syke9p3's picture
43a324f verified
import re
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForTokenClassification
import gradio as gr
# # Load the trained model and tokenizer
# model_checkpoint = "BERTPOS"
# model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint)
# tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_checkpoint)
# load model from Huggingface
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("syke9p3/bert-tagalog-base-uncased-pos-tagger")
model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("syke9p3/bert-tagalog-base-uncased-pos-tagger")
pos_tag_mapping = {
'[PAD]': 0,
'NNC': 1,
'NNP': 2,
'NNPA': 3,
'NNCA': 4,
'PR': 5,
'PRS': 6,
'PRP': 7,
'PRSP': 8,
'PRO': 9,
'PRQ': 10,
'PRQP': 11,
'PRL': 12,
'PRC': 13,
'PRF': 14,
'PRI': 15,
'DT': 16,
'DTC': 17,
'DTP': 18,
'DTPP': 19,
'LM': 20,
'CC': 21,
'CCT': 22,
'CCR': 23,
'CCB': 24,
'CCA': 25,
'PM': 26,
'PMP': 27,
'PME': 28,
'PMQ': 29,
'PMC': 30,
'PMSC': 31,
'PMS': 32,
'VB': 33,
'VBW': 34,
'VBS': 35,
'VBN': 36,
'VBTS': 37,
'VBTR': 38,
'VBTF': 39,
'VBTP': 40,
'VBAF': 41,
'VBOF': 42,
'VBOB': 43,
'VBOL': 44,
'VBOI': 45,
'VBRF': 46,
'JJ': 47,
'JJD': 48,
'JJC': 49,
'JJCC': 50,
'JJCS': 51,
'JJCN': 52,
'JJCF': 53,
'JJCB': 54,
'JJT': 55,
'RB': 56,
'RBD': 57,
'RBN': 58,
'RBK': 59,
'RBP': 60,
'RBB': 61,
'RBR': 62,
'RBQ': 63,
'RBT': 64,
'RBF': 65,
'RBW': 66,
'RBM': 67,
'RBL': 68,
'RBI': 69,
'RBS': 70,
'RBJ': 71,
'RBY': 72,
'RBLI': 73,
'TS': 74,
'FW': 75,
'CD': 76,
'CCB_CCP': 77,
'CCR_CCA': 78,
'CCR_CCB': 79,
'CCR_CCP': 80,
'CCR_LM': 81,
'CCT_CCA': 82,
'CCT_CCP': 83,
'CCT_LM': 84,
'CCU_DTP': 85,
'CDB_CCA': 86,
'CDB_CCP': 87,
'CDB_LM': 88,
'CDB_NNC': 89,
'CDB_NNC_CCP': 90,
'JJCC_CCP': 91,
'JJCC_JJD': 92,
'JJCN_CCP': 93,
'JJCN_LM': 94,
'JJCS_CCB': 95,
'JJCS_CCP': 96,
'JJCS_JJC': 97,
'JJCS_JJD': 99,
'[UNK]': 100,
'[CLS]': 101,
'[SEP]': 102,
'JJCS_JJN': 103,
'JJCS_JJN_CCP': 104,
'JJCS_RBF': 105,
'JJCS_VBAF': 106,
'JJCS_VBN_CCP': 108,
'JJCS_VBOF': 109,
'JJCS_VBN': 111,
'RBQ_CCP': 112,
'JJC_CCB': 113,
'JJC_CCP': 114,
'JJC_PRL': 115,
'JJD_CCA': 116,
'JJD_CCB': 117,
'JJD_CCP': 118,
'JJD_CCT': 119,
'JJD_NNC': 120,
'JJD_NNP': 121,
'JJN_CCA': 122,
'JJN_CCB': 123,
'JJN_CCP': 124,
'JJN_NNC': 125,
'JJN_NNC_CCP': 126,
'JJD_NNC_CCP': 127,
'NNC_CCA': 128,
'NNC_CCB': 129,
'NNC_CCP': 130,
'NNC_NNC_CCP': 131,
'NN': 132,
'JJN': 133,
'NNP_CCA': 134,
'NNP_CCP': 135,
'NNP_NNP': 136,
'PRC_CCB': 137,
'PRC_CCP': 138,
'PRF_CCP': 139,
'PRQ_CCP': 140,
'PRQ_LM': 141,
'PRS_CCB': 142,
'PRS_CCP': 143,
'PRSP_CCP': 144,
'PRSP_CCP_NNP': 145,
'PRL_CCP': 146,
'PRL_LM': 147,
'PRO_CCB': 148,
'PRO_CCP': 149,
'VBS_CCP': 150,
'VBTR_CCP': 151,
'VBTS_CCA': 152,
'VBTS_CCP': 153,
'VBTS_JJD': 154,
'VBTS_LM': 155,
'VBAF_CCP': 156,
'VBOB_CCP': 157,
'VBOF_CCP': 158,
'VBOF_CCP_NNP': 159,
'VBRF_CCP': 160,
'CCP': 161,
'CDB': 162,
'RBW_CCP': 163,
'RBD_CCP': 164,
'DTCP': 165,
'VBH': 166,
'VBTS_VBOF': 167,
'PRI_CCP': 168,
'DQL': 170,
'DQR': 171,
'RBT_CCP': 172,
'VBW_CCP': 173,
'RBI_CCP': 174,
'VBN_CCP': 175,
'VBTR_VBAF': 176,
'VBTF_CCP': 177,
'JJCS_JJD_NNC': 178,
'CCU': 179,
'RBL_CCP': 180,
'PRP_CCP': 182,
'VBTR_VBRF': 183,
'VBH_CCP': 184,
'VBTS_VBAF': 185,
'VBTF_VBOF': 186,
'VBTR_VBOF': 187,
'VBTF_VBAF': 188,
'JJCS_JJD_CCB': 189,
'JJCS_JJD_CCP': 190,
'RBM_CCP': 191,
'NNCS': 192,
'PRI_CCB': 193,
'NNA': 194,
'VBTR_VBOB': 195,
'DC': 196,
'JJD_CP': 197,
'NC': 198,
'NC_CCP': 199,
'VBO': 200,
'JJD_CC': 201,
'VBF': 202,
'CP': 203,
'NP': 204,
'N': 205,
'F': 206,
'CT': 207,
'MS': 208,
'BTF': 209,
'CA': 210,
'VBOF_RBR': 211,
'DP': 212,
num_labels = len(pos_tag_mapping)
id2label = {idx: tag for tag, idx in pos_tag_mapping.items()}
label2id = {tag: idx for tag, idx in pos_tag_mapping.items()}
special_symbols = ['-', '&', "\"", "[", "]", "/", "$", "(", ")", "%", ":", "'", '.', '?', ',']
def symbol2token(symbol):
# Check if the symbol is a comma
if symbol == ',':
return '[PMC] '
elif symbol == '.':
return '[PMP] '
# Check if the symbol is in the list of special symbols
elif symbol in special_symbols:
return '[PMS] '
# If the symbol is not a comma or in the special symbols list, keep it as it is
return symbol
def preprocess_untagged_sentence(sentence):
# Define regex pattern to capture all special symbols
special_symbols_regex = '|'.join([re.escape(sym) for sym in ['-', '&', "\"", "[", "]", "/", "$", "(", ")", "%", ":", "'", '.']])
# Replace all special symbols with spaces around them
sentence = re.sub(rf'({special_symbols_regex})', r' \1 ', sentence)
# Remove extra whitespaces
sentence = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', sentence).strip()
upper = sentence
# Convert the sentence to lowercase
sentence = sentence.lower()
# Loop through the sentence and convert special symbols to tokens [PMS], [PMC], or [PMP]
new_sentence = ""
i = 0
while i < len(sentence):
if any(sentence[i:].startswith(symbol) for symbol in special_symbols):
# Check for ellipsis and replace with '[PMS]'
if i + 2 < len(sentence) and sentence[i:i + 3] == '...':
new_sentence += '[PMS]'
i += 3
# Check for single special symbols
elif i + 1 == len(sentence):
new_sentence += symbol2token(sentence[i])
elif sentence[i + 1] == ' ' and i == 0:
new_sentence += symbol2token(sentence[i])
i += 1
elif sentence[i - 1] == ' ' and sentence[i + 1] == ' ':
new_sentence += symbol2token(sentence[i])
i += 1
elif sentence[i - 1] != ' ':
new_sentence += ''
word_after_symbol = ""
while i + 1 < len(sentence) and sentence[i + 1] != ' ' and not any(
sentence[i + 1:].startswith(symbol) for symbol in special_symbols):
word_after_symbol += sentence[i + 1]
i += 1
new_sentence += word_after_symbol
# Check for special symbols at the start of the sentence
elif any(sentence[i:].startswith(symbol) for symbol in special_symbols):
if i + 1 < len(sentence) and (sentence[i + 1] == ' ' and sentence[i - 1] != ' '):
new_sentence += '[PMS] '
i += 1
elif i + 1 == len(sentence):
new_sentence += '[PMS] '
word_after_symbol = ""
while i + 1 < len(sentence) and sentence[i + 1] != ' ' and not any(
sentence[i + 1:].startswith(symbol) for symbol in special_symbols):
word_after_symbol += sentence[i + 1]
i += 1
new_sentence += word_after_symbol
new_sentence += sentence[i]
i += 1
print("Sentence after:", new_sentence.split())
return new_sentence, upper
def preprocess_sentence(tagged_sentence):
# Remove the line identifier (e.g., SNT.80188.3)
sentence = re.sub(r'SNT\.\d+\.\d+\s+', '', tagged_sentence)
special_symbols = ['-', '&', ",", "\"", "[", "]", "/", "$", "(", ")", "%", ":", "'", '.']
# Construct the regex pattern for extracting words inside <TAGS> including special symbols
special_symbols_regex = '|'.join([re.escape(sym) for sym in special_symbols])
regex_pattern = r'<(?:[^<>]+? )?([a-zA-Z0-9.,&"!?{}]+)>'.format(special_symbols_regex)
words = re.findall(regex_pattern, tagged_sentence)
# Join the words to form a sentence
sentence = ' '.join(words)
sentence = sentence.lower()
# print("---")
# print("Sentence before:", sentence)
# Loop through the sentence and convert hyphen to '[PMP]' if the next character is a space
new_sentence = ""
i = 0
# print("Length: ", len(sentence))
while i < len(sentence):
# print(f"{i+1} == {len(sentence)}: {sentence[i]}")
if any(sentence[i:].startswith(symbol) for symbol in special_symbols):
if i + 2 < len(sentence) and sentence[i:i + 3] == '...':
# Ellipsis found, replace with '[PMS]'
new_sentence += symbol2token(sentence[i])
i += 3
elif i + 1 == len(sentence):
new_sentence += symbol2token(sentence[i])
elif sentence[i + 1] == ' ' and i == 0:
new_sentence += symbol2token(sentence[i])
i += 1
elif sentence[i - 1] == ' ' and sentence[i + 1] == ' ':
new_sentence += symbol2token(sentence[i])
i += 1
elif sentence[i - 1] != ' ':
new_sentence += ''
word_after_symbol = ""
while i + 1 < len(sentence) and sentence[i + 1] != ' ' and not any(
sentence[i + 1:].startswith(symbol) for symbol in special_symbols):
word_after_symbol += sentence[i + 1]
i += 1
new_sentence += word_after_symbol
elif any(sentence[i:].startswith(symbol) for symbol in special_symbols):
if i + 1 < len(sentence) and (sentence[i + 1] == ' ' and sentence[i - 1] != ' '):
new_sentence += '[PMS] '
i += 1
elif i + 1 == len(sentence):
new_sentence += '[PMS] '
word_after_symbol = ""
while i + 1 < len(sentence) and sentence[i + 1] != ' ' and not any(
sentence[i + 1:].startswith(symbol) for symbol in special_symbols):
word_after_symbol += sentence[i + 1]
i += 1
new_sentence += word_after_symbol
new_sentence += sentence[i]
i += 1
print("Sentence after:", new_sentence.split())
return new_sentence
def extract_tags(input_sentence):
tags = re.findall(r'<([A-Z_]+)\s.*?>', input_sentence)
return tags
def align_tokenization(sentence, tags):
print("Sentence \n: ", sentence)
sentence = sentence.split()
print("Sentence Split\n: ", sentence)
tokenized_sentence = tokenizer.tokenize(' '.join(sentence))
# tokenized_sentence_string = " ".join(tokenized_sentence)
# print("ID2Token_string\n: ", tokenized_sentence_string)
aligned_tagging = []
current_word = ''
index = 0 # index of the current word in the sentence and tagging
for token in tokenized_sentence:
current_word += re.sub(r'^##', '', token)
print("Current word after replacing ##: ", current_word)
print("sentence[index]: ", sentence[index])
if sentence[index] == current_word: # if we completed a word
print("completed a word: ", current_word)
current_word = ''
index += 1
else: # otherwise insert padding
print("incomplete word: ", current_word)
decoded_tags = [list(pos_tag_mapping.keys())[list(pos_tag_mapping.values()).index(tag_id)] for tag_id in
print("Tokenized Sentence\n: ", tokenized_sentence)
print("Tags\n: ", decoded_tags)
assert len(tokenized_sentence) == len(aligned_tagging)
aligned_tagging = [0] + aligned_tagging
return tokenized_sentence, aligned_tagging
def process_tagged_sentence(tagged_sentence):
# print(tagged_sentence)
# Preprocess the input tagged sentence and extract the words and tags
sentence = preprocess_sentence(tagged_sentence)
tags = extract_tags(tagged_sentence) # returns the tags (eto ilagay mo sa tags.txt)
encoded_tags = [pos_tag_mapping[tag] for tag in tags]
# Align tokens by adding padding if needed
tokenized_sentence, encoded_tags = align_tokenization(sentence, encoded_tags)
encoded_sentence = tokenizer(sentence, padding="max_length" ,truncation=True, max_length=128)
# Create attention mask (1 for real tokens, 0 for padding)
attention_mask = [1] * len(encoded_sentence['input_ids'])
print("len(encoded_sentence['input_ids']):", len(encoded_sentence['input_ids']))
while len(encoded_sentence['input_ids']) < 128:
encoded_sentence['input_ids'].append(0) # Pad with zeros
attention_mask.append(0) # Pad attention mask
while len(encoded_tags) < 128:
encoded_tags.append(0) # Pad with the ID of '[PAD]'
encoded_sentence['encoded_tags'] = encoded_tags
decoded_sentence = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(encoded_sentence['input_ids'], skip_special_tokens=False)
decoded_tags = [list(pos_tag_mapping.keys())[list(pos_tag_mapping.values()).index(tag_id)] for tag_id in
word_tag_pairs = list(zip(decoded_sentence, decoded_tags))
print("Sentence:", decoded_sentence)
print("Tags:", decoded_tags)
print("Decoded Sentence and Tags:", word_tag_pairs)
return encoded_sentence
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
def tag_sentence(input_sentence):
# Preprocess the input tagged sentence and extract the words and tags
sentence, upper = preprocess_untagged_sentence(input_sentence)
# Tokenize the sentence and decode it
encoded_sentence = tokenizer(sentence, padding="max_length", truncation=True, max_length=128, return_tensors="pt")
# Pass the encoded sentence to the model to get the predicted logits
with torch.no_grad():
model_output = model(**encoded_sentence)
# Get the logits and apply softmax to convert them into probabilities
logits = model_output.logits
probabilities = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
# Get the predicted tag for each token in the sentence
predicted_tags = torch.argmax(probabilities, dim=-1)
# Convert the predicted tags to their corresponding labels using id2label
labels = [id2label[tag.item()] for tag in predicted_tags[0] if id2label[tag.item()] != '[PAD]']
return labels
# Example usage:
test_sentence = 'Ang bahay ay maganda na para bang may kumikislap sa bintana .'
def predict_tags(test_sentence):
sentence, upper = preprocess_untagged_sentence(test_sentence)
words_list = upper.split()
print("Words: ", words_list)
predicted_tags = tag_sentence(test_sentence)
pairs = list(zip(words_list, predicted_tags))
return pairs
def get_readme():
return """
<!-- ---- -->
# BERT Tagalog Part of Speech Tagger (BERTTPOST)
## ๐Ÿ‘ฅ Developed by
- Saya-ang, Kenth G. ([@syke9p3](
- Gozum, Denise Julianne S. ([@Xenoxianne](
- Hamor, Mary Grizelle D. ([@mnemoria](
- Mabansag, Ria Karen B. ([@riavx](
## ๐Ÿ“‹ Model Details
<!-- Provide a longer summary of what this model is. -->
### Model Description
- **Model type:** BERT Tagalog Base Uncased
- **Languages (NLP):** Tagalog, Filipino
- **Finetuned from model**: [GKLMIP/bert-tagalog-base-uncased](
### Dataset
1000 annotated sentences from Sagum et. al.'s Tagalog Corpora based on MGNN Tagset convention.
| Dataset | Number of Sentences | Percentage |
| Training Set | 800 | 80% |
| Testing Set | 200 | 20% |
### Preprocessing
A corpus was used containing tagged sentences in Tagalog language. The dataset comprises sentences with each word annotated with its corresponding POS tag in the format of ```<TAG word>```. To prepare the corpus for training, the following preprocessing steps were performed:
1. **Removal of Line Identifier**: the line identifier, such as ```SNT.108970.2066```, was removed from each tagged sentence.
2. **Symbol Conversion**: for the BERT model, certain special symbols like hyphens, quotes, commas, etc., were converted into special tokens (```PMP```, ```PMS```, ```PMC```) to preserve their meaning during tokenization.
3. **Alignment of Tokenization**: the BERT tokenized words and their corresponding POS tags were aligned to ensure that the tokenization and tagging are consistent.
### Training
This model was trained using PyTorch library with the following hyperparameters set:
| **Hyperparamter** | **Value** |
|---------------- |---------
| Batch Size | 8 |
| Training Epoch | 5 |
| Learning-rate | 2e-5 |
| Optimizer | Adam |
## โš’๏ธ Languages and Technologies
[![Hugging Face](](
[![Jupyter Notebook](](
## ๐Ÿท๏ธ Tags
| Part of Speech | Tags |
| **Noun** | ![NNC]( |
| Common Noun | NNC |
| Proper Noun | NNP |
| Proper Noun Abbreviation | NNPA |
| Common Noun Abbreviation | NNCA |
| **Pronoun** | ![PR]( |
| as Subject (Palagyo)/Personal Pronouns Singular | PRS |
| Personal Pronouns | PRP |
| Possessive Subject (Paari) | PRSP |
| Pointing to an Object Demonstrative/(Paturol/Pamatlig) | PRO |
| Question/Interrogative (Pananong)/Singular | PRQ |
| Question/Interrogative Plural | PRQP |
| Location (Panlunan) | PRL |
| Comparison (Panulad) | PRC |
| Found (Pahimaton) | PRF |
| Indefinite | PRI |
| **Determiner** | ![DT]( |
| Determiner (Pantukoy) for Common Noun Plural | DTC |
| Determiner (Pantukoy) for Proper Noun | DTP |
| Determiner (Pantukoy) for Proper Noun Plural | DTPP |
| **Conjunctions (Pang-ugnay)** | ![CC]( |
| **Lexical Marker** | ![LM]( |
| Ligatures (Pang-angkop) | CCP |
| Preposition (Pang-ukol) | CCU |
| **Verb (Pandiwa)** | ![VB]( |
| Neutral/Infinitive | VBW |
| Auxiliary, Modal/Pseudo-verbs | VBS |
| Existential | VBH |
| Non-existential | VBN |
| Time Past (Perfective) | VBTS |
| Time Present (Imperfective) | VBTR |
| Time Future (Contemplative) | VBTF |
| Recent past | VBTP |
| Actor Focus | VBAF |
| Object/Goal Focus | VBOF |
| Benefactive Focus | VBOB |
| Locative Focus | VBOL |
| Instrumental Focus | VBOI |
| Referential/Measurement Focus | VBRF |
| **Adjective** | ![JJ]( |
| Describing (Panlarawan) | JJD |
| Used for Comparison (same level) (Pahambing Magkatulad) | JJC |
| Comparison Comparative (more) (Palamang) | JJCC |
| Comparison Superlative (most) (Pasukdol) | JJCS |
| Comparison Negation (not quite) (Di-Magkatulad) | JJCN |
| Describing Number (Pamilang) | JJN |
| **Adverb (Pang-Abay)** | ![RB]( |
| Describing โ€œHowโ€ (Pamaraan) | RBD |
| Number (Panggaano/Panukat) | RBN |
| Conditional (Kondisyunal) | RBK |
| Causative (Pananhi) | RBP |
| Benefactive (Benepaktibo) | RBB |
| Referential (Pangkaukulan) | RBR |
| Question (Pananong) | RBQ |
| Agree (Panang-ayon) | RBT |
| Disagree (Pananggi) | RBF |
| Frequency (Pamanahon) | RBW |
| Possibility (Pang-agam) | RBM |
| Place (Panlunan) | RBL |
| Enclitics (Paningit) | RBI |
| Interjections (Sambitla) | RBJ |
| Social Formula (Pormularyong Panlipunan) | RBS |
|**Cardinal Number (Bilang)** | ![CD]( |
| Digit, Rank, Count | CDB |
| **Topicless (Walang Paksa)** | ![TS]( |
| **Foreign Words** | ![FW]( |
| **Punctuation (Pananda)** | ![PM]( |
| Period | PMP |
| Exclamation Point | PME |
| Question Mark | PMQ |
| Comma | PMC |
| Semi-colon | PMSC |
| Other Symbols | PMS |
## Bias, Risks, and Limitations
This model has not been fully tested so please use with caution.
tagger = gr.Interface(
gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter sentence here..."),
title="BERT Filipino Part of Speech Tagger",
description="Enter a text in Tagalog to classify the tags for each word. Each word to tag needs to be space separated.",
["Ang bahay ay lumiliwanag na para bang may kumikislap sa bintana"],
["Naisip ko na kumain na lang tayo sa pinakasikat na restaurant sa Manila ."],