Demo_ProTrek_650M_UniRef50 / model /ProTrek /
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import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torchmetrics
import json
import math
import numpy as np
import os
import copy
import faiss
import time
import pandas as pd
import random
from tqdm import tqdm
from .protein_encoder import ProteinEncoder
from .structure_encoder import StructureEncoder
from .text_encoder import TextEncoder
from ..abstract_model import AbstractModel
from ..model_interface import register_model
from utils.mpr import MultipleProcessRunnerSimplifier
from torch.nn.functional import normalize, cross_entropy
from utils.constants import residue_level, sequence_level
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
def multilabel_cross_entropy(logits, labels):
Compute cross entropy loss for multilabel classification。 See ""
logits: [num_samples, num_classes]
labels: [num_samples, num_classes]
loss = 0
for pred, label in zip(logits, labels):
pos_logits = pred[label == 1]
neg_logits = pred[label == 0]
diff = neg_logits.unsqueeze(-1) - pos_logits
loss += torch.log(1 + torch.exp(diff).sum())
return loss / len(logits)
# pred = (1 - 2 * labels) * logits
# pred_neg = pred - labels * 1e12
# pred_pos = pred - (1 - labels) * 1e12
# zeros = torch.zeros_like(logits[..., :1], dtype=logits.dtype)
# pred_neg =[pred_neg, zeros], dim=-1)
# pred_pos =[pred_pos, zeros], dim=-1)
# neg_loss = torch.logsumexp(pred_neg, dim=-1)
# pos_loss = torch.logsumexp(pred_pos, dim=-1)
# return (neg_loss + pos_loss).mean()
class ProTrekTrimodalModel(AbstractModel):
def __init__(self,
protein_config: str,
text_config: str,
structure_config: str = None,
repr_dim: int = 1024,
temperature: float = 0.07,
load_protein_pretrained: bool = True,
load_text_pretrained: bool = True,
use_mlm_loss: bool = False,
use_zlpr_loss: bool = False,
use_saprot: bool = False,
gradient_checkpointing: bool = False,
protein_config: Path to the config file for protein sequence encoder
text_config: Path to the config file for text encoder
structure_config: Path to the config file for structure encoder
repr_dim: Output dimension of the protein and text representation
temperature: Temperature for softmax
load_protein_pretrained: Whether to load pretrained weights for protein encoder
load_text_pretrained: Whether to load pretrained weights for text encoder
use_mlm_loss: Whether to use masked language modeling loss
use_zlpr_loss: Whether to use zlpr loss. See ""
use_saprot: Whether to use SaProt as protein encoder
gradient_checkpointing: Whether to use gradient checkpointing for protein encoder
self.protein_config = protein_config
self.structure_config = structure_config
self.text_config = text_config
self.repr_dim = repr_dim
self.temperature = temperature
self.load_protein_pretrained = load_protein_pretrained
self.load_text_pretrained = load_text_pretrained
self.use_mlm_loss = use_mlm_loss
self.use_zlpr_loss = use_zlpr_loss
self.use_saprot = use_saprot
self.gradient_checkpointing = gradient_checkpointing
def initialize_metrics(self, stage: str) -> dict:
return_dict = {
f"{stage}_protein_text_acc": torchmetrics.Accuracy(),
f"{stage}_text_protein_acc": torchmetrics.Accuracy(),
if self.use_mlm_loss:
return_dict[f"{stage}_protein_mask_acc"] = torchmetrics.Accuracy(ignore_index=-1)
if self.structure_config is not None:
return_dict[f"{stage}_structure_mask_acc"] = torchmetrics.Accuracy(ignore_index=-1)
if self.structure_config is not None:
return_dict[f"{stage}_structure_protein_acc"] = torchmetrics.Accuracy()
return_dict[f"{stage}_structure_text_acc"] = torchmetrics.Accuracy()
return_dict[f"{stage}_text_structure_acc"] = torchmetrics.Accuracy()
return_dict[f"{stage}_protein_structure_acc"] = torchmetrics.Accuracy()
return return_dict
def initialize_model(self):
# Initialize encoders
self.protein_encoder = ProteinEncoder(self.protein_config,
self.text_encoder = TextEncoder(self.text_config,
# Learnable temperature
self.temperature = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(self.temperature))
# self.model is used for saving and loading
self.model = torch.nn.ParameterList([self.temperature,
# If the structure encoder is specified
if self.structure_config is not None:
self.structure_encoder = StructureEncoder(self.structure_config, self.repr_dim)
def get_text_repr(self, texts: list, batch_size: int = 64, verbose: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
return self.text_encoder.get_repr(texts, batch_size, verbose)
def get_structure_repr(self, proteins: list, batch_size: int = 64, verbose: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
return self.structure_encoder.get_repr(proteins, batch_size, verbose)
def get_protein_repr(self, proteins: list, batch_size: int = 64, verbose: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
return self.protein_encoder.get_repr(proteins, batch_size, verbose)
def forward(self, protein_inputs: dict, text_inputs: dict, structure_inputs: dict = None):
protein_inputs: A dictionary for protein encoder
structure_inputs: A dictionary for structure encoder
text_inputs : A dictionary for text encoder
protein_repr, protein_mask_logits = self.protein_encoder(protein_inputs, self.use_mlm_loss)
text_repr = self.text_encoder(text_inputs)
outputs = [text_repr, protein_repr, protein_mask_logits]
if self.structure_config is not None:
structure_repr, structure_mask_logits = self.structure_encoder(structure_inputs, self.use_mlm_loss)
outputs += [structure_repr, structure_mask_logits]
return outputs
def loss_func(self, stage: str, outputs, labels):
if self.structure_config is not None:
text_repr, protein_repr, protein_mask_logits, structure_repr, structure_mask_logits = outputs
text_repr, protein_repr, protein_mask_logits = outputs
device = text_repr.device
text_repr = normalize(text_repr, dim=-1)
protein_repr = normalize(protein_repr, dim=-1)
# Gather representations from all GPUs
all_protein_repr = self.all_gather(protein_repr).view(-1, protein_repr.shape[-1]).detach()
all_text_repr = self.all_gather(text_repr).view(-1, text_repr.shape[-1]).detach()
if self.structure_config is not None:
structure_repr = normalize(structure_repr, dim=-1)
all_structure_repr = self.all_gather(structure_repr).view(-1, structure_repr.shape[-1]).detach()
# text_idx = labels["text_idx"]
# text_candidates = labels["text_candidates"]
# # Gather all text ids
# text_inds = self.all_gather(text_idx).flatten()
# # Create text classification labels
# text_labels = torch.zeros(len(text_candidates), len(text_inds), dtype=int).to(device)
# for i, candidate in enumerate(text_candidates):
# for j, idx in enumerate(text_inds):
# if idx.item() in candidate:
# text_labels[i, j] = 1
# # Gather text labels from all GPUs
# text_labels = self.all_gather(text_labels).view(-1, text_labels.shape[-1])
# # Protein classification labels are the transpose of text labels
# protein_labels = text_labels.T
# Batch size
rank = dist.get_rank()
bs = text_repr.shape[0]
# Get current labels
# protein_labels = protein_labels[rank * bs: rank * bs + bs]
# text_labels = text_labels[rank * bs: rank * bs + bs]
# Create classification labels between structure and sequence
bs_labels = torch.linspace(rank * bs, rank * bs + bs - 1, bs, dtype=int).to(device)
if self.structure_config is not None:
pairs = {
"protein": ["structure", "text"],
"structure": ["protein", "text"],
"text": ["protein", "structure"]
pairs = {
"protein": ["text"],
"text": ["protein"]
loss_list = []
for k, values in pairs.items():
for v in values:
# Only calculate the similarity for the current batch
sim = torch.matmul(eval(f"{k}_repr"), eval(f"all_{v}_repr").T).div(self.temperature)
# if k == "text":
# if self.use_zlpr_loss:
# loss = multilabel_cross_entropy(sim, protein_labels)
# else:
# loss = cross_entropy(sim, bs_labels)
# pred = []
# for s, l in zip(sim, protein_labels):
# n_label = l.sum()
# topk = torch.topk(s, k=n_label).indices
# if l[topk].sum() == n_label:
# pred.append(1)
# else:
# pred.append(0)
# pred = torch.tensor(pred).to(device)
# label = torch.ones_like(pred)
# self.metrics[stage][f"{stage}_{k}_{v}_acc"].update(pred.detach(), label)
# # if v == "protein":
# # acc = self.metrics[stage][f"{stage}_{k}_{v}_acc"].compute()
# # print(f"{stage}_{k}_{v}_acc: {acc:.4f}")
# elif v == "text":
# if self.use_zlpr_loss:
# loss = multilabel_cross_entropy(sim, text_labels)
# else:
# loss = cross_entropy(sim, bs_labels)
# pred = []
# for s, l in zip(sim, text_labels):
# n_label = l.sum()
# topk = torch.topk(s, k=n_label).indices
# if l[topk].sum() == n_label:
# pred.append(1)
# else:
# pred.append(0)
# pred = torch.tensor(pred).to(device)
# label = torch.ones_like(pred)
# # if k == "protein":
# # acc = pred.sum() / len(pred)
# # print(f"{stage}_{k}_{v}_acc: {acc:.4f}")
# self.metrics[stage][f"{stage}_{k}_{v}_acc"].update(pred.detach(), label)
# else:
# loss = cross_entropy(sim, bs_labels)
# self.metrics[stage][f"{stage}_{k}_{v}_acc"].update(sim.detach(), bs_labels)
loss = cross_entropy(sim, bs_labels)
self.metrics[stage][f"{stage}_{k}_{v}_acc"].update(sim.detach(), bs_labels)
# Masked language modeling loss
if self.use_mlm_loss:
k_label = [("protein", labels["seq_labels"])]
if self.structure_config is not None:
k_label.append(("structure", labels["struc_labels"]))
for k, label in k_label:
logits = eval(f"{k}_mask_logits")
# merge the first and second dimension of logits
logits = logits.view(-1, logits.shape[-1])
label = label.flatten().to(device)
mlm_loss = cross_entropy(logits, label, ignore_index=-1)
self.metrics[stage][f"{stage}_{k}_mask_acc"].update(logits.detach(), label)
loss = sum(loss_list) / len(loss_list)
if stage == "train":
log_dict = self.get_log_dict("train")
log_dict["train_loss"] = loss
# Reset train metrics
return loss
def padded_gather(self, tensor: torch.Tensor):
Gather tensors from all GPUs, allowing different shapes at the batch dimension.
# Get the size of the tensor
size = tensor.shape[0]
all_sizes = self.all_gather(torch.tensor(size, device=tensor.device))
max_size = max(all_sizes)
# Pad the tensor
if size != max_size:
tmp = torch.zeros(max_size, tensor.shape[-1], dtype=tensor.dtype, device=tensor.device)
tmp[:size] = tensor
tensor = tmp
padded_tensor = self.all_gather(tensor).view(-1, tensor.shape[-1])
tensor = padded_tensor[:sum(all_sizes)]
return tensor
def _get_protein_indices(self):
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
rank = dist.get_rank()
if self.use_saprot:
proteins = []
for sub_dict in self.uniprot2label.values():
aa_seq = sub_dict["seq"]
foldseek_seq = sub_dict["foldseek"]
assert len(aa_seq) == len(foldseek_seq)
seq = "".join([a + b for a, b in zip(aa_seq, foldseek_seq)])
proteins = [sub_dict["seq"] for sub_dict in self.uniprot2label.values()]
span = math.ceil(len(proteins) / world_size)
sub_proteins = proteins[rank * span: (rank + 1) * span]
# Display the progress bar on the rank 0 process
verbose = self.trainer.local_rank == 0
# Get protein representations
sub_protein_repr = self.protein_encoder.get_repr(sub_proteins, batch_size=1, verbose=verbose)
protein_repr = self.padded_gather(sub_protein_repr)
# Construct faiss index
d = protein_repr.shape[-1]
protein_indices = faiss.IndexFlatIP(d)
return protein_indices
def _get_structure_indices(self):
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
rank = dist.get_rank()
proteins = [sub_dict["foldseek"] for sub_dict in self.uniprot2label.values()]
span = math.ceil(len(proteins) / world_size)
sub_proteins = proteins[rank * span: (rank + 1) * span]
# Display the progress bar on the rank 0 process
verbose = self.trainer.local_rank == 0
# Get protein representations
sub_protein_repr = self.structure_encoder.get_repr(sub_proteins, batch_size=1, verbose=verbose)
protein_repr = self.padded_gather(sub_protein_repr)
# Construct faiss index
d = protein_repr.shape[-1]
structure_indices = faiss.IndexFlatIP(d)
return structure_indices
def _get_text_indices(self):
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
rank = dist.get_rank()
# Display the progress bar on the rank 0 process
verbose = self.trainer.local_rank == 0
if verbose:
iterator = tqdm(self.label2text.keys(), desc="Get text representations")
iterator = self.label2text.keys()
text_embeddings = {}
for subsection in iterator:
if subsection == "Total":
texts = []
for text_list in self.label2text[subsection].values():
# Only use the first text for efficiency
span = math.ceil(len(texts) / world_size)
texts = texts[rank * span: (rank + 1) * span]
embeddings = []
for text_list in texts:
text_repr = self.text_encoder.get_repr(text_list)
mean_repr = text_repr.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)
norm_repr = torch.nn.functional.normalize(mean_repr, dim=-1)
if len(embeddings) > 0:
embeddings =, dim=0)
embeddings = torch.zeros(0, self.repr_dim, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
text_repr = self.padded_gather(embeddings)
text_embeddings[subsection] = text_repr
# Aggregate text embeddings for global retrieval
total_embeddings = []
for idx in self.label2text["Total"].values():
subsection, i = idx.split("|")
text_embeddings["Total"] = torch.stack(total_embeddings)
# Construct faiss index
text_indices = {}
for subsection, text_repr in text_embeddings.items():
d = text_repr.shape[-1]
text_indices[subsection] = faiss.IndexFlatIP(d)
return text_indices
def _protein2text(self, modality: str, protein_indices, text_indices: dict):
def do(process_id, idx, row, writer):
subsection, uniprot_id, prob_idx, label = row
# Retrieve ranking results
p_embedding = protein_indices.reconstruct(prob_idx).reshape(1, -1)
text_inds = text_indices[subsection]
sim_scores, rank_inds =, text_inds.ntotal)
sim_scores, rank_inds = sim_scores[0], rank_inds[0]
# Calculate Average Precision(AP)
ranks = []
label = set(label)
for i, rk in enumerate(rank_inds):
# Find the rank of this label in all labels
if rk in label:
ranks.append(i + 1)
ranks = np.array(ranks)
ap = np.mean([(i + 1) / rank for i, rank in enumerate(ranks)])
# Calculate Mean Reciprocal Rank(MRR)
best_rank = ranks[0]
mrr = 1 / best_rank
# Calculate the AUC
true_labels = np.zeros_like(sim_scores)
true_labels[ranks - 1] = 1
if true_labels.sum() == 0 or true_labels.sum() == true_labels.shape[0]:
auc = 0
auc = roc_auc_score(true_labels, sim_scores)
output = json.dumps([ap, mrr, auc])
writer.write(output + "\n")
inputs = []
swissprot_subsections = set()
for subsection in text_indices.keys():
for i, (uniprot_id, labels) in enumerate(self.uniprot2label.items()):
if uniprot_id in self.swissprot_ids:
if subsection in labels:
label = labels[subsection]
inputs.append((subsection, uniprot_id, i, label))
# Randomly shuffle the inputs
# Split inputs into chunks for parallel processing
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
rank = dist.get_rank()
span = math.ceil(len(inputs) / world_size)
sub_inputs = inputs[rank * span: (rank + 1) * span]
# Display the progress bar on the rank 0 process
verbose = self.trainer.local_rank == 0
if verbose:
print("Evaluating on each subsection...")
tmp_path = f"/sujin/PycharmProjects/Pretraining/{time.time()}_{rank}.tsv"
mpr = MultipleProcessRunnerSimplifier(sub_inputs, do, save_path=tmp_path, n_process=8, verbose=verbose,
outputs =
# Aggregate results
tensor_outputs = []
for output in outputs:
ap, mrr, auc = json.loads(output)
tensor_outputs.append([float(ap), float(mrr), float(auc)])
tensor_outputs = torch.tensor(tensor_outputs, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
tensor_outputs = self.padded_gather(tensor_outputs)
# Record results
avg_results = {}
for subsection in swissprot_subsections:
avg_results[subsection] = {"map": [],
"mrr": [],
"auc": []}
for input, output in zip(inputs, tensor_outputs):
ap, mrr, auc = output
subsection, _, _, _ = input
results = {
f"{modality}2Text_Total_mrr": np.mean(avg_results["Total"]["mrr"]),
f"{modality}2Text_Total_map": np.mean(avg_results["Total"]["map"]),
f"{modality}2Text_Total_auc": np.mean(avg_results["Total"]["auc"]),
# Average the precision and recall for each level
for level, labels in [("residue-level", residue_level),
("sequence-level", sequence_level),
("all", residue_level | sequence_level)]:
mrrs = []
maps = []
aucs = []
for subsection in labels:
if subsection in avg_results:
results[f"{modality}2Text_{level}_mrr"] = np.mean(mrrs)
results[f"{modality}2Text_{level}_map"] = np.mean(maps)
results[f"{modality}2Text_{level}_auc"] = np.mean(aucs)
return results
def _text2protein(self, modality: str, protein_indices, text_indices: dict):
def do(process_id, idx, row, writer):
subsection, text_id, label = row
# Retrieve ranking results
t_embedding = text_indices[subsection].reconstruct(text_id).reshape(1, -1)
sim_scores, rank_inds =, protein_indices.ntotal)
sim_scores, rank_inds = sim_scores[0], rank_inds[0]
# Calculate Average Precision(AP)
ranks = []
label = set(label)
for i, rk in enumerate(rank_inds):
# Find the rank of this label in all labels
if rk in label:
ranks.append(i + 1)
ranks = np.array(ranks)
ap = np.mean([(i + 1) / rank for i, rank in enumerate(ranks)])
# Calculate Mean Reciprocal Rank(MRR)
best_rank = ranks[0]
mrr = 1 / best_rank
# Calculate the AUC
true_labels = np.zeros_like(sim_scores)
true_labels[ranks - 1] = 1
if true_labels.sum() == 0 or true_labels.sum() == true_labels.shape[0]:
auc = 0
auc = roc_auc_score(true_labels, sim_scores)
output = json.dumps([ap, mrr, auc])
writer.write(output + "\n")
text2label = {}
swissprot_subsections = set()
for i, (uniprot_id, subsections) in enumerate(self.uniprot2label.items()):
# Only evaluate the texts in Swiss-Prot
if uniprot_id not in self.swissprot_ids:
for subsection, text_ids in subsections.items():
if subsection == "seq" or subsection == "foldseek":
if subsection not in text2label:
text2label[subsection] = {}
for text_id in text_ids:
text2label[subsection][text_id] = text2label[subsection].get(text_id, []) + [i]
inputs = []
for subsection in swissprot_subsections:
for i, (text_id, label) in enumerate(text2label[subsection].items()):
inputs.append((subsection, text_id, label))
# Randomly shuffle the inputs
# Split inputs into chunks for parallel processing
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
rank = dist.get_rank()
span = math.ceil(len(inputs) / world_size)
sub_inputs = inputs[rank * span: (rank + 1) * span]
# Display the progress bar on the rank 0 process
verbose = self.trainer.local_rank == 0
if verbose:
print("Evaluating on each text...")
# Add time stamp to the temporary file name to avoid conflicts
tmp_path = f"/sujin/PycharmProjects/Pretraining/{time.time()}_{rank}.tsv"
mpr = MultipleProcessRunnerSimplifier(sub_inputs, do, save_path=tmp_path, n_process=8, verbose=verbose,
outputs =
# Aggregate results
tensor_outputs = []
for output in outputs:
ap, mrr, auc = json.loads(output)
tensor_outputs.append([float(ap), float(mrr), float(auc)])
tensor_outputs = torch.tensor(tensor_outputs, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
tensor_outputs = self.padded_gather(tensor_outputs)
# Record results
avg_results = {}
for subsection in swissprot_subsections:
avg_results[subsection] = {"map": [],
"mrr": [],
"auc": []}
for input, output in zip(inputs, tensor_outputs):
ap, mrr, auc = output
subsection, _, _ = input
results = {
f"Text2{modality}_Total_mrr": np.mean(avg_results["Total"]["mrr"]),
f"Text2{modality}_Total_map": np.mean(avg_results["Total"]["map"]),
f"Text2{modality}_Total_auc": np.mean(avg_results["Total"]["auc"]),
# Average the precision and recall for each level
for level, labels in [("residue-level", residue_level),
("sequence-level", sequence_level),
("all", residue_level | sequence_level)]:
mrrs = []
maps = []
aucs = []
for subsection in labels:
if subsection in avg_results:
results[f"Text2{modality}_{level}_mrr"] = np.mean(mrrs)
results[f"Text2{modality}_{level}_map"] = np.mean(maps)
results[f"Text2{modality}_{level}_auc"] = np.mean(aucs)
return results
def retrieval_eval(self) -> dict:
# Get protein representations
protein_indices = self._get_protein_indices()
# Get structure representations
# if self.structure_config is not None:
# structure_embeddings = self._get_structure_embeddings()
# Get text representations
text_indices = self._get_text_indices()
# Retrieve texts for each protein
results = {}
results.update(self._protein2text("Sequence", protein_indices, text_indices))
# if self.structure_config is not None:
# results.update(self._protein2text("Structure", structure_embeddings, text_embeddings))
# results.update(self._text2protein("Structure", structure_embeddings, text_embeddings))
# Retrieve proteins for each text
results.update(self._text2protein("Sequence", protein_indices, text_indices))
return results
def _apply_bert_mask(self, tokens, tokenizer, mask_ratio):
while True:
masked_tokens = copy.copy(tokens)
labels = torch.full((len(tokens) + 2,), -1, dtype=torch.long)
vocab = [k for k in tokenizer.get_vocab().keys()]
for i in range(len(tokens)):
token = tokens[i]
prob = random.random()
if prob < mask_ratio:
prob /= mask_ratio
labels[i + 1] = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(token)
if prob < 0.8:
# 80% random change to mask token
if self.use_saprot:
token = "#" + token[-1]
token = tokenizer.mask_token
elif prob < 0.9:
# 10% chance to change to random token
token = random.choice(vocab)
# 10% chance to keep current token
masked_tokens[i] = token
# Check if there is at least one masked token
if (labels != -1).any():
return masked_tokens, labels
def mlm_eval(self) -> float:
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
rank = dist.get_rank()
if self.use_saprot:
proteins = []
for sub_dict in self.uniprot2label.values():
aa_seq = sub_dict["seq"]
foldseek_seq = sub_dict["foldseek"]
assert len(aa_seq) == len(foldseek_seq)
seq = "".join([a + b for a, b in zip(aa_seq, foldseek_seq)])
proteins = [sub_dict["seq"] for sub_dict in self.uniprot2label.values()]
span = math.ceil(len(proteins) / world_size)
sub_proteins = proteins[rank * span: (rank + 1) * span]
# Display the progress bar on the rank 0 process
if self.trainer.local_rank == 0:
iterator = tqdm(sub_proteins, desc="Computing mlm...")
iterator = sub_proteins
total = torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)
correct = torch.tensor([0], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)
for seq in iterator:
tokens = self.protein_encoder.tokenizer.tokenize(seq)
masked_tokens, labels = self._apply_bert_mask(tokens, self.protein_encoder.tokenizer, 0.15)
seq = " ".join(masked_tokens)
inputs = self.protein_encoder.tokenizer(seq, return_tensors="pt")
inputs = {k: for k, v in inputs.items()}
_, logits = self.protein_encoder(inputs, get_mask_logits=True)
logits = logits.squeeze(0)
labels =
selecor = labels != -1
preds = logits.argmax(dim=-1)[selecor]
labels = labels[selecor]
total += len(preds)
correct += (preds == labels).sum()
# Gather all results
total = self.padded_gather(total).sum()
correct = self.padded_gather(correct).sum()
acc = correct / total
return acc.cpu().item()
def _load_eval_data(self, stage):
# Load the data
lmdb_dir = eval(f"self.trainer.datamodule.{stage}_lmdb")
uniprot2label_path = os.path.join(lmdb_dir, "uniprot2label.json")
label2text_path = os.path.join(lmdb_dir, "label2text.json")
swissprot_id_path = os.path.join(lmdb_dir, "swissprot_ids.tsv")
self.uniprot2label = json.load(open(uniprot2label_path, "r"))
self.label2text = json.load(open(label2text_path, "r"))
self.swissprot_ids = set(pd.read_csv(swissprot_id_path, sep="\t", header=None).values.flatten().tolist())
self.k = 3
def on_test_start(self):
log_dict = self.retrieval_eval()
log_dict = {"test_" + k: v for k, v in log_dict.items()}
if self.use_mlm_loss:
log_dict["test_mask_acc"] = self.mlm_eval()
def on_validation_start(self):
# Clear the cache
log_dict = self.retrieval_eval()
log_dict = {"valid_" + k: v for k, v in log_dict.items()}
if self.use_mlm_loss:
log_dict["valid_mask_acc"] = self.mlm_eval()
self.check_save_condition(self.step, mode="max")
def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
def on_train_epoch_end(self):
# Re-sample the subset of the training data
if self.trainer.datamodule.train_dataset.fixed_dataset_num is not None:
# def test_epoch_end(self, outputs):
# log_dict = self.get_log_dict("test")
# log_dict["test_loss"] =, dim=-1).mean()
# print(log_dict)
# self.log_info(log_dict)
# self.reset_metrics("test")
# def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs):
# log_dict = self.get_log_dict("valid")
# log_dict["valid_loss"] =, dim=-1).mean()
# self.log_info(log_dict)
# self.reset_metrics("valid")
# self.check_save_condition(log_dict["valid_loss"], mode="min")