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# Copyright (c) Kyutai, all rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
Transformer model, with streaming support, + CUDA Graphable.
Optimized for inference.
See `StreamingTransformer` for more information.
from contextlib import ExitStack
from dataclasses import dataclass
import typing as tp
from einops import rearrange
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from ..utils.compile import no_compile
from .gating import make_gating
from .rope import RotaryEmbedding
from .streaming import StreamingModule, StreamingContainer
class LayerNormF32(nn.LayerNorm):
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
x_f32 = input.float()
out_f32 = super().forward(x_f32)
def _rms_norm(
x: torch.Tensor,
alpha: torch.Tensor,
dtype: tp.Optional[torch.dtype],
eps: float,
assert x.dim() == 3, f"RMSNorm expects 3D inputs but got {x.shape}"
x_dtype = x.dtype
if dtype is not None:
x =
var = eps + torch.mean(x**2, dim=2, keepdim=True)
y = (x * ( * torch.rsqrt(var))).to(x_dtype)
return y
class RMSNorm(nn.Module):
def __init__(
dim: int,
eps: float = 1e-5,
dtype: tp.Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
self.eps = eps
self.dtype = dtype
self.alpha = nn.Parameter(
torch.full((1, 1, dim), 1.0, requires_grad=True, device=device, dtype=dtype)
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
return _rms_norm(x, self.alpha, self.dtype, self.eps)
class LayerScale(nn.Module):
"""Layer scale from [Touvron et al 2021] (
This rescales diagonally the residual outputs close to 0, with a learnt scale.
channels (int): Number of channels.
init (float): Initial scale.
channel_last (bool): If True, expect `[*, C]` shaped tensors, otherwise, `[*, C, T]`.
device (torch.device or str, optional): Device on which to initialize the module.
dtype (torch.dtype, optional): dtype to use to initialize the module.
def __init__(
channels: int,
init: float = 1e-4,
channel_last: bool = True,
self.channel_last = channel_last
self.scale = nn.Parameter(
(channels,), init, requires_grad=True, device=device, dtype=dtype
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
if self.channel_last:
return self.scale * x
return self.scale[:, None] * x
def create_norm_fn(norm_type: str, dim: int, **kwargs) -> nn.Module:
"""Create normalization module for transformer encoder layer.
norm_type (str): Normalization method.
dim (int): Dimension of the normalized layer.
**kwargs (dict): Additional parameters for normalization layer.
nn.Module: Normalization module.
if norm_type == "layer_norm":
return nn.LayerNorm(dim, eps=1e-5, **kwargs)
elif norm_type == "layer_norm_f32":
kwargs.pop("dtype", None)
return LayerNormF32(dim, eps=1e-8, **kwargs)
elif norm_type in {"rms_norm"}:
return RMSNorm(dim, eps=1e-5, **kwargs)
elif norm_type in {"rms_norm_f32"}:
kwargs.pop("dtype", None)
return RMSNorm(dim, eps=1e-8, dtype=torch.float, **kwargs)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown norm type: {norm_type}")
def create_sin_embedding(
positions: torch.Tensor,
dim: int,
max_period: float = 10000,
dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float32,
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Create sinusoidal positional embedding, with shape `[B, T, C]`.
positions (torch.Tensor): LongTensor of positions.
dim (int): Dimension of the embedding.
max_period (float): Maximum period of the cosine/sine functions.
dtype (torch.dtype or str): dtype to use to generate the embedding.
torch.Tensor: Sinusoidal positional embedding.
# We aim for BTC format
assert dim % 2 == 0
half_dim = dim // 2
positions =
adim = torch.arange(half_dim, device=positions.device, dtype=dtype).view(1, 1, -1)
max_period_tensor = torch.full(
[], max_period, device=positions.device, dtype=dtype
) # avoid sync point
phase = positions / (max_period_tensor ** (adim / (half_dim - 1)))
return[torch.cos(phase), torch.sin(phase)], dim=-1)
def multi_linear(
num_linear: int,
weight: torch.Tensor,
x: torch.Tensor,
offset: int,
"""Utility to apply a multi linear layer to the given input. A multi linear layer
applies a different set of weight for each time step.
num_linear (int): Number of possible time steps and so number of linears.
weight (torch.Tensor): Weight tensor, with shape `[num_linear * chout, chin]`.
x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor, with shape `[B, T, C]`.
offset (int): offset for the current time step, in particular for decoding, with
time steps provided one by one.
B, T, C = x.shape
ys = []
chout, chin = weight.shape
weight = weight.view(num_linear, -1, chin)
for t in range(T):
y = F.linear(x[:, t], weight[t + offset])
out = torch.stack(ys, 1)
return out
def set_attention_context(model: nn.Module, context: tp.Optional[int] = None) -> None:
"""Deactivates or changes the context span (in time steps) in a model.
model (nn.Module): model over which to look for attentions.
context (int or None): new temporary context value.
..Note:: this is not a context manager but a plain function changing the context forever.
Initially, it was a context manager, but that led to interesting bugs when using
activation checkpointing, with the context being inconsistent between the forward
and backward.
for module in model.modules():
if isinstance(module, StreamingMultiheadAttention):
module.context = context
class KVCacheResult(tp.NamedTuple):
keys: torch.Tensor
values: torch.Tensor
positions: torch.Tensor
def from_kv(keys: torch.Tensor, values: torch.Tensor) -> "KVCacheResult":
B, H, T, D = keys.shape
assert tuple(values.shape[:-1]) == (B, H, T)
positions = torch.arange(T, device=keys.device, dtype=torch.long)
return KVCacheResult(keys, values, positions)
class RingKVCache:
"""Efficient streaming KVCache to be compatible with Cuda Graph.
batch_size (int): Batch size.
num_heads (int): Number of heads in the attention.
dim_per_head (int): Dimension per head.
device (torch.device): Device on which to initialize the cache.
dtype (torch.dtype): dtype to use for the cache.
def __init__(
batch_size: int,
num_heads: int,
dim_per_head: int,
capacity: int,
device: torch.device = torch.device("cuda"),
dtype: torch.dtype = torch.bfloat16,
self.capacity = capacity
self.cache = torch.zeros(
(2, batch_size, num_heads, capacity, dim_per_head),
self.end_offset = torch.zeros(1, device=device, dtype=torch.long)
def reset(self):
def complete(self, k: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor) -> KVCacheResult:
assert k.shape[:-1] == v.shape[:-1], (k.shape, v.shape)
B, H, T, D = k.shape
indexes = torch.arange(T, device=self.end_offset.device, dtype=self.end_offset.dtype) + self.end_offset
indexes = indexes % self.capacity
self.cache[0].index_copy_(2, indexes, k)
self.cache[1].index_copy_(2, indexes, v)
keys = self.cache[0]
values = self.cache[1]
indexes = torch.arange(
self.capacity, device=self.end_offset.device, dtype=torch.long
invalid = indexes >= self.end_offset
end_index = self.end_offset % self.capacity
delta = indexes - end_index
# If last key is for step S, and capacity is C, last key was written at index S % C.
# then end_offset = S + 1, and end_index = (S + 1) % C.
# Then for index = (S % C), delta = -1, and the next code gives us:
# position(index) = (S + 1) - 1 = S, all good.
# Now the time step at end_offset is actually the oldest in the KVCache, e.g., its
# position should be (S - self.capacity + 1).
# The following code gives us:
# position(index + 1) = S + 1 + 0 - self.capacity.
positions = torch.where(
delta <= 0,
self.end_offset + delta,
self.end_offset + delta - self.capacity,
positions = torch.where(invalid, torch.full_like(positions, -1), positions)
return KVCacheResult(keys, values, positions)
class _MHAState:
kv_cache: RingKVCache
offset: torch.Tensor
offset_cpu: int
def reset(self):
self.offset_cpu = 0
class StreamingMultiheadAttention(StreamingModule[_MHAState]):
"""Similar to `nn.MultiheadAttention` but with support for streaming, causal evaluation.
embed_dim (int): Dimension to project to.
num_heads (int): Number of heads.
causal (bool): Causal mask applied automatically.
context (int, optional): Number of time steps the attention can access to.
When causal, can access `context` time steps into the past, and when non causal,
can access `context // 2` steps in the past, and the same in the future.
rope (`RotaryEmbedding`, optional): Rope embedding to use.
weights_per_step (int): use different weights per time step. If non zero, should correspond to the
number of possible time steps.
device (torch.device, optional): Device on which to initialize.
dtype (torch.dtype, optional): dtype to use.
_fsdp_final = True
def __init__(
embed_dim: int,
num_heads: int,
causal: bool = False,
context: tp.Optional[int] = None,
rope: tp.Optional[RotaryEmbedding] = None,
weights_per_step: int = 0,
factory_kwargs = {"device": device, "dtype": dtype}
self.embed_dim = embed_dim
self.causal = causal
self.context = context
self.rope = rope
self.num_heads = num_heads
out_dim = embed_dim
out_dim = 3 * embed_dim
mult = 1
self.weights_per_step = weights_per_step
if weights_per_step:
mult = weights_per_step
in_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, mult * out_dim, bias=False, **factory_kwargs)
# We try to follow the default PyTorch MHA convention, to easily compare results.
self.in_proj_weight = in_proj.weight
self.in_proj_bias = in_proj.bias
self.out_proj = nn.Linear(
embed_dim, mult * embed_dim, bias=False, **factory_kwargs
def _init_streaming_state(self, batch_size: int) -> _MHAState:
if self.context is None:
if self.weights_per_step:
capacity = self.weights_per_step
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot create a streaming KVCache without a context to estimate capacity."
capacity = self.context
device = self.in_proj_weight.device
# TODO: the following estimation will not work great with FSDP.
dtype = self.in_proj_weight.dtype
dim_per_head = self.embed_dim // self.num_heads
kv_cache = RingKVCache(
batch_size, self.num_heads, dim_per_head, capacity, device, dtype
return _MHAState(
offset=torch.zeros(1, device=device, dtype=torch.long),
def _complete_kv(self, k, v) -> KVCacheResult:
state = self._streaming_state
if state is None:
return KVCacheResult.from_kv(k, v)
return state.kv_cache.complete(k, v)
def forward(self, query: torch.Tensor, key: torch.Tensor, value: torch.Tensor):
state = self._streaming_state
T = query.shape[1]
if state is None:
offset = torch.zeros(1, device=query.device, dtype=torch.long)
offset_cpu = 0
assert self.causal, "Streaming only available for causal"
offset = state.offset
offset_cpu = state.offset_cpu
if self.weights_per_step:
projected = multi_linear(
self.weights_per_step, self.in_proj_weight, query, offset_cpu
projected = nn.functional.linear(query, self.in_proj_weight)
q, k, v = rearrange(
projected, "b t (p h d) -> p b h t d", p=3, h=self.num_heads
if self.rope:
q, k = self.rope(q, k, offset, time_before_heads=False)
k, v, pos_k = self._complete_kv(k, v)
if self.causal:
pos_k = pos_k.view(1, -1)
pos_q = offset + torch.arange(T, device=q.device, dtype=torch.long).view(
-1, 1
delta = pos_q - pos_k
attn_bias = (pos_k >= 0) & (delta >= 0)
if self.context is not None:
attn_bias = attn_bias & (delta < self.context)
attn_bias = None
x = F.scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, attn_bias, dropout_p=0.0)
x = rearrange(x, "b h t d -> b t (h d)")
if self.weights_per_step:
x = multi_linear(self.weights_per_step, self.out_proj.weight, x, offset_cpu)
x = self.out_proj(x)
if state is not None:
state.offset_cpu += T
return x
class _LayerState:
offset_cpu: int
def reset(self):
self.offset_cpu = 0
class StreamingTransformerLayer(StreamingModule[_LayerState]):
"""TransformerLayer with Streaming / Causal support.
d_model (int): Dimension of the data.
num_heads (int): Number of heads.
dim_feedforward (int): Intermediate dimension of FF module.
causal (bool): Causal mask applied automatically.
context (int, optional): Receptive field for the causal mask, infinite if None.
custom (bool): Use custom MHA implementation, for testing / benchmarking.
rope (`RotaryEmbedding`, optional): Rope embedding to use.
norm (str): Normalization to use. Currently, only 'layer_norm' is supported.
layer_scale (float, optional): If not None, LayerScale will be used with the given value as initial scale.
gating (str): if provided, replaces FFN with special gating, like GLU, GSiGLU etc.
weights_per_step (int): use different weights per time step. If non zero, should correspond to the
number of possible time steps.
skip_self_attn: If true, skips the self attention module and the norm
device (torch.device, optional): Device on which to initialize.
dtype (torch.dtype, optional): dtype to use.
_fsdp_final = True
def __init__(
d_model: int,
num_heads: int,
dim_feedforward: int | list[int] = 2048,
causal: bool = False,
context: tp.Optional[int] = None,
rope: tp.Optional[RotaryEmbedding] = None,
norm: str = "layer_norm",
layer_scale: tp.Optional[float] = None,
gating: str = "none",
weights_per_step: int = 0,
skip_self_attn: bool = False,
factory_kwargs = {"device": device, "dtype": dtype}
# Redefine self_attn to our streaming multi-head attention
attn_kwargs: tp.Dict[str, tp.Any] = {
"embed_dim": d_model,
"num_heads": num_heads,
if not skip_self_attn:
self.self_attn: StreamingMultiheadAttention = StreamingMultiheadAttention(
**attn_kwargs, # type: ignore
**factory_kwargs, # type: ignore
) # type: ignore
self.norm1 = create_norm_fn(norm, d_model, **factory_kwargs)
self.norm2 = create_norm_fn(norm, d_model, **factory_kwargs)
# Redefine feedforward layers to expose bias parameter
self.weights_per_step = weights_per_step
self.gating: tp.Optional[nn.Module] = None
self.linear1: tp.Optional[nn.Module] = None
self.linear2: tp.Optional[nn.Module] = None
self.activation = activation
self.skip_self_attn = skip_self_attn
if isinstance(dim_feedforward, list):
assert dim_feedforward
assert len(dim_feedforward) == weights_per_step, (
"Length of dim_feedforward must match weights_per_step,"
f" got {len(dim_feedforward)} != {weights_per_step}"
if gating == "none":
assert (
not weights_per_step
), "weights_per_step without gating not supported for now."
assert not isinstance(
dim_feedforward, list
), "List dim_feedforward without gating not supported for now."
self.linear1 = nn.Linear(
d_model, dim_feedforward, bias=False, **factory_kwargs
self.linear2 = nn.Linear(
dim_feedforward, d_model, bias=False, **factory_kwargs
self.linear1 = None
self.linear2 = None
if weights_per_step:
if isinstance(dim_feedforward, int):
dim_feedforward = [dim_feedforward] * weights_per_step
assert isinstance(dim_feedforward, list), dim_feedforward
self.gating = nn.ModuleList(
make_gating(gating, d_model, dim, **factory_kwargs)
for dim in dim_feedforward
assert isinstance(dim_feedforward, int)
self.gating = make_gating(
gating, d_model, dim_feedforward, **factory_kwargs
self.layer_scale_1: nn.Module
self.layer_scale_2: nn.Module
if layer_scale is None:
self.layer_scale_1 = nn.Identity()
self.layer_scale_2 = nn.Identity()
self.layer_scale_1 = LayerScale(d_model, layer_scale, **factory_kwargs) # type: ignore
self.layer_scale_2 = LayerScale(d_model, layer_scale, **factory_kwargs) # type: ignore
def _init_streaming_state(self, batch_size: int) -> _LayerState:
return _LayerState(offset_cpu=0)
# feed forward block
def _ff_block(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
state = self._streaming_state
offset = 0
if state is not None:
offset = state.offset_cpu
x_orig = x
x = self.norm2(x)
if self.gating is None:
assert self.linear1 is not None
assert self.linear2 is not None
update = self.linear2(self.activation(self.linear1(x)))
if self.weights_per_step:
assert isinstance(self.gating, nn.ModuleList)
B, T, D = x.shape
ys = []
for t in range(T):
y = self.gating[offset + t](x[:, t : t + 1])
update =, dim=1)
update = self.gating(x)
return x_orig + self.layer_scale_2(update)
def _sa_block(self, x: torch.Tensor):
if self.skip_self_attn:
return x
x_orig = x
x = self.norm1(x)
update = self.self_attn(x, x, x)
return x_orig + self.layer_scale_1(update)
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
with ExitStack() as stack:
if x.device.type != 'cuda':
x = self._sa_block(x)
x = self._ff_block(x)
state = self._streaming_state
if state:
state.offset_cpu += x.shape[1]
return x
class _TransformerState:
offset: torch.Tensor
def reset(self):
class StreamingTransformer(StreamingModule[_TransformerState]):
"""Transformer with Streaming / Causal support.
d_model (int): Dimension of the data.
num_heads (int): Number of heads.
dim_feedforward (int): Intermediate dimension of FF module.
causal (bool): Causal mask applied automatically.
context (int, optional): Receptive field for the causal mask, infinite if None.
layer_scale (float, optional): If not None, LayerScale will be used
with the given value as initial scale.
positional_embedding (str): Positional embedding strategy (sin, rope, sin_rope, or none).
max_period (float): Maximum period of the time embedding.
positional_scale (float): Scale of positional embedding, set to 0 to deactivate.
layer_class: (subclass of `StreamingTransformerLayer): class to use
to initialize the layers, allowing further customization outside of AudioCraft.
device (torch.device, optional): Device on which to initialize.
dtype (torch.dtype, optional): dtype to use.
**kwargs: See `StreamingTransformerLayer`.
def __init__(
d_model: int,
num_heads: int,
num_layers: int,
dim_feedforward: int | list[int] = 2048,
causal: bool = False,
context: tp.Optional[int] = None,
positional_embedding: str = "sin",
max_period: float = 10_000,
positional_scale: float = 1.0,
betas: tp.Optional[tp.Tuple[float, float]] = None,
layer_class: tp.Type[StreamingTransformerLayer] = StreamingTransformerLayer,
assert d_model % num_heads == 0
self.positional_embedding = positional_embedding
self.max_period = max_period
self.positional_scale = positional_scale
self.betas = betas
assert positional_embedding in {"sin", "rope", "sin_rope", "none"}
self.rope: tp.Optional[RotaryEmbedding] = None
if self.positional_embedding in {"rope", "sin_rope"}:
self.rope = RotaryEmbedding(max_period=max_period)
self.layers = nn.ModuleList()
for _ in range(num_layers):
def _init_streaming_state(self, batch_size: int) -> _TransformerState:
device = next(self.parameters()).device
return _TransformerState(offset=torch.zeros(1, device=device, dtype=torch.long))
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs):
B, T, C = x.shape
state = self._streaming_state
if state is None:
offset = torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.long, device=x.device)
offset = state.offset
if self.positional_embedding in {"sin", "sin_rope"}:
positions = torch.arange(T, device=x.device).view(1, -1, 1)
positions = positions + offset.view(-1, 1, 1)
pos_emb = create_sin_embedding(
positions, C, max_period=self.max_period, dtype=x.dtype
x = x + self.positional_scale * pos_emb
for layer in self.layers:
x = layer(x, *args, **kwargs)
if state is not None:
return x
class ProjectedTransformer(StreamingContainer):
"""Transformer with optional projections of the input and output to different dimensions when needed.
Supports multiple outputs.
input_dimension (int): dimension of the input.
output_dimensions (tuple[int]): dimensions of the outputs.
d_model (int): inner dimension of the Transformer.
conv_layout (bool): If True, expects `[B, C, T]` shaped tensors, otherwise, `[B, T, C]`.
Similarly, the output will have the same layout.
def __init__(
input_dimension: int,
output_dimensions: tp.Tuple[int, ...],
d_model: int,
conv_layout: bool = False,
self.transformer = StreamingTransformer(d_model=d_model, **kwargs)
self.input_dimension = input_dimension
self.output_dimensions = output_dimensions
self.conv_layout = conv_layout
self.input_proj = None
if d_model != input_dimension:
self.input_proj = nn.Linear(input_dimension, d_model, bias=False)
self.output_projs = nn.ModuleList()
for output_dimension in output_dimensions:
if d_model == output_dimension:
nn.Linear(d_model, output_dimension, bias=False)
def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
if self.conv_layout:
x = x.transpose(1, 2)
if self.input_proj is not None:
x = self.input_proj(x)
z = self.transformer(x, *args, **kwargs)
ys = []
for output_proj in self.output_projs:
y = output_proj(z)
if self.conv_layout:
y = y.transpose(1, 2)
return ys