rlawjdghek's picture
# Deployment
Models written in Python need to go through an export process to become a deployable artifact.
A few basic concepts about this process:
__"Export method"__ is how a Python model is fully serialized to a deployable format.
We support the following export methods:
* `tracing`: see [pytorch documentation](https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/Intro_to_TorchScript_tutorial.html) to learn about it
* `scripting`: see [pytorch documentation](https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/Intro_to_TorchScript_tutorial.html) to learn about it
* `caffe2_tracing`: replace parts of the model by caffe2 operators, then use tracing.
__"Format"__ is how a serialized model is described in a file, e.g.
TorchScript, Caffe2 protobuf, ONNX format.
__"Runtime"__ is an engine that loads a serialized model and executes it,
e.g., PyTorch, Caffe2, TensorFlow, onnxruntime, TensorRT, etc.
A runtime is often tied to a specific format
(e.g. PyTorch needs TorchScript format, Caffe2 needs protobuf format).
We currently support the following combination and each has some limitations:
| Export Method | tracing | scripting | caffe2_tracing |
| **Formats** | TorchScript | TorchScript | Caffe2, TorchScript, ONNX |
| **Runtime** | PyTorch | PyTorch | Caffe2, PyTorch |
| C++/Python inference | βœ… | βœ… | βœ… |
| Dynamic resolution | βœ… | βœ… | βœ… |
| Batch size requirement | Constant | Dynamic | Batch inference unsupported |
| Extra runtime deps | torchvision | torchvision | Caffe2 ops (usually already |
| | | | |
| | | | included in PyTorch) |
| Faster/Mask/Keypoint R-CNN | βœ… | βœ… | βœ… |
| RetinaNet | βœ… | βœ… | βœ… |
| PointRend R-CNN | βœ… | ❌ | ❌ |
| Cascade R-CNN | βœ… | ❌ | ❌ |
`caffe2_tracing` is going to be deprecated.
We don't plan to work on additional support for other formats/runtime, but contributions are welcome.
## Deployment with Tracing or Scripting
Models can be exported to TorchScript format, by either
[tracing or scripting](https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/Intro_to_TorchScript_tutorial.html).
The output model file can be loaded without detectron2 dependency in either Python or C++.
The exported model often requires torchvision (or its C++ library) dependency for some custom ops.
This feature requires PyTorch β‰₯ 1.8.
### Coverage
Most official models under the meta architectures `GeneralizedRCNN` and `RetinaNet`
are supported in both tracing and scripting mode.
Cascade R-CNN and PointRend are currently supported in tracing.
Users' custom extensions are supported if they are also scriptable or traceable.
For models exported with tracing, dynamic input resolution is allowed, but batch size
(number of input images) must be fixed.
Scripting can support dynamic batch size.
### Usage
The main export APIs for tracing and scripting are [TracingAdapter](../modules/export.html#detectron2.export.TracingAdapter)
and [scripting_with_instances](../modules/export.html#detectron2.export.scripting_with_instances).
Their usage is currently demonstrated in [test_export_torchscript.py](../../tests/test_export_torchscript.py)
(see `TestScripting` and `TestTracing`)
as well as the [deployment example](../../tools/deploy).
Please check that these examples can run, and then modify for your use cases.
The usage now requires some user effort and necessary knowledge for each model to workaround the limitation of scripting and tracing.
In the future we plan to wrap these under simpler APIs to lower the bar to use them.
## Deployment with Caffe2-tracing
We provide [Caffe2Tracer](../modules/export.html#detectron2.export.Caffe2Tracer)
that performs the export logic.
It replaces parts of the model with Caffe2 operators,
and then export the model into Caffe2, TorchScript or ONNX format.
The converted model is able to run in either Python or C++ without detectron2/torchvision dependency, on CPU or GPUs.
It has a runtime optimized for CPU & mobile inference, but not optimized for GPU inference.
This feature requires ONNX β‰₯ 1.6.
### Coverage
Most official models under these 3 common meta architectures: `GeneralizedRCNN`, `RetinaNet`, `PanopticFPN`
are supported. Cascade R-CNN is not supported. Batch inference is not supported.
Users' custom extensions under these architectures (added through registration) are supported
as long as they do not contain control flow or operators not available in Caffe2 (e.g. deformable convolution).
For example, custom backbones and heads are often supported out of the box.
### Usage
The APIs are listed at [the API documentation](../modules/export).
We provide [export_model.py](../../tools/deploy/) as an example that uses
these APIs to convert a standard model. For custom models/datasets, you can add them to this script.
### Use the model in C++/Python
The model can be loaded in C++ and deployed with
either Caffe2 or Pytorch runtime.. [C++ examples](../../tools/deploy/) for Mask R-CNN
are given as a reference. Note that:
* Models exported with `caffe2_tracing` method take a special input format
described in [documentation](../modules/export.html#detectron2.export.Caffe2Tracer).
This was taken care of in the C++ example.
* The converted models do not contain post-processing operations that
transform raw layer outputs into formatted predictions.
For example, the C++ examples only produce raw outputs (28x28 masks) from the final
layers that are not post-processed, because in actual deployment, an application often needs
its custom lightweight post-processing, so this step is left for users.
To help use the Caffe2-format model in python,
we provide a python wrapper around the converted model, in the
[Caffe2Model.\_\_call\_\_](../modules/export.html#detectron2.export.Caffe2Model.__call__) method.
This method has an interface that's identical to the [pytorch versions of models](./models.md),
and it internally applies pre/post-processing code to match the formats.
This wrapper can serve as a reference for how to use Caffe2's python API,
or for how to implement pre/post-processing in actual deployment.
## Conversion to TensorFlow
[tensorpack Faster R-CNN](https://github.com/tensorpack/tensorpack/tree/master/examples/FasterRCNN/convert_d2)
provides scripts to convert a few standard detectron2 R-CNN models to TensorFlow's pb format.
It works by translating configs and weights, therefore only support a few models.