<s>[INST] Hello doctor,50 years old, 5.8 inches, 260 lbs. On blood pressure pills. My doctor is out of town for a few weeks. I reviewed PSA test results and apparently I have one abnormal reading out of three. PSA total 0.5, PSA free 0.1, PSA % free 20. The PSA % free 20 is in red indicating abnormal. What does this mean? What causes it to be abnormal? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Free PSA should be more than 15 % to rule out prostate cancer. Free PSA is an additional tool used when PSA is above 2.5 and we want to check whether high PSA is due to benign prostate growth or due to prostate cancer. Some laboratories use 25 % cutoff, but most have 15 % cutoff value. Since your total PSA is quite low and free PSA is above 15 %, you should not worry. If in doubt, repeat after a few months. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I had a miscarriage last year. Planning to conceive now. My periods are all regular. Please advise. I hope that it is all well this time when it happens. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. If regular periods, just have to take precautions. Then those will be helpful for you. As already had a conception, it means can have more as well. Have Folic acid daily 5 mg if high BMI and/or have been treated for any chronic health issues. Have complete treatment of any health issues you have. Recreational activities and quit recreational ChatDoctor. Have a balanced diet with less salt, sugar, oil, and spice. Have sex in the fertile period of the cycle with proper penetration, orgasm and rest after sex. Have normal BMI and weight by daily exercise, walk or yoga. I hope things would be better. </s>
<s>[INST] Good day, please i was diagnose with hep b positive 18months ago, my consulting tild me my condition i\xc5\x9f inactive and need no medication. some month back i was feeling hurt at my chest i was later diagnose with ulcer. some some weeks now have been having pains around my chest and most especially middle of my check. please what is happening to me? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to i cliniq You have been diagnosed with inactive hepatitis B, for that I will request you to send me all your laboratory work so that a decision about the treatment can be taken. you now having central chest pain which looks like to due to esophageal ulcer called esophagitis and you may be also having some retrosternal burning with it. For this I am prescribing some medications it will help out in this pain. You need to take Cap.Esomeprazole 40mg 1 before breakfast and Syp.Sucralfate 10ml TID. Both of these should be taken for 2 weeks and let me know incase you have no improvement. EGD if no improvement with medications. EsophagitisChronic HBV Esophagitis Cap.Esomeprazole 40mg 1 before breakfastSyp.Sucralfate 10ml TID before meals Avoid spicy foods Needs follow up for HBV </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I think I am bipolar. Just a couple of weeks ago, I felt and was told by my friends that I was more energetic and crazy than usual. Now, I feel like there is no hope, and nobody really cares. But there is also that little bit of me that is telling me that I am faking this and that all I want is attention. I just want to know what the heck is up with my head. [/INST] Hello. It is a little early at your age to be diagnosed with bipolar illness. Sometimes that part of normal teenage hormones and puberty, when it is mixed with some depressive symptoms. Basically, if you are depressed, you will feel irritable, low, feel like crying, sad, do not wish to eat, have difficulty sleep, there can be anxiety, tiredness, headaches, etc. In bipolar illness, there will be a period of these depressive symptoms and then after a period of normalcy, the reverse happens. That is, you feel unusually happy for no reason, there are episodes of spending money excessively on things which you do not need, or maybe excessive use of alcohol, other illicit ChatDoctor. So if you have not had the manic or hypomanic phase, then you probably suffered from major depressive disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had sex with my fiancee 10 days ago. I used a condom and checked the leakage or damage after ejaculation. There was no damage involved. But, she is having yellow vaginal discharge and is three days late on her period. What may be the reason? Could it be pregnancy? [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your history and understand your concern. Pregnancy may be a chance. So, just take a pregnancy test with home urinary pregnancy kit available in the market. You can do with any urine sample or with early morning sample. Do a test as early as possible and get back with test results for further discussion. Take care. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have semen in urine sometimes. While sitting or lying if I concentrate on my penis, I start having strokes. I cannot control in the flaccid position. While I do sit-ups there is a movement in the penis. It started from nightfall and my urge of not to masturbate. It is because of depression only and when I concentrate on something else it stops. If I have a good sleep, it stops. So is psychological problem frank? I am not sure if thinking is much of an issue. I had such erections problems earlier and it was only because of depression but I am not understanding other things. Do I need a doctor? I had a renal transplant nine months back and I was preventing masturbating from happening though I was getting excited many times. [/INST] Hello. I can understand your concern. Lack of masturbation and lack of sex results in a spontaneous flow of semen via urine. This occurs in order to allow new sperm to form. This is a normal phenomenon and this does not cause any effects on health. This will not result in weakness of any kind. The secretion which you have during talking or excitation is nothing but precum. This is a lubricating fluid and this too is a normal thing. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I have had a mild cold symptoms over three weeks ago. Because of this global pandemic I got stressed and started feeling chest pain and abdominal muscle pain, etc. I did not have a fever, like not a single day. So I know that chest pain can occur due to stress and anxiety and to make myself feel better I went to the doctor\s office so my doctor can listen to me breathing with a stethoscope. She said that my lungs are totally clear and that there is no strange noises. She said that I should take vitamin B and I was diagnosed with oral candidiasis. Now I am feeling a sort of bubbly feeling at the top of my chest and in my throat but only when I lay in bed and I feel like there is something stuck in my throat and I have a bit of discomfort when swallowing. So if my doctor said that my lungs are fine, what can it be? [/INST] Hello. Most common symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, cough, and dyspnea. You mentioned you do not have fever, cough nor dyspnea so it is least likely you have Covid-19. Moreso, your lungs were clear. However, since we are in a pandemic, observation and self-quarantine is still advised. Yous symptoms of lump sensation in the throat and difficulty in swallowing may be caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Stress may have triggered it. I recommend you take Omeprazole 40 mg one tablet for two to four weeks. Avoid eating spicy, oily, fatty, and dairy foods. Avoid ChatDoctor. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 26 years, I had a hip resurfacing surgery eight years back. I am an HLA B27 positive, even my father is also positive. I have joint pain since last fourteen years. Now, I wish to know that, if I marry and have children will this pass on to them? What measures should I take to ensure that it does not pass on to the next generation? I am at crossroads, I need to take a decision based on the reply. Please give me the solution. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. About 80 % of people with ankylosing spondylitis have HLA B27 positive and only 1 to 4 % people with positive HLA B27 develop ankylosing spondylitis. That means out of 100 people with positive HLA B27 only one to four can develop ankylosing spondylitis and 96 to 99 are normal. The chances of your chil ChatDoctor. Now I do not think you should worry about your kids having ankylosing spondylitis or HLA B27. For more information consult a rheumatologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,In the morning, I have a strong and frequent urge to pass urine. It continues for an hour or two. After urinating normally, only droppings take place. Today, a few drops of blood also came. My intake of water is about 2 liters a day. There is no discharge or itching. Throughout the day it is normal. This symptom is persisting for the last three to four days. I am a thyroid patient as well as diabetic and also on medication for high BP. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It seems you have developed urinary tract infection (UTI). It is common in diabetic patients to develop infection despite good water intake. I suggest you get urine routine and microscopy along with urine culture sensitivity done. Take antibiotics accordingly. Let me know the result, so that I can help you with the prescription. All the best. Hope you get well soon. Revert back after the test to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,As I took master health blood test and in the result, my vitamin B12 is high. How can I lower it? I am afraid of this. Please help me. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Kindly provide me any other clinical complaint if you have. Kindly mention whether you have taken any vitamin B12 supplement or tablet or injection? Attach your all reports to give more comment. Usually, liver disease, kidney disease, B12 intake, myeloproliferative neoplasm are among the causes for high B12. Take care. For more information consult a hematologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have to get a spectacles removal surgery but because of a thin cornea, I cannot have LASIK. So, the doctor suggested SMILE. But now I have read some disadvantages of SMILE. There is one more called Contoura Vision which is considered to be the best. Can you please guide me that with a thin cornea, what should I opt? SMILE or Contoura Vision? I do not want ICL. [/INST] Hello. Each procedure has its own pros and cons. SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) is a good technique with good results. I did in many patients and the result was very nice. It does not correct any imperfections of the cornea which can be done by the Contoura vision. So first it has to be clear whether your cornea apart from thin has any other issues? From my side, you can opt any one. For more information consult an eye care ophthalmologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am pregnant for one month. I got to know it when I missed my periods on a fourth of date. I had sex with my husband after an eighth of date. Then I did the pregnancy test 3 to 4 times and it was positive. Then I tried natural abortion methods like having food for natural abortion but it did not work. It was 4 to 5 days for it now. I want to take the abortion pill. Can I take the abortion pill without doing any test? Or use the abortion kit at home? I only take the Omega site tables as the doctor said and completed that course 15 days ago. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Firstly, if this is an unplanned pregnancy then you may consider termination. But it is important to learn the location of pregnancy first, whether it is intrauterine or an ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus). This is because in that case, you cannot undertake abortion by MTP (medical termination of pregnancy) pills. Hence, an ultrasound pelvis is a must to establish the location of pregnancy first. Secondly, it would also estimate the period of gestation and if less than nine weeks then you can opt for termination of pregnancy by the medical method under a gynecologist supervision safely. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My wife is suffering from urinary incontinence at the time of sleeping. She gave birth to two babies through operation, and now they are aged 9 and 5. After which she got her uterus removed through operation. Please help us. [/INST] Hi. I have read and understood your problem. Urinary incontinence is a common complication after surgical removal of uterus. You should do her urine culture and sensitivity test, also blood sugar PP (postprandial). If the problem is only at night then she should stop taking water one hour before going to sleep and pass urine. If she has to get up many times during sleep then she may need mild tranquilizers. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My baby was diagnosed with 4 mm VSD during the 20th week of pregnancy. After delivery, an echocardiogram was done and our pediatric cardiologist told that my baby has large perimembranous VSD shunting bidirectionally. But did not tell us the size. My baby is 3 months old now. I wish to know whether size matters in VSD or not. My baby has poor weight gain. So cardiologist told us to prepare for surgery. Currently, he is on Furosemide 0.2 ml twice a day. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Yes, size matters like small VSD (ventricular septal defect) do not require treatment, while large one (usually more than 6 mm of the size of the aorta) needs surgical correction only. So here it is being large and no significant gradient across it so needs surgical correction. So here whether it is 8 mm, 10 mm or 12 mm or some other size, management remains the same. So relatively size is not important here. For more information consult a cardiologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 23 year old female. I have had a really bad cough and chest pains for about a month, also I have had diarrhea. I have been coughing up green and yellow phlegm. However I went to A and E just gone was give 500 mg of Amoxicillin. But since I started taking them I do not feel any better. I only have one day left on them. I have lost weight over this month and do not have any appetite. [/INST] Hello. From what you have mentioned, most probably you have a chest infection. A chest X-ray is required. Culture and sensitivity test of the phlegm is required to guide our antibiotic therapy. The diarrhea is most probably due to Amoxicillin. Do you have any problems in breathing? Do you have a high-sustained fever? I suggest: Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines with their consent. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 26 years old. From childhood, I have the habit of masturbation but due to excess of it, my sex organ does not get tight like earlier and size is also small. Please guide me so that it would not affect my married life. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Excessive masturbation is not a good habit, it is like an addiction. So you should limit the frequency of it. You can do it once or twice weekly. But I want to clarify that masturbation never causes a change in the size of the penis, also not known to cause erectile dysfunction. Excessive masturbation causes psychosexual dysfunction, which can affect sexual life. And it is a common condition. So keep masturbation in limit. Decrease the frequency gradually. Try to distract your mind (by taking cold water, deep breathing, talk to family members, and listening to good music), when you have urge of doing masturbation. Follow a healthy lifestyle. Do daily exercise, take healthy food, follow the routine of the day, have good sleep. If you control it, definitely your sexual life will be satisfactory. Best wishes. For more information consult a sexologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have urination problem from six months. There is no urine build up during the day. But while taking bed rest in the day, I have started to urinate more frequently. There was no problem in the morning. I got a checkup done. The ultrasound, urine test, and blood test were normal. Now, I have no urine in the morning. A very small quantity of deep yellow colored (very concentrated) urine with no pressure in the morning. After two hours of taking tea and water, I urinate frequently. There is normal urination during the day. I am under deep stress and anxiety. Sometimes, I feel puffiness on my face and sometimes mild swelling on my legs after sitting for a long time in one place. There is no swelling in the legs while moving. I am sending my latest report. Please suggest me is there anything to worry. I am on Alfuzosin, Clonazepam, Alprax, and Sertraline. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Relax and do not worry. Your problem is not big. I have seen all the reports sent by you (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It is perfectly fine. Regarding urinary complaints, it looks like the side effect of Clonazepam and Sertraline tablets. These tablets cause decreased urine production and hence your symptoms. I suggest you maintain a bladder diary for three days. Also, ChatDoctor. I suggest taking tablet Dytor (Torasemide) 10 mg at bedtime. This will improve your symptoms. For more information consult a urologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 30 years old male. Weight is 107 kg, and height is 5\9. Not under any medications. (Not been on any medication for over a year previous medications include numerous mental health medications, various SSRIs, Clomipramine, and several anti-psychotics, most recently Olanzapine). I tried Lymecycline a couple of years ago and multiple creams for acne in the past.I have a history of mental health problems. I have a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome, OCD, anxiety, and depression. My anxiety levels have been chronic for many years due to the severity of my obsessive thoughts and compulsions etc. I think that my poor mental state has impacted on my health. I have had severe skin problems since I was about 17 or so. I get huge cysts that often recur in the same place with large boils. I have some large permanent cysts. I seem to break out at certain times.I also have a condition known as a functional neurological disorder. I will be seeing a neurologist here in the at a movement disorders clinic to deal with this in the near future. I also developed eyelash ptosis, where my eyelash in my right eye keeps growing long. My Ophthalmologist told me that it needs to be trimmed regularly with scissors or that I have to use curlers, as it can impair my visual field. The neurological or psychological aspects may be affecting my other conditions.I have had athlete\s foot for the past year. Due to my mental or neurological problems and depression, I have been housebound for most of the last year. I tend not to shower much or brush my teeth due to this (but I am trying to change my life with the help and change this). I walk around in my bare feet in the house most of the time, and when I do go out, I tend to wear crocs.The athlete\s foot has become more itchy or burning recently. Also, for the past year or two, I have two fungal nails. My big toes on both feet are very yellow looking at the front of the pins (I have ingrown nails in the past). What I am concerned about is my fingernail.I do not know how I did this? About two weeks ago, I noticed that my middle finger on my right hand was very painful when I touched it. I cannot remember if I pulled the nail, and this has caused some infection, or if it is related in some way to the fungal nail infections on my toes or my athlete\s foot.I will show you some pictures, and I would like your advice on what to do next. Due to my mental state, I have not taken good care of my body, but I am trying to address this.My athlete\s foot is entirely wrong. If I start treating this with cream, I am likely to see an improvement. Also, what can I do about the fungal nails? I also have a pilonidal cyst on my tailbone. It was initially very painful to sit down (I am overweight, spend a lot of time sitting at my desk, etc.). This cyst is intermittent, but there are times when it can be very itchy. As you can see, I am not in the best shape, but I am trying to address both my mental health and my physical health by starting to take better care of myself, eat better, exercise, etc.The main concern is the fingernail. Do I have an infection? Can it be serious to blood flow/losing limbs, or is this my anxiety and the things I\ve read on Google. I am quite concerned. I cannot see a doctor for another week or two. I have had this fingernail problem for about two weeks, and it is very sore and very red. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have gone through your case and all treatments which you have taken so far. It is good that you have explained all your medical history as every doctor should know it in detail. However, your finger infection is not related to history. It is a new event. Regarding your finger, you need nothing to worry as it is an infection of the skin, and your finger will not go away. In my opinion, this is not a fungal infection. It is a bacterial infection. I can very well understand that it must be very painful for you as it is entirely red. You need some oral medication for its treatment. 1. Take capsule Amoxil 500 mg three times a day for seven days. 2. Take tablet Ibuprofen 400 mg two times a day for seven days. 3. Apply Pyodine solution or Fucidin acid cream two times a day for seven days. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor,I recently consulted a counsellor suggested by my probation officer and discovered that I have extreme post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression, etc. I wonder if any of this could be related to the trouble I have got myself into. When I get very overwhelmed with emotion or stress, I tend to black out completely but still functioning, and I come back to normal after a few minutes, but I have no memory of what I have done during those minutes.In my whole life, I had a lot of bad things that have happened to me and my family, but I have never dealt with them. This past year a lot of bad personal situations have happened, and now I am starting to notice the blackouts. What can I do? [/INST] Hello. You should get yourself investigated for the blackouts and memory problems you face. First, you should consult a neurologist for that. Once every other neurological issue are cleared, then only we can diagnose whether it as related to your anxiety, depression or PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) if so then it is psychogenic. In most cases, a psychogenic blackout is an involuntary reaction of the brain to pressure or distress. Psychogenic blackouts sometimes develop after people have experienced ill-treatment or trauma and such conditions are treatable and curable. But we need to identify the severity of anxiety and PTSD and then the treatment slowly starts with medicines, psychotherapy and relaxation therapy. You can be cured completely, but it takes some time. Consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My 2-year-old boy does not eat food and does not drink milk. I am very worried. Can you kindly suggest me right treatment to solve this problem? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Kids disliking food or milk is a very strange state. This usually it happens due to faulty weaning practices. I suggest the following: For more information consult a paediatrician online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, Suddenly, I am getting whiteheads around my nose and chin and sometimes on cheeks, since two years. My nose is heavily targeted. [/INST] Hello. Please send me the photos of the area where you are having whiteheads. There is a chance of it being molluscum contagiosum or milia. So, the exact treatment can be suggested after looking at the photos. Revert with more information to a dermatologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am 46 years old male. I have a weight of 60 kilograms and a height of 164 cm. I am diabetic for the past ten years. I have an Hba1c of 8.3 %, with no other health issues. I do exercise regularly, and I am taking a healthy diet every day. I am using Gemer 2 mg twice a day, and I am unable to bring Hba1c below 7.5 %.I have an FBS of 130 mg/dL and PBS of 220 mg/dL. Sometimes, I sweat in the morning. When I check my sugar levels, I have an FBS of 120 mg/dL. I am not interested in increasing the dose of Metformin to 1000 mg twice as a concern of weight loss. Would a change in medicine help me to reach my Hba1c target? Please advice. [/INST] Hi. You are taking Gemer 2 mg (Glimipride with Metformin) twice daily. Please say whether you take Metformin alone and tell about the dose. If you are on Gemer 2 mg only, then you can take Glycomet 500 mg (Metformin). You do not need to begin with Metformin 1000 mg directly. Diet and exercise help you a lot. Loss of weight will help to control sugar levels better. Your FBS (fasting blood sugar) is fine. Your PBS (postprandial blood sugar) level is high. So, I suggest controlling diet. If there is no improvement, you can consider taking Metformin. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I took my mother to a dentist. She hit the tooth hard with a hammer and chisel to remove the second molar of upper jaw. She has experience as a dentist for 30 years; still she does not wear gloves. I am wondering, is this practice safe? My mother cried during the procedure, but the dentist told it will not pain. My mother cried because of fear. I am looking forward to hear from you. Thank you. [/INST] Hello. Getting a tooth removed is a terrifying experience for all. It is the dentist\s responsibility to ad ChatDoctor. Ideally, the procedure should be explained to the patient beforehand. Infection control is very important for the safety of both the dentist and the patient. A dentist must wear gloves and face mask before any treatment. As far as using a hammer and a chisel, these are the instruments usually present in dental clinic. They are a part of the dental instruments used for teeth extractions, especially in difficult cases. Although, a local anesthetic injection is given prior to removing a tooth, anxious patients may need more than one injection. Also, while the local anesthetic is good for numbing the area, patients can still feel the pressure sensation during tooth removal. In the end, it all comes down to proper communication with your patient and constant reassurance during the procedure. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My first baby is healthy and my blood group is A positive and my wife\s blood group is B negative. Now, my wife is again pregnant and has completed 26 weeks of pregnancy. She has developed antibodies and the latest ICT with titer test results show 1:64. Last week, we also did sonography and that did not have any impact on the baby.Now, the doctor suggests giving some steroids in this week which will help to develop the baby\s lungs faster to prevent any complication. Is it safe? If my baby\s blood group is also negative then are there any possibilities for antibodies to develop in my wife or does the baby\s blood group does not matter at all? Should I go ahead with NIPT to find the baby\s blood group? [/INST] Hello. Since your blood groups are negative, there is nothing to worry about. Yes, you can go ahead with injection for babies. They are safe. You need not go for a test to detect your baby\s blood group as it is not an issue. However, if you have a doubt then get back to me. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 20 year old female and had sex for the first time. I took Regestrone to delay my periods because I planned to get intimate the same day as my periods. I took them for three to four days before my expected period date and had the tablet two to three times a day. Last dose I had it just the night before having sex. I had sex many times the next night but with protection and took an i-pill to be sure. Next week got light periods that were very painful. But ignored it thinking it was because of hormonal imbalance. Both of us were affected by flu and it turned into a stomach infection with alternate periods of diarrhea and constipation that was accompanied with mild nausea but had no vomiting. I became very weak and then eventually recovered by taking Pantocid, Digene and Zandu pancharishta. I am six days overdue and had slight back pain, nausea and increased urination. I do have migraine issues as well as I am quite obese with a BMI of 33.8. I got two home pregnancy tests done and both of them turned out to be negative. However, I still have not got my periods yet and I have been insisted to check for PCOS and get an ultrasound done. I am worried if the ultrasound shows that I am pregnant. I have gained about 4 kg. Is it possible to get a false negative six weeks after having sex? What can I do to get my periods early? Please advice. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It is impossible for a urine pregnancy test to show false negative six weeks after sex. Delay in periods may be as a result of anovulation due to stress or infection as well as because of gaining weight. For regular ovulation and to avoid hormonal imbalance, it is advisable to maintain your weight. Healthy BMI (body mass index) is essential for our overall health as well as reproductive health. No pregnancy will be seen in ultrasound when a urine pregnancy test is negative. If you had regular periods previously, you can wait for a week for the start of menses. Or can induce with ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My partner is having a lot of pain in his wisdom tooth. I guess he is getting it but his whole mouth got swelling and he is not even able to talk. He is having fever also now and the pain is not bearable. What should we do right now as none of the doctors are available? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Your wisdom tooth got infection, so there is pain and swelling. The infection is spreading that is why you have restricted mouth opening and facial swelling. Better start with high dose antibiotics and pain killer temporarily. It will be easier for me to give correct treatment if you send an image of your face and involved teeth. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My baby is having a fever. Morning around 8 it was 100. I have given him Crocin. Around 12.30 his temp was 101.3. So I have given him Meftal P. Now (5.30) again the temperature is 100.3. What should I give him now? Crocin or Meftal? What should be the time gap? [/INST] Hello. I got your concern. Initially, it looks like a viral fever. Let us wait and watch for the pattern of fever. Yes, for fever, if less than 100 F, do just tap water sponging all over the body. If 100 F to 102 F, give Paracetamol as and when the fever comes with a gap of six hours between two doses. If fever is more than 102 F then give Meftal with a gap of eight hours between two doses of Meftal. Avoid Meftal as much as possible. Give more food and more liquid. If he is dull, not taking orally, then go to the doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,A known 16-year-old son misbehaves with others, not staying at home, does not care about his family, passes the time with his bad company, behaving rudely to parents, and not studying properly. Parents have no control over him, and he does not care when they request him to focus on studies. He does not ask what we say. All these happen within two years of time when he joins with a new circle of friends. Last time he tried committing suicide, writing a statement against his parents as a reason for his death. After his suicide attempt, he is forcing his parents to give him expensive things. Nobody can speak even a single word against him, as it is right or wrong. Otherwise, he will take the next step to attempt suicide. He is not under the control of anybody. We think he needs treatment to stabilize his mind. [/INST] Hello. I can certainly understand your concern. I have worked through your attached query in detail. As per the description, the possibility of a conduct disorder or a borderline personality disorder should be considered here in your child. In view of suicidal threatening, it is advisable to consider mood stabilizer ChatDoctor. Detailed mental status evaluation is required in a head to head interview with your child. It is advisable to consider the expert guidance of a child psychiatrist. An inpatient requirement is also high. I hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 25 years old. I have a 7-year-old and a 2-year-old kid. After my son\s birth, I have gained quite a bit of weight just a little over the obese range. I say this because I do not know if it has anything to do with my problem.I am writing because I am having trouble finding online information about my lower back pain (behind the backbone). It does not hurt all the time. Mainly there is constant pain while walking, laying flat, or when leaning forward without support. Also, there is a real sharp pinch when my kids or spouse push on it either side. I am not sure if this matters, but once in a while when I stand from the couch there is a pinching pain in my lower front abdomen that goes away after a minute or two. Is there any idea you may have as to what is going on? I have been dealing with my back for a year now and my spouse is starting to tell me to get it checked out. I used to take only Ibubrufen when I get headaches. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I am sorry to hear about your pain, but I will try my best to help you. From history, the lower back pain may be related to mechanical or disc protrusion (PIVD) or some rare conditions like a kidney stone, or pelvic inflammatory disease. Mechanical and PIVD (prolapsed, herniated, or extruded intervertebral disc) can be differentiated by a ChatDoctor. In PIVD </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,When I was young I used to lick my lips a lot causing a red line above my lips and under my nose. One day I went out and came back with a permanent blackness above my upper lip (not my skin color). It lools like I have a mustache. Please help. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Well, we would be able to help you the most if you are able to provide us with a clinical photograph of your condition. Based on the brief history you have provided to us, you seem to be suffering from Lip-lick cheilitis induced post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. In simple words, your habit of licking lips too often in childhood made the skin surrounding the lips (called vermillion border of the lips) too sensitive that it developed red lines and made it vulnerable to sun-induced pigmentation. One episode of having stayed out may have resulted in the tanning of the sensitive lip area resulting in pigmentation. To prevent it from becoming darker, you should immediately start using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 40+ at least twice a day, every day, irrespective of your outdoor exposure. I am sure you will be able to procure a sunscreen from the pharmacy. For further details about ideal sun protection, you may read the sun protection information posted on our website. Additionally, use a good moisturizer over the lip and surrounding skin at least twice a day. To reduce the established pigmentation, a mild depigmenting cream may be needed. However, to suggest the ideal depigmenting cream for your condition, I would need to see the photograph of your pigmentation. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,From the last three months, I have a constant pain on the right side of my mouth. I believe the pain was similar to when someone has an erupting wisdom tooth, but I am not 100 % sure. When I looked in the mirror with a flashlight, I found a tiny white spot in the area between my right upper and lower wisdom teeth. I had this spot for at least 4 or 5 days, and then gradually it subsided within a week or so. After a week, when I took a look, that white spot was gone but the little surrounding area had become white. This white area got bigger with time. I visited a dental surgeon in a top hospital, who visually examined the area and asked me to get an OPG done. The OPG report suggested impacted wisdom tooth. The doctor said the white area was caused by trauma from the friction of the two wisdom teeth on that side with the skin.I was not very convinced and visited another dental surgeon, who also said more or less the same thing, after examining and going through the OPG. As per his advice, I got both wisdom teeth extracted. The white area has remained till this date, not the initial white dot which had disappeared within 5 to 6 days as mentioned above. I could not open my mouth properly for few days after the extraction, but when I finally did, everything appeared normal. Since then, I have not had any oral or dental issues. It is to be noted that neither doctor had seen the first tiny white dot or spot since I had met them after it was gone and when the surrounding area was white.I have attached some photos here, and the photos marked 1 and 2 show the first white dot. While the remaining show the condition after this spot disappeared. I request your thoughts and opinion about the issue detailed above. Could the original white spot be an ulcer or canker sore? If yes, what could have been the possible cause? Is a single canker sore cause of worry? Can it indicate some very serious underlying condition? I have read on the internet that mouth ulcers normally occur on the inside of cheeks, tongue, and lips. Can it occur in the area where the spot appeared? If it had been a mouth ulcer, is it possible that the ulcer affected the area in a way which caused a trauma resulting in the white area? I request a detailed response to the above at the earliest, please. [/INST] Hi. Thank you for your query. I have seen all the attached photos (attachment removed to protect patient identity). For more information consult a maxillofacial prosthodontist online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am suffering with itching like eczema around my private parts for the last two years. Please help. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have read your query in detail and do understand your concern. You could be suffering from a fungal infection. However, your symptoms may also be due to eczema.A picture and detailed history will be needed to differentiate between the two. 1. Proper oral and topical medicine for one to two months will completely cure your disease.2. A course of oral and topical antifungal medicine like Fluconazole or Terbinafine is usually prescribed to cure one of these disease.3. Do not use any over-the-counter medication over this area as it may be containing certain ingredients which may increase the problem. 1. Wear loose cotton clothing especially when at home.2. Avoid hot humid climate and keep the affected area ChatDoctor. Revert back with picture to a dermatologist online.- </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My toddler was sneezing continuously yesterday and her nose was runny. However, it reduced to a large extent now. We had our room painted a day before yesterday. Could it be due to paint allergy? Will the allergy symptoms show up immediately or will take a day\s time? My 2-year-old has never had a cold till now. I am just worried if she has ingested any foreign body as she has the habit of mouthing whatever she picks up. Would foreign body stuck in throat cause sneezing and runny nose? I am a paranoid mother and have subjected her to two unwanted X-rays to rule out battery ingestion so I do not want to go through another X-ray. I want to know what would be the symptoms of any foreign body like metal or plastic when stuck in the throat. She was having corn yesterday. If she had inhaled a corn granule through her nose would it pass beyond and would she be acting normally? Since today morning, she sneezed only thrice. If at all it was common cold can it get better in a day? How would I know if it was a foreign body ingestion or allergy or a viral? What would be the symptoms for each one? [/INST] Hi. I have gone through the query you posted. According to the history you have given, it is an allergy because of the paint smell. That is the reason he is getting sneezing and running nose. As you think, it is not because of some foreign body in the nose or in the throat. If the foreign body is in the throat, symptoms will be like a continuous cough, breathlessness. If the foreign body is in the nose, they will have a bad smell from nose and bleeding can happen with mucus secretions. So no need of any X-ray or investigations for the child. Differentiating between allergy and viral infection, you have to do some blood test and always viral infection will be associated with fever. So nothing major to worry. What is the weight of the child? Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My daughter is 20 years old and has tonsil problem for last six days. She took medicine for last six days but did not get any relief. She often has the problem of tonsils in two to three months interval. I have tested the CBC. Kindly suggest the remedy. I am also worried about CBC.Due to prolactin deficiency, she is taking Cabergoline as per the advice of an endocrinologist. But now, prolactin is in normal level, but the medicine is being continued. [/INST] Hello. If the tonsillar infection is not reducing with regular medical management in six days, it indicates that it is chronic tonsillitis. The treatment given may be inadequate or resistant to the organism causing infection. You need to consult an ENT doctor in person and take a throat swab for the culture of the organism and take the appropriate antibiotic. If the infection of tonsil is recurring once every three to four months since last two to three years, then you need to go for surgical removal of tonsil called tonsillectomy. For more information consult an ENT otolaryngologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am wondering about my friend\s case. I have just known that he has been suffering from panic attacks, fear, and anxiety for a long time. As a friend of his, I want to know more tips to do if I was there when he has them or I am not around, more tips about daily life and so on. He is 21 while I am 18. What can we do to make him feel better or to reduce his attacks? What to say and how to behave (we are not a couple), also sometimes he avoids talking to me for long periods. Is that a normal thing? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Your friend is suffering from anxiety disorder and panic attacks (an extreme form of anxiety). Anxiety occurs when our brain starts sensing danger without any external cause following which body and brain come to the activated level and physical and mental symptoms of anxiety occur. The things you need to know about anxiety and panic attacks are as follows: 1. Do not panic. It will increase the anxiety and panic of the person suffering from it. 2. Treatment is the mainstay, both pharmacological and nonpharmacological. Ask your friend to get the regular follow up of his psychiatrist. 3. Whenever your friend suffers from the panic attacks, tell positive motivating things like, ask him to take a deep breath, relax, offer him a glass of water, tell him that this will go off and he needs to stay little calm and everything will be alright. Yes, people with anxiety and depression often start with ChatDoctor. Treatment should always be the first priority. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am starting to get a boil kind of thing on my lips. Picture attached. How can I stop it? I hope it is not herpes. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I am sorry the picture is slightly blurred (attachment removed to protect patient identity). I am not able to make out if the lesion is a bump or blister or a pustule. It is very important for me to have a clear view of the lesion. Can you please attach clear pictures that focus more on the lesion? This can be: Can you please answer these questions as well so that it helps me narrow down to the most precise diagnosis. Revert with more information to a dermatologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had been put on Prednisone steroids for 21 days because of an allergic reaction to poison ivy. I have been off them for almost three weeks and I still feel withdrawal symptoms. The latest side effect, tonight, was red finger tips with white palms. The soles of my feet are also very red. Should I go to the hospital or wait it out? I do not want to lose my hands and feet due to a medication I have been given. [/INST] Hello. I read your query and understand your concern. You received Prednisone for 21 days and have stopped them three weeks ago. Let me explain about steroids. Steroids are tapered slowly if taken for a duration longer than a week. The with ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My bottom teeth have been feeling very sensitive for the last few days now. However, I have had a blast on my gum towards the back of my tooth for about a month now. I have seen my dentist and he explained it was just like a spot, although it keeps coming back even when I pop it myself. I was wondering if these issues may be linked in any way? [/INST] Hello. The sensitivity of bottom teeth can be most commonly due to gum infection leading to gingivitis or periodontitis. So, my suggestion is to consult an oral physician and get evaluated. An X-ray can also be done for confirmation. For now, use anti-sensitivity toothpaste twice a day. Use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth. Hope this helps. Regards. For more information consult a dentist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I just did some EKGs on a portable device and they all said not abnormal. Would just like an expert to look them over to make sure they agree and it is correct? I just started Citalopram 10 mg for about five days and now on 20 mg daily for the past two days. Saw that it could cause a QT prolongation. So, just wanted to make sure this was not occurring. [/INST] Hello. After carefully reviewing your uploaded ECG recordings, I would like to assure you that your QTc interval is not more 440 ms, which is not dangerous or life-threatening for a female patient. Coming to this point, you are not actually at an increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia under your current therapy (Citalopram). In addition, I would recommend to frequently control your ECG (at least every three months) coupled with blood electrolytes levels and avoid any potential adverse events induced by this therapy. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My doctor has advised taking Adava stat F tablet to reduce cholesterol. I have type 2 diabetes and my cholesterol 175.6, triglycerides 297, and HDL 24.5. So, do I need to take this and how long I need to take? The doctor said only three months or lifelong. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. We can say you have mix dyslipidemia with your results. This means you have a lipid disorder but at this point, you do not need medication. Medication for an increase in triglycerides should be taken when greater than 450 to 600 mg/dL or cholesterol LDL is greater than 130 and you have increased cardiovascular risk (which is not your case). DM (diabetes mellitus) 2 increases your heart risk so it is important you meet your goals of control. Treatment at this point includes exercise 30 min/day for five days per week with a low carbohy ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 15 weeks pregnant and have been suffering from urinary tract infections on and off for the last month. I gave my urine for culture and it showed up Klebsiella one lakh count. My gynecologist advised to take Norfloxacin 400 mg twice a day but the internet has a mixed review of the same with concerning how it will affect the fetus. Is it safe to consume the antibiotic? [/INST] Hi. I went through your query. Norfloxacin can be given in the second trimester of pregnancy that is after 13 weeks. Your urine culture report shows that it will be sensitive to Norfloxacin. Klebsiella is a very resistant bacteria. You will need a prolonged treatment with Norfloxacin. Also, please do ensure to repeat the culture after treatment is complete to make sure that the bacteria is completely gone because at times it needs extended treatment to completely cure the problem. Complete eradication is necessary as Klebsiella in pregnancy is not a good thing. It can cause abortions and pain. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Every night around 2-3 AM, any thought that crosses my mind makes me overthink about it. I am worried about such things that do not have a fixed solution. It may or may not happen. I\ve tried listening to meditating sounds, calming sound during that time but to no avail. After an hour or two I do get normal but then I am so full of energy that I cannot fall asleep so I get up and start some work. (I am a freelancer working from home).I usually cannot sleep until my head feels heavy, eyes start closing and I start dozing off while working. For a few weeks, I have been sleeping in the afternoon or evening for three to five hours only. Rest of the time I am either thinking or working. Sometimes if I cannot stop thinking I smoke around two to three cigarettes to get over it. It does not help me sleep but helps me focus on work more and overthinking stops quite instantly. [/INST] Hello. Your blood report is absolutely normal (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and I do not think there is anything alarming. Yes, your lipid profile is deranged and if you are overweight then try to reduce weight. At your age, it is not common to see raised cholesterol. Regarding the issues you have during sleep, in my opinion, this is probably occurring due to anxiety. You should seek a psychiatrist consultation for treatment. Improve your sleep hygiene and this will improve the symptoms. Avoid giving attention to minor things. Take a high protein diet and complex carbs and low in fats. I hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My mother was just diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She underwent a hysterectomy and the pathology report, to my understanding, reads T3b NO MO. She is 72. What can you tell me about this and what are the survival odds? They said she will be treated with chemo for five to six months once a week. [/INST] Hello. It looks like FIGO stage III ovarian cancer. I need to know the histopathological type of this tumor. Does she have any co-morbidity like diabetes, hypertension, etc? Any family history of cancer? This tumor needs chemotherapy intravenous and maybe peritoneal chemotherapy depending upon the response and extension of peritoneal involvement. Overall, this tumor initially responds to chemotherapy. But, the recurrence rate is very high and also chemotherapy-induced toxicity mainly neuropathy is significant in this age group. For more information consult a medical oncologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had a swelling on the gum by a back molar. It opened and discharged some pus and blood. Currently, I am taking Norvasc, Levothyroxine, Lisinopril, and Gabapentin. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Swelling of the gums with pus discharge is definitely a sign of an infected tooth. The tooth should be loosened in the socket by now because of the pus formation. Ideally, depending on the total number of remaining teeth you have and the strength of the tooth, the treatment plan can vary. If it is not strong enough to undergo a root therapy, then it is best to get it removed. Removal of the tooth has to be done keeping in mind your medical history as well (considering the ChatDoctor. For momentary pain relief, you shall take tablet Paracetamol 500 mg thrice daily for three days or until you visit the dentist. For more information consult a dentist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am 28 years old, and my teeth are weak. Till date, I have lost three molars and one premolar. I am using caps on that place. Now, I have a slight movement on my central incisor. Please suggest me a treatment or medicine to prevent myself from the early loss of a tooth. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I can understand your concern. It looks like a condition called chronic periodontitis, in case if you do not have a decayed tooth. For that, you need to take medication like Ofloxacin 200 mg twice daily for a week, tablet Metronidazole 400 mg three times daily for a week. Use mouthwash Chlorhexidine twice daily, and also, brush your teeth with an ultra-soft brush. If there is bleeding from your gums, you can also have vitamin C supplement. Consult a dentist and do oral prophylaxis for two to three times. If you upload a picture of the tooth, I can be able to provide you a better possible treatment plan. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Last month I had I-pill (within 48hours of intercourse) after 18 days of onset of my periods. I did not have any side effects like withdrawal bleeding, nausea, etc., after taking the I-pill. I got my periods on the 1st of this month. I am unsure if this is my normal period or bleeding due to the side effect of I-pill? Please help me to clarify this. If it is my regular periods, then there is no delay in it (a week before or week after than expected date). Is it normal? Is there a need to take a test or any chances of pregnancy? If yes, when to take the test? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Let me start by assuring you that you are not pregnant and need not worry. If you have had your periods 18 days before taking I-pill, your ovulation would have been around 13 to 15 days after that. Life of egg is only one day. So there is no chance of an egg being alive on that day of sex. I-pill or emergency contraception pill is a high dose of progesterone hormone. After ovulation, your ovary also will be producing the same hormone. As you have taken it after the ovulation date, the thickness of the inner uterine lining would have increased further. But would not have shed. Usually, if you take it before ovulation, your bleeding will start within a few days. So you should have had your regular periods, slightly thicker or more than usual. If you had bleeding almost like regular periods, then the inner lining of the uterus has been shed. There is no chance of pregnancy if at all, to catch inside the uterus. So do not worry, your next period will be one month from this period. I hope I have clarified your query, do write back if any more questions and for your feedback. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a 28 year old female suffering from chronic fissure from the past six months. It was bleeding two months back but not now. I am only feeling pain when I have non-vegetarian items. Do I need surgery? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. The main cause of fissure in ano is constipation and passing hard stool. When hard stool passes through anal canal it hurts the anal soft tissues. Sometimes, it is healed up by medicines and sometimes surgery is needed. First, you should take ayurvedic medicines and follow some precautions. Hope it will be cured. Otherwise, it needs anal sphincter dilatation and surgery. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My father has got a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. He had chest pain, shortness of breath and no palpitations. He also has diabetes. I will post the picture of the medical report. Please share your opinion. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. He has got heart attack and also had old asymptomatic heart attacks which were painless due to diabetes (attachment removed to protect patient identity). At present, his heart function is weak at around 30%. Normally, it is more than 55% and due to which his blood pressure was low and fluid accumulation in lungs leading to shortness of breath. From now onwards, he should be very regular in his medicine which is prescribed. The prescription is good and contains all necessary medication. He should have a strict restriction of salt and liquids intake like water, tea, and coffee. Otherwise, there may be an increase in shortness of breath. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,In my penis, veins are visible and it is painful. Last month I consulted urologist, and he gave me Evion 400 tablet for 20 days. I masturbate daily. What I have to do now? Shall I keep Heparin cream on penis vein? Please help me. [/INST] Hello. There are always large veins on the upper aspect of the penis, and they transport blood back towards the heart. Since the penis is an erectile organ, the veins have to be large and zigzag (tortuous), so they can elongate when the penis becomes erect. Sometimes the pain may occur due to rough masturbation. Please do not use Heparin cream as it is not needed. Avoid rough masturbation for a few days. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have crooked teeth at front and tooth behind the crooked teeth was decayed and half broke in sideways. It was touching the crooked teeth in backward and my teeth in under jaws are somewhat misaligned. Do I need a tooth extraction for braces? [/INST] Hi. You have crowded teeth and in medical terminology, it is called malocclusion. Early growth issues, small arches, delay in the eruption and delay in fall of milk teeth, habits like tongue thrust. General oral examination. Crowding (malocclusion). There are treatment options available as follows:1.Removable orthodontics using prosthetic appliances.2.Fixed orthodontic appliances.3.Removal of some teeth can be needed to create space for crowded teeth to align but that is normal procedure, not to be worried.4.Visit nearby hospital for an orthodontic treatment. 1.Avoid tongue thrust, nail-biting in early life, especially among babies.2.Care of chil ChatDoctor. 3.Visit nearby dental hospital after every six months particularly during initial 12 years of age to avoid any misguided eruption and decay. Growing period stretches up to 25 to 30 years of age. So, it is better to approach the nearby dentist early so that your defect can be corrected before it is too late. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am having constant eye floaters, low back and hip pain, also my rib cage hurts. I feel depressed and anxious like never before. I cannot sleep at night. MRI of brain shows tiny flair. Radiologists are saying that it is nothing to worry about. What should I do? [/INST] Hi. Eye floaters are commonly associated with some issues with the visual field. So I would recommend consulting with an ophthalmologist to rule out any issues with your eyes. It can also be associated with migraine headaches. Low back pain and hip pain are common symptoms as well but I do not feel it is related to your eye floaters. I would recommend getting a few blood tests such as vitamin D, calcium levels, thyroid and vitamin B12. If above is negative then investigating into rheumatological causes depends on your clinical exam findings. MRI brain showing flair changes is non-specific. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My girlfriend had morning after pill and got her period a few days later. Then we had sex after 15 days of her periods and I did not ejaculate inside her but still no period. Would she be pregnant? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Considering that her with ChatDoctor. So, having unprotected sex during this time, even though you ejaculated outside, still the chances of precum inside her vagina remains. Precum contains live sperms and hence there may be a chance that she may get pregnant. So, the best way to rule out pregnancy at present would be to get a serum beta hCG test. If the hCG levels less than 5 ng/dL, that indicates negative result and she is not pregnant. In that case, the deal in menses is due to the morning after pill as it is a side effect. Menses shall resume in next few days and one can wait safely. So, at present please get a serum beta hCG test done. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I started with the gym last week. I trained myself at home for a few weeks. After going to the gym, I began to have pain in the knees. It hurts me a lot. I am unable to do squats for a week. I tried to fix it, and nothing helped me. I do not know what to do. Please help. [/INST] Hi. It is common to have pain when you start an exercise programme after a gap. You can try icing the sore parts after doing exercise as well as do gentle stretches in leg muscles. If you are sore, take NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ChatDoctor. Knee pain may occur due to chon Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Do adenoid glands contract after a certain age? Is it natural for all people? What to do if these glands are enlarged and result in air obstruction? [/INST] Hello. About your query regarding adenoids, I would like to say these are lymphoid tissue located at the roof of the nasopharynx and as usual, they are meant to protect the body from infections. They are always found in infants and they are at their maximum size at the age of 5 years, after that, they start regressing in size up to 8 years if the nasopharynx is free from infection. On the other hand, if an individual is having recurrent respiratory tract infections in childhood, the adenoids will grow up to a large size. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My 71 year old mother got a couple of ischemic strokes nearly two months ago. She was then given a strong blood thinning injection which led to a couple of blood vomits and a hemorrhage as well. During the hospitalization as well as afterward, she has been taking Pradaxa 110, etc. (prescription attached). She was hospitalized for about a month and relieved at the end of the month. Now, all went well until last week, when she complained of severe pain in the lower right limb. We did a CT aortogram (report attached) to identify the blockage since the limb was turning green and there was no pulse identified. The blockage was found to be behind the stomach area. She was operated on the same day and the clots were removed, but the cleaning happened on a dead vessel. Now, again after the blood thinning medication, there is another clot identified in today\s MRI in the brain. The blood thickness has raised to 35 and so, an injection has been started. She went through a mitral valve replacement 12 years ago. She has undergone a knee replacement on the left leg and has got both her retinas replaced as well. I am requesting your advice to be able to stop the formations of the clots and blockages, which continue regardless. Any other advice or suggestion is welcome. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have gone through the files attached (attachment removed to protect patient identity). I strongly recommend she switch over to these medications and visit a cardiologist if you are not under the follow up of same. Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts. For more information consult a cardiologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My left foot got numb, then my left hand, and now my right leg as well. The doctor did diabetes, cholesterol and thyroid tests. All the laboratory reports were clear. There were no issues. Vitamin B12 was fine as well. Then, he performed nerve conduction studies and he told me that everything is clear. Now, please tell me what could be the issue. I am currently on Vitamin D and Calcium supplements. [/INST] Hello. Considering your symptoms, I would recommend performing a brain MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) study to investigate for possible multiple sclerosis. If the brain MRI results are normal, then you should consider anxiety as the main cause of your complaints. I would also recommend performing a cardiac ultrasound and a resting ECG (electrocardiography). You should discuss with your doctor on the above tests. For more information consult a neurologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,May I know if you have done urethroplasty in the distal penile urethra using the excision and primary anastomosis (EPA) technique? Are you personally familiar with any such case? If so, was the surgery successful? Did the surgery cause penile curvature? If so, how many degrees did it had? What was the stricture length? Thanks. [/INST] Hi. I am a Urologist and I have performed urethroplasties. But, excision and primary anastomosis is the procedure of choice only in short segment urethral strictures and they occur in the majority of traumatic urethral strictures that occur in the proximal urethra. Such a stricture in distal urethra is rare. However, I had to do excision and primary anastomosis in an iatrogenic distal penile urethral injury, wherein the surgeon had badly damaged distal penile urethra during an attempt to dilate the distal urethra. I was called intraoperative. The urethral plate was badly damaged in that case for only 1 cm. I did excise that part and anastomosed end to end and the result was excellent and there was no postoperative chordee (bending). Other than this case, I have not done any EPA in distal urethra. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My wife has got high BP. Her BP is 160/100 mm/Hg. What we have to do to decrease it? Please suggest. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. She has stage 1 hypertension. For that lifestyle modification is needed. Take low salt diet. Use potassium salt for cooking. Fruits and green leafy vegetables can be taken more. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and do active exercise daily for half an hour to one hour. If the blood pressure is not controlled by lifestyle modification, then medication like Telmisartan or Amlodipine can be started with a low dose. The secondary cause of hypertension can be ruled out by renal doppler arteriogram, urine VMA (vanillylmandelic acid) estimation, serum sodium, potassium, and aldosterone estimation. For more information consult a family physician online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 49-year-old male. Is it possible to suffer from an ischemic stroke as a result of ankle surgery? The stroke is on the left side of the brain causing paralysis in my right side. I am healthy otherwise. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. If you were immobilized for a few days after the surgery there is a possibility in the development of deep vein thrombosis in a male above 40 years of age. If suppose that thrombus got dislodged, it may traveled to the brain resulting in ischemic stroke. The possibility is low, as almost all the venous origin embolus are filtered out in the lungs before reaching the brain but in case you have any defect in your heart then, it is quite possible. The other possibility might be any carotid narrowing which lead to the development of an intra-arterial thrombus formation other than thrombus origin in left side of the heart. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My problem is over-thinking a situation and also sleeping disorder.During some of my personal issues I am thinking too much.So, this leads to lack of sleep and illness causing other problems.First thing I want to know is how to control my feelings and my mind.Please suggest me a treatment for good sleep and anti-stress medications. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I would like to know the answers for the following before treating you. Revert back with the answers to a psychiatrist online for further follow up </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,The color of the skin on my face is too dark when compared to the skin on my nose, cheeks, and rest of my body. How can I restore the original color on my face? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. The skin often darkens due to tanning under the effect of UV (ultraviolet) rays. I would strongly recommend using a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. The sunscreen has to be applied at least half an hour before you go out and has to be reapplied every four hours till evening. I suggest trying skin lightening cream like Biluma (Kojic acid) at night. Alternatively, you could visit your dermatologist for chemical peels like Lactic acid or Glycolic acid peels. Whatever be the treatment, sun protection is a must. Hope this helped. Take care. For more information consult a dermatologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have a daughter of 3 years old. Recently since four days, I have noticed on her face a small patches more of like skin allergy. I am attaching her picture which shows her allergy on the left upper lips and cheeks. Kindly advise ointment for her, as we live out of the country. So you are requested to prescribe an ointment. I have used Derma due ointment and even virgin coconut oil but there is no use. [/INST] Hello. I have seen the pictures. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). This seems to be a type of Sun-induced dermatitis commonly present in chil ChatDoctor. Apply sunscreen like Photostable regularly twice daily over the face eg, at 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Apply any moisturizer repeatedly. You can apply Mometasone or Hy Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Last night and today I have been experiencing a sharp pain just left of the sternum which is not deep, seemingly on top of the rib where it joins the sternum. It lasts a second or two but may repeat several times before stopping in five minutes or so. I went out in the garden today to dig a bit and wearing my HR monitor (I have got health anxiety, anxiety disorder as well as depression). As I was digging, the pain started hurting with each heartbeat. I looked at my monitor and it read 138 bpm. I am 70 years old and have been on medication (Benzodiazepines) for over 50 years for panic attacks and general anxiety. Two years ago I felt similar pain but not to this extent. I went to ER but nothing was found (the doctor said it could be costochondritis but definitely not my heart). I get bloodwork quarterly and everything was fine except cholesterol which was 235. I tried a statin but the muscle pain was too great. In my EKG I have RBBB or LAFB which 14 years back after a stress test I was told that I was probably born with it. I had gone to see the cardiologist then because of getting skipped beats and GERD he told me to ignore them. Last time I had an EKG was in the ER for six months when I had a weird pain in back and side. They checked out heart anyway and said it was fine. Probably just a colicky gallbladder. I have had stones for more than 20 years and had no surgery. So I hesitate to go to the ER again. My local doctor just closed. HR is still 88 while lying down right now. Usually, my resting heart rate is under 67. Currently, I am on Lorazepam 2 mg, Prevacid 15 mg and baby Aspirin. [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your history and it does not appear to be an ischemic pain. Ischemic pain will not be sharp and so short lasting. So the possibilities are costochon ChatDoctor. Do you get an increase in pain on application of pressure at the same site, if yes it supports the diagnosis of costochon Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My age is 22 years old. I have many more problems in my body. My digestive system is very weak, my body has not developed. I get confused with dark colors. I get tired very fast. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I just read your query. For poor digestion, underdevelopment, and tiredness, you should perform a thyroid function test first because if the thyroid gland is not functioning properly there can be a presence of these symptoms. Take treatment only after proper diagnosis is made. Do not take random treatment. As far as color confusion is concerned, you should consult a nearby eye specialist. Because color confusion can be an underlying symptom of color blindness but diagnosis can be only made after clinical examination. So it is better that you should contact the physician and ask for the clinical examination. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,Before 20 days ago, I noticed an appearance of white skin on my left elbow. I thought it was due to change of weather. My left elbow had few changes in skin color when compared to the right elbow. My body is weak and lean. I have attached the picture to you. Is this a skin disease or not? Please help me. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I can understand your concern. I have gone through the attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It does not look like a severe problem. So there is no need to worry. There are ChatDoctor. It is a simple problem of </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I missed the period last month. My LMP was two months before on the ninth day of the cycle I had protected sex after 10 days of the missed period I had UPT all negative. Yesterday (17 days after a missed period) I had a beta hCG test level is 2.6 also yesterday I got my period (47th day of cycle), but the flow is quite different. Yesterday I got dark brown bleeding, but today I am getting light red colored pinkish bleeding, but clots ate there, and bleeding has a high quantity of mucus. Is it normal? Is beta hCG 2.6 non-pregnant? Please help. [/INST] Hello. Your beta hCG values are of nonpregnant level, and you have also got periods, so be rest assured that you are not pregnant. Your period was quite delayed, and there are many reasons for irregular or delayed periods like stress, anxiety, thyroid dysfunction, obesity, certain medications, and most crucial PCOS (polycystic ovarian syn ChatDoctor. Need to undergo specific investigations like USG lower abdomen, blood for CBC (complete blood count), sugar, TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) and prolactin. Based on the reports, proper treatment will help you to get regular periods. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am 25 years old and my menstruation cycles had been irregular since the start. After 1.5 years of irregularity (missing periods for many months), I visited the gynecologist and after seeing all my tests results, my doctor told me because of my obesity I had irregularity in my periods. He prescribed me Diane 35 for the first 21 days post that I got my menses and thereafter he asked me to continue with the normal course of Krimson 35 of one tablet a day for 21 days. Thereafter my menses became regular while being on the medicine. After one year, I discontinued the medicine out of fear of side effects and thereafter my menses continued irregularly again.During my late teens and early 20\s my menses were highly irregular (missing for more than 4 to 6 months) but from last two years, it occurs monthly either with heavy bleeding for 1 to 2 days or very light bleeding or spotting for 10 to 15 days. I am not on any medication right now nor do I have any other symptoms like cramps or nausea or any other menstrual symptoms. However, I still continue to be obese and did develop some levels of facial hair around my chin area. Could you please let me know, if I could go back to starting Krimson 35 to get everything back on track? Will there be any kind of side effects? Will there be any difficulty in conceiving at a later stage of my life? [/INST] Hello. With your history, it seems that you need to decrease your weight which is the single most important factor in your menses. There are others but first, we have to control this. Yes, of course with irregular menses it can be difficult to get pregnant. No need to start Krimson 35 (Cyproterone Acetate and Ethinyl Estradiol) but need to do some test may be. And try to reduce weight. From history, it seems that you have PCOS. Do one sonography and consult a nearby gynecologist for a good advice. ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have a few bumps on my penis skin. I do masturbate. I am concerned because I do not know what might have caused this or what these bumps are. They do not burn. I have not experienced any discharge or burning sensation. I am confused what this is. I am attaching a picture. [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your complaints and seen the images (attachment removed to protect patient identity) as well. These measures will help in maintaining genital hygiene as well as prevent any infection in the future. Regards. For more information consult a sexologist online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Seven years ago, I ruptured my right eardrum. I recently went to my doctor because I lost some of my hearing, and I have been having pains in my right ear. My doctor told me that the ear drum healed but there is a lot of scarring on it. Why is my eardrum hurting if it is improved? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. 1) A ruptured ear ChatDoctor. It is a skin-like structure, and it heals like a skin that is cut heals. In your case, you had a perforation in the ear </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 18 years old and due to many personal reasons, I have not brushed my teeth regularly as you should, I might have brushed 10 times in the last two years. I cannot see a dentist due to my situation but I want to change my life now that I am older. My top left molar hurts a little when I apply pressure, and same with a few others, I am going to start brushing three times a day but is there any way I can stop my tooth pain? There are no visible holes or anything, and no food stuck in or near them, my gums bleed a bit when I brush. So, I know something is wrong with them, but I need help. Please do not judge me. [/INST] Hello. We will not judge. It is alright. You can still have your teeth in good condition but you have to keep brushing twice every day. Just follow this. Wish you good health and happiness. Keep me updated with the improvements. For more information consult a dentist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My father had a kidney transplant for three years. His health condition was good until last year, but for the past seven months, he started getting a fever for every 15 days. They have taken his full body tests twice in these six months, and everything seems to be fine, but the fever is continuing for every 15 to 20 days. Please help us how to know the reason and rectify it? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Kidney transplant patients are one medication that weakens the immune system of the body. This increased the risk of catching any infection. Plus there is a chance of reduction in white cell count due to the same medication. That is why I suggest you do the following. 1) Blood complete picture, this will show if you have low or high white cell count and might also give an idea to the type of infection like bacterial or viral. 2) Blood or urine culture to identify quickly any possible infections. 3) Chest X-ray to see if there is any chance of infection. 4) ChatDoctor. If it is more, they may require a reduction in dose. 5) Doctors checkup will help identify any places where infection could have started like chest abdomen throat etc. I hope this answers the question. In case you have any further questions then feel free to contact in writing. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have foot pain while moving feet to left and upwards or back since last night. The similar uncomfortable feeling started to happen to me before some time (like sudden feet muscle or vein cramp or pain while standing up from sitting). Before, when I was awake and just when it started I used to straight and stretch my feet and fingers and there was no pain or it was gone within five seconds before to start. If this is the same thing, this time it happened when I was sleeping. I was not able to stretch my feet and fingers so woke up with pain and then it started getting more painful. I started to feel pain in every step while moving feet to left and upwards or back. This foot is now bit puffy or swollen than the other. Any suggestion about medication, rest, exercise? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I want to ask some questions regarding your condition. What work do you do? Do you stand a lot of time? Is there any recent history of be ChatDoctor. This condition occurs in those people who stand a lot of time, or who recently had surgery and are on be </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 27 year old male. I have been masturbating while watching porn for a year now. Now I am experiencing erectile dysfunction. Also, the stiffness of the penis is not the same as before (maybe because I am not getting aroused as easily as before) but after stroking, I feel the stiffness is fine. I have decided to quit porn and masturbation since yesterday. But still, I feel the same. I even tried to observe if the \morning erection\ is fine because of which I could not sleep properly. I was checking whenever I woke up in the middle of the night and I found that I was having no erection. I did have one while getting up and it was not the same as before (not as stiff as before). I am now scared. Do I have any disease? Will this thing get cured on its own? If yes, how long is it going to take? Please help.Edit: I am feeling a bit better now. The stiffness and the erection are back. The only problem I am facing now is a low sex drive. I think I am not getting aroused that easily. I am not having the mood. Is it because of the stress that I am going through or because of watching porn and masturbating all this while? Do I have erectile dysfunction or is it due to stress? I am scared.Please note, I have faced a similar issue before when I was taking anti-depressants. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I understand your concern and the confusion in your mind. In the edit, you have mentioned that your erection is back and that is good to know and the current concern as you have mentioned is sex ChatDoctor. My explanation to you is as follows: Watching porn and masturbation is done by more than 90 percent of the people of your age group and it is not an unhealthy behavior. So, do not worry or force yourself to quit masturbation as it is one way of letting out your inner sexual </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My wife is losing protein in the urine. The result is ++. She usually remains tired and also has pain in some part of the body like back pain or head pain. She also has a lot of black pigmentation marks on her body. Is pigmentation marks cause any serious problem? Can you please tell me its side effects? And what are the issues we can face in future due to this problem? And does it have any treatment? Because already one doctor has told us that there is no treatment for this problem and my wife will get ill sooner due to protein loss, and there is also 20 % chances of kidney failure in the future. Is it true? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Protein in urine can be due to a nephrotic syn ChatDoctor. Blood pressure, blood albumin level, and random blood sugar should be measured. Her urine test shows some pus cells (attachment removed to protect patient identity). I suggest using antibiotics like Bactrim (Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim) for five days. Is there any history of respiratory infection in the last three weeks? Sometimes we may need to take a sample from the kidney to find out the exact cause. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am suffering from constipation. Stool is so hard and has got stuck in the colon. I am on keto diet. So, fiber intake is low which may be the reason. Is there any medication or laxatives that I can take? [/INST] Hi. You seem to be suffering from constipation, and you should increase fibers in the diet. I would advise you the following: For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am starting a pack of pill two weeks after my periods. After completing the pack will contraception start? Do I need to take the 7 pill free days after the first pack? Will remain protected during those seven days? [/INST] Hello. I guess you are taking combination pill that is hormonal contraceptives containing both estrogen and progestin (synthetic progesterone). These act by preventing your ovulation and making your cervical mucus thicker. You need to take combination pills within five days after the start of the period. Then, you need not follow other means of contraception. You may start combination pills at any time and only concern is that you will be protected from pregnancy 7 days from then. Yes, you need not take pills in the fourth week and this will initiate your with ChatDoctor. Some measures you need to follow. You need to ensure that you take these pills regularly at the same time each day. If you vomit immediately following pill consumption, then take one more pill. You should not miss the pill. If you miss a period, then do not panic as irregular periods are common. You need to confirm by urine pregnancy test . </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My mother, age 59, had an ischemic attack recently (Trop T test positive, CPK-MB elevated). She has had a BMV for her mitral stenosis two years back. She is currently in the ICU, on medicinal therapy (anti-thrombotics). She underwent an angiogram yesterday (report and video attached). Her RCA is 100 percent chronically occluded. LDA and LCX have 70 percent and 90 percent occlusion respectively.I have the following questions: 1. What\s the chance that angioplasty can help the total occlusion in her LCX? 2. Will a newer technology like Rotablator/IVUS increase chances of clearing the totally occluded artery? 3. We are in a center that does not have surgical facilities so a bypass surgery will require shifting her to a another hospital. How safe is it to do angioplasty in this situation? And would you consider it risky to shift her to a bigger city? That will involve 2.5 hours of road travel (after which we can wait ) followed by a 1.5 hour long flight? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I am sorry to hear about your mother\s poor health condition. 1. There is a very good chance that angioplasty can help with the 100 % blockage alongside a stent. She is still young. If she can adhere to lifestyle modifications and medications it will help. 2. Rotablator or IVUS can definitely help with clearing the clogged arteries. Although they also will require stenting because the site of the clogged arteries have become weak and will require stenting as support. 3. In situations like this I advise angiography for my patient. The recovery period is shorter and patients are able to live a quality life with modification of lifestyle and medication. It is not safe for her to undergo the stress of traveling at this time. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 29 year old housewife. I am suffering from infertility since I got married seven years ago. I have PCOD, tubal block, and hypothyroidism. I am overweight. All the treatments we took for conception failed. I was advised to reduce my weight by at least 10 %. But, I am unable to lose even a few kilos. I am ready with my blood reports to start my diet. It looks like the cholesterol, HsCRP, fasting glucose and insulin levels are on the higher side. I need an advice from you. Now, in this situation, my first goal is to reduce my weight and achieve pregnancy. Kindly suggest me a remedy. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Please do not get scared about your weight. You can reduce it easily by following a good diet plan and with normal walking. I am sending you a diet chart. Please follow it and be in touch with me for the follow-up. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have many deep acne scars on my face. I have shown to many doctors but did not get a good result. I have found now that lastly, I will have to go for laser treatment. Please suggest me what to do. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Treatment of acne scar depends on the type of scar. There are various treatment modalities for scar for instance subcision, it is a surgical procedure to release the tight bands below the skin that is holding the scar, injection of platelet-rich plasma, TCA (trichloroacetic acid) cross, deep chemical peels, Co2 (carbon dioxide) laser resurfacing. Discuss these options with your Dermatologist. Co2 laser is effective and gives good results but again I do not know the type of acne scar that you have. Please attach your clinical picture along with your query so that it is convenient for me to give appropriate suggestions. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 74 year old male in excellent health, and I am not on any medications. Recently, I had a strange chest sensation. It felt like my heart stopped or skipped, and I felt lightheaded like I might pass out. I had an EKG, echocardiogram, and a Holter test done. The EKG results were normal. In the echocardiogram, I was given a reading of 77 % and was told that my heart was in a very good condition. Holter tests showed supraventricular tachycardia but not extreme. I have only seen the physician assistant as the cardiologist is too busy. I would like to send my Holter test reports to you and get an opinion. I have cut back on caffeine and alcohol, which are the only measures I have taken so far. [/INST] Hello. I understand you are a little worried about your heart and have been on the Holter monitor for a while. I appreciate that you have uploaded the reports in full for my consideration (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Hope this helps. For more information consult a cardiologist online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My brother is suffering from chickenpox. What can I do to prevent it from spreading to my family members? What type of diet can he take? He is a 10 year old boy whose weight is 51 kg. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. In case all of your family members have got full blown chickenpox earlier, there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you need to keep your brother in a separate room until all his lesions have crusted. Wash all his utensils and clothes separately in hot water. He can be on routine food without the spices. In case he has ulcers in the mouth, give a semisolid diet. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 44 year old female. From the last four days, I have a pain when I breathe in. It is felt just above my left breast, not exacerbated by lifting, but when I stand up from a lying or sitting position, it gets worse. I also have a slight ache in the left shoulder and on the top of my left arm. I am not taking medication. The pain is not relieved by anti inflammatories or codeine. I cannot recall injuring myself at all. [/INST] Hello. I went through your query. Let me tell you few important things about chest pain. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My daughter is 2 years old. Now, she is speaking only 3 to 4 words. She is not talking like other children. Please tell me if she has any kind of disorder. I have been to the doctor once and he told nothing to worry. After 2 years only they can speak. But my elder daughter spoke when she was 1.5 years old. I am so worried about her. Please tell me what to do. Her birth weight is 3.2 and now she is around 9 I think. [/INST] Hello. I got your concern. Based on the above history, my comments are: 1. I think she can listen and understand but there is a problem with expression. 2. Her weight is low according to age, so give her more energy rich food to gain weight. 3. Let her play with same age chil ChatDoctor. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I had wart-like growth on my foreskin. I consulted a doctor, who asked me to get a circumcision done. So I got the circumcision done. The biopsy result showed that they were viral warts (condyloma acuminatum), and the doctor gave me tablet Valtoval for a month. After going through the internet, I found out that viral warts are caused by HPV, so I stopped taking Valtoval, as it is used for herpes and not HPV. But now, I got a small wart-like lesion on my penis. I feel bad and frustrated, and I do not know what I need to do. Please help me. What do I need to do? I am going to get married next month. I am waiting for your response. Thanks. [/INST] Hello. I read your query and understand your concerns. You are right in saying that genital warts are caused by HPV (human papillomavirus), and even the biopsy of the excised skin confirmed the same. Although there are some reports that Valtoval (Valacyclovir) has some efficacy in HPV, it is largely inconclusive. Having said this, I think you need to opt for Imiquimod or Podophyllin as next mode of treatment. The former enhances your immune system, which helps in fighting from genital warts. In my own practice, I prefer this mode of treatment and find good results. I request you to discuss the use of Imiquimod with your doctor. At the same time, avoid unprotected sex with your potential partner now or in recent future, as it may transmit the disease to your partner. I must assure you that with Imiquimod, there is a good chance of remission of genital warts. I hope this helps you. Feel free to write back if you have more questions. Thanks and regards. For more information consult a sexologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,Actually, I feel sometimes pain in my right testicle for last two months. Sometimes also feel burning sensation, weakness, heaviness in the right leg. For past four months, I was under severe stress, anxiety, and depression due to an unprotected sexual exposure .five months back. It caused self-guilt feeling inside me. Had medications for that. Checked also for HIV (duo combo), VDRL and HBsAg. All were negative till 100 days after exposure. Last month I saw blood in my sperm which got treated and the reason was excessive masturbation because after 15 to 20 days, I masturbated but it was all clear. No issue. For my mind satisfaction, I chose for testicular USG, urine culture and PSA test. All were normal. I want to know if all reports are fine and normal then what is the reason of the testicular pain and burning sensation in the leg. [/INST] Hi. Testicular pain can happen due to any cause like a simple infection of virus or bacteria. So you do not have to worry about it. The burning sensation of the leg could be due to some allergy or something. Your problems are in mind and not the body. You are anxious and guilty as you said. Kindly calm your mind with yoga or meditation. Do activities which interests you and get involved in that. If you still have problems then come for follow up after two weeks to us. For more information consult a general practitioner online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My dad had gone through angioplasty a couple of weeks ago. He is not at all feeling hungry. At maximum, he is eating an apple a day. Due to this, he is feeling so low and worried. Hence I asked him to stop taking medicines for a day. Please guide what could be the reason. He is a diabetic and high BP patient. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It is normal after surgery, angioplasty and any other procedure to have lessened appetite for a few days to weeks. This is because of stress and anxiety. Just be relax and live a normal life. And never stop medicines even for a single day. The stent will get blocked and the other heart-attack will ensue. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had a question regarding Cocaine use. I have never used it before and did a few lines on a bachelor party. I clearly was not thinking and impregnated my wife within 24 to 48 hours of use. How concerning is this? I also had multiple drinks of alcohol. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. The sperms ejaculated are formed 3 to 5 days before the actual sex process. If you have never used them before and used it only a few hours before sex then there should be no problem of malformations in the baby. Neither is alcohol. I must emphasize though that as you might already know, cocaine use is significantly detrimental for your own health and must be avoided. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I chipped my front tooth two days ago. I saved the broken tooth piece in a cup of milk in the refrigerator. The piece is fairly small (bottom corner chipped off). What are my options to get my tooth fixed? It does not hurt but it is a little sharp to the touch. [/INST] Hi. That is good that you saved the part of the tooth. But actually little chipped off part of the tooth cannot be reattached to the tooth by any means. But if whole tooth and its root somehow got knocked out of socket while you fell down or so and that tooth is kept immediately under your saliva or milk and then re-implanted at the same place within one hour then this tooth definitely gets saved. But, unfortunately, its broken part is hard to re-attach. You should get filling of it done as soon as possible and get sharp edges trimmed else it will hurt your tongue or lips. Stay happy and blessed. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 35 years old, 5 feet 11 inches tall and weight 79 kg. Vegetarian diet. Before two years, due to stomach disturbance and pain and some popup and cracker sound occurred in my knee joints. I visited the doctor and he suggested me for a laboratory test of liver function test and all reports were in normal range except sugar which was 138 at that time and gave me some medicines and referred to orthopedic for joint pain. I have visited an orthopedic specialist. He took an X-ray of both leg, knee, and told that it is an early stage of osteoarthritis of the knee and he suggested for MRI and I got my MRI done. In the MRI report, it is mentioned that left knee has been affected with osteoarthritis. After that, he gave some medicine for 10 days and referred to a physiotherapist for exercise and weight loss. I have visited as he told and now I have reduced my weight and now there is very little pain remaining in my left knee but now my other joints like the left hand thumb, finger, and both hand and knee have popup sound during movement. Kindly diagnose my problem and suggest the treatment for the same. [/INST] Hi. I went through all the history details and reports. It shows mild osteoarthritis which is not reversible. But if you maintain your weight and exercise, it will halt. Please do qua ChatDoctor. Take a lot of fruits and vegetables. The cracking noise is normal and you need not worry. I hope I have answered your questions. Please feel free to ask me if there is any doubt in this regard. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I took an endoscopy test. Tell me what the impression means. Is it serious? Now, I am having pain in the throat when bending, and pain in chest when burping. How can this be healed? What medicine can I take? Please advice me. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Nothing to worry. There is some acidity issues as well as possibility of reflux of acid from stomach to food tube (esophagus). Need diet modifications. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and start taking the medicines with their consent. For more information consult a general surgeon online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Everytime I have sex I get a vaginal tear. I did not have sex or wear a tampon for 10 weeks to let it heal. I had sex again last night and it tore again. I do not have an issue with lubrication, so I am not sure what to do. [/INST] Hello. Vaginal tears after sex are mainly dependent on several causes like vaginal ChatDoctor. , and sometimes it may also be caused by the use of recreational medicine like Viagara by the partner. Vaginal tears could be superficial and deep. Superficial tears usually result after having sex and they usually heal by themselves in few hours to 1 to 2 days and then usually do not bleed heavily. Deeper cuts usually occur during childbirth. As you mentioned that it took 10 days to heal your previous tear then it sounds alarming. Was there any heavy bleeding or pus coming through it? And how long have you been facing this problem? Can I have a look at any picture of tear? I would suggest you that if you do not have any issues with lubrication (which is the most common cause of vaginal tear during sex) then you must get yourself assessed by the local doctor and get tear examined to determine the actual cause and appropriate treatment. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,In my right upper arm, I have a lipoma which grows slowly from three years. Now, I have two new lipomas in the same upper arm. There is no pain as such. Is it normal? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Firstly I want to ask you whether the diagnosis of lipoma was made by a doctor. Because swellings may be of several types. My advice is to visit a surgeon for an examination in person. The doctor will be able to tell you the best whether you need a biopsy or excision of the lesion or whether no active management is needed. It is difficult to comment without examination. Hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I was recently treated for a sinus infection with Augmentin which I am still taking now, I feel dizzy, and my ears feel clogged now. Should I go to a doctor, or is this normal in the endings of the illness? [/INST] Hello. I completely understand your problem. I am sure that you are aware ear and nose are connected by a tube called Eustachian tube. Whenever we suffer from common cold or sinusitis, this tube gets congested as well. This leads to symptoms that you are suffering from. I would suggest the following, 1) Continue Augmentin 625 mg for seven days. 2) Xylometazoline nose ChatDoctor. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 41-year-old female and have been diagnosed with viral conjunctivitis by a specialist. My eye health is otherwise perfect (had them checked out a week before this came on). After a few days, it spread to the other eye. I expect the first eye will heal first, even though the second eye is not as bad. One question is when the first eye heals, do I need to protect it from re-infection from the one that is still healing?Also, on the typical length of healing, I am not quite at two weeks yet (this is day 11 for the first eye), but the lack of improvement in my condition is becoming frustrating to me. Today the vision in the first eye is smudgy, and the vision in the second eye is better, but not perfect. The specialist was aware of the vision problems, and she said that it was normal (though I think they have worsened).I was told this could take weeks to heal, beyond the normal one or two. How many weeks are weeks generally? I was told I have a mild to moderate case, but all I know is that I have seen no real progress, and I think the virus might have even spread to one of my sinuses. My mental health is suffering from not knowing how long I am going to be cooped up, partially visually impaired and contagious. Am I impatient or should I have them looked at by a specialist again? [/INST] Hello. I reviewed your history. It seems from the history that you are having viral conjunctivitis involving both the eyes. Coming to your first question, viral conjunctivitis remains infective in the initial three to five days hence no need to worry about the reinfection from the one eye that is still healing. Usually, viral conjunctivitis follows a self-limiting course of 7 to 10 days. Since you are having vision problems in the eye, probably it has involved cornea resulting in viral keratoconjunctivitis. If it has involved the cornea, it takes about three to four weeks to heal. However, the involvement of cornea is not because of infection, but because of immunologically mediated reaction, hence it will resolve even without treatment. However, symptomatic relief can be obtained by using artificial tears, and some severe cases may require the use of steroid eye ChatDoctor. If possible, send a photo of the affected eye so that I can confirm the diagnosis and answer your question more accurately. I hope the information is helpful to you. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have a bump on my labia , it does not hurt and it is not too big but I have had one before so because it is reoccurring. I am a bit nervous. It is close to where I shave so I am hoping it is just a dull razor issue or a pimple but the fact that I had it before is concerning to me. I have not tried to pop it and it does not look like it is filled with pus or anything, it is also flesh colored.I know it is hard to give me a diagnosis since you cannot see me, but I was wondering for some insight on what this could be because I know self-diagnosing myself is not the right thing to do. I do plan on seeing a doctor but seeing with the virus going on right now I cannot make an appointment so this is my only hope to get some kind of answer to ease my mind for the time being. [/INST] Hi. Thanks for the query. I can understand your concern. According to your history, there is a possibility that the lesion you described could be a Bartholin,s cyst. But as you mentioned by direct examination only we can make the exact diagnosis. Now at this situation what you can do is, if it is painful please go for some analgesic ChatDoctor. You can take a sitz bath with lukewarm water and with few ml of disinfectant liquid like Dettol. With this the symptoms of inflammation can be relieved and size of the lesion can be decreased. You can do this twice a day for three days. If the lesion persists or recurs you may need to consult a local gynecologist for examination and treatment. I hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Yesterday, my wife had bleeding for a minute after we had sex for the first time. What would be the reason for this problem? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I presume that your wife had bleeding through her vagina.If it is the first time that you both had sex, then you need not have to worry at all. This is due to the rupture of a thin membrane which covers the vaginal orifice (opening). This membrane is called the hymen membrane. This membrane is vascular enough to cause bleeding. But it remits on its own. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I used Accutane from 17 till 25 years on and off, it was always good. So 6 months ago I tried for 12 days Accutane and I saw after 2 days appearing scars on the skin for no reason. I did not have acne. It was for my hair that was alway very shiny. So I stopped ofcourse the Accutane and did bloodwork. I had low vitamine d and positive ANA and anti-DSNA. Drug included lupus. I went to every dermatalogist to help me to stop the disease because it is still haunting me. And the scars need to be stopped. Please is there somebody who can help me? [/INST] Hi. I went through all the reports and the image (attachment removed to protect patient identity). I think you are correct. There is a high possibility of ChatDoctor. In addition there is evidence of Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am 39 years old. My weight is 73 kg. I have been taking L-Pride (Levosulpiride), Nuanxit (Flupenthixol), Rabefit (Rabeprazole) and Rabifast-DSR (Rabeprazole sodium and Domperidone) since last 15 days. After taking these medicines, I am experiencing low sex drive and problem in erection. Do these medicines have something to do with these symptoms? If no, then what may be the possible causes of that? Can I use Sildenafil citrate? If yes, what amount and with what name it is available? [/INST] Hi. I have read and understood your problem. Levosulpiride and Flupenthixol can cause problem with erection. This is the cause of erectile dysfunction in your case. Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) is usually prescribed at a dose of 50 mg three hours before sex. But, should be taken after clinical checkup including blood pressure. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 28 years and 6\1" tall with weight 85 kg. I had frenuloplasty a few days back and feeling normal about it. Sometimes I get erections, and it hurts a lot as the stitches may be the reason. I want to admit that I had a premature ejaculation issue as well before the surgery. Was it because of this short frenulum, and will it be better now? Also, I was unable to penetrate the vagina easily. Will it be rectified? If no what else should I do?Please suggest. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I can understand your concern about your symptoms. Yes, for a few weeks you will be having pain. The premature ejaculation could be because of the short frenulum, now after the procedure we will know it for sure. If your premature ejaculation persists, we can think of the other causes. Yes, you will be better after surgery with proper foreplay and appropriate lubrication you can easily penetrate since you just had the procedure. We need to wait for the recovery to to think about other cause of your issue and work on it. I hope I have answered your query. If you have further doubts, I would be happy to help you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My father had a stent surgery two months back. After that, he has been feeling a burning sensation and deep coughing. Yesterday at his CT scan, the left anterior descending artery had a calcified plaque with proximal LAD of moderate intensity of more than 70%, and also a densely calcified plaque was noted. Calcified plaques were noted at the ostium. The left circumflex artery was noted between 50% to 70%. The obtuse marginal plaque was noted with 40% to 50% stenosis. Kindly suggest the severity of the disease. [/INST] Hello. If the patient had a stent surgery then why he is only on aspirin? He should be on dual antiplatelet, high dose statin, ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitor and a beta blocker. Please revise the medication chart. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and with their consent take the medicines. A coronary angiogram only tells us that disease is present in a specific artery and does not tell the extent of the disease. If the patient is symptomatic then he should check angiography to assess the extent of the of disease present. For more information consult a cardiologist online </s>