Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: La commutation du dispositif entre les configurations stables peut s'effectuer par application de champs electriques aux materiaux de cristaux liquides. English: The switching of the device between stable configurations may be accomplished by the application of electrical fields to the liquid crystal material.
Here is the parallel text in English and Spanish. English: 1. Spanish: 1.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: A plurality of teeth of the bezel sequentially activate the at least two switches during rotation of the bezel. French: Une pluralité de dents de la lunette d'encadrement activent séquentiellement lesdits commutateurs pendant la rotation de la lunette d'encadrement.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Pour réduire le temps de calcul, seuls quelques coefficients de reconstruction de référence sont calculés au moyen d'une opération d'inversion matricielle, les coefficients de reconstruction restants étant produits par interpolation entre les coefficients de reconstruction de référence. English: To reduce the computation time, only a few reference reconstruction coefficients are calculated using a matrix inversion step and the remaining reconstruction coefficients are produced by interpolating between the reference reconstruction coefficients.
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English. Korean: 본 고안의 마우스(1)는 버튼(2)과 휠(3)의 위치를 중반부에 두고, 센서(4)를 마우스 하단의 전반부에 위치시킨 마우스에 관한 것으로, 4개의 손가락만 사용하며 보다 적은 움직임으로 편리하게 사용할 수 있다 English: The mouse further includes portions corresponding to both sides of the rear part of the mouse.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 【解決手段】光を拡散する拡散面と、正の屈折力を有するフレネルレンズ面で構成される焦点板であって、前記拡散面はレンズ状の曲面がほぼ規則的に配列されたマイクロレンズで構成され、前記フレネルの輪帯のピッチは変化し、前記フレネルの輪帯の前記ピッチ変化は、前記規則的に配列されたマイクロレンズの配置ピッチをPm、前記フレネルレンズの輪帯ピッチの最大値をPLmax、前記フレネルレンズの輪帯ピッチの最小値をPLminとしたときに下記の条件式を満たすことを特徴とする焦点板。 English: The pitch of the Fresnel orbicular zone is changed, and the change of the pitch of the Fresnel orbicular zone satisfies the following conditional expression when the arrangement pitch of the regularly arranged micro lens is Pm, the maximum of the pitch of the Fresnel lens orbicular zone is PLmax, and the minimum of the pitch of the Fresnel lens orbicular zone is PLmin.
Here is the parallel text in French and German. French: L'invention concerne un procédé et un dispositif permettant de produire un emballage en papier ou en carton imprimé, muni d'une marque de sécurité (19). German: Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Herstellung einer bedruckten Papier- oder Kartonverpackung mit einer Sicherheitsmarkierung (19).
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The preparation method comprises the following steps: (1) preparing grey cloth; (2) preparing glass fiber layers; (3) preparing the filter felt; (4) performing soaking treatment; (5) performing drying and shaping treatment. Chinese: 本发明制得的过滤毡具有良好的耐高温、阻燃、耐腐蚀特性,对杂质的去除率高,且具有很好的强度和使用稳定性,极具推广使用价值。
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Le procédé peut également comprendre la détermination d'un second emplacement d'intérieur du dispositif mobile sur la base au moins en partie de signaux de positionnement GNSS. English: The method may also include determining a second indoor position of the mobile device based, at least in part, on GNSS positioning signals.
Here is the parallel text in French and German. French: L'invention concerne une interface de noeud de réseau (107), entre un module de communication FlexRay (100), qui est relié à une connexion de communication FlexRay (101), par l'intermédiaire de laquelle des ambassades sont transmises et qui contient une mémoire d'ambassades (300) pour stocker temporairement des ambassades de la connexion de communication FlexRay (101) ou pour la connexion de communication FlexRay (100), ainsi qu'un microcontrôleur (102) associé au module de communication FlexRay (100), qui comporte un microprocesseur (811) et un contrôleur (812) à accès à mémoire direct (DMA) pour un échange de données avec la mémoire d'ambassades (300). German: Die Erfindung betrifft eine Teilnehmerschnittstelle (107) zwischen einem FlexRay-Kommunikationsbaustein (100), der an eine FlexRay-Kommunikationsverbindung (101) angeschlossen ist, über welche Botschaften übertragen werden, und der einen Botschaftsspeicher (300) zum Zwischenspeichern von Botschaften von der FlexRay-Kommunikationsverbindung (101) oder für die FlexRay-Kommunikationsverbindung (101) umfasst, und einem dem FlexRay-Kommunikationsbaustein (100) zugeordneten Mikrocontroller (102), der einen Mikroprozessor (811) und einen Direct-Memory-Access (DMA) Controller (812) für einen Datenaustausch mit dem Botschaftsspeicher (300) aufweist.
Here is the parallel text in German and French. German: Die Erfindung betrifft eine Antriebsvorrichtung (1) für ein Drehtor, dessen Torflügel mittels eines Schubrohrs (4) betätigbar ist, welches in einem Führungsrohr (2) gerührt ist. French: L'invention concerne un dispositif d'entraînement (1) pour une porte tournante, dont le vantail peut être actionné à l'aide d'un tube de glissement (4) que l'on fait bouger dans un tube de guidage (2).
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Un dispositif comprend des moyens (10) pour déterminer une transformation de recalage entre un premier jeu de données d'une première image et un second jeu de données d'une seconde image, des moyens (20) pour ré-échantillonner le premier jeu de données en un troisième jeu de données directement superposable échantillon par échantillon au second jeu de données, des moyens de traitement (30) pour déterminer, à partir des second et troisième jeux de données, un jeu de données-différence représentatives de différences entre des zones superposables des images constituées par les second et troisième jeux de données. English: The invention concerns a device comprising means (10) for determining an image registration transformation between a first data set of a first image and a second data set of a second image, means (20) for re-sampling the first data set into a third data set which can be directly superimposed sample by sample on the second set, processing means (30) for determining, on the basis of the second and third data sets, a difference-data set representing the differences between zones of the images capable of being superimposed constituted by the second and third data sets.
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English. Russian: Многоколесный мостовой кран содержит балансирные тележки, каждая из которых образована двумя парами колес, посаженных на ось. English: SUBSTANCE: proposed multiwheel bridge crane has balance trucks, each formed by two pairs of wheels fitted on axle.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The enterprise flow atomic task decomposing method for enterprise to establish management model includes the following steps: 1. dividing the enterprise managing function module; normalizing the business flow; 3. decomposing atomic tasks; 4. configuring posts; and 5. completing the business flow model catalog. Chinese: 本发明涉及的是一种用于企业管理建模的业务流程原子任务分解方法,其特征是它的方法步骤分:一、企业管理功能模块的划分;二、业务流程规范;三、原子任务分解;四、岗位配置;五、完成业务流程模型目录。
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The invention relates to an optoelectronic component having the following features: at least one organic light emitting element (100) comprising an organically functional layer stack (103) having at least one organic light emitting layer arranged between two electrodes (102, 104), and at least one organic light detecting element (200, 200', 200'') which has at least one organic light detecting layer and which comprises at least one organic light emitting layer, and which is arranged with the organic light emitting element (100) on a common substrate (101) in laterally adjacent surface areas. French: L'invention concerne un composant opto-électronique organique présentant les caractéristiques suivantes : - au moins un élément électroluminescent (100) organique présentant un empilement de couches (103) fonctionnel organique comportant au moins une couche électroluminescente organique intercalée entre deux électrodes (102, 104), et - au moins un élément photodétecteur (200, 200', 200'') organique qui présente au moins une couche photodétectrice organique et qui est disposé avec l'élément électroluminescent (100) organique sur un substrat (101) commun dans des zones surfaciques latéralement adjacentes.
Here is the parallel text in German and English. German: Mehrfache Trennschlaege mit einem Beil oder auch einem mechanischen Hackmesser erzeugen gerade bei dem Spalten des Kopfes viele Splitter. English: Multiple separating strokes with a hatchet or even a mechanical chopper generate many splinters, especially when splitting the head.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The utility model enhances the active effect of the centering precision, the operating precision and the vibrating proof function of the main axis. Chinese: 具有轴承因摩擦产生的热膨胀量和弹性变形量沿径向上设有的余地向外延伸,从而保证了主轴与轴承间的最小间隙,提高了主轴的定心精度、运转精度和抗振性能的积极效果。
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English. Russian: Измельчающий механизм и насос выполнены на общем приводном валу. English: The grinding mechanism and the pump are made on a general drive shaft.
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English. Korean: 본 발명은 마사지 의자에 관한 것으로, 특히 마사지를 받는 과정이나 아니면 마사지를 받지 않는 경우에도 필요시에 사용자가 온열효과를 얻을 수 있도록 한 온열 마사지 의자에 관한 것이다. English: A thermotherapy massage chair includes a backplate(2), a seat(3), a leg support portion(4) and a foot support(5).
Here is the parallel text in English and German. English: The invention relates to the compounds of formula I, where R 1 , R 2 , R 3 , R 3' , R 4 are as defined in claim 1, and are inhibitors of tyrosine kinases, particularly of Met kinase, and can be used for treating tumors, among other uses. German: Verbindungen der Formel I, worin R 1 , R 2 , R 3 , R 3 , R 4 die in Anspruch 1 angegebenen Bedeutungen haben, sind Inhibitoren der Tyrosinkinasen, insbesondere der Met-Kinase und können u.a.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The invention combines the square pipe beams together in a tailor-welded manner, thereby greatly reducingthe design and production cost; The structure of the invention is that the upper plane of the front section of the frame and the lower plane of the rear end of the frame are located in two differentplanes and have a certain height difference. Chinese: 本发明公开了种新能源皮卡汽车车架纵梁结构,包括车架、电池装置、座椅、货箱和后悬架装置,所述车架的前段顶端固定焊接有座椅,所述座椅中间底端固定放置有电池装置,所述车架的后段顶端固定焊接有货箱,所述车架的底端固定焊接有后悬架装置。
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: (57)【要約】 【課題】 過負荷保護装置のトルク調整作業や修理等を 容易に行うことのできる過負荷保護装置付中空軸減速機 を提供する。 English: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To facilitate a torque regulating work and repair of an overload protection device.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 貯蔵要素152は好ましくは、嵩高にされた開口構造部材を形成する接着自在箇所128と断続的な弓状部分130を有する三次元ウエブ126を含む。 English: The three-dimensional web 126 includes a bulky nonwoven material or a looped material.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: Since the utility model adopts a shifting fork mechanism, vibration received by the truck cannot continue to be transmitted upwards at the shifting fork mechanism, so the vibration effect received by a driver is reduced. Chinese: 一种电动搬运车的护臂组件,包括转向传动组件,制动底座和轴套组件,转向传动组件、轴套组件、制动底座依次连接,所述传动组件设有拨叉,拨叉设有挡圈和压配式油杯。
Here is the parallel text in Russian and English. Russian: Изобретение может быть использовано дл  построени  автоматизированных систем управлени  выплавкой стали в мощных дуговых электрических печах. English: The invention can be used to build automated steelmaking control systems in high-power electric arc furnaces.
Here is the parallel text in German and English. German: Die Erfindung betrifft auch ein System zum Empfang von Waren an einem Fahrzeug, insbesondere Kraftfahrzeug umfassend ein Haltegestell (20), welches an einem Fahrzeug, insbesondere Kraftfahrzeug, insbesondere dessen Fahrzeugtür/-klappe zumindest temporär befestigbar ist und eine Warenempfangsbox (10), die am Haltegestell (20) zumindest temporär befestigbar ist und die einen durch autorisierte Personen zu öffnenden und zu schließenden Deckel (12b) aufweist. English: The invention further relates to a system for receiving goods at a vehicle, in particular at a motor vehicle, comprising a retaining frame (20), which can be at least temporarily fastened to a vehicle, in particular to a motor vehicle, in particular to a vehicle door/flap of the vehicle, and a goods receipt box (10), which can be at least temporarily fastened to the retaining frame (20) and which has a cover (12b) to be opened and closed by authorized persons.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Lorsque le filtre (10) est relié à une pompe aspirante, l'huile est aspirée sélectivement à travers le tampon filtrant qui retient les matières indésirables présentes dans l'huile. English: When the filter (10) is connected to a pump for drawing the oil through the filter (10), the flow of the oil is directed selectively through the filter pad (12), whereby undesired materials are removed from the oil.
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English. Korean: 상기 조성물은 다양한 기타 구성성분, 예컨대 충격 개질제를 포함할 수 있다. English: The composition can include various other constituents, such as impact modifiers.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: Typically the anti-fouling agent is added at greater than about 100 ppm of the oil, and typically the pH of the aqueous phase of the oil is between about 3.5 and 4.2. French: On ajoute en général une dose d'agent anti-salissures supérieure à quelque 100 ppm d'huile et le pH de la phase aqueuse de l'huile se situe normalement entre 3,5 et 4,2 environ.
Here is the parallel text in English and Spanish. English: The present invention encompasses the surprising finding that romidepsin can safely be administered to humans on an accelerated dosing schedule. Spanish: La presente invención comprende el hallazgo sorprendente que romidepsina puede ser administrada con seguridad a humanos en un programa acelerado de dosificación.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: Spring-loaded rotatable bars (126) are supported within the mold and compress the marginal portion (157) of the material against the mold (156). French: Des barres rotatives à ressort (126) sont supportées à l'intérieur de ce moule et compriment la partie marginale (157) du matériau contre le moule (156).
Here is the parallel text in English and Spanish. English: The descending fluids are managed by a series of elevations and lower channels for collection/retaining the fluids in supporting relationship with the porous film. Spanish: Los fluidos descendientes son manejados por una serie de elevaciones y canales bajos para colectar/retener los fluidos en una relación de apoyo con la película porosa.
Here is the parallel text in English and German. English: A connection assembly for fastening an attaching element on a support (10) comprises a holding clip (16), which can be inserted into a mounting opening (20) of the support (10) and has holders (54) for axially fixing the holding clip (16) to the support (10), and a pin (12), which can be reversibly attached to a coupling piece (14) fastened to the attachment element and inserted into the holding clip (16). German: Eine Verbindungsbaugruppe zur Befestigung eines Anbauelements auf einem Träger (10), hat eine Halteclip (16), der in eine Montageöffnung (20) des Trägers (10) einführbar ist und Haltemittel (54) zur axialen Festlegung des Halteclips (16) am Träger (10) aufweist, und einen Pin (12), der reversibel an einem am Anbauelement befestigten Koppelteil (14) anbringbar und in den Halteclip (16) einführbar ist.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: SUBSTANCE: invention is related to construction and road machine building, in particular, to machines of ripper-bulldoser type for working of strong natural grounds, especially in mountain conditions. Russian: Изобретение относится к строительному и дорожному машиностроению, в частности к машинам типа рыхлитель-бульдозер для разработки прочных грунтов, особенно в горных условиях.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The pins of each lead wire frame are fixed via ribs. Chinese: 本产品插脚空隙面积大大减小、边角料消耗减少、成品机械强度明显提高。
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Le procédé comporte les étapes consistant: lorsqu'un premier micro-serveur détecte que le système d'alimentation du premier micro-serveur répond à une condition prédéfinie, à déterminer un second micro-serveur dans une grappe de micro-serveurs à laquelle appartient le premier micro-serveur; à faire envoyer par le premier micro-serveur une demande de partage de puissance au second micro-serveur; et faire utiliser par le premier micro-serveur le système d'alimentation du second micro-serveur pour commander le premier micro-serveur. English: The method comprises: when a first micro server detects that the power system of the first micro server meets a preset condition, determining a second micro server in a micro server cluster to which the first micro server belongs; sending by the first micro server a power sharing request to the second micro server; and using by the first micro server the power system of the second micro server to control the first micro server.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 【解決手段】長手方向に延設された複数の流通路11を形成する隔壁12と、この隔壁12に形成されてチューブ挿入穴13から挿入されたチューブ5の端部51と一接点で当接する端面12aとを備えたヘッダタンク4において、チューブ挿入穴13に挿入されたチューブ5の端部51が、端面12aと少なくとも一点で当接し、その他の部分が端面12aから離間する接合構造とした。 English: The end part 51 of the tube 5 inserted into the tube insertion hole 13 is kept into contact with the end face 12a at least at one point, and the other part is separated from the end face 12a.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Le serveur MBMS attribue l'identité TMGI au service MBMS et stocke cette identité TMGI avec des informations relatives aux services MBMS de façon à produire une identité TMGI stockée. English: The MBMS server assigns the TMGI to the MBMS service and stores the TMGI in association with information relating to the MBMS service to produce a stored TMGI.
Here is the parallel text in Chinese and English. Chinese: 本发明提供了一种最优Q参数的确定方法及装置。 English: The invention provides an optimal Q parameter determining method and device.
Here is the parallel text in English and Korean. English: Moreover, a knob is connected to the post. Korean: 너트는 상기 슬리브와 회전 가능하게 맞물리고 상기 노브와 함께 회전하도록 구성된다.
Here is the parallel text in German and English. German: Des Weiteren betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Fördern von Stückgut (2) und/oder Stückgutgruppen (28) in einer Förderrichtung, wobei ein Weichenelement (14; 18; 24) in einer offenen oder einer geschlossenen Betriebsstellung positioniert wird. English: The invention also relates to a method for conveying goods (2) and/or groups of goods (28) in a transport direction, a divider element (14; 18; 24) being positioned in an open or a closed operational position.
Here is the parallel text in German and English. German: Das Arbeitsventil (18) wird über eine Druckleitung (24) geschaltet, wobei die Druckleitung (24) über ein Steuerventil (28) entweder über eine Leitung (32) in einem Aktivierungskreis oder über eine Leitung (34) über einen Haltekreis beaufschlagt werden kann. English: The operating valve (18) is switched via a pressure line (24), wherein the pressure line (24) can be pressurized via a control valve (28) either via a line (32) in an activating circuit, or via a line (34) via a holding circuit.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 【解決手段】車両の吸音構造10は、ベンチレータ16が設けられたボデーサイドパネル(車両外装)14と、ボデーサイドパネル14との間の空間28から車両室内へ貫通された通気用開口部32を有するデッキサイドトリム(車両内装)30とを備えている。 English: A sound absorption material 50 is disposed between the body side panel 14 and the deck side trim 30 arranged along a peripheral edge part of the ventilation opening part 32.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: When it is inactive, the reservoir capacitors charge up from the respective power supply rails. Japanese: これらの電力ブースト回路は、それぞれ蓄電コンデンサに結合することができ、当該蓄電コンデンサから電流が引き込まれ、電力ブーストが提供される。
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: According to one embodiment of the present invention, the redox flow battery comprises: a stack module including unit stacks in which an anode electrolyte and a cathode electrolyte internally flows so as to generate an electric current; and a heat exchanger provided at an anode electrolyte outflow line through which the anode electrolyte of the stack module flows out, wherein the heat exchanger can comprise: a first chamber and a second chamber spaced apart from each other so as to allow the anode electrolyte to flow in and discharge the same; and a flow path for connecting the first chamber and the second chamber so as to circulate the anode electrolyte therethrough. French: Selon un mode de réalisation de la présente invention, la batterie d'oxydoréduction comprend : un module d'empilement comprenant des empilements unitaires dans lesquels un électrolyte d'anode et un électrolyte de cathode circulent de façon à générer un courant électrique ; et un échangeur de chaleur prévu au niveau d'une ligne de sortie d'électrolyte d'anode à travers laquelle s'écoule l'électrolyte d'anode du module d'empilement, l'échangeur de chaleur pouvant comprendre : une première chambre et une seconde chambre espacées l'une de l'autre de façon à permettre à l'électrolyte d'anode de s'en écouler et d'en être évacué ; et un trajet d'écoulement permettant de relier la première chambre et la seconde chambre de façon à faire circuler l'électrolyte d'anode au travers.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Les IOSP fonctionnent dans un espace mémoire virtuel séparé sur la plate-forme et traitent les requêtes disque et réseau de plusieurs invités. English: The IOSPs operating in a separate virtual memory space on the platform and service disk and network requests from multiple guests.
Here is the parallel text in English and German. English: The aim of the invention is cheap, low-loss and easy to preserve the said feed. German: Die Zielstellung der Erfindung ist, die genannten Futtermittel billig, verlustarm und einfach zu konservieren.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO Japanese: 【選択図】    図2
Here is the parallel text in Romanian and English. Romanian: Inventia se refera la un procedeu de tratament al unei zone de strat adiacente unei gauri forate în scopul exploatarii titeiului existent în mediul poros al stratului, urmarindu-se realizarea cresterii permeabilitatii efective fata de titei în zona de strat respectiva. Procedeul, conform inventiei, este caracterizat prin aceea ca este injectata, periodic sau ori de cîte ori se constata o reducere a productivitatii sub cea normala, în zona adiacenta unui strat productiv o solutie apoasa de substante apte de a modifica starea de umidibilitate a suprafetei interne a rocii într-un grad suficient pentru a asigura formarea unui film de faza apoasa cît mai persistent, aderent la suprafata respectiva, solutia apoasa se hidrofilizanta continînd drept ingredient de baza una sau mai multe substante tensioactive, iar natura si proportiile de asiciere pot fi alese pe baza testului de eficienta a hidrofilizarii prin probe de deflectabilizare, eficienta fiind prezentata de solutia care nu mai continela suprafata nici cele mai mici particule solide............ English: The invention relates to a treatment process of a layer zone adjacent to a drilled hole in order to exploit the existing crude in the porous layer of the layer, in order to achieve the increase of the effective permeability to the oil in the respective layer zone. The process according to the invention is characterized in that it is injected periodically or whenever there is a reduction in productivity below the normal one, in the area adjacent to a productive layer, an aqueous solution of substances capable of modifying the moisture state of the internal surface of the rock to a degree sufficient to provide the formation of a film of the most persistent aqueous phase adhering to said surface, the hydrophilizing aqueous solution containing one or more surfactants as the basic ingredient and the nature and proportions of the ascites may be chosen on the basis of the hydrophilisation efficiency test by deflagration samples, the efficiency being represented by the solution which no longer contains the surface or the smallest solid particles ............
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: Mix consumption of 20.0-280 kg / ton of donkey, lime: spar ratio 2: 1. Russian: Расход смеси 20.0-280 кг/т ишака, соотношение известь:шпат 2:1.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 【課題】 本発明は、データ記録中における切替タイミングに同期させたデータサイズからなるファイルを簡易な手法で生成できるようにする。 English: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To create a file made of a data size synchronized with a switch timing in data recording by a simple technique.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The air chamber is connected with an air supply system. Chinese: 本发明具有能耗低、噪音小、使用寿命长能自动对布草进行称重输送的优点。
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: (57)【要約】 【課題】 画像形成装置が使用できない状態を回避する とともに、消耗品などのストックに必要な広いスペース を不要とする。 English: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To avoid the unavailable state of an image forming apparatus and to dispense with a large space required for stocking expendables.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The present invention is directed to a multilayer pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) film, having a first pressure sensitive adhesive layer and at least one opposing layer, characterized in that the first pressure sensitive adhesive layer comprises a pressure-sensitive adhesive composition comprising (co)polymers of : a) (meth)acrylate ester of 2-alkyl alkanols wherein the molar carbon number average of said 2-alkyl alkanols is 12 to 32; and optionally b) (meth)acrylate esters of C 1-12 alkanols; wherein the molar carbon number average of the alkanols of the a) and b) (meth)acrylic acid esters is 12 to 32; wherein the at least one opposing layer comprises at least one filler material selected from the group of filler particles, wherein the filler particles are expanded perlite. French: La présente invention concerne un film adhésif multicouche sensible à la pression (PSA), ayant une première couche adhésive sensible à la pression et au moins une couche opposée, caractérisé en ce que la première couche adhésive sensible à la pression comprend une composition adhésive sensible à la pression comprenant des (co)polymères de : a) un ester de (méth)acrylate de 2-alkyle alcanols où le nombre moyen de carbone molaire desdits 2-alkyle alcanols est 12 à 32; et facultativement b) des esters de (méth)acrylate d'alcanols en C 1-12 ; où le nombre moyen de carbone molaire des alcanols des esters d'acide (méth)acrylique a) et b) est 12 à 32; où l'au moins une couche opposée comprend au moins un matériau de charge sélectionné dans le groupe des particules de charge, où les particules de charge sont constituées de perlite expansée.
Here is the parallel text in German and English. German: Verfahren zum Herstellen von cyclischen Depsipeptiden mit der folgenden Formel (I) durch intramolekulare Cyclisierung. English: Process for the manufacture of cyclic depsipeptides with the following formula (I) by means of intramolecular cyclization.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: L'invention concerne un dispositif de sécurité pour prise de courant électrique adaptable sur tous les modèles par simple collage. English: The invention relates to a safety device for an electrical power socket which can be fitted onto all models simply by adhesively bonding.
Here is the parallel text in English and German. English: The invention relates to a panel (1, 1'), in particular a floor panel, comprising a support plate (1.1) made of wood material, the visible or top side of said plate being provided with a decorative coating (1.2) applied by way of a printing method, and the rear side thereof being provided with a backing layer (1.3), preferably a colored backing layer. German: Die Erfindung betrifft ein Paneel (1,1'), insbesondere Fußbodenpaneel, mit einer Trägerplatte (1.1) aus Holzwerkstoff, deren Sicht- oder Oberseite mit einer durch ein Druckverfahren aufgebrachten Dekorbeschichtung (1.2) versehen ist und deren Rückseite mit einem Rückstrich (1.3), vorzugsweise einem farbigem Rückstrich versehen ist.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The monitoring center can also request additional or different physiological data to refine the analysis. French: Le centre de surveillance peut également demander des données physiologiques supplémentaires ou différentes pour affiner l'analyse.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: La composition bactérienne peut être présentée sous la forme d'un complément alimentaire, d'un médicament, d'une préparation pour nourrissons, d'un produit comestible et d'un produit alimentaire. English: The bacterial composition can be in the form of a food supplement, a medicament, an infant formula, an edible product and a food product.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Ces dispositifs peuvent être associés aux utilisateurs du système et l'alerte peut être conçue pour informer silencieusement les utilisateurs de la condition de contrainte. English: These devices may be associated with users of the system and the alert may be configured to silently inform the users of the duress condition.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: Network system comprises a set of sensors of arc, heat, humidity, impact, cracking, all fixed on the surface of a transparent sheet, a microprocessor, a central maintenance system. Russian: Система сети содержит совокупность датчиков дуги, тепла, влажности, удара, растрескивания, закрепленные на поверхности прозрачного листа остекления, микропроцессор, центральную систему технического обслуживания.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The invention discloses a C-RAN based internet content caching and preloading technology. Chinese: 本发明公开一种基于C-RAN的互联网内容缓存预加载技术。
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The invention provides compositions and methods of treating various conditions, including neurological conditions, with pharmaceutical compositions including a sulfamate (e.g., topiramate) and magnesium. French: Cette invention concerne des compositions et des procédés pour traiter diverses affections, comprenant des affections neurologiques, avec des compositions pharmaceutiques comprenant un sulfamate (par exemple, topiramate) et du magnésium.
Here is the parallel text in English and Chinese. English: The fixed of valve body can be realized to first flange of screw rod lug connection and second flange. Chinese: 该球阀还包括密封环和压盖,所述密封环套在所述阀杆上,该密封环的端部伸入所述传动孔,所述压盖位于所述密封环的上方,该压盖通过至少一个的螺杆连接至所述第二阀体。
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: In one embodiment, a system includes a time input to receive a time signal. French: Dans un mode de réalisation, un système comprend une entrée de temps pour recevoir un signal temporel.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: CONSTITUTION: Upper and lower light shielding plates 64 and 65 changing the width direction of photographic film are provided freely turnably in a black box 61 formed to surround photographing optical path. Japanese: これらの 遮光板64,65には、回動軸64d,65cを暗箱6 1内にスナップ結合させるために、回動軸64d,65 cがこれの周りの一部を切り欠いて弾性変形自在に形成 されているとともに、切り欠きから進入する光を遮断す るために、切り欠きの周りに遮断壁64e,65fが形 成されている。
Here is the parallel text in English and Spanish. English: The invention relates to a childproof packaging for individual doses (1), in particular for preparations for administration in film form, wherein the packaging constitutes a bag produced by sealing, which has at least on each side a covering layer which is provided at least on one side with local weak points (4) which do not touch the edge of the packaging, wherein the local weak points (4) form a cohesive pattern which runs around the individual dose (1) in an arc or a curve and overlaps an angular region of at least 90° when considered from the main area of the individual dose (1). Spanish: La invención se refiere a un empaque a prueba de niños para dosis individuales (1) en particular para preparaciones para administrarse en forma de película, en donde el empaque constituye una bolsa producida mediante sellado, que tiene por lo menos en cada lado una capa de cubierta que está provista por lo menos en un lado con puntos de debilidad locales (4) que no tocan el borde del empaque, en donde los puntos de debilidad (4) forman un patrón cohesivo que corre alrededor de la dosis individual (1) en un arco o una curva y traslapan una región angular de por lo menos 90º cuando se considera desde el área principal de la dosis individual (1).
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: The connection system (1) is one private computer (2) and cellular (3) network of a mobile operator, which is capable of registering Access Point Name and has Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server with capability for reservation of static IP addresses. Japanese: 接続システム(1)は、移動通信事業者の1つのプライベートコンピュータ及び携帯電話網(3)であり、アクセスポイント名の登録が可能であり、静的IPアドレスを予約することができる動的ホスト構成プロトコル(DHCP)サーバを有している。
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: By using new directed line segment with the starting point sentence and the starting point candidate sentence as starting points respectively and with the end point sentence and the end point candidate sentence as an end point respectively, a sentences network to indicate the relation and order among the respective sentences is generated. Japanese: 【解決手段】文章ネットワーク生成手段15Dにより、教示情報14Bで指定された始点文章と同じ重要語を含む文章を文章集合14Aから始点候補文章として選択するとともに、教示情報14Bで指定された終点文章と同じ重要語を含む文章を文章集合14Aから終点候補文章として選択し、始点文章および始点候補文章のそれぞれを始点とし終点文章および終点候補文章のそれぞれを終点とする新たな有向線分を用いて、各文章間の関連性および順序性を示す文章ネットワークを生成する。
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: The latter is installed parallel to the longitudinal axis of PB 5 and connected with its body to PB 5, and the rod to rulers 19 and 20. Russian: Последний установлен параллельно продольной оси ПБ 5 и соединен своим корпусом с ПБ 5, а штоком - с линейками 19 и 20.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The pinions are calculated so that the support shaft 72 of the object A moves around R2, but does not rotate then around R1. French: Les pignons sont calculés pour que l'arbre 72 support de l'objet A se déplace autour de R2 , mais ne tourne pas alors autour de R1 .
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: controller 3a, and the pattern is marked on the substrate 4 with an electron beam 6 emitted from an electron beam ejector 5. Japanese: 具体的には、温調器3bによ って温調されたチャンバ1内において、温調器3aによ って温調されたレチクルホルダ2上にレチクル基板4を 載置し、電子線照射装置5から発せられる電子線6によ ってレチクル基板4上にパターンが刻まれる。
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The doping system comprises a doping tank, a conveying unit, a counter electrode unit, a connection unit, and a porous insulating member. French: Le système de dopage comprend un réservoir de dopage, une unité de transport, une unité de contre-électrode, une unité de connexion et un élément isolant poreux.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Une cellule solaire tandem comprend une paire d'électrodes, au moins deux sous-cellules et des couches intermédiaires chacune agencée entre deux sous-cellules adjacentes, au moins une couche intermédiaire ayant une couche de blocage de trou ou une couche de blocage d'électrons. English: A tandem solar cell comprises a pair of electrodes, at least two subcells, and intermediate layers each arranged between two adjoining subcells, wherein at least one intermediate layer has a hole block layer or an electron block layer.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Le système multiprocesseurs comporte au moins une entité à large bande, chacune de ces entités comportant plusieurs unités de traitement et unités de traitement synergétique, ainsi qu'une mémoire partagée. English: The multi-processing system includes at least one broadband entity, each broadband entity including a plurality of processing units and synergistic processing units, as well as a shared memory.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: An achievement creation module formulates a plurality of achievement designations based on predefined criteria and a user profile creation/retrieval module obtains one or more user profiles for users of the network. French: Un module de création d'accomplissement formule une pluralité de titres d'accomplissement en fonction de critères prédéfinis et un module de création/récupération de profil d'utilisateur obtient un ou plusieurs profils d'utilisateur pour les utilisateurs du réseau.
Here is the parallel text in Korean and English. Korean: 지향성 안테나는 복수의 안테나 패턴들을 포함한다. English: The directional antenna includes a plurality of antenna patterns.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 雌側端子部1Bは複数の接触子3aから なる雌端子3とインシュレータから構成される。 English: The male side terminal 1A is composed of a male terminal 1 and an insulator 2.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: (57)【要約】 【課題】 建物の免震構造の安全性を簡単に確認するこ とができるようにする。 English: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To simply confirm the safety of the base isolation structure for a building.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: To this end, a method for forming a channel change scheme for a first wireless communication system experiencing interference in one or more channels from a second wireless communication system includes: identification of the channels of the first wireless communication system experiencing interference from the second wireless communication system; selecting identified channels as restricted channels and creating a channel change scheme for the first communication system using all channels, including restricted channels, in this case, if no restricted channel is selected in this way, all channels appear in the channel change circuit with the same frequency, and if one or more channels are selected as the restricted channel, these restricted channels appear in the channel change scheme at a frequency reduced in comparison with the frequency of channels not selected as restricted channels. Russian: Для этого способ формирования схемы смены каналов для первой системы беспроводной связи, испытывающей помехи в одном или более каналах от второй системы беспроводной связи, включает: идентификацию каналов первой системы беспроводной связи, испытывающих помехи от второй системы беспроводной связи; выбор идентифицированных каналов в качестве каналов ограниченного использования и создание схемы смены каналов для первой системы связи, использующей все каналы, включая каналы ограниченного использования, при этом если ни один канал ограниченного использования таким образом не выбран, то все каналы появляются в схеме смены каналов с одинаковой частотой, а если в качестве канала ограниченного использования выбран один или более канал, то указанные каналы ограниченного использования появляются в схеме смены каналов с частотой, уменьшенной по сравнению с частотой каналов, не выбранных в качестве каналов ограниченного использования.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: Une fois libéré, ledit agoniste assure une régulation positive ou négative efficace d'au moins une molécule de signalisation commune au récepteur d'agoniste et au récepteur hétérologue, d'où la potentialisation ou la désensibilisation de ce récepteur hétérologue afin de moduler la libération d'au moins un composé endogène sous le contrôle du récepteur hétérologue. English: Once released, the agonist effectively up- or down-regulates at least one signaling molecule common to both the agonist receptor and the heterologous receptor, thereby potentiating or desensitizing the heterologous receptor in order to modulate release of at least one endogenous compound under the control of the heterologous receptor.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: 2 tbl, 6 ex Russian: 2 табл.
Here is the parallel text in French and German. French: On obtient ainsi un couteau à découper amélioré du point de vue de sa construction, l'entraînement de la lame étant simplifié et la maniabilité du couteau à découper étant améliorée. German: Auf diese Weise wird ein Schneidemesser zur Verfügung gestellt, das hinsichtlich seines Aufbaus derart verbessert ist, dass der Antrieb der Klinge vereinfacht und die Handhabbarkeit des Schneidemessers verbessert ist.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: According to one aspect of the present invention, a method for performing communication by obtaining available channel information through an unlicensed device in which operations are permitted within an available channel and is not used by a licensed device in a white space band, includes the steps of: transmitting a message for requesting available channel information to a database device; receiving the available channel information including first information for indicating a format of the available channel information and second information for identifying the available channel, in response to the message for requesting the available channel information; and obtaining the second information using the first information and transmitting and receiving signals within the available channel corresponding to the second information, wherein the format of the available channel information can be changed according to country. French: Selon un aspect de la présente invention, un procédé permettant d'effectuer une communication en obtenant des informations relatives à un canal disponible par l'intermédiaire d'un dispositif non autorisé dans lequel les opérations sont permises à l'intérieur d'un canal disponible et non utilisé par un dispositif autorisé dans une bande d'espace blanc comprend les étapes suivantes : transmission d'un message à un dispositif de base de données pour demander des informations relatives à un canal disponible ; réception des informations relatives à un canal disponible contenant de premières informations indiquant un format des informations relatives à un canal disponible et de secondes informations identifiant le canal disponible en réponse au message demandant les informations relatives à un canal disponible ; et obtention des secondes informations en utilisant les premières informations et transmission et réception de signaux à l'intérieur du canal disponible correspondant aux secondes informations, le format des informations relatives au canal disponible pouvant être modifiées en fonction du pays.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: It also concerns a pharmaceutical composition comprising effective amount of said oncolytic virus and, eventually, a pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle and its use for treating proliferative diseases such as cancers. French: Elle concerne également une composition pharmaceutique comprenant une quantité efficace dudit virus oncolytique et également un véhicule pharmaceutiquement acceptable et son utilisation pour le traitement de maladies prolifératives telles que le cancer.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: SOLUTION: This plant-growing bed 1 is made of a water-impermeable resin sheet in the form of a bag or cylinder of woven or nonwoven fabric with a unit weight of 20-100g/m , visible ray reflectance of >=60%, and air permeability of 10-200 seconds/10cc.m . Japanese: (57)【要約】 【課題】培養土の酸素を欠乏させることなく根部全体の 健全な成長を促進でき、給水作業を簡易にでき、しかも 給水量を増やしても根腐現象を起こすことがなくまた通 気性に優れ、植物育成床内の湿度や温度を過度に上昇さ せることなく、植物の成育環境を良好に保てる植物育成 床及び植物育成方法を提供すること。
Here is the parallel text in English and Korean. English: A semiconductor memory device includes a row decoder. Korean: 반도체 메모리 장치는 로우 디코더, 제어회로, 오픈(open) 비트라인 방식의 메모리 셀 어레이를 가진다.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: The procedure consists in forcing a work-piece through from a receiving channel to an adjoining deforming channel. Russian: Способ включает продавливание заготовки из приемного канала через примыкающий к нему деформирующий канал.
Here is the parallel text in English and Russian. English: SUBSTANCE: facing of metal onto worn out surface is carried out by sections with forming of surface at level on nominal level according to workpiece drawing. Russian: Сущность изобретения: наплавка на изношенную поверхность производится участками с формированием поверхности в них на уровне номинального по чертежу размера детали.
Here is the parallel text in French and German. French: L'invention concerne un dispositif de réglage permettant l'ajustement des phases d'un arbre à cames (1) par rapport à un vilebrequin d'un moteur à combustion interne, dispositif comprenant un système hydraulique (40) servant à alimenter le dispositif de réglage, des moyens de réglage (41) présentant des chambres de travail (4a-d, 5a-d) qui sont sollicitées par un dispositif de commande (42) présentant une soupape de commande (6) et qui sont liées coopérantes entre elles par écoulement de fluide, le dispositif de commande (42) étant lié avec le système hydraulique (40) via une amenée d'huile sous pression (9). German: Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine Verstelleinrichtung zur Phaseneinstellung einer Nockenwelle (1) gegenüber einer Kurbelwelle einer Brennkraftmaschine, die ein Hydrauliksystem (40) zur Versorgung der Verstelleinrichtung aufweist, mit einem Stellmittel (41) mit Arbeitskammern (4a-d, 5a-d), die von einer ein Steuerventil (6) aufweisenden Steuereinrichtung (42) beaufschlagbar und miteinander strömungsverbunden sind, wobei die Steuereinrichtung (42) über einen Druckölzulauf (9) mit dem Hydrauliksystem (40) verbunden ist, und ein Verfahren hierzu.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The invention further relates to a method for producing a modified lignin of this type, wherein the lignin (A) is dissolved in a solvent and is reacted in the solution with an aromatic linking compound (C), which has at least two hydroxymethyl groups, in particular two terminal hydroxymethyl groups, in the presence of an organic acid (D) at elevated temperature to form modified lignin. French: En outre, l'invention concerne un procédé pour la préparation d'une telle lignine modifiée, la lignine (A) étant dissoute dans un solvant et transformée, dans la solution, avec un composé de liaison aromatique (C), qui présente au moins deux groupes hydroxyméthyle, en particulier deux groupes hydroxyméthyle terminaux, en présence d'un acide organique (D) à température augmentée, en lignine modifiée.
Here is the parallel text in German and French. German: Eine Auswerteeinrichtung empfängt die Wirbelfeldsignale der Magnetometer. French: Une unité d'évaluation reçoit les signaux de champs tourbillonnaires du magnétomètre.
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: La permittivité des particules de carbone est d'environ 10 à 15 fois la permittivité de l'air propre. English: The permittivity of the carbon particles is about 10 to 15 times the permittivity of clean air.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: The connector facilitates mounting a luer assembly to the barrel. French: Le raccord facilite le montage d'un ensemble Luer sur le corps.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: The insulation film 4 includes a first portion facing the bottom surface 2a of the trench 2 and second portions facing the side surfaces 2b of the trench 2. Japanese: 【解決手段】 本発明による半導体装置は、素子分離の ためのトレンチ2が設けられた半導体基板1と、トレン チ2に対向して形成され、半導体基板1にかかっている 応力を緩和する絶縁膜4とを備えている。
Here is the parallel text in French and English. French: La présente invention concerne un dispositif de mesure monté sur un corps humain qui a une configuration économique et simple qui peut mesurer un mouvement prescrit sans gêner le mouvement prescrit. English: Provided is a human body-mounted measurement device that has an inexpensive and simple configuration which can measure a prescribed motion without obstructing the prescribed motion.
Here is the parallel text in Japanese and English. Japanese: 【解決手段】 本発明は、ポリアミド、ポリエステル、ポリエーテルエステル、ポリエステルアミドまたはそれらの混合物からなる群からの熱可塑性ポリマーと、ナノスケールフィラー(すなわち、1μm未満の範囲の基材粒子径を有するフィラー)とに基づく高粘度成形材料に関する。 English: SOLUTION: The high viscosity molding material comprises a thermoplastic polymer selected from a group consisting of polyamide, polyester, polyetherester, polyesteramide and their mixtures and a nano scale filler (i.e.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: This structure offers the advantage of being compact and therefore taking up little space, whilst ensuring excellent leak-tightness thanks to an O-ring (15) between the rotary output sector (11) and the actuator housing (17). French: Cette structure a l'avantage d'être compacte et, partant, de n'occuper qu'un espace restreint, tout en assurant, grâce au joint torique (15), une remarquable étanchéité entre le secteur de sortie en rotation (11) et le logement (17) de l'actionneur.
Here is the parallel text in English and French. English: A fastener system is provided that includes a spindle bolt having a threaded section and a tooling interface at a head, a bolt body at least partially mated with the spindle bolt, including an anti-rotation slot and an outer surface, a nut including an interior threaded portion and an anti-rotation extension, and an expandable ring mated with the nut and including a lower clamping surface. French: Système de fixation qui comprend un boulon de broche ayant une section filetée et une interface d'outillage au niveau d'une tête, un corps de boulon accouplé au moins partiellement au boulon de broche, comprenant une fente anti-rotation et une surface extérieure, un écrou comprenant une partie filetée intérieure et une extension anti-rotation, et une bague extensible accouplée à l'écrou et comprenant une surface de serrage inférieure.
Here is the parallel text in English and Japanese. English: CONSTITUTION: An electric connector is provided with first movable terminals 21a and 21b and second movable terminals 22a and 22b brought into contact with electrode terminals formed on both surfaces of a child board. Japanese: 【構成】子基板の両面に形成された電極端子と接触する 第1の可動端子21a、21bおよび第2の可動端子2 2a、22bについて、平面的に同一位置に配設される 上下段の第1の可動端子同士と、同じく平面的に同一位 置に配設される上下段の第2の可動端子同士を、それぞ れ一体に形成するようにした。