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decoder only transformer learning
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A Decoder-Only Transformer components
-> Word Embedding
-> Position Encoding
-> Masked Self-Attention
-> Residual Connections
-> A fully connected layer
-> Classification Head
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import math
class WordEmbeddings(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, d_model: int, vocab_size: int):
## d_model: The dimension of the transformer, which is also the number of embedding values per token.
## vocab_size: Get the size of the underlying vocabulary
self.d_model = d_model
self.vocab_size = vocab_size
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=vocab_size,
def forward(self, x):
# (batch, seq_len) --> (batch, seq_len, d_model)
# multiply by sqrt(d_model) to scale the embeddings
return self.embedding(x) * math.sqrt(self.d_model)
class PositionEncoding(nn.Module):
'''Ref: https://github.com/StatQuest/decoder_transformer_from_scratch/blob/main/decoder_transformers_with_pytorch_and_lightning_v2.ipynb
def __init__(self, d_model: int, seq_len: int, dropout: float):
## d_model = The dimension of the transformer, which is also the number of embedding values per token.
## In the transformer I used in the StatQuest: Transformer Neural Networks Clearly Explained!!!
## d_model=2, so that's what we'll use as a default for now.
## However, in "Attention Is All You Need" d_model=512
## seq_len = maximum number of tokens we allow as input.
## Since we are precomputing the position encoding values and storing them in a lookup table
## we can use d_model and seq_len to determine the number of rows and columns in that
## lookup table.
## In this simple example, we are only using short phrases, so we are using
## seq_len=6 as the default setting.
## However, in The Annotated Transformer, they set the default value for seq_len to 5000
## We call the super's init because by creating our own __init__() method, we overwrite the one
## we inherited from nn.Module. So we have to explicity call nn.Module's __init__(), otherwise it
## won't get initialized. NOTE: If we didn't write our own __init__(), then we would not have
## to call super().__init__(). Alternatively, if we didn't want to access any of nn.Module's methods,
## we wouldn't have to call it then either.
self.d_model = d_model
self.seq_len = seq_len
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
## Now we create a lookup table, pe, of position encoding values and initialize all of them to 0.
## To do this, we will make a matrix of 0s that has seq_len rows and d_model columns.
## for example...
## torch.zeros(3, 2)
## ...returns a matrix of 0s with 3 rows and 2 columns...
## tensor([[0., 0.],
## [0., 0.],
## [0., 0.]])
pe = torch.zeros(seq_len, d_model)
## Now we create a sequence of numbers for each position that a token can have in the input (or output).
## For example, if the input tokens where "I'm happy today!", then "I'm" would get the first
## position, 0, "happy" would get the second position, 1, and "today!" would get the third position, 2.
## NOTE: Since we are going to be doing math with these position indices to create the
## positional encoding for each one, we need them to be floats rather than ints.
## NOTE: Two ways to create floats are...
## torch.arange(start=0, end=3, step=1, dtype=torch.float)
## ...and...
## torch.arange(start=0, end=3, step=1).float()
## ...but the latter is just as clear and requires less typing.
## Lastly, .unsqueeze(1) converts the single list of numbers that torch.arange creates into a matrix with
## one row for each index, and all of the indices in a single column. So if "seq_len" = 3, then we
## would create a matrix with 3 rows and 1 column like this...
## torch.arange(start=0, end=3, step=1, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1)
## ...returns...
## tensor([[0.],
## [1.],
## [2.]])
position = torch.arange(start=0, end=seq_len, step=1).float().unsqueeze(1)
## Here is where we start doing the math to determine the y-axis coordinates on the
## sine and cosine curves.
## The positional encoding equations used in "Attention is all you need" are...
## PE(pos, 2i) = sin(pos / 10000^(2i/d_model))
## PE(pos, 2i+1) = cos(pos / 10000^(2i/d_model))
## ...and we see, within the sin() and cos() functions, we divide "pos" by some number that depends
## on the index (i) and total number of PE values we want per token (d_model).
## NOTE: When the index, i, is 0 then we are calculating the y-axis coordinates on the **first pair**
## of sine and cosine curves. When i=1, then we are calculating the y-axis coordiantes on the
## **second pair** of sine and cosine curves. etc. etc.
## Now, pretty much everyone calculates the term we use to divide "pos" by first, and they do it with
## code that looks like this...
## div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(start=0, end=d_model, step=2).float() * -(math.log(10000.0) / d_model))
## Now, at least to me, it's not obvious that div_term = 1/(10000^(2i/d_model)) for a few reasons:
## 1) div_term wraps everything in a call to torch.exp()
## 2) It uses log()
## 2) The order of the terms is different
## The reason for these differences is, presumably, trying to prevent underflow (getting too close to 0).
## So, to show that div_term = 1/(10000^(2i/d_model))...
## 1) Swap out math.log() for torch.log() (doing this requires converting 10000.0 to a tensor, which is my
## guess for why they used math.log() instead of torch.log())...
## torch.exp(torch.arange(start=0, end=d_model, step=2).float() * -(torch.log(torch.tensor(10000.0)) / d_model))
## 2) Rearrange the terms...
## torch.exp(-1 * (torch.log(torch.tensor(10000.0)) * torch.arange(start=0, end=d_model, step=2).float() / d_model))
## 3) Pull out the -1 with exp(-1 * x) = 1/exp(x)
## 1/torch.exp(torch.log(torch.tensor(10000.0)) * torch.arange(start=0, end=d_model, step=2).float() / d_model)
## 4) Use exp(a * b) = exp(a)^b to pull out the 2i/d_model term...
## 1/torch.exp(torch.log(torch.tensor(10000.0)))^(torch.arange(start=0, end=d_model, step=2).float() / d_model)
## 5) Use exp(log(x)) = x to get the original form of the denominator...
## 1/(torch.tensor(10000.0)^(torch.arange(start=0, end=d_model, step=2).float() / d_model))
## 6) Bam.
## So, that being said, I don't think underflow is actually that big an issue. In fact, some coder at Hugging Face
## also doesn't think so, and their code for positional encoding in DistilBERT (a streamlined version of BERT, which
## is a transformer model)
## calculates the values directly - using the form of the equation found in original Attention is all you need
## manuscript. See...
## https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/455c6390938a5c737fa63e78396cedae41e4e87e/src/transformers/modeling_distilbert.py#L53
## So I think we can simplify the code, but I'm also writing all these comments to show that it is equivalent to what
## you'll see in the wild...
## Now let's create an index for the embedding positions to simplify the code a little more...
embedding_index = torch.arange(start=0, end=d_model, step=2).float()
## NOTE: Setting step=2 results in the same sequence numbers that we would get if we multiplied i by 2.
## So we can save ourselves a little math by just setting step=2.
## And now, finally, let's create div_term...
div_term = 1/torch.tensor(10000.0)**(embedding_index / d_model)
## Now we calculate the actual positional encoding values. Remember 'pe' was initialized as a matrix of 0s
## with seq_len (max number of input tokens) rows and d_model (number of embedding values per token) columns.
pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term) ## every other column, starting with the 1st, has sin() values
pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term) ## every other column, starting with the 2nd, has cos() values
## NOTE: If the notation for indexing 'pe[]' looks cryptic to you, read on...
## First, let's look at the general indexing notation:
## For each row or column in matrix we can select elements in that
## row or column with the following indexs...
## i:j:k = select elements between i and j with stepsize = k.
## ...where...
## i defaults to 0
## j defaults to the number of elements in the row, column or whatever.
## k defaults to 1
## Now that we have looked at the general notation, let's look at specific
## examples so that we can understand it.
## We'll start with: pe[:, 0::2]
## The stuff that comes before the comma (in this case ':') refers to the rows we want to select.
## The ':' before the comma means "select all rows" because we are not providing specific
## values for i, j and k and, instead, just using the default values.
## The stuff after the comma refers to the columns we want to select.
## In this case, we have '0::2', and that means we start with
## the first column (column = 0) and go to the end (using the default value for j)
## and we set the stepsize to 2, which means we skip every other column.
## Now to understand pe[:, 1::2]
## Again, the stuff before the comma refers to the rows, and, just like before
## we use default values for i,j and k, so we select all rows.
## The stuff that comes after the comma refers to the columns.
## In this case, we start with the 2nd column (column = 1), and go to the end
## (using the default value for 'j') and we set the stepsize to 2, which
## means we skip every other column.
## NOTE: using this ':' based notation is called "indexing" and also called "slicing"
## Add a batch dimension to the positional encoding
pe = pe.unsqueeze(0) # (1, seq_len, d_model)
## Now we "register 'pe'.
self.register_buffer('pe', pe) ## "register_buffer()" ensures that
## 'pe' will be moved to wherever the model gets
## moved to. So if the model is moved to a GPU, then,
## even though we don't need to optimize 'pe', it will
## also be moved to that GPU. This, in turn, means
## that accessing 'pe' will be relatively fast copared
## to having a GPU have to get the data from a CPU.
def forward(self, word_embeddings):
## Because this class, PositionEncoding, inherits from nn.Module, the forward() method
## is called by default when we use a PositionEncoding() object.
## In other words, after we create a PositionEncoding() object, pe = PositionEncoding(),
## then pe(word_embeddings) will call forward() and so this is where
## we will add the position encoding values to the word embedding values
## (batch, seq_len, d_model)
x = word_embeddings + (self.pe[:,:word_embeddings.shape[1], :]).requires_grad_(False)
return self.dropout(x)
class LayerNormalization(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, features: int, eps:float=10**-6) -> None:
self.eps = eps
self.alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(features)) # alpha is a learnable parameter
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(features)) # bias is a learnable parameter
def forward(self, x):
# x: (batch, seq_len, hidden_size)
# Keep the dimension for broadcasting
mean = x.mean(dim = -1, keepdim = True) # (batch, seq_len, 1)
# Keep the dimension for broadcasting
std = x.std(dim = -1, keepdim = True) # (batch, seq_len, 1)
# eps is to prevent dividing by zero or when std is very small
return self.alpha * (x - mean) / (std + self.eps) + self.bias
class MultiHeadAttentionBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, d_model: int, h: int, dropout: float) -> None:
# Make sure d_model is divisible by h
assert d_model % h == 0, "d_model is not divisible by h"
self.d_model = d_model # Embedding vector size
self.h = h # Number of heads
self.d_k = d_model // h # Dimension of vector seen by each head
self.w_q = nn.Linear(in_features=d_model, out_features=d_model, bias=False) # Wq
self.w_k = nn.Linear(in_features=d_model, out_features=d_model, bias=False) # Wk
self.w_v = nn.Linear(in_features=d_model, out_features=d_model, bias=False) # Wv
self.w_o = nn.Linear(in_features=d_model, out_features=d_model, bias=False) # Wo
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
def attention(query, key, value, mask, dropout: nn.Dropout):
d_k = query.shape[-1]
## (batch, h, seq_len, d_k) --> (batch, h, seq_len, seq_len)
## Compute attention scores, the equation is (q * k^T)/sqrt(d_model)
attention_scores = (query @ key.transpose(-2, -1)) / math.sqrt(d_k)
if mask is not None:
## Here we are masking out things we don't want to pay attention to,
## like tokens that come after the current token.
## We can also use masking to block out the <PAD> token,
## which is used when we have a batch of inputs sequences
## and they are not all the exact same length. Because the batch is passed
## in as a matrix, each input sequence has to have the same length, so we
## add <PAD> to the shorter sequences so that they are all as long ast the
## longest sequence.
## We replace <PAD>, or tokens that come after the current token
## with a very large negative number so that the SoftMax() function
## will give all masked elements an output value (or "probability") of 0.
## Write a very low value (indicating -inf) to the positions where mask == 0
attention_scores.masked_fill_(mask == 0, -1e9)
## Apply softmax to determine what percent of each token's value to
## use in the final attention values.
## (batch, h, seq_len, seq_len)
attention_scores = attention_scores.softmax(dim=-1)
if dropout is not None:
attention_scores = dropout(attention_scores)
## (batch, h, seq_len, seq_len) --> (batch, h, seq_len, d_k)
## return attention scores which can be used for visualization
return (attention_scores @ value), attention_scores
def forward(self, q, k, v, mask):
query = self.w_q(q) # (batch, seq_len, d_model) --> (batch, seq_len, d_model)
key = self.w_k(k) # (batch, seq_len, d_model) --> (batch, seq_len, d_model)
value = self.w_v(v) # (batch, seq_len, d_model) --> (batch, seq_len, d_model)
# (batch, seq_len, d_model) --> (batch, seq_len, h, d_k) --> (batch, h, seq_len, d_k)
query = query.view(query.shape[0], query.shape[1], self.h, self.d_k).transpose(1, 2)
key = key.view(key.shape[0], key.shape[1], self.h, self.d_k).transpose(1, 2)
value = value.view(value.shape[0], value.shape[1], self.h, self.d_k).transpose(1, 2)
# Calculate attention
x, self.attention_scores = MultiHeadAttentionBlock.attention(query, key, value, mask, self.dropout)
# Combine all the heads together
# (batch, h, seq_len, d_k) --> (batch, seq_len, h, d_k) --> (batch, seq_len, d_model)
x = x.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(x.shape[0], -1, self.h * self.d_k)
# Multiply by Wo
# (batch, seq_len, d_model) --> (batch, seq_len, d_model)
return self.w_o(x)
class ResidualConnection(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, features: int, dropout: float) -> None:
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.norm = LayerNormalization(features)
def forward(self, x, sublayer):
return x + self.dropout(sublayer(self.norm(x)))
class FeedForwardBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, d_model: int, d_ff: int, dropout: float) -> None:
self.linear_1 = nn.Linear(d_model, d_ff) # w1 and b1
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.linear_2 = nn.Linear(d_ff, d_model) # w2 and b2
def forward(self, x):
# (batch, seq_len, d_model) --> (batch, seq_len, d_ff) --> (batch, seq_len, d_model)
return self.linear_2(self.dropout(torch.relu(self.linear_1(x))))
class DecoderBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
features: int,
self_attention_block: MultiHeadAttentionBlock,
feed_forward_block: FeedForwardBlock,
dropout: float) -> None:
self.self_attention_block = self_attention_block
self.feed_forward_block = feed_forward_block
self.residual_connections = nn.ModuleList([ResidualConnection(features, dropout) for _ in range(2)])
def forward(self, x, mask):
x = self.residual_connections[0](x, lambda x: self.self_attention_block(x, x, x, mask))
x = self.residual_connections[1](x, self.feed_forward_block)
return x
class Decoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, features: int, layers: nn.ModuleList) -> None:
self.layers = layers
self.norm = LayerNormalization(features)
def forward(self, x, mask):
for layer in self.layers:
x = layer(x, mask)
return self.norm(x)
class ProjectionLayer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, d_model, vocab_size):
self.proj = nn.Linear(d_model, vocab_size)
def forward(self, x) -> None:
# (batch, seq_len, d_model) --> (batch, seq_len, vocab_size)
return self.proj(x)
class DecoderOnlyTransformer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
word_embedding: WordEmbeddings,
position_embedding: PositionEncoding,
decoder: Decoder,
projection_layer: ProjectionLayer):
self.word_embedding = word_embedding
self.position_embedding = position_embedding
self.decoder = decoder
self.projection_layer = projection_layer
def decode(self, x: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor):
# x shape (batch, seq_len)
x = self.word_embedding(x)
x = self.position_embedding(x)
# x shape (batch, seq_len, d_model)
return self.decoder(x, mask)
def project(self, x):
# (batch, seq_len, vocab_size)
return self.projection_layer(x)
def build_transformer(vocab_size: int,
seq_len: int,
d_model: int=512,
N: int=6,
h: int=8,
dropout: float=0.1,
d_ff: int=2048) -> DecoderOnlyTransformer:
# Create the embedding layers
word_embedding = WordEmbeddings(d_model, vocab_size)
# Create the positional encoding layers
position_encoding = PositionEncoding(d_model, seq_len, dropout)
# Create the decoder blocks
decoder_blocks = []
for _ in range(N):
multi_head_self_attention_block = MultiHeadAttentionBlock(d_model, h, dropout)
feed_forward_block = FeedForwardBlock(d_model, d_ff, dropout)
decoder_block = DecoderBlock(d_model, multi_head_self_attention_block, feed_forward_block, dropout)
# Create the encoder and decoder
decoder = Decoder(d_model, nn.ModuleList(decoder_blocks))
# Create the projection layer
projection_layer = ProjectionLayer(d_model, vocab_size)
# Create the transformer
transformer = DecoderOnlyTransformer(word_embedding,
# Initialize the parameters
for p in transformer.parameters():
if p.dim() > 1:
return transformer