""" | |
This file may have been modified by Bytedance Ltd. and/or its affiliates (“Bytedance's Modifications”). | |
All Bytedance's Modifications are Copyright (year) Bytedance Ltd. and/or its affiliates. | |
Reference: | |
Reference: | |
""" | |
#!/usr/bin/env python | |
from __future__ import absolute_import | |
from __future__ import division | |
from __future__ import print_function | |
from __future__ import unicode_literals | |
import os, sys | |
import numpy as np | |
import json | |
import time | |
from datetime import timedelta | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
import argparse | |
import multiprocessing | |
import PIL.Image as Image | |
from panopticapi.utils import get_traceback, rgb2id | |
OFFSET = 256 * 256 * 256 | |
VOID = 0 | |
class PQStatCat(): | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.iou = 0.0 | | = 0 | |
self.fp = 0 | |
self.fn = 0 | |
def __iadd__(self, pq_stat_cat): | |
self.iou += pq_stat_cat.iou | | += | |
self.fp += pq_stat_cat.fp | |
self.fn += pq_stat_cat.fn | |
return self | |
class PQStat(): | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.pq_per_cat = defaultdict(PQStatCat) | |
def __getitem__(self, i): | |
return self.pq_per_cat[i] | |
def __iadd__(self, pq_stat): | |
for label, pq_stat_cat in pq_stat.pq_per_cat.items(): | |
self.pq_per_cat[label] += pq_stat_cat | |
return self | |
def pq_average(self, categories, isthing): | |
pq, sq, rq, n = 0, 0, 0, 0 | |
per_class_results = {} | |
for label, label_info in categories.items(): | |
if isthing is not None: | |
cat_isthing = label_info['isthing'] == 1 | |
if isthing != cat_isthing: | |
continue | |
iou = self.pq_per_cat[label].iou | |
tp = self.pq_per_cat[label].tp | |
fp = self.pq_per_cat[label].fp | |
fn = self.pq_per_cat[label].fn | |
if tp + fp + fn == 0: | |
per_class_results[label] = {'pq': 0.0, 'sq': 0.0, 'rq': 0.0} | |
continue | |
n += 1 | |
pq_class = iou / (tp + 0.5 * fp + 0.5 * fn) | |
sq_class = iou / tp if tp != 0 else 0 | |
rq_class = tp / (tp + 0.5 * fp + 0.5 * fn) | |
per_class_results[label] = {'pq': pq_class, 'sq': sq_class, 'rq': rq_class} | |
pq += pq_class | |
sq += sq_class | |
rq += rq_class | |
return {'pq': pq / n, 'sq': sq / n, 'rq': rq / n, 'n': n}, per_class_results | |
def pq_compute_single_core(proc_id, annotation_set, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories): | |
pq_stat = PQStat() | |
idx = 0 | |
for gt_ann, pred_ann in annotation_set: | |
if idx % 100 == 0: | |
print('Core: {}, {} from {} images processed'.format(proc_id, idx, len(annotation_set))) | |
idx += 1 | |
pan_gt = np.array(, gt_ann['file_name'])), dtype=np.uint32) | |
pan_gt = rgb2id(pan_gt) | |
pan_pred = np.array(, pred_ann['file_name'])), dtype=np.uint32) | |
pan_pred = rgb2id(pan_pred) | |
gt_segms = {el['id']: el for el in gt_ann['segments_info']} | |
pred_segms = {el['id']: el for el in pred_ann['segments_info']} | |
# predicted segments area calculation + prediction sanity checks | |
pred_labels_set = set(el['id'] for el in pred_ann['segments_info']) | |
labels, labels_cnt = np.unique(pan_pred, return_counts=True) | |
for label, label_cnt in zip(labels, labels_cnt): | |
if label not in pred_segms: | |
if label == VOID: | |
continue | |
raise KeyError('In the image with ID {} segment with ID {} is presented in PNG and not presented in JSON.'.format(gt_ann['image_id'], label)) | |
pred_segms[label]['area'] = label_cnt | |
pred_labels_set.remove(label) | |
if pred_segms[label]['category_id'] not in categories: | |
raise KeyError('In the image with ID {} segment with ID {} has unknown category_id {}.'.format(gt_ann['image_id'], label, pred_segms[label]['category_id'])) | |
if len(pred_labels_set) != 0: | |
raise KeyError('In the image with ID {} the following segment IDs {} are presented in JSON and not presented in PNG.'.format(gt_ann['image_id'], list(pred_labels_set))) | |
# confusion matrix calculation | |
pan_gt_pred = pan_gt.astype(np.uint64) * OFFSET + pan_pred.astype(np.uint64) | |
gt_pred_map = {} | |
labels, labels_cnt = np.unique(pan_gt_pred, return_counts=True) | |
for label, intersection in zip(labels, labels_cnt): | |
gt_id = label // OFFSET | |
pred_id = label % OFFSET | |
gt_pred_map[(gt_id, pred_id)] = intersection | |
# count all matched pairs | |
gt_matched = set() | |
pred_matched = set() | |
for label_tuple, intersection in gt_pred_map.items(): | |
gt_label, pred_label = label_tuple | |
if gt_label not in gt_segms: | |
continue | |
if pred_label not in pred_segms: | |
continue | |
if gt_segms[gt_label]['iscrowd'] == 1: | |
continue | |
if gt_segms[gt_label]['category_id'] != pred_segms[pred_label]['category_id']: | |
continue | |
union = pred_segms[pred_label]['area'] + gt_segms[gt_label]['area'] - intersection - gt_pred_map.get((VOID, pred_label), 0) | |
iou = intersection / union | |
if iou > 0.5: | |
pq_stat[gt_segms[gt_label]['category_id']].tp += 1 | |
pq_stat[gt_segms[gt_label]['category_id']].iou += iou | |
gt_matched.add(gt_label) | |
pred_matched.add(pred_label) | |
# count false positives | |
crowd_labels_dict = {} | |
for gt_label, gt_info in gt_segms.items(): | |
if gt_label in gt_matched: | |
continue | |
# crowd segments are ignored | |
if gt_info['iscrowd'] == 1: | |
crowd_labels_dict[gt_info['category_id']] = gt_label | |
continue | |
pq_stat[gt_info['category_id']].fn += 1 | |
# count false positives | |
for pred_label, pred_info in pred_segms.items(): | |
if pred_label in pred_matched: | |
continue | |
# intersection of the segment with VOID | |
intersection = gt_pred_map.get((VOID, pred_label), 0) | |
# plus intersection with corresponding CROWD region if it exists | |
if pred_info['category_id'] in crowd_labels_dict: | |
intersection += gt_pred_map.get((crowd_labels_dict[pred_info['category_id']], pred_label), 0) | |
# predicted segment is ignored if more than half of the segment correspond to VOID and CROWD regions | |
if intersection / pred_info['area'] > 0.5: | |
continue | |
pq_stat[pred_info['category_id']].fp += 1 | |
print('Core: {}, all {} images processed'.format(proc_id, len(annotation_set))) | |
return pq_stat | |
def pq_compute_multi_core(matched_annotations_list, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories): | |
cpu_num = multiprocessing.cpu_count() | |
annotations_split = np.array_split(matched_annotations_list, cpu_num) | |
print("Number of cores: {}, images per core: {}".format(cpu_num, len(annotations_split[0]))) | |
workers = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cpu_num) | |
processes = [] | |
for proc_id, annotation_set in enumerate(annotations_split): | |
p = workers.apply_async(pq_compute_single_core, | |
(proc_id, annotation_set, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories)) | |
processes.append(p) | |
# | |
# Close the process pool, otherwise it will lead to memory | |
# leaking problems. | |
workers.close() | |
workers.join() | |
pq_stat = PQStat() | |
for p in processes: | |
pq_stat += p.get() | |
return pq_stat | |
def pq_compute(gt_json_file, pred_json_file, gt_folder=None, pred_folder=None): | |
start_time = time.time() | |
with open(gt_json_file, 'r') as f: | |
gt_json = json.load(f) | |
with open(pred_json_file, 'r') as f: | |
pred_json = json.load(f) | |
if gt_folder is None: | |
gt_folder = gt_json_file.replace('.json', '') | |
if pred_folder is None: | |
pred_folder = pred_json_file.replace('.json', '') | |
categories = {el['id']: el for el in gt_json['categories']} | |
print("Evaluation panoptic segmentation metrics:") | |
print("Ground truth:") | |
print("\tSegmentation folder: {}".format(gt_folder)) | |
print("\tJSON file: {}".format(gt_json_file)) | |
print("Prediction:") | |
print("\tSegmentation folder: {}".format(pred_folder)) | |
print("\tJSON file: {}".format(pred_json_file)) | |
if not os.path.isdir(gt_folder): | |
raise Exception("Folder {} with ground truth segmentations doesn't exist".format(gt_folder)) | |
if not os.path.isdir(pred_folder): | |
raise Exception("Folder {} with predicted segmentations doesn't exist".format(pred_folder)) | |
pred_annotations = {el['image_id']: el for el in pred_json['annotations']} | |
matched_annotations_list = [] | |
for gt_ann in gt_json['annotations']: | |
image_id = gt_ann['image_id'] | |
if image_id not in pred_annotations: | |
raise Exception('no prediction for the image with id: {}'.format(image_id)) | |
matched_annotations_list.append((gt_ann, pred_annotations[image_id])) | |
pq_stat = pq_compute_multi_core(matched_annotations_list, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories) | |
metrics = [("All", None), ("Things", True), ("Stuff", False)] | |
results = {} | |
for name, isthing in metrics: | |
results[name], per_class_results = pq_stat.pq_average(categories, isthing=isthing) | |
if name == 'All': | |
results['per_class'] = per_class_results | |
print("{:10s}| {:>5s} {:>5s} {:>5s} {:>5s}".format("", "PQ", "SQ", "RQ", "N")) | |
print("-" * (10 + 7 * 4)) | |
for name, _isthing in metrics: | |
print("{:10s}| {:5.1f} {:5.1f} {:5.1f} {:5d}".format( | |
name, | |
100 * results[name]['pq'], | |
100 * results[name]['sq'], | |
100 * results[name]['rq'], | |
results[name]['n']) | |
) | |
t_delta = time.time() - start_time | |
print("Time elapsed: {:0.2f} seconds".format(t_delta)) | |
return results | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument('--gt_json_file', type=str, | |
help="JSON file with ground truth data") | |
parser.add_argument('--pred_json_file', type=str, | |
help="JSON file with predictions data") | |
parser.add_argument('--gt_folder', type=str, default=None, | |
help="Folder with ground turth COCO format segmentations. \ | |
Default: X if the corresponding json file is X.json") | |
parser.add_argument('--pred_folder', type=str, default=None, | |
help="Folder with prediction COCO format segmentations. \ | |
Default: X if the corresponding json file is X.json") | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
pq_compute(args.gt_json_file, args.pred_json_file, args.gt_folder, args.pred_folder) |