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327 | 1 | Taking over a business from a parent isn't always smooth sailing | VERB | 9 |
328 | 1 | With their boss routinely delving into the nuts and bolts of prospective projects -LRB- he likes to " kick the tires, " says a colleague -RRB-, Mr. Schwartz's team of 20 people spends roughly two- thirds of their time analyzing alternative proposals | VERB | 18 |
329 | 1 | Tobacco may have run into its first legal setback and another public relations blow this week, but the cigarettes keep rolling off the line and their makers keep rolling in big profits | VERB | 28 |
330 | 1 | A coup attempt last August against the government of President Corazon Aquino touched off fears here that her government -- and newly won democracy in the Philippines -- were in danger | VERB | 12 |
331 | 0 | More than 211 people have been killed and 586 wounded since the current fighting began between the Amal and Hezbollah | VERB | 6 |
332 | 0 | " The new irrigation tunnel has allowed us to plant 6, 000 willow trees and 600 apple trees and to earn money for the education of our children, " she says, tears welling in her eyes | VERB | 9 |
333 | 1 | He now says that specialty retailing fills the bill, but he made a number of profitable forays in the meantime | VERB | 6 |
334 | 0 | If someone wants to eat fruits, nuts and organically grown vegetables from the back yard every day, fine | VERB | 4 |
335 | 1 | Typically, he says, a company that discovers irregularities asks the offending executive to resign without a pension or severance pay, and the affair is quietly smoothed over | VERB | 25 |
336 | 0 | The U.S. Export- Import Bank could assist the Polish transaction, but it's legally forbidden to lend funds to Romania | VERB | 15 |
337 | 1 | As previously reported, Eastern, locked in a longstanding labor- management feud, has contracted with Orion Air, a unit of Primark Corp., to provide pilots to fly Eastern aircraft should contract talks end in a strike | VERB | 25 |
338 | 0 | Though riding the luge is a fairly dangerous sport, the scariest moment for the Philippines' Mr. Ocampo came a week before the Olympics when his credentials to participate were temporarily blocked by Philippine bureaucrats | VERB | 1 |
339 | 1 | Customers shouldn't " sleep too easily, " because regulatory gaps remain, such as not requiring disclosure of charges, warns Helena Wiesner, research manager at Britain's Consumers Association | VERB | 3 |
340 | 0 | This objectivity, however, need not destroy the work's subjectivity, and Mr. Palmer is wrong in asserting that moral- rights advocates " claim that a work of art is simply an extension of the personality of the artist.' | VERB | 5 |
341 | 0 | The IDB has lent more than$ 35 billion since its inception 27 years ago, much of it to create the type of parastatal companies Treasury Secretary James Baker has been trying to persuade Latin governments to dismantle | VERB | 3 |
342 | 0 | The idea is to improve NATO's ability to disrupt any breakthrough of its forward defenses -- by striking bridges, rail lines and other choke points -- and to strike deep inside Warsaw Pact defenses and supply lines | VERB | 28 |
343 | 0 | In nearby Henderson, Roger Ellis wakes up in the middle of the night because his Dallas- owned bank, which once promised him an endless supply of credit, is demanding that he pay off his construction company's note even though he has never missed a payment | VERB | 42 |
344 | 0 | He said incinerator temperatures of as much as 1, 000 degrees Celsius are enough to destroy the mineral | VERB | 15 |
345 | 1 | She lost weight, couldn't sleep, and didn't work again for six months | VERB | 4 |
346 | 0 | The May employment data will be minutely examined by economists who are sifting for clues to the pace of inflation and interest rates | VERB | 7 |
347 | 0 | You can't drink at all if you don't order something to eat, and you can't drink in a restaurant bar, even if you do order something to eat | VERB | 15 |
348 | 1 | President Reagan stepped up the volume of this chorus this year by attacking such purportedly porky projects as a$ 900, 000 catfish aquaculture facility in Stutgart, Ark.; a$ 2.4 million grant for the " tailored clothing industry, " and a$ 5 million gondola transportation system at an Idaho resort area | VERB | 2 |
349 | 0 | Many of the 96 victims of Puerto Rico's Dupont Plaza hotel fire on Dec. 31, 1986, were killed in a casino near the lobby | VERB | 17 |
350 | 0 | If widespread window dressing is occurring, then last week's rally and any upward move in prices this week could easily evaporate after the end of the quarter | VERB | 20 |
351 | 0 | Some of those arrested were dragged from buses that were to take them back to Managua; others, such as 18-year- old Norman Lenin Cardoza -LRB- who denies ever attending the rally -RRB- and attorney Roger Guevara Mena, were arrested by state security police days later | VERB | 5 |
352 | 0 | In separate incidents in the past few weeks, Israelis are being held in connection with the burning to death of three Palestinian laborers as they slept near a building site near Tel Aviv | VERB | 25 |
353 | 1 | But Mr. Quayle can't seem to escape controversy | VERB | 6 |
354 | 1 | The leader of a failed coup in August, who escaped from a Manila prison Saturday, called on his supporters in the military to " act and act boldly.' | VERB | 9 |
355 | 1 | Performing his own compositions, traditional R& B tunes, zydeco originals and his interpretations of rock numbers, Buck and the band spit out the kind of crackling music that's been missing since the heyday of Stax Records, when Booker T. and the MGs pumped a driving rhythm behind Sam& Dave, Carla Thomas and Otis Redding | VERB | 42 |
356 | 1 | Traditions die hard, and the Fed hasn't shaken its habit of targeting the real economy -- under the notion that inflation, too much money chasing too few goods, is prevented by curtailing the production of goods | VERB | 11 |
357 | 0 | Workers at General Motors Corp.'s truck assembly complex in Pontiac, Mich., are threatening to strike for the second time in less than a year | VERB | 14 |
358 | 1 | Thus he notes that when Edward Baring became Baron Revelstoke in 1883 he knocked together two Mayfair mansions to make one urban palace in which he " entertained in a style as lavish as the furnishing | VERB | 13 |
359 | 0 | So far it's difficult to see that Mr. Kemp's platform is striking a responsive chord in Iowa | VERB | 11 |
360 | 1 | A recently proposed credit for Ecuador has yet to be completed and Brazil's bank debt talks have dragged on for weeks longer than expected | VERB | 17 |
361 | 0 | If such eccentric beguilement appeals to you, don't miss this book | VERB | 8 |
362 | 1 | Six years ago, Mr. Slusher stumbled across Harry Fisher while reading about Medal of Honor winners | VERB | 5 |
363 | 0 | Whether these dancers could ever meet the requirements of " Raymonda Variations " and " Symphony in C, " the ballets they danced in New York, is doubtful | VERB | 22 |
364 | 1 | Mr. Damore, who covered the incident for the Cape Cod News, is a disciplined and relentless writer who makes his case more devastating because he never steps back and editorializes | VERB | 26 |
365 | 0 | With their wives and girlfriends in Mexico, it's common to see men dancing alone here | VERB | 12 |
366 | 1 | The people who make the decisions -- directors and big institutional investors -- seem prepared to keep the money flowing to the top so long as the return to shareholders is deemed adequate | VERB | 19 |
367 | 0 | Most seafood eaters never give a second thought to the safety of the delicacies they eat | VERB | 15 |
368 | 0 | If the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approves the plan, Panhandle will have escaped a total of about$ 4 billion in take- or- pay contract liabilities | VERB | 12 |
369 | 0 | At least 35 people have been killed as the siege enters its second week | VERB | 6 |
370 | 0 | The company had a$ 14.24 billion working capital surplus at year end, but$ 13.98 billion of that came from money lent by GMAC to the parent, which took over financing of wholesale sales to dealers | VERB | 20 |
371 | 0 | A drug dealer like Liviel McLellan should not be able to escape a prison sentence | VERB | 11 |
372 | 0 | By hitching a ride on these proteins, drugs can be very narrowly targeted to attack diseased cells, Mr. McCamant says | VERB | 12 |
746 | 0 | The union leaders also will attack one of Wall Street's most dearly held beliefs about Texas Air -- something that has long helped to sustain its stock price: that for all its losses and labor travails, the company still sits on a motherlode of cash | VERB | 5 |
747 | 0 | Some are trying to escape childhoods troubled by missing fathers or drug- addicted mothers | VERB | 4 |
748 | 0 | Its administration expenses come to only 0.5% of its assets -- an enviably low figure -- and its rock- solid finances, coupled with the good repayment record on its lending, have earned it an AAA rating on the world's capital markets where it raises nearly 90% of the capital that it lends | VERB | 51 |
749 | 0 | A federal appeals court here struck down the law on Jan. 22, saying the appointment of independent counsels by a special three- judge court violates the Constitution's separation of powers | VERB | 5 |
750 | 1 | The honor of these Pulitzer- predators will be vindicated only if Mr. Anderson does all sorts of demeaning acts pursuant to article 48a of the Civil Code of California, mostly in the order of eating humble pie | VERB | 34 |
751 | 0 | If Mr. Icahn is successful in dissolving that agreement, he could seek Pennzoil's support for his plan, which, like Texaco's plan, includes a$ 3 billion settlement | VERB | 6 |
752 | 0 | One ad in the campaign developed by Lintas: Campbell- Ewald& Co. shows a Chevrolet S-10 compact pickup dragging a Ford Ranger into a " crater of fire.' | VERB | 17 |
753 | 0 | Since the international debt crisis erupted in 1982, banks have been increasingly reluctant to lend to Latin American countries | VERB | 14 |
754 | 1 | The scenes two weeks ago of ordinary people in Krasnoyarsk verbally assaulting Mikhail Gorbachev because of the shortage of goods in the shops reflect how deep popular disappointment is over the results of " perestroika " thus far | VERB | 11 |
755 | 1 | Soviet leader Gorbachev, in a second address to the forum, appealed to the 5, 000 delegates to adopt his restructuring proposals, saying " socialism will die unless we reform " the Soviet political system | VERB | 25 |
756 | 0 | The truck manufacturers, bidding on 15, 000 trucks rather than 5, 000, were able to offer a better price because of the greater quantity and the ability to spread their start- up and fixed costs over a larger base | VERB | 33 |
757 | 0 | Most of the rules are left unspoken: Don't move, don't talk, don't laugh, don't sneeze -- and, definitely, don't dance | VERB | 19 |
758 | 0 | " Such a big piece of the total company is riding on that pony, " he says | VERB | 10 |
759 | 0 | But the commission's most controversial recommendation by far would remove the FAA from the Transportation Department and re- establish it as the independent and renamed Federal Aviation Authority, complete with an administrator and a " safety czar, " both of whom would serve fixed terms of seven years | VERB | 43 |
760 | 0 | And a current red- and- black billboard in Mount Vernon, N.Y., warns that " People who do drugs go to hell before they die.' | VERB | 23 |
761 | 0 | " As the amount of copper available for delivery rose above the number of contracts that had to be satisfied, the threat of a squeeze' in the March contract evaporated, " said William O'Neill, research director for Elders Futures Inc., New York | VERB | 29 |
762 | 0 | Instead of dancing they watch rock video.' | VERB | 2 |
763 | 0 | The company hasn't filled the board vacancies | VERB | 3 |
764 | 1 | Shares of the biotechnology firm reached a 52-week low at 25 1 8 Friday before coming to rest at 25 5 8 | VERB | 17 |
765 | 1 | For the past eight years, all the pious high- mindedness has been flowing in one direction | VERB | 12 |
766 | 0 | In 1981, he and his second wife were able to escape Cuba by joining a group tour of Czechoslovakia | VERB | 10 |
767 | 0 | Poor Roger, however, gets zapped and bammed and splatted over and over again, ending up on the floor with little birds flying around his head | VERB | 21 |
768 | 0 | This suggests a panicky response from the Vincennes, particularly since a Pentagon air- combat specialist quoted by Mr. Kaplan in the Boston Globe said that an attacking F-14 probably would be traveling " at at least 550 to 580 knots, " 100 knots faster than Adm. Crow says the Airbus was flying, and " well under 1, 000 feet... | VERB | 26 |
769 | 0 | The airline said load factor, or the percentage of seats filled, was 39.3%, up from 37.7% a year earlier | VERB | 10 |
770 | 0 | I confess I fear word will get out that " the man in the green house is a soft touch " -- and that I will soon have several " Clints " knocking on my door | VERB | 32 |
771 | 0 | One grandfather had a sugar- cane field, until alternating patrols of Contras and Sandinistas ate it, stalk by stalk | VERB | 14 |
772 | 0 | Trading volume often evaporates just ahead of the monthly employment statistics, which are exceptionally difficult to predict | VERB | 3 |
773 | 0 | A revenue passenger mile is one paying passenger flown one mile | VERB | 8 |
774 | 0 | He flew off in one of his three 707s for long weekends in places like Australia with people like John and Bo Derek | VERB | 1 |
775 | 0 | Skywest said its load factor, or the percentage of seats filled, decreased to 38.3% from 41.5% | VERB | 10 |
776 | 1 | There are truths of which we shall remain unaware forever because we don't have the intelligence to grasp them | VERB | 17 |
777 | 1 | The writers' strike forced CBS Inc. yesterday to delay the debut of its critical fall season until the end of October, killing the third- place network's plan for a head start on its rivals | VERB | 21 |
778 | 0 | Carole Pfeffer put an ad seeking them in a trade publication and was flooded with close to 1, 000 pictures | VERB | 13 |
779 | 0 | " I have long suspected that more people are sleeping apart because of snoring than are sleeping together for all other reasons combined.' | VERB | 16 |
780 | 1 | A synthetic version, prepared by means of recombinant DNA, is to be given in an intravenous infusion in the hope that flooding the body with false targets would mop up virus particles and prevent them from infecting cells of the body | VERB | 21 |
781 | 1 | All of this took the extraordinary patience and determination of a man who escaped from a German prison camp on his third try and was elected president, also on his third try, after 23 years in opposition | VERB | 13 |
782 | 1 | There were many who thought that the dream would die with the dreamer, but it continues on | VERB | 9 |
783 | 0 | A prepared statement from Dr. Lenfant's office, read by an institute spokesman, said the institute plans to refocus its resources on the smaller, " simple and reliable " left ventricular assist devices -- half- heart pumps that may be implanted in tandem with the real heart to boost the power of its main pumping chamber | VERB | 35 |
784 | 0 | Next to it the firm planted a sign: " Little things like this will never come between us.' | VERB | 5 |
785 | 0 | For example, investigators learned that the takeoff warning sounded when the crew landed in Saginaw, Mich., before flying on to Detroit | VERB | 17 |
786 | 0 | " If there be any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, " the court ruled, " it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion.' | VERB | 5 |
787 | 0 | These electrons then flow back and forth from one silicon layer to the other, creating an electric field whose current can be tapped | VERB | 3 |
788 | 1 | " People who are willing to step into the marketplace are really looking for an extra special premium, " he said | VERB | 6 |
789 | 1 | More troubling to voters in Sacramento, perhaps, is that Babcock& Wilcox also designed the Three Mile Island unit that almost melted down in 1979 | VERB | 20 |
790 | 1 | " And from it flow many of the phenomena which we find disturbing in the Kremlin's conduct of foreign policy: the secretiveness, the lack of frankness, the duplicity, the wary suspiciousness and the basic unfriendliness of purpose.' | VERB | 4 |
791 | 0 | Also targeted for cuts would be IBM's payroll and products | VERB | 1 |
792 | 0 | Steps were being taken, Occidental said, to remove natural gas from the pipelines that flow into Piper | VERB | 14 |
793 | 0 | " Heineken has been hurt seriously since it became fashionable to drink Corona, " says Frank Walters, research director for the liquor industry newsletter Impact | VERB | 11 |
794 | 1 | Thus, while government officials concede apartheid must die, they can't bring themselves to kill it | VERB | 7 |
795 | 0 | Montedison's Iniziativa Me. T.A. unit, which Ferruzzi is to absorb in its restructuring, dropped 7.2% to 8, 310 lire | VERB | 9 |
796 | 1 | One clue will be that the Idaho fescue, blue bunch wheat grass and pine grass growing in fields where fire returned nutrients to the soil will be as much as a foot taller than the meadows that escaped the flames | VERB | 37 |
797 | 1 | Remics are absorbing the bulk of newly issued mortgage securities as institutional buyers, such as thrifts and insurance companies, prefer the more tailored investment features of structured mortgage securities to the greater payment uncertainties of ordinary pass- throughs issued by Ginnie Mae, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae | VERB | 2 |
798 | 1 | The arrangement would break new legal ground as a means for an insurer to escape its own potential liability by piggybacking on the Chapter 11 reorganization of a former policyholder | VERB | 14 |
799 | 1 | " We're waiting for inspiration, one way or the other, " one equity salesman said, adding that " at the moment, there's absolutely nothing to make the market die a death nor spur it on.' | VERB | 28 |
Subsets and Splits