license: apache-2.0
FlowOcc3D (flow dataset)
Download FlowOcc3D. Unzip it in ./data/nuscenes
Here we briefly introduce what the downloaded file looks like. We store the flow and index of the foreground voxels in the .bin
file and the _idx.bin
W, H, Z = 200, 200, 16
sample_idx = results['sample_idx'] # nuScenes sample token
data_path = os.path.join('./data/nuscenes', 'occ_flow_sparse_ext', sample_idx)
occ_flow = np.ones((W*H*Z, 2)) * pad_value # pad_value could be zero
sparse_flow = np.fromfile(data_path + '.bin', dtype=np.float16).reshape(-1, 3)[:, :2]
sparse_idx = np.fromfile(data_path + '_idx.bin', dtype=np.int32).reshape(-1)
occ_flow[sparse_idx] = sparse_flow
occ_flow = occ_flow.reshape(W, H, Z, 2)