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import gradio as gr
import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification
import json
import os
import requests
import re
# Function to extract text from HTML (from
def extract_text_from_html(html):
Extract text from HTML without using BeautifulSoup
# Remove HTML tags
text = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', ' ', html)
# Remove extra whitespace
text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text)
# Decode HTML entities
text = text.replace(' ', ' ').replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')
return text.strip()
# Function to fetch deals from (from
def fetch_deals_data(url="", num_pages=2, per_page=100):
Fetch deals data exclusively from the DealsFinders API
all_deals = []
# Fetch from the DealsFinders API
for page in range(1, num_pages + 1):
# Add a user agent to avoid being blocked
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36'
response = requests.get(f"{url}?page={page}&per_page={per_page}", headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
deals = response.json()
print(f"Fetched page {page} with {len(deals)} deals from DealsFinders API")
# If we get fewer deals than requested, we've reached the end
if len(deals) < per_page:
print(f"Reached the end of available deals at page {page}")
print(f"Failed to fetch page {page} from DealsFinders API: {response.status_code}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error fetching page {page} from DealsFinders API: {str(e)}")
return all_deals
# Function to process deals data (from
def process_deals_data(deals_data):
Process the deals data into a structured format
processed_deals = []
for deal in deals_data:
# Extract relevant information using our HTML text extractor
content_html = deal.get('content', {}).get('rendered', '')
excerpt_html = deal.get('excerpt', {}).get('rendered', '')
clean_content = extract_text_from_html(content_html)
clean_excerpt = extract_text_from_html(excerpt_html)
processed_deal = {
'id': deal.get('id'),
'title': deal.get('title', {}).get('rendered', ''),
'link': deal.get('link', ''),
'date': deal.get('date', ''),
'content': clean_content,
'excerpt': clean_excerpt
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing deal: {str(e)}")
return processed_deals
# Load the model and tokenizer
model_id = "selvaonline/shopping-assistant"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_id)
# Load the categories
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
categories_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=model_id, filename="categories.json")
with open(categories_path, "r") as f:
categories = json.load(f)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading categories: {str(e)}")
categories = ["electronics", "clothing", "home", "kitchen", "toys", "other"]
# Global variable to store deals data
deals_cache = None
def classify_text(text, fetch_deals=True):
Classify the text using the model and fetch relevant deals
global deals_cache
# Prepare the input for classification
inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, padding=True)
# Get the model prediction
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(**inputs)
predictions = torch.sigmoid(outputs.logits)
# Get the top categories
top_categories = []
for i, score in enumerate(predictions[0]):
if score > 0.5: # Threshold for multi-label classification
top_categories.append((categories[i], score.item()))
# Sort by score
top_categories.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# Format the classification results
if top_categories:
result = f"Top categories for '{text}':\n\n"
for category, score in top_categories:
result += f"- {category}: {score:.4f}\n"
result += f"\nBased on your query, I would recommend looking for deals in the **{top_categories[0][0]}** category.\n\n"
result = f"No categories found for '{text}'. Please try a different query.\n\n"
# Fetch and display deals if requested
if fetch_deals:
result += "## Relevant Deals from\n\n"
# Fetch deals data if not already cached
if deals_cache is None:
deals_data = fetch_deals_data(num_pages=2) # Limit to 2 pages for faster response
deals_cache = process_deals_data(deals_data)
# Search for relevant deals
query_terms = text.lower().split()
relevant_deals = []
for deal in deals_cache:
title = deal['title'].lower()
content = deal['content'].lower()
excerpt = deal['excerpt'].lower()
# Check if any query term is in the deal information
if any(term in title or term in content or term in excerpt for term in query_terms):
# Limit to top 5 most relevant deals
relevant_deals = relevant_deals[:5]
if relevant_deals:
for i, deal in enumerate(relevant_deals, 1):
result += f"{i}. [{deal['title']}]({deal['link']})\n\n"
result += "No specific deals found for your query. Try a different search term or browse the recommended category.\n\n"
except Exception as e:
result += f"Error fetching deals: {str(e)}\n\n"
return result
# Create the Gradio interface
demo = gr.Interface(
placeholder="Enter your shopping query here...",
label="Shopping Query"
label="Fetch Deals",
info="Check to fetch and display deals from"
title="Shopping Assistant",
This demo shows how to use the Shopping Assistant model to classify shopping queries into categories and find relevant deals.
Enter a shopping query below to see which categories it belongs to and find deals from
- "I'm looking for headphones"
- "Do you have any kitchen appliance deals?"
- "Show me the best laptop deals"
- "I need a new smart TV"
["I'm looking for headphones", True],
["Do you have any kitchen appliance deals?", True],
["Show me the best laptop deals", True],
["I need a new smart TV", True],
["headphone deals", True]
# Launch the app
if __name__ == "__main__":