrast to Tcl syntax, whitespace between \"words\" is
optional (but still recommended for better readability :) And string
constants must always be quoted (or braced if you wish):
`if {$keyword eq "foo"} ...`
Then again, Tcl commands can always be embedded into expressions, in
square brackets as usual:
`proc max {x y} {expr {$x>$y? $x: $y}}`\
`expr {[max $a $b] + [max $c $d]}`
In expressions with numbers of mixed types, integers are coerced to
`% expr 1+2.`\
It is important to know that division of two integers is done as integer
`% expr 1/2`\
You get the (probably expected) floating-point division if at least one
operand is *double*:
`% expr 1/2.`\
If you want to evaluate a string input by the user, but always use
floating-point division, just transform it, before the call to expr, by
replacing \"/\" with \"\*1./\" (multiply with floating-point 1. before
every division):
`expr [string map {/ *1./} $input]`
### Brace your expressions
In most cases it is safer and more efficient to pass a single braced
argument to *expr*. Exceptions are:
- no variables or embedded commands to substitute
- operators or whole expressions to substitute
The reason is that the Tcl parser parses unbraced expressions, while
expr parses that result again. This may result in success for malicious
code exploits:
`% set e {[file delete -force *]}`\
`% expr $e ;# will delete all files and directories`\
`% expr {$e} ;# will just return the string value of e`
That braced expressions evaluate much faster than unbraced ones, can be
easily tested:
`% proc unbraced x {expr $x*$x}`\
`% proc braced x {expr {$x*$x}}`\
`% time {unbraced 42} 1000`\
`197 microseconds per iteration`\
`% time {braced 42} 1000`\
`34 microseconds per iteration`
The precision of the string representation of floating-point numbers is
also controlled by the tcl_precision variable. The following example
returns nonzero because the second term was clipped to 12 digits in
making the string representation:
`% expr 1./3-[expr 1./3]`\
while this braced expression works more like expected:
`% expr {1./3-[expr 1./3]}`\
### Operators
Arithmetic, bitwise and logical operators are like in C, as is the
conditional operator found in other languages (notably C):
- c?a:b \-- if c is true, evaluate a, else b
The conditional operator can be used for compact functional code (note
that the following example requires Tcl 8.5 so that fac() can be called
inside its own definition):
`% proc tcl::mathfunc::fac x {expr {$x<2? 1 : $x*fac($x-1)}}`\
`% expr fac(5)`\
#### Arithmetic operators
The arithmetic operators are also like those found in C:
- \+ addition
- \- (binary: subtraction. unary: change sign)
- \* multiplication
- / (integer division if both operands are integer
- \% (modulo, only on integers)
- \*\* power (available from Tcl 8.5)
#### Bitwise operators
The following operators work on integers only:
- & (AND)
- \| (OR)
- \^ (XOR)
- \~ (NOT)
- \<\< shift left
- \>\> shift right
#### Logical operators
The following operators take integers (where 0 is considered false,
everything else true) and return a truth value, 0 or 1:
- && (and)
- \|\| (or)
- ! (not - unary)
#### Comparison operators
If operands on both side are numeric, these operators compare them as
numbers. Otherwise, string comparison is done. They return a truth
value, 0 (false) or 1 (true):
- == equal
- != not equal
- \> greater than
- \>= greater or equal than
- \< less than
- \<= less or equal than
As truth values are integers, you can use them as such for further
computing, as the sign function demonstrates:
`proc sgn x {expr {($x>0) - ($x<0)}}`\
`% sgn 42`\
`% sgn -42`\
`% sgn 0`\
#### String operators
The following operators work on the string representation of their
- eq string-equal
- ne not string-equal
Examples how \"equal\" and \"string equal\" differ:
`% expr {1 == 1.0}`\
`% expr {1 eq 1.0}`\
#### List operators
From Tcl 8.5, the following operators are also available:
- a **in** b - 1 if a is a member of list b, else 0
- a **ni** b - 1 if a is not a member of list b, else 0
Before 8.5, it\'s easy to write an equivalent function
`proc in {list el} {expr {[lsearch -exact $list $el]>=0}}`
Usage example:
`if [in $keys $key] ...`
which you can rewrite, once 8.5 is available wherever your work is to
run, with
`if {$key in $keys} ...`
### Functions
The following functions are built-in:
- abs(x) - absolute value
- acos(x) - arc cosine. acos(-1) = 3.14159265359 (Pi)
- asin(x) - arc sine
- atan(x) - arc tangent
- atan2(y,x)
- ceil(x) - next-highest integral value
- cos(x) - cosine
- cosh(x) - hyperbolic cosine
- double(x) - convert to floating-point number
- exp(x) - e to the x-th power. exp(1) = 2.71828182846 (Euler number,
- floor(x) - next-lower integral value
- fmod(x,y) - floating-point modulo
- hypot(y,x) - hypotenuse (sqrt(\$y\*\$y+\$x\*\$x), but at higher
- int(x) - convert to integer (32-bit)
- log(x) - logarithm to base e
- log10(x) - logarithm to base 10
- pow(x,y) - x to the y-th power
- rand() - random number \> 0.0 and \< 1.0
- round(x) - round a number to nearest integral value
- sin(x) - sine
- sinh(x) - hyperbolic sine
- sqrt(x) - square root
- srand(x) - initialize random number generation with seed x
- tan(x) - tangent
- tanh(x) - hyperbolic tangent
- wide(x) - convert to wide (64-bit) integer
Find out which functions are available with *info functions*:
`% info functions`\
`round wide sqrt sin double log10 atan hypot rand abs acos atan2 srand`\
`sinh floor log int tanh tan asin ceil cos cosh exp pow fmod`
### Exporting expr functionalities
If you don\'t want to write expr {\$x+5} every
time you need a little calculation, you can easily export operators as
Tcl commands:
`foreach op {+ - * / %} {proc $op {a b} "expr {\$a $op \$b}"}`
After that, you can call these operators like in LISP:
`% + 6 7`\
`% * 6 7`\
Of course, one can refine this by allowing variable arguments at least
for + and \*, or the single-argument case for -:
`proc - {a {b ""}} {expr {$b eq ""? -$a: $a-$b}}`
Similarly, expr functions can be exposed:
`foreach f {sin cos tan sqrt} {proc $f x "expr {$f($x)}"}`
In Tcl 8.5, the operators can be called as commands in the
*::tcl::mathop* namespace:
`% tcl::mathop::+ 6 7`\
You can import them into the current namespace, for shorthand math
`% namespace import ::tcl::mathop::*`\
`% + 3 4 ;# way shorter than [expr {3 + 4}]`\
`% * 6 7`\
### User-defined functions
From Tcl 8.5, you can provide procs in the *::tcl::mathfunc* namespace,
which can then be used inside *expr* expressions:
`% proc tcl::mathfunc::fac x {expr {$x < 2? 1: $x * fac($x-1)}}`\
`% expr fac(100)`\
This is especially useful for recursive functions, or functions whose
arguments need some expr calculations:
`% proc ::tcl::mathfunc::fib n {expr {$n<2? 1: fib($n-2)+fib($n-1)}} `\
`% expr fib(6)`\
# Tcl Programming/Internationalization
\"Everything is a string\", the Tcl mantra goes. A string is a
(finite-length) sequence of characters. Now, what is a character? A
character is not the same as a glyph, the writing element that we see on
screen or paper - that represents it, but the same glyph can stand for
different characters, or the same character be represented with
different glyphs (think e.g. of a font selector).
Also, a character is not the same as a byte, or sequence of bytes, in
memory. That again may represent a character, but not unequivocally,
once we leave the safe haven of ASCII.
Let\'s try the following working definition: \"A character is the
abstract concept of a small writing unit\". This often amounts to a
letter, digit, or punctuation sign - but a character can be more or less
than that. More: Ligatures, groups of two or more letters, can at times
be treated as one character (arranged even in more than one line, as
seen in Japanese U+337F ㍿ or Arabic U+FDFA ﷺ). Less: little marks
(diacritics) added to a character, like the two dots on ü in Nürnberg
(U+00FC), can turn that into a new \"precomposed\" character, as in
German; or they may be treated as a separate, \"composing character\"
(U+0308 in the example) which in rendering is added to the preceding
glyph (u, U+0075) without advancing the rendering position - a more
sensible treatment of the function of these two dots, \"trema\", in
Spanish, Dutch, or even (older) English orthography: consider the
spelling \"coöperation\" in use before c. 1950. Such composition is the
software equivalent of \"dead keys\" on a typewriter.
Although an abstract concept, a character may of course have attributes,
most importantly a name: a string, of course, which describes its
function, usage, pronunciation etc. Various sets of names have been
formalized in Postscript (/oumlaut) or HTML (ö). Very important in
technical applications is of course the assignment of a number
(typically a non-negative integer) to identify a character - this is the
essence of encodings, where the numbers are more formally called code
points. Other attributes may be predicates like \"is upper\", \"is
lower\", \"is digit\".
The relations between the three domains are not too complicated: an
encoding controls how a 1..n sequence of bytes is interpreted as a
character, or vice versa; the act of rendering turns an abstract
character into a glyph (typically by a pixel or vector pattern).
Conversely, making sense of a set of pixels to correctly represent a
sequence of characters, is the much more difficult art of OCR, which
will not be covered here.
### Pre-Unicode encodings
Work on encodings, mapping characters to numbers (code points), has a
longer history than electronic computing. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) is
reported to have used, around 1580, a five-bit encoding where bits were
represented as \"a\" or \"b\", of the English/Latin alphabet (without
the letters j and u!), long before Leibniz discussed binary arithmetics
in 1679. An early encoding in practical use was the 5-bit Baudot/CCIT-2
teletype (punch tape) code standardized in 1932, which could represent
digits and some punctuations by switching between two modes. I have
worked on Univac machines that used six bits per \"Fieldata\" character,
as hardware words were 36 bits long. While IBM used 8 bits in the EBCDIC
code, the more famous American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(ASCII) did basically the same job in 7 bits per character, which was
sufficient for upper/lowercase basic Latin (English) as well as digits
and a number of punctuations and other \"special\" characters - as
hardware tended to 8-bit bytes as smallest memory unit, one was left for
parity checks or other purposes.
The most important purpose, outside the US, was of course to accommodate
more letters required to represent the national writing system - Greek,
Russian, or the mixed set of accented or \"umlauted\" characters used in
virtually every country in Europe. Even England needed a code point for
the Pound Sterling sign. The general solution was to use the 128
additional positions available when ASCII was implemented as 8-bit
bytes, hex 80..FF. A whole flock of such encodings were defined and
- ISO standard encodings iso8859-.. (1-15)
- MS/DOS code pages cp\...
- Macintosh code pages mac\...
- Windows code pages cp1\...
### East Asian encodings
The East Asian countries China, Japan, and Korea all use character sets
numbering in the thousands, so the \"high ASCII\" approach was not
feasible there. Instead, the ASCII concept was extended to a 2x7 bit
pattern, where the 94 printing ASCII characters indicate row and column
in a 94x94 matrix. This way, all character codes were in practice two
bytes wide, and thousands of Hanzi/Kanji/Hangul could be accommodated,
plus hundreds of others (ASCII, Greek, Russian alphabets, many graphic
characters). These national multibyte encodings are:
- JIS C-6226 (Japan, 1978; significantly revised 1983, 1990)
- GB 2312-80 (Mainland China, 1980)
- KS C-5601 (South Korea, 1987)
If the 2x7 pattern was directly implemented, files in such encodings
could not be told apart from ASCII files, except for unreadability.
However, it does get some use in Japanese e-mails (in prevailing
conventions developed prior to 8-bit-clean mail servers), with ANSI
escape codes using the ESC control character being used to declare
sections of text as ASCII or JIS C-6226, in what has become known as
\"JIS encoding\" (or more properly as ISO-2022-JP).
Elsewhere, in order to handle both types of strings transparently in a
more practical manner, the \"high ASCII\" approach was extended so that
a byte in 00..7F was taken at ASCII face value, while bytes with high
bit set (80..FF) were interpreted as halves of multibyte codes. For
instance, the first Chinese character in GB2312, row 16 col 1 (decimally
1601 for short), gives the two bytes
`16 + 32 + 128 = 176 = 0xB0`\
` 1 + 32 + 128 = 161 = 0xA1`
This implementation became known as \"Extended UNIX Code\" (EUC) in the
national flavors euc-cn (China), -jp (Japan), -kr (Korea).
To add to the \"ideograph soup\" confusion, unlike euc-cn and euc-kr,
euc-jp (Japan) was not widely adopted on the Windows or Macintosh
platforms, which instead tend to use the incompatible ShiftJIS, which
re-arranges the codes to make space for older single-byte codes for
phonetic katakana characters. Also, Taiwan and Hong Kong use their own
\"Big 5\" encoding, which doesn\'t use the 94×94 structure. Unlike EUC
encodings, ASCII bytes can appear as the second byte of two-byte codes
in these encodings, which is also true of common extensions to the EUC
encodings (GBK extending euc-cn, Unified Hangul Code extending euc-kr).
### Unicode as pivot for all other encodings
The Unicode standard is an attempt to unify all modern character
encodings into one consistent 16-bit representation. Consider a page
with a 16x16 table filled with EuroLatin-1 (ISO 8859-1), the lower half
being the ASCII code points. Call that \"page 00\" and imagine a book of
256 or more such pages (with all kinds of other characters on them, in
majority CJK), then you have a pretty clear concept of the Unicode
standard, in which a character\'s code position is \"U+\" hex (page
number\*256+cell number), for instance, U+20A4 is a version of the Pound
Sterling sign. Initiated by the computer industry (www.unicode.org), the
Unicode has grown together with ISO 10646, a parallel standard providing
an up-to-31-bits encoding (one left for parity?) with the same scope.
Software must allow Unicode strings to be fit for i18n. From Unicode
version 3.1, the 16-bit limit was transcended for some rare writing
systems, but also for the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B -
apparently, even 65536 code positions are not enough. The total count in
Unicode 3.1 is 94,140 encoded characters, of which 70,207 are unified
Han ideographs; the next biggest group are over 14000 Korean Hangul. And
the number is growing.
### Unicode implementations: UTF-8, UCS-2/UTF-16
UTF-8 is made to cover 7-bit ASCII, Unicode, and ISO 10646. Characters
are represented as sequences of 1..6 eight-bit bytes - termed octets in
the character set business - (for ASCII: 1, for Unicode: 2..4) as
- ASCII 0x00..0x7F (Unicode page 0, left half): 0x00..0x7F. Nothing
- Unicode, pages 00..07: 2 bytes, `110aaabb 10bbbbbb`, where aaa are
the rightmost bits of page#, bb.. are the bits of the second Unicode
byte. These pages cover European/Extended Latin, Greek, Cyrillic,
Armenian, Hebrew, Arabic.
- Unicode, pages 08..FE: 3 bytes, `1110aaaa 10aaaabb 10bbbbbb`. These
cover the rest of the Basic Multilingual Plane, including Hangul,
Kanji, and what else. This means that East Asian texts are 50%
longer in UTF-8 than in pure 16 bit Unicode.
- Unicode, supplementary planes: 4 bytes,
`11110ppp 10ppaaaa 10aaaabb 10bbbbbb`. These were not part of the
original design of Unicode (only ISO 10646), but they were added to
the Unicode standard when it became clear that one plane would not
be sufficient for Unicode\'s goals. They mostly cover Emoji, ancient
writing systems, niche writing systems, enormous numbers of obscure
Kanji/Hanzi, and a few very new writing systems which postdate the
original design of Unicode.
- ISO 10646 codes beyond Unicode: 4..6 bytes. Since the current
approval process keeps the standards in sync by preventing ISO 10646
being allocated beyond the 17 Unicode planes, these are guaranteed
not to exist in the foreseeable future.
The general principle of UTF-8 is that the first byte either is a
single-byte character (if below 0x80), or indicates the length of a
multi-byte code by the number of 1\'s before the first 0, and is then
filled up with data bits. All other bytes start with bits 10 and are
then filled up with 6 data bits. It follows from this that bytes in
UTF-8 encoding fall in distinct ranges:
` 00..7F - plain ASCII`\
` 80..BF - non-initial bytes of multibyte code`\
` C2..FD - initial bytes of multibyte code (C0, C1 are not legal!)`\
` FE, FF - never used, so can be used to detect a UTF-16 byte-order mark (and thus, a non-UTF-8 file).`
The distinction between initial and non-initial helps in plausibility
checks, or to re-synchronize with missing data. Besides, it\'s
independent of byte order (as opposed to UCS-16, see below). Tcl however
shields these UTF-8 details from us: characters are just characters, no
matter whether 7 bit, 16 bit, or (in the future) more.
The byte sequence EF BB BF is the UTF-8 equivalent of \\uFEFF, which is
detected by Windows Notepad, which switches to the UTF-8 encoding when a
file starts with these three bytes, and writes them when saving a file
as UTF-8. This isn\'t always used elsewhere, but will generally override
an otherwise declared character encoding if a file starts with it.
The UCS-2 representation (in Tcl just called the \"unicode\" encoding)
is much more easily explained: each character code is written as a
16-bit \"short\" unsigned integer. The practical complication is that
the two memory bytes making up a \"short\" can be arranged in
\"big-endian\" (Motorola, Sparc) or \"little-endian\" (Intel) byte
order. Hence, the following rules were defined for Unicode:
- Code point U+FEFF was defined as Byte Order Mark (BOM), later
renamed to \"Zero-width non-breaking space\", although actually
using it in its secondary whitespace role is now considered
- Code point U+FFFE (as well as FFFF) is a guaranteed non-character,
and will never be a valid Unicode character. They are intended for
use as sentinels, or for other internal use, as well as for
detecting if the Byte Order Mark is being read incorrectly.
This way, a Unicode-reading application (even Notepad/W2k) can easily
detect that something\'s wrong when it encounters the byte sequence
FFFE, and swap the following byte pairs - a minimal and elegant way of
dealing with varying byte orders.
While Unicode was originally intended to fit entirely within UCS-2, with
the entirety of ISO 10646 requiring a 32-bit \"long\" (so-called UCS-4
or UTF-32), this distinction was later scrapped since one sixteen-bit
plane was no longer considered sufficient to achieve Unicode\'s goal.
Therefore, sixteen \"supplementary\" planes were added to Unicode, with
the original 16-bit plane being kept as the \"Plane 0\" or \"Basic
Multilingual Plane\". In order to use characters from supplementary
planes in interfaces expecting a UCS-2 stream, the range U+D800--U+DFFF
was guaranteed never to be used for Unicode characters. This allows
characters in supplementary planes to be unambiguously represented in an
otherwise UCS-2 stream, this is known as UTF-16.
A supplementary character is represented in big-endian UTF-16 as
follows, where `ssss` represents one less than the plane number. In
little-endian, the first two bytes are swapped and the last two bytes
are swapped, the entire sequence isn\'t reversed. This because it is
treated like a sequence of two UCS-2 characters.
` 110110ss ssaaaaaa 110111aa bbbbbbbb`
For XML, an encoding self-identification is defined with the encoding
attribute in the leading tag. This is only useful for documents which
can be treated as ASCII up to that point though, so UTF-16/UCS-2 has to
be detected beforehand or otherwise indicated.
### Tcl and encodings
From Tcl 8.1, i18n support was brought to string processing, and it was
wisely decided to
- use Unicode as general character set
- use UTF-8 as standard internal encoding
- provide conversion support for the many other encodings in use.
However, as unequal-length byte sequences make simple tasks as indexing
into a string, or determining its length in characters more complex, the
internal representation is converted to fixed-length 16-bit UCS-16 in
such cases. (This brings new problems with recent Unicodes that cross
the 16-bit barrier\... When practical use justifies it, this will have
to change to UCS-32, or 4 bytes per character.)
Not all i18n issues are therefore automatically solved for the user. One
still has to analyze seemingly simple tasks like uppercase conversion
(Turkish dotted/undotted I make an anomaly) or sorting (\"collation
order\" is not necessarily the numeric order of the Unicodes, as lsort
would apply by default), and write custom routines if a more correct
behavior is required. Other locale-dependent i18n issues like
number/currency formatting, date/time handling also belong to this
group. I recommend to start from the defaults Tcl provides, and if
necessary, customize the appearance as desired. International data
exchange is severely hampered if localized numeric data are exchanged,
one side using period, the other comma as decimal point\...
Strictly spoken, the Tcl implementation \"violates the UTF-8 spec, which
explicitly forbids non-canonical representation of characters and
requires that malformed UTF-8 sequences in the input be errors. \... I
think that to be an advantage. But the spec says \'MUST\' so we\'re at
least technically non-compliant.\" (Kevin B. Kenny in the Tcl chat,
If textual data are internal to your Tcl script, all you have to know is
the \\uxxxx notation, which is substituted into the character with
Unicode U+xxxx (hexadecimal). This notation can be used wherever Tcl
substitution takes place, even in braced regexp\'s and string map
pairlists; else you can force it by substing the string in question.
To demonstrate that for instance scan works transparently, here\'s a
one-liner to format any Unicode character as HTML hex entity:
`proc c2html c {format "&#x%4.4x;" [scan $c %c]}`
Conversely it takes a few lines more:
`proc html2u string {`\
` while {regexp {&#[xX;} $string matched hex]} {`\
` regsub -all $matched $string [format %c 0x$hex] string`\
` }`\
` set string`\
`% html2u "this is a &x20ac; sign"`\
`this is a € sign`
For all other purposes, two commands basically provide all i18n support:
`fconfigure $ch -encoding $e`
enables conversion from/to encoding e for an open channel (file or
socket) if different from system encoding;
`encoding convertfrom/to $e $string`
does what it says, the other encoding being always Unicode.
For instance, I could easily decode the bytes EF BB BF from a hexdump
`format %x [encoding convertfrom utf-8 \xef\xbb\xbf]`
in an interactive tclsh, and found that it stood for the famous
byte-order mark FEFF. Internally to Tcl, (almost) everything is a
Unicode string. All communications with the operating system is done in
the \"system encoding\", which you can query (but best not change) with
the \[encoding system\] command. Typical values are iso8859-1 or -15 on
European Linuxes, and cp1252 on European Windowses.
**Introspection**: Find out what encodings are available in your
installation with
`encoding names`
You can add new encodings by producing an .enc file and copying that in
the directory lib/tcl8.4/encoding (or similar) where the other .enc
files are situated. For the format of encoding files (which are text
files, consisting mostly of hex digits), see the man page
<http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.4/TclLib/Encoding.htm> . The basename of
your .enc file (without the .enc extension) will be the name under which
it can be addressed, e.g. for an encoding *iso4711* name the file
### Localization: message catalogs
Finally, the msgcat package supports localization (\"l10n\") of apps by
allowing message catalogs for translation of strings, typically for GUI
display, from a base language (typically English) to a target language
selected by the current locale. For example, an app to be localized for
France might contain a file en_fr.msg with, for simplicity, only the
`msgcat::mcset fr File Fichier`
In the app itself, all you need is
`package require msgcat`\
`namespace import msgcat::mc`\
`msgcat::mclocale fr ;#(1)`\
`pack [button .b -text [mc File]]`
to have the button display the localized text for \"File\", namely
\"Fichier\", as obtained from the message catalog. For other locales,
only a new message catalog has to be produced by translating from the
base language. Instead of explicit setting as in (1), typically the
locale information might come from an environment (LANG) or registry
### Tk: text rendering, fonts
Rendering international strings on displays or printers can pose the
biggest problems. First, you need fonts that contain the characters in
question. Fortunately, more and more fonts with international characters
are available, a pioneer being Bitstream Cyberbit that contains roughly
40000 glyphs and was for some time offered for free download on the Web.
Microsoft\'s Tahoma font also added support for most alphabet writings,
including Arabic. Arial Unicode MS delivered with Windows 2000 contains
just about all the characters in the Unicode, so even humble Notepad can
get truly international with that.
But having a good font is still not enough. While strings in memory are
arranged in logical order, with addresses increasing from beginning to
end of text, they may need to be rendered in other ways, with diacritics
shifted to various positions of the preceding character, or most evident
for the languages that are written from right to left (\"r2l\"): Arabic,
Hebrew. (Tk still lacks automatic \"bidi\"rectional treatment, so r2l
strings have to be directed \"wrongly\" in memory to appear right when
rendered - see A simple Arabic renderer on the Wiki).
Correct bidi treatment has consequences for cursor movement, line
justification, and line wrapping as well. Vertical lines progressing
from right to left are popular in Japan and Taiwan - and mandatory if
you had to render Mongolian.
Indian scripts like Devanagari are alphabets with about 40 characters,
but the sequence of consonants and vowels is partially reversed in
rendering, and consonant clusters must be rendered as ligatures of the
two or more characters involved - the pure single letters would look
very ugly to an Indian. An Indian font for one writing system already
contains several hundred glyphs. Unfortunately, Indian ligatures are not
contained in the Unicode (while Arabic ones are), so various vendor
standards apply for coding such ligatures.
#### A little i18n tester

Here\'s a little script that shows you what exotic characters your
system has available. It creates a text window and tries to show some
sample text for the specified languages (the screenshot is from a
PocketPC in the Bitstream Cyberbit font):
`pack [text .t -font {Helvetica 16}]`\
`.t insert end "`\
`Arabic \uFE94\uFEF4\uFE91\uFEAE\uFECC\uFEDF\uFE8D\uFE94\uFEE4\uFEE0\uFEDC\uFEDF\uFE8D`\
`Trad. Chinese \u4E2D\u570B\u7684\u6F22\u5B57`\
`Simplified Chinese \u6C49\u8BED`\
`Greek \u0395\u03BB\u03BB\u03B7\u03BD\u03B9\u03BA\u03AE\`\
`Hebrew \u05DD\u05D9\u05DC\u05E9\u05D5\u05E8\u05D9\`\
`Japanese \u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\u306E\u3072\u3089\u304C\u306A,\`\
`Korean \uB300\uD55C\uBBFC\uAD6D\uC758 \uD55C\uAE00 (\u3CA2\u3498)`\
`Russian \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439\`\
No font or size are specified, so you see the pure defaults (and notice
how Tk manages to find characters). You can then configure the text
widget for the fonts you\'d like to see.
#### Input methods in Tcl/Tk
To get outlandish characters not seen on the keyboard into the machine,
they may at lowest level be specified as escape sequences, e.g.
\"\\u2345\". But most user input will come from keyboards, for which
many layouts exist in different countries. In CJK countries, there is a
separate coding level between keys and characters: keystrokes, which may
stand for the pronunciation or geometric components of a character, are
collected in a buffer and converted into the target code when enough
context is available (often supported by on-screen menus to resolve
Finally, a \"virtual keyboard\" on screen, where characters are selected
by mouse click, is especially helpful for non-frequent use of rarer
characters, since the physical keyboard gives no hints which key is
mapped to which other code. This can be implemented by a set of buttons,
or minimally with a canvas that holds the provided characters as text
items, and bindings to \<1\>, so clicking on a character inserts its
code into the widget which has keyboard focus. See iKey: a tiny
multilingual keyboard.
The term \"input methods\" is often used for operating-system-specific
i18n support, but I have no experiences with this, doing i18n from a
German Windows installation. So far I\'m totally content with
hand-crafted pure Tcl/Tk solutions - see taiku on the Wiki.
### Transliterations: The Lish family
The Lish family is a set of transliterations, all designed to convert
strings in lowly 7-bit ASCII to appropriate Unicode strings in some
major non-Latin writing systems. The name comes from the common suffix
\"lish\" as in English, which is actually the neutral element of the
family, faithfully returning its input ;-) Some rules of thumb:
- One \*lish character should unambiguously map to one target
character, wherever applicable
- One target letter should be represented by one \*lish letter
(A-Za-z), wherever applicable. Special characters and digits should
be avoided for coding letters
- Mappings should be intuitive and/or follow established practices
<!-- -->
- In languages that distinguish case, the corresponding substitutes
for upper- and lowercase letters should also correspond casewise in
lower ASCII.
The Tclers\' Wiki <http://mini.net/tcl/> has the members of the Lish
family available for copy\'n\'paste. The ones I most frequently use are
- Arblish, which does context glyph selection and right-to-left
- Greeklish;
- Hanglish for Korean Hangul, which computes Unicodes from
initial-vowel-final letters;
- Ruslish for Cyrillic.
Calling examples, that return the Unicodes for the specified input:
` arblish dby w Abw Zby`\
` greeklish Aqh'nai`\
` hanglish se-qul`\
` heblish irwsliM`\
` ruslish Moskva i Leningrad`
#### Greeklish
It all began with Greeklish, which is not my invention, but used by
Greeks on the Internet for writing Greek without Greek fonts or
character set support. I just extended the practice I found with the
convention of marking accented vowels with a trailing apostrophe (so
it\'s not a strict 1:1 transliteration anymore). Special care was taken
to convert \"s\" at word end to \"c\", so it produces the final-sigma.
Here is the code:
`proc greeklish str {`\
` regsub -all {s([ \t\n.,:;])} $str {c\1} str`\
` string map {`\
` A' \u386 E' \u388 H' \u389 I' \u38a O' \u38c U' \u38e W' \u38f`\
` a' \u3ac e' \u3ad h' \u3ae i' \u3af o' \u3cc u' \u3cd w' \u3ce`\
` A \u391 B \u392 G \u393 D \u394 E \u395 Z \u396 H \u397 Q \u398`\
` I \u399 K \u39a L \u39b M \u39c N \u39d J \u39e O \u39f P \u3a0`\
` R \u3a1 S \u3a3 T \u3a4 U \u3a5 F \u3a6 X \u3a7 Y \u3a8 W \u3a9`\
` a \u3b1 b \u3b2 g \u3b3 d \u3b4 e \u3b5 z \u3b6 h \u3b7 q \u3b8`\
` i \u3b9 k \u3ba l \u3bb m \u3bc n \u3bd j \u3be o \u3bf p \u3c0`\
` r \u3c1 c \u3c2 s \u3c3 t \u3c4 u \u3c5 f \u3c6 x \u3c7 y \u3c8 `\
` w \u3c9 ";" \u387 ? ";"`\
` } $str`\
`% greeklish Aqh'nai`\
`% greeklish "eis thn po'lin"`\
`εις την πόλιν`
#### Hanglish
Even though the Korean Hangul writing has many thousands of syllable
characters, it is possible to compute the Unicode from the spelling of a
syllable and vice versa. Here\'s how:
`proc hangul2hanglish s {`\
` set lead {g gg n d dd r m b bb s ss "" j jj c k t p h}`\
` set vowel {a ae ya yai e ei ye yei o oa oai oi yo u ue uei ui yu w wi i}`\
` set tail {"" g gg gs n nj nh d l lg lm lb ls lt lp lh m b bs s ss ng j c k t p h}`\
` set res ""`\
` foreach c [split $s ""] {`\
` scan $c %c cnum`\
` if {$cnum>=0xAC00 && $cnum<0xD7A3} {`\
` incr cnum -0xAC00`\
` set l [expr {$cnum / (28*21)}]`\
` set v [expr {($cnum/28) % 21}]`\
` set t [expr {$cnum % 28}]`\
` append res [lindex $lead $l ]`\
` append res [lindex $vowel $v]`\
` append res "[lindex $tail $t] "`\
` } else {append res $c}`\
` }`\
` set res`\
`proc hanglish2uc hanglish {`\
` set L ""; set V "" ;# in case regexp doesn't hit`\
` set hanglish [string map {`\
` } [string toupper $hanglish]]`\
` $hanglish -> L V T ;# lead cons.-vowel-trail cons.`\
` if {$L==""} {set L Q}`\
` if {$V==""} {return $hanglish}`\
` set l [lsearch {G GG N D DD L M B BB S SS Q J JJ C K T P H} $L]`\
` set v [lsearch {A R V F E EI X XI O OA OR OI Y U UE UEI UI Z W WI I} $V]`\
` set t [lsearch {"" G GG GS N NJ NH D L LG LM LB LS LT LP LH \`\
` M B BS S SS Q J C K T P H} $T] ;# trailing consonants`\
` if {[min $l $v $t] < 0} {return $hanglish}`\
` format %c [expr {$l*21*28 + $v*28 + $t + 0xAC00}]`\
`proc min args {lindex [lsort -real $args] 0}`\
`proc hanglish argl {`\
` set res ""`\
` foreach i $argl {`\
` foreach j [split $i -] {append res [hanglish2uc $j]}`\
` }`\
` append res " "`\
### Collation
Collation is \"the logical ordering of character or wide-character
strings according to defined precedence rules. These rules identify a
collation sequence between the collating elements, and such additional
rules that can be used to order strings consisting of multiple collating
Tcl\'s **lsort** sorts according to numerical Unicode values, which may
not be correct in some locales. For instance, in Portuguese, accented
letters should sort as if they weren\'t, but in Unicode sequence come
after \"z\".
The following simple code takes a map in which collation differences can
be listed as {from to from to\...}, sorts the mapped items, and
retrieves only the original elements:
`proc collatesort {list map} {`\
` set l2 {}`\
` foreach e $list {`\
` lappend l2 [list $e [string map $map $e]]`\
` }`\
` set res {}`\
` foreach e [lsort -index 1 $l2] {lappend res [lindex $e 0]}`\
` set res`\
Testing, Portuguese:
`% collatesort {ab ãc ãd ae} {ã a}`\
`ab ãc ãd ae`
Spanish (ll sorts after lz):
`% collatesort {llano luxación leche} {ll lzz}`\
`leche luxación llano`
German (umlauts sorted as if \"ä\" was \"ae\"):
`% lsort {Bar Bär Bor}`\
`Bar Bor Bär`\
`% collatesort {Bar Bär Bor} {ä ae}`\
`Bär Bar Bor`
# Tcl Programming/regexp
### Overview
Another language (I wouldn\'t want to call it \"little\") embedded
inside Tcl is *regular expressions*. They may not look like this to
you - but they follow (many) rules, indeed. The purpose is to describe a
string pattern to match with - for searching, extracting, or replacing
Regular expressions are used in the *regexp*, *regsub* commands, and
optionally in *lsearch* and *switch*. Note that this language is very
different from Tcl itself, so in most cases it is best to brace an RE,
to prevent the Tcl parser from misunderstanding them.
Before the gory details begin, let\'s start with some examples:
`regexp {[0-9]+[a-z]} $input `
returns 1 if \$input contains one or more digits, followed by a
lowercase letter.
`set result [regsub -all {[A-Z]} $input ""]`
deletes all uppercase letters from \$input, and saves that to the
*result* variable.
`lsearch -all -inline -regexp $input {^-}`
returns all elements in the list \$input which start with a \"-\".
### Character classes
Many characters just stand for themselves. E.g.
matches indeed the character \"a\". Any Unicode can be specified in the
\\uXXXX format. In brackets (not the same as Tcl\'s), a set of
alternatives (a \"class\") is defined:
matches \"a\", \"b\", or \"c\". A dash (-) between two characters spans
the range between them, e.g.
matches one decimal digit. To have literal \"-\" in a set of
alternatives, put it first or last:
matches a digit or a minus sign. A bracketed class can be negated by
starting it with \^, e.g.
matches any character that is not a decimal digit. The period \".\"
represents one instance of any character. If a literal \".\" is intended
(or in general, to escape any character that has a special meaning to
the regexp syntax), put a backslash \"\\\" before it - and make sure the
regular expression is braced, so the Tcl parser doesn\'t eat up the
backslash early\...).
### Quantifiers
To repeat a character (set) other than once, there are quantifiers put
behind it, e.g.
`a+ matches one or more "a"s,`\
`a? matches zero or one "a",`\
`a* matches zero or more "a"s.`
There is also a way of numeric quantification, using braces (again, not
the same as Tcl\'s):
`a{2} matches two "a"s - same as "aa"`\
`a{1,5} matches one to five "a"s`\
`a{1,} one or more - like a+`\
`a{0,1} zero or one - like a?`\
`a{0,} zero or more - like a*`
The + and \* quantifiers act \"greedy\", i.e. they consume the longest
possible substring. For non-greedy behavior, which provides the shortest
possible match, add a \"?\" in behind. Examples:
`% regexp -inline {<(.+)>} ``<foo>`{=html}`<bar>`{=html}`<grill>`{=html}\
`<foo>`{=html}`<bar>`{=html}`<grill>`{=html}` foo>``<bar>`{=html}`<grill`
This matches until the last close-bracket
`% regexp -inline {<(.+?)>} ``<foo>`{=html}`<bar>`{=html}`<grill>`{=html}\
`<foo>`{=html}` foo`
This matches until the first close-bracket.
### Anchoring
By default, a regular expression can match anywhere in a string. You can
limit that to the beginning (\^) and/or end (\$):
`regexp {^a.+z$} $input`
succeeds if input begins with \"a\" and ends with \"z\", and has one or
more characters between them.
### Grouping
A part of a regular expression can be grouped by putting parentheses ()
around it. This can have several purposes:
- *regexp* and *regsub* can extract or refer to such substrings
- the operator precedence can be controlled
The \"\|\" (or) operator has high precedence. So
`foo|bar grill`
matches the strings \"foo\" or \"bar grill\", while
`(foo|bar) grill`
matches \"foo grill\" or \"bar grill\".
`(a|b|c) ;# is another way to write [abc]`
For extracting substrings into separate variables, *regexp* allows
additional arguments:
`regexp ?options? re input fullmatch part1 part2...`
Here, variable *fullmatch* will receive the substring of *input* that
matched the regular expression *re*, while part1 etc. receive the
parenthesized submatches. As *fullmatch* is often not needed, it has
become an eye-candy idiom to use the variable name \"-\>\" in that
position, e.g.
`regexp {(..)(...)} $input -> first second`
places the first two characters of *input* in the variable \'first*, and
the next three in the variable*second*. If \$input was
\"ab123\",*first*will hold \"ab\", and*second\'\' will contain \"123\".
In **regsub** and **regexp**, you can refer to parenthesized submatches
with \\1 for the first, \\2 for the second, etc. \\0 is the full match,
as with *regexp* above. Example:
`% regsub {(..)(...)} ab123 {\2\1=\0}`\
Here \\1 contains \"ab\", \\2 contains \"123\", and \\0 is the full
match \"ab123\". Another example, how to find four times the same
lowercase letter in a row (the first occurrence, plus then three):
`regexp {([a-z])\1{3}} $input`
### More examples
Parse the contents in angle brackets (note that the result contains the
full match and the submatch in paired sequence, so use *foreach* to
extract only the submatches):
`% regexp -all -inline {<([^>]+)>} x``<a>`{=html}`y<b>z``<c>`{=html}`d`\
`<a>`{=html}` a <b> b ``<c>`{=html}` c`
Insert commas between groups of three digits into the integer part of a
`% regsub -all {\d(?=(\d{3})+($|\.))} 1234567.89 {\0,}`\
In other countries, you might use an apostrophe (\') as separator, or
make groups of four digits (used in Japan).
In the opposite direction, converting such formatted numbers back to the
regular way for use in calculations, the task consists simply of
removing all commas. This can be done with **regsub**:
`% regsub -all , 1,234,567.89 ""`\
but as the task involves only constant strings (comma and empty string),
it is more efficient not to use regular expressions here, but use a
**string map** command:
`% string map {, ""} 1,234,567.89`\
# Tcl Programming/Debugging
Tcl itself is quite a good teacher. Don\'t be afraid to do something
wrong - it will most often deliver a helpful error message. When tclsh
is called with no arguments, it starts in an interactive mode and
displays a \"%\" prompt. The user types something in and sees what comes
out: either the result or an error message.
Trying isolated test cases interactively, and pasting the command into
the editor when satisfied, can greatly reduce debugging time (there is
no need to restart the application after every little change - just make
sure it\'s the right one, before restarting.)
### A quick tour
Here\'s a commented session transcript:
`% hello`\
`invalid command name "hello"`
OK, so we\'re supposed to type in a command. Although it doesn\'t look
so, here\'s one:
`% hi`\
` 1 hello`\
` 2 hi`
Interactive tclsh tries to guess what we mean, and \"hi\" is the
unambiguous prefix of the \"history\" command, whose results we see
here. Another command worth remembering is \"info\":
`% info`\
`wrong # args: should be "info option ?arg arg ...?"`
The error message tells us there should be at least one option, and
optionally more arguments.
`% info option`\
`bad option "option": must be args, body, cmdcount, commands, complete, default,`\
`exists, functions, globals, hostname, level, library, loaded, locals, nameofexecutable,`\
`patchlevel, procs, script, sharedlibextension, tclversion, or vars`
Another helpful error: \"option\" is not an option, but the valid ones
are listed. To get information about commands, it makes sense to type
the following:
`% info commands`\
`tell socket subst lremove open eof tkcon_tcl_gets pwd glob list exec pid echo `\
`dir auto_load_index time unknown eval lrange tcl_unknown fblocked lsearch gets `\
`auto_import case lappend proc break dump variable llength tkcon auto_execok return`\
`pkg_mkIndex linsert error bgerror catch clock info split thread_load loadvfs array`\
`if idebug fconfigure concat join lreplace source fcopy global switch which auto_qualify`\
`update tclPkgUnknown close clear cd for auto_load file append format tkcon_puts alias `\
`what read package set unalias pkg_compareExtension binary namespace scan edit trace seek `\
`while flush after more vwait uplevel continue foreach lset rename tkcon_gets fileevent `\
`regexp tkcon_tcl_puts observe_var tclPkgSetup upvar unset encoding expr load regsub history`\
`exit interp puts incr lindex lsort tclLog observe ls less string`
Oh my, quite many\... How many?
`% llength [info commands]`\
Now for a more practical task - let\'s let Tcl compute the value of Pi.
`% expr acos(-1)`\
Hm.. can we have that with more precision?
`% set tcl_precision 17`\
`% expr acos(-1)`\
Back to the first try, where \"hello\" was an invalid command. Let\'s
just create a valid one:
`% proc hello {} {puts Hi!}`
Silently acknowledged. Now testing:
`% hello`\
### Errors are exceptions
What in Tcl is called **error** is in fact more like an *exception* in
other languages - you can deliberately raise an error, and also
**catch** errors. Examples:
`if {$username eq ""} {error "please specify a user name"}`
`if [catch {open $filename w} fp] {`\
` error "$filename is not writable"`\
One reason for errors can be an undefined command name. One can use this
playfully, together with *catch*, as in the following example of a
multi-loop *break*, that terminates the two nested loops when a matrix
element is empty:
`if [catch {`\
` foreach row $matrix {`\
` foreach col $row {`\
` if {$col eq ""} throw`\
` }`\
` }`\
`}] {puts "empty matrix element found"}`
The *throw* command does not exist in normal Tcl, so it throws an error,
which is caught by the *catch* around the outer loop.
#### The errorInfo variable
This global variable provided by Tcl contains the last error message and
the traceback of the last error. Silly example:
`% proc foo {} {bar x}`\
`% proc bar {input} {grill$input}`\
`% foo`\
`invalid command name "grillx"`
`% set errorInfo`\
`invalid command name "grillx"`\
` while executing`\
` (procedure "bar" line 1)`\
` invoked from within`\
`"bar x"`\
` (procedure "foo" line 1)`\
` invoked from within`\
If no error has occurred yet, *errorInfo* will contain the empty string.
#### The errorCode variable
In addition, there is the *errorCode* variable that returns a list of up
to three elements:
- category (POSIX, ARITH, \...)
- abbreviated code for the last error
- human-readable error text
`% open not_existing`\
`couldn't open "not_existing": no such file or directory`\
`% set errorCode`\
`POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}`
`% expr 1/0`\
`divide by zero`\
`% set errorCode`\
`ARITH DIVZERO {divide by zero}`
`% foo`\
`invalid command name "foo"`\
`% set errorCode`\
### Tracing procedure calls
For a quick overview how some procedures are called, and when, and what
do they return, and when, the *trace execution* is a valuable tool.
Let\'s take the following factorial function as example:
`proc fac x {expr {$x<2? 1 : $x * [fac [incr x -1]]}} `
We need to supply a handler that will be called with different numbers
of arguments (two on enter, four on leave). Here\'s a very simple one:
`proc tracer args {puts $args}`
Now we instruct the interpreter to trace *enter* and *leave* of *fac*:
`trace add execution fac {enter leave} tracer`
Let\'s test it with the factorial of 7:
`fac 7`
which gives, on stdout:
`{fac 7} enter`\
`{fac 6} enter`\
`{fac 5} enter`\
`{fac 4} enter`\
`{fac 3} enter`\
`{fac 2} enter`\
`{fac 1} enter`\
`{fac 1} 0 1 leave`\
`{fac 2} 0 2 leave`\
`{fac 3} 0 6 leave`\
`{fac 4} 0 24 leave`\
`{fac 5} 0 120 leave`\
`{fac 6} 0 720 leave`\
`{fac 7} 0 5040 leave`
So we can see how recursion goes down to 1, then returns in backward
order, stepwise building up the final result. The 0 that comes as second
word in \"leave\" lines is the return status, 0 being TCL_OK.
### Stepping through a procedure
To find out how exactly a proc works (and what goes wrong where), you
can also register commands to be called before and after a command
inside a procedure is called (going down transitively to all called
procs). You can use the following *step* and *interact* procedures for
`proc step {name {yesno 1}} {`\
` set mode [expr {$yesno? "add" : "remove"}]`\
` trace $mode execution $name {enterstep leavestep} interact`\
`proc interact args {`\
` if {[lindex $args end] eq "leavestep"} {`\
` puts ==>[lindex $args 2]`\
` return`\
` }`\
` puts -nonewline "$args --"`\
` while 1 {`\
` puts -nonewline "> "`\
` flush stdout`\
` gets stdin cmd`\
` if {$cmd eq "c" || $cmd eq ""} break`\
` catch {uplevel 1 $cmd} res`\
` if {[string length $res]} {puts $res}`\
` }`\
`#----------------------------Test case, a simple string reverter:`\
`proc sreverse str {`\
` set res ""`\
` for {set i [string length $str]} {$i > 0} {} {`\
` append res [string index $str [incr i -1]]`\
` }`\
` set res`\
`#-- Turn on stepping for ``sreverse``:`\
`step sreverse`\
`sreverse hello`
`#-- Turn off stepping (you can also type this command from inside interact):`\
`step sreverse 0`\
`puts [sreverse Goodbye]`
The above code gives the following transcript when sourced into a tclsh:
`{set res {}} enterstep -->`\
`{for {set i [string length $str]} {$i > 0} {} {`\
` append res [string index $str [incr i -1]]`\
` }} enterstep -->`\
`{string length hello} enterstep -->`\
`{set i 5} enterstep -->`\
`{incr i -1} enterstep -->`\
`{string index hello 4} enterstep -->`\
`{append res o} enterstep -->`\
`{incr i -1} enterstep -->`\
`{string index hello 3} enterstep -->`\
`{append res l} enterstep -->`\
`{incr i -1} enterstep -->`\
`{string index hello 2} enterstep -->`\
`{append res l} enterstep -->`\
`{incr i -1} enterstep -->`\
`{string index hello 1} enterstep -->`\
`{append res e} enterstep -->`\
`{incr i -1} enterstep -->`\
`{string index hello 0} enterstep -->`\
`{append res h} enterstep -->`\
`{set res} enterstep -->`\
### Debugging
The simplest way to inspect why something goes wrong is inserting a
*puts* command before the place where it happens. Say if you want to see
the values of variables x and y, just insert
`puts x:$x,y:$y`
(if the string argument contains no spaces, it needs not be quoted). The
output will go to stdout - the console from where you started the
script. On Windows or Mac, you might need to add the command
`console show`
to get the substitute console Tcl creates for you, when no real one is
If at some time you want to see details of what your program does, and
at others not, you can define and redefine a *dputs* command that either
calls *puts* or does nothing:
`proc d+ {} {proc dputs args {puts $args}}`\
`proc d- {} {proc dputs args {}}`\
`d+ ;# initially, tracing on... turn off with d-`
For more debugging comfort, add the proc *interact* from above to your
code, and put a call to *interact* before the place where the error
happens. Some useful things to do at such a debugging prompt:
`info level 0 ;# shows how the current proc was called`\
`info level ;# shows how deep you are in the call stack`\
`uplevel 1 ... ;# execute the ... command one level up, i.e. in the caller of the current proc`\
`set ::errorInfo ;# display the last error message in detail`
### Assertions
Checking data for certain conditions is a frequent operation in coding.
Absolutely intolerable conditions can just throw an error:
` if {$temperature > 100} {error "ouch... too hot!"}`
Where the error occurred is evident from ::errorInfo, which will look a
bit clearer (no mention of the error command) if you code
` if {$temperature > 100} {return -code error "ouch... too hot!"}`
If you don\'t need hand-crafted error messages, you can factor such
checks out to an assert command:
`proc assert condition {`\
` set s "{$condition}"`\
` if {![uplevel 1 expr $s]} {`\
` return -code error "assertion failed: $condition"`\
` }`\
Use cases look like this:
` assert {$temperature <= 100}`
Note that the condition is reverted - as \"assert\" means roughly \"take
for granted\", the positive case is specified, and the error is raised
if it is not satisfied.
Tests for internal conditions (that do not depend on external data) can
be used during development, and when the coder is sure they are
bullet-proof to always succeed, (s)he can turn them off centrally in one
place by defining
`proc assert args {}`
This way, assertions are compiled to no bytecode at all, and can remain
in the source code as a kind of documentation.
If assertions are tested, it only happens at the position where they
stand in the code. Using a trace, it is also possible to specify a
condition once, and have it tested whenever a variable\'s value changes:
`proc assertt {varName condition} {`\
` uplevel 1 [list trace var $varName w "assert $condition ;#"]`\
The \";#\" at the end of the trace causes the additional arguments name
element op, that are appended to the command prefix when a trace fires,
to be ignored as a comment.
`% assertt list {[llength $list]<10}`\
`% set list {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8}`\
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8`\
`% lappend list 9 10`\
`can't set "list": assertion failed: 10<10`
The error message isn\'t as clear as could be, because the \[llength
\$list\] is already substituted in it. But I couldn\'t find an easy
solution to that quirk in this breakfast fun project - backslashing the
\$condition in the assertt code sure didn\'t help. Better ideas welcome.
To make the assertion condition more readable, we could quote the
condition one more time,i.e
``` tcl
% assertt list {{[llength $list]<10}}
% set list {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
% lappend list 9 10
can't set "list": assertion failed: [llength $list]<10
In this case,when trace trigger fires, the argument for assert is
{\[llength \$list\]\<10}.
In any case, these few lines of code give us a kind of bounds checking -
the size of Tcl\'s data structures is in principle only bounded by the
available virtual memory, but runaway loops may be harder to debug,
compared to a few assertt calls for suspicious variables:
`assertt aString {[string length $aString]<1024}`
`assertt anArray {[array size anArray] < 1024*1024}`
Tcllib has a control::assert with more bells and whistles.
### A tiny testing framework
Bugs happen. The earlier found, the easier for the coder, so the golden
rule \"Test early. Test often\" should really be applied.
One easy way is adding self-tests to a file of Tcl code. When the file
is loaded as part of a library, just the proc definitions are executed.
If however you feed this file directly to a tclsh, that fact is
detected, and the \"e.g.\" calls are executed. If the result is not the
one expected, this is reported on stdout; and in the end, you even get a
little statistics.
Here\'s a file that implements and demonstrates \"e.g.\":
`# PROLOG -- self-test: if this file is sourced at top level:`\
`if {[info exists argv0]&&[file tail [info script]] eq [file tail $argv0]} {`\
` set Ntest 0; set Nfail 0`\
` proc e.g. {cmd -> expected} {`\
` incr ::Ntest`\
` catch {uplevel 1 $cmd} res`\
` if {$res ne $expected} {`\
` puts "$cmd -> $res, expected $expected"`\
` incr ::Nfail`\
` }`\
` }`\
`} else {proc e.g. args {}} ;# does nothing, compiles to nothing`
`##------------- Your code goes here, with e.g. tests following`\
`proc sum {a b} {expr {$a+$b}}`\
`e.g. {sum 3 4} -> 7`
`proc mul {a b} {expr {$a*$b}}`\
`e.g. {mul 7 6} -> 42`
`# testing a deliberate error (this way, it passes):`\
`e.g. {expr 1/0} -> "divide by zero"`
`## EPILOG -- show statistics:`\
`e.g. {puts "[info script] : tested $::Ntest, failed $::Nfail"} -> ""`
### Guarded proc
In more complex Tcl software, it may happen that a procedure is defined
twice with different body and/or args, causing hard-to-track errors. The
Tcl command *proc* itself doesn\'t complain if it is called with an
existing name. Here is one way to add this functionality. Early in your
code, you overload the proc command like this:
` rename proc _proc`\
` _proc proc {name args body} {`\
` set ns [uplevel namespace current]`\
` if {[info commands $name]!="" || [info commands ${ns}::$name]!=""} {`\
` puts stderr "warning: [info script] redefines $name in $ns"`\
` }`\
` uplevel [list _proc $name $args $body]`\
` }`
From the time that is sourced, any attempt to override a proc name will
be reported to stderr (on Win-wish, it would show on the console in
red). You may make it really strict by adding an \"exit\" after the
\"puts stderr \...\", or throw an error.
Known feature: proc names with wildcards will run into this trap, e.g.
` proc * args {expr [join $args *]*1}`
will always lead to a complaint because \"\*\" fits any proc name. Fix
(some regsub magic on \'name\') left as an exercise.
### Windows wish console
While on Unixes, the standard channels *stdin*, *stdout*, and *stderr*
are the same as the terminal you started wish from, a Windows *wish*
doesn\'t typically have these standard channels (and is mostly started
with double-click anyway). To help this, a console was added that takes
over the standard channels (stderr even coming in red, stdin in blue).
The console is normally hidden, but can be brought up with the command
` console show`
You can also use the partially documented \"console\" command. \"console
\" evals the given script in the Tcl interpreter that manages the
console. The console\'s text area is actually a text widget created in
this interpreter. For example:
` console eval {.console config -font Times}`
will change the font of the console to \"Times\". Since the console is a
Tk text widget, you can use all text widget commands and options on it
(for example, changing colors, bindings\...).
`console eval {winfo children .}`
tells you more about the console widget: it is a toplevel with children
.menu, .console (text), and .sb (scrollbar). You can resize the whole
thing with
`console eval {wm geometry . $Wx$H+$X+$Y}`
where \$W and \$H are dimensions in character cells (default 80x24), but
\$X and \$Y are in pixels.
And more again: you can even add widgets to the console - try
`console eval {pack [button .b -text hello -command {puts hello}]}`
The button appears between the text widget and the scroll bar, and looks
and does as expected. There is also a way back: the main interpreter is
visible in the console interpreter under the name, consoleinterp.
### Remote debugging
Here\'s a simple experiment on how to connect two Tcl processes so that
one (call it \"debugger\") can inspect and control the other
(\"debuggee\"). Both must have an event loop running (which is true when
Tk runs, or when started with e.g. *vwait forever*).
As this goes over a socket connection, the two processes could be on
different hosts and operating systems (though I\'ve so far tested only
the localhost variety). Use at your own risk, of course\... :\^)
The \"debuggee\" contains in my experiments the following code, in
addition to its own:
`proc remo_server {{port 3456}} {`\
` set sock [socket -server remo_accept $port]`\
`proc remo_accept {socket adr port} {`\
` fileevent $socket readable [list remo_go $socket]`\
`proc remo_go {sock} {`\
` gets $sock line`\
` catch {uplevel \#0 $line} res`\
` puts $sock $res`\
` if [catch {flush $sock}] {close $sock}`\
The \"debugger\" in this version (remo.tcl) runs only on Windows in a
wish, as it needs a console, but you could modify it to avoid these
`#!/usr/bin/env wish`\
`console show`\
`wm withdraw .`\
`set remo [socket localhost 3456]`\
`fileevent $remo readable "puts `$$gets $remo$$`"`\
`proc r args {puts $::remo [join $args]; flush $::remo}`\
`puts "remote connection ready - use r to talk"`
Now from *remo* you can call any Tcl command in the \"debuggee\", where
it is executed in global scope, so in particular you can inspect (and
modify) global variables. But you could also redefine procs on the fly,
or whatever tickles your fancy\... Examples from a remo session, showing
that the two have different pids, how errors are reported, and that
quoting is different from normal (needs more work):
`10 % pid`\
`11 % r pid`\
`12 % r wm title . "Under remote control"`\
`wrong # args: should be "wm title window ?newTitle?"`\
`13 % r wm title . {"Under remote control"}`
# Tcl Programming/Working with files
### Files and channels
In addition to the functionalities known from C\'s stdio, Tcl offers
more commands that deal with files, similar to what shells provide,
though often a bit more verbose. Here are some examples:
`glob *.tcl`
List all files in the current directory that match the pattern \*.tcl.
`file copy /from/path/file.ext /to/path`\
`file delete /from/path/file.ext`\
`file rename before.txt after.txt`\
`cd /an/other/directory`\
To let code temporarily execute in another directory, use this pattern:
`set here [pwd]`\
`cd $someotherdir`\
`#... code here`\
`cd $here`
More precisely, many \"file\" operations work in general on
\"channels\", which can be
- standard channels (stdin, stdout, stderr)
- files as opened with **open \...**
- pipes as opened with *\'open \|\...*
- sockets (TCP)
### File names
Files are often addressed with *path names*, which indicate their
position in the directory tree. Like Unix, Tcl uses \"/\" as path
separator, while on Windows \"\\\" is the native way - which brings
trouble not only to Tcl, but even to C, because \"\\\" is the escape
character on both, so that e.g. \\t is parsed as horizontal tab, \\n as
newline, etc. Fortunately Windows accepts natively \"/\" as well, so you
can use forward slash in both Tcl and C programs as path separator
without worries. However, you still have to take care of escape
sequences. One stopgap measure is
- to escape the escape character, i.e. write \\\\ for \\, or
- brace backslashed names, e.g. {\\foo\\bar\\grill.txt}
But Tcl allows to use the \"normal\" separator / in almost all
situations, so you\'re safer off with that. Unfortunately, things are
sad for Mac users, since MacOS (before X) accepts only \":\" as file
If you need to, here\'s ways to convert between the two forms:
`% file normalize \\foo\\bar\\grill.txt`\
`% file nativename /foo/bar/grill.txt`\
You can even use file join command: *file join arg1 arg2 \... argN*
Tcl will then take care of all platform dependent details to create
platform independent path. For example:
*set somepath \[file join foo bar grill.txt\]*
will result in following path (on windows machine): foo/bar/grill.txt
### Input and output
Tcl\'s input/output commands are pretty closely based on those from C\'s
stdio (just strip off the leading *f*):
- set handle \[**open** *filename ?mode?*\]
- set data \[**read** *\$handle ?int?*\]
- **tell** *\$handle*
- **seek** *\$handle offset ?from?*
- **puts** *?-nonewline? ?\$handle? content*
- **gets** *\$handle ?varname?*
- **close** *\$handle*
C\'s *printf* functionality is split in two steps:
- format the data into a string with **format** (which is very much
like *sprintf*)
- output the resulting string with **puts**. For example,
`puts $handle [format "%05d %s" $number $text]`
To process a text file line by line, you have two choices. If the file
is smaller than several megabytes, you can read it just in one go:
`set f [open $filename]`\
`foreach line [split [read $f] \n] {`\
` # work with $line here ...`\
`close $f`
For files of any big size, you can read the lines one by one (though
this is slightly slower than the above approach):
`set f [open $filename]`\
`while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {`\
` # work with $line here ...`\
`close $f`\
Finally, if you can format your file so that it is executable Tcl code,
the following reading method is fastest:
`source $filename`
To \"touch a file\", i.e. create it if not exists, and in any case
update its modification time, you can use this:
`proc touch name {close [open $name a]}`
### \"Binary\" files
All files are made of bytes, which are made of bits, which are binary.
The term \"binary\" with files relates mostly to the fact that they can
contain bytes of any value, and line-ends (Carriage Return+Newline in
the DOS/Windows world) are not to be translated. Tcl can handle
\"binary\" files without a problem \-- just configure the channel as
binary after opening:
`set fp [open tmp.jpg]`\
`fconfigure $fp -translation binary`\
`set content [read $fp]`\
`close $fp`
Now the variable *content* holds the file\'s contents, byte for byte.
To test whether a file is \"binary\", in the sense that it contains NUL
`proc binary? filename {`\
` set f [open $filename]`\
` set data [read $f 1024]`\
` close $f`\
` expr {[string first \x00 $data]>=0}`\
### The file command
Many useful operations with files are collected in the **file** command.
The first argument tells which operation to do:
- file atime name ?time?
- file attributes name
- file attributes name ?option?
- file attributes name ?option value option value\...?
- file channels ?pattern? - returns the handles of currently open
- file copy ?-force? ?- -? source target
- file copy ?-force? ?- -? source ?source \...? targetDir
- file delete ?-force? ?- -? pathname ?pathname \... ?
- file dirname name - e.g. \[file dirname /foo/bar/grill.txt\] -\>
- file executable name
- file exists name
- file extension name - e.g. \[file extension /foo/bar/grill.txt\] -\>
- file isdirectory name
- file isfile name
- file join name ?name \...?
- file link ?-linktype? linkName ?target?
- file lstat name varName
- file mkdir dir ?dir \...? - creates one or more directories
- file mtime name ?time?
- file nativename name
- file normalize name
- file owned name
- file pathtype name
- file readable name
- file readlink name
- file rename ?-force? ?- -? source target
- file rename ?-force? ?- -? source ?source \...? targetDir
- file rootname name - e.g. \[file rootname /foo/bar/grill.txt\] -\>
- file separator ?name?
- file size name
- file split name - e.g \[file split /foo/bar/grill.txt\] -\> {foo bar
- file stat name varName
- file system name
- file tail name - e.g. \[file tail /foo/bar/grill.txt\] -\> grill.txt
- file type name
- file volumes - Windows: returns your \"drive letters\", e.g {A:/
- file writable name
# Tcl Programming/Examples
Most of these example scripts first appeared in the Tclers\' Wiki
<http://wiki.tcl.tk> . The author (Richard Suchenwirth) declares them to
be fully in the public domain. The following scripts are plain Tcl, they
don\'t use the Tk GUI toolkit (there\'s a separate chapter for those).
### Sets as lists
Tcl\'s lists are well suited to represent sets. Here\'s typical set
operations. If you use the tiny testing framework explained earlier, the
*e.g.* lines make the self-test; otherwise they just illustrate how the
operations should work.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc set'contains {set el} {expr {[lsearch -exact $set $el]>=0}}
e.g. {set'contains {A B C} A} -> 1
e.g. {set'contains {A B C} D} -> 0
proc set'add {_set args} {
upvar 1 $_set set
foreach el $args {
if {![set'contains $set $el]} {lappend set $el}
set set
set example {1 2 3}
e.g. {set'add example 4} -> {1 2 3 4}
e.g. {set'add example 4} -> {1 2 3 4}
proc set'remove {_set args} {
upvar 1 $_set set
foreach el $args {
set pos [lsearch -exact $set $el]
set set [lreplace $set $pos $pos]
set set
e.g. {set'remove example 3} -> {1 2 4}
proc set'intersection {a b} {
foreach el $a {set arr($el) ""}
set res {}
foreach el $b {if {[info exists arr($el)]} {lappend res $el}}
set res
e.g. {set'intersection {1 2 3 4} {2 4 6 8}} -> {2 4}
proc set'union {a b} {
foreach el $a {set arr($el) ""}
foreach el $b {set arr($el) ""}
lsort [array names arr]
e.g. {set'union {1 3 5 7} {2 4 6 8}} -> {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8}
proc set'difference {a b} {
eval set'remove a $b
e.g. {set'difference {1 2 3 4 5} {2 4 6}} -> {1 3 5}
### Hex-dumping a file
The following example code opens a file, configures it to binary
translation (i.e. line-ends `\r\n` are not standardized to `\n` as usual
in C), and prints as many lines as needed which each contain 16 bytes in
hexadecimal notation, plus, where possible, the ASCII character.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc file'hexdump filename {
set fp [open $filename]
fconfigure $fp -translation binary
set n 0
while {![eof $fp]} {
set bytes [read $fp 16]
regsub -all {[^\x20-\xfe]} $bytes . ascii
puts [format "%04X %-48s %-16s" $n [hexdump $bytes] $ascii]
incr n 16
close $fp
proc hexdump string {
binary scan $string H* hex
regexp -all -inline .. $hex
The \"main routine\" is a single line that dumps all files given on the
command line:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
foreach file $argv {file'hexdump $file}
Sample output, the script applied to itself:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` text
...> tclsh hexdump.tcl hexdump.tcl
0000 0d 0a 20 70 72 6f 63 20 66 69 6c 65 27 68 65 78 .. proc file'hex
0010 64 75 6d 70 20 66 69 6c 65 6e 61 6d 65 20 7b 0d dump filename {.
0020 0a 20 20 20 20 73 65 74 20 66 70 20 5b 6f 70 65 . set fp [ope
0030 6e 20 24 66 69 6c 65 6e 61 6d 65 5d 0d 0a 20 20 n $filename]..
### Roman numerals
Roman numerals are an additive (and partially subtractive) system with
the following letter values:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` text
I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=1000; MCMXCIX = 1999
Here\'s some Tcl routines for dealing with Roman numerals.
**Sorting roman numerals:** I,V,X already come in the right order; for
the others we have to introduce temporary collation transformations,
which we\'ll undo right after sorting:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc roman:sort list {
set map {IX VIIII L Y XC YXXXX C Z D {\^} ZM {\^ZZZZ} M _}
foreach {from to} $map {
regsub -all $from $list $to list
set list [lsort $list]
foreach {from to} [lrevert $map] {
regsub -all $from $list $to list
set list
**Roman numerals from integer:**
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc roman:numeral {i} {
set res ""
foreach {value roman} {
1000 M 900 CM 500 D 400 CD 100 C 90 XC 50 L 40 XL
10 X 9 IX 5 V 4 IV 1 I} {
while {$i>=$value} {
append res $roman
incr i -$value
set res
**Roman numerals parsed into integer:**
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc roman:get {s} {
array set r_v {M 1000 D 500 C 100 L 50 X 10 V 5 I 1}
set last 99999; set res 0
foreach i [split [string toupper $s] ""] {
if [catch {set val $r_v($i)}] {
error "un-Roman digit $i in $s"
incr res $val
if {$val>$last} {incr res [expr -2*$last]}
set last $val
set res
### Custom control structures
As \"control structures\" are really nothing special in Tcl, just a set
of commands, it is easier than in most other languages to create one\'s
own. For instance, if you would like to simplify the **for** loop
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
for {set i 0} {$i < $max} {incr i} {...}
for the typical simple cases so you can write instead
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
loop i 0 $max {...}
here is an implementation that even returns a list of the results of
each iteration:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc loop {_var from to body} {
upvar 1 $_var var
set res {}
for {set var $from} {$var < $to} {incr var} {lappend res [uplevel 1 $body]}
return $res
using this, a *string reverse* function can be had as a one-liner:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc sreverse {str} {
join [loop i 0 [string length $str] {string index $str end-$i}] ""
#### Range-aware switch
Another example is the following **range-aware switch** variation. A
range (numeric or strings) can be given as from..to, and the associated
scriptlet gets executed if the tested value lies inside that range.
Like in switch, fall-through collapsing of several cases is indicated by
\"-\", and \"default\" as final condition fires if none else did.
Different from switch, numbers are compared by numeric value, no matter
whether given as decimal, octal or hex.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc rswitch {value body} {
set go 0
foreach {cond script} $body {
if {[regexp {(.+)\.\.(.+)} $cond -> from to]} {
if {$value >= $from && $value <= $to} {incr go}
} else {
if {$value == $cond} {incr go}
if {$go && $script ne "-"} { #(2)
uplevel 1 $script
if {$cond eq "default" && !$go} {uplevel 1 $script} ;#(1)
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% foreach i {A K c z 0 7} {
puts $i
rswitch $i {
A..Z {puts upper}
a..z {puts lower}
0..9 {puts digit}
% rswitch 0x2A {42 {puts magic} default {puts df}}
#### The K combinator
A very simple control structure (one might also call it a result
dispatcher) is the **K combinator**, which is almost terribly simple:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc K {a b} {return $a}
It can be used in all situations where you want to deliver a result that
is not the last. For instance, reading a file in one go:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc readfile filename {
set f [open $filename]
set data [read $f]
close $f
return $data
can be simplified, without need for the *data* variable, to:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc readfile filename {
K [read [set f [open $filename]]] [close $f]
Another example, popping a stack:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc pop _stack {
upvar 1 $_stack stack
K [lindex $stack end] [set stack [lrange $stack 0 end-1]]
This is in some ways similar to LISP\'s PROG1 construct: evaluate the
contained expressions, and return the result of the first one.
### Rational numbers
Rational numbers, a.k.a. fractions, can be thought of as pairs of
integers {numerator denominator}, such that their \"real\" numerical
value is numerator/denominator (and not in integer nor \"double\"
division!). They can be more precise than any \"float\" or \"double\"
numbers on computers, as those can\'t exactly represent any fractions
whose denominator isn\'t a power of 2 --- consider
which can not at any precision be exactly
represented as floating-point number to base 2, nor as decimal fraction
(base 10), even if bignum.
An obvious string representation of a rational is of course \"n/d\". The
following \"constructor\" does that, plus it normalizes the signs,
reduces to lowest terms, and returns just the integer n if d==1:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc rat {n d} {
if {!$d} {error "denominator can't be 0"}
if {$d<0} {set n [- $n]; set d [- $d]}
set g [gcd $n $d]
set n [/ $n $g]
set d [/ $d $g]
expr {$d==1? $n: "$n/$d" }
Conversely, this \"deconstructor\" splits zero or more rational or
integer strings into num and den variables, such that \[ratsplit 1/3 a
b\] assigns 1 to a and 3 to b:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc ratsplit args {
foreach {r _n _d} $args {
upvar 1 $_n n $_d d
foreach {n d} [split $r /] break
if {$d eq ""} {set d 1}
#-- Four-species math on "rats":
proc rat+ {r s} {
ratsplit $r a b $s c d
rat [+ [* $a $d] [* $c $b]] [* $b $d]
proc rat- {r s} {
ratsplit $r a b $s c d
rat [- [* $a $d] [* $c $b]] [* $b $d]
proc rat* {r s} {
ratsplit $r a b $s c d
rat [* $a $c] [* $b $d]
proc rat/ {r s} {
ratsplit $r a b $s c d
rat [* $a $d] [* $b $c]
Arithmetical helper functions can be wrapped with func if they only
consist of one call of *expr*:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc func {name argl body} {proc $name $argl [list expr $body]}
#-- Greatest common denominator:
func gcd {u v} {$u? [gcd [% $v $u] $u]: abs($v)}
#-- Binary expr operators exported:
foreach op {+ * / %} {func $op {a b} \$a$op\$b}
#-- "-" can have 1 or 2 operands:
func - {a {b ""}} {$b eq ""? -$a: $a-$b}
#-- a little tester reports the unexpected:
proc ? {cmd expected} {
catch {uplevel 1 $cmd} res
if {$res ne $expected} {puts "$cmd -> $res, expected $expected"}
#-- The test suite should silently pass when this file is sourced:
? {rat 42 6} 7
? {rat 1 -2} -1/2
? {rat -1 -2} 1/2
? {rat 1 0} "denominator can't be 0"
? {rat+ 1/3 1/3} 2/3
? {rat+ 1/2 1/2} 1
? {rat+ 1/2 1/3} 5/6
? {rat+ 1 1/2} 3/2
? {rat- 1/2 1/8} 3/8
? {rat- 1/2 1/-8} 5/8
? {rat- 1/7 1/7} 0
? {rat* 1/2 1/2} 1/4
? {rat/ 1/4 1/4} 1
? {rat/ 4 -6} -2/3
### Docstrings
Languages like Lisp and Python have the docstring feature, where a
string in the beginning of a function can be retrieved for on-line (or
printed) documentation. Tcl doesn\'t have this mechanism built-in (and
it would be hard to do it exactly the same way, because everything is a
string), but a similar mechanism can easily be adopted, and it doesn\'t
look bad in comparison:
- Common Lisp: (documentation \'foo \'function)
- Python: foo.\_\_doc\_\_
- Tcl: docstring foo
If the docstring is written in comments at the top of a proc body, it is
easy to parse it out. In addition, for all procs, even without
docstring, you get the \"signature\" (proc name and arguments with
defaults). The code below also serves as usage example: }
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc docstring procname {
# reports a proc's args and leading comments.
# Multiple documentation lines are allowed.
set res "{usage: $procname [uplevel 1 [list info args $procname]]}"
# This comment should not appear in the docstring
foreach line [split [uplevel 1 [list info body $procname]] \n] {
if {[string trim $line] eq ""} continue
if ![regexp {\s*#(.+)} $line -> line] break
lappend res [string trim $line]
join $res \n
proc args procname {
# Signature of a proc: arguments with defaults
set res ""
foreach a [info args $procname] {
if [info default $procname $a default] {
lappend a $default
lappend res $a
set res
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% docstring docstring
usage: docstring procname
reports a proc's args and leading comments.
Multiple documentation lines are allowed.
% docstring args
usage: args procname
Signature of a proc: arguments with defaults
### Factorial
Factorial (n!) is a popular function with super-exponential growth.
Mathematically put,
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
0! = 1
n! = n (n-1)! if n >0, else undefined
In Tcl, we can have it pretty similarly:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc fact n {expr {$n<2? 1: $n * [fact [incr n -1]]}}
But this very soon crosses the limits of integers, giving wrong results.
A math book showed me the Stirling approximation to `n!` for large `n`
(at Tcl\'s precisions, \"large\" is \> 20 \...), so I built that in:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc fact n {expr {
$n<2? 1:
$n>20? pow($n,$n)*exp(-$n)*sqrt(2*acos(-1)*$n):
wide($n)*[fact [incr n -1]]}
Just in case somebody needs approximated large factorials\... But for
`n>143` we reach the domain limit of floating point numbers. In fact,
the float limit is at `n>170`, so an intermediate result in the Stirling
formula must have busted at 144. For such few values it is most
efficient to just look them up in a pre-built table, as Tcllib\'s
`math::factorial` does.
### How big is A4?
Letter and Legal paper formats are popular in the US and other places.
In Europe and elsewhere, the most widely used paper format is called A4.
To find out how big a paper format is, one can measure an instance with
a ruler, or look up appropriate documentation. The A formats can also be
deduced from the following axioms:
- A0 has an area of one square meter
- `A(n)` has half the area of `A(n-1)`
- The ratio between the longer and the shorter side of an A format is
How much this ratio is, can easily be computed if we consider that
`A(n)` is produced from `A(n-1)` by halving it parallel to the shorter
side, so
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
2a : b = b : a,
2 a2 = b2,
b=sqrt(2) a, hence
b : a = sqrt(2) : 1
So here is my Tcl implementation, which returns a list of height and
width in centimeters (10000 cm^2^ = 1 m^2^) with two fractional digits,
which delivers a sufficient precision of 1/10 mm: }
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc paperA n {
set w [expr {sqrt(10000/(pow(2,$n) * sqrt(2)))}]
set h [expr {$w * sqrt(2)}]
format "%.2f %.2f" $h $w
% paperA 4
29.73 21.02
### Bit vectors
Here is a routine for querying or setting single bits in vectors, where
bits are addressed by non-negative integers. Implementation is as a
\"little-endian\" list of integers, where bits 0..31 are in the first
list element, 32..63 in the second, etc.
Usage: **bit** *varName position ?bitval?*
If bitval is given, sets the bit at numeric position position to 1 if
bitval `!=` 0, else to 0; in any case returns the bit value at specified
position. If variable varName does not exist in caller\'s scope, it will
be created; if it is not long enough, it will be extended to hold at
least `$position+1` bits, e.g. bit foo 32 will turn foo into a list of
two integers, if it was only one before. All bits are initialized to 0.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc bit {varName pos {bitval {}}} {
upvar 1 $varName var
if {![info exist var]} {set var 0}
set element [expr {$pos/32}]
while {$element >= [llength $var]} {lappend var 0}
set bitpos [expr {1 << $pos%32}]
set word [lindex $var $element]
if {$bitval != ""} {
if {$bitval} {
set word [expr {$word | $bitpos}]
} else {
set word [expr {$word & ~$bitpos}]
lset var $element $word
expr {($word & $bitpos) != 0}
#---------------------- now testing...
if {[file tail [info script]] == [file tail $argv0]} {
foreach {test expected} {
{bit foo 5 1} 1
{set foo} 32
{bit foo 32 1} {32 1}
} {
catch {eval $test} res
puts $test:$res/$expected
This may be used for Boolean properties of numerically indexed sets of
items. Example: An existence map of ZIP codes between 00000 and 99999
can be kept in a list of 3125 integers (where each element requires
about 15 bytes overall), while implementing the map as an array would
take 100000 \* 42 bytes in worst case, but still more than a bit vector
if the population isn\'t extremely sparse --- in that case, a list of
1-bit positions, retrieved with `lsearch`, might be more efficient in
memory usage. Runtime of bit vector accesses is constant, except when a
vector has to be extended to much larger length.
Bit vectors can also be used to indicate set membership (set operations
would run faster if processing 32 bits on one go with bitwise operators
(`&`, `|`, `~`, `^`)) --- or pixels in a binary imary image, where each
row could be implemented by a bitvector.
Here\'s a routine that returns the numeric indices of all set bits in a
bit vector:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc bits bitvec {
set res {}
set pos 0
foreach word $bitvec {
for {set i 0} {$i<32} {incr i} {
if {$word & 1<<$i} {lappend res $pos}
incr pos
set res
% bit foo 47 1
% bit foo 11 1
% set foo
2048 32768
% bits $foo
11 47
**Sieve of Erastothenes**: The following procedure exercises the bit
vector functions by letting bits represent integers, and unsetting all
that are divisible. The numbers of the bits finally still set are
supposed to be primes, and returned:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc sieve max {
set maxroot [expr {sqrt($max)}]
set primes [string repeat " 0xFFFFFFFF" [expr {($max+31)/32}]]
bit primes 0 0; bit primes 1 0
for {set i [expr $max+1]} {$i<=(($max+31)/32)*32} {incr i} {
bit primes $i 0 ;# mask out excess bits
for {set i 2} {$i<=$maxroot} {incr i} {
if {[bit primes $i]} {
for {set j [expr $i<<1]} {$j<=$max} {incr j $i} {
bit primes $j 0
bits $primes
% time {set res [sieve 10000]}
797000 microseconds per iteration
Here\'s code to count the number of 1-bits in a bit vector, represented
as an integer list. It does so by adding the values of the hex digits:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc bitcount intlist {
array set bits {
0 0 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 5 2 6 2 7 3
8 1 9 2 a 2 b 3 c 2 d 3 e 3 f 4
set sum 0
foreach int $intlist {
foreach nybble [split [format %x $int] ""] {
incr sum $bits($nybble)
set sum
### Stacks and queues
Stacks and queues are containers for data objects with typical access
- push: add one object to the container
- pop: retrieve and remove one object from the container
In Tcl it is easiest to implement stacks and queues with lists, and the
push method is most naturally *lappend*, so we only have to code a
single generic line for all stacks and queues:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
interp alias {} push {} lappend
It is pop operations in which stacks, queues, and priority queues
- in a stack, the most recently pushed object is retrieved and removed
(last in first out, LIFO)
- in a (normal) queue, it is the least recently pushed object (first
in first out, FIFO)
- in a priority queue, the object with the highest priority comes
Priority (a number) has to be assigned at pushing time --- by pushing a
list of two elements, the item itself and the priority, e.g..
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
push toDo [list "go shopping" 2]
push toDo {"answer mail" 3}
push toDo {"Tcl coding" 1} ;# most important thing to do
In a frequent parlage, priority 1 is the \"highest\", and the number
increases for \"lower\" priorities --- but you could push in an item
with 0 for \"ultrahigh\" ;-) Popping a stack can be done like this:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc pop name {
upvar 1 $name stack
set res [lindex $stack end]
set stack [lrange $stack 0 end-1]
set res
Popping a queue is similarly structured, but with so different details
that I found no convenient way to factor out things:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc qpop name {
upvar 1 $name queue
set res [lindex $queue 0]
set queue [lrange $queue 1 end]
set res
Popping a priority queue requires sorting out which item has highest
priority. Sorting can be done when pushing, or when popping, and since
our push is so nicely generic I prefer the second choice (as the number
of pushs and pops should be about equal, it does not really matter).
Tcl\'s lsort is stable, so items with equal priority will remain in the
order in which they were queued:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc pqpop name {
upvar 1 $name queue
set queue [lsort -real -index 1 $queue]
qpop queue ;# fall back to standard queue, now that it's sorted
A practical application is e.g. in state space searching, where the kind
of container of the to-do list determines the strategy:
- stack is depth-first
- (normal) queue is breadth-first
- priority queue is any of the more clever ways: A\*, Greedy, \...
**Recent-use lists:** A variation that can be used both in a stack or
queue fashion is a list of values in order of their last use (which may
come handy in an editor to display the last edited files, for instance).
Here, pushing has to be done by dedicated code because a previous
instance would have to be removed:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc rupush {listName value} {
upvar 1 $listName list
if {![info exist list]} {set list {}}
set pos [lsearch $list $value]
set list [lreplace $list $pos $pos]
lappend list $value
% rupush tmp hello
% rupush tmp world
hello world
% rupush tmp again
hello world again
% rupush tmp world
hello again world
The first element is the least recently, the last the most recently
used. Elements are not removed by the popping, but (if necessary) when
re-pushing. (One might truncate the list at front if it gets too long).
### Functions
Functions in Tcl are typically written with the *proc* command. But I
notice more and more that, on my way to functional programming, my
*proc* bodies are a single call to *expr* which does all the rest (often
with the powerful `x?y:z` operator). So what about a thin abstraction
(wrapper) around this recurring pattern?
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc func {name argl body} {proc $name $argl [list expr $body]}
(I might have called it fun as well\... it sure is.) That\'s all. A
collateral advantage is that all expressions are braced, without me
having to care. But to not make the page look so empty, here\'s some
examples for func uses:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
func fac n {$n<2? 1: $n*[fac [incr n -1]]}
func gcd {u v} {$u? [gcd [expr $v%$u] $u]: $v}
func min {a b} {$a<$b? $a: $b}
func sgn x {($x>0)-($x<0)} ;# courtesy rmax
Pity we have to make *expr* explicit again, in nested calls like in
*gcd* \... But *func* isn\'t limited to math functions (which,
especially when recursive, come out nice), but for *expr* uses in
testing predicates as well:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
func atomar list {[lindex $list 0] eq $list}
func empty list {[llength $list] == 0}
func in {list element} {[lsearch -exact $list $element] >= 0}
func limit {x min max} {$x<$min? $min: $x>$max? $max: $x}
func ladd {list e} {[in $list $e]? $list: [lappend list $e]}
Exposing *expr* binary arithmetic operators as Tcl commands goes quite
easy too:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
foreach op {+ * / %} {func $op {a b} "\$a $op \$b"}
For \"-\", we distinguish unary and binary form:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
func - {a {b ""}} {$b eq ""? -$a: $a-$b}
Having the modulo operator exposed, *gcd* now looks nicer:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
func gcd {u v} {$u? [gcd [% $v $u] $u]: abs($v)}
For unary not I prefer that name to \"!\", as it might also stand for
factorial --- and see the shortest function body I ever wrote :\^) :
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
func not x {!$x}
Without big mention, functions implemented by recursion have a pattern
for which func is well suited (see *fac* and *gcd* above). Another
example is this integer range generator (starts from 1, and is
inclusive, so `[iota1 5] == {1 2 3 4 5}`):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
func iota1 n {$n == 1? 1: [concat [iota1 [- $n 1]] $n]}
### Experiments with Boolean functions
\"NAND is not AND.\" Here are some Tcl codelets to demonstrate how all
Boolean operations can be expressed in terms of the single NAND
operator, which returns true if not both his two inputs are true (NOR
would have done equally well). We have Boolean operators in *expr*, so
here goes:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc nand {A B} {expr {!($A && $B)}}
The only unary operator NOT can be written in terms of nand:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc not {A} {nand $A $A}
.. and everything else can be built from them too:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc and {A B} {not [nand $A $B]}
proc or {A B} {nand [not $A] [not $B]}
proc nor {A B} {not [or $A $B]}
proc eq {A B} {or [and $A $B] [nor $A $B]}
proc ne {A B} {nor [and $A $B] [nor $A $B]}
Here\'s some testing tools --- to see whether an implementation is
correct, look at its truth table, here done as the four results for A,B
combinations 0,0 0,1 1,0 1,1 --- side note: observe how easily functions
can be passed in as arguments:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc truthtable f {
set res {}
foreach A {0 1} {
foreach B {0 1} {
lappend res [$f $A $B]
set res
% truthtable and
0 0 0 1
% truthtable nand
1 1 1 0
% truthtable or
0 1 1 1
% truthtable nor
1 0 0 0
% truthtable eq
1 0 0 1
To see how efficient the implementation is (in terms of NAND units
used), try this, which relies on the fact that Boolean functions contain
no lowercase letters apart from the operator names:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc nandcount f {
regsub -all {[^a-z]} [info body $f] " " list
set nums [string map {nand 1 not 1 and 2 nor 4 or 3 eq 6} $list]
expr [join $nums +]
As a very different idea, having nothing to do with NAND as elementary
function, the following generic code \"implements\" Boolean functions
very intuitively, by just giving their truth table for look-up at
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc booleanFunction {truthtable a b} {
lindex $truthtable [expr {!!$a+!!$a+!!$b}]
interp alias {} and {} booleanFunction {0 0 0 1}
interp alias {} or {} booleanFunction {0 1 1 1}
interp alias {} nand {} booleanFunction {1 1 1 0}
### Solving cryptarithms
Cryptarithms are puzzles where digits are represented by letters, and
the task is to find out which. The following \"General Problem Solver\"
(for small values of General) uses heavy metaprogramming: it
- builds up a nest of foreachs suiting the problem,
- quick kills (with continue) to force unique values for the
variables, and
- returns the first solution found, or else an empty string:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc solve {problem {domain0 {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}}} {
set vars [lsort -u [split [regsub -all {[^A-Z]} $problem ""] ""]]
set map {= ==}
set outers {}
set initials regexp -all -inline {[^A-Z} /$problem]
set pos [lsearch $domain0 0]
set domain1 [lreplace $domain0 $pos $pos]
foreach var $vars {
append body "foreach $var \$domain[expr [lsearch $initials $var]>=0] \{\n"
lappend map $var $$var
foreach outer $outers {
append body "if {$$var eq $$outer} continue\n"
lappend outers $var
append epilog \}
set test [string map $map $problem]
append body "if {\[expr $test\]} {return \[subst $test\]}" $epilog
if 1 $body
This works fine on some well-known cryptarithms:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
### Database experiments
#### A simple array-based database
There are lots of complex databases around. Here I want to explore how a
database can be implemented in the Tcl spirit of simplicity, and how far
that approach takes us. Consider the following model:
- A database is a set of records
- A record is a nonempty set of fields with a unique ID
- A field is a pair of tag and nonempty value, both being strings
Fields may well be implemented as array entries, so we could have an
array per record, or better one array for the whole database, where the
key is composed of ID and tag. Unique IDs can be had by just counting up
(incrementing the highest ID so far). The process of creating a simple
database consists only of setting an initial value for the ID:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set db(lastid) 0
Let\'s consider a library application for an example. Adding a book to
the database can be simply done by
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set id [incr db(lastid)]
set db($id,author) "Shakespeare, William"
set db($id,title) "The Tempest"
set db($id,printed) 1962
set db($id,label) S321-001
Note that, as we never specified what fields a record shall contain, we
can add whatever we see fit. For easier handling, it\'s a good idea to
classify records somehow (we\'ll want to store more than books), so we
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set db($id,isa) book
Retrieving a record is as easy as this (though the fields come in
undefined order):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
array get db $id,*
and deleting a record is only slightly more convolved:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
foreach i [array names db $id,*] {unset db($i)}
or, even easier and faster from Tcl 8.3 on:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
array unset db $id,*
Here\'s how to get a \"column\", all fields of a given tag:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
array get db *,title
But real columns may have empty fields, which we don\'t want to store.
Retrieving fields that may not physically exist needs a tolerant access
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc db'get {_db id field} {
upvar $_db db
if {[array names db $id,$field]=="$id,$field"} {
return $db($id,$field)
} else {return ""}
In a classical database we have to define tables: which fields of what
type and of which width. Here we can do what we want, even retrieve
which fields we have used so far (using a temporary array to keep track
of field names):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc db'fields {_db} {
upvar $_db db
foreach i [array names db *,*] {
set tmp([lindex [split $i ,] 1]) ""
lsort [array names tmp]
Searching for records that meet a certain condition can be done
sequentially. For instance, we want all books printed before 1980:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
foreach i [array names *,printed] {
if {$db($i)<1980} {
set id [lindex [split $i ,] 0]
puts "[db'get db $id author]: [db'get db $id title] $db($i)"
We might also store our patrons in the same database (here in a
different style):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set i [incr $db(lastid)]
array set db [list $i,name "John F. Smith" $i,tel (123)456-7890 $i,isa patron}
Without a concept of \"tables\", we can now introduce structures like in
relational databases. Assume John Smith borrows \"The Tempest\". We have
the patron\'s and book\'s ID in variables and do double bookkeeping:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
lappend db($patron,borrowed) $book ;# might have borrowed other books
set db($book,borrower) $patron
set db($book,dueback) 2001-06-12
When he returns the book, the process is reversed:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set pos [lsearch $db($patron,borrowed) $book]
set db($patron,borrowed) [lreplace $db($patron,borrowed) $pos $pos]
unset db($book,borrower) ;# we're not interested in empty fields
unset db($book,dueback)
The dueback field (`%Y-%M-%d` format is good for sorting and comparing)
is useful for checking whether books have not been returned in time:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set today [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y-%M-%d]]
foreach i [array names db *,dueback] {
if {$db($i)<$today} {
set book [lindex [split $i ,] 0] ;# or: set book [idof $i] - see below
set patron $db($book,borrower)
#write a letter
puts "Dear $db($patron,name), "
puts "please return $db($book,title) which was due on\
Likewise, parts of the accounting (e.g. orders to, and bills from,
booksellers) can be added with little effort, and cross-related also to
external files (just set the value to the filename).
*Indexes:* As shown, we can retrieve all data by sequential searching
over array names. But if the database grows in size, it\'s a good idea
to create indexes which cross-reference tags and values to IDs. For
instance, here\'s how to make an authors\' index in four lines:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
foreach i [array names db *,author] {
set book [lindex [split $i ,] 0]
lappend db(author=[string toupper $db($i)]) $book
# and then..
foreach i [lsort [array names db author=SHAK*]] {
puts "[lindex [split $i =] 1]:" ;# could be wrapped as 'valueof'
foreach id $db($i) {
puts "[db'get db $id title] - [db'get db $id label]"
gives us a books list of all authors matching the given glob pattern (we
reuse Tcl\'s functionality, instead of reinventing it\...). Indexes are
useful for repeated information that is likely to be searched.
Especially, indexing the isa field allows iterating over \"tables\"
(which we still don\'t explicitly have!;-):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
regsub -all isa= [array names db isa=*] "" tables
foreach patron $db(isa=patron) {...}
And beyond industry-standard SQL, we can search multiple indices in one
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
array names db *=*MARK*
gives you all (case-independent) occurrences of MARK, be it in patron\'s
names, book\'s authors or titles. As versatile as good old grep\...
**Persistence:** Databases are supposed to exist between sessions, so
here\'s how to save a database to a file:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set fp [open Library.db w]
puts $fp [list array set db [array get db]]
close $fp
and loading a database is even easier (on re-loading, better unset the
array before):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
source Library.db
If you use characters outside your system encoding (no problem to write
Japanese book titles in Kanji), you\'ll have to fconfigure (e.g
-encoding utf-8) on saving and loading, but that\'s just a few more LOC.
Saving also goes a good way to what is ceremonially called
\"committing\" (you\'ll need write-locking for multi-user systems),
while loading (without saving before) might be called a \"one-level
rollback\", where you want to discard your latest changes.
Notice that so far we have only defined one short proc, all other
operations were done with built-in Tcl commands only. For clearer code,
it is advisable to factor out frequent operations into procs, e.g.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc idof {index} {lindex [split $index ,] 0}
proc db'add {_db data} {
upvar $_db db
set id [incr db(lastid)]
foreach {tag value} $data {set db($id,$tag) $value}
# might also update indexes here
proc db'tablerow {_db id tags} {
upvar $_db db
set res {}
foreach tag $tags {lappend res [db'get db $id $tag]}
set res
Of course, with growing databases we may reach memory limits: arrays
need some extra storage for administration. On the other hand, the
present approach is pretty economic, since it does not use field widths
(all strings are \"shrink-wrapped\"), and omits empty fields, while at
the same time allowing to add whatever fields you wish. A further
optimization could be to tally value strings, and replace the frequent
ones with \"`@$id`\", where `db(@$id)` holds the value once, and only
db\'get has to be adapted to redirect the query.
Also, memory limits on modern computers are somewhere up high\... so
only at some time in the future you might have (but maybe not want) to
change to a complex database ;-)
**On the limits:** Tcl arrays may get quite large (one app was reported
to store 800000 keys in Greek characters), and at some point enumerating
all keys with array names db (which produces one long list) may exceed
your available memory, causing the process to swap. In that situation,
you can fall back to the (otherwise slower, and uglier) use of a
dedicated iterator:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set search [array startsearch db]
while {[array anymore db $search]} {
set key [array nextelement db $search]
# now do something with db($key) - but see below!
array donesearch db $search
But neither can you filter the keys you will get with a glob pattern,
nor may you add or delete array elements in the loop --- the search will
be immediately terminated.
#### Tables as lists of lists
Tables are understood here as rectangular (matrix) arrangements of data
in rows (one row per \"item\"/\"record\") and columns (one column per
\"field\"/\"element\"). They are for instance the building blocks of
relational databases and spreadsheets. In Tcl, a sensible implementation
for compact data storage would be as a list of lists. This way, they are
\"pure values\" and can be passed e.g. through functions that take a
table and return a table. No con-/destructors are needed, in contrast to
the heavierweight matrix in Tcllib. I know there are many table
implementations in Tcl, but like so often I wanted to build one \"with
my bare hands\" and as simple as possible. As you see below, many
functionalities can be \"implemented\" by just using Tcl\'s list
A nice table also has a header line, that specifies the field names. So
to create such a table with a defined field structure, but no contents
yet, one just assigns the header list:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set tbl { {firstname lastname phone}}
Note the double bracing, which makes sure tbl is a 1-element list.
Adding \"records\" to the table is as easy as
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
lappend tbl {John Smith (123)456-7890}
Make sure the fields (cells) match those in the header. Here single
bracing is correct. If a field content contains spaces, it must be
quoted or braced too:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
lappend tbl {{George W} Bush 234-5678}
Sorting a table can be done with lsort -index, taking care that the
header line stays on top:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc tsort args {
set table [lindex $args end]
set header [lindex $table 0]
set res [eval lsort [lrange $args 0 end-1] [list [lrange $table 1 end]]]
linsert $res 0 $header
Removing a row (or contiguous sequence of rows) by numeric index is a
job for lreplace:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set tbl [lreplace $tbl $from $to]
Simple printing of such a table, a row per line, is easy with
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
puts [join $tbl \n]
Accessing fields in a table is more fun with the field names than the
numeric indexes, which is made easy by the fact that the field names are
in the first row:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc t@ {tbl field} {lsearch [lindex $tbl 0] $field}
% t@ $tbl phone
You can then access cells:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
puts [lindex $tbl $rownumber [t@ $tbl lastname]]
and replace cell contents like this:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
lset tbl $rownumber [t@ $tbl phone] (222)333-4567
Here is how to filter a table by giving pairs of field name and
glob-style expression --- in addition to the header line, all rows that
satisfy at least one of those come through (you can force AND behavior
by just nesting such calls):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc trows {tbl args} {
set conditions {}
foreach {field condition} $args {
lappend conditions [t@ $tbl $field] $condition
set res [list [lindex $tbl 0]]
foreach row [lrange $tbl 1 end] {
foreach {index condition} $conditions {
if [string match $condition [lindex $row $index]] {
lappend res $row
break; # one hit is sufficient
set res
% trows $tbl lastname Sm*
{firstname lastname} phone {John Smith (123)456-7890}
This filters (and, if wanted, rearranges) columns, sort of what is
called a \"view\":
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc tcols {tbl args} {
set indices {}
foreach field $args {lappend indices [t@ $tbl $field]}
set res {}
foreach row $tbl {
set newrow {}
foreach index $indices {lappend newrow [lindex $row $index]}
lappend res $newrow
set res
### Programming Languages Laboratory
In the following few chapters you\'ll see how easy it is to emulate or
explore other programming languages with Tcl.
#### GOTO: a little state machine
The GOTO \"jumping\" instruction is considered harmful in programming
for many years now, but still it might be interesting to experiment
with. Tcl has no *goto* command, but it can easily be created. The
following code was created in the Tcl chatroom, instigated by the quote:
\"A computer is a state machine. Threads are for people who can\'t
program state machines.\"
So here is one model of a state machine in ten lines of code. The
\"machine\" itself takes a list of alternating labels and state code; if
a state code does not end in a goto or break, the same state will be
repeated as long as not left, with goto or break (implicit endless
loop). The goto command is defined \"locally\", and deleted after
leaving the state machine --- it is not meaningfully used outside of it.
Execution starts at the first of the states.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc statemachine states {
array set S $states
proc goto label {
uplevel 1 set this $label
return -code continue
set this [lindex $states 0]
while 1 {eval $S($this)}
rename goto {}
Testing: a tiny state machine that greets you as often as you wish, and
ends if you only hit on the \"how
often?\" question:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
statemachine {
1 {
puts "how often?"
gets stdin nmax
if {$nmax eq ""} {goto 3}
set n 0
goto 2
} 2 {
if {[incr n] > $nmax} {goto 1}
puts "hello"
} 3 {puts "Thank you!"; break}
#### Playing Assembler
In this weekend fun project to emulate machine language, I picked those
parts of Intel 8080A/8085 Assembler (because I had a detailed reference
handy) that are easily implemented and still somehow educational (or
nostalgic ;-).
Of course this is no real assembler. The memory model is constant-size
instructions (strings in array elements), which are implemented as Tcl
procs. So an \"assembler\" program in this plaything will run even
slower than in pure Tcl, and consume more memory --- while normally you
associate speed and conciseness with \"real\" assembler code. But it
looks halfway like the real thing: you get sort of an assembly listing
with symbol table, and can run it --- I\'d hardly start writing an
assembler in C, but in Tcl it\'s fun for a sunny Sunday afternoon\... }
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
namespace eval asm {
proc asm body {
variable mem
catch {unset mem} ;# good for repeated sourcing
foreach line [split $body \n] {
foreach i {label op args} {set $i ""}
regexp {([^;]*);} $line -> line ;# strip off comments
regexp {^ *(([A-Z0-9]+):)? *([A-Z]*) +(.*)} [string toupper $line]\
-> - label op args
puts label=$label,op=$op,args=$args
if {$label!=""} {set sym($label) $PC}
if {$op==""} continue
if {$op=="DB"} {set mem($PC) [convertHex $args]; incr PC; continue}
if {$op=="EQU"} {set sym($label) [convertHex $args]; continue}
if {$op=="ORG"} {set PC [convertHex $args]; continue}
regsub -all ", *" $args " " args ;# normalize commas
set mem($PC) "$op $args"
incr PC
substituteSymbols sym
dump sym
proc convertHex s {
if [regexp {^([0-9A-F]+)H$} [string trim $s] -> s] {set s [expr 0x$s]}
set s
proc substituteSymbols {_sym} {
variable mem
upvar $_sym sym
foreach i [array names mem] {
set tmp [lindex $mem($i) 0]
foreach j [lrange $mem($i) 1 end] {
if {[array names sym $j] eq $j} {set j $sym($j)}
lappend tmp $j
set mem($i) $tmp
proc dump {_sym} {
variable mem
upvar $_sym sym
foreach i [lsort -integer [array names mem]] {
puts [format "%04d %s" $i $mem($i)]
foreach i [lsort [array names sym]] {
puts [format "%-10s: %04x" $i $sym($i)]
proc run { {pc 255}} {
variable mem
foreach i {A B C D E Z} {set ::$i 0}
while {$pc>=0} {
incr pc
#puts "$mem($pc)\tA:$::A B:$::B C:$::C D:$::D E:$::E Z:$::Z"
eval $mem($pc)
#----------------- "machine opcodes" implemented as procs
proc ADD {reg reg2} {set ::Z [incr ::$reg [set ::$reg2]]}
proc ADI {reg value} {set ::Z [incr ::$reg $value]}
proc CALL {name} {[string tolower $name] $::A}
proc DCR {reg} {set ::Z [incr ::$reg -1]}
proc INR {reg} {set ::Z [incr ::$reg]}
proc JMP where {uplevel 1 set pc [expr $where-1]}
proc JNZ where {if $::Z {uplevel 1 JMP $where}}
proc JZ where {if !$::Z {uplevel 1 JMP $where}}
proc MOV {reg adr} {variable mem; set ::$reg $mem($adr)}
proc MVI {reg value} {set ::$reg $value}
Now testing:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` asm
asm::asm {
org 100 ; the canonical start address in CP/M
jmp START ; idiomatic: get over the initial variable(s)
DONE: equ 0 ; warm start in CP/M ;-)
MAX: equ 5
INCR: db 2 ; a variable (though we won't vary it)
;; here we go...
START: mvi c,MAX ; set count limit
mvi a,0 ; initial value
mov b,INCR
LOOP: call puts ; for now, fall back to Tcl for I/O
inr a
add a,b ; just to make adding 1 more complicated
dcr c ; counting down..
jnz LOOP ; jump on non-zero to LOOP
jmp DONE ; end of program
The `mov b,INCR` part is an oversimplification. For a real 8080, one
would have to say
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` asm
LXI H,INCR ; load double registers H+L with the address INCR
MOV B,M ; load byte to register B from the address pointed to in HL
Since the pseudo-register M can also be used for writing back, it cannot
be implemented by simply copying the value. Rather, one could use read
and write traces on variable M, causing it to load from, or store to,
mem(\$HL). Maybe another weekend\...
#### Functional programming (Backus 1977)
John Backus turned 80 these days. For creating FORTRAN and the BNF style
of language description, he received the ACM Turing Award in 1977. In
his Turing Award lecture,
*Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional
Style and Its Algebra of Programs. (Comm. ACM 21.8, Aug. 1978, 613-641)*
he developed an amazing framework for functional programming, from
theoretical foundations to implementation hints, e.g. for installation,
user privileges, and system self-protection. In a nutshell, his FP
system comprises
- a set O of objects (atoms or sequences)
- a set F of functions that map objects into objects (`f : O |-> O`}
- an operation, application (very roughly, eval)
- a set FF of functional forms, used to combine functions or objects
to form new functions in F
- a set D of definitions that map names to functions in F
I\'m far from having digested it all, but like so often, interesting
reading prompts me to do Tcl experiments, especially on weekends. I
started with Backus\' first Functional Program example,
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
Def Innerproduct = (Insert +) o (ApplyToAll x) o Transpose
and wanted to bring it to life --- slightly adapted to Tcl style,
especially by replacing the infix operator \"o\" with a Polish prefix
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
Def Innerproduct = {o {Insert +} {ApplyToAll *} Transpose}
Unlike procs or lambdas, more like APL or RPN, this definition needs no
variables --- it declares (from right to left) what to do with the
input; the result of each step is the input for the next step (to the
left of it). In an RPN language, the example might look like this:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
/Innerproduct {Transpose * swap ApplyToAll + swap Insert} def
which has the advantage that execution goes from left to right, but
requires some stack awareness (and some swaps to set the stack right
Implementing Def, I took an easy route by just creating a proc that adds
an argument and leaves it to the \"functional\" to do the right thing
(with some quoting heaven :-) }
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc Def {name = functional} {
proc $name x "\[$functional\] \$x"
For functional composition, where, say for two functions f and g,
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
[{o f g} $x] == [f [g $x]]
again a proc is created that does the bracket nesting:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc o args {
set body return
foreach f $args {append body " \[$f"}
set name [info level 0]
proc $name x "$body \$x [string repeat \] [llength $args]]"
set name
Why Backus used Transpose on the input, wasn\'t first clear to me, but
as he (like we Tclers) represents a matrix as a list of rows, which are
again lists (also known as vectors), it later made much sense to me.
This code for transposing a matrix uses the fact that variable names can
be any string, including those that look like integers, so the column
contents are collected into variables named 0 1 2 \... and finally
turned into the result list:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc Transpose matrix {
set cols [iota [llength [lindex $matrix 0]]]
foreach row $matrix {
foreach element $row col $cols {
lappend $col $element
set res {}
foreach col $cols {lappend res [set $col]}
set res
An integer range generator produces the variable names, e.g
`iota 3 => {0 1 2}`
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc iota n {
set res {}
for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} {lappend res $i}
set res
#-- This "functional form" is mostly called map in more recent FP:
proc ApplyToAll {f list} {
set res {}
foreach element $list {lappend res [$f $element]}
set res
\...and Insert is better known as fold, I suppose. My oversimple
implementation assumes that the operator is one that expr understands:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc Insert {op arguments} {expr [join $arguments $op]}
#-- Prefix multiplication comes as a special case of this:
interp alias {} * {} Insert *
#-- Now to try out the whole thing:
Def Innerproduct = {o {Insert +} {ApplyToAll *} Transpose}
puts [Innerproduct {{1 2 3} {6 5 4}}]
which returns 28 just as Dr. Backus ordered (= 1\*6 + 2\*5 + 3\*4). Ah,
the joys of weekend Tcl\'ing\... --- and belatedly, Happy Birthday,
John! :)
Another example, cooked up by myself this time, computes the average of
a list. For this we need to implement the construction operator, which
is sort of inverse mapping --- while mapping a function over a sequence
of inputs produces a sequence of outputs of that function applied to
each input, Backus\' construction maps a sequence of functions over one
input to produce a sequence of results of each function to that input,
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
f,g == <f(x),g(x)>
Of course I can\'t use circumfix brackets as operator name, so let\'s
call it constr:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc constr args {
set functions [lrange $args 0 end-1]
set x [lindex $args end]
set res {}
foreach f $functions {lappend res [eval $f [list $x]]}
set res
#-- Testing:
Def mean = {o {Insert /} {constr {Insert +} llength}}
puts [mean {1 2 3 4 5}]
which returns correctly 3. However, as integer division takes place, it
would be better to make that
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc double x {expr {double($x)}}
Def mean = {o {Insert /} {constr {Insert +} dlength}}
Def dlength = {o double llength}
puts [mean {1 2 3 4}]
giving the correct result 2.5. However, the auxiliary definition for
dlength cannot be inlined into the definition of mean --- so this needs
more work\... But this version, that maps double first, works:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
Def mean = {o {Insert /} {constr {Insert +} llength} {ApplyToAll double}}
One more experiment, just to get the feel:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
Def hypot = {o sqrt {Insert +} {ApplyToAll square}}
Def square = {o {Insert *} {constr id id}}
proc sqrt x {expr {sqrt($x)}}
proc id x {set x}
puts [hypot {3 4}]
which gives 5.0. Compared to an RPN language, hypot would be
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
/hypot {dup * swap dup * + sqrt} def
which is shorter and simpler, but meddles more directly with the stack.
An important functional form is the conditional, which at Backus looks
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` text
p1 -> f; p2 -> g; h
meaning, translated to Tcl,
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
if {[p1 $x]} then {f $x} elseif {[p2 $x]} then {g $x} else {h $x}
Let\'s try that, rewritten Polish-ly to:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
cond p1 f p2 g h
proc cond args {
set body ""
foreach {condition function} [lrange $args 0 end-1] {
append body "if {\[$condition \$x\]} {$function \$x} else"
append body " {[lindex $args end] \$x}"
set name [info level 0]
proc $name x $body
set name
#-- Testing, with K in another role as Konstant function :)
Def abs = {cond {> 0} -- id}
proc > {a b} {expr {$a>$b}}
proc < {a b} {expr {$a<$b}}
proc -- x {expr -$x}
puts [abs -42],[abs 0],[abs 42]
Def sgn = {cond {< 0} {K 1} {> 0} {K -1} {K 0}}
proc K {a b} {set a}
puts [sgn 42]/[sgn 0]/[sgn -42]
#--Another famous toy example, reading a file's contents:
Def readfile = {o 1 {constr read close} open}
#--where Backus' selector (named just as integer) is here:
proc 1 x {lindex $x 0}
#### Reusable functional components
Say you want to make a multiplication table for an elementary school kid
near you. Easily done in a few lines of Tcl code:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc multable {rows cols} {
set res ""
for {set i 1} {$i <= $rows} {incr i} {
for {set j 1} {$j <= $cols} {incr j} {
append res [format %4d [expr {$i*$j}]]
append res \n
set res
The code does not directly puts its results, but returns them as a
string --- you might want to do other things with it, e.g. save it to a
file for printing. Testing:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% multable 3 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
Or print the result directly from wish:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
catch {console show}
puts "[multable 3 10]"
Here\'s a different way to do it à la functional programming:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc multable2 {rows cols} {
formatMatrix %4d [outProd * [iota 1 $rows] [iota 1 $cols]]
The body is nice and short, but consists of all unfamiliar commands.
They are however better reusable than the *multable* proc above. The
first formats a matrix (a list of lists to Tcl) with newlines and
aligned columns for better display:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc formatMatrix {fm matrix} {
join [lmap row $matrix {join [lmap i $row {format $fm $i}] ""}] \n
Short again, and slightly cryptic, as is the \"outer product\" routine,
which takes a function f and two vectors, and produces a matrix where f
was applied to every pair of a x b --- in APL they had special compound
operators for this job, in this case \"°.x\":
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc outProd {f a b} {
lmap i $a {lmap j $b {$f $i $j}}
Again, lmap (the collecting foreach) figures prominently, so here it is
in all its simplicity:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc lmap {_var list body} {
upvar 1 $_var var
set res {}
foreach var $list {lappend res [uplevel 1 $body]}
set res
#-- We need multiplication from expr exposed as a function:
proc * {a b} {expr {$a * $b}}
#-- And finally, iota is an integer range generator:
proc iota {from to} {
set res {}
while {$from <= $to} {lappend res $from; incr from}
set res
With these parts in place, we can see that *multable2* works as we want:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% multable2 3 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
So why write six procedures, where one did the job already? A matter of
style and taste, in a way --- *multable* is 10 LOC and depends on
nothing but Tcl, which is good; *multable2* describes quite concisely
what it does, and builds on a few other procs that are highly reusable.
Should you need a unit matrix (where the main diagonal is 1, and the
rest is 0), just call outProd with a different function (equality, ==):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% outProd == [iota 1 5] [iota 1 5]
{1 0 0 0 0} {0 1 0 0 0} {0 0 1 0 0} {0 0 0 1 0} {0 0 0 0 1}
which just requires expr\'s equality to be exposed too:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc == {a b} {expr {$a == $b}}
One of the fascinations of functional programming is that one can do the
job in a simple and clear way (typically a one-liner), while using a
collection of reusable building-blocks like lmap and iota. And
*formatMatrix* and *outProd* are so general that one might include them
in some library, while the task of producing a multiplication table may
not come up any more for a long time\...
#### Modelling an RPN language
Tcl follows strictly the Polish notation, where an operator or function
always precedes its arguments. It is however easy to build an
interpreter for a language in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) like Forth,
Postscript, or Joy, and experiment with it.
The \"runtime engine\" is just called \"r\" (not to be confused with the
R language), and it boils down to a three-way switch done for each word,
in eleven lines of code:
- \"tcl\" evaluates the top of stack as a Tcl script
- known words in the `::C` array are recursively evaluated in \"r\"
- other words are just pushed
Joy\'s rich quoting for types (\[list\], {set}, \"string\", \'char)
conflict with the Tcl parser, so lists in \"r\" are {braced} if their
length isn\'t 1, and (parenthesized) if it is --- but the word shall not
be evaluated now. This looks better to me than /slashing as in
As everything is a string, and to Tcl \"a\" is {a} is a , Joy\'s
polymorphy has to be made explicit. I added converters between
characters and integers, and between strings and lists (see the
dictionary below). For Joy\'s sets I haven\'t bothered yet --- they are
restricted to the domain 0..31, probably implemented with bits in a
32-bit word.
Far as this is from Joy, it was mostly triggered by the examples in
Manfred von Thun\'s papers, so I tongue-in-cheek still call it \"Pocket
Joy\" --- it was for me, at last, on the iPaq\... The test suite at end
should give many examples of what one can do in \"r\". }
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc r args {
foreach a $args {
dputs [info level]:$::S//$a
if {$a eq "tcl"} {
eval [pop]
} elseif [info exists ::C($a)] {
eval r $::C($a)
} else {push [string trim $a ()]}
set ::S
\# That\'s it. Stack (list) and Command array are global variables:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set S {}; unset C
#\-- A tiny switchable debugger:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc d+ {} {proc dputs s {puts $s}}
proc d- {} {proc dputs args {}}
d- ;#-- initially, debug mode off
Definitions are in Forth style --- \":\" as initial word, as they look
much more compact than Joy\'s *DEFINE n == args;*
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc : {n args} {set ::C($n) $args}
*expr* functionality is exposed for binary operators and one-arg
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc 2op op {
set t [pop]
push [expr {[pop]} $op {$t}]
foreach op {+ - * / > >= != <= <} {: $op [list 2op $op] tcl}
: = {2op ==} tcl
proc 1f f {push [expr $f\([pop])]}
foreach f {abs double exp int sqrt sin cos acos tan} {: $f [list 1f $f] tcl}
interp alias {} pn {} puts -nonewline
#----- The dictionary has all one-liners:
: . {pn "[pop] "} tcl
: .s {puts $::S} tcl
: ' {push [scan [pop] %c]} tcl ;# char -> int
: ` {push [format %c [pop]]} tcl ;# int -> char
: and {2op &&} tcl
: at 1 - swap {push [lindex [pop] [pop]]} tcl
: c {set ::S {}} tcl ;# clear stack
: choice {choice [pop] [pop] [pop]} tcl
: cleave {cleave [pop] [pop] [pop]} tcl
: cons {push [linsert [pop] 0 [pop]]} tcl
: dup {push [set x [pop]] $x} tcl
: dupd {push [lindex $::S end-1]} tcl
: emit {pn [format %c [pop]]} tcl
: even odd not
: explode {push [split [pop] ""]} tcl ;# string -> char list
: fact 1 (*) primrec
: filter split swap pop
: first {push [lindex [pop] 0]} tcl
: fold {rfold [pop] [pop] [pop]} tcl
: gcd swap {0 >} {swap dupd rem swap gcd} (pop) ifte
: has swap in
: i {eval r [pop]} tcl
: ifte {rifte [pop] [pop] [pop]} tcl
: implode {push [join [pop] ""]} tcl ;# char list -> string
: in {push [lsearch [pop] [pop]]} tcl 0 >=
: map {rmap [pop] [pop]} tcl
: max {push [max [pop] [pop]]} tcl
: min {push [min [pop] [pop]]} tcl
: newstack c
: not {1f !} tcl
: odd 2 rem
: of swap at
: or {2op ||} tcl
: pop (pop) tcl
: pred 1 -
: primrec {primrec [pop] [pop] [pop]} tcl
: product 1 (*) fold
: qsort (lsort) tcl
: qsort1 {lsort -index 0} tcl
: rem {2op %} tcl
: rest {push [lrange [pop] 1 end]} tcl
: reverse {} swap (swons) step
: set {set ::[pop] [pop]} tcl
: $ {push [set ::[pop]]} tcl
: sign {0 >} {0 <} cleave -
: size {push [llength [pop]]} tcl
: split {rsplit [pop] [pop]} tcl
: step {step [pop] [pop]} tcl
: succ 1 +
: sum 0 (+) fold
: swap {push [pop] [pop]} tcl
: swons swap cons
: xor !=
Helper functions written in Tcl:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc rifte {else then cond} {
eval r dup $cond
eval r [expr {[pop]? $then: $else}]
proc choice {z y x} {
push [expr {$x? $y: $z}]
proc cleave { g f x} {
eval [list r $x] $f [list $x] $g
proc max {x y} {expr {$x>$y?$x:$y}}
proc min {x y} {expr {$x<$y? $x:$y}}
proc rmap {f list} {
set res {}
foreach e $list {
eval [list r $e] $f
lappend res [pop]
push $res
proc step {f list} {
foreach e $list {eval [list r ($e)] $f}
proc rsplit {f list} {
foreach i {0 1} {set $i {}}
foreach e $list {
eval [list r $e] $f
lappend [expr {!![pop]}] $e
push $0 $1
proc primrec {f init n} {
if {$n>0} {
push $n
while {$n>1} {
eval [list r [incr n -1]] $f
} else {push $init}
proc rfold {f init list} {
push $init
foreach e $list {eval [list r $e] $f}
#------------------ Stack routines
proc push args {
foreach a $args {lappend ::S $a}
proc pop {} {
if [llength $::S] {
K [lindex $::S end] \
[set ::S [lrange $::S 0 end-1]]
} else {error "stack underflow"}
proc K {a b} {set a}
#------------------------ The test suite:
proc ? {cmd expected} {
catch {uplevel 1 $cmd} res
if {$res ne $expected} {puts "$cmd->$res, not $expected"}
? {r 2 3 +} 5
? {r 2 *} 10
? {r c 5 dup *} 25
: sqr dup *
: hypot sqr swap sqr + sqrt
? {r c 3 4 hypot} 5.0
? {r c {1 2 3} {dup *} map} { {1 4 9}}
? {r size} 3
? {r c {2 5 3} 0 (+) fold} 10
? {r c {3 4 5} product} 60
? {r c {2 5 3} 0 {dup * +} fold} 38
? {r c {1 2 3 4} dup sum swap size double /} 2.5
? {r c {1 2 3 4} (sum) {size double} cleave /} 2.5
: if0 {1000 >} {2 /} {3 *} ifte
? {r c 1200 if0} 600
? {r c 600 if0} 1800
? {r c 42 sign} 1
? {r c 0 sign} 0
? {r c -42 sign} -1
? {r c 5 fact} 120
? {r c 1 0 and} 0
? {r c 1 0 or} 1
? {r c 1 0 and not} 1
? {r c 3 {2 1} cons} { {3 2 1}}
? {r c {2 1} 3 swons} { {3 2 1}}
? {r c {1 2 3} first} 1
? {r c {1 2 3} rest} { {2 3}}
? {r c {6 1 5 2 4 3} {3 >} filter} { {6 5 4}}
? {r c 1 2 {+ 20 * 10 4 -} i} {60 6}
? {r c 42 succ} 43
? {r c 42 pred} 41
? {r c {a b c d} 2 at} b
? {r c 2 {a b c d} of} b
? {r c 1 2 pop} 1
? {r c A ' 32 + succ succ `} c
? {r c {a b c d} reverse} { {d c b a}}
? {r c 1 2 dupd} {1 2 1}
? {r c 6 9 gcd} 3
? {r c true yes no choice} yes
? {r c false yes no choice} no
? {r c {1 2 3 4} (odd) split} { {2 4} {1 3}}
? {r c a {a b c} in} 1
? {r c d {a b c} in} 0
? {r c {a b c} b has} 1
? {r c {a b c} e has} 0
? {r c 3 4 max} 4
? {r c 3 4 min} 3
? {r c hello explode reverse implode} olleh
: palindrome dup explode reverse implode =
? {r c hello palindrome} 0
? {r c otto palindrome} 1
#-- reading (varname $) and setting (varname set) global Tcl vars
set tv 42
? {r c (tv) $ 1 + dup (tv) set} 43
? {expr $tv==43} 1
#### Tacit programming
The J programming language is the \"blessed successor\" to APL, where
\"every function is an infix or prefix operator\", `x?y` (dyadic) or
`?y` (monadic), for `?` being any pre- or user-defined function).
\"Tacit programming\" (*tacit*: implied; indicated by necessary
connotation though not expressed directly) is one of the styles possible
in J, and means coding by combining functions, without reference to
argument names. This idea may have been first brought up in Functional
programming (Backus 1977), if not in Forth and Joy, and it\'s an
interesting simplification compared to the lambda calculus.
For instance, here\'s a breathtakingly short J program to compute the
mean of a list of numbers:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` text
Let\'s chew this, byte by byte :)
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` text
=. is assignment to a local variable ("mean") which can be called
+/%# is the "function body"
+ (dyadic) is addition
/ folds the operator on its left over the list on its right
+/ hence being the sum of a list
% (dyadic) is division, going double on integer arguments when needed
# (monadic) is tally, like Tcl's [llength] resp. [string length]
Only implicitly present is a powerful function combinator called
\"fork\". When J parses three operators in a row, gfh, where f is dyadic
and g and h are monadic, they are combined like the following Tcl
version does:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc fork {f g h x} {$f [$g $x] [$h $x]}
In other words, f is applied to the results of applying g and h to the
single argument. Note that `+/` is considered one operator, which
applies the \"adverb\" folding to the \"verb\" addition (one might well
call it \"sum\"). When two operands occur together, the \"hook\" pattern
is implied, which might in Tcl be written as:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc hook {f g x} {$f $x [$g $x]}
As KBK pointed out in the Tcl chatroom, the \"hook\" pattern corresponds
to Schönfinkel/Curry\'s S combinator (see Hot Curry and Combinator
Engine), while \"fork\" is called S\' there.
Unlike in earlier years when I was playing APL, this time my aim was not
to parse and emulate J in Tcl --- I expected hard work for a dubitable
gain, and this is a weekend fun project after all. I rather wanted to
explore some of these concepts and how to use them in Tcl, so that in
slightly more verbose words I could code (and call)
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
Def mean = fork /. sum llength
following Backus\' FP language with the \"Def\" command. So let\'s get
the pieces together. My \"Def\" creates an interp alias, which is a good
and simple Tcl way to compose partial scripts (the definition, here)
with one or more arguments, also known as \"currying\":
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc Def {name = args} {eval [list interp alias {} $name {}] $args}
The second parameter, \"=\", is for better looks only and evidently
never used.
Testing early and often is a virtue, as is documentation --- to make the
following code snippets clearer, I tuned my little tester for better
looks, so that the test cases in the source code also serve as well
readable examples --- they look like comments but are code! The cute
name \"e.g.\" was instigated by the fact that in J, \"NB.\" is used as
comment indicator, both being well known Latin abbreviations:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc e.g. {cmd -> expected} {
catch {uplevel 1 $cmd} res
if {$res != $expected} {puts "$cmd -> $res, not $expected"}
Again, the \"`->`\" argument is for eye-candy only --- but it feels
better to me at least. See the examples soon to come.
For recursive functions and other arithmetics, func makes better
reading, by accepting expr language in the body:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc func {name argl body} {proc $name $argl [list expr $body]}
We\'ll use this to turn expr\'s infix operators into dyadic functions,
plus the \"slashdot\" operator that makes division always return a real
number, hence the dot :
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
foreach op {+ — * /} {func $op {a b} "\$a $op \$b"}
e.g. {+ 1 2} -> 3
e.g. {/ 1 2} -> 0 ;# integer division
func /. {a b} {double($a)/$b}
e.g. {/. 1 2} -> 0.5 ;# "real" division
#-- Two abbreviations for frequently used list operations:
proc head list {lindex $list 0}
e.g. {head {a b c}} -> a
proc tail list {lrange $list 1 end}
e.g. {tail {a b c}} -> {b c}
For \"fold\", this time I devised a recursive version:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
func fold {neutral op list} {
$list eq [] ? $neutral
: [$op [head $list] [fold $neutral $op [tail $list]]]
e.g. {fold 0 + {1 2 3 4}} -> 10
#-- A "Def" alias does the same job:
Def sum = fold 0 +
e.g. {sum {1 2 3 4}} -> 10
#-- So let's try to implement "mean" in tacit Tcl!
Def mean = fork /. sum llength
e.g. {mean {1 2 3 40}} -> 11.5
Tacit enough (one might have picked fancier names like +/ for \"sum\"
and \# as alias for llength), but in principle it is equivalent to the J
version, and doesn\'t name a single argument. Also, the use of llength
demonstrates that any good old Tcl command can go in here, not just the
artificial Tacit world that I\'m just creating\...
In the next step, I want to reimplement the \"median\" function, which
for a sorted list returns the central element if its length is odd, or
the mean of the two elements adjacent to the (virtual) center for even
length. In J, it looks like this:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` text
medind=.((<.,>.)@half) ` half @.(2&|)
half=.-:@<: NB. halve one less than rt. argument
sortu=.\{~/: NB. sort upwards
which may better explain why I wouldn\'t want to code in J :\^) J has
ASCIIfied the zoo of APL strange character operators, at the cost of
using braces and brackets as operators too, without regard for
balancing, and extending them with dots and colons, so e.g.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` text
- monadic: negate; dyadic: minus
-. monadic: not
-: monadic: halve
J code sometimes really looks like an accident in a keyboard factory\...
I won\'t go into all details of the above code, just some:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` text
@ ("atop") is strong linkage, sort of functional composition
<. (monadic) is floor()
>. (monadic) is ceil()
(\<.,\>.) is building a list of the floor and the ceiling of its single
argument, the comma being the concatenation operator here, comparable to
Backus\' \"construction\" or Joy\'s cleave. The pattern
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` text
a ` b @. c
is a kind of conditional in J, which could in Tcl be written
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
if {[$c $x]} {$a $x} else {$b $x}
but my variant of the median algorithm doesn\'t need a conditional ---
for lists of odd length it just uses the central index twice, which is
idempotent for \"mean\", even if a tad slower.
J\'s \"from\" operator `{` takes zero or more elements from a list,
possibly repeatedly. For porting this, lmap is a good helper, even
though not strictly functional:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc lmap {_v list body} {
upvar 1 $_v v
set res {}
foreach v $list {lappend res [uplevel 1 $body]}
set res
e.g. {lmap i {1 2 3 4} {* $i $i}} -> {1 4 9 16}
#-- So here's my 'from':
proc from {indices list} {lmap i $indices {lindex $list $i}}
e.g. {from {1 0 0 2} {a b c}} -> {b a a c}
We furtheron borrow some more content from expr:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
func ceil x {int(ceil($x))}
func floor x {int(floor($x))}
e.g. {ceil 1.5} -> 2
e.g. {floor 1.5} -> 1
e.g. {fork list floor ceil 1.5} -> {1 2}
We\'ll need functional composition, and here\'s a recursive de-luxe
version that takes zero or more functions, hence the name `o*`:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
func o* {functions x} {
$functions eq []? $x
: [[head $functions] [o* [tail $functions] $x]]
e.g. {o* {} hello,world} -> hello,world
Evidently, identity as could be written
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc I x {set x}
is the neutral element of variadic functional composition, when called
with no functions at all.
If composite functions like \'fork\' are arguments to o\*, we\'d better
let unknown know that we want auto-expansion of first word:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc know what {proc unknown args $what\n[info body unknown]}
know {
set cmd [head $args]
if {[llength $cmd]>1} {return [eval $cmd [tail $args]]}
Also, we need a numeric sort that\'s good for integers as well as reals
(\"Def\" serves for all kinds of aliases, not just combinations of
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
Def sort = lsort -real
e.g. {sort {2.718 10 1}} -> {1 2.718 10}
e.g. {lsort {2.718 10 1}} -> {1 10 2.718} ;# lexicographic
#-- And now for the median test:
Def median = o* {mean {fork from center sort}}
Def center = o* {{fork list floor ceil} {* 0.5} -1 llength}
func -1 x {$x — 1}
e.g. {-1 5} -> 4 ;# predecessor function, when for integers
#-- Trying the whole thing out:
e.g. {median {1 2 3 4 5}} -> 3
e.g. {median {1 2 3 4}} -> 2.5
As this file gets tacitly sourced, I am pretty confident that I\'ve
reached my goal for this weekend --- even though my median doesn\'t
remotely look like the J version: it is as \"wordy\" as Tcl usually is.
But the admittedly still very trivial challenge was met in truly
function-level style, concerning the definitions of median, center and
mean --- no variable left behind. And that is one, and not the worst,
Tcl way of Tacit programming\...
### Vector arithmetics
APL and J (see Tacit programming) have the feature that arithmetics can
be done with vectors and arrays as well as scalar numbers, in the
varieties (for any operator @):
- scalar @ scalar → scalar (like expr does)
- vector @ scalar → vector
- scalar @ vector → vector
- vector @ vector → vector (all of same dimensions, element-wise)
Here\'s experiments how to do this in Tcl. First lmap is a collecting
foreach --- it maps the specified body over a list:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc lmap {_var list body} {
upvar 1 $_var var
set res {}
foreach var $list {lappend res [uplevel 1 $body]}
set res
#-- We need basic scalar operators from expr factored out:
foreach op {+ - * / % ==} {proc $op {a b} "expr {\$a $op \$b}"}
The following generic wrapper takes one binary operator (could be any
suitable function) and two arguments, which may be scalars, vectors, or
even matrices (lists of lists), as it recurses as often as needed. Note
that as my lmap above only takes one list, the two-list case had to be
made explicit with foreach.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc vec {op a b} {
if {[llength $a] == 1 && [llength $b] == 1} {
$op $a $b
} elseif {[llength $a]==1} {
lmap i $b {vec $op $a $i}
} elseif {[llength $b]==1} {
lmap i $a {vec $op $i $b}
} elseif {[llength $a] == [llength $b]} {
set res {}
foreach i $a j $b {lappend res [vec $op $i $j]}
set res
} else {error "length mismatch [llength $a] != [llength $b]"}
Tests are done with this minimal \"framework\":
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc e.g. {cmd -> expected} {
catch $cmd res
if {$res ne $expected} {puts "$cmd -> $res, not $expected"}
Scalar + Scalar
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
e.g. {vec + 1 2} -> 3
Scalar + Vector
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
e.g. {vec + 1 {1 2 3 4}} -> {2 3 4 5}
Vector / Scalar
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
e.g. {vec / {1 2 3 4} 2.} -> {0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0}
Vector + Vector
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
e.g. {vec + {1 2 3} {4 5 6}} -> {5 7 9}
Matrix \* Scalar
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
e.g. {vec * {{1 2 3} {4 5 6}} 2} -> {{2 4 6} {8 10 12}}
Multiplying a 3x3 matrix with another:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
e.g. {vec * {{1 2 3} {4 5 6} {7 8 9}} {{1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1}}} -> \
{{1 0 0} {0 5 0} {0 0 9}}
The dot product of two vectors is a scalar. That\'s easily had too,
given a sum function:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc sum list {expr [join $list +]+0}
sum [vec * {1 2} {3 4}]
should result in 11 (= (1\*3)+(2\*4)).
Here\'s a little application for this: a vector factorizer, that
produces the list of divisors for a given integer. For this we again
need a 1-based integer range generator:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc iota1 x {
set res {}
for {set i 1} {$i<=$x} {incr i} {lappend res $i}
set res
e.g. {iota1 7} -> {1 2 3 4 5 6 7}
#-- We can compute the modulo of a number by its index vector:
e.g. {vec % 7 [iota1 7]} -> {0 1 1 3 2 1 0}
#-- and turn all elements where the remainder is 0 to 1, else 0:
e.g. {vec == 0 [vec % 7 [iota1 7]]} -> {1 0 0 0 0 0 1}
At this point, a number is prime if the sum of the latest vector is 2.
But we can also multiply out the 1s with the divisors from the i ndex
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
e.g. {vec * [iota1 7] [vec == 0 [vec % 7 [iota1 7]]]} -> {1 0 0 0 0 0 7}
#-- Hence, 7 is only divisible by 1 and itself, hence it is a prime.
e.g. {vec * [iota1 6] [vec == 0 [vec % 6 [iota1 6]]]} -> {1 2 3 0 0 6}
So 6 is divisible by 2 and 3; non-zero elements in (lrange \$divisors 1
end-1) gives the \"proper\" divisors. And three nested calls to vec are
sufficient to produce the divisors list :)
Just for comparison, here\'s how it looks in J:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
iota1 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
f3 7
1 0 0 0 0 0 7
f3 6
1 2 3 0 0 6
### Integers as Boolean functions
Boolean functions, in which arguments and result are in the domain
{true, false}, or {1, 0} as expr has it, and operators are e.g. {AND,
OR, NOT} resp. {&&, \|\|, !}, can be represented by their truth table,
which for example for {\$a && \$b} looks like:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
a b a&&b
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1
As all but the last column just enumerate all possible combinations of
the arguments, first column least-significant, the full representation
of a&&b is the last column, a sequence of 0s and 1s which can be seen as
binary integer, reading from bottom up: `1 0 0 0 == 8`. So 8 is the
associated integer of `a&&b`, but not only of this --- we get the same
integer for `!(!a || !b)`, but then again, these functions are
To try this in Tcl, here\'s a truth table generator that I borrowed from
a little proving engine, but without the lsort used there --- the order
of cases delivered makes best sense when the first bit is least
significant: }
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc truthtable n {
# make a list of 2**n lists, each with n truth values 0|1
set res {}
for {set i 0} {$i < (1<<$n)} {incr i} {
set case {}
for {set j 0} {$j <$n} {incr j } {
lappend case [expr {($i & (1<<$j)) != 0}]
lappend res $case
set res
Now we can write n(f), which, given a Boolean function of one or more
arguments, returns its characteristic number, by iterating over all
cases in the truth table, and setting a bit where appropriate:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc n(f) expression {
set vars [lsort -unique [regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z]} $expression " "]]
set res 0
set bit 1
foreach case [truthtable [llength $vars]] {
foreach $vars $case break
set res [expr $res | ((($expression)!=0)*$bit)]
incr bit $bit ;#-- <<1, or *2
set res
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% n(f) {$a && !$a} ;#-- contradiction is always false
% n(f) {$a || !$a} ;#-- tautology is always true
% n(f) {$a} ;#-- identity is boring
% n(f) {!$a} ;#-- NOT
% n(f) {$a && $b} ;#-- AND
% n(f) {$a || $b} ;#-- OR
% n(f) {!($a && $b)} ;#-- de Morgan's laws:
% n(f) {!$a || !$b} ;#-- same value = equivalent
So the characteristic integer is not the same as the Goedel number of a
function, which would encode the structure of operators used there.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% n(f) {!($a || $b)} ;#-- interesting: same as unary NOT
% n(f) {!$a && !$b}
Getting more daring, let\'s try a distributive law:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% n(f) {$p && ($q || $r)}
% n(f) {($p && $q) || ($p && $r)}
Daring more: what if we postulate the equivalence?
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% n(f) {(($p && $q) || ($p && $r)) == ($p && ($q || $r))}
Without proof, I just claim that every function of n arguments whose
characteristic integer is `2^(2^n)` --- 1 is a tautology (or a true
statement --- all bits are 1). Conversely, postulating non-equivalence
turns out to be false in all cases, hence a contradiction:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% n(f) {(($p && $q) || ($p && $r)) != ($p && ($q || $r))}
So again, we have a little proving engine, and simpler than last time.
In the opposite direction, we can call a Boolean function by its number
and provide one or more arguments --- if we give more than the function
can make sense of, non-false excess arguments lead to constant falsity,
as the integer can be considered zero-extended:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc f(n) {n args} {
set row 0
set bit 1
foreach arg $args {
set row [expr {$row | ($arg != 0)*$bit}]
incr bit $bit
expr !!($n &(1<<$row))
Trying again, starting at OR (14):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% f(n) 14 0 0
% f(n) 14 0 1
% f(n) 14 1 0
% f(n) 14 1 1
So f(n) 14 indeed behaves like the OR function --- little surprise, as
its truth table (the results of the four calls), read bottom-up, 1110,
is decimal 14 (8 + 4 + 2). Another test, inequality:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% n(f) {$a != $b}
% f(n) 6 0 0
% f(n) 6 0 1
% f(n) 6 1 0
% f(n) 6 1 1
Trying to call 14 (OR) with more than two args:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% f(n) 14 0 0 1
% f(n) 14 0 1 1
53 % f(n) 14 1 1 1
The constant 0 result is a subtle indication that we did something wrong
Implication (if a then b, `a -> b`) can in expr be expressed as
`$a <= $b` --- just note that the \"arrow\" seems to point the wrong
way. Let\'s try to prove \"Modus Barbara\" --- \"if a implies b and b
implies c, then a implies c\":
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% n(f) {(($a <= $b) && ($b <= $c)) <= ($a <= $c)}
With less abstract variable names, one might as well write
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% n(f) {(($Socrates <= $human) && ($human <= $mortal)) <= ($Socrates <= $mortal)}
But this has been verified long ago, by Socrates\' death :\^)
### Let unknown know
To extend Tcl, i.e. to make it understand and do things that before
raised an error, the easiest way is to write a proc. Any proc must
however be called in compliance with Tcl\'s fundamental syntax: first
word is the command name, then the arguments separated by whitespace.
Deeper changes are possible with the unknown command, which is called if
a command name is, well, unknown, and in the standard version tries to
call executables, to auto-load scripts, or do other helpful things (see
the file `init.tcl`). One could edit that file (not recommended), or
rename unknown to something else and provide one\'s own unknown handler,
that falls through to the original proc if unsuccessful, as shown in
Radical language modification.
Here is a simpler way that allows to extend unknown \"in place\" and
incrementally: We let unknown \"know\" what action it shall take under
what conditions. The know command is called with a condition that should
result in an integer when given to expr, and a body that will be
executed if cond results in nonzero, returning the last result if not
terminated with an explicit return. In both cond and body you may use
the variable args that holds the problem command unknown was invoked
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc know what {
if ![info complete $what] {error "incomplete command(s) $what"}
proc unknown args $what\n[info body unknown]
} ;# RS
The extending code *what* is prepended to the previous unknown body.
This means that subsequent calls to know stack up, last condition being
tried first, so if you have several conditions that fire on the same
input, let them be \"known\" from generic to specific.
Here\'s a little debugging helper, to find out why \"know\" conditions
don\'t fire:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc know? {} {puts [string range [info body unknown] 0 511]}
Now testing what new magic this handful of code allows us to do. This
simple example invokes expr if the \"command\" is digestible for it:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% know {if {![catch {expr $args} res]} {return $res}}
% 3+4
### If we had no if
Imagine the makers of Tcl had failed to provide the if command. All the
rest would be there. Doing more steps towards functional programming, I
came upon this interesting problem, and will shortly demonstrate that it
can easily be solved in pure-Tcl.
We still have the canonical truth values 0 and 1 as returned from expr
with a comparison operator. The idea in the paper I read is to use them
as names of very simple functions:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc 0 {then else} {uplevel 1 $else}
proc 1 {then else} {uplevel 1 $then} ;# the famous K combinator
Glory be to the 11 rules of man Tcl that this is already a crude though
sufficient reimplementation:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set x 42
[expr $x<100] {puts Yes} {puts No}
The bracketed expr command is evaluated first, returning 0 or 1 as
result of the comparison. This result (0 or 1) is substituted for the
first word of this command. The other words (arguments) are not
substituted because they\'re curly-braced, so either 0 or 1 is invoked,
and does its simple job. (I used uplevel instead of eval to keep all
side effects in caller\'s scope). Formally, what happened to the
bracketed call is that it went through \"applicative order\" evaluation
(i.e., do it now), while the braced commands wait for \"normal order\"
evaluation (i.e., do when needed, maybe never --- the need is expressed
through eval/upvar or similar commands).
Though slick at first sight, we actually have to type more. As a second
step, we create the If command that wraps the expr invocation:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc If {cond then else} {
[uplevel 1 [list expr ($cond)!=0]] {uplevel 1 $then} {uplevel 1 $else}
If {$x>40} {puts Indeed} {puts "Not at all"}
This again passes impromptu tests, and adds the feature that any
non-zero value counts as true and returns 1 --- if we neglect the other
syntactic options of if, especially the elseif chaining. However, this
is no fundamental problem --- consider that
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
if A then B elseif C then D else E
can be rewritten as
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
if A then B else {if C then D else E}
so the two-way If is about as mighty as the real thing, give or take a
few braces and redundant keywords (then, else).
Luckily we have an if in Tcl (and it certainly fares better in byte-code
compilation), but on leisurely evenings it\'s not the microseconds that
count (for me at least) --- it\'s rather reading on the most surprising
(or fundamental) ideas, and demonstrating how easily Tcl can bring them
to life\...
### Brute force meets Goedel
Never afraid of anything (as long as everything is a string), a
discussion in the Tcl chatroom brought me to try the following: let the
computer write (\"discover\") its own software, only given
specifications of input and output. In truly brute force, up to half a
million programs are automatically written and (a suitable subset of
them) tested to find the one that passes the tests.
To make things easier, this flavor of \"software\" is in a very simple
RPN language similar to, but much smaller than, the one presented in
Playing bytecode: stack-oriented like Forth, each operation being one
byte (ASCII char) wide, so we don\'t even need whitespace in between.
Arguments are pushed on the stack, and the result of the \"software\",
the stack at end, is returned. For example, in
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
ebc ++ 1 2 3
execution of the script \"++\" should sum its three arguments (1+(2+3)),
and return 6.
Here\'s the \"bytecode engine\" (ebc: execute byte code), which
retrieves the implementations of bytecodes from the global array cmd:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc ebc {code argl} {
set ::S $argl
foreach opcode [split $code ""] {
eval $::cmd($opcode)
set ::S
Let\'s now populate the bytecode collection. The set of all defined
bytecodes will be the alphabet of this little RPN language. It may be
interesting to note that this language has truly minimal syntax --- the
only rule is: each script (\"word\") composed of any number of bytecodes
is well-formed. It just remains to check whether it does what we want.
Binary expr operators can be treated generically:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
foreach op {+ - * /} {
set cmd($op) [string map "@ $op" {swap; push [expr {[pop] @ [pop]}]}]
#-- And here's some more hand-crafted bytecode implementations
set cmd(d) {push [lindex $::S end]} ;# dup
set cmd(q) {push [expr {sqrt([pop])}]}
set cmd(^) {push [swap; expr {pow([pop],[pop])}]}
set cmd(s) swap
#-- The stack routines imply a global stack ::S, for simplicity
interp alias {} push {} lappend ::S
proc pop {} {K [lindex $::S end] [set ::S [lrange $::S 0 end-1]]}
proc K {a b} {set a}
proc swap {} {push [pop] [pop]}
Instead of enumerating all possible bytecode combinations beforehand
(which grows exponentially by alphabet and word length), I use this code
from Mapping words to integers to step over their sequence, uniquely
indexed by an increasing integer. This is something like the Goedel
number of the corresponding code. Note that with this mapping, all valid
programs (bytecode sequences) correspond to one unique non-negative
integer, and longer programs have higher integers associated:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc int2word {int alphabet} {
set word ""
set la [llength $alphabet]
while {$int > 0} {
incr int -1
set word [lindex $alphabet [expr {$int % $la}]]$word
set int [expr {$int/$la}]
set word
Now out for discovery! The toplevel proc takes a paired list of inputs
and expected output. It tries in brute force all programs up to the
specified maximum Goedel number and returns the first one that complies
with all tests:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc discover0 args {
set alphabet [lsort [array names ::cmd]]
for {set i 1} {$i<10000} {incr i} {
set code [int2word $i $alphabet]
set failed 0
foreach {inputs output} $args {
catch {ebc $code $inputs} res
if {$res != $output} {incr failed; break}
if {!$failed} {return $code}
But iterating over many words is still pretty slow, at least on my 200
MHz box, and many useless \"programs\" are tried. For instance, if the
test has two inputs and wants one output, the stack balance is -1 (one
less out than in). This is provided e.g. by one the binary operators
+-\*/. But the program \"dd\" (which just duplicates the top of stack
twice) has a stack balance of +2, and hence can never pass the example
test. So, on a morning dogwalk, I thought out this strategy:
- measure the stack balance for each bytecode
- iterate once over very many possible programs, computing their stack
- partition them (put into distinct subsets) by stack balance
- perform each \'discovery\' call only on programs of matching stack
Here\'s this version. Single bytecodes are executed, only to measure
their effect on the stack. The balance of longer programs can be
computed by just adding the balances of their individual bytecodes:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc bc'stack'balance bc {
set stack {1 2} ;# a bytecode will consume at most two elements
expr {[llength [ebc $bc $stack]]-[llength $stack]}
proc stack'balance code {
set res 0
foreach bc [split $code ""] {incr res $::balance($bc)}
set res
The partitioning will run for some seconds (depending on nmax --- I
tried with several ten thousand), but it\'s needed only once. The size
of partitions is further reduced by excluding programs which contain
redundant code, that will have no effect, like swapping the stack twice,
or swapping before an addition or multiplication. A program without such
extravaganzas is shorter and yet does the same job, so it will have been
tested earlier anyway.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc partition'programs nmax {
global cmd partitions balance
#-- make a table of bytecode stack balances
set alphabet [array names cmd]
foreach bc $alphabet {
set balance($bc) [bc'stack'balance $bc]
array unset partitions ;# for repeated sourcing
for {set i 1} {$i<=$nmax} {incr i} {
set program [int2word $i $alphabet]
#-- "peephole optimizer" - suppress code with redundancies
set ok 1
foreach sequence {ss s+ s*} {
if {[string first $sequence $program]>=0} {set ok 0}
if {$ok} {
lappend partitions([stack'balance $program]) $program
set program ;# see how far we got
The discoverer, Second Edition, determines the stack balance of the
first text, and tests only those programs of the same partition:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc discover args {
global partitions
foreach {in out} $args break
set balance [expr {[llength $out]-[llength $in]}]
foreach code $partitions($balance) {
set failed 0
foreach {input output} $args {
catch {ebc $code $input} res
if {$res != $output} {incr failed; break}
if {!$failed} {return $code}
But now for the trying. The partitioning helps very much in reducing the
number of candidates. For the 1000 programs with Goedel numbers 1..1000,
it retains only a fraction for each stack balance:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
-2: 75
-1: 155 (this and 0 will be the most frequently used)
0: 241
1: 274
2: 155
3: 100
Simple starter --- discover the successor function (add one):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% discover 5 6 7 8
Not bad: duplicate the number twice, divide by itself to get the
constant 1, and add that to the original number. However, it fails to
work if we add the successor of 0 as another test case:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% discover 5 6 7 8 0 1
Nothing coming --- because zero division made the last test fail. If we
give only this test, another solution is found:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% discover 0 1
\"Take x to the x-th\" power\" --- `pow(0,0)` gives indeed 1, but
that\'s not the generic successor function.
More experiments to discover the hypot() function:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% discover {4 3} 5
Hm --- the 3 is duplicated, divided by itself (=1), which is added to 4.
Try to swap the inputs:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% discover {3 4} 5
Another dirty trick: get square root of 4, add to 3 --- presto, 5. The
correct `hypot()` function would be
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
but my program set (nmax=30000) ends at 5-byte codes, so even by giving
another test to force discovery of the real thing, it would never reach
a 7-byte code. OK, I bite the bullet, set nmax to 500000, wait 5 minutes
for the partitioning, and then:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% discover {3 4} 5 {11 60} 61
Hm.. cheap trick again --- it was discovered that the solution is just
the successor of the second argument. Like in real life, test cases have
to be carefully chosen. So I tried with another a\^2+b\^2=c\^2 set, and
HEUREKA! (after 286 seconds):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% discover {3 4} 5 {8 15} 17
After partitioning, 54005 programs had the -1 stack balance, and the
correct result was on position 48393 in that list\...
And finally, with the half-million set of programs, here\'s a solution
for the successor function too:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% discover 0 1 4711 4712
\"d-\" subtracts top of stack from itself, pushing 0; the second
duplicate to the 0-th power gives 1, which is added to the original
argument. After some head-scratching, I find it plausible, and possibly
it is even the simplest possible solution, given the poorness of this
RPN language.
Lessons learned:
- Brute force is simple, but may demand very much patience (or faster
- The sky, not the skull is the limit what all we can do with Tcl :)
### Object orientation
OO (Object Orientation) is a style in programming languages popular
since Smalltalk, and especially C++, Java, etc. For Tcl, there have been
several OO extensions/frameworks (*incr Tcl*, *XOTcl*, *stooop*, *Snit*
to name a few) in different flavors, but none can be considered as
standard followed by a majority of users. However, most of these share
the features
- classes can be defined, with variables and methods
- objects are created as instances of a class
- objects are called with messages to perform a method
Of course, there are some who say: \"Advocating object-orientated
programming is like advocating pants-oriented clothing: it covers your
behind, but often doesn\'t fit best\" \...
#### Bare-bones OO
Quite a bunch of what is called OO can be done in pure Tcl without a
\"framework\", only that the code might look clumsy and distracting.
Just choose how to implement instance variables:
- in global variables or namespaces
- or just as parts of a transparent value, with TOOT
The task of frameworks, be they written in Tcl or C, is just to hide
away gorey details of the implementation --- in other words, sugar it :)
On the other hand, one understands a clockwork best when it\'s outside
the clock, and all parts are visible --- so to get a good understanding
of OO, it might be most instructive to look at a simple implementation.
As an example, here\'s a Stack class with *push* and *pop* methods, and
an instance variable *s* --- a list that holds the stack\'s contents:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
namespace eval Stack {set n 0}
proc Stack::Stack {} { #-- constructor
variable n
set instance [namespace current]::[incr n]
namespace eval $instance {variable s {}}
interp alias {} $instance {} ::Stack::do $instance
The *interp alias* makes sure that calling the object\'s name, like
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
::Stack::1 push hello
is understood and rerouted as a call to the dispatcher below:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
::Stack::do ::Stack::1 push hello
The dispatcher imports the object\'s variables (only *s* here) into
local scope, and then switches on the method name:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc Stack::do {self method args} { #-- Dispatcher with methods
upvar #0 ${self}::s s
switch -- $method {
push {eval lappend s $args}
pop {
if ![llength $s] {error "stack underflow"}
K [lindex $s end] [set s [lrange $s 0 end-1]]
default {error "unknown method $method"}
proc K {a b} {set a}
A framework would just have to make sure that the above code is
functionally equivalent to, e.g. (in a fantasy OO style):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
class Stack {
variable s {}
method push args {eval lappend s $args}
method pop {} {
if ![llength $s] {error "stack underflow"}
K [lindex $s end] [set s [lrange $s 0 end-1]]
which, I admit, reads definitely better. But bare-bones has its
advantages too: in order to see how a clockwork works, you\'d better
have all parts visible :)
Now testing in an interactive tclsh:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% set s [Stack::Stack] ;#-- constructor
::Stack::1 ;#-- returns the generated instance name
% $s push hello
% $s push world
hello world
% $s pop
% $s pop
% $s pop
stack underflow ;#-- clear enough error message
% namespace delete $s ;#-- "destructor"
#### TOOT: transparent OO for Tcl
Transparent OO for Tcl, or TOOT for short, is a very amazing combination
of Tcl\'s concept of transparent values, and the power of OO concepts.
In TOOT, the values of objects are represented as a list of length 3:
the class name (so much for \"runtime type information\" :-), a \"\|\"
as separator and indicator, and the values of the object, e.g.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
{class | {values of the object}}
Here\'s my little take on toot in a nutshell. Classes in C++ started out
as structs, so I take a minimal struct as example, with generic get and
set methods. We will export the *get* and *set* methods:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
namespace eval toot {namespace export get set}
proc toot::struct {name members} {
namespace eval $name {namespace import -force ::toot::*}
#-- membership information is kept in an alias:
interp alias {} ${name}::@ {} lsearch $members
The two generic accessor functions will be inherited by \"struct\"s
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc toot::get {class value member} {
lindex $value [${class}::@ $member]
The set method does not change the instance (it couldn\'t, as it sees it
only \"by value\") --- it just returns the new composite toot object,
for the caller to do with it what he wants:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc toot::set {class value member newval} {
::set pos [${class}::@ $member]
list $class | [lreplace $value $pos $pos $newval]
For the whole thing to work, here\'s a simple overloading of unknown ---
see \"Let unknown know\". It augments the current unknown code, at the
top, with a handler for
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
{class | values} method args
patterns, which converts it to the form
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
::toot::(class)::(method) (class) (values) (args)
and returns the result of calling that form:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc know what {proc unknown args $what\n[info body unknown]}
Now to use it (I admit the code is no easy reading):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
know {
set first [lindex $args 0]
if {[llength $first]==3 && [lindex $first 1] eq "|"} {
set class [lindex $first 0]
return [eval ::toot::${class}::[lindex $args 1] \
$class [list [lindex $first 2]] [lrange $args 2 end]]
Testing: we define a \"struct\" named foo, with two obvious members:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
toot::struct foo {bar grill}
Create an instance as pure string value:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set x {foo | {hello world}}
puts [$x get bar] ;# -> hello (value of the "bar" member)
Modify part of the foo, and assign it to another variale:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set y [$x set grill again]
puts $y ;# -> foo | {hello again}
Struct-specific methods can be just procs in the right namespace. The
first and second arguments are the class (disregarded here, as the dash
shows) and the value, the rest is up to the coder. This silly example
demonstrates member access and some string manipulation:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc toot::foo::upcase {- values which string} {
string toupper [lindex $values [@ $which]]$string
puts [$y upcase grill !] ;# -> AGAIN!
### A little deterministic Turing machine
At university, I never learned much about Turing machines. Only decades
later, a hint in the Tcl chatroom pointed me to
<http://csc.smsu.edu/~shade/333/project.txt> , an assignment to
implement a Deterministic Turing Machine (i.e. one with at most one rule
per state and input character), which gives clear instructions and two
test cases for input and output, so I decided to try my hand in Tcl.
Rules in this little challenge are of the form a bcD e, where
- a is the state in which they can be applied
- b is the character that must be read from tape if this rule is to
- c is the character to write to the tape
- D is the direction to move the tape after writing (R(ight) or
- e is the state to transition to after the rule was applied
Here\'s my naive implementation, which takes the tape just as the string
it initially is. I only had to take care that when moving beyond its
ends, I had to attach a space (written as \_) on that end, and adjust
the position pointer when at the beginning. Rules are also taken as
strings, whose parts can easily be extracted with string index --- as
it\'s used so often here, I alias it to @. }
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc dtm {rules tape} {
set state 1
set pos 0
while 1 {
set char [@ $tape $pos]
foreach rule $rules {
if {[@ $rule 0] eq $state && [@ $rule 2] eq $char} {
#puts rule:$rule,tape:$tape,pos:$pos,char:$char
#-- Rewrite tape at head position.
set tape [string replace $tape $pos $pos [@ $rule 3]]
#-- Move tape Left or Right as specified in rule.
incr pos [expr {[@ $rule 4] eq "L"? -1: 1}]
if {$pos == -1} {
set pos 0
set tape _$tape
} elseif {$pos == [string length $tape]} {
append tape _
set state [@ $rule 6]
if {$state == 0} break
#-- Highlight the head position on the tape.
string trim [string replace $tape $pos $pos \[[@ $tape $pos]\]] _
interp alias {} @ {} string index
Test data from <http://csc.smsu.edu/~shade/333/project.txt>
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
set rules {
{1 00R 1}
{2 01L 0}
{1 __L 2}
{2 10L 2}
{2 _1L 0}
{1 11R 1}
set tapes {
set rules2 {
{3 _1L 2}
{1 _1R 2}
{1 11L 3}
{2 11R 2}
{3 11R 0}
{2 _1L 1}
set tapes2 _
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
foreach tape $tapes {puts [dtm $rules $tape]}
puts *
puts [dtm $rules2 $tapes2]
reports the results as wanted in the paper, on stdout:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
>tclsh turing.tcl
### Streams
Streams are a powerful concept in (not only functional) programming. In
SICP chapter 3.5, streams are introduced as data structures
characterized as \"delayed lists\", whose elements are produced and
returned only on demand (deferred evaluation). This way, a stream can
promise to be a potentially endless source of data, while taking only
finite time to process and deliver what\'s really wanted. Other streams
may provide a finite but very large number of elements, which would be
impractical to process in one go. In Tcl, the two ways of reading a file
are a good example:
- read `$fp` returns the whole contents, which then can be processed;
- while `{[gets $fp line]>-1} {...}` reads line by line, interleaved
with processing
The second construct may be less efficient, but is robust for
gigabyte-sized files. A simpler example is pipes in Unix/DOS (use TYPE
for cat there):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` bash
cat foo.bar | more
where the \"cat\" delivers lines of the file as long as \"more\" will
take them, and waits otherwise (after all, stdin and stdout are just
streams\...). Such process chains can be emulated in Tcl with the
following rules:
A stream is modelled here as a procedure that returns one stream item on
each call. The special item \"\" (the empty string) indicates that the
stream is exhausted. Streams are interesting if they don\'t deliver the
same result on every call, which requires them to maintain state between
calls e.g. in static variables (here implemented with the fancy remember
proc) --- examples are intgen that delivers ever increasing integers, or
gets `$fp` where the file pointer advances at each call, so potentially
all lines of the file are returned over time.
A filter takes one or more streams, and possibly other arguments, and
reacts like a stream too. Hence, streams can be (and typically are)
nested for processing purposes. If a filter meets end-of-stream, it
should return that too. Filters may be characterized as \"selectors\"
(who may return only part of their input, like \"grep\") and/or
\"appliers\" who call a command on their input and return the result.
Note that on infinite streams, selectors may never return, e.g. if you
want the second even prime\... Streams in general should not be written
in brackets (then the Tcl parser would eagerly evaluate them before
evaluating the command), but braced, and stream consumers eval the
stream at their discretion.
Before we start, a word of warning: maintaining state of a procedure is
done with default arguments that may be rewritten. To prevent bugs from
procedures whose defaults have changed, I\'ve come up with the following
simple architecture --- procs with static variables are registered as
\"sproc\"s, which remembers the initial defaults, and with a reset
command you can restore the initial values for one or all sprocs:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc sproc {name head body} {
set ::sproc($name) $head
proc $name $head $body
proc reset { {what *}} {
foreach name [array names ::sproc $what] {
proc $name $::sproc($name) [info body $name]
Now let\'s start with a simple stream source, \"cat\", which as a
wrapper for gets returns the lines of a file one by one until exhausted
(EOF), in which case an empty string is returned (this requires that
empty lines in the files, which would look similarly, are represented as
a single blank):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
sproc cat {filename {fp {}} } {
if {$fp==""} {
remember fp [set fp [open $filename]]
if {[gets $fp res]<0} {
remember fp [close $fp] ;# which returns an empty string ;-)
} elseif {$res==""} {set res " "} ;# not end of stream!
set res
proc remember {argn value} {
# - rewrite a proc's default arg with given value
set procn [lindex [info level -1] 0] ;# caller's name
set argl {}
foreach arg [info args $procn] {
if [info default $procn $arg default] {
if {$arg==$argn} {set default $value}
lappend argl [list $arg $default]
} else {
lappend argl $arg
proc $procn $argl [info body $procn]
set value
# This simple but infinite stream source produces all positive integers:
sproc intgen { {seed -1}} {remember seed [incr seed]}
# This produces all (well, very many) powers of 2:
sproc powers-of-2 { {x 0.5}} {remember x [expr $x*2]}
# A filter that reads and displays a stream until user stops it:
proc more {stream} {
while 1 {
set res [eval $stream]
if {$res==""} break ;# encountered end of stream
puts -nonewline $res; flush stdout
if {[gets stdin]=="q"} break
Usage example:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
more {cat streams.tcl}
which crudely emulates the Unix/DOS pipe mentioned above (you\'ll have
to hit after every line, and
to quit..).
more is the most important \"end-user\" of streams, especially if they
are infinite. Note however that you need stdin for this implementation,
which excludes wishes on Windows (one might easily write a UI-more that
reacts on mouse clicks, though).
A more generic filter takes a condition and a stream, and on each call
returns an element of the input stream where the condition holds --- if
ever one comes along:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc filter {cond stream} {
while 1 {
set res [eval $stream]
if {$res=="" || [$cond $res]} break
set res
# Here is a sample usage with famous name:
proc grep {re stream} {
filter [lambda [list x [list re $re]] {regexp $re $x}] $stream
#.... which uses the (less) famous function maker:
proc lambda {args body} {
set name [info level 0]
proc $name $args $body
set name
# Usage example: more {grep this {cat streams.tcl}}
Friends of syntactic sugar might prefer shell style:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` bash
$ cat streams.tcl | grep this | more
and guess what, we can have that in Tcl too (and not in Scheme !-), by
writing a proc, that also resets all sprocs, with the fancy name \"\$\"
(in Unix, this could be the shell prompt that you don\'t type, but for
Tcl we always have to have the command name as first word):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc $ args {
set cmd {}
foreach arg $args {
if {$arg != "|"} {
lappend tmp $arg
} else {
set cmd [expr {$cmd==""? $tmp: [lappend tmp $cmd]}]
set tmp {}
uplevel 1 [lappend tmp $cmd]
To prove that we haven\'t cheated by using exec, let\'s introduce a line
counter filter:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
sproc -n {stream {n 0}} {
set res [eval $stream]
if {$res!=""} {set res [remember n [incr n]]:$res}
This can be added to filter chains, to count lines in the original file,
or only the results from grep:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
$ cat streams.tcl | -n | grep this | more
$ cat streams.tcl | grep this | -n | more
We further observe that more has a similar structure to filter, so we
could also rewrite it in terms of that:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc more2 stream {
filter [lambda x {
puts -nonewline $x; flush stdout
expr {[gets stdin]=="q"}
}] $stream
# Here is another stream producer that returns elements from a list:
sproc streamlist {list {todo {}} {firstTime 1} } {
if $firstTime {set todo $list; remember firstTime 0}
remember todo [lrange $todo 1 end]
lindex $todo 0
# This one repeats its list endlessly, so better use it with 'more':
sproc infinite-streamlist {list {todo {}} } {
initially todo $list
remember todo [lrange $todo 1 end]
lindex $todo 0
# This is sugar for first-time assignment of static variables:
proc initially {varName value} {
upvar 1 $varName var
if {$var==""} {set var $value}
# But for a simple constant stream source, just use [subst]:
# more {subst 1} ;# will produce as many ones as you wish
# This filter collects its input (should be finite ;-) into a list:
proc collect stream {
set res {}
while 1 {
set element [eval $stream]
if {$element==""} break
lappend res $element
set res
The sort filter is unusual in that it consumes its whole (finite!)
input, sorts it, and acts as a stream source on the output:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
sproc sort {stream {todo {}} {firstTime 1}} {
if $firstTime {
set todo [lsort [collect $stream]]
remember firstTime 0
remember todo [lrange $todo 1 end]
lindex $todo 0
# $ streamlist {foo bar grill a} | sort | collect => a bar foo grill
proc apply {f stream} {$f [eval $stream]}
#... This can be plugged into a filter chain to see what's going on:
proc observe stream {apply [lambda y {puts $y; set y}] $stream}
# ... or, to get a stream of even numbers, starting from 0:
more {apply [lambda x {expr $x*2}] intgen}
Now for the example in SICP: find the second prime in the interval
between 10000 and 1000000.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
sproc interval {from to {current {}} } {
initially current $from
if {$current<=$to} {
remember current [expr $current+1]
proc prime? x {
if {$x<2} {return 0}
set max [expr sqrt($x)]
set try 2
while {$try<=$max} {
if {$x%$try == 0} {return 0}
incr try [expr {2-($try==2)}]
return 1
proc stream-index {stream index} {
for {set i 0} {$i<=$index} {incr i} {
set res [eval $stream]
set res
sproc stream-range {stream from to {pos 0}} {
while {$pos<$from} {
set res [eval $stream] ;# ignore elements before 'from'
if {$res==""} return ;# might be end-of-stream
incr pos
if {$to!="end" && $pos > $to} return
remember pos [incr pos]
eval $stream
stream-index {filter prime? {interval 10000 1000000}} 1 ==> 10009
Another idea from SICP is a \"smoothing\" function, that averages each
pair of values from the input stream. For this we need to introduce a
short-term memory also in the filter:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
sproc average {stream {previous {}} } {
if {$previous==""} {set previous [eval $stream]}
remember previous [set current [eval $stream]]
if {$current!=""} {expr {($previous+$current)/2.}}
which, tested on a n-element stream, returns n-1 averages:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
collect {average {streamlist {1 2 3 4 5}}} ==> 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5
Yet another challenge was to produce an infinite stream of pairs `{i j}`
of positive integers, `i <= j`, ordered by their sum, so that more pairs
produces consecutively
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
{1 1} {1 2} {1 3} {2 2} {1 4} {2 3} {1 5} {2 4} {3 3} {1 6} ...
Here\'s my solution which does that:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
sproc pairs { {last {}} } {
if {$last==""} {
set last [list 1 1] ;# start of iteration
} else {
foreach {a b} $last break
if {$a >= $b-1} {
set last [list 1 [expr {$a+$b}]] ;# next sum level
} else {
set last [list [incr a] [incr b -1]]
remember last $last
**Ramanujan numbers**: The pairs generator can be used to find Ramanujan
numbers, which can be represented as the sum of two integer cubes in
more than one way. Here I use a global array for recording results:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
sproc Ramanujan {stream {firstTime 1}} {
if $firstTime {unset ::A; remember firstTime 0}
while 1 {
set pair [eval $stream]
foreach {a b} $pair break
set n [expr {$a*$a*$a + $b*$b*$b}]
if [info exists ::A($n)] {
lappend ::A($n) $pair
} else {set ::A($n) [list $pair]}
list $n $::A($n)
more {Ramanujan pairs} ;# or: $ pairs | Ramanujan | more
delivers in hardly noticeable time the R. numbers 1729, 4104, 13832\...
Or, how\'s this infinite Fibonacchi number generator, which on more fibo
produces all the F.numbers (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21\...) you might want?
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
sproc fibo { {a ""} {b ""}} {
if {$a==""} {
remember a 0
} elseif {$b==""} {
remember b 1
} else {
if {$b > 1<<30} {set b [expr double($b)]}
remember a $b
remember b [expr $a+$b]
**Discussion**: With the above code, it was possible to reproduce quite
some behavior of streams as documented in SICP, not as data structures
but with Tcl procs (though procs are data too, in some sense\...).
What\'s missing is the capability to randomly address parts of a stream,
as is possible in Scheme (and of course their claim to do without
assignment, or mutable data\...) Tcl lists just don\'t follow LISP\'s
CAR/CDR model (though KBK demonstrated in Tcl and LISP that this
structure can be emulated, also with procs), but rather C\'s flat
`*TclObject[]` style. The absence of lexical scoping also led to
constructs like sproc/reset, which stop a gap but aren\'t exactly
elegant --- but Tcl\'s clear line between either local or global
variables allows something like closures only by rewriting default
arguments like done in remember (or like in Python).
Don\'t take this as a fundamental critique of Tcl, though --- its
underlying model is far more simple and elegant than LISP\'s (what with
\"special forms\", \"reader macros\"\...), and yet powerful enough to do
just about everything possible\...
### Playing with Laws of Form
After many years, I re-read
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
G. Spencer-Brown, "Laws of Form". New York: E.P. Dutton 1979
which is sort of a mathematical thriller, if you will. Bertrand Russell
commented that the author \"has revealed a new calculus, of great power
and simplicity\" (somehow sounds like Tcl ;\^). In a very radical
simplification, a whole world is built up by two operators,
juxtaposition without visible symbol (which could be likened to or) and
a overbar-hook (with the meaning of not) that I can\'t type here ---
it\'s a horizontal stroke over zero or more operands, continued at right
by a vertical stroke going down to the baseline. In these Tcl
experiments, I use \"\" for \"\" and angle-brackets \<\> for the
overbar-hook (with zero or more operands in between).
One point that was new for me is that the distinction between operators
and operands is not cast in stone. Especially constants (like \"true\"
and \"false\" in Boolean algebras) can be equally well expressed as
neutral elements of operators, if these are considered variadic, and
having zero arguments. This makes sense, even in Tcl, where one might
implement them as
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc and args {
foreach arg $args {if {![uplevel 1 expr $arg]} {return 0}}
return 1
proc or args {
foreach arg $args {if {[uplevel 1 expr $arg]} {return 1}}
return 0
which, when called with no arguments, return 1 or 0, respectively. So
\[or\] == 0 and \[and\] == 1. In Spencer-Brown\'s terms, \[\] (which is
\"\", the empty string with no arguments) is false (\"nil\" in LISP),
and \[\<\>\] is the negation of \"\", i.e. true. His two axioms are:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
<><> == <> "to recall is to call -- (1 || 1) == 1"
<<>> == "to recross is not to cross -- !!0 == 0"
and these can be implemented by a string map that is repeated as long as
it makes any difference (sort of a trampoline) to simplify any
expression consisting only of operators and constants (which are
operators with zero arguments):
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc lf'simplify expression {
while 1 {
set res [string map {<><> <> <<>> ""} $expression]
if {$res eq $expression} {return $res}
set expression $res
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% lf'simplify <<><>><>
which maps \<\>\<\> to \<\>, \<\<\>\> to \"\", and returns \<\> for
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% lf'simplify <a>a
In the algebra introduced here, with a variable \"a\", no further
simplification was so far possible. Let\'s change that --- \"a\" can
have only two values, `""` or `<>`, so we might try to solve the
expression by assuming all possible values for a, and see if they
differ. If they don\'t, we have found a fact that isn\'t dependent on
the variable\'s value, and the resulting constant is returned, otherwise
the unsolved expression:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc lf'solve {expression var} {
set results {}
foreach value {"" <>} {
set res [lf'simplify [string map [list $var $value] $expression]]
if {![in $results $res]} {lappend results $res}
if {[llength $results] > 1} {return $expression}
set results
with a helper function in that reports containment of an element in a
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc in {list element} {expr {[lsearch -exact $list $element] >= 0}}
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% lf'solve <a>a a
which means, in expr terms, {(!\$a \|\| \$a) == 1}, for all values of a.
In other words, a tautology. All of Boole\'s algebra can be expressed in
this calculus:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
* (1) not a == !$a == <a>
* (2) a or b == $a || $b == ab
* (3) a and b == $a && $b == <<a><b>>
* (4) a implies b == $a <= $b == <a>b
We can test it with the classic \"ex contradictione quodlibet\" (ECQ)
example --- \"if p and not p, then q\" for any q:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
% lf'solve <<p><<p>>>q p
So formally, q is true, whatever it is :) If this sounds overly
theoretic, here\'s a tricky practical example in puzzle solving, Lewis
Carroll\'s last sorites (pp. 123f.). The task is to conclude something
from the following premises:
- The only animals in this house are cats
- Every animal is suitable for a pet, that loves to gaze at the moon
- When I detest an animal, I avoid it
- No animals are carnivorous, unless they prowl at night
- No cat fail to kill mice
- No animals ever take to me, except what are in this house
- Kangaroos are not suitable for pets
- None but carnivora kill mice
- I detest animals that do not take to me
- Animals that prowl at night always love to gaze at the moon
These are encoded to the following one-letter predicates:
a: avoided by me\
c: cat\
d: detested by me\
h: house, in this\
k: kill mice\
m: moon, love to gaze at\
n: night, prowl at\
p: pet, suitable for\
r: (kanga)roo\
t: take to me\
v: (carni)vorous
So the problem set can be restated, in Spencer-Brown\'s terms, as
<h>c <m>p <d>a <v>n <c>k <t>h <r><p> <k>v td <n>m
I first don\'t understand why all premises can be just written in a row,
which amounts to implicit \"or\", but it seems to work out well. As
we\'ve seen that `<x>`{=html}`x` is true for any `x`, we can cancel out
such tautologies. For this, we reformat the expression to a list of
values of type `x` or `!x`, that is in turn dumped into a local array
for existence checking. And when both `x` and `!x` exist, they are
removed from the expression:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
proc lf'cancel expression {
set e2 [string map {"< " ! "> " ""} [split $expression ""]]
foreach term $e2 {if {$term ne ""} {set a($term) ""}}
foreach var [array names a ?] {
if [info exists a(!$var)] {
set expression [string map [list <$var> "" $var ""] $expression]
set expression
puts [lf'cancel {<h>c <m>p <d>a <v>n <c>k <t>h <r><p> <k>v td <n>m}]
which results in:
- a `<r>`{=html}
translated back: \"I avoid it, or it\'s not a kangaroo\", or, reordered,
\"`<r>`{=html} a\" which by (4) means, \"All kangaroos are avoided by
### A little IRC chat bot
Here is a simple example of a \"chat bot\" --- a program that listens on
an IRC chatroom, and sometimes also says something, according to its
programming. The following script
- connects to channel #tcl on IRC
- listens to what is said
- if someone mentions its name (minibot), tries to parse the message
and answer.
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` tcl
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
set ::server irc.freenode.org
set ::chan #tcl
set ::me minibot
proc recv {} {
gets $::fd line
puts $line
# handle PING messages from server
if {[lindex [split $line] 0] eq "PING"} {
send "PONG [info hostname] [lindex [split $line] 1]"; return
if {[regexp {:([^!]*)![^ ].* +PRIVMSG ([^ :]+) +(.*[Mm]inibot)(.+)} $line -> \
nick target msg cmd]} {
if {$nick eq "ijchain"} {regexp {<([^>]+)>(.+)} $msg -> nick msg}
set hit 0
foreach pattern [array names ::patterns] {
if [string match "*$pattern*" $cmd] {
set cmd [string trim $cmd {.,:? }]
if [catch {mini eval $::patterns($pattern) $cmd} res] {
set res $::errorInfo
foreach line [split $res \n] {
send "PRIVMSG $::chan :$line"
incr hit
if !$hit {send "PRIVMSG $::chan :Sorry, no idea."}
#----------- Patterns for response:
set patterns(time) {clock format [clock sec] ;#}
set patterns(expr) safeexpr
proc safeexpr args {expr [string map {\[ ( \] ) expr ""} $args]}
set patterns(eggdrop) {set _ "Please check http://wiki.tcl.tk/6601" ;#}
set patterns(toupper) string
set patterns(Windows) {set _ "I'd prefer not to discuss Windows..." ;#}
set {patterns(translate "good" to Russian)} {set _ \u0425\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043E ;#}
set patterns(Beijing) {set _ \u5317\u4EAC ;#}
set patterns(Tokyo) {set _ \u4E1C\u4EAC ;#}
set {patterns(your Wiki page)} {set _ http://wiki.tcl.tk/20205 ;#}
set patterns(zzz) {set _ "zzz well!" ;#}
set patterns(man) safeman
proc safeman args {return http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.4/TclCmd/[lindex $args 1].htm}
set {patterns(where can I read about)} gotowiki
proc gotowiki args {return "Try http://wiki.tcl.tk/[lindex $args end]"}
set patterns(thank) {set _ "You're welcome." ;#}
set patterns(worry) worry
proc worry args {
return "Why do [string map {I you my your your my you me} $args]?"
#-- let the show begin... :^)
interp create -safe mini
foreach i {safeexpr safeman gotowiki worry} {
interp alias mini $i {} $i
proc in {list element} {expr {[lsearch -exact $list $element]>=0}}
proc send str {puts $::fd $str;flush $::fd}
set ::fd [socket $::server 6667]
fconfigure $fd -encoding utf-8
send "NICK minibot"
send "USER $::me 0 * :PicoIRC user"
send "JOIN $::chan"
fileevent $::fd readable recv
vwait forever
Examples from the chat:
<div style="margin:0;padding-top:0.5em;padding-bottom:0.5em">
``` text
suchenwi minibot, which is your Wiki page?
<minibot> http://wiki.tcl.tk/20205
suchenwi ah, thanks
suchenwi minibot expr 6*7
<minibot> 42
suchenwi minibot, what's your local time?
<minibot> Sun Oct 21 01:26:59 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit 2007
# Tcl Programming/Tk
### Introduction
The Tk (Tool Kit) is the most popular Tcl extension for designing
graphical user interfaces (GUI) on Macintosh, Unix/Linux, or Windows
operating systems.
With little effort, it allows to put together useful
- windows (forms, as some call them) consisting of
- *widgets*, which are managed by
- *geometry managers*. Also, you can easily define
- bindings of mouse or keyboard events to trigger the actions you
#### Example: calculator
Here is a very simple, complete Tcl/Tk script that implements a
`package require Tk`\
`pack [entry .e -textvar e -width 50]`\
`bind .e ``<Return>`{=html}` {`\
` set e [regsub { *=.*} $e ""] ;# remove evaluation (Chris)`\
` catch {expr [string map {/ *1./} $e]} res`\
` append e " = $res"`\
`} `
It creates an *entry* widget named *.e*, into which you can type from
the keyboard, with an associated variable *e* (which will mirror the
entry\'s content), and manages it with *pack*.
One binding is defined: if with keyboard focus on .e, the
`<Return>`{=html} key is hit, then
- all division operators (/) in the variable *e* are mapped to
\"\*1./\" (this forces floating point division),
- the resulting string is fed to *expr* to evaluate it as an
arithmetic/logic expression
- as there may be errors in the user input, the *expr* call is wrapped
into a *catch* which assigns either the result of *expr*, or the
error message if one occurred, into the variable *res*
- the result of the last evaluation is cleared by deleting everything
after *=*
- finally, an equal sign and the value of the *res* variable are
*append*ed to *e*, making input and result immediately visible in
the entry.
#### Example: a tiny IRC client
As before in the Tcl section, here\'s a working little script again: a
client for IRC (Internet Relay Chat) in 38 lines of code, that features
a **text** and an **entry** widget:

`package require Tk`\
`set ::server irc.freenode.org`\
`set ::chan #tcl`\
`set ::me $tcl_platform(user)`\
`text .t -height 30 -wrap word -font {Arial 9}`\
`.t tag config bold -font [linsert [.t cget -font] end bold]`\
`.t tag config italic -font [linsert [.t cget -font] end italic]`\
`.t tag config blue -foreground blue`\
`entry .cmd`\
`pack .cmd -side bottom -fill x`\
`pack .t -fill both -expand 1`\
`bind .cmd ``<Return>`{=html}` post`\
`proc recv {} {`\
` gets $::fd line`\
` if {[regexp {:([^!]*)![^ ].* +PRIVMSG ([^ :]+) +:(.*)} $line -> \`\
` nick target msg]} {`\
` set tag ""`\
` if [regexp {\001ACTION(.+)\001} $msg -> msg] {set tag italic}`\
` if [in {azbridge ijchain} $nick] {regexp {<([^>]+)>(.+)} $msg -> nick msg}`\
` .t insert end $nick\t bold $msg\n $tag`\
` } else {.t insert end $line\n italic}`\
` .t yview end`\
`proc in {list element} {expr {[lsearch -exact $list $element]>=0}}`\
`proc post {} {`\
` set msg [.cmd get]`\
` if [regexp {^/me (.+)} $msg -> action] {set msg "\001ACTION $action\001"}`\
` foreach line [split $msg \n] {send "PRIVMSG $::chan :$line"}`\
` .cmd delete 0 end`\
` set tag ""`\
` if [regexp {\001ACTION(.+)\001} $msg -> msg] {set tag italic}`\
` .t insert end $::me\t {bold blue} $msg\n [list blue $tag]`\
` .t yview end`\
`proc send str {puts $::fd $str; flush $::fd}`\
`set ::fd [socket $::server 6667]`\
`send "NICK $::me"`\
`send "USER $::me 0 * :PicoIRC user"`\
`send "JOIN $::chan"`\
`fileevent $::fd readable recv`\
`bind . ``<Escape>`{=html}` {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}`
The last line is a quick debugging helper: if you modified the script in
the editor, save to disk, then hit `<Escape>`{=html} in the app to start
it anew.
### Widgets
Widgets are GUI objects that, when mapped by a geometry manager,
correspond to a rectangular area on the screen, with different
properties and capabilities.
Widgets are named with *path* names, somehow resembling file system path
names, except that the separator for widgets is a period \".\". For
example, *.foo.bar* is a child of *foo* which is a child of \".\"
Parent-child relation occurs typically with containers, e.g. *toplevel,
frame, canvas, text*. The name parts (i.e. between the dots) can be
almost any string that does not contain \".\" of course, or starts with
a Capital Letter (this is because widget class names with capital
initial have a special meaning, they denote class-wide options).
If you have a proc that takes a parent widget *w* and adds children, it
may be important to distinguish whether *w* is \".\" or another -
because you can\'t concatenate a child widget name directly to \".\" -
\$w.kid will make an invalid name if \$w == \".\". Here\'s how to avoid
`set w2 [expr {$w eq "."? "": $w}]`\
`button $w2.$kid ...`
Widgets are created by a command named after their class, which then
takes the path name (requiring that parent widgets have to exist by that
time) and any number of *-key value* options that make up the original
configuration, e.g.
`button .b -text "Hello!" -command {do something}`
After creation, communication with the widget goes via a created command
that corresponds to its name. For instance, the configuration options
can be queried
`set text [.b cget -text]`
or changed
`.b configure -text Goodbye! -background red`
Some \"methods\" like *cget, configure* are generic to all widget
classes, others are specific to one or a few. For instance, both
\'text*and*entry*accept the*insert\'\' method. See the manual pages for
all the details.
Widgets appear on screen only after they have been given to a **geometry
manager** (see more below). Example:
`text .t -wrap word`\
`pack .t -fill both -expand 1`
As widget creation commands return the pathname, these two steps can
also be nested like
`pack [text .t -wrap word] -fill both -expand 1`
The **destroy** command deletes a widget and all of its child widgets,
if present:
`destroy .b`
The following sub-chapters describe the widgets available in Tk.
#### button
With text and/or image, calls a configurable command when clicked.
`button .b -text Hello! -command {puts "hello, world"}`
#### canvas
Scrollable graphic surface for line, rectangle, polygon, oval, and text
items, as well as bitmaps and photo images and whole embedded windows.
See for example \"A tiny drawing program\" below. Example:
`pack [canvas .c -background white]`\
`.c create line 50 50 100 100 150 50 -fill red -width 3`\
`.c create text 100 50 -text Example`
**Pan a canvas** (scroll it inside its window with middle mouse-button
held down) by inheriting the text widget bindings:
` bind .c <2> [bind Text <2>]`\
` bind .c ``<B2-Motion>`{=html}` [bind Text ``<B2-Motion>`{=html}`]`
#### entry
One-line editable text field, horizontally scrollable (see example
above). You can specify a validation function to constrain what is
entered. Example:
`entry .e -width 20 -textvariable myVar`\
`set myVar "this text appears in the entry"`
#### frame
Container for several widgets, often used with *pack*, or for wrapping
#### label
One- or multiline field for text display, can be tied to a text variable
to update when that variable changes. Linebreaks are specified by \\n in
the text to be displayed.
#### labelframe
A container similar to a **frame**, decorated with a thin rectangle
around, and a label at top-left position. Example (a tiny radio band
`pack [labelframe .lf -text Band]`\
`pack [radiobutton .lf.am -text AM -variable band -value AM]`\
`pack [radiobutton .lf.fm -text FM -variable band -value FM]`\
`set band AM`

#### listbox
Multiline display of a list, scrollable. Single or multiple items can be
selected with the mouse.
#### menu
To add a menu to a GUI application, take steps of three kinds:
- Create the toplevel horizontal menu (needed only once):
`. configure -menu [menu .m]`
- For each item in the top menu, create a cascaded submenu, e.g.
`.m add cascade -label File -menu [menu .m.mFile]`
- For each entry in a submenu, add it like this:
`.m.mFile add command -label Open -command {openFile ...}`\
`.m.mFile add separator`
As these commands are a bit verbose, one can wrap them into a little
`proc m+ {head name {cmd ""}} {`\
` if {![winfo exists .m.m$head]} {`\
` .m add cascade -label $head -menu [menu .m.m$head -tearoff 0]`\
` }`\
` if [regexp ^-+$ $name] {`\
` .m.m$head add separator`\
` } else {.m.m$head add command -label $name -comm $cmd}`\
Demo example - now menu items can be created in a much clearer way:
`. configure -menu [menu .m]`\
`m+ File Open {.t insert end "opened\n"}`\
`m+ File Save {.t insert end "saved\n"}`\
`m+ File -----`\
`m+ File Exit exit`\
`m+ Edit Cut ...`\
`pack [text .t -wrap word] -fill both -expand 1`
#### radiobutton
A button with a selector field which can be on or off, and a label.
Clicking the selector field with the mouse changes the value of an
associated global variable. Typically, multiple radiobuttons are tied to
the same variable. For examples, see **labelframe** above.
#### scrollbar
Horizontal or vertical scrollbars (vertical being the default, for
horizontal specify: -orientation horizontal, or -ori hori if you like it
short) can be tied to canvas, entry, listbox or text widgets. The
interaction between a scrollbar and its scrolled widget goes with
callbacks, in which one notifies the other:
- scrollbar to widget: *xview* or *yview* method
- widget to scrollbar: *set* method
Arguments to these methods will be automatically added when the
callbacks are invoked.
For example, here\'s how to connect a text widget with a vertical
`pack [scrollbar .y -command ".t yview"] -side right -fill y`\
`pack [text .t -wrap word -yscrollc ".y set"] \`\
` -side right -fill both -expand 1`
With most widgets, scrollbars adjust automatically to the widget\'s
contents. For canvas widgets, you need to update the scrollregion after
adding new items. most simply like this:
`$canvas configure -scrollregion [$canvas bbox all]`
#### text
Scrollable editable multiline text with many formatting options. Can
also contain images and embedded widgets. The default wrapping setting
is \"none\", so you might need a horizontal scrollbar to see all of long
lines. In many cases it\'s more user-friendly to configure a text widget
as *-wrap word* - then you only need a vertical scrollbar at most.
Positions in a text widget are specified as *line.column*, where line
starts from 1, and column from 0, so 1.0 is the very first character in
a text widget. Example how to delete all contents:
`$t delete 1.0 end`
For highlighting part of the contents, you can define *tags* and assign
them to subsequences:
`$t tag configure ul -underline 1`\
`$t insert end "The next word is " {} underlined ul ", the rest is not."`
#### toplevel
Standalone frame window, mostly with decorations (title bar, buttons)
from the window manager. When you start Tk, you receive an initially
empty toplevel named \".\" (one dot). If you want more toplevels, create
them like this:
`toplevel .mySecondWindow`
Such toplevels are logically children of \".\". To assign a nice title
to a toplevel, use
`wm title $toplevel "This is the title"`
You can also control the geometry (size and position) of a toplevel with
`wm geometry $toplevel ${width}x$height+$x+$y`
### Geometry managers
The purpose of geometry managers is to compute the required height,
width, and location of widgets, and map them on screen. Besides *grid*,
*pack* and *place*, the *canvas* and *text* widgets can also manage
embedded widgets.
Calls to geometry managers always start with the manager\'s name, then
(mostly) one or more widget names, then any number of *-name value*
#### grid
This geometry manager is best suited for tabular window layout
consisting of rows and columns. Example, to put three widgets in a
horizontal row:
`grid .1 .2 .3 -sticky news`
The *-sticky* option indicates what side of its box the widget should
stick to, in compass direction; \"news\" is north-east-west-south\",
i.e. all four sides.
Here\'s a minimal solution to display a table (list of lists) in a grid
of labels:

`package require Tk`\
`proc table {w content args} {`\
` frame $w -bg black`\
` set r 0`\
` foreach row $content {`\
` set fields {}`\
` set c 0`\
` foreach col $row {`\
` lappend fields [label $w.$r/$c -text $col]`\
` incr c`\
` }`\
` eval grid $fields -sticky news -padx 1 -pady 1`\
` incr r`\
` }`\
` set w`\
`#--- Test:`\
`table .t {`\
` {Row Head1 Head2}`\
` {1 foo 42}`\
` {2 bar 1234}`\
` {3 grill testing}`\
`pack .t`
`#--- Changing the contents, given row and column number:`\
`after 2000 .t.3/2 config -text Coucou`
#### pack
This used to be the workhorse manager, but in recent years has been less
popular than **grid**. Anyway, it is still good for cases where you have
widgets aligned in only one direction (horizontally or vertically). For
more complex layouts, one used to insert intermediate frames, but grid
makes such jobs just easier. Example:
`pack .x -fill both -expand 1 -side left`
#### place
This geometry manager is not often used, mostly for special
applications, like when you want to highlight the current tab of a tab
notebook. It allows pixel-precise placement of widgets, but is less
dynamic in reaction to resizing of the toplevel or inner widgets.
### Dialogs
Dialogs are toplevels that are to tell a message, or answer a question.
You don\'t have to assign a widget path name to them. Just call them as
functions and evaluate the result (often \"\" if the dialog was
#### tk_getOpenFile
A file selector dialog (limited to existing files). Returns the selected
file with path name, or \"\" if canceled.
#### tk_getSaveFile
A file selector dialog, which also allows specification of a not
existing file. Returns the selected file with path name, or \"\" if
#### tk_messageBox
A simple dialog that displays a string and can be closed with an \"OK\"
button. Example:
`tk_messageBox -message "hello, world!"`
#### tk_chooseColor
Displays a dialog for color selection. The returned value is the
selected color in one of the representations conformant to Tcl\'s
comprehension of such information; on Microsoft Windows systems this
might constitute a hexadecimal string in the format "#RRGGBB". Upon
abortion of the process, the empty string is instead delivered. The
dialog may be configured to preselect a certain default color via the
"-initialcolor" option, a subordination into a parent widget with
"-parent", and a title caption through "-title".
` tk_chooseColor -initialcolor #FF0000 -parent . -title "What tincture do you wish?"`
#### Custom dialogs
Besides the prefabricated dialogs that come with Tk, it\'s also not too
hard to build custom ones. As a very simple example, here\'s a \"value
dialog\" that prompts the user for to type in a value:

`proc value_dialog {string} {`\
` set w [toplevel .[clock seconds]]`\
` wm resizable $w 0 0`\
` wm title $w "Value request"`\
` label $w.l -text $string`\
` entry $w.e -textvar $w -bg white`\
` bind $w.e ``<Return>`{=html}` {set done 1}`\
` button $w.ok -text OK -command {set done 1}`\
` button $w.c -text Clear -command "set $w {}"`\
` button $w.cancel -text Cancel -command "set $w {}; set done 1"`\
` grid $w.l - - -sticky news`\
` grid $w.e - - -sticky news`\
` grid $w.ok $w.c $w.cancel`\
` vwait done`\
` destroy $w`\
` set ::$w`\
`set test [value_dialog "Give me a value please:"]`\
`puts test:$test`\
`pack [ label .l -text "Value: '$test' " ]`
For a more elaborate example, here is a record editor dialog (multiple
fields, each with a label and entry (or text for multi-line input)):
`proc editRecord {title headers fields} {`\
` set oldfocus [focus]`\
` set w [toplevel .[clock clicks]]`\
` wm resizable $w 1 0`\
` wm title $w $title`\
` set n 0`\
` foreach h $headers f $fields {`\
` if ![regexp {(.+)([=+])} $h -> hdr type] {set hdr $h; set type ""}`\
` label $w.h$n -text $hdr -anchor ne`\
` switch -- $type {`\
` = {label $w.e$n -width [string length $f] -text $f -anchor w -bg white}`\
` + {[text $w.e$n -width 20 -height 6] insert end $f}`\
` default {[entry $w.e$n -width [string length $f]] insert end $f}`\
` }`\
` grid $w.h$n $w.e$n -sticky news`\
` incr n`\
` }`\
` button $w.ok -text OK -width 5 -command [list set $w 1]`\
` button $w.cancel -text Cancel -command [list set $w 0]`\
` grid $w.ok $w.cancel -pady 5`\
` grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1`\
` vwait ::$w`\
` if [set ::$w] { #-- collect the current entry contents`\
` set n 0`\
` foreach h $headers f $fields {`\
` regexp {([^=+].+)([=+]?)} $h -> hdr type`\
` switch -- $type {`\
` "" {lappend res [$w.e$n get]}`\
` = {lappend res [$w.e$n cget -text]}`\
` + {lappend res [$w.e$n get 1.0 end]}`\
` }`\
` incr n`\
` }`\
` } else {set res {}}`\
` destroy $w`\
` unset ::$w ;#-- clean up the vwait variable`\
` focus $oldfocus`\
` return $res`\
Quick test:
`editRecord Test {foo= bar grill+} {one two three}`
### Megawidgets made easy
The term \"megawidgets\" is popular for compound widgets that in
themselves contain other widgets, even though they will hardly number a
million (what the prefix *Mega-* suggests), more often the child
widgets\' number will not exceed ten.
To create a megawidget, one needs one proc with the same signature as Tk
widget creation commands. This proc will, when called, create another
proc named after the widget, and dispatch methods either to specific
handlers, or the generic widget command created by Tk.
#### A little notebook
Plain Tk does not contain a \"notebook\" widget, with labeled tabs on
top that raise one of the \"pages\", but it\'s easy to make one. This
example demonstrates how the tabs are implemented as buttons in a frame,
and how the original Tk command named like the frame is \"overloaded\"
to accept the additional *add* and *raise* methods:
`proc notebook {w args} {`\
` frame $w`\
` pack [frame $w.top] -side top -fill x -anchor w`\
` rename $w _$w`\
` proc $w {cmd args} { #-- overloaded frame command`\
` set w [lindex [info level 0] 0]`\
` switch -- $cmd {`\
` add {notebook'add $w $args}`\
` raise {notebook'raise $w $args}`\
` default {eval [linsert $args 0 _$w $cmd]}`\
` }`\
` }`\
` return $w`\
`proc notebook'add {w title} {`\
` set btn [button $w.top.b$title -text $title -command [list $w raise $title]]`\
` pack $btn -side left -ipadx 5`\
` set f [frame $w.f$title -relief raised -borderwidth 2]`\
` pack $f -fill both -expand 1`\
` $btn invoke`\
` bind $btn <3> "destroy {$btn}; destroy {$f}" ;# (1)`\
` return $f`\
`proc notebook'raise {w title} {`\
` foreach i [winfo children $w.top] {$i config -borderwidth 0}`\
` $w.top.b$title config -borderwidth 1`\
` set frame $w.f$title`\
` foreach i [winfo children $w] {`\
` if {![string match *top $i] && $i ne $frame} {pack forget $i}`\
` }`\
` pack $frame -fill both -expand 1`\
Test and demo code:
`package require Tk`\
`pack [notebook .n] -fill both -expand 1`\
`set p1 [.n add Text]`\
`pack [text $p1.t -wrap word] -fill both -expand 1`\
`set p2 [.n add Canvas]`\
`pack [canvas $p2.c -bg yellow] -fill both -expand 1`\
`set p3 [.n add Options]`\
`pack [button $p3.1 -text Console -command {console show}]`\
`.n raise Text`\
`wm geometry . 400x300`
### Binding events
Events within Tcl/Tk include actions performed by the user, such as
pressing a key or clicking the mouse. To react to mouse and keyboard
activity, the bind command is used. As shown in the calculator example:
``` tcl
pack [entry .e -textvar e -width 50]
bind .e <Return> {
The `bind` keyword operates on `.e` and associates the event related to
the `<return>` event. The following bracket indicates a start of a set
of procedures which are executed when the event is performed.
### BWidget
BWidget is an extension to Tk written in pure Tcl (therefore it can even
run on Windows Mobile-driven cell phones). It offers mega-widgets (all
class names starting with Uppercase) like
- ComboBox
- NoteBook
- Tree
*Screenshot of a NoteBook and a Tree, on a PocketPC under Windows/CE*
#### Tree examples
Here is a \"hello world\" example of a Tree widget (this is a complete
script). The root node is constantly called *root*, for the others you
have to make up names:
`package require BWidget`\
`pack [Tree .t]`\
`.t insert end root n1 -text hello`\
`.t insert end root n2 -text world`\
`.t insert end n2 n21 -text (fr:monde)`\
`.t insert end n2 n22 -text (de:Welt)`
The famous typewriter test sentence represented as a syntax tree:
`package require BWidget`\
`pack [Tree .t -height 16] -fill both -expand 1`\
`foreach {from to text} {`\
` root S S`\
` S np1 NP`\
` S vp VP`\
` np1 det1 Det:The`\
` np1 ap1 AP`\
` ap1 adj1 Adj:quick`\
` ap1 adj2 Adj:brown`\
` ap1 n1 N:fox`\
` vp v V:jumps`\
` vp pp PP`\
` pp prep Prep:over`\
` pp np2 NP`\
` np2 det2 Det:the`\
` np2 ap2 AP`\
` ap2 adj3 Adj:lazy`\
` ap2 n2 N:dog`\
` `\
`} {.t insert end $from $to -text $text}`\
`.t opentree S`
### Tk resources
#### Colors
Colors in Tk can be specified in three ways:
- a symbolic name, like: red green blue yellow magenta cyan
- a hex string preceded by a #: #RGB, #RRGGBB, #RRRRGGGGBBBB
- a list of three non-negative integers
The last form is only returned by commands. To specify a color to a
command, you\'ll have to hex-format it. For instance, white could be
described as #FFFFFF.
To turn a symbolic name into its RGB components:
`winfo rgb . $colorname`
Here is the list of defined color names (as from X11\'s rgb.txt):
`set COLORS { snow {ghost white} {white smoke} gainsboro {floral white}`\
` {old lace} linen {antique white} {papaya whip} {blanched almond}`\
` bisque {peach puff} {navajo white} moccasin cornsilk ivory {lemon`\
` chiffon} seashell honeydew {mint cream} azure {alice blue}`\
` lavender {lavender blush} {misty rose} white black {dark slate`\
` gray} {dim gray} {slate gray} {light slate gray} gray {light grey}`\
` {midnight blue} navy {cornflower blue} {dark slate blue} {slate`\
` blue} {medium slate blue} {light slate blue} {medium blue} {royal`\
` blue} blue {dodger blue} {deep sky blue} {sky blue} {light sky`\
` blue} {steel blue} {light steel blue} {light blue} {powder blue}`\
` {pale turquoise} {dark turquoise} {medium turquoise} turquoise`\
` cyan {light cyan} {cadet blue} {medium aquamarine} aquamarine`\
` {dark green} {dark olive green} {dark sea green} {sea green}`\
` {medium sea green} {light sea green} {pale green} {spring green}`\
` {lawn green} green chartreuse {medium spring green} {green yellow}`\
` {lime green} {yellow green} {forest green} {olive drab} {dark`\
` khaki} khaki {pale goldenrod} {light goldenrod yellow} {light`\
` yellow} yellow gold {light goldenrod} goldenrod {dark goldenrod}`\
` {rosy brown} {indian red} {saddle brown} sienna peru burlywood`\
` beige wheat {sandy brown} tan chocolate firebrick brown {dark`\
` salmon} salmon {light salmon} orange {dark orange} coral {light`\
` coral} tomato {orange red} red {hot pink} {deep pink} pink {light`\
` pink} {pale violet red} maroon {medium violet red} {violet red}`\
` magenta violet plum orchid {medium orchid} {dark orchid} {dark`\
` violet} {blue violet} purple {medium purple} thistle snow2 snow3`\
` snow4 seashell2 seashell3 seashell4 AntiqueWhite1 AntiqueWhite2`\
` AntiqueWhite3 AntiqueWhite4 bisque2 bisque3 bisque4 PeachPuff2`\
` PeachPuff3 PeachPuff4 NavajoWhite2 NavajoWhite3 NavajoWhite4`\
` LemonChiffon2 LemonChiffon3 LemonChiffon4 cornsilk2 cornsilk3`\
` cornsilk4 ivory2 ivory3 ivory4 honeydew2 honeydew3 honeydew4`\
` LavenderBlush2 LavenderBlush3 LavenderBlush4 MistyRose2 MistyRose3`\
` MistyRose4 azure2 azure3 azure4 SlateBlue1 SlateBlue2 SlateBlue3`\
` SlateBlue4 RoyalBlue1 RoyalBlue2 RoyalBlue3 RoyalBlue4 blue2 blue4`\
` DodgerBlue2 DodgerBlue3 DodgerBlue4 SteelBlue1 SteelBlue2`\
` SteelBlue3 SteelBlue4 DeepSkyBlue2 DeepSkyBlue3 DeepSkyBlue4`\
` SkyBlue1 SkyBlue2 SkyBlue3 SkyBlue4 LightSkyBlue1 LightSkyBlue2`\
` LightSkyBlue3 LightSkyBlue4 SlateGray1 SlateGray2 SlateGray3`\
` SlateGray4 LightSteelBlue1 LightSteelBlue2 LightSteelBlue3`\
` LightSteelBlue4 LightBlue1 LightBlue2 LightBlue3 LightBlue4`\
` LightCyan2 LightCyan3 LightCyan4 PaleTurquoise1 PaleTurquoise2`\
` PaleTurquoise3 PaleTurquoise4 CadetBlue1 CadetBlue2 CadetBlue3`\
` CadetBlue4 turquoise1 turquoise2 turquoise3 turquoise4 cyan2 cyan3`\
` cyan4 DarkSlateGray1 DarkSlateGray2 DarkSlateGray3 DarkSlateGray4`\
` aquamarine2 aquamarine4 DarkSeaGreen1 DarkSeaGreen2 DarkSeaGreen3`\
` DarkSeaGreen4 SeaGreen1 SeaGreen2 SeaGreen3 PaleGreen1 PaleGreen2`\
` PaleGreen3 PaleGreen4 SpringGreen2 SpringGreen3 SpringGreen4`\
` green2 green3 green4 chartreuse2 chartreuse3 chartreuse4`\
` OliveDrab1 OliveDrab2 OliveDrab4 DarkOliveGreen1 DarkOliveGreen2`\
` DarkOliveGreen3 DarkOliveGreen4 khaki1 khaki2 khaki3 khaki4`\
` LightGoldenrod1 LightGoldenrod2 LightGoldenrod3 LightGoldenrod4`\
` LightYellow2 LightYellow3 LightYellow4 yellow2 yellow3 yellow4`\
` gold2 gold3 gold4 goldenrod1 goldenrod2 goldenrod3 goldenrod4`\
` DarkGoldenrod1 DarkGoldenrod2 DarkGoldenrod3 DarkGoldenrod4`\
` RosyBrown1 RosyBrown2 RosyBrown3 RosyBrown4 IndianRed1 IndianRed2`\
` IndianRed3 IndianRed4 sienna1 sienna2 sienna3 sienna4 burlywood1`\
` burlywood2 burlywood3 burlywood4 wheat1 wheat2 wheat3 wheat4 tan1`\
` tan2 tan4 chocolate1 chocolate2 chocolate3 firebrick1 firebrick2`\
` firebrick3 firebrick4 brown1 brown2 brown3 brown4 salmon1 salmon2`\
` salmon3 salmon4 LightSalmon2 LightSalmon3 LightSalmon4 orange2`\
` orange3 orange4 DarkOrange1 DarkOrange2 DarkOrange3 DarkOrange4`\
` coral1 coral2 coral3 coral4 tomato2 tomato3 tomato4 OrangeRed2`\
` OrangeRed3 OrangeRed4 red2 red3 red4 DeepPink2 DeepPink3 DeepPink4`\
` HotPink1 HotPink2 HotPink3 HotPink4 pink1 pink2 pink3 pink4`\
` LightPink1 LightPink2 LightPink3 LightPink4 PaleVioletRed1`\
` PaleVioletRed2 PaleVioletRed3 PaleVioletRed4 maroon1 maroon2`\
` maroon3 maroon4 VioletRed1 VioletRed2 VioletRed3 VioletRed4`\
` magenta2 magenta3 magenta4 orchid1 orchid2 orchid3 orchid4 plum1`\
` plum2 plum3 plum4 MediumOrchid1 MediumOrchid2 MediumOrchid3`\
` MediumOrchid4 DarkOrchid1 DarkOrchid2 DarkOrchid3 DarkOrchid4`\
` purple1 purple2 purple3 purple4 MediumPurple1 MediumPurple2`\
` MediumPurple3 MediumPurple4 thistle1 thistle2 thistle3 thistle4`\
` gray1 gray2 gray3 gray4 gray5 gray6 gray7 gray8 gray9 gray10`\
` gray11 gray12 gray13 gray14 gray15 gray16 gray17 gray18 gray19`\
` gray20 gray21 gray22 gray23 gray24 gray25 gray26 gray27 gray28`\
` gray29 gray30 gray31 gray32 gray33 gray34 gray35 gray36 gray37`\
` gray38 gray39 gray40 gray42 gray43 gray44 gray45 gray46 gray47`\
` gray48 gray49 gray50 gray51 gray52 gray53 gray54 gray55 gray56`\
` gray57 gray58 gray59 gray60 gray61 gray62 gray63 gray64 gray65`\
` gray66 gray67 gray68 gray69 gray70 gray71 gray72 gray73 gray74`\
` gray75 gray76 gray77 gray78 gray79 gray80 gray81 gray82 gray83`\
` gray84 gray85 gray86 gray87 gray88 gray89 gray90 gray91 gray92`\
` gray93 gray94 gray95 gray97 gray98 gray99`\
In addition, the following are defined on Windows:
` SystemButtonFace SystemButtonText SystemDisabledText SystemHighlight`\
` SystemHightlightText SystemMenu SystemMenuText SystemScrollbar`\
` SystemWindow SystemWindowFrame SystemWindowText`\
#### Cursors
For every widget, you can specify how the mouse cursor should look when
over it. Here\'s the list of defined cursor names:
`set cursors {`\
` X_cursor arrow based_arrow_down based_arrow_up boat bogosity`\
` bottom_left_corner bottom_right_corner bottom_side bottom_tee`\
` box_spiral center_ptr circle clock coffee_mug cross cross_reverse`\
` crosshair diamond_cross dot dotbox double_arrow draft_large draft_small`\
` draped_box exchange fleur gobbler gumby hand1 hand2 heart icon`\
` iron_cross left_ptr left_side left_tee leftbutton ll_angle lr_angle`\
` man middlebutton mouse pencil pirate plus question_arrow right_ptr`\
` right_side right_tee rightbutton rtl_logo sailboat sb_down_arrow`\
` sb_h_double_arrow sb_left_arrow sb_right_arrow sb_up_arrow`\
` sb_v_double_arrow shuttle sizing spider spraycan star target tcross`\
` top_left_arrow top_left_corner top_right_corner top_side top_tee `\
` trek ul_angle umbrella ur_angle watch xterm`\
A little tool that presents the cursor names, and shows each cursor
shape when mousing over:
`set ncols 4`\
`for {set i 0} {$i<$ncols} {incr i} {`\
` lappend cols col$i`\
`set nmax [expr {int([llength $cursors]*1./$ncols)}]`\
`foreach col $cols {`\
` set $col [lrange $cursors 0 $nmax]`\
` set cursors [lrange $cursors [expr $nmax+1] end]`\
`label .top -text "Move the cursor over a name to see how it looks" \`\
` -relief ridge`\
`grid .top -columnspan $ncols -sticky news -ipady 2`\
`for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $col0]} {incr i} {`\
` set row {}`\
` foreach col $cols {`\
` set name [lindex [set $col] $i]`\
` if {$name eq ""} break`\
` lappend row .l$name`\
` label .l$name -text $name -anchor w`\
` bind .l$name ``<Enter>`{=html}` [list %W config -cursor $name]`\
` }`\
` eval grid $row -sticky we`\
#### Fonts
Fonts are provided by the windowing system. Which are available depends
on the local installation. Find out which fonts are available with
`font families`
The typical description of a font is a list of up to three elements:
`family size ?style?`
`set f ``{{Bitstream Cyberbit} 10 bold}
Family is a name like Courier, Helvetica, Times, ... Best pick one of the names delivered by ''font families'', though there may be some mappings like "Helvetica" -> "Arial"
Size is point size (a typographer's point is 1/72th of an inch) if positive, or pixel size if negative. Normal display fonts often have a size of 9 or 10.
Style can be a list of zero or more of bold, italic, underlined, ...
==== Images: photos and bitmaps ====
Tk allows simple yet powerful operations on images. These come in two varieties: bitmaps and photos. Bitmaps are rather limited in functionality, they can be specified in XBM format, and rendered in configurable colors.
Photos have much more possibilities - you can load and save them in different file formats (Tk itself supports PPM and GIF - for others, use the Img extension), copy them with many options, like scaling/subsampling or mirroring, and get or set the color of single pixels.
Setting can also do rectangular regions in one go, as the following example shall demonstrate that creates a photo image of a tricolore flag (three even-spaced vertical bands - like France, Italy, Belgium, Ireland and many more). The default is France.
You can specify the width, the height will be 2/3 of that.
The procedure returns the image name - just save it in -format GIF if you want:
proc tricolore {w {colors {blue white red}}`{=mediawiki}`} {`\
` set im [image create photo]`\
` set fromx 0`\
` set dx [expr $w/3]`\
` set tox $dx`\
` set toy [expr $w*2/3]`\
` foreach color $colors {`\
` $im put $color -to $fromx 0 $tox $toy`\
` incr fromx $dx; incr tox $dx`\
` }`\
` set im`\
`# Test - display flag on canvas:`\
`pack [canvas .c -width 200 -height 200 -background grey]`\
`.c create image 100 100 -image [tricolore 150]`
`# Test - save image of flag to file:`\
`[tricolore 300] write tric.gif -format gif`
### Debugging Tk programs
A Tk program under development can be very rapidly debugged by adding
such bindings:
`bind . ``<F1>`{=html}` {console show}`
This works only on Windows and Macintosh (pre-OS-X) and brings up a
console in which you can interact with the Tcl interpreter, inspect or
modify global variables, configure widgets, etc.
`bind . ``<Escape>`{=html}` {eval [list exec wish $argv0] $argv &; exit}`
This starts a new instance of the current program (assuming you edited a
source file and saved it to disk), and then terminates the current
For short debugging output, one can also use the window\'s title bar.
For example, to display the current mouse coordinates when it moves:
`bind . ``<Motion>`{=html}` {wm title . %X/%Y}`
### Other languages
Other programming languages have modules that interface and use Tcl/Tk:
- In R (programming language), there\'s a tcltk library, invoked with
the command **library(tcltk)**
- In Python, there\'s a tkinter module, invoked with **import
tkinter** or **from tkinter import \***
- Common Lisp can communicate with Tcl/Tk via several externally
available libraries, including **CL-TK** and **LTK**
# Tcl Programming/Tk examples
The following examples originally appeared in the Tcler\'s Wiki
<http://wiki.tcl.tk> . They are all in the public domain - no rights
### A funny cookbook
This funny little program produces random cooking recipes. Small as it
is, it can produce 900 different recipes, though they might not be to
everybody\'s taste\... The basic idea is to pick an arbitrary element
from a list, which is easily done in Tcl with the following:
`proc ? L {lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}]}`
This is used several times in:
`proc recipe {} {`\
` set a {`\
` {3 eggs} {an apple} {a pound of garlic}`\
` {a pumpkin} {20 marshmallows}`\
` }`\
` set b {`\
` {Cut in small pieces} {Dissolve in lemonade}`\
` {Bury in the ground for 3 months}`\
` {Bake at 300 degrees} {Cook until tender}`\
` }`\
` set c {parsley snow nutmeg curry raisins cinnamon}`\
` set d {`\
` ice-cream {chocolate cake} spinach {fried potatoes} rice {soy sprouts}`\
` }`\
` return " Take [? $a].`\
` [? $b].`\
` Top with [? $c].`\
` Serve with [? $d]."`\
And as modern programs always need a GUI, here is a minimal one that
appears when you source this file at top level, and shows a new recipe
every time you click on it:
`if {[file tail [info script]]==[file tail $argv0]} {`\
` package require Tk`\
` pack [text .t -width 40 -height 5]`\
` bind .t <1> {showRecipe %W; break}`\
` proc showRecipe w {`\
` $w delete 1.0 end`\
` $w insert end [recipe]`\
` }`\
` showRecipe .t`\
### A little A/D clock
This is a clock that shows time either analog or digital - just click on
it to toggle.
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
package require Tk
proc every {ms body} {eval $body; after $ms [info level 0]}
proc drawhands w {
$w delete hands
set secSinceMidnight [expr {[clock sec]-[clock scan 00:00:00]}]
foreach divisor {60 3600 43200} length {45 40 30} width {1 3 7} {
set angle [expr {$secSinceMidnight * 6.283185 / $divisor}]
set x [expr {50 + $length * sin($angle)}]
set y [expr {50 - $length * cos($angle)}]
$w create line 50 50 $x $y -width $width -tags hands
proc toggle {w1 w2} {
if [winfo ismapped $w2] {
foreach {w2 w1} [list $w1 $w2] break ;# swap
pack forget $w1
pack $w2
#-- Creating the analog clock:
canvas .analog -width 100 -height 100 -bg white
every 1000 {drawhands .analog}
pack .analog
#-- Creating the digital clock:
label .digital -textvar ::time -font {Courier 24}
every 1000 {set ::time [clock format [clock sec] -format %H:%M:%S]}
bind . <1> {toggle .analog .digital}
### A little pie chart
Arc elements of a canvas are by default rendered as pie slices (part of
the circumference of a circle, connected by radius lines to the center.
Hence it s rather easy to produce a pie chart. The following code is a
bit more complex, as it also determines positions for the labels of the
`proc piechart {w x y width height data} {`\
` set coords [list $x $y [expr {$x+$width}] [expr {$y+$height}]]`\
` set xm [expr {$x+$width/2.}]`\
` set ym [expr {$y+$height/2.}]`\
` set rad [expr {$width/2.+20}]`\
` set sum 0`\
` foreach item $data {set sum [expr {$sum + [lindex $item 1]}]}`\
` set start 270`\
` foreach item $data {`\
` foreach {name n color} $item break`\
` set extent [expr {$n*360./$sum}]`\
` $w create arc $coords -start $start -extent $extent -fill $color`\
` set angle [expr {($start-90+$extent/2)/180.*acos(-1)}]`\
` set tx [expr $xm-$rad*sin($angle)]`\
` set ty [expr $ym-$rad*cos($angle)]`\
` $w create text $tx $ty -text $name:$n -tag txt`\
` set start [expr $start+$extent]`\
` }`\
` $w raise txt`\
`pack [canvas .c -bg white]`\
`piechart .c 50 50 150 150 {`\
` {SPD 199 red}`\
` {CDU 178 gray}`\
` {CSU 23 blue}`\
` {FDP 60 yellow}`\
` {Grüne 58 green}`\
` {Linke 55 purple}`\
### A little 3D bar chart
The following script displays a bar chart on a canvas, with
pseudo-3-dimensional bars - a rectangle in front as specified,
embellished with two polygons - one for the top, one for the side:}
`proc 3drect {w args} {`\
` if [string is int -strict [lindex $args 1]] {`\
` set coords [lrange $args 0 3]`\
` } else {`\
` set coords [lindex $args 0]`\
` }`\
` foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} $coords break`\
` set d [expr {($x1-$x0)/3}]`\
` set x2 [expr {$x0+$d+1}]`\
` set x3 [expr {$x1+$d}]`\
` set y2 [expr {$y0-$d+1}]`\
` set y3 [expr {$y1-$d-1}]`\
` set id [eval [list $w create rect] $args]`\
` set fill [$w itemcget $id -fill]`\
` set tag [$w gettags $id]`\
` $w create poly $x0 $y0 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y2 $x1 $y0 \`\
` -fill [dim $fill 0.8] -outline black`\
` $w create poly $x1 $y1 $x3 $y3 $x3 $y2 $x1 $y0 \`\
` -fill [dim $fill 0.6] -outline black -tag $tag`\
For a more plastic look, the fill color of the polygons is reduced in
brightness (\"dimmed\"):
`proc dim {color factor} {`\
` foreach i {r g b} n [winfo rgb . $color] d [winfo rgb . white] {`\
` set $i [expr int(255.*$n/$d*$factor)]`\
` }`\
` format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b`\
Draw a simple scale for the y axis, and return the scaling factor:
`proc yscale {w x0 y0 y1 min max} {`\
` set dy [expr {$y1-$y0}]`\
` regexp {([1-9]+)} $max -> prefix`\
` set stepy [expr {1.*$dy/$prefix}]`\
` set step [expr {$max/$prefix}]`\
` set y $y0`\
` set label $max`\
` while {$label>=$min} {`\
` $w create text $x0 $y -text $label -anchor w`\
` set y [expr {$y+$stepy}]`\
` set label [expr {$label-$step}]`\
` }`\
` expr {$dy/double($max)}`\
An interesting sub-challenge was to round numbers very roughly, to 1 or
maximally 2 significant digits - by default rounding up, add \"-\" to
round down:
`proc roughly {n {sgn +}} {`\
` regexp {(.+)e([+-])0*(.+)} [format %e $n] -> mant sign exp`\
` set exp [expr $sign$exp]`\
` if {abs($mant)<1.5} {`\
` set mant [expr $mant*10]`\
` incr exp -1`\
` }`\
` set t [expr round($mant $sgn 0.49)*pow(10,$exp)]`\
` expr {$exp>=0? int($t): $t}`\
So here is my little bar chart generator. Given a canvas pathname, a
bounding rectangle, and the data to display (a list of {name value
color} triples), it figures out the geometry. A gray \"ground plane\" is
drawn first. Note how negative values are tagged with \"d\"(eficit), so
they look like they \"drop through the plane\".
`proc bars {w x0 y0 x1 y1 data} {`\
` set vals 0`\
` foreach bar $data {`\
` lappend vals [lindex $bar 1]`\
` }`\
` set top [roughly [max $vals]]`\
` set bot [roughly [min $vals] -]`\
` set f [yscale $w $x0 $y0 $y1 $bot $top]`\
` set x [expr $x0+30]`\
` set dx [expr ($x1-$x0-$x)/[llength $data]]`\
` set y3 [expr $y1-20]`\
` set y4 [expr $y1+10]`\
` $w create poly $x0 $y4 [expr $x0+30] $y3 $x1 $y3 [expr $x1-20] $y4 -fill gray65`\
` set dxw [expr $dx*6/10]`\
` foreach bar $data {`\
` foreach {txt val col} $bar break`\
` set y [expr {round($y1-($val*$f))}]`\
` set y1a $y1`\
` if {$y>$y1a} {swap y y1a}`\
` set tag [expr {$val<0? "d": ""}]`\
` 3drect $w $x $y [expr $x+$dxw] $y1a -fill $col -tag $tag`\
` $w create text [expr {$x+12}] [expr {$y-12}] -text $val`\
` $w create text [expr {$x+12}] [expr {$y1a+2}] -text $txt -anchor n`\
` incr x $dx`\
` }`\
` $w lower d`\
Generally useful helper functions:
`proc max list {`\
` set res [lindex $list 0]`\
` foreach e [lrange $list 1 end] {`\
` if {$e>$res} {set res $e}`\
` }`\
` set res`\
`proc min list {`\
` set res [lindex $list 0]`\
` foreach e [lrange $list 1 end] {`\
` if {$e<$res} {set res $e}`\
` }`\
` set res`\
`proc swap {_a _b} {`\
` upvar 1 $_a a $_b b`\
` foreach {a b} [list $b $a] break`\
Testing the whole thing (see screenshot):
`pack [canvas .c -width 240 -height 280]`\
`bars .c 10 20 240 230 {`\
` {red 765 red}`\
` {green 234 green}`\
` {blue 345 blue}`\
` {yel-\nlow 321 yellow}`\
` {ma-\ngenta 567 magenta}`\
` {cyan -123 cyan}`\
` {white 400 white}`\
`.c create text 120 10 -anchor nw -font {Helvetica 18} -text "Bar Chart\nDemo"`
### A little calculator

Here is a small calculator in Tcl/Tk. In addition to the buttons on
screen, you can use any of expr\'s other functionalities via keyboard
`package require Tk`\
`wm title . Calculator`\
`grid [entry .e -textvar e -just right] -columnspan 5`\
`bind .e ``<Return>`{=html}` =`\
`set n 0`\
`foreach row {`\
` {7 8 9 + -}`\
` {4 5 6 * /}`\
` {1 2 3 ( )}`\
` {C 0 . = }`\
`} {`\
` foreach key $row {`\
` switch -- $key {`\
` = {set cmd =}`\
` C {set cmd {set clear 1; set e ""}}`\
` default {set cmd "hit $key"}`\
` }`\
` lappend keys [button .[incr n] -text $key -command $cmd]`\
` }`\
` eval grid $keys -sticky we ;#-padx 1 -pady 1`\
` set keys [list]`\
`grid .$n -columnspan 2 ;# make last key (=) double wide`\
`proc = {} {`\
` regsub { =.+} $::e "" ::e ;# maybe clear previous result`\
` if [catch {set ::res [expr [string map {/ *1.0/} $::e]]}] {`\
` .e config -fg red`\
` }`\
` append ::e = $::res `\
` .e xview end`\
` set ::clear 1`\
`proc hit {key} {`\
` if $::clear {`\
` set ::e ""`\
` if ![regexp {[0-9().]} $key] {set ::e $::res}`\
` .e config -fg black`\
` .e icursor end`\
` set ::clear 0`\
` }`\
` .e insert end $key`\
`set clear 0`\
`focus .e ;# allow keyboard input`\
`wm resizable . 0 0`
And, as Cameron Laird noted, this thingy is even programmable: enter for
`[proc fac x {expr {$x<2? 1: $x*[fac [incr x -1]]}}]`
into the entry, disregard warnings; now you can do
`[fac 10]`
and receive \[fac 10\] = 3628800.0 as result\...
### A little slide rule
The slide rule was an analog, mechanical device for approximate
engineering computing, made obsolete by the pocket calculator since
about the 1970-80s. The basic principle is that multiplication is done
by adding logarithms, hence most of the scales are logarithmic, with
uneven increments.

This fun project recreates a slide rule (roughly an Aristo-Rietz Nr. 89
with 7 scales - high-notch ones had up to 24) with a white \"body\" and
a beige \"slide\" which you can move left or right with mouse button 1
clicked, or in pixel increment with the
`<Shift-Left>`{=html}/`<Shift-Right>`{=html} cursor keys. Finally, the
blue line represents the \"mark\" (how is that correctly called?
\"runner\"? \"slider\"?) which you can move with the mouse over the
whole thing to read a value. Fine movements with
Due to rounding errors (integer pixels), this plaything is even less
precise than a physical slide rule was, but maybe you still enjoy the
memories\... The screenshot shows how I found out that 3 times 7 is
approx. 21\... (check the A and B scales).
`proc ui {} {`\
` set width 620`\
` pack [canvas .c -width $width -height 170 -bg white]`\
` pack [label .l -textvariable info -fg blue] -fill x`\
` .c create rect 0 50 $width 120 -fill grey90`\
` .c create rect 0 50 $width 120 -fill beige -outline beige \`\
` -tag {slide slidebase}`\
` .c create line 0 0 0 120 -tag mark -fill blue`\
` drawScale .c K x3 10 5 5 log10 1 1000 186.6666667`\
` drawScale .c A x2 10 50 -5 log10 1 100 280`\
` drawScale .c B x2 10 50 5 log10 1 100 280 slide`\
` drawScale .c CI 1/x 10 90 -5 -log10 1 10 560 slide`\
` drawScale .c C x 10 120 -5 log10 1 10 560 slide`\
` drawScale .c D x 10 120 5 log10 1 10 560`\
` drawScale .c L "lg x" 10 160 -5 by100 0 10 5600`\
` bind .c ``<Motion>`{=html}` {.c coords mark %x 0 %x 170; set info [values .c]}`\
` bind .c <1> {set x %x}`\
` bind .c ``<B1-Motion>`{=html}` {%W move slide [expr {%x-$x}] 0; set x %x}`\
` bind . ``<Shift-Left>`{=html}` {.c move slide -1 0; set info [values .c]}`\
` bind . ``<Shift-Right>`{=html}` {.c move slide 1 0; set info [values .c]}`\
` bind . ``<Left>`{=html}` {.c move mark -1 0; set info [values .c]}`\
` bind . ``<Right>`{=html}` {.c move mark 1 0; set info [values .c]}`\
`proc drawScale {w name label x y dy f from to fac {tag {}}} {`\
` set color [expr {[string match -* $f]? "red": "black"}]`\
` $w create text $x [expr $y+2*$dy] -text $name -tag $tag -fill $color`\
` $w create text 600 [expr $y+2*$dy] -text $label -tag $tag -fill $color`\
` set x [expr {[string match -* $f]? 580: $x+10}]`\
` set mod 5`\
` set lastlabel ""`\
` set lastx 0`\
` for {set i [expr {$from*10}]} {$i<=$to*10} {incr i} {`\
` if {$i>100} {`\
` if {$i%10} continue ;# coarser increments`\
` set mod 50`\
` }`\
` if {$i>1000} {`\
` if {$i%100} continue ;# coarser increments`\
` set mod 500`\
` }`\
` set x0 [expr $x+[$f [expr {$i/10.}]]*$fac]`\
` set y1 [expr {$i%(2*$mod)==0? $y+2.*$dy: $i%$mod==0? $y+1.7*$dy: $y+$dy}]`\
` set firstdigit [string index $i 0]`\
` if {$y1==$y+$dy && abs($x0-$lastx)<2} continue`\
` set lastx $x0`\
` if {$i%($mod*2)==0 && $firstdigit != $lastlabel} {`\
` $w create text $x0 [expr $y+3*$dy] -text $firstdigit \`\
` -tag $tag -font {Helvetica 7} -fill $color`\
` set lastlabel $firstdigit`\
` }`\
` $w create line $x0 $y $x0 $y1 -tag $tag -fill $color`\
` }`\
`proc values w {`\
` set x0 [lindex [$w coords slidebase] 0]`\
` set x1 [lindex [$w coords mark] 0]`\
` set lgx [expr {($x1-20)/560.}]`\
` set x [expr {pow(10,$lgx)}]`\
` set lgxs [expr {($x1-$x0-20)/560.}]`\
` set xs [expr {pow(10,$lgxs)}]`\
` set res K:[format %.2f [expr {pow($x,3)}]]`\
` append res " A:[format %.2f [expr {pow($x,2)}]]"`\
` append res " B:[format %.2f [expr {pow($xs,2)}]]"`\
` append res " CI:[format %.2f [expr {pow(10,-$lgxs)*10}]]"`\
` append res " C:[format %.2f $xs]"`\
` append res " D:[format %.2f $x]"`\
` append res " L:[format %.2f $lgx]"`\
`proc pow10 x {expr {pow(10,$x)}}`\
`proc log10 x {expr {log10($x)}}`\
`proc -log10 x {expr {-log10($x)}}`\
`proc by100 x {expr {$x/100.}}`
`bind . ``<Escape>`{=html}` {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}`
### A minimal doodler
Here is a tiny but complete script that allows doodling (drawing with
the mouse) on a canvas widget:
`proc doodle {w {color black}} {`\
` bind $w <1> [list doodle'start %W %x %y $color]`\
` bind $w ``<B1-Motion>`{=html}` {doodle'move %W %x %y}`\
`proc doodle'start {w x y color} {`\
` set ::_id [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $color]`\
`proc doodle'move {w x y} {`\
` $w coords $::_id [concat [$w coords $::_id] $x $y]`\
`pack [canvas .c -bg white] -fill both -expand 1`\
`doodle .c`\
`bind .c ``<Double-3>`{=html}` {%W delete all}`

And here it comes again, but this time with explanations:
The \"Application Program Interface\" (API) for this, if you want such
ceremonial language, is the doodle command, where you specify which
canvas widget should be enabled to doodle, and in which color (defaults
to black):}
`proc doodle {w {color black}} {`\
` bind $w <1> [list doodle'start %W %x %y $color]`\
` bind $w ``<B1-Motion>`{=html}` {doodle'move %W %x %y}`\
It registers two bindings for the canvas, one (\<1\>) when the left
mouse-button is clicked, and the other when the mouse is moved with
button 1 (left) down. Both bindings just call one internal function
On left-click, a line item is created on the canvas in the specified
fill color, but with no extent yet, as start and end points coincide.
The item ID (a number assigned by the canvas) is kept in a global
variable, as it will have to persist long after this procedure has
`proc doodle'start {w x y color} {`\
` set ::_id [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $color]`\
The left-motion procedure obtains the coordinates (alternating x and y)
of the globally known doodling line object, appends the current
coordinates to it, and makes this the new coordinates - in other words,
extends the line to the current mouse position:
`proc doodle'move {w x y} {`\
` $w coords $::_id [concat [$w coords $::_id] $x $y]`\
That\'s all we need to implement doodling - now let\'s create a canvas
to test it, and pack it so it can be drawn as big as you wish:
`pack [canvas .c -bg white] -fill both -expand 1`
And this line turns on the doodle functionality created above
(defaulting to black):
`doodle .c`
Add a binding for double-right-click/double-button-3, to clear the
canvas (added by MG, Apr 29 04)
`bind .c ``<Double-3>`{=html}` {%W delete all}`
### A tiny drawing program
Here is a tiny drawing program on a canvas. Radio buttons on top allow
choice of draw mode and fill color. In \"Move\" mode, you can of course
move items around. Right-click on an item to delete it.

A radio is an obvious \"megawidget\" to hold a row of radiobuttons. This
simple one allows text or color mode: }
`proc radio {w var values {col 0}} {`\
` frame $w`\
` set type [expr {$col? "-background" : "-text"}]`\
` foreach value $values {`\
` radiobutton $w.v$value $type $value -variable $var -value $value \`\
` -indicatoron 0`\
` if $col {$w.v$value config -selectcolor $value -borderwidth 3}`\
` }`\
` eval pack [winfo children $w] -side left`\
` set ::$var [lindex $values 0]`\
` set w`\
Depending on draw mode, the mouse events \"Down\" and \"Motion\" have
different handlers, which are dispatched by names that look like array
elements. So for a mode X, we need a pair of procs, down(X) and move(X).
Values used between calls are kept in global variables.
First, the handlers for free-hand line drawing:
`proc down(Draw) {w x y} {`\
` set ::ID [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill]`\
`proc move(Draw) {w x y} {`\
` $w coords $::ID [concat [$w coords $::ID] $x $y]`\
`#-- Movement of an item`\
`proc down(Move) {w x y} {`\
` set ::ID [$w find withtag current]`\
` set ::X $x; set ::Y $y`\
`proc move(Move) {w x y} {`\
` $w move $::ID [expr {$x-$::X}] [expr {$y-$::Y}]`\
` set ::X $x; set ::Y $y`\
`#-- Clone an existing item`\
`proc serializeCanvasItem {c item} {`\
` set data [concat [$c type $item] [$c coords $item]]`\
` foreach opt [$c itemconfigure $item] {`\
` # Include any configuration that deviates from the default`\
` if {[lindex $opt end] != [lindex $opt end-1]} {`\
` lappend data [lindex $opt 0] [lindex $opt end]`\
` }`\
` }`\
` return $data`\
` }`\
`proc down(Clone) {w x y} {`\
` set current [$w find withtag current]`\
` if {[string length $current] > 0} {`\
` set itemData [serializeCanvasItem $w [$w find withtag current]]`\
` set ::ID [eval $w create $itemData]`\
` set ::X $x; set ::Y $y`\
` }`\
`interp alias {} move(Clone) {} move(Move)`
`#-- Drawing a rectangle`\
`proc down(Rect) {w x y} {`\
` set ::ID [$w create rect $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill]`\
`proc move(Rect) {w x y} {`\
` $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y]`\
`#-- Drawing an oval (or circle, if you're careful)`\
`proc down(Oval) {w x y} {`\
` set ::ID [$w create oval $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill]`\
`proc move(Oval) {w x y} {`\
` $w coords $::ID [lreplace [$w coords $::ID] 2 3 $x $y]`\
Polygons are drawn by clicking the corners. When a corner is close
enough to the first one, the polygon is closed and drawn.
`proc down(Poly) {w x y} {`\
` if [info exists ::Poly] {`\
` set coords [$w coords $::Poly]`\
` foreach {x0 y0} $coords break`\
` if {hypot($y-$y0,$x-$x0)<10} {`\
` $w delete $::Poly`\
` $w create poly [lrange $coords 2 end] -fill $::Fill`\
` unset ::Poly`\
` } else {`\
` $w coords $::Poly [concat $coords $x $y]`\
` }`\
` } else {`\
` set ::Poly [$w create line $x $y $x $y -fill $::Fill]`\
` }`\
`proc move(Poly) {w x y} {#nothing}`
`#-- With little more coding, the Fill mode allows changing an item's fill color:`\
`proc down(Fill) {w x y} {$w itemconfig current -fill $::Fill}`\
`proc move(Fill) {w x y} {}`
`#-- Building the UI`\
`set modes {Draw Move Clone Fill Rect Oval Poly}`\
`set colors {`\
` black white magenta brown red orange yellow green green3 green4`\
` cyan blue blue4 purple`\
`grid [radio .1 Mode $modes] [radio .2 Fill $colors 1] -sticky nw`\
`grid [canvas .c -relief raised -borderwidth 1] - -sticky news`\
`grid rowconfig . 0 -weight 0`\
`grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1`
`#-- The current mode is retrieved at runtime from the global Mode variable:`\
`bind .c <1> {down($Mode) %W %x %y}`\
`bind .c ``<B1-Motion>`{=html}` {move($Mode) %W %x %y}`\
`bind .c <3> {%W delete current}`
For saving the current image, you need the Img extension, so just omit
the following binding if you don\'t have Img:
`bind . ``<F1>`{=html}` {`\
` package require Img`\
` set img [image create photo -data .c]`\
` set name [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes ``{{GIFF .gif} {"All files" *}}`{=mediawiki}`\`\
` -defaultextension .gif]`\
` if {$name ne ""} {$img write $name; wm title . $name}`\
`#-- This is an always useful helper in development:`\
`bind . ``<Escape>`{=html}` {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}`
### A minimal editor
Here\'s an utterly simple editor, in 26 lines of code, which just allows
to load and save files, and of course edit, and cut and paste, and
whatever is built-in into the text widget anyway. And it has a bit
\"online help\"\... ;-)
It is always a good idea to start a source file with some explanations
on the name, purpose, author, and date. I have recently picked up the
habit to put this information into a string variable (which in Tcl can
easily span multiple lines), so the same info is presented to the reader
of the source code, and can be displayed as online help: }
`set about "minEd - a minimal editor`\
`Richard Suchenwirth 2003`\
`F1: help`\
`F2: load`\
`F3: save`\
The visible part of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) consists of
widgets. For this editor, I of course need a text widget, and a vertical
scrollbar. With the option \"-wrap word\" for the text widget, another
horizontal scrollbar is not needed - lines longer than the window just
wrap at word boundaries.
Tk widgets come on the screen in two steps: first, they are created with
an initial configuration; then, handed to a \"geometry manager\" for
display. As widget creation commands return the pathname, they can be
nested into the manager command (pack in this case), to keep all
settings for a widget in one place. This may lead to over-long lines,
Although the scrollbar comes to the right of the text, I create and pack
it first. The reason is that when a window is made smaller by the user,
the widgets last packed first lose visibility.
These two lines also illustrate the coupling between a scrollbar and the
widget it controls:
- the scrollbar sends a yview message to it when moved
- the widget sends a set message to the scrollbar when the view
changed, for instance from cursor keys
And these two lines already give us an editor for arbitrarily long text,
with built-in capabilities of cut, copy, and paste - see the text man
page. Only file I/O has to be added by us to make it really usable.
`pack [scrollbar .y -command ".t yview"] -side right -fill y`\
`pack [text .t -wrap word -yscrollc ".y set"] -side right -fill both -expand 1`
Are you targetting 8.4 or later? If so, add -undo 1 to the options to
text and get full undo/redo support!
`pack [text .t -wrap word -yscrollc ".y set" -undo 1] -side right -fill both -expand 1`
The other important part of a GUI are the bindings - what event shall
trigger what action. For simplicity, I\'ve limited the bindings here to
a few of the function keys on top of typical keyboards:
`bind . ``<F1>`{=html}` {tk_messageBox -message $about}`
Online help is done with a no-frills tk_messageBox with the \"about\"
text defined at start of file. - The other bindings call custom
commands, which get a filename argument from Tk\'s file selector
`bind . ``<F2>`{=html}` {loadText .t [tk_getOpenFile]}`\
`bind . ``<F3>`{=html}` {saveText .t [tk_getSaveFile]}`
These dialogs can also be configured in a number of ways, but even in
this simple form they are quite powerful - allow navigation around the
file system, etc. On Windows they call the native file selectors, which
have a history of previously opened files, detail view (size/date etc.)
When this editor is called with a filename on the command line, that
file is loaded on startup (simple as it is, it can only handle one file
at a time):
`if {$argv != ""} {loadText .t [lindex $argv 0]}`
The procedures for loading and saving text both start with a sanity
check of the filename argument - if it\'s an empty string, as produced
by file selector dialogs when the user cancels, they return immediately.
Otherwise, they transfer file content to text widget or vice-versa.
loadText adds the \"luxury\" that the name of the current file is also
put into the window title. Then it opens the file, clears the text
widget, reads all file contents in one go, and puts them into the text
`proc loadText {w fn} {`\
` if {$fn==""} return`\
` wm title . [file tail $fn]`\
` set fp [open $fn]`\
` $w delete 1.0 end`\
` $w insert end [read $fp]`\
` close $fp`\
saveText takes care not to save the extra newline that text widgets
append at end, by limiting the range to \"end - 1 c\"(haracter).
`proc saveText {w fn} {`\
` if {$fn==""} return`\
` set fp [open $fn w]`\
` puts -nonewline $fp [$w get 1.0 "end - 1 c"]`\
` close $fp`\
### File watch
Some editors (e.g. PFE, MS Visual Studio) pop up an alert dialog when a
file was changed on disk while being edited - that might lead to edit
conflicts. Emacs shows a more subtle warning at the first attempt to
change a file that has changed on disk.
Here I try to emulate this feature. It is oversimplified because it does
not update the mtime (file modification time) to check, once you saved
it from the editor itself. So make sure to call text\'watch\'file again
after saving.
Using the global variable ::\_twf it is at least possible to avoid false
alarms - for a more serious implementation one might use a namespaced
array of watchers, indexed by file name, in case you want multiple edit
windows. }
`proc text'watch'file {w file {mtime -}} {`\
` set checkinterval 1000 ;# modify as needed`\
` if {$mtime eq "-"} {`\
` if [info exists ::_twf] {after cancel $::_twf}`\
` set file [file join [pwd] $file]`\
` text'watch'file $w $file [file mtime $file]`\
` } else {`\
` set newtime [file mtime $file]`\
` if {$newtime != $mtime} {`\
` set answer [tk_messageBox -type yesno -message \`\
` "The file\n$file\nhas changed on disk. Reload it?"]`\
` if {$answer eq "yes"} {text'read'file $w $file}`\
` text'watch'file $w $file`\
` } else {set ::_twf [after $checkinterval [info level 0]]}`\
` }`\
`proc text'read'file {w file} {`\
` set f [open $file]`\
` $w delete 1.0 end`\
` $w insert end [read $f]`\
` close $f`\
`#-- Testing:`\
`pack [text .t -wrap word] -fill both -expand 1`\
`set file textwatch.tcl`\
`text'read'file .t $file`\
`text'watch'file .t $file`
The dialog should come up when you change the file externally, say by
touch-ing it in pure Tcl, which might be done with editing it in another
editor, or
`file mtime $filename [clock seconds]`
### Tiny presentation graphics
This is a crude little canvas presentation graphics that runs on
PocketPCs, but also on bigger boxes (one might scale fonts and
dimensions there). Switch pages with Left/Right cursor, or left/right
mouseclick (though a stylus cannot right-click).
Not many features, but the code is very compact, and with a cute little
language for content specification, see example at end (which shows what
I presented at the 2003 Euro-Tcl convention in Nuremberg\...)}
`proc slide args {`\
` global slides`\
` if {![info exist slides]} slide'init`\
` incr slides(N)`\
` set slides(title,$slides(N)) [join $args]`\
`proc slide'line {type args} {`\
` global slides`\
` lappend slides(body,$slides(N)) [list $type [join $args]]`\
`foreach name {* + -} {interp alias {} $name {} slide'line $name}`
`proc slide'init {} {`\
` global slides`\
` array set slides {`\
` canvas .c N 0 show 1 dy 20`\
` titlefont {Tahoma 22 bold} * {Tahoma 14 bold} + {Tahoma 12}`\
` - {Courier 10}`\
` }`\
` pack [canvas .c -bg white] -expand 1 -fill both`\
` foreach e {<1> ``<Right>`{=html}`} {bind . $e {slide'show 1}}`\
` foreach e {<3> ``<Left>`{=html}`} {bind . $e {slide'show -1}}`\
` wm geometry . +0+0`\
` after idle {slide'show 0}`\
`proc slide'show delta {`\
` upvar #0 slides s`\
` incr s(show) $delta`\
` if {$s(show)<1 || $s(show)>$s(N)} {`\
` incr s(show) [expr -$delta]`\
` } else {`\
` set c $s(canvas)`\
` $c delete all`\
` set x 10; set y 20`\
` $c create text $x $y -anchor w -text $s(title,$s(show))\`\
` -font $s(titlefont) -fill blue`\
` incr y $s(dy)`\
` $c create line $x $y 2048 $y -fill red -width 4`\
` foreach line $s(body,$s(show)) {`\
` foreach {type text} $line break`\
` incr y $s(dy)`\
` $c create text $x $y -anchor w -text $text \`\
` -font $s($type)`\
` }`\
` }`\
`bind . ``<Up>`{=html}` {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} ;# dev helper`
The rest is data - or is it code? Anyway, here\'s my show:
`slide i18n - Tcl for the world`\
`+ Richard Suchenwirth, Nuremberg 2003`\
`* i18n: internationalization`\
`+ 'make software work with many languages'`\
`* l10n: localization`\
`+ 'make software work with the local language'`
`slide Terminology`\
`* Glyphs:`\
`+ visible elements of writing`\
`* Characters:`\
`+ abstract elements of writing`\
`* Byte sequences:`\
`+ physical text data representation`\
`* Rendering: character -> glyph`\
`* Encoding: character <-> byte sequence`
`slide Before Unicode`\
`* Bacon (1580), Baudot: 5-bit encodings`\
`* Fieldata (6 bits), EBCDIC (8 bits)`\
`* ASCII (7 bits)`\
`+ world-wide "kernel" of encodings`\
`* 8-bit codepages: DOS, Mac, Windows`\
`* ISO 8859-x: 16 varieties`
`slide East Asia`\
`* Thousands of characters/country`\
`+ Solution: use 2 bytes, 94x94 matrix`\
`+ Japan: JIS C-6226/0208/0212`\
`+ China: GB2312-80`\
`+ Korea: KS-C 5601`\
`* coexist with ASCII in EUC encodings`
`slide Unicode covers all`\
`* Common standard of software industry`\
`* kept in synch with ISO 10646`\
`+ Used to be 16 bits, until U 3.1`\
`+ Now needs up to 31 bits`\
`* Byte order problem:`\
`+ little-endian/big-endian`\
`+ U+FEFF "Byte Order Mark"`\
`+ U+FFFE --illegal--`
`slide UTF-8`\
`* Varying length: 1..3(..6) bytes`\
`+ 1 byte: ASCII`\
`+ 2 bytes: pages 00..07, Alphabets`\
`+ 3 bytes: pages 08..FF, rest of BMP`\
`+ >3 bytes: higher pages`\
`* Standard in XML, coming in Unix`
`slide Tcl i18n`\
`* Everything is a Unicode string (BMP)`\
`+ internal rep: UTF-8/UCS-2`\
`* Important commands:`\
`- fconfigure \$ch -encoding \$e`\
`- encoding convertfrom \$e \$s`\
`- encoding convertto \$e \$s`\
`* msgcat supports l10n:`\
`- {"File" -> [mc "File"]}`
`slide Tk i18n`\
`* Any widget text is Unicoded`\
`* Automatic font finding`\
`+ Fonts must be provided by system`\
`* Missing: bidi treatment`\
`+ right-to-left conversion (ar,he)`
`slide Input i18n`\
`* Keyboard rebinding (bindtags)`\
`* East Asia: keyboard buffering`\
`+ Menu selection for ambiguities`\
`* Virtual keyboard (buttons, canvas)`\
`* String conversion: *lish family`\
`- {[ruslish Moskva]-[greeklish Aqh'nai]}`
`slide i18n - Tcl for the world`\
`+ Thank you.`
### Timeline display
Yet another thing to do with a canvas: history visualisation of a
horizontal time-line, for which a year scale is displayed on top. The
following kinds of objects are so far available:
- \"eras\", displayed in yellow below the timeline in boxes
- \"background items\" that are grey and stretch over all the canvas
in height
- normal items, which get displayed as stacked orange bars

You can zoom in with \<1\>, out with \<3\> (both only in x direction).
On mouse motion, the current year is displayed in the toplevel\'s title.
Normal items can be a single year, like the Columbus example, or a range
of years, for instance for lifetimes of persons. (The example shows that
Mozart didn\'t live long\...)
`namespace eval timeliner {`\
` variable ""`\
` array set "" {-zoom 1 -from 0 -to 2000}`\
`proc timeliner::create {w args} {`\
` variable ""`\
` array set "" $args`\
` #-- draw time scale`\
` for {set x [expr ($(-from)/50)*50]} {$x<=$(-to)} {incr x 10} {`\
` if {$x%50 == 0} {`\
` $w create line $x 8 $x 0`\
` $w create text $x 8 -text $x -anchor n`\
` } else {`\
` $w create line $x 5 $x 0`\
` }`\
` }`\
` bind $w ``<Motion>`{=html}` {timeliner::title %W %x ; timeliner::movehair %W %x}`\
` bind $w <1> {timeliner::zoom %W %x 1.25}`\
` bind $w <2> {timeliner::hair %W %x}`\
` bind $w <3> {timeliner::zoom %W %x 0.8}`\
`proc timeliner::movehair {w x} {`\
` variable ""`\
` if {[llength [$w find withtag hair]]} {`\
` set x [$w canvasx $x]`\
` $w move hair [expr {$x - $(x)}] 0`\
` set (x) $x`\
` }`\
`proc timeliner::hair {w x} {`\
` variable ""`\
` if {[llength [$w find withtag hair]]} {`\
` $w delete hair`\
` } else {`\
` set (x) [$w canvasx $x]`\
` $w create line $(x) 0 $(x) [$w cget -height] \`\
` -tags hair -width 1 -fill red`\
` }`\
`proc timeliner::title {w x} {`\
` variable ""`\
` wm title . [expr int([$w canvasx $x]/$(-zoom))]`\
`proc timeliner::zoom {w x factor} {`\
` variable ""`\
` $w scale all 0 0 $factor 1`\
` set (-zoom) [expr {$(-zoom)*$factor}]`\
` $w config -scrollregion [$w bbox all]`\
` if {[llength [$w find withtag hair]]} {`\
` $w delete hair`\
` set (x) [$w canvasx $x]`\
` $w create line $(x) 0 $(x) [$w cget -height] \`\
` -tags hair -width 1 -fill red`\
` }`\
This command adds an object to the canvas. The code for \"item\" took me
some effort, as it had to locate a free \"slot\" on the canvas,
searching top-down:
`proc timeliner::add {w type name time args} {`\
` variable ""`\
` regexp {(\d+)(-(\d+))?} $time -> from - to`\
` if {$to eq ""} {set to $from}`\
` set x0 [expr {$from*$(-zoom)}]`\
` set x1 [expr {$to*$(-zoom)}]`\
` switch -- $type {`\
` era {set fill yellow; set outline black; set y0 20; set y1 40}`\
` bgitem {set fill gray; set outline {}; set y0 40; set y1 1024}`\
` item {`\
` set fill orange`\
` set outline yellow`\
` for {set y0 60} {$y0<400} {incr y0 20} {`\
` set y1 [expr {$y0+18}]`\
` if {[$w find overlap [expr $x0-5] $y0 $x1 $y1] eq ""} break`\
` }`\
` }`\
` }`\
` set id [$w create rect $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -fill $fill -outline $outline]`\
` if {$type eq "bgitem"} {$w lower $id}`\
` set x2 [expr {$x0+5}]`\
` set y2 [expr {$y0+2}]`\
` set tid [$w create text $x2 $y2 -text $name -anchor nw]`\
` foreach arg $args {`\
` if {$arg eq "!"} {`\
` $w itemconfig $tid -font "[$w itemcget $tid -font] bold"`\
` }`\
` }`\
` $w config -scrollregion [$w bbox all]`\
Here\'s a sample application, featuring a concise history of music in
terms of composers:
`scrollbar .x -ori hori -command {.c xview}`\
`pack .x -side bottom -fill x`\
`canvas .c -bg white -width 600 -height 300 -xscrollcommand {.x set}`\
`pack .c -fill both -expand 1`\
`timeliner::create .c -from 1400 -to 2000`
These nifty shorthands for adding items make data specification a
breeze - compare the original call, and the shorthand:
` timeliner::add .c item Purcell 1659-1695`\
` - Purcell 1659-1695`
With an additional \"!\" argument you can make the text of an item bold:
`foreach {shorthand type} {* era x bgitem - item} {`\
` interp alias {} $shorthand {} timeliner::add .c $type`\
Now for the data to display (written pretty readably):
`* {Middle Ages} 1400-1450`\
`- Dufay 1400-1474`\
`* Renaissance 1450-1600`\
`- Desprez 1440-1521`\
`- Luther 1483-1546`\
`- {Columbus discovers America} 1492`\
`- Palestrina 1525-1594 !`\
`- Lasso 1532-1594`\
`- Byrd 1543-1623`\
`* Baroque 1600-1750`\
`- Dowland 1563-1626`\
`- Monteverdi 1567-1643`\
`- Schütz 1585-1672`\
`- Purcell 1659-1695`\
`- Telemann 1681-1767`\
`- Rameau 1683-1764`\
`- Bach,J.S. 1685-1750 !`\
`- Händel 1685-1759`\
`x {30-years war} 1618-1648`\
`* {Classic era} 1750-1810`\
`- Haydn 1732-1809 !`\
`- Boccherini 1743-1805`\
`- Mozart 1756-1791 !`\
`- Beethoven 1770-1828 !`\
`* {Romantic era} 1810-1914`\
`- {Mendelssohn Bartholdy} 1809-1847`\
`- Chopin 1810-1849`\
`- Liszt 1811-1886`\
`- Verdi 1813-1901`\
`x {French revolution} 1789-1800`\
`* {Modern era} 1914-2000`\
`- Ravel 1875-1937 !`\
`- Bartók 1881-1945`\
`- Stravinskij 1882-1971`\
`- Varèse 1883-1965`\
`- Prokof'ev 1891-1953`\
`- Milhaud 1892-1974`\
`- Honegger 1892-1955`\
`- Hindemith 1895-1963`\
`- Britten 1913-1976`\
`x WW1 1914-1918`\
`x WW2 1938-1945`
### Fun with functions

My teenage daughter hates math. In order to motivate her, I beefed up an
earlier little function plotter which before only took one function, in
strict Tcl (expr) notation, from the command line. Now there\'s an entry
widget, and the accepted language has also been enriched: beyond exprs
rules, you can omit dollar and multiplication signs, like 2x+1, powers
can be written as x3 instead of (\$x\*\$x\*\$x); in simple cases you can
omit parens round function arguments, like sin x2. Hitting
`<Return>`{=html} in the entry widget displays the function\'s graph.
If you need some ideas, click on the \"?\" button to cycle through a set
of demo functions, from boring to bizarre (e.g. if rand() is used).
Besides default scaling, you can zoom in or out. Moving the mouse
pointer over the canvas displays x and y coordinates, and the display
changes to white if you\'re on a point on the curve.
The target was not reached: my daughter still hates math. But at least I
had hours of Tcl (and function) fun again, surfing in the Cartesian
plane\... hope you enjoy it too!
`proc main {} {`\
` canvas .c -bg white -borderwidth 0`\
` bind .c ``<Motion>`{=html}` {displayXY .info %x %y}`\
` frame .f`\
` label .f.1 -text "f(x) = "`\
` entry .f.f -textvar ::function -width 40`\
` bind .f.f ``<Return>`{=html}` {plotf .c $::function}`\
` button .f.demo -text " ? " -pady 0 -command {demo .c}`\
` label .f.2 -text " Zoom: "`\
` entry .f.fac -textvar ::factor -width 4`\
` set ::factor 32`\
` bind .f.fac ``<Return>`{=html}` {zoom .c 1.0}`\
` button .f.plus -text " + " -pady 0 -command {zoom .c 2.0}`\
` button .f.minus -text " - " -pady 0 -command {zoom .c 0.5}`\
` eval pack [winfo children .f] -side left -fill both`\
` label .info -textvar ::info -just left`\
` pack .info .f -fill x -side bottom`\
` pack .c -fill both -expand 1`\
` demo .c`\
`set ::demos {`\
` "cos x3" 2 1-x 0.5x2 x3/5 "sin x" "sin x2" 1/x sqrt(x)`\
` "tan x/5" x+1/x x abs(x) "exp x" "log x" "log x2"`\
` round(x) "int x%2" "x-int x" "0.2tan x+1/tan x" x*(rand()-0.5)`\
` x2/5-1/(2x) "atan x" sqrt(1-x2) "abs(x-int(x*2))" (x-1)/(x+1)`\
` "sin x-tan x" "sin x-tan x2" "x-abs(int x)" 0.5x-1/x`\
` -0.5x3+x2+x-1 3*sin(2x) -0.05x4-0.2x3+1.5x2+2x-3 "9%int x"`\
` 0.5x2/(x3-3x2+4) "abs x2-3 int x" "int x%3"`\
`proc displayXY {w cx cy} {`\
` set x [expr {double($cx-$::dx)/$::factor}]`\
` set y [expr {double(-$cy+$::dy)/$::factor}]`\
` set ::info [format "x=%.2f y=%.2f" $x $y]`\
` catch {`\
` $w config -fg [expr {abs([expr $::fun]-$y)<0.01?"white":"black"}]`\
` } ;# may divide by zero, or other illegal things`\
`proc zoom {w howmuch} {`\
` set ::factor [expr round($::factor*$howmuch)]`\
` plotf $w $::function`\
`proc plotf {w function} {`\
` foreach {re subst} {`\
` {([a-z]) +(x[0-9]?)} {\1(\2)} " " "" {([0-9])([a-z])} {\1*\2}`\
` x2 x*x x3 x*x*x x4 x*x*x*x x \$x {e\$xp} exp`\
` } {regsub -all $re $function $subst function}`\
` set ::fun $function`\
` set ::info "Tcl: expr $::fun"`\
` set color [lpick {red blue purple brown green}]`\
` plotline $w [fun2points $::fun] -fill $color`\
`proc lpick L {lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}]}`
`proc fun2points {fun args} {`\
` array set opt {-from -10.0 -to 10.0 -step .01}`\
` array set opt $args`\
` set res "{"`\
` for {set x $opt(-from)} {$x<= $opt(-to)} {set x [expr {$x+$opt(-step)}]} {`\
` if {![catch {expr $fun} y]} {`\
` if {[info exists lasty] && abs($y-$lasty)>100} {`\
` append res "\} \{" ;# incontinuity`\
` }`\
` append res " $x $y"`\
` set lasty $y`\
` } else {append res "\} \{"}`\
` }`\
` append res "}"`\
`proc plotline {w points args} {`\
` $w delete all`\
` foreach i $points {`\
` if {[llength $i]>2} {eval $w create line $i $args -tags f}`\
` }`\
` set fac $::factor`\
` $w scale all 0 0 $fac -$fac`\
` $w create line -10000 0 10000 0 ;# X axis`\
` $w create line 0 -10000 0 10000 ;# Y axis`\
` $w create line $fac 0 $fac -3 ;# x=1 tick`\
` $w create line -3 -$fac 0 -$fac ;# y=1 tick`\
` set ::dx [expr {[$w cget -width]/2}]`\
` set ::dy [expr {[$w cget -height]/2}]`\
` $w move all $::dx $::dy`\
` $w raise f`\
`proc demo {w} {`\
` set ::function [lindex $::demos 0] ;# cycle through...`\
` set ::demos [concat [lrange $::demos 1 end] [list $::function]]`\
` set ::factor 32`\
` plotf $w $::function`\
### Functional imaging
In Conal Elliott\'s Pan project (\"Functional Image Synthesis\", \[1\]),
images (of arbitrary size and resolution) are produced and manipulated
in an elegant functional way. Functions written in Haskell (see Playing
Haskell) are applied, mostly in functional composition, to pixels to
return their color value. FAQ: \"Can we have that in Tcl too?\"

As the funimj demo below shows, in principle yes; but it takes some
patience (or a very fast CPU) - for a 200x200 image the function is
called 40000 times, which takes 9..48 seconds on my P200 box. Still, the
output often is worth waiting for\... and the time used to write this
code was negligible, as the Haskell original could with few
modifications be represented in Tcl. Functional composition had to be
rewritten to Tcl\'s Polish notation - Haskell\'s
`foo 1 o bar 2 o grill`
(where \"o\" is the composition operator) would in Tcl look like
`o {foo 1} {bar 2} grill`
As the example shows, additional arguments can be specified; only the
last argument is passed through the generated \"function nest\":
`proc f {x} {foo 1 [bar 2 [grill $x]]}`
But the name of the generated function is much nicer than \"f\": namely,
the complete call to \"o\" is used, so the example proc has the name
`"o {foo 1} {bar 2} grill"`
which is pretty self-documenting ;-) I implemented \"o\" like this:
`proc o args {`\
` # combine the functions in args, return the created name`\
` set name [info level 0]`\
` set body "[join $args " `$$"] \$x"
append body [string repeat$$` [expr {[llength $args]-1}]]`\
` proc $name x $body`\
` set name`\
`# Now for the rendering framework:`
`proc fim {f {zoom 100} {width 200} {height -}} {`\
` # produce a photo image by applying function f to pixels`\
` if {$height=="-"} {set height $width}`\
` set im [image create photo -height $height -width $width]`\
` set data {}`\
` set xs {}`\
` for {set j 0} {$j<$width} {incr j} {`\
` lappend xs [expr {($j-$width/2.)/$zoom}]`\
` }`\
` for {set i 0} {$i<$height} {incr i} {`\
` set row {}`\
` set y [expr {($i-$height/2.)/$zoom}]`\
` foreach x $xs {`\
` lappend row [$f [list $x $y]]`\
` }`\
` lappend data $row`\
` }`\
` $im put $data`\
` set im`\
Basic imaging functions (\"drawers\") have the common functionality
point -\> color, where point is a pair {x y} (or, after applying a polar
transform, {r a}\...) and color is a Tk color name, like \"green\" or
`proc vstrip p {`\
` # a simple vertical bar`\
` b2c [expr {abs([lindex $p 0]) < 0.5}]`\
`proc udisk p {`\
` # unit circle with radius 1`\
` foreach {x y} $p break`\
` b2c [expr {hypot($x,$y) < 1}]`\
`proc xor {f1 f2 p} {`\
` lappend f1 $p; lappend f2 $p`\
` b2c [expr {[eval $f1] != [eval $f2]}]`\
`proc and {f1 f2 p} {`\
` lappend f1 $p; lappend f2 $p`\
` b2c [expr {[eval $f1] == "#000" && [eval $f2] == "#000"}]`\
`proc checker p {`\
` # black and white checkerboard`\
` foreach {x y} $p break`\
` b2c [expr {int(floor($x)+floor($y)) % 2 == 0}]`\
`proc gChecker p {`\
` # greylevels correspond to fractional part of x,y`\
` foreach {x y} $p break`\
` g2c [expr {(fmod(abs($x),1.)*fmod(abs($y),1.))}]`\
`proc bRings p {`\
` # binary concentric rings`\
` foreach {x y} $p break`\
` b2c [expr {round(hypot($x,$y)) % 2 == 0}]`\
`proc gRings p {`\
` # grayscale concentric rings`\
` foreach {x y} $p break`\
` g2c [expr {(1 + cos(3.14159265359 * hypot($x,$y))) / 2.}]`\
`proc radReg {n p} {`\
` # n wedge slices starting at (0,0)`\
` foreach {r a} [toPolars $p] break`\
` b2c [expr {int(floor($a*$n/3.14159265359))%2 == 0}]`\
`proc xPos p {b2c [expr {[lindex $p 0]>0}]}`
`proc cGrad p {`\
` # color gradients - best watched at zoom=100`\
` foreach {x y} $p break`\
` if {abs($x)>1.} {set x 1.}`\
` if {abs($y)>1.} {set y 1.}`\
` set r [expr {int((1.-abs($x))*255.)}]`\
` set g [expr {int((sqrt(2.)-hypot($x,$y))*180.)}]`\
` set b [expr {int((1.-abs($y))*255.)}]`\
` c2c $r $g $b`\
Beyond the examples in Conal Elliott\'s paper, I found out that function
imaging can also be abused for a (slow and imprecise) function plotter,
which displays the graph for y = f(x) if you call it with \$y + f(\$x)
as first argument:
`proc fplot {expr p} {`\
` foreach {x y} $p break`\
` b2c [expr abs($expr)<=0.04] ;# double eval required here!`\
Here is a combinator for two binary images that shows in different
colors for which point both or either are \"true\" - nice but slow:}
`proc bin2 {f1 f2 p} {`\
` set a [eval $f1 [list $p]]`\
` set b [eval $f2 [list $p]]`\
` expr {`\
` $a == "#000" ?`\
` $b == "#000" ? "green"`\
` : "yellow"`\
` : $b == "#000" ? "blue"`\
` : "black"`\
` }`\
`#--------------------------------------- Pixel converters:`
`proc g2c {greylevel} {`\
` # convert 0..1 to #000000..#FFFFFF`\
` set hex [format %02X [expr {round($greylevel*255)}]]`\
` return #$hex$hex$hex`\
`proc b2c {binpixel} {`\
` # 0 -> white, 1 -> black`\
` expr {$binpixel? "#000" : "#FFF"}`\
`proc c2c {r g b} {`\
` # make Tk color name: {0 128 255} -> #0080FF`\
` format #%02X%02X%02X $r $g $b`\
`proc bPaint {color0 color1 pixel} {`\
` # convert a binary pixel to one of two specified colors`\
` expr {$pixel=="#000"? $color0 : $color1}`\
This painter colors a grayscale image in hues of the given color. It
normalizes the given color through dividing by the corresponding values
for \"white\", but appears pretty slow too:
`proc gPaint {color pixel} {`\
` set abspixel [lindex [rgb $pixel] 0]`\
` set rgb [rgb $color]`\
` set rgbw [rgb white]`\
` foreach var {r g b} in $rgb ref $rgbw {`\
` set $var [expr {round(double($abspixel)*$in/$ref/$ref*255.)}]`\
` }`\
` c2c $r $g $b`\
This proc caches the results of \[winfo rgb\] calls, because these are
quite expensive, especially on remote X displays - rmax
`proc rgb {color} {`\
` upvar "#0" rgb($color) rgb`\
` if {![info exists rgb]} {set rgb [winfo rgb . $color]}`\
` set rgb`\
`#------------------------------ point -> point transformers`
`proc fromPolars p {`\
` foreach {r a} $p break`\
` list [expr {$r*cos($a)}] [expr {$r*sin($a)}]`\
`proc toPolars p {`\
` foreach {x y} $p break`\
` # for Sun, we have to make sure atan2 gets no two 0's`\
` list [expr {hypot($x,$y)}] [expr {$x||$y? atan2($y,$x): 0}]`\
`proc radInvert p {`\
` foreach {r a} [toPolars $p] break`\
` fromPolars [list [expr {$r? 1/$r: 9999999}] $a]`\
`proc rippleRad {n s p} {`\
` foreach {r a} [toPolars $p] break`\
` fromPolars [list [expr {$r*(1.+$s*sin($n*$a))}] $a]`\
`proc slice {n p} {`\
` foreach {r a} $p break`\
` list $r [expr {$a*$n/3.14159265359}]`\
`proc rotate {angle p} {`\
` foreach {x y} $p break`\
` set x1 [expr {$x*cos(-$angle) - $y*sin(-$angle)}]`\
` set y1 [expr {$y*cos(-$angle) + $x*sin(-$angle)}]`\
` list $x1 $y1`\
`proc swirl {radius p} {`\
` foreach {x y} $p break`\
` set angle [expr {hypot($x,$y)*6.283185306/$radius}]`\
` rotate $angle $p`\
Now comes the demo program. It shows the predefined basic image
operators, and some combinations, on a button bar. Click on one, have
some patience, and the corresponding image will be displayed on the
canvas to the right. You can also experiment with image operators in the
entry widget at bottom - hit `<Return>`{=html} to try. The text of
sample buttons is also copied to the entry widget, so you can play with
the parameters, or rewrite it as you wish. Note that a well-formed
funimj composition consists of:
- the composition operator \"o\"
- zero or more \"painters\" (color -\> color)
- one \"drawer\" (point -\> color)
- zero or more \"transformers\" (point -\> point)
`proc fim'show {c f} {`\
` $c delete all`\
` set ::try $f ;# prepare for editing`\
` set t0 [clock seconds]`\
` . config -cursor watch`\
` update ;# to make the cursor visible`\
` $c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image [fim $f $::zoom]`\
` wm title . "$f: [expr [clock seconds]-$t0] seconds"`\
` . config -cursor {}`\
` proc fim'try {c varName} {`\
` upvar #0 $varName var`\
` $c delete all`\
` if [catch {fim'show $c [eval $var]}] {`\
` $c create text 10 10 -anchor nw -text $::errorInfo`\
` }`\
Composed functions need only be mentioned once, which creates them, and
they can later be picked up by info procs. The o looks nicely bullet-ish
`o bRings`\
`o cGrad`\
`o checker`\
`o gRings`\
`o vstrip`\
`o xPos`\
`o {bPaint brown beige} checker`\
`o checker {slice 10} toPolars`\
`o checker {rotate 0.1}`\
`o vstrip {swirl 1.5}`\
`o checker {swirl 16}`\
`o {fplot {$y + exp($x)}}`\
`o checker radInvert`\
`o gRings {rippleRad 8 0.3}`\
`o xPos {swirl .75}`\
`o gChecker`\
`o {gPaint red} gRings`\
`o {bin2 {radReg 7} udisk}`\
`#----------------------------------------------- testing`
`frame .f2`\
`set c [canvas .f2.c]`\
`set e [entry .f2.e -bg white -textvar try]`\
`bind $e ``<Return>`{=html}` [list fim'try $c ::try]`\
`scale .f2.s -from 1 -to 100 -variable zoom -ori hori -width 6`\
`#--------------------------------- button bar:`\
`frame .f`\
`set n 0`\
`foreach imf [lsort [info procs "o *"]] {`\
` button .f.b[incr n] -text $imf -anchor w -pady 0 \`\
` -command [list fim'show $c $imf]`\
`set ::zoom 25`\
`eval pack [winfo children .f] -side top -fill x -ipady 0`\
`eval pack [winfo children .f2] -side top -fill x`\
`pack .f .f2 -side left -anchor n`\
`bind . ``<Escape>`{=html}` {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} ;# dev helper`\
`bind . ? {console show} ;# dev helper, Win/Mac only`
### TkPhotoLab
The following code can be used for experiments in image processing,
- convolutions (see below)
- conversion from color to greylevel
- conversion from greylevel to faux color
- brightness and contrast modification
Tcl is not the fastest in heavy number-crunching, as needed when going
over many thousands of pixels, but I wouldn\'t consider C for a fun
project ;) So take your time, or get a real CPU. At least you can watch
the progress, as the target image is updated after every row.

*Edge enhancement by Laplace5 filter*
The demo UI shows two images, the original on the left, the processing
result on the right. You can push the result to the left with
Options/Accept. See the menus for what goodies I have supplied. But what
most interested me were \"convolutions\", for which you can edit the
matrix (fixed at 3x3 - slow enough..) and click \"Apply\" to run it over
the input image. \"C\" to set the matrix to all zeroes.
Convolution is a technique where a target pixel is colored according to
the sum of the product of a given matrix and its neighbors. As an
example, the convolution matrix
`1 1 1`\
`1 1 1`\
`1 1 1`
colors the pixel in the middle with the average of itself and its eight
neighbors, which will myopically blur the picture.
`0 0 0`\
`0 1 0`\
`0 0 0`
should just faithfully repeat the input picture. These
`0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1`\
`-1 5 -1 or: -1 9 -1`\
`0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1`
enhance {horizont,vertic}al edges, and make the image look \"crispier\".
`proc convolute {inimg outimg matrix} {`\
` set w [image width $inimg]`\
` set h [image height $inimg]`\
` set matrix [normalize $matrix]`\
` set shift [expr {[matsum $matrix]==0? 128: 0}]`\
` set imat [photo2matrix $inimg]`\
` for {set i 1} {$i<$h-1} {incr i} {`\
` set row {}`\
` for {set j 1} {$j<$w-1} {incr j} {`\
` foreach var {rsum gsum bsum} {set $var 0.0}`\
` set y [expr {$i-1}]`\
` foreach k {0 1 2} {`\
` set x [expr {$j-1}]`\
` foreach l {0 1 2} {`\
` if {[set fac [lindex $matrix $k $l]]} {`\
` foreach {r g b} [lindex $imat $y $x] {}`\
` set rsum [expr {$rsum + $r * $fac}]`\
` set gsum [expr {$gsum + $g * $fac}]`\
` set bsum [expr {$bsum + $b * $fac}]`\
` }`\
` incr x`\
` }`\
` incr y`\
` }`\
` if {$shift} {`\
` set rsum [expr {$rsum + $shift}]`\
` set gsum [expr {$gsum + $shift}]`\
` set bsum [expr {$bsum + $shift}]`\
` }`\
` lappend row [rgb [clip $rsum] [clip $gsum] [clip $bsum]]`\
` }`\
` $outimg put [list $row] -to 1 $i`\
` update idletasks`\
` }`\
`proc alias {name args} {eval [linsert $args 0 interp alias {} $name {}]}`
`alias rgb format #%02x%02x%02x`
`proc lambda {argl body} {K [set n [info level 0]] [proc $n $argl $body]}`
`proc K {a b} {set a}`
`proc clip x {expr {$x>255? 255: $x<0? 0: int($x)}}`
`proc photo2matrix image {`\
` set w [image width $image]`\
` set h [image height $image]`\
` set res {}`\
` for {set y 0} {$y<$h} {incr y} {`\
` set row {}`\
` for {set x 0} {$x<$w} {incr x} {`\
` lappend row [$image get $x $y]`\
` }`\
` lappend res $row`\
` }`\
` set res`\
`proc normalize matrix {`\
` #-- make sure all matrix elements add up to 1.0`\
` set sum [matsum $matrix]`\
` if {$sum==0} {return $matrix} ;# no-op on zero sum`\
` set res {}`\
` foreach inrow $matrix {`\
` set row {}`\
` foreach el $inrow {lappend row [expr {1.0*$el/$sum}]}`\
` lappend res $row`\
` }`\
` set res`\
`proc matsum matrix {expr [join [join $matrix] +]}`
The following routines could also be generified into one:
`proc color2gray image {`\
` set w [image width $image]`\
` set h [image height $image]`\
` for {set i 0} {$i<$h} {incr i} {`\
` set row {}`\
` for {set j 0} {$j<$w} {incr j} {`\
` foreach {r g b} [$image get $j $i] break`\
` set y [expr {int(0.299*$r + 0.587*$g + 0.114*$b)}]`\
` lappend row [rgb $y $y $y]`\
` }`\
` $image put [list $row] -to 0 $i`\
` update idletasks`\
` }`\
`proc color2gray2 image {`\
` set i -1`\
` foreach inrow [photo2matrix $image] {`\
` set row {}`\
` foreach pixel $inrow {`\
` foreach {r g b} $pixel break`\
` set y [expr {int(($r + $g + $b)/3.)}]`\
` lappend row [rgb $y $y $y]`\
` }`\
` $image put [list $row] -to 0 [incr i]`\
` update idletasks`\
` }`\
An experiment in classifying graylevels into unreal colors:
`proc gray2color image {`\
` set i -1`\
` set colors {black darkblue blue purple red orange yellow white}`\
` set n [llength $colors]`\
` foreach inrow [photo2matrix $image] {`\
` set row {}`\
` foreach pixel $inrow {`\
` set index [expr {[lindex $pixel 0]*$n/256}]`\
` lappend row [lindex $colors $index]`\
` }`\
` $image put [list $row] -to 0 [incr i]`\
` update idletasks`\
` }`\
`proc grayWedge image {`\
` $image blank`\
` for {set i 0} {$i<256} {incr i} {`\
` $image put [rgb $i $i $i] -to $i 0 [expr {$i+1}] 127`\
` }`\
A number of algorithms are very similar, distinguished only by a few
commands in the center. Hence I made them generic, and they take a
function name that is applied to every pixel rgb, resp. a pair of pixel
rgb\'s. They are instantiated by an alias that sets the function fancily
as a lambda:
`proc generic_1 {f target source} {`\
` set w [image width $source]`\
` set h [image height $source]`\
` for {set i 0} {$i<$h} {incr i} {`\
` set row {}`\
` for {set j 0} {$j<$w} {incr j} {`\
` foreach {r g b} [$source get $j $i] break`\
` lappend row [rgb [$f $r] [$f $g] [$f $b]]`\
` }`\
` $target put [list $row] -to 0 $i`\
` update idletasks`\
` }`\
`alias invert generic_1 [lambda x {expr {255-$x}}]`\
`alias contrast+ generic_1 [lambda x {clip [expr {128+($x-128)*1.25}]}]`\
`alias contrast- generic_1 [lambda x {clip [expr {128+($x-128)*0.8}]}]`
`proc generic_2 {f target with} {`\
` set w [image width $target]`\
` set h [image height $target]`\
` for {set i 0} {$i<$h} {incr i} {`\
` set row {}`\
` for {set j 0} {$j<$w} {incr j} {`\
` foreach {r g b} [$target get $j $i] break`\
` foreach {r1 g1 b1} [$with get $j $i] break`\
` lappend row [rgb [$f $r $r1] [$f $g $g1] [$f $b $b1]]`\
` }`\
` $target put [list $row] -to 0 $i`\
` update idletasks`\
` }`\
`alias blend generic_2 [lambda {a b} {expr {($a+$b)/2}}]`\
`alias difference generic_2 [lambda {a b} {expr {255-abs($a-$b)}}]`
A histogram is a count of which color value occurred how often in the
current image, separately for red, green and blue. For graylevel images,
the displayed \"curves\" should exactly overlap, so you see only the
blue dots that are drawn last.
`proc histogram {image {channel 0}} {`\
` set w [image width $image]`\
` set h [image height $image]`\
` for {set i 0} {$i<256} {incr i} {set hist($i) 0}`\
` for {set i 0} {$i<$h} {incr i} {`\
` for {set j 0} {$j<$w} {incr j} {`\
` incr hist([lindex [$image get $j $i] $channel])`\
` }`\
` }`\
` set res {}`\
` for {set i 0} {$i<256} {incr i} {lappend res $hist($i)}`\
` set res`\
`proc drawHistogram {target input} {`\
` $target blank`\
` set a [expr {6000./([image height $input]*[image width $input])}]`\
` foreach color {red green blue} channel {0 1 2} {`\
` set i -1`\
` foreach val [histogram $input $channel] {`\
` $target put $color -to [incr i] \`\
` [clip [expr {int(128-$val*$a)}]]`\
` }`\
` update idletasks`\
` }`\
Demo UI:
`if {[file tail [info script]] eq [file tail $argv0]} {`\
` package require Img ;# for JPEG etc.`\
` proc setFilter {w matrix} {`\
` $w delete 1.0 end`\
` foreach row $matrix {$w insert end [join $row \t]\n}`\
` set ::info "Click 'Apply' to use this filter"`\
` }`\
` label .title -text TkPhotoLab -font {Helvetica 14 italic} -fg blue`\
` label .( -text ( -font {Courier 32}`\
` set txt [text .t -width 20 -height 3]`\
` setFilter .t ``{{0 -1 0} {-1 5 -1} {0 -1 0}}`{=mediawiki}\
` label .) -text ) -font {Courier 32}`\
` button .c -text C -command {setFilter .t ``{{0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0}}`{=mediawiki}`}`\
` grid .title .( .t .) .c -sticky news`\
` button .apply -text Apply -command applyConv`\
` grid x ^ ^ ^ .apply -sticky ew`\
` grid [label .0 -textvar info] - - -sticky w`\
` grid [label .1] - [label .2] - - -sticky new`
` proc loadImg { {fn ""}} {`\
` if {$fn==""} {set fn [tk_getOpenFile]}`\
` if {$fn != ""} {`\
` cd [file dirname [file join [pwd] $fn]]`\
` set ::im1 [image create photo -file $fn]`\
` .1 config -image $::im1`\
` set ::im2 [image create photo]`\
` .2 config -image $::im2`\
` $::im2 copy $::im1 -shrink`\
` set ::info "Loaded image 1 from $fn"`\
` }`\
` }`\
` proc saveImg { {fn ""}} {`\
` if {$fn==""} {set fn [tk_getSaveFile]}`\
` if {$fn != ""} {`\
` $::im2 write $fn -format JPEG`\
` set ::info "Saved image 2 to $fn"`\
` }`\
` }`\
` proc applyConv {} {`\
` set ::info "Convolution running, have patience..."`\
` set t0 [clock clicks -milliseconds]`\
` convolute $::im1 $::im2 [split [$::txt get 1.0 end] \n]`\
` set dt [expr {([clock click -milliseconds]-$t0)/1000.}]`\
` set ::info "Ready after $dt sec"`\
` }`
A little wrapper for simplified menu creation - see below for its use:
` proc m+ {head name {cmd ""}} {`\
` if {![winfo exists .m.m$head]} {`\
` .m add cascade -label $head -menu [menu .m.m$head -tearoff 0]`\
` }`\
` if [regexp ^-+$ $name] {`\
` .m.m$head add separator`\
` } else {.m.m$head add command -label $name -comm $cmd}`\
` }`
` . config -menu [menu .m]`\
` m+ File Open.. loadImg`\
` m+ File Save.. saveImg`\
` m+ File ---`\
` m+ File Exit exit`
` m+ Edit Blend {blend $im2 $im1}`\
` m+ Edit Difference {difference $im2 $im1}`\
` m+ Edit ---`\
` m+ Edit Negative {invert $im2 $im1}`\
` m+ Edit Contrast+ {contrast+ $im2 $im1}`\
` m+ Edit Contrast- {contrast- $im2 $im1}`\
` m+ Edit ---`\
` m+ Edit Graylevel {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink; color2gray $im2}`\
` m+ Edit Graylevel2 {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink; color2gray2 $im2}`\
` m+ Edit "Add Noise" {`\
` generic_1 [lambda x {expr {rand()<.01? int(rand()*255):$x}}] $im2 $im1`\
` }`\
` m+ Edit gray2color {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink; gray2color $im2}`\
` m+ Edit Octary {generic_1 [lambda x {expr {$x>127? 255:0}}] $im2 $im1}`\
` m+ Edit ---`\
` m+ Edit HoriMirror {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink -subsample -1 1}`\
` m+ Edit VertMirror {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink -subsample 1 -1}`\
` m+ Edit "Upside down" {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink -subsample -1 -1}`\
` m+ Edit ---`\
` m+ Edit "Zoom x 2" {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink -zoom 2}`\
` m+ Edit "Zoom x 3" {$im2 copy $im1 -shrink -zoom 3}`
` m+ Options "Accept (1<-2)" {$im1 copy $im2 -shrink}`\
` m+ Options ---`\
` m+ Options "Gray wedge" {grayWedge $im2}`\
` m+ Options Histogram {drawHistogram $im2 $im1}`
` m+ Filter Clear {setFilter .t ``{{0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0}}`{=mediawiki}`}`\
` m+ Filter ---`\
` m+ Filter Blur0 {setFilter .t ``{{1 1 1} {1 0 1} {1 1 1}}`{=mediawiki}`}`\
` m+ Filter Blur1 {setFilter .t ``{{1 1 1} {1 1 1} {1 1 1}}`{=mediawiki}`}`\
` m+ Filter Gauss2 {setFilter .t ``{{1 2 1} {2 4 2} {1 2 1}}`{=mediawiki}`}`\
` m+ Filter ---`\
` m+ Filter Laplace5 {setFilter .t ``{{0 -1 0} {-1 5 -1} {0 -1 0}}`{=mediawiki}`}`\
` m+ Filter Laplace9 {setFilter .t {{-1 -1 -1} {-1 9 -1} {-1 -1 -1}}}`\
` m+ Filter LaplaceX {setFilter .t ``{{1 -2 1} {-2 5 -2} {1 -2 1}}`{=mediawiki}`}`\
` m+ Filter ---`\
` m+ Filter Emboss {setFilter .t ``{{2 0 0} {0 -1 0} {0 0 -1}}`{=mediawiki}`}`\
` m+ Filter HoriEdge {setFilter .t {{-1 -1 -1} {0 0 0} {1 1 1}}}`\
` m+ Filter VertEdge {setFilter .t {{-1 0 1} {-1 0 1} {-1 0 1}}}`\
` m+ Filter SobelH {setFilter .t ``{{1 2 1} {0 0 0} {-1 -2 -1}}`{=mediawiki}`}`\
` m+ Filter SobelV {setFilter .t ``{{1 0 -1} {2 0 -2} {1 0 -1}}`{=mediawiki}`}`
` bind . ``<Escape>`{=html}` {exec wish $argv0 &; exit}`\
` bind . ``<F1>`{=html}` {console show}`\
` loadImg aaa.jpg`\
# Tcl Programming/TCL and ADP
`<font size=3>`{=html}**Tcl and ADP Reference**`</font>`{=html}
This is a reference for using Tcl with ADP pages, for people setting up
a site with the ArsDigita Community System (see
OpenACS for details). The first half is just a
Tcl overview; the second half deals with .adp pages, custom tags, and
AOLServer resources and parameters.
## Tcl Overview
### Basic Tcl Language Features
**`; or newline`**` statement separator`\
**`\`**` statement continuation if last character in line`\
**`#`**` comment out rest of line (if 1st non−whitespace char)`\
**`var`**` simple variable`\
**`var(index)`**` associative array variable`\
**`var(i,j)`**` multidimensional associative array variable`\
**`$var`**` variable substitution (also ${var}xyz)`\
**`[expr 1+2]`**` command substitution`\
**`\char`**` backslash substitution`\
**`"hello $a"`**` quoting with substitution`\
**`{hello $a}`**` quoting with no subst (deferred substitution)`\
*The only datatype in Tcl is a string. Some commands interpret arguments
as numbers/booleans; those formats are:*\'\
**`Integer`**`: 12 0xff(hex) 0377(octal)`\
**`Floating Pt`**`: 2.1 3. 6e4 7.91e+16`\
**`Boolean`**`: true false 0 1 yes no`
### Backslash Substitutions
**`\a`**` audible alert (0x7)`\
**`\b`**` backspace (0x8)`\
**`\f`**` form feed (0xC)`\
**`\n`**` newline (0xA)`\
**`\r`**` carriage return (0xD)`\
**`\t`**` horizontal tab (0x9)`\
**`\v`**` vertical tab (0xB)`\
**`\space`**` space`\
**`\newline`**` space`\
**`\ddd`**` octal value (d=0−7)`\
**`\xdd`**` hex value (d=0−9,a−f)`\
**`\c`**` replace ’\c’ with ’c’`\
**`\\`**` backslash`
### Operators and Math Functions
*The **expr** command recognizes these operators, in decreasing order of
− ~ ! unary minus, bitwise NOT, logical NOT
* / % multiply, divide, remainder
+ − add, subtract
<< >> bitwise shift left, bitwise shift right
< > <= >= boolean comparisons
== != boolean equals, not equals
& bitwise AND
^ bitwise exclusive OR
| bitwise inclusive OR
&& logical AND
|| logical OR
x ? y : z if x != 0, then y, else z
*All operators support integers. All support floating point except :
`~, %, <<, >>, %, ^, and |`. Boolean operators can also be used for
string operands, in which case string comparison will be used. This
occurs if any of the operands are not valid numbers. The following
operators have \"lazy evaluation\" as in C:*\
**`&&, ||, ?:`**\
*The expr command recognizes the following math functions:*\
`abs hypot int double floor ceil fmod round`\
`cos sin tan acos asin atan atan2 cosh sinh tanh`\
`log log10 exp pow sqrt'''`
### Regular Expressions
regex | regex match either expression
regex* match zero or more of regex
regex+ match one or more of regex
regex? Match zero or one of regex
. any single character except newline
^ match beginning of string
$ match end of string
\c match character c
c match character c
[abc] match set of characters
[^abc] match characters not in set
[a−z] match range of characters
[^a−z] match characters not in range
( ) group expressions
### Pattern Globbing
? match any single character
* match zero or more characters
[abc] match set of characters
[a−z] match range of characters
\c match character c
{a,b,...} match any of string a, b, etc.
~ home directory (for glob command)
~user match user’s home directory (for glob command)
Note: for the glob command, a "." at the beginning of a file’s
name or just after "/" must be matched explicitly and all "/"
characters must be matched explicitly.
### Control Flow
Abort innermost containing loop command
Obsolete, see switch
Skip to next iteration of innermost containing loop.
Terminate the process, return returnCode (an integer which
defaults to 0) to the system as the exit status.
for start test next body
Looping command where start, next, and body are Tcl command
strings and test is an expression string to be passed to expr
foreach varname list body
The Tcl command string body is evaluated for each item in the
string list where the variable varname is set to the item’s value.
if expr1 [then] body1 [elseif expr2 [then] body2...] [[else] bodyN]
If expression string expr1 evaluates true, Tcl command string
body1 is evaluated. Otherwise if expr2 is true, body2 is
evaluated, and so on. If none of the expressions evaluate to
true, then bodyN is executed.
return [−code code] [−errorinfo info] [−errorcode code] [string]
Return immediately from current procedure with string as return
switch [options] string pattern1 body1 [ pattern2 body2 ...]
The string argument is matched against each of the pattern
arguments in order. As soon as it finds a pattern that matches
string, it evaluates the corresponding Tcl command string body. If
no match is found and the last pattern is the keyword default, its
command string is evaluated
while test body
Evaluates the Tcl command string body as long as expression string
test evaluates to true.
### Lists
Note: list indices start at 0 and the word end may be used to reference
the last element in the list.
concat [arg arg ...]
Returns concatenation of each string
join list [joinString]
Returns string created by joining all elements of list with
lappend varName [value value ...]
Appends each value to the end of the list stored in varName.
lindex list index
Returns value of element at index in list.
linsert list index element [element ...]
Returns new list formed by using each arg as an element.
llength list
Returns number of elements in list.
lrange list first last
Returns new list from slice of list at indices first through last
lsearch [mode] list pattern
Returns index of first element in list that matches pattern (−1
for no match). Mode may be −exact, −glob(default) or −regexp.
lsort [switches] list
Returns new list formed by sorting list according to switches.
These are:
−ascii string comparison (default)
−integer integer comparisons
−real floating−point comparisons
−increasing sort in increasing order (default)
−decreasing sort in decreasing order
−command cmd Use command which takes two arguments and returns
an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero.
split string [splitChars]
Returns a list formed by splitting string at each character in
### Strings
append varName [value value ...]
Appends each of the given values to the string stored in varName.
format formatString [arg arg ...]
Returns a formatted string generated in the ANSI C sprintf manner.
regexp [switches] exp string [matchVar] [subMatchVar ...]
Returns 1 if the regular expression exp matches part or all of
string, 0 otherwise. If specified, matchVar will be wet to all
the characters in the match and the following subMatchVar’s will
be set to matched parenthesized subexpressions. The −nocase
switch can be specified to ignore case in matching. The −indices
switch can be specified so that matchVar and subMatchVar will be
set to the start and ending indice3s in string of their
corresponding match.
regsub [switches] exp string subSpec varName
Replaces the first portion of string that matches the regular
expression exp with subSpec and places results in varName. Returns
count of number of replacements made. The −nocase switch can be
specified to ignore case in matching. The −all switch will cause
all matches to be substituted for.
scan string formatString varName [varName ...]
Extracts values into given variables using ANSI C sscanf behavior.
string compare string1 string2
Return −1, 0, or 1, depending on whether string1 is
lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than string2.
string first string1 string2
Return index in string2 of first occurrence of string1 (−1 if not
string index string charIndex
Returns the charIndex’th character in string.
string last string1 string2
Return index in string2 of last occurrence of string1 (−1 if not
string length string
Returns number of characters in string.
string match pattern string
Returns 1 if glob pattern matches string, 0 otherwise.
string range string first last
Returns characters from string at indices first through last
string tolower string
Returns new string formed by converting all chars in string to
lower case.
string toupper string
Returns new string formed by converting all chars in string to
upper case.
string trim string [chars]
Returns new string formed by removing from string any leading or
trailing characters present in the set chars.
string trimleft string [chars]
Same as string trim for leading characters only.
string trimright string [chars]
Same as string trim for trailing characters only.
string wordend string index
Returns index of character just after last one in word at index in
string wordstart string index
Returns index of first character of word at index in string.
subst [−nobackslashes] [−nocommands] [−novariables] string
Returns result of backslash, command, and variable substitutions
on string. Each may be turned off by switch.
## The Tcl \<\--\> ADP interface
### Including TCL code in ADP pages
*Inline replacement:*
`<%= tcl code that evaluates to the text you want embedded %>`
*State changing Code:*
`<% tcl commands to change tcl environment (set vars, do db queries, etc) %>`
*Example:* `Two plus two is <%= [expr 2+2] %>`
### Defining custom tags
``` tcl
ns_register_adptag "codeexample" "/codeexample" tcl_adp_codeexample
proc tcl_adp_codeexample {string tagset} {
return "<blockquote>
### Using AOLServer Parameters
[ad_parameter UsersCanCreateRoomsP chat]
### Resourcing tcl in AOLserver
*source−file.tcl − to source a particular file.*
ns_eval [list source $file]
ns_return 200 text/html ok
wget −O − "http://localhost:8000/source−
*Note: this does not work for registered tag changes. To cause a reload
of everything:*
set dir [ns_info tcllib]
set list [exec ls $dir]
foreach file $list {
source $dir/$file
ns_puts "sourced: $file
### Using ns_set
*When one queries a database, the variable that is set is an ns_set:*
# ask AOLserver to give us a database connection
set db [ns_db gethandle]
set sql_query "select first_names, last_name
from users
where user_id = $user_id"
# actually send the query to the RDBMS; tell AOLserver we
# expect exactly one row back
set selection [ns_db 1row $db $sql_query]
''Getting information out of an ns_set:''
set first_names [ns_set get $selection "first_names"]
set last_name [ns_set get $selection "last_name"]
ns_return 200 text/plain "User #$user_id is $first_names $last_name"
### Dealing with Form Variables
*Importing form variables into a tcl or adp page*
`set_the_usual_form_variables` *Manipulating Forms Directly:*
### Decode
*Do logic w/o breaking out of an ns_write. Just like SQL !*
`[util_decode unknown val1 res1 val2 res2 valN resN defaultresult]`
### Dealing With .ini file Parameters
*ad_parameter* `ad_parameter name { subsection "" } { default "" }`
Returns the value of a configuration parameter set in one of the .ini files in
/web/yourdomain/parameters. If the parameter doesn’t exist, returns the
default specified as the third argument (or empty string if not default is
specified). Note that AOLserver reads these files when the server starts up and
stores parameters in an in−memory hash table. The plus side of this is that
there is no hit to the file system and no need to memoize a call to
ad_parameter. The minus side is that you have to restart the server if you
want to test a change made to the .ini file.
*ad_parameter_section* `ad_parameter_section { subsection "" }`
Returns all the vars in a parameter section as an ns_set. Relies on
undocumented AOLserver Tcl API call ns_configsection (analogous C API
call is documented). Differs from the API call in that it returns an empty
ns_set if the parameter section does not exist.
### Converting tcl to adp
*inclusion of sub−files*
# Source user−new.adp. We would redirect to it, but we don’t want
# the password exposed!
# source "[ns_url2file "/register/user−new.tcl"]"
# return
ns_adp_include user−new.adp
# Tcl Programming/Appendix
## Appendix
### Resources
- The main page of Tcl developers is the Tcl Developer
- Download a free binary ActiveTcl distribution at
- The main USENET forum dedicated to this language is
- In German, there\'s also <http://www.self-tcl.de/forum> for
questions and answers
- The main user wiki is The Tclers Wiki.
- The Tclers\' Chat can provide quick response to questions: Jabber
all.tclers.tk:5222, IRC freenode #tcl, or Webchat
<http://mini.net/cgi-bin/chat.cgi> (all of the three being relayed
between each other)
- The Tcl man pages can be found
- The Tk man pages can be found
- Documentation on Tcllib, the Tcl standard library is
- There is a tutorial for Tcl
For Web development, there are:
- pure-Tcl Web servers like
Tclhttpd, which can be
embedded in your Tcl-enabled applications to provide Web-based
- Tcl-based Web servers like AOLServer,
which are much faster than their pure-Tcl cousins and able to
support a heavy load, and
- Tcl Web server modules (see Apache Tcl for
examples) that enable Tcl Web applications with bog-standard Web
### ActiveState Community License
*This is the license of the \"Batteries-included\" ActiveTcl
distribution. Note that you cannot redistribute ActiveTcl \"outside your
organization\" without written permission.* The part between
\"AGREEMENT\" and \"Definitions:\" is the more free, BSD-style license
of Tcl and Tk itself.
The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which the
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maintains control over the development and distribution of the Package,
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The Package may contain software covered by other licenses:
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# Wikijunior:Kings and Queens of England/Introduction
Welcome to the Wikijunior book on Kings and Queens of England.
In this book, we will start by looking at the very first Anglo-Saxon
Kings of England. We will then move on to show how the Crown changed
hands many times as a result of conquest. We see some powerful kings and
some weak ones. We see how the Crown has battled Parliament. We look at
the period where power finally did transfer to Parliament through to the
times of our current queen, Elizabeth II. At the end we will also look
at who the next kings of England may be.
We will find out about eleven Kings called Edward and nine called Henry
and a nine-day queen and King Philip, who most people have now forgotten
about. But first let\'s start way back in 871 with the Anglo-Saxons and
the only king of England to be called \"Great,\" Alfred.
# Wikijunior:Kings and Queens of England/The House of Lancaster
## Henry IV (1399- 1413)
!Henry IV{width="190"} **Henry IV** was born on
3 April 1367 at Bolingbroke Castle in Lincolnshire, which was why he was
also known as Henry Bolingbroke. His father was the third son of King
Edward III of England, John of Gaunt. After landing in Yorkshire in
1398, Henry had enough support to be declared king by parliament in
1399. As king, Henry consulted with parliament often, but he sometimes
disagreed with them, particularly over church matters. Henry was the
first English king to allow the burning of heretics.
Henry spent much of his reign defending himself against plots,
rebellions and assassination attempts. Rebellions continued throughout
the first ten years of Henry\'s reign. These included the revolt of Owen
Glendower, who declared himself Prince of Wales in 1400, and the
rebellion of Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland. The king\'s
success in putting down these rebellions was due partly to the military
ability of his eldest son, Henry, who would later become King. In 1406,
English soldiers captured the future King James I of Scotland as he was
going to France. James remained a prisoner of Henry for the rest of
Henry\'s reign.
### Marriages and children
In 1381, 18 years before becoming king, Henry married Mary de Bohun.
They had two daughters and four sons, one of which was the future King
Henry V of England. Mary died in 1394, and in 1403 Henry married Joanna
of Navarre, the daughter of Charles d\'Évreux, King of Navarre. She was
the widow of John V of Brittany, with whom she had four daughters and
four sons, but she and Henry had no children.
The later years of Henry\'s reign were marked by serious health
problems. He had some sort of disfiguring skin disease, and more
seriously suffered acute attacks of some grave illness in June 1405,
April 1406, June 1408, during the winter of 1408-09, December 1412, and
then finally a fatal bout in March 1413. Unusually for a king of
England, he was buried not at Westminster Abbey but at Canterbury
Cathedral, as near to the shrine of Thomas Becket as possible.
## Henry V (1413-1422)
!King Henry V. **Henry V**
was born in Monmouth in 1387. He was king from 1413 to his death in 1422
By the time Henry died, he had not only consolidated power as the King
of England but had also effectively accomplished what generations of his
ancestors had failed to achieve through decades of war: unification of
the crowns of England and France in a single person.
### Life before became King
When Henry\'s father, Henry Bolingbroke, was exiled in 1398, Richard II
took the boy into his own charge and treated him kindly. In 1399 the
Lancastrian revolution brought Bolingbroke. He was created Duke of
Lancaster on 10 November 1399, the third person to hold the title that
year. In 1403 the sixteen-year-old prince was almost killed by an arrow
which became lodged in his face. An ordinary soldier would have been
left to die from such a wound, but Henry had the benefit of the best
possible care, and, over a period of several days after the incident,
the royal physician crafted a special tool in order to extract the tip
of the arrow without doing further damage. The operation was successful.
The Welsh revolt of Owen Glendower took up much of Henry\'s attention
until 1408. Then, as a result of the King\'s ill-health, Henry began to
take a wider interest in politics. From January 1410, he had practical
control of the government. In 1413 his father died and Henry became
### Reign
When he became king, Henry had to deal with three main problems: the
restoration of domestic peace, the healing of rift in the Church and the
recovery of English prestige in Europe. Henry tackled all of the
domestic policies together, and gradually built on them a wider policy.
From the first he made it clear that he would rule England as the head
of a united nation. The heirs of those who had suffered in the last
reign were restored gradually to their titles and estates.
Henry then turned his attention to foreign affairs, in particular the
war with France and his claim to be King of it. 25 October 1415 saw
Henry score a great success in this campaign at Agincourt. The command
of the sea was secured by driving the Genoese allies of the French out
of the English Channel. Successful diplomacy saw the Holy Roman Emperor,
Sigismund, cease his support of Henry\'s French foes, whilst the Treaty
of Canterbury helped end the rift in the Church.
With the French having lost the support of the Genoese and the Holy
Roman Emperor, with these 2 allies gone, the war was renewed on a larger
scale in 1417. Lower Normandy was quickly conquered, and Rouen was cut
off from Paris and besieged. The French were paralysed by the disputes
of Burgundians and Armagnacs. Henry skilfully played them off one
against the other, without relaxing his warlike energy. In January 1419
Rouen fell. By August the English were outside the walls of Paris. The
internal disputes of the French parties ended with the killing of John
of Burgundy by men loyal to the heir to the French throne. Philip, the
new Duke of Burgundy, and the French court threw themselves into
Henry\'s arms. After six months\' negotiation Henry was recognised as
heir and regent of France. On 2 June 1420, Henry married Catherine of
Valois, the French king\'s daughter. Following his death, Catherine
secretly married a Welsh courtier, Owen Tudor, grandfather of the future
King Henry VII of England.
### Death
Henry then made plans for a new Crusade began to take shape as the
French situation became clearer. Henry visited to England in 1421, but
returned to France after forces led by the Duke of Clarence were
defeated at the Battle of Baugé. The hardships of the longer winter
siege of Meaux broke down his health, and he died of dysentery at Bois
de Vincennes on 31 August 1422. Had he lived another two months, he
would have been crowned King of France. Henry was buried in Westminster
Abbey. He was succeeded by his infant son, Henry.
## Henry VI (1422-1461, 1470-1471)
!Henry VI{width="150"} **Henry VI**
was born at Windsor Castle on 6 December 1421, the son of King Henry V.
He was King of England from 1422, when he was nine months old. In 1423,
parliament was called and a regency council was appointed. Humphrey,
Duke of Gloucester, Henry IV\'s youngest son, was appointed Protector
and Defender of the Realm and the Church until the King came of age, but
the Council had the power to replace him at any time. His duties were
limited to keeping the peace and summoning and dissolving Parliament.
Henry was eventually crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey on 6
November 1429 a month before his eighth birthday, and as King of France
at Notre Dame in Paris on 16 December 1431. However, during the rule of
the regency council, much of the ground his father gained in France was
lost. A revival of French fortunes, beginning with the military
victories of Joan of Arc, led to the French nobles preferring the French
dauphin, who was crowned as King of France at Reims. Diplomatic errors
as well as military failures resulted in the loss of most of the English
territories in France.
Henry assumed the reins of government when he was declared of age in
1437. On gaining his majority, Henry VI proved to be a deeply spiritual
man, lacking the worldly wisdom necessary to allow him to rule
effectively. Right from the time he assumed control as king, he allowed
his court to be dominated by a few noble favorites, and the peace party,
which was in favour of ending the war in France, quickly came to
### Marriage
It was thought that the best way of pursuing peace with France was
through a marriage with King Charles VII of France\'s niece, Margaret of
Anjou. Henry agreed, especially when he heard reports of Margaret\'s
stunning beauty. Charles agreed to the marriage on condition that he
would not have to provide the customary dowry and instead would receive
the lands of Maine and Anjou from the English. These conditions were
agreed to in the Treaty of Tours, but the cession of Maine and Anjou was
kept secret from parliament. It was known that this would be hugely
unpopular with the English populace. The marriage went ahead in 1445 and
Margaret\'s character seems to have complemented that of Henry\'s in
that she was prepared to take decisions and show leadership where he was
content to be led by her. In this much Margaret proved a more competent
ruler than Henry ever was, even though she was only sixteen at that
time. The issue of Maine and Anjou finally became public knowledge in
### Reign
The government\'s increasing unpopularity was due to a breakdown in law
and order, corruption, the distribution of royal land to the king\'s
court favourites, the troubled state of the crown\'s finances, and the
steady loss of territories in France. In 1447, this unpopularity took
the form of a Commons campaign against the Duke of Suffolk, who was the
most unpopular of all the King\'s favourites was widely seen as a
traitor, partly because of his role in negotiating the Treaty of Tours.
Henry was forced to send him into exile, but his ship was boarded in the
English Channel, and he was murdered. His body was found on the beach at
In 1449, the Duke of Somerset, who was leading the campaign in France,
started more battles in Normandy, but by the autumn had been pushed back
to Caen. By 1450, the French had retaken the whole province. Returning
troops, who had often not been paid, added to the sense of lawlessness
in the southern counties of England, and Jack Cade led a rebellion in
Kent in 1450. Henry came to London with an army to crush the rebellion,
but was persuaded to keep half his troops behind while the other half
met Cade at Sevenoaks. Cade triumphed and went on to occupy London. In
the end, the rebellion achieved nothing, and London was retaken after a
few days of disorder, but the rebellion showed that feelings of
discontent were running high.
In 1450, the Duchy of Aquitaine, held since Henry II\'s time, was also
lost, leaving Calais as England\'s only remaining territory in France.
By 1452, Richard, Duke of York, who had been sidelined by being made
ruler of Ireland, was persuaded to return amd claim his rightful place
on the council, and put an end to bad government. His cause was a
popular one, and he soon raised an army at Shrewsbury. The king\'s
supporters raised their own similar-sized force in London. A stand-off
took place south of London, with the Duke of York giving a list of
grievances and demands to the king\'s supporters. One of the demands was
the arrest of the Duke of Somerset. The king initially agreed, but
Margaret intervened to prevent it. By 1453, the Duke of Somerset
regained his influence, and the Duke of York was again isolated. In the
meantime, an English advance in Aquitaine had retaken Bordeaux and was
having some success, and the queen announced that she was pregnant.
However, English success in Aquitaine was short-lived, and on hearing
the news of the English defeat in August 1453, Henry slipped into a
mental breakdown and became completely unaware of everything that was
going on around him. This was to last for more than a year, and Henry
failed even to respond to the birth of his own son and heir, Edward. The
Duke of York, meanwhile, had gained a very important ally, the Earl of
Warwick, who was one of the very influential and rich. The Duke York was
named regent as Protector of the Realm in 1454, and the queen lost all
her power. Somerset was held prisoner in the Tower of London. The Duke
of York\'s months as regent were spent tackling the problem of
government overspending. On Christmas Day 1454, however, Henry regained
his senses.
### Henry\'s character
Henry was kind and generous to those he cared about, giving away land
and titles to his advisors. He dressed simply. He was keen on reading
and \'book-learning\' but did not like leading his country in battle.
Keen on the promotion of education, Henry gave generous grants for the
foundation of both Eton College near Windsor, for the education of
students from poor backgrounds, and King\'s College, Cambridge, where
they could continue their education. Henry seems to have been a decent
man, but completely unsuited to kingship. He allowed himself to
dominated by the power-hungry factions which surrounded him at court and
was later powerless to stop the outbreak of bloody civil war. It was too
much for him to cope with, as his recurring mental illness from 1453
onwards showed.
### The Wars of the Roses
Nobles who had grown in power during Henry\'s reign, but who did not
like Henry\'s government, took matters into their own hands by backing
the claims of the rival House of York, first to the regency, and then to
the throne itself. After a violent struggle between the houses of
Lancaster and York, Henry was deposed on 4 March 1461 by his cousin,
Edward of York, who became King Edward IV. But Edward failed to capture
Henry and his queen, and they were able to flee into exile abroad.
During the first period of Edward IV\'s reign, Lancastrian resistance
continued mainly under the leadership of Queen Margaret and the few
nobles still loyal to her in the northern counties of England and Wales.
Henry was captured by King Edward in 1465 and subsequently held captive
in the Tower of London.
Queen Margaret was exiled, first in Scotland and then in France.
However, she was determined to win back for her husband and son, and
with the help of King Louis XI of France she eventually allied with the
Earl of Warwick, who had fallen out with Edward IV. Warwick returned to
England, defeated the Yorkists in battle, set Henry VI free and restored
him to the throne on 30 October 1470. Henry\'s return to the throne
lasted a very short time. By this time, years in hiding followed by
years as a prisoner had taken their toll on Henry, who had been
weak-willed and mentally unstable to start with. Henry looked tired and
vacant as Warwick and his men paraded him through the streets of London
as the rightful King of England. Within a few months Warwick had gone
too far by declaring war on Burgundy, whose ruler responded by giving
Edward IV the assistance he needed to win back his throne by force.
### Death
Henry VI was again held prisoner, this time in the Tower of London, and
he was murdered there on 21 May 1471. Popular legend has accused Richard
III of his murder, as well as the murder of Henry VI\'s son, Edward.
Each year on the anniversary of Henry VI\'s death, the Provosts of Eton
and King\'s College, Cambridge, lay roses and lilies on the altar which
now stands where he died. King Henry VI was originally buried in
Chertsey Abbey. In 1485 his body was moved to St George\'s Chapel at
Windsor Castle. He was succeeded as king by Edward, son of Richard, Duke
of York.
## References
# Wikijunior:Kings and Queens of England/The House of York
## Edward IV (1461-1470, 1471-1483)
!Edward IV **Edward IV** was born on 28 April
1442 at Rouen in France. He was the eldest son of Richard, Duke of York,
a leading claimant to the throne of England. Richard\'s challenge to the
ruling family started the Wars of the Roses. When his father was killed
in 1460 whilst pressing his claim to be king against Henry VI at the
Battle of Wakefield, Edward inherited his claim.
Edward won the support of Richard Neville, the Earl of Warwick, whose
nickname is \"The Kingmaker\". Edward then defeated the Lancastrians in
a number of battles. While Henry was campaigning in the north, Warwick
gained control of London and had Edward declared king in 1461. Edward
strengthened his claim with victory at the Battle of Towton in the same
year, where the Lancastrian army was virtually wiped out.
### Marriage and children
Edward was tall, strong, handsome, generous, and popular. Warwick,
believing that he could continue to rule through Edward, wanted him to
marry into a major European family. Edward, however, secretly married a
widow, Elizabeth Woodville. They had ten children together. Under an act
of Parliament of 1484, one year after Edward IV\'s death, all of
Edward\'s children by Elizabeth Woodville were declared illegitimate on
the grounds that Edward had been due to marry another woman, Eleanor
Talbot, before he entered into marriage with Elizabeth Woodville. This
claim was only made after all these parties had died. The act was
repealed shortly after Henry VII became king. Edward also had many
mistresses and had several illegitimate children.
### A series of conflicts
Elizabeth\'s family had little land, which was where real power came
from, but Warwick did not like the influence they now had. Warwick
allied himself with Edward\'s younger brother George, Duke of Clarence,
and led an army against Edward. The main part of the king\'s army
(without Edward) was defeated at the Battle of Edgecote Moor, and Edward
was later captured at Olney. Warwick tried to rule in Edward\'s name,
but the nobles, many of whom owed their position to the king, were not
happy. A rebellion forced Warwick to free Edward, who tried to make
peace with Warwick and Clarence. This did not work and they rebelled
again in 1470, after which Warwick and Clarence were forced to flee to
France. There, they allied with Henry VI\'s wife, Margaret, and Warwick
agreed to restore Henry VI to the throne in return for French support.
They invaded in 1470. This time, Edward was forced to flee after
Warwick\'s brother switched to the Lancastrian side, making Edward\'s
military position too weak, and Henry VI was king once more.
Edward fled to Burgundy. The rulers of Burgundy were his brother-in-law
Charles, Duke of Burgundy, and his sister Margaret of Burgundy. After
France declared war on Burgundy, Charles helped Edward to raise an army
to win back his kingdom. When he returned to England with a small force
he avoided capture by saying that he only wished to reclaim his dukedom.
This is similar to the claim Henry Bolingbroke made seventy years
before. The city of York, however, closed its gates to him, but as he
marched southwards he began to gather support, and Clarence reunited
with him. Edward defeated Warwick at the Battle of Barnet. With Warwick
dead, he ended the remaining Lancastrian resistance at the Battle of
Tewkesbury in 1471. The Lancastrian heir, Edward of Westminster, Prince
of Wales, was killed either on the battlefield or shortly afterwards. A
few days later, on the night that Edward re-entered London, Henry VI,
who held prisoner, was murdered to make sure there was no remaining
Lancastrian opposition.
Edward did not face any further rebellions after his restoration. The
only rival left was Henry Tudor, who was living in exile. Edward
declared war on France in 1475, which ended with the Treaty of
Picquigny, under which he was immediately paid 75,000 crowns, and then
received a yearly pension of 50,000 crowns. Edward backed an attempt by
Alexander Stewart, 1st Duke of Albany, brother of the Scottish king,
James III, to take the throne in 1482. Although Edinburgh and James III
were both captured, the Duke of Albany went back on his agreements with
Edward, and the English forces were pulled back. England did, however,
recover the border town of Berwick-upon-Tweed.
### Death
Edward fell ill at Easter 1483, and made some changes to his will, the
most important being his naming of his brother, the Duke of Gloucester,
as Protector after his death. He died on 9 April 1483 and is buried in
St George\'s Chapel at Windsor Castle. He was succeeded by his
twelve-year-old son, Edward. Edward IV\'s daughter, Elizabeth of York,
later became King Henry VII\'s queen.
### Was Edward illegitimate?
There have been many rumours that Edward IV was himself illegitimate, in
which case he should never have been king. In his time, it was noted
that Edward IV did not look much like his father. Before he became king
in 1483, Richard III himself declared that Edward was illegitimate, and
parliament even considered the matter. William Shakespeare, in his play,
*Richard III*, which was written over a hundred years later, also
referred to the claim. To this day it is not known whether these rumours
were true.
## Edward V (1483)
!King Edward V and the Duke of York in the Tower of
**Edward V** was born in sanctuary within Westminster Abbey on 4
November 1470, while his mother was taking refuge from the Lancastrians
who were then in charge of the kingdom while his father, the Yorkist
King Edward IV of England, was out of power. After his father returned
to the throne, he was made Prince of Wales in June 1471 and appeared
with his parents on state occasions. Edward IV had set up a Council of
Wales and the Marches, and sent his son to Ludlow Castle to be its
president. The prince was at Ludlow when news came of his father\'s
sudden death. Therefore Edward became king on 9 April 1483, aged only
His father\'s brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester, was given the role of
Protector to his young nephews, Edward V and Richard, Duke of York. He
caught up with Edward on his journey from Ludlow and took the princes to
London. Less than three months later, Richard took the throne himself
after parliament declared Edward to be illegitimate.
After the two boys went to the Tower of London, they were never seen in
public again. What happened to them is one of the great mysteries of
history, and many books have been written on the subject. It is believed
that they were killed, and the usual suspects are: their uncle, King
Richard; Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham; and Henry Tudor, who
later defeated Richard and took the throne as Henry VII.
In 1674 some workmen remodeling the Tower of London dug up a box that
had two small human skeletons in it. They threw them on a rubbish heap,
but some days or weeks later someone decided they might be the bones of
the two princes, so they gathered them up and put some of them in an urn
that was buried at Westminster Abbey. In 1933 the bones were taken out
and examined and then replaced in the urn. The experts who examined them
could not agree on what age the children would have been when they died
or even whether they were boys or girls.
## Richard III (1483-1485)
!Richard III{width="150"} **Richard III**
was born at Fotheringay Castle on 2 October 1452. He was the fourth
surviving son of Richard Plantagenet, the 3rd Duke of York, who was a
strong claimant to the throne of King Henry VI. He has been portrayed as
having a withered arm, limp and a crooked back, but this is most
probably an invention from many years later. Richard was King of England
from 1483, when he effectively deposed his nephew, Edward V. A rebellion
rose against Richard later that year, and he died at the Battle of
Bosworth Field in 1485. He is the last English king to die in battle,
and he was succeeded by the winner of the battle, Henry Tudor.
### Marriage and children
Richard spent much of his childhood at Middleham Castle in Wensleydale,
under the care of his uncle, Richard Neville, the 16th Earl of Warwick
(the \"Kingmaker\"), as Richard\'s father died when he was young.
Following the Yorkist victory over the Lancastrians at the Battle of
Tewkesbury, Richard married the widowed Anne Neville, younger daughter
of the now dead 16th Earl of Warwick on 12 July 1472. Anne\'s first
husband had been Edward of Westminster, son of Henry VI. Richard and
Anne had one son, Edward Plantagenet, who was born in 1473. He died soon
after being made Prince of Wales in 1483. Richard also had a number of
illegitimate children.
### Reign of Edward IV
During the reign of his brother, King Edward IV, Richard was a loyal and
skilful military commander. He was rewarded with large estates in
Northern England, and given the title Duke of Gloucester and the
position of Governor of the North, becoming the richest and most
powerful noble in England. Richard continued to control the north of
England until Edward\'s death. In 1482 Richard recaptured
Berwick-upon-Tweed from the Scots, and was noted as being fair and just,
making gifts to universities and the Church.
### Death and legacy
On 22 June 1483, outside St Paul\'s Cathedral, a statement was read out
on behalf of Richard declaring for the first time that he was taking the
throne for himself. On 6 July 1483, Richard was crowned at Westminster
Abbey. Except for three earls not old enough to be there and a few
lesser nobles, the entire peerage attended his coronation. Richard was
known as a devout man and an efficient administrator. However, he was a
Yorkist and heirless, and had ruthlessly removed many of his enemies but
some, led by Henry Tudor, remained. Richard\'s enemies united against
him and he fought them at the Battle of Bosworth Field on 22 August
1485, where he was killed. Henry Tudor succeeded Richard to become King
Henry VII. Richard was buried at Greyfriars Church, Leicester, but his
body was lost during the later Dissolution of the Monasteries. There is
currently a memorial plaque on the site of the Cathedral where he may
have once been buried. Since his death, Richard III has become one of
England\'s most controversial kings. He was portrayed as a bad king by
historians of the House of Tudor. He has now largely lost his notoriety,
except in relation to the mystery surrounding the two Princes in the
## References
# Wikijunior:Kings and Queens of England/The Stuarts
## James I (1603-1625)
I{width="150"} James
I was born at Edinburgh Castle on 19 June 1566. James was the only child
of Mary, Queen of Scots and her second husband, Lord Darnley. James was
a direct descendant of Henry VII through his great-grandmother Margaret
Tudor, sister of Henry VIII. He ruled in Scotland as James VI from 24
July 1567 until his death on 27 March 1625. He was also King of England
and King of Ireland as James I from 24 March 1603 until his death. He
was the first monarch of England from the House of Stuart.
James was a successful monarch in Scotland, but he was an unsuccessful
monarch in England. He was unable to deal with a hostile Parliament, and
the refusal by the House of Commons to levy sufficiently high taxes
crippled the royal finances. However, James is considered to have been
one of the most intellectual British monarchs. Under him, much of the
cultural flourishing of Elizabethan England continued; science,
literature and art, contributed by men such as Sir Francis Bacon and
William Shakespeare grew by leaps.
### Before becoming King of England
In June 1567, Protestant rebels arrested James\'s mother, Mary, Queen of
Scots, and imprisoned her. Mary was forced to abdicate the throne on 24
July, giving it to James, then only thirteen months old. He was brought
up as a member of the Protestant Church of Scotland. During James VI\'s
early reign, power was held by a series of regents, with James taking
power himself in 1581, though he did not rule by himself, relying
instead on the advice of his closest courtiers. He carried on ruling as
King of Scotland, and then, on the death of Queen Elizabeth of England
in 1603, an English Accession Council met and proclaimed James King of
England. However, Scotland and England remained separate states - it was
not until 1707 that the Acts of Union merged the two nations to create a
new state, the Kingdom of Great Britain.
### Early reign in England
James is noted for creating many new lords. In total, sixty-two people
were raised to the English Peerage by James. Elizabeth had only created
eight new peers during her 45-year reign. Upon his arrival in London,
James was almost immediately faced by religious conflicts in England. He
was presented with a petition from Puritans requesting further Anglican
Church reform. He accepted the invitation to a conference in Hampton
Court, which was subsequently delayed due to the Plague. In 1604, at the
Hampton Court Conference, James was unwilling to agree to most of their
demands. He did, however, agree to fulfill one request by authorizing an
official translation of the Bible, which came to be known as the King
James Version.
In 1605, a group of Catholic extremists led by Robert Catesby developed
a plan, known as the Gunpowder Plot, to cause an explosion in the
chamber of the House of Lords, where the King and members of both Houses
of Parliament would be gathered for the State Opening of Parliament. The
conspirators sought to replace James with his daughter, Elizabeth, who,
they hoped, could be forced to convert to Catholicism. One of the
conspirators, however, leaked information regarding the plot, which was
then foiled. Terrified, James refused to leave his residence for many
days. Guy Fawkes, who was to be the one lighting the gunpowder, was
tortured on the rack until he revealed the identities of the other
conspirators, all of whom were executed or killed during capture. Dolls
of Guy Fawkes are still burned each 5 November, which is known as Guy
Fawkes, or bonfire, Night, to commemorate the plot.
### Conflict with Parliament and death
Following the dissolution of the Addled Parliament, James ruled without
a Parliament for seven years. Faced with financial difficulties due to
the failure of Parliament to approve new taxes, James sought to enter
into a profitable alliance with Spain by marrying his eldest surviving
son, Charles, to the daughter of the King of Spain. The proposed
alliance with a Roman Catholic kingdom was not well received in
Protestant England. James\'s unpopularity was increased by the execution
of Sir Walter Raleigh.
James lapsed into senility during the last year of his reign. Real power
passed to his son, Charles, and to the Duke of Buckingham, although
James kept enough power to ensure that a new war with Spain did not
occur while he was King. James died at Theobalds House in 1625 of
\'tertian ague\' (fever one day in every three), probably brought upon
by kidney failure and stroke. He was buried in the Henry VII Lady Chapel
in Westminster Abbey. Charles succeeded him as Charles I.
### Issue
James\'s children included Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales (who died
aged 18 in 1612), Elizabeth, Margaret Stuart (who died in infancy),
Charles, Mary and two more children who died in infancy (Robert and
## Charles I (1625-1649)
Charles I was born at Dunfermline Palace on 19 November 1600. He was the
second son of James I and Anne of Denmark. He was King of England,
Scotland and Ireland from 27 March 1625 until his execution in 1649. He
famously engaged in a struggle for power with the Parliament of England.
He was a supporter of the Divine Right of Kings, and many in England
feared that he was attempting to gain absolute power. There was
widespread opposition to many of his actions, especially the levying of
taxes without Parliament\'s consent. Religious conflicts continued
throughout Charles\'s reign. He selected his Catholic wife, Henrietta
Maria, over the objections of Parliament and public opinion.
The last years of Charles\' reign were marked by the English Civil War,
in which he was opposed by the forces of Parliament, who challenged his
attempts to increase his own power, and by Puritans, who were hostile to
his religious policies. The war ended in defeat for Charles, who was
subsequently tried, convicted and executed for high treason. The
monarchy was overthrown, and a commonwealth was established.
### Early life and reign
Charles was not as well-regarded as his elder brother, Henry. However,
when his elder brother died of typhoid in 1612, Charles became heir to
the throne and was later made Prince of Wales. Charles ascended the
throne in March 1625 and on 1 May of that year married to Henrietta
Maria, who was nine years his junior. She was a sister of King Louis
XIII of France. His first Parliament, which he opened in May, was
opposed to his marriage to Henrietta Maria, a Roman Catholic, because it
feared that Charles would lift restrictions on Roman Catholics and
undermine the official establishment of Protestantism. Although he
agreed with Parliament that he would not relax restrictions relating to
recusants, he promised to do exactly that in a secret marriage treaty
with Louis XIII. Charles and his wife had nine children, with three sons
and three daughters surviving infancy.
### Personal Rule
In January 1629, Charles opened the second session of the Parliament
which had been prorogued in June 1628. He hoped that, with the Duke of
Buckingham gone, Parliament, which had been refusing to let him raise
taxes, would finally cooperate with him and grant him further subsidies.
Instead, members of the House of Commons began to voice their opposition
to the levying of tonnage and poundage without parliamentary consent.
When he requested a parliamentary adjournment in March, members held the
Speaker down in his chair whilst three resolutions against Charles were
read aloud. The last of these resolutions declared that anyone who paid
tonnage or poundage not authorized by Parliament would \"be reputed a
betrayer of the liberties of England, and an enemy to the same\". Though
the resolution was not formally passed, many members declared their
approval. Afterward, when the Commons passed further measures, Charles
commanded the dissolution of Parliament.
Charles decided that he could not rely on Parliament for further
monetary aid. Immediately, he made peace with France and Spain. The
following eleven years, during which Charles ruled without a Parliament,
have been known as the Eleven Years Tyranny.
In the meantime Charles still had to get funds to maintain his treasury.
Relying on an all but forgotten feudal statute passed in 1278, requiring
anyone who earned £40 or more each year to present himself at the
King\'s coronation so that he may join the royal army as a knight,
Charles fined everyone who failed to attend his coronation in 1626. He
reintroduced the feudal tax known as ship money, which was even more
unpopular. A writ issued in 1634 ordered the collection of ship money in
peacetime, although laws passed when Edward I and Edward III were on the
throne said it should not be collected in peacetime. This action of
demanding ship money in peacetime led to a rebellion which forced him to
call parliament into session by 1640.
### Short and Long Parliaments
A dispute with the Churches in Scotland meant that Charles needed more
money. He therefore had to end his personal rule and recall Parliament
in April 1640. Although Charles offered to repeal ship money, the House
of Commons demanded the discussion of various abuses of power during the
period of Charles\'s personal rule. Parliament refused to help Charles
and it was dissolved in May 1640, less than a month after it assembled.
It became known as the Short Parliament. Charles still tried to defeat
the Scots, but failed. The peace treaty he agreed required the King to
pay the expenses of the Scottish army he had just fought. Charles took
the unusual step of summoning the *magnum concilium*, the ancient
council of all the Peers of the Realm, who were considered the King\'s
hereditary counsellors. The *magnum concilium* had not been summoned in
centuries, and it has not been summoned since Charles\'s reign. On the
advice of the peers, Charles summoned another Parliament, which became
known as the Long Parliament.
The Long Parliament assembled in November 1640 and proved just as
difficult to negotiate with as the Short Parliament. To prevent the King
from dissolving it at will, Parliament passed the Triennial Act, which
required that Parliament was to be summoned at least once every three
years. In May 1641, he assented to an even more far-reaching Act, which
provided that Parliament could not be dissolved without its own consent.
Charles was forced into one concession after another. Ship money, fines
in destraint of knighthood and forced loans were declared unlawful, and
the hated Courts of Star Chamber and High Commission were abolished.
Although he made several important concessions, Charles improved his own
military position by securing the favour of the Scots. He finally agreed
to the official establishment of Presbyterianism, and in return got
considerable anti-parliamentary support.
The House of Commons then threatened to impeach Charles\' Catholic
Queen, Henrietta Maria, finally leading the King to take desperate
action. His wife persuaded him to arrest the five members of the House
of Commons who led the anti-Stuart faction on charges of high treason,
but, when the King had made his decision, she made the mistake of
telling a friend who, in turn, told Parliament. Charles entered the
House of Commons with an armed force on 4 January 1642, but found that
his opponents had already escaped. Many in Parliament thought Charles\'s
actions outrageous, but others had similar sentiments about the actions
of Parliament itself. Several members of the House of Commons left to
join the royalist party, leaving the King\'s opponents with a majority.
It was no longer safe for Charles to be in London, and he went north to
raise an army against Parliament. The Queen, at the same time, went
abroad to raise money to pay for it.
### Civil war
The English Civil War had not yet started, but both sides began to arm.
Charles raised the royal standard in Nottingham on 22 August 1642. He
then set up his court at Oxford, from where he controlled roughly the
north and west of England, Parliament remaining in control of London and
the south and east. The Civil War started on 25 October 1642 with the
inconclusive Battle of Edgehill and continued indecisively through 1643
and 1644, until the Battle of Naseby tipped the military balance
decisively in favour of Parliament. There followed a great number of
defeats for the Royalists, and then the Siege of Oxford, from which
Charles escaped in April 1646. He put himself into the hands of the
Scottish Presbyterian army at Newark, and was taken to nearby Southwell
while his \"hosts\" decided what to do with him. The Presbyterians
finally arrived at an agreement with Parliament and delivered Charles to
them in 1647. He was imprisoned at Holdenby House in Northamptonshire,
but was soon transferred to a number of different locations.
### Trial and execution
Charles was finally moved to Windsor Castle and then St James\'s Palace.
In January 1649, the House of Commons without the assent of either the
Sovereign or the House of Lords---passed an Act of Parliament creating a
court for Charles\'s trial. The High Court of Justice established by the
Act consisted of 135 Commissioners (all firm Parliamentarians). The
King\'s trial (on charges of high treason and \"other high crimes\")
began on 2 January, but Charles refused to enter a plea, claiming that
no court had jurisdiction over a monarch. It was then normal practice to
take a refusal to plead as an admission of guilt, which meant that the
prosecution could not call witnesses to its case. Fifty-nine of the
Commissioners signed Charles\'s death warrant on 29 January, 1649. After
the ruling, he was led from St. James\'s Palace, where he was confined,
to the Palace of Whitehall, where an execution scaffold had been erected
in front of the Banqueting House.
Charles was beheaded on 30 January, 1649. One of the revolutionary
leaders, Oliver Cromwell, allowed the King\'s head to be sewn back on
his body so the family could pay its respects. Charles was buried in
private and at night on 7 February 1649, in the Henry VIII vault inside
St George\'s Chapel in Windsor Castle. Charles was father to a total of
nine legitimate children, two of whom would eventually succeed him as
king. Several other children died in childhood.
## Interregnum (1649-1660)
The English Interregnum was the period of parliamentary and military
rule after the English Civil War, between the execution of Charles I in
1649 and the restoration of Charles II in 1660.
This era in English history can be divided into four periods:
1. The first period of the Commonwealth of England from 1649 until 1653
2. The Protectorate under Oliver Cromwell from 1653 to 1659
3. The Protectorate under Richard Cromwell in 1659
4. The second period of the Commonwealth of England from 1659 until
### Life during the Interregnum
Four years after Charles I\'s execution, Oliver Cromwell was offered the
Crown. But he refused and chose instead to rule as Lord Protector.
Oliver Cromwell was a Puritan and during the Interregnum, he imposed a
very strict form of Christianity upon the country. Cromwell granted
religious freedom otherwise previously unknown in England, but other
forms of expression were suddenly limited (for instance, theatre, which
had thrived under the Stuart kings and Elizabeth I, was banned).
Cromwell also imposed his own personal vision of Christianity on the
masses, with feasts on days of fast disallowed and work on Sundays
subject to fine. Richard Cromwell was the successor to his father. But
he gave up his position as Lord Protector with little hesitation,
resigning or \"abdicating\" after a demand by the Rump Parliament. This
was the beginning of a short period of restoration of the Commonwealth
of England, and Charles I\'s son, also called Charles, was soon invited
back as king.
## Charles II (1660-1685)
!Charles II{width="160"}
Charles II was born in St James\'s Palace on 29 May 1630. Charles was
the eldest surviving son of Charles I and Henrietta Maria of France. He
was the King of Scots from 30 January 1649 and King of England and
Ireland from 29 May 1660 until his death on 6 February 1685. Unlike his
father Charles I, Charles II was skilled at managing the Parliament of
England, so much so that Charles is still considered one of England\'s
greatest kings. It was during his reign that the Whig and Tory political
parties developed. He famously fathered numerous illegitimate children,
of whom he acknowledged fourteen. Known as the \"Merry Monarch\",
Charles was a patron of the arts.
### Restoration
After the death of Oliver Cromwell in 1658, Charles\'s chances of
regaining the Crown seemed slim. Oliver Cromwell was succeeded as Lord
Protector by his son, Richard Cromwell. However, the new Lord Protector
abdicated in 1659. The Protectorate of England was abolished, and the
Commonwealth of England established. During the civil and military
unrest which followed, George Monck, the Governor of Scotland, was
concerned that the nation would descend into anarchy and sought to
restore the monarchy. Monck and his army marched into the City of London
and forced the Long Parliament to dissolve itself. For the first time in
almost twenty years, the members of Parliament faced a general election.
A Royalist House of Commons was elected. The Convention Parliament, soon
after it assembled on 25 April 1660, heard about the Declaration of
Breda, in which Charles agreed, amongst other things, to pardon many of
his father\'s enemies. It subsequently declared that Charles II had been
the lawful Sovereign since Charles I\'s execution in 1649.
Charles set out for England, arriving in Dover on 23 May 1660 and
reaching London on 29 May. Although Charles granted amnesty to
Cromwell\'s supporters in the *Act of Indemnity and Oblivion*, he went
back on his pardon of the commissioners and officials involved in his
father\'s trial and execution. Many among those who signed Charles I\'s
death warrant were executed in 1660 in the most gruesome fashion: they
were hanged, drawn and quartered. Others were given life imprisonment.
The body of Oliver Cromwell was also \"executed\".
The Convention Parliament was dissolved in December 1660. Shortly after
Charles\'s coronation at Westminster Abbey on 23 April 1661, the second
Parliament of the reign, the Cavalier Parliament, met. As the Cavalier
Parliament was overwhelmingly Royalist, Charles saw no reason to
dissolve it and force another general election for seventeen years.
### Foreign policy
In 1662 Charles married a Portuguese princess, Catherine of Braganza,
who brought him the territories of Bombay and Tangier as dowry. During
the same year, however, he sold Dunkirk, a much more valuable strategic
outpost to his cousin King Louis XIV of France of France for £40,000. In
1668, England allied itself with Sweden, and with its former enemy the
Netherlands, in order to oppose Louis XIV in the War of Devolution.
Louis was forced to make peace with the Triple Alliance, but he
continued to maintain his aggressive intentions. In 1670, Charles,
seeking to solve his financial troubles, agreed to the Treaty of Dover,
under which Louis XIV would pay him £200,000 each year. Meanwhile,
around 1670, Charles granted the British East India Company the rights
to autonomous territorial acquisitions, to mint money, to command
fortresses and troops, to form alliances, to make war and peace, and to
exercise both civil and criminal jurisdiction over the acquired areas in
India. Earlier in 1668 he leased the islands of Bombay for a paltry sum
of ten pounds sterling paid in gold.
### Great Plague and Fire
In 1665, Charles II was faced with a great health crisis: an outbreak of
Bubonic Plague in London commonly referred to as the Great Plague of
London. The death toll at one point reached 7000 per week. Charles, his
family and court fled from London in July 1665 to Oxford. Various
attempts at containing the disease by London public health officials all
fell in vain and the disease continued to spread rapidly. On 2 September
1666 came the Great Fire of London. Although it ended the Great Plague
by burning of plague-carrying rats and fleas, the fire consumed about
13,200 houses and 87 churches, including the original St. Paul\'s
### Conflict with Parliament
Charles\'s wife Queen Catherine was unable to produce an heir.
Charles\'s heir was therefore his unpopular Roman Catholic brother,
James. In 1678, Titus Oates, a former Anglican cleric, falsely warned of
a \"Popish Plot\" to kill the king and replace him with James. Charles
did not believe the story, but ordered his chief minister to
investigate. He, however, was an anti-Catholic, and encouraged Oates to
make his accusations public. The people were seized with an
anti-Catholic hysteria; judges and juries across the land condemned the
supposed conspirators; numerous innocent individuals were executed.
Later in 1678, however, the chief minister was impeached by the House of
Commons on the charge of high treason. To save Lord Danby from the
impeachment trial in the House of Lords, Charles dissolved the Cavalier
Parliament in January 1679. A new Parliament, which met in March of the
same year, was quite hostile to the king, and this led to the chief
minister being forced to resign and being held prisoner in the Tower of
### Later years
The Parliament of 1679 was elected at a time when there were strong
anti-Catholic sentiments. It was opposed to the prospect of a Catholic
monarch. An Exclusion Bill, which sought to exclude James from the line
of succession, was introduced. The \"Abhorrers\", those who opposed the
Exclusion Bill, would develop into the Tory Party, whilst the
\"Petitioners\", those who supported the Exclusion Bill, became the Whig
Party. Fearing that the Exclusion Bill would be passed, Charles
dissolved Parliament in December 1679. Two further Parliaments were
called in Charles\'s reign (one in 1680, the other in 1681), but both
were dissolved because they sought to pass the Exclusion Bill. During
the 1680s, however, popular support for the Exclusion Bill began to
dissolve, and Charles experienced a nationwide surge of loyalty. For the
remainder of his reign, Charles ruled as an absolute monarch, without a
In 1685 Charles died suddenly. When he knew he was dying and in great
secrecy, a priest was summoned to his bedside. Charles was admitted into
the Catholic Church and received the last rites. He was buried in
Westminster Abbey. He was succeeded by his brother, who became James II
in England and Ireland, and James VII in Scotland.
## James II (1685-1688)
!James II{width="160"} James II of
England and VII of Scotland was born at St James\'s Palace on 14 October
1633. He was the second surviving son of Charles I and Henrietta Maria
of France. He became King of England, King of Scots and King of Ireland
on 6 February 1685. He was the last Roman Catholic monarch to reign over
England, Scotland and Ireland. Some of his subjects distrusted his
religious policies and alleged despotism, leading a group of them to
depose him in the Glorious Revolution. He was replaced not by his Roman
Catholic son, James Francis Edward, but by his Protestant daughter and
son-in-law, Mary II and William III, who became joint rulers in 1689.
The belief that James remained the legitimate ruler became known as
Jacobitism (from *Jacobus*, the Latin for James). However, James did not
try to return to the throne, instead living the rest of his life under
the protection of King Louis XIV of France. His son James Francis Edward
Stuart and his grandson Charles Edward Stuart (*Bonnie Prince Charlie*)
attempted to restore the Jacobite line after James\'s death on 16
September 1701, but failed.
### Early life
Like his brother, James sought refuge in France during the Interregnum,
and he served in the French army. In 1656, when his brother, Charles,
entered into an alliance with Spain, an enemy of France, he joined the
Spanish army. Both armies praised James\'s abilities. In 1660, Charles
II was restored to the English Throne, and James returned to England
with him. Though he was the heir, it seemed unlikely then that he would
inherit the Crown, as it was thought that Charles would have legitimate
children. In September 1660, James married Lady Anne Hyde, the daughter
of Charles\'s then chief minister, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon.
### Religion
James was admitted to the Roman Catholic Church in 1668 or 1669. His
Protestant enemies in the Parliament of England then passed the Test
Act, which made all civil and military officials swear an oath against
certain practices of the Roman Catholic Church and receive communion in
the Church of England. James refused to do this and gave up his post of
Lord High Admiral as a result. Charles II opposed James\'s conversion,
and ordered James\'s children be raised as Protestants, but in 1673, he
allowed James (whose first wife had died in 1671) to marry the Catholic
Mary of Modena.
In 1677, James allowed his daughter, Mary, to marry the Protestant
Prince of Orange, William III, who was also his nephew. However, fears
of a Catholic monarch remained, and got greater as Charles II\'s wife
continued to fail to provide an heir.
### Reign and the Glorious Revolution
Charles died without legitimate offspring in 1685, and James became
king. At first, there was little opposition to him and many Anglicans
supported him as the legitimate monarch. The new Parliament which
assembled in May 1685 seemed favourable to James, agreeing to grant him
a large income. James, however, faced the Monmouth Rebellion, which was
led by Charles II\'s illegitimate son, the Duke of Monmouth. James
Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth declared himself King on 20 June 1685, but
was defeated at the Battle of Sedgemoor. Monmouth was executed at the
Tower of London soon after. Despite the lack of popular support for
Monmouth, James began to distrust his subjects. His judges, most notably
Judge Jeffreys (the \"Hanging Judge\"), punished the rebels brutally.
Judge Jeffreys\' Bloody Assizes led the people to see their King as a
cruel and barbarous ruler. To protect himself from further rebellions,
James sought to establish a large standing army. By putting Roman
Catholics in charge of several regiments, the King was drawn into a
conflict with Parliament. Parliament was prorogued in November 1685,
never to meet again during James\'s reign.
Religious tension intensified in 1686. In the Declaration of Indulgence
in 1687, he suspended laws punishing Roman Catholics and other religious
dissenters. In April 1688, James re-issued the Declaration of
Indulgence, and ordered Anglican clergymen to read it in their churches.
When the Archbishop of Canterbury and six other bishops petitioned for a
change in the King\'s religious policies, they were arrested and tried
for seditious libel, but were acquitted. Public alarm increased with the
birth of a Catholic son and heir, James Francis Edward, to Queen Mary in
June, 1688. Several leading Protestants then entered into negotiations
with William, Prince of Orange, who was James\'s son-in-law, for him to
invade and become king. By September, it had become clear that William
was looking to invade. James believed his army could fight them off, but
when William landed on 5 November 1688, all of the King\'s Protestant
officers went over to William\'s side. On 11 December, James attempted
to flee to France. He was caught in Kent, but allowed to escape to
France on 23 December.
When James left, no Parliament was in session, so William convened a
Convention Parliament. The Convention declared on 12 February 1689 that
James\'s attempt to flee on 11 December meant that he had abdicated and
that the throne had then become vacant (instead of passing to James
II\'s son, James Francis Edward). James\'s daughter Mary was declared
Queen. She was to rule jointly with her husband William III. The
Scottish Estates followed suit on 11 April.
William and Mary then granted their assent to the Bill of Rights. This
confirmed that William III and Mary II were to be King and Queen. It
also charged James II with abusing his power by suspending the Test
Acts, the prosecuting of the Seven Bishops for petitioning the Crown,
establishing a standing army and imposing cruel punishments. The Act
also set out who would be heirs to the Crown. First were any children of
William and Mary, to be followed by the Princess Anne and her children,
and finally by the children of William by any subsequent marriage.
### Later years and legacy
With a French army on his side, James landed in Ireland in March 1689.
The Irish Parliament did not follow the example of the English
Parliament and instead declared that James remained King. He was,
however, defeated at the Battle of the Boyne on 1 July 1690. He fled
back to France after the defeat departing. In France, James was allowed
to live in a royal castle. An attempt was made to restore him to the
throne by killing William III in 1696, but the plot failed. Louis XIV\'s
offer to have James elected King of Poland was rejected, after which
Louis no longer helped James. He died in 1701 at Saint-Germain-en-Laye,
where he was buried.
The son of James II, James Francis Edward Stuart (known to his
supporters as \"James III and VIII\" and to his opponents as the \"Old
Pretender\"), took up the Jacobite cause. He led a rising in Scotland in
1715 shortly after George I became king, but was defeated. Further
risings were also defeated. After the rising of 1745 led by Charles
Edward Stuart, no serious attempt to restore the Stuart heir has been
James Francis Edward died in 1766, when he was succeeded by his eldest
son, Charles Edward Stuart (known to his supporters as \"Charles III\"
and to his opponents as the \"Young Pretender\"). Charles in turn was
succeeded by his younger brother Henry Benedict Stuart, a cardinal of
the Catholic Church. Henry was the last of James II\'s legitimate
### Children
James had eight children by Anne Hyde, of whom only two, Mary and Anne,
survived infancy. They became the next two Queens. By Mary of Modena he
had six children, two of whom survived infancy. The most famous of his
children by Mary of Modena was James Franci Edward Stuart. He also had a
number of illegitimate children.
## William III (1689-1702) and Mary II (1689-1694)
After the Glorious Revolution, William III and his wife, Mary II, became
joint rulers.
### William
!William III{width="200"}
William was born in The Hague in the Netherlands on 14 November 1650. He
was the son of William II, Prince of Orange, and Mary Stuart. He was
Dutch aristocrat and a Protestant Prince of Orange from his birth. He
was King William III of England and of Ireland from 13 February 1689,
and William II, King of Scots from 11 April 1689 in each case until his
death on 8 March 1702.
Eight days before he was born, his father died from battle wounds, and
so William became the Sovereign Prince of Orange at the moment of his
birth. On 23 December 1660, when William was just ten years old, his
mother died of smallpox while visiting her brother, King Charles II in
England. In her will, Mary made Charles William\'s legal guardian.
Charles passed on this responsibility to William\'s paternal
grandmother, the Princess Dowager Amalia, with the understanding that
Charles\'s advice would be sought whenever it was needed. In 1666, when
William was sixteen, the States General of the United Provinces of the
Netherlands officially made him a ward of the government, or as William
himself called it, a \"Child of State\". This was one in order to
prepare William for a role in the nation\'s government. When his time as
the government\'s ward ended three years later, William returned to
private life.
### Mary
!Mary II{width="150"} Mary II was born
in London on 30 April 1662. She was the eldest daughter of James II and
his first wife, Lady Anne Hyde. She reigned as Queen of England and
Ireland from 13 February 1689 until her death on 28 December 1694, and
as Queen of Scotland from 11 April 1689 until her death. Mary came to
the throne after the Glorious Revolution. Mary reigned jointly with her
husband and first cousin, William III, who became the sole ruler upon
her death. Mary, although a sovereign in her own right, did not wield
power during most of her reign. She did, however, govern the realm when
her husband was abroad fighting wars.
James II converted to Roman Catholicism in 1668 or 1669, but Mary and
Anne were order by Charles II to have a Protestant upbringing, pursuant
to the command of Charles II. At the age of fifteen, Princess Mary
became engaged to the Protestant Stadtholder and Prince of Orange,
William. William was the son of her aunt and Prince William II of
Nassau. They married in London on 4 November 1677. Mary went to the
Netherlands, where she lived with her husband. She did not enjoy a happy
marriage, with her three pregnancies ended in miscarriage or stillbirth.
She became popular with the Dutch people, but her husband neglected or
even mistreated her and had an affair with one of Mary\'s
### Reign
Although most in England accepted William as Sovereign, he faced
considerable opposition in Scotland and Ireland. The Scottish Jacobites,
who believed that James II remained the legitimate monarch, won a
stunning victory on 27 July 1689 at the Battle of Killiecrankie, but
were later beaten within a month. William\'s reputation suffered after
the Massacre of Glencoe in 1692, when almost one hundred Scots were
murdered for not properly pledging their allegiance to the new King and
Queen. Accepting public opinion, William sacked those responsible for
the massacre, though they still remained in his favour.
In Ireland, where the French aided the rebels, fighting continued for
much longer, although James II fled the island after the Battle of the
Boyne in 1690. This Battle is still commemorated each year by the
Protestants in Northern Ireland. After the Anglo-Dutch Navy defeated a
French fleet at in 1692, the naval supremacy of the English became
apparent, and Ireland was conquered shortly after.
From 1690 onwards, William often remained absent from England. Whilst
her husband was away, Mary ruled. She was a firm ruler, and even ordered
the arrest of her own uncle for plotting to restore James II to the
throne. In 1692, she dismissed and imprisoned the influential John
Churchill, 1st Earl of Marlborough on similar charges. In this case the
dismissal reduced her popularity and harmed her relationship with her
sister Anne. When William was in England, Mary stepped aside from
politics. She did, however, get involved in the affairs of the Church,
in particular with Church appointments. Mary died of smallpox in 1694.
After Mary II\'s death, William III continued to rule as king. Although
he had previously mistreated his wife and kept mistresses, William
deeply mourned his wife\'s death. Although he was brought up as a
Calvinist, he converted to Anglicanism, but his popularity fell greatly
during his reign as a sole Sovereign.
### William as sole ruler
William, like many other European rulers, became concerned about who
would succeed to the throne of Spain, which brought with it vast
territories in Italy, the Low Countries and the New World. The question
became important as The King of Spain, Charles II, was an invalid with
no prospect of having children, and had amongst his closest relatives
Louis XIV, the King of France, and Leopold I, the Holy Roman Emperor.
William wanted to stop either of these inheriting all Spanish lands.
William and Louis XIV agreed to the First Partition Treaty, which
provided for the division of the Spanish Empire: Duke Joseph Ferdinand
of Bavaria (whom William himself chose) would obtain Spain, while France
and the Holy Roman Emperor would divide the remaining territories
between them. The Spaniards, however, wanted to keep the Spanish
territories united.
After Joseph Ferdinand died of smallpox, William and Louis In 1700, the
two rulers agreed to the Second Partition Treaty in 1700, under which
the territories in Italy would pass to a son of the King of France, and
the other Spanish territories would be inherited by a son of the Holy
Roman Emperor. This infuriated both the Spanish, who wanted the empire
intact, and the Holy Roman Emperor, who wanted the Italian territories.
Unexpectedly, King Charles II of Spain changed his will as he lay dying
in late 1700. He left all Spanish territories to Philip, a grandson of
Louis. The French ignored the Second Partition Treaty and claimed the
entire Spanish inheritance. Louis also angered William by recognising
James Francis Edward Stuart, the son of the former King James II, who
had died in 1701, as King of England. The subsequent conflict, known as
the War of the Spanish Succession, continued until 1713.
Princess Anne\'s last surviving child, William, Duke of Gloucester, died
in July 1700, and, as it was clear that William III would have no more
children, Parliament passed the Act of Settlement in 1701, which
provided that the Crown would go to the nearest Protestant relative,
Sophia, Electress of Hanover and her Protestant heirs when William III
### William\'s death
In 1702, William died of pneumonia, a complication from a broken
collarbone, resulting from a fall off his horse. It was believed by some
that his horse had stumbled into a mole\'s burrow, and as a result many
Jacobites toasted \"the little gentleman in the black velvet
waistcoat\". William was buried in Westminster Abbey alongside his wife.
He was succeeded by Queen Anne.
## Anne (1702-1714)
!Anne{width="150"} Anne was born in St
James\'s Palace on 6 February 1665. She was the second daughter of
James, who went on to become James II, and his first wife, Lady Anne
Hyde. She was Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland from 8 March 1702
until her death on 1 August 1714. Anne was the last monarch of the House
of Stuart. She was succeeded by a distant cousin, George I. Anne\'s
reign saw the two party political system develop.
### Early life
On 28 July 1683, Anne married the Protestant Prince George of Denmark,
brother of the Danish King Christian V. The union was unpopular because
Denmark was pro-France union, but it was a happy one for Anne and
George. Sarah Churchill became Anne\'s lady of the bedchamber, and, by
the latter\'s desire to mark their mutual intimacy and affection, all
deference due to her rank was abandoned and the two ladies called each
other Mrs Morley and Mrs Freeman. Sarah remained Anne\'s closest friend,
and later married John Churchill, the 1st Duke of Marlborough. However,
they had a falling out and Sarah was banned from court during the War of
the Spanish Succession, when her husband was leading the English armies
in the War.
By 1700, Anne had been pregnant at least eighteen times. Thirteen times,
she miscarried or gave birth to stillborn children. Of the remaining
five children, four died before reaching the age of two years. Her only
son to survive infancy, William, Duke of Gloucester, died at the age of
eleven on 29 July 1700. William and Mary did not have any children, and
therefore Anne was the only individual remaining in the line of
succession established by the Bill of Rights. If the line ended, then
the deposed King James may have reclaimed the Throne. To stop a Roman
Catholic from becoming king, Parliament enacted the Act of Settlement
1701, which provided that the Crown would go to Sophia, Electress of
Hanover, and her descendants, who descended from James I of England
through Elizabeth of Bohemia.
### Early reign
William III died on 8 March 1702, leaving the Crown to Anne. At about
the same time, the War of the Spanish Succession began. It would
continue until the last years of Anne\'s reign, and would dominate both
foreign and domestic policy. Soon after becoming Queen, Anne made her
husband Lord High Admiral in control of the Royal Navy. Control of the
army went to Lord Marlborough. The Duchess of Marlborough was appointed
to the post of Mistress of the Robes, the highest office a lady could
Anne\'s first government was mostly Tory. The Whigs, who were, unlike
the Tories, big supporters of the Warm became more influential after the
Duke of Marlborough won a great victory at the Battle of Blenheim in
1704. The Whigs quickly rose to power, and almost all the Tories were
removed from the ministry. The Act of Union between England and Scotland
was then passed. Under the Act, England and Scotland became one realm
called Great Britain on 1 May 1707.
The Duchess of Marlborough\'s relationship with Anne worsened during
1707. Anne\'s husband, Prince George of Denmark, then died in October
1708, after which Anne grew even more distant from the Duchess of
Marlborough. The Queen ended their friendship in 1709.
The fall of the Whigs came about quickly as the expensive War of the
Spanish Succession grew unpopular in England. In the general election of
1710, the electorate returned a large Tory majority. The new Tory
government began to seek peace in the War of the Spanish Succession. The
Tories were ready to compromise by giving Spain to the grandson of the
French King, but the Whigs could not bear to see a Bourbon on the
Spanish Throne. The dispute was resolved by outside events, when the
elder brother of Archduke Charles (whom the Whigs supported)
conveniently died in 1711 and Archduke Charles then inherited Austria,
Hungary and the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. To also give him the
Spanish throne was no longer in Great Britain\'s interests, as he would
become too powerful. The Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 provided that peace,
although it only got ratified by Great Britain when Anne created twelve
new peers in one day to make sure it had enough support in the House of
Under the terms of the ratified treaty, Philip, grandson of the French
King Louis XIV, was allowed to remain on the Throne of Spain, and kept
Spain\'s New World colonies. The rest of the Spanish territories,
however, wer spliy amongst various European princes. Great Britain kept
of Gibraltar and Minorca, and got some French colonies in North America.
### Death and legacy
Anne died of an abscess and fever arising from gout, at approximately on
1 August 1714. Her body was so swollen that it had to be buried in
Westminster Abbey in a vast almost-square coffin. She died shortly after
the Electress Sophia (8 June 1714) and so the Electress\'s son, George,
became king of Great Britain.
Anne\'s reign saw greater influence in government by ministers and a
decrease in the influence of the Crown. In 1708, Anne became the last
British Sovereign to withhold the Royal Assent from a bill. The shift of
power from the Crown to the ministry became even more apparent during
the reign of George I, whose chief advisor, Sir Robert Walpole, is often
described as the first Prime Minister. The age of Anne was also one of
artistic, literary and scientific advancement. In architecture, Sir John
Vanbrugh constructed elegant buildings such as Blenheim Palace (the home
of the Marlboroughs) and Castle Howard. Writers such as Daniel Defoe,
Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift flourished during Anne\'s reign. Sir
Isaac Newton also lived during Anne\'s reign, although he had reached
his most important discoveries under William and Mary.
## References
# Wikijunior:Kings and Queens of England/The House of Windsor
## George V (1910--1936)
The first monarch of the House of Windsor was George V. However, he
started out as being of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and so he can be
read about in the previous chapter.
## Edward VIII (1936)
Edward VIII was born at White Lodge, Richmond upon Thames on 23 June
1894. Edward was the eldest son of George V and Queen Mary. He was King
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the
British Dominions beyond the Seas, and Emperor of India from 20 January
1936 until his abdication on 11 December 1936, after which he was Prince
Edward and then Duke of Windsor until his death on 28 May 1972. During
World War II he was the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bahamas after
spending a great deal of time in Bermuda. He was known to his family and
close friends, by his last Christian name, David.
### Prince of Wales
In 1910, George V made Edward Prince of Wales. When the First World War
broke out in 1914 Edward joined the army, serving with the Grenadier
Guards. Although Edward was willing to serve on the front lines, the
British government refused to allow it, because of the harm that the
capture of the heir to the throne would cause. However, Edward did
witness at first hand the horror of trench warfare, and visited the
front line as often as he could. His role in the war, although limited,
led to his great popularity among veterans of the conflict.
Throughout the 1920s the Prince of Wales represented his father, King
George V, at home and abroad on many occasions. He took a special
interest in visiting the poorest areas of the country. Abroad the Prince
of Wales toured the British Empire, undertaking 13 tours between 1919
and 1935.
In 1928, King George V gave Edward a home, Fort Belvedere, near
Sunningdale in Berkshire. There Edward had relationships with a series
of married women, including the American Wallis Simpson. Simpson had
divorced her first husband in 1927 and later married Ernest Simpson.
Edward\'s relationship with Wallis Simpson further weakened his poor
relationship with his father, King George V. The King and Queen refused
to receive Mrs Simpson at court, and his brother, Prince Albert, urged
Edward to seek a more suitable wife. Edward, however, had now fallen in
love with Wallis and the couple grew ever closer.
### Reign
King George V died on 20 January 1936, and Edward became King Edward
VIII. The next day he broke royal protocol by watching the proclamation
of his own accession to the throne from a window of St James\'s Palace
in the company of the still-married Mrs Simpson. It was also at this
time that Edward VIII became the first British monarch to fly in an
aeroplane, when he flew from Sandringham to London for his Accession
It was now becoming clear that the new King wished to marry Mrs Simpson,
especially when divorce proceedings between Mr and Mrs Simpson were
brought at Ipswich Crown Court. Powerful figures in the British
government deemed marriage to Mrs Simpson impossible for Edward, even if
Wallis obtained her second divorce, because he had become the Supreme
Governor of the Church of England which prohibited remarriage after
On 16 July 1936, an attempt was made on the King\'s life. Jerome
Bannigan produced a loaded revolver as the King rode on horseback at
Constitution Hill, near Buckingham Palace. Police spotted the gun and
pounced on him, and he was quickly arrested. At Bannigan\'s trial, he
alleged that \"a foreign power\" had paid him £150 to kill Edward, a
claim the court rejected.
On 16 November 1936, Edward met with Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin at
Fort Belvedere and expressed his desire to marry Wallis Simpson when she
became free to do so. The Prime Minister responded by presenting the
King with three choices: he could give up the idea of marriage; marry
Wallis against his ministers\' wishes; or abdicate. It was clear that
Edward was not prepared to give up Wallis. By marrying against the
advice of his ministers, it was likely that he would cause the
government to resign, prompting a constitutional crisis. The Prime
Ministers of the British dominions had also made clear their opposition
to the King marrying a divorcée; only the Irish Free State was not
opposed to the idea of marriage. Faced with this opposition, Edward
chose to abdicate. Edward duly signed an instrument of abdication at
Fort Belvedere on 10 December 1936. The next day, he performed his last
act as King when he gave Royal Assent to His Majesty\'s Declaration of
Abdication Act 1936 which applied to the United Kingdom and all the
dominions except the Irish Free State. The Free State passed the
equivalent External Relations Act, which included the abdication in its
schedule, the next day.
On the night of 11 December 1936, Edward, now reverted to the title of
The Prince Edward, made a broadcast to the nation and the Empire,
explaining his decision to abdicate. He famously said, \"I have found it
impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge
my duties as king as I would wish to do without the help and support of
the woman I love.\"
After the broadcast, Edward left the United Kingdom for France, though
he was unable to join Wallis until her divorce became absolute, several
months later. His brother, Prince Albert, Duke of York succeeded to the
throne as King George VI. George VI made Edward the Duke of Windsor. The
Duke of Windsor married Mrs Simpson, who had changed her name by deed
poll to Wallis Warfield, in a private ceremony on 3 June 1937 at Chateau
de Candé, Monts, France. None of the British royal family attended.
### World War II
In 1937, the Duke and Duchess visited Germany as personal guests of the
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, a visit much publicised by the German media.
The couple then settled in France. When the Germans invaded the north of
France in May 1940, the Windsors fled south, first to Biarritz, then in
June to Spain. In July the pair moved to Lisbon. In August a British
warship took them to the Bahamas, where the Duke of Windsor was made
Governor. He held the post until the end of World War II in 1945.
### Death
After the war, the couple returned once again to France in Neuilly near
Paris, where they spent much of the remainder of their lives in
retirement. The Royal Family never accepted the Duchess and would not
receive her formally, although the former King sometimes met his mother
and a brother after his abdication. The Duke died of throat cancer in
1972 in Paris, and his body was returned to Britain for burial at
Frogmore near Windsor Castle. The Duchess travelled to England to attend
his funeral, staying at Buckingham Palace during her visit. The Duchess,
on her death a decade and a half later, was buried alongside her husband
in Frogmore simply as \"Wallis, his wife\". The Duke and Duchess had no
## George VI (1936--1952)
!George VI{width="150"} George VI
was born at York Cottage on the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk on 14
December 1895. He was the second son of George V and Queen Mary. He was
King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the
British dominions beyond the seas from 11 December 1936 until his death
on 6 February 1952. George VI was also the Emperor of India (until 1947)
and King of Ireland (until 1949). George VI came the throne after the
abdication of his brother, Edward VIII. He was king during the Second
World War. He was known as Bertie, after his first name, Albert, to his
### Early life
As a child, George often suffered from ill health and he was described
as \"easily frightened and somewhat prone to tears\". Albert developed a
severe stammer that lasted for many years as well as chronic stomach
problems. He also suffered from knock knees, and to correct this he had
to wear splints, which were extremely painful. He was also forced to
write with his right hand although he was a natural left-hander.
In 1909, Bertie joined the Royal Navy and served as a naval cadet.
Despite coming in at the bottom of the class, Albert moved to Dartmouth
and served as a midshipman. He was still in the Navy when Edward VII
died on 6 May 1910. Albert was now second in line for the throne. Albert
served during World War I. He saw action aboard HMS *Collingwood* in the
Battle of Jutland in 1916. In 1917 Albert joined the Royal Air Force but
did not see any further action in the war. After the war, Albert studied
history, economics and civics for a year at Trinity College, Cambridge,
from October 1919. In 1920, he began to take on royal duties,
representing his father, King George V.
### Marriage and children
Albert had a great deal of freedom in choosing his wife. In 1920 he met
Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, the youngest daughter of Claude Bowes-Lyon,
14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne and set his sights on marrying
her. She rejected his proposal twice before she said yes. They were
married on 26 April 1923. They had two children: Elizabeth, born in
1926, and Margaret, born in 1930.
### Reign
The Duke and Duchess lived a relatively sheltered life at their London
residence, 145 Piccadilly. When Edward VIII he abdicated on 11 December
1936, however, Albert became King George VI.
The growing likelihood of war in Europe would dominate the reign of King
George VI. Initially the King and Queen took an appeasement stance
against the German dictator Adolf Hitler, and supported the policy of
Neville Chamberlain. In 1939, the King and Queen visited Canada from
where they made a shorter visit to the United States of America. George
was the first reigning British monarch to visit either of these
countries. The aim of the tour was mainly political, to shore up
Atlantic support for Britain in any upcoming war. The King and Queen
were extremely enthusiastically received by the Canadian public. They
were also warmly received by the American people, visiting the 1939 New
York World\'s Fair and staying at the White House with President
Roosevelt. When war broke out in 1939, George VI with his wife chose to
stay in London and not flee to Canada, as had been suggested. The King
and Queen officially stayed in Buckingham Palace throughout the war,
although they often escaped to Windsor Castle to avoid bombing raids.
George VI and Queen Elizabeth narrowly avoided death when a lone German
bomber despatched to bomb Buckingham Palace attacked. The bomb exploded
in the courtyard, shattering windows in the palace.
Throughout the war, the King and Queen provided morale-boosting visits
throughout the UK, visiting bomb sites and munition factories. On
Victory in Europe (VE) Day, the Royal Family appeared on the balcony of
Buckingham Palace to celebrate the end of the war in Europe. After the
war, George VI\'s reign saw the start of the break up of the British
Empire, in particular when India became an independent dominion, with
George VI giving up the title of Emperor of India.
### Death
The war had taken its toll on the King\'s health. This was made worse by
his heavy smoking and he got lung cancer. Increasingly his daughter
Princess Elizabeth, the heir to the throne, would take on more of the
royal duties as her father\'s health got worse. On 6 February 1952,
George VI died aged 56 in his sleep at Sandringham House in Norfolk. He
was buried in St George\'s Chapel in Windsor Castle. In 2002, the body
of his wife Elizabeth and the ashes of his daughter Princess Margaret
were interred in a tomb alongside him.
## Elizabeth II (1952--2022)

Elizabeth II was born at 17 Bruton Street in Mayfair, London on 21 April
1926. She was the eldest daughter of George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
Elizabeth II was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and of many other independent nations. She became Queen
on 6 February 1952 at age 25, and ruled until her death on 8 September
2022. Her 70-year reign was the second-longest after King Louis XIV of
France (72 years), and the longest of any British monarch ever.
### Early life
Elizabeth was thirteen years old when World War II broke out. She and
her younger sister, Princess Margaret, were evacuated to Windsor Castle,
Berkshire. There was some suggestion that the princesses be sent to
Canada, but their mother refused to consider this, famously saying,
\"The children could not possibly go without me, I wouldn\'t leave
without the King, and the King will never leave\". In 1940 Princess
Elizabeth made her first radio broadcast, addressing other children who
had been evacuated.
In 1945 Princess Elizabeth joined the Women\'s Auxiliary Territorial
Service. She was the first and so far only female member of the royal
family actually to serve in the military. Elizabeth made her first
official visit overseas in 1947, when she went with her parents to South
Africa. On her 21st birthday she made a broadcast to the British
Commonwealth and Empire pledging to devote her life to the service of
the people of the Commonwealth and Empire.
### Marriage and children
Elizabeth married Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark on 20 November
1947, who was created the Duke of Edinburgh on the same date. The Duke
was Queen Elizabeth\'s second cousin once removed, as they both
descended from Christian IX of Denmark. The couple were also third
cousins. After their wedding Philip and Elizabeth took up residence at
Clarence House, London. But at various times between 1946 and 1953, the
Duke of Edinburgh was stationed in Malta as a serving Royal Navy
officer. Philip and Elizabeth lived in Malta for a period between 1949
and 1951. On 14 November 1948 Elizabeth gave birth to her first child,
Charles. They later had three other children: Anne, Andrew and Edward.
### Reign
King George\'s health declined during 1951 and Elizabeth frequently
stood in for him at public events. She visited Greece, Italy and Malta
(where Philip was then stationed) during the year. In October she toured
Canada and visited President Truman in Washington, DC. In January 1952
Elizabeth and Philip set out for a tour of Australia and New Zealand.
They had reached Kenya when word arrived of the death of her father on 6
February 1952. They were staying at the Treetops Hotel, where Prince
Philip was the one who informed Elizabeth that she was now queen.
After the coronation, Elizabeth and Philip moved to Buckingham Palace in
central London. It is believed, however, that like many of her
predecessors she dislikes the Palace as a residence and considers
Windsor Castle, west of London, to be her home. She also spends time at
Balmoral Castle in Scotland and at Sandringham House in Norfolk.
At the time of Elizabeth\'s accession there was much talk of a \"new
Elizabethan age\". As nations have developed economically and in
literacy, Queen Elizabeth has witnessed over the past 50 years a gradual
transformation of the British Empire into its modern successor, the
Commonwealth. She has worked hard to maintain links with former British
possessions, and in some cases, such as South Africa after the end of
Apartheid, she has played an important role in retaining or restoring
good relations. Queen Elizabeth has become the most widely travelled
head of state in history and has visited many Commonwealth and
non-Commonwealth countries. Her son Charles, the Prince of Wales,
welcomed his first child Prince William in 1982.
In 2002, Queen Elizabeth celebrated her Golden Jubilee, marking the 50th
anniversary of her accession to the Throne. The year saw a large tour of
the Commonwealth Realms, including numerous parades and official
concerts. Then in 2012, the Queen celebrated her Diamond Jubilee,
marking the 60th anniversary of her accession to the Throne. A year
later, her grandson William had his first son Prince George. Queen
Elizabeth surpassed her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria to become
the longest-reigning British monarch in 2015, and she later became the
first British monarch to celebrate her Sapphire Jubilee (65 years) and
Platinum Jubilee (70 years) on the throne.
In 2021, the Queen\'s husband Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, died
age 99, after 73 years of marriage. Her health started to decline around
the same time, and it became more common for the Queen to cancel royal
engagements. At the State Opening of Parliament in 2021, she could not
attend, and Prince Charles had to give the speech from the throne in her
place. Queen Elizabeth was also absent from the celebrations of her
Platinum Jubilee during the summer of 2022. Seven months later, on 8
September 2022, she died at Balmoral age 96, bringing the second
Elizabethan era to an end.
## Charles III (2022 onwards)
!Charles III, seen here in 2005 when he was still the Prince of
Charles III was born at Buckingham Palace in London on 14 November 1948.
He is the eldest son of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, the Duke of
Edinburgh. Charles III is King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland and 14 other independent nations, as well as Head
of the Commonwealth. He became King on 8 September 2022 after the death
of his mother. He was only 3 years old when his mother became Queen, but
73 when she died. This makes Charles both the longest-serving heir to
the British throne, and the oldest new king in British history.
Before his accession, Charles (at the time known as the Prince of Wales)
worked extensively on charity, particularly for the Prince\'s Trust. His
personal life drew a large amount of public attention, particularly his
marriages to the late Lady Diana Spencer and later to Camilla, the
Duchess of Cornwall. In the final years of his mother\'s life, Charles
began taking over some of her royal duties.
### Early life
Charles was born when his grandfather George VI was on the throne, and
his mother Elizabeth was first in line. When George VI died in 1952, his
mother became Queen as Elizabeth II. Charles became first in line, and
also gained the titles Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothesay (in
Scotland only), which are titles that both automatically go to the heir
to the throne.
He went to Hill House School in West London, and later the Cheam
preparatory school in Berkshire, which the Duke of Edinburgh had also
gone to. The Prince finished his education at Gordonstoun, a private
boarding school in the north east of Scotland. His father, the Duke of
Edinburgh, had previously attended Gordonstoun, becoming head boy. It is
often reported that the Prince hated his time at the school, where he
was a frequent target for bullies. In 1966 Charles spent two terms at
Geelong Grammar School in Victoria, Australia during which time he also
visited Papua New Guinea. On his return to Gordonstoun he followed in
his father\'s footsteps by becoming head boy. In 1967 he left
Gordonstoun with two A levels, in history and French.
Traditionally, the heir to the throne would go straight into the
military after finishing school. However, Charles went to university at
Trinity College, Cambridge where he studied Anthropology and
Archaeology, and later History, earning a 2:2 (a lower second class
degree). Charles was the first member of the British royal family to be
awarded a degree. He also went to the University College of Wales,
Aberystwyth to learn the Welsh language, making him the first
English-born Prince of Wales ever to make a serious attempt to do so.
He was created the Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester in 1958, though
his actual investiture did not take place until 1 July 1969. This was a
major ceremony, held at Caernarfon Castle in north Wales, a place
traditionally associated with the creation of the title in the 13th
century. The Welsh borough of Swansea was granted city status to mark
the occasion. He served on HMS Norfolk as Sub Luietenant Prince of Wales
in the early seventies.
### Marriages and children
In 1980, the Prince of Wales began dating Lady Diana Spencer (born
1961), a woman from the Spencer family of nobility. They announced their
engagement on 24 February 1981, and their wedding took place at St
Paul\'s Cathedral on 29 July 1981, before 3,500 invited guests. An
estimated 750 million people watched it on television around the world,
making it one of the most viewed events in television history. Almost
immediately, Princess Diana became a star attraction, chased by the
press, her every move (including every change in hairstyle) closely
followed by millions. However, the marriage soon became troubled. Within
five years of the wedding the marriage was already on the brink of
collapse, and though they remained publicly a couple, they had
effectively separated by the mid-1990s, with him living in Highgrove and
her in Kensington Palace. They divorced on 28 August 1996. They had had
two sons, Prince William born in 1982 and Prince Henry (known by the
name \"Harry\") born two years later. Princess Diana died in a car
accident in Paris, France in 1997.
During Charles and Diana\'s marriage, and even before it, rumors were
circulating that Charles was having an affair with Camilla Parker Bowles
(herself married to British Army officer Andrew Parker Bowles). Prince
Charles confirmed this after his and Diana\'s divorce, explaining that
this was one reason for why their marriage fell apart. As Camilla and
her husband had also divorced, Charles and Camilla\'s relationship
became publicly known. Over time, opinion shifted to a point where a
civil marriage would be acceptable. They married on 9 April 2005 at
Windsor Guildhall in Berkshire.
Out of respect for Diana, who in the eyes of the public had become
closely associated with the title Princess of Wales, it was announced
that Camilla would not use this title (even though she as the wife of
the Prince of Wales was formally entitled to do so). Camilla was instead
Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall. It was also decided at the
time that when Prince Charles one day became king, Camilla would be
known as princess consort rather than queen. At the Platinum Jubilee of
Elizabeth II in 2022, the Queen announced that she wanted Camilla to be
known as queen when Charles became king, which happened when Elizabeth
II died later that year.
### Personal interests
Charles is a keen horseman and huntsman. He served in the Royal Navy
from 1971 to 1976, commanding HMS *Bronington*, a minehunter, from
February 1976 until December 1976. He is also a watercolour artist and a
published writer. He has exhibited and sold a number of paintings. The
Prince\'s Trust, which he founded, is a charity that works mainly with
young people, offering loans to groups, businesses and people (often in
deprived areas) who had difficulty receiving outside support.
Fundraising concerts are regularly held for the Prince\'s Trust, with
leading pop, rock and classical musicians taking part
To put his ideas on architecture and town planning into practice,
Charles is developing the village of Poundbury in Dorset. Prior to
commencing work on Poundbury he had published a book and produced a
documentary called *A Vision for Britain*. In 1992 he also established
The Prince of Wales Institute of Architecture and began the publication
of a magazine dealing with architecture, but the latter has since ceased
independent operation after being merged with another charity to create
The Prince\'s Foundation for the Built Environment in 2001. He is also
keen on growing and promoting organic food, although he drew some
ridicule when he joked about sometimes talking to his houseplants.
Before becoming king, Charles was president of 16 charities, and raised
over £100 million for charity in 2004.
### Reign
Charles became king immediately when his mother died on 8 September
2022. The following day, he named his eldest son William as the new
Prince of Wales. Charles III and his wife Camilla were coronated on 6
May 2023 in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey.
# Wikijunior:Kings and Queens of England/Future monarchs
## Prince William of Wales
Prince William of Wales was born at St. Mary\'s Hospital, Paddington on
21 June 1982. His parents are Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana
Spencer. He is next in the line of succession to the British throne.
On 1 March 1991 (St. David\'s Day), Prince William made his first
official public appearance during a visit to Cardiff, the capital city
of Wales. After arriving by plane, the eight-year-old prince was taken
by his parents to Llandaff Cathedral. After a tour of the cathedral, he
signed its visitors book, which showed that he was left-handed. Prince
William went to the Mrs Jane Mynors\' nursery school and the pre-prep
Wetherby School both in West London, and later attended Ludgrove School
in Berkshire. After passing an entrance exam he went on to attend Eton
College in Berkshire. Whilst there he studied geography, biology and
history of art at A-level.
Like a growing number of British teenagers, Prince William chose to take
a gap year after finishing Eton College. He took part in British Army
training in Belize. He spent the final stage of his gap year in southern
Chile as a volunteer with Raleigh International. Pictures of the prince
cleaning a toilet were broadcast around the world. After his gap year,
Prince William attended the University of St Andrews in Fife, Scotland
from 2001 until he was graduated in 2005. He started doing a degree
course in Arts History, although he later changed his main subject to
Geography and gained a Scottish Master of Arts degree with upper-second
class honours. In January 2006, the prince began his cadet course at the
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst to train as an Army Officer. William
joined his brother who had been there since May 2005.
In July 2005, William carried out his first official engagements
representing Elizabeth II, as Queen of New Zealand, at World War II
commemorations in New Zealand. In September of the same year, it was
announced that William will become president of The Football Association
in May 2006 and patron to the UK charity Centrepoint, which works with
homeless young people. In April 2011, he married Kate Middleton. In July
2013, the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to their son, Prince George of
Cambridge, third in line to the throne. The couple\'s second child,
their daughter Princess Charlotte of Cambridge who is fourth in line to
the throne, was born in May 2015. Prince Louis of Cambridge, the fifth
in line to the throne, was born in April 2018.
## Prince George
!Prince George (2013).jpg "Prince George (2013)")
After William, Prince George of Cambridge will be the king of England.
He was born on the 22nd of July, 2013. His full name is George Alexander
# Wikijunior:Languages/Playing with language
We\'ve looked at lots of existing languages from all around the world,
but if we really want to have fun with languages then we have to do more
than just look; we have to play as well. Imagine if you could talk to
your friends in your own private language that no one else knew. Or
imagine speaking a language where everything you said sounded silly, or
grumpy, or smart. Or imagine making up your own special words for all
the things you see around you. In this chapter we\'ll find out how to do
all these things and more.
Languages are like the recipes for cakes. You start off with a whole
bunch of different ingredients and then the recipe tells you how to mix
them all together. In a cake you might use some flour and some eggs, a
little bit of milk and butter and then maybe some chocolate. In a
language you use sounds and words and when you mix them all together you
end up with a sentence. And just like in a cake it is important how you
combine the ingredients. If you put too much water in your cake you will
end up with a slimy sludge instead of a cake. In a language if you
don\'t put your words in the right order, if you don\'t follow the
language\'s recipe, then you end up with a slimy sludge too. Let\'s try
it with a simple sentence:
If we didn\'t follow the recipe we might get:
<div class="center">
*The moon is made of bright green cheese.*
*Cheese is made of the bright green moon.*
*Green made of the moon is cheese bright.*
And these are just two of the silly sentences you can make by not
following the recipe for the language correctly. Try some more by
yourself, for example you could try saying it in reverse
order---starting with the last word and going to the first. No matter
how you rearrange the words, there is only one correct recipe that says
that the moon is made of bright green cheese. Some of the other recipes
make sentences that make sense but don\'t say what we want them to say,
but most recipes just end up being silly. The \"recipe\" of a language
that determine which words go where, and what they mean is the *syntax*.
Without even realizing it, you already know the recipe to one
language---English. You know that putting words in some orders makes
sense but in others it doesn\'t. But imagine if you only ever had one
kind of cake. It would get boring. It\'s the same in languages: the more
different language recipes you know, the more fun it is.
If you wanted to make a language recipe there are two different ways you
could do it. The first is to get an existing language recipe (for
example, English) and use it to make a language cake, putting lots of
icing on it so that nobody other than you and your friends know that
underneath the icing it is really the same old cake. The other is to
make a whole new recipe from scratch. Because it is easier to add icing
to a cake that already exists rather than bake a whole new one, we\'ll
start with that.
## Putting the icing on our language cake
*Nac uoy daer siht ecnetnes? eno siht tuoba woH?*
If you can read English then you can read these sentences -- but you
might need a hint. When we write a normal word, we start at the left
side of a word and keep writing until we reach the right side. But what
if we started on the right side and wrote to the left---what if we wrote
words backwards? Try reading the sentences above again, but this time
read all the words backwards. You might find it easier if you try
writing them down.
So what did that say? Did it make sense? Try reading the second sentence
again but this time instead of reading each word backwards read the
whole sentence backwards. Now try saying it out loud. What does it sound
like? Is it difficult to say? Why are some of the words hard to say but
some of them are easy? We\'ll find out in a later section .
You can use talking or writing backwards as a secret language for you
and your friends.
## Making a language recipe from scratch
Remember the chapter on
Quenya? Well, it was a
language recipe that J.R.R. Tolkien made up. He spent a large part of
his life making Quenya and never really finished it, but don\'t worry:
while the language recipes we make here will not be complete like real
languages, they will still be usable, so you will be able to say simple
things to your friends with them, without anybody else knowing what you
are saying.
### How to make a language sound the way you want it to
### All the amazing things words can do
### Mixing all your words together to make sentences
# Linear Algebra/Introduction
book helps students to master the material of a standard undergraduate
linear algebra course.
The material is standard in that the topics covered are Gaussian
reduction, vector spaces, linear maps, determinants, and eigenvalues and
eigenvectors. The audience is also standard: sophomores or juniors,
usually with a background of at least one semester of calculus and
perhaps with as many as three semesters.
The help that it gives to students comes from taking a developmental
approach---this book\'s presentation emphasizes motivation and
naturalness, driven home by a wide variety of examples and extensive,
careful, exercises. The developmental approach is what sets this book
apart, so some expansion of the term is appropriate here.
Courses in the beginning of most mathematics programs reward students
less for understanding the theory and more for correctly applying
formulas and algorithms. Later courses ask for mathematical maturity:
the ability to follow different types of arguments, a familiarity with
the themes that underlie many mathematical investigations like
elementary set and function facts, and a capacity for some independent
reading and thinking. Linear algebra is an ideal spot to work on the
transition between the two kinds of courses. It comes early in a program
so that progress made here pays off later, but also comes late enough
that students are often majors and minors. The material is coherent,
accessible, and elegant. There are a variety of argument styles---proofs
by contradiction, if and only if statements, and proofs by induction,
for instance---and examples are plentiful.
So, the aim of this book\'s exposition is to help students develop from
being successful at their present level, in classes where a majority of
the members are interested mainly in applications in science or
engineering, to being successful at the next level, that of serious
students of the subject of mathematics itself.
Helping students make this transition means taking the mathematics
seriously, so all of the results in this book are proved. On the other
hand, we cannot assume that students have already arrived, and so in
contrast with more abstract texts, we give many examples and they are
often quite detailed.
In the past, linear algebra texts commonly made this transition
abruptly. They began with extensive computations of linear systems,
matrix multiplications, and determinants. When the concepts---vector
spaces and linear maps---finally appeared, and definitions and proofs
started, often the change brought students to a stop. In this book,
while we start with a computational topic, linear reduction, from the
first we do more than compute. We do linear systems quickly but
completely, including the proofs needed to justify what we are
computing. Then, with the linear systems work as motivation and at a
point where the study of linear combinations seems natural, the second
chapter starts with the definition of a real vector space. This occurs
by the end of the third week.
Another example of our emphasis on motivation and naturalness is that
the third chapter on linear maps does not begin with the definition of
homomorphism, but with that of isomorphism. That\'s because this
definition is easily motivated by the observation that some spaces are
\"just like\" others. After that, the next section takes the reasonable
step of defining homomorphism by isolating the operation-preservation
idea. This approach loses mathematical slickness, but it is a good trade
because it comes in return for a large gain in sensibility to students.
One aim of a developmental approach is that students should feel
throughout the presentation that they can see how the ideas arise, and
perhaps picture themselves doing the same type of work.
The clearest example of the developmental approach taken here---and the
feature that most recommends this book---is the exercises. A student
progresses most while doing the exercises, so they have been selected
with great care. Each problem set ranges from simple checks to
reasonably involved proofs. Since an instructor usually assigns about a
dozen exercises after each lecture, each section ends with about twice
that many, thereby providing a selection. There are even a few problems
that are challenging puzzles taken from various journals, competitions,
or problems collections. (These are marked with a \"**?**\" and as part
of the fun, the original wording has been retained as much as possible.)
In total, the exercises are aimed to both build an ability at, and help
students experience the pleasure of, *doing* mathematics.
## Applications and Computers.
The point of view taken here, that linear algebra is about vector spaces
and linear maps, is not taken to the complete exclusion of others.
Applications and the role of the computer are important and vital
aspects of the subject. Consequently, each of this book\'s chapters
closes with a few application or computer-related topics. Some are:
network flows, the speed and accuracy of computer linear reductions,
Leontief Input/Output analysis, dimensional analysis, Markov chains,
voting paradoxes, analytic projective geometry, and difference
These topics are brief enough to be done in a day\'s class or to be
given as independent projects for individuals or small groups. Most
simply give the reader a taste of the subject, discuss how linear
algebra comes in, point to some further reading, and give a few
exercises. In short, these topics invite readers to see for themselves
that linear algebra is a tool that a professional must have.
## For people reading this book on their own.
This book\'s emphasis on motivation and development make it a good
choice for self-study. But, while a professional instructor can judge
what pace and topics suit a class, if you are an independent student
then perhaps you would find some advice helpful.
Here are two timetables for a semester. The first focuses on core
<TABLE border=1px style="margin:auto;">
<TD style="border-bottom: 2px-black-solid">
<TD style="border-bottom: 2px-black-solid">
<TD style="border-bottom: 2px-black-solid">
<TD style="border-bottom: 2px-black-solid">
One.I.1, 2
One.I.2, 3
One.III.1, 2
Two.III.1, 2
Two.III.2, 3
Three.IV.1, 2
Three.IV.2, 3, 4
Three.IV.4, Three.V.1
Three.V.1, 2
Four.I.1, 2
The second timetable is more ambitious (it supposes that you know
One.II, the elements of vectors, usually covered in third semester
<TABLE border=1px style="margin:auto;">
One.III.1, 2
Three.IV.1, 2
Four.II, Four.III.1
Four.III.2, 3
Five.II.1, 2
Five.IV.1, 2
See the table of contents for the titles of these subsections.
To help you make time trade-offs, in the table of contents I have marked
subsections as optional if some instructors will pass over them in favor
of spending more time elsewhere. You might also try picking one or two
topics that appeal to you from the end of each chapter. You\'ll get more
from these if you have access to computer software that can do the big
The most important advice is: do many exercises. The recommended
exercises are labeled throughout. (The answers are available.) You
should be aware, however, that few inexperienced people can write
correct proofs. Try to find a knowledgeable person to work with you on
Finally, if I may, a caution for all students, independent or not: I
cannot overemphasize how much the statement that I sometimes hear, \"I
understand the material, but it\'s only that I have trouble with the
problems\" reveals a lack of understanding of what we are up to. Being
able to do things with the ideas is their point. The quotes below
express this sentiment admirably. They state what I believe is the key
to both the beauty and the power of mathematics and the sciences in
general, and of linear algebra in particular (I took the liberty of
formatting them as poems).
*I know of no better tactic*\
* than the illustration of exciting principles*\
*by well-chosen particulars.*\
*\--Stephen Jay Gould*
*If you really wish to learn*\
* then you must mount the machine*\
* and become acquainted with its tricks*\
*by actual trial.*\
*\--Wilbur Wright*
Jim Hefferon\
Mathematics, Saint Michael\'s College\
Colchester, Vermont USA 05439\
*Author\'s Note.* Inventing a good exercise, one that enlightens as well
as tests, is a creative act, and hard work.
The inventor deserves recognition. But for some reason texts have
traditionally not given attributions for questions. I have changed that
here where I was sure of the source. I would greatly appreciate hearing
from anyone who can help me to correctly attribute others of the
# Linear Algebra/Gauss' Method
|current=Gauss' Method
|previous=Solving Linear Systems
Finding the set of all solutions is
the system. No guesswork or good fortune is needed to solve a linear
system. There is an algorithm that always works. The next example
introduces that algorithm, called **Gauss\'
method**. It transforms the
system, step by step, into one with a form that is easily solved.
Most of this subsection and the next one consists of examples of solving
linear systems by Gauss\' method. We will use it throughout this book.
It is fast and easy. But, before we get to those examples, we will first
show that this method is also safe in that it never loses solutions or
picks up extraneous solutions.
Each of those three operations has a restriction. Multiplying a row by
$0$ is not allowed because obviously that can change the solution set of
the system. Similarly, adding a multiple of a row to itself is not
allowed because adding $-1$ times the row to itself has the effect of
multiplying the row by $0$. Finally, swapping a row with itself is
disallowed to make some results in the fourth chapter easier to state
and remember (and besides, self-swapping doesn\'t accomplish anything).
When writing out the calculations, we will abbreviate \"row $i$\" by
\"$\rho_i$\". For instance, we will denote a pivot operation by
$k\rho_i+\rho_j$, with the row that is changed written second. We will
also, to save writing, often list pivot steps together when they use the
same $\rho_i$.
As these examples illustrate, Gauss\' method uses the elementary
reduction operations to set up back-substitution.
Strictly speaking, the operation of rescaling rows is not needed to
solve linear systems. We have included it because we will use it later
in this chapter as part of a variation on Gauss\' method, the
Gauss-Jordan method.
All of the systems seen so far have the same number of equations as
unknowns. All of them have a solution, and for all of them there is only
one solution. We finish this subsection by seeing for contrast some
other things that can happen.
That example\'s system has more equations than variables. Gauss\' method
is also useful on systems with more variables than equations. Many
examples are in the next subsection.
Another way that linear systems can differ from the examples shown
earlier is that some linear systems do not have a unique solution. This
can happen in two ways.
The first is that it can fail to have any solution at all.
The other way that a linear system can fail to have a unique solution is
to have many solutions.
Don\'t be fooled by the \"$0=0$\" equation in that example. It is not
the signal that a system has many solutions.
We will finish this subsection with a summary of what we\'ve seen so far
about Gauss\' method.
Gauss\' method uses the three row operations to set a system up for back
substitution. If any step shows a contradictory equation then we can
stop with the conclusion that the system has no solutions. If we reach
echelon form without a contradictory equation, and each variable is a
leading variable in its row, then the system has a unique solution and
we find it by back substitution. Finally, if we reach echelon form
without a contradictory equation, and there is not a unique solution (at
least one variable is not a leading variable) then the system has many
The next subsection deals with the third case--- we will see how to
describe the solution set of a system with many solutions.
## Exercises
## References
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# Linear Algebra/Describing the Solution Set
|current=Describing the Solution Set
|previous=Gauss' Method
A linear system with a unique solution has a solution set with one
element. A linear system with no solution has a solution set that is
empty. In these cases the solution set is easy to describe. Solution
sets are a challenge to describe only when they contain many elements.
In the echelon form system derived in the above example, $x$ and $y$ are
leading variables and $z$ is free.
We refer to a variable used to describe a family of solutions as a
**parameter** and we say that the set above is **parametrized** with $y$
and $w$ . (The terms \"parameter\" and \"free variable\" do not mean the
same thing. Above, $y$ and $w$ are free because in the echelon form
system they do not lead any row. They are parameters because they are
used in the solution set description. We could have instead parametrized
with $y$ and $z$ by rewriting the second equation as
$w=\frac23-\frac13z$ . In that case, the free variables are still $y$
and $w$ , but the parameters are $y$ and $z$ . Notice that we could not
have parametrized with $x$ and $y$ , so there is sometimes a restriction
on the choice of parameters. The terms \"parameter\" and \"free\" are
related because, as we shall show later in this chapter, the solution
set of a system can always be parametrized with the free variables.
Consequently, we shall parametrize all of our descriptions in this way.)
We finish this subsection by developing the notation for linear systems
and their solution sets that we shall use in the rest of this book.
Matrices are usually named by upper case roman letters, e.g. $A$ . Each
entry is denoted by the corresponding lower-case letter, e.g. $a_{i,j}$
is the number in row $i$ and column $j$ of the array. For instance,
has two rows and three columns, and so is a $2\times3$ matrix. (Read
that \"two-by-three\"; the number of rows is always stated first.) The
entry in the second row and first column is $a_{2,1}=3$ . Note that the
order of the subscripts matters: $a_{1,2}\ne a_{2,1}$ since
$a_{1,2}=2.2$ . (The parentheses around the array are a typographic
device so that when two matrices are side by side we can tell where one
ends and the other starts.)
Matrices occur throughout this book. We shall use
$\mathcal{M}_{n\times m}$ to denote the collection of $n\times m$
We will also use the array notation to clarify the descriptions of
solution sets. A description like
$\{(2-2z+2w,-1+z-w,z,w)\big|z,w\in\R\}$ from Example
2.3 is hard to read. We will rewrite it to
group all the constants together, all the coefficients of $z$ together,
and all the coefficients of $w$ together. We will write them vertically,
in one-column wide matrices.
For instance, the top line says that $x=2-2z+2w$ . The next section
gives a geometric interpretation that will help us picture the solution
sets when they are written in this way.
Vectors are an exception to the convention of representing matrices with
capital roman letters. We use lower-case roman or greek letters
overlined with an arrow: $\vec a,\vec b$ \... or
$\vec{\alpha},\vec{\beta}$ \... (boldface is also common: $\mathbf{a}$
or $\boldsymbol{\alpha}$). For instance, this is a column vector with a
third component of $7$ .
$$\vec v=\begin{pmatrix}1\\3\\7\end{pmatrix}$$
The style of description of solution sets that we use involves adding
the vectors, and also multiplying them by real numbers, such as the $z$
and $w$ . We need to define these operations.
Scalar multiplication can be written in either order: $r\cdot\vec v$ or
$\vec v\cdot r$ , or without the \"$\cdot$\" symbol: $r\vec v$ . (Do not
refer to scalar multiplication as \"scalar product\" because that name
is used for a different operation.)
Notice that the definitions of vector addition and scalar multiplication
agree where they overlap, for instance, $\vec v+\vec v=2\vec v$ .
With the notation defined, we can now solve systems in the way that we
will use throughout this book.
Before the exercises, we pause to point out some things that we have yet
to do.
The first two subsections have been on the mechanics of Gauss\' method.
Except for one result, Theorem
1.4 --- without
which developing the method doesn\'t make sense since it says that the
method gives the right answers--- we have not stopped to consider any of
the interesting questions that arise.
For example, can we always describe solution sets as above, with a
particular solution vector added to an unrestricted linear combination
of some other vectors? The solution sets we described with unrestricted
parameters were easily seen to have infinitely many solutions so an
answer to this question could tell us something about the size of
solution sets. An answer to that question could also help us picture the
solution sets, in $\mathbb{R}^2$, or in $\mathbb{R}^3$, etc.
Many questions arise from the observation that Gauss\' method can be
done in more than one way (for instance, when swapping rows, we may have
a choice of which row to swap with). Theorem
1.4 says that
we must get the same solution set no matter how we proceed, but if we do
Gauss\' method in two different ways must we get the same number of free
variables both times, so that any two solution set descriptions have the
same number of parameters? Must those be the same variables (e.g., is it
impossible to solve a problem one way and get $y$ and $w$ free or solve
it another way and get $y$ and $z$ free)?
In the rest of this chapter we answer these questions. The answer to
each is \"yes\". The first question is answered in the last subsection
of this section. In the second section we give a geometric description
of solution sets. In the final section of this chapter we tackle the
last set of questions. Consequently, by the end of the first chapter we
will not only have a solid grounding in the practice of Gauss\' method,
we will also have a solid grounding in the theory. We will be sure of
what can and cannot happen in a reduction.
## Exercises
## References
- *The USSR Mathematics Olympiad*, number 174.
# Linear Algebra/General = Particular + Homogeneous
|current=General = Particular + Homogeneous
|previous=Describing the Solution Set
## Description of Solution Sets
The prior subsection has many descriptions of solution sets. They all
fit a pattern. They have a vector that is a particular solution of the
system added to an unrestricted combination of some other vectors. The
solution set from Example
\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 4 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}}_{\begin{array}{c}\\[-19pt]\scriptstyle\text{particular} \\[-5pt]\scriptstyle\text{solution}\end{array}}+
\underbrace{w\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ -1 \\ 3 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}+
u\begin{pmatrix} 1/2 \\ -1 \\ 1/2 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix}}_{\begin{array}{c}\\[-19pt]\scriptstyle\text{unrestricted}\\[-5pt]\scriptstyle\text{combination}\end{array}}
\,\big|\, w,u\in\mathbb{R}\right\}$$
The combination is unrestricted in that $w$ and $u$ can be any real
numbers--- there is no condition like \"such that $2w-u=0$\" that would
restrict which pairs $w,u$ can be used to form combinations.
That example shows an infinite solution set conforming to the pattern.
We can think of the other two kinds of solution sets as also fitting the
same pattern. A one-element solution set fits in that it has a
particular solution, and the unrestricted combination part is a trivial
sum (that is, instead of being a combination of two vectors, as above,
or a combination of one vector, it is a combination of no vectors). A
zero-element solution set fits the pattern since there is no particular
solution, and so the set of sums of that form is empty.
We will show that the examples from the prior subsection are
representative, in that the description pattern discussed above holds
for every solution set.
This description has two parts, the particular solution $\vec{p}$ and
also the unrestricted linear combination of the $\vec{\beta}$\'s. We
shall prove the theorem in two corresponding parts, with two lemmas.
## Homogeneous Systems
We will focus first on the unrestricted combination part. To do that, we
consider systems that have the vector of zeroes as one of the particular
solutions, so that $\vec{p}+c_1\vec{\beta}_1+\dots+c_k\vec{\beta}_k$ can
be shortened to $c_1\vec{\beta}_1+\dots+c_k\vec{\beta}_k$.
(These are \"homogeneous\" because all of the terms involve the same
power of their variable--- the first power--- including a \"$0x_{0}$\"
that we can imagine is on the right side.)
Studying the associated homogeneous system has a great advantage over
studying the original system. Nonhomogeneous systems can be
inconsistent. But a homogeneous system must be consistent since there is
always at least one solution, the vector of zeros.
There are many different zero vectors, e.g., the one-tall zero vector,
the two-tall zero vector, etc. Nonetheless, people often refer to
\"the\" zero vector, expecting that the size of the one being discussed
will be clear from the context.
We now have the terminology to prove the two parts of Theorem
3.1 . The first lemma deals with
unrestricted combinations.
Before the proof, we will recall the back substitution calculations that
were done in the prior subsection.
Imagine that we have brought a system to this echelon form.
x &+ &2y &- &z &+ &2w &= &0 \\
& &-3y &+ &z & & &= &0 \\
& & & & & &-w &= &0
We next perform back-substitution to express each variable in terms of
the free variable $z$. Working from the bottom up, we get first that $w$
is $0\cdot z$, next that $y$ is $(1/3)\cdot z$, and then substituting
those two into the top equation $x+2((1/3)z)-z+2(0)=0$ gives
$x=(1/3)\cdot z$. So, back substitution gives a parametrization of the
solution set by starting at the bottom equation and using the free
variables as the parameters to work row-by-row to the top. The proof
below follows this pattern.
*Comment:* That is, this proof just does a verification of the
bookkeeping in back substitution to show that we haven\'t overlooked any
obscure cases where this procedure fails, say, by leading to a division
by zero. So this argument, while quite detailed, doesn\'t give us any
new insights. Nevertheless, we have written it out for two reasons. The
first reason is that we need the result--- the computational procedure
that we employ must be verified to work as promised.
The second reason is that the
row-by-row nature of back substitution leads to a proof that uses the
technique of mathematical induction.[^1] This is an important, and
non-obvious, proof technique that we shall use a number of times in this
book. Doing an induction argument here gives us a chance to see one in a
setting where the proof material is easy to follow, and so the technique
can be studied. Readers who are unfamiliar with induction arguments
should be sure to master this one and the ones later in this chapter
before going on to the second chapter.
`</math>`{=html} and substitute its expression in terms of free
variables. The result has the form
\text{sums of multiples of free variables}=0$$
where $a_{m-(t+1),\ell_{m-(t+1)}}\neq 0$. We move the free variables to
the right-hand side and divide by $a_{m-(t+1),\ell_{m-(t+1)}}$, to end
with $x_{\ell_{m-(t+1)}}$ expressed in terms of free variables.
Because we have shown both the base step and the inductive step, by the
principle of mathematical induction the proposition is true. }}
We say that the set
$\{c_1\vec{\beta}_1+\cdots+c_k\vec{\beta}_k \,\big|\, c_1,\ldots,c_k\in\mathbb{R}\}$
is **generated by** or **spanned by** the set of vectors
$\{{\vec{\beta}_1},\ldots,{\vec{\beta}_k}\}$. There is a tricky point to
this definition. If a homogeneous system has a unique solution, the zero
vector, then we say the solution set is generated by the empty set of
vectors. This fits with the pattern of the other solution sets: in the
proof above the solution set is derived by taking the $c$\'s to be the
free variables and if there is a unique solution then there are no free
This proof incidentally shows, as discussed after Example
, that solution sets can always be parametrized using the free
## Nonhomogeneous Systems
The next lemma finishes the proof of Theorem
3.1 by considering the particular
solution part of the solution set\'s description.
The two lemmas above together establish Theorem
3.1 . We remember that theorem with
the slogan
\"$\text{General} = \text{Particular} + \text{Homogeneous}$\".
This table summarizes the factors affecting the size of a general
| | | *number of solutions of the*\ | |
| | | *associated homogeneous system* | |
| | | *one* | *infinitely many* |
| *particular*\ | *yes* | unique\ | infinitely many\ |
| *solution*\ | | solution | solutions |
| *exists?* | | | |
| *no* | no\ | no\ | |
| | solutions | solutions | |
The factor on the top of the table is the simpler one. When we perform
Gauss\' method on a linear system, ignoring the constants on the right
side and so paying attention only to the coefficients on the left-hand
side, we either end with every variable leading some row or else we find
that some variable does not lead a row, that is, that some variable is
free. (Of course, \"ignoring the constants on the right\" is formalized
by considering the associated homogeneous system. We are simply putting
aside for the moment the possibility of a contradictory equation.)
A nice insight into the factor on the top of this table at work comes
from considering the case of a system having the same number of
equations as variables. This system will have a solution, and the
solution will be unique, if and only if it reduces to an echelon form
system where every variable leads its row, which will happen if and only
if the associated homogeneous system has a unique solution. Thus, the
question of uniqueness of solution is especially interesting when the
system has the same number of equations as variables.
The above table has two factors. We have already considered the factor
along the top: we can tell which column a given linear system goes in
solely by considering the system\'s left-hand side--- the constants on
the right-hand side play no role in this factor. The table\'s other
factor, determining whether a particular solution exists, is tougher.
Consider these two
3x &+ &2y &= &5 \\
3x &+ &2y &= &5
3x &+ &2y &= &5 \\
3x &+ &2y &= &4
with the same left sides but different right sides. Obviously, the first
has a solution while the second does not, so here the constants on the
right side decide if the system has a solution. We could conjecture that
the left side of a linear system determines the number of solutions
while the right side determines if solutions exist, but that guess is
not correct. Compare these two systems
3x &+ &2y &= &5 \\
4x &+ &2y &= &4
3x &+ &2y &= &5 \\
3x &+ &2y &= &4
with the same right sides but different left sides. The first has a
solution but the second does not. Thus the constants on the right side
of a system don\'t decide alone whether a solution exists; rather, it
depends on some interaction between the left and right sides.
For some intuition about that interaction, consider this system with one
of the coefficients left as the parameter $c$.
x &+ &2y &+ &3z &= &1 \\
x &+ &y &+ &z &= &1 \\
cx &+ &3y &+ &4z &= &0
If $c=2$ this system has no solution because the left-hand side has the
third row as a sum of the first two, while the right-hand does not. If
$c\neq 2$ this system has a unique solution (try it with $c=1$). For a
system to have a solution, if one row of the matrix of coefficients on
the left is a linear combination of other rows, then on the right the
constant from that row must be the same combination of constants from
the same rows.
More intuition about the interaction comes from studying linear
combinations. That will be our focus in the second chapter, after we
finish the study of Gauss\' method itself in the rest of this chapter.
## Exercises
## Footnotes
|current=General = Particular + Homogeneous
|previous=Describing the Solution Set
|next=Comparing Set Descriptions}}`{=mediawiki}
[^1]: More information on mathematical induction is in the appendix.
# Linear Algebra/Comparing Set Descriptions
|current=Comparing Set Descriptions
|previous=General = Particular + Homogeneous
*This subsection is optional. Later material will not require the work
## Comparing Set Descriptions
A set can be described in many different ways. Here are two different
descriptions of a single set:
$$\{\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \\ 3 \end{pmatrix}z\,\big|\, z\in\mathbb{R}\}
\{\begin{pmatrix} 2 \\ 4 \\ 6 \end{pmatrix}w\,\big|\, w\in\mathbb{R}\}.$$
For instance, this set contains
$$\begin{pmatrix} 5 \\ 10 \\ 15 \end{pmatrix}$$
(take $z=5$ and $w=5/2$) but does not contain
$$\begin{pmatrix} 4 \\ 8 \\ 11 \end{pmatrix}$$
(the first component gives $z=4$ but that clashes with the third
component, similarly the first component gives $w=4/5$ but the third
component gives something different). Here is a third description of the
same set:
$$\{\begin{pmatrix} 3 \\ 6 \\ 9 \end{pmatrix}+\begin{pmatrix} -1 \\ -2 \\ -3 \end{pmatrix}y\,\big|\, y\in\mathbb{R}\}.$$
We need to decide when two descriptions are describing the same set.
More pragmatically stated, how can a person tell when an answer to a
homework question describes the same set as the one described in the
back of the book?
## Set Equality
Sets are equal if and only if they have the same members.
A common way to show that two
sets, $S_1$ and $S_2$, are equal is to show mutual inclusion: any member
of $S_1$ is also in $S_2$, and any member of $S_2$ is also in $S_1$.[^1]
## Exercises
## Footnotes
|current=Comparing Set Descriptions
|previous=General = Particular + Homogeneous
[^1]: More information on set equality is in the appendix.
# Linear Algebra/Automation
|previous=Comparing Set Descriptions
This is a PASCAL routine to do $k\rho_i+\rho_j$ to an augmented matrix.
``` pascal
PROCEDURE Pivot(VAR LinSys : AugMat;
k : REAL;
i, j : INTEGER)
FOR Col:=1 TO NumVars+1 DO
Of course this is only one part of a whole program, but it makes the
point that Gaussian reduction is ideal for computer coding.
There are pitfalls, however. For example, some arise from the
computer\'s use of finite-precision approximations of real numbers.
These systems provide a simple example.

(The second two lines are hard to tell apart.) Both have $(1,1)$ as
their unique solution.
In the first system, some small change in the numbers will produce only
a small change in the solution:
x &+ &2y &= &3 \\
3x &- &2y &= &1.008
gives a solution of $(1.002,0.999)$. Geometrically, changing one of the
lines by a small amount does not change the intersection point by very
That\'s not true for the second system. A small change in the
x &+ &2y &= &3 \\
1.000\,000\,01x &+ &2y &= &3.000\,000\,03
leads to a completely different answer: $(3,0)$.
The solution of the second example varies wildly, depending on a $9$-th
digit. That\'s bad news for a machine using $8$ digits to represent
reals. In short, systems that are nearly singular may be hard to compute
Another thing that can go wrong is error propagation. In a system with a
large number of equations (say, 100 or more), small rounding errors
early in the procedure can snowball to overwhelm the solution at the
These issues, and many others like them, are outside the scope of this
book, but remember that just because Gauss\' method always works in
theory and just because a program correctly implements that method and
just because the answer appears on green-bar paper, doesn\'t mean that
answer is right. In practice, always use a package where experts have
# Linear Algebra/Linear Geometry of n-Space
|current=Linear Geometry of n-Space
who have seen the elements of vectors before, in calculus or physics,
this section is an optional review. However, later work will refer to
this material so it is not optional if it is not a review.*
In the first section, we had to do a bit of work to show that there are
only three types of solution sets--- singleton, empty, and infinite. But
in the special case of systems with two equations and two unknowns this
is easy to see. Draw each two-unknowns equation as a line in the plane
and then the two lines could have a unique intersection, be parallel, or
be the same line.
<TABLE border=0px cellpadding=20px style="text-align:center;margin:auto;">
*Unique solution*
*No solutions*
*Infinitely many*\
\scriptstyle 3x &\scriptstyle + &\scriptstyle 2y &\scriptstyle = &\scriptstyle 7 \\[-5pt]
\scriptstyle x &\scriptstyle - &\scriptstyle y &\scriptstyle = &\scriptstyle -1
\scriptstyle 3x &\scriptstyle + &\scriptstyle 2y &\scriptstyle = &\scriptstyle 7 \\[-5pt]
\scriptstyle 3x &\scriptstyle + &\scriptstyle 2y &\scriptstyle = &\scriptstyle 4
$\scriptstyle \begin{array}{*{2}{rc}r}
\scriptstyle 3x &\scriptstyle + &\scriptstyle 2y &\scriptstyle = &\scriptstyle 7 \\[-5pt]
\scriptstyle 6x &\scriptstyle + &\scriptstyle 4y &\scriptstyle = &\scriptstyle 14
These pictures don\'t prove the results from the prior section, which
apply to any number of linear equations and any number of unknowns, but
nonetheless they do help us to understand those results. This section
develops the ideas that we need to express our results from the prior
section, and from some future sections, geometrically. In particular,
while the two-dimensional case is familiar, to extend to systems with
more than two unknowns we shall need some higher-dimensional geometry.
|current=Linear Geometry of n-Space
|next=Vectors in Space}}`{=mediawiki}
# Linear Algebra/Vectors in Space
|current=Vectors in Space
|previous=Linear Geometry of n-Space
\"Higher-dimensional geometry\" sounds exotic. It is exotic---
interesting and eye-opening. But it isn\'t distant or unreachable.
We begin by defining one-dimensional space to be the set $\mathbb{R}^1$.
To see that definition is reasonable, draw a one-dimensional space
and make the usual correspondence with $\mathbb{R}$: pick a point to
label $0$ and another to label $1$.
Now, with a scale and a direction, finding the point corresponding to,
say $+2.17$, is easy--- start at $0$ and head in the direction of $1$
(i.e., the positive direction), but don\'t stop there, go $2.17$ times
as far.
The basic idea here, combining magnitude with direction, is the key to
extending to higher dimensions.
An object comprised of a magnitude and a direction is a **vector** (we
will use the same word as in the previous section because we shall show
below how to describe such an object with a column vector). We can draw
a vector as having some length, and pointing somewhere.

There is a subtlety here--- these vectors
are equal, even though they start in different places, because they have
equal lengths and equal directions. Again: those vectors are not just
alike, they are equal.
How can things that are in different places be equal? Think of a vector
as representing a displacement (\"vector\" is Latin for \"carrier\" or
\"traveler\"). These squares undergo the same displacement, despite that
those displacements start in different places.

Sometimes, to emphasize this property vectors have of not being
anchored, they are referred to as **free** vectors. Thus, these free
vectors are equal as each is a displacement of one over and two up.

More generally, vectors in the plane are the same if and only if they
have the same change in first components and the same change in second
components: the vector extending from $(a_1,a_2)$ to $(b_1,b_2)$ equals
the vector from $(c_1,c_2)$ to $(d_1,d_2)$ if and only if
$b_1-a_1=d_1-c_1$ and $b_2-a_2=d_2-c_2$.
An expression like \"the vector that, were it to start at $(a_1,a_2)$,
would extend to $(b_1,b_2)$\" is awkward. We instead describe such a
vector as
$$\begin{pmatrix} b_1-a_1 \\ b_2-a_2 \end{pmatrix}$$
so that, for instance, the \"one over and two up\" arrows shown above
picture this vector.
$$\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \end{pmatrix}$$
We often draw the arrow as starting at the origin, and we then say it is
in the **canonical position** (or **natural position**). When the vector
$$\begin{pmatrix} b_1-a_1 \\ b_2-a_2 \end{pmatrix}$$
is in its canonical position then it extends to the endpoint
We typically just refer to \"the point
$$\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \end{pmatrix}$$\"
rather than \"the endpoint of the canonical position of\" that vector.
Thus, we will call both of these sets $\mathbb{R}^2$.
$$\{(x_1,x_2)\,\big|\, x_1,x_2\in\mathbb{R}\}
\{\begin{pmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \end{pmatrix}\,\big|\, x_1,x_2\in\mathbb{R}\}$$
In the prior section we defined vectors and vector operations with an
algebraic motivation;
$$r\cdot\begin{pmatrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} rv_1 \\ rv_2 \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} w_1 \\ w_2 \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} v_1+w_1 \\ v_2+w_2 \end{pmatrix}$$
we can now interpret those operations geometrically. For instance, if
$\vec{v}$ represents a displacement then $3\vec{v}\,$ represents a
displacement in the same direction but three times as far, and
$-1\vec{v}\,$ represents a displacement of the same distance as
$\vec{v}\,$ but in the opposite direction.

And, where $\vec{v}$ and $\vec{w}$ represent displacements,
$\vec{v}+\vec{w}$ represents those displacements combined.

The long arrow is the combined displacement in this sense: if, in one
minute, a ship\'s motion gives it the displacement relative to the earth
of $\vec{v}$ and a passenger\'s motion gives a displacement relative to
the ship\'s deck of $\vec{w}$, then $\vec{v}+\vec{w}$ is the
displacement of the passenger relative to the earth.
Another way to understand the vector sum is with the **parallelogram
rule**. Draw the parallelogram formed by the vectors
$\vec{v}_1,\vec{v}_2$ and then the sum $\vec{v}_1+\vec{v}_2$ extends
along the diagonal to the far corner.

The above drawings show how vectors and vector operations behave in
$\mathbb{R}^2$. We can extend to $\mathbb{R}^3$, or to even
higher-dimensional spaces where we have no pictures, with the obvious
generalization: the free vector that, if it starts at
$(a_1,\ldots,a_n)$, ends at $(b_1,\ldots,b_n)$, is represented by this
$$\begin{pmatrix} b_1-a_1 \\ \vdots \\ b_n-a_n \end{pmatrix}$$
(vectors are equal if they have the same representation), we aren\'t too
careful to distinguish between a point and the vector whose canonical
representation ends at that point,
\{\begin{pmatrix} v_1 \\ \vdots \\ v_n \end{pmatrix}\,\big|\, v_1,\ldots,v_n\in\mathbb{R}\}$$
and addition and scalar multiplication are component-wise.
Having considered points, we now turn to the lines.
In $\mathbb{R}^2$, the line through $(1,2)$ and $(3,1)$ s comprised of
(the endpoints of) the vectors in this set
$$\{ \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \end{pmatrix}+t\cdot\begin{pmatrix} 2 \\ -1 \end{pmatrix}\,\big|\, t\in\mathbb{R}\}$$
That description expresses this picture.

The vector associated with the parameter $t$ has its whole body in the
line--- it is a **direction vector** for the line. Note that points on
the line to the left of $x=1$ are described using negative values of
In $\mathbb{R}^3$, the line through $(1,2,1)$ and $(2,3,2)$ is the set
of (endpoints of) vectors of this form

and lines in even higher-dimensional spaces work in the same way.
If a line uses one parameter, so that there is freedom to move back and
forth in one dimension, then a plane must involve two. For example, the
plane through the points $(1,0,5)$, $(2,1,-3)$, and $(-2,4,0.5)$
consists of (endpoints of) the vectors in
$$\{ \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 5 \end{pmatrix}
+t\cdot\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ -8 \end{pmatrix}
+s\cdot\begin{pmatrix} -3 \\ 4 \\ -4.5 \end{pmatrix}
\,\big|\, t,s\in\mathbb{R} \}$$
(the column vectors associated with the parameters
$$\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ -8 \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} 2 \\ 1 \\ -3 \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 5 \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} -3 \\ 4 \\ -4.5 \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} -2 \\ 4 \\ 0.5 \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 5 \end{pmatrix}$$
are two vectors whose whole bodies lie in the plane). As with the line,
note that some points in this plane are described with negative $t$\'s
or negative $s$\'s or both.
A description of planes that is often encountered in algebra and
calculus uses a single equation as the condition that describes the
relationship among the first, second, and third coordinates of points in
a plane.

The translation from such a description to the vector description that
we favor in this book is to think of the condition as a one-equation
linear system and parametrize $x=(1/2)(4-y-z)$.

Generalizing from lines and planes, we define a **$k$-dimensional linear
surface** (or **$k$-flat**) in $\mathbb{R}^n$ to be
$\{\vec{p}+t_1\vec{v}_1+t_2\vec{v}_2+\cdots+t_k\vec{v}_k \,\big|\, t_1,\ldots ,t_k\in\mathbb{R}\}$
where $\vec{v}_1,\ldots,\vec{v}_k\in\mathbb{R}^n$. For example, in
$$\{\begin{pmatrix} 2 \\ \pi \\ 3 \\ -0.5 \end{pmatrix}
+t\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}
\,\big|\, t\in\mathbb{R}\}$$
is a line,
\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}
+t\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 0 \\ -1 \end{pmatrix}
+s\begin{pmatrix} 2 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}
\,\big|\, t,s\in\mathbb{R}\}$$
is a plane, and
\begin{pmatrix} 3 \\ 1 \\ -2 \\ 0.5 \end{pmatrix}
+r\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ -1 \end{pmatrix}
+s\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}
+t\begin{pmatrix} 2 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}
\,\big|\, r,s,t\in\mathbb{R}\}$$
is a three-dimensional linear surface. Again, the intuition is that a
line permits motion in one direction, a plane permits motion in
combinations of two directions, etc.
A linear surface description can be misleading about the dimension---
\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ -1 \\ -2 \end{pmatrix}
+t\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 0 \\ -1 \end{pmatrix}
+s\begin{pmatrix} 2 \\ 2 \\ 0 \\ -2 \end{pmatrix}
\,\big|\, t,s\in\mathbb{R}\}$$
is a **degenerate** plane because it is actually a line.
\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ -1 \\ -2 \end{pmatrix}
+r\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 0 \\ -1 \end{pmatrix}
\,\big|\, r\in\mathbb{R}\}$$
We shall see in the Linear Independence section of Chapter Two what
relationships among vectors causes the linear surface they generate to
be degenerate.
We finish this subsection by restating our conclusions from the first
section in geometric terms. First, the solution set of a linear system
with $n$ unknowns is a linear surface in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Specifically,
it is a $k$-dimensional linear surface, where $k$ is the number of free
variables in an echelon form version of the system. Second, the solution
set of a homogeneous linear system is a linear surface passing through
the origin. Finally, we can view the general solution set of any linear
system as being the solution set of its associated homogeneous system
offset from the origin by a vector, namely by any particular solution.
## Exercises
## References
- .
- .
# Linear Algebra/Length and Angle Measures
|current=Length and Angle Measures
|previous=Vectors in Space
translated the first section\'s results about solution sets into
geometric terms for insight into how those sets look. But we must watch
out not to be mislead by our own terms; labeling subsets of
$\mathbb{R}^k$ of the forms
$\{\vec{p}+t\vec{v}\,\big|\, t\in\mathbb{R}\}$ and
$\{\vec{p}+t\vec{v}+s\vec{w}\,\big|\, t,s\in\mathbb{R}\}$ as \"lines\"
and \"planes\" doesn\'t make them act like the lines and planes of our
prior experience. Rather, we must ensure that the names suit the sets.
While we can\'t prove that the sets satisfy our intuition--- we can\'t
prove anything about intuition--- in this subsection we\'ll observe that
a result familiar from $\mathbb{R}^2$ and $\mathbb{R}^3$, when
generalized to arbitrary $\mathbb{R}^k$, supports the idea that a line
is straight and a plane is flat. Specifically, we\'ll see how to do
Euclidean geometry in a \"plane\" by giving a definition of the angle
between two $\mathbb{R}^n$ vectors in the plane that they generate.
We can use that definition to derive a formula for the angle between two
vectors. For a model of what to do, consider two vectors in
Put them in canonical position and, in the plane that they determine,
consider the triangle formed by $\vec{u}$, $\vec{v}$, and
Apply the Law of Cosines, $|\vec{u}-\vec{v}\,|^2
2\,|\vec{u}\,|\,|\vec{v}\,|\cos\theta$, where $\theta$ is the angle
between the vectors. Expand both sides
and simplify.
|\vec{u}\,|\,|\vec{v}\,| }\,)$$
In higher dimensions no picture suffices but we can make the same
argument analytically. First, the form of the numerator is clear--- it
comes from the middle terms of the squares $(u_1-v_1)^2$, $(u_2-v_2)^2$,
Note that the dot product of two vectors is a real number, not a vector,
and that the dot product of a vector from $\mathbb{R}^n$ with a vector
from $\mathbb{R}^m$ is defined only when $n$ equals $m$. Note also this
relationship between dot product and length: dotting a vector with
itself gives its length squared
Still reasoning with letters, but guided by the pictures, we use the
next theorem to argue that the triangle formed by $\vec{u}$, $\vec{v}$,
and $\vec{u}-\vec{v}$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ lies in the planar subset of
$\mathbb{R}^n$ generated by $\vec{u}$ and $\vec{v}$.
This inequality is the source of the familiar saying, \"The shortest
distance between two points is in a straight line.\"
This result supports the intuition that even in higher-dimensional
spaces, lines are straight and planes are flat. For any two points in a
linear surface, the line segment connecting them is contained in that
surface (this is easily checked from the definition). But if the surface
has a bend then that would allow for a shortcut (shown here grayed,
while the segment from $P$ to $Q$ that is contained in the surface is
Because the Triangle Inequality says that in any $\mathbb{R}^n$, the
shortest cut between two endpoints is simply the line segment connecting
them, linear surfaces have no such bends.
Back to the definition of angle measure. The heart of the Triangle
Inequality\'s proof is the
\"$\vec{u}\cdot\vec{v}\leq |\vec{u}\,|\,|\vec{v}\,|$\" line. At first
glance, a reader might wonder if some pairs of vectors satisfy the
inequality in this way: while $\vec{u}\cdot\vec{v}$ is a large number,
with absolute value bigger than the right-hand side, it is a negative
large number. The next result says that no such pair of vectors exists.
The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality assures us that the next definition makes
sense because the fraction has absolute value less than or equal to one.
{ \|\\vec{u}\\,\|\\,\|\\vec{v}\\,\| }\\,) `</math>`{=html}
(the angle between the zero vector and any other vector is defined to be
a right angle). }}
Thus vectors from $\mathbb{R}^n$ are orthogonal (or perpendicular) if
and only if their dot product is zero.
) =\\arccos(\\frac{3}{\\sqrt{2}\\sqrt{13}}) `</math>`{=html}
approximately $0.94 \text{radians}$. Notice that these vectors are not
orthogonal. Although the $yz$-plane may appear to be perpendicular to
the $xy$-plane, in fact the two planes are that way only in the weak
sense that there are vectors in each orthogonal to all vectors in the
other. Not every vector in each is orthogonal to all vectors in the
other. }}
## Exercises
{\|\\vec{u}\\,\| }+\\frac{\\vec{v}}{\|\\vec{v}\\,\| } `</math>`{=html}
bisects the angle between them. Illustrate in $\mathbb{R}^2$. }}
;Problem 27:
Verify that the definition of angle is dimensionally correct:
(1) if <math> k>0 </math> then the cosine of the angle between <math> k\vec{u} </math>
and <math> \vec{v} </math> equals the cosine of the angle between <math> \vec{u} </math>
and <math> \vec{v} </math>, and (2) if <math> k<0 </math> then the cosine of the angle
between <math> k\vec{u} </math> and <math> \vec{v} </math> is the negative of the cosine
of the angle between <math> \vec{u} </math> and <math> \vec{v} </math>.
;Problem 28:
Show that the inner product operation is '''linear''': for
<math> \vec{u},\vec{v},\vec{w}\in\mathbb{R}^n </math> and <math> k,m\in\mathbb{R} </math>,
;Problem 29{{anchor|arithmetic geometric mean inequality}}:
The '''geometric mean'''
of two positive reals <math> x, y </math> is <math> \sqrt{xy} </math>.
It is analogous to the '''arithmetic mean'''
<math> (x+y)/2 </math>.
Use the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to show that
the geometric mean of any <math> x,y\in\mathbb{R} </math> is less
than or equal to the arithmetic mean.
}}`{=mediawiki} `{{TextBox|1=
;? Problem 30:
A ship is sailing with speed and direction <math> \vec{v}_1 </math>; the wind blows
apparently (judging by the vane on the mast) in the direction of a vector
<math> \vec{a} </math>; on changing the direction and speed of the ship from
<math> \vec{v}_1 </math> to <math> \vec{v}_2 </math> the apparent wind is in the direction
of a vector <math> \vec{b} </math>.
Find the vector velocity of the wind {{harv|Ivanoff|Esty|1933}}.
}}`{=mediawiki} `{{TextBox|1=
;Problem 31:
Verify the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality by first proving
Lagrange's identity:
\left(\sum_{1\leq j\leq n} a_jb_j \right)^2
\left(\sum_{1\leq j\leq n}a_j^2\right)
\left(\sum_{1\leq j\leq n}b_j^2\right)
\sum_{1\leq k < j\leq n}(a_kb_j-a_jb_k)^2
and then noting that the final term is positive.
(Recall the meaning
\sum_{1\leq j\leq n}a_jb_j=
\sum_{1\leq j\leq n}{a_j}^2=
of the <math> \Sigma </math> notation.)
This result
is an improvement over Cauchy-Schwarz because it gives a formula for
the difference between the two sides.
Interpret that difference in <math> \mathbb{R}^2 </math>.
## References
# Linear Algebra/Reduced Echelon Form
|current=Reduced Echelon Form
|previous=Length and Angle Measures
developing the mechanics of Gauss\' method, we observed that it can be
done in more than one way. One example is that we sometimes have to swap
rows and there can be more than one row to choose from. Another example
is that from this matrix
2 &2 \\
4 &3
Gauss\' method could derive any of these echelon form matrices.
2 &2 \\
0 &-1
1 &1 \\
0 &-1
2 &0 \\
0 &-1
The first results from $-2\rho_1+\rho_2$. The second comes from
following $(1/2)\rho_1$ with $-4\rho_1+\rho_2$. The third comes from
$-2\rho_1+\rho_2$ followed by $2\rho_2+\rho_1$ (after the first pivot
the matrix is already in echelon form so the second one is extra work
but it is nonetheless a legal row operation).
The fact that the echelon form outcome of Gauss\' method is not unique
leaves us with some questions. Will any two echelon form versions of a
system have the same number of free variables? Will they in fact have
exactly the same variables free? In this section we will answer both
questions \"yes\". We will do more than answer the questions. We will
give a way to decide if one linear system can be derived from another by
row operations. The answers to the two questions will follow from this
|current=Reduced Echelon Form
|previous=Length and Angle Measures
|next=Gauss-Jordan Reduction}}`{=mediawiki}
# Linear Algebra/Gauss-Jordan Reduction
|current=Gauss-Jordan Reduction
|previous=Reduced Echelon Form
elimination coupled with back-substitution solves linear systems, but
it\'s not the only method possible. Here is an extension of Gauss\'
method that has some advantages.
Note that the pivot operations in the first stage proceed from column
one to column three while the pivot operations in the third stage
proceed from column three to column one.
This extension of Gauss\' method is **Gauss-Jordan reduction**. It goes
past echelon form to a more refined, more specialized, matrix form.
The disadvantage of using Gauss-Jordan reduction to solve a system is
that the additional row operations mean additional arithmetic. The
advantage is that the solution set can just be read off.
In any echelon form, plain or reduced, we can read off when a system has
an empty solution set because there is a contradictory equation, we can
read off when a system has a one-element solution set because there is
no contradiction and every variable is the leading variable in some row,
and we can read off when a system has an infinite solution set because
there is no contradiction and at least one variable is free.
In reduced echelon form we can read off not just what kind of solution
set the system has, but also its description. Whether or not the echelon
form is reduced, we have no trouble describing the solution set when it
is empty, of course. The two examples above show that when the system
has a single solution then the solution can be read off from the
right-hand column. In the case when the solution set is infinite, its
parametrization can also be read off of the reduced echelon form.
Consider, for example, this system that is shown brought to echelon form
and then to reduced echelon form.
2 &6 &1 &2 &5 \\
0 &3 &1 &4 &1 \\
0 &3 &1 &2 &5
2 &6 &1 &2 &5 \\
0 &3 &1 &4 &1 \\
0 &0 &0 &-2 &4
$$\xrightarrow[\begin{array}{c}\\[-19pt]\scriptstyle (1/3)\rho_2 \\[-5pt]\scriptstyle -(1/2)\rho_3\end{array}]{(1/2)\rho_1}
1 &0 &-1/2 &0 &-9/2 \\
0 &1 &1/3 &0 &3 \\
0 &0 &0 &1 &-2
Starting with the middle matrix, the echelon form version, back
substitution produces $-2x_4=4$ so that $x_4=-2$, then another back
substitution gives $3x_2+x_3+4(-2)=1$ implying that $x_2=3-(1/3)x_3$,
and then the final back substitution gives
$2x_1+6(3-(1/3)x_3)+x_3+2(-2)=5$ implying that $x_1=-(9/2)+(1/2)x_3$.
Thus the solution set is this.
$$S=\{\begin{pmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \\ x_3 \\ x_4 \end{pmatrix}
=\begin{pmatrix} -9/2 \\ 3 \\ 0 \\ -2 \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 1/2 \\ -1/3 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}x_3
\,\big|\, x_3\in\mathbb{R}\}$$
Now, considering the final matrix, the reduced echelon form version,
note that adjusting the parametrization by moving the $x_3$ terms to the
other side does indeed give the description of this infinite solution
Part of the reason that this works is straightforward. While a set can
have many parametrizations that describe it, e.g., both of these also
describe the above set $S$ (take $t$ to be $x_3/6$ and $s$ to be
$$\{\begin{pmatrix} -9/2 \\ 3 \\ 0 \\ -2 \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 3 \\ -2 \\ 6 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}t
\,\big|\, t\in\mathbb{R}\}
\{\begin{pmatrix} -4 \\ 8/3 \\ 1 \\ -2 \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 1/2 \\ -1/3 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}s
\,\big|\, s\in\mathbb{R}\}$$
nonetheless we have in this book stuck to a convention of parametrizing
using the unmodified free variables (that is, $x_3=x_3$ instead of
$x_3=6t$). We can easily see that a reduced echelon form version of a
system is equivalent to a parametrization in terms of unmodified free
variables. For instance,
x_1 &=4-2x_3 \\
x_2 &=3-x_3
1 &0 &2 &4 \\
0 &1 &1 &3 \\
0 &0 &0 &0
(to move from left to right we also need to know how many equations are
in the system). So, the convention of parametrizing with the free
variables by solving each equation for its leading variable and then
eliminating that leading variable from every other equation is exactly
equivalent to the reduced echelon form conditions that each leading
entry must be a one and must be the only nonzero entry in its column.
Not as straightforward is the other part of the reason that the reduced
echelon form version allows us to read off the parametrization that we
would have gotten had we stopped at echelon form and then done back
substitution. The prior paragraph shows that reduced echelon form
corresponds to some parametrization, but why the same parametrization? A
solution set can be parametrized in many ways, and Gauss\' method or the
Gauss-Jordan method can be done in many ways, so a first guess might be
that we could derive many different reduced echelon form versions of the
same starting system and many different parametrizations. But we never
do. Experience shows that starting with the same system and proceeding
with row operations in many different ways always yields the same
reduced echelon form and the same parametrization (using the unmodified
free variables).
In the rest of this section we will show that the reduced echelon form
version of a matrix is unique. It follows that the parametrization of a
linear system in terms of its unmodified free variables is unique
because two different ones would give two different reduced echelon
We shall use this result, and the ones that lead up to it, in the rest
of the book but perhaps a restatement in a way that makes it seem more
immediately useful may be encouraging. Imagine that we solve a linear
system, parametrize, and check in the back of the book for the answer.
But the parametrization there appears different. Have we made a mistake,
or could these be different-looking descriptions of the same set, as
with the three descriptions above of $S$? The prior paragraph notes that
we will show here that different-looking parametrizations (using the
unmodified free variables) describe genuinely different sets.
Here is an informal argument that the reduced echelon form version of a
matrix is unique. Consider again the example that started this section
of a matrix that reduces to three different echelon form matrices. The
first matrix of the three is the natural echelon form version. The
second matrix is the same as the first except that a row has been
halved. The third matrix, too, is just a cosmetic variant of the first.
The definition of reduced echelon form outlaws this kind of fooling
around. In reduced echelon form, halving a row is not possible because
that would change the row\'s leading entry away from one, and neither is
combining rows possible, because then a leading entry would no longer be
alone in its column.
This informal justification is not a proof; we have argued that no two
different reduced echelon form matrices are related by a single row
operation step, but we have not ruled out the possibility that multiple
steps might do. Before we go to that proof, we finish this subsection by
rephrasing our work in a terminology that will be enlightening.
Many different matrices yield the same reduced echelon form matrix. The
three echelon form matrices from the start of this section, and the
matrix they were derived from, all give this reduced echelon form
1 &0 \\
0 &1
We think of these matrices as related to each other. The next result
speaks to this relationship.
This lemma suggests that \"reduces to\" is misleading--- where
$A\longrightarrow B$, we shouldn\'t think of $B$ as \"after\" $A$ or
\"simpler than\" $A$. Instead we should think of them as interreducible
or interrelated. Below is a picture of the idea. The matrices from the
start of this section and their reduced echelon form version are shown
in a cluster. They are all interreducible; these relationships are shown
We say that matrices that reduce to each other are \"equivalent with
respect to the relationship of row reducibility\". The next result
verifies this statement using the definition of an equivalence.[^1]
The diagram below shows the collection of all matrices as a box. Inside
that box, each matrix lies in some class. Matrices are in the same class
if and only if they are interreducible. The classes are disjoint--- no
matrix is in two distinct classes.
The collection of
matrices has been partitioned into **row equivalence classes**.[^2]
One of the classes in this partition is the cluster of matrices shown
above, expanded to include all of the nonsingular $2 \! \times \! 2$
The next subsection proves that the reduced echelon form of a matrix is
unique; that every matrix reduces to one and only one reduced echelon
form matrix. Rephrased in terms of the row-equivalence relationship, we
shall prove that every matrix is row equivalent to one and only one
reduced echelon form matrix. In terms of the partition what we shall
prove is: every equivalence class contains one and only one reduced
echelon form matrix. So each reduced echelon form matrix serves as a
representative of its class.
After that proof we shall, as mentioned in the introduction to this
section, have a way to decide if one matrix can be derived from another
by row reduction. We just apply the Gauss-Jordan procedure to both and
see whether or not they come to the same reduced echelon form.
## Exercises
## Footnotes
|current=Gauss-Jordan Reduction
|previous=Reduced Echelon Form
|next=Row Equivalence}}`{=mediawiki}
[^1]: More information on equivalence relations is in the appendix.
[^2]: More information on partitions and class representatives is in the
# Linear Algebra/Row Equivalence
|current=Row Equivalence
|previous=Gauss-Jordan Reduction
We will close this section and this chapter by proving that every matrix
is row equivalent to one and only one reduced echelon form matrix. The
ideas that appear here will reappear, and be further developed, in the
next chapter.
The underlying theme here is that one way to understand a mathematical
situation is by being able to classify the cases that can happen. We
have met this theme several times already. We have classified solution
sets of linear systems into the no-elements, one-element, and
infinitely-many elements cases. We have also classified linear systems
with the same number of equations as unknowns into the nonsingular and
singular cases. We adopted these classifications because they give us a
way to understand the situations that we were investigating. Here, where
we are investigating row equivalence, we know that the set of all
matrices breaks into the row equivalence classes. When we finish the
proof here, we will have a way to understand each of those classes---
its matrices can be thought of as derived by row operations from the
unique reduced echelon form matrix in that class.
To understand how row operations act to transform one matrix into
another, we consider the effect that they have on the parts of a matrix.
The crucial observation is that row operations combine the rows
(We have already used the phrase \"linear combination\" in this book.
The meaning is unchanged, but the next result\'s statement makes a more
formal definition in order.)
In this subsection we will use the convention that, where a matrix is
named with an upper case roman letter, the matching lower-case greek
letter names the rows.
\cdots \alpha_1 \cdots \\
\cdots \alpha_2 \cdots \\
\vdots \\
\cdots \alpha_m \cdots
\cdots \beta_1 \cdots \\
\cdots \beta_2 \cdots \\
\vdots \\
\cdots \beta_m\cdots
The proof below uses induction on the number of row operations used to
reduce one matrix to the other. Before we proceed, here is an outline of
the argument (readers unfamiliar with induction may want to compare this
argument with the one used in the
\"$\text{General}=\text{Particular}+\text{Homogeneous}$\" proof).[^1]
First, for the base step of the argument, we will verify that the
proposition is true when reduction can be done in zero row operations.
Second, for the inductive step, we will argue that if being able to
reduce the first matrix to the second in some number $t\geq 0$ of
operations implies that each row of the second is a linear combination
of the rows of the first, then being able to reduce the first to the
second in $t+1$ operations implies the same thing. Together, this base
step and induction step prove this result because by the base step the
proposition is true in the zero operations case, and by the inductive
step the fact that it is true in the zero operations case implies that
it is true in the one operation case, and the inductive step applied
again gives that it is therefore true in the two operations case, etc.
The prior result gives us the insight that Gauss\' method works by
taking linear combinations of the rows. But to what end; why do we go to
echelon form as a particularly simple, or basic, version of a linear
system? The answer, of course, is that echelon form is suitable for back
substitution, because we have isolated the variables. For instance, in
this matrix
2 &3 &7 &8 &0 &0 \\
0 &0 &1 &5 &1 &1 \\
0 &0 &0 &3 &3 &0 \\
0 &0 &0 &0 &2 &1
$x_1$ has been removed from $x_5$\'s equation. That is, Gauss\' method
has made $x_5$\'s row independent of $x_1$\'s row.
Independence of a collection of row vectors, or of any kind of vectors,
will be precisely defined and explored in the next chapter. But a first
take on it is that we can show that, say, the third row above is not
comprised of the other rows, that
$\rho_3\neq c_1\rho_1+c_2\rho_2+c_4\rho_4$. For, suppose that there are
scalars $c_1$, $c_2$, and $c_4$ such that this relationship holds.
\begin{pmatrix} 0 &0 &0 &3 &3 &0 \end{pmatrix}
&=c_1\begin{pmatrix} 2 &3 &7 &8 &0 &0 \end{pmatrix} \\
&\quad+c_2\begin{pmatrix} 0 &0 &1 &5 &1 &1 \end{pmatrix} \\
&\quad+c_4\begin{pmatrix} 0 &0 &0 &0 &2 &1 \end{pmatrix}
The first row\'s leading entry is in the first column and narrowing our
consideration of the above relationship to consideration only of the
entries from the first column $0=2c_1+0c_2+0c_4$ gives that $c_1=0$. The
second row\'s leading entry is in the third column and the equation of
entries in that column $0=7c_1+1c_2+0c_4$, along with the knowledge that
$c_1=0$, gives that $c_2=0$. Now, to finish, the third row\'s leading
entry is in the fourth column and the equation of entries in that column
$3=8c_1+5c_2+0c_4$, along with $c_1=0$ and $c_2=0$, gives an
The following result shows that this effect always holds. It shows that
what Gauss\' linear elimination method eliminates is linear
relationships among the rows.
We can now prove that each matrix is row equivalent to one and only one
reduced echelon form matrix. We will find it convenient to break the
first half of the argument off as a preliminary lemma. For one thing, it
holds for any echelon form whatever, not just reduced echelon form.
For the proof we rephrase the result in more technical terms.
Define the **form** of an
$m \! \times \! n$ matrix to be the sequence
$\langle \ell_1,\ell_2,\ldots\,,\ell_m \rangle$ where $\ell_i$ is the
column number of the leading entry in row $i$ and $\ell_i=\infty$ if
there is no leading entry in that row. The lemma says that if two
echelon form matrices are row equivalent then their forms are equal
That lemma answers two of the questions that we have posed: (i) any two
echelon form versions of a matrix have the same free variables, and
consequently, and (ii) any two echelon form versions have the same
number of free variables. There is no linear system and no combination
of row operations such that, say, we could solve the system one way and
get $y$ and $z$ free but solve it another way and get $y$ and $w$ free,
or solve it one way and get two free variables while solving it another
way yields three.
We finish now by specializing to the case of reduced echelon form
We end with a recap. In Gauss\' method we start with a matrix and then
derive a sequence of other matrices. We defined two matrices to be
related if one can be derived from the other. That relation is an
equivalence relation, called row equivalence, and so partitions the set
of all matrices into row equivalence classes.
(There are infinitely many matrices in the pictured class, but we\'ve
only got room to show two.) We have proved there is one and only one
reduced echelon form matrix in each row equivalence class.
So the reduced echelon form is a
*canonical form*[^2] for row equivalence: the reduced echelon form
matrices are representatives of the classes.
We can answer questions about the classes by translating them into
questions about the representatives.
## Exercises
## Footnotes
## References
[^1]: More information on mathematical induction is in the appendix.
[^2]: More information on canonical representatives is in the appendix.
# Linear Algebra/Topic: Computer Algebra Systems
|current=Topic: Computer Algebra Systems
|previous=Row Equivalence
The linear systems in this chapter are small enough that their solution
by hand is easy. But large systems are easiest, and safest, to do on a
computer. There are special purpose
programs such as LINPACK for this job.
Another popular tool is a general purpose
computer algebra system, including both commercial packages such as
Maple, Mathematica, or MATLAB, or free packages such as SciLab, Sage, or
For example, in the Topic on Networks, we need to solve this.
i_0 &- &i_1 &- &i_2 & & & & & & & & &= &0 \\
& &i_1 & & &- &i_3 & & &- &i_5 & & &= &0 \\
& & & &i_2 & & &- &i_4 &+ &i_5 & & &= &0 \\
& & & & & &i_3 &+ &i_4 & & &- &i_6 &= &0 \\
& &5i_1 & & &+ &10i_3 & & & & & & &= &10 \\
& & & &2i_2 & & &+ &4i_4 & & & & &= &10 \\
& &5i_1 &- &2i_2 & & & & &+ &50i_5 && &= &0
It can be done by hand, but it would take a while and be error-prone.
Using a computer is better.
We illustrate by solving that system under Maple (for another system, a
user\'s manual would obviously detail the exact syntax needed). The
array of coefficients can be entered in this way
`> A:=array( [[1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0],`\
`[0,5,-2,0,0,50,0]] );`\
(putting the rows on separate lines is not necessary, but is done for
clarity). The vector of constants is entered similarly.
`> u:=array( [0,0,0,0,10,10,0] );`\
Then the system is solved, like magic.
`> linsolve(A,u);`\
`7 2 5 2 5 7`\
`[ -, -, -, -, -, 0, - ]`\
`3 3 3 3 3 3`\
Mathematica can solve this with
``` mathematica
RowReduce[({{1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0,
0}, {0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1, 0}, {0, 5,
0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 10}, {0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 0, 10}, {0, 5, -2, 0, 0,
50, 0, 0}})]
This returns the following output:
``` mathematica
{{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7/3}, {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2/3}, {0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 5/3}, {0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2/3}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 5/
3}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 7/3}}
Systems with infinitely many solutions are solved in the same way--- the
computer simply returns a parametrization.
## Exercises
*Answers for this Topic use Maple as the computer algebra system. In
particular, all of these were tested on Maple V running under MS-DOS NT
version 4.0. (On all of them, the preliminary command to load the linear
algebra package along with Maple\'s responses to the Enter key, have
been omitted.) Other systems have similar commands.* `{{TextBox|1=
;Problem 1:
Use the computer to solve the two problems that opened this
<ol type=1 start=1>
<li> This is the Statics problem.
40h+15c &= 100 \\
25c &= 50+50h
<li> This is the Chemistry problem.
7h &= 7j \\
8h +1i &= 5j+2k \\
1i &= 3j \\
3i &= 6j+1k
}}`{=mediawiki} `{{TextBox|1=
;Problem 2:
Use the computer to solve these systems from the
first subsection,
or conclude "many solutions" or "no solutions".
<ol type=1 start=1>
<li> <math>
2x &+ &2y &= &5 \\
x &- &4y &= &0
<li> <math>
-x &+ &y &= &1 \\
x &+ &y &= &2
<li> <math>
x &- &3y &+ &z &= &1 \\
x &+ &y &+ &2z &= &14
<li> <math>
-x &- &y &= &1 \\
-3x &- &3y &= &2
<li> <math>
& &4y &+ &z &= &20 \\
2x &- &2y &+ &z &= &0 \\
x & & &+ &z &= &5 \\
x &+ &y &- &z &= &10
<li> <math> \begin{array}{*{4}{rc}r}
2x & & &+ &z &+ &w &= &5 \\
& &y & & &- &w &= &-1 \\
3x & & &- &z &- &w &= &0 \\
4x &+ &y &+ &2z &+ &w &= &9
}}`{=mediawiki} `{{TextBox|1=
;Problem 3:
Use the computer to solve these systems from the second subsection.
<ol type=1 start=1>
<li> <math> \begin{array}{*{2}{rc}r}
3x &+ &6y &= &18 \\
x &+ &2y &= &6
\end{array} </math>
<li> <math> \begin{array}{*{2}{rc}r}
x &+ &y &= &1 \\
x &- &y &= &-1
\end{array} </math>
<li> <math> \begin{array}{*{3}{rc}r}
x_1 & & &+ &x_3 &= &4 \\
x_1 &- &x_2 &+ &2x_3 &= &5 \\
4x_1 &- &x_2 &+ &5x_3 &= &17
\end{array} </math>
<li> <math> \begin{array}{*{3}{rc}r}
2a &+ &b &- &c &= &2 \\
2a & & &+ &c &= &3 \\
a &- &b & & &= &0
\end{array} </math>
<li> <math> \begin{array}{*{4}{rc}r}
x &+ &2y &- &z & & &= &3 \\
2x &+ &y & & &+ &w &= &4 \\
x &- &y &+ &z &+ &w &= &1
\end{array} </math>
<li> <math> \begin{array}{*{4}{rc}r}
x & & &+ &z &+ &w &= &4 \\
2x &+ &y & & &- &w &= &2 \\
3x &+ &y &+ &z & & &= &7
\end{array} </math>
}}`{=mediawiki} `{{TextBox|1=
;Problem 4:
What does the computer give for the solution of the general
<math>2 \! \times \! 2</math> system?
ax &+ &cy &= &p \\
bx &+ &dy &= &q
# Linear Algebra/Topic: Input-Output Analysis
|current=Topic: Input-Output Analysis
|previous=Topic: Computer Algebra Systems
An economy is an immensely complicated network of interdependences.
Changes in one part can ripple out to affect other parts. Economists
have struggled to be able to describe, and to make predictions about,
such a complicated object. Mathematical models using systems of linear
equations have emerged as a key tool. One is Input-Output Analysis,
pioneered by W. Leontief, who won the 1973 Nobel Prize in Economics.
Consider an economy with many parts, two of which are the steel industry
and the auto industry. As they work to meet the demand for their product
from other parts of the economy, that is, from users external to the
steel and auto sectors, these two interact tightly. For instance, should
the external demand for autos go up, that would lead to an increase in
the auto industry\'s usage of steel. Or, should the external demand for
steel fall, then it would lead to a fall in steel\'s purchase of autos.
The type of Input-Output model we will consider takes in the external
demands and then predicts how the two interact to meet those demands.
We start with a listing of production and consumption statistics. (These
numbers, giving dollar values in millions, are excerpted from
, describing the 1958 U.S. economy.
Today\'s statistics would be quite different, both because of inflation
and because of technical changes in the industries.)
| | *used by* \ | *used by* \ | *used by* \ | *total* |
| | *steel* | *auto* | *others* | |
| *value of* \ | 5 395 | 2 664 | | 25 448 |
| *steel* | | | | |
| *value of* \ | 48 | 9 030 | | 30 346 |
| *auto* | | | | |
For instance, the dollar value of steel used by the auto industry in
this year is $2,664$ million. Note that industries may consume some of
their own output.
We can fill in the blanks for the external demand. This year\'s value of
the steel used by others this year is $17,389$ and this year\'s value of
the auto used by others is $21,268$. With that, we have a complete
description of the external demands and of how auto and steel interact,
this year, to meet them.
Now, imagine that the external demand for steel has recently been going
up by $200$ per year and so we estimate that next year it will be
$17,589$. Imagine also that for similar reasons we estimate that next
year\'s external demand for autos will be down $25$ to $21,243$. We wish
to predict next year\'s total outputs.
That prediction isn\'t as simple as adding $200$ to this year\'s steel
total and subtracting $25$ from this year\'s auto total. For one thing,
a rise in steel will cause that industry to have an increased demand for
autos, which will mitigate, to some extent, the loss in external demand
for autos. On the other hand, the drop in external demand for autos will
cause the auto industry to use less steel, and so lessen somewhat the
upswing in steel\'s business. In short, these two industries form a
system, and we need to predict the totals at which the system as a whole
will settle.
For that prediction, let $s$ be next years total production of steel and
let $a$ be next year\'s total output of autos. We form these equations.
\text{next year}\textrm{'}\text{s production of steel}
&=\text{next year}\textrm{'}\text{s use of steel by steel} \\
&\quad+\text{next year}\textrm{'}\text{s use of steel by auto} \\
&\quad+\text{next year}\textrm{'}\text{s use of steel by others} \\
\text{next year}\textrm{'}\text{s production of autos}
&=\text{next year}\textrm{'}\text{s use of autos by steel} \\
&\quad+\text{next year}\textrm{'}\text{s use of autos by auto} \\
&\quad+\text{next year}\textrm{'}\text{s use of autos by others}
On the left side of those equations go the unknowns $s$ and $a$. At the
ends of the right sides go our external demand estimates for next year
$17,589$ and $21,243$. For the remaining four terms, we look to the
table of this year\'s information about how the industries interact.
For instance, for next year\'s use of steel by steel, we note that this
year the steel industry used $5395$ units of steel input to produce
$25,448$ units of steel output. So next year, when the steel industry
will produce $s$ units out, we expect that doing so will take
$s\cdot (5395)/(25\,448)$ units of steel input--- this is simply the
assumption that input is proportional to output. (We are assuming that
the ratio of input to output remains constant over time; in practice,
models may try to take account of trends of change in the ratios.)
Next year\'s use of steel by the auto industry is similar. This year,
the auto industry uses $2664$ units of steel input to produce $30346$
units of auto output. So next year, when the auto industry\'s total
output is $a$, we expect it to consume $a\cdot (2664)/(30346)$ units of
Filling in the other equation in the same way, we get this system of
linear equation.
{\displaystyle\frac{5\,395}{25\,448}}\cdot s
&+ &{\displaystyle\frac{2\,664}{30\,346}}\cdot a &+ &17\,589
&= &s \\[1em]
{\displaystyle\frac{48}{25\,448}}\cdot s
&+ &{\displaystyle\frac{9\,030}{30\,346}}\cdot a &+ &21\,243
&= &a
Gauss\' method on this system.
(20\,053/25\,448)s &- &(2\,664/30\,346)a &= &17\,589 \\
-(48/25\,448)s &+ &(21\,316/30\,346)a &= &21\,243
gives $s=25\,698$ and $a=30\,311$.
Looking back, recall that above we described why the prediction of next
year\'s totals isn\'t as simple as adding $200$ to last year\'s steel
total and subtracting $25$ from last year\'s auto total. In fact,
comparing these totals for next year to the ones given at the start for
the current year shows that, despite the drop in external demand, the
total production of the auto industry is predicted to rise. The increase
in internal demand for autos caused by steel\'s sharp rise in business
more than makes up for the loss in external demand for autos.
One of the advantages of having a mathematical model is that we can ask
\"What if \...?\" questions. For instance, we can ask \"What if the
estimates for next year\'s external demands are somewhat off?\" To try
to understand how much the model\'s predictions change in reaction to
changes in our estimates, we can try revising our estimate of next
year\'s external steel demand from $17,589$ down to $17,489$, while
keeping the assumption of next year\'s external demand for autos fixed
at $21,243$. The resulting system
(20\,053/25\,448)s &- &(2\,664/30\,346)a &= &17\,489 \\
-(48/25\,448)s &+ &(21\,316/30\,346)a &= &21\,243
when solved gives $s=25\,571$ and $a=30\,311$. This kind of exploration
of the model is **sensitivity analysis**. We are seeing how sensitive
the predictions of our model are to the accuracy of the assumptions.
Obviously, we can consider larger models that detail the interactions
among more sectors of an economy. These models are typically solved on a
computer, using the techniques of matrix algebra that we will develop in
Chapter Three. Some examples are given in the exercises. Obviously also,
a single model does not suit every case; expert judgment is needed to
see if the assumptions underlying the model are reasonable for a
particular case. With those caveats, however, this model has proven in
practice to be a useful and accurate tool for economic analysis. For
further reading, try and
## Exercises
*Hint: these systems are easiest to solve on a computer.* `{{TextBox|1=
;Problem 3:
This table gives the numbers for the auto-steel system from
a different year, 1947 (see {{harvnb|Leontief|1951}}).
The units here are billions of 1947 dollars.
<TABLE style="text-align:center;" border=0px cellpadding=0px cellspacing=0px>
<TD style="border-right:2px solid black; border-bottom:2px solid black;">
<TD style="border-bottom:2px solid black;"> ''used by'' <br> ''steel''
<TD style="border-bottom:2px solid black;"> ''used by'' <br> ''auto''
<TD style="border-bottom:2px solid black;"> ''used by'' <br> ''others''
<TD style="border-bottom:2px solid black;"> ''total''
<TD style="border-right:2px solid black;"> ''value of'' <br> ''steel''
<TD> 6.90
<TD> 1.28
<TD> 18.69
<TD style="border-right:2px solid black;"> ''value of'' <br> ''auto''
<TD> 0
<TD> 4.40
<TD> 14.27
<ol type=1 start=1>
<li> Solve for total output if next year's external
demands are: steel's demand up 10% and auto's demand up
<li> How do the ratios compare to those given above in the
discussion for the 1958 economy?
<li> Solve the 1947 equations with the 1958 external demands
(note the difference in units; a 1947 dollar buys about
what $1.30 in 1958 dollars buys).
How far off are the predictions for total output?
}}`{=mediawiki} `{{TextBox|1=
;Problem 5:
This table gives the interrelationships among three segments of an
economy (see {{harvnb|Clark|Coupe|1967}}).
<TABLE style="text-align:center;" border=0px cellpadding=0px cellspacing=0px>
<TD style="border-right:2px solid black; border-bottom:2px solid black;">
<TD style="border-bottom:2px solid black;"> ''used by'' <br> ''food''
<TD style="border-bottom:2px solid black;"> ''used by'' <br> ''wholesale''
<TD style="border-bottom:2px solid black;"> ''used by'' <br> ''retail''
<TD style="border-bottom:2px solid black;"> ''used by'' <br> ''others''
<TD style="border-bottom:2px solid black;"> ''total''
<TD style="border-right:2px solid black;"> ''value of'' <br> ''food''
<TD> 0
<TD> 2 318
<TD> 4 679
<TD> 11 869
<TD style="border-right:2px solid black;"> ''value of'' <br> ''wholesale''
<TD> 393
<TD> 1 089
<TD> 22 459
<TD> 122 242
<TD style="border-right:2px solid black;"> ''value of'' <br> ''retail''
<TD> 3
<TD> 53
<TD> 75
<TD> 116 041
We will do an Input-Output analysis on this
<ol type=1 start=1>
<li> Fill in the numbers for this year's external
<li> Set up the linear system, leaving next year's
external demands blank.
<li> Solve the system where next year's external demands
are calculated by taking this year's external demands and
inflating them 10%.
Do all three sectors increase their total business by
Do they all even increase at the same rate?
<li> Solve the system where next year's external demands
are calculated by taking this year's external demands and
reducing them 7%.
(The study from which these numbers are taken concluded that
because of the closing of a local military facility, overall
personal income in the area would fall 7%, so this might
be a first guess at what would actually happen.)
## References
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- .
# Linear Algebra/Input-Output Analysis M File
|current=Input-Output Analysis M File
|previous=Topic: Input-Output Analysis
``` matlab
# Octave commands for _Linear Algebra_ by Jim Hefferon,
# Topic: leontif.tex
a=[(25448-5395)/25448 -2664/30346;
-48/25448 (30346-9030)/30346];
ans=a \ b;
printf("The answer to the first system is s=%0.0f and a=%0.0f\n",ans(1),ans(2));
ans=a \ b;
printf("The answer to the second system is s=%0.0f and a=%0.0f\n",ans(1),ans(2));
# question 1
ans=a \ b;
printf("The answer to question (1a) is s=%0.0f and a=%0.0f\n",ans(1),ans(2));
ans=a \ b;
printf("The answer to question (1b) is s=%0.0f and a=%0.0f\n",ans(1),ans(2));
ans=a \ b;
printf("The answer to question (1c) is s=%0.0f and a=%0.0f\n",ans(1),ans(2));
# question 2
printf("Current ratio for use of steel by auto is %0.4f\n",2664/30346);
a=[(25448-5395)/25448 -0.0500;
-48/25448 (30346-9030)/30346];
ans=a \ b;
printf("The answer to 2(a) is s=%0.0f and a=%0.0f\n",ans(1),ans(2));
ans=a \ b;
printf("The answer to 2(b) is s=%0.0f and a=%0.0f\n",ans(1),ans(2));
# question 3
printf("The value of steel used by others is %0.2f\n",18.69-(6.90+1.28));
printf("The value of autos used by others is %0.2f\n",14.27-(0+4.40));
a=[(18.69-6.90)/18.69 -1.28/14.27;
-0/18.69 (14.27-4.40)/14.27];
ans=a \ b;
printf("The answer to 3(a) is s=%0.2f and a=%0.2f\n",ans(1),ans(2));
printf("The 1947 ratio of steel used by steel is %0.2f\n",(18.69-6.90)/18.69);
printf("The 1947 ratio of steel used by autos is %0.2f\n",1.28/14.27);
printf("The 1947 ratio of autos used by steel is %0.2f\n",0/18.69);
printf("The 1947 ratio of autos used by autos is %0.2f\n",(14.27-4.40)/14.27);
printf("The 1958 ratio of steel used by steel is %0.2f\n",(25448-5395)/25448);
printf("The 1958 ratio of steel used by autos is %0.2f\n",2664/30346);
printf("The 1958 ratio of autos used by steel is %0.2f\n",48/25448);
printf("The 1958 ratio of autos used by autos is %0.2f\n",(30346-9030)/30346);
ans=a \ b;
newans=1.30 * ans;
printf("The answer to 3(c) is (in billions of 1947 dollars) s=%0.2f and a=%0.2f\n and in billions of 1958 dollars it is s=%0.2f and a=%0.2f\n",ans(1),ans(2),newans(1),newans(2));
|current=Input-Output Analysis M File
|previous=Topic: Input-Output Analysis
|next=Topic: Accuracy of Computations}}`{=mediawiki}
# Linear Algebra/Topic: Accuracy of Computations
|current=Topic: Accuracy of Computations
|previous=Input-Output Analysis M File
Gauss\' method lends itself nicely to computerization. The code below
illustrates. It operates on an $n \! \times \! n$ matrix `a`, pivoting
with the first row, then with the second row, etc.
``` C
for (pivot_row = 1; pivot_row <= n - 1; pivot_row++) {
for (row_below = pivot_row + 1; row_below <= n; row_below++) {
multiplier = a[row_below, pivot_row] / a[pivot_row, pivot_row];
for (col = pivot_row; col <= n; col++) {
a[row_below, col] -= multiplier * a[pivot_row, col];
(This code is in the C language. Here is a brief translation. The loop
construct `for (pivot_row = 1; pivot_row <= n - 1; pivot_row++) { ... }`
sets `pivot_row` to 1 and then iterates while `pivot_row` is less than
or equal to $n-1$, each time through incrementing `pivot_row` by one
with the \"`++`\" operation. The other non-obvious construct is that the
\"`-=`\" in the innermost loop amounts to the
`a[row_below, col] =- multiplier * a[pivot_row, col] + a[row_below, col]}`
While this code provides a quick take on how Gauss\' method can be
mechanized, it is not ready to use. It is naive in many ways. The most
glaring way is that it assumes that a nonzero number is always found in
the `pivot_row, pivot_row` position for use as the pivot entry. To make
it practical, one way in which this code needs to be reworked is to
cover the case where finding a zero in that location leads to a row
swap, or to the conclusion that the matrix is singular.
Adding some `if`$\cdots$ statements to cover those cases is not hard,
but we will instead consider some more subtle ways in which the code is
naive. There are pitfalls arising from the computer\'s reliance on
finite-precision floating point arithmetic.
For example, we have seen above that we must handle as a separate case a
system that is singular. But systems that are nearly singular also
require care. Consider this one.
x &+ &2y &= &3 \\
1.000\,000\,01x &+ &2y &= &3.000\,000\,01
By eye we get the solution $x=1$ and $y=1$. But a computer has more
trouble. A computer that
represents real numbers to eight significant places (as is common,
usually called **single precision**) will represent the second equation
internally as $1.000\,000\,0x+2y=3.000\,000\,0$, losing the digits in
the ninth place. Instead of reporting the correct solution, this
computer will report something that is not even close--- this computer
thinks that the system is singular because the two equations are
represented internally as equal.
For some intuition about how the computer could come up with something
that far off, we can graph the system.
At the scale of this graph, the two lines cannot be resolved apart. This
system is nearly singular in the sense that the two lines are nearly the
same line. Near-singularity gives this system the property that a small
change in the system can cause a large change in its solution; for
instance, changing the $3.000\,000\,01$ to $3.000\,000\,03$ changes the
intersection point from $(1,1)$ to $(3,0)$. This system changes
radically depending on a ninth digit, which explains why the eight-place
computer has trouble. A problem
that is very sensitive to inaccuracy or uncertainties in the input
values is **ill-conditioned**.
The above example gives one way in which a system can be difficult to
solve on a computer. It has the advantage that the picture of
nearly-equal lines gives a memorable insight into one way that numerical
difficulties can arise. Unfortunately this insight isn\'t very useful
when we wish to solve some large system. We cannot, typically, hope to
understand the geometry of an arbitrary large system. In addition, there
are ways that a computer\'s results may be unreliable other than that
the angle between some of the linear surfaces is quite small.
For an example, consider the system below, from
0.001x &+ &y &= &1 \\
x &- &y &= &0
The second equation gives $x=y$, so $x=y=1/1.001$ and thus both
variables have values that are just less than $1$. A computer using two
digits represents the system internally in this way (we will do this
example in two-digit floating point arithmetic, but a similar one with
eight digits is easy to invent).
(1.0\times 10^{-3})x &+ &(1.0\times 10^{0})y &= &1.0\times 10^{0} \\
(1.0\times 10^{0})x &- &(1.0\times 10^{0})y &= &0.0\times 10^{0}
The computer\'s row reduction step $-1000\rho_1+\rho_2$ produces a
second equation $-1001y=-999$, which the computer rounds to two places
as $(-1.0\times 10^{3})y=-1.0\times 10^{3}$. Then the computer decides
from the second equation that $y=1$ and from the first equation that
$x=0$. This $y$ value is fairly good, but the $x$ is quite bad. Thus,
another cause of unreliable output is a mixture of floating point
arithmetic and a reliance on pivots that are small.
An experienced programmer may respond that we should go to **double
precision** where sixteen significant digits are retained. This will
indeed solve many problems. However, there are some difficulties with it
as a general approach. For one thing, double precision takes longer than
single precision (on a \'486 chip, multiplication takes eleven ticks in
single precision but fourteen in double precision
) and has twice the memory
requirements. So attempting to do all calculations in double precision
is just not practical. And besides, the
above systems can obviously be tweaked to give the same trouble in the
seventeenth digit, so double precision won\'t fix all problems. What we
need is a strategy to minimize the numerical trouble arising from
solving systems on a computer, and some guidance as to how far the
reported solutions can be trusted.
Mathematicians have made a careful study of how to get the most reliable
results. A basic improvement on the naive code above is to not simply
take the entry in the *pivot_row*, *pivot_row* position for the pivot,
but rather to look at all of the entries in the *pivot_row* column below
the *pivot_row* row, and take the one that is most likely to give
reliable results (e.g., take one that is not too small).
This strategy is **partial
pivoting**. For example, to solve the troublesome system ($*$) above, we
start by looking at both equations for a best first pivot, and taking
the $1$ in the second equation as more likely to give good results.
Then, the pivot step of $-.001\rho_2+\rho_1$ gives a first equation of
$1.001y=1$, which the computer will represent as
$(1.0\times 10^{0})y=1.0\times 10^{0}$, leading to the conclusion that
$y=1$ and, after back-substitution, $x=1$, both of which are close to
right. The code from above can be adapted to this purpose.
``` C
for (pivot_row = 1; pivot_row <= n - 1; pivot_row++) {
/* Find the largest pivot in this column (in row max). */
max = pivot_row;
for (row_below = pivot_row + 1; pivot_row <= n; row_below++) {
if (abs(a[row_below, pivot_row]) > abs(a[max, row_below]))
max = row_below;
/* Swap rows to move that pivot entry up. */
for (col = pivot_row; col <= n; col++) {
temp = a[pivot_row, col];
a[pivot_row, col] = a[max, col];
a[max, col] = temp;
/* Proceed as before. */
for (row_below = pivot_row + 1; row_below <= n; row_below++) {
multiplier = a[row_below, pivot_row] / a[pivot_row, pivot_row];
for (col = pivot_row; col <= n; col++) {
a[row_below, col] -= multiplier * a[pivot_row, col];
A full analysis of the best way to implement Gauss\' method is outside
the scope of the book (see ), but
the method recommended by most experts is a variation on the code above
that first finds the best pivot among the candidates, and then scales it
to a number that is less likely to give trouble.
This is **scaled partial
In addition to returning a result that is likely to be reliable, most
well-done code will return a number, called the **condition number**
that describes the factor by which uncertainties in the input numbers
could be magnified to become inaccuracies in the results returned (see
The lesson of this discussion is that just because Gauss\' method always
works in theory, and just because computer code correctly implements
that method, and just because the answer appears on green-bar paper,
doesn\'t mean that the answer is reliable. In practice, always use a
package where experts have worked hard to counter what can go wrong.
## Exercises
## References
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- .
- .
- .
# Linear Algebra/Topic: Analyzing Networks
|current=Topic: Analyzing Networks
|previous=Topic: Accuracy of Computations
The diagram below shows some of a car\'s electrical network. The battery
is on the left, drawn as stacked line segments. The wires are drawn as
lines, shown straight and with sharp right angles for neatness. Each
light is a circle enclosing a loop.
The designer of such a network needs to answer questions like: How much
electricity flows when both the hi-beam headlights and the brake lights
are on? Below, we will use linear systems to analyze simpler versions of
electrical networks.
For the analysis we need two facts about electricity and two facts about
electrical networks.
The first fact about electricity is that a battery is like a pump: it
provides a force impelling the electricity to flow through the circuits
connecting the battery\'s ends, if there are any such circuits.
We say that the battery provides a
**potential** to flow. Of course, this network accomplishes its function
when, as the electricity flows through a circuit, it goes through a
light. For instance, when the driver steps on the brake then the switch
makes contact and a circuit is formed on the left side of the diagram,
and the electrical current flowing through that circuit will make the
brake lights go on, warning drivers behind.
The second electrical fact is that in some kinds of network components
the amount of flow is proportional to the force provided by the battery.
That is, for each such component
there is a number, its **resistance**, such that the potential is equal
to the flow times the resistance. The units of measurement are:
potential is described in **volts**, the rate of flow is in **amperes**,
and resistance to the flow is in **ohms**. These units are defined so
that $\mbox{volts}=\mbox{amperes}\cdot\mbox{ohms}$.
Components with this property, that the voltage-amperage response curve
is a line through the origin, are called **resistors**. (Light bulbs
such as the ones shown above are not this kind of component, because
their ohmage changes as they heat up.) For example, if a resistor
measures $2$ ohms then wiring it to a $12$ volt battery results in a
flow of $6$ amperes. Conversely, if we have electrical current of $2$
amperes through it then there must be a $4$ volt potential difference
between its ends. This is the
**voltage drop** across the resistor. One way to think of a electrical
circuits like the one above is that the battery provides a voltage rise
while the other components are voltage drops.
The two facts that we need about networks are Kirchhoff\'s Laws.
- *Current Law.* For any point in a network, the flow in equals the
flow out.
- *Voltage Law.* Around any circuit the total drop equals the total
In the above network there is only one voltage rise, at the battery, but
some networks have more than one.
For a start we can consider the network below. It has a battery that
provides the potential to flow and three resistors (resistors are drawn
as zig-zags). When components are wired
one after another, as here, they are said to be in **series**.
By Kirchhoff\'s Voltage Law, because the voltage rise is $20$ volts, the
total voltage drop must also be $20$ volts. Since the resistance from
start to finish is $10$ ohms (the resistance of the wires is
negligible), we get that the current is $(20/10)=2$ amperes. Now, by
Kirchhoff\'s Current Law, there are $2$ amperes through each resistor.
(And therefore the voltage drops are: $4$ volts across the $2$ oh m
resistor, $10$ volts across the $5$ ohm resistor, and $6$ volts across
the $3$ ohm resistor.)
The prior network is so simple that we didn\'t use a linear system, but
the next network is more complicated.
In this one, the resistors are in
**parallel**. This network is more like the car lighting diagram shown
We begin by labeling the branches, shown below. Let the current through
the left branch of the parallel portion be $i_1$ and that through the
right branch be $i_2$, and also let the current through the battery be
$i_0$. (We are following Kirchoff\'s Current Law; for instance, all
points in the right branch have the same current, which we call $i_2$.
Note that we don\'t need to know the actual direction of flow--- if
current flows in the direction opposite to our arrow then we will simply
get a negative number in the solution.)
The Current Law, applied to the point in the upper right where the flow
$i_0$ meets $i_1$ and $i_2$, gives that $i_0=i_1+i_2$. Applied to the
lower right it gives $i_1+i_2=i_0$. In the circuit that loops out of the
top of the battery, down the left branch of the parallel portion, and
back into the bottom of the battery, the voltage rise is $20$ while the
voltage drop is $i_1\cdot 12$, so the Voltage Law gives that $12i_1=20$.
Similarly, the circuit from the battery to the right branch and back to
the battery gives that $8i_2=20$. And, in the circuit that simply loops
around in the left and right branches of the parallel portion
(arbitrarily taken clockwise), there is a voltage rise of $0$ and a
voltage drop of $8i_2-12i_1$ so the Voltage Law gives that
i_0&- &i_1 &- &i_2 &= &0 \\
-i_0&+ &i_1 &+ &i_2 &= &0 \\
& &12i_1 & & &= &20 \\
& & & &8i_2 &= &20 \\
& &-12i_1 &+ &8i_2 &= &0
The solution is $i_0=25/6$, $i_1=5/3$, and $i_2=5/2$, all in amperes.
(Incidentally, this illustrates that redundant equations do indeed arise
in practice.)
Kirchhoff\'s laws can be used to establish the electrical properties of
networks of great complexity.
The next diagram shows five
resistors, wired in a **series-parallel** way.
This network is a **Wheatstone bridge** (see Problem 4 ). To analyze it,
we can place the arrows in this way.
Kirchoff\'s Current Law, applied to the top node, the left node, the
right node, and the bottom node gives these.
i_0 &= i_1+i_2 \\
i_1 &= i_3+i_5 \\
i_2+i_5 &= i_4 \\
i_3+i_4 &= i_0
Kirchhoff\'s Voltage Law, applied to the inside loop (the $i_0$ to $i_1$
to $i_3$ to $i_0$ loop), the outside loop, and the upper loop not
involving the battery, gives these.
5i_1+10i_3 &= 10 \\
2i_2+4i_4 &= 10 \\
5i_1+50i_5-2i_2 &= 0
Those suffice to determine the solution $i_0=7/3$, $i_1=2/3$, $i_2=5/3$,
$i_3=2/3$, $i_4=5/3$, and $i_5=0$.
Networks of other kinds, not just electrical ones, can also be analyzed
in this way. For instance, networks of streets are given in the
## Exercises
*Many of the systems for these problems are mostly easily solved on a
*There are networks other than electrical ones, and we can ask how well
Kirchoff\'s laws apply to them. The remaining questions consider an
extension to networks of streets.*
# Linear Algebra/Topic: Speed of Gauss' Method
|current=Topic: Speed of Gauss' Method
|previous=Topic: Analyzing Networks
Gauss\' Method to solve the linear systems in this book because it is
easy to understand, easily shown to give the right answers, and fast. It
is fast in that, in all the by-hand calculations we have needed, we have
gotten the answers in only a few steps, taking only a few minutes.
However, scientists and engineers who solve linear systems in practice
must have a method that is fast enough for large systems, with 1000
equations or 10,000 equations or even 100,000 equations. These systems
are solved on a computer, so the speed of the machine helps, but
nonetheless the speed of the method used is a major consideration, and
is sometimes the factor limiting which problems can be solved.
The speed of an algorithm is usually measured by finding how the time
taken to solve problems grows as the size of the input data set grows.
That is, how much longer will the algorithm take if we increase the size
of the input data by a factor of ten, say from a 1000-equation system to
a 10,000-equation system, or from 10,000 to 100,000? Does the time taken
grow ten times, or a hundred times, or a thousand times? Is the time
taken by the algorithm proportional to the size of the data set, or to
the square of that size, or to the cube of that size, etc.?
Here is a fragment of Gauss\' Method code, implemented in the computer
language FORTRAN. The coefficients of the linear system are stored in
the $N \! \times \! N$ array *A*, and the constants are stored in the
$N \! \times \! 1$ array *B*. For each *ROW* between $1$ and $N$ this
program has already found the pivot entry $A(ROW,COL)$. Now it will
$$-PIVINV\cdot \rho_{ROW}
(This code fragment is for illustration only, and is incomplete. For
example, see the later topic on the Accuracy of Gauss\' Method.
Nonetheless, this fragment will do for our purposes because analysis of
finished versions, including all the tests and sub-cases, is messier but
gives essentially the same result.)
``` fortran
DO 10 I=ROW+1, N
DO 20 J=I, N
The outermost loop (not shown) runs through $N-1$ rows. For each of
these rows, the shown loops perform arithmetic on the entries in *A*
that are below and to the right of the pivot entry (and also on the
entries in *B*, but to simplify the analysis we will not count those
operations\-\--see Exercise ). We will assume the pivot is found in the
usual place, that is, that $COL=ROW$ (as above, analysis of the general
case is messier but gives essentially the same result). That means there
are $(N-ROW)^2$ entries to perform arithmetic on. On average, ROW will
be $N/2$. Thus we estimate the nested loops above will run something
like $(N/2)^2$ times, that is, will run in a time proportional to the
square of the number of equations. Taking into account the outer loop
that is not shown, we get the estimate that the running time of the
algorithm is proportional to the cube of the number of equations.
Algorithms that run in time directly proportional to the size of the
data set are fast, algorithms that run in time proportional to the
square of the size of the data set are less fast, but typically quite
usable, and algorithms that run in time proportional to the cube of the
size of the data set are still reasonable in speed.
Speed estimates like these are a good way of understanding how quickly
or slowly an algorithm can be expected to run on average. There are
special cases, however, of systems on which the above Gauss\' method
code is especially fast, so there may be factors about a problem that
make it especially suitable for this kind of solution.
In practice, the code found in computer algebra systems, or in the
standard packages, implements a variant on Gauss\' method, called
triangular factorization. To state this method requires the language of
matrix algebra, which we will not see until Chapter Three. Nonetheless,
the above code is conceptually quite close to that usually used in
There have been some theoretical speed-ups in the running time required
to solve linear systems. Algorithms other than Gauss\' method have been
invented that take a time proportional not to the cube of the size of
the data set, but instead to the (approximately) $2.7$ power (this is
still under active research, so this exponent may come down somewhat
over time). However, these theoretical improvements have not come into
widespread use, in part because the new methods take a quite large data
set before they overtake Gauss\' method (although they will outperform
Gauss\' method on very large sets, there is some startup overhead that
keeps them from being faster on the systems that have, so far, been
solved in practice).
## Exercises
# Linear Algebra/Appendix
|previous=Topic: Linear Recurrences
made of arguments (reasoned discourse that is, not crockery-throwing).
This section is a reference to the most used techniques. A reader having
trouble with, say, proof by contradiction, can turn here for an outline
of that method.
But this section gives only a sketch. For more, these are classics:
*Methods of Logic* by Quine, *Induction and Analogy in Mathematics* by
Pólya, and *Naive Set Theory* by Halmos. Reader can also read the
wikibook Mathematical Proof.
|previous=Topic: Linear Recurrences
# Linear Algebra/Propositions
The point at issue in an argument is the
**proposition**. Mathematicians usually
write the point in full before the proof and label it either **Theorem**
for major points, **Corollary** for points that follow immediately from
a prior one, or **Lemma** for results chiefly used to prove other
The statements expressing propositions can be complex, with many
subparts. The truth or falsity of the entire proposition depends both on
the truth value of the parts, and on the words used to assemble the
statement from its parts.
### Not
For example, where $P$ is a proposition, \"it is not the case that $P$\"
is true provided that $P$ is false. Thus, \"$n$ is not prime\" is true
only when $n$ is the product of smaller integers.
We can picture the \"not\" operation with a **Venn diagram**.
{width="" height="200"}
Where the box encloses all natural numbers, and inside the circle are
the primes, the shaded area holds numbers satisfying \"not $P$\".
To prove that a \"not $P$\" statement holds, show that $P$ is false.
### And
Consider the statement form \"$P$ and $Q$\". For the statement to be
true both halves must hold: \"$7$ is prime and so is $3$\" is true,
while \"$7$ is prime and $3$ is not\" is false.
Here is the Venn diagram for \"$P$ and $Q$\".
{width="" height="200"}
To prove \"$P$ and $Q$\", prove that each half holds.
### Or
A \"$P$ or $Q$\" is true when either half holds: \"$7$ is prime or $4$
is prime\" is true, while \"$7$ is not prime or $4$ is prime\" is false.
We take \"or\" inclusively so that if both halves are true \"$7$ is
prime or $4$ is not\" then the statement as a whole is true. (In
everyday speech, sometimes \"or\" is meant in an exclusive way--- \"Eat
your vegetables or no dessert\" does not intend both halves to hold---
but we will not use \"or\" in that way.)
The Venn diagram for \"or\" includes all of both circles.
{width="" height="200"}
To prove \"$P$ or $Q$\", show that in all cases at least one half holds
(perhaps sometimes one half and sometimes the other, but always at least
### If-then
An \"if $P$ then $Q$\" statement (sometimes written \"$P$ materially
implies $Q$\" or just \"$P$ implies $Q$\" or \"$P\implies Q$\") is true
unless $P$ is true while $Q$ is false. Thus \"if $7$ is prime then $4$
is not\" is true while \"if $7$ is prime then $4$ is also prime\" is
false. (Contrary to its use in casual speech, in mathematics \"if $P$
then $Q$\" does not connote that $P$ precedes $Q$ or causes $Q$.)
More subtly, in mathematics \"if $P$ then $Q$\" is true when $P$ is
false: \"if $4$ is prime then $7$ is prime\" and \"if $4$ is prime then
$7$ is not\" are both true statements, sometimes said to be **vacuously
true**. We adopt this convention because we want statements like \"if a
number is a perfect square then it is not prime\" to be true, for
instance when the number is $5$ or when the number is $6$.
The diagram
shows that $Q$ holds whenever $P$ does (another phrasing is \"$P$ is
sufficient to give $Q$\"). Notice again that if $P$ does not hold, $Q$
may or may not be in force.
There are two main ways to establish an implication. The first way is
direct: assume that $P$ is true and, using that assumption, prove $Q$.
For instance, to show \"if a number is divisible by 5 then twice that
number is divisible by 10\", assume that the number is $5n$ and deduce
that $2(5n)=10n$. The second way
is indirect: prove the **contrapositive** statement: \"if $Q$ is false
then $P$ is false\" (rephrased, \"$Q$ can only be false when $P$ is also
false\"). As an example, to show \"if a number is prime then it is not a
perfect square\", argue that if it were a square $p=n^2$ then it could
be factored $p=n\cdot n$ where $n<p$ and so wouldn\'t be prime (of
course $p=0$ or $p=1$ don\'t give $n<p$ but they are nonprime by
Note two things about this statement form.
First, an \"if $P$ then $Q$\" result can sometimes be improved by
weakening $P$ or strengthening $Q$. Thus, \"if a number is divisible by
$p^2$ then its square is also divisible by $p^2$\" could be upgraded
either by relaxing its hypothesis: \"if a number is divisible by $p$
then its square is divisible by $p^2$\", or by tightening its
conclusion: \"if a number is divisible by $p^2$ then its square is
divisible by $p^4$\".
Second, after showing \"if $P$ then $Q$\", a good next step is to look
into whether there are cases where $Q$ holds but $P$ does not. The idea
is to better understand the relationship between $P$ and $Q$, with an
eye toward strengthening the proposition.
### Equivalence
An if-then statement cannot be improved when not only does $P$ imply
$Q$, but also $Q$ implies $P$. Some ways to say this are: \"$P$ if and
only if $Q$\", \"$P$ iff $Q$\", \"$P$ and $Q$ are logically
equivalent\", \"$P$ is necessary and sufficient to give $Q$\",
\"$P\iff Q$\". For example, \"a number is divisible by a prime if and
only if that number squared is divisible by the prime squared\".
The picture here shows that $P$ and $Q$ hold in exactly the same cases.
Although in simple arguments a chain like \"$P$ if and only if $R$,
which holds if and only if $S$ \...\" may be practical, typically we
show equivalence by showing the \"if $P$ then $Q$\" and \"if $Q$ then
# Linear Algebra/Quantifiers
Compare these two statements about natural numbers: \"there is an $x$
such that $x$ is divisible by $x^2$\" is true, while \"for all numbers
$x$, that $x$ is divisible by $x^2$\" is false.
We call the \"there is\" and \"for all\"
prefixes **quantifiers**.
### For all
The \"for all\" prefix is the **universal quantifier**, symbolized
Venn diagrams aren\'t very helpful with quantifiers, but in a sense the
box we draw to border the diagram shows the universal quantifier since
it delineates the universe of possible members.
To prove that a statement holds in all cases, we must show that it holds
in each case. Thus, to prove \"every number divisible by $p$ has its
square divisible by $p^2$\", take a single number of the form $pn$ and
square it $(pn)^2=p^2n^2$. This is a \"typical element\" or \"generic
element\" proof.
This kind of argument requires that we are careful to not assume
properties for that element other than those in the hypothesis--- for
instance, this type of wrong argument is a common mistake: \"if $n$ is
divisible by a prime, say $2$, so that $n=2k$ then $n^2=(2k)^2=4k^2$ and
the square of the number is divisible by the square of the prime\". That
is an argument about the case $p=2$, but it isn\'t a proof for general
### There exists
We will also use the **existential quantifier**, symbolized $\exists$
and read \"there exists\".
As noted above, Venn diagrams are not much help with quantifiers, but a
picture of \"there is a number such that $P$\" would show both that
there can be more than one and that not all numbers need satisfy $P$.
An existence proposition can be proved by producing something satisfying
the property: once, to settle the question of primality of $2^{2^5}+1$,
Euler produced its divisor $641$. But there are proofs showing that
something exists without saying how to find it; Euclid\'s argument given
in the next subsection shows there are infinitely many primes without
naming them. In general, while demonstrating existence is better than
nothing, giving an example is better, and an exhaustive list of all
instances is great. Still, mathematicians take what they can get.
Finally, along with \"Are there any?\" we often ask \"How many?\" That
is why the issue of uniqueness often arises in conjunction with
questions of existence. Many times the two arguments are simpler if
separated, so note that just as proving something exists does not show
it is unique, neither does proving something is unique show that it
exists. (Obviously \"the natural number with more factors than any
other\" would be unique, but in fact no such number exists.)
|next=Techniques of Proof}}`{=mediawiki}
# Linear Algebra/Techniques of Proof
|current=Techniques of Proof
### Induction
Many proofs are iterative, \"Here\'s why the statement is true for for
the case of the number $1$, it then follows for $2$, and from there to
$3$, and so on \...\". These are called proofs by **induction**. Such a
proof has two steps. In the **base
step** the proposition is established for some first number, often $0$
or $1$. Then in the **inductive
step** we assume that the proposition holds for numbers up to some $k$
and deduce that it then holds for the next number $k+1$.
Here is an example.
> We will prove that $1+2+3+\dots+n=n(n+1)/2$.
> For the base step we must show that the formula holds when $n=1$.
> That\'s easy, the sum of the first $1$ number does indeed equal
> $1(1+1)/2$.
> For the inductive step, assume that the formula holds for the numbers
> $1,2,\ldots,k$. That is, assume all of these instances of the formula.
> $$\begin{array}{rl}
> 1
> &=1(1+1)/2 \\
> \text{and}\quad 1+2
> &=2(2+1)/2 \\
> \text{and}\quad 1+2+3
> &=3(3+1)/2 \\
> &\vdots \\
> \text{and}\quad 1+\dots+k
> &=k(k+1)/2
> \end{array}$$
> From this assumption we will deduce that the formula therefore also
> holds in the $k+1$ next case. The deduction is straightforward
> algebra.
> $$1+2+\cdots+k+(k+1)
> =
> \frac{k(k+1)}{2}+(k+1)
> =
> \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2}$$
We\'ve shown in the base case that the above proposition holds for $1$.
We\'ve shown in the inductive step that if it holds for the case of $1$
then it also holds for $2$; therefore it does hold for $2$. We\'ve also
shown in the inductive step that if the statement holds for the cases of
$1$ and $2$ then it also holds for the next case $3$, etc. Thus it holds
for any natural number greater than or equal to $1$.
Here is another example.
> We will prove that every integer greater than $1$ is a product of
> primes.
> The base step is easy: $2$ is the product of a single prime.
> For the inductive step assume that each of $2, 3,\ldots ,k$ is a
> product of primes, aiming to show $k+1$ is also a product of primes.
> There are two possibilities: (i) if $k+1$ is not divisible by a number
> smaller than itself then it is a prime and so is the product of
> primes, and (ii) if $k+1$ is divisible then its factors can be written
> as a product of primes (by the inductive hypothesis) and so $k+1$ can
> be rewritten as a product of primes. That ends the proof.
> (*Remark.* The Prime Factorization Theorem of Number Theory says that
> not only does a factorization exist, but that it is unique. We\'ve
> shown the easy half.)
There are two things to note about the \"next number\" in an induction
For one thing, while induction works on the integers, it\'s no good on
the reals. There is no \"next\" real.
The other thing is that we sometimes use induction to go down, say, from
$10$ to $9$ to $8$, etc., down to $0$. So \"next number\" could mean
\"next lowest number\". Of course, at the end we have not shown the fact
for all natural numbers, only for those less than or equal to $10$.
### Contradiction
Another technique of proof is to show something is true by showing it
can\'t be false.
> The classic example is Euclid\'s, that there are infinitely many
> primes.
> Suppose there are only finitely many primes $p_1,\dots,p_k$. Consider
> $p_1\cdot p_2\dots p_k +1$. None of the primes on this supposedly
> exhaustive list divides that number evenly, each leaves a remainder of
> $1$. But every number is a product of primes so this can\'t be. Thus
> there cannot be only finitely many primes.
Every proof by contradiction has the same form: **assume** that **the
false** proposition **is** **true** and **derive** some
**contradiction** to known facts. This kind of logic is known as
Aristotelian Logic, or Term Logic
> Another example is this proof that $\sqrt{2}$ is not a rational
> number.
> Suppose that $\sqrt{2}=m/n$.
> $$2n^2=m^2$$
> Factor out the $2$\'s: $n=2^{k_n}\cdot \hat{n}$ and
> $m=2^{k_m}\cdot \hat{m}$ and rewrite.
> $$2\cdot (2^{k_n}\cdot \hat{n})^2
> =
> (2^{k_m}\cdot \hat{m})^2$$
> The Prime Factorization Theorem says that there must be the same
> number of factors of $2$ on both sides, but there are an odd number
> $1+2k_n$ on the left and an even number $2k_m$ on the right. That\'s a
> contradiction, so a rational with a square of $2$ cannot be.
Both of these examples aimed to prove something doesn\'t exist. A
negative proposition often suggests a proof by contradiction.
|current=Techniques of Proof
|next=Sets, Functions, Relations}}`{=mediawiki}
# Linear Algebra/Sets, Functions, Relations
|current=Sets, Functions, Relations
|previous=Techniques of Proof
### Sets
Mathematicians work with collections called **sets**. A set can be given
as a listing between curly braces as in $\{ 1,4,9,16 \}$, or, if that\'s
unwieldy, by using set-builder notation as in
$\{x\,\big|\, x^5-3x^3+2=0 \}$ (read \"the set of all $x$ such that
\\ldots\"). We name sets with capital roman letters as with the primes
$P=\{2,3,5,7,11,\ldots\,\}$, except for a few special sets such as the
real numbers $\mathbb{R}$, and the complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$.
To denote that something is an
**element** (or **member**) of a set we use \"${}\in {}$\", so that
$7\in\{3,5,7\}$ while $8\not\in\{3,5,7\}$.
What distinguishes a set from any other type of collection is the
Principle of Extensionality, that two sets with the same elements are
equal. Because of this principle, in a set repeats collapse
$\{7,7\}=\{7\}$ and order doesn\'t matter $\{2,\pi\}=\{\pi,2\}$.
We use \"$\subset$\" for the subset relationship:
$\{2,\pi\}\subset\{2,\pi,7\}$ and \"$\subseteq$\" for subset or equality
(if $A$ is a subset of $B$ but $A\neq
B$ then $A$ is a **proper subset** of $B$). These symbols may be
flipped, for instance $\{ 2,\pi,5\}\supset\{2,5\}$.
Because of Extensionality, to prove that two sets are equal $A=B$, just
show that they have the same members.
Usually we show mutual
inclusion, that both $A\subseteq B$ and $A\supseteq B$.
### Set operations
Venn diagrams are handy here. For instance, $x\in P$ can be pictured
{width="" height="200"}
and \"$P\subseteq Q$\" looks like this.
Note that this is a repeat of the diagram for \"if \\ldots then \...\"
propositions. That\'s because \"$P\subseteq Q$\" means \"if $x\in P$
then $x\in Q$\".
In general, for every propositional logic operator there is an
associated set operator. For
instance, the **complement** of $P$ is
$P^{\text{comp}}=\{x\,\big|\, \text{not }(x\in P)\}$
{width="" height="200"}
the **union** is $P\cup Q=\{x\,\big|\,(x\in P) \text{ or }(x\in Q)\}$
{width="" height="200"}
and the **intersection** is
$P\cap Q=\{x\,\big|\, (x\in P)\text{ and }(x\in Q)\}.$
{width="" height="200"}
}}When two sets share no members their intersection is the **empty set**
$\{\}$, symbolized $\varnothing$. Any set has the empty set for a
subset, by the \"vacuously true\" property of the definition of
### Sequences
We shall also use collections where order does matter and where repeats
do not collapse. These are **sequences**, denoted with angle brackets:
$\langle 2,3,7 \rangle \neq\langle 2,7,3 \rangle$.
A sequence of length $2$ is
sometimes called an **ordered pair** and written with parentheses:
$(\pi,3)$. We also sometimes say \"ordered triple\", \"ordered
$4$-tuple\", etc. The set of ordered $n$-tuples of elements of a set $A$
is denoted $A^n$. Thus the set of pairs of reals is $\mathbb{R}^2$.
### Functions
We first see functions in elementary Algebra, where they are presented
as formulas (e.g., $f(x)=16x^2-100$), but progressing to more advanced
Mathematics reveals more general functions--- trigonometric ones,
exponential and logarithmic ones, and even constructs like absolute
value that involve piecing together parts--- and we see that functions
aren\'t formulas, instead the key idea is that a function associates
with its input $x$ a single output $f(x)$.
Consequently, a **function** or **map** is defined to be a set of
ordered pairs $(x,f(x)\,)$ such that $x$ suffices to determine $f(x)$,
that is: if $x_1=x_2$ then $f(x_1)=f(x_2)$ (this requirement is referred
to by saying a function is **well-defined**).\\footnote{More on this is
in the section on isomorphisms}
Each input $x$ is one of the function\'s **arguments** and each output
$f(x)$ is a **value**. The set of all
arguments is $f$\'s **domain** and the set of output values is its
**range**. Usually we don\'t need know
what is and is not in the range and we instead work with a superset of
the range, the **codomain**. The notation for a function $f$ with domain
$X$ and codomain $Y$ is $f:X\to Y$.
We sometimes instead use the notation
$x\stackrel{f}{\longmapsto} 16x^2-100$, read \"$x$ maps under $f$ to
$16x^2-100$\", or \"$16x^2-100$ is the \"*image*\' of $x$\'.
Some maps, like $x\mapsto \sin(1/x)$, can be thought of as combinations
of simple maps, here, $g(y)=\sin(y)$ applied to the image of $f(x)=1/x$.
The **composition** of $g:Y\to Z$
with $f:X\to Y$, is the map sending $x\in X$ to $g(\, f(x)\,)\in Z$. It
is denoted $g\circ f:X\to Z$. This definition only makes sense if the
range of $f$ is a subset of the domain of $g$.
Observe that the **identity map** $\mbox{id}:Y\to Y$ defined by
$\mbox{id}(y)=y$ has the property that for any $f:X\to Y$, the
composition $\mbox{id}\circ f$ is equal to $f$. So an identity map plays
the same role with respect to function composition that the number $0$
plays in real number addition, or that the number $1$ plays in
In line with that analogy, define a **left inverse** of a map $f:X\to Y$
to be a function $g:\text{range}(f)\to X$ such that $g\circ f$ is the
identity map on $X$. Of course, a
**right inverse** of $f$ is a $h:Y\to X$ such that $f\circ h$ is the
A map that is both a left and right inverse of $f$ is called simply an
**inverse**. An inverse, if one exists, is unique because if both $g_1$
and $g_2$ are inverses of $f$ then $g_1(x)=g_1\circ (f\circ g_2) (x)
= (g_1\circ f) \circ g_2(x)
=g_2(x)$ (the middle equality comes from the associativity of function
composition), so we often call it \"the\" inverse, written $f^{-1}$. For
instance, the inverse of the function $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ given
by $f(x)=2x-3$ is the function $f^{-1}:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ given
by $f^{-1}(x)=(x+3)/2$.
The superscript \"$f^{-1}$\" notation for function inverse can be
confusing--- it doesn\'t mean $1/f(x)$. It is used because it fits into
a larger scheme. Functions that have the same codomain as domain can be
iterated, so that where $f:X\to X$, we can consider the composition of
$f$ with itself: $f\circ f$, and $f\circ f\circ f$, etc.
Naturally enough, we write $f\circ f$ as $f^2$ and $f\circ f\circ f$ as
$f^3$, etc. Note that the familiar exponent rules for real numbers
obviously hold: $f^i\circ f^j=f^{i+j}$ and $(f^i)^j=f^{i\cdot j}$. The
relationship with the prior paragraph is that, where $f$ is invertible,
writing $f^{-1}$ for the inverse and $f^{-2}$ for the inverse of $f^2$,
etc., gives that these familiar exponent rules continue to hold, once
$f^0$ is defined to be the identity map.
If the codomain $Y$ equals the range of $f$ then we say that the
function is **onto** (or **surjective**). A function has a right inverse
if and only if it is onto (this is not hard to check).
If no two arguments share an image, if
$x_1\neq x_2$ implies that $f(x_1)\neq f(x_2)$, then the function is
**one-to-one** (or **injective**). A function has a left inverse if and
only if it is one-to-one (this is also not hard to check).
By the prior paragraph, a map has an inverse if and only if it is both
onto and one-to-one; such a function is a **correspondence**. It
associates one and only one element of the domain with each element of
the range (for example, finite sets must have the same number of
elements to be matched up in this way). Because a composition of
one-to-one maps is one-to-one, and a composition of onto maps is onto, a
composition of correspondences is a correspondence.
We sometimes want to shrink the domain of a function. For instance, we
may take the function $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ given by $f(x)=x^2$
and, in order to have an inverse, limit input arguments to nonnegative
reals $\hat{f}:\mathbb{R}^+\to \mathbb{R}$.
Technically, $\hat{f}$ is a
different function than $f$; we call it the **restriction** of $f$ to
the smaller domain.
A final point on functions: neither $x$ nor $f(x)$ need be a number. As
an example, we can think of $f(x,y)=x+y$ as a function that takes the
ordered pair $(x,y)$ as its argument.
### Relations
Some familiar operations are obviously functions: addition maps $(5,3)$
to $8$. But what of \"$<$\" or \"$=$\"? We here take the approach of
rephrasing \"$3<5$\" to \"$(3,5)$ is in the relation $<$\".
That is, define a **binary relation** on
a set $A$ to be a set of ordered pairs of elements of $A$. For example,
the $<$ relation is the set $\{(a,b)\,\big|\, a<b\}$; some elements of
that set are $(3,5)$, $(3,7)$, and $(1,100)$.
Another binary relation on the natural numbers is equality; this
relation is formally written as the set
Still another example is \"closer than $10$\", the set
$\{(x,y)\,\big|\, |x-y|<10 \}$. Some members of that relation are
$(1,10)$, $(10,1)$, and $(42,44)$. Neither $(11,1)$ nor $(1,11)$ is a
Those examples illustrate the generality of the definition. All kinds of
relationships (e.g., \"both numbers even\" or \"first number is the
second with the digits reversed\") are covered under the definition.
### Equivalence Relations
We shall need to say, formally, that two objects are alike in some way.
While these alike things aren\'t identical, they are related (e.g., two
integers that \"give the same remainder when divided by $2$\").
A binary relation $\{(a,b),\ldots \}$ is an **equivalence relation**when
it satisfies
1. **reflexivity**: any object is
related to itself;
2. **symmetry**: if $a$ is related to
$b$ then $b$ is related to $a$;
3. **transitivity**: if $a$ is
related to $b$ and $b$ is related to $c$ then $a$ is related to $c$.
(To see that these conditions formalize being the same, read them again,
replacing \"is related to\" with \"is like\".)
Some examples (on the integers): \"$=$\" is an equivalence relation,
\"$<$\" does not satisfy symmetry, \"same sign\" is a equivalence, while
\"nearer than $10$\" fails transitivity.
### Partitions
In \"same sign\" $\{ (1,3),(-5,-7),(-1,-1),\ldots\}$ there are two kinds
of pairs, the first with both numbers positive and the second with both
negative. So integers fall into exactly one of two classes, positive or
A **partition** of a set $S$ is a collection of subsets
$\{S_1,S_2,\ldots\}$ such that every element of $S$ is in one and only
one $S_i$: $S_1\cup S_2\cup \ldots{} = S$, and if $i$ is not equal to
$j$ then $S_i\cap S_j=\varnothing$. Picture $S$ being decomposed into
distinct parts.
{width="" height="200"}
Thus, the first paragraph says \"same sign\" partitions the integers
into the positives and the negatives.
Similarly, the equivalence relation \"=\" partitions the integers into
one-element sets.
Another example is the fractions. Of course, $2/3$ and $4/6$ are
equivalent fractions. That is, for the set
$S=\{n/d\,\big|\, n,d\in\mathbb{Z}\text{ and }d\neq 0\}$, we define two
elements $n_1/d_1$ and $n_2/d_2$ to be equivalent if $n_1d_2=n_2d_1$. We
can check that this is an equivalence relation, that is, that it
satisfies the above three conditions. With that, $S$ is divided up into
Before we show that equivalence relations always give rise to
partitions, we first illustrate the argument. Consider the relationship
between two integers of \"same parity\", the set
$\{ (-1,3),(2,4),(0,0),\ldots\}$ (i.e., \"give the same remainder when
divided by $2$\"). We want to say that the natural numbers split into
two pieces, the evens and the odds, and inside a piece each member has
the same parity as each other. So for each $x$ we define the set of
numbers associated with it:
$S_x=\{y\,\big|\, (x,y)\in\text{same parity}\}$. Some examples are
$S_1=\{\ldots,-3,-1,1,3,\ldots\}$, and $S_4=\{\ldots,-2,0,2,4,\ldots\}$,
and $S_{-1}=\{\ldots,-3,-1,1,3,\ldots\}$. These are the parts, e.g.,
$S_1$ is the odds.
}}`<b>`{=html}Theorem`</b>`{=html} An equivalence relation induces a
partition on the underlying set.
}}We call each part of a partition an **equivalence class** (or
informally, \"part\").
We somtimes pick a single element of each equivalence class to be the
**class representative**.
Usually when we pick representatives we have some natural scheme in
mind. In that case we call them the
**canonical** representatives.
An example is the simplest form of a fraction. We\'ve defined $3/5$ and
$9/15$ to be equivalent fractions. In everyday work we often use the
\"simplest form\" or \"reduced form\" fraction as the class
|current=Sets, Functions, Relations
|previous=Techniques of Proof
|next=Licensing And History}}`{=mediawiki}
# Circuit Theory/All Chapters
This wikibook is going
to be an introductory text about electric circuits. It will cover some
the basics of electric circuit theory, circuit analysis, and will touch
on circuit design. This book will serve as a companion reference for a
1st year of an Electrical Engineering undergraduate curriculum. Topics
covered include AC and DC circuits, passive circuit components, phasors,
and RLC circuits. The focus is on students of an electrical engineering
undergraduate program. Hobbyists would benefit more from reading
Electronics instead.
*This book is not nearly completed, and could still be improved. People
with knowledge of the subject are encouraged to contribute.*
The main editable text of this book is located at
<http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Circuit_Theory>. The wikibooks version of
this text is considered the most up-to-date version, and is the best
place to edit this book and contribute to it.
# Circuit Theory/Circuit Theory Introduction
## Who is This Book For?
This is designed for a first course in Circuit Analysis which is usually
accompanied by a set of labs. It is assumed that students are in a
Differential Equations class at the same time. Phasors are used to avoid
the Laplace transform of driving functions while maintaining a complex
impedance transform of the physical circuit that is identical in both.
1st and 2nd order differential equations can be solved using phasors and
calculus if the driving functions are sinusoidal. The sinusoidal is then
replaced by the more simple step function and then the convolution
integral is used to find an analytical solution to any driving function.
This leaves time for a more intuitive understanding of poles, zeros,
transfer functions, and Bode plot interpretation.
For those who have already had differential equations, the Laplace
transform equivalent will be presented as an alternative while focusing
on phasors and calculus.
This book will expect the reader to have a firm understanding of
Calculus specifically, and will not stop to explain the fundamental
topics in Calculus.
For information on Calculus, see the wikibook:
## What Will This Book Cover?
This book will cover linear circuits, and linear circuit elements.
The goal is to emphasize Kirchhoff and symbolic algebra
systems such as
Mathematica or
Sage; at the expense of analysis methods such
as node,
mesh, and Norton
equivalent. A phasor/calculus based
approach starts at the very beginning and ends with the convolution
integral to handle all the various types of forcing functions.
The result is a linear analysis experience that is general in nature but
skips Laplace and Fourier transforms.
Kirchhoff\'s laws receive normal focus, but the other circuit
analysis/simplification techniques receive less than a normal attention.
The class ends with application of these concepts in Power Analysis,
Filters, Control systems.
The goal is set the ground work for a transition to the digital version
of these concepts from a firm basis in the physical world. The next
course would be one focused on modeling linear systems and analyzing
them digitally in preparation for a digital signal
(DSP) processing course.
## Where to Go From Here
- For a technician version of this course which focuses on the
practical rather than the idea, expertise rather than theory, and on
algebra rather than calculus, see the
**Electronics** wikibook.
- Take **Ordinary Differential
Equations** now that
you have a practical reason to do so. This math class should ideally
feel like an \"art\" class and be enjoyable.
- To begin a course of study in Computer Engineering, see the
**Digital Circuits** wikibook.
- For a traditional \"next\" course, see the **Signals and
Systems** wikibook. There should be
an overlap with this wikibook.
- The intended next course would have a name such as **A New Sequence
in Signals and Linear
or **Elements of Discrete Signal
# Circuit Theory/Terminology
## Basic Terminology
There are a few key terms that need to be understood at the beginning of
this book, before we can continue. This is only a partial list of all
terms that will be used throughout this book, but these key words are
important to know before we begin the main narrative of this text.
Time domain : The **time domain** is described by graphs of power, voltage and current that depend upon time. This is simply another way of saying that our circuits change with time, and that the major variable used to describe the system is time. Another name is \"temporal\".
<!-- -->
Frequency domain: The **frequency domain** are graphs of power, voltage and/or current that depend upon frequency such as Bode plots. Variable frequencies in wireless communication can represent changing channels or data on a channel. Another name is the \"Fourier domain\". Other domains that an engineer might encounter are the \"Laplace domain\" (or the \"s domain\" or \"complex frequency domain\"), and the \"Z domain\". When combined with the time, it is called a \"spectral\" or \"waterfall.\"
<!-- -->
Circuit response : Circuits generally have inputs and outputs. In fact, it is safe to say that a circuit isn\'t useful if it doesn\'t have one or the other (usually both). **Circuit response** is the relationship between the circuit\'s input to the circuit\'s output. The circuit response may be a measure of either current or voltage.
<!-- -->
Non-homogeneous : Circuits are described by equations that capture the component characteristics and how they are wired together. These equations are **non-homogeneous** in nature. Solving these equations requires splitting the single problem into two problems: a *steady-state solution* (particular solution) and a *transient solution* (homogeneous solution).
<!-- -->
Steady-state solution : The final value, when all circuit elements have a constant or periodic behavior, is also known as the steady-state value of the circuit. The circuit response at steady-state (when voltages and currents have stopped changing due to a disturbance) is also known as the \"steady-state response\". The **steady-state solution** to the particular integral is called the *particular solution*.
<!-- -->
Transient : A **transient** event is a short-lived burst of energy in a system caused by a sudden change of state.
<!-- -->
: Transient "wikilink") means momentary,
or a short period of time. Transient means that the energy in a
circuit suddenly changes which causes the energy storage elements to
react. The circuit\'s energy state is forced to change. When a car
goes over a bump, it can fly apart, feel like a rock, or cushion the
impact in a designed manner. The goal of most circuit design is to
plan for transients, whether intended or not.
<!-- -->
: Transient solutions are determined by assuming the driving
function(s) is zero which creates a homogeneous equation, which has
a **homogeneous
## Summary
When something changes in a circuit, there is a certain transition
period before a circuit \"settles down\", and reaches its final value.
The response that a circuit has before settling into its *steady-state
response* is known as the *transient response*. Using **Euler\'s
formula**, **complex
**phasors** and the
**s-plane**, a **homogeneous
technique will be developed that captures the transient response by
assuming the final state has no energy. In addition, a **particular
technique will be developed that finds the final energy state. Added
together, they predict the *circuit response*.
The related **Differential
equation** development of
homogeneous and particular solutions will be avoided.
# Circuit Theory/Variables and Units
## Electric Charge (Coulombs)
**Electric charge** is a physical
property of
matter that causes it to experience a
force when near other electrically charged
matter. Electric Charge (symbol q) is measured in SI units called
**\"Coulombs\"**, which are abbreviated with the letter capital C.
We know that q=n\*e, where n = number of electrons and e= 1.6\*10^−19^.
Hence n=1/e coulombs. A Coulomb is the total charge of
6.24150962915265×10^18^ electrons, thus a single electron has a charge
of −1.602 × 10^−19^ C.
It is important to understand that this concept of \"charge\" is
associated with static electricity. Charge, as a concept, has a physical
boundary that is related to counting a group of electrons. \"Flowing\"
electricity is an **entirely different
\"Charge\" and electrons separate. Charge moves at the speed of light
while electrons move at the speed of **1
meter/hour**. Thus in most circuit
analysis, \"charge\" is an abstract concept unrelated to energy or an
electron and more related to the flow of
Electric charge is the subject of many fundamental laws, such as
**Coulomb\'s Law** and **Gauss\'
Law** (static electricity) but is not used
much in circuit theory.
## Voltage (Volts)
**Voltage** is a measure of the work required to move a charge from one
point to another in a electric field. Thus the unit \"volt\" is defined
as a Joules (J) per Coulomb (C).
$$V = \frac{W}{q}$$
W represents work, q represents an amount of charge. Charge is a static
electricity concept. The definition of a volt is shared between static
and \"flowing\" electronics.
Voltage is sometimes called \"electric potential\", because voltage
represents the a difference in Electro Motive Force (EMF) that can
produce current in a circuit. More voltage means more potential for
current. Voltage also can be called \"Electric Pressure\", although this
is far less common.
Voltage is not measured in absolutes but in *relative* terms. The
English language tradition obscures this. For example we say \"What is
the distance to New York?\" Clearly implied is the relative distance
from where we are standing to New York. But if we say \"What is the
voltage at \_\_\_\_\_\_?\" What is the starting point?
Voltage is defined between two points. Voltage is relative to where 0 is
defined. We say \"The voltage from point A to B is 5 volts.\" It is
important to understand EMF and voltage are two different things.
When the question is asked \"What is the voltage at \_\_\_\_\_\_?\",
look for the ground symbol on a circuit diagram. Measure voltage from
ground to \_\_\_\_\_. If the question is asked \"What is the voltage
from A to B?\" then put the red probe on A and the black probe on B (not
The absolute is referred to as \"EMF\" or Electro Motive Force. The
difference between the two EMF\'s is a voltage.
## Current (Amperes)
**Current** is a measurement of the flow of electricity. Current is
measured in units called **Amperes** (or \"Amps\"). An ampere is
\"charge volume velocity\" in the same way water current could be
measured in \"cubic feet of water per second.\" But current is a **base
SI unit**, a fundamental dimension of
reality like space, time and mass. A coulomb or charge is not. A coulomb
is actually defined in terms of the ampere. \"Charge or Coulomb\" is a
**derived SI
The coulomb is a fictitious entity left over from the **one fluid /two
philosophies of the 18th century.
This course is about flowing electrical energy that is found in all
modern electronics. Charge volume velocity (defined by current) is a
useful concept, but understand it has no practical use in engineering.
Do not think of current as a bundle electrons carrying energy through a
wire. Special relativity and quantum
mechanics concepts are necessary to
understand how electrons move at **1
meter/hour** through copper, yet
electromagnetic energy moves at near the speed of light.
Amperes are abbreviated with an \"A\" (upper-case A), and the variable
most often associated with current is the letter \"i\" (lower-case I).
In terms of coulombs, an ampere is:
$$i = \frac{dq}{dt}$$
Because of the widespread use of complex numbers in Electrical
Engineering, it is common for electrical engineering texts to use the
letter \"j\" (lower-case J) as the imaginary number, instead of the
\"i\" (lower-case I) commonly used in math texts. This wikibook will
adopt the \"j\" as the imaginary number, to avoid confusion.
## Energy and Power
Electrical theory is about energy storage and the flow of energy in
circuits. Energy is chopped up arbitrarily into something that doesn\'t
exist but can be counted called a coulomb. Energy per coulomb is
voltage. The velocity of a coulomb is current. Multiplied together, the
units are energy velocity or power \... and the unreal \"coulomb\"
### Energy
Energy is measured most commonly in Joules, which are abbreviated with a
\"J\" (upper-case J). The variable most commonly used with energy is
\"w\" (lower-case W). The energy symbol is w which stands for work.
From a thermodynamics point of view, all energy consumed by a circuit is
work \... all the heat is turned into work. Practically speaking, this
can not be true. If it were true, computers would never consume any
energy and never heat up.
The reason that all the energy going into a circuit and leaving a
circuit is considered \"work\" is because from a thermodynamic point of
view, electrical energy is ideal. All of it can be used. Ideally all of
it can be turned into work. Most introduction to thermodynamics courses
assume that electrical energy is completely organized (and has entropy
of 0).
### Power
A corollary to the concept of energy being work, is that all the
energy/power of a circuit (ideally) can be accounted for. The sum of all
the power entering and leaving a circuit should add up to zero. No
energy should be accumulated (theoretically). Of course capacitors will
charge up and may hold onto their energy when the circuit is turned off.
Inductors will create a magnetic field containing energy that will
instantly disappear back into the source through the switch that turns
the circuit off.
This course uses what is called the
\"passive\" sign
convention for power. Energy put into a circuit by a power supply is
negative, energy leaving a circuit is positive.
Power (the flow of energy) computations are an important part of this
course. The symbol for power is w (for work) and the units are Watts or
# Circuit Theory/Circuit Basics
## Circuits
**Circuits** (also known as \"networks\") are collections of circuit
elements and wires. Wires are designated on a schematic as being
straight lines. Nodes are locations on a schematic where 2 or more wires
connect, and are usually marked with a dark black dot. Circuit Elements
are \"everything else\" in a sense. Most basic circuit elements have
their own symbols so as to be easily recognizable, although some will be
drawn as a simple box image, with the specifications of the box written
somewhere that is easy to find. We will discuss several types of basic
circuit components in this book.
## Ideal Wires
For the purposes of this book, we will assume that an ideal wire has
zero total resistance, no capacitance, and no inductance. A consequence
of these assumptions is that these ideal wires have infinite bandwidth,
are immune to interference, and are --- in essence --- completely
uncomplicated. This is not the case in real wires, because all wires
have at least some amount of associated resistance. Also, placing
multiple real wires together, or bending real wires in certain patterns
will produce small amounts of capacitance and inductance, which can play
a role in circuit design and analysis. This book will assume that all
wires are ideal.
## Ideal Junctions or Nodes
!Nodes are areas where the Electromotive Force is the
Nodes are also called \"junctions\" in this book in order to make a
distinction between Node analysis, Kirchhoff\'s current law and
discussions about a physical node itself. Here a physical node is
A junction is a group of wires that share the same electromotive
force (not voltage). Wires
ideally have no resistance, thus all wires that touch wire to wire
somewhere are part of the same node. The diagram on the right shows two
big blue nodes, two smaller green nodes and two trivial (one wire
touching another) red nodes.
Sometimes a node is described as where two or more wires touch and
students circle where wires intersect and call this a node. This only
works on simple circuits.
One node has to be labeled ground in any circuit drawn before voltage
can be computed or the circuit simulated. Typically this is the node
having the most components connected to it. Logically it is normally
placed at the bottom of the circuit logic diagram.
Ground is not always needed physically. Some circuits are
floated on purpose.
Node Quiz
## Measuring instruments
**Voltmeters and Ammeters** are devices that are used to measure the
voltage across an element, and the current flowing through a wire,
### Ideal Voltmeters
An ideal voltmeter has an infinite resistance (in reality, several
megaohms), and acts like an open circuit. A
is placed across the terminals of a circuit element, to determine the
voltage across that element. In practice the voltmeter siphons enough
energy to move a needle, cause thin strips of metal to separate or turn
on a transistor so a number is displayed.
### Ideal Ammeters
An ideal ammeter has zero resistance and acts like a short circuit.
Ammeters require cutting a wire and plugging the two ends into the
Ammeter. In practice an ammeter places a tiny resistor in a wire and
measures the tiny voltage across it or the ammeter measures the
magnetic field strength generated by
current flowing through a wire. Ammeters are not used that much because
of the wire cutting, or wire disconnecting they require.
## Active, Passive & ReActive
The elements which are capable of delivering energy or which are capable
to amplify the signal are called \"Active elements\". All power supplies
fit into this category.
The elements which will receive the energy and dissipate it are called
\"Passive elements\". Resistors model these devices.
Reactive elements store and release energy into a circuit. Ideally they
don\'t either consume or generate energy. Capacitors, and inductors fall
into this category.
## Open and Short Circuits
### Open
No current flows through an open. Normally an **open** is created by a
bad connector. Dust, bad solder joints, bad crimping, cracks in circuit
board traces, create an **open**. Capacitors respond to DC by turning
into **opens** after charging up. Uncharged inductors appear as
**opens** immediately after powering up a circuit. The word **open** can
refer to a problem description. The word **open** can also help develop
an intuition about circuits.
Typically the circuit stops working with opens because 99% of all
circuits are driven by voltage power sources. Voltage sources respond to
an open with no current. Opens are the equivalent of clogs in plumbing
.. which stop water from flowing.
On one side of the open, EMF will build up, just like water pressure
will build up on one side of a clogged pipe. Typically a voltage will
appear across the open.
### Short
A voltage source responds to a **short** by delivering as much current
as possible. An extreme example of this can be seen in this ball
bearing motor video. The
motor appears as a short to the battery. Notice he only completes the
short for a short time because he is worried about the car battery
Maximum current flows through a **short**. Normally a **short** is
created by a wire, a nail, or some loose screw touching parts of the
circuit unintentionally. Most component failures start with heat build
up. The heat destroys varnish, paint, or thin insulation creating a
**short**. The **short** causes more current to flow which causes more
heat. This cycle repeats faster and faster until there is a puff of
smoke and everything breaks creating an **open**. Most component
failures start with a **short** and end in an **open** as they burn up.
Feel the air temperature above each circuit component after power on.
Build a memory of what normal operating temperatures are. Cold can
indicate a short that has already turned into an open.
An uncharged capacitor initially appears as a **short** immediately
after powering on a circuit. An inductor appears as a **short** to DC
after charging up. The **short** concept also helps build our intuition,
provides an opportunity to talk about electrical safety and helps
describe component failure modes.
A **closed** switch can be thought of as short.
Switches are surprisingly complicated.
It is in a study of switches that the term **closed** begins to dominate
that of **short**.
# Circuit Theory/Resistors
## Resistors
Mechanical engineers seem to model everything with a spring. Electrical
engineers compare everything to a **Resistor**. Resistors are circuit
elements that resist the flow of current. When this is done a voltage
appears across the resistor\'s two wires.
A pure resistor turns electrical energy into
heat. Devices similar to resistors turn this energy into light, motion,
heat, and other forms of energy.

Current in the drawing above is shown entering the + side of the
resistor. Resistors don\'t care which leg is connected to positive or
negative. The + means where the positive or red probe of the volt meter
is to be placed in order to get a positive reading. This is called the
\"positive charge\" flow
sign convention. Some circuit theory classes (often within a physics
oriented curriculum) are taught with an \"electron flow\" sign
In this case, current entering the + side of the resistor means that the
resistor is removing energy from the circuit. This is good. The goal of
most circuits is to send energy out into the world in the form of
motion, light, sound, etc.
## Resistance
**Resistance** is
measured in terms of units called \"Ohms\" (volts per ampere), which is
commonly abbreviated with the Greek letter Ω (\"Omega\"). Ohms are also
used to measure the quantities of *impedance* and *reactance*, as
described in a later chapter. The variable most commonly used to
represent resistance is \"r\" or \"R\".
Resistance is defined as:
$$r = {\rho L \over A}$$
where ρ is the resistivity of the material, L is the length of the
resistor, and A is the cross-sectional area of the resistor.
## Conductance
**Conductance** is the inverse of resistance. Conductance has units of
\"Siemens\" (S), sometimes referred to as mhos (ohms backwards,
abbreviated as an upside-down Ω). The associated variable is \"G\":
$$G = \frac{1}{r}$$
Before calculators and computers, conductance helped
reduce the number of hand calculations that
had to be done. Now conductance and it\'s related concepts of
admittance and susceptance can be
skipped with matlab, octave, wolfram alpha and other computing tools.
Learning one or more these computing tools is now absolutely necessary
in order to get through this text.
## Resistor terminal relation
right\|framed\|A simple circuit diagram relating current, voltage, and
The drawing on the right is of a battery and a resistor. Current is
leaving the + terminal of the battery. This means this battery is
turning chemical potential energy into electromagnetic potential energy
and dumping this energy into the circuit. The flow of this energy or
power is negative.
Current is entering the positive side of the resistor even though a +
has not been put on the resistor. This means electromagnetic potential
energy is being converted into heat, motion, light, or sound depending
upon the nature of the resistor. Power flowing out of the circuit is
given a positive sign.
The relationship of the voltage across the resistor V, the current
through the resistor I and the value of the resistor R is related by
ohm\'s law:
A resistor, capacitor and inductor all have only two wires attached to
them. Sometimes it is hard to tell them apart. In the real world, all
three have a bit of resistance, capacitance and inductance in them. In
this unknown context, they are called two terminal devices. In more
complicated devices, the wires are grouped into
ports. A two terminal device
that expresses Ohm\'s law when current and voltage are applied to it, is
called a resistor.
## Resistor Safety
Resistors come in all forms. Most have a maximum power rating in watts.
If you put too much through them, they can melt, catch fire, etc.
Resistance is an electrical passive element which oppose the flow of
electricity. Air can be considered as one of the resistances. Air is
used as a resistance in Lightning Arrestors. Also vacuum also is used as
a resistor.
## Example
Suppose the voltage across a resistor\'s two terminals is 10 volts and
the measured current through it is 2 amps. What is the resistance?
If $v=iR$ then $R = v/i = 10V/2A = 5 ohms$
# Circuit Theory/Capacitors
**Capacitors** are passive circuit elements
that can be used to store energy in the form of an electric field. In
the simplest case, a capacitor is a set of parallel metal plates
separated by a *dielectric* substance. Dielectric used can be air or any
other substance.
Electric charges build up on the opposite plates as a voltage is applied
to the capacitor.
With a constant voltage across the capacitor there will be no change in
electric charge and thus the steady-state current becomes zero. Stored
energy can be discharged from a capacitor by connecting its terminals
with a wire. Big capacitors can create lightening bolts, so tape the
wire to the end of a long wooden stick.
### Capacitance
**Capacitance** is defined as the
capability of a capacitor to store the charge of a voltage. Capacitance
is measured in units called \"Farads,\" abbreviated by an \"F\".
The ratio of charge over voltage gives a value of capacitance
$$C = \frac{q}{v}$$
### Capacitor Terminal Relation
The relationship between the current and the voltage of a capacitor is:
$$i = C\frac{dv}{dt}$$
The real world disturbs a capacitor by changing the voltage across it
rapidly. This instantly turns the capacitor into a short. The capacitor
eventually catches up to the changed condition, the voltage stops
changing, the current drops to zero and the capacitor acts like an open.
### Capacitor Safety
The bigger a capacitor is, the more dangerous it is.
A capacitor can continue storing its energy after the circuit is turned
off. A capacitor the size of a soda bottle can throw a person across the
room and/or damage nerves. Touching a capacitor the size of a kitchen
trash destroyed a persons arms to the point they were cut off at the
shoulders. Touching a capacitor the size of an oil drum has killed
people. Super
capacitors are packing
more power into smaller, lighter objects.
If capacitor is connected to a circuit wrong, it can explode youtube
A leyden jar is a capacitor. Aluminum foil
of about 200 mm by 450 mm placed on either side of glass can store
charge. If charged with a static electricity generator such as a
Wimshurst machine can cause the
glass, at the edges of the aluminum foil to shatter into little shards
like a grenade exploding.
### Example
Problem: Given a current of 10 amps flowing through a 1uF capacitor for
2 us, what is the voltage across the capacitor?
Solution: The problem appears to be a capacitor hit by a pulse of
current: $i(t) = \begin{cases}
0, & \text{for } t {\leq} 0\\
10, & \text{for } 0 < t {\leq} .000002\\
0, & \text{for } .000002 < t
The initial voltage across the capacitor is not given. Assume it is zero
for time less than 0. While current is flowing into the capacitor it is
going to charge. When the current stops, the capacitor will hold it\'s
charge and the voltage will remain constant.
The charging period requires transforming\
$i = C\frac{dv}{dt}$\
into the integral\
$v(t) = \frac{\int\limits_{0}^{t}i({\tau})\,d{\tau}}{C}$
The solution involves an integral: $v(t) = \begin{cases}
0, & \text{for } t {\leq} 0\\
\frac{\int\limits_{0}^{t}10\,d{\tau}}{.000001}, & \text{for } 0 < t {\leq} .000002\\
v(.000002), & \text{for } .000002 < t
To calculate the answer, the integral needs to be evaluated twice (links
are to wolfram alpha):
- once with the limits
- second with the limits
This results in the solution$$v(t) = \begin{cases}
0 \text{ volts}, & \text{for } t {\leq} 0 \text{ seconds}\\
10^7t \text{ volts}, & \text{for } 0 < t {\leq} .000002 \text{ seconds}\\
20 \text{ volts}, & \text{for } .000002 < t \text{ seconds}
# Circuit Theory/Inductors
An **inductor** is a coil of wire that stores
energy in the form of a magnetic field. The magnetic field depends on
current flowing to \"store energy.\"
If the current stops, the magnetic field collapses and creates a spark
in the device that is opening the circuit. The large generators found in
electricity generation can create huge currents. Turning them off can be
dangerous MIT EMF Youtube
video. There are no dangers
storing them.

### Inductance
**Inductance** is the capacity of an
inductor to store energy in the form of a magnetic field. Inductance is
measured by units called \"Henries\" which is abbreviated with a capital
\"H,\" and the variable associated with inductance is \"L\".
Inductance is the ratio of magnetic flux (symbol $\Phi_B$) to current:
$L = \Phi_B/i$
$\Phi_B$ measures the strength of a magnetic field just like charge
measures the strength of an electric field.
### Inductor Terminal Relation
The relationship between inductance, current, and voltage through an
inductor is given by the formula:
$$v = L\frac{di}{dt}$$
### Inductor Safety
Inductors found in power plants can store energy,
but inductors found at room temperature will not store energy. An
isolated inductor in storage can not kill someone like a capacitor can.
Inductors do cause problems. The first is economic. A good inductor is
much more expensive than a capacitor. In some situations, a collection
of other
can replace an inductor at less cost. Typical inductors are built with
copper which increases in cost as
supply on earth dwindles.
Inductors can create spikes and sparks
video when turning off that
can destroy other electrical components. They can destroy switches. They
can vaporize metal.
The biggest inductors at room temperature are found in electric motors.
When motors are turned on or off they create what is called a \"back
EMF.\" Ideally Back EMF is a voltage spike of
infinite voltage. Diodes, capacitors and resistors are used to turn the
back EMF into heat on discharge may make starting up the motor a
problem. Some electronic speed
controlers (ESCs) in
UAVs and quadcopters pulse the motor to
deliberately and measure the back EMF to figure out what direction the
motor is going to spin in. This reduces the need of hall-effect probes
and thus reduces the cost of the motor.
### Inductor Example
Question: Given the current through a 10mH inductor is
$i(t) = 5t*e^{-1000t}$ amps, what is the voltage?
Solution: No need to know the initial conditions because the solution is
a derivative: $v(t) = L di/dt$.
Using Wolfram
the solution is $v(t) = .01*e^{-1000t}(5-5000t)$ volts.
# Circuit Theory/Power supplies
## Sources
All sources can be alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC).
### Voltage Sources
Many power sources or supplies such as batteries or wall outlets are
voltage sources. This means they vary the current to keep the voltage
constant. AAA and AA batteries ideally put out 1.5 volts at all times.
Most of the time they are open (not connected to anything). Eventually
they are connected to a circuit that draws current from them. An ideal
AAA or AA battery could deliver infinite amount of current. A real world
battery tries to deliver infinite current if shorted, but usually heats
up, catches on fire or
### Current Sources
Most consumers have never had an first hand experience with a current
source. Neither will most students in the first semester of Circuit
Theory course\'s lab section. Current sources are the opposite of
voltage sources: they keep the current constant by varying the voltage.
This makes them very dangerous.
Current sources would require a wire shorting them at all times. If the
shorting wire were removed, the ideal currents source would create the
biggest, scariest lightning bolt instantaneously.
Current sources are important conceptually in order to understand ideal
transistors and op amps. This is why they are part of circuit theory
from the very beginning. Working with current sources inside op amps and
transistors has few safety risks.
### Power Supply Terminal Relation
There is no relationship between the current voltage through a power
supply. A 5 volt DC power supply will vary it\'s current based upon the
circuit attached. A 5 Amp DC power supply will vary it\'s voltage based
upon the circuit attached.
A power supply is a dependent device \... dependent upon the independent
resistors, capacitors, inductors that are arranged in a circuit and
attached to it.
### Power/Energy Equations
At any given instant, the power flowing through a two terminal device
is: $p(t) = v(t)i(t)$
The average power being consumed during time t is:
$p_{avg}(t)= 1/t * \int\limits_{0}^{t}{\tau}*p({\tau})\, d{\tau}$\
If p(t) is Sinusoidal, then the upper limit is one time period.\
Remember that the period of $sin(wt+{\theta})$ is $2{\pi}/w$
The energy consumed or work done during time t is similar:
$w(t)= \int\limits_{0}^{t}p({\tau})\, d{\tau}$
All other power concepts derive from the above. For example:
- If the voltage and current are constant (DC), then
$p(t) = p_{avg}(t) = iv = i^2R = v^2/R$
- If the voltage and current are Sinusoidal (AC) and enough time has
passed that the circuit is steady state, then math can be
simplified, but first have to learn phasors. However there are peak
power, average power and power factor concepts that need to be
understood to develop an intuition about circuits and understand the
fictitious \"flux
- If the voltage and current are in any pattern and are steady state,
then the above math can be simplified.
### Power Supply Safety
There are many different types of power supplies that each have
different safety concerns. LiPo batteries can explode/catch on
fire if
over charged. Here is a
video of someone exploring
244 dead 9 volt batteries creating a 2000 volt power supply. If shorted,
voltage supplies can do the same. If opened, current sources (very rare)
can do the same.
In most labs, the power supplies are protected by a fuse like a home is.
Shorts cause a circuit breaker to trip, fuse to burn out, relay to cut
off the circuit, etc. But batteries are typically not protected.
Most power supplies just stop working.
### Example 1
Find the average power consumed by a 20 ohm resistor when a current
$i(t) = \frac{4}{3}sin(3t)$ is applied.
Assume the initial average power is 0. Actually this makes no rational
sense. But every time an integral is computed, consider the possibility.
$v(t) = i(t)*r$ \...\... from resistor terminal relation\
$p(t) = i(t)*v(t)=i(t)*i(t)*r = i(t)^2*r$ \..... from definition of
$p_{avg}=\frac{1}{t}\int\limits_{0}^{t}{\tau}*i({\tau})^2*r\, d{\tau}$
\...\... average power definition\
$t=\frac{2\pi}{3}$ \.... definition of period\
$p_{avg} = \frac{20*3}{2\pi}\int\limits_{0}^{\frac{2\pi}{3}}{\tau}*(\frac{4}{3}sin(3{\tau}))^2\, d{\tau} = 8.36 watts$
\... using
### Example 2
Given the two graphs of voltage and current, find and graph the power
and energy for t=0 to t=8. !created with
!created with
!created with
#### Turn the Question into Math
convert the voltage and current graphs to equations:
$v(t) \text{, } i(t) = \begin{cases}
v=0 \text{, } i=0, & \text{for } t {\leq} 0\\
v=2 \text{, } i=2, & \text{for } 0 < t {\leq} 2\\
v=2-2*(t-2) \text{, } i=-2, & \text{for } 2 < t {\leq} 4\\
v=-2 \text{, } i=2, & \text{for } 4 < t {\leq} 5\\
v=2*(t-5)-2 \text{, } i=2, & \text{for } 5 < t {\leq} 6\\
v=2*(t-5)-2 \text{, } i=-2, & \text{for } 6 < t {\leq} 7\\
v=2 \text{, } i=-2, & \text{for } 7 < t {\leq} 8\\
#### Find the Power by Multiplying
Now do the math $p(t)=v(t)i(t)$ to find the power:
$p(t) = \begin{cases}
0, & \text{for } t {\leq} 0\\
4, & \text{for } 0 < t {\leq} 2\\
4*(t-2)-4, & \text{for } 2 < t {\leq} 4\\
-4, & \text{for } 4 < t {\leq} 5\\
4*(t-5)-4, & \text{for } 5 < t {\leq} 6\\
4-4*(t-5), & \text{for } 6 < t {\leq} 7\\
-4, & \text{for } 7 < t {\leq} 8\\
#### Find the Energy by Integrating
Now comes the more difficult part. Energy
$w(t)= \int\limits_{0}^{t}{\tau}*p({\tau})\, d{\tau}$. Integrate from
the initial condition to t rather than a specific value. Evaluate the
integrals using wolfram
$w(t) = \begin{cases}
0, & \text{for } t {\leq} 0\\
\int\limits_{0}^{t}4\, d{\tau}= 4t, & \text{for } 0 < t {\leq} 2\\
\int\limits_{2}^{t}(4*({\tau}-2)-4)\, d{\tau}=2(t^2-6t+8), & \text{for } 2 < t {\leq} 4\\
\int\limits_{4}^{t}(-4)\, d{\tau}=-4(t-4), & \text{for } 4 < t {\leq} 5\\
\int\limits_{5}^{t}(4*({\tau}-5)-4)\, d{\tau}=2(t^2-12t+35), & \text{for } 5 < t {\leq} 6\\
\int\limits_{6}^{t}(4-({\tau}-5)*4)\, d{\tau}=-2(t-6)^2, & \text{for } 6 < t {\leq} 7\\
\int\limits_{7}^{t}(-4)\, d{\tau}=-4(t-7), & \text{for } 7 < t {\leq} 8\\
#### Find the integration constant and next initial condition
Find the first initial condition from the problem statement. Setting
beginning t to the initial condition and find the integration constant.
Find the next initial condition by setting the t to the end value of the
defined segment.
The goal is to find the cumulative energy, not the change in energy of
each segment. This is done by making sure that the end point of the
previous segment matches the value at the beginning of the next segment.
When graphed, there should be no vertical jumps.
$w(t) = \begin{cases}
0 \text{ the assumed initial condition}, & \text{for } t {\leq} 0\\
2(0)^2 + C = 0 \Rightarrow C=0 \text{ and } 4*2+0 = 8, & \text{for } 0 < t {\leq} 2\\
2(2^2-6*2+8) + C = 8 \Rightarrow C=8 \text{ and } 2(4^2-6*4+8) + 8 = 8, & \text{for } 2 < t {\leq} 4\\
-4*(4-4) + C = 8 \Rightarrow C=8 \text{ and } -4*(5-4)+8 = 4, & \text{for } 4 < t {\leq} 5\\
2*(5^2-12*5+35) + C = 4 \Rightarrow C=4 \text{ and } 2(6^2-12*6+35)+4 = 2, & \text{for } 5 < t {\leq} 6\\
-2(6-6)^2 + C = 2 \Rightarrow C= 2 \text{ and } -2(7-6)^2 + 2 = 0, & \text{for } 6 < t {\leq} 7\\
-4(7-7) + C = 0 \Rightarrow C=0 \text{ and } -4(8-7) +0 = -4, & \text{for } 7 < t {\leq} 8\\
#### Graphing and Checking the Solution
!energy in joules versus time in seconds
Graphing is a form of checking your work. Without graphing, the
intuitive process can not kick in.
$w(t) = \begin{cases}
0, & \text{for } t {\leq} 0\\
4t, & \text{for } 0 < t {\leq} 2\\
2(t^2-6t+8)+8, & \text{for } 2 < t {\leq} 4\\
-4(t-4)+8, & \text{for } 4 < t {\leq} 5\\
2(t^2-12t+35)+4, & \text{for } 5 < t {\leq} 6\\
-2(t-6)^2+2, & \text{for } 6 < t {\leq} 7\\
-4(t-7), & \text{for } 7 < t {\leq} 8\\
#### Building Intuition
When doing a long problem like this one, it is important to build one\'s
intuition. There are two basic ways to do this:
- Think about power supply experiences and ask \"What does this
- Add expectation feelings and emotion. Think of experiences, the
emotion, the happening, not the end product of things you like.
Attach the emotion associated with them to the problem at hand. Mix
the doing them with solving the problem.
- Tell a story, then check the story against the graphs.
What kind of device are we looking at? Has to be an element that both
consumes and generates electricity. The current is switching back and
forth every two seconds, thus it is most likely a motor driving some
kind of back and forth motion. Motors are essentially an inductor. An
inductor is going to vary the voltage all over the place to try and keep
the current constant \... like a current source. The motor is working as
planned (consuming energy) for the first four seconds sort of. During
the second four seconds, something else is happening. It looks like a 2
year old has grabbed the fan that is trying to oscillate back and forth
and is forcing it in the opposite direction. This could cause the motor
to turn into a generator, hence the voltage variations, the negative
energy and power.
# Circuit Theory/TR
A terminal is a place where a wire comes out of an electrical component.
Terminal relations for the 2 wire devices studied so far (resistors,
capacitors and inductors), describe the voltage across the two terminals
and the current entering and leaving the terminals (which is always the
The terminal relations for a resistor are $v = i * R$ (called ohms law)
The terminal relations for a capacitor are $i = C * dv/dt$
The terminal relations for an inductor are $v = L * di/dt$
A power supply doesn\'t have a terminal relationship or equation
relating current and voltage. Either the current is constant (current
supply) or voltage is constant (voltage supply). The power is varied
depending upon what the circuit asks for.
One of the best places to build up your intuition or build your own
animated circuit simulations is at
# Circuit Theory/IV curves
!The current--voltage characteristics of four devices: 100K ohm, 10
ohm, a P--N junction diode, and a battery with real world internal
resistance. The horizontal axis is voltage drop, the vertical axis is
These curves reflect that most circuits are designed with voltage as the
independent variable; with voltage sources and currents being dependent
variables. What this means is that the slopes of the IV curves are 1/R.
So normally whereas normally horizontal is a slope of 0, it is now a
slope of infinity.
Ideally, a diode would turn on at 0 volts and go from horizontal to
vertical instantly.
Ideally, a voltage source would be a vertical line.
Ideally, resistance does not change due to voltage or current and are
thus straight lines.
!transistor curves{width="400"}
A transistor is understood through the above type of graph. The
horizontal lines represent current source behavior. Notice how the
current stays constant while the voltage changes.
The angled straight lines coming out of the origin represent \"linear\"
behavior where the transistor is operating like an amplifier. The
horizontal lines are where the \"linear\" behavior stops and the current
source behavior begins.
Understanding what is controlling this and why the many blue lines
starts with understanding what the three wires into a transmitter do:
!Three wires into a
- S = source (of power .. connect to a voltage source)
- G = gate (like the switch of a light switch .. more like a dimmer
- D = drain (current leaves .. connected to ground)
- B = Body \... (often connected to the source)
Think of S and D as the wires going into a light switch and G as the
dimmer knob. Each blue line represents a position of the dimmer switch.
The gate or dimmer switch determines the amount of amplification and the
value of the current source behavior.
So what are the dependent and independent variables above? There are two
independent variables: gate V~g~ and source voltage V~s~. Right now it
is not important to understand how V~g~ is physically measured. The
important question is \"What is the nature of the current source
behavior? It seems to be dependent on two things.\" An ideal,
independent current source manipulates the voltage to keep the current
constant. The current source behavior above is dependent upon the Gate.
The symbols for a transistor are:
# Circuit Theory/Transistor symbols
## Circuit symbols
There are lots of different types of transistors. The most popular is a
MOSFET and within this family there are lots of possibilities. The goal
right now is not to understand the differences and what all the lines
mean. Look at them and see that normally there are three wires
associated with them.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
{width="80"} {width="80"} {width="80"} {width="80"} {width="80"} P-channel
{width="80"} {width="80"} {width="80"} {width="80"} {width="80"} N-channel
JFET MOSFET enh MOSFET enh (no bulk) MOSFET dep
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
# Circuit Theory/Dependent sources
!The four types of dependent sources \... the control variable is on
the left, the output variable is on the
Electronic amplifiers use two variables: current and voltage. Either can
be used as input, and either as output leading to four types of
amplifiers. In idealized form they are represented by each of the four
types of dependent source used in linear analysis, as shown in the
figure, namely:
Input Output Dependent source Amplifier type
------- -------- -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
**I** **I** current controlled current source **CCCS** current amplifier
**I** **V** current controlled voltage source **CCVS** transresistance amplifier
**V** **I** voltage controlled current source **VCCS** transconductance amplifier
**V** **V** voltage controlled voltage source **VCVS** voltage amplifier
Each type of amplifier in its ideal form has an ideal input and output
resistance that is the same as that of the corresponding dependent
Amplifier type Dependent source Input impedance Output impedance
---------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------------
**Current** **CCCS** **0** **∞**
**Transresistance** **CCVS** **0** **0**
**Transconductance** **VCCS** **∞** **∞**
**Voltage** **VCVS** **∞** **0**
In practice the ideal impedances are only approximated. For any
particular circuit, a small-signal analysis often is used to find the
impedance actually achieved. A small-signal AC test current *I~x~* is
applied to the input or output node, all external sources are set to
zero, and the corresponding alternating voltage *V~x~* across the test
current source determines the impedance seen at that node as *R = V~x~ /
## References
[^1]: It is a curiosity to note that this table is a \"Zwicky
box\"; in particular, it
encompasses all possibilities.
# Circuit Theory/Operational Amplifiers
!22 transistors making up an operational
An operational amplifier is a circuit of about 22 transistors organized
with the goal of producing an amplifier.
$$V_{\!\text{out}} = A_{OL} \, (V_{\!+} - V_{\!-})$$
Ideally the open loop gain (A~OL~) is infinite. In reality the output
will \"rail\" to either the positive or negative supply.
Open loop means that there are no devices connecting the output to the
inverting input (- or negative input). In practice most op-amps are used
in \"closed-loop\", \"negative feedback\" configuration. Closed loop
designs (in the first approximation) require remembering two \"golden
: I. The output attempts to do whatever is necessary to make the
voltage difference between the inputs zero.
: II\. The inputs draw no current.
Op-amp Pins Symbol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
{width="100"} {width="300"} {width="200"}
## Subtraction
!Subtraction or \"Differential
Under the condition that the *R*~*f*~ /*R*~1~ = *R*~*g*~ /*R*~2~, the
output expression becomes:
$$V_{\text{out}} = \frac{ R_{\text{f}} }{ R_1 } (V_{\text{2}} - V_{\text{1}})\,$$
\"A\" is the *differential gain* of the circuit.
## Operating Point
Op Amps are balanced:
: The supplies are +V and -V, not V_s and ground. This is why many
power supplies have both +15 and -15 volts or +5 and -5 volts.
: They are made with almost equal numbers of PNP and NPN
: They are best operated where the output is around 0 volts.
Don\'t try to fit them into a digital circuit.
## Typical Applications
Op Amps are typically
used to amplify.
!Inverting Vacuum tubes
(light bulbs with a grid and three wires) (1907 by Lee De
Forest) solved the existing need for
amplification of a weak data signal. But vaccuum tubes broke in less
than a year. Many famous scientist/engineer\'s first experience with
technology was radio
including Feynman and
Transistors came next in 1951 created by
Shockley. They enabled the transistor
radio \... that could be held in the palm of one\'s hand. Transistors
replaced vacuum tubes in almost all devices.
Operational Amplifiers emerged out of math, not inventor work shops.
They emerged from the needs that MatLab fills today, not a simple
calculator. Attempts were made to build them with vaccum tubes and every
known transistor. The 741 op amp took until transistors matured .. 1968.
The 741 is still in production. Op amps are found where the difference
between two devices sensing the environment are needed. They are used to
in circuits because they are cheaper and lighter.
## Inverting or Not?
Op amps are drawn with the non-inverting input on top if the design goal
is an output that same polarity as the input. Why isn\'t it just called
\"positive input\"? Why isn\'t positive always on top?
The reason is that most op amps involve negative feedback. Most designs
require circuitry to be connected to the \"inverting\" input. If
possible the \"non-inverting\" input is grounded. This means that the
sweet middle operating point is more plausible.
But the most important reason comes from multiple op amp designs. The
negative or positive nature of the output can be more easily seen if the
inverting and non-inverting inputs flip based upon the immediate output
design intention. Negative output means that eventually a final op amp
may be needed to flip the output positive.
## Local Feedback
Op amp circuits are easy to design as long as the feedback is kept local
\... meaning the feedback loops back over only one local op amp. The
feedback does not span outputs. Only outputs connected to inputs connect
two op amps.
## Buffer
Buffers are needed to re-invigorate a signal.
Fanout is when an output is connected to too many
inputs. Buffers can restore the power needed to drive the rest of the
## Adder
configuration A
adder sums several (weighted) voltages:
$$V_{\text{out}} = -R_{\text{f}} \left( \frac{V_1}{R_1} + \frac{V_2}{R_2} + \cdots + \frac{V_n}{R_n} \right)$$
When $R_1 = R_2 = \cdots = R_n$, and $R_{\text{f}}$ independent
$$V_{\text{out}} = -\frac{R_{\text{f}}}{R_1} ( V_1 + V_2 + \cdots + V_n ) \!\$$
When $R_1 = R_2 = \cdots = R_n = R_{\text{f}}$
$$V_{\text{out}} = -( V_1 + V_2 + \cdots + V_n ) \!\$$
## Integrator
$$V_{\text{out}} = -\int_0^t \frac{ V_{\text{in}} }{RC} \, \operatorname{d}t + V_{\text{initial}}\,$$
(where $V_{\text{in}}$ and $V_{\text{out}}$ are functions of time,
$V_{\text{initial}}$ is the output voltage of the integrator at time *t*
= 0.)
There are several potential problems with this circuit.
- It is usually assumed that the input $V_{\text{in}}$ has zero DC
component (i.e., has a zero average value). Otherwise, unless the
capacitor is periodically discharged, the output will drift outside
of the operational amplifier\'s operating range.
- Even when $V_{\text{in}}$ has no offset, the leakage or bias
currents into the operational amplifier inputs can add an unexpected
offset voltage to $V_{\text{in}}$ that causes the output to drift.
Balancing input currents **and** replacing the non-inverting ($+$)
short-circuit to ground with a resistor with resistance $R$ can
reduce the severity of this problem.
- Because this circuit provides no DC feedback (i.e., the capacitor
appears like an open circuit to signals with $\omega = 0$), the
offset of the output may not agree with expectations (i.e.,
$V_{\text{initial}}$ may be out of the designer\'s control with the
present circuit).
- The initial voltage is typically enforced by a power supply in
parallel with the capacitor that is switched out of the circuit at
Many of these problems can be made less severe by adding a *large*
resistor $R_F$ in parallel with the feedback capacitor. At significantly
high frequencies, this resistor will have negligible effect. However, at
low frequencies where there are drift and offset problems, the resistor
provides the necessary feedback to hold the output steady at the correct
value. In effect, this resistor reduces the DC gain of the
\"integrator\" -- it goes from infinite to some finite value $R_F/R$.
## Differentiator
This circuit differentiates the (inverted) signal over time.
$$V_{\text{out}} = -RC \,\frac{\operatorname{d}V_{\text{in}} }{ \operatorname{d}t}$$
## Inductor Replacement
!Gyrator .. replaces an
Simulates an inductor. The circuit exploits the fact that the current
flowing through a capacitor behaves through time as the voltage across
an inductor. The capacitor used in this circuit is smaller than the
inductor it simulates and its capacitance is less subject to changes in
value due to environmental changes.
This circuit is unsuitable for applications relying on the input
impedance seen left to right and indicated by the red $Z_{in}$ symbol is
the same in both circuits. The output on the left could tell the
difference between the op amp circuit and an inductor.
Of course there would not be a magnetic field (for a motor or
transformer) and any application relying on back
EMF would not work.
# Circuit Theory/Analog Computer
## Goal
Design an analog computer that generates
a solution to this differential equation:
$$a_2{d^2 v(t) \over dt^2} + a_1{d v(t) \over dt} + a_ov(t) = f(t)$$
: f(t) is the input, the bump the car is going over
: v(t) is the output, the vertical motion of the car in response to
the bump
: a~2~ is related to the spring constant of a shock absorber
: a~1~ is related to the damping coefficient and viscosity of the oil
: a~o~ is varied depending upon the desired ride
<!-- -->
: The goal is to vary a~2~, a~1~, and a~o~ electronically, rather than
build many models physically. This is modeling as done before WWII
instead of using matlab or similar software.
<!-- -->
: Modern applications of this include control systems (opening and
closing valves in an industrial process, turning off and on motors,
controlling a nuclear power plant).
## Organizing
At first glance, need 6 op-amps, 2 for differentiation, 3 for scaling, 1
for adding.
But the adder can do scaling also.
Need to think about the overall circuit design too. The desired output
is v(t). The function f(t) is an input. The derivatives are temporary
values that are built from the output being feed back. So the math is
going to look something like this:
$$\frac{a_2}{a_o}{d^2 v(t) \over dt^2} + \frac{a_1}{a_o}{d v(t) \over dt} -\frac{1}{a_o}f(t) = v(t)$$
Need to feed the output back into the input also \... and will take
first derivative, then second, then feed into the adder with f(t). So
the math would look more like this:
$$-(-\frac{a_1}{a_o}{d v(t) \over dt} - \frac{a_2}{a_o}{d^2 v(t) \over dt^2} + \frac{1}{a_o}f(t)) = v(t)$$
<File:Op-Amp> Differentiating Amplifier.svg\|this takes the input and
differentiates it so output is $-{d v(t) \over dt}$
<File:Op-Amp_Inverting_Amplifier.svg%7Cthis> takes output of the first
derivative which is negative and makes it positive again, so the second
derivative will be negative also <File:Op-Amp> Differentiating
Amplifier.svg\|this generates the second derivative
${d^2 v(t) \over dt^2}$ which is now negative like the first derivative
<File:Op-Amp> Summing Amplifier.svg\|this will take the negative
${d v(t) \over dt}$ and the negative (because was inverted)
$-{d^2 v(t) \over dt^2}$ terms and adds them to a positive f(t), scaling
appropriately to generate $v(t)$
## Simulating
 Assume the output of OA4 is
Then the output of OA1 is:
$$-R_1C_1{d v(t) \over dt}$$
The output of OA2 is:
$$-\frac{R_3}{R_2}(-R_1C_1{d v(t) \over dt}) = \frac{R_3R_1}{R_2}C_1{d v(t) \over dt}$$
The output of OA3 is:
$$-R_4C_2{d (\frac{R_3R_1}{R_2}C_1{d v(t) \over dt}) \over dt} = -\frac{R_4R_3R_1}{R_2}C_1C_2{d^2 v(t) \over dt^2}$$
Assume V~14~ is f(t). Then the output of OA4, the adder is:
$$-R_8(\frac{f(t)}{R_7} + \frac{-\frac{R_4R_3R_1}{R_2}C_1C_2{d^2 v(t) \over dt^2}}{R_5} + \frac{-R_1C_1{d v(t) \over dt}}{R_{56}}) = \frac{R_8R_1}{R_{56}}C_1{d v(t) \over dt} + \frac{R_8R_4R_3R_1}{R_5R_2}C_1C_2{d^2 v(t) \over dt^2} - \frac{R_8}{R_7}f(t)$$
Comparing this to:
$$\frac{a_1}{a_o}{d v(t) \over dt} + \frac{a_2}{a_o}{d^2 v(t) \over dt^2} - \frac{1}{a_o}f(t) = v(t)$$
We can see that:
$$\frac{a_1}{a_0} = \frac{R_8R_1}{R_{56}}C_1$$
$$\frac{a_2}{a_o} = \frac{R_8R_4R_3R_1}{R_5R_2}C_1C_2$$
$$\frac{1}{a_0} = \frac{R_8}{R_7}$$
There are three knowns a~0~, a~1~, and a~2~, 10 unknowns and 3
equations. So the problem is under constrained, meaning that other
requirements can be used to pick the resistor and capacitor values.
# Circuit Theory/Circuit Definition
Circuit Analysis is reverse engineering. Given a circuit, figure out the
currents, voltages, and powers associated with each component. The
project or problem that produced the circuit or the purpose of the
circuit is not of concern. Most circuits are designed to illustrate a
concept or practice the math rather than do something useful. Towards
the end of this book, the \"useful\" circuits are studied that related
to wireless communication.
### Untangle
First untangle a circuit. Flatten into two dimensions. Put all the
components in the same orientation: up and down.
### Naming
This is an exercise in naming unknowns. There are only two things to
- Devices in series share the same current.
- Devices in parallel share the same voltage.
The consequence of not doing this is merely another simple equation to
write down and solve.
Now name the voltages and currents following these rules:
- Name series voltage with the same subscript as the component such as
$v_{r1} v_{c1} v_{L1}$. Choose a different naming convention for the
shared voltage of parallel components such as $v_1 v_2$. Do not
guess the polarity of the voltage yet.
- Name the parallel currents with the same subscript as the component
such as $i_{r1} i_{c1} i_{L2}$. Choose a different subscript for the
shared current of series circuits such as $i_1 i_2$. Don\'t put
arrow heads on wires yet indicating current direction.
- Don\'t forget to put voltages across current sources and name
currents coming out of voltage sources.
### Loops
Loops are the smallest circles of components. Count them. Don\'t count
\"loops containing loops\" or \"loops of loops.\" Say there are 3 loops.
Now any three loops of components can be considered (including loops
containing loops) that follow this rule: *Collectively each component
must be mentioned in a loop at least once.*
Some loops are trivial. Components in parallel will form a loop, but
they share the same voltage. If you call them a loop, then you will end
up with an equation that says $V_{r1} -V_{r2}=0$. Don\'t count trivial
loops unless you can not see devices sharing the same EMF difference.
Draw a loop with a different color pen and name the loop something like
$L_1 L_2 L_3$. Put an arrowhead describing the direction of the loop.
Now go around the loop in the chosen direction, put a + on the wire
entering each component and - on the wire leaving the component.
Current supplies in parallel with a component will share the same
voltage as the component so nothing needs to be done.
Current supplies without a parallel component will need a voltage
assigned to them. The polarity doesn\'t matter. But a polarity has to be
Voltage supplies can be symbolized by alternating plates (long and
short) or a circle with + and - in it. Assign + to the long plate, and -
to the short plate. Otherwise use the + and - in the voltage source
If two loops overlap, leave the first + and -. Don\'t put conflicting +
and - signs on the same component.
Don\'t use the word \"mesh\" here. \"Mesh analysis\" is covered later.
It is a different type of analysis that is not as general, but often is
much easier than Kirchhoff\'s Law. Kirchhoff\'s Law always works and is
described next.
### Junctions
A \"junction\" is a collection of wires at the same
(not voltage .. electro motive force is an absolute, voltage is
relative). Wires touching each other have the same energy per charge
(EMF) in them. Junctions stop at any component.
Some \"Junctions\" are trivial. These are the junctions where a single
wire connects only two components. Don\'t count these unless you can not
identify series components \"sharing\" a current.
Count the \"non-trivial\" \"Junctions.\" Say there are 3. Subtract 1.
This makes 2. You can write two junction equations. There typically more
than 2 possible junction equations. Make sure the two written mention
all the currents at least once.
At this point equations can be written around a node or a \"cut
set\" which is similar to at big loop with
smaller loops within it. Explore the electrical version of cut sets
here. They can make analyzing just part of a
circuit easier (discussed later). Again the equations have to include
each unknown current at least once.
Name the \"Junctions\" with symbols like $J_1 J_2$.
Now put arrow heads for current direction for passive (resistors) and
reactive (capacitors and inductors) components based upon the voltage
polarity. The current should move from + to -. The arrow head should be
into the + and out of the -.
Current sources will already have a current direction.
Voltage sources with a series component share the same current. The
direction of this current is determined by the voltage polarity on the
Voltage sources that don\'t have a series component can be given current
in any direction. Remember that the polarity of these voltages and
currents is capturing the circuit topology, not predicting the polarity
of the ultimate numeric answer.
Don\'t use the word \"node\" here. \"Node analysis\" is covered later.
It is a different type of analysis that is not as general, but often is
much easier than Kirchoff\'s Law. Kirchoff\'s Law always works and is
described later.
# Circuit Theory/Kirchhoff's Law
Kirchhoff\'s law is a method of finding the voltage across every device
and the current through every device. It takes into account the circuit
topology (series/parallel), multiple sources, sources of different
types, and components of different types.
Technician courses spend a lot of time
developing an intuition that will eventually lead to an expertise that
is beyond the \"design, theory, science\" scope of this course.
Kirchhoff\'s law always works. It is the basis of all simulation
software. The goal here is to be able to check, to develop estimations,
and build up one\'s trust/understanding of simulation
Kirchhoff\'s law starts with a drawing. The drawing is of a circuit that
is labeled with voltage polarities and current directions, with loops
and junctions as described earlier. Kirchhoff\'s circuit analysis can
not start without this drawing.
The circuit may be an existing one that is reversed engineered. The
circuit may be a thought experiment that is exploring alternatives.
Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance, and any voltage or current, any
source voltage or current may be an unknown.
For every unknown, there needs to be an equation according to linear
algebra. Kirchhoff\'s laws find equations in
three places:
- Terminal Relations
- Loops
- Junctions
### Counting knowns and unknowns
Look at the drawing and write down the symbols for each known and
unknown. If an unknown write $= ?$ it. If a known, write
$= value { ..} units$ next to it.
Power supply values should be assigned symbols such as
$V_{s1} V_{s2} I_{s1} I_{s2}$ and then given values if they are known.
Count the number of unknowns. A component value (resistance,
capacitance, inductance), a voltage or a current can be an unknown. This
is how many equations there need to be.
Count the number of components. Add the number of loops and junctions.
This is how many equations there are. If the number of unknowns doesn\'t
match, there is a problem.
If there are too many equations, there are two possibilities:
- problem is over constrained (a fixed numerical constant needs to be
made variable, a requirement needs to be renegotiated in the design
- there is a dependent equation (much more difficult, this is why
there are all the rules for sign, direction, counting loops and
If there are too many unknowns, these are the possibilities.
- The problem is under constrained. Solve with symbols, make list of
the independent variables that are going to be symbols in the
answers and dependent variables that are going to equal something.
Sometimes the entire problem is to be solved with symbols and there
are no numbers.
- If the problem is out of a text book, then re-read the problem
perhaps there are other facts that can be turned into equations.
- Make assumptions. Make them very clearly and loudly .. NOW at the
beginning of the problem.
### Terminal Equations
The terminal equations were covered earlier. Here are some additional
- If the current is not going into the + voltage side, then add a
negative sign.
- Write the differential form, not the integral form of the terminal
- There are no terminal relations for independent supplies, dependent
supplies do have a terminal relation.
- Don\'t try to solve the equations that include differentials right
now just write them.
### Loop Equations
The principle of energy conservation implies that the sum of the
electrical potential differences (voltage) around any closed loop is
$$\sum_{k=1}^n V_k = 0$$
Go around the loop in the direction labeled with your finger. If your
finger enters the plus side first, the voltage (in the formula, not
perhaps in the solution) is positive. If your finger enters the negative
side first, the voltage is negative. There are two cases where the
voltage will be negative:
- a voltage source arbitrarily ended up negative
- a previous loop labeled the voltages first and it happened to be in
the opposite direction
The current direction does not matter in the loop equations.
Write an equation for each loop.
The goal is not to guess the + or - voltage of the answer (a
technician\'s goal). The goal is to get the + or - in the equation to
correctly match the circuit. When finished, the last step is to look
through the answers and see if they make sense from an intuitive point
of view. That\'s it.
### Junction Equations
The principle of electric charge conservation implies that at any
\"junction\", the sum of the currents flowing into the note is zero.
$$\sum_{k=1}^n {I}_k = 0$$
*n* is the total number of branches with currents attached to the
If the current is flowing into the node, make it positive. If current is
flowing out of the node, make it negative.
Check series sections for two different current symbols. Current should
be the same in a series section.
The goal of the + and - signs is to capture the circuit design in the
equations. This has nothing to do with whether the ultimate current is
flowing in or out of the node. Do not try to guess current direction
### What\'s Next
Kirchhoff\'s analysis falls apart because the number of equations
increases dramatically as a circuit becomes more complex. This is not a
problem for computers, but it is a problem for engineers and techs. The
rest of this course is full of math, simplifications, quirks, tricks,
tips, and shortcuts. All have limitations. All fail at some point. The
goal is to go through them, observe conditions when they succeed and
fail, and then add them to our design tool belt and our intuition.
# Circuit Theory/Simultaneous Equations
### Solving Equations
The goal of this section is to illustrate how complicated circuits can
get very quickly. This sets up the need for learning circuit
simplification techniques described later. The goal here is to use math
tools to design circuits.
There are several issues that need to be reviewed while solving
simultaneous linear equations:
- Numeric or Symbolic answers
- Algebra
- Symbolic Computation
- Numeric Solutions (Linear Algebra)
After quick reviews, the goal is to start designing/reverse engineering
#### Numerical or Symbolic
You are going to need to solve linear simultaneous equations two ways in
this course:
- result in numerical answers when perfectly constrained
- result in variable symbol answers when under constrained
You are going to need to recognize the difference between the two.
#### Algebra
Algebra can be used for simple circuits. Even more complicated circuits
can be designed or reversed engineered using algebra, but not in a way
that others can check. The solutions become very complicated. Better,
more standard, techniques exist. You need to learn when to switch to
these more respectable techniques.
#### Symbolic Computation
In its research context, \"symbolic
computation\" has many goals, of
which two concern us: **numeric computing** solutions that approximate
with floating point numbers, and **symbolic computing** that focuses on
exact solutions using symbols and formulas. You are going to need both
to succeed. There are lots of packages that try to do both.
This text focuses on MathWork\'s MuPAD and
MatLab plus
Mathematica\'s Wolfram
Alpha. MatLab has a huge engineering
community growing it\'s toolboxes including the symbolic toolbox MuPAD.
Mathematica represents how people think, learn and communicate math.
Mathematica is more attractive to scientists.
You need to invest time in three types of solutions:
- solutions using variable names
- symbolic solutions using fractions with whole numbers and constants
like $\pi$
- numeric approximations
All you have ever done with a calculator are numeric approximations. All
you have ever done in algebra is form solutions with variable names. The
middle solution is called a \"symbolic solution\" where answers are
expressed in whole number ratios instead of decimal places.
#### Numeric Solution
Symbolic solutions (MathWorks MuPAD or Mathematica) require a lot more
typing. They stress computers more and are more likely to fail. But they
are a lot better at exploring theories, pointing out concepts, and
creating transparency. This
transparency enables conversations, corrections, and growth of
Numeric solutions hide details, make consideration of design
alternatives harder, and make troubleshooting/harmonizing/checking
engineering work more difficult. But they are a lot faster both setting
up, executing and in exploring alternatives
interatively. This is what MathWorks MatLab
focuses on.
Numeric solutions require organizing all solutions into matrices before
going to the computer. Linear Algebra is a
course typically taken after calculus that explains how to do this. But
lots of engineering classes require using some of Linear Algebra\'s
concepts before you take the course. The same is true here. Read the
examples below and you will get the hang of it.
### Solution Summary
From the previous two pages, the solution can be outlined as follows:
1. Label currents and
2. Identify loops, add + - to each
3. Identify Junctions, put arrow heads on
4. Count knowns and
5. Write terminal
6. Write loop
7. Write junction
8. Solve equations:
1. Algebra
2. Differential Equations
3. Symbolic Solution
4. Numeric Solution
9. Simulate (circuitlab
icircuit falstad
10. Build Intuition/Check/Compare
# Circuit Theory/Sinusoidal Sources
## Steady State
\"Steady State\" means that we are not dealing with turning on or
turning off circuits in this section. We are assuming that the circuit
was turned on a very long time ago and it is behaving in a pattern. We
are computing what the pattern will look like. The \"complex frequency\"
section models turning on and off a circuit with an exponential.
## Sinusoidal Forcing Functions
Let us consider a general AC forcing function:
$$v(t) = M\sin(\omega t + \phi)$$
In this equation, the term M is called the \"Magnitude\", and it acts
like a scaling factor that allows the peaks of the sinusoid to be higher
or lower than +/- 1. The term ω is what is known as the \"Radial
Frequency\". The term φ is an offset parameter known as the \"Phase\".
Sinusoidal sources can be current sources, but most often they are
voltage sources.
## Other Terms
There are a few other terms that are going to be used in many of the
following sections, so we will introduce them here:
Period : The period of a sinusoidal function is the amount of time, in seconds, that the sinusoid takes to make a complete wave. The period of a sinusoid is always denoted with a capital T. This is not to be confused with a lower-case t, which is used as the independent variable for time.
<!-- -->
Frequency : Frequency is the reciprocal of the period, and is the number of times, per second, that the sinusoid completes an entire cycle. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). The relationship between frequency and the Period is as follows:
$$f = \frac{1}{T}$$
: Where f is the variable most commonly used to express the frequency.
<!-- -->
Radian Frequency : Radian frequency is the value of the frequency expressed in terms of Radians Per Second, instead of Hertz. Radian Frequency is denoted with the variable $\omega$. The relationship between the Frequency, and the Radian Frequency is as follows:
$$\omega = 2 \pi f$$
Phase : The phase is a quantity, expressed in radians, of the time shift of a sinusoid. A sinusoid phase-shifted $\phi = +2 \pi$ is moved forward by 1 whole period, and looks exactly the same. An important fact to remember is this:
$$\sin (\frac{\pi}{2}-t) = \cos (t)$$ or
$\sin (t) = \cos (t - \frac{\pi}{2})$
Phase is often expressed with many different variables, including
$\phi, \psi, \theta, \gamma$ etc\... This wikibook will try to stick
with the symbol $\phi$, to prevent confusion.
## Lead and Lag
A circuit element may have both a voltage across its terminals and a
current flowing through it. If one of the two (current or voltage) is a
sinusoid, then the other must also be a sinusoid (remember, voltage is
the derivative of the current, and the derivative of a sinusoid is
always a sinusoid). However, the sinusoids of the voltage and the
current may differ by quantities of magnitude and phase.
If the current has a lower phase angle than the voltage the current is
said to **lag** the voltage. If the current has a higher phase angle
then the voltage, it is said to **lead** the voltage. Many circuits can
be classified and examined using lag and lead ideas.
## Sinusoidal Response
Reactive components (capacitors and inductors) are going to take energy
out of a circuit like a resistor and then pump some of it back into the
circuit like a source. The result is initially a mess. But after a while
(5 time constants), the circuit starts behaving in a pattern. The
capacitors and inductors get in a rhythm that reflects the driving
sources. If the source is sinusoidal, the currents and voltages will be
sinusoidal. This is called the \"particular\" or \"steady state\"
response. In general:
$$A_{in} \cos(\omega_{in} t + \phi_{in}) \to A_{out} \cos(\omega_{out} t + \phi_{out})$$
What happens initially, what happens if the capacitor is initially
charged, what happens if sources are switched in and out of a circuit is
that there is an energy imbalance. A voltage or current source might be
charged by the initial energy in a capacitor. The derivative of the
voltage across an Inductor might instantaneously switch polarity. Lots
of things are happening. We are going to save this for later. Here we
deal with the steady state or \"particular\" response first.
## Sinusoidal Conventions
For the purposes of this book we will generally use cosine functions, as
opposed to sine functions. If we absolutely need to use a sine, we can
remember the following trigonometric identity:
$$\cos(\omega t) = \sin(\pi/2 -\omega t)$$
We can express all sine functions as cosine functions. This way, we
don\'t have to compare apples to oranges per se. This is simply a
convention that this wikibook chooses to use to keep things simple. We
could easily choose to use all sin( ) functions, but further down the
road it is often more convenient to use cosine functions instead by
## Sinusoidal Sources
There are two primary sinusoidal sources: wall outlets and
oscillators. Oscillators are
typically crystals that electrically vibrate and are found in devices
that communicate or display video such as TV\'s, computers, cell phones,
radios. An electrical engineer or tech\'s working area will typically
include a \"function generator\"
which can produce oscillations at many frequencies and in shapes that
are not just sinusoidal.
RMS or Root mean square is a measure
of amplitude that compares with DC magnitude in terms of power, strength
of motor, brightness of light, etc. The trouble is that there are
several types of AC amplitude:
- peak
- peak to peak
- average
Wall outlets are called AC or
alternating current. Wall outlets are sinusoidal voltage sources that
range from 100 RMS volts, 50 Hz to 240 RMS volts 60 Hz worldwide. RMS,
rather than peak (which makes more sense mathematically), is used to
describe magnitude for several reasons:
- historical reasons related to the competition between Edison (DC
power) and Tesla (Sinusoidal or AC power)
- effort to compare/relate AC (wall outlets) to DC (cars, batteries)
.. 100 RMS volts is approximately 100 DC volts.
- average sinusoidal is zero
- meter movements (physical needles
moving on measurement devices) were
designed to measure both DC and RMS AC
RMS is a type of average:
$p_{\mathrm{rms}} = \sqrt {{1 \over {T_2-T_1}} {\int_{T_1}^{T_2} {[p(t)]}^2\, dt}}$
Electrical power delivery is
a complicated subject that will not be covered in this course. Here we
are trying to define terms, design devices that use the power and
understand clearly what comes out of wall outlets.
# Circuit Theory/Maximum Power Transfer
## Maximum Power Transfer
Often we would like to transfer the most power from a source to a load
placed across the terminals as possible. How can we determine the
optimum resistance of the load for this to occur?
Let us consider a source modelled by a Thévenin equivalent (a Norton
equivalent will lead to the same result, as the two are directly
equivalent), with a load resistance, *R~L~*. The source resistance is
*R~s~* and the open circuit voltage of the source is *v~s~*:

The current in this circuit is found using Ohm\'s Law:
The voltage across the load resistor, *v~L~*, is found using the voltage
divider rule:
$$v_L=v_s \,\frac{R_L}{R_s + R_L}$$
We can now find the power dissipated in the load, *P~L~* as follows:
$$P_L=v_Li=\frac{R_L \, v^2_s}{\left(R_s+R_L\right)^2}$$
We can now rewrite this to get rid of the *R~L~* on the top:
$$P_L=\frac{v^2_s}{ \left(\frac{{R_s}}{\sqrt{R_L}}+\sqrt{R_L}\right)^2} =
\frac{v^2_s}{ R_s \left(\frac{\sqrt{R_s}}{\sqrt{R_L}}+\frac{\sqrt{R_L}}{\sqrt{R_s} }\right)^2}$$
Assuming the source resistance is not changeable, then we obtain maximum
power by minimising the bracketed part of the denominator in the above
equation. It is an elementary mathematical result that $x+x^{-1}$ is at
a minimum when *x=1*. In this case, it is equal to 2. Therefore, the
above expression is minimum under the following condition:
This leads to the condition that:
: {\|style=\" border: solid 2px #D6D6FF; padding: 1em;\"
\|align=\"left\"\|$R_L=R_s \,$ \|}
### Efficiency
The efficiency, *η* of the circuit is the proportion of all the energy
dissipated in the circuit that is dissipated in the load. We can
immediately see that at maximum power transfer to the load, the
efficiency is 0.5, as the source resistor has half the voltage across
it. We can also see that efficiency will increase as the load resistance
increases, even though the power transferred will fall.
The efficiency can be calculated using the following equation:
$$\eta=\frac{P_L}{P_L+P_s}$$ where *P~s~* is the power in the source
resistor. This can be found using a simple modification to the equation
for *P~L~*:
$$P_s=\frac{v^2_s}{ R_L \left(\frac{\sqrt{R_s}}{\sqrt{R_L}}+\frac{\sqrt{R_L}}{\sqrt{R_s} }\right)^2}$$
The graph below shows the power in the load (as a proportion of the
maximum power, *P~max~*) and the efficiency for values of *R~L~* between
0 and 5 times *R~s~*.

It is important to note that under conditions of maximum power transfer
as much power is dissipated in the source as in the load. This is not a
desirable condition if, for example, the source is the electricity
supply system and the load is your electric heater. This would mean that
the electricity supply company would be wasting half the power it
generates. In this case, the generators, power lines, etc. are designed
to give the lowest source resistance possible, giving high efficiency.
The maximum power transfer condition is used in (usually high-frequency)
communications systems where the source resistance can not be made low,
the power levels are relatively low and it is paramount to get as much
signal power as possible to the receiving end of the system (the load).
# Circuit Theory/Power Factor
Power factor is defined as:
$$p_f = \cos(\phi_v - \phi_i)$$
- The power factor is ideally 1.
- Power factors less than 0.9 cause a visit by your utility company.
- Building wire codes are designed to maximize the power factor.
- Circuits are purely resistive (no capacitors or inductors) when they
have a power factor of 1.
- Capacitors can cancel out inductors (and vice versa) to create
purely resistive circuits.
- The Math of this is easiest in the phasor domain.
- Exceptions to this are where building up oscillations are the design
objective \... such as the cavity in a microwave oven or designing a
musical instrument.
- The turbulence that the power factor measures can only be seen in
the phasor domain.
Let\'s consider two circuits: !series RLC
circuit !parallel RLC
## Series Circuit
The voltage across the inductor and capacitor have to cancel each other
out. This means that the power supply doesn\'t see either. This means
that the inductor and capacitor are passing energy back and forth, but
the resistor and power supply can not see them. This means that
$$\mathbb{V}_L + \mathbb{V}_C = 0$$
$$\mathbb{V}_L = - \mathbb{V}_C$$ The current is going to be the same:
$$\mathbb{I}$$ From the terminal relations:
$$\mathbb{V}_L = jwL\mathbb{I}$$
$$\mathbb{I} = jwC\mathbb{V}_C$$ Solving for $\mathbb{V}_C$:
$$\mathbb{V}_C = \frac{\mathbb{I}}{jwC}$$ Substituting into the voltage
$$jwL\mathbb{I} = - \frac{\mathbb{I}}{jwC}$$ Now solving for C:
$$C = \frac{1}{Lw^2}$$
## Parallel Circuit
The current through the inductor and capacitor have to cancel each other
out. This means that the power supply doesn\'t see either. This means
that the inductor and capacitor are passing energy back and forth, but
the resistor and power supply can not see them. This means that
$$\mathbb{I}_L + \mathbb{I}_C = 0$$
$$\mathbb{I}_L = - \mathbb{I}_C$$ The voltage is going to be the same:
$$\mathbb{V}$$ From the terminal relations:
$$\mathbb{V} = jwL\mathbb{I}_L$$
$$\mathbb{I}_C = jwC\mathbb{V}$$ Solving for $\mathbb{I}_L$:
$$\mathbb{I}_L = \frac{\mathbb{V}}{jwL}$$ Substituting into the current
$$jwC\mathbb{V} = - \frac{\mathbb{V}}{jwL}$$ Now solving for C:
$$C = \frac{1}{Lw^2}$$
So either way the formula for the capacitor to cancel out the inductor
is the same. This is strange because in the series circuit the L&C have
to combine to be a short to be invisible, and in the parallel circuit
they have to combine to be an open.
Obviously, there is never going to be a perfect match. If there were a
perfect match with ideal devices and a butterfly flapped its wings, the
circuit could blow up. But that is another story for later in this
course \...
## Dependence on Frequency
Eliminating the effects of inductance with capacitance is dependent upon
frequency. If the frequency deviates, then another imbalance occurs. In
power distribution systems, the 60 Hz or 50 Hz frequency doesn\'t
change. But in modems, radios and cable TV boxes, the frequency does
change \... when someone speaks, when data moves through a cable, when
changing channels. One of the objectives of this course is to understand
how to design/plan for these changes.
# Circuit Theory/Complex Frequency
### Complex Frequency Why?
Phasor concepts can be extended to cover the turning off and on of
circuits using exponentials. For example:
$$V_s(t)= (1-e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}})\cdot f(t)$$ turn on
$$V_s(t)= ( e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}})\cdot f(t)$$ turn off The value of
$\tau$ (or the time constant) determines how quickly the circuit turns
on and off. Adding some constants can determine when the circuit turns
on and off.
Why not Laplace transforms? Laplace transforms can model infinite slopes
for turning off and on circuits. We are not going to do that in this
course. The real world can be modeled with $\tau$. Laplace transforms
are simple, beautiful and truly amazing in that they can handle
infinities and infinitesimals. Scientists and mathematicians are always
interested in tools that help them work with the road blocks of
infinities and infinitesimals. So far this course has been dealing with
ideal inductors, resistors, wires, sources, etc. And if we were to deal
with ideal turning off and on, we could not use phasors. We would have
to use Laplace. So at this point an exception has been made.
Or one could just consider \"Complex Frequencies\" as exploring a more
complex function in a way similar to phasors.
### Complex Frequency Derivation
Before $V(t)=V_m cos(\omega t + \phi)$ modeled steady state circuits
(never turned off and on).
Now let\'s consider $V(t) = V_m e^{\sigma t} cos(\omega t + \phi)$.
Sigma or $\sigma$ is usually negative, otherwise the circuit will
explode. Splitting the charging problem into two problems and adding the
results in the end is called \"superposition\" which usually works. So
we can reduce both situations down to exploring the phasor math of this
$cos(\omega t + \phi) = \operatorname{Re}(e^{j(\omega t + \phi)})$ from
Euler\'s equation, we can start a derivation that shows almost nothing
changes in the phasor domain!
expression notes
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$V(t) = \operatorname{Re}(V_m e^{\sigma t}e^{j(\omega t + \phi}))$ substitution
$V(t) = \operatorname{Re}(V_m e^{j\phi} e^{(\sigma+j\omega)t})$ reorganizing the exponents
$s=\sigma + j\omega$ defining the complex frequency $s$
$V(t) = \operatorname{Re}(V_m e^{j\phi} e^{st})$ after substitution there is no difference
$\mathbb{V}=V_m e^{j\phi}$ Defining the phasor \... nothing different .. $s$ instead of $j\omega$ from derivatives and integrals
$V(t) = \operatorname{Re}(\mathbb{V} e^{st})$ Can we assume $\omega$ (angular frequency) and $s$ (complex frequency) can be treated the same? Yes \... almost.
### time domain to complex frequency domain
The above process shows that converting v(t) and i(t) to phasors is the
exact same process. No need to think about $s$ at all.
Terminal Equation Phasor Domain Complex Frequency domain
---------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------------
$V = RI$ $\mathbb{V} = R\mathbb{I}$ $\mathbb{V} = R\mathbb{I}$
$V = L\frac{d}{dt}I$ $\mathbb{V} = jwL\mathbb{I}$ $\mathbb{V} = sL\mathbb{I}$
$I = C\frac{d}{dt}V$ $\mathbb{I} = jwC\mathbb{V}$ $\mathbb{I} = sC\mathbb{V}$
What is interesting is that the complex frequency operators are the same
as the Laplace transform
This is why they both use the term \"complex frequency\" to describe s.
What makes the Laplace transform operators so complicated is the
different way the transform the functions!
However, as we will see later (in transfer functions), when turning a
circuit into a black box, hooking a driving source up to it and then
describing the output, the driving function transform doesn\'t matter.
Just the derivative and integral operator transforms matter.
### math in the Complex Frequency Domain
Math in the Complex Frequency Domain, with symbols, does not involve
keeping track of the $\sqrt{-1}$. The symbol $s$ contains a complex
number. The math programs all work internally in rectangular form.
Substituting numerically for $s$ with a complex number is simple:
$$s = \sigma + j\omega$$.
### complex frequency back to time domain
The unknown function(s) is/are going to look something like this:
$V(t) = \operatorname{Re}(\mathbb{V} e^{st})$ or
$I(t) = \operatorname{Re}(\mathbb{I} e^{st})$. Substituting for s in the
time domain means working with exponents a little. Getting back into the
time domain will not be as simple as putting the unknown function in
polar form.
### Summary
Find $s$ during the creation of phasors instead of $\omega$. Substitue
$s$ for $j\omega$ when replacing the derivative in the terminal
relations. Use $s=\sigma + j\omega$ when moving back into the time
The goal in the examples is to explore the similarities and differences
of the symbol $s$ as used in Complex Frequency analysis and in the
Laplace transform. The Laplace transform also uses the symbol $s$ and
also calls it the \"complex frequency.\" But are they the same thing?
No. They both use the same complex frequency techniques for transforming
the differential and integral operators. But they use different
techniques for transforming the functions. Complex frequency transforms
functions like phasors and operators like Laplace transforms.
# Circuit Theory/Impedance
The impedance concept has to be
formally introduced in order to solve node and mesh problems.
!the impedance symbol is .. a
## Symbols & Definition
Impedance is a concept within the phasor domain / complex frequency
Impedance is not a phasor although it is a complex number.
Impedance = Resistance + Reactance:
$$Z = R + X$$
: Impedance = $Z$
: Resistance = $R$
: Reactance = $X$
## Reactance
Reactance comes from either
inductors or capacitors:
Reactance comes from solving the terminal relations in the phasor
domain/complex frequency domain as ratios of V/I:
$$\frac{V}{I} = R$$
$$\frac{V}{I} = X_L = j\omega L$$ or $X_L = sL$
$$\frac{V}{I} = X_C = \frac{1}{j\omega C}$$ or $X_C = \frac{1}{sC}$
Because of Euler\'s equation and the assumption of exponential or
sinusoidal driving functions, the operator $\frac{d}{dt}$ can be
decoupled from the voltage and current and re-attached to the inductance
or capacitance. At this point the inductive reactance and the capacitive
reactance are conceptually imaginary resistance (not a phasor).
Reactance is measured in ohms like resistance.
## Characteristics
Impedance has magnitude and angle like a phasor and is measured in ohms.
Impedance only exists in the phasor or complex frequency domain.
Impedance\'s angle indicates whether the inductor or capacitor is
dominating. A positive angle means that inductive reactance is
dominating. A negative angle means that capacitive reactance is
dominating. An angle of zero means that the impedance is purely
Impedance has no meaning in the time domain.
# Circuit Theory/Series Resistance
## Series Resistance
Two or more resistor can be connected in series to increase the total
resistance . The Total Resistance is equal to the sum of all the
resistor\'s resistance . The total resistance In Series connected
circuit Current and voltage will be reduced
: {width="200"}
: $R_{tot}=R_1+R_2+R_3+...+R_n \,$
## Series Impedance
!used to show how impedance add\'s in
A branch is defined as any group of resistors, capacitors and inductors
that can be circled with only two wires crossing the circle boundary.
A branch connects two, non-trivial nodes or junctions.
Within a branch the components are said to be \"in series.\"
Consider a branch containing a Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor.
Say the driving function or source is
$$V_s = 10*cos(22400t+30^\circ)$$
$$V_s = 10*e^{-5000t}cos(22400t+30^\circ)$$
There is just one current, $I$.
## Symbolic Derivation
!the impedance symbol is .. a
box The
terminal equations are:
$$\mathbb{V}_r = \mathbb{I}*R$$
$$\mathbb{V}_L = \mathbb{I}*j\omega L$$ or
$\mathbb{V}_L = \mathbb{I}*sL$
$$\mathbb{I} = \mathbb{V}_c *j\omega C$$ or
$\mathbb{I} = \mathbb{V}_c *sC$ There are no junction equations and the
loop equation is:
$$\mathbb{V}_r + \mathbb{V}_L + \mathbb{V}_c - \mathbb{V}_s = 0$$
Solving the terminal equations for voltage, substituting and then
dividing by $\mathbb{I}$ yields:
$$\frac{\mathbb{V}_s}{\mathbb{I}} = R + j\omega L + \frac{1}{j\omega C}$$
$$\frac{\mathbb{V}_s}{\mathbb{I}} = R + sL + \frac{1}{sC}$$ In terms of
impedance, if:
$$Z = R + j\omega L + \frac{1}{j\omega C}$$
$$Z = R + sL + \frac{1}{sC}$$ Then:
$$\frac{\mathbb{V}_s}{\mathbb{I}} = Z$$
In general, impedances add in series like resistors do in the time
$$Z = \sum R_i + \sum j\omega L_i + \sum\frac{1}{j\omega C_i}$$
$$Z = \sum R_i + \sum sL_i + \sum\frac{1}{sC_i}$$
!matlab screen shot of numeric calculation ..
## Numeric Example
In rectangular form:
$$Z = 100 + .15714j$$
$$Z = 80.508 + 2.2759j$$
In polar form (remember impedance is not a phasor, it is a concept in
the phasor or complex frequency domain):
$$Z = 100.0001\angle 0.0016 (0.09^\circ)$$
$$Z = 80.5402\angle 0.0283 (1.6193^\circ)$$
## Notes
- Calculations like this are only necessary when trying to find out
what is going on in one little part of the circuit \... and
Kirchhoff would take too long. This was true in the past, but given
the modern capabilities of matLab and mupad, the importance of the
series concept may diminish.
<!-- -->
- It appears that the exponential term decreases the overall magnitude
and increases the reactance \... increases in the inductive
direction with the exponential term.
<!-- -->
- The V/I ratio sets up/prepares for the transfer function discussion
# Circuit Theory/Parallel Resistance
## Parallel Resistance
Resistors in parallel share the same voltage. They split the current up.
Giving the current multiple paths to follow means that the overall
resistance decreases.
!A diagram of several resistors, side by side, both leads of each
connected to the same
$$R_\mathrm{total} =\frac{1}{ \frac{1}{R_1} + \frac{1}{R_2} + \cdots + \frac{1}{R_n}} = \frac{1}{\sum\frac{1}{R_i}}$$
The above equation is often called the \"one over \-- one over\"
## Parallel Impedance
!used to show how impedance add\'s in
A group of parallel branches split up the current, but share the same
voltage. The parallel branches connect the same two nodes.
The impedance of parallel branches can be combined into one impedance.
Consider these parallel branches: one with a resistor, another with a
capacitor and a third with an inductor.
Now drive them with a voltage source:
$$V_s = 10*cos(22400t+30^\circ)$$
$$V_s = 10*e^{-5000t}cos(22400t+30^\circ)$$
There is just one current, $V$.
## symbolic derivation
!the impedance symbol is .. a
box !Parallel
Impedance calculation with matlab
The terminal equations are:
$$\mathbb{V}_s = \mathbb{I}_r*R$$
$$\mathbb{V}_s = \mathbb{I}_L*j\omega L$$ or
$\mathbb{V}_s = \mathbb{I}_L*sL$
$$\mathbb{I}_c = \mathbb{V}_s *j\omega C$$ or
$\mathbb{I}_c = \mathbb{V}_s *sC$ There are no loop equations and the
junction equation is:
$$\mathbb{I}_r + \mathbb{I}_L + \mathbb{I}_c - \mathbb{I}_s = 0$$
Solving the terminal equation for currents, substituting and dividing
both sides by $\mathbb{V}_s$ yields:
$$\frac{\mathbb{I}_s}{\mathbb{V}_s} = \frac{1}{R} + \frac{1}{j\omega L} + j\omega C$$
$$\frac{\mathbb{I}_s}{\mathbb{V}_s} = \frac{1}{R} + \frac{1}{sL} + sC$$
In terms of impedance, if:
$$\frac{1}{Z} = \frac{1}{R} + \frac{1}{j\omega L} + j\omega C$$
$$\frac{1}{Z} = \frac{1}{R} + \frac{1}{sL} + sC$$ Then:
$$\frac{\mathbb{I}_s}{\mathbb{V}_s} = \frac{1}{Z}$$
In general, impedances add in series like resistors do in the time
$$\frac{1}{Z} = \sum\frac{1}{R_i} + \sum\frac{1}{j\omega L_i} + \sum j\omega C_i$$
$$\frac{1}{Z} = \sum\frac{1}{R_i} + \sum\frac{1}{sL_i} + \sum sC_i$$ or
$$Z = \frac{1}{\sum\frac{1}{R_i} + \sum\frac{1}{j\omega L_i} + \sum j\omega C_i}$$
$$Z = \frac{1}{\sum\frac{1}{R_i} + \sum\frac{1}{sL_i} + \sum sC_i}$$
## numeric example
$$Z = 99.9938 - 0.7857i = 99.9969\angle -0.0079 (-0.4502^\circ)$$
$$Z = 186.85 -837.07i = 857.6701\angle -1.3512 (-77.4170^\circ)$$
So the exact same components hooked in series are dominated by the
inductor (large reactance of the inductor overshadows the smaller
reactance of the capacitor), but when the same components are hooked in
parallel, the small er capacitive reactance dominates.
## notes
What is the point of all this? The goal is to start with simple
circuits, explore them with words and symbols, find the patterns and
generalize, establish and name concepts and then wait for their
application. What are we waiting for? Selecting channels on a
TV/Radio/Wifi, ZigBee, RFID, Cellphones, Blue
Tooth and sending data over these channels as well as to hard drives and
SD cards, monitors and hubs, designing antennas, \....
# Circuit Theory/Node Analysis
Node analysis is done in the phasor domain.
The Node Analysis method reduces the number of equations and unknowns
one is finding in a circuit.
Kirchhoff\'s method finds all currents and voltages. Node Analysis only
finds the voltages at nodes (junctions).
Node analysis starts with Kirchhoff junction equations:
$$\sum_{k=1}^n {I}_k = 0$$ and solves terminal equations so that current
is a function of voltage, and then substitutes into the junction current
$$i = \frac{\Delta V}{R}$$
$$i = C * j\omega \Delta V = sC \Delta V$$
$$i = \frac{\Delta V}{j\omega L} = \frac{\Delta V}{sL}$$
What is $\Delta V$? It is the voltage with respect to ground of the node
on either side of the device being considered.
$$\Delta V = V_{nodeA} - V_{nodeB}$$ Where current is following from
node_A to node_B.
At first glance this may seem trivial, but there are subtle differences
exposed when doing the problems:
- Node voltages are relative to ground. They are not Kirchhoff\'s
drops across individual devices.
- Assume all currents leave nodes.
- Terminal relation equations are more complicated.
- Has to be done in the phasor domain so impedances between nodes can
be computed.
- Can have too few equations requiring finding \"super node\"
- Some problems can not be solved. Recognizing these is not trivial.
## Examples
### Basic case
!Basic example circuit with one unknown voltage,
The only unknown voltage in this circuit is V~1~. There are three
connections to this node and consequently three currents to consider.
The direction of the currents in calculations is chosen to be away from
the node.
1. Current through resistor R~1~: (V~1~ - V~S~) / R~1~
2. Current through resistor R~2~: V~1~ / R~2~
3. Current through current source I~S~: -I~S~
With Kirchhoff\'s current law, we get:
$\frac{V_1 - V_S}{R_1} + \frac{V_1}{R_2} - I_S = 0$\
This equation can be solved in respect to V~1~:
$V_1 = \frac{\left( \frac{V_S}{R1} + I_S \right)}{\left( \frac{1}{R_1} + \frac{1}{R_2} \right)}$\
Finally, the unknown voltage can be solved by substituting numerical
values for the symbols. Any unknown currents are easy to calculate after
all the voltages in the circuit are known.
$V_1 = \frac{\left( \frac{5\text{ V}}{100\,\Omega} + 20\text{ mA} \right)}{\left( \frac{1}{100\,\Omega} + \frac{1}{200\,\Omega} \right)} \approx 4.667\text{ V}$
The fact that $V_1 < V_s$ and implies that current flows in the opposite
direction through R~1~ reflects the fact that assuming that current
flows out of a node just helps us write equations that capture the
circuit topology in order to write logically consistent equations. They
are in no way a guess at the final current direction.
### Another Example
Given the Circuit below, find the voltages at all nodes.
center\|framed\|example circuit for nodal analysis
- node 0: $V_0 = 0V\,$ (defined as ground node)\
- node 1: $V_1 = 9V\,$ (free node voltage)\
- node 2:
$\frac{V_1 - V_2}{1k} = \frac{V_2 - V_0}{3k} + \frac{V_2 - V_3}{2k}$\
- node 3: $\frac{V_2 - V_3}{2k} = \frac{V_3 - V_0}{2k}$\
which results in the following system of linear equations:
$$\left\{\begin{matrix} +11 V_2 & -3 V_3 & = & 54 \\ +1 V_2 & -2 V_3 & = & 0\end{matrix}\right.$$
Therefore, the solution is:
$$\left\{\begin{matrix} V_0 =0.00V \\ V_1 =9.00V \\ V_2 =5.68V \\ V_3 =2.84V\end{matrix}\right.$$\
### Supernodes
!In this circuit, V~A~ is between two unknown voltages, and is
therefore a
In this circuit, we initially have two unknown voltages, V~1~ and V~2~.
The voltage at V~3~ is already known to be V~B~ because the other
terminal of the voltage source is at ground potential.
The current going through voltage source V~A~ cannot be directly
calculated. Therefore we can not write the current equations for either
V~1~ or V~2~. However, we know that the same current leaving node V~2~
must enter node V~1~. Even though the nodes can not be individually
solved, we know that the combined current of these two nodes is zero.
This combining of the two nodes is called the supernode technique, and
it requires one additional equation: V~1~ = V~2~ + V~A~.
The complete set of equations for this circuit is:
\frac{V_1 - V_\text{B}}{R_1} + \frac{V_2 - V_\text{B}}{R_2} + \frac{V_2}{R_3} = 0\\
V_1 = V_2 + V_\text{A}\\
By substituting V~1~ to the first equation and solving in respect to V2,
we get:
$V_2 = \frac{(R_1 + R_2) R_3 V_\text{B} - R_2 R_3 V_\text{A}}{(R_1 + R_2) R_3 + R_1 R_2}$
# Circuit Theory/Mesh Analysis
!Non-trivial meshes of the planar circuit labeled 1, 2, and
Mesh analysis is done in the phasor domain.
The mesh analysis method reduces the number of equations and unknowns
one is finding in a circuit.
Kirchhoff\'s method finds all currents and voltages. Mesh analysis only
finds mesh (loop) currents.
Mesh analysis starts with the normal Kirchhoff loop equations:
$$\Delta_{k=1}^n {V}_k = 0$$
and solves terminal equations so that voltage is a function of current,
and then substitutes into the loop voltage equation:
$$v = \Delta I * R$$
$$v = \frac{\Delta I}{C * j\omega} = \frac{\Delta I}{sC}$$
$$v = \Delta I * j\omega L = \Delta I * sL$$
What is $\Delta I$? It is the difference (or addition) of possibly two
mesh currents following through a device. It can be just one current if
the device is not part of two meshes. Devices that are part of two
meshes need the mesh currents added or subtracted (depending on
$$\Delta I = I_{meshA} - I_{meshB}$$
At first glance mesh analysis may seem trivial, but there are subtle
differences to Kirchhoff\'s exposed when doing the problems:
Mesh currents can be in the same direction or different directions
through the same device. They are not Kirchhoff\'s currents through
individual devices. Without careful labeling of the mesh current
directions on the planar circuit diagram, it is impossible to keep
directions straight.
- Mesh currents are positive if they are in the same direction of the
particular Kirchhoff loop equation being written, negative if they
would cause a negative voltage.
- Mesh currents are typically CW and dictate the loop equation
- Has to be done in the phasor domain so impedances between nodes can
be computed.
- Can have too few equations requiring finding additional equations
from \"Super Meshes\".
- Some problems can not be solved. Recognizing these is not trivial.
## Mesh currents
!Figure 2: Circuit with mesh currents labeled as i~1~, i~2~, and i~3~.
The arrows show the direction of the mesh
Mesh analysis works by arbitrarily assigning mesh currents in the
non-trivial loops/meshes. Figure 1 labels the essential meshes with one,
two, and three.
A mesh current may not correspond to any physically flowing current, but
the physical currents are easily found from them. It is usual practice
to have all the mesh currents loop in the same direction.
## Example
center\|framed\|Circuit diagram for use with the Mesh Current example
The circuit has 2 loops indicated on the diagram. Using KVL we get:
- **Loop1:** $0=9-1000I_1-3000(I_1-I_2)$
- **Loop2:** $0=3000(I_1-I_2)-2000I_2-2000I_2$
Simplifying we get the simultaneous equations:
Solving to get:
## Setting up the equations
Each mesh produces one equation. These equations are the sum of the
voltage drops in a complete loop of the mesh current.For problems more
general than those including current and voltage sources, the voltage
drops will be the impedance of the electronic component multiplied by
the mesh current in that loop.
If a voltage source is present within the mesh loop, the voltage at the
source is either added or subtracted depending on if it is a voltage
drop or a voltage rise in the direction of the mesh current. For a
current source that is not contained between two meshes, the mesh
current will take the positive or negative value of the current source
depending on if the mesh current is in the same or opposite direction of
the current source.The following is the same circuit from above with the
equations needed to solve for all the currents in the circuit.
\text{Mesh 1: } I_1 = I_s\\
\text{Mesh 2: } -V_s + R_1(I_2-I_1) + \frac{1}{sc}(I_2-I_3)=0\\
\text{Mesh 3: } \frac{1}{sc}(I_3-I_2) + R_2(I_3-I_1) + LsI_3=0\\
\end{cases} \,$\
### Supermesh
!Figure 3: Circuit with a supermesh. Supermesh occurs because the
current source is in between the essential
A supermesh occurs when a current source is contained between two
essential meshes. The circuit is first treated as if the current source
is not there. This leads to one equation that incorporates two mesh
currents. Once this equation is formed, an equation is needed that
relates the two mesh currents with the current source. This will be an
equation where the current source is equal to one of the mesh currents
minus the other. The following is a simple example of dealing with a
\text{Mesh 1, 2: } -V_s + R_1I_1 + R_2I_2 = 0\\
\text{Current source: } I_s = I_2 - I_1
\end{cases} \,$
# Circuit Theory/Dangling Resistors
!100 ohm dangling resistor is only connected to the circuit by one
!dangling resistor removed
When opening capacitors, inductors or current sources during circuit
analysis, sometimes a resistor is left connected to the circuit with
only one wire. It can be removed from the circuit.
It can be removed because there is no current through it. This means
that the electromotive force is the same through the resistor. The green
and the red dot are part of the same node.
The original voltage between green and black is going to be the same
voltage between red and black. The total
Resistance will be r1+r2.
# Circuit Theory/Shorted Resistors
!Circuit With a Short of Resistor
3 !The
effective circuit: Resistor 3 removed because not impacting the
A wire in the left circuit is shorting the 100Ω resistor. All current
will bypass the resistor and travel through the short. The voltage
across the 100Ω resistor is going to be zero. The 100Ω resistor is not
impacting the circuit. For analysis purposes, the 100Ω resistor can be
The real world wire is going to have some resistance, and a tiny trickle
of current will go through the resistor. The exact magnitude is going to
depend upon the amount of resistance in the wire. The ideal math would
involve infinity. So typically the assumption of a short is done by
redrawing the circuit. This is why redrawing circuits when making
assumptions (such as removing a resistor because of the short) is
# Circuit Theory/Open Puzzles
Sloppy people build circuits with shorts where wires accidentally touch.
These people are easy to spot. The circuit looks like a bird\'s nest.
Opens are harder. Intermittent opens are caused by bad wires, bad
connections, bad soldering, warm up/cool down expansion contraction,
dust, and physical movement of the circuit. Finding them is difficult.
One technique is to push every where in the circuit with a wooden stick
to try and re-create an open. Identifying opens is the best thing to
practice at the moment.
!Circuit with Open
This circuit has an open between the red and black dots. No current is
flowing. The electro motive force (EMF) extends from the battery +
terminal through resistors 4 and 5. The EMF from the negative terminal
of the battery extends through resistor 6. Thus the voltage drop between
the red and black dots is the battery voltage of 1 volt.
!Circuit where open causes dangling resistor, or where opening a short
puts the resistor back in the
Opening a wire can cause dangling resistors. A wire removed between red
and green removes resistor 2 from the circuit.
Opening a short can put a resistor back into the circuit. A wire between
between green and ground would short resistor 4. Opening this wire puts
resistor 4 back into the circuit.
If a wire connected black, green and red, then resistor 4 would be
shorted out of the circuit. Resistors 2 and 3 would combine in parallel,
and the combination would combine in series with resistor 1.
!Two opens complicating
Two wires have been removed from this circuit. This has left resistors
2,3,7,5 and 8 dangling.
It has made the EMF of red and green, the same as the EMF between
resistors 1 and 6.
It has made the EMF of the black and blue the same as the EMF between
resistors 6 and 4.
The voltage drop from red to black will be the same voltage drop from
green to blue.
!Which resistors are left dangling because of these two
Resistors 3,4,5 and 6 are no longer are participating in this circuit.
!What are the voltages between the colored
The EMF of the green, red, yellow, blue points in the circuit is all the
same \... that of the positive terminal of the battery.
The EMF of the black is that of the negative terminal of the battery.
The voltage between any pair of green, red, yellow and blue is zero.
The voltage between black and any of the other colors is going to be 1
# Circuit Theory/One Port Devices
There are many circuits that can solve any particular task. Kirchhoff or
any other analysis technique can not describe the bare minimum, most
simple, alternative to an existing circuit that works.
The goal is to figure out a circuit\'s characteristics \... like an
eigenvalue \... the minimal parameters that
totally define it. The minimal characteristics or parameters serve two
- Enable design of alternative, cheaper, simpler circuits that do the
same thing
- Help designers using the existing circuit predict its impact on
other circuits attached to it.
## One-Port

Impedance, resistance and reactance are often drawn as a rectangle
instead of their normal circuit symbols. This is the beginning of
dealing with the real world rather than the ideal.
A \"port\" hides what is inside of it like a \"black
A resistor, capacitor, inductor and power source are one-port (two-wire)
devices. But in the real world a resistor could also have some
inductance, or capacitance, or act as an antenna channeling wireless
energy into the circuit.
More generally, a one-port circuit can have any number of passive
elements, independent and dependent sources and nodes. A port can be
described as a circuit that has been designed, analyzed and tested. At
this point, a circuit\'s internal details, its design, and its theory of
operation are no longer important. It becomes a building block. Complex
circuits may consist of a few ports where each port itself may be
When ports are named, miniaturized and mass-produced, they become a new
circuit device.
One-port devices are usually found at the beginning and the end of a
circuit. The middle of a circuit is built with two-port
devices, which are covered later.
A port has characteristics besides its impedance and whether it contains
a source or not. A port has parameters. The
ideal parameters we have been studying are sometimes called
lumped element parameters. These
parameters may change depending on how the port is \"driven\". Ports can
have different \"driving
## Example
Suppose we are going to connect a DC Voltage power supply to points a
and b. The goal is to characterize the insides of the box that contains
a DC voltage source and a couple of resistors. Do this by:
- Plot V~ab~ as depending upon the current (instead of the actual
situation where current is dependent upon the added voltage supply)
so that the slope is resistance. From the plot find the slope
(resistance). What does the vertical, V~ab~ axis intercept
represent? What does the horizontal (current) axis intercept
- Calculate the V~ab~ if nothing is attached to the one port device.
- Zero the voltage source and calculate the resistance between a and
- Create another one port device that behaves the same with just one
source and resistor. Simulate it and show that it produces the same
V~ab~ curve or line.
<File:Example26aa.png%7CCircuit> that problem statement is referring to
<File:Example26c.png%7CSince> current is on the independent (x) axis and
voltage is dependent, need a current source.
<File:Example26e.png%7CSimulation> that can be found at
### Plot V~ab~
: Circuit was simulated at
resulting in the plot above that matches the formula below.
: Slope of the line is 66.66667 ohms and the intercept is -1 volt.
: The equation of the line can be formed by node analysis at a:
$$I - \frac{V_{ab}}{100} - \frac{V_{ab}+3}{200} = 0$$
: Solving for V~ab~
$$V_{ab} = \frac{200*I}{3} - 1$$
: Can see in the simulation that the intercept when i = 0 is -1 and
slope is 200/3.
### Calculate V~ab~ with nothing attached
Nothing attached means the current is zero, so from the equation
V~ab~=-1 \... which is the V~ab~ vertical axis intercept. !Circuit with
voltage source shorted so can compute resistance between points a and
### Zero voltage source, calculate resistance between a and b
After shorting the voltage source, have 200 and 100 ohm resistors in
parallel so:
$$R_{ab} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{200} + \frac{1}{100}} = \frac{200}{3}$$
which is the slope of the equation.
### Create simpler one port device
<File:Example26d.png%7Csimple> circuit the performs exactly the same way
as the more complicated one <File:Example26e.png%7Csimulation> at
is same as the 2 resistor circuit with -3 volt source
# Circuit Theory/Source Injection
Source injection is a trick used when parallel/series combinations
don\'t exist in a circuit.
Source injection helps find the overall impedance of a circuit from
V~s~/I~s~. Vs and Is are found in the phasor/complex frequency domain
using node or mesh analysis.
<File:Example24a.png%7Coriginal> complicated circuit, want to look at
just the red part <File:Example24b.png%7Cwant> to reduce middle
resistors into one equivalent resistor <File:Example24c.png%7Cremove>
middle part from circuit, inject source of 1 volt, find source current
and compute the equivalent resistance
!mupad screen shot of code node analysis of the
source injected
Suppose have a complicated circuit, want to break it up into smaller
sections, find a clump of passive devices in the middle of it, want to
find their equivalent, but can not combine in series or parallel.
This type of problem has to be done with source injection (or Y Δ
Transform .. but that is later).
One is really not physically injecting anything into the circuit, one is
just pretending so that node analysis can be used to find the overall
real (in phasor/complex frequency domain) impedance.
For the circuit above, the node analysis shows that the overall current
$$I_s = 0.2542735043$$ This means that:
$$R_{eq} = \frac{V_s}{I_s} = \frac{1}{0.2542735043} = 3.9328 ohms$$
# Circuit Theory/Lab4.5.1
!the original circuit, R7 is the load, find thevenin equivalent of the
rest of the
!Finding Vth using ohm\'s
law !thevenin resistance
is calculated by zeroing the sources and opening the
!redrawing thevenin resistance network to make calculation
Example, find the thevenin equivalent of this circuit, treating R7 as
the load.
- Simulate the circuit, displaying load voltage and current as the
load is swept through a range of resistance values
- Simulate the thevenin equivalent circuit and again sweep the load
voltage and current through a range of resistance values
## Finding Thevenin Voltage
Open the load (resistor R7), and find the voltage across it\'s
R~5~ and R~6~ are dangling and can be removed.
V~th~ = V~A~ - V~B~
V~A~ = 2-V~R1~ = 2 - (2-5)\*2.2/(2.2+4.7) .. voltage divider
V~A~ = 2.9565
V~B~ = 5-V~R3~ = 5 - 5\*6.8/(6.8+6.8) .. voltage divider
V~B~ = 2.5 volts
V~th~ = 2.9565 - 2.5 = 0.4565 volts
Can check with this
## Finding Thevenin Resistance
Remove the load, zero the sources.
Redraw up and down so the parallel/serial relationships between the
resistors are obvious.
- $R_{th} = 1 + \frac{1}{\frac{1}{2.2} + \frac{1}{4.7}} + \frac{1}{\frac{1}{6.8} + \frac{1}{6.8}} + 1.5$
- $R_{th} = 7.3986$
## Finding Norton Current
I~N~ = V~th~/R~th~ = 0.4565/7.3986 = 0.0617 amp
## Simulating the original circuit
In the
can see the computed Norton\'s current when the load is 0 ohms.
Can see the computed Thevenin voltage when the load is around 20 ohms
which approximates an open.
## Comparing with the Thevenin Equivalent
In this
can see the same values, except this time the load voltage is relative
to ground, so don\'t have to look at a drop or differences between two
voltages as with the original circuit simulation.
<File:Example25e.png%7CSweep> simulation of original circuit for R7
values of 47 ranging from 0 to 20 <File:Example25f.png%7CThe> thevenin
equivalent with the R7 load in place <File:Example25g.png%7CSweep>
simulation of the thevenin equivalent circuit for R7 values ranging from
0 to 20 ohms
# Circuit Theory/Thevenin-Norton
## Vth using Node
!opening load, finding V~th~ using Node ..
$$V_{th} = 6.4516$$
## In using Node
!shorting load, finding I~n~ using Node ..
$$I_N = 1.064773736$$
## Rth or Rn
$$V_{th}/I_N= \frac{6.4516}{1.064773736} = 6.0591 ohms$$
## Finding Rth using source injection and node
<File:Example23d.png%7Czero> sources to find Rth
<File:Example23e.png%7Cadd> source injection since parallel/series
combinations do not exist <File:Example23g.png%7Credraw> up and down
before solving
Here is the mupad/matlab code that generates the
answer R~th~ = 6.0591 ohms.
## Comparing Node with Thevenin Equivalent
!solving using Node ..
!solving using Thevenin
equivalent Solving
the node equations yields:
$$V_a = 5.393$$
$$V_b = 1.1673$$
$$V_c = 1.107$$
$$i_{12} = 0.3571$$
$$v_{12} = 4.286$$ Using the Thevenin equivalent (and voltage divider)
to compute voltage across the 12 ohm resistor:
$$v_{12} = V_s*\frac{12}{R{total}}$$
$$v_{12} = 6.4516*\frac{12}{6.0591+12} = 4.287$$ So they match \...
Thevenin voltage and resistance can not be computed from a node analysis
of the entire circuit, but the node analysis of the entire circuit can
be used to check if the thevenin equivalent produces the same numbers.
# Circuit Theory/Example70
!original circuit
$$V_{s1} = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{6}\cos (t+\frac{\pi}{4})$$
$$V_{s2} = \cos (t+\frac{\pi}{3})$$
$$\mathbb{V}_{s1} = \frac{1}{6}(1 + j)$$
$$\mathbb{V}_{s2} = \frac{1}{2}(1 + j\sqrt{3})$$ The series components
can be lumped together .. which simplifies the circuit a bit.
## Node Analysis
!Node analysis !mupad and matlab
/code/ for all the work
$$\frac{\mathbb{V}_{s1} - \mathbb{V}_a}{5} - \mathbb{V}_a - \frac{\mathbb{V}_a + \mathbb{V}_{s2}}{j\sqrt{3}} = 0$$
$$\mathbb{V}_a = -0.42063 + j0.065966$$
## Mesh Analysis
!Mesh analysis
$$i_1 - i_2 - V_{s1} + 5 * i_1 = 0$$
$$i_2 j\sqrt{3} - V_{s2} + i_2 - i_1 = 0$$
$$i_3 = i_1 - i_2$$ Solving
$$i_3 = -0.42063 + j.065966$$ Which is the same as the voltage through
the 1 ohm resistor.
## Thevenin voltage
!Thevenin voltage requires opening the
Make ground the negative side of $V_{s2}$, then:
$$V_{th} = V_A - V_B$$
$$V_{th} = i*j\sqrt{3} - V_{s2}$$
$$V_{th} = \frac{V_{s1} + V_{s2}}{5 + j\sqrt{3}}*j\sqrt{3} - V_{s2}$$
$$V_{th} = -0.747977 - j0.5492$$
## Norton Current
<File:Example70norton1.png%7Cshort> out the load
<File:Example70norton2.png%7Csplit> into two circuits so can use
superposition <File:Example70norton3.png%7Chalf> the circuit is shorted
out by shorting the voltage sources
$$i_n = i_1 - i_2 = \frac{V_{s1}}{5} - \frac{V_{s2}}{j\sqrt{3}}$$
$$i_n = -0.4667 + j0.3220$$
## Thevenin/Norton Impedance

short voltage sources, open current sources, remove load and find
impedance where the load was attached
$$Z_{th} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{5} + \frac{1}{j\sqrt{3}}} = 0.537 + j1.5465$$
$$Z_{th} = \frac{V_{th}}{I_n} = 0.537 + j1.5465$$ yes! they match
## Evaluate Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

Going to find current through the resistor and compare with mesh current
$$i = \frac{V_{th}}{Z_{th} + 1} = -0.42063 + j0.06599$$ yes! they match
## Find Load value for maximum power transfer
$$Z_{L} = z_{th}^* = 0.537 - j1.5465$$
## Find average power transfer with Load that maximizes
$$Z_{th} + Z_{L} = 0.537*2$$
$$P_{avg} = \frac{Re(V_{th})^2}{Z_{th} + Z_{L}} = \frac{\sqrt{0.747977^2 + 0.5492^2}}{2*0.537} = 0.8037 watts$$
## Simulation
The circuit was
A way was found to enter equations into the voltage supply parameters
which improves accuracy:
<File:Example70-vs11.png%7Ctype> sqrt(3) instead of a numeric
approximation <File:Example70-vs2.png%7Cadded> pi/2 to convert from cos
to sin sources
To compare with the results above, need to translate the current and
voltage through the resistor into the time domain.
### Period
Period looks right about 6 seconds \... should be:
$$T = \frac{1}{f} = \frac{2*\pi}{w} = 2*\pi = 6.2832$$
### Current
Current through 1 ohm resistor, once moved into the time domain (from
the above numbers) is:
$$i(t) = 0.4258*cos(t + 171^{\circ})$$ From the mesh analysis, the
current\'s through both sources were computed:
$$i_{s1} = 0.1192*cos(t + 9.72^{\circ})$$ The magnitudes are accurate,
they are almost π out of phase which is can be seen on the simulation.
### Voltage
The voltage is the same as the current through a 1 ohm resistor:
$$v(t) = 0.4258*cos(t + 171^{\circ})$$ The voltage of the first (left)
source is:
$$V_{s1} = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{6} cos(t + \frac{pi}{4}) = 0.2357 * cos(t + 45^{\circ})$$
The magnitudes match. The voltage through the source peaks before the
current because the first source sees the inductor.
The voltage through the resistor should peak about 171 - 45 = 126°
before the source \... which it appears to do.
# Circuit Theory/Superposition
## Goal
Split multisource circuit into smaller, simpler circuits, compute
current or voltage and add.
## Procedure
Pick one source, turn off all or set to zero all others:
- Set Voltage Sources to V=0, doesn\'t care about current so is a
- Set Current Sources to I=0, doesn\'t care about the voltage so turns
into an open
## Example 1
Find the current through the 3 ohm resistor assuming moving left to
right is positive:
<File:Example16a.png%7CThe> original circuit is equal to
<File:Example16b.png%7Cthis> circuit where i = 24/5 plus
<File:Example16c.png%7Cthis> circuit where i = -14/5 (current divider)
plus <File:Example16d.png%7Cthis> circuit where i = -3/5.
The total current in the direction shown on the original diagram is
going to be:
$\frac{24}{5} - \frac{14}{5} - \frac{3}{5} = \frac{7}{5} amp$
## Example 2
Find the current through the 4 ohm resistor assuming moving left to
right is positive:
<File:Example17a.png%7CThe> original circuit is equal to
<File:Example17b.png%7Cthis> circuit which can be re-drawn as
<File:Example17bs.png%7Cthis> circuit where i = 35/3 = 11.67 plus
<File:Example17c.png%7Cthis> circuit which can be re-drawn as
<File:Example17cs.png%7Cthis> circuit where i = -11/36 = -.3056 plus
<File:Example17d.png%7Cthis> circuit which can be re-drawn as
<File:Example17ds.png%7Cthis> circuit where i = 25/18 = 1.3889 (current
$i = 35/3 - 11/36 + 25/18 = 51/4 = 12.75 amps$
Simulation at circuit
lab confirms the
!DC Simulation at Circuit
# Circuit Theory/Extra Element
The Extra Element technique helps break down one complicated problem
into several simpler ones like superposition. However the goal is to
find impedance rather than current or voltage.
By removing the element that most complicates the circuit the overall
circuit impedance can be obtained.
$$Z_{in} = Z^{\infty}_{in} \left( \frac{1+\frac{Z^0_{e}}{Z}}{1+\frac{Z^{\infty}_{e}}{Z}} \right)$$
$$Z\$$ is the impedance chosen as the extra element to be removed
$$Z^{\infty}_{in}$$ is the input impedance with Z removed (or made
$$Z^0_{e}$$ is the impedance seen by the extra element Z with the source
shorted (or made zero)
$$Z^{\infty}_{e}$$ is the impedance seen by the extra element Z with the
source opened (or made infinite)
Computing these three terms may seem like extra effort, but they are
often easier to compute than the overall input impedance.
### Example
!4 resistors, 1 capacitor
example !set up for
node analsysis !node
analysis in mupad ../code/ .. need to solve for
vs/current to compare
Consider the problem of finding $Z_{in}$ for the circuit in Figure 1
using the EET (note all component values are unity for simplicity). If
the capacitor (gray shading) is denoted the extra element then
$$Z = \frac{1}{s}$$
Removing this capacitor from the circuit we find
<File:Example18b.png%7Ccapacitor> removed, looking at the input (source
input) <File:Example18c.png%7Ccapacitor> removed, reorganizing circuit
so can see input impedance $Z^{\infty}_{in}$
$$Z^{\infty}_{in} = 2\|1 +1 = \frac{5}{3}$$
Calculating the impedance seen by the capacitor with the input shorted
we find
<File:Example18d.png%7Cshorted> source, finding $Z^0_{e}$
<File:Example18h.png%7Cshorted> source redrawn
$$Z^0_{e} = 1\|(1+1\|1) = \frac{3}{5}$$
Calculating the impedance seen by the capacitor with the input open we
<File:Example18d.png%7Copen> source, finding $Z^{\infty}_{e}$
<File:Example18h.png%7Copen> source redrawn
$$Z^{\infty}_{e} = 2\|1+1 = \frac{5}{3}$$
Therefore using the EET, we find
$$Z_{in} = \frac{5}{3} \left(\frac{1+\frac{3}{5}s}{1+\frac{5}{3}s}\right)$$
Note that this problem was solved by calculating three simple driving
point impedances by inspection.
# Circuit Theory/Symmetry
Some very complicated circuits can be solved by seeing symmetry. Three
examples are presented below:
## Example 1
Bridge Balance
<File:Example19a.png%7COriginal> Complicated Circuit
<File:Example19b.png%7CRedrawn> up and down <File:Example19c.png%7CZ>
impedances are all equal, so middle Z has no current going through it,
nodes on either side are at the same EMF <File:Example19d.png%7Cmiddle>
Z can be replaced by short or open, since no current is going through it
## Example 2
<File:Example20a.png%7Coriginal> flattened cube of resistors
<File:Example20b.png%7Cidentifying> identical EMF locations
<File:Example20d.png%7Credrawing> idential EMF as the same nodes, can
see three groups of parallel resistors
## Example 3
Suppose there is an infinite 2 dimensional grid of impedances (Z). What
is the input impedance if connected across (in parallel) with any given
<File:Example21a.png%7CCurrent> due to injection at any spot splits in
quarters and then begins to fill the resistive grid like water filling
an infinite bucket. <File:Example21b.png%7CCurrent> removed at another
spot splits in quarters and then begins to drain the resistive grid like
draining an infinite bucket. <File:Example21c.png%7CTogether> the two
create a steady state situtation where the question \"What is the input
impedance\" can be asked. The current i is i/4 + i/4 = i/2. v = i/2\*Z
so v/i = Z/2 = input impedance.
If the grid were three dimensional, the current would split into 6 equal
sections, thus the input impedance would be Z/3.
So what does this mean? It helps us understand that the infinity of
space has an impedance:
376.730\... ohms which is plank\'s
impedance \* 4π and is related to the
speed of light, the permeability of free space and permitivity of free
Perhaps this is related
entanglement and to the trinity
since: $\frac{Z}{3} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{Z} + \frac{1}{Z} + \frac{1}{Z}}$
# Circuit Theory/Y Δ
!Circuit after Δ Y transformation of top bridge .. can now use
parallel/serial combinations rather than source injection to find
bridge circuit example was
solved with source injection, but could have been solved with a Y Δ
transformation. \
The 5,2 and 3 ohm resistors form a Δ that could be transformed into a Y.
The equations are:
$$R_1 = \frac{R_bR_c}{R_a + R_b + R_c}, R_2 = \frac{R_aR_c}{R_a + R_b + R_c}, R_3 = \frac{R_aR_b}{R_a + R_b + R_c}$$
$$R_1 = \frac{5*2}{3 + 5 + 2}=1, R_2 = \frac{3*2}{3 + 5 + 2}=0.6, R_3 = \frac{3*5}{3 + 5 + 2}=1.5$$
Now Thevenin\'s resistance can be solved by parallel and serial
$$R_{th} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{8} + \frac{1}{10.6}} + 1.5 = 6.0591$$
Which is the same value found through source
# Circuit Theory/Quadratic Equation Revisited
### The Quadratic Equation
The roots to the quadratic polynomial
$y = ax^2 + bx +c$
are easily derived and many people memorized them in high school:
x &= \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}.
### Derivation of the Quadratic Equation
To derive this set $y = 0$ and complete the square:
0 &= ax^2 + bx +c \\
0 &= a \left( x^2 + \frac{b}{a} x + \frac{c}{a} \right)\\
0 &= x^2 + \frac{b}{a} x + \left(\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2 + \frac{c}{a} - \left(\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2 \\
0 &= \left( x + \frac{b}{2a} \right)^2 + \left(\frac{c}{a} - \left(\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2 \right).
Solving for $x$ gives
0 &= \left( x + \frac{b}{2a} \right)^2 + \left(\frac{c}{a} - \left(\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2\right) \\
\left( x + \frac{b}{2a} \right)^2 &= -\left(\frac{c}{a} - \left(\frac{b}{2a}\right)^2\right) \\
&= \frac{b^2 - 4ac }{\left(2a\right)^2}.
Taking the square root of both sides and putting everything over a
common denominator gives
x + \frac{b}{2a} &= \pm \sqrt{\frac{b^2 - 4ac }{\left(2a\right)^2}} \\
x &= \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}.
### Numerical Instability of the Usual Formulation of the Quadratic Equation
Middlebrook has pointed out that this is a poor expression from a
numerical point of view for certain values of $a$, $b$, and $c$.
\[Give an example here\]
Middlebrook showed how a better expression can be obtained as follows.
First, factor $-\frac{b}{2a}$ out of the expression:
x &= \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} \\
&= \left( -\frac{b}{2a} \right) \left( 1 \pm \sqrt{1 - \frac{4ac}{b^2}} \right).
Now let
$Q^2 = \frac{ac}{b^2}.$
x &= \left( -\frac{b}{2a} \right) \left( 1 \pm \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2} \right)
### A More Numerically Stable Formulation of the Negative Root
Considering just the negative square root we have
x_1 &= \left( -\frac{b}{2a} \right) \left( 1 - \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2} \right).
Multiplying the numerator and denominator by $1 + \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2}$ gives
x_1 &= \left( -\frac{b}{2a} \right) \left( 1 - \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2} \right)
\left( \frac{1 + \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2}}{1 + \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2}} \right) \\
&= \left( -\frac{b}{2a} \right) \left( \frac{1 - 1 + 4Q^2}{1 + \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2}} \right) \\
&= -\frac{2 b Q^2}{a} \left( \frac{1}{1 + \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2}} \right) \\
&= -\frac{2 b \left( \frac{ac}{b^2} \right)}{a} \left( \frac{1}{1 + \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2}} \right) \\
&= -\frac{2 c}{b} \left( \frac{1}{1 + \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2}} \right) \\
&= -\frac{c}{b} \left( \frac{1}{\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{1 - 4Q^2}} \right).
By defining
$F = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{1 - 4Q^2}$
we can write
x_1 &= -\frac{c}{bF} .
Note that as $Q \to 0$, $F \to 1$.
### Finding the Positive Root Using the Same Approach
Turning now to the positive square root we have
x_2 &= \left( -\frac{b}{2a} \right) \left( 1 + \sqrt{1 - 4Q^2} \right) \\
&= \left( -\frac{b}{a} \right) \left( \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{1 - 4Q^2} \right) \\
&= -\frac{bF}{a}.
Using the two roots $x_1$ and $x_2$, we can factor the quadratic
y &= a x^2 + b x + c \\
&= a \left( x^2 + \frac{b}{a} + \frac{c}{a}\right) \\
&= a \left( x - x_1\right) \left( x - x_2\right) \\
&= a \left( x + \frac{c}{bF}\right) \left( x +\frac{bF}{a}\right).
### Accuracy for Low $Q$
For values of $Q \le 0.3$ the value of $F$ is within 10% of 1 and we may
neglect it. As noted above, the approximation gets better as $Q \to 0$.
With this approximation the quadratic equation has a very simple
y &= a x^2 + b x + c \\
&\approx a \left( x + \frac{c}{b}\right) \left( x +\frac{b}{a}\right),
an expression that involves no messy square roots and can be written by
inspection. Of course, it is necessary to check the assumption about $Q$
being small before using the simplification. Without this
simplification, $F$ needs to be calculated and the roots are slightly
more complicated.
\[Explore the consequences if $Q > 0.5$.\]
# Circuit Theory/Transients
Transient analysis produces an equation of voltage or current.
## Energy Imbalance
The temporary conditions are caused by an energy imbalance. The energy
imbalance occurs between power sources and capacitors or inductors.
Power sources may charge capacitors or inductors. The capacitors or
inductors may dump previously stored energy into resistors, each other
or charge power sources.
Transients occur while energy is being balanced in the circuit.
## Transient Origins
The events that can cause transients are:
- switching on power
- changing a component\'s value in a functioning circuit
- discharging a component after the circuit has been turned off
Turning a knob can change a value, but so can temperature, light,
acceleration, stretching, compressing, humidity, etc. Electrical
transducers sense non-electrical energy and
cause resistance, capacitance or inductance values to change or change
the energy stored in a capacitor/inductor.
## First & Second Order Analysis
First order circuits have either a capacitor or inductor.
Second order circuits have two energy storage elements and require a
different analysis technique.
First order transients voltages and currents are typically one
sinusoidal riding one exponential.
Second order transients are typically described as one of the following:
- overdamped
- critically damped
- underdamped
- undamped
The word \"damped\" refers how two different types of energy storage
elements (capacitors and inductors) interact as energy is dissipated.
The math in general shows the combination of two sinusoidals riding on
two exponentials.
## Math Summary
There are two ways to solve transient problems.
#### Differential Equations
Something causes the energy imbalance. The goal is to find the final
value of a charging circuit, not the equation describing how energy was
added to the circuit.
The goal is to find an equation for the discharge. The steps are to form
a differential equation (no integrals at any step) and evaluate
constants. Differential equation analysis requires computing a constant
C. Unfortunately, C = 0 in most of the examples below. This is because
the equation describes time from 0 to ∞. At t=∞, most designs want all
energy eliminated from a circuit.
#### Convolution Integral
# Circuit Theory/Initial Conditions
## Both Voltage and Current
Initial conditions describe the energy stored in every capacitor and
every inductor.
Initial conditions are completely specified only when both voltage and
current for all capacitors and all inductors is known.
## Assume Zero
Assume zero for the capacitor voltage and/or inductor current if no
information is given.
## Inductor Initial Conditions
Every inductor has two initial conditions: current and voltage. When a
switch is thrown that eliminates all power supplies, (or connects new
power supplies) the inductor can turn into a power supply itself. The
current through an inductor maintains it\'s direction and magnitude
between $t(0_-)$ and $t(0_+)$. The voltage may instantaneously switch
polarity and/or magnitude.
Energy changes elsewhere in a circuit cause an inductor to block these
changes by appearing as an open. An Inductors will allow any voltage to
appear across it\'s terminals in order to maintain the energy in its
magnetic field. An inductor doesn\'t want the current to increase or
decrease. Any current change will change the energy stored in its
magnetic field.
But gradually, an inductor will accept change. And after a very long
time it acts like a wire or short allowing current only limited by other
devices in the circuit to pass through it.
## Capacitor Initial Conditions
Every capacitor has two initial conditions: voltage and current. When a
switch is thrown that eliminates all power supplies, (or adds power) the
capacitor can turn into a power supply itself. A capacitor maintains
it\'s voltage polarity and value between $t(0_-)$ and $t(0_+)$, but the
current may instantaneously switch directions and may switch magnitude.
A capacitor reacts to energy changes by instantly turning itself into a
short or an ideal wire with no resistance. A capacitor doesn\'t care
about the current flowing through it. A capacitor doesn\'t want the
energy stored in the electric field between its plates to change. So the
voltage is maintained, but the current can switch direction and
magnitude. The current will only be limited by other devices in the
But after a very long time, a capacitor gradually adapts to change and
eventually develops a voltage that the rest of the circuit doesn\'t try
to change. At this point the capacitor turns into an open.
Inductors and capacitors both react to energy changes, but in exactly
the opposite ways.
## Particular Solution
The particular solution in response to a step function turns into a set
of conditions that have to be present at t = ∞.
These conditions should be true at all times .. and can be used to help
evaluate constants.
## Progression
Start with an expression with a voltage across the capacitor. This way
the progression through all possible initial conditions requires taking
$$H(s)=\frac{\mathbb{V}_C}{\mathbb{V}_s} \Rightarrow V_C(t) \Rightarrow i(t) = C{d V_C(t) \over dt} \Rightarrow V_L = L{d i(t) \over dt}$$
Starting at V_L means evaluating integrals and their constants:
$$H(s)=\frac{\mathbb{V}_L}{\mathbb{V}_s} \Rightarrow V_L(t) \Rightarrow i(t) = \frac{1}{L}\int V_L dt \Rightarrow V_C = \frac{1}{C}\int i(t) dt$$
Starting at the current means that may have to do both a derivative and
an integral to evaluate all constants.
This detail is displayed by doing one example
four different ways.
## Summary
t=0~-~ t=0~+~ source energy imbalance response value starting point
------------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
V~c~(0~-~) = V~c~(0~+~) capacitor itself short problem statement/assume 0 particular solution to previous problem
I~c~(0~-~) ≠ I~c~(0~+~) circuit cap is in doesn\'t care determined by rest of circuit capacitor terminal relation, node, mesh
I~L~(0~-~) = I~L~(0~+~) inductor itself open problem statement/assume 0 particular solution to previous problem
V~L~(0~-~) ≠ V~L~(0~+~) circuit inductor is in doesn\'t care determined by the rest of circuit inductor terminal relation, node, mesh
# Circuit Theory/Time Constants
Homogeneous equations are exponential. A homogeneous differential
equation is discharging or charging (0 value constant DC source). A
non-homogeneous differential equation has a sinusoidal source. It can be
solved by splitting into a homogeneous solution plus a particular
solution. The steady state solutions earlier were particular solutions.
: **homogeneous equation ⇒ discharging (DC source) ⇒ homogeneous
:**non-homogeneous equation ⇒ AC source ⇒ particular (steady state) +
homogeneous (discharging) solution**
The proof of the exponential solution to the discharging circuit is is
- guess solution
- see if it is possible
- if possible assume it is the solution
In this case it works because there is only one guess:
!Capacitor voltage
!Resistor voltage
that we know of.
A first order differential looks like this:
$$g(t) +\tau \frac{d g(t)}{dt} = 0$$
A solution is:
$$g(t) = e^{- \frac{t}{\tau}}$$
proved that there are always other truths possible. We can not be
certain this is the only solution.)
Tau, τ, or $\tau$ has a name:
$$\tau$$ = time constant
The Steady State(particular) definition is:
$$t \ge 5*\tau$$ since for charging and discharging:
$$1-e^{-5} = .9933, e^{-5} = 0.0063$$
Try to write all answers in the form of
$$g(t) = e^{- \frac{t}{\tau}}$$ instead of:
$$g(t) = e^{number * t}$$ The reason is: looking at a number and taking
the inverse of it is hard. This makes it hard to look at an equation and
\"see\" it\'s time constant.
The units of any time constant are seconds. In circuits with both
inductors and capacitors, there are two time constants that are called
\"zeros\". They are called zero\'s because they are solutions to the
particular solution which sets the differential to zero. They are given
the symbol \"s\" and are identical to the complex frequency concept.
# Circuit Theory/1Initially Excited
Circuits are used to charge capacitors and inductors. Then the
inductor/capacitor is switched out of the charging circuit and into the
discharging circuit. There are three concepts:
- charging circuit \... assume on a long time if time on not specified
\... assume steady state so capacitors are opens and inductors are
- switching circuit (different for capacitors and inductors)
- discharging circuit \... assume initially capacitors are shorts and
inductors are opens
There are two circuits to analyse: charging and discharging:
- Charging circuit \... Assume initial conditions zero, find steady
state (particular) solution \... these become the initial conditions
to the discharging circuit.
- Discharging circuit find the (homogeneous solution).
Solving the discharging circuit has these steps:
- assume the solution is an exponential
- find an exponential solution
- use the initial conditions and final value conditions to find the
- If an exponential solution can be found (i.e. there is a real part),
then the assumption was valid.
## Capacitors
<File:Ch7CapSwitchingCircuit.png%7CCapacitor> charging and discharging
circuit separated by a switch <File:Ch7capcharging.png%7CEquivalent>
charging circuit <File:Ch7capswitched.png%7CMost> switches are
BBM (break before make) so
the capacitor is an open while the single pole is being thrown between
the two poles. Super
capacitors store lots of
energy, charge up very fast, discharge very fast and could replace
batteries. <File:Ch7capDischarging.png%7CEquivalent> discharging circuit
### Charge Analysis
Charge Analysis is steady state analysis. Assume the circuit has been on
a long time. The capacitor has had a long time to charge up.
What is different is that instead of a sinusoidal source, there is a DC
voltage source. There is going to be a DC steady state voltage across
the capacitor.
A capacitor looks like an open when fully charged, so the full source
voltage is going to be across the capacitor. So in this case the initial
voltage across the capacitor is 1 volt.
### Discharge Analysis
!Looking at a capacitor discharging, marking up the current direction
and voltage polarity consistent with the normal terminal relations ..
for wikibook circuit
A trivial mesh or loop analysis (both result in the same equation) would
$$V_R + V_c = 0$$
$$R*i + V_c = 0$$ From the capacitor terminal relationship:
$$i=C{d Vc \over dt}$$ So substituting:
$$RC{d Vc \over dt} + V_c =0$$
Of course, after a long time, the capacitor discharges, the resistor
dissipates all the energy and both current and voltage everywhere will
be zero. But what is the equation in the time domain that describes how
the voltage and current go to zero?
Notice that the current is going down while charging, but switches to
going up when discharging. This can be instantaneous.
#### finding time constant
The general technique is to assume this form:
$$V_c = A*e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}}$$
Substituting into the above differential equation:
$$-\frac{RCA}{\tau}e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} + A*e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} = 0$$
Dividing through by A and the exponential, have:
$$-\frac{RC}{\tau} + 1 = 0$$ Solving for tau:
$$\tau = RC$$
#### finding the constants
So the formula for voltage across the capacitor is now:
$$V_c = A*e^{-\frac{t}{RC}} + C$$ This includes the steady state
particular solution of 0 and the constant C that comes from solving a
differential equation.
The initial voltage across the capacitor is +1 volt at t=0~+~. This
means that:
$$V_c(0_+) = 1 = A + C$$
After a long period of time, the V_c(t) = 0. This helps us find find C:
$$V_c(\infty) = A*0 + C = 0$$ So C = 0 and A = 1 and:
$$V_c(t) = e^{-\frac{t}{RC}}$$
#### finding the current
!Looking at a capacitor discharging, marking up the current direction
and voltage polarity consistent with the normal terminal relations ..
for wikibook circuit
V~c~=-V~r~ or could plug into the capacitor terminal relation
$$I = \frac{V_r}{R} = \frac{-Vc}{R} = -\frac{e^{-\frac{x}{RC}}}{R}$$
Thus for this circuit:
$$V_C = e^{-\frac{t}{RC}}=e^{-\frac{t}{10\mu s}}$$
$$V_r = -e^{-\frac{t}{10\mu s}}$$ And:
$$I = - \frac{e^{-\frac{t}{10\mu s}}}{10}$$
#### Interpreting the results
V~c~ is in the polarity indicated. V~R~ is opposite the polarity drawn.
The current is going in the opposite direction drawn, which makes sense
if the capacitor is acting like a voltage source and dumping it\'s
energy into the resistor. Both are going to be essentially zero after 5
time constants which is 50 μs.
The homogeneous solution was easy to find because a DC source was used
to charge the circuit. The particular solution of the discharge circuit
was 0 because there was no forcing function.
## Inductors
<File:Ch7IndustorSwitchingCircuit.png%7CThis> circuit shows an inductor
sitting between a charging circuit and discharging circuit. Because most
switches are BBM, a push button was added to short the inductor before
the SPDT switch is thrown. Both switches could be replaced by a single
SPDT MBB switch. However
simulation software typically just has BBM switches.
<File:Ch7InductorCharging.png%7CThe> equivalent inductor charging
circuit <File:Ch7IndustorSwitchingCircuitEffective.png%7CThe> equivalent
circuit after the push button switch is pressed, but before the SPDT BBM
switch is thrown. <File:Ch7InductorSwitched.png%7CThe> equivalent
circuit after the SPDT BBM switch is thrown while the push button switch
maintains contact. Superconductors can be energy
storage devices just like super capacitors. Current moves at the speed
of light through a circular wire that acts like a continuous inductor.
<File:Ch7InductorDischarging.png%7CThe> equivalent inductor discharging
circuit after the push button switch is released.
### Charge Analysis
!When inductor has same initial current as the current source, then no
current is going to flow through the short. Superposition says the
currents are going to cancel in the
Charge Analysis is steady state analysis. Assume the circuit has been on
a long time. The inductor has had a long time to build up its magnetic
What is different is that instead of a sinusoidal source, there is a DC
current source. There is going to be a DC steady state current through
the inductor.
An inductor looks like a short when fully charged, so the full source
current is going through the inductor. So in this case the initial
current is 1 amp.
### Shorted source and inductor Analysis
!An inductor stores it\'s energy in a magnetic field, current has to
continue to move to keep the magnetic field from collapsing \... this is
the basis of a
!Inductor with initial current discharging through resistor, for
wikibook circuit
Shorting an inductor and current source by pushing the button of SW1 is
safe. (It is dangerous to open wires to an inductor or current source).
With ideal components, there will be no current through the short.
However current through the inductor remains the same and the inductor
remains charged up.
### Shorted inductor energy storage
The instant the SPDT switch cuts out the current source, the inductor\'s
current appears in the short. The inductor and shorting wire do not
store energy very long (unless frozen because the
wire acts like a resistor).
### Discharge Analysis
Immediately after SW2 has completed moving the throw over to the second
pole and the push button switch is released, the current of 1amp still
flows through the inductor. A voltage instantly appears across the
inductor and resistor. A trivial mesh or loop analysis (both result in
the same equation) would be:
$$V_R - V_L = 0$$ Looking at the circuit markup, the current and voltage
don\'t have the positive sign convention relationship so the inductor\'s
terminal relationship has a negative sign:
$$V_L= - L\frac{di}{dt}$$ So:
$$R*i + L\frac{di}{dt} = 0$$ Of course, after a long time, the inductor
discharges, the resistor dissipates all the energy and both current and
voltage everywhere will be zero. But what is the equation in the time
domain that describes how the voltage and current go to zero?
Notice that the voltage is positive on top of the inductor but switches
polarity when discharging. This can be instantaneous.
#### finding time constant
The general technique is to assume this form:
$$i = A*e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}}$$
Substituting into the above differential equation:
$$R*A*e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} + L*\frac{d (A*e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}})}{dt} = 0$$
Dividing through by A and then evaluating the derivative, have:
$$R*e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} - \frac{L*e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}}}{\tau} = 0$$
Dividing through by the exponential:
$$R - \frac{L}{\tau}=0$$ Solving for tau:
$$\tau = \frac{L}{R}$$
#### finding the constants
So the formula for current now is:
$$i = A*e^{-\frac{t}{\frac{L}{R}}} + C$$ The steady state particular
solution is 0, and the constant C comes from solving the differential
The initial current is 1 amp at t=0~+~. This means that:
$$1 = A + C$$ After a long time, there is nothing going on in the
circuit so:
$$i(\infty) = A*0 + C$$ So A=1 and C=0 thus:
$$i(t) = e^{-\frac{t}{\frac{L}{R}}}$$
#### finding the voltage across the Inductor/Resistor
V~L~=V~r~ or could plug into the inductor terminal relation
$$V_R = R*i = R * e^{-\frac{t}{\frac{L}{R}}}$$ of plugging into the
terminal relation:
$$V_L = - L*\frac{d (e^{-\frac{t}{\frac{L}{R}}})}{dt} = -L*(\frac{-R}{L})e^{-\frac{t}{\frac{L}{R}}} = Re^{-\frac{t}{\frac{L}{R}}}$$
So in summary:
$$V_R = V_L = 10*e^{-\frac{t}{0.1\mu s}}$$
$$i = e^{-\frac{t}{0.1\mu s}}$$
#### Interpreting the results
Maintaining the current and magnetic field energy of an inductor
requires shorting it during the switching between circuits. This would
be just as simple as switching a capacitor, but a different type of
switch is required: \... a make before break switch .. so that two
circuits are connected simultaneously.
The discharge circuit was marked up with the final directions and
polarity of everything. But the terminal relationship for the inductor
had to have a negative sign in it because the voltage and current
directions did not follow the positive sign convention.
Again, the homogeneous solution was easy to find because a DC source was
used to charge the circuit. The particular solution of the discharge
circuit was 0 because there was no forcing function.
# Circuit Theory/1Source Excitement
: Called the **\"Steady State Solution\"** solution
: Sometimes the **\"Steady State Solution\"** resulted in a complete
solution, sometimes a partial solution.
: Full **\"Steady State Solutions\"** involved integrals and
: Partial **\"Steady State Solutions\"** involved non-homogeneous
differential equations
: The partial **\"Steady State Solution\"** is called the
**\"Particular solution\"**.
: The **Laplace Solution** is a complete solution that is identical to
**Phasor/Complex Frequency** when eliminating operators in a
differential equation (s or jω), but translates the driving function
(current or voltage source) into the **Laplace domain** differently.
The **Laplace Solution** can translate any driving function.
**Phasors** can only translate sinusoidals. The **Convolution
Integral** (coming up) is easier than either.
Now we are going to finish solving the some of the incomplete,
particular **\"Steady State Solutions.\"**
: The non-homogeneous ODE equation is turned **homogeneous** by
setting the driving function (voltage or current source) to zero and
then using either the \"Method of undetermined coefficients\" or
\"Variation of parameters\" to find the overall solution. The method
illustrated here is the **\"Method of undetermined coefficients\"**.
: This is called the **\"Transient\"** or **Homogeneous Solution**.
: The **Homogeneous Solution** is found in the time domain, not phasor
: Reduce circuit to thevenin or norton equivalent and solve for a
single component (or group or components)
: Add **Particular** + **Homogeneous Solution**, then evaluate
Click on the numeric solutions to see where they came from. Clicking on
particular solutions or non-diff-eq solutions will bounce back to
phasor examples.
| Calculus | diff eq | LR | LR Solution | Similar RC |
| ${\ | $\texts | ! | [ | $\ | |
| rs/Examples | | | $V_s(t) = | |
| /Example_7 | | | R * i(t) + | |
| "wikilink") | | | L * {d \ove | |
| | | | r dt}i(t)$\ | |
| | | | $i_{ | |
| | | | S_P}(t) = 1 | |
| | | | 5.9 cos(377 | |
| | | | t + 1.73)$] | |
| | | | (Circuit_Th | |
| | | | eory/Phasor | |
| | | | s/Examples/ | |
| | | | Example_7 " | |
| | | | wikilink")\ | |
| | | | \ | |
| | | | $i | |
| | | | _{S_H}(t) = | |
| | | | 2.5781*e^ | |
| | | | {-\frac{t}{ | |
| | | | 0.001}}$ | |
| ${\ | | ! | [ | $\ | |
| rs/Examples | | | $V_s(t) = | |
| /Example_8 | | | R * i(t) + | |
| "wikilink") | | | L * {d \ove | |
| | | | r dt}i(t)$\ | |
| | | | $V_s = 1 | |
| | | | 814cos(377t | |
| | | | +2.45)$](Ci | |
| | | | rcuit_Theor | |
| | | | y/Phasors/E | |
| | | | xamples/Exa | |
| | | | mple_8 "wik | |
| | | | ilink")\<br | |
| | | | \\\>\<br | |
| | | | \\\>already | |
| | | | solved \... | |
| | | | no | |
| | | | d | |
| | | | ifferential | |
| | | | equation! | |
| ${\texts | | ! | [ | $\ | |
| /Example_9 | | | ${ | |
| "wikilink") | | | dI_s(t) \ov | |
| | | | er dt}= \fr | |
| | | | ac{1}{R}{dV | |
| | | | _s \over dt | |
| | | | } + \frac{V | |
| | | | _s}{L}$\<br | |
| | | | \\\>$i_s | |
| | | | (t) = 48.1 | |
| | | | cos(377t + | |
| | | | 0.844)$](Ci | |
| | | | rcuit_Theor | |
| | | | y/Phasors/E | |
| | | | xamples/Exa | |
| | | | mple_9 "wik | |
| | | | ilink")\<br | |
| | | | \\\>\<br | |
| | | | \\\>already | |
| | | | solved \... | |
| | | | no | |
| | | | d | |
| | | | ifferential | |
| | | | equation! | |
| [${\textst | $\texts | ![ | [ | ![ |
| yle \int}$] | tyle \surd$ | ](PILR.xcf) | $I_s(t) = 1 | ](SVRC.xcf) |
| (Circuit_Th | | | 20 \sqrt{2} | |
| eory/Phasor | | | cos(377t+1 | |
| s/Examples/ | | | 20^\circ)$\ | |
| Example_10 | | | ${ | |
| "wikilink") | | | dI_s(t) \ov | |
| | | | er dt}= \fr | |
| | | | ac{1}{R}{dV | |
| | | | _s \over dt | |
| | | | } + \frac{V | |
| | | | _s}{L}$\<br | |
| | | | \ | |
| | | | \\>$V_{S_P} | |
| | | | (t) = 599 \ | |
| | | | cos(377t + | |
| | | | 3.30)$](Cir | |
| | | | cuit_Theory | |
| | | | /Phasors/Ex | |
| | | | amples/Exam | |
| | | | ple_10 "wik | |
| | | | ilink")\<br | |
| | | | \\\>\<br | |
| | | | \\\>$V_{ | |
| | | | S_H}(t) = - | |
| | | | 258 * e^{\ | |
| | | | frac{-t}{0. | |
| | | | 0001}}$ | |
# Circuit Theory/2Initially Excited
!full circuit with charging section, discharging section and two
!charging circuit (sw1 closed, sw2
!discharging circuit (sw1 open, sw
## Charging
The source voltage could be DC. In this case the initial capacitor
voltage is going to be V~s~ and the derivative of the voltage is going
to be zero.
The source voltage could be AC in which case the exact time or more
precise phase angle of the switch over is going to determine V~s~ and
the derivative of the voltage values.
## Discharging
The initial inductor current is going to be zero and derivative is going
to be zero.
After a long time nothing will be going on. The steady state particular
solution is going to be zero.
The current is going to be the same throughout. Goal should be to find
an expression for the current. However, any voltage could also be found
and then the current. Doesn\'t matter.
In summary, there will be no initial current in the discharging circuit,
there will be a voltage across the capacitor. The inductor is going to
act like an open at t=0~+~ so this entire voltage will appear across the
inductor and instantly (between t=0~-~ and t=0~+~) cause a change in the
derivative of the current through the inductor.
The equation for the current for first order circuits would be:
$$V_c(t) = A e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}}$$ However, this is a 2nd order circuit
(with both capacitors and inductors), thus:
$$V_c(t) = A e^{-st}$$ The complex frequency s has replace tau. The time
constant concept disappears. An intuitive interpretation of s exists,
but is more complicated. Remember:
$$s = \sigma + j\omega$$
## The differential equation
Go back to the complex frequency domain to find the time constant. Start
with the loop equation:
$$V_c + V_r + V_L =0$$ Substitute terminal equation for V~r~ and V~L~
but not for V~c~ because want to avoid an integral:
$$V_c + i(t)R + L{d i(t) \over dt} = 0$$ From the terminal relation of a
capacitor, know that:
$$i(t) = C {d V_c \over dt}$$ So substituting in, have a differential
equation for V~c~:
$$V_c + RC{d V_c \over dt} + LC{d^2 V_c \over dt^2} = 0$$ Can see the
second order now.
## Finding the time constant or zeros
A zero is like a time constant, but there are more than one zero\'s
possible. They might each influence the circuit differently.
Need to find V~c~. The particular solution (steady state) is going to be
zero. (Where the name zero comes from).
The homogeneous solution is going to be of this form:
$$V_c(t) = Ae^{st}$$ Plugging into the differential equation:
$$Ae^{st} + RCAse^{st} + LCAs^2e^{st} = 0$$ Dividing out Ae^st^ have:
$$1 + RCs + LCs^2 = 0$$
$$s^2 + \frac{Rs}{L} + \frac{1}{LC} = 0$$ The zero\'s of this equation
$$s_{1,2} = -\frac{R}{2L} \pm \sqrt{(\frac{R}{2L})^2 - \frac{1}{LC}} = -(\sigma \pm j\omega)$$
From your experience with quadratics you know that ~1,2~ come in three
types of pairs:
Pair Type Revised equation for V~c~ interpretation
----------------- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, not equal $A_1e^{s_1t} + A_2e^{s_2t}$ overdamped
equal $A_1e^{st} + A_2te^{st}$ critically damped
complex $e^{-\sigma t}(A_1\cos\omega t + A_2\sin\omega t$) underdamped
The revised equations (guesses) come from math proofs, and some courses
derive these from Laplace transformations. Just remember this table.
There are two storage elements with two initial conditions each, so
there could be four equations and four constants. A~1~ and A~2~ are two
of them. !for undamped (blue), under-damped (green), critically damped
(red), and over-damped (cyan)
cases, under-damped (green), critically damped (red), and over-damped (cyan) cases")
To understand damping, think of a car driving
over a curb. Undamped means the car bounces up and down for ever.
Under-damped is what happens when the shocks start leaking (car bounces
up and down for a while \... like riding in a boat). Critically damped
is why people hate sports cars (hurts their bottom). An over damped
response in a car gives feedback to a person driving a car. Circuits
like that above have been used to model shock obsorbers. These circuits
are called analog computers.
## Almost Resonance (Underdamped)
!Impact of R and L on
The most interesting of the above three is Underdamped. Something like
resonance occurs.
Satellites expand and contract depending upon which side is facing the
sun or the 2.7 kelvin of space. Repeated expansion and contraction
creates an oscillation that needs to be damped out by a motor that
flings a weight around that dampens the vibration. Otherwise everything
that can wiggle will wiggle more and more until parts begin to break
off. (A car on earth is no different).
Most control circuit input is an unbalanced situation. The output models
the desired behavior. The correcting (feedback control) circuits (not
talked being studied here) kick in to make sure the actual behavior
matches the desired behavior. Most often the objective is to design a
critically damped circuit, rather than merely predict what is going to
Resonance (or close to it) occurs when s~1~ and s~2~ are purely
$$s_{1,2} = -\frac{R}{2L} \pm \sqrt{(\frac{R}{2L})^2 - \frac{1}{LC}} = -(\sigma \pm j\omega)$$
$$\sigma = \frac{R}{2L}$$ What is interesting is the radical term. It
determines the nature of the 2nd order response.
Pure resonance occurs when the real part of the quadratic solution is
zero which would only happen when R \<\< L.
!Crystals are modeled with a capacitor in parallel with a series RLC
The contents of the radical don\'t have to be zero, only the real part
has to be zero in order to be overdamped:
$$j\omega = \sqrt{(\frac{R}{2L})^2 - \frac{1}{LC}}$$
$$j\omega = j\sqrt{\frac{1}{LC} - (\frac{R}{2L})^2}$$ The j\'s cancel,
and we have already assumed R \<\< L, so:
$$\omega = \sqrt{\frac{1}{LC} - (\frac{R}{2L})^2}$$ Which called the
damped, ringing, or undamped frequency.
When R \<\< L, then this turns into the resonate frequency:
$$\omega = \sqrt{\frac{1}{LC}}$$
Mechanical engineers try to predict ω for a given structure and
materials. It could be a building or motor mount. The math proves that ω
exists. Finding the exact ω usually requires testing. Instead of
capacitors and inductors, mechanical engineers model everything with
springs and dampers. Finding ω can be hard. This why there is an entire
industry of shake tables.
The spring and damper values in a structure determine how narrow or
muted the resonance is. When designing a building, mechanical engineers
want the envelope to be as wide and flat (muted) as possible. When
designing a notch filter the electrical engineer\'s design goal is the
opposite: a tall and narrow envelope. Electrical engineers call this
Most oscillators today are built from
# Circuit Theory/2Source Excitement
Examples worked out:
- LRC circuit #1
- parallel RLC network with extra resistor in L
Working on this example: !Circuit analyzed earlier with
This circuit was earlier analyzed using
Kirchhoff. The
goal is to repeat the analysis using Node and Mesh \... then find
Thevenin\'s voltage, Norton\'s current and the equivalent impedance of
the circuit from R~3~\'s point of view.
The Kirchhoff goal is to find everything:
: *Given that the voltage source is defined by
$V_s(t) = 10cos(1000t + 30^{\circ})$ and the current source is
defined by $I_s(t) = 0.5 sin(1000t + 45^{\circ})$, find all other
voltages, currents and power of the sources.*
The /Node and Mesh/ analysis goal does not
find everything. Node voltages and mesh currents are the first things
found. Then everything else can be found.
/Thevenin and Norton/ look at the
rest of the circuit from just one component (or group of components)
point of view. So even fewer voltages and currents are found.
# Circuit Theory/Convolution Integral
!Examples of arbitrary sources that could drive a
## Impulse Response
So far circuits have been driven by a DC source, an AC source and an
exponential source. If we can find the current of a circuit generated by
a Dirac delta function or impulse
voltage source δ, then the convolution integral can be used to find the
current to any given voltage source!
## Example Impulse Response
The current is found by taking the derivative of the current found due
to a DC voltage source! Say the goal is to find the δ current of a
series LR circuit .. so that in the future the convolution integral can
be used to find the current given any arbitrary source. !Series LR
circuit with impulse δ function as voltage
Choose a DC source of 1 volt (the real Vs then can scale off this).
!Series LR circuit with unit μ step function voltage source
The particular homogeneous solution (steady state) is 0. The homogeneous
solution to the non-homogeneous equation has the form:
$$i(t) = Ae^{-\frac{t}{\frac{L}{R}}} + C$$ Assume the current initially
in the inductor is zero. The initial voltage is going to be 1 and is
going to be across the inductor (since no current is flowing):
$$v(t) = L{d i(t) \over dt}$$
$$v(0) = 1 = L * (-\frac{A R}{L})$$
$$A = -1/R$$ If the current in the inductor is initially zero, then:
$$i(0) = 0 = A + C$$ Which implies that:
$$C = -A = 1/R$$ So the response to a DC voltage source turning on at
t=0 to one volt (called the unit response μ) is:
$$i_\mu (t) = \frac{1}{R}(1 - e^{-\frac{t}{\frac{L}{R}}})$$ Taking the
derivative of this, get the impulse (δ) current is:
$$i_\delta (t) = \frac{e^{-\frac{t}{\frac{L}{R}}}}{L}$$ Now the current
due to any arbitrary V~S~(t) can be found using the convolution
$$i(t) = \int_0^t i_\delta (t-\tau) V_s(\tau) d\tau = \int_0^t f(t-\tau)g(\tau)d\tau + C_1$$
Don\'t think i~δ~ as current. It is really
${d \over dt}\frac{current}{1 volt}$. V~S~(τ) turns into a multiplier.
## LRC Example
!RLC problem for circuit theory
wikibook Find
the time domain expression for i~o~ given that I~s~ = cos(t + π/2)μ(t)
Earlier the
step response for this problem was found:
$$i_{o_\mu} = \frac{1}{2}(1 - e^{-t}(\cos t + \sin t))$$ The impulse
response is going to be the derivative of this:
$$i_{o_\delta} = {d i_{o_\mu} \over dt} = 0 + \frac{1}{2}e^{-t}(\cos t + \sin t) - \frac{1}{2}e^{-t}(-\sin t + \cos t)$$
$$i_{o_\delta} = \frac{1}{2}e^{-t}(\cos t + \sin t + \sin t - \cos t) = e^{-t}\sin t$$
$$I_s = 1 + \cos t$$
$$i_o(t) = \int_0^t i_{o_\delta} (t-\tau) I_s(\tau) d\tau + C_1$$
$$i_o(t) = \int_0^t e^{-(t-\tau)}\sin (t-\tau) (1 + \cos \tau) d\tau + C_1$$
$$i_o(t) = \frac{\cos t}{5} + \frac{2 \sin t}{5} - \frac{7 e^{-t}\cos t}{10} - \frac{11 e^{-t}\sin t}{10} + \frac{1}{2} + C_1$$
The Mupad code to solve the integral (substituting x for τ) is:
f := exp(-(t-x)) *sin(t-x) *(1 + cos(x));
S := int(f,x = 0..t)
## Finding the integration constant
$$i_o(0_+) = 0 = \frac{1}{5} - \frac{7}{10} + \frac{1}{2} + C_1$$ This
$$C_1 = 0$$
## TO DO
$$i(t) = \int_0^t i_\delta (t-\tau) V_s(\tau) d\tau = \int_0^t f(t-\tau)g(\tau)d\tau$$
!Convolution of spiky function with
This was created with /matlab/, turned into a gif
with ImageMagick, cropped
with a photo editor and then released into the public
others have
created an alternative animation.
- The blue symbol $f(t)$ represents $i_\delta(t)$.
- The red symbol $g(t)$ represents the arbitrary $V_s(t)$.
- The current due to the V~S~ black (on top of the yellow).
- The turn on event occurs at t = 5 seconds, not 0.
- The voltage of the source is not on indefinitely. It turns on at
zero and off at 5 time constants.
# Circuit Theory/TF Objectives
Thevenin/Norton impedance completely characterizes a circuit from a
load\'s point of view. Differential equations completely describe a
circuit. The impulse response of a circuit is all that is needed to use
the convolution integral. Phasors and complex frequencies completely
describe a circuit. And even while computing the transient response,
complex frequencies associated with the steady state sinusoidal response
appeared. Are they all related? Yes.
The goal is to understand all the above as a transfer function. Why?
Most engineering uses this concept. Here are some electrical
- Analog Computers \... (modeling
before digital computers)
- Signal Processing "wikilink") \...
(wireless, cable communication)
- Control theory \... (motors don\'t
die and don\'t spin out of control when the load changes)
- Linear time-invariant system
theory \... (general math model
which assumes the values of resistors, inductors and capacitors
don\'t vary over time, temperature, bias .. but provides a good
starting point for establishing expectations and experimenting)
The goal is to introduce transfer functions in the context of
## Transfer Function Definition
A **Transfer Function** is the ratio of the output of a system to the
input of a system. If we have an input function of *X(s)*, and an output
function *Y(s)*, we define the transfer function *H(s)* to be:
$$H(s) = {Y(s) \over X(s)}$$
## Four RLC Transfer Functions
In the context of RLC circuits, transfer functions are in a
phasor/complex frequency/laplace domain concept. They are not a time
domain concept. They are independent of the forcing function/source.
There are four possible RLC transfer patterns:
$\frac{output}{input}$ Example Circuit Transfer Function
-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------
$\frac{V_{out}(s)}{I_{in}(s)}$ !impedance $H(s) = R + Ls$
$\frac{I_{out}(s)}{V_{in}(s)}$ !admittance $H(s) = \frac{1}{R} + Cs$
$\frac{V_{out}(s)}{V_{in}(s)}$ !voltage divider $H(s) = \frac{Ls}{R + Ls}$
$\frac{I_{out}(s)}{I_{in}(s)}$ !current divider $H(s) = \frac{Cs}{\frac{1}{R} + Cs}$
## Applications
The transfer function has many applications as we will soon see. But
it\'s immediate benefit is eliminating the need to find the differential
equation. Reviewing previous examples:
| Example | Differential | Transfer Function |
| | Equation | |
| convolution | $$v(t) = L{d i(t) | admittance$$ | ittance "wikilink"): |
| p | | |
| roblem = \frac{\mathbb{I} |
| ral#Example_Impulse_ | | (s)}{\mathbb{V}(s)} |
| Response "wikilink") | | = \frac{1}{sL + R}$$ |
| | | |
| <File:Exa | | |
| mple40a.png%7CGiven> | | |
| voltage source, find | | |
| total current | | |
| Second Order, | $I_s = {d^2 i_o \ | current divider: |
| Source | over dt^2} + 2 {d i_ | |
| Excitem | o \over dt} + 2 i_o$ | $$H(s) = \fra |
| ent}{\ |
| 2Source_Excitement/E | | mathbb{I}_s(s)} = \f |
| xample46 "wikilink") | | rac{\frac{1}{R + Ls} |
| | | }{\frac{1}{R + Ls} + |
| <File:E | | \frac{1}{R} + Cs}$$ |
| xample46.png%7CFind> | | |
| i~o~ giving Is | | $$H(s) = \frac{ |
| | | \mathbb{I}_o(s)}{\ma |
| | | thbb{I}_s(s)} = \fra |
| | | c{1}{s^2 + 2s + 2}$$ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | R :=1; L :=1; C :=1; |
| | | simplify( |
| | | (1/(R + L*s))/(1/(R |
| | | + L*s) + 1/R + C*s)) |
| Second Order, | $V_ | Voltage Divider |
| Source | s(t) = L{d (\frac{V_ | $H(s) = \frac{\math |
| Excitement \over dt} | bb{V}_{cr}(s)}{\math |
| Theory/2Source_Excit | + LC {d^2 (V_{CR} \o | bb{V}_s(s)} = \frac{ |
| ement/Example45#Homo | ver dt^2}) + V_{CR}$ | \frac{1}{\frac{1}{R} |
| geneous.2FTransient_ | | + Cs}}{\frac{1}{\fr |
| Solution "wikilink") | | ac{1}{R} + Cs}+Ls}$\ |
| | | $H( |
| <File:Exa | | s) = \frac{1}{CLs^2 |
| mple45B.png%7CGiven> | | + \frac{Ls}{R} + 1}$ |
| V_s, find V_cr | | |
## Interpreting Complex Roots
After finding the transfer function, the next step is finding the time
constant or the complex frequency roots and from these guess the form of
the solution.
The homogeneous solution is found by setting the denominator of the
transfer function to zero. Factoring the denominator and finding the
complex frequency roots is called finding \"zeros.\"
The numerator (which was one in all the above examples) may have a
complex frequency polynomial (in complicated circuits) that can also be
set equal to zero. The roots are called \"poles.\" Poles influence the
circuit\'s response to different frequencies rather than the time domain
## Summarizing Time
This ends the normal circuit theory course. Time domain analysis could
continue and this is hinted at in the following example. Before WWII it
was important to continue in order to model physical systems with analog
computers. But today, digital computers can model much more accurately.
So stopping time analysis here leaves further study for a specialized
class. Let\'s summarize what we have learned about circuits in the time
- Superposition allows replacing multiple sources with one source at a
time (zeroing the others) and then adding the results of all
- Impedance, admittance, voltage divider and current divider formulas
lead directly to the differential equations \... which is the same
math for phasor/complex frequency and the Laplace domain.
- The Convolution integral eliminates the need to transform driving
functions (particularly sinusoidal) into the phasor/complex
frequency/Laplace domain. Instead the source is replaced with 1 volt
or 1 amp, and the particular solution turns into a DC final
condition (t = ∞) placed on the homogeneous solution and appears
with in the differential equation constant.
# Circuit Theory/State Variables
New techniques are needed to solve 2nd order and higher circuits:
- Symbolic solutions are so complicated, merely comparing answers is
an exercise
- Analytical solution techniques are more fragmented
- The relationship between constants, initial conditions and circuit
layout are becoming complicated
A change in strategy is needed if circuit analysis is going to:
- Move beyond the ideal
- Consider more complicated circuits
- Understand limitations/approximations of circuit modeling software
The solution is \"State Variables.\" After a state variable analysis,
the exercise of creating symbolic solution can be simplified by
eliminating terms that don\'t have a significant impact on the output.
### State Space
The State Space approach to
circuit theory abandons the symbolic/analytical approach to circuit
analysis. The state variable model involves describing a circuit in
matrix form and then solving it numerically using tools like series
expansions, Simpson\'s
rule, and Cramer\'s
Rule. This was the original starting point
of matlab.
### State
\"State\" means \"condition\" or \"status\" of the energy storage
elements of a circuit. Since resistors don\'t change (ideally) and
don\'t store energy, they don\'t change the circuit\'s state. A state is
a snap shot in time of the currents and voltages. The goal of \"State
Space\" analysis is to create a notation that describes all possible
### State Variables
The notation used to describe all states should be as simple as
possible. Instead of trying to find a complex, high order differential
equation, go back to something like Kirchhoff
and just write terminal equations.
State variables are voltages across capacitors and currents through
inductors. This means that purely resistive circuit cut
sets are
collapsed into single resistors that end up in series with an inductor
or parallel to capacitor. Rather than using the symbols v and i to
represent these unknowns, they are both called x. Kirchhoff\'s equations
are used instead of node or loop equations. Terminal equations are
substituted into the Kirchhoff\'s equations so that remaining
resistor\'s currents and voltages are shared with inductors and
### State Space Model
.svg "Typical_State_Space_Model_(CT).svg")
This State Space Model describes the inputs (step function μ(t), initial
conditions X(0)), the output Y(t) and A,B,C and D. A-B-C-D are transfer
functions that combine as follows:
$$\frac{\mathbb{Y}}{\mathbb{\mu}} = B(s)\left(\frac{1}{s - A(s)}\right)C(s) + D(s)$$
A control
class teaches how to build these block diagrams from a desired transfer
function. Integrals \"remember\" or accumulate a history of past states.
Derivatives predict future state and both, in addition to the current
state can be separately scaled. \"A\" represents feedback. \"D\"
represents feed forward. There is lots to learn.
Don\'t try to figure out how a negative sign appeared in the denominator
and where the addition term came from. How does the above help us
predict voltages and currents in a circuit? Let\'s start by defining
terms and do some examples:
- A is a square matrix representing the circuit components (from
Kirchhoff\'s equations.
- B is a column matrix or vector representing how the source impacts
the circuit (from Kirchhoff\'s equations).
- C is a row matrix or vector representing how the output is computed
(could be voltage or current)
- D is a single number that indicates a multiplier of the source .. is
usually zero unless the source is directly connected to the output
through a resistor.
A and B describe the circuit in general. If X is a column matrix
(vector) representing all unknown voltages and currents, then:
$$\boldsymbol{\dot{X}} = \boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{X} + \boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{\mu}$$
At this point, X is known and represents a column of functions of time.
The output can be derived from the known X\'s and the original step
function μ using C and D:
$$y = \boldsymbol{C}\boldsymbol{X} + D*\boldsymbol{\mu}$$
### MatLab Implementation
!screen shot of matlab with simulink toolbox showing how to get to the
state-space block for wikibook circuit
This would not be a step forward without tools such as MatLab. These are
the relevant MatLab control system toolbox commands:
- step(A,B,C,D) assumes the initial conditions are zero
- initial(A,B,C,D,X(0)) just like step but takes into account the
initial conditions X(0)
In addition, there is a simulink block called \"State Space\" that can
be used the same way.
### Video Introduction
- 41 minute introduction from digilent
- 5 minute application to a
## Further reading
- Control Systems/State-Space
- matlab help links
# Circuit Theory/Fourier Transform
right\|framed\|Joseph Fourier,
after whom the Fourier Transform is named, was a famous mathematician
who worked for Napoleon.
This course started with phasors. We learned how to transform forcing
functions such as voltage supplies into phasors. To handle more complex
forcing functions we switched to complex frequencies. This enabled us to
handle forcing functions of the form:
$$e^{st}\cos(\omega t + \phi)$$ where s is:
$$s=\sigma + j\omega$$ And the convolution integral can do anything.
Along the way \"s\" began to transform the calculus operators back into
algebra. Within the complex domain, \"s\" could be re-attached to the
inductors and capacitors rather than forcing functions. The transfer
function helped us use \"s\" to capture circuit physical
This is all good for designing a circuit to operate at a single
frequency ω. But what about circuits that operate at a variety of
frequencies? A RC car may operate at 27mhz, but when a control is
pressed, the frequency might increase or decrease. Or the amplitude may
increase or decrease. Or the phase may shift. All of these things happen
in a cell phone call or wifi/blue tooth/xbee/AM/FM/over the air tv, etc.
How does a single circuit respond to these changes?
## Fourier analysis
Fourier analysis says we don\'t have to answer all the above questions.
Just one question has to be answered/designed to. Since any function can
be turned into a series of sinusoidals added together, then sweeping the
circuit through a variety of omegas can predict its response to any
particular combination of them.
So to start this we get rid of the exponential term and go back to
Set σ to 0:
$$s = j\omega$$
The variable ω is known as the \"radial frequency\" or just frequency.
With this we can design circuits for cell phones that all share the air,
for set-top cable TV boxes that pack multiple channels into one black
cable. Every vocal or pixel change during transmission or reception can
be designed for within this framework. All that is required is to sweep
through all the frequencies that a sinusoidal voltage or current source
can produce.
Analysis stays in the frequency domain. Because everything repeats over
and over again in time, there is no point in going back to the time from
a design point of view.
## Radial Frequency
In the Fourier transform, the value $\omega$ is known as the **Radial
Frequency**, and has units of radians/second (rad/s). People might be
more familiar with the variable f, which is called the \"Frequency\",
and is measured in units called Hertz (Hz). The conversion is done as
$$\omega = 2\pi f$$ For instance, if a given AC source has a frequency
of 60 Hz, the resultant radial frequency is:
$$\omega = 2\pi f = 2\pi(60) = 120\pi$$
## Fourier Domain
The Fourier domain then is broken up into two distinct parts: the
**magnitude graph**, and the **phase graph**. The magnitude graph has jω
as the horizontal axis, and the magnitude of the transform as the
vertical axis. Remember, we can compute the magnitude of a complex value
C as:
$$C = A + jB$$
$$|C| = \sqrt{A^2 + B^2}$$
The Phase graph has jω as the horizontal axis, and the phase value of
the transform as the vertical axis. Remember, we can compute the phase
of a complex value as such:
$$C = A + jB$$
$$\angle C = \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{B}{A}\right)$$
The phase and magnitude values of the Fourier transform can be
considered independent values, although some abstract relationships do
apply. Every fourier transform must include a phase value and a
magnitude value, or it cannot be uniquely transformed back into the time
The combination of graphs of the magnitude and phase responses of a
circuit, along with some special types of formatting and interpretation
are called Bode Plots.
# Circuit Theory/Bode Plots
## Bode Plots
Bode plots plot the transfer function. Since the transfer function is a
complex number, both the magnitude and phase are plotted (in polar
coordinates). The independent variable ω is swept through a range of
values that center on the major defining feature such as time constant
or resonant frequency. A magnitude plot has dB of the transfer function
magnitude on the vertical axis. The phase plot typically has degrees on
the vertical axis.
!voltage across capacitor and resistor parallel combination is the
!Bode plot for V~CR~ compared to V~S~ which looks like a passive, low
pass filter with slope of -40dB/decade, the cut off frequency looks to
be 10^0^ = 1 radian/sec. The resistor dominates at DC and the capacitor
dominates at very high frequencies.
!find current through
## MatLab tr and bode
### Example 1
Previously the
transfer function was found to be:
$$H(s) = \frac{\mathbb{V}_{cr}(s)}{\mathbb{V}_s(s)} = \frac{1}{CLs^2 + \frac{Ls}{R} + 1} = \frac{1}{s^2 + 2s + 1}$$
MatLab has a short hand notation method for entering this information
where the coefficients are listed (high power to low power)(numerator
first, then denominator). For this example
f = tf([1],[1 2 1])
Leaving the colon off the end should display the transfer function. The
next step is to plot it:
grid on
The result is a low pass filter. Rather than understand how to create
these plots (not trivial), the goal is to interpret the plot .. (which
is almost the same thing). But at this point, the goal is to exercise
MatLab. !Bode diagram of R3 current versus V~s~, looks like a notch
filter at around 1K
### Example 2
Previously the transfer
function was found to be:
$$\frac{\mathbb{I}_o}{\mathbb{V}_s} = \frac{1000s^3 + 5*10^9s}{s^4 + 5*10^6*s^3 + 2.000015*10^{12}*s^2 + 3.5*10^{13}*s + 5*10^{13}}$$
f = tf([1000 0 5*10^9 0],[1 5*10^6 2.000015*10^12 3.5*10^13 5*10^13])
grid on
### Magnitude Graph
Bode magnitude plots are dB which is both a measure of power and voltage
and current simultaneously. The vertical dB axis is not an approximation
or relative to anything. The vertical axis is an accurate number. The
horizontal, dependent axis could be radians/sec or Hz.
### Phase Graph
The Bode Phase Plot is a graph where the radial frequency is plotted
along the X axis, and phase shift of the circuit *at that frequency* is
plotted on the Y-axis. Axis could be in radians or degrees, frequency
could be in radians per second or Hz.
## Poles and Zeros
A transfer function has 7 features that can be realized in circuits.
Before looking at these features, the terms pole, zero and origin need
to be defined. Start with this definition of a transfer function:
$$H(j\omega) = \frac{Z(j\omega)}{P(j\omega)}$$
- Zeros are roots in the numerator.
- Poles are roots in the denominator.
- The origin is where s = jω = 0 (no real part in a Bode analysis).
When the frequency is zero, the input is DC. This is where after a
long time caps open and inductors short.
The 7 possible features in a transfer function are:
- A constant
- Zeros at the origin (s in the numerator)
- Poles at the origin (s in the denominator)
- Real Zero (an s+a factor in the numerator)
- Real Pole (an S+a factor in the denominator)
- Complex conjugate poles
- Complex conjugate zeros
The bode and bodeplot functions are available in the MatLab Control
system toolbox.
BodePlotGui does the
same thing and is discussed here. BodePlotGui was developed at
Swarthmore through an NSF grant. There is a summary of the Swathmore
Bode Diagram tutorial.
Circuit simulation software can plot bode diagrams
## Bode Equation Format
let us say that we have a generic transfer function with poles and
$$H(j\omega) = \frac{(\omega_A + j\omega)(\omega_B + j\omega)}{(\omega_C+ j\omega)(\omega_D + j\omega)}$$
Each term, on top and bottom of the equation, is of the form
$(\omega_N + j\omega)$. However, we can rearrange our numbers to look
like the following:
$$\omega_N(1 + \frac{j\omega}{\omega_N})$$
Now, if we do this for every term in the equation, we get the following:
$$H_{bode}(j\omega) = \frac{\omega_A \omega_B}{\omega_C \omega_D}
\frac{(1 + \frac{j\omega}{\omega_A})(1 + \frac{j\omega}{\omega_B})}
{(1 + \frac{j\omega}{\omega_C})(1 + \frac{j\omega}{\omega_D})}$$
This is the format that we are calling \"Bode Equations\", although they
are simply another way of writing an ordinary frequency response
## DC Gain
The constant term out front:
$$\frac{\omega_A \omega_B}{\omega_C \omega_D}$$
is called the \"DC Gain\" of the function. If we set $\omega \to 0$, we
can see that everything in the equation cancels out, and the value of H
is simply our DC gain. DC then is simply the output when the input\'s
frequency is zero.
## Break Frequencies
in each term:
$$(1 + \frac{j\omega}{\omega_N})$$
the quantity $\omega_N$ is called the \"Break Frequency\". When the
radial frequency of the circuit equals a break frequency, that term
becomes (1 + 1) = 2. When the radial frequency is much higher than the
break frequency, the term becomes much greater than 1. When the radial
Frequency is much smaller than the break frequency, the value of that
term becomes approximately 1.
### Approximations
Bode diagrams are constructed by drawing straight lines (on log paper)
that approximations of what are really curves. Here is a more precise
The term \"much\" is a synonym for \"At least 10 times\". \"Much
Greater\" becomes \"At least 10 times greater\" and \"Much less\"
becomes \"At least 10 times less\". We also use the symbol \"\<\<\" to
mean \"is much less than\" and \"\>\>\" to mean \"Is much greater
than\". Here are some examples:
- 1 \<\< 10
- 10 \<\< 1000
- 2 \<\< 20 Right!
- 2 \<\< 10 WRONG!
For a number of reasons, Electrical Engineers find it appropriate to
approximate and round some values very heavily. For instance,
manufacturing technology will never create electrical circuits that
perfectly conform to mathematical calculations. When we combine this
with the \<\< and \>\> operators, we can come to some important
conclusions that help us to simplify our work:
If A \<\< B:
- A + B = B
- A - B = -B
- A / B = 0
All other mathematical operations need to be performed, but these 3
forms can be approximated away. This point will come important for later
work on bode plots.
Using our knowledge of the Bode Equation form, the DC gain value,
Decibels, and the \"much greater, much less\" inequalities, we can come
up with a fast way to approximate a bode magnitude plot. Also, it is
important to remember that these gain values are not constants, but rely
instead on changing frequency values. Therefore, the gains that we find
are all *slopes* of the bode plot. Our slope values all have units of
\"decibel per decade\", or \"db/decade\", for short.
## At Zero Radial Frequency
At zero radial frequency, the value of the bode plot is simply the DC
gain value *in decibels*. Remember, bode plots have a log-10 magnitude
Y-axis, so we need to convert our gain to decibels:
$$Magnitude = 20\log_{10}(DC Gain)$$
## At a Break Point
We can notice that each given term changes its effect as the radial
frequency goes from below the break point, to above the break point.
Let\'s show an example:
$$(1 + \frac{j\omega}{5})$$
Our breakpoint occurs at 5 radians per second. When our radial frequency
is *much less* than the break point, we have the following:
$$Gain = (1 + 0) = 1$$
$$Magnitude = 20\log_{10}(1) = 0db/decade$$
When our radial frequency is equal to our break point we have the
$$Gain = |(1 + j)| = \sqrt{2}$$
$$Magnitude = 20\log_{10}(\sqrt{2}) = 3db/decade$$
And when our radial frequency is much higher (10 times) our break point
we get:
$$Gain = |(1 + 10 j)| \approx 10$$
$$Magnitude = 20\log_{10}(10) = 20db/decade$$
However, we need to remember that some of our terms are \"Poles\" and
some of them are \"Zeros\".
### Zeros
Zeros have a positive effect on the magnitude plot. The contributions of
a zero are all positive:
Radial Frequency \<\< Break Point : 0db/decade gain.\
Radial Frequency = Break Point : 3db/decade gain.\
Radial Frequency \>\> Break Point : 20db/decade gain.
### Poles
Poles have a negative effect on the magnitude plot. The contributions of
the poles are as follows:
Radial Frequency \<\< Break Point : 0db/decade gain.\
Radial Frequency = Break Point : -3db/decade gain.\
Radial Frequency \>\> Break Point : -20db/decade gain.
## Conclusions
To draw a bode plot effectively, follow these simple steps:
1. Put the frequency response equation into bode equation form.
2. identify the DC gain value, and mark this as a horizontal line
coming in from the far left (where the radial frequency conceptually
is zero).
3. At every \"zero\" break point, increase the slope of the line
upwards by 20db/decade.
4. At every \"pole\" break point, decrease the slope of the line
downwards by 20db/decade.
5. at every breakpoint, note that the \"actual value\" is 3db off from
the value graphed.
And then you are done!
# Circuit Theory/Filters
!Low pass filter !High
pass filter !Band Pass
filter !Band Stop
filter !Comb
filter Some terms used
to describe and classify linear filters:
## Frequency Response
- - Low-pass filter -- low
frequencies are passed, high frequencies are attenuated.
- High-pass filter -- high
frequencies are passed, low frequencies are attenuated.
- Band-pass filter -- only
frequencies in a frequency band are passed.
- Band-stop filter or band-reject
filter -- only frequencies in a frequency band are attenuated.
- Notch filter -- rejects just one
specific frequency - an extreme band-stop filter.
- Comb filter -- has multiple
regularly spaced narrow passbands giving the bandform the
appearance of a comb.
- All-pass filter -- all
frequencies are passed, but the phase of the output is modified.
<!-- -->
- Cutoff frequency is the frequency
beyond which the filter will not pass signals. It is usually
measured at a specific attenuation such as 3dB.
- Roll-off is the rate at which attenuation
increases beyond the cut-off frequency.
- Transition band, the (usually
narrow) band of frequencies between a passband and stopband.
- Ripple#Frequency_domain "wikilink") is the
variation of the filter\'s insertion
loss in the passband.
- The order of a filter is the degree of the approximating
polynomial and in passive
filters corresponds to the number of elements required to build it.
Increasing order increases roll-off and brings the filter closer to
the ideal response.
# Circuit Theory/Active Filters
Active filters have op amps or amplifiers in them. They usually don\'t
have inductors because they are expensive, heavy and large when compared
to capacitors.
## Minimal Filter Transfer Functions
Each filter type has a characteristic transfer function:
Filter Type Transfer Function
------------- ---------------------------------
High Pass $\frac{s^2}{aS^2 + bs + c}$
Low Pass $\frac{1}{aS^2 + bs + c}$
Band Pass $\frac{s}{aS^2 + bs + c}$
Notch $\frac{s^2 + d}{aS^2 + bs + c}$
First the goal is to build a transfer function from the op-amp circuit
so that a bode diagram can be plotted. This is a simple matter of
substituting s for derivatives in the terminal relations.
## Active Filter Components
Rather than draw an example op amp circuit for each of the above
filters, it is easier to draw four op amp circuits that are more related
to the desired transfer function:
| Circuit | Generates | Transfer Function |
| \ |
| | | $-\frac{R_ |
| | | 3}{R_1 + (C_2R_1R_2 + C |
| | | _2R_1R_3 + C_2R_2R_3)s |
| | | + C_1C_2R_1R_2R_3s^2}$ |
|  | | |
|  | | 1C}}{s+\frac{1}{R_2C}}$ |
|  | | 2C(s + \frac{1}{R_1C})$ |
Most filter design starts with the desired
transfer function. Then the circuit is built. With the above four
configurations, any transfer function can be created.
Better filters are have stepper slopes and narrower bands in their bode
diagrams. This is measured with a factor called Q for
quality. This is why
there are so many different types of filter designs.
## Under Constrained Design
Suppose you wanted this transfer function:
$$\frac{s+1}{(s+2)(s+3)(s+4)}$$ Then an active filter could be built
like this:
<File:ActiveFilterRealZero.png%7Cstage> A\<br
\\\>$-R_2C(s + \frac{1}{R_1C})$ <File:ActiveFilterRealPole.png%7Cstage>
B\<br \\\>$\frac{-\frac{1}{R_1C}}{s+\frac{1}{R_2C}}$
<File:ActiveFilterRealPole.png%7Cstage> C\<br
<File:ActiveFilterRealPole.png%7Cstage> D\<br
Choosing values to match the above transfer function results in a table
like this:
Input Stage Variables Feedback stage variables
---------------------------- --------------------------
$R_{1_A}C_A = 1$ $R_{2_A}C_A = 1$
$R_{1_B}C_B = \frac{1}{2}$ $R_{2_B}C_B = 1$
$R_{1_C}C_C = \frac{1}{3}$ $R_{2_C}C_C = 1$
$R_{1_D}C_D = \frac{1}{4}$ $R_{2_D}C_D = 1$
There are 12 unknowns and 8 equations. This is called an under
constrained problem. It means that one can apply other design rules. For
example, capacitors are more expensive than resistors. Buying in bulk is
less expensive. So \... choose one value for all the capacitors and then
adjust resistor values. Choose C = 1μF Then all the resistors are 1
M&Ohm; accept R~1B~, R~1C~ and R~1D~.
# Circuit Theory/Source Transformations
## Source Transformations
Independent current sources can be turned into independent voltage
sources, and vice-versa, by methods called \"Source Transformations.\"
These transformations are useful for solving circuits. We will explain
the two most important source transformations, **Thevenin\'s Source**,
and **Norton\'s Source**, and we will explain how to use these
conceptual tools for solving circuits.
## Black Boxes
A circuit (or any system, for that matter) may be considered a **black
box** if we don\'t know what is inside the system. For instance, most
people treat their computers like a black box because they don\'t know
what is inside the computer (most don\'t even care), all they know is
what goes in to the system (keyboard and mouse input), and what comes
out of the system (monitor and printer output).
Black boxes, by definition, are systems whose internals aren\'t known to
an outside observer. The only methods that an outside observer has to
examine a black box is to send input into the systems, and gauge the
## Thevenin\'s Theorem
Let\'s start by drawing a general circuit consisting of a source and a
load, as a block diagram:

Let\'s say that the source is a collection of voltage sources, current
sources and resistances, while the load is a collection of resistances
only. Both the source and the load can be arbitrarily complex, but we
can conceptually say that the source is directly equivalent to a single
voltage source and resistance (figure (a) below).
-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*(a)* *(b)*
-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We can determine the value of the resistance *R~s~* and the voltage
source, *v~s~* by attaching an independent source to the output of the
circuit, as in figure (b) above. In this case we are using a current
source, but a voltage source could also be used. By varying *i* and
measuring *v*, both *v~s~* and *R~s~* can be found using the following
$$v=v_s+iR_s \,$$
There are two variables, so two values of *i* will be needed. See
Example 1 for more details. We can
easily see from this that if the current source is set to zero
(equivalent to an open circuit), then *v* is equal to the voltage
source, *v~s~*. This is also called the open-circuit voltage, *v~oc~*.
This is an important concept, because it allows us to model what is
inside a unknown (linear) circuit, just by knowing what is coming out of
the circuit. This concept is known as **Thévenin\'s Theorem** after
French telegraph engineer Léon Charles
Thévenin, and the circuit
consisting of the voltage source and resistance is called the **Thévenin
Equivalent Circuit**.
## Norton\'s Theorem
Recall from above that the output voltage, *v*, of a Thévenin equivalent
circuit can be expressed as
$$v=v_s+iR_s \,$$
Now, let\'s rearrange it for the output current, *i*:
This is equivalent to a KCL description of the following circuit. We can
call the constant term *v~s~/R~s~* the source current, *i~s~*.

The equivalent current source and the equivalent resistance can be found
with an independent source as before (see Example
When the above circuit (the **Norton Equivalent Circuit**, after Bell
Labs engineer E.L. Norton) is
disconnected from the external load, the current from the source all
flows through the resistor, producing the requisite voltage across the
terminals, *v~oc~*. Also, if we were to short the two terminals of our
circuit, the current would all flow through the wire, and none of it
would flow through the resistor (current divider rule). In this way, the
circuit would produce the short-circuit current *i~sc~* (which is
exactly the same as the source current *i~s~*).
## Circuit Transforms
We have just shown turns out that the Thévenin and Norton circuits are
just different representations of the same black box circuit, with the
same Ohm\'s Law/KCL equations. This means that we cannot distinguish
between Thévenin source and a Norton source from outside the black box,
and that we can directly equate the two as below:
---------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
center $\equiv$ center
---------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
We can draw up some rules to convert between the two:
- The values of the resistors in each circuit are conceptually
identical, and can be called the equivalent resistance, *R~eq~*:
- The value of a Thévenin voltage source is the value of the Norton
current source times the equivalent resistance (Ohm\'s law):
If these rules are followed, the circuits will behave identically. Using
these few rules, we can transform a Norton circuit into a Thévenin
circuit, and vice versa. This method is called **source
transformation**. See Example 3.
## Open Circuit Voltage and Short Circuit Current
The open-circuit voltage, *v~oc~* of a circuit is the voltage across the
terminals when the current is zero, and the short-circuit current
*i~sc~* is the current when the voltage across the terminals is zero:
---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
*The open circuit voltage* *The short circuit current*
---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
We can also observe the following:
- The value of the Thévenin voltage source is the open-circuit
- The value of the Norton current source is the short-circuit current:
We can say that, generally,
## Why Transform Circuits?
How are Thevenin and Norton transforms useful?
: Describe a black box characteristics in a way that can predict its
reaction to any load.
: Find the current through and voltage across any device by removing
the device from the circuit! This can instantly make a complex
circuit much simpler to analyze.
: Stepwise simplification of a circuit is possible if voltage sources
have a series impedance and current sources have a parallel
# Circuit Theory/Analysis Methods
## Analysis Methods
When circuits get large and complicated, it is useful to have various
methods for simplifying and analyzing the circuit. There is no perfect
formula for solving a circuit. Depending on the type of circuit, there
are different methods that can be employed to solve the circuit. Some
methods might not work, and some methods may be very difficult in terms
of long math problems. Two of the most important methods for solving
circuits are **Nodal Analysis**, and **Mesh Current Analysis**. These
will be explained below.
## Superposition
One of the most important principals in the field of circuit analysis is
the principal of **superposition**. It is valid only in linear circuits.
What does this mean? In plain English, it means that if we have a
circuit with multiple sources, we can \"turn off\" all but one source at
a time, and then investigate the circuit with only one source active at
a time. We do this with every source, in turn, and then add together the
effects of each source to get the total effect. Before we put this
principle to use, we must be aware of the underlying mathematics.
### Necessary Conditions
Superposition can only be applied to **linear** circuits; that is, all
of a circuit\'s sources hold a linear relationship with the circuit\'s
responses. Using only a few algebraic rules, we can build a mathematical
understanding of superposition. If *f* is taken to be the response, and
*a* and *b* are constant, then:
$$f(ax_1+bx_2)= f(ax_1) + f(bx_2) \,$$
In terms of a circuit, it clearly explains the concept of superposition;
each input can be considered individually and then summed to obtain the
output. With just a few more algebraic properties, we can see that
superposition cannot be applied to non-linear circuits. In this example,
the response *y* is equal to the square of the input x, i.e. y=x^2^. If
*a* and *b* are constant, then:
$$y=(ax_1+bx_2)^2 \ne (ax_1)^2 + (bx_2)^2 = y_1+y_2\,$$
Note that this is only one of an infinite number of counter-examples\...
### Step by Step
Using superposition to find a given output can be broken down into four
1. Isolate a source - Select a source, and set all of the remaining
sources to zero. The consequences of \"turning off\" these sources
are explained in Open and Closed
In summary, turning off a voltage source results in a short circuit,
and turning off a current source results in an open circuit.
(Reasoning - no current can flow through a open circuit and there
can be no voltage drop across a short circuit.)
2. Find the output from the isolated source - Once a source has been
isolated, the response from the source in question can be found
using any of the techniques we\'ve learned thus far.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each source - Continue to choose a source,
set the remaining sources to zero, and find the response. Repeat
this procedure until every source has been accounted for.
4. Sum the Outputs - Once the output due to each source has been found,
add them together to find the total response.
## Impulse Response
An **impulse response** of a circuit can be used to determine the output
of the circuit:
The output y is the **convolution** h \* x of the input x and the
impulse response:
$$y(t) = (h*x)(t) = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} h(t-s)x(s)ds$$.
If the input, x(t), was an **impulse** ($\delta(t)$), the output y(t)
would be equal to h(t).
By knowing the impulse response of a circuit, any source can be
plugged-in to the circuit, and the output can be calculated by
## Convolution
The **convolution operation** is a very difficult, involved operation
that combines two equations into a single resulting equation.
Convolution is defined in terms of a definite integral, and as such,
solving convolution equations will require knowledge of integral
calculus. This wikibook will not require a prior knowledge of integral
calculus, and therefore will not go into more depth on this subject then
a simple definition, and some light explanation.
### Definition
The convolution a \* b of two functions a and b is defined as:
$$(a * b)(t) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty a(\tau)b(t - \tau)d\tau$$
The asterisk operator is used to denote convolution. Many computer
systems, and people who frequently write mathematics on a computer will
often use an asterisk to denote simple multiplication (the asterisk is
the multiplication operator in many programming languages), however an
important distinction must be made here: **The asterisk operator means
### Properties
Convolution is commutative, in the sense that $a * b = b * a$.
Convolution is also *distributive* over addition, i.e.
$a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c$, and *associative*, i.e.
$a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c$.
### Systems, and convolution
Let us say that we have the following block-diagram system:
| * = **system input** |
| "System_Block.svg"){width="400"} | - *h(t)* = **impulse |
| | response** |
| | - *y(t)* = **system output** |
Where x(t) is the input to the circuit, h(t) is the circuit\'s impulse
response, and y(t) is the output. Here, we can find the output by
convoluting the impulse response with the input to the circuit. Hence we
see that the impulse response of a circuit is not just the ratio of the
output over the input. In the frequency domain however, component in the
output with frequency ω is the product of the input component with the
same frequency and the transition function at that frequency. The moral
of the story is this: *the output to a circuit is the input convolved
with the impulse response.*
# Python Programming/Overview
Python is a high-level,
open-source programming language that can be
used for a wide variety of programming tasks. Python was created by
Guido Van Rossum in the early 1990s; its following has grown steadily
and interest has increased markedly in the last few years or so. It is
named after Monty Python\'s Flying Circus comedy program.
Python is used extensively for system administration (many vital
components of Linux distributions are written in
it); also, it is a great language to teach programming to novices. NASA
has used Python for its software systems and has adopted it as the
standard scripting language for its Integrated Planning System. Python
is also extensively used by Google to implement many components of its
Web Crawler and Search Engine & Yahoo! for managing its discussion
Python within itself is an interpreted programming language that is
automatically compiled into bytecode before execution (the bytecode is
then normally saved to disk, just as automatically, so that compilation
need not happen again until and unless the source gets changed). It is
also a dynamically typed language that includes (but does not require
one to use) object-oriented features and constructs.
The most unusual aspect of Python is that whitespace is significant;
instead of block delimiters (braces → \"{}\" in the C family of
languages), indentation is used to indicate where blocks begin and end.
For example, the following Python code can be interactively typed at an
interpreter prompt, display the famous \"Hello World!\" on the user
``` python
>>> print ("Hello World!")
Hello World!
Another great feature of Python is its availability for all platforms.
Python can run on Microsoft Windows, Macintosh and all Linux
distributions with ease. This makes the programs very portable, as any
program written for one platform can easily be used on another.
Python provides a powerful assortment of built-in types (e.g., lists,
dictionaries and strings), a number of built-in functions, and a few
constructs, mostly statements. For example, loop constructs that can
iterate over items in a collection instead of being limited to a simple
range of integer values. Python also comes with a powerful standard
library, which includes
hundreds of modules to provide routines for a wide variety of services
including regular
expressions and
TCP/IP sessions.
Python is used and supported by a large Python
Community that exists on
the Internet. The mailing lists and news
groups like the tutor
list actively support
and help new python programmers. While they discourage doing homework
for you, they are quite helpful and are populated by the authors of many
of the Python textbooks currently available on the market.
*Python 2 vs. Python 3:* Years ago, the Python developers made the
decision to come up with a major new version of Python, which became the
3.*x* series of versions. The 3.x versions are *backward-incompatible*
with Python 2.*x*: certain old features (like the handling of Unicode
strings) were deemed to be too unwieldy or broken to be worth carrying
forward. Instead, new, cleaner ways of achieving the same results were
added. See also ../Python 2 vs. Python
3/ chapter.
# Python Programming/Getting Python
To program in Python, you need a Python interpreter to run your
code---we will discuss interpreters later. If it\'s not already
installed, or if the version you are using is obsolete, you will need to
obtain and install Python using the methods below. The current Python
versions are 3.x; versions 2.x are discontinued and no longer
## Installing Python in Windows
Go to the Python Homepage and get the
proper version for your platform. Download it, read the instructions and
get it installed.
To run Python from the command line, you will need to have the python
directory in your PATH. You can instruct the Python installer to add
Python to the path, but if you do not do that, you can add it manually.
The PATH variable can be modified from the Window\'s System control
panel. To expand the PATH in Windows 7:
1. Go to Start.
2. Right click on computer.
3. Click on properties.
4. Click on \'Advanced System Settings\'
5. Click on \'Environmental Variables\'.
6. In the system variables select Path and edit it, by appending a
\';\' (without quote) and adding \'C:\\python27\'(without quote).
If you prefer having a temporary environment, you can create a new
command prompt short-cut that automatically executes the following
`PATH %PATH%;c:\python27`
If you downloaded a different version (such as Python 3.1), change the
\"27\" for the version of Python you have (27 is 2.7.x, the current
version of Python 2.)
### Cygwin
By default, the Cygwin installer for Windows does not include Python in
the downloads. However, it can be selected from the list of packages.
## Installing Python on Mac
Users on Mac OS X will find that it already ships with Python 2.3 (OS X
10.4 Tiger) or Python 2.6.1 (OS X Snow Leopard), but if you want the
more recent version head to Python Download
Page follow the instruction on the
page and in the installers. As a bonus you will also install the Python
## Installing Python on Unix environments
Python is available as a package for most Linux distributions. In some
cases, the distribution CD will contain the python package for
installation, while other distributions require downloading the source
code and using the compilation scripts.
### Gentoo Linux
Gentoo includes Python by default---the package management system
*Portage* depends on Python.
### Ubuntu Linux
Users of Ubuntu will notice that Python comes installed by default, only
it sometimes is not the latest version. To check which version of Python
is installed, type
``` bash
python -V
into the terminal.
### Arch Linux
Arch Linux does not come with Python pre-installed by default, but it is
easily available for installation through the package manager to pacman.
As root (or using sudo if you\'ve installed and configured it), type:
``` bash
pacman -S python
This will be update package databases and install Python 3. Python 2 can
be installed with:
``` bash
pacman -S python2
Other versions can be built from source from the Arch User Repository.
### Source code installations
Some platforms do not have a version of Python installed, and do not
have pre-compiled binaries. In these cases, you will need to download
the source code from the official
site. Once the download is complete,
you will need to unpack the compressed archive into a folder.
To build Python, simply run the configure script (requires the Bash
shell) and compile using make.
### Other Distributions
Python, also referred to as CPython to avoid confusion, is written in
the C programming
language "wikilink"), and is the
official reference implementation. CPython can run on various platforms
due to its portability.
Apart from CPython there are also other implementations that run on top
of a virtual machine. For example, on Java\'s JRE (Java Runtime
Environment) or Microsoft\'s .NET CLR (Common Language Runtime). Both
can access and use the libraries available on their platform.
Specifically, they make use of
reflection "wikilink") that allows
complete inspection and use of all classes and objects for their very
*Python Implementations (Platforms)*
Environment Description Get From
------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------------
Jython Java Version of Python Jython
IronPython C# Version of Python IronPython
### Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
It\'s common to use a simple text editor for writing Python code, but
you may feel the need to upgrade to a more advanced *IDE*. CPython ships
with IDLE; however, IDLE is not considered user-friendly.[^1] For Linux,
KDevelop and Spyder are popular. For Windows, PyScripter is free, quick
to install, and comes included with
*Some Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for Python*
Environment Description Get From
------------------------ ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
ActivePython Highly flexible, Pythonwin IDE ActivePython
Anjuta IDE Linux/Unix Anjuta
Eclipse (PyDev plugin) Open-source IDE Eclipse
Eric Open-source Linux/Windows IDE. Eric
KDevelop Cross-language IDE for KDE KDevelop
Ninja-IDE Cross-platform open-source IDE. Nina-IDE
PyScripter Free Windows IDE (portable) PyScripter
Pythonwin Windows-oriented environment Pythonwin
Spyder Free cross-platform IDE (math-oriented) Spyder
VisualWx Free GUI Builder VisualWx
The Python official wiki has a complete list of
There are several commercial IDEs such as Komodo, BlackAdder, Code
Crusader, Code Forge, and PyCharm. However, for beginners learning to
program, purchasing a commercial IDE is unnecessary.
## Trying Python online
You can try Python online, thereby avoiding the need to install. The
online Python shell at Python\'s
official site provides a web Python REPL (read--eval--print loop).
## Keeping Up to Date
Python has a very active community and the language itself is evolving
continuously. Make sure to check python.org for
recent releases and relevant tools. The website is an invaluable asset.
Public Python-related mailing lists are hosted at
mail.python.org. Two examples of such mailing
lists are the **Python-announce-list** to keep up with newly released
third party-modules or software for Python and the general discussion
list **Python-list**. These lists are mirrored to the Usenet newsgroups
**comp.lang.python.announce** & **comp.lang.python**.
## Notes
[^1]: The Things I Hate About IDLE That I Wish Someone Would
# Python Programming/Interactive mode
Python has two basic modes: script and interactive. The normal mode is
the mode where the scripted and finished `.py` files are run in the
Python interpreter. Interactive mode is a command line shell which gives
immediate feedback for each statement, while running previously fed
statements in active memory. As new lines are fed into the interpreter,
the fed program is evaluated both in part and in whole.
Interactive mode is a good way to play around and try variations on
On macOS or linux, open a terminal and simply type \"python\". On
Windows, bring up the command prompt and type \"py\", or start an
interactive Python session by selecting \"Python (command line)\",
\"IDLE\", or similar program from the task bar / app menu. IDLE is a GUI
which includes both an interactive mode and options to edit and run
Python should print something like this:
`$ `**`python`**\
`Python 3.0b3 (r30b3:66303, Sep 8 2008, 14:01:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32`\
`Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.`\
(If Python doesn\'t run, make sure it is installed and your path is set
correctly. See Getting
The `>>>` is Python\'s way of telling you that you are in interactive
mode. In interactive mode what you type is immediately run. Try typing
`1+1` in. Python will respond with `2`. Interactive mode allows you to
test out and see what Python will do. If you ever feel the need to play
with new Python statements, go into interactive mode and try them out.
A sample interactive session:
`>>> `**`5`**\
`>>> `**`print(5*7)`**\
`>>> `**`"hello" * 2`**\
`>>> `**`"hello".__class__`**\
`<type 'str'>`
However, you need to be careful in the interactive environment to avoid
confusion. For example, the following is a valid Python script:
``` python
if 1:
If you try to enter this as written in the interactive environment, you
might be surprised by the result:
`>>> `**`if 1:`**\
`... `**`print("True")`**\
`... `**`print("Done")`**\
` File "``<stdin>`{=html}`", line 3`\
` print("Done")`\
` ^`\
`SyntaxError: invalid syntax`
What the interpreter is saying is that the indentation of the second
print was unexpected. You should have entered a blank line to end the
first (i.e., \"if\") statement, before you started writing the next
print statement. For example, you should have entered the statements as
though they were written:
``` python
if 1:
Which would have resulted in the following:
`>>> `**`if 1:`**\
`... `**`print("True")`**\
`>>> `**`print("Done")`**\
### Interactive mode
Instead of Python exiting when the program is finished, you can use the
-i flag to start an interactive session. This can be **very** useful for
debugging and prototyping.
`python -i hello.py`
# Python Programming/Self Help
This book is useful for learning Python, but there might be a topic that
the book does not cover. You might want to search for modules in the
standard library, or inspect an unknown object\'s functions, or perhaps
you know there is a function that you have to call inside an object but
you don\'t know its name. This is where the interactive help comes into
## Built-in help overview
Built-in interactive help at a glance:
``` python
help() # Starts an interactive help
help("topics") # Outputs the list of help topics
help("OPERATORS") # Shows help on the topic of operators
help("len") # Shows help on len function
help("re") # Shows help on re module
help("re.sub") # Shows help on sub function from re module
help(len) # Shows help on the object passed, the len function
help([].pop) # Shows help on the pop function of a list
dir([]) # Outputs a list of attributes of a list, which includes functions
import re
help(re) # Shows help on the help module
help(re.sub) # Shows help on the sub function of re module
help(1) # Shows help on int type
help([]) # Shows help on list type
help(def) # Fails: def is a keyword that does not refer to an object
help("def") # Shows help on function definitions
## Navigating Help
To start Python\'s interactive help, type \"help()\" at the prompt.
You will be presented with a greeting and a quick introduction to the
help system. For Python 2.6, the prompt will look something like this:
`Welcome to Python 2.6! This is the online help utility.`\
`If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out`\
`the tutorial on the Internet at ``http://docs.python.org/tutorial/``.`\
`Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing`\
`Python programs and using Python modules. To quit this help utility and`\
`return to the interpreter, just type "quit".`\
`To get a list of available modules, keywords, or topics, type "modules",`\
`"keywords", or "topics". Each module also comes with a one-line summary`\
`of what it does; to list the modules whose summaries contain a given word`\
`such as "spam", type "modules spam".`
Notice also that the prompt will change from \"`>>>`\" (three right
angle brackets) to \"help\>\" You can access the different portions of
help simply by typing in `modules`, `keywords`, or `topics`.
Typing in the name of one of these will print the help page associated
with the item in question. To get a list of available modules, keywords,
or topics, type \"modules\",\"keywords\", or \"topics\". Each module
also comes with a one-line summary of what it does; to list the modules
whose summaries contain a given word such as \"spam\", type \"modules
You can exit the help system by typing \"quit\" or by entering a blank
line to return to the interpreter.
## Help Parameter
You can obtain information on a specific command without entering
interactive help.
For example, you can obtain help on a given topic simply by adding a
string in quotes, such as `help("object")`. You may also obtain help on
a given object as well, by passing it as a parameter to the help
## External links
- help in 2.
Built-in Functions, docs.python.org
Subsets and Splits