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vaistcoat villiam veedon viped | Villiam Veedon viped his Vig and Vaistcoat. Did Villiam Veedon vipe his Vig and Vaistcoat? If Villiam Veedon viped his Vig and Vaistcoat, where are the Vig and Vaistcoat Villiam Veedon viped? |
gooey poo | Gooey poo on Stewie's shoe. |
walk | It is better to ride in a car and think it is better to ride in a car than it is to walk and think it is better to ride in a car than it is to walk. |
roberta ran rings around | Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins. |
saw six small seals | On the beach I saw six small seals. |
bleached back beach benches | Bertha blocked the bleached back beach benches. |
lions lie limply alive | Lions lie and liars lie. Lions lie limply alive and liars lie liberally alive. Lions likely lie liberally but liars are likely liable for liking lying and light libel. |
chauncey checked | Chauncey checked the chalk. Chauncey was a chalk checker. |
announcement signalled silence | The assistant principal's announcement signalled silence. |
friday fresh fried fish | Frank's fisher fishes on Friday for Frank's Friday fresh fried fish-fest. |
every excellent egg easily excelled | Every excellent egg easily excelled at exaggerating. |
frank finally passed physics | Frank finally passed physics after frequently failing. |
norse myths | Norse myths. Norse myths. Norse myths. |
mason must miss | Mr. Mason must miss his mascot the mastiff. |
brown blades | Green and brown blades of grass |
made cider insider | The apples fermented inside the lamented, and made cider insider her inside. |
pa plowed proudly | Having purchased a new plow, my pa plowed proudly. |
somber sweeper swept | The somber sweeper swept the streets while slumbering sleepers snored. |
cried bobby bad luck ball bad luck bobby | Bobby Bippy bought a bat. Bobby Bippy bought a ball. With his bat Bob banged the ball Banged it bump against the wall But so boldly Bobby banged it That he burst his rubber ball Boo!" cried Bobby Bad luck ball Bad luck Bobby |
caresses cress crosses | Chris crosses the criss-crossed crews on the crystal cruise. He caresses cress crosses and crosses the crystal crews at the crux of the crossed cruise. |
rarely worry | A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule. |
tommy tickle tickled | Tommy Tickle tickled his teacher. Where did Tommy Tickle's teacher tickle Tommy? |
drew dodd | Drew Dodd's dad's dog's dead. |
new cheese | New cheese, blue cheese, chew cheese. |
eleven elves | Eleven elves in Hell. |
four furry feet full | Four furry feet full of fat fleas. |
foxtrots tie feet | Foxtrots tie feet in knots. |
sue shore shrieked | Sue Shore shrieked. Sue Shore shouted "Shoo!" Sue was sure she saw a shrew in her shoe. |
triple trouble troubles | Don't trouble trouble, until trouble troubles you! If you trouble trouble, triple trouble troubles you! |
would | Oh! that I was where I would be, then would I be where I am not, but where I am there I must be, and where I would be, I cannot. |
ice cream | I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! |
green golf glove | The good golfer's green golf glove. |
sloppy ski slopes | Slippery, sloppy ski slopes. |
buttered bucket bottom | The bottom of the butter bucket is the buttered bucket bottom. |
tiny tom toddles | Tiny Tom toddles to the tiny toddlers' toyshop. |
table tennis triumph | Trevor's trophy for table tennis triumph was terrific. |
high road home | It ain't the hunting on the hills that hurts the horses' hoofs. It's the hammer, hammer, hammer on the high road home. |
proper copper coffee pot | All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot. I may be off my dot, but I want a cup of coffee from a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots and iron coffee pots, they're no use to me. If I can't have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea. |
sniff sesh | Sniff Sesh! Sniff Sesh! Sniff Sesh! |
better bring better butter | "Better bring better butter, Betty!" Barry bellowed. Betty bawled, berating Barry for bringing better butter. "Bother," Betty's brother blackly breathed. |
blue bluebird | Bluebeard's blue bluebird. |
twins twist tweed twine twice | Twins twist tweed twine twice. The tweed twangs and twitches as the twins twist. It twinkles and twists as two twins twiddle and tweeze the twirling twine. |
cinnamon synonym | A synonym for cinnamon is a cinnamon synonym. |
lot | A lollipop you lick a lot is not a lot of lollipop. |
empty eggshell enoch elkrig ate | Enoch Elkrig ate an empty Eggshell. Did Enoch Elkrig eat an empty Eggshell? If Enoch Elkrig ate an empty Eggshell, where's the empty eggshell Enoch Elkrig ate? |
thin twin tinsmith | Tea for the thin twin tinsmith. |
shiny shark swam silently | The sleek, shiny shark swam silently. |
ox ate eight hollyhocks | Polly Cox's ox ate eight hollyhocks and now that eight-hollyhocks-eating ox lies in a great mahogany box. Poor Polly Cox! Poor ox! |
bugs bleed bug blood | Bad dead bed-bugs bleed bug blood. |
ten tense stout saints | Send toast to ten tense stout saints' ten tall tents. |
real rear wheels | We're real rear wheels. |
four swift sloops swing shorewards | She saw thirty-four swift sloops swing shorewards before she saw forty-three spaceships soar. |
every egret eats insects | Every egret eats insects - even evil egrets. |
cunning stunning stunt kite | If you're keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, buy a cunning stunning stunt kite. |
nutmegs neddy noodle nipped | Neddy Noodle nipped his neighbour's Nutmegs Did Neddy Noodle nip his neighbour's Nutmegs? If Neddy Noodle nipped his neighbour's Nutmegs, where are the neighbour's Nutmegs Neddy Noodle nipped? |
thin twin sister | Tim and his thin twin sister, Trish, twice tricked their thick sitter. |
tricky tristan tracked twenty two tiny turtles | Tricky Tristan tracked a trail of tiny turtles. How many tiny turtles did Tricky Tristan track?Tricky Tristan tracked twenty two tiny turtles;that's how many tiny turtles tricky Tristan tracked. |
alf frowned | Alf frowned as he threw the anchor down. |
sending shane insane | Shane's shuttlecock shattered, sending Shane insane. |
plaid pants | Blaire wore a bad pair of plaid pants. |
greek grapes | Greek grapes. Greek grapes. Greek grapes. |
early eerie morning | An early eerie morning on a misty, moldy mooring. |
masai girl | Kanta is a masai girl. She can tie a tie and untie a tie. If Kanta can tie a tie and untie a tie, why can't I tie a tie and untie a tie? |
six sick sea | Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas. |
jean claude jaquettie | Jean Claude Jaquettie, with his jacket on.Jean Claude Jaquettie, with his jacket off.Jean Claude Jaquettie, with his jacket on.Jean Claude Jaquettie, with his jacket off.Jacket on,Jacket off,Jacket on,Jacket off. |
real rear wheel | Willy's real rear wheel |
friendly frank farrington faints fast | Fearless, foolish, friendly Frank Farrington faints fast on Fridays. |
pigeons surely shyly sit | Pigeons surely shyly sit on statues. |
thigh sets | Biceps, triceps, thigh sets, high reps. |
irish wristwatch | I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch. |
horace hollered horribly | His hat his Horace, so Horace hollered horribly. |
dry drake | Danielle didn't drip-dry Drake's drapes. |
kip climbed cliffs | Kip was a cliff climber,Kip climbed cliffs. |
six quick hicks named nick licked | Six quick hicks named Nick licked a brick. |
posture | Perfect your posture in the pasture. |
made swinging sammy scram | There once swung a swinging Swami Sammy, a swanky swinging Swami from Miami. Swami swung his magic rug, parked it by a fireplug, which made swinging Sammy scram-ee to Siam-ee! |
shot shott shot shot shott | Ed Nott was shot and Sam Shott was not. So it is better to be Shott than Nott. Some say Nott was not shot. But Shott says he shot Nott. Either the shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot, or Nott was shot. If the shot Shott shot shot Nott, Nott was shot. But if the shot Shott shot shot Shott, the shot was Shott, not Nott. However, the shot Shott shot shot not Shott - but Nott. So, Ed Nott was shot and that's hot! Is it not? |
cat crept | The cat crept into the crypt, crapped and crept out. |
paulie bull pulled | Paulie Bull pulled but Billy Pug bailed. |
minx mixed | The minx mixed a medicinal mixture. |
sit | Shut up the shutters and sit in the shop. |
ostrich nostrils | Ostrich nostrils. Ostrich nostrils. |
cluttered coat closet | Carter's clean coat is in the cluttered coat closet. |
funny feel feel | I feel a feel a funny feel a funny feel feel I, if I feel a funny feel a funny feel feel I. |
nine nannies needed new knitting needles nightly | Nine nannies needed new knitting needles nightly, for the knitting needing mending. |
seek big peaks | Pick six beaks, seek big peaks. |
molly | John, where Molly had had had" |
ears clearly hear another deer | The deer's ears clearly hear another deer's fairly near. |
slap dash flash cash haberdash shop | Give me the gift of a grip-top sock, a clip drape shipshape tip top sock. Not your spinslick slapstick slipshod stock, but a plastic, elastic grip-top sock. None of your fantastic slack swap slop from a slap dash flash cash haberdash shop. Not a knick knack knitlock knockneed knickerbocker sock with a mock-shot blob-mottled trick-ticker top clock. Not a supersheet seersucker rucksack sock, not a spot-speckled frog-freckled cheap sheik's sock off a hodge-podge moss-blotched scotch-botched block. Nothing slipshod drip drop flip flop or glip glop tip me to a tip top grip top sock. |
missing kittens | The myth of the missing kittens. |
thin sticks | Thin sticks, thick bricks |
canner canning | Catch a can canner canning a can as he does the can-can and you've caught a can-canning can-canning can canner! |
technical writer ..... | If Dr. Seuss Were a Technical Writer..... |
blue boats brought bait | Both blue boats brought bait but the boatmen borrowed Braydon's rods. |
brought brenda bread | Brenda's brother, Brad, brought Brenda bread for breakfast. |
tie like kantai | Kantai can tie a tie. If Kantai can tie a tie, why can't I tie a tie like Kantai can tie a tie. |
bold bald bear bled blood badly | Who bit the bold bald bear on the shoulder on the boulder and made the bold bald bear on the boulder bawl? A big bug bit a bold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood badly. |
tough thorough thought | English can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. |
mu ." | Emma's emu is a "she-mu," not a "he-mu." |
shy styracosaurus sometimes sheds | Shy Styracosaurus sometimes sheds a single shiny tear. |
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