license: mit
Dataset Card for Land Parcels
Dataset Description
Homepage: DSSGx Munich organization page.
Repository: GitHub.
Dataset Summary
This dataset contains information about land parcels with building plans in the region of Northern-Rhine Westphalia. It was downloaded from the NRW Geoportal.
Dataset Structure
Data Fields
- objectid: Unique ID used for each land parcel.
- planid: ID from the Geoportal.
- levelplan: Spatial plan level. Classification scheme specified, required according to the INSPIRE term “infra-local”.
- name: Name of building plan.
- kommune: Municipality.
- gkz: Municipal code of the municipality.
- nr: In the municipality only once occurring number of the plan. Can also combine letters and numbers. The numbering system should be defined by the municipality before the first plan entry.
- besch: Brief description of the building plan.
- aend: Use dependent on building name and reference to change.
- aendert: The ID of the original plan that is being changed.
- stand: According to code list legal status.
- planart: Type of plan/statute.
- datum: Date of building plan.
- scanurl: URL of the scanned building plan.
- texturl: URL to textual determinations, necessary if scanned plan does not contain them.
- legendeurl: URL to the plan symbols (legend) necessary, if plan symbols and determinations are available separately.
- sonsturl: If the URL under "Document" only links to the actual plan drawing (without supplementary documents), then a URL must be added under this field, under which the corresponding additional content (such as expert opinions) can be found.
- verfahren: Type of plan procedure.
- plantyp: The type of the plan.
- aendnr: Number of the modified plan.
- begruendurl: URL for justification. Necessary if justification and determinations are available separately.
- umweltberurl: URL to the environmental report. Necessary if report and determinations are available separately.
- erklaerungurl: URL to the recapitulative statement. Necessary if declaration and determinations are available separately.
- shape_Length: The length of the land parcel
- shape_Area: The area of the land parcel
- regional_plan_id: Unique ID of regional plan the land parcel is in.
- regional_plan_name: Name of the regional plan the land parcel is in.
- ART: Unique ID of regional plan the land parcel is in.
- geometry: Geographical location of the land parcel.
More information on this fields can be found in the NRW documentation here.
Source Data
Initial Data Collection
The data was downloaded from the NRW Geoportal, selecting the information of building plans and exporting the features as a GeoJSon in QGIS.