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LynxKite 2024

This is an experimental rewrite of LynxKite. It is not compatible with the original LynxKite. The primary goals of this rewrite are:

  • Target GPU clusters instead of Hadoop clusters. We use Python instead of Scala, RAPIDS instead of Apache Spark.
  • More extensible backend. Make it easy to add new LynxKite boxes. Make it easy to use our frontend for other purposes, configuring and executing other pipelines.


  • lynxkite-core: Core types and utilities. Depend on this lightweight package if you are writing LynxKite plugins.
  • lynxkite-app: The LynxKite web application. Install some plugins then run this to use LynxKite.
  • lynxkite-graph-analytics: Graph analytics plugin. The classical LynxKite experience!
  • lynxkite-pillow: A simple example plugin.
  • lynxkite-lynxscribe: A plugin for building and running LynxScribe applications.
  • lynxkite-bio: Bioinformatics additions for LynxKite Graph Analytics.
  • docs: User-facing documentation. It's shared between all packages.


Install everything like this:

uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate
uvx pre-commit install
# The [dev] tag is only needed if you intend on running tests
uv pip install -e lynxkite-core/[dev] -e lynxkite-app/[dev] -e lynxkite-graph-analytics/[dev] -e lynxkite-bio -e lynxkite-lynxscribe/ -e lynxkite-pillow-example/

This also builds the frontend, hopefully very quickly. To run it:


If you also want to make changes to the frontend with hot reloading:

cd lynxkite-app/web
npm run dev

Executing tests

Just go into each directory and execute pytest.

# Same thing for lynxkite-core and lynxkite-graph-analytics
$ cd lynxkite-app
$ pytest


To work on the documentation:

uv pip install mkdocs-material mkdocstrings[python]
mkdocs serve