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800 | 0 | Monitrend Mutual Value, based in Nashville, Tenn., went to a 100% cash position in August and missed the recent stock market uptick | VERB | 16 |
801 | 1 | The son- in- law kicks in his earnings from a factory job -- and raises a pig on the rooftop | VERB | 4 |
802 | 1 | But others -- including Pennsylvania's two senators, Republicans Arlen Specter and John Heinz, Rep. Joseph McDade -LRB- R., Pa. -RRB- and Rep. John Murtha -LRB- D., Pa. -RRB- -- stepped in | VERB | 29 |
803 | 1 | Still, market participants say the firmer U.S. interest rates will lend support to the dollar if tomorrow's report shows that the trade gap widened in June | VERB | 10 |
804 | 1 | And if you ever find one of these busy bees working for you, don't hesitate to add to his load that frightful project that no one else will touch | VERB | 28 |
805 | 1 | We're stuck with stagnant real income and competitiveness problems in international markets unless productivity improves.' | VERB | 1 |
806 | 0 | Any support for the State Department's proposals quickly evaporated when the ideas wound up in the press | VERB | 8 |
807 | 0 | The Federal Home Loan Bank Board, as expected, adopted a resolution intended to reassure Wall Street firms that have lent about$ 12.6 billion to the thrift unit of troubled Financial Corp. of America | VERB | 19 |
808 | 1 | " He ate and slept until he looked like he was going to break, " recalls Kathleen Perry | VERB | 2 |
809 | 0 | Legend holds that the Jew immediately rode out of town, realizing that he was no match for such a shrewd population | VERB | 6 |
810 | 1 | But for small companies, the costs eat up a much larger percentage of revenue | VERB | 6 |
811 | 1 | Mr. Davis says he has been flooded with requests for berths on future flights since announcing the October launch | VERB | 6 |
812 | 1 | But until now the cabinet has stuck to what could be called the East German approach to state medicine: Advisers speak of better management, not of free enterprise | VERB | 6 |
813 | 0 | Heating- oil futures, currently experiencing little demand because of a strike in New York harbor, had been riding high early in the heating season | VERB | 4 |
814 | 0 | Rep. Dymally agrees efforts to exclude aliens are impractical, but he says the Census Bureau must account for the estimated 1.4% of the population -- including many urban blacks -- that they missed in 1980 | VERB | 32 |
815 | 0 | Yesterday its planes struck a nuclear- power plant and industrial targets near the Persian Gulf coast city of Bushehr and raided Khuzestan | VERB | 3 |
816 | 0 | To fill these growing gaps, Congress increasingly has turned to employers to expand coverage to even more employees and non- employees | VERB | 1 |
817 | 0 | Television commercials expected to air in mid- April in New York and Miami will feature the homespun pair dancing the salsa, advertising sources said | VERB | 18 |
818 | 1 | BEST -- Baker: Attempted in each post to make government function using, not assaulting, the democratic process | VERB | 13 |
819 | 0 | Federal law prohibits banks from lending to federal campaigns except " on a basis which assures repayment, " wording which at least some FEC commissioners interpret as requiring a firm pledge of existing collateral | VERB | 5 |
820 | 0 | Lower- alcohol beer is favored by " session drinkers " who spend an entire evening in a pub and are accustomed to drinking English beer which, despite its robust taste, generally is less potent than Australian or U.S. brands | VERB | 22 |
821 | 1 | To keep those flowerpots from flying, companies more and more try to prepare employees for working with AIDS patients | VERB | 5 |
822 | 0 | Israeli television said a Palestinian girl was killed during a West Bank protest and Gaza Strip hospital officials said 105 Palestinians were treated for beatings during a general strike there | VERB | 7 |
823 | 0 | So only a direct hit on the concrete hangar or an extremely close miss can destroy the plane on the ground | VERB | 15 |
824 | 0 | He plowed afoot behind a mule, picked cotton and hoed peanuts | VERB | 1 |
825 | 1 | Even so, the biggest issues on the National Association of Securities Dealers automated quotation service did better yesterday than those in the Dow, which was dragged down by disappointing special earnings gains reported by IBM | VERB | 25 |
826 | 1 | GOP strategists acknowledge that there are few incumbents they would rather knock off this election year | VERB | 11 |
827 | 0 | " Sam is one of a kind, " Mr. Glass said, adding that he wasn't " going to dance the hula on Wall Street.' | VERB | 18 |
828 | 1 | Wind shear has contributed to at least five major airline accidents in the past 15 years in which more than 500 people have been killed | VERB | 24 |
829 | 1 | The more today's candidates compare themselves to the little gamecock who scattered S.O.B.s like shrapnel and threatened to kick a journalist in his most tender parts, the more controlled most of them have become | VERB | 18 |
830 | 0 | Five years ago, a North Korean bomb killed 17 high- ranking South Korean government officials who were on a state visit to Rangoon, Burma | VERB | 7 |
831 | 0 | In addition to the requirement of a warrant, the court's ruling also struck down the department's drug- testing program on the ground that the tests themselves don't reliably measure intoxication at a particular time before their administration | VERB | 12 |
832 | 1 | Gustave de La France, an old farmer who lives deep in the bald mountains near Hinche, says: " When it rains, the spirits in the rocks are nourished, so the rocks grow larger.' | VERB | 20 |
833 | 0 | She was really grasping at everyone " who could make her feel better about his safety, Ms. Crispen said | VERB | 3 |
834 | 0 | Since then, the World Bank alone has lent more than$ 83 billion to already overburdened Third World debtors | VERB | 7 |
835 | 1 | None of this seems to have damped the spirits of the hall's backers, who plan to kick off a new fund- raising drive this fall | VERB | 16 |
836 | 0 | This was not the first occasion when Sandinistas have pursued Contras across an ill- defined frontier and sought to destroy the Contra bases | VERB | 19 |
837 | 0 | Medic- Light already is working on " second- generation " products, including a computerized light system that, by simulating the gradual light changes of dawn and dusk, is designed to serve as " a natural clock " to wake people up and lull them to sleep, says Mr. Hughes | VERB | 45 |
838 | 1 | His inadequacy, vacillation and -LRB- a favorite -RRB- " imbecility " were widely condemned, along with his intellect, or lack of it: " You can not. .. fill his. .. empty skull with brains.' | VERB | 27 |
839 | 1 | A plot has taken over St. Louis, from which no citizen, not the city's ghetto slumlords nor its CEOs, can escape | VERB | 20 |
840 | 1 | They miss the point ignored by most city planners in Latin America: People, not planners, make cities | VERB | 1 |
841 | 0 | I'd miss it if I didn't play | VERB | 1 |
842 | 0 | A bomb exploded in India's northern Haryana state, killing at least 15 people and wounding about 25 others | VERB | 8 |
843 | 0 | And Jackson adviser Roger Wilkins warned that " trust and loyalty are bound to wither " if the lines of communication between the two camps are not kept open | VERB | 14 |
844 | 0 | Mexico wants to be able to borrow from international banks again, and retiring its bank debt at about 70 cents on the dollar may discourage many banks from lending it more money, bankers said | VERB | 28 |
845 | 0 | On the U.S. side of the equation, Mr. Hodge said the improved October U.S. jobs data, the election and an expected improvement in the U.S. September trade deficit over the August report will all lend only temporary support to the dollar on its downward trend | VERB | 34 |
846 | 1 | Finally, that act would streamline procedures, allowing states to set or change individual permits without needless EPA review; EPA to issue targeted requirements rather than comprehensive federal cleanup plans that destroy local initiatives; and enforcement to become both swifter and fairer through self- executing citations reviewed by expert administrative law judges, not cases pursued in hundreds of backlogged district courts | VERB | 30 |
847 | 0 | Union Carbide announced after the market closed May 18, a Wednesday, that it was cutting its quarterly dividend by 46% and that it would offer 15 million new common shares as a means of reducing the company's heavy debt load and of pumping more cash into the operation | VERB | 42 |
848 | 0 | Budgetary gridlock, a possible financial crisis, and a presidency besieged almost immediately by pressing domestic and international economic problems | VERB | 9 |
849 | 1 | Pravda said an Azerbaijan metalworker went on trial for murder for his part in February ethnic riots that killed at least 32 in the Soviet republic | VERB | 18 |
850 | 0 | Mr. DeBartolo lent Campeau$ 480 million to help finance its Federated takeover, and much of Campeau's U.S. real estate assets are pledged as security for the loan | VERB | 2 |
851 | 0 | Home here is a 12-by-15-foot room, cooled by two portable fans and crowded with three beds and boxes of clothes | VERB | 6 |
852 | 1 | I thought it happened during a Bush administration, but never mind, we're ready to roll | VERB | 14 |
853 | 0 | I jump onto the track, heft my bags to the platform and drag them | VERB | 12 |
854 | 0 | Today, the upper ranks of English society still drink Pimm's, though in weather that is rather damper and at contests somewhat tamer: the Ascot horse races, the Wimbledon tennis tournament, the Henley rowing regatta | VERB | 8 |
855 | 0 | BMW of North America Inc. and Chrysler Corp. are recalling a total of 22, 000 cars in California to fix faulty anti- smog devices, according to California officials | VERB | 19 |
856 | 0 | An Aer Lingus spokesman claimed Italy is dragging its feet because Alitalia plans to start flights between Milan and Manchester this month | VERB | 7 |
857 | 1 | Though all the rough spots haven't been smoothed yet, the city's already had sufficient success to serve as a model for Liverpool, Newcastle and those other northerners rich in little but the past | VERB | 7 |
858 | 0 | Previously, Olivetti refused to make such cuts, forcing AT& T's computer business to absorb the shortfalls | VERB | 13 |
859 | 1 | Grand Metropolitan PLC, seeking to knock down another legal impediment to its proposed acquisition of Pillsbury Co., said it would dispose of Pillsbury's barge and towboat business if it gained control of the Minneapolis food and restaurant concern | VERB | 5 |
860 | 1 | But now that early sales are in, it appears that while GM hasn't struck out, the once- formidable slugger so far has only a solid single to show for its efforts | VERB | 13 |
861 | 1 | He also indicates that he would roll back some of the deregulation pushed through during the Reagan years, particularly pledging tougher antitrust policies | VERB | 6 |
862 | 1 | We can also see dissolving a central tenet of those who' ve long argued that the large budget and trade deficits of the Reagan years have left the U.S. economy tottering on the edge of ruin | VERB | 4 |
863 | 1 | Steelworkers will press for a share of the higher profits; lower- cost minimills and emerging Third World producers will grab markets of integrated U.S. steelmakers, and alternative materials -- aluminum, ceramics and high- tech metal composites -- will wrest away business | VERB | 19 |
864 | 0 | The finding of the crack could prompt a re- examination of the struts on the rockets used for Discovery to ensure that cracks haven't been missed there | VERB | 25 |
865 | 0 | The labor pact with large trucking firms met a storm of protests from local leaders and the rank and file when it was tentatively struck last month | VERB | 24 |
866 | 0 | By the time " Trovatore " stumbled in for the last time two weeks ago, only the Heimlich maneuver could have helped Franco Bonanome get through " Di quella pira "; an old buzz saw, Fiorenza Cossotto, was rasping away at the gypsy's music; and Leona Mitchell drifted from pillar to pillar and all too often from the score | VERB | 6 |
867 | 0 | And gang killings -- though still occurring at the rate of several a week -- have declined sharply since the police flooded the streets | VERB | 21 |
868 | 0 | With the stock now trading in the low 80s, he wonders whether investors might have benefited more using the money in another investment rather than riding the roller coaster | VERB | 25 |
869 | 0 | Based on the number of acres planted in the spring, the Agriculture Department estimated earlier this year that a normal yield of 121 bushels an acre would generate a harvest of 7.3 billion bushels | VERB | 6 |
870 | 0 | It struck down the comptroller's conclusion that the Bank Holding Company Act didn't apply | VERB | 1 |
871 | 0 | He said that MMWEC will have to absorb only$ 4 million in additional annual costs now paid by the Vermont utilities | VERB | 7 |
872 | 1 | Afterward, Enrique " Quique " Galarza, Cojunto's lively, goateed, 40-ish lead singer, explained that he and his colleagues recently dissolved a pre- existing group and started Cojunto, so they don't have any home turf dates either | VERB | 19 |
873 | 0 | In most instances, executives at the absorbed companies are the merger casualties, says Steven Potter of Russell Reynolds Associates | VERB | 6 |
874 | 1 | All agree that the state must diversify its industrial base to escape the recently detrimental reliance on oil, said Ron Jones, chairman of the New Orleans Business Council and president of Louisiana Coca Cola Bottling Ltd | VERB | 11 |
875 | 0 | First, there is the problem of establishing precisely what " meaning " each senator understood concerning every provision of every treaty at the time the Senate gave its consent to ratification. -LRB- From my observation, most senators do not attend treaty hearings, read committee reports on treaties, or even personally examine the texts of most proposed treaties before they are called upon to vote. -RRB-/-R | VERB | 50 |
876 | 1 | But while Lucky and Campeau haven't struck a deal for Ralph's, Wall Street investment bankers say Macy may have: The New York retailer is said to have pre- sold Ralph's to an unidentified leveraged buyout concern for more than$ 1 billion | VERB | 6 |
877 | 0 | In northern Botswana, where the poor quality of their ivory protects elephants from poachers, the elephant population is out of control and has eaten and knocked down many square miles of scrubby forest | VERB | 25 |
878 | 1 | Richard Barnett, chairman of the CFC Alliance, says equipment manufacturers won't retool their plants until they can know with certainty which CFC substitutes the producers will stick with | VERB | 26 |
879 | 1 | Mr. Tyson was in London on business and had to fly back this weekend | VERB | 10 |
880 | 1 | To help make room, two members representing Newmont would step down | VERB | 9 |
881 | 1 | Like Mr. Bush, Mr. Dukakis wants to step up the use of " clean " natural gas by eliminating legal and regulatory barriers that block big gas users from bargaining directly with producers | VERB | 7 |
882 | 1 | Mr. Rowland " touched on the matter " of a possible stake purchase again last week, according to Sir Michael | VERB | 3 |
883 | 0 | He gives a tour of a Berlin that is affectionate yet bewildered; though he isn't a native Berliner, his is the view of a returning son who doesn't quite know what to make of the city he's missed so much | VERB | 37 |
884 | 1 | A spokesman for Mr. Dingell said, " The exemptions ate the rule.' | VERB | 9 |
885 | 1 | The commission's endorsement of using gambling to pump up Detroit's economy was widely expected, and serves mainly to push the heated Detroit casino debate back to the city council | VERB | 7 |
886 | 0 | When the Detroit Free Press cools down | VERB | 5 |
887 | 1 | Mr. Gorbachev has complained that children play soccer with loaves of bread because they're so cheap | VERB | 6 |
888 | 0 | The debentures will carry a rate that's fixed, but can increase based on natural gas prices | VERB | 7 |
889 | 0 | Young boys stretch out on picnic tables in the shade, and older men rest against cool block walls | VERB | 13 |
890 | 0 | The second will examine policies that could lessen current concentrations of gases that contribute to global warming | VERB | 3 |
891 | 0 | These grants are the public finance equivalent of a lottery for state and local governments that continually fix the odds in their favor of obtaining one | VERB | 17 |
892 | 1 | It is " Hotlanta ": capital city of the South at a time when the South has risen; city of myriad services at a time when the service economy rules; city of the 1980s, more suburban than downtown, more footloose than fixed | VERB | 41 |
893 | 1 | What they are pushing is elimination or weakening of cost- of- living clauses, greater links between compensation and corporate performance, and more emphasis on lump- sum payments that don't step up the wage base | VERB | 29 |
894 | 1 | " A lot of the institutional investors that have missed the boat might want to take the opportunity to get in now, " he said | VERB | 9 |
895 | 0 | It could even store some first- class sleeping berths, says Mr. Newkirk | VERB | 7 |
896 | 0 | He didn't set a deadline for destroying PCBs, but said movable disposal units might be leased from the U.S. to help eliminate those stored in warehouses across the country | VERB | 6 |
897 | 1 | The guerrillas claim they killed 35 Angolans and 15 Cubans | VERB | 4 |
898 | 0 | Major newspapers generally endorse the notion of liberalization, but they aren't attacking the GATT solution | VERB | 11 |
899 | 1 | " Of course, you look at some of the women competing today, and they' ve missed the whole point | VERB | 15 |
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