--- license: mit --- # Dataset Card for Land Parcels ## Dataset Description **Homepage:** [DSSGx Munich](https://sites.google.com/view/dssgx-munich-2023/startseite) organization page. **Repository:** [GitHub](https://github.com/DSSGxMunich/land-sealing-dataset-and-analysis). ### Dataset Summary This dataset contains information about land parcels with building plans in the region of Northern-Rhine Westphalia. It was downloaded from the [NRW Geoportal.](https://www.geoportal.nrw/?activetab=portal) ## Dataset Structure ### Data Fields - **objectid**: Unique ID used for each land parcel. - **planid**: ID from the Geoportal. - **levelplan**: Spatial plan level. Classification scheme specified, required according to the INSPIRE term “infra-local”. - **name**: Name of building plan. - **kommune**: Municipality. - **gkz**: Municipal code of the municipality. - **nr**: In the municipality only once occurring number of the plan. Can also combine letters and numbers. The numbering system should be defined by the municipality before the first plan entry. - **besch**: Brief description of the building plan. - **aend**: Use dependent on building name and reference to change. - **aendert**: The ID of the original plan that is being changed. - **stand**: According to code list legal status. - **planart**: Type of plan/statute. - **datum**: Date of building plan. - **scanurl**: URL of the scanned building plan. - **texturl**: URL to textual determinations, necessary if scanned plan does not contain them. - **legendeurl**: URL to the plan symbols (legend) necessary, if plan symbols and determinations are available separately. - **sonsturl**: If the URL under "Document" only links to the actual plan drawing (without supplementary documents), then a URL must be added under this field, under which the corresponding additional content (such as expert opinions) can be found. - **verfahren**: Type of plan procedure. - **plantyp**: The type of the plan. - **aendnr**: Number of the modified plan. - **begruendurl**: URL for justification. Necessary if justification and determinations are available separately. - **umweltberurl**: URL to the environmental report. Necessary if report and determinations are available separately. - **erklaerungurl**: URL to the recapitulative statement. Necessary if declaration and determinations are available separately. - **shape_Length**: The length of the land parcel - **shape_Area**: The area of the land parcel - **regional_plan_id**: Unique ID of regional plan the land parcel is in. - **regional_plan_name**: Name of the regional plan the land parcel is in. - **ART**: Unique ID of regional plan the land parcel is in. - **geometry**: Geographical location of the land parcel. More information on this fields can be found in the NRW documentation [here](https://www.bauportal.nrw/system/files/media/document/file/21-12-08-bauleitplanung_benutzerhandbuch.pdf). ### Source Data #### Initial Data Collection The data was downloaded from the NRW Geoportal, selecting the information of building plans and exporting the features as a GeoJSon in QGIS.