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title: MoMask
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# MoMask: Generative Masked Modeling of 3D Human Motions
## [[Project Page]](https://ericguo5513.github.io/momask) [[Paper]](https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.00063)
If you find our code or paper helpful, please consider citing:
title={MoMask: Generative Masked Modeling of 3D Human Motions},
author={Chuan Guo and Yuxuan Mu and Muhammad Gohar Javed and Sen Wang and Li Cheng},
## :postbox: News
πŸ“’ **2023-12-19** --- Release scripts for temporal inpainting.
πŸ“’ **2023-12-15** --- Release codes and models for momask. Including training/eval/generation scripts.
πŸ“’ **2023-11-29** --- Initialized the webpage and git project.
## :round_pushpin: Get You Ready
### 1. Conda Environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate momask
pip install git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git
We test our code on Python 3.7.13 and PyTorch 1.7.1
### 2. Models and Dependencies
#### Download Pre-trained Models
bash prepare/download_models.sh
#### Download Evaluation Models and Gloves
For evaluation only.
bash prepare/download_evaluator.sh
bash prepare/download_glove.sh
#### Troubleshooting
To address the download error related to gdown: "Cannot retrieve the public link of the file. You may need to change the permission to 'Anyone with the link', or have had many accesses". A potential solution is to run `pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir gdown`, as suggested on https://github.com/wkentaro/gdown/issues/43. This should help resolve the issue.
#### (Optional) Download Mannually
Visit [[Google Drive]](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1b3GnAbERH8jAoO5mdWgZhyxHB73n23sK?usp=drive_link) to download the models and evaluators mannually.
### 3. Get Data
You have two options here:
* **Skip getting data**, if you just want to generate motions using *own* descriptions.
* **Get full data**, if you want to *re-train* and *evaluate* the model.
**(a). Full data (text + motion)**
**HumanML3D** - Follow the instruction in [HumanML3D](https://github.com/EricGuo5513/HumanML3D.git), then copy the result dataset to our repository:
cp -r ../HumanML3D/HumanML3D ./dataset/HumanML3D
**KIT**-Download from [HumanML3D](https://github.com/EricGuo5513/HumanML3D.git), then place result in `./dataset/KIT-ML`
## :rocket: Demo
### (a) Generate from a single prompt
python gen_t2m.py --gpu_id 1 --ext exp1 --text_prompt "A person is running on a treadmill."
### (b) Generate from a prompt file
An example of prompt file is given in `./assets/text_prompt.txt`. Please follow the format of `<text description>#<motion length>` at each line. Motion length indicates the number of poses, which must be integeter and will be rounded by 4. In our work, motion is in 20 fps.
If you write `<text description>#NA`, our model will determine a length. Note once there is **one** NA, all the others will be **NA** automatically.
python gen_t2m.py --gpu_id 1 --ext exp2 --text_path ./assets/text_prompt.txt
A few more parameters you may be interested:
* `--repeat_times`: number of replications for generation, default `1`.
* `--motion_length`: specify the number of poses for generation, only applicable in (a).
The output files are stored under folder `./generation/<ext>/`. They are
* `numpy files`: generated motions with shape of (nframe, 22, 3), under subfolder `./joints`.
* `video files`: stick figure animation in mp4 format, under subfolder `./animation`.
* `bvh files`: bvh files of the generated motion, under subfolder `./animation`.
We also apply naive foot ik to the generated motions, see files with suffix `_ik`. It sometimes works well, but sometimes will fail.
## :dancers: Visualization
All the animations are manually rendered in blender. We use the characters from [mixamo](https://www.mixamo.com/#/). You need to download the characters in T-Pose with skeleton.
### Retargeting
For retargeting, we found rokoko usually leads to large error on foot. On the other hand, [keemap.rig.transfer](https://github.com/nkeeline/Keemap-Blender-Rig-ReTargeting-Addon/releases) shows more precise retargetting. You could watch the [tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG-VCMkVpxg) here.
Following these steps:
* Download keemap.rig.transfer from the github, and install it in blender.
* Import both the motion files (.bvh) and character files (.fbx) in blender.
* `Shift + Select` the both source and target skeleton. (Do not need to be Rest Position)
* Switch to `Pose Mode`, then unfold the `KeeMapRig` tool at the top-right corner of the view window.
* Load and read the bone mapping file `./assets/mapping.json`(or `mapping6.json` if it doesn't work). This file is manually made by us. It works for most characters in mixamo. You could make your own.
* Adjust the `Number of Samples`, `Source Rig`, `Destination Rig Name`.
* Clik `Transfer Animation from Source Destination`, wait a few seconds.
We didn't tried other retargetting tools. Welcome to comment if you find others are more useful.
### Scene
We use this [scene](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lg62nugD7RTAIz0Q_YP2iZsxpUzzOkT1/view?usp=sharing) for animation.
## :clapper: Temporal Inpainting
We conduct mask-based editing in the m-transformer stage, followed by the regeneration of residual tokens for the entire sequence. To load your own motion, provide the path through `--source_motion`. Utilize `-msec` to specify the mask section, supporting either ratio or frame index. For instance, `-msec 0.3,0.6` with `max_motion_length=196` is equivalent to `-msec 59,118`, indicating the editing of the frame section [59, 118].
python edit_t2m.py --gpu_id 1 --ext exp3 --use_res_model -msec 0.4,0.7 --text_prompt "A man picks something from the ground using his right hand."
Note: Presently, the source motion must adhere to the format of a HumanML3D dim-263 feature vector. An example motion vector data from the HumanML3D test set is available in `example_data/000612.npy`. To process your own motion data, you can utilize the `process_file` function from `utils/motion_process.py`.
## :space_invader: Train Your Own Models
**Note**: You have to train RVQ **BEFORE** training masked/residual transformers. The latter two can be trained simultaneously.
### Train RVQ
python train_vq.py --name rvq_name --gpu_id 1 --dataset_name t2m --batch_size 512 --num_quantizers 6 --max_epoch 500 --quantize_drop_prob 0.2
### Train Masked Transformer
python train_t2m_transformer.py --name mtrans_name --gpu_id 2 --dataset_name t2m --batch_size 64 --vq_name rvq_name
### Train Residual Transformer
python train_res_transformer.py --name rtrans_name --gpu_id 2 --dataset_name t2m --batch_size 64 --vq_name rvq_name --cond_drop_prob 0.2 --share_weight
* `--dataset_name`: motion dataset, `t2m` for HumanML3D and `kit` for KIT-ML.
* `--name`: name your model. This will create to model space as `./checkpoints/<dataset_name>/<name>`
* `--gpu_id`: GPU id.
* `--batch_size`: we use `512` for rvq training. For masked/residual transformer, we use `64` on HumanML3D and `16` for KIT-ML.
* `--num_quantizers`: number of quantization layers, `6` is used in our case.
* `--quantize_drop_prob`: quantization dropout ratio, `0.2` is used.
* `--vq_name`: when training masked/residual transformer, you need to specify the name of rvq model for tokenization.
* `--cond_drop_prob`: condition drop ratio, for classifier-free guidance. `0.2` is used.
* `--share_weight`: whether to share the projection/embedding weights in residual transformer.
All the pre-trained models and intermediate results will be saved in space `./checkpoints/<dataset_name>/<name>`.
## :book: Evaluation
### Evaluate RVQ Reconstruction:
python eval_t2m_vq.py --gpu_id 0 --name rvq_nq6_dc512_nc512_noshare_qdp0.2 --dataset_name t2m --ext rvq_nq6
python eval_t2m_vq.py --gpu_id 0 --name rvq_nq6_dc512_nc512_noshare_qdp0.2_k --dataset_name kit --ext rvq_nq6
### Evaluate Text2motion Generation:
python eval_t2m_trans_res.py --res_name tres_nlayer8_ld384_ff1024_rvq6ns_cdp0.2_sw --dataset_name t2m --name t2m_nlayer8_nhead6_ld384_ff1024_cdp0.1_rvq6ns --gpu_id 1 --cond_scale 4 --time_steps 10 --ext evaluation
python eval_t2m_trans_res.py --res_name tres_nlayer8_ld384_ff1024_rvq6ns_cdp0.2_sw_k --dataset_name kit --name t2m_nlayer8_nhead6_ld384_ff1024_cdp0.1_rvq6ns_k --gpu_id 0 --cond_scale 2 --time_steps 10 --ext evaluation
* `--res_name`: model name of `residual transformer`.
* `--name`: model name of `masked transformer`.
* `--cond_scale`: scale of classifer-free guidance.
* `--time_steps`: number of iterations for inference.
* `--ext`: filename for saving evaluation results.
The final evaluation results will be saved in `./checkpoints/<dataset_name>/<name>/eval/<ext>.log`
## Acknowlegements
We sincerely thank the open-sourcing of these works where our code is based on:
[deep-motion-editing](https://github.com/DeepMotionEditing/deep-motion-editing), [Muse](https://github.com/lucidrains/muse-maskgit-pytorch), [vector-quantize-pytorch](https://github.com/lucidrains/vector-quantize-pytorch), [T2M-GPT](https://github.com/Mael-zys/T2M-GPT), [MDM](https://github.com/GuyTevet/motion-diffusion-model/tree/main) and [MLD](https://github.com/ChenFengYe/motion-latent-diffusion/tree/main)
## License
This code is distributed under an [MIT LICENSE](https://github.com/EricGuo5513/momask-codes/tree/main?tab=MIT-1-ov-file#readme).
Note that our code depends on other libraries, including SMPL, SMPL-X, PyTorch3D, and uses datasets which each have their own respective licenses that must also be followed.