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<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a 19-year-old girl, weighing 151 pounds. I had gallbladder disease. I got to know three months back. The reports showed a thick-walled, non-functioning and sludge-filled gallbladder. The size of the gallbladder is 5.1\xc3\x972.2 mm. I got my tests done again last month and it says that the gallbladder is same sized, no stone or pericholecystic fluid. Currently, I am on homeopathic medicines. Previously, I used to have Nexum and Librax. I have also got my ultrasound done. [/INST] Hello. You had sludge in the gallbladder and now it is not seen. In gallbladder disease, symptoms are more important. So, if you do not have any symptoms then there is nothing to worry. But if you have symptoms, then I would like to repeat ultrasound after few months. Sludge is the initial form of a stone which means it can turn out to be a stone in future. So, kindly mention your symptoms. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am taking Anuloma DS from the last six months with tablet Pylapy. I take it every day. Even if I miss it once, I do not get motion. Is it harmful to take it for a long time? Another problem I am facing is an irregular time of motions. It may be any time before noon. So, I cannot go out when I take Anuloma. In some occasions, I could not reach a toilet on time. [/INST] Hello. I read your query. I hope you find my answer helpful. For more queries, you can follow up with me. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had sex with my partner during her menstrual cycle and she abruptly stopped bleeding few hours after intercourse. Though I did not use a condom and did not ejaculate inside but, to be on the safer side I convinced her to take an I-pill after 48 hours of intercourse. What is intriguing is that her period has not started yet and she is late by three days. What is the possibility of her getting pregnant in this scenario? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I understand your concern. Although sex during menstruation is not advisable due to hygienic purposes, it is considered a safe period during which pregnancy cannot happen. My advice would be to check using a preganacy test and practice safe sex (you can use condoms). For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have not grown to the expected height. I am 173 cm. My mother is 173 cm and father is 189 cm. I had a blood test to determine my HGH levels. The doctor asked me for a testosterone and GH test. The result came back a week later and it said that I had a low HGH level and a 21/42 level testosterone. Is this normal for an 18 year old male? I was devastated that my growth plates were closed, because I also had an x-ray of left hand. My doctor asked me whether I am sexually active. I answered him no. But, I got a doubt regarding erectile dysfunction. Am I suffering from erectile dysfunction? Should I be worried? Is my testosterone too low? How can I increase testosterone? I had torsion three years back and nothing back happened. But, this could be a factor. Another factor may be that I used to hold my mobile phone in my pocket all the time.I am a sprint athlete and have defined leg muscles, but this could be due to my short stature. I have gone for another blood test for GH, just as a follow up and that time I was advised to fast for 14 hours. But, I did not fast during my first blood test. Please help me. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Please relax and do not worry. 1. Free and total testosterone.2. Serum FSH and LH levels.3. Ultrasound examination of your scrotum to look for the status of your testes. Revert back with the reports to an an ChatDoctor. - </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I ate 12 eggs today. Will this cause any health issues? [/INST] Hi. Proteins in eggs are of most superior quality and now the cholesterol (in the yolk) is also not considered as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. But eating 12 large boiled eggs (about 600 grams) will provide you more than 900 calories. Since already you have a high BMI (attachment removed to protect patient identity), try to reduce your calorie consumption. Eating raw eggs increases the risk of salmonella poisoning and deficiency of biotin (vitamin B). Also, boiled eggs have better bio-availability of proteins than the raw egg. For more information consult a family physician online </s> |
<s>[INST] Dear doctor,I had a small stiff boil in the middle of my eyelid for months. Then it disappeared and another one appeared in the outer corner of the same eye (right eye) and kept getting bigger and smaller and still has not disappeared.Then, about six months later, when I blinked it hurt, and I felt another boil under my eyelid and when I looked it was full of pus and I did not disturb it. The next day when I woke up, my whole eyelid was swollen and hurt really bad. But the pain went down in three hours or so. I then realized that another boil was inside my eyelid. The boil burst by itself though and now I have three boils in my eyelid and the third one is in the inner corner of my eye. Is this serious? [/INST] Hi. Your history indicates recurrent inflammatory swellings of the glands of the eyelids in the form of hordeolum/stye (focal infection of the glands of the eyelid). Since these swellings are recurrent and multiple, you require evaluation to treat the underlying predisposing factors. However, no need to worry as this is not a serious condition. The treatment for hordeolum is the use of antibiotic eye ChatDoctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My mom is complaining about headaches and burning sensation in the eyes. She has put on weight as well and recently she started complaining about pain in the right leg heel. So, I took her to an orthopedic doctor. He asked her about her menstrual cycle and when she replied that it has stopped, he recommended me to consult an endocrinologist. Why? She is 55 years now. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It could be due to her stopping of periods called menopause. During this period there occur hormonal changes, which causes these symptoms. I recommend her to get the following tests done and revert back. Revert back with the reports to an endocrinologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have a question concerning a failed medical abortion. I have read the odds and they do not look good. I am 11 weeks pregnant and my medical abortion failed. I started having second thoughts about keeping the baby since this happened but I am also concerned for malformations and any other issues that may come up due to the medication. I have a surgical abortion scheduled and I am starting to get nervous. I just wanted some thoughts on what my odds are if I decided to keep this baby. I know the first trimester is very delicate and I feel like I have already messed this up. I did not realize I was pregnant either so there has been a bit of alcohol consumption plus I take about 1 mg of Alprazolam a day. If you can help me sway my decision either way. I am okay with the abortion. I just feel like I had a second chance or I am being punished. [/INST] Hello. If you have been given tablet Mifepristone 200 mg during the medical abortion process then there is no point continuing the pregnancy as it can cause congenital anomalies in the foetus, however, if only Misoprostol was used then you can contemplate continuation. There are different check levels with scans which can determine anomalies during continuing pregnancy- at 11 to 13 weeks NT scan, qua ChatDoctor. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My baby is one year old. He bangs his head on the wall or floor when he is upset. I want to know whether it happens due to any health issue. Please suggest. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I can understand your concern. It is one of the most common behavior problem seen in chil ChatDoctor. Kids do it when they are in frustration, when they require attention seeking, and when they have a stubborn behavior. Rarely, it can be a part of hyperactivity complex. It is treated by behavioral therapy. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 29 years old. My last period was about two months back, and I had the bleeding for three days. I found out that I was pregnant about four weeks back. I had an ultrasound scan vaginally two days back, and the doctor did not find a fetus. She just found that I was five weeks and one day pregnant and not six weeks as we had thought. She has ordered an HCG test, and I have to go back to her next week. I am very much worried. I cannot even sleep. How normal is that the doctor does not see the embryo in the first five or six weeks? I love my baby already, and I cannot think of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Currently, I am taking prenatal vitamins. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. If she found that you are five plus one weeks pregnant, then that means she has found the gestational sac with some fetal tissue but no cardiac activity. I have to see the sonography report to comment on it. Usually, around four to five weeks, the fetal poles can be viewed. And around six weeks cardiac activity can be appreciated in the sonography. If not, then it can be a delayed pregnancy or there may be a decreased growth of the baby. There is nothing to worry about a delayed pregnancy. But, if there is a decrease in the growth of the baby, then it is a matter of concern. But you have to wait for a few weeks for confirmation. If the baby increases in size around six plus one weeks, then the baby is growing well, and there is no decreased growth. You do not have any choice other than to take medicines and wait for the next scan. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a 19-year-old female. Whenever I breathe, I have pain in my upper back. I have pain in the upper back of the left side region. It even hurts when I am not breathing. I do not have the pain when I cough or sneeze. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. You are suffering from back pain when you breathe. You do not have the pain when you cough or sneeze. The pain appears to be localized to the upper back region towards one side. According to the age and symptoms, it can be myalgia (muscle pain). I would suggest you take a muscle relaxant like Thiocolchicoside for a couple of days twice daily. If the pain is severe, take Paracetamol or Aceclofenac tablet along with the muscle relaxant. Take Aceclofenac after having food and take the antacid tablet (Ranitidine or Pantoprazole) before taking food. Take good rest. Avoid doing any strenuous activities. It is good to avoid ChatDoctor. Do a hot fomentation, and a pain relief balm or gel (Diclofenac ointment) can be applied. Take a bath in hot water, especially pour hot water over the area that has pain. Avoid taking cold foods and </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Symptoms are heart palpitation and continuous nonstop neck crack that pains my cervical spine also. I randomly have episodes of heart palpitations, one time I jumped 3 feet out of my bed suddenly being shocked by a hard fast-beating heart palpitation that lasted for seven seconds, that was scary, it felt my heart was going to burst out of my chest and the beat reached my upper chest to my throat and neck, it is not a heartbeat that we get from playing sports, it was a weird episode of heart beats. After that incident in months, maybe a year I then got an episode of heart palpitations like that intensity but this time it lasted for 15 minutes going and coming with sweat only. Then after that, I just get them randomly while sleeping and awake for 1 or 2 seconds and now mostly when I pee standing up it also appears for a quick second and goes.I did CT scan and sonar heart tests and all doctors said my heart is fine, I also wore a Holter scan for 24 hours and still results say my heart is normal, but the issue here while doing the tests and wearing the 24-hour Holter I surprisingly had no heart palpitations. I am really worried, can you educate me on what test I have to do.When I shower I get tired a bit and have heartbeats that are not palpitations, they are just heart beating as if I am playing a sport, soccer or something, I get that quick beats when I pee, when I pray going on floor, when I walk up one simple set of stairs, and right before closing my eyes and full crashing to sleep I then suddenly wakeup having heartbeats. It is like brain telling me not to sleep as soon as I close my eyes falling into sleep it starts again, when I laugh hard it beats like I am playing sports, every small activity causes my heart to beat normal but the heartbeat speed is like when I am playing sports and running. And as I mentioned, sometimes I get quick palpitations that are different than fast heartbeats, it is like my heart is racing to get out of throat for second or so.Another really really main concern I am so worried about is that in my chest, in my lungs I feel a window of 1 to 3 seconds of tingly or bubbly feeling that reaches my throat, it has no pain and it is not heartburn, and it appears always, like every 1 minute or sometimes every 5 or 10 minutes or more and sometimes for seconds. It is a feeling of very small lighting or like a line that is slowly traveling from my chest up to my throat then back down to the chest and gives me sometimes a closed throat or cry throat feeling for a split second then goes back down to the chest. What should I do? I have incredible stress and anxiety, I sleep at 10 AM, sometimes 11 AM and wake up by 6 PM and cycle repeats. I think a lot and am afraid of what will happen. [/INST] Hello. Listening to your symptoms, the possibility which we need to rule out is of cardiac arrhythmia like atrial fibrillation or PSVT. They occur intermittently so may not be picked up on Holter monitoring as you did not have those symptoms during Holter monitoring. It is better if you can attach your ECG and other reports if you have. Most of the cases these are not life threatening although it may give uncomfortable sensations. So, firstly calm yourself and stop thinking anything bad. So, if you are having these symptoms on daily basis now, I would advise you go repeat Holter or even 48 hour Holter or may need long term monitors like implantable loop recorder if Holter is not successful. If it picks then it is fine otherwise you may need elctrophysiological studies which are invasive tests and should be a last option. So, at present, please attach your reports and go for repeat Holter preferably 48 hours. And if this not successful again then we can think of other options. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am 18 and struggling with anger issues and impulsive behavior which I am unable to stop. I seriously think that I am quickly getting depressed and developing anxiety and repulsive behavior. I have had many past incidents which might have reflected upon my change in attitude change, and so I want to get rid of this. Please help me. [/INST] Hi. I can understand the difficulties faced by you because of the impulsivity. Since you are only 18 years old, I would not consider any medications right now. However, I would advise you first to appreciate the bodily changes that come when you become angry like clenching of teeth, feeling body muscles contracting and increased respiration. Secondly, I would advise you to leave the situation or place which makes you angry. Thirdly splash your face with cold water or take a bath and ChatDoctor. Then you can close your eyes and take deep slow breaths through your nose. While doing so kindly focus on your body muscles individually in a series like the first face then neck then trunk and so on. And also while taking deep breaths, you can count from 1 to 100. By doing so, you can manage your anger and thus your offensive behavior. Thank you. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,It started four years back that a patch of hair (round with about 3 cm diameter) suddenly disappeared from my lower right part of beard area (neck). I ignored this at first, but then when the hair never came back even after about six months. A doctor told me to use Tacrolimus 0.03 % for some time. I used it for two months regularly with not much success. Again, I ignored my condition, considering it to be a minor issue.A month back, I moved to a new place for work and on the very second day, I lost a patch of scalp hair (left center of my head). This seems to be a very serious issue. I started applying Tacroz 0.03 % for last three weeks and am also taking Dexamethasone 5 mcg once a day. I want the hair to regrow on my beard and also on my scalp. Also, I do not want this situation or issue to re-occur. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have noted your concern and I have viewed the images (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You seem to have alopecia areata. I suggest you take oral corticosteroids for a few weeks if it is progressing. Tacrolimus is not a treatment of choice for alopecia areata. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor,We (me and my fiancee) had unprotected sex on the 11th day of the month (mensuration). I am very sure I did not eject that day. But for safety within 24 hours, she had taken Unwanted 72. Now after 13 days of it, before 1 to 3 days of expected periods. She got bleeding for a full day and continued the next day as well. Blood is of red and brown color.1. Can you please help me? Is it implantation bleeding or withdrawal bleeding?2. When did she get her periods?3. When we will surely come to know there is no pregnancy?4. When to use a pregnancy test? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It is likely that she has got her with ChatDoctor. This can be confirmed by getting a serum beta hCG test (human chorionic gonadotrophin test) done which can conclusively rule out pregnancy as well, earliest by 10 days post intercourse. If the hCG levels are less than 3mIU then she is surely not pregnant and the bleed is not an implantation bleed(as it is always a retrospective diagnosis). She would get her menses now only after a month counting from the day of the start of the with </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 69 years old male with 184 lb and 6'1" in height. For three years, my volume averaged 0.5 ml antegrade and 1.5 ml retrograde, motility 8 to 17 %, concentration 25 to 80 million. In the past two years, the volume has been 0.2 ml, concentration 20 to 30 million, motility either 0 or < 1 or 17. In the past two weeks, I have produced 0.3 ml total 15,000 sperms w 2 % motile and 0.1 ml with 0 sperms. 1.5-year-old tests done are PSA, FSH, LH, and it is all normal. Testosterone a little low. Prostate 70 cubic cm, no suggestion of ejaculatory duct obstruction.1. What can be done to determine it?2. What can be done to increase quality?3. What is the chance that I will produce viable semen in the future?4. How long might it take?5. How many donor or fresh eggs can be inseminated using IVF, ICSI, and a frozen specimen of volume 0.5 ml 70 million / ml concentration motility 15%? Volume 0.25 ml concentration 150 million / ml motility 15%? 0.3 ml total 15,000 sperms 2% motility?I am under Atorvastatin, clopidogrel, Doxazosin, Metoprolol, and Alfuzosin. [/INST] Hello. The causes for retrograde ejaculation can be many rights from ChatDoctor. They can be evaluated in detail, and the cause can be identified and treated upon. However, antidepressants like Imipramine have shown good results. However at 69 now, the quality of sperm has reduced </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,After suffering with groin pain, I had a double operation 12 weeks ago. During the operation, I had a repair of left side inguinal hernia and right hand hydrocele. I am now in more pain than I was before the operation. My testicle thorns with pain constantly and I have stabbing pain on hernia side. It feels like someone is sticking a bottle in me. I am struggling to walk very far, climb stairs and drive. I am unable to have a sex life. Is it normal to do both operations at the same time? Can you explain any possible cause for pain? [/INST] Hi. Well, ideally if you have bilateral inguinal hernia, or inguina\xc4\xba hernia on one side and hy ChatDoctor. Pain can be due to entrapment of a nerve like ileoinguinal or ileohypogastric nerves which run with the spermatic cords or it could be also present if there is improper repair with subsequent breakdown of the repair and subsequent herniation of the bowel content into the inguinal ring or it can be from infection of the operation site. 12 weeks is quite a long time for surgical pains to have disappeared. You will need to do an abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan to see if there is any reccurence or failure of the surgery or if there is entrapment of visceral content. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I stepped on the head of a nail a week ago. Now, every time I step on that part of my heel, I get this sharp, searing and burning feeling. Is this a bone contusion or did I damage any ligaments? What happened? Thank you for giving me an audience; it\s extremely appreciated. [/INST] Hello and welcome to ChatDoctor. Thank you for contacting us. Wishing you excellent health. If you have any further questions, consult a general medicine physician online Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My mother is 80 years old. Height 5", weight 40 Kg. No history of sugar or BP. The respiratory system is normal. Diet is normal, two or three chapatis. She is suffering from cramp in legs and hands for the last one year. She is advised for Methylcobalamin 1500 OD with Becozinc multivitamin for the last six months. There is a relief of about 20 % by this treatment. Will you please advice any other medicine? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I read about your mother\s complaint. I would advise you to have a basic blood investigation to look for serum potassium level. If potassium is low, she will need extra potassium in her diet like tender coconut water and other dietary supplementation. You will also require a complete physical examination. She has been taking Vitamin B12 which is fine in case of neuropathic pain but here she might be beneficial if she takes some muscle relaxants like Myoril 8 mg twice daily for three days. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My ACTH level is 43 and my cortisol level is 23.9. I am 25 years old and my weight is 237 lbs with a height of 5\4". What could be the problem? I am currently under Nuva ring 0.3 mg and vitamin D 50,000 units once a week. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to ChatDoctor. I have gone through your lab reports. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). I need to know what was the reason and why these tests were done in the first place? What were your symptoms and complaints? And also why Nuva ring was started? Kindly get back with the answers so that I can make the best possible diagnosis for you. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I took a pill of 200 mcg yesterday night and two pills of 200 mcg of Mifegest kit today morning and I am having lower back pain and abdominal cramps.So, when will bleeding start? And is it risky that I cannot handle it by myself at home? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. How are you doing? The first pill dislodges the embryo from the uterine lining and you may have some vomiting tendency, but no bleeding. Then the second pills make the uterus to contract and open the cervical canal and the dislodged embryo falls out. The ideal way of taking the pill is to have the first pill and then have the second group of pills after 48 hours of the first pills. Thereby, you give enough time for the embryo to separate from the uterus. The bleeding usually starts within a day or two of the second pill. It is the second pill, which is making the uterus to contract and the cervical canal to open, that is causing the cramps. You can have any of the painkillers like tablet Meftal spas or Cyclopam or Spasmo Proxyvon two to three times a day. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines with their consent. The bleeding depends on the duration of pregnancy. If early, like less than six to seven weeks, the bleeding will be like periods. If later than that, it will have few clots and the bleeding will be more than normal but can be handled at home. You will need the doctor\s help only if there is no bleeding or too much bleeding. Usually, it will resolve in two to three days. Hope I have clarified your query, Do write back if you have any more queries. All the best. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,After having intercourse with my husband, I had taken Unwanted 72 within 12 hours of intercourse. But, I missed my periods and got pregnant. Now, my question is will this ECP damage the fetus in any way? I also want to let you know that six months back, I had an abortion as my child was very low. Kindly suggest me, is it safe to continue my pregnancy with all these problems? [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your history and understand your concerns. Yes, you can continue the pregnancy after taking I-pill as it will not be harmful to your baby. But, yes if you had an abortion within one year, it may affect your health. So, take proper healthy and nutritious diet. Kindly give more information about your abortion, if it was medical or surgical. Hope you found it useful. Feel free to ask more information. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 26. I had dry cough from the 10th of last month and it did not go away completely. I was a smoker until the 2nd of last month and then gave up. I smoked for five years. Within the last few weeks, I must have smoked 10 cigarettes. My issue is whenever the temperature is cold, I cough and when it is sunny, I would not. I do not cough too much. It is once or twice in the morning and whole day nothing. Clear mucus and no medicine is required. I just drink hot water and everything becomes fine. Can you tell me what the problem is? I have no chest pain or throat discomfort. No weight loss. Whenever my stomach is gassy, I cough. Please help. I have smoked for five years. What is my cancer chance? [/INST] Hello. As you said that you have been smoking for five years and now have cough with clear mucus expectoration, it is most likely due to bronchitis. It is very common to have cough if you smoke more than five cigarettes per day. Also, because of cold weather, it gets aggravated and takes longer to heal. So, better is to stop smoking as you did rightly and take a good expectorant like syrup TusQ-X 10 ml (combination of Ambroxol, Guaifenesin, and Terbutaline) three times a day. Continue with salt water gargles and steam. It will help to loosen and liquefy the cough. If there is no relief even after seven days, better get your chest X-ray done from your family doctor and get treated accordingly. Usually smoking for five years at this age does not cause lung cancer but you should stop smoking. Smokers\ cough because of bronchitis is very common. For more information consult an allergy specialist online Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello,I am a 52 year old female with a 2 mm acoustic neuroma on the right side. There is no hearing loss, but I do have dizziness, imbalance, pulsatile tinnitus. Also, an essential tremor developed seven years ago. I get migraines with aura occasionally. Ten months ago, I developed a coccyx pain which got worse upon sitting. My colonoscopy was clear. Three months ago, I developed bilateral diplopia, lateral and horizontal, but no nystagmus. I have also been getting headaches upon waking and in the evening. I consulted a neuro-ophthalmologist who suspected cranial nerve palsy and ordered blood and MRI tests. I will go over the results with him at the next appointment. I want to be sure to ask the right questions. There are two areas that I saw on the MRI that are obviously strange: The left lateral ventricle has a bright spot and looks larger with a different imaging, not at the foramen of Monro, but above. Also, the right clivus looks off. I would like your opinion and also want to know specifically what questions I should ask my neuro. I will submit a few of the scans. [/INST] Hello. I read your query and understand your concerns. You need to ask your neuro-ophthalmologist the following questions: I hope this helps you. If you have more questions feel free to write back to me. Thanks and regards. For more information consult a neurologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Last week, I hit myself in the eyes and although the pain had gone away, my eyes are still light-sensitive. I saw an urgent care doctor, he looked into my eyes and said they did not see anything wrong but it is now five days and although it is substantially better, it is still painful outside in the sun. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. You might want to visit an ophthalmologist or an optometrist instead, considering that the emergency doctors are not equipped with all the required diagnostic machines that can see minute things in the eye. Light sensitivity has many reasons including ChatDoctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I was using my driver\s mobile phone and his screen was totally broken and after a few minutes, I noticed that I had a cut on my finger. If there was blood already on the screen and if I got a cut and there was a little bleeding on my finger then can I get HIV in this situation? Should I get tested? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have noted your concern. There is no risk of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Firstly, the virus does not survive outside the body for more than a few seconds and dies quickly on ChatDoctor. Moreover, a minor cut does not provide direct access for the virus into the blood. It has to be a fresh deep actively bleeding wound for the virus to gain access to the bloodstream. For more information consult an HIV AIDS specialist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,Two years ago, I felt a pop while playing football. My physiotherapist said Ihave torn my cartilage and so, he advised me to take rest. It felt good. After 18 months, when I played football again for some half an hour, I felt the pain. So, I visited a different physiotherapist, and he advised me to go with some exercise for a 4-6 week every day. I am visiting him every week. While playing in the pool on Friday, it gave way again, and I could not straighten my legs. [/INST] Hello. Thank you for providing a brief history. As you had this injury persisting from 2 years now, I will advise getting a proper examination with the physiotherapist you been seeing for now and provide me the reports. Because the muscles must have got weaker and there will be a muscle imbalance due to which there is difficulty in straightening the leg now. I think an MRI of the knee will be helpful as in the beginning what I feel is it was left untreated and due to which it has become a chronic injury. Doing balance board training should help regain the correction of the muscle imbalance. Also, do reverse jogging and provide good core stability exercise. In my clinical practice of over 12 years, most sports injury cases take up to 12 weeks which has helped them to have a good outcome score. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,In the attached image, there can be seen as a reflection of light or white forelock. He looks to me to be between 18 and 21. His eyes are bright blue, and it cannot be seen in the picture. I am wondering if he can be diagnosed with Waardenburg syndrome 2. [/INST] Hello. It is difficult to differentiate between syn ChatDoctor. But with the forelock of hair, he may have Waardenburg. But we must see if there is any hearing loss or defect in arms and other limbs. Can you provide more details? Any history of hearing loss? Congenital hearing loss is present in most cases. The syn </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My tonsils are not symmetrical. I first noticed just two months ago that my right tonsil looks like a kidney bean with a small hole on top while my left tonsil looks oval in shape with a much larger hole. My right tonsil looks like there is a lump of the bottom of it. I am 28 years old and I smoked for just under 10 years and I have not tested positive for HPV. I do not have any lumps that I can feel, have not lost any weight, do not feel regularly sick. I did have a sore throat a month ago and my left tonsil did feel infected. I did push quite a few tonsil stones from it. I am worried that the asymmetry of my tonsils may be an indicator of cancer. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Tonsils are our lymphoid organs which protect us from infections. The shape of tonsil can vary from person to person and asymmetrical shapes are not at all indicators for cancer. The holes you mentioned are called crypts which lodges food particles which can form stones. Hence, regular salt water gargling is advised. A sore throat you had was because of smoking which is a normal phenomenon of a tonsil infection. Hence you need not to worry thinking abnormal shapes of tonsil for cancer which is pretty much normal in all individual. Finally, regular gargling and antibiotic for a sore throat will relieve your problem. If at all tonsils are troubling you a lot, you can get them removed. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Since the past week, I have had a twitch in my forearm area. I do not know if it was because I had to lift a three-gallon bottle for a long stance, or due to my anxiety issues. There is no weakness or atrophy as could be the case with ALS. Also, the movement of the twitch is very visible. It goes and comes. It will stop if I move it in a certain way. Is this serious? My arm feels strong, and I can spread my fingers wide. I am so worried about this intermittent twitch. It has not moved to twitch anywhere else, but has been confined to the small area on my forearm. Can you please tell me if this is something deadly? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I read your query and understand your concerns. I hope this answers you. Feel free to write back to me if you have more questions. Thanks and regards. For more information consult a neurologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I noticed a little red bump on the top of my labia minora (right underneath the clitoris). It looks a bit swollen and it is sensitive to touch. I did notice a small bump on the outer side of that labia minora too but I cannot be certain that was not there before.I have had Bartholin\s cysts in the past, so I know it is not that and I do have genital herpes and it does not seem like it is an outbreak either. I really do not know what it could be? Please help. If need be I will even attach a picture. [/INST] Hi. Your text mentions the lump to be below the clitoris, so is it just above the opening where you pass urine (urethra)? In that case, it could be a urethral caruncle? You can search for the images of the urethral caruncle and see if it matches your problem. If not send me the pictures, so we can make a diagnosis. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Two weeks ago I had 10 positive home urine pregnancy tests. I consulted with my obstetrician and they sent me for two blood tests 48 hours apart. The blood test showed my hCG level more than doubled within 48 hours which the obstetrician said was great.Well because I have irregular periods I did not know the date of my last period, so my obstetrician scheduled me for a vaginal ultrasound today and the ultrasound showed a gestational sac but no fetus in it. My obstetrician asked me to get another blood drawn in which results came out good and normal. she has asked me to come and do another ultrasound in two weeks to see if they can see the baby.Is it normal to not see the fetus and just the gestational sac in early pregnancy? I have been so nervous and going nuts since my obstetrician did an ultrasound this morning. It is driving me insane. Please send me any information if you can. Thanks so much. [/INST] Hello. In early pregnancy, by six weeks of gestation, the gestational sac is often not seen and only decidual reaction can be appreciated in the uterus, but as the hCG levels are doubling, there is definitely a viable ongoing pregnancy either inside or outside uterus, so a repeat ultrasound after two weeks shall establish the location and presence of a sac, considering that it would grow to a recognizable size in next two weeks. My concern with you is that you have been on the Adderall tablet, which is a pregnancy category C ChatDoctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I feel my ears plugged from last week, and nothing I am doing is helping. This happened to me about a month ago, and the doctor prescribed steroid nasal spray, Reactine, and Sudafed. It cleared up within two days, but it is doing absolutely nothing now. I do not feel as though my sinuses (nose) are plugged, but now I am getting a headache. I am getting worried, and is this something serious? Please help. [/INST] Hello. The symptoms of aural fullness or plugging of ears can occur due to acute otitis media most crucial cause for which is eustachian tube edema secondary to allergic or acute rhinosinusitis. Did you have symptoms of nasal stuffiness, sneezing? Do you have any earache and decreasing hearing? How long have you been taking medicines? What kind of headache do you have? Is it persistent, or does it occur in clusters? Is it associated with nausea and vomiting? </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have been on Fluoxetine antidepressant drug for a few years. I just started to notice few change, but I do not know what to do. I am getting more headaches than normal, restless legs at night and hot sweat most of the day and night. Are my problems related to the drug? Can you prescribe any medicine for this? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Yes, the problems you are facing are most likely related to long-term side effects of the ChatDoctor. Mild headaches and sweating are known side effects intrinsic to Fluoxetine. Usually this </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had unprotected sex with my fiance, but we also took care of it by I-pill, but we are still not sure because she is seeing some changes in her body and we do not know if it is due to medicine or she is pregnant? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I-pill is quite effective in preventing against pregnancy, so probably there are no chances of pregnancy, but if she is concerned, she can get a pregnancy test. I hope it has helped you. If you require any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have a total sperm count of 38.4. I am addicted to alcohol, and I took a drink four days ago. I am trying for a baby for two months. I have a history of seizure. I am taking Levera 500 mg, Oxetol 450 mg and Cloba 20 mg. Could I take Folic acid? Can you check my report and help me out? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have seen the reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity), and it is evident that your sperm count is low along with high abnormal forms as well. This is called oligoasthenozoospermia. You have to avoid alcohol completely if you wish to increase your sperm count levels and have to be on antioxidant supplementation with Carnitine, Lycopene and Ubidecarenone (Coenzyme Q10) to increase your sperm counts in the next two to three months. You should not stop your seizure medications at all. I suggest the following for improving your sperm count. Consult your doctor, discuss with him or her and take treatment with consent. Review semen analysis after a month. Avoid alcohol and smoking completely if you wish to conceive as a couple. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have not got my periods for the past 60 days. Now I have planned for trip in the next week. My doctor advised me to take Deviry tablet twice in a day for five days. Can any one let me know by when will I get my periods? I have started taking the tablet yesterday night. [/INST] Hi. After completing a five days course, you will be getting your periods within a week or so. However, if you have a doubt then get back to me. Take care. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I just want to start off by saying that I am a 24-year-old male. I have been diagnosed with IBS in the past, and for about a good seven months I have had stomach issues on and off. Nothing serious, no weight loss or any large amounts of blood in the stool. I had one CT scan the first time six months ago and my abdomen was fine. I did one about a month ago, and they found numerous pericecal enlarged lymph nodes measuring up to 12 mm that may represent mesenteric adenitis. I am afraid that this is stage 4 colon cancer. All my GI doctors think it is not necessary to do a colonoscopy, and that I am too young to have anything wrong with me and it is probably nothing. I did just find out that I had a grandfather who had a blockage in colon a very long time ago but received no cancer treatment for it. Should I consult a GI doctor? Are this grounds for concern? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. See as such mesenteric lymphadenitis does not directly represent colon cancer. It is very commonly seen post infection. So what we do is that we give antibiotics for seven days and later repeat an ultrasound abdomen after one month to check for the size of lymph nodes. If size are decreasing in size we simply wait and watch. Actually, these lymph nodes if once increased in size may take weeks to months to come down to normal size. Even you do not have any symptoms of colon cancer. However, your suspected family history should make us little concern. So I would recommend you to take a Gastroenterologist consultation and simply get a stool for occult blood done. If this test comes out to be positive then you would need a colonoscopy. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My question is regarding WPW syndrome. I suffer from WPW syndrome, I just came to know about it. I am a mining engineer and work for a mining company, my day to day work involves blasting and exposure to heat, dust, and low oxygen environment. The blasts are severe, the peak particle velocity (a measure of vibration in rock after blast) is around 150 mm/sec. Can this working environment be harmful to me as it may increase my chances of ill health happening due to WPW syndrome? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for the query. The working environment has nothing to do with increasing the chances of WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White syn ChatDoctor. However, some patients could collapse and have a brief loss of consciousness with WPW episode. It is recommended that those patient work in as safe as possible environment like avoiding the situation that requires being on ladders, and it is better in your condition to avoid areas with low oxygen and where ambulance and emergency help might be difficult to get to. The risk of WPW is if the patient develops atrial fibrillation that could end up with fatal VF. Have you thought about WPW ablation? </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am hoping you can answer this question for me. I am submitting a photo of what I am hoping is a skin tag. I have had this for years but never asked about it. It is on my testicles. [/INST] Hello. Yes, it seems like a tag (acrochordon). Another possibility is that of a wart. Is it soft and swishy when you squeeze it? Or is it firm? A skin tag either has to be removed with a cautery machine or it can be fulgurated. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My periods are delayed by a month and was prescribed Regestrone 5 mg twice daily for three days. How soon can I expect to start bleeding and is it normal to feel nauseous after taking that dosage?Until when is it legal to get an abortion for a woman without any complications or failed contraception? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. As you asked, yes, it is common to have nausea after taking Regestrone pills, as it is a hormonal pill. Your periods will stop only after stopping the tablet and should be getting any time between 7-10 days after stopping it, as it varies from person to person. MTP (medical termination of pregnancy) can be offered till 24 weeks of gestation, if the pregnancy is assumed to be constituting grave injury to the physical or mental health of the woman. Although they have not clearly mentioned, as the scenario you mentioned, any unwanted pregnancy (arising due to rape or contraceptive failure) can be a grave mental injury to a woman. Also in your scenario, I would like to know, why would a woman consider a termination of pregnancy at an advanced gestational age, if neither there were any complications nor it happens due to contraception failure. But one needs to get it approved by two registered medical practitioners for going ahead with the termination of pregnancy. I hope this helps. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,What is Rhesus? My wife is pregnant and started clinic today. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. At first visit, the pregnant lady\s blood group needs to be checked. There are many blood groups like A, B, O, AB and another thing which we need to know is rhesus positive or rhesus negative. So on the basis of rhesus, it is A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB -. So, every blood group have rhesus classification like rhesus positive and rhesus negative. A positive and a negative. Rhesus has to be known as there is one issue of rhesus incompatibility. If both mother and father of the child are rhesus positive or both rhesus negative, then no issue. But, if mother is rhesus negative and father is rhesus positive and developing baby is rhesus positive, then mother can develop antibodies against fetal blood that can cause lysis of blood cells most likely in next pregnancy which can lead to anemic baby. Rh negative mothers with Rh positive husbands need anti-D injections. They need to have twice at 28 and 32 weeks of gestation without any cause but in case of bleeding during pregnancy also need injection, after birth also. Check your blood group as well if wife is rhesus negative. She should have regular antenatal visits and in case of bleeding or pain report to gynecology emergency. If wife is Rh negative, have blood grouping of husband. Regular antenatal check-ups in maternal medicine unit if Rh negative and some other complications are related to it. Anti-D injections at 28 and 32 weeks. Balanced diet, weight, and BMI, folic acid. Regular antenatal check-ups. Report in case of any bleeding. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My 26 months old baby suffers from cough the whole night. She has a cold as well but no fever or spasm of the chest. Should I go for Levolin syrup? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It is better not to give it. It contains only Levosalbutamol which acts as a bronchodilator which is useful in bronchial asthma or bronchitis, etc. There is no mucolytic or antihistamine in it. It also causes palpitations and tremors. I suggest using Flucold syrup. It contains Paracetamol, Phenylephrine, Chlorpheniramine, and Sodium citrate. It acts as a decongestant and antihistamine. Depending upon the weight of your baby, you can use the above syrup. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start giving the medicines with their consent. Use water vapor inhalation and salt water gargling. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My eardrum got perforated due to earbud trauma. According to the ENT, no treatment is requred except precaution (water should not go inside) to avoid infection. Some kind of low noise \hush\ comes in my ear with a little hearing issue (20 % lesser than my other ear). What to do and how do I come to know about improvement? Please advice. [/INST] Hello. Yes, he is right. Since it is a perforation by a clean mode, that is by earbuds, even antibiotics ChatDoctor. Just care to be taken to avoid infection, which most commonly occurs by water entering into the ear. Tympanic membrane injuries heal within four weeks in a majority of the cases. The sound and minor hearing loss will recover as it heals. Also, you should get repeat ear examination done after four to five weeks to confirm if it has healed or not. If you notice any ear discharge in these four weeks, then antibiotic ear Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I would like to know how and which product is safe for my skin to look lighter. My facial skin does not look like how it used to, and I do not like it. Please help. [/INST] Hello. After 30 years, skin starts to lose its elasticity, and during winter because of ChatDoctor. I would suggest you try: For more information consult a dermatologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I had a basketball game, and someone landed on my leg. Now, I have a grade one sprained ankle. I have a basketball game next week. I want to play, and I am wondering whether my ankle will heal soon? Or if I want to play, should I need to use crutches for a bit? Currently, I am taking tablet Melatonin, Concreta, and Lovan. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Crutches are advised if you cannot be able to beat the weight. If it is the case, then you will be having more than a grade 1 sprain. I will advise you walk without crutches, ice the area, elevate and use a compression bandage. Also, take anti-inflammatory tablets. For more information consult a physiotherapist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I and my partner had sex yesterday. We were using condoms but he had changed the condom three times already. On the last one, he took it out because he felt like he needed to ejaculate but it went away after he had pulled out. He then asked me to masturbate him and he ejaculated a little not even a lot. So I realized that the tip of the condom was ripped. I was scared of what if his precum went inside me. He says no but most guys does not even feel when their fluid comes out. I was ovulating last week I do not know if I should take plan b pill or not? I am also scared of the side affects. [/INST] Hello. You are right to state that if the condom was torn, there may have been some precum gone inside the vagina and even that can make you pregnant unless your partner is absolutely sure about it. You can choose to take the emergency contraceptive pill within 72 hours of intercourse. It would cause bleeding in the next five to seven days and may be even scanty to heavy. That should prevent any implantation and prevent fertilization by increasing the tubal motility. If you are not sure then you may consider this method of contraception. Side effects may differ in different users from headache, dizziness to nausea and delayed periods in the next cycle with heavy flow. You may choose not to use it. Ideally speaking the chances are getting pregnant cannot be ascertained or quantified as you are not sure about the ejaculate. If you want you can wait till your next periods and if you miss them by seven days, then you can do a pregnancy test done to affirm or neglect the pregnancy. And if positive then safe termination by the medical method can be opted under specialist supervision. </s> |
<s>[INST] Dear Doctor,I have not get periods since 45 days. Normally I have a problem of delayed periods. Pregnancy test came negative.Can you please advise? [/INST] Hi. If you are having delayed period, there could be lots of reasons for it. So I would suggest you to check your thyroid and prolactin staus and also get a TVS done to see the condition of your ovaries.For bringing out your periods you can try Me ChatDoctor. However, it will not cure your primary cause. You must find out the primary cause to get permanent relief. Consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 32-year-old male. I am going to motion normally about three times a day immediately after having the food. I took Loperamide tablet but, it worked for only one day, and the next day the same problem recur again. Can you please suggest some medications to overcome the problem? Also, can you please advise some medications to clean my digestive system. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I can understand your concern. First of all, let me clarify the details. Motion once in three days or thrice daily is normal. So, if you do not have any problems like abdominal pain, loose stool, foul-smelling stool, etc., then no need to worry about this. And better not to take Loperamide tablet as it is not good ChatDoctor. Please let me know if you have any other symptoms. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Please provide information about my query. I am a cable operator. Once I visited a foreign lady\s house. While doing the work, the lady provided me a water bottle. I drank the water and after 10 minutes I had small sores. I think the lady has poured her blood in the water. I think she had HIV, and can I get infected in this way? What is the period of the virus in the water? [/INST] Hello. HIV cannot be transmitted through water, and it is not infectious because HIV cannot live in water. ChatDoctor. If it is possible, then no one can stop HIV infection and all the population will be infected. So, there is nothing to worry about. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Is it a bad idea to sleep with a pool noodle along your spine? I am trying to work on my posture since I am getting arm pains. I am doing lots of stretching, exercises, and foam rolling. The foam rolling made me think about sleeping on something similar to get extra benefit. A pool noodle is softer, can be cut to any size and can even be taped to a T-shirt so it does not roll around. I could then offset my neck by just using a thicker pillow. I am not too sure about the lower back area, perhaps another pillow or I can taper the edge of the noodle? I thought I would ask a professional before I went out and did something possibly very silly. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Do not try unusual methods as sleeping for six to eight hours in an unusual position may be more harmful and cannot be equated to a foam roller as its use is controlled and for a short duration. The pool noodle, being softer, will not provide the deep tissue massage that a foam roller does. For more information consult a physiotherapist online. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I suppose to get the sleeve bariatric surgery and I was taking Adepix and I stopped it a week ago. My surgeon told me he thinks I have to be off Adepix for three months before surgery. I only took it for three weeks. Is this true? He said it may interfere with anesthesia? [/INST] Hello. I understand your concern about your health condition and possible issues related to Adepix. Adipex is Phentermine which is Nora ChatDoctor. But as per the literature and evidence, stoppage of medicine one week before surgery is usually recommended. So I do not think it should be a problem during surgery. For more information consult an anesthesiologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My mother is 97 years old. She had a minor heart failure with a BNP of 110. Recently, she had a bad UTI and asthma. Up to that point, her O2 saturation levels without supplemental oxygen were 95 to 96. Now that she is recovering from UTI, her O2 levels are 97 to 98 with 2 liters of supplemental O2 and her O2 level without supplemental O2 are between 88 and 92. All of these numbers are at rest. She does not do too much activity. What can be the contributing factor to this change? She had a chest CT scan and it did not show COPD. Should she stay on the O2? It is somewhat of a hazard. The tubing is difficult for her to handle. We must have someone with her all the time even throughout the night. We are concerned if she gets up to use the bathroom her foot will get caught on the tubing. She had a complete blood workup done. All the results were normal except that she is anemic. Currently, she is using nebulizer given by the primary care physician containing Ipratropium, Levalbuterol, Budesonide and antibiotics for recurrent UTI. [/INST] Hi. I do not understand the correlation between urinary tract infection (UTI) and low oxygen saturation. If the UTI has caused sepsis and multiorgan failure, then only it can affect lungs and saturation would ChatDoctor. Asthma is a chronic disease and does not occur suddenly. She either had pre-existing asthma that got exacerbated by UTI or she had acute bronchitis or lower respiratory tract infection. I would recommend you go for a re-evaluation of her heart by 2D echocardiogram for her ejection fraction and for any signs of pulmonary embolism. If we do not treat the basic cause of falling saturation, we will not be able to come out of this problem. I would like to know whether you are treating her at home or hospital. Also, mention if you have her latest blood counts and urine test reports. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Under the influence of alcohol, I committed a blunder by making intimacy with my own pet dog last year. From that day onwards, I started to develop health problems such as weakness, mild fever, headache, tingling, unexplainable inflammation and burning sensation of the genitals area. I also sense something crawling within my testicle area. I remain depressed, anxious and tense. I have sleep problems too. I have done numerous tests, but urine culture detects only an e.coli infection. I took Ciprofloxacin for ten days. After one month, twice culture was done but it was found normal. The fear of rabies has gripped me under its fist. Are the above symptoms because of rabies? Please suggest a suitable treatment. [/INST] Hello. You underwent many tests and all of them were normal except for some infection and for that, you are having ant-biotic. You can talk to your nearby doctor regarding rabies and can take antirabies course of injections to prevent rabies. Otherwise, you are doing fine. Regarding the anxiety, restlessness, etc., they are due to your health concerns. Your doctors must have told you that there is nothing to worry. Accept it and you will be peaceful. I suggest telephone or video counseling to you. Take care. For more information consult a psychiatrist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My son is 10 years 5 months old and is gaining weight. I feel it is more than normal. Thyroid test has been done. He is fully healthy and has food normally. [/INST] Hi. I understand all your concerns. I have checked the attached report (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The values point to the state of hypothyroidism. Please revise with me if he has any symptoms like cold intolerance, constipation, low heartbeats or over sleepiness. In case of confirmed diagnosis of hypothyroidism, hormone replacement is required in order to control the symptoms. Wish him all well-being. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have noticed a black spot or patch on the abdomen while taking bath. I want to take your opinion on this. What kind of spot is it? Is it age spot or mole or something else? I am a 39-year-old male and I take medicines for BP and thyroid as well for quite long. I am attaching pictures. Please have a close look at it and suggest me what to do in your opinion. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I saw your picture (attachment removed to protect patient identity), need some more clear pictures. By the picture, it is a simple melanocytic naevus. No need to worry. Keep it under observation for every six months by taking a photograph and comparing it. It is very very rare for your skin type for a mole to convert into dysplastic (cancerous) mole. If you notice any changes in the mole then we can plan a biopsy for visualizing internal changes. Otherwise, no further treatment is required as of now. For more information consult a dermatologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have attached an x-ray report of my 1 year old baby girl. The report was ill-defined haziness seen in the right perhilar and para-cardiac regions - pneumonitis. What does it mean? She has cough since last five days. My mom is suffering from active tuberculosis. So, x-ray was suggested and the consulting doctor is out of town for the next two days. What should be done next? [/INST] Hello. I understand your concern. 1. Mantoux test.2. Complete blood count.3. Gastric aspirate for AFB (acid fast bacilli). An antibiotic should be given for seven days. Revert back with the answers to the above questions to a paediatrician online.- Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had several teeth removed last week and was fitted with dentures. Woke up this morning and mouth was swollen and I could not talk with my dentures in. The mouth is still swollen four hours later. What should I do? [/INST] Hello. You can remove the dentures for now and use warm salt water gargle twice a day for a few days. Allow it to heal and then start wearing your dentures. You can take anti-inflammatory medication if your doctor has prescribed else take rest and it will heal soon. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have a habit of overthinking simple things, and I make them complicated. I always waste my time and energy on deducing the multiple outcomes of a simple thing, which others may not even think about it. I make things complicated, and I repeatedly contradict my own words. I feel guilty. I do not want to waste my energy on this act. Please help. [/INST] Hi. Sometimes we do not have control over our thoughts. The train of our thoughts goes running continuously, and sometimes it reaches a destination which is so different than the actual goal. You are the ChatDoctor. But sometimes guide starts to give wrong guidance even though the Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My husband is mostly sad and depressed. He cannot listen a word against him or his family(mom, dad & sister). He gets mad and behaves very rudely with everyone if they do not agree to what he says. He fought with his boss in his company for silly reasons. He abuses me emotionally and mentally. He hides from colleagues and friends about his marital status, to some he says he is not married and to some, he says he is married, and his wife stays with his family and works in a bank (but I live with him and work in MNC). He always uses to tell a lie to me in small things also, he is never ready to accept his fault. Even if it is evident that it is his fault, he will never agree. He was flirting with some girl and went to meet her, and I got to know this when I checked his phone when I confronted him, he got mad at me. He is not ready to accept that he is at fault. He never answers my questions, always diverts the discussion. He does not have any plan. He hates my family for no reason and always say abusive things against them. He says he loves me but never let me live happily. In short, he is still right. Is he mentally ill? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I can understand your concern. Considering the history of the symptoms you have mentioned, there are few possibilities. One is some underlying mood disturbance which could part of bipolar disorder. This should be appropriately evaluated to make a diagnosis. Repetitive mood swings, keeping grudges, anger outbursts, repetitive lying, etc., are seen commonly. Such symptoms can occur as part of some personality disturbance. Anger, irritation, etc., could be related to personality issues. Please talk to him and if possible, consult a psychiatrist. Mood stabilizers can be used to control his anger and mood swings. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had a yeast infection weeks ago and I am starting to get the symptoms all over again but now I have a blister and soreness along the labia minora. I have a burning itching sensation and my vagina is sore. It burns a little when I pee and it hurts to wipe. My vagina looks red like it is irritated. I am afraid that it could be herpes. [/INST] Hello, Welcome back to ChatDoctor. Herpes may present like small vesicles with clear fluid. If they rupture and have a red base. Also, the other possibilities like chlamydia or trichomonas infection, etc. Get these done: Vaginal secretions culture and microscopy. Use Candid B PV gel local application. Please consult your doctor he will examine and treat you accordingly. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I experience a burning sensation while urination. I have taken the antibiotic course. It is still not relieved completely. It has been four to five months now. I have indulged in oral sex in this period. So, it is a UTI or STD/STI? [/INST] Hello. As per your reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity), urine culture is sterile. You can repeat urine routine and urine culture with midstream urine sample. Take a urinary alkalizer for three to five days. That will relieve you of burning sensation. For more information consult a urologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,About 45 days ago, I received a trauma to my right eye in a street fight, after which a large part of the cornea became blood red. After three weeks, the redness went away and the eye started looking normal, but I am still having a lot of discomforts. I am listing all the symptoms below. There is a pain in the whole eyeball and sometimes in the bony region surrounding the eye. A mild dull pain which goes away on some days. It is particularly noticeable after spending a few hours looking at the phone or a computer screen. There are difficulty and mild pain in eye movement and focusing. There is a slightly blurry vision and increased watering of the eye. There is a feeling of something caught in the eye. Photo-sensitivity in the affected region of the eye especially noticeable upon opening the eye first time in the morning. A tiny light grey scar in the affected area of the eye. Awareness of the affected eye. It also feels like I am seeing with only the unaffected eye. The eye becomes slightly red after taking bath or splashing water and remains so for about an hour. None of the above symptoms were present before the trauma. The unaffected eye is free from all those symptoms. Both eyes look perfectly normal and white except for the tiny scar in the affected eye, though I am not sure if it is a scar.I went to an ophthalmologist earlier this month and he said that there was swelling in the eye and everything would become normal soon. He prescribed two eyedrops which I am attaching here. After the treatment, the symptoms became milder and less noticeable than before but did not heal completely. So, I went to another ophthalmologist two days back. He examined the eye and said it was normal and only prescribed artificial tear drops. He checked power too and said there has been no vision loss in the affected eye but things do look more blurry with that eye. I was not convinced with his opinion because I am feeling all the symptoms I listed above. I do not know what to do. Please help. [/INST] Hello. I went through the attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). For more information consult an eye care ophthalmologist online Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Why do I have a pale spot on my upper lip? [/INST] Hello. In my opinion, there are two main causes for this pale spot. 1. Post-inflammatory depigmentation. It means that it is normal skin response to any trauma like a previous burn or vesicle or itching to heal either with hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. In your case, it is hypopigmentation. This does not require any treatment. It could be permanent. 2. Vitiligo. It could be spontaneous or autoimmune. Please apply Hy ChatDoctor. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am married with two kids and a loving husband. I quit my job a year ago and started selling clothing online. I love watching movies. And recently I have a crush on an actor in a movie that is about cross country sport. Since I was young I used to get easily attracted to people who are good at sports. Hence, suddenly I am totally starstrucked by the lead character. And I follow the Instagram of the actor and I am trying to get to know about this actor. He is totally a good, charismatic person and have that odd looking feature. That is the thing I love about him. Now, every single second I cannot stop thinking about this actor. I cannot do my job well because I would go viewing his instagram and watch his videos most of the times. When I was young it was normal to have a crush, but now? I really feel my life is so complicated. I cannot stop thinking about the actor. I cry every time I had to watch him on television or view his Instagram and not doing my work properly. At this time I just hate myself. Please help me. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Firstly, I must say it is very courageous of you to share your concerns here and I would thank you for doing so. 1. Celebrity obsession.2. Anxiety.3. Depression. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 38-year-old cholesterol patient. I have suffered this problem for the last five years. Now, I checked up my uric acid report. My uric acid report is between 1 to 7 range and sometimes 8.99. I have muscle pain in the hand and legs. I feel sometimes my cholesterol medicine can increase the uric acid. I am currently on Rozat 10 mg, Evion, Vitamin E, Prolomet 25 mg. Please help. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. A person having high cholesterol levels usually have metabolic syn ChatDoctor. The main line of treatment for all the above problems is to have a healthy lifestyle and medicine to keep cholesterol and uric acid levels under control. Mild muscle aches are side effects of cholesterol medicine. You can discuss this issue with your physician who can adjust the dose or change the medicine which can suit you better. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My last period was 48 days before. Till now no period. Pregnancy kit tests are negative. I have completed Meprate 10 mg five days course. Still no period. What should I do? Please help. I am very stressed. [/INST] Hello. I think you should test your blood for Hb %, sugar (fasting and postprandial), and prolactin for better evaluation. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am facing severe pain near the tail bone, I use a computer daily, and I play badminton. I even applied gels but no use. [/INST] Hello. I have studied your case. Due to microtrauma, there may be fibrosis formation. Do hot fomentation over the sacrum. It will take weeks to months to subside. Use ring cushion and take sitz bath [sitting in lukewarm water for 10 minutes]. Take analgesic like Nucoxia 90 (Etoricoxib) once daily along with tablet Methylcobalamine 1500 mcg once daily consulting your doctor. If not relieved with all these methods, then local injection may be required. You can take this consulting your doctor. Clinically spinal origin of pain needs to be ruled out if required MRI spine can be done. I hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries, then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had kissed a prostitute on lips and breast but did not have intercourse with her. I have no cut on lips and mouth. Is there any chance of me getting any STI? [/INST] Hi. It is really great that you want to know about an important issue and just do not want to make assumptions on your own. STIs are the diseases that are typically transmitted during sexual intercourse. It is unlikely to catch sexually transmitted infections with kissing alone, but with a few exceptions if the STI has manifested itself orally and/or in oral fluid of that person. Hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through kissing as the virus is found in saliva and other body secretions of HBV infected person. Herpes infection- This can be transmitted through kissing with a person who has a visible cold sore. Human papillomavirus (HPV) or warts and syphilis are less likely to be transmitted through kissing. So far, there is no reported case of HIV transmission through kissing. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I had protected sex with a male prostitute. I did not receive it, I was giving and later I received it from the prostitute. This occurred before five months. I got tested at the health department for HIV and ECT and they came back negative. I looked at the symptoms and I am panicking. I have had a sore throat, runny and stuffy nose, lower back pain. I stand up at work all day (if that has something to do with it). My throat is red and I have had a bump on the back of the tonsils and it was white but it went away and today I now have bumps and kind of white-yellowish bumps. I have had diarrhea one day and I was feleing warm. All of those other symptoms that happened have gone. Just today, my throat is making me scared. It does not hurt or anything. It is just how it looks and the bumps. [/INST] Hello. I can understand your anxiety but anyways sore throat and tonsillitis can happen to a normal person also. You have tested for HIV and that test has come negative. You need not worry as that test came negative which has a good sensitivity. Pictures you have sent (attachment removed to protect patient identity) shows redness and swollen tonsils but that is not to worry about. Do not panic, just take rest, ChatDoctor. You shall be alright within a couple of days. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My grandmother is having dizziness, vomiting and headache. These problems occur constantly with a gap of five to six months. [/INST] Hello. From the symptoms that you mentioned it seems your grand mother has migraine which reccurs when she is either exposed to the allergen, which triggers her migraine, or it can also manifest as a seasonal change. How long has she has been having this problem? During her migraine episodes, how long does it last? I will recommend the following medicines :- 1) Tablet Crocin pain relief one tablet twice daily after food. 2) Tablet Ondem (Ondansetron) 4 mg, if there is severe nausea two tablets can be taken at once. Make sure her BP (blood pressure) is under control. If possible get it monitored. Ask her to avoid caffeine. I hope this helps. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My dad who is 70 years old, recently had a severe chest pain which started three weeks ago. Since it was of a recurring type, we visited a hospital for a check-up. They initially conducted ECG and then, a 2D echo, after which they said there is a problem but, a minor one and that we need to do a coronary angiography to get a detailed picture. After doing that they suggested a bypass. I am apprehensive about the suggestion since minor problems do not require a bypass (CABG). I am attaching the reports. Can you please go through them and suggest the most suitable option? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I understand your concern. I have gone through all the test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). There is a significant evidence of blockage of multiple vessels, which are over 70 and 90 % blockages. In the case of a coronary artery disease that involves multiple vessels with over 70 % blockages, CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting) is indicated. I advise you to discuss further with your cardiologist. Wishing your dad a quick recovery. For more information consult a cardiologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,Before two days, I had sex with a sex worker for the first time. I used a condom for the sex. But my condom got broken. I did not see it for a few minutes. Now I am afraid of any sexual problem that can come in the future like HIV. I am totally upset, and I lost my hope. Please advice what should I do? [/INST] Hi. Yes, there is a chance of HIV transmission with unprotected sex. But the risk is just one in 300. In other terms, it is only 0.3 %. The risk could be less if there were no mucosal lesions for you and your sexual partner. Regarding other infections, the risk is there. But most of them are treatable. I will request you to see a Dermatologist for investigation and treatment. For most diseases, it takes time to get confirmed by blood reports. You need to go for tests after three months of a sexual encounter to make sure that you are not infected. It is not a time to get panic. Try to see your doctor without any delay. Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had unprotected sex a few days before my expected date of periods. The period is now late by a week. I have been having cramps. I also had a brown spotting, but there was nothing after that. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. How are you doing? Hope I have clarified your queries. Do write back. All the best. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I found out that I was four weeks pregnant last Tuesday. I took Misoprostol sublingually three times on three hours interval. Later that evening, I had serious cramps and diarrhea. I bled a little and passed out blood clots twice. Then the next day, I noticed I was passing out blood tissues. I felt the drug did not work. Two days after, I took another 4-pill of Misoprostol. I had fever for some few hours plus diarrhea and cramps. I bled a little few hours later. Was the abortion successful or not? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Medical abortion is available once a pregnancy is detected via ultrasound (usually around five weeks) up to nine weeks (63 days) gestation. The abortion is achieved using a combination of two medications which work together to terminate a pregnancy. If you feel it is incomplete abortion, I suggest you meet your doctor and get a scan done to confirm that the abortion is complete. If it is not complete, the doctor may advise you what to do next. If it is crossed nine weeks, he may plan a surgical method. Please consult your gynecologist at the earliest. He/she will examine and treat you accordingly. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My brother has swelling on his left foot. He has a boil on his left inner leg 4 inches above his left ankle inner bone. The doctor he visited gave him medicines for his boil and said the boil will come out in some days. The swelling in his foot has increased and so he visited the same doctor the next day and was advised to see an orthopedic. The orthopedic doctor did not diagnose it but referred him to a general doctor who again did not diagnose it but said there is pus buildup inside the foot and it needs surgery. My father who accompanied my brother asked the doctor whether it will subside with medicines or if surgery is needed. The doctor simply said you can use the medicine or you can do the surgery.I am out of the country and feel the doctor may have not specified the situation correctly to my father and also may have not clearly explained why he suggested the surgery. I needed a second opinion, as I want my brother to receive proper treatment and identify if it is a serious condition and I need to know the best solution. I also want to know why the doctor mentioned surgery for a pus buildup and what is the diagnosis of the foot condition. I can provide pictures of my brother\s foot if needed. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. He is having diabetes? If yes, what is the sugar level? If yes, first you have to control the sugar level. He is having a deep infected ulcer with cellulitis. What medications he is on? Since it is a deep and swelling extended up to the foot better open the wound and ChatDoctor. Meantime, start tablet Pan 40 (Pantoprazole) one-two times daily before food, tablet Ciprofloxacin 500 mg two times daily, tablet Combiflam (Ibuprofen) one tablet twice daily, and tablet Chymorol forte one tablet thrice times daily for five days after food, and wound </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,10 to 11 days ago I had a gastrocnemius injury on my left calf. The first four days the pain was really bad but now there is no pain. I just tried to do a little sprint, run. I can feel tightness but not pain. What do you think this is? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Usually, post any sprint or run which is done all of a sudden without reconsidering it as a regular activity there might be doms (delayed onset muscle soreness) and this stays for around 4 to 5 days of time. Post that, the pain reduces in its own without any kind of medication. For now, since the pain is ChatDoctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have experienced semi-runny diarrhea that has an orange or brown pigmentation. It is not bloody, nor contains mucus. I passed this when I woke up at three in the morning because of something, and before going to sleep I had experienced some stomach aches but ignored them and slept through. During breakfast, I had eaten a yellowish curry type of food. I had a couple of snacks midday which contains an extremely red pigmentation and also a bag of puffs which contain an orange pigmentation. I then had brown rice for dinner before the stomach aches began. I also drank a drink made from a mixture of water and a red syrup a few times during the day, though not many amounts.The only medication I am taking now is Amoxicillin (bad sore throat, recommended by a doctor), and I also have slight acid reflux so the intensity of the snacks may have not done well. What is the cause of my extremely orange diarrhea? It is like a copper-orange and brown color. I am 18, female, 5'3" in height, no records of this before. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. You may need not to worry about orange colored stool. It could be due to food intake that contains carotene. I suggest you take Rabeprazole 20 mg OD antacid for week. The associated gastritis can be responsible for stomach pain. If after 3 to 4 days stomach pain and loose stool continues, then investigate with stool routine micro-examination and occult blood test for further work up. ChatDoctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,So, I found one small bump on my gum right before the tooth. I barely touched it and it started bleeding but it was only one bump. Should I be concerned? [/INST] Hi. As per your history, it seems to me that you are having acute apical periodontitis with a gingival abscess. For that, you need to take antibiotics for at least five days. The tenderness of the tooth is also because of the same reason. Grossly decayed infectious tooth. X-ray IOPAR (intraoral periapical radiograph). Acute gingivitis. Apical periodontitis with a gingival abscess. Tablet Amoxicillin-Clavulanic acid 625 for five days. For more information consult a dentist online.- </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have had very bad dark circles under my eyes since I was around 7 or 8 years old and went to a dermatologist about it once which said they had something to do with a vein, but was not sure how to help. I was wondering if you could shed some light on this. I am 28 years old now and still have the dark circles which makes me look bad and would like to find the best solution to make them go away. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. This is tear through deformity (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You can try dermal fillers. For this, visit your nearest dermatologist. It will give better result. Do not worry it will go. Do you have any addiction? Reduce your stress. Take proper 8 hour continuous sleep. Eat healthy food. Take care. Send your photos after taking treatment. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My 19 months old daughter has suffered with for around seven months. Then, we had an MCU test and it was diagnosed that she had grade 5 reflux in right side and grade 4 in left side. Her ultrasound showed she had 40 cc urine residual. Her doctor suggested ureteric bilateral surgery. She has an open vascular surgery before two months and her stents removed before 20 days. Now, she again had an UTI and reflux problem. Is there any problem? Please guide us. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Surgery to correct reflux will not prevent UTI (urinary tract infection). It will only prevent bacteria from reaching kidneys, thereby preventing renal damage. Yes, UTI can still occur after correction of reflux. Other factors which predispose to UTI must be ruled out, like neurogenic bladder, voiding dysfunction, dysfunctional elimination syn ChatDoctor. If there are no other factors, then the child can be put on prophylactic antibiotics for a few months and this will stop the recurrence. Best wishes for your child. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a female weighing 65 kg and my height is 5\6". A 20 mm follicle found on day five of menstruation, what does it mean? I had cramp since day four till day six. Last month 5.7 mm hemorrhagic cyst was found on left ovary during day three but this month it got disappeared and now 20 mm follicle found on right ovary. Please help me to understand what exactly is this. Is this normal to find such a large follicle on day five? Actually I would like to get pregnant. Please help. [/INST] Hello. I have read and understood your problem. Are your periods regular? Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) , prolactin, hemoglobin (Hb), total count (TC), differential count (DC) levels and cancer antigen (CA125) are all normal. Ultrasound of pelvis suggests follicular cyst which is an unruptured follicle from the previous cycle and will disappear. It means there is a problem with ovulation, follicle is maturing but not rupturing. Revert back with the information to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online Take care. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am experiencing swelling of the gum on my molar and bleeding, as well as a bad taste in my mouth. I have a picture and it looks as though there might be some food stuck in my gum or even my wisdom tooth coming in. I am not entirely sure but I would like an opinion on the picture, if possible? [/INST] Hello. I can see in the attached picture (attachment removed to protect patient identity). There is an infection present in your last molar region, most probably it is due to third molar impaction and known as pericoronitis. Sometimes it is also due to abnormal cheek biting. You should avoid spicy and hot food. Make proper oral hygiene, you could also use salted water to rinse your mouth. Please see your dentist for a clinical examination and treatment. A dental X-ray should be taken. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My daughter is 35 years old. She had a small scratch from a rusted wire on her right forearm, three hours back. There was no blood loss. And she did not wash it with running water or use Dettol or anything to wipe the area. Also, she had her last tetanus shot 5 years ago. Should we get her a tetanus shot? Please tell us what has to be done. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I understand your concern. You should clean the wounded area with betadine solution. She has to be given a tetanus shot. In case if the wound is painful, give her a painkiller. Revert with the following details: </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have severe ankylosing spondylitis since 19 years. I am a 28 year old male, married and would like to have a baby now. I am taking Indomethacin 75 mg and Omeprazole twice a day. My left hip is completely fused, but I have no pain. There is pain in right hip and lower back. Please let me know, can I have a healthy baby. What should we do to get healthy, fit and fine baby? I do not want baby to be defective. Kindly give me suggestions to improve my health. My wife is completely fine and healthy. I have attached my Hb, CRP and ESR reports. Please guide me. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Do not worry about your condition and your future baby. You are fine and your baby will also be fine, as genetic transmission is rare in this case. Again you should change the painkiller if you are not responding to it. You can start tablet Rofecoxib 50 mg daily for five days and let me know the condition of your pain. Apply Dolopar gel (Diclofenac) topically. Go for active physiotherapy exercises. Take a capsule Nutrolin B plus (multivitamin) daily for 15 days. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I had unprotected sex with a call girl ten months back. Then after three months, I got my HIV test done and the test was negative. Then again I got the HIV test after six months, the test was negative. Then after eight months, I got my HIV test done again, the test result was negative.I did Elisa test, tri-dot test, Elfa test, finally western blot test. All test results were negative. I am getting some symptoms like body pain, body tiredness, bitter mouth, sore throat, tightness in neck.So, I am fully scared. My question is that are these symptoms related to HIV or again I have to take another HIV test? Recently I did a WBC count test and it is 12000.I have got Vitamin D test results as 16.6 ng/ml. Is Vitamin D deficiency related to my symptoms? I got Vitamin B12 test results as 188 pg/ml. Is this related to the beginning of HIV infection? I am totally confused.Please answer my questions. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. So whatever symptoms are there, it is due to vitamin deficiency. All tests are negative so it is clear that there is no HIV infection. So do not worry. You can consult a general physician. So he will give you written prescription, even I can but a long treatment is required. You will be all right after taking treatment. For more information consult a HIV AIDS specialist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Dear Doctor,I am a chronic High BP patient since 1998. Taking medications Amlodipine 5mg and Atenolol 50mg (AMLO Press-AT). Now the BP reading shows as 160/120.How to lower the blood pressure? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Since you are a case of chronic hypertension, you must regularly get your blood pressure checked from a local doctor and the dose needs to be adjusted accordingly either to increase or decrease. Investigations:- Routine investigations must be done including blood sugar, blood urea, serum creatinine, lipid profile, urine complete and ECG. I understand from your query that, you have been taking the same medicine and the same dose, and still the BP has not come down as 160/120 is a very high range and can be risky for your health. The dose and may be the medicine also needs to be adjusted after reviewing your overall health, monitoring your BP for a few days. If you can make a chart of your BP from time to time, day wise to know when and at what time does it increase to manage it properly. Also, take below mentioned precautions: Diet control is very important. Cut down on fats. Reduce the salt intake in your diet. Do not sprinkle additional salt from the top on food. Take plenty of fresh fruits and juices. (I assume that otherwise your health is completely normal and you are not suffering from any other medical or surgical conditions) Take salads. You must go for walk in the morning and evening as your health permits, brisk walking which can be done gradually as per the age and health. Avoid excessive tea, coffee. Avoid fried foods. Avoid alcoholic ChatDoctor. Take a basic healthy balanced, nutritional diet. Add sprouts and other variants to make your diet healthy. Please get back with the reports to a cardiologist online so that the medicine and dose can be adjusted accordingly </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Are implant supported bridges good? Will they cause bad breath in the long term? I have dental bridges in my four front teeth for about eight years, but now it is causing bad odor. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Implant supported bridge is an extremely good option for replacement of missing teeth. Implant is the best treatment option in dentistry and it is a lifelong treatment option. It stays for ur whole life without causing any problem. Once osseointegration has taken place successfully it acts extremely perfect. But you have to maintain your oral hygiene nicely. You have to use electric brushes for maintaining your implant and you have to visit the dentist every year for follow up for scaling and polishing, just for maintaining your oral hygiene. Go for It. It is the best treatment option if you are healthy systemically. Patients suffering from high blood pressure or diabetes might have some problems. So your dentist will decide what is best in those conditions after all the blood tests, OPG, and CBCT (will decide your bone condition) diagnosis. I hope this helps. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I recently had intercourse, and there was quite a lot of bleeding. The next day it stung quite a bit, and when I urinated, it was painful to sit down. I inspected my vulva with a mirror and found a tear or rip at the base of my vulva. I searched, and I think it is at the posterior fourchette. It is 10 days since this, and there is no longer pain and discharge or bleeding. However, I can still see the tear, it is red. How long should it be before this seals over and should I avoid having sex until it does? Also, how common is it for this to happen, and will it happen every time I have sex? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. According to the history given by you, apart from a vaginal tear, the following reasons can also cause similar symptoms: 1. Firstly, women can bleed post-sex if intercourse is done soon after the periods, but this does not cause pain. 2. Secondly, virgin girls can bleed initially for a few times. 3. Lastly, intercourse done without proper arousal or foreplay makes the vagina less lubricate, causing pain and bleeding. You should visit a gynecologist for a detailed examination because sometimes tears can be deep-seated and be missed causing future problems. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have nausea every time and every day after eating. I cannot eat my food. I drink only water. I am feeling tired always. My stomach hurts me so much. Why do I have a feeling of nausea after eating? Why do I throw up after eating? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have gone through the attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your BMI (body mass index) is in borderline. It is normal. I can understand your concern regarding vomiting. It can occur due to various reasons. Gastritis can also be a reason for having nausea and vomiting. Take food at regular intervals and avoid skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner. Follow a diet schedule. Avoid eating oily, fried and spicy foods. Take plenty of oral fluids. You may also need to take antacid and antiemetic if it is required. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Recently, I have been having chest pain with burning around the heart area. I have had adrenal/chronic fatigue for one and a half years. Other symptoms since being fatigued include neck/head tremors, excited nervous system, elevated heart rate, pounding heart, exhaustion, low stress tolerance, increase in headaches, occasional arm aches, burning sensations in the arms. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Your symptoms are suggestive of anxiety/stress. I suggest you do upper GI endoscopy to exclude GERD which may cause chest pain and burning around the heart. Rest of the symptoms are due to anxiety. I suggest you consult your GP. You may practice the following things to reduce stress/anxiety: For more information consult a cardiologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had a protected sex with my wife 10 days ago. In order to delay her periods, she consumed one tablet of Primolut N the same day before having sex. By mistake, I touched her vagina after touching my penis. To avoid any risk of pregnancy, she consumed Unwanted 72 within eight hours of having sex. It has been more than 10 days she has neither bled after consuming Unwanted 72 nor has she had her periods until now.What are the chances of pregnancy? It has already been 12 days. Is it possible to test for pregnancy now? If yes, kindly mention the name of the test and any precautionary measures to be taken before going through the test. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It is not necessary that there should be with ChatDoctor. They are high dose hormonal pills which may cause delayed periods too. If your spouse has skipped her expected periods, she can check her urine pregnancy test with early morning urine sample to be sure if she is pregnant or not. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have been experiencing upper left abdominal pain just beneath lower ribcage and on the opposite side in the back. I have intermittent, dull, and deep chronic pain.I am 43 years old, nonsmoker but consumes alcohol (not for the last four months). My blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. I am currently on Omeprazole 20 mg daily (one month).I am diagnosed with pneumonia and pulmonary embolism. It is confirmed by chest CT. I was prescribed Pradaxa for three months (stopped taking medication on Mark 26). I have a history of acid reflux, sleeps on a 6-inch wedge pillow to manage the symptoms.Tests I underwent are:Abdominal CT with contrast: unremarkable, mild diverticulosis, not considered relevant to pain.Chest CT with contrast: unremarkable, PE and pneumonia cleared.Blood tests all normal, no sign of pancreas or kidney trouble.My primary care physician suggests pain is associated with PE. My pulmonologist says it is very unlikely to be associated with PE and recommends to confer with a gastroenterologist. Could this be an ulcer or some other issue within the stomach or GI tract? Perhaps caused by the Pradaxa medication? Would the abdominal CT have uncovered peptic cancer or other serious GI issues? What further testing would you recommend? Should I wait to see if things get better or act soon? If it is safe to wait, how long should I give it? [/INST] Hello. I must appreciate the detail history you provided which is very helpful in diagnosing your condition. After reviewing your history, in my opinion, this pain is not related to pulmonary embolism. It looks like to be associated with some gastritis and stomach issue. Now coming to your queries, the CT Abdomen has ruled out serious abdominal issues such as malignancy but it could not rule out peptic ulcer disease. You can just wait for it and take the medications which I am prescribing. I do not think that waiting is going to cause any further issues as it does not look like to be something serious. Take the following treatment for two weeks and if no improvement then we can consider EGD. None at the moment. Gastritis. Peptic ulcer disease. Esophagitis. Gastritis. Continue Omeprazole but increase it to twice daily before meals. Syrup Gaviscon (Alginate)10 ml three times daily after meals. Both these for two weeks. If no improvement will consider EGD. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,After intercourse, I had to deal with burning pee. And although it has reduced stinging now. It still is there. And also. My periods ended like four days back, so I wanted to know if I should still take the pill if I had unprotected sex but he did not ejaculate in me. [/INST] Hello. From day 1 to 10 of the period it is the safe period. There is no chance of pregnancy as there is no ovulation happening during this period. So you need not take any medication. So relax and do not worry. These symptoms could be because of some urinary infection. Please get yourself checked by a gynecologist and get a complete urine examination and vaginal swab test done. Take care. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,The problem started out with a dry cough. The next day, I had achy bones and headache. It seemed like it was going away and came back the day after when I woke up feeling like throwing up. My eyes, chest and upper back aches with a feeling of nausea. Please help me. I am scared. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have gone through your query, and I can understand your concerns. The symptoms you have described suggest that you have a viral fever along with inflammation of throat (pharyngitis). There is no need to worry as it can be cured completely with treatment. Please consult a physician, discuss with him or her and get the following things done with consent. If symptoms persist despite, then blood investigations and throat swab may be needed. Do warm saline gargling or gargling with a numbing mouthwash. Use expectorant cough syrups. ChatDoctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Will fertilization occur immediately after an egg is released? And will the ovulation test show positive regardless of fertilization has occurred immediately? I had sex three days ago but the ovulation test still showed positive today. Please suggest. [/INST] Hi. Ovulation test is not confirmatory for ovulation. It means LH (luteinizing hormones) hormones increased during the menstrual cycle. Fertilization can happen within 24 hours after ovulation. Once LH surge happens ovulation actually occurs after 36 hours of LH surge. Ovulation test comes positive when LH surge happens. So you should have sex after two or three days of positive ovulation test. It is the most likely time of ovulation. But it is not confirmatory. Ovulation does not always happens after LH surge. Ovulation test does not have a relation with fertilization. Fertilization may or may not occurs even after ovulation. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I took the first abortion pill but until now, I did not get bleed. What is the reason? [/INST] Hello. It is really a very short description of your concern. It would be better if you would send me your detailed gynecological, menstrual, obstetric, medical and other histories. Which pill have you taken and how much dose? Had you confirmed your pregnancy status before having the pill? If not, have serum beta hCG (blood pregnancy test) to have a clear idea about your pregnancy. On which date have you taken the pill and what was your last period date? If pregnancy is confirmed and it is early pregnancy, emergency contraceptive pills give with ChatDoctor. Kindly send me your details so that I can guide you. In case of a positive pregnancy test, check again the level of beta hCG after 48 hours from the previous test. It will give us a clear idea about pregnancy progression or the effect of the pill on it as well. If the second level comes less than the previous it is a miscarriage. If the second level shows increase more than 60 % then it is a normal growing pregnancy. If the second level shows less then 60 % increase it is alarming and you need a transvaginal scan to exclude pregnancy outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). In case of pain, bleeding, dizziness with a positive pregnancy test, better to report to a tertiary care unit. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a 28 year old unmarried woman. Last month my period was irregular. I got my periods on the 30th of last month and it was already 20 days later from the actual due. Initially, I had spotting for five days, then I bled for seven days and again, had spotting for three days. Now, I am bleeding again from today on the 27th of this month. Please help me out. My height is 155 cm and weight is 63 kg. I have this complaint once since last month. Normally, my periods will occur in an interval on 40 to 45 days. This is the first time I am experiencing spotting, bleeding and delay. Is this a serious problem? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Please do not worry. Irregular periods are not an alarming thing to worry about. Irregular periods are due to Please get your complete blood count and thyroid profile done. Also, get a pelvic scan done to rule out the exact cause. Just get your urine pregnancy test done with early morning urine sample, if you are sexually active. If not, then just ignore. Do get back to me with reports so that I can guide you further. Take plenty of fluids, vegetables, fruits, iron-rich diet and exercise. Revert back with the reports to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My niece who is 4 years old is suffering from a brain infection. She also had a spinal tap test and diagnosed with a high infection. Suggest me the best specialist doctor for this. Is there any serious problem now or in the future? [/INST] Hello. The reports you sent me do not show normal values beside the observed values (attachment removed to protect patient identity). From what I can understand, this would have been a case of viral meningitis. If the child did not have any serious life-threatening episode during this infection, it is less likely that there would be any damage done. As regards the future, since there were no convulsions, I feel not much damage has been done, so things should be fine. Continue other medications as going on. Consult a neurologist for the same. For more information consult a paediatrician online </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,A TB and pneumonia patient for the last two months passed the extensive phase and gained two kg. But recently she lost two kg weight, and she feels ill and weak every afternoon. She takes her medication regularly and on time. Why does this occur? [/INST] Hello. I guess the symptoms of cough and chest pain are resolving. If she compliants with her anti koch regimen she would not be losing much weight. But it is well known that chronic illness like tb and pneumonia can cause extensive weight loss and anorexia which again add to the weight loss. You need to see a dietician for prescribed dieting to help increase your calorie intake. Multivitamin should also be taken to improve appetite. Also do a chest X-ray to see the extend of the lesion in the chest with sputum afb. </s> |
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