document_redaction / tools /
seanpedrickcase's picture
Added AWS Textract support. Allowed for OCR logs export.
history blame
5.51 kB
import boto3
from PIL import Image
import io
import json
import pikepdf
# Example: converting this single page to an image
from pdf2image import convert_from_bytes
from tools.custom_image_analyser_engine import OCRResult, CustomImageRecognizerResult
def analyse_page_with_textract(pdf_page_bytes, json_file_path):
Analyse page with AWS Textract
client = boto3.client('textract')
print("Cannot connect to AWS Textract")
return "", "", ""
print("Analysing page with AWS Textract")
# Convert the image to bytes using an in-memory buffer
#image_buffer = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') # Save as PNG, or adjust format if needed
#image_bytes = image_buffer.getvalue()
#response = client.detect_document_text(Document={'Bytes': image_bytes})
response = client.analyze_document(Document={'Bytes': pdf_page_bytes}, FeatureTypes=["SIGNATURES"])
text_blocks = response['Blocks']
# Write the response to a JSON file
with open(json_file_path, 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(response, json_file, indent=4) # indent=4 makes the JSON file pretty-printed
print("Response has been written to output:", json_file_path)
return text_blocks
def convert_pike_pdf_page_to_bytes(pdf, page_num):
# Create a new empty PDF
new_pdf =
# Specify the page number you want to extract (0-based index)
page_num = 0 # Example: first page
# Extract the specific page and add it to the new PDF
# Save the new PDF to a bytes buffer
buffer = io.BytesIO()
# Get the PDF bytes
pdf_bytes = buffer.getvalue()
# Now you can use the `pdf_bytes` to convert it to an image or further process
#images = convert_from_bytes(pdf_bytes)
#image = images[0]
return pdf_bytes
def json_to_ocrresult(json_data, page_width, page_height):
Convert the json response from textract to the OCRResult format used elsewhere in the code.
all_ocr_results = []
signature_or_handwriting_recogniser_results = []
signatures = []
handwriting = []
for text_block in json_data:
is_signature = False
is_handwriting = False
if (text_block['BlockType'] == 'WORD') | (text_block['BlockType'] == 'LINE'):
text = text_block['Text']
# Extract BoundingBox details
bbox = text_block["Geometry"]["BoundingBox"]
left = bbox["Left"]
top = bbox["Top"]
width = bbox["Width"]
height = bbox["Height"]
# Convert proportional coordinates to absolute coordinates
left_abs = int(left * page_width)
top_abs = int(top * page_height)
width_abs = int(width * page_width)
height_abs = int(height * page_height)
# Create OCRResult with absolute coordinates
ocr_result = OCRResult(text, left_abs, top_abs, width_abs, height_abs)
# If handwriting or signature, add to bounding box
confidence = text_block['Confidence']
if 'TextType' in text_block:
text_type = text_block["TextType"]
if text_type == "HANDWRITING":
is_handwriting = True
entity_name = "HANDWRITING"
word_end = len(entity_name)
recogniser_result = CustomImageRecognizerResult(entity_type=entity_name, text= text, score= confidence, start=0, end=word_end, left=left_abs, top=top_abs, width=width_abs, height=height_abs)
print("Handwriting found:", handwriting[-1])
elif (text_block['BlockType'] == 'SIGNATURE'):
text = "SIGNATURE"
# Extract BoundingBox details
bbox = text_block["Geometry"]["BoundingBox"]
left = bbox["Left"]
top = bbox["Top"]
width = bbox["Width"]
height = bbox["Height"]
# Convert proportional coordinates to absolute coordinates
left_abs = int(left * page_width)
top_abs = int(top * page_height)
width_abs = int(width * page_width)
height_abs = int(height * page_height)
# Create OCRResult with absolute coordinates
ocr_result = OCRResult(text, left_abs, top_abs, width_abs, height_abs)
is_signature = True
entity_name = "Signature"
word_end = len(entity_name)
recogniser_result = CustomImageRecognizerResult(entity_type=entity_name, text= text, score= confidence, start=0, end=word_end, left=left_abs, top=top_abs, width=width_abs, height=height_abs)
print("Signature found:", signatures[-1])
is_signature_or_handwriting = is_signature | is_handwriting
# If it is signature or handwriting, will overwrite the default behaviour of the PII analyser
if is_signature_or_handwriting:
return all_ocr_results, signature_or_handwriting_recogniser_results