good cook could cook cuckoos
If a good cook could cook cuckoos so fine, and a good cook could cook cuckoos all the time, how many cuckoos could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cuckoos?
six shy schoolmasters sailing serenely
Sixty-six shy schoolmasters sailing serenely a ship on a shining sea.
leisurely trips across asia
Casual clothes are provisional for leisurely trips across Asia.
dog chews shoes
If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?
bob bought
Bob bought a bleached blue-beaded blazer.
better buttered ."
"The bun is better buttered." Billy muttered.
timothy theophilus thicklethwaite thwackum thrust
If Timothy Theophilus Thicklethwaite Thwackum thrust his two thick thumbs through three hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three thick and thin thistles, where are the three hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three thick and thin thistles that Timothy Theophilus Thicklethwaite Thwackum thrust his two thick thumbs through?
sally simm saw sadie slee slowly
Sally Simm saw Sadie Slee slowly, sadly swinging. "She seems sorrowful," said she. So she started singing. Sadie smiled, soon swiftly sung, sitting straight, steered stiffly. "So!" said Sally, "Something sung scatters sunshine swiftly!".
coal sammy smellie smelt
Sammy Smellie smelt a smell of Small-coal. Did Sammy Smellie smell a smelt of Small-coal? If Sammy Smellie smelt a smell of Small-coal, where's the smell of Small-coal Sammy Smellie smelt?
imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing
Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?
knows whose nose glows rose
Who knows whose nose glows rose? Do you suppose you know whose nose?
herry carried cherished chairs
Herry carried cherished chairs very carefully down the stairs.
bill badger brought
Bill Badger brought the bear a bit of boiled bacon in a brown bag.
solemn sam slammed
Solemn Sam slammed the door.
brachiosaurus bellowed
A brachiosaurus bellowed with bronchitis.
sneaky thieves seized
Sneaky thieves seized the skis.
wrist watch
Rest your wits, arrest your wrist, your watch is not abread of which or why or who or even how. So wrest your wrist watch from your brow. The when will wait a little now.
tiny tin whistle
My wooden whistle wouldn't whistle, so I bought a shiny steel whistle. But my steel whistle wouldn't whistle, so I bought a tiny tin whistle, and now I tin whistle.
casted plastered wrested wrist
A twisted wrist arrested is a casted plastered wrested wrist.
pope poked
The Pope poked a poker at the piper, so the piper poked some pepper at the Pope.
This is a zither. Is this a zither?
tongue twisters twist tongues
If you tell Tom to tell a tongue twister, his tongue will be twisted as tongue twisters twist tongues.
south shore
Shirley is sure the shore on the north shore is shorter than the shore on the south shore.
andrew airpump asked
Andrew Airpump asked his Aunt her ailment. Did Andrew Airpump ask his Aunt her ailment? If Andrew Airpump asked his Aunt her ailment, where was the Ailment of Andrew Airpump's Aunt?
vivacious velociraptor visits vic
Vera the vivacious Velociraptor visits Vic with vigour.
laughs last laughs last
He who laughs last laughs last.
tot could totter
If a Hottentot taught a Hottentot tot to talk ere the tot could totter, ought the Hottentot tot be taught to say ought or naught or what ought to be taught 'er?
instigating illusion
Casting and conjuring and creating confusion, illuminating and inventing and instigating illusion.
crushed cracker crumbs
Chris tracked the crushed cracker crumbs to a truck of crackers.
yellow ladder
When Noel wouldn't loan Euell a yellow ladder, Euell yelled.
pleasant mother pheasant plucker
I'm a mother pheasant plucker, I pluck mother pheasants. I'm the most pleasant mother pheasant plucker to ever pluck a mother pheasant. Actually, I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son. But I'll stay and pluck the pheasants till the pheasant plucking's done!
weak words
William Wright was a writer.Wright has a right to write,but Wright's writings were rarely right.What Wright wrote was wrong.What was wrong with what Wright wrote was Wright's weak words.
proper place
Please put your pens, pencils, and posters in the proper place.
terrible tongue twister
What a terrible tongue twister, what a terrible tongue twister, what a terrible tongue twister.
He thrusts his fists against the posts
understand ".
If you understand, say "understand". If you don't understand, say "don't understand", but if you understand and say "don't understand". How do I understand that you understand. Understand!?
two tried
Two tried and true tridents
would woo miss lissamy lou
Antonio, Antonio, was tired of living alonio. He thought he would woo Miss Lissamy Lou, Miss lIssamy Lou Molonio. Antonio, Antonio, rode off on his polo-ponio. He found the fair maid in a bowery shade, A-sitting and knitting alonio. Antonio, Antonio, said "If you will be my ownio I'll love you true and I'll buy for you, an icery creamery conio!" "Oh no, Antonio, you're far too bleak and bonio! And all that I wish, you singular fish, is that you'll quickly begonio." Antonio, Antonio, he uttered a dismal moanio, then ran off and hid (Or I'm told that he did) in the Antarctical Zonio.
Follow the fellow.
blood ran blue
The big black bug's blood ran blue.
uncouth youths
Ruth's youths are uncouth youths - it's the truth.
whiskers rarely waver
A werewolf's whiskers rarely waver.
five fuzzy french frogs frolicked
Five fuzzy French frogs Frolicked through the fields in France.
little tillie little tattles little silly lies
Little Tillie Little tattles little silly lies. Her sister Millie Little tells her "Tillie!" Millie cries, "Millie-to-Tillie I'll tell you, Tillie, you tittle-tattle silly. I'll have you cut a Tillie Little tattle down to size."
little lillian lets lazy lizards lie along
Little Lillian lets lazy lizards lie along the lily pads.
chimney santa shimmies
Down the chimney Santa shimmies.
six thick swamps stumbled sammy
Through six thick swamps stumbled Sammy.
exports port
Oporto, a port in Portugal, exports port.
drum said theda
Theda thought Thora was thumping her thimble But Thomas thought Thora was thumping her drum Said Theda if Thora's not thumping her thimble I think that she surely is thumping her thumb
two tooting toucans clap
Two tooting toucans clap and tap too.
silly sally shouldnort shaved sheep
Silly Sally Shouldnort shaved sheep she should show soon so selling sheep shaved showed she shouldn't show shaved sheep so soon.
quit court quite quietly
She quit court quite quietly and quickly too!
allotment meant
Mr Lott's allotment meant a lot to Mr, Lott. Now Mr. Lott is missed a lot on Mr Lott's allotment.
furious bluster dusting
A maid with a duster made a furious bluster dusting a bust in the hall. When the bust it was dusted the bust it was busted. The bust it was dust, that's all.
mostly groans
The ghostly moans were mostly groans.
white rice fight
It's a nice night for a white rice fight.
We won when we wore our armour!
cooking class clapped cara
Corey's cooking class clapped Cara's crumble.
drummer dumbly decided
The drummer dumbly decided to drum at dawn.
witch wishes
I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
shop sport short socks
Does this shop sport short socks with spots?
two witches would watch two watches
If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
pure food
Pure food for poor mules.
type pipe_type_byte
To put a pipe in byte mode, type PIPE_TYPE_BYTE.
anti auntie
I'm anti Auntie!
shirt soon shrank
His shirt soon shrank in the suds.
eight ate eight eggs
Edgar at eight ate eight eggs a day.
suppose sally shredded suet
Suppose Sally shredded suet so swiftly that she was sooner done than she expected, how slowly would Sally have to shred suet to be done as soon as she expected she would be?
peppered pickle package papa porter purchased
Papa Porter purchased a pack of peppered pickles. If Papa Porter purchased a pack of peppered pickles, when where's the peppered pickle package Papa Porter purchased?
wally wanted
Wally wasn't really whimsical. Wally wandered what whimsical was. Witty was what Wally wanted, and witty was what Wally resoundingly was.
falafel fell fully
Awful Frank's falafel fell fully on the floor afore he was fully full.
dear mother
Dear mother,give your other udder to my other brother.
road workers rode
The road workers rode to work on the road.
pretty fine pine pews
Hugh Pugh's pretty fine pine pews.
father fried five floundering flounder
Frances Fowler's father fried five floundering flounder for Frances Fowler's father's father.
yellow butter
Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thick, say it quick! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thicker, say it quicker! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Don't eat with your mouth full!
steaming spinach soup
Silly Susan stirred a saucepan of spicy, steaming spinach soup with a spatula.
dry di dry skis dry ski slopes
Di dry skis on a dry ski slope. Dry slope skiing on a dry ski slope. Slalom skiing on a dry ski slope. Dry Di dry skis dry ski slopes.
sees cheese
She sees cheese.
see betty botter ," peter says
"We shall surely see soon." says Silly Sally. "Let's visit the valley and see Betty Botter," Peter says. So off they go. Betty Botter is baking a cake.
frozen floyd flicks fat fleas
Frozen Floyd flicks fat fleas for a fixed flat fee.
many cans
How many cans can Cam cram in a curry?
twice times ninety
Ninety-nine and ninety-nine added is twice times ninety-nine.
molly march many times around
My mother made Mary, Minnie and Molly march many times around the room to martial music.
sleep sweetly
Sleep sweetly! Sleep sweetly! Sleep sweetly!
bright brown boots
Billy Button buttoned his bright brown boots and blue coat before breakfast began.
looked right
I looked right at Larry’s rally and left in a hurry.
red buick
Red Buick, blue Buick
juvenile jack jones jumped jerkily
Juvenile Jack Jones jumped jerkily on Jimmy in the gymnasium.
Sue's shoes are soiled.
six silly sisters sell silk
Six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly seniors.
thrust three thousand thistles
Theophilus Thadeus Thistledown, the successful thistle-sifter, while sifting a sieve-full of unsifted thistles, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb. Now, if Theophilus Thadeus Thistledown, the successful thistle-sifter, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb, see that thou, while sifting a sieve-full of unsifted thistles, thrust not three thousand thistles through the thick of thy thumb.
sufficeth us
The sea ceaseth and it sufficeth us.
support sports
Porter is a sports reporter.He purports to support sports,but his sports reports are poor.
sellingshould sheila sell seashells
Sheila is selling her shop at the seashore, for shops at the seashore are so sure to lose and she’s not so sure of what she should be sellingShould Sheila sell seashells or should she sell shoes
bottomed coffee maker keeps rather frothy coffee properly hot
Poppy makes rather frothy coffee in a proper copper-bottomed coffee pot. For a proper copper-bottomed coffee maker keeps rather frothy coffee properly hot.
could outsaw
When I went to Warsaw, I saw a saw that could outsaw any saw that I ever saw. Now, if you go to Warsaw and see a saw that could outsaw the saw I saw, I'd like to see your saw saw.
wayne went
Wayne went to Wales to watch walruses.
many cans
How many cans can a cannibal nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans? As many cans as a cannibal can nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans.
Sure the ship's shipshape, sir.