darabos's picture
Start updating "Create graph" box. It can take multiple inputs now.
"""Graph analytics executor and data types."""
import os
from lynxkite.core import ops, workspace
import dataclasses
import functools
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import polars as pl
import traceback
import typing
ENV = "LynxKite Graph Analytics"
class RelationDefinition:
"""Defines a set of edges."""
df: str # The DataFrame that contains the edges.
source_column: (
str # The column in the edge DataFrame that contains the source node ID.
target_column: (
str # The column in the edge DataFrame that contains the target node ID.
source_table: str # The DataFrame that contains the source nodes.
target_table: str # The DataFrame that contains the target nodes.
source_key: str # The column in the source table that contains the node ID.
target_key: str # The column in the target table that contains the node ID.
name: str | None = None # Descriptive name for the relation.
class Bundle:
"""A collection of DataFrames and other data.
Can efficiently represent a knowledge graph (homogeneous or heterogeneous) or tabular data.
It can also carry other data, such as a trained model.
dfs: dict[str, pd.DataFrame] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
relations: list[RelationDefinition] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
other: dict[str, typing.Any] = None
def from_nx(cls, graph: nx.Graph):
edges = nx.to_pandas_edgelist(graph)
d = dict(graph.nodes(data=True))
nodes = pd.DataFrame(d.values(), index=d.keys())
nodes["id"] = nodes.index
if "index" in nodes.columns:
nodes.drop(columns=["index"], inplace=True)
return cls(
dfs={"edges": edges, "nodes": nodes},
def from_df(cls, df: pd.DataFrame):
return cls(dfs={"df": df})
def to_nx(self):
# TODO: Use relations.
graph = nx.DiGraph()
if "nodes" in self.dfs:
df = self.dfs["nodes"]
if df.index.name != "id":
df = df.set_index("id")
if "edges" in self.dfs:
edges = self.dfs["edges"]
k: e[k]
for k in edges.columns
if k not in ["source", "target"]
for e in edges.to_records()
return graph
def copy(self):
"""Returns a medium depth copy of the bundle. The Bundle is completely new, but the DataFrames and RelationDefinitions are shared."""
return Bundle(
other=dict(self.other) if self.other else None,
def to_dict(self, limit: int = 100):
return {
"dataframes": {
name: {
"columns": [str(c) for c in df.columns],
"data": df_for_frontend(df, limit).values.tolist(),
for name, df in self.dfs.items()
"relations": [dataclasses.asdict(relation) for relation in self.relations],
"other": self.other,
def nx_node_attribute_func(name):
"""Decorator for wrapping a function that adds a NetworkX node attribute."""
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(graph: nx.Graph, **kwargs):
graph = graph.copy()
attr = func(graph, **kwargs)
nx.set_node_attributes(graph, attr, name)
return graph
return wrapper
return decorator
def disambiguate_edges(ws: workspace.Workspace):
"""If an input plug is connected to multiple edges, keep only the last edge."""
catalog = ops.CATALOGS[ws.env]
nodes = {node.id: node for node in ws.nodes}
seen = set()
for edge in reversed(ws.edges):
dst_node = nodes[edge.target]
op = catalog.get(dst_node.data.title)
if op.inputs[edge.targetHandle].type == list[Bundle]:
# Takes multiple bundles as an input. No need to disambiguate.
if (edge.target, edge.targetHandle) in seen:
i = ws.edges.index(edge)
del ws.edges[i]
if hasattr(ws, "_crdt"):
del ws._crdt["edges"][i]
seen.add((edge.target, edge.targetHandle))
async def execute(ws: workspace.Workspace):
catalog: dict[str, ops.Op] = ops.CATALOGS[ws.env]
outputs = {}
nodes = {node.id: node for node in ws.nodes}
todo = set(nodes.keys())
progress = True
while progress:
progress = False
for id in list(todo):
node = nodes[id]
input_nodes = [edge.source for edge in ws.edges if edge.target == id]
if all(input in outputs for input in input_nodes):
# All inputs for this node are ready, we can compute the output.
progress = True
_execute_node(node, ws, catalog, outputs)
def _execute_node(node, ws, catalog, outputs):
params = {**node.data.params}
op = catalog.get(node.data.title)
if not op:
node.publish_error("Operation not found in catalog")
# TODO: Handle multi-inputs.
input_map = {
edge.targetHandle: outputs[edge.source]
for edge in ws.edges
if edge.target == node.id
# Convert inputs types to match operation signature.
inputs = []
for p in op.inputs.values():
if p.name not in input_map:
node.publish_error(f"Missing input: {p.name}")
x = input_map[p.name]
if p.type == nx.Graph and isinstance(x, Bundle):
x = x.to_nx()
elif p.type == Bundle and isinstance(x, nx.Graph):
x = Bundle.from_nx(x)
elif p.type == Bundle and isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame):
x = Bundle.from_df(x)
result = op(*inputs, **params)
except Exception as e:
if os.environ.get("LYNXKITE_LOG_OP_ERRORS"):
outputs[node.id] = result.output
def df_for_frontend(df: pd.DataFrame, limit: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Returns a DataFrame with values that are safe to send to the frontend."""
df = df[:limit]
if isinstance(df, pl.LazyFrame):
df = df.collect()
if isinstance(df, pl.DataFrame):
df = df.to_pandas()
# Convert non-numeric columns to strings.
for c in df.columns:
if not pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(df[c]):
df[c] = df[c].astype(str)
return df