""" This file may have been modified by Bytedance Ltd. and/or its affiliates (“Bytedance's Modifications”). All Bytedance's Modifications are Copyright (year) Bytedance Ltd. and/or its affiliates. Reference: https://github.com/cocodataset/panopticapi/blob/master/panopticapi/evaluation.py Reference: https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/pull/7538 """ #!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import os, sys import numpy as np import json import time from datetime import timedelta from collections import defaultdict import argparse import multiprocessing import PIL.Image as Image from panopticapi.utils import get_traceback, rgb2id OFFSET = 256 * 256 * 256 VOID = 0 class PQStatCat(): def __init__(self): self.iou = 0.0 self.tp = 0 self.fp = 0 self.fn = 0 def __iadd__(self, pq_stat_cat): self.iou += pq_stat_cat.iou self.tp += pq_stat_cat.tp self.fp += pq_stat_cat.fp self.fn += pq_stat_cat.fn return self class PQStat(): def __init__(self): self.pq_per_cat = defaultdict(PQStatCat) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.pq_per_cat[i] def __iadd__(self, pq_stat): for label, pq_stat_cat in pq_stat.pq_per_cat.items(): self.pq_per_cat[label] += pq_stat_cat return self def pq_average(self, categories, isthing): pq, sq, rq, n = 0, 0, 0, 0 per_class_results = {} for label, label_info in categories.items(): if isthing is not None: cat_isthing = label_info['isthing'] == 1 if isthing != cat_isthing: continue iou = self.pq_per_cat[label].iou tp = self.pq_per_cat[label].tp fp = self.pq_per_cat[label].fp fn = self.pq_per_cat[label].fn if tp + fp + fn == 0: per_class_results[label] = {'pq': 0.0, 'sq': 0.0, 'rq': 0.0} continue n += 1 pq_class = iou / (tp + 0.5 * fp + 0.5 * fn) sq_class = iou / tp if tp != 0 else 0 rq_class = tp / (tp + 0.5 * fp + 0.5 * fn) per_class_results[label] = {'pq': pq_class, 'sq': sq_class, 'rq': rq_class} pq += pq_class sq += sq_class rq += rq_class return {'pq': pq / n, 'sq': sq / n, 'rq': rq / n, 'n': n}, per_class_results @get_traceback def pq_compute_single_core(proc_id, annotation_set, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories): pq_stat = PQStat() idx = 0 for gt_ann, pred_ann in annotation_set: if idx % 100 == 0: print('Core: {}, {} from {} images processed'.format(proc_id, idx, len(annotation_set))) idx += 1 pan_gt = np.array(Image.open(os.path.join(gt_folder, gt_ann['file_name'])), dtype=np.uint32) pan_gt = rgb2id(pan_gt) pan_pred = np.array(Image.open(os.path.join(pred_folder, pred_ann['file_name'])), dtype=np.uint32) pan_pred = rgb2id(pan_pred) gt_segms = {el['id']: el for el in gt_ann['segments_info']} pred_segms = {el['id']: el for el in pred_ann['segments_info']} # predicted segments area calculation + prediction sanity checks pred_labels_set = set(el['id'] for el in pred_ann['segments_info']) labels, labels_cnt = np.unique(pan_pred, return_counts=True) for label, label_cnt in zip(labels, labels_cnt): if label not in pred_segms: if label == VOID: continue raise KeyError('In the image with ID {} segment with ID {} is presented in PNG and not presented in JSON.'.format(gt_ann['image_id'], label)) pred_segms[label]['area'] = label_cnt pred_labels_set.remove(label) if pred_segms[label]['category_id'] not in categories: raise KeyError('In the image with ID {} segment with ID {} has unknown category_id {}.'.format(gt_ann['image_id'], label, pred_segms[label]['category_id'])) if len(pred_labels_set) != 0: raise KeyError('In the image with ID {} the following segment IDs {} are presented in JSON and not presented in PNG.'.format(gt_ann['image_id'], list(pred_labels_set))) # confusion matrix calculation pan_gt_pred = pan_gt.astype(np.uint64) * OFFSET + pan_pred.astype(np.uint64) gt_pred_map = {} labels, labels_cnt = np.unique(pan_gt_pred, return_counts=True) for label, intersection in zip(labels, labels_cnt): gt_id = label // OFFSET pred_id = label % OFFSET gt_pred_map[(gt_id, pred_id)] = intersection # count all matched pairs gt_matched = set() pred_matched = set() for label_tuple, intersection in gt_pred_map.items(): gt_label, pred_label = label_tuple if gt_label not in gt_segms: continue if pred_label not in pred_segms: continue if gt_segms[gt_label]['iscrowd'] == 1: continue if gt_segms[gt_label]['category_id'] != pred_segms[pred_label]['category_id']: continue union = pred_segms[pred_label]['area'] + gt_segms[gt_label]['area'] - intersection - gt_pred_map.get((VOID, pred_label), 0) iou = intersection / union if iou > 0.5: pq_stat[gt_segms[gt_label]['category_id']].tp += 1 pq_stat[gt_segms[gt_label]['category_id']].iou += iou gt_matched.add(gt_label) pred_matched.add(pred_label) # count false positives crowd_labels_dict = {} for gt_label, gt_info in gt_segms.items(): if gt_label in gt_matched: continue # crowd segments are ignored if gt_info['iscrowd'] == 1: crowd_labels_dict[gt_info['category_id']] = gt_label continue pq_stat[gt_info['category_id']].fn += 1 # count false positives for pred_label, pred_info in pred_segms.items(): if pred_label in pred_matched: continue # intersection of the segment with VOID intersection = gt_pred_map.get((VOID, pred_label), 0) # plus intersection with corresponding CROWD region if it exists if pred_info['category_id'] in crowd_labels_dict: intersection += gt_pred_map.get((crowd_labels_dict[pred_info['category_id']], pred_label), 0) # predicted segment is ignored if more than half of the segment correspond to VOID and CROWD regions if intersection / pred_info['area'] > 0.5: continue pq_stat[pred_info['category_id']].fp += 1 print('Core: {}, all {} images processed'.format(proc_id, len(annotation_set))) return pq_stat def pq_compute_multi_core(matched_annotations_list, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories): cpu_num = multiprocessing.cpu_count() annotations_split = np.array_split(matched_annotations_list, cpu_num) print("Number of cores: {}, images per core: {}".format(cpu_num, len(annotations_split[0]))) workers = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cpu_num) processes = [] for proc_id, annotation_set in enumerate(annotations_split): p = workers.apply_async(pq_compute_single_core, (proc_id, annotation_set, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories)) processes.append(p) # https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/pull/7538 # Close the process pool, otherwise it will lead to memory # leaking problems. workers.close() workers.join() pq_stat = PQStat() for p in processes: pq_stat += p.get() return pq_stat def pq_compute(gt_json_file, pred_json_file, gt_folder=None, pred_folder=None): start_time = time.time() with open(gt_json_file, 'r') as f: gt_json = json.load(f) with open(pred_json_file, 'r') as f: pred_json = json.load(f) if gt_folder is None: gt_folder = gt_json_file.replace('.json', '') if pred_folder is None: pred_folder = pred_json_file.replace('.json', '') categories = {el['id']: el for el in gt_json['categories']} print("Evaluation panoptic segmentation metrics:") print("Ground truth:") print("\tSegmentation folder: {}".format(gt_folder)) print("\tJSON file: {}".format(gt_json_file)) print("Prediction:") print("\tSegmentation folder: {}".format(pred_folder)) print("\tJSON file: {}".format(pred_json_file)) if not os.path.isdir(gt_folder): raise Exception("Folder {} with ground truth segmentations doesn't exist".format(gt_folder)) if not os.path.isdir(pred_folder): raise Exception("Folder {} with predicted segmentations doesn't exist".format(pred_folder)) pred_annotations = {el['image_id']: el for el in pred_json['annotations']} matched_annotations_list = [] for gt_ann in gt_json['annotations']: image_id = gt_ann['image_id'] if image_id not in pred_annotations: raise Exception('no prediction for the image with id: {}'.format(image_id)) matched_annotations_list.append((gt_ann, pred_annotations[image_id])) pq_stat = pq_compute_multi_core(matched_annotations_list, gt_folder, pred_folder, categories) metrics = [("All", None), ("Things", True), ("Stuff", False)] results = {} for name, isthing in metrics: results[name], per_class_results = pq_stat.pq_average(categories, isthing=isthing) if name == 'All': results['per_class'] = per_class_results print("{:10s}| {:>5s} {:>5s} {:>5s} {:>5s}".format("", "PQ", "SQ", "RQ", "N")) print("-" * (10 + 7 * 4)) for name, _isthing in metrics: print("{:10s}| {:5.1f} {:5.1f} {:5.1f} {:5d}".format( name, 100 * results[name]['pq'], 100 * results[name]['sq'], 100 * results[name]['rq'], results[name]['n']) ) t_delta = time.time() - start_time print("Time elapsed: {:0.2f} seconds".format(t_delta)) return results if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--gt_json_file', type=str, help="JSON file with ground truth data") parser.add_argument('--pred_json_file', type=str, help="JSON file with predictions data") parser.add_argument('--gt_folder', type=str, default=None, help="Folder with ground turth COCO format segmentations. \ Default: X if the corresponding json file is X.json") parser.add_argument('--pred_folder', type=str, default=None, help="Folder with prediction COCO format segmentations. \ Default: X if the corresponding json file is X.json") args = parser.parse_args() pq_compute(args.gt_json_file, args.pred_json_file, args.gt_folder, args.pred_folder)