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A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.21.0

title: Defect detection for Printed Circuit Boards
emoji: πŸ”Œ
colorFrom: green
colorTo: gray
sdk: gradio
app_file: app.py
pinned: false

Defect detection for Printed Circuit Boards

AI to detect and recognize six types of defects on printed circuit boards: missing hole, mouse bite, open circuit, short, spur, and spurious copper.

Table of contents

Live demo

General information

This is an AI that was trained on images of defect printed circuit boards to carry out defect detection and recognition. It can recognize six types of defects on printed circuit boards: missing hole, mouse bite, open circuit, short, spur, and spurious copper.


The Open Lab on Human Robot Interaction of Peking University released the PCB defect dataset.

R. Ding, L. Dai, G. Li and H. Liu, "TDD-net: a tiny defect detection network for printed circuit boards," in CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 110-116, 6 2019, doi: 10.1049/trit.2019.0019.

How does it work

Technologies used:

  • RT-DETR: Object detection model to detect and recognize defects.