<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am suffering from irregular periods. I am currently taking medication Levothyroxine 50. My T3 is 0.87 ng/mL, T4 is 8.30 ug/dL, TSH is 2.43 uIU/mL. I am 34 years old, weigh 75 kg, and 5 feet tall. Please advice. [/INST] Hi. From your query, I understand that you are suffering from hypothyroidism. I need to know when was it diagnosed, and what was the thyroid profile at that time. Irregular periods and weight gain is a part of hypothyroidism. I would like to modify your dose as well as advise you ways to reduce your weight. All will be well once we modify your dose. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have a query on ectopic pregnancy. My wife is having one and her beta hCG levels were 125.25 ml after taking her first shot of Methotrexate. Yesterday, she got her second shot and her beta hCG levels today were 141. I wanted to know how much time Methotrexate takes to low down those levels and I was wondering if we were a little hurried in taking the second dose so quickly. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I hope you had taken the Methotrexate dose under supervision only. The usual protocol is to check for a repeat beta hCG on the fourth day of taking Methotrexate. Early testing may cause undue anxiety and panic as it takes some time for the levels to come down. Moreover, a few times the levels get slightly elevated after a Methotrexate. So stay calm and follow the instructions of the gynecologist you are following. Just report to the emergency in case of any acute pain, giddiness or bleeding. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am 28 years old. My height is 5\4" and weight is 70 kg. We have been trying for pregnancy for a year. My husband\s reports were all normal. I am having PCOS, but my periods are very regular. I am on Oxetol 300 mg for partial seizure since one year. I am also taking Metformin 500 mg thrice daily for five months. I have not used any contraceptive pills still now. My insulin levels are also normal. Please help me out. I am getting very much depressed. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Having seen your PCOS reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity), it is suggested that you should opt for controlled ovarian stimulation and intrauterine insemination procedure. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Kindly shed light on some issues. I had my period two months back and I had the next once a month later, which only came for a day and I have not had it since it till now. I did home test before my period came which read negative. My two breasts ache and immediately after my period comes, the pain disappear. How many days menstrual cycle do I have? Am I pregnant? [/INST] Hello. Menstrual cycle can be 23 days to 37 days. And bleeding can be from 1 day to 10 days anywhere and all this normal. No need to worry. Sometimes due to imbalance in your body or normally also, your period can be 5 to 6 days here or there and it is absolutely normal.When there is a major imbalance or another problem in ovary than it is more irregular. Now it is also true that sometimes you only have minimal bleeding around your period date while you are pregnant called as implantation bleeding. Around the date, the test can be negative. Do urine pregnancy test once again now, if it is negative, then you are not pregnant and it was normal menses. For breast pain, many female suffer before and during menses also, it is due to hormonal (chemical) changes happening during your cycle that also affects other body parts. And it is one of it. So do not worry. In case of unbearable pain, you can take oral painkillers. You have normal menstrual cycle. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My 6-week-old daughter has got white hypopigmented areas on bilateral groins and both inner thighs more in the left groin. Also, they seem to be appearing near the umbilicus and upper chest. We are very worried about it and want to know if there is any treatment available for it. Your opinion will be appreciated. I have attached reports for your reference. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have gone through the attachments (attachment removed to protect patient identity). She seems to have trichrome vitiligo which is an indication of active disease. I would like to know the duration. For more information consult a dermatologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,What are some of the symptoms when you have blood clots in your body? [/INST] Hi. Pain is the most important symptom of clogged vessels. As a physician, we see different cases of clogged vessels mostly due to atherosclerosis. Obstructed vessels of the heart cause chest pain, obstructed vessels of the legs cause leg pain, and so on. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 24 years old, student. Recently, during a sexual intercourse I felt an acute pain after which I suddenly stopped. The next day I had swelling all around my penis. It seems like the foreskin has swollen. I was a bit worried so I visited the GP here who advised me to take anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory medicines. The dosage is over but the swelling still persists. The penis and genital area feels itchy at times and sometimes has a foul smell too. The medications recommened by the GP were as follows: Co- Amoxiclav 500/125, Aciclovir, Ibuprofen 400 mg.I have a regular partner with whom I indulge in sexual intercourse. Is this a classic case of balanitis? Please tell me what to do. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. The foreskin of your glans is edematous and little inflammatory (attachment removed to protect patient identity). This condition may be due to vigorous sexual activity against the ChatDoctor. Possibility of balanoposthitis. So you may check blood sugar levels, complete blood picture. Wear soft cotton related innerwear. Apply Clotrimazole plus Betamethazone gel locally twice a day for five days. Use tablet Fluconazole 150 mg once a week for five weeks. If no improvement get it done local swab culture and microscopy. But do not worry, it is a simple condition, it may subside within one to two weeks. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I fear I may have contracted HIV. A month back, I had oral sex and regular sex from an unknown girl. Three days later, I started to feel very sick, headache, cold in warm weather, tired, diarrhea, sweating in bed (I thought this could be food poisoning). A week later I felt better but had breakouts on my whole back (thought maybe from sweating in bed and training in severe heat the past week). A week back, I felt fine most of the day but once 4 PM hit, my throat started to hurt, I had a severe headache, cold sweats, very tired, fever at 102 F. Felt better by the next night except for the throat which still hurts when swallowing. My neck feel kind of stiff as well. I wondered how much stress can play a factor in producing symptoms, because the first time I was extremely stressed for a couple hours about something and the second time the same thing. And I mean extremely stressed out and anxious, thinking alot, heart racing, etc. I of course will get a test but fear it is too early to show a positive result if it happens to be. [/INST] Hello. I have noted your concern. Unprotected oral is not much of a risk. The only risk factor involved here is regular sex. The breakout on your back looks like acne (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your throat symptoms and other systemic symptoms could be just part of throat infection. I suggest you take a fourth generation HIV screening test at four weeks from your risk exposure with the girl of unknown HIV status. That would be conclusive. For more information consult a venereologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have health anxiety and migraines. I have started seeing after-images quite frequently, especially when inside and looking outside to a road or across the road. I am blinking and seeing a positive after-image for less than a second. This is extremely worrying for me as I am unsure why this is happening. I do not know if this is caused by something else. But, I have had my eyes checked and everything was fine. Could this be symptoms of migraine aura? I have had a sore head for a while now in both temples. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I understand your concerns. Your symptoms are most likely due to migraine which cause severe headache, mainly on one side that lasts for few hours (up to 72 hours) may be associated with other features like limb numbness, nausea, photophobia, and other different symptoms. In many cases, migraine is preceded by aura which could be auditory or visual symptoms like the one you described. The other possible causes include: Please provide me with more details in order to reach the appropriate diagnosis: I suggest: Medications are required to abort acute attacks and to prevent attacks if frequent.Follow up is required to confirm the diagnosis and to exclude any serious conditions.Neurological assessment is recommended. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My mom has swollen ankles in her lower feet. The skin is stretchy and tight. When you touch it, it is warm. Does she have edema? [/INST] Hello. Yes, she has a sort of edema. It is fluid retention in the ankles. Take less of salts and a low sodium diet. Please get all the investigations done like heart echo and blood tests, kidney tests. You may take a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory as well as it may be infectious too but it certainly is due to some circulation disturbance in the body. Also, you may get her feet elevated when she lies on the bed and do not allow her feet in the upright postion for a longer period of time. Get her thyroid, BP and fasting blood sugar also checked. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am a 48 years old male. A couple of months ago, I was diagnosed with a bulging disc in C6 and C7. I had pain and weakness associated with such a problem, and after some treatment, the pain subsided. Since then, my left index finger developed a twitch. Always at rest and occasionally twitching on and off most of the day. Some days I would hardly notice it at all if any. Now my left middle finger is starting to twitch the same as my index finger, and I do not notice the twitch in my index finger as I did before. And I also noticed an occasional toe twitch on either foot before falling asleep at night. I could blame the finger twitching on the, disc, but the toes on each foot make me concerned. I am concerned about Parkinson\s disease. I researched all I could online. I do not have any of the other symptoms associated with the disease. I also tried to figure out the difference between tremor and twitch. It seems Parkinson\s tremors are very rhythmic while mine are more sporadic twitches. I have attached a video of my index finger for your review. [/INST] Hello. I watched your uploaded video and would explain that your symptoms are not suggestive of Parkinson\s disease. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). This kind of twitching is usually related to different causes like: 1. A pinched nerve, 2. Thyroid gland dysfunction, 3. Electrolyte imbalances, 4. High uric acid levels, 5. Anemia and 6. Vitamin D or vitamin B12 deficiency, etc. For this reason, I would recommend performing nerve conduction studies and some blood tests: Complete blood count, PCR (polymerase chain reaction), Thyroid hormone levels, blood electrolytes, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12 plasma levels and uric acid plasma levels. I hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have a fever for almost three days. The first day it was not a high temperature. I had difficulty swallowing and I had a sore throat. Today, the fever is 39.3 Celsius. I had tonsillitis three times before and I have been prescribed Co-amoxiclav, Dequadin, and Strepsils. Please help. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I went through your post. You are already on antibiotics. It would be better to get a throat swab done and a CBC (complete blood count). I suggest you change the antibiotic to Levofloxacin 500 mg once a day. Consult your specialist doctor, discuss with him or her and with their consent take the medicines. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 20 year old female. I have had two sexual partners. The second one is my current boyfriend. I used to shave my pubic hair all the time but started getting razor bumps from it. I decided to stop and let the hair grow out fully before attempting to shave it again. I noticed the other day that I have a few bumps on my labia, some painful. I am not sure what they are and thought not shaving would stop bumps from forming. I have gotten painful bumps on my pubic area in the past when I shave and do not shave that seem to come out of nowhere. I have also noticed a smell from my vagina during the day and even after I take a shower the smell is still there. Is it because of me not shaving for months? Where do you think the bumps come from? My last question is do you think I have an STD? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. With your description, I can list a few possibilities for the painful bumps over the pubic region: Do you have any discharge from the vagina?Do you have itching as well?Since when did you notice this? Please mention duration in days. I am afraid I cannot make any diagnosis or rule out STD here without seeing your clinical picture. Kindly attach your clinical picture along with your query so that it is convenient for me to comment on your condition and give you appropriate suggestions. Revert with more information to a dermatologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have attached the blood reports, medical reports and doctor\s prescription of the patient. Doctor advised for the operation. I would require you to please review the attached document and provide your feedback. Thank you. [/INST] Hi. I have thoroughly gone through your case, attached reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. You have normal thyroid profile means gland is working normal and no issue with it.2. Your complete blood count is fine meaning there is no issue with your blood.3. Kidneys are working normal.4. MRI is not normal. It shows a fistula and needs proper management as directed by your doctor. 1. Your physician is right on a decision for surgery as there is a fistula in the sphincter of anus and is causing issues right now.2. If left untreated then it can damage the sphincter of the anus and that may lead to permanent loss of control on stools.3. It is very miserable condition that needs to be corrected in the first place right now. Please follow the instructions of your physician. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have a spot on inside vagina. Please help. [/INST] Hi. This is a fungal infection (attachment removed to protect patient identity). But get blood examination like V ChatDoctor. Take tablet Fluconazole 150 mg twice a week, tablet Ciprobid (Ciprofloxacin) 500 mg twice a day for five days, tablet Levocetirizine one tablet twice a day for five days. Saline douch. No sex. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 40-year-old dental surgeon with no past or present health issues and I am trying to conceive. I have a regular cycle of 28 days and I have consulted a gynaecologist before who has put me on Clomid for three months. I have also taken all the required fertility tests which show normal values that are needed for conceiving. This cycle I had all the pregnancy symptoms like implantation spotting for two days, tender breasts and lower abdominal mild cramps for a week after spotting. However, I have got a negative urine and blood test, blood hCG level being 1.2 mIU/mL. On the first day of the last period, there was spotting and light bleeding was seen for three to four days. I tested for blood hCG after seven days and it showed <1.2 mIU/mL. I want to know if there is still a chance that I could be pregnant and retest myself after a few days? [/INST] Hello. As your serum beta hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) result is also negative it definitely indicates you have not got pregnant in this cycle. The symptoms you have mentioned could also be possible because of the progesterone hormone secretion in the postovulatory phase which may mimic pregnancy and the spotting could be due to the breakthrough bleed. A possibility of delayed conception can be taken into consideration but because the serum beta hCG is negative it is ruled out. I would suggest you get your day two LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), prolactin, TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels, fasting blood sugar and postprandial blood sugar levels, and serum AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) levels and an HSG (hysterosalpingography) done and let me know the results. The treatment plan would be ovulation induction with a follicular study. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,Recently my husband had gone to semen analysis and doctor mentioned that he has low motility but not sure how serious is the issue. Here are the results of semen analysis volume 1 ml, the viscosity is normal, reaction alkaline liquefaction is 25, fructose is positive. Total sperm count is 90 mill/ml, rapid progressive motility 10 %, slow progressive motility 20 %, nonprogressive motility 10 %, non-motile sperms 60 %, live sperms 40 %, dead sperms 60 %, normal forms 80 %, abnormal forms 20 %. The doctor said that he has an infection and suggested Popson tablets and he is taking tablets from the past three months. Also, he has undergone circumcision three months ago as frenulum tear is happening frequently. Could you please suggest how serious is the issue? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Your husband is suffering from asthenoteratozoospermia where motility is very less and dead sperms are high, likely due to infection, yes. The life cycle of sperms is 120 days and hence at least three months of treatment is required with sperm energizers and antioxidants after two weeks course of antibiotics to increase the motility and number. The present count is the cause of male infertility and hence non-conception. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had marks on my stomach for the past six months. I am scared that they will spread and never go away. I consulted a dermatologist, and she said it is noncancerous. Do I need to get surgical treatment for this? I have been applying steroids for the last two months but no changes. Please help. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have gone through your case. In my opinion, the dark marks on your stomach are post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or lichen planus. It does not require surgical intervention at all. But it is important to know if other body areas are also involved. Did you have any other previous lesions in the same area? Did you ever have pustules or any itching or burning symptoms? If you do not have any symptoms, then relax, it may regress after some time. Regarding treatment steroid alone is also fine. But treatment applying a mixture of 1 % Hy ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,This query is about my 19 weeks pregnant sister-in-law. She had a USG today and found bilateral moderate fetal hydronephrosis. Her gynecologist told her that the kid will require surgery after delivery. Can you please check the report and explain the situation? Is surgery required? If so, what is the outlook of surgery? Can this be life threatening for the kid after birth? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. No, it is not life threatning. It has to be serially monitored every 15 days. Any intervention is usually successful after birth only and exact nature of urine obstruction also becomes clear after birth only. For more information consult a nephrologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have been feeling some pain in my lower left abdomen for past three months. The pain is not intense though, and it does not disrupt my daily activities, though it comes for a few minutes and then goes. I did an utrasound scan, no stone was found, the radiologists said it might be a muscular pain as all the organs examined through the abdominal scan were fine. I did urine analysis (sample was taken after sweating from the heat of the sun), the result says crystals of calcium oxalate (+) was found. I took Buscopan, Amoxicillin and Ciprofloxacin. I need your expert opinion on this. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Relax and do not worry. Yes, it is possible that you may have a stone in the urinary system. Sometimes, stones get missed on ultrasound examination. I suggest you get plain CT scan (without contrast) of abdomen and pelvis region. It will 100 percent rule out the stone in the urinary system. If no stone in CT scan is there, then your pain is musculoskeletal origin. For more information consult a urologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,A few days back, a brown spot appeared halfway on my thigh. By the same night, it grew and it was black. In less than 24 hours. Small brown spot turned black and grew in just a few hours. It is flat. I am writing this a week later. The edges are flaky now. It has a slightly rough texture but the edges are peeling in not picking it. Do you think it could be melanoma? I am brown in complexion but had an aunt who died of skin cancer. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. The bigger brown patch is cafe-au-lait macule and the small one is probably an atypical nevus (attachment removed to protect patient identity). That is not melanoma clinically to me. Melanoma is very rare at a young age like in your case and obviously very rare in brown skin color. You are doing good that you are doing skin biopsy for tissue diagnosis so that no confusion is left but it is less likely to be melanoma. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have a problem to defecate completely. It takes me more than 20 minutes to defecate completely. I also take more than two minutes to pass urine completely. I am very healthy. I consulted a doctor, and I have done various tests and examinations such as defecogram, balloon expulsion test, rectal manometry, and colonoscopy. The doctor told that I have pelvic floor dyssynergia-type 1.I underwent biofeedback sessions to get relaxed and to correct my way of passing stools. Even after that also, I am unable to clear my bladder. I am still taking the same amount of time. I do not have a habit of smoking and drinking alcohol. I have used all the laxatives and medicines given by the doctor. But they did not help me. I usually have a walk for 20 kilometers a day. At that time, I had some relief. But as soon as when I stopped it, I have developed the same problem. Please help me. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It is a complex problem. Exercises like kegel exercise and medication can help. Urinary issues also occur due to constipation and dyssynergia. Use Docusate sodium 200 mg twice daily. It is a good stool softener, and you can use it for a long time. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a 31 year old unmarried male. Over the last few months my sperm looks watery whenever I ejaculate. Will it create any problem? Also my erection is not like earlier. Kindly advise me doctor. [/INST] Hi. I have read and understood your problem. The fluid that male organ secrete during ejaculation is called semen. Semen is a visible liquid. It contains millions of invisible microscopic male counterpart of female eggs called sperms. It does not matter if your semen is more watery, the sperm count in semen should be normal and that can be detected by semen analysis, which is done at a pathology laboratory. Erection problem appears to be due to stress or anxiety. So, do relaxation exercise. However, to exclude other cause you need to do some blood tests like sugar and hormones. Stop smoking if you smoke. Check your BP (blood pressure). If you are taking any medicine or nutritional supplement on regular basis then it may be due to side effect of that. For further information consult an an ChatDoctor. ChatDoctor/ask-a-doctor-online/an Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 17 years old. I had sex with my partner on the 24th day of the menustruation cycle. I used Today vaginal pill before intercourse. On the next day i.e. 25th day, within 30 hours, I also took i-pill to be sure not to be pregnant. Now my period which was on due is still missing. What are the chances of my pregnancy? What should I do to terminate it, if I am pregnant? Kindly help me out. [/INST] Hello. I have reviewed your query thoroughly. I-pill or emergency contraceptive pills have very minimal chance of failure if taken immediately after intercourse within 24 hours and chances of failure gradually increase after that even if taken within 72 hours. There is about one to two percent chance of failure of an emergency pill or i-pill in your case. But we can be quite sure of its success if with ChatDoctor. Based on the dates given by you, today must be 8 days following the date of the intercourse. In that case, to find out if you are pregnant, you can get a serum beta hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) testing done. For the urine pregnancy tests to show the result if pregnant, it must be at least 10 to 14 days following intercourse. If you want to know urgently whether you are pregnant, you can get serum beta hCG testing. If you can wait another week, you can get a urine pregnancy testing, which if positive must be followed up by ultrasound imaging. Only after then and after consulting an obstetrician, should the abortion be planned under guidance. Furthermore, if you are sexually active regularly, it is better to choose other regular contraceptive methods after consulting an obstetrician and gynecologist instead of i-pill. I-pills are meant to be taken only in case of unexpected accidental unprotected sex, but not on a regular basis. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My mom had cough and cold which continued for a week. We conducted X-ray which indicated too much cough congestion in the chest and TLC count was 18K. One day, due to too much cough she vomited, and she was injected with a medicine to stop it and it worked. Next day, we went abroad for a week and as soon as we came back, we reconducted the X-ray which still indicates congestion is there and TLC count is now 15K. But she is getting fever since two days reaching up to 103. Crocin is not reducing it. I am really worried. Is it a viral fever? Or is it because of congestion. I am attaching the prescription/ medicines which she is taking as well as the latest blood report. [/INST] Hello. It is not a viral infection but a bacterial infection as her TLC has increased. Also, diabetic patients are prone to such infection. Treatment is antibiotics, which she has been started by her physician. In most patients, this resolves with a week. Continue other medicines as prescribed. We should see a response in 24 to 48 hours. If there is no improvement in fever, cough, or increase in her symptoms like increased shortness of breath, visit a hospital as her antibiotics will need to be escalated and she may need higher IV antibiotics. If you have electronic BP apparatus, then monitor BP twice a day. Excessive fall in BP or decreased frequency of urination are some of the warning signs. Repeat TLC, urea and creatinine test to see antibiotics response. So overall, a majority of the patients recover well but some amount of risk is always there in such infections. Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 20 years old. Two to three months ago, I started to have pain on my left testicle whenever I go out as I am usually at home. I speculate that I have varicocele as upon doing a self-examination, I found that the veins were bigger than the other testicle. There were no lumps found, but the left testicle feels bigger than the right one.I would say it is around 5 mm bigger in diameter. I do not have urinary problems like burning sensation. Although when it pains, my left lower abdomen and the pelvic area also hurt sometimes which could be due to lack of exercise as I am on my computer most of the time.The pain or ache on my left testicle usually appears when I am wearing tight pants. But I did not have this problem three months ago. I consulted a general practitioner, and he did a physical check and said it was likely due to congestion of the blood at the testicle. Do you think it could be an infection like epididymitis? I only had sex once in my life with my partner, but I do not have any other symptoms of STD. And do you think that there is something serious? Or is it probably due to congestion or tight pants? [/INST] Hello. Testicular pain with no obvious pathology on physical examination is common in young boys. As the testes descend through the lower abdominal wall, they carry spiral muscle which keeps them suspended in a dynamic position. Contraction of these muscles gives rise to pain. Tight pants press on the inguinal canal and may hinder venous return causing congestion. Wearing Langot (cotton strip worn by wrestlers to support testicles in India) will prevent their hanging, so there will be no muscle contraction. Get a USG scrotum (ultrasound). Wear scrotal support (langot). Kindly consult your doctor to discuss the suggestion and take the treatment with concern. Tablet Pregabalin 75 mg with Mecobalamin (Methylcobalamin) at bedtime for 10 days. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My creatinine level is 2.0. What is the best medication? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. This indicates diabetic nephropathy (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It means your kidneys have been affected by the long standing diabetes and you need to avoid ChatDoctor. Metformin should be avoided in near future and consider replacing it with Insulin shots. Consult your Nephrologist to streamline your </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 19 years old, male. I am prone to masturbation since a very young age, I tried to do normally and I fail to orgasm even though it seems close. I do ejaculate a bit, but I have to follow it up with prone masturbation. I do not have erectile dysfunction for now, do not know about later. I only try to do the normal masturbation for two minutes.1. How long does it normally take to ejaculate and orgasm?2. What possible effects does proceeding with prone masturbation have on me?3. What methods should I follow to stop prone masturbation? I stopped masturbation all together for 16 days and it was really hard but I still needed prone. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Following are the answers to your questions. 1. Whenever a person ejaculates, the orgasm is simultaneously achieved in most of the cases. The interval between initiation of sexual stimulus and ejaculation or orgasm is depended upon the many factors and varies from person to person. It can be from less than two minutes to more than five minutes. 2. and 3. The masturbation can be done in any position. There are no side-effects of prone masturbation. It is a psychological feeling that you can erect penis in prone position only. You need to remove that thought and you can do masturbation in any position. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am 24 years old. I have stiffness and pain in thighs and knees for more than a year. I cannot sit properly and stand up instantly. I am having problem in each and every activity involving legs. I have reduced mobility and flexibility of legs. My report shows AVN stage 3 of hip joint, for which I have been suggested hip replacement surgery. My question is that, if problem is in hip joint then why I have so many problems with knees? When I stand up, my knee gets blocked and I cannot stand instantly. There is cracking sound in knees when I sit or stand up. I am worried whether I have some other problem in knees also. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Hip avascular necrosis (AVN) and hip arthritis causes pain in the affected hip and also sometimes in the knees as the same nerve which supplies the hip also supplies the knee joint. It is called as obturator nerve. This nerve supplies both the joints. So if there is hip joint pain, many patients also get pain in the knee joint. But, also to be sure if nothing is wrong with the knee joint, you should take x-rays and document it. Get x-ray of the knee joint both in anteroposterior view (AP) and lateral view and then get a follow up done to confirm your problem. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am having an inguinal mesh removal and triple neurectomy 20 days later. What type of pain and side effects should I expect from the neurectomy? [/INST] Hello. I understand your concern and would explain that this type of neurectomy is usually used to treat chronic resistant pain in the groin area (inguinal region) due to inguinal herniation. So, it is supposed that your situation will improve, and you will experience only local pain due to the surgery and soft tissues inflammation. This type of pain will usually disappear in a couple of weeks, after healing. Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen can help improve pain. If neurectomy is not successful, persistent pain like heaviness or dull pain may persist. In such a case, Gabapentin or Pregabalin would help against the pain. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have been diagnosed with mild hereditary spherocytosis. My eyes still yellow. Is it unlikely hematologist who diagnosed me three years ago misdiagnosed? I do not doubt he knows his stuff. More about me getting worried. I lost weight a couple of months ago. I went very yellow in the eyes. I have always felt tired. I have had gallbladder out four years ago, I bruise easily, I do get little red skin dots at times, menstrual cycles can be irregular and spleen slightly enlarged. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have gone through your lab reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity) and they are consistent with the diagnosis made by your doctor.Yellowish tint of the eyes is due to increased bilirubin levels. This is due to the increased red blood cell destruction in the spleen and is commonly a complication of hereditary spherocytosis. It is understandable that you are feeling weak since your body is producing red blood cells at an accelerated rate to compensate for the destruction occurring in the spleen. This is also the reason why your spleen is enlarged. If your condition worsens, your doctor might suggest a splenectomy. This will not cure the condition but will relieve the symptoms since the site of destruction of red blood cells will be removed and your red blood cells will be able to survive for a longer period in the blood. Splenectomy, however, can predispose one to certain bacterial infections and it is important that you receive the appropriate vaccines regularly. You could take folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements since one of your blood tests show macrocytic anemia. For more information consult a hematologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I observed a white round swelling at the right rear of my mouth cavity behind the last tooth. Also a white straight line behind my uvula. Sometimes I feel that something is stuck there in my throat. No other symptoms. [/INST] Hello. Your symptoms can be related to many diagnoses. A picture if possible would help. It can be a yeast infection, a viral or a bacterial infection. I suggest you do some examinations such as a throat culture and a blood test. Meanwhile, some tips: Hope my answer was helpful. For more information consult a general practitioner online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My daughter is 2 years and seven months old. From five days, she has little bumps on her finger and she is having an itching sensation especially during nights. This happened after she played with clay in the garden. I am assuming it to be some insect bite. I am not sure though. Please advise. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Yes, there is a strong probability of some sort of insect bite. I suggest giving her syrup Atarax 2 ml (Hy ChatDoctor. Keep watch, she might feel sleepy after Atarax. Apply calamine lotion locally. If the swelling does not disappear in two days, she may require antibiotics to prevent infection. As of now no need. It may be painful, give her syrup Ibugesic 2.5 ml twice a day morning and evening post meal. All medicines to be taken after doctor\s consent. For more information consult a paediatrician online.- </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,A 4-year-old kid of 15 kg weight is having a general cold for almost three months. Sometimes cough, and nasal congestion. Otherwise, he is fine. He has no fever or weakness. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctor. I understand your concern for your child. As you told me, this is happening for long. And there is no fever, it seems to be some allergic condition. Are you still bottle feeding the kid? Is there any difficulty in breathing? Any sounds or snoring while breathing or sleeping? Give syrup Maxtra (Chlorpheniramine) 5 ml thrice a day for five days. Nasal ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am a 45-year-old female. I was treated with intravenous Cortisone injection therapy for a week for having acute demyelinating symptoms for almost two months that appeared together with a new lesion at the cerebellum area of my brain. There had been three other there, supposedly migraine type. Lumbar showed oligoclonal zones both in the blood and spinal cord. My problem is that since then, and even if the cerebellum lesion has disappeared, I still experience symptoms not as acute as it had been during the episode, but quite annoying to disturb my everyday life.I have pain in my left arm and joints, left leg, and joints of both of my legs. I also have back pain and tremor but not always. I get tired very easily. But tired does not mean tired. It means that I start having problems with my balance in the left leg, tingling, eye sight problem, cannot cope with too much noise, argues and fights with family gets me worse. Nobody understands there is something going on. The last neurologist I saw said that it is a matter of stress so he suggested to consult a psychiatrist. My psychiatrist says stress does not cause this sort of pains as I already get a depression treatment for seven years. However, let me say they are gonna get me crazy with all this. Do you have any idea? How I might proceed? [/INST] Hello. I read carefully your question and would explain that your symptoms could be related to chronic lesions of multiple sclerosis MS (sometimes there is no total improvement after steroid therapy). Anyway, I would recommend starting Gabapentin for chronic pain or switch from Zoloft to Duloxetine which is better for chronic pain. I would also recommend performing a new brain and spine MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) in order to exclude possible new lesions. It is also necessary to check thyroid hormone levels for possible hormonal imbalance and vitamin D plasma levels for possible deficiency. I hope this helps. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,Over the last few months, I am experiencing some tingling kind of sensation in muscles on a specific area below the left breast near the rib. I would like to know what it is and the cause for it. I am having that sensation mostly in the evening. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. This tingling sensation can be due to transient nerve compression. This nerve compression can be due to a muscle spasm or due to abnormalities in the thoracic spine. If back pain still persists, then get back to me as you will require a prescription for medication. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I want to know about going off birth control.What are the five to ten most common physical and emotional changes women can expect when they discontinue hormonal birth control use? Will these changes differ depending on the type of birth control and how long you have been on it? How so? What are some myths people tend to believe about going off birth control? Can you debunk these? Any last words of advice for women nervous about going off birth control? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctor. There could be many effects if a woman has been on any specific birth control pills like mood variations, fear of conception if not willing to conceive, anxiety, irregular periods, skin ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am 50 years old female, went through menopause but otherwise I am healthy. There is a problem with my nails. Out of 10 nails, six nails have one-third of the nails separated from the nail beds, with a v shape, looking white underneath, rest of the nails are looking pinkish pale. The nails are painless unless I press them hard. All the nails have some ridges. I kept my nails short with no polish for over five weeks. My fingers felt dry with mild skin peeling after a travel. Currently, I have a mild skin eczema. I also had seborrheic dermatitis in my scalp a few years ago. But it is under control with special shampoo treatment. I had one fingernail with a similar problem but it was in a milder condition. I thought it was nail fungal. I used Mometasone furoate 0.1 % cream for my skin eczema. It cleared up when my nails grew. I have an allergy to pollen. [/INST] Hi. I have gone through your attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). You seem to have a condition known as onycholysis, which is characterized by the separation of the nail from its nail bed. Causes could be either a fungal infection (onychomycosis) or underlying skin eczemas like psoriasis. For more information consult a dermatologist online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had taken 3 peel and 3 lasers (Q-switching) for skin lightening. I have dark skin. After the treatment my cheeks have become very fair and it does not get tanned also. However the rest of the face is still dark. It has developed after the Q-switching session. I want to know is this hypopigmentation? Is it going to be permanent? My face is looking very uneven now. Currently, I am using DesOwen cream. Please help me understand. [/INST] Hi. It is post-inflammatory hypopigmentation. In most cases it is temporary and will automatically revert back to normal in few weeks and sometimes in few months. If possible please do upload the pretreatment photographs for further evaluation. Revert back with the photographs to a dermatologist online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I find pimples like area on my mid back for more than two weeks. Old ones fade and new ones keep coming. It is not present in any other part of my body. It is just spread in that particular region. What could it be? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have gone through your case. There are many types of acne. Some people develop pimples on back. In my opinion, take capsule Doxycycline 100 mg once daily for two weeks. Apply Clindamycin lotion two times a day. Do not apply any oil or any home remedy. Vitamin E capsule is fine. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I would like to go for hair transplantation. So, kindly advice me about which is the best option. [/INST] Hello. From your photos (attachment removed to protect patient identity), I can see that you have grade 7 baldness with limited donor hair. But, you have also got small, thinned-out hair in the hair loss area. So my suggestion is as follows. You should understand that the result you can expect is not a head full of hair, but enough hair to cover your baldness. It is a one-day procedure. You can get a 2000-grafts transplant in one session followed by the second session six months later if you want. You will require a review on the third day after the transplant and it can then be followed up online. For more information consult a plastic surgeon online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a 24-year-old woman suffering from hemorrhoids. I have a feeling that my anus is reducing in size. My doctor has advised me to do a surgery for removing it. But my hemoglobin levels are low. So my doctor recommended me to increase the hemoglobin levels. I am taking iron supplements to improve my hemoglobin levels. I am very depressed. I have a fear that a delay in surgery can worsen my condition. Please suggest some remedies to prevent the shrinkage of the anus. [/INST] Hi. You have to remove piles through surgery as it is increasing in size. Anal shrinkage is not a complication of piles. Because of the enlargement seen in piles, the anal area looks shrank. You can take a stool softener for piles like Cremaffin syrup (Liquid paraffin with Magnesium hy ChatDoctor. Avoid taking excess spicy foods. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,For the last two days, I have a ringing sound in my right ear. I have not been exposed to loud music but for the last week are so I had itching and the day before the ringing started and my right ear was blocked. So I cleared it with hydrogen peroxide but the ringing is not going away now.I visited an ENT doctor and he has given me a prescription and asked to wait for six days and then get a PTA and impedance done. I have a slight headache in my forehead and some tightness like feeling under the right ear. I also have an impacted wisdom tooth. I have attached the prescription. [/INST] Hi. What doctor has prescribed you is correct. Audiometry will see if you have any associated hearing loss and tympanometry will see if there is any middle ear infection that is causing hearing loss. (though the prescription is not attached). Wisdom tooth will cause radiating pain or fullness in the ears but not tinnitus. Please do not use hy ChatDoctor. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My father had a CT scan for head injury. I have attached the two CDs for your reference. One important thing is different in the reports. It is about a crack of parietal and temporal bones. Could you take a look and describe them to me? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have seen the images of CT scans (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Revert back with the answer to the above question to a radiologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I woke up this morning with this dried up blood in between my upper front teeth and blood comes out when I touch it. It does not hurt, and when I brush my teeth, I can see it move. I have not noticed any changes in my gums or teeth. My gums usually bleed when the bristles of my toothbrush scrape against them. I am going to make an appointment with a dentist. But, I am a little freaked out about this as I am only 20. When I ate something earlier, it inflated a little bit, popped and bled without any pain. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have viewed the images attached (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Periodontitis. Deep gum infection. Use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth. </s>
<s>[INST] Respected doctor,My father is suffering from a chronic liver disease. I have attached his case summary with this query. He is in the ICU for the last four days. As per the doctor, my father may remain in this state for an indefinite period of time because his liver is not functioning. So, I want to get a second opinion and want to know, whether there is a way to revive his liver and make it function properly. [/INST] Hi. As per the records, he is suffering from stage-3 liver disease, that is an end-stage liver disease. His current problems need to be medically supported. This will result in temporary improvement of his condition. However, issues like infection, blood loss, fluid accumulation in the body, etc., will be frequent from now. The definite treatment ahead is liver transplantation. If you are ready to proceed with evaluation and transplant, then I would suggest considering treatment at a transplant center. Else, medical optimization, which is going on now will be alright. Was an endoscopy done for him? Also blood, abdominal fluid, and urine culture tests? If yes, please send them across. Hope your queries have been cleared. Do review if you have any further queries. For more information consult a medical gastroenterologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,The tooth is sharp and cracked. It is leaving a space in the mouth. What is the treatment? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. How are you doing? I saw the image, but it is not clear (attachment removed to protect patient identity). But, based on how much ever I could appreciate, it seems you have deep caries in your first molar and to some extent nearby second premolar too. The crack or sharpness is due to the loss of tooth structure because of caries (cavity). Kindly take an IOPA (intraoral periapical radiograph) of both the teeth together (in one X-ray itself) and send it to me, along with a clear image of your teeth to help you with a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Do you have or had pain, especially during chewing or sleeping? The treatment plan will vary based on the diagnosis. If the cavity has reached the pulp (blood supply of tooth), it will need a root canal treatment followed by a crown. If it is approximating the pulp, then we will give a temporary filling, wait for a month and if there are no symptoms, then we will change it to a permanent filling (restoration). If it is not even approximating pulp and is in dentin or just enamel (hard structures of teeth), then we will straight away go for permanent restoration (tooth filling). All these will eventually treat your cavity and the sharpness and the gap will go away. Kindly send me a clear picture and the radiograph to help you precisely. Take care. For more information consult a dentist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,This query is for my dad who is 75 years old. He has been seeing the same doctor who has recommended the same tests to be done for each follow-up since the past five years. Initially, he saw him once a year, recently it has become quarterly. I have uploaded a copy of the blood test reports and ECG was done for the follow-up on eighth of this month. Yesterday too he had to do a confirmatory blood test (Troponin) as well as ECG which confirmed he had a silent heart attack 10 days back. The admitting doctor after being informed of the test results recommended to stop Eliquis 2.5 mg 1-0-1 and take Ecosprin 150 mg 0-1-0 and tablet Plavix 75 mg 0-1-0. Also injection Clexane 80 mg SC twice a day for five days. He strongly advised getting admitted for a couple of days at least. My query is:Is hospitalization necessary now or can we wait for five days since injection Clexane 80 mg has been recommended? What is the function of the injection Clexane 80 mg recommended for five days? How does it work?What would be the purpose of hospitalization now?If we do go for hospitalization, what would be the likely tests to be done? Why has the doctor advised to get admitted along with recommending taking the injection Clexane 80 mg for five days? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. So he did not have any symptoms, and this was detected on routine blood testing, right? His troponin is elevated here (attachment removed to protect patient identity), so it suggests he had a heart attack. So such patients are admitted for observation and administration of medications. We usually recommend admission immediately after a heart attack for 5 to 7 days, but since this time has already passed, admission is not absolutely necessary, but better to get admitted for observation, injectionClexane, and angiography. He should undergo echo and angiography, and for angiography, he has to be admitted. After angiography, he may need angioplasty or bypass. Also, if any warning signs like low bp or shortness of breath are there then he should be admitted. Also, Clexane is blood thinner which helps in the dissolution of an already formed clot which is the reason for heart attack. So it should be given after heart attack. For more information consult a cardiologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My son is 10 years old. Since one year, he has been urinating in his pants in school and often arguing with adults and sometimes with other kids. He has once threatened me that he would commit suicide. He tells people he is a "master manipulator" and that there is nothing wrong with him. He has been seeing a counselor once a week for about a year, and she has twice diagnosed him with ADHD. He has no problems paying attention and is not hyperactive or fidgety. I do not feel this diagnosis is accurate. We have been trying to have an appointment with a psychologist for the past five months and have got one recently. In the meanwhile, we are hoping to find some answers. What could be going wrong on with him? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I understand your concern. From your description, there are two things which come to my mind apart from the ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). One is ODD (oppositional defiant disorder), and the other one is a conduct disorder. But, your description does not suffice the above diagnoses. For this, I need more data and a detailed description of his behaviors. Since how long has he has been exhibiting such behavior? Such behaviors need early treatment with medications and counseling. Psychotherapies can effectively control and prevent the child from doing something dangerous. So, I suggest you continue with your current treatment and consult a psychiatrist. All the best. Regards. For more information consult a psychiatrist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My mother died four months ago, due to cardiac arrhythmia which was caused by left ventricular hypertrophy. Can I know whether left ventricular hypertrophy is hereditary as I am frightened for me and for my children? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Hypertrophy is a general term and it includes multiple individual diseases. Do you have her echo report or any other medical reports of the heart? The first possibility in her case is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is certainly hereditary and all the first degree relatives should be screened for the same. Also, was she hypertensive? As it can also cause hypertrophy and ventricular arrhythmias may also have other causes like blockages. There are also diseases which can cause hypertrophy and ventricular arrhythmias. So, we need some reports either echo report or autopsy report for the definitive diagnosis. If none of these is available, then you need to undergo screening. For more information consult a cardiologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 30 year old male, who is a competitive athlete. I do not have any structural or plumbing heart issues. I have been diagnosed with WPW accidentally, and I am waiting for an ablation in 17 days. I am mostly asymptomatic, and I never had any extremely rapid heart rates. My resting heart rate is actually in the 40\s. However, I do sometimes get palpitations and every once in awhile get a run of 5 to 7 in a row. The EP I saw in the hospital prescribed me Flecainide 50 mg, twice daily. I saw another EP, who was a much older guy, as a second opinion. He seems to think I do not need the Flecainide, and maybe not even the ablation. I do not agree with him on the ablation due to recent medical studies on WPW and how ablation is recommended even for asymptomatic patients, especially athletes.My question is regarding Flecainide. I have not had any palpitations since I began taking it a few days ago, but I want to make sure this drug is not putting me at risk for creating a dangerous rhythm. Reading case studies and medical journals, it seems there is some risk. I have not been known to go into AF, and besides palpitations, I am asymptomatic with WPW. Do you think Flecainide at this dosage is safe and reasonable for the next two weeks, until my ablation? [/INST] Hi. In WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White) syn ChatDoctor. I can present as palpitation, but the timing cannot be predicted. Regarding Flecainide, I do not think you need to continue for next two weeks. But, your cardiologist who will perform this surgery, is the best judge to advise you whether he wants to continue it prophylactically or not. For more information consult a cardiologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Two days ago, I had what I thought was a standard case of food poisoning, mild diarrhea, and vomiting for around eight hours. By the next day, I was feeling fine and was able to keep all liquids and food down. Now, over 24 hours later, the vomiting has reoccurred. Should I be concerned about my vomiting pattern? Is it a virus or food poisoning? I am a female, 29 years old and no other medications. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. You have developed transient gastritis due to food poisoning and it may take few days to settle. You need to take PPI (proton pump inhibitor) Pantoprozole 40 mg for few days and an antiemitic (Ondansetron) for a day or two. It is not virus, you need not worry about it. It is temporary, I can assure you that. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have too much pain in teeth and also getting tiny small type holes in teeth. I am a male, 18 years old. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Holes in teeth indicate cavities. If you are having severe pain in teeth this may indicate you are suffering from pulpitis and you need root canal treatment from your dentist. Meanwhile, start with the following medicines. Take Augmentin 625 mg two times a day, Gramex 400 mg (Metronidazole) two times a day, Ibuprofen 400 mg three times a day at every eight hours for three days. Take all these medicines for five days. This will relieve your pain for a while and visit your dentist as soon as possible for treatment. Take care. Stay happy and blessed. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My mother has lung cancer. It is in the fourth stage. Currently, the doctor has advised her to take targetted therapy. She is taking Gefitinib tablets every day. Is there anything serious? Please help me. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Please say about the histopathology report. Please explain the condition briefly. Please state whether there was a mutation done before starting Gefitinib. All these things are essential for deciding the response to Gefitinib. In general, on taking Gefitinib, the average survival is 13 to 14 months. But some patients have long-term survival for three to four years. Some patients do well for five to six years. Usually, Gefitinib is well tolerated. The most common side effects are skin rash and acne. Rarely, it can cause hepatitis or pneumonitis which is manageable with ChatDoctor. I recommend doing a PET (positron emission tomography) scan every three months. Have a look over the </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My symptoms are extreme nausea, headache (mainly right posterior), and very stiff neck. I started with a severe middle ear infection on the right side. Does my MRI show any evidence of mastoiditis, meningitis or a subdural empyema? [/INST] Hi. Your MRI scan images are available and I have viewed it (attachment removed to protect patient identity). There is a mild bright abnormal signal intensity in the right mastoid area and the left side is clear. Abnormal signal in mastoiditis means brighter on T2 and contrast images. This can mean that you have a right middle ear infection which might have involved the right mastoid bone and this is known as otomastoiditis. I have enclosed a picture of the area in a red circle in the attachments below. There are no features of meningitis and subdural empyema. For more information consult a radiologist online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am having a bloating for the past three days, I never had one. I had my period around this month beginning. Is there any possibility that I am pregnant? Is it any sign of pregnancy? I am having Sibelium 10 mg for migraine. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Bloating sensation can be related to any sort of diet changes. Check if you incorporated anything new in your food habits. Any increased coffee or tea intake, sometimes physical or emotional stress can lead to acidity and bloating. Rule out all such things. Morning sickness is commonly associated with pregnancy, but it is too early to say about pregnancy. If you had an episode of unprotected intercourse, you can perform pregnancy test two weeks following that specific date. For now, you can take tablet Pan D (Pantoprazole with Domperidone) twice a day before meals for three days to relieve the bloating sensation. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a 29 year old. My doctor said that I have an umbilical hernia.Either open surgery or laparoscopy, which would be the best? After which surgery, can I lift heavy weights?I am a sports person and a bodybuilder. Please suggest. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. If your cardiovascular status that is heart and lung functions are fine, then you can go for laparoscopic surgery. That is cosmetically better and less invasive. The scar will be much bigger in open, so chances of scar rupture and dehiscence are higher in open. The possibility of strenuous exercise in the future will be less with open surgery. However, whenever you go for laparoscopy surgery the consent for open surgery is always taken. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 31 year old female. My first trimester NT and double marker test showed a very low risk of 1:3690 for DS and 1:100000 for two other abnormalities. During the second-trimester anomaly scan, the doctor found two markers, CP cyst and mild RPD 4 mm and 4.5 mm. I have given blood for NIPT but did not get any results. I am at 23 weeks now and stressing out and getting really depressed. I have no family history of abnormalities. Is there a need to worry? [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your question and understand the concerns. Hope you found the answer helpful. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My MRI cervical report impression is mild posterior protrusions from C3-4 to C5-6 levels causing indentation of the thecal sac. I am 32-year-old and a desk worker, need to sit 8 to 10 hours on the computer every day. I am suffering from neck pain, stiffness in the neck, and stress. Please suggest me whether daily exercise will help, does the above condition will heal or not. Please help. [/INST] Hello. It is an early change in cervical spondylosis. Kindly follow following instructions. 1) Change the working habit, and prolonged chair sitting as it cause misalignment of the cervical region leads to decrease mobility, either take a break in every two hours for 10 minutes. 2) Can do neck physiotherapy slowly flexion and extension. 3) Apply cervical collar if you are working prolong. 4) Check your vitamin D level and go for tablet Shelcal D one tablet for four weeks. You can prevent progression. At present, you have no risk. Connect me if any questions. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 32-year-old healthy woman. A few days ago, I noticed a small bony lump on the side of my foot below my ankle, which was not symmetrical on the other foot. It was a small sharp bony protrusion of around 1.5 mm and I could see it through my skin. I am very sure I did not have this thing before say one year ago or so. There was no pain when I touched it and no inflammation visible. I have attached a photo of it as well. You can easily see the pointy bony protrusion from that position. My question is can this be a benign bone spur or is it possibly something more serious? Is that spot on my foot typical for bone spurs? I have been walking a lot lately since I have a 10-month-old baby and I did feel my ankles getting a bit strained after each walk. Should I go to a doctor now or can I just monitor it and see what it does? Also, can bone spurs continue to grow or only malignant stuff do? Many thanks for any information. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. This seems to be benign. So, you should not worry. This professional advice provided by me stands subject to the actual examination of report or image and is based entirely on inputs provided to me. It should be correlated with clinical findings. For more information consult an orthopaedician and traumatologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My mother fell on her right arm. A few days later she noticed a wound on the dorsum of the right arm but was not sure if it was from the fall. She did not care for it nor treat it. About a week later she started disinfecting and covering it but decided to visit a dermatologist as she was afraid it might be something else. Upon the looks of it, the doctor wanted a biopsy as she said it could be cancerous too. While waiting for the results the wound closed and decreased in size and signs of inflammation are gone.Today we got the results and it says \x80\x9d hypodermis and dermis with hyperkeratosis, severe dysplasia of the squamous epithelium, chronic inflammatory changes in the dermis\x80\x9d. Now I started reading to try and understand and what confuses me is the \x80\x9d severe dysplasia of squamous epithelium\x80\x9d is that carcinoma in situ? In some literature they differentiate the two in others they claim it is the same.I also came upon the fact that when there is an ulcer or inflammation reactive atypia and dysplasia may look the same hence the dysplasia may be from the inflammation. How is that determined? Is it a wound that is in the stages of healing or is it precancerous? What should be done in this case?Can we wait for one or two weeks to see if the crust will fall as in a healing wound and then perhaps have a biopsy on clean skin or should it be removed immediately with a suspicion that it might progress to cancer? If it should be removed what is the time frame? Should it be done immediately? I also talked to a surgeon friend who thinks if it is cut immediately it would cause a bigger wound which might be slow to heal again. I have attached the progression of the wound. [/INST] Hi. I have seen the attachment. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). This could be cancer. However, there is no harm in waiting for a week or 10 days and then perhaps go for an excision if it does not heal by then. Cutaneous SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) is usually not very aggressive and in most cases excision surgery with a margin of normal skin is curative. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Two days back, I had a severe pain in my right ear. One fine evening, the pain went severe starting from the head till the chin. I had visited an ENT doctor who removed a lot of earwax through EUM suction procedure. Since then, I got relief from the pain. But, I feel my right ear is slightly blocked compared to my left one. I again visited the ENT doctor who said my ear is clear and there is nothing that I should worry about. Can you suggest any other remedy to follow? I am worried if this block would stay permanent. I had a cold that has now resulted in a dry cough with phlegm. I will be traveling abroad in two days. [/INST] Hello. Do revert back if you need any further help. Let us know the progress with medicines. If doing the tests, please share the reports. For more information consult an ENT otolaryngologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am a 38-year-old male. My height is 5 feet 10 inches and weighs about 90 kg. I am a non-alcoholic and non-smoking person. I have two children. Now I am facing erectile dysfunction problem. First time I used Suhagra 25 mg and I enjoyed successfully. How long I have to use this tablet for natural erections? And what are the habits to overcome this problem? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to ChatDoctor. You can use this tablet for the long term as this tablet does not cure your erectile dysfunction. It works when you use it and its effect lasts for few hours to days. Now coming to the habit to overcome this includes daily exercise or morning walk for at least 40 minutes. Avoid too much oily food. Consume low fat diet, whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables will be useful. If having diabetes or hypertension then manage them effectively with the help of ChatDoctor. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am a 31 years old, who weighs 160 lbs and 5.10 feet tall. I drink alcohol on and off since I was 18 years old. Once I got back from deployment, I drank pretty hard with friends. I would say 3 to 8 beers every other night and then 12 to 16 on weekends. I quit drinking cold turkey a month and a few weeks ago, but then I started having weird symptoms. I get panic attacks, my heart would race, and I would get dizzy and light headed. About the same time, I hurt my lower back using an ab roller. Now, my heart still beats faster than it normally does, especially in the mornings when I first get out of the bed. It almost slows back down to normal when my wife and I go on walks though. My back is still hurting as I am waiting for my MRI, but I have been to the ER four times in a month with chest tightness and a racing heart. The last time I went, I was given Morphine, which brought all my vitals back to normal. Am I at risk for alcohol neuropathy or could the racing heart and sometimes shortness of breath be attributed to a potential back injury? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. After quitting alcohol, many patients get alcohol with ChatDoctor. Chest tightness and racing heart can be because of some cardiac problem like rhythm disturbance or ischemic heart disease, or it can also be due to severe anxiety or panic attack. But it does not seem to be related to the back injury. Chronic alcoholismis a risk factor for developing heart problem also. For back pain, you can get an MRI of the spine. As you have consumed alcohol for such a long time, there is a possibility that it might have affected your nerves already, which may be subclinical and can be looked for by doing the following tests: If your heart tests come out to be normal, you can meet a psychiatrist for proper de-addiction treatment and also a treatment for your anxiety and panic attacks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am 18 years old and I just started taking online college classes. I attempted to go to in-person classes but I had panic attacks and I dropped out. For the last two years, I only leave my apartment to go to the movie theater and grocery store. I also go to the doctors and therapists, but recently my mom and I made the decision to stop trying to find the right fit for therapist and just focus on school. I also am having problems going to my psychiatrist now. I live with my mom right now, but I would love to change that in the future. I do not know how to work towards that goal though. I was wondering if going to a two month in patient treatment facility for young adults would help? My official diagnoses are ADHD, social phobia, and depression. I also do not have any friends and sometimes have trouble feeling safe outside my room. (I am not actually in any danger, I just feel like I am). [/INST] Hello. As per details provided by you regarding your diagnosis, such patients tend to have difficulty in attention and concentration along with difficulty in facing social situations and anhedonia. The best course of treatment as per prevailing clinical guidelines is psychotropic medication along with psychotherapy. Because of your comorbid diagnoses, the medication and therapy may take more time than usual. But in 90 % of cases, it proves effective. Regarding in-patient treatment, you can go for that in case you feel that you have difficulty in compliance with outpatient medication and therapy. For more information consult a psychiatrist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am facing hair loss problem for the past three years. I am a male, 25 years old, 5.4 inches height and 71 kg weight. My hair volume becomes very less. Please help. [/INST] Hi. How are you? Hope your physical condition is good. I have read your problem carefully. Your history is incomplete, and so I have a few queries. What is the pattern of hair loss (a picture will help)? Do you have a dan ChatDoctor. The most common reasons are, 1. Familial.2. Male pattern hair loss (hormonal, an Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Dear doctor,I was two months pregnant when I got vaccines to complete my citizenship status (immigration). My son was born with aortic stenosis. Is this because of the vaccine? [/INST] Hi. Could you provide more information: The above are the important factors causing heart defects in newborn. The incidence of the heart defect in the general population: First look at the incidence of congenital heart defects. The crude incidence of congenital heart defects is approximately eight per 1000 live births. Among them, aortic valve stenosis accounts for 3 to 5 % of all the congenital heart defects. Some studies have documented a higher prevalence of aortic valve stenosis in white chil ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a 24 year old male. I am working as a software developer. Sometimes, I feel a sharp pain in my right lower part of the stomach. When I am trying to bend down, I am feeling some pain inside the pelvic bone. After eating meals and dinner, I am getting excess burping and feeling of bloating and tightness in the right lower abdomen. I am also having constipation problem for more than a year.I have consulted a gastroenterologist for physical evaluation. He diagnosed me and prescribed some medicines. After some time, I had an endoscopy and he found I have H.pylori infection. He prescribed medicine for the same. After a month, bloating and burping are less but the pain still persists. I have consulted one more gastroenterologist who evaluated me with some blood test and ultrasound of the whole abdomen and said nothing to worry as everything is normal in my report (including pancreas and kidney).Now again from last three to four days, I feel my urine flow is slow and I have a burning sensation in the penis. I have excess burping, bloating, and pain in the right chest. As I have consulted many doctors and they reported as I have nothing, I am confused with my stomach pain now and much worried as what could be the factor behind the pain? What should I do now? Please help. [/INST] Hi. I read your history. As per your description, it seems to be a functional bowel disorder, it may be associated with what called as irritable bowel syn ChatDoctor. Bowel illnesses are difficult to prove medically, and mostly they are a matter of exclusion. Infection like H.pylori may be the reason for your burping, but it would not be the cause for right lower abdominal pain. After reading all this do not worry that you have any major illness. I guess your appetite is normal and your weight too. Now I would suggest you do a few things. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My father-in-law has a hemoglobin of 5.6 g/dL. What is the cause? Please suggest a treatment. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. There are multiple reasons for having low hemoglobin. It can be due to nutritional deficiency or chronic blood loss. I recommend seeing a gastroenterologist. He needs fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy to rule out occult bleeding. Also, give him two units of blood. HB (hemoglobin) less than 7 g/dL is dangerous. Give him iron and vitamin supplements. He can take Ferrous sulfate 325 mg one tablet three times daily and tablet Iberet-Folic-500 (Folic acid with Vitamin C) one tablet two times daily. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I get these bumps on my feet every year every few months. They are filled with a clear liquid. They do not hurt or itch unless I am applying pressure or if I break open the skin on top. The skin underneath is so thick and raw that it hurts when exposed. I have gotten these for 15 years now. Kindly tell me what it is and how can I manage it. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I saw your clinical pictures (attachment removed to protect patient identity), this is called dyshi ChatDoctor. It presents with itchy tense blisters over palms and soles usually, as it progresses the skin peels off. It worsens during winter like any other eczema. You would require: Use cotton socks, dust it with gold bond powder. Avoid hot shower, use lukewarm water for taking bath. For more information consult a dermatologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a 28 year old girl. From the last few days, I am feeling breathlessness at my hostel. I am fine when at other places like office and home. It is only at the hostel where I feel breathlessness. Can you please help me understand the exact reason for this problem? What all open solutions do I have? One more point I want to say, I do not know whether this is related: my hands and feet remain very cold, even though I have my gloves and socks on. One of the doctors said my estrogen levels are high. Please suggest a solution. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Your hostel must have some particle, like mold, pollen or some other allergen that causes you breathlessness.So, kindly go for serum IgE total. If it is higher than 1000, then go for IgE specific for Aspergillus Nothing to do with cold hand and feet. It may be due to low BP or mostly normal phenomena in winters. For more information consult a pulmonologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My mother, who is 60 years old, was having back pain for approximately 5 to 6 years. Now, she is having severe back pain while standing and the pain is not receding. We went for an MRI scan and I have attached the report with this query. I want to know the exact problem and the possible treatment for this condition. Thank you in advance. [/INST] Hello. Thanks for your query. You have mentioned pain in your mother\s back region since 5 to 6 years for which she has been managed conservatively till now. I have also gone through the MRI reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity), which have been attached by you. Spinal degeneration. MRI LS spine images, x-ray LS spine - AP and lateral views. Revert back with the investigation reports to an orthopaedician and traumatologist online.- </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have been trying to conceive since 9/11/2014, which is when I stopped birth control pills and started prenatal vitamins.My cycles before BCP (Birth Control Pills) were always regular, about 30 days +/- 1 day with a 7 day period.And on BCP, my cycles were always 28 days, with a 5 day period.When I stopped BCP, I had a 5 day period, which began my first cycle of 31 days.The next cycle began with a 6 day period and the cycle lasted 37 days.Then this current cycle, which began with a four day period, a bit lighter than normal.I am currently on CD 27 and I believe I ovulated 3-4 days ago.So, the problem here is that I start spotting on CD 25, along with light cramping.It was only a very little bit of light brown blood, so I did not think much of it.Yesterday, CD 26, I had a little more throughout the day, then quite a bit right before bed.This morning, I am still spotting but much heavier than the past two days, and am starting to get a little alarmed by this.The blood is still brown. Any ideas on why this is happening, presumably 3-4 days past ovulation?Is this cause for concern? I have never spotted ever before.Also, I started taking Vitex at the beginning of this cycle in hopes of shortening my cycle a bit.Thank you in advance for any advice. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. This could be ovulation bleeding. Usually it may take about 6 months to conceive after stopping the birth control pills. But your cycle has become irregular after stopping the pills and it is difficult to predict the ovulation time now. If spotting does not stop or if you experience pain, then you should get an internal scan done to see the cause of spotting. There is possibility of DUB (Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding) or ectopic pregnancy or threatened abortion. It can be seen once your period date is over. Or you may get beta HCG levels tested to confirm this along with the scan (TVS - Transvaginal Scan). If everything is fine, then you may take progesterone support in the second half of cycle to clear this. Revert back with the reports to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have severe stomach and back pain at the same time. Suggest some quick remedy. [/INST] Hi. I have read through your query in detail. Please find my observations below. Severe pain in abdomen radiating to the back might be due to many conditions which require evaluation. Problems that might cause the stomach and back pain, all the possible reasons, For spasmodic pain you can take antispasmodic medicine like Spasmonil plus (Dicyclomine hy ChatDoctor. This has to be taken twice daily for pain that might be a spasm. This should reduce any spasmodic pain that you are having. Once pain is stable then please consult your doctor and get examined clinically. If required the doctor might ask for an ultrasound scan abdomen to be done to know the cause. Above mentioned causes are the commonest and there are many other conditions which might cause a similar pain. Clinical examination and investigations are important. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Is pre-seed lubricant safe to conceive? Is naturally not lubricating a cause of concern? TTC two months: How many months will it take to conceive naturally? TSH 5.2. Is it normal to conceive? [/INST] Hello. Pre-Seed (Vitamin E, Chloride salts, etc.) lubricant that mimics fertile cervical fluids to support sperm on their journey. Unlike most other lubricants, Pre-Seed fertility-friendly lubricant is pH-balanced and isotonic, so sperm can swim freely. So it can be used. As you have been trying only since last two months, so I would like to comment that the chances of even natural conception with each cycle across the world are 30 to 35 %, so you need to be patient. Thirdly, the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) levels of 5.2 are high and make you a hypothyroid which easily affects fertility (attachment removed to protect patient identity). </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have a hardened cord on the top of my penis that runs centrally from the base, it has been there for three days. It is slightly to the right of the vein. The skin is slightly pink and it runs a couple of inches and is completely solid. I fear a blocked artery. What is this likely to be as I am unable to see my GP for a couple of weeks. I am 30 years old. [/INST] Hi. From your symptoms, it could be a hardened lymph vessel or an inflamed vein. Not a blocked artery as that would cause a lot of severe symptoms. A few details would help to identify the cause like, does it become prominent after vigorous sexual activity, or does it remain prominent throughout the day. Are there other symptoms of erectile dysfunction or discomfort during sexual activities? Also is the area hot and tender to the touch? I am looking at thrombophlebitis or lymphangiosclerosis but I need some more details to be close to the diagnosis. Also, I might be able to suggest an investigation depending on your symptoms if need be. Do let me know so that we can get to the bottom of this. Aspirin or Ibuprofen might be required after confirming the diagnosis. For more information consult a general practitioner online Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 18 years old. I want to ask about having sex after periods because I am so worried my mom and dad will find out I am pregnant. I had sex today after my period and it was from the past two days. [/INST] Hello. Pregnancy usually occurs when sexual activity is practiced without protection, during the fertile period. You can estimate your fertile period using the calendar method. If your menstrual cycle is regular, then ovulation occurs 14 days before the next anticipated period. So, around that ovulation period, one week on either side is fertile period. As you had sex just after your period, it is unlikely to cause pregnancy. For more information consult a sexologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,My friend is suffering from dengue and typhoid. The test for dengue showed a positive result, and typhoid titer is 1:360. Initially, he was treated with Ceftriaxone injection BD and Paracetomal for five days. But the symptoms got worse. His platelets suddenly got reduced to 21000 platelets per microliter of blood with petechiae and bluish lips. His SGOT, SGPT, and GGT are elevated. He has vomiting and diarrhea. Now, he is treated with fluid replacement, Doxycycline, Paracetomal, and tablet Ursocol. [/INST] Hi. Your friend appears to have severe dengue. Kindly do blood cultures for typhoid fever. Blood culture helps us to identify the presence of salmonella, and it guides the choice of antibiotic therapy. The petechiae can occur due to low platelet count. The bluish lips or cyanosis should be evaluated further. You have to do chest X-ray and arterial blood gas test soon. I suggest you do an holo-abdominal ultrasound and a plain abdominal X-ray. Elevation in liver function tests are seen in dengue or typhoid, and the liver can be enlarged in dengue. But intestinal perforation is the catastrophic complication of typhoid fever. I would recommend aggressive fluid resuscitation. If there is any sign of severe bleeding or unstable vital signs, a blood transfusion can be given with fresh whole blood or fresh packed red blood cells. Ceftriaxone always works well for typhoid fever. Identifying the complication is essential. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I seem to have a recurring spot on my back. Feels like a bite but it never heals and never goes away. It also has a brownish dark area on the skin around it. No pain. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Exactly how long it has been there? Please send few more close up photographs? Any family history? Any history of diabetes mellitus or hypertension or any other medical illness? </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a 29 year old male. I was working out in a gym continuously a month back and turns out I overused my muscle. I had pain in my neck and traps and I can feel the stiffness in my neck and traps. I visited an urgent care and they diagnosed it to be a muscle pull and prescribed a muscle relaxer. I am still feeling the pain in my neck and traps and I can feel stiffness in my traps. I feel relaxed when I apply heat. Can you please suggest how I can recover from pain quickly? [/INST] Hello. I read your concern. I would suggest you to frequently do icing over the tight areas like 15 minutes once every two hours followed by gentle stretching. Hope this is helpful for you. For more information consult a physiotherapist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am on my fertile days. I got a stringy line during that. Is that a sign of pregnancy or it is normal to get that during fertile period and also the day before I got the stringy line, I got back pain and stomach pain and also cramping. I am unsure if that is a sign of early pregnancy or not. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctor. It is quite normal to have an increased amount of stringy discharge during and just prior to ovulation or your fertile days as you describe. Cramping and back pain can also be associated with ovulation, it is usually mild and temporary. 3 to 4 days before ovulation is the time to have intercourse every 1 to 2 days in order to maximize your chances of conceiving. If you miss your period, take a home pregnancy test. If it is positive, then you have your answer. If it is negative and you still have not started your cycle, repeat the pregnancy test. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have been suffering from a condition known as pruritus ani for almost a year. It gives me uncomfortable itching around the anal area. I have tried creams, seen a doctor and a colorectal specialist, taken Metamucil and sitz baths. I did pretty much everything, but the problem persists. Some days are better than others, but the problem has never entirely gone away, and I cannot take it anymore. Is there any way that this condition can be cured once and for all? I want my normal life back. Please help me. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I can understand your concerns regarding pruritus ani as I have analyzed each detail that you have provided. I have managed lots of cases with a matching condition and feel that you too will make good use of the information and suggestions. First, please get your stool tests done on three consecutive days. You need to wear loose undergarments made of thin cotton and ChatDoctor. Use antibiotic and antifungal creams mixed in equal quantities to take care of any germs inhabiting the area. For now, no steroid creams need to be used. If you are using one, taper that off slowly till you are comfortable without one. It might lead to a temporary increase in discomfort, but it is an absolute requirement. You can have sufficient antiallergics like Levocetirizine once or twice a day to neutralize itching completely. The affected area need not be touched, and for that, the above medication helps a lot plus there is a useful contribution from one\s determination too. Deworm your GI system with Albendazole or another suitable agent about which you can get advice from your physician. I am sure the problem can be managed even though it might not be possible to do so in a matter of days. The key to treatment is to let the skin heal, remove any cause of irritation, and break the cycle of itch and scratch, which is bound to have resulted in thickening of the affected skin. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Serum GGT levels are elevated despite giving up alcohol. Even before, the frequency of drinking was maximum once in a week (90 ml). What does this imply? Please help. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. There are a few questions regarding your health and lifestyle that would help in finding the answers to your query. 1. Have you had any jaundice recently or ever? 2. How long have you been taking alcohol? 3. Is there anyone in the family (siblings, parents) who has had liver problems? 4. Have you lost weight, how is your appetite? The reports are from last month, do you have any reports from before this (attachment removed to protect patient identity)? Have you done viral markers, like hepatitis C and B? The report shows raised GGT, but in your query, you had mentioned about gall bladder stones, but the report of ultrasound is KUB, which does not mention anything about liver, gall bladder or bile ducts. There are no reports of CBC (complete blood count) as well. Please do a repeat CBC, full ultrasound of abdomen (to look for gall stones and bile duct) and send. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,Firstly, I would like to inform that I had got married eight years back. For the past eight years, my sexual life was going fine. Recently within a few days due to workload and pressure, I am losing my sex interest and I am just 31 years old. I have a kid of 5 years old. And during intercourse, my sperms come off very soon (premature ejaculation). Please help me on this and suggest me some good medicine for the same. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. As you may be aware, stress in most forms will affect sex. But since it is only temporary and will vanish once the stress is alleviated (or you learn to manage it), your sexual performance will also return to normalcy. For more information consult a sexologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Last Saturday I was feeling some discomfort with one of my teeth. It is a tooth that has a crown on it. I was chewing on a piece of steak, and it felt sore. It felt a little sore on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I saw my dentist on Tuesday and they did not see any thing wrong on the X-ray, but when she tapped the tooth with one of her instruments, it felt a little sore. So, she made me an appointment with an endodontist for a root canal on Friday. Well, now my tooth no longer feels sore or hurt. If there was a problem with the roots on my tooth would it not show up on an X-ray? I am not sure what to do now. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Sometimes, it takes time for an abscess to show on the X-ray, but pain starts as soon as it starts producing pus. When the quantity of pus increases and causes bone loss at the root apex, then it starts showing on the X-ray. If tapping causes pain, then the tooth do need root canal treatment. For more information consult an endodontist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a PCOS patient. I did not take any ovulation induction agent for this cycle. I went for a scan yesterday and the doctor said I had one follicle, but the follicle was very weird looking for me as most follicles I have seen on scans are well rounded and defined. Please I will like to know is this a follicle or he just measured one of the cysts in my ovaries. And is it too late to take any medication for ovulation induction? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It does not look like a follicle. The hypoechoic shadow does not really even look like an ovary. The shadows are non-specific as I believe this is an abdominal scan because for follicular monitoring transvaginal scan is a must. The picture is not clear though (attachment removed to protect patient identity). On day 12, there is no point starting ovulation induction now. You may start from the next cycle. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My 71-year-old father was admitted to the hospital for palpitation occurrence and fast heart beating at 143 beats per minute. He was feeling dizziness in the morning. He was given injections to reduce the heart rate and has taken Holter monitoring for one day. He had previously undergone two stent placements for blocks. According to his Holter reading, the doctor said his heart pauses for two seconds sometime in 24 hours. He has both bradycardia and tachycardia. They suggested him a biventricular pacemaker implantation that is a St. Jude medical pacemaker. He is allergic to Penicillin. During his discharge, he was prescribed the following medicines: Prolomet XL 25 mg two times a day, Xarelto once a day, Glycomet-GP 1 one and a half tablets a day, Ecosprin AV 150/10 capsules one a day, and Pantocid one a day. He takes his medicines regularly but once in 10 days, the palpitation occurs for about 10 to 15 minutes ranging 20 and sometimes 105 and then it stops. Palpitation does not come every day. The doctor says there is no need to worry. My concern is why does the palpitation occur even after the pacemaker implantation. Is there any way to stop the palpitation? Is it a serious issue. Please help me. [/INST] Hello, Welcome back to ChatDoctor. I have gone through the report that you have provided. He is having the tachycardia-bradycardia syn ChatDoctor. In this case, the pacemaker avoids his bradycardia episodes only. For his tachycardia episodes, Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I had a minor injury four weeks ago when my partner while on the bed accidentally hit my erected penis on the left side next to the frenulum under the head. I had some minor pains here and there but I stopped all sexual activities. I did notice a very sharp pain today after an erection only, and the pain was at the same location of the injury. As I wanted to feel if there is a lump I did feel something there at the same location I described above (size of 1-2 millimeters). Please tell me if this will heal in a good way such as no scar tissue or bad way with scar tissue and Peyronie\s as my age is only 26 and I do not have any medical history or problems, and the same for my family. I do have varicoceles on my left nut sack grade 1. I have attached a picture of the frenulum.My questions are: What will be the healing time and pain healing time? What are the percentage of chances of developing or not developing scar tissue or Peyronie\s at this age? Will you recommend any medicines like Pentoxifylline or anti-inflammatory? I am not taking anything now. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have seen the pictures. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). If the trauma was at the level of frenulum then you can go for frenuloplasty so that frenulum will be freed from glans and there should not be any problem further. Peyronie\s disease generally develops after trauma to the shaft of penis. There is no recommendation to start medication for this prophylactically. Take some pain killers and anti-inflammatory medicines so that pain and inflammation will subside early. It may take three to five days. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I am a semi-professional singer and recently, I have been dealing with some vocal problems, I think I had a vocal hemorrhage and it seems to slowly heal, I am really not sure about what it is, so it would mean the world if you could give me your thoughts on it and in how much time it is going to be okay. [/INST] Hello. There are hemorrhagic patches (early stage) in the anterior one third of both the vocal cords but that will heal if you will take adequate voice rest, ChatDoctor. Get repeat laryngoscopy done after a month. Also, there seems to be a phonatory gap in posterior third of vocal cord but to confirm if the gap is present I need to see video of of laryngoscopy. If you have a video of scoot please send that to me (a picture will not be enough). Even if gap is present it will go with the speech therapy. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I have a small round yellow bump or circle on the back of the arch, right above my tonsil. It is there for a month. It does not show any changes. I do not have any symptoms or soreness. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have gone through the attachment (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It appears like a small cyst. There can be a fluid collection inside the minor salivary gland. You need not worry about it as it goes down on its own. However, if you have any symptoms, you may need to ad ChatDoctor. Since you do not have any signs, we need not worry about it. Occasionally, it could be a tonsillolith which is stone formation inside the naturally occurring crypts of the tonsil. You need not worry unless it is symptomatic. Follow up after six months regarding this yellow spot. For more information consult an ENT otolaryngologist online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My inside part of my right elbow has been sore and swollen for five months. Flexing my arm out and wrist up and turning my arm from side to side aggravates things quite badly. Pain is worse at night time. When I push my three fingers and thumb together I get radiating pain down my forearm into my inside part of my elbow. Ultrasound showed all is good, but something is going on. It is hard to use my arm for any strength activities. My GP and physiotherapist have told it is not tendinitis. I took Ibuprofen and Voltarin Samuel gel but made no difference to the pain. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Sorry to hear about your suffering. Swollen sore elbow could be due to many causes like: Please provide me with more details in order to identify the cause: Please provide me with a clear photo of the elbow. Send me X-ray of the elbow if already done. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I am 24 years old and have been wearing glasses for myopia for six years. I have spectacle powers -9D and -11D in left and right eyes respectively with some small degrees of astigmatism. I had been consulting doctors for LASIK and ICL. I was found ineligible for LASIK but each doctor has a different opinion on ICL. Some say I am fit while some say I am not. I am really fed up. Please help. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. ICl is a surgical procedure to implant an artificial lens on the natural lens. During the workup of taking up a case for ICL surgery, many parameters are considered as it has a high risk of secondary cataract formation later on. Some of them are endothelial cell count, anterior chamber depth, the angle of the anterior chamber, corneal topography, etc. Only if criteria are met, they proceed for surgery. I may be able to help you more if you can send me the reports of your eye exam. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor,I treated some HPV genital warts using cryogenic therapy, followed by applying a liberal amount of Podophyllin, which I left on overnight. Sometimes during sleep, I became very ill and agitated, had the chills and could not get warm, and when I got up I was very weak and lethargic, no appetite, nausea and diarrhea, swollen throat. I thought it was influenza since the virus is currently being transmitted locally. But upon further reading, the symptoms I am experiencing the textbook overdose of Podophyllin. It has been about 8+ hours and the symptoms have not gotten better, or worse. I washed off the affected area with soap and water with the morning shower. Is there anything else I should do to treat the symptoms, and how much longer are they expected to continue? [/INST] Hi. Your concern is acute systemic toxicity due to Ligans in Podophyllin most probably. Have a single dose (2 ml) of intravenous or intramuscular Pheniramine (Avil) along with a single (2 ml) dose of Dexamethasone intravenous or intramuscular by consulting a general physician nearby you. This will help in stabilizing the symptoms. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,Can I play football again after retinal tear? It has been seven months after eye laser and I have been great, no more flashing lights for few months and no vision problems. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I, unfortunately, have to say no. The fact that you have had a retinal tear which had to be treated by laser tells me that you are at future risk of another tear. The tear by itself can progress to retinal detachment and can permanently decrease the visual acuity of your eye even after treatment. Please avoid all contact sports and attend follow-ups as instructed by your ophthalmologist. Anomalous PVD (posterior vitreous detachment). 1. Indirect ophthalmoscopy. 2. B-scan ultrasound. 1. Retinal hole. 2. Retinal degeneration. Retinal tear post laser. Observation. Avoid contact sports. For more information consult an eye care ophthalmologist online.- </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My mother is 59 years old and she is having severe pain in the knee. After taking x-ray and blood tests we came to know that her vitamin D levels are low which shows 14ng /mL. Can you please suggest a cure for this? Can the pain in the legs be cured? Can you suggest a remedy to get the pain levels relaxed? I am more concerned as she is not even able to walk as before. [/INST] Hi. Vitamin D deficiency is the most common vitamin deficiency currently faced by the population at large. In about 80 percent of urban population vitamin D is either deficient or insufficient. Your mother\s problem is easily treatable by oral medications or injections. There is no cure, as the requirement is ongoing. Increasing the sun exposure to naked skin is necessary and if that is not enough, take regular supplements for life. Coming to the pain in the legs, this again can be multifactorial: What we need to do first is an assessment and physical examination followed by blood investigations and x-rays to pinpoint the cause. Please send the x-rays of the knee and lumbar spine and start her on the vitamin D supplements. The management for present situation would be: Revert back with the reports to an orthopaedician online </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I saw these lesions on my scrotum and outer genitals yesterday. I am currently on day 6 of chicken pox. What could these lesions possibly be from? Is this an STD? [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Your concern is folliculitis. There are many reasons for it like dehy ChatDoctor. Start Metronidazole gel in the morning and T-bact (Mupirocin) ointment in the evening on the affected areas. If they resolved, ignore but if they flare then have a physical examination by a dermatologist nearby you. It is not STD. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I have a question about syphilis.I am 29 years old, female. I am not sexually active but I got engaged recently and my fianc\xc3\xa9 had previous relationships. He only kisses me sometimes which I am worried that by kissing some disease might be transferred to me from him. I got skin rash on my palms and feet 5 days ago. And when I was searching I came across syphilis. Can syphilis be transmitted through a kiss? I went to a doctor and he told me it is a skin virus HFMV and gave me antibiotic cream. I did not mention the kissing part to him. But he took blood test, crp was normal, also blood count test was normal. I did not mention this to my partner yet. I am really worried that it could be some other disease. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Syphilis cannot be transmitted through kissing. It is only transmitted through oral, anal and genital sex. However, syphilis can cause oral ulcers. If you kissed someone with an active oral ulcer, then the risk of getting syphilis through kissing may occur. Is there anything else I can help you with? Or anything that is not clear to you? I would gladly clarify them. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I have mouth and throat ulcers lasting for the past eight to nine days. No fever, cough, ordifficulty breathing.I consulted a doctor over the phone and took three days of Azithromycin, Dologel, andsome pain relief medicine. After no improvement after three days, the doctorchanged the medicine Candid mouth gel, Alusil. I have been taking thisfor the last three days. Still there is only minimal improvement. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctor. Can you kindly share the pictures of the lesions? Are there any blisters? How did the lesions appear in the first place? If it is not responding it might be oral herpes. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My fiancee and I had some intimacy a month ago and we had a hunch that she might get pregnant although we did not have sex. We were close but I do not think that anything should happen because we both were wearing clothes (undergarments). Because of this hunch, she took Unwanted 72 under 12 hours. She had her last period from 31st to 4th last month. She took the pill on 6th. Now, its been more than a week and she did not have her periods. Also, she is a virgin. Are there chances of pregnancy? For how much longer will the periods be delayed? [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your history and understand your concerns. As she had Unwanted 72, the chances of pregnancy are not there in your case. Delayed menses could be due to hormonal imbalance caused by the pill. Just wait and watch for your menses. If missed by seven days get your home urine pregnancy test done. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,My husband takes too much alcohol daily. I want him to stop alcohol forever. About one week before, we have done a health checkup. His SGPT level has increased by 108. What should I do now? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Regarding quitting the alcohol, firstly you need to take him to nearby deaddiction center. You need to talk to him regarding the harmful consequences like liver damage which has now begun. You need to take him into confidence and take him to deaddiction center. There he will get counseling and assistance to quit alcohol. The patients are given medicine to reduce alcohol craving like Naltrexone and also medicines which will produce adverse effects on alcohol consumption, which you must have heard about. This medicine is Disulfiram 250 which you will be provided there which is given once daily. Regarding his SGPT, the best treatment is abstinence from alcohol. Also, other contributory factors like obesity, healthy lifestyle and weight loss will help to prevent further liver damage. At this stage, damage can be recovered but later this may become irreversible. Also, get him vaccinated for hepatitis B if not yet done. Also, he should be given plenty of water, adequate nutrition, fruits, and vegetables. Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts. For more information consult an internal medicine physician online </s>