function PlatformGetFriends() |
return nil, "name", {}, {} |
end |
if Platform.steam then |
function OnMsg.NetPlayerInfo(player, info) |
if player.id ~= netUniqueId and info.steam_id64 then |
SteamSetPlayedWith(info.steam_id64) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.NetGameJoined(game_id, player_id) |
for k, v in sorted_pairs(netGamePlayers) do |
if k ~= netUniqueId and v.steam_id64 then |
SteamSetPlayedWith(v.steam_id64) |
end |
end |
end |
function PlatformGetFriends() |
local friends = SteamGetFriends() |
if not friends then return "getting friends error" end |
local blocked_users = SteamGetBlockedUsers() |
if not friends then return "getting blocked users error" end |
return nil, "steam", friends, blocked_users |
end |
end |
if Platform.playstation then |
if FirstLoad then |
g_LastPlayStationGetFriends = 0 |
g_LastFriendList = {} |
g_LastBlockList = {} |
end |
function GetUsersList(psn_id, limit, url_template, list_name) |
local users_list = {} |
local count = 0 |
for start = 0, 2000, limit do |
local url = string.format(url_template, tostring(psn_id), limit, start) |
local err, http_code, result = AsyncOpWait(PSNAsyncOpTimeout, nil, "AsyncPlayStationWebApiRequest", "userProfile", url, "", "GET", "", {}) |
if err or http_code ~= 200 then |
local err, http_error = JSONToLua(result) |
return err or http_code, result |
end |
local err, users = JSONToLua(result) |
if err or not users then |
return "json error" |
end |
for _, user_t in ipairs(users[list_name]) do |
count = count + 1 |
table.insert(users_list, user_t) |
end |
if count >= users.totalItemCount then break end |
end |
return nil, users_list |
end |
function GetPublicIds(account_ids) |
local batches = {} |
local count = 0 |
local account_ids_string = "" |
for _, acc_id in pairs(account_ids) do |
if count == 99 then |
count = 0 |
table.insert(batches, account_ids_string) |
account_ids_string = "" |
end |
account_ids_string = account_ids_string .. (count == 0 and "" or ",") .. acc_id |
count = count + 1 |
end |
table.insert(batches, account_ids_string) |
local online_ids = {} |
local count = 0 |
for _, accounts_id_string in ipairs(batches) do |
local url = string.format("/v1/users/profiles?accountIds=%s", accounts_id_string) |
local err, http_code, result = AsyncOpWait(PSNAsyncOpTimeout, nil, "AsyncPlayStationWebApiRequest", "userProfile", url, "", "GET", "", {}) |
if err or http_code ~= 200 then |
local err, http_error = JSONToLua(result) |
return err or http_code, result |
end |
local err, users = JSONToLua(result) |
if err or not users then |
return "json error" |
end |
for _, user_t in ipairs(users and users.profiles) do |
count = count + 1 |
table.insert(online_ids, tostring(user_t.onlineId or "")) |
end |
end |
local assocs = {} |
for idx, id in ipairs(account_ids) do |
assocs[id] = online_ids[idx] |
end |
return nil, assocs |
end |
function PlatformGetFriends() |
local time = os.time() |
if time - g_LastPlayStationGetFriends > 60 then |
g_LastPlayStationGetFriends = time |
local user = "me" |
local friends_list = {} |
local err, friends_list = GetUsersList(user, 500, "/v1/users/%s/friends?limit=%d&offset=%d", "friends") |
if err then return "GET friendList failed: " .. err end |
local block_list = {} |
err, block_list = GetUsersList(user, 2000, "/v1/users/%s/blocks?limit=%d&offset=%d", "blocks") |
if err then return "GET blockList failed: " .. err end |
local total_ids = {} |
for _, id in ipairs(friends_list) do |
table.insert(total_ids, id) |
end |
for _, id in ipairs(block_list) do |
table.insert(total_ids, id) |
end |
local err, public_ids = GetPublicIds(total_ids) |
if err then |
return "GET Public IDs failed: " .. err |
end |
g_LastFriendList = {} |
for _, friend in ipairs(friends_list) do |
g_LastFriendList[friend] = public_ids[friend] |
end |
g_LastBlockList = {} |
for _, blocked in ipairs(block_list) do |
g_LastBlockList[friend] = public_ids[blocked] |
end |
end |
return nil, "psn", g_LastFriendList, g_LastBlockList |
end |
end |
if Platform.xbox then |
function PlatformGetFriends() |
local err, console_friends_xuid = AsyncXboxGetFriends() |
if err then return err end |
local err, consoles_friends_gamertags = AsyncXboxGetGamertagsFromXuids(console_friends_xuid) |
if err then return err end |
local friends = {} |
for i, xuid in ipairs(console_friends_xuid) do |
friends[HashXUID(tostring(xuid))] = consoles_friends_gamertags[i] |
end |
local blocked = {} |
local err, console_blocked = AsyncXboxGetAvoidList() |
for _, XUID in ipairs(console_blocked or empty_table) do |
blocked[HashXUID(tostring(XUID))] = "" |
end |
return nil, "xboxlive", friends, blocked |
end |
function OnMsg.XboxAppStateChanged() |
if XboxAppState == "full" then |
CreateRealTimeThread(UpdatePlatformFriends, {}, {}) |
end |
end |
end |
if Platform.switch then |
function PlatformGetFriends() |
local err, friend_ids, friend_names = Switch.GetFriends() |
if err then return err end |
local friends = {} |
for i = 1, #friend_ids do |
friends[string.format("%s:%s", netEnvironment, friend_ids[i])] = friend_names[i] |
end |
local err, blocked_ids = Switch.GetBlocked() |
if err then return err end |
local blocked = {} |
for i = 1, #blocked_ids do |
blocked[string.format("%s:%s", netEnvironment, blocked_ids[i])] = "" |
end |
return nil, "nintendo", friends, blocked |
end |
end |
function UpdatePlatformFriends(friends, friend_names) |
if not AccountStorage or not NetIsConnected() then return end |
local err, alias_type, platform_friends, platform_blocked = PlatformGetFriends() |
if err or not friends then return err end |
local stored_friends = AccountStorage.platform_friends or empty_table |
local stored_blocked = AccountStorage.platform_blocked or empty_table |
local platform_friends_by_name = table.invert(platform_friends) |
for account_id, status in pairs(friends) do |
local name = friend_names[account_id] |
if status == "invited" and platform_friends_by_name[name] then |
NetFriendRequest(name, platform_friends_by_name[name], alias_type) |
end |
end |
local friends_changed |
for id, name in pairs(platform_friends) do |
if not stored_friends[id] then |
friends_changed = true |
NetFriendRequest(name, id, alias_type) |
end |
end |
for id in pairs(stored_friends) do |
if not platform_friends[id] then |
friends_changed = true |
NetUnfriend(id, alias_type) |
end |
end |
for id, name in pairs(platform_blocked) do |
if not stored_blocked[id] then |
friends_changed = true |
NetBlock(name, id, alias_type) |
end |
end |
for id in pairs(stored_blocked) do |
if not platform_blocked[id] then |
friends_changed = true |
NetUnblock(id, alias_type) |
end |
end |
if friends_changed then |
AccountStorage.platform_friends = platform_friends |
AccountStorage.platform_blocked = platform_blocked |
SaveAccountStorage(5000) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.FriendsChange(friends, friend_names, event) |
if not AccountStorage then return end |
if event == "init" then |
local time = os.time() |
if time - (AccountStorage.friend_reset_time or 0) > 7*24*60*60 then |
AccountStorage.platform_friends = {} |
AccountStorage.platform_blocked = {} |
AccountStorage.friend_reset_time = time |
end |
CreateRealTimeThread(UpdatePlatformFriends, friends, friend_names) |
end |
end |